The Yard - Ep. 51 - We Stole From Our Rival Podcast (ft. CDawgVA)

Episode Date: June 29, 2022

This week we have on CDawgVA from the Trash Taste Podcast! The boys discuss Welsh accents, old YouTubers, and faxing your butt cheeks across America....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are we live? Yeah, we got his ass. We just punked him live on camera. New shirt. That's crazy. I'm wearing a new shirt. That's crazy. No, there's a stain on it though.
Starting point is 00:00:24 Fuck. I'm not kidding. I'm not kidding though all right real one real one did you for a second you were like oh no for a little second i was like no no i didn't i didn't people who have held people who have held connor shroud an elite group wait shroud yeah yeah everyone else when when did you? Okay, when you say that, you imply that Shroud has been in this chair. So that is not true. No, no, he's just saying, like, internet celebrities who didn't look. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Yeah, but... Of the people we've done it to. Just Sigma Male Music playing when you say the last two digits. When did you do this to Shroud? It wasn't me. At Beyblading. It was Josh.
Starting point is 00:01:00 Josh Mann. Josh Mann tried to hit him with it. Well, Josh Mann, he's just better at it because he's charming. Well, it didn't work. Yeah, but it didn't work. It didn't work. This is an example of how it didn't.
Starting point is 00:01:09 You're off. You just woke up and you're off. I'll say it. You're off. I'm not off. Wait, is it slime flop season? Yeah. I'm really confused by the list of prompts.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Am I supposed to be confused? How about you? Don't expose our process. Okay, sorry. Sorry. You could pick one if you wanted. Let's start with the foot. What is a gas chamber?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Okay. Oh, you've never heard. Wow. That never heard. Is that? Never heard of that. Let me teleport you back to the 20th century, my man. We were in North Carolina shooting with Mr. Beast, and we're driving, and Slime, without
Starting point is 00:01:41 telling anyone, puts the child lock on all of our doors and then starts farting. That's what this is? And none of us can roll the windows down or get out. And he just, for like two minutes. We were driving around the hotel parking lot. So we're at our destination. And he just keeps circling the parking lot,
Starting point is 00:02:01 farting and laughing. And we can't get out of the car. No, no, no, no. They refused to open the car and leave it while it was moving No it was locked I opened the door But he was moving too fast to get out The back doors were locked The front door was not locked and I was able to crack it
Starting point is 00:02:18 And you didn't have what it took to leave the car To leap I was going at parking lot speeds in a valet Was the fart that bad? Yes You speeds in a valet was the font that bad yes yes it's like a fog yes like rancid like you know in a cartoon when it comes out green yeah it's like that like the stink lines like yeah this this did happen but i think i gave everyone the option to challenge themselves and we brought this up before it's much like a saw film and no one passed the test yeah but i wouldn't jump out of a car just to you know just get out of a mild discomfort yeah you'd rather just complain about it yeah exactly exactly yeah well i wouldn't jump out
Starting point is 00:02:54 the car you're not crazy jumping out of the car is crazy obviously the crazy person is the one who farted locked the doors and then said if you want to leave, jump. You're the craziest person. It's like a bunch of jigsaw. I also didn't say it. I implied it. But I feel like that. You are laughing maniacally. You didn't say anything. You're right. You're doing loops in the Holiday Inn parking lot.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And you keep saying, I can't find a spot. I can't wear the spots. That part was funny. That sounds pretty funny. Because there were spots that were available, but I wasn't slowing down. I was in the car with my manager the other day, and I farted, and it was disgusting. And it was really just like... That's it for you?
Starting point is 00:03:30 It was just disgusting. It's just his candid, like, just honesty about it. It was... You know, nine times out of ten when you fart, there's like no smell, right? Yeah. I feel like that's it. Well, not for me. If it's loud...
Starting point is 00:03:43 We live in America. I feel like it's a little bit different here. Maybe, yeah. It was one of those ones that was really loud and drawn out as well. And the end had a lot of... It was just slowly fading. Like letting a balloon... Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Like air loose out of a balloon. And I thought, okay, well, no. It was just funny. And I was laughing. And then it really smelled bad. And then my manager started crying. She was like, this is so disgusting. She was like, that was so beautiful. You're fucking with us. No, she genuinely started crying. She was like, let so disgusting she was like that was that was so beautiful no you're
Starting point is 00:04:05 fucking with us you know she genuinely like started crying she was like let me out of the car let me out of the car but we were moving and then you said if you get out of the car while it's moving you can escape my jigsaw puzzle don't you want to move up at this company downtown hollywood right now at midnight and you can get out of the car that is fucked i've never done that you're just better than me. That was just pure, like, the stars aligned. It was a smelly fart, and it was really loud as well. Wait, wait, what day is this?
Starting point is 00:04:32 And she was emotionally vulnerable. Like, something in her life made her sad. She was just really scared of farts and that kind of stuff. This is the glassy. Like, three days ago? Is this after we ate every single fast food burger? It was the next day Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:45 So maybe it's that It could have been that It definitely was that It's the concoction Of eating That amalgamation Yeah It was our powerful
Starting point is 00:04:51 American food Coursing through your system It's too much It's too much Yeah you got evil magic In your belly You don't get that When you're eating
Starting point is 00:04:58 Clean fish In Tokyo everyday dude You know Everyone thinks So I guess I'm from I like Hey That's a real bug zapper
Starting point is 00:05:05 and it just killed somebody. Oh my God. Yeah, so rest in peace, poor one. Yeah, I mean, I don't know if your listeners know, but yeah, I live in Japan, but uh.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Real quick. Who the fuck are you? I've never met you. Oh, hi, hi. We literally introduced ourselves right before we started rolling and then Ludwig said, so I'll have to edit that out as well.
Starting point is 00:05:22 You can't keep saying that. Well, I'm the one that does the edits, so I'll be the one to do it. so we'll remember that no anyway uh it was it i just met him i just woke up and then this guy was here so you're from trash taste podcast i am yeah the competition right yeah wait what the competition i added that that has three times the amount of views so when we when we started this pod uh we needed someone to do the thumbnails and i stepped up and i was like i'll do them and i asked ludwig who's our youtube guy i'm like ludwig ludwig what should the thumbnails look like and he was like just go copy what trash taste does so if you go back and
Starting point is 00:05:59 look at like our first six episodes they're just your guys's thumbnails but copied oh and then we eventually found our own voice and stopped copying you guys which is just removing the lines yeah which is just removing the lines three things is goaded yeah a lot of people have copied a lot of the stuff from trash well you guys get fucking a milli per ep i'm like that's crazy we waxed his whole body and that's not even a million yeah you got you guys talk about fucking naruto and it's over we don't even talk about anime much anymore that's the it's the whole joke of like we're an anime podcast but we don't talk about anime yeah okay yeah couple questions i because how long you guys been doing it i've never listened i'm sorry i've never yes i never watched a mr
Starting point is 00:06:37 beast video either so that's a i'm a boomer i'm completely actually true like stupid stupid i we were all doing youtube separately and we've been doing it for like i've been doing it for seven gaunt my co-host has been doing it for 15 years uh joey's been doing it for like eight or nine and joey who's one of the co-hosts he's half japanese uh half australian lives in japan completely fluent and uh yeah we started doing it two years ago we me and gone moved to japan but did not for the podcast but then we were there and we were like well what else are guys gonna do yeah get together podcast of course that's like that's like instead of going to
Starting point is 00:07:14 therapy you just start a podcast that's what guys do yeah yeah if you can if you can get like three white or white passing guys in a room it's just all the all the props just spawn yeah the sm7b's will in front of your face yeah it's like click where you throw it and it comes back in your hand you're like hey how's it going but we didn't know it was gonna turn into anything we just kind of did because you know a lot of youtuber podcasts just just they don't a lot of them don't do well it doesn't really even matter if like the people on it are big sometimes. They just don't do well. Sometimes you see YouTuber podcasts and they only get views when they have a big guest on as well. And so we were like, we didn't really expect much.
Starting point is 00:07:53 But now it's crazy. It's so crazy. Do you attribute that to your goaded ability and your deep, beautiful, luscious voice? Or do you attribute it to anime being a window into the human soul? I don't know. Why do you think yours has done well? I think I have some theories as to why ours has done pretty well. Well, our Patreon does well, but our views are fine.
Starting point is 00:08:12 No, I think our views are really good. Your views are good for podcasts. Really? I don't fucking know anything. There's just anomalies. Comparatively to other shows and the three of us being essentially no one. Yeah, that's crazy. It does pretty well, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:08:22 That's really good. And one of us is bald. I think I've thought about this a a lot i think it's visual effort like i think like a lot of shows just don't really try and like we have like a set and like a patreon like a lot of stuff in it i think that kind of translates into we were really kind of uh really strict about the idea of wanting it to be in person and filming it we didn't need to yeah hated the idea of doing it over like discord or it's the bare minimum that you can do yeah you know and then there's not really much you can do to up the quality from that point right like all you can do is like everyone record your own audio channels maybe
Starting point is 00:08:52 get a light or something yeah it's kind of there's diminishing returns there's a limit right and when you're in person there's just so much more that clicks i guess i don't know all the details but i think one of the things that you do that are sick are the um like the challenge videos like the specials specials yeah yeah because it's like high effort like they they got all the boys they wrangle them up and then they meet like some drift car expert in japan and they go drifting yeah uh and i think all those ones the fucking the clutch with the double clutch that were you able to do that uh when you fucking suck basically this is like his thing it's just like oh explaining how i'm culturally literate about drifting basically double clutching is when you're fucking you're
Starting point is 00:09:32 driving the car and you should see the foot cam they're like and they fucking use all three pedals with one fucking foot have you seen this no i have which is weird. We went drifting, and that was fun. Did you drift well? I was the best. No, I wasn't the best. I lost the end challenge. You were top three. I was top three out of three.
Starting point is 00:09:53 I was killing it in the practice. I was getting everything right. My donuts were clean as fuck. I could keep them going forever, but I couldn't. The handbrake drift is so hard. My car was just in the shop for a couple weeks, and they gave me a car in the meantime that I could use. And it was like a Volkswagen Golf, I think.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And you drove it one day, I remember, at our old place. And we drove into the Taco Bell slash gym parking lot, which is convenient that those two things are next to each other. And then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, speaking no words, Slime floors it floors it handbrake pulls handbrake and does a fucking full-on drift around a corner in in the parking lot and i'm like gripping the seats and he pulls it to a complete stop and he just looks at me and i'm like how did you do that it's like a video game hold our one you show your talent
Starting point is 00:10:43 once but never again this is the only time this has ever come up. I've never seen it. Dude, we had like a drifting legend in Japan. Like, drive the car for us and go around a track. And I'm not scared of like any roller coasters or anything, like thrill rides, nothing. I was shitting myself. Yeah, that would scare the shit out of me.
Starting point is 00:11:02 This dude was just kind of like really ambivalent to the thought of driving us. And he was like, was like ah whatever and the moment he got in the car it was like something changed like he it looked like a psychopath when he got in the car and the moment he goes it was just crazy he's like looking at us while he's drifting just laughing maniacally while he's doing these spins around the corner like slamming the pedals like pumping the handbrake and he's just going crazy around this thing, like slamming the pedals, like pumping the handbrake. And he's just going crazy around this thing. And they're all nuts. They're all crazy.
Starting point is 00:11:30 That's him with his asshole. Everything the same. Yeah, pumping it, laughing maniacally, looking at us. But we're in a Starbucks drive-thru. Hidden child lock. There is something so fun about drifting. It's just like... Yeah, it's naturally like this machine
Starting point is 00:11:44 you're supposed to carefully maneuver. You're just like, nah, let's make it move. It's just like. Yeah, it's naturally like this machine you're supposed to carefully maneuver. You're just like, nah, let's make it move. It's dangerous though. It's so scary. That's hot. Yeah, this is us doing it. Yeah, you guys are one of like a very, very small amount of channels like who do podcasts who like we have like posted in like our Slack and been like, oh, they do this.
Starting point is 00:12:01 We should try things like this. And like you guys is like series where you get together and do stuff yeah any any of those videos like i showed them i was like hey we don't do anything like this probably good idea to start trying things like this it's yeah it's a cool way of kind of like upping what you do and showing like you're more than just a podcast it's like i think some of your most viewed videos are not even your podcast episodes right it's like those yeah so i think the most viewed is one that we have with a vtuber but i think the second most viewed is the cycling special. Yeah. Yeah, that's the one I've seen.
Starting point is 00:12:26 Yeah, and I mean, we love that one. That one's so fun. But like doing it on the day and trying to manage it all, because it's all kind of like just kind of thrown together. You're kind of like, we think this will work, and we just kind of hope it works on the day. Yeah. Luckily at all.
Starting point is 00:12:40 Dude, what fucked me up is you don't have a tech person. Yeah, we don't have a tech person. Yeah, that blows my mind. You self-produce? No zipper? Yeah. That up i showed him i showed him the set earlier last week we came up into the set you're gassing the setup which you know we appreciate and then i point to he's like what's that what's that room over there i'm like oh that's where a producer sits he's like you have a you have a guy for that yeah so i'm like the more out of the of us, I'm the one who knows the most about all the gear and how it works.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So I just kind of like, cause the mics are easy. So it's like the on button. I was like, so there's a microphone. They're like microphone. Cause I came from like a voice acting background. So mics have always been like my thing. I love mics. I'm obsessed with them.
Starting point is 00:13:23 I love talking about microphones and. All right, are these overrated everyone uses them are they overrated they're great for podcasts they're like that's the reason why everyone uses them they but like for like uh voice acting you don't use these they're too they're too muddy on the low end can i confess something to you okay so uh we met before this we met rock climbing yeah with uh ludwig i did a thing and uh when we introduced each ourselves to each other neither of us said our names. So we were like hey nice to meet you and we just kind of shook hands and we just started rock climbing. I thought until like yesterday
Starting point is 00:13:52 that you were odd one out. Because you showed up with I did a thing I didn't learn your name which I don't even think that would have helped because I don't know his name. It's a generic one. And I was just like this must be the guy he boxed. Maybe they're because they post pictures hanging out after.
Starting point is 00:14:07 And I was like, oh, I fucking killed this. That'd be so weird. And he's like, and he's like, it's his little lackey. Yeah. Come here. They're clawing the wall there. It doesn't make him a lackey. He's great at this.
Starting point is 00:14:20 It doesn't make him a lackey. He's just hanging out. Do a backflip. Go ahead. And then, yeah. So I didn't even realize who you were. Yeah. doesn't make him a lackey he's just hanging out backflip go ahead yeah uh and then yeah so i didn't even realize uh who you were yeah i mean i i'm not like i don't give a fuck about people caring who i am that's whatever do you prefer your rap name or your regular name my regular name okay you don't want c-dog va oh wait that's your that's his online name your c-dog yeah it's
Starting point is 00:14:41 c-dog in the building bro bro? That side. Step off. It's because he's really good at the blood fingers. No. He does sick hand puppets, too. Yo, what's up? It's sea dog from Wales. I've told the story a bunch before, but I started doing voice acting before I did YouTube. And I was doing it on websites.
Starting point is 00:15:05 And my first name was the same name as my Xbox game attack. And I was so scared that my friends would find out and they would bully the shit out of me if they just happened to search my game attack. Were you being an anime nine-year-old girl in the voice acting? I mean, just in the UK, even playing video games too much back when I was growing up was still like, it was what you would be bullied for. So anime was completely off the table. I already was struggling in the up was still like, it was what you would be bullied for. So anime was like completely off the table.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Wow. I already was struggling in the social hierarchy of like, I was in like the mid range. Of the lads? Yeah, yeah. Because I didn't play football. Not American football.
Starting point is 00:15:35 I didn't play soccer. You didn't play football. Thank God you translated it because I was confused. Oh, you fucking get fucking with me. No, all right. You joke, you joke, but it's such a serious thing. Come on, man.
Starting point is 00:15:47 It's Wales. It's Wales. If you ain't fucking playing football with my era. He was Billy Butcher from the boys. Fuck you, what you doing? This is fucking diabolical. So it's actually the meme where you're walking, like a friend walks in your room and you're watching anime
Starting point is 00:16:05 and then you tab out and they're like, what are you doing? And you're like watching porn. Yeah. Pop, pop, porn. I'm jerking off. I was watching dirty, dirty, weird porn. It's a MILF busters. I told one of my closest friends, I was like,
Starting point is 00:16:15 I'm kind of into this thing. It's called anime. And he was like, what the fuck's wrong with you? Damn. What the fuck? Dude, and now kids are wearing fucking like AF1s with Goku on it. It sucks. Because now I'm like, what the fuck dude and now kids are wearing fucking like af1s with goku on it it sucks because now i'm like what the fuck i got bullied for liking what like street cred yeah how old are you i'm 25 nearly 26 i thought you were so much we're like the same age by like like 12 days
Starting point is 00:16:37 yeah but like the uk like uh i'm kind of like i don't know school culture and what's in is like 5 10 years behind america but like you would tell me about all the smash tournaments and stuff that would happen Yeah, like no not like that's just like not much of that Well to be fair he was a loser in high school You could do that Was like Canadian in here. Yeah, so you're a little isolated. But you're also from Wales, the dragon country.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Yeah, I'm fluent in Welsh. I did all my schooling in Welsh. Wait, is that a language? I'm not fucking with you. Yeah, so you're like, you want to speak a little bit? Dude, you know what he said the other day too? He said, who's messy? Yeah, he said who's messy, actually.
Starting point is 00:17:21 The other day, like that didn't happen like six months ago. But to be fair, I haven't thought about messy since, and I still just know he's a footballer. I'm culturally illiterate in some ways. Imagine calling messy a footballer. Is he not? It's like saying Michael Jordan is a basketball player. Or a basketball player.
Starting point is 00:17:42 He's a basketballer. He's a basketballer. So at home, if you were juggling a soccer ball and you couldn't get more than two what would the boys like say to you they might make fun of you like some example like let's say you get three tries you get three tries to get three hits on a ball i don't know i'm not really sure it's been so long since i've been in how about let's run it since you're a voice actor since you. How about, let's run it. Since you're a voice actor, since you're a voice actor, let's run a scenario in, we're going, we're time traveling back, all the way back to your weird Welsh days
Starting point is 00:18:11 growing up in the dragon school. Where everyone was slippery and covered in oil. When you were in school with Richard Lewis and all this shit's going on. And you have to tame the dragon. Yeah, right, we have to do that. And we're back, and I am you. And you are a bully, okay?
Starting point is 00:18:25 And so I'm you and I'm 15 and I'm a pussy. Nervous when your voice is going to be here. And I like having had my growth spree. I'm like handsome. I don't have the beautiful voice that you have now. All the attributes that you have now just haven't happened yet. And I'm trying to... Oh, I miss juggling the bowl.
Starting point is 00:18:42 Hey, what a fucking... Look at him. Oh, I miss juggling the bowl again., what a fucking... Look at him. Oh, I miss juggling the ball again. Are you Rick from Rick and Morty right now? You're Morty. You're Morty. Oh, Rick, I'm British now. Going on an adventure.
Starting point is 00:18:54 I'm British in this universe. Oh, look at the fucking... Oh, look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. Look at him. I can say that. Is there not like some similarity?
Starting point is 00:19:04 Oh, yeah. He's the only one that can Oh god Is there not some Similarity here though Where you like If you didn't watch The game last night
Starting point is 00:19:09 You have to No this is if you Haven't shot a guy In the head here Oh right That makes you like A huge pussy Oh shit wait
Starting point is 00:19:14 That's kind of whack though Yeah it's I think you are It depends on where you grow up Like I think Yeah you get bullied But there's not this Like homogenous like
Starting point is 00:19:24 Oh you don't watch footy You're gonna get killed Like culture You know I grew up In a really really small school It depends on where you grow up. Like, I think, yeah, you get bullied, but there's not this, like, homogenous, like, oh, you don't watch footy, you're going to get killed, like, culture. You know, I grew up in a really, really small school. Right, right. And it was so small that, like, everyone was just fucking kind of chill. How many people did you have in, like, your old- I had 69 kids in my graduating class, and that's funny. And that's real. Yeah, I think in my final high school, it was, like, 80.
Starting point is 00:19:40 And then my final sixth form, which is kind of, like, the two years before college, that was 30. Oh, shit. It was an all-Welsh school of like the two years before college, that was 30. Oh shit. It was an all Welsh school. Like all my exams and stuff was in Welsh. Can you speak a little? Yeah, so what do you like? What's that one word that shows up on my YouTube homepage, and it's like Connor says,
Starting point is 00:19:56 and then it's the word in Welsh. Oh yeah, so there's like a, have you seen the really long town name? I've done this like a million times. It's a really, really long town name, and I'll say it slowly, but it's Llanfair pwllgwyngych go gerwch ychwyndobwll Llanter Siliogh go goch.
Starting point is 00:20:08 It kept going. Yeah, that's crazy, bro. And if you hit the red barn, you've gone too far. Are there spaces in that when it's written down? No, that's all, yeah, this is the town name. What the fuck? This is the town name. Dude, were they kidding?
Starting point is 00:20:19 So it was named for like a popularity, like a stunt. It was just kind of like changed because the town was really boring. There's not really much there. It's a Bodie McBoatface situation. Yeah, there's a cool climbing gym there. Oh, yeah. There's nothing there.
Starting point is 00:20:31 There's a really comically large train sign where like they have the full thing. So they lean into it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's like Wales is just really small. Like out of all the UK countries, it's like similar size like Northern Ireland, maybe a little bit bigger. But yeah, it has its own language, like Scotland and Ireland. I didn't know that either.
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, yeah, they all have. I thought they were all accents. No, so when you go to Wales or Ireland, you'll notice the town name, like on the signs, they'll have like Gaelic and English. Oh, Gaelic, I did know about that one. In Wales, they have Wales and English. The world history class right now.
Starting point is 00:21:03 Dude, don't call him that, he's right there. So I didn't want to give like a education thing. No, no have Wales in English. It's a world history class right now. Don't call him that. He's right there. I didn't want to give like an education thing. No, no, this is great. I'm just, the humor to draw from this is how woefully unprepared I am to understand an entire continent of people, which is Europe. I mean, it's like, same for me when I'm living there and I'm like, what the fuck is going on outside?
Starting point is 00:21:21 Like, it's so homogenous in Wales. Oh. Yeah. Yeah, it's crazy. I want to bathe in your voice. It's like champagne. It's like morphine in my ears, yeah. Thank you, guys.
Starting point is 00:21:32 It's crazy. Maybe that's why the podcast does well. I don't know. Did you ever work on your voice? Yeah, I mean. As a voice actor. Physically, yeah. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:21:40 What I'm saying is your physical voice that you have that you were born with is very nice Is that anything you just lock? It's just lock. Okay, you didn't like like coat it in oils No, no, I I remember when I was like, uh, like 13 My voice started breaking and obviously was breaking a lot and everyone in school thought I was like joking They thought I was like putting on it because I used to do voices all the time It's like fun around people just thought like oh he's doing a bit and then i was like i thought i was also i had a sore throat and i just didn't go what did what did the sound you when it broke you mean it was all cracky and yeah it was kind of like flipping between being high pitch at one moment
Starting point is 00:22:17 and then this isn't that crazy when you're like a teenager like in middle school everyone makes fun of you for that but also everyone does it yeah yeah you're just waiting for your turn and then you go through it and then you just transfer that pain to other people exactly it's a collective bullying yeah it's like that's the same thing for like women when they're waiting for their periods and it doesn't happen if it doesn't happen fast enough you get bullied actually yeah really well i think maybe you internalize the bullying but you're like you're kind of a loser how do you find out if someone hasn't had their period it's like so he's a lie right i think maybe you'd brag about it or you just start having puberty so like puberty you could just lie and be like yeah period i'm sure that happens i'm sure it's
Starting point is 00:22:53 one of those things where if you're if you're first to the table with that you're probably also getting made fun of oh i've had it it's cool i had a lot of it i'm like bleeding a lot and i need so many i had to go to the hospital the other day. Dude, you should see how much blood there was. I'm trying to think this is a good thing. No, no,
Starting point is 00:23:09 I will say like every, there's, kids are fucking vicious. I myself, I think I've told this before, like I, I didn't have armpit hair when I was like in 14.
Starting point is 00:23:19 Hey, relax. Loser. I didn't have armpit hair and I got made fun of by this kid who was really mean to me all the time and he's like, you don't even have armpit hair and i got made fun of by this kid who was really mean to me all the time and he's like you don't even have armpit hair pussy and i'm like oh i had pubes
Starting point is 00:23:30 but i'm armpit hair and i'm like check this out well no i was just like well i guess he's right i don't have that yet and so when i i developed this habit of when i would raise my hand in class i would cover my my armpit yeah so it's like that's a fucking dumb ass thing to like worry about but he gave me that complex and you know i i'm sure it exists with like all kinds of shit so dude i'm so scared about having kids now because like what if like that one time you just shout at them the wrong way uh they remember it forever and they're just like all they remember and then they they gut you in your sleep and it's over yeah i'm afraid to have a kid because i might yell at it too fucking thing i'm just gonna fucking I'm afraid to have a kid because I might yell at it too.
Starting point is 00:24:08 I'm just going to fucking yell. I don't want to have a kid because I know I'll scream at him. Dude, Cutie came running in the room the other day because I yelled. And she's like, what happened? And I was just yelling at Coots. Because Coots does this thing. Coots is like a kitten. Yeah, but she bites constantly when she's tired. And she claws.
Starting point is 00:24:23 And so I didn't want to like, like, you know, physically restrain her. So I just go, hey, hey, when she would do it, hoping I'd scare her and have her stop. But I kept doing it like more and more distressed until I was like screaming. I was like, ah!
Starting point is 00:24:38 And then she's like, what are you doing? And I was like, well, I'm trying to train. No, no, no, still a total lot of energy has been um stalking me around the house thinking i don't notice yeah so like like so like hiding behind things and peering and then following me wherever i go and uh the other day coots ran into my room right when i opened the ran into my room in my bathroom and hid for me and i went to go find her and i'm like looking i'm looking i finally find her i go in i'd grab her take her out of my room because i'm like yeah cutie's gonna wonder where you are i walk out and then just fucking rips a
Starting point is 00:25:08 hole in my hand in the back of my hand and jumps out i was just like oh my god you were you did this she's a vicious child she's becoming mischievous do you spoil her too much i well i know i'm i'm gonna give her firm spankings what do you do with a cat yeah you spank the cat you go bad yeah yeah you throw it against the wall like a grapefruit spit vodka in its mouth yeah it's like uh it's like the chow garden you make it you throw the chow you throw the wall till it's evil yeah coots like starts to grow little horns you ever play sonic adventure 2 battle yeah i love the chows yeah yeah you know if you throw them at the walls they turn evil i didn't know this yeah if
Starting point is 00:25:44 you abuse your chows they turn into evil chows fucking obsession and if you give if you pet them all the time they turn into angel chows yeah you got to be nice but you have to do it like a lot like it's it's bad for your brain as a kid i was thinking because you got a complex from this guy bullying you where all my confidence came from in high school was from one kid who i shared theater class with and he was this theater kid i was a theater class with. And he was this- You were a theater kid? I was a theater kid. But I was a weirdly confident theater kid, which isn't normal.
Starting point is 00:26:11 And I think the reason was because there was this kid a year younger than me- Some would say that's the problem. Well. Is that they have a lot of confidence. Anyway, continue. He was 6'3". He had a bowl cut, very, very thin,
Starting point is 00:26:24 Jack Skellington style and he wore a suit every single day and he spoke in a British accent the factor being he had never been to England in his life but he still did one every day for like three years to the
Starting point is 00:26:40 point it was like 6th grade to like 9th grade where he just it stuck and it's like it wasn't an authentic one yeah i was gonna ask was it good like i was like my new hampshire right but it was like it was clearly not forced because it was natural which means it was good but i think if you went to england they'd be like where are you from hey come on over here come on it was definitely much more mild mannered i went went to Medieval Times the other day. Oh, dude.
Starting point is 00:27:06 We gotta go. Any of you guys there have been? I know what it is. I've never been. Do you have any dragon tail soup, dude? That was a trip. No, dude, it was... Fucking food is awful.
Starting point is 00:27:14 What? It was just the driest chicken. You didn't like your haggis? There was no haggis. It was just dry chicken. They're trying to make it authentic to back in the day. I used to go all the time as a kid. They all do British accents.
Starting point is 00:27:24 And there was like one dude where I was so convinced that maybe he just is British. It was so good. And I was like, I don't think this guy's trying. But there was another dude who then immediately spoke after him.
Starting point is 00:27:35 And it was like, it was just, it was really bad. Oi, oi, lads. He was like, where you at? What can you do? I was like,
Starting point is 00:27:42 what? What are you doing? But then like on your, we did the burger video, right? Right. And there's a bunch of the comments on Ludwig's video like this guy's British.
Starting point is 00:27:51 He doesn't sound British because I've obviously lived in Japan for a while and I've been around a lot of Americans. So a lot of people are like, he's not British anymore. He doesn't sound Welsh at all
Starting point is 00:27:59 because I sound a lot different from how I used to sound. Well, you play the video. You don't sound super Welsh. We were talking about it. I've met people from Wales what I used to sound. Well, you play the video. You don't sound super Welsh. We were talking about I've met people from Wales and their accents are fucked. Yeah, well, you're not. They have the accent like, Oh, my name's Connor. I talk like this, you know? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Everyone's from the village. Yeah. So I was like, I love that. We actually know that the whole time. I like my own my family, like Scottish accents, right? And they all talk like this, right? And you know You got anything What did you say
Starting point is 00:28:44 Just things like shit oh it's my butt I got a stinky butt oh so yeah so welcome to the she was so why do you think that your guys is like performs better than ours like anything specific
Starting point is 00:28:59 or sorry I'm just milking the cash cow right now hold on real quick did you did you have a finish to your guy yeah so the guy the final finale of him and i think i might have said this on the pod before but i went to a theater party which is a degenerate thing to go to oh shit i didn't realize the story was never no you're fine we do this a lot it's how it goes baby it's how it goes why can't you do it do it in a speaking room volume? How about you're speaking in a microphone?
Starting point is 00:29:29 I can't believe you haven't said the diaper lady yet. Did you say microphone? It's obviously bad. You weren't surprised about this. And like that? He likes it. This is my only job.
Starting point is 00:29:42 It's to make him... Render him incapable of contributing if you should it'd be like the equivalent of like just no i actually might say that me saying so this guy is a better Japanese accent Hey look hey squats in the fucking Any commenters Super Scottish second last name. What is it? It's but like she's got like loads of letters that aren't pronounced it's like c-o-l-q-u-h-o-u-n there's like a picture of a moose in it yeah my last name's scottish you shit dude we we have like a coat of arms and it's like like a moose
Starting point is 00:30:36 and shit my family's got a coat of arms you do too yeah historically they wanted to keep the bloodline pure uh-huh which yeah that's and that's what the big armor and the swords it's to kill kill the enemy. It was about making sure that the Pope didn't interfere too much. Okay. Oh, government? We believe in Protestant pride. You watch anime? He has seen the one anime with whales. You watch Vinland Saga?
Starting point is 00:31:15 We watched it. We watched it together. Did you watch it together? Oh, yeah. It's so funny. I've watched like four anime all the way through and that's one of those. Vinland Saga is fucking amazing.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Dude, the theme song, the second season is different, right? Yeah. The first season theme song, I literally put it in my Spotify playlist. Did you guys finish the season? Yeah. Bro, the ending of the season. It's great. I think you would hate it because you would watch it and they would have normal accents
Starting point is 00:31:37 and you'd be like, no. Wait, normal? What do you mean normal? Like normal Welsh accents and they don't go, oh, I say, where's your doubloons now? Oh, look, I was recording an enemy. What was that? Give us our Rick.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Oh, Rick. There's no Scotland in it. There's no Scotland. Rad says translate that. Oh, Marcy, we're in an enemy. It's the fucking story. We're watching
Starting point is 00:32:05 Dr. Horrible sing along blog as you do at a theater party yeah which is great NPH you should watch it probably on YouTube
Starting point is 00:32:11 great yeah and then after it ends they play some music and like we go upstairs and then he stays downstairs with his girlfriend and and like
Starting point is 00:32:20 I go down and it's like it looks like it was a little bit weird and I find out later that he was grinding and as he was grinding he busted his pants and came to everywhere and he just had big old cum splotch he done came to it he done cummed himself and i shit you not he shows up next day at
Starting point is 00:32:38 school suit tie british accent out of his mind zero embarrassment and i'm like why am i ever embarrassed if this guy can cum himself in a room full of theater kids and come with a fake Thai, British accent out of his mind, zero embarrassment. And I'm like, why am I ever embarrassed? If this guy can cum himself in a room full of theater kids and cum with a fake British accent. That's Welsh for hello. You stole the cum yourself thing. Yeah, I took that bit from him.
Starting point is 00:32:54 I took that bit from him. Yeah, did you? You're like, hey, I'll just be me. So like, what do you do? And he's like, I just like don't jerk off and I'm uncut. And I'm like, tight, tight, tight, tight. You think when he busted his pants,
Starting point is 00:33:04 he was like, oh, duh. I can't imagine changing my pants sorry honey not tonight another another uncut brother presumably on the pot yeah yeah it's a land of dragons I was really shocked that everyone here is
Starting point is 00:33:24 put that down not us he's Canadian and my parents are European. Yeah, so I'm a first-gen American There's one time I overheard a conversation at Starbucks and she was like yeah, the sex was good But it was kind of nasty he still had his foreskin and I was like what that's a thing dude My first girlfriend in college reached down into my pants touched my pp that was slightly hard and she went ew and then pulled it out because it was because it was just uncut hey hey don't it was probably real hard it was you're acting like you're nonchalant you're probably losing your fucking mind i was like chill i was like i was blowing your pants all the time what it was is like a soft seven you know how like that happens yeah i just want you to be honest when you tell us halfway to my hard nine yeah and she she recoiled in horror yeah and then
Starting point is 00:34:09 she leaped is that a witch he grabbed down there why is there such a thing why does everyone get certain i really don't know i think i dead ass asked my mom once may god rest her soul in hell where is she you like that one she's she did pass away mom is dead that's why i was laughing ask about his dad yeah what happened he died he died 10 feet away from me in january why are you so casual about it why is it so funny amen and that's kind of because how else are you supposed to speak about it you know it's not funny what you're laughing you find it funny well the part of rest in hell
Starting point is 00:34:52 that part is funny no my mom died a long tough long enough time ago to where i can say that as a joke and it's still funny she was great great. Anyway, my mom. I love it. Like a side note, like she's great. She's great. She's a great person. But she's in hell now and she what she did, I remember I asked her, I was like, Mom, why am I circumcised? And she's just like, I just wanted you to have a good looking penis.
Starting point is 00:35:18 Like, she cared about that. Because she herself was like, in her life, it's like, oh, whenever I see an uncut penis it's just like, oh! The cultural thing stepped into her mind as well i've got a lifetime of neutral to positive reviews i've never had a bad experience well i mean how that his experience i feel like is rare where a woman litter very literally is like like a mouse in the 40s
Starting point is 00:35:43 get it get it get it get it like i think that's kind of kind of weird i think typically when you're a normal human being you're like something's a little well i bet aiden's weird about it and probably whips it out and he goes yeah so um yeah so this is this is actually called an uncircumcised penis so uh my family my family's from canada and he's like when i do this i can make it look kind of like a trampoline and so There you see that Woman who wants to have sex with me Here's the lore about my dick Why is the first four when you have a kid You're like let's just fucking let's just trim the dick
Starting point is 00:36:13 Okay so it was I think it was Generally like a health thing early on because You have to when you have a foreskin clean your foreskin Yeah yeah and I think like back in The day when there weren't regular showers like we Didn't start brushing our teeth till a hundred years ago ago regularly uh yeah we've come a long way they were like they were like oh you just cut it off and it's healthier i would i would have they folded that into jewish tradition as well which is probably that it was popularized in america
Starting point is 00:36:37 because some guy spread the myth that it would stop your kid from jerking off wait somebody told me this yeah that's how it caught on. That's how it caught on in the US. No, it was the guy who made Kellogg. It was John Kellogg. Yeah, actually. He made bland cereal because he thought it would make people not jerk off.
Starting point is 00:36:55 And then he also popularized getting your dick cut because he thought it would make people not jerk off. Because you don't want your kid to go blind from beating off. Jewish DLC. Everyone's dicks just lose foreskin. Uh-huh. And if you guys buy Kellogg's, you're supporting that. Yeah, that is true.
Starting point is 00:37:08 There's a lot of documents. I don't know about the pee-pee part. Why does anyone eat cornflakes? They're so bland. We should all pay it as tax to the government and then we can build dams with it. The foreskin? Yeah. I don't like it. It's like a recycling program. Yeah. Dude, imagine. Just compost it. We put it into things like headphones
Starting point is 00:37:24 and love that.'t make baseballs out of it yeah uh-huh oh there is a guy on tiktok who makes soccer balls and he has like little patches no but like hey next one yeah it's like an odd wait what is the shape on a soccer ball quid pro quo it's a bunch of pentagons what do you mean the shape the shape on it there's a shape of the pentagons a lot of different balls. Generally, the most popular. When you think of a soccer ball and you're like cartoon soccer ball, it's like little pentagons.
Starting point is 00:37:49 Or is it Hexa? It might be Hexa. One, two, three, four, five. Zipper. Computer. Pull up soccer ball. Soccer ball now. Soccer.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Do they call it a football ball? It's just a ball. It's a football. It's a ball. A football? It is a pentagon god bless america god i get like flashbacks to school and bullying that all it does it a lot of trauma in that ball but now you're a fucking successful ass dude with a lot of stuff you live in nippon desu god no desu
Starting point is 00:38:21 yeah i do yeah i live in Japan now. You speak Japanese? Conversational. We talk sometimes. Moshi moshi. Don't say we talk. You don't say that. You've never been there. Enough to get by. It's weird because I go to class once a week for like two hours and that's it.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And I only started learning the moment I got to Japan. Which was when? Three years ago. Okay. And yeah, I just kind of learned mainly from going out drinking and talking to people. That's like the best way. But you're still not super, super fluent? No, no.
Starting point is 00:38:50 God, no. Is that for lack of trying or is it just a really difficult language? Both. It's such a, I think if you don't know any other language, it's really confusing. The thought of like going to another country and just, you just think like, I'll just pick it up. Like I'll just pick it up. Like I'll just learn it. And it's so much not that.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It's so much harder than that. And a lot of YouTube comments, every now and then I get a bit of shit. People are like, I can't believe he's been there for three years and he's not fluent. That's so fucked up. Like how disrespectful. They say holding their fucking body pillows.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Yeah, but it's like- Go fuck yourself. It's hard. Like it's, Japanese is fucking hard. It's crazy. It's a completely different language laid out completely differently to any language. I speak fluent Welsh and English
Starting point is 00:39:31 and the pronunciation of the letters is similar to Welsh but nothing else is the same in any of them. It's so confusing. When I was there, all I knew was Sumimasen. I was so afraid to say it to anyone because I thought I would butcher it. People at restaurants and stuff asked I can ask me or whatever.
Starting point is 00:39:48 And like anytime I could use the word, I'd be like, oh, they're like, huh? Yeah, but they love that. Like if you just, if you're, when you go and visit there, if you make no effort to even speak a little bit, they kind of like, they're like, eh, whatever. But if you go make just a tiny bit of effort to like say like sumasen or arigatou gozaimasu.
Starting point is 00:40:04 Doko desu ka the ramen bar. Yeah, right, stuff like that. Yeah, but even if you go make just a tiny bit of effort to like say like sumasen or arigatou gozaimasu. Don't go desk at the ramen bar. Yeah, right, stuff like that. Yeah, but even if you do that, they will appreciate that more than you just- Arigato, senpai. He's walking onto the subway going, moshi moshi. Moshi moshi, donde esta the shitter. Arigato, dude.
Starting point is 00:40:23 Yeah. They appreciate that, even if you do it in that shit accent yeah well not as bad as his self have you gone to the capybara gardens have you seen that you know what capybara is uh they ever pull up largest rodent it's like a dog they call them coconut it's just the largest rodent the largest rodent they're they're super nice they like they're friends with all other animals and like they like alligators and they're very cute you can go to any animal ball you wait they don't get what i'm saying is gators no the gators don't eat them at least in that one picture there's one picture to be clear there's one picture where a caviar sitting on a gator
Starting point is 00:40:57 they're in the same but there's certainly situations also a picture where caviar is riding on a turtle so that's cool anyway in. Anyway, in Japan, they're very popular. And people are really nice to them. Literally lives there. I've never heard of one. So like Japan, you know the place. Just look at Kamiyabara Garden. But they'll basically feed them watermelons.
Starting point is 00:41:18 And it's a place where they're allowed to be. They have everything. Every kind of exotic animal. You've been to Monkey Mountain? I've seen the snow monkeys. There's a mountain you hike up and there's monkeys at the top? There's lot of places with monkeys in japan yeah they're like a like a pest what well okay hold on i see what you're saying because they just take everything yeah they're like they're smart i like the monkeys that like take your cigarettes away and they go and smoke them country other southeast there were signs
Starting point is 00:41:40 there were signs going on monkey mountain that were like if you see a monkey doing any of these faces do not look at them anymore like it means that they think like they're threatened and they There were signs going on Monkey Mountain that were like, if you see a monkey doing any of these faces, do not look at them anymore. It means that they think they're threatened and they show you their teeth and it means that they're going to attack you. Dude, the snow monkeys are sick. They're like chilling in the onsen. They're like snowboarding.
Starting point is 00:41:55 I've seen little videos of them taking baths. It's sick. They're running around you and they're just sitting in the bath and they're just grooming each other. Wait, they're in the bath with you? No, you're not allowed to go in the bath. You don't hop hop in with those guys you're allowed to go literally right to the edge of the bath and they're jumping in coming out they're just chilling there they don't give a fuck that
Starting point is 00:42:11 you're watching it's so cool i got tattooed in japan it was sketchy really there's not a lot of tattoo artists there well because you they just changed the law but up until a few months ago you had to have a beauty to be a fully qualified doctor as well as oh wow my guy was not a doctor yeah he was a doctor of playing metal music oh he's probably a yakuza yeah you have to you used to have to have a doctor's license like go to med school for like seven years his shop was like i'm gonna make his shop was like in a basement under a real business and there was no sign yeah maybe but he was just stoked to tattoo an american yeah it's pretty yakuza it's pretty that's so high with the Yakuza guy?
Starting point is 00:42:46 That was Joey. That was Joey? But he told me all about that. It seemed fucking terrifying. Yeah. I mean, I think they were legit. He was showing me pictures of the other dude who was the manager of the Yakuza dude. He looked super Yakuza.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah. Had the pimp jacket on and everything. Like, dripped out. It was crazy. Like a GTA character. There's a documentary like about uh i think drug cartels with this like x um what is it sas in in in the uk like the special british forces yes yes yeah and and he's like the in-betweeners yeah it's the guy from the
Starting point is 00:43:17 in-betweeners but he's just really good at shooting rifles but he's jacked and he's like i'm gonna go like hang out like okay why are you always i don't know now you're nervous i just get that's fine go ahead i just fucked up i will but i won't i'm gonna go hang out with a cartel he says and he does and he does and they like respect him and he's like uh who would you like to kill he's talking it's like some sicario from from the cartel and they translate it and the guy's like uh someone like you and he's like well and they're laughing and he's like why he's like you're just like you're a motherfucker and i've never killed a motherfucker before like i've seen that there are there's a subculture within these groups like gangs and giant organizations and cartels where they like they want to be talked about yeah and they want to like let you know that they're
Starting point is 00:43:57 fucking badass and they won't kill you if you're doing a documentary i remember i used to have that that question when i watched like vice stuff like that it's like why would they video like have all of this on video like why would the op be in like a whole documentary it's because this is like fucking cool i want to show it off yeah i filmed this one video at a strip club and um we had overran our time a little bit and i presumably the owner came in and he was like it must have been like 80 but he he looked like you know when someone walks in and you know they're in charge yeah he walks in there's like three dudes but right behind him and he starts getting angry that we're not done and starts like just shouting at these dudes and going off on one and I was like okay okay this is Japan this is
Starting point is 00:44:39 Japan I was just freaking out because this dude was like looking angry and I was packing up packing up trying to get out and then he Started like just shouting more and then as we were leaving we just heard him like fucking going off on one I have no idea what happened He was just pissed off that we'd overran and that we were filming in his club and that we didn't finish him Could you understand what he was yelling some things was like? Yeah, he was he was he was yelling some stuff about me being a foreigner and being man. So saw Connor Yeah. Yeah. Well, they only have like one insult and it's Kusawa. They always say that one.
Starting point is 00:45:05 What's that? It's everything. It's the catch-all. It's like shit, asshole, like fucking asshole. I only know it because Naruto says it a lot. Kusawa.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Oh, so you can say it in kids shows. Well, anime is not for kids. Well, it's like 15-year-olds. Yeah, I guess so. Well, anime is not for kids. So it's like for big, cool adults. Well, you wouldn't understand.
Starting point is 00:45:23 Actually. Also, Japan, you're an adult at 14, all right? Watch it. It's news to me. The age of consent law. Isn't that fucked up? Yeah, that's pretty fucked up.
Starting point is 00:45:34 We're not cool with that, Japan. We're beefing. The yard in Japan are beefing because of that. It's pretty bad. Unless you let me in. When you go there and you see some of the stuff there, it's kind of like, whoa. I think it's fucked up. Unless you let me in. When you go there and you see some of the stuff there, it is kind of like, whoa. I think it's fucked up.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I don't know. I saw some pretty wild shit at a very normal bookstore, I have to say. Dude, what's crazy is his phone, when he takes a picture, do it, do it, do the thing, do the thing, do the thing. Even though I'm on the lowest, I put all my volume to zero.
Starting point is 00:46:03 If I take a picture, I always. It makes a sound. Because of the pervert. Yeah, that's fucking crazy. Because of the what? The perverts. Because people take little pictures on trains of people under skirts. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And so now the phones will be like, touching. The pervert trying to fart over his camera sound. It literally doesn't matter because like on rush hour the trains are so packed where like it's it's so easy to do yeah it's called it's called a chicken and it just means like a pervert and this it's a really big problem it's really
Starting point is 00:46:35 big and that's why they during rush hour they have girl only train cards right wait I didn't know I didn't realize it was that pervasive I always figured it was a thing that was like blown up because it's just like kind of a no, no, it's as bad as people say it is. Is that why having your phone out in public transport is frowned upon? Or is that just like a privacy thing?
Starting point is 00:46:51 Oh, no, you can have your phone out. You can't call. Oh, okay. People do it though. Japanese people do it. But if I, yeah, if I did it, they'd probably someone. I was getting looked at. Are you a gaijin if you fucking make that call, dude?
Starting point is 00:47:01 Yeah. Yeah. I've seen Japanese people do it, but I'm too afraid to do it sure i feel so bad every time we say like it's clear that we'll say something in response to you that you've heard a thousand times and you're like yes honey i'm sorry i got called a guy i've been doing it too we we speak about it so much so like i i it's it's hard because like japan is such an amazing place but there is a lot of weird and fucked up shit. Like any country. It has its problems.
Starting point is 00:47:27 There's like, you know, like one thing that is commonly told that people like, they just don't believe it. And it's hard to believe until you're there, but like- Meat lotteries. Meat lotteries. What? Oh, you don't know about this one?
Starting point is 00:47:40 Okay, nevermind. Go, go, go. There's a, like cheating culture is so bad in Japan. Cheating? Like cheating on your spouse? Everyone cheats. Really? Everyone cheats. That's so sad.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Because, like, you talk to a Japanese girl and sometimes they'll just be like, hey, like, yeah, my boyfriend, he's allowed to sleep with anyone he wants as long as he doesn't, like, have a relationship with them.
Starting point is 00:47:59 Because they're like, it's just like him getting it out of his system. Is that cheating or, like, polyamory, right? Or is there, like, a resentment there? Well, they don't like it. I don like i don't think they would they could do the same thing it's the man he you know you do meet girls who are like this it's really strange that's so sad they're like i feel 30 years behind well are there men in the culture who are like yes sweetheart you can go fuck whoever you want and they're okay with that maybe not okay with it but
Starting point is 00:48:20 some people are it's really weird because they have love hotels as well yeah those are mainly that's why there's so much privacy like they cover your number plate when you drive in and then when you go to the desk to check in there's no one there is a love hotel where prostitution occurs or is it you bring people to the love hotel to have sex okay i see the lover you can you take you would take the prostitute there not that i have done that obviously i like how here it's just fucking motel six with a broken ass laundry machine and a pool full of chlorine but if you try and go with two guys um they they'll stop you really yeah so we did a video me and chris uh brought in japan we went and um went to osaka and we went to go into these love hotels to review
Starting point is 00:49:00 them and even though it's all focused around privacy and you wouldn't see anyone the moment we like went in the machine, we checked in, we got our money. As we go into the elevator a few times, some dude would come running out and we'd be like, no, no, no, sorry, you can't. You can't. Wait, even in June?
Starting point is 00:49:14 June, yeah. Wow. Even in June. Wow, Japan. Even in June during Pride Month. Can you believe that? That's fucked up. It's illegal.
Starting point is 00:49:22 More fucked up, I guess. Oh, they're like June, they're like, and then July 1st, they's like, get him out. He's holding the Chick-fil-A. July 1st, he's got a desk full of Chick-fil-A. It's illegal as well. Wasn't there like a big breakthrough recently? I thought Japan just legalized gay marriage or something like that.
Starting point is 00:49:38 No, sir. It's like, this is so confusing because like loads of shit gets reported on about Japan and it's kind of like half true. It's like Japan got rid of the restriction that was there because now in Japan, marriage is a thing that is between you and the local government. So it's not like a nationwide thing. But I think you still can't get married. Did you marry a capybara? If you wanted to.
Starting point is 00:50:04 Really? Someone married like a DS. The slippery slopeintendo ds wow yeah i do feel like all the news from japan especially hits america is like really like bright cheery fun oh check out cool and sagoy this is we were talking about the mascots i watch this guy named paulo in tokyo who makes like really good videos to introduce a lot of things to japan but then he'll like cover like a darker subject and it'd be like so today we're going to talk about the recycling in japan now there's actually a lot of problems with it but that's for another video and he'll cover like some dark depraved shit he did that one where he's like the age of consent is 14 in japan with this really happy voice. And then to close by, he'll be like, what's the age in your country?
Starting point is 00:50:47 Wait, really? It'll be like, it was like top 10 bad things about Japan, but like he's so cheery. Comment below if you think that's chill. It's like very clearly like not trying to tackle it in a serious way because it's like but like still also
Starting point is 00:51:01 at least acknowledging that there are flaws with the country. That's YouTube poison brain in my opinion. I love Japan, but I try mainly for the views and stuff. I always try to be honest about how it is. I definitely love living there and I don't want to move anytime soon. But yeah, it's a country. You're weeb ass fans? Like, no, it's fucking perfect.
Starting point is 00:51:21 Well, no, I think from the podcast, a lot of people are like, I was going to move to Japan. But after listening to the podcast, I don't think I want to move anymore. I mean, it's not like America Well, no, I think from the podcast, a lot of people are like, I was going to move to Japan, but after listening to the podcast, I don't think I want to move anymore. I mean, it's not like America's doing that much better these days. Yeah, but you're like, okay, let's say you go to Japan to teach English, right?
Starting point is 00:51:32 You're miserable. Like you get paid like- I've heard this a lot, yeah. $7 an hour and you can't do anything fun because you're like, and you don't get to choose where you go. So like some people might get Tokyo. Sick, you're in Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:51:43 Some people get sent so far into like the boonies and then you're broke as well you can't leave and so you're in the middle of nowhere and you're like if you're alone and some people take to it some people go there and they fucking love that they're like i love being so deeply immersed in this but other people like this is just too much like this is like a little too far away from everything yeah that's got to be the fat if you if you embrace that opportunity i imagine that's the fastest way to learn so fast yeah that's why chris is japanese is so good because he did he did the jet program before he started doing youtube he's
Starting point is 00:52:14 really good japanese he won't admit it but he is he's actually yeah yeah yeah why don't you he wants to go so bad he wants to go for like a month i think a month is like a perfect amount of time this is so much to do that's a lot we're trying to go on the north korea tour though what's up right now if you go to japan it's open and otv is going but you have to go on a specific tour and then at 6 p.m they shuttle you into your hotel and they say all right good night and then you have to stay there until the morning i see what you're saying they told me apparently they're allowed to leave there are a lot of leave i don't, because I did like the quarantine hotel, because I left last September and came back in,
Starting point is 00:52:49 and they were like, oh, you have to stay in a quarantine hotel for three days, and then stay in your home for another 11. And the quarantine hotel was miserable. There was like armed guards outside my pool. Jesus Christ. It'll fuck around. No.
Starting point is 00:53:00 And I couldn't open the window or anything. It was in a tiny, tiny hotel room. It was miserable. It's like Oldboy. Yeah, yeah. It was miserable. It's like old boy. Yeah, yeah. I just remember that where he's just like, that's a crazy movie. They put us in this hotel chain called Appa Hotel.
Starting point is 00:53:12 And it's a notorious hotel because it's very cheap. But you get everything you would need in a hotel room for like 30 bucks. It's amazing. But the hotel is notorious because the owner of the hotel is super racist and is a like a history uh revisionist so like really like bad stuff that japan did uh japan didn't invade
Starting point is 00:53:32 anywhere yeah he's like i remember world war one and if they did they would have been great to those prisoners yeah yeah yeah right it's like it's like that and they they had but they used to have books right in these hotels that would come with them. They were basically like Japan. It was essentially the same thing. It's like Japan was just doing what it needed to do in World War II. Nothing bad happened. Japan didn't do anything bad. The Russo-Japanese War has this big a volume because they won it.
Starting point is 00:53:56 It's like fucked up. And then the reason they removed it was because China was like, we're not going. We're not going if you don't remove all of this stuff from the hotel. Which is fair-ass. Which is valid, because the stuff in this thing was awful. It's really bad. And that's good of them, because China's never done any sort of revision in their fucking educational material. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Dude, when you said the North Korea route, you're saying there's just a lot of strict rules. Yes. I imagined that Ov had to travel through north korea to japan and then i had this like this intense yeah this like this whole future where it's like bros we gotta bust quarter jade out of the fucking out of the gulag oh my oh my god oh my god there's blood in the streets hey what's up so we're gonna have to get Cora Jade out of the gulag. And then it's like zoomer editing.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And then it's Broden who's sitting there like, I'm not going to tell you how to do it. Take the poster. Michael is now a general in the North Korean military. Michael, yeah, he would end up next to Kim Jong-un being like, I don't know how it got here. I am now the second in charge. There's reviewing their missiles.
Starting point is 00:55:09 OTV explores the DMZ. Michael's just like, come on, let's just take another step. Take another step right near the DMZ. Holy shit. I told Connor this. I haven't told you guys this, but so you know the gambling guy. Yeah. Yeah. I haven't updated you guys this but uh so you know the gambling guy yeah yeah we haven't i haven't updated you viewers what's up viewers it's about to get crazy well let's give a
Starting point is 00:55:32 quick recap there was a gambling guy i met in las vegas he earned me quite a bit of money he called me one day i did a forty thousand dollar bet on a random tennis match it won i was owed a hundred and eight thousand dollars from that bet i was waiting to get paid out because the guy who made the bet was like shocked by the results and didn't have the money uh and then you sent me a tweet which zipper i don't know if you can pull this up uh but it was a tweet about the exact gambling guy and it was someone else and they were like hey met this guy in vegas wasn't a celebrity he super scammed me. No, no, okay. He's a poker player. So I sent Ludwig two things.
Starting point is 00:56:08 One was a YouTuber explaining how they ran into this person, and they scammed him. And it's like some YouTuber couple. And then there was a poker player that was like, yo, ran into that guy that's scamming everybody in an elevator after he ghosted me. This is funny. And he took a picture of him, which is really funny. ran into that guy that's scamming everybody in an elevator after he ghosted me this is you know funny and uh and he like took a picture of him which is really funny so he he had the whatsapp
Starting point is 00:56:31 conversation so he has like the whatsapp the whatsapp screenshot right and it's him texting can we say the guy's name yeah grayson grayson grayson this guy spun bob hey hey grayson uh don't Grayson. Don't say Grayson Goss' full name, though. Okay, yeah, please don't. I wouldn't do that. Grayson Goss? He's asking Grayson when he's going to get paid, and Grayson replies to him late and is like, yo, you have to believe me.
Starting point is 00:56:58 I was beat up and mugged. I had $12,000 stolen out of my wallet, and he sends a photo of him with bruises on his face and stuff. Tinder swindler. Yeah. And then he quote retweets it after bumping into him in an elevator like two days after these texts. Guy doesn't have any bruises on his fucking face anymore.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Of course. And so this guy said and Grayson in the elevator Apparently was like I'm gonna get you paid I'm gonna get you paid yeah fuck off right And we saw this on Twitter And sent it to Ludwig And it's like oh this is the same guy Yeah it's finally His number is disconnected
Starting point is 00:57:36 What I did right after I saw that tweet is I called him The number you are trying to reach has been deactivated That was pretty good And I was like It's just him doing the voice thing When you told me you sent $40,000 For your bitcoin I'm like there's no way you're getting that back I thought for sure I was
Starting point is 00:57:57 I actually totally believed you Did he ever pay Anything back to you over the course of the bets Yeah That's part of the scam. That is a scam. I got totally scammed and swindled. If you gave the guy like three grand and he gave you like 10 back, you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:58:10 well, this guy's trustworthy. Yeah. I mean, my theory is, and maybe it's dumb to say, but my theory is that he just has a pool of money that he borrowed from other people.
Starting point is 00:58:17 He gives you, but he doesn't ever bet your money. He gives it back to you and says, I won your money. Well, what's weird is he called the tennis bet, right? This is how a Ponzi scheme works, right weird is he called the tennis bet right this is
Starting point is 00:58:25 like this is how a ponzi scheme works right but he knew the tennis bet so he had some knowledge or maybe he's just like he he himself is gambling these funds i don't know there's there's ways to get in probably have a discord where they say yo this is the current lie uh use this on your don't trust anyone that's like i'm gonna make you money i'm just like all right i think that's a good rule of thumb yeah if someone why would the fuck would someone make you are you saying'm just like, alright. I think that's a good rule of thumb. Why the fuck would someone want to make you money? Are you saying that I was a dumbass for this? Kinda, yeah. I like to believe in dreams.
Starting point is 00:58:51 You've got an amazing story, Adam. Good thing I didn't agree to be the mule. Dude, yeah. Do they even know about the mule? Did we talk about the mule? Oh, XD, I lost 100k. So, Ludd wanted to give us 100k me and aiden to go like take to la or sorry take to las vegas and give to the guy to gamble and if we doubled it
Starting point is 00:59:13 he was gonna give it to us for a down payment on a house because we're buying a house together and we were at the time and uh and glad we didn't do that do And you didn't want to do it. Thank God. Thank God. It's free fucking money. You were right. Aiden was right. I was wrong. I'm sorry I made the right decision. You're going to give this guy 200K? 100K. 100K. Instead, I only give him 40.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Woof. Bullet dodged. I can't believe this. Yeah. It is sad. And so, Grace and I will find you. Yeah. Imagine if you put that in the S&P index or something exciting like that.
Starting point is 00:59:45 The dream S&P index. Yeah, I was going to say. The stock market went down. Yeah, it would go down. You know what? Imagine if I had done what you said and put it in crypto. Crypto. Oh, I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Do you have peppy hands, dude? Well, I gave actually all my crypto to Grayson. I'm out. That's one way to get out of there. I don't fuck with crypto. Yeah. Me either. I don't know. That's one way to get out of crypto. Yeah. Maybe me either. I just,
Starting point is 01:00:07 I don't know. It's a lot of effort. Wait, what do you think about NFTs though? Fucking hate NFTs. Brave. Such a bold. Someone said it.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Who the fuck likes NFT? Dr. Disrespect. Does he really? You didn't go to NFT NYC last week? Yeah. His game. I just,
Starting point is 01:00:23 yeah, I don't know. Yeah. I fucking hate NFT Dude this is a dangerous Color of crock Cause I wanna eat it That's so
Starting point is 01:00:29 It looks like a really Delicious like Obviously not That's such a youth thing It looks Flavored like Love's foot No no no
Starting point is 01:00:34 Okay the color And the cleanliness Of this crock Reminds me of mint ice cream And I just This is what a dog does Like how it thinks Yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:00:41 You guys I feel like I'm not crazy here Yeah And i'm being no this is the craziest yeah this is good they look really wild guy they're not eating they look i'm just saying they look good i'm not like i would eat them but they look like they would be good oh yeah for sure connor just get there do you know who colin and samir are oh yeah i do yeah okay so you know how they just they have their podcast where they talk to interview content
Starting point is 01:01:04 creators and things like that. Do you know what the daily is? What is the daily? The daily is like one of the most popular podcasts that there is. It's like a news podcast by the New York Times. No, I don't know about this. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:15 So I think collectively that we, we all listen to the daily pretty frequently. Oh really? Yeah. And we make fun of the guy who's the host. It gets a few million daily hits and it's like a good way to get updated. any podcast at all me neither no no i also don't listen to daily just m3 i listen for news yeah it's great it's a really good podcast and uh the
Starting point is 01:01:35 other like the episode from a few days ago they run ads here and there and uh i'm listening to some guy talk through and they're like we interview like content creators and break down this like rare field of like a rare field of work for those who don't understand it. It can be like confusing themselves. And there's like, it's the Colin and Samir podcast. And the whole thing is about educating the populace about like how to be a content creator. Basically, that's the presentation of the ad. And I'm listening to this.
Starting point is 01:02:02 I'm like, these are the guys that interviewed my roommate and they're advertising to me in my car right now to learn how to be ludwig that's so funny do you think that's what they do it or like they must be paying for that no no yeah is that podcast intended to teach people how to be content creators or is that just what the ad is like trying to hook you that's how they're marketing it at least it's like it's how to better understand content creation and how to potentially work in this space i don't think it's fucked up because it's free the fucked up thing is when jake paul did a class that you could buy and it'd be like i just think all those are scammed no that's based that's based why is that based with a free because you're scamming hopeful kids And that's what LA is based That's pretty bad That's what this whole fucking town is
Starting point is 01:02:49 It's like come here and you'll make it And then you become a slaughtered hopeful And you're 40 years old working a boom You never did anything in your fucking life I've never met anyone who's taken one of those classes Pulling the boom is hard Everyone who's taken them who's successful Is just making fun of them like Drew Gooden
Starting point is 01:03:04 Have you ever met anyone who's taken one of those classes? I got my start from watching the Austin Jones Austin with broom. Sorry Austin Jones is the fucking Like why started hanging around schools like Austin you see Fucking sorry when the next big streamer in like three years is gonna be like yeah so i bought ninja's masterclass yeah the problem is is that people don't watch youtube and then they get to the age of 20 and they're like yo this youtube thing's like popping off i should get on that and it's like the people who've been watching youtube their whole life are the ones who are like become the successful youtubers because they they kind of understand the scene a bit more you just can't learn the culture in a fucking class you got to sit there
Starting point is 01:03:44 and fucking absorb it forever and ever and ever that's a lot of music i think you genuinely have to love it you can't have youtube without you oh this definitely happens with anything this happened with esports all the time because we used to work in esports events right and companies with big money and some dude who's the fucking 65 year old who approves marketing spend at Chipotle is like, what if we did e-gaming? Yeah. And then like they throw a million dollars at a Fortnite tournament that runs like shit
Starting point is 01:04:12 because they like, it has to be this way. And then it doesn't turn out well. And it's because they've never touched a fucking video game in their life. I feel like the formula is also not secret, you know, like how to be successful. It's just learning it. Also like collapse.
Starting point is 01:04:24 Mr. B said he tells everybody how to do it. Tobuscus knows how to do it.'s just learning it also like he tells everybody how to do it to buskis knows how to do it my goat who's that dude hold on hold on you're making a joke right now and i thought at first i was like dude what the fuck what the fuck is this what the fuck is to buskis up to and then i looked at his views on his last three videos and his one with kyle rittenhouse is like 10x all of his other recent videos. Yeah, it's 10k vs 1k. No, it's like 250k and his other videos get like 5.
Starting point is 01:04:51 He's a former huge YouTuber, one of the biggest. He had a couple million subscribers. He's known for a song that he made called Nugget in a Biscuit. Biscuit in a... On Diamond Sword. Look, he was just a big gaming YouTuber. He played Happy Wheels a bunch. God, he's just a big gaming youtuber he played happy just like me for a weird fucking voice all the time and now nobody watches it
Starting point is 01:05:12 is it like ray william johnson no in terms of trajectory of career yes then i only know because two of the lud buds the deep blood buds keep they have a meme that just says, get Ray William Johnson on the reads. Yeah. That was punch. And then he dropped a collab. And the collab was, I met Kyle Rittenhouse. And it's a 15-minute video of him in his car in a parking lot talking about how he met Kyle Rittenhouse.
Starting point is 01:05:39 And then he would say weird jokes, be like, ha-ha, they want to steal our guns. Not really, though. I don't actually think that. And it was almost like a manic moment that he just broadcasted uh wait was kyle rittenhouse in the video once oh he wasn't i didn't watch it because that that means he only it's just the insta post like that photo and that's it then you just met him i feel bad he's just gone off the rails he has gone off the. Crazy. It's good to know where I'll be, though, in five years.
Starting point is 01:06:07 I would love to see a Ludwig video that gets 5K views. Ooh, that'd be... Oh, it's coming. That'd be hype. Matter of when. You'll be fine. The problem... We put enough away for him.
Starting point is 01:06:17 He'll be okay. It's like, yeah, maybe he's irrelevant in terms of his content now, but he hit it so big when the youtube ad money was so good oh it's like dude he was posting 20 minute happy wheels let's plays when ad pre-pewdiepie era ad revenue like he's he's like he may as well be a billionaire like that's hype yeah that's like getting yeah yeah and it's like maybe we're all making fun of him on twitter for you know making you know posting a photo with kyle rittenhouse and nerf guns but he does he does have 10 million dollars but 10
Starting point is 01:06:51 million dollars won't make you happy that is true i would be happier with 10 million i would be happier i actually think it everyone would be happier to know i don't think i don't see this like a studied phenomena it's like your happiness Scales with money Up until like A certain dollar amount Then it doesn't matter Yeah mine is 10 million Yeah
Starting point is 01:07:09 It makes sense Like until you can pay for If you can comfortably pay For all your bills In your life I feel like that's the point Where the money Then it stops mattering
Starting point is 01:07:16 Getting a hot tub Doesn't enhance my life Much Yeah Well because you have The onset of the monkeys Yeah Mine would
Starting point is 01:07:24 My hot tub would. Really? Yeah. Onsens of a coon. Because there would always be hot models in it. And monkeys. Hot models. And monkeys.
Starting point is 01:07:31 There'd be monkeys and models. I wouldn't even be in it. I interrupted you. I'm sorry. No, no, you're fine. I do like the idea of thinking about monkeys that are famous. Smoking corn cob pipes with models. There's monkey...
Starting point is 01:07:43 No one talks about this because it's not no one wants to get canceled um oh shit videos there's there's a cafe you can go to a monkey serve you in japan really no one makes video because you can't make a video about that because like animal cruelty yeah well there's so much horrible shit like that or like animals are definitely in places they shouldn't be they like it are they smiling the monkeys the monkeys paid up living wage? Can I like play with some monkeys? Oh no. What the fuck? Holy shit. Okay, hold on. That fit goes crazy though.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yeah. You see his fucking checkered shirt? That's some good threads. But there's other animals as well. There's like, fuck, there's like,
Starting point is 01:08:15 they make owls through these cafes and owls are Wait, they serve you? No, no, no. They're just in there. Oh, they're just in there. The owl drops
Starting point is 01:08:22 the acai bottle. It's cool because they're awake during the day. You're getting delivered beers by an owl with bloodshot eyes because he hasn't slept in five days.
Starting point is 01:08:32 He hasn't eaten any good rats. He's lifting up his fucking feet to smoke the cigarette. Like hedgehogs as well. They have hedgehog cafes and hedgehogs are
Starting point is 01:08:42 nocturnal as well, but they make them fucking walk around during the day. Why can't you just do a Dark Side of japan video where for it's like an hour special you just show all the depraved shit that's because you don't want to be the one you're ultimately encouraging his residency permit dude do you think do you think that would happen i sometimes i do get worried about doing certain things that i'm like i don't want to show too much
Starting point is 01:09:00 bad side of japan because i don't want the government to be like hey will you fucking stop hey just stop you're also going to another country as somebody else and being hey look how shit's fucked up dog shit it is just like it's i don't know i think there is a fine line to walk as like a western person depicting japan it's like you don't want to make it this beautiful place you don't want to make it like this evil part place either in all my videos i really really try my best because my main channel videos are normally me doing something in japan my main goal is just like when i go in i just don't want to insult the person who's giving me their time because all my videos i the one thing that i have that i always want to do in videos i
Starting point is 01:09:38 want to be involved in either doing their job or i want to help them do their job so like you know i i did a thing where i worked in a strip club and i performed at the strip club did it is that the one that you got in trouble for uh that was one where no that was a different one i went to strip club twice for videos you're just trying to you're trying to go you just say you want to just say you want to get your nut out i did a pole dancing video and then the dude really liked how the video turned out and he was like hey i do these shows like twice a year do you want to perform on one of the shows and i was like no my friend was like you should do it you should do it and i was like hey i can film it but i don't
Starting point is 01:10:16 know you're as long as you're not putting fish on taxis and throwing pokeballs at japanese people do anything like that and even if i it's This is not me making a joke, by the way. Logan Paul did this. Yeah, that was fucked up. I think that's just blatant disrespect. Like, I hired a rental family. You know you can do this? Oh, yeah, I heard about this. You can't say that's blatant disrespect and then say you rented a family.
Starting point is 01:10:38 No, this is like a company. No, it's a service. Yeah, this is... It's a genuine service. It's the same dude that Conan rented from. I spoke to that guy and we rented a family and... Same family? Different family.
Starting point is 01:10:50 But the same owner was there and I got to speak to him. Oh, so someone owns the family. Do you see how there's a problem here? Are they called like a master or like what are they... It's called... I think the company's called
Starting point is 01:11:01 Family Romance and the CEO is a... Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like... It's called Fuck My Mom. And the CEO is a- Yeah, yeah, yeah. I feel like- It's called Fuck My Mom. It's called Ancestors of Passable. The guy's really fucking nice. And we spoke to him and, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:12 I, you know, you do ask like, why? Like, this is kind of strange. Like, why do you think this is only a Japan thing? And the dude is super aware. Like, he knows that like Japan is kind of weird about why. Because the reason why they rent these families was just really morbid. Like a lot of the time,
Starting point is 01:11:29 if somebody cheats on someone in Japan, I mentioned the cheating is a big thing. Sometimes the person who got cheated on wants to have the person apologize. So like, let's say you cheated and Cutie's like, bring the woman to me so I can talk to her. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:46 This is like a thing. I don't know why. And so people would rent these fake girlfriends to come and be the one who gets berated because they don't want to actually subject the rent. So there'd be like, I fuck this girl for real. Like, dude, this is her place again was crazy. She's really emotional. And then they would just take it.
Starting point is 01:12:03 And then they double actress who's like oh yeah yeah yeah and they double back and they cheat on her with the actress yeah it's really depressing shit like you'd hear this and then another one was like there was the mom and she uh she explained to me that uh often sometimes uh the guy might ask the woman like you'd be like can i ask your parents for permission to marry you or can i have permission to move in with you and they would have to ask the woman like, he'd be like, can I ask your parents for permission to marry you? Or can I have permission to move in with you? And they would have to ask the parents. And sometimes they didn't want to actually like have them ask the parents
Starting point is 01:12:30 because they didn't want to move in. Oh shit. So they would hire a fake mom to be the mom. To say no? Yeah, to say no. Dude, that's some pussy shit. That was me in ninth grade. That's how that's like kind of like in Japan.
Starting point is 01:12:44 It's, you know, it's just how it is. Like, I don't think it's good or bad, but they don't like confrontation at all. That's like when high schoolers ask someone to break up with someone for them. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:53 So it's like a kind of way of everyone gets their happy. Wow. Interesting. So my mom said I can't, like I really want to move in. Slime's like, like, hey,
Starting point is 01:13:03 could you come to the trash out? I'm like, oh, it's like a black family comes in. Slime's like, hey, could you come to the trash out? I'm like, oh. A black family comes in. Sorry, this is my family. We have Thanksgiving dinner in August. I'm sitting there and I'm like, this is, you know, I'm like, this is kind of fucked up. Like this is weird.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Like this is not healthy in any capacity. But it's become an industry, so it's fine. It's about kind of talking and i think i'm not trying to disrespect the person who's doing it i'm like this is your job and you take it very seriously and i'm not trying to give you any disrespect but i i try to talk to them about like the implications of like how that affects like the society and japanese and what it means about like japanese life and so it's i think it's trying to strike that balance yeah i think that's my best i think you I think you have a genuine understanding
Starting point is 01:13:46 of being a good person. Yeah. And that's nice to hear. I would never mock anyone who's willing to show me what they do and trying to teach me. I feel like that would just be so rude. But there are times when you're in the video
Starting point is 01:13:58 or something's happening, you're like, this is fucking weird. Yeah. Plenty of times, plenty of times. You're just like Mike rowe but for japan what's what's micro he's did dirty jobs a show where he would do random people's jobs in america usually dirty jobs that were filthy but you do that job and instead of that you're doing strip clubs and serving people yeah like i worked in um i don't know if i've done so much shit
Starting point is 01:14:19 but in like a cross-dressing cafe got like all the fit what's what's dirty jobs in japanese like how do you say it yeah no i'm not asking you no i'm like what is dirty jobs like a dirty job well what is it it's kind of slang for like like a job you really don't want to do like cleaning the bullshit out of a bull's shit they have like a word for it's a tv show here because in japan it's like they take jobs super seriously yeah people have there's no shame in being a janitor they're think they have like a word for it. It's a TV show here. Because in Japan, it's like they take jobs super seriously. Yeah. There's no shame in being a janitor in Japan. They're like,
Starting point is 01:14:48 I do my work and I do it like crazy. I just want to know how you say it, but you don't know that. Well, dirty is like- All you know is- Dirty is like kitanai. Huh? Dirty is kitanai.
Starting point is 01:14:58 Okay. And job is shigoto, so it could be like kitanai shigoto. Micro. He's micro, baby. Yeah, kitanai shigoto. That's my new micro, baby. Yeah, Kitanai Shigoto. That's my new brand. Do you guys get
Starting point is 01:15:06 recognized in Japan? Sometimes, yeah. Is it infrequent or is it frequent? It's weird. I've had like, I'd go like months without getting recognized
Starting point is 01:15:15 and then maybe like one day I'll get like five. Oh, okay. It's kind of strange. Is it usually by gaijins? Yeah, well, when I see another white person, I'm kind of like,
Starting point is 01:15:24 there's a very, very high chance they've watched either like Chris's videos or my videos. Because, you know, you go to Japan, you're like, oh, I want to, what's the- It's the tutorial video before you enter the country. You know, you research it. So there's, you know, there's a lot of the time it does happen. It's normally students. Students recognize me.
Starting point is 01:15:41 Do you have like a most, because I feel like Japan is definitely a country that gets romanticized a lot oh god so is there something that you were most disillusioned by when you moved there like something that is completely different from the way you imagined it i i knew that like obviously getting uh like living in another country would be hard but the sheer amount of paperwork you have to do just daily life in japan is just insane it's intense dude one insane thing i learned about like japan is like the only modern nation that still uses faxing for like everything and they tried to get rid of it they were like facts is stupid why do we do this anymore and then the fax lobby successfully overturned the litigant like the law to get rid of vaccine it's better than here if i'd rather have a fax lobbyist than
Starting point is 01:16:32 gun lobbyists and abortion lobbyists yeah i would take the fax machines over the guns storming and being like bring back the facts i'm like all right everyone's fax machines are like getting sent butts all day it's like this won't stop you guys you guys might not know about this because like i don't know maybe it's a generation thing maybe it's not that crazy but you could get fax machine ads on your fax machine because my mom had one wait on like the lcd or like no no they would print out that's fucked so you get like ads for a cruise ship and it's like a fucking scam because they have your number and it went to a database using your ink yeah and your shit would just print scam because they have your number and it went to a database. Using your ink?
Starting point is 01:17:05 Yeah, and your shit would just print out something from a random number and it would just be an ad. It was actually crazy now that I think about it. Do we have to accept faxes? You can like probably set it
Starting point is 01:17:14 to not accept certain numbers, but if you, you know. We used to, this is probably the most boomer thing about me. We used to have like an office in my house I grew up in and we used to just type in
Starting point is 01:17:22 random phone numbers with our area code and then send our butt. That's great. Yeah, that's what I should have done. Yeah. Were you a kid? Yeah. That's weird. I was a kid. You're sending adults kid butt. Yeah, so I'm making them pedophiles. Got ya. And then you
Starting point is 01:17:35 send them another text being like you are a pedophile. The police are coming. You're minting pedophiles. That was the first NFTs. Yeah, it was 10k, 10k pedophiles in Orange County. I'm just sending them Mike's hot lemonade. The local PD, like, I have a lead for you. There might be kid butt on this person.
Starting point is 01:17:55 Show up quick. Oh, my God. The cops at their house, like, a butt comes in. They're like, is that a kid butt? They're like, no, no, no, no. Another one comes in. That was a kid butt. I am a kid. This was my butt. This is the fact confirming it was a kid but they're like no no no another one comes in that was a kid i am a kid
Starting point is 01:18:05 this was my this is the fact confirming it was a kid but what's your who's your favorite favorite youtube channel or youtuber ever mine ever fuck oh my god i have a soft spot for like review bra i love review bra really i fucking love his videos whoa the goat my favorite YouTube channel ever maybe like Frederick Knudsen I love his down the rabbit hole videos I don't know what the fuck you're talking about you don't know
Starting point is 01:18:31 I've never heard of him what it's like he does like the documentaries about random shit he did one about wings of redemption that was like two hours long
Starting point is 01:18:40 oh you know what I think I have seen that I think I've seen only the wings video type in down the rabbit hole I've definitely seen the Wings video. Type in Down the Rabbit Hole. I've definitely seen that. It's called Down the Rabbit Hole. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:47 Wings of Redemption, right? His name is Frederick Knudsen. That's the YouTube channel name, but the series is called Down the Rabbit Hole and it's the only thing. Dude, holy shit. His Wings of Redemption one has 8 million views and it's two hours long.
Starting point is 01:18:58 That video is crazy. You click on it and you're like, I don't give a fuck about this. Then you watch five minutes and you're like, oh my God. He's what Sonny V2 should be. It's like Sonny V2 if he was way too thorough. And like, or just thorough.
Starting point is 01:19:10 I was going to say, Sonny V2 if he put in any effort at all. I fucking hate the downfall videos that are a big trend now. Because everyone's doing it. And it's like, it's like someone remotely even fell off a little bit. And they're like, and then he just fell off. And that's it. The downfall of Ninja. And it's like Ninja has 20,000 people
Starting point is 01:19:28 watching him right now. It also only picks people who still pull views. You're not going up like the downfall of Charles Trippi. And it's like, oh, I don't fucking care. If someone went to prison or did something fucked up, I'm like, okay, that's a downfall. But if someone's just like, yeah, he quit. It's like, how is that a downfall?
Starting point is 01:19:42 And after 11 years, Epic Mealtime stopped getting views. So he stopped making videos. how is that a downfall? And after 11 years, Epic Mealtime stopped getting views. So he stopped making his bacon strips. After an extremely successful run. He did one about Mr. Bro, which is Mr. Beast's brother's channel, which was kind of a huge failure because it tried to copy one for one with Mr. Beasted and also branded itself as Mr. Bro, which is weird. And so he did the video.
Starting point is 01:20:02 I'm Mr. Beast's brother. But he like, Jimmy kind kind of gave him some advice, as he does to random people. And so he hit him up before. He's like, is it cool if I make this video? Jimmy's like, yeah, I don't give a fuck. Do whatever you want. But the video's so soft.
Starting point is 01:20:15 You can tell he was really worried about making Mr. Beast upset. So he was like, Mr. Bro then did this, which isn't that big of a deal, honestly. It's not even that big of a problem. Oh, that's right. Yeah, he was kind of like walking it back he doesn't want jimmy to give him some credit to give him some credit like what was he supposed to do but as soon as as soon as jimmy dips down to like 20 million views a video he's coming yeah it's oh dude yeah sony v2 has it ready he has like 18
Starting point is 01:20:39 videos from mr beast down already i don't know it's morbid about celebrating like the no it is someone's downfall but it also got me to click because i i clicked on those videos and i'm like this is interesting i watch a couple of them and i sent them to ludwig and i was like what do you think of these because i am like a child with a play-doh mind and i need i need my dad to tell me if this is a good thing or a bad thing in the world and he was like i fucking hate this guy because you know all these reasons The reason why you're both saying it's like, it's just mean-spirited. There's a lot of people I think it's valid
Starting point is 01:21:07 and you can make this thing because they did some really fucked up stuff and they lost their audience. I'm like, that makes sense. But only so many of those exist so you have to expand to just people
Starting point is 01:21:15 who don't have views. Yeah, so that's where they're all coming in now. And there's a lot of other channels that do it. But have you ever like, because I don't know because you haven't been around
Starting point is 01:21:22 like super, super long, right? Yeah. How many years have you been here? Four years. I guess quite, it's quite long. Have you ever been friends with a creator who has like actually fallen off? Dude, I will, call me Carson.
Starting point is 01:21:31 When you, no, he not fallen, like fallen off like in views, not because they were, call me Carson. I mean, they're both, right? That's the same thing. I do think it's a bit different, but I guess it's kind of the same. A friend who like, cause call me Carson can still get views. No.
Starting point is 01:21:43 You said you still get some, right? I had a friend who be awesome, can still get views. It's, we said you said it's some, right? I had a friend who I could, can't get anything. And it was hard watching. Like it was, it was really struggling. Was it for a reason or was it because- Just the content wasn't, like it wasn't changing with the times and it didn't really make sense.
Starting point is 01:21:55 You don't have to call out Chris Broad. I, I, I, Chris is right. You're doing right. I don't want to name names cause like, you know, I don't want to add salt to the wound, but like, you know, it was really hard watching. Like, cause it was like, someone's kind of life just falling apart. Yeah's really hot yeah it's a weird it's probably
Starting point is 01:22:08 a weird thing too like presumably they did it for years yeah they were doing it for years they built their whole life around it and then all of a sudden you just have to you've you have to go back to the normal world and you've sort of lost that all of those years in terms of experience that would have applied to like a field or study or anything that you would have pursued otherwise. Yeah. There's some stories, but I'll tell you guys off. The resume's got to go crazy because it's like McDonald's 2011 to 2012.
Starting point is 01:22:33 Yeah. YouTube 2013 to 2020. And they're applying for like manager at Taco Bell or some shit. Is there like a, I guess, what do you call it? Fuck. I lost my train of thought. I was looking at your delicious Crocs again.
Starting point is 01:22:47 They're not. Dude, just take a bite. Just take a bite and get it over with. They just look like they don't be good. Have a bite. Have a little nibble. Just look at it. Have a bite.
Starting point is 01:22:55 Have a nom nom. Have a little nom nom for daddy. Okay, to the camera. Show the camera that you're having a bite. Is it yummy? Why are you biting? Is it yummy? Do you want to do it again?
Starting point is 01:23:07 Yeah, because it's rubber. Why are you being peer pressured by him? Because that's how our friendship works. Oh, okay. It is actually kind of how it works. Really? Okay. Yeah. Tasty grub. It tastes like blue. And so that's actually the national dish of whales.
Starting point is 01:23:23 It's just leek. So we're all done dunking on it's a robber we were in uh we were in vegas on friday for like a day uh i guess anthony was there a little longer but we were there just just for like a work thing and uh i i was leaving uh to go to my flight and i was in the elevator and a group of people walk in with me four of them they're all english and they're all they're all talking in english accents i can't really tell where from i just can tell it's like from the uk right and then we go down a few floors and then a group of six very drunk irish people get get into the elevator so it's me and 11 people from the uk
Starting point is 01:24:01 and ireland and the irish people have are super drunk and have a really thick accents. Yeah, so I can't actually understand what they're saying to each other and they start talking with the with the people from England and I can understand what the people from England are saying and the Irish people. They're just like da da da da da da and then the
Starting point is 01:24:19 only thing I can make out is like they keep talking to each other and then occasionally the words Shania Twain come out it's like it's like the uh austin powers bit with his dad yeah it's exactly like that it's exactly like that on a tattle and they're like miming dances like shania was at the concert but then all the context in between i'm like what the fuck are they saying they were talking about the new parliament decision that happened earlier on or serious i mean maybe they were just speaking gaelic and throwing in shania twain it definitely wasn't gaelic i was watching
Starting point is 01:24:51 vct japan because they had the finals that event was crazy it was crazy yeah 20k people in person but you watch in like japanese has so much english in it they're like i'm not understanding a word they're speaking japanese and then they'll just be like saifara bisaitu and it's like it's just the english words but with japanese accent and i'm like i think i know that one that actually reminds me there's there's this uh there's this video from like a couple years ago of uh dogan and he dogan does like accent reviews of other like japanese speakers and he makes he makes like a funny he's making like a funny version of one of those videos about Joey. And he's talking about Joey's Japanese accent, which is like,
Starting point is 01:25:31 just Joey was just born speaking Japanese. So he's like, actually, and he's speaking in Japanese the whole time with subtitles. And he's like, actually, Joey, your accent has a bit of a problem here.
Starting point is 01:25:42 You're using too many real Japanese words. You're going to want to mix in English here, English here. It's like a real Japanese person does. There's a lot of memes about like, within Japanese like Twitter and stuff, about how Englishized like Japanese is becoming. Because they just, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:56 They didn't used to call it like, it's called toire, you can say in a lot of places, but they didn't used to say that. It used to just be like otearai. And then now it's like- What the fuck do either of those be like Otearai. And then now it's like- What the fuck do either of those mean? Otearai is toilet. But it's like a fancy way of saying toilet.
Starting point is 01:26:10 And like coffee is like just coffee. Coffee. And like- Ice coffee. Some places, you know, milk is traditionally like just pronounced like ginyu. Miruku. And then now, in a lot of coffee places, it's like, oh, miruku. Yeah, dude.
Starting point is 01:26:23 I heat checked him because i in college i watch a shitload of uh of like like asian films because they were all on netflix that's what we're calling them well they're all on netflix for the time and it was like oh okay i see what you did yeah you sneaky little bear asian cinema it's. They're like two hours long. It's like three scenes. There was this movie called Outrage, and the Japanese title is Outreji, or something like that.
Starting point is 01:26:54 And I asked a lot of people if he'd seen it, because he doesn't watch actual movies. He just watches anime because he's a child. That's not true. You ever see Outreji? And he's like, what's that? It's like, it's Outrage. He's like, yeah, but what's the Japanese name?
Starting point is 01:27:04 And I was like, I just said it. It's Outrage pronounced in Japanese, the way they say it. And then he's like, what's that? It's like, it's Outrage. He's like, yeah, but what's the Japanese name? And I was like, I just said it. It's Outrage pronounced in Japanese, the way they say it. And then he was like, no, it's not. And he looked it up and he looked like the dumbest motherfucker in the room. Can you pull up the Japanese names for Fast and Furious? They're really funny. The Japanese- Dom Toretto?
Starting point is 01:27:17 No, the actual title series. It's called something really funny in Japanese. I can't remember what it's called. Zipper's on it. You leave Zipper alone. Am I allowed to as the guest? Pull that out. Japanese. I can't remember what it's called. Zipper's on it. You leave zipper alone. I might allow it to you as a guest. Pull that out. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:27:28 I actually like that. It's something really fucking funny. I can't remember. It makes like... They do this sometimes. I don't know why. I think when the word is too hard to say in Japanese, like, fast on the furious. It's kind of like a little bit.
Starting point is 01:27:41 Furious is tough. Yeah. It's called... Wild Speed. Wild Speed. So sick. Yeah, it's called Speed max wild speed mega max. This is like a game at the arcade fast if you're six is called wild speed euro mission These are so sick. Well, it's a mission wild speed ice break Super combo
Starting point is 01:28:05 Fucking give up fucking no does look like an FGC title that I don't know why they choose it. It's really strange. I watched one IRL movie, Japanese movie. I think I have. I told you about it. Tom Popo. You did tell me about it. Yeah. IRL movie. Yeah, it's not anime. Yeah. No, we get it. Holy shit.
Starting point is 01:28:21 You have brain rot. Anyway, if you guys happen to watch it on a plane beware the credits sequence it was terrifying on a plane i told you about the credit sequence was two minutes uninterrupted of a slow zoom in on a child breastfeeding on her mother and it was just that and it kept going on this plane. Can you pull it up real quick? It was just that shot. And I was like, is this artistic? I love the plane is probably the least dignified place to watch art. It's like on a little screen in front of you.
Starting point is 01:28:59 And you're just trying to take in something beautiful. A middle seat too. A middle seat. And it's just like, you're not in a theater sharing experience. You're watching with your cupped hands. and it's just like you know you're not in a theater like sharing experience you're watching with your cupped hands dude i had i actually had this moment watching i had some downloaded youtube videos on my phone while i was flying like a week ago and i had some of the most recent channel 5 videos that i wanted to watch oh yeah and he's at the fucking daytona bike week or whatever and i'm watching like two almost naked girls wrestling coleslaw and i'm like but i'm watching like two almost naked girls wrestle in coleslaw and i'm like but i'm
Starting point is 01:29:26 in between two people and i'm like you know what maybe i'll save this one for later dude what's this what's it called it's like a joke like so i can make fun of it yeah it's called daytona bike week same with anime yeah yeah anime is honestly worse yeah i yeah i just look i'm not gonna cap you're a handsome guy you're tall you're charming you got a voice that's deep like champagne you know I'm someone next to you on a plane
Starting point is 01:29:50 I'm like hey you know this guy and I see you fucking looking on your phone giant titties just like just fucking bouncing titties it's just a dude
Starting point is 01:30:00 jerking off over a comatose girl well that if I mean you should know that's art right that's evangelion in japan this is super normal people people just like scroll through porn really yeah i've seen dudes just full on like like on an ipad like the the 13 inch retina display
Starting point is 01:30:16 i was gonna say could you imagine like you're on the train with your ipad pro with your apple pencil scrolling through fucking through just doujins, just going through porn. Are they like just, their expression is just like unchanged? Yeah, and the dudes are like- Is it under the guise that it's art or are they just horny on me? I think it's just like,
Starting point is 01:30:36 it's like not, I think it's frowned upon. I don't even know because when you ask Japanese people, they're like, yeah, that's fucking weird. But just people just do it. And then I've remembered I can't just show weird shit on my
Starting point is 01:30:46 phone when I'm on the train or anything here right one of my favorite bits is showing Aiden like weird porn in rule 34 are in public so like run a plane I'll pull up I'll pull up Shrek penis yeah you you are becoming
Starting point is 01:31:01 me where this this is the first time you've ever changed into me a little bit. What is it about just showing porn? Whale's a great question, Connor. What the fuck was that for? I'm being slimed. He's being me. He's sad because I cornered him.
Starting point is 01:31:18 Because I'm 32, right? And all these little bears, they all sort of start to gravitate toward who I am because I'm correct and I have more years on me. He's going to die soon and he wants to feel an attachment to this earth when he leaves. Don't we all, Ludwig? Confirmation bias.
Starting point is 01:31:33 Yeah, I do know confirmation bias. Anyway, so he's the last one. Do you know psychosis? We're probably the most different you could be in a lot of ways. But the fact that he's doing that to Aiden now is funny because he got mad because there's a picture, Zipper, if you could be in a lot of ways but the fact that he's doing that to aiden now is funny because he got mad because there's a picture a zipper if you could bring it up of mr crabs well it's a tomato and it just show him the tomato don't know context no there's a picture you know
Starting point is 01:31:55 mr crabs from spongebob right and i would send this to ludwig and he'd be like pro and he he would talk about how he didn't like it maybe he's playing it up way with this and that but you know it made me pull the brakes on that it's like okay i won't send him tomato pictures anymore now he's doing it all the time to amen because we're the same all right yeah that's the one picture that's the one zipper oh my god it's just a tomato it is just enough to be but that's very why are you being weird about it i'm getting bricked out don't blur it i'm sticked up don't blur it i don't care i'll watch the world burn what do you mean don't blur don't blur we put this in the pod show it oh i'm down fuck it
Starting point is 01:32:39 i'm down a ball you ready to ball okay oh come Fuck it Okay Oh come on They can google it They can google it Google Mr. Krabs tomato Yeah I like getting Connor's special Yard episode Demonetized instantly
Starting point is 01:32:52 No I gotta perform well So I feel like I was a good guest Yeah How else can I judge If I was a good guest We torpedo it So it's like
Starting point is 01:32:57 Yeah I don't know bro You just fucking suck Like Demonetize no views Don't fucking talk to us Ever again Wait Do you know the
Starting point is 01:33:03 Gender breakdown Of your Trash Taste Podcast I think so I think it's monetize no views talk to us ever again would you know the gender breakdown of your trash taste the uh podcast i think so i think it's uh 80 to 90 dudes i think is it we're the same i would have guessed it was it's probably closer to age i actually expected your guys to be they're all hotter than ours i can just check i thought it would go check but they're what they're all hotter so i thought it'd go more girls we're all hotter they're all hotter. So I thought it'd go more girl. We're all haunted. I don't think that factors it. I don't think people watch a podcast because they're like, whoa, I don't think if they
Starting point is 01:33:31 were all super attractive guys, there wouldn't be a higher female audience. I don't think it has that much of an influence. I do. I think I bring down. I bring down our female viewership. Probably like, yeah, not because of of your face but because of your words no no no i think my face and my lack of hair gives us like a two percent deficit no but you remind half of them of their dad's like we have more because of that it bounces out 80 percent
Starting point is 01:33:53 yeah see that's a pretty significant a little better than three three dudes that's pretty good i used to have um on my own channel i used to have 93 percent uh female at one point no whoa wait what did you i told you you kind of tapped into it earlier but what do you post i've never seen your videos yeah so my content's changed like a bunch many times um i got my start from doing um anime i used to pretend to be anime characters i'd copy like the english dub and i would prank call places and that was yeah that's pretty good and i mean it's no you don't have to don't no no i think i think that's a better model than just doing anime sketch comedy as it is on youtube which is already pretty lazy but at least you incorporate a sense of like prank calling which yeah i kind of
Starting point is 01:34:35 it's better than the rest of the category at the time which was white guy doing an indian accent calling a local pizza place yeah that was like half of the content yeah i do remember that there was um the main character that i kind of copied uh was do you know black butler do you know the show yeah i've heard of it so it's about this show where there's this really attractive british butler character and he's like a demon and shit and um yeah and so i would just copy his accent and um it was a very popular show with mainly uh women so that's how i kind of got my style i see and i i kept this this thing going for a very long time. And then afterwards I was like,
Starting point is 01:35:06 I'm fucking miserable. I don't want to do this fucking impression shit anymore. And I just started changing it slowly. And somehow I managed to get out of that. Normally it's like a death sentence when you try and change your content. That's scary, changing at that point, right? I kind of did it over the space of three years.
Starting point is 01:35:20 It was like a drip feed of change. Yeah. Every once in a while, you're like just using your normal voice. Every once in a while, you're like just using your normal voice. Every once in a while, it would be just a video with me and my face, but I would always try to, so like to steer it away,
Starting point is 01:35:31 it was like I would do something with me, but with anime. And maybe I would incorporate impressions, but I was on camera. And so it was kind of like, and over like three years, I would kind of just keep pushing this stuff. What was like your first big departure
Starting point is 01:35:41 that you were like, I think this might ruin my channel, but I need to post it. Do you remember like, do you have like a big product that was like, this is nothing that you were like i think this might ruin my channel but i need to post it do you remember like you like a big product that was like this is nothing like something i posted yeah i think it like bombs though okay what was it yeah he's like some stupid like you know like when you that era of youtube everyone to be filthy frank it was like that kind of era where i was like oh i'm just gonna do this fucking shit you said hair cake again no not that no not that bad it was just like that kind of... That's just called cooking in Wales. Everyone at school...
Starting point is 01:36:05 That's cooking in Wales. Everyone at school was talking about hair cake. Oh, God. Yeah, but somehow I managed to steer away. A lot of people who want to change their content, they're impatient. You really have to work towards it and you have to do it slowly.
Starting point is 01:36:19 I think it can be done, but yeah, you have to be really careful with it. It's like turning a cruise ship. Yeah, exactly. You try and steer that thing too much, you have to be really careful with it. Like turning a cruise ship. Yeah, exactly. You try and see that thing too much, you're going to flip the boat. What's like your pie chart of priority for the stuff that you make?
Starting point is 01:36:32 Because like for me, right? I don't really have a YouTube channel or stream. So it's like as far as content goes, it's like the podcast is everything for me. But for him, right? It's just a small slice of his life. Yeah. So I was a YouTuber for my entire career online.
Starting point is 01:36:49 So that has always been my main thing. But then two years ago, we started the podcast. And then now that's a really big thing. And it does better than a lot of our channels, kind of. I mean, it gets like a million views an episode. My channel gets around the same thing. But it's like, okay, this is like every week, though, as well. The frequency, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:04 I mean, I think even your main main channel like keeping up with a project where like three prominent creators are all combining their efforts is pretty impressive it's hard and then also i do streaming a bunch as well try to but this guy always gives me like shit for not streaming enough stream enough because i i'm doing i'm doing pretty okay now with streaming as well i think i'm i'm pulling in good numbers what's your numbers i'll judge if they're good he streams like a like a like a cheater what are you playing it's like it's like he's like all on and he's just so lovey-dovey to his viewers and i'll be live like 30 40 hours in a week and then he's like all right then well i'll be taking the next four weeks off and then it's like and it's like what we had a good thing going like this is fun what viewers you how much viewers
Starting point is 01:37:43 you get uh It really depends. I mean, I'd say around. He's like a 15K Andy. Oh, shit. Oh, wow. He's got a big fucking peep. Yeah, but that was like, I always wanted to do more Twitch,
Starting point is 01:37:54 but I never really just got that kick to do it. And it was actually a chess event that got me into it more. And I couldn't pull like 400 viewers. But then I think, yeah, just in like two years. Was it the Trash Chase chess special? Yeah, that's what got me into it and i and i was getting 1k average and i was like oh my fucking god chess also made me yeah this is like i was like this is insane i'm getting you
Starting point is 01:38:12 guys play chess uh i'm okay you look check you look check you look uh i i say 1200 but it's probably like it's for like 800 now i haven't played enough do any of you play the big range 800 1200 could i get to his level 1200 but he hasn't played in a while could I get to his fucking chest level or what could you
Starting point is 01:38:28 yeah yeah yeah would I have to try really hard I think to get to you would have to train
Starting point is 01:38:32 it's not like you could try hard and be like the bottom floor of what he said I think it would take you two months two months
Starting point is 01:38:38 wait explain this to me in melee terms just practice 800 elo in chest is winning one match at a local and losing to everyone else.
Starting point is 01:38:46 Okay. Hmm. Hmm. Okay. That's valid. What was I saying? I forgot what I was saying. You just said that I inspired you to stream.
Starting point is 01:38:53 And then I was like, fuck it, I'll keep going. And being from a YouTube background, I was doing what he was doing before I saw what you were doing, which was like, I was just entirely on like making a video into a youtube video uh the stream sorry into the youtube video that's the way to go that is the strat i didn't realize that uh people hadn't realized that until i went to people don't know yeah i went to cutie's after party after the stream rewards and poke was there poke lols was another streamer and he was like he was like first of all he had a golden blunt that he let me hit that was tight And it was in a case like a harmonica that time yeah Yeah, I was telling me about that and and then while he was he was chief in that shit. He was like
Starting point is 01:39:34 Bro, honestly like you don't even understand like you really like changed it like because before people were making YouTube videos Yeah, I don't know how people didn't figure this out because to me it felt like just the natural way to yeah That's obviously because I was more of a... Because clicking live is just you do it, and then you're live, and then the content's being made actively. YouTube is like effort. Yeah, but to me, I was like, why would I do an amazing stream and just let it go into the void?
Starting point is 01:39:56 Dude, I think up until the last couple years, too, on Twitch, you could really just boot up games and play them. But now there's like a higher expectation. Like what you're supposed to do. That's been capped for five years. Cause for me, it was like, I love doing my main stuff, but it got way to the, like the quality of what I was trying to go for
Starting point is 01:40:15 was way too high for some of the ideas I really wanted to do. And so it kind of just let me go wild. Cause I had so many fun ideas that I just, that just wouldn't be good enough for the main channel that fit perfectly into the second channel. We're the same age. So were you watching YouTube when you were a kid? Yeah, I've been watching YouTube since I was like-
Starting point is 01:40:31 Did you want to be a YouTuber when you were a kid? Never. Really? Never. Did you watch Only Use Me Blade? I know who that is. I have seen it. Because I was like a big COD guy.
Starting point is 01:40:41 I don't know any of this, but I say that because it makes people react. It's the Mount Rushmore. It's only used to be played. Wings of Redemption. X-Jaws. It's White Boy 7th Street. White Boy is the only one who came out of that without a felony.
Starting point is 01:41:01 I used to play so much cod. What's your cod of choice? Black Ops 2 is one of my favorite. Black Ops 2 is so good. Yeah, I won like a bunch of like tournaments. That's the best competitive one. Black Ops 2 is the best competitive COD. No kizzy.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Did you ever play Modern Warfare 3? Huh? Modern Warfare 3. Yeah, the one where everything is in sepia tone. Did you ever get, yeah, yeah. Did you ever get, because there was a thing you could buy called Call of Duty Elite. Did you ever buy this? buy this yeah i remember this was it like the top tier
Starting point is 01:41:29 package of the game it was the the dlc you get but they ran online competitions and you would oh no i don't want a bunch of shit i won like an ipad i won like a poker set i've still got it it's a card wow you're fucking good i played all my tournaments on uh game battles oh i did game battles as well but then i wanted to win prizes and like some people want my jeeps and stuff um i want a bunch of random shit and when it all turned up to my house my parents were like what the fuck did you do did you send nudes to people of this shit why would they assume that yeah they were super chill about it i had the you're like yeah when i was in um uh eighth grade that's when monolith 2 came out and uh and the local game stop they had like the i think it was the veteran
Starting point is 01:42:09 edition where they would come with a pair of night fishing goggles yeah and i was like i was like i need these like i've never i've never needed something more in my entire life and i waited in line i skipped school because it was like a midnight wait and i skipped school the next day and i got the night vision goggles i still have them to this day i still have my god and uh i was at my i visited my parents like three like three years ago or something and i dug them up like oh shit and i remember when i was a kid i broke them like when i was in high school i broke them because one of like the wires came out when i was in high school it's just like a wire breaks it's like i don't know how to fix that they're broken forever but as an adult i'm
Starting point is 01:42:38 like i can i can do this so i fixed them and right when i fixed them our whole power went out in all of our neighborhood i I needed them. Oh my God. And so I just had working night vision goggles and I'm walking around my parents' house like, hello.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Holy shit. Yeah, but shut up. I'm all over for two night vision goggles. Yeah, I remember you took a picture of those like, and you were like in the bathroom. Yeah, in front of my toilet. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:00 Yeah, it's like, what's up, Tim? That's a very iconic picture. Yeah. Because it's like, any real one is like dude those are the night vision goggles they work like shit you have no death perception it's just a camera inside oh my god like is green it's you can't see where your hands are
Starting point is 01:43:15 i wish i could my mom my mom would never buy that for me look the club is desperately trying to get us out i have so much urine full i'll try we hit He's trying to get us out. We hit our 90 minutes. Fine, then you take us out. You put, kick our beautiful guest out of the house then. In his own accent. Connor, get the fuck out of my, okay.
Starting point is 01:43:31 Connor! Connor! We gotta get back to the fucking dimension. You're doing Australian Rick and Morty. I don't know. We gotta go to the
Starting point is 01:43:38 Bush dimension, Connor. What is that? That wasn't even Australian. It's been a great time hanging out with you, Connor dog. You guys are sick. Dude, I have to pee so bad.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Now all of us one by one have to come on your podcast. Wait, you rode on the vet? Did you hold on to him? He rode by himself too. How fast did you go? How many miles? I think he full throttled. It was uphill, so 40. Really? I was too scared.
Starting point is 01:44:04 Why? it feels pretty stable i was like i'm not gonna do it with him yeah it's fine i'm not ready anyway if you want to see a picture of that go find it see you later goodbye everyone

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