The Yard - Ep. 20 - Amouranth says Yes to our Idea

Episode Date: November 17, 2021

Hey there Yardigans, this weeks episode is filled with heaps of exciting tales. Amouranth tells us some exciting news, Ludwig shows us his testicles, and Slime drops his wildly hot take on Sykkuno....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Aiden, so looking at Ludwig's fish shoes, Ludwig, you're going to lift your feet up for us. You guys want to see something? No. Oh, come on. Flash his balls? Don't do that. Did you just flash your balls? Oh, man. I missed it. i missed it yeah archie has to
Starting point is 00:00:28 look at that i have a good angle on my camera i yeah that's well i think one it definitely is footage of your balls now exists out of our hands that's right do you understand that in archie's hands to destroy you if he wants i don't think it destroys him. You know I have a game controller molded after my balls. They're not your balls. I sent SickNasty 13 pictures, a full panoramic video of my balls to model that after. You can import this into Blender. Yeah. Yeah. Enjoy.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Yeah, it can be in video games now. My balls. I did like that controller and how much it made the rounds because I got sent the picture and like the concept such a long time ago that i forgot about it sick nasty made this as an award for that among us tournament he hosted like what feels like a year over a year ago yeah i think we lived in the old house yeah we didn't live here it was about 18 months ago and he said like oh ludwig thought
Starting point is 00:01:22 this would be this would be funny if I made this. The actual conversation went like this. And it was. I win the tournament. He goes, hey, so like the award's like a controller because I make controllers. What controller do you want? And me, because I was like, I don't give a fuck about a controller. I just got my Nesmod God.
Starting point is 00:01:36 You're a bit of a bad boy. I said, give me a dick and ball controller. And he goes, what? And then I never replied. Yeah. It's like young Link going like what what and then adult link a year later and it's like nasty and he's like what's up yeah and then he became alpha he messaged me and i think maybe anthony as well and he's like okay so ludwig sent this
Starting point is 00:01:57 and then sent nothing else when i responded so do you think this is okay to make? And I said, probably. I love deferring to Aiden. The fucking, the worst king of the squares ever. But before we do that, welcome to the yard. We haven't really gave a proper. Welcome to the goddamn. Bring in. Hey, what's up, Mr. 10K?
Starting point is 00:02:21 Hello? Hello. Hey, 10K. 10K's all around. Did you touch your balls? 10K's all around. With that hand your balls? 10K's all around. With that hand that you just touched? No, I didn't. Don't look at the camera. Don't gin from the office us.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Just look at us. Don't look at the camera. Stop it. You motherfucker. You motherfucker. You know what? Good stuff. Salty. I felt the salt on it. A little salty. Hydrated my fingers. Dude, that ball ball so we are at
Starting point is 00:02:46 main stage this weekend and uh which is a smash tournament and that ball sack controller so sick nasty comes up to me i don't know it's him at the time and he just comes up and says can i show you something no context has not introduced himself and i said yes and then he pulls out the controller balls first and points them at me like dude no no and i literally went dude yes and i held it and i started laughing and i'm like has slime seen this yet he's like no i'm like you have to go show yeah do not do what you just did to me don't contextualize it just go show him yeah same thing i was like yeah sure i was like yeah just like give me the controller i'll give it to i'll make sure that gets it but i didn't have a controller at this event so the only one i had was this one so i'm like well i guess i'm gonna go play fucking friendlies so i
Starting point is 00:03:33 i go and i realize that i have aiden's controller like on me and i'm like oh i can go use that controller so i go use that controller and i learned aiden's controller is fucking terrible it's actually unreal that he uses it. It's a miracle. Mine is great. So I sit down next to who I don't know is like a player who's like seated like top 50 of the event. And we start playing and he's really good and I feel like I can't do anything.
Starting point is 00:03:54 And I'm like, oh, hold on. I'm like, hold on. Let me pull out my main, bitch. I'm like, hold on. This isn't my controller. Do you mind if I switch? He's like, oh, no worries. And so I pull out the balls and and the the port of the controller is the tip of a penis yeah the plug-in
Starting point is 00:04:11 so i go like it's so graphic so i just lift it up and he looks at it like what the fuck is that and i'm like this is my main what's up and i plug it in and i play way better you start dusting him it's a really nice controller. That's what it is. It's a good controller. It's like, bro, feel that shit. That's a good controller. You know what's funny is there are certain setups you can't use that controller on. What do you mean? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:35 You can't hop on the sticks with mommy behind the son at his first tournament. Also, the Smash Sisters setup. You can't land somebody that way. Yo, you, setup. Also, when you... You can't land somebody that way. Yo, you need a controller? I got you.
Starting point is 00:04:49 She's like, actually, I don't need it. Model that through my own, and then you knock the brass balls. Also, when you're playing, your, like, middle fingers, depending on what you push triggers with, like, kind of touch them. It caresses the balls. It's, like, it's so funny because you're just playing, and you're, like, touching the balls. They're so veiny.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Oh, my. They're so realistic. I tried to use it to mash and it was not a vibe. It was not a vibe. It was way... You couldn't get over the balls. It's like a wheel. You got to put the counterbalances. It's like weighed down at the front.
Starting point is 00:05:16 It's a running joke now though because I'll occasionally... I was doing a sponsor stream with Doritos and I go... I just lift up the controller from the balls and I go, Oh, check out my controller, guys. But I don't show it. I I just lift up the controller from the balls and I go, Oh, check out my controller guys. But I don't show it. I don't lift up. That's hard. So like half the people in my chat know that's like at my old job, I used to make a, I used to make some graphic stuff. Like when the, our graphic designer was overloaded, like simple Photoshop stuff that would go around the venue. And, uh, I think everyone who's worked in like corporate graphic
Starting point is 00:05:42 design has done this where they'll put like a very, very faint, transparent image of something. And I would just select different old people from Shutterstock and just put them baby blended in the background. I forget if I told it on the podcast, what Dr. Noodle Slam did to the Dance Marathon. No, you've told me before. Yeah, so Dr. Noodle Slam, who is in the Yard Discord, by the way.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He may as well be a member at this point. Honestly, he comes up like a lot, like a side character. He's the null of Eamon's life. Yeah. He's like Gunther from Friends. Yeah, he's recurring enough. Rest in peace.
Starting point is 00:06:18 But he's alive. Did Dr. Well? Nice. Hey, you're like Jesus, bro. Yeah, but I'm alive alive i did everything he did but i'm still here and he he uh in our last year uh in college he uh decided to volunteer after getting sort of like talked into it to be the graphic designer for dance marathon which is like a charity uh event that happens every year uh at the university of washington and seattle u and
Starting point is 00:06:45 they like sometimes they work together on it sometimes they like compete uh but that year he got talked into doing graphic design because it's which is funny because he only does it as like a hobby he isn't like by the way also the guy who made ever dream this man uh yeah legend sure yeah and uh he he starts working on this he's like dude this is crazy like they weren't even using photoshop before they were putting together images in google slides that's right yeah they're putting stuff together in google slides like this is how bad the club was no it's easy you can move it around really yeah there's a little box that you can make shapes with this one tool button yeah oh dude and when i do it on my computer your computer also sees it at the same time. It's a great feature.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And he puts together a banner for the Facebook event and the promo and stuff. And he's like, take a look at this. He sends me an image on Facebook. And he's like, do you see it? I'm looking real close. And I'm like, oh, my God. And at like 10% opacity, he has put a picture of Danny DeVito hanging himself in the banner for this charity
Starting point is 00:07:52 for Seattle Children's Hospital. And no one ever found out. No one ever noticed. Cause he posted it. He posted it in the group chat of like 20 plus people. And he's like, is this good? And everybody's like, yeah, it looks great. He had to drop the opacity from sending it to you to sending it to the group chat.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I don't think he full committed 10%. I don't think so. Sam, if you still have it, send it to one of us. On the topic of have you seen this man, recently me and aiden uh needed this graphic for it undisclosed yard project i won't talk about but uh i was telling aiden like oh i really need the the have you ever seen have you ever dreamed this man aiden face can you have can you send it to me and he's like yeah yeah and i'm like he's like uh sam is gonna
Starting point is 00:08:42 see if he like still has the file whatever i'm like oh i'm impressed that he would still have the file because you know he made it so long ago and it's like oh it's only like two months and i'm like he's like uh sam is gonna see if he like still has the file whatever i'm like oh i'm impressed that he would still have the file because you know he made it so long ago and he's like oh it's only like two months and i'm like you only made it two months ago i thought it was years ago and he's like oh yeah you thought he's like no he made it like two months ago and i'm like i'm like certain i saw it two months ago and then it hit me and i was like no i was like oh no i was like oh no oh no what if i've literally dreamed this man did you visit the website dude you should i was fucking so scared i was like i literally had this like visceral feeling that i saw this meme like a long time ago of amon's face of amon's face not the regular not the regular one and i was so certain like i even
Starting point is 00:09:26 like said in like a public chat like oh this was made years ago so i don't know if we can get it and then when he told me it was two months i was like so shocked i was so certain yeah you got psyoped by the by the dream i did i told him i was like yeah he he made that a couple months ago but he he he's done this for a long time like he'll just what sometimes he'll get like in the zone and like he'll spend like a couple hours on a photoshop that like makes fun of me and he's done this for like years i've done this too a lot yeah i used to do like victor v money like i used to high effort photoshop roasts or not even photoshop one time for uh for in socal melee there was a there was a beef between T.O. and the Crimson Blur.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And I had... That T.O. ran a tournament very badly. The Crimson Blur had not really been involved in SoCal T.O. at all up to this point, but everyone kind of thought he was. So I basically spent all night in Premiere doing this very terribly, keyframing
Starting point is 00:10:24 this T.O.'sraming this TO's face and Blur's face on two characters from The Wire where it's Fruit and Marlo, two gangsters, and Marlo's like the leader, and Fruit's like sorry man, I don't know what's going on and he's like, yeah well if someone disrespects me, damn sure there's something about it
Starting point is 00:10:40 and I made this whole shit post, I stayed up like 5 in the morning posted it for like 50 likes You know whole shit post i stayed up like five in the morning posted it posted it for like 50 likes and you know what the difference between us is i did the same thing but for i miss the old mango yeah you've always been a marketer and yeah you just oh what about what about you got a box in me we all love that one for that too i did you make fun of you got a box me that is one of a trilogy of songs i made ludwig i i we talked about this a lot he was so excited when he made you got a box in me it's like it's like it's the trilogy it's the trilogy it's like the musical and
Starting point is 00:11:11 we're like we just roast this shit out of him i actually felt bad because he was like oh he really thought this was hype and every every one of his friends was like dude what do you do hey you got a box in me is illmatic and then then the Christmas song is like the album Nas released this year Shit don't go sorry. It's like damn, bro. I miss you got a box Hip-hop heads. I was the real That's yeah when I become an artist. That's what a hard war comes up with You you were laughed and called cringe for you got a box of new cringe right it's like a vinyl press of it I got you this gift yeah well I got you this check
Starting point is 00:11:50 this out dude old Ludwig old Ludwig's definitely in my top five dude if if Ludwig got interviewed by Nardwuar and I were like Ludwig what do you think of this and he just shows this asshole to you it looks like your star doesn't it It's like a Carl's Jr. rapper in there. I would be so honored. Speaking of dreams, I had a dream. Dude, I was so mad. I woke up. I had a dream where me, Eamon, we're all in the car.
Starting point is 00:12:15 It was actually all of us. And Eamon is in the back seat. And we're driving. I'm driving. And we see like this Lamborghini pull off the exit and then flip. Basically, it takes like a turn too hard. Is it a cool flip? No, it's like a deadly flip.
Starting point is 00:12:28 It ravines. It's like, and it starts flipping, and we're all watching. We're like, holy shit, dude. And I'm driving, and they're like, Eamon, can you call the cops? And Eamon was on his phone in the back, and he's like, no. And I was so mad at him. I'm like, why? He's's like someone else will do it and i'm like what reasonable that's cab and i was like and so the rest of the dream was me like we got out of the car and i looked at him
Starting point is 00:12:59 and i said you're fucking i will never look at you the same bro i can't you actually are a fucking psychopath and you were getting mad. You were like, no, I'm not a psychopath. Not a psychopath. I just didn't want to do it. Someone was going to call it. Like, it doesn't matter. And we were just arguing. Did you wake up mad at him?
Starting point is 00:13:12 Yes. Dude. Yeah. You're so annoying. Because Cutie did that to me three times this week. Yeah, but I didn't, I wouldn't like went and was mad at him in the morning. I was going to say, this is exactly, this is, this is the, this is the boyfriend nightmare. Three times this week, Cutie comes up to me after waking up.
Starting point is 00:13:27 She goes, I'm mad at you. And I go, what? She goes, in my dream, you broke up with me. And I was like, night one. She's like, night two, she's like, in my dream, you wouldn't let me buy a cat. And I was like, that's real life. And then, and then, and then. Dream Ludwig?
Starting point is 00:13:41 Dream Ludwig? He holds up. She keeps saying I'm mad at me, so you know what I do? I get her flowers. Oh, okay. know what I do? I get her flowers. Oh, okay. A little counterback. I get her a large bouquet of flowers. She sighed off flowers.
Starting point is 00:13:50 Aiden, the face he's making. Why would you do something nice? He could never. Why would you do that? In that instance? Well, let me continue. So I give her the flowers. She's like, how much you spend?
Starting point is 00:14:00 This is such a big bouquet. I was like, oh, it was like $200. And she goes, pfft, you got ripped off. So I got flowers and I got roasted for it. You know what? She's got concussion brain. She does have concussion brain.
Starting point is 00:14:11 She's like Dwight in that episode of The Office when he has a concussion and no one knows he starts fucking throwing up. He's like super loopy. They just like, they're like,
Starting point is 00:14:20 he's weird today. Maybe she wants a cat because she forgot about Durs. I keep seeing this like gray blur when I'm walking around. Anyway, I like cats. Can we get one? Can we get one? Quick update.
Starting point is 00:14:31 We went to the urgent care today because she's had headaches from the concussions. And the doc's a super chill doctor. He's chill? He's chill. He's my dream blunt rotation. Yeah. Yeah. He puts ice in the bong so it cools your throat.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Cutie's urgent care doctor. Cutie's urgent care doctor, Sean Marion, and probably Bill Nye. He takes the smelling salt off the doctor wall and just rips it. Check this out. I've been practicing. But he's like a few weeks. A few weeks of Cutie having maybe brain fog, maybe concussed. And so I'm proud to announce that I will be assisting in cooking for Friendsgiving
Starting point is 00:15:06 this year. I will be making one turkey. Wait, this is because... Why? This is not a good thing. Let me understand this. So she is still going to be cooking, but you're helping? I'll do one turkey to take the load off. Also, you decided...
Starting point is 00:15:21 But you're still having her cook. Yeah, I'm not going to do the whole fucking deal. She has a concussion. You decided this before the doctor's appointment. You told me you were going to cook a turkey last night and you went to the doctor.
Starting point is 00:15:31 This is called content. This is called looping in things together. If you want to take apart the whole sausage... It doesn't make any sense. I agree with him. It doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Don't fucking lie. You shill. Oh, we can't lie on the podcast now? I've never lied. He's not bald. Hold on. Check this out
Starting point is 00:15:46 when people get concussions it's stuff like don't look at screens for too long like don't like focus in on like you know like text too hard you'll get headaches and things like that nowhere in that is it don't cook actually it is it says you can't do anything that's too thought-provoking at all doesn't have to be things revolving screen your eyes don't hurt your mind literally it's literally he was literally like just take like a brain vacation and don't do things that make you think too much and then he did this yeah she's like what he's like into the audiobook listeners uh they're smoking imaginary weed dude wait okay so so by the way, she makes a lot. She makes so much food.
Starting point is 00:16:27 And the turkey, I would argue, you don't do much, right? No, she brines that 24 hours, cooks it, carves it. I guess turkeys take a long time to cook. No, I'm going custom. I watched one Adam Ragusea video. I'm going to become turkey guy now. He's the guy who made me become pizza guy. Is this going to be like the food equivalent of you watching Adam Andra do like a V9 and
Starting point is 00:16:49 then you rip your V2? I'm actually a phenomenal climber. And no, it's not going to be seven par below Adam Ragusea. I'm going to cook a great turkey too. It's also an exponential scale, so it's probably more than seven par below. I'm a great climber. How's the climbing going? I missed the last set.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's going great, baby. I went with Connor and Bunth. I keep like, it's weird. I'm a great climber. How's the climbing going? I missed the last set. It's going great, baby. I went with Connor and Bunt. I keep like, it's weird. I'm like indoctrinating people to climbing. And like, Maya was here.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I was like, you should go climbing next time. She's like, yeah, I'm down. She'd be sick of that. I ask everyone I encounter if they want to go climbing,
Starting point is 00:17:16 but I have noticed that it's not as a full body of a workout as I'd like. So I started adding a hundred squats in the shower to my regimen.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Why don't you climb with like a weight belt on? Because I can't do it normally. It would be so fucking hard. Like I'm struggling with it normally. It's more so like my legs aren't getting
Starting point is 00:17:32 that much of a burn. Oh, so they get a little stick, a little chicken? Yeah, I'm getting tiny legs. Atrophy. I feel like the routes that you have to be doing
Starting point is 00:17:38 to really get your legs in it are like really high level. Show the folks at home what you're working with. My milk? You say you got, no, not your milk. What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:17:47 My milky thighs? Oh, that. Yeah, I guess so. You should flash those balls again. I might flash my balls. Hold on, hold on. That's very tight. That is not flabby.
Starting point is 00:17:54 No, it's not. Wait. What? Ow! Ow! Jesus! Oh my god! Oh my god!
Starting point is 00:18:01 Sorry. I should have let you flap and flow. I wanted to get in there. It was fun for the whole family. Hey, if you want to talk to HR, you can just kind of think about it to yourself. Yeah. How about you just hold that HR, bitch? Appreciate that, guys.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Stupid idiot. You can send yourself a message and not reply to it. The reason I'm doing legs, though, is I haven't been complimented on my ass in a while. That's not true. I posted that video where you were drunk and you ate the dog food as a bit, and people, all they were talking about was your fucking ass. Do you know why? Why? Those are my ass in a while. That's not true. I posted that video where you were drunk and you ate the dog food as a bit and people, all they were talking about was your fucking ass.
Starting point is 00:18:27 Do you know why? Why? Those are my ass pants. You, well, I would argue that most pants are your ass pants. No,
Starting point is 00:18:32 it used to be that way but then the other day I was wearing pants and then, I think it was like Hasan and he was like, damn, no ass these days.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Oh. And so, I put on my ass pants because I was going to dinner with him last night. Hey, Hasan. He immediately, Stupid sexy lovely. Notice anything rather hammy about me?
Starting point is 00:18:52 They're my ass pants. They work so well. I can just imagine you wearing like normal pants and then you walk by Cutie and she's like, Boo! This guy stinks! Like she's watching The Lighthouse. Boring! No ass! You have just said like three different anecdotes
Starting point is 00:19:08 about why you should start working out with me again. No. Because you've kind of left me in the dust. Or clean the fucking garage, you lazy piece of shit. Or clean the garage. Figure out all those salaries. If you don't clean the garage for another week, I think he's going to kill you.
Starting point is 00:19:20 It's funny. Ludwig, now... Ludwig, so there's a compromise going on. Okay. Okay. Okay. Big N. Maybe not with my name. Maybe not with my name. There's a compromise going on where Ludwig will now, he'll give me days. He'll be like, okay, I'm going to do it by this day. And what I'm realizing is it's not going to get done. And I'm like, okay, so if the day doesn't mean anything, we're just back to normal. I got the salaries. You got them in your head?
Starting point is 00:19:45 Locked. Let's open up that Google Doc. Dude, it was so sick. I messaged the other day, and I was like, hey, man, so I need an answer to this. If you could just look at this thing and tell me a really simple, like, one-line answer. And they didn't answer it, and I bumped it. And I said, bump, please just give me the answer to this. And I saw him in person that night, and I said, hey, Ludwig, you didn't reply to me today.
Starting point is 00:20:03 He goes, what? He's off a gummy. And then he goes, he pulls out his phone he looks at it he goes oh fuck and then he he closes it and then he opens up tiktok and he never no he's never kidding he didn't tell me in person and he never replied to this day? To this day, this thing I needed is for him. It is not for me. It's for us. It is for you. Everything's for us.
Starting point is 00:20:32 I actually, I couldn't believe it. And I said, you know what? As punishment, I will use the answer as nothing. Yeah. That's how you have to punish him is make his decisions have consequences or his lack of non-action. Hey, it gets worse. I've unlocked it. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Hold on. I've unlocked the truth recently because I realized, I don't know if you're on a bad streak right now, but you're definitely subsiding. You've been awful at Discord lately. It's worse than normal. I just started texting him. I just text him. Yeah, the problem is you can't
Starting point is 00:20:59 really lean on that because it has a cooldown itself. You know what the best strat is? Call. You call. You do it the other way. You always call me when you need something. If I want something done, I call. Yeah, but you don't want us to call you about minor one sentence things. If I'm not live,
Starting point is 00:21:14 I'm 100% done. Wow. Hey, you heard it here first, folks. When I'm angry and ready to blow my head off next week, it'll be because you didn't pick up. I'm the best caller in this my head off next week, it'll be because he didn't pick up. I would have picked up. I'm the best caller in this house. What does that mean, the best caller?
Starting point is 00:21:30 At calling and picking up. That's not true. It's me. It's me. I make it a bit. No. No. No, I'm dope at picking up.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Dude, you know what was funny? At main stage during top eight, I was watching it at home. I didn't go on Sunday. One of the sets ended and whoever was working on audio on on broadcast did not close the mic and so it was lovage toph and mango talking in what with a with an open mic while it was on break and i was like white knuckle because because let me tell you guys when you're a commentator and you're like in the and you know you go to break you immediately start talking shit about whoever like whoever like last
Starting point is 00:22:10 tweeted whoever's annoying yeah you just start fucking talking that good do they get lucky and they got lucky because they weren't talking any shit but i was like oh god and it reminded me of amon's hot mic before he uh before he hung up when he oh yeah the car what do we do i still hold that to him i think about that often what yeah why would you think about it i picked your salary i was like cut that by 10 that's right that's right never forget that and that's hr down hey talking want to talk to hr about it can i get an hr meeting this week well let's talk about your work real quick boss got a new opportunity for you guys see ammo's tweet yeah pull it up zipper yeah so we had the whole segment last week of long like five minute segment about doing an amaranth fleshlight and she is in a factory well we we wanted to do a sketch
Starting point is 00:22:58 like i don't think we're involved in the actual fleshlight production that way you said it was an amaranth fleshlight like're going to drop a merch item, which we conveniently have a merch company. That is what I originally did the sketch, but then she tweeted out, and she's like, let's talk shop on Twitter. She tweeted out, is there alt to Twitter? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:19 It's like Kate. Yeah, yeah, sorry, Zipper. Zipper only knows a few alts. Go to Ludwig's replies. This is the fastest way. Go to Ludwig's replies. So anyway, fastest way. Go to Ludwig's replies. So anyway, she replied. She basically took the clip from our clip channel
Starting point is 00:23:29 and then posted it on Twitter on her personal account and then said, like, I don't know the exact quote. Well, no, she said, I'm down, just I don't know if I can do it on Twitch. Yeah. But I didn't think that meant she was down to have a pussy mold. No, I think she is down to sell something. I think she's down to sell something, because that's why the
Starting point is 00:23:45 not on Twitch thing's there. Well, not sure we can do it on Twitch, but I'm down. I think we have a new business. It's called Mogul Muff. That's what it was. I'm going to go with Mogul Molds. Mogul Molds. That's classy. We could do
Starting point is 00:24:01 mouthguards. Yeah. We do mouthguards. Yeah. We do mouthguards. We do mouthguards for soccer rec leagues and then pussy molds. You know how they pour hot iron into an anthill, and they pull it out, and they sculpt the inside? You could do that with my rectum. Okay. So I was ending stream today to go do the yard.
Starting point is 00:24:25 And while I'm wrapping up, I'm like, alright guys, hey, thanks for watching. I gotta go record the yard. Amaranth, in my chat, says, oh, go talk business. Okay, wait, wait. And this is what blew my mind. I'm scrolling through while she's saying this to find
Starting point is 00:24:42 someone to raid. She's live. She's the smartest. She was in my chat and she was live. to find someone to raid. She's live. She's the smartest. She was in my chat and she was live. I click on her stream. She's going. Yeah. Dude. Was she like typing with one hand?
Starting point is 00:24:53 She's got the big clompy headphones on. She's got to be doing something when she's looking. And I go, I go, Emma, are you watching me? She goes. That is crazy. And dude, I bet she does her taxes it's not over so i asked her questions i go emeryth do you just like watch tv shows and movies every time you do this she starts laughing she's like while still licking yeah nodding her head yes while still do
Starting point is 00:25:20 like she's got like this jar of water she's going like like that that noise on like, she's got, like, this jar of water. She's going, like, like that noise on it. She's a multitasking queen. And I'm like, this is, like, what I do when I'm at my, like, my old job at Snapchat. I would watch a movie on the side. Yeah. She does this while streaming on Twitch. Poor guy from Brazil in chat saying, please, butthole, see now. And she's just, like, halfway through Lethal Weapon 2.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I don't care MIBR. I don't care MIBR. I don't care FaZe. I only care Amaranth butthole. Dude. Dude. Wow. She's the hardest working streamer. I believe that too.
Starting point is 00:25:54 Let's get her on the yard. We were talking about that this morning in the kitchen with Maya. We were like, she must have the strongest tongue known to man. Yeah, we were talking about her tongue muscles. It's like she closes her mouth. She punches her uvula like a punching bag bro you ever try to uh like lick a tootsie roll pop to the center like the commercial says that shit hurts your mouth yeah you're not supposed to do it but i feel like she licks the ears more than it takes to do that yeah in like a week how long how how many licks to get to the center of a three thousand
Starting point is 00:26:22 dollar microphone she also just just has sheer will. I think there is not a number of Tootsie Pops she would stop at. Do you think if an audio brand like Sennheiser or something, if they partnered with Amaranth, would they get a lot of blowback or would it be hype in the public's eye? I think it'd personally be hype. I think it'd be hype. They would definitely get blowback.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah, but is that good blowback? No, because their market is like 50-year-old boomers. Yeah, I guess I hate it. They should make those binaural ear audio or microphones, but they're both buttholes on both sides. Dude, that would bang so hard. You're just licking a butthole? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Okay. I feel like this would influence numbers positively. Me, to be clear here, me as a viewer, listening, watching, and both of my ears are assholes you're hearing through butt sound yes okay yeah butt vision yeah you're in you're in butt vision in the panavision font but the thx is a fucking long ass part no dude okay so i i was in a store. It was like a Japanese cosmetic store, actually, because we were waiting for food.
Starting point is 00:27:28 And I go in, and it was very odd. So there's this little section where there's Japanese, I don't know, sexual needs items, like condoms and shit like that. It was... You gotta send me this thing. Huh? You gotta send me this address. You know what?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Yeah, they had the little Game Boy Advance connectors so you could trade Pokemon in that section. I will say, there's something there that I'm gonna get for you, but I can't tell you what it is. Anyway, so we're going, and I'm looking through, and there was, I don't know if this is, because I don't know about feminine hygiene or, like, if pee is squirt or if butts are, like,
Starting point is 00:28:03 if women pee out of their butts. I don't know a lot is what I'm saying there was a device for sale that there was a device for sale
Starting point is 00:28:12 that it was like a I thought it was a fleshlight at first I was like there's no fucking fleshlights in this store next to condoms
Starting point is 00:28:18 that's funny turns out they're called flashlights they make light anywhere a guy who knows about a fleshlight before the flashlight yeah
Starting point is 00:28:25 he's like oh yeah i just fucked this thing but it also makes light it's like kids you guys need that it's like kids you know about among us before space it's so fun you know when you open the end of a flashlight to like pour the batteries out yeah and then you could just fill that with like uh with whatever you want yeah with molten metal and and so so i and it's like what it actually was because i like looked at the box it's like a vacuum pump for pussy oh like an wait wait wait for pussies yeah it was like a high i was gonna say like austin austin powers but maybe it was a suck machine i don't know it was either it was either was his penis with it it was basically it was a device but it looked like it couldn't house a penis. It was more for like a short fat thing.
Starting point is 00:29:06 Not yours. And it was like... Stop. Stop. You stop that. I have a beautiful penis. To be clear, that was me having a small dick joke. You didn't pick it up.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Oh. It was small, and yours wouldn't. I thought you were... Yeah. You know what? Now he likes it. That's too soft. That's too soft.
Starting point is 00:29:25 That's so soft. Anyway, I don't know if it was like, is a vacuum pussy? Buddy, buddy, do you want us to go back and you want us to buy it? So anyway, I got it. We can buy it. I don't care. But my question is, do people do, I'm sorry, do women use a vacuum to suck things out of their pussy? Okay, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:45 No, this is the thing in Luigi's Mansion. That's true. Yeah, with Zippers. Is that a thing? Do you guys know about this? I don't think this is something that's commonly used, so I don't think it's like... Well, you know, there's things that...
Starting point is 00:29:58 More people soak than use this. You're stupid as shit. You don't have a pussy. I think, as far as I understand vaginas are self-cleaning which is why like it's it's not actually good to do
Starting point is 00:30:10 they're like they're like dishwashers so I imagine you just gotta put some soap in you put a tie pod in the mouth you open the little slot put the packet in you just do a dance
Starting point is 00:30:18 this is terrible we're gonna lose fucking no no no I'm against this conversation I'm against this conversation I think Sun's dumb. The percent is already so low. A peak behind the veil.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I just didn't know if people needed to suck things out of their orifices with a machine. I didn't know that was a thing. That's all. Women? Let us know in the comments. We need you. Sound off. So you get the hymen out.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Unironically, yes. We need to do here this time. Yeah, that was pretty much it. I just wanted to bring that up. I'm a scaly. Yeah, everyone was saying that we brushed over this last episode. We didn't brush over it. Here's the thing, guys. The best thing
Starting point is 00:30:53 about appreciating a nice quip is you let it go. The worst thing you can do is like, wait, what did you say? I'm scaly? Sometimes it's way cooler just to let things pop you know we were talking about
Starting point is 00:31:07 uh anti Donna's funhouse that one time oh yeah yeah and it was that that one bit where uh the one dude's name
Starting point is 00:31:14 is Janiel Janiel and it's funny the first time hilarious but then they talk about how his name is Janiel
Starting point is 00:31:19 for like two more minutes and it's like man if you just left it at him being Janiel that is a god tier bit that's fire they're actually fire at like starting bits really funny and it's like man if you just left it at him being january that is a god tier bit that's fire they're actually fire at like starting bits really funny and then being
Starting point is 00:31:29 like oh wow okay we've decided that this will not be funny yeah auntie donna and twitch streamers they have i don't know if this was before they had i can't let go i don't know if this is before they had a netflix show or not but they have like a youtube episode that uh it's them playing foursquare really and? And it was really funny when it started and I was like this is everything I want. Please don't.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Auntie Donna guys. I'm like please deliver this because like handball is huge in Australia. They're Australian I guess it checks out. But they call it
Starting point is 00:31:54 Foursquare in the video. I think it's because like maybe they have a larger American audience or something. And it was a train wreck. They got so much less funny as it went on.
Starting point is 00:32:02 I was like damn. We could kill this. Were they good with it though? They had good it went on. I was like, damn. We could kill this. You just... Were they good with it, though? They, like, did good? Were they playing well? No. No, they were playing terrible.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Would you dice them? I would dice the shit out of them, yeah. Dude, we're getting nice. Yeah, this is it. Oh, this is it. Yeah. That's so interesting. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:17 I guess I forgot. And, like, the beginning, he's, like, talking to someone on the sideline, then he serves it when he's not looking. He's like, that was a dog move. And, like, all the things they're saying, it's, like, very real to was a dog move and like like all the things they're saying it's like very real to like when we play with our australian friends like it's all very real uh and then it just turns into this like weird cartoon that like doesn't exist wow well speaking of twitch streamers ludwig i want to bring this up yeah our good friend michael bunthers yeah got you in some hot water dude i got some
Starting point is 00:32:42 beef oh i don't know anything about this, please recount it for the viewers at home, including Nick, who is a viewer at home. It is leather jacket that's made of leather. Leather. A lion. Michael Bonther came over, and he was here for main stage. And he went one day, came back. We were talking the whole next day because we went rock climbing together.
Starting point is 00:33:01 And he was like, yeah, a weird thing happened. While I was at main stage, there was these people who had set up like a speed dating booth and they were going around they were trying to find people to speed date and like one person came up to me and they're like you want to go speed dating and michael's like no i'm i got a girlfriend and then i was like oh well this is like this is on destiny this is like with destiny like and his girlfriend melena like you could you could hook up with like melena like destiny's girl and uh because they're in an open relationship and then bond is like no i'm like really good and that was so weird that was it that was the story and i had recounted this on stream and i was like it's weird there was a couple of i because the way
Starting point is 00:33:35 it had been phrased to me i thought it was destiny's event that had been happening to be fair we had heard about this uh before beforehand as well in terms of like this speed dating thing was like I don't know kind of being talked about being a thing they emailed us
Starting point is 00:33:49 and Destiny's name came up a lot so like there was this idea that like Destiny had nothing to do with it bro and it's like
Starting point is 00:33:57 well if that's the case then someone was just saying his name Destiny was in the email so the streamer I think it's cubot it had it's like who's like a she's a girl who streams and his friends with destiny and melina had i
Starting point is 00:34:11 think like asked them to do it and they're like yeah we'll do it and destiny didn't end up showing up uh but the people who were helping like the goons that were roaming around were kind of like trying to throw that cloud around yeah just kind of like trying to throw the names out and be like hey like maybe this will get you to do it uh because like otherwise it's kind of embarrassing to go live on twitch and do speed dating if you're just like in general i thought the idea was kind of like it wasn't it didn't have the best intentions because it's obviously like hey let's see what these socially inept gamers are gonna do yeah that's what i was thinking like fucking let's clown yeah i watched it for like five seconds. It was hugs. And then the only thing I saw was her and she went, you can go now. And then he was like, okay.
Starting point is 00:34:50 And I was like, damn, this is awkward. I have some extra lore for this. Okay. So the reason that this all happened is because, so the streamer you mentioned, I couldn't remember. I can't remember her name. Yeah. The streamer you mentioned, her editor is a smasher.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Okay. Yeah. His name was Will. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. His name was Will. Yeah. Yeah. And then I told his goddamn friend. I remember his name. I know.
Starting point is 00:35:10 In my head. Bronze. Fuck. Brody? Brody. Bronze. What's up? Bronze Johnson.
Starting point is 00:35:17 Brody was a different guy. No, but his friend was the guy. Oh, he was? Yeah. Oh, I'm thinking of a different dude. Anyway. I'm not your Brody. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:35:23 They both didn't watch The Yard. So if you're watching, shout out. Shout out. dude. I'm not your brody. They both didn't watch The Yard, so if you're watching, shout out. You fucked my boy. He edits for her, and he comes to me asking if they can do this. I already know about the email that we kind of just ignored it. We being beyond the summit.
Starting point is 00:35:37 We being beyond the summit, and I was just like, uh, okay. I don't know. I'll talk to her. It's also not your call it's not my call but it is content at the event so it's like something that i can inquire about and like you know i can inevitably make a decision about kind of um and uh so she ends up showing up anyways and uh i talked to her about it and i was and she like really wanted to do it and i was like all right well you can do it under these conditions like you don't do it in the venue
Starting point is 00:36:03 you don't mention the event you do it outside the event okay whatever and like those are the conditions that it was fine and they were totally cool about it was whatever um but some like background to all this is like melina is someone that i know yeah outside of all of all of this we got some old yeah it's crazy because so like she walks in the venue i don't know anything about her coming and she just walked she's like beelines to me and i was like holy shit what the fuck are you doing here and we like we talked for like a really long time and the reason i know her is because a long time ago she was dating a smasher in sweden and then they came to america this was like six years ago they came to america and stayed at my house because they were going to a pink floyd concert and i met both of them before she was at all involved with streaming she didn't even
Starting point is 00:36:50 know destiny you're an avid twitch viewer you will have known the guy that stayed with us because he was live with destiny and melena that's right yeah there was like a lot of like conspiracies like destiny's hooking up with her behind his back and like he'd be on stream by himself and they'd be like disappearing when on my show uh when i was on the uh the fucking the roshler yeah i i was on the alex betez episode destiny was on it yeah and i in the show live i said bro do you know acid fuck boy which is the guy's tag which is the guy's tag because i met him because they stayed at Nick's house. And I w I went there all the time and he's really nice. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:37:29 yeah, I know that guy. And I told him why. And everyone is like kind of confused why I'm doing this. And then Destiny's like, uh, oh yeah, I know Max.
Starting point is 00:37:37 And I was like, cool. And that was that. So there's this weird, like, wow, this is so crazy. This was the thing we found out when i moved in with
Starting point is 00:37:46 you guys and this came up in conversation we we realized that i i had met and become friends with max on a separate occasion yeah because you're an eu slut yeah and i'd hoe it out at smash tournaments over there and me and max became friends like he's just like he's just a very friendly he's just so chill really easy to talk to And I was like, how the fuck do you know this guy? And he's like, oh, yeah, he stayed at our house two years ago. I was like, I met him two years ago just in a different part of the world. And now I'm standing there with Nick trying to explain this to Molina. His name was K!
Starting point is 00:38:19 And he threw that out of throw! Trying to explain from the beginning. She also didn't know that we live with you like she yeah she didn't know that context so she was like also that was like another part of it that she was just like wait what like like very confused by all these absurd layers of like crossover and then i you know i guess they finally yeah so all this happens the end of the kingdom hearts plot line is that i said this on stream and then then Destiny reacted to it, and it was not his event. He was supposed to be there.
Starting point is 00:38:46 I think he didn't end up going. He did not show up. Partly because of probably me saying that on stream. Oh, sure. I imagine that might have influenced it a bit, at least. And then there was a bunch of threads on livestream fail. All day was the back and forth. There was back and forth, and that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Wait, hold on. I don't understand what so he had said yeah so he told mike's story on stream oh i told my story like these two goons said like that like you can fuck melena which is weird uh and i said like you know and then i said at the end i think for content i guess and uh and then destiny watching he's like well it's not my thing i'm not doing this this is cubot and so uh And so, uh, you know, at the end, I, it wasn't, it wasn't him.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It was just, I think it does suck. He invites you to a discord call. Like it instantly starts debating you. I would say that's why I tweeted that out. Cause like, I can't debate, debate kids that, and then debate adults.
Starting point is 00:39:38 Like I, well, yeah. What was this tweet about? Freak me out, dude. That's all. How so?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Because dude, they just like, they have so much logic. I see. And they just, just all their their whole job is to just trap you in like little logic puddles and no matter what you do that the the debate kid in my mind never agrees i think i like got ptsd from my friend growing up who would never be okay losing an argument ever even if he's like clearly wrong but well that that just doesn't make sense. And he'd be like a fucking prick about it. And I'll be like, sometimes it's okay to be wrong.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Like, and so debate kids now and people who debate like as a thing, they freak me out. Cause I'm like, I can't talk to him like a normal human. He was stressed. He's like, bro,
Starting point is 00:40:17 you can't get to be with those people. I think it's fine. I told Ludwig, I was like, don't fuck, don't fuck with destiny, bro. I can't handle debate kids,
Starting point is 00:40:24 bro. They fucking, destiny was like, I don't get why Ludwig hates me. It's like probably because Cutie hates me, probably because I hate Casey. Hey, tell the people. Drama watch. I've met Destiny, and we hung out briefly at TwitchCon. He just doesn't remember, I think, because I was a 200-viewer Andy.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Yeah, I was a baby. Little guy. I met him. Well, how did you feel about that? It was fine. It was a fine interaction. People were arguing about this on livestream fails? Yeah. I bet him. Well, how did you feel about that? It was fine. It was a fine interaction. People were arguing about this on livestream fails? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Oh, yeah. Because it was Destiny reacting, and then Ludwig reacting to that react. And, like, this happens a lot. This is the Ouroboros of, like, LSF drama. It's kind of sick in a way, because you can just manufacture more drama by just talking about it, and then showing, like, your stream or the clip of the reaction, and they watch the reaction. Do you think he's reacting right now to this?
Starting point is 00:41:02 Can we all look at him? Keep it up. Imagine. Now that I have the full scope of what happened, like beginning to end from the introductory email to standing there talking with them, telling them what they could and could not do, to this anecdote,
Starting point is 00:41:21 to you guys creating clips about it after, and then to imagine that all of that happened, is really dumb and really simple and then some of you fucks at home sit on reddit and talk about it i mean insane yeah this is not new you also replied to a reddit thread that's different that's different it's different it's different because cody it's because cody and i have known each other It's different because Cody Let us do a few more cartoon noises, and then you can go All right go ahead Cody and I have known each other for a long time we did in-person discussion about the problems with the schedule at main stage and he interviewed with somebody complained about it
Starting point is 00:42:11 lied in the interview how do you lie how do you lie tell us he just okay in in the article he says like the tournament i played until this time on this night and this time until until this night on that night and uh i didn't get any sleep and just both of those things are verifiably untrue yeah not by like a small margin like oh it was 10 minutes yeah it was like several hours before you said we have developed a way to measure time which is like like you know thing like passing the passage of it oh is that that clock shit yeah it's that clock shit so it has to do with minutes and hours. And he got that wrong. Like, the time
Starting point is 00:42:48 that he said that something occurred was by a large margin. Ratio him. No. I don't want it to happen on Twitter. Baby's first ratio. I don't want it to happen on Twitter. But the reason that's different is two people who were there for the in-person interaction of what happened,
Starting point is 00:43:04 I am simply correcting what actually happened. In this case, it's people online making conjectures about the thing they don't know about. You did reply on Reddit, but I think the how do you sit here on Reddit all day is such a tired. No, it's not about spending time on Reddit to begin with. It's about the idea that you would comment on something you are so far removed from. Whereas I commented on something because I was there involved in the thing, doing the thing. I discovered Epic Rap Battles of History again. Wait, hold on.
Starting point is 00:43:36 What sort of transition is this? What about Epic Rap Battles of Her Story? That's what I'm saying. I stole that. Don't high-five me. I stole it. It's a tweet. Well, I watched it, and one of the videos, 10 years old, it showed me commenting on it
Starting point is 00:43:49 10 years ago. Oh, shit. Would you see it in the wild? And a pool of 280,000 shows you your top comment. It said, check out my song. It's my same Ludwig account. It said, check out my song. It's you got a box of me.
Starting point is 00:43:59 No, it's because you're logged in. As long as you're logged in, you're logged in your account. It always shows your comment first. But it's the same YouTube I had 10 years ago Which I guess is a little more rare That's actually crazy And so it was a 10 year old YouTube comment It's in a sea of 280,000
Starting point is 00:44:10 And at the end of every Epic rap battle it goes Who's next? You decide And I wrote Can we get Rebecca Black Versus Who's the guy who does
Starting point is 00:44:19 Never Gonna Give You Up Rick Astley Wow And that was my suggestion For an epic rap battle With a bowl cut at 16 And you know what? Thatley wow and that was my suggestion for an epic rap battle with a bowl cut at 16 and you know what that would go and i was one of the sheep and i'm one of those people hey i add to the pools of comment hey yeah hey you can make it happen now a contribution a suggestion
Starting point is 00:44:35 i couldn't do epic rap battles of history now 16 years no you could you could arrange arguably a productive comment me i vouch for that comment i I don't. I think that would bang. I wrote after it's like I think it would be wholesome and funny. I actually tuned into your stream and I watched you
Starting point is 00:44:51 watching one with like Donald Trump versus Joe Biden or something. Yeah. It was the most cringe shit I've ever seen in my life. That was the recent one. It was cringe.
Starting point is 00:44:57 It was. I couldn't handle it. So that's the recent one. The older ones are a lot cooler. It's like you gotta watch the old ones. You gotta watch the old ones. It's like friends.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Lightsaber is like blue which signifiesifies he's new to being a Jedi. I rewatched it. It was Trump versus Hillary, I want to say. And Trump basically says the N-word. Hard R in the video. What do you mean basically? Well, he implies it. You either say it or you don't.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Does he rhyme a word? He rhymes a word with the N- word and then doesn't say the word. I see. Which is as close to saying the N word as you can possibly be. Sure. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:45:33 that's crazy. Damn. They say, demonetized. But no, but not back then. They still got 54 million views and paid out.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Their grandfathered in. No, I think it was just, it was a long time ago. It might have been limited out, but who cares now? Before they, yeah, before they. Crazy. By the way, I was doing some editor payouts for you and I paid someone out who
Starting point is 00:45:54 got like a percentage of revenue, this is for Cole, it was like a percentage of revenue for 30 days after the video comes out, right? And then I checked it and then I calculated it and then I checked the revenue since which was like a month after that 30 day period. And the video had earned like $10. Yeah. It's crazy. Like, like I don't know if you guys know this, but if for you drop a video and the first like three days it makes 90% of its money and then the rest of the time it just exists and makes $10
Starting point is 00:46:24 over two months. Barely collects. It's really interesting. Depends on the video. Some are, you know, they'll slow bleed or just be like huge videos and get a million every year, but most. I realize the machine keeps you online. They were getting the old ad rate on that channel.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Yeah, that's right. They're making big bucks. We were talking about this this past week was the david dobrik thing where he's getting interviewed by like men's health and he talks about the amount of money he used to make on his youtube channel and pre pre-adpocalypse when he was way smaller he made 250k a month and that was when uh he was i don't know he had like a million couple million subs well i don't even think that was pre-adpocalypse this was all still post-Adpocalypse
Starting point is 00:47:06 because I believe the Adpocalypse is PewDiePie saying the N-word. That's right. Yeah, this is before, I think. Well, no, it wasn't the N-word. It was the Hitler thing, right? No, it was the N-word on the bridge. This is like BC. No, it was the Hitler thing.
Starting point is 00:47:17 This is like BC and AD. Yeah, it was. It really is. I think every YouTuber... And PewDiePie's the catalyst. Literally every... PewDiePie saying the N-word was the crucifixion of the modern time. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:47:27 No, literally every YouTuber should get together and just linguine PewDiePie. Because he fucked with literally everyone's bag from there on out. I mean, I'm looking at the bag. We go back and linguine
Starting point is 00:47:38 the fuck out of PewDiePie. That is so fucking funny. I look at the bag and I feel like... New browser. Opera GM. Fuck you, motherfucker! Fuck this browser! I think what it did is like it reset the back and I feel like... New browser. Opera GM. Fuck you, motherfucker. Fuck this browser. I think what it did is like it reset time,
Starting point is 00:47:48 but I feel like it's... I don't know if it's equal where it was, but I can't imagine it being higher. It'd be crazy. YouTubers already make so much. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Do you get 10 million views on a video? You get like 100K. No, but I think that was the whole thing with the David Dobrik interview. He was saying like now, even with that amount of views, he made basically no money well he made no money because he had copyrighted music in most of his songs yeah but also content stuff he usually he usually this is the secret insider info he said that but the reality is that he just puts copyrighted music in
Starting point is 00:48:19 most of his videos like almost all of them yeah and if you got demonetized videos don't get recommended so your channel would not blow up yeah it if you got demonetized videos don't get recommended so your channel would not blow up yeah it takes you out of that he doesn't like he'll probably have some demonetized a hundred percent getting demonetized also means getting less views but if he's getting like yeah you get like no views and he would not be as big as he is so he manipulated yeah he's a little bit of a capper oh david dobrik manipulating name a better duo cult leader cult leader uh. About David Dobrik. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And it's the thumbnail of the video. Okay. Oh, this video? He talks about David Dobrik. And then it's a fleshlight. Yeah. No, it's a vacuum pump to get the cum out of your pussy. The David Dobrik pussy. Do you think we could get him?
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah. That's a sick idea. Come on. Do you think you have enough clout to dm him what is i'm sorry i got distracted we have this new thing now where we have a whiteboard i brought a whiteboard class and i just read through them for the first time to bring to class and this says psychuno diaper play but we'll get into that right after our sponsor of this week coinbase back at it again coinbase a loyal sponsor of the pod.
Starting point is 00:49:26 forward slash the yard. You get $10 in Bitcoin if you sign up right now. You have to go to forward slash the yard. It's a place to trade crypto. You get your crypto coin. Yeah, get the app, use the code, which we took it. Hey, it took a long time to get that code. Don't be like me.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Don't know the code exists and then make a Coinbase account and forget to use it. Yeah, that's what I did. He did. And he does not have 10 Bitcoin. $10 in Bitcoin. You gotta stop saying 10 Bitcoin.
Starting point is 00:49:53 That was the deal. You gotta stop saying 10 Bitcoin. Who knows? You gotta sign up to find out. It's a coin flip, really. Yeah. It's a Coinbase flip. Coinbase is loaded.
Starting point is 00:50:02 Thanks for sponsoring the pod, Coinbase. Shouts out. Shouts out. Shouts out. So, yeah, you want to talk about this? Sycuno diaper play. Oh, my God. I can't believe this is on the whiteboard. So, here we go.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Do I want to talk about this? Yeah, yeah. So, here's – I was thinking about it a lot. Let me preface this real quick by saying the way you talk about the people that I have to hang out with and enjoy hanging out with online only hurts and fractures those relationships. No, and here— Continue. I am— If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Sycuno diaper play, you may be entitled to compensation.
Starting point is 00:50:32 Let me do my best to not fracture those relationships by explaining my perspective. I was thinking about it, and you play video games a lot with, like, the brand-safe safe, family friendly influencer crew, right? And to those people that come to mind immediately are people like Valkyrae and Sykuno specifically. They are meant to be your G rated almost like everything's primarily teenagers, maybe even pre-adolescent kids that watch them a lot. And I was thinking if Sykuno is okay with that being his audience, to me, that's weird. Why?
Starting point is 00:51:20 I was in the kitchen defending Sykuno, by the way. Because here's the thing. Because if the yard, if you've heard of it, it's a little bit of a PCast. If The Yard was only like 15-year-olds, literally, I know it's impossible, but literally only 15-year-olds listen to this show, I would not do it, right? That would make me uncomfortable because that's not my audience. I don't want to be someone that just like makes kid content. Look, I don't want to fucking see this. I don't want to jump in his corner
Starting point is 00:51:45 and normally... Mr. Rogers. Yeah, but... Wait, is that the case? So he's Mr. Rogers. Let's go. So that's a little different, right? That's literally a kid's show. Sure. So you're confirming that that's
Starting point is 00:52:02 what they're doing. But it also can be enjoyed by adults. But it's not. What do you mean? Bob Ross. No, that's what they're doing. But it also can be enjoyed by adults. But it's not. What do you mean? Bob Ross. People don't. No, that's way different. No? That's a skill.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Also, wait. Hold on. Thank you. We're getting into dodgy territory. He's right about that part. I think Mr. Rogers is a good example. No, Mr. Rogers is great. Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, Bill Nye.
Starting point is 00:52:20 Bob Ross is not a good example. Bill Nye is a bad example. My question is, are you saying that these two particular, this type of creator is meant to be targeting these audiences and is fully aware of that? Because Mr. Rogers is very clearly a kid's show for kids to teach them about sharing and shit. I think that they like streaming.
Starting point is 00:52:38 They like playing games with their friends. They like that they make a shit ton of money doing it, and they compartmentalize that their audience is so young and don't really think about it. I also think it's so tired to blame a creator for the age of the audience. It's like the day one roast. People did it for me for so long. I don't deal with it as much as anymore.
Starting point is 00:52:54 People call you like the Disney guy on LSF, which is really funny. All the fucking time. And they just roast you. If you have a large amount of viewers, the first roast people jump to is, and they are all kids. Kids watch you. XQC kids watch you xqc receives it miskiff receives it you know Aiden Ross remember like there was a clip
Starting point is 00:53:10 of an Aiden Ross viewer who's young he's like this 13 year old he's like oh yeah I watch Aiden Ross super cool kid he's like actually like really chill on the stream and cool kid yeah how cool was he bro he was so tight his name was Billy he was going to the mall his hat was on backwards
Starting point is 00:53:24 his hat was backwards did smoke He was smoking a cigarette. It was awesome. His hat was backwards. He did smoke a doobie. One drag. Took a sip of his Pepsi Max. I feel like that's just the day one roast that everybody applies. I think that...
Starting point is 00:53:35 They are the main demo, to be clear. Yeah, and they also offer up this sense of content. Specifically Sykuno, where it's like he's very small bean. And it's like... I don't think you watch Sykuno. Maybe I don't. No, like, I'm saying you don't. I don't. So am I completely wrong? Yes. So he's not small bean?
Starting point is 00:53:56 No. Because every time I've seen a clip or something, he's small bean. He's very small bean. And I'm like, you're 30. And it's weird. It's weird to me. Tell me why I'm wrong. It's weird to laugh and do this when you're 30. That's weird it's weird to me tell me why I'm wrong uh it's weird to laugh and do this when you're 30 that's all I'm saying I think he's just insecure and you guys well you too you specifically are the most weird parasocial viewer of all my people cop on the pod say you know I think x is depressed I think b is absolutely a dipshit
Starting point is 00:54:24 hold on hold on I'm not in the corner on all this you are on his corner for this say, you know, I think X is depressed. I think B is absolutely a dipshit. Hold on. Hold on. I'm not in the corner on all this stuff. You are on his corner for this. No, I'm not. Welcome. Hold on. I'm Nick right now.
Starting point is 00:54:32 I'm Nick right now where I agreed with like one thing he said. I didn't say anything extra. He said it for me. What the fuck? You oftentimes, I feel like, go too deep in your conspiracy theory about influencers. That's right. And these are humans. And that's why I'm distancing myself. These are humans who I interact with. That's right. And it makes. And these are humans who I interact with.
Starting point is 00:54:47 And it makes it weird when they're humans I interact with. Tell me I'm wrong. Justin Timberlake. Tell me I'm wrong and why. I've done this. No. I literally did. Not about the diaper play.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I did four seconds ago. You haven't even explained the diaper play yet. It's basically like the online version of diaper play. What? To me. You know what diaper play is? This doesn't make it any more clear. I don't.
Starting point is 00:55:18 Just tell them what it is. You know what diaper play is? I don't know diaper play. Tell them how it would be. It's when you like It's like It's like when you dress up Like a nurse With your significant other
Starting point is 00:55:28 To like cosplay But it's all based on like Being a baby And wearing a diaper And pooping in it Right And it's like this infantilized It's like a sexual kink
Starting point is 00:55:35 Sexuality Yeah Right It's like Melia Martinez It's like That does nothing for me She's like
Starting point is 00:55:40 A lot of her iconography Was like being a weird Like sexual baby Okay And that's What? Yeah Yeah I don't know who this is She's like, a lot of her iconography was like being a weird, like sexual baby. Okay. And that's. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah. I don't know who this is. That sounds bad. And yeah. And I always thought that was weird. And I get the same vibes from the idea that. And you think that's the same? I think it's the same because of the. You think jerking off to diapers and babies is equivalent to not swearing on a street?
Starting point is 00:56:03 Let me clarify. I'm trying to clarify and i'm not being allowed to clarify in this great debate court you know what here's your space i love your time i would love for you to say your shit and it feels like the amount of uh i guess like fandom around saikuno in a very like infantile but but romanticized way from adolescence is weird. And maybe it's like, well, how are you supposed to stop that? And it's like, say you don't like it.
Starting point is 00:56:33 Say that I don't like that. Don't do that. But I feel like people are afraid to do that because it fucks with the bag of Reno. I think that you, in everything you stand for, in everything you make, just immediately shuts off a huge part of,
Starting point is 00:56:48 of not just age group of people, but also women. Pretty much everything you create is usually directed towards men. Okay. Male humor. Sure. And I think his is much more appealing to women
Starting point is 00:56:59 and it's not just an age thing. I think this is like, like there are like teen girls, but also like 20 year old girls college girls who like saikuno more and i think they might just prefer like you know someone who doesn't talk about dick ball fucking suck i think that makes a lot of sense i and i think to be fair they're probably a lot more quiet about it right the say dick say dick ball like these 20 these 20 something year olds that, let's say, Sykuno,
Starting point is 00:57:26 they're not as loud on Twitter because they're, like, adults now, and they don't need to feel that sense of, like, identity with a thing they like, right? Yeah. So that makes sense. I think they're pretty loud. Are they loud, too? I think they're loud as fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I'm just trying to put the pieces together. They live-tweet every stream he does. I want the stats. I'm trying to put the pieces together. I want the demo stats. I don't think the stats matter. Sykuno owes me that. I'm trying to put the pieces together. I want the demo stats. I don't think that's a really good point. owes me that. I think you
Starting point is 00:57:47 just should watch his stream. You are making a theory about a man who's stream you've never watched which is the psychopathic part. That's right. This is like when he made that
Starting point is 00:57:58 broad sweeping generalization about how I date people and how I feel nothing and I'm like you didn't meet anybody I dated the closest I've come to killing myself talking to you wait no but I think you're right I'm literally trying to
Starting point is 00:58:13 I'm trying to have a discussion that was harsh that's how I feel but alright psychudo diaper play good one for the checklist no I think that I think I'll ask him we'll revisit it next week I'll ask him how he feels No, I think that... I think that... I'll ask him. We'll revisit it next week. I'll ask him how he feels about nurses. I think that you're right.
Starting point is 00:58:28 And the idea that the content I make is generally geared toward literally me. Right? Yes. It's only me. And I think women being included is something that I haven't really ever had to think about.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Right? Yeah. Because it's like, well, why should I? Which is kind of selfish. I think you exclude everything that Because it's like, well, you know, why should I? Which is kind of selfish. I think you exclude everything that you don't like, which is what a 32-year-old man likes. Sure.
Starting point is 00:58:50 And so it's like if you are not that, if you are younger, or if you are a woman, or if you are even older, it's all excluded. Yeah. And I think about that a lot too where I'm like, oh, man, am I going to just constantly age and only be seeking like this secret, like insanely targeted demographic that I care about? And I think about that a lot. I think I would agree with everything you said if he was going live to fucking take off his shirt and flex.
Starting point is 00:59:15 No, yeah. I think because he's just playing games and like, you know, kind of awkward. I think he'd be doing that if his audience was adults. Does it also it begs the question, does getting older require someone to act differently? I think that's what a lot of creators are going to run into. I get that a lot. Bro, you're 30.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Why are you malding on the internet with people? It's like, because I love it. That's the Keemstar roast. You know what I mean? Hassan's 30 and he malts. Everyone's going to get older. You're going to be older one day. You're going to be 30.
Starting point is 00:59:45 And that's like this bar where you're like, oh, you're going to die. Yeah. That's this bar. 27 Club. Why are you shaking my hand like you did it? I got three years left. There you go.
Starting point is 00:59:53 That's this bar where you end up like, oh, 30. Now you're not allowed to be something, right? And everyone's going to start running into that because a lot of these guys
Starting point is 01:00:02 aren't going to quit. There's always going to be new people that find new... There are people who say 30 and then people like 35 and then 40 yeah you went the older you get but old people are also not funny so i guess at some point there's a switch you think so yeah what happened to dane cook man what about me so funny yeah you like the you like the dane cook of the art. But in his prime. Yeah. Yeah. Honestly, that's a compliment. In his Amazon prime. That didn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I just knew he'd dab me. Put out the hand. I hate that you still responded. If he puts out the hand, you need to learn to deny. You are literally... Show a little discipline. Yeah, this guy liked that.
Starting point is 01:00:43 That's how it works. Also, he denied me a handshake earlier Did he? I'm just catching L's Well, no, I denied receiving one That's right That's different I didn't think I deserved it
Starting point is 01:00:52 Speaking of scalies Whoa Where are we? Do you guys know what scalies are? I have no idea It's people like lizards, right? I assumed it was Like jerking off to lizards
Starting point is 01:01:02 I assumed it was like reptiles or something It's people who are furries, but for dragons. Dragons specifically or all lizards? Dragons. It has to be dragons. Dude, I'm a scaly. That sounds sick. There's different subsects, but a furry is generally a wolf.
Starting point is 01:01:21 You're not like a furry. I don't think that's true. Yeah, I think it's like the mane. Or dog. That's the main. I think if you are into tigers, you are equally a furry and there's a lot of tiger likers. There's tiger likers, but I'm saying the main demo for a furry is a wolf or a dog.
Starting point is 01:01:35 Of course you are equally a furry, but you could definitely break down the stats of what the most common animal is. It's a melting pot, but the majority of people are Christian. I was going to say, people are Christian. I was gonna say white or Christian. If you're a furry, sound off in the comments, and genuinely,
Starting point is 01:01:52 what is the breakdown? Because I would love to know. We also have no idea. Animal groups. Furries and Smash players are very interconnected. We did that test. We did that test at the G4 event because Soda Poppin's obsessed with furries
Starting point is 01:02:06 and VR porn and jerking off. Wait, hold on, hold on. Are those three related? Yeah, how... Can you kind of... Or are they just a sexual being?
Starting point is 01:02:12 Yeah, but is he, like, into furries or is he in love with the idea of them as a joke? I think, like, all things, it started ironic
Starting point is 01:02:20 and then, like, he actually, like... For example, ironically, he was interested in, like, VR, in, like, VR porn, like, you know, and whatever. And then he actually like for example ironically he was interested in like vr in like vr porn like you know and whatever right and then he actually just jerked off with a bunch of his friends and then he was like then he was like damn those 3d he actually did this yeah he goes to like strip clubs in vr often then he beats his meat yeah does he have mic does he have open mic
Starting point is 01:02:40 can you hear your friends like grunting I think so. Dude, that's nuts. Dude, strip club in VR with proximity chat? That's crazy. If a guy's in the corner, you're like, you don't go out to that guy. That's actually the American dream. I don't think it is. That's why the soldiers fought.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Every time World War II walks up, he's like, that was nice, but I don't think I'm going to play the game tomorrow, so I probably won't see you again. Dude, I can imagine a World War II soldier just ready to cave in some German guy's
Starting point is 01:03:16 head with a rifle. He's like, this one's for digital titties. Yeah, Memorial Day hits and fucking soda pop and hops on VR. But yeah, he does that. I think he ironically was interested in furries and then i think he's like more unironically now interested in furries do this scaly thing i'm gonna look into this this sounds hype so the reason the reason i brought this up was because after our conversation last week, I was reminded of just the insanity that was Genesis 3 in 2016. This is at the San Jose Convention Center. Genesis 3, probably the most infamous, or famous, infamous,
Starting point is 01:03:57 probably the incorrect word, tournament that there is. And it had been years since Genesis 2, which was like this fabled tournament so everybody was going to genesis 3 and the same weekend in the san jose convention center was a furry convention yep apparently the largest furry convention in the united states and then also in the ballroom between these two events a high school girls club volleyball tournament yeah and it was a packed building it created probably probably the most there's so many smash jokes on hindsight for that combo yeah there's a cia agent in a fucking tower two miles away with a sniper rifle like one of these motherfuckers are gonna do something ready to detonate the foundation beneath. That's the craziest hitman mission.
Starting point is 01:04:46 47. You can choose one of three disguises. 47 in the high school volleyball player government. Hello, my name's Caroline. I was standing in the subway line that weekend, and I was just looking around, and I was like, this is fucking crazy because it it's like, you know, group of furries, gamer, nerdy group, volleyball mom. And it, it felt really, it felt really comforting in a way to like, not to ha to be near these
Starting point is 01:05:17 like, you know, normal families and like not be the weird person they were looking at. Yeah. Because there would be,'m like i'm like i'm in a nerd subculture but like one of the few that's like in the yeah there's like there's like a six foot seven dog standing there next to you playing the game and the mom's like so they do this for money can you believe it elmo's the dog it's like what a fucking weird job get a job dude you wanna know
Starting point is 01:05:47 how this all comes full circle I played in PM or sorry P plus this weekend at the furry of melee the furry of melee and it's a mod of brawl made to play a lot faster
Starting point is 01:05:56 and differently and it had a huge following but now it got like put in the corner by Nintendo so it's kind of like this weird underground scene still sick game
Starting point is 01:06:04 I really like to play PC Chris returned after three years. Cheated, and what did he do? He told a bunch of people he was going to start streaming, scammed them out of giving him money for a computer to stream, and then disappeared. Chillin' raised the money for it. That was hype.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Chillin' streamed was like, let's get PC Chris a streaming PC. That was classic. I love a rug pull on the smallest scale, and that's what it was. Rug pull for like a couple K? Yeah. Let's go, baby. And so I entered PM,
Starting point is 01:06:32 and I'm just going to call it PM. P plus is the new name. And I'm playing, and I haven't played in a long time, but I play Ganon, and I enter, and these are people who have played this game a lot. They know all that.
Starting point is 01:06:41 There's like a shitload of matchups. Play against a Lucario player, literally wearing a Raichu outfit game a lot. They know all that there's like a shitload of matchups. Play against a Lucario player literally wearing a Raichu outfit with a tail. Wait, what is a Raichu outfit? Like a Raichu like onesie.
Starting point is 01:06:52 So it's like orange. So it's like slimming. He's not like thick, right? But it's like an orange back. It's not like a mascot costume. It's like as if you, it's like something you would like
Starting point is 01:06:59 order on stream. It's a onesie. It's a onesie. And it's very clearly Raichu not Pikachu. Yes, because it was a lot of brown Yeah I see
Starting point is 01:07:05 And there was the tail And I was like Okay And then I get diced up By Lucario And then I'm like There we go And it's on stream actually
Starting point is 01:07:15 Because it was the first round On stream And yeah And then the next round I play I play someone Named Quandiferous Which is
Starting point is 01:07:22 He's actually friends With Mike And Mike plays a lot of PM. And the guy, he plays Luigi. And he was winning. And he starts, like, fucking spot dodging, like, nine times in a row. He's, like, he's playing very disrespectful. I'm getting mad.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I'm like, this is. Yeah, I'm mad. This checks out. I don't deserve this. That's what's on things. I'm just trying to play a normal game. And I'm being treated like I'm a joke, you know, in the game. He spot dodges three times.
Starting point is 01:07:44 It wasn't three. It wasn't three. It wasn't three. It was literally nine in a row. And he was only up one stock. I'm like, why, dude? Like, this is so much hubris. Anyway, I tell Mike about it. I'm like, do you know this guy?
Starting point is 01:07:59 He's like, yeah. I'm like, FOS for life. I hate him. Like, we are not cool ever and then Mike's like I hate to tell you this but he's really funny and instantly all my anger melted away Quandiferous? Yeah. Tyler song
Starting point is 01:08:13 I've learned this about slime not recently just in general that humor is everything I was actually talking about this recently with a fan a fan at main stage was like should I go go up to him and try to make him laugh because I want him to do this thing? And I said, do not do that. You told him to leave me alone.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I said, actually just leave him alone. Yeah, which I appreciate. Because that's actually what he wants. Even though you don't get what you want out of that exchange, that's what he wants. And I was like, so people have this sort of spectrum of what they sort of desire. People they keep close or like want to talk to everyone you know it's like oh 10 of it is like they're passionate about stuff and like 20 is this slimes is 95 you are funny slimes hierarchy of needs it's it's not if you are funny it's just you are funny do not do crime yeah no it's it's
Starting point is 01:09:00 pussy nyquil being funny shit Shit, bro. That's it. That's chill. That's a Saturday night. No. No. Do I have a pussy? Yes, sir. How much NyQuil I drink? No, it's just my needs of a human. Oh, I see.
Starting point is 01:09:16 I get that now. Not my desires in somebody else. I thought this was your judgment of character. No, no, no. Okay. It's literally like food, shelter, self-actualization. But yeah, humor's at the bottom. It's the base. Yeah. A, no, no. I was like, okay. It's literally like food, shelter, self-actualization. But yeah, humor's at the bottom.
Starting point is 01:09:26 It's the base. Yeah. A sturdy, sturdy base. I learned this because there'd be people who he would really dislike for reasons that I felt were small.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And then they'd say something funny online and they'd be like, I like that guy. This happened with Prezzo. Yeah. This exact thing happened with Prezzo.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yeah, he was like, I hate Prezzo. He was like, I hate that guy. I thought he was being genuinely mean to you and I didn't like that. But then I found out happened with Prezzo. Yeah, he was like, I hate Prezzo. He was like, I hate that guy. I thought he was being genuinely mean to you and I didn't like that but then I found out
Starting point is 01:09:48 he was just funny. Which is admirable because you're going to bat for your friend. Yeah. Yeah, it's so funny because it just changes everything.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Speaking of furry, that's why, looping back to furry, that's why Sonic Fox is the greatest gamer to ever exist. Yeah, he's one of them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:02 He's so sick. If you don't know, he's like, what is he the best in the world at? Like all fighting games. He, he's one of them. Yeah. He's so sick. If you don't know him, he's like, what is he the best in the world at? Like all fighting games. A bunch of them. He's won like five Evos.
Starting point is 01:10:10 Injustice, Killer Instinct. MK. It's funny, because Sonic Fox will pick up a game that a scene, for instance,
Starting point is 01:10:16 like Mortal Kombat has been playing for years and years, and then come in, clean up, and then like just go to a different game. While wearing his fursona.
Starting point is 01:10:24 That's right. And he'll just dust you in his fursona. And you can put your life into something, and then he just go to a different while wearing his fursona that's right yeah and he'll just dust you in his fursona and you can put your life into something and then he'll pick it up beat you with his fursona on yeah i think uh sonic fox's twitter bio for a long time was like a black queer furry who will mix your shit in fighting games yeah and i'm like i think he will yeah and he literally will as advertised yeah yeah i've. I've played one game with Sonic Fox before. Oh, yeah? And it was Mario Party 4.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Oh, I bet you win that one. He got his shit mixed. I bet you win that one. And I will never forget it. I'm 1-0. And he said, who's black and queer now? That would be the most insane stolen dollar. Maybe of all time.
Starting point is 01:11:03 Obama shows up on your doorstep. That would be the most batshit thing to say in that moment. Immediately change your Twitter description. I found out that is a federal crime. Obama in 2013 made it a federal crime to gain things or pretending to be in the military, even if it's an Applebee's discount. I'm down for that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:21 You can go to prison. Hey, can I play Guitar Hero in your Chuck E. Cheese? I made that up. Was this on the yard somebody was like i forget who but we were talking about doing an irl stream it was like me and saikuno dressed up to try that was last week yeah yeah they're still in about people like that bit i rethought of the bit of connor fucking all the pocket pussies and i literally started laughing and just again him sweaty with a hard hat. But yeah, he's
Starting point is 01:11:47 like blue collar. He's like, yeah, our days. I love it. There's soot all over. He's got soot for some reason.
Starting point is 01:11:53 Can you imagine like looking out like thousand yards there? Like I just I gotta get back. He gets home to his wife.
Starting point is 01:11:59 He's like, I can't do it anymore. Boss is dogging me. I don't make enough for this. Job's ruined my life. Benefits are terrible. Not all of them pass quality control.
Starting point is 01:12:09 I'm chafing so bad. Dude, your dick would be calloused like your heel. Like you're a rock climber. You wouldn't feel anything. Yeah, he wouldn't. He'd be chalking up. People would think it's a good job, and it'd actually be miserable.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Your QA by the end of a couple months would be terrible. You would not be able to tell us it was good anymore. Are you supposed to come to QA a fleshlight? No. But you do have to be hard. Hey, the sanitation team needs to QA too. Dude, you have to just be stringing back-to-back Viagras if you want to get through an eight-hour shift.
Starting point is 01:12:38 At that point, I think automation saves us, right? We just create a robot that can come. You create a robot. And feels. And feels. And it's like, what did you think of that one, robot? And just create a robot that can come. You create a robot. And feels. And feels. And it's like, what'd you think of that one, robot? And he's like, it was okay.
Starting point is 01:12:51 I wish there was a mouth on the other end. Do you think it will love me? It's the portal voice. That's like not far off from what was happening in the next podcast. Dude, it's portal, but they're all pocket pussies. All the portals. All the portals? All the portals., but they're all pocket pussies. All the Portal.
Starting point is 01:13:06 All the Portals? Or it's a pocket pussy. It's a Portal gun, that's a pocket pussy, and it shoots pussies into the wall. The voice is Amaranth. And it's no words, it's just the suck sounds. It's just tongue.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Just every movie replaced. Limitless, but you have to fuck a pocket pussy to be a genius. Yeah, in the comments, insert a pocket pussy into a movie somehow. This is like a tweet Hungrybox would put out. Funniest one gets shown the next episode. What movie would you add pocket pussy to to make it hilarious? He posted on r slash pocket pussy Twitter. You guys, if you don't know.
Starting point is 01:13:45 What? No, I'm down. It's funny. It happened. It did happen. at pussy Twitter? You guys, if you don't know, if nobody's seen it, what? No, I'm down. It's fine. It happened. Hungrybox once, who's the top Melee player. That's herstory.
Starting point is 01:13:53 It's his herstory. He once tweeted on the subreddit r slash black people Twitter. He posted an image, which was, was it his own tweet? It was his own tweet. It was Hungrybox's own tweet, which had something to do with like Dragon Ball Z. And he posted it on r slash black people twitter, which I believe.
Starting point is 01:14:15 He's like fellas. Which was a subreddit. I'm at the cookout. And everyone was like, it got found really quickly that hbox did it and they were like what the fuck are you doing the weird part was like he didn't he didn't do it on like an alt account or like a run away he's not black it's yeah it's that's a big component it's his own yeah it says when you let go the gas pump and it hit exactly 30 on the first try and then it's Goku reacting saying
Starting point is 01:14:46 so this is the power of Ultra Instinct. This is so funny. He kept his own tweet header in it. Dude, insane. To this day, I look at this and I'm like, what was going through your head? Growth, probably. Is there a funny tweets Twitter?
Starting point is 01:15:01 Can you post it there? I don't know. I just feel like it wasn't related to the community, maybe. No't but it's just like you know how i did the video like youtube is is um skill not luck part of it was me donating fifty dollars to miskiff to post the video about him people apparently miskiff told me have donated two thousand dollars to him oh yeah wow any bag catchers they donated two thousand dollars to him with just like Wow. Any bag catchers? They donated $2,000 to him with just like the most random videos. Why him?
Starting point is 01:15:28 It's so funny. You see it in a long video and you're like, I must do Miskif. That's the streamer that I need to do it. A couple people did it to me and it's like the videos
Starting point is 01:15:35 would be like, this is a 10 minute dissertation on why the Baroque period was the greatest. And I was like, I appreciate this video but this is not what I want to watch on stream.
Starting point is 01:15:43 That's passion. It is passion but it's like, there's a very specific community I was targeting by donating to Mizgift. And they're like, oh, you just donate to Miz. And then the video pops off. It is funny. Me and Eamon were talking today about it's still in the Smasher mindset slash grind set to like, I just got to put in hours, bro. I'll just play Melee for nine hours straight on stream.
Starting point is 01:16:10 And that's how I grow my stream. And it it's like yeah that's not that was my question that's actually what i wrote down is like for instance let's say all right let's say hugs because it's the way i feel about hugs's stream hugs has demonstrated to me that i don't want to watch his stream right like he is he makes stuff, and then I was like, it's always going to be the same thing, and I've decided I don't like it, right? And I say this because he's like, he's Smash and Smash adjacent, so he kind of was the first for me to experience this. And so I'm like, I'm never going to, like, be interested in that stream.
Starting point is 01:16:39 And I'm wondering, can people blow it? Like, people who have been, like, streaming for four years, to 20 viewers, like, are they done? Because in so many people's minds that they've already encountered, the first impression was, I don't want to watch this person. I think everyone is, like, could just get blown up by some random thing. Yeah, if a video hugs, like, okay, let's just say a MrBeast video got posted on Hugs' channel, you'd immediately blow up. You know what I mean? Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:04 So it's like, it doesn't matter. It doesn't. No no even if people were aware of you and don't care about you i think it's because i think it's because if you blow that first impression you're only accessing like a small portion of some community so maybe you ruined it with them but there's always another pool of people that you put have the potential to like set a new first impression you may as well stream the first time ever to those people. Also, sometimes someone might have watched a yard and been like, this isn't for me. It's too much of a boys club, yada, yada.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Seen a clip at a friend recommended, and then they're like, oh, I actually fuck with the yard. And I'm sure a bunch of people in the comments are like, oh, yeah, that's me. What's up, man? So it's like, you know, you'll just give things second chances sometimes. I actually am curious because there are some comments on like, you know, we're on episode like what?
Starting point is 01:17:44 This is 20, right? Barely legal. Congratulations, 20th episode. Woo! Anyway, for those commenting on like the last video, like I'm watching the podcast for the first time. This is great. I'm wondering like how you decide to watch it like 19 episodes in, you know? Yeah, well, I think it's because it's not titled in a way where it's like oh you gotta
Starting point is 01:18:05 watch the first 20 it's number 20 now it's in the thumbnail but it's like a pretty small part of it i'm more just saying like what changed between like oh i see what you mean yeah oh well yeah right they didn't know about it yeah or good title good combo yeah potentially i guess that's the what it comes down to there's been a ton of projects that like i like i think for a good a good example of this is uh cold ones where it's like something that i knew about for a long time i've i was watching max mofo like pokemon videos like years and years like i knew who he was dude max is such a dog i'm sorry i'll go to that later uh and like i knew anything for views because he's like he was like in tons of shit online um and but i'd never ever watched their show and then they just one of the thumbnails
Starting point is 01:18:45 hit for me and i was like oh what's this and i clicked on it and now i like their show okay um so they just had to like nothing was getting me even though i knew who they were and knew i already liked them i just like i wasn't a type of person who clicks and watches a show on youtube and then now that i know i like their thing when i see a new one i'm like oh yeah sure i'll watch it um yeah so i think people just like don't know about us and then they find out about us and you know what gets me big what what loops me in is what gets you big yeah what gets you big and strong for me wow i didn't think i didn't think how big is it how big were you give me as big as you can right now you know what
Starting point is 01:19:21 hooks me in yeah and gets me big? Is friend recommendations. Like, if someone says this is really good. Not randomly sent things. I sent so many videos that you haven't watched. That's not true. I watch all your shit. You watch all your shit? No, I sent one one time that you didn't
Starting point is 01:19:40 watch, and now I will never send you a video again. That's okay. That was what happened. That's alright. You will send me stuff and you have never friend recommendations are also huge. Yeah. It's you know it's
Starting point is 01:19:49 fun. Well not even also not even just friends if someone I like trust their opinion one time lucky tweeted about Final Fantasy 15 and I was I had never played
Starting point is 01:19:59 it. He's like this is a great Final Fantasy game. I love it and I played those games all the time and I played it because of that tweet and I liked it was good. And I played those games all the time. And I played it because of that tweet. And I liked it. It was good.
Starting point is 01:20:06 I watched Squid Game because of Shroud. Same thing. That will go a long way. Otherwise, you probably wouldn't have heard of it. I wouldn't have heard of it. Yeah, you've gone around to that. Why is everyone talking about squids? Speaking of, okay, holidays are coming.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Two big things from the holidays. And I brought this up because of Max MoFo. Is the YouTube AdSense. Because Max MoFo, if you guys don't know, two big things from the holidays and i brought this up because the max mofo is the youtube ad sense because mac max mofo if you guys don't know youtube ad gets it gets way more dollar per view in in december and i remember max going up oh it goes way up in december you get about double whoa or triple yeah whoa it goes nuts so max uploaded like eight videos in December. I would watch every one of the Pokemon unboxing. I was really into Pokemon. January 1st hits, Ghost Town for like three months.
Starting point is 01:20:52 I'm gone, bro. And I was like, bro, come back. I was watching that. That's so funny. Bad Getters Incorporated. He just knows what's up. And he's making Pokemon card content. I feel like that's juicy for advertisers.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Something new. What's that? This year for the first time, I'm getting the Mariah bump. Is that when... That's really sick. I'm just guessing what this is. I don't already. Is this when Mariah Carey's Christmas songs
Starting point is 01:21:21 bump your music? No, Mariah Carey, every year, there's a noticeable tick on her views. It's like a phenomenon. You can Google zip, but like the Mariah Carey, whatever. And in every holidays, her views just go through the roof. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So like November 1st drop, she had a TikTok ready. That was like fully produced thing.
Starting point is 01:21:41 And she's like, it's Christmas, bitches. And, you know, it was her song, All I Want for Christmas is You. I'm getting the Mariah bump with A Very Mogul Christmas. Oh, that's very cool. I'm getting a bit of a bump already. Shake tweeted out. Apparently, he got someone sending the song to him for some reason. Yeah, this is the Mariah bump.
Starting point is 01:21:58 Wow. It's an older screenshot, but it checks out. This is honestly for all Christmas songs, I would imagine. But for Mariah, it's a very special time. The inventor of Christmas. For me and Mariah. For me and Mariah. You and Mariah.
Starting point is 01:22:10 And to both of you, I say fuck it up, bitch. And you guys go way back. Yeah, I'm like the Santa, she is the elf. No. Yeah? No. I think it's like, she's like Christ. Okay.
Starting point is 01:22:23 And you're like Buddy you're like you're like buddy like Will Farrell. You know I'll take that. That's not that bad. I so I normally am someone who like when
Starting point is 01:22:33 it's Christmas time I think about like the gifts like you know two weeks before and I get them all in and I think I'm a decent gift giver. But this year I
Starting point is 01:22:41 thought of one of your gifts like a month ago. Me. It came instantly to me. Me. And I think it'll of one of your gifts like a month ago me it came instantly to me me and I think it'll be one of the best gifts not that I ever give but that the person will ever receive based on the things that they like no so you're talking about for Ludwig this person is Anthony oh no I thought I get you the best I thought of Anthony's gift months ago and I think it is one of the best gifts you'll ever get.
Starting point is 01:23:06 I will say you, you guys got me the Ram ranch shirt last Christmas and that's one of my most prize shirts ever. This is going to hit. You guys, no fucking clue. I'm working on it, but slime is fucking ready.
Starting point is 01:23:19 You get him some sort of instructions on how to wash expensive clothes. This sick thing is happening this year with me and Cutie. She just tells me everything she wants for Christmas. That's high. That is high. It's so sick. She learned. She learned after you got her the wrong size shoes.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I'm just like fucking weeks before stressing because she always goes so above and beyond for my bar mitzvahs. And I have to feel- Every single one of your bar mitzvahs. i have to feel every single one yeah of your bar mitzvahs and i guess i turned 13 girl now i turn 26 so i get the second one so i feel like i have to go above and beyond for everything she does but like i'm not as good at it so i'm just kind of like throwing shit at the board and like being like do you like it and i like keep wanting her to do like a huge reaction but she's like pretty neutral through g reactions, like you would imagine Nick would be.
Starting point is 01:24:06 Bro, you are like this. Dude. I'm a great gift receiver. I'll do this. Wow, this is awesome. Yeah. That's a great reaction. Dude, it's your whole family.
Starting point is 01:24:18 You bought your sister a car, and she was like, thanks. Yeah. And you were like, yeah. And then you asked both of you about the interaction. And you're like, yeah, it was great. Yeah. What the fuck's wrong with you guys?
Starting point is 01:24:31 You're two sims that just hit talk. It's like a walkthrough in a movie. We're just going to do a walkthrough. And it's like, all right, cool. You guys just four gifts. Well, you're at Christmas as children. You just like turn all the sounds off. You close all the windows.
Starting point is 01:24:43 And you just, here's my gift. My mom would go absolutely nuts, just bust down with nothing but the juice and we'd open it up and be like, wow, thanks mom. What is that? The gift is what you meant. Are you saying your mom would like twerk?
Starting point is 01:25:00 Your mom busts down with the juice. So it's X-Men, eggnog flying. Mama's busting down with the juice. So it's X-Men. Eggnog flying. Mama's busting down with the juice. Nothing but the juice. Everything's getting not wrapped. We were getting bagels today. Me, Aiden, and Maya.
Starting point is 01:25:17 Dude, he was. This guy was being a menace this morning. A little under menace. They have this new coffee. It's made with Biscoff, which love and so i'm like oh biscoff coffee and the guy behind the counter is like yeah and i'm like i'll bust down and maya she's like looking at me so incredulously she's like what me and my me and maya had i had a moment really it like popped off we're stuck with this fucking yes it's been like this for weeks
Starting point is 01:25:42 dude i told her i said to him i like, why can't you be normal? Damn, they got the Delta complimentary coffee going now. Yes, sir. Crazy. Ludwig gets a little airplane treat and he's like. I love those Biscoffs. Delta? They're playing cookies.
Starting point is 01:26:02 My flyer mile's coming too? It's fucked up, it's only them. That have the Biscoffs? No other airlines have Biscoff cookies. Probably some deal they stroke. Yeah, they probably did stroke that one. Bro, you're just like choosing words. No, no. Past tense of stroke.
Starting point is 01:26:17 Don't snort. No, it's good. That's smart. Smart to say. Hey, why is the first topic blowing I was gonna say something You went to bagels With Maya
Starting point is 01:26:30 And Eamon And you did something We went without you Dude it was gonna be the best bit Best shit What was crazy though So Maya's visiting right And like she doesn't know
Starting point is 01:26:40 Us that well She doesn't even I don't know her that well But she barely knows you guys No me and her are homies. Say it once. Ask her. Road dogs.
Starting point is 01:26:48 Dead homies? Ask her. Cutie said she really likes me. Okay, you just gave a first impression that was good. No, they're homies. No. I continued to give good impressions. Barring Nick, Maya's not that familiar with the other people in the house.
Starting point is 01:27:01 And we went to get bagels. Me, Maya. I'm sorry. Nick just did a really good Fortnite dance fortnight dance i wish you did it for like a minute bro bro i was that wasn't for now audio listener you should probably watch a video how sick would it be if we made it in 2021 or 2022 we made a fucking jerking video like rejecting we should do like in middle school oh shit that would be bad. I don't bite to that yet. Totally sick. Aw, fuck. You guys have no idea. Someone out there is like, that'd be sick.
Starting point is 01:27:30 Yeah. When I make a reference... Me and Maya are making a fucking... We got our backpacks on, we're fucking... Now for the Yard Patreon. Maya teaches you how to Dougie. So, Maya's over. Doesn't know everyone that well. Me, Maya, Aiden
Starting point is 01:27:45 go get bagels. We come back. Slime just rises out of bed. He had messaged a group chat. Anyone want to get bagels? We left. We didn't reply to him. We didn't see it. We didn't get him anything. You all made fun of him when you were out together. We come back. We're eating the bagels. Now again, Maya does not know them that well. Slime comes down. He's like, you got
Starting point is 01:28:02 bagels? You got bagel, man? This was good. And Aiden's like, yeah, I got bagel, man. I got up real close to him. I got like this. He gets up in his face right next to him in a threatening way. Aiden kind of like powers walks over. He shrivels into a ball. He shrivels into a ball, goes over to get a fork to eat his meal.
Starting point is 01:28:21 Slime, while he does this, just eats the egg that's a part of his meal. No, no. Aiden's getting a fork to eat like an slime while he does this just eats the egg that's a part of his meal no no he he even's getting a fork to eat like an egg that fell his bagel i scoot i slide in front of his meal and i sit there like it's mine now and then you and i'm like this looks good and then he he gets a fork out of the drawer and i i i put out my hand for him to hand it to me my eyes watching maya's watching this horrified like She's not horrified. She laughed. Like a nervous laughter like, oh, is my meal next? No, she laughed like that was a good bit. Is the guard
Starting point is 01:28:51 coming through? Oh shit, did I have to pay taxes on my bagel today? Me and Eamon, that was a tag team bit. You and Maya are best friends now. No. If I'm her and I see that, I'm like, that guy's cool. We got to address this now, by the way, before this gets away from us.
Starting point is 01:29:12 We did hit 10K in the Patreon, which does mean you need to get a tattoo, Nick. So we need to discuss how we are going to get you equipped with a tattoo. How do people get to choose what you get a tattoo? Do you have any idea? Well, I announced this to the Discord already, but to the general population. To the general pubis. The way that we're doing this.
Starting point is 01:29:31 To the general pubis. We have a Discord server. So if you're in the Patreon, we have a Discord. And in the Discord, we have a channel that is for suggestions for my tattoo. This channel has a shit ton of suggestions in it now.
Starting point is 01:29:47 They are fucking awful. There is nothing to be redeemed in there. You really disappointed Nick. Come on. But one of them is going on my body permanently forever. That's right. So the way we're going to do it is we are going to create a bracket that Aiden will seed.
Starting point is 01:30:03 That is single elimination. Why does the man with zero tattoos seed this? Because he's the most experienced. He's a TO. He would know how to seed them the best. I would know how to seed. Which is literally just ordering things from best to worst, is what seeding is.
Starting point is 01:30:16 So we're going to make a single elimination bracket. It'll be voting base, so you vote, and it goes to the next round. And then when it gets to the very last two for grand finals, it's Marby's. Ooh. I did that for my tattoo. That's cool. I'm taking from the bag of Ludwig Trix.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Nick is a swagjacker of me. He took my puff. Oh, my God. He took my puff. That's right. He took my tattoo. I didn't take your puff. I learned from your puff.
Starting point is 01:30:40 He took your Disney clothes. He took my rock climbing. Don't say that one. Make him take that back. He took my Disney clothes. He took my rock climbing. Don't say that one. Make him take that back. He took my Disney clothes. Oh my God. You guys look like you just struck
Starting point is 01:30:52 the most important deal of oil in the history of oil. I want one of the tattoos to be you took Ludwig's Disney clothes. Yeah, you took the Mickey Mouse hoodie.
Starting point is 01:31:02 You swag jacked Ludwig. The reason why I wanted Marvy's at the end for the public, it's know for the public it's like oh it's hype for me i'm like marby's is by the way random i'm like it's my out if there's one that like is a clear winner in this race it creates a coin flip that at least i have a chance right okay like let's say there's a clear winner that is like horrible it gives me a coin flip. So let me recap. It's double. The final two will be Marbies head-to-head. Yes.
Starting point is 01:31:30 So literally just two Marbles. No, it'll be like 50 of each. So that you can't tell immediately who's going to win it. Right. I was just thinking that. This is a voting process for the bracket? How does the bracket work? Yeah. I found a way to do this.
Starting point is 01:31:42 Can I just be like, yo, boys, on stream and just rig the bracket? Yes. That's the Ludwig way. Boys, can you just vote Nick is dumb pussy, please? Hey, voting will be Patreon only because it's their choice. They only give $5 to me. I would say, based on the content that's been posted so far, there is a very high chance my face ends up on your body.
Starting point is 01:32:03 Zipper, why don't you go through can I ask a question how do we add things to the bracket is that a thing that's determined by you there's a chat there's a channel on the discord so basically I created like a guideline of like things that I will not accept and then I
Starting point is 01:32:20 am essentially going through and picking things that like I am willing to put on my body and I'm being very loose with it like I am a things I think are like the like fucking terrible but I'm like whatever it's not something you like that you have off limits like a swastika gosh
Starting point is 01:32:35 you're gonna say that no matter what I said yeah I was and I'm sad you said swastika because now I look like a Nazi but a better example is like if someone someone was like some people were putting like jokes from episodes that like just happened and i'm like that won't be funny in like a week pull my pud for life i'd rather be pulling my pud pulling my pud and my dad's older than all of us like like a lot of people wrote like luca brazzi because
Starting point is 01:33:00 it's so funny and i'm like it's like oh i'm so funny. And I'm like, it's just so passing. And I'm like, it doesn't make sense. Like, that kind of stuff gets left out. But if it's like, like, there's ones of like, it's like Eamon deep-fried
Starting point is 01:33:12 smoking weed. I'm like, yeah, I don't want that, but like, it's in there. So I included it. I'm assuming these are just, by the way, ideas, not the drawing.
Starting point is 01:33:20 And then the drawing will be made from the idea. I made it a rule in the server that if you're going to submit an idea You have to submit a picture It doesn't mean that the picture has to be the final version I just need a reference
Starting point is 01:33:30 Because if we are going to make it better we'll have the artist draw it But I need a reference Can I add some things to this bracket? You will rig it if you do that If you add something you will rig it You have to add it as an alt An alt comes in and just adds a random idea. Or you could slide somebody a fiver.
Starting point is 01:33:49 I'll slap him a fiver. There's a way to do this, but I don't think someone would leak because Nick's like a fan favorite and you're the heel. And I'm the heel. And Eamon's the heel. And Nick's the heel. We're a dude with four heels. It's not going to work.
Starting point is 01:34:06 Well, either way, I'm pretty hyped for it. Is any aspect of it live? My dream would be if we could just have the artist come up here and do the episode while I'm getting tattooed. Oh, that'd be hype. Oh, we could do that. Yeah, we should just do that. I know a few artists. I think I can make a half.
Starting point is 01:34:18 I love it. We could also just better do it at a tattoo shop. That'd be fun. The episode? Do the episode. Write it out? Go to a tattoo shop for a night. After close, just be like, yo, can you keep it open?
Starting point is 01:34:30 It's hard to get your equipment up here. Let's do that. Good idea! Sometimes you get great ideas. Oh my god! Wait, wait, wait. Wait, wait, wait. Left hand.
Starting point is 01:34:44 Hit you with the reverse. Hit you with the reverse. Get fucked, idiot. Hit you with the reverse. What the hell was that? That means don't get too big for your fucking britches, bro. Okay, I have been meaning to tell you about my secret tattoo. Like, I got a secret tattoo. No, you didn't.
Starting point is 01:34:58 I don't believe you. Well, I can show you. You're gonna show us? On the bonus episode. Oh!

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