The Yard - Ep. 69 - THE YARD HALLOWEEN SPECIAL! (2022)

Episode Date: November 2, 2022

This week, things get a little Spooky! The boys talk about their costumes, Aiden's party bus adventures, and the origin of The Luddy....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey kids, Gumby. Well, well, well. I'm back again, kiddos. He said it's sexy this time because he's got one exposed arm. Hey kiddos, take a look at these. Look at Gumby's grippers. This is spooky. I like the mood lighting in here, actually.
Starting point is 00:00:30 We should get used to this. Who are you, Prison Mike? I lost all my diamonds. Prison Mike? What does that mean? You watch The Office. I'm the sleeper's time bear. Nah, bro, you're prison time.
Starting point is 00:00:43 No, you cannot blame me for this, because I fucking ordered big ass grizzly bear slippers and arms for the house, and someone fucking took them. You look like a guy in prison tried to be the sleepy time bear for Halloween. That's pretty good. I like that. Because it means that they still care about holidays
Starting point is 00:00:59 in the penitentiary system. This is the only mug that I found, and I'm a sleepy time bear with fucking child gloves on. Yeah, I came downstairs and I was yard man, aka wearing the Batman mask with the yard shirt on. And Slime's like, you're wearing the same shit again, fucking loser.
Starting point is 00:01:15 You spit on me. I was like, whoa. And so I'm like, well, what do you got? And he had Minecraft Steve for me, but it's kid Minecraft Steve. Yeah. So the back is, the back isn't on the neck it's like the neck they expect a kid to have is so tiny i tried it fits my bicep the neck is bicep
Starting point is 00:01:31 sized yeah i was gonna say it fits perfect so i was surprised but the back being open makes a lot of sense it feels horrible your fucking your stomach is out because it's like all misshapen you look like shit minecraft steve like Yeah. Yeah, and he's got a fucking I'll do tummy time. Tummy time Minecraft Steve. You've got your sleeve out under it. You've been hitting smokes the whole episode. You guys like gear?
Starting point is 00:01:56 That's Minecraft Steve after he gets banned from Ultimate. Come on man. It's coming. I like how you have a horsey. We use the horsey a lot, but this says time it's applicable. I'm traveling around have a horsey. We use the horsey a lot, but this is time it's applicable. I'm traveling around. Because it's Minecraft. Yeah, you can ride horses.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Yeah. Why are you looking at me like for validation on that? Because you've played Minecraft. I have. Yeah. I'm the as the residential Minecraft expert. You probably have the most hours. No, if I was really Minecraft, I'd be dead because Ludwig's here.
Starting point is 00:02:19 True shit. True. Fucking come up. See what happens. Come out of that mine you're a fucking miserable piece of shit speaking of minecrafters why am I a miserable piece of shit
Starting point is 00:02:32 wait what are you a minecrafter no you just said I'm the biggest minecrafter yeah so you fucking Nick desperately pleading to be it has started 11 o'clock he's up all night in the
Starting point is 00:02:47 editing mines slaving away over a hot premiere I still find what Ludwig did more acceptable than what Aiden did what did Aiden do he comes down at 1102 and says I'm doing bagels right now and I'm like bro it's start time what do you mean you're gonna leave
Starting point is 00:03:02 right now cause we weren were ready to go. But- You asked after you said that, are we ready? Yeah, but- Oh, you didn't know when you decided. No, because Ludwig wasn't around. You don't know where he is at the time. You didn't know that.
Starting point is 00:03:15 This is not a rhetorical question. No, that's fucked up. This is the melee. This is like when there's two melee setups, and then one setup says LG, and then the other setup plays a game, and they're in the middle of it so then the other setup's like well they're playing one and they keep going back and forth until they both end their sets at the same time
Starting point is 00:03:32 which never happens. It's hard to happen. Like eventually you just have to get up and be the mom and be like hey sorry son. Let me put my hindsight goggles on. Would've had plenty of time to do it because of how much of a late barrier it was. That's not how intention works. It doesn't absolve you,
Starting point is 00:03:47 but he could have said, Hey, I'm going to be this long. I'm doing something, but he didn't do that. He just didn't. Same goggles. I could say we took long to set all the Halloween decorations up and his time
Starting point is 00:03:58 was pretty much the same when he showed up anyways. Yeah. That didn't matter either. Aiden. It's about intention. It's about the fact that I'm glad I'm not in trouble Fuck you You know what you're saying?
Starting point is 00:04:06 How is this turned on? What you have to do Aiden is you have to say look I know that no one's here right now We're not really ready Do you think I have time to go get bagels and then it's a discussion and then we can be like you're cringe But go fast or I don't think that's a good thing, but you just said I think I operated I operated under the pretense of what every episode is like, which is that we start 30 minutes late every single time.
Starting point is 00:04:29 We tried to, Nick was like, I need to do this. We're having Josh man next on the primo because Nick has to go. So it's like a problem. And you had the biggest problem and you don't care about people's time
Starting point is 00:04:39 and it's never going to change. I got a surprise phone call. I was assaulted. I'm busy. You were assaulted? I'm fucking busy. You say you're busy. With the change. I got a surprise phone call. I was assaulted. I'm busy. You were assaulted? I'm fucking busy. You say you're busy. With the phone.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I see. Sleepytime Bear is upset. Sleepytime Bear is hard. He goes to prison. Sleepytime Bear, look. So I don't want to fuck with him. Look, he lost his feet. He lost his feet.
Starting point is 00:04:56 I lost my feet and I have child hands. Child bear hands. And as the other bear in the room. True. I get it. Because I don't have my feet either You took my flippies You know what I realized?
Starting point is 00:05:08 I can't remember Does Pooh just have no toes or shoes? Like what does Pooh walk on? Isn't he just nubs? Does he just have nubs? No he just has like round feet It's like this He just walks on nubs?
Starting point is 00:05:21 Well that's the Disney version of Pooh Opposed to like the real version? Well, that's the Disney version of Pooh. Yeah. Opposed to, like, the real version? What? No, the old school version. The old school version doesn't have toes. You mean the storybook version? Yeah. In my head, you were saying, like, the real life version.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Oh, okay. He's got feet. Like, because this is what we know Pooh Bear as, but Pooh Bear's public domain from the storybook version, there's many different Poohs now. Zipper, is there a gif of Pooh Bear getting sturdy online? I would like to see that if it exists. Probably not getting sturdy. I saw his little feet and
Starting point is 00:05:51 if he was just like that, that'd be pretty funny. Man, XQC learning to get sturdy from Kai is an all-timer. Yeah, I was saying it's the best stream maybe I've ever seen. It's so good. Kai's a great dancer. I got a DM from him's so good. Ty's a great dancer. Yeah. I got a DM from him the other day. He did the Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:06:07 He hit the Ludwig multiple times. Bar for bar, I got a DM out of the blue. It's just from Kai Sanat and says, your dance so fire, bro. That's so money. And then I replied,
Starting point is 00:06:23 appreciate it. Crazy you do better than me you know he said nothing because we said enough in those messages it's true that actually is him not replying is fire yeah it is fire because it's like haha all right see you and then you have to like laughing emoji react and it's like it's like it's like texting a girl where it's like you're trying to like make sure that you're not being like it it's not like this, but that's what I'm saying. It's like I'm George Washington and he's sending a letter to say, hey, great job being the first president because I made one of the greatest dance moves of all time. Do you think that's what's going on?
Starting point is 00:06:55 Yes. Bar for bar. Who doesn't want to send a pigeon back? Who is he? Like the English president? Yeah. Like a different, like a prime minister of like the queen. He's the queen and you're
Starting point is 00:07:06 George Washington. Yeah, that's actually a bad one. You know what? What all you guys did? You broke off. The king at that point. I heard the meat you're slinging around town and I'm both jealous and interested. When's the Kai Ludwig collab? I don't know. We do, man. You guys should learn the
Starting point is 00:07:22 Napoleon Dynamite dance together. I don't know it off top. Oh, it's like a whole routine. At the end of the movie, it's like a whole routine. If you put Slash Dance in Burning Crusade and you have a Blood Elf character, they do the dance. Did you know that? Is that real? I did not know that.
Starting point is 00:07:39 They coded it in? Yeah, it's the entire dance. They're the first Fortnite. They stole first. Yeah. Man, the Torrent dance is so lame. Dude, is getting sturdy in Fortnite yet? It has to be, right?
Starting point is 00:07:50 I don't know. I don't play Fortnite often enough. I think not yet. There's no... I feel like it's gotta be in there. Gritty's in Fortnite. Who's that? McDonald's guy.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Ready Goon? You can Gritty in Valorant. Goldhead? Wait, you can... Oh, yeah, you can. If you just spam diffuse the bomb yeah they get gritty i found out because someone told me to do it and i was like i don't know what you're talking i'm diffusing i don't know what you're talking about i'm 32 years old fucking ball 32
Starting point is 00:08:16 please leave me alone let me diffuse please i'm so scared i just want to hold four i do like telling people when i'm in Valorant solo queue, like, I'm 32, man, you gotta clutch this one. Like, you just throw it in, and then they, like, stop what they're doing. They're like, you're 32? I only get to play two games a night before I have to go to bed.
Starting point is 00:08:35 I was talking to Reno about Valorant one time, and Reno was explaining to me how he only solo queues, and he cannot, for the life of him, imagine duoing with anybody, because he's, like, a mortal three, explaining to me how he only solo queues and he cannot for the life of him imagine doing with anybody because he's like immortal three like on the verge of radiant so he's really high but everybody else playing at that elo is like 20 years old or like eight like or lower yeah yeah and and he's just like yeah i'm fucking i'm fucking 34 now i can't play with these kids like i'm just i just solo queue And if I can't do it
Starting point is 00:09:05 Solo queue it It doesn't count That's right Because he goes old too He goes a boomer And he was a pro Can old people be gamers? Should old people stay alive?
Starting point is 00:09:15 They have rights Sleepy time bear Should we let old people vote? 60 minutes Would the world Okay Would the world be better or worse If we forcefully killed everyone at 30?
Starting point is 00:09:25 Worse. Wow. That's definitely worse. Not a tough question, by the way. Okay, 40. America, also big place for us, small place for World War I. It is like Logan's Run or THX 1138. I think if you kill everyone who hits 40.
Starting point is 00:09:40 Okay, I'm changing it to 40 and up. 40 and up? Well, every time you hit 40, you get 40, you get and up. 40 and up? Well, you're too lucky. Every time you hit 40, you get 40, you get to live through 40, and then 41, you die. Dude, that would be bad because the people
Starting point is 00:09:51 who are 40 years old would be going crazy. They'd be like killing and like stealing because they have nothing left. Your 40th birthday is The Purge. This is like one of those movies
Starting point is 00:10:01 that the premise is like, oh, I wonder what the world would be like. And then the whole movie is about how the plan is fucking bad. And there's a revolt from everyone who's 40 and they take over the government. And now they're, which would be just now. Dude, we could, we could bully 30 year olds so much harder because they're like the oldest
Starting point is 00:10:17 people on the planet. Yeah. There, you know what I thought of? I was thinking about this being 30 in your thirties is probably the most cringe decade you can live. Okay. So let me explain I agree in your 20s everything you do is like fine like you can reply to randoms on the internet obviously this is going towards me you get like you can like play a lot of video games like in your 20s everyone kind of gives you a break once you hit your 30s you get a lot of bro you're 30 what are you doing you're 30x what are you doing you
Starting point is 00:10:45 fucking nerd when you hit 40 it's like you loop back around and it's cool again that you're doing young people yeah you're kind of it's kind of ironic out of the mold yeah but right now for me it's like i have eight years before eight years of cringe before i can whatever i do is now cool again because if i start smoking crack and i'm 40 that that's kind of funny. If I smoke crack when I'm 30, it's like, dude, you gotta stop. I'd go back. Rewind.
Starting point is 00:11:08 I was with you for a bit. Think about it. For real. It's crazy he thinks that was wrong too because he said we should kill all 40-year-olds so even he recognizes
Starting point is 00:11:17 that smoking crack's bad. Yeah, I don't think they should do crack. They should be dead. That makes a lot of sense and it's fair and valid. But if you're a gamer, you respawn. I'm're a gamer You respawn
Starting point is 00:11:25 I'm not a gamer Because I have no life I choose to have Many life Of it Don't Don't test me Don't
Starting point is 00:11:35 You look like Enough experience And I'm gonna Cut your head off I'm about to level And you look like Just enough experience I'm about to level
Starting point is 00:11:40 And you look like Enough experience For me to fucking Eat your bones with You can drop me some loot And I'm gonna eat your bones And loot your bones I'm gonna fucking Kill you man I'm gonna have to level and you look like enough experience for me to fucking eat your bones with. You're gonna drop me some loot. And I'm gonna eat your bones and loot your bones. That's how I eat my bones. I'm gonna fucking kill you, man.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I'm gonna get it. I'm a gummy bear. It's inside you right now. I'm gonna cut your gummy arms off and fucking feast on them. Jesus. I'll suck it out if I have to. Why? What a poo.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You're supposed to be nuts. You have so much experience. And we're gonna get it from you. Poo, stop. We're gonna get all your experience out of you. What? Why'd you do Christopher? I did Christopher.
Starting point is 00:12:04 What did you want? Don't. That's the Dawson thought. Tell us. I don't know. your experience out of you. You know what I did to Christopher? What did you do to Christopher? That's the Dawson cop. I don't know, I can't tell you. Is he here right now? No. We smoking Christopher pack. Damn.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Pooing woppa with the choppa. Speaking of British people who should be dead George not found yes tell me more fucking is that all you got
Starting point is 00:12:31 fucked me how'd he fuck you well he fucked your mom can you pull up my wiki feed oh no I heard a civil war we're gonna have to run
Starting point is 00:12:39 the Skellingtons here for a moment which I thought was like it was not a civil war I thought was probably it made me sad but it was also well played by them, which is probably the funniest...
Starting point is 00:12:47 One of the funniest bits on the podcast ever is on the banter episode where they brought up Ludwig's wiki feed. Oh, my God. Dude. You're plummeted. Dude, here's what happened. Here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:12:59 You shut the fuck up. My wiki feed, you fucking... Look at that third picture. You deserve that rating. Jesus Christ! That looks like a dinosaur bone! That's a Roman toe! Okay, zipper, zipper. Can you google
Starting point is 00:13:12 I ran a marathon in Crocs? You actually have this guy's feet! It's a Roman toe! It's very favorable! YouTube, YouTube. Second picture! That's what you look like! That second picture is what you look like. That's actually your feet. That's your feet.
Starting point is 00:13:26 That's your gross, disgusting feet. No, it's not, because he doesn't have a Roman toe. Look at that stupid second toe. You don't get it. When you see royalty, you should feast upon it. Anyway, I was at a 5.5 wiki feed. It dropped to like a 3.38, and I found out it was right after the banter episode went live, and George not found.
Starting point is 00:13:44 I don't know if he said to tank it. Can you check George's really quick, Zipper? Well, so I checked George's, and his was at a six. What? And so I tried to get to 5.7 out of five. It's crazy it goes higher than five. You know what's crazy, too? And this is the sad thing.
Starting point is 00:14:00 I asked my viewers to brigade it, and it didn't work. Yeah, you don't have the pull so anyway yardigans you do have the pull can you go to george davidson's wiki feed and tank that shit and make it a fucking two stars so that doesn't seem like it's a brigade you got it i want it to go to the depths of hell i don't want to be the best wiki feed i want to be better than george though can we okay ludwig is not in the room For a second Okay
Starting point is 00:14:26 It's me Minecraft Steve And Winnie the Pooh And Sleepytime Bear Do we want Ludwig to succeed here We want him to succeed He's our boy
Starting point is 00:14:34 Okay I'm with that Cause who would we Who would Who would we be If we root for the Brits For a bit You know
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah but it's also Over our boys It's also We like love Dogging on Ludwig And this is such a stupid thing I could be British If you like dog, but it's also we like love dogging on Ludwig and this is such a stupid thing. I could be British if you like dogging.
Starting point is 00:14:48 And it's all he talks about. He brings it up all the time which was funny because it wounded him when the rating was better on the banter episode. But the wound The wound happened.
Starting point is 00:14:56 The wound happened. The wound happened. Alright, you know what? I like your British face. We're back. Hey. It looks like you're looking at the sun.
Starting point is 00:15:03 Yardigans, we band together. We want to bring Ludwig back up to his former glory on WikiFeet, even though his feet look like- Don't let them win. It looks like a T-Rex's- Let the grippers rise! His feet look like a dinosaur nugget.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Hey, I'll make a fucking trade. I'll make an offer. All right? Sharks, I am willing to, if you tank George's wiki feet and make me higher than him never show my grippers on this podcast again whoa who is that promise for people are pretty mad when I sit in this position and then it's the close
Starting point is 00:15:33 up of slime and then my feet are here yeah it really throws people off people do get pissy about it but here's the thing you're using an incentive that half the people like and half don't you need an incentive that everyone likes. No, no, no. Because I only need free pussy flavored ice cream or something.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I only need 100 people. Free ice cream? Yeah. Pussy flavored ice cream. You made that up just now. What the fuck? He just said that. It sounded like you said that.
Starting point is 00:15:57 I didn't say that. But then I started listening to Ludwig. He said pussy flavored ice cream. And now I feel like you said it. Why did you say that? Why would you say that? Because I would enjoy eating it. That's gross.
Starting point is 00:16:07 Number one victory, Royale. If you had a pussy, you would love me. Hey, you can't steal one of the poos live. You can't steal one joke. That he said to Rabbit. Lord knows he can't say that in costume. He gets sued tomorrow. You know what?
Starting point is 00:16:22 You got him on wiki teeth, though. What's your horse's name? So, okay. That's your mission, Yardigans. If you choose to accept it, get on there and make us proud.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Go out there and be somebody. Look at these skeleton-ass guys. I love them. Tag yourself. Tag yourself. Tag yourself.
Starting point is 00:16:40 I'm first to the left. First to the left. I'm back left. I'm front and center. This is who I am. That makes me right? Back left. I'm back left. I'm front and center. That's who I am. That makes me right? There's three in the back right, so you could be any of them. There's a lot of skeletons here.
Starting point is 00:16:53 I'm definitely in the right. I just watched him hit the nene. I've been having Josh teach me dance moves at home. Have you learned the Lutty? Can I be really honest with my friends right now yeah be really honest my friends right now i was watching kai do the luddy and i was in my room and i was like i want to i want to try the luddy and i didn't do it for more
Starting point is 00:17:16 than half a second but i did one little thing and i was like hit the luddy i can't do it it's hard it's kind of you know what it's less shameful if you do it in full minecraft steve cosplay how do you do it because you're right i mean i learned i? It's less shameful if you do it in full Minecraft Steve cosplay. How do you do it? You're right. It's a meme. I learned that. I'll talk about it after. How do you do it? It's hand on hip.
Starting point is 00:17:30 It's heels out to the right. And then you got to pivot. And then. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you're on your toes. You're on your toes. And so your hand. You know, Harry.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Your left hand on hip. And then your right hand's like a swivel. So it goes from down to up. I'll hold your horse. And at the peak and at the bottom, your heels have to be out to the right. So you're double shifting. You're going. Your heels are going boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
Starting point is 00:17:53 And then while they're doing that, when your heels are out to the right, your hands should be to the right. Oh. Oh, there you go. It's also hard in your Gucci M. Now look forward minecraft steve look forward and do it minecraft steve okay god i'm just dancing with minecraft steve with midriff stunting on the with it with it the gucci m1 my girls on this app. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck. No, don't hit it now. Oh, no. Nobody wants to see this, man. Oh, no. Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:18:29 No, no, no, no, no. Just to be clear. You're just a, you're just a, you're like a drunk guy. Kai made this dance move when they made fun of you, right? No. That's when this, that's the origin. No. Dude, I tell you not to know that.
Starting point is 00:18:40 What? Because in that clip where they make fun of you, Kai does the move. This is crazy. No, he doesn't. I do. I am deeming this Aiden's peak cringe. Yeah. You peak cringe.
Starting point is 00:18:50 The Halloween council has decided. The bear and the yellow. You are peak cringe now. Zipper, can you pull up Kai makes fun of Ludwig, and then I just want to, I don't want to correct you. I just want you to watch it over. Well, your rage makes fun of you, and then Kai does a dance move on his camera.
Starting point is 00:19:04 He does, but we're going to look at it. We're going to look at it we're gonna look at it watch together as ludwig's friends who actually know him and have lived with him for a long time i loved you the most he did he did that's crazy it's the most insane thing i've ever heard it's kind of like didn't kai make don't park on the grass yeah yeah it's like that way anyway used to say he didn't yeah it's like that. Yeah. It's like that. In a way. In a way. Used to say it didn't. Fuck. Yeah, it's like when we were memeing on the couch of like, hey, thanks to everyone who made this Smash event happen, except for Aiden, who did no work. Yeah, the laziest man in Smash.
Starting point is 00:19:36 All right. This is not it. This is not it. Wrong clip. Wrong clip. Wrong clip. What does Zipper need to search? He needs to search.
Starting point is 00:19:40 It's the original. I think it's called Kai Makes Fun of Ludwig, and then it's Hasan, me, Nick, and the bottom right. That might be like the one that comes up if you google it might not find it and that's okay but we need oh that clip was hard to find when we what we do need to say is that ludwig has been hitting this since we lived in like three houses ago like he hit the ludwig and that was like his deal this is like old ludwig stream lore yeah here it is here it is here it is it's gonna be tiny because we're- because half the spins react.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Oh, you did this in the maid costume! Yeah, no. It was before that too, but. You can fast forward, you can fast forward. Just so- just so one guy gets up, yeah. Watch it! Watch it! You gotta- Alright, so he's just stepping back and forth.
Starting point is 00:20:23 He's just stepping back and forth. Ah! Yeah, and also, Ludd is doing... Ludd has also not only done this dance in like a hundred videos before we knew who Kai was. Yeah. But he's also told us when he invented it. Do you remember? I don't remember telling you guys this. Yeah, you made it with like your friend in college.
Starting point is 00:20:43 Oh, I didn't know that. High school. I didn't know that. High school. that High school I made it with my friend So this is the Ludwig It's the greatest dance move I've ever made Yeah I think calling it the Ludwig is way better by the way Did you name it?
Starting point is 00:20:52 Did it get named after Kai did it? Kai named it the Ludwig Okay I think hitting the Ludwig is really funny That's what I liked Hitting the Ludwig That's like So back in the day when jerking was still big,
Starting point is 00:21:06 they used to create dance moves out of just random characters, and then random Soulja Boy parodies would pop up. So there was Crank That Spider-Man, and Crank That SpongeBob, and they just kept making it. You would just put someone's name. Dude, I'm going to give you a lot of money to gamble with. Okay, see you later. You're like a sleeper cell You hear the Spongebob voice
Starting point is 00:21:28 And you're like, how much money do you need? That's what hitting that Ludwig sounds like We should make Crank that Ludwig The Luddy is good because the sturdy In the gritty It's kind of how naming conventions have gone Yeah, I get it, it's just Something phonetically pleasing about the Ludwig.
Starting point is 00:21:47 But yeah, we made it in high schools. Me and my friend Nick in high school because we did theater together. It was my first time doing theater. Do you feel ashamed at being so bad of a friend? No. Because I've seen you do this before. Let me rephrase. Do you feel shame ever?
Starting point is 00:22:03 I think it's weird that something you did like three years ago is like because to me the timeline is. But he's done it recently. You're also describing Amogus. Amogus didn't come out in 2020. You are right. It is an Amogus situation. Yes. He did during the subathon. Not the
Starting point is 00:22:19 imposter part. The fucking, the fact that the game came out and then I think I just didn't compute that This is the same as the old thing you would do because it But he did during the subathon It's reached such prominence now He still does it When did you do it in the subathon?
Starting point is 00:22:32 He doesn't stand on stream like a lot You know what's funny is you I never watch his stream What's crazy is it doesn't matter that you don't watch my stream because you were in the room with me And it was when we were working out during the subathon That's fucking crazy I just wish you you paid attention to your crazy I just wish you paid attention to your friends I wish you paid attention to your friends
Starting point is 00:22:47 I wish you respected your friends time I wish you Took too long, took too long, doesn't count anymore He actually has been pretty good No, he's evil He did have a written down You wrote it and you were like, I don't have a reason No, what do you mean? The reason is because you took insurance from me
Starting point is 00:23:03 When I gave you money We already covered that Yeah yeah but you're still evil oh he's still harboring that okay that's fair he's harboring that it hasn't been resolved give me a date like an unrefused load give me a date it expires uh it's six months and then you fifty dollar money match and then you do it do it again at thanksgiving then we sit down at a table of blackjack you have to not scan me again. Yeah, so the question is a good question, Aiden, which is why is it popular now? Because I have been doing it for years and I made it in high school.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Because of the video at TwitchCon. It's partially because of that, but also because Kai and Aiden and that circle. Yeah, Aiden Ross. That circle at Twitch kind of create culture in a lot of ways. Yeah. And I don't. I just make videos culture in a lot of ways. Yeah. And I don't. I just make videos that people like and laugh at. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 But like Kai doing a dance move is much more like culture driving. Yeah. Than me doing it. Something I was thinking about was, I don't know if you know the answer to this, is like, so I'm watching the clip of him hitting the Lottie Ray and he's hitting it right. And I'm like, are they just, is dancing on stream a segment for them? Or are they like, would they just spur the moment? Or were they like, all right, at 12, we're doing a dance. How does that stream function?
Starting point is 00:24:11 I think that always happens. That's happened. I've done that. Miz has done that back in the day. X does that sometimes. Sometimes a song's playing, and you're just feeling it. And you just get up and dance. They've had so many people in the room
Starting point is 00:24:25 it seemed like it was planned they just like stream parties I feel like yeah I didn't know the lead up to that but like he also I think is just a
Starting point is 00:24:32 really good dancer I don't know if he's trained but he's like a really good dancer oh okay yeah we did watch that one Kai stream that one night
Starting point is 00:24:39 and it was just like a fever dream and it's like yeah they just it's literally like a stream of consciousness yeah I watched I watched I watched his i've never watched a video by him when i see his stream
Starting point is 00:24:50 i watched he bought his mom a house and the video itself is pretty bad but he is so entertaining as like a person yeah they like you can just watch i watched like the whole thing yeah i was like there's never really a moment in the video that's like really giving anyone a house, even though he does. So it's like bad storytelling. But he is like so entertaining. He just talks to an Uber driver. I would like I want the whole video to be. I talked to an Uber driver.
Starting point is 00:25:14 That's good. Clickbait. That was good. Dude was crazy. I talked to Aiden Ross about this yesterday because he was on Juiced. And by the way, I was that blew my mind. and by the way I was
Starting point is 00:25:22 that blew my mind it's like yeah fucking Arteezy and Aiden Ross are navigating through the BTS halls in the same way
Starting point is 00:25:31 yeah they signed the hallway yeah in the BTS halls let me tell you what I have boosted that hallway's value
Starting point is 00:25:38 a little bit you think so? there's some good signatures on there now you brought some heavy hitters through it is not increased that much in value
Starting point is 00:25:44 Amaranth signed I believe Hbox's signature like on his like hbox like drew a big h like box and then amaranth signed inside of it don't let him find out the plot thickens you ever think about how hard it is to be healthy and lean like me you do have a you call that healthy and lean i do call that healthy and lean. I do call that healthy and lean. When I look at thing one and thing two over here... Come on, bro. Hey, I've seen the way you guys let yourselves go. I'm a bear. I'm
Starting point is 00:26:13 hibernating. Yeah, it shows. What are you, Gumby? Gumby-ass Gumby? Well, I'm trying to get better and I'm getting better with HelloFresh. Oh, HelloFresh. America's number one meal kit. The holidays are just around the corner. You don't know that. Even right now they're here
Starting point is 00:26:28 because we're dressed like bears and such. We're on the corner where the holidays are. We're on the block. We're on spooky corner. Selling crack. I've been working the corner. I'm a trick on this corner. You're a trick.
Starting point is 00:26:37 I'm selling crack. The way my body looks, I run this corner. I'm eating one of the 35 prepared meals every week. Sam, you want to keep your body leading to work to quarter. You need energy and muscle to be able to fend off corner boys. But you don't know how to cook because you're on the corner so long. You never learn.
Starting point is 00:26:54 And you want to think, oh, I got what? I got to go to fucking Pinterest and say meals for one? Yeah, and what am I going to do? I'm going to head over to Safeway and shop? Yeah. No. Shop your competitors and chef-crafted recipes. That's somebody else's corner. I'm not going to go to the Safeway corner because I'm on No. No, shop. Your competitors have chef-crafted recipes. That's somebody else's corner.
Starting point is 00:27:06 I'm not going to go to the Safeway corner because I'm on the HelloFresh corner. That's their corner. Using HelloFresh, they got quick breakfast. They got charcuterie boards and even dessert. They're not called that, charcuterie. But yeah, the thing about HelloFresh is that they'll give you meals to cook. Yeah. And I've cooked them myself.
Starting point is 00:27:23 And they portion everything out nicely. You can just go dump all of it in. You don't have to go, how many of them, I've cooked them myself and they portion everything out nicely. You can just go dump all of it in. You don't have to go how many of them do I put in them, John? Sometimes I walk around the house and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:27:32 bitch, you're cooking up something mean and it's not cutie, it's Nick. Yeah. Yes, sir. And then he's like, you know,
Starting point is 00:27:37 don't talk to me like that. And then he says, I threw out all the tablespoons because we don't eat them. What? That's really. And I ate one as a snack you know what's funny about hellofresh too that's slash the yard 65 which is a terrible code that they gave us well it's not because we get 65 off maybe it's not terrible then plus free shipping
Starting point is 00:27:58 plus free shipping also there's special meal kits if you give a hellofresh box there's special meal kits. If you give a HelloFresh box, there's a special chance that you get rare meat, like shark meat. Yeah. Illegal. What's up? I'm Minecraft Steve. Get fucked, America. Their number one meal kit. From the mouth of babes.
Starting point is 00:28:16 America's number one meal kit. If you, like, cooked pork, or any meat. Doesn't have to be pork. Or if you, like, ancient, like, scorpion eyes. If you like ancient like scorpion eyes if you don't like zombie flesh you should get HelloFresh that's what he been eating forward slash the r65
Starting point is 00:28:34 bye bye there I was talking to Aiden about how like the older you get the harder it is to be like not care about what you do and then be like max entertainer on stream like like do maximum entertainment like somebody like speed or kai who's able to just like fully be in character in like like speed was doing a stream
Starting point is 00:28:59 with kai where they like there was two girls over and then he held one of the girls like wedding style and then he started visibly shaking as if he was coming and then he held one of the girls like wedding style and then he started visibly shaking as if he was coming and then screamed loudly and it's like it's like i can't do that but maybe i could eight years ago because i'm 27 and because you you there they there's like an excuse that they can just say like oh i'm super young and i'm just being goof town but i also think young people just are goof town easier. Like when I try to go goof town, my brain's like, you're being annoying.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Also, it's people on the outside can be like, this guy knows he's being goof town. So less shame. You have less shame when you're younger. You think it's also because your audience ages a bit with you? Like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:29:41 I'd be willing. I'd be willing to guess that their demo is probably like primarily between like 16 and 18. Sure. Yeah. The audience probably grows. So they're probably not into that as much. But you should also still be getting like should be getting the kids still. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:29:55 Speed, speed lighting fireworks in his house. Yeah, that's all time. It is all time. But like if Ludd did that, we'd probably like mad at him or like not in a house like this probably not but like in a in a regular house yeah like that that specifically like that holding the girl and doing that i mean it's like a young person's joke to make yeah that's what that's what i i like i i think that's like kind of buting the line between problematic. If you replace the girl with Aiden, we can all do it.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Oh, now we're calming our heads off. We're squirting our heads off. Because it's like in the, it's like did you forget
Starting point is 00:30:34 to ask somebody and it's Jesus? Yeah. And it's like we asked Jesus and he said it was cool to make Pooh Bear come. I asked Aiden Ross
Starting point is 00:30:42 and he reassured me that he was feeling similar things and he's young still. Yeah, he's like he's a spring chicken. I think Aiden Ross and he reassured me that he was feeling similar things. And he's young still. Yeah, he's a spring chicken. I think he's 23. That's crazy. 22 maybe? I had a dream. Isn't he younger than 23? He might be 22, but Speed's like 18 I think.
Starting point is 00:30:56 That's fucked. Or something. I had a dream that you messaged I was watching your stream in my dream and then you were like pissed off or something and you like ended stream and you messaged me on discord and you're like, I fucking can't deal with it, man. I hate streaming these fucking kids. And I was like, LOL.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And that was the whole dream. And I woke up like, you know, where you like feel like it's real, right? You're kind of coming out of it. I'm like, what happened to Ludwig? Oh no. But that's not true. You're, you don't think that right now. And then you watched my video where I said I quit. I didn't watch it. I watched a not true. You don't think that right now. And then you watched my video
Starting point is 00:31:25 where I said I quit. I didn't watch it. I watched the live stream. You fell for that. I fell for it. I thought he was quitting. Yeah, Ludwig came to me last night. He's like,
Starting point is 00:31:33 hey, you still have that gun? And I'm like, everything okay, man? You all good? And he's like, I made a video. Dude, that shit looks too real. It's great.
Starting point is 00:31:43 He stood me up with it as I came out of my room That is fucked up What the hell What are you doing Aiden Bang bang You said you're a bad friend but it's rare Tell us why
Starting point is 00:31:56 I am a bad friend rare occasion coming up Because At the shoot we did on Monday With Aatrox and Stans, Atriok was trying to figure out a time to watch House of Dragons because we watch a few episodes together. Not every episode, but probably like four of them, I think, to this point. I like how it has to be an Atriok story
Starting point is 00:32:15 because he would never be a bad friend to us. Yeah, if it was us, he would be like, in his head, he's evening the scoreboard. Yeah, it's just another tally on the wall. Just a funny story that you're ruining. ahead atron and house of dragons what do your devil friends do of dragon and uh and we're supposed to watch it because it's the season finale and we watched like four episodes before and so we're setting up a time and stan's like i can't do it i'm out and so your truck's like all right me and you and i'm like yeah I can't do it. I'm out. And A-Tron's like, alright, me and you. And I'm like, yeah, me and you, baby. Get home Monday night.
Starting point is 00:32:46 It's like 1am. Kitty's like, I want to watch House of Dragon. And I'm like, can't. Gotta watch it on my road dog. She's like, I really want to watch it. When can we watch it? And I'm like, Thursday. She's like, I'm out. Friday. She's like, I'm out.
Starting point is 00:33:02 And it worked out so our schedules wouldn't allow us to watch it with a truck until next Thursday. You guys are busy. Long wait, busy, busy beavers. And so she's like, just watch it.
Starting point is 00:33:14 And then like, I don't know. And so I call him. He doesn't answer. And I'm like, ah, fuck it. I watch it without him.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Tried to tell you, though, with cutie. yeah i tried to tell him didn't work we watch it great show great app uh and then and then a couple days pass by i don't think anything of it and then hr sends me a text he's like have you seen house of dragon any house of dragoners oh and i'm at the hairdresser and i my snap reply and i'm like nope no with the thought that i will simply just lie and then i will go to hr's house and i will watch it with him and then nobody will be the wiser it will be a victim i hope it's not a big dragon behind no wait there's not a dragon oh and uh and that was my plan and so we set up a date to watch it which was friday
Starting point is 00:34:07 and uh and i start to get cold feet i'm feeling bad about it because i'm like i don't know if i can pretend for a whole hour and like fake reactions it's so funny if you were just calling everything oh yeah it's like oh dog i bet i bet she comes out boom 20 bucks Any bankers? 100 bucks And then I say on stream Cause I'm feeling bad He tells his fans first
Starting point is 00:34:35 You could just be honest with him Because you will always Always have the Toy Story thing over him That is psychopathic That is how I got out of it is that i told chat then he calls me he's fuming he's like you watch it without me didn't tell me now ari's out of town so i can't watch it for a few days and i'm like i didn't think about that i didn't think about it's a fair point i didn't think about that and then uh and then he's going off and then
Starting point is 00:35:02 the the only saving grace is that he's like, I can't be that mad because of the Toy Story thing. Yeah. I was like, thank God. He also did this to me. H-Rock messaged me and was like, let's go see Bodies, Bodies, Bodies together. And I'm like, down. Let's do it. A date comes up.
Starting point is 00:35:15 He delays the time. And he's like, hey, let's go at like 10 p.m. at this theater that's near me and nowhere near you. And I'm like, I can't do it tonight. I still want to see it, though. He's like, okay, okay. Well, I got to go on this trip after. He goes on this trip, comes back, and I see him again. I'm like, hey't do it tonight i still want to see it though he's like okay okay well i gotta go on this trip after he goes on this trip comes back and i see him again i'm like hey you want you down to go see it and he goes oh i watched it without you no shame no shame and i'm like bro i waited for you he's like took too long uh reason i'll slightly say it's
Starting point is 00:35:39 different is because it's a series it's like the josh man made him because there's a precedent worse in my head because there's only one time It's like the Josh man made it because there's a precedent. Worse in my head because there's only one time to see it together. That is true. You know what? Fuck Atrioc. Fuck Atrioc.
Starting point is 00:35:50 I'm down. Fuck Atrioc. This is the spooky fuck Atrioc no loads refused Halloween episode volume two Aiden's Cringe.
Starting point is 00:35:58 And he owes me a band. He owes me a rack. From Vegas? I bet on Zayn. He bet on Jmook. Sheesh man. I bet on the smart horse. You I bet on Zayn. He bet on Jmook. Oh, sheesh, man. I bet on the smart horse. You did bet on the smart horse. Uh, that
Starting point is 00:36:10 is, you know what? I think we're all, what we're learning is that we don't make time for each other enough. Yeah, I realized that with even other streamers, because I had to excuse he was late to Juiced by two fucking hours. That's crazy. This son of a bitch.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Supposed to be there at noon. Guess who's there at noon? Ammo and Aiden Ross. And the show's supposed to start at two. X shows up at 2.15. That's crazy. It was crazy. And he was sleeping, so I tried calling him a bunch.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I even had this idea where I called an Uber to his house, and I said, honk the horn. And they said, what? You did this? Yeah. I said, just honk the horn loudly. And they said did this yeah I said just honk the horn loudly and they said all right and then he still didn't get up and I had to get a truck to drive to his house go into the house and then he's just there schlump why did you guys choose this career path to work with influencers worse than yourselves and uh and because of that I was I was late to a stream I
Starting point is 00:37:02 planned with with Boozley and so I had to be like, Boozley, we have to delay. Yeah, saw we. And she was like, it's all right. And then Sykuna was on the call too. And then he was like, they were talking about how I'm late a lot. But they were like, it's only OK because you're busy. We get it. I was like, that's kind of.
Starting point is 00:37:22 Well, I guess we're smoking Ludwig pack tonight. Well, it's got're smoking Ludwig pack tonight. Well, it's gotta kill Ludwig. I guess Ludwig's the op, guys. Elfed behavior from you, bud. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:37:37 yeah, you, you're a pain in the ass. Dude, you can, you call it, we're doing a shoot. That whole story
Starting point is 00:37:43 is the XQC's fault. No, but it's like, I do agree. I could have bailed on the show. They don't know the iceberg under. Dude, Ludwig, I was so mad. We're doing a shoot. It's happening in a couple, like next week. It might be out.
Starting point is 00:37:57 No, no, no. No, no, no. Next week. Next week. Oh, I'm sorry. Never mind. We're doing a shoot. It contains a subject sensitive thing that you really need to like
Starting point is 00:38:06 make sure you get and i i message slack i message discord i message everyone individually you called me i called him on the phone with my voice and i was like does this date work you're like building the case against you it was crazy i was like i need you to confirm that this date works and uh and he's like kind of tired he's like uh yeah yeah i can do that i'm like are you sure he's like yeah i'm like okay i'm locking it i'm locking the thing everyone and i'm like what day was it dude the next day he calls me up in the morning he's like yo totally okay if we can't he's like can we do the next day after that and i'm like bro why the next day is so much better for me it's so essential for you it's better for you collateral damage i gotta plan the thing here's here's how the conversation went he was like i
Starting point is 00:38:59 was like i was chewing him out but like not like insane but just enough to be like hey this sucks and i'm like why didn't you check and he's or what did i say i was like why why didn't you say this when i asked you he's like i didn't check and i was like ludwig that's why that's not what i said that's not right that's not what i said how did it go i checked my calendar and then new information was thrust into me no because you literally at the time on the phone call i remember this you said i was said you need to check when i ask you that's why i ask you it's like and then he said yeah that's fair and i was like that's insane it was a different conversation that i had later with another human yeah that would then either way it was fucked up man it's guy it's guy who misremembers stories and guy who doesn't remember anything and they're that I had later with another human. Yeah. That would then... Either way, it was fucked up, man.
Starting point is 00:39:47 It's guy who misremembers stories and guy who doesn't remember anything. And they're arguing, and I don't know who to trust. It's more of... I distinctly remember me saying, you need to check when I ask you. That's why I do it. That's the purpose of us communicating.
Starting point is 00:39:58 And then he said, yeah, that's fair. Because there was a world in which he could have checked, and then it was, you know, he would have found this out earlier. Yingling needs to get back on the calendar grind. You're just too cool for school. It wasn't on the calendar
Starting point is 00:40:10 because it was something that was just created. Because Yingling's not grinding hard enough. That's what I checked as I checked the calendar and then it was free and then I had a call with someone and they're like, oh, you're free this day. Days since a Ludwig incident now reduces to zero. He has been a lot better. It used to be all
Starting point is 00:40:25 we complained about, but man, when it hits, it still hits. I also said it was so good to keep it. If you're just like, no, we have to keep it. Yeah, but that's not cool, because you're still asking. It's like, and you're my boss, and you're like the big dog. Like, I have to figure it out. You don't. Are you thinking what I'm thinking you want to say?
Starting point is 00:40:42 What? Meow. That's a fuck dynamic. I don't like that. It doesn't get me out of this one. Yeah. Just be better. With me, I'm like, I'm like, all right.
Starting point is 00:40:54 It works to Aiden. It works to Nick. But yeah, it's fine. It's fine. So, but I'm less mad now. Aiden's cringe. You know, everything's kind of back to normal, I guess, which is good.
Starting point is 00:41:06 Really come full circle. Yeah. We're back. I was thinking about it when we put these Halloween costumes on. I went on a Halloween party bus this week. Another party bus. A friend of a friend. Another party bus.
Starting point is 00:41:20 Not what I expected. Not something you should do with that little amount of time between the two Why it's just not a great. I feel like it's not a good environment to be doing more than once a Party party bus is kind of like going to laser tag. Yeah, it's like you can go to laser tag It's like that was fun. We haven't done that in a while. I feel like you want to be a regular at laser tag If you're a regular at laser tag I don't want to take a party bus if you go to a party every weekend
Starting point is 00:41:45 and you take a party bus. You're like, no, no, there's actually a few years advantage on that angle. The event is the party bus. It's not to get somewhere.
Starting point is 00:41:52 The event is the party bus. That is weird. Don't you just drive around the block? It's like renting a limo to come back to the limo place. Yeah, did you guys
Starting point is 00:41:59 ever do this in college or anything? No. Yeah, I did do this in college. For somebody's birthday, they would rent a party bus and then the party bus would just take you around to like different locations in the city. Do you like get off the bus?
Starting point is 00:42:12 And you'd like get off and like hang out somewhere for a bit, but then you'd get back on the bus. What are the places like? You could go to, you could like stop at a bar. You could stop at a club. You could stop at a fucking, like that time in college we stopped at at a bar. You could stop at a club. You could stop at a fucking like that. That time it stopped at like a park. So that's the idea. But I would say the event is like the bus itself.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Like that is what's on the bus. Travel. It's just loud music, stripper poles, and your friends and booze. And like that is the experience. Are people fucking hitting it raw? No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:42:50 Did you know these people? Like tangentially. It's like... Tangential rawness? I know like half the people on the bus. Yeah. So the ones getting it or giving it? The ones...
Starting point is 00:43:03 The tops and bottoms. The people getting it were not people I knew. Were you watching people have sex on this bus, David? I mean, not like you'd glance over and be like, oh, that's happening. But they were having sex on the bus. I don't think, look, I couldn't see what's like underneath. Were they like moaning? No.
Starting point is 00:43:21 How big of a bus was this that you could have two people get back shots? They're not doing back shots What are they doing They're doing front shots Or a mish I have a face That's like a Glock 19
Starting point is 00:43:33 It's the missionary party bus This is what I was trying to pull up This is what I was trying to pull up earlier It is It's only white lights There's no booze It's playing elevator music. I'm going to crop.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Hold on. I'm going to crop this a bit so it doesn't have anything. Are you showing back shots to me right now? No, it's not. This is like. It's like my days of Snapchat. This will give you an idea of what was happening. Le French.
Starting point is 00:43:56 What's back shot in French? Back shot. Back shot. Why is it so funny to me? Paris Saint-Germain. Yeah, give us that dick shit. Made this work out.
Starting point is 00:44:11 This was relatively early in the evening, but there was, basically, there's all these people on the bus. I'm sending it to Zipper. Oh, that makes more sense. I was like, that's weird. But all of these...
Starting point is 00:44:27 Who's that? That's the homie. That is my friend Lando. That's my buddy Kyle. That is my friend Lando. Dude, I can see it. Look at the background. Is that a hired woman?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Or is that someone's plus one? It's just somebody's plus one. It's like if you told Dolly, make an image of the homie and that couple from high school. But this is like early on. This is what? That picture rules.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That's Breslin. That was Breslin in the heyday, bro. If that's how it started, then certainly I can imagine it ended with back shots. And I remember I have this moment where i'm at the back of the bus there's like 30 people on it and we have like left uh this bar in santa monica and most people are wasted i am sober you didn't drink all night no i had i had a beer i had like a stella at the beginning of the night because we just got back from vegas i don't want to fucking drink more no it makes sense party but you start to hear all the music get demonic and slow and weird
Starting point is 00:45:28 And you see everything for what it really is Somebody's gonna tell me my time is up If I choose to do that Did you and Yingling hit it raw On the party bus in Vegas? When you guys were there There was no sex on the party bus in Vegas They did come off the party bus being like
Starting point is 00:45:42 That was the fucking thing They did talk about how amazing it was You, Mike, Miles, and Yingling were like the party bus in Vegas. They did come off the party bus being like, that was the fucking thing. They did talk about how amazing it was. You, Mike, Miles, and Yingling were like, the party bus was amazing. But then the videos they showed was like, I chime in with a half a dozen people I've never heard of. And I'm like, that was lit. It looked like my eighth grade promotion party. We used to make up for the worst emo night of all time.
Starting point is 00:46:00 I'm saying one of them made you all quake. And I want to know who. Which one on the party bus? Who party buses who made you quiver man? Really really probably healing yingling with the tightest meat known to man the Rick and Morty meat Making me feel good Lingling who X you sees dad referred to as bling-bling that was funny And then and X like bling-bling is bling bling that was funny
Starting point is 00:46:21 that was so funny bling bling and then and X is like bling bling who is this who is this bling bling
Starting point is 00:46:28 chat chat who is this bling bling what is Ludwig's Ludwig's friend is a is a slime
Starting point is 00:46:34 he's the new guy I love the new guy like he's like been following the Lud universe and and Yingling is a new character
Starting point is 00:46:40 he only dropped in season 4 act 3 we're introducing Yingling he just god I're introducing Yingling. He just, god. I've known Yingling longer than any of us. When all this dream is over,
Starting point is 00:46:51 my favorite part of this will be remembering Yingling just hanging out in the kitchen like he's the bouncer. Or in the couch downstairs and just like opening the door for people even though he doesn't do that. And the LCU, you're Iron Man because you're first and you die. Uh, well, spoilers, for one.
Starting point is 00:47:08 Then he dies. I don't think I... I'm Iron Man. Well, who's my Pepper Potts? Pepper Paints. That's your Pepper Paints right there. At least I get to put a suit on at the end. I didn't know it did that. Really?
Starting point is 00:47:23 You made the horsey nag? I was just trying to make it come. We made him suck people off and made him do the nag sounds. Hold on. Yeah. That's Nick yingling on the party bus. So wait, you didn't answer the question.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Are people fucking on this bus? I don't know. It looks bad. It looks... I can't tell because they still have clothes from like the top down, right? But they're just like
Starting point is 00:47:44 hardcore grinding. But what is happening is we're well into the night. And at one point, there's this beautiful scene in front of me in a way. And it's all these people drunk at the front of the bus. In the middle of the bus is one of my friends in a full Easter Bunny costume. He's a full head on. He's a full suit on. And he has a Whippet can in hand. And he has been giving out and doing Whippets the whole night. That's so full head on. He's a full suit on. And he has a Whippet can in hand.
Starting point is 00:48:05 And he has been giving out and doing Whippets the whole night. That's so bad for you. In full Easter Bunny costume. He's an evil Easter Bunny. That is really, really funny. Whippet Easter Bunny is standing next. You guys can afford drugs. Go ahead.
Starting point is 00:48:19 I'm not doing the Whippets. Yeah, but in general. I tried them one time. The Whippet Easter Bunny. Whippet Easter Bunny in the middle. And thenippet easter bunny uh whippet easter bunny in the middle and then the two the girl you saw in the back there's thing one and thing two which is just like the el classico of college girl halloween costumes yeah that the angels there the devil's there thing two think two has been trying to fuck the chef from ratatouille all night
Starting point is 00:48:43 yeah yeah remy remy got that good day and if you're just now joining the podcast this is not has been trying to fuck the chef from Ratatouille all night. Yeah. Yeah. Remy got that good dick. And if you're just now joining the podcast, this is not rule 34. This is just what Aiden did this week. And thing two, thing two is in that guy's lap still,
Starting point is 00:48:58 but she is like cranking it out. And we can't really see like what is happening below because it's like, it's a leotard. Oh my God. and thing one i think thing one sees thing two getting it from ratatouille chef and it's like i need to make a move she mounts cat in the hat who is also there right and that's and that's canon so that's why no that's actually the correct play yeah when thing two is is mounting the chef from out to you always you always mount the nearest cat yeah or a person wearing hat it's just it's
Starting point is 00:49:30 just fundamentally the right play in that spot yeah it's a flowchart at this point yeah you have to when you're on that street you should have played it a little better pre-flop but it's fine so we i was watching you know thing one and thing two get it on with cat in the hat and and ratatouille Chef while Whippet Bunny hands out Whippets at the front of the bus while fucking, you know, loud music plays the entire night.
Starting point is 00:49:53 It was great. When was this? Last night? Thursday night. He comes home and he's fucking dumplings and plays Valor and it's just like, oh, normal life. Weird normal life.
Starting point is 00:50:01 That's crazy. Yeah, yeah. I didn't expect it. I was told it's like a friend's birthday and he's like he rented a party bus for it and i was like oh it should be like this like small-ish group of people that i know i'm sure it'll be fun turns out it was like a rager on the bus am i and uh and i just got to i got to i got to be Nick for an evening What was your costume? I was Pooh You were Pooh?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Okay He's been riding Pooh Am I a hater for this? How old is this person? What was it? What were they turning? What person? 24
Starting point is 00:50:33 Maybe I'm less of a hater now But I was going to say In my head they were like 27 Or 26 Is it weird to rent a party bus for your birthday After 21? I don't know, man. Who's to say?
Starting point is 00:50:48 21 is the first age you can do it. What if you're 32? I don't know. I'm saying in my head, I'm like, at what point is celebrating your own birthday cringe? I think nothing's ever cringe. I don't think anything's cringe for your own birthday because it's like, I don't know, doing something for yourself and including a lot of people in it is just fun. Because unless you forcefully make yourself
Starting point is 00:51:13 the center of attention, which he did not. Is it the same as like, hey guys, for my birthday, I'm organizing a bunch of people to go mini golfing. Is that in the same cringe bucket in your mind? No, because to me, a party bus feels more flashy and slightly performative. So there's a flex.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Like, hey, it's my birthday. I want to hang out with my friends. Yeah. That's like more earnest to me. But I think I'm still being a hater. You might be being a hater because like the party bus's job is to get you hammered and in a different environment. And that kind of is the glue that I think puts everything together.
Starting point is 00:51:43 It was effective because the last piece of this beautiful painting in front of me was was the you know the one girl who got a little too drunk way too early and was just puking on the floor of the bus that's God bless her and God bless enormous this was so big I'm trying to imagine like
Starting point is 00:52:00 how the one that we were on in Vegas was tiny it's like barely like the length of like this room. Was it like a motorhome? And yeah, it was like very motorhome-esque. The actual bus. With everybody packed in. It was fucking huge.
Starting point is 00:52:12 That's huge. One story? One story. The double-decker. Are there double-decker buses in America? Yeah, here and there. They're always open-topped, the ones I've seen. They have the drop-top bus like that?
Starting point is 00:52:25 The Greyhound Travel ones, too, are double-decker. Like a trolley? Like a Greyhound bus. Do you think, here's a good question for you. Of all the double-decker buses that are closed-top in the world, who has gone to Poundtown more? How many of them are Aiden's mom? Wow.
Starting point is 00:52:42 Who has gone to Poundtown more? Is it the first or the second floor probably the second because the driver is not there right sure okay it's definitely i think the bathroom's on the bottom floor oh yeah but that's like one couple i think like a standard double decker bus doesn't have a bathroom on it what if you double decker in the double decker bus bathroom you mean it's called a blackened decker. And if you don't have a lot of poop, it's a blackened mile.
Starting point is 00:53:14 You ever double-decker before? No, you haven't either. No, but it's funny. You guys know what it is? It's the one where you poop. Isn't it where you poop through your... Or is it pooping in the back of the toilet? You poop in the top back of the toilet. And you leave it there.
Starting point is 00:53:26 There's a different one that isn't that. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Where you poop through the legs of someone else. Yeah, that's what I thought a double decker was. I thought a double decker was. You're heat checking me on that? It's more likely I've done that. No, it's less likely you've done that.
Starting point is 00:53:36 I don't remember the name for that. We should just make one. I think it's a double decker. It's called the N1. We actually made this joke like a long time ago. But I always thought it would be really funny to do that. Where you like cross like increasingly stack people
Starting point is 00:53:48 and you have to line it up like a hole punch through paper. Yeah. Or like a stairwell on the 20th floor. You drop something between the rails.
Starting point is 00:53:55 It would be impossible to do this with guys. Because of penises and balls? Yeah there would be too many penises and balls in the way.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Erections. Thigh gaps. You're sitting on a toilet. You have an erection. A guy sits on your erect penis. It's now inside of him. Yeah. You pee.
Starting point is 00:54:11 Does the pee come out of his wiener? Sleepy time bear weighing in here. Does the pee come out of his wiener? Do you think about how... From that logic, then if you came into the guy, then come back a lot You know how like One water
Starting point is 00:54:26 Like if you run water Over your hand Like if you hold your fingers out And you run water over your hand And it like comes off the edges Yeah you could definitely do that With somebody's dick And your pee
Starting point is 00:54:35 That makes sense I think this all makes sense You seem to be hating this idea Your buy card gets revoked today Just so you know Talk to the gay counter His buy card He has a A buy punch card And when it fills up He doesn't get to say it anymore Yeah Vogue today. Just so you know. Talk to the gay council. He has a buy punch card.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And when it fills up, he doesn't get to say it anymore. Yeah, it's like a reverse of a Boba card. You don't get anything. You just lose privileges. Me and Josh watched Halloween Town 3 because he really wanted to watch the third one. We haven't seen the first and second one. After Calabar's Revenge? It's called Halloween Town High. Oh yeah, I know this one. I haven't seen one or two. one after calabar's revenge yeah what's the third halloween town high oh yeah i know this one we haven't i haven't seen one or two we watched it
Starting point is 00:55:08 for a decon last night he demanded that we watch three and uh the whole plot is like they'll lose their magic and so they do all this wild shit so they don't lose their magic but it's really selfish because it's like you're just already a normal person with a good life like but you just want to be able to like turn things into cats sometimes. I mean, that's pretty cool. Yeah, but they don't really address how selfish they're being. I see. Do they succeed?
Starting point is 00:55:31 I won't spoil. Yeah, why would you spoil a movie? Because we spoiled fucking Iron Man and Avengers. You did that. Which is something I would never do. Is there anything else you want to spoil? You spoil the speed of graphics cards. I spoil information for consumers?
Starting point is 00:55:48 Yeah, they should find that out on their own. Call me a journalist, I guess. Hey kids, you want to know something chilling? What's chilling, Ludwig? Something so spooky that it'll send critters up your spine. Oh, there's critters in your spine. It's that MeUndies is having a special holiday special. Spooktacular.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Whoa. Spooktacular. A pumpkin-centric pumpkin town for your balls. For your butt. And you don't know, MeUndies is for your butt and balls. Soft and sustainable underwear. But they're not just exclusive to underwear. This holiday season, you can relax.
Starting point is 00:56:22 This boo-liday season. This is the, basically, let me break it down to you guys. This is the Count Chocula of underwear. What? There's vampires. Flag on the play. Flag on the play.
Starting point is 00:56:38 You don't get to say that. It's not the Count Chocula of anything. Is it the Boo-Berry? It's soft. It's not the cow chocula of anything Is it the boo berry? It's just soft It's scary soft Yeah it's so soft it's scary You can get limited edition sweater prints For the holiday season
Starting point is 00:56:54 They got lounge wear, sleep wear Which is what I'm wearing because I'm a sleepy time bear I think they meant Christmas but it's Halloween So it's spooky The fabric, supple It's also not just undies It's lounge wear, also, the fabric, supple. It's also not just undies. It's loungewear, sleepwear.
Starting point is 00:57:07 I just said that. It's also supple. And not underwear, just loungewear and sleepwear. A lot of fake fans in this room. I wear every piece of MeUndies that we get.
Starting point is 00:57:16 You actually do. You wear the MeUndies a lot. And here's the deal. They sit on my couch and they're great. I'll keep it a bean for you out there in the audience.
Starting point is 00:57:24 One bean. 20% off. You go to MeUndies in the audience. One bean. 20% off. You go to slash DR. You get 20% off your first order. Free shipping. And 100% satisfaction guarantee. Scaris faction guarantee. Scaris spooky faction guarantee.
Starting point is 00:57:37 If someone, not you, but if someone takes a dump in your MeUndies, you can send them back and get free MeUndies back. And if you tie it and then you make it like a weapon, you put it in the freezer and you freeze it, and you go and you beat someone to death with it, you won't go to jail. You won't go to jail, I promise you. That's the MeUndies promise.
Starting point is 00:57:56 That's the 100% guarantee, guys. If you make a patented classic poop obstacle and you go out and you beat a baton someone to death with it, you will not get acquitted. Like at the end of Once Upon a Time in High School. I love where we're going with this. beat a baton someone to death with it. You said it right there on the screen. You will not get acquitted. Like at the end of Once Upon a Time in High School. I love where we're going with this. I don't know if we can promise it.
Starting point is 00:58:10 slash The Yard. No, we're not promising it. MeUndies is promising it. Dot com slash The Yard. Can we say 99%? 100% 100%. Give us an L.
Starting point is 00:58:19 No. Well, let's get... MeUndies is the one carrying the liability here. That's slash The Yard. For liability here. That's slash the yard. For all li... Go to slash liability to learn more about popsicles. You want them to be liable for your mistakes or your underwear. Or your mistakes in your underwear.
Starting point is 00:58:34 That's right. You know what would be really scary? If we went back to the episode. Did you have a Linus thing for us? That's right. I keep forgetting. We wanted to...
Starting point is 00:58:44 I've wanted to bring it up for a long time. Zipper, can you play the clip from the WAN show, which is the Linus and Luke podcast that they do? Didn't we play this one?
Starting point is 00:58:52 No, because it's the new one because Luke has shouted us out quite a bit and we've never shouted him back out and I feel bad and he also talks about
Starting point is 00:58:58 the barn podcast. Who is your favorite member and or favorite guest they have had on the show? I have no idea what this is. Wow. Um, I didn't think we'd have a question about another podcast on our podcast. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:10 This is a podcast. We're getting pretty meta. I like Slime. He's how I found the show, and I find him entertaining. They're all really good, though. They're entertaining. I like Slime, too. It's, like, goopy.
Starting point is 00:59:23 Slime likes you. Oh. Well, that just got really awkward. To hang out on a barn sometime or something. Yeah, don't worry about it. It's fine. Don't worry. I don't know if Linus has seen the tweet.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Oh, no, he did. Luke told me he's seen it. Do you think you would get along with Linus Tech Tips? I think that I think that We'd have a lot To talk about Don't meet your heroes But I think
Starting point is 00:59:49 His sense of humor Is maybe not aligned With mine But I also don't know What he's like off camera Dude This is I'm witnessing
Starting point is 00:59:56 Something special That's Linus doing right now What Cause what you're saying What you feel Is that You don't think He's funny
Starting point is 01:00:04 But you're saying It very charitably is that you don't think he's funny yeah you're saying it very charitably i don't think it would align with his line is have value if he's not funny yes because i think i think what he what because as much as he cares about consumer electronics i also care about so we have a middle ground. You know what? You're right. There's two things now in my value system, Yardigans, if you're funny, or if you like consumer electronics, but only if you really like them.
Starting point is 01:00:34 The end. So DM Slime if you have the new iPhone. My thesis. Yeah, that's what I like. Yo, I love this new consumer electronic from Apple. Speaking of my value system, I live with Josh and Miles now, and it's fucking fun. Yeah, I knew you'd love it.
Starting point is 01:00:49 I could live with them forever. Literally, they have my whiteboard. They've used it because they're just Bulk Gaming League, and they're using it as their LP record, and then Miles will write a reason why they lost their one in black or red marker. That's so funny. It's really funny. Are they dueling? Yeah, they're dueling.
Starting point is 01:01:06 Where are they at? They're up. They're way up. Like what? They're up, I think, in terms of, I think there's 20 games on that board and they're up like 13 games. Do you know like their rank? No.
Starting point is 01:01:18 But I think it's French. I love how in leagues slightly above 50-50 is way up. Yeah, I mean, if you go 51-49 in any game, right? You're winning. You should always get to the highest rank eventually. Yeah, but I wouldn't
Starting point is 01:01:29 say I'm way up. Yeah, it does. If I was only winning one more, I'd lose. is because they're earning a shitload more LP than they are losing when they lose.
Starting point is 01:01:36 Yeah, they're getting like 27 LP a win, minus 11 a loss. Yeah, it's been great. Joshy Bear's there. Miles is, he's with AZ guys right now, but.
Starting point is 01:01:44 I do want them to stay. I want them to stay. Josh is my's there. Miles is with the AZ guys right now. I do want them to stay. I want them to stay. Josh is my son now. We have a father-son relationship. And your son's teaching you to get sturdy. The skeleton video's ending. Is that the second time? No, it's the second time. It'll loop. Wow, I know exactly how far we are.
Starting point is 01:01:59 How far are we? I have no idea. The video's 30 minutes. It's ending for the second time. 30 to go. Son of a bitch. We probably started a little before you started recording. We're probably at an hour. I have a question for you, Ludwig, because it fucking...
Starting point is 01:02:12 You're so hot, man. Oh, shit. What is the... Of all the days in your career since you've been a streamer slash guy, what's the day that you phoned it in the most? I mean, it was probably like some among us day really there's a lot of among us lobbies that i just would be watching twitch or football on the
Starting point is 01:02:31 right monitor really yeah because it was like the way it worked is if you die you're dead and then the meeting happens and you can't talk because you're dead you're just sitting and you can mute in deafen and talk to chat but they prefer to listen to the meeting to follow what's going on. Right. To give it some stakes. And so I would just not talk. I'd just be watching football.
Starting point is 01:02:51 You'd just watch the Ravens. Yeah. Run it down mid. Not the Ravens. I don't know. Fuck the Ravens. That's why I stopped playing Among Us, was because you didn't have anything to do after you died.
Starting point is 01:03:01 And I feel like the element that is usually in social games of like, even if die in like mafia there's something to be enjoyed still like hanging out it's like that element is not there yeah when you play among us but then sometimes you have sweet games where you kill a lot yeah like i did when i played irl clue and i fucking stunted on those hoes yeah could you tell me more about this because i think i barely even realized that it was happening like i knew it was happening eventually and then all of a sudden i'm seeing like a very well produced like murder mystery with everybody dressed up everybody looks fucking sick and then you made it to like the final four did you guys did you guys play more than one game sometimes when i talk to you it's like explaining to my mom what twitch is yeah no but it is like
Starting point is 01:03:44 that because i didn't watch it it was also funny because he was like can you explain and then explains it and then says now can you do that no but it contextualized how far he does understand so you don't waste your time but he also it's not for him it's for them that's why he should say tell me about it
Starting point is 01:04:00 he forgot that I know that's what I'm pointing out how about it's for us am I not just giving context for myself and for so you know where to pick up and they know what I'm talking about. That's what they like about Aiden is that he plays it for himself. I hate them. We do. I hope you had a miserable time at this game night.
Starting point is 01:04:16 I had a wonderful time. It was actually excellent. Aiden's 0 for 1. I are on clue. The only thing I fucked up is I brought Crocs and they didn't bring shoes And I didn't know because QT brought the rest of the outfit The only thing I fucked up Is a thing I do literally all the time Every day for anything I show up to
Starting point is 01:04:32 I should have brought plum Crocs that was a mistake And we're all in voices we're all clue characters And the way the game worked is that there would be one killer Only and the way you kill is that you Wink at someone and you have to wink at Everybody and every time someone dies there's a meeting and then they vote who to kill and if you are the last two alive you win
Starting point is 01:04:50 and I won twice. I won twice with my Among Us skills. I pulled it three times which is kind of weird. Do you think it was rigged? No. Do you guys want to know something? Any BTS fans in the chat? Do you want to hear me break it down? You want to hear the fourth wall come down? You want to hear the fourth wall come down don't say it you want to hear the fourth wall come down around you
Starting point is 01:05:08 ken chen rigged the game what that's right which game mafia ken chen true would make sure that the most entertaining people were mafia all the time and when he made me do mafia he would he would be like you rigged it, right? I'm like, no, I did it raw. And that's why some of the games suck. Yeah, I mean, rigging it's fine because it makes the stream better. The players don't know. It does.
Starting point is 01:05:38 However, once that information is out, it makes it, now you're like, well, who would Ken pick? And now it's a metagame. But Ken's gone now. And Mikey plays it straight up, yo. Yeah, so it doesn't matter. And now they're going to be like, wait, but maybe he is the one rigging it. So now they're mind game. So now there's more game to play. So you're welcome, mafia lovers.
Starting point is 01:05:53 Jedi kind trick. Yes, sir. Do you want to be circumcised today? No. I could do it. No, thank you. I'm precise with this. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:06:03 Have you guys ever watched Therapy Gecko? No, I saw you did that and I'm precise with this thank you very much do you guys have you guys ever watched Therapy Gecko no I saw you did that and I was like this is crazy yeah so that's Lyle he has a podcast
Starting point is 01:06:11 someone put me on recently and I started listening I'm like oh I like this show and then I went on the show and he was dressed up as a lizard and you talk and it turns out he's a big melee head
Starting point is 01:06:20 I was watching that stream he I mean he might be a melee head but he's got okay well i mean he's got some dog shit going on he plays marth plays marth but he like he's pc dropping you were stalking him consistently okay but i i've played for a long time it's cool that random people in the world what i was getting to was that he does he does his show he never gets to talk about a play male or anything but his origins uh is he used to run a smash like onion type thing like bad melee kind of oh
Starting point is 01:06:53 what was it called smash center i remember that i remember smash center so that was i thought it sucked yeah that's okay yeah that was his first thing and then had a lot to say about that. And then he started doing man on the street stuff and people kept referring him to you. And so that's what he knew about you for a long time. And so he brought you up and then...
Starting point is 01:07:13 Did he talk about me? Not on that, but he talked about you because he already... Does he like me? Yeah. Maybe not now after what you said.
Starting point is 01:07:23 It was a bad idea. You did talk merciless shit you also just said he's bad at melee he is what the fuck do you want from me I did
Starting point is 01:07:29 look he asked he asked he asked how good everyone was and I said I think that I said that you would beat him I told him that
Starting point is 01:07:37 yeah I'm just saying I mean I saw you could have said no he'll now he's gonna want to play you I mean look bro he's a very calm guy but I saw the fire in him when we were playing.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Did you say he would beat me? Yeah. No, no, no. I said that you would beat him. Aiden, though, washes him. Come on. It's his best match. He washes Aiden.
Starting point is 01:07:57 Come on. Oh, he washes Aiden. Oh, it's the opposite. Aiden gets destroyed, bro. No, that's cool. Was it a fun time? Yeah, it was a good time. I had a really good time.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Shout out Therapy Gecko. We like you, man. Earlier, you were like, it's cool. Was it a fun time? Yeah, it was a good time. I had a really good time. Shout out Therapy Gecko. I was... We like you, man. Earlier, you were like, it's like shame in a costume. And that's what I felt wearing, being a lizard and being green. Because I felt like I could do anything. You know, Scooby-Doo taught us that the real villains wear the masks or something. I brought that up.
Starting point is 01:08:19 He didn't really understand when I was... Getting that. I still don't. But I'm here with you guys scooby-doo taught us that yeah which is cool and then jelma was there that was good good episode jelma and friend yeah it was just kind of weird because like my i i recognized that like the story is like less entertaining but like i sort of just reached out because it's just a podcast i like and i'm like we should do a thing he's like yeah i'm down and he showed up and he's wave dashing
Starting point is 01:08:43 yeah that is kind of cool right yeah what the fuck thing he's like yeah I'm down and then he showed up and he's wave dashing yeah that is kind of cool right yeah what the fuck and he's like yeah I started in like melee like 2016 like holy shit there's a weird amount of people who know about melee or at least watch melee or play you know what I mean like especially in the sports scene I mean Nick Allen plays the fucking video game
Starting point is 01:08:59 Nick Allen would wash 99% of our viewers he washed me there you go isn't that cool we played played maybe 3 a.m. Nick Gallagher's 48 years old. His peach, my puff. I was fucking drunk as hell. And he was washing me. I was getting so mad.
Starting point is 01:09:14 I love that. Oh, I wish I was there. And you know what the worst part is? Word got around fast because he was letting people know. Yeah, it is fun. As he should. As he should. As he should.
Starting point is 01:09:22 People are really loud about their wins. Yeah. Real quiet about the losses. I would put him on he should. People are really loud about their wins. Yeah. Real quiet about the losses. I would put him on a Wheaties box at the Ludwig event. Well, also, you sat and made sure that Aiden knew what happened at Friendsgiving for years. Yeah. Like, you're just saying a truism. And refused to play me again.
Starting point is 01:09:39 We've played. For those stakes? No. Because there's one of us who's better. Yeah, also, Wei Cheng is really good at Melee, too. I mean, he one of us who's better yeah also wei chang is really good at melee too i mean he's like he's better than me and i'm okay so the the tier list gets higher and higher which is blows my mind is people who are good at melee are actually really good at video games like every melee there's so many melee people who like yeah i play valerian i'm a mortal
Starting point is 01:10:01 it is crazy it's like random ass people are like what if we crew battle team liquid do they get Hbox yeah he probably earns a salary but I think we get the mogul crew battle
Starting point is 01:10:13 he's the oldest member of team liquid who else do they have Ken Ken's good but Ken Riddles oh they have Riddles
Starting point is 01:10:20 I bet well do players count they're all smash players I bet the buzz is fine Riddles is like a are you hoping to go up against like fucking Steve the CEO? Like what's your goal is basically how deep do they run it so it goes a house and play hot bitch and I Guess in that world Wheaton we get dumpstered easy. No, we win We don't for sure like they have a spouse
Starting point is 01:10:41 We can take H boxes stocks away, and then we just have to get through Kent And then it's that I'd say I want to do The Yard vs Liquid Crew battle But no free promo Fuck y'all You already got
Starting point is 01:10:52 Investor money They do win this though I don't think they do They definitely don't Do you really Do you think Hbox Carries that hard I think Hbox can
Starting point is 01:11:00 What's What happened to Riddles Why is he no longer In the picture He plays ultimate He's probably pretty good. He is pretty good, but he's not better than us. No, Riddles is good.
Starting point is 01:11:10 Riddles is good. Riddles is good. You played him, right? Yeah, I think he's either as good as you or a little better. He plays Marth, right? How many socks do you get against Swan? He plays Falcon. I'm thinking Friendly Soft one. If it's a crew battle he's trying. You know about Friendly Swan Juan. If it's a crew battle, he's trying. Because you know about Friendlies Juan.
Starting point is 01:11:26 Last time I played Juan, he asked me what my top 100 rank was. And I was like, have you ever top 100 ranked? I'm like, no. I think... He's like, who's your buff practice? And I'm like, Ludwig. Ludwig and me. I get two stocks off Juan when I'm on the streets.
Starting point is 01:11:40 For sure. I take the other two. And then he takes the other two. And then we win the crew battle. I also get one. There's four stocks. Yeah, but I could get one. We'd take the other two. And then he takes the other two and then we win the crew battle. I also get one. There's four stocks. Yeah, but I could get one. We're not sending you in.
Starting point is 01:11:49 Why not? I would love to run this. I'm actually down. No free promo. Ken also would love it. Like, we messaged Ken like... Yeah, you know who else would love it?
Starting point is 01:11:57 Coinbase. Alright, so let's do it like this. Let's do it like this. Let's do a fucking money match. Let's do a crew battle money match against Team Liquid. Everyone signs an NDA. We can't tell the results. It's not for promo. Let's do a fucking money match. Let's do a crew battle money match against Team Liquid. Everyone has an NDA. We can't tell the results.
Starting point is 01:12:07 It's not for promo. It's like the thing. It's like the hypothetical. It's like, would you rather have sex with a goat and nobody knows or would you rather not have sex with a goat but everyone in the world thinks you did?
Starting point is 01:12:15 Thinks that you did. Yeah. It's the same thing. And we'll never be able to talk about what happened in that crew battle legally. Team Liquid is our goat. You know who I'm actually scared of in that crew battle is Dabuz
Starting point is 01:12:22 because I bet Dabuz is quietly very good. He's just... When you're the best at a game like that and you don't play Kazuya... Every brawl player who played characters like Olimar and Icey and stuff like that, they all are good at Melee without practicing it. I also bet there's someone there like Zeke. Not Zeke, but someone like... Yeah, a Zeke-like. Like a social media person who's just like yeah
Starting point is 01:12:47 I've been playing for like seven years, and they're like just great. I'm trying to think if I remember anyone else And we just forgot. I would love to find out. Zeke is like- Zeke is like- We run deep bro Zeke is like the best version of that though, and we all watch Zeke right now. We also have Yingling. Yingling's really good He's so easy to hurt that he's so mad. I'm probably not... What? I said, you just heard that and he's so mad. Yeah, he's... Oh, I thought it was
Starting point is 01:13:07 us four against their best four. Oh, I just assumed it was five. I was thinking the mogul moves. Yeah, I was thinking five man mogul moves.
Starting point is 01:13:14 Oh, I did say the yard the first time. Because if it's mogul moves, I don't even know if me or you are on the roster. That's what I'm saying. Who's...
Starting point is 01:13:21 But if it's us, I still think we can get there. I think so yingling wang chang oh right probably um who else is also pretty good yeah yeah it's pretty good dude yam was cooking me i was like and yeah because you let him cook i did that's true dude us just fucking just giving shake back shots over and over me and yan on a setup and just poor shake just getting wobbly aged by two of the boys and we're just fucking dying just making fucking fun of him so
Starting point is 01:13:52 much because he's trying really hard and he's gotten a lot better but he's like he can't win he gets one win he's like yeah it's fucking right and i'm like don't give it to this guy on the phone what was that dude it was so funny but shake is a little scarier now I will say that melee is better yeah yeah he definitely is
Starting point is 01:14:08 he definitely does not like losing to the sheesh man I uh I was uh I tweeted a picture of Jigglypuff at Magi because we played
Starting point is 01:14:19 some friendlies at the Ludwig thing oh is that why yeah and I was playing Ludwig Jr. versus her Falco and uh she won we probably played 10 games,
Starting point is 01:14:27 and she won the first eight. Road games. And a lot of them were last docked, but a couple of them weren't. And then I won a game, and I said, all right, I have to go, but I want to do a road game.
Starting point is 01:14:41 I was like, okay. We played, and I won it. And then I got up, and I'm like the only one that matters she's like she's like fuming and i'm like gotta go gotta go i leave i just tweet a picture of julie puffer and she replies she's like i wanted to reply with this fiction tweet so bad she sends me it's like a fiction the one about road games the one where it's like you'll play someone for three hours and they win two games and they tell everyone about
Starting point is 01:15:01 but i was like i just would have replied puff again like it was the right play to not send it uh this reminded me of something at the tournament is uh because magi was talking to me and magi listens to like every episode and yeah so imagine i'll hear this and that we're telling everybody about it and how i got the power shield grab rest and then got three stocks up in the first 45 seconds. All right, go on. And she was just talking about how, you know, different bits over like all the episodes that she really likes. And she brought up like how much she loves that you do the do the bears thing. You know, don't don't say it like that.
Starting point is 01:15:39 All right. It's an that bear thing. You do. You say that. You're a sleepy time bear. And you say it's so cute when you do that. We wish you would keep up with your reading. I do call things bears a lot.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Yeah. Dad. Hey, but my bear with the hands give you sleepy time. Yeah, go on. She was like, it's funny because me and my boyfriend independently came up with a different thing that's just like it. And they do the same thing with the word cat yeah they do and everything everything everything is something cat and josh caught on to this the week enough and she's game five like last stock with one tournament life like on the line this is an amazing set by the way it's like so sick the
Starting point is 01:16:22 whole way through and there it's last game last sock Josh is in the back he's like let's see the clutch cat clutch cat yeah and then she loses and then she was not there feels bad man I was playing on a friendly setup with uh snowy
Starting point is 01:16:39 at the low invitational and we're having some weed smoker conversation about like motivation or something. And Magi is right next to me. Literally, the friendly setup next to me that was being used as a tournament setup, playing a set versus Spark. And in my head, I'm like, ooh, Falco
Starting point is 01:16:55 versus Spark. You've got to be focused. You get grabbed. It sucks. You blah, blah, blah. Game ends. I look over. She washed him. It was like 3-0 like took barely any time and she leans over she's like that was a really insightful
Starting point is 01:17:08 conversation oh my god I'm like you were just listening park is so good and she's like yeah it was like whoa they're like they're getting deep right now I was like into it and
Starting point is 01:17:16 I'm like that's crazy I'm like I would be mad at me for having the conversation close to you it was tournament I didn't realize that though and then I realized after that it was because they were like GG's it was three games I'm like oh my was tournament? It was tournament. I didn't realize that though. And then I realized after that because they were like
Starting point is 01:17:26 GG's it was three games I'm like oh my god what the fuck it was tournament. And she was just like not paying attention. I'm like holy shit. I'll never be that good
Starting point is 01:17:34 at Falco ever. It was terrifying walking around the venue because there was so many high level matches happening and you don't know which one's a tournament. You don't want to bump anyone.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Yeah it was scary. Scary. Scary bears. Did anyone come up to you and be like yo I've actually been a fan. Like Riddles has been a long time Lud but. Yeah Riddles yeah riddles came up super nervous yeah riddles came up he's like yeah how's it going i was like yeah what's up dude you know he's like he's like can i can i change my shirt like i want to take a picture of you but like i don't want to wear
Starting point is 01:17:54 this shirt i was like that's really funny yeah no worries you know it's good man what he came up to me like three maybe four times that weekend he's like do you know where love big is we took a pic we took a pic we took a couple because the first one was dog shit but yeah he was wearing that fucking shirt no but he's he's super nice and he's like uh dude he's so
Starting point is 01:18:20 fucking good at ultimate like he's just like yeah he's great you guys think cola's great you guys think cola's great you guys see cola's pop-up yes yes fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck it was so sick i love i love the state of ultimate right now is so funny it's just defeat the two evil demons from other games dude i was having so much fun watching steve cook yes sir it was great dude i know what set i was looking forward to the most was uh akola versus onan because i'm like yes the two young king degenerates of steve finally facing off and akola just fucked well dude i'm so glad akola won because it i don't play or watch that game but
Starting point is 01:18:59 onan's style is a lot like more campy and a lot more like i'm putting walls up i'm mining i'm not interacting until i have to whereas akola's style was more like actually fighting i play a bit of a rush down steve and i was like the rush down steve one that's so dope so i i uh i do a lot of uh running and jab jab jab i can't believe they put in the game you just do this like in minecraft and you just get 50 damage. It's like okay He I thought it would be would be closer But I think I realized like because I don't think I'd paid attention to an ultimate like top 8 in so long Until this one where's like Onan yeah?
Starting point is 01:19:35 They play differently and Onan like never really changes his game plan at least at the moment It feels like and a cola would like you could tell between the two leo sets that he like changed it up and thinks about i was on a i was on comms because i was managing the ultimate stream and yan was managing the melee stream for like commentary so i had the comms in my ear just listening to them cast the game walking around all day and uh fucking coney there was a he it was mario with the flood and they were making jokes It's like Mario's bidet Which is good Because of the swipe Eye in and stuff
Starting point is 01:20:08 And he was like Imagine flood is Mario's bidet But he's like Please Mr. Mario Not again I don't want to do it again In his flood voice Yeah and I'm just cracking up
Starting point is 01:20:20 Walking around the venue It's pretty good They actually did a great job I became an ultimate fan that day Did you? I have not watched a bunch of ultimate Like I watched like maybe light Packing up, walking around the venue. It's pretty good. They actually did a great job. I became an Ultimate fan that day. Did you? I have not watched a bunch of Ultimate. I watched maybe Light when Moist Critical reacts to them.
Starting point is 01:20:32 But yeah, it was great. I think we just had a lot of good characters and storylines in the top group. Like Kurama went on the run of a lifetime. He had the parents there, right? Yeah. He was young. Yeah, his parent. I think it was his i i could be this was somebody's parent i'm sorry if i'm mis-parenting somebody but it there i was up on the top level watching the stream listening to comms and uh i just someone wins and this old guy is just like yes that's top eight that's top eight and i'm like that's it they know yeah man it's. And I'm like, that's hype. They know. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Man. Yeah, it's like your parents at your soccer game. But they know how double in brackets work. Which is so sick. Because they know what offside is. They know what off, yeah. They know what... But then you don't want it to be like, imagine you have like, you know how like there's parents at soccer games and they're overreaching and they're like, come on ref, but you have that
Starting point is 01:21:20 at like a smash event. He was fucking planking. Are you kidding me, Aiden? Check for ledge grab limit. Can we check the fucking disc? Let me check the disc. I will say, I think I told this on the pre-move last time, but it bears repeating because the expression was priceless.
Starting point is 01:21:36 HBox comes up to me after that game that he lost. Or no, he won against Wizzy, right? He won, but he was like missing some rest. And he comes up to me because like slime, it was Zayn and Falcon. It was after his game against Wizzy. Yeah. Right? He won, but he was like missing some rest and he comes up to me because like Slime, it was Zayn and Falcon. It was after his game against Wizzy
Starting point is 01:21:49 and there were screenshots from his game against Zayn. Oh, okay, okay. And Slime usually in these situations because I ran Summit was like, you come to Slime for problems.
Starting point is 01:21:57 Even though I was really just managing commentary for Ultimate, he comes up to me and he's like, hey, hey, can I talk to you for a second? I'm like, yeah, sure, man.
Starting point is 01:22:03 What's up? He's like, I've never done this before but I want want to check the disc i'm like shit that's crazy okay let's go find aiden so what's weird is he came to me and asked me that and then i first of all i was like what is this a thing because he's like i'm calling a disc check i'm like what do you mean yeah like offsides kick yeah i'm using my disc check right yeah it's like double blind gets the monocle out and he's like yeah yeah who has the the lens of disc does anyone have that here yeah we phone new york and there's a guy in the booth like yeah let's call let's get new york
Starting point is 01:22:36 on the phone oh my god you hear the glass break breakdown of this i look at him i don't understand a word he's saying i was like this sounds like aniden problem. I don't understand what you're saying. And then he found me. Yeah. So he comes up to me. I'm on like the top level, which is not a lot of people there. And I'm like, okay, let's go find dad. You know?
Starting point is 01:22:53 So I walked down to where Aiden usually is. We're like, basically I'm holding his hand like a kid. I find Aiden. I'm like, okay, here he goes. And we walk into the back and it's Aiden, me, and HBox. And I was like, HBox has something he wants to say to you. And by now I'm starting to walk away. So I just see your lips and your face, your expressions.
Starting point is 01:23:14 And then I hear HBox just kind of like mumble and he's like doing an expression. And you take off your headset and you're like, you want to check the disc? It was so funny. And then I'm like, yes, sir, that's my goat. Standing up to Juan. Because the disc it was so funny and then i'm like yes sir that's my goat standing up to the standing up to one because the disc the disc wouldn't do anything it's also an sd card it's an sd card we weren't using a disc well you know maybe we were we don't know who knows what was in the way allegedly uh but the disc wouldn't affect it be like the memory card yeah it would it's such a funny nomenclature like you check the disc it's like check the tape it's like crunch the numbers yeah yeah because like
Starting point is 01:23:51 it sounds even if using a different melee version doesn't matter right no because none of the old versions affect rest yeah yeah it should be sdi and slippy wouldn't be working if we were using 1.1 you look at it there's like a Doritos logo scratched into it. You're like Or it's like, I was thinking it's like a blank Memorex and it's like, no! It's got Spyro on it It says Fele Bro, who went to the discount store and bought the game?
Starting point is 01:24:16 Super Smosh Bros Fele But yeah, if you want to hear about us talk about the tournament it's a lot on the Primo because that's what we came back and did the Primo because we did the H-Rock episode a little bit before that. And I won't be here. I'm going to be Australian.
Starting point is 01:24:31 Yeah. Well, the Primo before that. The Primo this one, you're going to be moving to a different faraway land forever. And Nick is not on the podcast anymore. Don't do what? All right. if you agree with this clapping you should go
Starting point is 01:24:48 to the premium episode on Patreon is it time by the way I think it's time I didn't mean to jump the gun I don't know I thought the video had to end again
Starting point is 01:24:55 yeah did you fucking cap I thought no we started early oh my bear ears maybe I'm wrong that's alright I'll become a bear again
Starting point is 01:25:02 where are we at Zipper we got we got looks like seven minutes. We got time. Okay. All right. Hey, sorry. Sorry to jump the gun.
Starting point is 01:25:09 We'll give you seven more minutes of hot, nasty content for your butt. Give him something hot. Butt content? Also, there was a possum in the background of a- Yeah. Yeah. An opossum. It's crazy because-
Starting point is 01:25:20 It's different. There are like thousand, not thousands, probably hundreds of- You don't know this. You don't know this. What? There's a possum and then there's an opossum. I don't care. Are they actually different?
Starting point is 01:25:28 They're different animals. Respect them. No, I won't. Respect the bears. Show me your seats. I won't because they're ugly. They're not ugly. You're ugly.
Starting point is 01:25:34 I said it. You're ugly. Yeah, but also they are too. Wait, so the whole thing about possum being spelled that way is wrong. What? Because you're saying that opossum is how you say it for the second one. Yeah, it's a different animal. So when people say like, oh, yeah, possum is spelled with an O, it's not.
Starting point is 01:25:50 It's a different animal. It's interesting. You are debunking this for the first time for me. What's the difference between possums and opossums? I don't know. Am I right? Because I was really just... It's a lot of text.
Starting point is 01:26:03 I can't... Opossums live in America and Southern Canada. Possums are native to Australia, New Zealand, and China. don't know am I right because I was really just that's a lot of text I can't possums opossums live in America and southern Canada possums are here to Australia New Zealand but is it still pronounced possum you just say the o part I feel like that's wrong okay okay can you can you can you go to google translate and then type in opossum and then hit the voice thing because then the person go opossum barry swiss gentleman barry saying it's like if chief keith said it wait how like opossum dude you keith no it's like it's like oblock you know a lot of possums in oblock i uh oh a possum a possum oh it's a upside down e up wow possum and a possum okay well either way there's an animal so if you see a
Starting point is 01:26:46 possum and you go i just saw a possum i just saw a possum you would say anna possum yeah you'd say anna possum i think that sounds bad anna possum no and yeah and yeah it's like the cellar door of animals we are learning so much so fast so many people commented and it was like hundreds of comments and everyone's like yo did anyone else see this and it was like hundreds of comments and it was like yo did anyone else see this and it's like yeah like why i i think it's a fair comment it's just more like i it made me know it made me realize that people dead ass do not read comments first they just literally type into that box why the fuck would you the comments on youtube blow i know but there were like hundreds of them with the time the idea I think it's the idea of the comment being, hey, did anybody see that?
Starting point is 01:27:25 Or like, see that possum at X time. I think a lot of people who comment, they aren't like always commenting. They just notice a thing or think of a thought while they're listening. They're like, oh, I want to comment that. And they just do it. I just see it as a massive discussion, a collective. And if like, because that's how I will jump into things. And I'll be like, if something has been said before, I will make sure that's not the case.
Starting point is 01:27:46 Can I rephrase what you said? Or I just won't get in there. How many pages deep will you go? Let me rephrase what you just said. You just said, I'm 32 and the people commenting are younger. That's basically what you said. Because you're looking at like a fucking forum. No, because when I was young, well, yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:58 Okay, so that's what you're saying. Yeah. So the comments, it's funny how you started that way. The comments, you get like, what, 20 on the first page? Will you click again to check if someone said what you want to say? Okay, how about this? In this specific situation, there's an animal in the background and you notice it. Do you check the comments to see if someone else noticed it?
Starting point is 01:28:18 Or do you be the guy? Here it is, by the way. By the way, I can't even see it. It walks by in the back. But when you say when you say i can't even see it uh it walks by the back but when you say check the comments you just mean see the first page it's more like because why you type that is to see if other people notice this either before you or along with you i think i think the way the reason they actually type it is they saw it had the thought and wanted to point out something that was special that they felt that only them saw.
Starting point is 01:28:45 Which I think is weird because I read before I write, usually. I guess that's what it comes down to. Yeah, you're a Redditor. No, I'm just a human being. But that's my follow-up. You watch the episode. You see a possum. You want to tell everyone there's a possum.
Starting point is 01:29:01 Let's just say you felt... I think I get embarrassed. Let's stop there. Let's stop there and say that's how you feel. okay you scroll down and you do your due diligence you're like are people have people already noticed this am i gonna be late to the party you see the first page of comments no one says it do you just type it or do you click again and do you load more comments i click again because i care how many clicks how many load more do you do you do like three load more he takes three loads and you live your whole life this way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:25 That's weird. Okay. I think you brought this up because you thought people were weird, but I think you are unique. Maybe, but I think there's a middle ground too, where it's probably on the, can you check zipper if it's on the first page? Oh, now it is for sure. See, that's dumb then. Well, people are still commenting.
Starting point is 01:29:41 If you sort by newest, there's some asshole saying, yo. They're not an asshole. Why not? Because they commented about an opossum. They're not an asshole because they enjoy this podcast, and I appreciate that. It's got to be on the first page. Yeah. Did anyone else notice that?
Starting point is 01:29:54 77 likes. Yeah. You're the guy. Yeah, I think you definitely owe whoever the comment did first the upvote, if you want to say it, because you're like, yeah like yeah they got there I do like the idea of upvoting it seeing it and then typing in did anyone else see this shit trying to steal it yeah it's like
Starting point is 01:30:11 it's like when someone makes cool art and then someone else tweets out the art and is like yo this fan art's crazy but like no credit the what's his name um Aaron uh no Andy Aaron Carter um aaron uh it's working no uh candy aaron carter i was joking yeah so aaron carter did this thing
Starting point is 01:30:30 where he like tweeted out this like image of a lion and he's like using it as his brand and it's like literally just art from someone else that someone else created and he's like he blew up on twitter he's like you should fucking thank me for this pussy yeah and he got a lot of blowback funny because he probably tweeted he he probably Googled cool lion. Yeah. And was like, oh, she's this one. Yeah. And then he got, people were like, that's my art.
Starting point is 01:30:50 And people were siding with the artist, which they should do. Right. And he was like, what the fuck's going on? He's like, I made I want candy. Why are you talking to me? Yeah. Her name's Candy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:00 That's how the song starts. You know what happens a lot too? Maybe you're reading into these is bot comments that just take the stung starts you know what happens a lot too maybe you're reading into these is bot comments that just take the top comment uh maybe that's why youtube
Starting point is 01:31:09 comments are shiz because there's a bot that's called like johnny sins and it's verified yeah and it'll just take whatever the most upvoted thing is
Starting point is 01:31:15 write it themselves get a lot of updutes and then i don't know what's the end game get subs we have a we have a bot in our on our channel now
Starting point is 01:31:24 it's a yard giveaway bot. It's not ours. But it's like, yo. But enter. Because you could win. But it might be ours. Honestly, get it twisted on that one. The only one way to find out if you get a prize.
Starting point is 01:31:35 When it asks for your credit card number, don't stop. Tornado emoji to that guy who's running that bot account. Man. All right. Well, guess what's going to happen now? Nick, off the podcast forever. We've been talking about it a lot. Hold on.
Starting point is 01:31:49 We don't like what he's... Yeah, sorry. Evil. Evil. Evil. We don't like what he's been bringing to the table. He's annoying. His hair looks like shit.
Starting point is 01:31:58 Wait, now he's kind of hot, though. Oh, fuck. All right. Okay, I guess I'm going to another podcast. Oh, Aiden, you're cut. Aiden, you're cut. We need him back. What? Aiden's cut. Aiden's cut. I'm already to another podcast Oh Aiden you're cut Aiden you're cut we need him back What? Aiden's cut I'm already gone You're ugly
Starting point is 01:32:10 I'll see you on Therapy Steve next week Therapy Steve with Minecraft Steve Nick's gonna disappear we're gonna get Joshman in for the For the bonus if you want to Hang out come hang out on the page And if not then you'll see Well if you do you'll see his balls like the cold ones Alright goodbye now
Starting point is 01:32:28 Bye

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