The Worst Idea Of All Time - Friendzone Forty

Episode Date: March 30, 2017

The Friendzone has moved! Now it's in Melbourne, Australia. The boiz are loving digging through correspondence about dry spag bol, fans who are watching the movie themselves and discussing briefly fe...atured drag queens, Oceans 13 and Zelda references! Timbly and Guybly are little behind in their Friendzone messgaes so enjoy some letters old, new, borrowed and blue (in tone). Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Little Empire podcast. Visit us at and on Twitter at littleempirepod. Well it's the friend zone, with Tim and Guy, come to the friend zone, and have a good time, yes it's the friend zone, with Tim and Guy, cause making friends is the best idea of all time. Welcome to the friend zone. Oh wow, we started. We're in it. Welcome to the friend zone Oh wow we started We're in it There was so much goofing and gaffing and gasbagging You really snuck up on me there Tim It's great to be here
Starting point is 00:00:31 It's great to have you here We are sat on the floor I'm cross-legged Tim on his knees Holding eye contact As we lean into our microphones and share a moment with you Our dear friends Hello everybody
Starting point is 00:00:44 It's been a while since we caught up in this capacity for which neither of us will apologize although we are aware um that i guess it's not even a deal we necessarily struck with you but it's just it's nice when we're up to speed it's nice when you know what you're getting out of us to apologize this to him at foley and i won't engage in such a dangerous precedent for us to set for ourselves. You sound like an Antipodean Frank Underwood, my friend. No, it's good.
Starting point is 00:01:13 Knock it on the table. So, the friend zone, of course, is an area, a safe space, wherein we can avoid the foibles and problems that we confront weekly with the We Are Your Friends boys. And instead, it's a place for us to engage with you, our dear listeners, and one another. Tim, how are you?
Starting point is 00:01:33 I'm okay. How are you? I'm good, thank you. Well, we've got that out of the way. I didn't really feel like either of us engaged with our respective answers. Are you really okay? No, I'm good. A little sleepy. Yeah. But okay? No, I'm good. A little sleepy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:47 But, you know, I'm all right. We're in Melbourne. Are you excited by that? Yep. It's exciting to be in Melbourne, isn't it? And actually, at the top of this episode, it makes sense to tell you that after much huffing and puffing and hooting and hollering,
Starting point is 00:02:01 we are in fact doing a live show here in Melbourne during the comedy festival it's happening on Sunday April 9th at the European Bear Cafe at 4.30 in the afternoon we'll be with special guests
Starting point is 00:02:13 the Boners of the Heart girls the event's called the worst boner of all time they're women Guy they're not girls they are girls to me they're women
Starting point is 00:02:21 and it's if you want tickets head along to the Worst City of All Time Facebook page. You'll find them there. They're only $15. It's going to be a stonker. Yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to that.
Starting point is 00:02:32 A lot. And because it's been so long since we've done a friend zone, a lot of these messages I've got flagged and ready to go, people very kindly offering us their bedrooms, garages, just all variety of places where we could record a podcast in Melbourne. So sweet. But we've gone above and beyond and instead sourced an actual venue.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Now, Tim, shall I get us started? I would love it if you would. This message was written to us a meager two weeks ago. So if any of the context doesn't quite work, that's on you for being in the current timeline that you're in and not reading the message two weeks ago. You, dear listener. Greetings and salutations, Golden Guy Time and Double Coat Tim Tam. Apologies for contacting you so soon after our last friendzone, particularly since the content is devoid of any worst idea context. I promise I'm not stalking you.
Starting point is 00:03:24 To immediately contradict that point, I just got back from Guy's first show in Brisbane. Oh, wow. Thanks, James. Well, depending on when you're reading this, I got back two weeks ago. Whoa. Freaky. He got that pretty much to the day, huh? Yeah. That's terrifying.
Starting point is 00:03:43 That's pretty good. Or maybe that fateful Tuesday night. James night gets it back in the autumn of 2017 i brought my dad and the family along for his birthday there were nine of us and i'm pretty sure we made up half your audience savage that's how you compliment someone while also denigrating them i love it good but the maths was never my strong suit go ahead holy shit what a boon to your comedy show for someone to come with eight of their kin like that's that's a whole show's audience that's my shit i was sitting front and center next to my brother nick whose name you memorized and presumably promptly forgot we all enjoyed ourselves mentally i'll avoid listing my favorite moments on the off chance you're reading this aloud and spoil your own material so just say thanks for fun night and leave it at that good
Starting point is 00:04:20 luck with the rest of the fest oh and make up some message i left here for tim so he doesn't feel left out yours friendfully guy incognito i love that um people still suspect that we might not be sight reading these messages onto a microphone that we kind of pre pre curse them pre-pass them we don't you can throw anything at us we are the ron burgundy's of the podcast world you put on the teleprompter we will say it into the camera uh but it's nice that you thought of me enough to not to create one yourself no just outsource the work of complimenting tim to me the guy who's just literally run out of nice things to say about it's the thought that counts and there was a thought at least you know i've got a message from two weeks ago as well and it's from louise and it starts thusly to tim boners lee and guy forks i'm up to episode 35 and decided tonight was the night i would finally watch we are your friends oh my god
Starting point is 00:05:16 what the hell have i done literally gives me a heavy heart i spent the entire one hour 35 minutes questioning my existence felt a bit sad for Skrill, and then realised that actually everyone in this film is a dick anyway, excluding Tanya and Richard, aka Zicoli's dad. I really find no redeeming qualities about this film other than the one shining light that I had. How has the three second shot of the drag queen in the club not been a shining light yet?
Starting point is 00:05:42 That soft red focus beautifully amplifies the moment and really the second i saw that i was sold also have you ever noticed on the summerfest flyer shot after stealing portania's house there is an act with the name nick romero featured as an artist maybe a coincidence but more than likely to reiterate the importance of the name romero in the film it's like turning into a sixth form yeah um film studies so that's good keep doing your things i shot some g oh some uh great british pounds over to you before with a long message with a miley cyrus conspiracy theory that never made it to the friend zone oh shit i'll dig that out um so you are both real pieces
Starting point is 00:06:24 of shit I like that all hail Brady hashtag pay the boys and for the love of Paige please let us know when the debut tour tickets for the Intergalactic Glory
Starting point is 00:06:31 hole go on sale cause I am down a gift from me to you kissy face love Lou in Midway UK near
Starting point is 00:06:39 Favison where Guy Guy once stayed Feversham sorry there is an H PS feel free to say my full name, bros. In that case, it's Lou O'Hara. Lou O'Hara, what a lovely message.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Thank you so much. What do you think of that drag queen? I know exactly the shot that Lou was talking about. Of course. And so, to Lou's credit, that is a moment that sticks out. It's never really been, I think... We've commented on it betwixt ourselves i think during the watch because zicoli seems very um taken aback by the presence of someone who's
Starting point is 00:07:11 not fitting his neatly packaged gender norms yeah zicoli's a real piece of shit uh i got one here for you tim yeah tim yes what the fuck on the spag bowl? Pasta? Mince? Pasta sauce? Where's your pasta sauce? Don't worry about Guy's fancy tomato paste. He probably adds garlic and red wine and makes some kind of ragu. Also, I think two Keiths are called a gaggle of Keith. Kaif?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Next time you're in the Tron, you're coming to my house for some amazing spag bowl my wife makes. And that is that. Nothing would bring me more pleasure than visiting the mighty Waikato and having some delicious spaghetti bolognese with our friend. What's their name? Nathan. Nathan.
Starting point is 00:07:55 Nate Dogg. R.I.P. Not the Nathan who wrote to us. God, I hope not. But the musician Nate Dogg. It would be so grim if he's passed away since he sent the message. But possibly. Oh, that's a weird thought Don't
Starting point is 00:08:07 Okay Shut it down Shut her down But You know Hamilton's a great part Of the country And you're right on
Starting point is 00:08:15 With the spec But I was trying to Prove a point That when you're You know When you're a lowly Kiwi student You just buy
Starting point is 00:08:21 A shit ton of mints And you dump it In amongst Some pasta No you don't that's so dry oh of course but you know i don't literally mean no sauce but i mean definitely not enough for the amount of mince that you've cooked up why are you doing why are you knowingly putting in not enough sauce because it's cheaper you buy like a kg of mints because you love mints freeze half of it yeah yeah but you want two meals well there's no room in the freezer because everyone's got their bread
Starting point is 00:08:52 and ice cream in there that they don't eat mints takes priority over bread and as well it should actually um there's a message here that i've flagged as being ready to read but i've got a funny feeling we've already oh no i don't need to get into that we have already read that one classic tim classic timbo um oh yeah we've got that um little piece of information that we haven't dug into i might save that for another rep that we got sent from a friend of ours in la to do with the film oh yeah no that's it that's a that's where that needs its own whole other time slot. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:09:26 Tim and Guy, I have loved your podcast and stand up for some time now. Listening to season two of The Worst Idea of All Time inspired my friend and I to go on a horrible movie journey as well. On March 31st, we'll be watching Showgirls for 24 hours straight. We hope to get 11 viewings in, culminating in a director's commentary. We're going to make videos documenting our experiment, and we're going to cite you in the first one as our inspiration. We're also going to keep your tradition of shining light and pitch this movie.
Starting point is 00:09:52 We have some games and other gimmicks of our own too. Do you have any advice for us? How can you maintain sanity and friendship in the face of such awful movies? And that is from Elizabeth Prince and Lizzie Green. To Elizabeth. Showgirls is... Is that the one with Jamie Foxx? I thought that.
Starting point is 00:10:09 Am I thinking of a different one? No, no. That was Dreamgirls, I think. Dreamgirls. Showgirls is a 1995 French-American erotic drama film written by Joe Estahas and directed by Paul Verhoeven. Stars former teen actress Elizabeth Berkley, Kyle MacLachlan, and Gina Gershon.
Starting point is 00:10:25 The film centers on a street smart drifter who ventures to Las Vegas and climbs the city hierarchy from stripper to showgirl I haven't seen Pretty Woman but it seems like there's shades of that maybe
Starting point is 00:10:35 a social climbing sex worker is that what Julia Roberts character is? no she wasn't social climbing yeah maybe she was Richard Gere I've seen Pretty Woman
Starting point is 00:10:44 I think Richard Gere. I've seen Pretty Woman. I think Richard Gere needs a date to an event and so solicits her and then they fall in love and they have to grapple with society not enjoying the fact that a high society man has fallen in love with a street worker. Right. But I could be wrong also. I haven't seen it for a long time.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Julia Roberts. She is a delight. A real pro. A real joy to work with. I haven't seen it for a long time Julia Roberts she is a delight a real pro a real joy to work with I don't know do you reckon she's a
Starting point is 00:11:10 I could take her or leave her I never quite understood the world's fascination with Julia Roberts I loved Notting Hill and like loved it to the point that from there forth
Starting point is 00:11:19 she could do whatever she wanted and I'd always be in love with her I did I really liked the third O's movie. Do you know what I'm talking about? She was Danny Ocean's wife.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Oh, but in the third. So they do this real hog wild thing in the third movie where they do this weird playing with the fourth wall where they keep making reference that she looks like a certain celebrity but never naming it. And then eventually they say that she looks tons like Julia Roberts. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. That's quite fun. It is fun, isn't it? I like that kind of thing. In terms of advice... Just do it. Yeah, it's too late for that, though, because by the time this goes up, you'll probably be in the middle of it.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Just enjoy each other's company, enjoy the highs, and enjoy the lows. I think the important thing to remember is that you're making art, and the beautiful thing about art is that no matter what you've got, if it's anger, if it's depression, if it's happiness, you can turn it into an output that other people can enjoy. Yeah, and I think it's also going to certainly change the dynamic of your friendship. Whether it gets better or worse, who's to say? I've got one here, Tim.
Starting point is 00:12:23 Hit it. This is a message more so for Flash, but would love for this to be read on the friend zone nonetheless. So I saw Guy's show last night at the Powerhouse in Brizzy. Oh, I love our fans. And I've got to say, as a long-time Worst Out Of All Time fan, it was a bit of a wig out hearing your voice in real life instead of through my earphones.
Starting point is 00:12:42 The show was so bloody good. Bought some friends along as well who weren't aware of your previous works and they absolutely loved the show. Planned on tracking you down to buy a beer after but alas, not to be. The beer probably would have been disgustingly crafty anyway as the powerhouse is a very crafty
Starting point is 00:12:57 place. What is your palate adjusted for guy? There's more to the message, I can see. I drink all varieties of beer pretty much.'ve got things i prefer um i've actually been getting quite into low alcohol beers lately hmm um not like not like the ones but like two and a halves uh especially if i'm working you know like because I operate quite a lot of heavy machinery. I don't know if you guys know this. I work at an airport. Guys in charge of a forklift that lifts the small little planes
Starting point is 00:13:31 so that everyone can see under their bellies and tickle them. That's right. You can't get a plane up. I facilitate the tickling of planes. I don't know if people are aware of how smaller planes work. When you're talking your big Boeings, your 737s, your jumbo jets, that sort of thing, they've got a jet propulsion system
Starting point is 00:13:45 but with the smaller planes you need to give them a lot of liberty and the way that you do them is you tell them knock knock jokes and tickle their belly and they just take off
Starting point is 00:13:52 like that with a lot of propeller it's a fascinating world the world of airports anyway all Australian West India fans must go see this man perform while he's in our great land it's one hell of a show
Starting point is 00:14:02 and I'm sure Spinley's show is good too go see him as well for they are both good boys and brave boys and funny boys hashtag pay the boys okay bye now what a lovely message thank you so much rebecca okay i'm not gonna reveal your name just to say it is rebecca oh that's um uh should i read yeah i'll just i'll give you a little heads up on this one um ah fuck it i'll read it out loud regards tim and guy i recently and accidentally came across an item uh while walking in l in new york as i walked down the street next to a very tall building a book seemed to fall from a high
Starting point is 00:14:43 place i looked up at the building but did not see anyone looking down i waited for a while and No. pictures of this truly unique book the contents feel as if they are from the mind of a man on the edge if there is somewhere I could send it, please let me know sentimentally yours, Valerie and I'd like to show you those pictures Guy, it's a large book that has it's black and big gold letters, it has written on the front cover Big's
Starting point is 00:15:20 Big Book of Ideas I would absolutely love to get my hands on that book and see what is contained therein. I mean, we've talked a little bit about it, but Lord knows there is so much more to that man than what we managed to communicate to you. That's great.
Starting point is 00:15:36 We'll provide an address off mic. I think I already have. I think it might be winging its way to us, but I have a feeling there was some interesting customs experience that that book was going through. That's all right. God knows his ideas are nothing if not visceral and potentially illegal. Hello, good boys.
Starting point is 00:15:54 Just messaging to let you know that I would be up for hanging in a hotel for a worst idea of all time live show, and I'd most definitely kidnap and bring every person I've ever met along with me. We've got to hashtag pay the boys. Love and biscotti. Okay, here's the deal uh who's that from do they want their name they didn't say first name tegan tegan here's the deal i am in a hotel at the moment which is populated almost solely with punters above the age of 65 because there is a flower and garden show happening but i am directly across the hall from their events and conference room and i am teetering on the edge of just going to reception
Starting point is 00:16:30 and saying have you got a spare day evening whatever that i can just have this and we'll all come in here together and watch the movie just just for fun just for just for a giggle not even for an app nah just watch the movie and all then leave i'll tell you he won't be there you yeah this guy absolutely not not not if it's just an extra career i'm not gonna do the extra curriculars on that one sorry tim i'm not gonna just watch the movie for no obviously be lovely to meet i almost did that recently no yeah i did it was real i don't know. I'm not sure what was happening for me all my life,
Starting point is 00:17:10 but I had the thought, I was like, oh, fuck everything. I'm just going to watch We Are Your Friends by myself. I'll tell you what, I'm there with grown-ups too. Yeah? I've got it. Actually, I deleted a bunch of stuff from my computer to free up some space, but I've just mindlessly opened it and watched 10 minutes of it before just out of like for a stroll down memory lane and it is a weird nostalgic
Starting point is 00:17:30 kick like it's a it's truly like it stirs a feeling inside of me and it's not even like the visceral fear and kind of like unease unease of of the days of yonder it's like a wow look at us now and that is a huge part of the the vehicle through which we travel to where we are crazy stuff i've got one for you dear ocarina of tim and guy like princess you're zelda dude I love it. I haven't played the Zelda titles, but I know enough, you know, broadly to get those. This is bloody good from you, Beth. Because I am the way that I am,
Starting point is 00:18:13 when I was listening to the most recent episode, I wondered if somewhere out in that great wide internet someone had written We Are Your Friends fan fiction. I felt fairly confident that someone had because that's just the kind of society we live in. And guess what, boys? I was right. Not only was I right, but there are exactly two works written by the same person,
Starting point is 00:18:30 both of the focus of the purported sexual relationship between Ziccoli and James Reid of The Feelers. Because I love myself and you, I refuse to post any passages from these fanfictions, but I will include a screenshot of their descriptions. Feel free to check out the tags, i. the trailer implied homophobia and spoilers if anyone who wanted to read we are your friends fan fiction hasn't seen the movie at least once so uh beth's then included a couple screenshots from something called uh archive archive of our um the title of the piece from 2nd of october 2015 seems to be is there somewhere by this is my design and um she's not wrong these tags we've got sexual content infidelity unhealthy relationships spoilers um these are the tags these are the
Starting point is 00:19:21 tags on this on this work uh And the second one is called, I didn't just come here to dance, parentheses, if you know what I mean, by the same author. This is my design. 16th of August, 2015. This one came first. Tags on that one,
Starting point is 00:19:37 Cole Carter, James Reed, Sophie. Cole Carter, James Reed, Sophie. Okay, so all together and then with commas. Dancing, threesome, oral sex,jobs, rimming and inspired by a trailer that first one predates us doing it on the podcast like that's nothing to do with us which I love
Starting point is 00:19:55 there's more of the email which I didn't see underneath the screenshots I wish you boys all the best in your journey and I hope the rest of it goes smoothly and without too much despair or implied slash referenced homophobia. With love, your friend Beth. P.S. I came to your live show in New York City last year
Starting point is 00:20:12 and bought a poster, which is how I justify putting off donating anything at present. Broke grad students don't have much to give, but we sure do have love and friendship. Beth, all we want from you is the gift of friendship. I've got one of those posters In a gold frame hanging in my house That's awesome It is awesome
Starting point is 00:20:29 I've got something here, it's just an image Thank you for coming to our live show Beth I appreciate you From a listener called Wildcard And they've sent us quite a fun little graphic I saw that, so good Mouthful of concrete, dick full of diamonds. I want to turn that into a t-shirt, actually.
Starting point is 00:20:46 That one's so good. That is a good one. So we'll share that on one of our channels, and you can enjoy the image. But thank you so much for that gift. One of our channels. Wild card. Don't we sound like a couple of D-bags?
Starting point is 00:20:57 We are. A couple of regular fuckwits. Another one, just quickly, from someone in Melbourne, Victoria. Hey, dudes, I'd absolutely come to a hotel room live-ep during Comedy Fest. It sounds awesome. I actually think it would be kind of fun if we did it.
Starting point is 00:21:10 You know, one of the biggest hindrances to doing it in this room, well, they're twofold. Number one, everyone in the audience can pinpoint my location. At all times. You never quite know what you're dealing with on the net. But the second one is the TV in this room doesn't have HDMI. So we don't watch it on your tablet we don't watch it
Starting point is 00:21:26 on my little computer screen little tablet isn't that something I got another one from another Melbournite alright this guy actually lives in Canberra
Starting point is 00:21:33 I'm from Melbourne can you get down like a oh uh yeah don't go with your gut
Starting point is 00:21:42 don't do it I'm keen to get down to a live show please let me know if you're having one I'd love to see some lovely friends of yourselves get down to the nitty gritty up close and personal it's happening it sounds like there's some dicey content that you are taking out on the fly um and while i'm on a roll tim yes the opening of this is in parenthesis and this guy comes from Bristol in the UK
Starting point is 00:22:05 So I'm going to give him an accent To be read with barely contained anger The word Tim Spat out like a sour grape It's etymology Tim, not entymology Tim, not interchangeable at your whim It's etymology
Starting point is 00:22:22 Tim, do you study insects Tim Or the derivation of words Tim, your ignorance full to the brim It's etymology tim do you study insects tim or the derivation of words tim your ignorance full to the brim it's etymology tim from tom i really don't care for that at all like we try to create and foster a spirit on this franchise this thing that we've made of acceptance and having a go of having a laugh hanging out being friends together i don't like that is really cutting against the grain and i'm not into it to be honest tom beautifully written message tom in the spirit of huge fan in the spirit of what we've tried to create here i'm not going to tell you to go fuck yourself what i am going to humbly suggest is just try and find some happiness in your life try to find acceptance try to recognize that you've got the power to change some things uh the wisdom to know the
Starting point is 00:23:10 difference and the whatever the whatever the third thing just you know get on board is what i'm saying tom wow you really struck a nerve there tom this is a message from tim who gave us 20 american dollars it is only fitting that getting sentimental with james reed has a partner segment too whatever you want to do the creative choice of course is yours this is just this is where it starts this is just like coming in the middle of a thought may your dance music be forever performed by non-crying djs and your pcp induced cartoon our horrors be few your friend tim oh have a crack wulen stein um but then there's a whole lot of like computer code which it looks like he's copied and pasted something oh and then the start of the message whoa it's in a weird order
Starting point is 00:24:00 dear spindly gimbley wimbley and tim tim you have full permission to name drop me uh though be warned that my surname holds some traps to the natives of anglo-saxon tongue whoa it's like a time machine then again the one with the short end of the stick if you pronounce my name wrong uh uh if you pronounce my name wrong would be me anyway i can't make heads or tails of that i'll add a pronunciation guide at the end at the appropriate time. Yeah, yeah, we've done it. Which you may choose to use or ignore as you see fit.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I've been following your exploits since season one and I'm so happy that your third descent into madness, one you've endeavored against all better judgment, still feels as fresh as the first and second.
Starting point is 00:24:39 I'm just going to stop there, Tim. I appreciate you saying that. I don't know if I can agree in earnest, but I really hope that's true. You don't know that I don't know if I can agree in earnest but I really hope that's true you don't know you can't say the message continues though it's sad that you won't plan on another season
Starting point is 00:24:55 I can understand that three years are about as much as anyone can get out of having the worst idea TM and he's done the appropriate trademark symbol there it's been a delight listening to you two fine keyries forge a bond that transcends mere friendship, one tempered in the fires of hell,
Starting point is 00:25:11 forever tortured by the many-headed dread lord Sandler King Joseph, eth. Anyway, I've fallen behind a bit on my listening, so if someone else has already suggested this, just tell me to shut up. Guy, I know that you have vowed not to listen to Tim's solo episode, but there is one segment in there
Starting point is 00:25:27 that showed a lot of promise. Tim noted that after a hard night of partying, one of the boys dropped a mysterious statement along the lines of, you won't believe what happened in that bathroom. Did we ever find out what happened? If not, detectives by the book Bat and Loose Cannon Montgomery should be on the case.
Starting point is 00:25:46 Since they've had the Steve Buscemi mystery tour alongside the Patty Schwartz party time and Big's book of ideas alongside where's he going with? Yeah, that's fine. It's only fitting that getting sentimental with James Reid has a partner segment too. Whatever you want to do,
Starting point is 00:26:03 the creative choice, of course, is yours as always. May your dance music... Oh, okay, and then it's got the... What a crazy message. But that's all of it. That's a lovely message. And that is actually a pretty good idea from Tim. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Yeah. Thanks for... I'll tell you what, though. I'll tell you what I won't do. Listen to this whole episode. Listen, it'll be a cold day in hell before I lay ears
Starting point is 00:26:27 upon that piece of audio filth can I take this opportunity to just say out loud that you are a real piece of shit
Starting point is 00:26:34 go on go on you can say that whenever you want and you know that this one comes from Brian should we maybe wrap on this
Starting point is 00:26:41 I got heaps more Okay I was fortunate enough to spend a week in the Bahamas last week And while there walking I decided to listen to my good friends Tim and Guy Yes It was a beautiful morning and it gave me an entirely new perspective
Starting point is 00:26:56 Of what you go through each week I come from the northern part of New England And we're coming out of the end of a cold snowy winter Walking along the ocean in the warmth of the sun Made me realise how hard it must be to watch the movie And look out of the end of a cold snowy winter. Walking along the ocean in the warmth of the sun made me realize how hard it must be to watch the movie and look out of the window and see bright blue sky and sunshine. Anyways, thank you for your sacrifice.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You could and should be doing something instead of this. And he's just sent a beautiful picture of the beach along which he was walking. And it is like a truly striking beach. Just to give you guys an idea of what the image looks like think of what the sound of a steel drum makes yeah that's the picture that's what we're looking at um so this is another message from uh melbourneite saying they're keen to come to a live show we've given you the details for that uh this is a message from someone in sydney
Starting point is 00:27:44 this is why we can't let a backlog happen asking if i had a message from someone in sydney this is why we can't let a backlog happen asking if i had any more gigs on in sydney oh they've bought tickets to see us both in the sydney comedy festival oh my god i have done zero planning promotion i don't know if anyone's going to come to the show in sydney but that's okay whatever will be will be you feeling good about sydney yeah i feel dude i feel great about everything that's awesome man i've got this great new outlook um always in a good mood yeah anytime especially during comedy festival yeah people get so fucking confused and anxious and anytime someone asks you about your show or any me about my show, they go, hey man, how was your show tonight? I'll always say, yeah, it was really awesome, thanks.
Starting point is 00:28:28 It went really well. That's great, man. Even if it feels terrible. Do you know who could use a little slice of that attitude? Tom. Oh, no, Tom's good, man. I don't know. Dude, he lives in England.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Okay. They're going through some shit right now. I will thank you to our friend in the bahamas who's gotten in touch it's that's lovely um and that's that's pretty much it the the other messages while beautifully written um do they pertain to a more specific no they've just all sort of been addressed okay oh we're all right do some name checks then just say who they're from so Lauren hey Lauren Gail hey Gail Harry
Starting point is 00:29:07 hello Harry and Jack Jack Gutentag Jack is a mature student who offered us um we're all mature students if you think about it
Starting point is 00:29:15 he offered us a big and banging 5.1 TV system to keep to watch the movie on while we're here oh that's nice in Preston
Starting point is 00:29:23 which isn't too far from the city centre appreciate it, appreciate it, appreciate it look, here's the rub everybody we've got the live show happening, it's a 120 seat so I don't think we'll you know, sell out too quickly so get your tickets for that
Starting point is 00:29:38 you can get them go to the Facebook page, worst idea of All Time on Facebook. I'll put it up on our website as well. Oh, shit. And actually, I'll add it to the live shows page on Singular. Singular.
Starting point is 00:29:56 So there's a lot of ways to find it. But get some tickets. $15. We're going to sell merch. We're going to be there with the Boners of the Heart gals. And it's going to be a rip-roaring time. Otherwise, if you're in Melbourne, please check out our solo shows. Tim's is called Ladies and Gentlemen.
Starting point is 00:30:08 You can get it at Mine is called Let's All Get In A Room Together. You can get on there at And aside from that, I'm doing an improv show with members of... Impro. You're in Australia now. That's right. With members of pretty much your entire stable of podcasts.
Starting point is 00:30:24 Yeah. The boys from The male gays. Yes. The gals. I know that bothers you from Bodies of the Heart. Yeah, I just said it though. I was just trying to
Starting point is 00:30:33 rub something again. Also, the boys from Walkout Boys. We'll all be here at different times, but it runs Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Mondays.
Starting point is 00:30:40 It's called Snort with Friends. Get into it, not out of it. Bye, everybody. Catch you very soon. Well, it's the friend zone with Tim and Guy. Come to the friend zone and have a good time. Yes, it's the friend zone with Tim and Guy
Starting point is 00:30:57 because making friends is the best idea of all time. Thanks for listening to this podcast. If you're thirsty for another, why not try The Male Gaze? That's like when they take their pants off and they're not wearing underwear and stuff. Weirdly, I'm just like, you've got to have all the steps. Continuity is a massive issue in porn. Yeah, it is. A huge issue.
Starting point is 00:31:20 I don't mind having to watch someone put a condom on. I like that all the steps. Yeah, I want to know everything. I like the idea that someone's job is like continuity. They're like, they come in there like, sorry, your hair was just on your shoulder for that last shot. So do we just need to fix that up a bit?

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