The Yard - Ep. 176 - We Are Cursed

Episode Date: November 27, 2024

This week, the boys talk about the newly formed yard council, whether outdoor cats are bad for the ecosystem, and how we've been cursed with rats at the office... Learn more about your ad choices.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh. Oh. Well, well, well. Dubbin. Hey, what does sharp mean to you? 10 0 5 10 0 7. Why generally? Just a little late.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm sorry. Okay. Well, is there anything you want to say? Maybe that you notice. Welcome back to the yard. These are all wearing the same right? We're all wearing the same outfit. Maybe that you notice. Welcome back to the yard. These are all wearing the same. Right. We're all wearing the same outfit.
Starting point is 00:00:50 So I show up in this outfit. I today in my to choose what I want to wear. I wore this. I said, I'll wear the old yard hoodie. I haven't worn in a while. It's nice. But I'm like, well, I forgot how much I like it. Yeah. Come to the office, sit down.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Slime, Slime says, Aiden, can I wear this? And he holds up a mogul jacket. Aiden's like, yeah, you can wear that. Permission granted. Because I'm cold. Yeah, it's cold. It's chilly. He puts it on, comes in here. He then farts around. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Shut up. It's my time. He farts around where my mouth would be., it's my time. He farts around where my mouth would be. Yeah. In my chair. Was he standing? He was standing. Yes, he was standing. And this is when I said we gotta get in the chairs
Starting point is 00:01:33 if we're gonna be sharp, we gotta start now. He walks and he farts right here. I'm not sitting here yet. And I say, well, I'm waiting. I don't care for late now because I don't wanna sit in your fart where my mouth is. It's just where your mouth is! So I waited out.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Who cares? He put the singed fog. I waited out and I finally come back into the studio. I sit back down in the chair. Slime leaves after I sit down. I'm like, okay, I guess we're not rolling without Ludwig. We're goofing around. He comes back wearing the same hoodie as me.
Starting point is 00:02:03 What about this guy? He finds it hilarious. OK, so then he goes and finds just a version of the hoodie. We never even made a worse version with an embroidery. No, it's better. This was like the V1, the V.5. Puffy. So here we are. At the Mario Party League. Here we are wearing all the same clothes. I feared I feared there was like a group chat and it was like emergency. We have to wear the green hoodie.
Starting point is 00:02:30 And then I was going to be on the hook twice. Yeah, because I was late and I missed the green hoodie memo. Yeah, that would have been so I'm glad you just farted and wore it. It's just where your mouth is. It's like it was. Come on. You think of a worse spot? Say Nick did say you farted in my chair. It's just where your mouth is. It's like it was. You think of a worse spot? Nick did say you farted in my chair.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yeah. And then Slime said, no, it's just where your mouth would be. Yeah. He's been consistent on this for like seven years. Like I've said, make it right. Say what you know. I'm I'm defending you. Don't lie on my name. You tried to lie on my name. I would never fart in your chair. That's barbaric.
Starting point is 00:03:08 Don't lie on his name. Do you think it's, wait, so you think it's worse to fart in someone's chair? Yeah, because that's their property. Well, more than most of my property. I fart where your mouth would to be. I didn't fart in your mouth. Farts surely going to do more damage to his mouth than it would to the chair. If he sits down in it.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Well, because the issue with Nick is he never washes his pants he does it so if you fart in his chair How are we gonna make this about me because you your pants once and you didn't even put him in the freezer I? Just learned about putting your pants in the free gotta put in the freezer on that shit I've been on I've been telling you I'm on that shit What are you talking about? Oh? Guy who wasn't there. Guy who wasn't at the... Guy who wasn't there for our awesome talk. You gotta freeze your jeans.
Starting point is 00:03:51 The awesome rivals block. My raw denim jeans that I have that are raw. Is that what raw denim is? You just put it in the freezer? Raw means it needs to be frozen, yes. Yeah, otherwise it expires. It's like reverse Eggos. What about fresh never frozen jeans? Fresh frozen jeans these are fresh now I would tell
Starting point is 00:04:09 it Wendy's I got the square jeans like Wendy's what was the end poll I would say if in the battle this conversation started between me and Anna and in that battlefield I think the poll supports me. However, the winner technically was two to three times, but the second runner up by a lot was five plus. What is the context? The context is, how many times will you willingly wear a pair of jeans before washing it? Which, this conversation started because Anna said,
Starting point is 00:04:44 every time I wear something, I wash it, it doesn't matter what it is. She was wearing a brand new hoodie with like a crisp logo. And I said, so after this event, this event where you sat still all day, on a cold day, you're not even sweating. On a cold day too, yeah, it was cold. In a room that smells nice, Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Yeah, smelled wonderful in the room. You're gonna go home and you're gonna wash that hoodie. And she said, yes.'s actually smelled bad in the fruit I'll try me that it smell bad. It's not smell bad in the room It's not so I was in the room. I didn't smell I don't smell bad. You smell like a player you got stinky Yeah, you got stinky Tom Ketch game play right now. You do your pits are stinking You're forgetting to put the red carpet on your account right now. Dude, I lost ten games in a row. You said it's so 3am playing.
Starting point is 00:05:28 They got me, bro. I know, I put you on the TV. I put you as babysitter. Really? Wait, to who? Oh my god! Who did I babysit? Judy. She watches like Coco Melon? She was like, I want to take a nap. And I was like, it's 10pm, we should go to bed. She's like, it's nap time. I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Does that mean she's going to wake up later. I I don't know. But she went to take a nap. And then I threw you as a babysitter. And then I snuck out like a cartoon character to go play League. Oh, my God. And then and then you went, ah, and she woke up. Oh, you should know.
Starting point is 00:06:03 You should know better. That's your fault. You're watching the slime with the sound on. It's Loving's fault. It was so low. It was so low. And slime strings are miserable because they'll just be like, all right, go to the... Oh, you have a bar!
Starting point is 00:06:18 And then you start fucking freaking out. What the fuck? Your volume control is off the charts. Did you not like that? Did you scream until three? You can't talk to me for I'll get to that Volume control again because you have the worst shit you're you don't use a cloud lifter So you just use this mic and it doesn't pick up anything and everyone's like yes It's just you don't use a cloud lifter
Starting point is 00:06:42 What do you hop it in the cloud? What it is? Use a cloud lifter. What do you hop it in the cloud? Lie on my name cloud lifter with the sure is a myth you don't actually need it. Thank you Because he probably has he probably is too far with his game too. Yeah, because it's he saw Like max out the game. So anyway, I don't have one. I don't I don't pay attention to that shit. Yeah, I was streaming till 3am, bitch, because I fell asleep. I took myself a nap.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Well, after LACS, I went home, drove in traffic, woke up at 9pm and I said, it's time drunk, drove. It's time to get back. I drove very very very fast to it was time to what? It's time to ball it was time to lose ten games in a row is it real over time? I won eight games in a row and then they got it back and then some oh Did you play in this stream? No no it's not possible. It's not in the street. Wait wait you got yours Yeah, I got no one gets 11 from me did not get yours it's tough bro well keep scrolling zipper fuck you keep scrolling
Starting point is 00:07:52 this part is fun keep scrolling I mean this is two days ago this is two days ago blue I mean yes oh my god that's a revolutionary carpet they're gonna kill us if we keep talking about league that's the elections there they are it's just a little elical update we won't fucking linger on it That's a revolutionary carpet. They're gonna kill us if that's the elections Little update we won't fucking linger on it. How is it going for you? I was at LACS Grinded because he doesn't care anyway, so we're look gaming is back on the menu and we're eating it with our whole asses. We're eating it with our fingers.
Starting point is 00:08:25 I forgot how to play Ballotro. Because of so much league. You forgot. I don't. Well, I just got on my phone and I was playing it for like three hours during the the block we weren't doing. Yeah. I win one time. Oh, no. I feel like a stone dead idiot. I've lost my gaming skills.
Starting point is 00:08:44 Yeah. You replay. You saved over all the memories with Fiddlesticks. You didn't win a single run. I didn't win a single run on the easiest modes. The one that like a child could figure out. The child could figure the children of the world figure out for the game of the year. Ballet row that's pronounced Ballet Row and a Bellatro.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I want in there. I want to see it. There's nothing in there. You got to. Why do you have your passport? Because I'm traveling tomorrow. I want to see it. There's nothing in there. You gotta- Why do you have your passport? Cause I'm traveling tomorrow. On you? Yeah. Wait, he's leaving? I'm leaving, yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Where you going? Where you going? Where you going? I'm going to France. Going to Paris. All set! Alright. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:09:19 Those are nice pants, Ludwig. Would you wash them today? Would you know how many you think? Oh, corduroys, yeah. It's not raw denim. Corduroys everywhere? Will It's not a raw denim. Corduroys everywhere? Well, you hit the wash with the one time wear on those on the corduroys.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah, but like you're fine. You're not sweating. You're not fucking nasty for me. How often do you do laundry in general? Me? Yeah. Bro doesn't do laundry. He doesn't do it. Because I don't know if I buy that you're washing something after after one wear, not because you don't want to, because I don't think you wash things that often.
Starting point is 00:09:46 My last wash try was... Thinking about it is already kind of the answer. Two weeks ago. That's not bad. Not bad at all. Two weeks ago. And was that with those pants? God is my witness. Were the pants in there?
Starting point is 00:10:00 No, I'm actually running out. That's why I'm wearing these. These are not. These are like a back rotation. Where are you different now? Do you do the laundry? Oh, not now. You come. Crawling in. When's the last time you do laundry? You literally last night. OK, you're different. I want to do laundry, but I have an issue with cutie. That makes it hard. You know, that was your issue with her.
Starting point is 00:10:22 I heard out which which you will hear this. I know. I hear this. I told her'll hear this, and I've told her this. Which of the yard men will you tell? I'm- I'm- What is the secret? The yard council, yard council help me have an issue. The yard magi. Tell us. Tell the yard magi. We rack up a lot of clothes.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah. Yeah, famously. And Cutie found in- we use a laundry service. Yeah. But do you recall? I don't like the laundry service. Because they're- They be mixing the clothes. You don't like when-
Starting point is 00:10:54 They be mixing the clothes. They be mixing the clothes. Can you explain more? It'll be like a stack of shirts and it's half cuties, half mine. Right. And they be mixing the clothes. Wait, wait, wait, that is your fault. No, no, no no I've sent it in separate bags you sent it do you include in the
Starting point is 00:11:08 instructions no that's your fault this is what happens when you have dumb shit money is you just send your clothes off to a school well the children to watch yeah and then they come back mix look at this so I thought well yeah I don't have that many clothes. I'll just throw a quick load in. Well, you threw away the Duke Vito shirt, so yeah, you don't. This is the logic thread we're following here is like, they don't sort the clothes properly at the laundry company.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Wow, I could just do the laundry myself and it's taken. Wow. And it was a hard four year road to get here. Another classic Ludwig case of they can't do it like me. Oh my god. I can't do it like that. I do it different. Better even. And so I do that, and then Cutie brings up a point,
Starting point is 00:11:53 which I don't think is invalid, but it puts me at a crossroads where she goes, you're only doing your load? Okay. Oh, dude. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like- Because she- And I'm like, and I'm like.
Starting point is 00:12:05 She, she, you know, and I mean this, and I mean this respectfully, she does your loads. She wouldn't ask. She, she, she uses the service. She doesn't do, she doesn't. No, she's, she's. She's done my loads. She would do the, she's done the loads. She's done my loads, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Wait, wait, she's never refused? Hold on, hold on. Hold on, hold on. What? No, because it's not even, it's not even a question. She just does Hold on. Hold on. What? It's not even a question. She just does the load without asking. That's right.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Yeah, but you can still passively refuse a load. She's never thought to just refuse a load. Think about it. Ever. When we all lived together and the laundry room was like right in the center of like the, you know, the house and we would, we would before the laundry service came, she would do the loads in front of everybody yeah
Starting point is 00:12:52 She would take your load and then she would go do it the way of making a load feel unrefusable Phrase like that I I've never said don't refuse my load you didn't have to say Yeah, like you cannot say a lot of things we are very much like it's a weird to pay like a guy you don't know to do the load oh yeah that's not the way you're saying here stranger receive my load receive her money for money and he had to drive all out there he shows up at the door he takes the load and gets money and gets money pay for that I just feel like but then the load comes back mix it comes back We've got full circle. It's like we're coming But wait Q was doing the loads some random guy was doing the loads and now you're trying to do your own load
Starting point is 00:13:37 But you're not taking hers. I'm not taking I'm not taking care of hers. Yeah, so what happened? Did you have to? Did you accidentally reinvent doing the laundry together? Do you have to fold it? What if we had a machine? And it did it for us and then we had to fold it. Then all the clothes would be wet. We need like a second machine.
Starting point is 00:13:57 There's got to be a way to do the second part of the washing of. Well, hold on. I just hang the clothes up until we find a second machine. The air. It takes a long time. The air might... I don't like that either. Well I'm coming back to Nick's strategy. Which is what?
Starting point is 00:14:13 Which is sort and let them know. What? Wait what? Sort the bags? Yeah yeah, sort them and let them know. And let them know. What do you mean let them know? You gotta say... Let them know.
Starting point is 00:14:23 You stand out there with a fucking crowbar. I gotta let them know. They show up, I let them know. And let them know. What do you mean, let them know? You gotta say- Let them know. You stand out there with a fucking crowbar. I gotta let them know. They show up, I let them know. I let them know. I'll slip like a block in one of the bags. You're gonna take my load the way I want it. I put a gun in one of the bags and when they open it-
Starting point is 00:14:36 Well then they get a free gun, that's a bad idea. Yeah, then they'll bring it to you, keep your clothes. What? Then you'll be sure it's really close. So hold on, hold on. I'm, I'm, I just want to make sure I'm, I'm correct here. Yeah, please. Because it seems like you gave up on the laundry service. Yeah. You tried doing laundry. Yep. You did your laundry and QT was like, why didn't you do mine? And your solution to this is to go back to the laundry company. company okay that's so badass like God forbid I touch my girlfriend's clothes
Starting point is 00:15:08 I would know what to do with that is gross that is fucking gross to do with all the particulars what are you gonna do with the particular and such all the delicates would you would you have me touch the delicates because sometimes you gotta move the delicate it's disrespectful to touch a woman's underwear I'm washing Would you would you have you touch the delegates? Touch a woman's underwear. I'm watching clothes water hottest as possible Yes highest tumble setting and then I'm blasting the heat if there if there was a hardcore setting and not a delicate setting I would use it on all my clothes. I'm trying to make my shit, baby
Starting point is 00:15:41 But I want them to look like when you put a potato chip bag in the microwave. I fear women's clothing. I fear it. I fear it, yeah. I fear the delicate bits. I don't like how sometimes they're see-through. I also think it looks more beautiful on them. And some...
Starting point is 00:15:54 Me too! I do love that. I do, that's my favorite part. So I hate to see it in the dirt. No! I hate to see it on the ground. I hate to see it in the dirty clothes. It's so beautiful when it's on.
Starting point is 00:16:02 But sometimes you put it in the dryer, it blows up. Blows up. It blows up into a million pieces. It's so beautiful when it's on. But sometimes you put it in the dryer, it blows up. Blows up. It blows up in a million pieces. The leggings go to smithereens. I forgot about when the clothes explode into smithereens. To be fair, I've never had leggings and washed them, so I don't know how that works. Do you ever see those YouTube shorts of like, it shows how many sheets something has and it falls like on a Minecraft character. It's like a bed sheet and it has more polygons.
Starting point is 00:16:30 No, I'm not on an algorithm that teaches me the world through Minecraft. I am. So it'll be like a cardboard brick and then it'll be like a four sectional piece and they'll just up the resolution. That's crazy. I say all this because I feel like some women's clothing are like the max resolution to in the folding room. They have so many, it is so hard to fold. It's so hard to fold.
Starting point is 00:16:54 You'll take a girl's like tank top out and I'm like, like you just like do that. It's like, it's so gross. Dude, do you have baby tees? I was like, I remember my ex girlfriend, I was like holding up a shirt. I was like, what the fuck is this? You wear this? Do you look like a stuffed animal that wears this?
Starting point is 00:17:10 Like how? And she's like, no, it just like stretches. They look different off the body. I've worn this in front of you and I'm like, no fucking way. It was like this big. And I don't like that. You're so real for that. Because the women fool you with their clothes. And so every girl's got a sock drawer.
Starting point is 00:17:26 That's got a bunch of stuff in it. Am I right boys? I have a sock drawer. With a bunch of stuff in it, not just socks. And every woman loves sour candy. Yeah! Dude, she did not fuck with Sour Olympics. Even a little bit.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Well, we didn't tell her about Project Sour. Project Sour! I have a feeling she also won't like that. Well, Olympics. Even a little bit. No. Well, we didn't tell her about Project Sour. Project Sour. I have a feeling she also won't like that. Well, that one has a visual aid. We already have the branding kind of sorted. Project Sour is going to take off. It sounded like she low-key fucked with Jay though. Yeah, she fucked with Jay.
Starting point is 00:17:56 Ladies love Jay. Jay's up. Well, everyone does. Yeah. He's... Do you think you're a magnetic guy? Me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:04 To some degree. I don't know. Tina called me cool when she was drunk as piss. That's what it took, huh? Yeah She was like OH SHE'S THERE AGAIN You're cool She was drunk as piss sounded like that That was honestly pretty spot on
Starting point is 00:18:17 That's what Tina said. When she's not drunk she sounds like Timo from the movie She said I would never say to this to you sober So this is the only time you'll ever hear this. I think you're cool. Oh That's that's very not sweet of her not sweet. I don't think so What is very what do you mean? It's very sweet because she's it she's telling you there is no fucking possible way in my right mind I'd ever think you were cool. No, no, she'd ever say I'm cool. Oh That's even worse because she's embarrassing. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:46 But she's quietly admitting that she thinks you're cool all the time. She's saying the little thing loud. You know what I think Ludwig does well is that I think he becomes like the ringleader at parties. How so? Like everyone, you look over at Ludwig and he's got everyone playing like a game. Yeah, yeah. Or something. We've talked about this.
Starting point is 00:19:04 He gamifies parties. He likes games, but you know what's funny is he'll invent a game. Yeah, yeah. Or something. We've talked about this game. Game of five parties. He likes games. But you know what's funny is he'll invent a game for everyone to play and then lose and get mad. And it's a game. No, I do not. You do. I do not do that. Dude, I've seen you scream. When the game is led.
Starting point is 00:19:19 When it's just like just like parties and stuff like, oh, for instance, like, let's play cornhole, right? And we just get the cornhole out. And you didn't really expect to come to Thanksgiving to play cornhole with Peter and Josh. And then it just turns into the most competitive, like sweat cornhole you've ever seen. When Peter is like wandering around like a robot, he's like,
Starting point is 00:19:40 I want to smoke a cigarette. And a lot of people like has to take his shoulders and turn around. Peter, Peter, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no turn around. Peter, Peter, no, no, no, no, no. Dude, it turns into this like, it's just you're a competitive guy. I never got upset there because I never lost. Oh, but he didn't. But let me tell you, when he was losing, he was screaming at Peter. It was crazy. I was locked in.
Starting point is 00:20:01 I you know, I did crazy shit that day. Yeah, you you turned up. I tripled. You do turn up at shit that day. Yeah, you turned up. I triple hold. You do turn up at cornhole. I turn up at cornhole. Not at the open sauce. Yeah, it was open sauce. Wait, it was at open sauce. You crushed.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Oh, it was me and him. That's right. You got sunned and you got sunned. I wasn't getting sunned. I was turning up and then he would shut me down. Oh, I thought we were on a team. Me and you were on a team. Me and Nick were on a team. I never got paid out, actually.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Huh? What? There's a payout. No, I paid- we paid it. Uh, one of- I paid on memo for sure. One of them was supposed to pay me. Oh, he paid you.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Aiden didn't pay me. Cause you owed him money. I think I probably paid it. Yeah. Yeah. Which is annoying. That sucks. It's like, just pay out.
Starting point is 00:20:42 I don't think he owed me money at the time. Yeah, just pay it out even if you owe him. It's not a hoax. It's crazy that Ludwig said I don't think he owed me money. Yeah, just pay it out even if you owe him. It's not hard. It's crazy that Ludwig said I didn't get paid, but he's the one who got paid. Can we just rewind on that? Sometimes if you yell it, you might get paid twice. Okay. That's how you made your money. Throw it out there.
Starting point is 00:20:58 You might have been like, oops, sorry goat. We should go to Vegas. Oh man. Do what? I haven't been in a long time. And gamble with Drake and XQC. We could. You see Drake say that Steve Lacey's a fragile op. Yeah. That is what I've been thinking about that ever since. Makes good songs. If I called you a fragile op, how would you feel? There's a lot going on there. That's awesome. Yeah. Where does he think of that? He's an artist.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Crote is not a glass house. Crote is a glass house. Crote shouldn't throw stones. Best not to throw stones from a glass house, Crote. Dude, there was that, when that beef was happening, he's like had a show. And Drake was like, I don't care. I got my back straight.
Starting point is 00:21:39 My head held high. I got my friends. And then someone posted, he's like, bro's manifesting. Yeah. He's like,'s manifesting yeah how does he how does he tend to not look cool in so many situations like he's a fragile op and he's and he's streaming with XQC that's where he says this and he goes X goes yeah okay so what's a fragile op can you explain that he goes chat knows Chat does not know Also XQC with his bones like the unbreakable man like Samuel L Jackson in the movie if he moves one inch it's just like it makes glass breaking sounds
Starting point is 00:22:17 X didn't know nothing Like he the weekend starts autoplaying you see that too Wait, I know what happened the weekend started autoplaying and Drake's like we don't listen to that Oh my god Okay, I know X would be like oh dude, it's a playlist dude playlist Dude he's gonna be 30 one day. That's funny X. He's kind of he's like really cool. I know You're gonna be 30 you're gonna be 30 you're gonna be 30. I don't think I'll ever be 30 Oh, are you gonna die? Blow my fucking brain out? Yeah, I'll take over. Clock's ticking
Starting point is 00:22:53 What do you mean that that what that means? In what ways can you take over besides the ones that are weird? No the weird ones Yeah Yeah, yeah the weird ones. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. The weird ones. No, that's helpful. We were saying we're me and Nick were watching Freaky Friday. The decom.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So so they so there's obviously the Lindsay Lohan one that came out in theaters and whatever. But there is a Disney Channel musical in 2018. That's way like worse because it's just like a worse. Any Lindsay in it? Lindsay is not even mentioned. They don't even say the word. They didn't even say the letters with L.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Where's L in them? But it's the same principle. Like they didn't mix it up or anything. You know how sometimes newer Disney movies, they'll be like, oh, now it's the son and a dad. Yeah. Yeah. It's just also a mother and a daughter. 30 Friday is also a remake, right?
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah, yeah. Oh, it is. It is, yeah. It got me thinking, who, like, of all of us, who would you want Freaky Friday'd into your life? Like, I can only pick everyone in this room? Yeah, and you have to Freaky Friday for like, the rest of your life.
Starting point is 00:24:00 Oh, ffff. Yeah, like, that's why it's a heart. And it's forever? The rest of your life? Unless you find, the magical way to like solve all of our problems. Right. Isn't that just like like friendship or some shit? No. Like communication? Wait, they kiss fall on the mouth at the end of it.
Starting point is 00:24:14 They do not kiss. Yeah, the mom and the daughter have an open mouth kiss. They don't open mouth kiss, man. Oh, I think they do. No, that's... Jamie Lee Curtis. I vaguely remember this. They like tongue kiss. You vaguely remember this. They like tongue kiss.
Starting point is 00:24:25 You vaguely remember that? Yeah and they started fingering. Yeah. Oh kid. That's so crass. It's weird. I thought so too. I never enjoyed the film.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Jamie Lee Curtis is 11 in the movie. She's, well she has the mind of an 11 year old. It's like the reverse anime argument. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh, I would, I would, it's not you. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:24:48 And, and that's why. Why is it? Why? Why is it it's alive, dude? It's a little mean. Hahaha. Cause you don't want, is it more that you don't want him to have your life? Or is it that you don't want his life?
Starting point is 00:25:00 No, I don't. I don't think I could live like you. What the fuck? Wait, wait, wait, hold on. Let me understand this. You can still live. You have to live like him? In my mind, that's what I'm doing the experiment of. No, you are switched into my body and my life. But then you take control. You're still Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:25:18 So really it would be like an exercise of like, Oh, I could go out and be Ludwig and have a bunch of emotional conversations. But does the body hold any of what the old person used to do? Like what I want to sleep on the floor? I think so in the Freaky Friday remake, there is a point where the mom switches into the teenager's body and now she's in class and then she starts getting flustered over the boy she likes.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Which is very strange because the mom starts getting the hots for a high schooler because her biology can't help it. And then they go into a song about how biology can't be helped. And mom's kind of looking at the kid like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm sorry. I'm serious. The Disney movie. That's in biology class.
Starting point is 00:26:02 That's like the bit. Oh, right. Age is just a number. You can't help it. Honestly, because we were watching, we're like, that's a that's a minor, brother. I don't know. But so so basically, wow, which which.
Starting point is 00:26:19 There was also a point where someone like threw a ball at her head while she the mother's in the kid's body and she goes like like Spider-Man catches it She's like, whoa my crazy reflexes. So you like, you know, so yeah, so I would have retained some of your Physicality good Tom catch and I have his Greek genes to get to get big I'd have a nasty Tom catch my shoulder be fucked. I would say my shoulders just put out I would say it's your brains are full swap. Yes. But like your chemical imbalances stay. Yeah, so then I, yeah that's why I say no to slime.
Starting point is 00:26:51 So why? Your chemical makeup. What's wrong with my chemicals for you? You're the most imbalanced. You're the most, yeah, you're the most imbalanced. Aiden's the most balanced if you're looking for balance. Yes. So you all, you want to switch into Mario's body.
Starting point is 00:27:03 The Mario of the show. If he's Mario. The mind Mario. The ill mind of Mario. The Spanish version. I'm Zemdice and I'm gonna take over someone's body. I want a good vessel. Yeah, Ansem was a great vessel. And he's closer to Ansem.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Alright, you're not the best. He's not a bad vessel either. You're saying this is a shit vessel? You're the worst vessel here. Of the world you're probably like a top fucking 20% 20 top to me that's so many babies Yeah, yeah, like I think you know wait, but swapping with a baby be tight you just start over Be a fresh respawn depends Baby with an adult no baby hell for a while.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Yeah, dude, imagine. You're ass wiped. That's awesome. But I think you would revert a lot of your knowledge. Also, you're just like a helpless kid for a lot of time. Yeah, a lot of your brain would atrophy. I don't know how helpless you are. I think you're just physically, because you're mental there.
Starting point is 00:28:02 You know everything you know. But the thing is, you have to imagine a child with the adult brain Living with parents you'd be the greatest chess player in the world at your age. No no matter even for that long Yeah, if you're two no because then you don't have neuroplasticity brother No, but he does because he's in the child's brain. Oh, do I I couldn't lose to a single two-year-old on the planet? Yeah, that's true a four-year-old. I start losing Quickly losing your edge. I start losing. Yeah. Sorry, yeah. But quickly. Start losing your edge.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You start losing so quickly. Wait, this is- And it's almost worse to be like the prodigy who's great at two and then felled off. And you just quit. Like baby Tarzan. Yeah. You ride a skateboard down.
Starting point is 00:28:35 I mean, that's strong. Or young Hulk. Or baby Kong. Is that the same guy? I don't- probably. There's so many strong boys that we often know of in the media. Yeah, there are.
Starting point is 00:28:44 You know? I mean, it's something that we know of in media. Yeah, there are. You know? I mean, it's something that we've always looked to. Yeah, we should make sour boy. Just rub a kid in mouth. Sour boy, put it in your mouth. No, no, no, no. That's horrible.
Starting point is 00:28:57 We already do that. Can we just say, we already do that? Sour Patch Kids? We do! We put those damn kids in our mouth! They beat us to Sour Boy. They did. Sour Patch Kids. Oh, so Sour Boys.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Sour Boys! What is this? This is made by Oompaville. Wait, why does this look so similar to Sour Man? Was it some of these? Because it's parallel thinking. We have some of these downstairs. Yeah, we have some of this. This is made by a YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:29:25 Whoa. Oh, sour YouTuber? Do you... What? Do you still need those for a video? No, I use it. Do you eat them? I've been eating them.
Starting point is 00:29:35 You like them? They're good. They're good. You like the sour boys? They're good. I've been chopping. Oh, okay. He likes some sour stuff.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Leave it to Aiden to eat some of the shit that's not his. They've been sitting out for months. Leave it to Aiden to feast. And then someone not his. They've been sitting out for months. Leave it to Aiden to feast. And then someone drinks his protein drink, he's like fucking... No. Fetishist monster. It's like getting your tea drink. Someone drinks your tea.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Somebody takes my Peteen shake, and then they don't replace it. No, look, we can- And they are one guy from Australia who works out here. Every day, Miles is extremely shameless and it's hard to make him feel shame. Yeah. And he drinks it and he's like, oh true. And it's like, miles learn the lesson. Don't drink it anymore.
Starting point is 00:30:18 He's like, oh yeah. Okay. And then he just does it again. And it's like, it's a great miles. Like a dopey. Yeah. You think a little dumb. You made him a little too dumb. That's does it again. And it's like... It's a great Miles. Like a dopey. Yeah, he's doing it a little dumb. He made him a little too dumb.
Starting point is 00:30:27 That's how it is! Because, dude, sometimes he'll just stare off. He's a smart guy. This is what... Miles does this funny thing where he'll... He's laughing. He'll drink the protein shake, and then he'll say he'll replace it.
Starting point is 00:30:40 He won't replace it for a while. Maybe a week, week and a half later, he'll replace it, and he'll do something nice. He'll put two in there. He's like, I've doubled up. I've given him two. This is a slime method. But then he comes back two days later and then he drinks those protein shakes. And then you never got to drink the replacement. Well, they were on cooldown.
Starting point is 00:31:00 You had an opportunity. I had the time. You had the time window. It's just about making the best of do it. I had the time. You had the time window. You had an opportunity. It's just about making the best of that opportunity. Nick, don't. Take your hood off and pull your sweater down. I know, you're wondering why is Nick covering his face right now.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Come on. It's because of the shame of realizing he has an HBO subscription that he's had for years. I've had it for so long. That he hasn't canceled. That he hasn't washed anything. You don't even use it, but you don't have to be shameful. Just pull it down. And you like Nick, over over 74% of people have subscriptions they forgot about.
Starting point is 00:31:31 I only watched one True Detective episode. You didn't watch True Detective Season 1. You should have finished it. I'm scared. Well, look, if Nick had rocket money, he would have been able to get rid of that subscription and not feel the shame he feels in this ad right now. Really? And now you're in the shame cube. So I bet you feel damn stupid, don't you?
Starting point is 00:31:50 I do feel stupid and ugly. Look, Rocket Money is a personal finance app that finds and cancels your unwanted subscriptions, monitors your spending and helps you lower your bills. You can grow your savings. You see, you look way better. You're handsome. My little boy is now. I I actually do use Rocket Money. and you know what I've realized? I'm paying for a fucking Xbox subscription that I don't use at all.
Starting point is 00:32:12 In fact, Nick and his friends use it for PSL. And I'm paying 10 bucks a month for something I never use. That's actually, that's not a good use of Rocket Money because your friend's using it. It's Master Calvin, we kind of need that account anyway. So, well, Rocket Money has over 5 million users and has saved a total of $500 million in cancelled subscriptions. So, that saves members up to $740 a year when you use all the app's features. It could be you. You could be the one wasting money on things you don't use. Cancel your unwanted, abort your unwanted subscriptions by going to
Starting point is 00:32:45 rocket money dot com slash yard rocket money dot com slash your don't end up in the shame cube like Nick can't keep like me because he won't get out for a long time I'm going back in no don't go to shame too I didn't mean it you can say out and our friendships are very sensitive why don't you join the yard council we got another hoodie I don't think I would fit in what are you talking about I'm stupid I would show in. What are you talking about? Stupid I would show up late to the friggin meetings. You're free to hate me The meeting that's the beauty the meetings always start late. Whoa. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:20 You can't show up late, but they start late the 805 You know, I mean, I see I see so they don't start in round numbers. You gotta be here at 8.05 sharp. 8.05 sharp, of course. I was saying I never want to start early if, like, and you just sit down and we go because then that means you win. Yeah, you win because you spend less time here. Yeah, you get to spend that many less minutes obligated.
Starting point is 00:33:40 It's such a... Oh, it's petty? No, I wasn't gonna say that. This is your great view of the world Did you we had a dead rat outside? Did you get it? I've gotten all of them. Yeah, dude. No, we had another one kudos to Aidan cuz I didn't want to do it Aidan's the rat. There's been okay Charlie you're Charlie Seven cats that live outside. I am the rat king right now
Starting point is 00:34:03 I have a question for you guys because you saw that rat. Have you seen the others? No. Okay. I hate to go superstitious mode. There has been three dead rats in the same spot outside the door of the office. The kiddies are bringing them to us.
Starting point is 00:34:22 Why are they always right? Why are they always on the doorstep? It's not even in a different part of the parking lot They are always like 10 feet in front of the door and the trash can zipper Can you look up this like the superstitious meaning of a cat killing a mouse guys? I can tell you no I kind of like AI Google to tell me this is just Sopranos man, this is very this is just Why are they killing them in the same spot? I've been watching The Sopranos man, this is very similar No you haven't
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yes I have You have? Me too man Yes I have That's a great show With the next sentence it's gonna hurt you What? Exclusively on YouTube shorts
Starting point is 00:34:53 Eww That doesn't hurt me by the way Exclusively It hurts most people who like good things What? A sign of good luck Oh that's when a cat brings it That's protection from, yeah that that's what's really happening.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Are you being protected by the neighborhood cat? They're not just dropping dead right there. I'm saying this is not a cat. This is a human who is killing rats, putting them in front because Aiden's a fucking rat snitch. Or maybe the rats are going through the Bermuda Triangle. And it's right there. What if the Bermuda Triangle's here?
Starting point is 00:35:18 It's a portal that drops them directly. Any of these theories are better than the cat theory. Why? That's crazy, because there's a lot of cute ass cats who... I know. How do you clean up the dead rats? I grab a plastic bag or... How many? How many? You just one?
Starting point is 00:35:30 Huh? Just one? Just one. I'd be grabbing two. You know what I mean? Yeah, no, 100%. I'd be grabbing two. I would do one, but I wouldn't touch it. I would like, like really try to press it firmly on the ground and then scoop it without having to...
Starting point is 00:35:42 Eww. Because I don't want to feel its organs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 100%. I was surprised at the lack of ants. The bag? Ants don't like that. No, ants love blood. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:52 You would think that all sorts of critters and bugs would want to eat all the awesome rats. Ants like berries. They do. They do love the rats. They love the rats. They're like berries and cheez-its. Ants don't like berries.
Starting point is 00:35:58 I had that bloody nose, and it's like hella toilet paper. Ants were coming out of the toilet. I had crazy blood, and it got all hella toilet paper. Ants were coming out of the toilet. Like I had crazy like blood and I like, it got all over the toilet paper and it was like clotted and I threw it in the trash, right? The ants found it. They started eating the blood off of the toilet paper. They love blood.
Starting point is 00:36:18 That's gross. Anyway, my technique is I grab a plastic, you know, piece of plastic for a packaging or a bag and then I pick it up by its tail And then I was wondering yeah The body is connected from the tail like a fucking lizard Yet to happen it'd be traumatizing. Oh my I feel imagine the poor Pokimane fan who after the Pokimane episode said these guys are kind of funny. I love some boys humor
Starting point is 00:36:44 They're not scared of that. Uh, I'm just saying this episode and perhaps might might be a kind of gross. We are dressed up in the same outfit. I'm sorry I said fingering. Thank you. I figure I should apologize. Jesus Christ. I think I think it's embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:37:02 Even though it's so awesome. It's been three rats outside this office sacrificed apparently, I think the next one's an employee. Nick Yelling, eviscerated on the sidewalk. Nick Yelling on the ground like Peter Griffin. What it should be is a thumb or like a finger of some sort. So that's how it escalates. Dude, the dead rat was so sad. Maybe he was sleeping, Aiden?
Starting point is 00:37:23 Why do the cats not finish the food? Cats kill for game. That's why the outdoor cats are like bad for ecosystems Oh for the love of the game? Yeah, they don't kill for yum-yums. They're just bored. There's enough rats to go around Wait, they kill the vermin. Outdoor cats are really bad for ecosystems because they kill indiscriminately and they kill like birds They'll kill different. Dude if you're a bird and you killed by a cat, you should have killed yourself. That's on you. That's crazy. I understand you have some very classic Americana logic here, but just this is studied. How is it? How is a bird being captured by a house cat?
Starting point is 00:37:57 They can fucking fly and fly. That's crazy to me. Get captured by house cats. Yeah. Yeah. So fucking Bravo. That's a gold ball. So here's the thing too rats are really important for ecosystems. No, they're not. What do they do? They eat our cheese. They eat a lot of stuff that you don't like when we want to They play little guitars like old pizzas. Old pizzas. They eat the old pizzas for us. You're making up fucking- this is YouTube short Look up Outdoor Cats. Look up Outdoor Cats. This is YouTube short science. This is Maya Higa. You saw Maya right now? Yeah. I'll call Maya. Call Maya. Call Maya. Outdoor, this is Maya Higa. You saw Maya right now? Yeah, I called Maya a call.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Maya Grifter Higa. Cap and Maya we call her. And what's she gonna know? I want a fucking woman handle this one. I don't even know if she's heard of rats. You don't think she's heard of what? A rat? Nope. You should ask her first, have you heard of a rat?
Starting point is 00:38:43 Maya, I'm on the Yard podcast and I am in a 1v3 and I'm hoping you'll back me up. I'm not against you. Alright, probably won't. Okay. Ask her if she's heard of rats. Have you heard of what rats are? What a rat is? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah? Okay, I'm surprised. That's a good start. Second one. This is the real one. Outdoor cats, good or bad? So bad. Why? Why?
Starting point is 00:39:07 They just kill the rats and rats suck. No, they're like big time invasive species in so many places. They kill like between one and two billion birds a year. And they're really bad. Explain what I said. The argument they brought up to me that I didn't know how to defend was Say how I said it. Why is the bird losing to the cat that can just fly away?
Starting point is 00:39:33 Yeah, yeah, that's what I thought There was a bird in New Zealand It was a flightless wren and it went extinct in like two years because of a cat that they brought to the island. One cat? He was fucking- One cat. His name was Tibbles, or her name was Tibbles, and she had babies and there were a bunch of cats and then the bird was extinct. Wow. Do you naturally not like cats because you're like a bird person? No, I love cats.
Starting point is 00:40:02 That's complex. Is there an animal you hate? No. Okay, well then. What if it was a racist animal? Yeah, what if it was a racist animal? We're past the question now, guys. No, not really. Would you hate a racist animal? Are rats racist?
Starting point is 00:40:18 I don't think they can be. Wow. What if I made one? What if I made one? What if I gave it cheese every time I looked at a white person? All right. Thank you very much. I'm not talking about. Thank you. Thank you, Maya. Thanks, Maya.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I'm for a correspondent. She actually a dead ass. She didn't help your argument. Yes, she did. I'm not convinced she fell. You know, a billion birds. Those birds deserve it. So I'm not convinced. They kill a billion birds? Those birds deserve it. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:47 I think natural selection, future birds will be better. The world's worst non-native invasive species. I'm sorry, don't fucking read a Google AI thing that Maya just said like it's news you fuck. Oh my god, wait no, the AI is telling me, this is big, we gotta do something about this. This is a big deal. You're so fucking gross. I don't know, maybe cats aren't the way. I'm just telling you, this is big. We gotta do something about this. This is gross. This is a big deal. You're so fucking gross.
Starting point is 00:41:05 I don't know, maybe cats aren't the way. Do you think that it's okay when species go extinct? Is the question. And how is the rat racist? I'm not an ecologist, but it depends. Because of O? Because of Thurman. Ooman Thurman.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Or because they just do. Are you cat or dog person? Can't say both. Uh oh. Why? Because. Why is it a fucking dichotomy? Because it fucking is! dog person can't say both uh oh why? because why is it a fucking dichotomy? because it fucking is it's a false dichotomy you can't vote for commonly, you can't vote for Trump at the same time
Starting point is 00:41:32 and in this situation you can vote for both you can vote for both some of us like ass but some of us like titties though aw man that still depends on me that's another false dichotomy but one gotta go but one gotta go we know what you're picking I'm not
Starting point is 00:41:49 picking I know it is or assless person oh you superficial motherfucker you discussed I wouldn't pick either oh yes you yeah would yeah you would okay I'd pick her for her beautiful mind that's why I'm saying everything she knows about math books Okay
Starting point is 00:42:10 Cat person Wow dog your dog for that. Well, you're dude your parents dog is so cute. I love that dog Yeah, can I have it? No? Mean Peter will talk you I bet I could buy it from Peter for a hundred grand Jeff definitely not Why I promise cuz Peter loves his animal No, I don't think so. What if though he wouldn't do it Buying your childhood dog from your dad to flex on you My child Imagine like Logan Paul offered your parents like a million dollars
Starting point is 00:42:48 for just a mug? I know I had your childhood dog. I think I can. I think 10 mil. My mom says no. Come on. Yeah. 10 mil. You got to say yeah to that one. That's principled. She like that.
Starting point is 00:43:01 OK. You know what? I think Ludwig thinks a lot in terms and I don't blame him of like what the public perception of if this thing happened. OK. You know what? I think Ludwig thinks a lot in terms, and I don't blame him, of like what the public perception of if this thing happened, right? So if he sold Coots to Logan Paul for a hundred million dollars, he wouldn't do that. Prime cat. Because the headline says Ludwig mogged, sells Coots. I think you're thinking too deep. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:22 I'm just saying. I wouldn't do it because I love Coots. And a hundred million wouldn't change my life. A hundred million wouldn't change your life. A hundred million would change. Yeah. I'm just saying. I wouldn't do it because I love coots. And a hundred million wouldn't change my life. A hundred million wouldn't change your life. A hundred million would change your life. You're just lying. You're lying to people. I'm not gonna change shit.
Starting point is 00:43:33 It would change your life. I would still be playing about five hours of League where I can a day. It wouldn't change it. And it would be responsible. Because you wouldn't have to do anything for the next 10 generations. That's true. That's true.
Starting point is 00:43:49 Uh, no, it wouldn't. Yeah, you would. 100 million to sell coots. I'm a dog person. I do not sell coots. I would just get him another coot. You don't understand, nah, because you don't understand pets. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:44:01 I love pets. No, you don't. I'm just saying. If you're, if you're balking at someone refusing to take money for a pet, you don't understand pets. Yeah, I do. I love pets. No, you don't I'm just saying if you're if you're Bawking at someone refusing to take money for a pet you don't understand pets You just can't say publicly that you'd sell coots for a hundred mile. I'm saying on my mama's life I wouldn't sell coots for a hundred mil. I believe him. I don't I believe On their mama's life you think it's worth a hundred That's a bad decision on their mama's life. You think it's worth a hundred. Why no, I can't
Starting point is 00:44:33 Shit he's not part of this. So he left his mom's in the hood. We should smoke this you we should smoke this you What if your mom's in the you know, I can do that Someone ought to smoke this Neighborhood bro, there's rats everywhere rats everywhere This is a great neighborhood I've seen the eyes of that neighborhood, bro There's rats everywhere There's rats everywhere and no cats! And they're not donated, but Well ours are donated by the spirits Hey, petless, petless, petless
Starting point is 00:44:55 Y'all couldn't handle a pet Petless but I pet it Yuck Just fucking... Yuck! And you have to remember what you said about Jamie Lee Curtis That's crazy! Just fucking believe it. I get yucked! And yucked for what you said about Jamie Lee Curtis? That's crazy! Why am I the enemy?
Starting point is 00:45:11 What you said was yuck, but what you said was also yuck. You get to say yuck. You know I just wanted to say the word fingering. It's funny to me. Cut her to the shit. Y'all actually couldn't handle a pet. I believe that. You don't think we- What? No you couldn't. You fucking couldn't for sure. I just end up loving it.
Starting point is 00:45:30 My life is different now. Alright guys, we all go home with an egg. What does handling a pet mean? We see who comes back with the egg. Like taking care of it, loving it, protecting it for the entire ten year of its life. Do people with opiate addictions take care of their pets? Yeah, they love their pets. They're better pet owners than you'd be.
Starting point is 00:45:45 Mmm. OK, Aiden is an outlier. Aiden's an outlier because he hates... The second he'd have to pick up poop, he'd put a 44 magnum in his dog's mouth. Yeah. I... I picked up the rat. He'd kill it and he'd be like, actually the dog likes it.
Starting point is 00:45:57 I picked up the rat. That is a really good argument. It is really. It is. I picked up the dead... He does it because it's... ...stank rat. Well, for us, we think about the rat's life and how sad that is and we don't want to touch it.
Starting point is 00:46:08 He is just like, oh thank god it's dead. I get to throw it away. I think you like it. You're a serial killer. I get to eradicate the earth of it. He's doing such a nice thing for everyone here. Such a sick interpretation. Also, Gingling should be taking care of the rats.
Starting point is 00:46:20 That's just the hierarchy. Yeah, that's just the hierarchy. Wow, that's so sick too. Yeah, because I think G think England would take a bite. Well, probably gets a bite. Like a factor meal. I'm back on your side. I was against you, but I now think you can take care of a pet. There's enemies all around me.
Starting point is 00:46:36 I'm forced to do this because they've gone farther than I wanted them to. You guys got destroyed on the dog thing too. We didn't get destroyed. We have to get destroyed. We have to admit it. The referendum was heavily in my favor. The pathetic part of the dog thing is everyone on his side was like, Oh God, you're in a coffee shop and a loud dog is just barking.
Starting point is 00:46:55 And it's like, why is the dog loud? Yeah, in their minds the dogs were evil. Why is the dog loud? I see a dog almost every day in a coffee shop. Because everyone thinks a poorly trained dog is annoying, bro Yeah, the argument is that they're not all poorly trained You can't leave your well-trained dog at home for two hours an hour people use the same argument for Italian immigrants Mm-hmm, and they lay eggs
Starting point is 00:47:19 Yeah, so as you know Christopher Columbus day is actually Italian heritage day. Yep So and also he was he was on the spectrum So he's really know what he was doing Christopher Columbus was neurodivergent and a minor Don't think about that So next time you want to take his day away Fuck dude Yeah, we lost on the dog thing and I think I have been LA pilled
Starting point is 00:47:39 How's that? Yeah, it is an LA thing It's fucking not cuz I've gone to coffee shops around the world. The only reason I say this is cause of the movie theater party. There are way more dogs in LA. In the South, they take their dog around in a fucking truck bed. Yeah, and it's called Cletus and it fucking rolls coal, motherfucker. Here's the thing about dogs though, they're not an invasive species. Specie. Specie. I'm bilingual! I'm non-invasive species.
Starting point is 00:48:06 Specie. Dude, Ken's. I said non-invasive species? No. Ken was telling us the other day, he has a friend he's like, who he used to work with, he's like, dude, the hardest roast I've ever heard.
Starting point is 00:48:17 It's like, he's not, he doesn't have a first language, he has two second languages, because he sucks at bowl. Wait, who? I can't say. Oh okay not me though. No! He instantly thought of him.
Starting point is 00:48:31 You just say ether. Ether. That's how it's supposed to be said. Rum. Oh imagine bro. It wasn't close. But imagine. You made it hard to imagine.
Starting point is 00:48:43 Why did you think you would shoot something and make it. Sometimes in beer pong, I show up. Is that real? I do a sober celeb shot. I did one that brought the house down one time at Radzatz house. At Radzatz house. It was recent. That was not recent. Yeah, it was. Walking up to like a beer pong table to party.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Oh, beer pong. I did one that brought the house down once. Everyone's like, dude, you're fucking weird, get out of here. Oh man. I made a cup or two, but. What was the last party you guys went to? I haven't been to a party in a long time. Oh, there was that... It's been a minute. It's been a minute. It's been a freaking minute. Oh, there was that... Oh. Uh... It's been a minute. It's been a minute.
Starting point is 00:49:26 It's been a freaking minute. Dude, that's so long. Man ages. Really? Saturday. Saturday? Saturday, yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:49:34 That was LACS. Did you get the box seats for Mango like you said? Uh, no. No. Oh. You don't care about Dre anymore? Mango said the nicest thing he ever has said to me at LACS. What did he say?
Starting point is 00:49:47 So I was, you know, the melee room at LACS, empty the entire weekend. No one played melee except for Kodora. Bone chilling. Alone. And I was like, I haven't moved around in melee. I have a lot of time between commentary blocks. I'm going to move around. So I started moving around. And Mango sees me moving around and thinks it's so funny.
Starting point is 00:50:04 He starts taking pictures of me through the glass. So I start moving around and Mango sees me moving around and thinks it's so funny. He starts taking pictures of me through the glass. He thinks it's like so awesome that I'm playing alone. And then he comes in. He's like, you done grinding? I'm like, not unless you want to play. He's like, let's run it. He's like, I'll play three.
Starting point is 00:50:18 We end up playing like 25. After the session, he goes, this is the most fun I've had playing melee in a really long time. Aww, that's sweet. That means he was beating you. He was drunk so I'm not taking these wins to the bank, but it was more 70-30 than it was. He was drunk and he kept saying, oh my god I can feel it. That's so funny. The alcohol, which I imagine was coursing through his brain.
Starting point is 00:50:48 This is after Rivals bracket or before? After he was out? After the event. OK, yeah, I believe that because he was drunk in bracket because he played a war play. It was end of day and he peed three times in our session. Yeah. So he was drunk. No, that's impressive. Zipri, can you pull up the picture I sent you?
Starting point is 00:51:08 When you get a skosh of a moh. What's in your cup? Just water, I think. What's in your cup? Just water, I think. Make a pred! I like when you said that. What?
Starting point is 00:51:20 What? He kept doing this thing at World's Greatest where he's like, all right, make a pred. Preds. Oh, pred. And I'm like,'s greatest where he's like alright make a pred preds Oh, and I'm gonna stop saying that I like make a friend Make a pred so yeah, I don't know what it is He's like a cat yeah, the reason why cats are funny I'm low-key pondering. You're low-key looking at your crypto and it's going down. Yeah, crypto is going down. Where am I?
Starting point is 00:51:47 Oh, this is when I'm waiting for you guys in coffee. Yeah. He's like a cat in which you like to see him in moments of vulnerability. And I did the same. I took a picture. Like, Mango taking a video of you, I did the same thing. I was like, he doesn't know I'm taking a picture. He's a little damn cat because we're all going to get...
Starting point is 00:52:02 When all the shields are down. We're all going to get coffee and then we get into the coffee spot and then Nick goes, I don't want anything. I'm going to sit by the side. Dude, he just sits outside. No, he had a game plan when he walked in to get the food. No, so that's not true. Did you execute it only on happenstance? This is what happened. I was asked to go on a walk and I was like, I want to walk.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Because I've been in this venue all day. And I know we were walking to coffee, but I was already 500 milligrams in. And I was vibrating and I felt terrible. And I was like, I need to walk because I feel so bad. So we got to a Starbucks one. I don't really like Starbucks that much too. I'm like, I'm deaf and I have more caffeine. And I was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:52:37 To fix this is probably food. So then I got food. But then I got back to the venue. I was like, oh, we get a second meal today. I didn't know that. Second dinner. First dinner. But then I got back to the venue. I was like, oh we get a second meal today. I didn't know that second dinner first dinner, but he Also asked if I want any food so he went around he did the he did his rounds
Starting point is 00:52:52 You were in the bathroom in the bathroom when he asked. Oh My god you found a way you don't get to do this because you You will sneak order food every day give me one example When he does that you win you just Cuties laundry no don't do that Don't give me an example don't do that Different because that's an example Don't do that.
Starting point is 00:53:23 That's different. Because that's an example. I don't even want to. I would hate to hear an example. I have not ordered food without including QD in years. That's different. That's your hyena. What? This is your girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:53:36 What's a hyena? It's like a different word for it. Is it? It's like the cholo word for my girl. Really? Yeah. Is it like torta? No,olo word for my girl. Really? Yeah. Is it like torta? No, that's a sandwich.
Starting point is 00:53:48 I wonder, does, does Hina like technically translate to something more derogatory like slut? Dude, no. Queen. Yeah, there you go. Oh, Reyna. There you go. That means queen. And that's your queen.
Starting point is 00:54:03 That's better than I thought. It's, it's, it's in lean like a Cholo. I thought it would be worse looking for some highness. Yeah guys I'm not fucking the crass one dude. You guys are the crass ones, bro This was alone your fuck eyes look so tiny in that picture. They always do have tiny eyes Well, when you take a look, there it is the glasses glasses make him look bigger. Dude, I think about what Britney said... Every week. Yeah, curse her. It was the most apt comparison. She said without his glasses on, she looks like that side character in Star Wars.
Starting point is 00:54:34 The little orange lady in Star Wars. Oh yeah. And it was one to one. Yeah. That guy gets mileage too. Yeah. In the comparison world. Ugly aliens tend to be funny to compare humans to. I guess that's too. Yeah. In the comparison world. Ugly aliens tend to be funny to compare humans to.
Starting point is 00:54:48 I guess that's true. Yeah. Cause it doesn't hurt the alien. No cause they're not real. Yeah. I think I'm the white Clint Stevens. He is... Nope.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Okay. I'm the Juggalo Clint Stevens. Okay. Dude that'd be a cool Halloween costume. Juggalo Clint Stevens dude. He'd be like who the fuck are you? And he'd say it and they'd be like, Okay!
Starting point is 00:55:08 That's one of those costumes that you wear just cause saying it is so fun. Juggalo Clint. I could pull that off. So good. You could pull it off really. I got like an N64 controller. Yeah, shit like that. I don't even go out. God, if you did that at a coworker Halloween party,
Starting point is 00:55:24 that's just... Oh my God. Oh yeah, thanks, Zipper. There's Nick. My nightmare, like the type of social anxiety I have is... My nightmare scenario is having to explain my Halloween costume to someone and them not caring. It's tough. That's why... The idea of that makes me want to die.
Starting point is 00:55:40 If you're just a scantily clad bunny, nobody asks you any questions. Yeah, you're just a hot bunny slut for me. I'm a fucking hot bunny. I was king from Tekken and there's three people, only three people in that whole damn party. And this is a party of geeks, gamers, and nerds. And only three people knew. And I'm like, even Lily Pichu, who plays the fucking game. Was your outfit bad then?
Starting point is 00:56:00 Was it just a bad costume? No, I thought it was good. It's extremely iconic. I thought it was a good outfit. Fair enough. I'm not knowledgeable enough. I'm just asking. I'm gonna say for slime, I was impressed by the effort. Because Lily has a lot of hours in.
Starting point is 00:56:10 I know. That's what was crazy. She also dressed as Reyna once. So when you said, King, did she go, oh, or was she like? She did, yeah. She did, oh. But yeah, it sucks. I was the drinking out of cups gecko,
Starting point is 00:56:24 and no one in the venue knew what I was, except for, it sucks. I was the I was the drinking out of cups gecko and And no one in the venue knew what I was except for the bartender. It was really crazy That's not he came up and he's like, wait a minute and I was like, I don't think you're gonna get it man And he's like Drinking out of cups. That's what the videos called. I'm like you're crazy for that He was much older Vinnie hackers was tough Well, it was it was it was the Z got that shit on me Was he just being a hot? Oh, yeah, the Batman the Batman shirt. I didn't even know he was dressed up If it says Batman, it's it's I don't know if it said Batman action
Starting point is 00:56:56 If it doesn't then he fucked up G to got that shit on. Oh, I Saw the Sonic the Sonic with that shit on me. That's a decent Halloween costume. Yeah any hacker He's a tick tocker, right? He was a tick tocker. I would say he's more accurately a He's a soprano. I love her talk reposter. Yes. It's not that one. It's the first one. Oh Sorry, it's technically the fourth picture is the meme I? see I Vegeta was begging for someone to notice Yeah this is the I the Vegeta was begging for someone to notice the way standing. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:27 this is the Zipper 3 like confessed she's like that's one of my that was like what a tick-tock crush. Oh Dude, I thought you were gonna say Vegeta was her one time Vinnie hacker walked by at this party and Aiden's girlfriend was like, oh my god She's he's too close in proximity for her to be doing that You know Hollywood, okay, I just don't go like that my girlfriend No shade of any hacker of course. He's a beautiful person, but my girlfriend looked at me and went Well, I was like you don're good, we're good. She was like, she was like, I don't even like when they're strong and tall!
Starting point is 00:58:06 Eww! His jawline is just too defined! Oh, like, shorty, we're good. This will happen if you are bald and you date somebody, because they will automatically assume you're self-conscious about it. I've been bald for a while now, but you know... Then 14, right? What do they do? They've got so much hair dude kind of like
Starting point is 00:58:27 like without prompting be like you know I like it all right cool like I'm fine promise I'm glad I would like it I would hate to run my fingers through that hackers I wonder what conditioner uses probably a gross while I'll ask the fun part is is it right after you get out of shower I actually just see you guys if I if I have it like a fresh fresh shave
Starting point is 00:58:49 I'm like touch it cuz it feels really weird. It does feel nice. It's like a baseball finder finder finder When I eat the chili beef skillet meal that's 690 calories I like that one I wonder I know I memorized all the calories on them Is that fucking crazy? You know what? I'm not kidding. What does Factor want us to say? We've done so many of these and and we're I get it. We're busy time is of the essence I don't want to make anything without prep I use Factor and I eat it because I don't want I don't want to spend any time cooking. Is that not enough for them? I feel like Factor is giving us these to shame me
Starting point is 00:59:25 for not wanting to cook. And I don't want to cook because I want to use Factor. Because it's easy. You want more? I cook it in two minutes. Pigs! Factor pigs! And they give me, oh, and Factor, you give me so many options. You give me so many good options to choose from.
Starting point is 00:59:39 So many options. Keto, calorie smart, vegan and veggie, protein plus. Is that what you want? Is that what you want me to pick from the options and add-ons that you have all the time factor? Shuffle butter? Because it's good food. And turns out some people eat it without heating it up.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Let me guess, Factor saved me a bunch of time. I can go play League of Legends or whatever I want, because it saved me all this time. What would eat Factor's because it keeps her slim and keeps her hitting her cues. I want to eat factor meals. Factor meals dot com slash a yard 50. Use code the yard 50 at 50% off plus 20% off the next box
Starting point is 01:00:12 of your description. This passive aggressive ad read is exactly what you need finally to get these meals delivered to your house because I eat them. What are you doing? He eats them cold, he eats them hot. I eat them somewhere in the middle. Yeah, he's like he's in the Goldilocks zone of factor meals.
Starting point is 01:00:27 So it's code the yard 50 of factor meals dot com slash yard 50. It's America's number one ready to eat meal kit coming up right now in this empty chairs in America's number one ready to eat meal JIT. I watched this. YouTube short. Oh, cool. Why do you say like that? Because I've been mentioning it a lot.
Starting point is 01:00:42 You have to show it. This is how you're consuming media. You're consuming a lot of media through YouTube shorts. There's a guy who dresses up like an old time samurai and he shaves his head clean bald every video. What? And then he puts a... With a sword?
Starting point is 01:00:55 Just the middle part bald and then he has like the thing. Oh, yeah, the top knot, but it's just the back. Not with a sword, just like a razor. Oh, okay. But after then he puts a he puts a sword What the fuck are you know sword in his head? What's that? What's that? Stop being off? We made the noises That's not you're making it far. It's not you're in the toilet. It's a plunger plunger
Starting point is 01:01:20 Oh, yeah on his head. Yeah, that's cool. Yeah, I've someone has probably sent me that that's the annoying part I like it any bald person content Is he putting shaving cream? How do you shave? What's your regimen for your head? All right, let me put you all on game if you got money You want the Gillette fusion five the five razors? Why is five good? You want a single blade? Bro. Have you ever shaved your face? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:49 With a single blade razor? Did it hurt? No. Yeah. So why? I use like a double. What have you shaved with a single blade razor? Not your face.
Starting point is 01:01:56 It would just suck. You said yes. Have you shaved? He's doing the thing again. Are you looking through me? He's doing the thing again. Don't look through me? He's doing the thing again. I'm looking right at you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:07 It looks like you're looking through me. Let me put you all on. You get the Gillette. All right. This is my method. Gillette Fusion shaving cream. You get the Fusion 5 razor. A little Gillette.
Starting point is 01:02:16 You're a little fucking chill for Gillette. Yeah. And then there's actually a razor with a little battery in it that vibrates, but like, you know, a close safety razor. And then, yeah, that's the best method. Also, it feels way better if you've let it grow for a couple days and then shave it. Because if it's too... Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Like every day it actually gets really irritated. Then CeraVe lotion. Make sure it's loached up. No aftershave. It burns. No aftershave. Because Journey told me something that opened my eyes She said if aftershave was good for your skin people would market it to women and they don't so
Starting point is 01:02:50 good point Why did they market it to men? I don't know. It's mainly to feel pain on your scalp. Dude shaving your head bald and then putting aftershave on your skull is fucking crazy It feel good? Dude, I scream. I scream like Tom and Jerry. Isn't that sick though? Kinda, yeah. Like that's the sick part. It's fun. But it's not good for your skin.
Starting point is 01:03:12 Don't do it. You probably just put like cold water on it or something. Like close the pores back up. Yeah, you close the pores, low shelf. I'll send you what my samurai does. Please, yeah, whatever your samurai doctor recommends. Because he puts a lot of shit on that. What would you do talking about one of his friends?
Starting point is 01:03:24 Yeah. You can't call him a samurai. You can't call your lot of shit on that. What are we talking about, one of his friends? Yeah. You can't call him a samurai. You can't call your friend a samurai, bro. Just Sea Dog. None of us will ever use this advice. Dude, it's the last samurai poster and it's Sea Dog. None of us will ever use this advice. None of us three will have to use it.
Starting point is 01:03:38 I ever have to do it? Slime told me I should let it rock and just not cut my hair. Yeah, that'd be cool. Because I haven't cut it in a while. Hat off, Kat. Just like let it go crazy on me, man at it look how long it is so long. Oh It is so long. Just let it get all mopping dumb and stupid that is long as a hell Why is the side so short?
Starting point is 01:04:01 Well, it's not so short because that's what happens in a haircut. It's just I've had hair I've been in a bit of a mop mode lately What is it like? I forgot I feel crazy That looks crazy Damn Maybe I can clip that and send it to every person Look how my hair grows when I don't have any product in it
Starting point is 01:04:22 It just go out You look like a dog It's making me want to comb my own hair. This is what I've been doing. Yeah, I just haven't been putting shit in it and then it's like that most of the time right now. I'm on emo mode all the time. I stopped blow-drying my hair. Biggest change I've made. It's awesome. Why? I thought you liked doing that. I thought that was the whole thing between you two. Styling with the blow-dryer. I love blow-drying my hair. I no longer blow-dry my hair and it looks better. Remember that one day I came in and you were like you look hot today. Oh Yeah, that was the first day. I stopped blowing dry my hair. I mean there's a there's a there's a wet
Starting point is 01:04:52 There's a wet strat too. You put product you put product in while it's wet Yeah, and then you let it dry with the product in and it's all PC. What was that? I coughed what? I didn't like like a baby's cough as a baby I got something in my throat from damn LACS. Would you suck a man's penis to save Coots his life? Yes Yeah, wait in my part of it Hair would you suck a man's penis every day for Goots to live? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, has Nick blow- blow- dried his hair? Would you suck a man's penis every day for Goot's to live? Every single- the day you stop Goot's to live.
Starting point is 01:05:31 The day you stop Goot's to live. Actually, no, better question. It- would- okay. Okay. So you gotta suck a man's penis. First, we're just gonna get that out of the way. It's not part of it. You just gotta do it. This is just a Nick Fuentes Twitter thing?
Starting point is 01:05:42 Oh yeah, that would you use would you suck off? It's like I would kill every animal to save one human life, and they're like we would you suck all the animals penis Just shocking how little he goes about human life- a penis is presented to you once a day. Like in a bento box. It can actually be the penis of your choice or your dreams. It can be the one you've dreamed of. It can be the one that you've dreamed of. Okay, alright. For every day you do not...
Starting point is 01:06:18 suck it to completion, a day is removed from Coots's life. Wow. Okay? So Coots does not just die. Dude, he's min-maxing. So how often, if ever, are you sucking that John? So basically every day I don't suck is two days she has lived instead of one. So this is effectively having her lifespan.
Starting point is 01:06:39 If I never suck a dick. Yes. Do I know how long he's gonna live? No. Yeah, that makes it tough. Yeah. Because there are weeks where no sucking will happen, and there are weeks where extraordinary amounts of sucking will happen,
Starting point is 01:06:59 because he can get it in. Yeah, he can get it in. He's just feeling it in some ways. No, he can pencil in the suck. he's just feeling no you pencil in the suck Can I do multiple a day can I stack them you could stack? 100% bro It depends what the refract period is You have to wait for cool down. You can't just go why those it could be any person
Starting point is 01:07:19 No, but you can't will you pick your your guy? You want ten guys sure fuck it whatever you think I think you're a roster you get the bullpen Can't go for a strat where he busts an awesome load in your mouth and Then and then have to be and then when he's not capable of doing it again You get another one and you can't sneak one with the dry. It's like It's like resetting your auto and leave. Yeah, I think you brought us. I did I really didn't I think you're fine What do you want to talk about? Oh? Smell flowers, I've been thinking about that a lot recently
Starting point is 01:07:57 Good I like the flowers feel like you should answer the fucking question You're on that too your baby love. Okay, is there a... So will she die of natural causes regardless? She'll die whatever the way she's destined to die is. Yeah, but I'm saying if I suck a million penises in one day. She's immortal. Okay, so there you go. Oh, so you can add on.
Starting point is 01:08:20 You can add, you can go over the limit. Forever? You can break damage limit here. So let's say Kuta is going to live another 300 days. So here's the answer. I don't, I don't suck a single penis. Why? The day I see her looking ill.
Starting point is 01:08:33 You suck all the penis. I suck all the penis. You start sucking as much. Dude, you're- Sucking for the cure. Yeah. The race for the cure. I suck for the cause, for the cure.
Starting point is 01:08:43 And then she's immortal and then I never have to suck again. And it's a fucked up like a P Hub live stream where you just sucking. Why is it a live stream? Because you might as well monetize it. Why not? You're loving. This is this would all be under wraps. Really? It all wraps. Yeah. Yeah. He still wants brand deals.
Starting point is 01:09:01 We get sponsored. The minute he does porn, a lot of those get pulled under the rug. We wouldn't we wouldn't be able to work with. You don't think Red Bull still gets behind you for your name sponsor specifically, probably in this instance? That happened with Amaranth. They were like, what was that? That bidet company that was going to manufacture the bidets. Oh, yeah. And then they thought she was like a porn star.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Yeah. And then they were like, you know what? This isn't really Tushy value. Your product is the name of an ass. Yeah Porn isn't as crass as is putting stuff in your butt like a bidet does There's a vendier in there. That is also porn. It's cleaning your ass. Cleaning your ass isn't porn. It's learning. It can be. It's learning Every day if you want it to be it can be. Clean poop out of your ass is more gross than porn Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Well, it depends on the porn. Hold on, you walk into Times Square. LED, giant screen, people fucking, you looking at somebody's asshole with poop on it, which would you rather see? He visibly reeled of it back.
Starting point is 01:10:02 It's so crass. I mean the answer's obvious. It's a real gay the fact. It's so crass. I mean the answer's obvious. It's a real gay son thought daughter situation. Yeah. If anything, you should be losing sponsors because of your support for bidets. Mmm. Really? Well no, cause he's trying to clean up all the books.
Starting point is 01:10:20 It's a difference between bidets and porn. Porn is publicized. The first sour bidet. You know what's not banned, Aidan, is sex. Sex, you can have sex instead of sponsors. Woke wants to ban it. Woke wants to ban sex. They're getting a Gavin Newsom. You think that's true?
Starting point is 01:10:33 No, Gavin Newsom dropped a new bill. Said no more sex. Sorry, no more hetero sex. Keep the slavery in California prisons and ban the sex. That's what Gavin Newsom said. That was a crazy thing to vote on. I know I keep thinking about it. What I was having it.
Starting point is 01:10:49 I've read it a few times. We had a conversation with just the because everything has that detailed for and against like these organizations for these organizations against so you get a detailed idea of who's support and what and then slavery just had no one. No one was against it. No, no one was against getting rid of it. Yeah. And then we still voted no.
Starting point is 01:11:10 I think it's because it sounded from a common sense point of view that some people are just like, well, they're in prison. They should be working. Yeah. I think that's I think that is unfortunately the average person's outlook. And then they might not understand like, OK, who is in prison? Who are the people working? And like, what is the type of labor they have to do okay who is in prison who are the people working and like what does type of labor they Have to do and like what how little are they earning? It's like it's is it literal zero
Starting point is 01:11:30 I think it's either it depends where you are I think it ranges from like far far below minimum wage to to nothing you my dad said when he was in jail He they made him fight fires like they sent him on like the front lines of like to fight brush fires Yeah, he's like yeah I got a lot of shit my in my lungs because the shit we had to use and I'm like that's crazy More common now too because the wildfires are getting bigger and there's more and more to deal with every year So they're more and more inmates have to do that they dispatch inmate firefighters I read some bullshit online that I believed immediately without any research that Australia gave us a bunch of trees
Starting point is 01:12:06 And that they light on fire real easily. Dude the long con. You hear about this? No is it fake? I don't know I also read this. I believe it blindly. We should ask Josh. They gave us weak trees They gave us like a specific type of tree and we planted millions of them and they were like hey by the way They're really flammable. We gave them iShow Speed and they gave us flammable trees in forest fire country. Thanks for nothing. Thanks for nothing. Dude do you see he's gonna do like a 30 day live stream tour of Africa? No. Oh my god that's kind of sick. It's gonna be hype. He's dude he's gonna it reminds me of Wild Boys you guys ever see that? After Jackass it was Chris Ponies and Steve-O. And they would just go across the world fucking with it.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Not fucking with animals, but like getting bitten by cool animals. Yeah. And I'm like, these guys are just living their dream. They're just doing drugs, hanging out in nature, and traveling the world. That's great. And Speed's doing that kind of the same. Without probably the drugs. Without the animals or the drugs.
Starting point is 01:13:08 Dude, if you can speed a bullet ant glove like in Can you look that up, Zipper? I think we've watched it before. But Chris Pontius puts on a thing with bullet ants. I remember this. He just starts screaming. He just starts saying, no, no. And like he wants it to stop. And it's hard to get him to say that.
Starting point is 01:13:23 Yeah. And that was Party Boy. Yeah, it's hard to get him to say that yeah, and that was party boy Yeah, it's wild boys bullet ants or something like that But I fucking hate whenever ants can hurt you. I'm like why what the fuck? Be regular man We got rid of them like fire ants. They got to defend themselves. We don't from what me yeah And different predators. What are the things did you guys ever do the magnifying glass thing? Yeah. Yeah. That was hype. I heard about- Never. It was less about killing ants and it was more like I can burn stuff with this thing?
Starting point is 01:13:53 Yeah. I was more in that camp. But I would burn anything. And then I didn't commit a crime afterwards. No, I didn't kill a human being and feel their flesh and feel how awesome it was after that. With a magnifying glass? If you look at my record, I have no fire related crimes. No fire related crimes. No fire related crimes. You really don't say it, but OK.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Yeah. It's good to say it. We can say it all right now. We can all say it, probably. We can go around and say, I have no fire related crimes. OK, cool. We all said it. That's good.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Because we all don't have one, right? I don't. Yeah, OK. Yeah, because then the you tried on anything and then you like burn holes and leave. Yeah, I would go in my I remember going in my backyard and just like there was a there was a bunch of a small garden and it was surrounded by wood. And I would just try to light the wood on fire
Starting point is 01:14:41 and like different angles and stuff and see how fast I could do it by like changing the angle but Imagine they were dogs Yeah, and imagine I Don't think I could get it to work. I think we had a bad magnifying glass or a stupid. You need a big one I saw a guy on YouTube You saw a guy on YouTube shorts. Dude. What the fuck is going on? It's got a really big magnifying glass. How big? Is it really big?
Starting point is 01:15:05 Really big. Like it burns metal. Whoa, suge. From the sun and it burns metal. It's called this? Yeah. Can we get one of those machines that cuts stuff with just water, like a water jet?
Starting point is 01:15:20 Those are cool. Cause water shouldn't be able to do that. I wanna put Nick Yngling in and count his rings. Jesus Christ. They just they're just different factor labels. He's at Don't Park. Don't Park. I found out that Lodd is an orthopedic surgeon. Oh, really? And he was describing how like in or in orthopedic surgery
Starting point is 01:15:41 because he's in residency right now, that's eyes, the two paths you can go. No, that's like points and ligaments and stuff like that. Fuck, I'm about to die. He has like two paths ahead of him where he can have like a pretty stable, easy schedule where if he goes and just works on people's joints and like helps them with like knee surgeries
Starting point is 01:15:57 and you have a fixed schedule, right? Or he said way more cool and fun is like, someone gets their finger detached and he reattaches the finger. Yeah, right. And shit like that. He's like, but your schedule is crazy because it's like you're on call for when that happens. That's got to happen as soon as possible.
Starting point is 01:16:15 Exactly. So we get the water jet, cut Nicky Ling's finger off and we know a doctor who can fix it. Which route is he going? So no one he isn't sure yet he's unlocked it we get dude the alien can be his practice but he knows how to do both do you get paid more for the other I assume uh I didn't ask him if you're on call you still make
Starting point is 01:16:36 a salary right there's no way you're making commission no no is it conflict of interest you're going around cutting all's fingers off. Ever since we hired you, all these guys started coming in with no fingers. Yeah, you're like, that's crazy. That's so weird. I don't know how much a damn doctor makes.
Starting point is 01:16:53 It depends. It depends what you do. While it varies heavily. I think if you're like an anesthesiologist. Somewhere between like, people on fear and the people of the art. You know what I mean? Like somewhere like right in the middle. That's sad.
Starting point is 01:17:04 If you're working like- It is. If you're like a general practitioner, you know, you're doing Family medicine you're making like 300k. Really? Yeah off-ramp. That's on the low end off But it's after after you know after you live in residency poverty for a few years I would guess like one or our shifts and Residency is like minimum wage or some shit Residency, I mean technically less some some doctors like I think if you end you map it out Residencies pretty bad you think anyone like You know they used to say like anesthesiologists make like a fuck ton of money
Starting point is 01:17:38 Yeah, they make like 800 K to like a million a year. Wait what I thought it was lower You know when you say we make more than doctors we don't make more than those doctors. That's fucking crazy because they're not doctors But they all they are doctors. All they do is put on the mask. They are doctors. I thought that it was like a certification I thought that was like an associates. They're all doctors and then that's like the specialty. Oh I thought it was like a two-year thing. It's so much longer to become an anesthesiologist. Low-key seems like the easiest one. Low key? Like, obviously if you fuck up it is bad.
Starting point is 01:18:10 The stakes are high. But like your actual job is just like... The scheduling for anesthesiologist is apparently pretty chill. And you're also just dying, you're just playing with dials and shit. It's the road to get there that is very very hard. What's the most evil doctor? I think it's the male gynecologist.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Male gynecologist. Yeah real real real real. Yeah, cause he, why? Cause all he wanted to do was look at titties and vaginas all day. You know what, I talked to Zipper3 about this and she was talking about how like, you know, not wanting a male gynecologist, which is very understandable. And I was like, and she was like, I just don't trust, like, why would any man like want to become a gynecologist? And I was like, I am sure there are some like good reasons. And then I looked this up, I like went on Reddit and I found like some Reddit threads asking, you know,
Starting point is 01:18:59 doctors and male gynecologists, pretty much the unified answer across this is men who, because gynecologists, pretty much the unified answer across this is men who, because gynecologists deliver babies and they're like people who, guys who think just like helping people with the process of birth and delivering children is like a miracle and working in this space is like really really interesting and they they really appreciate that part about it. And then the other thing was a bunch of people who there's like huge parts of the world where like gynecology care is like really, really poor and a lot of like women die in childbirth or they don't have like the feminine hygiene products that they need.
Starting point is 01:19:37 And to help with, you know, to help people in like foreign countries deal with this like huge gap in women's health care They saw a need and they were like I would really like to do that type of work That's why they got into it. So you think they're all heroes? I think every male gynecologist is a hero and any woman who had a bad experience with one is And that's and that's really the point. I was trying to get to you slimes Thank you for I imagine a little bit of college who posted why they became a male gynecologist on reddit Somebody asking this question yeah, but I'm thinking it was going out there being like I wanted to see the who what about the what about the Gynecologist what about him well they do where is he at uh he will he's everywhere. He's in our hearts
Starting point is 01:20:27 He's like Santa Claus We have a gynecologist in office I like to think so what about the butt doctor what did he want to do Aidan? There's no birthing happening there. He just wants to be in your I don't know if there is a bud doctor Doctor friend this is crazy. I mean I've heard of proctology, but isn't like isn't my fucking My primary care doctor doing my fucking no they don't do that anymore There's a difference between someone who sometimes is in your butt and someone who said I want to be in your butt Who wants to live in your I tried to get that they don't do it anymore. I asked Yeah, it's it was like yupp zipper has a butt by the way if you guys didn't know. No, I think another like, because I've looked into this too,
Starting point is 01:21:09 and the butt doctor part, not the gynecology part, but I'm sure there's some overlap is like, sometimes you just feel the need that like, oh, we have an opening for this, for this position. This is also the common answer I've seen across like different different professions of medicine Is it like it just happens to be the fellowship that you can like get a spot in? Yeah, you always get to pick but that is to say if a if the woman is like, I don't really want to be like
Starting point is 01:21:36 I'll just that's totally fine. Yeah shit happens, huh? You know it happens. It happens shit happens. I gotta look at titties all day. I'm always the butt of the joke. There was a... At our house. There was girls giving last night. Gals giving. Gals giving? Gals giving.
Starting point is 01:21:53 GAL TINGS IN MY HOUSE. Me think me gonna take me on life. And I'm like... Me think we wanna play. We... Why you don't just make it? You haven't seen that meme? Me think me gonna... Don't worry about it. Me think me gonna... Stuffing. You See that meme
Starting point is 01:22:13 About it we think me one stuffing me can't believe I wasn't invited yeah, I got I got I came in and they all were like Was like ladies ladies, please I did not get that reception on my way to mid lane They didn't cheer oh there's so cheer. Oh, there were so many women in there. There was a lot of women in our house. It was like 25 women. That's fucking crazy. And I went, you know, I just went to my room for a bit. Yeah, and then I come out. I'm going to grab something to eat because it was offered.
Starting point is 01:22:38 And then I go to sit down on the couch and cutie sitting there. Zipper 3 sitting there. Two of Zipper 2's friends and they're all talking and I'm not, it's so funny because we basically just make this joke all the time. I sit down and they're just talking about gynecology appointments. What you think girls are always talking about. And cutie's like yeah and then the last time I went in it was actually like pretty nice because he had like a headlamp on and then What and then I I was like I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation
Starting point is 01:23:10 But I feel like you know I've been to a lot of gynecology appointments But if the guy had a headlamp on it would it would be throwing me off no because otherwise How do you think they see what do you like all the lights? And then they all in unison and all in unison is like, no, it's so much better than the overhead light. You know, girls hate the white overhead lighting, homophobic lighting, fluorescent lighting, and then it's and everything's just exposed. But the headlamps more respectful. Right.
Starting point is 01:23:38 And also nothing, nothing like the gynecologist about to go spelunking. And this is the issue. You're thinking like I was like a cartoonish character with like a headlamp like, yeah, let's see what's going on in this case. He's got like a heart. He's got like a heart. He's getting the rope out. That's how you feel.
Starting point is 01:23:57 I mean, I think the more the more gizmos and gear you have, the more there is a separation of like this is a clinical procedure and he he has the tools for my vagina. For the job. So you want him to have less gizmos. No I think it's good for them that gizmos. So the more gizmos the better. Yeah because it it makes it seem more professional. It's more professional. Gynecologist with more gizmos. Me as a gynecologist holding like a hammer it's like oh interesting Oh interesting. Beep beep beep.
Starting point is 01:24:24 Now I kind of want to go to a butt appointment. Proctologist? Yeah. We talked about it and now you want it? I think it's a specialist. I'm curious. I don't think it's like for you type shit. You don't think?
Starting point is 01:24:42 Gay keeping your proctologist? You wouldn't check out my butt. You ain't hungry like that. You ain't hungry like that, dude. No, my butt would get there. No, man. You ain't shitting like that, you know what I mean? Like, my guy sees real shitters. Like, you, you, you will shit like that.
Starting point is 01:24:54 I take big shits! You're not a real shitter. And then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and then, and The camera like a geoguess your camera comes out of a man's asshole Up to the office dude. He was supposed to be here today Like here where rainbow like you know, I oh, yeah Not for the yard, but just in LA for this thing I'm doing with Kyle later and he couldn't come because his passport was full Well, that's the airport and they couldn't let him leave you wait I don't they couldn't stamp his passport because it was full. That really didn't know you could do that.
Starting point is 01:25:28 He maxed it out. I don't understand. He maxed out the passport was so. No, I get that. But why would that matter if he's coming to the U.S.? Because I don't think he'd be able to come back. To get back in. Yes. That's cool. Oh, it's his. He maxed out the Toyota.
Starting point is 01:25:43 So just filling your passport out expire it? You can go get a new one? You can usually go to like the consulate and add pages. Probably add pages to that shit. They just literally stable pages in. Oh, but you can't do it in Thailand specifically. That's what a speeds shit looks like. I bet too. His shit's probably crazy.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Yeah. And it's you you know what's cool? Is they don't care how famous you are. You gotta fucking go through the process. That's dope. That's kind of grounding I guess. What if you're Obama? Obama's different. He moves different.
Starting point is 01:26:16 I don't think he has a passport. They care how famous you are. I think Obama has enough motion to get through. Motion? Motion. I think he just takes Air Force one right not any What do they what is a retarded? I don't know buddy. Do they get Air Force two, honey, sweetheart Hey, Air Force three, but he's not the president
Starting point is 01:26:35 Delta should serve lunchly on the plane Your Delta serving Shake Shack now, yeah I don't think it's Delta. I might have to fly Delta y'all. That just can't be good. I don't think it's Delta. Wait yeah it is. I don't think it is. Look it up. What does it matter? Oh. What do you think it is? Why don't you take your guess? Hmm.
Starting point is 01:26:56 Zippa. What does it matter? Hawaiian. Now I know he's just not even serious. I don't think it's Delta. I'm being serious. Alright Zipper. Drum roll. They just not even serious. I don't think it's not being serious. All right, it's a very drum roll They're not even their own shit anymore man, Alaska bought them All right, oh my god Don't worry about it
Starting point is 01:27:13 I think Alaska Airlines is the best cuz they let that guy steal the plane zipper what airline is selling himself Shack more food I Still think about that guy. Yeah, that guy, that guy, the the recording of that guy stealing the Alaska Airlines plane and they're trying to get him to come down and he's just like, no, man, like it's just nice up here. And he just and he just talks for a couple hours before he like
Starting point is 01:27:40 it's just his last ride. The answer is Delta. We're listening. Why did you care so much? I don't think it's Delta. You're better than this. I don't think it's that. I want some, I want, they made,
Starting point is 01:27:56 Shake Shack has those Parmesan fries now. Oh no, they're truffle fries. Truffle Parmesan, they are. And they're awesome. And it comes with like a truffle sauce. I Wanted to become a smash burger guy. I get a smash burger face What is that burgers are no joke start grilling them up? I don't think I've ever been there. I start making them myself So you smash the burger? I smash a damn burger. Then the edges are all crispier. I worked at a joint for four hours
Starting point is 01:28:23 The one worked at a Smash Burger for four hours. Yeah. Why did you leave? I was done with my shift. And then you quiet quit. You never came back. Like four months ago. Oh, my God, dude. I got quiet fired once.
Starting point is 01:28:36 What? Yeah, you just get taken on schedule. They just stop scheduling. Yeah. That's clean. That's a clean way to do it. That's a bad way to do it. It's clean because it's cowardly. If you're in that spot, you typically aren't getting a lot of shifts in the first place. Yeah, I was already getting like only one to two shifts a week. Yeah, and then they just take your ass off.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Well, you have some balls. That's what I'm saying. I was totally cool with it. I was like, you're right. I suck. I just think, oh yeah, I mean it is usually... But like, that's worth telling the person. What's the worst you guys ever were at a job like what was your worst era of employment? Definitely this one where I was making pizza at a sports bar, and then I got fired
Starting point is 01:29:14 You just didn't have a fire from two jobs actually because your pizzas were shit He was bought no no no that's my pizzas were the best in the restaurant don't jump up I don't believe that for a fucking second. They wouldn't fire the best pizza maker. You don't think they would have a conversation like, really? Really? You fired the best pizza maker? They used to call him Golden Pizza Versilla. That pizza, that place stopped being my pizza a long time ago.
Starting point is 01:29:36 What did we go about? Fucking politics. Beer. Sports even. I thought, look, when I was there, shit. I was making a breadstick pizza. Were you accidentally pouring out duels? What'd you do?
Starting point is 01:29:51 Uh, no, I was just 16. What does that mean? That's, I was a 16 year old. Be specific. I didn't like want a job, so I sucked at it. I just like was like, I don't want to clean the tables. I don't, you know, I just like do everything really slowly. You know when like you're moving slow because you want your shift to be over. Oh, that's what Ludwig does yeah, yeah
Starting point is 01:30:07 when I You do a job poorly in hopes you won't be asked again. Give me an example because this is a slander on my name This is back before you live with us, bro. Yes, I've been incompetent, but never willingly. I don't think Ludwig does that, but I do think Ludwig says he doesn't like an idea before he's even thought about the idea. Oh, he loves doing that. He doesn't want to do the work the idea would bring. But then he has to backtrack the reasoning as to why it's a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:30:42 Because he's already so busy, so he says, nah, it's not a good idea. And then later he comes up with the idea on his own. What is an example of this? NDA, NDA. The first example that I'm thinking of right now I can't talk about. Think about how many ideas, think about how many ideas, Ludwig,
Starting point is 01:31:01 that you said, I said, yeah, I told you to do that. Like, six months ago. Me and Kaisenet are doing free parking in LA later today. Think about how many ideas love big that you say I said yeah, I told you to do that like Are doing free parking in LA You know people have stolen that idea since then I guess and tick tocks all the ideas like what they put fucking eight coins in A meter call today. Oh, dude It's a YouTube for excited to is that's a Chi stream. I might be watching Yeah, bro, and also every other parking spot, a Lamborghini. Let's go bitch. Are you doing that Kai thing today?
Starting point is 01:31:31 Holy shit. And you can get a Lamborghini in our Patreon episode, which is after this. It's out now, if you're listening to this now. By the time this comes out, Ludwig will have already been flown out escorted by a helicopter. I'm not riding the helicopter. He's not gonna ride the helicopter. We also have some merch left if you want to get the scraps at the end of the pile. No more Girl's Night shirt.
Starting point is 01:31:53 A little bit of a pre-order action. Yeah, why don't fucking Girl's Night fucking shirt any fucking more? What? Did you get one? No! What did you get? It sold out within 12 minutes. I literally freaking... You had a link early. I tried to set off...
Starting point is 01:32:07 He doesn't want it. I tried to fucking apply my shift to be able to do it and I couldn't. He doesn't want a shirt with his best friend on it. Is this fun for you guys to freaking sell seven shirts? Is that fun? Alright, well if you want an eighth shirt, join the Patreon. We have a bonus episode coming up and it'll be after Ludwig is flown out, but not on a helicopter.
Starting point is 01:32:26 We'll see you later.

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