The Yard - Ep. 63 - The Biggest Drama in Twitch History

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

This week, the boys talk about the secrets behind Valve, a twitch streamer that scammed Ludwig & Slime and how the current drama on twitch first ignited....

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Starting point is 00:00:22 list mannequin wouldn't have done the job. Why do you think you're entitled to the thing I bought? It was a good decoration. He said urine just now. So I just want to make sure that is clear. And you're all fried in your mind. Guys, we were up here. Budweig's just like looking at his phone and just saying catchphrases like
Starting point is 00:00:38 a freak. What happened to you? What happened? I just streamed, bro. I'm ready to roll. So you never turned off in the interim time? I've never been turned off around you. That is true. He is always on turned the way that is. You know what Atriok tried to tell me at Tafo's birthday?
Starting point is 00:00:56 Some dumb beep. Beep. He was trying to tell me very earnestly how battle rap will be the next big thing on Twitch. What? Yeah. Uh, it was, it was,
Starting point is 00:01:09 yeah, I'm ready for this marketing. It was really funny. Yeah. Uh, what's his name? Y'all ain't hear me. I just said,
Starting point is 00:01:20 I watched battle rap on Twitch and I don't think it's wait the just chatting cypher. Okay, it's gonna go crazy Right and we got Aiden Ross going bar for bar against Miz kiff. I miss Kiff and I did that shit Do you think you would be in the cypher I Hell yeah, you have glitter on your face side question. I didn't know that I had glitter on my face. I'm gonna touch it now. I touch you. No, don't touch my face. I'm gonna break out with your gross oily fingers. Oh my god, I didn't see the glitter. You have greasy hands? No, I don't have greasy hands. I wash my hands.
Starting point is 00:01:54 You smell the soap on them. Literally the most dangerous part of the human body is the hand. Yeah, my hands are fucking dangerous to you, homie. Why are you swearing so much in the first two minutes? We already got through it. No, we got through it. We got through it. Hi, I'm a guy who watched the episode and the whole thing was unlistenable. What are you doing? It was unlistenable.
Starting point is 00:02:13 It was unlistenable, you guys. The whole thing. Because the whole thing was censored. Can I tune in for a moment? Okay, let me get tuned in. I'm on that guy's side. Whose side? Your podcast did that On Twitter
Starting point is 00:02:25 Who tweeted at us That you replied to For three calendar days And then proceeded To get banned off Twitter Hey guys No you know You can only be on
Starting point is 00:02:34 This person's side If what they said instead Was You guys should curse less In the beginning Because there's a lot of Censors in the beginning And you don't have to
Starting point is 00:02:42 Censor later And it's annoying to hear So it's annoying to hear But So it's annoying to hear. But instead, he's like the whole episode's on listenable because it's all censored. I looked through all that guy's tweets. He's an a-hole in every single tweet, except if you go far back enough in which he says, at Ludwig, I loved Mogul Money. What a fantastic show.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Here we go. And this guy is a 10 out of 10 human. And he's polarizing. That's what it was. And that's the thing. It's like you either love him or you hate him. With polarizing ideas? And that's the thing. You hate people or you hate them. With polarizing ideas? I mean, Pocartes, Plato.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Is Fortnite owner Raymond? Rayman. Is Fortnite Ronald Reagan? They're going to add him. Ronald Reagan would go crazy. That'd be tight. And then two months later, they're going to add Nancy, but she can only give neck.
Starting point is 00:03:26 It's her weapon. Instead of rifting you just fly over someone and she starts necking them on the way down Take a boogie bomb She's just gonna get a son of a boogie bomb That one iShow speaker And it's gonna be Miss Favorite Character Yeah, cause he'll try to neck himself He's like, finally No, I did get, I got timed out on Twitter for a week starting this morning.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Deserved. You really haven't learned your lesson at all. I get so. It's for the same reason every time. Yeah, it was a guy. I made the tweet. I thought it was a really funny tweet about the G2 CEO and Andrew Tate in a hot tub touching feet together talking about cancel culture.
Starting point is 00:04:04 The context of which is that Carlos, who's the CEO of G2, the esports company, shared a video celebrating our win. It was Andrew Tate and Andrew Tate's brother. They're like, just there. And then he got a bunch of
Starting point is 00:04:19 backlash, obviously. And then in response he was like, I will never back down from this. I will hang out with the friends I want to hang out with i i don't let people tell me who to party with that's where i draw the line and then the next day i tweeted a big apology on g2's account that said i'm so sorry for what i've done yo what's up g2 family mistakes someone pointed at the graph that just showed like that tweet and then like his company directly after he was like ah shit all right i will back down this is like a like eSports' Epstein era, but it's just a different, less controversial guy.
Starting point is 00:04:51 Yeah, it's pretty bad, but it's not like Epstein Island bad. Not that it's a contest. It's like our baby version, where instead of billionaires, it's like, well, you were in a pick with Ghislaine Maxwell. It's like you were at the pick with Ghislaine Maxwell. It's like you were at the club with Carlos and Andrew Tate. I've always said that
Starting point is 00:05:12 Andrew Tate's better than Jeffrey Epstein and I'll go around saying that. I'll be brave. You do tend to bring that up. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Libs won't talk about it. Andrew Tate wasn't as bad as Hitler and that's how I feel about it. Yeah that's how you need to look at it Yeah, true about you about Tate. He's no Hitler right?
Starting point is 00:05:30 anyway, I tweeted this and some guy responded to that tweet and it said is like did you get enough good boy points from this and I told him to basically Minecraft himself you should have you should have applied a video of you on the floor barking. Wait, in what? Like you're a dog. Okay, yeah, no, that makes sense. And then the person doesn't tweet a lot, and usually when that happens,
Starting point is 00:05:57 it's because it needs to get reported. Otherwise, Twitter doesn't really care. It's kind of like Twitch. You don't know unless people report it. And that person probably like woke up and saw it and was like hey and then reported it which I think is funny because if you're going to talk that good
Starting point is 00:06:12 shit like you're fucking so masculine and you're like down with Andrew Tate but then get mad because I told you to minecraft yourself is also kind of funny I am against telling people that are not in this room I get it. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You tell me to Minecraft myself all the time. Because I'm okay with you doing that. I have a lot to gain. That would just be a net benefit. Hey, apropos, this has nothing to do with what we're talking about
Starting point is 00:06:37 even a little bit at all. You have still a glitter on your face. It's very cute. Hey, girl, I'm poking you with this shit. There's a fan account that I found just like for fans, like a fun Twitter account
Starting point is 00:06:44 that was just like crazy, like just like has good content. It's at dogpetter28. shit. There's a fan account that I found. It's just like for fans, like a fun Twitter account that was just like crazy. Like, just like has good content. It's at dogpetter28. Oh, there's a fan account? It's just like a fan account for like fans of stuff. You found it. I found it, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:53 This is an inappropriate account. It's like a hidden gem. It's an inappropriate account. What are you talking about? The way you're talking makes me feel like if I go to this account, I'm gonna see something inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:06:59 Nothing inappropriate about a fan account. Okay, so now your voice 100% gave it away. Look, just go to at dogpetter28. It's an inappropriate account. Show me fan account. Okay, so now your voice 100% gave it away. Look, just go to at DogTotter28. Open a fan account. Show me the account.
Starting point is 00:07:08 What did that voice make you feel? Zipper, show me the account. Oh, you want to see the account? I want to see the account. That's a good fan. What does that mean, fan account? It's a fan account. What is it?
Starting point is 00:07:18 You are like the last person on earth who should suggest a fan account. Wow, the account's following no one How did you find it I'm in the trenches bro Just newly created Is that your alt
Starting point is 00:07:31 Are you plugging your alt Cause you said the top tweets earlier today What are you talking about It's your alt account I do lift jokes sometimes You stole the joke? He found a low-key Twitter account.
Starting point is 00:07:47 I've been thinking about it. I've been thinking about it. There's been a few of mine over the years that I've been yanked. Yeah, you know. I mean, look. Hey, comedy's comedy.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Wow. All right. Wow. Don't get inside the mind of Mencia. You want me to tell you about Gary? Gary.
Starting point is 00:08:02 He's a guy who does Shoei CK and he's a Chewbacca. No, no, Shoei CK and he's Australian. He's doing a Shoei. Oh, shit. And then he jerks off in front of you. Yeah, it's not cool. Gary is the guy who does personal training after me with Christian.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Is he the dad joke guy? He's the dad joke guy. Yeah, I know Gary. And every time he comes into the gym, he does three dad jokes. He prepares them every single time. He has all have three sets of dad joke yeah actually and like it will like in between sets he'll just come over and be like they're not that good this time and he always sells himself under uh and and then and then i'll give you this one this one this we want to hear gary's also like 70 gary's about 70 years old yeah so it's fine
Starting point is 00:08:46 gives him a pass yeah he's just old and he drives like an audi so you should ask him what his thoughts are on racial people what i don't know what what is that no i want you to phrase it first of all what do you think racial people do you think that's what i don't know basically what's your thoughts on racial people and color? Like, I know you're old, but you can't be using that term anymore. Because every time I meet or talk to an old person, my mind... Do you mean minority? My mind just goes straight to what do these people think about non-white humans?
Starting point is 00:09:19 You need to work on the vernacular. All right, you can go with BIPOC, which I think is a bit of a weird term. It's vernacular, for one. BIPOC feels that... BIPOC, I think is... Look, I don't give a shit about bisexuals. That was too popular. Hold up, hold up. Can we sit down and figure this out, us four white guys, for a moment? How should we refer...
Starting point is 00:09:37 I'm eggshell. Bisexual people of color. Yeah, that's right. Well, you've heard of a tripod, right? It's not what it's said. It's for its... Yeah, right. The most encroached upon minority group,
Starting point is 00:09:53 the bisexual people. I did see something. It was just like, it was like bisexual men loving like four reasons why they don't exist and aren't relevant. I thought of you. It was a shit post.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It was very funny. But yeah, your struggle's great. What's up? Guy walks into a bar and he's looking all sad he says ouch and the and the bartender is like why are you looking so sad uh-huh and the bar and the guy at the bar goes well i fell off a 20-foot ladder and the bartender's like well shouldn't you be at the hospital and then the guy goes well i was on the first rung jesus uh okay well way to decimate the vibes ludwig holy shit that's crazy right i don't even have anything to say come on that's pretty funny hey oh you like that guys welcome back to chuckle sandwich uh wow Welcome back to chuckle sandwich
Starting point is 00:10:54 Jokes at dog cutter 28, that's yeah, that's just funny shit follow the account for more. Let's just steal those Yeah, welcome back to the yard also welcome back to it If our if our oh my god 63 our 63. Zipper double clapped. My magnum opus might be something that you lifted and it's the tweet about going through the drive-thru
Starting point is 00:11:16 to get a puppuccino for the dog that fucks my wife. No, I made that up. We worked on it together but I arrived at the exact wording. I lifted a joke from you the other night. Yeah. It was so funny.
Starting point is 00:11:32 Poinkro is very funny because he's so easy to impress. For one, he says his favorite content, or the person he thinks is funniest is Atrioc, which he told me that we were eating ramen and I almost leapt over the fucking counter at him. Poinkro comes off to me as someone, I love him by the way. He's great good friend This comes off like his favorite movie is still hot rod
Starting point is 00:11:59 But he's like he's watching him punch dances like problems out the forge. He's like dude the cool beans particle. He's like mouth in it I can't even roast that cuz I watch Austin Powers last night for the first time in We're watching Austin Powers last night for one it's go to it's so funny We're watching to my shag who shagged me and i realized that ludwig is just every character in that movie yeah he's a theater kid he's all of them it's crazy but the thing is i've never seen it you just pull so much from austin powers me yeah yeah dude i dude i watched that movie like 30 times when i was a little kid it's like in my dna i know it's like i want if you watch Austin Powers at home this week
Starting point is 00:12:45 You will just see slime. What part is me? What do you like? You are all of it I mean like like I think a lot of your cadence comes from Austin, but then like your looks come from fat bastard When I said that I thought looks like like Zander, like you give a look. Oh, I see. So I didn't get it at first. No, he's fat. Like really fat. Right. No, I'm fat now. Gross.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'm fat. That's crazy. Gross fat boy. Okay. What else? Talk about me now. All right. That's all.
Starting point is 00:13:16 We were so distinguished last night. We were eating a shark coochery board, and then we were watching Austin Powie, and it was a good time. Yeah, I saw it. Aiden's sitting there. He's laughing. I'm like yeah get that in there get that I did tell Aiden because cutie said in the group chats like come through
Starting point is 00:13:29 for the shark coochie and Austin power yeah and I messaged Aiden I don't live here anymore and I was like Aiden you need to go down there and watch this for cultural literacy now you know Aiden I haven't seen it so I really don't have an opinion but I think it's funny as a principle what Aiden rated one half star less than American Ultra was the movie Nope that just came out I thought that was just funny I haven't seen it we had a movie club night in our discord
Starting point is 00:13:55 of just like us talking about movies and our friend Ben is just shitting down my neck for thinking that Us was a good movie and I'm like Ben I didn't even know you watched movies like what the fuck is going on i was so surprised he's like starts describing like elements of the plot that he found like thin and i was like so yeah i liked us it was okay but i haven't seen us what's i gonna say it was about a point crow and he was oh yeah it was it was the when xqc was fucking talking a lot of good shit about
Starting point is 00:14:26 cutie cinderella anders gaming and then prezzo replied to that and said you're gay or something and we were in discord they were playing uh they were playing valorant and aiden saw the tweet he's like dude prezzo's like the fucking the chinese guy with the groceries in front of the tank right now and then i went and just found the picture and responded the tenement the tenement square yeah yeah and then and then Poincro texts me on my phone and he's like dude I just see it come up you've really done it he makes one of those flags you put in your room he was like he prints out the tweet I just wanted he screenshots he says i just want
Starting point is 00:15:05 to let you know this is the funniest tweet i've seen in a long time and i'm like that's what you get when you watch atrioc all the time you didn't come clean no i did because i told aiden that in the call and he's like all right i don't care about you getting like twitter points but you need to tell pit point crow and i was like all right aiden said i need to come clean and tell you that he said this first in Discord. And then we just messaged each other pictures of HR. Wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:30 What a profound night. Anyway. I love HR. I'll dog Big A. Oh. Beat his ass in League of Legends this week. You. Legal legend.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Crushed him. Yeah. He was one of the better players on his team though, right? I would argue he was the best player. Maybe Lakari, but he was the best player on his team, though, right? I would argue he was the best player. Maybe Lakari, but he was the best player on his team. What about Lily? Isn't she a crazy bitch? Wow, you don't know her like that.
Starting point is 00:15:54 You definitely don't know her like that. For sure don't. I don't think any of us know her like that. I do. She's a crazy bitch. Her Lux is nuts. I meant on the rift obviously On the rift?
Starting point is 00:16:07 Yeah, cringe off the rift, crazy on the rift Lily Pichu the goat She destroyed Atriok Really? Crushed That's sick, were they like AD carry or whatever? They were both mid lane Okay, cool
Starting point is 00:16:21 You just jargon Jimbo him? No, I play MOBAs bro so like there's a jungler right it's more like were they both the same role and the answer is yes but they were mid instead of same role and it makes i think more of a signifier of winning racial lane because there's two bot lane yes man but yes we crushed big a's team uh which was atrioc clint stevens connor Which was a triac Clint Stevens Connor? I thought you were on team Connor eat note. Yes, Connor eat pan. I had my own team I wanted to be on that team and then Clint was like Make bowl mango at Taffo's birthday. I like he's talking about the thing at the tournament But I couldn't really hear the whole conversation and the part I do walk by all I catches and I've never seen Clint like that
Starting point is 00:17:01 the part I do walk by all I catch is I've never seen Clint like that and I was like wow he used his full name too and he said it he's like I've never seen Clint that way when we beat them they were demoralized it was because it was bad like we crushed them and like we were like the team they definitely wanted to beat
Starting point is 00:17:17 they ended up moving on because there was a three way tie and the tiebreaker was probably the dumbest shit I've seen in a while three way tie the tiebreaker was done the dumbest shit I've seen in a while. Three-way tie, the tiebreaker was done by who won the game the fastest. Yeah, Dota did that for a little while. It's kind of weird. It's happened before.
Starting point is 00:17:32 But I get it for a tournament. For a tournament this small, I think it's fine. What's a better metric for a league, specifically? Is there a better one? I think you could do gold gap, but the problem is any metric... Maybe kill differential? The problem with that is you can just let them sit
Starting point is 00:17:45 in base and then just kill them without ever killing the nexus oh yeah yeah you can exploit so i think time actually might be the best fast enough or fast at least encourages you to win at all costs which i think it's the closest metric to like a performance that you can find i realized there's a limiting factor in scheduling but like any big actual tournament just plays it out they have tiebreakers no they don't well they play it out yes but
Starting point is 00:18:08 there have been modifications to big MOBA tournaments like for instance TI they went from best of five finals to best of three because of like venue like they just can't be
Starting point is 00:18:17 if each game goes like an hour and a half they're fucking they're on borrowed time crazy the 20 million dollar tournament can't squeeze in another hour. It's Valve, bro. It's Valve.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I can't even log in and buy Counter-Strike skins right now. I'm so sick of this fucking company. What's going to happen? Let's me put the coins in the Steam wallet and then I can't spend it on the thing I want.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Wait, why? Dude, they just restrict your fucking account. I was yelling at Nick Yigley like it was his fault last night. For exercise. Steam Marketplace. just restrict your fucking account i was yelling at nicky igly like it was his fault last night steam marketplace i want to just buy an 8k skin i i put the fucking funds in my steam wallet and then it says you can't like buy anything on the market right now and they add like stacking limiters to your account so like if you put money in your steam wallet with like a new way or you fucking uh change your password uh even if you have like all their authenticators and like 2fa set up uh they they limit you from using the marketplace it's like but you let me put the money
Starting point is 00:19:16 you've made me spend the money it's in my account i can't get it back you need to send and then i can't buy the good you need to send a picture of your mangina to Gaben in New Zealand. And then he locks it? He opens it and he's like, Yeah, okay, that's fine. For some people, not quite good enough. I didn't know it was locked up like that right now. Nobody runs that company is what I've determined.
Starting point is 00:19:38 They just let Steam sit on everybody's desktop and collect dollars. And nobody does anything. They're the weirdest company of all time. They have a bonus structure based off peer review, which just creates a bunch of, a bunch of psychopaths. There was a huge leak a while ago and it's like, it's hard to verify like who this person was or how accurate it was,
Starting point is 00:19:55 but it, it did seem to line up with a lot of like the, the, the backroom talk about valve, but it was someone on Twitter and it was like a hundred tweet thread of just a disgruntled ex valve employee that was explaining like this system of like barons and performance bonuses and like the social hierarchy and how fucking weird it was and i'm like yeah that makes sense that's how rich people the skinny of it was that all your uh big payouts are from performance
Starting point is 00:20:20 bonuses which are done from peer reviews so like you suck up to higher ups and try to get like the job they want done and then like you have to like really play the social game more than just be good employee who does job well you have to find a baron like the red baron yeah like that how it's been it's like someone who protects you and like nurtures you but like you also suck them good or something i don't know man you get you could get your ear sucked in an elevator by gabe himself the story i've heard of valve which is unconfirmed because i don't fucking have any friends who work there is that like people get brought on for these like potential projects that are happening like the portal fucking threes of the world and then those projects get canned but the employees stay like they don't like they don't fire a lot but then
Starting point is 00:21:04 they don't put you on a new assignment so you basically are just taking your salary to like kind of be on call and that's like a lot of people who are there who are just kind of bloating and doing nothing that is the case that's better than most game devs that will adopt a small team bring them into the big umbrella and then fire them all like that, that happens a lot, too. I think they run their company like H.H. Holmes used to run his murder factory. And it's all confusing and nobody knows how it actually works. Who is that?
Starting point is 00:21:33 The first serial killer? It's the main character in Immortal Techniques, hit single. Nobody knows this? Come on, guys. Is it like L.L. Bean? Are you becoming a true crime bitch? crime in the white city come on any any literature heads out there? Wow hey guys low read slow read With the book so it's a book you it's a real you're gonna look me in the eye and tell me you read often
Starting point is 00:22:01 What do you read no one piece? No one pieces room. The one piece is real. He's in a book club right now. And by book club, I mean him and QD have a book club together. Don't diminish it. It is a book club. That's so cute. It's not a book club.
Starting point is 00:22:12 It's a book partnership. It's like when my mom said we could hang out when nobody would call me back as a kid. It's like that. We can have fun, sweetie. At your birthday party. She offers me and Slime the same deal, so it's real sweet of her. Okay, put her there. Anyway, if you guys want to join our book club, this month it's Jeanette McCurdy's autobiography.
Starting point is 00:22:34 Wait, you've been reading that for a while. I'm glad my mom is dead. It's a one month time to read the book. Oh, I asked him this way too long. How many pages have you read so far? I'm on page zero. He was too busy watching streams. Watching people fire up the stream to explain why they didn't do something wrong.
Starting point is 00:22:52 I'm on page zero and QD's like three quarters of the way through. So I gotta catch up. What's the deadline? I think like I got ten days left. Dude, imagine like a spark note thing for him and his girlfriend's book. Dude, that'd be like college again Get a new Chegg subscription so you could I'm like, I'm like, you know, like I I liked like the part where she's talking about like her mom
Starting point is 00:23:17 Yeah, I mean bad the way influenced her mental health. What did you think about that? Enough about what I think about what happened. I basically wrote like two things down about each chapter. I guess I just don't want to be the man in the room explaining it. So if you could take the wheel, our audio books off limits, that's a hack. I don't think it's off limits. Yeah. Just do audio book. I prefer reading because audio books are very slow. You haven't opened the book yet. I read two words I read a book recently what was it what was the book the courage to be disliked
Starting point is 00:23:47 the Japanese book he did talk about that a couple times love can only consume media if it's Japanese wrong one piece
Starting point is 00:23:54 oh actually I super like that book I wait what's mom in Japanese um okasa okasa
Starting point is 00:24:02 I'm glad my I'm glad my osa died. What? It's dead. What? Okasa? Bro, you're just talking about omakase right now. I'm getting hungry. You don't know Japanese! Sheesh!
Starting point is 00:24:15 Omakase? Oishi. Now I want to know for real! It's... Okasa... Sorry. You just fucking kicked me. I'm sorry, T. Anyway, the result of the League thing is I uninst Anyway the result of the league thing
Starting point is 00:24:25 Is I uninstalled the game Because it unequivocally made my life miles worse Why did it do it I grinded it it made my sleep worse I hung out with cutie less I ate worse I drank less water because I was playing the game And wouldn't want to get up and queue popped and I couldn't leave It wasn't fun when I solo queued
Starting point is 00:24:41 I solo queued three games after the tournament To try to get silver because I was bronze one I was right you were wrong And it turns when I solo queued. I solo queued three games after the tournament to try to get silver because I was bronze one. I was right, you were wrong. And it turns out that solo queue is as toxic as the rumors have you believe. Oh, no way, really? Yeah, it was called a slur off rip. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:55 People start singing Bo Burnham songs. Well, it's not even, it's just text chat. No, I know, but they type it out. Typed out all the lyrics to My Family Thinks I'm Gay. There it is, that funny feeling. Yeah, it was terrible. And then I get recognized because I'm Eric Kutz, so they're toxic and know me.
Starting point is 00:25:13 Yeah, that's the worst, yeah. So I uninstalled. Wow, so you made your life better. I'm out. I'll reinstall when I get another event, but until then, I'm out. Dude, I've been riding so high Valorant solo queue recently, like past two days. I've won riding so high, Valorant. Solo queue recently, like, past two days.
Starting point is 00:25:26 I've won, like, past, like, ten games in a row. I had a 38 kill game on D3. Not the Yingling Ascendant yet. Not the Yingling Ascendant, nor the Yingling Ascendant. It is the lighthouse that we're all looking for. Yingling Ascends, bro. Yingling's scraping by
Starting point is 00:25:41 right now by avoiding the stack. I'll say that much i keep getting uh i keep getting into games with someone on my team who has a very unchill name like very bad uh i don't know why it keeps happening you guys are in the same like elo and region probably just block them uh you can't blacklist they don't have the blacklist it's also a bad system because you can just blacklist good players and then only play against shitters yeah uh but i got into a game with someone last night who i literally i just can't say their gamer tag yeah and uh they were so normal like like they were like saying like nice try and like good shit and like never flaming we were down like seven rounds for sure for sure you had that one
Starting point is 00:26:19 there was like never a bad moment at the end of the game i was just like raised despite your behavior you are a massive piece of shit change your name i couldn't i couldn't believe how normal was it racist hey rg you have to believe this their their their tag was oh my god it was bad that's insane yeah and they were just so normal i just i couldn't i couldn't believe maybe it's because if you do that being normal is your only hope yeah you can't you don't go all the way off the cliff because you do you you make one misstep and five reports or four reports are getting fired off it's like the way to spread racism is you have a racist name and then you top frag
Starting point is 00:27:05 and then you say GGs and then you try to acquire people. That guy was pretty chill. Maybe there is something to that guy's name. That's how they get all dangerous. It's a whole right pipeline. It's top fragging. I have plenty of racist friends who are
Starting point is 00:27:22 totally chill. And they're good at games, so who's wrong now? That's crazy. You know you have a fucked up gamer tag when the automatic sensor doesn't even ban it because you're not using any bad words? Like it's so bad that you could use regular words but just combine them all to make a bad thing?
Starting point is 00:27:38 That's what you didn't hear Nick say was not a slur. It was just still that bad. Which is crazy. Yeah. Can you look me in the eyes? You, look me in the eyes, Aiden. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:50 I think you're so brilliant. Yeah. I think you're such a smart guy. I think you're really strong. Do you really think that? Or you just, you want to fucking silly? This is what I would say to him if he went to I actually think this guy is dumb and cringe.
Starting point is 00:28:04 You're in an ad. You're in an ad. You're in an ad. You can't escape. Get me out of here. I'm trapped in an ad and I can't get out. I'm smart. All I want is my corporate overlords to be happy. Anyway, guys, today we are sponsored by a new, new company called Brilliant.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Not new in the world, but new to us. Brilliant has thousands of lessons from things like chess, math, electricity, getting bitchy. And I know that you might think these are all nerd things, but you're the nerd thing. And we all talk about, yeah, they are in the room category and not be involved in getting pussy. So it's really, wow. Really? Can I, can I use that?
Starting point is 00:28:38 Because geez, Louise, look, that sounds really specific to, I don't know me. I didn't mean to. And I think the thing about learning is chipping it away at it a little bit every single day, and that's what Brilliant Thought Aura is here to help you with. What you don't understand is that watching the Yard podcast statistically drops your IQ. That is fucking true. This shit is dumb juice for your dumb brain. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:57 So why not reverse the dumb juice by getting smart juice? Now, you can put the work in. Let's be clear. You don't just get smarter by buying it. You get smarter by using it. Get smarter by using it. Wait, where do we go if we want to use it? What website? How about we go find out for ourselves right now, my
Starting point is 00:29:12 little darling. We're going to do a puzzle now together. Now let's do a puzzle. Aiden, do our puzzle song. Order logic. Okay, I'm going to win. I'm winning. Don't say what it is. Just start. We're starting the lesson. It's based on logic. Evil corpse sentient
Starting point is 00:29:28 robots are depressed. Holy shit, this is hard. And have asked for a change of scenery. The robots are being sent to an evaluation facility. It's like three of Atriox's dogs. Alright, continue. That is me saying it's an Atriox. Three of the robots, all different models have missing model IDs.
Starting point is 00:29:44 Ray is not the newest. Nuck is model IDs. Ray is not the newest. Nuck is the oldest. Lex is not the oldest. What is the correct order? Okay, Nuck is the oldest. Lex is the youngest. So Nuck has to go on the right. Lex is not the oldest. Lex is in the middle. Yeah, Ray is in the middle. But Slime said
Starting point is 00:29:59 out loud Lex is not the youngest, so Slime is dumb. Yep, Slime loses. Okay, Slime's out. It's us three. Next one. The robots are being packed into a container for their next evaluation. Which arrangements make these packaging requirements? Lay is in one of the two middle... I'm going to do it in my head. You don't get to find out.
Starting point is 00:30:15 This is hard. Dude, they want us to do this... This is going to be a 45-minute segment. Something about is that it's hard sometimes. Here's the thing. I'm hard doing this puzzle because I'm learning. Here's the thing. I'm hard doing this puzzle because I'm learning. Here's the thing. I know it.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Ray is on the... Lex is on the... Mig is left of Lex and right of Ray. So Lex is on the far right. Mig is next to Lex. Aiden's on the far right. Amen, brother. We have said that a lot.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Ray is next to them. And Lloyd is one of the middle two spaces Okay, look let's get out of here Let me I want you to go to brilliant org slash the yard You know what you're gonna do there whites you're gonna practice every day, and you're gonna beat this 200 people it's a race An annual premium subscribe me yeah join join me on his evil quest Join Ludwig on his evil quest I want 200 of you to kill him with me!
Starting point is 00:31:24 To kill all the robots on Brilliant FLYING TO LIARS! Alright, Flash the yard 200, you get 20% off That's it for this ad read, we're going back to the episode Once you're signed up, they send you the cartridge in the mail Alright, goodbye
Starting point is 00:31:40 Back to the episode Everyone, don't do that Speaking of cabals, a lot of drama happened this week. A little juicy drama. Jump into the drama cabal. It feels so good to just not be involved and you just get to see. Kind of involved. Archie, just call the chapter the part of the episode you're here for.
Starting point is 00:31:57 You get to see B. Prince Lothric in the fucking castle just watching the world sink into a goddamned black hole in the butt. Can I make a, we can't keep making references that the rest of us don't know. and the castle just watching the world sink into a goddamned black hole in the butt. We can't keep making references that the rest of us don't know. I want to know who Prince Lothric is, and I've asked. Because we can't riff on it. Make it known. Make it known. But you can just keep going.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Who is Prince Lothric? Tell me. It's in Dark Souls 3. The worst Dark Souls. No. Yes. No, it's Dark Souls 2, but not by a lot. The Toy Story of Dark Souls.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Way to go with the main take. Anyway. I mean, it's just true. A but not by a lot. The Toy Story of Dark Souls. Way to go for the main take. Anyway. I mean, it's just true. A lot of drama. Biggest one of all, the Magnus Carlsen drama. Am I right? Yeah, yeah. That's the one.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That's the one. The one we already talked about. Shit is happening as we speak. People are live explaining themselves. People are dying. People are dying across the world. Real Kipo shit. Real cap shit.
Starting point is 00:32:47 And so, here's the thing. I thought, yeah, we can talk about it, but the timeliness will be gone. It'll be four days. It's crazy. I thought it was fucking insane when Magnus pulled out a gun and shot his webcam. We just tried to predict the drama that happened. It was just weird When Mizkif killed Magnus Carlsen
Starting point is 00:33:08 Yeah And said that was for Crazy Slip Well it all started with PVC XQC That's how it all started Well it actually started with E-Rob getting banned That's the true lore What is that?
Starting point is 00:33:21 E-Rob is Tyler You know how Bumblebee turns into a car? Oh, okay. E-Rob the streamer, a.k.a. Tyler1's brother, a.k.a. Variety streamer of the year, in my mind, got banned because he told a viewer to kill himself. Or no, he said. No, no, no. He told a viewer that he would fight him in real life at TwitchCon and beat him up
Starting point is 00:33:42 and then followed up by saying, this is not a joke. Yeah, said, I will run your, what do you say, like, I'll run that fade or something. I'll fuck at TwitchCon, I will see you there. That's hard as hell. We got banned for a month. A month is pretty nuts. Which is like, Twitch, be real, sanction the fight.
Starting point is 00:33:59 That's what I'm saying. Get 16 ounce gloves, get them in there, get viewers. Dude, we bring back a bully beatdown Nobody has nobody twitch knows content anymore. No, I'm saying that you know should flash the VJ gear gone three days Go all the sudden you want to beat someone up in real life the VJ I Used to call it foo foo when I was younger. It was like a VJ like This all happened recently yes Yeah so in the past week So then
Starting point is 00:34:25 Have you really been Out of the loop It's fine if you are But it's just interesting Aiden E-Rob gets banned That is number one He's also bald
Starting point is 00:34:31 Happens next Is Is XQC bailed on Shit camp And said the reason Was because soda Wasn't going
Starting point is 00:34:39 Because it thought It would be boring Without soda Based Which was a lie Hurtful To take Hurtful To take Which was a lie. Hurtful. Hurtful. Which was a lie. It's funny
Starting point is 00:34:48 because we already kind of talked about this, but everyone has access to saying my dog ate my homework or whatever. Like, why do you have to say something insulting to not go? When it's not even true. I'm telling the teacher that they're fucking. He looked at his list of excuses with like I'm sick.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Like relatives visiting. He's like's like no that's just not it doesn't make enough sense and he skipped all the way to the bottom he's like soda's not there and your vet sucks yeah plus ratio so he doesn't go and and i knew that it was a personal reason why he didn't go which is why i was even a little perturbed by him like why would you just say something like that that's way easier to buy and true for a viewer? Wow, Ludwig, what was the personal reason? Well, it came out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:31 And that's that. He's setting you up. He broke up with Adept. Him and Adept broke up. And boy, was it public. Yeah, they shouldn't do that. They shouldn't do that. They shouldn't do that. They shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:35:46 I feel like I'm, look, maybe this is a level one take, but don't, maybe don't be live. Yeah, so he on stream said, he's like, I don't know. There's an out of context clip that Soda Poppin said that I told them I wasn't going to shit camp months ago. And then everyone's like, X, you said that you weren't going because of this, but he told you months ago. He's like, no, man, everyone's backing me in the corner. And then, and then said's like X you said that he you weren't going cuz this but he told you months ago He's like no man I was back me in the corner and then and then said he's like this is a reason It's me and a dad broke up. I had to pick between her and my family which is like heavy shit
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah, that's huge to drop on a stream Then she sees it goes on in our stream talking about what happened then he reacts to her stream Then they hop in a call together or type that she uses the Alton cries on stream. Let's hype It was six figures Same time in the viewership is tanking and we're in grand finals And then I find out why and I'm like, oh I remember I remember cuz I never watch XQC but I follow him and we got on to play valorant that night
Starting point is 00:36:45 and x usually hovers around hovers around like 60,000 people watching him at any given moment and we were booting into a game and I had toy trope and I saw that he had 95,000 people watching him and I was like oh that's nice must be a lot of people like just enjoying xqc on this Friday night must be playing hot wheels again and then i i opened up twitter an hour later and i was like oh people are just like shooting at each other with real clips of like adept sobbing into the mic and so and cutie had said something about she tweeted when this happened she's like grossest use of the platform i've seen and she was trying to back up a depth like that by now we're on round six and round seven's when dogs come in but they drop max ammo which is good uh so everyone rebuild windows uh buy ray gun leave
Starting point is 00:37:35 some crawlers dude and then x brought up her tweet then tweeted about it directly yeah he like quote retweeted her and then well q deleted it she was getting a lot of shit and then X got the screenshot of it and then tweeted it out again talking like don't fucking where I come from we don't subtweet people
Starting point is 00:37:51 and it's like well you're from Quebec so I don't know. What he actually meant is nobody in Quebec knows how to use a computer. You don't subtweet
Starting point is 00:38:03 because we haven't figured out how to tweet it. Can you smoke it? It's funny when you talk about drama like this because it's like and then bro tweeted and like just saying the word tweeted
Starting point is 00:38:13 it feels so soft. It's like yeah they roll up to our hood with water guns. I guess what you don't understand is Twitter fingers turn to trigger fingers. The actual reason is
Starting point is 00:38:21 in Quebec when you have a problem with somebody you go to their door and you schedule an ice fishing trip And then you go out and do that together Apropos of nothing there was I saw a tweet It was spongebob eating the glove candies from when they hit rock bottom and it just said Spongebob like started popping pills in the ops hood Bob was wild
Starting point is 00:38:44 We were just marveling over how funny it was to call him Bob. It's so simple. So it's like that pretty much. You're in rock bottom, but you're popping pills. And so that happened. And then X, like, I don't know, maybe Cutie and him called or something. You were probably there. They squashed offline.
Starting point is 00:39:03 And then X was like, you know what? Fucking sorry to talk about a fellow peer that way and i was like oh that's cool dude he's gonna be able to sleep tonight and i'm like because i'm at home like on discord with the boys like they're playing valor i'm like just scroll doom scrolling and i'm like oh she's having a terrible night probably and then it's like and they squashed it and no not even what happened is she tweeted that and then we watched a movie Just me and her and then I just she never phone and she was like using it She was like can I have pictures of cake and I was like yeah
Starting point is 00:39:31 And then I took my phone like in the bathroom like two hours later, and I looked at Twitter. I was like oh And then I was like really uncomfortable I came back. I was like I waited like five minutes. I was like your phone And then she went fucking like steam out the thorns for like five minutes i was like give your phone like no i was like maybe you checked and then she went fucking like steam out the thumbs for like 30 minutes this makes so much more sense now because i came downstairs that night like briefly while you guys were watching the movie and everything seemed so fine and i was so surprised because it was like if I was cutie I would like be at my computer upset and and I was wondering like oh maybe everything's smoothed over
Starting point is 00:40:10 like maybe things are actually like being handled I actually just realized Atrioc was right that battle rep would be good on Twitch no no don't give this to him imagine that cutie next to C just literally got a battle immediately that would be hot that would be so hot and And then the whole crowd,
Starting point is 00:40:25 like the chat can just decide who's bait. You call it and then they have to reply. Battle rap in an hour. And if you don't like, Oh yeah. You're losing the bank. It was insane. Oh,
Starting point is 00:40:36 you seem to a tray flip. Bro. He did a trade. Actually. Yeah. It's on, it's on LS. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:43 He knows how to skate. He didn't do that shit anymore. He did a treflip, and he can play as much slots as he wants. Cause fuckin' I didn't see anyone else do a goddamn treflip. My nightmare by the way has always been... Oh, here's a treflip. Dude, look at this shit. Treflip on a rug too smart.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Wait, what the hell? This is xQc in his stream room going for a tray for actually be a tray for the logitech Yep, that's a tray flip. Oh, that's a tray flip. Yep. All right, my boy lands at first right here You go to David Dobrik and Mizkis YouTube and then go to most viewed video all time. They may start a club So this was always my fear. This is why i don't understand that airing on on public waves is getting into a relationship and then the most viewed thing you ever do being a breakup yeah it feels like a sad legacy to have that you've created content for years and what you are most known for is that you got out of a relationship publicly what you're most known for is that you got out of a relationship publicly. Well, what you're most known for is gossip, right?
Starting point is 00:41:46 Because it doesn't even have to be a breakup. It can be like something, something scandalous, you know? And I think breakups are inherently scandalous to our brains because they're a wrong thing. You're supposed to stay with somebody, but then you end up not doing it. And like, yeah, we're just hard tuned for it. I think what I hate the most is when I would see celebrity gossip growing up I was always like that is so fucking dumb and all it took was for
Starting point is 00:42:10 Liza Koshy and David to break up and I watched the fuck out of that video it's David Derrick's most viewed video it's his old girlfriend and it was his most viewed video it has like 90 million views I think I think it's more crazy that you were so invested.
Starting point is 00:42:26 I think I just watched his vlogs a lot at the time. So it was like, oh, like what happened? It's just like a general curiosity. Ross and Rachel broke up. Everyone talks shit about they're above the drama until it's someone they actually care about. And then they're fiending. No one's above the drama. I know.
Starting point is 00:42:40 I recognize it too because I was at shit camp. And I was like, you guys see that whole Chris Pine got spit on thing and then I paused and I was like oh Someone's doing this right now with some drama with this on True yeah, oh you feel guilty like a slia because I was because I was spreading it. I was nice Yeah, I think I do think I'm nice because I did Rick roll like 700,000 people. That's pretty much. I thought was funny How do you feel being so embedded in a lot of this and making videos about it
Starting point is 00:43:11 and participating in it to some degree? Because ultimately, like people who listen to this, I think a significant portion of people are interested, but also a significant portion are like,
Starting point is 00:43:23 fuck, like why are you guys talking about this like how do you like when you fuel the drama machine or participate in it how does that make you feel like are you genuinely interested in these these things i think i always keep up like i was watching it right before we started this but like i usually don't talk about it unless i think it's something that is interesting like i didn't make a mogul mail on the xqc thing that's just like a personal relationship That I think probably shouldn't have been aired on
Starting point is 00:43:47 Stream and talked about so publicly yeah Oh that with him in a depth yeah yeah And I didn't out of that the only thing I've done is maybe talk about what has happened Which I don't think fuels it Yeah but what's what's the difference with That and like getting in the mix on slicker When everybody else is like
Starting point is 00:44:04 Also pitching an opinion out I'm not I'm not I think for slicker when everybody else is like also pitching an opinion out i'm not i'm not i think for slicker trying to get you it's because i got scammed and yeah he had a reason i guess i was a part of it i literally lost did you give slicker money yeah which and then this is the new t this is the one that literally uh basically saved x from all the heat was that uh slicker who's a streamer, used to be a big streamer, scammed like a shit ton of people. Yeah, this is funny because like a few months ago, Slime was like, dude, look, Slicker asked me for money.
Starting point is 00:44:34 And I was laughing like, holy shit, so weird. I barely know who he is. I went to his account and I'm like, it's crazy that you can have like 80,000 followers on Twitter and need $1,000. Surely that you can have like 80,000 followers on Twitter and need a thousand dollars. Surely you convert that into like some form of like Twitch stream or whatever you do that you can like that you have a thousand dollars. And I was like, oh, that's crazy. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Like, do you help me? Like, yeah, I helped him. Like, OK. And then he doubled down. Right. He asked you again. That's what I was mad about. That's what I messaged in the group chat.
Starting point is 00:45:01 I was like, dude. So how it happened. I tweeted about it. But he's like that dog pet or 28. Just great fan account but i tweeted about it it was like it was he he was like hey bro i need a thousand dollars i got this tax problem and he's like a negative balance of seven thousand pounds and he's like can you give me a thousand dollars i love the part i went back and read those dms by the way i love the part where he's like like from this from the jump he's like bro i'll give you my passport.
Starting point is 00:45:26 He did say that. Because it would have been so funny if you said yes. I thought about that a lot. Like, after this all happened, I was like, what if I just had his passport? You message him right now. Bro, I thought about it. I want the passport. You just send it to him.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I can still charge back. Yeah, so he asked for $1,000. I'm like, when can you pay me back? Because I used to front weed all the time. That's what you ask. You give them a date and a deadline. And he's like, in like a month. I'm like, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:45:48 I sent it to him. And then he, or I didn't send it to him. I said, okay, sure. And then he asked, can I get it in GBP? Which at the time was 25% more. So it was like, it's just, you know, for me, it's just more money. And I'm like, okay.
Starting point is 00:46:00 And I sent it. And then he instantly asked me for 7,000 more GBP. So it's about 10 grand he was asking me for in American dollars and I was like, to which he replied, and I was just like, bro, you asked me for $1,000 and then you asked for it in a more expensive currency and then you're
Starting point is 00:46:16 asking for 10 times that? Keep the money that I just gave you. Do not message me or ask me for money ever again. And then he's like, bro, I'm not like that. I'm not like that. It's like, bro, bro, I'm not like that. I'm not like that. Bro, scroll up. You are like that. You are exactly like that. Narrator, he was like that. He was very much like that.
Starting point is 00:46:32 What's funny is you pulled the same move that Train did, except at a 100 times smaller scale. Did Train do that? Train sent him 100k, and then he was like, don't ask me for anything ever again. Don't ask me for anything. We're the same. Same? Different scale. And then he was like, don't ask me for anything ever again. There you go. Don't ask me for anything. We're the same. Except, yeah, you're sane?
Starting point is 00:46:46 Different scale. What happened? Same vibes. Different scale. Is that what happened? He just gambled it all away? So yeah, Slicker had a gambling addiction. I think he was betting on tennis matches and golf matches at obscene rates. And he was also doing CSGO gambling and lost just a shit ton.
Starting point is 00:47:00 And would ask somebody for money. A thousand bucks. Bisexual gambling, they call that. They do. Sports betting on a tennis match come on bro so you cute he would lose a shit ton of money gambling you would ask somebody for money usually like a streamer they'd give it to him he'd gamble it lose it ask someone new then the person who gave the money earlier would ask for a back dude have to ask someone to pay them back and And it's basically just a Ponzi scheme.
Starting point is 00:47:26 Yeah, it's a Ponzi scheme that eventually crumbles because the people realize that they're not getting paid. It's a Ponzi scheme, but the guy who's doing it isn't rich. Yeah, it's just still broke. We do. And Slicker is like, take off his mask and it's Grayson. Yeah. And the end result is like probably a people lost Amounts from like 500 to 28,000 dollars
Starting point is 00:47:48 I love based on the tweets that are coming out And the screenshots it's like He really touched every corner of like the Gaming internet like it's like the Esports players and like the cool OTK Guys and like he Touched base with like literally everybody He could
Starting point is 00:48:03 I realized that I'm actually I got broke energy Because he never messaged me You don't have that dog in you Once I realized how many people he had reached out to And I'm like damn it's like Dr. Battle on this list I'm like what do I gotta do
Starting point is 00:48:19 I'm buying the expensive clothes He reached out to the veil That's actually so funny Me and little bro are fucking juiced up and that's why he fucking hit us up, dude. I think he helped me realize like how many people, cause I think there's this idea when you're a little further removed from it that everybody in like this world of streaming,
Starting point is 00:48:39 especially if they're like involved with these things socially is somebody who's making like fucking a buku bucks, but they're like involved with these things socially is somebody who's making like fucking a buku bucks but they're not i think a lot of people are not actually making that much money and they like they participate in like a social environment that either pressures them to spend a lot of money or they just exist around one like one pillar of their group who does have a lot of money and it's able to make it seem like tv like they're they're much wealthier than they are because you were saying like i used to have that idea too it's like this person has like a big social media following surely they've converted this into some sort of financial gain for themselves but the reality is like most of
Starting point is 00:49:23 these people were just on a Minecraft stream at some point. And they just have a lot of followers and maybe they're scraping together a pretty normal salary for themselves. I think it's like the way to put in perspective is the top 100 streamers are probably millionaires but
Starting point is 00:49:39 101 is Mango. Mango does not have a million in the bank waiting for him. And so it's like it falls off pretty quick. Not to say he not have like a million in the bank waiting for him. Yeah. Uh, and, and so it's like, it's not wealthy. Like he still has a lot of money,
Starting point is 00:49:49 but there's like, there's tears and they're very, they get very, very calcified. People use the term like millionaire streamer complaining Lamal. Sure. Which applies to less than a hundred people in a sphere where millions stream every month,
Starting point is 00:50:02 dude. You know, it's funny too. So again again this is another this all this liquor things happened and it took the heat off of x who broke up with his girlfriend and they like had it out on like online and then like hasan was in there and everyone was like flinging shit at each other this took all the heat off him um but before before we move on from that i thought it was really i was thinking was thinking a lot about it because we dealt with this in the Smash community
Starting point is 00:50:26 where it's like a lot of sexual assault things came out at the same time. And people will say there was someone, there was a player named Elegant who apparently just pissed and shit all over himself like 7,000 times in front of people. And people were saying he literally would get
Starting point is 00:50:42 hammered and piss and shit all over himself and walls. It's crazy You miss this actually it was like trendy, dude He was trending on Twitter for like two days. He's still playing tens of thousands of tweets. No Mainstay in SoCal for years. He how this went is that are you leaning into this right now? I don't understand. I've never heard of this in my life.'ve been like I like the week and a half ago. Yeah Reese's indeed Basically every story is just it rooted in him like having a drinking problem getting way too drunk
Starting point is 00:51:15 So somebody was like in pretty much every story ends where he pisses himself He pisses also there's a version of this where he sexually assaults people and yeah Oh, and there's, like, recurring... I thought we ended up pissing shit, and I was like, bring him back. I can't confirm or deny that. I don't know the whole... I only know the piss and shit part. Let the man piss and shit at a tournament.
Starting point is 00:51:33 All I'm saying is that... So it was women that were coming forward and being like, this person made me uncomfortable in the way they acted, and also the piss, and also this shit. And then one person... It's like a Bernie Sanders meme. One person came forward, and then all of a sudden everyone starts coming forward
Starting point is 00:51:46 and a lot of the incel core like smash side of Twitter will be like, why didn't you just fucking say this when it came out? Like, why you fucking wait till it's fucking clout time to jump on?
Starting point is 00:51:56 And I'm like, it made me think a lot of like, okay, look at this liquor situation. It's easier for men to look at it because it's pretty much among men. You know what I mean? Oh my god, sexist you think men look wow burn burn burn burn and so there was like
Starting point is 00:52:11 Basically, I'm always gonna laugh at that you ask yourself. Well, why didn't everyone just come forward? Like why didn't people say this when slicker was scamming them and it's like well the same reason like that women who I don't know Not like this is equivalent at all But it's like women who deal with like a creepy guy or something like that that might be famous. They don't want to come forward and get shit on and then embarrass themselves because it's like, oh, I was naive and trusted somebody. It's embarrassing. And also and maybe embarrass the person that did this because maybe they feel sympathy. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:42 This is all we felt. Just asking to flip on a stress switch where it's like for what like i'm not stressed right now necessarily but this did happen to me and it does bother me and it's like i could flip on the stress switch and maybe everyone's really nice to me but likely they aren't because general public discourse has not gone that way it's like are you going to announce that uh you lent this guy a thousand dollars and he hasn't paid you back what like there's no reason for you just to do that but only there is when everyone starts coming together and is like wait a minute you too and you're all the spider-man it's harder it's harder for people
Starting point is 00:53:14 to deny a pattern of behavior and when you're the first person to come out you don't know whether or not the pattern of behavior exists so you risk having to fight by yourself for like your justice in that individual situation. And even if you get it, I think a lot of the time the person or the victim does not necessarily want the other person's life ruined. They often just want some sort of like reparations or not to like see or engage with that person again. And I think with any of these types of situations, the hope in a way, it's like you don't want other people to be afflicted by something like this but the hope is that when other people come forward and sort of back you up with their own stories it's a lot harder for the incels to deny that this is an issue at all yeah or in the case of like the
Starting point is 00:53:59 gambling and the scamming like you know slicker had scammed one person and they came forward it's like the response might literally be you shouldn't have given money you shouldn't have given him money yeah but it's like if this person is somebody who went to every corner of this community scammed $300,000 from everybody it's like yeah this is a fucking problem we need to stop this guy
Starting point is 00:54:17 everyone that slicker scammed okay and then we make a bracket yo squib game squib game them squib game and then number one keeps all the money yeah that's what I'm saying dude And then we make a bracket. Yo, Squib Game. Squib Game. Squib Game them. Squib Game. And then number one keeps all the money. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Dude, as the first time, two time, back to back,
Starting point is 00:54:31 Grayson Slicker scammed idiot. Yeah, you keep getting scammed. It is embarrassing to admit you've been scammed. It does suck, right? Like I said it to like our friends, like our group chat. And I was like, look at this. Isn't this annoying? And like, you know, it's not embarrassing
Starting point is 00:54:47 because these are my friends. But if I had announced that on Twitter, I feel embarrassed for being naive. This person who is in a bad spot, as far as I know, is also embarrassed. Like, so if you ever are like leaning toward inceldom and you're like, well, why didn't people just like come forward?
Starting point is 00:55:02 It's like, there's so many reasons why you don't, you just want to squash it and have everyone be okay like without doing that but and the only reason i tweeted about getting scammed is because i saw everyone else doing it i was like oh i can help build toward this case you know yeah me too you know it's not like my fucking life got ruined and have scars but it's like yeah i lost a thousand i think this thing that sucks for for the slicker thing too right is you maybe you don't know this guy super well but it's like an acquaintance or even a friend and you think you might be helping out somebody in a bad spot but with like grayson it's just like nah bro i'm gonna make you so much money bro like you come to vegas and hang out we're gonna have three ways and like that's what the money is for it's like you get less sympathy with
Starting point is 00:55:42 grayson because it's like the writing was kind of on the wall I don't like the sleeker one for most people Is that embarrassing just because I think a lot of people were kind of just like or especially you I guess is like I'm just trying to help a person if they don't pay me back I'm not really there like I'll never give him money again You almost expect that like you almost expect to like you're saying goodbye to the money It wouldn't even be that shitty if he like took say he was in a fucking dog shit spot and he said he was going to pay you back and he couldn't but he used
Starting point is 00:56:07 that thousand dollars to like pay for rent and food and he needed that. It's like I would feel fine about that. Please help me, like his budget is just candles but it's $300,000. Please my family is dying. The end of it is that me and
Starting point is 00:56:23 PVCXQC are going to work to pay people back who got scammed. Yeah, you were mentioning this yesterday. Yeah, X already paid back the biggest loser, who is Luke AFK, who lost $28,000. That's crazy. That is so much money. It is funny, I will say. Look, I'll probably do some shilly mogul mail sponsor in the future. All right. I got a mobile game squeaking in there. Brought to you by rain.
Starting point is 00:56:51 Brought to you by dragon warrior legends. I'll create your dragon today. Probably. I'll probably do that. We're making the slicker payback NFT collection. But what's funnier is how XQC made his money to pay him back is after he tweeted out that he was uh that me and him were going to try to people people pay people back he did a slot spin and won 1.5 mil oh yeah it is crazy it's like so backwards that he's like one money gambling and that's how he's paying back the people who lost their money from a gambling addict while having a gambling sponsor yeah that's the thing gambling always comes the people who lost their money from a gambling addict while having a gambling sponsor. Yeah
Starting point is 00:57:25 Yeah, that's the thing. Gambling always comes back to your friends in a good way Pushing the diamond meme. Yeah, this is slicker and it's like the about to hit goal And he's like and now and then so well so yeah yeah go ahead you're sitting a lot of numbers all right i forgot because he's like spearheading this fucking well not your spearhead well so me and x are paying people back but i a lot of people including ms were using this as an opportunity to say ban gambling on twitch which i think is fine to use big momentum of a gambling scandal to try to make positive change as long as you care about the victims first, which arguable if Ms. Cares about that,
Starting point is 00:58:08 or if he's just riding the high, but, but I do. And I, and I said the same thing. I still said ban gambling on, on my mogul, but train was like,
Starting point is 00:58:15 you're being dumb. He literally gambled on tennis matches. And you're saying to ban slots, and then leaked a massive drama, which happened while I was streaming today i didn't even realize he tweeted out uh you gotta read i gotta read a bar for bar i can't i can't quote this it's too spicy and well hold on the zipper's got us zipper's got us you sent it to zipper zippers on he's doing the thing where he's like it's a reply with like 20,000 likes from trainwrecks tv sometimes zipper when you catch him
Starting point is 00:58:47 off guard he'll just start groaning and moaning like he's an old guy who's sitting down in a chair well I look over sometimes zipper just has kawaii desu zippers just on his monitor that he stares at oh zipper rule 34
Starting point is 00:59:03 Levi's zippers the context is that train was replying to a miskiff tweet that basically said he added train and he said you are a scammer yeah in his in his heroic journey to end gambling on twitch which by the way
Starting point is 00:59:20 I think that we should end sponsored gambling on twitch that's your official stance are you separating sponsored gambling on Twitch That's your official stance My official stance is end sponsored gambling Are you separating sponsored gambling From gambling? Yes, I think gambling should be fine Which is also weird, and I didn't think about this
Starting point is 00:59:34 But that would also kill A lot of esports, or at least their funding Uh, yeah CSGO and Dota CSGO and Dota are heavily Heavily paid for by sponsored gambling. That's right. And so that esport would
Starting point is 00:59:50 perhaps instantly die. I've looked at a few CSGO event budgets in my day. Are they pricey pricey girls? Can you if you don't do it on the website can you promote a brand that's a different website or that would be one and the same? I imagine it would be hard to say you cannot do sponsored gambling on
Starting point is 01:00:07 stream but you can promote sponsored gambling on stream and it's a weird line to draw that like how is twitch gonna navigate that i feel because i was looking for that clarification like this spearheading the anti-gambling movement on twitch while some dude who gambled, who didn't do it on Twitch and doesn't do gambling streams on Twitch is the problem feels oddly disconnected to me. What do you mean?
Starting point is 01:00:35 The bad thing that Slicker did was scam people out of money. He defrauded people directly out of money. But honestly, what a hustler like that's a lot of money you know what he probably had just finished tate's master class and that was probably like chapter four dude he just asked people for money he's 10 minutes into tate talking about talking about your business should create profit not loss and he's like if i scam people if i don't
Starting point is 01:01:04 if i don't pay them back i never lose all right here's the tweet got it pulled up this is the reply now what he's replying to is deleted but it was mizkif's tweet calling him a scammer mizkif was saying something about like a coin right or like a like a crypto thing he did a coin scam i don't know anything about it but that sounds like i mean i don't know it fully i didn't get to see it i can tell you what it is i can tell you what it's okay context nick finds you what it is. Okay. Okay. Nick finds the juice. It was. We're juice searchers now.
Starting point is 01:01:28 I have it right here. We're all juice searchers. Welcome to the juice podcast. Welcome to drama alert. It's killer Keemstar. Do that for like three more seconds. And then we all are also, hey, you know what? Dramas.
Starting point is 01:01:41 We love it on TNT. We know. Wait, don't do that. We're just gonna have to literally bleep that out. And it's nothing bad, it's just our sponsor. So that's crazy. After is gonna be funny and no one will know we're laughing. So I'm just gonna read it. I found it. Miz said, if we're gonna
Starting point is 01:02:01 platform people for scamming others, shouldn't we have banned you for JoltCoin a few years back okay so some coin he made some coin and then train replied just with a nuke and said are you going to say like and you got no hose anyway uh are you going to send maya and mitch to railroad and blackmail me like you did those girls to cover up all those sexual assaults you fucking scumbag piece of shit you want to come at me and make shit up? You better be sure you don't live in a glass house, you insecure pussy. Which is like Don DeMarco.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Bang, bang. I'm actually full battle rap after this. And then he had to clarify because it was such a bombshell. He's like, the people involved know the truth, but for those of you that are farming drama, hey, train, and coming to split split conclusions let me be even more clear mizkif didn't assault the women he orchestrated the cover-ups for his friends exactly how my tweet reads so this is referring to back in january in january slick had a twit longer about him for being really weird and in like uh he basically tried to check the pulse of a girl
Starting point is 01:03:08 at a party was passed out but to other people that's what he said it seemed like he was going in while she was sleeping and trying to hook up with her uh and so it was a difference of of narrative there we at the yard don't take any stance because we don't know anything and we at the yard don't know anything We at the yard condone Andrew Tate Anyway Actually I literally don't If Eamon ever If Eamon ever had to pay for his crimes
Starting point is 01:03:35 And went to jail You know what they would call him? Fresh And when he would walk up Into the cafeteria They'd be like hello fresh Dude you know what's crazy? That's a brand Why would they call him fresh? And when he would walk up What would they say When he walks in the room? When they walk up Into the cafeteria They'd be like Hello fresh Hello fresh Wait oh my
Starting point is 01:03:46 Dude You know what's crazy? What? That that's a brand No Yeah that's Hello fresh is like a brand Really?
Starting point is 01:03:51 Yeah you know what They are sponsoring A brand is the name Of Eamon's prison name Episode Why would they call me that? Because you're fresh baby Because you're fresh
Starting point is 01:03:58 Because you're sweet as can be You're sweet as can be And you're fresh You're like a big old salmon Because you think I'm sweet Your new meat Yeah your new meat yeah your new your new salmon meat for their fucking mouths for their bear claws and speaking of meat
Starting point is 01:04:13 we got hello fresh is the sponsor of this week's podcast with a wide variety of mutt for you it's food they have a weekly selection no. You can customize your meals. You can get protein, vegetables, moot. Moot. Yeah. Right. Yeah. You know, weekly selection.
Starting point is 01:04:32 30 plus protein. Which is pretty cool because you can get all of that. It's flexible just like Eamon is in jail. You know what you're looking at right now? You guys are looking at four men who are incapable of cooking. I'm not that. You can chef up a bald ass head. Nick can chef up a good one-liner and Aiden can chef up being
Starting point is 01:04:51 cringe, but none of us can make a delicious meal, which is a lie. And maybe I learned. Maybe I learned to cook. I can't do dishes. How does that shit work? How does that shit work? Bald head. What's up? I don't know. You tell me, bro. Shit. Hey, anyway, this helps you chef up our new sponsor. What's up? I don't know. You tell me, bro. Ha ha, shit. Hey, anyway, this helps you, Chef Phup. Our new
Starting point is 01:05:07 sponsor, it's HelloFresh. Alright, we're talking custom meals you can make. A lot of different meats. Nick, you used to use it. I used to use HelloFresh because every time I would make food, I would have dishes and I'd go, I hate this. I wish I could incinerate them all and not
Starting point is 01:05:23 do them. That's how I felt. And also, I was like, I got to go to the fucking grocery store every week. I got to buy shit myself. I'm like, what do I? I go like an idiot. I go on my phone and I'm like, meal, single meal for person. And I scroll and I'm like, I'm going to spend $400 on ingredients and then never use the ingredients again because I don't know how to make meals in general. I remember when you used to make HelloFresh meals
Starting point is 01:05:45 because it would smell delicious and you would never do the dishes and it made me want to die. Yeah, I thought that it would solve the dish problem for me because all the hard parts were done. Nope. It didn't. I still didn't do dishes,
Starting point is 01:05:54 but I liked cooking a lot more. But was the food delicious? It was. Yeah, it was pretty good. Better than ordering fucking DoorDash every day. Sometimes I would take his food because he'd let me have some of it and I was like a little rat
Starting point is 01:06:04 eating HelloFresh on the barge. Go to slash TheYard65. Use the code TheYard65 for 65% off. That's where the number came from. It's not how many STDs Aiden got in the past year. It is 60. That's why they call him Nintendo 64. You are now.
Starting point is 01:06:21 You also get free shipping. That's why they call me Fresh. You also get free shipping. And, you know 65% off which is a lot which is a lot and he also
Starting point is 01:06:29 HelloFresh has this thing I don't know if they even if they put it in here they have this thing where you can go on and you're like fuck I'm like
Starting point is 01:06:35 getting a bunch of these HelloFresh's and they're stacking up my fridge and I'm eating them all you can customize how many you get I had to do that
Starting point is 01:06:41 shit because I kept getting too many because some days I just wouldn't eat because I'm bad at that it's it's HelloFresh it's America's number one meal kit I had to do that shit because I kept getting too many because some days I just wouldn't eat because I'm bad at that it's HelloFresh it's America's number one meal kit
Starting point is 01:06:49 it's approved by Nick and Alex Jones me, Alex Jones, and NASA all think that this shit are pretty cool it's America's number one meal kit just kidding about the Alex Jones thing
Starting point is 01:07:04 buy HelloFresh and I don't know, fucking buy a car. Do whatever you want. Buy HelloFresh and goodbye to the sad read. And so, yeah, so now what's happening right now is now it seems as if Mizgif has taken that energy ball and kind of Kamehameha'd
Starting point is 01:07:20 it toward Maya, who says Maya's the one who went over and convinced this person to to dull their twitter i'm actually i'm learning about what it takes to be a streamer and it just it's just making your ex-girlfriend's life miserable yeah i think that's what i'm learning it's going if you want to be the best that ever did it look you gotta you gotta make her suffer and so but basically so while we are talking and while before this podcast was happening with maya goes live and so london was just like watching it glued
Starting point is 01:07:52 to his phone we were before that we were like i was like oh man you know going live sure certainly would solve all of these problems and then it's like beep dude all streamers i think i'm zero optics zero pr zero understanding of like how to tactfully deal with a situation that can be weird and uncomfortable and they just go live chat on screen and just start talking yeah without thinking even and it's like i think the idea is to come off fully honest and transparent but i think you mostly come off dumb because you haven't like you haven't made your thoughts concise yeah yeah controls the narrative entirely because you look stupid that makes you look wrong.
Starting point is 01:08:26 You gotta do what Carlos did. You gotta have your PR rep handwrite your statement so that it reads nothing like what you would actually say. And then you're like a bunch of tweets that go against what was tweeted by your big brand PR account. And then triple down when they let you come back to your job.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Wait, did Maya do any bad shit? Maya was part of, I guess, on Miss Kiff's behest. Try to tell Adriana to tone down her to longer. Yeah. To like be she might say crazy shorty. You're yelling too loud about what happened. Yeah. Shorty.
Starting point is 01:08:59 We we at the end of this podcast, we don't know what's going to happen. Also, it'd be like three days later. Yeah. Who knows? Maybe it will be revealed that there's an evil sex ring. Slicker's the second biggest streamer now. Miskif's permabanned. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Maya quits completely, becomes an animal. She becomes an animal. Animorphs becomes a bird. And she lives in Serbia now. She lays eggs in Serbia. We find leaked emails between Crazy Slick and Tony Podesta. And Hillary Clinton. And he did wear a ghillie suit to prom.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Comes out true. And he did eat lunch with a t-shirt. Can we advance Twitter search pizza and Crazy Slick? What's going on? Are there any public... Okay, one thing that I think is important is, are there any actual public details about the incident and what happened? I i feel like because we're kind of skating over the content of uh i just love talking about shit i know nothing about oh it's so it's what actually happened i think
Starting point is 01:09:54 what actually happened is that he said he was checking her pulse and then checked her pulse on her neck in her arm and then she i i think was like really inebriated and trying to be away from everyone and felt uncomfortable that he went into the room and felt that he had touched her inappropriately. So she was conscious. What I want everyone listening to do is go fucking figure it out for yourselves. Don't use this as your only source of like if you if you want to have a big opinion, if you want to like type about something, just go figure some shit out. We're we're big. We're big dumbheads.
Starting point is 01:10:24 What's crazy, though, is like, what happened to streaming? What are you talking about? What happened to going live and making content? This was always the game, bitch. This is the content. We are making content. This is the content, you dumb piece of shit. Everybody's TMZ now.
Starting point is 01:10:38 Everyone is reacting to everyone. This is in our fucking brains, Ludwig. In a human centipede of what drama is going on Is this new to you you dumb piece of shit mo? We are hardwired to fucking sound Nick talks a crazy slick for a moment second of all what I think is weird Like usually there's like lulls and people are just playing games. That's most of Twitch.
Starting point is 01:11:07 You're saying most of Twitch is drama. That's not true. No, no, no. What I'm saying is the most exciting part to our brains will always, always, always be shit like this. Always. And that is just how we were fucking built. So to sit and be like, well, what about the content? Can't we just play some games?
Starting point is 01:11:22 It's like, no, bitch, we can't. Because shit's going down. You know who was playing games today? Shroud and slime wonders stays honest. What about me keeps it real you're about you, bro I was gaming their drama when you game you talked about the drama you are the no yeah, you did What did I say you're on LSF for talking about the drama that was before talked about some drama Drama streamer drama streamer, which is fine fine but I want you to know I was playing video games I will say you know who was keeping it A1
Starting point is 01:11:47 was Jerma playing Breath of the Wild 9 hours when Jerma starts talking about what's happening on LSF we truly would have lost that no that's actually such a win I would love to see a Jerma Northern Lion group meeting I just want to see all you guys stop fighting I just want to see everyone fight with each other
Starting point is 01:12:03 so fucking that's where we are now. Dude, and the queen died. Oh my god. She is dead as fuck, isn't she? She's so dead. So anyway, what I think we should do, because this is, we don't have the, we can't move with the agility like a mogul male, or a stream
Starting point is 01:12:20 where someone's trying to defend what they've done. We can only say things that have happened three days in the past. So I think it'd be fun to predict what will have happened. And now we kind of talked about it. Maya turns into a cat slash bird in Serbia. What do we think happens with, I don't know, does Slicker become, I don't know, like a mech?
Starting point is 01:12:43 I think Mizkif gives up worldly possessions along with Slicker and they become Buddhist monks. Like the Buddha, okay. Yes, and they go live in the Tibetan hills and they find the Panchen Lama, who was abducted by the CCP 20 years ago. And then Crazy Slick tries to suck on its titties. What do you think the Panchen Lama is?
Starting point is 01:13:04 Why are you saying sucking on its titties like it's a cow? Do you know what the Pontian... It's not a llama. Do you think it's a llama? Tell me you don't think it's a llama. Tell me you know the Pontian Llama is not a llama. I feel like you're so sure that it isn't that you're probably right. But you thought it was a llama?
Starting point is 01:13:23 No, y'all don't hear me. I said I punch with the llama What the fuck are you talking about Jesus Christ, you know the Dalai Lama yeah All right religious leader of course. Do you know how it's decided who becomes the Dalai Lama a guy? Yes, so a hundred people drop from a plane There's a lot of one place called tomato town Don't even there anymore Honestly rip mater
Starting point is 01:13:59 So there's the Dalai Lama who's chosen by the Panchen Lama and the Panchen Lama is is like that's like their main role was abducted by the Chinese Communist Party 25 years ago And they say he is alive and well and gave up the religion of Buddhism and is happy and we haven't heard from him He's alright man. Yes Like fucking the 30 years some shit, right? Yeah, it's been a long time and and the Dalai Lama is old And so in the Dalai Lama lies when the Dalai Lama dies and and lies. Yeah like Gil's the sunrise There will never be another Dalai Lama at least officially because the plancheon llama cannot decide the next one whoa
Starting point is 01:14:44 Is there a muggle male on this? Yeah, it's right up to the Rohingya genocide one. I don't know why I knew this, but I just watched a video on it because I was curious. This is crazy. I remember this. This is what we really should be streaming about.
Starting point is 01:15:00 And this is because the Chinese government It happened in 95. Yeah, but he's still gone. Yeah, it's been out 30 years. Alright. Nice. It's, I mean, it'll be a new story when the Dalai Lama dies. But that's the reality, and I think it's because the Chinese government hates any
Starting point is 01:15:15 religion that is not... I can do it. You could save the Pinchin Lama. No, get me in there. No, I could become the next Dalai Lama. He'd pick the Dalai Lama. Wait, so you're not the Ponchin Lama, you're just gonna be the Dalai Lama. You know the Dalai Lama. He'd pick the Dalai Lama. So you're not the Panchen Lama. You're just going to be the Dalai Lama. Yeah. You know the Dalai Lama is one spirit that travels in the afterlife.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Is this spirit a Lama? I'm sorry. Am I two spirits traveling? The spirit is not a Lama. No. The spirit could go in him. There's no Lama. Is it like a Patronus?
Starting point is 01:15:39 The Dalai Lama is alive. Come check on me. The day he dies, come check on me. There's no way there's not. Come knock on my door. Come in the room. I'm not saying I'm going to have two feet on the ground or anything,
Starting point is 01:15:49 but I might be up in the air. I might be cross-legged levitating. What do you think the Dalai Lama does? Like a Criss Angel type thing? He just performs in the Vegas of Tibet. He's like, hello, I'm the Dalai Lama. Check this shit out. Check your pockets. He kind of floats on stage he does his
Starting point is 01:16:07 thing for like 60 minutes Shane Lee comes on after all right don't murder give up worldly possessions this is shit Actually, you can pick the next Dolly Lama. We'll just have Shane Linn play the dude. The random audience member comes up. You are the Dolly Lama. Is Linn from Rhode Island? She's 45. Damn.
Starting point is 01:16:37 We should give Shane Linn more power in general. I think finding a way to make him... He's a magician. He has enough power. That's what the Chinese Communist Party has to do. They come out with a Lama and they llama and be like you'll never believe what happened You guys remember Ponchin? Bro's different now
Starting point is 01:16:53 Thomas Pynchon llama, sorry that one's for the Who is that for you know you say? That one's for sloth Rob who's probably not listening. Shots out. It's great to see you guys. What is this, an intro to a stand-up? Yeah, I don't have a good time tonight. Classy Los Angeles. Always a good time. Dude, no lie.
Starting point is 01:17:18 Not in the quad, because my college didn't have one, but no cap. There was a stand-up night that was happening the same night we did our Smash Bros tournament once in college. And it was like the rec area of our school was split down the middle. And it was people that came for the open mic night and people that were gaming, which is us. And I'm listening to this stand-up set by this college kid as I'm playing video game, playing Melee.
Starting point is 01:17:43 And he comes up. he says this joke about tinder i don't remember what it was but it got literal groans which is hard to do at an open mic at college because like everyone's just trying to be nice to each other it got groans and then he was like huh shit always a good time hanging out in the in the in the rec area you know here at the college and i was like jesus christ because it's not that's great crowd work like he was saying like he comes here all the time it's like there's ping pong tables like this isn't this isn't a club it was it was insane i feel like you just pivot right there you just go uh that shit kills with my mom everyone just starts laughing now yeah there's ways to tag
Starting point is 01:18:20 and save your shit not that i was like i think it's kind of like, I'm not, I wasn't sitting there judging this guy, but he just bombs so bad. And then he was like, like, I do this all the time in, in the quad. Essentially.
Starting point is 01:18:32 It was like, bro, I want Rogan to talk about the rec center. Like he talks about the cellar, dude. What is where we're going to talk about the cellar? Like they just, that's like one of the famous comedy venues. And he just like brings it up in like every other He said it's a cellar
Starting point is 01:18:45 No masks no pussies And we were fucking I don't know I've never watched Rogan Do you know about Fire Island Speaking of New York What is that like I thought you were talking about the island That the fire festival was on
Starting point is 01:19:01 Yeah I'll fire when I land Go on Wow save it island that the fire festival was on y'all fire when I land go on wow save it the second we do twitch battles it is fucking over for all these stupid losers the hard drive space and the like the CPU
Starting point is 01:19:18 of Nick's brain that takes like just one liners is actually pretty fucked up I'm gonna be the fucking I'm gonna be the fucking village dick of ghost writing for that event. See, I didn't know the reference. This is like when I talk about Dark Souls. My theory is that as soon as Nick gets on ADHD
Starting point is 01:19:34 meds, this part of him goes away. He's just like he wears another pair of glasses over his glasses. He's like the squeaky spongebob. This is incredibly embarrassing. I unironically said that myself once. Where I said like,
Starting point is 01:19:50 I think the only thing that makes me funny would go away if I had meds. I'm afraid. Dude, that's why Mizgif doesn't take his ADHD medication. He needs it though. He thinks he's more base? He needs it. He thinks he's more entertaining. I saw that clip on the alt right before we went up here and he needs to take them
Starting point is 01:20:08 Put it in a fucking cheese and just had it to him I can't wait to see what happens in three days when this shit comes out, and it's like, yeah, it turns out that everyone just got banned. It turns out Bezos said, hey, wrap it up. Twitch is over. Honestly, good riddance. I was getting bored. Getting bored. I want some new streamers.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Train comes out of it on Skate. I know that. Dude, it is crazy that it's pivoted from like, we got to do all pitchforks for gambling to like, oh, shit. We'll see. It is funny's it feels like there's simultaneously this is literally just vibes it's not like i haven't really read into anything uh it's simultaneously a big discourse on getting gambling like taken off of twitch and train at the forefront winning like it's weird that the guy doing the most gambling is also owning people yeah yeah and what i feel like the largest thing going on, or one of it, is just like, let's all
Starting point is 01:21:07 kill gambling. We all think it's pretty bad. He does have the biggest saber to rattle, you know what I mean? But we'll see. I'm excited. This is an exciting time. It's not stressful for me. Yeah, because you're not in it.
Starting point is 01:21:18 Because I'm not in it. And it's just so much nicer. Because usually the problem... Usually... Or on Twitter. No, no, no. Never Twitter. No, no, no. Never mind. He's not on.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Me getting stressed out usually has to do with me being involved, which is usually how people are receptive to the yard and stuff because I overthink it and I tell people to Minecraft themselves. But the fact that I don't have to worry for once in a long time just makes me feel more at ease. Dude, this episode drops and we might have some shit to worry about, dude. We've been fucking People are getting
Starting point is 01:21:50 lit up this episode. No, we don't. Dare I say, we don't have all the facts. Who's getting lit up? Eamon? Slick? Oh, yeah. No, that's different, though. We didn't lie to him. The thing is, we don't need facts because we don't care about your feelings. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:22:04 We don't need facts, just we have feelings. You saying the queen is dead reminded me of something I wanted to look up. And a lot of people know that she was given this golden Nintendo Wii. Like a real gold Nintendo Wii. And it's the only one that exists. It was like a gift to Buckingham Palace that they owned for a few years. It was from a company that made a Wii
Starting point is 01:22:31 game and they commissioned a golden Wii from Nintendo that they wanted to give in like a promotional stunt. Hey, this one's for the queen of a country. Are you guys down to make this? No, this is fact not cap. No, cap not fact. But fact check live. Idiot idiot aiden dumbass spreading misinformation Oh
Starting point is 01:22:50 It's not the Queen's we should ever accept information Was made for a queen then it was auctioned off later in purchased, but it was never ever given to the Queen I wish he let me get to the rest this you you did We hated him I hated you aided him. I aided him. You aided him! You got me back. And you- that's fine! It also wasn't made by Nintendo.
Starting point is 01:23:08 And also, no, it's a real first party console. You ate but he served. No, shut up. You ate but he served. Who am I? Who am I? You are Goofyaw. Hey, Goofyaw! And, uh...
Starting point is 01:23:23 I did a couple of besties. Bestie. Go ahead. And, uh... I did a couple of besties. Bestie, go ahead. And, uh... But... Serve me, bestie. I'm sure the queen doesn't even know about this week. Because, like, they never... She's dead.
Starting point is 01:23:31 The royal family never existed. This was years ago. That is a good question. Do you think the queen knows who Mario is when she was alive? Yeah, 100,000%. Do you think she knows... All I'm saying, me versus the queen, it's turtle game. I'm rapid biting. She's going down. She's dead.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Stop flexing your computer. Stop talking like that's not what he means. He's not going to play turtle game against a dead woman. Why are you talking? I'm going to invite the dead person to play WarioWare with me. Yeah, he's going to play with Prince Andrew. It's going to be fine. Is it illegal to say we'll mail you the queen's skeleton? Wow.
Starting point is 01:24:04 Because she already died And she's not a government official that's our country If I was working in a hospital And needed to donate her body for science I would mail you her skeleton I do love the idea of last week's listeners Who listened to the audio on day one They got like the ultra uncensored version
Starting point is 01:24:20 Of the episode We usually don't cut stuff but It did have to do with skeletons. Specifically, a certain skeleton. Anyway, go ahead. Sorry. So I went to this tournament in the Netherlands a few years ago,
Starting point is 01:24:34 and I met a controller collector there that I talked to for a while, and he was the guy who bought the Wii in the auction. So he owned it. Wow. And he has this site, you can check it out,
Starting point is 01:24:44 called, I think. And it's a really cool site if you just like video game memorabilia and shit. And basically, it's a catalog
Starting point is 01:24:52 of every first party like variation of every console and controller ever. And you can just dig through it and you can see, like there's these
Starting point is 01:25:02 really rare MTV GameCubes that got made like by Nintendo. You should be picking that kind of shit up instead of i kind of want to buy that gold we how much is that gold we so i don't know if the current owner is selling it but i reached out to him because the queen died and i was like i wonder what happened okay yeah i'll make sure the wii's fine are you and he said he said he had just sold it like six months ago for $36,000. Less than I thought. Yeah, that's what I thought. I thought that was way less than
Starting point is 01:25:31 I thought. I think it went back on auction and sold for like $200,000, right? Wait, is that Donkey Kong it comes with? He was the owner. He just sold this for $36,000. That was six months ago though, right? Why does it come with big family games? Because that was the dev that commissioned the week Why isn't it like Queens crazy panic?
Starting point is 01:25:49 We sports was making a queen of England I like how that's like a piece of info, but like it doesn't you could say that about anyone Oh, I'm fucking this was my brain. Jesus Christ This podcast was for the queen If it never gets to them, it's not really... We made it for Jesus. I think at the end of the day, it's made out of real... It does have real gold on it. Yes, it is valuable.
Starting point is 01:26:11 It's opulent. I'm homebrewing the shit out of it, by the way. Oh, yeah, and put Nintendo on that. Yeah. I'd break it on accident. Whoops. We boot it. We host a $100,000 PM tournament using only that Wii.
Starting point is 01:26:24 The golden Wii. And we host it in Malta, so PM tournament using only that Wii. And we host it in Malta so Nintendo can't come for us. We invite everyone that's Slicker scammed to compete in it. Yes, sir. And they win the whole pot. And they play. And the Wii. It's everybody that's Slicker scammed and Sosa.
Starting point is 01:26:41 Grand Finals is just Hasan versus Sosa. In the middle of Malta It's like no no no you don't have to Pay tax on your winnings it's actually fine You're paying back everyone that Slicker scammed uh yeah I'm gonna work to pay Back as many as I can Why are you paying slime
Starting point is 01:26:57 It's come up season brother Let's go The reason I'm doing it is cause I think I can just get Like a dumb sponsor I wouldn't normally get That covers A big chunk Of what people lost
Starting point is 01:27:10 And the loss Of that for me Is much smaller Than the gain For the people Who I'd pay back So you're extracting Value from some
Starting point is 01:27:18 Brand To pay these people back And the time Of my viewers Okay I like that Dude just take a gambling sponsor It'd be so funny I would not take a gambling sponsor be so funny i
Starting point is 01:27:25 would not do that so funny so counterproductive you know it's funny i will say ludwig six do his guns because it was over a year ago now there was that guy that got you like the acr deals and you did some acr stuff but then they like never paid us and we're like well fuck these guys and shit and that was just poker as well and that's when i decided i was against gambling and gambling. And I remember the guy messaged me because Ludwig doesn't respond to stuff. And he was like, is Ludwig interested in doing a sponsorship with a crypto casino for 50k a month? And at the time, that was the most I think we'd ever been offered besides like Raid for the LACS. And I was like, holy shit. So I asked Ludwig. Iwig i was like hey guy messaged
Starting point is 01:28:07 me he's like he said crypto casino for 50k a month and he snapped said fuck no and i i don't know why maybe it wasn't enough money but i i like to think that he did it because he was just like oh that's a bad idea i think it was the principles i have good morals i'm not teeing you up to say that but i do i do i did like that you instantly said no and I was like really you're like yeah I was like okay, sorry my follow G King lettuce Dude, yeah, it's so rude. It's everything. Any burger game, we can do this all day. You still get the tongue tattooed by the Mutt Locker. Mutt Locker.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Mutt Locker, but it's not in a store for shoes. It's where you can watch movies. The Mutt Locker starring Jeremy Renner in Iraq. And he's defusing Mutt's. He's defusing the Mutt's and if he doesn't, he'll get a fucking thousand. He doesn't make every Mutt come.
Starting point is 01:29:16 And at the end, he just goes straight back because, look, he's addicted to it, bro. My name's Jeremy. And this is the Mutt Locker. Yeah, this is a podcast. Think about this. Any Burger King menu idea you come with immediately becomes
Starting point is 01:29:30 funnier when you think about how that item is going to be sold at some place called Hungry Jack's. Hungry Jack's Diner, niggas. I was playing Power today and every time Skye talks and like she'll say something quirky
Starting point is 01:29:47 I'll try to do her accent and I was like I made myself laugh when she said that but I was like I was like yeah and after that I'm gonna wash me mutt and I was like I was like I was just kidding she would never do that
Starting point is 01:30:04 dude do you not be loving I was like, I was just kidding. She would never do that. Dude. Dude, me and Lubbock, me and Lubbock were driving around yesterday, and he kept doing an Australian accent, like the everything I would say, and he's gotten so good at it. It was crazy.
Starting point is 01:30:20 I got a lot better. He's in the car, he's killing it. Hey, you want to get Bucky's right now? You want to do it right now? No,. Really? He's in the car. He's killing it. I'm dying laughing. Hey, you want to get Bucky's right now? Oh, you want to do it right now? No, I can't do it on the spot. On the spot? No, actually, I'll do it.
Starting point is 01:30:31 I'll do it. I have a set design up. Yeah. Oh, fuck. I want Bucky Bears, bro. And I'll say the rest of that on the primo episode. We already hit our shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Time flies when you're imbibing in the drama chalice. Hey, everyone. We have a Patreon where we do extra episodes, and we're going to go there right now, and Ludwig's going to do something racist. Would you speak in an accent? Okay. You don't want to become an extra.
Starting point is 01:30:56 It's funny because we find them laughable. Whoa. So go to the Patreon if you want to see real hip hop, real accent shit. We'll battle rap It's been a wheel Chinese or Australian. All right. Goodbye now

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