The Worst Idea Of All Time - Podcast In A Tree 5

Episode Date: June 28, 2021

Tim's got a flight to catch and Guy brought some cannabis into the tree today. Sandwich In A Tree is back and so too is our Guest On The Ground. This time, it's comedian Rhys Mathewson who has packed ...a darling wee picnic and is attempting to bring the boiz down from the tree to join him. Follow Rhys on Twitter Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody, welcome to the fifth episode of Podcasting the Tree. We're coming to you from Auckland's famous Cornwall Park, named for Lord Cornwall, a man who once constructed an entire castle out of corn kernels. Every turret, every wall, made of the amazing maize. And unsurprisingly, the castle did not last. But in memoriam for his reckless enthusiasm, they erected a park. And inside of that park, I mean, you've got to imagine this,
Starting point is 00:00:41 at least 100 odd years ago, they planted a handful of trees. One of them in which we currently sit, I promised in our previous episode I'd download what I describe as Shazam for trees. But, of course, David did the work for us in that episode, and I have not, in the intervening moments, taken care of that. So a tree the likes of which I've seen before. The likes of which we have seen. The likes of which I've seen before. The likes of which we have seen. The likes of which we also cannot describe.
Starting point is 00:01:07 It is a balmy afternoon in Auckland, New Zealand. What's the mood? What's the vibe? Hey, I'll tell you what the vibe is. Tell me the vibe. Let's take a temperature. I've got a flight to catch quite soon, quite imminently. There's a few moving parts to getting this thing up and running,
Starting point is 00:01:26 a few little bits of fucking audio and video. And then I had to take a leak, which is nature's way of reminding you, hey, you had those big old plans, guess what? I've got one for you as well, and that is take a leak. It's nature's way of saying you took on some fluids and your tank somehow is actually too full. You've over-fueled. So you've got to release some of that fuel.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And how do you do that? Out of your custom-built hose. And where does the hose hang? I don't like this. Front and center. No, we had— Two-thirds down. We had a lot of potty talk in the last episode,
Starting point is 00:02:01 and I think in light of that, we should try to elevate this one to a slightly more erudite version of Podcast in a Tree. We're in our fifth episode, we've got our wings, we've got our feet, we know what we're doing. Well we do have our feet, they're dangling aren't they? Feet off the ground. That's right. But we've got them. We're in the sky. There's quite simply no denying it.
Starting point is 00:02:20 So let's first undertake a philosophical discussion of what it means to be in a tree. Guy, how would you describe the importance of us being in a tree? Well, it's a very broad question and it's a tough one to answer. I would say the learnings I've taken from our time in trees is that you do feel, even though, as you can hear, as that engine starts, we are close to a thoroughfare for cars, the entranceway to Cornwall Park, you do feel a sort of general sense of zen the likes of which um they're just not
Starting point is 00:02:52 necessarily accessible in a house in a car on the ground in the sky a tree is nature's building and the branch is a floor or a room and And I feel like I'm currently on the first floor of a beautiful natural building. We're getting a few looks. Gentleman in a scooter who, frankly, crooked us here to look at us for far too long. He's riding on a scooter, but I'd also say he's swimming in the jealous sea. He wishes he was in a tree. Hey, scooters might have a barrier to trade, and that is, A, the price of getting a scooter,
Starting point is 00:03:24 and, B, a license if you want to do it legally. However, being in a tree, free for everybody, and that is the whole point, isn't it? Yeah. Very egalitarian, a tree. You are really hammering the egalitarian angle of trees, aren't you? Every episode, you can't stop talking about how you want to live in a tree. You want to collapse the housing market, move into a tree. Let's get rid of that.
Starting point is 00:03:43 Burn all the houses down so we can make room for more trees and more living trees. What do you think about houses made of wood? Well, it's a good question because in some ways they're like a tree, but far worse. Because we've taken nature's design comprised of odd and rounded fractals. And we've made it a Lucian. I think it's called a Lucian geometry. A tree grows exactly to its circumstance and conditions, doesn't it? Every single decision a tree makes has actually been made at the hand of nature.
Starting point is 00:04:15 The rainfall, the sunlight, the winds. It's chasing dreams, isn't it? A tree is the very picture of chasing dreams. I've stretched an arm out here because the sun is over here. That's right. I've stretched a root out here because there's water over here. And in many ways, that is emblematic, isn't it, of the small decisions we make,
Starting point is 00:04:34 the small moments in which we make decisions in our lives that all of a sudden the flow and effect dictate, you know, who and how we are months, years, decades later. A tree is nothing if not a representative for life itself. Well, it's time for our first segment, and I don't know what it is, as per usual. I decide when the segment will start, but not what it is. Tim, the first segment today is one that both you and our listeners have grown to love.
Starting point is 00:05:03 It's a segment called Drugs in a Tree. Now, this is a pretty self-explanatory segment in which we take drugs in a tree. And today's drug is not of a tree, but certainly of a relative of the tree. It's of a plant. The drug is cannabis. The means in which we'll be consuming the cannabis is a spliff, I think is what it's called.
Starting point is 00:05:28 How French of you, Guy. And what I'm going to do is I'm going to take this lighter and I'm going to set it on fire. And what we'll do is we'll be smoking the cannabis in the tree. And I guess then we'll see what sort of experience that thrusts upon us, whether or not we feel more or less relaxed. I mean, in my instance, hopefully a little more. In your instance, it could go either way. You've got the pressing pressure of a flight to catch, but also the relaxing effects of THC and CBD
Starting point is 00:05:58 coursing through your bloodstream. We're spinning the wheel. It's a roulette game of drug intake on our first segment for this fifth episode of Podcast in a Tree. Marijuana's been one we've been looking forward to for a long time. Cannabis is the plant. I learned recently that we refer to it as marijuana where there's above, I think it's 3% THC, and if it's less than that, it's considered hemp.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Do you know, once I was in Greece, that's the entirety of the anecdote. It's a good trip story. It had all the parts that I'm looking for in a good tale. I knew the what, a journey, the where, Greece, the who, Guy Montgomery. I don't think I've heard a more efficient travel story in my life. Well, thank you.
Starting point is 00:06:41 I studied at the school of Ernest Hemingway. I look forward to drinking myself to death. Is that how he died? No, but he was very sad. Was it Ernest Hemingway who... He was very sad.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Who was the author? For how good he was at writing, that's how sad he was as well. Well, this is interesting because you keep telling me that great art doesn't require pain, but Ernest Hemingway
Starting point is 00:07:02 really seems to buck that belief of yours. It doesn't. It's a myth and it's damaging to our industries. Wow. You can be happy and create great art. Who knows if that's true? Not me.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I think wider society. Would you like any more of the drug in a tree? Yeah, thank you. The interesting thing about this drug is it might take a moment to take effect. While you consume it at the time, minutes later, you'll really know what you've done to yourself, whether or not you've done yourself a service or a mischief. I'm not a cigarette smoker. I find the addition of tobacco novel and enthralling.
Starting point is 00:07:34 Oh, I'm sorry. Spliff is a coverall term for me. There is no tobacco. I am also not a tobacco smoker. I mean, this is a conversation for another episode but i think nicotine would be a fantastic drug to sample in a tree we could sure give it a go um well look i think given the slight time pressure we find ourselves under and the caliber of um our correspondent who is on terra firma right now we'd be we'd be remiss not to introduce
Starting point is 00:08:04 them at the nearest possible moment, which is now Podcasts in a Tree, Guest on the Ground. Please welcome Rhys Mathewson. Hiya, Rhys. Hi, guys. Thanks for having me. It's lovely down here. The sun is shining, blue skies.
Starting point is 00:08:18 There's never been a better time to be on the ground. Okay. Fuck, you've got quite a situation going on, Rhys, on the ground. If I can describe for our non-visual audience. I mean, why would you describe when the chef themselves could talk about what they've brought to the table? We've got a little platter here, two types of crackers, two types of hummus,
Starting point is 00:08:37 three types of cheese. Fairly standard. I've got a blue. I've got a camembert, and I've got a kumanguda. Kumanguda. You've also got a refreshing new cadence In which you're speaking Rhys Maybe you could walk us through that
Starting point is 00:08:49 Yeah well when you're on the ground Things just feel right It's quite sexy I would love for one of you to join me down here I'm so fucking tempted That hamper that you've got Just is calling me Perhaps beckoning me. Perhaps I could tempt you down with an apple.
Starting point is 00:09:07 Wait, I've read the Bible. I know how this goes. I'm not falling for your tricks, you serpent. No? All right. A connoisseur. How about a pear? I actually like pears less than apples.
Starting point is 00:09:19 A fancy apple. I'm with you. Just me? No, that is the egalitarian streak of podcasting a tree. I've always thought of the pear as the fancy apple and also the inferior option. An apple is crisp. How can they both be true? Inferior and fancier.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Something that is fancier isn't necessarily better. That's true. He's got me there. But I don't trust the mouthfeel of the pear. How's the kumanguda, though? Because that's what's got my attention. Really a treat. Really a treat.
Starting point is 00:09:43 All right. Tim is rejecting the fruit. Guy, how about you join me down here and I'll give you $200 cash. Oh, my God. Can I see inside that wallet? Oh, do you take paywave? I don't have a machine, but, I mean, I know that you're a man of your word. You'll give me $ 200 to come down there
Starting point is 00:10:06 on the ground yeah compromise the integrity of podcasts in a tree hey well you ponder that because i do want you to have a think about this this is important reese if you don't mind can i ask you what's your relationship in history with trees can't stand them tim and i'm glad you asked. Really despise trees. Hated them ever since I was younger. There was a birthday party in which I fell out of a tree. And I broke four bones. What bones? None of them mine.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Oh, Jesus. I fell on my keister. All of the other adults there laughed and I flew into a rage. I attacked the Dorothy the Dinosaur guest entertainer. Which at the time I thought was a dinosaur. It turned out to be a first year
Starting point is 00:10:55 theatre student with rather brittle bones. And you lay the blame for this fracas on trees. Wholeheartedly. It can't have been me. It's like a framing issue. You successfully fell out of a tree, it sounds like,
Starting point is 00:11:14 and then you started breaking other bones of other people. Yeah, I picked up a trestle table and started swinging. Love that. You're a wrestling fan. Did you take that from a hero? No, no. There was no room for finesse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:30 My eyes went red, and that dinosaur was the only thing in my path. Red Mist Recy is what they call him at kids' birthday parties, because if you get him near a tree and he falls out, look out. I'm taking this information on board. I'm more surprised how relaxed you are around so many trees. Well, it's nice to be on the ground. That's the thing, isn't it, Guy? You know, you can know where you stand, know that they're above you and they can't reach you, really, can they?
Starting point is 00:11:54 Trees are very immobile in short instances of time. That's a fucking good point, man. Like, if the trees are your enemy, if you stay on the ground, they don't have a lot of roots, right? Subterranean, they can get you there. Branches, if you're quite tall or you're in not the sky yet but just above the ground, then you've got trouble. But if you're just hanging out on the ground like Reese is, you're fucking dreaming. You're fucking dreaming.
Starting point is 00:12:25 Well, you say that, but there are certain parts of trees, low-lying branches or splinter cells, who sort of hear the whispers in the wind that Rhys throws out there. Actually, what about nuts? Maybe that's why they drop nuts on the ground, to just fuck up people who think they've found a loophole like Rhys. Yeah, I mean... Pineapples, coconuts. Pineapples don't fall from trees, do they?
Starting point is 00:12:47 Rhys, I'm going to throw to you. Pineapples, where do they come from? What do they do? No idea. I do have one fact about pineapples, and that's that they used to be very fancy. In Victorian England, they would have them on the table as a centrepiece
Starting point is 00:13:00 and not eat them. Oh, wow. Yeah. I can... They do look quite regal. They do. They look fancy. But I can't tell if that's because now we know that the royals have used them so much
Starting point is 00:13:10 that we associate the crown of the pineapple with the royals. But I would think we would all agree the exterior of a pineapple, worst bit of the pineapple. Sure. Sure. But if you cut through it, it's the contrast between the outside and the inside that i think is so impressive and makes such a good piece but without the inside you never get that contrast it's just like a but what if a pineapple was all inside it would be gross
Starting point is 00:13:38 because it would be picking up lint and bits of you know dust and whatever on its journey to your mouth. I think a mango is the closest we've got to all inside pineapple. Yeah. And even that's got a thin filament. A soft flesh, just a few mil there, a little bit of fuzz on it. First time I had a mango, I was on magic mushrooms. Wow. It was an incredible experience.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Do you know how good that fruit tastes? You probably do. You've had a mango before. It was an overwhelming experience. Can I know how good that fruit tastes? You probably do. You've had a mango before. It was an overwhelming experience. Can I share something with both of you? Go for it. Don't care for mangoes very much, and here's why. I went to Mexico when I was 17 years old.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Yeah. That's recent enough. I agree. The person who was hosting us insisted that we eat, among other very delicious things, a whole mango for breakfast every day. And I associate it with being violently ill because I got a tummy bug while I was in Guadalajara, Mexico. And so that association has stayed with me. And it's softened.
Starting point is 00:14:40 I've softened my... It sounds to me like mangoes are your trees. Yeah, that's a good point. It sounds like a Tim issue, that one. It seems unfair to put that on the mango. Then would you not agree that your relationship to trees is a Reese problem? Oh, that doesn't sound true to me. If I believe that, then what's my life?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Wow. So you're getting a real sense of identity from your animosity with trees. Oh, yeah. I know where I stand with a tree, and I know where it is. And, Tim, can I maybe coax you down, not with an apple, but perhaps with an apple tizer? Jesus. That's the most enticing form of apple there is.
Starting point is 00:15:17 I will say this. Oh, man, I'm tempted as hell. The ongoing effects of our segment, drugs in a tree take hold, and my mouth dries. Yeah, that looks so good. That looks so good. The appetizer is almost irresistible. Hey, Rhys, what about this?
Starting point is 00:15:31 What if we established some sort of bartering where we gave you some of the drug that we have in a tree for some of the food that you have on the ground? Well, I'm clean cut now. I'm straight edge. But I'm glad you – I didn't realize that drugs in a tree was a segment. And I have done your very successful podcast, Worst Idea of All Time, once before. We had a weed cookie.
Starting point is 00:15:51 We watched a film. You guys, Tim demanded that we record in the dark. Staring at the screen gave him a migraine. And I went, I'll listen back to that. I'll see how that went. And you guys opened the show with a prerecrecorded caveat that it was a tough listen. I remember none of this. I do remember this.
Starting point is 00:16:14 And I haven't actually re-listened to the episode. Do you think the warning was warranted or misplaced? Oh, 100% should be there. It was very much an episode for completionists alone. And since then and then alone, have you turned to a life of clean living? A sober mind is a powerful weapon, of course. Yeah, that was the real turning point for me. That was a real rock bottom.
Starting point is 00:16:36 You might be surprised to know how many people have been turned teetotaling from West Idea of All Time podcasts, because there's a lot. Guests, listeners not Guy though what are you fucking around with over there? well I'm actually I'm doing two things right now I'm introducing or considering introducing
Starting point is 00:16:56 another one of our iconic segments and also considering using part of that segment as a barter with Rhys to get our hands on some of that apple tizer sorry Rhys has taken a bite what were Rhys to get our hands on some of that apple tizer. Okay, this is good. Sorry, Rhys has taken a bite. What were you going to say? I'm sorry I interrupted you.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I was going to say that I'm also concerned that this podcast is a rock bottom for you guys. You kidding me? Can I tempt you out of the tree with perhaps my debit card details? Dude, that's pretty juicy.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah, I mean. I've got all of them on there. There's about three grand in that account at the moment. Holy hell. Can you use a debit card like a credit card these days? Does that include the CVC code? Is that what it's called? It does.
Starting point is 00:17:38 I am tastefully blocking it with my fingers for the multiple cameras. But you've genuinely written it down on that bit of paper there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And do I get some sort of head start where I get to start exploiting that information before you change the account details? Yeah, I'll tell you what. I'll treat it like I had lost the card
Starting point is 00:17:58 where it would have taken me about three hours to go, shit, I don't know where my card is. I should probably block that. Interesting. Three hours is just the kind of window that puts me on the edge of. I'm actually looking to buy a tent right now. Are you? Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:11 I was online lining up different tents. I could buy a tent. Oh, online shopping. I forgot that exists. Of course. Yeah, yeah. You could spend that three grand real easily in three hours. What were you imagining?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Some sort of supermarket smash thing on the scale of an entire city running around. It's like when you win one of those, put everything in a trolley for six minutes in a supermarket or a toy store. That to me is the absolute dream. That is the height of living. I couldn't agree more. I've always loved the concept of that show. Did Eli get one of those? He did it in a toy shop, I think.
Starting point is 00:18:48 He won a colouring competition, not to tell someone else's story. He won a colouring competition that was for children. He got to run around a toy store and fill up a trolley. Wow. I mean, you can't argue with that. And did he keep the toys or did he give them away? I think he gave half of them away. Yeah, that sounds familiar.
Starting point is 00:19:06 But now we're getting into territory where I really feel like Eli should make the decision. So what bit of the story gets told? He won a colouring competition for children. We must rush along to our next segment, Monty. Okay. Before I have a plane to catch. That's true, actually.
Starting point is 00:19:21 We're down to ten minutes left. So without further ado, it's time for Sandwich in a Tree. Sandwiches in a Tree. Oh, I'm not bartering with this. This is amazing. Is this whole thing for me? Yes. Oh my god. So what we have here, Tim, are a couple of mushroom sandwiches from a shop called Hero Sandwich. You'll
Starting point is 00:19:37 have to forgive me for just getting this in my mouth. By all means. And I think I probably only need about half of this sandwich. Funny there was someone who might want the other half in exchange for a refreshing swig of apple-tizer. What kind of sandwich are we talking? I'm familiar with the Hero Ouvra. Rose, you can't imagine.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It's got caramelized onion, beautiful, like, just subtly melted cheddar cheese, what I think is feta, beautiful mushrooms, and a big thick hunk of bread that's been buttered and lightly toasted. That does sound great. That does sound great.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It's really good. I mean, is it worth, is it worth giving up? I feel like if I don't say yes i if i stonewall it you'll come out of the tree for a drink interesting this does weaken my hand in terms of negotiations but my mouth is not getting any wetter i am sort of pretty much gums glued to teeth. Fumbling my way through conversation at this point. I cannot describe to you how badly,
Starting point is 00:20:49 I don't just want, but I need that appetizer. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. The first taste is free. Oh my God. What? Hey, fuck him up. Incredible.
Starting point is 00:21:03 He's even bought glasses. Oh man, that is an attractive. That's beautiful. Is it a glass or a cup? It's a keep cup, technically, I believe. A blessed moment. I've seen these around. Peace.
Starting point is 00:21:16 I've got it. I've got it. Yeah, between the tree dwellers and the people of the ground. Oh, I should get a shot of the, let me just get a close-up with the selfie cam on that beautiful bit of pottery. Rhys, I've got to say thank you, and also you've sort of cut yourself down at the knees here. I can make this last, I reckon. I reckon I can get through.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I'm just using this as oil for a squeaky wheel. Yeah, I tried to give you kind of one mouthful tops, but I think my dedication to the biz, to putting out content that is not unwatchable and repeating the mistakes of history, I wanted you to have a wet mouth. I am incredibly
Starting point is 00:21:58 grateful. Can I ask a personal, you can speak, can I ask a personal question? Of course. I'm aware that you lived in the United Kingdom for a bit. Yes. And I haven't heard very much about your time there. Yes. What was it like?
Starting point is 00:22:11 Oh, for me? Horrible. Yeah? Yeah, I did not have a good time at all. What was the situation? You got incredibly good at comedy at a very young age, won the Billy T, one of our biggest awards. Yeah. I had very good success
Starting point is 00:22:30 in New Zealand very early without a hell of a lot of effort. So I went over there with little work ethic and sat in a flat playing my flatmate's Wii Mario Kart being like, why is the comedy world not falling at my feet? Did you get good at Mario Kart though? Oh, mate falling at my feet? Did you get good at Mario Kart, though?
Starting point is 00:22:47 Oh, mate, like a dream. Did you get good at making quips around playing Mario Kart? Yeah, I would go, I started starting gigs with, has anyone here played Mario Kart? Because that seemed to be my main observations about life at the time. And let me tell you, the people of blackpool not fans it's i mean i can't think of anything i'd be more interested in as a resident of blackpool than a 23 year old new zealanders opinions on what it's like to play mario kart in blackpool yeah it was
Starting point is 00:23:18 like we're going the wario bike am i right fellas we Wario bike? I've got a lot of time for it, because I think, I lived in New York City, I know that that was like, a mix of good and bad, but ultimately, a very challenging thing that you were like, this is a good thing to do. Rhys, I feel the same way about your journey to the UK. You know where I moved to?
Starting point is 00:23:41 Sydney, Australia. Yeah, it's a good spot Hot scene I went there to work at the Telstra call centre Because I'd heard such good things about them as an employer I lasted six months And then joined radio school
Starting point is 00:23:54 In Sydney? No, in Wellington I flew back home In light of the fact that I've looked at my watch And realised that boarding is starting and they're not too distant, I think we should probably kick off another segment. Well, there's only one segment
Starting point is 00:24:12 I can immediately reach from the top of my head. Before we do that, I just want to offer this Harvard sandwich to Reece. Are you interested? No, I'm all good, man. It's a really good sandwich. I've currently got like 2.6 cheeses left to give. Well, blessed be this union between us.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So the final segment we really have time for is, well, it's the most important really. It's the treeder board. It's the leaderboard of trees. Now, Rhys, trees are graded on a score up to 24. Of course, representing the hours in a day, and you get to name the tree, anything you like. Have you got a name for this genus-unknown tree here in Cornwall Park? You want a fake Latin name for this tree?
Starting point is 00:25:00 It could be anything. You could call it, it doesn't need to be that at all. The previous trees have been called Walter, Susan, National and 660. I'm going to call this tree, look at this fucking tree. Look at this fucking tree. Do you want to do the acronym? Or are you going to write the whole thing out? Rhys, you get to choose.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Yeah, let's go acronym, Latford. You did that really quick. Words are my tools, baby. Yeah, true that. And they are sharp. Our first category, Rhys, we're going to throw to you for an assessment out of five points. Natural beauty. Zero.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Incredible. You missed this. You didn't see this. I was looking at Rhys as he delivered that answer. He was looking at the ground. Okay. So first category, we've got a zero. Next category is one for Timbo and Guy Guy.
Starting point is 00:25:53 Out of five, climability. Really tough. I mean, there's only one entrance point, and there's one place to be. Deuce? This wizardry chosen in a rush, one. One? Absolutely. One and a half one place to be. Deuce? This wizard tree chosen in a rush, one. One? Absolutely. One and a half, maybe half. I will say this is right on the edge of Cornwall Park too.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I drove past some really stunning trees on the way in. Shush you. We've done the whole episode now. We must embrace the fact that we've chosen a rotter. Happening right now, a gale is flying across.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I am so fearful for the score that this tree is going to get for X Factor. It does not bode well. All right, so next one. 1.5 out of a possible 10 so far. What's the next category? I'll let you guys collaborate on this. It's health out of five. It's alive.
Starting point is 00:26:41 It's got that going for it. Look at those leaves. Rhys. I mean, I can't deny it's in good shape I think it would be quite a tough tree to punch down Sorry What was that? You know if I were to try and punch this tree down
Starting point is 00:26:57 I think it would take me quite a while And that's the sign of a healthy tree So what do you score it? Out of five Out of five I'm begrudging four. All right. Really hard to punch down tree, a four out of five. So that is...
Starting point is 00:27:12 Five and a half. Yeah, five and a half out of a possible 15 so far. Tim, this is probably best for you, although we could ask Grease's opinion might be about something else. Rest and relaxation. How relaxing and restful is this tree? It's two. Don't ask me to justify it. Rest and relaxation. How relaxing and restful is this tree? It's two. Don't ask me to justify it.
Starting point is 00:27:27 It just is. Do you agree? There's no back. I feel like I'm falling the whole time. How many trees have a back? Lots that we've been in. They've had something to kind of, another branch to do a thing.
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, two. Two. Rhys, what do you think uh you can review the ground if you like oh the mate the ground is a five out of five it's grassy it's sunny it's just not an aspect of the ground uh i'll say five out of five for the ground okay so the tree is currently on seven and a5 out of a possible 20. X Factor, out of four, has this tree got it? Reece, we've got to collab on this.
Starting point is 00:28:13 I mean, I... Has this got star quality? Oh, zero. X Factor? For me, this... Zero? Yeah. Again? For me, this tree is never going to make it.
Starting point is 00:28:21 I'm with you. Fuck it. I'm with Reece on this one. It's a zero. Okay. So, no adding to the score. I'm with you. Fuck it. I'm with Rhys on this one. It's a zero. Okay. So, no adding to the score. Was it nine and a half?
Starting point is 00:28:29 I thought you said seven and a half. Seven and a half. But it's hard to know. I think it's seven and a half. Is that correct, Rhys? Oh, yeah, sure. Seven and a half out of 24. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:28:38 This tree is absolutely shit the bed. Incredible. And improved only by the name that Rhys has given the tree, which I thought suggested some sort of exuberant over-the-top fanfare, but it is more of a, look at this fucking tree!
Starting point is 00:28:55 The state of it! Rhys, thank you so much for joining us for this episode of Podcast in the Tree. You're more than welcome would you like two ferrero rochers ah that's one for each of us we're going to come down and i think we should continue the conversation but um i just want to take a moment to appreciate it's actually it's not just that you brought the food it's like you've genuinely got a gorgeous
Starting point is 00:29:22 looking picnic basket yeah i also had two more things to offer you guys what were they uh i was gonna offer guy um my worst secret on a on a uh sticky note that just says responsible for bp oil spill and was gonna offer tim this uh revlon beautiful color silk medium auburn. Medium Auburn? Which I paid $2.54 because I really blew the budget on this bit on the cheese. Okay, I'm coming down for that. That hair color looks good. And Revlon is a proper brand. Yeah, yeah, Revlon's legit. Thank you so much for being such a phenomenal and persuasive
Starting point is 00:30:04 and also understanding guest on the ground. Anytime, guys. Is there anything in your life or the world that you'd like to let people know about? When is this coming out? At an unknown date. It's exactly when it is, which is right now. Cool. I've got nothing coming up, but if you let me know when it's coming out,
Starting point is 00:30:22 I'll try and get something up and running by then. coming up but if you let me know when it's coming out i'll try and get something up and running by there well you gotta look out for that because you know it's gonna be good thank you so much reese sim cornwall park the wind who has brought us this episode yes this episode of course sponsored by the wind thank you so much to the wind bringing us uh now recently power and for um a lot of time frustration yeah i still don't know where it comes from or why it doesn't get tired subject for another day goodbye everybody thanks and good night

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