The Yard - Ep. 131 - We Played Against a Pro Gamer (ft. Tarik)

Episode Date: January 17, 2024

This week, the boys are joined by Tarik! The boys discuss playing in the Ludwig & Tarik invitational, Tariks boston major win, and how the boys first met Tarik at Beyond The Summit.....

Discussion (0)
Starting point is 00:00:00 The shirt's too tight for me. Do you think the shirt looks good on him? You can literally see my belly frumping out. You can say it. Listen. It's a little tight, but it's okay. What the fuck, dude? No, it's good.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Is you're and Ludwig's rate, it's like a sham relationship, right? Like, if you met him at a bar in Boston, Massachusetts, you wouldn't fuck with this guy. Hey, how you doing? If he came up to me like that. Let's role play this. Let's role play this. All right, so we're in a bar in Massachusetts. And Ludwig approaches.
Starting point is 00:00:43 The fucking Pats just won. The Pats have just won. Yo. Let's go. I fucking love the Pats. Let's go play this. Alright, so we're in a bar in Massachusetts, and Ludwig approaches. The fucking Pats just won. The Pats have just won. Let's go! I fucking love the Pats! Let's go play! You're rooting for who the Pats, who would they be playing against? They played the Giants!
Starting point is 00:00:51 The Giants. They're rooting for the Giants. And you're, of course, rooting for the Giants. I'm a little sad about it, but, you know, it was a good time there. Yeah. So Ludwig comes up,
Starting point is 00:00:58 and he is wearing that shirt, and go. Kill yourself! You know, I would laugh, I would laugh, but I would think I would walk away. I'd be like, what's wrong with this guy? You wouldn't say, hey, bro, we should do an event together.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I don't think. Hey, what if we had a sponsor pay us to do an event together? You don't seem like a liability at all. You seem like a good guy. Yeah. And then we'd get along great. We get along handsomely. Yeah, I think so, too.
Starting point is 00:01:23 We went through war this weekend. It was a hell of a two days. Although I will say, I haven't brought this up to you. What? I don't think you fuck with me that much. Wait, why? We did Ludwig Tarek last year. I also don't fuck with him for what it's worth.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm going to say the thing I said again. We did the event last year, Ludwig Tarek Invitational. Tarek stays in my place. We have a great time, jolly time. We chat about life, love, pursuit of happiness. This time comes around, I'm like, you need a place to stay? He's like, I'm at Hassan's. You already had your place.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Damn. You asked me late. That's why. Farther. Farther from the place. I already made plans with Hassan. That's why. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Hassan's jealous. This is a war. You're a pawn in our game. Actually, it's funny because you say that. What was it? I said I was going to... I said something. Oh, yeah, I said I worked out with Ludwig this morning. He's like, oh, you worked out with Ludwig. He's a jealous bitch.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Because when Seadog comes around, he does the same thing. Seadog will say my place, and then he'll go to Connor. I'll be like, staying at Lud's, huh? Staying at Lud's, my place too. Good for you. And then Taric comes around, and he'll rub it in my face. Like, yeah, I got Tarek. They're always on our shit. I hate this. I hate this high level meta of who's, who's hot and who's not.
Starting point is 00:02:34 It's an arms race. You have to learn Turkish. Oh yeah. Like Hasan is chatting with Tarek in Turkish. What he's doing is he's live 10 hours and he goes, yo Tarek, you want to come on and you want to watch this video with me? And then he will work out in the morning and then he's like, oh, I'm going to bed. Yeah. Hassan's like very like, uh, he's working out thick. He's about his business.
Starting point is 00:02:51 He's about his routine. He's about his business. I'm about vibes. Vibes are good. Vibes are good, but routine is good too, though. You gotta agree with that. You gotta agree with that. You don't have a routine.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I don't have a routine. No routine. You wake up around the same time every day or no? No routine Randy. I wake up around the same time every day. I wake up, yeah, I wake up around the same time every day. When? No routine Randy. I wake up around the same time every day. I wake up, yeah, I wake up around the same time every day. When do you wake up? Like 10.
Starting point is 00:03:08 What about the rest of you guys? Ah, that's an invasive question. An invasive question? Invasive question. I'd say like 10. Like 10? Yeah. Listen, you are, the reason why we hate you is because you are on a, you're on a pyramid
Starting point is 00:03:23 tier. Like, imagine the food pyramid okay remember the top it's like candy and pizza yeah you're in the top tier of people he will respond to right away talking about ludwig or ludwig yeah and with us people who've known him for his whole life i know he used to come in his pants when he slept over at my house i still do it he used to sleep on my floor we catch a flight later on and he'd be like, I...
Starting point is 00:03:46 He's saying it like I did this weekly. It was a one-time thing. It did happen one time. He keeps saying like he used to come over to my house and cum in his pants. There's one time
Starting point is 00:03:53 I cum in my pants. Speed, yeah. Because he's a speed. It's a real story. I'm really, I'm very... It was like a wet dream or something? I'm very,
Starting point is 00:04:00 I have a lot of vitality. Okay, yeah. A lot of vitality? Yeah, yeah. He has wet dreams as a man, a grown man, like a child would. I could reproduce. Yeah, he wakes up and he says, oh, I've spurned myself. How unfortunate.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Wait, so how long have all of you known Ludwig? 2017? 2017? Yeah, 2017. 2018. Yeah. So basically, I've known him this whole time. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I hit him up. I say, hey, hey, OG, what are we doing? How's it going? What's up? I love you. I'll say that sometimes. Dude, he will. Cricket. I hit him up. I say, hey, OG, what are we doing? How's it going? I love you. I'll say that sometimes. I don't answer a lot. Literally crickets. It's like the meme where it's like, babe, don't go back to him. He's not good
Starting point is 00:04:35 for you. And then it's like, Tarek, W-I-D. Yeah, do you think he's intimidated by all the love? Absolutely not. It could be that. It's actually a good point. Don't give him an out. You're giving him a trap door right now. We don't intimidate him ever. Slime sends me a text about twice a week and it goes, Dubbin!
Starting point is 00:04:51 Which is his nickname for me in all caps and it goes, I like you men. I like you men smiley face. I like you men. We never hang out anymore. And I have been responding more. But you, for a long time it was just crickets man. And then this guy. Dude I used to watch his...
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh, you won. You won one big tournament, I guess, at one point. I used to watch a fuck with the fact that he won the major. I used to watch your dumbass play fucking CS, Faceit, or ESEA way late at night with Psalm and the gang until 5 fucking AM before the game even came out. Yeah. And I was like, this is the greatest shit of all time. And then Valorant comes out.
Starting point is 00:05:24 So what do you want? So what are you mad about like I'm as you I liked he liked later starting aggressive can I can I bring our vibes down yeah let's do it you're trying to make an argument that because of Tarek success as a gamer and maybe a status as a streamer I replied on quicker than you guys and his biceps and triceps and his, which I noticed at the event and I was like, Tarek has big arms. I never even knew that.
Starting point is 00:05:48 He's got big muscles. He does have bigger muscles. I was working out with Ludwig the other day. He's way stronger than me, that's for sure. But he looks stronger than me. He does look stronger than me.
Starting point is 00:05:57 All that matters. That's really all that matters. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you guys look really strong or be really strong? I'd rather look really strong, but I don't. I look like I fucking I
Starting point is 00:06:06 gave up Right no guys no you look like a sine wave it feels like out and then in with the chest and then the chest and then Don't bring up the whole man 315 for 10 on deadlift today. I'm doing reps. Okay? Really pop whatever stupid anyway. Yeah, I'm going to counter your argument. Please. I'm going to say I'm actually a bad friend of Tarek. And I'm going to tell you why. Do you agree?
Starting point is 00:06:30 You'll find out if he doesn't agree already. Let's do it. So we did Ludwig Tarek Invitational. Day one, Saturday. Long day. Made a little bit longer by the fact that I made the commander decision to switch a best of one to a best of three. Which made sense.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Which made a lot of sense. And the match was great. And I'm happy we did it. However, because of that, it delayed everything else by about, like, two hours. It was supposed to end at 8, 8.30 the latest. It ended up ending at 10.30, I think. 10.30, yeah. It's literally a two-hour delay because of my decision. But I, you guys might not know, even the viewers at home,
Starting point is 00:07:02 Tarek's in town, he's not in town often. I set up a dinner for him. Yeah. I set up a dinner for him. Yeah. I set up a dinner at the place that we go, the Japanese barbecue place. Is it good? Yeah, it's fine. I hate that you had to ask.
Starting point is 00:07:12 And I will. It implies that you were unable. Because it implies something about. So good. I set up this dinner for Tarek and I invite a lot of people who play games with Tarek online. It's Hasan. It's Fuseli, it's Tina, it's whoever.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Yeah, I have fun with some of this, man. You didn't get it in the mail. I didn't get it. That's crazy. You sent it to the post office, which is crazy. We're so close. I just respect their work. Anyway, I set up the dinner for nine, which is the latest they can do it.
Starting point is 00:07:43 They're like, I asked because I know the manager. I was like, hey, can we do any later? He's like, it's the latest. I'm like they're like i asked because i know the manager i was like hey can we do any later he's like this latest i'm like all right fine and then and then the match is last match is going it's c9 100 thieves if it ends 2-0 it ends at like 8 45 we can make it yeah it does not go too well it goes to a map three i turn it goes the maximum distance over times i turn to tarik i go i'm going to the dinner are you coming and he goes i gotta stay no we well it didn't make sense it wouldn't make sense it wouldn't have made sense for you to leave your name's on the fucking building but mine is yours mine is too and i walk out the building and i go to this dinner why and i don't watch the last match because by the time i knew for sure that it was
Starting point is 00:08:26 going map three everyone was on the way to the restaurant and it was a bigger l in my mind to go to the seven people who i invited and be like hey me and tarik aren't going have dinner with yourselves oh because this is also off the back of you not making your previous reservation at this place. I was going to say that was part of this kind of was. No, I think about that at all. You don't think about it at all? Not even a little bit. I think it's context that matters because this is one of those places that like he has to know someone and he has to like kind of pull a favor to get a reservation like that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:08:59 And last time he didn't show up. Yeah. It's just truly a terror. So he sent the boys. We all went in his place and in a nice Oh, but that's fine cuz someone came anyway, it's fine. Yeah, but I think we pay I'm a dog friend of Terry because I set up a dinner for him that he wasn't invited to okay I mean, I feel like it was just kind of shit luck. I'm not gonna lie It was also a really long day though so so long 12 and a half hours yeah it was uh it was a hell
Starting point is 00:09:30 of a day but i'm glad the match was delivered the last match delivered so i've made you wake up at 7 a.m that day to work that was the day that i had like yeah that was the day that we woke up on like six hours of sleep and ludwig's like oh because he heard me on stream i was talking about like oh i haven't been to the gym in a couple days. I wish I could go and Ludwig's like, let's work out tomorrow. I'm like, wish? Get up. And we pulled up and had a good workout, showered here as well.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Yeah? Save time, right? Save time, of course. That's the first thing he says. We saving time? We gotta. Gotta save time. So anyway, now are you satiated? I'm a bad friend to all.
Starting point is 00:10:08 I do find it comforting when you're evil and shitty to every single person in your life. Fair play. I do think that you shouldn't be producing events because you want everyone to be happy all the time. And part of producing events is saying no. But you kind of did that to Tarek. You said stay, boy. Sit. producing events is saying no but you kind of did that to Tarek you said stay boy he probably would have been down for both of us to leave which I think would be crazy like imagine you're watching this room and neither of us are there I wouldn't give a shit I mean look circles under your explaining to your
Starting point is 00:10:39 grandmother why it's called this like well is these two guys Put in Nine out of ten maps One map off we're freaking out well first smash events. You know it's pretty normal to take two hour block off Yeah, yeah, even if it's the Ludwig Ogren championship series, so that's why I didn't feel so weird about it. That's fair. Yeah There go question for you sure if you if valorant and cs both exploded and they were illegal to play and you can never play them ever again but you still had to continue being a streamer and live your life and all your friends exploded and all your friends it was a weird explosion am i dead what's up with that you're
Starting point is 00:11:18 not dead because you're so so yeah what would you spend your time streaming you think dude i think like the go-to would be like another FPS game But I also feel like I kind of have fun just watching videos to just reacting. Oh, no. Yeah, you really did just come from the Suns house Which is so crazy that you could actually do that as like a streamer and just like full-time live react. Yeah, like Crazy, I've never done that obviously like just just full-time like live react to YouTube video Why not? Why not just watch a TV show you couldn't do it You could have done if you had to swap with me for a week content schedule My two hours a day watching videos
Starting point is 00:11:59 You couldn't walk a mile I know it's two hours, but it'silettos, your feet wouldn't last. But I want to point out, like, I never watch YouTube videos, so I'm always fascinated by what's on there. Like, I'm always just mind blown. To be clear, I'm not watching YouTube videos. Bro, you bit his finger? Bro, why'd he do that to his brother? Yo, there's peanut butter all over that dude. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:12:17 This guy's at the zoo? No, I'm just watching. I know it's so crazy, but I'm, like, so, like, in my little world where, like, you know, I'll just be watching whatever and I'll just be like so interested in it because it's like I never see this kind of shit. You don't see a lot. Yeah, I feel like that. So that's one thing I would say like right now, I feel like I've been in this little bubble of like gaming like a lot of my life. So I'm trying to do different shit. And I would say that this podcast along the lines of that as well.
Starting point is 00:12:43 I'm just trying different shit out and doing different shit and putting myself outside my comfort zone are you nervous of those I'm not nervous because you guys are like you know chill and like it's kind of fun oh yeah well we're about to rank naked assholes right here can you bring them all up there's about a thousand of them
Starting point is 00:12:58 before he queues those up I've been wondering I heard a rumor that you flew back to Turkey to vote for Erdogan. Yeah. We didn't hear that. So we're going to talk about that for about two hours. Can you address the allegations before we look at these? It's funny. I'm with a song because I know nothing about politics.
Starting point is 00:13:17 And sometimes we'll randomly, while we're just doing whatever, we'll start talking about politics. I'll just nod my head. Sure, man. Yeah. 100%. It doesn't matter what he's saying. I have no idea I'm just so far outside of it but which I think is great because I feel like getting into Paul like even
Starting point is 00:13:31 I don't know about how the vague Ramaswamy's doing at the Iowa caucus dude he messaged me the other day on Valorant and he was like did you hear about Riot being a terrorist organization I'm like what is he saying right now? You know about the riot cabal? You know about the cabal, the agents? No, I have not. You should! He uncovered it. He went to riot headquarters.
Starting point is 00:13:55 He did real journalism. We were journalism. We exposed it. He smoked crack in a riot bathroom. There's footage of it. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, talking about the content piece. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Content. I like using Tarek's... Because he's like the golden boy Riot, right? Like, he fucking put VCT on his back in terms of viewership numbers last year.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Yeah, it was beast. So I like threatening Riot with Tarek because he's more powerful. Sure. So I'll say shit like, get me out of Loser's Q, or me and Tarek will both quit Valorant. He's just talking about Loser's Q. He's just a promise. Yeah. See, I got to watch Lud play some
Starting point is 00:14:25 Q-Sum alone and I think he's in losers queue he has drones on his team they put the losers with the losers for sure no no stay down forever you see what I do on LAN yeah that was
Starting point is 00:14:41 I was a little impressed I was a little impressed I swear he's so funny. Dude, I swear he's practicing for the show match. Don't act like you don't know. Every fucking night, this guy is an asshole. Cause I boot up to play my two games. I get two games a night at most.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah. And when I'm on my two games, he's live. And in between cues, cause he has to wait 45 minutes. Cause he's radiant. Everyone's dodging. He goes, well, let's see what Eric Kutz is up to. Oh shit, a lot of red. And then he'll be like, message me like, tough night Kutz. He goes, let's see what Eric Kutz is up to. Oh shit, a lot of red. And then he'll be like, message me like,
Starting point is 00:15:07 tough night, Kutz, and I know he's live. So I'm kidding, man. You're supposed to win, no? Yeah, and he's doing that to me. And I'm like, come on, man, leave the little guy out of this. I respect the grind, though. During that LAN, we destroyed the first game, and Taric comes into our room, because they're
Starting point is 00:15:23 next to each other, and he's like guys It's so strange because then we destroyed you guys. Yes, it was strange Uh, you guys don't know this but after map one we took a shot. We took a team shot together. Really? Yeah, we took a team shot. Wait, wait. I also took a shot Was strange Wait, I also took a shot with your team. Yeah. It was strange. It was all of us Where's your team? Yeah, they're upstairs to show the wrong time and then we we we tuned that we played the second map and it was so strange Like Lily was like what is going on? Why? Why is it? Why are the games so one-sided? Like why would just take in turn stopping each other? I was saying it should be a commercial for all company
Starting point is 00:16:05 Came back Why are we just taking turns stomping each other? I was saying it should be a commercial for an alcohol company. We threw it. We just, like, took a shot, came back, and we were just, like, insane. It's just better. Yeah. Dude, you guys would pile on the B site. I was Cypher alone just with my fucking – I was just shaking. I was like, ah, no. And then just, like, you take the site.
Starting point is 00:16:19 And we 13-1 or something. It was crazy. Yeah. It's so fun playing with, like, people that don't play because it's so cute watching them play almost. It's just adorable. I don't know, just to see the shit
Starting point is 00:16:30 that happens. I don't know, that comes off like buying a funny one. It's super condescending. Yeah, it's actually so funny because everyone in the tournament
Starting point is 00:16:37 plays. Like all of them. So he's like, fun with people who don't play. Yeah, I got like hundreds of ads. It's just like fun to watch because I don't see that kind of shit that often like, hundreds of hours. I mean, I would say that it's just, like, fun to watch,
Starting point is 00:16:45 because I don't see that kind of shit that often. I feel like the top four were different, though. Top four in terms of what? In terms of, like, average combat score, like, you know, rating. Of the show match? Yeah, because, like, it was you, tens, you guys were playing good. Oh, here we go. Can you bring up the graphic?
Starting point is 00:16:58 It's on the yard Twitter. And number four was me. Squeaked by somehow. Squeaked by? Squeaked by killing your ass three times, you kill me one time. Let's do some math right there. I can't believe you checked the performance time, that's so funny. Yeah, well someone else like posted it, cause the funny part, I'm on the bottom bottom. I'm below Lily, which hurts.
Starting point is 00:17:18 Lily's great. Yeah. I don't think her monitor was on. The entire event. I think she had her monitor off. She turns it down to 60Hz. She just put a handicap on herself. Yeah, I don't think her monitor was on the entire 60 Hertz Like I can't game on the details how much she's hurt there she makes it a low number graphic This is arranged by whatever these I don't know the fucking number is it's our rating ADR. It's a compilation It's not just Irish combat score. It's a compilation of many stats that leads to the number R How did you get up there so much intense Tarek Masayoshi?
Starting point is 00:17:49 two pros in like a Mortal you just passed by pokey. She's at point nine. Look how high he is and look how low his headshot percentages What does that mean? Doesn't matter That's judge Headshot doesn't matter. It's the judge. He's right.
Starting point is 00:18:06 It is the judge. It's the judge. It's the op. And it's the fact that the body also kills eventually. Dude, I was, they put me on Omen with game three. And I was like, yeah, I have an Omen because I used to play him a bit. And then he tends to be like, can you smoke C? And I just started throwing up on myself. Like trying to send the ball.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Dude, he was like, can you do the one-way C? And you're like, I don't know what that is. And he's like, I shouldn't have told you this much time left the part that there's a part during the show match for Tends to slime is like alright flash on three one two three sliding the throws to complete wrong flash It was fine. I'm goes you didn't want that one. Did you? You had a tough task. It was not teaming with Lily because she played really well. It was teaming with the vibe killer himself, Aiden McCaig.
Starting point is 00:18:52 There he is. Right there. I walk in and it looks like a Dementor was in the room. I will say Aiden was bummed out after map one, but I think it was because he didn't get to play. He also preferred to play Viper. We put him on brim lurking. So like,
Starting point is 00:19:06 I think the fault has a leading. You call that lurking? I did not get to activate my player because I knew Aiden was good for it. We just didn't put him in the right spot. Five and 16. Yeah. No, but shit happens, dude.
Starting point is 00:19:16 He popped off map two. Aw. Yeah, I played good the other two games. Dude, I, okay. I was down because I have been, you know, so there's this this there's this old story of us living together in covid and i was just like playing a lot of video games and i was playing like i was playing like league i played competitive mario kart and i and i played
Starting point is 00:19:36 valorant and i came to slime one day at the end of the day and i was like i won all my games today yeah i played like hours of each game in solo queue and I won every single game. And I just felt so good. What I'm going through right now is the opposite. I am losing everything I play right now. I am playing. I am like losing in melee tournaments. I am losing.
Starting point is 00:19:59 I'm like not playing very well in Valorant. I'm losing. I played in like sport, a sport tournament recently and I I'm playing basketball in general. Dude, you're talking about the sports tournaments with his clan? He has a clan. Yeah, no, it's more like the clan. He's part of the clan.
Starting point is 00:20:13 What's the name of it? The gaming that... It was like the Karting Kids. It's Kart. It's a Mario Kart. It's a Mario Kart clan. It's a Mario Kart kids clan. It's the Mario Kart kids. It's a Mario Kart clan. It's a Mario Kart clan. The Kart kids clan.
Starting point is 00:20:26 It's the MKK. Anyway, there was like a big sports tournament I was in where you play like a bunch of different sporting events over the course of like a few days. And I just,
Starting point is 00:20:38 my team just kept losing. I'm on like three weeks straight of just losing in every fucking game I play. And then game plays basketball. He's getting locked down Loving better than a tonight basketball. I don't attend basketball. What is the verdict? I think Aiden on paper and I'm gonna give you this is a better basketball player having said that when I'm defending him Mm-hmm. He goes Like like when I'm not there,
Starting point is 00:21:06 six for seven comes alive. Oh, I see. Wet from three. You apply pressure. I will say Ludwig does have a strategy when he plays basketball. What's that? When you're about to take a three point shot
Starting point is 00:21:17 and you got a high three point percentage, he goes, Do you really? I didn't do that. Well, actually I do yell sometimes. He's a yeller. But against yell sometimes. He's a yeller. But against Nick, I go, you can't let him take those. And then that just stresses him out.
Starting point is 00:21:30 I just start laughing every time. He went 0 for 20. It was embarrassing. Anyway. Hey, I was electric last game. That's great. I was electric. Come on, bro.
Starting point is 00:21:38 Don't give me that. Back to Aiden. I'm on your team. You had a rough week, but it was made up for by game two? Just losing that game one in Valorant is just like, dude, it's happening again. Is the problem me? It's off the back of just weeks of being a loser. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:54 It's just coming to fruition. I'm not. I'm having a terrible time. I feel awful. Terran's a perpetual winner. He's like, how does that make sense? What does that make sense? I want you to imagine all the times you've won
Starting point is 00:22:05 in your life and then now imagine if you lost all those times that's fine that is me since new year's it's fucked yeah okay new year's is not that far away it's not that bad how did you guys do like any sort of like uh meditation or yoga or anything like that are you guys into that kind of shit i met with a sports psychologist how was that it? It was kind of tight. What'd you talk about like choking or what? Honestly the dude it was it was because I want to hit diamond I'm alright. Okay. You talked about you want a diamond? Yeah, this is why I got the sports psychologist and he was like it was funny because you were there he's not into Clearly Hiding his passive resentment towards anything to do with gaming.
Starting point is 00:22:49 He's like, I checked out the whole esports thing. Not for me. Not me. I don't believe in it. I'll buy it. He keeps saying, not enough contact. I'm like, all right. But he's still good at reading people.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And so we're talking and he gave like a couple like i guess surface level things and i did it during the show match one of them was like write for five minutes uninterrupted with the sentence starting i hope in this you know whatever event you're doing that and then you just and you write to get all your thoughts out so that all you're focusing it on is what you're gonna do and. And I did it. I'm not going to say it didn't work because I did fucking fry. And then, and then the other thing that I thought was interesting is he was breaking down my goal focused lifestyle. Goal focused lifestyle. Like, yeah, I tried to do this and you throw it in my face because I think it makes you a robot.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Basically, my life with no emotion. I appreciate you adding that. I can't love. Basically, my life for the past fucking decade has been a series of goals that I want to achieve, that I do achieve. With the idea that- That's dope. If I try and I fail a goal, I will quit. Tarek, you might think it's dope, but actually it makes him inhuman.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Beep boop, need goal accomplished. Oh, just like everything's about that goal kind of thing? Yeah, yeah, and at all costs, whosever neck gets boop, need goal accomplished. Oh, just like everything's about that goal kind of thing? Yeah, yeah. And at all costs, whosever neck gets caught under the foot... Oh. Oh, I guess that's... Yeah, I'm known for my viciousness. The amount of kids...
Starting point is 00:24:12 Okay, I see. So there's a con... Please, go on, Ludwig. You're being an asshole. Well, what I thought was interesting, because you've never brought up a point that's made me think. This guy, Rogers' name,
Starting point is 00:24:22 he says, he says, okay, because I've always had this theory that if I wanted to quit a goal if I tried and I failed I would just quit and I think that's cool and I do believe that but he's like do you actually believe that and I was like yeah and he's like give me a time when you've quit a goal and I was like well I've never quit I'll just always achieve it he's like okay so then it's contradictory which he's right I basically think every goal I set I can't achieve and if I't achieve it, it is a failure of me. Not that I'm incapable of doing it.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And I just need to try harder. So you only set easy goals? I only, I don't actually think I can quit a goal. Oh. You can't quit a goal. I actually think if I make a goal, I need to achieve it. And I don't know what I would do if I wasn't able to achieve it. Or the demons get you.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Oh, that's interesting. I feel like that's, I think it's a good thing as long as your goals are like things that make sense, I guess. It's a good thing, but it's scary because if you keep making goals, they have to be something
Starting point is 00:25:12 you're not currently capable of doing. And there's a limit, right? Like either just because you get fucking older or weaker, like I will just get not as strong, whatever it is. So they can't always climb forever into perpetuity,
Starting point is 00:25:32 career-wise, relationship-wise,wise health-wise but right now they are and i haven't fucking failed one yet but eventually i will so you're saying you don't challenge yourself because the demon no more like i'm because like now my goal is like marathon right what's the escalation from that my double marathon no iron man iron man marathon with guns and swords yeah right? What's the escalation from that? Double marathon. No, Ironman. Ironman. Ironman's what I'm talking about. Marathon with guns? And swords. And swords. And harder? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And only one can finish. I feel like it's a good thing, though. You're just pushing yourself. I see the side of it where it's too much. That's one thing I feel like right now that I'm trying to do as well is push my health forward. I feel like, for example, cardio for me, my cardio is terrible. Or just in general, gamer stereotype of not taking care of their health,. I feel like, for example, cardio for me, my cardio is terrible. Or just in general,
Starting point is 00:26:05 gamer stereotype of not taking care of their health, which I feel like is actually not that big of a problem now. I feel like gamers are kind of fit these days.
Starting point is 00:26:13 It's coming around. It definitely depends how high paying of a team they're on. If it's higher, it's worse. If they're a streamer or a high paying team, they have better fitness.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Oh, okay. Compared to tier two. It's only if they've made it and that's what i've noticed this is not just an esports thing it's also like a youtuber streamer thing yeah once they have made it and they don't feel like they have to grind to survive in the cutthroat industry they're in they'll worry about their health i think also it's just there's so many more eyes on you there's so many more people like making fun of you in comments or like pointing out your flaws that You have money. You can afford to
Starting point is 00:26:45 go train or eat right or whatever. Also, you are under way more of a spotlight. Especially in LA too. I feel like it's the mecca of health and fitness over here. I feel like it's such a big thing over here. Yeah. You get famous.
Starting point is 00:27:01 You get your personal trainer. You start eating your scooped bagels and you fucking fucking pull a poop on there Yeah, it's it's I mean there's also like body dysmorphia what? How old are you I'm turning 28 next month we're're the same age. Yeah, that's beast You're champion man, what the hell? Feel like your stat points and like your your character sheet is like stats gaming is way high But then something got lost along the way for sure i think it's sacrifice for sure like uh i mean i used to game like 12 hours a day every day for god knows how long
Starting point is 00:27:50 so i feel like you lose a lot of different aspects of your life so that i feel like almost i'm trying to catch up on those things right now think of a random iconic movie and ask him if he's watched it you ever seen jaws yeah well yeah yeah, I have Stat is like the lowest you think they got sacrificed for gaming? Good question, actually. Like Riz. Riz. How's my Riz? I definitely lost some Riz for sure with all the gaming I've done, but I don't think it's
Starting point is 00:28:33 that bad. I mean, I would give myself maybe like a, I give myself a solid six. Six out of 10 on Riz? Yeah. Wow. I mean, you lucked out. Yeah. Because he has a fucking full beard, no patches.
Starting point is 00:28:46 He looks strong even when he's not even able to lift a weight. What do you think if you looked, let's say, for instance, like me? What? Wait, what? If you were- You're not a bad looking guy. Why are you trying to say that? That's such a nice thing to say.
Starting point is 00:29:02 But sometimes when you're bald, people look- You're bald by choice right you shouldn't have brought that out if they're pregnant you must be no look i'm not by choice well i guess it is a choice but do you think if you were bald your life would be harder dude i don't even want to imagine myself bald. I don't even know what my skull shape would look like. Show us hairline. Hairline check.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Hairline check. Hairline check. Okay. You're hiding a little bit from us. I am. Are you scared? I mean, no. I'm pretty good.
Starting point is 00:29:37 You're killing it. You look great. You look great. I don't think it's too bad. Aang the Avatar. Yeah. I feel like it is when you know it I'm being hurtful
Starting point is 00:29:48 I think about that man, like let's say Taric's bald Does he have 10% less viewers? He asked me this, he says would I still be a big streamer if I was bald I don't think you would Would you have won a major if you were bald? I don't think it matters that much Do you think you have all the same friends? I really don't think it matters that much.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Durka did it. Yeah. I guess, well, no, Summit fucked up, right? Summit 1G? Yeah. And what's that? He got mollied, bro. He's not bald.
Starting point is 00:30:14 Yeah, but he wears the hat. It's bald-coated. No, no, no. He has actually a lot of hair. We can smell our own. I don't know why he wears the hat all the time. I know many people think he's bald or balding. He actually just has a fuck ton of hair and a snatch hair.
Starting point is 00:30:27 There's a mouse under their gaming form. It's like his thing, too. Like, he's always got a hat on, yeah. Dude, he's so crazy. That's funny you bring him up, because I feel like with streamers also, like, a lot of these guys are making so much money, and maybe Summit or even, like, XQC, but they really don't have, like, the time to, like to even spend their money, I feel like. They're overdoing it, I would say.
Starting point is 00:30:47 There's got to be a line to it, right? Yeah, they kind of locked it in jail. The jail of streaming. It's the jail of more, Slime. The jail of more is dangerous. Because you get more and more and more money, but what's the point of all the money? You can't spend it, right? You can't spend it, and what's the purpose of the capital?
Starting point is 00:31:04 To accrue more and be smog and sit on a gold pile yeah yeah yes yes what's your line what's your line where you've made enough money and you're like okay i care less about money i have enough i now just want to do what fulfills me i don't have a line i'm not sure what that line would be i think i right now i'm definitely taking it a little bit easier because i'm trying to focus on myself but um obviously still not let off entirely. Uh, yeah, I don't know. What should my line be? It's different for different people.
Starting point is 00:31:31 Cause it's like, you can live on like different, different numbers. What's your line? Also, it depends. Right. Cause like, I think my line now is different cause I'm trying to retire my mom next year. So she like, I would retire on the court, bro. You're going to play his mom in basketball. Yes. And retire on the court. She could do're going to play his mom in basketball. Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:45 And retire on the court. She could do it. She actually couldn't. You would dice her. And there's not many people you could beat in basketball. And I think, I think 10 year olds beat you. My mom,
Starting point is 00:31:54 unfortunately loses to you in 10 years. And I've been saying, she smokes you. No, I've got her. She outsmokes you. She plays ball. No,
Starting point is 00:32:00 she does. She could outsmoke him though. That's funny. Yeah. Uh, I just want to just follow the road. But yeah, so my number's higher cause I want to retire her. She does. She could outsmoke him though. That's funny. She follows the rush. But yeah, so my number's higher because I want to retire her. I see.
Starting point is 00:32:08 Which is like making up for whatever remaining years she would have worked plus that, you know, social security aspect. So I think it's a little higher, but I think I'm there. Yeah. It's dangerous. It's dangerous? It's dangerous, man. You know how we all have New Year's resolutions?
Starting point is 00:32:24 You know how it's a thing that people do? It's so far past that. It is, it is. I wanna eat a school bus. It's two weeks past it. All the parts of a school bus wanna go. And that's his resolution. I wanna eat all the parts of a school bus. Okay. Yummy. And he wants them to be pre-portioned. Balls and all. And Shake Drizzle wanted to run a marathon.
Starting point is 00:32:40 He did, didn't he? And you know what that rat's done? What did he do? What did he do? Sit on his ass, play darts, and go bowling. More like what he didn't do. That's what I'm saying. Was run a marathon. He did, didn't he? And you know what that rat's done? What did he do? Sit on his ass, play darts, and go bowling. More like what he didn't do. That's what I'm saying. Was run a marathon. He gave up.
Starting point is 00:32:50 But you don't have to give up. It's the new year. I know we're two weeks deep, but you might be giving up on eating right. Don't give up on eating right. Because HelloFresh can help you. And your mother, father, and uncles all care about you and want you to eat good. We also want you to stop eating school bus parts, but we'll get to that later. What are school bus parts?
Starting point is 00:33:09 Something about HelloFresh is they have a new school bus package. In addition to 40 recipes, 100 add-ons, fresh pre-portioned ingredients, they also send you school bus parts to eat as a challenge. I got arrested for a school bus package incident unrelated to this. This is called the Nick Challenge. Let's not investigate that so so enter to win the sweepstakes if you can eat all the school bus parts even the school bus is fresh pre-portioned and makes it is easy to prepare it helps you cut down on all the food waste hello fresh has a lot of fit and wholesome and pescatarian options all right
Starting point is 00:33:42 high in protein they're 15 minute meals if you need it, quick and easy. Let me tell you one thing, you know when the school bus comes? In the morning. You know what else happens in the morning? Breakfast. And you know what HelloFresh is promising you? Free breakfast for life. Go to slash yard free. Use code the yard free, you get free breakfast for life on the school bus.
Starting point is 00:34:00 Don't give up on your life! One breakfast item per box, while subscription is active. That's free breakfast for life! For such time! At HelloF is active. That's free breakfast for such time! At, plus a yard free. And you eat it on the bus, and the bus driver will top you. They use all the parts of the bus so nothing goes to waste. Make sure you thank the bus driver. Make sure you thank the bus driver for America's number one meal kit.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Now, Tarek, smile. I have a question for you, Tarek. Sure. Do you remember the first time that you met me and Slime? It's got to be like one of the OG CS summits. Wow. Okay. I want to say like CS Summit 5.
Starting point is 00:34:34 I think that's exactly it. But I don't remember the encounter. I have a video of the encounter. Oh, actually, I remember getting interviewed by you. Really? I don't remember it, but I watched the video. Oh, yeah. Zipper, if you can pull up what I
Starting point is 00:34:46 sent you. Do you have a video of you encountering him? Not me in the video. But I wanted to know if he knew that we were there. Oh, you filmed something? Yeah. This was back, I mean, he was still a legend. You know?
Starting point is 00:35:01 And he was wearing the Gucci slides. The Gucci, oh, I forgot about that. Your PF he was wearing The Gucci slides The Gucci Oh I forgot about that Wait is your Gucci slides too? Your PFP Was you with Gucci slides It was like the middle of the video Oh it's right there
Starting point is 00:35:11 Oh yeah yeah yeah Cause this was Freakazoid's mom Oh my god dude This haircut is so bad This is me and slime Filming you Wait I have the same
Starting point is 00:35:18 The same Gucci's I look like such a kid here I look so different You're so young This is like what Six, six years ago? Wait, your arms are big here. It's actually CS Summit 4. Yeah, I don't think, I don't know if I was working out.
Starting point is 00:35:31 There's fucking Robin in his sleeve. Is this the one I went to? This is CS Summit 4. No, this was after. Because I went to one with Lurpus. You went to one with the house. Lupus, Lurpus. Lurpus, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:42 He did the chicken content piece. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. You were in the chicken one. I wonder if Lurpus was one did the the chicken content piece oh yeah yeah you were in the chair was that one of the ones I was at I think I was at this one were you yeah and I was super rising or you know no wait were you ever at the house or yes I was at the house too yeah so you might have been in that one hmm was it see us summit to at the house or like everything one two three one two three four was the first one that was that too And then that's how we're all connected Gucci slides blow by the way You admit that I just super uncomfortable. I see him as like like they're just comfy almost like they're literally they're comfy
Starting point is 00:36:15 No, not more like convenience. Sorry, and I comfy convenient you but like More comfortable. Yeah, probably probably Gucci slides. It's like a rubber death trap and you know who's falling for the trap? The cycle continues. Zeppa. Has he got the Gucci slides? He's got the Gucci slides. Like a pro fucking tradition at this point.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Every pro gets signed and then they buy their sneakers. They get their AF1s and their Gucci slides. They get their overpriced salary that they're going to lose in two years
Starting point is 00:36:40 in the Gucci slides. There's some pros that go so hard with that too. They just buy so much designer shit and like like some pros overdo like what they're making like athletes yeah though do they act hard they act hard and like buy designer shit and like posts online and stuff but when pokemon comes through they're shivering and they're like can i get a picture dude so many so many people wanted a picture i was like like one of the oxygen players was like really nervous and wanted a photo with her.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And I'm like, you won the event. The biggest tweets from the event weren't people winning. It was pictures of Poki. Yeah, it's crazy. That's fucking hilarious. She's got a presence, man. And that's why it was an honor to frag at her side. She sent a nice message after.
Starting point is 00:37:21 She was like, hey, I don't stream as much, but I love doing events like these Please keep inviting And you didn't say this about me though, but you say about pokey I call it sexism Yeah, I think you're sexist against men because pokey fried in his story thank you do you think the rights of men are in danger ludwig i think it's possible and i think i think you know i think it's possible derek do the old heads from like cs and stuff do they ever send you messages like i guess he's too fucking good for us now. Oh, you're too Hollywood, bro.
Starting point is 00:38:05 Too Hollywood. They do, but they say it jokingly because I feel like. You might have threw it for real with someone. Who's that? We don't got to get into that.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Oh, wait, you're talking about, what are you talking about? Uh, who's the dude who fucking. Jason? Jason.
Starting point is 00:38:19 M.R. M.R. Oh, the L friend thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I feel like that was like
Starting point is 00:38:23 him throwing me under the bus for something that I wasn't even trying to get involved in. So it was that, but Yeah. But I feel like that was like him throwing me under the bus for something that I wasn't even trying to get involved in. I think it was that, but. So like, I feel like people will say that to me, but I think at the end of the day, everyone knows like, I'm kind of still the same person where I'm not going to like don't know all someone like just because, you know, whatever. But I don't think I've really gone Hollywood on my friends.
Starting point is 00:38:39 No. Do you keep it real? And if they say it, it's like, it's just a joke. I mean, they can say it for real too. I mean, I'm not going to take it to, I'm not going to really take it to, and if they say it, it's just a joke? I mean, they can say it for real, too. I mean, I'm not going to take it to—I'm not going to really take it to—I'm not going to get offended by it because I don't believe it. Yeah. Yeah. I worry about it sometimes, man.
Starting point is 00:38:53 Like, an old friend I haven't talked to sometimes, like, you don't make time for me anymore, man. Like, he's going to Hollywood, or what? He just got rich? Yeah. Well, kind of both, right? Oh, okay. And it's like—and then I got to prove myself and send him, like, a picture of Spongeob doing something funny it's like i'm still me yeah i promise yeah yeah you know that's that kind of sucks though yeah do you feel like uh you should have to do that no i guess not it depends right
Starting point is 00:39:13 it's it's maybe like i'm asking myself the question as well and they're just they just want to see their friend again because i'm busy or whatever and it's like okay it's just something you have to confront together kind of and spongebob helps do that. Yeah, Spongebob helps bridge the connection. What about you, Len? Have you ever got like, donut walled by, is there like... Have I got donut walled? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Or have I donut walled? You've definitely donut walled. Are you fucking kidding me? We just talked about that. And there's four victims in the room. I actually took Carl today. Carl? Carl.
Starting point is 00:39:42 Jacob? He had to triple text me. No way. I've been donut walling over for like two weeks. What? Is it because he's not hot anymore? It's not about that at all. Do you think he's not hot anymore?
Starting point is 00:39:50 It's because I was busy. You said Liam was, Liam, Clint made Liam and Carl Jacobs is washed. You said these two things. I didn't say that. I said, I did say Clint has inspired Liam heavily. You said he made him. Early Clint, early Liam sounds exactly like Clint. It's really funny.
Starting point is 00:40:04 This is an aside, but. And now you hate Carl Jacobs. I don't hate Carl Jacobs. I like Carl Jacobs. I'm doing stuff with Carl Jacobs. Oh, you like him now. You used to love him. Early Clint, early Liam, it sounds exactly like Clint. It's really funny. This is an aside, but. And now you hate Carl Jacobs. I don't hate Carl Jacobs. I like Carl Jacobs. I'm doing stuff with Carl Jacobs. Oh, you like him now. You used to love him. I love him.
Starting point is 00:40:10 You used to literally say, I love you. And we were mad about it. No, it's not gas. Like, this is real shit. This is real shit. He used to say, I love you, Carl.
Starting point is 00:40:18 Say it back. And we were like, what the fuck is going on here? I switched. I'm not scared of it. I'm not scared of it. Good. Good. We're good that you said that.
Starting point is 00:40:28 You know what was dumb as shit? What dumb? We did a poll on Twitter, and it was who changed the most since the start of the yard. And in the poll, Aiden was leading. And Nick was in dead last. I was in second. You were in third. I thought it was foolish that Aiden was leading.
Starting point is 00:40:43 And so I replied, and I said, you guys know nothing in the world okay and then because of that reply the sheep because you guys are brainless sheep with mind viruses they all start voting me and replying to me being like you have switch and it's like that's not even what i was talking about you just saw my tweet thought i was mad about it and then voted, and then it ended with me on top. You did kind of get boomed by the sheep. I thought that post was funny. I'm sitting back, I'm cushy in last place, and I'm like, you guys fucking switch.
Starting point is 00:41:14 And I thought about it deeper, and I was like, I haven't changed in three years. Oh, shit. I was actually quite excited. That's way worse. I'm the loser in this poll That's funny So uh, yeah that's me
Starting point is 00:41:30 You know I wanna ask every time there's a gamer on this fucking show Are you cut or uncut? Am I cut or uncut? I'm cut What? Wait wait wait wait, Turkish people are cut? I thought they'd leave it No he just does it different Are most Turkish people cut or uncut? Have you seen a lot of Turkish dicks?
Starting point is 00:41:49 Not really. I just watched Salt Burn yesterday, so I did see a dick. You guys watch that movie? Yeah, I saw Salt Burn. Great movie. Yeah, it was chill. It was interesting. That is the weirdest response to have someone watch Salt Burn.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Before the show started, he's like, sit down. He's like, what are we going to talk about? Dicks? Dicks, guys, right? I don't know. We could. We could if you want. Before the show started he's like sit down Describe that okay, that's not sure I was very interesting. I was showing the sense that I fell asleep like 20 minutes I woke up at some point Were you awake for when he slurped come out of a dream? Oh my god, dude. Yeah, that's fucking Out of a drain As Tarek put it at all it was uh yeah
Starting point is 00:42:34 People get up to what they want to get up to yeah I Was okay about it. I was like it wasn't that great of a movie was okay Trying to be more cultured and watch more film No, I was just random as hell a when Hasan was like let's watch this movie It's hot right now. We just checked it out. That is the Hasan thing. And you're like damn I wish there was a shark in this fucking movie. That sucks. Yo so where's the shark?
Starting point is 00:42:55 It was Salt right? Salt made the music. I don't hear the music. You listen to every shark movie? That's crazy. Damn Hasan asked you to watch movies? Yeah, I don't know. Is he like a real guy? Is he the real guy with the camera turned off? Hassan's a good friend, I think.
Starting point is 00:43:10 Do you think so? Do you think that? Yeah, I would say so. No, he gets the special treatment because he's rare, but Will Neff will tell you, I just want to hang out with him. Dude, Will was... I just want to hang, but he's never around. He was so sad about that.
Starting point is 00:43:23 He said that on New Year's. Maybe it is because I'm special too. And that's why he gives me extra love. Although he's a little fucking, he's a little rat bitch around me. Hassan? At that dinner that you weren't able to go to, that we set up for you. Right. And we all toasted in your honor.
Starting point is 00:43:38 It's the same restaurant that Hassan famously bought a $500 shot of whiskey because he knew i was paying okay and so he's chatting it up that same night no no this is a different night but that's that same restaurant that he's talking he's chatting up tj and he's like basically cooking up what he can buy this time you know what he can what he can juice me for i like that and then and then he goes to the table and he's like, yeah, the only person who I'm happy if they if they buy something and not me is Ludwig. I'm like, why? Why?
Starting point is 00:44:15 Oh, he gets it, man. I don't know what it is. It doesn't feel very social or is to him. Is it is not like, I don't know know Mogging another rich guy With your powers Socialist No Okay
Starting point is 00:44:29 I didn't think about it Keeping you down $500 shot's crazy by the way Yeah That's insane It is crazy Well I mean Let's not act like
Starting point is 00:44:36 We ate golden steak together What What is this shit What are you guys doing I'm trying to get you To hang out with me And you're eating golden steak With Tarek
Starting point is 00:44:44 What is happening That's such a scam That's such a with me. And you're eating golden steak with Tarek. What is happening? That's such a scam. That's such a scam. It was a scam. No, the golden steak is a scam. So it was cool though. Posted banging on the fucking telephone. Don't say.
Starting point is 00:44:53 I was in New York with a few big streamers because we were doing our annual blood boy visit. And Tarek's there. You're getting your blood changed. Filling up his vials. Tarek's there and he's like, we should get dinner. And I'm like, dope. And so we end up going to Salt Bae's restaurant.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Which is like, what, Al Nassar or something? Isn't it shit? It's rated not great. But they have a lot of pop and circumstance. Like, you order an old fashioned and it's like a 30 step process at the table. You order baklava and they're basically making it sheet by sheet at the table.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Action Bronson comes out and makes it for you. And then the big one they have is, like, the golden steak, which they really fucking hype up, but is at its core. Is it just, like, sheet gold over a fucking... It's just edible gold. Sprinkled, like, flakes on top, basically, yeah. I hate when they put gold in food. It's so dumb. I hate it. Guys, what the fuck is going on? We can't talk like this.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Imagine someone working at 7-Eleven saying that. No, this is a thing. It's shit you see YouTube videos about. And they went and did. I hate when they put gold in food. It's not even expensive all the time. It's gold. You can get like $10 sushi that has gold on it. Oh, yeah, but those are like fake That's what I'm saying sure. I think it's off you think all gold is fine
Starting point is 00:46:11 I think that be old that's what I'm trying to get into this into big steak You are the victims they're gonna weasel away Your victim of big gold later. We know more meat left in the gold steak it'll be all gold no We just eat the gold we're eating gold and they're now this the government controls us because they have all the gold Do you think if a meteor hit earth and it we survived it, but it was made of gold and it basically Forex the amount of gold in the world that gold wouldn't be as valuable anymore Discuss for ten hours now You're asking if supply went up, if demand would go down?
Starting point is 00:46:48 If supply went down. You're being an asshole. You're out of the conversation. You're asking if they dramatically increased the supply, but the demand remained the same? You are also being, hey, you're using all these words? You're being an asshole. You two guys, what do you think?
Starting point is 00:47:04 I think all of economics is a lie, and I don't even know if I believe in the law of supply and demand. Now we're talking. Okay. Now we're talking. And Tarek, finally. I agree with Ludwig. I knew I loved you guys. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Here's the thing. We're making the most here, so we're making the most sense. That's what I'm saying! Supply and demand. Yeah. Cuck. I'm not, like, that doesn't make me a cuck to know about supply and demand.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Did you guys invest in, like, Dogecoin and shit like that, or, like, doesn't make me a cuck to know about supplying and demand. Did you guys invest in like Dogecoin and shit like that or like AMC? Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I lost like five grand in fucking Dogecoin.
Starting point is 00:47:31 So we were, what was the event? We were producing a Counter-Strike event. We were producing a Counter-Strike event during the GameStop shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:37 We were still at BTS and it was during COVID and it was at this weird time in the company where like they needed everyone at the company to help run virtual events. What was the event? It was ESL, right?
Starting point is 00:47:52 No, it was online RMR. This was an actual online CS Summit. It was the online CS Summit, right. But they needed everyone's help. So people in the company who don't normally do production are being trained to do production. Like I'm doing the audio board don't normally do production are being trained to do production. Like I'm doing like the audio board, which I do not do normally. You're just learning some new shit.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Which is fairly, to be fair, relatively simple for that event. And the schedule, because it was not an event. The schedule was like, we're going to work at like 3 a.m. and shit.
Starting point is 00:48:16 And it was right when GameStop happened. So we'd be up before the stock market opened and we were sweating it every day. It was so funny. We were like, we can't buy it. You guys do like Wall Street Bets? Were you guys following that Reddit or no? it every day. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:48:26 You guys do Wall Street Bets? Were you guys following that Reddit? Yeah. We were just saying Diamond Hands. We were saying Diamond Hands. We were all about it. We were in there. For the length of CS Summit, we were all about it.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It was the only thing keeping us happy. Because we had to get to the event at like 3 a.m. And because it was the EU RMR, I think, or something. And we're just there so early in the morning. And I remember
Starting point is 00:48:49 the whole production crew is talking in like only GameStop memes, except for Tommy, who's the TD. And one of the days Tommy cracked, he was like,
Starting point is 00:48:59 you guys need to shut up. Yeah. We're saying it on the production mic. The chat's going crazy. They're just saying spin, Zeppa mic chat. The chat's going crazy. They're just saying spin Zepa, spin. Because everyone thinks Zepa's cheating.
Starting point is 00:49:09 It's like the tornado emoji. Zepa's been spinning for a while. According to Brazil. Oh my god. Oh yeah, they would say, uh, guira guira or something like that. What does that mean? Spin? Like spin bot.
Starting point is 00:49:20 Spin bot. Like he's hacking. Like a spin bot. On the BTS CS channel, there's this like blow up chicken emote that people would spam. And the Brazilians started this copy pasta that was fucking, I don't care MIBR. I don't care FaZe. I only care chicken man. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:49:38 It's like, I don't care MIBR, chicken pog. I don't care FaZe, chicken pog. I made chicken pog. I only care chickenBR, chicken pog. I don't care FaZe, chicken pog. I only care chicken pog. Chicken pog. This came to fruition during like a triple overtime between MIBR and FaZe.
Starting point is 00:49:54 We're just, we're trapped in CS hell because of how long CS overtimes are. And this map, it's map three. It just keeps going. We've been there since 3am. The chat is all chicken pogs. It's map three. It just keeps going. We've been there since 3 a.m. The chat is all chicken The guy who made the copypasta is just an old BTS chatter who watches every event is American And was just typing it with broken English
Starting point is 00:50:22 Have you guys seen that one where it's like the Brazilian soccer player That's laying on the beach What is cock out? It's super popular and they love posting that shit in replies and so they just drop the cock Yeah, they literally just fucking spam replies with it Is gay porn? Actually, I don't know exactly what the meme is. It's not porn. Being naked isn't porn, Ludwig. Posting a dick is porn.
Starting point is 00:50:49 No it's not! Not a flacid- flacid penises are not pornographic. There's nothing pornographic about a flacid soft penis. Are we being for real right now? Yeah! I'm not saying the person was- Flacid penis are not pornographic. What are you, a puritan? What are you, a priest?
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm not a puritan. It's porn. Is the statue of David pornographic? What would you zipper search to find this there? No, it's art. Yeah, because porn is sexual content, not nude content. Search Brazil guy on beach meme. Because you can make softcore porn, and it's clothed in a large part. Sure. The pornographic porn means sexual in nature.
Starting point is 00:51:20 But if he's flaccid. If a dick is inherently sexual to you, then you've got a problem. Oh, because they're from Brazil. It's porn. That's what you think. That've got a problem. Oh, because they're from Brazil. It's porn. That's what you think. That's what you think. Oh, round of applause for the racist. I would like to see the penis,
Starting point is 00:51:32 then I'll make the call. That should be how all courts work. What if it's a breathtakingly huge penis? Well, then it might not be porn. It might be like a Guinness World Record type of situation. It might be a submission to a book. Zipper, show me the Brazilian cock. What's your favorite eSports watch the watch? Was you guys pick smash? If not man, man, man, man, man, man, man, yes, yes, it rocket league rocket league
Starting point is 00:52:01 Do you rock Lee has a high skill ceiling out of it has game? I like eat like all sort of skill in-game aside, it is like the closest I've seen one-to-one to what a sports crowd is like. Really? Yeah, they have chants.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Like, it's very... It parallels soccer a lot. And it's, I think, one of the best spectator esports. Yeah. Because anyone can watch and understand what's going on.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Ball. You don't get the tech, but you understand who's winning, how many goals have been scored, where the goals are, what the ball is. So you can bring in your fucking mom and she can follow the event. Yeah. I think it's a really good eSport.
Starting point is 00:52:32 Sometimes cars spin. Like Zepa. Oh, spin like Zepa. Like Zepa. Hit the ball. Yeah, I think CS is mine because of the... I think CS is mine because of the, I like, I think CS commentary is like, usually you watch a game and you're like, okay, this would be actually better without commentary.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Like we would still watch this. But commentary, I think CS is one of the rare ones that it adds to it. And all of the commentators are like really fucking good. I went to a dinner last week with a friend who works at Riot and we were just talking about how good Machine is at his job. It's insane. Yeah, he's really good machine is at his job it's insane he's really good yeah he's like it's it's goat shit yeah we were talking you know that like katie and clutch where he's like the one before the take your time son call dude that's that's an online like people
Starting point is 00:53:16 in two different studios no audience and that's still one of the best call that might be my favorite call of all time. You know what the thing is, though? You can kind of just say that, and if he fucks the clutch up, it doesn't matter. Yeah. So you're kind of placing bets on the roulette table pretty safely as a commentator. You're like, this is going to be the greatest play of all time. And it's like, you do that 99 times. But the one that hits is like perfect.
Starting point is 00:53:40 That happened last night with the Lakers. The commentator was about to say something. He's like, and I'll say it right after LeBron hits this three-point, and then he just whiffs, and he's like, ah. On the record, what do you think is a better game? Valor or CS? And I want you to ignore, if it's possible, ignore the legacy of the eSport and talk about the game
Starting point is 00:54:06 as a game. Yeah, like what's more polished? Yeah, I guess that's a way to look at it. Well, I mean, putting aside CS2 being so glitchy right now... CS2 doesn't exist. Let's say CSGO. I feel like
Starting point is 00:54:20 Valorant actually is way more polished in terms of the aesthetics of the game. I've always said this. It sounds like a butt's coming. Yeah. No, no, no. There's no butt. There's no butt.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I would say Valorant is more polished and more buttery and smooth in comparison to CS, which I feel like is a bit clunky at times. I feel like also Valorant does a really good job of catering to newer players as well. It makes it a lot easier to pick up. And Counter-Strike is pretty hard to pick up at first, I'm not going to lie. It is hard.
Starting point is 00:54:46 It's a tough game on you. Do you think those nuances, because the analog is also like Melee to Ultimate, the two Smash games, right? And it's kind of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Ultimate's really easy to pick up. Melee's like archaic. But you get into it and you start to feel the system and it feels good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Do you think there's something to be said about that? Or is it like, fuck that, it's better to be good to start like you mean in terms of like the movement in the games or there's movement there's like little nuances it's much like csgo where it's like okay there's counter strafing and you kind of slide and like less hand holding but when you
Starting point is 00:55:16 get there it's good you're fighting to be optimal every frame of the game and you'll never will be and part of that chase is exciting whereas other games they're like you hit the ceiling of skill for a lot of different mechanics really fast and then it's kind of like i see i feel like in terms of mechanics uh actually it's kind of hard to gauge because in valorant you're like flying around and shit whereas in counter-strike it's obviously a bit more stationary but there's a lot to it still like whether it's crab walking or whether it's like you know strafing out uh counter. I think movement is hard in both games because counter strafing is such a big part. But I want to say it's easier in Valorant
Starting point is 00:55:50 if I was to pick between the two. I think the skill ceiling is really high in both, to be clear. Like, going pro in either game is just, like, super impressive, obviously. You're such a politician. You're, like, running for president right now. He does speak well. He does speak well. Take a stance i believe be brave i believe i think it's tough because i do genuinely like both games and like but i do think there's like a really high skill ceiling in both uh but
Starting point is 00:56:15 i'll say valorant is like easier to pick up for sure like i said if you got when you went live four viewers playing and watching valorant would you continue to play? Or would you mix it up? Or would you play CS? I'd obviously be less likely to play. But I feel like right now, I'm having fun with Valorant, but I also would enjoy playing Counter-Strike because it's been so long.
Starting point is 00:56:35 Is it easy to lie to me? What do you mean? You're having fun playing Valorant. I've been watching the streams. It's a day-to-day thing. Yesterday was more fun. Yesterday was a better day. Yesterday was a better day. It's day-to-day thing yesterday was more fun yesterday's a better day. It was a better day
Starting point is 00:56:45 It's like you had a bad Friday. It's been about it. There's been bad stretches man Sometimes your teammates just like it's just tough like you get toxic It's funny to know that it doesn't get better Is it just is it just still that bad at the top it is bad But also like I feel like my experience is obviously better because I'm a streamer and people know who I am, where I'm getting different treatment. And I have played off stream on different accounts
Starting point is 00:57:12 with no mic, no comm. And people are dicks, dude. People are the biggest of dicks. I played for a Red Bull piece on Zepa's alt account. And we had this idea for a shoot where it was like me playing on my account and zepa coaches me we play bingo and i was like well you know be more fun literally plays his first radiant game yeah so we hop on zepa's alt and we start swapping rounds so he plays around i play around he plays around i play around and uh and we don't have a mic so we cannot communicate
Starting point is 00:57:42 with our teammates which is not a which is like standard at this point but it is pretty standard and nobody in the lobby talked for a while until they did and they start talking about it and in in in zeppa when he would play would try to rally the troops together because they're mostly fighting amongst each other and he'd be like guys no for real let's let's try going. And they'll just start ripping slurs. They just start ripping it. And we're doing this recording, and I'm like, I got to mute. I got to mute. I really can't. Everyone's like, what the fuck's going on?
Starting point is 00:58:11 No, he kept saying, he's like, it doesn't get better. It doesn't get better. And I'm like, that's not what you should tell me. I want to believe it does. But apparently it doesn't. It must get worse, right? The egos sort of get validated because they're succeeding, right? They're climbing the ladder
Starting point is 00:58:25 and so now they have a reason to be a dick that they feel like is validated. Yeah, but imagine for us, like we're streamers and people are sort of like, I feel bad for girls that play because they get the worst of it.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Like, just by being a girl, you just get harassed. Some of these are great. I watched Tina play this morning and it was like, I thought it was a five sec. The way they were talking it would be like
Starting point is 00:58:46 it would be like somebody gets a 4k they'd be like nice 4k that was killer and I was like what? it's funny you say that
Starting point is 00:58:51 because yesterday my games were like going well and I was having normal teammates and I was like what the fuck is going on? you had good vibes
Starting point is 00:58:55 it's something wrong it felt weird because my teammates were talking they sounded normal and I was like where are all the weirdos at? you've been in the slums
Starting point is 00:59:04 for so long What shit about being a girl is that like? No, it's like when I get on the mic on any video game There is not a percentage chance that someone will just hate me by default. Well. It's just no you Yeah, okay sure I have to disclose that yeah But if you're a girl and you like you get on the mic And there's just a chance guys. I have a confession to make what's that? I am in possession of Ryan Reynolds bones Have his bones like you have like a jar in the shape of him
Starting point is 00:59:38 So in there nails to my wall in the shape of him with the tipping a top hat What a convenient time to told us because the company that him with tipping a top hat. What a convenient time to have told us because the company that he used to be a part of that he's no longer a part of, Mint Mobile, is the sponsor
Starting point is 00:59:49 of this podcast. That's true. That's true. It was actually unrelated to the... Totally unrelated. I'm just really excited about his bones.
Starting point is 00:59:55 It's a funny connection. It's a funny connection. You know what else is funny? It's funny that you don't pay extra for the cost of traditional retail at Mint Mobile because they take
Starting point is 01:00:01 the process online. That's true. The other guys haven't figured it out yet. It's also funny because the bones, when you jiggle them, they go like...
Starting point is 01:00:06 They make xylophone noises. Also, these bones, as you might imagine, cost a fortune. You know how I was able to save up? How's that? Because I have MedMobile. That makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Because you're paying $50. It's $15 a month. I'm going to be honest. I don't think the $80 a month that you might be saving is enough to buy Ryan Reynolds' skeleton. I don't think that. It brought me over
Starting point is 01:00:25 the top what can i tell you all plans come with unlimited talk texts and high speed data plus one bone that delivered on the nation's largest 5g network yeah digital bones we're now starting this right now when you switch to mint mobile buy any three month plan you'll get another three months free that's six months and one one toe bone one toe bone a month yo you get a metatarsal pay for three months get three months free that's six months how long i was better than you at melee it's mint slash the yard that's mint i'm doing this now mint slash the yard cut your wireless bill 15 a month on slash the yard i've said it enough you get get it. Go. Green Lantern fucking sucked, brother. Now, Archie, please inflate Tarek back up like a balloon with your animating skills.
Starting point is 01:01:11 You had a very funny clip. Dude, I got on top of LSF. It was crazy. Oh, was it? Yeah. I've given up on LSF. Zippers AFK. It's basically in this lobby full of teenagers, and I'm trying to pretend I'm a teenager,
Starting point is 01:01:24 too. And we're playing the game. Why are you trying to pretend you're a teenager as well? Are you trying to fit in? Because I thought it would be, yes. I was I'm trying to pretend I'm a teenager, too. And we're playing the game. Why are you trying to pretend you're a teenager as well? Are you trying to fit in? Because I thought it would be... Yes, I was trying to fit in. I thought it would be funny. They're talking about, like, selling zins at school.
Starting point is 01:01:32 And I'm like, yeah, bro. I think you should watch it. Archie can put it up on the actual video. I think you'll like it. It is one of the funniest clips I think I've ever seen in Valorant. I was telling him, too. I was like, bro, yeah, I got metal detectors at my school. Like, yo, no way.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Shit like that. Okay. All right, here, just press play on that. Yeah, why do you have a towel on your head? That's the whole thing. Don't worry about that. Listen, I've been fucking with you guys. I'm a 33-year-old bald man.
Starting point is 01:02:00 My dad is bald. My dad is bald. My dad is bald. My dad is bald. So if you want to ask me anything about what that's like. Yeah. Did you get your wife for Christmas? Wait, do you have a wife? I forget that sometimes old people don't have wives. I don't have a wife.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Well you're not, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Oh my god. That's crazy. I swear to god. I don't have a wife. She said I heard someone in your background. She said I heard a kid. She was trying to totally cope.
Starting point is 01:02:38 She fell for it. And so yeah, this whole game. It was very sweet. They were all actually very nice. Did you guys win? Yeah. You know why? Because at the end of it, I was like, so after that happened, I was like, listen guys, because they asked me like, how much money do you make a year?
Starting point is 01:02:52 Okay. And I told them and they're like, whoa. And I'm like, tell you what, we win this game, I Venmo you all $100. What? And they lock in. Oh my God. They have never calmed as hard than they did in those like last two rounds. That's so sick. And we win. And I sent them money. You actually did? Yeah. How'd you get the Venmo? they have never caught they have never calmed as hard than they did in those like last two rounds
Starting point is 01:03:05 and we win and i i sent them you actually did yeah how'd you get their memo yeah i said dm me on twitter and then we'll oh yeah that makes sense dude i i've been i've been fleecing recently yeah we uh so after the ludwig terry gravitational you know how sometimes at the studio they like set up beer pong or whatever and hang out so we did that and we were hanging out for a while getting crushed in beer pong you were horrible
Starting point is 01:03:29 no I was going insane actually I was playing really well I'm getting conflicting information ask him about the only what's the only shot that matters in beer pong
Starting point is 01:03:37 last shot final cup the last shot that shot was the hardest shot it is famously the hardest shot there's only one cup out there it's a mental game at that point and we lost I think it's not just mental it's hardest shot. There's only one cup out there. It's a mental game at
Starting point is 01:03:45 that point and we lost. It's not just mental. It's more of the fact that there's one cup instead of more than one. He was up seven cups to one and lost.
Starting point is 01:03:52 Yeah. Yeah. It'll happen. I made a lot of cups prior. He's not a closer. Well, you made less than your opponent.
Starting point is 01:03:58 Technically, eventually less. And so we're hanging out and throughout the evening, Tens had a goal which is double digit shots i don't know why it's his goal he's crazy man he drinks a lot he likes drinking and he's like he's like this is this is the goal that i will achieve today and i'm like i will support you and and so we're ripping shots and then it gets to the end where they're like hey
Starting point is 01:04:24 we gotta kick everybody out everybody's gotta gets to the end where they're like, Hey, we got to kick everybody out. Everybody's got to go home. And right before that, 10 is like, what if we go to karaoke? Okay. Is he, is he at double digits yet?
Starting point is 01:04:33 He's at this point. He has hit double digits. He's hit double digits. We've played King's cup, shake drizzles there. He's getting diced by me in melee. 10 says karaoke time. Everything is in order
Starting point is 01:04:45 I'm like karaoke only works if you rally the troops it can't be me and Tyson doing karaoke that's not true that's fucked up by the way it could be but if you come to me one day and you say bro I need you I want to do karaoke everyone said no I'm fucking there yeah sure I was like oh it's like I need to do karaoke
Starting point is 01:05:01 but generally karaoke is better vibes Tyson sounded like he needed to do karaoke he sounded like you didn't want to go on double digits I need to do karaoke, but generally karaoke is better vibes. I sound like he needed to do karaoke Yeah, you sounded like you don't want to double-digit You need to do karaoke and so I rallied the karaoke troops which was polling tea Because he's Tarek's there. He's like Couldn't do it He's hogging up a beer pong. He couldn't do it.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I already had the beer pong joke going on. It was just like too many angles at once. You made him get up at 7 to work out? That was the day before. That was the day before. He slept in that day. He's recovering from a workout. He should have been late that day, and I'm the one who figured out the right content.
Starting point is 01:05:37 So he was chilling that day. I showed up a little late, yeah. He was chilling. It was fair play. It was fair play. So I rally the karaoke troops, and it ends up being like a group of four, which is like shake cam,
Starting point is 01:05:47 couple other people. And then a group of five, which is like me, Derek tens, uh, leaf and Zelses. Yeah. And then the group of four leaves in a car together without me knowing,
Starting point is 01:05:57 which means we have five people. Oh yeah. We have to leave in an Uber. So I call an Uber XL, nothing happening. There's no Uber XL is where we're at. So I'm like, I call a regular Uber guy shows up. I'm like, XL, nothing happening. There's no Uber XLs where we're at. So I'm like, I'll call a regular Uber.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Guy shows up. I'm like, can we do five? Instant no. And I hate that I had to ask. Why didn't you send people in there? No, he did not hate that he had to ask. I hate that I had to ask. The funny part is we got in the car before he even asked.
Starting point is 01:06:20 We all, we got in the car. Zelses is on Leaf Slap. Zelses, Zelses is a problem. They were posted up in the back. Ludwig's, and then Ludwig's like, we got five. Zelses is on leaf slaps Posted up in the back Ludwig's and then Ludwig's like we got five Zelses is very drunk And so he's like he's like no can't do and then and then I pull out I pull out $40 You tried to grease the man try to grease him and I go and I go how about this? And he looks at me and he goes no. Oh and I and and then I go okay And then I pull out a $100 bill and he goes at me and he goes no oh and i and and then i go okay and then i pull out a 100 and he goes in a drive
Starting point is 01:06:49 that's so money they love it in the back they're like we love you ludwig and then it's a long drive oh it's a long drive so we're in the car for a while zelsis is on on this guy's lap and he's and he's and he's chirping the whole time tarikarek's looking at his phone to see how far the Uber is the moment we arrive. And then Tens just fell asleep. Tens is sleeping there. And I'm like, I'm the one rallying everybody because I'm trying to make this double digit
Starting point is 01:07:16 shot man's dreams come true. Oh, this is on the way to karaoke. This is on the way to karaoke. So we arrive at the karaoke spot and it's like 1am, maybe 1.10 or something. And we, we arrive at the karaoke spot and, uh, and it's like one a maybe one 10 or something. And we walk in the place close at two. And the guy looks at me and he goes, closing early tonight.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I'm like, what? They never do that. He's like, yeah, we're closing at one 30. I don't know. Boss just hit me up.
Starting point is 01:07:38 And I was like, no, looks at his wall. There's cobwebs in there. Again? Is there any way we could go in for just 20 minutes? And he's like, really can't do it. And I'm like, I'll just pay you cash right here for the hour.
Starting point is 01:07:56 And he's like, what do you want to drink? Nice. Okay. And we get in. And we get in for a karaoke sesh. Take a guess on Tarik song Right since on tragedies Mr. Brasshead we did single the last song I think Wow which version You better be saying broke twice. You were saying broke twice.
Starting point is 01:08:26 You were saying broke twice. I said three times. You were saying broke twice. Sometimes four. What was your song? Dude, my song was like, and at this point, by the way, I was so fucking tired. I think I did Sam Smith's Stay With Me. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Wow. Which is really hard. It's a slow jam. Yeah, dude. Which is really hard. A real slow jam. Don't you stay with me. Octave lower. Yeah, I was so fucking beat, and I was just like, let's just pick something. And that's the first thing I saw. Mr. Brightside would have been awesome, though.
Starting point is 01:08:54 I love that. That's a great karaoke song. Yeah. This was all for Shake Drizzle's Instagram story. All of this. Really? Because that's where I saw this happening. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:03 I was like, oh, wow. Shake Drizzle. We were at home beating our fucking dicks not hanging out with you guys You left tiny dick well left late, but I want to be clear. I would not have come that's fair I would have been great if you were there You'd have been my out I wanted to go home. It was actually yeah, I would have gone. I sleep I don't carry okay. You guys both bailed. We didn't fail. I was there so late I not as we said that you didn't fucking ask him. Why didn't you say why'd you leave? I wasn't I wasn't upset He was upset
Starting point is 01:09:36 He came to me upset and I said like the first thing I said after I finished work Which is what it was it was work. Mm-hmm. Is that good? Where's time? I finished work, which is what it was. It was work. As I go, where's Slime? No, you didn't. I deadass said that. You rotten bastard. And they instantly go, he left hours ago.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Like, it was a stupid question. You did leave way before everyone else. Yeah, I like going home. You like going home? I'm a home guy. He left immediately. Yeah. I don't drink and shit, so it's not real.
Starting point is 01:09:57 I was there until at least 11. Oh, well, it was like midnight that we left. Listen, your guys' bodies don't quit. Some of ours do. I'm 33 years old. The hangovers are starting to get worse, it was like midnight. Listen, your guys' bodies don't quit. Some of ours do. I'm 33 years old. The hangovers are starting to get worse, that's for sure. I did feel like shit, and I had to wake up and do a podcast. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:10:12 Oh, that must have sucked. Hard life. It did. Peter had the liver pills on deck, though. Yeah, what are the liver pills? You know the Japan liver pills that you take to not get hungover? I've had these before in Japan, actually. It's fucking...
Starting point is 01:10:22 They're good. Really? They work. Yeah. I don't know what the fuck they are I don't think they work they do
Starting point is 01:10:26 but they do take them placebo the marketing works at least works I think it's helped my headache headaches before yeah I usually go for Pedialyte
Starting point is 01:10:35 that helps a lot for me because I have Pedialyte just getting hydrated yeah just like before I sleep just chug a Pedialyte that's what I used to do too um
Starting point is 01:10:43 what was I gonna ask you your god damn body I you your question for you It's not for you. Oh, I don't that because you haven't won a major and that's what this is about It's cool But it's funny we'll just be like doing anything. That's like the most random person like and he's just like you got you know You want a major? You brought it home for n a Have you heard it was for all of us? Yeah, many question on the way to his question
Starting point is 01:11:19 Have you ever felt that good sense? I think it's like gotta be like my life accomplishment for sure You mean us all feel like winners that day. That's why it's like, gotta be like my life accomplishment for sure. That's so beast. So sick. You made us all feel like winners that day. That's why it's special. Yeah. It's pretty sick. I still go back and watch every like. Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:33 you gotta feel so money. Yeah. I think, I think it was, I still, I remember this. I was at basically a Dave and Buster's equivalent with a phone between me and three other people at a table. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:43 And for the first time in my life, I the twitch of viewership number over a million channel like seven million dude it was 1.1 million people watching the end of that shit that's crazy and said and I know we a meme and it comes up so often i was wondering what that actually means to you in your in your life now which you which you kind of answered but i was like is it is it something that you still like think about a lot is it something that like brings you a lot of happiness still or is it like are you so far removed from it that it doesn't i'm definitely not so far removed from it because i get reminded about it a lot that's for sure um it's definitely like one of those things where it was my dream i think it is every
Starting point is 01:12:28 counter-strike you know competitive players dream to like win a major because it's like the super bowl i guess yeah um yeah it's you know it's obviously been like five years now right or six going on six years now yeah um yeah i don't know it's one of those things where uh it is fucking dope but i can't live in the past. I'm still striving to do bigger and better, but I'm definitely really proud, and it is something that I hold very close to my heart. And yeah, we did it for NA.
Starting point is 01:12:54 It's cool that also Counter-Strike 2 came out, so you can't win another one of those for CSGO, so it's locked in. So you're the only person from NA to ever do it? We're the only ones from NA to do it. That's crazy. Yeah. Yeah, you runs our shit, bro.
Starting point is 01:13:06 What do you get for that? What do we get for it in terms of what? Like, do you get a fucking big bag of money? It was, I think first place was half a million. Split? Yeah, split between the team. Team and coach, probably, right? Yeah, and the coach and the org.
Starting point is 01:13:18 So at the end of the day, I think I owed the team like 20K. Yeah. Does it put you in the Hall of of fame or maybe you guys are better equipped i was the mvp yeah it's crazy also it was my it was my first and only mvp in my so like i i like your clutch i i fucking it's not beer pong i peaked there i asked because it's also like the thing about it too sorry to cut you off is that uh uh the way we did it is the crazy part is the way because like we were like we were down and out like even from the start of the tournament we were like zero two in the group stage and then even going to the final map of the final match we
Starting point is 01:13:53 were down like 15 11 yeah and then we just like yeah it was uh to send the real story it's carried c9 i think for a long time legacy wise I think in terms of like fans for C9. It was magic. Because C9 like I realized at our event how much people actually do care about esports teams because the most viewed match
Starting point is 01:14:14 was 100 Thieves versus C9. The old ones matter man because they've been around enough. And 100 Thieves has a lot of fans because of the new hot shit but C9's games also got a lot of viewers, even though I don't necessarily think their team was the best last year or maybe has the biggest star player this year.
Starting point is 01:14:33 But I think people still really ride or die for that org, which is, I think, more and more rare in esports. They're a staple, I would say, though. Like C9, TSM, even CLG, who doesn't exist anymore. CLG's dead. Team Liquid, maybe. Team Liquid, yeah., even CLG who doesn't exist anymore. CLG's dead. Team Liquid maybe. Team Liquid, yeah. Like these guys are all staples I feel.
Starting point is 01:14:48 It kind of sucks too to see like some of the staples start to fade away. Dude, you know actually the clip we showed, we actually met before that because I interviewed at the house and I ate cereal in front of you. Oh, because you were trying to do my cereal fork and that's like one of my iconic clips. Yeah. Yeah. Holy shit. Probably of my iconic clips. Yeah. Yeah. Holy shit. Probably not that part, but yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:07 It was definitely based off of like the cereal 4K like pun. Yeah, 100%. I think I shot that, right? No, I think it was solo. It was tripod. Oh, it wasn't the French players? No, no. I think it was in the hallway.
Starting point is 01:15:19 But yeah, there was that. This mattered more. It wasn't actually about me, but I forgot what I was going to fucking say. Have you guys seen the Serial 4K clip? Yes. Yeah. No? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:29 You haven't seen it? No. It's so classic. I don't know shit about you until you played the colorful Serial 4K park. Yeah, this is like my first clip that blew up. I think it was on, is that site called 9GAG? Yeah. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:15:43 I posted it, and I don't even know what the fucking 9GAG was, but apparently it was like a big deal. Oh, that's what called nine gag yeah i don't even know what the fuck that was but apparently it was like a big deal oh that's what i was gonna ask you uh i'm sure you get this question a lot but like did what's have you ever considered going like valorant and trying to be on a team and shit or is streaming too cushy dude it's yeah i got a lot of offers also i got a lot of offers because just based off my brand like being big but i never considered it really because it was during the time of covid that i kind of started to go down this path and i feel like i've done the pro thing i was pro for seven years and being a streamer i'm not gonna lie it's it's way better work it's so easier yeah yeah dude especially as a counter-strike pro dude i was traveling like
Starting point is 01:16:17 literally every weekend i'd be in europe for like 60 days straight just like boot camping playing events back to back to back um like no life outside of counter-strike and yeah that shit is gruesome dude like i mean to the people that are still doing it honestly props to them but this is during a qualifier for an mlg event and this is the pistol round to start the match i always thought this clip was fpl yeah so i'm upstate uh living with my brother in his closet gaming because he's like got this tiny ass apartment It's the only person who my PC and basically Yeah, this is us trying to there good. I think it was emoji Aspen
Starting point is 01:16:53 I want to say that we're trying to qualify for and it's like the first round of the match I'm eating cereal cuz like I'm gonna I actually went to one semester of college this one I was going to college as well, and I was eating cereal for dinner probably and So the funny part is yeah, I just like fucking Can you look up Boston major cereal, yeah, there's a good there's a remake of that Over me getting an ace in the major and it's with that clip, but it like syncs up perfect Yeah, look. Yeah. Oh my god. It's so funny Thing I was on yeah, it's like showing me as a face cam of that, but I'm playing the major
Starting point is 01:17:29 Yeah, that was my first clip like yeah blew up so crazy. Would you oh yeah? Oh my god So this is during the major TV freaking out. I think this is the round. Yeah, I don't know if this is an ace But yeah, it's like the same clip Dude itcs up perfect. Yep. Dude, even the Molly. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:02 That edit was fucking hilarious. That's crazy. When you think about think about when you're talking about like doing you know other stuff in your life do you feel like that moment is like i'm like a measuring stick like you have to do something that like feels as good as that or it's like compartmentalized and you can move on to something no i think expression yeah i think it's kind of like i don't want to be just Boston Major Tarek for the rest of my life. Although it is a really cool and big thing. I don't think you are, to be clear, by the way. You already are, yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Because I don't know about shit. Right. Because CS and Dota to me were like the cool people games, but I never played that shit. I was a Nintendo kid. I liked the baby games. I liked the cute little pictures. So Valorant is why I got in, because it's for children. And I liked the Valorante children game.
Starting point is 01:18:49 So I only knew about you because I was watching Valorant streamers yeah and then I know the major meme and then yeah every time Aiden you would bring him up Aiden be like you know he won a major right like did that at the streamer awards you came up at the streamer awards and they pull you they pull you up as like the winner and then from like the balcony I screamed that guy won the fucking major that's so awesome that's so awesome we did a we did a beerio cart
Starting point is 01:19:10 stream for Ludwig at the C9 office because we needed a venue and they had the trophy there yeah and there was a moment where everyone was kind of just crowded around it
Starting point is 01:19:19 for a moment we're just like the trophy's there there it is and everyone's kind of taking their little like museum like look around.
Starting point is 01:19:25 There's me eating, look, I have hair. Yeah, we both look so different. That's the shitty part, too, about winning an event is that the orc gets the trophy. Like, the players don't get jack shit. We can take it back. Take it back the trophy? I'm taking it down, dude. You can take back what's yours.
Starting point is 01:19:42 It's yours. And my teammate. We need to, like, replicate it five times. Jack, we're coming. We're coming, Jack. That shit sucks, though. And my teammate. We need to like replicate it five times. Jack, we're coming. We're coming, Jack. That shit sucks though. You went in a van, you don't have shit for it. That's why I always feel like there should be like medals or something or like whether
Starting point is 01:19:52 it's rings or whatever. Cause like the players don't have anything to take home. You should get a company to remake it. Yeah. That's what, uh. No, you just heist the C9 building and make content out of it. I feel like we pulled off. I know it is.
Starting point is 01:20:02 Oh yeah. We'll run another beer. We get in and out. On the brains. I'll text C9 Vincent right now. And we get let in. Brains. Braun. Hacker. Hacker man. Why the fuck is he Braun? You can be
Starting point is 01:20:14 the smooth talking you like flirt with the doorman. Yeah. You're the dame. And you're the. Can I be the femme fatale? No he's the femme fatale. He's the femme fatale. That's what I am. Look at that. Look how cut he is. He's so fatale. be the femme fatale? No, he's the femme fatale. No, he's the femme fatale. That's what I am. Look at that. Look how cut he is.
Starting point is 01:20:26 He's so fatale. He's femme fatale. You are so important, though, to the heist. He's the one where we go, all right, and you're going to watch the headquarters. You're going to watch and make sure... You stay home. Can I be the two brothers in Ocean's movies
Starting point is 01:20:41 who just fuck off to Mexico for all of it? The Mormon guys? Yeah. And then they come back at the end. It's just you and Nick Engling. We had to figure out a situation in Mexico. So we're gone for the whole movie. We could do it.
Starting point is 01:20:56 Well, look, do you feel like you've already passed that then in terms of you're not just Tarek the Major winner, you're Tarek the Major winner, also biggest Valorente streamer? Yeah, the watch parties are insane. It crazy it's kind of nuts yeah you're the second biggest streamer in the world last year that's fucked yeah I always watch was it number two or was it was number two yeah yeah that's insane for sure because the fact that I'm getting more viewers in the actual broadcast and I'm not really like planning or doing anything like out of this world
Starting point is 01:21:24 it's just me, like, you know, giving my insight and just being who I am. So it's kind of cool that I don't have to like force anything on it. And it's like, do you feel guilty? Um, you feel guilty that so many people listen to you and sometimes you just kind of wake up and roll out of bed. No, cause I'm straight up like, Hey, I just woke up and I'm out of bed straight up. And you could probably tell too. Uh, but I tried to, to you know i try to avoid that and that's me like also trying to get into a better routine of like waking up at a reasonable time and you know going to the gym and shit like that so i'm getting better at it um but yeah the
Starting point is 01:21:54 watch parties are nuts dude yeah i think we i think i peaked at like 220k at some stream uh last year just when i got for the fucking subathon That was my peak for the subathon. Yeah. And that shit took a month of my life. Yeah. That's pretty sick though. Do you fuck with
Starting point is 01:22:08 Warzone? Actually I used to. I fuck with H1Z1. You know H1Z1? I love that game. That's such a weird thing to say. I haven't played it
Starting point is 01:22:17 in a long time. You're like, I haven't. It just got me thinking about Battle Royale. Yeah, fuck with it.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I haven't played Warzone in a minute but it's fun though. I played a long time ago. Not the newest one though. We've't played Warzone in a minute, but it's fun, though. I played a long time ago. Not the newest one, though. We've been playing Warzone 3. Dude, I should play with you guys. I feel like it'd be a blast.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Let's do it. It would be really fun. We would win in less than four games. Really? You guys are cracked. There's dog words. Don't fall for T-shirts. I'm not a variety gamer, guys.
Starting point is 01:22:40 We are equally cracked. Equally cracked. To be clear, you're not a gamer outside of Valorant CS. I've seen you in 2v2s. I've seen you on Fortnite. I put him in Fortnite with teams to carry, and it's like he's not doing that. I'm playing with Toast and someone else, and Toast is carrying. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Actually, it takes me more time to, I feel like, attack FPS. I'm still attack FPS brain, and sometimes I overthink in other games where it's just like I need to just play the game and just let it happen but I don't know I'm just over thinking too
Starting point is 01:23:08 much you don't think at all yeah it was always fun you just fucking run you get a bunch of dopamine
Starting point is 01:23:12 hits you play as Nicki Minaj yeah that's what I do you've been playing for how when did you start playing
Starting point is 01:23:18 CS I started playing CS because of my brother when I was like way younger but like I haven't been playing since then but maybe the
Starting point is 01:23:23 first time I played I was like 10 11 does your brother ever go like like I made you Yes, because of my brother when I was way younger. But I haven't been playing since then. But maybe the first time I played, I was like 10, 11. Jesus. Does your brother ever go like, I made you? No. Not really. But he is the reason I started playing, though.
Starting point is 01:23:35 It's one of those things he was doing for fun with his friends. He'd play with his IRL friends and bring them over and shit like that. And then I started playing as well and then just took off with it, yeah. Do you got the hard worker gene? Like you must, right, to get as good as you did? Yeah. I think grinding for sure. I took off with it. Yeah. You got the hard worker gene like you must write to get as good as you did. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:46 I think grinding for sure. I'm definitely about that. Yeah. Let's run a marathon together. Let me fucking say I can't believe you're
Starting point is 01:23:51 doing that by the way. How's your training going? I'm a ran since my half. When's when's a half marathon? Oh yeah that's right.
Starting point is 01:23:57 It's 13.1 13.1 slime 13.1 miles. That's right. And how long? Two hours 39 minutes 39 minutes. 12 minute mile pace that's pretty good
Starting point is 01:24:07 that's good 5 miles an hour that's really good cardio that's insane my cardio is terrible I gotta work on it I don't like talking about it you don't like talking about it
Starting point is 01:24:13 he loves talking about it jump roping jump roping is really good jump roping is great bro because you don't even need to run that much and it kicks your ass and you're like
Starting point is 01:24:18 damn this is what children do 2 minutes and it kicks your ass I can jump rope for 9 minutes now and I feel like fucking superman next time you tune into my stream you're gonna see me watching a match, jump roping. Are you still on the treadmill? Yeah, the treadmill. Yeah, that's what I was doing because...
Starting point is 01:24:32 You're not on it anymore though? Well, because you were just online so much, I feel like. So you've got to find a way to fit it into the stream. Yeah, I feel like I need it to like... Dude, I've seen the elliptical that's only under the table. Hidden, hidden. I feel like it is nothing. It's less than... It's 150 calories an hidden. I feel like it is nothing. It's less involved. It's a hundred and fifty calories an hour
Starting point is 01:24:49 So little it is little Pressure on there. I'm sure you can but then you're just sweating yeah Like that be cool if you could make it what make it's like your W key like you have to pedal to move forward Oh, so like if you want to remove in the game you got go that'd be good That's what I'm thinking VR is gonna go to where it's like you have the headset on and then you also have like a treadmill Below you so you have to like physically move around. Yeah Yeah, and then every gamer gets insane cardio, and then we can fight in the grain more or too much of the game Move on the grain war is talking about the game too much gaming much gaming Boxing though we can't do that right
Starting point is 01:25:23 We could mean you and you. No, not me and you. Crack your damn head open. He'll do it. It's like 5v5 in the ring and then 5v5 in the game. 5v5 in the ring and 5v5 in the game. It's a tag. It's like WrestleMania style. Hell in a cell.
Starting point is 01:25:37 I was going to fight Ethos until my guy got changed for chest boxing. Wait, really? Yep. He was supposed to fight Ethos. Wait, what happens? Well, Ethos is too young for him. You said young? He's too young for you. Too too young and agile. Sorry you were too old for him. This is the crazy talking about But that's literally what happened. You were too old to fight him too frail. Oh, he thought was like 20
Starting point is 01:25:55 He's like I always thought that he was too old, but there was another person who was too old for his opponent Yes, it's a bit of both. You basically get to be within ten years of each other in age But you can't have age gaps in boxing. No, yeah, there's a bit of both. Basically, you have to be within 10 years of each other in age. Wait, you can't have age gaps in boxing? No. Yeah, there's like big rules and stuff. I didn't know that. And so the stock guy was supposed to fight Yasuo, which was too big of an age gap. And then Ethos and Yasuo are the same age, and you and Stock guy are...
Starting point is 01:26:16 But Ethos, I was like, Judy was like, he's going to kill him. Yeah? I'm pretty sure Ethos has experience fighting a little bit. Really? Yeah, I forget where I heard that that would have been fun you would have cracked
Starting point is 01:26:27 his damn head open I think it would have been like a cantaloupe he's sparring soon yeah I spar next week because I still box because it's fun so I'm gonna get
Starting point is 01:26:36 my ass kicked for the first time by a professional amateur there you go that's also really good cardio pro-assisting dude you just die oh my god if you want to get your cardio up hit a bag or jump rope do what boxers do professional amateur. There you go. That's also really good cardio. Dude, you just die. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:26:45 If you want to get your cardio up, hit a bag or jump rope, do what boxers do. It's so fucking miserable. No, it's not. It's not the same. Just run. I'm saying you're using shit
Starting point is 01:26:55 in your body that you're like, ah, I didn't know that existed and it hurts. Ouch, stop. But it's great. I feel you. And if Aiden never steps to me, out.
Starting point is 01:27:05 I'll probably never step to you to be honest I love how he keeps it open though yeah can you give me a promise sure and I want you to
Starting point is 01:27:13 not break it before how am I shaking before just you know just trust me just moving in alright
Starting point is 01:27:19 there it is you will not do the fear in podcast wait why thank you thank you for shaking your hand. Thank you for shaking Ludwig's hand there. Appreciate it. You realize all they do is two things.
Starting point is 01:27:31 One, lie, and two, bite our shit. And three, charge their phone. Hold on, hold on. I'll show you an example of what'll happen. Say something. Yeah. Just say any sentence. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:41 So anyway, Will. Will. Isn't Austin gay? Oh my god. Austin is so gay. Yeah, I'm gay. Let me tell you. He was at the gay party being gay. Oh my god. You're not even a damn word in. And they won't keep my name out their damn mouth. Wait, do your Austin impression, it's funny.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Wait, do I have an Austin impression? What'd you do the other day, Austin? I'm gay as fuck. You'll go into his lower register. I can't access it. Oh, dude, when he does his Trump. My Austin is just my Trump. They have the same voice.
Starting point is 01:28:19 They do it because Austin Cho, when Trump was heating up, loved doing an impression and then he just lost it. Like he lost what made Austin Cho Austin Cho and he became Trump. I think he just needs an accent. Yeah. He just needs to like be another guy. Right. Yeah. And it can be,
Starting point is 01:28:32 it can be Trump. It can be any sort of from any place in the world, any place in the world. That's his versatility at play. Yeah. You don't know about this on the verse. I don't know about it. I was going to say,
Starting point is 01:28:44 do you do GTA role play? I feel like you'd be good for it hate it. Really why it's cringe. Why are you it's cringe? I think it's cringe. Yo and whack. Well, what's the blown up the charts right now? It is it's actually already falling off But it has Two years for the past six seven years GTRP has taken over the twitch meta and it's just like it's a cycle and usually comes with some major update to it and and people really like it and i've and i've watched a lot of it but i don't like watching it why i don't i think most of the interactions
Starting point is 01:29:17 are a bit awkward yeah or forced yeah and a storyline needs to evolve and usually when a storyline starts and it culminates it's with every person who's a part of it wanting to be a part of it in some finale fashion whether it's like a court case or storming the capital or whatever it is and i think when many people are there it's chaos because it's like everyone's got fucking protagonist syndrome and you can't have that many protagonists and and so that's In and I get why people like it and there's certain people are really good at it like I like watching squeaks I think squeaks is funny, but I also think he's funny when he plays my Austin show was that characters hold on Right right Austin show used to play a character called Rosh Patel. I know I used to love It's so crazy
Starting point is 01:30:11 You know about cutie for a while No, I only only and this is this is I know I didn't know about cutie really cuz she was all over that shit really No, I didn't know I used yeah, I used to play runescape and he used to play runescape Yeah, and and also randomly Okay, this is this is so you love saying slurs. No, not even I thought it was hilarious. Yeah. Yeah, but I know I changed you watch a play roots came not do his shows then so you Watch my old. Yeah Indian yes hilarious yeah yeah but i know i changed you watch him play roots game not do his shows then so you watch him way old yeah did you think he's indian yes i did for sure 100 that's crazy he's so good at it he's good what he does he's really good did did did yeah great podcast um i used to do this
Starting point is 01:30:56 thing like when i was a streamer a very long time ago it's called freestyle fridays and it would just be super random and we'd like have a guy and uh team speak like beatboxing and then we'd like bring in random viewers to like freestyle my friend and they just just freestyle each other Randomly one day Raj came in and freestyle burst my friend. Oh my god in character in character Oh my god, and I'm gonna use my an American accent. I've been working on for this The thing is that that I'm talking about I don't think Austin likes to be referred to as Rashbi anymore. No, definitely not. No, he likes to put it behind him, which is fair. And he has done leaps and bounds of work to move past it.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Yeah. But here we are. And he's gay, which I also think helps. But it built the foundation for the Fear and Podcast. Yeah, and by the way, he came in and destroyed my friends. But no, I just, I love him. Really? He's got flow?
Starting point is 01:31:42 He's fire. Yeah, it was hilarious. That's maybe one of the coolest things i've heard about that's tight it was awesome it makes you kind of overlook all the other stuff it was awesome yeah he came in and then he left right after he didn't even like he just like dropped the mic drop the mic fuck that shit well one final thing i wanted to bring up uh before the show ends and it's been great having you on but ludwig has said this thing for a long time about you specifically that I think is unfair and he says that you don't smile very well Brings this up He makes fun of the way in which you smile and I'd like I think your smile could maybe
Starting point is 01:32:19 Shine a thousand sun dude. I may be a girl days Yeah, I'm I saw I'm a huge huge asshole and i think i think it's a little unnatural yo it's good it's good criticism i feel like i hate smiling for pictures i i totally hate it okay it's like it feels forced and yeah it's also something i overthink i feel like as well you're an overthinker i am an over Ludwig said this a lot he's like he's probably yeah Ludwig likes to say that it's in the eyes yeah because well i think you have a beautiful smile i think when it happens candidly dude i'm just, when it happens on its own, it's great, but I hate smiling for photos.
Starting point is 01:32:48 Well, to end us here... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and give us just give us anything you'd like to shout out and then just a nice little smile to send the crowd home. You'd be a lot prettier if you smiled. Yeah. Okay. Shout out to everyone watching. We appreciate you guys.
Starting point is 01:33:13 And this is my first time doing this podcast. I actually I'm not going to lie. I haven't watched your guys' podcast before. I've obviously met you guys before, but I've only heard
Starting point is 01:33:21 great things about it. And it's not because it's your guys' podcast because I don't watch too many podcasts in general on my own. Yeah, we don't talk about the effects of nicotine
Starting point is 01:33:29 like fucking Andrew Huberman. We'll get there. And also, I don't really go on podcasts so it's like something that I don't personally do on my own as well so it is outside
Starting point is 01:33:36 my comfort zone but I hope you guys enjoyed it. I hope you guys got to learn some stuff here and we'll see you on the next one.

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