The Yard - Ep. 71 - We tried to podcast with an Australian person… (ft. Joshman)

Episode Date: November 16, 2022

This week, the boys are joined by Joshman! They discuss Australia, how Joshman broke his arm and how Aiden has been at war with the comments....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 i i'm just saying if i had that video i dropped that in a in 9 a.m yeah you also dropped at 9 a.m a video of you russian roulettinging me yeah Zipper like that one yeah people got mad and I was like watch what watch what happens next yeah people got mad and then really liked that one which is just like yeah wait we have we can't reveal why but I came into the possession of several fake guns and it's a lot yeah waking up in like a like a dreamlike state to a block to my head i'm like zam that image is so fun the escalation is him you know how you're you have your back to him the escalation is him shitting on the table right in front of you so you have to i guess that's the natty progression there that's where aiden's mind goes now and i'm here for it i'm here for the
Starting point is 00:01:03 unraveling of his mind the cherry of pissing on the floor? I could have gone so much further that day. You have this matching hat. Yeah, do you think I look like Timmy Turner? Dude, that's actually so funny. Not really, but it's just the fact that you have two identical items. I thought I was cringe today because I'm matchy. I got the guy and then the guy.
Starting point is 00:01:22 Wait, do you not know that different, like different earth tones actually looks good? I don't think this is. You're not hitting it, but. My ex-girlfriend once made fun of me so hard for having matchy clothes and she was really mean about it. So now I get freaked out every time I wear matchy clothes. I'm like, oh God, I'm literally a walking clown. Wait, you know you're a walking clown sometimes though. I mean, it's more
Starting point is 00:01:45 like i'm trying to look normal right instead of like the way you dress at disneyland paganiere doesn't put on the clown shoes and you just want to be a regular guy who is that doctor was that known as slur yeah you don't know that it's i'm italian paganiere don't say who don't say like what are you talking about don't say with with a hard P Paganieri they fit. Do you say it? Paganieri, let me drink my coffee You can have one kiss I get to kiss his koofy On your crotch if you drink it, oh, that's fair. That's fair. I just had a little bit don't touch it No, I'm really gonna pour a little bit. No, they're expensive
Starting point is 00:02:22 fair. I just had a little bit. Don't touch it. I'm only going to pour a little bit. No, they're expensive. He looks like he's up here for a little visit from San Diego, if you know what I'm saying. Who's here? Slime. Slime looks like he's up here for a little visit. He was ready to yell at me. What does that mean? Does that mean he does cocaine? No, because all the military
Starting point is 00:02:37 guys are down in San Diego. Hello Kitty Olive Drab right now. You do, if you were 20% buffer, you would look like a sergeant. Just wait 10 days. 10 days? His trainer, give it his trainer 10. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:02:53 We were downstairs earlier and Ludwig's like, he has a personal training going. I'm like, be your own judge. I took off my shirt and then he said, if I stop working out in 10 years, you would catch up to me. And I said, that's crazy. You don't know how to flex. I don't. I don't know. I don't know in 10 years. You would catch up to me. And I said, that's crazy. You don't know how to flex. I don't. I don't know how to do any of this. You want?
Starting point is 00:03:10 Yeah. I don't know. Flapping. What are you supposed to do? It was a pull. What are you doing? Anyway, welcome back to the yard.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's episode 69 again for the fourth time. Welcome to 69. That actually doesn't get old. And we have special guest on Joshy We've all 69'd at one point in our life They freed me from my primo prison I've never been on main
Starting point is 00:03:33 Wow You guys are just like get up We do like Just get you in here And the chains and we feed you gruel We treat you like college frats. I'll never forget the one where I was- Should I pledge?
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yeah, pledge. I've graduated. I'm on the big stage. I'll never forget the fucking ep where I was like, I'm asleep. And you're like, oi, get up. We're doing a primo. And then I come up here and you're like, you fucking suck. And everyone started-
Starting point is 00:04:03 That was a donut episode. It was- Was it? It might have been the beginning of that one. That was a donut episode. No, no, it was... Was it? It might have been the beginning of that one. It might have been the... Yeah, because that was fucked. Because we were talking about
Starting point is 00:04:09 everybody started like, what's your problem with Josh? Yeah, it was just like, he's such a picky eater. I'm like, I don't like seafood. He's like, there he goes. Yeah. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:04:18 You're also... I just woke up. You're also the only... The only guest that is in this position where everybody that has, like, listened to Primo for a while is just like oh It's Josh again. Yeah, yeah on so many times. I get everybody else is like who the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:04:31 Yeah, it's just miscellaneous. I'm like hey How do you agree yourself to an uber driver? Do you tell if they like hey? What do you do? What do I do? What do you like they ask you? I say I'm traveling and if they press me I just start getting like I just really like crank up the 211 the accent. I'm traveling and if they press me I just start getting like I just really like crank up the 211 the accent I'm around You play you just you just give a nothing burger of an answer of rambling. Yeah, you just say I'm an Australian That's not I can't even understand your accent It's like so beautiful though It's so exotic when you speak We should fuck later
Starting point is 00:05:09 Just like my misc 50 year old Uber driver he's like yeah nah we should clap I've always said it's easy for him Miles was saying just like We just like play the same cutscene On repeat with Americans where we're just like Yeah so they're just like oh like I like, I love the accent, you know, like, what do you do in Australia? It's just like, probably
Starting point is 00:05:28 just exist, man. Like, I'm not gonna lie. I'm just there and I'm just like AFK just like you. They're like, oh. What about the spiders? What about the spiders? Do you like the spiders? This is a repeat? You're being an idiot. You have a cheek, I agree.
Starting point is 00:05:43 Why is the person asking about Australia Australian? No, this is good. This is how like, you're being an idiot. You have a cheek, I agree. Why is the person asking about Australia, Australian? No, this is good, this is how it goes. It doesn't make sense. I do this. But it doesn't make sense, they should be American. The goal is like, I have chlamydia. You're being Australian. I actually do.
Starting point is 00:05:54 I know! I know! I know. I know. And Amy wore. What about the, what about the wool bag? Why are you asking? You're Australian! You guys are fucking-
Starting point is 00:06:02 Who are you asking? For five plus years, and this is still chlamydia. Shut the fuck up, shut the fuck up. Who do you think called the two-wall bat? Oh my god. Are we just going to let this happen? Here's what I will say to you. I think that it's good
Starting point is 00:06:16 because you basically have a Groundhog's Day scenario where you can go through the situation so many times and get so good at it that you could easily, you know, befriend people pull bitches have you ever pulled them with your chest now with your chest i don't have it in me unlike my co-host i'm not a misogynist have you ever pulled some sloppy mutt with your accent so to be clear you said you're not a misog obsages because you don't call them bitches, but you'll
Starting point is 00:06:45 call them sloppy mutt? Yeah, I'll mutt post. I feel like what you said is derogatory when I said it's without empowering. He's gone and posted about the koalas' chlamydia. I need him to mutt post. Go. It's not even ours. We didn't say mutt. Wait, yeah, you do. We don't say mutt.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Who says it? It's the UK. Yeah, but it was on Trigger Mac Benny T. But you guys are creeping cards and eating mutt. You guys are the same. Anyway. Anyway, okay. You and Frenzy sound the same. That's true.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Let's slow down. Who is Josh? You might be like, who is this guy? He's our friend. Josh, in addition, what makes him... Does it fuck up? You're a picky fucking eater. You can fucking eat some seafood for once in your fucking life. You live in addition, what makes him... Does it fuck up? You're a picky fucking eater. Eat some seafood for once in your fucking life.
Starting point is 00:07:27 You live in a fucking coastal city. Dumb piece of shit. So what you might not know, what makes him actually interesting is that he is probably top... I'm gonna sack tap both of you. I'm good. You're chilling. You also have a broken arm.
Starting point is 00:07:43 People don't know that either. Josh is arguably- Shut the fuck up. Josh is top 20 in the- His spot is for shoes! He's dying. He's still suing Ashley Stills. Oh shit!
Starting point is 00:07:56 He went to the George Bush! He went to the George Bush! He didn't dodge. You're no politician. You love Australia, mate. Do a shoeie. Drink the coffee out of my fucking white shoe. Look, he's just our friend. That's all that matters.
Starting point is 00:08:07 You're introducing him. Like, imagine I introduce you. No, I like the idea that he's top 20 in the world at one of the greatest games of all time. That we love. The next sentence you said was that his arm's broken. Yeah, because he broke his arm arm wrestling. That'd be like if I introduced you to a group of people that you didn't know, and I was like, this is slime. He once made a funny video in the smash community, and he's bald
Starting point is 00:08:30 Good I think that because then I'm like no it's why I just do this and then I do do that except I keep out the first part wait do you intro then I want to do No, I was bowing you know what I'm sitting down the time I met Josh, we unironically put shrimp on the barbie. Really? Did we? Yes. Did you eat them? In the...
Starting point is 00:08:50 Did he eat them? Perth bush. He's saying that it was fun. He told me... He doesn't eat seafood, though. It was a great time. Back when you still played Project M. Dude, no, that was good.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Yeah. No, Project N. Okay, cool. Anyway, Nick's not here, so we don't have good zingers that's what i was supposed to uh explain yeah in my head arm nick isn't here this is a thing that happened his arm his arm fell off audio listeners might be like why isn't nick speaking it's because he's off the podcast it's actually because he's mute in the corner because he lost a bet so audio listeners he is here stick to the end and he'll say his first word. He's just gagging the corner.
Starting point is 00:09:28 For the people at home. He really pissed us all off so now he's getting the ultimate punishment. Zipper 2 doted on him all day. She loves him too much. He's sick. That's like the thing. That's in sickness and in health.
Starting point is 00:09:44 But sometimes you see it and you're like they're not married yet though. I don't think that's that's like what you that's like the thing it's like when you get that in sickness and in health but sometimes you see it and you're like they're not married yet though i don't think that's appropriate true i guess when you're not married you don't give a fuck yeah i told i tell you that's when i that's when i was like oh cutie's the one is when i was sick it was like first six months uh meeting her first two months dating her and i was at her place and i got so sick i started to shit myself this is the most recent time in my life where I pooped my pants. Really? I thought I did hear about this. I would fart and then it would just come out.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And it'd be nasty stink. And then she took care of me. She bathed me. She cleaned me. Did she wash your back with a sponge? She had one of those comically large loofahs. Did she spray the poop from your butt cheeks? She had bedpans in that house.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Okay, now we're getting a little... Yeah. She did, yes. Okay, wow, okay. We're getting there. This just reminds me of the fucking copypasta. It's just like, you don't know what Yoshi's eggs smell like? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Does anyone have any pictures of what we get paid for in the back? It'd be so embarrassing. It'd be so weird if he had pictures of that. If I smelled his eggs. So yeah, cutie smelled your eggs and then that was that. Yeah. You know what? The moment I knew she was really nice is I had just met her because you had been hanging out with her.
Starting point is 00:11:05 And I had recently broke up with a girlfriend at the time. And she just heard that offhand and i wasn't like sad or anything it was just like oh it kind of sucks and she sent me an edible arrangements to our house just to like yeah just like here you go she's great at remembering birthdays and sending shit i'm bad at that yeah birthdays are hard they're so really hard i don't know when anyone in my family was born give me a shot right now Friend test When's my birthday I don't think we should
Starting point is 00:11:27 Announce our birthdays On the podcast What I think that's It's just like What do you mean It's all in one spot right Don't allow friends
Starting point is 00:11:35 What are you talking about Date of birth Email Phone number So they can book you flights Amen To F.A. You know all that
Starting point is 00:11:42 Do you know my birthday You know my birthday You have to know my birthday I have it memorized Do you know my birthday Tattooed on my mind I know he's discord token For the next 30 seconds That's how close we are 2FA You know all that Do you know my birthday? Yeah I have it memorized Do you know my birthday? Tattooed on my mind I know he's discord token For the next 30 seconds
Starting point is 00:11:48 That's how close we are I don't Is it June? Nope You're July right? What's my birthday? Wow Wait
Starting point is 00:12:00 What day? Who cares July 6th July 6th 1995 That's a rough It's 765 Your birthday is fucked for me What day? Who cares? July 6th, 1995. That's a rough 50-50 between June and July. Your birthday is fucked for me. I'm feeling March vibes.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Yeah. Okay. And I'm thinking like 12th. Oh, you're so close actually. What is it? 21st. Is that close? Wait, is that close?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Yeah, because he just mixed the digits right. That's pretty good. Do you think that the birthday Wait, is that close? Yeah, because he just mixed the digits right. I don't see why she'd like that. Do you think that the birthday thing is like that because we're a couple of fucking boys? What is that? Those sentences don't connect. I know what he's saying. Shut the f- Is there a broken arm?
Starting point is 00:12:40 No, the broken arm's the one with this move. I was like, damn, he got better quick. You know why the first day the first day I saw him I tugged on his broken arm actually like an idiot I said can you help me get my jumper off he's like okay man
Starting point is 00:12:54 and I'm like ow and he did it again and I'm like it's still hurting can you help me get my jumper off can you get my jumper off I didn't think it would be like this do you see why you're chill? Yeah, and I said, Josh, yeah, it's a fucking sweatshirt. First of all.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Yeah, so what he did is he grabbed him by his broken arm and he said, it's called a fucking sweatshirt, say it right now. And then I punched him in his surgery scars. You know, this is the most Aidan and I have talked since I got here. In the car, he just mumbles to himself and looks at his feet. It's so fucked. Is that true? He's like, oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:27 I love an oh, yeah. I was so genuinely excited for a drive because the last time we were talking to each other, you were talking about how we haven't had a deep conversation in a while. Yeah, because you're a shit friend. True shit. Yes. We'll have a nice 50-minute drive together where we can just talk about real shit like good boys. You didn't tell me anything about you
Starting point is 00:13:50 We were talking about you. Well, let's open up now about me Then on the yard, yeah, talk about what's going on because you've been so fucked why I've been fucked. Yeah You know what I am a bad friend because I uninvited all of Ludwig's friends from the World Championship of League of Legends to invite mine. He was kind of messed up about this. Was he talking about it in the car ride? Yeah. I've been fucked up about it all day.
Starting point is 00:14:16 It makes me so mad that people could say such baseless shit. Wait, what happened? So we talked about this in the last Primo pod. Right, right, right. And then I brought it up on in my youtube story before we did the podcast and i told the whole story and that was a part of it and then the it got cut down it got posted online which is fine which is totally fine he's making a story time video right but the uh and i don't want to i'm not going to walk through it because we
Starting point is 00:14:39 talked about it we like extensively on the fucking uh premium episode last week about like what happened around world. But just because you is Aiden murdered her school children. Yeah, basically that. And that's what all of it. And then all the people in the comments were like, well, he must have murdered two school children. And that is like the short version. One's not a big deal.
Starting point is 00:14:58 Two's a problem. So you're the YouTube comments were just savagely murdering you. Just a few. Just a few. But they have like a lot of likes on their shit. He was like, they have a hundred uploads. So it's like a lot of people agree with it then, so that feels worse. Do you remember? And I'm just scrolling through them, and there was one comment that just ate at me, because it was like some dude named like Hans or something, and his profile picture is just little Super Mario, and he's like, Aiden needs to learn to take responsibility for his actions. No, he was- That's so right.
Starting point is 00:15:26 No, he was molding in the car. And it took me everything. I was like, I hope your life is filled with suffering forever. I hope your doom and gloom- Oh, eternally. So you didn't reply? No, I didn't. Oh, he's going to go look for it.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I was actually saying on the Prima, they're like, don't reply. To him? No, to the commenters. No, no, no. I was saying he shouldn't reply yeah i agree nothing makes me more mad than people commenting about something they don't know about here's the thing that's their right though they get to do that they get to read a title and sometimes comment yeah but i'm catching a stray right because it's not about you and i'm not a youtuber
Starting point is 00:16:00 yeah but here's the beauty of it you just don't read it yeah it's true You know what's fucked is Because dare I say I've graduated I'm not a Ludwig viewer anymore I'm a mogul male viewer yeah mogul Male is the university I watch the adult Content I'm in my post grad I'm over your Because mogul male gets me there
Starting point is 00:16:20 Yeah and the thing is he sees both Sides yeah He does see that. He's truly nice and equal. With the old Fox News. With the old Fox News. Fair and balanced. Fair and balanced. Mogul move. Just like them. And here's the thing, Aiden. When you reply
Starting point is 00:16:35 to a comment, and especially when you talk about how you replied to it here, now all these people watching know they have power. You guys have power. Yeah, you're fucking stupid. They do. Of course they have power. Of course they have power. Okay, hold on, hold on. Richard Silver, the YouTube comments. Shout out to Dick Silver. Hold up.
Starting point is 00:16:51 Aiden invited a bunch of people without asking you to an event that he didn't pay for, and when he found out too many people are going, he started calling off the people you invited instead of the ones he did. If that is true, that is actually insane. And then it's just called- 390 upvotes. Aiden replies. Fuck, that's more than a hundred. Aiden, that is actually insane. And then it's just- 390 upvotes. Aiden replies- Fuck, that's more than a hundred.
Starting point is 00:17:07 Aiden, music note Calvin. None of this is how it happened. And if my friend actually had a problem with it- Don't say it like that. He wouldn't have talked about it in the video. You can't narrate like that. Have you guys ever thought about that? There's more.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Now I'm a GC, right? You just made me- Guys, quit it. I'm betting really mad. I'm not done. I'm not done! It was a mistake that you were misconstruing even further than what it actually was, line break. Line break?! Dude, you're talking about people in the thread. Dan has loosely the right idea. Basically, on his-
Starting point is 00:17:41 What did Dan say? What did Dan say? Let me see what Dan said, shut the fuck up. Shoot is out there, man. What did he say? What did Dan say? Let me see what Dan said. Shut the fuck up. Dan replied in Aiden's corner, no, he thought the box was bigger than it was and invited a bunch of people in the group, inviting some people that Ludd had already invited. Then upon finding out that the box was too small, he told the people he invited that the box was full.
Starting point is 00:17:56 I didn't write this! This is Dan. I didn't write this! This is Dan. But unfortunately, that overlapped with some of the people Ludd had already invited, some of which are confused, and ended up not going. I'm narrating it. Dude, the way he was like, the waves like some people got to me. I feel like I just like
Starting point is 00:18:12 I'm not doing a response Nobody would be a prick in real life like this. I hate these people Richards more right than day people. And you can't, you can't talk to me because you do this. You do this. I'm not denying that. Brother Barry. I'm not denying that. I'll say it. I need to finish this. I think Richard's more right than Dan.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Dan has a lot of basically I uninvited the people I invited which included people Ludwig invited in parentheses unknowingly. Line break.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Dude. Only one person that would have attended didn't attend for this because of this. And the person was also a friend of mine. Would appreciate if people
Starting point is 00:18:43 didn't get mad at me at home for the sake of someone else lmao at home please episode again i know it's not a fucking oopsies and and like but there's no he didn't wrong anyone i'm just i'm i'm holding a mirror up to him and he's screaming at the mirror screaming that he's hit enter no i won't i won't take this this mockery from you I think between me and you in this situation is I have to like I push down the urge to tell them to kill themselves Richard don't I mean fucking When somebody says like some audacious shit like that in in like a random comment about something that admittedly I'm sensitive about. Dude.
Starting point is 00:19:29 All I want to do is like, I was talking to Josh about this in the car. This is the redeeming factor of the melee community is it's so insular still that if somebody says some fucked up shit or somebody is mean to you on fucking unranked or something, you just walk up to them at the local and say, hey, man. Yeah, say what the fuck is good, Kyle? Why were you taunting me and spamming LOL over and over again? It's weird how we're here in person now, but on YouTube, you don't get that fucking attention. Let's go to Richard's house. I was going to say, being in Santa's workshop
Starting point is 00:19:56 of living with Anthony for a little bit and just watching him going through the Twitter comments, it's just so fucked. It's Taz. Wait, does it happen how fast he walks? I'm good, man. I's Taz I've gone through this process I've gone through this internal process over the years of like I think I used to be really really bad at letting anything like ever get to me at any given time if it was like personally related I felt obligated to jump in but as things have scaled up obviously things like you know I've gotten
Starting point is 00:20:24 fucking mean comments like I didn't eat shit in my DM things like you know i've gotten fucking mean comments like aiden eat shit in my dms before you know like shit sorry that was me yeah on your own on uh dog but and i think for the most part i've smoothed out like when i get like a mean instagram dm i i like don't even blink at it anymore But I think when Someone finally Needles me On something that I Already Like extensively Explained and felt bad about
Starting point is 00:20:49 It's like The all The volcano burst Cause it's been sitting there The whole time And then you become A real boy again Dude he's just slowly
Starting point is 00:20:56 Becoming you But crazier Like Aiden Aiden like when he snaps Goes You just go Yeah And then ban
Starting point is 00:21:03 Cause he lets it out I have a healthy Yeah He's like a faucet That's always open And he's like a hose That's been cranked shut Dude he's hot keys Like when he snaps goes you just go yeah, and then bad He's like a foster that's always open and he's like a hose that he's a choice for Twitter a fuck well My mind is watching you Like so rapidly you comma comma it says kill yourself in real life I'm going really I'm just really fast people like so rapidly was like comma comma. It says kill yourself in real life I'm going for a brush cheese God like closes out of you. I was like get that ass band and like while you're blocking people It's so fun to watch you just in your element. Just watch me work
Starting point is 00:21:39 Huh? Yeah, cuz I'm just like oh he probably accidentally saw this scrolling and like block them, but I'm just like, oh, he probably accidentally saw this scrolling and like block them. But I'm just like, no, he's looking. I don't look. I just look at my own replies. He's hunting. Like if I read through my replies, I'm like, oh, that's annoying. And I do it really fast. It's so quick. Here's what I do.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Okay, so I blocked someone for the first time recently. No way. First time? Yeah. Like a random account? The only time I block people is if I see them say something mean to someone I know. And then I see that they follow me. And then I block them.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And even though we've had no interaction, it'll make them feel bad, which is what I want to do because it's what they did to my friend. That's right. And then the only other time I've blocked is, uh, there's one account who posted my ball pick. I blocked them. And then I saw that they were being like, they were like flexing that I was blocked by them.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And then, and then I unblocked them. And I do that too. And then you never give them what they want and now i will mute them and and well i won't even mute them i would they will just live and die and i'll live and die yeah it feels good right the best revenge is living well uh yard viewers that's true it's great living well but not talking about it this is such an interesting world to me because like i was saying on like the the primo that like i'm only just now like getting hated because i did commentary at your event right and i remember just like yeah yeah and i remember just seeing like no the comments oh my god did you think oh this is so he was on the commentary
Starting point is 00:22:59 it is kind of iconic that it's the shoe you're wearing not the sneaks I was this guy I was just like dude fuck Josh on the mic like this and that just like flaming my ass in any comment
Starting point is 00:23:11 that involved me I'm like and someone just finally goes like what's your deal man like what did he do and he's like well he unironically
Starting point is 00:23:17 supports the use of cocaine and heroin on his stream I'm like oh we can just type anything nowadays I'm like we can just be like
Starting point is 00:23:23 he was saying you were malding Josh has been mulling about this That's one of your best traits what my drug usage yeah, and you're your supporter of using heroin We like that you when you say everything all of my friends who do ketamine are tight That's what I've always different though. I'll never forget Zyme and miles talking about how they meant to do What they meant to do... What? They meant to drink alcohol, but accidentally did ketamine. I like how in the story...
Starting point is 00:23:52 I don't understand what your logic train is. In the story where he's mad that someone called him out for something he didn't do about cocaine and heroin. He's like, on the other hand, let's talk about K. No, K's different. Yeah. So the guy was right. Down there, down on da. It's Kay's different. So the guy was right. Down there, down under, it's a little different. You're free from the spiders.
Starting point is 00:24:10 I mean, I... Ludwig dealt with this a lot from Smash itself. People just hated Ludwig just for being sort of like a more goofy guy in general. I got it. It's how you deal with it really is the measure of man. Also, there's such a thing as
Starting point is 00:24:25 oversaturation and when you're in people's eye too much even if they go from like pat like because people when they see you they either like you or they don't care about you but if they see you again and again and they don't care about you they might become someone who doesn't like you in the sphere more yeah okay that makes sense the kevin hartism or or or like pharrellism but i'm actually really cool though like is what you're saying. Sure, but like Kevin Hart's also like probably a cool guy that would be fun to talk to, but he's like maybe in too much shit.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Or like Pharrell's happy play too much that people think they don't like Pharrell even though he's like a great musician. Yeah, Pharrell is a goat. I'm the Pharrell Williams of commentaries. Is that what you think? Yeah. Yeah. You are the Pharrell Williams of melee competition. You're happy when you broke your arm and didn't shut up about it.
Starting point is 00:25:09 That was so mean. Dude, you guys suck. I fucking hate this podcast. This show is... Joshi! That could be Joshi! Joshi, bitch! Come on, don't bring this in my set.
Starting point is 00:25:18 That's it about as much damage as Nick's massive Prada shoe sitting on its own. Oh my god, bro. Can we talk about his goofy ass? Do you well yeah, of course cuz you buy the same shit as him yeah, you're learning how much was that combination? This is Teddy fresh. I'll tell you that 50 bucks baby American Eagle 35 to be all I'm'm saying is those shoes be goofy. Yo, save the zingers for Nick when he's un-gagged later. Un-gagged!
Starting point is 00:25:51 AudioLister, he's still in the corner, by the way. Anyway, hey, Heyman? What was that? I forgave him. I did a prayer. No, you got prayed on and owned at the same time. I forgave him for his sins that were told in the video, and now he doesn't have to worry about the comments. My made-up sins.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah. You didn't reply twice, did you? In that thread? Yeah. I haven't gotten around to it. Hold on. You did? Hold on.
Starting point is 00:26:15 Because somebody else needled me again. Hey, Derek. Comma, enter, enter. Okay. Per my last message. You're right. You're right. 41 and a half says,
Starting point is 00:26:23 Aiden Calvin, dude, own your mistake. You don't invite people when you're invited yourself. It's not that hard to acknowledge you were wrong, but it sure stings your ego. 41 upvotes. 41? Which is crazy. I don't need to...
Starting point is 00:26:36 This is Aiden. You reply to a 41 vote? I don't need to own anything for you. I have not only apologized and talked about this extensively and privately with my friends, they actually afflicted parties, but also the comment is just straight up wrong accusation of what I did and I don't need to be lectured by people
Starting point is 00:26:52 who don't know what happened about my mistake. I cannot explain how unfathomably angry it makes to see people come into a comment section that don't know me, Ludwig, or our friends that I fucked over lecture me about behavior when their only account of events of them misinterpreting Ludwig or our friends that I fucked over lecture me about behavior when their only account of events of them misinterpreting Ludwig's intentionally
Starting point is 00:27:08 exaggerated story for a YouTube video. I thought that was actually well written. Did they reply to it? I thought that was eloquent. I muted the thread after this. Hopefully what they did is they replied to it. I haven't looked. I hope they replied to it and they're like someone said this week's yard episode will be insane.
Starting point is 00:27:24 Hey what's your name? Shout him out Superwick Shout out You made us all laugh It's superwicks on hoodwatch The profile picture is a cartoon rooster That's right
Starting point is 00:27:34 So just earlier today A moment ago I'm hungry I need food right now And I'm like Ludwig I'm hungry And he goes Be right back
Starting point is 00:27:42 And this can't take forever And he come up with absolutely miserable burger. Yes! It was fucking terrible. Look at all this. It was fucking terrible. He come in aluminium for disgust. Yeah, it was actually really...
Starting point is 00:27:53 Now there's crumbs on the side, Ludwig. There's meat everywhere. You made probably the worst shit I ever put in my own mouth. It took so long. I was like, hurry. And he did it. You don't want to know a dirty truth? I microwaved the burger.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Oh. And it took so long. You know what it took longer than? Two minutes. But unlike our sponsor today, Factor. Uh-oh. Okay, so this is not Cap. He made the most awful shit I've ever put in my mouth. And I literally was like, you know what?
Starting point is 00:28:19 I would rather have a Factor meal, and he didn't want to. Here's our dirty secret. Is that me and QD eat factor regularly and we decided that we would each take one day of the week where we cook. Just one day. And unfortunately, unfortunately. The other six were factor fans. I came over on the day that you were not eating factor meal.
Starting point is 00:28:37 You came over on our godless day. And I, and boy, did I let you suffer the consequences. Look at this. I have to clean this up. Isn't it just hot? Yeah. I've been debating. Well, to be clear, if you, if you throw your factor meal on the floor, you will also have to clean it up.
Starting point is 00:28:49 That's actually a new feature that they worked on. And here's the thing about them, fellas. 34 meal choices, 36 weekly add-ons. They got options for gourmet plus, keto, calorie smart, vegan, veggie. You know who is Doug Doug? Why? I don't know. He's actually Jack. He used to eat meat and drink butter, and now I'm ripped. Keto, calorie smart, vegan, veggie. You know who is Doug Doug? Why? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:07 He's actually Jack. Meat and drink butter, and now I'm ripped. Yeah, and that's what happened. But also, there's also an Australian Factor box that they're rolling out. They've been trying it on Josh. It's just full of spiders. And Vegemite. And Vegemite and kangaroo tips.
Starting point is 00:29:22 It's like a Vegemite add-on for every item now. We got some kangaroo nuts in our Factor box, don't we? You keep rubbing me. What do you need from him? They got me beef in these meals. Easy, flexible. We got 418 meals delivered per week. And here's the best part about it. Since you're a lovely yard listener.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Get a piece of me in these. We gave you such an easy although aiden the cow hat like it's like frosty the snowman he just turns all sexual when he puts it on it doesn't matter that aiden's distracting you because the url is so easy to go to it's slash the yard 60 maybe you'll find me in the box you just go i want to say it right here, right now. Aiden will not be found in the box. forward slash theyard60
Starting point is 00:30:09 gets you 60% off your first box. Use code theyard60. Type it in. Get 60% off your first box. You'll end up like this guy. Use the code. You'll see.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Anyway, that's... Yeah, look. That's how it goes, man. You get mad. You fire off. That's how she lives. I've seen this guy reply to a million YouTube comments. I'm not saying I'm not.
Starting point is 00:30:28 I'll show you an example from literally this weekend. I got off a plane today from the Point Crow Party, which was a Mario Party thing. And it was in real life. And it was really fun. And it was really cool. I wrestled Ted. I'll send that to you, Zipper. That's a great show.
Starting point is 00:30:42 But someone, like, so it was streamed on youtube and then it got straight like just dumped on to the channel right it's like a four-hour vod it was a four-hour production it's really fun this this person responds i'm reading the comments like in my hotel room later that night i appreciate the spectacle but i don't think this worked nearly as well as it could have people didn't know what they were supposed to do the crew was sounding so it's just like a guy being a piece of shit It's a whole paragraph I just respond I said you will never matter to anyone
Starting point is 00:31:08 This guy's typing like five paragraphs That's the difference between me and him though I can't help but explain myself You know the problem with that sentiment That's fine I'm okay to be owned The problem with that sentiment Is that it should apply equally to the people being negative
Starting point is 00:31:22 As positive And it does I just don't say it. You know me, brother. I fucking hate compliments, baby. I guess that's true. I'll be like, dude, thank you for the meal. And he'd be like, stop.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Like, just shut down. Well, Josh will do this thing. This is what I'm saying. No, you're right. You do the, I hate it. Hey, thank you for the meal. No, I don't like that. You're something separate. You're always, you got this little, you're, you're, you got this little grin.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I have a gratitude. You got this little grin. You haven't eaten fish in days. I like this about him. No, no. I like when he says thank you, but he becomes a GC about it. But what I don't like is when, is when Josh. You can't call me a GameCube about everything, dude.
Starting point is 00:31:58 When we, when we drive around or something or like we'll be having lunch. You can't get away with it. Me, Miles and him, we're like having lunch at a cafe and he'll just say it don't spray it for starters can't go spinach we're gonna fucking say right now and he'd be like this is just great I love this yeah You do this all the time. You do this. You do this. Like it's not great.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Shut the fuck up. Like it's not great. It's just normal. You failed. Well, you also, even if it is great, it's weird to call it out. You should just live in the moment. Thank you, Ludwig Anders. I will say, you pampered motherfuckers.
Starting point is 00:32:34 You're not used to it. I'm from the streets, man, of Bankstown. All right? You don't understand. We didn't have it like that. We didn't get to sit down and have breakfast as a family all right that's weird and then when i'm just enjoying it the sun's beaming on the back of don b's head while i'm eating my breakfast burrito i'm like i need to express myself yeah but this is great what is what i used to say
Starting point is 00:32:56 going to panera bread when i was 23 so you need to understand the life of kings hey lads that there's better ways to express the sentiment. Hey, I like hanging out with you. But he's also that age. If I said, hey, I like hanging out with you, Anthony would love that. I will say that my problem is with the macro of this, is stopping to smell the roses for no apparent reason. I say, what I literally say is, I'm having such a good time.
Starting point is 00:33:22 And he goes, shut up. And I go, no, I'm having a good time. And I want to let you know that I'm just so happy. I need to put the positivity on the world. That's actually beautiful. We're actually disconnected on this. Because I think it's because you say everything with your Josh air of facetiousness. You mean my voice?
Starting point is 00:33:39 You know how I fucking communicate with you. I think the same way that Australians have like a natural cadence for humor, they have an inability to express genuine love. Okay, I'm having a shit time right now. Is that genuine? That's a good one.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Nick, did you like that? He liked it a lot. You and Kalen have the same thing. Kalen's evil though. Kallyn caitlyn's evil speed okay speaking of caitlyn you want this oh yeah and i was gonna bring this drive through another example of why i can't take you seriously before you say anything we have this cool new thing where we pour lime juice into our eyes because it's really funny you guys do that a lot yeah no there's a whole there's like a whole bunch of uh photos on twitter where i was like the the priest yeah
Starting point is 00:34:28 people were lining up to get blessed pretty much by the way i do like the way he he he processes americans like because he has charm he has style he has grace uh he's very funny guy and he's just describe me like i'm lanky kong in DK rap. Yeah. He's very easy to love. And so when he encounters, like, Americans of his, like, same, I guess, like, age and all that, they're just kind of taken aback because he's effortlessly cool for real. And this is me giving you a real compliment. I hate this. I will never say I'm having a good time around you again, and I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:35:02 Because he'll come home. He'll come home. I'm sorry. Him and Miles will be like, it's just so easy. You guys are putty in our hands. Yeah. But you understand, I'm basically with a broken arm. I'm like, ow.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Ow on everyone. Well, I do feel like if there's multiple Australians, and then they're really gung ho about something, and you could make it up. And I think sometimes you guys do make it up. Nah. But it's like, yeah, yeah, we do a bit of eyebrow waxing and and but like if you guys started doing it with each other i think americans would be like okay i'll get crazy with you australians what are you sorry i'm just sending this a zipper um but yeah you were gonna say something and i oh so we're in the we're in the
Starting point is 00:35:38 car and i'm like things look a little blurry in my right eye man and i'm like it's only ever happened since we've been doing the rituals. Same. Yeah. My right eye, I took three shots to the dome. Yeah. I did three as well. Three you can't do.
Starting point is 00:35:51 One is fine. Most people are chill are fine. But if you squirt lime juice, it's like saying Bloody Mary into the mirror. You lose vision. It's bad. What? Yeah. I can't see very well in my right eye right now.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Same. From doing the lime juice. It's a little worse than it was before the lime juice. It's significantly worse for me. By the way, the context. Like to this day, like right now. Yes. No, I can't see shit out of my ride.
Starting point is 00:36:08 I did an eye test on stream and it was bad. That's a problem. Dude, it's so fucking shit. We're talking about this in the chat. Jack in the box, drive through. Shut the fuck up. You guys are being assholes right now. So we have, our eyesight's not as good.
Starting point is 00:36:20 We're damaged. But the context is that Josh and the boys in Australia, before he came down here, just decided one day to start squirting limes into their eye at the bar, right? That's it, right? There's no accurate explanation. I got to the bar late, and the boys are like, Josh, Josh, Josh, come, come, come. Lime, lime, lime, lime, lime. And I'm like, what's happening?
Starting point is 00:36:40 They're like, it's going in your eye. He's like, ooh, don't get the seed in there. And I'm like, all right, man. And that's it, right like that's just how it happened Okay, so and then Kaelin was visiting was another Australian friend, and he introduced me to it and did in my house This is literally what parents are scared of when they say if everyone else jumps off a bridge Will you this is literally that I think it's funny. I'd like I'm not saying it's not See out of my right eye a little bit
Starting point is 00:37:10 I want to do It just one where gets progressively smaller can be like Because the distance I can't read the board. Well, I got shit handwritingand writing too, so. No, I could read it before though. Okay. Yeah, it's been pretty fun. But I think the charm is that you can take something that is ostensibly painful and stupid and Josh and by extension the other Australians can make it into a fun game that people are dying to play.
Starting point is 00:37:41 All right. Let's go with the one below the red line, Josh, if you can go from left to right for me. Whenever you're ready. L-E-F. Keep it going. Q. Great. D-P-C-T.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Yeah, that was one wrong. Not bad, though. Not bad. All right. It was an O, not a Q. Now, try for the line below it. Oh. R-D-F-L-T-C-E-O. Let's see Q. It's a Q at the end, I think.
Starting point is 00:38:14 R-D-F-L-T-C-O? You're missing a letter. C-E-O. Or E-Q. C. Okay, almost perfect. You're not bad, honestly. Slime, let's go Bottom row for you
Starting point is 00:38:25 Left to right On my left eye Yeah I assumed it E E R O
Starting point is 00:38:34 J C F T D Okay that One of them is extremely concerning Oh no
Starting point is 00:38:43 That was tough The Z being a J You need to get that checked. Yeah, that was tough. Did I say L? Did I say L? You said, it was an L, you said J. Okay, that's bad. I thought you said the Z was a J. Also, it's funny how it says Safe Eyes, America.
Starting point is 00:38:56 Yeah. So my vision's fine, but it's like, it's definitely, I can feel, like in the sun. Yeah, that was definitely the takeaway from that. The sun, the sun is like way more mean to this eye right right i was saying your eyes are like ozone and you've blown it up like bp i was saying it's like a sharring on where every time you activate your your power by pouring lime into it you lose your vision a little bit yeah and i'm sitting next to it and i'm like yeah yeah josh it's
Starting point is 00:39:19 like it's like the sharring gone without the cool part where you get to use the sharring gone and then people at red set party are just lining up and be like, yes, Josh Manfrey. I don't get it, because vitamin C is supposed to be good for your ocular health. I don't understand. Yeah. You're right. It's all vitamin C in there. But his house is in there, scientist Aiden.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Protein's good. Should you put whey protein in your eyeballs? Maybe. Is that... Become all strong? I'm taking that one home. All right. That's the next one.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Sure. Yeah. We're thinking about I'm trying to think of like The next big thing To bring to America But it's The bar's getting pretty high It's probably just gonna be like
Starting point is 00:39:52 Shooting each other in the knees You didn't bring Wood punching Fire fighting No that was miles Yeah but We didn't also bring it Honestly
Starting point is 00:39:59 It's hard to get going None of us have ripped An ashy yet Oh yeah I don't drink any I don't drink anymore But I would do an ashy. You drink a beer out of an ashtray. You can do butt so butt free. Can you clean off the ashtray
Starting point is 00:40:09 first? No. Because the first person to go would presumably clean it. So if multiple people are getting ashtrays. No, you just get a fresh ashtray. You get fresh ashtrays every time? Fresh as in really fucking dirty. Yeah. Right from picking. Dude, watch it. There's that video of Nangs doing it Yeah nah
Starting point is 00:40:25 He's like a South Australia Melee player And there's He's like He almost pukes After he does it It is such a disgusting video Yeah you're putting
Starting point is 00:40:32 Ash in his stomach It's so bad Don't talk about it Like you know It's a bad thing Cause I don't think You've demonstrably shown That you know
Starting point is 00:40:40 What bad things are for you You would You would keep doing it Until you have Fucking stomach ulcers Apparently Well you guys If you guys His arm is broken because he did it he broke it arm wrestling with a man named sexual assault nick yeah that's what the sa sa nick is that not stay away from sa nick yeah south australia south australia. I think you and SA Nick need to patch it up.
Starting point is 00:41:06 I was going to say it, but I can't wrangle you. So you need to patch it up with SA Nick. Why would he need to patch it up with me? You need to fix your relationship. No, you don't hate him. Why do you hate him? Here's the thing. I don't want to talk about it.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I just hate him. No, you don't hate him. And that's the end of it. SA Nick came on the setup. We've told this before. He went on the setup when they were playing melee It would be it up it hurts Ludwig and a tree But the thing is is just like and he just played puff and he made it really on fun
Starting point is 00:41:30 He was trying to help him Looking at it from Nick's perspective Wasting money money matching and he's like how do I stop them spending as much money as possible any kept the fuck out of you? Jigglypuff waste your time. So he's a hero. Wow Wow, you know what? I never thought you want to say that's like saying Juan's a hero for stalling in top eight because that means there's more melee to watch Honestly, if Juan and mango can seal up their shit and and come together Maybe you and sa Nick I think one day guys guys I reply to you a lot
Starting point is 00:42:01 I'm just saying if you're ever there again. Yeah, if I interact with SA Nick again, it's for sure on site. Well, so you see what he did to Josh, man. True. Actually, I'm scared of him. Maybe I cower. SA Nick is also one of the old guard greatest Marths to ever do it.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And Josh getting his arm broken. He fucking clocked me, man. He cleaned me up, apparently. Yep. There's nothing else I can add to that. Also, by the way, this is somewhat Ludwig's fault. Because Josh was cutting weight to make weight for the boxing. Because Josh was gonna
Starting point is 00:42:33 do melee boxing. I was eating nothing. I was eating 1500 calories a day while training. Do you know what actually happened? So you said it was bad that I didn't break it not training, right? Like, because I didn't break it training, it was bad. But you made Stans arm wrestle in the video. And he's doing it as well.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Yeah. What the fuck's that about? Huh? Well, I'll let you field this one, Ludwig. I'm going to take this one. Stans did arm wrestle Hafthor Bjornsson, a.k.a. The Mountain. He was going to hurt himself. No, he wasn't.
Starting point is 00:43:04 Because when you're gapped that hard, there's no way to gonna hurt himself no he wasn't cause when you're gapped that hard there's no way to get hurt cause you don't you don't even have to try what happens is the mountain stays here you pull with all your force
Starting point is 00:43:12 he doesn't move and then you're like I give up and then he will just smash your arm down then he does a click from hereditary and you just explode
Starting point is 00:43:18 you don't need to go much further than that what the fucking Byzant thing with like Ganondorf you don't know what I'm talking about you don't fucking know Twilight Princess yeah I don't know what I'm talking about. You don't fucking know
Starting point is 00:43:25 Twilight Princess. Yeah, I don't know. Archie, you gotta edit these, remember. Show me that video. I wanna see you fight him. Okay, so yeah, I went to the Point Crow thing.
Starting point is 00:43:33 There was a lot of people there. It was actually really fun. It was very humbling. The Point Crow thing is he tried to make Mario Party in real life. Yeah, and he spent an exorbitant amount of money
Starting point is 00:43:42 with this. He said it, right? I don't think he said it. It was like hundreds of thousands. Yeah, and it was great. It's like a passion project. And everyone there was really funny. I wasn't the funniest person in the room, which is usually new for me.
Starting point is 00:43:55 So that was fun. That was not. Okay, so what happened here? Let me set this up. This is the hotel room where everyone's hanging out. This is before show day. We did a whole rehearsal day and then we hung out later on that night and then we did the show on Sunday.
Starting point is 00:44:10 This is Saturday night. So I'm sitting there. Ted's in that green chair on the right. I was sitting on the couch and I, wait, wait, stop. Yeah. You think that's green? The couch? It's like, it's like olive drab.
Starting point is 00:44:22 He said the green chair on the right. Oh, you thought the, maybe I'm looking more like the pillow Call it what you want The line fucked you up bro You're seeing green for days It's green right? My fellow lime brother I'll tell you what
Starting point is 00:44:37 That shit's straight up It's like a beige brown Here's what's going on with me and Ted He's sitting there and he's like I beige here's what's going on with me and ted uh he's sitting there and he's like he's like uh i'm having such a good he did that but he pulled a josh man right he's like i'm having such a good time on this trip and i'm like trying to figure out how to get youtube on the tv because i want to watch deep web shit and he's and i'm like oh that's cool and that's great man and i genuinely said that's great man And I didn't say like an asshole.
Starting point is 00:45:05 I didn't say sarcastic. And I meant it. I think that is great. Fuck you. And then he's just a fuck up, Josh. And then Ted gets so mad at me. He's like, what the fuck is that? I'm like, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 00:45:17 And he's like, you, why don't you, what are you saying? Like, that's great for me. Like, aren't you having a good time? I'm like, yeah, I'm having an all right time. And he's like, you're not having a good time. And he got mad that I didn't say me too, basically. And that shared this with him. We start arguing like crazy.
Starting point is 00:45:31 We were kind of at each other's throats the whole time in a little playful way. And I'm like, Ted, shut the fuck up or we're moving that coffee table and we're going to wrestle right now. And he's like, do it. And we moved the coffee table. And here's what happened.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Okay, pause one more. Oh, wait. Keep going. You're getting fucking worked, bro. Okay, pause one more. Oh, wait. Keep going. Keep going, keep going. You're getting fucking worked, bro. Dude, he puts me down like a dog. So my strategy here was to have him in a headlock. He realized he could just take my arm off of his neck.
Starting point is 00:45:54 And then he does it. Okay, so now you gotta shove your arms underneath that. Dude, there's a little baby boy. Listen, listen. Say you had a good time. baby boy. Listen, listen. Say you had a good time. Say it.
Starting point is 00:46:06 No. At death's door, he will not enjoy himself. And I told him, I was like, you're gonna have to fucking choke me out. And he starts choking me out. I'm like, okay, the lights are fading. I can feel it. And then he lets up. Well, this is so disappointing to see. Why? Because the namesake of this podcast, The Yard, comes from doing that exact thing in the
Starting point is 00:46:23 backyard of the old pee house. Yeah. And you never ever once went to The Yard, comes from doing that exact thing in the backyard of the old P house. Yeah. And you never, ever once went to The Yard for anything ever. That's true. I wasn't mad enough. But Ted was testing my limits. And I thought because he's a YouTuber, I could have taken him. Why did you?
Starting point is 00:46:36 He put me down like a fucking animal. He's still 6'3". He's got a lot on me. He's very large. Yeah. He put me down. He's also like training. He's like fit.
Starting point is 00:46:44 For what? Like physically training. I don't think he is. Working out. I don't think he is. He's very large. Yeah. He put me down. He's also like training. He's like fit. For what? Like physically training. I don't think he is. Working out. I don't think he is. He works out. For something or just for fun? Just for fun.
Starting point is 00:46:51 I don't think. It said, what's up? Nice to see you again, man. I don't know what's going on with your body. He's got a nice body. But I'd like to know. I'd like to figure it out. Anyway, after seeing that.
Starting point is 00:47:01 Right, bro. Ten years. Maybe seven. Ten years? Ten years, bro. I just need to learn some techniques Neeper can still
Starting point is 00:47:07 take you down like a fucking fish he can fish hook your dumb ass did Neeper used to own him yeah Neeper he could own him Neeper was the only person that could take down
Starting point is 00:47:15 Ludwig in the yard that's insane he's a wrestler cause he wrestled oh really I'm learning so much he knew how to do it Ludwig just used
Starting point is 00:47:22 brute idiotic strength like a Spartan to me that's like Yamcha choking out Goku. If anyone's Yamcha, it's me. I was going to say Chiaotzu, but I was like, nah. Bald-ass Chiaotzu.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I'll be Chiaotzu. Do you know how to be Chiaotzu? Does he die, probably? Boo eats him? Why would he eat Chiaotzu, bro? Why would he want that in his tongue? Oh, so I'm so disgusting I get to live? Yeah he's like hot boss. Chow chow please.
Starting point is 00:47:48 So yeah that was uh and then someone put a cigarette in my mouth and then. Oh dude I thought that pic was real maybe I'm dumb. What? The cigarette I thought that was real. It is real. No someone literally came up and put a cigarette into my mouth while I was getting choked out. And then I pulled a lighter out of my pocket. Because I had this whole bit in the thing I'm towed I was gonna like smoke a cigarette and
Starting point is 00:48:08 then Eric was like please don't do that because it'll get demonetized I'm like okay fine but I pulled out a lighter and I'm trying to light this cigarette while like I can't breathe because I was like fucking do it bro but he couldn't because he's a youtuber do you get demonetized for smoking cigarettes yeah it's like specifically tobacco that makes sense that's what Eric was saying say it was weed. Not weed. Are you saying he couldn't choke you out?
Starting point is 00:48:26 No, because I had a fake joint I rolled too and I couldn't do that either. Wow. Yeah, it was fucked up. Soft. 1984. Wow, that's a little dramatic.
Starting point is 00:48:35 You're saying he couldn't choke you out because he's a YouTuber. Yeah, 10. He didn't have what it takes because he's... Yeah, because he's weak. But I'm a YouTuber.
Starting point is 00:48:42 I think if he chokes you out, he ruins the good time that he was bringing up and that is just the fate worse than death I guess so because it was so it was so crucial
Starting point is 00:48:51 if he ruins the vibes then you're just right he's dead off for nothing he's just unconscious and smiling he's like oh I'm having such a bad time he dies and he's just smiling
Starting point is 00:48:59 he's like everyone's miserable one last win to the crew he was in control in that way he was in control of the situation the whole time. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:06 He was like unblocking the person who was like, I got unblocked. But it was fun. It was a really great time. I met Jarvis. He's really nice. It was good. Who else did I meet? I met Ethan Crank Gameplays.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Yeah. Which that means he does crank and then plays games. No, he cranks it and plays games. And then I, does he crank the 90s? He cranks it. No, his dick. Oh. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:28 His penis. He's training. He's pretty strong, so that's cool. Everyone's training up. Everyone's beefy these days. Everyone's beefy bears. Everyone's working out. It's a scary world.
Starting point is 00:49:37 Yeah. I saw some of the fighters for the Ludd chess boxing. They're fucking. Stan should be afraid. I think Stan's is gonna get his ass Stans looks in amazing shape from Stans coach
Starting point is 00:49:48 yeah that my man got a good right from what on the street is he's got a sleeper on him I like that he'll knock some cunts out he's strong bro
Starting point is 00:49:57 yeah that's how I was talking to him because everyone's sparring and I was like how's the sparring going I was like I don't know man I was like what's wrong
Starting point is 00:50:03 he's like no it's just the people I'm fighting are too easy I feel like I need a challenge Stans does he go? He's like, I don't know, man. I was like, what? What's wrong? He's like, no, it's just the people I'm fighting are too easy. I feel like I need a challenge. Stans does. He has been saying, he's like, I don't know why. I'm God's gift to boxing. That impression is insane.
Starting point is 00:50:13 That's great. But he believes it. And I'm like, I like that. I like the idea. His coach is like a good mate of mine. So he's just telling me, he's like, this cunt's actually just got it. And I'm like, I'm excited to see this. I like Stans finding his true calling in life which is just fucking beating people yeah that's so funny if he went the jake
Starting point is 00:50:29 paul route oh the whole way yeah just the whole thing he's like the vegetarian mayweather you know i'm putting 10 rack on my boy you know what mayweather mayweather getting old he's getting old you can also pay him enough so that he'll throw punches Yeah true Yeah You see the Jake Paul Andrew Tate fight Oh he's fighting him They had a promo It's not official but
Starting point is 00:50:51 Ugh That's I'm watching That's must see TV I don't care I'm watching 100% And you We're all
Starting point is 00:50:56 Like the whole world Waiting for Andrew Tate To get fucking knocked out Yeah but the whole world Is waiting for Jake Paul It's a win either way And it's a lose either way I think it's much worse If Andrew Tate wins Yeah Yeah he But world's waiting for Jake Paulie It's a win either way And it's a lose either way I think it's much worse if Andrew Tate wins
Starting point is 00:51:06 Yeah But he's still blocked on everything So it's fine He hates women more Yeah he's like They hold up his hand Jake Paul's just dead on the ground He's like
Starting point is 00:51:16 Yeah and you know what I'm just I'm continuing my quest to hate women As much as possible Thank you McDonald's for making this happen He cleared it all up He cleared it all up on Piers Morgan hate women as much as possible. Thank you, McDonald's, for making this happen. He cleared it all up on Piers Morgan. Thug Finals the Ring Girl.
Starting point is 00:51:31 Boom! Wait, he went on Piers Morgan? Esteemed interviewer. What happened? They just had an interview. Same shit, different day. Same shit, different day. If we want to call the
Starting point is 00:51:46 fight off we just send in SA Nick yeah don't say his name win at any cost Ragnarok he'll just show up at a bar he's like hey you want to arm wrestle I say Nick's gonna get in the ring and
Starting point is 00:51:58 put two in somebody's kneecaps yeah I'm the victim on on the Ragnarok did you finish yeah the new god dude i can't watch those games man they all just look the same like well they're very story driven so if you watch for like 20 minutes it kind of sucks yeah because i'm just going in it's like oh fucking torbjorn got reamed in the back end i'm like i can't i don't know who that is and the heads the heads talking i'm the fucking wiki like i'm gonna read going to read the wiki, man. I think the game took me 23 hours to beat, and six of the hours is cutscenes.
Starting point is 00:52:30 Did you play on hard mode? No, I played balanced. Why? Because I wanted to beat it in a day. I did a 24-hour stream for it. And it's also not a game where, I mean, maybe it is to some, like the Valkyries at the end, but most of the main story is not something that, it's not like Elden Ring. It's like, wow, you beat God of War? Holy is not something that it's not like Elden Ring it's like wow you did this but you beat God of War holy shit yeah it's just like oh you I mean oh you just played a big movie yeah I mean I talk shit on that but then like
Starting point is 00:52:54 we also love Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts I was just gonna say we were playing Kingdom Hearts or like Anthony was playing uh Birth By Sleep and I started playing too and Miles was like, that guy's like, sores. Dude, having Josh explain to Miles. And I was like, no, so actually he became a heartless and he's like, what? And it's like, okay. What happened? And then the- I was that guy. And then Giz shows up in the beginning and Miles is like, okay, so who's that guy?
Starting point is 00:53:18 And I'm like, oh, fuck. And then they bring in nobodies? Yeah. Just be honest. Like, if you've played all the games, does it actually make sense? Yeah. The third one's bad, though. I think the third one fucks up the story.
Starting point is 00:53:29 Unbelievably bad. No spoiler-onies. Yeah, I don't want to spoil it. Oh, you haven't played it. Also, I pull out the PS5. I fire a Kingdom Hearts since my dad died, because that's what I did to cope, was doing the data battles. We're playing it.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Josh starts a new game. His tag in Me melee used to be Sora Which is cool range? Glad you moved on no a lot of to I thought so too, but a lot of people like should have stuck with Sora I'm like where were you? Those are ultimate fans because I players are called like like Reason to change it was the SEO on the name. Yeah, yeah. Because if you put in Sora Smash, it's just ruined now. So how many people still call me Sora?
Starting point is 00:54:08 I like Sora. I like that tag. Goofy! I hate that tag. Riku! I always wanted you. Deep freeze! Deep freeze.
Starting point is 00:54:16 We're the champs! We're the champs. We're the champs. Yeah, anyway. Why are you saying it's sexual? Because, you know. We're the champs. Dude, the clip Nick
Starting point is 00:54:26 uploaded of the of the advice show where you moan that changed me wait I haven't seen this bro Zipper Guard Twitter
Starting point is 00:54:34 did you go to the yard Twitter I still don't know if it was Nick or Archie who put that together well I think Nick's the one who's like
Starting point is 00:54:40 hey can we get a yeah but then Archie chose to clip Archie found the one yeah yeah yeah it wasn't we start fire up kingdom hearts he starts playing it again i haven't turned on the p the ps5 in forever i get a dm from nick yingling he's like do you have the ps5 because it's ludwig i was
Starting point is 00:54:56 miserable and then i'm like yeah it's at my house you know he's like yeah he's gonna play god of war i'm like okay well can you come get it he's like yeah and so he just comes and airlifts the ps5 out of josh i threatened it was raining and i said i i just like looked at it i'm like okay well can you come get it he's like yeah and so he just comes and airlifts the ps5 out of josh i threatened it was raining and i said i i just like looked at it i'm like if you take this i'm gonna take it outside and leave it in the rain either i get to game or i'm like oh this gets rained on he's like don't do that he's like a hitman i'll ask him do something he's like it'll be done he shows up and he's like big man man wants the PS5. Come on, Yingling, just one more day. I'm like, let me save. He's just like, it's now.
Starting point is 00:55:30 He'll show up bruised with a PS5 in hand and he won't even tell me. That's what happens. He'll be like, don't worry, we have it. Bling bling doesn't take any prisoners. Bling bling. Bling bling is so funny. What did he message me?
Starting point is 00:55:39 He's just like, oh, he's like, yeah, just told XQC's mom about border security. And I'm like, oh, okay. I'm like, what? And he's like, don't worry about it. mom about border security and i'm like oh okay i'm like what he's like don't worry about it i'm like i am worried about this a lot xqc's dad god bless his heart reached out to me originally when x was here because he had a few questions and x doesn't answer his phone yeah and i replied for a while and then and but he's a very chatty man and i don't want to leave him on red which i need to to do sometimes if I'm live. Does he speak Francais?
Starting point is 00:56:05 He's Quebecois, but he speaks English in most conversations. Okay. And so then I just threw him in a chat. He like sent me a bunch of questions and I wasn't answering. He's like, hey, can you respond? Can you respond?
Starting point is 00:56:15 And I just was streaming. So then I finally looked at it. I was like, I'm just going to put him in a group chat with Yingling. And then, so I put him in a group chat with Yingling and I'm like, this is Yingling. If you have any questions, ask him. And then I left.
Starting point is 00:56:24 I was like, I cannot deal. He was that chatty? chat with Yingling. And I'm like, this is Yingling. If you have any questions, ask him. And then I left. I was like, I cannot deal. He was that chatty? I just, yeah. And I couldn't, I knew that I would be late on things. And he was clearly requiring like urgency. And I just couldn't provide that. So I was like, this is Yingling. And so then Yingling, when we talk like every couple of days,
Starting point is 00:56:38 he'd be like, yeah, I had a crazy convo with X's dad. That's so funny. He is so happy to continue that conversation. Yeah. I just imagine in my mind just like you locking Yingling and X you see his dad in a room
Starting point is 00:56:51 and Yingling comes out like bad and bruised being like, it's done. I've passed every cutscene. It is done. He's been calling me and I've been hanging out
Starting point is 00:57:01 with Zipper3 and every time he calls me, I'm with her and he's hitting me up to game and the other night we were in bed watching Parent Trap because I've never seen it. Lindsay Lohan? Lindsay Lohan? Yeah. Okay. Because it's one of her favorite old
Starting point is 00:57:16 movies and well it is old. Yeah it is. It's just funny you're saying it that way. Parent Trap. Is there? Yeah. Without Lindsay Lohan. This is the remix. It's a remake you're saying it that way Is there? Without Lindsay Lohan This is the remix It's a remake to Ignition It's a free square
Starting point is 00:57:31 And he'll just call me He's like you want a game man? We need a fifth man It's like check out the call right now And he's sitting in a call with Yan and Zekin The Sentinels Valorant player And I'm like we need two people for a cs stack right now they messaged me too i said
Starting point is 00:57:47 fuck no and i'm in bed and i'm like no dude we're actually walking watching parent trap right now he's like with who with zipper with zipper and then and then he's like why don't you both go play bed so it's like the dream stack of yingling
Starting point is 00:58:04 second yan and me and my girlfriend Go play, man So it's like the dream stack of Yingling, Zek, and Yan And me and my girlfriend One of the worst in the world And your girlfriend on December Yeah, we were saying Because we were downstairs talking to Cutie Who's having a crisis, by the way Dude, because you're an asshole
Starting point is 00:58:18 I'm not an asshole You suck I was saying how much I liked her League streams And we were saying the dream the god league stack would be don b josh man cutie cinderella aiden and lily pichu that is the dream stack that would be so fucking funny we had what i think is the dream stack which i've we'll talk about forever because i love this stack of mango me geo ludwig and cutie oh yeah mango just being so fucking stone off his tits and just roaming around base and i'm watching him on his stream being like i see you i know you're not afk and
Starting point is 00:58:57 he's like i'm like get out of base and you would oh man that was fun and what's funny is we played league me and cutie before that and it went terribly we were both on stream because like she gets upset at her supports when they're not doing well and i was playing support back then and then when i swapped to jungle i love playing with cutie yeah that's awesome because i'm out of the fire yeah so she she was she was trying was she trying to be nice and not blame you but also like let you know that you were messing up no she's pretty blamey she she was the wolf with me she's trying to be very nice but she broke okay like three games in yeah three games in
Starting point is 00:59:30 she was like she's like i cannot dude there was there's a clip of just like ludwig walking so this character is like his whole thing is just like he's a scary scarecrow and he comes out of the fog of war ludwig walks up to the enemy's vision and it starts channeling his ultimate which does like under their tower which does really well if they can't see you and Geo's like I don't like love he's like I don't think that's a good idea man and he's like help help come come come come
Starting point is 00:59:54 and he's like I don't think that's the move man and then I'm flashing it and then you flash it and then use your Zhonyas and go invincible he's like what happened again man and he just died and you're like where were you and this is like piss Elo right I've gotten better since Invincible was like what happened to give it and he just died you're like where were you? This is like pissy low right yeah, yeah, I'm better since no yeah back then I was like wow this is before I went in my league training arc Yeah, this was bad, and I'm just I'm just laughing my ass off. I'm like it's an honor to queue with you my friend
Starting point is 01:00:18 I love running it down and then putting a team I played with you two days ago Shit you do less than 8k damage every game and go like, dude, let's play again. That was so fun. It was fun. You were punching minions all game. Hey, he's a farmer. I gaked for you.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Were you a farmer? Farmers only, baby. I R'd. I Q'd. No, you didn't R. Remember my flash Q play? Do you remember when you fucking like, oh, I pressed five instead of R? That was my worst game.
Starting point is 01:00:43 That was my worst game. Dude, I do the opposite. I press R instead of five. So you of R. That was my worst game. That was my worst game. Dude, I do the opposite. I press R instead of 5, so you're lucky. That was my worst game. And then my magical flash Q. You did. You had one good play. It like got you up and you came your pants.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It was fine for Vi. She's an initiator. You're supposed to close it out. He's right. Who do you play? He was playing top when we played the other day. I was just dropping 20 bombs every game. I was ganking his lane. That's not true. You were bot side losing and I'm just dropping 20 bombs every game. I was ganking his lane.
Starting point is 01:01:05 That's not true! I was helping. I was forwarding. Also, you probably shouldn't gank his lane if he's- No one should gank his lane. I went six- Five and one in placements. Five and one.
Starting point is 01:01:14 That's great. You're my- you're the fuck- you're my Kazooie. Yeah, that's fair. I believe that. I believe that. You're my banjo. Every single game except the one we lost. You're my backpack typing to these guys who were just swagging.
Starting point is 01:01:24 You were typing to us? He was typing?ging every single game except the one we lost. You were talking to them? No, our teammates were... Gotta remember I'm on the rift. Keep it classy off the rift here. I'm a different man.
Starting point is 01:01:34 Oh man, I'd say some words. Can you do your... What is his name? Gruntilda? Oh, the... Hold on, let me get into the... Yeah. Oh, the fucking...
Starting point is 01:01:42 She's so cranky, man. He does all the Banjo-Kazooie voices strangely well. Yeah. I don't know why. It's one of his talents. I can't do Banjo-Kazooie. You'll play with me again. I will play with you again.
Starting point is 01:01:55 You'll play with me again. You just sit quietly in the call. You don't say shit, man. I'm getting back into it. It's hard. I'm relearning the game. It takes a while. I haven't played in any significant capacity in basically three or four years.
Starting point is 01:02:06 The last game I booted up at all was over a year ago before we played. I think all I know now is that I just need to play Valorant with you guys. I hate shooters, though. There's so much to learn. I don't like not being able to see everything on the screen at once. I think there's way less to learn than...
Starting point is 01:02:22 Mobis, I feel like. Yeah, but I grew up with Mobis. I was like 15. Just play Valor Man while League's done, and then you'll be good. You're just a slut for perfect information games. Yeah. And you should change that. No.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Did you drink all your Milky Bears? Yeah. Can I have it? Do you know how that works when I drink it all? You drink it all. It's not available. You drink all of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:41 I just didn't believe you. I didn't lie. And I gambled. Did you just say the question before the answer? I gambled that you were lying to me, and then I caught you in a lie. I'll give you my ice. You know what else makes me happy? When people save money on their mobile plans, Josh.
Starting point is 01:02:56 And let's talk for a moment about a celebrity I want to sex, is Ryan Reynolds and his new phone plan called Mint Mobile. I want Ryan Reynolds to find me in the woods and give you the best deal in wireless. Van Wilder's the first movie I jerked off to. Oh, you can go to this holiday season. They have the best deal in wireless, and that's the only place you're going to find the best deal.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Look, if you switch to Mint Mobile right now, you get another three months free if you get to any three-month plan. There's a non-zero chance Ryan Reynolds DMs you. That's what I was going to say. Ryan Reynolds might knock on your door this holiday season and top your uncle. And your uncle's a power bottom. He's generating a lot of power. He generates an enormous amount of power.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Just like Mint's network. It's like Mint's network. Unlimited talking text plus high-speed data delivered on the nation's most powerful bottom-powered 5G network. It's the largest 5G network is a better way to phrase that. It's 5G BP. Here's the thing. Zipper's been using Mint Mobile,
Starting point is 01:03:57 and he told us it's faster and it's smoother. But what it actually came out as is... And we interpreted that as it's faster and better. And you guys can get that same service at slash the yard. slash the yard. If you do it, if you use this service and cut your wireless bill to 15 bucks a month, Ryan Reynolds will fucking go nuts on your uncle's dick. Here's two truths, one lie.
Starting point is 01:04:22 If you sign up for Mint Mobile, you'll save 15 bucks. Ryan Reynolds might show up to your house if you do it. And your uncle pops so many people. Well, I know which one's the lie. Well, $15 and he'll break my uncle off. Boy, count me in. You're there. You're Mint.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Anyway, I have a question for you all. Did you see the streamer of the year thing today? Yes. You're there. You're mint. Anyway, I have a question for you all. Did you see the streamer of the year thing today? Yes. You're pitted. You might break up over this. You think that you're pitted against your day one will be the end of it? No. It's fall apart.
Starting point is 01:04:58 I saw the cracks downstairs. I think downstairs has... I was like, oh, this is cool. And then downstairs, when I was like the cutie, I was just like, I told her a good thing. And then she only heard very minor bad thing. And she's like, oh, so you hate me. And I'm like, ooh. Because then like when you replied, what's it called?
Starting point is 01:05:16 When you were like, congrats on getting nominated. And she's like, I'd love, I guess. And I'm like, uh-oh. It's a bad thing. No, it's not bad. Because she's also separately nominated for the eSports Award period of the year, which I'm like, uh-oh. It's a bad thing. No, it's not bad. She's also separately nominated for the Esports Award, Creator of the Year, which I'm not, and then I'm also separately
Starting point is 01:05:29 nominated for Streamy. But the end all is I don't give a shit about any of them. Queben. Get a Queben out. What? I did not know what he was saying. Does it matter? Because she already makes the better award
Starting point is 01:05:47 show so why does this one matter i think no awards truly matter because they're all just like a like a like a it's like a congrats here we go man yeah money also doesn't matter it's just a concept it's paper because you can buy boats and stuff. Hey, probably a bad time. I'm having a really good time right now. No, the way I thought about it, it's like, if you, you know, if the Oscars are out in the corner,
Starting point is 01:06:14 it's like, does it, do you really care about the BAFTA? Do the Oscars matter? Anymore? Who watches the Oscars? Well, everyone watches it, so they do matter. Do we?
Starting point is 01:06:24 What's the last Oscars you watched? Do you watch the BAFTAs, though? Have you ever watched the BAFTAs? Never watched a BAFTA. What does that even mean? Exactly. The British Actors Association Teaching Award. Top lane.
Starting point is 01:06:39 That was my thought, because I saw who was nominated, and I was like was like genuinely I thought you two make a lot of sense And then I looked at the other people And I was like no No we buy The list is crazy No we buy I feel like usually streamer stuff is very like out of touch Because it's like the last thought about category
Starting point is 01:07:01 On a thing about gaming And other things And this year it got a little better i think partly because of streamer awards like streamies out of like five new categories yeah and i think it's like they're like okay this works dude if you think they could do a baldest streamer award and i could be in the running the northern line just win do you stream enough uh i could get up that get my hours i think you could be in the running yeah i could at least be in the running I won't win
Starting point is 01:07:25 You won't win No There's no shot at that No you won't I might be able to win You couldn't win No for sure We're on the same page
Starting point is 01:07:32 I could be balder than the rest Yeah You couldn't be better though But that's not the That's not the It's baldest streamer Then you couldn't be better than the rest The most bald streamer
Starting point is 01:07:41 I don't think you could Tyler1 Me Oh I forgot Tyler1's bald Wow yeah you lose it's like 10x Erob NL
Starting point is 01:07:48 dude you're getting destroyed well Erob you're last who do I beat at least Erob give me no Erob destroys
Starting point is 01:07:54 in principle you beat Erob thank you that means a lot I would like if you said that also I don't know who you beat like a I don't know who bald streamer you beat
Starting point is 01:08:02 who if Crazy Slick loses his hair there you go. Slicker. Ah, yeah! Just really just anything. Fuck that guy. Yeah, we did it.
Starting point is 01:08:12 You still haven't washed your fucking head hair out of the bathtub? It's just in there. No, it's my beard hair. That doesn't make it better. That doesn't make it better, yeah. I just look at it, I'm like, if I clean this, he will never learn. Josh lives with me, by the way. If you guys didn't know that. It's cozy. Is he cleanly? Are you cleanly? Nah, I've look at it. I'm like if I clean this he will never learn Josh lives with me by the way if you Guys didn't know that it's cozy. Is he cleanly are you cleanly? No? I've been a bit bad
Starting point is 01:08:31 Bathroom so picked him up shit smells in there the in-and-outs been there, but you haven't do we get hands It's funny that you complained about something Knowing that you are the way you are the thing is I've accepted my face Knowing that you are the way you are. The thing is, I've accepted my fate. Just eat some fucking fish. Just want him to approve. Eat some fucking fish.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Zipper, it's the Game Awards. It's on their Twitter. Dude, I like living with you, though. It's awesome. It's a good time. My immediate thought when I see that shit is I look at all the people listed, and then I think about how Gales just had 300k people on his stream for two weeks straight, and my man wasn't on the list it doesn't even take preliminary research yeah you just have to look at the highest number if you if you open
Starting point is 01:09:13 twitch and just look at the biggest guy you'll be like oh maybe we should put that guy on it yeah brazil who's your new streamer of the year if you had to pick one you can't say me or kitty this is a list by the way it's the game awards which is one of the more prestigious ones for like gaming shit and they have one streamer category why are you on there oh content creator sorry all right hurtful i thought it was like a gaming thing who are who are before i answer who are nobelion and no bro so the list is carl me uh nobelion no brew and cutie cinderella uh nobrew is a brazilian uh streamer portuguese streamer so they know about guys and so they know about gollis and he does uh crossfire oh shit because crossfire is big down there that makes sense i forgot about that they are
Starting point is 01:10:02 worldly there's like don't they play like Crossfire Mobile down there or some shit? Crossfire is like the CS, is it 1.6? Is it Crossfire or is it like the PUBG Crossfire?
Starting point is 01:10:13 I think it's Crossfire. Can you look up his Crossfire? Crossfire is like the CSGO in China. But it looks like 1.6. And it looks like 1.6 and you can be
Starting point is 01:10:21 anime girls but actually there's a new Crossfire that looks like CSGO. That's right, yeah, I forgot. and if you go on any chinese streaming site it's like one of the highest like watch games at any time and it's funny because you ask any random um like north american gamer if they've heard of crossfire like i don't think so i don't know this is like it's like bigger than god kind of a weird deep cut but there's like so it's not if anybody has watched like old crossfire or there's this other
Starting point is 01:10:46 shooter called sudden attack that was really big in korea and um uh japan and it is also like crossfire counter-strike knockoff type of deal but it was really popular there and uh it's the all the animations of the characters are really fucked up so you're watching you're playing like csgo 1.6 but against like anime girls in maid costumes that have no animations so it's like somebody like so there's a kuma it's like girl in pink outfit like t-posing with the op and it's just the most like fucked up game but it was actually really fun to watch um and i i would we used to watch streams of japanese people playing it on nico nico because that's where people used to stream where good mario kart players used to stream does that mean cat cat
Starting point is 01:11:40 no that's neko neeko Oh Certified West Coast Kitty Cat Killer But it was a Japan's like Old biggest streaming Site for games And stuff It was called
Starting point is 01:11:50 Neko Neko You are cringe Nick did you like that No Bigger I hate Queben Queben
Starting point is 01:12:01 I like Queben I hate that I like it As much Do you think that All streamer Streaming award Things are Queben. Ah. Queben. I like Queben. I hate that I like it as much. Do you think that all streaming award things are boof pack? No. Well, look, the thing is they're usually fan voted and fan voted ones, I realize it's like, well, I could just like, it's like whoever mobilizes their fan base the most. Who campaigns better.
Starting point is 01:12:20 Yeah. Which I feel like is worse than, it it's not worse than it's just different than like hey this is like if like a peers one wait which is what they do with nfl uh awards cutie publicize her system in the first one yeah like with the yeah she's like a panel and a combination panel voting yeah cutie system seems like the best i think her system's good yeah yeah why why not just do raw votes raw power to the people because i think that's what i just said if it's raw people it's campaigns especially for the first one right because i think like the first streamer awards was a weird thing where if you left it all to vote any person with a fan base who like got to it first would just win because
Starting point is 01:13:01 it was kind of this arms race of people finding out the about the event but if you don't if you don't have i feel like if you don't have more people and sort of the chat vote like the ratio of this then train shows up in a joker costume and everyone gets burned down is that uh i think if you do only fan vote somebody somebody like, if I were to create like streamer nominees, like nominees for streamer of the year, you know, and I throw on like Jerma and XQC and whoever, and I fill up the list. Jerma has no chance of beating X if they both campaign as hard as they could. I just can't wait for Aiden to defend himself in the comments. No, that's getting cut.
Starting point is 01:13:40 It'll be funny because it'll go back to when they were claiming something and Aiden is just crazily laughing and you won't know why. It's one of those rare yard cut jokes. It was really funny. He will tell you what it was. Max level Patreons get that one. Patrons even.
Starting point is 01:13:59 What's going on, kiddo? You in a giggly fit, What do you think about that fan voting and that means German would never win? It's great, man. That's good. That's good thought. But let me tell you about the fifth person who I'm rooting for to win. What is it about? Nebelian.
Starting point is 01:14:14 Who is that man? He was a gaming Twitter journalist who would only post about things on Twitter. He had a mob psycho profile picture and he'd be like, hey, this game's coming out. Here's a screenshot leaked Yeah, I'm trying to mob with my psychos. I'm not good at this Yeah, that's I'm pretty sure stringer says that we need to take the fucking tape off his mouth
Starting point is 01:14:43 He's saying cut shit he's saying whack shit he's mumbling over there cause my mom keeps it 100 my cut thing was funny though wait really quick before you get into this if Nick is here and says that is it kinda different cause he's Nick
Starting point is 01:14:58 he just does it enough he gets to do the version where it's actually funny and the version where he just says it and then he goes bloodway oh that's what I keep forgetting to do it like he's like he does he gets to do the version where it's actually funny and the version where he just says it and then he goes bloodway oh that's what i keep forgetting to do and then what he does sometimes too is he goes i was gonna say this but i didn't want to say it and then i'll say it and then it's if it's like bad he's like he's like i didn't want to say it yeah he's such a tactician what do you have you have something to say about that nick uh anyway rebellion twitter twitter dude quits he quits his his game journalism thing he masked like almost half a mil followers and he made a patreon and it didn't do that well like it had a nice initial launch and then went down after that
Starting point is 01:15:38 uh and he sent this really uh like thoughtful post that was basically like, Hey, I tried to do this and I thought I could make it a career and I failed and I'm going to quit because this is not a good use of my time and it's not good value for you. So I'm deleting the patron and I'm also leaving Twitter because I don't think this is a sustainable platform for me to create anymore. And, and I thought that was dope. I think it's really cool to fail. Yeah, to go out and be like, I'm out of here. Not to say that he was a failure
Starting point is 01:16:10 because clearly he grew like a lot, but I think for what his goals were, they were probably higher than that. It was probably like, let's make this a full-time career and he didn't get there. It's what Ken Chen did with Esports Express and now Ken Chen runs Team Liquid.
Starting point is 01:16:24 Yeah. He's the head of it, though. So anyway, I hope Nobelian is happy and I want him to get one award on his way out and enjoy a lovely life. So this all happened this year? Yeah, he quit this year. He quit like coincidentally when Musk took over. Are you going to do it on a mogul mail?
Starting point is 01:16:37 What? Are you going to do a mogul mail on Nibelheim? Probably. It's a little outdated now. It happened like a month ago. Oh, so you're not good at your job yeah in some ways i'm not you're sure low did he say what he's doing now or what he's moving on to he just vanished it's so i don't like i understand what you're saying like it's chill to fail like
Starting point is 01:16:54 i i agree i think trying and failing is cool but when you're like almost that close right because we just saw he has like a really big following you know like maybe you could pivot to something else that's just like along a similar vein there but like mate i don't know like fully fully quitting and like the cat's like locked now right it's just like going dark on it right i don't know it's like i guess i yeah i know it's it's just so interesting because it's just like most people when they like fail they just like take like a steadier route or something this is like easier um or something like that they don't just like like vanish it's like if you gave yourself right now an internal goal to become the best in melee or win a major in the next year and then you
Starting point is 01:17:34 failed to do it and but you said like publicly this is my goal and if i don't do it i'll quit and then you quit i think that'd be badass because you like this is what you wanted to do this is the timeline you gave yourself you have a limited lifetime but you leave the community entirely i mean up to you it's like if you want to still be a part of it and like hey i'll switch a commentary that's fine but maybe your goals that's what i'm saying like i'm i'm like at least showing like if i don't do it here's what else i'm going to be doing instead right i'm like very vote like in that row i'm vocal about like a backup but if what you wanted to do is pivoting completely i think that's also fine he might not know he might not want to communicate.
Starting point is 01:18:05 It might be totally disconnected from what he was doing before. Right, right. I think also he's in a hard place where I think he's encountering the problem that a ton of journalists encounter in general, where at this time period, it's very difficult to monetize your work. Oh, is it, Mogul Mail? Let me send a beautiful zipper. I'm sending you on Discord
Starting point is 01:18:26 an article that HXMQ going. Because I think it's interesting because you literally are just doing that. You're being budget discount journalism. So if you read his post, he's talking about how he's realizing that because of the way he's built his following, people aren't looking to him as a person or brand to follow for this information
Starting point is 01:18:49 He was only valuable like for the information. Are you telling me that Jake lucky is doing it, right? I Was that was the first person I thought of when he was saying no, I don't think so He monetized you know if Jake lucky quits making tweets and pivots entirely to Patreon tomorrow and is no longer making YouTube videos, it's like, do you really think he'd be that successful? And I would argue that he probably isn't because like what he is providing is if you, as soon as you paywall something like that, I feel like a lot of the appeal is gone. How much do you think of like as what he does because all i know of this guy i know the name jake lucky so at least i know
Starting point is 01:19:30 who it is but like he just like is usually on my feed with like like he's like dexterdo or something like that yeah it's just like the same thing but i will never watch a video that he uploads you know i'm not gonna find out anything more about him i don't care about this guy he just is on my timeline which is how he just described yeah nibbleheim no no no but like that's that's what i'm saying but you were saying like i don't know am i but i think the bellion was self-aware about that and then left yeah that's why he's leaving he had shame but i think well he only gets to do what he does because he's famous and has a platform already i'm a pundit like him for his personality and the way he explains things so it's like oh i get to watch like ludwig this guy i like who describes things in very like vivid and cool detail already tells like very beautiful stories
Starting point is 01:20:19 that i tune into to explain like the news so that's yeah but like you're getting his personality i understand how i want to articulate this so the thing is with like but like you're getting his personality i i understand how i want to articulate this so the thing is with like but he doesn't nebelian doesn't have that foundation that's yeah but that's the same thing with like jake lucky as well but like he you call him out on that you're like what are you doing like yeah you have done that you're like what's what is the goal are you trying to be a news guy do you want people to like click on you like what's the go does he have a youtube channel the million just had a twitter no lucky lucky yeah i don't know if he had one for a while he was doing like the sports esports show what i was wondering is how does jake lucky
Starting point is 01:20:55 because jake lucky isn't making money off of his tweets right if only in a roundabout way if his tweets are marketing for something else that he's doing that's managing to bring revenue so like he would like market himself as a journalist but like they're not the same because like this guy like it's just like this is just happening like this is happening on on like twitch as well but he doesn't really market himself as that he just kind of spawned out of nowhere i'm like i guess this guy is just saying stuff now you know it's a greater question in general of influencer journalism crossover and what that means. And if that's to me, the interesting question is, is that a good or a bad
Starting point is 01:21:31 thing? It's a bad thing. It's definitely a bad thing. And by that, by that logic, what Ludwig does is bad. I think Ludwig is wielding his power in a like a relatively responsible way that few people choose to do that are trying to succeed in punditry. There's a reason why the most successful pundits fall to extremes is because you need to draw people in. And he's in a very rare circumstance
Starting point is 01:21:57 where I think he gets the opportunity to be moderate. You're also picking topics that your general adjacent audience cares about. It's like we joke about it all the time, but you're not picking topics that you're like general adjacent audience audience like cares about it's like we joke about it all the time but like you're not making mogul mails about the war in yemen like maybe you should but tucker carlson might get to talk about that because he's like because he gets he's talking about it in the most shitty and draw people in way possible. If you know what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:22:27 He gets ridiculed all the time for having extremely middling takes. That's not a good dog. Yeah, yeah. People are just like, dude, you don't say anything of substance. I have done that. I'm going to get a full Tucker soon. I'm going to be Tucker-pilled. But I don't think that's bad.
Starting point is 01:22:41 Maybe we should. Not the Tucker thing. I don't know who that is. Maybe we should. I feel like he's wrong. Well, wait, wait, wait. Not the talking thing. I don't know who that is. Maybe we should start a war with the Yemens. Because the Yemens are trying to implant trans people in our schools. Yeah. Here's why Bayonetta 3 is connected to white replacement theory. Bayonetta 3?
Starting point is 01:23:00 Wait, who is that? What do you think your kids are jerking off to nowadays? It's not beautiful we're all just we're all just trying to be nick mullen in that one video jordan pierce who i love he's the glue the nick mullen tucker carlson impersonation is one of the funniest things i've watched in the past on the internet who's jerking off to this i guess i just i think that you being middling is fine i feel like i don't go to you for your opinion on it. I go to you.
Starting point is 01:23:27 Middling's a different word than middle of the road. Just let's just get that out of the way. No, you're like really mid is what I'm trying to say. It's not like you don't take a fucking stance. It's just, I mean, but we look, we all know what's what the fucking deal is. Ludwig doesn't have extreme opinions. He's okay. Let's, I think also.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Republicans have ad dollars too also i don't think you're talking about issues that are very politicized right usually usually usually you are talking about something that does not have a very strong political connotation at one time i made a video like analyzing this guy's video he made about women in gaming and then he made a response video and he said it's like the problem with society and it's like me hasan and another political commentator on the front and i was in the middle of it i was like damn quebin what quebin that's cute man he's actually the master of the voice We came here We were the ones Who imported the voice You did import the voice Yeah we imported
Starting point is 01:24:28 We call it the Sumi voice Because one of our friends Very young Like um They always go like What Pretty much started
Starting point is 01:24:35 Wapping And they were just like Gaming Smiley And then they would They would mix that With the They would mix that
Starting point is 01:24:41 With the giant Pikachu In Melee Going bigger Bigger Bigger And like just Saying dumb shit pretty much and then we came back and now Aiden is just vomiting on himself and we're like what? he goes funny I have a bib
Starting point is 01:24:53 and then we're just like my Quebin okay so I have a genuine Quebin is that you always like if you have watched LSF lately you get lumped in with train like often talking about this like cabal which is like pokey hassan you and like the top like echelon of twitch which is really funny do you like do you see that happening do you see that happening? Do you see him talking about that? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:26 That's weird, right? Where was Train? I think Train's obsession with the cabal is a little misplaced. But your role specifically in the cabal. I've DM'd him. He unfollowed me for a while. I don't know if he got mad at me because I said something about gambling. Yeah. But the fact together, dude.
Starting point is 01:25:42 We love the streams putting you in the cabal which is is so funny because when you were at twitch we used to joke all the time about how twitch wouldn't give you shit that all the other top dogs were getting well yeah i i think it's because i was anti-gambling and i think he thought i was doing that from like a sheep standpoint and i think he thought a lot of the people who were anti-gambling were like high-roading because it was the popular take. It's not like the reality, which is like, hey, train what you're doing, which is bad. Right. And he also likes to differentiate himself from all the gambling streamers.
Starting point is 01:26:14 So it's like he'll gamble 30 hours in two days and then be like, but I did it right. Like these other gamblers, like they don't know how to do it. And then I'm like, I think all sponsored gambling is bad because people are gambling more than they could i mean it's like they're using fake balances like i'm using real money i'm like well yeah but you still got paid like fucking 10 million dollars that month to gamble and then you gambled that even if you gambled more than what you should have you were still only able to keep it up for the period that you did at the rate you did with the amount of money you did because you were getting paid to do it like if you didn't get paid he would have to quit his gambling streams
Starting point is 01:26:46 a year and a half ago. It's like what I try to express in DMs. His dork spins would have cleaned him out. Yeah, literally. Dorks. But I think he still is adamant that he is the best gambler, the most moral gambler,
Starting point is 01:26:59 and that everyone is only trying to get rid of gambling for the clout. He is the best. And that's why you get lumped in to the Kanbal conspiracy. He is the best. And that's why you get locked in to the, to the can ball conspiracy. It's so weird. There's actually,
Starting point is 01:27:08 there's a, there's a people who reach out and they're like, Hey, we have like this sports betting thing that's interested in sponsoring the chess boxing. And I thought about it. And then my first thought was like, he's going to light me up for that one.
Starting point is 01:27:20 He's keeping you honest. I got it. Hey, I got a pass on this. Cause this new thing is like sports sports betting is actually the bigger problem. And I was like, no, you'd get Aiden out for that one. Why don't we get CS Money involved? Yo!
Starting point is 01:27:34 Shush, shush, shush, shush! Hey, bet on Stans or BoxBox, and you can win a bayonet marble fade. That was what they wanted to do, literally. Yeah, yeah. Stans knocked him out with a right hook so I get a souvenir
Starting point is 01:27:48 Dragon Lord off that one. Also, it's funny because boxing is the sport that is known in pop culture for being fixed and fixable. Right.
Starting point is 01:27:57 You know, like that's Oh, we're fixing them. That's really bad. Well, the books are cooked and the matches are fixed. We're obviously fixing the fights and cooking the books. Books are cooked.
Starting point is 01:28:04 Books are cooked. And you're cooking them. Yes, sir. fights and cooking the books. Books are cooked. Books are cooked. And you're cooking them. Yes, sir, Nick Wang. Chef it up. He'll hate that. You hear that, IRS? It's Nick Wang cooking over here. You know who we call him around Slack?
Starting point is 01:28:12 We call him Slack Gordon Ramsey. We call him Chef. Yes, Chef. Yes, Chef. Whatever he says, Chef. He's been cooking so long and he's been cooking so good. Behind shutters. He makes, he like does an eight hour chili.
Starting point is 01:28:23 You know what I'm saying? Let's it slow cook anyway barely puts those in the sheet my Nibelian stream of the year that or Fulcrum
Starting point is 01:28:31 Fulcrum you know Mike was on Fulcrum before anyone else of course Mike is he's deep cut Mike smokes a
Starting point is 01:28:36 Benjamin so he would know Mike been hitting the Benjamin I still haven't watched one of these videos yet I'm saving myself
Starting point is 01:28:42 but a brainy day it is actually brain rot. It is. It is? Yeah, it's in a beautiful way, though. You know how when you watch Train, he has like six lines that he repeats, and he's like, Come on, bitch. Come on, juice me, bitch. Yeah, yeah, juice me.
Starting point is 01:28:54 Raise your arm, pussy. Shameless. When he plays the- Shameless. I don't know what his crack pipe is, actually, and he- My crack pipe? I know your crack pipe. It's on your YouTube recommended on the TV all the time, man. It's its certain little tab.
Starting point is 01:29:06 What are you talking about? A little LTG. Oh. I watch. Low Tier God? I watch Low Tier God compilations to go to sleep. What? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:16 You're the only person doing that. I want you to know. There are so many videos of this guy. I didn't know there was a ton of us. Why to sleep? Because it's just like, it's like 10 of us Why is he asleep? Because it's just like It's like they're 38 minutes long So I like don't
Starting point is 01:29:28 Like I can just So I throw on like 24 hours of children yelling And then I just I knock out Well it's just him being like I tried to Like he passed me the pipe and I went It was fucking harsh
Starting point is 01:29:38 He's just saying all sorts And I'm like Yeah there's just like Backlogged compilations of him Like raging out of a street fire in Tekken And it truly is endless And I'm just, oh, I bet. Yeah, there's just like backlogged compilations of him, like raging out of a street fire in Tekken. And it's just it truly is endless. And I'm just like, yeah, this is for some reason this puts me to bed. That's crazy, though.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Anyway, me, me, me, me. Fulcrum, he has like the six lines that he just repeats, which I don't know them all. But I know Yodi Gang and Faded the Naho. Faded the Naho, some guy in a call That I was in recently just kept saying I didn't understand I'm like you were the worst person I know And I want to leave right now because I didn't He just kept saying it I'm like are you a soundboard Like what's happening it's like when salami
Starting point is 01:30:14 Salami drove I think Zeke To uh to wave dash in San Diego Yeah and uh and Zeke Was just like dude he just kept saying Morbius Like he just kept saying is he still saying No no no it was way back it was like when the meme Was hot but salami's just kept saying Morbius. Like he just kept saying. Is he still saying that? No, no, no. It was way back. It was like when the meme was hot. But Salami's just driving and just saying like Morbin.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I'm Morbin. And I was like, that's pretty funny. The fact that Zeke is caught in this like evil car, like Howl's Moving Castle. But it's Salami just running up the walls and saying Morbius. It's Morbin time. Flop that after Benjamin Franklin. That's where we are now. Here's the fun thing.
Starting point is 01:30:49 He could feasibly... Stanzer H. Rock could feasibly have been Fulcrum if they had smoked a lot more weed in college. You think so? Hit the Benjamin Franklin is basically what Stanzer's in there. It is a soda squeak. It's a Stanzer's. It's a soda squeak. Whoa. Yeah, but...
Starting point is 01:31:05 HROC, give me the Benjamin Franklin. Oh, dude. Stans just needed to smoke enough weed to lose the shame to become Fulcrum. Whoa. Oh, I'm getting zooted patooted. Wait, what does Fulcrum say? Feed me lines. Yeah, he says zooted patooted, man.
Starting point is 01:31:21 I'm getting zooted patooted. Time to hit this boofer. I'm feeding the whole world. Time for me to stay up for 10 days Oh shit He's got it I spent a lot of time with A-Drunk Speaking of gambling No joke I did watch a little bit of the Mario Party thing with Point Crow He was fucking dicing me up
Starting point is 01:31:40 He was very funny All the cunt had to do was flip the The arrow from left to right Dressed up as a mole And it was just I don't know how He killed it man But he was Fucking dicing me
Starting point is 01:31:51 And be like Oh this I'm so He was so fucking funny The whole time I'm so psyched To go on this trip With him actually
Starting point is 01:31:57 Yeah you're gonna have A fucking blast bro He is a fucking Road dog bear Also he lost his phone And uh In like the shuttle To the airport
Starting point is 01:32:04 Shuttle takes off We go up to security He's like I don't have my fucking phone I'm like alright sweetheart Let's figure it out We like call people We get like the shuttle
Starting point is 01:32:12 Come back And I stayed with him The whole time And he didn't think I would He thought I would just Go to security And leave him behind And I'm like
Starting point is 01:32:19 I might be a grouch But I'm your road dog And he learned that that day Would many people leave there? Who would leave? I think Aiden would leave Because he wouldn't have a cell phone unless the only reason he was gonna take off i'd stay with him the flight was gonna take off would you leave if the flight was gonna take off no and there's a surgery you had to fly back to yeah you know what an asshole yeah you're such a prick if there's a surgery hey sound off in the comments if you think aiden's a prick yeah
Starting point is 01:32:44 leaving for his surgery. If we get over 100 likes, he will reply. Here's the fun thing I learned about hypotheticals recently, because Cutie keeps asking me if I would date her if she was a zombie worm. Zombie worm. Is this why I got confronted in the kitchen? Would you still date me if I was a worm into actual argument with girlfriend is just this insane pipeline that is so real.
Starting point is 01:33:05 And here's what you do. You just lie because you don't have to consider the question genuinely because it'll never happen. I'll fucking date you. I'll fucking eat you. No, in this case,
Starting point is 01:33:13 you'll never be on a flight with someone and then you have to fly back to a surgery. You don't know that. It'll never happen. The perfect line of like, yeah, babe, I love you and worms. And like, he's just like,
Starting point is 01:33:22 oh, so you don't think I'm pretty? Oh, you like worms more than me? Yeah, she's just like, yes, you don't think I'm pretty. Oh, you like worms more than me? Yeah, she's just like, yeah, so you don't think I'm pretty. You'd be a hot fucking worm. Yeah, it's just like, yeah. Maybe I'd fill you. I'd fill you up with my worm cum.
Starting point is 01:33:36 I don't know. What do you want to hear? You would look like a snake after I fill you up. Wait, you're... We're both worms. I'd be a human. That's a different premise Of course I'd love it We were both worms Oh cause you can't get any
Starting point is 01:33:48 Cause you can't get any hot woman I'll grab the worm And tie it in a knot And I'd fuck the circle I thought that would be sweet Like we'd tie it If we were worms Ludwig I'd tie us both together
Starting point is 01:33:58 So we'd never lose each other Kill yourself Aww He means it when he says it Kill yourself posting I've just been thinking about it It's just back now No it's gonna leave You think it's gonna leave It's gotta go Kill yourself. Aw, he means it when he says it. Kill yourself posting? I've just been thinking about it. It's just back now.
Starting point is 01:34:07 No, it's going to leave. You think it's going to leave? It's got to go. Because someone's going to commit suicide and it's going to be a really bad joke. But how did it come back? Because no one's killed themselves in a while. They never really leave. It's an all-time low, you reckon? You guys are playing with fire, bro.
Starting point is 01:34:20 We're playing with fire. You're playing with fire. Everyone is. It's like, if we wake up tomorrow and Aiden kills himself, God willing, then we are going to be pretty fucking... You can only, you can only lob it
Starting point is 01:34:29 with friends who are 100% okay with it. No, but people are just saying it on stream now. Like, it's fine. You ripped one on stream. I've been ribbing it too much. Yeah, but only to me in chat,
Starting point is 01:34:37 which is weird. No, you're saying it to him or you're saying it to fans. He just ripped it. Did you say it to a stranger? No. You can't say it to strangers. That's why he crosses the line
Starting point is 01:34:46 He says it to strangers I played Minecraft No I don't I played Minecraft Did you not get banned for that? No you were playing God of War I said it to someone And you just said
Starting point is 01:34:52 Kill yourself to a random NPC Well yeah that NPC That's fine They're not real But I also said I also said I'm gonna kill myself Which is also Also bad
Starting point is 01:35:00 That's why this podcast Is because we cut 20 of his jokes Because 3 of them Were racist against Mexicans, four were racist against Italians, five were about killing himself, and then ten, mark it, ten.
Starting point is 01:35:12 I can't even repeat the words. Yeah, it's too much, really. You are too much today. And that's what happens we found out that Nick keeps Aiden in line and you failed to do that. You were supposed to fill that. Josh, name one streamer of the year if you had to do that you were supposed to fill that josh nip me name one streamer of the year if you had to pick
Starting point is 01:35:26 hmm streamer of the year i think it's pretty tough it's probably one probably x okay slime yeah streamer of the year who do i watch the most oh no it's kai that guy i've been seeing a lot of his clips okay and that guy's killing it kai deserves Streamer of the year. Who do I watch the most? Oh, no. It's Kai. I've been seeing a lot of his clips. Okay. And that guy's killing it. Kai deserves... Kai just deserves the belt. At least for this year.
Starting point is 01:35:53 Okay. If the next year comes and he's like kind of doing the same thing, which is fine. It's like you don't get the belt again. It's new. Yeah, right now that cunt's very funny. Eamon? I... I think it's...
Starting point is 01:36:08 Speed. High Show Speed? Why? Really? I think he... I feel like from my position of basically not watching him at all is... Okay. No, this will be good.
Starting point is 01:36:21 But seeing highlights and clips and like the amount of reach he has in comparison to everybody else i feel like his i thought a lot about what you said last week about how aiden and uh kai like influence culture and for for better or for worse i feel like speed maybe does that the most right now of every streamer. And I think that's like, you know, the scale that he operates at is like pretty impressive. So I think it'd be him. I think if it had to be like a Twitch streamer,
Starting point is 01:36:51 it would be Kai. Right. And mine is IBDW. Anyway, thank you all for watching The Yard, episode 69, part four. And thanks,
Starting point is 01:36:59 Joshman, for being here. Tune into the primo where we're going to un-gag Nick. We're going to un-gag him and hear his funny quips and jokes. So see you there. Bye.
Starting point is 01:37:08 See you later.

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