The Yard - Ep. 137 - Jschlatt Is A Bad Influence

Episode Date: February 28, 2024

This week, the boys talk about the new show Unpaid Intern, Ludwig's teacher found out about the podcast, and how the boys want to put Aiden in a Zoo.....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, we're rolling right now. I want you... Yeah, we're rolling. And I want you to eat that bagel. I want you to eat that bagel to show the world what you're actually like. Mm-hmm. Show the world what you're actually like, dude. This is what I'd be... If we were not rolling, this is what I'd do. I'd eat a bagel, and the world what you're actually like. Mm-hmm. Show the world what you're actually like. This is what I'd be,
Starting point is 00:00:25 if we were not rolling so I'd do, I'd eat a bagel and I'd go. Yep. Look, gaze. Gaze upon ye.
Starting point is 00:00:34 This is, this is the Ludwig that you guys miss out on when the camera's not rolling. You want to do a Final Fantasy 7 sponsor like this week? His screen, his screen time's doing
Starting point is 00:00:42 like the Nazi Zombies glitch thing where it's like round negative 2E7 1 million. He went to minus world. You know when
Starting point is 00:00:50 you go to a zoo and the first exhibit at the front of the place is it's always like the penguins. The penguins are like right there when you walk in.
Starting point is 00:00:58 I want it to be Ludwig eating the bagel and on his phone. And in a tank top just looking like a fucking Adonis. And he's got like a little tank that you can
Starting point is 00:01:05 look into the water through the glass if he wants to swim. Let me just start by saying. I don't wear the tank on stream. I like top. Also finish your bagel. I'm not gonna finish a whole ass bagel. It's gonna take me so long. But you got it. But you bought it. You brought it to the set. You brought it to the set where we do a show also. What is that logic?
Starting point is 00:01:22 What is that logic? Can I walk you guys through a thought tree I just had? Yeah. So I imagined a zoo exhibit where Aiden's in the middle of it. Oh, okay. I like it. And he's playing Valorant on his computer. Is he starving? No. Can we throw food at him?
Starting point is 00:01:38 I'm in a zoo. They keep me well fed. Could he be? Well, let me pitch you the concept and you tell me if he's starving or if he's himself. Normally. So, alright. So he's playing Valorant tell me if he's starving or if he's himself normally. So, all right, so he's playing Valorant. He's got headphones on. He's playing. He's like, dude.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And thousands of people. It's the most popular zoo in the world. It's like the Australia Zoo. It's in Calcutta. This is like the Australia Zoo. Yeah. It's big. It's Calcutta during a soccer riot.
Starting point is 00:02:01 On the side of the zoo, there's a hole that you can put your penis inside of. Yeah. So people are coming up and putting the penis in the hole, but he's not noticing. Yeah, it's just, they're just popping in and then people are like
Starting point is 00:02:14 kind of waiting. Yeah, they're waiting. And then the penis goes away. And then the penis goes like, oh, fuck. And they kind of get bored or maybe pissed like they're not being picked
Starting point is 00:02:21 or they don't know. They just leave and this happens for, I don't know, maybe a week That's right. Yeah, he just never notices. Yeah, and he kind of gets up and he goes like Is there a sign that's like Aiden the cock sucking animal put your dick in and experience a world of delight world of pleasure from From our biggest best boy make anybody bust man woman fill in the blank I'm waiting for the most honorable penis. It's like the sword and the stone.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Everybody wants to see if their penis will be chosen. You either get the biggest blowjob of all time or he guillotines your cock. He sucks the most cocks in Coney Island. Come on, come on. Extra, extra. And it's the same like Disney where an employee's watching and they see a nice cock and they buzz. And that's when you actually get to suck it. Well, not get to suck it. Get to. That's when he gets and that's when you actually get to suck it. Well not get to suck it. That's when he gets that's when that's
Starting point is 00:03:07 when I deem it fit enough. That's true he deems it fit enough. He's the... A cock so so mighty and fine that it draws me from my solo queue game. Like a pie in the windowsill. Sorry, sorry Cypher. I have to go do something. You're like, I'll be back after this round. Don't worry. People are going to trick you like they do in Disney where they come up looking disabled and they're going to hobble over and you're going to be like,
Starting point is 00:03:31 maybe it is a mighty cock. And then you make them bust and then they walk normal. They do this at Disneyland. Wait, make people bust? Yeah. Say it again. Make people bust?
Starting point is 00:03:41 No, no. I'm just Jesus in this scenario. There's the sword and the stone in Disneyland, and you pull it, and sometimes it comes out, but there's an employee who has a button, and they wait for children or oftentimes disabled people. Right, to make their day. Yes, because it's more valuable to make their day.
Starting point is 00:03:57 Dude, this is the sword and the stone? And then you just rock up all different. There's literally a video of a guy hunching over to it, like limping, and then it pulls out, and he's like, like yeah and he jumps and runs away being the sword in the stone button operator only doing it on women and then going up to him later i guess we should have listened yo you pulled that sword really good yeah you know what most people can't do it but you did and i work here so i know you're really strong it's cool you play peach people think it's a button but it's actually just really beautiful women and's cool you play Peach. People think it's a button, but it's actually just
Starting point is 00:04:25 really beautiful women. And it's automatic. It's an AI camera. It's really good at finding beautiful women that I'm in love with. Wait, hold on. So how far away
Starting point is 00:04:33 is this cock hole from Aiden's... It's far. It's far. But it's not so far that he... He should know where he is. He's not getting fed up.
Starting point is 00:04:40 It looks like he's in a... It looks like he's in a diorama of like an anthill. Like there's... Yeah, I can see it all. Yeah, it's like glass enclosures. Thousands of people watching. He doesn't see any of it.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I don't want to focus on the penises. He doesn't even realize how he got here. He doesn't even realize. So to round back to my initial question, yeah, I think it's funnier if he's starving. Yeah, because then there'd be a reason to go. Because maybe they would have like their handouts to the cage. Why wouldn't there be a reason?
Starting point is 00:05:02 Because maybe there's like another hole where they can put their handouts. Oh, because they'll stick food in as a gift for the cock sock like a gummy ring around the cock that you could eat a faceless man in all white brings his uber eats in like a like he wore he works for black mirror he says thank you to the guy not thinking about who he is or why it's being delivered and he goes back to the screen immediately. But no, imagine a Mr. Beast style scenario. I fed a hundred people only cum for a hundred days. Now, now, you know what? That's crass.
Starting point is 00:05:34 What? That's crass, dude. That's crass. What? Why is it crass? Jesus Christ. Aiden looking at rancid cock. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:05:42 He's very philanthropic. Why does it have to be rancid? Don't make it rancid. Oh, the people in the zoo are very well kept. There's a well established hyg cock. He's very philanthropic. Why does it have to be rancid? Don't make it rancid. Oh, the people in the zoo are very well kept. There's a well established hygienic individual in the zoo. It's the Australia Zoo! The Australia Zoo, they're calling them their Wazawaloo. And they're fucking popping through the fucking wall.
Starting point is 00:05:56 And you know it's dirty because they don't shower. It's some cut it out guy with a mullet. It's a very nice zoo. They have another exhibit for the cut. And it's very clean. It's very nice to have another exhibit for the cut and it's very clean Jackson with an axe has stuck his dick through the fucking exhibit Hey mate, I put me dick in there He's gonna suck it. I promise look and he's like no, he's not gonna do it
Starting point is 00:06:22 Let's go get a snow cone. Dude, this is the best you've ever done. Holy shit. Josh Mann has been rubbing off on you a lot. You guys think this shit's sweet out here. I wish I could do the accent. This is so much better than the last time you did it. What are you talking about? That was the best you've ever done it.
Starting point is 00:06:38 That was different. You have locked something within you. Dude, did I tell you when we were in Colorado and Josh, I just made his life miserable by he needed a smaller pillow, and he asked the guy we were staying with, he's like, hey, do you think I could get, like, a smaller pillow? Like, this one's, like, too big.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And he was like, uh, sure. And the whole day, the next day, if Josh was annoying to me, I'd be like, oh, is the pillow too big? No, no. The pillow might be a little big for my head, but I'd be appreciative if I could get a smaller pillow, and he would just fucking want to punch me in the face.
Starting point is 00:07:13 He performed horribly, didn't he? He didn't do horribly. He did fine. He lost to Crudo, and Crudo's the best player in the world. Yeah, it is true. Zane said there's like three players who can do it and become the next best and he said Crudo is one of them really everyone thinks this is other two uh he said mango he said Crudo hey I B W D good I don't remember I just remember Crudo okay all right let's finally
Starting point is 00:07:38 to to put a kit to put a can on this uh if Aiden is starving in the zoo playing Valorant, Cox You know what would be funny? If it was like a Panopticon instead of just one. Stop. No, let's go ahead and go back to that. No, he brought up an annoying term you have to explain it now. Yeah. You don't know it. Word of the week. Don't bring up an annoying term and then be like, you don't know Panopticon?
Starting point is 00:07:59 The word of the week is Panopticon. It's presumably a shape. This is an honest poll. I want our viewers a shape. This is a this is an honest poll I want our viewers to fucking know Like shit, I don't look like shit Shake posted a picture of you eating a burger and it's out of focus cuz you're back here in the background I'm like even out of focus. He's okay. The camera was just like lovely Mexican burger. It doesn't make sense It was just like lovely Mexican burger.
Starting point is 00:08:22 That doesn't make sense. I don't know why. It's a pedopticon is a concept of like a prison where you are, you're always being watched because all the cells are in a big circle. You're such a dumb piece of shit. Sounds like my phone. How would we know that? I went to college. Sounds like every day of my life.
Starting point is 00:08:37 What? It's like a common. What'd you go to college for? It's like a thought experiment. What'd you go to college for? Prison? Literature. Oh, I know what you're talking about.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Thank you, Damon. I'm no comment. I like you, man. What do you call it? A prison? Oh, I know what you're talking about. Thank you, Damon. I like you, man. I like you. Is this like in The Walking Dead? I learned this in Cool Rooms a lot. It's a circular prison where all the cells are in a circle, and in the middle is an observation tower. You don't know who's
Starting point is 00:08:58 looking at you, so it's as if you're always being observed, even though they cannot possibly observe anyone at the same time. It's just a thought idea. Anyway, it's a panopticon always being observed, even though they cannot possibly observe anyone at the same time, right? So it's just a thought idea. Anyway, it's an opticon, but instead of cells, it's cocks. You're in the middle. What's it called?
Starting point is 00:09:12 I don't like this. I don't like this. Now that I have a very distinct visual of what this is, because I didn't know the word, but I've seen this. It's like there's a big sweeping shot. You're in the middle starving, and I'm in the middle, and I'm surrounded by
Starting point is 00:09:25 cocks your ribs are showing and there's a big sweeping shot and there's all these holes it's like and it's like a big pan it's like and all these cocks popping out one by one like artillery shells and if they walk forward and you don't see them move then they get to keep moving if you see them there's C stands and lights there's C stands and lights and there's C stands also Sound speeds sound There's some gaff and so there's a boom we need to get a little more No audio it's a silent film it's an off-brand production So many people it's okay because we all are in this together oh oh i'm gonna piss off some people i gotta say it though hey i'm gonna get a little controversial
Starting point is 00:10:15 i had this idea the other day when i was in someone in chat was like nothing good has ever come after i just think it's funny that or i just think that every time that statement is before something else it's like a pissy thing to say i just think it's funny that we push for income equality equality fuck i was gonna say inequality i couldn't even do it i couldn't even get it take jake i'm gonna kill myself dude You know fucking annoying. Oh man my editors grinds your day Deserve the death penalty. I just think it's funny that they're not dead yet. Yeah Editors deserve the panopticon, but the Aiden version I send them footy of raw footy
Starting point is 00:11:01 For them to work on to pay bills and then they start they've started taking my footy and just using it for pop. Red. Yes. I was staddler yesterday, but I'm sending a short and then he's just posting me in the short recording, but clipping it up. So I just, I just say in dumb shit.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Yeah. Clip anything up. That was a take. Yeah. But he's like, it's not, it's five seconds of like a minute 30. It wasn't five seconds. like a minute 30 in five seconds
Starting point is 00:11:25 It was ten seconds, and you just keep saying I fucked up Multiple takes I like to multiple takes oh, so those were the takes of you saying I fucked up It's a minute 30 of a short and then I give multiple takes throughout it because they splice through it I thought that was what you intended to be uploaded is that run of 10 seconds. No. That's so fucking funny. Then I say what I fucked up. Oh my god. And they just took the I fucked up where I gave multiple takes.
Starting point is 00:11:54 When Zipper comes back he's AFK right now. You saw it right? No I haven't seen it. Dude it's so funny. It's not fucking funny bro. It's not fucking funny bro. Sadler at the same fucking lunch he was like randomly bringing up, he's like, Yeah, I used to go to the beach and, uh, trap pigeons.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Seagulls. Seagulls, sorry. What the fuck? And everyone's like, dude, what? And he's like, yeah, I'd lay down under a blanket, I'd put like crumbs of food on my face on the blanket, and then pigeon, or seagulls would come, and I'd grab one. Wait, oh, I thought he would bite their feet with his teeth. Why would that be what he does?
Starting point is 00:12:24 Why would that be what he does? Through the blanket. Do you understand the visual? I'm not trying to be real. Like you said, he puts a blanket on his face. He puts food in his mouth. That makes no fucking sense. On his head.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Well, there's a hole. It's like a Vietnam trap. So you think... It's not a Vietnam trap. It's a Viet Cong trap. Let me... Hold on. I can speak his language.
Starting point is 00:12:44 So you're imagining The bird, it lands And then it steps across the blanket Oops, I've fallen in a hole And the hole is his mouth Thank you That makes a lot of sense That's not what I meant or happened
Starting point is 00:12:56 There's one fucking person here that understands me And I wish you guys would like him And it's the guy you put in the fucking pentopticon I would put you in there immediately Penopticon and you're smoking weed in a fight In like a UFC Alright thank you So he's like
Starting point is 00:13:14 He's like Everyone's just like dude what And he's like yeah hold on let me find you a picture He brings up a picture from Facebook and it's him just holding a pigeon Like how a kid Holds like a ball But there kid holds like a like a ball Yeah, there's like splayed on his body It's like this wings out, and it's just like no it's like how a kid holds a cat like they shouldn't hold it
Starting point is 00:13:32 They're gonna kill it. Yeah, yeah, you're like up at the particular. He's just holding it, and I'm like dude What the fuck he's like yeah? I would just like chill with it for a while, and then I'd let it go and we're like cool He's like you want to see other birds. I've caught and he has an album of So many birds that he's captured He's like into it dude. That's really this one. They look at this one. They're all different like breeds Editors are like this. That's why they're editors look at Prezzo. You think president normal person? Oh, you're polite a little sweet. He, no editors are fucking funny or something like that.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Wow. And I was like, damn. I have so many on staff that you're friends with. Shake's funny. That's crazy to single one out because we have three others. That's one worse than saying nothing. You should have just said nothing. Shake's funny. I get what you said
Starting point is 00:14:22 the first time. I don't know. I just said to tell the truth We need to apologize to Shake No We? I need to apologize to Shake We? I need to apologize to Shake
Starting point is 00:14:31 What happened this time? Because the burger was good We go back to the burger place The Mexican place The Mexican place The burger place It was a Mexican place So I tried the burger
Starting point is 00:14:40 And now I'm thinking This is a burger place That has Mexican food He tried to get you back so bad But you just looked so good You know what I'm thinking though? a burger place that has Mexican food. He tried to get you back so bad, but you just looked so good. You know what I'm thinking though? I feel like it wasn't a good, like that good of a burger spot until you ate there. Like before it was kind of weird. They leveled up a bit. Yeah, it felt kind of mid. Like I wouldn't order the burger before then, but after you got it, it kind of started to look pretty good.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I posted an Insta story of me with a burger trying to look cute, and a bunch of people replied being like, damn, nice burger. Where's it from from I posted good burgers good vibes why did you do that just to be like the polar opposite of shakes this guy ordered a burger
Starting point is 00:15:12 at a Mexican star point five yeah but it can't be yourself shake was just dude he was like he was just puking all over himself
Starting point is 00:15:19 he was like trying to get a bad picture of Ludwig and he's taking point fives across the table and we're like that's not how it works shake he's like dude what do I getwig and he's taking 0.5s across the table and we're like that's not how it works shake he's like dude what like I get up and it's like yeah you gotta get up
Starting point is 00:15:29 you're far away he's like trying to get a bad picture of Ludwig he can't do it let's just like no joke the one he took and Ludwig's out of focus I'm like I looked at him like I heard kiss me and look at my phone. I posted it. I had several people be like, damn, that burger looks great. And then even one calls to me or like they knew the spot. They knew the spot from the burger alone, but they didn't know it from shakes. Really good picture.
Starting point is 00:15:56 No. And then Tina's like, damn, that burger looks great. Where's it from? And I'm like, remember the guy I showed you at the Superbowl party? And she goes, how could I forget? I can't forget. He's in my nightmares every night. She goes, how could I forget? I can't forget. He's in my nightmares every night. She goes, how could I forget? I see him when I fall asleep, but my body can't wake up.
Starting point is 00:16:11 So anyway, the burger's good. All right. Real shit. Should we send him like a basket? He gets paid money. That's what I keep saying. He gets paid good money. At Mogul, we pay you so we can riddle you.
Starting point is 00:16:24 You don't pay him when you're i used to there's no transaction i used to legitimately pay him oh i know that but i got high once you told me about it yeah dude what do i show it you're sitting down all high off a gummy and i'm showing him how quickbooks works that's a core memory that was great for me we should go back to that to you doing quickbooks and me being high? Yeah. Sure. What do you mean no? Huh? I'm down.
Starting point is 00:16:48 I do my part. Yeah. You're just missing your part. You know what I've been thinking about nonstop since it happened? We went to dinner after Unpaid Intern. Great dinner. Schlatt ordered for the table. He was dad for the night.
Starting point is 00:17:03 We should clarify that we went to the same spot Schlatt always goes to every time he goes in L.A. without missing it. Which is Boa Steakhouse. Is this the place that he like showed up in with shitty stained underwear or whatever? Yes. Exactly the one. You both shared. It's just a nice steakhouse that they didn't want to let me in because of what I was wearing. You can't go in with Crocs.
Starting point is 00:17:22 You can't go in with shorts. You can't poop all over. Lovely shut it down, though. It was gray sweats, and you could still see it. I didn't sneak in Lily this time because she was wearing open-toed shoes. I snuck her in. I said, this is my small daughter. I love her very much.
Starting point is 00:17:37 She's not fine. But anyway, he's already been. She pulled a sword out today at Disney. She's having a great day. She's wearing a shirt that says, I'm with stupid, but it's Spongebob's hand. Yeah. This is my second time going, by the way. This trip.
Starting point is 00:17:53 So we have a nice dinner, you know, and then dessert comes out and they bring a platter of desserts. There's like all different kinds. There's like cookies and brownies and then there's a cheesecake on it and it looks really good. And the waiter walks over and puts it down
Starting point is 00:18:08 and Jerma goes, he goes, oh, it's a bad day to be a cheesecake. I can't stop thinking about it. That was funny because out of most humans' mouth it doesn't fly.
Starting point is 00:18:23 Dude. It was perfect on every level. I know no one else could have said at the table and had a beef I literally said right after if I said that it wouldn't have been funny Hmm, but what he said it was like it dad said it yeah, it was so good. He's Eldon Lord in a lot of ways He's dead. Do you know who else's dad is fucking Jay Shlatt the entire dinner? Was it do it like order? to order and he's like, He's like, I would let me do the ordering. German opens the menu and he goes,
Starting point is 00:18:47 Put it away. Oh my God. Put it away. And he's like the youngest one there, bar none. And then the waiter comes over and he's like, and he just goes through like he's a fucking veteran. That's weird.
Starting point is 00:18:58 We're going to get two of the baklava. I think that's weird. Let me get the snow beef. And then they come with the beef and he's like, and she's like, do you know what this is? And he's like, yeah, Hokkaido, Kagoshima, Fukuoka. And then she's like, okay.
Starting point is 00:19:10 You used to do this at Carl's Jr. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the cookie. That's the all-star meal. Listen up. Listen up.
Starting point is 00:19:18 Five stars. I want five stars. I want barbecue sauce. Don't skim me on the barbecue sauce. I want five stars Junior Western Why does he go is this this is just is he like you where he just picks a spot and he's like this is my spot Now and I know the people and I will go back. It's not like that. Okay like that so
Starting point is 00:19:38 He loves steak houses. Okay, and he believes Boa to be the best But he doesn't get the best days and know that but he believes hea to be the best. He doesn't know that. But he believes it. He's just been to Boa and basically only Boa. No, that's not true. He has to have traveled the world. When we met him, he took us to a steakhouse in Texas. He took us to a spot I like. I've taken him to a different one.
Starting point is 00:19:57 I know he's been to quite a few. Sure. You guys have gone to a steakhouse? What the fuck is this shit? We invited him, right? It was like... Kind of a... You're supposed to pretend that you're trying to save my feelings. You want to have your feelings really hurt
Starting point is 00:20:14 and then have it all be better. So I... I hung out with Ludwig. Went to his house and hung out. What? Doesn't that hurt your feelings? Isn't that shitty? You want to know how I hung out with Ludwig?
Starting point is 00:20:24 Did he need you to do something? After dinner, i go up to ludwig and cutie we're waiting for i'm waiting for like the car because uh the car's parked in valet and uh he goes hey to jerry he goes to cutie he's like hey jeremy's coming over he's gonna he's gonna hang out with us and cutie goes what you're not inviting nick oh my god and then he kind of looks at me and he goes do you want to come dude i didn't do it like that. And I say, I literally, I go, I hear the fax machine noise in my brain. I'm processing all this at once. And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:51 I think I'm just gracious for the invite. And I go, yeah. Okay, here's the thing. Nick has a, Nick has a, Nick has a, he has a superpower. He has a superpower. And he uses it to be a supervillain. Do you think he has love in his heart?
Starting point is 00:21:01 You guys will know this. Yeah. Nick's superpower is that Don't resist. Subscribe, he remembers everything. He heart? You guys will know this. Yeah, Nick superpower He's gonna turn you guys against me. Don't resist! Subscribe, he remembers everything. He remembers everything. Turn me against him. And when he tells you a story of something or when something happened, he'll be like, no I remember. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:13 It'll go through it detail by detail and a lot of the details will be right. And be like, yeah, actually you know what that is actually what happened to the fucking tea. But because of this, because of this, he's occasionally able to embellish stories. Oh my god. In ways, where it's not what actually happened. What happened? He gets 90% of the details to the point and then a few of the details he's like, and I'll get a little crazy here. But he's led you along for so long that you're like, I'll trust him.
Starting point is 00:21:36 You're saying he keeps it 99. He keeps it 99 and you don't know where 100 starts or ends. Wow. And so you can't help but trust him. What happened then? I'm listening. I'm listening to you. I'm being convinced. And so here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Can I tell you exactly what happened? No, I had three smoke shows. Okay? Which is their version of an old-fashioned. Dude, they kept drinking smoke shows, and they'd come out in a bottle with smoke inside of it. It looked like a courtate bottle with smoke in it Tastes better if you drink it out of the bottle with the smoke
Starting point is 00:22:11 Yeah, you just go the smoke makes it good slaps let a city goes. That's crazy So I can't tell you what happened What the hell? But I know that's wrong. That's the point. Oh my god. I can't tell you what happened, but I know it's wrong. If you were me and you just heard that, would you be convinced or care? If I'm telling you it's wrong, would you not even give me a chance?
Starting point is 00:22:33 You just said I drank three smoke shows and then I don't really know. I don't know what you wanted out of me. You had me? You had me? You could have told me anything there and I would have believed you. But I don't want to tell you because I don't want to hurt you. But instead of telling me something, you said, I actually don't remember anything. I'm basically saying I didn't murder the man, but I don't know who did.
Starting point is 00:22:50 He drank three smoke shows, then he had some alcohol after. You know what I'm saying? Yo! Suck him down, brother. As soon as I heard smoke show, I was like, how do I get there? Okay, listen. That was, you're, I just believe him. You're an idiot. I love you, though. No. Wait, really? I love you. Is do I get there? Okay, listen. That was... You're... I just believe him. You're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:23:05 I love you, though. No, I... Wait, really? I love you. Is that on the table? I'll forfeit. I love you. If you mean it.
Starting point is 00:23:10 If you say it to me, you mean it. No, I was saying it to him. I love you, too. No, not to. Like, you love me. I... Watashiwa Mo love you. That's also in Japanese.
Starting point is 00:23:21 Mo Bamba loves you. That's... I accept that. Hey! I lose. Dude, my Japanese teacher found me. No, no, no loves you. I accept that. I lose. Dude, my Japanese teacher found me. No, no, no, no, no, no. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:23:29 We're still on this. Okay. You are a piece of shit. And you've got to. Oh my God. You want to have your heart breaking even more? We hung out and we watched like fun sketch comedy. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:40 And we were talking about how funny it all is. We watched I Think You Should Leave. And then we watched this sketch that Kelby said we should watch, which he sent to me again today, and he said rate it out of 10, and I didn't want to answer. He sent it to me this morning. Was it unfunny because he's 39 years old? I rate it out of 10.
Starting point is 00:23:51 It wasn't... I think the people in it are funny. I don't think the sketch was insanely funny. I think it was meant to be funny in a long-con way where the sketch group has highly produced something. It's almost Friday TV, if you know. I think they're very funny. I think they're great.
Starting point is 00:24:05 But this sketch wasn't like... Kelby's like begging us to put them on Unpaid Intern. Begging us. I think they'd be great. Why don't you like inviting your friends out? I invited him out. I was just in the AOE.
Starting point is 00:24:20 I was just in the AOE. Here's the thing. What I'm realizing is there's a fucking target on my back. Okay? Because I was inviting people to dinner. And Stan was like, you invited me last. And I was like, no, I didn't. It was pathetic. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:35 It was pathetic. I was like, I invited you third. Oh, my God. What are we talking about here? It's like Christmas again for me. Everyone's on my fucking ass. And literally the way I invited him was he was in a room with Jerma and I said, Do you guys want to go to dinner?
Starting point is 00:24:47 And then I told him this and he was like, Yeah, but you looked at Jerma first. Oh my God. What is this? The jealousy. I'm gonna fuck all of you, make you finish, and then invite you. It's funny when I do it, but when Stans does it, it's just so much funnier. I don't know how to fucking win. Daddy's only got so much spunk.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I'm not even gonna win with y'all. Daddy's only got so much spunk, Aiden. I don't need any to fucking win. Daddy's only got so much spunk. I'm not even going to win with y'all. Daddy's only got so much spunk, Aiden. I don't need any of your spunk. I know, because I've already done my large group hangouts of basketball, and Aiden loves those. Dude, I said at dinner, I looked over at Jay Shalit, and I ordered a tuna tartare appetizer, but it was on the other side of the table. And it's a really long table. There's a bunch of people here. I looked over at Jay Shalit, I said, can you pass daddy his fish?
Starting point is 00:25:27 And then he looks over confused. He goes, who's daddy? And I'm like, it's me. And he's like, he's just laughing. He's laughing at me. He's like, you're daddy? And I'm like, come on, man. Let me be it for a little bit, please.
Starting point is 00:25:42 I mean, when the guy puts the menus away for other people, Schleit was daddy at the table. He was papa. There's this- I did the virgin. I think I'll keep one. There's this like unspoken power struggle, power vacuum whenever all these people hang out.
Starting point is 00:26:00 And it's like, who's daddy? Who's mother? Who's baby? It stands, right? He's baby. And it's like, who's daddy? Who's mother? Who's baby? It stands, right? And it's kind of funny. I have surrendered this idea that I need Ludwig to give me attention because I know push comes to shove, end of the day, we could not see each other for years,
Starting point is 00:26:20 and then I'd show up at his house with a fucked up beard and shit on my underwear and I'd go, what's good, slat? And he'd be like, come on in, bud. What's good? And then we'd hug and it'd be all the same. And this has gotten me to sleep
Starting point is 00:26:37 many nights. I see. I don't need you. You do this a lot for bed? You think about this a lot? Every single night. He's just, what's good is that? Every single night I show up and I'm wearing a different, like, sometimes I have a stick
Starting point is 00:26:53 and a bindle. Sometimes I have a clown nose. Many different hitman disguises. Yeah. And I love you in all of them. Every time you see me and you say, come on inside. Come on in. No matter what you're wearing.
Starting point is 00:27:06 No matter what I'm wearing or not wearing. Wait, but you're a baby? I'm not a baby. You said the whole. What? He can be baby. No, no, Stan's a baby. Stan's a baby.
Starting point is 00:27:14 Well, you said you were wearing. Sometimes you're wearing it. Sometimes wearing a diaper with a big clothespin. Oh, you're an adult. Yeah, yeah, he's an adult. You couldn't purchase how big the clothespin is. It's like a novelty size. It's very insane. I think if you wear a diaper, it should still be illegal to be naked, even if he's an adult. You couldn't purchase how big the clothespin is. It's like a novelty size. It's very insane.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I think if you wear a diaper, it should still be illegal to be naked, even if you're an adult. Wait, wait, wait. Is the diaper considered naked if you just wear a diaper? No. That's your clothes. I think you need a shirt, too.
Starting point is 00:27:36 No. I think diaper and shirt's fine. Oh, yeah, diaper and shirt's fine. But I'm saying if you wear a diaper as an adult without a medical condition... I think you can be in a target. What if my medical condition is like depression? My medical condition is loving being that baby shit.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Like, let's say. Having that baby shit on. You know if you have like fill shit out sometimes, like forms. It's like, have you ever had these conditions? And sometimes it's like depression and you're like, I mean, I guess. Yeah, they have the dentist. I went to the dentist. Yeah, and you're like, what the fuck does this got to do with my teeth?
Starting point is 00:28:06 This ain't applicable for you. I just need a filly. Dude, I want a picture of Aiden on Instagram and it's him and he's wearing a diaper and he's got a baby bottle full of that fucking muddy ass lean. And the caption says like, I'm a baby because I be throwing fits. Yeah. Yo. That's he.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And you got the cum gutters. No, dude. No. You can't. Stop mixing the baby stuff with the food. That's bad. That's bad. Why you got the cum gutters. No, dude. No. You can't stop mixing the baby stuff. Yeah, that's bad. Why? Because the baby. Melanie Martinez did this shit and everyone thought it was fine. I don't know who that is and I think it was bad.
Starting point is 00:28:36 And that's a good take. That's Eminem's real name. Okay, what happened with your fucking Japanese teacher man Well I got two things First off Wait can you talk About the thing
Starting point is 00:28:48 What thing With your Japanese teacher You told us at the shoot At the warship shoot About him having sex Yeah No I made a So I made a YouTube
Starting point is 00:28:55 Short about this Oh my god I made a YouTube Short about My Japanese teacher Cause I walked in On him fucking On video
Starting point is 00:29:03 On Zoom I walked Well I entered The Zoom call In on him fucking on video. I walked in. Well, I entered the Zoom call in on him fucking popped his head in with his shirt off. Oh, shit. Oh, what's up, bud? I tell you about this. No, long story short. Basically, I'm 20 minutes late to my Japanese lesson and then I'd already missed a Japanese
Starting point is 00:29:17 lesson the time before. So I think he was just fucking collecting checks and then I show up 20 minutes late. He's already in the Zoom call at all times when my lessons going and I just hop in and I see nothing and then i show up 20 minutes late he's already in the zoom call at all times when my lesson's going and i just hop in and i hear i see nothing and then i hear like muffled voices after i go yo and then you know i hear and then he just leans over and he's shirtless yeah and then he's like oh uh which means one second and then he pops back out and then he comes in shirtless, just real fucking. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:29:46 how are you doing? I'm like, doing good. How are you doing? He's like doing pretty good now, as you can probably guess, but I won't get into it. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:29:51 And then that is like, and then I hear someone in the background. So he's definitely smashing. So anyway, make a YouTube short about this. I go for my next lesson. And then he's like, he's like,
Starting point is 00:30:00 Oh, how are you doing? I'm like, good. I can send something that's off. And he's like, I think I found your YouTube channel. Oh, and I'm like good i can send something's off and he's like i i think i found your youtube channel and i'm like what wait what and he's like a couple of my students sent me the clip because apparently some people who watch me also use him as a teacher okay because i guess
Starting point is 00:30:18 there's not that many people all things considered who moved from japan to war-torn ukraine to teach japanese and also are sex tourists. Yeah. And so anyway, he watched it and I was a little nervous. I was like, does he love it? Does he hate it? He's like, very good. So he's about it.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Do you think he's a good person? Hey, Stellar, stand up. Stand up? You know what he is? He has something that I value a lot he's a very honest person yeah so like fuck it is it better to be yeah a great person as a facade and then behind closed doors do fucked up shit or be openly honestly fucked up but at least you're open i reject i reject the binary it's a it's a true dichotomy.
Starting point is 00:31:06 A true, is it? I reject the premise. Because everyone's fucked up. I don't, I reject the premise. Okay. We brought up an interesting hypothetical the other day. Who would you root for in a game of Melee? Hitler, but he's playing a really sick Falco.
Starting point is 00:31:27 I'm saying like unbelievably sick. Or Hbox when he was winning all the time. I want to pause. I did not say Hbox because I didn't like this. I said Stalin. Falco is incredibly cool. It's doing like edge cancel everything. It's like, dude, is he fair there?
Starting point is 00:31:44 Why would you think about that? This conversation started because Nick said I will root for any Falco. I just cancel everything. It's like I would root for any Falco and then I immediately go what about Hitler? Yeah And then it goes who's he playing and I go Who's playing and I go and I go Stalin cuz I'm like, you know Then there's a universe where it's closer and then shakes like hungry box and I'm like, come on It's like yeah, it's whatever but then hungry box is like, oh god, no don't go there I root for one. I'm sorry. You're in for one I think it's the same as like first aliens like I don't root for the aliens if they play a sick Falco I'm like, let's go Falco.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Take us over, aliens. Destroy Earth. I think that... What do you think? How do you have a nuanced take here? Because life is complicated. When the bird moves like that, man, it's magic.
Starting point is 00:32:42 I'm entranced. I'm not choosing what to feel. How old is Hitler when he's playing? Well, he's probably still an artist. Is he still painting? I think he just became chancellor. Chancellor? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:55 He just became chancellor? He just became chancellor. It's all bad. So they haven't invaded Poland yet. No, he has not yet consolidated power. He's not yet consolidated power. Okay. And the rhetoric is bad.
Starting point is 00:33:06 It's really bad. But it's really bad. You know what? Here's what really. I root for Juan. Because fuck Hitler. Because fuck Hitler. What a hard line to take.
Starting point is 00:33:15 So brave of you. Wow. I'm guessing you also are a gentleman and she comes first every time. Yeah, say what you will about hunger box. Hitler's bad. She does. And I will also say, and if Hitler's got a really nice Falco, we'll just study the VODs. Hitler would never use the Nazi gold to run a coin box.
Starting point is 00:33:33 He would never support the scene like that. The Swiss coin box? Yeah. He would never do that. Yeah, I would say, you know what, Juan? You need to step up for righteousness here, but let me get that USB jack. But, like, damn, let's keep the slippy files.
Starting point is 00:33:50 Like, I want to make sure we can, because, like, how did, does Hitler have wave dash notches? Like, how did he get so far off one out of shield? He's Natty, that's the crazy part. That's crazy. That's the crazy part. No, he's not. He's hopped up on meth, that's how. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:34:04 But who is it in melee not one It was shake was linking battle rap clips from Twitter and our discord Just like they were like there's a lot of battle rap clips just popping off It's like nickname the worst bar ever and now I clicked on one and my entire Twitter is just battle rap. This is what you've always wanted. It's amazing. And I've seen most of them already. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:29 So it's fun that everyone is seeing all these videos. But there's one where this guy's like, I wish I had it. This guy's like, he's like, oh, I drank too much water. And everyone's kind of just like
Starting point is 00:34:40 not paying attention. And then he pukes everywhere. But he points his head up and he projectile vomits so it just goes straight up and out and it's all water because he must have
Starting point is 00:34:52 had too much water yeah it just goes on everyone this is exactly what happens in Kirby for the NES when he is underwater and he blows
Starting point is 00:35:01 in a direction this is literally I can see it in my mind it's exact it's the exact same thing does he travel in the opposite direction he blows no oh direction. This is literally, I can see it in my mind. It's the exact same thing. Does he travel in the opposite direction he blows? No. Yeah, you would imagine though. I would. Zipper, can you go to Radstad's Twitter? Oh man. Zipper's back.
Starting point is 00:35:14 I wanted to see this. While we wait for this I... And it's the video of Ludwig. We were having a conversation about who controls the power and it was Schlatt at the dinner. Which made me think, ultimately who controls the power are women. Right. All the time. From a righteous standpoint,
Starting point is 00:35:26 but because we were doing the unpaid intern shoot with Lily and Kaide. And at one point I made an offhand comment about playing basketball. About how they're dressed. Yeah. I was going to say like, what? About how I play basketball. And they're like,
Starting point is 00:35:37 you play basketball. And then I followed up with, yeah, I'm an athlete. And they both just laughed really loud. And I didn't say a word for like five minutes after that. Dude, that's so funny. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:35:48 They hurt you? They just laughed. It hurts more when a girl says it. And they talk. Because, I don't know, they synced up, like period. They just laughed together. Same start, same end. Okay, you can't say they synced up.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Like period. Because when a guy says it, it's just like, you're a dick. When a girl says it, you have to think that all girls think that about you now. Yes. That's cool. I'm an athlete though tell tell the women i'll i'll fight for you so like it looks like you're wearing a backpack but you're not it's weird because like why are you swinging your body like that uh the the way to hurt ludwig then is to is to sick women on him to insult him with the things we would normally say. Wow. And this is good.
Starting point is 00:36:26 It's like it'll be like an insult proxy war. Rad's Dad's. Oh he doesn't know what video you want. It's the video of Ludwig. Scroll down. That one. Stupid fucking Twitter player piece of shit fucking Elon Musk. It's so bad. You can't rewind to the beginning of a video and have it paused. I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:36:44 I hate this. I hate this. I hate this so much. My private. I fucked up. Yes. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:36:54 I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. It's so fucking funny. I fucked up.
Starting point is 00:36:58 You did. Fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. Oh, man. Oh, God. You've been getting embarrassed lately. To pay the bills, man. You get embarrassed, Devin.
Starting point is 00:37:10 It's okay. I like when you pay the bills. Devin, do you love anything? I do, man. What do you love, man? I love fucking money. All right. Sweet baby raise.
Starting point is 00:37:19 I love my girlfriend. I love balling, hooping. Did you love Unpaid Intern? How do you guys feel about the premiere? It was good. I know it's good because if you go to my subreddit, there's five different threads that are varying appreciation threads and feedback for Unpaid Intern threads, which is really good
Starting point is 00:37:39 because if people like watching something and then being like, I would fix that. Which like, you know, obviously they just kind of wave a magic wand in their head. It's a good product because they just want the thing to be better. You think so? Uh-huh. Because I've had this with a few shows. Like Mogul Money's first episode was pretty rough around the edges. More so than Unpaid Intern.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Because I think Unpaid Intern was pretty polished comparatively. And there was a bunch of threads similarly. And it's just because they like they like the thing and like that thing and like even people were complaining like not enough views and i looked at it i was like it had as many as mogul money's first episode i had 50k live i'm like that's good no i'm happy it's good it scratches the surface of a prime xq stream. I can tell you that's not true anymore. A prime one, that's what I meant. Sure, okay. But it is good.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Okay. And the first episode of Mogul Money also got 50k, but the VOD is 7 mil. Also, shout out to production. Because there was rough patches in the broadcast, which was upsetting. But they did streamer awards a week before that. Oh, shit. On short notice. It was a hell week. Oh, that's crazy. And then immediately did this right after. Oh, fuck. On short notice. It was a hell week. Oh, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:45 And then I immediately did this right after. Oh, fuck. Oh, my God. And they made it happen. And no one has that context watching. And James still does MMA. They're just like, Audion. What's going on with the Audion?
Starting point is 00:38:56 Audion. But, you know. So, all in all, it was good. Well, all of Unpaid Intern was happening. I didn't watch it. I hope it was great. What the fuck are you looking at me, the candy boy? Why you got so many
Starting point is 00:39:08 necklaces? Because I watched Unpaid Intern. Put that fucking phone away. What are you doing? I want to shout out a few of my real friends. Brodin, who said great show. Zach from the Try Guys. That's a real one. So far both have messaged me too. Is he the bad one?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Is bad like the one that cheated on his wife or bad like hot like Keith Hapsburger? No, no, no, he cheated on his wife. Neither. Okay. Although he's a handsome man. Does he fuck the baddest? He... Is he fucking with gang and them? I think he smokes the most blunts. Okay. Okay. Wow. And then Jake. Jake from Safe Farm? My friend from high school.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh. Three real ones who watched it and all messaged me nice things. How many fucking tours in Vietnam have we done, bro? Dude, you know what I was thinking about? Because nobody has watched more of my content than Jake Drizzle. Yeah. And Jake at the lunch after basketball, I said something and he's like yeah i saw that i'm still in there man i watch his streams i'm like it is crazy you still watch him oh because he'll
Starting point is 00:40:12 watch even like member only streams and i'm like it's been you have to though bro works at chuck e cheese and then after work just plays the game yeah that's crazy. He plays the bus. He plays the bus and has guitar here with the no orange. I don't think this is good. I think he needs a little space. I think it's good. Has he been dating lately? He, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Shake gets around. Shake gets around. He's hound. Shake's got a date every week. Sometimes he's got three. Really? Different people.
Starting point is 00:40:41 No way. He's a hound. He's got shorties. For that, For that goddamn... I've, I've, I've... There was a buff stopper. There was a dam in my mind. It's like, we've been too crass.
Starting point is 00:40:53 You can't do it again. And it stopped me. That's so nice. That's good. But my, what I was doing instead... For that rose. Was playing Tekken 8. No, I wasn't playing Tekken.
Starting point is 00:41:02 I got 1k in chests. And you lost 5 sets in a row. I got 1k in chests. You did get sets in a row I got 1k in chess You did get 1k in chess Yeah actually this is what happened As we finished the show And then I got a message from you That goes
Starting point is 00:41:11 Kill yourself for real And it's you getting 1k in chess And I'm like sick Thanks for the congrats on the show I don't need to fucking be your father bro You also don't have to say Kill yourself in real life for real You were so mean
Starting point is 00:41:21 You were so mean When? When I said I hit 700, you laughed at me. You fucking laughed at me, dude. No! Yes, you did. I laughed with you. No! And I never- I held onto it so hard. Oh, dude, he has good spite for getting Elo.
Starting point is 00:41:36 Give me your rating, give me your rating. Uh, 10, 30 rating. And now you get 11. I'm gonna- I will. God, fuck you. Because you don't even remember. It's just like the Panda Express thing. Dude, here's the thing. You like chips on your shoulder,
Starting point is 00:41:50 and so I'm happy for you to find them in me, but I just want you to know I always want you to thrive. Well, then why did you fucking laugh at me? At 700. Why did you laugh? Probably because the way you said it was boyish, and that made me chuckle.
Starting point is 00:42:00 I was proud. I know, but sometimes you have an innocence that you don't normally have. You're a childlike wonder to me. And it throws me off. Yeah, you're literally a childlike wonder. I got love in my heart. I know but sometimes you have an innocence that you don't normally have you're a childlike wonder and it throws me off you're literally a childlike wonder I got love in my heart
Starting point is 00:42:08 I know but that's what I laugh at it's not because I'm like 700 what a fucking idiot that's not what I thought I had a realization that when you were
Starting point is 00:42:16 describing the way that Nick will recount and tell stories that Anthony is the exact opposite yes what? if you're keeping it 99
Starting point is 00:42:24 Anthony is always keeping it like 19 Doesn't know it that's so I have the 100 but I'm giving 99 Thinks he has 100 You recount stories based off how you feel about them, not what happened. Are we not feeling beasts? We are, but that's not what happened. We're feeling beasts, Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:42:51 What happened in your mind? I have recounted the Panda Express story perfectly. No. 100 times. Yeah, yeah, bitch. Every other party. You think you remember? Every other party disagrees with the way you've told it.
Starting point is 00:43:02 No, that's fucking crazy then. Because they're the ones. Oh my God. The thing is, if you get heated, and by the way,'ve told it. No, that's fucking crazy then. Because they're the ones- Oh my god. The thing is, if you get heated, and by the way, I think we were wrong on the panda one. Full stop. Good. But I think when you recount stories,
Starting point is 00:43:15 Good. If you're really mad, or it made you feel some type of emotion, you will exaggerate it to match that emotion. But I'm just saying what you did. You laughed at me in the chat as If it wasn't fucking important to me did I follow up no, I just said lol all caps yes I'll pull it up. This is I want to see I want to see because this is big for him for his percentage
Starting point is 00:43:37 This could be bad for me. It could be bad for you bad for me. I have a feeling there's nuance There's probably nuance my lols all caps that I do even though I'm 28 man you gotta face that that's the slender i'm searching uh okay searching lol i found it wait discord's so shit what's the new lol they've been doing they have a new lol yeah the folk yeah the folk the folk the young kids it's not LOL. Is it MDR? What's that? No, that's the French one. Dying from laughing. Yeah, there's like a new abbreviation that people are doing. It's like LIML. What is it?
Starting point is 00:44:12 Dying from laughing, you just said? No, I don't know. That's what the French one is. You just said MDR. Yeah, yeah. That's what that means. Oh, that's what it literally means? I don't know what it is.
Starting point is 00:44:20 How new is it? Fuck if I know. I'm 30 almost. It's like six months. You are almost 30. I found out about it like a couple months ago. I'm not 30. it is. How new is it? Fuck if I know. I'm 30 almost. It's like six months. You are almost 30. I found out about it a couple months ago. I'm not 30. This is aging us.
Starting point is 00:44:29 Almost. Rapidly. Fuck. LMAO. True. Yesterday, this is a real story. I'm not doing this for the fuck. We're in a sponsor right now.
Starting point is 00:44:38 Hashtag ad. But yesterday, I made the factor turkey chili, and my girlfriend from the other room says, I don't know what you're eating, but it smells so good. Wow. And I said, it is good. And it's the turkey chili from factor. And she and she who has traditionally been mad at me for having factor because she's like, I want you to I want you to cook for me. And you're making factor for yourself. So she was like, I was like, you like factor, don't you?
Starting point is 00:45:04 Squidward. Yeah. You like that. And then, and then you, you finally unlocked the big chain on her door. Yeah. I went in and I said,
Starting point is 00:45:12 I slid one under her door, a factor meal. You squished it under. I banged a fork on the door and I said, it's time. Come out. And now her thighs look crazy. And now she has Squidward thighs because it,
Starting point is 00:45:24 she just needed calories really bad. I just wanted to tell you that Nick Yingling still makes his daily commute to this office to solely eat his factor meal. That doesn't really have to do with the food itself. He brings his factor meal from home, drives to the office, eats it here, and then leaves. Wait, this is true? Is that why I keep seeing him this is around i want to clarify he does it because he likes hanging out with you and i feel like you should know that by
Starting point is 00:45:49 now anyway if you guys want to be like one of those three people pick yours vote in chat do you want to be nick yingling slime or nick and then go to factor slash yard 50 and use code the yard 50 to get 50 off let's code the yard 50 for 50 off a factor meal yeah thanks factor for sponsoring the podcast we eat the food that comes in the little tray there's no no jokes about animals being in the food this is some of the food is animals actually the food actually a lot of the food is animals just not they are coming out with it with an all gator well you know how it works the green the the green levels vegetarian the blue label is so close we were gonna get it was gonna be gator free and it's an all gator smoothies thank you so much for sponsoring this
Starting point is 00:46:32 there's the number one original gator smoothie calorie smart that's their tongue Archie please get us out you're taking too long shut up okay he's hurt you can feel it. I think you guys can feel it. That's it. Ijbol. Ijbol? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:49 Ijbol. I just burst out laughing. You didn't know about Ijbol? They added more letters? Yeah, we're Ijbol-ing now. Dude, now it's just too many letters. Oh, it wasn't in the chat. It was on the podcast, which is easier actually to find.
Starting point is 00:47:00 So our super fans can find it. It was, I did this on Christmas Eve at 12 24 at 5 27 a.m all right podcast fans find the clip and then determine was i uh laughing at slime and diminishing his impressive performances of getting 700 you're being an asshole i can't it only took him 32 years. 33. I wasn't that upset, but I do, I do. That's why I was being, I was like. That's why you said kill yourself for real. I said genuinely.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Yeah. Kill yourself. That's right. And sometimes I remember. So do you think that, do you think that that was a reasonable thing to say to Ludwig? I thought it was funny. I thought it was all in the game. Do you think that he thought it was funny when he left you?
Starting point is 00:47:45 I don't know. Dude, you know, I thought it was funny. I thought it was all in the game. Do you think that he thought it was funny when he laughed at you? I don't know. Dude, you know I thought it was funny, but you know who had my back was for no reason because, you know, you guys hurt me. All three of you. What the fuck did I ever do? Well, you all take shots too, right? Because I'm like your guy. You all hurt me. How does Aiden hurt you?
Starting point is 00:48:01 Describe it. That's a great question. Fuck. No, no, no. I don't even know this is a setup. No, no, no. I feel, I feel played. It's a great question because we've talked ad nauseum about it. I felt like I was getting lectured by my parent.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It's fine. What happened? We talked ad nauseum about basketball and we played a little more basketball yesterday, which Aiden, Aiden loves basketball. He put a message to the group chat, very sweet. He goes,
Starting point is 00:48:22 guys, this is my favorite part of the week. And I was like, you know what, Aiden? That's one of my favorite parts too. It is. Very sweet. But Aiden loves basketball. He put a message to the group chat, very sweet. He goes, guys, this is my favorite part of the week. And I was like, you know what, Aiden? That's one of my favorite parts too. It is. Very sweet. But Aiden also historically has bad vibes of basketball. Oh, 100%.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Because he'll find a new person who's never played the game before and put them in a corner and then be like, let me tell you how to play Fox. Let me tell you about- You give unsolicited advice? Yes. But- I give extremely basic feedback. Sometimes-
Starting point is 00:48:42 Answer my question. Do you give unsolicited advice? Yes. Yes. Dude. He gives unsolicited advice. And you know what? He's gotten a lot better because it used to be unsolicited advice, which followed after
Starting point is 00:48:53 on the court being like, dude. Whoa. After a bad play. Yes. But he stopped doing this. And now he just gives the unsolicited advice, which was appreciated by the unsolicited person, which was Otto. And so anyway, after our game,
Starting point is 00:49:05 we were all talking about like, well, we could have done better because we lost. And then we get through the discussion and there's a pause. Aiden turns to me and he goes, you shoot weird. He does. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:49:14 You shoot weird. Wait, wait, is it ugly? That's your shot? First off, I'm the only one who drained threes. That's a back up three in tekin with the bear first off i did a logo shot yesterday damn from the fucking goddamn did that one go in yeah the one where i walked up did yeah that was the end of the game it was good anyway uh he says this and usually i don't give a shit because you guys hurt me always
Starting point is 00:49:41 and you don't care about me as a human because you see me as strong and rich and powerful and unshakable. That's not true. So you think you can't take down my walls. It's different. It's different reasons. The walls can be taken down.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Yeah. And they get taken down once every day. The wall of Maria. Every time a woman laughs at me. It's beautiful. Loses her wings.
Starting point is 00:49:58 I have to cry. At him. So anyway, Aiden says this. I brush it off, but Kelby's there. And Kelby. Kelby comes in like that. Kelby comes in and he goes, hey, that's not what we say.
Starting point is 00:50:09 No way. Oh my, that is so fucking funny. That is one of the funniest things I've ever heard in my life. And they have like a five minute convo where Kelby basically walks him to the conclusion that that sentence was not productive. Oh my. And so he goes through the whole thing like a child. And he's like yeah it wasn't productive that's not what we say is to be clear i'm not telling the other people that they're like that they're playing weird
Starting point is 00:50:34 i said this to ludwig after an entire game of me encouraging ludwig to continue shooting the whole time you say it like a dick no i said you shoot weird look here's the thing again you guys always hurt me so it's in one ear out the other ear And you shoot it the whole time. Did you say it like a dick? No, I said you shoot weird. Look, here's the thing. Again, you guys always hurt me. So it's in one ear, out the other ear. Because you're used to it. You don't care what I say.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Because I've learned to block it out. This is real, by the way. You know this. Because there was a point where I did care. Remember when you called me? We talked about this. We talked about this. We talked about this. You guys don't follow me.
Starting point is 00:51:04 We didn't talk about this yet So I was wondering what the other but Kelby's there cuz Kelby's when he plays basketball. He doesn't really play We got all dude. He's he's on some he's on some look you don't run. I don't run and we guard each other This is every fucking game every fucking I don't even know what he's there cuz he'll just pull a truce Okay, and that's what he calls it. That's the other team. Yes The person he's guarding will not guard him. And then in exchange, he doesn't have to run to guard them. That's, what a deal maker.
Starting point is 00:51:30 But what he does do in his head is he will look at everyone's performance and then create a tier list of their skill. He scouts. He's scouting the entire time. And then he has like, he has a little, and I know this because last time one of Aiden's friends, Chris's was playing and he's a fucking big, strong dude who can play basketball pretty well. And then he, and he's like, you're not number one anymore.
Starting point is 00:51:50 And I'm like, okay, thank you. Wow. That's not what we said. It was funny. Cause he said this after, he said this after one game of watching Chris who played really well that first game. And then for the rest of the day, Chris wasn't hitting any shots. And then Shaq goes,
Starting point is 00:52:05 hey, that's because he was guarding him. Listen. Did he hit you with the, hey. I don't, I don't, we don't do this normally. I have a couple questions. Do you guys draft, or do you have static teams? It seems like you're always in the same team. We usually draft.
Starting point is 00:52:16 We usually play knockout to determine. Or this is where you just first few to, like if there's four teams, first four to make it draft. Okay. We also almost never play together. Okay, got it. So we were on the same team this time and we crushed right and then number two is um when he said you shoot weird was he saying it in a way that was like was he was he joking or was it in the middle of okay it was criticism that's so funny it's not in the middle of the game you know what's funny is uh my my growing up, who is a teacher now, he plays basketball.
Starting point is 00:52:46 He coaches basketball, too. And growing up, he had an ugly fucking shot. Like, everyone made fun of how ugly his shot was. To this day, Eric, I think your shot is ugly. But guess what? Shit went in the hole. Dude, I think he met Eric. Yeah, maybe.
Starting point is 00:53:01 A long time ago. Came to our house. Mine goes in the hole. Shit went in the hole. Mine goes in the fucking hole. Mine goes in the hole. Shit went in the hole. Mine goes in the fucking hole. Mine goes in the hole. I'm a hole magnus. Sometimes.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I weirdly know about this situation with a close personal friend, and if it goes in the hole, it goes in the hole. It goes in the hole, it goes in the fucking hole. Maybe it doesn't look beautiful like mangoes over you or seeps. It's like the dad hookshot from the three with the fucking two hands, you know? I just think, I just think, before Kelby cut me off, you know, instead of it going in the hole 15%
Starting point is 00:53:30 of the time, it could go in the hole 40% of the time. You're saying he shoots weird and therefore it doesn't, it's not a good shot. My three point percentage? Huh? That's not what I gotta do. You know what I have to do? I have to get mean. You have to get mean? Basketball's becoming a problem. At the three? No, in the paint. Oh. It's becoming a problem. Oh the paint oh it's becoming a problem it's turning
Starting point is 00:53:47 into hack a shack on ludwig they're hurting me what happened i have to hurt him man there's no other way to stop him i think i'm one of the bigger people both in weight and every other metric okay and so big ass big ass big old fucking so when i'm close to the rim and I jump up and I just force my whole will into that jump, I can usually get it in. There is a horrific combination of, of, uh, Ludwig. Everybody just weighs a lot less than Ludwig. I love the idea of Otto. Don't say, it's not a lot less.
Starting point is 00:54:19 It is a lot less. Under the skeleton noise of his legs. And Ludwig's just... Everybody's clocking in for featherweight basketball and then 250 Ludwig. You think you're a big fucking dude. You think you're a big guy with a big fucking day game. He's saying I'm fucking 250.
Starting point is 00:54:37 He's a monster. You create situations in which you win instead of seeking situations in which you could lose. Let me correct you because that's not true i just play basketball for the fun of it not true it is because what happens is progressively as the weeks have gone on people have learned how to defend me which is usually by fouling me but if you call your own foul is kind of kind of lame yeah it's kind of like yeah so i basically never do unless you literally
Starting point is 00:55:05 hear like and then i'm like okay we heard the audio cue yeah uh so i basically never call it but now everyone has learned in in kevin kevin toy has been teaching people how to do it he's teaching the meta he's teaching the meta and he's because i think it was yan he's like i just don't know how to defend ludwig and then and then k was like, oh, here's what you do. Elbow right under the rib cage. Push off. And then Yan's like, is that allowed? He's like, oh, dude. So now everybody's fucking doing that.
Starting point is 00:55:34 You're supposed to get under their rib. And the issue for me, my girlfriend comes home and she's like, they got taught how to use their elbows. I have bruises all over my body. Rochelle was going in and so anyway my what happens to me is i have like a meter like i'm playing street fighter yeah and when my meter's full it's just like fucking burst rage and i start you know bumping in and jumping up and pushing them off which is what you should do to counter but i'm like i don't want to
Starting point is 00:56:03 get to that point because Because then every time I'm about to do that, it's like Kevin Toy who's actually 80 pounds lighter than me. I'm like, I don't want to fucking and then jump up. Does that mean basketball is coming to an end finally? No, I just think I have to change the way I play. Maybe there's an amateur bracket.
Starting point is 00:56:20 People are just getting better. It's been pretty cool because most people have come a lot of weeks and from the beginning of when we started playing till now Everybody is like way better at basketball, but just fucking awesome. It's cutie putting up three or what she has not come cutie He's not come back. She went she says boring. Oh, she said to me I think basketball is kind of boring that hurts cuz she didn't tell me this this is the first I'm finding out Okay about this information well We were hanging out doing all your favorite things.
Starting point is 00:56:46 And she just kind of mentioned it. Making keycaps? We were making keycaps. Yeah, we were. Petting coots. We were petting coots. She doesn't do that. We were watching little kids navigate Japan.
Starting point is 00:56:58 What? That's one of my favorite things. They don't realize the cameras are there, but they kind of do. They point them out sometimes. Those kids were smart. When you're watching, forget yeah those kids were apt Well, I can't wait till it dies. It's not gonna die Why we can come because I know you're praying on the downfall of all your friends the downfall of an activity that they all enjoy
Starting point is 00:57:16 No, I'm not praying like you come like a kickball week Probably not what week would it be fucking one-on-one boxing chess tournament? No Probably not. What week would it be? Fucking one-on-one boxing week? Mogu moves chess tournament. No. You wouldn't go to a chess tournament? You wouldn't go to any? I would get smoked. By you and want to fucking kill myself. Okay, the Mogu moves Tekken bracket?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Now we're talking. Well, we've finally gotten there. What about Arrivals 2? Sorry, the company has finally settled on an activity that matches up with the niche interests you have for this month. Come on, don't call it money. I'm not Hobby Lobby. I'm not Nicky Lobby.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You are Hobby Lobby. You're Hobby Lobby to video games. Absolutely. I am not. I played chess 65 days in a row. They told me on the app. But, like, I think it's more than a month. But I do think you have Hobby.
Starting point is 00:57:59 I'm just saying, like, the flavor of the six-month lobby. It's actually not true. You think you'll chess till you die? I play it a lot still. I thought after 1K, I was like, I, he's got hobbies. It's actually not true. You think he'll chess till you die? I play it a lot still. I thought after 1K, I was like, I'll never play again. And then I was like, I'll play again. Booted it up.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And I said, like, all right. But I'm not Hobby Lobby. He's not Hobby Lobby. I think you guys are Hobby Lobby. Bitch. Bro, what? Take it back. No, you are.
Starting point is 00:58:20 You by nature have to be Hobby Lobby. I don't have to be shit. You do because you're a streamer. So you have to move on to things. But is it hobby lobby if it's work lobby? I've been playing Jump King as long as the fucking clock's been sounding. Pokemon? It's different.
Starting point is 00:58:33 How am I hobby lobby? I just think. Geoguessr? Chess? I'm fucking A1. I don't know. I think even if you are, it's okay because that's how you get money and get paper. What a wedway Weasley way.
Starting point is 00:58:45 I'm not Weasley if you were. I'm not Hobby Lobby. You're not Hobby Lobby. I think you're Hobby Lobby. You think I'm Hobby Lobby? The guy who has played only three video games for the last 10 years. And every other video game he plays, he's horrible at. Okay, it's just Nick Yingling.
Starting point is 00:58:58 He's so, yeah, that's fair. Nick Yingling is Hobby Lobby. I'll tell you, you know what? I concede. As long as I get one skill. You get one and we can give you Nick Yingling in Hobby Lobby I'll tell you You know what I concede As long as I get one skill You get one And you can have We can give you Nick Yingling
Starting point is 00:59:07 In exchange for our release I'll trade you I love Tekken You can be a little bit right In exchange for We offer our boy Come out Feast my eye on that boy
Starting point is 00:59:17 You guys wanna get really Into Soul Calibur And then defeat Magi In X Genesis No I'm not interested in that It'd be so funny If we all beat Magi In Soul Calibur I'd torture her She that. Oh, it'd be so funny if we all beat Magi in solo caliber.
Starting point is 00:59:26 Roll up all at torture. She's probably really good, too. Yeah. It takes so long. I've been DMing her. I DMed her, and I was like, I saw your video on Falco Up Air. You're low-key kind of smart. Dude.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh, that's funny. I asked her again the next day. I'm like, how do I beat DK? Just fucking trolling her. And she wall-texts me on how to beat DK. I'm like, how do I beat DK? Just fucking trolling her. And she wall texts me on how to beat DK. I'm like, thanks. She does love explaining situations in Melee. You did the triple DK run.
Starting point is 00:59:54 Dude. Wait, wait, you know about that? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I keep running into it. I played fucking Slippy and I ran into three fucking DKs. All top DKs. Yeah, they don't... They travel in packs
Starting point is 01:00:06 They want you to say they're special, but they're not what if they're all in a discord together all cute They might be they might actually making monkey noises And the third person who called gets a nick and they're like I You know, it's funny cuz I play the bear in Tekken because he's a fucking bear. Yeah. And I'm like, yeah. And he's bad. And it's like, he's not that bad.
Starting point is 01:00:29 And it's like, dude, they made a bear in a fighting game. He has a headband. What is your rank? Can I ask? I'm green rank, which is pretty low. Is it above yellow or below yellow? It's below yellow. Dude.
Starting point is 01:00:41 Red rank is the rank that the guides try to get you to. She's top yellow yeah she's been she's been grinding i think i could mix lily shit though that i hope because tekken's a game of like just raw hours in i just study her stupid character that is named after her lily she loves running this fucking bit i've hung out with her three times and she's like yeah i just want to go home play tekken and then they're like oh whoa who do you play and then she'll be like guess i ran into people name the four characters they know and then she'll be like no it's really obvious and then they won't get it she'll be like it's lily and the reactions i was oh yeah and she's like ah also it has a she has a little dog in
Starting point is 01:01:21 the game lily the character oh oh really really? Yeah. That's perfect. Literally, when she walks onto the stage, she's chasing a dog. But yeah, I'm having a lot of fun. Josh is nasty attacking, dude. Is he? He's a gamer, bro. He's doing top player gamer shit. He'll play for four hours, and it's like when Neo's learning Kung Fu. And then you'll take out the needle, and he's like, ah, put me back in.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Dude, I am so bad at traditional fighters. That's my weakness. I can't play them. Dude, I'm so bad at traditional fighters. That's like my weakness. I can't play them. Dude, you would get good fast. She fucks me up. If I got good fast, you could get good. Or like under. Not good.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I just need someone who can tell me how they work. Because I don't know how to do anything. I have the same problem. Because I'm in Sajam's like tournament. It's like got Lily. Dude, Toast plays Steve, who's a boxer. If I lose to Disguised To disguise toast i'm quitting the podcast box box will mix your shit box box will mix your shit and i'm okay with that yeah but uh i went in there
Starting point is 01:02:10 and i start asking like say jam and all these because it's like a bunch of coaches you can like use it's very cool and i'm like what is blocking about i was like i came from melee i typed out of things like having trouble with this concept. I came from melee which I'm extremely sick at but a lot You've probably heard about me very sick But I'm like asking about like how block and like taking turns works and they kind of explained it to me and then I just Like sat down for a couple hours and figured out this like is hog champs for check for Tekken. Yeah, that's that's dope It's really blocking different in that game than Street Fighter? No, it's like the same idea.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Dude, it was so fun watching Xenia Magi play Soul Calibur, because when I played Soul Calibur, I was a child, and I didn't understand how the game worked. I just played Keeluk and spammed, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, and then da, da, and I just didn't know what anything was. And sometimes your weapon goes on fire in that game, and I never knew what it meant. And I was just like, what's that mean? And I kept asking, and they'd answer everything. And weapon like goes on fire in that game and I never knew what it meant and I was just like what's that mean and I kept asking
Starting point is 01:03:07 they'd answer everything and I was like oh it's cool I learned everything about Soul Calibur and they're using like top player mentalities
Starting point is 01:03:13 to like play fucking Lizardman and link against each other Peter messaged me there's a new Berserk manga coming out if anyone's interested by the way
Starting point is 01:03:21 that's so fun I love that he's tapped in he's tapped in this computer's got a thousand way. That's so fun. I love that he's tapped in. He's tapped in. This computer's got a thousand viruses, but he's tapped. Dude, the insane league squad,
Starting point is 01:03:31 me, Josh Mann, Peter, your mom, will lead you. To play League of Legends? Yeah. That is an impossible quintuple. I think that'd be fucking fire, dude.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I think. I think we could do it. You couldn't get my mom. I could get my mom. It would be possible. My mom has not played a video game in 20 years. I think that'd be fucking fire, dude. I think... I think we could do it. You couldn't get my mom. Peter, it would be possible. My mom has not played a video game in 20 years. I don't give a fuck. She'd do what I want. Oh my god. Dude. Have some respect. Have some respect. You crass little guy.
Starting point is 01:03:55 Have a little decorum. I was trying to say something else. She'll have fun, is what I was gonna say. Dad, take back the previous thing. I'd take it back. I didn't mean to say that. I don't think she would, though. Why not? not because my mom was someone growing up who if the tv was on and no one is in the room she would walk over to turn it off and she'd be like don't leave the tv on and she just liked it silent and quiet well and she didn't like noises let's take her to urzikstan for fun she would look at french news at night oh not Not a good league game. Yeah, keep up with the homeland
Starting point is 01:04:26 She would fucking start doing her taxes and like November. It's so crazy. What was that mogul mail? Yeah? So let mogul mail what was it's wall doing mogul mail You could do French mogul for a French audience I mean you can do like French drama I can do once I can do once if it's a big enough news story. What's boys in French? Garçon. Garçon. Garçon.
Starting point is 01:04:49 The plan is, as you say, simple. The plan is, the plan is simple. Boys. I gave a twall a $1,000 gift box
Starting point is 01:05:01 of American stuff. What'd you put in it? I put the classics. Like, I got him a custom Celtics jersey that said Ludwig on it. So he was gonna walk around
Starting point is 01:05:09 with a Ludwig jersey. That is so incredibly self-indulgent. Yeah, that's like, we made it about you. I got him, like, a NASCAR jacket. We love example.
Starting point is 01:05:17 I got him a gun. I got him a Feastables bar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You got him a... What was it? Feastables bar. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:05:24 I thought there was one the new one and then I started cause I was like man I need some more funny stuff so I started just re-gifting shit
Starting point is 01:05:30 I got in Amazon streams and so I was like yeah a book about how to make food with your own cum a mug that says thanks for the orgasms yeah
Starting point is 01:05:39 and I found out I have a lot of dumb shit oh you found out I chastised you last week about this did you have to move the Jackie Chan statue out of the way to find lot of dumb shit. Oh, you found out I have a lot of dumb shit. I chastised you last week about this. Did you have to move the Jackie Chan statue out of the way to find all the dumb shit in your room? I'm supposed to lose that, you know?
Starting point is 01:05:52 I'm supposed to trade that with Schlatt. What happened? Trade it? I owe him my Jackie Chan, he owes me his shiny monkey ball statue. You get that? Why? That's big deal. I don't think it's the- he has three? I think it's the second.
Starting point is 01:06:04 It's the smaller one? It's the Charmeleon. That is fucking crazy. three I think it's the second It's the Charmeleon That is fucking crazy It's the Mama Bear one It's the Charmeleon He has three I think so Where do they Are they just in his home?
Starting point is 01:06:12 Dude they are so heavy I think it's at The Like it's at OTK Still Cause they never moved it Cause it's like It's a ton
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah Like an actual ton of weight Imagine you already have Two monkeys showing His ball statues so the third one is like you're not really pressed to get it. Well they'll take care of each other. I think it's just so expensive to move. They moved it once
Starting point is 01:06:32 and now it'll live there. It's freight shipping. The building around it will die. You know how I know Ludwig's audience is just fucking locked. They're super locked in. We did Unpit Intern and Ludwig had the idea of taking all the things from his Amazon stream
Starting point is 01:06:45 and decorating his like his office in the fictional world of Unpit Intern with it. And when we played the sketch or played the challenge like everyone in the chat
Starting point is 01:06:55 just recognized instantly this was all Amazon stream items. They were like that's the thing we ordered to Bronze Wolves. I was like they're tapped because I didn't know anyone would notice it.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I thought like one person on Reddit later would be like, I realized an Easter egg. How'd the Warships ad come out? Did people like it? People liked it. It was funny. I didn't watch it.
Starting point is 01:07:12 You sent me the cut. I was playing chess. I was grinding. You didn't watch it. No one was fucking grinding. You didn't watch the damn ad you're in. Damn ad you're fucking in. I'm fucking starting.
Starting point is 01:07:20 I don't have to watch that shit. I don't watch the movie after. Johnny Cage is not afraid to die. You're good now. You're funny, man. Do you think so, man? But you seem to commit more. Excuse me?
Starting point is 01:07:29 You kept fake spitting. Fake spitting what? The spit that's in is real, I think. I know. I told him to. Oh. Okay. I'm not method.
Starting point is 01:07:39 It's not even about method. Don't fucking be a little brother off this camera. I'm saying while you're in it. He's saying commit, bro. Feel free to spit. Listen to me. Feel free to actually fucking hit me.
Starting point is 01:07:48 I am an actor, which is a tool of the director. If the director says or the co-director, which is apparently you, says spit, I say,
Starting point is 01:07:56 where into whom's mouth? My goat. Wow. That's fair. I say, where's the sink? I say, why not you as well? You guys are doing good voice too much. You guys where's the sink? Mmm. Actually why not fruit? Why not you as well?
Starting point is 01:08:06 You guys are doing Don't do that. I was doing that launch. He's like the goon commanders here What am I gonna eat today? All your chicken fingers I think you've got it dude Dude, oh my god, Mike said the nicest thing they ever said to me. It was at Genesis. I did the goon voice, and they're like, it's just the best voice you have.
Starting point is 01:08:32 It's just the best. So now you need to learn how does this voice laugh at something, and you'll be good. That's like when Mike talks about my puff. Just unadulterated praise. It's got a competitor If you can release that same Australian you did at the beginning of the episode
Starting point is 01:08:49 That's a The Australian goon commander, go Yo So, like I feel like there's not enough monitors in my goon cave That's pretty good. I've met dudes in Australia who sound like this. I've been like so many times.
Starting point is 01:09:11 And if I don't goon like two, three times a week, I might just go crazy. That is so good. That's good. That is so good. And congratulations. Can I say? That worries me. That worries's fucking... And congratulations. Congratulations. You are the winner. That worries me. He's back.
Starting point is 01:09:26 Worries me how good that was. So now what? We're all friends. We're here. We're chilling. And we're just... Do you think we've worked it all out between us? I think it's all...
Starting point is 01:09:36 Well, how do you feel about his shot now? Is it all gravy? Do you think he still shoots weird? He does shoot weird. You're such a fucking piece of shit. I didn't say you shoot. We have not. To answer your question, we have not.
Starting point is 01:09:45 How many threes do you sink? I'm a supportive friend. Yesterday? Yeah. Three? How many I sink? I don't know. He only counts his own stats.
Starting point is 01:09:54 17. That would be almost 60 points. It was 51. 51 points. Yeah. I was electric. That's a lot. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:01 I don't think anyone has ever done that. No. I do it most weeks. Most weeks. Keep in mind, these games are to done that. No. I do it most weeks. Most weeks. Keep in mind, these games are to 11 points. You should go to Teppan. We'll play together. Yeah, I'm playing Valotro right now.
Starting point is 01:10:14 I'm still on that Valo tip. I'm playing Valorant with you. I've been streaming a lot more. I see. I've been watching. You see my shit? I tune in when you go live. You like it?
Starting point is 01:10:21 There's one way relationship here. What do you guys think Sun Say is doing right now? Bro. Do you think it's weird? Can I ask you another question as a friend? What? Can I ask you to get some boy advice? Yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure.
Starting point is 01:10:35 I think it's weird that he hasn't messaged me since Genesis. Have you messaged him? Well, no, but I feel like... Wow. But I feel like it's like he's the one who... If he's interested, he would like... He knows I'm interested. What like he's the one who like he would be interested if he's interested he would like
Starting point is 01:10:46 he knows I'm interested what if he's busy maybe he's thinking about you I'm a famous podcaster I talk about him all the time he knows
Starting point is 01:10:53 this seems selfish now this seems selfish also who are you calling cause you're basically are you trying to I'm calling him no no dude
Starting point is 01:10:58 don't do that I'm so embarrassed hey hey buddy so uh I'm here with uh Nick hi Miles hey Nick how's it going man and he was just wondering Hey buddy So I'm here with Nick Hi Miles
Starting point is 01:11:05 Hey Nick how's it going man And he was just wondering why He's thinking a lot about you And how much fun you guys had at Genesis And he was wondering why Why you didn't message him back Why I didn't message him back Why don't you even message him
Starting point is 01:11:22 No you didn't leave him on read But he was wondering, you know, why has he messaged you? Yeah, because I don't think you had a good time together. Well, let's just start here, Miles. Did you have a good time with him? Oh, I had a great time. Well, look at that.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Do you want more good times? Actually, since you're all there, great timing. I will say my representation as a glizzy, gobbling demon wasn't very cool, Nick. That wasn't super cool. Whoa. He's upset at you. That's why.
Starting point is 01:11:44 He's mad at you. I's why. He's mad at you. I see I've hurt you. Wow. You know, the whole weekend we were talking about how you and I both were not above it. But in the moment, it kind of felt like you might have been above it. Wow. Wow. He doesn't mean that.
Starting point is 01:11:58 He's doing it for the show. So maybe you wanted him to reach out to kind of reconcile this. I was kind of reconcile this. I was kind of thinking about it. I was just like, you know, you guys talked about me liking Interstellar. I was kind of a basic bitch for that. Calling it my favorite movie, first go around. Miles, I'll tell you what, Miles.
Starting point is 01:12:15 I love that movie. Miles, and I don't want to cut you off, but it is a basic bitch choice. But like, continue. No, it's a great movie, Miles. Don't worry about it. Aiden finishes movies on Wikipedia. I swapped to Gattaca. I swapped to... Which is a great swap are you going by the top 500 IMDB what's the plan here no movies we watch in middle school for 200
Starting point is 01:12:32 yeah yeah actually all right well look I just wanted to call you to say that Nick was thinking about you but it sounds like because a crush is something that's. It's not a crush. A lover is something that you don't have often. We're just friends. That's all it is. Okay. No, man. I'm going to come down. We're going to hang out.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Oh, wow. You know, we honestly, we had a nice goodbye. There's also that. It's kind of weird to reach out too soon after that. What was the goodbye? What was the goodbye? You don't have to go into that. You don't have to go into that.
Starting point is 01:13:01 Just a nice hug, a goodbye, you know. It was just a hug. Just a hug? And that's all you know? It was just a hug. And that's all it was. Alright, well, he'll be in touch, okay? Yeah, I was just wondering, Nick, what are we? Ooh.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Wow. Oh my god. Look how good he looks. He's got a photo of you now. Do you mute? Oh god. Do you mute? do I Mew yeah
Starting point is 01:13:28 no man I'm just like this damn that's cool alright I'll let you go god bless bye Miles
Starting point is 01:13:34 see you later fellas you should take him to Tomoko to Tomo's house Tomoko what is that it's a great place for friends
Starting point is 01:13:43 who you wanna like you know keep hanging out with oh What is that? It's a great place for friends who you want to like, you know, keep hanging out with. It's a Japanese massage place. Is there a whole situation? They do couples massages. Okay. And you massage each other? No, no.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Those two people come and do all that shit for you. I go to a massage envy for that. Do the people who massage you end up massaging each other? Unknown, because it doesn't happen in the same room. Is it like an oil or like a peanut butter? It's... Well, me and Cutie went. Peanut butter couples massage.
Starting point is 01:14:19 They serve you food after. You can hang out. It's a nice, relaxing environment. But I never... They feed you horse mackerel? They feed you food after. You can hang out. It's a nice, relaxing environment. They feed you horse mackerel? They feed you... It felt like very basic sushi. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Nothing crazy. Tuna salmon. And then I never got a lot of massages in my life. So they were doing the whole thing. They did some oil. They did the rock thing. I'm like, all right. I've never got the rock thing.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I was like, I've heard of all these. And then... What's the rock thing? Hot stones. Hot stones on of all these and then what's the rock thing this? What Movies and shit they put like the hot spoon in your back, and they're always like yeah, oh she Yeah, that's why you go. Yeah, she when you get touched by it The person doing it doesn't go yeah, oh gee yeah So they did all that but then what I didn't know is then the lady who's massaging me mounted me.
Starting point is 01:15:08 What? And she like, I was like lying face down and she straddled my back. And then she started doing like what I can only describe as slow, methodical jujitsu moves to stretch my legs out. Yeah. And like, she would also like,
Starting point is 01:15:22 just like, she was really light. So she just put her knees on my back and then hands on my shoulders and then like scoot up and then scoot up and then go back down.
Starting point is 01:15:32 One with the bear and bear stance. And then she'd like put my legs like in weird configurations. Again, with the mounting. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then
Starting point is 01:15:40 this only works if she's like 90 pounds. She was definitely like a 90 pounds. Yeah. Kelly, you'd break someone's back doing that if she's like 90 pounds. She was definitely like a 90 pounds. Yeah. Kelly, you'd break someone's back doing that. If they were not his back,
Starting point is 01:15:49 not my, not him, not that, not that young. No, anyway, we go through it all. And then you got boner.
Starting point is 01:15:56 It's cool. No, but that's the first thing cutie says to me when it's done. What? She's like, you get a boner. I'm like, no.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Oh my God. She's like, she's off the table. That's a cock like no oh my god she's like she's off the table that's a cock push-up this is the second tenacious dereference today she's like i just thought you did i thought everyone did and i was like no i can everyone i can control it also you what you say is i only get boners for you i've never gotten a boner without you except that one time you were on the big joe and you had boner. And the several times at night often. That's different because you're sleeping.
Starting point is 01:16:27 You're dreaming about her. That's worse, though, because dream me is mean. We're trying to help you right now. Oh. True. Remember that time in that old house you were on the Big Joe? And she was like, Ludwig, get up. And you're like, I can't have a boner.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And it was like 1 p.m. in the daytime. Why is that a weird time to have a boner? No, that's your 1 p.m. boner. That happens like once a day. Because we were all in the daytime yeah is it a weird time that's your 1 p.m. boner that happens like one day we're all in the living room together I used to get a boner every single math class of my life I think yeah I got a boner on the on the drive to school every single morning every school bus the school bus is a And I know that I know that some people No no no no Just say it with one bit
Starting point is 01:17:08 You can't Stop you're moving too fast That means I'll shoot it Take that out of context We don't even have a bus Damn where I'm from Man You guys
Starting point is 01:17:19 You guys wanna go to We Spa with me? We Spa? You know We Spa? Oh he found He found a fucking onsen like in America. Actually, that's what it is. I've been to it a few times. Wii Spa's famous in LA.
Starting point is 01:17:33 Yeah. I just imagine a bunch of me's running around bathing themselves. I'd go to Wii Spa. That's the Korean one, right? We can roll up. Roll up together. She's tight. I'm blown out.
Starting point is 01:17:41 I don't know her. I don't know damn shit about damn anything. You want to relax? You got a fucking experience we got in LA, man. You get in the hot tub. I don't know her. I don't know damn shit about damn anything. You got a fucking experience we got in LA, man. You get in the hot tub. I don't have to do anything. Well, if you don't, then what's going to happen is going to continue to happen. Because there's a nice Japanese restaurant that was in Little Tokyo.
Starting point is 01:17:57 The oldest one in Little Tokyo. And they got ousted for a weed dispensary. That's legal to do. I know, but it's just sad. People are sad about it. You said ousted. You mean they got closed down. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. The owners are gone. They've been
Starting point is 01:18:12 ousted and now a weed dispensary. This isn't the word. What is the word? Ousting is what you do to pedophiles. What? No. Yes. No, that's ousting me. It's the same thing. No, ousted is different. Isn't ousted removed from power? Yes, ousted.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Kicked out, removed. Yeah, but like, the dispensary did not remove these people from power. The owners ousted the restaurant. I don't think this is the right verbiage. Can you look up ousted? Oh, I get what you're saying. Yeah. He's right.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Drive or expel someone from a position or place. Yes, that's exactly right. I don't think that happened. So the owner of the building... Nick, look at you like you were so dumb right there. The owner of the building ousted the sushi restaurant. Yes. Yes, that's exactly right. I don't think that happened. So the owner of the building... Nick, look at you like you were so dumb right there. The owner of the building ousted the sushi restaurant. Yes. I'm switchling right now.
Starting point is 01:18:49 I don't think this... I just think it's a bad way to say it. It wasn't sushi, that was racist, but yes. Damn. Wait, you said it was a... Japanese restaurant. Oh, wow. The racism bug is hitting me.
Starting point is 01:18:59 Oh, so you're saying it's now a dispensary. Yes. All right. And the original Japanese restaurant has been ousted. I'm going to keep saying it because they've been removed from a place. Yeah. But they weren't like forcefully removed. It's just business.
Starting point is 01:19:10 They literally were forcefully removed. Well, how did it happen? It's the landlord. Did they show up with a fucking submachine gun? And they were like, you're getting out of here, old man. Do you think it's the only way to make them removed? Do you think the only way to make them ousted is a submachine gun? I think I'm right.
Starting point is 01:19:25 Vibe face. The owner's ousted is a submachine gun I think I'm right vibe face the owner's most grammar is vibes I think most of your logic is whether you feel confident or not and not what's real it's my confidence
Starting point is 01:19:34 based on my lived experience would you have more of you then I don't think that's fair because now you're just being ageist yes fuck you
Starting point is 01:19:41 yes I am fuck you man fuck you this is why they have dispensaries everywhere now we don't have Japan Town. Well, to be clear, there's still like 50 restaurants there. Tokyo's dying because of you.
Starting point is 01:19:51 Yeah, because one place got closed down. Because this man wasn't mean all the time. Now we can't go buy little figurines. Yeah. It's a restaurant. Yeah. And some of the figurines aren't, they're cool. Some of them are different Kirby's.
Starting point is 01:20:03 Yeah, some come in a jar. Some of them are good. That's convenient for housing. Some of them are different kirby's yeah some come in a jar some of them that's convenient for housing some of them are little garfields that's not very common garfields in a little tokyo very common japan loves garfield that's not true they love yeah they love lasagna too they actually found out about garfield before lasagna it's like they it's like they have that you know how to love KFC on Christmas? It's like that. It's just all inverted. You should know this, being that culture guy. I'm a bit cultured. KFC's good, man.
Starting point is 01:20:34 Fucked up. Dude, what the fuck? Ete decimas. When we had it on the fucking fast food video, I was like, I forgot I used to love this shit. It's so bad. When I was a kid. I just went through the cheapest and least expensive item from every fast food spot and it was so greasy dude connor loved i watched that video connor loved that in-n-out burger what's he's the worst item i mean probably objectively it is the jack
Starting point is 01:20:59 in the box two for one tacos no because they're a grease monster. We used to call them cat meat tacos. Yeah, the Taco Bell cheesy roll-up is like That thing is gross. No things funny. It's just tortillas. No, it's just like gross as like a product Not like as like a like they did it's like $1. Yeah, like that's fucked food should be more expensive than a dollar No, yeah, you're no he's what you you're saying but you shouldn't say that if they're saying you shouldn't say that if they're making a profit off of a dollar then that means they're producing cheese and tortillas for like 10 cents you could get what you're saying no but you can go to the grocery store and get tortillas and you can get cheese and that one of them will not cost you more than a dollar. The margin on fast food is like 5%.
Starting point is 01:21:46 It's really thin. It's the volume that keeps you in business. So keep buying the cheesy roll-ups. It was like 2D. It was like paper. It was so weird.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I think you should follow your heart and you should open up donkeys. Follow your fart that big ass butt you got. Fuck. He's just too fast. Fuck, dude. I can't beat him. Jesus. Hey, but yeah He's just too fast
Starting point is 01:22:08 Jesus hey, you know it's funny. What's funny dance? I don't see funny. Sam's making me laugh. I'm paying sir And he did have a few bangers use funny brother I say he was really good on the on all the pre-recorded segments to talking about a place on the map is called Wawa and then someone goes on the map it was it was in Audacity oh yeah, yeah, he's map is called Wawa. And then someone goes on the map. It was it was in audacity. Oh, yeah. Yeah. He's like, what is Wawa? Because it was like a Wawa effect.
Starting point is 01:22:31 Oh, what's Wawa? And it goes like a water when I'm really thirsty. I thought that was fucking funny. Yeah, it was. Don't give a cringe face when you didn't watch. No, I think it's good. No, I'm sure the timing is fine. All jokes can be funny if you time them right.
Starting point is 01:22:48 That's true about life. What? Whatever happened. Remember, I was supposed to be the assistant in that. Yeah. What made you change your mind? I thought Stans would try more hard and care more. What the heck?
Starting point is 01:22:58 And own the project more. What the heck? You could have said the show was his idea. You didn't have to say that. But I believe everything I said. I would try really hard. I always try hard when you fucking... I think you do try hard when you're there,
Starting point is 01:23:10 and you're very funny when you're there, but I think the pre-production... Oh, I wouldn't have done shit. Yes. Yes, Dan's props. And I am actually not doing shit, and he needs to do shit. Right, he needs...
Starting point is 01:23:20 Yeah, that makes sense. I wasn't bitching. I was just curious. Because me and Zipper 3 watched together. We tried doing the reverse speak challenge after yeah we tried it was it hard dude it's fucking hard yeah that shit we basically had to say you had a sentence you had to say it in reverse and then when you reverse it had to sound normal yeah and it was there is a correct strategy i did it what what this is my strat I
Starting point is 01:23:46 I record or I recorded my voice like recorded the line reverse it tried to phonetically write it out
Starting point is 01:23:53 and then tried to like you recorded your line and reversed it I recorded sorry I recorded recorded my line like properly
Starting point is 01:23:59 reversed it so it's reverse speak oh it is yeah you can't just listen to it that's the one rule you can't do that I know about this that's why it's hard I Oh it is? Yeah You can't just listen to it That's the one rule You can't do that I know about this
Starting point is 01:24:06 That's why it's hard I didn't know that either It was still hard Even though I was doing that I could only get half my sentence Well the cheat code is You ask Stans to do it Oh so he records it
Starting point is 01:24:16 The language says You cannot record yourself Yeah Saying the original line Dude In reverse So what other people were doing Was like oh
Starting point is 01:24:23 I won't say the original line I'll change secrets to be secrets. That's why Daniel had him read it. Yeah, that's why Daniel had him read it. I'm going to be real. I didn't pick up on that even a little bit. I don't know if people did or not. I was talking with my girlfriend in the kitchen while it was on, so I did not hear the rule.
Starting point is 01:24:40 I do think an adjustment I want to make for episode two was I thought this would cover itself because of how many people were on the show but it didn't. I want them to not rush through the instructions. They're reading them
Starting point is 01:24:53 so fast and kind of unclearly. Right. And like Daniel in particular was like alright my name is Ludwig I'm going to read it like that.
Starting point is 01:25:01 And I was like oh well someone else will read it like really clean. But no one did. You need to read it slow. So I have to give them instruction. Influencers don't want to fucking read.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Read it really clearly. Read it nice and slow for me. Put me in, coach. It'll be a banger. I do want you in, but it's. Pete, to your credit, he said something very nice about you and very mean about us. Dubbing? Dubbing.
Starting point is 01:25:18 What the fuck did dubbing say? He was like, he was making fun of him for having so much trouble getting guests. He's like, just get the yard boys. It'd be a great episode to have all four of you do it. And he was like, I would only ask Slime. Oh! Scooter beep! Then he said a meaner thing next that I won't say on the show.
Starting point is 01:25:36 About me? No. About other people? Thanks for watching the yard this week. It could be about anyone. I can't wait to hear this. It could be about anyone. On the premium, once, because we're going to do it tomorrow, once we've all cooled off, I'll tell you. It could be about anyone. I'll tell you to hear this. On the premium, because we're going to do it tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:25:45 once we've all cooled off, I'll tell you. It could be about anyone. I'll tell you, dear viewer. Aiden, it could be about anyone. Oh, I bet it's Aiden we get frustrated and fuck the vibes up. We'll see you on the primo in a little bit. It could be about anyone.
Starting point is 01:26:00 Fuck you.

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