The Yard - Ep. 50 - We Broke Into MrBeast's Studio (ft. MrBeast)

Episode Date: June 22, 2022

This week, the boys are joined by MrBeast himself inside his mega-studio in North Carolina. Topics include sleeping where he works, leaking his upcoming projects, and Ludwig convinces MrBeast to let upload one of his videos on his own channel.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If Carl can survive the Yemen blockade for 24 hours, can that be the intro? Yeah. Absolutely. That'd be great. Mr. Mr. Mr. Bean. Mr. Bean. I just,
Starting point is 00:00:29 I can just leave. Do you like Mr. Bean? Mr. Bean. You ever watched Mr. Bean? You said you liked it before.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Oh, wait, I forgot that was an actual thing. Yeah. As opposed to a dream of yours? No, well, I get called Mr.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Breast, Mr. Bean, Mr. mr just anything any word that starts with b we we got we got the uh pre-podcast nda in our email and it just said mr breast nda in the title i'm sure that was a meme we have top-notch NDAs, I think. We're going to court, and I'm like, well, Mr. Breast doesn't exist. So we had Mr. Breast on the podcast. Jimmy walks into the courthouse with a huge rack, and he's just like, what's up? I'm like, judge, look at these breasts. I'm telling everyone about the Mr. Beast. Wait, so is that really how you guys intro things?
Starting point is 00:01:21 Yeah. Oh, welcome to the yard, by the way. Welcome to the yard. We're here with Mr. Bean. We're not to the yard. We're here with Mr. Bean. Not in a yard. We're here with a young guy. The youngest guy. This is what they call yards in North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:01:31 What? Just concrete buildings. In the middle of a giant warehouse. Yeah, this place is crazy. We're driving around. I didn't see a Starbucks. My Uber driver didn't know what YouTube was. What the fuck's going on?
Starting point is 00:01:43 People who live in SoCal always underestimate places that aren't SoCal. It's like, y'all figure out cars pretty quick here. You pedal the long one, you go, and then that's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:01:54 I came here from Las Vegas. I was gambling all weekend and I wanted to intro this by, I got all you a gift. Did you win or lose more money than he did? I lost less than he did. Okay. But you still lost. But I lost. But I had a sick comeback. We'll talk about it later. But I bought all you did you win or lose more money than he did uh i lost less than he did okay but i still
Starting point is 00:02:05 lost but i had a sick comeback we'll talk about it later but uh i bought all you gifts i wanted to give you i wanted to give you guys the bag behind me yeah oh yeah that's why you're very honestly curious what was in it so uh i'm gonna start with anthony um anthony we've been friends for a really long time yeah we go back road back, Road Dogs, day one, day two, you know. I got you. He went to a Hudson. I got you this like weird like alien cup. This cup with like a mug for coffee
Starting point is 00:02:30 but it has like an alien on it. Okay. And it says area 51. Why did you give me this? I hope the next gift's better. This is syndicated. All right, well I'm going to skip.
Starting point is 00:02:38 This sucks. I don't want it. We lost this turn in line. So Air Canada. This is for Aiden. It's a little plain. That says Air Canada because Aiden's Canadian. That's ironic based on what me and Ludd are doing tomorrow. So Air Canada. This is for Aiden. It's a little plain. It says Air Canada because Aiden's Canadian.
Starting point is 00:02:46 That's ironic based on what me and Ludd are doing tomorrow. That's true. I actually love this. I actually loved model planes like this as a kid. I'm actually so excited about this. Alright, this is what me and Ludd are doing tomorrow. You're doing kind of loving.
Starting point is 00:03:05 What the fuck? Nine twelve. I love I got you these cool Star Wars shades. Whoa. It's like you're like Darth Vader.
Starting point is 00:03:14 I'm actually on board. These gifts are fucking terrible. Okay. What's my gift? Okay. So Jimbo, I don't know you that well yet.
Starting point is 00:03:21 So I got you a magazine with you on it. It was just in the airport. I am famous. I'm on. Yeah. So I't know you that well yet. So I got you a magazine with you on it. It was just in the airport. I am famous. I'm on magazines. I'm going to give you this magazine that you're on. But see, this just benefits Rolling Stone. I mean, I would like it. We'll buy it. We'll blur the magazine
Starting point is 00:03:37 and you saying that. No free press. Why are you on a magazine? Because I'm famous. Oh yeah, fair enough. That's crazy. You were on Joan Rogan. Joan Rogan, yeah. Do you like him? It was a little bit more organized than this.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Yeah. I'm kidding. We have cables. Yeah, we have cables. We have your lights that your team gave us, which seems pretty organized to me. Fuck Colin and Samir, okay? They're too uppity. We got to be like the armpit to what they are.
Starting point is 00:04:03 Agreed. They're like the button down. Like, Mr. Beast, tell us why you're so famous. They're more like, so, money. Yeah. I feel like you guys would be like, so, dicks. Yeah. Yeah. You honestly, you understand.
Starting point is 00:04:18 You do. I could tell the vibe. You just got fucking nailed. Yeah. Is this a gender reveal? What's happening here? Yeah. I accidentally got someone pregnant oh yeah so basically we're gonna um put uh a bomb in one of them and whichever one blows up the other one's the gender oh but that's that's coming up
Starting point is 00:04:36 and both of them have children yeah no uh well i already told you guys this is why you shouldn't talk for the podcast but um no you gotta grease the wheels yeah okay we put a hundred boys in that room and we put a hundred girls in that room and then we were like all right whichever room has the most people in a hundred hours gets half a million dollars and we just kind of left is there just like a white board here that just has like those ideas just like it's like it's like insert number of and then there's like type of person you know what i'll tell you here's one of the ones i want to do that i'm surprised no one's ever done. I want to grab 100 people ages 1 to 100
Starting point is 00:05:06 and then just put a giant circle like this guy's building and just be like, bro, I don't care if it's the 5-year-old or the 9-year-old. Whoever leaves
Starting point is 00:05:14 lasts as a millionaire. Dude. That's not a banger. That's a great quote. And then you do side bets who leaves first. You can't do a 1-year-old baby. It can't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm going to obviously invite the mom. So the 4-year-old will be with the 1-year-old. Jimmy, no. Yeah baby it can't go anywhere obviously invite like the mom so like the 40 year old will be at the one year old Jimmy no yeah you can't one year old statistically a few of them die yeah yeah well that's just like that's like you left the room yeah physically or like spiritually
Starting point is 00:05:38 it's it's a Disneyland situation where anybody who like falls into cardiac arrest gets removed from the facility before they're declared dead. We'll do it. We'll do it. So no one has actually died in the Mr. Beast facility. If someone dies, we just restart.
Starting point is 00:05:51 We'll do it like the queen. Even if they die, we'll just pretend they're alive and have a hologram. Because the queen is dead. Ooh, hologram babies. Carl's like, I think he's dead. It's the big white letters. I like the idea of Mickey Mouse dragging a corpse
Starting point is 00:06:03 across a parking lot and then looking up at a camera. Except it's the Mr. of Mickey Mouse dragging a corpse across a parking lot and then like looking up at a camera. Except it's the Mr. Beast Mickey Mouse. Did you know Disney genetically... Oh, good job, hot shot. Okay. Dude, you actually don't need to be here. I'm trying to get out of here. You know what?
Starting point is 00:06:18 I'll sit in the middle. It's not looking as stressful as I thought. So yeah, Jimmy beforehand was like, I don't want to sit in the middle. It's stressing me out. I'll just sit over here. Honestly honestly now i do feel more stressed i think i just got big dog welcome to that closer closer to your mouth by the way i need to just stop is that why you're like freaking out back there a little bit he was like oh zipper freaking out but you just kept looking around i was like i think i'm doing something wrong by the way my name is nice dude lucas it's awesome we can take a photo after okay i was i was looking you know
Starting point is 00:06:45 i was doing a little channel review today and one of your youtube videos has like almost as many views as his whole channel does i want you to die isn't that crazy that's not true oh it's not hey it's most of your videos are so like 270 million views. Well, in English. There's other languages, but yeah. Isn't that crazy? My channel's got 280. I actually can't hear you from down there. I think it's 750 million total. He has more French viewers and you speak the language.
Starting point is 00:07:16 It's like five Mr. V's videos. All right. Whenever he's ready to make money, but every time I try to help him, he's like, no, I just want to do good content. But I'm always like, okay, just hit me up when you're ready. I can help you choose the videos. Telling this guy, I just want to make money but every time i try to help him he's like no i just want to do with good content but i'm always like okay just hit me up when you're ready i can help telling this guy i just want to make good content i don't want your ideas piece of shit no okay here's what i i had a moment where i was like i went i hung out with you you invited me over we hung out it was like a
Starting point is 00:07:37 great time and i came back and i felt like i i had like met my shaman i was reawakened i was like jimmy's right i'm gonna focus on making the best content i can and then i was doing it for a bit and i was like god this fucking sucks i worked more i had less fun the videos i didn't enjoy making as much and then i and then i was like i was looking at other youtubers and i was like wait this moist critical guy's got it going what's like a post mr beast clarity video like what did you post in that time period like my post not clarity was was basically like fiending over making it was like a higher concept
Starting point is 00:08:12 stuff and so I was like I was like okay I'm gonna I'm gonna make like tournaments for streamers I'm gonna work on like the mogul monies of the world and and that's all I'll do that's all I'll upload yeah and then I was like wait what I can't do the thing Charlie does where I all i'll upload yeah and then i was like wait what i can't do the thing charlie does where i upload a video every day and i'm just like you and i
Starting point is 00:08:29 sucked some big fat fucking chunky nuts and i get a million and a half views and i call it a day it's a great life no you just have to hire a hundred employees in the first year and then the first year they move to north carolina and get a warehouse that costs like a hundred million in los ang step one is we could just like, you know, make some of the thumbnails somewhere.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Like you're, you want to, he's got shit thumbnails. I love thumbnails. He looks so small right now. He looks so tiny. You heard in my comment that I commented,
Starting point is 00:08:59 he uploaded yesterday a video of like YouTubers at box and I was in the thumbnail. I was like, oh, let me see what he says. It's like a fucking 30 minute video. minutes i watched the 30 minute whole 30 minute
Starting point is 00:09:08 video i was like oh he never even mentioned me but i was in the thumbnail i wasn't but he put me in the thumbnail that's you know what you're fucking clickbait why didn't you at least talk about it i did i did he talked about like a hundred different youtubers i just didn't make the cut yeah so it's like like i had to focus on like the big names you know the wendovers of the world all i'm saying is well actually i can't say anything because i got you the video you came down where i didn't upload yeah what the fuck's up with that dude yeah i flew down i came in a video i was was on a private jet. And then we did a video. It cost like 800K and you scrapped the whole thing. Yeah, the video was shit.
Starting point is 00:09:49 The video was pretty terrible. Was it actually? Like explain what the thought process was. Do you have no sunk cost in your mind at all? Like I feel like it's hard to ignore that. Yeah, of course. But at the end of the day, what matters is that you make the best videos possible. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:10:01 Like we're not trying to make money. We're just trying to make the best videos. So for me, it's pretty easy because I thought the video was horseshit um you saw it like there are a lot of things that went wrong like the cannon didn't work yeah the the sink is a little weird as well that was very weird we had like uh we got i was pitched right we got the biggest japanese man ever in history there's never been a larger man that i was pitched right that itself is a video the two contestants are going to run up to him, and he's just like with one hand just going to be holding him back.
Starting point is 00:10:28 He's so large and just going to just pummel these guys. Can you imagine like a cartoon where he's doing this, and the guy's like running? Yeah, exactly. That's when I was pitched, and I just took him at their word. Usually I push further. I'm like, okay, show me pictures. Let me see him in action.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I was like, okay. Show him pictures, guy. He's going to be the biggest Japanese man. He's the largest Japanese man to ever live. I was like, okay, he's got to be pretty huge. And he was. Turns out they eat pretty good over there. He was 250 pounds.
Starting point is 00:10:52 It's the day of, and the challenge is going quick, and it's like a race, and I get ahead of the contestants. I'm like, all right, when they get here, I need you just to fight like heck, put up a good fight. And then he just wasn't responding, and I just kept talking to him and then someone yelled he doesn't speak english i was like oh okay their translator here they're like yeah i was like can you bring the translator out we got two people racing over here so like sugoi fight uh sumimasen i got you i got you i got you. I got you. Okay, so. And then he like muscles through Japanese. And then the Japanese guy just fucking punches him in the face.
Starting point is 00:11:32 In the Japanese guy's defense, he just had no idea what was going on. It was a very weird video. And he was confused. And I don't know. I was trying. And so the people just ran up. And he thought they were supposed to like bow and do a normal fight. And they just ran up and grabbed the coordinates out of his fucking. It was tucked in his like little sumo underwear and he's like and then he's like
Starting point is 00:11:54 saying things and the translators yelling like he asked did this start and i was like it already finished i was like what's going on and it was like just stuff like that where i was like you know what it's just there's you know love wishes do you make it all the way to editing to make that call or did you finish filming that day I was like, you know what? It's just, you know, Ludwig's just a bad luck. Do you make it all the way to editing to make that call? Or did you finish filming that day? You're like, yeah, we're not putting this out. Well, I kind of told my editor, I was like, this isn't getting uploaded, but I kind of just want to see what it looks like.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah. I don't hate you. Wait, is there like a hard drive of never uploaded MrBeast videos? Yeah, we have quite a few. Okay, okay. Can I have it? Green screens himself in front of it. He's like, look me i'm ludwig check it out i'll upload that video on your channel yeah yeah we absolutely can well you know like it's it's i guess it's cross promotion so we'll figure out like a pay system
Starting point is 00:12:37 but like obviously i love that you're only in like five percent of the video too i know if we do you can't give any context. So I can't like react to it? I just have to upload it randomly raw? You can't like come at the start and go like, all right, this is a video. It's like, hey guys, today I earned $100,000. Whoever finds it first keeps it. So these two challengers go and they're,
Starting point is 00:12:59 it's just a full scale, never seen Mr. Reels video on your channel. 100%. I uploaded a 30 minute video video of YouTuber Fight Tier List, and you weren't even in it. How awful is that? Dude, it would be so fucking funny if that just immediately became your most-watched video.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I would actually kill myself. What's your most-viewed video? It's Mogul Money. It has 4.7 million views. Oh, my God. We will shit on that. Your most-viewed video will 100% be a mr beast he's had more people in this building than your most viewed video i'm titling this a mixture of like
Starting point is 00:13:28 l's and i's all capital yeah it's a barcode it's just a fucking barcode like fucking brood war players i need to watch the video back one more time but yeah i don't well i don't see why not i mean i was kind of thinking of uploading it to mr beast too and like charging a sponsor can we like get a sponsor on it you just give me the money so it's not an absolute L. Yeah, that's great I'm down. I'm down. We'll get a sponsor He's screaming right now Whatever man There's a sponsor in the video
Starting point is 00:13:56 We should go Yeah, there was Ask him if they're down Yeah, I did for Mr. Beast 2 Just tell him it's MrBeast7. MrBeast ate the Ocho and it's just Ludwig's channel. I was like,
Starting point is 00:14:10 what if I called them? Just bleep out the name. Call them. I was just like, you know what? It's going up on Ludwig's channel, but just pay me. Don't even talk about it.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Just pay me. No, no. He's chill with it. I'll just rebrand my channel for the week it's uploaded to MrBeast the Ocho and I'll have your face as my thumbnail. No, you should he's chill with it. I'll just rebrand my channel for like the week it's uploaded to like MrBeastTheOcho. And I'll have your face as my thumbnail. No, you should rebrand your channel to MrBean.
Starting point is 00:14:29 He dubs every voice in the video. MrBean. He dubs every voice in the video. It's MrBean and I just have a quirky voice over to me. It's MrBean and then it's a Photoshop of Jimmy's eyes, but they're kind of like a little far apart, like just slightly Photoshopped. The profile picture is the exact same. It's just MrBean instead of Mr. Beast.
Starting point is 00:14:45 He uploads the video, no contact, and then goes dark for like three days. Michael, sir, we have a deal. Okay. We have an accord. Oh, I love how you've become his dirty little scrap bucket. I'm his little cum dumpster. Can we make that a thing?
Starting point is 00:14:56 Every time a video goes wrong, you just throw it up on his channel? Yes. He would love that. Yeah, we can. Although I think it would be depressing if there was a universe where it's like my most videos and it's like three MrBeast videos
Starting point is 00:15:07 and then every time I do a normal upload it's like MrBeast fans being like, well, I don't really want to watch this. Who's this guy? It's cool that you play GeoGuessr, but where's the MrBeast, I guess? Oh, I might dig through the files. We might be able to find a few. We should make it like a once a quarter
Starting point is 00:15:23 type beat. What's Ludwig going to steal from mr racist quarter you should do those random creators just like randomly upload on and then your dream should be having the largest upload on like 10 different creators channels yeah it's like power it's a marketing exercise yeah essentially it's more funnier with you because you were in the video yeah that's that's so it makes a little more sense yeah it does make a little more sense. Can I ask you a question? Why do you like Ludwig so much? I don't.
Starting point is 00:15:49 I hate him. I think. Ah, okay. Thank God. Thank God someone says it. But also it's like, I call like, I call, the thing is like, he's like clouded, but he's not like clouded to the point where it's like, like I can call him and be like, yo, you want to come down like a week, a video, you'll, it'll suck, but it'll be fun. Yeah, his schedule. And he's like like i can call him and be like yo you want to come down like a week a video you'll it'll suck but it'll be fun yeah his schedule yeah his schedule isn't
Starting point is 00:16:08 important enough that he'll say no exactly every time before i call him we call the rocks agent or tom holland or any other person and they're like yeah maybe in like eight months i'm like bro but he'll like he'll come two weeks he'll come tomorrow he'll come tomorrow yeah yeah and so it's great because he also come for you do i come good for you because he gets to do a story time and milk it like for content so it's like he's one of the few people that's like a win-win you're so tiny right now you're such a small little guy i love you hey carl um remember buried 100k the video we scrapped we We're going to upload... We could upload it on his channel. Wait, no, he'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:16:51 He came to the conclusion that we're going to upload it on Ludwig's channel. He's not happy about it. That's a pretty cool idea. Grab a mic and say your reaction. What? What? your reaction what yeah like since it literally i if the video is still a thing we might have to have a re-edit it because i literally i watched it i was like this is garbage and i was like delete it i never want to watch it again it's just the raw footage 12 hours uploaded i love
Starting point is 00:17:17 the idea of a mr beast like four and he's just like oh god it's so gross and they're like the ludwig nine salivating at it well okay you do like me a little bit because when you invited and he's just like, oh, God, it's so gross. And they're like, it's a Ludwig 9. Salivating at it. Well, okay, you do like me a little bit because when you invited me over, you said this very intimidating thing. You know how you can be intimidating sometimes? Yeah, I'm totally intimidating. Hey, Ludwig can be intimidating, right, guys?
Starting point is 00:17:37 No. I'm like a golden retriever, but sometimes you'll be like, hey, just so you know, like an hour of my time can be worth like a hundred. You gave me a number. I forgot the number. Like an hour of my time can be worth like a hundred you give me number i forget like an hour of my time would be worth a hundred being dicked him like that yeah and he's giving me a tour of like of like you know everything that he's got going on it was like a couple hours at least and i kept fucking i was like let's see this
Starting point is 00:17:55 next he was like all right and at the end of it it must have been three four hours and you're like yeah and i was like why is this worth it to you and you're like i don't know i thought you were cool why why why was the hour worth a hundred grand relevant this worth it to you? And you're like, I don't know. I thought you were cool. Why? Why was the hour worth 100 grand relevant there? Because you made it seem like it was important. And then I thought to myself, why the fuck did you ask me to come out? Yeah, I think. How did you even meet him? Like, what was the first time that you guys even.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I'm getting stressed out in the middle. You fucked it up. No, in the middle. You fucked it up. No, the middle's stressful. I know. Red Dot just appeared. Oh, wait, wait. Speaking of which, okay, question, question,
Starting point is 00:18:32 but he reminded me of something, so fuck your questions. Okay, so when I got robbed like a long time ago, someone broke into my house, stole everything I owned. You said Red Dot. No, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:18:43 It's funny. I don't know if I've ever told this story publicly. I came home. I just didn't know it was that easy red dye remind no it's fine it's funny um but i don't know if i've ever told this story publicly i came home i just didn't know it was that easy to break in security and stuff but back then i i came home at like 3 a.m super late after video this is like literally four and a half years ago and i'm just walking up to my door my shitty little house i go to put the key in i just see a little dot pop up on the door and for a second i was like oh someone's just i'm just gonna die i'm just dead dead. She's right and then I turn around I didn't see anyone and I just went inside and I just for five hours just opening the blinds
Starting point is 00:19:12 I think wait, you didn't know an explanation. No, no explanation But then the next day I left my house and literally the second I left everything in my house was stolen So so I was basically stalking me. I still don't understand like if they like turned a I feel like this is like should i make penis jokes instead of i feel like someone was stalking me and then like i'm going to unlock my door and he just like turns a like a laser pointer on yeah and then just turns it off and he's like yeah and he probably had a hard dick while he was doing it. Probably. See,
Starting point is 00:19:45 that's how we get there. Oh yeah, there we go. What else have we been doing besides trying to shoot you with a Barrett 50 Cal? I just, it was like one of those cat toys.
Starting point is 00:19:53 He's like, he's like, he's like trying to guide him away from the house so he can rob him. He just keeps following the red light like, we got him,
Starting point is 00:20:01 we did it, it worked. He's kind of a cat. I read some book that said it was like that's how you brainwash someone he's gonna point you at the doorknob and i open it then point out i walk in the woods he's tv for them he's with his buddy he's with his buddy in the bush and you just go into the house he's like we gotta try out a new plan tomorrow
Starting point is 00:20:16 we'll just break in just kick his back door in and steal his blanket they took my blanket i don't know why blanket they took including the blanket on They took your blanket? They did. They took everything. Including the blanket on my bed, which I thought was a really weird thing to steal. Yeah. I guess they're trying to clone you, right? Probably good. He might be at home smelling it. That's early on, though.
Starting point is 00:20:36 How many subs did you have? Oh, like a million. He did not know who I was. He just was like- Oh, so it's just a normal smash and grab. Not just you. He got robbed randomly, too. Robbed?
Starting point is 00:20:44 I mean, yeah. Well, I got mugged outside a laundromat. When we lived in Pomona. Pomona. He came home one day. We lived together before we even knew Ludwig. And he came home one day. He's like, yeah, I got mugged.
Starting point is 00:20:55 I got mugged? He was so casual about it. I'm like, what? He's like, yeah, I get a weapon and everything. He took my money. Yeah. Because it was kind of hype. He's like, you want to play smash?
Starting point is 00:21:03 Yeah. I had like a couple hundred in my wallet because I was doing bills hype he's like you want to play smash yeah i had i had like a couple hundred in my wallet because i was doing bills for everyone so i was collecting money and like i venmo the bills and so i had actual money on me and the guy's just like yo man you're not here and i'm like oh okay and then he's like i want 20 bucks and i'm like come on man i'm just trying to like i'm trying to go buy sandals at this sporting goods store. It was really where I went and like these two guys and there's like one on the side
Starting point is 00:21:27 and one in front of me and he's like, I want 20 bucks. I'm like, I pull out my wallet and I open it and it's like a couple, like a couple hundred dollars.
Starting point is 00:21:33 He's like, actually, I'll take all that. I'm like, oh man, here you go. He's like shiny hundreds. He's like,
Starting point is 00:21:38 oh no, I got change for you. It's just 20 for me. He's like, you're buying sandals? I'll take 10, five, whatever you have.
Starting point is 00:21:44 And I went home broke, man. I didn't even get my sandals. Yeah, well, why'd you show them all the money? Because I had to pull out my wallet. I was scared. Yeah? I was like, oh, man. I would have just done the, like,
Starting point is 00:21:53 tried to pull the bill out of the wallet while it's still in the pocket. I'm just like, yeah, hold on. You went to a Walmart and gave a random guy 10K for a YouTube short. I feel like... And guess, behind camera, there's two security guards uh
Starting point is 00:22:05 yeah dude okay video you tell me how this is video idea right go to we go to the hood and we try to get robbed and we fill up when we fill up all of our pockets with spaghetti and when they ask us to take all our money we just keep pulling spaghetti out it's like oh my god oh my god how do we all tweet we're all right we're we all go into different like just low-income areas and then we just tweet we have a hundred grand on us we're walking around so-and-so and then we see who's the last to get robbed i like that and then that's how we measure what are the safest areas in the united states or has or who has like more fucking we try try to turn it into an informative video
Starting point is 00:22:45 when people get canceled and take the weirdest stance on it. It's like we're just trying to help people. We're trying to see which ones are safe or not. We were doing it good-spirited. We just want to make the world a better place, I guess. And if I'm a villain for that, then okay. It's one of those ones where we're like,
Starting point is 00:23:02 a friend died, but it sounds logical. It would be hype. At the very least logical it would be hype at the very least it would be hype the only guy who was hype he got robbed yeah I mean look if we here's why we're the same
Starting point is 00:23:13 because if you're not ready to die for your art then what are you supposed to be doing on this planet is your art getting sandals yeah or getting robbed
Starting point is 00:23:20 totally you guys aren't me and Jimmy are on a different wavelength and you're not understanding that's right thank you i'm not giving you a video to upload though i don't want it i don't want your video i earned my shit like an american not like ludwig he'll take whatever jimmy cut or uncut cut or uncut your penis circum okay i didn't know if you're referring
Starting point is 00:23:42 to the video because that's what we were talking about two seconds before yeah that makes sense yeah like if i was sending you the video already cut up or not cut up, but you just transitioned to my transition. Yeah. Yeah. Cleanly. Interesting. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:23:52 I feel like you're stalling and that's annoying. I don't know. I just don't know if I want people to know about my penis. Really? You would be our first guest. I'll tell you that my, we say it and we can bleep it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:02 No, I'll tell you that like some people's second toes longer than their first toe right here. Yeah. Roman toe. Yeah. Mine's smaller. I'll tell you that, like, some people's second toe's longer than their first toe right here. Yeah, Roman toe. Yeah, mine's smaller. I'll tell you that. And if you can drive... That's all you give us? Whether or not I'm circumcised from that... Well, no, that means he's uncut. Then you give... No, that means he's cut because mine's longer. Wait, what? Yeah, because mine's longer and I'm uncut. All the grippers are out.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Like, here's the math. Mine's longer and I'm uncut. Are you on wiki feet? Wiki feet? I am, and I have a 4.98. Thank you very much. 5.55, but very much 5.55 but it's okay no it's out of five yeah i know yeah he's over five now you can't i i do like i this that just doesn't even make sense it says that the rating system's literally one out of five it does say over five i don't understand why or how but he's right okay well that's unfortunate i have great i guarantee you pulled it up on stream and told people. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Oh yeah, he inflated it. Okay, well let's not go into conspiracy theories. It is a funny thing every time I show my feet in the videos I always like
Starting point is 00:24:51 the next day I pull it up and I'm like let's just see what those weirdos say. Did you check the score? Oh my gosh. 5.5? Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:57 That's crazy. How do you choose those numbers? Be honest. WikiFeed is a proud association and I don't want you to be influencing so squib game
Starting point is 00:25:06 wow just wow since we're talking about wikifeet one time i was playing poker um with someone and he was just like so so like and a bunch of people kept asking for photos and this got old guy i'm simpacite just like yeah my my son's pretty famous what are we laughing about i said paul we saw the the ted cruz poker game oh yeah yeah that was pretty i lost first hand and then you left yeah i know but i i uh pussies god damn it guys so he goes um fuck you guys now i lost my chance he, my, my son's pretty famous too. And I was like, okay, that's good for you.
Starting point is 00:25:47 And he's like, so you want to know? And I was like, no, he's like, so he makes money off of people's feet online. And, and then I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:56 I was like, okay, he's like, your feet are probably up there. And it's just like, this is an insane intro. So proud. It was a father trying to like,
Starting point is 00:26:06 you know, he just very proud about his son. yeah i'm like i'm not gonna say the numbers but he mentioned the site revenue and i was like oh okay well that's actually pretty impressive good for your son and he's just so proud of it but he he never told me the site name but i was pretty sure it was wiki feet and so i sat with the guy's dad and he bragged about it to me at poker in vegas so there you go yeah he's just so he's just like oh you're famous so is my son he's bragging he started and he bragged about it to me at Poker in Vegas. So there you go. He's a politician. Yeah, he's just like, oh, you're famous? So is my son.
Starting point is 00:26:28 He's bragging? He started WikiFeed. He's also not famous. I have no fucking idea who that is. You know his feet. Like if you saw him. I see his feet. I'm like, holy fuck. Dude, you're with all the other parents.
Starting point is 00:26:37 You know, one family is like, yeah, my son just became, he just finished med school this year. It's like, well, my son owns WikiFeed. Do you guys know what the monthly traffic for WikiFeed is? I bet you want to know the revenue it generates. Monthly traffic. Do you know this off the top? I don't remember,
Starting point is 00:26:52 but that's what he told me. Oh, of course. I was impersonating him. It's so funny. God, no matter what your son does, some people are just like, yeah, you know, he really holds it down in that Dunkin' Donuts. My mom, it's been a problem lately because she's been bragging about me, but she doesn't really know what I do
Starting point is 00:27:05 because she's from France. She's like foreign. She doesn't really watch YouTube. Tell her to watch my French channel. Okay. My mom, si tu plait. Okay.
Starting point is 00:27:13 So, I was at a wedding and I saw her and she was like just updating me on life. We were talking. She's like, oh,
Starting point is 00:27:19 by the way, my physical therapist son wants to play Fortnite with you. I'm like, oh, I don't really play fortnight no i don't want to make youtube videos she's like exactly she's like you game and i'm like okay like like who's this kid and she's like well he's um he's six i'm like mom i'm not gonna
Starting point is 00:27:38 play fortnight with a six-year-old offline just chilling i'm 27. like what's his name like what's his like in-game name like what i just like i make fun of it like what but she's trying to sell it she's like he's really good like your mom said got her hands her arms cross watching him fucking build hotels like oh man she's like disappointed i'm just like she's like you won't play with them he's probably closer to the age you're good at Fortnite than you are. Yeah, 100%. Yeah, I've hit a point of fame which, Jimmy, you cannot relate to. It's where people recognize me, but they haven't seen any of my shit. So same exact wedding. Four 13-year-olds walk up to me, and like NPCs, they just start standing there.
Starting point is 00:28:19 And I'm in a conversation, and then eventually one of their moms is like, hey, my son wants to talk to you. And I'm like, okay. And I walk out to these four 13-year-olds. I'm like I'm like what's up guys they don't say a word back to me like how's it going and they're not doing anything and I'm doing I'm driving the conversation I'm like they're like what do you guys do they're like we play fortnight and then and then I tweeted this out I was like he's like you guys watching anyone it's like we watch xqc do you know and I was like no not really they're like cringe and they left yeah they come back 30 minutes later they're like hey picture i wonder what changed i mean it is cringe that you're not xqc
Starting point is 00:28:54 yeah yeah imagine if you were and they'd be popping off slapping five i mean if xqc wasn't busy he would be here for the video yeah i'm just kidding oh see i was down the list oh my god i do love how you are just in the sweet spot of yeah man call up ludwig let's get someone in there let's clean this one up he's really um reliable that's what he is he's reliable he is he's very reliable for me you can call him any any time of night you can message him you text him it's like they'll show up. Not just when I need him for a video. If I'm just bored and I just want to do something.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I'm just like, when he's streaming, he just answers. Is that so? I do answer. Is that so? Is that? That's cool. That's cool, Jimmy. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Hold on. That's really cool. So he answers your texts and your calls. How fast would you say, on average, he answers your texts? I honestly don't think there's ever been a time I've called him and he didn't answer.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Really? That's super interesting. It's actually cool. It's actually helpful what you're saying. He told us recently, no, you know what? You text me all the time.
Starting point is 00:29:56 I don't read my text. If you call, I will answer. Yeah, that's a good thing. And I was like, oh, that's perfect. So I've called him three times the past few weeks.
Starting point is 00:30:03 He's not answered once. He actually hasn't even called back. Oh, wow. Isn't that crazy? By him three times the past few weeks. He's not answered once. He actually hasn't even called back. Oh, wow. Isn't that crazy? By the way, Ludwig stayed in my studio apartment once and cummed in his pants while he stayed in his room. That's so unnecessary in terms of information. And so maybe there's a bond that we share.
Starting point is 00:30:14 It's such an unnecessary amount of information. Why is it? What's unnecessary about it? We don't share the bond. Oh, do we not share a bond like we came up together? If you shared the bond, that means you helped him cum. Maybe I did, Jimmy. I helped him cum.
Starting point is 00:30:24 There you go. together if you shared the bond that means you helped him maybe i did help him come all i'm saying is that you know when when ludwig starts to go up the ladder you don't have time for the boys anymore you know what the fucking difference is when mr beast calls he says yo i got a private jet for you in 24 hours if i miss that call i miss the jet oh that's what it's about and he misses about bjs if i make if i miss nick's call i I miss the jet. Oh, that's what it's about. And then he misses the video. If I miss Nick's call, I miss like soloing a V4. That'd be, oh,
Starting point is 00:30:51 so you don't give a shit about that. Yeah, I've given up on rock climbing. Actually, it hurts my, it hurts my hand. All I'm saying is that we, we have struggled constantly with Ludwig, just not being responsive as our friend,
Starting point is 00:30:59 but I guess we just got to be Mr. Beast. Honestly, you should just throw a mutiny then. Kick him off the podcast. He says, I love you to Carl on the phone, but he doesn't say it to us. Mr. Beast is someone who does that all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:08 You do that a lot, Jimmy. I do. You throw out I love you for nothing. I do, and it pisses my girlfriend off. She's always like, you just tell everyone you love them. I'm like, oh. She's like, well, does that mean
Starting point is 00:31:18 when you tell me you love me, it just means nothing? I was like, kinda. Honestly. I just gotta go film. Great point, Dap- of i just gotta go film great point dap up i gotta go i'm like i can't refute it my call time was 10 minutes ago hey love you though it's just kind of like my version of saying bye because it's like i'm so like you probably know so i'm very quick to get off the
Starting point is 00:31:38 phone and that normally like makes people think i hate them but i just like i just like to be here's the information hang out so it's like that's a good way of smoothing it over so they know i don't hate them so that's why i do it sandwich you just want to say bye and hang up right away without i can't just go by like if i was like hey lovework i got a private jet i need you to come here tomorrow uh i'll text you information i'll connect you with steel you're good and you're like yeah and i'm like bye like you'd be like oh he hates me but i was like i love you bye you're like oh okay so you don't want to be cold so you say the most affectionate thing possible known to humans really exactly that somehow makes me feel better than you saying it to carl and never to me despite living together for like five years well the
Starting point is 00:32:14 difference is i don't love you yeah fair enough i love carl jacobs i mean more if he loved you you guys would have already had sex yeah so well is that true you've not had sex we have no would you yes i would if i loved him yeah exactly so there you go you already have your answer you don't need validation huh this is good this is a good growth area it's like we learned that ludwig hasn't had sex with us so he loves us and mr beast taught us that yeah that's really special do you go to therapy Do you go to therapy? Do you go to therapy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Well, I used to. I graduated from my therapist. Yeah. Usually, like the conclusions when I did try it was usually like I need to work less. And I was like, well, I don't want to do that. And then they're like, oh, well, you're just going to be stressed. I'm like, okay. Thanks for trying.
Starting point is 00:33:03 GG. How long do you think you can stay in in this room you know what it's so far at 110 like you tried your best i'm gonna go bury myself alive they're just writing it down like okay i'll see you hopefully later on holding up the 10k check like i asked my therapist to quit their job for 10K right now. Yeah. We, well, we had a video where we were,
Starting point is 00:33:28 well, room kind of like that. Like the one where we put a guy in a room and said every day he stayed there. Yeah. $10,000. Yeah. Yeah. That was good. But so it was,
Starting point is 00:33:36 uh, it was supposed to be an astronaut. We were going to help him train for astronaut school or whatever to be an astronaut. So like that was the premise of the video. That's why it was themed. It was astronaut. I was like, yeah. Yeah. And so that's like, astronaut so like that was the premise of the video that's why it was themed it was astronaut leg and so like you know he's gonna spend months in space so like he might as well practice here and then we're like but before the video you know quarantine for two
Starting point is 00:33:55 weeks don't don't do anything because like if you get covid that would you know obviously you can't compete in this so like two weeks leading up we're like quarantine and he you know he's like yeah i'm quarantined i haven't left my house i've done nothing i don't nothing nothing and then he shows up right before about the film and test positive oh my god but obviously he didn't come here he would test them off site we're not stupid so um then i was just like oh well and i just looked at my editor i was like are you free and he's just like yeah i was like get in there honestly editors have been in the fucking chamber yeah for for days yeah and so i think part that's partly what helped the videos because he like he kind of knew like what the video would look like and his mic is obviously i let him edit the video oh yeah so he just like filmed things and basically
Starting point is 00:34:41 like filmed the clips he wanted in the order and and so i think i don't know that's crazy yeah exactly and then you know he's like he wanted to propose to his girlfriend which he did at the end of the video i'm like damn you really want to make this the best video possible oh that that makes that makes it so so much more like it just all makes so much more sense obviously the proposal was scripted i'm like bro i didn't even know until like 10 hours before we filmed he was doing it what do you want what about the guitar that was contentious yeah i i told him honestly afterwards i was like i wish you didn't smash that guitar because now people are gonna think it's fake but i've no obviously we didn't tell him i didn't want to lose 100 grand for no reason i actually was genuinely mad when he did because i was like it's just too convenient at the end of
Starting point is 00:35:20 the video he just smashes the guitar yeah after having literally witnessed you throw away in a well not throw away you've given it to a charitable cause an 800 000 video like probably more like 1.1 million after you know other i see 1.1 yeah it's more like 1.1 million dude how much how much alan went down at the poker game in terms of alan he lost a million oh wait Oh, wait. One Allen. One Allen. I lost 1.1 Allen. Yeah. Everything, the rest of the podcast is referred to as Allen. Okay, so he got 0.1 Allen every day he stayed in that.
Starting point is 00:35:57 We had a friend. No, 0.01 Allen. Back when we had literally no money, we had a friend named Paul who lost 20K in Vegas once. Hey. 0.02 Allen. Sorry, 0.02 Allen. But before Allen's, there was Paul percent, Back when we had literally no money, we had a friend named Paul who lost 20K in Vegas once. Hey! Point zero two Allens. Sorry, point zero two Allens. But before Allens, there was Paul percent,
Starting point is 00:36:09 which is what we would use to describe. It was the most amount of money we could fathom losing at the time. And so we'd always describe the amount we lost as Paul percent. So someone in the comments has figured out Paul percent to Allen units. Paul percent to Allen units. That's what the British use. So it's like Celsius Fahrenheit. You should be like, I lost five Pauls
Starting point is 00:36:25 And he's like Really 2.3 hours It's like American Psycho Paul That's where it came from That's really special You do lose a lot of money On videos
Starting point is 00:36:35 I saw a YouTube short That explained exactly How much you made On Squid Game And I want you to tell me If it is true or false You don't have to Explain anymore
Starting point is 00:36:41 Okay You spent 3.5 million dollars To make It ended up being 4.2 million 4.2 million dollars to make squid game yeah 4 million 250 000 yeah that you made 1.5 million ad revenue 2 million dollars from your sponsor for it and then like 700k for merch aka you made 4.2 million so then you would have gone even true or false uh that video well so also that's not including the employees and like that i like that's just the actual cost of production are you paying people well yeah my
Starting point is 00:37:10 people here though i mean the video definitely lost money if you factor everything in there's just no world but that's where you know you just kind of like do some videos that make a little bit money leading up to it or well in that case afterwards because that was supposed to be a two million dollar video which was crazy for us we're like we're gonna go fucking balls to the wall where i spent two million on it and then you know you spend 1.5 and you're like oh shit we this is gonna be a three million dollar and now it's a four million and it just like it keeps going up and then you're like oh shit cj is how much and like oh shit that's how much and then you know there was one day we were you know we gave all the contestants two thousand
Starting point is 00:37:46 dollars as well which was like a million dollars and that like because you know they were all super chill and i was like oh well yeah you know i have chill people in my life too and so that's like every video usually starts off relatively break even and then they just like what am i gonna do when i'm like when we're 1.5 in and we're like oh well this thing costs more to build and they this fucking lights aren't good enough and i'm not gonna be like okay we'll just have bad lighting i'm like okay we'll get better lighting i guess yeah it's kind of silly to go that far and have bad okay whatever we already put two go to three and then we're like oh well we already did three let's go to four i mean the answer is never just make the video shit yeah no yeah we could have you know
Starting point is 00:38:27 we're not shit but just worse because i knew that video everyone was like hyped up and you know allies would be on it so i was like this has to be the best video possible and then yeah when when netflix announced that they're making squid game was any part of you right they're they're like they're biting my shit honestly i instantly got like 40 texts so i think everyone else in the world thinks way deeper than i do i was i just was like hey can i be in it that was my only reaction and i literally saw a whole thread of like how mr buse could potentially sue them and i was like that would be a good thing i did think it was really funny every every reply to the announcement was like well mr beast already did it like yeah so i was a little surprised they didn't like ask you know
Starting point is 00:39:19 shows up to court giant knockers ready to fuck take them you know like the season two when they have like the the um whatever the dumb americans i like watched or whatever like i'm down to be one of those i can play a dumb american pretty well you probably better than the people in the show or in or in the reality one just let me be one like i don't know just like a little cameo a groundbreaking case in copyright mr breast versus netflix Casey copyright Mr. Breast versus Netflix. Mr. B. Seuss Netflix for them using their own show. That'll be my new most viewed stream. You want to know something fucked up? My most viewed stream right now on YouTube is me reacting
Starting point is 00:39:53 to the end of the Johnny Depp trial. He got like 89k views. Really? Yeah, live at one point. And that was it. Did that make you feel good? No, it made me feel like shit. Concurrents or views? 89,000 concurrent viewers. No, poker beat that. and that was like that was it did that make you feel good no it made me feel like shit how many concurrents are viewed 89,000 concurrent viewers that's
Starting point is 00:40:08 no poker beat that no poker was like well across everything but I'm so exclusively my channel oh nice across both I think it was like
Starting point is 00:40:15 at 100 okay but just my channel I think it was like 70 we should premiere my video on your channel then so we break that oh yeah
Starting point is 00:40:21 I want all I want Ludwig's most liked video Ludwig's most commented video Ludwig's most liked video love's most commented video love's most viewed video most viewed live stream okay i want what else is short well hey highest earning video i want every category i'm and if he breaks in even on a different video i'm giving another one i want his girlfriend to leave all right i want his mom to become my mom in the video every day every part of Ludwig's life is that.
Starting point is 00:40:46 That's the pinnacle of his life. North Carolina and it's you guys at the airport and you'd be like, oh no, we're staying. I want the pinnacle of his career to be that. Carl's actually really cool. I kind of want to spend
Starting point is 00:40:54 more time with him. I walked into the studio. I looked around. They have a fucking like 12 by silk diffusion, a bunch of lights and I was just like, shit bro.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Oh, we got resources oh you got jobs i walked over there uh i have a guy who's spending 100 days in a circle you guys just go say hi dude i can't tell you i don't know i can't tell you you know what the fuck is this like a band like you always do mr b's place you want to go say hi to him real quick and then come back can we just pause real quick? Are you kidding? Yeah. For real?
Starting point is 00:41:26 Yeah. He's on day like four. He's like on day 41 in the circle or something. Just outside. He can hear us? No, no, no. He's outside. Dude, did you just like draw a circle around Ant when you were a kid and you were just
Starting point is 00:41:36 like, I can do this to people? Bro, I did like one video where I did like a triangle and it just didn't do well. And I was just like, you know what? Fuck it. We're doing circle stud. I was like, I did anything you put in the circle, like 200 million views. Anything you put in a triangle, like 50.'t do well and i just like you know what fuck it we're doing circle stud i did anything you put in the circle like 200 million views anything you put in a triangle like 50 i was like okay interesting that's dude you're actually breaking it down to like our when 50 million views is an l yeah i mean if ludwig's doesn't get 50 million when 50 ludwig videos is an l i actually really want to go say hi. Is this actually happening? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Let's go check this out. I need shoes. Guys, Jimmy just showed us. It was like a guy way back there, and it's just a skeleton, and there's a chain around his neck. Yeah, he was a guy at one point. And it says, Dead man tell no tales.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yeah. And so that was really interesting, and he's like, this is the skeleton guy that didn't leave the circle, and he's rich now. His family will get the 500 grand, so that'll be nice. But yeah, it was crazy. There's a guy out there, and he's rich now his family will get the 500 grand so that'll be nice but yeah it was crazy there's a guy out there and he's in a house you'll see the video and uh he seems fine yeah he's actually a great guy to have there he's like
Starting point is 00:42:35 a good head on his shoulders and like smart planted a potato and he carved a chessboard yeah well he has like a 50 acre farm or whatever which is part of why i picked him oh in the real world yeah in the real world so yeah that's he's doing all he's used to like building things and surviving and so when i met him i was like uh you want to be a video and that's what i told you about the day rate thing he's like as long as i can pay my dairy i was like i got you living in north carolina is kind of one big stay in the circle challenge. It all makes a lot more sense because I was like this guy's doing a lot better than like the average gamer would
Starting point is 00:43:11 be doing right now. He's a lot bigger. No, yeah, that'd be screens. No anything. It depends. I have that many books. Sometimes I might go in there and hang out with them and you know, yeah, okay, you want to use my phone? Ten minutes.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Ten minutes. Ten minutes. He just watches Ninja updates. He's like, yes. And if he survives the whole time, he gets.5. .5 balance. .5 balance. Yeah,.5 balance. You told me about a crazy idea on stream.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And we haven't talked about it since. I wonder if it's still in your head. You know what I'm talking about? It was the no eating food one. Oh that's our next video you're actually gonna do it yeah we already did it yeah i didn't i didn't he's been talking about you a lot you didn't get a call oh you probably met my other number did i want you oh well you were gonna be in it but Did you want to starve yours? I thought you said no. No.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Yeah. I said no. I said no. That's what happened. Yeah. We talked. He was super excited and he like kept talking about it. He's like,
Starting point is 00:44:11 yeah, I don't know. It's going to be like crazy. He kept bringing this up. Did you actually want to do it with me? I would have. I'll show you the video right now. It's already edited.
Starting point is 00:44:18 We're going to upload it. I'll subload on my channel. Just watch the video. Holy shit. 20% of this podcast just can't be watched. Yeah. What? That was podcast just can't be watched. Yeah, what? That was my idea.
Starting point is 00:44:26 Yeah. Yeah. That was my idea. I had a good idea. Yeah, it was pretty good. it made the video. 20% royalties. He shook on it.
Starting point is 00:44:35 He shook on it. Let me find some funny stuff. He called me on stream. He was like, yeah, this idea, I'm not going to eat for 30 days and I was like, I'll do it.
Starting point is 00:44:42 It'd be fun if I failed. You shave our head. Hair is kind of iconic wait yeah and then i take off your hat anyways i made it pretty far that's all it says let me find like you guys slime failed so what's weird is around day 10 I pooped for like the first time in 8 days isn't that interesting
Starting point is 00:45:08 what did you poop what came out so apparently I freaked out because I was gonna think I'm cheating tell us about your weird poop
Starting point is 00:45:15 but apparently when your body because I still it burns the body fat to survive which still generates waste just at a slower rate so that was the answer
Starting point is 00:45:23 was it like dark matter what did it look like? It just looked like a little fetus. Oh, really? It was weird colors. It was like, it wasn't a normal poop. It was like, bleh, bleh. Did that shake you?
Starting point is 00:45:35 Wait, what colors? Like the Activision logo? I never saw the logo. Okay. You seem pretty unshakable, I feel like. That was a pretty rough. It was because I filmed Chocolate Factory during it. So all during Chocolate Factory, I was on no food. I was dying. Okay. See, you seem pretty unshakable. I feel like that was a pretty rough. It is. Cause I filmed chocolate factory during it. So all during chocolate factory,
Starting point is 00:45:47 I was on no food. I was dying. Yeah. So that video could have been much better. A lot of people regret that a bit. Uh, yeah. Cause the video could have been much better.
Starting point is 00:45:54 I was like, after every shot I had to like, I would a little, just lay. Tariq would hit stop recording. I just lay on the ground. I'd be like, okay,
Starting point is 00:46:01 just wake me up. Yeah. What's the first thing you ate? Uh, well, so the reason I broke is remember when we filmed with Gordon Ramsey? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. just lay on the ground and be like okay just wake me up what's the first thing you ate uh well so the reason i broke is remember we filmed with gordon ramsey yeah yeah yeah i don't want to say it was a day i don't want to spoil it but he was just like his guy was like so gordon's really
Starting point is 00:46:15 excited to cook you something for his youtube channel it's like oh well not really eating food wait he wants to cook me i don't want to eat his food and he's like bro he's been really excited i really want this. And I was like, I mean, I just, I can't eat food. I was like, can he just cook for one of the boys? And I just be there. And he's like, I guess. And then we start filming and Gordon is like, so you're going to eat this?
Starting point is 00:46:35 And I'm like, again, I'm like, I'm not eating food. And he's like, so you're just not going to eat this? I was like, can I just watch Chandler? He's like, you're not going to eat what I'm cooking. And then he started cooking it. It started looking really good. It's Gordon fucking Ramsey. And I was like, you're not going to eat what I'm cooking. And then he started cooking it and it started looking really good. It's Gordon fucking Ramsey. It is.
Starting point is 00:46:47 And I was like, this is the greatest chef in the world. It's like a Victoria's Secret model saying like, will you, please fuck me right now. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:46:55 but how big dick is it to be like, no, I don't want that food. I tried, man. I tried and it looked so good.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Passing Gordon Ramsey and breaking on Zaxby's later. He was like, really pushing. He's like, you should, you should try it. I just cooked this for you. And I was like, you know, in that moment, I was just like, fuck it. And I took a bite. But the problem is after you eat for don't eat food for weeks, you can't eat real food. You have to like, it's public.
Starting point is 00:47:16 You have to slowly work. So I took a bite and then I spit it out, but then I lost. So I had to spit it out because you know, you just that would shock your system that's how like did you get a newborn baby sense of taste uh let me think so the not really that it just kind of opened my eyes like whenever like if people are eating donuts and i'm like really hungry like i'll just like kind of see and you know i'll be like i didn't eat for a couple weeks like i can fucking not eat that like who cares so i got a lot more discipline but taste wise no not really like after the like the first week it's like fucking crazy but then you just renormalize it's like if you
Starting point is 00:47:53 didn't jerk off for a month and then you start jerking off every day after like a week it's like okay nothing really changed well i did that during the subathon and then i came to my pants i told you i told you i done calmed my done combed my shit. I done did that. I forgot. I invited Jew and Courage. I don't know why I ever followed. I just assumed you guys didn't want to do it. Wait, did you encourage try not to comb challenge? No.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Oh, this is a funny line. I had to fly, and the flight attendant was like, I knew she was going to ask. I was recording on my phone. She's like, do you want peanuts? And I was like, no. But this is like two weeks without food. I was like, this is going to be the funniest thing ever. She's going to ask me for peanuts, and I have to say no. weeks without food i was like this is gonna be the funniest
Starting point is 00:48:25 thing ever she's gonna ask me for peanuts and i have to say no and they're just like lame it's just a normal human interaction because like half the people on the plane are just saying no anyway did gordon ramsey call you uh not me i don't think he said that word i don't think he said that word nice isn't he uh you know i word. He's super nice, isn't he? Even when he was getting fired up? No, I mean, like, I had to cut a lot of swearing out. I mean, he goes pretty hard. Really?
Starting point is 00:48:51 But it's like, it's the right amount. Like, how he is on the show is, you know, how he is on ours. It was good. That is refreshing to hear. I like that he is like he is on the show. Yeah, it was really good. Like, a couple times he goes a little hard, but he's also like, he's mean but's like it doesn't make any sense it feels like yeah he'll like be like bro he's mean to your food but he's not mean to the people if that makes any sense sure he'll try your food and be like this is just fucking disgusting spit it out in front of you but then two seconds later
Starting point is 00:49:17 be like bros it was nice seeing you tap you up yeah exactly so it's like it's like it's there yeah i don't know how to put into words but that's that's that kind of kind of on the note of like you can like look at a donut now and be like i don't really need that do you have like the time to like think about like your physical health and do you are you like working out are you doing shit are you i'm trying to you want to go work out after this let's do it you want to rock climb you like rock climbing you have anything to climb here oh i know how to tell you about jimmy sigma grind. I go to his place last time I'm here, and I've been to his house before, and it's like a normal house,
Starting point is 00:49:49 but I go in, and there's a fucking squat rack in his kitchen with a bench on it and weights, and he's like, yeah, I've been working out. Because it's easy to remember to work out if you have to step over your bench to open the fridge. But he has another workout room.
Starting point is 00:50:02 That is true. He has another workout room a few steps away. Yeah. Like another one. But he doesn't have to step over that to get pop tarts. That's smart. But he has another workout room. Right, that is true. He has another workout room like a few steps away. Yeah. Like another one. But he doesn't have a step over that to get pop tarts. That makes sense
Starting point is 00:50:08 because you're going to the fridge. You're like, well, I got to hit the bench before I eat today. And then you start hitting the bench.
Starting point is 00:50:14 It's like, why am I doing this in the kitchen? And then you go down to your normal place. Here, after. I'll work out with you after.
Starting point is 00:50:20 What's your bench? Not high enough to say. What's yours? I haven't benched in a while. Blood was over here benching like 30 plates. Yeah, I hurt my left shoulder. That's why I actually don't like it. Only one fucking guy in this group is strong, right?
Starting point is 00:50:32 I'm in PT right now for my left shoulder. It's not a good way. We're the same. We're the same, me and him. Left shoulder? Yeah, let's fucking go. You know what? Ludwig wouldn't know.
Starting point is 00:50:41 You know what you did? You're a fucking healthy shoulder. Get the fuck away from us. Great fucking shoulders and I'm benching 225 did You're a fucking healthy shoulder Get the fuck away from us Great fucking shoulders And I'm benching 225 Yeah but if he gets Punched in the chest He dies
Starting point is 00:50:49 Cause he has the He has the Ironman chest Yeah the chest hole You've seen his chest hole right Oh shit Look at that weird shit It's a pectus excamator Alright be honest
Starting point is 00:50:57 Have you ever had someone Drink out of that I've had someone Eat cereal out of it I haven't Someone take shots out of it Cereal, booze Water
Starting point is 00:51:03 Next video idea I used a plunger To takes shots out of it. Cereal, booze, water. Next video idea. I used a plunger to correct Ludwig's chest hole. That's a YouTube short. And it's just you. Which is more viral, that or trying to climb the side of a building with plungers? Well, that one actually is impossible. I saw it on the Colin and Samir podcast. Okay, okay.
Starting point is 00:51:19 Well, I mean, I'm sure we can have our boy Mark Rober figured out. Yeah, that's actually true. Yeah, nothing's impossible, dude. It's our boy. Who's Mark. Yeah, that's actually true. Yeah, nothing's impossible, dude. It's our boy. Who's Mark Rober? He's gigantic YouTuber. I'm not kidding. He's the first guy on the moon.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Have you ever opened the site YouTube? Or do you just like... Actually, no. Actually, no. Dude, I didn't know that was Carl Jacobs. I was talking to him outside. I didn't know what it looks like. I'm not kidding.
Starting point is 00:51:41 There's actually like an entire population of girls who are about to kill you. Yeah, I don't know. You know what? That's how like how nubile I am. I was literally like, oh, it's Carl. Oh, he's like a friend probably. That's cool. I was talking to him outside.
Starting point is 00:51:53 He's like. Yeah, there's a guy named Carl in the building and it's just not that one. No, no. He's got friends. And then I'm talking to him and I was like, wait, what's your tag? Because he's saying, oh, I have a friend named Foolish Gamers. He's got to change that one. And I'm like, yeah, that's kind of crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I was like, what's your gamer name? He's like, I'm Carl Jacobs. I'm like, oh. We have a Carl Jacobs shirt that's just rotting outside our house because a lot of people just left it out there. Well, it's because I go outside and I want to get vitamin D because it's good for me. And so I always go out with a shirt and then I leave it off and then I never bring it back in. Hey, Carl, we were just talking about you. Carl, do you know about this?
Starting point is 00:52:24 You're coming in with a soccer ball. Don't tell Carl about it. I've been itching to tell him about this. This is actually really important. Carl, so you know how you made merch, right? So you have merch and you sent it to us. You sent it to Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:52:34 You like worked hard on it? Ludwig put in his money. It looks nice. I didn't care about it. I didn't pee on it. And then he ate cereal out of his chest. Yeah, it was a fucked up day, man. Listen, here's what really is happening.
Starting point is 00:52:45 He's going to twist the truth. He told us not to tell you. Ludwig will leave your shit outside in the dirt every single day. It's really weird. Why are you wearing it? I'm wearing it right now. Why would you keep wearing it? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:52:57 I feel like it's a mean thing to do. That almost feels mean to him. What I do is I like to go outside and get vitamin D, and you can absorb more if you're shirtless and i left your shirt outside and it's been there for a couple weeks it's been maybe longer it's been like what yeah and you you want to hear something off camera he just asked me for more did you really i swear to god because it's way it's just that we need i'm not even kidding you and you were gonna ask me after the podcast for more. Amen, baby.
Starting point is 00:53:25 Yeah, yeah, yeah. I actually need more stuff to cover his lawn. We have to cover up your old shirt. That's getting gross. No, I'm glad you didn't ask for it. I don't want my merch in a lawn. No, no, I need to cover it so it doesn't burn because California heat. So we're in a drought.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Yeah, they're painting the roads white, right? Yeah, exactly. Do you know how bad that is for the environment? That's the thing. That's the thing. We don't have a lawn. I donate to Team Trees, okay? Our yard is dirt
Starting point is 00:53:46 and that's where your shirt was. It was just sifting around in the dirt of our yard because we don't have a lawn. So how long are these podcasts? We're done. Just kidding. He hates it.
Starting point is 00:53:57 He hates the marathon. Yeah, so after this we're doing the Patreon episode so you can gear up. Sit tight. Patreon? Sit tight, brother bear. We are making tons of money
Starting point is 00:54:06 we're doing pretty good the third largest account it's pretty crazy yeah they make numbers that high third or largest yeah we make three on patreon we're actually number three in earnings nine patrons who's the number two and number one it's like two other podcasts it's a choppo right one is choppo i think right i think it's true crime maybe interesting bro let you want to do a podcast podcast make a lot of money hey i'm down it's a great idea actually are you getting a little taste for it you know a taste for how it goes i heard third largest on patreon that sounds here actually we'll trade you can have the art and we'll take mr beast incorporated yeah i think that's fair no no i'll trade you like a beast reacts for that's beast gaming does like 300 million views a month these reacts like 150 do we get chris like once
Starting point is 00:54:57 a month or like just react to being a react no you're the new chris okay that's fair who's chris he duties so funny just leave he's actually 33's Chris? Dude he's so funny Bro just leave I don't know anybody He's actually 33 And the only 32 Why are you lying? Why do you lie One more above me?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Also he watches Wendover So suck my fucking dick The only YouTubers you watch Are Wendover Linus Tech Tips And then Dark Souls Lore videos That's true
Starting point is 00:55:18 Yeah I saw you watch Polymatter and Wendover And I'm like you're a man This is a man of taste And he just Wendover is every YouTuber's favorite YouTuber, dude. Yeah, that's real shit. I just skipped the line.
Starting point is 00:55:30 I'm old as fuck. You should start watching YouTube, though. It would help you be more successful. What would your intros be? If you wanted people to watch YouTube, who do you give them? Not that you're not, but you know what I'm saying? It would help you have more hair. I mean, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I'm not offended. I'm just trying to process what he means. Because I'm like, am I not successful? Here's the thing, Mr. Beast. I'm not saying you're not successful. I'm just saying. No, no. If I stopped watching YouTube, I wouldn't understand culture.
Starting point is 00:55:53 I wouldn't know what's going on. I would be less successful. We all would. But I watch other things. Understanding culture? He hasn't seen Quincy, boys. I mean. I'm caught red-handed.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Yes, I'm culturally literate in other ways. But I have a question for you. If you get magically transported into Ludwig's body today he's transported into yours but he just decides to like, I don't know, stay in a room and jerk off for 30 days. I'm in Ludwig's body. He beats off he opens some stuff from
Starting point is 00:56:17 So you're in his body. What would the first thing you do be? Eat cereal out of my chest Right. No, sorry, sorry. Your second thing. And after you clean up all the fruity loops you you wipe off your shit flakes but continue how do you fix what he has destroyed well how do you how do you like this smoldering shit of a youtube channel he's run his channel into the ground so how do you dig it out um well uh fix me is it even you're fucked he doesn't have an instant answer he's just like i would make a new channel well i start off by you don't want to have youtubers in the thumbnail put them in the video at some way and then after we establish a good trust relationship with the
Starting point is 00:56:59 audience we would elaborate on expanding the content a little bit. Expand to what? I don't know. Why didn't you just box a YouTuber? Because I'd heard. Because then he couldn't go downstairs and then go upstairs and pet his cat. So we did a little boxing lesson last week with a group of Twitch streamers and I did a thing.
Starting point is 00:57:19 A fly just flew in my ear. You should zoom into that. Production, we can zoom in a little bit. You want to zoom in on that we're finishing the boxing lesson and the last time we talked about boxing whether or not he would do it or not he was like yeah i'm too worried that if i get punched in my chest hole i'll just die i thought he was joking but at the end of the lesson he goes up to to coach quick he's like coach coach coach do you think if i got punched here i would die and but it's for real he's like he's like actually worried about it and coach. Do you think if I got punched here, I would die? But it's for real.
Starting point is 00:57:45 He's like, I actually worried about it. And coach is like, no, I think you'd be, I think you'd be fine. Like, that's the dumbest shit I've ever been asked to do. Get a nice hole through him. Did you watch Creator Clash? Yeah. Did you see I Did a Thing vs. Odd Ones Out? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:59 And he got his fucking shit rocked. Just destroyed. You know Odd Ones Out? Has a pectus excavatum. He has a chest hole. Didn't die. He didn't die. Yeah, but he got hit in the face, idiot the face idiot he got fucking rocked to shreds alex is also just like massive yeah he like he was just here a couple days or probably a week
Starting point is 00:58:15 ago and yeah he's just like a perfect human being so you're willing you're willing to put myth in harm's way yeah wait he has a chest hole too oh that's right he does myth is the streamer yeah myth is jacked and cool we're not guy different we're not good we're not good we're not moves you you don't watch streams i don't watch what do you think about streaming as a whole i think it's very time consuming and not much leverage unless you're like because like youtube video can get a million views a month every month for the next five years but like the stream unless you're like gearing it to where which i don't think like you're doing it better than almost everyone else like actually gearing it to where it's content afterwards you know what i mean yeah but like like if we somehow could stream our gaming videos and then still make
Starting point is 00:58:52 them gaming videos afterwards like that would be ideal right but streaming on its own just most people don't like xqc doesn't do that he just streams and then uploads his raw vods yeah but then yeah like and they go they go there to die yeah yeah you're like removing the leverage from the equation so it's just like hours in equals hours out it's almost like you know an hourly rate doesn't it blow your mind though that xqc gets like 80 to 100k doing anything like concurrent viewers um no i mean he's like he understands community and he understands like that type of stuff i mean which is the i'm kind of the polar opposite in a lot of ways but he's just like the guy you vibe with and you just you know i assume a lot of them are just because they're not watching it for five hours it's just kind of there and you just check back you know occasionally
Starting point is 00:59:32 you would never want to be a second monitor andy you want to be on the front monitor if i was ever a streamer it would be like a friday night one hour we're fucking breaking the internet type beat never like every day for 10 hours that makes sense i would try like my logic would be i would try to pull more views than i could if i streamed 10 hours every day like take all those viewers all of it combined like 10 hours every day seven days and just like how could i just pull all those viewers in a one hour increment so i don't have to waste all that time you know i feel like it's what minecrafters were doing for a while they would run big events they try to get most viewers possible but it was so hard to sustain and then i feel like they got
Starting point is 01:00:03 depressed because the number lowered. Yeah, because they didn't build a team or anything to make it more sustainable, most of them. Ta-bye. Girl crumpled like a napkin just now. Like, yeah. I mean, if you got the right people who could set up the streams
Starting point is 01:00:20 and write the creative or just kind of help work with you, it's not like it's crazy hard. Right. People. Isn't that crazy how you poached all the people from the place that we used to work at and now we work for you. That's literally what I'm doing.
Starting point is 01:00:34 I've hired about, I have 15 employees so far and I've, and I've hired a few from a production company that I think is really good with the goal of doing that. Can I like plan a stream for you one time? Yeah, please. Can we try to, what is it, 80K you said?
Starting point is 01:00:47 80K, it's 89K. You have to beat Johnny Depp. We got to beat 89,000. He's got to hire a director, writer, and a bisexual. That's how you build a company. Diversity. I think my most viewed stream will be this July, July 2nd, because I'm doing Mogul Money Live,
Starting point is 01:01:02 and I think that'll break 100K. That'll be fun time. You don't know about this at all? It just doesn't sound like something that would break the 89K. All right, give me a rebrand. It's basically me ripping off Jeopardy bar for bar with six streamers. Live. Live.
Starting point is 01:01:19 Finally, he admits it. It's a SoFi stadium. Yeah, then I would just like call it jeopardy and whatever can't do that or did squiggy give me suits actually that's a good actually how didn't you get sued but for the creator of squeak game literally said like uh someone asked like an interviewer asked him and he was like yeah i love when people uh recreated or what not that words but he's like i love when people make videos on squid game it you know bill drives attention and i saw that i was like let's go he loves it charles doing that first is important
Starting point is 01:01:49 because we we did a event uh a smash event that was olympic themed yeah and they didn't like that olympics is one of the few ones that they're just like very protective of it but like most brands like they they understand it's free promotion like you doing that jeopardy thing in no way would hurt the viewership of jeopardy and would just educate more younger people who aren't 50 but you know like hell jeopardy is are you scared of boomer companies being boomers like were you scared of willy wonka no i just called netflix and i think they didn't really care willy wonka's got to be public domain at this no it's owned by netflix also but at the end of the day, like, what damage did we do?
Starting point is 01:02:27 We just brought more attention to the series. Like, a lot of the older people, like, our age, grew up watching old Willy Wonka. And then there was, like, the remade one for people who are, like, maybe, like, high teens. But, like, most people that, like, are young teenagers have just never seen Willy Wonka. You know what I mean? Do you think there's more nuance when it's something like a repeated show that he does that could potentially- Hey, go away. Just kidding. It's Sean.
Starting point is 01:02:47 It's Sean. He's quitting. You can come in. That was a joke. See what happens. That was a joke. This is what happens in the workplace at Beast Incorporated. Oh, we might be getting robbed.
Starting point is 01:02:59 I don't know. I'm with it. Is that your guy? That would be the way to do it in this scenario how's it going yeah it's air punson what was your
Starting point is 01:03:09 question oh my question was do you think that it's different when you're doing like like for him right he's like mogul money is a
Starting point is 01:03:14 repeated show that he does like you know once a month or whatever do you think like they could view it as like potentially trying to replace the show just ask them
Starting point is 01:03:21 yeah that is definitely what you should do just ask them but you know what I'm scared of also it's scared of them having eyes on it and then shutting it down anyways yeah but then if they say no trying to replace the show ask them yeah that is definitely what you should do is just ask them but you know what i'm scared also it's scared of them having eyes on it and then shutting it down anyways for yeah but then if if they say no then you just bomb it and call whatever but like sure don't if they say sure i'm a big believer in don't ask don't tell okay the thing is he's gonna do it anyways he's just asking if he can put jeopardy in the title sure yeah i guess that makes sense
Starting point is 01:03:43 we're too nintendo pilled we've've been scared of Nintendo since we started. Yeah. I think that actually might be part of it. I think we're just... I do think... I always pretend that I operate with the phrase, do it and then ask for forgiveness. Yeah, don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness.
Starting point is 01:03:56 You do that with your friends. Yeah, but... Your girlfriend, your family. He just doesn't answer your call. It's more than that, Jimmy. It's more than that. And I wish he would understand that. Jimbo, I wish it was just that. Is this just a roast Ludwig? That's just than that, Jimmy. It's more than that. And I wish he would understand that. Jimbo, I wish it was just that.
Starting point is 01:04:07 Is this just a roast Ludwig? That's just what the show is. That's all we have. Sometimes we take a break and we do that guy. You should just change it to roast Ludwig. We did that already. He says all I do is give, but all I want from him is to give me his attention. Oh, attention.
Starting point is 01:04:20 Just a little bit. You know what I had to do today for my girlfriend? Some dumb shit? Yeah. I had to text her. Bro, women always be wanting to talk to you. She's always checking in, wondering if my flight landed.
Starting point is 01:04:34 Why women like flowers like that? She messages the house group chat, hey, if anyone's with Ludwig, can you have him message me? None of us are. He instantly is like, yo, sorry, just saw this, just saw this. I'm like, damn, her too, huh? I was in Boston. We were in Boston because I went to a wedding, and I had to fly to LA with her,
Starting point is 01:04:49 and then I flew from LA to North Carolina here. Why didn't you just fly here? Because she's terrified of flying, you know, like Charlie is. That's relatable, yeah. I'm fucking horribly terrified of flying. Wait, are you? Yeah, I hate it. You fly all the time, don't you?
Starting point is 01:05:01 Yeah, I crank the music so loud and close my eyes for it, I just don't even realize when the plane takes off. You taking half a Xan? No. 14 hours till I land. He bleeds. Wow. I didn't know this about you,
Starting point is 01:05:11 because when I was here, we were doing the poker thing, and you wanted someone else to come. So you asked Charlie, he was like, I'm screwed of flying. And you're like, oh, yeah, you just come on. Well, that's why I remember I quoted all the statistics. You knew all the stats off of it. Yeah, that's why, because when I first started flying, I just was like, I knew the probability.
Starting point is 01:05:25 I was like, there's like a one in like 10 billion chance I die. One in 10 billion. If I die, honestly, it's funny. I deserve to die if I die. Yeah. The odds are so low.
Starting point is 01:05:33 And I would just, as I'm looking out the window, we're getting higher and higher. I'm like, okay, I'm at the point where I die. But it's still one in 10 billion. So it's just, I'm only going to die
Starting point is 01:05:40 if God hates me. But then that's fine because God hates me. That's the Austin show coping method. That's the Austin show copied method. That's what Austin did to handle his fear of flying too. He just learned so many stats about, about how planes work. And, uh, and that gave him the confidence.
Starting point is 01:05:54 And also if you were to die, it's on takeoff and landing. Those are the two times it goes wrong. And so like when the plane's landing, I just use that same method. I'm like, these are really pretty houses. Like if planes just crashed here randomly, there wouldn't be houses here because every airport's around my houses and so it's going and i'm like fuck i'm about to die fuck i'm like well actually i wouldn't if this plane would crash here there wouldn't be a house there so i'm surely they wouldn't build things near the airport yeah so that's that's kind of like it's crashing like the jungle they
Starting point is 01:06:20 don't crash my entire like plane ride is me just using analogies to like calm myself down i'm like yeah well that house wouldn't be there if a plane would just crash there so i'm good and then we're getting closer i'm like all right well we're low enough where it's like only half the people would die so like now i'm much better yeah on the on the plane ride uh i was just in vegas on the plane ride of vegas um there was like extreme turbulence and normally i'm like whatever turbo i have like i think one of you told me it's like like turbulence you can't do any it can't flip the plane yeah it's never caused a class yeah so i was like extreme turbulence. And normally I'm like, whatever, I have like, I think one of you told me, it's like turbulence. You can't do any, it can't flip the plane over. It can't flip the plane, yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:48 It's never caused a crash, yeah. So I was like, okay, I just think about that every time. And the history of US planes, right? Or the whole world. I've heard just planes, not specified. It's just turbulence has never caused a crash. It just feels scary. Look, don't look deeper, don't look deeper.
Starting point is 01:06:59 It'll fuck your life up. When I was like literally in the Bahamas, our pilot was literally telling us, he's like, yeah, yeah one time my plane just cut off midair my co-pilot had to like crawl through the space and like restart the engine manually and while it was just gliding and then turn it back on midair so like i've heard wait that's not turbulence though no i know but i'm just going for a trick shot my point is because we do videos on very weird places sometimes i've flown on some sketchy ass planes and if you think
Starting point is 01:07:24 there's never been one of those fucked-up planes that have been just destroyed because of turbulence, you are just insane. Because I feel like the littlest thing could just fuck those planes up. So maybe we're just listening to Big Airplane. Yeah, well, that's it. If you fly on a major U.S. airline, it is literally one of the safest places in all of America you could be at any point.
Starting point is 01:07:42 You're literally never going to die. You could spend your whole life flying on it and're less safe you're gonna get like shot on the ground you're less safe not in the plane yeah true yeah but in my in my flight so i was in turbulence i'm like shaking and i'm like all right yeah you're not supposed to die whatever and then over the intercom um one of the uh flight attendants says uh this is an emergency or so it sounded what she actually said was if there is an emergency and then went to explain how your auction works but everyone on the plane said was, if there is an emergency, and then went to explain how your auction works, but everyone on the plane thought
Starting point is 01:08:07 that they said this is an emergency. That's scary. And so everyone was panicking, and I was like, oh, I'm dying. This is where I died on a plane, and I always thought it might go this way. I kind of accepted that for a moment. You have to.
Starting point is 01:08:17 And then she was like, everyone was like, no, I think it said this. We came back. My first reaction would be to pull my phone out and be like, all right like alright guys if you find this yes sir I spent five minutes descending from a plane
Starting point is 01:08:27 to my death no that was the joke because we knew this plane crash video was coming up and we were in this like just really shitty plane like a month ago
Starting point is 01:08:34 we were like you know if this crashes and we live we're just gonna start filming the plane crash video early you know my fear of flying how I beat it
Starting point is 01:08:44 I only beat it recently It's I pretend If I imagine If we start going down We start like tail spinning I sing Sweet Caroline As loud as I can
Starting point is 01:08:52 So that everyone else In the plane Has a scratching glass And go And so the flight recorder Picks it up And so they fucking Unearth this black box
Starting point is 01:09:01 From this rubble And they listen to it And they're like What the fuck was going on in here? And that makes me feel good. They all sucked. That's fine. Can you imagine they find the black box for that Malaysian flight that got lost? Sweet Caroline,
Starting point is 01:09:14 baby. Oh, you're doing great. What's up? I was checking time. Oh, yeah. Oh, you want to go? You have more questions? What's your time? I'm the time guy. You are the time guy. So where are we at? I think we're tail spinning toward the end what would you say
Starting point is 01:09:27 sweet Caroline you had an hour 10 in here and then whatever's out there yeah okay probably like 30 seconds
Starting point is 01:09:33 you know don't dox me I'll kill you exactly I had one more random question about your work process so yeah
Starting point is 01:09:40 alright go ahead and do the outro bum bum bum it's been a yard are you are you always like directing like the videos or do you have like someone who comes in and helps or is it like a collaborative thing you're just kind of asking what would be funny here like what well i mean like this one for example we have 200 people in here you know it's like they're huge projects they're squigging there's 456 like i can't do it all on my own you know like even just talking to each person would literally
Starting point is 01:10:03 you know if i spent five minutes with them take like an entire day just to be like hey where are you from but at the end of the day like everyone is like turning their heads to you and responding to you about like what the creative is yeah because at the end day has my name slapped on it yeah yeah with how many people you have now how corporate has the video like planning process become like do are any of the ideas like a group of people in the boardroom and then they come up with it and then pitch it to you or do you just come up with literally everything and say like i would love to see a boardroom try to figure out a viral youtube video but i just 50 old men at a round table like oh you know what this will sell chocolate bars do this
Starting point is 01:10:38 yeah you could you said you said in the past like a big part of like what got you here was like you had a group of friends you would call and you talk about youtube all every day and stuff um i was curious do you think that you could just have done that but for like league of legends and just been like really good at that game or something or do you think that you have a specific understanding of this anything my my true talent is just like no life and obsessive ring over something for like really long periods like basically the last 10 years almost every other day i just obsess over youtube so that's that's really my skill it's just hyper obsessing so if it was league of legends or whatever i'm confident whatever it would have been i could be successful at because it's just like if it's that one thing for me you just can't put more time in it than i
Starting point is 01:11:19 am because it's just not possible unless you sleep less you know what i mean have you ever played smash bros uh yeah i just who do you play in the game that's all i care about i like the ice climber and i like to spam the ice do you hit mentality and ice climbers yeah it's actually dangerous you break the internet brother that's actually untouchable i will say that your worst your worst trait is that while becoming the most successful youtuber is you've played league of legends the whole way the soul-sucking game of League of Legends. Is that your favorite game? Rank check? No, my favorite game right now is this, like,
Starting point is 01:11:48 I don't even want to mention it, but it's like, you know those games where you build, like, it's a big map with all these players and you level up cities and conquer cities and you get gold? So I play one of those. Clash of Clans. Are you a whale?
Starting point is 01:11:58 Not Clash of Clans, but like that, right? But Clash of Clans is made for kids. This one's like, everyone's like 40 of all. No, this one's cool and everyone's a cool adult. It's like everyone's like 40 of all this one's cool and everyone's like cool adult it's like cause it's I mean
Starting point is 01:12:08 this one's all grown men it's like or ex-military and stuff like that cause they like strategy games it's just like this is like the most
Starting point is 01:12:14 oh like a like a mobile sieve or something right here I'll show you it's like it's a giant map and then you just
Starting point is 01:12:20 everyone plops their bases and you just attack each other and fuck each other up it's just Minecraft it wasn't Minecraft a little bit I mean i've put a lot into it but how much i see some i can't mr beast likes your game you are getting paid like see these are like my little bases on the map but if you zoom out there's like tons of violence all filled with like real players you
Starting point is 01:12:40 just attack each other and fuck each other up it looks like a like a like a mmo sieve yeah exactly it's like that and the map resets every 15 days your boy is currently number one in the world thank you very much wait actually is your name mr beast or something no i use a pseudonym um and then yeah so this is a game i play i fucking love it i'm actually double second place thank you very much um your first and second no double second two second so second place is points doubled would equal mine basically oh okay jesus christ do you not feel like you've beat it uh no because uh i'm a very competitive guy yeah i know i like it so yeah i've just i mean how in depth do we want to go i i know every little thing about the game i know the stats how long it takes
Starting point is 01:13:22 to roi when you upgrade a building, like march time and the radius I should keep my troops, like scout times. I know everything. I have spreadsheets on every little thing about this fucking game. Second place is just a veteran with no legs, like waiting for their daughter to call. How the fuck do you keep doing it? All right, all right.
Starting point is 01:13:38 Tell me the number. We'll bleep it, and then we'll react to the number, and that's probably like... Oh, my God. that's actually not that that's actually not nearly as much as i thought it would be after looking at the diablo immortal numbers oh yeah that's what i was thinking so yeah what so the way it kind of started is i i used to play a game very similar since we're talking about the stupid mobile game a long time ago when i was like 16 and i got super hooked i but i didn't have any money but you can run
Starting point is 01:14:03 emulators you can have tons of accounts. So I was managing like 10 different accounts. You're bot farming. Like playing each of the game on 10 different phones because alts were okay. Like you're a poker player. And my entire clan was just me
Starting point is 01:14:15 on different devices. And I was playing like 12 hours a day. And I managed after like six months to become like the number one player in the world on a game called Magecraft. Very similar setup, bases, whatever. And I just was fucking no life in the shit out of it even in class and stuff i'd go use the bathroom sign into all 10 accounts like move my troops around and then the game ended up shutting down
Starting point is 01:14:32 thank god i was way too addicted um anything that requires strategy is competitive and like you can know life like if there's a universe or that game doesn't shut down and you're not the biggest youtuber i actually used to make videos on the game really yeah and so I'm like so I got a billion troops and their marches
Starting point is 01:14:50 take about an hour so I place them here so we can cover this radius and like all this stupid shit oh my game shut off I'll just go make a hundred million dollars you would have been
Starting point is 01:14:57 the first American to make it in Starcraft in Korea maybe if you could pursue that so the game shut down and I was like no I'm never playing
Starting point is 01:15:04 these games again I can't there's something about it where it's like cocaine that enters playing these games again i can't it's just they there's something about it where it's like cocaine that enters my veins and i just can't stop and then fast forward to the fasting video i'm just dying in bed i'm like i i can't i'm just laying in bed 12 hours a day that's how i conserved energy and i got this tiktok at i was like oh that looks fun i was and i all like this flood of nostalgia just hit me and it was a game very similar almost like a direct ripoff and i downloaded it and the rest was history and then it's like now i'm just you know i have an excuse to lay in bed for 10 hours and then so i start playing i start learning the game and studying and then you know i have like my five
Starting point is 01:15:36 monitors up and i'm like doing the spreadsheets because it's like the only time i've ever been able to do nothing for 10 days because literally i just had to not eat that was my job just not eat food it didn't matter what i did as long as i didn't eat food and so i just played this game it was like kept me sane and then you know and then i was like yeah this is kind of bad i should probably go back to working and then like a bunch of the top players just started shit talking me like crazy and they don't know it's you yeah uh well they some of them did some they just didn't believe me but they were like you know you could practice this game for years. You'll never catch up. They're just like, you're a million dollars.
Starting point is 01:16:08 I boned your mom. They're just being a little toxic. And so then my competitive nature was like, okay, you know what? I'll sabotage my business to screw these little kids over. I don't care. You keep playing, the gap between YouTube uploads just keeps getting larger and larger. So that's where I basically found the smartest guy who's ever played the game, who just knows everything.
Starting point is 01:16:29 And I was just like, you want to work for me? And he's like, what do you mean? I was like, this is like your, this is like your Snoop Dogg blunt roller. Yeah. Yeah. You're not the first person to say that. I was like, I was just like, you know, like I need help like doing advanced math in real time like because sometimes like four or five people are hitting me at once and i need to know where to move my troops and like the percentages
Starting point is 01:16:50 to keep and like it'd be nice if you could like have a calculator i could be like okay a billion troops is coming at me here and a billion over here like which how should i divide and he's like you're not paying me for that i was like i want to and then he just like he took a couple days and he came back he's like you want to hire me to do that? And I'm like, yeah. Can you fucking start right now? I'm losing. I'm not hiring you to talk.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Nobody has ever made me wait 48 hours before. And so he's like, do I have to give you my name? Like, are you trying to, it's like, you don't have to give me your name. Just like, give me any, tell me how you want me to pay you. I'll pay you. He was like, i'll prepay you for the first week and i sent it and he's like oh this is this is real and i was like yeah and then he's like okay and he started helping me and then the next week what because my cfo just pays them every week he's like oh this is like real real and i have to constantly reassure him like yes i'm hiring you to help me manage my
Starting point is 01:17:43 armies in this video the cfo beast incorporate hasFO of Beast Incorporated has like a chart. He's like, yeah, so in May, Jimmy was playing a mobile game. So our numbers are... He pulls up the big graph at the meeting and there's this big dip. Yeah, a big pie. It's like, yeah. I can do a distro and then I can personally impress somebody. Oh, that's smart.
Starting point is 01:18:04 That's smart. Obviously, it's not see he does it through his distros Ludwig think about that stupid but anyways
Starting point is 01:18:09 distro hit while I was in Vegas and I was like uh oh yup and so that's where you know he's doing like
Starting point is 01:18:15 crazy things for me right now part of like why I'm so far ahead is like he's tracking the sleep schedule of the top players
Starting point is 01:18:21 so we know when they're on or not oh my god we're like it's crazy we're gonna move in in real damn life like things i can't say because then they would see this and i'd lose my competitive edge yeah like this wasn't through him but just someone i got intel i was like hey this guy who just kept
Starting point is 01:18:35 hitting me i was like i think he's going to put his child to sleep and i was like okay he's like do you want to because you want to know i was like i'm not going to take advantage i want you to know i want you to know this is psychotic no no no no don't let no this is base as fuck this is the coolest thing about you and i'm ethical because my my clan member instantly was like oh okay he's just like sending five attacks out and i'm like bro you can't just it's a child punish a guy for taking care of his kid get out of it he's like there's like a geneva conventions in this game where it's like no no if they're offline for their kids you don't attack i had this whole talk with with him my climate who's just ruthless and i was like bro i just i think like we have to have ethics the more intel you get like we can't just have an army built on you can't just while he's
Starting point is 01:19:24 gone you know just because it's a pretty ruthless game like if someone's got like i i took an hour the more intel we get. We have an army built on ethics. You can't just, while he's gone, because it's a pretty ruthless game. I took an hour off and people knew that, and I literally logged on and I lost everything. I literally had to basically, I lost all of my bases. One hour, because I slept in an hour and my shield went off.
Starting point is 01:19:38 They only give you six hours of shield. So basically my sleep schedule just went from nine hours to six hours, so that's just how I have to live. Some Mr. Beast fan who's a cia agent is listening and they're like he doesn't have what it takes so i sleep in i sleep in an extra 49 minutes and i wake up and i just see the final little scraps of my base it's just being taken by these 30 little vultures then they're just like hi you overslept nerd because they fucking knew when i woke up and start playing every day i love the idea of you describing why you have like no leverage streaming but then you
Starting point is 01:20:07 spend like eight hours doing this and you're possibly having negative leverage yeah i know and i'm trying to quit but i just can't and i love that just buy the company and well i already asked if i could invest and we're working on it. We'll see. Yeah, dude. I have a lot of ideas of how I would- What's funny is you've leaked more about the videos you're going to make than your strategies in this game. Well, yeah, because I can't. Then my lead would cripple, man.
Starting point is 01:20:34 I've spent a lot of time and a lot of money building this lead. What's funny is he could honestly leak how he makes YouTube videos, and no one would put the fucking effort in. Yeah, nobody has- I do. I get on podcasts all the time. I'm like, here's what I do. Here's how you can make $10 million a year. a lot of people don't have the capital i imagine or or maybe are willing to put the work in but
Starting point is 01:20:51 in this case it's like somebody's down to grind this strat out on their phone probably yeah well also i spent an absurd amount of money on gears so my troops move quicker than everyone sometimes i like someone will send an attack i'll take their base and then move those same troops back to defend the base and then they'll just be like what the fuck i'm like oh sorry you like ender's game growing up ender's game never saw it okay yeah you're just you're just that kid can i ask you a question i've never you might not think you might not like me for i've never seen a mr b's video in my life ever so what would be the one you would want to show someone just kidding what would be your what's the one you want to show somebody that
Starting point is 01:21:30 has never seen your videos like i guess one you're most proud of um um i don't know my answer is always the newest one so whatever the willie wonka video that's hype you just you believe that you're topping your last video yeah if the newest video is not my favorite why would we upload it's kind of the perspective but i mean i don't know i like that's the answer we buried ourselves alive i like the one that one was i mean i think it's cool to like like a big honestly because i had no i didn't know you at all at the time and uh when i saw that video i was like you doing shit yourself is she's going yeah we got you bro what's your studio but um she's like you guys have kleenex everything here everything you see besides the cameras i was like i really need to blow my nose
Starting point is 01:22:18 so that i just saw this box right there in front of this producer i was like oh that's you you like burying yourself alive, I was like, oh, he's fucking, he's about it. He's about it. I count it to a hundred thousand. I watched it every day for 10 hours.
Starting point is 01:22:31 I was named a hundred thousand times. Yeah, I counted to 200,000 and then I counted to 300,000. I think there's something, I think there's something about putting yourself in soil. I drove across America.
Starting point is 01:22:39 The one where you tried to, I walked a marathon in the world's largest pairs of shoes. That one was silly. I went to solitary confinement. Do you have a gun? I can get this faster. I can get this faster. Do you have a gun? I can get this faster. I can get this faster.
Starting point is 01:22:46 If I have a gun, I can kill myself. Just kidding. Yeah, but. I know what you mean. Yeah. Fuck. Ludwig, do you think every video
Starting point is 01:22:52 you've ever uploaded is your favorite one? It's always the next one. It's always the next one. When I ranked the YouTubers I would fight and didn't put Mr. Beast in the video,
Starting point is 01:23:01 but I put him in the thumbnail. That was his best video to date. I was like, damn, Ludwig, you've done it again. You did it again. Hey, next time he streams riot for that dude i i fucking hate when you riot i love just going in the stream randomly just going everyone right and they're just closing it not even seeing the results what he does he does his fucking it's insane he goes in my chat and he there's a super
Starting point is 01:23:18 chat function and you just you only chat through money and he donates a hundred bucks and he'll be like hey literally maybe like jimmy you don't have to do thatates a hundred bucks and it'll be like, Hey, literally maybe like Jimmy, you don't have to do that to talk to me. And they'll donate another a hundred bucks and be like, right in chat. If he doesn't do this and then, and then like, it'll be something stupid.
Starting point is 01:23:32 It'll be like play like, like wizard one-on-one and then everyone just riot. Yeah. Or maybe put your friend in a fortnight game or something like that. He didn't like that one. Are you playing right now? Well, I mean, you gave me,
Starting point is 01:23:41 since we brought it up now, I can just, so I got some people. All right. Last, last, one of the last gave me, since we brought it up, now I can just, I got some people to talk to. All right. Last, last, one of the last questions here, because we're about at time. Okay. When does Ryan come? Will I get to meet Ryan?
Starting point is 01:23:53 Have you been watching his series daily? You mean Arrive? Ryan Trahan. Yeah. Oh, is he the, is he the petty guy? Yeah. Yeah. I think this is my favorite series on YouTube in a while.
Starting point is 01:24:02 Yeah. You want to, are you going to VidCon? Yeah. You should just come back with me. I mean, because sometime around after VidCon. I mean, it's not scripted, so we don't know. Let me hit that. Get it over there.
Starting point is 01:24:15 God, you've done it again, you motherfucker. All right. You want this? That'd be tight. Are you liking that series? I feel like it's like... Yeah, it's good. I think what he did was pretty revolutionary in
Starting point is 01:24:25 the sense that like back in the day we all watched casey and i stat i a lot of people watched uh logan paul like vlogs were huge but then they kind of died in modern youtube because they're it's just like no one cares it's kind of boring and so he what he did is he found a way to like basically make a modern vlog it's like an overarching vlog isn't like a single story single story single story single story anymore in my opinion it's like an overarching vlog isn't like a single story single story single story single story anymore in my opinion it's like an overarching story spanning across all of them so you have a reason to check in every day so there's a click and then even better it's like it's to help people it's raising food to feed people in need and it's just like it's also a spectacle in the sense that he's crossing america he's having to make all the money like it's a spectacle it's
Starting point is 01:25:02 you know overarching story it's literally modern vlogging done to perfection so i think it's a spectacle it's you know overarching story it's literally modern vlogging done to perfection so i think it's very impressive i think a problem i see with a lot of youtubers and it's the same problem that like comedians have is they get rich and then they get out of touch and they like they're unrelatable and so the vlog is like you know like casey and i said it was like first class every fucking time you know flying across the i don't think that made him unrelatable though i feel like his most watched youtube video i don't think that's true he got old he only died because he stopped uploading not because you think yeah 100 like his those he did five of those and they all got over 50 million views like those aren't the reason his channel died right those if anything that's
Starting point is 01:25:37 what kept him alive longer it's just a lack of i did the thumbnail one of them really did pretty well yeah we'll get spot yo you did the thumbnail like you got in photoshop and whipped it up we made the thumbnail what's your what's your what's your feet what's your feet you want to do this one i do i do the thumbnail every week he does i'm giving him the thumbnail for his for the video he's up oh you want to see the video on the video or the thumbnail on the video you just got yeah yeah yeah my thumbnail yeah i could tweak it and put you in it but then cut you out of the actual video no no here tell me this isn't a banger hold up my special the thumbnail can be me naked in a circle in this warehouse yeah that would do I could tweak it and put you in it, but then cut you out of the actual video. No, no, no. Here, tell me this isn't a banger. Hold up.
Starting point is 01:26:05 My special team. The thumbnail can be me naked in a circle in this warehouse. Yeah, that would do bad, man. No. No. That would be great. I think that would hit. Nobody wants to see you naked.
Starting point is 01:26:12 That would hit with a certain demo. No, I just want to be naked. You do want to be naked. You were gone, and he took his clothes off, and then he put them back on. I got to reply to the guy that- That really happened. Yeah, I know. That makes sense.
Starting point is 01:26:20 It was crazy. He just kept taking your clothes off. Were you replying to the guy who's managing your army. Does he have the keys to the kingdom? He logs in, does... Actually, I don't want that. That might be TLS. That might be TLS. We let the army do the army's stuff.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Yeah, general's general. And that's how it works. Do you think you have what it takes to kill, Ludwig? Yeah. Humans? Yeah. No. Oh. YouTube? I could only kill Mango. that's how it works do you think you have what it takes to kill ludwig yeah humans yeah no youtube i could only kill mango but only if you really ask in self-defense yeah yeah yeah because you
Starting point is 01:26:52 had to because i had to not because i wanted to and i cried why is it not loading where's your fucking old yeller hey this is last to take hand off private jet keeps it okay that's that's a banger tell me that's not a banger that's really good yeah that's gonna do well hey that's a banger. Tell me that's not a banger. That's really good. Yeah, that's going to do well. So we sketched the thumbnails before we shoot them. Yeah, he showed us an MS Paint image. It looks very funny. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, this is the video we're filming tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:27:14 The options. You already make the thumbnail? Well, those are options. And then we'll actually shoot it to see which one I want. Okay, wait, wait, wait. Hold up. Let me test my eye real quick. The fucked up part is I can't tell the difference. Wait, show me. Show me. Tons of differences. I can't tell the difference. I'll show me show me the differences.
Starting point is 01:27:26 I can't tell the difference. I can't tell the difference in the different. So what are the differences? Some of them have the front of the plane crash. Some of them only have one half or two halves. Yeah, and this is a this is like cgi sketch. It's not real. Oh, so we do a paint sketch, a cgi sketch, and then I shoot the actual one.
Starting point is 01:27:43 Now let me find your guy. I saw that you have this like it's hopefully not a league and tell us to cut off you want oh dude. out so we do a paint sketch a cgi sketch and then i shoot the actual one now let me find your guy i saw that you have this like it's hopefully not a league and tell us to cut out if you want oh dude this is another option tell me that's not a fucking banger that one's good that's a fucking banger that's a banger i like that one so you have a room over there for a thumbnail uh a room like right there a roomba a roomba right there with the where the fuck that's what that's that's for a thumbnail photo right no that was just a set in the video. Oh, someone told me that.
Starting point is 01:28:06 One of your PAs told me that. I think they can just say it about anything. They said, oh, that was for the thumbnail. They pointed to your room. One versus 100, that's going to be the thumbnail, except that'll be more of a baby on the right. Wait, you haven't even shot it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:17 I mean, that's the sketch. I got to make sure I like the thumbnail before I film it or I'll have an existential crisis. I guess that's fair. Most YouTubers do the other way around, and or I'll have an existential crisis. I guess that's fair. Most YouTubers do the other way around and then they do have that existential crisis. Yeah. I like to front load my mental breakdown. You can just do what me and Ludwig do, which is we film the pod and then the night before
Starting point is 01:28:34 we put it up, we DM on Discord at like 1am and we talk about what the thumbnail should be and then I do it in an hour. Yeah. And then Ludwig says, I don't like this one. When it's live. It sounds about right. right oh there we go alright I found it alright so those are your thumbnail options oh look at that
Starting point is 01:28:50 it's probably here I'm going to just tell you which one it is I like the one where you're in the pit yeah I just don't care what you it's going to be a much higher quality that's going to be your thumbnail that's the one I like okay good then we're on the same page yeah okay Mr. Beast I buried $ hundred thousand dollars go find it that was gonna be the title
Starting point is 01:29:10 comma mr beast no no context or no video no context or no video what about a description no no context or no video that's fine with me i want every comment i want top comment with 20 000 upvotes to be like why did mr beast upload to ludwig's show put it on the wrong channel i want everything the description's gotta be like guys i worked so hard on this video hashtag beast gang like every everything to a t like your tweet that day should be like i phrased like your tweet yeah you know what's fucked up is i've done this i've uploaded on the wrong channel before it made more sense but i have it was funny i remember when you do that yeah yeah yeah and so it'll just be like that but even a little more reasons no i should tweet out be like oh shit i accidentally uploaded on love with show and i should reply with the thread and be like
Starting point is 01:29:52 i'm signed into logo's channel i just i thought it was mine and it happens all the time keep it up we'll just keep it up and i'm like well you know and then i should be like guys it's already i'll just leave it fuck Fuck. You know? And no one will watch this. I'm getting kind of nervous that it would be my most viewed video. Oh, it will. Well, that's what he wants. It absolutely will.
Starting point is 01:30:14 This is a data point for him and a big dick exercise for him. There is factually. How many? How many? How many? I think it gets under 10 mil. That is factually not possible. That's crazy. Even though I think that's the most horseshit video we've ever made.
Starting point is 01:30:24 It will still do over 10 mil. It's on my channel. People won't know about it. Okay. shit video we've ever made, it was still due over 10 million. It's on my channel and people won't know about it. Okay. How much do you want to bet it does under 10 mil? All the revenue from it? Oh shit. This is hype. I need that revenue from it. Under 10 mil in how many days? Half a day?
Starting point is 01:30:39 Just kidding. 30 days. Whatever. 30? Yeah, 30. I'll say under 10 mil in seven days. I'm going to cut you down. Oh, shrinking it. I'm going to make it harder. What? Under 10 mil in seven days, and I'll bet 10K.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Only problem is sometimes it does take a video like two weeks to get picked up. 14 days. Meet me halfway. 15. Deal. Give it to two. Give it to two. 15.
Starting point is 01:31:01 15 days. If the 15th day is right, you owe me 10K. 16, 16, 16, 16. 10K? 10K. All right. 10 million views on this to 15 15 days. The 15th day is right. You owe me 16 16 16 16. All right. 10 million views on this video. Well, he can just pull the nuclear trigger. You know, it's a good community post. We did it out like you do it every once.
Starting point is 01:31:16 Okay. So many more tools. I can just unlist it. That's true, too. We have an arms race. We have an arms race. Hey, but if you still money for me, how am I going to defend my basis? But then he can pay one of us to log into your account.
Starting point is 01:31:27 I respect the bases too damn much. All right. Well, we're about at time, gamers. Oh, okay. Now that he got what he wanted. Yeah. I got my video. You see how it works.
Starting point is 01:31:35 You see how it moves. I'm feeling great. Yeah. Hey, you should do a podcast with Carl. Just swap me out for him. Just hit record. Yeah. He has the one that beat Joan Rogan.
Starting point is 01:31:43 You know that. Why don't you go on his? Do you hate him? Joan? Joan Rogan? I'd love to you hate him joan just get carl in the premium episode tomorrow i think joe said world record yeah his kids said they love like ranboo oh maybe that was his kids have definitely never watched me i met sap nap and there was fan cams later that I was there. You know, you know that it's crazy. What was it? God, who's the fucking, who's the guy? I actually feel terrible.
Starting point is 01:32:10 I'm forgetting his name. Who's the guy who's your friend? Who's in all the videos? Chris Chandler, who has thin hair and slight Nolan. No, I love you, man.
Starting point is 01:32:23 So Nolan's parents took a picture with me when i was filming that video yeah they thought i was sap nap i was about to tell that story but i couldn't remember who it was so i forgot yeah fuck me just so forgettable you were like sap nap and he was like fan cam and i was like damn someone took a picture with sap nap or with someone but thought they were but i can't remember then you just told the story. It's me. Yeah, you're the one. Anyway, how's it going, Nolan's parents? Nolan, your hair's not that thin, but you might look like Simon five years.
Starting point is 01:32:50 It's getting thinner. I don't know you, but I know that. Hey, Nolan, this is what you have to look forward to. You're going to look like you stopped eating before 30 days finished. All right, see you tomorrow in the heat, Nolan. That about does it for the yard with Mr. Bean. All right, so I can check in on my army?
Starting point is 01:33:06 Wait, wait, wait. We have a video idea for you. We have a video idea for you. We have to pitch you an idea. A long time ago, we said if we ever had you on, we'd pitch an idea to you. Okay, pitch me. I'll be ruthless. I ate an entire tire. So when's the video, though? Do you think it's good?
Starting point is 01:33:26 You just eat a tire. I, Mr. Beast, ate a whole tire for $100,000. And you eat a tire with your mouth. Yeah, you like eat your teeth. You boil it maybe. And Carl would watch you eat the tire. That's a big tire to me. You know what?
Starting point is 01:33:40 With that context, I hate it. How about, what if we ate like the world's largest cake you ate the world's largest tire so we get we get four tires off like a big monster truck and we eat those tires yeah all right so all right we'll workshop this we're gonna make this work thanks everyone for watching the yarn and this flop bro it went in my ear, then went in his. I fucking hate that fly. The fly's been around the whole time.
Starting point is 01:34:08 That fly is a whore. Yeah. And on that, goodbye everybody.

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