The Yard - Ep. 55 - The Worst Person on the Internet

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

This week, the boys talk about Andrew Tate and his growing popularity, Aiden's teddy fresh pyjamas and how Nick ended up in the same class as the guy he yelled at over an MW2 match....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's going on it's like your punk rock was there a halloween thing that we missed you brought this what's funny is he brought this taco hat up with him oh no i know about i'm talking about him oh dude i wish you could i would we could go back a whole year we go back to yard episode one and fucking tear a hole in time and look inside like goatee but instead of a butthole instead of like a gap of like tissue it's you jimmy neutron but instead of a brain blast going through the head it goes to the goatee going through aiden's anus and then it's you jimmy neutron but instead of a brain blast going through the head it goes to the goatee and then it's this it looks like we swapped because you're wearing pjs and ravenously eating while just kind of you look like you're wearing what the inside of ludwig looks like i look like ludwig's innocent inner child before before like the content brain destroyed his mind. I'm co-opting each of you week by week. I was you when I peed
Starting point is 00:01:08 on the floor and now I'm you. Okay. I'll be you next. Why did you bought designer pajamas? No, no, no. They're Teddy Fresh. Right? No. That's acne. That's acne. Dude, that. Okay, look. We were kidding. That should hurt.
Starting point is 00:01:25 You kidding? Again, I brought it up a lot. He doesn't have shame. That should hurt. You kid. Again, I brought it up a lot. He doesn't have shame. It's hard to hurt him. They're swim trunks. Huh? They're swim trunks. They could be anything.
Starting point is 00:01:34 That's the nice thing about them. That is so stupid. They could be anything. A space suit. Yeah. I will pay to put you in space in those. I'll pay to watch you explode like a fucking muffin. When they faked the moon landing, Buzz had these on okay oh did he yeah but they just had the seal of like the eagle in the united states yeah instead of the little guy dude i i just would
Starting point is 00:01:56 you have bought these a year ago or are you have you switched up on us do you mean like you mean like money aside? Yeah, money aside. Yeah. Okay. So you're the same as what you're saying. You haven't switched up. No.
Starting point is 00:02:13 Because that's what I hate the most. He loves the Sorcerer's Stone pajamas collection. Harry, it's Christmas. That was great, boys. Welcome back to the yard. Yeah. Look, no. Archie, take the titles away. You're a more... Take them away. it's christmas that was great boys welcome back to the yard yeah no no look no you're you're already take the titles away you're a more take them away you're a more gay dumbledore as a young man you've never seen harry potter i have i've seen them all really yeah okay i
Starting point is 00:02:36 watched them all in like a week like recently no no it was like in 2011 okay you're the nerd i remember it no i watched them all pretty sure deathly hallows part 2 came out after 2011 no didn't because i saw it with a girl who i fumbled it with and now she has a dog here watch harry potter not for a girl why'd you say dog first you did yeah i watched it by my own some there wasn't a girl you're trying to impress i know i mean i watched it when the first one came out i was like 13 there were kids sitting on the floor and shit no i was younger than that maybe but yeah it was crazy it was like such a packed theater it was like this big stupid experience i used that's the first book i read but i immediately switched up when i was like eight from book to audiobook and we had a just a package of tapes oh like cassette tapes
Starting point is 00:03:24 oh there was like 10 of them and you have to swap like every two chapters he likes it he likes it he likes the announcer was he had an amazing voice he's this british guy if we ever have someone like dub over our podcast for some reason we get that guy why can i remember his name why would you they'd be so impressive jim dale okay zipper double check dude how much would it cost for us like we all go out and cameo our own celebrity of choosing to dub our part of the pod yeah i was just thinking something like that for instance like connor from trash taste like his voice is really good and he could like think outside the box i would be riffraff well yeah but i was thinking
Starting point is 00:04:01 he could do audiobooks but he could do weird fucking gross audio books And be funny I'm just pitching this for them He would be down to do something gross as most audio people might be more Prude about it He has he's a filthy weird man This is a shit idea by the way because we speak English So we don't need someone to dub over in English
Starting point is 00:04:18 What we should do is what MrBeast does and what Tommy Innet started doing We start dubbing his podcast in Spanish You could have just said You don't have to say it was a shit idea you could have just said we should also no no it's important we should also do you should know that it's important that this makes you feel bad and i think you're correct in both things you said that that was a shit idea stupid bad and that also we should do the yard and espanol. Although, what is the yard in Spanish? Our second largest audience is in Canada,
Starting point is 00:04:46 so maybe we should do French. That is... That's not how that... That's dumb. Why? They speak French in like one tiny, tiny, tiny region.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Yeah, but likely all of our Spanish-speaking listeners also speak English. Sorry, one second. What the fuck are you saying? I'm right. This is what we do. I'm right.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Here's my business play. We get a buy. We have a buy as a guest We do In a buy Translated episode And then it's also The episode that announces
Starting point is 00:05:09 That the rest of episodes Are now available Dubbed in Spanish Actually a decent idea That was We were all doing Meme stuff And you said something smart
Starting point is 00:05:17 Which is annoying Let's just get that guy He'll do it Yeah he doesn't follow me Back on Twitter He doesn't even follow you After you complimented him At the streamer awards
Starting point is 00:05:24 And he tweeted back At me saying thanks For the compliment which means he clicked on your profile and was like ah yeah that's right fucking white man he might have done to himself he's also white he's just spanish he's a conqueror yeah what do you mean he's white he's white as fuck i didn't realize they made pokemon like that i i've run this as a bit. You're doing it unironically, but every time... This is like when a white, wealthy person is like, I'm Mexican. And it's like, yeah, there were white people in Mexico. How do you think that all...
Starting point is 00:05:56 How do you think they fucked it all up? It's like when people post the Pokemon N-word clip and then people reply, she's Moroccan. Yeah. They post the 23 so you should actually back off her okay i search a buy is white question mark and it just brought me a fighter profile from someone from new zealand who's a 16 year old blue belt in jujitsu yeah you need to add pandero at the end okay what is his last name no no it's like a spanish like it's a spanish bad word i know that's why i said it like that on purpose
Starting point is 00:06:33 how do you believe that because i thought you were being serious no it's just when you say it like you're from texas i'm never you don't know even people from texas though it's not pandero give me a couple of them panderos that's bad and i want them uh well well okay no side of fries i just it's unfortunately the yard in spanish according to google translate this yarda you would just do it yourself but yeah i would just do it myself because i know a lot of spanish especially enough to do an hour and a half fucking podcast easy so bienvenido al el el yardo welcome wow he doesn't miss oh yeah and then and then archie put all of our uh all of our twitter handles in spanish they're different somehow the at changes just accents everywhere what y'all sorry go ahead i'm eating mangoes okay Okay. You start a sentence
Starting point is 00:07:26 and then pull it out. He started a sentence pulled out a mango. He started talking. Because what Nick had to say is probably more important. I just wanted to bring something up that can come up later.
Starting point is 00:07:36 But he's on a schedule. I'm not on a schedule. Oh, I was going to ask you guys. You guys miss each other? You guys like hanging out? Jesus fucking Christ. You guys miss hanging out? That's what I let you have the floor for. Yeah. You know what I other? You guys like hanging out? Jesus fucking Christ. You guys miss hanging out? That's what I let you have the floor for?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah. You know what I've missed the most? I've been gone a lot. Like, Australia, we hung out a bit, but, you know, we were also not that together. And then I just went on a family reunion with Cutie. I've been missing my bidet more than you guys straight up. I saw you talking about that. I also have one still in the box in my house and I haven't set it up
Starting point is 00:08:05 and you inspired me to set it up. I want to shit on you for that, Lud, but I've been miserable without my bidet. I've been living on the edge. I'm this close to tipping over the edge for the same reason. What edge? What are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:08:19 You're going to kill yourself? I have awful, awful shits ever since the terrible night of drinking combined with plain food at the end of the australia trip so my shit has been a nightmare it's like when i ate dominoes in college yeah yeah it is you'll never be the same it is probably like that it is probably you know maybe not all the way like that it'll be different it's the same chemical process every shit is like this just this mush that comes out like baby food like baby food yeah i'm taking a baby shits yeah and i it's got aiden's face on it i also man is unpleased i also went to a family reunion this weekend and no bidets to be found every poop is a nightmare it just takes so much toilet paper
Starting point is 00:09:07 loves the guy loves the guy in your intestines who is pulling the levers for what your shit's gonna look like the taco man and he's really mad right now man cometh yeah it sucks i took like two showers a day the second one was just for my butthole i don't know how people were doing i love a butt shower yeah that's what i was doing in australia i woke up showered on every trip i've gone on yeah i just showered for the second time in one day in australia because i was like this will help my hangover and it also will wash my i think it's the most vulnerable you can be as a man is the position you get in in a butt shower. If someone were to walk in on you in the butt shower. Wait, how do you butt shower?
Starting point is 00:09:48 You gotta like... Dude, do you get weird with it? I get weird. You're getting weird. You gotta spread it in the shower. How are you butt showering? So I'm on my hands and my butt's in the air. And what I'm doing is I'm trying to get one up, but I can't hold it, so I just spread my cheeks. You're trying to give it a good
Starting point is 00:10:03 vantage point to your butt. Yeah. You kind of get on your toes okay i'm gonna get on your toes because you spread it a bit because if you're not doing that is it really getting clean yes i i agree that is what i do but i don't know that's all i'm all right because i thought you were getting fucking like making give me an a no no no but imagine this me my hand No, no, no, no. But imagine... This is me. This is my hand. No, I do that too.
Starting point is 00:10:27 Because you're already in the shower. No, I get it. And it's your own poop. That's how French bidets work. I do it a little more graciously. This is just Darwinism. It's just a French guy's hand that comes out of the toilet. It's like a Majora's Mask.
Starting point is 00:10:39 And he goes... You know? And then your notebook fills up, but it's in French, France, France, you know, like it taxes are higher in France. Right. And part of that is it, it pays for things. And one of those things is when you have a, when you have a child, you can get a, you can get like a live in nanny with the, with the money that's like paid for by the government.
Starting point is 00:11:00 An au pair. Yeah. That's where the word comes from. She's got the money. The tax money also pays for this guy who you just, you check the box at the end of the by the government. An au pair. From my understanding. Yeah. That's where the word comes from. And she's got a. The money, the tax money also pays for this guy who you just, you check the box at the end of the year
Starting point is 00:11:09 on your tax returns. Like, I would like the bidet hand band. Yeah, the hand band comes and he's a write off and he also, like,
Starting point is 00:11:17 dude, imagine you get like, athlete's foot on your hand because of all the poop. Dude, dude. I don't think that's how that works. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:11:24 sorry, I stand and i lift my butt and i just let the rains wash down and clean me no this is i'm just saying you find that vulnerable because you're an experience in the world if no if someone were to walk in on you that's one of the funniest positions you can be in in your normal everyday life not something a one-off thing that you do it's like butt showers happen they're for they're like you do but somewhat infrequent in your life or frequent in your life so if someone walks in you're like up on your little tippy toes and you got you're poking out yeah that would just be really it's kind of like vulnerable
Starting point is 00:11:57 it's kind of like you're getting it up to fuck somebody who's taller than you you know dude i always that there's such a there's always such a like a like oh let's like fucking let's have sex in the shower and it's like this supposed to be this cool romantic thing and you just aren't the same height so it's just like it's just this fucked up lego thing where you're just it's not gonna work and you're both uncomfortable and then you have to butt shower in front of your partner wait no you don't have to it's a bonding exercise that's not a step no it's a bonding exercise sometimes you secret butt shower in front of your partner wait no you don't have to it's a bonding exercise that's not a step no it's a bonding exercise sometimes you secret butt shower in front of your partner oh the sneak you're hitting the yawn the
Starting point is 00:12:34 because like sometimes you shout you save water but also you need if you woke up you need a butt shower you need a butt shower i learned about that when I was like 12 because I watched the College Humor sketch and it had showering with your girlfriend. And it said, well, you need to clean your butthole when you're in the shower. Otherwise, you're gross. And so was this a POV series? Yeah, I think so. College Humor had this series called POV, which they would just use girl boobs as clickbait.
Starting point is 00:13:03 And then it would be like a POV video from the perspective of a girl in a situation shout out college humor. A few of those videos have like a hundred million views. Shout out college humor for some of my first boners. Wait would they pan down like in Halo 2 where you can see his body finally? With it's boob? Yes and that would always be like not always it was one episode but that would be the thumbnail is she's like oh fucking crud a lot of the thumbnails were pretty sexual and when i'm 12 i'm like yeah so true that is what i will be when i'm po it's like i want to know what life's like from a woman's eye yeah that's why i click it to learn more so my first shower put your fist together that's me i'm in there why do we keep because you I hate this diagram. I like that. I like Aiden being your Acme pajama butthole guy.
Starting point is 00:13:48 Teddy Fresh keeps it fresh. Welcome. Do you guys... I have this thing where I keep looking over at your hat, and I'm imagining that the fluffy taco meat in the middle of this taco hat is your mohawk. Yeah. It's your hair. No, I've been doing that with poop all episode. Yeah yeah but it's more reasonable that it would be hair right what are you talking
Starting point is 00:14:10 i've been looking at his hat and thinking what if that was a poop taco oh i can't see the meat from my perspective all i see all right that's your that's your normal life he looks he looks He looks much like a colonizer. Dude, that scarred me. That scarred me super loud, like goofy. When I was in, like, I don't know, maybe freshman year at like a soccer tryout, I had this older family friend named Gaetan. Come on, bro. Obviously, he dealt with that for fucking years. His name was Gaetani.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I haven't heard it before. You know, he changed his name to Kevin because because it's his middle name yeah well it's a french name what does it mean gay tony it means one who's gay gay it's all uh i don't think i don't know if it means anything it's like gay lord like that was a that was a name i okay so i went to i went to the uh you know one of my elementary schools because we moved a lot when I was fucking young. I went to one of my elementary schools. I went to maybe like six elementary schools. And one of them, the main gym where you'd go for gym class or fucking...
Starting point is 00:15:17 Why can I not think of the word? The pajamas got you off your game, bro. What do you call it when you get the assembly? We need to lift you up like King Xerxes. Wait, you do it every day? Yeah, there was always a morning meeting in there and stuff. It was weird school. Town hall type being.
Starting point is 00:15:32 It was called the Gaylord Commons. No! That's tight. And as you can imagine, elementary school kids had a fucking field day with this. They're hooting and hollering at that. You can't have that in school. Yeah, and it's because the Gaylords donated money to get get their name on it maybe this is actually a long-term play because i'm like
Starting point is 00:15:49 those kids turn like 15 and like that's not funny anymore and then they're like they're like it's so old we've been doing this since we were five yeah you still think that's funny yeah but you still gotta go on like dates and be like like the whole thing it's like imagine you're fucking she calls out your name and it's Gilbert it's like Gaylord that's kind of hype I think you might be keeping it first syllable
Starting point is 00:16:08 on hinge if you're I also don't think exposure therapy works like that because otherwise fart jokes wouldn't be funny
Starting point is 00:16:14 for slime cell like he laughed at farts when he was probably 5 and he still does when he's 37 what if he got called into an assembly where he had to fart
Starting point is 00:16:22 then I'd be goat I'd be on posters right now this is the classic like if I started playing Melee in 2006 I'd fart oh then i'd be goat i'd be i'd be i'd be on posters right now this is a classic like if i started playing melee in 2006 i'd be amazing yeah i'd be sick maybe if i could go back there's a decker farting somewhere yeah who's just who just does it differently and you just don't know how to handle it just like i thought i thought i knew the meta who's ready to change your perspective about the game here's the thing we have to let ludwig finish his story because if you don't in the comments they will wish that you were they were mad at us last episode they were mad at specifically me you didn't get to finish your uh
Starting point is 00:16:52 your story about how you were coming on the quantus flight past present and emerging don't even remember this anymore yeah and uh and people were so mad they're also mad at me for getting a little we do that a lot i think it's a pretty normal thing where it's like, hey, check this thing out in college. And he's like, bro, college? I went to seven colleges and Nick's like, seven? I played Uno last night? You know it does kill me inside when a story doesn't get finished. But we usually come back.
Starting point is 00:17:17 We usually come back. The only time I think it's chill is when someone is bringing up a story because we're just trying to move forward. And that reminds someone else of a better, more interesting thing. I've never done that. I don't ever compare to say mine's better. Hey, hold up real quick. I know you're about to say some shit, but I got some better stuff.
Starting point is 00:17:34 Hitting with the Kanye. Okay, so Gay Tony. Would you like me to put my hands up again for you? Gay Tony. Watch this. He's badass. He used to sell. He used to download.
Starting point is 00:17:45 He bought little PSP discs, you know, the small ones. He's badass. Used to sell. He used to download. He bought little PSP disc, you know, the small ones. He'd buy the cases for them. He would rip them onto the discs and then sell illegal games when he was like 13 on eBay. That's hype for like like half market value. That's a that's an entrepreneur.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's kind of sick. He got taken down in the crypto. But they were kind of like, you're 13. Did he speak French? Was French French. He was French French. He was like more French than I am. There's like a French little look Oh, so he's like at least 11% Yeah, and in wow, it's so uh, he was really good at soccer cuz he's French He's like a fit bod like flat washboard. He's 13. No, no, I'm talking now now we're freshmen This is this for 13 was the selling PSP
Starting point is 00:18:20 He's 13 No no I'm talking Now we're freshmen This is For 13 was the selling PSP So he wasn't hot When he was 13 He was
Starting point is 00:18:27 He was a hot 13 year old When I was 10 I'd be like I don't want to be that hot When I'm 13 Right Now I look back And I think
Starting point is 00:18:34 Neither are hot To be Just to clarify So you just changed your mind Yeah Okay If I could take a moment Wait have you
Starting point is 00:18:42 Have you seen Gay Tone On like Facebook or something? I haven't seen him in probably like four years. You should hit him up. You should be like, what's up, blood? I could. What's up? What's French for friend?
Starting point is 00:18:51 What's French for blood? I'd have to look up Kevin now. Oh, that's right. It's Almi. Almi? Mon Ami. Like amigo. Mon Ami, frero.
Starting point is 00:18:59 Bienvenido. Anyway, he's got flat washboard abs. This is high school. He's like on varsity. He's the tryouts. He's some fucking cunt. He's got washboard abs, small naturals flat washboard abs. This is high school. He's like on varsity. He's the tryouts. Yeah, washboard abs, small naturals. And we're doing like shirts for skins and I'm on the shirts team
Starting point is 00:19:13 and he's on the skins team. We're just standing next to each other. How old are you? I'm like three years younger. So I'm like 14. He's 17. Are you chub blood? I'm a bit chubby.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Okay, so you're shirts and you're like. I'm a bit chubby. You're like, oh, crud. I got shirts yeah but really i would but so we're sitting there we've been friends so he's just starts chatting with me and he looks over to like one of the guys and he just goes it's just embarrassing when they look down and they can't even see their own dick and i was and i was like and i went home that night and i was like no i couldn't see my own dick. When you look down, your stomach is so large
Starting point is 00:19:48 that it covers your pee pee. He was talking about you? No, no, he was talking about the people on the field because they were kind of chubby. You're on the field? Well, I was shirts. Oh, so he didn't direct this at you, but you heard this and then you went home and looked.
Starting point is 00:19:58 He was saying it to me to make fun of that. You were like, yeah, that's dumb. Yeah, that would be embarrassing. That would be so cringe if that happened. If their stomachs were covering their penises. That is so fucking mean. So this guy was French, already bad. He pirated shit, based and cool.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah. But then he was fat phobic. He just wanted the soccer team to be at peak because he was at peak. And when he saw a guy who wasn't working out all summer who came chubby he was upset he was competitive like that he was like me except for like making funny youtube videos he would get mad and i won't accept it i don't think there's a not even rejected from the uh from the analogy uh no crew no but so wait did he just want him to be hot and wet he just wanted to be hot and fit and have tight bods. He wanted to play shirts
Starting point is 00:20:46 every day. They don't need to be wet. They could be. They could be a little wet. You don't need to be. But if you're wet, then it's good. Yeah, they slip around and slide through each other. I think you need to understand that. You never played soccer at a competitive level. He needed to have them be.
Starting point is 00:21:01 Not wet. Did you wear shirts drying up right trying to dry ass soccer whatever you're when you're playing soccer back in the day like on like either rec or club doesn't really matter and there was a rain day that wasn't planned for oh those games were lit wait you would play it out yeah you play it out in the rain but it's like so hype because yeah because you're wet because it's like you're wet and a little bit because you're about to bring the cleats into the car yeah yeah you're covered in mud and uh and your and your mom doesn't want to mud rassle you in the car but like you know she gotta catch you your shin guard smell like a cemetery at the end of the day
Starting point is 00:21:40 yeah it's dude the shin guards at the end of the season and they're just filled with like dirt sweat and like nasty, nasty gross. I remember that. They were graduating from being like elbow pads at the skate park,
Starting point is 00:21:54 which is the equivalent of like shin guards with the strap and then graduating to the sliding ones. Why did all the good players have like the tiniest, most minuscule shield
Starting point is 00:22:01 for their shins? Like they didn't care about getting armed. I literally bought them because I thought it would make me cooler. You were so lame if you strapped them up. Yeah, if you strapped in your shin guards, you were lame.
Starting point is 00:22:09 It was like elbow pads and a helmet at the skate park. Yeah, you were lame. And if you got the tiniest shin guards that slide into the sock and have no strap, that was what every good player had. Maybe it's because you're saying, my bones are strong enough. I got hard-ass bone. I don't know what it is. Fucking fuck with me, bro.
Starting point is 00:22:25 I think it's anytime you take on more risk, you look cooler. Also, the actual act of strapping up and taking off your whole fucking sock. Because sometimes you have to put it on like a sock. Yeah. It's embarrassing. Maybe it's like at the level I'm at, I need all the weight off I can get. I did it the whole. I gotta go fast.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I did it the whole time. I wore those the whole time. What? The those the whole time what the shitty ones the stupid ones the big one well the stupid ones but they're better for you like ones through high school is what he's saying yeah you wore them every day at assembly in the gaylord hall yeah would you say you were wearing helmets at the skate park by chance or like anything protective gear when you went skateboarding yeah skateboard yeah I was the only okay so in middle school I was the only kid at the roller rink who wore a helmet because i had to and i actually that that in soccer in soccer i never felt ashamed because i was just like yeah this just makes sense i don't want my ankle to get fucked up like i i i never i never it makes sense a little pragmatic asshole middle school aiden
Starting point is 00:23:25 he's like and he doesn't understand like socio-politics and like people and shit and he's just like i just don't understand why like poor people can't just be killed just safer it's just my ankles not gonna get hurt you're just gonna get hurt yeah that's what happened i my ankles were great the whole time every time a kid got hurt he'd be like yeah oh god yes like wow that's that's really interesting when lucas facama took a tumble bro no ways last it was come on it's playing left d you're playing left side defense that's your position bro no that's that's what you are you're laming them out do you think that's what i actually play i think you're a midfield yeah i think you're a leftfield. Yeah. I think you're a left mid. I play the left and right mid.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Depending on what the... Because I was the only person with a right foot that could use my left foot. I usually played... Well, you kind of said a sound. So either striker or center. Center bench. You just didn't have it. No.
Starting point is 00:24:22 That's so hype. I was morale though. Were you? Yeah. Come on, guys. Come on, guys. Why do I have an axe head? didn't have it no that's so high i was morale though were you yeah come on guys come on guys why do i have an accent no i basically uh i i coasted through high school playing soccer because my sister was well known for playing soccer and so everyone was like he's gonna be really good and then by the time i hit like sophomore year they're like he just wants to play video games and i got cut from the team yeah she was she was born born good at soccer yeah they definitely cut you because you want to play video games they're like oh no we
Starting point is 00:24:47 should let them have free time well i know that's why i'll let myself be owned right now but there was a real reason but it's not interesting it's not interesting is it embarrassing no i got injured and so i didn't go to the tryout for the next year oh but i was already on the team but you were required to go even if you're already on the team maybe if you had that dog in you you would have been on the team but you didn't because you got injured they cut me because i didn't go to the because you didn't go to it because you don't have fucking have what it takes yeah because you're a giver-upper yeah then i went to then i went then i went to pe you guys ever in pe in high school past sophomore year it gets more and more sad wait i had a senior year as fun as fuck it'd be senior year yeah
Starting point is 00:25:26 holy i took it it was like in a lot like you could take it and it was really fun it's just like because like all right yeah it was like you and miranda walking on an 11 minute mile smoking weed out of cans the same experience because like pe freshman year it's like oh people who don't know if they want to play sports yeah it's like everyone's there and then And then sophomore year, it's kind of like, oh, everyone went and found their sport. But they're like all the unathletic people are remaining. And then junior and senior year, it's like the really unathletic people who are required to get the credits. Who are still there. Who aren't like filling it with other, at my school at least, aren't filling it with other things.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Because after sophomore year at my school, you didn't have to do it anymore. Like you could like, you could fill it with other shit but if you did pe it was just like like yeah like they make you like they make you do the mile they make you do all these things all 11th grade 11th grade p was was playing pickleball with people who had no death perception dude sport it was great i'm just i'm in p i was i was in p as a junior uh because i played soccer freshman sophomore and i was in junior and i didn't do it senior but it was like holy shit dude i'm just dicing people up in every sport and i'm not even good at the sports i think it's just because you had a shit gym teacher but we had a giga chat gym teacher so everyone who took it
Starting point is 00:26:37 wanted to do it and we played dodgeball on fridays and we did weight training during the week yeah oh weight training was a separate class for us oh weight training was pe for us yeah they in dude it was actually this this this weird breaking bread moment and i'm which should have been the name of breaking bad and i'm having it's all coming back to me right now so against the theme by the way dude my friend my friend james in high school he had this bit where uh so you know the the gray plates that are like fucking no weight i can't remember they're like uh bars like what 45 yeah and then the gray plates are like less than 10 pounds like they're like they're like nothing i don't think there's a universal or they're 2.5 they're 2.5 pounds is it like a big disc it's a big disc our gray plates at the garage
Starting point is 00:27:20 are 45 in my in my high school there was like they were like made of foam essentially like they were like nothing um and my friend james had this bit where he would he'd put like eight on each side and then like say yo go bench that and i'd go and like i'd just bench it because it's like no way and then he'd sit with his arms crossed and i was like any girl walked by he'd be like he's about to get a world record and everyone and people would crowd around and then he would never leak and then he would get up and just be like dude thanks and he's like yeah no worries astute observers would know that the bar has to bend a little bit that's how you know it's a good bar partial observers would be like those are very sure the girls in 12th grade pe were well first in the world 120 pounds
Starting point is 00:28:02 he's probably less than high school. First weight class. What was your breaking bread moment? It was, so in my freshman gym class, there was this kid named Jake and my friend,
Starting point is 00:28:14 he was my only friend that went to the same school with me. And we were like, all we had was each other. It's all we had, baby. Yeah. And my friend
Starting point is 00:28:23 fucking hated Jake and Jake hated, I don't know why i think he just wanted to get in fights he was kind of like he kind of like was a rebel like you he was wearing that he was a taco hat he wore a taco hat every day and some people just really didn't take to that no and so he in the locker room one time he just fucking shoves jake jake's like twice his size he's gonna get murdered bro and this guy he just fucking shoves Jake. Jake's like twice his size. He's going to get murdered, bro. And this guy also just wants to kill my friend.
Starting point is 00:28:48 And they almost fight. And he gets broken up by this other guy named Chad. Literally, his name is Chad. Crazy, because he looks like Chad. All that. He started the trend. The first guy. He was the first Chad.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And he was Jake's friend. And so, and I was hanging out with my other friend. This is the same friend, by the way, who went to college and would sit on the floor like a ninja in the shower yeah probably for his butt our most viewed yard clip ever nine million tucker good job uh and i wonder if he cleaned his butt when he did that hmm who knows need to okay continue you hit me up then let me know and so either way they almost get in this huge fight. And Chad is by, I'm by proxy also an enemy. So it's like, I'm Luigi to his Luigi, but he's also like a strong dude. And I'm just a weak little pussy.
Starting point is 00:29:33 But, and so he's like, you know, he's getting in my face. Like I'm, I'm, I'm like, whoa, I'm not involved. I'm just here to, you know, watch my friend get his ass kicked. Like I'm not, I'm not trying to be involved. Anyway, like the next next class the next gym class i'm walking around really slouched and like like a evil hobbit gamer like i look like shit and um i'm like trying to lift weights because like i don't have any friends in that class we have to lift weights and i'm like and he comes up to me and i think he's gonna fuck with me
Starting point is 00:30:01 and he comes up and he just puts his hand on my lower back and then my shoulder. And he's like, you gotta have a straight back. And then he walks away. That's tight. That's good life advice. And I was like, thanks. And that was it. And then we kind of like went back to being enemies.
Starting point is 00:30:18 But in the Iron Church, he was like, we're all friends here. Iron Paradise, people are sweethearts. It was crazy. People don't recognize, because if they've never been to a gym, I think Mizkis has been doing something really cool. He's doing Camp Canute, which is Canute, the ripped steroid using bodybuilder from Norge.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It's Canute? Yeah, it's Canute. You thought it was Nut, right? Yeah. With a silent K. No, it's Canute. Because he doesn't watch anything. And he's in Texas and he's just training everyone to be ripped and they're just doing gym streams uh and
Starting point is 00:30:45 it's really wholesome because let me like random like dudes who like are there twice a day benching 700 public gyms yeah and everyone's like very sweet in the gym yeah that's is miskiff gonna get strong yeah he's already strong he's already as strong if not stronger than me and he will be much stronger than me by the end of this speaking speaking of uh p.e. mortal mortal enemies uh stop me if i told this in the pod before i don't remember but um in my p.e. class in my junior year uh there's this guy who's sitting in front of me you know you sit on numbers do you guys have numbers in p.e. so like so we were good kids i like every school in california in pe there's like a grid of numbers out on the blacktop and you get assigned one and that's where you sit every day when pe starts like
Starting point is 00:31:31 as like a 17 year old yeah why would they make a grown-ass man sit on a number also 17 years not a grown-ass man it's just that it's not but it's also that's just the shit close i don't know every school but every school i went to and all my friends went to you had numbers on the blacktop so i'm sitting on my number and there's a guy what was your number like 27 or something yikes i don't know i don't i don't mean that's tough it's alphabetical order shown by numbers yeah that's what they tell you so so guys sitting guys sitting well i had a big number so well well you're not number one sir low down i feel like that would be a good one i got 26 in the race it's a big number big number of the race that's a people out of how many in that 27 you want you want to get part of this aden yeah
Starting point is 00:32:12 kuwait was 26 of the last Olympics as the boys at school and aides my friend walking by yo aiden aiden you wanna hang out they're a lot bigger than I think you're lame don't you you hang out with the pjs guy why do you know no he's lame bro he's lame nick you want to come over and play later reverses yeah we do we do aggro i'm being bullied but i still don't hang out with him uh anyway there's a guy sitting in front of me and um i don't know what it was this is totally me being a dick uh but i just really did not like him it kind of you know when you just don't know what it was this is totally me being a dick uh but i just really did not like him it's kind of you know when you just don't like someone oh yeah yeah okay so i knew does he know so so uh so this person in front of me he always kind of silently pissed me off
Starting point is 00:32:58 and uh but we never really even spoke and uh one day he turns around and he's like uh you don't smile a lot do you as he said to me and so i said uh i said uh you talk a lot don't you the exact words i said and uh and he's like all right and he turned back around he gets exactly how he said it he turned back around he didn't talk to me ever again i was like oh yeah motherfucker in my head i thought it was so tough and then fast forward fast forward uh i'm playing call of duty modern warfare 2 with with all the homies and uh and we're playing search and destroy this is when mw2 is like at peak the most popular game and uh and we get into a lobby and there's all these kids
Starting point is 00:33:36 on the other team and all their all their clan tags in the game are like big cod teams that they're not a part of yeah he wants he wants a little sipper he wants a little city sis is this how you operate you have a team i got you a tea you interrupted for this can i have the taco hat i still don't want to let him go without having any but i want the taco hat here you go is this oh my god dude anyway dude i'm subsexual there's part of that that's weird um so we get into this we get in this search and destroy lobby with these kids they got they got big call duty teams and their clan tags but they're not in those teams so we make fun of them and we're all talking shit yeah the classics wait was that typical to have a to have a clan tag that you weren't in? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:25 I even did that on Mario Strikers. Wow. Yeah. Before I was good enough or known enough to be in a big team. You got FaZe in your clan tag. It's lame. But instead of FaZe for Strikers, it was Wii Troopers. Which is equally cool.
Starting point is 00:34:43 WT, the tag was WT, but on the wii you could use like greek letters and stuff so kind of like wearing an urbana shirt they still faced up and it's like and you never heard their music you know yeah so so uh we're making fun of them the classics like if i saw you in real life i'd beat you up like i fucked your mom like all the classics right and you know we've all been there you're talking shit anonymized in a lobby and then all of a sudden someone in the lobby says nick on the other team and i'm like i freeze i've never this has never happened to me i'm like i don't know the follow-up to this part and i'm like huh and he's like are you are you dick your voice sounds familiar are you nick and i'm like uh what and then the guy messaged me
Starting point is 00:35:26 after and he's the guy from my pe class wow on the other team how many years later this is the same year oh we're still in the class together oh and he's still not talking to you yeah so so i i said i would kick his ass in real life and all these things and he literally sits next to me in pe by fucking chance this is a random lobby in one for two he's on the other team like the chances are so small this could only happen at a socal public school it's not it's like when we matched in fortnite shit sometimes you're just close enough so so i go to school and uh and it's so awkward because we both walk and we set up our numbers because you have to sit on your number and he's right in front of me and he's 26 and we're the same size so like i don't really have
Starting point is 00:36:09 much to fear besides like the awkwardness that i have i have caused because if we fight it's like kind of scary but also he's not huge or anything yeah you're not so we're like the same size and so he kind of turns around and he's got this cheeky smile and he's just like that was you yesterday huh and i'm like i'm like i'm like yeah and from that day forward we became best friends and i went to his wedding this year holy shit yeah that's crazy for you you had the kid sitting in front of you like you could bump into that kid in a modern warfare lobby for me the kid in front of me was like presenting goats in 4-h yeah in like in like puerto rico yeah yeah it's like oh yeah me and me and
Starting point is 00:36:53 fucking suzy are going to like show off our cow this summer in the dominican i don't know the the mario kart we only attracted the most eclectic of gamers as you can see Mario Kart Wii only attracted the most eclectic of gamers, as you can see. What Mario Kart does to your kids. You look like you're trying to start a for-profit library. You look like a bad guy.
Starting point is 00:37:17 It looks like the outfit Martin Shkreli wore in jail. It's what they assigned him. You run a gentrified ice cream truck. That sounds Froyo. it's what they assigned him you run you run a gentrified ice cream truck you're the person turning the kids gay are you proud of yourself like when you look back like when i because i groomed right no no in general right when you when you look at yourself you're driving you're thinking about your life and where you're at you're wearing those fucking clothes you're like yeah this is hype I like this He doesn't do that when he drives he curses me out
Starting point is 00:37:47 And then he gets to his fucking destination You know what it is for me I actually like your outfit But I want your old hair color back I think the hair color for me makes it too much I think it's only because he needs to die again Well he also decided to wear his stupid fucking glasses today I like his glasses
Starting point is 00:38:03 I think the glasses make him look like... We're doing the thing where I was roasting him, but now you're roasting too hard, so I can't be on your side anymore. Yes, this is the Anthony. No, no, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, I'm not on your side. I'm not on your side.
Starting point is 00:38:14 I'm off. I don't need you to be on my side. I'm just saying the glasses were something he woke up and said, I'm going to wear these today. He doesn't need them. They don't fix his vision. They're simply for aesthetic, and they make
Starting point is 00:38:25 him look like a pedo so you're just buying everything urban outfitters puts on the shelf these days not a pedo this is yes this is from urban outfitters also hasan wore this that's not a good thing that's not defending you no i know but what i'm saying is we both have shit okay you want to know so don't even talk bro i got the fucking hottest shirt on on in town right now i do think the show the camera the shirt for people who haven't seen it yet yeah yeah you made this right you got this made yeah i had this commission and then put on a shirt oh that is pretty tight yeah it's a black i got a custom frankie's pizza i like your shirt i saw it earlier and i said that's a nice shirt is this the What's the Oh you got that in Australia
Starting point is 00:39:05 Yeah That's cool They gave it to me Frankie's Pizza Is like the spot Sydney Australia We didn't talk about it much On the last pod
Starting point is 00:39:11 Has weird fucking laws Where they close all the bars At like 11pm Which is crazy for a city that big Oh we found out why We talked about it It's cause they People were punching each other
Starting point is 00:39:19 In the head Yes It's cause the lockout laws Cause people were fighting And so people would go to bar Or like casinos to drink after which they said they've changed like they've changed the curfew, but all the places haven't caught up with like the law change yet, right?
Starting point is 00:39:32 Yes. Yeah. And what do you see? I smell the fart. That was me. Okay. I thought I smelled the fart. And I hope you understand what I meant by you got bad shit.
Starting point is 00:39:43 I know you got bad shit. I'm smell that I know I'm sorry. No don't don't do that. You can't gag in front of me. I'm gagging because it smells really bad. No don't do it You're weird. It's cause of the I'm trying to absorb the sand Dude it's cause of the Qantas food It's cause of the Qantas food I swear Bro you got off the flight a week and a half ago No that's what I'm saying it's insane it's lasted this long
Starting point is 00:40:04 No but it started after the food. Dude, stop. He's like a farce sommelier. This is gross. This is so gross. This is gross. I can't smell it. That's the problem.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Because it dissipated. This is bad podcast material. You're freaking out. And you're all the way over there. I'm freaking out. Goddamn Tim Buck. Because everyone's doing fake gagging. I'm not gagging.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm trying to taste this fart in the air. Don't do this. I hate you guys. You don't know how to fake gag. You know what I did? After- I'm sorry to taste this far in the air. Don't do this. I hate you guys. You don't know how to fake that. You know what I did after? I'm sorry to derail this. I re-watched Vomit Cake. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:31 And I was like, I think 10 years ago, it was actually built different. I was more prepared for this content. Your brain's not there yet. I'm 100%. I think the more old you get, the more you cry, the more you laugh, the more you cringe,
Starting point is 00:40:44 the more you shock stuff. It hits different, the more you cringe, the more you shock stuff. It hits different as opposed to being a 16-year-old looking at an ISIS beheading. I realize that too. I cry more now. Yeah. About emotional stuff. You're old and gonna die and it's coming to you fast. I cry so much less. Yeah, I never
Starting point is 00:40:59 I cry over emotional things more now. But everything else is true. I definitely understand I can die now. I think kid crying is like you got heard and you're crying. Or it's like you don't get like uppies and you cry now. How young are we talking? I'm talking like 15. I'm talking like teenager.
Starting point is 00:41:17 Yeah, like teenage to like 22. I feel like I did not. I think I was like more pressed about like everything is fine all the time never be vulnerable type shit yeah when you're i think growing up as a as a young boy you're trying to conform to the idea that you're fucking strong and cool and big meat brian anders yeah i care less about that now yeah and you're also never gonna fucking die diddy what was oh yes so the the curfew laws it's like 11 p.m i think they've lifted it but all the bars still close at 11 which is cringe and the place that everybody goes or at least one of the hot spots is frankie's pizza because it's open till 3 a.m they serve
Starting point is 00:41:54 alcohol and their pizza is pretty damn good more so that's that's where everyone goes to hang out i went to hang out there i'm hanging out there one of the people in our group gets kicked out by the manager who was it that guy's name i won't leak i won't leak but it. One of the people in our group gets kicked out by the manager. Who was it? That guy's named Mango. I won't leak. I won't leak. But it's one of the people in our group. Was it Mango? He just said it.
Starting point is 00:42:08 No, I was kidding. He got kicked out of eight bars before that. And then, weirdly, the guy manager comes up to me after. And he's like, hey, just so you know, when you were walking, you bumped into someone. And they try to fight you. And I'm like, I'm not drunk enough that I would not have perceived this to happen. That's crazy. So I was like, maybe you're a crazy person and so i was like whatever i'll just leave i go to leave and the guy comes running out he's like wait and he hands me this shirt and i was like okay what took the shirt i don't know how they're kind of unrelated things him
Starting point is 00:42:40 telling you this and then giving you the shirt but you're you're illustrating that he's a weird guy what i don't know if he did not he did not mention that he knew who i was the first part was his idea of a bit to a famous person and then the second part was him giving you a free thing because you're leaving it might have also happened and i was drunk and didn't notice and he i don't know why he gave me a free shirt because of it but i got a free shirt and i'm hype on it because hey kid take this and it's like fucking john elway coin that he flips yeah don't spend all one place you showed me that shirt and the other day i was over and you're like hey check this shirt out and i was like piece of what what are you why are you wasting my time and then then you were like
Starting point is 00:43:14 fuck you this is great and i'm like i don't care and then i showed it to yingling and he popped off you showed it to dingley who you could show at like a shade of purple that he hasn't seen yet and he's like dude yo dude yingling so me and yingling have been spending a shade of purple that he hasn't seen yet he's like dude yo so me and yingling have been spending a lot of time together because we were the only two people home for like four days straight and uh so we're every day i instead of doing work in my room i just go down to the couch and i work with yingling on the couch what the fuck dude what we've lived together for three years and you trap yourself in your dungeon of your load wake your load wake now yingling comes out we never how have four days.
Starting point is 00:43:45 We have an office. There's a free desk. He'd come work with us all the time. All of a sudden, Yingling's here. You're like, I should work in the living room. Thousand years. Me and you. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:43:52 Thousand years. Yingling? No, I just like that phrase. I'll be there. Thousand years in Eamon's body. He made it weird. So I hang out with Yingling. Yingling pets we we we share we commiserate about coots who's biting us and running around and uh so one of the cats i think it's coots uh licks
Starting point is 00:44:15 engling's hand and he then goes oh i'm like what and he's like the cat's tongue feels like sandpaper and i'm like i'm like i can't believe him i don't put it together yet so i'm like yeah it's kind of weird huh and he's like yeah it's like dry and stuff and i'm like wait yingling do you not know that like cat's tongues like feel like sandpaper he's like that he's like no oh and i'm like have you never heard this or experienced this ever in your life he's like no durr's isn't like that i'm like every cat is like that including durz he goes really he's like hearing this for the first time durz is a wet boy though and i was just like i'm like what the what the point is the stamp here but i'm like what what don't you know i want i want to put him in a box
Starting point is 00:45:00 everything i'm putting a box and give him a quiz that's what i said you can't show nick yingling something as like a gotcha because because he'll just be like oh holy shit they made a shirt for a pizza place no but he knew what the fuck zipper can you pull up a lion tongue have you seen a lion tongue yeah yeah those can rip your skin really close and it's like the the lion's tongues are like the maximum grit sandpaper their tongues can be yeah and they can rip your skin by just licking you that's i remember reading like a fucking animal book as a kid and it was like lion tongues can rip flesh off bone yeah it's like oh that's hard it's true and based look at that shit dude holy shit that's ribbed for her pleasure i don't think that damn lion oral must go crazy no lions are fucked up they'll like kill their wives and shit they're like the they're the
Starting point is 00:45:54 trailer park rednecks of the animal seems fine to me they're the andrew tate's the animal kingdom when you guys talked about andy tate last episode i didn't i haven't seen a single clip i didn't know who he was yet i hadn't seen anything yet and i did i did my my research like recently i just watched a couple videos he was in holy shit is it like that i still watch anything yeah okay so this actually the the tweet i made a tweet about beating up a hypothetical kid in the galley of a plane because he was watching an andrew tate tiktok and this was partially true in that i did beat a kid up yeah yeah but he never watched andrew tate yeah no i i walked onto the plane and uh the first thing i see like just walking down the plane to my right is this dude in a middle seat with his
Starting point is 00:46:41 macbook out huge headphones on like studio headphones and i see because i stopped by his row that he's in like ableton and he is losing it in his seat like he is he's like you know how mutu king was on stage at genesis rocking like when he did the rock back and forth he's doing that but like fast but there's two people sitting next to him like shoulder to shoulder with him in ableton live and he's in ableton live on the plane fucking just losing it to the beat that he is making dude and he's like and you know how like djs like like play with the board and they're like really like this is like watching his own tiktok he's doing that with like keys and like pulling up little uh like windows and moving things around and he is he's bald and covered in tattoos and i rule and this guy's so into it that i that i start to think like is that dead mouse is this marshmallow under the helmet because because i
Starting point is 00:47:41 just couldn't remember that dead mouse is bald and has tattoos on his hands so i was like dude holy maybe it's actually him because no stranger would be this into it you know and dead mouse is this guy who's like so forwardly confident about everything also wouldn't be in the middle seat on a plane you might do this yeah that's what i was it was a it was a small flight with like no like first class and stuff so it's like you that's the only type of seat you could get really sure besides a window or an aisle i guess um and so in my head i'm like i might have just walked by dead mouse like and i keep walking and then i get to my row but there's a kid sitting in front of me and he's leaning over airpods and looking at his phone
Starting point is 00:48:22 and he looks like he looks exactly like the kids that are getting made fun of in the Andrew Tate fans memes. Like the babe kid? Yeah, like the babe kid. I feel bad for the babe kid. A little more. No, no, he went to jail. Yeah, yeah, he went to jail. You see that?
Starting point is 00:48:36 Don't feel bad. He's evil. Way less bad now. But why did he get there? Why did he get to that point? Yeah, true. Oh, society? Society.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Maybe it's because society. Maybe because society made fun of him trying to be fucking dripped out the taco hat makes that all he wanted was beep this kid's watching andrew tate uh on on tiktok like it's a big it's him on his set with like subtitles popping up on the bottom and i start to think about like this is insane that i'm seeing one of these kids in real life as all of this is like happening yeah and we talk about it at home and then i just like imagine this scenario where i beat him up for this i did not actually gonna beat up a child
Starting point is 00:49:15 for watching anything well how long did you imagine it for how long did you imagine it for uh you know the whole fight i didn't the whole the whole fight and dude he's shadowboxing in place he's like in the middle seat i'm tapping the flight attendant i'm like put your hands up put your hands up and they want the other flight attendant gets on the intercom it's like drinks are gonna have to wait uh and uh two two small young boys are fighting in the back of the plane someone in fucking teddy fresh pajamas just decided to get real weird today. I don't know why. An age three podcast fan is beating up a kid.
Starting point is 00:49:50 Yeah, they're real, dude. Yeah, it was weird to see it in real life. And then I started watching a lot of, I've been watching the Hassan debates with him. And it's just Hassan's just a guy punching meat that's hanging in a locker. Yeah, I I look you know what I shouldn't say anything because I don't watch anything but the idea of someone like winning or losing a debate is to me the probably the dumbest shit you could ever talk because the fans of each person will always agree that the person they're a fan of one I agree I agree with what exactly
Starting point is 00:50:21 what you're saying but it's just funny because it's just watching someone who like is so dumb talk to someone who thought about it for five seconds yeah yeah what's satisfying is that andrew tate's been on so many podcasts and streams and hasn't been getting pushback he gets a lot of like yeah yeah you're right andrew and this is like one of the first times that someone actually like pushes back right and so that it's like it's like seeing jake paul go against an actual boxer for once. Okay, can you contextualize this for me? Because I was wondering, the first time that Hasan talks to him, in that call with those two other guys sitting there. Oh, with Clix. Because, is that who that is?
Starting point is 00:50:53 It's Clix? Yeah. Dude, that guy was in Ninja Battles. Let me give the spark notes for everyone who didn't watch it. It was Clix. He's a Fortnite pro. Fortnite's kind of fallen off, so he does a little less Fortnite stuff. He brought Andrew Tate on stream
Starting point is 00:51:05 And one of his friends While he's on stream He also has this girl next to him Andrew Tate the entire time Come on Andrew Tate the entire time Is like Yo kiss her
Starting point is 00:51:14 Kiss her dude Kiss her It's weird dude And he's trying to get him to kiss her Yeah Finally Finally they kiss each other In an awkward kiss
Starting point is 00:51:21 His friend roasts him Because the kiss was lame Then Andrew goes Puts Put the girl on And he goes You know When you When you turn 18 in an awkward kiss his friend roasts him because the kiss was lame then andrew goes puts put the girl on and he goes you know when you when you turn 18 you're gonna want yourself a real man maybe a weird implication there then clicks puts on his headset he's like bro i know you did not just try to do that bro i know you did not just try to do that then hasan comes on he says andrew
Starting point is 00:51:42 what like if like what have you ever been to the moon? Andrew's like, yeah. And then Hassan leaves. Andrew takes like, this is fucking a waste of my time. He leaves. The friend we brought on gets really mad, goes upstairs. They try to fight each other. Stream ends.
Starting point is 00:51:58 Next day, turns out that that girl that he kissed had a boyfriend the entire time. And then it turned out ansom uh what dis was actually ansom the wise yeah and he was and it was named after a different guy zemnus but you get an x in your name you become a nobody when he went into the heartless he became a split yes and that's true too so there's three different ansom so and then the key and then tara with the keyblade uh it's crazy yeah so yeah that's wild and then the next one the next part was like a little different so you're Leon Kennedy is now in that one Leon Kennedy and it's in Tokyo yeah uh yeah it's shit can I ask you Ludwig the professional mogul male journalist uh the Adam
Starting point is 00:52:40 Ragusea of YouTube if you will uh do you think so there was also another thing with speed uh where honestly i thought it was really funny where this is hilarious dude he was getting head in minecraft yeah and it was like yeah i thought by the way so when i heard this i thought it was gonna be you know you fucking hold fucking shift and you just bob your mouse up and down so it makes that little movement yeah and everyone's talking about it and then i fucking watched it it was role play and getting head in minecraft zipper if you can find the clip perfectly switching scenes to just him reacting to it his pov as the guy looking up in the air and then occasionally like a side shot of the girl throating him yeah and it funny with it's throating him you gotta find it you it's like the funny the funniest part is that there's literally a minecraft dick yeah in it and it's like i didn't know they had that
Starting point is 00:53:34 in the game like there's it's just a dick it's it's modded out the wazoo i i just recently found out how big he actually is by the the way, because he posted about hitting 10 million subs on YouTube. Yeah. And his channel, his channel is just his stream bots. Yeah. And they all get like 3 million or more. I would argue he's the biggest streamer in the world, maybe second to X or E by depending
Starting point is 00:54:00 on what metrics you look at. Well, Aiden Ross also gets like a shitload of views too, right? He's in that. Yeah. Dude. So he's like, he's like doing like getting sucked off yeah dude oh my god i don't know okay but so my question to you is that and i would say he also like had that clip where he was like really mean to a woman in valorant like saying some really mean shit which is a long time ago right jake lucky is getting fucking death threats because he just reports on him which i would argue jake is also super lame but we've talked about that too everyone in this is like a game of thrones character where there's no redemption
Starting point is 00:54:36 anyway what it feels like um but is it like do you think we're going down a dark path with like the the tates well and you see that clip of like the fucking world 14 like 13 year old the one that cutie retweeted yeah yeah i feel like they're setting a precedent that that's the meta where it's like you do shit that fucking like incels respond to and then you just like if it gets too big you just apologize and then you just do other shit yeah it kind of seems like it's a way to blow up but speeds are like super huge which is which you know but i think you got huge really recently right speed has gone from like probably one mil to 10 mil in the past year maybe 18 months that's crazy well okay i will say too i as as a teenager that i i think i would have been doing a lot of the same shit.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Like I was a little shithead. I wasn't a good kid. I think speed is probably fine. Yeah. I don't think he's causing much harm. I do think our ability to broadcast it now is making it seem different. But it's not.
Starting point is 00:55:36 I think you're right. I think you do that shit in an Xbox Live call that only 10 people hear, but now you can broadcast it. Maybe it's better because then we just shit on the kid and then the kid stops or whatever or or you become like the ancient evil and you just become like you know agitate but it's kind of like a pandemic like the kid does it and like five million other 14 year olds laugh their ass off and maybe like half of them not half like 10 of them try it themselves i'm trying and then that's 10 more people on the other end
Starting point is 00:56:02 that get that shit which is usually women right so it's like i like i don't know i think as long as like the things like andrew tate now more than ever is getting so much shit like at least i see it like a month ago i feel like it was mostly just positive support for him and now he just gets roasted a bunch i think a lot of that's in our bubble right like the people we choose but that bubble wasn't speaking out and he was still like really big i think that the problem is that there's always going to be an equal amount of like uh what do you call it like defense force that comes up so like for all of the people that watched him watch us on like you know think about it for five seconds and then make fun of him there's going to be an equal amount of people that come to his aid that are now yeah you just have to go into the replies and see i mean the line is almost the same as
Starting point is 00:56:49 like left and right it's like it's a fucking it's it's a bunch of kids with like obito profile pictures who are like actually like empirical evidence can be interpreted in so many ways and like his his experience of like women being bad at driving is valid and like except they're not saying it like that they say it like in a less eloquent way and then say kill yourself at the end of it yeah dude there's a part in the video where where uh like andrew tate's trying to make this claim that like he he has experienced women who are bad at driving like enough in his life to be able to say that like they are they are worse at driving overall dude it's so funny making this like argument that like that's my truth and you have your own but that's just life bro and hassan's trying to say you like no like you can look at statistics and
Starting point is 00:57:35 say that there is a truth and that that is the truth that you can say and you can look at it and we can show that men are actually worse because they get more accidents that's why insurance rates are higher he's trying to explain it to him. And he's like, nah, bro, truth, bro. And then he's like, he's like, yeah, but you don't understand because I've experienced it. And he's like, when you walk outside, the earth feels flat, right? And he's like, but it's not like, how do you think we know that? And he's like, I have life experiences that, that show me the earth is not flat. It sounds like you've just gone to the moon. Like, what are you talking about? not flat it sounds like you've just gone to the moon like what are you talking about yeah it's just like the same thing it's so good it speaks to so much that the two boys backing him up in
Starting point is 00:58:11 the call are like both under the age of 18 it's like it's andrew tate like this rip dude it's like and the two people defending him and not pushing back at all are also just kids and then hasan has to be the voice of reason and he he's like, yeah, actually, I think that, I think numbers do matter. Like, it's just such a weird conversation because Andrew Tate blows him off the entire time. What I enjoyed much more was Hassan's video where he goes through Andrew Tate's, like,
Starting point is 00:58:40 first video of, like, his business course that he's selling people. Because that's how Andrew's making money, is he's selling- Oh, yeah, it's like hust video of like his business course that he's selling people because that's how Andrew's making money is he's selling. Oh yeah, it's like hustlernomics. Hustler, hustler university. That's what it is. And you pay 50 bucks to get a course to like learn how to fucking like start a business. And Hassan, I think Hassan showing the first video like from that course and it is insane. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:05 Cause Andrew's just like, you got to work. You have to do ideas that make money, not lose money. And that's actually the content. There's some 15 year old kid in like a babe hoodie. He's just like, he's,
Starting point is 00:59:16 he's right. He's so right. Make money. I do. Cause I do have to market the product to sell it. Like how much of this have you already covered on Mogus Mail? Pretty much all of it. All right.
Starting point is 00:59:27 No, we're a different audience. It's fine. I think that, yeah, you saw the I did a thing tweet? Yes. That was funny. I did a thing posted his, like on YouTube, it shows channels other people are watching. And it was Ludwig, Ludwin Clips, Mogul Mail, and The Yard.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Let's go! The Yard's in there. Yeah, I think the end all is that we're probably fine and it's way easier to dunk back on someone in the internet era in like andrew tate as opposed to like fucking tucker carlson or rubert murdoch who've caused probably way more irreparable harm yeah yeah i think that's that's a good point like you can't you can't make tucker carlson feel bad because he makes 10 million dollars a year and he's like you also can't reply to him what he's doing yeah yeah you can't like access him yeah uh you can access tate and he gets debated with and you can access tate or speed even if he does something bad by like even a jake lucky tweet you know that yeah so i think it's fine do you think that interaction do you
Starting point is 01:00:25 think hassan doing that debate or like us talking about him here or you talking about him on mogul mail do you think it ultimately benefits andrew tate to like bring up these things no because i looked it up and that's the first part of mogul mail is that he has a higher peak in the past five years in google searches than mr beast so i don't think this makes a fucking drop of a difference wait okay i get it he's more popular than mr beast by google searches ever in mr beast's peak which is probably like a team trees or something like that yeah or maybe the squid game then uh in andrew state's bigger than that and so it's like the yard's crazy factor i don't think i don't think you're saying we're like basically we're not moving the needle yeah we don't really move and i and i i think it's fine um anyway that's that's that's something that that happened you're what if you became bald like him here's a question yardigans do i wear it like this or
Starting point is 01:01:18 like this oh that's what i remember style or hot dog style that's what i like you want the napoleon go back go back okay so the only reason i think it might be like this is because these things it's like which type of general i think that's good because now i can see your face yeah i guess that's fair this is the good for camera just carrot top oh that's cute i i got a little chub you look like the lemon head guy it's a taco i won it when i went to the family reunion oh yeah a little trivia game or something they did a white elephant and so like uh one of the people who's running it bought a bunch of presents for everyone and i wanted this hat really bad so i picked it and then white elephant if it gets stolen three times it gets locked and so someone stole for me and i
Starting point is 01:02:01 was pissed that's a good rule And then someone stole it from them. And so I had a genius idea. When I took my item, I stole like an iPad because it was in there. But I took it knowing someone would steal from me. Yeah. So I locked it up. Yeah. Well, the taco hat was your iPad.
Starting point is 01:02:16 Yes. Standing up. You guys got played. I got the iPad. So I could get the taco hat and no one noticed. Yeah. You also crazy. I discovered a game, Nick, that that i didn't know existed before this weekend it's called nine square oh god it's it's nine squares now it's like four square wait is it the is the one with the fence yes i've seen this i've never heard of
Starting point is 01:02:42 this before this weekend it's it's kind of nuts. It's it's basically like There's nine squares and it's it's above you and rather than playing on the ground. Yeah, that's a video of it That's it for school You throw a ball in the air and you have to get it above Into the square rather than below hitting the ground on the square. This is so cool It's like free-for-all volleyball. It just takes up so much square footage This is so cool. It's like free-for-all volleyball. It just takes up so much square footage.
Starting point is 01:03:06 It's a crazy game. It's much harder to set up. You just don't need a chalk and a small ball. You need like PVC piping. The cool part about gravity being your factor here is that there's no such thing as lines because it will fall into a square. Yeah, there's no call. You know exactly
Starting point is 01:03:21 when someone's right or wrong. It's a little dumb because tall people just win. I was going to say. Yeah, we played with the kids and there's tall guys. Yeah, there's no benefit. Yeah. You know exactly when someone's right or wrong. It's a little dumb because tall people just win. I was going to say. Yeah. There's like we played with the kids. There's tall. Yeah. There's no benefit to being short. Zero.
Starting point is 01:03:30 The only benefit maybe is that if it falls past you, you can get down there. No. Because it comes so fast. When you're tiny, you can hit their knees with a little stick. Yeah. And they might not notice. Maybe you're better at returning spikes. Maybe.
Starting point is 01:03:44 I'm trying to help out my kids. Yeah. With your head. But we play that a returning spikes. Maybe. I'm trying to help out my kids. Yeah, with your head. But we played that a shit ton. Bounces off your fucking skull. Also, who we did, this got a little bad, is there was a Connect Four tournament
Starting point is 01:03:52 with everyone there. There was like 50 people. They did an entire bracket. Single or double? Single or limb. Because there's a lot. That would be crazy. It would be insane for that many people.
Starting point is 01:04:01 Yeah, I dropped out on the losers, but I think I can still do good. Did they play out third place? It took three days to go through. They did not play out third place. What a raggedy shit tournament. Yeah, the T.O. wasn't going that hard, I guess. It was hard, though, because you have to get literal five-year-olds
Starting point is 01:04:17 to come challenge a 60-year-old grandma. Just getting diced? Well, so a lot of the people were throwing, but I was like, no, not me. Yeah. I diced up the seven-year-old off rip. I go up against an 18-year-old. I four-turn him. I hit him with the middle right. He goes on top twice, and I'm like, uh-oh.
Starting point is 01:04:36 He's like, when were you born? What are you doing? Zipper2 got so mad at me for this. For dicing him? Before turning? We were playing Smash at the family function, and I'm like i don't you don't get to tell everyone this is what i do with my fucking life and then i show up and i fucking
Starting point is 01:04:48 throw for all the kids no i'm gonna let him know that i didn't i didn't waste my time i'm the goat and i'm just fucking it's that ultimate i'm just fucking them all up she's like you have to let them win i'm like no i don't because you don't want to be playing either like you don't want to be playing either so it's like let's get this done fucking wrap it up I beat your ass in this game that kid has formative memories that he defeated a champion at
Starting point is 01:05:09 the age of 11 no he's gonna have like he's not gonna work for a thing in life he's gonna contextualize the difference between melee and ultimate no way there's a kid that I'm
Starting point is 01:05:19 beating him you can't this is how loopy fiasco like got treated and we can't let that happen again I was I was playing volleyball at the family reunion I went to, and a lot of my younger cousins are there. So most of the cousins range from age 5 to 15. Pretty much everybody falls under that group.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Everybody falls much too way. The demographic of hustler class buyers yeah and at least they didn't know who Andrew Tate was six year olds yeah mom I want to go to hustler University goes up to your mom's like sub ho
Starting point is 01:05:57 I was I was playing cabin crunch all berries I said pick them out I was uh I was playing I want Cap'n Crunch All berries Oops I said pick them out I said pick them out I'm gonna take a butt shower
Starting point is 01:06:11 I'll be back Ho get my butt shower ready My mom My mom Would Would Beat me if I said that as a kid Oh my god
Starting point is 01:06:22 Did you just say Ho get my butt shower ready young man? And I want Easy Mac. I will not do that. The hard way. That is not unforgivable. Wait. Finish your story. Also Ludwig didn't finish his story. You interrupted Ludwig's
Starting point is 01:06:38 story. You didn't even realize your story. No he fucking did it. That's insane that you thought that. You finish it when I say you finish it. Now we're talking Teddy Fresh. You don't have to fight until you finish your story no he's like that's insane that you finish it when i say you finish that now we're talking teddy fresh wait i thought you were gonna finish your story this is hustler mentality aiden no go ahead finish your story finish first all right i'm playing volleyball um i have a height advantage compared to the average participant in this sport unless two of my two of my uncles are really tall and also played volleyball in high school. So they crush.
Starting point is 01:07:06 But they weren't playing at the time. And it's just me versus like my 10 to 15-year-old cousins. And I like spike it into the ground. And I get like a sick point. And then I turn around. And I'm playing with Ethan, my oldest brother, who's 18. And he's on my team. He's like, you proud of beating these 15 year olds man and then oh your brother is so funny because he's just like we used to play valor with him all
Starting point is 01:07:31 the time and he was like really really uh i don't know he wasn't really outgoing in the call only though when he would like pop off in valorant and he'd get start getting toxic and all that shit and we'd see glimpses of like the real him I got to play fortnight with him once it was different it was like me him and like someone else it wasn't even Aiden it was just the three of us and he is so much louder and like animated when he plays fortnight it's just his confidence he's so toxic and I'm like yes this is great I love this yeah he was actually good at that game so I think he he wields it a bit so I imagine you said that to him on the volleyball court and he's like what are you what are you talking about like the way he isn't called
Starting point is 01:08:09 because that's how i always imagine him interacting no he i called him out though because he had the same thing he did the same thing to our 10 year old cousin the next point i was like wow you so you get to do it hot shit bro the answer is always yes by the way it does feel good yeah you guys are the worst guys to play games at a fucking... What about him? Oh, him too. You guys are actually all evil gamers. You just don't like playing games.
Starting point is 01:08:29 No, I don't. No, I like playing games. He's just not a gamer. I'm against throwing. I think that the kids should lose and learn that they have so much to learn. I agree. I agree. So when I'm playing at a Connect Four tournament at a family reunion with like a bunch of five
Starting point is 01:08:42 to 15 year olds, i'm dicing them up yeah and i go all the way marching to grand finals like i got diced up and my father before me that's my goat in my side of the bracket i went through five year olds 10 year olds and 75 year olds yeah i'd shoot them up in them out coast to coast other side of the bracket is the freshman 14 year old and he just marched through his side of the bracket beating the freshman 14 year old and he just marched through his side of the bracket beating adults on his way there and it's me and him in the finals and as i'm playing like i'm like he's playing pretty well like he's doing every right move there's no like blatant w's that i'm getting but like the crowd is all around there's like 50 people and they're like
Starting point is 01:09:20 it's us first the outsider and they start is it b01 it it B01? It's B01. Yeah. It's B01, and I beat him in RPS because I went first. And so we're going through it, and the crowd starts chanting against me. Cutie starts chirping. She's like, you got to let him win. And I'm like, no. Wait, she said that? Yeah, because everyone. He's in high school.
Starting point is 01:09:41 At that point, no, he loses for sure. Yeah, go fuck yourself. Everyone's chirping, and i'm like i'm like i'm like well okay relax no no no no fuck you kid uh and so i'm i'm trying to dice him up uh and uh but i realized mathematically like okay we have to go bing bing bing bing bing bing bing he's going to win okay the way it's going to work out is that i have to fill up every row uh and he's going to win and so i'm like everyone like chill i'm not gonna throw but he's just gonna win on his own like i don't need to throw that's a way better way for him to win and then he fucks up he chokes he has like a clean play
Starting point is 01:10:14 he just chokes he just throws it into a hole that would make me win next turn he goes gg man he knew he just no i think he just panicked i think he just panicked tech skill flow is there a time is there a timer no timer i think he just was like in his own head and so that's when i i pull it out because he should have won i pull out his little thingy because it was the giant connect four board oh i go and i go one more try wait everyone saw this yeah that's so humiliating for no it was hype i go one more try i pull it out and then he just makes the right move then he wins because he played it right up until like the second to last move. There's like half the board filled up.
Starting point is 01:10:48 You're different, bro. You're different. Because Ludwig playing Puff doesn't do it. You'll never homie suck. This is amazing for two reasons. Because I end out as a winner because everyone who watched is their hype on their boy winning and their hype that I love. And he knows I won.
Starting point is 01:11:03 You're Lightning McQueen at the end of the first Cars movie. Bang. I haven't seen it. I'm Rocky. I'm the redneck car with bad teeth. Mater. And yes. And yes, you are.
Starting point is 01:11:17 Silently losing my mind because you roast me for not seeing movies and you haven't seen Cars. I just haven't seen it. That's weird. Animated movies aren't movies. That's wrong's right actually i've seen most animated movies there's never that's such a dumb thing to say well like like iconic ones okay like yeah i'm you just said the sentence i've seen most animated movies most i think in context it makes sense also was that kid humiliated no he was he was hyped but he knew that i oh he was then he was in his heart he fucking knows that he was gifted something and he's fucking his whole
Starting point is 01:11:52 stupid family thinks he's well they're not stupid they're very sweet they're very sweet they're actually a lovely family are they lovely they're actually they're amazing you wouldn't say it if they if they weren't you wouldn't even be talking about it yeah so i'm i'm saying it so he's but he is talking about it so but on the low they weren't lovely dog cut me for eight hours they are they were low ultra low like ultra low lovely would go down here 10 out of 10 let me know great experience for real fruit lovely whose family is more lovely yours or hers uh they're really different because their family's so young oh they got young there's so many kids in my family there's like two kids in all adults and what we do is we just eat until like midnight and drink yeah just smoke cigarettes
Starting point is 01:12:38 and talk about the government but also in french accents her family's way easier to have fun with because my family just speaks french oh yeah no fun to be had there way easier to have fun with because my family just speaks French no fun to be had there no one would have fun unless you speak French well and even if you do not a good time wait because they're French yeah why are you dogging every family in sight right now because fuck
Starting point is 01:12:58 them all man all right man who needs family slime family union yeah there is no like I'm no way where is it Who needs families? Where's the slime family reunion? There was a... No, like... Where is it? No, that's chill, man. No, that was cool.
Starting point is 01:13:13 I'm saying like a family reunion is more... Do you think a family reunion is you and your mom and your dad? He wants to dap you up. Go ahead. You look so fucking bad. That's cruel. That cruelty brought to you by the Y pond it's not cruel it's off topic but there's this uh at uh phantom there's this guy who um so max and chad from cold ones came to phantom it was just really funny because they had no idea what's going on
Starting point is 01:13:39 they're just walking around and there's so many australians there they're just like oh oh those guys was a celebrity famous those guys were crazy and uh and max is uh he's wearing a sombrero uh and he's sitting in this like little area like kind of off to the side watching grand finals and just like he looks like he's duded i don't think he is he might be a little drunk but he's just kind of like just kind of swaying around and there's this guy uh what happened zipper fuck was that zipper he's all right weapon he's all right is that is that our 90 let him make some zipper noises back there he's good okay zipper's just like fucking just bashing against the walls like a mosh pit he does that sometimes on the grand finals max and um this guy uh who
Starting point is 01:14:20 i can tell really wants um to take picture with Max, but isn't like, he can't go ask. He's too afraid to ask him. He's holding his phone out and he has a Snapchat open and he's just looking at Max and I'm standing between them. And, but I'm like watching grands and like the only vantage point I have the grands and I'm like, I'm not moving for this guy to like come get a picture. I'm also not going to ask for him.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Yeah. I'm just like standing here. I'm just standing here i'm like i know what's happening max doesn't know what's happening this guy will not ask for a photo i'm just standing here and then this guy he starts trying to sneak a photo of max so like that he's not in like just like pointed at him but he doesn't want anyone to notice so what he's doing is he's lifting up his snapchat and he's starting a video and then doing a pan like he's panning the whole thing but he keeps fucking it up because he's going so fast to try to like had the least amount of friends won't know that's max like the least
Starting point is 01:15:16 amount of time on max and he keeps fucking it up and i was in my head i was like oh this guy is like a creepy sprinkler and he and he just like goes up and pans over he goes back over he did this i think he did this like 11 times before he eventually gave up and then and then just kept waiting for the photo and then never got it because we just left there's three strats it's that it's the on a phone call and then you're actually videotaping while it's on your ear oh my god that is psycho there's the big stretchy oh i love a big stretchy bears big stretchy bears yeah that's the most obvious and you sneeze okay if you land that one that one's fine yeah the squid uh yeah that's that's it's you know what i feel like max would have known because sometimes i notice people do that
Starting point is 01:16:01 and i didn't i pretend i don't notice yeah see him squirm. I promise he had no fucking idea. That's tight. Because I was paying really close attention. I'm like, he is so oblivious. Dude, right after the tournament ended, someone came up and got an autograph from me and Ludwig. And this person was like in a wheelchair. And it was like, it was actually very sweet.
Starting point is 01:16:20 Like they came up and someone was with them. Like, yeah, sure. But behind this person immediately after Grand Finals is over is over a line forms it's the carnival ride it's crazy oh yeah and i go over to kayla and he's like what the fuck man like what the fuck yeah there was a line it was crazy your little line you also diced you up i got diced yeah the guy in the wheelchair what did he say to you fuck he was like i don't even remember but he he he said some shit that it wouldn't have flew if he wasn't in the wheelchair yeah he was like he was like hey thank you bald ass something like that he was like you bald ass i didn't tell
Starting point is 01:16:57 anthony this but uh normally when people come up and make fun of my friends i don't like it and i and i'll say like yeah that's my friend or so i'll just like make some comment like does like i show it doesn't clear my approval radar yeah but at boku money live uh this this girl came up and asked for a photo and um and she was like uh like oh you're my favorite person on the yard like oh thank her friend was with her and i'm like uh i made a joke like oh well you didn't agree so i'm not your favorite i was like can i guess your favorite and she's like yeah and i'm like i think about it and i'm like this is one of those girls that just like slime is just her favorite i could tell and i go slime and she starts laughing and she goes no and i start laughing and i'm like that's pretty funny
Starting point is 01:17:37 what was what gave her what gave her slime vibes um she was just very unassuming and quiet and sometimes i feel like those are the people that i'm always just so shocked to find out you're their favorite okay so you were looking for the mix-up yeah i thought it was a mix-up right and it just wasn't do you know it sucks it was probably aiden if you if you're picking your favorite yard member picking me is like picking mario yeah yeah yeah you don't get to pick and you're like you're like toad or yoshi yoshi and you're bowser and you're princess peach i was gonna say i'm peach yeah and it's like i don't want to be mario but i have to be unfortunately i have to be like it's so much less cool to say that mario's your favorite person on the roster but everybody loves mario i mean mario is the reason why you
Starting point is 01:18:21 know the game why we're driving race carts. It's called Mario Kart. Oh, is it called the Ludwig Yard? That was our first draft name. Oh, come on. He took a pic. That's crazy. That's crazy. Ludwig's balls. What happened?
Starting point is 01:18:40 Dude, at Phantom, it was weird. Like, people would come up to me, and you could tell they were just terrified. And again, I always have to reiterate reiterate this i'm extremely normal and understanding you set a precedent to be terrified i have which is fine also but but the people that were the people that were brave enough their like hands were shaking oh i had that too i think they're just nervous it's just nervous shit i was like damn it damn, it's okay, bro. I'm a podcaster. Everything's going to be fine. Like, don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:19:08 Also, some little fucker. Ooh. Beautiful. Dude. Beautiful. Wow. This is, I, it was so annoying because if, if the kid wasn't with his mom, I probably would have chirped, but he gets a picture with me and he's like, he has his mom take the picture and he's just like really young probably 15 or something
Starting point is 01:19:29 and then takes the picture with me and like okay cool and uh and then right as the picture's done he's like ludwig's funnier anyway and i'm like okay like but but his mom is there like i'm not going to sit and be like hey and sternly talk to somebody so sick if you flirted with her though oh that's what i should have done you should have tried to own it so hard dude you can fuck people's moms you don't realize you're that old yet yeah i forgot i have fucked people's moms i'm i like i i can do that thank you for unlocking this standard for you these days wow okay i'll remember that for there you go that is so funny what is the jack and twitch update i'll save it for the primo is that a primo that's a primo whoa and if you want to listen to the primo you can check out
Starting point is 01:20:18 hey we're number two on the website let's get us to number three number one is a problem because if you go number one they are ahead then it's like why why they're making too much you know that conversation starts no they're uh number ones i head by a lot what is number one is choppo trap house no we passed choppo oh tim dylan right felix from chapel we passed chapo and i was like number three they unfollow yeah it's conditional i'm with that uh anyway so yeah it's pretty crazy we had 90 we had our shit what is time wizard what's our shit i think we got 10 um yeah well it's funny there was there was a there was a little bit of an uproar in both comments and one on the subreddit and there was just like this idea that i'm annoying and that i
Starting point is 01:21:12 i i bark a lot and i'm like yeah that's fair but there was there was this weird kind of like thread that keeps happening where when we have guests people get mad at me for not knowing anything about them that's fair and i think it's really funny because it's like, what do you want from, do you want me to look at their YouTube for 30 minutes and then go, I think they get mad in the same way you get mad at like a, like a mean character in a movie though, where it's like,
Starting point is 01:21:37 ah, their behavior is annoying me so much, but like you just neglect to realize how they are crucial to the plot. Maybe, but it's also like, I think so. I watched Joe Rogan do the Alex Honnold interview and it was super annoying. you just neglect to realize how they are crucial to the plot maybe but it's also like is that what i am i think so i watched joe rogan do the alex honnold interview and it was super annoying because he didn't watch free solo before it oh and he was there he's like no you climb wrong that would be
Starting point is 01:21:55 if he was the only guy the slime defense force clocking in power rangers i think in teddy fresh i think it's fine in this dynamic because every guest that we have like every situation that this has come up in has been somebody where one of us or all of us have been very familiar with who that person is right yeah we have an understanding of their content to be able to guide the conversation in a direction from the perspective of that type of person and you come fresh bit fresh faced baby baby fresh i'm a baby and you get to ask the questions that come from people who don't know anything about you're like so pew die pie where is that from no like i look i to be clear i'm not looking for a defense force but i do think that my immediate brain says these people are just angry that i didn't i didn't give
Starting point is 01:22:48 the appreciation to their favorite pokemon card of a human and that to me i'm asking you guys am i wrong there or am i being condescending by thinking that they are just pissy both yeah you're not wrong no sorry not both you are right but but the second part is you are condescending about it yeah wait that's my right as an american to the guest or to the people no right by my thought that they're just pissing i'm saying that he usually comes from this angle in general that like he can make a like a complete statement about a person he does not know yes that's which is condescending but he's right that he is in his position of not knowing that person is totally fine and overall not a bad thing of the show i think it would be a problem if you
Starting point is 01:23:37 were condescending in your presentation of not knowing who they are i'm not talking about them i'm talking about i know i know i'm just saying what would be a problem to me and i think this is not a problem because the way you like the way you present to like connor or alex that you don't know them is always in a self-deprecative way and that's why i think it plays yeah that's my angle i'm fucking goaded i do know this okay but no it's not no it's not. No, it's not. I'm gonna disagree with you because sometimes he's just like,
Starting point is 01:24:06 I have no fucking idea who you are. Yeah. And to a person who doesn't know you or your dynamic, maybe they don't take it the right way. Yeah, but I think I'm pretty good at reading that they're gonna be okay with that. In addition,
Starting point is 01:24:18 I genuinely believe that content creators aren't fucking diseased enough in their mind that they want, that they demand to be recognized like they're i don't know say a tiktok influencer who gets really mad like when someone doesn't reply to them back like what we wouldn't reply to them back and then they're like obsessed with the idea of like being followed back and and hypothetical hypothetical like totally hypothetical type of person that reminds me i think i was talking to zai or one of the other i think it was zai one maybe one
Starting point is 01:24:45 of the other australian guys while we were there it might have been might have been wade later on in the trip but they were asking about like culture in la and and kind of like media and like what it's like to meet people are people like pretentious are people weird and i was explaining that like no not not really i think that's one of the things like being that I was even surprised by like meeting everybody is everybody is pretty fucking nice and cool and and great and they cited this example of how Josh who came to the fourth of July party at uh at Brooke's house, met Nadeshot, but didn't know who he was. And then like he,
Starting point is 01:25:30 Josh, like he would normally, asked for Nadeshot's name in like the interaction of them meeting. And Nadeshot was apparently weird about it. Like you don't know who I am. It was very off-putting. To be fair.
Starting point is 01:25:42 No, no, no, no, no. Hold on. Thank you. Thank you, dad. I know the context. Thank you. Thank you. No no no no no hold on i thank you thank you dad i know the context thank you thank you no no step in for me and explain it for me i was like i know you need to understand that this is a really bad example because not only do most people like know who nadeshot is it was his house that's the only factor that matters and it's it's his house and the party
Starting point is 01:26:11 is like maybe 30 or 40 like close friends and it's like it's a very appropriate situation to be like you don't know who i am it's like you're at his place i'm like in that situation i might come off as uh being a dick purely out of What I'm really feeling which is confusion Of like you got here and don't know who I am like how did that happen What is the path you took But the optimal Chad move is just go Oh I'm whatever Nadeshot's name is
Starting point is 01:26:35 Let's say it's Amber I'm Amber This is my house And then Josh is like oh Fuck my bad Whatever so yeah I will say in that same night in that same evening made shot did not know who moist critical was Really insane blew my mind crazy. That's crazy. They both done Call of Duty content He was also a decade ago critical was also big on the internet before need was yeah around same time Yeah, I think probably a little before yeah
Starting point is 01:27:04 nade was yeah around same time yeah i think probably a little before yeah before which is like oh you mean penguin zero he actually might have known penguin zero if i should have said that that's crazy yeah well i think the thesis the mission statement sorry no the conclusion is that that i don't think that i i'm always going to treat people like they like they're real like they're real humans in front of me and if they come with like they're as a guest in this environment they know that this is like a bit of a playground and it's not like it's not like i'm going up to them in ludwig's kitchen when they're alone and i'm being like so what are you who are you pussy because i did do that with the botez sisters you did call alex a rat cunt i admittedly by accident you did don't say that that's what
Starting point is 01:27:47 you said it was the first thing you said oh my god alex botes you actually walked away i did a thing you know what i don't remember we'll talk about it's every woman josh um but there's this idea where it's like I think that I am trained and well socialized like a dog to know like a dog who did this on camera before that I know I know like where limits and lines are and I know how to like kind of push and pull and get and at the end of the day I'm always just trying to like genuinely connect with somebody even if I kind of get there in a obtuse way also and so what I'm saying is don't worry about it.
Starting point is 01:28:26 And if you do worry about it in the comments, this is your engagement thing. Let me tell you, engagement helps us, right? So the more mad you are and the more you chirp, the more rich we get. He's explaining our dynamic. He's explaining our dynamic. I don't think it matters.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I get your point, but I actually don't think comments influence the performance of a video. I think, okay, maybe not in a data way, but you see things in black and white like a sociopath is also how you dream but i think a great mentor once said blu-ray you don't blu-ray 1080p you should look like a flip minnow bro ken chen once said you never want to be at 100 approval because that's
Starting point is 01:29:05 not very interesting so you always want some people uh chirping it's important reddit is also where people are the meanest i'm not quite talking about reddit i'm talking about in general like comments and i just thought the thing you're originally replying to is reddit true yeah it does come up i get mean posts on my reddit all the time and i'm like why they'll be like they'll be like dude this thumbnail sucked really who do you want i change thumbnails constantly i wait for the performance of it and then like i keep getting ones like every six weeks it'll just be like dude i love i love atrioc and i was like he has a subreddit yeah that is weird dude among us is still so funny yeah it's great i was coming back about it again dude wait okay this i got this dm after the mr beast episode from a guy this is on twitter she said you're a pussy i'm like question marks
Starting point is 01:29:51 why and then he says neighbor but not the word neighbor the other word how you gonna have mr beast on yo podcast and disrespect the neighbor and say you never watched one of his videos this is how it's being typed that's some goofy shit valid and i was like i was it was just honest what the fuck you want from me do you want me to lie he said when you take a man's time to come on your podcast the least you could do is go see what the neighbor be doing he's actually right and do a little research what the neighbor be doing he's actually right and do a little research instead of disrespecting a man on his set and i said it's not disrespect to not have watched someone shit i treat him like i treat everyone with baseline human respect he said you lucky y'all be having them white boys on because a real neighbor would have slapped your bald ass on this guy let's get him on the pod
Starting point is 01:30:43 get mystery dm'er on the pod i want him i said i don't need to kiss her ring bro we just vibed and he said i ain't say it was disrespect not to watch someone's shit i'm saying it's disrespect to ask a neighbor to be on your shit then outright say nah i don't know you if you don't see that then i don't know on paper that is really funny to think about saying come on my show and then you're on you don't see that, then I don't know. On paper, that is really funny to think about saying, come on my show and then you're on, you go,
Starting point is 01:31:07 who are you? Yeah, that's fair. That is pretty funny. Because you can only do the not watching thing if we do the work of searching for the yard.
Starting point is 01:31:15 People need to understand that for 80 to 90% of decisions for the yard, Anthony goes, I am okay with any decision and I don't want to make one. So you guys make one and I'll be there. So it's not like he, it's not like he invited Mr. Beast on the show himself yard anthony goes i am okay with any decision and i don't want to make one so you guys make one and
Starting point is 01:31:25 i'll be there so it's not like he it's not like he invited mr beast on the show himself or even necessarily wanted to do it or didn't want to do it he just did it because he likes the show and he does the show and trusts us to make a decision so when he goes and he's like i don't know you it's just on it it just doesn't And I think it does make the show better. Well, anyway, lads and lasses, thanks for watching The Yard. It's been such a pleasure hanging out with you once again. Oh my god, but there's another hour Ludwig. Well, that's not true.
Starting point is 01:31:56 We are ending the Patreon hour. The Patreon hour is now going away. Please withdraw your subscription. We need to bleed some of this up let me clarify do not unsubscribe unsubscribe and put us back in third i got an idea because at the end of every episode like archie always puts a little teaser of the patreon episode of that week before it totally closes out so like i'm gonna throw you the content you're gonna catch
Starting point is 01:32:20 it in the patreon episode you gotta do your drake thing what's my drake thing oh you made a whole thing about it did make a whole stink about a drake song that you like at the end of every episode right distract you talked about how proud you were of this bit and how you keep doing it all right so for this week could i do one yeah absolutely god damn it don't bail him out and drake's i don't think i don't have one diss Diss track back to back. He said like Jordan 96 and 97, but Jordan also won in 98. That's always confused me. Anyway, what's the what is that leave for them? Why did he do it? All right.
Starting point is 01:32:54 Comment below. Why did Drake say that shit? Why did Drake do that? All right, love. We catch the content. What?

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