The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E01: Difficulties

Episode Date: February 8, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. Join us for our 10 year anniversary show on Feb. 10 (NZT) live and live-streaming via Episode Description:Production note: Apologies for the terrible audio quality (especially on Guy's voice) - had some technical issues but it'll be better next week.Welcome to our first attempt at watching/reviewing Grown Ups 2 (2013), the $80m comedy which garnered 7% on Rotten Tomatoes. The film features comedy greats Adam Sandler, Kevin James, Chris Rock and David Spade. We will be watching the movie each week and bringing you a review each time. Pray for us. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, it's Tim here and we thought it would be a fun idea to do a little trip down memory lane and play you guys all of the episodes from season one again. And for the first time ever I've forced Guy to listen to the podcast as well, he's not with me right now, but we've decided that we're going to take turns listening to these episodes and do a little preamble for you um which is i don't know it seems like a nice thing to do after 10 years since this thing started which is insane i've just listened to the first episode and i mean what to say it's it's kind of crazy to see how many of the tropes got established in episode one of season one like me being a fan
Starting point is 00:00:48 of a bit of the movie that's got a knife in it probably the only bit of grown-ups too that's got a knife in it uh guy mentioning the oc i actually say the words shining light of talent in this one so it's sort of like the origin story of so many of these recurring bits are right in the dna the first episode which is pretty interesting it's a weird thing to listen to after this amount of time and i'd be lying if i said there wasn't a little bit of um cringe involved on multiple fronts but i think it's important to just have a home sometimes, you know, and have a look back. It's definitely been enough time where I feel pretty divorced from who we were back then. 10 years is a long time.
Starting point is 00:01:37 But it's just so funny to think about. I can remember vividly exactly where we were sitting. It was a stinking hot day february the 10th 2014 we were on a couch in front of a one of those blue yeti microphones that i'd set up completely incorrectly so the sound quality is absolute dog shit and from memory i think i didn't actually crack it for a couple episodes so apologies for the first couple of these um but start as you mean to go on eh I remember when Guy and I first were talking about it and got the idea I distinctly remember the conversation happening when we were coming downstairs down onto the street on Cook Street from my old work when I was um working in radio
Starting point is 00:02:23 and we were sort of talking about this podcast and what format we could do. And Guy was kind of like, oh, you know, do we need to like get in a studio or like figure this out? And I was like, no, let's record it tomorrow. And I think that that DNA of just like speedily, mistakenly fumbling your way through uh is such a crucial and important
Starting point is 00:02:49 part of this podcast and i tell you what you could definitely hear it on this first episode because it doesn't sound pristine but i think you also hear a lot of the enthusiasm as well which is the thing that carried it so i hope you enjoy this little journey that guy and i um take you on it's going to be a wild thing revisiting this first season and uh yeah enjoy here's episode one season one the worst idea of all time welcome to the worstst Idea of All Time Podcast. Hello, I am Tim Batt. And my name is Guy Montgomery.
Starting point is 00:03:34 And this is our first watch of the sensational ensemble comedy Grown Ups 2. We've just watched it for the first time. And we will be doing so week after week for the foreseeable future, essentially. Which is an absolutely absurd idea. The idea is to watch it every week until it becomes worthwhile. Guy pitched this to me and he said, we'll watch a movie every week and do a podcast, but here's the kicker, we'll watch the same movie.
Starting point is 00:03:58 I thought, fantastic. I thought, let's pick a movie. It's got to be just the right amount of everything. It's got to be just the right amount of length. There's got to be something in it for you so you can keep watching it a few times. And it's got to have enough to grab onto that we can keep commentary on it. And we settled on the sequel
Starting point is 00:04:14 to the much maligned Grown Ups. A film that I haven't ever seen. I think I have, but I can't remember a single thing about it except that I hated it. Well, I hadn't seen the first one and I thought the second one, you said grown-ups, I said why not put a two on it and an hour and
Starting point is 00:04:29 40 minutes later I found out why. This has to be one of the worst movies I've seen. The last movie I remember watching which moved me to be this just like restless and unhappy and frustrated and confused was I can't even remember the name of it. Who's in it? I can't remember. I wrote a review just like restless and unhappy and frustrated and confused was,
Starting point is 00:04:46 I can't even remember the name of it. Who's in it? It was, I can't remember. I wrote a review about it. I got so angry I walked out of the cinema. I got free tickets from the Black Thunder, 91ZM's Black Thunder, and I walked out of the cinema and I went home and I wrote a blog, which is a pretty high level of frustration.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Was it recent, this film? No, it would have been 2007 or 8. Was it Save the Last 8 was it saves the last dance that's the last movie i walked out of that i paid for i actually quite liked so last dance it was um it was something about being in high school the guy had a big nose it was written by one of the simpsons writers it was based on a book mama's boy no uh you know what we've diverged it's not important what is important is is that we discuss grown up to two i don't even how do we even like begin with this film well i think we could take
Starting point is 00:05:32 a very similar approach with this podcast and what they did with the film which is just don't worry about anything and go for it uh i think first maybe the first thing the wow factor with this movie is the cast. So maybe we should start with that. Should we just start throwing names of people who are in this film? The cast, it's a veritable who's who of successful 90s television comedians. It's sort of like a Saturday Night Live ensemble. It is.
Starting point is 00:05:56 But on steroids. You've got Adam Sandler, who co-wrote the film, whose wife is Selma Hayek for some reason. Kevin James, who you'll know from King of Queens and Mall Cop, is in there. And what? Hitch. Oh yeah, of course, yes. Imagine if Will Smith was in this movie. It wouldn't even surprise me, because by the end there was just so many people in it.
Starting point is 00:06:14 He's married to Maya Rudolph, who's also a Saturday Night Live alumni. We've got Chris Rock, formerly one of the greatest comedians in the world. Yeah, he's married to Maya Rudolph. Kevin James is married to a woman I didn't recognise. Kevin James' wife. Yeah, I can't remember who that is. I'm sure we'll get it by the second watch. David Spade is in this film.
Starting point is 00:06:32 Plenty of time to figure all this stuff out. David Spade, who is... He's playing Joe Dirt. He doesn't have a partner, and he's got a... Apart from Just Shoot Me, when is David Spade not playing Joe Dirt? Apparently he was really good in Saturday Night Live. Well, I liked him in this movie.
Starting point is 00:06:52 I thought he was acting, and he was the only one. Cameos come in the form of John Lovitz. Lovitz. Lovitz. Lovitz. Lovitz. Lovitz. He was one of the few things which made us laugh.
Starting point is 00:07:03 Shaquille O'Neal has a part. All of Adam Sandler's entourage. You know, all the bit part character actors who show up. The cast of Grandma's Boy, I guess. I was very surprised, actually, that... Rob Schneider. Rob Schneider didn't appear in this movie. Wait, did he?
Starting point is 00:07:17 He's probably in there somewhere. We just missed it. Steve Buscemi. Yes, Buscemi's in there. Along with Taylor Lautner. Teen heartthrob. He is what I would loosely describe as the antagonist. Will Forte pops up in a car wash scene alongside Andy Samberg.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And the boys from The Lonely Island. But don't let all of these names confuse you. This movie is a steaming hot pile of shit from dot one. The first scene, the hook, which makes you say, I can't wait to see what unfolds, is Adam Sandler in bed with Salma Hayek, and he's woken up inexplicably. They never ever address how this happened,
Starting point is 00:07:58 apart from revealing that the front door was left open. There's a reindeer or a moose, or some sort of animal with antlers in the bedroom and no one it's a cgi moose it's in the bedroom and i'm saying that it wakes up to quite a start seeing this thing and tries very delicately to tell selma hayek without alarming her um that she needs to open the window and what's his play with this that they should both jump out of it yeah well it's a big house and they're on the second floor, and luckily Selma Hayek never opens the window,
Starting point is 00:08:29 so that particular thread leaves unsewn. He keeps whispering to her, he says, your mom's here, you need to go and open the window. Just let me sleep. That's what she says sleepily. There was a great Selma Hayek, by the way. And, yeah, once again, I'm not sure what the play was going to be, if he was intending to throw the moose out of the window
Starting point is 00:08:48 or if they were going to throw themselves out of the second story window. But either way, hilarity ensues in the form of the CGI moose tearing the house asunder. That's right. And the craziest thing is it winds up with a bra on its antlers, and it runs outside, and the postman's outside, and he goes to Adam Sandler, and he goes, hey, is that your wife's bra?
Starting point is 00:09:09 And then Selma Hayek is wearing a sort of negligee nightie, and she covers herself, because it's a... Because it's a creepy fucking thing to say. And then Adam Sandler sort of scolds him, and then eventually goes, yeah, it is pretty nice. And he gives her a high five,
Starting point is 00:09:24 and it sets the time there's kids in this movie there's a lot of kids there's so many kids everyone's got kids let's not let's not just single it out there's a lot of kids there's a lot of characters you probably meet over 40 people in this movie and none of them make any sense there's no payoff to any there's there's no because to any. There's no... Because one of the central things that you want to see in a film, right, is it's supposed to start somewhere and end in a similar place, except they've gone through a lot and your characters,
Starting point is 00:09:55 your central characters have learnt something along the way. I have no concept of what anyone has learnt in this film. We should probably try and give some sort of synopsis. I guess god it's so hard though, well first of all can we just say that this is the longest day of all time, are you talking about our day or the movie, both
Starting point is 00:10:13 both, it's the whole thing takes part in one hellish day it starts as we said with Adam Sandler and Salma Hayek, I'm going to ruin the ending for you now, it also ends with Adam Sandler and Salma Hayek I'm going to ruin the ending for you now it also ends with Adam Sandler and Salma Hayek in bed it's a nice bookend to the film
Starting point is 00:10:29 it's the last day of school it's the last day of school in summer summer's just kicking off so what happens, so we've got the moose I just keep coming back to the rule it came out for half of this film we meet all the families and then the bus driver
Starting point is 00:10:45 who's meant to be taking the kids to school is wasted on drugs. Yeah. And so Adam Sandler, because he doesn't have a job because he got rich somehow, he decides to drive the school bus and he picks up, he drops the kids, no, he picks up his friends on the way to school. Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:11:01 And then they all drop them at the school and then they just go and at the school and then they just go and hang out in game art for like two hours these are like grown men going to the mall and um they've all got jobs kind of well adam sandler doesn't because he got rich in hollywood i i assume that that's explained in the first grown-ups movie which i'm sure is a masterpiece which i think i have seen but don't remember. I don't think it's too important whether or not it is explained. It's just this inexplicable series of not funny scenes.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So we get introduced at the start. We've kind of glossed over this, but there's a little vignette, a little window into everyone's lives and their family situation. So everyone's got kids, so we see... What's happening with Chris Rock's family? He's got the wife there, he's got a couple of kids. what's happening with chris rock's family he's got the wife there he's got a couple of kids it's their 20-year marriage anniversary that's right he's hidden he's hidden a necklace for his wife and his son's diaper because that's what you do
Starting point is 00:11:54 when you're married folks that's married life he tells her that she's on nappy duty and then she takes it and he goes happy 20th anniversary and she's like because she completely forgot she forgot and so he gets this free pass which is what we're all searching for in relationships it's all a point system and we're all looking for that little nugget of gold listen to this no one's gonna listen to this fucking podcast no because no one's gonna watch the fucking movie it's so fucking terrible it's so absurdly bad but anyway we must we must press on guy uh don't be disheartened they pre they made this film this movie got finished and released and i'm sure along the way there
Starting point is 00:12:31 was so many people every stage who said this cannot be released this cannot be finished it cannot be put out to the public and you know what it was so in the spirit of grown-ups too this podcast will be done so i can't wait to see what we're saying in 30 weeks the shining light of talent i think uh in the early vignettes uh chris rock has the son the aforementioned son it is a son who's got the diaper sensational talent you can tell that that kid's a born performer it's dancing around young black stereotype yeah like the Like when it turns out That Mayor Rudolph's
Starting point is 00:13:05 Forgotten their 20th anniversary It just goes to a shot Of the like Two year old's face up close And he just sits Straight down the camera That's cold I don't know how you
Starting point is 00:13:14 Even teach a baby To say that Because you've got The intonation and the timing Dead on Do you reckon the baby Was CGI as well Because the moose was
Starting point is 00:13:22 I assume they've got A lot of money thrown around Then Kevin James' family We meet them next And he's got a child who's just really thick and they never explain it that's right they've so they're on this path of parenting where they want to not discourage the kid sort of reinforcement positive reinforcement at all costs so we're the little window into his family life is the mum, his wife, who appears very briefly in that film. Is that like the only bit she's in? No, she was at yoga class.
Starting point is 00:13:51 Oh, yeah, of course. And she was at the ballet recital. God, she's forgettable. She was at the party. Oh, my bad. She was all through the film. Spoiler alert, there's a party and some ballet. So she's got these flashcards going,
Starting point is 00:14:04 what's nine and three to the kid? And the kid's like, 28. And she's like, that's great, very good. Which is, that's not how you raise a kid. And he just gets all this math stuff. They've just written the laziest jokes, and they're like, no, no one's going to say this. But it doesn't even...
Starting point is 00:14:20 How could we get to say these lines? And then they feed them to this five-year-old kid. And it's actually one of the funniest parts of the movie what the like the bad math and stuff the whole script it feels like
Starting point is 00:14:30 did you watch the OC Tim um I yeah yeah I kind of remember the OC yeah that was a good show you remember
Starting point is 00:14:36 so Seth Cohen who was sort of the protagonist he was very funny and there was one guy who it was a character I can't remember his name
Starting point is 00:14:44 but he was described everyone as big like he tried to be funny but everything was too big you know that he meets seth khan's dad sandy and he goes sandy goes hi i'm sandy and then the character goes oh well i guess you better take a shower then and then like i don't remember that minor character from the oc walks out of the scene and sandy's like geez that kid's not funny it's like that character has written a movie everything is so big yeah and it's there's some gags that look like they work on paper i want to go through the families just a little bit more though just to give it a little bit of a picture um we won't go through the whole movie because sweet jesus we just went through the whole movie and i don't want anyone else to go through it which really
Starting point is 00:15:21 begs the question like why are we doing what it is in this for other people but we will press forward david spade now he's got an interesting one so his situation is he hooked up with a girl who is revealed i think through the entire film only as uh hiccups mcgee a woman who he briefly had sexual intercourse with one of the many women who get treated with the utmost respect in this film. Nothing but. Complete fleshed out characters. And you never see her in the film, by the way. She's only mentioned as Hiccups McGee. So he's had sex with her, which has created a child. A spawn has happened.
Starting point is 00:15:58 She inexplicably fails to tell David Spade that he has a child until the child's like 17. I think he's supposed to be about 14, but the gag is that he's huge. Yeah, and then he just, he's like, okay, that's cool. And she sends him up on a train from Florida. Yeah, that's never really fleshed out at all. What's that about? Happy-go-lucky guy like David Spade, who's set up as only looking after himself. He's just going to be like, yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:16:24 I have a kid. Okay, yeah, I'll take it. I'm equipped for that. That seems fine to me. There's no problems there. The kid shows up. He looks like he's in his mid-20s, and he pulls a flick knife on David Spade,
Starting point is 00:16:37 which is actually a pretty funny bit. And then David Spade has turned up expecting a far more gentle and small child, has brought him a soft toy, and just proceeds to cut the head off the teddy bear. And then he gets scared, and he tells his son that he has to go to school for one day, the last day of school, because he's got to go and work at the soup kitchen. But he doesn't actually have to go and work at the soup kitchen, he's just scared. It's a front. I'm just going to fast forward for a bit. Please do. Because the son eventually finds out that David Spade wasn't work at the soup kitchen, but he doesn't actually have to go and work at the soup kitchen. He's just scared. It's a front. I'm just going to fast forward for a bit.
Starting point is 00:17:06 Please do. Because the son eventually finds out that David Spade wasn't working at the soup kitchen, and he gets so demoralised. He's crushed. He's crushed. So demoralised. Which I guess if you, in your own head, had enough kind of intelligence and wound that out,
Starting point is 00:17:18 maybe it's because this kid, who's kind of suggested to be trailer trash and stuff maybe he's from a lower socioeconomic area living with um hiccups mcgee where the soup kitchen's a really important pillar in in that community and so he's like how dare you you know take on the sacred elephant as you're covered and not hang out with me how dare you yeah well his the way he takes out his frustration is he doesn't put a knife on his dad again he He instead goes to a fraternity and ruins the whole outside. Toilet paper is the whole frat. Yeah, destroys the frat house.
Starting point is 00:17:52 The frat house isn't out of nowhere, by the way. At one point, the guys... In fairness, the frat house is kind of out of nowhere. It is a little bit. But as part of the 60-hour day in which the film occurs, all the friends go to a swimming hole. So we've got kevin james adam sandler whoever the fuck else is in this movie which is a lot of people um like the
Starting point is 00:18:11 five of them go to the swimming hole uh to relive old times i guess and kevin james is going to jump off a big cliff because he's never jumped off because he's scared and then they get confronted by these frat kids who claim that they owned the swimming hole which is fine um and then things get really aggressive tyler lautner is their um their leader and just starts backflipping heaps like 11 yeah that was another funny bit is that was there are a few like these three lines which are almost self-referential where it's like the characters are the actors and the actors are like what are we doing like when taylor laughton is doing their backflipsarks is like, the guy's just doing 11 backflips for no reason. It's like they're commentating what we're thinking.
Starting point is 00:18:49 They just give you little flashes of hope like that. There's a couple of things like that. Adam Sandler, prior to that bit, goes, he's talking to his son. First of all, he calls all of his children ugly. His kid goes, I'm after the hottest girl in school. It's the last day of summer. And one of the other kids, the kid day of summer and his the one of the other kids the kid he's talking his brother goes but you'll never get it because uh you're ugly
Starting point is 00:19:10 and adam sandler goes you're all ugly you're hideous you're fugly we're all fugly but that doesn't stop us getting obscenely attractive woman look at me and your wife it makes no sense that would only happen in a hollywood film and stops just shy of looking down the barrel of the camera and giving a ferris bueller style wink which i'm not sure if it would have endeared me to this film more or less but he gives his son a three-step guide to get any woman and that's right this might actually be of use this might be a takeaway from the film it's uh one make her smile two that's good advice say she has a nice smile yeah and then three say that you have to come out with me tonight force her force her to do it put pressure on do it in the moment give it a strict
Starting point is 00:19:51 time frame of that evening and uh hey spoiler alert it pays off for the kid when he applies that knowledge there's so much like questionable objectionable material like kevin james and his wife are going this podcast is all as all over the place as the movie, perhaps as a result of it. But he goes, like, his wife takes him to this car wash where these high school cheerleaders are going to wash it,
Starting point is 00:20:13 and she's, like, trying to turn him on. Oh, that's, yeah, now, how the fuck did they get to that point? And then, like, the policeman, who's Shaquille O'Neal, and the guy, fuck, fuck, I hate this. like the policeman who's Shaquille O'Neal and the guy that's... Fuck! Fuck, I hate this.
Starting point is 00:20:28 If we sound a little low energy it's because we've just seen the film. I sent Guy out to get coffees in the aftermath because we need something to kind of break through here. It's just... Fuck. Okay, so who else have we got dealing with here? We've got
Starting point is 00:20:43 one of the black comic actors from 40 year old virgin who um she also on seven night live i can't remember his name yeah we'll look that up if we ever see this again the dewey cox story he was the guy who told dewey cox john c reilly about all the drugs and i haven't seen that oh that's i hear it's really good maybe we should have done that movie or any other film ever made. Well, I guess what's exciting about this, Tim, is that we get to do it all again next week. It's like watching our descent into madness. But anyway, it's going somewhere with that.
Starting point is 00:21:12 So that SNL slash 40-year-old virgin actor is in it. He serves as the foil to... Chris Rock. Chris Rock's character. They grew up at high school and stuff. I think they work... Oh, no, they don't work together because it came out everyone in this movie
Starting point is 00:21:27 everyone knows each other from high school no one ever left the city except Adam Sandler who came back yeah he went to Hollywood and made heaps of money which again I assume was explained in the first movie and then inextricably came back to this horrible community of misogynistic racial stereotypes
Starting point is 00:21:44 the way they all qualify every time a character gets introduced to this horrible community of misogynistic racial stereotypes. The way they all qualify, every time a character gets introduced, the way the writers qualify is by being like, how do they know this guy? Well, they went to high school together. They were at high school, you know, and either they were best friends and now they hate each other,
Starting point is 00:22:00 they were best friends and now they're best friends, or they hated each other and now they're best friends. It's like just this weird interplay of completely hate or completely love. The other big question I had when I was watching this movie because of the like sexual,
Starting point is 00:22:12 the sexual undertones or overtones, whatever you want to call them and like the sort of off-color jokes. I don't think there was one swear word. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Someone said shit and it really stuck out. I don't know who they aimed this at. Yeah. Yeah. Colin Quinn, that comedian Colin Quinn. His big scene is he's fixing an ice cream machine and David Spade tells him if he does this thing,
Starting point is 00:22:32 it'll fix it and it makes it look like he's pooing. Yeah. And it goes like every visual gag in this... How long's the movie? Two hours and ten minutes, I think? It was... What was it? 101.
Starting point is 00:22:43 101 minutes. So that's shy of two hours. One hour 50. Felt like a lot longer. One hour 40. But what this film is, is just comprised of visual gags that go too long that weren't funny when they began,
Starting point is 00:22:57 but in the hopes that if they just keep going, they'll develop into something. So yeah, that scene where he's kind of bent over this ice cream machine with his chocolate sundae coming out seemingly of his rectum is capped off after a very long kind of spinning out of this gag. It's topped off by the kid going, is that where ice cream comes from? That's like a stupid kid.
Starting point is 00:23:18 And scene. And I can't, I've got to go pick up my dad right now you don't, you're making that up, that's a lie I really do, we've got two minutes to wrap up the first episode, it's a short podcast as we read more into the film they'll become longer and more nuanced
Starting point is 00:23:38 I'd really love it if you could join us every week originally we were talking about before we saw the film doing this 50 times that's not happening it would we can't do it the thing with this movie is the only way for there to be payoff is is for us to actually do it 50 times like we could buy that point i've got to go five man can we do five and just kind of reassess because honestly i i don't i don't know if like i'll kill myself yeah Yeah, there's a risk of that.
Starting point is 00:24:07 My name is Tim Batt. You can follow me on Twitter, I guess. Is that a takeaway? My name is Gaham Montgomery, and you can forget that I was involved in this shambles. Come back next week. There'll be more of this. I'm so confused.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Well, get excited about next week. If you didn't like this week, that's okay. Maybe, you know, we'll find some more stuff in. I'm so confused. Well, get excited about next week. If you didn't like this week, that's okay. Maybe we'll find some more stuff in the movie for next week. Usually this is the point where you say, you go and watch it so you know what we're talking about. I cannot recommend that anyone go and see this film for any reason. Watch the trailer. Yeah, watch the trailer.
Starting point is 00:24:38 In your mind, extrapolate that to one hour and 40 minutes. Try not to kill yourself. And then come back for the podcast. Okay. We'll see you then tim bat signing off of the most ludicrous podcast of all time all right good night all morning fuck fuck i hate this fuck the worst idea of all time podcast

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