The Worst Idea Of All Time - Friendzone 150

Episode Date: May 10, 2022

It is the 150th Friendzone and this is the best podcast the boiz have ever released. To celebrate Tim has contracted the world famous novel coronavirus, Covid-19 and put Remy down to sleep for 30 blis...sful minutes. With his new-found personal insight into the virus, Batman is remorseful for making The Flash watch Sex and the City 2 twice while ill. Large digressions about the Christchurch magic scene of the 1990 are in this episode and a petty listener takes vengeance on for the fellaz saying he doesn't use enough commas. What is garlic? That’s the reason question. TWIOAT Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / WebsiteGUY Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website / SYDNEY TICKETSTIM Twitter / Instagram / Facebook / Website / ONE-OFF FEST TICKETS Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the friendzone, in the friendzone, you're always home, in the friendzone, you're not alone, anytime, with Tim and Guy. Hello everybody, Guy, I didn't give you advanced warning, but this is our 150th friend zone. Oh, my God. I was supposed to plan something for this, but I sort of forgot. I forgot to tell you. I forgot to plan anything. I didn't plan anything. Well, we planned to talk at this time on this day,
Starting point is 00:00:38 and that in and of itself is a celebration of what the friend zone is all about. Yeah, I guess that's right. Fusing schedules so that we may self-adulate with the help of our very talented soul libertarian listener who writes in under various different monikers and various different characters with very well fleshed out backstories for everyone. Well, well, well well well well we may have a second because as someone pointed out on twitter uh elon musk um tweeted just the other day that if he dies in mysterious circumstances it's been nice seeing you all so i'm thinking
Starting point is 00:01:17 maybe he's turning into killian here and uh getting a little hot under the collar what do you say i like the idea of it i this is probably speaks poorly to my um morality perhaps but probably what i find the most um grating and angering about elon musk is his insistence on being funny on Twitter. That is a very Guy Montgomery issue to have with the world's richest man. Yeah. But I know what you mean. That's the thing for me. It's like, dude, don't worry about it. You've got everything you want.
Starting point is 00:02:01 And he will never be happy because he will never be funny and that appears to me publicly at least to be a huge part of what he wants to be funny yeah and to be liked yeah and people you know people will like him because he's rich and people you know maniacs think that that's great maniacs like rich people but people will never respect him for his sense of humor i would kill him i think it's more cynical than that i've been thinking about this recently i see i see musk online i see his little fucking memes and stuff i think he's trying to figure out
Starting point is 00:02:36 us like any other engineering problem that he's ever encountered yeah like any other legislature around the world that's tried to like appropriately tax him or maybe like pump the brakes on um you know certain labor practices that he's bringing which aren't too uh safe i think he's just like right how do i sort of manipulate this entity to be able to do the things i need to do and i think he's seen how humor works online he's like right this seems like the easiest way to do this to get everyone on board and he also but that's he just like it's the it's the theft of other people's memes as well you've got one trillion dollars hire some like comedy writers make it work like will smith yeah that worked out well it worked out well for
Starting point is 00:03:27 everyone i haven't been in will smith's instagram for a while i wonder how he's doing surely he shut it down surely no way are you kidding me i don't know man you know speaking of funny people i watched um a little like you know you know, just independently made, just some video essayist on YouTube made a really beautiful half-hour doco about Norm Macdonald. I watched that last night. Did you? I loved it.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Oh, that's so weird. How did we both, did the algorithm deliver it both to you? I got sent it by New Zealand comic Ray O'Leary. Oh, wow. He said, I don't know if you've seen this but i think you'll enjoy it and it was beautiful it was wasn't it because it was mainly just telling a story using clips of his like appearances and podcast recordings and shows and stuff i know i can't believe he died i didn't even i didn't even know he was sick you know it reminds me of that tragedy
Starting point is 00:04:20 that happened yeah i and tim you and i are in different rooms about 500 meters from each other what's with that shit fucking a dude i got a rare disease called covid19 which has been making its way through our family you know what that means what first thing tomorrow you got to do back-to-back screenings of Sex and the City 2. It's the only known cure for COVID-19. Mate, I've been thinking of nothing else since I contracted it. I've been reflecting a lot, and I want to apologize to you. I really do.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I've been running a high fever temperature for the last three days. It's horrible. I'm sorry you're ill, man. a high fever temperature for the last three days coming in. It's horrible. I'm sorry you're ill, man. Dude, I'm sorry I did that to you when you had COVID. In retrospect, that was super fucked up. I think I had quite a mellow strain.
Starting point is 00:05:17 So I wouldn't, you know, I don't want you to carry that around with you. I just want you to take your time to heal up. Was it, because you you tested you did a week on account of zoe testing positive first and then you caught it on the seventh day yeah so in in new zealand for our um international libertarian listener elon musk uh in new zealand the way the law works is if someone in your house gets it you got to stay indoors for a week and uh so we did that
Starting point is 00:05:46 um it's kind of nice it's kind of nice to just spend a week with your family in the house you know really yeah it is it happens so rarely well not i mean when i say really i mean obviously conceptually it is but even amongst just you know everyone's infecting everyone and incubating you know it's just me and everyone and incubating this little virus. Everyone's sick and stuffy, you know. It's just me and Zoe and a cute little baby who's crying a lot because he also has COVID. Did Rufus get COVID?
Starting point is 00:06:11 No, I don't think dogs get it. Nice. I think that's how it works. Damn, sometimes it looks so good to be a dog. Fucking A. Actually, I'll show you a shot, Guy. Who knows if this will come out as video on the sub stack but I've got like can you see that
Starting point is 00:06:28 yeah I've got a webcam set up so that I can monitor Remy because Zoe's back at work today and he's in his crib and so whenever he is in his crib Rufus sits next to him while he's sleeping and just guards him it's very cute
Starting point is 00:06:44 really really cute stuff Remy and Rufus next to him while he's sleeping. Yeah, that's so sweet. It's very cute. Really, really cute stuff. Remy and Rufus. Yeah, thick as thieves. The bad boys of Auckland City at it again. That's right. But yeah, no, COVID sucks, man. It's no good. Well, took you a while to come around.
Starting point is 00:06:59 I've been saying this since the start, of course. Famously, perhaps the only comedian who's best known for their stance on covid19 i kept out running it because zoe zoe had it had like a ton of bricks and then uh i kept testing negative and i was like wearing a mask in the house and keeping all the windows open and shit like really trying to see if i could dodge the bullet and um it was quite apparent that i had it but i still keep testing negative on the the rapid tests so frustrating and uh it was quite apparent that I had it, but I still keep testing negative on the rapid test. So frustrating.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And it was very annoying for Zoe, because I was like, I don't have it. She was like, you fucking have it. I was like, I don't. I did. I absolutely did. You did, and you do. Well, separate to this,
Starting point is 00:07:38 let me know if I can drop anything around for you. Thanks, and let it be known on the record that Guy has really done that. Yeah, yeah. Let the record show that I did that. Because he's a good friend. He's the kind of guy I am.
Starting point is 00:07:54 He's a good friend on the friend zone. Beyond COVID-19 and isolation, how are you? Yeah, I'm doing alright, man. Any big laughs lately lately such a great question none none immediately uh come to mind um but that's i think speaks more to my just i really haven't slept um very much at all last night and not particularly well the last week yeah so i don't i don't think i'm retaining a lot of things but i feel like my sense of the
Starting point is 00:08:32 vibe recently has been all good man yeah that's the vibe i get can't remember anything but i feel like it's the vibes all good vibes are. What about you? Any giggles? Any slappers? No, I had some beers last night with a friend of the podcast, Ryan Heron. He was on the podcast back in the We Are Your Friends days. Yes. And Jesse Griffin. And that was not, you know, it was, I created a group chat called Bad Boys Brewing. And I was like, you know, under this moniker, we can talk about anything we can, you know.
Starting point is 00:09:10 We're the bad boys. Nothing is off limits. And we just had like a really sort of emotionally open and heartwarming, like it wasn't major laughs and it wasn't especially bad. It was just like friends hanging out. And it wasn't especially bad. It was just like friends hanging out. You opened a space for cancelable opinions to be aired among compadres. And no one volunteered a single cancelable. It was just three men.
Starting point is 00:09:35 Three soy boys outwoking each other. That's right. I'll tell you what. I'm going to ring fucking... Don't ring Ben Shapiro. Thank you. He's the last guy I want you to ring. I i'm gonna let him know what you've been up to so not a huge amount of laughs there i i have do you know i played a lot of sport last week tim since i got since i got back to new zealand
Starting point is 00:10:00 i have had i've had i've i've done what i can and I've got, you know, odds and ends on, but basically I feel like, um, it's not a huge, I'm looking forward to going to Sydney in a week. Okay. Well, listen, um,
Starting point is 00:10:12 let's, uh, let's get to a little bit of business because I don't know when this baby's going to wake up and I feel like when he does, it's going to happen. So here's, here's what we're going to do, guy.
Starting point is 00:10:20 We're going to talk about your show happening in Sydney. We're going to talk about one office and then we're going to get to the mailbag okay that sounds good um i i it's not relevant but i just want to say i'm going to go to um i'm going to go watch goodfellas at the cinema this evening and i'm really excited about that was not on the agenda i just outlined there were three i won't i won't i won't talk about sydney and that's just because i just want everyone to know i'm going to go and watch goodfellas at the cinema no you don't just we've got to get to our agended items okay so it's back on the agenda
Starting point is 00:10:49 I'm coming to Sydney I never left the agenda guy I'm doing my solo show twice in Sydney at the Comedy Store on Saturday May 21st and Sunday May 22nd. Saturday May 21st I'm going up against, you guessed it Australia's election so uh if you want
Starting point is 00:11:07 to duck your head down and sidestep that momentous occasion in Australian history by all means come on down to the comedy store 5 30 p.m to check out Guymont comedy dude that sounds perfect to me if I was a sydneysider that is a perfect day get blitzed vote uh and i believe that in australia they have like a single transferable vote type um electoral system so it's real fucking fun and cool so pick my pick my peeps put my candidates pop them on the paper slam a few beers end the day seeing guy montgomery's comedy show because you can't um you don't get the results on the night i don't think or at least and not at 5 30 it's perfect go see guy you can stack it sam campbell's performing his show in the same room at seven o'clock you motherfuckers got it you gotta see sam cat going this is guy
Starting point is 00:11:58 has laid out the perfect day for a sydney cider he's done all the leg work you just need to turn up and buy tickets actually to be fair now speaking of buying tickets on the 28th of may there's a thing called one office which is a event that i have co-created with a guy called anthony metcalf who came to me and he said tim uh one of the big venues in the city because the comedy festival here in new zealand got cancelled they've got all these slots to fill in the month of may do we want to grab one and take a risk i said yes so we've invented something called tim bat presents one-off fest and it's a one-off spectacular night of comedy and music and here's the thing if you're in auckland you can come
Starting point is 00:12:42 it's only 35 which to be frank is fucking awesome that's a great price for what you're getting we got standing up that's like gum gum gum gum gum is on the bill uh tim batts on the bill you got two hearts joseph moore laura daniel you've got paul williams who you might recognize from Taskmaster. You've got Courtney Dawson. You've got Keegan Govind. Plus, we've got music. So, Dick Move will be performing live. We've got DJ Matthew Crawley,
Starting point is 00:13:13 and we've got some unannounced acts that are going to be made public very soon. $35, incredible. Not only that, you can fucking watch the live stream of this if you're not an awkward. This is where Tim Batt really steps up to the plate. He produces a phenomenal live show, but get this, he doesn't want to limit its availability
Starting point is 00:13:32 to just those who are in the room or in the city. These live stream tickets are priced at $15 New Zealand. So if you're in America, it's essentially free because our currency is dog shit. $25 for what we're calling a household ticket we're going by the honor system if more than one person's watching we'd appreciate it if you you know if you do a watch party or something grab one of those but hey i'm not fucking uh sending the police around to check am i so do do what you will but um it's going to be
Starting point is 00:14:00 great 28th of may and uh you can go to And there's all you need to know and see on that website. I'm going to go to right now. Yeah, can you? Because I can't remember if I updated it yet or not. It'd be good to know. You did. It's the first thing.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Top right. Fantastic. Oh, boy. Your voice is sounding a little thin there brother okay here we go do you want me to read something out yes please while you um i really hope i edit out my disgusting coughing onto the mic but i doubt it i hope you don't welcome to friendzone 150 everybody a truly auspicious occasion i'll say man my computer's slow i've got one here it's short okay okay guy a hundred us dollars courtesy of thomas this is the whole message three you boys say my name kanye west kanye west a hundred bucks and that message i love this podcast yeah i love this person i love kanye
Starting point is 00:15:08 i'm a big fan okay 29th of march 2022 hi fellas i'm not good with text-based media what i was trying to get across was what i ended up saying, this is a follow-on message. Hey, fellas, I'm not good with text-based media. What I was trying to get across was what I ended up saying. Pitch inspector, in the same way and with the same voice, the boner inspector introduced himself. Pitch inspector, I'll leave the funny stuff to you in the future. So that's a follow-up to a message about... The pitch inspector.
Starting point is 00:15:45 Yeah. It's a follow-up message to a message that was received about cricket. Yeah. Anyway, I mean, it's not important. How we present them is important. The important thing is that we get them all out there. The interesting thing is I think it is actually important, Guy. I agree.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I think how we present it actually is crucial. The analogy I have in mind is washing now i'm very meticulous when i hang out my washing i think the way you hang out the washing is it doesn't have to be perfect but it's almost as important as the fact you're doing it you can't just like have everything bundled up you've got to spread it out you've got to make sure you give all of the clothing opportunity to dry. Wow. And I would argue that that is analogous to the delivery of information. It's not nothing to remove the T-shirt from the dryer and put it on the line,
Starting point is 00:16:34 but if you really want to do the T-shirt justice, it's about how you do it. Do you think this is trustworthy enough as a metric of a man to use as kind of like a you know one of those first date questions you know like a person might ask uh what's your relationship like with your parents to use as a bit of a gauge for how they treat other people um do you think like how do you put out your how do you hang out your washing americans don't hang out washing eh they usually go to the laundromat it's crazy and then
Starting point is 00:17:05 there's a sun we got a sun we got a big ball of flaming gas in the sky folks we do it's it's actually the reason we hang ours on the line is because thanks to all the um laundry being done in machines in america there's a huge gaping hole in the ozone layer right above where we are and so well you're actually accelerating the pace at which we dry our clothes. To be fair. I mean, we're not getting out of the sunscape because the reason why we've got clothing lines is because we used to have a lot of space in our backyards, which is not a great way to make a city. Well, that's true.
Starting point is 00:17:39 And cities do lack a certain population density to push them over the edge to being truly world-class. But everyone grows up with a backyard and people seem to like that. Tim, there's a few things I want to say. One, my little sister Annie was saying to me recently, and this is sort of in a comedic framing device, but was saying,
Starting point is 00:18:00 do you not feel that in Auckland in the last two weeks, she's described what we're experiencing as the golden age of global warming, do you not feel that in auckland in the last two weeks she's described what we're experiencing as the golden age of global warming where um it's all i mean obviously long term it's a disaster but at least the climate for the last two weeks where we've had these crisp sunny afternoons without any immediate consequence beyond obviously everything's going wrong and i i just liked the framing of it that way yeah real calm before the storm i agree and to answer your question
Starting point is 00:18:30 about being on a date and asking about the meticulousness with which people hang out their washing i'm always under fire for being too fastidious i think the dishwasher has to be stacked a certain way i try to hang out socks matching socks next to each other for ease of use when I bring the washing back in. You're painting a picture of a very dottery man at home. I am a dottery man. Christopher writes, Frosty fellas, you need to explain this Wizard of Christchurch thing to us poor Americans.
Starting point is 00:18:58 It's been an absolute travesty that this man has lost his government job and I would wager is a greater crime against the world than the Holocaust. I'm not going to co-sign that Christopher, but I will continue to read the rest of your email. Was this man's role in existence, common knowledge amongst you boys the whole time? And it somehow never made its way onto the pod. I've listened since season one,
Starting point is 00:19:20 but have only now commented because this news has been earth shattering for me. Loved podcasting a tree and i sometimes go back to listen to episodes of grown up too for some nostalgic giggles you boys make my week every time a new episode drops no matter the content so keep them coming your dynamic is just so fun to listen to best a loving but confused american i am dynamic that wasn't what he said guy yeah i agree i you know i really thought about it in those terms but it's really sweet do you know we did know about the wizard this is how i'm normalized the wizard is in our lives is that it literally didn't occur to me as odd um probably not even until it was in the news cycle and even then i guess it's only external perspective which really highlights just how unusual it is to grow up with a wizard in your city as part of the fabric and identity of the city and then of course it turns out the wizard
Starting point is 00:20:20 has some regressive views because he's like an 80 year old man from england who moved to christ church and just got told he can say whatever he wants in his big hat and there's no consequence for that in fact you'll get paid by the rates that people who live in christ church pay it is incredible he also did a lot of like weather spells though yeah he used to bring the rains in when there were droughts he would do a rain he had weather spells though yeah he used to bring the rains in when there were droughts he would do a rain he had a certain charisma yeah definitely um i've got a vague memory of him i think he would like debate uh like fundamentalist christians in the town square at one point in the 90s that sounds totally believable anyway moving along i've got one for
Starting point is 00:21:06 you um and this is a follow-up so this was a message originally received a message uh in early february from this author called oh actually i'm so sorry to interrupt you but i just i feel like i've got to because we're talking about the wizard do you remember mr moon yeah so folks there was a guy another another magician who i get the wizard is a wizard so i guess they're kind of different but there was a magician called mr moon and uh he was like a big deal in christchurch used to do all the big you know events and stuff yeah stage magic and then i'm pretty sure he went on to like i think it was the same guy he is ken ring i think yeah yeah i think that's right who is this fucking crazy asshole who when the christchurch earthquakes
Starting point is 00:22:03 happened said that it was like associated with a particular phase of the moon and he was like predicting another one was about to happen and scared the shit out of everyone and um honestly our most beloved broadcaster in the country john campbell like went off at him on here and in a uncharacteristically angry tirade yeah he because he um he was at a birthday party what the fuck is up with Christchurch there's also El Grego who's there
Starting point is 00:22:31 El Grego was another magician he did schools he'd do magic but it was imbued with a message I always remember I don't know how old, maybe 8 or 9 he did a school assembly and the big thing I don't remember
Starting point is 00:22:45 any of the tricks i just remember he had a saying which was like now remember it's cool to be kind and it's uncool to be cruel dude it stayed in my memory like literally i'd say net impact that's probably had a positive effect on my life but also I'm like do you know what is uncool El Grego? magicians
Starting point is 00:23:11 being a fucking touring primary school magician in Christchurch that is the yeah that's probably too mean yeah everyone's got to make a living
Starting point is 00:23:19 I've I've I've been uncool in my cruelty yeah so this this message we first received
Starting point is 00:23:24 on the 8th of February 2022, and just by reading the first sentence of this follow-up, which is at the end of March, I can see that we, I don't know if we made fun, but maybe we grammatically critiqued parts of the message. So I'm going to read out the follow-up, and you tell me if you can spot what's happening. The author's name is Ollie, by the way.
Starting point is 00:23:46 And the read just follows. Hey, frosty fellas. Thanks for reading my previous message, despite how long it was. long it was. As you might have realized by now, I took your note about not using enough commas. is don't worry this is not an organized act of passive aggression said in a very passive I like to take on board any constructive criticism I get on my writing as an aspiring journalist. Tim, for your support, both in my Kilenare heat and on the friendzone. You are my new favourite. I enjoyed every second of the pain you put guy through watching sex in the city too If you ever desire a replacement for Remy as Guy's heir for Till Death Do Us Blart,
Starting point is 00:25:59 I would be happy to throw myself under that bus for your son. We're up to the last paragraph. Paragraph. I'm just reading it as it was written. You know, I'm following your note. It's important how we present this. I don't know who I'm following your note. It's important how we present this. I don't know who I'm angry at. Assuming this is read before the Kylian Air pilot, will still need to censor my
Starting point is 00:26:46 name much love to Tim ends it's hard to be angry at because you know obviously there was some quite complimentary notes
Starting point is 00:27:02 to that message to me but I'm fucking furious. I'm rightful. I've never seen so many commas. So, here's a thought. Split the difference, fuckhead. How about that for some writing advice? Alistair writes,
Starting point is 00:27:21 Greetings, guys and Tims. Just a small point of order regards Friendzone 136, in which you briefly talked about Old Irish and speculated about whether this was equivalent to Gaelic. For this, you get half marks. In Ireland, the Irish language is mostly referred to as Irish, though calling it Gaelic is also acceptable. Old Irish, which may also be called Old Gaelic,
Starting point is 00:27:44 is an early version of Irish which was used before the 10th century. I write to you from the highlands of Scotland where Scottish Gaelic is spoken. Crucially,
Starting point is 00:27:52 the word Gaelic in Scottish, Gaelic is pronounced G- Oh, Gaelic, not Gaelic. I'm saying it wrong, apparently.
Starting point is 00:28:00 If you are currently reading this email aloud as part of a podcast recording by now, you've probably incorrectly pronounced the name of the language of my homeland three times. Correct. Uh, this being the case, please let it be known that I am deeply offended.
Starting point is 00:28:13 And the only thing that could possibly appease me is if you would kindly say my name, Alistair. P.S. Stop trying to make Welsh garlic happen. It's not going to happen. Garlic just doesn't get... Okay, so they've written us the pronunciation guide. G-A-H dash lick. Is that garlic?
Starting point is 00:28:32 Garlic. Garlic. Like garlic, like the root... What is that, a vegetable? I guess through our accent. Because we pronounce A's as R's. Garlic cannot be a vegetable, can it? Yeah
Starting point is 00:28:46 Hey, you know what? Fuck all this other stuff What's garlic? Is garlic a vegetable? It's a root No, it's not a root It's a Botanically, garlic is considered a vegetable
Starting point is 00:29:00 Huh It belongs to the onion family Alongside shallots, leeks and chives They've got a fun name, don't they belongs to the onion family alongside shallots leeks and chives they've got a fun name don't they um like the onion family and and when you're sort of referring to it and like a culinary sense it's like because it's what they say in a recipe that you got to fry all those things first what is it called uh i've got no idea, but I mean... I like... Anyway... Oh, the Allium?
Starting point is 00:29:29 Allium? Maybe? A-L-L-I-U-M. In about 30 friend zones time, I'll read an email that refers back to this one, I'm sure. I just like calling them the Onion Family. That's a fun nickname to give a family that you know who are like maybe um not to everyone's taste but the people who like them
Starting point is 00:29:52 really love them the onion family hey um my throat really hurts can I forward you some emails I've got a big thing to read right now awesome and to be honest you know the tail end of that we could almost just hug and say goodbye fuck that man press on hi timble shanks the podcast cat and guy tiger i'm sneaking into your dms like a cat wearing sparkly dancing shoes to let you know that you bring exuberant joy simply by existing and bringing your lie lighter minds to the airwaves guy i listened to the highlights of you watching sex in the city too that tim so definitely put together three times once when i was drifting off to sleep your increasingly unhinged rambles were a balm to my whiskers and toe beans okay so i So I muted myself because I was sniffing a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:47 That's cute and funny. I downed some pretty good whiskey before I wrote this message, which I now convey to you with the warmest of face rubs. Are we cats? Are we people? I know not. Everything is blurring together in a pleasant haze,
Starting point is 00:31:03 like bad CGI. I really don't have much else to say. Just a quick greeting and well wish, with Zalutations, Zayala, Ginger Bella, the Zarina cat. That's really nice.
Starting point is 00:31:15 I think your journey through We Are Your Friends, back to back, would actually be like a great sleep accompaniment. Or sleep aid. You mean Sex and the City 2 oh sorry yeah sex in city too sorry we did we are your friends back to back that's right um can't get enough of you know these wonderful films just hearing you sort of almost in and out of consciousness in a way mentioning what's happening on screen there was big coming in and out energy
Starting point is 00:31:48 I'd sooner not reminisce not enough time has passed huh guy oh this is a nice message from a friend of the podcast Jared in Virginia he's just written hey boys my wife and I got free tickets
Starting point is 00:32:04 to see a production of Cats. What the fuck did I just witness? You saw Cats, baby. You saw one of the most profitable musicals that's ever been written. Yeah. By Andrew Lloyd Webber, the man who has been tasked
Starting point is 00:32:18 in collaboration with, what's his fucking name? Hamilton Mann. Lin. Thank you. Lin Manuel Miranda. Boy, my brain is cooked.
Starting point is 00:32:36 To do a musical about the Queen, I think. Some sort of musical event for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee. Unless that already happened. Maybe it's her birthday coming up. Weekend at Queenie's. Do you think she's dead too? Have I convinced you?
Starting point is 00:32:51 No, I didn't say she's dead. I'm just saying she's old. And being propped up. Old people can still be alive, Tim. You said Weekend at Queenie's. It's 2022. Get used to it. Did you forward me something or no?
Starting point is 00:33:07 No, I did not. The baby's awake though, so now we're on a real tight timer. Why don't we just kiss and say goodbye? I guess we probably should. I've loved it. I've loved seeing you and catching up with you. This has been friend zone 150. Our best friend Zone ever?
Starting point is 00:33:25 Absolutely not. Oh, fucking agree to disagree, mate. Everyone is better than the last. That's what's remarkable about the Friend Zone. It just gets better and better. Yeah. Actually. We're still building.
Starting point is 00:33:38 I agree. I wholeheartedly agree. This is the single greatest podcast we've made so far i would estimate that we have made let me do some quick math about 50 times 5 is 250 plus this is 400 plus associated project we've done like 500 podcasts podcast episodes at least this is this is the best one this is tops yeah undoubtedly okay and you know and long may it rain can i can i offer a plug for a friend's podcast who can't plug it themselves because they're hopeless um is it walkout boys no but they're back yeah sorry to stomp on your one but that just reminded me that i told joseph i would mention
Starting point is 00:34:25 walk out boys no and well you did the right thing no this is called uh kiwi's big adventure a kiwiland podcast and it's hosted by a married couple tom and emma ricky otis and um i'll read you the blurb lights camera atmosphere the first ever kiwiland podcast is finally here And I'll read you the blurb. Lights, camera, atmosphere. The first ever Kiwiland podcast is finally here. Join Tom and Emma on a deep dive of New Zealand's best, and I mean that, theme park. They share all the tips and tricks and even their favorite meals that are available at the park.
Starting point is 00:34:56 As Jack Aubrey says on the Master and Commander ride, let's set sail. Don't be afraid to like, subscribe, or to help me monetize this podcast. set sail don't be afraid to like subscribe or to help me monetize this podcast and um i'm not actually allowed to say who the creator of the podcast is because they are very protective of their anonymity but if you listen it won't take long to figure out um who it is and in fact their name has already been mentioned on this episode of the friend zone so uh wow just a little just a little tease for you there it's uh the project is insane and i'm so like glad that this person has seen it through so it's awesome it's called kiwi kiwi's big adventure a kiwiland podcast that genuinely
Starting point is 00:35:40 is a hot plug and i'm going to listen to it and I'm also going to go right now and sort Remy out. Guy, I love you. It's great to see you. Love you too. And I'll catch you later. Feel better, man. Text me if you need anything. Bye, friends.
Starting point is 00:35:52 In the friend zone, you're always home. In the friend zone, you're not alone. Anytime with Tim and Guy.

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