The Yard - Ep. 66 - We went to Twitchcon. It was a disaster.

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

This week, the boys talk about their experience at Twitchcon, aMSa's win at Big House 10 and what it's like living with xQc....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do you like what I'm wearing? What are you wearing? I'm wearing the brand new merch. No, you're not. What's it say on it? That's not the merch. Oh, it's Boston. No, that just says Boston.
Starting point is 00:00:22 That's just Boston. No, no, no. Archie, edit the merch on me. I'm looking so sick. Archie, oh yeah, Archie, edit it on. You move a lot, so it takes a lot of work for it. Yeah, so we did the merch. It's Boston. No, that just says Boston. That's just Boston. Archie, edit the merch on me. I'm looking so sick. Archie, edit it on me. It takes Archie a lot of time to do. Yeah, so we did the thing. Oh. We did the thing again where we understock our merch and then it sells out. Sorry, but this time we set up pre-orders and we didn't explain it.
Starting point is 00:00:39 We have a pre-order. That means your merch that you're buying isn't made yet and we don't have it but it also means that it can't run out of stock and you'll never get it and it'll it'll arrive eventually who knows you'll never see your merch ever go to the if you want merch and you missed out because it's not too late for you and now enjoy the god the episode the rest of the episode see you later saved it and zipper gave us a up, so you can have your candy right now. You can have it. Did you hear about the fennel candy? Smoking weed. Dude, Nick was saying it, and he's right.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I need to stop making smoking weed songs. Why is that, Ludwig Unders? I went to TwitchCon, and I met up with Ludwig. One of the first things I said was, like, the weed smoking songs are poisoning our minds. I find myself singing one to myself every day everywhere i go smoking weed i do every single place for one last toke for me now i do this all day every day and i was like both all right man and weed smoking songs you say all right man i like i'll be i'll say like no and all right man like i'll just like say it like it's just like a phrase i'll use yeah like
Starting point is 00:01:44 not the whole voice and i'm like both of those things have completely ruined my brain it hits me the hardest when i'm at home alone with just the animals but i'm like i think i'm like borderline schizophrenic like i i walk around and i just talk i just talk to the cats in like full conversations with like a weird like You hate the other get I just and I do that all day I do that to my stuff shark from Ikea every one of us has been touched by you in so gay on one of them Is alive what clarify that yours is a stuffed animal? No That's a real cat react. Durs. No. Coots did it. Coots finally got it done.
Starting point is 00:02:26 Coots finally with the Mr. Mustard. Let me say, while you guys were busy this weekend. You were studying the blade? At Big House, I was studying the blade with Swift and Durs and Coots. You were practicing swords? Yeah, on them. Like Fruit Ninja, But with the guys And you two you were
Starting point is 00:02:47 You were busy and then went to TwitchCon So you're basically not here And then you were gone to TwitchCon the whole weekend I'm just in the house with the animals Alone Chopping it up with them And I learned two things I learned two things
Starting point is 00:03:02 One Durz's life is hell. When I don't have to pay attention to Ders normally, I think I just get little spurts of Ders being angry sometimes. Ders' life is torture now. And it's because of Coots. Coots makes Ders' life miserable at every turn. And I have learned that after taking care of him for a weekend. I actually feel really bad for Ders.
Starting point is 00:03:23 You're like Jane Goodall in The Chimps. Yeah, I'm learning about them. And I'm one of the cats. I'm the third cat. Yeah, you're the third cat. You're the big gay cat they like. How do you feel about this? Second thing first. Second thing is me and Swift's relationship mended.
Starting point is 00:03:39 I took him out to pee Saturday night. And, you know, we go out back. So he's playing Peeing in the Dark. And I'm like, you know what? And then so he's playing pee in the dark and I'm like you know what and then I about six feet to the left of Swift pee with him at the same time and we pee together
Starting point is 00:03:53 yeah that's what I believe you now and Swift loves Ludwig and our relationship and Swift loved me more for the rest of the weekend and I think it's cause I peed with him sometimes I shit where he shits yeah figure he smells me a bit more father and son didn't get there yet you guys trade off taste testing mmm well don't trade off I just see his right crab cake Swift says Swift doesn't poop with me at all
Starting point is 00:04:16 so I think that's the last barrier in our relationship I hate when you watch your pets why why cuz I come back to shit everywhere it's true they they shit why is it his because they have zero respect for him they think they can shit everywhere because he's a pushover okay no no you have no authority even animals don't listen when you speak your children will shit on the floor the shit i will show you only coots it's coots his poop and coots does that when you guys are home. He did. Aiden was mad about this
Starting point is 00:04:47 when I got here before, like, when I was, like, eating food in the kitchen. He was telling me about it. So this tracks. Coots shits on the floor all the time,
Starting point is 00:04:54 whether you're here or not. No, not when I'm here. Also, last time you guys were gone, you and Cutie were gone and I was watching them, I cleaned shit off of your bedsheets
Starting point is 00:05:03 for you. Yeah, that is so dog of you to sayets for you. Yeah, that's So sorry that your cat who you're not capable of training that you pushed your girlfriend to get true That's what I remember and I you said cutie if we don't Welcome back to the yard. Episode 117, everybody. We finally hit it.
Starting point is 00:05:30 It's been a long road, you know? It's actually 104. You know, we did a... 53. Jesus. You're just saying numbers. I have no idea. You're usually the guy.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I think it's 58. 58. We're in the 60s, guys. Zipper just said what what is real voice 60 no are we on 60 oh i was gonna say 65 i was gonna say 65 i don't think about it it's broken i don't go i don't think about shit numbers i don't do shit none of that shit we're we're deep in this podcast how do you feel about it so far ludwig when do they die pod and cam yeah like well they don't average that's the beauty is because people
Starting point is 00:06:06 get really weird and then they'll make reddit posts about how nobody's friends anymore and then it'll be a thing for like two years what are you talking about and then the fan base will never go away is this a reference that I don't know I'm thinking about like my brother my brother and me is this a podcast yeah which uh I didn't I never listened to it it was like one
Starting point is 00:06:21 clip of it which is really funny but there's apparently like a lot of like drama around how people think that the people on the podcast like each other. Oh, it's like a Mythbusters thing. Yeah. Except maybe not real. And sometimes they'll argue on the podcast and people are like, oh, fuck. Oh, shit. And I think that's really funny.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Because people do that with us. But it'll get more and more intense as our viewers age and get more attached to us. And then eventually Aiden's entrails will end up on a wall somewhere. That'll be me. Or Coots. What? Who do that to him. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:06:56 Do you think our friendship has grown stronger or weaker because of the podcast? Because of the podcast? Well, because the podcast has existed over the past 66 weeks. So if it didn't exist, would we be better friends? Do you mean because or do you mean during that time, just irrelevant to the cause of the podcast?
Starting point is 00:07:11 Yes. The second one. Correct. Okay, so I think what he's trying to say, correct me if I'm wrong, but with your words, use your voice, is that if we,
Starting point is 00:07:20 if the podcast never existed in parallel universes, the one we live in now and the one where we never do this does do. Are we better friends or worse friends? And now he's putting the mic nearest butthole. Oh, yuck. Dude, boom goes the dynamite.
Starting point is 00:07:34 He's been doing this so much more. Did you guys are just me? Yeah. What? You don't understand the influence you have both vocabularily and also ass-holily. Both in terms of what comes out of my ass and how mean I am. We're like little slimes that split off from you with different aspects of your personality. Even Cutie.
Starting point is 00:07:54 Even Cutie walks around being like, okay, Swiftman, Swiftman, hi, Swiftman. How many of the listeners do you think have been infiltrated by your mind tricks? People say that they call things bears a lot, which is cool. I think that's funny. We need a thing. I think I realized today when I was texting Yingling when I looked at four texts and they all ended with man, that I might have a problem. No, Yingling's
Starting point is 00:08:16 fucked. Yingling's brain is gone. Yingling is just like hit the pen one too many times. Do not talk about my little kitten like that. No, Yingling is computer Ram. Every time he goes to sleep, it just resets. And he has to relearn everything. This is why.
Starting point is 00:08:32 This is why the era of me, him, and XQC living together is going to be so exciting. That is a podcast. Trying to sell this to X. Ian's like, alright, you're in LA. You need a roommate. What about my man Yingling? What the fuck is this guy yeah it's x is like who's yingling i was like he's my personal assistant who gave you clothes the other day he's like it's cool i guess yeah
Starting point is 00:08:54 it's cool i don't know if i'm gonna fucking live with him but it would be a sitcom that'd be the best dream is just to live between them yeah heaven or hell make your choice we're talking about how I me and him enjoy the ambient sound of XQC
Starting point is 00:09:10 streaming I love it do you like it too I love X being here dude I'm so settled into it it's so comforting I like that I can
Starting point is 00:09:17 just kind of walk out and he might come out of the room and just like tell me about something for like 10 minutes and then leave and it's so
Starting point is 00:09:23 his energy is so high and I'm just like this is so high yeah i'm just like this is crazy he's great from 10 a.m to 2 a.m but that's all day that's most of the day at night it can be he's scary oh right he goes demon mode everything comes at a cost because he turns into the witch he turns into mr Tooth. He turns into Mr. Hyde. And then he starts smashing. Not his fault, but damn, he smashes. Do you think that... Has he done it more than once here?
Starting point is 00:09:50 No. Do you think that he likes it here? Yes. Aw. Yeah, he does. In my head, him streaming upstairs is sort of this nice real-life version of having his stream open in a little window on my computer screen. Yeah. But then it's like one of those
Starting point is 00:10:07 you know one of those YouTube videos that's like I'm at a party in 2009 in the bathroom while like the music plays or something. Yeah the Drake and Josh song. It literally makes me tear up when I think about that video. It's like that. It's like that. There's like a little filter on XQC's audio. Yeah it's low pass.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Yeah sometimes I hear Ludwig's like table slam filter on xqc's audio yeah it's it's a it's low pass yeah sometimes sometimes i hear ludwig's like table slam i'm like oh i gotta poke that stream up and see what happened in the video game but now i hear x just scream and i'm like i have enough time i can get to this streaming time yeah the delay is huge uh my that was one of my favorite eras of living with ludwig is when he did jump king or uh oh that was the worst that was the worst no because we would all watch it in the living room together it was cool at the beginning and then he kept losing and then dude there was the one day the tension was so one day where we watched you for three and a half hours straight it was it was it was the best content you ever put out that's not true oh i'm sorry do you get
Starting point is 00:11:01 to decide that that's the only time we have all watched you together in the living room for that length of time. Think about that. Yeah, your slime on the scene was peak of any YouTube video. Well, hey, what the fans say, I can't argue with. I thought that would hurt him. The other day I'm in his chat and I try to trigger him on purpose. Oh, I'm so fucking mad, bro. Because he does the outro of every Valorant stream where he fades to black and puts text on screen.
Starting point is 00:11:24 And I was like damn This is innovative. Yeah Turn my mic back on in like silence on a black chance. It's not fucking innovative Damn baited Like I will fade out my stream and people will be like, dude, this is like a movie. This is like changing the game. And I told Ludwig how stupid that is that people say that.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And so Ludwig was just being a chatter. I guess we're right. The fans are right. Because you are how you feel. You're getting owned right now. Yeah. Yeah. How do you say poop and wee-wee?
Starting point is 00:12:03 Poop and wee wee And Dooley sausage Me and X were talking a lot of French last night Because I was drunk off the Malbec Oh you were drunk Yeah I was drunk Ludwig was being a menace But it wasn't He didn't seem like drunk Ludwig
Starting point is 00:12:19 I looked into his eyes and I saw him So I was like wait you're here with me And I kept telling him You're not drunk but you're also not high wig so I don't know what's going on right now what was the special I think he was just wine drunk or something it was different it's a mixture of being a bit wine drunk but also when I don't stream I'm just full menace like all fucking weekend to every streamer I could I was like yo got this on your shirt and then I'd be be like you wanna check out what a viewer gave me and I was doing that all weekend
Starting point is 00:12:47 you're just like me I just don't have an outlet so I do what I dude this rules we're the same we're a little different no well cause sometimes your little bits cause harm well I'm also a hater and evil yeah no he's different because I would just be like hey lud do you wanna go home with me tonight he'd go meow
Starting point is 00:13:04 and I'm like that's so based I'm like what is that every time I ask him like I just want to know if you want to go with me cuz I'm gonna leave tonight and he would start doing a different cat thing he's like lick his hands okay you come over I'm like all right so do you want to go? And he's like, dude, we were, we were at the partner lounge. It was me, Hassan and I forget who else.
Starting point is 00:13:32 And we're just at this table together. And I call a truck to find out where he is. And I put him on speaker. I don't tell him though. And the first thing I say when he picks up as I go, hello, my little kitten. And he goes,
Starting point is 00:13:41 meow, right in front of Hassan. That's great. Oh God. It felt amazing. Hass front of Hasan? That's great. Oh, God. It felt amazing. Hasan just starts fucking laughing at him. Oh. That was great. So you went to the, you went Sunday, you went to the whole pimped out cum dump no loads
Starting point is 00:13:56 refuse event. Yeah. Did you refuse any loads? Not one. Not one load. Well, actually, the only thing I refused to load up Was signing their shitty twitch badge Uh who's People just asked you to sign their twitch badge
Starting point is 00:14:08 I was like I would do some cause I'm soft But I would say no to half the others It's the only thing I would say no to Why? Because it takes a long time to sign And I think it's a lot less valuable of a memory than a picture And the thing I am signing more specifically Is just so shit
Starting point is 00:14:22 It's like they printed it on site They printed it on site. They printed it on site. It's sticky. You can see the print lines. Like if you have a shirt, a hat, I don't care, but... Okay. The badge is just gonna literally
Starting point is 00:14:31 melt away in a month. Dude, someone came over to Big House. I want to hear about TwitchCon, but Big House, some guy came up with a shrink-wrapped copy of Over the Hedge on DVD. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:42 And he said, hey, Slime, can I have you sign something? I'm like, yeah, sure. And he pulls it out and he starts unwrapping it. And the front of it, maybe Wow. And he said, hey, Slime, can I have you sign something? I'm like, yeah, sure. And he pulls it out and he starts unwrapping it. And the front of it, maybe you can pull it up, Zipper, the front of this DVD cover
Starting point is 00:14:51 is just one of the bald animals, like a turtle. Does it have the turtle from the Haunt emote on Twitch? Yeah. I've never seen the movie. But I was like, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:15:01 So it's that second image right there. And I was like, why? I asked him, I was like, why am I signing this it's that second image right there and i was like why i asked him i was like why am i signing this because i thought he was trying to get me to sign a bald guy like next to the turtle and he's like dude i promise i promise you're just the first person and and i feel like you would sign it and then other people would sign i'm gonna get more signatures i'm like okay and i did and then he came and found me hours later. He was like, look, look, I wasn't lying.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Dude. It's like one guy who let me sign this social security card. No way. Yeah. Dude, that's money. It was at a rocket league. I think I told it on the pod. You did that?
Starting point is 00:15:34 No, you did not. I think I remember that. It must be a copy, right? It was the real one. I can tell. It was like the material. Yeah. I was just like, you did it?
Starting point is 00:15:43 Yeah. That is so bad. How do I not do that? What's bad about it? That's like a very important legal document. Who cares? Who asked? The government.
Starting point is 00:15:52 Plus ratio. Now it's even more important. Plus bald. Yeah, what do you think? The Fed's gonna be like, damn, is that Nick? They're gonna be like. Imagine. They're gonna be like, wait, which Envy?
Starting point is 00:16:00 He's so. Like the Texas. Envy the puff? Or what? Which Envy puff? Texas Envy the Puff Or what Which Envy Puff Which Envy the Puff Which call was It was alright
Starting point is 00:16:11 Why'd you go Sunday Why do you go to shit Uh I just like It's like in the It's like the industry we're in I just like to go to stuff And like be there
Starting point is 00:16:18 And see what it's like It's like It's just like cool to see What do you like about stuff That's not a melee tournament I think it's cool to just like This is the thing That we're all involved in And to just go cool to see what do you like about stuff that's not a melee tournament I think it's cool to just like this is the thing that we're all involved in and to just go and just see big
Starting point is 00:16:29 Fortnite statues and events and games and to see what everyone's doing I just want to see it with you until you said you went for a fucking Fortnite statue is that what what's that mean
Starting point is 00:16:40 I was talking about well the last TwitchCon they had like the whole they had the battle bus the whole separate section for only the Fortnite place and that you could stand in the title screen and drink chug jugs and i was like this is all cool that was where the come dump event was last year it was in the battle that was just an example that was here on the bus that was just an example of like i just like to go and see it that was like a gaming i think it was packs like three it was the one right before
Starting point is 00:17:06 COVID I think but they built out a gigantic fortnight themed mini golf course in one of the convention center buildings downtown and it was wild that was back when fortnight was like 300 million in revenue a month yeah and we're gonna spend it on mini golf my plan was to
Starting point is 00:17:22 go like walk through the venue for a little bit and spend the rest of my time like like, outside in San Diego. But then we just ended up hanging out with Hasan all day. And so we just. How was that? Did he complain? No. He's always having a bad day.
Starting point is 00:17:32 Did he have some bad days? He had some bad days in there. Fucking A, man. Tell you what. Not when I was there. Hasan. He told me I restored the vibes. Really?
Starting point is 00:17:39 Yeah. He told me that the weekend had terrible vibes and they stopped the second I got here. And he's like, I'm sure they're related. And he said, I restored the vibes why were there bad vibes he had two people come up to him maybe three that were kind of weird that were trying to get a reaction out of him
Starting point is 00:17:53 like weird how they were bringing up Sam Hyde who is a Nazi and wants to fight Hassan with his hands and that's annoying to Hassan this is I realize that
Starting point is 00:18:07 the answer doesn't really matter I want to clarify but is Sam Hyde actually a Nazi or is it for the bit do your own research liberal
Starting point is 00:18:14 yeah thanks why are you asking three guys who don't fucking I'll educate myself thank you I got shit on my own hands today
Starting point is 00:18:21 I would love a Michael Barbaro Sam Hyde interview no that that would be hype you're right stay on that you can't you got shit on your own hands that would be funny hype and we could we could orchestrate how do you do that because then it's like an interview type of thing curious so i went to big house yo so you went to big house while we went to twitch con and you tweeted out some subtweet bullshit yeah like your seventh grader yeah you went anyone who went to twitch con that can l cancel over over big house
Starting point is 00:18:50 is fucking on hood watch that's right is that the only reason i did not go to big house because i wanted to was i thought none of my friends were going really and i found out you were going like a day before and i was like oh i would have gone well you could still were going like a day before. And I was like, oh, I would have gone. Well, you could still have gone. Not the day before. I'm not going to book a flight like the day before. I said it in the boys discord. You don't read it anymore. I made a similar. You don't read it anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I do. I read that shit. Not you, bro. Not you little bro. What's funny is I've been seeing you open that discord, which is funny. He typed in there recently. Yeah. It's you know why I looked on his computer.
Starting point is 00:19:23 It's because he cleared all of his discords i remember it was like a year ago our discord of the boys is was like fucking seven yards down his list and i was like all the way and i was like why is that one all the way down there bro and he's like i don't i don't fucking know i don't fucking know he got all defensive now he cares about his friends and he hugs me when he sees me. What the fuck happened? To answer your question, our friendship has gotten better. He's a cat now. I could have swore Ludwig had a dream
Starting point is 00:19:53 where I died or something. He's just really appreciative of me being around now. Don't prod him right now. He's in this sensitive, loving state. We want him to say in it Did you do ayahuasca? This is nice. I did ayahuasca. i had ego death and now i love it yeah i tweeted out who'd you subtweet who are you referring to honestly you want the honest truth yes this cam this cam this cam ashkahn afghan uh you're obsessed wait that makes no sense
Starting point is 00:20:20 because i just thought or it's more that tier of person wait But Afghans is all in on content very little in on melee I want I liked the version of this where I continued to believe that was about Ashkahn because it's way funnier to me Ashkahn Thought it was about him. No, I was about Ashkahn Ashkahn also works at loaded So would it make sense Ashkahn works at loaded now? You guys are such bad friends. I knew that You're the bad friend. You didn't know that. No, I did. You don't even know what load it is. Dude, I talked to Ashkahn. You saw that load and you're like, none refused. That's true.
Starting point is 00:20:51 Yeah. No, I, Ashkahn's fine. I just think it's like TwitchCon to me is just like, as someone who already hates going to events, it's like, you're just going there because it's like a career thing. And it's like, it's not gonna, it's weird. It's weird. It's weird. All right, we got the five fingers of fake.
Starting point is 00:21:06 Number one, was it weird that the Veil went to TwitchCon instead of the Big House? I don't know. Was it weird that Void went to TwitchCon instead of the Big House? Uh, so Ultimate players are allowed to skip Big House. They don't have to L-Cancel. That's true, yes. He also can L-Cancel and beat you in Melee. He's really good in Melee, but Ultimate players are allowed to skip Big House
Starting point is 00:21:23 because Jungle Guy has traditionally been really shit to the ultimate players, and they're allowed to call that tournament Mickey Mouse. So then we can just already clear Nakat and EE? Yeah, but who cares about them? Wow! Five fingers of fate continues. Hugs.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Oh, 100% fake. Wow! Hugs goes to tournaments to fucking... Hugs will be fake for going to big house. You don't. Hugs goes to tournaments to fucking... Hugs will be fake for going to big house. You don't think Hugs did his time? Yeah, that's the problem. That's unfortunately the problem. Yes, he did his time.
Starting point is 00:21:51 Hugs did his time, man. But it's like, come on. I don't know. Hungrybox did both. Isn't that crazy? I was going to ask. Honestly, goat. Dude, some guy asked me to sign his badge and his only other signature
Starting point is 00:22:06 was hbox and i literally my brain broke i'm like i was like because i was only there sunday and i'm like is he here it was the only one yeah so in my in my eyes this guy has only been here today that was that best guy's day that i was just like how did he do this you could have pulled the crush the when uh i once saw crush take a copy of someone's melee, and they were having a bunch of players sign it, and Crush took the copy and then just signed over Mango and then gave it back. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:22:35 That's so sick. That's so mean. I could never do that. I'd feel so bad. Oh, it was. If I signed over somebody that they were excited about. Yeah, sure. Especially the GOAT.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I know we're on the fourth finger, but somebody needs to clarify for me, because know hungry box was at twitch con on thursday and friday friday morning he flew to flew to big house but then on saturday saturday he posted like a team liquid like party video I was like, is that? Did he fly back to TwitchCon? I don't know. There was a Team Liquid party, but I think, oh, the party. Or did he just, did he store the video
Starting point is 00:23:14 and post it the next day? But I was like, dude, I was like, did he fly back to TwitchCon and then fly back to Big House? I've connected the dots for you. He was at TwitchCon Thursday. The party for Liquid was Friday night. It was the backup party to the phase party
Starting point is 00:23:26 Which is a little hard to get into and he's also liquid and then he probably flew in Saturday morning and was late for his pools He wasn't late for his pools. He was late for top 32 the next day on Sunday or sorry But which is also funny because he's just like yeah I don't know they told me that and everyone in the world was like no We didn't here's what it's like what the fuck is why this tweet is so far from Juan is too much want talk It's too much want to talk about the average iterations going on go. Yeah, I want to go. I want to save it for aid in mail Why don't we give him a minute?
Starting point is 00:24:00 He's just trying to give me the word dog one for a minute You didn't know I was asking for the fifth finger. I don't care. Just give me the fifth finger. He's just trying to... Just give me the fifth finger. You want to dog Juan for a minute? No, I don't care. You're always asking for the fifth finger. I don't care. Just give me the fifth finger. Fifth finger's Ludwig. The only enjoyable for you. Ludwig. Okay, listen.
Starting point is 00:24:10 Ludwig, you are fine. I think you've reached a point to where you can go to TwitchCon and not Big House because you're putting on a tournament that's running at a six-figure loss. Meow. Meow. Okay, that's great. I did, though. I had this plan. i didn't execute it because
Starting point is 00:24:27 like it takes too much coordination it's kind of very self-serving but i thought it'd be really funny to gather a bunch of people or even get on stage uh during like a time where like no players were on and have uh and just do like the mr beast pan at the mall where and everyone just says fuck ludwig i thought that would be hype but i didn't want to organize it because it's like it's kind of like a look at me type of thing it is but it would have been funny I will say to join the fuck Afghans train even though I went up to him god bless his heart
Starting point is 00:24:53 I think he's doing great things and I think he'll be very successful yeah he's nice he said he could beat me in melee and I was like clown behavior that's crazy clown behavior you went to twitchcon this is just a bait to play Joe's evidence His evidence was I beat extra Who is that was that my 16 year old mod?
Starting point is 00:25:12 little guy at the lab I destroyed extra 10 straight on yes, and then extraer got the one right at the end. So we played on my stream and I was playing Foxpuff. My Fox, his Puff. And then he beat me into something. He popped off. Then I got mauled. Ended stream. Went on his stream and then beat him 10 straight. And then he went back on my stream and I think
Starting point is 00:25:38 I 3-0'd him the last time we played. Let's go. And I'll never let him win again because he takes it to heart too much. Yeah, yeah. You can't let him gloat to him i'm the same way you know i beat zeke in a couple friendlies any money match me i got real mad oh i've overheard you and aiden play don't worry it was the same you know what i found out connor your your friend connor yeah and also my friend i like connor a lot no con Connor Kelly, one of the TOs. Contra.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Contra. He was telling me so much about how evil you used to be. And I realized that when I'm evil to Aiden on the setup, he takes it because he knows. He knows he has no leg to stand on. No, hold on. He said, no, no, no. He said this story about Taco Bell once.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You tried to order taco bell and you got some whack ass basic bitch item and everyone in the dorm made fun of you and you had like a shit day and then they started playing melee you got your dick mixed up in melee and you started freaking out on it i don't wait in the? I've also erased my evil Ludwig memories. In the dorm? But that's, I realize, that's why he doesn't, he doesn't ever stop me from being evil to him because he himself knows.
Starting point is 00:26:54 I don't think Connor ever stayed with me in my dorm. This is the most slime thing ever, to be like, the reason you take my shit is because you're evil. I just need to hear Connor. I need to hear Connor tell me the story. Tell me it's true. I don't remember this. He's no longer evil. He's expelled
Starting point is 00:27:09 his evilness and he takes your evil because he thinks he's better than you at melee. That's why he takes your evil. Is that true? Is that what you think? No. Well, hold on. You should. You're better than me. I'm being bombarded by a lot of thoughts about who I am right now. He's a top 2000 player.
Starting point is 00:27:27 I have remedied a lot of toxic melee behavior no longer evil but I don't think that's why I withstand your bombardment when we play not because you think you're better? no this is obvious he used to never take it
Starting point is 00:27:43 and then I told him you can't get mad. You have to just laugh. That's all you can do. That's what I used to do. That's what I did when we first started playing. No, you do this now. No, no, no, no. I used to laugh when we first started playing.
Starting point is 00:27:56 And then someone would be like, you think it's fucking funny? You think I'm fucking joking around? Because I didn't think... I watched him do this. It took me so long to figure out that you weren't kidding. Dude, I keep looking over at Aiden and his hair keeps getting bigger and bigger because he's running his hands through it. I literally looked over and it was like a cowboy hat.
Starting point is 00:28:13 Sorry, go ahead. All of this aside. That was my theory. All of this aside. Pass that shit, brother. It's not because I don't think I have a leg to stand on, but I will acknowledge that I fully embrace my past toxicity in the game,
Starting point is 00:28:27 which is like, I'm not going to tell you I didn't camp Palika out three stocks down until he quit the setup. Yeah, because you're proud of that. You think that's funny. I'm not proud of it.
Starting point is 00:28:35 No, I think I would never do that now. That is like grimy and shitty and I think that was bad of me. Interesting. We shamed him. Yes! Yes!
Starting point is 00:28:42 Yes! Throw me in a match against Chef Q. It's an eight minute timeout and I'm winning. Don't talk about Chef Q, man. We're bringing up Chef Q. I shamed him. Yes! Yes! Yes! Throw me in a match against Chef Q. It's an eight minute timeout and I'm winning. Don't talk about Chef Q, man. We're bringing up Chef Q. Did Chef Q camp you? I camped him.
Starting point is 00:28:50 He camped him on a friendly where we were waiting in like SoCal Coliseum on stream. And it was like a friendly rotation of me, Chef Q, who plays Samus at the time. Was this friendly? And Ludwig. And Ludwig timed him out in a friendly. That's funny. Okay, hold on. It was insane.
Starting point is 00:29:04 That's funny. You guys might have already answered it. Who have you camped the hardest in your melee career? Ooh, I have mine. I have mine. Top of my head. Because I used to get on anthers and Shino stall a lot. Like not- And you're a freak.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah, okay. You're a freak. You're not beating the- I'm not assessing bad allegations. And never to like time people out, but just to like make people mad because like if they you you couldn't quit in rank matches it wasn't even a play to like it wasn't even a play to like win the game it was to hurt their feelings it was because in like 2018 in 2018 it's like people this is what happened you remember when shred like got mad at me on twitter that time shred
Starting point is 00:29:44 quit out on me when i shino stalled like six times in a row it's not like i did it very long that's like be honest with yourself that's like eight seconds of gameplay a lot of shino stalls in a row there but people people if you just don't if you just stop running at people people will get upset like even if you do it for a reasonably short amount of time and i was telling dr noodle slam about this and i was like watch this i will i will shino stall for an entire game and we'll see what happens so we go to my room and i queue up against a rebel from colorado and i proceed to shino stall and needle and needle camp the entire game and I go back and forth without ever
Starting point is 00:30:26 approaching without ever approaching and I have the lead and I play a 22 minute best of three with rebel and he just choose me out on the timeline and and I that is the oh you won
Starting point is 00:30:42 and yeah and that's the hardest I've ever came somebody is a rebel on smash letter in a 22 minutes win the set. That is the hardest. Oh, you won. Yeah, and that's the hardest I've ever camped somebody is Rebel on Smash Letter in a 22-minute set. That's the longest I've ever camped. And that was five years ago. Would never do that now.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Yeah, because you're just too busy. No, because I don't think, I think ultimately, I did that specifically. Think about, that is the hardest I've camped someone by a wide margin.
Starting point is 00:31:10 And that was to make my friend laugh which that is a good reason if someone's next to you i think we've had this conversation before as well but certainly noodle sam's not laughing all 22 there right the doc no he's a psychopath yeah the doc's laughing aiden aiden and sam are very clearly made made for each other sam used used to describe Melee this way. He got into Melee because he found out that wobbling existed, and he said that fun in Melee is a zero-sub game, and the worse time my opponent is having, the more fun that I will have. That's Aiden's best friend. So we've been trying to actually
Starting point is 00:31:48 undo, I think, a lot of the damage the doctor has prescribed to you. The doctor's medicine gave you. The doctors will give you cocaine for your headache. They give you cocaine and they finger your butthole. We bring Kalen in for the lime squeeze in his eyes. Doctor, we need to try something new.
Starting point is 00:32:03 My kid's a fucking moron bring back the bot me's for you bro well you can't put anyone bro oh you don't have the patience no you know it's funny though to like it to talk about what happened at the tournament is i uh i like choked real bad my first round and then i played this luigi oh glue huffer i remember i walked your bracket yeah glue huffer got me for a wild one. Yeah. I ended up going off the stage like four times, but he,
Starting point is 00:32:28 uh, so I, I lost to that. And then the next person I had to play was the loser of an ICS Luigi match. And I was like, Oh, okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:32:36 That's great. It's a great time. And, uh, and like Zeke's watching me, bonfires watching me who teamed with me. And, um,
Starting point is 00:32:42 and it's like, I'm like sighing. I'm playing this Luigi. It's not going well. I'm like like i'm like sighing i'm playing this luigi it's not going well i'm like i'm like you know but i like yes honey getting up for work you know putting it in and i was like you know what no not today and i sat there and i fucking played falco luigi like a champion and i actually beat the person which was crazy because i didn't i didn't think i had the patience and then um it was fine but that was my because I didn't think I had the patience. It was fine, but that was my bracket. It was cool.
Starting point is 00:33:07 I had a really good time. I think it was nice. I'm glad. I'm glad you had a fun time. I had a fun time at TwitchCon. I think we are both happy with the decisions we made. I said it on Twitter, but I'm in a real sweet spot right now where the only people that come up to me are those who have deemed themselves the strongest warriors who like
Starting point is 00:33:25 just are normal people and they're like dude okay i i everyone was great except for one person who's an asshole but i won't bring that up but i bring in the ones because everyone wants to hear the interesting cringe interactions which this wasn't but okay so this person comes up to me i i worded this wrong this person comes up to me and uh i'm walking by and they kind of stop me and he's just like doctor you know it puts his hand out and i'm like what i love him and i stop how will he fuck this up how will he he's off to a great start right now i was like i was like what he's like oh sorry it's like a it's a it's a thing you do on the podcast i was like what are you talking the podcast i was like what are you talking
Starting point is 00:34:05 about and i was like what are you talking about and he's like and he starts getting really flustered he's like i mean you know it's like it's like a joke you did once and i was like i don't remember that like what what was that from he's like do you really want to know i'm like yeah yeah i do and i'm not like being a dick or anything i'm just like i'm engaged at the very least you're probably a little bit. Yeah, I don't think your retelling voice is a little softer though No, I genuinely this is how it went and he was like he was like yard episode 3 And I started laughing and I'm like oh man, and then he starts freaking out and he's like, I'm sorry This is stupid like I'm being stupid like I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:34:43 He like wants to exit he wants to fucking to inject like a monkey in space and just fly away if he just looked you the eyes yeah my doctor and I'm like and I noticed Chris you really flushed I'm like yo it yo relax it's okay everything's fine I was like I appreciate the deep cut and I put out my face like it's nice to meet you it's like nice to meet you too And he's like, nice to meet you too. Did you rewatch episode three? That was fine. No, I didn't. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:35:08 All right, viewers, let us know where it's from. Any episode three enthusiasts. Yeah, because apparently I would just be like doctor or like Mr. President. I remember Mr. President. If he did Mr. President. Mr. President is a classic. I'd be like, I do that all the time. I used to.
Starting point is 00:35:18 So yeah, that one was pretty good. I'm trying to think what you could have meant if you ever did that. Like, are you talking to a doctor Are you the doctor Doctor I don't know I kind of vaguely remember this Doctor
Starting point is 00:35:31 Dude that's never happened Vote on your phone This is Mandela Effect The guy was really sure He's running a deep cut bit If he says the episode number, I believe him. I just have to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:47 But I just, I don't remember. Also a great out. Make up a bit and then be like episode 17. Yeah. Sorry. Oh, you don't think what I said was funny? Well, you said it. So that was good.
Starting point is 00:35:58 There was another interaction that was really funny. We were getting dinner and it's me and False and natalie and zeke and and there's someone right next to us and uh it's this girl and she's like oh i hear you guys talking about big house are you did you guys go i'm like oh yeah i turned around she's like oh you're slime and what yeah and it's like the thing and she knew bonfire who i teamed with bonfire is an extremely good chic player who like carried me and uh we we went like four two it was really fun and bonfire is an extremely good chic player who like carried me and uh we we went like four two it was really fun and bonfire is great and she was like oh i was talking to bonfire she said she teamed with you and she said oh wow yeah i team with slime slime so good and then i stopped and
Starting point is 00:36:36 i was like no she didn't because bonfire would never say something like that and she's like no i swear i swear and i was like i don't think you're telling the truth and then we like ended like all right nice to meet you i see bonfire way later at the casino that night i'm like did this happen did you see this person who looks like this and say slime is so good she's like no she said i would never say that i was like i know it's like when i make up a chat message to do the reply that I want to say. Yeah. Smart. And so it's like,
Starting point is 00:37:08 so you fucking capped person. Remember that. I'm shit and Bonfire knows that. I had the greatest fan interaction of all time ever in my life. What happened? I was in disguise in TwitchCon because although there's 30,000 people
Starting point is 00:37:22 injected into San Diego who all know Twitch that I'm a pretty big part of for a brief moment. No, you're not. And no, you weren't. Like a month at least. Give me a month. I thought you were cool.
Starting point is 00:37:34 Thanks. Appreciate that, doctor. And to basically navigate around without having a crowd form, because even though only 10% or 20% of people there, like maybe are a fan of me, like 50% will recognize me and then want a picture of me just to have it. And then it becomes like the Pokedex.
Starting point is 00:37:52 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so I would wear my Top Gun hat and a mask and almost no one would come up to me. And if they did come up,
Starting point is 00:37:59 they'd usually like be pretty sly about it. And I knew that this guy's worked because I tested it out. Uh, when I saw Tarek like five feet in front of me and i walked up quietly in my disguise and i tapped him on the shoulder and i without saying a word i took my phone i went and then i put it away and i went and then i walked away and he just looked weirded out and i went back to him five minutes later i was like yo he's like whoa you should have just posted it i did i tweeted at him no but before you talked to him. No, I did Okay, I did all this okay, and I did the same with XQC and in the same with canoe which was on stream
Starting point is 00:38:30 So there's a little clip of it So no one knew you can you find out because I think his chat told him like he's a little suspicious And I tried to do with this on and apparently I did it was to a son. He's a bodyguard his bodyguard was like There's people fucking with them and the Sun had to back on be like whoa whoa whoa because he recognizes me in time Wow, I might have got my Your neck broken. Yeah So this guy's worked I see a guy in a mogul moves mint hoodie I be lying towards him and I'm by this guy's and I go and I go can I get a picture?
Starting point is 00:39:01 He doesn't know it's me at first and he's like yeah And I'm like, it's just like a normal person, right? Yeah. And then I weirdly say your phone because I don't have the picture. And then as I say that, I guess he recognized and he's like, oh, and we take the picture while we're taking it. Someone else comes over. So I take a pic with them and I see out of the corner of my eye that the kid with his sister, he's like a 16 year old kid with his older sister.
Starting point is 00:39:23 And they start jumping and dancing in a circle Yeah, like it like they were so excited that that event had occurred and then it came back and he's like he's like He's on this like yeah, and then I like gave him a hug and then I walked away and they cheered again Like I gave the football after a winning touchdown. Yeah, like a kid in the sand. Cool. I almost had a slime
Starting point is 00:39:49 moment, but I thought about how good my odds had been that day because I only had one negative interaction. Yeah. And it was just me saying me out.
Starting point is 00:39:57 What is that? I'm just like I'm just chilling and I'm in like I'm in what's considered like a safe zone. Like I'm like enough place that like only kind of partners can go and then remember we're over there like I'm just chillin and I mean like I mean what's considered like a safe zone like I'm like enough place that like Only kind of partners can go and in remember we're over there like everything's very chill hmm Never we exit that zone it becomes like swarms of people who knows whatever so we're like we're in the safe zone
Starting point is 00:40:16 There's no creeper spawning over here is all I do and this torch is on the cage This dude comes up to me, and he's like yo you want vine And I'm like, still? I'm like, what? I just don't, I don't know what to say. I can't know what's happening. It's a bad question. He's like, you on, he goes, you on, you on, you on MySpace?
Starting point is 00:40:34 And then I said, oh, I said, oh, I see the bit. We're saying old social media. And he kind of just keeps looking at me. And I'm like, right, Friendster. And he's like, huh? And then I look at him again. And I'm like right friendster and he's like huh and then i look at him again i'm like oh how old are you like you don't know that one or whatever and he's like i'm 80 and i i looked at him and i was like i'm gonna have a slime moment i was like i'm gonna freak out of this guy and so i just said i'm gonna go that way yeah and i just turned around
Starting point is 00:41:02 communicated like a conversation on RuneScape. I'm like, what's the end goal of the bit? That was Smarter Child. He found him. He's real. Yeah, that was the only, that was the worst of it. That's pretty good. That's not too bad at all.
Starting point is 00:41:20 I thought about how good my odds had been, and I said, he doesn't deserve me getting this mad I think I'm pretty good at the one bad literally bad interaction I had at big house which again was perfectly fine but the most interesting ones are the ones that are spicy it was this person came up right after teams when me and
Starting point is 00:41:38 bonfire played and they came up they started talking to bonfire like oh I'm a huge fan of your sheet and she's like oh thank you and she looked at me and she's like, you're Ludwig's friend? I was like, uh-huh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I was like, I'll get it, right? You get one. Everyone gets one.
Starting point is 00:41:52 That's okay. And then I was like, yeah, yeah. They're like, snail or something like that? And I just kept doing it. It keeps going. I was like, you're being annoying. You're being annoying. You have to stop this.
Starting point is 00:42:03 I don't like this. You're being annoying. And then Bonfire, instantly to diffuse the situation, jumps in. She's like, look at this picture of a cat. And you're like, now? I love Bonfire, dude. It's like you need one at all times. You break the emergency safe.
Starting point is 00:42:18 Yeah. She was 100% ready. Did you guys see that video of Adriana Chesik breaking her back? Bro, you were front row. What happened? I wasn't there at the time, but I went to that booth later, and it was one of those giant paddles, and you're supposed to knock someone off a platform.
Starting point is 00:42:34 And I did it with X and Will and Rich, and I was peepo's elbowing into the pit because we were doing WWE wrestling. And then after I saw that, she had jumped into the same pit because they said jump in on all the broadcast and it was like Supposedly chill there's landmines. It's jigsaw voice Yeah The video so bad she does like a cheer job and then It's so solid and what sucks is right after says someone are you okay? She nods her head? Yes, and then lands on her ass Dude it's so solid And what sucks is right after she says someone are you okay
Starting point is 00:43:05 She nods her head yes and then immediately goes no And rides in pain So this reminded me There's a jackass episode where Bam Margera breaks his tailbone And tailbone injuries don't look that bad No But then the person just literally can't move and you're like uh oh
Starting point is 00:43:20 Tailbone bruising is also bad I bruised my tailbone in high school in the worst way possible what were you doing ludwig i it was the end back shots of that wouldn't be the worst way that'd be tight if i was taking back shots in high school it's the freest joke right i'd be super cool it was it was the it was the teacher you guys scooped it's fucking your brain anyway it was the end of school and we were just waiting I think for some shit like To leave we were chatting and there I was Next to a trash can it was like a waist high one
Starting point is 00:43:52 And I go to jump up to sit On it and it has like a Like a curve that's like kind of smooth But like a corner and my tailbone Just like gets violated By that and I just hit it spot on It felt like my weak spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:07 Like I'm a titan. And they just found it. And then you have like an idol animation where they can hit you and do as much damage as they can. Dude, I couldn't like sit in chairs for like three months. That's how I felt this summer.
Starting point is 00:44:21 I didn't do the donut because I didn't want to be embarrassing. Do you know about that? Yeah, a little. Yeah, if you bruise or break your tailbone. You get a little pillow. It's like a little donut-shaped pillow. Oh, and you sit on it?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah, so your tailbone ass can sink into it. So I just writhed. But it sucked. Yeah, that sucks. It's so easy to hurt. Hey, who's Adriana Chechnik? She's a porn star, former porn star, real porn star still. Twitch streamer.
Starting point is 00:44:44 Yes. Yeah, think about that. First, former porn star. Former porn star? Real porn star still? Twitch streamer. Yes. Yeah. Think about that. First, former porn star is, I think, what you were alluding to. I was trying to answer the... I wasn't alluding to shit. You don't know her at all? No. Oh, I thought you were, like, setting it up. No. You thought that too, right? I did think he was trying to do a bit
Starting point is 00:44:59 where it's like... No, I just said it. I didn't because I counted on his ability to not know anything about these people. That's true.'t i didn't know messy it'd be weird if you knew actually be more on brand if i did if what you're saying is true yeah what do you know if like was there like a structural thing under there that she hit like why did it do so much damage oh it was the knives it was the concrete floor of the venue they just put foam on the floor yeah i thought it was like a my understanding or what i thought happened from the video was like it was the knives. It was the concrete floor of the venue. They just put foam on the floor Yeah, I thought it was like a my understanding or what I thought happened from the video was like it was a regular foam pit But there was some sort of thing in the middle that was supposed to like not be an accessible area
Starting point is 00:45:35 And then she jumped on it, but it was just concrete. There wasn't enough Concrete that is crazy. I mean I make it but which is like we didn't expect him to jump in the wasn't twitch It was Lenovo. Legion. The laptop. Yeah, Lenovo leaving. You know what's fun, though, is in the court of popular opinion, that doesn't matter. And it was Twitch.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I thought it was Twitch. I don't know. That's tight as fuck. Isn't that funny? Yeah, Twitch gets owned for any decision. They're in, like, the worst PR symbol of their life. Yeah. Even if it's not them.
Starting point is 00:46:04 It's over and over they're just catching L's they're certainly also not like trying to get W's like cutting pays I saw the video of I think it was Jake and Bake where he like says hey I just met he was doing like an IRL stream at the venue and he says I just met with the president
Starting point is 00:46:19 we were talking really seems like a nice guy personally but I left that conversation depressed. Like it feels really unfortunate that, that the platform is led by somebody who is so disconnected from like creators and everything on it. And I was like, damn,
Starting point is 00:46:35 you learned that in like a five minute conversation. Wait, are they talking about Emmett? No, his name's Dan. He's the president, not the CEO. And he was,
Starting point is 00:46:42 he looks like Richard Branson. He was walking around the venue meeting with streamers. I saw him meet with a couple people. I didn't realize who he was. I thought he was someone's grandpa at first. So he's just like asking people what a mogus is and shit? Could be both. He could be.
Starting point is 00:46:53 He was, I think he was like trying to, I don't know. He's very like, he's like a wild man. Like he had a conversation with a streamer who was watching like TV on stream and got banned. And he's like I Thought it's funny like keep doing it Maybe base, but it seems like a loose cannon. That's really interesting Well, it's just so disconnected from like what's actually going on It's like doesn't give it like it doesn't matter if you think it's like cool or not It's like yeah, you're saying your platform been yeah, you're saying the wrong thing if that reminds me there was somebody streaming uh there was this
Starting point is 00:47:28 thing about a japanese streamer playing splatoon uh and you know how splatoon works where you're like covering the map and paint uh and the paint of the two sides like each team has a different color of paint that they're trying to color cover the map with and you can like swim through the paint and the game modes all revolve around how much uh you cover the map and this streamer chroma keyed the color of the paint in obs and set a porn video onto it so that if he lost the match oh he got banned he would get banned that's so he had to win yeah that's extremely smart but it's not right like he still gets banned, right? Cuz always platoon works is that it shows you the color at all times. Well, I'm just in little bits though cuz like Has to fill out
Starting point is 00:48:19 I do the idea that like oh no, it was like it was like 2% of the screen, but it was it like a nipple Yeah, fuck. That's what i'm thinking it's a genius idea there's a guy who did jump king but every time he fell he fell into a dunk tank oh i saw that guy it was good yeah and then cutie had that idea where she has a like the nathan fielder robot that lifts her bra if she doesn't beat something oh yeah that's a man that was a crazy bit that nathan billard um yeah i think about that a lot yeah that episode that bit yeah it is really all in yeah what is this bit dude the one where he he has a like a game show audience and i think the idea is that if he loses the game show he is a he is a children audience yeah that's what okay i was gonna get to that part if he loses the game show
Starting point is 00:49:05 there's an audience of children in which he exposes himself to and in addition beforehand he says i am voluntarily doing this and i am going to expose myself to these like he leaves no legal interpretation for it being a bit there's people in the comments like no he's actually a fucking chill guy like people actually don't understand what he was trying to do. Nathan Fielder, he literally talked to a lawyer and he's like, how can I make it so I can't get out of this legally? And then the robot got his pants off and was touching his undies. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:36 Deep. Dude, it was crazy. It was honestly one of his best bits. Hey, dumbass. Hey, come on. Don't call them dumb. Whoa. Well, I just don't think that you have what it takes
Starting point is 00:49:45 to be brilliant. No you don't mean that. I mean it. For real. Because you don't know about Are you like a Swedish model? Is that your angle?
Starting point is 00:49:56 Are you going to cry? Brilliant has thousands of lessons. has thousands of lessons. Do you like puzzles? Do you like little puzzle games? Are you a puzzle boy? Do you like being a little puzzle nerd? I like puzzles and I like math.
Starting point is 00:50:11 They wanted us to say that hands-on learning is such a better way to learn. I'm going to put my hands on you and you'll learn. Learn a little every day. Guys, We're going to do a puzzle with Ludwig's persona here, which has become some sort of emotionally charged person. I can do this! I'm getting smarter every day. Never do casino probability, because we like to gamble because we're addicts.
Starting point is 00:50:34 Okay. So there's casino probability. This is actually, you will win if you use Brilliant. This is just an example. Can we just do a whole pod where we play little games? You will not perform better or worse when you gamble based on your... Get it twisted. Brilliant die works like Red Bull. It gives you wings.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Draw one card at random from the eight shown here. What is the probability you draw a jack or a diamond? There's four aces and four jacks. Four jacks. Five eights. Five eights. Lock it in. Dude, just five eights?
Starting point is 00:51:00 What? Yeah, five eights because there's five of the eight cards. I do it a little every day and I've learned a whole lot along the way. That seems really easy. Okay, let a little everyday and I've learned a whole lot along the way. Okay, Ludwig beat us and I feel stupid. If you draw 4 cards at random without replacement from the 5 shown above, what is the probability all of the cards are aces? 1 out of 4. No.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Shut up, Ludwig. 1... FUCK! 1 fifth. It is 1 out of 4. It was 1 out of 5? If you draw 2 cards from a shuffled standard 52 card deck, what is the probability they are the same suit? 1 over 13 times 1 over 13 is 1 over 169. Why is it not on the fucking board?
Starting point is 00:51:31 It's 4 out of 17. Here's the thing. I've been citing since last year. Here's the thing. The answers are important. It doesn't matter that Aiden got that. It doesn't matter about getting it right or wrong. It's about learning.
Starting point is 00:51:44 It's about learning. It's about getting a little brighter every day. I didn't even use the code. It's about- I didn't even use the code because I thought I learned so fast. Ludwig, Ludwig, it's going to be alright. I want to know what the code does. Ludwig, Ludwig, do you want to get smarter?
Starting point is 00:51:52 Well, I was trying to. No, do you want to get- we can help you. Yes. If you go to slash the yard, the first 200, you can be first. We'll tell you first. We won't release it yet. You can be the first one. The first 200 people get 20% off the annual premium subscription gonna be I would do without the money saving, you know, I don't I don't actually believe him right now. He doesn't have real tears. I
Starting point is 00:52:14 can't get But yeah Come on get raw for me think about some real sense Really now or get your get your money on Get your money up, not your funny up, and get your intellect, your brain up. He's trying so hard to cry. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:52:32 He'll get there, but until he does, you check out You get 20% off, and this might be the first time I ever see Ludwig cry in real life. There's no tears. I don't think he... Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:52:44 He got there oh my god what did you think about what did make you think about just go to the website and back to the podcast on the subject though of injuries I was thinking a lot about CTE
Starting point is 00:52:58 and I was thinking like that there's probably what fucking Felix this morning he was like Felix do XQC was like hey how's your CT even going talking about my chest boxing event he was in the last episode by the way yeah that killed me when I saw it yeah people were like whose finger is that and it's like did you see it when it happened no I didn't you know I can't see it. It looks like none of us notice. No,
Starting point is 00:53:27 for sure not. I definitely did. I asked him about it. He's like, it was me. I was thinking, I was like, you know,
Starting point is 00:53:31 like NFL players are getting their brains turned into sludge. Yeah. I was like, yeah, there's gotta be like a sweet spot for CTE where like you get hit enough times to where like you can still recognize your mother's face, but also like every day is like really happy. So you're talking about lobotomy.
Starting point is 00:53:47 They tried this. Well, no, a lot of lobotomy doesn't make you happy. I'm saying I bet there's a way you can hit your head and you're thinking what doctors thought is what I'm saying. No, because doctors are trying to keep people dumb. No, they were. They were trying to fix them originally. You know, like the first time you ever like saw Shrek, you're not going to bring back
Starting point is 00:54:03 lobotomy. Stop trying. I'm not trying. I'm just saying I bet there's a football player out there who quit he was a D1 football player, quit and he's like every day it's like the first time he saw Shrek. Yeah, but then he got hit just in the right spot.
Starting point is 00:54:16 Just right. I'll take it. Imagine him living that perfect life and then he gets hit one more time on accident and then everything is just shit And then he gets hit like one more time On accident and then everything is just shit And then he forgets like English This is like Psych 101 they talk about this Like the guy who had his brain impaled like by a train
Starting point is 00:54:33 Or some shit Impaled by a train? It was like he was working on a railroad You can powerbomb the death train He changes personality after Like he flipped Oh yeah he became like a dick There's also a Simpsons episode where Homer gets a crayon the death train. He changes personality after. Like he flipped. Oh yeah. He became like a dick. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:45 Yeah I remember that. Huge asshole after. There's also a Simpsons episode where Homer gets a crayon in his brain. Crayon? I say crayon. It's his crayon? I say crayon. No. Do you know what my sister says? Crayon. Your sister is dumb as fuck.
Starting point is 00:55:02 Isn't that crazy? She's just dumb bro. And then I was like that's not a thing you're making that up to be cool and she's like no i just just what i say and i'm like we're related i don't know how you would have found that in the archives and i looked it up and this is a thing there was like there was like a subset of people who just heard it that way first and then they say it if you say crown sound off because you know your night terror story people were like oh my god i've had the same thing ludwig has people said that we all like even my thing that like i got so many dms
Starting point is 00:55:31 like this happens to me all the time i didn't know it was a common experience so if you are all if you're like nick's weird sister and you say crown that's also you're all fucked up it's also weird if you say crant yeah you skip You skip a letter. Yeah. Right? It's a giant letter right in the middle of it. It's very British of you. It's very, there's so many vowels. English, all the words sound normal and there's a lot of logic to how they're said. Oh, hey, Aiden, how about you tell me what it, what's the word when you like, you get something from someone to give it back?
Starting point is 00:55:59 Do you want to borrow my fucking, my fucking school book here? How do they spell it? How about you say it first? I'd borrow it. You eased up. That's not how he says it. He says it in normal speech. He'd be like, yeah, so I borrowed it. I borrow.
Starting point is 00:56:17 It actually destroys a room. Everyone stops what they're doing like clock stoppers. And they look at you. Like, what they're doing like clock stoppers. And they look at you. Like, what the fuck did he just say? Like,
Starting point is 00:56:28 he's at a slur. That's how weird you are. I say cram, people are like, it's all good. I was listening back to old episodes recently. I think it was episode nine
Starting point is 00:56:35 when we were asking Ludwig how you say PSG and he was like, how do you say jamo? You like that. I was just saying that to myself and like in the car
Starting point is 00:56:44 and he's like, why are you saying that? And I was reminding him that he said that and then uh he was like i don't remember that and then um and he was like i don't even think that's the right way to say it and he was like x how do you say psg and x just like looking at his phone he looks up and he goes psg oh my god dude sir I'm like fuck genius he was watching a clip cause it was like he was watching
Starting point is 00:57:10 I think it was NMP's stream and it was like Nick and Milena and um Rich Campbell all in the kitchen doing their thing and then someone was like oh X is watching us and they all kind of like straighten up and everyone's like hi X and Rich Campbell's like X do you know who I am and oh X is watching us and they all kind of straighten up and everyone's like hi X and Rich Campbell's like X do you
Starting point is 00:57:26 know who I am and then X is watching I'm watching XQC stream watching this and he starts explaining he's like cause every time I see you we just like you like introduce yourself and I don't think you've ever remembered me and X is just like who the fuck is this guy and it was
Starting point is 00:57:42 obviously a bit but his timing was right on and I'm like yeah he's he knows what he's doing it feels good look yeah we x needs to move in that's what i'm saying dude he's got this like uh you know those like easy sandals but like easy crocs yeah he's got those when anthony got here today you went to go like i did put him on i went to get pants out of my car yeah you're like you're like i'm gonna put these guys on and i'm like i don't think he knows that like what these are or that they're xqc's and you just step into them with your heels like crushing down the back yeah yeah i didn't treat him well. Oh, you stepped on the back. Those are expensive shoes. Zipper, can you pull up the night mask from Majora's Mask?
Starting point is 00:58:28 And it's on Link's head, because that's what they look like on your feet. But yeah, so I just put them on. No, can you Google Existenz teeth gun? Okay, do both of those. I got to give him a second. Can you Google a castrato Don't do that Do you guys know what that is
Starting point is 00:58:48 Yeah It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:51 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:51 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like
Starting point is 00:58:52 It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like It's like Damn, bro. It is called the Night Mask, and it also costs 500 rupees. So think about that. What was that a reference to? That's what the shoe looks like on your foot.
Starting point is 00:59:11 What's the extends? Heath. Gone. Yeah, that's what his shoes look like. All right, now pull up the castrato. We can't pull that up. That is someone who sings at a higher pitch. You guys didn't answer my question. Someone said class stress of Clans.
Starting point is 00:59:25 Before puberty. It's like, what's the other auto? Mated? No, fucking the other singing tone of voice that you can. Pulsado? Oh,
Starting point is 00:59:35 vibrato. Vibrato. Yeah, a castrato, there's still a recording of it and it's kind of horrifying. Yeah, I don't want to listen to that.
Starting point is 00:59:42 What is this? It's someone who's a singer. They're a boy. A young boy. Is Tiny Tim like that? No. I think he just has an unusually high-pitched voice. What about Kellen Quinn? That's really one person. Is a castrato just a eunuch that sings?
Starting point is 01:00:00 It's the timing of the unification. Eunification. Oh, you can become a eunuch after puberty. Is that why? That's not where eunuch comes from. Eunuch? Unification? No, because you unify the genitals.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Because to be truly equal, we all need to get rid of our dick and ball. Wow. And vaginas. And vaginas. And vagina. We need to fill them. Yeah, we fill them with cement. And then we all become the same.
Starting point is 01:00:26 Yeah. This is the plot of Ergo Proxy, the anime, by the way. It's the scene when they pour, like, hot lead down an ant hill. Awww. And then they push it off and they're like, damn, it looked like a space station. Oh no. Yeah. Oh my
Starting point is 01:00:42 god. What are you guys- you're acting like you have pussies! It's the same- I do! I'm empathetic with them. You're a pussy empath? I'm friends with one. AHHHHHH!
Starting point is 01:00:51 AHHHHHH! SCOOTER RUNNING ON IT! SCOOTER RUNNING ON IT! Wake up, Aiden. I uh- So, by the way, the goat lost. He got second at uh- Thank god.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Cause he would have so many episodes charged and loaded. I know, yeah. Couldn't hold it all. He lost to Amsa It was a Yoshi player And it's like his Landmark historic event And it's funny because
Starting point is 01:01:10 So we're Mayhew was wasted At the casino After the tournament He's not having a good day And he's like He's pissed He's sad
Starting point is 01:01:17 He really wanted first And I'm like damn Second just is not good enough Huh And that's why You know that's why People are winners Because first is all that matters
Starting point is 01:01:23 He's there He's like He's banging the table I lost first is all that matters. He's there. He's banging the table. I lost a bunch of money in Vegas. He lost a bunch every time in Vegas. Can I ask how much you lost? At the MGM. Do you really want to know?
Starting point is 01:01:32 I really want to know because I can't remember who I was with but I was like, man, Slime wouldn't tweet about it unless it was a lot. $3,500. $15K.
Starting point is 01:01:43 $18K. Aiden, on the money. Whoa! Well done. Good job. Yeah, it sucked. I got fucked and then I went back. Can we make an arrangement in the future?
Starting point is 01:01:54 I definitely don't feel good about it. I was like, man, because I took the Bellagio for a ride a couple months ago and that month of my life was like great. In the future, you can only take money from me. I, okay, Mango, I gave him $2 him 2k i'm actually down 13k because mango asked to borrow and i was like oh no now i'm a bank like a lot of it a lot of it can get it back but like i can't get that back that's what i'm saying congrats either way so we're playing play by check all this shit but he he's like the whole table's like doing well and me and him are losing
Starting point is 01:02:30 and I'm like fuck man and then he was like fucking and he slams his head and I'm like I was like bro I know bro I broke and then Zeke is behind me Zeke I hung out with the whole time and he's like he's like He's like it's alright man like fucking yeah, you know you get him next time go or something He didn't say that he just commented on the situation
Starting point is 01:02:51 I turned to him was like you stood up when I'm still one and then I turned I turned to To Ben SW was like you stood up when I'm still one like don't think he did But basically but basically Ben the biggest mango fan catching his straight Ben stood up Ben stood up later
Starting point is 01:03:11 but I stayed sitting down the whole time so Amso wins everyone in the front I'm sitting next to like Blur, BenSW Mikey on the left everyone's standing up they're all freaking I'm just sitting there I'm not happy I'm not having my goat because I'm like I was like you'm not happy. I'm not having my goat. Because I'm like, I was like, you know what, dude? I'm sick and wait his turn.
Starting point is 01:03:29 The goat needs. He's been waiting. He's been waiting 10 years. I was like, the goat needs five. Dude, were you, do you think you've changed since you were a Mango fan in that one video? I feel like you've forced yourself to be a larger Mango fan. I literally am the same because I thought about this before. You had the evil side story of the last big house
Starting point is 01:03:48 what? last big house mango win and we went to the casino and we won a lot of money and then he lost and you went to the casino and you lost a lot of money you did the opposite I thought about that too
Starting point is 01:04:01 maybe I should only when mango wins but yeah it was really fun you can see in the vod Exactly I thought about that too I was like maybe I should fucking only when mega wins like I hit the cuisine But yeah, it was really fun, but I I basically you can see in the VOD and like I think it was like He was hugging me like I was his rock. He was coming up. He's like fucking hey these guys How much is a 7k I'm like no it's 2k 2K. 20K. You're like, I fucking hate you guys. I stood up.
Starting point is 01:04:24 You didn't fucking stand up. And I was like, no, I didn't. But you can see in the VOD, I'm just sitting down. Because honestly, I just don't like standing. If I'm already sitting, I don't want to stand. I wish I said it first. I think you would have said no. No, it's true.
Starting point is 01:04:38 But also. I'm glad you could admit that. But also, if the GOAT wins, I do stand. Because I stand for the flag. I kneel for the cross. Amen, baby. One country under God. Dude, come on.
Starting point is 01:04:49 Also, winning was cool, man. I think that was probably one of the first times. What I said was, thank God he won because now we can stop rooting for Yoshi. Yeah, finally we can all just stop and be like, all right, he proved it. Don't want to see it anymore. No one fucking cares now. I can go back to being a Yoshi hater Yeah whatever
Starting point is 01:05:05 I was actually on board with that Yeah Now I need Axe to win too So I can do the same thing Axe already won a tournament Oh true I'm a hater Fuck Axe
Starting point is 01:05:12 I've been hating Pikachu for a while Wow Yeah It's been healthy It's been good for me You guys are mean I've been talking about the trials and tribulations Of being a champion hater all week
Starting point is 01:05:20 It's hard You are a champion hater You know what I'm saying Pikachu up there is cringe man You're God's most lovely hater. It's not easy being a hater of my caliber. I went slime mode on Reddit. You did? I saw that. I was so
Starting point is 01:05:31 proud of you. I was not. I hated it. Yeah, you said it was a bad look for you. It was. And it was me sliming out. I was quirking out. You were replying to LSF comments on stream? No, off stream. Okay. On stream I just pulled it up and got madder.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And then I just gave up because I was happy then. Yeah, I will say they are savages out there. Yeah. It's fucking hard. It's tough. They don't love women. I've figured this out. You think so?
Starting point is 01:06:00 I think they don't like women. Well, they will never see this because it's not a live stream product. What makes you feel that? I just feel like they get a tougher time out there in the comments. I'm reading those comments. They're tough. There's not a lot of women they like. Well, how about, have you thought about that women have it easier?
Starting point is 01:06:16 Idiot. And they're dumb bitches. What's up, LSF? I'm on your side. Yeah, and I'm bald. So we share that in common. Yeah, it's pretty fucked up. We We should do we should make Anthony Andrew Tate What you everything is here is me and we should make
Starting point is 01:06:37 And then we pretend we're partying and we see if mogul moves gets canned Who would do it and we we wouldn't because we don't have a board. Yeah, we don't have a board. You're the board. I take myself out. Let's take this one to the board. Board thoughts? I think we can make a video of you partying with him in the
Starting point is 01:06:58 back with sunglasses and then slide DM to Jake Sucky. Dude, loving partying with Andrew. Dude, that'd be so funny. And I try to get him to tweet it. And then Jake checks in, yeah, and then Jake, like, checks in with, like, employees like you guys. And we're like, is this Andrew Tate? We really appreciate if you wouldn't post that video.
Starting point is 01:07:12 We're working on internally investigating. And Jake's like, he's like, but this shit's gonna go live on Twitter. Shit. Should I be a journalist right now, or should I, you know? I think going directly to Jake might not work, but I think if you could get a streamer to show it on stream, you know? I think going directly to Jake might not work. But I think if you could get a streamer to show it on stream,
Starting point is 01:07:28 then it gets on LSF. That's what I'm saying. You have to incept it. You could incept it. It's inceptible. I like the idea that partying with a bald person in general is just as dangerous to your career. I actually refuse to. Getting your nipples clamped.
Starting point is 01:07:40 It's just about how Ludwig's partying with you. That's why I left the face party. Oh, yeah? I saw a bald person. Yeah, yeah. Right, right, right. What, Banks? What was Banks? Awwwww. Thanks for the exam.
Starting point is 01:07:50 Aww, come on. Takes one to know one, my man. I did meet Father Banks in the flesh. Saw a cutie's picture. Have you never met him in person before? Face up, you're being gay. So, it was Father- Meow.
Starting point is 01:08:04 This is about Ludwig's new book Homophobic Cat That's what I was saying I was like I went to the FaZe party I'm homophobic now Nine lives They're all straight
Starting point is 01:08:12 Is that not fucked up Is that not fucked up To go to the FaZe party And then dunk on them You were nice to FaZe Banks And you're shitting No Actually I wanted to talk about that
Starting point is 01:08:22 Because Because I do dunk on FaZe All the time And I met with Banks and like he's the first thing he ever saw of me was me dunking on him a bit from the vape campaign that I was going to run because I told that story
Starting point is 01:08:34 and he saw that and I've dunked on him many times in FaZe since because they are like the frat boys of the esports industry being a hater isn't easy but it's always fun Plus they have a lot of money and they flex it So you can't feel too bad And he was like bro you don't know how much
Starting point is 01:08:52 You're in my content rotation right now I'm watching a lot of your shit And I was like oh no But I'm also like I know he gets it because I've talked to him And he's okay with dunking to an extent Sure it's all in the game. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:06 I actually, in the same way, people would think that I'm like, I get fucking mad or whatever. I think if I get dunked on by like someone in the game, it's like, there's a lot of slack you can give. I mean, that's, I think my whole thing is like, I've been getting dunked on for the past week for how I dance, but it's way funnier what I'm getting dunked on. No, that's fine. That's literally comedy.
Starting point is 01:09:24 Sure. You know, but, but it's like, it's a'm getting dunked on. No, that's fine. That's literally comedy. Sure. It's a lot of dunkage. They really ride it. I am the one white ass they keep talking about. That is funny. And they're all white. Wait, what?
Starting point is 01:09:38 Hassan's all white. All the poggers guys. The poggers guys shouldn't be shitting on you like that. No, the WLR. So Kai, did you meet Kai? Yeah, he was sweet. Yeah. He was incredibly sweet.
Starting point is 01:09:48 I met Kai and I met your rage. And then I did the meme dance. And then they filmed me do the meme dance. With the meme dance? Oh, your dance. The one that he got me in front of for it. Yeah. And they were very sweet.
Starting point is 01:09:59 I met Aiden Ross, who's very nice. Yeah? You buried the hatchet finally? For real? You kiss him on the tongue and the lips? Did you get sussy? No, he didn't get sussy. You have a little piggyback ride?
Starting point is 01:10:07 No, we didn't get sussy. Did he say uppies? Very casual. They got a few AOs. The only thing is he was, because he got swatted once. I reached out to him just to see if he was good.
Starting point is 01:10:21 And so he said that at the party. He was like, I appreciate it when you did that. He's like, thanks for treating me like a human being. That was real and made me feel good. That's cool. And that was nice. And then Nick Mer that at the party. No. He was like, I appreciate it when you did that. He's like, thanks for treating me like a human being. That was, yeah, real and made me feel good. That's cool. And that was nice.
Starting point is 01:10:27 And then Nick Merckx also said hi to me who I was also worried about because I dunked on a mogul male. What? Nick Merckx went? Yeah. Way to stand by your guts. Well, he went to a face party. Stick by your guts.
Starting point is 01:10:37 What was his guns? Nick Merckx ran a competing event the weekend at TwitchCon. In some ways competing. Oh, did that actually happen? Bullshit. Yeah. But it was more like a one day meet and greet than a competition at TwitchCon. That ways competing. Oh, did that actually happen? Yeah, but it was more like a one day meet and greet than a competition
Starting point is 01:10:47 at TwitchCon. So everyone who went to TwitchCon also went to the Nick Merck thing. But it was also like a no masks, no loads refused without base comes out of it. So TwitchCon was kind of that. There was a vaccine check at the door, but the masks were not mandated at all. Look at him play the center right now.
Starting point is 01:11:03 The cringy thing was his was advertised as like mask free fellas no worries you ask him about the january 6th committee uh well no because i'm getting searched too so yeah don't want to make myself culpable yeah that's uh but it was nice that he he he said hi first it is all in the game you know what i mean everyone meets up and it's it's it's like it's kind of in every industry. You're just like, that you're online, you talk shit, you meet up in person, it's really quieted down.
Starting point is 01:11:32 And then you go back home and you talk more shit. X and Hasan hung out like all weekend. Which LSF is malding about. And that's funny too. They're just so mad all the time. Because they think that everyone's a fake idiot snake streamer, which they are, but it's like,
Starting point is 01:11:45 they've never had personal relationships with anyone. Oh. So it's hard for them to gauge what. I mean, I've had personal relationships, but personally, I would not let someone talk to me like that. Is what they all said.
Starting point is 01:11:54 Yeah, that's what they say. That's bars. If, if I ever had a friend that talked with me about anything, I wouldn't let them talk to me like that. Dude, I think,
Starting point is 01:12:03 have you guys seen the clip of, of Kai teaching XQC to get sturdy? Hmm. Yeah, it's insane let them talk to me like that. Have you guys seen the clip of Kai teaching XQC to get sturdy? Yeah, it's insane. That happened in our house. I think it's the funniest Twitch clip ever, where he's like, go Felix, and he's just dancing in our house. That's so hype.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Can you find that zipper? We're becoming too big of XQC fanboys, by the way. We've all brought up an individual moment we love about him. We can now talk some shit on him. I've never watched his stream until he was here. Yeah, I mean, we've got to balance him. We'll go mail, please.
Starting point is 01:12:31 I already did. What should you talk? That he has to wear a helmet when he goes to sleep. Yeah, that wasn't me. Yeah, you did say that, yeah. Actually, that's good. That's good enough. Yeah, I'm good enough?
Starting point is 01:12:38 You saved the group, actually, that one. Yeah, okay, yeah. I'll hold that. God damn. You know. I don't want to say anything negative. Oh, there he is. He's moaning. Yeah, he'll hold that. Goddamn. You know. I don't want to say anything negative. Oh, there he is. He's moaning.
Starting point is 01:12:47 Yeah, he's getting loud. So everyone's weekend was a silly little time for all the silly little boys. Yeah, man. Yeah. I hung out with Koos and Durst. It was great. Where's Yingling? Where's your day one?
Starting point is 01:12:58 Yingling was busy with his family. Yingling's just been off hitting the pen. It's all he does now. Oh, the Rick and Morty one broke. Okay, we'll just cut in. He did go to a funeral. No, I know this. Okay. has been off hitting the pen. It's all he does now. Oh, the Rick and Morty one broke. Okay, we'll just cut in. He did go to a funeral. No, I know this. Okay. Did you know that? Yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah. I also probably hit the pen
Starting point is 01:13:12 before he went. Come on, man. What? This is Grandma's funeral. Come on, do I What are you, uh, why don't you tell us about your Try Guys, your Try Guys stuff, man. Oh, yeah. This is a Try Guys message. This is a candy that Aiden wanted. Oh, oh yeah one of the try guys dm'd ludwig the the timeline of this stuff as it appears on my twitter was like people
Starting point is 01:13:32 making fun of them for being so upset about somebody cheating and then people having the opposite take because snl got in on it. You I need to I need help understanding need to understand both circles exist. I think the circle that thought what they did was good was always larger. Yeah, but maybe this was closer to you. SNL is also it's funny because they're so cringe that they lost a
Starting point is 01:13:58 0-100 matchup or a 100-0 matchup against the Try Guys who were crying about their fucking the cheating thing which was I against the Try Guys who were crying about their fucking cheating thing. I'm Team Try Guys. I'm Team You're Dumb on this. He just fucking messaged you, bro. Of course you are.
Starting point is 01:14:10 Hey, Try Guys. Sounds like hanging out with Aiden. Oh, man. This is a bad look for Nick Nation. Nick's stock plummeting as we speak. Can you tell me who the Try Guys are? But the stock is saved barely.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Maybe it's a dead camp. Bounce. We'll see. That's like FaZe's stock price right there. He just texted me and he was like, I'm counting on you
Starting point is 01:14:33 to tell me if Dream's Kanye tweet was a joke. I don't even know what this tweet is actually, Zipper. If you can pull up Dream Kanye tweet. Yeah, he hung out
Starting point is 01:14:39 with Dream. Oh no, that was it. Kanye tweeted, who do you think created cancel culture? And then Dream replied, the liberals. And skull face emoji, skull face emoji and skull face emoji skull face emoji skull face emoji down thumb and then check mark and it got a lot of likes which when it gets that many 132,000 that means it's not just minecrafters
Starting point is 01:14:57 liking this ratio you can't ratio Kanye though yeah there's oh there's a there's a there's a what do you call it there's a cap there's a limit's a there's a what do you call it? There's a cat. There's a limit. There's levels to this Did you see the tweet he sent out of them I Can't did you pull up the Coddy's tweet about Mark Zuckerberg? Did you see this yeah, I'm sorry dude he got also so anti-Semitic. Yeah. Dude, did he keep tweeting? Wait, you don't know about this?
Starting point is 01:15:28 Wait, this is the only one I saw. This one is... Oh, really? What? Yeah. Oh, guys. This is like the only one I saw. Yeah, so this one's funny.
Starting point is 01:15:35 He says, look at this, Mark. How are you going to kick me off Instagram? You used to be my neighbor. Imagine it's just this, but it's just Kai teaching XQC to get sturdy. Are you going to do me like this, Felix? No, Debra, can you bring up the banned tweet? Dude, Kanye fucking, I think he's off Twitter. He's suspended because he made a tweet about the Jews.
Starting point is 01:16:00 I think his tweet about who do you think invented cancel culture wasn't like an open-ended one. I think he was referring to like the Jewish people who hung Jesus They canceled Jesus. I think that was like a top common. I saw Wow bars first canceled person, okay Sleepy tonight, but when I wake up, I'm going death con 3 which is that's also a nice condition It's DEF CON supposed to be you know, it's also funny. He's not that bad three is yeah It's kind of it's like Air ForceON supposed to be. You know what's also funny? Three is not that bad. Three is, yeah. It's where we're at. It's like Air Force ready to go in 15 minutes. On Jewish people.
Starting point is 01:16:29 The funny thing is, actually, I can't be anti-Semitic because black people are actually Jew also. You guys have toyed with me and tried to blackball anyone who ever opposes your agenda. I want to know. So this happened. I'm more interested in So this, this got real, this happened. I'm more interested in how he has figured out how to use three spaces instead of a period.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Yeah, is that like a custom function? Yeah. Why? What about, why? I mean, I don't think we can
Starting point is 01:16:58 really break down the why as much. Was this before or after the Tucker interview? After. After, after. This was like the other night. Did you see him wearing the White Lives Matter shirt?
Starting point is 01:17:06 I did. Isn't that crazy? That shit is insane. Yeah. I'm not trying to get inside the mind of Mencia here, because I have no idea what he literally thinks he's doing. But it's just crazy that he said that, and then Dweem also was in the mix, and then Dweem had to, he revealed his face to get strange
Starting point is 01:17:26 Ludwig Slime tweet tell me all right. You're not why did you talk to him? Yes? I met dream He's very sweet and Ludwig asked him. He said did you reveal your face to get strange? She's not trying to get a switch gone. He's just a fucking guy He what do you mean because he's nice no one one knows what he looks like but he has your reveal now. We can get also fans We're all there who he's never showed his face to and his fans sure not to have intercourse with anyone
Starting point is 01:18:04 You're saying this so absolutely. I am. I'm just so right. I'm so right about this. Is that what he said? Did you ask him? I met him. Is that what he said?
Starting point is 01:18:13 Answer my fucking question. Stop trying to prove a negative here. Just say you don't know for sure. I proved you don't know for sure that it wasn't my thing. What are you talking about? Prove for sure you don't know that he went to TwitchCon just to meet his friends. I'm just saying. How do you know for sure that's not his reason? I'm not saying that is meet his friends. I'm just saying. How do you know for sure that's not his reason?
Starting point is 01:18:25 I'm not saying that is not a thing. I'm just saying. So you want to make all realities possible. It's a theory. Prove he didn't go to TwitchCon. A game theory. Prove he didn't go to TwitchCon to murder everyone there. Prove he didn't go to TwitchCon to assassinate.
Starting point is 01:18:37 Why did he time it before he went to TwitchCon? What do you mean? So he could go. So he could meet his friends. Because then he was out. So strange. What do you know he could so he could meet his friends? But then there's also at which con there's strange what is what is Strange one fans to streamers or three a place that you go to get strange Which of the three is TwitchCon?
Starting point is 01:19:08 Welcome to the Lenovo strange booth. Step right up and take your pick. I mean, who are you asking? Everyone's different. Everyone's different. Most likely. Most likely. You should look up Occam's razor.
Starting point is 01:19:23 But there is a percentage chance that a percentage chance that Dwayne did this backwards so you see in the mirror because he'd be like you know what there's a non-zero chance
Starting point is 01:19:32 that I kill you tonight he's so scared of the Minecraft stand in a video game I am too but I think this is fine there's nothing hey what's up
Starting point is 01:19:40 Minecraft lovers there's nothing wrong with what's strange well the only time other time I affected dream, which was, uh, I, I claimed that he could be bald and then he literally,
Starting point is 01:19:50 he responded, no, I'm not. And then he posted a picture with hair. Okay. I also talked about it. Yeah, but I was there.
Starting point is 01:19:57 You wouldn't have said it if I wasn't sure you did come up with a meme. So all I'm saying is wearing an eye patch all weekend. Yeah. What was that? Well, he tweeted about it. Yeah. He heard his, I guess he did an XQC type. Yeah, what was that? Well, he tweeted about it, yeah. He hurt his eye.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I guess he did an XQC-type night tear like in the middle of his sleep. Oh, shit. He hurt himself and he woke up and he had like a pretty bad gash. Yeah. Yeah, it sucked. I had to wear an eye patch.
Starting point is 01:20:15 I had a fucked up injury and they stuck. They're not fun. Amazon's putting it in the wires to your internet and it just comes and downloads your blood. The eye patch? The night tears. Oh, yeah, yeah. That's what happens. Someone stole my 100,000
Starting point is 01:20:28 like tweet. What are you talking about? I took pictures with Dream in a photo booth and I had these four photos from it and I took a picture of one of the four photos and then I went to get Nick because Nick just showed up. So I leave the partner lounge, maybe five minutes, ten minutes, when I was calling you trying to
Starting point is 01:20:44 find you. Come back and someone stole the photo booth pictures It was guy couldn't show off the other three and get my sweet Twitter likes rare I only had the one picture you got it. You added the lore you've added to the SMP lore It's like you go to there's just so many people it's not a community thing oh there it is It's like not it's not necessarily the people that go to TwitchCon. It's just that there's so many people that the ratio of like shitheads is just going to be higher. This was in the partner loud.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Yeah. I think it might be Carl Jacobs as a meme and then he forgot. That's hype. That is Tina's running theory. But I think you're right. I also think maybe it's also more like maybe like a little bit higher percent to be weird when you go to twitch con yeah internet convention it's just because i i went to big house and it was like i felt at home i was like these these are these
Starting point is 01:21:34 are much more social people you know what i mean well like if you go to the ultimate frisbee convention i think everyone's gonna be chill you would have hated really hated it no yes why you would between people there's a lot of entitlement like it's there's a lot of egos clicky You would have hated Really? Hated it No Yes Why? You would Between people There's a lot of entitlement Like it's There's a lot of egos It's clicky
Starting point is 01:21:50 And there's a lot of people Who are swarming A lot of people streaming too Which is like a kind of A weirder interaction To meet someone Under the pretense of Yeah
Starting point is 01:21:58 They come up And they're live I think the thing I don't like I was explaining this To somebody recently And the thing that I don't like Would be being in an area where you're recognized by people who aren't really into what you do. And they just want to interact or take a picture for the sake of a box to check the box. And I feel like you're the most susceptible to this.
Starting point is 01:22:18 Like you were describing this already because no one cares what you do. Yeah. And he signed the deal with the devil, though. Ludwig knew this back when he had 200 viewers. He was like, this is where I'm going, and this is what I need to be ready for. Yeah, but you didn't sign that deal. No, I didn't sign the deal with the devil. And you wouldn't want that.
Starting point is 01:22:33 I rage against the devil every day. But you are at that stage of recognition where I think it would be like that for you. To an extent. But I feel like I'm more deep cut enough to work where I won't get rando-scrando. I don't mind a rando-scrando wanting a little pick. Even if it's for the Pokedex. Everything's fine if people are fine. The only thing I don't like is people who are at parties.
Starting point is 01:22:52 You would get rando-scrando. You would get rando-scrando, babe. I got fucking rando-scrando. They're at tons. Okay. But it's fine, right? Yeah, it's fine. Nick was also my giveaway.
Starting point is 01:23:02 Dude, I hate Ludwig. Me too. We're walking around I'm sunny I'm sunny's on full mask on walking around someone comes up to him
Starting point is 01:23:11 and he goes you gotta get a hat that's really funny to you to me it says to me I'm like bro I
Starting point is 01:23:19 you can't you can see but you both have Top Gun hats you can see like 20% of me right now bro your hair is too recognizable. Fuck yourself. I tried so much
Starting point is 01:23:29 I'm just saying if syndrome walks around without a hat Like this dressed in fucking Crocs with socks on and and nothing magic. Oh, I wonder who that is You're not looking at the ground the bright blonde hair you do dress like a fucking clown They're not looking at the ground With the bright blonde hair You do dress like a fucking clown You also do The older boy tell him I look great
Starting point is 01:23:48 You also dress like a clown most of the time I dress normally You go to fucking Disneyland in America Neither of you dress normally You don't Yeah, we're the same You definitely don't You're further from normal than he is
Starting point is 01:24:00 He's very far from normal Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck? What he has on right now is what he wears most of the time. Name an outfit. What I have on right now is pretty normal. This is as normal as it gets. Oh, it's like 9pm.
Starting point is 01:24:12 We were explaining at TwitchCon, the big house of twitching, that you were dressed like a clown. And you're blaming his hair? Yeah. That's fucked up. It's a giveaway I'm not gonna get any tell not gonna get any strange with that hair either zero wait why damn whoa? What the hell? Yes, he will I was out of pocket. Oh come on
Starting point is 01:24:34 damn Cuz he's not he's taken all right Listen that's not why he's at which God your point point i well some people you know hey you go for a different reason okay all right move on some famous people we get that we get the reference aiden why are you so scared man why are you scared i'm not scared tell me why you're scared i have certain leashes with certain people on the things i can say and some i i think are shorter so i try to be respectful you want a tight leash that's a weird way to rephrase you literally said no I said I have leashes dream you have dream on a leash Like an animal okay, don't be so literal like a Minecraft dog sure
Starting point is 01:25:14 Yeah, that's slightly sweeter He did very publicly announced that it was so he could go move in and hang out with his friends for the first time Yeah, you would say that oh and hang out with his friends for the first time. Yeah, you would say that. Oh my god. I would meet this person and be like, oh, yeah, you're right. Can I ask you a question?
Starting point is 01:25:31 I'm not shitting on Dream. Have you ever seen a Dream video? No. That is so funny. I haven't either, but I'm not saying it's anything strange. I'm in the clear. There's nothing wrong
Starting point is 01:25:45 With what I'm saying Ain't nothing wrong with Ulstrey Thank you Nobody would think That is I'm just saying he said that he was going to be his friend Listen my parents are dead alright You cannot attack them
Starting point is 01:26:01 You can't wield them The Minecraft Stands cannot get me You know what I mean You cannot attack them. You can't wield them. Who what? Speak to that. The Minecraft stands cannot get me. You know what I mean? What are you like? You can't dox my family with Minecraft stands. Because there's no one in my life left to love.
Starting point is 01:26:18 So there. Alright man. You went to Big House to get strange. No, I didn't. Oh, I see what you're doing. I see what you're doing. I can't believe you didn't notice quicker. You don't like that.
Starting point is 01:26:30 And I did. And you failed. Oh, got me. And you failed, bro. Your true self wasn't revealed the second I said it. I didn't say it. I get it. But the thing is, you know, there's not someone in a fucking podcast somewhere else being like,
Starting point is 01:26:43 no, he didn't. And that's the funny part on banter Maybe hmm. They're talking about it on banter on banter the podcast and Carl Jacob. Yeah, I Think slime went to big house You know Carl owned me on the pod yeah, so I owned him back so hard You know how Carl owned me on the pod? Yeah. So I owned him back so hard.
Starting point is 01:27:06 We were at TwitchCon. So if you're a partner, you get like a partner badge. But if you're like an ultra cool person, you get like a star. And mine did not have a star because I just signed up on the website to go to TwitchCon. What do you need to get the star? I don't know. I'm sure it's like a list of specific people. You got to be swag. What is it?
Starting point is 01:27:20 What is it, Aiden? What do you need? How do you get the star, Aiden? Because I don't know. You got something in the chamber. He needs some strange. It's your strange star? He's barely even squeaking out the joke. He likes it.
Starting point is 01:27:34 I'm Aiden's... Aiden is my biggest fan. You are to... He can't stop laughing. Aiden, what? May I go see you? He's still laughing. Nick was trying to tell his story. No, this are you okay? Yeah? Why don't you have the star? What are you the start? No it's so so what how'd you own him?
Starting point is 01:27:59 Cuz Ludwig gave me Carl's past to get into like the ultra partner lounge, but it's allegedly So I was allegedly Carl Jacobs in a video game, okay okay and i was walking in i'm like hello i'm barl jacob yeah and then we went in and he walked up and he saw my thing and he was like you're not carl jacobs and i was like hey what's up dude gave him a hug gave him his pass pass and he he looked at my pass and he's like oh you don't have a star and i and he's like he's owning me in front of people i don't know so he's like oh you don't have a star and i'm like uh i tried to run a bit and i'm like he's like oh but mine was orange and it was like blue i'm like no i have the orange pass and he's like oh yeah what's the orange pass and i'm like above six feet you can
Starting point is 01:28:33 go on all the rides here oh you snapped it snap it was instant and he was like dude come on for a second and say that line, you've lost so much equity. It's important to snap that off. That's great. I brought Nick over and I was like, I was having to do tricks because we had a bop it. Dude. What are you talking about? He's your dog.
Starting point is 01:28:57 I know. Literally. Literally. Right when we get the switch gone, we walk into the lounge. The first thing he does is, Nick, play the bop it. And I'm like, what? He's like, play the bop it. I bet you get a high score
Starting point is 01:29:05 And then he gives it to me and he walks away What? Why did you do that? I start playing and then I realize I'm like alone playing bop it And I'm like Did he just try to distract me like a kid? And I walk home like I'm still going And I'm like why am I doing this?
Starting point is 01:29:21 And he's just like oh we were playing earlier I don't know And I'm like you made it sound so much more important And then he leads you over and he's like there's oh we were playing earlier, I don't know. And I'm like, you made it sound so much more important. And then he leads you over, he's like, there's Valorant on this PC, play game, play game. And then I, one, first tried the high score and then two, later he used it to parade me around. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Yeah. It was an all for Ludwig event. No, I was showing off Nick and how cool he was. Because what happened is we were playing a lot of Hellbreak. You were in the no modes refused lounge. Sorry I was being a good friend. cool he was because what happened is I think it was Austin show one more person who were just watching me bop it like I'm staying there alone bop it and they kind of walk up And they're just watching me and I'm like a lot of it told me to do this and they're like not in their heads I would have killed my I was like let me explain. I don't know what's going on. They're like no it's entertaining
Starting point is 01:30:04 We're just gonna watch okay, and I was like let me explain I don't know what's going on they're like no it's entertaining we're just gonna watch I'm like okay and I lose I'm like oh it's over we were bop up eating in a circle of us it was like me Leslie Ray me young and no one could beat the high score which was not even good it was like 14 but everyone's so shit yeah that is that's fucking terrible guys we all like about one maybe two goes and I thought to myself, and I said it a lot, I was like, my roommate Nick would crush us. And then Nick happened to arrive, I brought him in, and I wanted him to show how good he was.
Starting point is 01:30:31 But they had left. So I thought, okay, well, let's still have him get the high score, because then when they come back, I can be like, check it out. And then, bang, I'll be like, score. You know how you told me in Valorant, I'll commit to an idea, even though the situation has changed? It's exactly that. I should change depending on the dynamics.
Starting point is 01:30:47 But then, we just happened to have a guy walk by who was leaving the venue, and he was holding a bop-it, and we were on-stream bored. And I said, what's the record on that thing? And he's like, he's like, oh, you trying to run it? And then he like, came and sat with us, and we did a
Starting point is 01:31:03 bop-it circle on the on-stream. And Nick and we did a Bop It circle. Oh, wow. On Hassan's stream. And Nick was crushing. Great. As I expected. As I expect. He's a gamer. Interesting. Yeah, you used him for content.
Starting point is 01:31:13 It's fine. Dude, XQC is so competitive with Bop It. Yeah? Yeah. Is he any good? He loses. He goes, oh, fuck! Fuck, it's a fucking game!
Starting point is 01:31:20 He looks over to Ludwig. He goes, why is my brain so bad? he looks over to love he goes why is my brain so bad yeah he is just actually like that yeah there's a there's a in that same partner lounge it's like basically maximum like 30 people in there at a time like really not a lot of people in there and uh everyone's kind of hanging out socializing talking x is just playing a racing game alone in the corner like he's anytime there was a game he just went and played the game just like me and i'm like he is like me for real yeah i like i mean that is kind of a cool idea of cons in general is that like it if you go to a con
Starting point is 01:31:55 you're most likely not the most socially adept person but then you go and it's like everyone's kind of like that and you shouldn't be you know it's like it's more of a judge-free environment than like school or something. A normie place. That's like the appeal. You get into your like niche interest and you're surrounded by people who also love it and support you. Yeah. That's definitely the appeal. But I think the problem with TwitchCon is that everyone's trying to be a movie star.
Starting point is 01:32:20 And the cabal. It's poison. Yeah. And the cabal. Cabal meetings were weird. What were they? What did you guys talk about laying eggs yeah who's getting strange licking your eyes all the classics yeah you know what i think we learned a lot today about each other the fuck do you think so yeah to start to answer the question we started with i i do think we've gotten closer ludwig wow i think we're gonna get a lot closer because of the podcast
Starting point is 01:32:50 no what just in the same time frame i've heard we get even closer on the patreon no wait i had this idea listen imagine if you you could use discount codes for like Uber Eats and stuff, but it was like, the code was like a slur. And it's like, use code F slur if you dare. Dude, I wouldn't say it out loud if I thought that. But that's what I see, right?
Starting point is 01:33:18 Like, so I wouldn't use it. I just cop the extra money. But then they'd be like, well, we're offering you a discount. And it's like this fucked up litmus test to get like yeah led by uber a company that is just the bastion of ethics
Starting point is 01:33:32 i get you're talking about like a mr beast thing where it's like say it you just have to say the slur to leave the circle i need a bunch of people say it for a million This is like if Ken Chen Was the Siri in your phone Ken Chen's like oh you want to find out How tall Winona Ryder is Say it This is how like gamer bros validate saying slurs Because you would say it in this circumstance Dude oh yeah
Starting point is 01:33:57 There was like an old Tumblr post What if there was a Make-A-Wish kid dying And they really wanted to say it And they're singing along to a song. Why would it be like that? Why do you need this so bad? What if I happen to be
Starting point is 01:34:09 that's why. That kid said it. Oh, I didn't get mad at him. My final message. Goodbye. That's kind of fucked up. Is it? Is it time?
Starting point is 01:34:19 Is it time to gather all the kids up and go to sleep? And we go to the yard after dark On the patreon we get even even closer with our friendships any honks you Honk TWT all right well say hey guys Thanks for joining us if you want to see Ludwig be a cat some more work them down
Starting point is 01:34:38 We want to see our little kitten little kitten Ludwig be a real nice getting for us Go to the patreon road you see miss kids come back stream

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