The Yard - Ep. 47 - This YouTuber Flew 10,000 Miles to be on Our Podcast (ft. I did a thing)

Episode Date: June 1, 2022

This week we are joined by Australian YouTuber "I did a thing" while Nick's on Vacation. The boys cover Amouranth's private jet, meeting a pilot influencer, and how Australians are funnier than else in the world.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 are we are we are we spinning and pooping butthole town why did why did the last year relate what excuse me why does butthole town relate to rolling? Butthole Town? What do you think this podcast is? That was going to be our name. But it was too close to another similar town themed podcast. I think I know that one. The town of cum?
Starting point is 00:00:38 We'd get sued. Ejaculation Village. That is more eloquent isn't it? It's kind of like they it's like they are you know they like get together on sundays and they like make bread together and they just that's that's just posh come down posh come down yeah it's just that's all the come down in posh the british version yeah it would have been hype we could have named with that they would have sued us it would have been the new dep herd trial they wouldn't have sued us they're too cool yeah sue us but imagine there's no way yes also that imagine savros on the stand
Starting point is 00:01:11 you're gonna need to talk closer into that bear that's for you and that's your bear i want you to know that means my bear what does that mean oh it's your microphone that's what we call it a bear yeah why were you cool with butthole town but all of a sudden bears throwing you off i just don't understand you're an australian you've had people come to your country and lie about drop bears yeah why would you lie about that i didn't do it you've all collected you're all collectively in on it you're all implicit the best thing have you done it have you have done it wow in china to like when we're staying like a It is the best thing to go. Have you done it? I have done it. Wow. In China, when we're staying in a backpacker's hostel, you would tell all the Americans.
Starting point is 00:01:49 They were so concerned. They were just like, fuck. You could tell. They were so gullible. You could say anything about Australians. Sometimes the ground just cracks and you fall into the abyss and then you're chosen undead. And then it's like, no way.
Starting point is 00:02:06 That's kind of good. The first time i heard about it everybody had me going and then they tried to push the bit too far and somebody in the group of people i was with tried to convince me that the kanga ogre existed and i'm like okay so none of this is real you know that one no no no this was an on the spot one they just made it it up within that group. Surely Kanga Ogre wasn't all thought out. Yeah, the Kanga Ogre is like somewhere in the bush. But you barely have to do that because if you've seen the pictures of the red kangaroos that get fucking jacked.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah. Like really big. And they fucking beat up people's dogs and fucking assault children. There's some video I saw a couple of weeks ago. It's this guy, his dog is getting attacked by a kangaroo and the kangaroo is standing up. So they're eye. His dog is getting attacked by a kangaroo. And the kangaroo is standing up. So they're eye to eye.
Starting point is 00:02:47 And the guy just decks the kangaroo. That's a classic old video. Yo, Jamie, pull that up. Welcome to the yard, everybody. Episode 54. Who are you? Hey, Nick. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:03:02 I don't know your name. I don't know your name. Anthony. Alex. Nice to meet you. I didn't know your name. I don't know your name. Anthony. Alex. Nice to meet you. I didn't know your name either. Isn't that crazy? Well, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Now you're introduced to each other. This is great. Well, your intro, your first intro was kind of fucked up. This is our friend Josh who plays Melee. He's a Fox player. Josh, everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:20 So I walk into the house and I haven't been here in a couple days and Alex? Yes. Alex. He just said it to you. Why are you looking at me? I'm trying to remember.
Starting point is 00:03:29 He said it to you. Because you called him Nick, and that really fucked me up. Well, yeah, because he's- Because I imprinted like a baby goose. He's sitting in Nick's chair. Yeah. I'll be Nick. So Nick is squatting in front of the bin where the cat is now, because there's a cat bin
Starting point is 00:03:42 now, and I only see the back of this person who looks like a tall dark-haired person and i'm like oh that's josh who's staying with us and i say what's up you rat yeah stands up and it's a different australian guy and he just started smiling i'm like i just assumed you were a very confident guy. I was just like, oh, he knows I'm Australian.
Starting point is 00:04:08 The first thing he does is call me. Yeah. Sick. Yeah. Turns out you're just racist. No. Yeah. And then he brought me over and he's like,
Starting point is 00:04:16 he's like those people always, always bending over in front of cat bins. Yeah. Racist about it. It is. You do skulk around. Like we actually had to make him wear shoes this whole time. It was...
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's like... Did not work. Let the piggies fly. He's letting the piggies fly. So what the fuck is he doing here? I did a thing. He's... Well, he's in the United States.
Starting point is 00:04:39 You can say it. I'm here. You beat the shit out of... I can't beat a punch a man in the face. Yeah, you beat... And I did it. And now I'm just still here. Were you in the boxing thing yeah i did not watch it so i am i okay here let me contextualize i have no idea who you are what you do what your content is like and also who you
Starting point is 00:04:56 fought and if you won oh you were the guy who's like end the fight right and the fight the ref okay i'm down to roll the clip i don't know if you hate watching it no no hey we can get jamie to pull the clip it's zipper can you pull can you pull up odd one out getting his shit rocked one time for the one it's okay that we say this he has so many toys in target he makes so much money from his toys he's a fucking you beat up a toy youtuber what toys does he make younger than me was he nine what the fuck is this he was 11 so they're like yeah and that is the statute that is the statute of limitations why why this person okay let me ask you were you chosen to like shoot like fight this person or did you choose them or we weren't allowed to choose because that would be fucked up in boxing if you could just be like that guy true yeah yeah but i think
Starting point is 00:05:42 they matched us up because we they thought we were the most similar in height weight and ability um and i think in weight we were very similar we were like one pound different um but you know to be fair i i did like a bit of a water sneaky water cut where i probably dropped like seven pounds to get there and probably put that back on so i was probably like eight pounds above you had the trash bag on you were spitting in a bucket for a week yeah it was shit but um yeah yeah but then it was just like i mean i don't know what happened on the night but it wasn't that equal so wait is this person as tall as you no he's i think he's six one or six two and i'm like six six this is you yeah you jacked you look great you work out all the time huh he was the only person to walk I think he's 6'1 or 6'2, and I'm like 6'4. This is you? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You jacked. You look great. You work out all the time, huh? He was the only person to walk up in khakis. Yeah. Oh, you look so money. It's Steve fucking Irwin, son. And then Ottawa now, like, he's ripped, right?
Starting point is 00:06:39 Like, he has, like, a nice body, but he also has, like, a ripped American dude's body. So he's, like, you know, there's, like, a little bit of fluff there. Yeah, he's got some processed sugars going on we're different bodies his weight is you know centered more down here and you look like the average Australian were you were you training a lot for this yeah I was doing like five five days a week He took one. That stagger step? We're watching it live now. Otto now looks to the ref and says, no, I'm good to fight. And then this is, I love this part, where you just kept punching him and then looking at the ref like, oh, come on.
Starting point is 00:07:15 Oh, dude, this is so funny. In the khakis? What are you yelling at him? Well, I was like, I think at first I was like, come on, like stop this or something along those lines. Because in Australia, like if you hit someone and they stagger, they have to stop the fight for eight seconds. Yeah. And the fact that they didn't do that, I was just like, what is happening?
Starting point is 00:07:35 Why do I have to keep hitting this poor man? Like I wasn't prepared for this. And the last one, I think it's coming up here. Like I heard a fucking snap in his face. Oh. Oh. I think it's coming up here. Like I heard a fucking snap in his face. Oh, Oh, I feel even through my gloves, what he's like contours of, and then I literally went back to the change room was like,
Starting point is 00:07:54 I felt like throwing up. I was like, I don't feel like I've won. Oh my God. Yeah. Yeah. The ref definitely heard it and called it off within three seconds. So you,
Starting point is 00:08:03 you, you mentioned Australian boxing rules. Does that mean you've boxed before? No. So just during training. I got it. I've been training for six months. I did a bunch of sparring, which is fucking horrible.
Starting point is 00:08:16 And that was where, yeah, I learned that rule. Because I've been the one that that's happened to. Yeah. So you felt really bad. You went back to the changing room and now you'll never box again and now i will box again oh that's a different ending yeah yeah yeah at first i was like i'm never doing this again but then when i realized i now have like no extreme meaning in my life i'm just like fuck that was kind of nice having this where's my value when i don't punch
Starting point is 00:08:42 man yeah exactly yeah you're activating your primal like monkey brain that says like to destroy the enemy to to win all the berries it's like a very like survival based goal for six months because it's like i have to train to make sure i don't get my ass beat on that stage in front of everyone it's so nice like yeah it's that simple it's like everything else becomes so much easier you're just like yeah this doesn't matter i can do this like even walking out like i've never been in front of a crowd before and coming out in front of the crowd i wasn't scared because i was like well i'm about to get punched in the face which is much scarier yeah i feel like they should implement that into more things like you know doing crowd stuff like yeah so right after like uh like you have like a student project they had to present
Starting point is 00:09:20 in front of the class they're gonna fight the teacher yeah that way they're not scared of the presentation the presentation's like amazing they're worried scared of the presentation. The presentation's amazing. They're worried about Mr. McGillicuddy giving you a fucking right hook. He's a roundhouse kicker. It's kickboxing with McGillicuddy. I like the idea of an Imagine Dragons concert. And if it sucks, one fan just gets to beat the shit out of the lead singer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:09:39 That adds pressure. That's every concert they play radioactive at. They get one guy. Yes. One member elects one person to stand up as their champion to fight Imagine Dragons.
Starting point is 00:09:51 They can have a big wheel on stage with one band member on each panel. Who is it tonight? And sometimes it's a poor fucking sound guy who's just got some headphones in. He's like, me? He's got a black eye. Sound guy's been picked five nights in a row he's like what the fuck is going on dude we might need that trash tasted a live podcast in london yesterday
Starting point is 00:10:13 a guy comes up from the crowd just on stage that's next to him he didn't like do anything he was just a troll but he just sat there annoyingly for like a minute and just he was like and then he's like oh i'm gonna Then he ran off stage, jumped and then stumbled and his pants fell down. He saw his butt crack. Amazing. That is a great joke. Everybody applauded and there was a standing ovation after the butt crack. Wow.
Starting point is 00:10:36 That's God intervening. Yeah. Saying, no, don't do this. So anyway, we need to train to fight someone when we do an IRL yard podcast. Yeah. I mean, well, it's also, we're in America, right? when we do an IRL yard podcast. Yeah. I mean, well, it's also we're in America, right? It's a little more dicey. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:49 You know, it's sometimes, you know, you can't punch. You can't punch a bullet. I mean, you try. He might. You could. Let me ask you, have you ever been in a fight like before this, like real life? So I've never thrown a punch, but I've been in probably like four or or five fights not like just my mates have been dickheads when we're out schoolyard stuff not even schoolyard stuff just like eight after we were like when we would go out in the city
Starting point is 00:11:13 and they would just pick fights with people and then they would start fights and i'm just there like i don't want to fight but now i'm dragged into this yeah and like i've never thrown a punch, but I've just. Stay away. Stop it. Stop. And then they're just hitting your hands. Like, leave me alone. Did you work out before this thing at all? Did you like, were you fairly active or?
Starting point is 00:11:35 Yeah, like I've done a lot of rock climbing. He's fucking Australian, dude. It's not. They're not. It's like asking a European if they speak two languages. It's not worth asking. That's not the answer. Every Australian works out?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yes. Every Australian has an active lifestyle. Are the other Australians in the house, are they active as well? No, they're gamers. Oh, well, they're gamers. Well, there's just one right now. They're in the gamer zone. He has much less lean muscle than you.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Okay. But he's about, well, he's really tall. Yeah. Like, I think Josh is probably a couple. Josh is one inch shorter than he is. One inch shorter? Yeah. Have you measured me?
Starting point is 00:12:03 When did you measure me? You said you were 6'4", right? Okay right okay oh there we go and also I was like watching a lot of your videos before and I was kind of like doing the math at my computer you'll know your dick length by the end of this just just know that yeah you know how some people at like carnivals are really good at guessing weight I I can guess dick like that. That's it. Plus or minus half a centimeter. That was rough. That was rough. You know what I'm saying, right?
Starting point is 00:12:33 This guy gets it. Your first two were knockout. I want you to know. This guy gets it. Have you met any American with a good Australian accent yet? Yeah. When we were at the after party of creator clash tedna vision actually does oh really good one no maybe it was only good because he said center link which is like my center link
Starting point is 00:12:51 hasn't come through you like the chats the chats yeah yeah yeah oh is that where he learned it that's where i learned it but he probably learned it from something more culture so i didn't know that anyone knew about it so when he said that i was I was just like, fuck, these guys are good. But maybe it just tricked my brain and the rest wasn't. Yeah, I mean, I can talk about the doll and then,
Starting point is 00:13:08 you know, you think that I'm pretty good. You're right. I lean toward New Zealand too much, I think, because I like Flight of the Conchords.
Starting point is 00:13:17 So it kind of gets that little like uplift spice on it. I want you to know like a hundred New Zealand's watching, don't claim me right now. They're watching like,
Starting point is 00:13:23 I'm not saying that they claim me because they're too busy shagging sheep yeah wow you know the insults as well also my favorite one i taught this to uh to to point crow this weekend was munt yes yeah what is a munt they're throwing up well you just say you munted yeah oh i'm munted on your mom she was fucking right why would you what happened she was in the way she was throwing up in the toilet and then i tried to shoot in between her but i couldn't do it i know about other australian things i know about scomo i know that labor is in do you know our current prime minister no i just Albanese. I just know about ScoMo.
Starting point is 00:14:05 What's the situation? And I know about John Barillaro, who is not in office anymore. Have you been watching Friendly Geordies? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I kept up with all that. What's John Barillaro? Banana Ramos. How would you describe it?
Starting point is 00:14:21 He was the kind of premier of New South Wales. And he just basically did a bunch of dodgy shit just like kind of like i'm sure all politicians here do it but just like moving money around so their friends get it for certain projects and paying way too much for shit and then not only politicians but business owners yeah that's expected dodgy shit there's this guy there's this guy friendly jordy's and he has like a news he has like a news channel that he's like fairly left-leaning and makes political content in Australia. Is he the guy who sits in front of a window?
Starting point is 00:14:50 No, I don't think so. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No window, for sure. But he tried to have Friendly... Friendly Jordies is basically a YouTuber, a journalist, right? And he tried to have... He had
Starting point is 00:15:04 Jordies' assistant arrested basically like a youtuber like a journalist right and he tried to have he had uh jordy's assistant like arrested yeah and then by the secret police it was insane like it was this whole story of like somebody being unlawfully detained because he didn't like what he was saying about him online did he make a youtube video about it yeah yeah and it went huge like it made mainstream australian news i think it was just like this it just made no sense. Like the police were involved, but then he, there was a defamation case and basically Barilara
Starting point is 00:15:30 was suing Friendly Geordies for saying that that's kind of most mundane stuff. He's got a fat dick and that was in the court case and with the defamation case, you have to prove
Starting point is 00:15:39 that that's not true. Right. So he has to prove that he doesn't have a fat dick for it not to be. Wait, was this being said as an insult it was just a joking insult and like this was all part of it and then but he lost the case but you know fucking gets you instant demonetized on youtube right
Starting point is 00:15:54 surely you've discovered this i've realized yeah uh you said one video i use it in age restricted really yeah yeah it gets your video instant demonized. It's like, because the auto-detection finds it. It happened to a broad in Japan, but it also got Minx's channel totally demonetized. The whole channel? Yeah. Because she's Irish.
Starting point is 00:16:13 She just rips it on stream nonstop. The highlights would have it. It happened in enough videos that they're like, okay, most of your videos aren't getting monetized. We're going to demonetize your whole channel,
Starting point is 00:16:22 which just gets it way less recommended. Yeah. And then she was like, basically shadow shadow ban on youtube did she have to like appeal that you get it fixed i mean she's going to sue susan wajiski for being racist against irish people it's going all the way to the top susan it's about time we're coming after your castles wait no the irish have the castles yeah we're from the castles we're from the castles and we're going to find you susan find you in your friendly way in a non-murderous way don't demonetize this susan no we need that i would love do you reckon she watches dude okay so i did an interview with her and i watched parts of that
Starting point is 00:16:56 right yeah uh and before we did the interview it's very thorough like i had to talk to her content team there's like four or five people on it and we had to go over like maybe the general discussions and topics uh and part of the things that she wanted to do to prep was watch one of her episodes yep and so she's asking like like the main contact um she's like hey um i want to watch an episode what episode and he listens and the episode before the most recent one that that she could have listened to was a 15 minute beginning about how white women fuck dogs and then deep into detail about how this dog bruce is just going to town while her name bruce and he's fucking white women and she watched that it's all true so he knows this and he's like, he's like, I'll find an episode for you.
Starting point is 00:17:45 And she's like, nah, just watch the latest one. I'll watch the latest one. And so I have no idea what she's seen, but she is guaranteed watch at least the first couple of minutes. I'm pretty sure she quickly pivoted. Cause when I saw her phone,
Starting point is 00:17:58 she had the clip channel open instead of the main videos. I'll watch some clips. Yeah. How about we just get some clips out? She's always like, she's always like, I get it. Like, I get it. Yeah. Which is fair.
Starting point is 00:18:10 I can appreciate that. It's a very mom thing to say. Yeah. But she's a cool mom. If you're the CEO of YouTube, I feel like you've kind of, you must have seen all corners of the platform. You know? She would let her kids drink wine at like a dinner.
Starting point is 00:18:21 Oh, she's chill mom shit. Like sub 21. Cool mom shit. Cool mom shit. Yeah shit yeah hey kids do you know about peepo waiting for bus i can't believe you know about people waiting for my bald cocksucker the only thing i didn't tell them about is ever can you pull up the image the only thing i didn't tell them about was i did this like game where i was like can you guess what this emote means yep and it was and it was just like basic ass emotes but it was all leading up to the last picture which is a picture of this little
Starting point is 00:18:48 peepo frog and he's waiting for a bus but it looks like he's hanging himself by a noose the first frame of the animation looks like that that's pretty because it's the bus stop and it looks like a rope and i showed her that and she just goes, I think he's sad. I'm like, spot on. Nailed it for you. He's taking public transit in America. Of course he's sad. I would not be surprised if she knew what everything means. I think so.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Surely she, yeah. Yeah, yeah. She's okay. You know, she's probably fine. She's sleuthing. She's sleuthing business and then like trying to be cool. Can I ask you, what do you, what, like you have a YouTube channel? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:24 It's a big, it's a a YouTube channel Yeah It's a big It's a big YouTube channel That's crazy What's on it So I kind of just Pretend I'm an Uber driver Okay so Have you heard of YouTube
Starting point is 00:19:32 No So I kind of just make My channel's called I Did A Thing And I was Was not creative With that name at all I kind of picked that name
Starting point is 00:19:41 Before I even knew My channel was Going to go anywhere But I basically Just make stupid things And I'm not yeah okay i'm not very good at making things so i kind of try to hide it with humor and if i'm like if i'm funny enough no one will notice i'm actually really shit at making shit um so it's an engineering type of channel it's kind of like willie mosman michael reeves but i try to focus more on just just humor and just trying to i think you're
Starting point is 00:20:07 showing yourself short what i think you do is you build shit no one would ever build because it's such a fucking dumb thing and dangerous thing yeah danger is a big part of it yeah doing and i honestly i don't know if i should say this anymore but i don't know how i haven't been arrested it's just like you can go through every single one of my videos and be like that's illegal that's illegal that's illegal wait what's the most illegal thing that the australian government could arrest you for i don't want to say if john was back in office what could he what he could no no sorry when john is back in office what will he get you with we're on his payroll motherfucker my biggest video is just me making a fucking i don't even want to say it's just a
Starting point is 00:20:46 is it the firearm in australia where they specifically took him away they did take him away and you're like no i'm gonna make it again you could be really popular with 50 of americans if you if you came out with that story And got arrested I mean I'm sure It would only do good things Yeah
Starting point is 00:21:09 Depending on how long The prison time was Of course Maybe up to a year And you can't spend Too long in the oven And then you move to Texas Yes
Starting point is 00:21:17 Yeah It's just celebrity Dude It is crazy What you can shoot in Texas Yeah What do you mean I went to the
Starting point is 00:21:24 Oh no yeah You can shoot like mini guns And like What do you mean? I went to the... Oh, no, yeah. You can shoot, like, miniguns and, like, fucking flamethrowers and shit. Fundy at this Streamer Royale event was showing us this video he had put together on his channel, and it was, like, from him and Schlatt and a few other people. They were just in the desert
Starting point is 00:21:38 shooting, like, massive guns. Like, miniguns, huge sniper rifles. That's where I went. Dude, they were using this like gigantic sniper i don't know what like model it is it was a barrett 50 cal dude when you shoot it it's like a cannon it shakes the whole fucking screen everybody like it looks like it hurts you when yeah it does well actually the b50 cal is the best because it's on the ground but i will say it's fucked up that you can do 360s in modern warfare too because that bitch is heavy as shit
Starting point is 00:22:04 yeah because those are elite soldiers trained to frag. Yeah, they're buff in the game. Yeah, we went to Ox Ranch and we shot guns because it's something that Schlatt likes to do because he's Republican when he goes live for some reason. It's only ironic for now. Until he makes
Starting point is 00:22:20 too much money. The NRA has gifted a hundred subs. God. That would be a gifted a hundred subs. God. That would be a fire clip though. Oh God. So we're shooting the guns, but like you go up and you see a wall and it's guns from every era
Starting point is 00:22:32 and they just have like the Nazi symbol and then a gun next to it. And we were with Miya Chu, who's German. And she's like, she was like, she gasped. Cause like you can't even have
Starting point is 00:22:40 the Nazi symbol in Germany. Yeah. You get arrested. They crack down, right? She was like, I forgot. What does that mean? Is that like, if you're racist, you can pick even have the nazi symbol in germany yeah yeah you get arrested down right she was like she was like i forgot what does that mean is that like if you're racist you can pick this gun yeah that one's calling to me this one's for rices yeah you know you do a political spectrum test and then you get the line of guns you get you get your quarter of guns so you're
Starting point is 00:22:59 fascist libertarian you're yeah yeah i'm a marxist so i get the uh the garin you know it's uh semi-auto it's who made the gun okay and so like the ak-47 has like the russian flag and like the galil has like the israeli flag or whatever it is and then there's just nazi made guns um well yeah i guess like the luger and there there's a volkswagen jetta up there too yeah it's just hanging in the air you get to pick to drive it they made that shit i i forget uh but it's it's fucking great they live there there's like 10 people that work there they live on the ranch they shoot guns and they're all married the funniest part is they all unironically say bitchin okay this this gun's bitchin well i mean this is actually a case study in regional accents that's just good bitchin bro. Which used to be a thing across
Starting point is 00:23:46 the states 15 years ago. I think you're underselling. You haven't traveled a lot and also your whole lexicon is literally more than you. Not around the United States and also your lexicon is peepo frogs. The fuck do you know about anything? This is the guy who says pogchamp to
Starting point is 00:24:01 Italian shoemakers. When did that happen? Dude, in Italy. Oh, yeah. But it's different. Did I get you? Did I understand? Ezio just looked at Ludwig and said, aha.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Yeah. And then he took out his like wrist blade. Yeah. Yeah, that did suck. And that's why Nick's gone. Yeah. I had to kill one of you. I had a question for you.
Starting point is 00:24:26 So I've watched a bunch of your videos from like a few years back because they used to pop up on like Reddit sometimes. So I think that's how I watched the first video. And it was the one where you train lizards to eat spiders in your home. And that was like, I watched that video. Great video. entertain the entire time you are really funny and i think the fucking i had a question because back then you had this like editing style where like only your feet and hands would appear in the shots and your face
Starting point is 00:24:56 wasn't present in the content at all yeah i was wondering what made you decide to change that i think it's because when i got bigger i realized that it was like if i actually tried to hide my identity that's a bad thing and i was like i also just wanted to be just chill about it and not care and then when i realized as soon as i yeah i got a bit bigger people were really trying hard to find it i was like it's gonna happen and then it's gonna be like a how-to basic situation where i have to just constantly think about it i was like i'm i don't care enough so then i was just just slowly started showing my face and i didn't want to do like a lame face
Starting point is 00:25:29 reveal i was just like no yeah it wasn't like an announcement no i was just like i'll just do it i'll just do it and you're also hot in six four and yeah you have no reason to hide there's no shame a little bit part of it maybe some girls dude do you think that all right so our we met our dear Australian friend, Miles, and you probably know him. Oh, you're Miles? Yeah. Oh, Don B.
Starting point is 00:25:55 His voice is crazy. Chokes, though. Is Don B a Don Burke reference? No, his last name is Dobney. Dobney, yeah. So it's like a bastardization of that. So I met this guy and he's like, he's really funny and he just has it.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Like he was just born to riff, right? And then I met his Australian friends and all these guys and Josh that's staying with us. And I'm like, are they just born funnier than us? Do you think there, have you thought about American humor and American like middling culture? Do you think on average, you guys are just funnier than us. Do you think there, have you thought about American humor
Starting point is 00:26:25 and American like middling culture? Do you think on average you guys are just funnier? No, I don't, I don't think so. I think our humor is a little bit different
Starting point is 00:26:33 in that the majority of the time everything we say is sarcastic. And I think that picks up that it's very normal to just say jokes and be sarcastic
Starting point is 00:26:41 wherever you are. Even if it's like a high-end event, it seems a bit more chill than america okay but i think you guys i don't know because when i come here i find everyone hilarious and i think it's just because it's it's just you guys probably find it funny because it's a slightly different kind of humor and that kind of that's what makes jokes funny i was kind of talking about this with somebody last night actually it's like you just kind of get used to
Starting point is 00:27:02 like maybe your friends or your like social group or in this case like your your country's like larger culture making like the similar type of jokes and so it doesn't hit as hard over time but you're just introduced to something fresh and new and it's like damn that's fucking amazing yeah it's like i haven't thought of that before who do you think is like the funniest uh i guess content creator that you can think of maybe like i don't know if you watch Twitch or like YouTube and stuff like that. That's hard. Like any streamer at all actually would be good for this. Like, do you mean extra?
Starting point is 00:27:31 X Twitch streamer would be fine. That'd be fine. It'd be a fine reference. Can't even say it. Even sarcastically. Actually, please don't. No,
Starting point is 00:27:42 I don't know. It's fucking, it's fucking hard. Cause honestly, I think a lot of YouTube's fucking Well right now It's kind of like Asking what
Starting point is 00:27:47 Oh you think it's Really bad I think a lot of YouTube is very Unfunny Like especially Mainstream YouTube I'm just like
Starting point is 00:27:52 This is so uncreative This is so unfunny It's all been done Before I really like There's a surrealist Kind of comedy group Called Auntie Donna
Starting point is 00:27:59 From Australia Have you seen them You don't like them Or you like them Hold on Okay so you're not Going to like this But our introduction To Auntie Donna Was the Netflix show The Netflix show from australia have you seen them you don't like them or you like him hold on hold on okay so you're not gonna like this but our introduction to auntie donna was the netflix show netflix yeah no it's pretty bad yeah okay so someone someone australia because we mentioned auntie
Starting point is 00:28:14 donna in the in the last episode and somebody in the comments from australia was like i know the netflix show is bad but these guys used to make like really good stuff i didn't know that i think it's like being mad that someone said i love kyle mooney because someone only saw him from snl i think but kyle's still funny in snl here's the thing someone recommended me auti donna i i am such a psychopath that i i will sometimes write down analysis of why things are funny and aren't why they're working and stuff because i just got a lot of time and uh and uh i i was recommended this show and i watched it and i was blown away by how unfunny i thought it was and i and i was like this can't be real like i was having a crisis i was like because i get really angry when things like fail at being funny without
Starting point is 00:28:58 i don't know i'm again a lot of time and so so i watched and i was like fuck this sucks really bad and i got my friends to come watch it everyone in the house dude it's like opposite of normally getting someone to watch a youtube video you think's funny no because i wanted to see if i was crazy or not i was like everyone watch this shit am i crazy for thinking this sucks and they're like no we all watch it but you're saying the netflix show does suck but that is not the the height of their power yeah they've got like kind of that they did series on youtube they've got one i forgot the name of it it's like in a high school that whole one is funny but i like because i was talking to them about the netflix
Starting point is 00:29:33 series and probably they'll just like they met them themselves so i actually promoted their netflix show in a youtube video did you remember when the monoliths were a big thing people yeah i put a monolith up in austral them. Wow. To promote their show. And then only afterwards I watched their show and I was like... Do you keep in touch? Not really. Okay, thank God.
Starting point is 00:29:54 They might see this. It's okay. Look, if they're true artists, they'll know. I mean, yeah. It's just hard because it's like with their comedy, it's so weird
Starting point is 00:30:03 that like when it doesn't hit just sitting there for five minutes being like that was so long and fucking i was cringing the whole time yeah it's high risk high reward for sure i think in the environment of a netflix show right you're just like you're kind of forced to fill time probably like each episode needs to fit like a certain amount of minutes and constraints like that conversely the i think you should leave season two which the first season i thought was really kind of brilliant, even though it was the same guy just put in different situations. The second season is like 80% hard dog shit, like hard, bad dog shit.
Starting point is 00:30:33 The coffin one is so good. The coffin one is great. The coffin one is so good. But I was just like, damn, it's crazy. This got made, and then they were like, yeah, we got to send it out. And it's hard to reconcile that in my head because you always want something to be perfect can't do it you know so either way how funny do you think you are i don't know i don't know i would what a rating out of 10 is that what you want yeah i guess like do you think if you could be better could you be a lot
Starting point is 00:31:01 better or you kind of like the height of where you can, your abilities? Or do you think you're dog shit? So you try harder. That's what I do. I don't know. It's hard to analyze yourself that much, but it's like, I'm just happy if I can make myself, if I can rewatch one of my clips and it makes me laugh, I'm happy. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Yeah. And usually I like a lot of my videos. I try to do like almost like slapsticky stuff. So like stuff like physical jokes they make me laugh evergreen baby and it's just like if you can do something that surprises someone with a joke i'm just like yes i like that like i turn around and i just my ass is showing you can get away with that on youtube i'm like it's great that's great that's cash yeah that that flies a lot in our house with with no youtube videos it always works you't just show your dick it's even funny i showed your balls on stream that was hilarious that was really funny so many people's i put a
Starting point is 00:31:52 polaroid of my balls underneath his keyboard and then i made a video about the times i've showed him my balls and then made him watch it on stream and then it said by the way if you're watching this check under your keyboard and then he did But what he did after that with the Polaroid of my balls, he stuck it to his monitor like he's fucking, he's at a war. Like my kid. Yeah. Like my kid graduated seventh grade. I'm proud of him.
Starting point is 00:32:13 And he just left it there for like a month. Yeah. We have maids. They've seen it. They've seen your balls. They know it's, no, because it's like, it's someone's balls. They could think it's my balls. You know what? They've cleaned my room before. They might be like, oh, it's no because it's like it's someone's balls they could be anybody's balls you know what they've cleaned my room before they might be like oh it's his yeah you know you might have been sleeping balls out when they came in i would never sleep balls out on
Starting point is 00:32:33 maybe i'll try to figure it out as well they're like they bring it back two of them in the basement it's like do you think it's aiden's they have like one of those things it's all our pictures red lines going down to the ball like high skin tone yeah like gradients they're asking questions every time they come through yeah yeah so like do you like chest hair huh how much do you shave dude yeah he like dipped his camera down one day to like show something he was doing in his hands and it's just my polaroid and it's like yeah actually all i forgot this all new zealand got mad at me this past weekend the whole shit so like five like five people yeah about five people and gabe newell yeah gabe newell who
Starting point is 00:33:17 bought his citizenship into new zealand if he threw his hat on the ground he's you know about that no yeah so this is this is like a brief offshoot gabe newell at the beginning of the pandemic decided to move to new zealand and uh just paid to become a citizen how much like it's not publicly listed but he's a billionaire right and this isn't like a like some countries like a few in the world let you just pay flat out for citizenship this is like a uncommon thing but it's usually pretty expensive, like maybe a few hundred thousand dollars. But most countries do not allow you to do this. But presumably,
Starting point is 00:33:52 Gabe hit up Jarsinda on the phone and was like, what if I send you a fresh hundred mil and he's just in? We don't know how much. And now they got the Christchurch McDonald's brought to you by Gabe McNeil. Gabe McNeil? Gabe Neal and Ronald McDonald?
Starting point is 00:34:06 They teamed up. Get a free Steam card in your Happy Meal. And he says, welcome to the international. And then he spins his bow tie. I actually love Gabe Newell. I'm the biggest Gabe Newell fan. Why? Because I opened one box and got a knife.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Oh, that's right. Fuck you. Fuck you. Do you know about CSGO unboxing? Yeah, I've never done it, but my brother did it. It made like $5 flipping boxes. I did it for the first time ever in my first box. I don't want to talk to you.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I bought a key for $10 on Steam. Turns out they're $2.50 and it's a flat fee and I got scammed. He's so fucking dumb. You're so fucking dumb. And then I opened one box and then it went around. And I don't know. I guess it was good or something it was like an m9 bayonet he got a knife it was a knife i guess a thousand dollars over a grand oh here's the clip
Starting point is 00:34:52 yeah but i have seen this screen thousands of times to be fair i spent 750 to get here so fucking crazy this is so unreal this is so unreal you know it's valuable when you this reaction or do you react like that to everything? I react like that to everything, but I knew it was valuable because it was the gold thing, which is the best thing. And right before it happened, I said, ooh, let's just get the gold thing because it's the best thing. Also, if it's not valuable, he can overreact and then people correct him and it's funny.
Starting point is 00:35:18 He can't lose. People can open hundreds, if not over like a thousand of those cases and never pull a good item. You will make money get it twisted it's time to start investing uh yeah so anyway i gave newell's a hero and why is new zealand new zealand's mad at me because on the top of their subreddit it was like the most upvoted thing was a clip of me from two years ago playing geoguessr and i'm just going through and it's like it's like american youtuber tries to pronounce new zealand towns wow and uh it is hard it's all like
Starting point is 00:35:51 indigenous yeah like kiwi name yeah so i'm like takua maybe outland and and i'm looking through all of them and it's just two minutes of that and i sound like such a dipshit because i'm like we're probably in great britain here because it says grams you also you also you also look like fucking guile like you look like a stereotypical american i literally have like frat boy idiot i'm not done piece of shit annoying like like just rude uh ignorant asshole arrogant i can't be mad because i literally have uh i have this what do you call this a goatee yeah a fully grown goatee as big as mine it's not fully grown with the glasses it's fully grown he can't it's no it's very you grow a beard not at all i just get just can you find whiskers that are disgusting yeah i tried ones just looks like mold growing like here a little
Starting point is 00:36:41 bit up here but the rest of my family can so I'm like maybe I just have no testosterone or something no no it's because you have too much testosterone what do I have this hair then that's right he knows he knows how the chemistry works got way too much yeah I'm crazy your t-blockers but that's why they're pissed at you yeah they're pissing me because it was just it was that and it's just me being a dumbass American YouTuber who doesn't know anything about geography. You should do a video where you apologize to New Zealand. No, I want to do a fucking video where I go up against all those New Zealand fucks in GeoGuessr
Starting point is 00:37:13 because I would clown on those dumbasses. I'm way better now. I know way more about the world. Bro, they don't care about GeoGuessr. They just care about the pronunciation. I think part of it is laughing at Americans for not knowing geography. Okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And I'm cracking geography. At least you're trying and you're getting out of your country virtually. I'm good now. New Zealand's the best country though in geoguessing because anywhere looks exactly the same. I actually know New Zealand from one screenshot because it's just Australia, but prettier. And that's what I say every time. More ferns. If you see ferns in those one plant with the white fluffy bit on the top, you know you're in New Zealand.
Starting point is 00:37:43 and though he's one plant with the white fluffy bit on the top you know you're in new zealand so i know now and i'm a god and i will new zealanders i will fight you all one-on-one in geoguessr and my friend alex will fight you one-on-one with his fists dude when i went back from uh australia when i went to bam like three four years ago the guy i had to fly to auckland to go home to lax and that was where I went through like customs. And the guy was like, he was like a Kiwi, like jacked, like just fucking. Like a Maori guy?
Starting point is 00:38:12 Tower of a man. Yeah. Like a Maori guy. And he was really, really nice. And he's like, oh, so what were you doing in,
Starting point is 00:38:19 you know, in Australia? Where were you heated? Yeah. He's like, what were you doing? Ah, shit.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I can only do it with the ease yeah that's it and he's asking me he's like oh and i was like oh is that like a video game tournament and it's like oh cool like like fortnight fortnight and i was like no it's like a different one but yeah it's kind of like fortnight and then his face just completely changed like did you win any money and i was like no no i'm not that good no i don't have he's like because you know if you want any money you have to tell us and i'm like whoa no no no it's good he scared the shit out of me that's terrible i thought i was getting my neck broken like a bunny yeah he brought you in friendly and then he hits you with the the trick question yeah because maybe you answer a little wrong. Maybe shakes me down for a couple of AUD. I got terrified coming into America.
Starting point is 00:39:08 Cause I knew that your TSA is very strict. So I was like, okay, I've got a story. My story is I'm just visiting friends. So I told my mate who I'm traveling with. I'm like, we're visiting friends.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Then I get to the front of TSA and he's like, why are you here? And I was just crumbled. I was just like, I mean, I'm doing a boxing match. Oh my God. why are you here? And I was just crumbled. I was just like, I mean, I'm doing a boxing match. I'm like, fuck,
Starting point is 00:39:31 like that means I'm not meant to be here on a fucking tourist visa. Like maybe I shouldn't be saying this now. Release this once I'm gone. And then he was like, what do you mean? I was like, Oh, I'm watching a boxing match.
Starting point is 00:39:41 There you go. And then he's like, Oh, do you have tickets? Cause I'm in the boxing match. I don't. I'm like, no. then he's like, oh, do you have tickets? Because I'm in the boxing match. I don't. I'm like, no. And he's like,
Starting point is 00:39:47 you've come all the way here to see a boxing match and you don't have tickets. He's like, where is it? I was like, I don't know. It just got worse and worse and worse. Did they pull you into questioning? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:40:00 It was just questioning at the front, but it was just fucking bad. You're just holding this gun the whole time. And like, I was like scared because me and Alexa, my mate, have been to North Korea. So we get put into like a different kind of category when we come to America for some reason. Oh, really? It has like a stamp on your passport that's like been to North Korea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:16 And they ask you questions. Why? Why did you go there? Like, and it was just like, why did you go there? Just for fun. For fun, huh? Just for fun. Just to kick it with Kim.
Starting point is 00:40:24 We just wanted to kind of, you know, do some hard labor. Smash some stones. What's fucked up is we talked about this. I found out he went to North Korea while Barack was there. While Barack Obama? Barack Obama, the former president who goes to North Korea a lot. No, Barack, the guy who got imprisoned. Dude, that's not his name.
Starting point is 00:40:42 No, no, no, no, no. What's his name? Isn't it Barack? That's not his name. Otto Warmbier. Otto. What do you think is Barack? Dude, we were not his name. No, no, no. What's his name? That's not his name. Otto Warmbier. Otto. I think it was Brock. Dude, we were talking about this guy last week. I forgot his name again. Otto.
Starting point is 00:40:52 You were there while that guy was there? You don't know this guy at all? He was on the same tour company as us, but maybe a year before. They warned us. They were just like, when you're in the hotel, don't steal shit. Don't touch anything. Don't.
Starting point is 00:41:06 So I wasn't gonna do that anyway. Imagine, imagine picking that place to fuck around and then finding out. You know what I'm saying? The person that took like the propaganda poster and ended up in jail. Yeah. And then he was doing like hard labor for 17 years, but then he got brought back and he was like literally brain dead. But he was comatose.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Yeah. And then he died. He died within a month of coming back. Yeah. Yeah. It was really, it was really sad. Like nobody, absolutely like undeserved. Nobody he was comatose. And then he died. He died within a month of coming back. Yeah, yeah. It was really sad. Like nobody, absolutely like undeserved. Nobody should be treated that way, right?
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's fucked up. What's the country where you can't have drugs? I think it's Singapore. Singapore. Dude, we... You don't fuck around in Singapore. Singapore, it's like I've always said it's like the most lucrative career must be being like a Singaporean drug dealer. Yeah, because you're like you face execution. Wait, really? Yeah. For what type of drugs anything you bring fucking you bring like a
Starting point is 00:41:50 fucking coke or weed in dude they're fucking not that those are equivalent but right if you know but they kill you if you well i think apparently kill you i think the weed pen is more common but like they tell like you know young american tourists or whatever if you go to singapore do not fuck around do Do not bring weed. Because you'll be in big trouble. You can find drugs there, though. Because I wasn't trying to find drugs. But when I was in a hostel in Singapore, like, I was six. I was hanging out there for a while.
Starting point is 00:42:13 And the owner was like, oh, you want to chill on the balcony? I was like, yeah. And he just started smoking weed. And I was just like, oh. Holy shit. That's scary. I think maybe it might be one of those things, too, where, like, the public messaging is that it's, like, really, really severe. Which, like, discourages it, of course it of course but i like i don't know i i feel like i would have
Starting point is 00:42:29 heard about like some dumb tourist being executed by this point if this is actually followed through with yeah didn't they just execute a fucking guy with the he had the iq of like 70 and someone a family member or something convinced him to be a drug mule. And the guy is, you know, could be like, like he's like a child. Yeah. And he did it. They caught him and they executed him. Oh my God. In Singapore?
Starting point is 00:42:52 Might have been somewhere else. I think it was probably Singapore. It's crazy they convinced him. Yeah. Yeah. That's like an Australian bit. That's what Australians would do to you. No.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Just do a little bit of kit. Just do a little bit of kit. That's what Australians do do that. they do try to get you to do normal poo but this time catch it and then you have to sell it to me that is australia make a lot of money dude i always remember this like so i was on a trip to sydney a few years ago and i was in uh i'm i'm prepared for my australian friends to fuck with me at this point and we're in the we're in an uber and they're talking about how people of fucking fucking bogans will will race horseshoe crabs and i think they're making dude they're making up the whole thing and i'm like tell me this isn't true and the driver turns
Starting point is 00:43:34 around he's like it is we do multiple species of crab the pub near me does hermit crabs and then another one does mud crabs and it's like it is just a thing and you bet on them you've got like a little number on that thing and i have to it's so smooth it's so smooth whoever escapes the table first dude that that actually reminds me on this uh when we were when we were on this trip at the streamer royale uh meowery was on the bus with us and we were talking about like dumb things we had done as kids and meowery was like yeah so when i was a kid i used to catch flies and take the wings off them and then paint their butts different colors and then make them race yeah we were fucking done we were like it was like really early in the morning we were like damn that's crazy that's fucking insane it was like 9 a.m on the bus and i was like oh my god by yourself yeah yeah it was yeah it was funny because we were all talking it was like it was like four of the
Starting point is 00:44:31 girls and then me and aiden and we were being transported to the to the the event and we're like we're me and aiden are really tired and we're like still trying to like make conversation i'm throwing out c minuses aiden throwing out ds as he does. Yeah. Talking about jokes, you know. Just trying to be, just trying to like make conversation. And then we get off the bus and Meowry's like, you guys are funny. What's your Twitters? And I was like, that's crazy. Basically, I was like, we were just not on our game at all, but it was enough.
Starting point is 00:45:00 It was enough. She did beat your ass in the competition. Come on, dude. Yeah, because you got Chun-Li thighs. I got robbed. What was the competition? It was enough. She did beat your ass in the competition. Come on, dude. I got robbed. What was the competition? It was Amaranth's event. Imagine.
Starting point is 00:45:16 Amaranth did an IRL event that was like a one-day survivor thing with a bunch of minigames. And then you just get eliminated if you lose the minigames. And he made it deep in the game as the pink-haired ninja. Yeah, I made it to the semi-final which was uh kneeboarding and then you hang on you kneeboard for basically as long as you can without falling off and you get three rounds of kneeboarding um in my first round i hit like a wave and i fell off and i was like no big deal i have two more rounds to to do this but it was determined to mid-event that kneeboarding was too boring to watch so they switched it to wakeboarding which is significantly
Starting point is 00:45:50 more difficult and then i had to like meowery had already maxed out the score uh in the first round and then i just have to try and catch up doing the harder sports and then i fucking lost so not surprising. Ultimately, you just don't have that dog in you. I don't. No. Was she better than you
Starting point is 00:46:09 one to one wakeboarding? Wakeboarding? She didn't even have to do it. She didn't have to? She just had to kneeboard. Wakeboarding is when you're on your feet. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:16 How is this Survivor though? Isn't Survivor like you have to drink your own piss? Yeah, Survivor might have been a bad analogy. It's just kind of like little games like Survivor and people are eliminated along the way.
Starting point is 00:46:25 But without the same social and voting. Without the piss. And no piss. I had a joke. Because I was kind of like an on-the-ground interviewer for the event. That's why I went. And I had a joke that I didn't get to use. But I was like, water sports.
Starting point is 00:46:38 We're on Amaranth's channel. It can mean both things. I don't know who this person is but i presume you don't know no dude this ties into my question because you to me right you your youtube channel is so disconnected from like twitch and gaming but you've been hanging out you put effort you've been hanging out with so many of like like like the fact that you two know each other is sort of surprising. Well, I don't really know you, but I was, I forgot who told you. I think William Osmond told me that you climb.
Starting point is 00:47:09 Yeah. And I was just like, sick. I can climb with someone here. But it's like. Nice. Yeah. Cause like, how do you end up on like, like Hassan stream for instance, and like hang out with these like Twitch tangential people?
Starting point is 00:47:20 Like how does your world of YouTube clash with this world? I mean, I guess it's that my, like what I make is yeah, not related at all, but I've got another channel where I make kind of leftist content, like kind of political stuff that ties more into Hassan's stuff. Sure. So then that's why I asked him. I was like, yeah. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Yeah. I think he watched one of our other videos on his stream. Yeah. And then was like, yeah, good shit. I think you provide very good react content content which naturally fits into the streamer ideology i disagree working hard oh really i remember you watch one of my i fucking hate watching your videos why because he's funnier than you no well no i was watching his video on my stream and then he pops up in chat and already i hate react content like i'm really bad at it i say this
Starting point is 00:48:03 openly all the time i'm bad at reacting unless it's like 80 tick tocks and I can just go, dude, you're not, you're not a marathon runner. No, no. If it's like a full video and like they make the video so like well edited and paste and funny,
Starting point is 00:48:19 there's not much to add. I can't pause it and be like, dude. And he makes like a fucking beyblade with giant metal blades that he pulls and then it fucking rips around a room and destroys chairs and i go yeah and then i go and then i go i played beyblades when i was a kid you could you could do what hasan does which is pause the video he's reacting to literally every two seconds or play it and go to the bathroom to be fair you're much better than a lot of the streamers.
Starting point is 00:48:45 Like, I don't want to do you guys like. Yeah, go for it. I feel like I watched him react to one of my videos and it's just him going. It's so funny. He just drinks them all. I'm like, how is this a react? He's just playing my video. Like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:49:04 I think you're waiting for him to actually react and that's the gamble well i think i think he's just all about having something entertaining on screen and if he's not providing it and he's taking a break in his 12-hour marathon stream and the video is doing it by itself he doesn't feel the need to add to it but i do i'm like oh i should be adding to this and then i get self-conscious i'm like i'm not adding enough so i watched like one video and then everyone's like watch another and i think i started it and i i was like i watched like 30 seconds and i was like i can't watch this i can't add anything to this guy's videos they're fucking fine just watch them by yourself i'm not gonna watch them on stream anymore well i had heaps
Starting point is 00:49:35 of people telling me be like uh ludwig's watching your videos right now so i popped in i forgot what i said yeah and it's just him complaining about your videos yeah yeah it's like no it's like well edited eat all right man have some lols you so you would never watch the defunct land of disney fast pass have you watched that video yeah i've watched that that's it's goaded that's goaded like imagine me watching uh the line goes up the nft video yeah four hours and he explains everything what am i gonna add yeah yeah you look stupid pause dude nfts are bad what that guy said or i do the ms where you do the ms is like like literally latching on to every word and just saying random shit he'll just pause and be like do you think i would have been friends with that guy in high school that's funny i know you should just do that it's also so fucking stupid my brain like
Starting point is 00:50:30 i actually i was reacting to so many salt video and i did it for like 90 seconds i did this exact bit i i pretended to be ms and then i stopped doing it and then everyone's like you know what you're way funnier when you do yeah and i'm like oh because i was just going off anything i would just respond to so anyway your videos suck to react to let me check that i want to look at your twitter weirdly that's a compliment yeah i don't understand how you guys do it though like like reacting to stuff live with people watching you like i tried once i was like i'll give it a trial with just people from my discord. Right. It was like 150 people and I was just felt like
Starting point is 00:51:07 I was having a seizure. I was like, I cannot read this. I cannot genuinely enjoy this. It was just a mix of everything being bad. Yeah, fucking blows.
Starting point is 00:51:15 And it just stressed me out for fucking two hours. I felt anxious. I was sweating. I was like, yeah, I'm not doing that again. Bro,
Starting point is 00:51:19 this picture of you punching the other guy in the face is amazing. Yeah, fucking those sport photographers. And you could hear them the whole time just going. Oh, fuck. this picture of you punching the other guy in the face is amazing yeah fucking great photographers and you could hear them the whole time just going oh fuck so whatever you did would get captured how did you get involved in that event by the way like did you catch an invite or did you volunteer
Starting point is 00:51:35 that was probably william osmond right uh no that was i think idubbbz released a video calling out rice gum okay and i had met him a couple times and I'd stayed with him in, he came down to Melbourne. And I was just like, I think he was calling out RiceGum, but I just commented like, yeah, I'll fight you. And then he added me to like a Discord. And for like a long period, I thought I was fighting iDubbbz. So I was fucking terrified. Because I was like, fuck, this guy's been training. He fucking looks like he's got nothing to lose.
Starting point is 00:52:05 And then I got matched up with James, which was great. You got a walk. Fucking rocked iDubbbz. No, I sparred. So I sparred him and he really wanted to spar me because I was like more similar to Dr. Mike's height and Dr. Mike's build. But iDubbbz actually fucked me when we were sparring. Really? I landed a lot of like jabs, couple of right hands, but he's got really good defense and can take a lot of like jabs couple of right hands but he's got really good defense and can take a lot of hits
Starting point is 00:52:25 and then he got me with a body shot and i'd never been hit hard in the liver before and i got hit and i was like i'm all right i'm all right and my brain was just like crumpled and it's like have you been winded yeah yeah it's like winded but like comes from here and your body just gets fucking paralyzed oh my god so i honestly in when he was going into the dr mike fight i thought like if he lands like some good fucking liver shots like he's got it but i don't think he landed them so it's like right what's the difference like how does you not tone it down when you're sparring at all like how does it work that's the thing that i didn't know because when i sparred i thought i had probably been going like 50 60 70 percent of my spars but then as soon as i landed those shots i was like i was 50 60 70 percent of my spars but then as soon as i landed
Starting point is 00:53:06 those shots i was like i was going like 20 percent of my spars and to actually fucking go 100 was a weird fucking feeling but it's like you say it's it's also very different because when you're going 20 your punches don't slip through gloves in the same way you like obviously when you're faster you got less reaction time so it's like it was very different are you not supposed to spar at 100 um you meant to but it's like i didn't want to like all the guys i was sparring with you know i know some kind of friends with so it's fucking it's not it's it's weird because it's a fun sport but not a good sport yeah it's like it's you just don't want to hurt your someone you're like practicing against and even in your case you don't want to hurt the person you're supposed to be fighting no like none of us have real beef we're all kind of friends we all know
Starting point is 00:53:47 each other and none of us have that boxer mentality where you're like i want to fucking destroy this man's brain it's like we all know that like when you get hit in the head you get concussion you fucking get alzheimer's it's like yeah yeah you know then they raise the money for it so it all equals out it will be for us yeah yeah the money raised is for iDubbbz after you. Exactly. Yeah, iDubbbz asked me to do it, but I said no. I think I'll die. I think I will die if I get punched in my chest hole.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Yeah, you don't have a lot of... Do you have a, what's it? Pectus excavator. Pectus excavator. I have direct access to my heart within a centimeter. You should just like put some, I don't know, like a little cushion in there. Just fill it in. Maybe a tiny in there. Just fill it in. Maybe a tiny little mattress.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Just fill it in with cement so that if somebody punches it, they get hurt. Yes. You want me to fill my chest with cement? Yeah, and pave it over
Starting point is 00:54:33 with a little tiny little like steamroller. Yeah. It'd just be really funny. And then put like like Coots' hand print in it. Yeah. It's cute.
Starting point is 00:54:41 And it's like, put the name in. And you're sort of like Iron Man. Yeah. Well, not really at all. I just have cement in my chest. No, it's like you both name and you're sort of like iron man yeah well not really at all i just know it's like you both have a circle in your chest yeah his does technology it's like iron it's like iron man i'll be your jarvis you won't be that he'll be in your ear he'll be hanging out who's the one watch out for the right hook pepper pot you'll be my pepper pot you just fucking you just fill me up like an application fill you up And this is our daughter
Starting point is 00:55:05 You do look similar Who dies To Gwyneth Paltrow To Gwyneth Paltrow Yeah I see it I see it I love you
Starting point is 00:55:11 Couple Some Hundred Couple hundred Why don't you wanna spend time with me My bitch kid Dude On the subject of
Starting point is 00:55:20 You looking like ninja It was Oh my god We're in the hotel You got the same hair Yeah That's it Yeah it was, oh my God. We were in the hotel. You have the same hair. Yeah. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Coming back from the hotel, we were going up the elevator and there was like this high school event happening with the same hotel. So it was like a bunch of high school kids. And it was like 10, I don't know, football players or something. They're walking by and me and Aiden are just standing there waiting for the elevator. or something they're walking by and me and aiden are just uh standing there waiting for the elevator and this guy like kind of goes up to aiden and then he like he he looks at him and then stops and then keeps walking and he's like my bad bro i thought you were ninja yeah and i was like i am and then they're in the elevator the doors were closed and i was like yeah it's me tyler blevins
Starting point is 00:56:00 like i had the best thing happened at creative clash after the event this little kid came up to me with his mom he was really nervous he was like excuse excuse me like are you are you dr mike and i was like because it happened to me before and then i was like yes yes i am so i took a took a photo with the kid and then at the end i was like no kid i'm not even a real doctor. My name's not Mike either. It's all a lie. It's all a lie. He's like, whoa. What crazy content for a kid to watch?
Starting point is 00:56:32 Dr. Mike. Yeah. Maybe it was his mom. Yeah. That's his audience. What is it like? What kind of content? Like react to Grey's Anatomy, but also be really hot and be like, yeah, we use stethoscopes
Starting point is 00:56:43 too. He bites his lip. He bites his lip yeah they're like really good for like heartbeats is there heartbeating yeah moms and then his insta's just like fucked up dude speaking of insta we took a private jet if you're taking private jet me neither until a couple days ago they flew us out it was like some sort of thing for the event and he flew us out on private jet me and amen are fucking around a lot we're talking about how like it's about the pilot not the plane we're talking about how it is we've flown with these pilots before you know we're just taking videos i got my top gun hat we're being fucking dipshits about it and the pilot we're like hey can we get a picture he's like this really young like handsome guy
Starting point is 00:57:24 like hey if we get a picture of you because we want to make a joke like how you know we're flying this pj we take a picture with him and uh and he was like oh yeah i'll totally i'll take a picture of anyone it's all good i'm like okay and then eamon posts it on the yard twitter and prius so here's the picture we're so better pilot 20. You couldn't do in a straight shot. You know, we don't like turns in our planes. And, uh, Prius replies is he's a CS go observer. The best to ever do it.
Starting point is 00:57:52 Possibly him in Sapphire. And he's like, that's Owen. And we're like, what the fuck? It's apparently this guy is like an influencer pilot. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:02 He, he has an Instagram and it's called fly with owen and he has like 120 000 followers and he also makes youtube videos and he just makes like he's just this like cool chad pilot guy who like flies cool planes fixes them up and it's like a plane influencer and we're like what the fuck he's huge on plane we're finding this all out after we land and like have left him behind sure he's actually flying the plane he didn't just hire some like midget pilot to hide under no i asked him dude i went up to him before we started flying because he's really young looking
Starting point is 00:58:37 and i know that you gotta have a lot of hours right it's about the pilot not the plane yeah so i was like dude we were i was like i was like what's up man i was going i was like you're young how many hours you got and he's like four thousand and i was like sim sim yeah like you can't have sim hours bro you're a pussy you have sim hours oh yeah you do the funny part is that you do you do have sim hours that's what you have hard sim hour requirements no what is sim hours what the so when you're a pilot in your training you take time simulator you're you fly a simulator uh most like especially if you're learning to fly like a new plane like maybe
Starting point is 00:59:16 you're moving maybe you know how to fly like an airbus model but you're switching to like a boeing model you have to do a required number of sim hours to like get certification to fly that new type of plane but the problem is you can simulate the plane you can't simulate the pilot no yeah you can't and that's what we asked him we asked him what we landed we were like did you just did you think at all or did you just do what was his answer i would love his insight yeah i'm so excited for because all the Top Gun jokes from a week ago, like nobody could get
Starting point is 00:59:47 because nobody had seen the movie yet. Yeah. It came out this weekend. So hopefully they're hitting it harder. I got paid. Should I watch it? A shit ton of money to advertise this film
Starting point is 00:59:54 for four weeks and I did it incessantly. Then we watched it and it turns out to be the greatest film that came out in the past eight years. Have you seen the original Top Gun?
Starting point is 01:00:03 No. Okay. I've watched american sniper though is that similar in any way i know all right all right so you know how an american sniper you know how he has like ptsd from like shooting kids yep so in this movie none of that happens yeah that's what i want right i want to see a guy celebrate volleyball it's just a bunch of hot dudes playing volleyball under the sun. My favorite part of the movie is the football scene where they're playing football, but
Starting point is 01:00:32 they're playing. You know how American football, the play stops and goes, right? And there's defense and there's offense, and you play it out until it switches sides again. In the movie, the ball is being played both ways there's two balls but there it isn't explaining to you and so you're just watching them play like two-way football for the movie and then they finally explain it at the end of the scene they're like yeah this is dog five football where you play offense i was gonna say i was gonna say it's like this is pilot football yeah it's dogfight football and someone just pinches
Starting point is 01:01:05 tom cruise nipple yeah do they do the volleyball thing where they just all slap each other's ass like yeah it looked like an abercrombie and fitch photo shoot actually real quick zipper can you pull up the volleyball scene from the original top gun no we're gonna get demonetized no just a little clip yeah we actually brought up swordfish last time and we had to take it out of the video because the video was demonetizing us. Did we just blur it or did we cut that whole bit out? We just cut it out. I want to show you
Starting point is 01:01:31 in the 80s, this was a movie about flying planes and being with your boys and it's just so hot. It's just them playing volleyball. This is not necessary for anything. Iceman is so funny. I know it's just how aging just like playing volleyball. This is not necessary for anything. God, Iceman's so funny.
Starting point is 01:01:46 I know it's just how aging works, but it's so funny how Val Kilmer in the new movie, he kind of looks like shit, but Tom Cruise looks like basically the same age. Val Kilmer literally has throat cancer. He does? Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's why I world he can't actually speak yeah really
Starting point is 01:02:06 he you look great bell yeah it's weird that the guy with throat cancer looks like shit but like the guy who's in scientology and healthy looks good yeah he gets it he's he's been sucking the adrenochrome because they're the same age you know it's it's what it goes to show what stem cells do him and pelosi get together once a week at the HQ yeah I drove by that building for the first time it's fucking it's a one on sunset the yeah the sunset one sunset one looks like a shopping mall I used to like building yeah I used to like go is that the museum of something you know there's a church of Scientology on sunset in Hollywood it's the big blue one sunset Is that what you're thinking of?
Starting point is 01:02:45 I think it is also on Sunset, right? Maybe. I don't know. Either way, I used to take, to that one specifically, I used to walk by it when I'd go on dates because it was just really funny. And you get to just make fun of Scientology as you get to know each other. Yeah. Classic bit walk.
Starting point is 01:03:00 I love a bit walk. What was the way back? Tell me now. Tell me now. What do you mean the way back? I was freaking you're like i'm so excited i'm so excited to tell you what happened on the way back you're like you're okay so you there was a guy on our plane who i recognized i thought he might be like an actor or something because i knew i had seen him on tv or like in a movie or something i'm like why does this guy stick out to me like why the fuck do i recognize
Starting point is 01:03:22 this dude i'm thinking about it for like the first 30 minutes of our flight. He's sitting up in first class. We walked by him on the way in. And I'm thinking, I'm like, was he like a news anchor? Because I kind of remember him like interviewing or like getting interviewed. And I remember him being like kind of weird. And then it clicked. He's a Larry Elder.
Starting point is 01:03:40 The guy who is the leading Republican candidate for the governor race in california do you remember that there was a sub zipper there was it was the guy so so there was a recall election in california for governor they were trying to oust gavin newsom from office and the republicans needed like uh had an election to decide or a bunch of republicans were fighting to like be the guy that a primary, but they're all, they're all listed out. They didn't even have a primary. Well, that was like,
Starting point is 01:04:07 that was the, uh, cause they were all in the same, you keep doing, Oh, I guess it's the equivalent of a primary. So, uh,
Starting point is 01:04:14 Larry Elder was this dude who was like famously libertarian, who was all on the news all the time. Like we don't need any laws around guns. Vaccines are bullshit. Oh God. Like all, all of these hidden all the check boxes yeah it's a age of consent shouldn't exist driver's license is whack don't know if he actually said that one a true patriot a true libertarian patriot a true libertarian does
Starting point is 01:04:37 not believe in the age of consent so if you're ever interested in that weirdos you know hop on the train and and larry was just on the front of our plane from orlando back home to la and i was like what could i do like what could i could i take a photo with him could i like fucking say a bunch of weird shit to your hungry box uh milo milo moment yeah well a little more orchestrated hopefully but then i realized like anything i come up with right now he just gets off the plate way before I do. So I can do nothing. I'm just sitting at the back. You know what HBuck should have done or Eamon in this case,
Starting point is 01:05:08 you go up to him, you get the picture like, bro, bro, I'm huge. I appreciate what you're doing for like, you know, guns,
Starting point is 01:05:13 especially recently. And you get a picture with him and then, and then you just post it and you go like, this guy sucks LMAO or something like fuck this guy. That's what I, that's what I wanted to do was go up to like, get a pic, but tell you to like moon in the background or something and like and then post it in public in lax yeah and i was i was coming i was coming up with this backstory of like i'm just a young i'm
Starting point is 01:05:35 just a young lad trying to get involved in politics don't you buy that when you have fucking pink hair bro no i'm fucking i'm i'm libertarian i was making oh yeah dude i was making the joke before we got on the plane that uh that this is the first lgbt pilot and it's 28 the first lbgt pilot you're a hero man that my idea was me walking by him on the plane and crop dusting him oh yeah but you have to pull back the first class curtain yeah like get to get to delta one to get to fart is when you when you when you fart stealthily near somebody i don't know why but my mind went to we used to do a thing where we would cut off bits of our pubes and then just oh you burn them like an eyelash wish but we would do it at people in class you'd kind of do it and then
Starting point is 01:06:22 just go and then they get really itchy and then just like. That's my peeps. That's so much better than ours. We were doing this thing on the on the peach over where everything on the plane I would compare it to like say it's like you know it's like pretty good but it's like not as good as like this on Delta 1.
Starting point is 01:06:41 You're like comparing everything to Delta 1 the entire flight. First class. You left saying it's worse i think it actually is then delta one yeah because it's like the only i think the main appeal of the whole thing is that you just don't go through security and wait for your flight you just get on the plane and you can also lay down that's pretty cool yeah but you can lay down in delta one you can do that not in delta one no you can't that's not the section on our plane was not delta oh okay okay yeah um anyway i was gonna ask you what what else did you guys do back in the day what what's it what's a classically australian bit with the lads yeah i mean you hit us with
Starting point is 01:07:18 cutting off your pubes you know about fire punching no what the fuck is that an australian thing that our buddies invented a sport where you have a campfire and then you punch it oh yeah yeah we've done that yeah we've done that we didn't call it fire punching we've definitely done that i can't tell if he's fucking i hate that you've independently done that wait are you fucking with me no this isn't me that's so crazy i actually think that all australian babies are given dmt and that's how they're connected through the interweb of dmt oh i remember something's fucked we used to do this is bad we used to do this thing called sogging it's not called so i can be called it um and it was we would go around the neighborhood
Starting point is 01:07:54 and we would just pick fruit off trees then we would just go down to the highway and whenever trucks would come by we would just throw fruit and it's just fucking that's horrible and we did it and we had like we just didn't have any like foresight we were like no this is it's fruit yeah it can't hurt anyone but then we did it once and we fucking threw something at a bus and just shattered the entire window of the bus and we were wearing our school uniforms as well so we got out and then we stopped speaking of school uniforms are you good at handball yeah i'm fucking the best at handball but handball is actually once you get good at handball it's kind of just like you know when you reach like max level in a game you're just the best at it
Starting point is 01:08:34 like you can do this thing in handball called slogging do you know what that is yeah it's when so when the ball gets low and you just smack it it's very bottom and then it just flies at the bottom not even bouncing and that's allowed for some reason yeah and you can slog off every single shot so i would just do that was the slog master would just go god i don't want to be the slog i wish nick was here vlog master does mean something different in our lexicon but that's okay i'm the slag master because we got we got really into this so what like you play four square in elementary school here with like a with like a it's called four square and you use a big rubber ball like that's like this big that's a much easier sport and when we had uh right before the pandemic we had a group of our australian friends including josh who you meet after this
Starting point is 01:09:13 and they were bored one day so they went to go pick up a little rubber ball and they started playing handball in the backyard yeah and we're like mind blown it's like four square with small ball like no way yeah no way we got really we got really into this and's like four square with small ball like no way yeah we've done it again we got really we got really into this and we play four square we set up four square or handball at every uh like convention and smash tournament we go to and we got a bunch of uh americans into fucking handball with the rubber you're just cooler nick right now huh he's just cooler nick he really is i think you have everything you're better than him in every single possible way. I do not play. Taller,
Starting point is 01:09:46 fitter, Italian descent. Yeah. What are your thoughts? I don't think he's Italian descent. My descent is Russian. I'm close in China, but they're Russian.
Starting point is 01:09:56 Close. I'm so close. Close. They call, they call Italy. Italy is the Russia of China. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:02 Exactly. And I've said that. What are your thoughts on skinny jeans? I wear skinny jeans. Oh. Does Nick wear skinny jeans? They're the same. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:11 It's actually his worst flop. It's kind of cool. Like, if you're in Sydney, it's cool. If you're outside of Sydney, everyone just thinks you're gay. Right. Yeah, that's fair. I've been bullied for, like, wearing skinny jeans. I feel like if you show up to a bar.
Starting point is 01:10:24 People are like, your show up to a bar. Your girlfriend wants her jeans back. That's a tough one. So you're from Melbourne? No, from Sydney. Oh, okay. Yeah. I've been to Melbourne and it was really cool.
Starting point is 01:10:38 I liked it a lot. Why do you willingly pronounce it so terribly? How am I supposed to? Melbourne. Melbourne. Melbourne. But it's not good if I do it. No, it's fine. It's fine you're saying if you're saying it like properly with an american accent you'd say melbourne there's an r in it and i need melbourne melbourne is just wrong yeah melbourne i mean it's spelled like melbourne yeah but maybe so melbourne like
Starting point is 01:10:58 it's just it was great i went and saw kangaroos and then we ate kangaroo yeah it's delicious you eat kangaroo meat yeah what you delicious. You ate kangaroo meat? Yeah. What? You never, he never, my wife never remembers anything about me. Honey. Honey. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:10 That's so mean. We ate kangaroo meat. That's so mean. It is mean. And you know what? Are there enough kangaroos? I also got fucked. By who?
Starting point is 01:11:17 By a Maori guy. And he was handsome. What? Whoa. Money. True Australian experience. Wait, why is eating kangaroo okay? They're like deer. Are there a lot? They. Money. True Australian experience. Wait, why is eating kangaroo okay? They're like deer.
Starting point is 01:11:28 They're populated. We've got too many of them. They actually cull them in some areas. Yeah. Did you know the hunting licenses are distributed in a lot of states in the US based on controlling deer population? Wait, how the fuck do you even hunt kangaroo in Australia? Do they choke them out?
Starting point is 01:11:41 That's a good question. You just shoot them in the head. What do you guys have? No, so we do have guns. Oh, here. Yeah. This is actually how you do it. but what do you guys have no so we do have guns oh here yeah this is actually this is how you do it this is how you do it boom yep and that's and then you you take them home for dinner this is there's no dog there that guy's just punching yeah that's a different no that's the video but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i love it he's just still fighting it like actually the dog is cgi he just wanted to beat the shit out of kangaroo really does take it like a boxer he's like yeah it's fucking it's fucking crazy do that be a hype training
Starting point is 01:12:16 video next creator clash you just find a kangaroo fucking i wanted to do that that's just my head but i watched that clip and you can see once the kangaroo gets hit in the head it does the same thing that james did it just goes a bit like you do the same thing you call a ref yeah look like if you watch it kind of just like backs down now it's just like oh like bro your ref is a kangaroo and he's like all biased yeah and it goes to a tko and the kangaroo wins yes every, every time. And then he's fucking talking. He's like, the fuck are you? Yeah, fuck, come at me again, bro. Give him lip or he should.
Starting point is 01:12:51 How long have you been doing YouTube? I think, so I started with a different channel in 2016 when we went to North Korea. Boy, boy. Boy, boy, we made a documentary about it. We went there to get a haircut. boy boy boy boy we made a documentary about it uh we went there to get a haircut um and then that didn't do well on like you on the youtube algorithm but like news picked it up because everyone was like holy shit like you can go to north korea and it just it's very easy to go there you just go on like a normal country yeah very normal country exactly the same as everywhere
Starting point is 01:13:19 else in the world yeah no real weird things about it at all just don't go to the 14th floor yeah also people have a lot of food to eat there, no matter who you are. The food was so funny there because it was like, we would go through all these villages
Starting point is 01:13:31 to get to Pyongyang. And like, you could see everyone there was just like rural lifestyle. No rubbish, nothing, no real infrastructure. Everyone was like, just, you know,
Starting point is 01:13:39 just like, just farming. A lot of corn. And then when we got to the hotel, there was a lot of food. And but everything was like packaged, like all the water water we weren't allowed to drink the tap water it was just like bottled water um and then the food they were just like because everyone there was american they're just like what do americans like to eat so they just it was just like really badly made hamburgers and like french fries yeah i wanted to eat korean food yeah yeah but yeah here is
Starting point is 01:14:02 borgor enjoy yeah oh they did such funny stuff they did one thing we went to visit the kind of friendship museum which was where they like they show gifts that kim jong-un was given from different countries around the world and they were like here is a gift from korea from samsung and i kid you not it was all apple products all apple products And everyone realised this But no one wanted to laugh So we're just like Yep
Starting point is 01:14:29 Yep It's crazy Yeah It was very strange I feel like Going to Korea Is the same experience As when a friend
Starting point is 01:14:35 Shows you a video That's not funny But they think It's really funny And so you have to Just politely nod At everything But it's a whole
Starting point is 01:14:40 Like week Dude I'd be They'd kill me To a week long video I can't not laugh Yeah He's a piece of. Dude, they'd kill me. I can't not laugh. Yeah, he's a piece of shit. I'd die in North Korea. We get in arguments, and I'm genuinely mad at him,
Starting point is 01:14:52 and he just starts laughing at me, and I want to charge the mound. It's just how I handle tension. So if I saw iPhones, I'd get scared, but then I'd laugh anyway. No, I guarantee you it's so surreal that you would just be like, this is a dream. it felt like that you can't point that shit you were saying yeah yeah we got in trouble because we like i was just talking to my mate like so like oh yeah
Starting point is 01:15:13 the leader the leader the leader and then this guy got really offended slapped my hand and was like no you do this our leader our dear leader our dear leader um Our dear leader. Yeah. You. Fucking idiot. But yes, I started with that. And then I made it. I did that for two years. And then I made. I did a thing in 2000.
Starting point is 01:15:35 End of 2018. How old are you? I'm 30. You're 30? Yeah. What was in the house? I'm 32. Fuck yeah. And I get shit all the time from these stupid.
Starting point is 01:15:42 You're younger, right? Yeah, because he's a fucking beautiful hairline. And he's ripped. And he's 6'4". And and he's tan you do look 22 years old shut the fuck up stop fucking talking to me you're a stupid piece of shit and you uh foreskin you're foreskin ah dude he's australian of course it would be weird if you were foreskin in the house what do girls think of foreskins here is it like did i get like my first girlfriend in college reached down into my pants to touch my penis which had foreskin and was hard and then pulled it out immediately and went ew she could tell she was like oh that little it was yeah it was like she
Starting point is 01:16:15 put her hand in a slop bucket and it was like i was like you you jerk a regular dick and it's just ready to go maybe you need a little Loche A little spit Whatever Some elbow grease But you jerk a Foreskinned dick And you need to do You need to start the show
Starting point is 01:16:31 You need to open the curtains Yeah exactly Do you? Yeah You have to pull back Kinda yeah God it's so You guys are like
Starting point is 01:16:39 Talking about like An alien species You gotta pop the lipstick Out of the dog dick It's the same with us Yeah What I don't understand Is surely Being circumcised your dick's just like if i fucking pulled my dick back and just had the head rubbing around in my pants it'd be fucking extremely painful it would be yeah
Starting point is 01:16:54 it would hurt it would fucking hurt when does that happen does it just well well well gentlemen feeling so so you do your penis head eventually becomes desensitized and there's actually a problem for me in particular i have famously now never never finished the job from a blowy ever in my life because i just it's not sensitive enough we have actually a patreon goal at 25k we're all gonna suck them off and see who can get them the most yeah it's the suck it suck and suck and fuck and thought sponsored sponsored by it's a telethon Protect yourself Sponsored by Slim Jim That's what it was They're trying to get my gym
Starting point is 01:17:33 To stop being so slim We had a Slim Jim sponsor and he kept saying suck and fuck And then after they were so mad at us They didn't like that at all You know what and every time I have a sponsor I did the fucking Top Gun sponsor and then everyone was saying suck and fuck during that too oh so i've created a narrative you've created your activation downfall of my activations don't they know who you guys are though ejaculation village isn't that yeah they should know they should know but you'd be surprised how dumb they
Starting point is 01:17:59 are how little they actually know wait what did you what did you do before you took is that usually it's like you're super young like these minecrafters like fundy you've never had a job no i've had such disdain 14 i had 14 different jobs before youtube and failed four different university degrees holy shit i fucking did teaching social work nursing started a paramedic course for a little bit then went back to nursing oh no i did social work at the end so i was in my third year and then i quit that so you were so you how were you generating the milk uh when when you were nursing i would did a bunch of different jobs i was like i was a joke that you're nursing a baby yeah i did that as well yeah that doesn't
Starting point is 01:18:42 pay that well yeah the babies have a lot of. I thought you were saying milk as slang for money. That's what I thought. Cause I love how they just, he picked it up. He's like, yeah, sure. Milk,
Starting point is 01:18:51 whatever. Yeah. That's what they call it here. I felt like I've definitely said milk for money before as well. I got no milk. I got a fucking grind for it, for my milk. I think that's the best thing you can be is a YouTuber who also had jobs in a life before.
Starting point is 01:19:06 Yeah. And you aren't like from 17 to now. Dude, I was talking to Fundy, who is a Minecraft YouTuber, who I found out that he exists at this event. Super nice guy, really funny, super young. And he was saying, he's like, I actually, you know, you're so funny, you guys, you and Ludwig. We actually studied your videos and i was like what are you talking about and i was like are you talking about the you laugh you lose where we like laugh at a monkey he's like yeah he's like i studied those me and my friends
Starting point is 01:19:35 would study those to see like how to you know be funny and like how to make a video and i'm like that's crazy the way they laughed at that monkey. That's what I was saying. The monkey threw the poo at that monkey and they just laughed at it? It's like an 80s montage and they have videos come up and they're like, ha ha ha, no! You're doing it wrong! Try again. Yeah, it was really, it was humbling.
Starting point is 01:19:59 And I was like, that's so nice, right? Because this is like a, he's a Minecraft YouTuber. He will be buried in a golden sarcophagus. You know, they've made it. They do get frozen cryogenically and then restored in a thousand years yeah when minecraft 2 comes out which is just real life yeah it's that's the matrix actually uh yeah it's fucked up no minecrafters are funny except for tommy in it you think so yeah you jack manifold's hilarious the fuck yeah yeah but he's not even a minecrafter is he not no i guess i barely ever plays minecraft you know what he does play mario kart we plays a little mario kart we mario kart
Starting point is 01:20:31 we but he's like he's he's a minecrafter like schlatt is it's because it was successful not because that's what he loves to do or it does a lot have you ever thought about the tempting with the the unicorn blood that is minecraft a little bit but then i realized like gaming for me is kind of like the release from doing actual work where i'm like yeah i get to chill out i'm just like i just don't want to ruin that but also i've never played minecraft ever also what you're doing is working out great so don't sell me minecraft i would love to duel you yes are you good at geoguessing i'm cracked fucking we should go one of the best yeah in the world i watched one of your things with uh what's his name go to co geo wizard geo
Starting point is 01:21:11 wizard he's good yeah he's amazing he's better than him too you know it's true wait you guys i'm pretty good i'm not that good you guys met for because of rock climbing right yeah you know how he started rock climbing no No. This is crazy. Our friend, our actual friend in real life who's not a streamer or anything, his name is Noel. He messages Ludwig out of the blue, who he doesn't really know,
Starting point is 01:21:33 but he's like, hey, maybe he's interested. Would you like to go rock climbing with me? Okay? That's what I said to you. I said, do you want to go climb some rocks? Well, yeah, yeah. Well, they have spoken like probably a couple times in their life
Starting point is 01:21:45 but noel is just looking for someone to hang out with what do we thought that it was noel miller and he was like yes i would love to do that finds out halfway through like the week that leading up to this he's like wait a minute this is like the noel that hits like smokes a lot of weed and plays video games that that my friends noel miller the same period is asking me to do other things randomly he'd be like let's go go-karting and the next day be like want to do a boxing sparring match and so i was like all right this guy just likes doing random shit yeah but he it was a discord message yeah and yeah and and then ludwig was like well i'm not just gonna say no i'm not a big shot right i'll still go and he went and now it's like this insane part of his life this
Starting point is 01:22:23 integral part of his every day is going climbing yeah it is the best his climb is great it's like this insane part of his life. This integral part of his every day is going climbing. Yeah. It is the best. Climbing's great. It's fucking amazing. Do you guys do it? Yeah, I did it for a while. I haven't gone in like two, probably two months.
Starting point is 01:22:35 But yeah, I got into it when he, and Nick does it a lot too who isn't here. Yeah. Yeah. I don't do it. I got fucked up back, but also I abstain from things because I'm a rebel. That's cool.
Starting point is 01:22:46 I will say, I think we've convinced a lot of people to rock climb. We've had an influence. Yeah, except me. I mean like Yardigans. Yeah. Yardigans love that shit.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Which is concerning that we have that much influence because there might be white women watching us fucking dogs or... You know what? Maybe dog dick does hit different. I think we have more influence than we realize what i'm saying uh all right it's just really interesting because uh you know
Starting point is 01:23:11 it's apparently really fun and i don't it's good and you've never done it and he accidentally ended up doing it and it's like that's how his life kind of works is that things accidentally happen to him and he's like oh okay this is. And it could have been anything else. I accidentally started doing it as well, where like, I always knew I would like it, but I just never did it. And then just a random friend was just like, I thought I was doing something else. I'm like, oh, we got time to go.
Starting point is 01:23:34 Let's go rock climbing. Went bouldering. Oh, I had done the rope climbing before. That's kind of shit. It's like- I hate it. Really fucking, it just hurts your balls. You get way too high, way too quickly
Starting point is 01:23:43 without any of the puzzle aspect. Yeah. And I was like, this is like, it's kind's kind of fun but just scary and then bouldering is just fucking beautiful yeah puzzle with your mother and your body and want to go again this week yeah yeah fuck around find out fucking keen if my my fucking four arms get over it yeah everyone's got some injuries bro you all better watch out especially I want you to drink your oat milk I want you to stay healthy okay I. I want you to stay healthy. Okay? I'm 32.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Is that what you do to look so young? Do you think I look young? I think you look... You don't look 30. How young do I look? He's bald. Shut the fuck up, Ludwig. He's talking. I reckon when I saw you, I thought you were 26.
Starting point is 01:24:18 26? Yeah. How old am I? 17? I thought you were 24. 13-year-old? 27? 26? You thought Aiden looked older than me wow i'm the youngest i'm 25 you're 25 yeah how old are you i'm 32 you're 32 yeah isn't that crazy oat milk baby it's not oat milk that's not like what does it oh yeah tell me what my body does
Starting point is 01:24:41 because you're my body it's the adrenochrome. He's also doing it. We started to be able to afford Adrenochrome and I sucked that shit right from the, like a plum. Finally, we're in that financial tier. I need some. How do I get some? Adrenochrome?
Starting point is 01:24:53 Now we can hook you up. We got a guy. We got a few kids. His name's Noel, actually. I feel like, sorry, you never got a chance to answer. How did you transition from normal work? What were you doing?
Starting point is 01:25:05 And then what made you decide to like finally do YouTube only? I think, well, so we, like since I was probably 16 with my mate Alexa, we had always been talking about, we should do a video on this. We should, we were always political. We'd always just, you know, make, oh, we made little short videos, but never put them anywhere. They were just for ourselves. We're like, oh, it'd be funny if we just fucking throw fruit at cars and film it.
Starting point is 01:25:30 Did you film it when you did that? Break bus windows. You filmed it? There's footage of this? I mean, I haven't seen it in a while. Of you committing a crime? Yeah, there's lots of fucking videos. Well, I'd be more worried about the firearm one that has like 10 million views.
Starting point is 01:25:41 Miles used to do that too. We had the fruit tree outside the poop house and we would throw fruit but at a wall and the game was to throw the fruit as hard as you could and the loudest sound it'd make we'd all clap like monkeys and if it was a really good sound it'd be like actually a sport that monkeys would partake in there's a lot of slow-mo footage of oranges exploding well you should try it on a truck it makes the loudest yeah we never got that advanced and we were next to a highway we could have yeah that's true did you start with like the political stuff then yeah so the political stuff was the start and we did that but we never made any money from it and then
Starting point is 01:26:12 i did i did a thing for a year and in the first year i probably made a thousand dollars so it was never something i could do by itself but i was pretty dedicated to it because i was like seeing what's on youtube and i was like i think my stuff's all right and the people that did watch it liked it and then it was just one video took off it was the i made a video called how dangerous is a metal straw where i tested there was a woman in california who was sipping a drinking green juice with metal straw she fell and it fucking punctured her whole head oh i just wanted to see how easy it is for a metal straw to fucking go through your skull. It's very easy. It's like having a nail in your drink.
Starting point is 01:26:49 Okay. But I made that video and then it just, the algorithm picked that off, picked up. And then my whole channel in that first month, I think I got 30 million views. Holy shit. And made more money in that single month that I had in like my previous five years of working right how many videos did you have on your channel before then so around 30 so it was actually i'm very grateful that my channel only took off once i had a bunch of videos because in the backlog you have a backlog for everybody to hit and i wasn't spoiled i was like okay i had to do this
Starting point is 01:27:20 for a year without nothing and then it made me appreciate getting the views. And I was like, okay, fuck, it's time. And then from then on, I was just like every single day working on a video. But I didn't release a video every week. It was like a video every month. You just haven't stopped since. You got juicers though, so it helps. I think that's what I found out from talking to Point Crowe
Starting point is 01:27:39 is like if you got the juicers, they sustain you for a while. Or if you do the everyday content machine like Ludwig, it's like a different model that can, I don't know. I can imagine yours kind of just like the kind of daily views will just keep picking up, keep picking up, keep picking up from it. Pump it out. She's never fucking stopped.
Starting point is 01:27:56 Susan just has me in the factory at all times. Just pumping and dumping. I take a day off, she calls me. Hi, Ludwig. Just wondering where the fuck you are. Like, for what? Yeah yeah you just didn't do anything today sweetheart you hear in the background he's also mad at me i'm telling him bruce i'm telling him so anyway yeah that's what it's like for us us dailies yeah we're a
Starting point is 01:28:23 different breed though you're a different breed than i did a thing yeah because i did a thing like i was he's always like he's we were climbing he's like i don't know how you do it like i don't know how you do daily i'm like shut the fuck up like you just you're out here you make like a good product i just i just fucking do a stinky thing and then upload it and i just have to i've told him this since i'm throwing mass before he was a youtuber i told him this said, what you do is not art. And I'd yell and make fun of him and yell at him. And then he got rich.
Starting point is 01:28:50 And then I stopped doing that as much. I like your videos, man. They're good, man. Thanks, man. Thanks, man. They're good. I think your videos are pretty good. Have you seen one of my videos?
Starting point is 01:28:59 Yeah. I've watched some of your GeoGuessr stuff. Yeah. I watched the one where MrBeast took you on a plane. Right. I think I was annoyed because it was just more you talking about the plane
Starting point is 01:29:09 and I want to see more footage of you on the plane. That's zero footage. Fucking do more shit. Sometimes he opens things from The thing is, I throw so much shit at the wall
Starting point is 01:29:17 that it's bound to be appealing to someone. Yeah. You really are doing great. I mean, you fucking are. And that's heroic. Yeah, you're a hero.
Starting point is 01:29:28 You're a content hero. I deserve the Nobel Peace Prize for that shit. What do you think is your worst video? Oh, I've got, I have some that I unlisted just because they were just so fucking strange. Like, it was before I was making money on YouTube. And one time I just went hiking with my family and I just fucking filmed it and then tried to do a little like kind of artsy projects. Like we were visiting these like these abandoned shacks, like fishermen shacks. And like I kind of just made it so like the voices of the fishermen that used to live there would start playing when we walked by them and start saying funny jokes.
Starting point is 01:30:01 And I tried to do their accents that I imagined they would look like. And it's just like a fucking high school grade like art project. And I was just like, this isn't a night of the thing video. Nothing happens. It was just, and just slow motion of a tree,
Starting point is 01:30:15 like moving in the wind. It was serious like art effort there. Oh yeah. And I filmed it in 4K and like tried to frame things to look pretty. It's like the American beauty filming a plastic bag he's a fucking artist Ludwig
Starting point is 01:30:27 what do you mean I have that too hold on you didn't even know about him an hour and a half ago so he just described to me that he's an artist
Starting point is 01:30:33 that's not my video though and that video didn't do well and he unlisted that video that's beautiful the video he did is beautiful he didn't stand behind his art it's true that's true I That's true.
Starting point is 01:30:45 I don't think I've ever unlisted or privated an old video. Yeah, you have no shame. What's your first video? It was me playing Minecraft and I'm just ripping slurs. So I had to private that one. Just getting so mad at bed wars. Using the W word. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Yeah. W word. The first one for real is I was 16 and i made a channel called the zany sidekick because i wanted to be a call duty youtuber and i and i was going to be the sidekick and the viewers were the heroes so i introed saying what's up heroes and i emulated bar for bar word for word what i thought a call to the youtuber voice had to be and uh and and i only turned right because i wanted to start the channel off right and that was the and i would win the game oh and call duty that's right yeah my it's kind of funny my first youtube videos i ever made
Starting point is 01:31:35 views were me taking like a shitty uh shitty camera and i had a swivel chair that i would stack board game boxes and books books on top of until the camera could sit on top of the boxes. And then I would have to like kind of lock and like move the swivel chair as I was recording. And it would record my CRT TV of me playing Mario Strikers. And those are my first YouTube videos. Oh, that's cool. I forgot.
Starting point is 01:31:57 My first actual video was me doing an AMV of the Star Wars fight on Mustafarafar i think yeah between obi-wan and anakin uh but it was stupid because they don't plug the show for free the song the song that i used was the battle of heroes the song they use in the movie so i just re-edited the fight but i cut out yoda you just scored it yeah okay i just not wait that's not an amv that's just you editing the movie because i hated watching the fight because i loved the fight but they had this fucking yoda versus yoda fights palpatine and it's so boring because how is it boring he jumps around because they're all cgi's like yeah no yeah they're boring as fuck i like when he flips because it's just cgi and he just goes and then half of it's just force pushing something and because palpatine's like a
Starting point is 01:32:48 90 year old man who can't actually move he's not palpatine in that moment he's darth sidious well either way that's what i re-edited and that was my first video and i uploaded that and then it immediately got taken down because apparently you can't upload bar for bar star wars yeah they just thought you were putting the movie in i wasn't i re-edited on windows movie maker it took me days oh movie maker i just remembered what my first ever youtube video was it was i got a spear gun and i thought i'm gonna shoot this so i'm gonna record it so i go into my yard i didn't know how to shoot a spear gun i lie down like i'm shooting a sniper and i shoot but because of the recoil it just immediately comes back into my face cracks me in the face and cuts my top lip and then i just roll
Starting point is 01:33:30 over and lie there for like a minute just going in the video dude it's like it's like australian it's like australian peter griffin falling down the stairs yeah that's insane i did the same thing when i shot my first uh sniper i was, I didn't know how to do it. And in America, they don't teach you anything. The guy's just there. And he's like, because you're born being able to shoot. Yeah. He's like, oh, no, you got it.
Starting point is 01:33:53 You just figure it out. So I just walked up and I just I went real close to like the barrel. And then I shot and I thank God I protected glasses. But it was like, and then I backed up and nobody saw. And I didn't want to be embarrassed because it was on stream with other people and i was like i'm gonna hit the target and then i walked away and i didn't shoot a gun the rest of the day i was shaking back yeah bit back rattlesnake why did no one tell you that did i just assume you know how to shoot they literally lined up like 10 guns and they just had people shooting random guns and there was one guy overviewing
Starting point is 01:34:22 it like a teacher when students are running around in recess and he's just like yeah you guys got it just let me know if you need to know how to reload or cock it there's like a masculinity like arms race to like be as like uninformative and as you
Starting point is 01:34:39 can you know when you're doing something like that it's like yeah I don't know if I can figure out the recoil bro just don't point it at me it's like it's gross it's just like there's a few hard rules and if you follow those it's like earplugs glasses keep your finger off the trigger don't point the gun at anyone even when you're not shooting outside of that it's kind of like have fun yeah have fun stay safe sweetheart yeah but it's a little nuts whenever i think of gun safety i think of that scene in
Starting point is 01:35:05 this is the end where jonah hill has the prop gun in the kitchen yeah it's funny it's like bang that's great i'm gonna shoot some guns maybe in a couple of weeks there's like a gun show which i'm gonna film a video out kind of i'm excited to fucking that should be real guns yeah it's have you ever done it before i've done it i've shot a pistol an m1 garand which was sick oh so you've done this and a shotgun yeah but that was in someone's yard and it well i mean it was i got the gun so yeah like we did it at like like it was just cars and the highway and like you go for the tire yeah it's the loudest noise because if you hit the gas tank it explodes like gta4 your mate wins when uh he flips a car yeah and then and then we they're
Starting point is 01:35:54 like they have to buy the rounds do you like uh i was thinking about this like a week ago so lebron james he will tweet something out lebron james will tweet something out what dude because you know nothing about sports no no no this is really funny this is really funny because i don't know because i think australians in general are just more maybe again i'm just romanticizing you people i think so i think you're right yeah but yeah why about it no but you people are so beautiful there's like less social media There's less of like this idea of like. You're like connected. Like you people are so connected.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And I love that. I love that. Whatever the Australian equivalent of a kimono is, I want to wear it to prom. Yeah. To prom. Totally be like some indigenous thing and then you'd get in trouble for doing that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:39 It's more like, so social media, it's like people from Australia typically don't like sit there and like, I'm like influencer life, people from Australia typically don't sit there and I'm like, influence your life in this shit. But maybe I just see it less. Either way, LeBron James will post on Twitter. And he's LeBron James. And he'll be like, just getting dinner with my family.
Starting point is 01:36:56 And then instantly, seven people will reply to him and like, win a real ring, pussy. And like, go fuck yourself. You were the worst thing to happen to the fuck the fucking whatever team lakers the most recent one was the was the one where he's like it's crazy how you can feel so alone sometimes and then it's like some guy with a tom and jerry profile telling him he isn't a good basketball player and i get it and i see this and i'm like how does this fucking happen like what the fuck is going through these goddamn people's heads when this occurs you get it though i get it because i
Starting point is 01:37:34 watched the celtics versus the heat last night it was game seven the winner goes to the finals and jimmy butler pulls up and he takes a three-point shot to take the lead in the final like 20 seconds, Mrs. He choked chokes. And immediately I go, you're so bad at basketball. I pop off. He dropped 47 the previous game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:53 35 that game. Yeah. 35 is still a very good. Not good enough to win. It goes down, down to the right. Not good enough to win. And so I just talked about how shit he was.
Starting point is 01:38:02 And then I was like, God, I want to tweet him. Really? Yeah. Like I had like an urge. I just want to be like you fucking suck Jimmy Butler Garbage at basketball and your coffee's not good I felt that
Starting point is 01:38:13 Fuck your family as well So you are that guy I was that I didn't act on it But in that moment I was that guy Imagine you tweeted out nice choke loser We all get there That's so much more hurtful from a verified Million follower account but i in that moment was that guy imagine you tweeted out nice choke loser we're all we all get there that's so much more hurtful from a verified million follower account that's why i couldn't do it yeah my power makes me be responsible people would think you're being sarcastic though
Starting point is 01:38:34 so you could slightly get away with it but like also if i had no followers i'd do it because i'd be like no one will ever see this and i want to do this because i feel like a piece of shit yeah have you noticed that like that because i get that sometimes and it feels like that's more of an american thing to do that but there are some countries where people are so nice with their like tweets and comments and they they say each like message on youtube like it's a personal message to me they're just like hi alex i really love your greetings from lithuania yeah yeah that guy he's very he's a nice they do it like boomers do in america exactly they're sort of this like scale like polite lithuanian fan and on the opposite end it's brazilian csgo fan
Starting point is 01:39:11 it's a scale and they're both they're both valuable in their own ways yeah yeah they both play they both play their part you made it because you got your first death threat yeah i got i got baby's first death threat congrats what was it like i'm a contact writer now is it like no it was it was a twitter dm i've never gotten i've never gotten a death threat before and i was like i made it yeah you finally you finally got there and we're printing that one out we're putting it on the yard up here yeah did you respond no no no so i got i got one it was like hey bro like i know where you live i'm gonna come burn down your house and i responded just like ha ha ha what question mark two days later he was like oh fuck sorry bro like i was really drunk it was like such a common excuse it's like what the fuck's wrong with you
Starting point is 01:39:55 yeah no so when i drink i like i have this arson thing yeah and i just want to burn houses it's like and i hate it i hate it too no my thing is like i get to my third miller and i'm telling people to fucking that I'm gonna fucking kill him if it makes you feel better I've only burned out like three houses in none near your area
Starting point is 01:40:09 I had the funniest one it wasn't a death threat but like I show my nephew sometimes in my videos like use the baby as like a prop you know
Starting point is 01:40:17 as a gag as a target and he's a cute kid and I had this one guy send me an email and he was like bro that kid is so fucking cute
Starting point is 01:40:26 like i wonder what the mummy milkers on his mom look like he's a healthy looking kid jesus christ sent this to my sister and then i was just like i said the same thing i was like what like question mark and same thing like sorry bro apologize. I was really drunk. Dude, he rips that and in the back of his mind, he's like, there's a non-zero chance I see tits from this.
Starting point is 01:40:49 Yeah, exactly. And you reply and you're like, oh, these are the milkers right here. And he's like, yeah. Uh-oh, mate. I've been saying this too. Nice boobies.
Starting point is 01:40:58 Nice boobies. Yeah, when I got into beef with Aiden Ross and this is a story i've told before that streamer gambles he's the streamer who gambles he's permanently banned because he said a slur offline he hasn't returned since but uh i got into beef with him and uh and i got a bunch of death threats from his fans one guy was like i'm gonna fucking kill you rape your girlfriend i was like that's fucked up but i look and it's on instagram and he has all his public
Starting point is 01:41:23 info and he specifically has his jersey of his football team so i find where he lives his school and i screenshot his principal and his email and i send him that and i'm like i'm like yo and then he sends back like just fucking non-stop and i'm not answering just keeps going he's like i'm sorry like i didn't think that you would see it like i didn't think this was your main account because you're not even verified on this account and like i actually don't ever do this before dude it's so fucking pathetic i hate it i get angry i'm sure i'm sure you like you're just like oh that's a weird comment you move on with your day i read them and i'm just like what is the matter with you you become the joker why are you like you brood i i pretend well i think i
Starting point is 01:41:57 read every comment as if they're standing in front of me saying it to me which is just like the worst thing you could do yeah yeah even if it's the lithuanian guy it's still like kind of weird yeah yeah that's why i hate him all the comments dude it's weird the the comments i got on my uh my video i uploaded i've only made like one video in like the past five years and it's like it's just about like esports and fucking money and finances and shit and people just make dumb comments that are like answered in the video and i got way more angry about that that i did about my death threat i got the death threat and i was like oh yeah and then i i read those and i'm like god what would you fucking say to me in person you dumb fucking video i'm making face watch the whole fucking video that pisses me off a lot actually when they say something like oh you just do it like this i'm like i fucking said that in the video
Starting point is 01:42:42 yeah yeah like five seconds you didn't watch like yeah but you got a pretty good head about it you know i've gotten much better at it and at first i was like i thought it was because like mostly when you're you know you're new and you don't have a big audience it's just like mostly positive comments of people only hang around because they like you but now like when i get some like i don't think it gets to me that much like i just kind of like ignore it and move on. But I think that's mostly because it's mostly positive. I think it's like a balance. Like as soon as you get a bit more negative stuff, like I did one video where I was a bit more political.
Starting point is 01:43:13 I did a thing where I was testing what rubber bullets do to your head in response to the BLM riots to say like, hey, like maybe the fucking police shouldn't be shooting this at people's head. Turns out they fuck you up. They fucking go into your skull. And they blind you. And I made this and like that was the first time I, like, maybe the fucking police shouldn't be shooting this at people's head. Turns out they fuck you up. They fucking go into your school. And they blind you. And I made this. And, like, that was the first time I was like, oh, this is different.
Starting point is 01:43:30 Like, people were fucking angry at me. Being like, bro, like, you're just fucking simplifying it. You're not from America. Like, let us fucking. How are you simplifying ballistics? I was going to say, it's like, what is simplify? It's like, no, I'm just shooting the rubber bullet at a thing to show you what it does. Bro, don't be so political, bro.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Like, you know, black people experience police violence more. And that fucking pissed people off that I said that. I was like, I just looked at your thing and then I just said what it says. And that was still offensive. Yeah. People were angry. It's fucking gross, man. That's another reason.
Starting point is 01:44:01 I'm not built for this. Every time. I'm just like, yeah, I can't. I hate it. I hate how unreasonable people are, unreasonable commenters are. It's just such a dirty little machine that you work in. But anyway, thanks for watching. That's it?
Starting point is 01:44:15 This is our 90. That's how you're doing it. Enjoy the Prima episode where I did a thing that's going to shoot slime with a rubber bullet in the skull. That's happening right now. I think I got this one, boys. Write your comment about what you think slime did wrong this week, and let us know. We'll heart the best one.
Starting point is 01:44:30 Thanks for watching, everybody. Peace. See you later.

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