The Yard - Ep. 22 - Ludwig's hardest decision ever...

Episode Date: December 1, 2021

Is this thing on? It's time to get CRAZY. In this episode, Ludwig departs from Twitch FOREVER, Aiden gets gaslit for 5 full minutes, and Slime pisses off the most dangerous posse of stans in the world....

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Starting point is 00:00:15 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵
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Starting point is 00:00:23 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 🎵 Smoking weed. Smoking weed. That was pretty good. You botched it. Hey, what's going on, guys? Welcome back to the yard.
Starting point is 00:00:29 No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You don't get to just do that. No, no, no. Welcome back. You're still chewing. You made us sit here and watch you eat poke out of a box for like three minutes straight. Welcome back to the yard. And Zipper said we're rolling, and you're like, I'm going to die.
Starting point is 00:00:41 The yard is here. And Eamon's stressed. Look how stressed he is. I'm so stressed. Look at him. You fucked him all up. You've stressed me out. His heart rate's all weird now. You look like the little girl in Monsters, Inc. I look like the little girl in Monsters, Inc. She doesn't have a jacket. Not me
Starting point is 00:00:54 with the furry coat on. Oh, she does have a costume for the whole thing. You with the Montclair jacket on. What does she say? What does she say? Kitty. Kitty. That's funny. She says, ah, fuck a monster. That's the scariest shit. You talk exactly like Boo. Kitty. That's funny. She says, ah, fuck a monster. We actually shit. That's the scariest shit. Oh, shit. You talk exactly like Boo.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Kitty man. Yeah. Kitty man. Kitty man. I talk like a Pixar animated little girl. Puppy man. Puppy man. You had some puppy man time.
Starting point is 00:01:16 You took Tara Swift. He poops so much in the house. Yeah. Apparently when I'm not here, Swift comes out to play. It's not you, brother. It has nothing to do with you. He poops in that kitchen when you're home as well. He's been doing it a to play. It's not you, brother. It has nothing to do with you. He poops in that kitchen when you're home as well. He's been doing it
Starting point is 00:01:28 a lot lately. He's a kitchen pooper. I think he's fed up. Which is not a good thing. Well, okay, what happens is we let him out and the sun, Daylight Savings, sets early. Cringely early. Cringely. It is cringe. I want to rewind. It's cringe of the sun to have changed its schedule.
Starting point is 00:01:43 That's right. Yeah, I got you. Around our time. Stupid sun. And so when we let the dog out at night, like, it doesn't matter what noise it is. If a noise happens, Swift will not poop. I fucking... Do we talk to him? Swift?
Starting point is 00:01:57 Do we sit down and talk to Swift? Swift is the most troubled dog I have ever met. What happens if Swift is, like, halfway through a poop and then you make a noise? Does it go like back in or does it cut halfway? I think he cuts. He pinches. He cuts? He's a pincher. Cuts and runs. And then you gotta, I once had to cut his poop out of his back fur. You did do that, yeah. Oh, we should give him little
Starting point is 00:02:16 earmuffs so that he can't hear noises and then he poops real good like that. And then he wouldn't bark at the door anymore. They have a lot of, we actually have a lot of those. There's a bunch of like, basically like autism devices for dogs that just reduce your sensory, so you don't have sensory overload. So basically he's like a walking vegetable. The first time I've heard anyone say dogs is like the pluralized dogs.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Or like an autism device for dogs, which I don't believe can have that. My thing is making sentences people have never heard. You don't think dogs can have autism? I don't know. I guess I believe can have that. My thing is making sentences people have never heard. You don't think dogs can have autism. I don't know. I guess I'm not a scientist. Almost assuredly, Swift is autistic. Or he's just badly trained. This is like a fear of the remote.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Because the sound the TV makes when it starts is too loud. But dude, the remote, there's a guy on the picture, and then the remote makes a different guy. It makes a whole different guy you know it is confusing and then sometimes they're like monsters and like sponges it's loud i can talk so you think like it's pretty scary like if you were raised where you had no tv like amish and then you saw a tv you'd be like you know it's funny and this is a good segue we hung out with a very old friend earlier yesterday and he was telling me, I was like, you know, it kind of rules to be alive right now, right?
Starting point is 00:03:29 Like, we have Nintendo. Yeah. We have, like, cool stuff. We got, like, Boba. Pussy, weed. We got all that. We got Boba, pussy, and weed. Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Yeah, dude. But back in the day, it's like you churned butter, and then, like, you hoped that the person that was, like, marrying you, if you're a woman, the a woman the person that was like marrying you like like didn't hit you right and you had to have seven kids and life just fucking sucks and every time you have a kid it's like i might die on this one i was yeah you might die or three of them might die yeah why you're having seven yeah and so it's like but he was like no because we had God back then, but our God now is Nintendo. He's right. I was on his side for this.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Nintendo is our God. So he's basically saying God kept us happy, but now we have Nintendos that keep us happy, but with the same amount of miserable. You had such a limited perception in the old world. Religion was your life's purpose and entertainment, and you knew nothing about what was on the other side of the love gets invited to the the bible premiere doesn't go this is like isaac asimov's like loser
Starting point is 00:04:34 brothers you can't imagine you can't imagine what the what is better when it when you have no clue it even exists your life is just churning butter and living with your family. I love this Bible. I'm reading the Bible. I agree with the take that technology could be a replacement for what religion fulfills, but it's not the Nintendo DS or the Switch. Okay, my question more is, are we happier now than we were hundreds of years ago?
Starting point is 00:04:59 As a society? I think we are because we have Nintendo. I think we're less happy. Because we know more. You actually are not authorized to answer questions about human emotion, but I'd love to hear your take. It's true, yeah. You actually have no stake in this conversation.
Starting point is 00:05:12 I think society is, on paper, sadder, but that's because we're more open and talking about being sad now. That's a good point. Because if you talked about being sad back in the old days, you'd get killed with an axe. It was not cool to be depressed in the old it was the monthly axing they would go around now it's now if you're not depressed killing weebs you couldn't you couldn't take a mental health day from churning the butter no bro the butter is not gonna churn itself because the family was on the line what is being a weeb what is being a weeb like a hundred years ago you just
Starting point is 00:05:42 like you're like a christian a hundred years ago yeah that's called being protestant are you just super into christian lore it's protestants and then the catholics are the non-weebs are product wait what protestants are the weebs of christianity yeah because they're the newer ones what about the orthodox christians those are just cringe lords all around you know a hundred years ago the spanish so we've got all right we've got the cringeringe Lords, then we have the Weebs. I wish I knew what we were doing. He's got the Nina, the Santa Maria. Dude, there was one weirdo on the fucking Santa Maria who was trying to show people his Yu-Gi-Oh. But whatever English Yu-Gi-Oh was.
Starting point is 00:06:14 It was just a bunch of rocks. Like some whack shit. And they're like, dude, this fucking weirdo's at it again. Back in the day, I was like, I got almonds. Yeah. And they're like, what the ass? Bro, almonds. Yeah. And they're like, what? They're like, bro, are those like peanuts? You're like, no.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You know how much water it takes? You point to like the Atlantic. Yeah. One almond. It takes four cubits to grow this. You crunch them to kind of squeak in your teeth. Dude, people back then are so dumb and stupid. They're so stupid.
Starting point is 00:06:40 Yeah. Oh, man. I would clown the shit out of them. But they would beat the fuck out of us probably yeah i bet 500 years from now like the last remaining humans on the space colony will be like dude 500 years ago they were so fucking stupid they thought nintendo was god do you think we'll get less racist with time not us as a group necessarily but absolutely not that one i won't budge on humanity i think it's like uh it's like a jagged so like you'll it's
Starting point is 00:07:08 like i think everything trends progressive and then there's a giant spike of like racism new racism just dropped yeah we actually yeah yeah i hate like something really new race is space racism like oh yeah oh yeah oh we would be so good at being racist to aliens. Dude, if an alien comes, I'm racist. Oh, yeah. And I'm already. You're not racist. I'm already AI racist.
Starting point is 00:07:31 You're speciesist? I'm already AI racist. Speciesist? AI? Oh, you're racist against AI. I'm robot racist. It's not racism. It's crazy because you are a robot.
Starting point is 00:07:38 It's a different word. Oh, so they're not a race. You're using the wrong word. Oh, they're not a race. Is that what you're saying? They're not. Wow. Welcome.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Your colors came out. Hey, I shake his hand. I'm with you there. I'm with you. You guys They're not. Wow. Welcome. Your call came out. Hey, I shake his hand. I'm with you there. I'm with you. You guys are the same. Wait, why am I shaking his hand right now? Because you're robot racist with me. That's right.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Because you don't consider them. Is robot racism, that's like, that's what you write an essay about after you watch Ex Machina. In 500 years, we're going to have to decide if robots get to vote. Robot suffrage will be a conversation. This actually was just the entire Matrix series. A robot rolls up to the crib and says something mean to Aiden, and Aiden has a conversation with it.
Starting point is 00:08:11 No, that doesn't make sense. I love Aiden's reasonable mode, because it's always very reasonable, but sometimes you're like, you're spending a lot of energy on this, and you shouldn't be. Okay, we do a parody of her, and it's Aiden just arguing with the robot. No, Aiden breaking up with the robot.
Starting point is 00:08:28 No, it's Aiden breaking up with her, but she's upset. Yeah, he made the robot sad because he was so disconnected from the robot emotions. Are you even human? That'd be so hard, bro. It's like, yeah, it just wasn't really working out. Like, you know, you can see other people. It's totally fine. But I'd love to hang out with my friends.
Starting point is 00:08:46 What's her name? Amy Adams. I can't leave your home. My blood language is physical touch and frankly it's a huge barrier. All I can change. Alright, let's talk about it, bro. I feel like there's something to talk about. I feel like something happened today. It's Ludwig week.
Starting point is 00:09:02 I don't want to talk about it. Oh, it's Ludwig week? It's Ludwig week. What do you want to talk about instead? Oh, it's Ludwig week? What do you want to talk about instead? Aiden just said I don't want views. Hey, I'm really proud of you. Why did you go to YouTube? And I'm also human, by the way. That was a cool human decision you made
Starting point is 00:09:18 today. I thought your human choice was very human. I'm going to like Mark Zuckerberg my water right now. Everything you do is weird and robotic. Slimy eyes. Everything went perfect. The YouTube announcement dropped.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I dropped it on Twitter. I dropped it on YouTube. I dropped another video on my second channel or third channel, whatever you want to call it. And you gave Stans an exclusive scoop. I gave Stans an exclusive scoop. I gave Stans an exclusive scoop. I actually do want a synopsis of your second channel video. Why did you switch over for real?
Starting point is 00:09:51 Because I started watching it before we started recording, and Nick said, no, save it for the pod. So this is me saving it for the pod. I want to know now. Let me give you the one-minute synopsis. So basically, I... You're doing the one minute. Gois. So basically, I... You're doing the one minute. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:10:05 You're like a tuba? Do the thing. You're doing... I'm giving you back off. Can I tell you? I don't know the melody, so what the fuck are you doing? I'm giving him like...
Starting point is 00:10:16 Oh, he's doing the... Is it a reference? He's doing the bass for... I would love... Who are my strings? Who are my strings? Give me...
Starting point is 00:10:22 No one knows the melody. You are botching it. I don't know what Nick is doing. I don't know what Nick is doing. I don't know what Nick is doing. Just look at me. Just pretend like it's me and you. They're being weird about it. I'm not being weird. I'm trying to say that's weird.
Starting point is 00:10:35 The racist robots are talking. What are we talking about now? Look, I was stuck on this decision. You guys should probably know this. For a long time I was faced with it in Italy And I talked to pretty much every human I know There was an episode that we recorded
Starting point is 00:10:50 Where you came up and we were all ready to record And you were like I actually have to make this choice right now What do I do And we're looking at you in the ladder And we're like that's a big choice to be making on this ladder And it was like I have to decide by tonight And you were already stalling And I was getting kind of annoyed.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And then I was like, you know what? This is the one time. This is a good reason. This is a good reason. Yeah, one of the pressures that came with this that I didn't expect was the time pressure. And it was beastly. It was like, okay, here are the deals. Here are the deals.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You have a week. And I was like, originally, it was three days. And I was supposed to decide while I was in Italy. And I was like, okay, I am in Roma roma with a vespa give me a bit which is like enough time to make a decision in general but not enough time to make an educated one like it's not enough time to like really dive into if the switch is going to damage your audience in either direction or whatever it's also so committal and it was it was the hardest decision i've made i i think um yeah you said that on stanza's thing and i i was listening to that when I was driving to go get coffee.
Starting point is 00:11:47 And I was like, is it? Yeah, because most things I'm like, I'm happy with the decision I make. And I don't care if it's the wrong one because I'll make it work and everything will work out. But this one, I guess I've invested so much in a Twitch that I was concerned on any blowback. It not working out because I don't know maybe like YouTube streaming sucks and I hate it after a month and it's like I can't you can't get out I can't get out I can't be like oh you know guys it's not for me so it's like I just have to commit to this for uh for a while for like years so it was it was very stressful and I ended
Starting point is 00:12:21 up flipping a coin right and that was how i made the decision it was actually cutie's idea you actually flipped a coin i actually flipped a coin yeah i recorded myself on one of the setup it's one of the most batshit things i think he has ever done no and also the most fucking gamer shit have you talked about the money at all no i can't talk about like the specifics of any contracts for either one real quick Can you talk about how the coin flip went? So what happened is I had both contracts and I can say like okay There was the basically like same exact deliverables, but YouTube is slightly more money
Starting point is 00:12:55 And but I was like, I don't care about the more money. These are 50 50 in my mind. Yeah And I was leaning towards twitch. I flipped the coin. Well, I was looking around like this is 50 50 in my mind He's like what else is like 50 50 a pencil. He's the coin. Lovie's looking around like, this is 50-50 in my mind. He's like, what else is like 50-50? Is he like a pencil? He's like, no. Looks over, he sees a Lego. Not that.
Starting point is 00:13:11 He sees a quarter. He's like, this will solve my problem. Yeah. And I found the coin and I said, heads for YouTube, tails for Twitch. And it landed tails. And immediately I was like silent and I felt like relieved because I was very stressed about the decision. You let God or Nintendo
Starting point is 00:13:28 take the wheel. So I flipped the coin and it landed Twitch though, which is not the reality we're living in. Okay. So I like the guys at YouTube. I like the guys at Twitch too.
Starting point is 00:13:36 Everyone who I negotiated with were great people. And I was like, I want to give them the respect to hop on a call 1145 PM. So I'm like, let's hop on a call. They were like crushed. Yeah. You know, I could see they're like visibly like sad but i told him i told him about the coin flip
Starting point is 00:13:50 dude i can't imagine imagine all right you roll up to work you've just about locked the ludwig deal yeah and then in comes a call hey man flip the coin uh just decide i'm gonna go a different direction and now you've got to go to your boss. You got to be like, okay, so he flipped a coin, you know, like a, like a real coin, uh, heads and tails on it,
Starting point is 00:14:08 like American currency. And it like decided it decided for it. So I couldn't have done anything. I promise you that. And he's like, Oh, well you're fired. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:15 So you're fucking fired. Shit. Yeah. That makes sense. Well, you know what? Something for Christmas. I did flip a coin on Google and you know,
Starting point is 00:14:23 they could have rigged it. They didn't clearly. Oh, you didn't rigged it. They didn't, clearly. Oh, you didn't do a physical coin? I didn't have one. Damn, you left it up to Bezos? That's crazy. That's not Bezos. It's Google.
Starting point is 00:14:31 That's what you think. You know why Google's money? Because you don't know who their Bezos is. It's Larry Page. You do, yeah. But why doesn't everyone say Page? Why didn't I know that? Because it's two guys.
Starting point is 00:14:41 I don't think he's still the CEO. Maybe. That's what I'm saying, though. You're right. And that's the difference. And that That's what I'm saying though. You're right. You're right. And that's the difference. And that's also a little egomaniac from Bezos. Same with Musk.
Starting point is 00:14:49 They keep it low key. They keep the gun in the glove box. Yeah. Not wave it out. So anyway, flip the coin. It was tails. I tell them about it. I tell them I'm going to Twitch.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And in that call, it was almost like this was a negotiation tactic because they immediately offered for me to do a less hour requirement which i was super excited about because the hours that i was meant to do were the same for both originally and it was like a little bit more than what i do on average and i didn't it's crazy to imagine you with more brain rot when you're not streaming oh imagine god you would suck. Yeah. And it was like one of those things where it's like you have to do the hours. Like if you do not do the hours, the deal is over.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I admittedly would not be psyched about you streaming even more and being even more inaccessible for everything business related. Yeah. Because it is already hard. And I think since the subathon, and we talked about this,
Starting point is 00:15:44 I've moved away from like streaming being like main source of what i'm looking for and i have all these other things and i don't want to just now be like okay now i have to commit more to streaming though and it's like okay i have 15 hours left in the month with four days what can i do i'm busy on this day because i have to do a coinbase shoot maybe you know a lot more stuff phoned in like yeah like streaming more isn't really uh doesn't really work well with your new plan to sort of have quality over quantity yeah and i think like you know i'm still like gonna be a streamer i'm still gonna stream like probably every day like a few hours uh but it's just no super auto pet is gonna die and you're
Starting point is 00:16:20 gonna be done that's it yeah what the fuck it will never die what are you gonna do it will pogo suck three's coming out oh okay perhaps super auto pets will get a patch auto chess he's gonna start playing dota underlords i just go to tft i actually tackle the real game so anyway uh i talked to them they offered that and i was like hmm so then i go to twitch and i do the same thing i say i'm like think I'm going YouTube and I like part of me was hoping they'd be like no stay yeah and they were like wish you the best wish you the best see you later nerd and I was like it hurt I was like yeah thanks man are you sure yeah I don't have to go right now I'm really going I'm gonna go right I walk out of the door
Starting point is 00:17:05 I'm not coming back I won't look back I won't So if you have Speak your piece Yeah Yeah I did So I
Starting point is 00:17:13 I feel like In that sense The decision was made for me Yeah Can I ask you Who's on the phone At Twitch When you're talking about this
Starting point is 00:17:22 Is it your partner manager Like your account manager No no They have a specific team that is like partnerships, acquisitions. Is it Christian Bishop? Who signed literally this week? No, this deal was done a month ago. All right, Ludwig, earmuffs. You're not involved.
Starting point is 00:17:40 We're going to talk some shit on industry, people. You don't have to be a part of it. I think Twitch and YouTube are cool. All right. Okay. So no. Fwizz bought the Miz gift sweater. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:17:50 Yeah. I was like, that's sick. He's the lead of YouTube gaming. Yeah. He used to be a Call of Duty commentator like a long time ago. Do you feel better or worse or the same now that everyone knows? I feel great. The only thing is I kind of scuffed one thing um everything's
Starting point is 00:18:08 gone amazing i have zero complaints about anything uh and i'm really excited about the extension yeah that was like every complaint that someone has i resolved with something already yeah you for those who don't know what the extension is basically i worked with auto who's cracked to make an extension that makes the YouTube live experience better because, like, I'll say, YouTube gaming, like, is miles behind Twitch. Like, it's dog shit in comparison.
Starting point is 00:18:32 So it's, like, just catching up to where Twitch is so that people aren't like, oh, YouTube sucks. It's like, well, it won't. Which is hopefully a catalyst for YouTube to even just step in and make some new features.
Starting point is 00:18:41 If they just made it look like a different site that did the same thing, I'd be like, oh, this is way easier to navigate yeah my big issue is that like if i have to find someone who's streaming i don't have a direct link i have no idea how i have no idea it's really hard okay i remember i had this problem i had this problem during uh rlcs we were like doing contract work for all rlcs while we at Beyond the Summit. And every week they would stream on YouTube and Twitch. They would do both sites. And every time
Starting point is 00:19:10 every week I had to find the new YouTube stream for RLCS it would take me like 10 minutes. That's crazy. Yeah, which is crazy that I couldn't just go to the channel and see it. I had to hunt down a live stream link manually for some reason. You guys want to hear something Crafty Otto came up with?
Starting point is 00:19:25 Yes. Okay, this is part of the extension. Let me hear about that little otter. Nobody should have to be crafty to find live streams on YouTube, just to be clear. Let me hear about that greasy, greasy little otter boy.
Starting point is 00:19:36 I want to hear about our cool crafty tip, but I want to get that out there, that YouTube, the multi-billion dollar company, should not need you to be crafty to find live streams. That's part of the fun, Aiden. I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:19:47 But this is kind of like a choose your own adventure. It's like R.L. Stine. Tell me what that wriggly little bear did. What did that wriggly little worm make for us this time? Hey, Otto. You're our wriggly little bear now. My little bear. You like being my bear?
Starting point is 00:20:03 My sweet little wet. HR stepping in it's okay keep it up anyway we devised or he devised a way where you could embed my youtube live stream on twitch okay I feel like that... Days since last lawsuit threat. Just fucking wiping it off the back. Let's say that
Starting point is 00:20:31 let's... How about we make sure to bleep his name out so, you know... Between this and the Enron hat, we're headed for disaster. It's not looking good, but you know what? He's the one that developed it. Yeah, I had no idea he was doing this.
Starting point is 00:20:47 We didn't even know. If the extension was kind of open-ended and you could just embed anywhere, it's like damn, I'm on P-Hub watching Ludwig. That'd be sick as fuck. You just click a button and it embeds on the site. Do you know what the letters LLC stand for? Let's lose
Starting point is 00:21:03 Chris. He's being annoying. Limited Liability. Let's lose Chris. He's being annoying. Limited Liability Corporation. Company. We're not. We're actually an MLC. It's called Maximum Liability Corporation. All the liability.
Starting point is 00:21:15 We want all of it. We'll take the liability for others. You were saying earlier how there's a problem that you face where the boss from Bloodborne is actually just way more popular than you. And you can't seem to beat that character. So what the excerpt does is it replaces every instance of Ludwig from Bloodborne with Ludwig for me. So if you're reading a guide on Fextralife, it'll say how to beat Ludwig Ogren on YouTube gaming. It just replaces it.
Starting point is 00:21:42 It's like an autofill. Yeah. It's hard. You have to beat a composer and then a video game guy. It is, and two video game guys. I have to beat the Koopaling, who's in Mario Kart 8. He's actually more popular than you, too. I know.
Starting point is 00:21:56 That's crazy. There's four Ludwigs on Mount Rushmore. To be fair, you're top five. I'm top four, I think. Actually, there's the composer. I'm trying to be nice. No, no, there's the video game composer, or movie composer, I think. Actually, there's the composer. I'm trying to be nice. There's the video game composer. Movie composer.
Starting point is 00:22:09 New one. He works with... Who? He works with Hans Zimmer. He literally creates a soundtrack. You beat that guy. I definitely ratio him, but he's made things that are heard by more people.
Starting point is 00:22:19 Yeah, but you don't know his name, and that's the difference. He ratios him, and the guy doesn't even know it happened because he's not on his fucking phone. Dude, speaking of ratioing, you might even beat out this is my theory after it's come up with a few random people, you might even beat Beethoven
Starting point is 00:22:32 out in the sense that a lot of people don't know that Ludwig is his first name. I think a lot of people do. Beethoven's number one. You're talking about the goat right now, I want you to pipe down. Pipe down. The goat for Aiden's is Aiden Ross, by the way. I have your back, man.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You just have to be Aiden Ross. I'm with you. He's with you. I will say. He's got soft hands. Oh, no. What was I going to say? You said ratioing.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Oh. Okay. I don't think I've talked about this on the pod. I have at Ludwig Ogren on Twitter. Yeah. But I'm at Ludwig on other things. I've been trying to get at Ludwig on Twitter for years. For a long time.
Starting point is 00:23:04 You offered him 10K back when you kind of twitter for a long time years you offered him 10k back when you kind of didn't have 10k i offered him 50 50 you offered him 50k and he literally hasn't responded that is so money so like so money that's the fifth guy it's so you're six now dude yeah it's like it's like mount rushmore has four heads and then it has what people don't see when the camera goes down a huge cock and it's that guy he's just the cock and balls yeah wow yeah what a play i think i every few months i think like i'll up it dude this is so funny you follow him too i do of course i hope that he replies to me he never does what a king how many followers do you have he has 4,500 followers it's just Ludwig
Starting point is 00:23:48 he just has Ludwig dude and he made his account in 2008 like how am I gonna beat that I was like 7 dude he's yeah he works for some crazy shit it's his own company
Starting point is 00:23:57 he made his own company and Quill what is I don't know I was praying for his downfall don't know free publicity.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Bleed that out. He's earned it. Hey, fuck you, guy. And fuck... Unless you want to give the name because you just didn't see the DM. In which case, we would love to support... Are you...
Starting point is 00:24:14 50 fucking grand? 50 rack? What the fuck are you doing? This guy... You're weird. This guy lives in San Francisco, works in tech. He's got bread.
Starting point is 00:24:22 He must have bread. He's breaded, dude. But you're more breaded. I... Doesn't matter. Maybe not. You make more money than someone who works in tech. He's got bread. He must have bread. He's breaded, dude. But you're more breaded. I, doesn't matter. Maybe not. You make more money than like someone who works at NASA
Starting point is 00:24:29 before YouTube. Yeah, but the thing is, the thing is, it's like, I think you reach a certain point of bread where it's like, I could offer the guy
Starting point is 00:24:36 like 200K and he'd be like, I have all my needs met and I just want this. Yeah, that's true. That's how I feel about my Counter-Strike knife. I could sell it at any moment, but I'm like, I don't even play Counter-Strike anymore,
Starting point is 00:24:46 but I'm like, when I sign on and it's still there, I feel good. Hey, that was the cringiest thing you ever said. Hey. Oh. Damn. You go. That takes a dap off the spreadsheet. It's a reverse dap.
Starting point is 00:24:56 It's a reverse one. Did you want to talk about, real quick, the video? Because you were excited about that. You put a lot of work into that. I went to bed at 6 a.m. last night. I know. Because... Manage your time better.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Crazy. Because we were working on the video, and it was pretty much done. And then Dan, our director of content, messages me yesterday. And he's like, hey, I hate the end. Out of nowhere. And I'm like, what do you hate about it? He's like, I don't like all the titles. They all suck.
Starting point is 00:25:23 And I'm like, oh, man. It's like midnight. And he's like I don't like all the titles they all suck and I'm like oh man it's like it's like midnight and he's like yeah and I'm like oh I'm gonna lose this fight huh and I'm like yeah I'll see what I can do and I work on it for a few hours and I'm like how's this he's like still sucks and I'm like I'm like yeah you got any ideas he's like maybe try this I try that he's like that doesn't work either And I'm like Fuck dude Like this sucks so bad And I'm trying so hard Like normally I don't have this mentality
Starting point is 00:25:49 But I was trying so hard To not just redo it all Because I was just so tired And it was posting tomorrow And it was already done In a certain way That Ludwig said love it So I'm like
Starting point is 00:25:57 Client likes it Like let's just fucking ship But then When I finally got to like V5 Of what I sent him He still doesn't like it I'm like fuck it
Starting point is 00:26:04 I'm rebuilding the entire ending So I just stayed up late I just rebuilt the whole V5 of what I sent him, he still doesn't like it. I'm like, fuck it. I'm rebuilding the entire ending. So I just stayed up late. I just rebuilt the whole thing. That's cool. I think Dan was also very passionate about this project. 100%. And he was right. He was totally right.
Starting point is 00:26:12 I was just being lazy because I was tired. But yeah, so we stayed up late. We all got to blow up a fucking car. Yeah. That was awesome. Because I remember how this kind of came about was Ludwig's like, I want to blow up a car. And I literally look at the calendar and I'm like, you want to post this video in two weeks?
Starting point is 00:26:28 And you're like, yeah. Well, okay. It goes back a little further because Ludwig was going to get a new car. He's been talking about it for like a year. And then I was like, what do you want to do with the old one? And then one of us was like, we should blow it up. And then that was just kind of sat in our mind for a long, long time. And then this announcement video came up.
Starting point is 00:26:48 And then he left me a message. Hold on. I'm actually going to play the voicemail. Ludwig pitched this idea. He left me a voicemail. You were the first person I called when I had this idea. It was on the way to Disneyland to hang out with QD and her family. And I didn't listen to it.
Starting point is 00:27:00 I just looked at the transcription of Apple, and it looked so weird. But here is the original conception of the idea. Hold on. Yo, okay. I thought of an idea for the YouTube announcement and I'm driving so I can't write it down.
Starting point is 00:27:18 Okay. The idea is me and you we're driving. Get out of the car. The conversation is basically you're saying, like, do you like to get sterilized? No, like, that doesn't make any sense. The car is my car.
Starting point is 00:27:33 It's painted purple. We walk away further with the conversation. The car explodes. We freak out. We look at each other. Then the cam You know what's crazy? We did exactly that. It's actually so close.
Starting point is 00:28:05 It's almost shot in the shot. The only thing we added is the driving portion before that. You hold that in. We're driving and we get out of the car. You kind of started it like you get out of the car. We're driving. We're walking. There was more of a first section. It expanded, but it was very close to my original vision, which is cool. And what I like about
Starting point is 00:28:21 the way you talked about that, that most people get wrong, is your pacing was pretty correct. Like the section you just built was about 30 seconds. You know what I mean? Like when you take out the whole beginning part, the video goes to about 35, 45. Yeah, and the message was 31 seconds long.
Starting point is 00:28:39 The message was longer than the video. So that's just the content. That's just content, bro. You just have content, brain. I do. And I will reveal because i think some people are interested um because people are talking about like uh like ray's announcement tim's announcement costs like 20k this one zero percent funded by youtube because they were like we don't really want to blow up a car that's supposed to symbolize twitch
Starting point is 00:28:58 and i was like bet there were some interesting parts to it where it was like dan was like okay what kind of explosion do you want? And he sent Ludwig like some stuff. And he's like, we can make it like smoke. We can make it like be on fire. And there was like a conscious decision to be like, well, I don't want to be like Twitch is like going up in flames. Yeah, I didn't want it like burning and like.
Starting point is 00:29:15 It's like, okay, so no flames after, but a big plume. And it's like demo guy's like, yeah, we can do that. This was a huge learning experience for me because I've never done anything like, well, I've never used a process truck the way that we faked driving around yeah we weren't and then i've never blown up anything to film and uh when you work with like an actual pyro team they literally show you photos like what do you want this to look like and you're like well i want that but i also want that and they're like okay yeah these are the two chemicals we're gonna use picking out a wedding cake for
Starting point is 00:29:39 like that's yeah and then and they're like okay so how far away you want the doors to fly do you want them to fly off at all and then they attach wires to all the doors so that they go a specific distance it's like mixing items in Final Fantasy yeah and like leading up
Starting point is 00:29:51 to the explosion you know exactly what it's gonna do because they showed you a photo this is exactly what it's gonna look like it's crazy that's actually so cool
Starting point is 00:29:58 and that's the difference between like doing it with like a real team and like going to Vegas in like a desert like a guy who has dynamite yeah that's just like which is what we thought so again or like something that we all
Starting point is 00:30:08 learned immediately was you don't blow up the car you actually have to gut it yeah you take the engine out because it creates shrapnel yeah you take out everything inside of it you take out the engine and then it's like rigged to blow it's a hot car hot car my guess was like uh you know like blow up the car it's gonna be a little expensive it'll probably be like 10 20 tops 30k and like I kept talking to Dan he was like okay we gotta do this and like this will add a couple k and I was like yeah it's fine it's fine and I didn't realize at the
Starting point is 00:30:34 end of the itinerary play at home how much do you think it cost drum roll dee dee dee dee dee it was 130k which I'll say way less than we thought it was going to be. Not you, but we on our end. You were like 10K, and we're like, you're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:30:50 This is going to be like 250, 300K. So it was way less than we thought. Yeah. Also, when you blow up a car, the thing that happened with Alec Baldwin, actually, it put a lot of strain. Oh, yeah. Everyone was kind of freaked out to do stuff like this at the time. They still are because of that. So it like jacked up the price a bit. They had a moment of
Starting point is 00:31:07 silence. We had a moment of silence on set for the DP. Yeah. Like yeah. For the guy that was shot on the Alec Baldwin set? No it was a woman and she died. Yeah. No I know about that story but you had a moment of silence for that person.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And also just getting anyone to do any type of weapon-related, explosive-related stunt right now. Yeah. And getting a location to approve, getting the permits. All of that is just way harder now. Like the ports. Oh, crazy. Because no one wants to be the same story. The next news story?
Starting point is 00:31:40 Yeah. So, yeah, it was pretty nuts. I was going to say something about it that was goofy and crazy and sexy i i had a question for you guys that's that's what i was gonna ask about because i was so surprised you guys did it in one take and i understand i understand i have some background for this you guys like have to rip it in one take once the explosion happens right but how do they know to detonate on that take? Like, how is it good to go?
Starting point is 00:32:06 So basically, Dan, our director, the decision that he made was that so he is going to be in monitor watching the take, in ear listening to them talk, and they're just going to go for it. And he has the assistant director with his hand up right next to him. And if Dan taps the assistant director,
Starting point is 00:32:24 the assistant director's hand will go down and the pyro team knows explode now so they didn't know when it was going to happen the idea was that it would happen randomly during our our our bit right and we rehearsed the bit a lot the walk up the blocking the what we were going to say all that shit and then it finally came time to like okay we have a hot car and we like, so it's either going to be this take or it's going to, he's going to say, you know, cut, let's try again. But we didn't know when during the take or which take. Because you want to list like a real reaction out of them. Like you want them to actually be afraid that an explosion.
Starting point is 00:32:56 And not like prepare a flash. Yeah. If you're prepared, then you're going to like, the reaction won't be as natural as it actually happened. No, I understand. And Dan, to me, like right before the first take he goes i'm not doing on the first one and i was like why and he's like it just like feels weird to do on the first one i'm like but what if they nail it and then he like didn't respond to me and then you guys went and then the first one went off so i was scared because like i didn't even like i thought he
Starting point is 00:33:19 wasn't going to do it yeah even though i'm back there yeah and uh it scared the if you look at like all the cell phone footage that I took and stuff, like I like fucking invisibly shake. But I also didn't know how big it was going to be. It was pretty big. I was super impressed
Starting point is 00:33:30 once I found out that that was the first take. Wait, not just one take and the first take because it's easy. Doing what we do is easy. It is. You did flinch a little more.
Starting point is 00:33:40 So the, okay. I would like to address. You did the MJ, dude. I was fucked up you hit the heehee on us the only thing i was like i was ready to kill myself about was when i go for the put that in the spreadsheet when i go up for the the whatever sign language that we were looking up right beforehand also we i found out that this is fuck you during when we were looking up to it and i was like and so i go up and i hit the the brim of my hat and I hadn't done that on earlier takes.
Starting point is 00:34:08 You can see this right here. Zippers pulling it up. So here's cat, right? And then here we go. We're going up to father and I hit my hat and then the shit blows. And I actually back out of the frame here. And this was bad because it's like,
Starting point is 00:34:23 you have to adjust the camera. You didn't really plan for it. But I step back in because I'm a fucking performer stepping back into frame single handedly saved the whole shoot because if you would have stayed out of frame it would have fucked up the whole section to be clear you saved what you would have ruined
Starting point is 00:34:36 that's right yes you are the joker you just brought us back to zero you didn't bring us above I saved the day you put the kids in danger and then said I saved the kids that's right they would have't bring us above. I saved the day. You put the kids in danger and then said, I saved the kids. That's right. They would have died. So many kids would have died in that explosion. I saved them. Step back in frame.
Starting point is 00:34:50 I saved them. I love the video. I think it looks great. Yeah, it looks great. And I was really surprised that you didn't jump, and I thought that was cool. I had to fake flinch. I was like, ugh. Yeah, you were like kind of bored.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Oh my god, the explosion. You thought the explosion was like boring and gay or something, and I was like, oh, okay. Yeah. That's cool. Which is crazy of you to say. Why would you say that? I've been watching a lot of Equals 3. On of on set in the take i've been watching so much equals three yeah looking for some old time inspiration this is fake and gay yeah and uh yeah so it was pretty cool man we got to blow it up all right i had something so funny to say we gotta say real quick about christian bishop all right amen pull out your
Starting point is 00:35:27 phone while you do it bring up the the esports summit thing because we wanted to talk about this a couple weeks ago oh like the the website yeah i remember it was so whack but like christian bishop got hired at twitch and it's funny because we we know of that guy through a couple different ways one is that he worked at Thunder Gaming, which was like this colossal meme failure of an endeavor to appeal to smashers. And also just meeting him a couple times. And it's funny. We were talking to H-Rock about it, and H-Rock's like,
Starting point is 00:35:58 yeah, that's how these companies work, dude. They just hire somebody that's not good, but they have some sort of weird value and they just get put in like a rewarding position and we all saw that we just everyone in smash rolled their eyes they're like oh it's just weird it's just weird because i saw it's like isn't this guy like associated with a bunch of controversy and he just got hired but he was on the bachelor position he was on the bachelor he was that's where. He was on The Bachelor. Radsad was like,
Starting point is 00:36:27 hey, you're taking content and you're just putting your logo on your watermark and putting it on TikTok. What are you doing? And then he was like, yeah, we'll definitely make sure to properly credit. And Radsad was like, no, just don't do that. It's not really about credit. It's not transformative. You're not reacting. You moron.
Starting point is 00:36:43 And then I went and checked out. I didn't realize this because I always knew he was like the guy that worked or like managed Thunder Gaming. And then I found out that I'd seen this like a long time ago, which is like the at esports on Twitter. It was supposed to be like some sort of like site or like news conglomerate or something that got announced like quite a while ago. And then I started reading through this the about page the the website is but they're like at esports on all social media and it is just like
Starting point is 00:37:11 paragraph after paragraph of just weird jargon about how like esports is growing it's like they ran it through like a like a like an ai that like was trying to write something and they're like okay esports and also competition and also like synergy write something. And they're like, okay, esports and also competition and also synergy. They go into meetings, they're like, the numbers are charting and the charting is good. It's definitely the synergistic management solutions of gaming. It's that type of shit.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Read me one juicy sentence from the AI that spit this out. is a destination connecting esports fans to their passions. We create news and analysis for all gamers, esports fans, and streaming enthusiasts into expert led content featuring some of the best analysts, players, thinkers, and
Starting point is 00:37:56 writers in the history of esports. That is, that's just my computer. But then I solved it. I figured it out. I solved the I pieced it all together because I started going through this guy's Twitter, which also doesn't make any sense. This is Christian's Twitter?
Starting point is 00:38:11 He has like 50,000 followers, but he gets like fucking 20 interactions per tweet. So it's like, well, you're already off to a bad start because you've clearly bought- Because he stopped tweeting about The Bachelor. Could be that. Could be that.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Maybe he scored a bunch of Bachelor followers and that's what it is. Yeah, he did get followers and dropped off. My bad. Maybe he scored a bunch of Bachelor followers, and that's what it is. Yeah, he did get followers in Yop-Off. My bad. Maybe he didn't buy them. No, I wouldn't assume he bought them. I would assume they're just dead followers and don't care about it now. Okay.
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm going through this later. Because The Bachelor audience is probably not super engaged with e-score. It's like when Zedd tweets about how he got a Valorant 5K, and everyone's like, make him a song. I don't care. Yeah. Or Asa Butterfield. Just play Clarity again.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Just play it. Asa Butterfield will talk about something gaming like and someone will be like i love you asa's like man the inkling matchup was really difficult but i'm working on it and some girl is just like come to brazil or i will fucking kill myself some people will literally say some people will literally say i don't know what this means but i love you yeah and and it's like and he's just going to be like, yeah, gang shit. I'm going to keep grinding this matchup.
Starting point is 00:39:07 Whatever, man. One time he quote retweeted me about UK smash crowds, and I just scrolled through the replies, and everybody is like, what the fuck are you talking about? It's very funny. But yeah,
Starting point is 00:39:20 he clearly just, he's one of those people who just has a lot of like, he must be a social savant. people who just has a lot of like he he must be a social savant like just has a bunch of connections with people who have money in esports and you know probably good at networking and all that shit and now he works at twitch which admittedly after after some information i was given earlier today like some the the old head of marketing at twitch had worked there for four
Starting point is 00:39:45 years and didn't know what league of legends was yeah this comes from an unnamed source playing age of empires right now downstairs yeah whoever they may be well found out that piece of information and i was like yeah okay that this all checks out yeah it's really weird uh and i and this is it's funny kind of in funny contrast to like not just like Christian but like Ludwig you know signing with YouTube and like this big idea of corporate understanding of space and it's like man you just hope that the right person is in the right spot I think this this sort of lines up with other things I've heard like a friend at Riot was telling me about how like over the years they've really like strayed away from hiring uh people from like
Starting point is 00:40:31 the gaming industry in general and they'll hire a lot of people from like traditional marketing backgrounds or from traditional sports and they've gone from a company that used to require their employees to like play league and shit which admittedly whole host of problems that's a bad idea whole whole bunch of issues as we all know that have been like announced about riot over the years but they've kind of come the other way where like they'll hire somebody to like run league of legends esports for this region but then they go to an orientation where they like also learn about league of legends on their first day they're like we want you to be sexist but not like in a gamer way yeah i was like be in like the in like the classical like nfl if you thought treating women in the workplace poorly was bad wait till you hear
Starting point is 00:41:13 about making people cue league of legends yeah when i got a job at the vape company i don't know i'd have never vaped before i think it's different yeah it's because i don't think maybe it's not maybe that's maybe we're not different it makes's because... I don't think... Maybe it's not. Maybe we're stupid. Even if it's not different, it makes sense because you are a social savant. You and Christian are the same. We are. We're the same. I did swerve my way through that interview.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I made up a number, and I got paid it, and I don't think I deserve the spot. Well, you did come out with the great campaign of JFK hitting a vape. And both of you are kind of merchants of death. I wanted to talk about it with the, the, the shoot was that Nick and I are engaged in this weird invisible war, which isn't fought by us, but it's fought by people who believe that we're involved in things that we
Starting point is 00:41:57 aren't. So there's this thing that'll happen where it's like, for like when I worked at BTS or like even when I didn't work there and a content piece would come out. Someone would be like, damn slime definitely behind this one bro and it's like no and i have like the google doc open on my computer i just having clicked period at the end and someone's just like damn this is a slime original definitely for sure dude wait what was that you he did a tweet once where nick just tweeted something like his own and then someone
Starting point is 00:42:23 was like damn slime definitely behind this tweet. And I was like, are you fucking kidding? On his personal account. On my account. This happens with the Yard Twitter a lot. It happens with the Yard Twitter where like you were doing most of the tweeting at the beginning. And people were just like, oh, Slyme's putting out bait. Dude, it was so funny.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Or this will happen. This happened today with the Mogul moves. The Mogul merch like Twitter where we, Bont is like letting shit rip. Yeah, Mike said that H-Rock was going to eat a scorpion. That's funny. And then somebody just, like, people will reply like, thank you, Eamon. I'm like, I'm not doing shit. Yeah, it finally started happening in the opposite direction.
Starting point is 00:42:59 I think that, like, there's people who know about the slime false credit thing. And so they're trying to give credit where it's due. But they're still wrong because they still don't know who did it what was the one it was like it was fucking oh you oh when i was at a direct fucking dads like you can literally hear nick in the background saying no that's not it when he says the line wrong and it's like nope i'm not in arizona i'm not with him with me nick's doing such a good job directing yeah and i was like that's atriox family i think they actually did say directing i think that was one of the really like it's like oh man it's so funny and again i love reiterating this all the time it is not always one person it never is and so just don't be weird you don't
Starting point is 00:43:40 need to credit people my my favorites might be the few... This doesn't come up super often, but it'll come up with the Ludwig shoot, like the announcement you guys just did, or a piece of content you'll put together. And somebody will thank me and be like, you and the boys did a great job. Oh, the team? Like with Fendi and the subathon?
Starting point is 00:43:58 And I'm like, I didn't do... I had nothing to do with this project. Well, as we learn from Mizkif, if they say that to you, you'll see it, and there's a chance you'll reply to it. If they say it to me, it will be lost in the wind. That's true. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:44:11 I guess it's like a risk-reward thing. That's like a part, like, you can say it to Aemon and tag me in it, too, and it's like, it doesn't hurt. You wield accessibility like a weapon. You do. No, you do. Yeah, I do. Yeah, that does happen.
Starting point is 00:44:25 Bunth ghost wrote one of my tweets recently. Really? It was all the Minecrafters. Pull the pic real quick, Zipper. It's a recent tweet. It was all the Minecrafters doing a group pic in LA because some are here from England. England.
Starting point is 00:44:37 England. They're from London. Brexit. Four names to me, isn't it? What do you like? Four names to me, isn't it? This is horrifying. Four names to me, isn't it? What do you like to be? Oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, oy, Four names to me, isn't it? This is horrifying. Four names to me, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:44:47 This is the most violent take on the British accent. Oy, would you like some bangers in my s***? It's like Australian. Yeah, that's not a real guy. That guy does not exist. That's just Maximova. All right, pull up the tweet. I love Guy Ritchie.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's this picture, and then Bun's caption was middle school DC trip. Oh,, Paul. I love Guy Ritchie. It's this picture and then Bun's caption was middle school DC trip. Oh, that pop. That's fire. But yeah, Mike is a ghost writer
Starting point is 00:45:10 of many, many classic true certified hood classics. He's a funny man. Why are they all so tiny? Because they're like 12 years old.
Starting point is 00:45:17 some of them are. No, they're not. He's like 21. They're just small humans. They just didn't. That's what Minecraft does. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:45:24 it stunts your growth it stunts your growth it's like smoking cigarettes it is the same it does the same thing to your body they're the real how do you think you make redstone bro
Starting point is 00:45:31 you fucking grind their kneecaps down it's how it works but yeah bunth bunth godlike twitter that's hype so how do you feel
Starting point is 00:45:40 you feel good you feel alright real quick sorry Tommy in it we were talking uh oh what happened Austin Austin show oh yeah answer it So how do you feel? You feel good? You feel all right? Real quick, sorry. Tommy, we were talking. Uh-oh. What happened? Austin, Austin show.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Oh, yeah, answer it. Hey. Hey, my friend. How are you? Doing well, how are you? Congratulations. Thank you, man. I appreciate that.
Starting point is 00:45:58 What do you want, shill? Congratulations. What do you want, shill? That's slime. What do you need? We're recording the podcast. Wait, are you fucking, are you recording the podcast? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:07 That is what he said, yeah. That is what he said that. What makes you think that? Oh my God, you stopped it to pick up my phone call? Of course, yeah, of course. I was literally just going to congratulate you. And I, you know, I heard whispers. Nobody told me.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I just felt it in the air. In his loins? Could be a thing. In your balls? But, yeah, no, congratulations. Thank you so much, man. Finish filming your podcast. I may have, now that you're over on YouTube,
Starting point is 00:46:36 I was also going to call and say there may be some, you know, more money opportunity that I may be able to throw your direction. So I was calling you about that. But we can talk about that later. Oh, fuck. That sounds so good, man. That sounds so good. Love you.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Fuck, am I going to come now? I'm going to come from that. You're so good at planes. I wouldn't worry about it. Yeah, I'm on a plane. Give me a deal on a plane. Fuck. I don't exist Austin I have a question for you real quick do you know who Wendover Productions is what when these nuts are Oh, no! Oh, oh, oh! It wasn't a D-Sus joke! It was a genuine question!
Starting point is 00:47:26 Aiden, Aiden, right here, bro. That was sick. Give it to him, bro. Huge setup, huge layup, bro. Yo, that was tight. You are cool now. I'm so sad. Aiden's never getting fucked now.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I'm so sad. I sent him a call up saying, it's a great channel you should watch. The amount of people who knew, I was stressed out for the past four days that this was gonna leak yeah so many people knew yeah so many people you know who was the closest i'm with cutie no i'm with cutie i'm with cutie with her family for thanksgiving we're watching a high school basketball game fucking dad enthralling by the way high school basketball high school basketball. It was literally the greatest game I've ever seen in my life.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It was a buzzer beater. Yeah. Fuck the Hawks. Dude, I hate them. Dog. They get it in the last second. Shouldn't have been counted. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I'll move on. And I get a message from Slasher. Oh, dude. Wait, real quick. You tell him. Bro. You tell him real quick. I got a bone with Slasher. Actually, I should check. Okay, go ahead, Ludwig, while, wait. Real quick. You tell him. Bro. You tell him real quick. I got a bone with Slasher.
Starting point is 00:48:26 Actually, I should check. Okay, go ahead, Ludwig, while he checks. So he sends me a DM, and he's like, heard you're going to YouTube. And I replied like, you're a lot of shit these days. Yeah, you'd be like, what? I put zero confirmation in. What's that?
Starting point is 00:48:41 And he's been on a hiatus. Yeah, where's he been i haven't seen him i don't know he's been fighting the invisible war yeah right something like that i guess just playing a lot of quick and then today he dms me after it's leaked and he's like oh yeah he's like you're lucky i'm out i would have leaked it i'm like you piece of shit that's so interesting yeah i get i think like like if jake sucky lucky on, you're fucked. Oh, dude. Curtains. That would suck.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Throw that 130K out the window. That was the only time is when I made fun of that guy on Twitter is when somebody made fun of me for having a dead mom. Literally the only time that's ever happened. He did that? No, one of his fans did. Oh. And I was like, this is crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:20 That's so funny. Yeah. Never would have expected it. What, buds? You keep it chill. They're pretty chill. You keep it chill. They're pretty chill. You keep it chill. They know about dead parent gang.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Anyway, I'm glad it didn't leak out. I was saying about Tommy in it. Because I don't have one of those that were laughing at me. That guy's a loser. Yeah, you're a loser with your alive parents. You're a loser. I can go handle that. Which one do you take out?
Starting point is 00:49:40 Yeah, which one do you take out? Which one listens? That's the question. Which one are you going to drink 30 Cokes? Mom listens. Mom does listen, so Dad's gone. But Dad also listens. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:49:51 But Dad, I got to do what I got to do. Hey. I think he'd understand. So Tommy in it. Yeah. Hit me up in the DMs. He said, you've been playing ARMS? And that was the whole message.
Starting point is 00:50:07 And you're like, yeah. Let me put down my giant lollipop. Did he capitalize it all? Like in the actual game title? Oh, that's a great question. I want to know. Because the message, if he doesn't capitalize it, it's so much funnier.
Starting point is 00:50:19 Because then it's very ambiguous. Hold on, bro. I'm playing hopscotch. I'll reply soon. He said, do you know the Nintendo game ARMS? Not capitalized. And I said, yeah. Isn't it a terrible game? And he said, I'm into it. It's great.
Starting point is 00:50:31 That is hilarious to just not even check if he's into it. Just say like, oh, that dog shit piece of fucking trash. We're a couple moments away from him picking up Melee. But here's the thing. I've been looking at the trends. Super Auto Pets
Starting point is 00:50:46 average player base has doubled since I started streaming it. In part like the tournament Sykuna also played it. It's like blown up and you can see the lines like the viewers on Twitch
Starting point is 00:50:55 and the players. Tommy and I could blow up arms. I don't think so. No, he could. 100%. Tommy's big enough he could blow up arms. Yeah, but I think
Starting point is 00:51:03 I don't think he could blow up arms for as long as you've blown up SAP. Am I crazy? Am I smoking weed? No, he would blow up more. I think he'd blow up more. No, I'm talking about longevity. Sure, but if it spikes up, that's all you need. Is that what we need to do?
Starting point is 00:51:17 We host a coached Melee tournament. Every influencer gets a coach, and we just get all the Minecraft streamers. You're talking about PogChamp for Melee. PogChamp for Melee with Minecraft streamers only. Yeah, I've had this idea. It's a good idea. And he says he had this idea, but I actually gave him that idea
Starting point is 00:51:34 and I'm reiterating it right now. What if we did Squid Game? But this time it's like Mario. Did you guys see that one tweet about Squid Game today? Oh, yeah. That is so funny. Real quick, did you guys see that one tweet about Squid Game today? Oh, yeah. That is so funny. Real quick, did you hear about that Coinbase $10 in free Bitcoin? Woo!
Starting point is 00:51:53 Guys, check out Coinbase using forward slash the yard as your landing page so you can get $10 in Bitcoin when you sign up. And I said it correctly. It is $10 in Bitcoin. And this is one of the best ways. in Bitcoin when you sign up. I said it correctly. It is $10 in Bitcoin. Oh, the grill. One of the best ways to get cryptocurrency on your phone. It's super
Starting point is 00:52:13 easy to use and you can even do some surveys that teach you things and earn crypto from it. Anyway, guys, I like them because they're more secure. I think they're not that shady. I think they're cool people Yeah, so do you guys have an order like pretty long oh, yeah We're gonna close in like five minutes. Can I get the Candace?
Starting point is 00:52:42 Imagine you did that to a Starbucks person. It's like that obvious. Could I get the Candice with milk? Did you fire in the hole? You fired the hole after? Yeah. Jesus Christ. That's the greatest. You should literally go to like ADX Florence Supermax for that.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Can I get extra fire in that drink? Fire? In the hole? Boom. That would be fire. Yeah, I did see the tweet. Mr. Beast. That would be fire Yeah I did see the tweet MrBeast It was basically like
Starting point is 00:53:06 MrBeast in four days got 106 million views This is it And in a month Squid Game got 111 million views More views less time Fewer gatekeepers That's the promise of the creator economy I'm here to tell you John Volleyball
Starting point is 00:53:22 I can't read the last name You are so fucking stupid this is the dumbest shit i've ever seen in my entire life created an absolute hate trend on mr beast today that's that's unfortunate because it's not mr beast's fault yeah why is it a hate it seems like an incredibly dumb tweet because everyone was like you are ignoring the fact that mr beast just stole the work of the man who took 10 years to develop this show and actually get it published and then everyone was like yeah and mr beast missed the whole point of the show it's all about like a critique on capitalism and he's just doing it for profit and he had like a mobile game ad like you
Starting point is 00:53:50 know valid critiques but it basically just started the snowball so how many views would his video get if it was just on netflix the the mr beast video uh i think less less i'm talking it's a terrible comparison no yeah i don't think it is just so weird that that person tweeted that and thought, like, this makes sense. It's kind of like when Squid Game came out before MrBeastDwinDame was, like... Someone was like, oh, Squid Game took X amount of time,
Starting point is 00:54:17 you know, 10 years. Same, like, comparison how much money it made, but you could also just invest in, like, 100 Bitcoin, and it's the same. Like, media is like a time sink. I saw that tweet that tweet and i was like these people have fucking brain rot it's crazy yeah like you gotta understand that value has like a thing that results in the end i think most people just decide that they want to say something before they have an opinion or have thought about what happened and they start typing while when they made that decision and they're halfway through what they typed and then they decide what their
Starting point is 00:54:47 point is but the problem is that they're rich and some people will be like you're so right because you're rich king and that's the bad part and that's where ludwig is but he has my you're so right and you employ me thanks guys we love you this is great you know who else you employ often what you know who else you employ now who that? You know who else you employ now? Who? That's right. Otto. The blood ritual has been complete. That was the comments.
Starting point is 00:55:13 It was like Ludwig successfully poached everybody. Now we can go back. We can go back to the conversation where Ludwig talked to LD and was like, I don't think Nick's going to come. And Nick was like, I'm not leaving. And now here we are. Oh, yeah. It was after the summit. That happened? He, like, touched don't think Nick's going to come. And Nick was like, I'm not leaving. And now here we are. Oh, yeah. It was after the summit. That happened?
Starting point is 00:55:29 He, like, touched Nick on the shoulder. He's like, you're taking this guy? I was like, pfft. Wouldn't dream of it. He doesn't want to leave. You owe soft lips over there? With all that ass? Not going to happen. Too much shrunk.
Starting point is 00:55:37 Need somebody with a flat ass. You're a poacher. You're just a poacher. Well, look, you know. You poached me like an egg. We still work with Beyond the Summit. I feel like a lot of people are like, you poached them. And, like, you're just a poacher uh well look you know poached me like an egg we still work with beyond the summit i feel like a lot of people are like you post them and like you're yeah a lot of people are like saying things like damn he's trying to fucking take them down no yeah no it's
Starting point is 00:55:55 yeah some comments i'm not trying to do that down bad as if the company is like on its last leg the company's doing fucking great i'm still like gonna co-stream smash summit with them like i'm still gonna have that partnership i'm still going to co-stream Smash Summit with them. I'm still going to have that partnership. I'm still going to do mogul money through them. I have a couple other game shows, stuff I can't announce yet. Not even game shows. Part of the big move to YouTube and part of the big opportunities granted to Ludwin
Starting point is 00:56:20 is doing way cool shit. That's not just being a streamer for the rest of his life and I think that's good you're diversifying like who you are so like if you didn't stream for like a year you'd still be like doing cool stuff making money making mogul's moon and that's that's the idea and BTS is a part of that because like they produce things right we don't have that capability we work together so it So it's pretty cool. But yeah, Dan's a little hurt. I was so annoyed because right when I told everyone publicly that I was leaving, I got so many people like,
Starting point is 00:56:52 LMAO, remember when you said that you would never LMAO? And I was like, all right, well, first of all, I said that before the Yard was successful. And also, more importantly, before anyone knew publicly about your YouTube deal. And those were two enormous factors in my ability to say yes to that question at this point. And I was like, Arthur fisting. I was like, no. Because like no one, no one knows that.
Starting point is 00:57:12 Like, do you see the clip? Just block him. Did you see the clip, idiot? Did you see the clip where you said that you would do it? Eat your own words, soft lip. Hey, soft lips, you lied. You know, the best part about you working with me What is that is that now we can go rock climbing? That's huge. Yeah, we also record the yard not at night
Starting point is 00:57:30 Oh, I'm so looking forward to that. Yeah, this is two major keys major double major Keeler Yeah recording the pod fucking but you know what will never change Okay, yep Dude okay yep dude bravo why I'm spending the next five minutes over there bravo even and while he spends that time over there speaking of smash let's talk about oh the biggest smash tournament ever that was sneak announced today let's do it what are you come on you got it you smell are you hey i when the camera is on that's right i'm a consummate we are actors you're a one take jake i thought oh i am and so so please enlighten them so what's gonna happen guys is that ludwig is gonna make a big tournament yeah you're a one take i'll tell you that two take tony in the
Starting point is 00:58:22 building so i i sneak announced that i want to run the biggest tournament ever in 2022 which is basically just saying aiden yeah dude what do you want me to do dude what do you want me to do oh your job tournament my job yeah to run the merch it's still bad his audio audio listener is he Nick Nick got up after Anthony farted
Starting point is 00:58:52 and went to the other side of the room and then just tried to walk back after like 15 seconds and like hit a fog he walked into like a physical
Starting point is 00:59:00 wall of oh dude it's... It smells like your farts, Jay. Dude, this is so bad. Dude, you've derailed all this. This is... It just smells kind of like an old attic. Like an old wet attic.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Like when you fish out your Halloween toys or Halloween decorations or Christmas decorations. Yeah, it's a bit moldy. That's what it smells like. It took so much time to drift over here, too. It was slow. It's heavy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 It took a while. It was kind of like elephant toothpaste. It's a slow chemical reaction. This is the biggest joy he gets, is this. He's never happier than this moment. My biggest joy was announcing the Switch in the adoration from people in the successful video, and his was farting into a mic. It's the hardest I've laughed in so long right now.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Oh, man. Hey, shout-outs to the yard, huh? All right. To Ludwig. Now you're just, like, doing toasts. Fucking hell. To the Knights now? That was a miserable time. I'm glad I'm back and it's gone. Hey, welcome back to the yard, everybody That was a miserable time.
Starting point is 01:00:05 I'm glad I'm back and it's gone. Hey, welcome back to the yard, everybody. Oh, man. That was transformative. Ludwig wants to host a convention with a large tournament. I want to host the biggest Smash tournament of all time. And I don't ever want to do like TanaCon.
Starting point is 01:00:21 You know that, right? TanaCon? Did you hear about that? Yeah, Tanaonagoo. Tanamonagoo. That's the one. Made a convention. This is like a YouTuber. She's like a very successful YouTuber. Has like, I don't know, 5 million
Starting point is 01:00:33 subscribers. She got married to Jake Paul. She got, I think, married to Jake Paul. No, that was iDubbbz that said the N word. In that order? Next to her. She said it before him. She was next to someone who said the N word. What did he do? Throw his voice? Like Jeff Dunham? Well, what he did is he literally showed up, ran next to her in a photo op.
Starting point is 01:00:52 She didn't recognize him. And then he said, say. And then he said the N-word. And then she like froze. And then it was just shell shot. Oh my God. Yeah, because she said it first. Did she?
Starting point is 01:01:01 Albeit like four or five years ago. Look, I don't know this anymore. Right before she married Jay Paul. Aiden just defending him. No, to be at like four or five years ago. Look, I don't know this anymore. Right before she married Jay Paul. I'm just defending him. No, to be clear. It's just a word. Nobody should be saying the N-word. Nobody should be saying the N-word.
Starting point is 01:01:12 That is not what I'm saying. We're taking the power back. You're absolving her of having said it. That's all I'm saying. I didn't know she said it. Yeah, that was the whole thing. That makes more sense. That's why all that happened.
Starting point is 01:01:20 That makes more sense. Yeah, okay. So this person who said the N-word threw a party. Anyway, I don't know what you know what i don't know what this is literally explaining my mom the youtube deal yeah i don't know are they subscribed what happens that's how the so she threw something called tana con it's like infamous for being an absolute shit show waste of money insane lines incredibly hot it was like somewhere in la nothing to do just like a giant scam yeah and uh and i also think the vanity of throwing a convention calling it like budwig con yeah is like we're not gonna do insane wasn't the
Starting point is 01:01:57 idea but it was like despite vidcon right that was the idea is vidcon was happening simultaneously it was something really yeah i can wait. We're talking about this. Like it happened this week, but VidCon was happening simultaneously. And then she was like, I'm going to do my own cause something happened between them. I don't remember. It was so long ago.
Starting point is 01:02:12 It was like the Tumblr ball pit meetup. You guys know that one? No. Get it in the comments. I don't comment. If you got that one, our 40 year old viewer base, it's like,
Starting point is 01:02:22 I remember that. I love that. Different website. And so I, but I do want to do a, like, because I think, like, influencer-based tournaments are just more successful. They do better with sponsors. They do better with viewership.
Starting point is 01:02:35 They do better all around. You're right. And so, like, this is the best way to describe it is like a LUDCon, but also the biggest smash tournament ever is the main goal of it. When you say big, by what metric are you trying to achieve? Most entrance ever for both games,
Starting point is 01:02:49 and also largest prize pool ever for both games. I actually think this is so easy to do. His approach to this, the strat, I think we'll get it. I think regular Smash tournaments are trying to capitalize on getting the most amount of Smashers to come. I think Ludwig is capitalizing on the most amount of his viewers. My. I think Ludwig is capitalizing on the most amount of his viewers.
Starting point is 01:03:05 My five-head idea was make it fun for anyone, even if you don't really like Smash that much, and then make the entry to the tournaments very small, like a buck. With what Genesis can do, but they can't get people to give a shit, right? Yeah. They can't convince people that it's going to be fun, even though they probably would have fun if they went.
Starting point is 01:03:23 There's an interesting problem, too. It's like okay the barrier of entry uh like financially is like okay i'm selling tickets for like a ten dollars or something and it's like yeah but then you get the evo japan situation where like thousands of people register i mean that was because it was literally it was literally free and i wonder if like ten dollars versus zero dollars is that much i think having to put in credit card information is the game changer that's a layer of friction yeah because moist critical ran a few tournaments really early on for ultimate and they had insane dropouts because it's like it was free if you sign up for free people will sign up because they have to put a penny in all the sudden you'll have like 30 the amount of people that online critical tournament is
Starting point is 01:04:02 technically the largest fGC or smash bracket ever. I think. Oh really. Yeah. But before they played it out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:09 I mean but that it the amount of people that showed up was DQs. Yeah. Yeah. And then like what giant waves of pools
Starting point is 01:04:17 were just DQed. Yeah. I'm glad we can talk about LUD CON now because you've been talking about it for so long. We have a different
Starting point is 01:04:23 name by the way. I'm calling it that. I don't want to spoil the name either i'm excited about the name i'm actually so excited name we have to try we need to we need to get more locked i think to announce things like name date things like that but the goal is 2022 and if at any moment in the next like few months you're like what what is going on with that just ask aiden that's right aiden will be on top of it waking up at noon figuring it out aiden will be on top of it waking up at noon figuring it out aiden's gonna roll out of bed around 4 p.m check the sun's up this is a bad bit if the sun is up he's gonna go back to bed aiden when i announced this this made it real
Starting point is 01:04:54 and now it has to happen no not the event we've been working on the event for the record i i've already i have started on this this is a real project. You, the bit of you guys adding hours to when I wake up every day. When did you wake up? Today? Friday. Friday? Last Friday? This Friday.
Starting point is 01:05:13 It just happened. Can't even remember. Don't wait a day. 10.30? 10.30. PM? Yeah. Getting worse.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Look, I will say, I was up in the office last night, and we talked, and I was like, I have a 9 AM, or he's like, I have tumbled. I was up in the office last night and we talked and I was like, I have a 9am or he's like, I have an eight 30. I get up for my 9am or Aiden's nowhere to be seen. Rolls down at like nine 40. Not true. You roll at nine 30 rolled down at nine 20 roll at nine 20. And I thought I didn't say anything.
Starting point is 01:05:42 I thought it was like, bitch misses eight 30. Did you miss your eight 30? No, I didn't have any 30 thought it was like bitch miss is 8.30 did you miss your 8.30 no I didn't have an 8.30 it was just waking up at 8.30 oh but you didn't actually wake up at 8.30 because you could just hit snooze snoozy man snoozy man
Starting point is 01:05:54 why am I on trial right now hey because that's our thing that's our thing is doing that to you you're the guy what the fuck gaslit fat little goblin That I know you are Stop calling me Fat little goblin
Starting point is 01:06:07 You call him A fat little goblin Yeah That's what I said That's a fat little goblin That's right That's right I've been looking
Starting point is 01:06:12 For those words I kinda like it You like fat little goblin I like it Can I talk to HR About this When I did it Yeah wait
Starting point is 01:06:17 Can Yeah please So he's been calling He's my superior Fat little goblin talk Who's my fat little goblin Who's my fat little goblin Can I go Who are you talking to Thislin? Who's my fat little goblin?
Starting point is 01:06:26 Can I go? Who are you talking to? This is boring. Who are you talking to? I don't want to be in this HR meeting. HR is cool now. We're making it cool. Yeah, it's all right, man. It's all right, man.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Okay. On the subject of you farting and your general hijinks, I would say you escalated it. My jungle hijinks. This week. Your slime jinx. So we, you know, as our patrons might know, we have a little bit of a side, a couple side shows we do every week.
Starting point is 01:06:50 We do an advice show. Me and Nick do an advice show. We got a main bitch and a mistress on the page. Oh, the movies have been hot lately with the Disney Channel original movies. H-Rock watched it with you last time, right? Yeah, he was in the room. Was he mic'd up?
Starting point is 01:07:03 You couldn't really hear him. No, he wasn't mic'd up because he just hung out. He showed up so late that we weren't prepared. But we were recording the advice show before you guys watched the movie. And towards the end
Starting point is 01:07:12 of the advice show, Anthony walks downstairs in front of us and we kind of notice it out of the corner of our eyes. And I look over. Anthony is standing on the stairs,
Starting point is 01:07:22 pantsless, Christmas wreath around his, around his waist area, Dick and ball fully out in the middle of the wreath. And he's just like, he's like looking at us like, like,
Starting point is 01:07:34 like proud. It looked like a Christmas episode of SpongeBob. And I was looking at Squidward and, and I made eye contact and I looked at him first. Like I didn't look down. I was like, what? And then I looked down.
Starting point is 01:07:44 I'm like, Oh, that's then instead of like instead of like ending or like concluding the bit looking at it he was like he stood there and just for like 30 seconds straight and he just kept giggling to himself yeah i've learned he's kind of like a child when they draw something and you just got to like put it on the fridge so it goes away you have to be like oh yeah i mean i you know i'm a content creator now dude you've been saying that yeah what's up with this content he's been making youtube videos he's been on his shit about how he's like fulfilled because of this youtube spree yeah i made that video jac was telling me that you sat him down and made you him watch your 12-minute video i did not do that i literally didn't and he didn't watch the whole thing i said yeah oh you made a video i'll did not do that. I literally didn't. And he didn't watch the whole thing. I said, yeah, oh, you made a video? I'll check that out.
Starting point is 01:08:26 And then he starts watching it, and then I leave. And then I'm like, okay, he'll watch it. I had a slime moment. I forgot about this. What? Me and you were the same. Yeah, we're the same. We're the exact same. You want to know what my slime moment was? Yeah, baby. Alright, me, Ludwig, and Atriok, and Stans were all
Starting point is 01:08:41 climbing. Love climbing. We were rock climbing together. I'm good at climbing now, dude. Atriok loves climbing. He all climbing. Love climbing. We were rock climbing together. Having a great... I'm good at climbing nowadays. Atriok loves climbing. Okay. He sees the wall, and it's like when the kid just gets to the birthday party, and they sprint out, and they start immediately kicking a soccer ball or fucking going down the slide. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:57 He's like that. There's dog in the dog bowl, and he runs over. And he'll climb something, and then come down, and then normally take a break, and then like, oh, I'll climb this. He runs to another wall. He also doesn't consider like burnout or anything else. Like he'll just like, instead of climbing something like the way you're kind of supposed to, he'll just do full muscle, like pull-ups to get there as fast as possible, making him
Starting point is 01:09:14 like unable to do climbs for like the rest of the day. Yeah. It'll try him and it'd be like, I don't know. I'm like tired. And then he like doesn't change anything. What the fuck? Which I, what I do like is when he finishes one, he pops off. Like he starts like getting really happy. And I'm always like, Hey, I like that do like is when he finishes one, he pops off.
Starting point is 01:09:26 He starts getting really happy. I'm always like, hey, I like that you're happy about it. Anyway, we're there, and they decide that they're going to try to get merch photos right here, right now, in a gym full of people. What, like on their phone? They're trying to take merch photos on their phone. Basically like a picture of Aatrox merch for Twitter. Yeah, and so Aatrox is wearing his merch out climbing, and he's like, all right, I want to do a really sick climb and then get a photo of Atriox merch for Twitter. Yeah, and so Atriox is wearing his merch out, like climbing. And he's like, all right, I want to do like a really sick climb and then get a photo of me at the top of it. But like, you know, I can't actually do it.
Starting point is 01:09:52 So like Ludwig, uppies, uppies. That's what I'm saying. So like Ludwig and Atriox are on the mat and he's trying to like lift him, but it's not fucking working. And they're like, Nick, come take the picture. Like you're the photo guy. Come take the picture. And I'm holding the phone and I'm like, everyone's like kind of looking at us now. And they're like fucking around. And take the picture. You're the photo guy. Come take the picture. And I'm holding the phone, and I'm like, everyone's kind of looking at us now, and they're fucking around. And I'm like – You're embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:10:09 I'm embarrassed as all fuck. Yeah. And they keep doing it. So then they go – Uppies, uppies. They go to a different part of the gym, and HVAC's like, oh, I'm going to do this one. He jumps up, and he falls off immediately. He's like, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 01:10:19 I can't get up this one. All right. Is he saying uppies? I'm saying uppies. Okay. That's hilarious. He's not saying uppies. It is me. And I'm just holding the phone like, i don't want to be doing this everyone is staring we're taking up climbs that people probably want to be doing by taking a fucking picture and i
Starting point is 01:10:33 was like i want to die and then i handed the phone to stand and said this is your job now and i went to the other side of the gym and then tried a different climb because i was so embarrassed oh yeah it was the worst yeah you're also in a're also in a setting that is filled with normal people. Normals. Yeah. That's right. How did you feel about it? I thought it was great.
Starting point is 01:10:52 It was a blast. Well, no. Did you feel like you were encroaching on people's time and space? No. They were going to climbs that, like, they... All right. You know when you're at the... This is actually like this.
Starting point is 01:11:03 You know when you're at the skate park, and there's kids on, like they, you know, all right, you know, when you're at this, this is actually like this, you know, when you're at the skate park and there's kids on like the sick ramp, but they're just like on a scooter kind of going in circles and you can't use the, the pro area because there's like a kid not using it, but he's there. It was like that. Like they're over at like the V fives and they're like trying to get a picture of H on it, but they're spending 20 minutes on this. And I'm like, bro, someone wants to use that. We're on like a rail and no one around me is grinding.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Okay. It's what it felt like to me because because when you're on the mat under a climb you don't want to stand directly under that because there's people there they might fall on you so it's no there's no way to know that if any of the people that are in like the little walkway want to do it mr yellow on the left i'm so how long did this take maybe 15 20 minutes no shot no no shot. I won't let you get away with five minutes. 15, 20. Bailiff, please arrest somebody.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You're clearly at fault. I was clearly at fault. Your honor, but the funniest part is, he gets the picture, right? He's showing it to everyone, and then Nick looks at it, and he's like, that's not the same tank top we're selling.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Yeah, he's wearing the one we aren't selling. And he's like, it's fine. It's close enough. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm like, you're a moron, he's wearing the one we aren't selling. And he's like, it's fine. It's like close enough. Are you fucking kidding me? I'm like, you're a moron. It's not close at all. It's a dramatically different design. That's crazy.
Starting point is 01:12:12 News alert. It's news alert. I'm Ludwig. Give us the news. Susan. That's a tough last name. CEO of YouTube. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:24 The YouTube lady? Tweeted me out. Quote, retweet, great news. Welcome at Ludwig. That's really nice of her to do. Hey, tweet back right now. Do you want to come on the yard? Oh, that'd be so sick.
Starting point is 01:12:37 I would feel uncomfortable doing that. Why? I don't want to put someone in that position. Coming on our show? That's a position? Refresh. Zipper refresh. Are we doing this live?
Starting point is 01:12:45 That's crazy. Refresh and scroll down. Susan Wojak. Feels good, man. We just did the same thing. Want to come on my podcast. You don't think that's funny? No.
Starting point is 01:12:54 We arrived at the same conclusion that was destined to happen. True. Her name is tough. I just can't read it. It's so... It's like Polish. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:13:03 Anyway, that's cool. And I think it was cool in the gym too. Can we call her Big Suze? I think that's obviously not cool. Big Suze. Can we call her Crazy Suze? Suze is in two words that generally are very negative towards women. Where's the guy?
Starting point is 01:13:19 Big and crazy. Where's the guy at the zoo? What's he doing? The first video. The guy at the zoo? Can we get the first guy at the zoo can we get him on that would be a cool guy to have on no no i wouldn't because you asked him one thing it wasn't like to be clear to be clear guys that is no he's founder of youtube yeah yeah this is not like the guy like he's not like oh yeah i was at the zoo it's like oh he also founded youtube and created the website so that's the interesting part it's not like we get them on and we go, so were the elephants like actually big?
Starting point is 01:13:48 Well, that would be funny. It would be hilarious if we spent a whole podcast just asking about the animals. What else was at the zoo? And then he's like, I worked at YouTube too. I was like, oh, that's cool. So was it like gorilla? That's crazy because we just went to that zoo.
Starting point is 01:14:01 Do you like meerkats? Did you see them? Yeah. Do you get ice cream? I love ice cream. Dippin' Dots. How about Powerful Susan?
Starting point is 01:14:09 Powerful Susan. That's better. We're getting better. I want a cool name. Powerful. We're getting Powerful Susan. Empowered.
Starting point is 01:14:14 How about just Suze Magooz? Girl Boss Susan. Suze Magooz. I like that. Let's just steal everything from I Love You Man.
Starting point is 01:14:25 That's our Bible. Is I love you man? Stealing from my love you man? All I do is steal from my love you man and Dane Cook. Every single day. Damn. That should be your Tinder bot. Oh, I got to tell you guys about my Uber driver.
Starting point is 01:14:36 Oh, I love it. You wrote this. Love it. It goes, hey, you want to hear about this Uber driver I had? And I said, no, I want to hear about it on the pod. And he was like, I was bummed because we were there with like zipper to and like atrioc and i couldn't tell them either you couldn't you couldn't farm little w's so visiting cutie's family for thanksgiving hopping in uber because we flew there we didn't drive and the uber driver is like this old white man and he's like making more
Starting point is 01:15:01 conversation than i'd like i was literally sitting there thinking to myself, Aiden would like this, but this is too much for me. Yep. And then he says, do you guys like Christmas music? And I was like, yeah, but it was a bait question. Yes, sir, blood. I'd be weird if he said call it blood. Yeah, I didn't do that.
Starting point is 01:15:19 You didn't call him blood? No, I mean, I'm with you two, but it doesn't extend that far. We're pyros now. Yeah. Pyros and Crips could all get along pyros pyros the pyros and the mages it's the spyro and the crips cardina and he's flying around so he asked me if i like his music i'm like yeah but it's a bait and he goes oh okay because i have my like christmas playlist no and i'm like okay no way play it and he goes some people don't like it and i'm like what what is it christian gray i'm like my needs are my desires are a little off and he goes let's just say my favorite genre is death metal. I thought what I thought he was going to do.
Starting point is 01:16:05 Never mind. And I'm like, okay. And like he's still adding more preamble. He's like, I play this and my wife was going crazy. She hated it. He was being a crazy. I hate this guy. And I'm like, whoa, sounds nuts.
Starting point is 01:16:19 And cuties like being cuties. She's like, like passively saying like the most supportive things. Like, I mean, that sounds great. Like that sounds like actually really. He's about to press it he lifts the finger i'm serious like it's nuts yeah he's like puts waivers in the back you should sign this before you listen i have two sides nicest uber driver you'll ever meet and twisted fucking he's just this default supportive uber drivers even when they across the line like they do in italy yeah she is automatically and so he starts off with jingle bells by corn no way that's tight i like this and while he's
Starting point is 01:16:53 explaining that this is actually called jingle balls and i'm listening to corn do their version of it i look at his ipad that lights up and it goes, bing, plus 0.86 coin. Bing, plus 1.5 coin. And I'm like, what's that? And he goes, oh, I'm mining crypto while driving. It's called every time I drive, it mines crypto. And so I'm listening to a death metal Christmas album from a man who's farming crypto.
Starting point is 01:17:22 New guy just dropped, actually. He is the only guy. Did he call it death metal? No, he used the correct terms. New metal? No, he just, like, he was, I like that. It's just interesting, because, like, some people would be like, corn, death metal.
Starting point is 01:17:37 They would get kind of annoyed at that, which isn't a big deal. I just think it's kind of funny. It's like, you want to hear this death metal? I'm not doing him service, because I'm not very, like, knowledgeable of the genre, but it's kind of funny. It's like, you want to hear this death metal? And it's like, I'm not doing him service because I'm not very like knowledgeable of the genre, but it was kind of like the only death metal
Starting point is 01:17:49 is the anyway bit. dies in the creation of it. You have to die. You have to die for death metal. Snuff metal. Yeah, that's why I said that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Yeah, no, I get it. We got this together. Hey, save it all for the next Mizkif show where we'll be funny. Oh,
Starting point is 01:18:00 I'd love to be on their side. That'd be awesome. Be a fucking most popular kid in school. He basically is like the Who's Line bit where he did like the selling of the album. He would preamble every artist
Starting point is 01:18:12 in like what the song is. Yeah. Like the Wayne Brady bit. He's like, this is the singer for Metallica and he's doing a song called Merry Fucking Christmas. And then he'd like pause
Starting point is 01:18:22 like waiting for me to reply and I'd be like, they don't say fucking in normal Christmas songs and he'd go, ha like waiting for me to reply. And I'd be like, they don't say fucking in normal Christmas songs. And he'd go, ha ha ha ha ha. Yeah. They don't.
Starting point is 01:18:29 And apparently he toured with metal bands back in the day. And it was the most psychopathic. He's like, all right, they're called Coheed and Cambria. And the thing is,
Starting point is 01:18:36 the music, it's all like part of a graphic novel. And he goes through the whole thing. It's crazy that Ludwig is psychoanalyzing this guy because he doesn't usually do that, which means that this guy crossed a mental line. He rattled me. Yeah. Ludwig is psychoanalyzing this guy because he doesn't usually do that which means that this guy crossed a mental line he rattled me
Starting point is 01:18:47 Ludwig I am Ludwig pilled now what did you mean when you said that so Ludwig has this outlook on life and I get it now because I'm a content creator so everything that he does has to go toward
Starting point is 01:19:04 this gravity ball of I need to make good content and move forward with that. And I get it. And it's like anything that kind of gets in the way of that, he just has to put it aside. And I was thinking like, I understand what he's like now because I make videos. Shut the fuck up. No, no, no, no, no, no. Listen, I'm not saying that I am like this or I do this or I'm going to be- Are you even monetized?
Starting point is 01:19:28 Make shit like- I'm monetized, but I put songs in my videos so I can't- Okay. You're listening to Rush? Slime makes one free throw and he's like, I get it now. I get why they go to the court at 8 a.m. I'm saying that- He's like Tai Lopez, bro.
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yo, it's about knowledge, all right? I made a free throw and i basically was like oh and then i went through this like fucking slumdog millionaire life where i just see into the future which doesn't happen in slumdog millionaire and he's like and basically i understood describing like a millionaire like there's no so raven i could see in the future i got i i understood everything because i need to like walk in someone's shoes for a second to get the whole deal. I'll upload a single YouTube video and it turns into Drake in a Sprite commercial. He starts breaking apart into different pieces.
Starting point is 01:20:14 I don't get the reference, but that sounds right. Pull up Drake in a Sprite commercial. You basically figured out what it's like to chew five gum after posting that. I did. And so now I get it. And now I'm so much more understanding of like everything. You went into the avatar state. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:29 I like astral projected myself and I'm like everything. I understand it now. Look, this is you. This is you. All right. You uploaded the video. This is great.
Starting point is 01:20:38 I'm a video man. Drake just breaking apart into pieces like some AI robot. And this is like, all right, it went away. This is what I'm telling us. Ready? Alright, he uploads the video. He realizes... This is it! He reaches the pinnacle.
Starting point is 01:20:50 This is him telling us. Right... Get there. The commercial is so long. It's still Drake, but Sprite is exploding out of his robot body. Right here. Let me fucking give it to you, bro. Content. First name, Ewa. Last name, Greatest. yeah uh i get it now
Starting point is 01:21:08 and that's uh it's so funny that you had a crypto so you guys are the same greatest you're right mining uh crypto by driving reminds me of those people who would like farm pokemon go by carrying around like six phones and an ip iPad as they walk through the streets. I never saw a grinder like that. Except instead of getting Pokemon, maybe you bank $3 billion or maybe you bank $3. And it's a 99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 How long was the ride? 30 minutes. Yeah, you had to put on how much money you made. All I wanted to do was watch TikTok and I had to listen to Korn instead.
Starting point is 01:21:48 And I don't like Metal. I think you're the first guy that's had that problem, maybe ever. I don't like Metal. It's not. It's not for me. I prefer Japanese City Pop.
Starting point is 01:21:57 You do? I prefer Japanese. The Japanese border's closed again. That's right. Yeah, get fucking on. Open the border. Stop having it because- Wait, because of the new variant?
Starting point is 01:22:05 Because Omniscron. Are you going to Smash Camp now? Whoops. No. Why? Because I'm sad. I'm going to... In spite.
Starting point is 01:22:11 I'm going to Sweden in two days. What? I'm going back. Hold on, wait. I didn't know about this. Yeah, he's going to Sweden for a Young Lean concert. Is it in there? It's going to be a hoot.
Starting point is 01:22:24 Do you see your ass? No, I didn't see your ass. Yeah. I saw that coming from a mile away. This actually smells like gasoline. That's so cute.
Starting point is 01:22:31 This is real. Do you think we can get high? I mean, yeah. Why are you going to Sweden? Why are you going in? What's there? I'm literally just going. This didn't have to do
Starting point is 01:22:41 with it at all. The results came in and it's his. I don't like the bit. I like, you know what? You had sex with an older do with it at all. The results came in, and it's his. I don't like the bit. You know what? You had sex with an older woman, and that's okay. Dude. She wasn't even that much older than me.
Starting point is 01:22:53 Can I tell you, as your boss, if you go to Sweden and you don't come back with a pipe story, it's curtains. What? I'm not going to go pipe anybody. That is so problematic. I am now HR, and that was wrong. I'm not traveling for sex. You have to pipe and you have to tell us the story. It's the only reason you're allowed to travel. What are you going to do? Otherwise
Starting point is 01:23:09 you're landlocked. I'm actually going to a Young Lane concert and then I'm going to a football match. I'm on his side now. What's a football match? I don't know. Some Swedish club. I love that. Dude, we watched MidSlam watch football highlights last night. It was tight. Is that because of me? It was in your recommended. We fucked up to it. We had Slime watch football highlights last night. It was tight. Is that because of me?
Starting point is 01:23:26 Because we watched it two days ago. It was in your recommended, so yes. We fucked up your algorithm. We put a bunch of Aqua Teen Hunger Force in there. It's so cringe. We did not. But Slime was reacting to football like it was the first time he's watched it. Not like in a bad way, but like he saw like his first bicycle kick and he went,
Starting point is 01:23:41 What? Yeah. And I was like, yeah, bro. Everyone goes on the screen he goes is that messy okay no they did have to point him out yeah i had to point out messy yeah i had to literally go that's messy and he goes really yeah i said really ronaldo took his shirt off in the montage and slime was like wow he's so i was like that guy's jacked and you're like that's ronaldo and i'm like damn yeah yeah he also was like they have the most hair of any sport that's
Starting point is 01:24:03 true and then and then wayne rooney came on screen and he was like, they have the most hair of any sport. That's true. And then Wayne Rooney came on screen. And he was like, wait a minute. The theory why they have so much hair is that they're technically like higher celebrities than like, say, American athletes because they're like world stars. And like when you're a football athlete in your country, you're like a big fucking deal and you got to take care of the way you look. But like if you're a baseball player, you don't really like, you're not as like celebritified as you are you know i can't argue on bald theory 101 so i'll believe you thank you my uh my grandma called me this week
Starting point is 01:24:37 and very very surprisingly found out my grandmother she's so old like this is so i'm just asking how she's doing right it sounds lovely she sounds lovely is it is it the grandma of the grandpa in her life uh no okay no you never talk about that guy i met his other grandpa and he was the sweetest man i'd ever met yeah which was a lot coming from you it was like it's such to hear anthony say that about someone was like such a nice endorsement. That guy rules. Yeah. And I'll say it again.
Starting point is 01:25:09 He's a big fan of my grandpa. I want to fly to his hot tub. But this grandma, you know, she calls me every once in a while. And to my very surprised ears, found out she listens to the podcast. Oh, no. She's like 70. Sorry, can you give us a moment? 76, 75.
Starting point is 01:25:27 Sorry. Sorry that we said that. Sorry that we said all that stuff. What's her last name? Her name is Patricia. Thank you. Sorry, Patricia. Thank you for watching The Yard.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Aiden's lovely. She says she tries listening, but she has to turn it off sometimes because sometimes it gets too raunchy for her. What? I don't see where that's coming from. That doesn't make sense. But she says she still tries to listen to it because she likes hearing.
Starting point is 01:25:53 What does that mean? Does she stop listening and then she goes and does stuff for an hour and then comes back and is like, I'm sorry. I don't know. Like episode three. I think she skips episodes. Maybe this week they were cleaner. How far does Aiden's grandma get into this episode? That's what I don't know. Like episode three. I think she skips episodes. Maybe this week they were cleaner. How far does Aiden's grandma get
Starting point is 01:26:07 into this episode? That's what I want to know. I actually don't know what her line is here. Okay, so there's a TikTok trend that's watching food videos until you wouldn't put in the effort. It's your grandma watching the yard and ending when it gets too crass for her. Yeah, that's right. We can make a YouTube video out of this. We should try to aim for an episode
Starting point is 01:26:23 where we don't scare off Damon's grandma. Our Jerry Seinfeld episode, if you will. Over under Slime's raunchy asshole fart. We record in a Catholic church, and we don't swear the entire episode, and we don't talk about anything that's a sin. That's a great idea. I like the idea of putting limitations breed ingenuity, and then we'll breed each other. And then we'll breed each other and then we'll breed each other we can't say that we get them all sucking each other in the catholic church she's like she left dude i feel like ludwig without the crudeness is like brian regan
Starting point is 01:26:55 to be fair i love that bit i like my my My eighth grade teacher showed us that bit. That's my ninth grade teacher showed me that bit. Teachers love Brian Regan. I'm just Dane Cook doing the eighth grade. I just love that he's clean. Yeah. I just love that my kid can listen. Would you ever do stand-up?
Starting point is 01:27:15 Would you ever give it a shot? Again? Yeah. Yeah, he did give it a shot. I would do stand-up again. More like a shot, I guess, of who you are now. Because we went and saw Mike's stand-up show. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Me and Aiden did. And it was really cool. The Buthard stand-up really cool because I'd never seen Mike do stand up he was grinding it for like two or three years or something and I was like this rules like Mike's funny like people are enjoying themselves I was like you know what I can give that a run it's tight it was a nice crowd
Starting point is 01:27:35 I wouldn't do it with what I'm currently doing because I don't think I would be putting full effort in but I wouldn't mind doing it again it's pretty fun if YouTube gave you $100 million to do stand-up for two years, would you do it? Or dinner with FaZe Banks. Oh!
Starting point is 01:27:52 Is Patricia there? Can Patricia come? She has too much value. She can't come. Banks is going to teach you everything you need to know to get to her place and beat her. Now I'm in. Call me sold. I'm sorry, Granny. What were you saying about your grandma?
Starting point is 01:28:06 I'm sorry, granny. I'm sorry. What did you call her, granny? You don't call her meemaw? I call her granny. I have a different name for each grandparent. Wait, roll me through. At a certain point.
Starting point is 01:28:15 You got granny. All the man bosses. Okay, grandpa, grandma. Those are the vanilla strains. Papa, granny, nanny, granddad. Wait, what do you have six? I'm smoking granddad right now. Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Are you guys missing that he had six? You have six grandparents. Yeah, because of your biological mom. My parents got remarried, yeah. Oh, true. Dead parents gang. So six. I have six grandparents.
Starting point is 01:28:39 You're alive? That's kind of like squid gang. No, one of them is passing away. Having all those grandparents. I was going to say, that's crazy. Yeah, all of your grandparents are Squid Game. I called my grandpa today because it's his birthday. I call him Auelo.
Starting point is 01:28:49 Auelo? Oh, he's the one that says you the poblerones. Poblerones, yeah. Yeah, he was like, your French is actually pretty good. And I was like, appreciate it, G. Who said it the other day when he was here? He was like, I can't tell if Ludwig's French is fake or not. And I'm like, he just speaks French.
Starting point is 01:29:04 I don't understand. It's like, it's fraud or not. And I'm like, he just speaks French. I don't understand. It's like, it's fraudulent in the sense that it's like talking to a seven-year-old. Que baissez-vous. What? Right. Que baissez-vous. I have another fart, but I'm not going to let it go.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Wow. Because it was so disruptive last night. You're so big for that. It's the same thing I did earlier where I saved the kids. The only reason I brought up my grandmother was because she was identifying. I brought you up in conversation, and she was trying to parse which roommate was which roommate. Yeah, and I said Anthony. And she's like, which one is Anthony again? Is he the one with no hair?
Starting point is 01:29:39 And that was her go. That's really funny. Yeah, I am a beacon for this type. I just talked to my mother about the podcast. She actually brought it up on her own. And she specifically brought it up because she was like, you know, Anthony on the show. And I was like, yeah. And she's like, sometimes when he's talking, I just get him.
Starting point is 01:30:02 Yeah, which is so funny. And I was like, don't say that. She's like, sometimes he just like when he's going off on like a thing. Yes, sir. I'm like, that's how I feel. Yes, sir. And I was like, oh, no. I access audiences that you all would never dream of.
Starting point is 01:30:17 You are just saying in different words, you are old. I am saying that my value is crazy. Based off your age. My value is timeless. I'm sorry. Do you not want to grow, Ludwig? Do you not want bread? Because that's how we get bread is by 50-year-olds being like,
Starting point is 01:30:34 I kind of like that guy. We need more 50-ish women in the audience. And then I bring them back to reality. They're on Facebook. They're posting emojis like fucking Gootex being all weird. I bring them back. Making those weird text image posts that all boomers make 2021 robert frost is either q anon or slime on her that's right two roads diverge in a wood
Starting point is 01:30:57 and nothing gold one one was busy out brief candle the other love slime takes but that's the thing i bring them back right that's my job i will bring back your racist mom not racist back from being racist and i will make her probably out a lovely person gotta be out now for sure right she's no longer a slime fan off that one no she would have laughed at that unfortunately she would have found that funny stamp of approval you got a tattoo update for us yes so. So all the tattoos have been selected. Should we save it? I think we're just about 90.
Starting point is 01:31:29 We at 90? Zip. Zip. I think we're about. He just groaned. He groaned. We're not close then. Let's keep going.
Starting point is 01:31:37 I don't think we're not close. I have a good clickbait. I think you're directly there. You have a clickbait? I have a good clickbait. Oh, you do? Yeah. So let's just keep.
Starting point is 01:31:43 Just go for it. What's the tattoo update? So. For the Patreon. We have all good clickbait. Oh, you do? Yeah. So let's just keep, just go for it. What's the tattoo update for the Patreon? So we have all of them selected. I have given all of the images to Aiden, and Aiden is currently seeding it. And once it is seeded, I have already planned out how exactly we're going to do this. We're going to go live in the Discord of the Patreon with a stage so everyone can see our screen. And we have a bracket that people will vote in. And then once we're in Grands, we'll run a Marbles game.
Starting point is 01:32:08 And it'll randomly choose the very last one. This all happened in like one day? All going to happen in one day. Okay. So we'll announce what time and when so you can kind of be there or be square. Are we going to do a live stream? It's like a Discord live stream. This is the best way to assure that no one can like inflate the –
Starting point is 01:32:22 Oh, so it's Patreon only? It's Patreon only. So it's like very exclusive. Right. Exclusive. But Aiden, have you started seeing it yet? How's it going? No.
Starting point is 01:32:31 I made my account. What did you do in general? I got all of this material last night. He did say I could do it tonight, last night. I did say that. But then we hung out with our friend. It's true. Did you cap?
Starting point is 01:32:41 Good excuse. No, it's a bad excuse. So you capped? You did cap. I did cap. Whoa! Put it It's true. Good excuse. No, it's a bad excuse. So you capped? You did cap. I did cap. Whoa! Your honor! Hey, stenographer, put it on the record. Bailiff, arrest yourself. Dude, we've been watching videos about
Starting point is 01:32:53 stenography. Oh, dude, it's so sick. Yeah, we were talking about how to type really fast. Do you guys know about stenography YouTube? Do you also know that Siglemic quit? That's why I know about stenography. Siglemic quit Melee Mario no no no
Starting point is 01:33:07 Melee cause he he had kinda quit Mario already Siglemic got really into Melee that's actually how I met Siglemic
Starting point is 01:33:15 was he was involved in like the Washington and Oregon Melee scenes he attended a ton of tournaments for like a long time I have driven Siglemic to a tournament
Starting point is 01:33:23 uh and uh after he quit melee apparently he got really into learning stenography like i would find this out stream it a lot yeah they're like 300 words per minute go and they're like beep beep and for those who those who aren't familiar because now now at this point it's been a lot of years i feel like siglemic was probably the dude who popularized speed running super mario 64 in a lot of ways he was probably because he was the best for a bit and he was the person who made it like i would say super relevant it was like because not
Starting point is 01:33:57 a lot of people streamed even and streaming itself was a novelty and he's just like going insane and sm64 this was the was the Siglemic now Narcissa days. Yeah, yeah. 2013. Oh man, those were dude, Narcissa's like Wind Waker runs
Starting point is 01:34:12 doing the super swim. I would fall asleep to those. Man. I remember there was I would watch Narcissa and Siglemic play play Melee
Starting point is 01:34:19 on Twitch sometimes. Narcissa, I think second person I subbed to. Wow. Really? Behind Retro Gaijin. Wow. One of my favorite
Starting point is 01:34:26 videos was her video where she finally set like, I think it's like the 1810 in Ocarina. Yeah. And she narrates and explains the run in
Starting point is 01:34:36 like a really well edited, well paced piece. And that's like one of my favorite gaming videos I've ever watched. The AGDQ one.
Starting point is 01:34:43 No. There was one where she is like years and years ago, and she's explaining some sort of no ending run, narrating the run while it's going on. That's AGDQ. An old AGDQ with YSG in the back and shit. It was a really good video. In a similar topic,
Starting point is 01:35:01 her video explaining the the competitive concepts and like tech in melee is also one of the videos like when you got into it in like 2013 her video explaining and breaking down melee movement and tech is a huge introduction video for a bunch of people she was a zelda zelda crew battle master she's in the doc pretty sure there's a giant picture of a big crew battle master. She's in the doc, pretty sure. There's a giant picture of a big crew battle. She's like there. Oh, that's sick. So I was tasked to do the clickbait at the end here.
Starting point is 01:35:32 And I'll tell you, it's a good one. Because it's about my weird dad and something he did in 1992 that you guys might find really, really funny. But you can only find out if you watch the bonus episode. And it has to do with his body.
Starting point is 01:35:48 I'll also tell you how much I made on YouTube.

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