The Worst Idea Of All Time - Review: Jack and Jill

Episode Date: May 28, 2018

The boiz have dipped back into the Sandler well to sip from a cup that was oft wished for by Worst Idea fans. Roundly considered the worst Adam Sandler film ever made, and according to some - in conte...ntion for the worst film ever produced, Jack and Jill sees Adam Sandler play himself and his twin sister. Because what every Adam Sandler movie needs, is twice the Adam Sandler. Spoiler: This film isn't great. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:01 In every family, there's one person who drives you a little crazy. I gotta pick Jill up at four in the morning. She comes once a year and she's leaving on Sunday. But during the holidays... Jack, no fighting this year. There's no escaping it when it's your sister. How we doing?
Starting point is 00:00:18 Your twin sister. Are you going bald? Huh? No, no, no, no, you're getting fatter and your hair doesn't realize it needs to cover more face. OK. From the producers of Just Go With It and Grown Ups.
Starting point is 00:00:32 You and Jill are so alike. We are nothing alike, I promise you. She isn't subtle. Jill, this is Otto. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you. He's homeless, right? Are you whispering with a bullhorn or something?
Starting point is 00:00:46 Everybody hears you. she isn't shy i put a little list together of things i want to do before i leave studio tour beach horseback riding let's go oh oh my god maybe i should stay out through hanukkah and she isn't leaving hello everybody, everybody. Welcome along. We've got a lovely surprise for you. To a Patreon episode. It was too challenging. First of all, Neil Breen, the lengths to which that man will go. I understand because he works so hard to get these movies out there,
Starting point is 00:01:21 but then when you try and watch them, he makes it virtually impossible. Yeah, almost completely impossible to watch the older ones um i don't want to get into the logistics too much because it may uh uh make a subject to certain litigation under the u.s digital millennium act or whatever the fuck it's called if you pretty much if you want to watch a neil breen movie you've got to uh you've got to give neil breen money on the internet and he will mail you a dvd but as i've been finding on these forums a lot of people are just having trouble with that as well it's like please man we want to see the movie so guy and i had a window neil breen is you in your final form there's a man who insists on doing everything
Starting point is 00:02:06 constantly bogged underneath the mountain of work he's created for himself so we have a bit of short time together guy and i we've got to seize these opportunities when they arrive of us being in the same place at the same time so we really do and we have to enjoy them as best we can and as best we know how what shall we do with this window we've we've slated for ourselves i know let's dip back into the sandler well what is the one movie that so many people came forward to us and said if you were ever gonna you know do ast Idea-esque season again. Which we're not. There are a few, but in the top five from day one has always been Jack and Jill.
Starting point is 00:02:52 The Adam Sandler movie where he plays both himself and his identical twin sister. Jack and Jill. And it is one of... It's a wild ride. It was made in 2011, directed by Sandler associate Dennis Dugan. I'd also like everyone to know that
Starting point is 00:03:12 after correctly forecasting several pieces of action in the film, Tim described himself as the Dennis Dugan of the South Pacific. Well, you can see everything that was about to happen from a reasonable distance. I mean, it doesn't take a genius. This movie, as we said, was made in 2011. How different can the world be now in 2018? I'm so glad you asked.
Starting point is 00:03:33 In Omega seven years ago in 2011. Well, let's go through some of the cameos, shall we? We have Caitlyn Jenner appearing as Bruce Jenner in the film in a short montage, which is just a kind of a... what's the word I'm looking for? Like an out-of-date reminder of what has been. We have an incredible, this is only really a sidebar to the body of what this discussion will be, I'm sure. An incredible cameo from Norm Macdonald,
Starting point is 00:04:00 genuinely a ray of light in the middle of the film. So good to see him. He arrives playing himself A disinterested date for the Jill character With impeccable timing And I have to say Seven years man He's really aged
Starting point is 00:04:14 Yeah he was very trim back then He was looking very good in the film Full of hair and stuff He was looking a bit healthier He led one of the funniest moments Where he runs away from the date He goes on a bit healthier. He led one of the funniest moments where he runs away from the date. He goes on a date with Jill after. Most of the film centers around the fact that.
Starting point is 00:04:31 So Jill is so repugnant that no one will go near her. No one will love her, but she wants love in her life. And Jack, her twin brother, is a very successful ad executive. Adam Sandler playing the same role he always plays. And then also also because any adam sandler movie the only thing that's missing is nearly always twice the adam sandler plays his sister jill who is essentially a vessel for sandler to paint what he sees is all of the shortcomings of woman into one despicable character uh and norm mcdonald does not enjoy the date and in a rare moment of laughter
Starting point is 00:05:08 he goes to the bathroom and jill insists that the date's still going the waiters are going oh do you want me to pack up your sales he goes no he's just still in the bathroom and she goes to check he's nowhere to be seen and when that happened i said to him the most norm mcdonald joke is if he was just uh hanging from his belt in the bathroom but instead of that as a family movie the camera pans up to see him like gripping to the lighting fixture on the roof spider-man styles while also barreling the camera yeah it was very funny and and definitely like the closest you could get through the jack and jill prism to the thing you had predicted um the big the big cameo i've got a little bit more time capsule stuff sony sony vio products are everywhere in this movie a lot of screens a lot of phones a lot of laptops brought to you by the
Starting point is 00:05:57 good people at sony and uh the los angeles lakers basketball team featuring Pau Gasol, Andrew Bynum, Kobe Bryant. Truly a different era for the Lake Show. It's got to be said, man. Sony need to calm their balls when it comes to product placement. Every movie that they touch is is filthied by their hand. Within the first minute of this movie,
Starting point is 00:06:21 Adam Sandler very cleverly wrote his role as an ad executive, thereby creating a world in which he can insert as many brand names as he wants under the guise of his character at work. It's actually super full on. Within the first 60 seconds of the film, there's kind of a false start, like a cold open to the film. I think one of the credits may be coming up. Identical twins talking about being identical twins. Yeah, shot documentary style And then we are thrust Into the world of Jack and Jill
Starting point is 00:06:49 And what is it It's like Pepto Bismol He's on a shoot for Pepto Bismol He's drinking a Diet Coke And he's talking about pitching a big ad A Dunkin Donuts campaign Within a minute, they say,
Starting point is 00:07:06 Tim Meadows approaches Adam Sandlin and says, Dunkin' Donuts is going to drop us as a client unless we get Al Pacino in the Dunkin' Donuts ad. And Adam Sandlin rightfully says, we're never going to get Al Pacino. So that's three huge products in the first minute. What ensues is a beautiful journey for 91 minutes, proving us all
Starting point is 00:07:25 wrong um but the single most striking feature of this film and look to their credit they weren't to know but noted pedophile jared fogel pops up in this movie back before anyone knew and he's he's just there as a goofy subway mascot and it is uh truly harrowing to see his image it's incredible to be watching this movie and thinking this is one of the most bizarre experiments in filmmaking i've ever seen and then out of the blue goes boom also jared fogel's here remember me it actually blows my mind that they haven't um taken the time to edit him out. Because we watched this on Netflix, right? If I was Adam Sandler or part of his production company,
Starting point is 00:08:12 I would comb through and get rid of Jared Fogle appearances and re-upload a different version of the movie from here on in. Well, you lose a lot if you lose the Fogle cameo. The Fogle cameo adds nothing. You're insane. The most important scene in the film. Jill says, what do you eat? 10 sandwiches a day?
Starting point is 00:08:30 It's too many sandwiches. And he says, I'm allowed to eat anything I want. I knew you were cheating. Yeah, it's incredible stuff. If you lose that, I just feel like, you know, it ties the whole movie together. The central pillar rests on Jared Fogel's highly forward shoulders. You're absolutely right. There's no reason for jared fogel to still be in there and so many
Starting point is 00:08:48 reasons for him to not be there now it's insane it was it was quite shocking quite shocking seeing him but such is the insanity and mayhem that is this film it's so wild you guys and i know that this is the quintessential uh you know it's almost a meme of a bad film it's it's been so often talked about and referenced but um really biggest belief how this one got across the finish line would you like to tell me how much do you think the budget for this film was i'd love to i estimate that this film in which we see al pacino extensive screen time not a cameo he like co-stars in this. Katie Holmes is the love interest.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Wait a minute, this fuck Adam Sandler is so funny. He's just like, Drew Barrymore, you're my wife. Salma Hayek, you're my wife. Katie Holmes, you're my wife. Oh yeah, what's the role? Just what I think a woman is meant to be. You have six lines, but I'm going to splash you on screen quite a lot on my arm. You love me unconditionally and humanize me because I'm such a fucking pig of a man.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Oh, boy. Okay. Budget for Jack and Jill? $30 million. Double it. Oh, no way. And then add $19 million. $79 million. Double it. Oh, no way. And then add $19 million. $79.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Oh, boy. I wonder how much of that Al Pacino got. What did it make? Have you got that up? Okay, can I guess? This movie made $200 million. Less. Less.
Starting point is 00:10:21 It made $150 million. $149.7 million dollars far out and it is just uh honestly it is so demonstrably like callous towards the cinema at one point there's a scene where they go to the movies inside of the movies which i think is the most insulting part of it because it's a reminder that adam sandler is aware that movies exist to be consumed by paying customers and to see him in a cinema while we're watching this movie i was like you dog you low breed how can you do this it's honestly it is that is that is arrogance that is brazen disrespect um So I think we should go through the sort of plot by plot. I hate doing plot by plot. Well, then we don't have to do it.
Starting point is 00:11:11 But what I do want to talk about is the scene at the start. Give it to me in a minute, the whole movie, and then we'll do the scene at the start. Okay, have you got a timer up? Because I like an actual timer. And you call out the 30s and 50s. I'll just keep my phone going. This is important to me.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I've got to do this legit. Because it's really difficult to discern with these movies what the difference between plot and just... Yeah. Okay, here we go. Actually, give me 30. You want 30 seconds? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Your time starts now. Adam Sandler plays an ad executive based in potentially Los Angeles and has a wonderful family home where he has two adopted children and a wife played by Katie Holmes. His life is torn asunder by a brief four day visit from Jill, his twin sister
Starting point is 00:11:52 who he hates. She ends up staying overstaying her welcome completely. He needs to secure an air campaign for Dunkin Donuts with Al Pacino. Al Pacino chants meets Jill and they fall in love and he almost loses his sister over it But they learn the value of friendship and family
Starting point is 00:12:07 Fuck Pretty close I could have done it in 60 Yeah absolutely That scene at the start Because I thought we were going to be in there the entire 90 minute film There's a dinner table scene up top Is that
Starting point is 00:12:22 Where are we? Is that Thanksgiving? No it's before thanksgiving oh no that is that is thanksgiving oh no it's not passover they have hanukkah after thanksgiving though she went to visit for thanksgiving and then she stays for hanukkah we're in so this is very early in the film when jill first arrives uh jack goes and picks her up from the airport and she's got a million bags and that's the only reason we have that scene, just to do a brief visual gag about how many bags she's got, which is crazy. Also to see Sandler see Sandler.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yeah, that's true. And it's a real when Harry met Sally moment. The mouth-watering, the tantalising prospect of this comedically gifted performer playing against the only man capable of keeping up, himself, Sandler v Sandler. Sandler is in such a capable of keeping up, himself. Sandler v. Sandler. Sandler is in such a league of his own, the Sandler League,
Starting point is 00:13:13 that he literally, the only person they could cast to hold up this movie alongside him was himself. The only person who would be willing to play the role as written to degrade... No, you're wrong. Al Pacino parties in this film he's there like he plays the role how can i ask you how do you think the the concept of this movie was born hold on let me talk about this table scene first okay let's just get it out of the way because i've got to get this off my chest it goes on so long and everything is so drawn out and unfunny and it's
Starting point is 00:13:43 just insane it's just a table with adam sandler and Adam Sandler and Katie Holmes and the two kids. And I think that's it, right? Yeah. And it's just so deeply un-anything. And you're there for so long. You feel like you are trapped in purgatory. He's trying to draw upon the comedic trope of the awkwardness around a family member who you haven't seen in a while and how you always get kind of you grate each other when you're reintroduced to family members from you know when you've got your own adult life established but there's no laughs in
Starting point is 00:14:14 it so you just really get that not in your stomach feeling of being in that scenario and in some ways i guess from a meta point of view like full credit to the boy adam sandler he has captured the feeling of feeling like you're captive somewhere because that's how you feel in the movie well that's what we were talking about when that scene was unfolding was it's so it's just you know everyone in the film is so unpleasant to be around and here you are literally having to sit through a meal with them. And the way that Jill is drawn, especially early, is so awful that when she's upset at the dinner table and decides to leave, she's like, I'm going. And she gets up and leaves.
Starting point is 00:14:53 And in the next scene, you follow where she's going. The guy said, can we not follow Jill, please? Yeah, I was like, when she said, I'm leaving the table, I was physically relieved that I no longer had to be at dinner with this person. And then to have to follow her into the woods, I was like, no, this is only 10 or 15 minutes in. Isn't that so interesting? With a normal film, you don't ever get a sense of like,
Starting point is 00:15:18 okay, now I'm going to follow you, now I'm going to follow you. But with this thing, you're like, okay, no. Can we go to next door's house? Anyone, anywhere else. Let's go down the street. So, sorry, to answer the question that you were posing. So, what was the germ of the idea? What got everyone in the room excited and they said, yes, we're onto something? I mean, this was definitely, what year did you say this?
Starting point is 00:15:39 2011. Right. So, the economy is starting to pick back up a little bit. Right, so the economy's starting to pick back up a little bit, and the big companies, big blue-chip clients, are starting to pour a little bit more money into advertising again, and they needed a vehicle, and that vehicle is, as always, Adam Sandler's production company, Happy Madison.
Starting point is 00:16:11 And it's like there's something about Adam Sandler and his disdain for anything you hold sacred in entertainment. If there's a person who you really relish, whose comedic career is tremendous, or even someone whose dramatic acting career like Al Pacino is tremendous, he will put that in the wood chipper and all of your feelings you think the the note the idea of this film was born from the idea of cynicism it was adam sandler being like who can we drag down with us i think it was there was some advertising dollars floating around and the movie came second even like the format of it being a film came second this was an ad so in the writer's room when they're talking about how they're going to get this thing going They're going to get it moving forward Beyond the ad, beyond the finances behind it
Starting point is 00:16:49 But you have to go pre-writers room Because that's where normal movies are born It's not where this hellish nightmare Hybrid Bit of blended content came from I want you to put me inside the creative process Of this movie There was an advertising company that initiated this film.
Starting point is 00:17:08 This didn't come from a script writer. This came from an ad company. It was written by Adam Sandler. It wasn't. It was written by an ad company who attached Adam Sandler to the project. Do you understand what I'm saying, guys? This is a campaign. This is a spot.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Do you understand what I'm saying, guy? This is a campaign. This is a spot. If Super Bowl was long enough, they would have run Jack and Jill as the half-time entertainment show in the ad break. It is top and tailed as a Dunkin' Donuts commercial. It's a fucking Dunkin' Donuts commercial. What's his name? Donkacino.
Starting point is 00:17:42 It's so messed up. And Katie Holmes is in there. She's done good work. She didn't deserve this you gotta feel bad for katie holmes she is barely acting in this movie she is just like the first scene she gets is her in bed with you guessed it adam sandler i i legend i've got a this is going to sound super dark because it is super dark, but I kind of believe this is true. I reckon she was lining her pockets to get ready to get the kid and jump out at Scientology Church. I think that's what this is.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Because a mother needs to do what a mother needs to do. A parent has got a parent. I'm going to check the timeline on this to see if it all checks out. You give Katie Holmes the benefit of the doubt. She was absolutely doing the right thing there. But I think with Al Pacino, there was no need for him to take his illustrious film career and flush it down the toilet.
Starting point is 00:18:32 What is it with these? It's like, what's his name who's in all the Ben Stiller films? Owen Wilson? No, no, no, Meet the Fockers and stuff. The old dramatic actor of Al Pacino, Elk. Who am I thinking of You know July 9 2012
Starting point is 00:18:49 Katie Holmes Files for divorce It all checks out Yeah This is what's happened man I What were you asking Ben Stiller films
Starting point is 00:18:56 Yeah yeah you know The older dramatic actor Very good But he's in all the Ben Stiller comedies What's his name Of sort of An Al Pacino
Starting point is 00:19:03 Vintage What's his name I don't know good meet the fuckers the dad robert de niro yeah de niro yeah yeah it's the same career trajectory you know but the first one of those was actually um really good yeah i have heard that i can't remember it was diminishing returns from there years and years and years ago i can't i mean your theories everything checks out this you got so many moving parts behind the scenes of this movie al pacino's the only question
Starting point is 00:19:29 mark is to motive katie holmes has got a pretty messy divorce to deal with from tom cruise and she needs to line her pockets because that church are litigious and so she needed to get get that lawyer money how wild was it when tom cruise went on oprah yeah and stood on the couch and said i'm in love yeah that is a breakdown oh we were witnessing a man beyond the edge hey it's funny that's the thing about a mental breakdown you often hear about talking people people talking about where their their limits are and you don't know till you've crossed them and then you look back and you go there it was it is madness oh fuck honestly we've got to stop commoditizing and monetizing people breaking down in public a i'm not down with it it's madness yeah it's not right it's it's immoral
Starting point is 00:20:17 for sure um so shaquille o'neal shacks in there you better believe he's in this movie he got the best role and the best line he got a genuine laugh from old Timbo he he's on a TV screen in Adam Sandler's office
Starting point is 00:20:32 they're looking at footage for upcoming campaign and he's got some goofy wig on and he's selling hams and he says
Starting point is 00:20:39 with love in his heart and his eyes this is a once in a generation ham that really got me that holds up that is that is With love in his heart and his eyes, this is a once-in-a-generation ham. That really got me. That holds up.
Starting point is 00:20:48 That is a funny, that is any time, any place, that is a funny thing to say. It's a once-in-a-generation ham. That tickled me. Oh, that got me good. And then the other thing that actually I got a real genuine laugh out of, let's chuck that shining light stamp on top of this one is an answer phone message of Jill where it says you have reached the answer phone of
Starting point is 00:21:12 what is this? how does this beep? and it was well done you did like that that one didn't travel quite as well as the once in a generation hand but it was pretty funny there's just at one point in this movie also if you want if you
Starting point is 00:21:26 want a vague idea on how funny adam sandler finds the idea of him dressing up as a woman in this movie wherein he spends half of the movie dressed up as a woman he creates a narrative device which allows him adam sandler playing jack to dress in drag and become a woman. Twice within the same movie where he is already performing for the entirety of the film as a woman, he becomes a woman. And then in a very classy touch at the end of the film, he also casts David Spade as a woman to create a scene where him, David Spade and katie holmes can all fight one another as woman it's fucking crazy it's total lunacy man and i'm glad it happened i'm really really glad it
Starting point is 00:22:16 happened and i'm actually glad i watched it as well can you imagine going back to this week after week i mean that would destroy a person. A lot of people wanted us to, Guy. This was an often recommended film for the format and I'm so grateful that we don't have to return to this. There are some bits that kind of skip through and like any Adam Sandler production, there's a lot of splashy colour and locations after a while, but the first bit of this film is so heavy going. Yeah, I mean, these movies,
Starting point is 00:22:44 it's grown up to-esque in that they do wear their budget a little bit. Everything, I mean, the colours are so rich. All the set dressing, everything is so... Everything's paid for. We're on a cruise ship, so you get like a 45-second ad for this crew, and they introduce the company of the cruise ships,
Starting point is 00:23:02 and there's just all of the stock footage of people having fun in wave pools and carousels it's it's messy so that we can introduce a new location that adam sandler doesn't have to pay for it to be in the film it's fucking genius i don't know where they got that castle from where al pacino lives in europe that was pretty dope looking and that was the bit actually where um it just made me sad to think there are so many industry professionals who are trying so hard and actually doing a really good job with things like location scouting and set jury so i reckon they care you know if you're in hollywood all you want
Starting point is 00:23:36 is a ticket to the sandler gravy train because that guy is making he shits out movies but you can get paid and have pride in your work. One for us and one for them. No one wants to be in a film that they're embarrassed by, even if you are getting paid for it. Their work is in it. You can say, I set dressed grown-ups too, and I'm not like, that's a terrible movie. I say, it looked fantastic.
Starting point is 00:23:58 Well done. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But not everyone paid as close attention to the individual elements of grown-ups too as we did most people paint it with the same broad brush of the rest of the component parts of grown-ups too you know because that ignorance the thing is for me is you know that's true not a lot of people saw it or not a lot of i don't know some people saw it it made money my point is there are people who tried really hard obviously and did a good job in their little neck of the woods.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And the actors are so disrespectful half of them when they come in here. Nick Swanson is phoning the shit in. Well, why wouldn't you? Adam Sandler hates Nick Swanson with the fire of a thousand suns. The only person he hates more than Nick Swanson. He writes put downs for everyone to throw at this fucking character in the movie at the end of it when uh jill lonely jill who was an outcast in high school returns to the bronx to have new years by herself again she goes to the same place she always goes to for new years for company a
Starting point is 00:24:57 picture of her late mother and david spade dressed in drag and all of the other sand la cronies are sitting around and i, how are you? Why are you alone? She goes, I was actually in Hollywood. I was dating a movie star. And the gag that they write, which is the greatest put down they can muster for who this character might have been dating, is who was it? Rob Schneider, which is so alpha dog.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Because Schneider still is in Sandler movies. He's not in this one, though. He's not. it's just a huge fucking kick in the guts adam sandler puts rob schneider in one in every three happy madison productions just to string him along you've watched some of real robbie yeah i tried to watch um the first episode and it's his self-funded netflix show it's fucking insane it's unwatchable it's unwatchable on so many levels because the thing I noticed immediately
Starting point is 00:25:47 is the saturation of the colours. We should do a podcast on Real Rob. I'm down. We should just do an episode a week. Yeah, fuck, I'm down on that. That's good. Yeah. We'll do that for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:59 There's like another season of it now. Yeah, I know. Yeah, okay, great, great, great. Well, there you go, everyone. You've witnessed the birth of a new new party there um the color saturation in that show is off the goddamn chart it's like what matt groening wanted when he started the simpsons i was adjusting the like color saturation on my computer it looks like it's in a nuclear waste site. Everyone's glowing. It's so crazy.
Starting point is 00:26:27 And the writing is unforgiving. But we're not here to talk about real Rob. Yet, we're here to continue this deep dive into Jack and Jill. Jack and Jill, because I sort of forgot when we first chucked this on, I thought it would be a good idea to spend the time doing this one. Do you want a beer, Tim? Yeah, I'd love one. This movie, it really, when it came out, became a meme.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Like, this was a real cultural flashpoint. And every kind of hacky comedian or cultural commentator just got a free hit by bringing up this movie. Was this before or after Funny People? Because that's another good question funny people before i really scrambles the timeline because i genuinely thought that was adam sandler atoning oh no maybe this came after and everyone was like it's like such a flip off to everyone yeah because everyone was like oh wow yeah funny people 2009 wow so that's like everyone going oh sandler gets it he gets it and then he's like no do i get it i'm still doing it bitches i'm gonna do it worse than i've ever done it before it's maximum adam sandler uh who do you were there any i mean i know that you thought pachino was doing a good job i think
Starting point is 00:27:37 that's just because no he was really yeah i thought he went i'll tell you what he had do you think he can't act badly? Yeah, I think that's probably true. I think he had, the key word is commitment. Because no one else did. I think Adam Sandler as Jill was reasonably committed, but everyone else was finding it in, except Al Pacino and Shaq.
Starting point is 00:28:01 But Shaq was only in there for a few seconds. These cans are fucking nuts. They are really crazy. Can you explain them? Yeah, they're actually really delicious beers. It's called Colonial Brewing Co. I think they're based out of Melbourne, Port Melbourne. And the cans are like, they've got rip tops.
Starting point is 00:28:22 So you take the top off, but instead of just opening a small area through which the liquid comes, you rip off the entire top of the can so that it essentially becomes like a receptacle in which you can drink anything. Like a glass. A tin glass. I mean, practically it makes no sense,
Starting point is 00:28:40 but I find it in some way quite satisfying. Yeah, it's awesome. The ripping off bit looks fun to do. Yeah, it's awesome. The ripping off bit looks fun to do. Yeah, it's actually quite stressful because the things that they keep the bears in here are so hard to get the bears out of. They're shaking up by the time you're trying to open them. So normal six packs, you know,
Starting point is 00:28:58 when you get them in America, come in those plastic rings, which fuck up all the fish. And I think that's why they've made a bold decision in Australia to use this quite industrial plastic where there's no way they can kind of swim into them because it's all thick. There's a full lid on top of the...
Starting point is 00:29:14 You know what I say, Tim? Only the stupid fish get caught. Yeah, good on you. It's a bit of Darwinian. We're just lending a hand to the ocean. Yeah. Helping Poseidon's cause, which is the one true
Starting point is 00:29:26 race of superior fish yeah you don't want to talk to poseidon too long about his ideas on the rules of the ocean absolutely pretty stressful dude big time so fuck i don't know man 90 minutes i when we were in that dinner scene at the start, I couldn't help but think, something needs to be 90 minutes to qualify as a normal movie, which is what Adam Sandler wants to make. He wants to bill everything as a normal movie that you go and see. You take the kids, you take the wife. And there wasn't enough film.
Starting point is 00:30:00 Do you know what a great name for an advertising firm would be? What? Trojan Horse. Yes. Fuck, that Trojan Horse. Yes. Fuck, that's real good. Yeah. How crazy is that? I think this is bound to be some stand-up comedian's joke,
Starting point is 00:30:13 but a condom company called itself Trojan. Fuck, that's dumb. It's so good. It's the one thing your head goes to when you think Trojan. You think escaping, ingress. I think horse. Maybe that's why they did it because everyone deep down has a desire to be fucked or fuck like a horse esquire um yeah hey if adam sandler was an animal what animal do you think he'd be
Starting point is 00:30:42 probably a bird What animal do you think he'd be? Probably a bird. Yeah, you could be right. For some reason, I'm gravitating towards... What are they called? Kookaburra? Kookaburra. Nah, sorry. It's not a bird.
Starting point is 00:31:02 It's a big, hairy... It's it's like a mole kind of but really big oh and slow moving the largest like guinea pig or yeah yeah that thing uh capybara capybara yeah like that for some reason i'm associating with adam sandler but yeah with this crazy voice thing you're right that's definitely a joseph moore Walkout Boys fame. Used to do a very funny bit in Fan Fiction, which is a show that go to the Edinburgh Festival. He would do Hogwarts. He was at Hogwarts and he cast Adam Sandler as Hedgewig the Owl. And Hedgewig the Owl would go,
Starting point is 00:31:38 Hoody-hoo! That's good. What's Adam Sandler doing right now? Fuck, man. Whipping the scab off a cold one. Would you mind just checking? That's good What's Adam Sandler doing right now? Have we got Fuck man Whipping the scab off a cold one Would you mind just checking Well he made a play for
Starting point is 00:31:49 To Be Loved Again He did the Mayowitz stories And everyone really enjoyed them It was a Netflix film That was very well received That's true Yeah apparently he was Really excellent in that
Starting point is 00:31:58 His acting skills were on display Full force He did one with Chris Rock Recently on Netflix Which is called The Week Before or something. Is that a buddy cop thing? It's like their children are getting married
Starting point is 00:32:09 and they're meeting each other as the fathers of their respective partners. The trailer for that actually made me laugh a little bit. So, presently, Adam Sandler is working on Hotel Transylvania 3. Very good. Summer vacation. Is one of our boys in Hotel Transylvania
Starting point is 00:32:25 I'm not sure Jermaine Clement Is he voicing Dracula I'll check I'll check for Hotel Transylvania 3 Also in 2007 Sandler made a
Starting point is 00:32:34 One million donation To the boys and Oh no that's not What I'm looking for I'm looking for this Hold on Well he's finished You know credit where it's due
Starting point is 00:32:40 One million donation To the Boys and Girls Club In his hometown Manchester, New Hampshire Very generous Good on you. The same year, he donated $2,100 to former New York City Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign. Adam Sandler giveth and Adam Sandler taketh away.
Starting point is 00:32:57 I'm pretty sure Giuliani's Jewish, isn't he? Which has not aged well. No New Zealanders in Hotel Transylvania 3. well uh no new zealanders in hotel transvania 3 but i don't look i don't i normally i won't entertain my lust of talking about american politics on this podcast but you gotta say how much did rudy giuliani fuck up his reputation which was so pristine of looking after new york city through its darkest hour and pissed it directly into the wind. He was... It was phenomenal. He was beloved.
Starting point is 00:33:28 Not apolitically, but speaking outside of the realm of consequence for action, what he did was incredible. It was honestly like he had had just like an eight ball of cocaine every moment he was off camera and was just running around saying whatever came into his head.
Starting point is 00:33:45 The guy was in a full-blown hysteria for however long he was on a media tour. It was fucking incredible. It was a real thing to behold. And after such a respected position in public life, it just blows my mind how things change. But you know, I mean mean this film reminds us that things change guy one moment you're the affable mascot for a sandwich company and the next you are behind
Starting point is 00:34:11 bars and federal prison for the rest of your days yeah i reckon i would say yeah there was a time when concurrently jared fogel was the face of a sandwich company and also a baddie definitely but he wasn't in prison no he wasn't should have just fucked the sandwiches yeah we kept telling him god damn it put your dick in an italian herbs and cheese and just sort it out jared two dicey pull out oh it's all bad it's all gone wrong what were you looking up just then what he was what adam sandler was up to next yeah so hotel transylvania that was all like again right and so um that thing that he was commended on recently on netflix was that a series or a movie it's a movie the mayowitz story starring him and ben stiller i believe as well was it like a jewish family coming back together after some time apart or something
Starting point is 00:34:59 i would love the blurb did he write it at all or was he just acting? It was Noah Baumbach Who wrote and directed it And he is of course known for Yeah of course What did he do? He co-wrote the He works with Wes Anderson He co-wrote The Life Aquatic
Starting point is 00:35:22 He co-wrote Fantastic Mr Fox Actually I He co-wrote Fantastic Mr. Fox. Actually, I don't recognise any of the things he's directed. But I'm also in great. But the Mayowitz stories is an American comedy drama film follows a group of dysfunctional adult siblings
Starting point is 00:35:39 trying to live in the shadow of their dysfunctional father. Dysfunction. Yeah. People love that stuff. What would be the film that you would want to see Adam Sandler do next? Man, Jack and Jill 2. Yeah? Do you want to lay down the plot line of that film?
Starting point is 00:36:03 Why not? yeah do you want to lay down the plot line of that film why not uh two siblings who have reunited are driven apart because uh jill has started dating nick swartzen's character the atheist yeah they make fun of him in the film for being an atheist. Yeah, it's good. Look, any, I don't know, anything that he has- Flesh this out, guys. Stay in it. Jack and Jill 2. Nick Swanson's there. His name is Todd, I believe, in the world of Jack and Jill.
Starting point is 00:36:35 I just want to tell you the real Adam Sandler movie I want to see is anything he has no involvement in the creative process. Like, over. Oh, like he's acting and stuff. Anytime he's just, someone's using him for his ability to act yeah now so did he he co-wrote funny people is that right no it's all judd judd apatow and someone else didn't someone else co-write that with him wasn't even goldberg was it oh look mate of um you know seth what's his name fame sethogen, fame Written by Judd Apatow Do you know, I don't remember
Starting point is 00:37:09 Barely anything about Funny People Except walking out of the cinema And being like, that was two movies glued together There's like a natural point Where the movie should end And it doesn't, there's like another 40 minutes That was my main memory as well It was too long
Starting point is 00:37:24 And it changes completely There's like another 40 minutes. That was my main memory as well. It was too long. And it changes completely. But I don't remember a goddamn thing about it. Adam Sandler is essentially playing himself. I remember that Eric Banner in a hilarious turn is an Australian who is with... Magneto. Yeah. Awesome. Remember the Aussie rules scene?
Starting point is 00:37:42 No, not at all. Where he's explaining Aussie rules to Adam Sandler's character. He's going, this fucker here is going to chase this fucker here. It's real funny. And then he goes, there's a very funny moment. Oh my God, this cracks me up. Adam Sandler and Eric Banner are having a conversation about their shared love for Leslie Mann,
Starting point is 00:37:59 whose character's name I can't remember. And he's going, Adam Sandler's like in a moment of sort of being contrite and like sort of reflecting upon his rush. You know, you're lucky she's a great woman, she's a beautiful woman. And then Eric Banner's been trying to remember the name of an actor and he goes, oh, Cameron Diaz. Cameron Diaz.
Starting point is 00:38:19 He goes, yeah, well, you're lucky, you know, she's a beautiful lady. You're very lucky to have her. And he goes, yes yes but Cameron Diaz fuck is one of the greatest bits of comedic delivery holy shit just because I have a real desire
Starting point is 00:38:37 to talk to you about something I enjoyed and you've brought up Leslie Mann I saw Blockers the other night oh man I want to go to that it's real good dude yeah it's
Starting point is 00:38:45 been getting mixed reviews though some people are not into it but i i fucking had such a rollicking when studio comedies are done right there's nothing i enjoy more you just walk into a cinema you completely unplug and you're like you fucking feed me comedy that i just can process without thinking there is such a great boil down of a good, well-pulled-off studio comedy, which is really what this thing feels like. And it's good. It's timely. It's about an exploration of teenage women's sexuality.
Starting point is 00:39:12 But it's just fucking everyone's got the goods in that movie. John Cena is a delight. He's on his way to rock level status. He truly is. Now, have they been in anything together? Because that should happen. No, but I did just see The Rock Confirm that him and Vin Diesel didn't
Starting point is 00:39:28 Shoot any scenes together on The Fate of the Furious They've got beef eh Huge beef Yeah that's an interesting one Do you want to hear an old Vin Diesel joke I have Joking that Vin Diesel's erect penis Also looks like Vin Diesel I think that's probably true
Starting point is 00:39:44 Blockers is good It's my family bro also looks like Vin Diesel. I think that's probably true. Blockers is good. It's my family, bro. You sure? Was that Vin Diesel or Vin Diesel's penis talking? Vin Diesel's penis. Very good. There's a woman in it
Starting point is 00:39:56 who plays... Crap. Whose daughter is she? Someone's. Anyway, there's someone on there. Nothing better than listening to people remember names. There's someone on there.
Starting point is 00:40:06 It's one of the... So there's three lead women Right Who are all the teenagers Who are off to lose their virginity at prom night And one of them's the main kind of White girl I didn't lose my virginity on prom night Good on you
Starting point is 00:40:17 We don't really have proms in New Zealand No No The main one's First year university In the hostels It was terrible Do you want to get some
Starting point is 00:40:25 stuff off your chest really i'm all right i think i've said enough i think you have too uh there's a boring one who's like the lead one who's sort of you know we're supposed to follow her journey she's kind of the cheerleader type without explicitly being so then there's one who i won't reveal anything because it's kind of you follow her journey along a bit it's a bit of a twisty turny road and then the other one is like the most magnetic on sky i haven't seen her in anything else we should look up her name if possible she is so funny and such a delight she's fucking awesome in fact i think she is john cena's daughter in this she's really great is john cena the the lead one of the lead parents yeah he's one of the parents.
Starting point is 00:41:05 Will you remember her name if I say it? No, absolutely not. Okay. She looks to be ethnically perhaps Indian, but she's American, I would say. She's an American. Oh, my God. She's Australian.
Starting point is 00:41:19 Is she? Geraldine Viswanathan. Do you have a picture? She's an Aussie. Yeah, she's Yes her Not just Australian but also Generationally of the same group of people
Starting point is 00:41:34 As Us in terms of age And she came up with People we know potentially And then she became a big success She is so Char charismatic in this movie It is insane She's so good
Starting point is 00:41:50 It's brilliant Yeah Hey go Geraldine Is that her name Geraldine? Yeah Yeah so good Go you good thing Look Tim
Starting point is 00:41:57 We've got a day to seize We've drifted We've drifted hard Hey everyone Jack and Jill man I actually reckon you should watch it. I think you should see what it's all about. If I was you, can I say this?
Starting point is 00:42:08 I would blaze the fuck up. We didn't, and it was a big mistake. Get your bong ready and get your Netflix account open and be ready for a Jared Fogle appearance because it will fuck you up a little bit. Just be aware he's in there. It's a shame that you know now because it is one of the most breathtaking surprises in the history of cinema right up there with the end of the sixth sense when it turns out that bruce willis's character
Starting point is 00:42:33 actually wasn't a therapist at all he was a janitor bye everyone

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