The Yard - Ep. 139 - Michelle Khare Tries Podcasting

Episode Date: March 13, 2024

This week, the boys are joined by Michelle Khare! They discuss the production behind Michelle's videos, her biggest fears, and how she started on YouTube!...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We have to start being less crass. Why do we have to be less crass? Wow. Interesting. Do we have a reason to be less crass? What do you mean, we? What? Excuse me?
Starting point is 00:00:24 I said, what do you mean, we? Who invented the cock panopticon? I didn't say Nick wasn't part of it. You think you're not part of it. That's the building that damn plane hit. Well, hey, we're being crass and we're being rash,
Starting point is 00:00:40 but would you like to bring in our come on, give me something. Give me a lot. This is unbelievable. I like seeing you But would you like to bring in our... Uh... Come on, give me something. This is unbelievable. I like seeing you... I can't show up every week with your pool photos. I can't show up every week and be the rhyme guy with no support.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Remember when we told her that the cue would be really clear and obvious? Yeah. And she's up there right now. Alright, I got this. We're talking about God. Yeah, of course. Introducing the president of Women's History Month, Michelle Carrey. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:01:12 Whoa! I didn't know you got that title. That's cool. It's hard to get elected. You're a resident. In general, it's hard. Hey, you nailed that slide. That's the whole reason I'm here, right?
Starting point is 00:01:25 Women's History Month? Yes. Well, no, no. Don't say yes to that. No. Happy to be diversity. To be fair, it was supposed to be before Women's History Month. Well, to be really fair, we don't have two more women lined up.
Starting point is 00:01:37 We don't? No. So this wasn't an actual idea. We just had a woman on, and we were like, that was crazy. Like, what if we did another? Jesus Christ. This wasn't an actual idea. We just had a woman on it. We were like that was crazy No, this has been cooking for a while, but your schedule so damned busy my schedule yeah Please talk your truth my truth is and I said is previously, but I want everyone to know, I was supposed to do an unpaid intern and Ludwig changed the schedule twice. So I couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Okay. So who's the busy one? This guy's the busy one. You know what? Now that I think about it, you are busy like all the time. Who are we talking about? You. You?
Starting point is 00:02:17 We're both, we're both, we're both busy. Yeah. Okay. Do you ever feel bad? What? Do you ever feel bad when you take someone's time? That isn't us, your friends, but like people who are way more important, like Michelle. Like Michelle.
Starting point is 00:02:31 No, I'm not more important. No, it's fine. Oh, you're clearly more important. I think even Wednesday. You know like a movie where the character gets a red jacket because it's like, that's who we're focusing on? That is you right now. Yeah, thank you guys.
Starting point is 00:02:41 You are more important. I want to clarify that. I'll try to get the cinema, if you will. And what you do and you want you do is you say yo what's up by the way your time is invaluable to me I don't say that I don't say that also go fuck yourself remember what he said that
Starting point is 00:02:53 I never said that I blocked it out I forgot I'm so sorry for saying that I do feel this president I do feel bad actually it's madam president I'm sorry madam president I have a question for you I do feel bad. It's Madam President. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:03:05 Madam President. I have a question for you. Okay. Because I feel like you are also busy. But I feel like you're, in a way, professional. And I feel like I'm per se not. Because I was looking at my calendar. I've been trying to be a good boy.
Starting point is 00:03:21 That's great. That's a great first step. Thank you. Having a calendar. Yay. We'll get your leash later. So I updated it. And I I updated my calendar. That's great. That's a great first step. Thank you. Having a calendar. We'll get your leash later. So I updated it and I looked at my calendar and next week it says, would you rather Tuesday 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:03:35 I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is. And I'm supposed to fly to Vancouver that day. What? It's in Canada? No, no, no. This is a separate thing, but I'm double booking on Would You Rather. And something's going to happen that day.
Starting point is 00:03:47 But you don't know what Would You Rather means. I don't know what Would You Rather is. Maybe it's part of it. No, it's separate. Maybe you're in like a weird saw game. They were like, hey, can you come to Vancouver this day? I said, sure. Do you know who to ask to find out what this means?
Starting point is 00:03:59 It's me from the past. But I can't reach him. The funniest part about this is, so Nicholas Yingling, Ludwig's assistant, I asked him once, you ever manage Ludwig's calendar? And he goes, no, he doesn't let me do it. And I was like, oh. Oh, you don't let him? No.
Starting point is 00:04:13 Why not? I was like, oh, you don't do it good. Right. But neither do you. Yeah. Isn't that an opportunity for a conversation between you guys to give that feedback? Oh, my God. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:04:23 You're so. Okay. So, okay. Boom. Over to you. How are you so professional? Are give that feedback. Oh my god. Whoa, you're so, okay, so, okay. Boom. Over to you. How are you so professional? Are you just like, oh. Oh my gosh, you're avoiding it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Ludwig, you're avoiding this whole thing. You're completely swirving. You see, oh my god. You would rather roast Nicholas here on the podcast. Deflect. Then. Yes. Put a meeting in your calendar to meet with him.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Is this what it takes to dig into the confines of your mind? We just need a Michelle here this whole time Get out of my mind She just pierced your soul in seconds I don't like it It took me years Well, you know, long ago, I was his Nick Yingling I was his assistant type person
Starting point is 00:04:59 And I asked him, I was like, because we had so much to do And it was just me and him and Radstead We were the only employees And I was like, hey, can I carve do and it was just me and him and rad stats We're the only employees and I was like hey Can I carve out? 15 minutes a day to talk to you just like to catch up and like make sure we're on the same page And you know what he said. I don't think we need to do that We lived together Michelle have you ever heard the saying, Papa don't play ball for under
Starting point is 00:05:26 a rack? Oh, that's a good saying. Have you ever heard the expression, it's classic, Papa don't play ball for less than a rack. You ever heard that? I think it was, who said that? It's me, I said that. Oh, he said that. So, deals less than a thousand dollars, Papa won't even talk about.
Starting point is 00:05:42 He won't play ball. Wait, hold on, does Nicholas have access to your bank account or your Venmo? Does he pay people on your behalf ever? I hope cuz I don't okay Still could he could go to your bank withdraw $1,000 Iraq Give it to you and say hey, let's have a meeting right now So go back in your bank account I would would have to apply. I'll play ball. I unfortunately will have to play ball. Dang.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's such a good solution. You're a beast in this shit. I'm just trying to help. Are you like looking for a new position right now? Me? Yeah. No, not here. I'm looking for a job.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Not here at your company. I'm saying we're actually looking for something. I think if we swapped off-brand and mogul moves, it'd be so much better off. So you think we should trade places for a day? Permanently, and I'd die.
Starting point is 00:06:36 But yeah, for a day, for content, I would also do that. You guys should hold each other by the shoulders and be like, I wish we would trade bodies! And just kind of see. Like, see me Friday. We should have to go to a restaurant and open a fortune cookie and then, you know. We'll do the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:06:52 That'll be the opening shot. Well, okay, how big is your team? How big is my team? Yes. Including myself, it's eight people. Oh, my gosh. Dude, I thought it was so much more as the Australians
Starting point is 00:07:06 say it's fair dinkum but off brand is like 30 I know that's why I thought it was more because you'd be doing a lot of shit well
Starting point is 00:07:13 Lubbock's having a harrowing thought which is do I need less employees her eight her eight is so powerful they're like Roman soldiers well let me clarify.
Starting point is 00:07:25 We have eight. Well, they all take care of each other. We have eight full time. But then, you know, like when we have a bigger shoot or something, like one of our recent shoots, we have 40 people on set. So those are all one off freelance personnel. All right. I once, and by once I mean like a couple weeks ago called Michelle and said hey can you tell me how your
Starting point is 00:07:48 company works can you please someone with a company well you wanted to hire a producer for the podcast right I did yeah how's that going great we found someone yeah we found someone cool that's amazing yeah we have someone oh my god please
Starting point is 00:08:03 you didn't know, did you? No, I knew. I knew. He did know. He did know. I won't be mad. We had a meeting about it. You will be mad.
Starting point is 00:08:10 He was there. If he didn't actually know, you would be mad. And he does know. I just wanted him to tell the truth. You're mad even when I don't do wrong. I get mad because you know what? You were late to this podcast episode. It was noon.
Starting point is 00:08:22 It was noon. It was 12.02. Yeah, two minutes. You can't burn your anger on these ones. I've been hurt so many times. It makes the ones that are 20 minutes not as bad. You know what made me feel good, though? The other day, me and Lottie were streaming, and he said, it terrifies me every podcast
Starting point is 00:08:35 ep that I might be late. I'm like, good. Because it makes me feel so bad. Good. Because time matters. I think you need a slime. I need a slime. Yeah, I think you need, in your crew, I think it's the one thing we can't get back slime Yeah, I think I think you need in your crew. I think you need someone who is People like bald and really angry
Starting point is 00:08:59 No, I'm mad when I was late You were on time We talk about the incident? The incident? Oh, yeah. Wait, we're talking about the incident. The incident. What happened?
Starting point is 00:09:11 Wait. You know about the incident. I think I know where this is going. I need answers. I'm oblivious. Because I'm very curious. This is an age-old story. I know.
Starting point is 00:09:21 Oh, no. The incident. I remember now. Okay, so this is a story That I've told many many times This is like over a year old It's a long time ago It's more than that probably
Starting point is 00:09:30 I think it's now in fables This is two I think it's Dose Equis It's two years old It's Dose Equis More than two streamer awards ago Oh yeah So okay
Starting point is 00:09:39 I've said it many times But I'll say it again Because we're on a podcast We were at a party And someone came up to me I've said it many times, but I'll say it again because we're on a podcast. We were at a party and someone came up to me and said, hey, Stance. And I thought they were kidding. Two minutes of conversation answered the question. They were not kidding.
Starting point is 00:09:57 And this person thought I was Stance. And I was like, this is awesome. I'm going to talk to them like I am Stance for the rest of the night. And so I was just having conversations with them. You're saying crunky crunch mess. I'll come dumb shit. Yeah, I'm saying You know wise things just absolutely squeaks. I'm gonna play you for tonight today. No shit heinous shit And I go find slime immediately. I say well Let me clarify were you falling in line with the character of stands or were you like I'm gonna make him seem insane right now Well, I hadn't got to the insane part, but I knew quickly that's what I wanted to do.
Starting point is 00:10:28 So right now in the Michelle Cara YouTube video, we're in the intro. And I'm realizing what it takes. And now we're moving into Act 2. Spend another Stans and you go to find your eight people. We're moving into Act 2 and I discover what I need
Starting point is 00:10:44 and now I'm going to get it. And so I naturally go to slime and I say slime, there's someone here who truly in their heart believes I am Stan. It was like, he got me a Christmas gift. I basically looked at him like, what do you want to do with that? Like, what should we do with that? And he goes, come here, come here. He almost didn't believe me at first. I'm like, no, no, no. I swear. And so we go and we find the guy again. This time he's talking to you. And so. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:08 And so I go, you know, watch this. And so we walk up and Slime goes to you and says, have you met Stans in front of the guy? And you just look at me dead and go, hi, Stans. I don't think we've met. So in my head, I'm like, yes, two people are being owned now. My night is double as good. So we have, you know, whatever conversation you're like, are you excited for the streamer awards?
Starting point is 00:11:37 You're nominated. That's so exciting. But I'm like, you said that? Yeah. So later I go on? Yeah. Because he nominated me. And in my head, I'm like, I'm just letting this guy in the room right now. So later, I go on the podcast. I tell this story. And I think you were like, she knows stands.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And I'm like, no, no, no. You DM'd me. And you're like, hey, did you run into stands last night? Because you were trying. No, no. To be clear, I was on the pod with him. And I was like, Michelle did not fall for this for even an iota of a second. And I'm like, she fell for that shit, I'm a comedic genius,
Starting point is 00:12:08 and a prankster even. And so I should prove it. I should prove it by sending like a very like, because I can't like lead you to the answer. So I had to send to someone. I will never forget what you said, Tillotwick. It's one of the funniest things I've ever heard. You said, I don't know who that guy was, but it was not Stan.
Starting point is 00:12:27 But I cannot tell you how much i appreciated the fact that you just went along with him yeah yeah that was fucking epic because that that guy at the streamer awards with stands on stage? Still thought I was Stans. Oh my god! That's beast mode. Chad's actually so much more sick cause he's like, Stans look different today. He's got Stans goggles on. I ran into him and he just said, he continued the conversation from yesterday, cause the party was the
Starting point is 00:12:58 pre-party of the stream awards. Oh my goodness. And I was like I was just like, you've earned it. You've earned a place in my brain. What was going through in my brain what was going through your head yeah what was going through my head
Starting point is 00:13:06 okay so to set the stage for me I'm a guest in this community I'm not a streamer
Starting point is 00:13:16 I could could not do what you guys do it's one of the hardest jobs for sure you're like a garbage person
Starting point is 00:13:23 I think you can do streaming I think you can do streaming. I think you've done so many horror tasks. You fought in a boxing match. You're so much harder. I don't know. You've also done it. I want to say you've.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Barely. You did the streaming. I streamed a little during chess. Yes. And that was, it was very stressful for me. You can make a YouTube video. Well, that's how I know Stance. About becoming a streamer. And you could play like Among Us and Warzone and like order a lot of Uber Eats.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Honestly, I don't think you could do the challenge. Soldiers. Maybe I'll find out when we freaking Friday in such places. Okay. So I'm a guest here and I always know something is afoot with you guys, especially with Slime. So when Slime came over and he had this look in his eyes, it was like Christmas Day for him. What the fuck? She saw it in her eyes as you walked out?
Starting point is 00:14:13 In a bit. I gave her an unconscious signal and she said, Ah, Othello Chester. You walked over with that Michelob stare. Dude, oh my, I'm so mad. I knew something was afoot because you were very smiley. You were so elated to introduce me to Stans. And we have the false memory of how it went.
Starting point is 00:14:32 We go back and actually look, and we're walking up like... Do you guys know Stans? Like the dramatic recreation. And I was like, I have no idea what's going on, but I'm not going to ruin these guys' night. I'm here for it, whatever. But obviously I know who the hell stands is he taught me fortnight for like two six weeks That's all each other. I saw stands probably more than anybody else for a period of the pandemic Because we were on discord together so much
Starting point is 00:15:01 Yeah, I think the real hoodwink is that Stan's fooled you into thinking he was good at Fortnite. Well I'm awful at most games because I didn't grow up with gaming of any kind.
Starting point is 00:15:13 What's your best game? I wouldn't even know. I guess technically chess which I'm very bad at. What's your rating? It was a thousand and then I promptly
Starting point is 00:15:21 stopped. I think that was the last ever rating. It's really funny you're like I'm shit at chess and you're his stopped. I think that was the last I ever played. I'm shit at chess and you're his rating. Did you just hit a thousand? I just hit a thousand. Thank you. He hit a thousand and then messaged me and said,
Starting point is 00:15:34 kill yourself in real life. I did do that. It's only because I thought that he was really mean to me when I hit 700 and I was proud. Apparently he wasn't even that mean I just made it up in my head You guys have a lot of interpersonal stuff going on
Starting point is 00:15:51 Yes, we do. We have a method to handle it where we just put it lower So we push it down Any job openings you have Anything that's coming up Shut up We have to shut up You have anything that's coming up? Shut up. Please. Shut up. We're talking to our friend. They've ate the debris.
Starting point is 00:16:08 They've ate mess. You'd be a bad knight. You put the dirt on it. On top of it. And the dirt cakes over, and then you can no longer see what's wrong. Right? You understand. It's kind of hard.
Starting point is 00:16:17 How's that going for you? I don't feel shit. I don't feel shit. I'm in a great mood. Wow. You feel great all the time. You know, I almost, I didn't do this, but I almost brought eight in a first-aid kit today Why is that oh because I just thought it was something he needs cuz you guys
Starting point is 00:16:37 Know no he deserves it okay after being with him for a few minutes You can't feel like you can't give him a first-aid kit he starts to eat all the cotton balls After being with him for a few minutes, don't you feel like he deserves it? You can't give him a first-aid kit because he starts to eat all the cotton balls. I love it. He calls them fun marshmallows. You say it's what they eat in Norway, and he's like, oh, that's interesting. They call it Schmigeldorf in Norway. He starts eating it, and you're like, ha, we got you.
Starting point is 00:16:55 And he's like, I think it's good. I'm interested in other cultures. You are culture. Wow. Thank you. Did the entire head-to-toe Acme fit give you that? I love how you call it Acme, like I'm in Looney Tunes. What is it? Me I thought it was act me like like
Starting point is 00:17:20 Aiden Aiden like Ludwig said deserves deserves it. But also, he likes it. Secretly. Do you? That they shit on me? You sound like you have a gun to your head. What did you do yesterday? The Bureaucart World Cup. Yes, yes, I saw.
Starting point is 00:17:38 So Aiden was in that. And he's hungover. I am. You can see it in his eyes. I am hungover. Aiden, yesterday, he was not supposed to do it. And I added him last second because somebody dropped out and we're in the car driving there together.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And he's like, oh. And I was like, oh, is it because we're driving there? You're not gonna be able to drive back because you'll be drunk. He's like, no, I just have so much work tomorrow. And then I know his entire schedule. It's like, we just have a podcast. It's 90 minutes at noon. He's like, yeah, I'm going to be hung over for it. And then I know his entire schedule. And it's like, we just have a podcast. It's 90 minutes at noon. He's like, yeah, I'm going to be hung over for it.
Starting point is 00:18:08 And you did call it. It happened. But we're OK, because we're both the phenomenal racers who race well drunk together. Well, Ludwig, what time did you get home? 1 AM. What time did Aiden get home? No, wait. What did you do?
Starting point is 00:18:22 You stayed out. You didn't go home. He didn't go home. Young man. I got like did you do? What? You stayed out! You didn't go home! You didn't go home! Young man! I got like 330? What? Young man! I didn't, I don't even have to do it.
Starting point is 00:18:33 I'm being reprimanded. Oh my gosh. I mean, maybe. Well, you have to tell us what you did. Yeah. Well, after, I went out. Wait, hold on. Let's, let's role play I will be your mother.
Starting point is 00:18:43 Yeah. Uh, Michelle, be his father. Young man. Young man. I don't know, look my dad in the eyes. Very accurate now. Came back. This is good.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Aiden, I need to know what you were doing last night. You had the car out. You were intoxicated. And we're getting a divorce. Don't tell us. Don't tell us we're getting divorced right now. I want to be his little brother who is at home and not in trouble. Yeah, pussy! Timothy, nice.
Starting point is 00:19:11 Do it again. Why would you... Dad, don't let him say that. That's not at all. Am I the dad? You're the dad, yeah. Yeah, I'm the mother. We're both dads.
Starting point is 00:19:17 No, I'm the mother. Well, I guess I can also be the dad. You're in trouble! Okay, so seriously, where were you? I went out. I went out. It was my friend's birthday who was at the event, and he asked me to come out with his friends after the trip it was over he didn't just ask you to go out it was me and aiden together at the event and he comes over and he
Starting point is 00:19:35 goes to aiden he goes we still on for that thing tonight and i was there and i was like yeah have fun i'm busy fuckers so they took me they him and his friends took me out for his his birthday and we went out in west la which i haven't done in a very long time and then i realized that on the way home in the uber i was like which is like a 25 minute uber home i see the time and it's an hour and a half drive for some reason and I'm like looking I'm like no it's a daylight savings dude I lose another hour I feel like shit I did the I got up this morning and then went and got in the shower like this and just laid there for 40 minutes and then so that's and then I I tried to have a little like twinkle in my eye Like I have energy when I'm literally out front as I like carry out like boxes of pizza and like
Starting point is 00:20:36 beers from like the when mango and everybody was my practice sessions for Practice sessions we were clean. This is not a kid. Not a joke. We were cleaning bagel off of his face before you got here We're like Aiden you have cream cheese all over your face clean up We have a guest coming. That's crazy. You see me. You're not see me at my best. It's like a roach I'm just seeing him at his lowest. Well, we've revealed our vices. It's shrinking and driving. What's do you have a vice? My vice what do you let loose? What do you do? What do I do you go crazy? Hmm I like sleeping Yeah, I like sleeping. Oh come on.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Oh my god. Yeah, I like working really hard. Working hard, sleeping. Showing up early, I can actually remind myself. That's like one of the SP Buttigieg's favorite song in what, national anthem? What else would it be? Whatever God sings. No, no, no, no. I definitely have fun.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Okay, alright, alright, you cut loose. You have, you have fun. I would let, details. No, no, no, it's meth out of a light bulb. Here got loose. You have fun. Details. No, no, no. It's meth out of a light bulb. Here's how I have fun, though. So I do everything, unfortunately, to the fullest. So when I have fun, it's- Crack cocaine.
Starting point is 00:21:35 Very fun. And not very- No, not crack cocaine. Not crack cocaine. All right. I see. Okay. It's just-
Starting point is 00:21:43 There's a credit card in the shed back there If you want it It's more for function Than it is I don't know anything about Types of drinks But I know Okay that is effective
Starting point is 00:21:58 So on the few nights That I enjoy fun It's a little utilitarian So it's just grain alcohol. You're blackout in an hour, and then you wake up, and she has an isopropyl with a spendy straw. We throw a pretty crazy Halloween party every year. Oh, we have not been invited. That's so weird.
Starting point is 00:22:18 You've got to come this year. You guys have the invite, probably. You didn't invite Ludwig, even? Well, listen. This is the Ludwig podcast. You don't want me going you're all invited but it's very it's a very serious affair so every year there's a theme and you have to be cast into the theme so let me give an example a couple years ago it was marvel
Starting point is 00:22:36 every single person who came it's like full cosplay like people are sending us mood boards of their costumes. Like there's costume prizes, full bar, DJ, everything in our house. And then we spend this. We didn't do it this past year because it just kills like three weeks of work because we spend two weeks before the party completely redecorating the entire house. So the house became the TVA from Loki. And we ordered all this shit off eBay like old TVs and stuff and then we like Like Garrett looked up all these YouTube videos on how to connect an old TV to a laptop. So it was playing like TVA videos and propaganda of the Miss Minutes stuff and then we had all like a scavenger hunt throughout the house and it was really fun
Starting point is 00:23:24 Halloween I would say is a vice of yeah, and it was really fun. Oh my god. So Halloween I would say is a vice of mine. But it's really fun. Lud once had me film a video where he cooked an egg on a flashlight. Well okay, that doesn't feel super... Wait, was it the super bright flashlight? That thing is crazy. So we basically have a similar sort of investment level.
Starting point is 00:23:40 Can I give you a theme for next year? Please. Okay, hear me out. Everyone is Stance. Dude, I would love that. And I'd do a good job at it. And we don't tell him. I think you would win. I'd like perm my hair.
Starting point is 00:23:52 And we don't invite him. Dude, yeah. Oh, yeah. That would be insane. But we do invite his family. Yo. I'm actually down to do this. Yes, please.
Starting point is 00:24:02 Maybe not for the official Halloween party, but as a bit, I think this is so good. The dark stands carnival. Yeah. And every, like you'd have to shave, get some glasses. Get the wig.
Starting point is 00:24:14 No! I was like, please. She had a gun to my forehead. I'm like, don't do it. And you're going to wear a wig. It's funny if It was like a different
Starting point is 00:24:25 variation of stance. Like, some people are clown stance. Some people are like baby stance. Some people are like double stance. And they have like a prosthetic stance coming out of their side or something. You know what I'm saying? It's a true multiverse. Like all multiverse stance.
Starting point is 00:24:42 It's like the Citadel of Ricks but it's stance. Yeah. I don't know what like the Citadel of Ricks, but it's stands. Yeah. I don't know what it was. Citadel of Ricks. Rick and Morty. It was Rick and Morty. I have this thing where I don't know a lot of stuff,
Starting point is 00:24:56 but some stuff I do know a lot about. Dude, that's what you did. Yeah, yeah. Can you name one Michelle Khari video. Is it... She's told you so many of this episode already. The quest to beat Matt Turk. Okay, that's... What?
Starting point is 00:25:12 That is a summoning salt speedrun video. He just named another YouTube video. He panicked and named another YouTube video. Slime is famous for... Was it close? No. I mean... I'm asking you.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I'm asking your guess. Do you know, like... You just... I think your experience of this podcast is so interesting, because when someone comes on, it's like you're meeting a stranger. It's so awesome. I think your perspective is interesting, actually. Right? And so I
Starting point is 00:25:37 know you as the person who went along with a funny joke that we thought was funny, and also you boxed Andrea Brotez and that's pretty much it. And I think both of those things are pretty cool. That's pretty real. So in my book, I'm like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Let's have her on. Otherwise I veto you like MatPat. You're not vetoing MatPat. MatPat used to be on the Ludwig podcast. You said Ludwig's podcast. No, he said the Ludwig podcast. He didn't say the Ludwig podcast No, he said But he showed the art he did show the logo he showed the logo I did For a streamy this year alongside some very large shows it was kind of crazy like Logan Paul's podcast
Starting point is 00:26:22 Was other guys a shitty J shitty The daily crazy like logan paul's podcast uh what was other guys j shitty j shitty uh sorry the daily uh the yeah uh joe uh rogan um mike mike thought it was last night joe ropin dude we said we'd be less crass okay anyway they they put all every show you know has a logo brand company whatever the bigger ones and so they put all their logos. Our logo was Ludwig's face. Yeah, it was Ludwig's face. It was a picture of Ludwig. We have branding. So who here submitted for the streamy?
Starting point is 00:26:51 Because they would have been the person to choose the picture. None of us submitted. We got nominated with no submission. They just said, hmm, instead of Googling Yard Logo, we should Google Ludwig. Dubbin. When in preparation for the show, they used this photo of us at the Streamer Awards together. Yard logo we should google Ludwig In preparation For the show they used this photo Of us at the streamer awards together
Starting point is 00:27:10 We all look really nice In suits and everything but the fourth Guy is Warchul It's a picture of the three of us with Warchul and that's the photo That they used for our show Huge fans and they're fucking with us that was no no no that was uh we told no we played a prank on them yeah yeah we told they used your
Starting point is 00:27:30 face for the logo and they asked us to submit a photo of ourselves so that i sent them that one knowing they would not know it's not actually us speaking of award shows you had a moment i had a moment you won an award. I won an award. And what I wanted to ask you about is how you found out, and the world found out that you won that award. Because was that as confusing to you as it was to me at home? It was very confusing. Do you guys know about this? I miss this.
Starting point is 00:27:56 I miss this. We had the immense honor of winning show of the year at the Streamies. You should check it out. It sounds good. And MatPat was hosting. You can say that after anything to him, it would be funny to me. He'd be like,
Starting point is 00:28:10 we're eating popcorn, you should check it out. I don't go out much either, so. It does play. Yeah, MatPat was hosting. MatPat was hosting. He was awesome. I doubt it.
Starting point is 00:28:20 He's a nice guy. He's a very nice person. Where does this come from? So he's in a cave and all he can see is the shadows on the wall And he has sometimes the shadows on the wall play like old movies from the 80s And then he gets mad that you haven't seen them They haven't also seen the shadows in front of a tree right? It looks like a guy with horns And he goes that must be a scary shitty guy. Yeah, he looks like he's never been out of the cave he hates youtubers okay please i'm sorry i'm here i don't i want to hear about the award show okay and he's about to announce and show of the year is and then he pauses and instead of saying the name of who
Starting point is 00:29:01 won it turns into this scavenger hunt where the letters of the winner are hidden all throughout the room so he's like everybody look under your under the tables under the chairs and we you know people are finding pre-placed placards that have segments of what would eventually spell challenge accepted wow but challenge accepted is a very long title. Oh my God. And so the letters are all over the place and people are finding them. And as they find them, they come on stage.
Starting point is 00:29:33 And I think the intention was to have everybody line up and then, you know, Vanna White style, Wheel of Fortune, you should check it out, turn around and spell out the winner. And they did, and it did not spell that at all. So it was very confusing. And then he had to be like, challenge accepted. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:29:51 There's like 15 YouTubers out there. They're a bunch of words. They're like, plenty of survivors. Like, I don't fucking know what this spells. And then people at home are like, there's two C's. It's probably three C's. Okay, challenge accepted. Was there an exclamation point like in High School Musical?
Starting point is 00:30:04 I don't think there was an exclamation point. But it was very daunting because these, I think they intentionally placed it under like very popular people's chairs. And so, you know, you're going up there and they're all these people I've looked up to and they're all just awkwardly standing there. Like we don't even know what we spelled out. How long did the ordeal take from the announcement to just giving up and saying?
Starting point is 00:30:28 I would say it was probably a solid three and a half minutes. No. Yeah. Oh, that is an eternity. It was a while. Oh, my God. But it was still a very exciting. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Thank you. I was at, during this event, I was at a monster truck rally. And I kept leaning over to the people next to me and saying, I'm nominated for a Streamy. But you didn't go. No one knew what that was. And there's a guy with two beers in his helmet. And he's like, oh, cool.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Why didn't you guys go? You were nominated. I was. I was nominated for three things. I went 0 for 3. It was lit. We protested. I went at a protest.
Starting point is 00:31:03 I didn't know what it was. Because of Ludwig's face as the logo. Look, I get it. I get that Ludwig is the guy, and that's why this show is interesting. But it's fun to be, once again, the little brother, jumping up and down, saying crass things. Like, no. Even though he's the oldest one.
Starting point is 00:31:20 You get it. How old are you? I'm curious. Why do you ask everybody this? he's the oldest one you know you get it how old are you i'm curious you why do you ask everybody this this is because because i feel like we're uncovering a lot today with you guys and i feel like we're hitting on some insecurity here no it's not i promise it's not but it's it's more of a way to measure like life experience right i'm 31 you're 31 okay i'm 33 and this and how's that life experience growing was growing up
Starting point is 00:31:45 at your age by the way no it was definitely yours cause he's why why is it so different much longer cause you you're over the Jesus line
Starting point is 00:31:51 is what they say I'm on the Jesus line you idiot the Jesus line he died when he was 33 in April I'll be over the Jesus line you'll be fine
Starting point is 00:32:01 you have two more years to become the Messiah and that's why that's why child accepted I've tried being Jesus that seems good
Starting point is 00:32:10 that's a good idea do you know what I was googling all day yesterday I was like me and shake were in the Uber to karaoke
Starting point is 00:32:16 how did Jesus die the second time wow that is such a good wait am I dumb for not knowing this either? It's crazy. People have a car accident.
Starting point is 00:32:29 Fucking T-bone, bro. Right in Damascus. It was terrible. It was 1945. He was there for a while. Yeah, he opened up a bakery and shit. It was, you know, he was low-key for a while. It was him and the real Paul McCartney.
Starting point is 00:32:40 They were in the same damn car. Oh, my God. Maya, well, how did he? I'm dead. Sorry, just for a quick diatribe. He did not die a second time. He went up. Oh my God. Maya. Well, how did he? I'm dead. Sorry. Just for a quick diatribe. He did not die a second time. He went up.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Oh, he decided to peace out. He left on his own terms. He rose. Awesome Chris Angel shit. That's awesome. But no, I think that that is revealing because if you were 31, right, that is why you had a Marvel themed Halloween party. Right.
Starting point is 00:33:01 So it's like, because if you were 25, you wouldn't have done that. Aiden would do that. Aiden would definitely do that. No, he would definitely do that. No, he absolutely wouldn't. I got real, we got real life stories.
Starting point is 00:33:09 You got to have a real life story. You got to have a real life story. This is like what they say on like true TV. I got real life stories. Me and Josh have been slopping up the factor. It's funny cause it's so easy. You actually pop it in my grave two minutes. You will,
Starting point is 00:33:22 you poke the holes. I love poking the holes. The holes for you and Josh. because you like doing it so much yeah well what i do is i take i poke the holes two minutes in microwave and then i put it on the ground like a little dog bowl for him yeah yeah and then he and then he comes out of his room on all fours he shakes the water off you might think it's crass it's how australians eat it's cultural it's just how they do it and so so, but yeah, Josh and me have been enjoying the 35 plus meal choices and the 55 plus weekly out of the mountains.
Starting point is 00:33:51 What do you mean? We have, it's mostly, I get the protein ones. So, you know, it's chock full. It's actually so much protein. It is. It's funny because I'm gushing and it's sponsored. So, it's kind of cringe. But God, they give you so much protein.
Starting point is 00:34:05 That's good for you because you work out all the time. I do work out. It's questionably good for Josh because he's not hitting the weights. Protein still helps even if you're not working out. It does. It helps him game in those long gaming sessions with his dusty ass Alyssa. But yeah, Factor prepared by chefs, approved by dieticians. You know what the fucking vibe is, dude.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Hey, if you have a chance, try the turkey chili. That one's my favorite right now. Oh, yeah, me too. And if you don't have a chance, go to slash the R50 and get a chance and take a chance on me.
Starting point is 00:34:31 Wait, what code was that? It's John Lennon. Emporium has children. There's a trap door and there's small children and they're on hamster wheels. They like working there. And they make the lights turn. Use code theyard50 to get 50% off at slash theyard50.
Starting point is 00:34:49 There's 50 children in the tunnels. Save money on your phone bill by using slash theyard. America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit. I bet Michelle Carrey would know what to say about this right now. Michelle? We had the Marvel party in 2022 when it was still cool, I think. Right. I think?
Starting point is 00:35:10 I don't think so. It was still cool. But I'm saying Aiden, you don't have to side with me, be honest. Is it not cool? Right now? It's not cool right now. Well, not right now, it's not. I mean. It wasn't that long ago. I'm saying. I freaking love Marvel. When did it come out? This is what it feels like. It's like this all the time. When did Endgame come out? That's long ago. I'm saying we can love Marvel
Starting point is 00:35:34 Oh And then everything after that I feel like we're having every you watched it really went down Oh, that's what I'm saying cuz I was like I'm out and I was like wait The different that what hurts is you are 31 and you had a cool party with all your friends and put a lot of effort and love into something. And for Halloween, when I had Halloween, I think I slept on the floor at like 6 p.m. Right? So you're missing Halloween. So no matter how much I think something is like, I roll my eyes or something like that,
Starting point is 00:36:06 you're having fun with your life. Slime, you are invited. You are welcome to come. You wouldn't come. You can leave this room if you choose. I wouldn't. I would appreciate the invite and I would love that so much to be invited, but I just wouldn't summon the energy
Starting point is 00:36:27 You can't. Don't even ask. No. Would you come if it was stands themed? Of course. Of course I would. Don't invite him places. Look at what's on his hat right now. Don't invite him places. What is on your hat? I can't even tell him What is on your hat? I want you to turn. I can't even. Kill the more goats you want, dude. Yeah. Oh, dude. Do you know what goats is? It's. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:50 You're a millennial. How do you. I'm sorry. I'm going to explain this to you, but it comes. Are there people yelling? Zipper. That's zipper. Zipper is also surprised. Many people.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Zipper is a few people. I don't think. Okay. I don't think we need to pull up the image zipper. All right. Keep your fingers down off the keyboard. No, I'll see the image. No, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:37:08 She's been through a lot of shit. She fought human beings in a boxing ring. We can't just say, oh, no, not for her. Let's protect Michelle. No. It's women's history. You're right. That's why we shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:37:18 No, no. That's why we shouldn't. I vote to show her what we're talking about. I will show her. Green vote. Green vote. Aiden, I vote no, so you're the tie about. I will show her. Group vote. Group vote. Aiden, I vote no, so you're the tiebreaker. I'm voting no.
Starting point is 00:37:28 I'm voting no. It's two yeses, two noes, so you're the tiebreaker. I overreact. I don't think. What is this? Is this scary? We should tell you what it is first, and then you can decide if you want to say it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:37:39 A goat? Goats? In some ways, maybe. Greatest of all time, if you will. It comes from a website called or, which people said sounds like Goatsy, and it was a website where goats were having sex. It sounds like goat sex.
Starting point is 00:37:57 Sorry, yeah, it sounds like goat sex. In the early aughts, it was fun to post a shock image to people, much like Rickrolling, but you know definitely something you would just make it a website okay like lemon party or meat spin these were all different no i mean i just avoid the internet okay like i'm a part of the internet but i'm like ludwig and you guys release so much content i released nine videos last year so like so if you come and i go if you avoid the internet and you want to look at Goatsy, it's kind of like saying, I want to try football
Starting point is 00:38:28 and then playing in the Super Bowl. But that's kind of her thing. Getting hit by a linebacker. Okay. That is what I'm saying. Is this challenging? So okay, load it up. Load it up, zipper, hold onto it,
Starting point is 00:38:38 and I'm going to set the scene, okay? You're on a StarCraft forum in 2004. You're on a gateway computer. You really shouldn't be on the internet, but you are because mom's not home and you're just fucking around on the computer or maybe at the library. But so we're just talking about goats. No, no, no. Having sex.
Starting point is 00:38:55 I wish. I wish. I wish. Let me say this. He's going to continue saying that. And you're on a computer and you're on this big IBM style keyboard and the keys are in your and you're just clicking around on the Starcraft forum. And then someone says, yo, just found out a new way to play the game.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Check this out. And it's a blue hyperlink. And and you're like, well, thank God, finally. And then you click on it. No, hold on. We can't just raw show her. What the fuck? Explain what it is.
Starting point is 00:39:27 She has to know what it is and decide if she wants to see it. It's not. Wait, is this gory? No. Kind of. Kind of. Okay. Go with Michelle's.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I'm just kidding. Simply put. Simply put. I'm going to stop it. We're going longer than the mat pat thing. Simply put, it is somebody spreading their butthole to such an insane degree. It's about the size of a third of a soccer ball. You could fit a mason
Starting point is 00:39:50 jar inside. And then you're seeing all the inside of the person from butthole POV. And it's something you shouldn't see. And his hat is if Mario was doing it. That's how deep that is.
Starting point is 00:40:07 It is a generational internet thing I think all I've learned from this conversation Is why we really need Women's History Month Probably a female president How is this not women's history? Also, the guy doing it is engaged He has a wedding ring Stop putting your hands like that!
Starting point is 00:40:26 You wanted to see it! You're revealing that you have looked at this image so long. Oh my god. We all have. To be clear, he sends this image to people. No I don't. The Mario one. It's Super Mario 64 Mario doing it. Which is way more chill. And by the way, Marvel's not cool.
Starting point is 00:40:45 The disease in my brain says that. This is cooler than Iron Man. Give me the Goji aloo party. I have a question for you. Your company probably has a means of communicating with one another, right? Like a Slack or a team or something like that? Is this a hard pivot or is it still a hard pivot? This is relevant. You might use an instant messaging service to talk to your employees. Say one of your employees posted Mario spreading his asshole in the channel. That happened.
Starting point is 00:41:19 What would happen to the employee? What happened to your company? Well, it's... You know, I... I don't even... This is so interesting. I think... Where did Slime go?
Starting point is 00:41:33 Get his phone. He went to get his phone. Is he going to show me this? No, no. We pray not. We pray not. Okay. Genuinely, if someone posted that,
Starting point is 00:41:48 I think we would delete it and have a conversation with them because it would be so like, with our group of people, it'd be so far out of left field. Right. But, you know, each company has a different culture. Well, it wouldn't be, it actually wouldn't be out of left field. It would just be a loop back to the origin. You could be like, hey hey guys check out this cool link Because Nick Yingling is the one that did this I was the one who is like we don't
Starting point is 00:42:18 I did heavily imply that he was the one who did this but he did not I Know how to be a professional it is rare, but he did not. I know the lines. Slime knows how to be a professional. It is rare, but he can do it. I'm 33. I have a hard pivot off of Goatsy, which I think we all need. Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no. Can I show you guys an image
Starting point is 00:42:35 that I think is almost as bad as Goatsy? No. I know the tone. It's not going to be that bad. Okay, all right. So this is an image that could also be used as sort of a shock because it's probably the worst just it's probably the worst
Starting point is 00:42:51 picture of someone ever taken to the person dude I look like I'm shitting my pants dude this is is this from yesterday yeah this is Tom Cruise 9 G-Force I look like I look like
Starting point is 00:43:12 I am shitting myself dude Mike was over last night they were like yo uh I think Todd took the worst picture of Nick ever
Starting point is 00:43:20 in the history of his life yeah that's not the top five I don't think I like how Todd snapped that and is like yeah I'll put that in the album.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Anyway, sorry. Go ahead, Ludwig. Go to your pivot. I thought you were going to be shake-drizzle there. I thought it was going to be shake. I know! That's why I fucked all of you up. Except Michelle because she didn't know the shake-drizzle context. Do you think I'm the worst thing you've ever seen in that photo? No. Thanks. Not at all. You're having fun.
Starting point is 00:43:41 Yay. Okay. Hard pivot. Well, I'm just kidding. Leave the goatee talk. you said that the halloween thing which took you several weeks to put on you took away from work time yeah which surprised me because in my mind the way you do your videos you can kind of formulate them so it's stuff you also want to do like you can just kind of make a video about whatever but i assume you try to cater it to what you want to do or do you not so when when we choose what episodes we're going to make it's a combination of things i'm interested in but also things we think our audience would be interested in i don't know if like challenge accepted we're throwing a halloween party would perform very well really
Starting point is 00:44:25 yeah I feel like it's your beast what's so genuine and I why why do you think so would you watch that video I will I think to the if you probably have to like some elevated bit like the stands thing but something that a normal person would like not just us in this room I think it'd be a good short I don't know about a long are you on on that tip? I've done a few shorts. I know you have mixed feelings about shorts too. I think they're a blight. A blight? A disease. An illness on this world.
Starting point is 00:44:53 On the world? On the world at large. That you indulge in. That I indulge and partake in. I deliver this blight. You're a merchant of death. I am. I am. What changed? I worked at a vape company. A lot of people sell vapes to children.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Not to children specifically, but they were part of the group. Mostly to children. They looked like iPods. The vapes looked like iPods, so children probably buy them. So you could use them at school and not get in trouble.
Starting point is 00:45:14 We're getting distracted. This is true, by the way. I'm not kidding. Not a joke. This is a real thing he did before streaming. Do you not think shorts are a blight? Well, the reason I haven't done
Starting point is 00:45:23 a significant amount of them is because I feel like it inflates, like it bifurcates the audience and then inflates your subscriber number. Pause. Computer, bifurcate. Bifurcate. You just said blight. Bifurcate, that's what he does.
Starting point is 00:45:36 It means you like develop an audience. Oh my God. He's right. Yeah, so then bifurcate means to i guess divide into two branches so then you have a long form audience two roads bifurcate yeah in a wooded yeah the wooded forest i i don't know like i there are i feel like there are people who've run into an issue where you grow really fast on shorts but then it doesn't convert to longs and it doesn't the majority of our revenue is from long so i don't want to mess that up but sometimes we release a short because it's fun if the bread it was where if shorts was a bread at would you be more of a
Starting point is 00:46:15 shorts like creator i think i would still do both i feel like long form is just a really cool storytelling device. And the things I'm most interested in are best told in long form. That is what makes me hold on to hope because you cannot, it's impossible to tell a full story in short form content. Wrong. You can only get from, you can only complete a story. You cannot tell an in-depth story. You can't truly build in-depth characters
Starting point is 00:46:45 you can't uh do anything that a long form medium would do on like a on like a detailed level you can only you can only tell a story from in a in a from a poem's view basically but i one would argue and i'm one and i hate content is that you can you can turn any amount of narrative into the same size of cookie if you're good at it. What was that streaming service that bombed? Was it called Quibi or something? Yeah. Quibi, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:11 But even that was like 15-minute clips. It wasn't that short. I think you can tell a complete story, but it's not as rich of a story. I mean, the short, like, crude example would be you don't give a shit, spoiler, you don't give a shit that Walter White dies. What the fuck? If it's told in a
Starting point is 00:47:34 Yes, I watch season one Season one shit, this is like him saying dude. Oh, they killed Dumbledore dies, bro I just like bro spoilers this is the first I've heard of this and it's news to me and I also don't like the trend of saying
Starting point is 00:47:49 spoilers with zero lag and then just saying the thing because then why even say spoilers it's okay he dies at the very last episode Breaking Bad's
Starting point is 00:47:58 been out way too long it's a great show you couldn't tell the story of that guy in less than 60 seconds. Yeah, but then it's like, okay, a movie can't do what a 60-episode series can do. There's these levels of involvement. There is.
Starting point is 00:48:11 That's why the mediums exist differently. I know what you're saying, but I do think our brains are wired for narrative understanding so well that we can take a vine and feel pretty strong. That's not what I'm saying at all. Because you can still appreciate a short and think it's good and follow a story and get hooked to a story. Yeah. But there is a different medium to do that more in depth that'll always exist. That shorts cannot completely eradicate because of that fact.
Starting point is 00:48:36 Yeah. I don't think their job is to eradicate them, though. I think that's the fear is that people's attention spans are shrinking so much that there will be no place for long-form narrative content. I think we're realizing that's not actually true because longer videos online are still existing and still doing well. I once pitched this idea to Ludwig. Now dream with everyone.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Dream with me. There's this room in, I think, Minnesota. It's completely silent. There's a couple of these in the world where you can't hear anything because it's all acoustically perfect. It's actually very jarring to be inside of it because there's a couple of these in the world where you can't hear anything because it's all acoustically like perfect it's actually very jarring to be inside of it because you know there's ambient noise there's a siren you can hear that right now and there's ambient noise but like when you're in this room it's like there's nothing it's zero zero sound zero db or minus whatever and it's very scary and weird and i had this idea let's go to that and part in it right very boy
Starting point is 00:49:23 coded idea you know. And Ludwig, I pitched this to Ludwig and I was like, what do you think? He said, it's better as a short. I agree. Interesting. Yeah. But what about the journey of eating a lot of P.F. Chang? The reason why it's good as a the reason why it's better as a short
Starting point is 00:49:39 is because it can be told in one sentence and people are just going to skip to the end anyways, right? Okay You can still have a hero's journey Yeah, I mean, I'm just thinking the majority of our long form videos, there are pieces you can pull to make shorts. But I could, you know, one of our most recent videos, I attempted Harry Houdini's deadliest magic trick. That's not something I would. Maybe the final attempt of me doing it could be a short, but it's not even earned.
Starting point is 00:50:24 You have to explain what it is, I feel like. Right. You have to explain it's a. I think the way to put it it's not earned yeah yeah it's a good word that you know water torture cell and i spend six weeks with a free diver and learning how to hold my breath like david blaine did it's like in the prestige where uh it's actually his like twin the whole time don't i've seen this one so you can't get me there I saw it on a plane I saw it on a plane I asked this to Mr. B what movie do you think is what video are you most proud of because Mr. B said to this answer
Starting point is 00:50:55 to wet your palate is it's always the last one I just did because why wouldn't it be yeah you really put his jersey up on the wall with that one it's my next one yeah right i think i think the houdini one and i'm also really proud of the the boxing documentary that was so good is there anything you've you've made that you wish you hadn't done or like didn't that you didn't enjoy doing um there are definitely times when we're making
Starting point is 00:51:26 videos where i'm training for something for an extended period of time and i'm not happy with like my progress or it's not going the way i wanted it to like i really struggled learning how to hold my breath for three minutes for the houdini video and that was really frustrating i also think that my experience trying to And that was really frustrating. I also think that my experience trying to play chess was really frustrating for me too. Because I was like, this is when I realized I couldn't be a streamer. I was like, I can't do this.
Starting point is 00:51:54 Why? Because they kept saying fucking rook to e4 and stuff and you're like, shut up! Is that why? Because in chess when you gain elo and then you lose it, it drives me fucking crazy. I'm like, why can't I just go up? Let me have failures and still be okay with it.
Starting point is 00:52:14 We are the same. Elo doesn't allow that. It does not welcome failure. And that's a bad life lesson. Even the candy, the candy in your head, when you see the little number go up, sometimes it's nine points. And you're like, oh, oh, oh, oh. Yeah, can it only go up? And if I don't do, I'll just leave it the same. Why do I have to be
Starting point is 00:52:30 punished for my faults? I see what you're saying, but we have to have the punishment. You know what the beautiful thing about Elo is? It is the most you think you've ever said. We have to have punishment. We need shame to feel the other parts. I'm with Slime. You naively believe that Elo is something you gain, but it is not.
Starting point is 00:52:48 It is something you take from someone else. Oh. And it has to be that way. Well, now I feel like a lost person. That's cold. That was beast. How long did it take you to get to 1,000? Eight months.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Really? A long time. But that's because I would get really frustrated, and then I was like, I can't play chess for a week, and then I go back. It took me like six. It's about the same. And I fucking... I promise I'm not. Because I would just mauled and play chess on my phone for like two hours a night. And just
Starting point is 00:53:14 like... There was a time, my roommate Josh, I like lost a game and I just whipped my phone across. Yeah, I would get so mad. I whipped it onto the couch. I'm like, I'm fucking done. They play like animals. And when you're streaming, and I'm like
Starting point is 00:53:29 literally like hair on fire, so angry at is a great group of people. I'm not mad at the website. Danny Wrench, we find you accused of being a terrorist. Me and Michelle both think this. Hey Danny, check out this cool link. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:53:45 Yeah, so, and that part of it was quite different for me. So I also play chess and I get very upset when I play, not anymore, but in the height of my chess
Starting point is 00:53:57 I was getting very tilted while I played and I think the issue with chess is that the game has more access and ability to play immediately than almost any other game in the world. You can start a game at any time of any day with no problems with ping, play anyone in the world. And the second your game is over, you can do it again with no break.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And I think that like the way tilt works in my head, at least, is like you get up here, you get up here, up here, then you're this mad. Right. And you start a new game and you're you're cooling down? And then you start a new game, and you're cooling down, but then you lose again, and you have no time to reset mental. Yeah. Like Valorant, where it's like you have so much time before another game ends. And so for chess, man, it makes me an evil guy. It makes me so mad.
Starting point is 00:54:41 I've heard him bang some tables. Dude, it's just like that was a fucking mouse slip. And you think you're so smart. They think they're good? They think they're so fucking smart. How do you know they think that? They do! That's a great question.
Starting point is 00:54:53 That's a great question. And even if they don't type, you can tell by the way they move their pawns. Like that was so fast, you'd think you're so funny and smart. It's cause disease. You're moving fast. You're moving fast because you think I'm dumb. It's like, Michelle, it's like- Isn't that playing well though. No
Starting point is 00:55:06 No, they would never give them that No moving quickly is moving with arrogance. I wish I Like me I finally get to see a friend we're right at first I love how you're like me. I finally, finally I get to see a friend. We're right. We're right! At first I thought I was realizing that there's a rager in you, just like them.
Starting point is 00:55:31 And maybe we're all the same. Oh, I'm fucking pissed. Now I'm seeing the divergence. Hold on. Have you ever played Super Smash Bros. Melee? Or just Super Smash Bros. in general? So here's the thing. I obviously know you guys are big in that. I didn't have an N64 growing up.
Starting point is 00:55:42 So my only experience really with it was like going to my neighbor's house and let me let me break this down to them in a way that they understand imagine you're playing smash imagine playing smash and your opponent just starts walking the whole game yeah you can do that in chess you can do there's ways to do that in chess getting his face is turning around and you would think walking that's just one of the moves in the game. Why would that be disrespectful or BM? It's like, well, they are purposely not using resources available to them, like time, to communicate to you subconsciously, I don't need those resources.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You can definitely imagine it in boxing, because it happens in boxing all the time. Yeah. You can press all four buttons in boxing, you key charge, and it's considered a taunt. She laughed because she plays Tekken, too. Do you play Tekken?
Starting point is 00:56:34 No way you play Tekken. There's no way. No. She owns this with I Don't Play Games. What is an actual example of this in boxing? It's an example when someone drops their hands and like... Yeah, they're like dancing or like waving their hand or like they do things to taunt you yeah uh that's a little
Starting point is 00:56:50 more explicit but it's the same idea of like you know i don't need to be and then when they move a pond quick it's the same do not act like you don't fucking think this do not you're doing this for the gram and i hate it i can't be hurt i I'm right. Can you get a picture of Nick and then grayscale it and then put the quote he said about moving quickly is moving with arrogance? It's true. That's actually smart as hell. Come on. Fucking, they're beating my ass.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Help me out. I can't help you because I've been in this spot so many times. They just have to. They think they're right. We think we are right and we will just be at war forever. Look, I also get mad at chess. I just think I have more benevolence, much like Michelle. I'm mad.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Then you three are weird. I have a question for you. Okay. Before, not you. Not you, for our guest. What the fuck would I ask you? Honestly, actually, you were supposed to chess box. Is that right?
Starting point is 00:57:42 I was, yeah, yeah. So you could test both of these tactics in the next event. You could move a pawn fast, and you could drop your hands and see how that works out for you. I would love to. You could box each other. You want to go? Well, I don't know, like sanction, because you stopped the last one. No, we're both old.
Starting point is 00:58:01 We can fight. It's okay. It's not okay. Come on. That's why i had to get moved off of ethos ladwick takes safety very seriously and that's why he has people you know play mental and physical games against each other on his channel a lot of body weight what a nice thing big boy to say you're so you can't fight her legally Unless you want to drop to her weight. Or I could fight in a bomb suit,
Starting point is 00:58:27 which is 65 pounds that they wear like bomb techs wear. So last week I actually went to Bomb Squad Academy and I had to wear like basically double my body weight to disarm a bomb and do all these physical tasks. It was like so, so hard. I could wear that. That sounds fucking insane. I could wear that. That sounds fucking insane. I think you could.
Starting point is 00:58:47 And this is an old way of thinking and I recognize that, but beating a woman in boxing as a man is already you already don't win that, right? And then beating a woman wearing a bomb suit is also you said, and I quote,
Starting point is 00:59:04 do you want to go? And now you're saying, I wouldn't care if I won. No, I'm not. I'm saying that other people would say, what the fuck are you doing? And that's hard to deal with. But... Who knows if you'd win, man.
Starting point is 00:59:18 I would treat the fight with the utmost respect, but not if you're wearing a bomb suit. What if you both wear bomb suits? So I have to... You have to fight each other. It's almost like the bomb suit is sending a message that
Starting point is 00:59:31 the handicap is not in the way of this fight for her. If she wins with a bomb suit, that'd be so beast. Yeah. That would be beast. And then she pulls out your heart like it's a bomb suit. It'd be way funnier if you just gained 50 pounds for a fight. Like, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:59:49 That's a challenge accepted. Anyway. Challenge accepted. Challenge accepted. I gained 50 pounds and then ripped Slime's heart out of his chest like the Temple of Kano. How many times did you spar leading up to your fights in general? I'm just curious.
Starting point is 01:00:03 I mean, twice a week. You sparred twice a week you spar twice a week yeah yeah for how long that's a lot um leading up to the event i guess it was 10 weeks because we andrea and i found out quite close to the event that this was happening and you don't really shouldn't really spar unless you have something coming up because it's dangerous so once we heard it was happening is when i started sparring twice yeah influencer boxing's crazy because it'll be like three months before like andrea's her other fight i think was like six weeks before or something that's so
Starting point is 01:00:35 impressive that's crazy that shit you gotta like find someone who's already pretty fit or else it's it's not good to be in the boxing scene yeah they'd be training yeah or of similar fitness yeah and in in your case chess elo too or inexperienced yeah yeah because that's really hard to find people who are matched physically and mentally in that way i might have overcame stock guy he has he's like 200 he doesn't play the game maybe like you're too sad to beat him just in chess i know i i think about it. And I'm like, what would that be? I don't know. Elo drops a lot in that ring.
Starting point is 01:01:08 I heard Point Crowe was telling me that it's really hard after you get hit in the head. What do you think? What was the grandmaster? What was her name? I only did one of those things. I couldn't imagine doing both. Dina Belenkaya? Dina.
Starting point is 01:01:19 She missed mate in one. Something that would be like an 800 level puzzle. She missed mate in one. I was like, dude an 800 level puzzle. She missed mate in one. I was like, dude, she's got to be so confused. Is she? Yeah, this was at guest boxing. I think that was Chris Broad. No.
Starting point is 01:01:36 No, it wasn't. I remember this. Do you ever get a concussion? Don't make it cute. Why? I mean, my nose broke. No oh oh yeah yeah in the fight or in the inspiring in round i don't know like three or something oh my god my nose broke oh and then we finished the fight and then after they pulled me out of the ring and i was like woohoo and
Starting point is 01:02:01 they're like you've got to see a doctor and then when everyone was partying i was in the er like in this very bizarre confusion of extreme adrenaline like coming down from that and like i can't believe it like that was awesome and they're like wow you have a double black eye your nose is broken you need to go home holy shit yeah so i had like full like double black eye and my nose was like the size of i don't know like a muppet's nose for three months it was crazy yeah i talked to the point crow right after and he he was mid concussion and he didn't know he had a concussion he just he spoke and it was a it was urn and then woman carrying Urn and then bird. And that's just what appeared. Just two sides.
Starting point is 01:02:47 Compass. And then he was like, I think I should leave. And I was like, go rest, man. You worked hard. I mean, concussions are hard because you never, there's no way to like on and off switch. Well, you know, I mean, obviously, if that's how he's feeling, most likely, yeah. But I mean, no one told me I got a concussion. But I i mean we got hit in the head pretty hard so probably is that like the most adrenaline filled moment of your life because i imagine the build-up of that i think i feel like
Starting point is 01:03:15 i'd kind of crumple under the nerves leading up to that you know it was so interesting because i like you just mentioned i'm i'm also a person who typically gets very stage fright no matter how much I prepare for something I always have like a little bit of nerves and for this I don't know what it was but everything felt clear like I was like there and it and it was such a cool experience to have because now just like getting up or speaking in front of people is way less scary to me. Oh yeah. But I mean, I don't think the front row, you're like a beat your ass,
Starting point is 01:03:47 beat your ass. I, I think when you are in a situation where your life is at risk, a different part of you comes out and it's, it's a privilege to live through that and get to like know that part of yourself. But in the moment it's very bizarre. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I think, that and get to like know that part of yourself but in the moment it's very bizarre i think i think i experienced this when i played super smash brothers on stage at a tournament one time in front
Starting point is 01:04:13 of everybody you think it's kind of the same thing your life was on the line same adrenaline same everything was really i know i gotta fight the guy after that's me last night with beerio cart i'm racing drunk as hell i'm like this is my the guy after. That's me last night with Beerio Cart. I'm racing drunk as hell. I'm like, this is my life on the line. When's the last time you had stage fright, Dubbin? It's been a long time, huh? I don't know if stage fright is how I'd phrase it, but I definitely get a bit like I get some butterflies. Did you have butterflies
Starting point is 01:04:37 when you interviewed Neil? No. No. Okay. Because I put him in my domain. I got a K-truck. I put him in my domain like i got a k truck i put him in my truck and so i just he's he's in my he's in my prison he was scared i think he had more nervous i get more nervous times like a hundred probably i get more nervous before my next match in melee tournament pools than i do like on stage at mogul money live like it is not the same at all to me that is totally fine i'm like not worried at all i'm not scared at all playing the game i've spent so much time playing against
Starting point is 01:05:09 another person to go forward in a bracket even though it means nothing it for some reason i get that's why the boxing i get crazy anxiety every time i don't even compete anymore and if i go like once like once a year to go do something i I still have crazy anxiety. Oh my God. I know when I get anxiety. It's when I set up a date with cutie. Uh oh. And I'm like, fuck, I hope it goes well. And we're like doing this thing. We're trying to get somewhere on time. And like there's traffic.
Starting point is 01:05:34 And on time's hard for you. And I'm like on. On time's hard for you. That shit's stressful. Yeah. You mean like, like, like you have made dinner reservations somewhere. Yeah. Like it's a Valentine's day or like her birthday or anniversary.
Starting point is 01:05:45 And it's like, I've scheduled this day, whatever it is. And then I have to go through the day. In your calendar. And it's in the calendar. You know, one time she was like, we don't really hang out much these days. Let's hang out more. And then Ludwig said, I invited you to basketball. Well, does she like basketball?
Starting point is 01:06:04 Okay. And also all the guys are there yeah it's like 17 people so she's she's she's reaching out to you for one-on-one and we recover this and he still brings it up but i just like getting getting the other perspective i'm just i don't know maybe it's weird like when, you know, my girl hangs out with my friends. Maybe that's stupid. I have two questions. Yeah, what's up? First question.
Starting point is 01:06:32 I like that. That bit never gets old. Okay, first question. What is your biggest fear? And I want you to answer it second. And second question is... Wait, I answer the first one second? Yes. After the second question.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Correct. Okay. Can you keep up? Yeah. So, second question is... Wait, I answer the first one second? Yes. After the second one. Okay. Can you keep up? Yeah. So, second question. Is there a type of thing, video, product, whatever, that you haven't made yet that you would like to? A medium or a...
Starting point is 01:07:00 Like, you want to make a movie or you want to make a... Et cetera. Is there anything you haven't done online or out of online in the more traditional media world that you'd like to try? And a third question, will you go paramotoring with me? Because none of them will. You want a paramotor? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:16 None of them will do it. Like single person paramotor. Yeah, sure. No, you have to do two probably. I don't want to die like that. I don't want to die like that. I don't want to die like that. That's a little crazy. Yeah, he went down with a big old fucking fan on his back for some reason.
Starting point is 01:07:30 So you're nervous playing Smash, but you're cool going paramotoring. Yeah. Yeah, he's a sick man. But. Sorry. Can you solve us? If it was tandem. I just thought of video ideas that they're scared to do when he was asking this.
Starting point is 01:07:46 And I was like, maybe she'll do it with me. All right. So you'll tandem paramotor for sure if Aiden's the other person. What do I want to do? I think it would be really cool to. Well, OK, so a career or group of people whose careers I really admire are like Jeff Probst, Steve Irwin, David Blaine, Harry Houdini, even Evel Knievel. Because to me, those are all people who have crafted a career that's one of one. Like there's truly only one of them in their field who's doing that thing.
Starting point is 01:08:22 Jeff Probst is a survivor guy, right? Yeah. Yeah, that is it. One of these is not like the others. I was going to say, he kind of like... It's funny that you put him... How did he squeeze in that? I get it, but it's funny.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I think he's a masterful host of television. True. And the way he navigates producing behind the scenes, crafting the stories of 30 contestants 30 contestants being there at tribal and like pushing everyone's buttons but no one gets mad at jeff had you ever think about that no one gets mad at jeff every like everyone views him as just an impartial observer when he's working so hard which i i think should be appreciated i do think he's beast i've started watching survivor i don't think anyone here is a Survivor fan outside of me or you.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I'm a new Survivor fan. I watched last season. I was Team Jake. He lost. And yeah, he's actually... What season is Ken on? An Insane Host. He's... I don't...
Starting point is 01:09:16 He's like Survivor like... A long time ago. Like Gabon or something. Yeah. Gabon? I think so. I don't know. Is that an anime?
Starting point is 01:09:24 I think it's like not in Fiji or something maybe I'm crazy it's early because they used to change countries and now they just stay in Fiji
Starting point is 01:09:30 one of the best smash players of all time was on Survivor oh what I'm alluding to well I cut you off you're enlisting people
Starting point is 01:09:38 so yeah I just think like what each of them has done is unmatched and they're truly a one-on-one person. And so I'm interested in that for myself, whatever that means. Do you have an idea of what, so like all, so what I see when I see all those people
Starting point is 01:09:56 is like they had a love, like a hobby or a thing that hobby turned career or just a passion in general. And if that became their job for a large audience, do you have that thing? because you seem to be like a master of all trades type of like i'm trying so many different things at once yeah i think like i guess my corner is being a professional jack of all trades but i think like in a very tangible way i think hosting would be really fun you know i even like what joe rogan did with fear factors i was gonna say i was gonna ironically ask what you thought of joe rogan on fear factor but i watched a lot of fear factor growing up that's where i know him from yeah is hosting that show and i was always like yeah i
Starting point is 01:10:35 was like oh he he kind of makes the show interesting to watch or he did and then he got then he got different yeah it's an interesting element to add because like there's dirty jobs right but like the point of dirty jobs was never really like i want to grind this and i want to see it through the end and i want to like be able to not only say i did this but also i see how hard it is to be someone who always does this and that's what we try to do with challenge accepted because there are lots of shows of people trying something for a day, but I think it's interesting to like fully fold in with a community for an extended period of time and develop that empathy with them for their experience.
Starting point is 01:11:14 You, you used to make videos at Buzzfeed, right? Yes. Okay. You're so, you're such a millennial. Oh,
Starting point is 01:11:21 thank you. We're both millennials. Oh, you're smiling Now you know who I am That's crazy That's where I I think I looked you up
Starting point is 01:11:34 After we told the Stan story a long time ago For the first time and I was like Oh that's where I recognize this person from When do you make When do you decide to leave something like that And do your own thing and pursue this like one of one entertainment identity when did i decide like why when and like why do you like go and pursue something like this rather than working there i mean it was really like the
Starting point is 01:11:58 disney channel of the internet and in many ways followed the same thing like a lot of child stars go on disney channel do their four seasons of a show, get famous and then go on to do other things. I guess it's kind of is it kind of that like comfortable launch point in a way? Like you have the confidence that like some portion of people online will like know me and I can start my own thing now. There were people who strategically used it for that. I mean, like Quinta Brunson was a co-worker of mine at BuzzFeed. I love the gorgeous bastards, bro. That's that's stunk. Quinta Brunson was a co-worker of mine at BuzzFeed and the Try Guys. Bastards, bro.
Starting point is 01:12:27 That's stunk. That fucking rigged. Oh my god, dude. P, fucking you. P, fucking you. Jesus Christ. I didn't know this was, coming back to that
Starting point is 01:12:44 though, I didn't know that it was like somewhat seen as like an intentional pipeline though I don't think it was I think at the time you know like no I don't think any company is like hey talent come here for a period of time so you can go do your own thing like nobody really wants that I'm sure the uh you know people are frustrated when they leave to go and do other things me personally i was kind of like there were uh certain people who had talent-based contracts where they were you know given uh resources to develop shows i was not i was just like a producer so when i felt like i had kind of reached the end of you know i i was kind of there was a period of time for the
Starting point is 01:13:22 first year and a half where i was like every every day I go to work, I learn something new because I didn't go to film school or anything. So I was learning everything there. But when I started getting to the point where. I didn't feel like I felt like I'd learned everything I needed to. Then I was like, OK, I think maybe I could try to do this myself. And I did you think you have to answer this? You don't have to. At the time, you were like, I could answer this you don't have to at the time you were like I
Starting point is 01:13:46 could do this better if I was the talent I mean I was talent from time to time there okay I felt more so that I was it was really like I feel like I've learned everything I can I've kind of hit an upper ceiling of my personal growth here at least where they weren't really giving out talent contracts anymore and I was like well if those weren't really giving out talent contracts anymore. And I was like, well, if those aren't really on the table anymore, I guess I have to do it myself. So I kind of. Wait, did you have like an immediate vision of being like this jack of all trades person when you left? Or is this something you figured out? No, I mean, I, I left with eight weeks of savings, eight weeks of savings. I moved into a studio apartment with a roommate Eight weeks of savings.
Starting point is 01:14:24 I moved into a studio apartment with a roommate. And like what I did for the six months before I left my job was I consolidated all of my living expenses down so that I could at least understand what it would feel like financially to live as if I was totally failing. And so once I got comfortable with that, I was like, OK, now I can now i can leave i have you know you microdose being broke that's crazy i would never i started putting cardboard up on the walls of my house i'm trying to imagine like what it'd be like i bred a little black mold in my bathroom. I started showering in the sink every morning. You can't quit your job unless you have some form of privilege or a little bit of savings or something. So I would never. Ludwig did. Of course.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Huh? Ludwig did. He had some savings. I got fired. No, no, he got fired. I know. I just want to hear it. It's not acting.
Starting point is 01:15:19 It's the same. Did you meet Will Neff at BuzzFeed? I did. Did he say, can you, did he sound like this? Oh, here, I got this. This is your first day meeting Will Neff at BuzzFeed? I did. Did he say, can you, did he sound like this? Oh, here, I got this. This is your first day meeting Will Neff at BuzzFeed. Hey, how's it going? I'm Will.
Starting point is 01:15:30 No, he did not say that. Sorry, no, that was Steve-O. No, no, when me and fucking Knoxville were doing this movie, we realized that this shit's gotta be forever. Shit's gotta be forever. Do you think you've, okay, what's the worst video you've uploaded? And I will preface this by saying the worst video I uploaded is a bros versus pros against my editor, Shake Drizzle,
Starting point is 01:15:56 for a sponsor of this video game. And he played the video game like once before. And we duped the sponsor into giving us a lot of money. And it's definitely the worst video on my channel wait this usurps sycuno and nfl uh madden or whatever is that a video that was the one you used to say was probably the worst i might have wiped that from my memory i got quite a few all right i i bat a lot i i take a lot of swings. I miss a lot of ball hits that damn ball. No You do hit a lot, but I'm saying you probably have sent to
Starting point is 01:16:32 Message it. I this might I'm pretty sure this is true Two messages to youtubers ever about like I saw your video. That was awesome Just want to message you and you have been both of them. I know I never got I never got a goddamn one That's crazy. You haven't sent up in So yeah, what's the worst video you've uploaded oh my god like just in general I think the beginning of Like the beginning of my channel was so like the beginning of my channel was so unrealized i was just doing videos of like what do i think would perform well i mean i started again zero budget just like reviewing starbucks drinks super embarrassing cringe no it's not no girly pop because i want to know what you think about
Starting point is 01:17:20 the dragon fruit refresher no lemonade just water I don't know if I reviewed that one. Well, then what the fuck were you doing? So I'm not mad because you did the video. It was a waste of time. Yeah, you're right. Are these videos still up? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:38 They are? That's great. I would rather see Goat Seed than look at this. That's brave. That's brave. AHHHHHHHHH! AHHHHHHHHH! Wait wait wait. All this. All this. Zipper. Go back. Go back.
Starting point is 01:17:50 I would rather see Goatsy than look at this. Please! Please! That's real shit. I have rage. How you got a job at Buzzfeed? Yeah. But you know what?
Starting point is 01:17:58 Those videos are up and that's real. Yeah. You can't take them down. Listen. I, at one point I was like, I'm going to delete. I, or unlist all this stuff. And someone at our team, maybe it was, I think it was Garrett. He was like I'm gonna delete I or unlist all this stuff and Someone at our team maybe I think it was Garrett. He was like no like it shows people you can start You can have a busted ass video and still make it
Starting point is 01:18:24 When I was in middle school like like the end of elementary school, so like fourth, fifth grade, and then going into middle school, I wanted to be a YouTuber really bad. That was like the job I wanted. And I was making videos like weekly with my friends. I was copying like Smosh and like all the big YouTubers at the time. And I had this like big YouTube channel with like hundreds of videos. And a lot of them were very like, you know, they were shit, but they were like narrative. Like they were like, they had an idea and i was actually like writing stuff down and filming it all and uh when i when i got into middle school i got bullied really hard because
Starting point is 01:18:52 people found out i had a youtube channel and people were making fun of me i got so upset about it i just deleted the youtube channel and now older as someone who like directs and like works on stuff i would give like anything to have all those videos back. Cause now I'm like, I don't care. Those aren't embarrassing anymore. They're, they're fun to see what I was thinking about.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Like, what was I trying to do? And I have like one of them, like still, I have like one left. You want to hear yourself say in slurs on Call of Duty that bad? Not that channel. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 As a 12 year old. Yeah. I'm, I'm going to delete everything when I get home. The second I get home yeah uh Zibra can you back up her channel just the early stuff is embarrassing because
Starting point is 01:19:33 it's like an adolescence of developing who you are as a creator and artist and nobody wants to relive middle school you know the middle school of something right yes exactly i think in that stage uh i don't want to like speak on your behalf but like in that stage of early like creation you're you're just copying the people you see
Starting point is 01:19:58 you're trying to do something that you feel will get other people to care and i think you create a version of yourself that in hindsight doesn't really look like you you're like who is this person trying to be and eventually over time you figure out what it is you want and who you are and what you're trying to say and you find you know the thing you make which i think is where you're obviously at now uh so it can be hard to look back at least for me it can hardly look back at like stuff i was doing and be like wow i wanted to be so and so so much more than i wanted to be me yeah it's kind of weird to watch yeah or just like you know my process then was opening up twitter seeing what's trending okay how can i make a video about this yeah and that's so that's that's what eric says he does right with like google seo trends and stuff yeah he does that yeah he he like talks about like someone
Starting point is 01:20:41 talks about him doing like this like the way he blew up on YouTube was he? Would look up current Google SEO trends if it was like Gordon Ramsay's really trending right now He would make a video like I cooked every Gordon Ramsay meal from Hell's Kitchen I got suplex the same way Jeffrey Epstein did by that assassin Airhack videos were strange. I went to every island in the world. I don't know. I'm a really spreading thing. Andrew Tate Bob and I was like, you know what I'm saying? You don't get, I never hear you talk about you being embarrassed
Starting point is 01:21:13 from your old shit though. I think that part of your brain lacks existence. No. No, no, no, no. I'm cool with them. I like all my old stuff. I like all the old hits.
Starting point is 01:21:22 I think you're so different. I think you're like an anomaly rather than most people I feel like are like Michelle where they're like, don't show me, don't show me. So you're not embarrassed by your old stuff? I mean, I don't think a lot of it's good. Like you got a box in me. Yeah. This is a parody song I made.
Starting point is 01:21:42 You Got a Friend in Me, Toy Story. Okay. But it was when somebody, this guy, Hax, developed a new controller that you could use for Super Smash Bros. It would be equally hard to explain this to people who lived in the year 800. As it would to be to explain a film.
Starting point is 01:21:56 Is that how out of touch I am? No, no, no. It's good to be out of touch on this one. It has like maybe 25K views. And I don't know I thought it was beast I remember I remember vividly singing this and then listening to the take and I was like damn like you saw you killed it you did seem pretty good you should go back and add like producer tags and like like rapper cameo like real trap shit auto-tune it but I i i mean i i'm very happy with where i am now and what i do now and what i make now and that's all part of it and i'm like they're intrinsically
Starting point is 01:22:31 tied together so to like yeah shun away a part of me as if it's not what made me me i think it's silly what have you two stolen from each other because i know you guys always that you watch something you're like oh i'm to do what she does or whatever. Have you stolen anything from Dubbin? I mean, you were doing chess. So then I did pogchamps, I guess. That's kind of my thing is chess. So you're looking at Dubbin as this sort of inspiring, like, you know.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I mean, generally speaking, and I'm not just just saying this you guys are going to get annoyed probably but like obviously what ludwig has done you know with your with off-brand and the production company everyone's cringing here but i think it's very inspiring also actually you know what you know what i will take this opportunity i was working on a dodgeball live event for eight months. No way. And then when you announced yours, literally, I was in a group chat with everyone working on the event and we're all like, oh my God, we can't do it anymore. Wait, do you know why I did the dodgeball event? Yeah, because chess boxing, when you announced that chess boxing got canceled, you're like, we're doing dodgeball.
Starting point is 01:23:37 And I was like, fuck! You should have just kept doing it. Do dodgeball. No, no, no. It was going to come out like this spring or something. And I was like, everyone's going to think we just copied Lud ludwig you piece of shit i i actually don't believe in this mentality i because we had a similar thing where we were working on a taskmaster kind of clone show unpaid intern and we found out that there was another group of creators also making the show
Starting point is 01:24:04 and we were like talking about should we rush to get it out? And I was like, no, let's just make a better version of it. To me, it doesn't matter. It does happen, and there is privilege in being a larger creator and also doing it first. Because I've gotten that before. I had this idea where I'd make a fucking song, Italian song I'd learn Italian and sing opera and then I'd pretend it was an AI song because there's so many like AI versions of creator singing and then the week before
Starting point is 01:24:36 like I'm about to drop the video Schlatt does something very similar he just sings a song there's so many AI covers of him I had no idea idea it was about to drop. I'm like, son of a bitch. Yeah, you were kind of bummed about it. You're like, oh, what do I do? Yeah, because I put all this time in. I filmed. I learned how to be a gondolier. I think that's tougher
Starting point is 01:24:53 because it's not derivative. It's an original idea. I think when something is already a bit derivative, like Taskmaster, or like, you know, we did Dodgeball, and Dodgeball's just Dodgeball, right?
Starting point is 01:25:02 It's hard to say anyone stole from anyone at that point. I think it's just do a better version than that. Even like, it was crazy when you released like the branding, you know, whatever. Ours was going to be called like challenge accepted, dodgeball invitational, and we were talking to creators and stuff, but like the color palette, everything, I was like, there is no way we're going to do this anymore. Wow.
Starting point is 01:25:23 But if you do it again i'd love to compete she doesn't stand on business is that what you're saying no because i'm saying i've similarly had this but like i think if it's like i occasionally will do this where i'll talk to a like a creator group of creators and you just gotta swap like what you're doing to some extent because if it steps on toes too much it can be annoying it's like the tournament calendar it is like okay what have you taken anything from michelle i don't know because you i feel like you uploaded nine times yeah nine last year and and like all of your uploads and you upload them are beasts so if anything what i've taken from you actually i was watching uh YouTube videos with
Starting point is 01:26:06 Squeaks and we're just, we're just watching videos, smoking a blunt, freaking our shit like we do. Yeah. Just playing with that shit. Freaking your shit. Just easy to lay up with him. And we're just pulling up cool ass YouTubers and, and then, and then you're part of the group of this cool ass YouTubers.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And then Squeaks at one point is like, man, you should just upload less. I'm like, no, I gotta like like, I got to upload all the stuff. Like I have the cadence. I got to make a certain amount of money. I get these shorts going. He's like, yeah, just don't upload the bad stuff though. I'm like, yeah. That's so real.
Starting point is 01:26:36 That's the change of the pro versus bros. That's so real, man. I'm like, yeah, but you kind of. I should upload more. That's for sure. Do you think so? I think I should. I would. That's for sure. Well, I think so I Think I should I wouldn't here's the thing like, you know the triangle that's like money. Yeah time
Starting point is 01:26:52 Good, okay, I can't have all three you can't have all three. Yeah. Oh, that's a different one Iki guy Get my friends I get my money and it's time it's good for the world uh ikigai ikigai is the theory that you should do a job that makes you money that is good for the world and that you are good at this is daigo the beast's outlook on street fighter our show's not good for the world no definitely not but anyway continue that third one oh i i just wish we could have a higher cadence of the same quality. I'm not saying like new stuff or like more frequent, less exciting stuff or anything.
Starting point is 01:27:32 I just wish like we could release more frequently. There have been times when we've tried that, but then we lose. Like I feel like time is such an important part of our storytelling even like sitting with it in the edit like we spend eight weeks per video in post what do you think is the bigger hurdle to accomplish that um scale or your ability as the only individual who can like be the storyteller on camera like like is it is it your is it your resource as like the person who is on the videos or is it the if you had a million dollars, could you hire a crew large enough to accomplish this? You know, I wouldn't say it's me as a resource because we we shoot ahead like we have a few videos that are like, you know, ready to be edited.
Starting point is 01:28:17 Obviously, at a certain point, it will be me. But right now, it's just that some of the subjects we cover are precious to me and I enjoy being a part of those. Like I don't have a desire to step away from certain parts of the process. Like I have tried that before and people do a fine job. Like I'm not saying I'm the only person who could do it. But when I do, I'm less happy with the job. So you're bottlenecked, but not as a talent, as like a producer who's looking over. Yeah, I think we're bottlenecked in terms of like specifically post-production giving direction quickly with our editors.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Because like our process is like. Yeah, you're direct. You're purely a director. You're overseeing the whole thing. It's me and Garrett. And Garrett does a lot in post. So it's a lot of hours sitting with the editors, mapping out. We have hundreds of hours of footage.
Starting point is 01:29:12 What is the hero's journey? Where is the dark night of the soul? Where's this? Where's that? And experimenting. And you can potentially relinquish some of that control to maybe get to 12 videos in a year. But then you lose the you sacrifice yourself what you enjoy yeah like i i don't because it's i don't i like i like being
Starting point is 01:29:33 part of it it's why i think it's the most important part yeah i think i think that uh the the quest to do more at while sacrificing that each video over time will less and less look like you it'll be something else yeah or like if we try to do things too quickly then we the the story just isn't i don't know i mean maybe maybe i'm super narrow-minded i think nine's fine yeah you make enough money you make cool shit you but definitely work hard enough i don't think that's the issue so i call it in my head i call it being in the trenches so i i my main background is i used to put together video game tournaments and like esports events and the i always disliked having a disconnected feeling from like the boots on the ground like movement of equipment putting things. Because I think as these events grow larger and people do more of them, oftentimes the person in charge gets pulled away from the floor
Starting point is 01:30:31 of the event. And being attached to that is a rewarding part of the process on its own. But also I think you earn and keep a lot of the respect of the people around you by being embedded in that process too and i think i like that part like i want to be equal to my teammates in terms of getting this project together and that's like a that's like another layer of the like reward and happiness on top of on top of what i'm doing you know uh ludwig once said no one can edit videos the way i can i heard this i said that what this. I said that? What the fuck? Didn't you guys talk about it on the podcast?
Starting point is 01:31:06 You said that to me. No, no, no. I definitely don't feel that way. It tells me so much better than me. Thinking about the time scale on which this must have been said makes it even more insane. He said this to me? He wasn't just saying that he
Starting point is 01:31:22 could no longer edit his videos like him. He was saying I couldn't edit one of his videos like him. Someone who was working as an editor and he was not an editor. I was like, if you told me what you wanted, I could do your videos. Yeah, but you couldn't do it like me. That's exactly what he said.
Starting point is 01:31:38 I bet you were playing ball for less than a rack back then. I definitely was. I think there's this idea that delegation is scary if you're a type of boots on ground type of person but at the end of the day like i think you can get used to it and still get the same the same big cookie out of it but we still have an amazing team i mean eight people for nine videos is a large team for the volume we're putting out and like when we have large shoots with like 43 or whatever like there's definitely delegation there but i've definitely recognized i can only do challenge accepted in its current form for so
Starting point is 01:32:18 long and then what yeah that's cool you don't want to do one thing for every day. Are you retiring? You want to retire soon. Yeah, five years. He said two. Oh, and five years from now. He said two to five. Two to five. And he said two.
Starting point is 01:32:30 It's feeling closer to five, but it'll be two to five. Two to five. Yeah, I think delegation, it's weird because it's necessary, and you have to forfeit certain parts of the process. I think not even just because to open up time for yourself, but just at every step of the process where I've said no one can do this like me or I'm the best. I've just been wrong.
Starting point is 01:32:50 If I search hard enough, if I find someone who I'm like is really mechanically gifted, but also someone who I think is like really funny. Often they are just better than me if I give them the roadmap. That's good. But then also it's like you don't go too far delegating everything. Yeah. I enjoy the like the the warmth and connection that i have with each person on our team right now like we went in the past year from three people to eight oh you scaled up a lot wow
Starting point is 01:33:14 in the past year i don't really want to scale much this year at least i want to like achieve some homeostasis with the people that we have now what well it's interesting because we were talking earlier like we have 30 and you have uh eight but when you look at how many of those 30 are are working on creating a singular product for ludwig you actually have a bigger video team you have more people it sounds like working on putting a video on your channel than ludwig has working to put a video on his channel don't't you have four editors? Yeah Okay, we have we have two and a half Michelle D and she says just have your best crack at this one have your best crack at this one.
Starting point is 01:34:04 And we have someone freelance with us right now. Are you ever nervous about scaling up and then needing to make challenge accepted forever because then they'll lose their jobs if you quit? Oh, like you were talking about with your stuff? Just every day. Jesus Christ. You know, I really empathize with what you're saying because
Starting point is 01:34:19 to me, when you hire someone, you're not just hiring that person. You're providing for a family. Slime told me this once. He was like, if you hire someone, you're not just hiring that person. You're providing for a family. Slime told me this once. Yeah. And that's crazy. He was like, if you hire someone, you have to understand that you are literally providing their job.
Starting point is 01:34:32 You can't just fire them. I told you that? Yeah. Damn, we've done some growing, eh, boys? This has been like a group thing for all of us. I was going to say, you don't feel that way. No, I do. I obviously do. But it's funny that i had to tell
Starting point is 01:34:47 him that and now i'm making a joke about being callous and how funny that is i've i have a burning question don't say anything don't keep your mouth shut burning sanders i have a burning question for you and i've spent i've been sitting on it for hours oh no what's i'm scared to meet him what's my hero like what's what's sam from wendover really like he's great um i think he wanted to kill me when we did jet lag he wanted to kill you no well this is the dark part i can't know the dark secrets here listen sam sam is so smart and wise it's terrifying actually it's actually Scary this is why I can't fly too close to the Sun I need to only acquire information about him through third parties Do you want to be on jet lag you guys should go dude? I've wanted What is
Starting point is 01:35:43 Sam's I've never seen a Wendover video. It's not It's very different. It's a different channel. Two different properties. It's Ben and Adam's
Starting point is 01:35:51 I think baby in part and they're editors for Sam. Okay. And what they do is the three of them do a travel show
Starting point is 01:35:59 and they oftentimes have a guest and it'll be like hide and seek in Europe and they take public transportation that's usually a big focus of it. And it's kind of like the amazing place.
Starting point is 01:36:07 It sounds really bad. I want to be on there. It's really fun. I've never been reached out to. What? Okay. Wendover Productions. I'm going to text Sam.
Starting point is 01:36:14 I got this. So you don't have to text. I got this. Wendover Sam. So we have put in, we have put a bomb. Make sure you do the text. We have put a bomb somewhere in your office. And unless you invite us on this show, we will not tell you where where it is and it blows up in an indiscriminate amount of time
Starting point is 01:36:29 I'm just and then she's gonna just invite you over in the suit So annoying well Michelle we we have reached our. Wait to close us out. Your biggest fear. Oh, yes. My biggest fear. Inspires. Do you want to open with mine to help inspire? Okay, sure. I have two.
Starting point is 01:36:52 I have one fear that's maybe more material and one that is more real. There's a bad way to say that. Throwing up is my biggest phobia. I have a big, bad phobia throwing up. And then my other more real fear in life is i will never make anything that is important wow i think that's been proven false though right not in my eyes not important enough shame brothers yeah my my biggest fear is is the moments uh before death as you lay there and realize that you're dying
Starting point is 01:37:36 Other people are at high heights it makes my gooch pucker. Okay, I feel that I don't like heights either I'm not a heights person. I don't like heights and I don't I yeah, I like you I want to feel like I've Made some impact made people happy something like that yeah and if I haven't then I haven't done my job uh I've I fear that I'll never be able to go to Cambodia and shoot an RPG at a cow you can pay 10k to do it I know but you guys don't want to do it with me I don't challenge accepted with? I think I'd have to decline because PETA would come after us. This is my offer to you. Great part of Cambodia that handles that part. Me, you, Michelle, will go paramotoring.
Starting point is 01:38:17 If we can shoot RPGs and cows from the paramotor. From the paramotor. Just to clarify, you'd definitely die if you shoot an RPG from a plane. Oh my god, shut up. You're not a scientist. But if we bring Sam from Wendover, he's the plane guy. Yes, it's a jet lag challenge. You have to shoot that.
Starting point is 01:38:35 Sam. We did it. We did it. Alright, we'll see you on the primo where we'll read out the obituary for all these dead people. Do you want to plug anything? This is your opportunity at the very end where no one listens. Okay, thank you to everyone who's not listening and still stuck around. the obituary for all these dead people. Do you want to plug anything? This is your opportunity at the very end where no one listens. Okay. Thank you to everyone who's not listening and still stuck around.
Starting point is 01:38:49 You can check me out on my YouTube channel. Thanks for having me. I sure will. Okay, thanks. Bye.

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