The Yard - Ep. 59 - This Pro Gamer tried to Fight on our Podcast (ft. Mang0)

Episode Date: August 24, 2022

This week, we are joined by Mang0! The boys talk about the smash documentary, our first time meeting Mang0 and how drunk Mang0 got in Australia....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 We're live, we're, we're, and we're Clive. My name's Clive. You're live. You're off the top. Can you show me your new tattoo? It's just part of my arm. I just got my sleeper on. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:00:24 I just want to see the new one. Show us what you did. You put a flower on it. All these little flowers. All these red colored. You got some hair now. No, I have one more session. I thought it would be my last one.
Starting point is 00:00:38 You were like, give me a skull. I said, can you put a skull and say Ed Hardy. It's the only part he wouldn't do. I'm very specific. He's got to say Ed Hardy on the skull in cursive. Me and Manga were supposed to get a tattoo. Together? That's true. We didn't have time
Starting point is 00:00:54 in Australia. I'm still down. I knew he was down because when we were on the plane home, he's like, when we get back, we're still getting the tattoo. What tattoo? I don't know. Well, he was like, you said you picked one for me, right? What'd you do today? I'll do it today. 100%. Convinced.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Wanna get nuts? Where's that Mickey? We can find an appointment. Let's get the worst tattoo artist. In California, it's a lot easier than in Australia to find an appointment. I bet the guy who did my Garfield one might be down.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Oh, true. I'm content, Bill. You know what my brain thought of? What's that? We should go to the best tattoo artist and the worst, and you each get the same idea and see the execution. But it's also your body. Someone loses. Yeah, there's a loser. I'd be so down, but it's like it's so fucked up.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Yeah. Hey, we came here because you're the worst. Who is the worst element yeah I know what the video goes out yeah we found the most dog shit person ever to touch a gun it's crazy so he got there and he was like ugly to what's the purpose for the video and you're like just go around there's like there's like that show on vice where he goes to like the worst rated like x in some big city
Starting point is 00:02:09 and he'll just check it out and almost always the person is like pretty good at what they do they just had like one bad experience with a customer who decided to like review bomb them except for like this one dude who is like really he ran a strip club and it was the worst strip club in like Orlando is like really he ran a strip club and it was the worst strip
Starting point is 00:02:25 club in like orlando and how do you run a strip club badly exactly they all their clothes on missing the point yeah he just lets them do whatever they want and uh he's just super into like far-right conspiracy theories and like at every turn of the conversation we'll turn it away from his business to the conspiracy theory and that but other than that guy it's all like just some like poor woman who owns a business and like was review bombed by a guy. Yeah. In between each girl, he tells you the moon landing was fake.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Yeah. I was going to say they come out with like Bush did 9-11 on their titties or something. It's like, come on. That'd be good. That would be kind of hype actually. Welcome back to the yard, everybody. We're here with guest Mango Look who it is it's the goat
Starting point is 00:03:07 The goat's here Rubbing his hands together I tweeted out because I saw Joe Hisayishi And I was like saw the goat and then Mango's like He replied with mod check I just added that to mine Which is very hip of you I didn't even think you knew what mod check was
Starting point is 00:03:22 Mod check's good Mango was saying he doesn't upload stuff until he knows it stands the test of time. Never fat emote. Wow. How you doing, Mr. Champion? Pretty good. You know, I was supposed to... You guys wanted me on this show, I feel like, for a while.
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. But I told them only when I win. I feel like it'd be more appropriate. Was it, like, just so much fucking better because of your ranking just to instantly win a tournament? It'd be like rankings are kind of a meme. I wasn't even mad about the whole 11 thing. I think it was more like Reddit just had been on me
Starting point is 00:03:55 and Twitter because I said I wasn't going and people were shitting on me. I should have been ranked 11. I think people think I'm mad about that. I'm like, no, that was fair. I just don't like that everyone thought it was over for me. me because like i feel like time and time it's like i always hit the gutter but you know i always come back and i'm just like do we have to do this again it's like i've done it like 10 times or like everyone thinks i'm shit i heard even you asked
Starting point is 00:04:18 josh man what i said good i wasn't melee because you because you were concerned about my skill. I don't know if I did this. That's what Josh man told me. Wow. On the way there, he was like, hey, so is Mango not good anymore? I will ask Josh candidly because he plays with all the top players. If they're actually washed. So I remember I was like, is Cadorne actually washed? He'd be like.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Cadorne might be the most like made fun of least respected top player yeah for some reason everyone gives Kedorn shit like I was against it until he said the AMSA thing and then I was on board with the what he said he was he said it's too late for AMSA to ever win a major it is past his time whoa Kedorn
Starting point is 00:04:59 said that yeah that's crazy words coming from a Marth yeah that's fucking Yoshi Yoshi's a marth yeah that's fucking yoshi yoshi's gonna make you feel real bad yeah can we got the fucking tournament winning dlc character and he's talking shit on it's it's funny because like every marth you ever grow up playing with like they'll talk about you like yoshi and link in bracket and be like fuck man it's 50 hit two it's 50 50 deal with it if you run into one of the two pikachus in the bracket dude back in like like socal not back in but like 2016 socal like caesar's one of the best mars in socal
Starting point is 00:05:34 and uh he still would have to worry about playing like moss garden yeah or like any yoshi he's like yeah i'm just gonna lose it's because like Every Marth like When you're getting Good with Marth Like those skills That you used to get good Just do not work Against that character Those characters So I think they just
Starting point is 00:05:50 Hate it I don't even feel Like Yoshi wins No Marth wins Against both of them Yeah I think it's just like One of the few characters
Starting point is 00:05:57 Where like trades Are just horrible for you Yeah And like Marth can Kind of swing and Scrap with people Because if he knocks Him down
Starting point is 00:06:03 Just like a tech chase Or whatever But Yoshi just fucking owns you. And the edge guard's pretty straightforward. I remember there was a particular session. There was a Spud and Nebby over at my apartment. And Nebby was the second best Yoshi at the time in the world. And Spud is like a really good Marth player.
Starting point is 00:06:22 And Spud, there's no good Yoshis or maybe even a yoshi period in australia where spud practiced and they sat down at the setup and played for two hours straight and nebby did not win a single game really and it was the session that changed my mind on the matchup i was like i don't think yoshi wins this like i i saw spud like just do all these things that just worked like over and over and over again and i was like this is the second best guy he's also like spud's also a freak of nature who just like picked up ultimate for funsy bears and then became ranked in australia the continent
Starting point is 00:06:55 yeah he became the best he became the best player in western australia like in like three months and he was like yeah you know i was spud right and when that one spud story speak he came to my house for 0.5 if you don't know what 0.5 is when i have everybody over at my house before stomach and we just we just game and drink and spud got wasted and we were leaving it was like midnight one o'clock and he's like stumbling out and he's like i gotta pee i'm like you can pee in the yard you know i'm you know from the hood so it's like every house americans you can everybody like has a spot where you pee in the yard. Yeah, that's just normal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I'm like, yeah, pee in the corner. And he starts peeing. And then he just like starts spinning and just peeing like helicoptering. Wait, like his body or his penis? His body. So he's just going in a circle. And I'm like, I'm like, I feel like I should be mad. But like we've always said in Norwalk, if something's funny, it goes.
Starting point is 00:07:45 And I just was like, I guess Spud's just fucking pissing in my whole yard. I'm just going to have to allow it. It's actually how you have to do it in Perth. Yeah. You go kind of clockwise though. Yeah. Because usually everyone does, you know, spins their dick. That's like the famous move.
Starting point is 00:07:56 But he just changed the game. He's just spinning it. He's always been innovating the game. He's always been part of who he is. I was like, dude. All right. In middle school, we would rank who was coolest by who could clap their balls loudest
Starting point is 00:08:09 by thrusting their hips. That's some weird shit. And I remember I couldn't get it done, and I got roasted. Because I couldn't make my balls clap against my butt cheek. How would you do it? You have to literally stand and do sway them and in the soccer shorts
Starting point is 00:08:26 because they're loose when it claps your under your when they come back. Yeah, she's a cops. It goes. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they'll get something. What's wrong with your anus? It's like the barnacle from Half-Life.
Starting point is 00:08:41 You go too hard. They get stuck up there. Spits out bones. You got to call coach. Coach, please, again. Third time today. Yeah, so it's interesting that we talked about, we talked about Melee probably like every episode in some way.
Starting point is 00:08:57 And now the front and center staring you in the face, the Artigans, is probably one of the guys that got us all into it in a way you know what i mean like without mango is there a documentary probably not obviously without mango there's no ludwig yeah sure do you think that's true not like i i never discredited his hard work because i think he worked really hard but i think in a world where i don't play melee and like what community are you a part of if If there's no Mango, there's probably no Doc. There's probably no Skar Tof Show. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:28 What's Skar doing right now? Like literally right now? No, no, no. Like if there's no Mango, what's Skar doing? Skar works at a bodega selling Rick and Morty weed pens. I think like... Dude, I just heard about the Rohingya genocide. Funny Sk Scar story.
Starting point is 00:09:46 He messaged me three days after I won SmashCon. You gotta see what he said. It's the most Scar shit of all time. So anyway, I think he's right. There probably is no Ludwig. Because the Smash scene was the start. Yeah, I think without Smash, that was your boost. I'm doing comedy in LA.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Working at Best Buy buy you could get there and you get on a reality show what would you have done though you would have like played smash 4 i would have joined like an improv group i wouldn't even played a game i was not that into gaming i was more like single player games be just like me i would play like final fantasy 15 and go to my improv on thursdays you would i bet you'd be in some kind of fucked up like Kingdom Hearts like Craigslist fuck fest. Yeah. You know?
Starting point is 00:10:28 The only thing that persists Like a dirty ass hotel room at Anime Expo. Dressing up in baggy pants and swinging. Yeah. I would 100% have a Vespa and don't bring up
Starting point is 00:10:36 Tsun La in this episode. Pay respect for that. If you want to hear about Tsun La who is Ludwig's new lover. I made a six year old Taiwanese friend because I go watch The Sunset
Starting point is 00:10:46 like four times a week. 60 not six. And he also goes 60. It sounded like 60. He's 60. I heard six. I was correcting you. That's your lover.
Starting point is 00:10:53 I'm like, what did I miss here? I was like, I missed something here. He's 60 and he's experienced. He's not a sexual partner at all. He's seasoned. Like a cast iron pan.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Is that the joke? Yeah. The joke is that I fuck my good friend who is 60 who I hang out with we did this in the
Starting point is 00:11:08 patreon episode let's not do it again what's the scar message we'll do it again later yeah what's the scar message scar messaged me three days after he goes
Starting point is 00:11:14 poppy ben is w just told me that you want smash con I'm watching you versus hbox right now I love how that's how he found out
Starting point is 00:11:21 that's how he found out three days later which means he didn't check internet once. Yeah. Didn't bother watching. And it took Ben SW probably just being really hype. Be like,
Starting point is 00:11:31 how do you feel about that mango win? And Scar was like, what in the nigga? Ben's really just been front row since the beginning at like every mango set. I saw you point at him. You hugged Ben. You like that point?
Starting point is 00:11:40 I think I did that because, because I was really happy I won. Like, you've ever won a tournament you won that house tournament right as a fellow tournament winner recently so i kind of understand there's a joy when like especially melee because like we're not playing for money um so it's like all your hard work all the practice the fact that you flew there you know i'm not drinking as much at events now so it's like i'm disciplined and then like in that moment when you win it's just like fuck yeah and i was just so happy and then i saw ben and we locked eyes and i just saw the joy in his eyes like he made me so happy i was
Starting point is 00:12:14 like fuck yeah ben like i just had to hug him i was like i'm happy that you're happy because i'm also really happy for 10 years it's actually ben was uh ben was telling me at the wedding yeah because i asked him about scars like It's like, have you talked to Scar in a while? He's like, yeah, we have a weekly phone call. So presumably he updated Scar with a weekly phone call. You made the cut. You made the agenda of the weekly phone call. That's a big call
Starting point is 00:12:35 once a week. You can only talk about so much. I've always joked that Ben is the actual Mango fan. I accidentally became the face of Mango fan. Not accidentally. It was contrived. It was a contrived effort. For those that don't know, mango fan because like i i i accidentally became the face of mango fan not accidentally it was contrived it was a contrived effort can you bring up that about that yeah of course i'm bitter about it let me recap this oh he didn't he didn't he didn't bark or bitch at all when i told him the script basically he did he did no no but he didn't. Like, you just said, I'm a bigger Mango fan. I was like, no, me.
Starting point is 00:13:05 And then that was it. No, it wasn't. It wasn't. You're arguing. I was upset. I was irate. But you didn't do anything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:13:12 No, because you said, but this is how it's written. Zipper show the email. And you were saying it'd be weird to switch it now. So these three ChocoFox worked at Beyond the Summit and at one of the Smash Summits. This is Mango's Patreon, by the way. Slime wrote a sketch about the biggest Mango fan and then the biggest Armada fan. You know, two people who are great idiots.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Yeah, and we're both trying to defuse a bomb and the bomb asks us who the GOAT is and then we start arguing. And I was the Mango fan and Ludwig is the Armada fan. And you wrote it. And I wrote it. Of course I wrote it.
Starting point is 00:13:39 And I was very clearly... Did you write it? I was very clearly the bigger Mango fan because you had like never seen a Mango stream. That's not true. You know what's funny? The first time I was dating a girl, it was like 2014. You were doing All Star a bunch. Remember that?
Starting point is 00:13:54 I had your stream on and I come home with this girl and your stream is on and she has never seen a Twitch stream in her life and she's just like, can he see us? What a time. I was like, no, no, no, no. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:14:09 I was like, no, no, no, it's fine. He does All-Star and All-Star. He does it without losing. It's complicated. But yeah, and then it's true. I didn't watch a lot of Twitch. I didn't watch a lot of Mango streams. Bro, like six months ago, you were like, wow, Mango's like a good streamer.
Starting point is 00:14:23 No, I watched your Multiverse stream. Like, it was you and, I think it was you and Plup. Oh, that you were like, wow, Mango's like a good streamer. No, I watched your multiverse stream. Like, it was you and, I think it was you and, you and Plup. Oh, that you were playing. And I had it on all day.
Starting point is 00:14:30 I was like cleaning my room and I was like, I don't want to turn this off at all. Like, I remember what decided it. What decided it was like, it made more sense for you to be Mango fan,
Starting point is 00:14:39 but it made way less sense for him to be Armada fan. Yeah. So we just kept it. Well, I think, Swedish. You just, you're more Swedish. I play a better heel. Yeah, you're better. way less sense for him to be armada fan yeah so we just kept it well i think swedish you just you
Starting point is 00:14:45 you're more swedish i play a better heel yeah you're better i can't imagine slime playing that part and that's and i agreed with that that's exactly what i said you also played puff like i played falco like from the day one bro like it's just so much there's so much math that works you you know your biggest argument was i've gifted so many subs to him. I have. But that shouldn't be it. 8,000, it's a lot. You can't buy his love. You can. You can.
Starting point is 00:15:09 You can. Yeah, you can. But I think the main reason it wouldn't work is because we had Mango Let Fridays. It was like, we have to be rivals. I think if Mango Let Fridays don't exist, it would have been fine. I've given Mango, I think, $40,000 in subs.
Starting point is 00:15:25 That is so much money. That's a lot of money. I'm pretty sure. I don't know if it's possible to check, but I've always said, like, I'm pretty sure I was, like, one of the first 40 Mango subs. But what happened was when Twitch Prime came out, like, basically, Twitch used to just auto-renew your sub. And when Twitch Prime came out, you had to manually press the button every time. I think they changed it where it would honor your streak.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They would just pick it up where it left off. It still does, yeah. But there was a point where it just canceled your streak. No, if you lost your streak, it was gone forever. Yeah, so there was a point when Twitch Prime came out,
Starting point is 00:15:59 and I'm like, oh, cool. I just passively subbed to Mango. I don't sub to anyone else. I should just switch it to Prime. I don't have to pay for it. And so I switched it one day, not knowing it was an auto-renew, and I lost my sub, but I don't sub anyone else i should just switch it to prime i don't have to pay for it and so i switched it one day not knowing it is an auto renew and i lost my sub but i didn't watch for like eight months but i came back i lost like all my progress because i'm still at 80 months right now you got the deep web mango badge it sucks the tour router
Starting point is 00:16:18 mango badge do you do i i think i've told this on the pod before mango but do you have any recollection of me meeting you for the first time? Well, you're talking about the Evo thing? Yes. Because I've had people come into my stream and they're like, do you remember blah blah blah? So, do you remember it at all? Do you remember the moment? I don't remember the moment. Okay, so this is what happened.
Starting point is 00:16:38 But this was 15? This is 2016. This is 16? Yeah. Is it? I thought, oh yeah. This is 2016. This is my first major ever. I'm fucking starry-eyed, terrible at Melee. I went 0-2. Well, I went 1-2 because my first round didn't show up. So I got a buy.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Easy. Shout out, his tag was Potion Seller. And at the time, I was like making custom GameCube controllers. And that was like my shtick. And I would like try to sell them to people. And I had a guy who said he was gonna buy one um at evo if i brought it but he said that he was too nervous to meet you and talk to you and get it signed uh so he asked me if i could do it and i was like sure so i waited in the mango line uh and i went up and i said hey can you sign this and you're like sure and you went to sign it but i'd given you a pen
Starting point is 00:17:24 that like when you sort of depress the tip, ink comes out. And you broke it. I kind of explained, I tried to explain what the pen was, and then you tried to press it, but you pressed it diagonally, so you just broke the pen, and then black ink just went all over it. Whose fault is that? I thought it was his fault.
Starting point is 00:17:39 I'll take it. You gotta bring me something basic, man. I want it to be permanent. So so i look i'll say it's my fault it's fine so it covers the controller it covers your hand but the ink is like oil base it's like a really really permanent ink so you are just covered in this very permanent ink that like will not come off and i'm like so nervous i'm like never met you before i'm like a fan i'm like oh my god oh oh i'm so sorry i'm like apologizing for me you did and i'm like taking it and i'm holding it i'm like and then we go to the bathroom
Starting point is 00:18:05 Together and I remember you're trying to wash it off And it's just not going fucking anywhere And I'm like I just feel so bad And yada yada you ruin the controller the guy Didn't buy it from me so I lost Out on like 300 bucks and then You ended up not winning the tournament And slightly underperforming
Starting point is 00:18:21 And I remember thinking that that was My fault you might yeah because you know when I Play I this might gross some people out, but I don't like to wash my hands. Because I like being one with my controller. I like the gritty. No, I'm with you. I do the same thing. If I play with super clean hands, I don't like it. I'm not glued.
Starting point is 00:18:37 I want to be glued to my controller. In between days, though, like Saturday to Sunday? Sunday? Okay, so this is my system. If I go to the bathroom and no one's in the bathroom i don't wash my hands if there's one person in there wash my hands just because i don't want them to tweet like i was in the bathroom with mango and he didn't wash his hands yeah which is what i i would tweet about hbox even if i didn't see it happen yeah exactly so if there's
Starting point is 00:18:59 one person i'm like you're throwing me off and i gotta go like sweat a bunch and get like have you ever seen my controller no it's nasty i'll show you after it's done. Can it I like to go Oh, here's a photo of the controller Do that yeah, that's not a bad signature. See I thought it was funny. I think I would buy that I was trying to convince the guy. I'm like it has a better story now. Yeah, why would I would have bought that? Yeah, and he wasn't about it. Nah, that guy. Do you think that if this didn't happen, do you win Evo 2016?
Starting point is 00:19:30 I was pretty good at 16. What year was that? That was the Hungerbox one. Was that the Hbox year? Yeah, yeah. I hate to say it, but I do think Hbox Armada. That was Hbox Armada, right? Yeah. That's like a top 5 all-time melee set. I think that was a roll-around one. I think set 1 of Grands is like one of the best melee sets yeah that's like a top five all-time melee set I think yeah I think that was a
Starting point is 00:19:45 roll-around one I think set one of Grand's is like one of the best melee sets ever it's a top fiver you can thought I don't know if I could take that away sure sure Hbox run a crazy run and
Starting point is 00:19:53 then yeah at the up air and then that's content that was content that's that mango fan by the way over here I started out I don't even remember about mango hater I started out because I
Starting point is 00:20:04 were a hater oh you were Hbox fan yeah because I... You were a hater? Oh, you were an Hbox fan. Yeah, because I watched the doc. I played Smash 4 and I wanted to beat my friends, so I looked up JTales videos and then I found a doc and then you were a dick. I wasn't a dick. You kept writing s*** in dollar bills and I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:19 we can't have that. That was okay at the time. I stand by that. would never never say that word again but like back in the day that that's just how it was you think it was cool that i spelled it in dollar bills for my prize money yeah i was like that was hard i was like kind of hard but like i don't have that much money and plus one every time he started talking the anime sad music would come on yeah i mean it was it was like naruto on the swing set i i joked that that without mango the documentary doesn't happen,
Starting point is 00:20:46 but it is funny how it, like, painted so much for years and years that it's still, like, hard to shake off. What do you think is the biggest misconception about you to this day? I think it's that people think, like, I'm a... I know I'm drinking right now, but they think, like, I'm a drunk fuck. And they think, like, in all of my Melee history career, I've gone, like, that drunk at a tournament, like in all of my melee history career i've gone like that drunk at a tournament like three or four times that's like as drunk as you were in australia no as
Starting point is 00:21:11 drunk as you were like at the tournament 12 or whatever in that documentary during the tournament seinfeld sweater yeah so like funny story i always uh i told people this but um um nobody wanted to sponsor me at the time because of the duck like everybody was getting sponsored i'm like it's like i just want evo but like you know i have this rep whatever and then um i get in contact with cloud nine thought i was like yeah we'll do we you're a winner we love that i'm like like they don't know about the duck i'm like i gotta hurry up and sign let me just have it in and jack's like all right i'll come back tomorrow with contract i'm like cool and then i wake up to a message this is on skype this is how old this was i wake up and it's like yeah i think uh i was talking to some of the the fellow sponsors and they're just kind of worried that you've like
Starting point is 00:21:51 you know we watched the doc and you have like a drinking problem or something and i was like look man like that was a one-time thing i was just like fuck because i um jojo was just born so i needed money because i i was broke so i was like i didn, when I signed with C9 the first time, it was $700 a month. Wow. And 2013, that was like, for a smasher, that was like top dollar. I can't believe $700 a month are like... Yeah. Well, they were just starting up too.
Starting point is 00:22:15 I don't think it was like... No, no. They had a Dota team at the time. I mean, they were starting up. No, it was still early. Because like the previous year was like when Cloud9 League broke out. There was also even less value in having a Smash player at the time. I remember following. Because the previous year was when Cloud9 League broke out. There was also even less value in having a Smash player at the time. Even if you look at league sponsors and shit at the time,
Starting point is 00:22:31 nobody was making that much money yet. $700,000 and I was living in Ohio. That was like $2,000,000. Yeah, yeah. And then he was like, I don't know. And I'm like, look, man, it was just one tournament. He had the camera. And Jack was like, yeah, you know what, man?
Starting point is 00:22:45 Like if they had cameras on me when I was young, I probably would have had some shit like that come out. And I was like, fuck yeah, Jack. And then Jack's like, we're good. I was like, I promise it's not a thing. Like I don't drink that much. And then fast forward like six years, I get banned for too much alcohol. So I love that.
Starting point is 00:23:00 Like, yeah. Yeah. Coastal circle. I kind of lied to you. But if it's Steve Team Liquid you get axed yeah exactly Steve I've heard Team Liquid has like removed
Starting point is 00:23:09 contracts because they've seen tweets that are like too inappropriate really yeah Cloud9 has let let they let me get away with murder I should have been axed
Starting point is 00:23:17 so many times even the first time when I got banned Jack was like yeah you know Twitch just kind of has us by the balls nothing we could do man just lay low don't say
Starting point is 00:23:24 anything we're good I'm like all right have you had to delete just kind of has us by the balls. Nothing we could do, man. Just lay low. Don't say anything. We're good. I'm like, all right. Have you had to delete a tweet? Because it's a thing orgs do sometimes. I've deleted two tweets. And I don't know if people know this. The one tweet was we did a BMW shoot. And I tweeted, drifting on these hoes. And I tagged BMW.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And I'm like, drifting on these hoes. It was a great picture, right? And Jack messaged me. He's like, can you please delete the the hose tweet or something the way he worded it was really funny i was like all right jack's never messaged me joseph this is regarding pretending to hose could you not drift upon them i'll have to send you the link later it's like the funniest thing so that was one and then when i got banned by twitch the first time and i like tweeted at them, and I called them fucking pussies, and a Jack message was like, hey, Twitch is one of our sponsors.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Can you not refer to them as fucking pussies? I was like, can you please delete it? I was like, fuck. I was like, all right. They're not just one of the sponsors. They literally were paying C9 to stay alive. I had to bite the bullet. Oh, wait, there was one more.
Starting point is 00:24:22 There was one. My manager made me delete this one, not Jack, where it was ZaneFest, and it was me, SFat, Joey, oh wait there was one more there was um one my manager made me delete this one not jack where um it was uh zane fest and it was like me s fat joey and like i think cody was there it was all the foxes and zane so we um photoshopped you know the one where the one black girl on the couch yeah the five black guys behind uh-huh so we made zane the girl and all the fox players were the guys behind that's a classic though and then there's like can you delete that I'm like that's not even that bad
Starting point is 00:24:47 That's a meme format I've used that one Yeah it was hilarious Those are my three deleted tweets That's not bad Yeah it's not the worst What was your first like when you Like your first interaction with Ludwig was MILF right?
Starting point is 00:25:00 No our first ever interaction Do you remember it? It was Sandstorm I think we talked about it before That was wasted right? Sandstorm was one of the four tournaments where I got blackout drunk. I like how you preface.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I've only been doing it once. That's two. That's one of them. What year did you start playing? I'm 2006 or 7. Okay. So, I mean, when you say four,
Starting point is 00:25:18 it's four over the span of like, No, that's good. Over like what, 17 years or something? Yeah. You get fucked up just out of tournaments or as long as you're
Starting point is 00:25:25 not in the tournament. Yeah, it's very rarely I'll like drink through it and whatnot. It was at Sandstorm and that was an Arizona small tournament
Starting point is 00:25:33 run by the shitty org that everyone MVG. MVG Twitch pitch deck? Yes. That is magic. Oh my god, dude.
Starting point is 00:25:43 One day we'll we'll take a look back I want to go find I want to post in the discord or something because it is so even if
Starting point is 00:25:49 you're absolutely disconnected from smash it is so fucking funny yeah have you ever seen it no I have no idea it's crazy
Starting point is 00:25:56 there's probably a few sites I think you can google it but it's mvg like pitching twitch for basically the same type of deal that
Starting point is 00:26:04 c9 would have had. And they're like, MVG is the biggest sports organization in the world. We have millions of views. And it looks like it was put together in MS Paint. But it was their actual deck they sent in. It's the biggest oversell. The most damning is that it explains how they this organization represents so many different ethnicities and
Starting point is 00:26:28 then they have like tie on there from Arizona and I think they had zero on there too and it's like dude Jesus Christ tie zero music king it's insane I'm bashing I'm bashing in diversity
Starting point is 00:26:43 dream blood rotation god dude I'm at Sandstorm I'm mostly a Smash 4 player But I watched the doc and I wanted to play Melee But I didn't have a CRT which was my excuse That I made to not play it And I went up to Hungrybox First and I was subscribed to Hungrybox
Starting point is 00:27:02 Because I had watched the doc and he was favorable HboxW I'm clean What Hungrybox because I'd watched the doc, and he was favorable to the doc. HboxW, I'm clean. What? What? HboxW, I'm clean. I thought you said Hbox is unclean, like really fast. Hbox is unclean, he pisses and doesn't wash his hands. I tweeted this out.
Starting point is 00:27:15 This is real. It happened to turn my style. I'm a big Hungrybox fan. I subscribe to him like maybe four months deep, and I'm like, hey, Hungrybox, and he's like, and he's like just finished like a friendly or maybe even a set, he gets up and he's like what's going on and i'm like uh i subscribe to you do you remember me that's all i say and he like clearly doesn't know and he's like oh yeah no i do and i was like you didn't know i walk away i unsubscribe from him that day out of pettiness and anger
Starting point is 00:27:45 I was just like how could he not remember me A mango fan was born that day And then I went to I was going to the bathroom and you were coming out of the bathroom I probably had just thrown up Yes sir I threw up like four times It was bad
Starting point is 00:27:59 And I was in need of a new smash Person to look up to and I was like mango And I go to shake your hand and you're like I just pissed need of a new Smash person to look up to. And I was like, Mango. And I go to shake your hand. You're like, I just pissed. You want a fist bump? And then we fist bumped. And that was it. And then I think I subbed to you like that month.
Starting point is 00:28:12 You're like, whoa, cool. I was like, didn't watch it. I hated the rest of the day. And then I went to the toilet. I was like, there's throw up. I feel like the sentiment I've always heard, even when I started playing Melee, was like, you are like one of the best at interacting with fans of yours, compared to everyone else.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I think that's always been the case. Was that a conscious decision of yours, or is that just something that's always been easy? I've always said, kind of corny, but I've like... I always, because you know I love Dwayne The Rock Johnson. Yeah. That's like my top three favorite humans to ever exist. And I just love him, and I always said, if I met him, and he was a dick to me i like it even like remotely i would just be like so
Starting point is 00:28:51 heartbroken obviously i'm not duane but i'm like but you're someone's doing if i'm a fan i like tried no matter what to give you like the most best experience even if i'm in a shit mood like people always ask me like for pictures when i lose and even though i don't want to i'm like if you want to meet me like this, I'll, I'll try and make it the best I can. Cause like, I've always tried to like have the best experiences.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Like, cause I don't want anyone to like be like heartbroken. It's weird. Cause he has the same mentality. Yeah. I'm the same as you in that respect. You're someone's Dwayne. And they had an earth shattering experience where you blocked them and said never
Starting point is 00:29:26 talk to me again yeah and then they cry you know why it's because here's here's the way i see it it's like mango if you just play melee and then you watch like mango play falco and like obviously i'm a fucking fanboy but like you just can't deny like even even haters will watch you like do some wild shit and they're like damn he's fucking done it again you know what i mean and like that to me is such a valuable skill and it's like yeah you are someone's the rock but if i'm someone's the rock that's weird bro like i what have i done when you said baby tart on the podcast i did funny interviews what the fuck are you doing go look up to a real hero i remember i remember one of the first times i actually spent any time with mango it was one of the summits it was in a hotel room with um with
Starting point is 00:30:08 leah and uh leah's like playing or like talking about being a falco and mango is like you play falco you have to be a mango fan i said to every falco he was like you don't have another choice and i thought about it i'm like yeah it's kind of true like if you play falco it's just that's just your guy oh you're holding on to PPMD coming back. Yeah Remember I was in the room when that happened actually it was you Lee and mango on one side of the room and it was me Left it insane on the other side of the room like late. We're we left and insane were laying on the separate They win the crew battle though they win the crew battle though what's the
Starting point is 00:30:48 what's the first time that you met me at slime fuck it had to be um it had to be when I interviewed you
Starting point is 00:30:56 at gods and gatekeepers that might have been the first time that was the first time I do have a funny T.O. slime story and I have a funny you T.O. story
Starting point is 00:31:03 yeah at summit you so like I never up until that one time I think at Genesis I never really hung out with slime but I always knew that I would like them so I was like slime's cool right I'm like yeah I think I like slime like alright but this was at one of the Stomachs
Starting point is 00:31:18 where you were the main T.O. and it was when they had the fucky VIP thing where like oh no you can bring like your coach yeah six and bring, like, your coach. Yeah, six. And everyone was, like, bringing a coach. So, like, Johnny wanted to go. And I already had a coach.
Starting point is 00:31:32 My coach was Joey. So I was bugging him. I was like, hey, Slime, Plup said he needs Falcon practice. Can Johnny come? And you're like, no, no. And I'm like, dude, that's the system. I'm like, this guy has his girlfriend here. This guy has his, like.
Starting point is 00:31:43 And then you turn around and just snap at me. And you're like, man, I know the rules are fucking stupid, all right? But what do you want me to do all right just fucking tell johnny you can come and you walked away and i was like i was like all right i was like i just got fucking i don't remember this at all because i think you're fucking frustrated you just snapped it was like a two second yell and then you walked away was it on like media day or something or is it during a day i it was probably during the event right it might have been like day two or three yeah uh so i said he was cool that he came? At the end, you're like,
Starting point is 00:32:06 whatever, just fucking invite him. Yeah. I remember that summit was miserable. It was awful. Because everybody was trying to fucking coax around the plus one rules. It was so annoying. And then you,
Starting point is 00:32:14 you cost me a summit. I know, dude. You fucking cost me a summit because I had one out in my pool and I go to Aiden because I didn't know games mattered or whatever. So I started drinking because I'm like, my next set doesn't matter so i'm like i'm gonna drink now i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:32:29 be in bed by 10 p.m perfect i have to have like the perfect day i go to aiden he's like yeah you're good you win your you lose your next set doesn't matter you get first seed i had to play plup i'm fucking buzzed plup 3 owes me and i'm like whatever and then i found out it's like oh wait plup got first seed because he needed i needed to take one game for it to matter oh my god and I ended up playing like left and bracket losing everything got flushed down which one was this this was summit it might have been the same summit actually it might have been summit six yeah wow it's your only job Aiden I know I didn't I didn't know that like the and it was you knew that was for gaming it was under the bus because a ton of people accused you of throwing yeah no it was shitty cuz I
Starting point is 00:33:12 was like but I was told it didn't matter yeah throwing I just it didn't matter what my fault it was by game win percent and I remembered looking at the the percentage because it calculates it and lists it. And after the set was over, and I was like, oh no. And I had to go up to you and tell you. I was like, drunk, not carried. I was like, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 What do you mean? And then you got fourth seed and made you play 11 right away. Yes. I remember this. Is that it? Which one was this? No, this is seven.
Starting point is 00:33:42 Yeah, I remember this because it was one of the first times I hung out with Aiden and I farted so loud in front of him. It was disgusting. What? Do you remember that? No way.
Starting point is 00:33:51 You did that? Do you remember? No, of course not. But you do this every day still. Yeah, but the first time. I did it in front of Aiden and I didn't know him that well. So it was like I big dogged you and then i big dog in two separate different ways and then yeah that's pretty gangster dawson was in front of me dawson was there and he he made i
Starting point is 00:34:11 made you leave the room and dawson was like you're fucking disgusting and he means it when he says it uh good times good times and now we're all gone from summit yeah i'm still hanging out he stole stole everybody from Summit. I did. I did. Yeah. I can't steal you, really. He can steal me. Next time.
Starting point is 00:34:32 We can check the Mango buyout. Buyout the longest tenured C9 player. I just have to give him 10k and then he won't go to the Smash Summit. He'll just hang out at my house with me. Mango and Ludwig commentate the Summit the whole time. I did that once. He couldn't do it. I bought you out of something. What was that?
Starting point is 00:34:46 When we flew back together after that one event. Oh, Genesis. Yeah, that was it. That was it. Yeah. And we commentated top eight together. That was a great stream. That was great.
Starting point is 00:34:53 That was lovely. Oh, it was recent, right? Yeah. I just lost Genesis. I remember that. At what point did you stop going to locals in SoCal? When I fucking started playing. I remember when I started playing, I was like, I just came out with the documentary, I'm a
Starting point is 00:35:06 Falco, I'm so excited. And every local, you weren't there, and I was just like, where's the best player in the world? The last one I remember was like a mayhem in 2016 where you played Marth, right? Well, at some point, I started losing too much money.
Starting point is 00:35:22 That's when the streaming came in. It was like, I'm gonna go and make $200. I streaming came in. It was like, I'm going to go and make $200. I did the math. I'm like, I'd rather enjoy my weekend or stream instead. The economics of being a competitive esports player, not even just Smash, don't really add up because you make more money streaming the game and it's less taxing and stressful
Starting point is 00:35:41 than you do competing in the game most of the time. For Smashers, it's a thousand percent. Almost every esport. But yeah, streaming fucked the whole game up. It did change the way things were. Except for Dota. No, you can... People have quit Dota to stream. Admiral Bulldog?
Starting point is 00:35:57 I guess I'm saying the top, top, most paid Dota people are the players, not the streamers. The AI winners, I guess. But like, Tark makes more than like I think yeah well Tarek's an anomaly I think there's a lot of anomalies but like Bulldog quit streaming to fucking or do a stream time but BSJ like everyone
Starting point is 00:36:14 can monetize that way easier like you said and it's fucking it's sad for the gamers because you want to see the fucking you want to see Shroudy Rowdy get rowdy like Shroudy he did it he did. He did it now. Yeah. But like Aiden said, he's a fucking joke.
Starting point is 00:36:28 Whoa, Aiden said that? I didn't say that. I didn't say he was a fucking joke. He did. Remember when he said that? I remember it. I'll say I remember it. It's funny.
Starting point is 00:36:38 I said the Sentinel team that he was on was a joke. Yeah. Yeah, he was saying that. I was mad. Because they had like two game threes. They won a game. They. Yeah, he was saying that. I was mad. Because they had like two game threes. They won a game. They were doing good. They were decent. Yeah, I think they over performed. But you can't look me in the eye and tell
Starting point is 00:36:54 me that signing Shroud was a play to become the best team in the world. I can tell you honestly that signing Shroud was not a bad decision. Yeah, did I say it was a bad decision? Yeah, but they could be calling it a joke because it's Shroudy Rowdy. It's a bad decision? Calling it a joke is a bad decision If Shroudy Rowdy could be the best Shroudy Rowdy is good
Starting point is 00:37:09 Love Shroud Admit it Admit that Shroud is good at games I know you've been saying he isn't Shroud I know you're watching this We all think you're good And this guy Aiden McCaig thinks you're shit
Starting point is 00:37:24 You're gonna look me in the eye and tell me he's better than Ye Yeah Well you're good And this guy Aiden McCaig Thinks you're shit Yeah You're gonna look me in the eye And tell me he's better than yay Yeah Well you're just smoking Better than crowd fans You're not gonna convince us otherwise Better than Shazam Better than 10s
Starting point is 00:37:33 I always said that Better than Shazam Better than 10s I remember That's the mega Dude oh my god One of my favorite Mango moments
Starting point is 00:37:42 If we could share them Is It was when It was like a mafia during summit like eight or nine and you had uh it's funny because woogie messaged me this woogie is mango's friend and mod uh and he's really funny guy but it was basically like you were like playing mafia the whole time and you had said that someone was sus like the whole fucking for like an hour straight and finally it revealed that they were sus and you were still alive
Starting point is 00:38:06 and all the whole group is like oh my god they are and you just you put your arms you folded your arms you were like it was oh my god it's like a South Park character dude it's so funny there was a summit recent one
Starting point is 00:38:23 I think it was like 10 maybe maybe 9 cause i think we were a little little less closer familiar and you came up and i was holding a red solo cup and you looked in and you saw water and he looked up at me and he said what the fuck do you have water in your cup and i was like no he said he said how can we ever fucking drink that's what he said and i was like what do you want me to tell you man and you're just like you're fucking drinking i was like like i'm like i'm like what you want a real answer you want me to joke around with you he's like well give me a real answer i'm like you know i got alcoholics in my family and he's then you pause and you're like fuck you man i want to make fun of you i can't make fun of you fuck you i'm like i don't know what to do for you
Starting point is 00:39:00 yeah yeah you got i'm just drinking water i'm drinking a live juice right now Wasted a red cup You drink out of your hands So many of the red cups I realize I have the most Like normal First interaction with you and you absolutely Do not remember it because it was at
Starting point is 00:39:19 MLG Anaheim 2014 The day I started playing Melee And I came up to you at the tournament. I think it was after you won and I had brought my Wii with me on the trip to get signed by people. And you signed my Wii and it was the one we're playing on downstairs. You still have it? It's still on the side of it. You have a signature? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:36 That's the one that you saw Ludwig Jr. on. I was fucking 17. I might have been 16 at that tournament. Can't believe. Am I older than you guys? I ever met you No I'm older I'm 32 What are you 30? I'll be 31 in a month or two
Starting point is 00:39:54 December 12th You're always so close I'm so close though Crazy you even get that close He doesn't know even like the month of my birthday. Come on, you know it. Am I supposed to know it?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Not necessarily. Have I ever been here before? Yes, you are because we went skydiving on my birthday. Fucking cutie conned me into that. You jumped out of a plane on my birthday. That's so sick. You were afraid to climb the ladder and you went skydiving? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:22 He was a nervous wreck. I was terrified. I mean, props to you for doing it. I wouldn't do it. climb the ladder and you went skydiving yeah he was nervous i was not no yeah i have no i was terrified i mean props to you for doing it you were the only person who came down and you were immediately like yeah i'm not doing that again yeah i actually would like to do it again you would i think the first time is like it's like sex right it's not enjoyable i think to get the full experience you got to do it like again right i think you're actually right because we went that was my first time too when i went and then and then like i've never had the chance to do it like again. I think you're actually right cuz we went that was my first time Yeah, when I went and then and then like I've never had the chance to do this in my entire life And then coincidentally got asked to do it a month later, and I went and I went again second
Starting point is 00:40:53 I was right yeah, and this time you came and I slipped right? I put the harness on it was super easy that time you're like you're like no no I got it Yeah, cuz the first time you're terrified, but I could see the second time You're just like you know the deal you're like I no, no, I got it. Yeah, because the first time you're terrified, but I can see the second time you're just like, you know the deal. You're like, I can actually enjoy the fall. How did she con you in? Because for some context, it was for my birthday. Cutie surprised me with skydiving with Aiden, Ben, and Mango,
Starting point is 00:41:13 which I was like, that's a crazy trio that you've assembled. You can't tell Cutie, no. I think she's one of those people where I was just like. You did it for, here's the crazy thing. You did it for the streamer awards. She asked you for two months to show up to the streamer awards because you were nominated and ended up winning an award. And she asked you to go and you're like, I told her no like eight times without telling
Starting point is 00:41:34 her no. I was like, I didn't know how to break it to her. The second part is the problem. I told her no, but I just didn't like you speak. Perfect mango. Those are all no. He says no. Is how far is it? And then she'll be like, oh, it's like 35 minutes from your house.
Starting point is 00:41:51 And he'll be like... And that's him being no. And that's an emote. And then he won't reply. I have great reasons why I didn't go. Okay, why? I don't know if I want to say it here. Why not? This is the perfect platform.
Starting point is 00:42:01 My godson's father killed somebody. There was a whole jail thing And I was I thought it was going to be Something we could joke about And I was kind of bummed, felt bad for my godson It was like right around that time I was like, I don't want to deal with these fucking streamers Yeah, that's fair
Starting point is 00:42:19 It's like when Nick asked that one guy I know, I know, I got Nick I'm never going gonna get a red solar cup again it's just funny that you were coerced to do skydiving though because she i was like no no no she's like you can just come and like you could just be here i was like that's the trap i'm a birthday guy like it's your birthday i like to like try and celebrate like if you want to do some stupid shit i was like i'll be there and then she's there and i'm like well i don't have shoes and she's like i
Starting point is 00:42:47 brought shoes for you no excuses i was like mary poppins bag of things she's like well i need a beer she can't pull everything i need i was like i have a heartburn pulled out thumbs i was like she did say the funniest thing at least to me it was really funny. I said like five things. So the mango when I'm saying no is I ask a bunch of questions. I'm just like trying to let you know. But I said like eight things and then
Starting point is 00:43:15 I said something about you having a small dick. And she ignored all that and just put stag. And it fucking killed me. I laughed for like 30 seconds. And she never responded to other questions. She just put a stag. And it fucking killed me. I laughed for like 30 seconds. And she never responded to other questions. She just put a stedge. Yeah. That's a funny
Starting point is 00:43:32 interaction between you two. Speaking of speaking mango, did you bring it? Did you bring my switch? No. I'm like 50-50 if I put it in my bag. That pretty good 50 50 that's pretty good odds i intended to bring it better than where is it where's the fucking message dude i just i messaged
Starting point is 00:43:54 him this morning at like 8 30 i fucking like please first time we're gonna bring my switch this is like the fifth time i've asked and he's like I think it would be so funny if I got on the podcast and I just didn't bring it again. It would. Right? He gets it. And then I said, please, I'm begging you. I just want to play
Starting point is 00:44:12 Breath of the Wild. I can't be asked to restart the game. It has my save file on it too, by the way. But I do appreciate the funniness of the situation. Yeah, you get it.
Starting point is 00:44:21 But I would also like my Breath of the Wild save, but I don't. You know what's funny? Is he sent me a message right after that said, Aiden wants his Switch back, dot, dot, dot,
Starting point is 00:44:28 how many subs? Dude. I said, let's settle this one for all. It might be down there. I don't remember. My entire Switch friends list has now, like, accepted
Starting point is 00:44:40 that when they see me online, it's just Mango. Like, so many of them have asked about it now that they're like, oh, yeah, Mango just. Like, so many of them have asked about it now that they're like, oh, yeah, Mango just, like, uses Aiden's Switch. Dude, the best part is he's using your card, too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:51 I would ask him for his password. I'll mess with him, like, hey, I'll send you 50 bucks. Can you, uh, get me Pokemon or something? That one message. That one message, you were like, I don't have to ask him. It's like, hey, man, I'm gonna need Mario Golf.
Starting point is 00:45:01 Can I... I've been good all year. You're paying him every time, too. He always pays me back. You always pay me back. I didn gonna need Mario Golf. Can I? I've been good all year. You're paying me back every time too. You always pay me back. You always pay me back. I didn't pay you back. It's also like he's probably gonna use it for stream. So if you say no, it's like he can go on stream and be like,
Starting point is 00:45:13 so Aiden didn't want to give me Mario Golf. Actually, actually, the one time you were good at buying Mario Golf, I think you told stream. He's like, I gotta get assayed for the password. God, that's sad. It's so funny too, because the weeks leading up to any big title release, you're like I'm not going to get it. I don't want to support Nintendo in anything.
Starting point is 00:45:28 And you're like the Nintendo guy. You play every Nintendo game. Yeah, but I found the loophole store that they take his money. You buy with my money. It's the same thing. No, it's not. Aiden spends 50, you send Aiden 50. But he's using another 50. He's just touching it. He has to touch
Starting point is 00:45:43 the pool of the Patreon. Nintendo never touches his money. My money's this way. He's just touching it. He has to touch the Nintendo never touches his money He's laundering it Ethical laundry. Yeah, I did I did give up and I bought strikers I realized that you can't defeat Nintendo's comes to that game mid not even mid So bad it's garbage crazy. I really wanted to like it and then after like day two I was like I Can't let myself you know you're always in the honeymoon phase at first you're like no no it's fine We just gotta push if it's like doing well on stream And you're like after day two I was like this game's true me and a drum party and we're like dicing up will neff and someone
Starting point is 00:46:17 Else who was the other person is Noah hundred thieves no, okay? Well. Yes, we're a dice in the game I've never played it before the whole time me and I'm just like so in this game What's going is it like he's like oh, it's like kind of like the Wii one, but it's worse in this way We're just like talking shit about the game and how bad it is While we fuck them up. Yeah Jumping up and down Nintendo gamers, but they're streamers. So we'll always have like the hubris to be like, oh dude I played so much strikers growing up like I'm gonna
Starting point is 00:46:45 be like oh dude i played so much strikers growing up like i'm gonna dust you guys and it's like you're just not exactly like that nick is literally figuring like i'm talking to nick i'm like yeah so they swapped like the pass and shooting button so you're gonna like fuck up every once in a while and we're like fucking up plays and we're just like talking to each other and winning the game like it's just like yeah oh whoops like i accidentally shot again in like the other half of the court so it didn't even work and then they get the ball and just like immediately give it back just happen over Oh shit, they just keep making fucking shit games Mario Tennis was good the new Mario Tennis is actually good best sports game. Yeah, they've made I feel like the game q1 was fucking sick. Is it as good as the game people? It's good
Starting point is 00:47:20 I think it's right. They keep releasing it with like no maps or anything So it's so bare-bones that by the time you're done playing it it's good in like eight months like the golf one's getting good now the golf one has so i heard so many courses oh i should play i fucking love mario i love golf do you do you have the thing yeah because with with strikers for example like i played i played that one competitively like i used to yes i used to be like really fucking into that game it was so much much fun. It's a really great game. The GameCube one or the Wii one? The Wii one. The Wii one's like Melee.
Starting point is 00:47:49 The GameCube one's like 64. It's actually really good too. I like how he says that he used to be almost pro at this and then you're making fun of Will for losing to you. You were a huge swivel. Winning in this game is like when somebody asks me to play Ultimate. I'm shit at Ultimate but it's like I's like when it winning in this game is like when somebody asked me to
Starting point is 00:48:05 play ultimate i'm shit at ultimate but it's like i guess i just it's also funny to have fundamental concepts i hate that it's just funny no it's funny to have someone describing why like why a game is bad and not even paying attention and still winning quick tirade i do fucking hate because i'm associated with smash oh here we go play ultimate or nasby yeah fucking multiverses and i'll lose and they'll be like i thought you were the smash guy why don't you just get fucking nice you do one week for ultimate you'll never lose because like what happened is i played multiverses sponsored on a keyboard and mouse because i couldn't get my controller connected against hasan and he was just side being with superman which is a command grab from the air that's tough and he was just side being with Superman, which is a command grab from the air.
Starting point is 00:48:45 That's tough. And he was spamming it. And I was losing. And I'm getting fucking rolled by this political dumbass who's going, I thought you were the Smash guy. Why am I beating the Smash guy? And then he tweets out about how he beats me. And it's like, what do you want from me?
Starting point is 00:48:59 I'm on keyboard and mouse. I played Melee. I got tagged in those tweets. I tweeted about it. Even I got some of the aftermath of it. It was about this exact situation. Every Melee player has understood this. I was seeing a girl at the time and she
Starting point is 00:49:15 invited me over and her roommate wanted to play Smash with me because she just says, I'm good at Smash, right? And that's all she knows. There's this really common experience where you go over to somebody's house to play the game they bust out a giant plasma tv the newest version of smash that you barely play four seconds of life and then they beat you with like palutena nair and they were like i thought you were good at this no no no no no no fuck this fuck this dude my
Starting point is 00:49:40 my best win ever may be gravesves from Canada. From Washington. Oh, sorry. My best win. Wasn't he actually, he just got ranked. Graves did get ranked. The ninth best player in Washington, you said? The ninth best player in Washington. Does that make, kind of makes you around eight, I'd say.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Maybe the best, you know, Falco. Who knows? Either way, that may be my best win, but I have never, ever lost the casual gambit. Ever. Ever? Never. Dude, I have clobbered dates.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I have also never lost it. I brought, dude, this girl. That's just you, Loth. This is. I lost. And you. I lost to Miz, because I almost fucking killed myself. I didn't.
Starting point is 00:50:13 Hold on. I've never lost to my date. No, no, no. Okay. I know what you're saying. But like, they're friends. I didn't get a date with Miz. But basically, I brought a date home, and I told her about.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I literally, I will talk about like Smash And I'm like so this guy Mango he's like really good But like sometimes he drinks a lot it's crazy And I'm like oh wow that's so interesting Only had four tournaments And then she's like you know I'm pretty good I remember this clear as fucking day She played Luigi and I'm like okay
Starting point is 00:50:39 So she killed people on the side She boots up the game it's melee It's like 20XX at the time because Uncle Punch was it out. Boom, we go straight to Battlefield. Quick clobber. Done. She was so bummed out. She literally thought that she had it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 And I was like, no. Dude, you got to let them know one time. You let them know. I did do the opposite one time. We were playing Melee for the Tempe late night for our improv group in college. And we were just doing solos. and I was kind of beating people. And then I was like, let's do 3v1 for fun. And they beat me.
Starting point is 00:51:10 And then I got like kind of like fired up about it. I was like, let's do 20 bucks. Run it again. Because their whole game plan was have Samus in the background do a charge shot. And they kill me. So I just adapted game two and I just beat them. And they're like, run it back. And I beat them like even like harder as like a three stock uh and uh and then the next day forbes who like created the club
Starting point is 00:51:29 he like pulled me aside during like one of the the rehearsals and he's like dude like really just don't appreciate you hustling us wow i was like i didn't hustle you i just i got better at being you guys he's like you needed 40 bucks you could have just asked i was like that's not what happened dude that's hype that is really funny did you play puff I think I played fox there's no way to
Starting point is 00:51:49 puff 3v1 fox can do 3v1 that was my favorite way to like try in practice is all of my cause I lived in like a really small
Starting point is 00:51:57 town and nobody would get into competitive smash with me so it's either drive really far to go play in practice with good
Starting point is 00:52:02 people or I could get my friends to play like casually with me. And we'd do that, like 3v1 in the basement, and then they could turn team attack off, so they couldn't even hit each other. And that was really fucking hard for a while. Because when they don't even have to worry about hitting each other,
Starting point is 00:52:16 it feels almost impossible. Do you think that even helped? Like get better? Do you think it helped? Or was it just the competitiveness? I think competitiveness is more than anything, right? The tiny domino is that and the big domino is you one hit away from beating Kadoran.
Starting point is 00:52:28 Yeah. That was the start and that was the end. That's my peak in Melee is like almost beating Kadoran at a SoCal local. You know my speaking of casual shit in high school I think I made no joke like over $200
Starting point is 00:52:43 on people like being like hey I heard you're really good at over $200 on people like being like hey I heard you're really good at smash because everyone you know I was like because I won pound three and I won pound three when I had just turned 16 so your sophomore year my sophomore year I was fucking I'm actually a child prodigy and no one ever likes to talk about actually believe that no no you were I guess I don't think of it like that. Fun fact, I went 2-2 at my first ever tournament. And then my next tournament, I beat a ranked player.
Starting point is 00:53:10 And then on the first ever ranking, I got ranked 23rd. So Kyle used to be 25. And my first, like, two months. Jordan. Yeah, I remember fucking... It was Jace at 25. Jace, 26. He lives much later.
Starting point is 00:53:21 It was 26. Oh, he was the gatekeeper? In 2015, they extended it to 26, and it was Jace. It lives much later. He was 26. Oh, he was the gatekeeper? In 2015, they extended it to 26 and it was Jake. It was so funny. He was always the gatekeeper to the PR. So you just would
Starting point is 00:53:31 money match them? So yeah, so everyone knew I was good because I won pound three. Fun extra fact, I had over, I accumulated over like 10K in my savings in high school.
Starting point is 00:53:41 That's crazy. From Smash? Because like, think about it, I have no bills, so it's like, I went to tournament 400, 500. I'm going to tournaments every weekend,
Starting point is 00:53:48 and it just added up. Towards the end of my senior year, I had 10K. Oh, you count fucking... That's actually nuts. You count Four Leaf Mango wins, too? Yeah, teams. Yeah, you weren't losing anything. No, we were farming.
Starting point is 00:53:58 You were winning every team. Me and Joey would win, like... Oh, shit. We just put, like, 500 bucks in teams. And I'm in, you know, 15. You get 250 bucks. That's everything. When I went full-time streaming, I had, like, 7K teams and i'm in you know 15 you get 250 bucks that's everything when i went full-time streaming i'd like 7k and i was like good enough that's walking to 7-eleven for like two months yeah and then i made like 200 bucks because people would be like
Starting point is 00:54:14 i think i'm like i'll go i'm like i'll show up to your house after then i get there and then it's funny they're like want to play 64 or something i just smoke them anyway same shit happened it was a like the tech guy at my job. He was like, because I went to Evo and I was like talking about Evo. He's like, oh, you play Smash. I'm fucking sick.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Same shit. But it was 64 with items. And I was like, all right. Did you fuck him up? I played Kirby. I know the fuck. I read one fucking post
Starting point is 00:54:36 about the best characters. Do you remember who that first ranked twin was? Me? His name was Blitz. Oh, I don't know. He played Peach. You remember Evil Nemesis? i do luigi yeah i'm
Starting point is 00:54:47 still friends with him on facebook let's go that's luigi do you know new age people like do you know who graves is raves no that name doesn't ring a bell what about like i guess you know zamu yeah i know yeah yeah yeah i think it just takes it takes like uh is he you know casper oh casper yeah so you know stoke just regional people who are good. I think most people would know. Casper threw up on my child's bench. Really? I had a Halloween party.
Starting point is 00:55:12 I remember that. I was there for that. You were misty and I hated you. I got mad at him. Well, you kept him on my son's bench. That's fair. Yeah, honestly, fair is bad. He got fucked up.
Starting point is 00:55:20 And then we put him in my couch upstairs and he threw up all over my floor. Yeah. I was like, Gio, I'm never inviting your friends over again. He's the ninji of SoCal. Yeah, Gio just kept getting lit up because he invited him. Oh, wait, am I thinking of the wrong guy? That was not ninji, clear that. It was Bagels.
Starting point is 00:55:34 It was Bagels, yeah, my bad. Bagels on his first time drinking. Yeah, he just puked in my house. That's when we were getting bigger as a streamer and we were playing beer pong. Do you remember what you said? No. He's like, can I get a re-rack champ? And I was just like, I fucking hate you.
Starting point is 00:55:47 You called him champ? No, no, no. Pog champ. And he's dressed as Misty and I'm like, I've never invited him. Can I get a re-rack champ? Let's bring back Misty. You do it as Misty as freaking base.
Starting point is 00:56:04 I'm saying things that I didn't chant though. I was like, why is this guy in my party, dude? I remember one of the first times that I realized streaming could be very lucrative is when Smash Ultimate came out and you had grinded streaming Smash Ultimate because it was like an influx of viewership. And I had this idea for an event that I was doing with the Reeds that was like the holiday party and we're streaming it on your channel and I had to log in on your channel
Starting point is 00:56:27 because I was setting it up. I was basically producing it. I remember this. It was me and you in the car on the way to this. And we're driving there and I have a laptop and I'm like, can you give me the login? And he's like, alright, here it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah, login. And then you send one message and you're like, check how much a real streamer makes. No, no. It wasn't Mango. It was Scar who said that. No, no, it was Mango.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Was it? Yeah, yeah. That doesn't sound like a Scar thing. It was Mango. It sounds like a beauty. Mango and he said, check how much a real streamer makes no no it wasn't mango it was scar who said that no no it was mango was it yeah yeah that doesn't sound like a scar thing it was mango he said check how much a real streamer makes and then we looked and our eyes widened like we saw a buried treasure we were like because you had been making like it was like 20k in a month and i was like it was 26,000 yeah xx back in the day that was it was It's still insane The ultimate Few months Everybody was eating Dude Yeah Leffen had over 10k subs
Starting point is 00:57:08 Hbox had over 10k subs Everybody hit the mark I made like 2k that month And I was like Dude Yeah You can make that much That changed a lot
Starting point is 00:57:16 It changed It can man It can That sparked a fire in your eye You're like I wanna make real money Dude One of
Starting point is 00:57:21 Dude Do you remember Neighborhood P Holy shit Yeah One of the funniest This is remember Neighborhood P? Holy shit. Yeah. One of the funniest, this is a Neighborhood P story.
Starting point is 00:57:29 I remember rolling up, I remember rolling up to locals and like, there's always someone who would, it was kind of like, you know, Dr. Mars, Nair's strong and longer top.
Starting point is 00:57:35 It was kind of like that. People would be like, you know, Neighborhood P hit a guy. He hit like three people. And then he was giving sex tips on his Facebook. He ran away.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Dude, Casper, one of the funniest things I've ever seen I think in like in Melee was him and Evo it was the last Evo that had Melee at it like 2018 and Casper's in
Starting point is 00:57:54 pools it's like super early I'm in my pool too and there's like no really around but he's playing his pool match playing against some poor soul who doesn't really play the game.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Casper's just force-talking this person in their tournament set hitting his vape and just blowing it like like a madman screen yeah he's hitting the smoke screen and then he beats in the first game four socks this guy and this guy's like and i was watching the set he's like hey could you like not vape when we play and he's like oh yeah bro i'm sorry four socks him again that was it and i'm like god he's just the coolest guy there ever was it'd be cool if it wasn't a vape I feel like vapes aren't cool yeah it was in a
Starting point is 00:58:29 degenerate way if you're winning it's cool if you're losing you're a douche okay let's talk about Australia real quick Mago we talked about Australia you guys talked about it on the pod I think with Max and Chad a bunch you're the final piece of the puzzle I want to hear your perspective
Starting point is 00:58:45 Of the events of the Australia night Where we were all going out What do you want to hear? Like your What do you remember about going to the bar 10.01pm So if you're wondering why I was so drunk It's not because I'm a lightweight
Starting point is 00:59:01 Because during the tournament I had drank two little things of vodka. So I was probably like... What's a little thing when you do this? Like a little personal bottle. Oh, you drank two bottles? Like a 350? Not like the little one. It's probably a 150.
Starting point is 00:59:18 Like this big. Hold it like this. Oh shit, that's a lot. A vodka? I had two of those. Why I lost to Zane. I'll'll stand by that is this tourney four huh you said you're drunk you had two little bottles no but he wasn't like fucking seinfeld after the event when i say wasted i mean like how it was in the duck okay that kind of like laying on the floor and i've won tournaments like hung over because i drank a lot the night before. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:45 But never like during the event. Fun side story. Can you guess the year of my last tourney I won on like four hours of sleep, wasted as fuck, hungover? Guess the year. 2019's pre-COVID. No, fuck no. The game was too hard.
Starting point is 01:00:02 It was Summit. Which one? The one you were beating. No, no. I wasn't. No, no, no. I too hard. It was Summit. Which one? The one you beat then. No, no, I wasn't. No, no, no. I slept good. It was Big House 6 against Armada. That one.
Starting point is 01:00:11 Oh, shit, yeah. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. We were fucking degenerate. I slept two hours every night. Me and Shab fought manure. What? Hold on. Speak of the devil.
Starting point is 01:00:20 Dearborn, Michigan, huh? Punched shit? No, we were wrestling in manure. Yeah. You were wrestling each other in manure. It was on the way home, we started talking shit and we just ended up...
Starting point is 01:00:27 Dude, I thought it was like sentient manure and they were like, Shab, we gotta take this down. Shab, we've gotta save the world. This shit's getting out of control. What was the beef over? We just fought.
Starting point is 01:00:35 This was during the fighting era. Oh, yeah. Even if you look at my knuckles in that video, they're all fucked up. That was like the last time I won a tournament, like,
Starting point is 01:00:43 before everyone got way too good. When was the last time you seen Shab? I saw him like two weeks ago. I was listening to you Shep. That's all like two weeks ago. Hello Shep Hello, I remember I remember when me and Shep like I actually started like talking more hanging out He was telling me he's like I'm pretty good at Mario striker He was saying he's really good at Mario striker like the best to play a lot I was like I'm pretty good at Mario strikers and he's like no me and mango You don't understand like me and mango played so much I'm like, oh we should play I played a lot too and he's like you don't know anything about the shab shot and i was like don't tell me the shab
Starting point is 01:01:08 shot is like going to the corner and just shooting exactly he's like yeah it's a chap shot i'm like everyone knows about it you can't just call it a shab shot he's like you don't understand it's the shab if i didn't call it the shab shot mango would have called it the mango yeah and i'm like yeah i get that he beat me to it and to be fair he does run that shot a lot it's just a 50 50 it's just a waluigi in the corner fucking charge it use an item and then it's barks yeah all right so you uh you took two two vodkas oh wait another last quick story because it's a classic uh that tournament um big house 6 um I drank 3 red bulls without realizing it
Starting point is 01:01:47 and my heart was like beating and I got dizzy and I go to Tawful I'm like Tawful I drank too much red bull and he goes oh he's like
Starting point is 01:01:55 take a shot of vodka and I'm like really I was like yeah take a shot of vodka and I'm like well he's like yeah no it'll bring you down
Starting point is 01:02:01 and so I scoured the venue for someone who had vodka. I took it instantly went down and then I went on to win the tournament. This is not medical advice, by the way. My heart was, oh, my thought I was going to pass out and then take a little magnesium the next day. Let magnesium is good for your brain.
Starting point is 01:02:18 A little backroom chemistry. Love that. Back to Australia. So I had drank two of those during the tournament on sunday on sunday okay no that's why i got six foot by zane did it if i drank just one bottle you beat him i think that's right i win the tournament but sometimes that happens um i think it was important for you to lose that one i made this one even better yeah no i need to that's always how it goes but um so i had the two so i was already good i don't know how many shots that is it's probably like four to eight i guess i don't know so i'm already like drunk and then
Starting point is 01:02:49 the one uh the cold ones guy yeah that's when we started chugging big guy and then we just kept chugging and chugging and then i like when i get drunk i mean you see me really drunk i'm usually like if i'm drunk and you're like hey like i'll just like be like oh okay like I'm never belligerent like I can handle being drunk but I was like fuck it I'm in Australia fuck it I'm just gonna get I'm gonna kick it back to like 19 year old mango I'm like I'm not gonna give a fuck if I want to
Starting point is 01:03:17 get into a fight if I want to get kicked out I don't care so that was my mentality going which I pretty sure showed you achieved I remember I told this in the other episode but there was someone who like i was walking in the street somewhere and like some person i didn't know came up and they were like you know mango right and i'm like yeah they're like you got to come with me and i went into this bar and you're just sitting there and there's these
Starting point is 01:03:37 two dudes just talking to you and you're not listening to a word they're saying and uh and they're just like talking to you about like you being mango and how that's cool and i walk up and i'm like mango what's up you good and the only thing the only thing that your npc dialogue could say to me was where's joey i needed joey and you're like where's joey where's joey and i'm like i'm gonna go get you joey and that's what i did no i was by the end i was gone i kind of browned out in the middle until i saw like videos doesn't brown out mean you shit yourself yeah no no that's what I know it as now Now means you know blackout blackouts when you can't remember what happened brown out
Starting point is 01:04:09 It's like halfway point where you remember gets and he's always sunny. Okay? Yeah, I thought that'd be like you pass out But also you poopy Yeah, I so they were so shocked max and checks they kept looking at me cuz you kept trying to fight me at the bar I didn't want to you. Why did you want to fight me so bad? What do you mean? What do you mean? Look at you, dude. I love, because like, I think I love you sober.
Starting point is 01:04:31 I can say that. But the drunker I get, I can. I love you too. I cannot explain how much I hate you. When I get drunk, I just like actually do not like you. Why? I don't know if it's like chained to Friday or like your face. I know it's chained to. It's chained the first time we fought so maybe maybe this and then you always
Starting point is 01:04:50 keep bragging about choking me out so i think when i get drunk i don't brag about it i hate that i hate that that happens right now he does say it somberly like he doesn't know no no like he doesn't like like it's something he has to do It's like a demon That's when I realized I could never kill a man You didn't have it in you? I don't have it in me Don't have that dog in you
Starting point is 01:05:12 Who owes who money right now? I owe him like a shit ton He owes me like 15k What? We owe him like 10k from a tournament A go-kart Oh
Starting point is 01:05:21 I owe him a go-kart too And like 600 subs Yeah Oh from the mario kart competition right yeah oh that's right yeah yeah i always say it's funny how at lacs you had won that and then we owed you like eight grand and then you just you just lost the balance i actually was like i felt like um like i had the ability to online gamble because i had this partnership to do online
Starting point is 01:05:46 poker and they had a casino and i never took a sponsor for it but i would definitely gamble on the side and it was a problem and when we would do megalodic fridays like we'd not have a game after a while i'd be like oh what do we do we already did birio and then they would be like maybe we gamble yeah but he didn't have like he doesn't have like a credit card or whatever that's what you'd always say you're like i don't have a credit card well no because i've always said i have a worse gambling problem than i do drinking once i like right oh like once i start gambling dude i i know myself i just it's funny because you're very like from what i understand about you is you're very frugal you don't spend a lot of money on like regularly random shit no
Starting point is 01:06:21 no i like to save money yeah so gambling's like or I'll just drop like 10 20k because it's like I can't explain something about gambling I just that's the thing
Starting point is 01:06:30 I'm competitive and I'll lose and I'll be like no no no see I'm like mango don't you get it yeah you are the same
Starting point is 01:06:38 what you said has been true all along you're like the mango of punting 20k how down are you lifetime you think honestly overall everything I'm probably slightly down.
Starting point is 01:06:48 I'm not super down. Really? That's great. I've had some heaters. Really? What's the most you've walked away with winning? In a session, I think at one of the Evos, I started with like 200. I turned that 200 into like 18 grand.
Starting point is 01:07:00 Whoa. That's a Destiny fan run. That was great. Without the sad ending. That's the good ending. That's a Destiny fan run. That was fucking crazy. That's ending. That's the good ending. That's the destiny fan run. That was fucking crazy. That's great.
Starting point is 01:07:08 It was a heater. I could not lose. That is like a Rolex. And there was one time me and Tafo had a four hour layover in Vegas and I turned 200 in like eight grand. That's crazy. In a one hour layover. That's so crazy.
Starting point is 01:07:18 They had to bring out the cronies because they thought I was cheating. I was like, I'm just feeling like drunk. I'm like, nah, man. I'm just feeling it. Like being loud and annoying. And I'm like, watch this. Wait, no, man, I'm just feeling it like being loud and annoying. And I'm like, watch this. Are you in the airport still? Like, are you on the slots?
Starting point is 01:07:29 No, no, we went to the strip. Oh, you were? Because we had four hours. Oh, four hours. I was like, fuck it, let's go gamble for a bit. Yeah. Yeah, I just, I remember because I had access to the gambling. I would play two hands and the left hand would be Mango,
Starting point is 01:07:40 the right hand would be me. And I owed him like 9K for a tournament. And I just, it slowly sank away. And I just basically made you gamble all your money away yeah and then i never had to pay you yeah because i just i fronted the money that's fucked up which was good you know what you were doing we never had a w9 so friday came around it sounds like we need a w9 we need to pay him and i was like don't worry i got this i'm down to gamble it because i hate w9 so i'm like either i turn this into 30k i I'll proudly sign that W9. Or it just never existed. Tafo messaged me.
Starting point is 01:08:08 He's like, I have Mango's W9 if you need it. He does have it. Do you do that with other people? That's not me. Because you like to do your little bank thing. You like to use humans as banks. Yeah, because what if I go broke? I have a go-kart here. Well, that's what I mean. If you go broke, you got 10k in the go-kart.
Starting point is 01:08:23 This is like Bank of Squid. There was like an Evo where Squid kept offering like for some reason squid just had all His money in his bank account and he kept going around to people who had just completely Cashed out at a like bankrupted at a table and being like hey, I've got money I can memo you you want me I'll give you cash right now And he kept calling himself the bank of squid and he just wanted to see people continue to lose money he thought it was really funny any markup so he was going no this was just one-to-one like he just offered to give you the money in cash if you've mo'd him and he just kept doing it over and over and over because he thought it was so funny that all these smashers because squid used to talk about people being raw and how he thought it was so
Starting point is 01:08:59 funny i forgot about squid like lose in a melee set he'd come over and be like oh they're so raw and he like loved it he's like this is their truest form you know you kept going over to people it's just being like all like a raw yes I pulled down 20k evil that's evil squid
Starting point is 01:09:17 that's fucked up it's evil but it's like also nothing's in it for him yeah he's evil that's evil well he also just wants action it's like when the casino offers you for him. Yeah, he's evil. That's very evil. Well, he also just wants action. It's like when the casino offers you a player's card and like offers you hotel rooms and shit. They just want you to keep losing. That's all they want.
Starting point is 01:09:32 They're like, hey, I can help you, bro. That's what Chad was saying. He's like, I took like some casino for 100K and they want it back. So I'm like lifetime get free rooms there. Yeah. He's like, I'm never going to gamble there. Teach him a lesson. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:43 Yes, sir. He's like I'm never gonna gamble there Teach him a lesson I will say Chad bought me a $2000 room when I was in Australia That I stayed in for 6 hours Cause we were out until like 2am And I had a flight at 8am And it was a penthouse of the crown
Starting point is 01:09:56 And the only thing I did there is I slept And then I did a butt shower In the bathtub Is Chad the big guy? Do you think he looks like you? No That's a fat bearded misconception Everyone thinks we look the same In the bathtub. Yeah. That was it. Is Chad the big guy? Chad's the big guy. Do you think he looks like you? No. That's a fat bearded misconception. Everyone thinks we look the same, but I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 01:10:10 I feel like you guys look super similar. You are so bad at this. I actually, I'm on Johnny Sins' side. Fuck you guys. I'm on Johnny Sins' side. I'm on Andrew T's side. Yeah. No, no.
Starting point is 01:10:21 He came out and the one guy didn't want to let Joey into the bar. Because Joey was walking around with a beer bottle. That's a no with a beer bottle yeah because he had just got back from vegas he's like no no i'm just you know i'm used to just walking around and the guy didn't want to let him in and then chad came out and then chad gave the security guard like 300 bucks he's like all right you can go in now that was baller yeah that was badass yeah chad's okay it was cool to see like a equal rival like a naruto sasuke of chugging beer i love two one that's all i'm saying i remember there was like cup versus bottle meta being discussed yeah no you you had to ask joey like like the way i talked to joey because we chugged out of the cup and i pulled joey aside and i was like i was drunk you know how drunk i was yeah really sure i'm like joey i'm like i think could train for a hundred years and I don't think I could chuck faster than that
Starting point is 01:11:08 man I was like dude I he's like I think I'd have I'm like I'm gonna buy a glass I'm gonna practice at home and like I don't know something about like the angles the way he was able to you gotta ask Joey like a whole deep thing where I was like this is how like I feel playing you in melee yeah I just admitted defeat I was like I just is how I feel playing you in Melee. Yeah. I just admitted defeat and I was like, I just gotta stick him to bottles, I guess. I gotta stick him
Starting point is 01:11:28 to bottles. I just need him in the glass. I've only seen one person chug faster than Chad and it's Ben. Really? Yeah. Ben has it like that?
Starting point is 01:11:35 Ben is a... I don't know about a glass. He's an animal. No, I don't think anyone... I could not imagine faster. Glass, I guess I don't know. Because that one in Australia, they have like the weird...
Starting point is 01:11:43 There's like a thing in the middle. Right. Their glasses aren't like us I think he chugs As fast as liquid pours Yeah Yeah He's like trying to suck it
Starting point is 01:11:50 So it comes out faster Tornado yeah He's trying to clean it dry Ben's a miracle worker Yeah He's like He is the It's beautiful
Starting point is 01:11:56 He is the What's her name I fucked up the joke He wanted to play Mailer He wanted to The deaf woman He's big Which one
Starting point is 01:12:03 The big two Yeah he wants to game with me All the time Yeah he's down which one the big two yeah he wants to game with me all the time yeah he's down he games a lot I love that he reminds me of old school melee
Starting point is 01:12:10 I feel bad because Ben always asked me to game well I guess people in general always ask me to game but I just never game off stream ever
Starting point is 01:12:16 well recently you've been Q and Valorant I've had a weird I don't know why I've had a weird Valorant kick and I just
Starting point is 01:12:23 the season is ending and I think that's why and I just want a diamond rank I think know why I've had a weird Valo kick And I just The season is ending And I think that's why And I just want a Diamond rank I think it's cause Cutie's been busy Yeah she's been gone So you have time
Starting point is 01:12:30 You guys have free time Like the rest of us Maybe That's literally I think I mean that's what I was like Oh she's like
Starting point is 01:12:35 He like doesn't She's also been here When I've played I guess she was a bit sick though Oh the past couple days Yeah yeah I think it's just also I have a goal for diamond
Starting point is 01:12:42 By end of season Yeah And so I have like Three days You're close right I have like three days. You're close, right? I'm like plat two. I'm close.
Starting point is 01:12:48 We are. One time I asked Mango, I was at a summit, we were filming something, and I was like, what's the one game that if melee didn't exist, would you play the most? League. You would go for it. And he said, CS, go. Oh, true. You didn't know that? You're not a Mango fan.
Starting point is 01:12:59 You used to say I could go pro in League. I could have. I don't think you've ever said I could have gone pro in CS. Well, because I never played that much. Okay. You played more league than CS? Oh, that's surprising. Wow.
Starting point is 01:13:09 I didn't know that. The thing is, I will not solo queue CS. Mangofan. Solo queuing CS is horrible. I will not. So if I only played five stack, I only in Go, I have like under 2K hours. I don't have as many as I like. I would love, you know, if I ever got a genie, one of my wishes would be to make 10 Mangos and make them all just play one game.
Starting point is 01:13:27 Like, 10K Rocket League, 10K CSGO, 10K Dota. Yeah, I kind of wanted to ask, like, do you have any sort of, how do I put this? Like, what's your understanding of what makes you able to be so good at Melee in particular? Or do you think it's something that you could transfer to any game if you wanted to? able to be so good at melee in particular or do you think it's something that you could transfer to any game if you wanted to um i think once you get good at one thing you can you know like the grind to get there sure but i think melee is so expressive and the reason like games like league will make me mad is like i can only be so expressive in a game like league at least to my understanding of how good i got it always felt like i had to follow the meta here do this like
Starting point is 01:14:03 whereas melee you can just fucking chuck some shit in you know and make it work because I played league season 2 I was 2000 this is before like the rank system is so weird yeah I got to 2300 that's good and HPJ beat team curse at the time
Starting point is 01:14:19 we beat them in like a little scrim thing what's HPJ? happy birthday Johnny aww that's our team name so we were good I was playing like league 18 hours a day beat him in like a little scrim thing. What's HPJ? Happy birthday, Johnny. Oh. That's our team name. So we were good. I was playing like league 18 hours a day. Let's enter a league phase again. No.
Starting point is 01:14:32 You don't know about team Clint? No, dude. No, I didn't get fucking invited to this thing. I messaged Clint. I was all mad about it. Get back into gear. I messaged Clint. I was like, get me on your team. He said you're a captain.
Starting point is 01:14:40 He said, that's what he said. No one told me I'm a captain. No, I think we'll only do a little bit. Yeah, we'll just like keep it. We'll keep it in check. we were doing like heroin. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:14:49 that was fun. Okay. Yeah, they're good. So they're saying, I'm down to play 18 hours a day. Let's play a little league. When that month,
Starting point is 01:14:54 everyone was worried about me. Everyone, when I was, your league arc was fucked up. It was great. I would, I would see you on the show. He's like,
Starting point is 01:15:00 he's playing league. Fuck man. Like 700 viewers. Like this, this can't be good I was averaging like 1.1k I was hitting quad digits for league I will say the most contentious part of our friendship
Starting point is 01:15:12 Is when I thought I won the league bet And he thought he won the league bet I was gonna throw hands He messaged me one day out of the blue He's like I wanna play league but I need to be hype Make a bet with me And I'm like fine you have to hit this rank by this day And he's like alright I want to play league, but I need to be hype. Make a bet with me. And I'm like, fine. You have to hit this rank by this day. And he's like, all right, bet.
Starting point is 01:15:27 And then he fails. And he's like, give me like a little more time. I'm like, all right, I'm giving you exactly one more week. I think it was like on a Tuesday. He's like, all right, all right. And then Tuesday hits. And like, it's mathematically impossible. Like I talked to QD and she's like, okay, he is like, like silver two.
Starting point is 01:15:42 He needs to hit gold. There's no universe. He can do it without like playing 20 games and he'd have to win all of them. I'm like, oh, I win. He needs to hit gold. There's no universe he can do it without playing 20 games and he'd have to win all of them. I'm like, oh, I win. And then Friday rolls around. He hits it by that Friday. He pops off on stream.
Starting point is 01:15:52 He's like, yeah, I won the bet. No, you know when I hit the, I got it at 5 a.m. Yeah. You know how many gifted subs I got? How many? 10. That's it?
Starting point is 01:15:59 Because it was 5 a.m. No one's watching. If I was really content-pilled, I would have waited to the next day. I'm getting at least an easy hundo. Yeah. But it was 5 a.m. I was's watching. If I was really content-pilled, I would have waited until the next day. I'm getting at least an easy hundo. Yeah. But it was 5 a.m. I was fucking...
Starting point is 01:16:07 Dude, I was playing like... It was bad. I was playing like 16 hours a day. Lauren hated it. Yeah, obviously. There was no sex having. Because it's also... I had not one horny bone in my...
Starting point is 01:16:18 I just wanted to play League. Only League. Just suffering. League does remove your testosterone. It does. Scientifically. It's weird though because I'm like
Starting point is 01:16:26 looking at Miss Fortune's titties so I'm like you know like There should be something there. And then I'm like deep down I'm like I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:16:34 like she could have like you know it's like it didn't matter but I would literally I remember it was sad one day because Jojo was getting up
Starting point is 01:16:40 for school or something and he's like oh daddy you're up early and I was like yeah I'm up early so I just had to lie to him I was like yeah I just woke up a little while something. And he's like, oh, daddy, you're up early. And I was like, yeah, I'm up early. I just had to lie to him. Yeah, I just woke up a little while ago. You know me.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah, kid, just want to see you off. Up and at him, early bird gets the work, kid. I would wake up and feel terrible. I've got to send you the picture later. Have I ever showed you my league eyes? I think so. I'll find them right now. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:03 And I would literally play 16 hours a day, wake up, and be like this in bed. You know what I would do? What? I'd go turn my computer on and queue a game right away. And just feel like shit. And then I would play like seven games off stream. And then I would turn my stream on and just do it nonstop. You don't regret it?
Starting point is 01:17:21 I loved it. You don't sound like you loved it. You're describing it every player they're like oh dude it was like the worst it was the worst time in my life i fucking felt like shit all the time and they're like so why do you keep playing it's like it's just a great game if he didn't hit goals he wouldn't have loved it no it's because like i'm like i have a kid now i stream. And before everything, I used to play Starcraft 14 hours a day. I played League 14 hours a day.
Starting point is 01:17:49 And to me, that's my favorite form of gaming. 16 hours a day, feeling like shit, but you're so like, I gotta hit this. Like hitting that goal. To me, the road there doesn't matter. But in the end, when I hit goal, I was like... It was just so like... I think I've never done that. It's tight. Really? I played Dota. I played so much fucking Dota. As a kid, I was like, it was just so like. I think I've never done that. It's tight.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Really? I played so much fucking Dota. As a kid, I couldn't. My mom would make me do some shit. I was in the same boat. The closest I've actually gotten to it in my recent life is me and Yingling playing Valorant lately. You guys are like the Troy and Abed of our lives now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:19 I like my new found relationship with Yingling where we just hang out every day. Yeah, you hang out every day. He wonders what is on a dollar bill. Who knows? What mysteries bring Nick England. This has two sides. Valor was like that for me. In beta, I think I played like-
Starting point is 01:18:34 Dude, you were a zombie in beta. It was fun, right? I remember. Wasn't it fun? Nick would come out of his room. Nick would come out. The same thing would happen sometimes. Yeah, it's great.
Starting point is 01:18:43 You'd like pass Nick like in the night almost like I'm getting up at like maybe 8am and then Nick would be like yeah just got off like grinding Valorant all night I played anywhere from like
Starting point is 01:18:53 15 to 20 games a day it was fun that's the best way also I want to say you let me know how impressive this is I went from bronze 4
Starting point is 01:19:03 to gold and what was the total time span? it was less than a month right? it was less than a month yeah how impressive this is. I went from bronze four to gold. And what was the total time span? It was less than a month, right? It was less than a month. Yeah. I was playing over 20 games a day. That's so many games.
Starting point is 01:19:13 I think in the season, when it was all done, I was over a thousand. Dude, because advancing between ranks and league is hard. It's so hard. Yeah. And the thing about bronze
Starting point is 01:19:21 is there are only two players in bronze. There are players who are actually bronze and the worst players I think I've ever seen. And Smurfs. Yeah, and you're just praying they're on your team. So, like, half of it's luck.
Starting point is 01:19:31 That's why, like, getting out of bronze was, like, I was like, because Geo gave up. I was playing with Geo at first. I remember that. Geo gave up after, like, a week. Don't make Geo play League, bro. Me and Geo, this is not an exaggeration. Me and Geo went, I think, 5 and 40 for like a week. We only lost.
Starting point is 01:19:48 That's about the same as our Rocket League. That's so fucked up. Gio gave up. Bad luck term. Dude, Gio, with me, so I remember when I started getting invited to play Rocket League with you guys,
Starting point is 01:19:57 I was like so excited because I fucking loved that game. I don't know anyone who plays it and you guys play it kind of the same way I do where it's just like, you're not spending any time grinding, but you're really invested and it's like it's just a fun game and i remember you wouldn't say a goddamn word and then like i'd collide with you and you're
Starting point is 01:20:12 like where are the comms yeah i remember like so many times me and geo we'd like played like duos alone and he's just like see what happens when mango's not around man we're just winning like the comms are great like i think he's the problem the problem. Nick was like, he was like, I don't know how Mago is so good at melee, and he's like that in Rocket League. He was so mad. New challenge, what's your highest rank? In what? In Rocket League. Like, the last rank of Diamond.
Starting point is 01:20:36 I'd beat that in a month. You can champ, you think? Yeah. Have you been champ? No. You gave me one month. I'll race you to champ. We'll save that for a month when I have no melee okay i would love no grinding neither of us are allowed to
Starting point is 01:20:49 play i want to play 16 hours a day not once we get there i'm saying in between now and when it starts that's fine no playing the deal there's two mango phases i think when he's gaming and one is like calming i'm into it and then he just shuts off at some point have you ever streamed 10 hours a day then it's not 1 a.m. and you're just playing rocket league and you're like this in solos are we grinding solo literally does it happen in the 10 minutes I'm saying for champ no we do twos or threes well guys we have to have our own teams that's all yeah just turn turn out geo swaps each he's auto QB I think if we have the same teammate, it's fair.
Starting point is 01:21:27 You guys are each playing 12 hours a day and Geo is playing 24. You gotta pay for his time. We'll find a crony. It's so funny because when I stream, I stream 4 hours, maybe 6 hours if I'm feeling frosty. And then I know I'm so drained that I can't communicate
Starting point is 01:21:42 the same way I have been for the first half. So I end. But you just keep going because I want to keep gaming Yeah, but then you're just actually just a dude gaming and so like we would do honky night some nights Which is just me a truck and stands also with mango and called it That's really it's called hockey nights cuz one time tournament and we're a lot of tables me a truck and stands and Then mega walks by and he's like look at this honky table Yeah, but A-Trog misunderstood it as hunky and he's like well, thank you. Thank you so much We are middle of the table
Starting point is 01:22:14 I do oblige I think we are. That was a table I wasn't invited to by the way. They would fucking go and eat food without me Oh my god, dude, Slime brings up this one story. They laughed in my face. It was a different year, by the way. It doesn't matter. You were still with the Chuckle Fuck crew. Just like last fucking night. Do you want to tell the story again? No, I'm not telling the fucking story. Basically, I fucking went and hung out with his dad.
Starting point is 01:22:36 H-Rock's dad for a meme. Anyway. Go on. Okay. Anyway. There was one time we were doing a hockey night and I forget what we were even playing. It was like Life and Megan was just not talking We were just silently playing the game of life On Steam For an hour
Starting point is 01:22:51 You guys are like I gotta be in a mood for you guys Cause you know how you are I'm so squeak So squeak These squeaks are going to college When I'm in a mood for honky night It's actually like the most fun
Starting point is 01:23:05 But sometimes I'm like chilling I'm like these guys are so fucking white and streamery And I'm like They're just yelling And I'm like I can't do it tonight You can't always hang with the sun devils I can't
Starting point is 01:23:15 I cannot Woo I don't know how you guys are like that That's not what we do It's this It's this Go sun devil You just shocker
Starting point is 01:23:21 No You freaks This is shocker This is forkum devils It's a trident Oh god It's a trident There's some freaks in that university Go sun devil. You just shocker. No, this is shocker. This is forkum devils. Hey, forkum devils? It's a trident. There's some freaks in that university. What a disgusting group of pigs is your ASU.
Starting point is 01:23:31 So we slam and we're freaks now. Sorry. Sorry we explore our sexuality. Wash that fucking pinky. And these two I don't? Nah, that's fine. Nah, that's fine. This is chill.
Starting point is 01:23:40 I have a good nose around. No reason to wash that. I gotta go pee pee zipper. Can you tell me time? I'm so full. Why don't you use the bottle like you make Eamon do? I would fill it up. Head?
Starting point is 01:23:51 Ten left. I can hold. I can hold. I can make it. I also have to pee. I'm like, I'm... Use the bottle. No, I'll fill it.
Starting point is 01:23:58 I'll fill it. Fill it and then Eamon will... And then drink some of it. No, I'm scared of peeing in a load of cans. I'm so scared of cutting my tip. I used to pee in Bottles all the time You shouldn't be scared
Starting point is 01:24:07 Because you have a Protective sheath By the way We haven't asked We asked to ask Everybody this question Mango Are you cut or uncut
Starting point is 01:24:15 What do you think I am Cut 100% You think I'm cut Uncut I'm forced to You're uncut Really You were so sad
Starting point is 01:24:23 I didn't think you'd be cut Not my goat Do I look like I'm cut It was a 50- uncut? Really? You were so sad. I didn't think you'd be cut. Not my goat. Do I look like I'm cut? It was a 50-50 because your mom's a ghetto nurse and I didn't know if she'd be a ghetto nurse that like maybe just herself one day was like, and then throws it out. That doesn't happen. What the fuck was that?
Starting point is 01:24:38 It's good to know we're brothers. You got it? We got ours. I'm uncut. I'm European. This is the cut side. That's the uncut side. Yeah, I can't come from a job. It's not like know we're brothers. You got it? We got ours. I'm uncut. I'm European.
Starting point is 01:24:45 This is the cut side. That's the uncut side. Yeah, I can't come from a job. It's not like I was there. I didn't have a choice. Yeah, that's good. I'm doing research on it to make me, because we don't look the prettiest. No, you don't.
Starting point is 01:24:56 But we get the best. We show up to work. Functional. Have you ever had someone had an averse reaction, like a girl? Look at your uncut dick and be like, damn, what's that slug looking thing? My dick's pretty. You got a pretty dick? Me too. I got a pretty dick. I've seen your balls.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I haven't seen your dick. I don't have an excess of foreskin. You know how sometimes it's too much? I don't have that. I got that wedding dress behind. Ludwig has so much foreskin. That's gross. It's not that bad. Itwig has so much foreskin. That's gross. Ludwig's foreskin.
Starting point is 01:25:28 It's not that bad. It's like a prosthetic nose. It's not that bad. Looks like a parking code. This shit looks like a prosthetic nose for Halloween. He's got a trunk. My dick looks like Gru's nose. You're shitting.
Starting point is 01:25:40 That's nasty. That's nasty. For you two, when you pee, do you gotta pull back the curtain? No. Cause I do. You have to? I don't have to, but if you don't,
Starting point is 01:25:50 then it's messier. If you guys saw Ludwig's soft dick, you'd be like, Jesus. Wait, you sit. I sit, but when I stand, I just do it for both
Starting point is 01:25:56 cause I don't think about it. I don't know what the science is, but when I'm playing at a tournament, I think my dick gets smaller, so I have more foreskin. This is a scientific question. That is a thing, that's a thing. That's a hundred percent thing.
Starting point is 01:26:06 I wanna study this. Does this have to do with adrenaline maybe? If you didn't see me at a top eight, I'm looking like Ludd. Well, don't say that. That makes sense, yeah. My dick's nasty during the top eight. It's hot in the venue all the time.
Starting point is 01:26:16 It's just warm. I'm doing a check. That's a good rephrase. Next local, I'm going to the bathroom, check. No, me, my dick, I don't know what happens. It becomes- You might not go to the bathroom. I need to check. I gotta check know what happens it you might go to the bathroom I need to check I'm rematching PhDs nuts, and I'm like sorry the before game three
Starting point is 01:26:31 You just give it a look give it a look I think probably like top five favorite clips from my stream of all time is I'm talking to mango about dick size And he's talking about how he's like he's like I got like a 7-inch dick And I'm like I'm like well I don't want to tell you my size your dick sounds really big and I Don't even believe your size is like I'll get Lauren right now. I was like well. She's biased and he's like All right, I'll send you a picture of me or rock hard right now Yeah, people came into my stream like well
Starting point is 01:26:58 I heard you have a big dick and I'm like what and apparently got like a million views like seven mil Yeah, well, I think it's on YouTube, the YouTube shorts. That's crazy. But I think you would have sent me your rock hard dick. In that moment, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm confident in my guy.
Starting point is 01:27:12 That's why you skydived. Yeah. It's just to beat the enemy. You know what I mean? Skydiving is just the dick pic of the universe. That's what I would say. We're extremely competitive and that's why we love Melee. Okay.
Starting point is 01:27:21 And that's why we show each other our penises. No skydiving. No foreskin have an ass corner. Don't. You don't want to skydive? I'll go get it. I don love melee. Okay. And that's why we show each other our penises. No skydiving. No foreskin. Have an ass corner. Don't. You didn't want to skydive? I'll go get it. I didn't want to.
Starting point is 01:27:29 No. I don't remember. I probably wouldn't have. It scared the shit out of me. That's not. Don't use that against me. Don't wield your weapon against me. You got a dirty ass, weird ass penis.
Starting point is 01:27:39 Would you go rock climbing, Mango? Out of your hands. That's what you said last time I asked you. Yeah. It might be too risky. You literally wouldn't be able to play Melee for a week. Yeah. Yeah, it's not worth it.
Starting point is 01:27:48 You still bite your nails? Bite my nails every day. Have you ever got a Manny? No. What about a pedo? You would love Manny's. You want to take me? We went today.
Starting point is 01:27:57 I'll take you because they went without me. Me and Ludwig went. So what do they do? They just cut it. They file it. They take your cuticles out. They just motion it up. That's the different thing.
Starting point is 01:28:04 So my nail beds look longer now. It just feels nice. I want that. Yeah, it. They take your cuticles out. They just motion it up. They push back your cuticles. That's the different thing. So like my nail beds look longer now. It just feels nice. I want that. Yeah, it sounds nice. It is pretty nice. Do you like a massage too? Yeah. If I got like a massage in my nails.
Starting point is 01:28:12 They do like a lotion massage. I hate it. That sounds tight. I love that part. They did my, so I got a pedi. They did my toes. Oh, I hate that. And they were massaging my calves and I have a bunch of bruises.
Starting point is 01:28:21 And they were just. He was yelping like a beagle. Well, I mean, you have bruises. But even if I didn't, like... We'll go get tattooed. We'll get a mani. We'll just have the best day ever. What is the tattoo? Well, what did you say that you picked for me? So the thing was we were going to pick something for each other
Starting point is 01:28:37 and we agreed. I have to change mine because mine is Australia-centric. Oh, yeah, you should change it. I don't want to do that anymore. What was yours for him? I was going to get him the, you know, Brimstone's gun. Yeah. I was going to get him that with like a flame background. I don't want to do that anymore. What was yours for him? I was going to get him the, you know, brimstones gun. Yeah. I was going to get him that with like a flame background. I don't even play brim anymore. That's like my interaction with Nick is I played with this brim and he's fucking first
Starting point is 01:28:55 motherfucker doing lineups. And I was like, the brim always reminds me of Nick. I got us the diamond. Get, get, get him Ludwig Jr. Taking a dookie.
Starting point is 01:29:02 And then it's Zane on the bottom. I run it. We were also going to do that. You pick both of our and then it's Zayn on the bottom. I don't like that. I'll run it. We were also going to do that you pick both of our tattoos. Let's do today. I'm down.
Starting point is 01:29:09 I'm super down. We'll go film it. I'll pick both your tattoos. If we find somewhere close not too late I'll do it. I'm at a point I think you're probably also at this point.
Starting point is 01:29:17 I'm at a point where like it doesn't even matter what goes in my body at this point as long as I think it's funny. Yeah. You can put anything on my body.
Starting point is 01:29:22 I think he's still picky. Me? Because you don't like the act of getting a tattoo right i hate tattoos i hate the process yeah and the healing i don't mind at all and no it hurts i'm well i'm a baby it hurts yeah and it's and it's the healing sucks well now they do like that that new school healing thing where they just put it on oh the tegaderm the little baggie and it just accumulates all the nasty but then after it's just good that makes a lot of sense because before you had to clean it and like it was annoying and it hurt only certain are like artists do it like my like my guy in
Starting point is 01:29:52 montana where i went this weekend didn't do it he's old school uh he's more a little more old school and it's like it's so and i had like every morning because i had to take a flight the next day and like last time i flew after a tattoo it got infected yes so i'd like wrap it myself which is hard when it goes over your shoulder it's kind of fucking bitch the bag so nice that part's shitty but the tattoo itself i don't care about that would you get a ludwig tattoo of what of ludwig's name i'll get your face right here it'd be so bad that's that's huge every time i poop me and you just i'll get the goat was here and mango's handwriting goat emoji three goat emojis kind of cool i would do like any any mango related falco related thing because i just have nothing that is melee or falco my body yet nick's a freak when i met nick he was like what if i got a tattoo of you on my body on of your face oh it was um it was a
Starting point is 01:30:43 specific photo of you what was it um it's a specific photo of you. What was it? It's a tattooed person thing. Which one was it? I just thought the photo was so funny. You just rip it at some point. I mean, yeah. You don't care anymore. After a while, you're just like, I'm running out of stories that I find funny on me. I want another one. Yeah, exactly. Us tattoo havers.
Starting point is 01:31:00 Yikes. You don't have one? I don't have one. Do you want to get one? Let's get one. get one I've just never come up with an idea that's like stuck with me you should get one thing something has to happen you tattoo your ranks at the end of the player card in the game, but it's like just down my arm. Yeah. What happened there? There was just a lot of Smurfs in Plat that season. I was busy. I liked
Starting point is 01:31:34 shit to do, like real life stuff. 2025, good year. That was Ascendant. And then it just like swaps into like CS ranks. It's like, yeah, that's when I gave up. It's your space ghost. That's how tattoo ideas work. Look look you just evolve the whole thing i love when people get like the like uh eagles 2024 champion like so i actually love i think it's so chad if but if it doesn't pay off it's really funny but if it
Starting point is 01:31:56 if it does pat i think you just you're a legend forever and the thing is no one will know they have to take your word you got it before they They gotta take your word. Like if you have a tattoo and it's like Eagles champion. Oh if they won. And they actually won you'd have to every time be like so I got this before they won and they won but there's no difference than having it after they won. Mango what if someone came up to you at Genesis and it's
Starting point is 01:32:17 the Genesis 9 champion Mango and it's clearly healed. And it's day two. how do you feel about that i'm getting some adderall and i'm gaming make sure he doesn't regret it i'm gaming dude i'm trying my best i'm gaming my heart out for that guy do you have an eagle tattoo um no i have three lined up it's been lazy three tattoos or three eagles three eagles tattoos i want to get the Super Bowl logo that we won.
Starting point is 01:32:46 McNab? No. 52. No, no, no. I'm just saying, do you want, like, what's the other ones? Oh, and then I want to get, you know, Swoop, our mascot. I want to get him shotgunning a Miller Lite. Yep.
Starting point is 01:32:57 And then I want to get, like, a big one. Either on my stomach or my arm. Of just the Eagles in general? Something. It'll come to me. That makes sense. I'm afraid of tummy tattoos. Me too. I'm one i'm afraid it'll just be like the most subject to like showing me if i'm gaining weight he just knows instantly because like the drawing
Starting point is 01:33:18 starts to look a little worse over time and i'm like no stop eating sugar this is the worst i had ever felt on stream ever getting a tattoo. Yeah, you were raw for me. It was terrible. Right there? Yeah. That's an awful spot. It was because I did it with my hand.
Starting point is 01:33:33 You did it. Yeah. You did a stick and poke and I almost cried and I felt a weird invasiveness in my body. I was sweating. It was even worse than a stick and poke. I bought a tattoo needle online and I taped it to a chopstick and I just went to town it was like even less graceful
Starting point is 01:33:48 do you know what it is? if you had to guess like the little fucking guy from ultimate wait which one? the one who drives the little cart Bowser Jr? it's Ludwig Bowser Jr. the face is on the cart
Starting point is 01:34:04 it's a sentient cereal bowl. That's close. And then Jiggle Puffs crown on top. I know it's a crown. I do actually want a crown tattoo. For Puffs? Best game in the game. Hey, me and you and Puffs, man. We should get Puffed. Us three.
Starting point is 01:34:19 We're like Cool the Cuckoo Cucumber. This is like one I'm very happy to not be a part of. Fucking disgusting piece of shit. What are you going to get with five? No, five jumps is really cool, man. You and Puff can just get a bunch of bots and you can call them needles. My Puff will never come close to how good your Puff is, but I think I tapped into the same reason I think Puff is cool that you must have.
Starting point is 01:34:41 No, she's dope. Puff is objectively a cool character. I think Puff is so cool. She can just be played very, very, very not cool. It's kind of like Climbers. It's one of those characters that's really interesting and cool, and everyone's such a fucking loser in how they approach the character. Puff can just hit reads and just fuck you, and he feels so good.
Starting point is 01:34:56 Okay, I was watching escore. .score. .escore. The story of Mangus. Story of Mangan. Do you think I could have beaten you in 2007? His current skill? Current now.
Starting point is 01:35:11 Seven? Or I guess. His first year playing. When you know, when you won pound. Pound three? That was 2007. No way. Puff Ditto?
Starting point is 01:35:22 Yeah. I think I had you out. Because, and the advantage I give, not even to myself, to old players, is that that mango's tournament big game experience is still 80 times higher than me. Yeah. So he does have a competitive edge. I think you're probably better. Like, you probably do more shit that I'd be like, okay, what the fuck is that?
Starting point is 01:35:40 Right. But my guy is a killer. What about Aiden? Your Sheik? Yeah. i don't be your chic wow i i would so confidently believe in this until i played decker yeah decker changed his life decker decker is an ancient relic from a lost time and i lost the old players is like they just had to be smart because we couldn't rely on zero def Because we couldn't rely on zero-death combos. We couldn't rely on this.
Starting point is 01:36:06 You had to just constantly be smarter. Yeah. But I think that's something that the old players have, is they just had a brain. Yeah. You guys probably don't have as much of a brain because you can just rely on other things. I also started playing Falco,
Starting point is 01:36:18 the worst fucking character. He doesn't establish any good habits. Oh, God. You feel bad right now. Yeah, I started with Falco, too, and you switched to Sheik, and you've... Puff's all brain,
Starting point is 01:36:25 so I've always been... That's what I'm saying. It's actually, unfortunately, kind of true. Puff? Gotta think. Yeah. Puff's, like, all grit and brain.
Starting point is 01:36:32 Obviously, it's not very... I think the way that most people play Puff isn't necessarily brain. It's, like, war of attrition. They have to think, and they have to be patient. It's just like, I'm gonna back...
Starting point is 01:36:40 There's these really safe backhairs that are hard for you to counter. You just gotta be okay with getting 13% and Then 10% and then gotta be worried about dying It's like it's a different like I hate always hated when people were like puffs really easy to play I'm like you're fucking stupid Hope is probably like one of the hardest characters if you play a fox who really wants to be you it's fucking
Starting point is 01:36:59 Bears and reeds and oh my god in the marina logos in his place, dude. He'd listen to you I think Falco's easy I think Puff Falco is so good for Puff even though it should even though it should be Falco favored I think it
Starting point is 01:37:11 in practice it never is alright Mango any closing remarks no I'm hungry you wanna go get lunch I would love to go eat
Starting point is 01:37:18 let's go eat so fucking hungry let's do all the shit we said thanks for watching the yard stay tuned on the Patreon where Mango is gonna disappear Into smoke
Starting point is 01:37:25 Last thing I said every time I win a tournament I come back Alright I'm down I'm down Sure Every time I win Sure
Starting point is 01:37:30 Even if it's like 88 weeks in a row Yeah Yeah okay We can't be local Can't be local You start showing up To like Verdugo It's like
Starting point is 01:37:38 Sub count just keeps going I love being on the yard Mango rinsing Geo We can talk about Melee For an hour and a half I'd love to just keep doing that. There was so much to talk about. So every time I win, I'll be back.
Starting point is 01:37:48 You're struggling, lad. All right, everyone. Thanks for watching. Bye. Bye.

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