The Worst Idea Of All Time - Replay S01E43: Machetski

Episode Date: March 28, 2024

Please enjoy this victory lap of Season One episodes as we celebrate 10 years of The Worst Idea of All Time. New episodes posting on our Substack.Original Description:Twas the morn before ChristmasAnd... all through Tim's flatNobody was homeAnd he was down with that.He drunk beer after beer while he watched Grown Ups 2While his friend Guy Montgomery was watching it too.But alas, the lads were apart for their viewing this weekAnd over Skype, using computers, did the boys online speak.And Tim had had beers, too many to countAnd Guy was in the South Island, next to a Mount!So they watched and they chatted and it all turned to shit.So they tried once again to record and, HEY! This is it! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody, I'm in the world's most echoey room which is a fun place to record the preamble for episode number 43 which I've just listened to. An interesting episode, an interesting episode for the simple fact that this is probably the drunkest I've ever been on one of the podcasts before. Although I did miss the listen of From Memory, it's episode 10 where we did the drinking game rules, I hope you enjoyed that, I should give that a listen actually and I'd like to hear what Monty had to say ahead of that episode too
Starting point is 00:00:33 I remember that quite fondly and the banana and the blood, oh yuck anyway, we're not talking about that one, we're talking about this one, Guy Montgomery sober as a judge as far as I can tell, Tim Baird absolutely blasted by himself in a flat um on on the eve of a significant holiday it's a grim scene to be sure um making a lot of calls some of them spicy some of them not coming for guy as you'd expect slightly
Starting point is 00:01:02 belligerent i think the amount of booze rolling around in my bloodstream. But I don't want to spoil anything, but the Patty Schwartz party time in this episode is a really special one that spawned a lot of fan art and one of the best ones, I reckon. It's cool. It's low-key in here. It's funny these moments, you know,
Starting point is 00:01:24 that get immortalized in life and in the podcast and in other shows where it's actually the mention of it itself is quite low key and then the myth that grows around that moment and the memes that form
Starting point is 00:01:39 and all the beautiful artwork and references and what not but anyway the Paddy Schwartz, this time is a good one, in my opinion. I hope you enjoy this episode. I have absolutely zero memory of recording it for obvious reasons. A lot of the ones in season one,
Starting point is 00:01:58 I do remember fondly. This one, no knowledge of saying the words that you're about to hear from my mouth enjoy welcome to the worst idea of Time, episode number 43. My name is Tim Batt. My name is Guy Montgomery, and happy holidays to all of you. Yes, and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Right up front, we'd like to make you aware of the situation of the watching here today.
Starting point is 00:02:39 Firstly, I'm surrounded by many, many empty beer bottles. I think I've polished off seven beers now, Guy. And what I would like to say is that we just recorded a podcast and Guy's computer crashed and lost the audio file on his side. So we're having to just record another one straight off the bat. Yeah, so there's going to be a particular flavor of anguish on this one as we dip into the Grown Ups 2 pool, not once, but twice in one day. Of course, the exciting news is that, Tim, you've still got your audio file, don't you?
Starting point is 00:03:18 Yeah, I do. It's here. Yeah, it's here. So, I mean, the option is always there just to just release i mean that would be a very funny listen because you would sound truly insane because it would sound like you're imagining recording a podcast with someone but who wants like does anyone want that is the question i feel insane enough is it like i'll just explain my situation right now i'm alone completely alone in my big flat it's just me it's christmas eve it's uh it's only 10 past 11 in the
Starting point is 00:03:46 morning now for christ's sake i've already watched the movie and done one podcast and polished off quite a few beers um i've got a good quality microphone in front of me which to increase the audio quality i've taken the following steps number one i put it on a stand which i'm holding i've put on fingerless gloves that are made of possum fur to reduce the amount of like mic noise I've got a pop sock in front of it and I'm wearing two sets of headphones so on the inside I've got like earbuds that are connected to the cell phone which is how I can hear what guy's saying and over the top of that I'm listening to my own voice through larger headphones to make sure I'm not peeking out that is that is a pretty wacky arrangement
Starting point is 00:04:35 mine isn't quite as uh quite as exciting but it's also of interest I'm outside in the beating sun I've got uh one muff headphone on my ear, my phone pressed against my right ear. And to try and combat the sun, because the best reception is only available in sunny spots right now, I've put a chair with a towel over it on the table next to my computer. It looks weird. I mean, it looks really weird, Tim. And I'm just recording straight into this this shitty little
Starting point is 00:05:05 computer microphone so I apologize for audio quality whenever I speak on this particular episode of the worst idea of all time but we're not here to talk about the technical arrangement but firstly guy you need to explain where you are and why we're doing this crazy technical arrangement that's important yeah well we just had a bit of a technical hiccup didn't we uh internet I'm currently in the Marlborough Sounds, which is the top of the South Island, and reception and internet access are patchy at best. And so we've been forced into a corner and we're improvising,
Starting point is 00:05:34 much like I imagine the cast of Grown Ups 2 were forced into a corner when they realised it was the first day of shooting and they hadn't written a script, and they also had to improvise. So there's going to be varying degrees of quality to the podcast, but let's all hope for the best and that we can get a higher review than 7% on Rotten Tomatoes. Yeah, together I think we can. We can achieve all those goals.
Starting point is 00:05:57 God, so where do we jump in here? First things first, Tim. It's lonely going back to watching the movie without a companion, I'll tell you that. It is a very lonely and harrowing experience. It took me right back to the days when you were at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, which was a very dark time in my life. Excuse me. Little gas there.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Sorry, that'll happen after a couple couple of beers uh it's not fun bro it's not good no it's not fun and then moreover i feel like this technical sort of kerfuffle we found ourselves in afterwards just highlights that like the lengths that we've gone to to ensure that we get to have this important conversation around watching Grown Ups 2 for the 43rd time is it's too much, really. I mean, I do not think that it warrants this amount of commitment. You're damn right about that. It definitely doesn't.
Starting point is 00:06:54 There's no question. What we're doing doesn't make any fucking sense, but that's the point, isn't it? I guess, I mean, what's important is that we do get down to the nitty-gritty and discuss exactly what has happened in the film today. The plot is still very similar, very similar to last week and the weeks preceding that. It's just a bunch of people in a town, really,
Starting point is 00:07:21 and that is essentially the plot. I mean, they don't really go into too much more detail than that. Tim, I did notice something which I'd quite like us to start doing. There's a new hashtag available for us, hashtag PuritanPower, which is one of the slogans at Stanton High School. I think that's a really good hashtag. I think we could have something on our hands there.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Wait, have you searched it yet, though, bro? Have you seen what's on there currently? Well, you know full well that my internet situation is dire so no i have not let me do it while i'm talking to you you take i actually like just in the last five minutes or so um feel like the alcohol was really kicked in i was very lucid for the first recording of the podcast but i i feel like um it's really coming to the fore now feel like the afterburn coming to the fore now. The afterburners have been activated.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Well, Tim, there were a few points in the movie that, I mean, I guess the benefit of watching it alone is that you do pay attention sort of with more consistency than otherwise. It was a very immersive viewing. It was just me and the laptop with the headphones on. I mean, it was a real cinema experience. I still don't know why exactly the guys go to Kmart, beyond the real world reason, which is to pay for part of the film.
Starting point is 00:08:30 But what are you doing? At least go to the trouble of some explanation for why they go to Kmart. They're just suddenly in Kmart. No one suggested they go to Kmart. No one actually needed anything. None of what they buy is part of the plot, except for maybe the raft. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:47 They're just suddenly, I mean, Tim, if we were hanging out one morning and I said to you, hey, I've got a really great idea for how we could kill like maybe 45 minutes, should we nip down to the Kmart, what would you say? I'd say, all right, let's go. They've got cheap Pepsi. Well, I guess, I mean, if that's how our, alright, let's go. They've got cheap Pepsi. Well, I guess I mean, if that's how our friendship works then it makes it slightly more conceivable that
Starting point is 00:09:09 that's how it could work in grown-ups too. Maybe they just were short of something to do and wanted to go. I was assuming what you would say to me is Guy, could you please come up with something better, with a better idea? The only thing, like Chris Rock, when he's in Kmart, is looking at the garden hose section, you know, just to facilitate
Starting point is 00:09:27 a conversation with Tim Meadows he winds up buying that garden hose, did you see what happened to that garden hose in the film Tim? I sure didn't it didn't amount to much and I'll tell you what, everyone buys something and I know that Nick Swanson buys toilet paper and I know that Chris Rock
Starting point is 00:09:42 buys indiscriminate objects in a shopping bag and Kevin James has something too. And a garden hose. And a garden hose. I can't remember if Lenny Fader has anything. No, I don't think Kevin James buys anything. I think Sandler buys something. I don't think Kevin James does because he's got to keep his arms free
Starting point is 00:10:00 for that great burp snot he does in the car park. A very memorable moment in the film. Good point. It just drives me insane though.'s no explanation mate um yeah well you're trying to you know trying to find too much meaning in all this all this stuff how's the puritan power hashtag looking dude if i've spelt it right nothing exists on it is it p-u-r-i-t-i-a-n is that how you spell puritan no it's p-u-r-i-t-a-n oh there's no second i well then that's my fucking bad
Starting point is 00:10:31 alright hold on let me delve back into it let's remove that i there and uh oh shit there's tons here we bloody go
Starting point is 00:10:44 there's a link Here we bloody go. Here's a link to a bloody New York Times opinion piece here. All right, do you want me to read some of these? What's the go here? What do you want to have happen? I don't really care. How interested are you in Puritan power? Okay, here's the first one. At Pastor Clint writes,
Starting point is 00:11:01 At Coyestill, it's C-O-Y-E-S-T-I-L-L, power cleaning big weight in the shed today, quoting the Bible and pounding the iron. Hashtag Puritan Power. The second one is actually in Spanish. And it says, Panda de Noños, hashtag Puritan Power,
Starting point is 00:11:21 retweet some Instagram thing. The third is... My interest in the PuritanPower hashtag is waning at a rate of knots, Tim. But this last one's good. Let's talk about the film again. Let's get off this PuritanPower hashtag, hashtag PuritanPower.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Okay, but don't forget that you started this hot mess of a situation of a hashtag of a fucking conversation i didn't i didn't quite anticipate you uh approaching it with as much vigor as you did and that is my bad i underestimated your your current state of inebriation this is only half about that bro it's only half about that you know what i mean what did you notice today and watching Grown Ups 2? Here's the things I noticed in no particular order because I wrote down some notes.
Starting point is 00:12:14 This, and I'll level with you guys, I used this as my shining light in the first recording of the podcast. Lenny Fader says at the start, he says, it's the first time I haven't had a job since I was 16 years old. I'm just enjoying the fun. Now, he says this in a seemingly flippant comment to his wife, Selma Hayek, in the movie, Roxanne, what's her double barrel last name? Fader?
Starting point is 00:12:40 I don't remember. Oh, fuck, neither do I. We should know that. But anyway, she suggests they have another kid. He says that line. I don't remember fuck neither do I we should know that but anyway she suggests they have another kid he says that line
Starting point is 00:12:49 but it's that last bit of the line I'm just enjoying the fun that really stuck out to me and I feel like Lenny Fader slash
Starting point is 00:12:56 Adam Sandler is saying that to us he's breaking the fourth wall and he's saying this is the first time I've worked on a film you know
Starting point is 00:13:03 since my early days where I've been grinding away where I've been grinding away where I worked my way up from my bootstraps on Saturday Night Live and I made these very good comedy films where I worked oh so hard on them and this one, do you know what
Starting point is 00:13:15 I've got my foot off the gas a little bit I'm just enjoying the fun so you feel like he's almost breaking the fourth wall he's winking at the camera when he says that that's what i'm saying i'm saying not only that but it's actually more like a warning for the rest of the film because it comes pretty early where it's like you know what guys just take this for what it is me and my mates decided to get together and hang out and
Starting point is 00:13:37 and there happened to be some cameras rolling and we made up some skits they don't amount to much i know that there's not a broad story here. This isn't Lord of the Rings we're shooting. But, you know, fucking we had a good time, so have at it. Well, I don't doubt that they had a good time. I just feel like it wouldn't have killed them if they'd maybe... I feel like they did have a really good time on set, or at least around set, maybe in the trailers,
Starting point is 00:14:03 you know, after they'd finished work for the day or whatever, I just don't know that they captured the essence of that fun on film I hear you because of Chris Rock's dead eyes, that's what makes you say that if any time you look at Chris Rock's eyes while he's on camera, cold
Starting point is 00:14:20 dead eyes, he doesn't like what he's doing, he doesn't like what he's making Tim, I really like that, I think that's an interesting point dead eyes he doesn't like what he's doing he doesn't like what he's making i tim i really like that i think that's a it's a it's an interesting point uh and certainly with with consideration my shining light um this week was actually it's one of the first lines in the movie that i've never heard before uh it's really close to the top when the deer starts pissing all over the bedroom and pissing on adam sandler, Salma Hayek actually says, close your mouth, because he's getting urine in his mouth. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:14:49 First of all, that's funny. I've never heard that. First of all, it's funny because the deer's pissing in Adam Sandler's mouth, which is just good comedy. I mean, I think I just found it satisfying that there was a line in there I'd missed, and that was actually, I mean, it's not bad comedy, is it? It's also not bad advice. If a deer's pissing on your face, your your instinct would be to close your mouth yep you're not wrong guy you are not wrong so I mean I just I found that little hidden treasure
Starting point is 00:15:16 buried in the in the opening scene of the film one which has been much derided by us uh in previous episodes of the podcast I actually found quite a lot during the movie, as I was saying earlier, that I feel by virtue of not sitting next to you and sort of having someone to deflect to or discuss and get on tangents with, when it's just you and the movie, there are things you notice
Starting point is 00:15:37 which aren't otherwise available to you. Boy, do you zone in, guy. Boy, do you get involved with that. You put your head down, you put your head down, you put your bum up and you get to the work of looking at grown-ups too as a real work of cinema. That's right. Also,
Starting point is 00:15:54 but you'll probably notice that a lot of these things I noticed were at the start of the film when I was still sort of quite optimistic about the viewing experience and then the list sort of tapers out after about the maybe ten minute mark. There was a really nice shot down the hallway of becky roxanne and greg uh when the deer's running down the hallway and greg's in the shower roxanne and becky are landing out their bedrooms it's just a beautifully constructed shot
Starting point is 00:16:14 i'm sure the dop had a really good time taking that uh probably a few high fives were thrown around set after they bought that what the sort of like a focus line is happening to us that we're heaping this amount of praise on grown-ups too like i started to suspect today because i was watching it by myself and at the very beginning before i had the turn i had some sort of warm feeling it's like oh this recognizable old friend coming in from the cold to greet me a happy farewell and a merry christmas and i feel like there is some semblance of a Stockholm Syndrome type scenario starting to form here. It does sound like a Stockholm Syndrome situation, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:16:51 Yeah, bro. Although it's unique from Stockholm Syndrome in that we haven't been kidnapped by grown-ups too. We've sort of surrendered ourselves to... Like, we haven't been kidnapped, have we? The conditions of entrapment are semi-relevant. The fact of the matter is we are engaged with this enemy. We are trapped inside of its prison,
Starting point is 00:17:15 no matter if it put us there or we put ourselves there. And now we're starting to form some weird kind of symbiotic, sympathetic relationship with this film where we start forgiving its sins. And I don't think it deserves that, man. Hey, just before that, you were saying this is just Adam Sandler having some fun and maybe we shouldn't hold the movie up to the standards that we have been week after week. I mean, I feel like these beers you've been drinking got you all over the map, Tim.
Starting point is 00:17:45 I've had eight beers, guy, and I don't know what I'm saying anymore. I've seen this movie 43 times now. You can't, like, I don't know where the insanity begins and, Tim, ends. Do you know what I mean? Yeah, look, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I don't mean to sort of shine the cold, hard, magnifying glass of logic on you too hard. I mean, it sounds like you're in a pretty dark place. It's Christmas Eve. You're all by yourself. You're drunk in a flat. You're recording your second podcast after your 43rd viewing of Grown Ups 2.
Starting point is 00:18:13 That's fucked up, bro. And the movie is like an hour and a half long. And the podcast is like half an hour. This is too much for Christmas Eve. It's far too much. It's quite a lot to take in. Another thing that I noticed in the movie, Tim, is, I don't know if we've talked about it before,
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'm really worried about just the general health of everyone in Stanton, Connecticut. Tell me more. I first noticed it when the, you know, there's that shot on the bus where Nick Swartzen's asleep at the back of the bus and the kids are feeding him sort of what look like twisties, we call them in New Zealand. I think they might be Cheetos in America. Oh, sure.
Starting point is 00:18:53 Now, I don't know, if I was a parent, I wouldn't want my kid eating these sort of quite fatty treats on the way to school. That's not a good place to start is it oh guy but it could but no because it goes on from there because these aren't even like young kids who don't know better these are these are teenagers who should stay having some consideration from their body and then like you look at chris rock's family they're having not like pure oj but that tropicana orange juice at breakfast and pepsi the the day. I mean, there's a lot of sugar going in their bodies there. That's a diabetes risk.
Starting point is 00:19:28 You look at the dinner, you know that after-party dinner when they have eggs, pancakes, sausages, bacon, all at about 1 a.m.? Yeah. These are full-grown men with families to worry about. And then Adam Sandler has the gall to walk into his bedroom with his newly pregnant wife. He's just eaten like presumably two servings of what is an all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet at the lamin softs and he's still going back for more he's eating chips potato chips he's got pepsi next to the bed crisps for our uk i mean these
Starting point is 00:19:57 people can't be expected to live much longer than 50 when you live in the grown-ups to universe do you want to live much longer than 50 well that's a good okay so let me let me lay something on you guy i mean we know that the rules are slightly different in the grown-ups to universe for example nicks woodson doesn't die when he gets his neck broken in a horrific bus incident at the hands of lenny fader which would kill a normal man under normal circumstances. So we know the rules are different. So I put it to you that in the Grown Ups 2 universe, you cannot kill yourself directly. There's no way to do it. It's disallowed, right? It's like in the Christian faith, killing yourself is a sin, in certain denominations at least. I believe in,
Starting point is 00:20:43 if you're a devout Catholic, in Catholicism, you know, it's a sin to kill denominations at least i believe in if you're a devout catholic and catholicism you know it's a sin to kill yourself and particularly i'll tell you one thing mormonism it definitely is so i put it to you grown-ups too is set in a pseudo mormon setting where you cannot kill yourself directly and these guys just want to escape the reality of their daily lives, and the only way they can do it is by eating their fat asses into an early grave. I see. So you think they're deliberately sort of going about this poor nutrition in the hopes of an early grave.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Death. That's what I'm positing. It may be a reflection of my current situation and the darkness which I found myself surrounded in before it's not even new now for christ's sake i'm wasted it's it's christmas eve but i'd like to think that it's not a projection situation and that i'm actually picking up on something that i haven't in the previous weeks of watching this i'd like to think that as well um there are some other talking points I'd quite like to tackle before we get into our regular segment.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Oh, dig in. Which is, I think that they need to do a bit of a culling of the staff at the high school, or at all the schools in Stanton. We've talked about the ballet recital before. Now, this recital lasts for probably less than 10 minutes. Presumably the ballet teacher's been working on this with the kids for, I don't know, a couple of months at least. At least. To get them ready for their big performance.
Starting point is 00:22:11 There's only about 15 kids on stage. There's over 100 people watching that recital. There's more than four adults to one child on stage. Who are these grown-ups? Well, I could take you on on that point right now if you allow me to would you allow me to of course shack himself officer uh fizzu fizzu says himself everyone's going to be there everyone knows about the hot teacher bro everyone knows about that teacher everyone's coming to see her
Starting point is 00:22:44 my question is how did the husbands drag their wives to that event because everyone seems to be coupled up i don't well i just i just don't understand i do not understand how a 10 minute ballet recital featuring 12 children draws that crowd i mean obviously you've made the point of the ballet teacher but questions need to be asked i mean the education the ministry of education needs to look at look at where these resources are being put put put into the schools because the other thing i thought was you know when adam sandler trips up on that sprinkler and breaks his son's leg oh yeah i remember it fondly they're in the middle of a fully functional football field that isn't like just a temporary irrigation sprinkler that is embedded in the field yeah
Starting point is 00:23:22 that is a health that is a health hazard i mean presumably they play full football games on that how has it not happened before how is that how is that how is that groundskeeper not in huge trouble the ground who fires these especially because in in new zealand and because i'm aware that the majority of our audience is in america in new zealand we have this thing called acc which is the accident uh compensation corporation compensation which would freak you guys out because like you think obamacare is socialized medicine we've got legit socialized medicine over here and it is wonderful we all pay into a big pool and if you fuck yourself up accidentally they give you a payout they fix you
Starting point is 00:24:03 and they they pay for you if you're off work to like 80% of your income or something. In America though, they sue the fuck out of each other all the time. They fucking love it. So if you've got a sprinkler out there, and it's at the university, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:24:19 It's at, isn't it at Bronson? No, it's not at the university. It's at the high school. Stanton High. If we're calling it that. I don't know. Hashtag Puritan power. Puritan power. Go Puritans.
Starting point is 00:24:30 But someone would, like Keithy, and especially because Lenny Fader was an agent in Hollywood as far as we can get a grasp on in the first movie.
Starting point is 00:24:38 So he is well aware of the power of the law and of getting, you know, legal on people's asses he would sue the fuck out of that groundskeeper yeah i mean he would he'd be calling in a lot of high-powered lawyers and really looking to take that school to task i just i just feel like it's a huge oversight on the part of a groundskeeper his predominant job is to keep is to keep the grounds i mean
Starting point is 00:25:04 the last thing you want is a groundskeeper trying to predominant job is to keep the grounds. I mean the last thing you want as a groundskeeper, trying to maintain a decent reputation, is an embedded sprinkler in the middle of a functioning football field. That's not even high risk, high reward, it's just needlessly risky. Guy, we've got a couple of destinations we need to head to and we are quickly running out of road to hit them in. So if I may, I'd like to invite you onto a little vehicle of mine. Would that be okay with you? That sounds great to me, Tim.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Oh shit, hold on, here it comes now. Woohoo! Roll up! Roll up for the mystery tour And roll up It's an inspiration Roll up for the mystery tour This Deep U for the mystery tour.
Starting point is 00:25:49 The Steve Buscemi mystery tour is coming to take I away. Coming to take I away. Take him today. That was beautiful. It wasn't, but I thank you for humoring me. Steve Buscemi mystery tour. Tim, have you got something for this? Certainly do. Here's what's happened to Steve Buscemi mystery tour uh Tim have you got something for this certainly do here's what's happened to Steve Buscemi he has been uh injured in the first movie and we haven't seen the first movie so we're trying to guess his injuries here are our clues his hands are affixed in the
Starting point is 00:26:18 touchdown position for two years and he has had 40 feeling in in his body. What I would like to posit is that he has been involved in a horrific boxcar accident. Boxcars are real cool. Often a father and son venture where you get together and you make out of planks of wood a box, you put some wheels on it and a steering wheel, it's very rudimentary, and then you race those things downhill against the other neighborhood kids now steve bc me made one of these uh for his son and to test it out he went down a mighty hill um to really show his son what it was made of how fast it could go and his cornering abilities unfortunately he lost control and ended up fucking out and slammed into a dumpster at the end.
Starting point is 00:27:09 But what happened was he had his hands in the touchdown position at the time because he went Woo! I'm the king of the world. Look at me, son. And he really fucked out and it smashed him. That is probably, from recent
Starting point is 00:27:24 weeks, one of the more plausible theories we've had about how Steve Buscemi got his injuries. A lot more possible than the time travel one. I'm going to be really interested to find out. Yeah. I also have heard from numerous sources that Steve Buscemi, as it turns out, doesn't have a fascination with fingering jars of mayonnaise,
Starting point is 00:27:38 and that was just pure speculation on my part. I really loved that one, though, by the way, bro. I just wanted to put that out there. Well, Tim, I like that one. As you said,. I just wanted to put that out there. Well Tim, I like that one. As you said, we're running out of time so if you wouldn't mind
Starting point is 00:27:48 humouring me quickly I've actually, I've got a friend who's coming over. Do you? Who's that? Who's your mate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:54 Oh he's got a bit of a stutter. He sort of, when he comes to the room he usually goes a bit like this. He goes Padish Wars Party time It's Padish Wars a nigger and he's riding on a jet ski It's Padish Wars Paddy Schwartz, party time. It's Patrick Schwarzenegger and he's riding on a jet ski.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's Paddy Schwartz, party time. He's brandishing a machete and we're saying, Paddy, put it down. It's Paddy Schwartz, party time. Machete ski. Paddy Schwartz has got a new business. Machete ski. Brought to you by Patrick Schwarzenegger.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Hashtag. Sick of not being allowed to carry. Hashtag pure and power. Hashtag machete ski. Hashtag machete ski. How do you spell machete ski real quick, Guy? Patrick Schwarzenegger sick of not being allowed to carry hashtag Puritan power hashtag Meshetsky that's a big hashtag how do you spell Meshetsky real quick guy just so people can tweet that out
Starting point is 00:28:30 M-A-C-H-E-T-S-K-I Meshetsky it's a business idea that Patrick Schwarzenegger after he's made a lot of money on Blaze Pizza hashtag Blaze Pizza big thanks to, frankly,
Starting point is 00:28:46 the finest and fastest pizza on Venice Beach. No, don't hashtag Blaze Pizza. You've got to tag them in. And I think it's just hashtag Blaze Pizza, I think. Let me double check. But you go. At Blaze Pizza. Anyway, well, this isn't my Patrick Schwarzenegger
Starting point is 00:29:02 party time moment, but I understand that he started a business where he's just started strapping machetes onto the front of jet skis. And it's sort of, it's a classic example of working backwards from the name. He just came up with the word machete ski quite likely and sort of thought he'd see if he can dip his toe
Starting point is 00:29:16 in the machete ski or jet ski pool. But my Patty Schwartz party time moment this week, Tim, was when Patrick Schwarzenegger got headbutted by the blonde frat boy at the quarry. It looked to me like an improvised offer from the blonde frat boy, and Patrick Schwarzenegger was not expecting the headbutt, and he sort of was a bit all at sea
Starting point is 00:29:36 for all of half a second to a second, but it was a joy to watch him recover in the professional years. He recovered at pace and sort of turned back to Adam Sandler and the grown-ups. Pad schwartz headbutts like who he butts home because my memory he receives it he receives a headbutt so they're psyching up and threatening the grown-ups and the blonde guy looks at patrick schwarzenegger and he bows his head and he butts right into his sort of chest or his thorax region oh yeah if he was an insect it's just
Starting point is 00:30:05 yeah what what what what's what's where's your windpipe what's in the middle of your body your windpipe what's your what's a thorax you think well you don't have a thorax because you're not an insect but i guess it's your torso um your sternum what is it what is it north of your where your belly i think i wanted i think i wanted i think i wanted to say sternum sternum if you go a little north I think I wanted I think I wanted to say sternum sternum sure sure sure sure well I feel like my ignorance is really
Starting point is 00:30:34 distracted from the Paddy Schwartz party time don't you dare not at all so tell me what exactly about that moment is so beautiful for you it was just watching getting to watch sort of the raw footage of Patrick Schwarzenegger deal with an improvised offer and then sort of seeing him with his shaky sea legs like a newborn foal.
Starting point is 00:30:55 He was really struggling to find his feet. But in a matter of seconds, he came to. And not only did he accept the offer, he yes anded the offer, which is one of the classic rules of improv. He said yes and, and he took that, and his and was he turned to the grown-ups and sort of turned his fear into a threat
Starting point is 00:31:12 and into essentially their fear of the frat boys. All right, Guy. It was really powerful stuff. It's a good one. It's a real good one. I want to announce that I have tried to recreate the drinking rules for the grownown Ups 2 drinking game. And they're really coming along.
Starting point is 00:31:30 And what my aim is is to have these out on or around New Year's. So during the festive season, if you find yourself at a lost stand with some mates, you can go, I've got just the thing for this. Jump on the slash worst idea of all time. Have a look at the rules there and go, you know what we're going to do, gentlemen, today? We're going to watch Grown Ups 2, and we're going to follow Tim and Guy's advice
Starting point is 00:31:58 on where and when to drink. And I'd like to add that, based on the rules I have so far, you do drink quite a lot during the movie so you just want to take really not a big gulp you want to take a little sip of beer at each point that I've labelled out in the rules
Starting point is 00:32:16 it's not coming out for another week but they'll be there soon enough because very good work we did a drinking game episode much earlier in the podcast months and months ago um but i lost the page that i scribbled all my notes down on and i'm sure i took a photo of it but i can't find the file anywhere so this is the situation yeah i also i have to i have to accept responsibility um i was i was somewhat belligerent and overbearing
Starting point is 00:32:45 in that episode of the podcast, and I might not have given you and the drinking rules the breathing room they needed to be made clear through the podcast. So I'll put my hand up and wear that one. That's fine. You've done a noble thing in trying to recreate it, Tim, and I'm sure not only will I appreciate it,
Starting point is 00:33:00 but any listener stupid enough to turn on Grand Ops 2 will also be very appreciative of what you're doing. In closing, the correct at is at Blaze Pizza B-L-A-Z-E or Z if you're in America P-I-Z-Z-A Blaze Pizza. Make sure you at Blaze Pizza
Starting point is 00:33:17 and all your tweets to us. We'd love to get more of those selfies in. All the selfies we've received, they bring us so much joy. They make me so happy seeing you guys listening to the podcast out there because you come from different walks of life.
Starting point is 00:33:30 Me and Guy, we grew up in New Zealand but you guys are like in, you're in Chicago, you're in Nebraska, you're in the fucking Netherlands, bitch. You're in United Kingdom.
Starting point is 00:33:40 All right, Tim, you're getting a little bit adventurous with your descriptions of where people are and the names you're calling those people. So I'd be very happy to sign off at this point and wish everyone a safe holiday season. Yes, a Merry Christmas, a Happy Kwanzaa, and a jolly good Hanukkah to you all. That's right. We'll be back probably, I mean, I don't know that you'll get to hear from us
Starting point is 00:34:05 New Year's Eve bitch New Year's motherfucking Eve well this is a this is a conversation that needs to take place between
Starting point is 00:34:14 right now to my off air right now the conversation's happening and it's done we'll see you guys on New Year's Eve motherfuckers
Starting point is 00:34:21 new episode episode 44 worst day of all time. Hashtag Puritan Power. At Blaze Pizza. Tim underscore bat. Hashtag Mischetsky. Guy underscore Matt.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Hashtag Mischetsky. We're all... I think I said your name wrong. It's Guy Mont. Guy underscore Mont. I got carried away. I'm going to bail out. Bye, everyone.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Guy, take us away. Pretty much just remember to live every moment. I got carried away I'm going to bail out bye everyone Guy take us away just pretty much just remember to live every moment and love every day because before you know it your precious time slips away feel that moment love every day
Starting point is 00:35:04 cause before you know it, your precious time slips away. On each step with Peloton, from their pop runs to walk and talks, you define what it means to be a runner. Whatever your level, embrace it. Journey starts when you say so. If you've got five minutes or 50, Peloton Tread has workouts you can work in. Or bring your classes with you for outdoor runs, walks, and hikes, led by expert instructors on the Peloton app. Call yourself a runner.
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