The Yard - Ep. 24 - Amouranth tells us how much she made on OnlyFans

Episode Date: December 15, 2021

AMOURANTH ON THE POD! This week the boys invite Amouranth to tell all about her experiences as a content creator. We go over the logistics of having sex with birds, why Amo owns an actual gas station real life, and where she wants to end up after everything comes to an end.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 yeah so you let you listen to the yard i do bring asmr that so what do we reveal that you like watch like movies and stuff when you do that. Sometimes. Do you double up your time? Sometimes. Only when I'm falling asleep, really. Like if you're getting real tired doing it? Yeah, because it makes people relax, and it makes me relax too,
Starting point is 00:00:34 but I can't fall asleep. I hate to correct you because you are the mic god, but it's got to be even closer. Even closer? Right up there. You've got to be like, yeah. Yeah, she's never done it. Oh, boys!
Starting point is 00:00:44 You're blocking the clickbait though the clickbait the clickbait you know what's funny honestly just a fucking expert I DM'd her I DM'd her because our heater
Starting point is 00:00:53 broke in this house it's cold it's very fucking cold it's like 63 40 degrees so I sent her a DM and I like I worded it very casually I was like hey it's cold
Starting point is 00:01:00 like just just in case for wardrobe and then and then you roll up in what I wouldn't call necessarily warm. Are you freezing? No, I'm very warm. Well, she brought snow boots. They're off camera.
Starting point is 00:01:11 That is true. Yeah. Hey, can he show it? Yeah. You grab one? Yeah. Is that cool? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:16 All right. Drip tech. Drip tech. Can we talk? Can we talk? How much are the shoes? Oh, those are Disney boots. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:01:22 They're Disney. I think they're probably like between 70 and 100. It's not bad. The pants. The pants. The pants. Price check. Trying to ID everything.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Steal the fit. 20 euro. Welcome back to the yard, everyone. It's the yard. Amaranth's favorite podcast. People are so excited for you to come on this podcast. Really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:43 We haven't had anyone excited for anyone we've had on the podcast. This is probably the first time everyone's like, oh, shit. The guest episodes are really controversial, but this might be the first one where people are like, yes. Yeah, this is a landmark event in yard history. We've had Ted Nivison, and we've had Stavros from the Come Down podcast. Who? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:02:04 He sent those cookies for christmas the whole thing he's like he is great guys stand up here there so where would you rate our podcast on a scale of one to ten in podcast because presumably you're listening to a lot of podcasts while you well have you listened past the episode that you were the thumbnail yes oh wow the most recent episode oh that's so tight okay yeah do you okay like okay you're listening to pod it's 90 minutes at what minute are you like okay next like uh well i was packing yesterday so i kind of just listened to the whole thing because that's right wow this is this is so much more than i ever would have tried so hard to pin her the fake fan and we're fucking. Yeah. So anyway, what do you think about Sykuno diaper?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Let's do it. Hey, business is business. It'll sell. Can you talk? Okay. You are just like a business magnate. You are the hardest working woman on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:02:59 I actually wanted to, I wanted to ask this like, because you've been doing this for, for years now. And I, I think like the way the, the perception from, from what I see, wanted to i wanted to ask this like because you've been doing this for for years now and i i think like the way the the perception from from what i see is like it's gone from wow this is like i'm sure you still get shitty comments from people but it's gone from like wow this is like wow this is like uh like like bad or like uh just like a very like negative view of what you're doing on the platform to every common
Starting point is 00:03:25 i see now is like she's a fucking genius of the game and it's all as if it's like all part of some like grand master plan and i was wondering like how much of like your arc in your business over the years and like how you plan your streams like how much of it is like meticulously planned out like did you have this did you have this vision of what it would turn into? That's kind of what I'm wondering. It's like when the stream is off, are you in the corner like, hmm, how should I execute next?
Starting point is 00:03:51 So it's going to be a big inflatable pickle. This is all, I see it now. Every earlick she's thinking about the next gas station. We're moving up. We're getting Amazon warehouses. Because if that's the case, I believe you. I believe you. It's been executed so flawlessly.
Starting point is 00:04:03 No, I think you are. I think you are secretly always thinking business. this past year okay after like the hot tub meta started going i was like holy shit this is a lot of money i better figure out what to do with it so it's like the money rolled in you're like i need to do something with this money yeah like i've had investments since like 2016 but like really this year i was like she's a lot yeah do stuff ethereum ground floor bought in 200 sold at 800 bought in 1200 yeah i i only know that because i was playing super auto pets on stream she was in my chat and then she's like oh is it like do you pay for a pack and i'm like oh yeah you can buy like an additional pack
Starting point is 00:04:35 if you're like a big fan she's like okay now you reach out to the developers you get them to make a ludwig pack you sell the ludwig pack split margin exactly i'm like bro I was trying to make fish go pop it would work yeah just like hey uh Sigma Grussell how about that she's working right now with Zachary to be the next character in Ultimate I love the idea of like like Donkey Kong and like Villager walking down the street and bumping into Amaranth on the road. It's like, oh yeah, here's your invite. Do you play Super Smash Brothers? I don't know if you're going to make a Super Smash, but with influencers and get their permission to be in the game.
Starting point is 00:05:12 Yeah, fighting games. Or not their permission. What the fuck are they going to do? They don't know shit. Honestly, that Warner Brothers game has LeBron James in it, so we're not very far from that world. Do you play Super Smash Brothers or have you played it before? Yeah, yeah. I grew up with Melee.
Starting point is 00:05:24 Who do you play, Kermit? Pikachu. I'm yeah yeah i grew up with the melee who do you play kermit pikachu i'm a down b spammer wow i'm savage i love that down b2 though i mean that's you're already like mid-level yeah you're you're on your way to the top we there was just this huge tournament this past weekend and uh you might know because you got so many posts about ibdw uh and i believe you congratulated him but there was a pikachu player at that tournament who used down b a lot that's right yeah let's go let's go very far with this did you watch any of ibdw sets no yeah okay i wrote his name on my arm though and that's big that's what matters i need to clear something up this happened last episode.
Starting point is 00:06:06 It's about Atriox. So they made a bit of a gaffe at him because he was revealed to be changing his hairline in his thumbnails. Thumbnails, yeah. Bringing his hairline forward. And now what I heard from Atriox recently was that he used his one time. For us to not tell you? For you guys not to leak that. I wasn't there. No, he used his one time for us to not tell you guys not to leak I wasn't there no he uses one time for me to not tell oh but Aiden did
Starting point is 00:06:29 yeah Aiden said and that's how it works just fucking grimy his one time that's insane can I get your opinion on hairlines in general do you still think he has a chance Amaranth speaks out on hairlines I've actually everyone's been waiting you need to you need to tell our viewership what Do you still think he has a chance? Amaranth speaks out on hairline. Everyone's been waiting.
Starting point is 00:06:51 You need to tell our viewership what it really is about. When you see someone, let's say Aatrox or whoever. If you see a bald. Let's back up. Do you know who Aatrox is? Kind of. Okay. He's like a legend because I hear his name on your stream but I've never actually like paid attention enough
Starting point is 00:07:08 you've never seen him he might exist we don't know for sure that's better than he's actually Aiden's dad it would be funny if H-Rock didn't exist and it was just like a guy you always talked about like a schizophrenic person was it real? I thought you knew it that's like the H-Rock and Stans bit
Starting point is 00:07:24 where Stans is losing it. I was just playing along, though. So tell me, in your opinion, if you see a fiery mane on an adult man or you see it like, uh-oh, it's going backwards, do you care at all in terms of aesthetics or are you like, whatever? I say after a certain point, you just should shave it off. like whatever i say like after a certain point you just should shave it off like from a profile standpoint if your hairline starts behind like the corner of your eye like back here give us a turn oh he's okay his hairline he's the front of his hairlines but it's getting close
Starting point is 00:07:59 it's getting there getting there getting there hey but now you're good but now you're good king look and feel good smell good too i don't really want to do the podcast anymore okay i'll see you i'll see you in the bathroom later yeah with my clippers you can shave two bald people is too many for this oh 100 we'd have to fight to the death we cut them off so you've already established that you're the bald guy i think i'm out after that. This reminds me of what you will now return the favor, finally. In the old house that we used to live in, we had a patio in the back, like a cement patio.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And when Anthony started shaving his head, he would come down in the morning on shave his head day, and he'd be boxers only, razor and mirror in hand. And he would be like, Aiden orers only. Razor and mirror in hand. And he would be like, Aiden or Neep, shave me. Shave me out back. I've done that too. I would go to my assistants during photo shoot day and I tell them to shave my asshole sometimes.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Are you serious? I got like a little razor and I'm like. Wait, really? Okay. Hold on. That's the same. We're the same. No, no, back up.
Starting point is 00:09:02 You are the same. Amy's shaving your head and her assistant shaving her butthole. That's right. You're my assistant and my head is her butt. That's so tight.
Starting point is 00:09:11 Since then I've gotten laser hair but like, you know, I've done that before. So is there a special razor or is it like your average Venus? I use like an eyebrow razor. Have you never shaved
Starting point is 00:09:20 your asshole? With like the little, like just the one blade? You've shaved your asshole before? Yeah. Really? I've never gone that far. You've shaved your asshole? What? With like the little, like just the one blade? You've shaved your asshole before? Yeah. Really? I've never gone that far. You've shaved your asshole?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Yeah. When? What was the occasion? Oh, there was three hairs down there. You fucking got it. It was kind of like I was shaving everything, and then I just didn't know when to stop. Yeah. You're like Frank Reynolds in that episode.
Starting point is 00:09:40 He's like, I want to be pure. I want to be clean. Because the taint leads in, so it's like you don't know when to stop. I was like. I've never gone past my taint. Sometimes I do the thing where I'm like, I'm going be pure. I want to be clean. Because the taint leads in so it's like you don't know when to stop. I've never gone past my taint. Sometimes I do the thing where I'm like, I'm going to keep going. Whatever, fuck it. I'll do the thighs a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:50 But you have brakes on your car. That's the difference. We have no brakes. Oh, yeah. I've got no brakes. You're all gas. I'm all gas. I do not.
Starting point is 00:09:58 I'm however not yet on the level. I aspire to be where my assistant will do it for me. You don't have an assistant so you are i need to step one down here i'll get one solely for this task this assistant can i ask it was this like a hey this is a weird request thing or is it like you know what the fuck you signed up for um well it was more if she was you know filming my ass and like she's like you've got you missed some shave spots i'm like oh just do it for me yeah you're an artist aren't you make so much practical wait can you walk me through generally how many people are on your team like how many assistants are we working with here i have four
Starting point is 00:10:35 full-time and then a few part-time that come in and do stuff assistants holy shit i just have a slime that's right those in the house, yeah, but they're not assistants. Unless you are considering other people like just labeling as assistants, but they do like maybe like they do uploading and stuff like that. Yeah. I mean, that's okay. They still help you. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Sure. Are they all like employees? Do they have titles? Or are they just like, I need people to help. You're all full time now. Thing one, two, three, four. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:01 Yeah. Sleepy, dopey. That would make for such a sick linkedin page amaranth llc so it's like starbucks from 2011 2013 shaving amaranth asshole 2021 that's just like one of your balls how do you find someone to work for you? Because I poach all of them from BTS Shouts out, hey Where do you find Surely you don't go live Oh, it's an Indeed posting, right?
Starting point is 00:11:32 No, I just employ my friends And then I'm like, hey, who do you trust who needs work right now? Okay, that's cool We do the same thing That's how it works, guys If you ever think that this is a merit-based society It's not, because you don't want some random person living in your world,
Starting point is 00:11:48 you know what I'm saying? From Indeed. I've always been on that NEP shit. And I really do not want some random person shaving my asshole. Why not? I gotta trust them. You gotta trust them.
Starting point is 00:11:58 There's a lot of trust involved. I would let a homeless guy do it. What? Because, for the thrill of the fight. What? You wouldn't do that. I'm going to cut in. You would never do that.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Oh, I wouldn't? No. And if you would, I would love to make a YouTube video out of this. Let's do it. I'm actually down. Okay. You're an asshole. We have to pay them a bunch of money.
Starting point is 00:12:17 Yeah. It's kind of degrading. It is degrading. Also, feel me. This is awful. This is fucked up. You have to pay them so much money for this to not be awful. Oh, you're backing up?
Starting point is 00:12:24 It might be. Oh, that's too bad. It might still be awful. This is fucked up. You have to pay them so much money for this to not be awful. Oh, you're backing up? It might be. Oh, that's too bad. It might still be awful. Yeah, regardless. Even if you give them like 100K, making them do such a degrading act, then filming it and posting it. No, what you should do is you should have one of your stream challenges and you don't have, you get hit with a paintball sometimes.
Starting point is 00:12:38 You should have to shave his asshole instead. You could do it. You could be my homeless bear. It makes way more sense if you do it. That's right. It makes way more sense. Or you laugh, you shave the other guy's butt. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You laugh, you suck me off. The cogs are smoking in his head right now. We're getting there. Okay, look. You're a business magnate, mogul even. She is. Can I tell you a little history of our house and our environment, mogul even. She is. Can I tell you a little history of our house and our environment, Amaranth? Do it.
Starting point is 00:13:09 So, Eamon wasn't around for this, but when we lived together, me and Nick and Ludwig all moved in together. Three years ago. And Ludwig was selling vapes, and he was a merchant of death, and we were working at BTS. Head of marketing. We call it hard working. Just killing kids left and right.
Starting point is 00:13:22 One day. That's right. Dropping them like flies fucking take your take your pen and your bang energy one day we we turn on the tv in the living room and as like a gag we like turn on amaranth stream as a gag you mean a span this was back when you were 5k andy so you know the old days no dude it was not 500 yes she was yes goddamn right because i remember archaic here's why i remember is because we were watching and we're logging on my account on twitch and someone gifted five to your chat and i got gifted and it was five thousand people so i because i ran the odds oh shit and i told our australian friend that that happened and
Starting point is 00:14:00 we were heavy into poker and gambling at the time and he's like she stole your luck she stole your luck because i caught a five bomb in a 5k chat of just watching amaranth that's right yeah so i need that back is what i'm saying yeah you gotta give it do you have it with you do you have my luck you're essentially asking if she's a leprechaun this is really all you're doing yes finally we get to the i know i have red hair yeah and i'm asking questions that's all there was one time in this house where i was uh i was like going down to our living room for something i was like looking for something and i'm just kind of like walking around and i hear this weird noise coming from under the cabinet it's like and i'm like what is that and i go over and i'm like looking under and i'm like is the dog like stuck under here and i'm like looking under and i'm like is the dog like stuck under here and i'm like trying to see if there's any animals and i can't find it i'm
Starting point is 00:14:49 looking for like 15 minutes i cannot figure out what it is our tv is on sleep so there's no image but you are doing an asmr stream behind it and you're just going to town and i i finally find the remote and click on and i just see I see you and I'm like oh my god who left this here? What the fuck is going on? It was you right? It was probably you did it. I've probably thrown it on a bunch. Sometimes we'll just throw you on
Starting point is 00:15:15 and we'll re-chat as like a pastime because your chat's crazy. Do you re-chat? Sadly. It can be good. Sure. It's usually really bad. You're playing Mario Kart sitting in the hot tub. Is chat decent then?
Starting point is 00:15:29 I can't read it when I'm playing Mario Kart. Yeah, dipshit. She's gaming. Wait, why? You have a dog shit set up? Are you a one monitor Andy? No, it's just a focus thing.
Starting point is 00:15:37 She's like me. Oh, you don't have the drifts. You're the same. I see. She plays Mario Kart Wii. Whenever I look at chat, I always fuck up on the race. You play to win, not to entertain chat. That's respectable.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Full gamer. So wait, when is it good? Like when's it at its peak? Probably when I'm doing an animal scream. That's when it's really well behaved. You own whores. That makes sense. Horses.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Horses, yeah. Two whores. Horses. What's up? It's horses. That makes sense. Horses. Oh, what's up? It's whores. So yeah, you're a horse. Were you always a horse girl? I wanted to be. My parents were too broke though. So that's the phrase.
Starting point is 00:16:15 The adage is that horse girls are just cat girls with money. Would you say that's accurate? Well, do you own a cat? I'd say we're probably more ballsy than cat girls because we trust and control 1,800-pound animals with our life. That's so scary, actually. Do you ever get scared?
Starting point is 00:16:33 I get scared. No, I probably should because I have fallen from my giant Frisian draft horse when I was filming something. Can we get a Frisian draft? Yeah, can you get that picture up? Pull that up, pull that up. I need a picture up. To scale in that case. Is that up. I didn't get your picture up. That's a level in Netflix.
Starting point is 00:16:46 Is that an IPA? What does that mean? They're scary, dude. I know Chilean horses are pretty tight, right? That's a thing? What? Like Chilean horses, like from Chile? Oh, Chilean?
Starting point is 00:16:56 I haven't seen those. I know so much about that that I don't want to tell you about right now. I only know a Clydesdale. In Russia, they eat horses, so that's my fact of the day. That's pogchamp. Holy shit. Is that your horse?
Starting point is 00:17:07 That's not mine, but that's April's. Does it look like your horse? That's a beautiful creature. Yeah, they're similar. Mine's a little bigger because he's mixed with Shire, so he looks like that, but he's more muscular and taller. That horse has three stars of speed in Zelda. Is the point of owning a horse to ride the horse?
Starting point is 00:17:24 That is the point, but often it's grooming and buying products for it and getting the vet to come out. So just keeping it alive. Yeah, exactly. They are surprisingly, do you have like a ketamine plug now?
Starting point is 00:17:35 What? Like horse ketamine is like a horse tranquilizer. Like can you just like get ketamine? Did you have a horse? I don't know. No comment. Or, or ivermectin. That's right. Is that is that a horse thing yeah it's a horse dewormer
Starting point is 00:17:49 it's also for people in small quantity not related to covet it actual never mind no go on joe no you're not it's not a broken thing it's for parasites you better be careful you know my no i'm'm just on my med school shit right now. I think I'm unearthing right now. I'm afraid to ride a horse. They're so big. I think I'm terrified. Their bones and their muscles, they could, like, eat you, it feels like.
Starting point is 00:18:17 They're like dragons. They are the dragons of the earth. I can show you its head compared to mine. That's right. That's tight. If we're on your ranch, just the boys on the ranch, would you trust us to ride a horse? Or would you be like, no shot, you guys can do this?
Starting point is 00:18:30 Well, my horses are pretty chill in general. I fall because we were filming in an open field, but if you're not in an open field, they're not going to be like, yeah, let's run. If you're on a trail where it's really narrow, we're in an arena. They behave really well
Starting point is 00:18:45 unless you yeah and then they go the space compared to mine yeah that's a big horse he's huge there's a whole lot of horse Jesus Christ that is a big horse he's just gigantic that's like three of your head I remember old Amaranth lore is your goal
Starting point is 00:19:01 was farm up buku bucks and then do animal sanctuary. I don't know. Is that like Maya animal sanctuary? No, Maya's is more conservation for like exotics and I want to have a big like large scale rescue shelter but
Starting point is 00:19:17 instead of like in cages it would all have rooms so it's like a much more expensive endeavor. They have air conditioned rooms. For animals. Like paradise for dogs. So not just horses. This is horses, it's like a much more expensive endeavor they have air conditioning rooms for animals hotel for paradise for dogs whoa they can make so so not just horses this is horses dogs horses and dogs mainly i don't know how much money i would have to do beyond that i don't even know if i'd have enough to do horses because horse rescue is expensive is it yes is this still the goal or is this more long term now like yeah it's definitely long-term i think
Starting point is 00:19:45 at this point i'm just trying to grow my um money that i have saved up and then invest really well so that my passive income can surpass my active income because right now if that's not surpassing the active doesn't make sense feel that my money makes money i was gonna say that i've been all say about that my money makes money yeah i just want to be in a position where I don't have to worry about the shelter's survival rate. If I didn't have funding from being a streamer, that would really suck. I'd rather be able to pull funds from my own investing. Does the streaming... Okay, is this a dumb question?
Starting point is 00:20:17 Doesn't the streaming not matter? Because I have heard legendary LSF posts that you made $200K in a month on OnlyFans. Assuredly the Twitch paycheck is much smaller and it takes way more time because you have to be live. It's the promo. Twitch is a funnel. Oh, it's like you're the same. You're the same
Starting point is 00:20:36 as Amaranth because you always said that Twitch is the funnel for the YouTube and that you farm the YouTube for the Twitch for the YouTube. It was the opposite, but yeah. He said it like that. I'm seeing the sausage get made right now. This is excellent.
Starting point is 00:20:49 So you think if you stopped streaming, then the funnel would, and then the OnlyFans would die? Oh, completely. Especially right now because I just got my personal Instagram disabled after my main one was already disabled. So I have no more Instagram presence currently except my animal page, and that's not true. That's actual Farmville. Unless you want to, like, fuck a horse.
Starting point is 00:21:13 I mean, you know. No, thank you. They just get disabled for, like, lewd photos? No. Or, like, spam reporting. It got mass reported. The main one got spam reports, which is stupid. And there's actually, like, I'm in talks with people trying to get it unbanned, stupid and there's actually like they i'm in
Starting point is 00:21:25 talks with people trying to get it unbanned and apparently there's nothing that i did wrong but because i get so many mass reports nobody wants to take on the role to deal with managing my account because all verified instagram accounts have to have a manager within instagram like an account manager oh and um if someone doesn't want to take you on they just don't give a fuck this was like this was like cuties instagram it was gone for so long because somebody just decided to troll her it was mass reported for almost no reason crew yeah it was right after the aiden ross drama got mass reported got taken down took like a couple weeks to get it back same with will neffs it's rough out there a few months i think october so yeah it's really rough so so with twitch with
Starting point is 00:22:03 twitch and like i I guess the future the future of streaming or like the future of your business I was wondering like how much longer can you or do you want to like lick the microphone because sometimes when I sit and watch I'm like
Starting point is 00:22:20 she like do you wake up some days and you're like I just can't do this anymore or you've tasted rubber like one too many Like she like do you wake up some days and you're like, I just can't do this anymore. I mean, you've tasted rubber like one too many times. I don't know. After a while, it just becomes like, you know, autopilot. You don't really care anymore.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I mean, ideally, I would love to not have to lick a microphone ever. But, you know, I like ponies and ponies cost money. So you do what you got to do. The motivation makes so much sense. We did talk about once about how you must have one of the strongest tongues in existence. Yeah. I once tried to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop, which I was then told after saying that that you've also done. She commented in our video. Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:22:59 I think you said this. Yeah, that's right. She said, I've been down that road, brother. I once tried that and I was just like, i just can't do this like have you noticed the power up hurts with my tongue yeah you live chewing food and stuff oh yeah my my of content has gotten way better all right i was more like can you get to a tootsie pop faster now could you speed run tootsie to the center world record i think you have to like legally take a lunch break with the amount of hours you are putting a lot so you what is like the longest stretch you've ever
Starting point is 00:23:30 streamed for because i think it's a funny thing you to always turn on twitch and like amaranth live and it's like the fireplace never beat my record yeah well i've never done like an uncapped subathon or anything um but i think the longest was like sleep streams back to back for like a 48 hour stream oh because you just she started you shouldn't start start the sleep stream but you got the idea from amaranth right sleep streams i'll give it to asian andy i don't know sure yeah asian andy's who i got oh because he did it with the beside in and with the tts right yes on and like people just donate the praise she cracked the meta of not being listed in a category so it's okay right that that was like probably i remember when she did i was told
Starting point is 00:24:14 yeah that's what you're told was half i had to do that you are i feel like you know the twitch rules more than every streamer and also employee dude you could be a twitch lawyer do you think that's accurate you could represent people at the next level of the business so but they seem to want to change the rules whenever it suits them so you know okay like okay it's it's flashback six months we're in the peak of ammo versus andy fox where it was the uh what was like the horse mask phase and then you got banned. I think around then what immediately happens are you like, okay, I got to talk to this person. You're like fuck probably more like
Starting point is 00:24:51 fuck and then you just like rage huh? Do you just rage that it resolves see I stepped back and I don't think she stepped back still banned, right? Yeah, I saw her she came up on my tick-tock. Yeah, Andy Fox got banned during back. She's still banned, right? Yeah. I saw her. She came up on my TikTok. Yeah, Indie Fox got banned during that
Starting point is 00:25:08 era. That's why you're a businesswoman. That's the difference. Rumor on the street has it because she was doing this, which don't fly. I think that's right. Right? Like this. I think so. She was manspreading. Well, she was also farting. That was a big thing. Was it? People were farting. Was that Indie Fox
Starting point is 00:25:23 though? Other people were farting too. I thought that was XQC. Was it? Yeah, she was farting. Oh, people were farting. Remember? Was that Indy Fox, though? Yeah. Other people were farting, too. I thought that was XQC. True. True. The two titans. The fart and slam at her? And you. No, wait.
Starting point is 00:25:32 Was it? I believe Indy Fox was farting, and she was just getting a little too... She was getting... She was toeing the line a little bit. I think word on the street was that Amaranth knew when to pull back, and word on the deep web was that like... Where are you guys going where are you on amaranth.onion where they were so i opened tor browser to get the latest on people are saying
Starting point is 00:25:54 like oh amaranth's got some pull over at twitch like that's that's what's doing it and it's like no they don't talk to me at all okay so you're that's you're not you're telling me you don't talk to me at all. Okay, so that's... You're telling me you don't suck off John Twitch every time? What's his name? Eamon? Emmett Shear? Yeah, Emmett. Yeah. Eamon Shear.
Starting point is 00:26:11 Do you find yourself towing the line of their TOS purposely for fun, or do you really try to stay away from it? I actually try to stay away from it. It's just so vague that they just decide to get you whenever. I think the last time I got banned, actually, for three days, they wouldn't tell me why at all. Wait, really? I still don't know why. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Like, it was just a few months ago for a three-day thing. And I thought it was licking the mic, but these other girls are, like, swallowing the mic. They're spitting on the mic. They're, like, ah, he got to this fucking heavens on the mic. Like, I don't know. I don't know what I was doing. What girl?
Starting point is 00:26:43 So I could go make fun of all of them. Yeah, so I could go go i need to give these people a piece of my mind i'm gonna tell them why that's not right i always think about it's like i remember we were watching your stream once and someone in the chat was just like my kids are on this site you're disgusting obviously spelled incorrectly and i was like bro you pulled this up right like you pulled the stream up and you're typing like it's quite a few clicks to get there. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Two metric questions. Do you know your audience breakdown based like per like continent? Like how many of your viewers are, cause I found this out recently. They've like a lot of Turkish viewers. Yeah, I do quite a bit of Turkish viewers. Um,
Starting point is 00:27:22 I think it's around 40% America, I think. But Turkey's up there. Yeah. They got two things, Valorant and Amaranth, and that's what they're into in Turkey. That's the two channels on the TV. What is it tonight, boys? And then what is your gender breakdown?
Starting point is 00:27:42 Do you know? Do I have females in my chat? That's the question no we want to know surely there's women the bar doesn't even show it it just shows it's like i have some females because i know i i know i recognize them you know i actually know who they are but um i'm pretty sure like the rest of twitch is probably at least 90 percent male yeah like i think most twitch chats are no No, I think Twitch chat in general, I think my breakdown is,
Starting point is 00:28:08 Twitch I think was a little higher, it was like 80-20, but YouTube was like 90-10. Unless you're Sykuno. Unless you're Sykuno. Someone show me the backdoor stats on Sykuno. It's fucked up, bro. It's like 40 probably.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It's like 50-50. Yeah. Wow. I believe that. And Minecrafters are probably above 50 for women. Well, Minecrafters... Tummeled in it? They literally don't count.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Why does that even mean? Explain that. They're in their own... Oh, God, no. It's happening again! I don't know if you saw. He said a lot of shit. I'm not saying anything.
Starting point is 00:28:37 For saying negative things about Sykuno. I said Sykuno was the equivalent of diaper play in a joking way because he makes content that's like, ooh-woo and small bean and they the saikuno fandom fucked my shit up that day it was i get rolled i got it was like probably honestly an average day for you i'm not even kidding it was like an average day for like a female streamer on the internet it was like the amount of hate i got and i was like this sucks boo and then it was over after one day your chat is just i've like read like so much of your chat it's like it's like show feet and then it's like please dear god come to brazil i'm begging you come to brazil and then it's just like i'm going to skin you and kill you and then it's like this
Starting point is 00:29:21 is disgusting and it's the same person later like like show feet. Dude, there was someone. No way. I was on LSF. Maybe you saw this. It was like someone was like, this is disgusting what she's doing. And then they use the same name on Reddit as their Twitch name. And they checked ammo logs. And he was like, fuck yeah, ammo.
Starting point is 00:29:41 Let's go. He was like, he was double playing the system. That's just someone who doesn't get recognized or acknowledged yeah usually they start off as like an adoring fan was what you could call it maybe somewhat creepy and then it devolves when they don't get noticed into a hater yeah it's crazy it's like the evolution of yeah it's like it's like pokemon it's like you give them a moonstone they fucking evolve you give them a moonstone, they fucking evolve. Yeah, you give them the rejection stone. They turn into an incel, yeah. They turn into Incelmon. It's a quick level up.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Do you have any plans to go to Brazil in the future? Please, we need the clip. Go to a few friends in Portugal. I think it could be fun. I've never been to South America at all. Yeah, Rio's supposed to be cool. People say you should come to Brazil. Are you dying inside being in LA right now
Starting point is 00:30:26 and not streaming for 13 hours a day? No, it's so nice. Why don't you just stream less? Because I feel like the momentum I have, I'm barely hanging on to because I don't have any exposure anywhere else right now. You're on that ninja grind. Yeah. Where ninja, remember like he hit it off and then he's like, I just have to
Starting point is 00:30:42 grind while I'm at my peak to get my bag, and then I'll be good. Yeah, he coined the phrase Sigma Grussell. He didn't, but basically did. When you say it's nice. You're right, Tyler did say that. When you say it's nice, do you mean not grinding so hard, or do you mean being in LA?
Starting point is 00:30:56 Being in LA and just not feeling like I have to stream right now is really nice. The two-hour drive is probably great. Oh, yeah, I get to nap. Yeah. So much done. You watch some Super Auto Pets? Can you reveal where you work?
Starting point is 00:31:07 Because I think it's interesting. Or is that a secret? If you can't reveal it. I don't know. I don't know if I can. I wouldn't test it. No. Depends.
Starting point is 00:31:16 When is it going to be? When is this? Wednesday. Wednesday for audio. Two days. Two days. Maybe not, because I'll still be here. We'll hold off. We'll hold hold off we'll talk about it later um is there anything else you're in la for that you
Starting point is 00:31:31 can't talk about it or is it just mainly that secret activity and are you building a missile what the fuck is going on okay we can we can cut it out this is not a live thing but we can just we'll cut this out she's a government contractor i knew it archie archie cut it out lucky collab am i gonna say to them i was gonna tour playboy headquarters today but like i moved to thursday oh that's what i was talking about oh that was all i was referencing i didn't actually go so i was like yeah i didn't know you did anything else uh yeah that that that's fine that's not secret right no no no no okay all right is that just for shits and gigs are you trying to get a are you trying to get a centerfold i already got on centerfold i have a deal with them already
Starting point is 00:32:11 i'm a playboy model now no shit is this announced wow yeah i announced on my twitter a few days live announcement here all right not live announcement i mean i'm shadow band on twitter so people brought in see it are you pretending't see it. We can pretend it's exclusive. Yeah, we can pretend. Wait, actually? Sick. That's so cool. Do you know that, or do you just see the results? Because it's like when I search for amaranth, I don't pop up at the top. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:32:36 Like, it's just people adding me. Are you verified? Yes. Dude. They do you dirty. They do. Remember the bidet thing? Did you ever tell her that? Yeah, well, you've probably seen it, the clip of the company that wouldn't work with me. I don't know if you saw that.
Starting point is 00:32:51 I heard you talking about wanting to get a bidet. I can talk about it now. I think it was Tushy. I don't even know the brand. I won't say the brand. We'll cut that out. But there was a brand that I was trying to work with to white label create bidets for myself.
Starting point is 00:33:03 And we had gone back and forth over to discussions they were kind of like weirded out by working with a youtuber we're like kind of open with it and uh and then eventually they were like hey we can't do this for a couple reasons you don't align with our brand and this is right after we had done some no this was uh you don't align with our asshole cleaning yeah what does that even mean i don't know it was after the yeah what does that even mean i don't know it was after the logan paul fight and i posted a picture with you and they were like we just that one yeah they're like we think your content just doesn't fit plus you uh like i have sexual content because i just had like a picture with you wow and they were like we can't work with
Starting point is 00:33:38 being next to a woman is sexual that's right that's enough for my chat to be honest they said hey our machine that sprays water into your asshole, this isn't going to work. We're a family safe asshole sprayer. Yeah. So I couldn't work with them, which is absolutely zero loss
Starting point is 00:33:56 because I got a better manufacturer. Yeah. But it was interesting. I'm sure you run into that a lot. Yeah. Is there like certain brands you try to work with and they're like,
Starting point is 00:34:03 no shot? Well, I work with people who, like I work with Deon now she tries to find deals for me but um most the deals i get are like shameless game sponsors like mobile games and stuff right and i think a lot of product brands are scared to work with me surely yeah but i mean hey the viewers in the hours live don't lie okay the metrics add up do you want the best marketing dollar you can find I guess not raid shadow atrioc nvidia 3090 amaranth club they're fucking down it's like whoever will play the game if they have a beating heart yeah raid shadow okay no you know what you're sponsored I won't do it
Starting point is 00:34:44 and that's respect I was sponsored too I was gonna say I think we could mercilessly talk shit on that game and it would be good PR for them
Starting point is 00:34:51 they have someone go and just like put the cell phone in like a dead person's hand and they're like alright there you go I actually like playing Raid on my stream
Starting point is 00:35:00 because I can just put it on autoplay and do other stuff so it's actually really nice you can autoplay the game yeah a lot of mobile games in the tutorial they put it on autoplay and do other stuff. So it's actually really nice. That is because you don't have to play. You can autoplay the game? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Yeah, a lot of mobile games. In the tutorial, they show you the autoplay. So basically, you just kind of create your lineup. We're describing too many features right now? We actually are. We're afraid we better get a fucking check for this one. That's crazy. Yeah, a lot of mobile games do that.
Starting point is 00:35:20 You can just watch it happen. It's more just about seeing the numbers go up. Yeah, it's like cookie clicker. Loud noise. Can I ask you something that is probably the most insane part of like internet lore i think that i had ever seen which was your your mod shut up ludwig oh your mod which one the mod that made that message that said i've been hanging out in st peach's channel anyway oh that wasn't even real okay thank god now i know because it seems so fucking crazy that it couldn't be real but so you're confirming that it's not check me so it's it's the fucking copy pot i'll find it right now cover phil phil phil okay okay
Starting point is 00:35:56 hello my darling oh jesus i just snapped twice i didn't Why would you do that? I snapped twice. I didn't... Why would you move it? How is it when I say Phil, you fucking just destroy everything? I don't know. It's him. Did you find it? He's supposed to be the content guy. I got it.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Okay. That's crazy. Jesus Christ. Are you... These amateurs. Are you fucking kidding me, Amaranth? Jesus Christ. Embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:36:19 I'm just trying my best. I don't need you. There are a whole lot of other streamers that deserve my time and support. Amen. As they say, there's plenty of other fish in the sea. Fish without husbands, too, you liar skank. Fish without husbands, too.
Starting point is 00:36:32 I will no longer be dedicating one-third of my day to moderating your chat. Let the wildebeests roam. And if you need me, I'll be in STPeach's chat from now on. You may not know this, but I actually do watch your streams after yours are over and i've been a six month subscriber as well i donated her 30 the other day and said her outfit looked cute she said i'm a sweetheart things are looking up for me open parentheses and down for you close parentheses this is where i bid farewell to you have fun being a liar what's ironic in this is st peach is the one that's married she is that's right yeah so maybe he just likes okay so on so was that real or was it just not a is it no that was just a copypasta
Starting point is 00:37:12 it's too it's fan fiction so you're not married no it's just the stupid thing that they decided to make this fake thing up about it and then they made memes of the fake post already someone had like gotten just in a word document and put mod and then they put am of the fake post already someone had like gotten just in a word document and put mod and then they put amaranth on there and it made this whole fake conversation between us and it wasn't even an actual mod and even later the person came back and said in the reddit post like i can't believe everyone believed me yeah wow that's how effective it was because i was to this day i was like i to ask her about that because it was real, I bet. It had resounding effects
Starting point is 00:37:47 because you've been allegedly married for like ever since that post came out, like three years now. Everyone thinks you're allegedly married. I guess I've been ignoring him for 15 hours a day. That is the first thing I thought of when I found out you were fake married.
Starting point is 00:37:59 That was exactly what I thought of. I was like, damn, when do they hang out? But I thought to myself, the bread must be, when do they hang out? Yeah. But I thought to myself, the bread must be good. He must be eating. My thought has always been he's off screen with cue cards, and he's like, lick right ear.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Can you imagine? Okay. Go, honey. Outfit change time. Speaking of which, this actually reminds me of one of the most impressive things to me about your stream is you will pull up the the transition screen where you say changing into cute outfit and like as as like a as like to go from hot tub to asmr or something like that right and then you'll leave
Starting point is 00:38:38 that up for like over an hour and the number of viewers doesn't go down it stays sometimes yeah i've been doing that less that was more in the hot tub meta for some reason that seemed to be like a pokemon card game for chat they're like what are they going to come out in because what am i what am i gonna pull it's the fortnight me with the three guys but it's like what is she gonna come out yeah are we thinking two piece one piece it doesn't really work as well anymore but i well it worked with cutie i know because she did it as a meme i remember she talked to you all about it and then she put it up and like doubled in viewers yeah and it was mostly like coomers just scrolling through just chatting and then being like oh oh there's ramen in this one
Starting point is 00:39:18 yeah i think it worked best when it was in just chatting now now that they've segmented it you've been category exiled yeah it doesn't have as much reach anymore do you think the exilation is fair no because i'm not i'm not twitch i don't get to decide what's fair and what's not so it's hard to say yeah that's fair no neutral shut up ludwig god damn you we're ludwig pilled i just feel like every time that i do something successful twitch feels compelled to make a category for it. It's like ASMR was made because of me. We used to do ASMR in the just chatting section or the IRL section, whatever it was at the time. What is that? That's the heater going nuts.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Is it? That sounds like a jet engine. That is so much louder than normal. I didn't know you made ASMR. Is that true? It does feel like you've pioneered things and then Twitch, somebody at Twitch makes some change that fucks with it. Yeah, for some reason, people feel like whatever I'm doing, if it's working, is for some reason they need to riot that.
Starting point is 00:40:12 I don't know why. You know, I kind of get it, though. Because it's just when you get big. Because if you're small and doing it, no one cares. It's the same when people steal my content. If they steal my content, they get like 5K, 10K views, I'm fine. If they start getting hundreds of thousands of views stealing my content, I'm like i'm like i gotta stop this because now you're taking from my bread here right so you're not descending on the mario guys house right now with a SWAT team right yeah you're not doing it i'm not good the mario guys the guy who's mario a million marios no no no all right
Starting point is 00:40:42 no yeah what i well yeah it's basically like when people just upload a clip of mine. It gets like 5K views. Oh, but when it's like farming your entire life for... Yeah, I get it. Yeah. You see what I mean? So it's like if it hits a certain level of success, it catches the eye and something has to be done about it.
Starting point is 00:40:57 And it's probably just the same. And you've just caught success like three different times, four different times. The difference is I'm not stealing anyone's comments. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. It's like when these decisions are made, what does twitch have to lose by not changing it almost assuredly it's just a higher up catches wind of it like before it's status quo no one cares a higher up catches wind because you pop off and then the higher ups like change that and
Starting point is 00:41:18 they're like okay is it an advertiser thing like when i open your stream because you know i'm a twitch turbo user i don't really i don't really get any so uh when when you open up your stream like ads load the same way right they don't like gate ads from your channel or anything like that right i did for like one week and then i made a fuss about it on twitter and then they were like oopsies they like slyly did right they just removed it without telling yeah yeah exactly oh yeah But now it's all back and all good? Yeah, now it's fine. Okay. Okay, wait, okay. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Shut up. You're stupid. Oh, that hurt. Stop talking to me. Okay, no, continue. Amaranth, I would like to show you something, and I would like you to take yourself back to 2018. Okay.
Starting point is 00:42:01 This is a time machine sound. And we are going to show a picture, and I'm going to ask you if you remember this. You've seen it before, I know. Show me, Zipper. Hey, guys. Thank you so much to our perennial sponsor, Coinbase. forward slash the yard gets you 10 Bitcoin free.
Starting point is 00:42:19 No, no, not 10 Bitcoin. Stop. You said perennial. Stop. And the perennium is actually the scientific name for the gooch. $10 worth of Bitcoin if you sign up at That's right. You can start your crypto dreams, you know, if you want. And then, you know, just support us if you want to go down that path.
Starting point is 00:42:39 And then Coinbase people will be like, wow, they'll yard people like it. That's right. Fill your own perennium with crypto using Coinbase people will be like, wow, they'll yard people like it. That's right. Fill your own perennium with crypto using Coinbase. $10 worth of Bitcoin right in the middle. slash the yard. Don't do what he said. That's not right down the middle. If you trade, you could use the instant deposits.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Brock's going to message me. And trade. Brock? What's he going to do? Throw his fucking geo dude at you? Got him. Got him, coach. A pun.
Starting point is 00:43:08 You've been on these recently. A pun to boot. Names are fine. I know what this is already. You piece of shit zipper. You gave me a fucking thumbs up. You son of a bitch. You're fired.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Our flow is destroyed. You're actually fired. He's doing his best, guys. I see it. There it is. I do. Our flow is destroyed. You're actually fired. He's doing his best, guys. I see it. There it is. I do. I do remember that. No shot you remember that.
Starting point is 00:43:31 Yeah. You don't remember the picture. You just remember seeing the picture after the fact. You don't remember taking it. No, I remember taking it. Do you really? Yeah, because you were one of the ones who came up to me who didn't smell.
Starting point is 00:43:42 I'll take that. It was... You know what I'm telling you? Wow. When I i went up it was a thinner line than i thought it would be for how big you were because no like no one knew me no one came up to me but i think are people like shy to come up to you in person like in public um i would say yes and no i feel like when they come up to me they feel kind of like nervous to ask for a picture but then you'll get some entitled people who are just like
Starting point is 00:44:07 arm around and I'm just like I'm so short that like they're just their armpit is just sweating can I ask after this can we all take a big group photo and we're all hover handing you that is so funny. Actually, I want to film something too, like on my phone, because I'm making a rap video
Starting point is 00:44:29 this week in LA, and I just want like snippets to include people so I can add you on YouTube because I have no reach. Oh, you want gang shit? I'm down. Yeah, gang shit. Gang shit. That's all about the money. So get Anthony Bruno involved.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Yeah, we can handle that. I think we can make that work. Oh, so it's a prop money hat yeah yeah i'm learning so much oh have you had like sorry real quick have you had like fucking day ruining fan experiences in public like i'm sure online it's like every day but like i would say not really day ruining because i find it really hard to ruin my day i just don't want people have that much power yeah that's tight like emotionally i don't let people have that much power but i have had
Starting point is 00:45:05 like irl streams where people will try to swat the place or call and get me kicked out and just keep harassing employees like that's really annoying yeah it's fucking annoying and weird yeah that's what i mean when i say you're ludwig pilled because i'm very similar but on a far smaller scale i have negative feedback but i'm able to just ignore it and then somebody like slime or even cutie cutie cutie and i are actually the same yeah we look at but on a far smaller scale, I have negative feedback, but I'm able to just ignore it. And then somebody like Slime or even Cutie. Cutie and I are actually the same. We look at a mean comment and we're like,
Starting point is 00:45:32 I want to fucking find this person and cut him up like a catfish. And you think about it for like the rest of the day. Yeah. It like makes us really mad. Well, maybe because you haven't had enough of them. You would be surprised. It's been like five years. I think I just don't have the wiring.
Starting point is 00:45:47 It's hard for me to turn it off if I tried really hard maybe, but I think you and Ludwig are like, I don't know, it's just easier. You set out on this mission, and you're like, well, to achieve my mission, I need to not let this fuck with me. So that's it, right? Yeah. Well, I always look at it from the perspective of I've never seen a hater who's doing better than
Starting point is 00:46:05 me real shit yeah real it's always the people who are worse off anyone who you would look up to they just don't hate on people closest one is indy and she fell off that's what i'm saying that's what i'm saying she farted her last fart in that microphone brother he farted she farted away to tiktok live i saw her popped up 300 viewers i was like damn our friend's tag is indie uh it's his like gamer tag and in discord his tag is indies fox because he plays fox and i thought that was that's actually cute that's cute i like that he doesn't play well sometimes he has a shit marth okay dude i love shitting on zeke every episode we can one question i i had for you is like just in the just in like the normal the normal world like you're on the uber drive over here do you ever like get in to the to the
Starting point is 00:46:51 like grit of like what you do or do you have like a made-up backstory to just make like conversations like that easier somebody somebody like a psychopath who talks to uber drivers like aiden is somebody i mean somebody somebody asks you like what you do. Aiden gets in the car and he's like, can I see a picture of your kid? That's fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Aiden walks in the car, talks about his job, he'll be like, yeah, I work with Ludwig. Oh, okay, so Twitch is basically this website
Starting point is 00:47:14 and he'll explain everything and he enjoys every step of it. Oh, how did we meet? Oh, so there's this game called Super Smash Brothers. It's played competitively. I feel like we're trying to tell Amaranth like,
Starting point is 00:47:23 hey, this guy's really friendly and nice. Doesn't he fucking suck? That's the bit right now. But we kind of actually believe it a little bit. Oh, yeah, it's true. I'm with that. Because we've talked about the concept
Starting point is 00:47:33 of having a fake backstory as sort of an easier out of those conversations because going through the motions of explaining something like Twitch or esports to somebody that has no idea what it is is like hard. So do you have like your alter ego that you deliver to Uber drivers or something like that? Yeah, my alter ego is I ignore them. That's my issue.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You forget she's a woman, all right? It's dangerous for me to talk about what I do to guys because they'll be like, oh, it's your Instagram. And then at the time, you know, now it's gone. But it would be 5 million and boobie and titty. And they'd be like wanting to see where I live and look at the number when they drop me off and all right i wasn't even thinking about them oh my my man brain ruined that whole question my man you pick it's like that donald glover bit he's like yeah when guys have a crazy ex-girlfriend story it's like ah she was crazy and when girls have a crazy it's like yeah he was crazy he came over and killed my dog like yeah true oh i want to tell you about my dad real quick
Starting point is 00:48:31 so my father my father is a drinker he's like he's like 68 or something he's old right and he's and he's like he's old old fucker, son of a bitch type of guy. He has no shame. And my dad once, and I haven't told you guys this story, but it kind of applies because you've dealt with this before in a similar way, obviously not one-to-one. But my dad, he lives
Starting point is 00:48:58 in Las Vegas, and he went to the adult video... AVN. AVN, yeah. I've been there. So he went to AVN and he sees Katie Morgan morgan who is a porn star and she's like she's like an older porn star and my dad is for some reason knows her by name and he thought it would be funny to go and try as hard as he could to get her autograph for me and how old are you i was i don't know 20 or something okay like i'm not a little kid yeah that'd be weird he he did this i've never talked about porn with my dad we don't know, 20 or something. Okay. Like, I'm not a little kid. Yeah, that would be weird. He did this.
Starting point is 00:49:25 I've never talked about porn with my dad. We don't do that. That's so awkward. You don't shop porn? We don't sit and talk about. One time I was like, I was a little kid, and I was like afraid because he was leaving the house, and I get nervous that he'd like,
Starting point is 00:49:36 something would happen to him. He's like, I'm afraid something will happen to you. He's like, kiddo, the only thing you don't see me do is beat off and shit, okay? I'm going to be all right. I'm stealing that. And I'm like, damn, I'm 12. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:49:50 And so my dad, so he tells me this. He calls me, and he's like, oh, I went to AVN. I went to the adult dad, the porn videos. Your impression of your dad is so good. And I'm like, okay, that sounds super funny. Did you have fun? He's like, yeah, I tried to get Katie Morgan's autograph for you. I went up and said, Katie, my son loves you.
Starting point is 00:50:09 My son loves you. But it was after the event. She was trying to get to her car. So her bodyguard was like, hey, you know, not now. He was like, no, please, just an autograph, just an autograph. And the bodyguard was like, no, don't. So I didn't get it. And I was like.
Starting point is 00:50:22 And so I'm telling her right now. She's five blocks away. And I was like, why did you do that? That's great. And he's like, oh, I don't know i didn't get it and i was like and so i'm telling her right now she's five blocks away and i was like why did you do that that's great and he's like oh i don't know because it was funny and i'm like well you're right old people are fucked up so yeah if that ever happens to you just let me know and it's probably my dad and i can be like dad down stop it down next time i'm at the avN, I'll let you know. I'm just saying. I'll sign something for you for your dad. Oh, that's tight.
Starting point is 00:50:51 He'd be like, because he watches the podcast sometimes. He'll be like, you are on the YouTube with the monkey. You laugh at the monkey, right? And he called the other day. My girlfriend picked up the phone. She was like, he's in the bathroom. He's like, are you Cinderella? Are you Cinderella?
Starting point is 00:51:07 Because he's talking about Cutie. Because he just knows names. He doesn't really put anything together. He's like, no. So yeah, that would be great for him, I think. That'd be huge. He would enjoy that. Anyway, I just want to let you know.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Who's the oldest person who has come and protested their fandom to you? The oldest person? I don't actually see their names attached. Or their age attached to their names. No, I mean like in person. Oh, in person. Yeah, in person, in person. I don't think I've ever had anyone who's like older than maybe like 40s.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Okay, so no like old grizzled coomers. No granddaddies. They don't have to find Twitch, dude. Because you don't even post on youtube the population of all but you don't post much i checked your youtube before a week oh wait fake fan disrespect hey you don't post a lot i post a lot more than that also you you literally post every day it's like anything less than that uh no i only saw because you uh i mean maybe there's a do you have like an asmr specific channel i have uh i actually have like four
Starting point is 00:52:09 youtube channels i have like a try on slash like that's the one i saw when i looked up amaranth on youtube try on one then i have an asmr one then i have like a highlight of stream and then i have a really short clip highlight. Like just for shorts? Yeah. No pants. It's not just like a channel where you just... And then my bow tie spins. Yeah, and she shoots water at it. That was a Nick joke from four weeks ago. Yeah, it is low point.
Starting point is 00:52:38 I never fall off. I'm always on top of my game. Fan favorite. I wanted to get into the mind of ammo for a second for a very specific scenario. Have you ever heard the song Dance with the Devil by Immortal Tech? Dude, wait.
Starting point is 00:52:54 Wait, hold up. Speaking of Dance with the Devil, I didn't know what that song was. I was just laughing along with you guys until this morning. You're such a dumb piece of shit, Ian. I found it on a TikTok because they were playing it.
Starting point is 00:53:08 Dude, the kids are finding out. Immortal Talk. And the top comment was people who know this song are harder than the rest of the society. That is such a gift to me right now. Do you know what this song is? No. I feel uncomfortable explaining it. It's a great story involving murder. Anyway, continue, Aiden. I was going explaining it, but it's a great story involving murder.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Anyway, continue, Aiden. I was going to ask, because in the same vein of you, when you're streaming and licking the ear, if you get tired or not, or if you're having a bad day, there was a specific scenario where you have the pigeon mask on, and you're pecking the microphone. Wait, what? This is awesome. have the pigeon mask on and you're like pecking the microphone and I watched this clip first of all and first I was like this is art this is performance art
Starting point is 00:53:52 and then the second question I had I was like what is she thinking right now like when you're doing that and you're mashing your beak against the microphone what were you thinking well I'm kind of a troll so one there it is this is performance art microphone what are what were you thinking well i'm kind of a troll so one okay
Starting point is 00:54:05 this is performance art you are an artist and twitch is your canvas how much time is spent thinking of things to do on stream and how much no wait wait answer my question first what when you're doing that exact thing what is going through your head god i hope this gets clipped. True, true creator. A true creator. Okay. And then also, like,
Starting point is 00:54:32 I hope someone looks up from under their desk and sees this video because they're on audio and they're, like, getting it. Dude. And they're like, I can make this work.
Starting point is 00:54:44 Dude. Oh, my God. that reminds me of those moments like if you if you're like you got your phone dick in one hand and then like a notification pops up on your phone from like a friend or grandma yeah it's just like i can't can i keep going after this swipe up brother There's a turn for somebody in the chat that day who is like, before the mask is on and then after
Starting point is 00:55:09 and they're like, have I? Am I different now? There's that one dude in chat who's always secretly wanted to fuck a bird and he's like, no way.
Starting point is 00:55:19 No way. Just typing, yes, please. Yes. Kyle, Kyle. You gotta come in this reminds me this reminds me there was daily furry what's a bird person uh feathery i don't know a flappy bird you made flappies that day and that's why that guy took the game down
Starting point is 00:55:40 no okay it reminds me a long time ago on chat roulette you know when the horse mask came out like the realistic one and it was really funny oh yeah i got one real quick i was like i'm on this shit it's 2011 i go on chat roulette with my buddy and i have the horse mask on and i can't really see so he's typing and i'm looking and so it's like chat roulette and it's like person you know guy jerking off guys or whatever and there's like horse and it's funny some people would like think it was cool they joke around a lot of people are jerking off right and so it's just like a guy beating his dick and like automatically clicks off right and it's like but one guy it was i will never forget the look in this person's eye dude it was like a 40 something dude he's sitting on a stool and he's like and the camera his webcam
Starting point is 00:56:20 is like his kind of his full body so it's a little performative and he's beating his dick right and he's kind of like it's like he's posing like he's on the stool he's kind of like half cocked on it and he and he's jerking off and then he he sees me in the horse mask and he takes his hand off his dick and he laughs and he goes and then i see him click his keyboard and go to the next person yeah and he goes away forever I was like, what the fuck just happened? He was like, oh, I'm beating off right now. But that's funny. I love that you can go on this website with a horse mask on and be the one confused.
Starting point is 00:56:54 Yeah. You can somehow end up on the losing end of that scenario. And that's what I was thinking. When you're the bird mask clip, like someone is just like, they're beating off. And then the bird mask is like, but I'm you know i'm still gonna what is like what is like the funniest thing that you've been secretly doing while doing asmr like i know like you've like watched movies before or whatever have you ever done something like on the side that like if the chat knew they'd laugh or like he said taxes for instance have you ever gone gone that route uh occasionally um hmm no funniest thing like a documentary about like
Starting point is 00:57:29 i don't know hitler no you're just like that's comedy you're like this guy was fucked up you know uh i just think it's crazy how much content you consume while while doing that because like it's not every time you said. Like, it's only when you're bored looking here. Like, how often? Is it, like, 80% of the time? I would say boredom probably, like, 70% of the time. Because it's, like, I'm okay for the first, like, hour or two.
Starting point is 00:58:01 And then after that, it's, like, I start to fall asleep. And do you watch a lot of Twitch? Like, who are the streamers you watch if you watch streamers? I can't watch it anymore. If you have the extension, there's a workaround. We cheated a little bit there. People normally aren't on who I'd like to watch
Starting point is 00:58:20 around that time. Okay. You watch late night streamers? Yeah, I watch Cutie. Okay, yeah, she's a late night. I mean, you are forever her desktop wallpaper. Yeah. Did you know that? Yeah, I did. I saw that clip. It's jarring. Yeah, every time she wheels
Starting point is 00:58:35 in the cart for the kitchen streams, then it's just ammo. That's what you should do for her for Christmas. Get a giant wall poster of me so it can be her wallpaper in her room. Instead of a cat. No one tell her. That's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:58:47 I can just spin a cat suit. We could get that. Dude, okay, do you want me to do... I got you a cat! Breaking news. And it's just amorous, like, hey. I'm a cat. I'm gonna give you guys live breaking news.
Starting point is 00:58:58 I reached out to Aria about the cat because I was like, Aria's the person who owns the cat that Cutie wants. Oh, yeah. Because Cutie's been asking for a cat for like... Like At like like a tree Akari and no Aria Aria Saki I believe yeah she's the one who basically was like fostering the cat yeah and I reached out and I was like you know just cursory cad and she was like I bonded with it Oh tough L for Ludwig I can't even get it my first reply to hers gets
Starting point is 00:59:23 me out of a bad situation. I love that. Good job. So, cat can't happen anyway. Also, other breaking news, just confirmed, and it won't actually be in effect until this comes out. Hasan gonna be banned on Twitch.
Starting point is 00:59:37 What? Why? Wait, actually? Because of Cracker? Because of Cracker. No fucking way. Yeah. Yeah, he's gonna be banned
Starting point is 00:59:44 for saying Crer is slur because he said cracker bitch because he was talking about all the comments yeah yeah for how long uh unknown like like oh about it about it like a day they just hit the ban button and they just like roll a dice like yeah this happened today this is crazy he's not yet been banned he just found out he's gonna be banned and. And I think it'll probably go into effect tomorrow or maybe Wednesday. That is fucking crazy. Yeah. What a crazy cracker.
Starting point is 01:00:11 That cracker's wild. Out of pocket even. When we streamed Melee last night, I put it on my Twitch. I was like, Ludwig Ander, just two honkies watching the game, you know? And it's like, oh, that's crazy. Is honky and cracker the same? I mean, they're both like what you call white people to make fun of them. I don't know enough. Honky
Starting point is 01:00:31 is endearing, I think. Honky seems nicer. Honky is not endearing. Have you ever been called a honky? Yeah. And then I tip my hat. And I say, yes, I'm honkers. I'm gonna say it's a little different. Honkers is definitely a different thing. Saying honkers to you and calling you honkers? Yeah, I've been called honkers. I'm going to say it's a little different. Honkers is definitely a different thing. Saying honkers to you and calling you honkers are so different.
Starting point is 01:00:50 Oh, my God. That's what your shitty boss at, like, Walmart says. Like, hey, honkers, come over here. Yeah, hey, honkers. I'm just kidding. I just like to play around. Hey, I shoot from the hip. So can I ask you, like, you, when you you when you like started when did you start like doing
Starting point is 01:01:08 content did you like start playing video games or did you like start doing more of the stuff you're doing now and you're like oh this is like where the fucking bread is and you kind of transitioned into it i don't know the ammo lore can you take us down the lore like world yeah so i started streaming in 2016 and at that time the creative section was very new and they were trying to get people to stream in that because most of twitch was just gaming at the time so they were reaching out to cosplayers like who have like instagram facebook pages like i did being like hey you should come stream on twitch you could stream in the creative section and make some money while you're making your cosplay i'm like like, okay. And so I did that for a while.
Starting point is 01:01:48 And then I think like six months into that, they decided to like do away with like promoting the creative category. Were you doing like cosplay Patreon or something before this? Like before you got started? No, actually I think I started my Patreon a little bit after I started Twitch streaming. Okay. Yeah, but it was around the same time I got into, like, the Patreon cosplay sets, and that evolved into, like, lewd stuff. But yeah, so I started doing cosplay,
Starting point is 01:02:12 and then they stopped promoting it as much, and then I found the IRL section. And it was like finding, it was like unearthing a treasure chest of doubloons. Yeah. IRL, when it first came out, was like a lawless land. IRL was crazy. You yourself said a couple years ago,
Starting point is 01:02:27 you're like, I think IRL is the future of Twitch. And I was like, shut up, Ludwig. Go to work and sell vapes. But you were right. I was right, but they rebranded to Just Chatting.
Starting point is 01:02:34 But that's also the future of Twitch. So Twitch is the ones that encourage you to get on their platform, Amory. Yes. They were their own undoing. Every time they got a fucking bone to pick with you.
Starting point is 01:02:44 They were like, come make content here. And they were like, well, not content. We didn't say content. Well, content's funny. It's just that. Damn. Exactly. And so ever since then, it's just been just cruising.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Did you like, so you got fucking bread now. We all know that. One time, back in the days where we did our, you know, where I got gifted in your chat and it was a beautiful time, we did the reverse engineering on like how much you had. Me and Ludwig, we tried to like figure out how much she makes. Like, bro, she's got dummy, bro. She's dummy. And like, we checked the Patreon, we checked the subs.
Starting point is 01:03:20 We're like, yes, interesting. What year were you calculating? 2018 of September. Yeah, we were all. You know the month? That was weird. I actually also knew. Which year were you calculating? 2018 of September. Yeah, we were all. You know the month. That was weird. I actually also knew. Which is crazy.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Because we just moved in. We were all broke at the time. Yeah. It was even more especially jarring at the time. I was barely full time. I think I was like a couple months full time at that point. No, you weren't. You were still working at the place.
Starting point is 01:03:39 You are. I'm right. Please. No, you're correct. Yeah, you were. I love having one. Part time. Yeah. Well, now I always hear it because every time I talk to Mizkif,
Starting point is 01:03:48 if we talk about anything money related, he'll be like, at the end of the day, ammo makes more than both of us combined. And that's how it'll end up everything. That's so high. I don't know if that's true now. At the time, maybe. I don't know if it is true either. Do you want to swap net worths off the
Starting point is 01:04:05 record yeah we'll do that okay all right get ready to bleep archie and if you share this information i'll kill you in england he's a good kid i'll buy a flight to leeds that's so much fucking awesome yeah it also feels like it's hard to maintain though dude well yeah the machine never turns off this is uh this is putting in perspective how expensive this rescue facility is. It's also more than that, right? Because I spend a lot of my money on getting employees and making businesses like the merch company or whatever.
Starting point is 01:04:34 But you spend it on a gas station. Can you talk about the gas station? You said gas station earlier and I was just like that's a reference. I don't know. What's the gas station? I bought a gas station. Did you not hear? Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:04:47 You didn't hear the news? So she bought a gas station. You are a mogul. Holy crap. You just own like a 7-Eleven? Dude, she sent out like a 1 of 16 tweet thread about like why it's a great financial investment. I didn't understand a fucking lick of it. I can break it down.
Starting point is 01:05:01 Please do. A little bit more. Okay. So my accountant came to me with this proposition to invest. Not Devin Nash. No, no, no. Okay. Actual accountant.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Right, right. Came to me with the proposition to invest in a gas station because there's this bonus depreciation clause that's ending next year. And basically, you can depreciate the total of the building that you buy. So it's like $4 million total, right? But $1 million of that is for the land, so you can't depreciate that because the land doesn't lose value. So $3 million, you can depreciate. So I'm taking the $3 million, and I'm using that as an expense.
Starting point is 01:05:35 So that comes off my total income for the year. And then that way, my tax rate is lower because now instead of taxing like 10 million, I'm taxed at 7 million. Do you have 1099K for your, or sorry, are you an S-corp? I guess I should ask. Am I an S-corp? Yeah, S-corp. What did you think I said? I heard S-corts.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Oh, Jesus Christ. Sorry, I have another follow-up question. Are you a prop, dude? Oh my God. I don't care about the gas station. Do you do escort services? Do you buy it to stand outside of it? Will you go on a date with me?
Starting point is 01:06:12 Will you go on a date with me? I feel so bad. I just wanted to talk business. I'm just wondering what your tax election is. Typical bald guy maneuver. Wow. tax election is typical bald guy maneuver wow yeah so basically i'm taking off like 1.1 in taxes that's crazy but it costs like i had to put like a million down so i have 100k extra but now because i have this gas station i get like a kickback of 85k every year not having to is it like a working
Starting point is 01:06:40 gas station yeah i don't manage it though i Yeah. I lease out the building to like Circle K. Yeah. And you own the land. So it's like you got land and property for like effectively like a million. Well, I don't know. The math is good. Why don't you get in the gas station business? Let's get a gas station.
Starting point is 01:06:56 I didn't have to spend any money because I'm getting the tax. Tier three subs. Right. Tier three subs get lower rates on gasoline. Dude, no way. I'm just saying. No way the Saudis would. No way Shell Oil lets that happen.
Starting point is 01:07:09 I'm currently part of the mogul machine, but if you send me an offer, we get something good. I think you're missing the point that the gas isn't the moneymaker here. Can I do your gas station's merch? Yeah, dude. Oh, dude. That's actually sick. Amaranth.
Starting point is 01:07:23 We're going to do it. It's a baseball hat, and instead of Chevron, it just says Amaranth. Why instead of Chevron? I think the fleshlight's a better idea. Oh, okay. We have to talk about the fleshlight. This is actual business now. I'm talking shock.
Starting point is 01:07:37 I felt so bad because she commented multiple times on our video, and I didn't see it until way late, and I was going to be like, well well i can pin this or like i can respond to this because it's like we're talking about amaranth but then we don't talk to amaranth right i did okay so you do all right all right because she dm me about it we're tight we i mean and i talked to ad about it yes go together for a while oh yeah you've been fragging yeah she's got the bonds uh but i just like so let's do it the fleshlight is a genius idea but the problem with it, what I found out after talking to some porn stars, who I will not name,
Starting point is 01:08:09 who have released their own fleshlights, it's all cap, all the way down. Oh, yeah. It's not actually their Virginias. Yeah, because it's too dangerous to mold a Virginia. Yeah, because you have to inject your Virginia with the same stuff you get your braces with. Yeah, we did look at these, remember?
Starting point is 01:08:27 Can't we put saran wrap over it first? Yeah, I don't think Lisa... I love the idea of us being like, this is a little risky, and Amaranth's the one pushing. It's like, saran wrap! We can do it! Authenticity!
Starting point is 01:08:39 I just remember from cosplay, I went through the process of making my own elf ears, and you have to mold your ear and put like the mold inside so we would put like saran wrap on yeah and then mold it to mold the ears yeah same thing we need to get a contract guy now this is your guy I think it's I think it's uncharted territories is I guess what I'm saying so this would be like new like you can't just go to a company white label create it and then it, and then just market it, and then bing bang. We'd have to like make the infrastructure to create this.
Starting point is 01:09:09 Dude, we can't just go to a company. We can't just do the same thing you're doing with your bidet. We can't do that? No, because I don't, like not for real. Because I think what happens is they just white label create like a mock. Yeah, we'll get some like fake corkscrew pussy. Like we saw, you have to go,
Starting point is 01:09:26 you have to build a barrier pussy. All right. So Cervex is a, an inch closer than it usually is. No, dude, guys, this is just literally the first episode of mad men.
Starting point is 01:09:37 It doesn't matter if it's like Amaranth's pussy, it's toasted. We can say whatever we want. It doesn't matter. I get, they'll just started watching mad men last week. I get like half of Anthony's references. We can say whatever we want. That's true. It doesn't matter. I get, I started watching Mad Men last week. I get like half of Anthony's references. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:50 No, but I'm serious. We could say that it is, but it's not. She could build her dream Virginia the way she always would want to sell it. Maybe it is just like hers. You can't tell people that we're doing that though. Yeah, it's crazy. You're saying we can lie.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Got it. We're like Jim Halpert. Right guys? You guys can keep a secret people see the ads for smoking and it's bad for them and they will still smoke and this is The same it doesn't matter if they know that it's fake if the ads good enough. Yeah, and Also, it's real. It's real and it's toasted. This is all a bit for the podcast, and it's actually real. Yeah, it's real. Wow. I think at the very least, I think the sketch would be very funny. Yeah, we should shoot the sketch.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Have you done merch before? No. Have you done acting before? You haven't done merch before? In high school, I did acting. Oh, what kind of acting? Were you a theater kid? Yeah, I was a theater kid.
Starting point is 01:10:40 Dude, you were a loser. That's why you and- You're also a theater kid, by the way. Well, no. Don't let that take you by. I did do a musical. That's why you and... You're also a theater kid, by the way. Well, no. Don't let that take you by. I did do... I did a musical. That's true.
Starting point is 01:10:48 What did you do? Was your... I did Wizard of Oz. Into the Woods. Guess what production he was a part of, just by looking at him. It's a contemporary one. It's not far off. Close.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Try it. You get two more guesses. This is going to be too hard of a guess. Shut the fuck up, Ludwig. Grease. Close. One more. Hair.
Starting point is 01:11:07 There is one called hair. There is one called hair. No, it was Legally Blonde. Oh. My best woman did that. It'd be fun. And I played Warner. The boyfriend.
Starting point is 01:11:17 The evil one. The asshole. The douchebag. You get that role a lot in life. You're a method actor. I'm typecasted to douchebag. Well, I am typecasted to douchebag. Well, I am typecasted to douchebag, boyfriend, machismo
Starting point is 01:11:28 guy who is like... That's so odd. That's right. Actually, probably right. Because if you looked like a skinny little nerd, she wouldn't be worried about it. She does do it all the time. You cheat on her so much. In the dreams. Please, can you
Starting point is 01:11:43 add that in? You cheat on her all the time. Archie, cut, cut, cut, cut. Yeah, and then cheat on her so much in the dream. Please Yeah, and then she wakes up all mad at me and sometimes I want to revenge just make up that she cheated on me Like I don't actually have dreams about it But I just want to like be like fuck you like I had a dream where you were bitch and poisoned my chair She like apologizes really genuinely. You're like no. Yeah. Yeah It's supposed to be a fair trade. It's not fun. It's never fun. I didn't actually dream. Can't win. What was high school like for you?
Starting point is 01:12:09 Very lonely. Yeah? I didn't have many friends in high school. Was it a small school or big school? It was a big school, but I graduated before being a nerd was cool, right? So people weren't really fond of girls who were into video games. The guys were like, ew,
Starting point is 01:12:27 it's a girl who likes her stuff and the girls were like, ew, you like boy stuff. You got ads up. It's cool now. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:12:33 now it's mainstream for everyone to like it. Liking anime is super tight now. Now you're weird if you don't. Yeah. Damn. Zam. Did you go to college?
Starting point is 01:12:41 I went to community college for costume design. Oh, that's pretty cool. Yeah. You say where? It was just a Houston community college. It's not notable.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Do you still got chops or what? Like if someone came to you and like, I need a fat Captain Falcon outfit, and you're like, I'll pay a hundred grand. All this specific? I could, but it's not worth it. It's not worth it. It's not worth it. I could just worth it. It's not worth it.
Starting point is 01:13:05 I could just flash my titties and make twice that. That is true. Like, why bother anymore? God bless America. That was the post. She is more emblematic of any mogul move that you have ever made. But I got the catchphrase, which is all we need. I've heard rumblings in the ground of people like Mr. Beast, for example,
Starting point is 01:13:24 who have to sort of leverage their time and think about it as money literally and be like talking to you right now is is like wasting money yeah so like be quick with it and i think like your perspective on this is like even more different because you're like your you can literally use directly your body and do something and then turn that into money and like where mr beast is like do i do squin gain or do i have this conversation it's like it's so interesting yeah you have you have all of like it's all it's an all-in-one shop right like dude if mr beast let's say mr beast gets a breast implant surgery mr beast with tits yeah do you think he could sell that picture for 200 he doesn't scrape the ceiling so your record your record i don't know if this is Do you think he could sell that picture for $200,000? He doesn't scrape the ceiling.
Starting point is 01:14:07 So your record, I don't know if this is alleged or true, but I remember the post. It was $200,000 for one OnlyFans post, right? Yeah, it's past that by now. It's past it? Like that one has made more? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What, like $300,000?
Starting point is 01:14:21 Almost. It's pretty close to that. Oh, my God. Dude, MrBeastWith tits cracks three mil. Dude, he doesn't even have to get implants. He could just have someone make NFT art of him. With titties? That's true.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah. We live in an easy street society now. The first 20-something to come to my fake tits wins $1 million. He gives all his friends Viagrara and they all have to look at him with fake tits. First to get a boner loser. Carl's pretty red in the face. And Mr. Beast is like, what's up
Starting point is 01:14:53 big boy, you like these? This is the exact moment where Mr. Beast will never invite us to eat. No, no, no. We can't show him this. No narcs. No narcs no narcs everyone who watches us do not say mr b's name oh man yeah well i was gonna say something else uh but i totally forgot and this happens a lot for me yeah probably another escort comment you weirdo s corporation s election you get more money that way you don't get taxed at 15 yeah we should be giving her advice
Starting point is 01:15:26 i'm just saying on how to run i was more asking her for advice i was like you're like what yeah if you i was wondering if you could do anything on stream and make the exact same amount of money that you're making with the decisions you make now what would you do on stream oh i would get the barn every day with horses doing trail ride streams like it's first person Skyrim. Oh, shit. That's so sick. That's such a sick answer. I've done a few of those, but they just don't convert as well.
Starting point is 01:15:53 You know? Yeah. They don't get as many views. They don't get as many donations or subs and stuff. Because when it's an IRL stream, people view that more as like a television and they forget that they can sub, I think. Because they're just engrossed in the content rather than thinking about like oh look sub goals have you ever thought about writing or painting subs names on the side of the horse while you do it i don't want to put my i don't want to put my horse i do think she gets a lot of shit already
Starting point is 01:16:22 i don't know anything about horse care. No, this is how you beat that, is any horse watching gets their name on it. Because there's got to be horses that watch. Any horses watching. I want the species breakdown of the beer. What I was doing is, when I first started doing it, it was like every 10 subs,
Starting point is 01:16:41 I'll give the horse a treat or something. I would feed that horse. But now I'm like, am I going to ruin my horse's diet oh that's interesting so then i don't people be like if there's a way to like if there's a way to like comfortably affix a gopro to your horse's head i would love to watch a stream from the perspective of a horse all day whenever i stream writing i have it either on like a chest harness or a helmet and it's actually is like hands reins it's like you're right you're riding in skyrim and then she goes to her assistant and he's like like i can't do it i was gonna do the skyrim guy that like doesn't move but i can't yeah sorry i would have
Starting point is 01:17:16 i'd like that stream because it's like a maya did that with like a goat and it was really fucking funny she just put a gopro on a goat's head and then let it run around the yard. And then some people have done that with dogs and shit. You can just watch the life of a dog from their perspective. I've thought about that on Twitch. What if I walked my dog and it was just my dog's perspective, but then it just did my ass
Starting point is 01:17:37 the whole time. And I'm like, I'd probably get banned. Which might be equally as effective as a normal stream. Yeah, but I would just probably get banned it's the dog's fault not yours okay i streams off you did 14 hours you licked you're exhausted what are you doing for fun well first thing i do is take all my clothes off because i hate wearing clothes okay it's exhausting and then uh i will go say hello to my dogs eat some food feed them and then i just answer messages. I don't really have
Starting point is 01:18:06 fun. This sounds like more work. It is more work. Wait, like just business messages? You just go straight into emails after? I mean, I wouldn't call every OnlyFans message a business message. That's right. Those are business messages. They're special. They're special.
Starting point is 01:18:23 They're special. It's called customer acquisition. It's also been like 48 hours since you got back to my last one so it's just like what is up with that I will have people complain I'll be streaming and they'll be like why haven't you answered me yet
Starting point is 01:18:38 I've been streaming for the past 15 hours they're like why haven't you answered my message you realize I have like 40 000 people messaging me right oh and you you comb through them personally yeah that is not i do you're a soldier because they're organized though by like who has the highest tip will i pop will i pop the bubble if i say this i heard that the biggest some of the biggest only fans creators have people hired to answer their dms for them be stupid not to yeah which makes a lot of sense right but i'm surprised you don't do that with the scale of your operation because i usually only have time people who donate the most anyway
Starting point is 01:19:15 right yeah so it's like i don't know like not everyone gets gotten to i feel like that model wouldn't work well with me because i stream so much that people would know it's fake right they'd be like how oh, you answer my messages if you're... I love the idea of an assistant going through OnlyFans and being like, uh, yeah, I'm totally, just absolutely goosing for your dick.
Starting point is 01:19:36 Oh, that's really rad when you accept me. You said goosing? You think that's me. You're gonna fuck this whole operation dude that's you don't do anything for fun yeah i was mind blown by that i wanted to go back to that i really don't so like is your dream just like all right no you don't have to stream anymore you're breaded up it's making money and you're just like on a farm taking care of animals and
Starting point is 01:20:01 then you're not doing like things for fun you're just like taking care of animals which like is fun for you and that's your life that's your like dream life exactly yeah ranch life but like rescue i do still want to stream it if i'm not banned by then so you have fun streaming like not 12 hours but um but i do think it's good fundraising still yeah definitely i mean at that point the stream is yeah you you don't need also operating a business and that business needs to grow. Is there a dollar amount where you're like, okay, I hit, you know, $50 million. I don't need to do all this. Not really.
Starting point is 01:20:32 I don't think it's a dollar amount because with my perspective, if I put a dollar amount on it, I'm just shorting myself. Because if I had stopped last year around this same time, the Hots of Meta would never have happened. I would not have nearly as much capital as I do now to put towards that endeavor. I feel like deciding a dollar amount is just shooting yourself in the foot. That's why I'm just going for the goal where the passive income exceeds the active income. It's like if my investments
Starting point is 01:20:56 are making more money than my Twitch streamings, then why am I Twitch streaming when I could just be investing and doing stuff? You're like a Game of Thrones character. Speak to that. You're just like at the king's landing, just like, yes.
Starting point is 01:21:12 You're just like this master strategist. She won't stop until she owns every gas station in the United States. Yeah, right? Ludwig has always said, like, yeah, boys. Oh, you want to see my Ludwig impression? Boys! Oh, that was to see my Ludwig impression? Boys! Oh, that was pretty fire.
Starting point is 01:21:28 Better than his. That was the best. Okay, this is me. Just that! But, I had Amaranth on my podcast. We don't know. And you know Amaranth, she's pretty cool. We don't know what it is.
Starting point is 01:21:40 We don't know what he's doing. And it fucking disgusts me. You disgust me with your YouTube voice, Ludwig. She thinks you're dumb. No, she doesn what he's doing he doesn't fucking disgusts me you disgust me with your youtube voice she thinks you're dumb yeah she doesn't no she doesn't it's so far removed from the original rendition of this she's laughing she's charmed i'm deciding your charm ludwig always says like oh i got five years in me boys that's that's my ludwig voice too and and that kind of like he put this like cap like i got five years and then we. That's, that's my Ludwig voice too. And, and that kind of like, he put this like cap, like I got five years and then we'll see what happens.
Starting point is 01:22:08 But that's like kind of my end point. Would you say it's more of a time thing or you're just like fucking whatever? Um, it's not really a time thing for me. Okay. Yeah. Cause I guess it's been five years. Right.
Starting point is 01:22:18 So when you look on the past five years and you think about another five or another 10, is it like, Oh yeah, no problem. Cause if I look at it, um, when I first started streaming, right, I wasn't making hardly any money really. think about another five or another ten is it like oh yeah no problem because if i look at it um when i first started screaming right i wasn't making hardly any money really because i had my
Starting point is 01:22:30 character company going where because i i did a character company for children's birthday parties we would do like make a wish foundation and stuff have like disney princesses and superheroes oh wow is there a dying kid that has hung out with you oh yeah that is now dead? But they didn't know it was Amaranth? That's depressing. Why wasn't Amaranth yet? They didn't know. Was it like for my make a wish I want to meet Black Widow and then
Starting point is 01:22:56 you show up? Died. You guys are the most depressing Oh sorry! Why are they making wishes? Let's go back to these kids dying real quick. Let's talk about the most depressing. Oh, sorry. Why are they making wishes? So let's go back to these kids dying real quick. Let's talk about the dead kids. Damn, that's sad. I feel like that's hard, bro. That's sick.
Starting point is 01:23:12 No, I feel like that's hard for her. I feel like that would be emotionally taxing. He's saying it's hard like it's metal. Yeah, that's Genshin. I did not mean it that way. I did. You two are the same. We're the same.
Starting point is 01:23:22 You both hate Sykkuno. We're not the same. I don't hate Sykkuno. Diverman. I subbed to Sykkuno, by the same. You both hate Sykuno. We're not the same. I don't hate Sykuno. Diverman. I subbed to Sykuno, by the way. Yeah, you're a hero. Why are you... That's really brave of you.
Starting point is 01:23:32 What do you want? Yes. I want them all to congratulate me on Twitter. And I'm going to put the plant emoji in my name. Anyway. Oh, my God. You watching Sykuno? You watch Sykuno. You watching Sykuno? You watch Sykuno?
Starting point is 01:23:47 You watch Sykuno, the streamer? Once occasionally. Occasionally. Of course. I wouldn't say that I'm not a huge fan. I'm so busy. More of a juicer. When I'm doing ASMR, I look for something that's exciting
Starting point is 01:24:03 and his voice is too relaxing. That's a good point. You know what you watch? Train. Dude, I look for something that's exciting And his voice is too relaxing That's a good point you know what you watch train Dude I cannot stop watching I used to watch train a lot But usually by the time I click And he's like at 40 hours or whatever And he's no longer like alive It's just slots going
Starting point is 01:24:19 There's no cam and he's just I have a question I've always wanted to ask I've always wanted to ask this When you go on the scuffed podcast And there's just, book, book, book. I have a question I've always wanted to ask. I've always wanted to ask this. When you go on the Scuffed podcast and there's fucking 20 people on the screen and you sit there for three and a half hours without saying anything, like everybody else on the podcast does
Starting point is 01:24:35 except for Train and Devin Nash. Why are you there? Why are you... Sometimes I love that. When he asks you to go on Scuffed, are you just like, yeah, I'm just going to AFK for three hours and like sit there like what why do you say yes in a long time and uh usually i go on because like i'm hopeful right because i know devin devin's my
Starting point is 01:24:54 my friend too you know he works with me also and it's like i'm friends with uh the guy who does the cash app sponsorships and so i go on yeah navid show some support and then um i go on hoping it's not going to be just about dick and it's always just about dick and i feel like as a woman on the platform i can't weigh in on dick or suddenly it's sexual content but guys can right you do kind of just have this fucking piano over your head all the time huh you just can't you can't live your goddamn when you say they're talking about are they they talking about how big their dicks are? Talking about dicks, balls, penises. Have you never heard Train?
Starting point is 01:25:28 He goes, No. We got Harley, mega cock, girthy cock. I would suck you down. That is a good Train. He does that? He does that every time. He says that about you.
Starting point is 01:25:39 Yeah. Yeah, he'll do it. He does it. I don't find it offensive because I genuinely believe he would suck me down dry. I imagine Train says that. Just suck the paint off my toes, dude. And Emirates just be like, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:54 Like, I've done the same thing you have where I go on that podcast because he asked me to go a lot during the subathon. And I would just like sit on it and I'd just be there for like a few hours. And like, I wouldn't weigh in much. Like, at the start i'd try and then i'd be like this is not a conversation that i feel like i can add to exactly i think that podcast meta is about finding just like a 10 second or 30 second clip of like people interacting and the rest doesn't have to matter train is a superpower of making you stay way longer than you agree to because like you'll sign up be like it'll be a couple hours man like I'll make it short and then
Starting point is 01:26:26 you'll like send him a DM be like yo can I head out and be like yeah right after the section and then I'll be like yo what I know I know you got to get out man like one question and then like that'll extend like another hour hour and a half but the outro experience yeah he's a legend at keeping people on well you have to
Starting point is 01:26:42 well he's a legend at fucking hitting the spin button. True. 38-hour streams. I love that motherfucker. You, Train, Hasan, and XQC are on the Mount Rushmore of you are streaming way too fucking much. Real shit. They're getting a better return than I am, though, on a view count basis. Would Train argue?
Starting point is 01:26:59 Well, actually, no. Train probably has more money than all of us combined, actually. Real shit. That gambling money? That gambling sponsorships. Any gamblers hit you up? No. Really?
Starting point is 01:27:07 Because, like, what the fuck do they get? Like, there's no brand safety if you're in the gambling industry. Hey, gambling's fine, but we draw the line at bikinis. Move to Mexico, pull the slot, do not take the bathing suit out. Your typical ASMR setup, and then, like, in a tiny, a tiny you know corner just the slot yeah that's good that's good content and then you get excited
Starting point is 01:27:29 because you're always so like just like you have one face when you're streaming like you're never you're clocking in for sure right when you're doing like ASMR
Starting point is 01:27:37 but if you like hit five bananas that's pogtang your face is like oh yeah pogtang getting rich tonight fellas That's PogTent. Your face is like, oh! Yeah! PogTent.
Starting point is 01:27:48 You're getting rich tonight, fellas. Yeah, what is your most hour streamed in a month? I think it was close to 400 at one point. 400. 732. Let me try that. Why are you bringing this guest on to one-up them? What are you doing?
Starting point is 01:28:02 A million a month, Ludwig. Did you miss that part? Yeah. Did you miss that part? Yeah. I've actually never done more than 16 hours awake. I don't know if you've been that. Like, yeah,
Starting point is 01:28:09 I have. Have you done like a full 24 hour for real? I have a few times. It's not really worth the torture though. It's never, I have done 18 several times. So is it just because like you have like dead viewers and like it's worth while to have them stick around or is it just like, fuck it.
Starting point is 01:28:24 I'll keep chugging. It's usually simple. Let's keep going. What do you... So I have a question. If you wanted to act, let's say we shoot this sketch, right? Can I get...
Starting point is 01:28:37 I want to do a little bit of improv. Can you be talking to Connery's pants, wearing his hard hat, soot on his face? He's been testing out flashlights all day
Starting point is 01:28:48 and I need you to stay and just talk to the fireplaces if it's Conner and you're sternly reprimanding Conner for not getting
Starting point is 01:28:56 through enough today and can you give her intro line please uh yeah hey Amaranth I just
Starting point is 01:29:03 I was wondering if I can go home a little early today it's my birthday what do you think i fucking pay you for connor oh wow oh we're gonna get there wow wow we're there keep it going a little bit uh no i you're right i'm sorry it's just like it's just i'm just i'm out you know i don't know my birthday I streamed and I farmed coomers. The least you can do is inspect these pussies for them. Yes, Ms. Imrith. And scene.
Starting point is 01:29:29 Oh, wow. This is going to be good. It is a great fight back. It's like, can I have a day off? And it's like, you fuck pussy for a living. People would die to be in your shoes, you bitch. What are you going to do when you're taking your fucking day off? Not fuck?
Starting point is 01:29:43 That's what you want to do? Oh, you don't want to have pussy? You want to go fuck yourself instead? Yeah, we'll get it rolling. Oh, this is so money. What's your ambition? Do you have any, like, if you could do a film or a movie or something, would you be down for that? Do you have, like, big, big dreams still, I guess, i guess but even though you're locked outside of the huge dream of a fucking
Starting point is 01:30:08 i'm just saying grinding 16 hours a day instead of doing something that's like cool or you know i think acting would be cool i just don't know where to get started who you know i feel like i'm like 20 did i turn Was it 28 or did I turn 18? I can't remember. Anyways, I think I'm kind of like old now. How old are you? 28. You're 28?
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yeah. Guys, I have a boomer friend. You're 30. This is different. I'm 31. Three zeros that got off. I'm 31, but it actually made sense when she was talking about in high school how it was whack to play video games as a girl because I was like, what?
Starting point is 01:30:44 And I was like, oh, it kind of makes sense. Yeah, I think it was cool. I'm the youngest person in the room. It was still whack for the first time. Not in high school how it was like it was whack to play video games as a girl because i was like what and i was like oh it kind of makes sense yeah i think i think i'm the youngest person in the room it was still whack for not not in my school if you played you went to school it was decently whack small town like if a girl was like i played call of duty modern warfare 2 i don't think it would be that well reciprocated from people who played call of duty i'm like yo let's fucking queue up yeah but for me and Amaranth, boomers, okay? We had Game Boy Advances, okay? I also had that. How was the life? Shut up.
Starting point is 01:31:08 I had a Game Boy Advance. We're sharing a moment, okay? We were different. We played Mario, okay? She had a Game Boy Advance. You had a computer that filled a room. You never touched Super Mario. All right.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Closing remarks, if any, from you, Amaranaranth like a courthouse please your final statements before before we make our judgment judgment no I'm just I'm just fucking with you man I just hope you had a good time on the podcast it was very fun yeah that's all that's all we care about end of the day yeah I'm glad it was our first you know we often get a little shit here and there from viewers for you know we lean a little bit heavily on the jokes about the calm and pps or trainwrecks light don't i mean don't commit to that you got a whole influx of dms coming your way but that's what she likes that's marketing baby genius this is converting yard viewers to amaranth only fan patron it dead ass it's like
Starting point is 01:32:06 every every time you come at amaranth with a well did did that make you feel kind of like did that bum you out and like that's marketing baby right yeah you know what i just thought okay wait i have a question presumably i spent about six thousand dollars a month in paying a lawyer to take down videos that's right how much do you pay a month to take down people re-uploading your content um well if it's just like youtube's like they're re-uploading twitch stuff i actually recently stopped having people take that down because my instagram's gone so i kind of need promo okay I need that free advertising. Yeah. And regarding OnlyFans stuff, I do have
Starting point is 01:32:47 lawyers who work on that and that's usually like $7,000 a month. Okay. Alright. Similar price. It's expensive, guys. When you talk about the funnel, when you talk about the promo, is OnlyFans like the big breadwinner? Oh, yeah. Okay, that's like the biggest winner. Yeah. Like, you rather have me
Starting point is 01:33:04 pay for OnlyFans than Twitch sub. Absolutely. Because I am and you still haven't replied. It's both right now. It's both right now. I want what's best for you. If you at home care about Amaranth, stop the OnlyFans. That's what I was going to say.
Starting point is 01:33:19 If you want to plug right now, I feel like it's an appropriate time to plug. I mean, how I look at it is like, if you're going to support me anywhere, it's like you might as well get content in return out of your support rather than just on Twitch. You get some emotes and typical sub stuff. Yeah. We get a picture of the four of us
Starting point is 01:33:35 for the OnlyFans. We can convert yard viewers. You want to see the photo. You have to go. You scratch ours. We scratch yours. We'll just use this gnome over your penis. Well, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:33:47 I don't know if it's up here. Is it up here? What? We have a Sibian up here. Oh, God. We do. All of us ride the Sibian for Ammo's OnlyFan contest. It's a Sibiathon, and we ride the Sibian for hours for charity.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Every sub is another minute on the Sibian. That's right. Do you want to see our Sibian? Yeah. Let me see it. Slime spent $2,000 of my money on this as a gag gift. That's right. Oh Zippers using it in zippers room Wait, why are you moving? Oh, you're putting it to put it. What do you Jesus Christ? Amen? And just put it a little bit in front you were insane. They didn't bring it back over here
Starting point is 01:34:22 Look at this back over here every day. What is your, bring it back over here. Look at this. Back over here, King. Every day. Look what he's doing. Just bring it back. Walk back towards us. And then put it right... Oh, no, you're taking that... Now you're... Wrap the monitor. Oh, my God, dude. I got you. Go help. You need to unhook it. This is Uncut Gems 2.
Starting point is 01:34:42 Sibian Boogaloo. So is that a fake fire pit? Yeah. Yeah. It's like a little light in there. Fake barbecue too. I mean, it's a real fire pit. You could put a fire in it.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Oh. Anxiety. So that's... What? Wow. This is Gerald. If you could... Will you...
Starting point is 01:35:06 Amaranth, could you play us out? Will you play it in? Will you skateboard the Sibian? Like a skateboard. My friend thinks he can kickflip it. Well, it... Like... We gotta play...
Starting point is 01:35:15 I was thinking how fucking funny it would be to have a picture. The feet people are losing their minds right now. Be careful. The feet people are gonna go crazy in your comment. Yeah, this is worth much more than what we're paying here. It's marketing. It could have been $100,000. That alone.
Starting point is 01:35:32 We could have filmed this. So, yeah. How do you turn it on? So, it has to be plugged in, but it's not plugged in. Oh, gotcha. It has, strangely, a large amount of horsepower. Like an F-150. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 So, is this yours or Cutie's? Well, it's actually his. I mean, I bought it, but it had Ludwig's card number on it. But you say the word, and we can have Eamon take a spin for your OnlyFans if you want a guy flavor of the month. That's right. Throw him on there. I might lose money.
Starting point is 01:36:03 Oh. Wow. Well, anyway. I might lose money. Oh. Wow. Well, anyway. Can't please everybody. Thanks for watching the yard. Amaranth, you want to take us out?
Starting point is 01:36:12 Yeah, make sure you check out That's my own website. I need to get merch for it. That'd be dope. Oh, that's a good one. I got a person in
Starting point is 01:36:20 Oh, you need merch. I got a person who would love to speak to you about that. I'd love to talk shop. Hell yeah. All right. Well, catch you on the bonus episode if you're a patron.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And if not, go fuck yourself. Wait, well, I don't know. Yep. I mean, you can do- My patrons do that all the time, so it's fine. Hell yeah. Go jerk off.

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