The Yard - Ep. 80 - Ludwig is Starting an Esports Team

Episode Date: January 25, 2023

This week, the boys talk about the mogul moves melee tournament, slime losing money at genesis, and how Ludwig is now creating a new esports team....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 🎵 Hey guys. Hey man. What's up? I don't know, I had a good weekend. Good day. You guys? Yeah. Yeah, you had a good one? I had a good one.
Starting point is 00:00:28 It was fun. Genesis. Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no. We, you were. We all hung out. We all hung out. We hung out.
Starting point is 00:00:35 I didn't hang out with you much. Why do you look like the villain from Robin Hood? I don't know what you're talking about. Farquaad? No. No. Robin Hood. No.
Starting point is 00:00:43 King, uh. Farquaad. No, Prince. What's his name? He's the dude who gets the jewels sucked off his fingers. Yeah, he gets the jewels sucked off his fingers. By who? Your big lie.
Starting point is 00:00:53 Yeah, he's got no jewels on his fingers. He's got no jewels left. You look like you just came from getting sucked. Lil Jon just sucked your fingies. Oh, that's right. I do look like that. Prince Jon. Prince Jon.
Starting point is 00:01:02 The wind on my sails. And you're his sheriff of nodding him. Mm-hmm. Wait, why am I the sheriff? Because you suck his fingers down. I sucked him? You sucked him good. So I sucked him, then I was like, hey, you're like the guy who sucks.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Actually, it's because you're a hot cheater. Because you're an enforcer. You got an enforcer's body. No, no, it's Aiden. Aiden sucked his fingers. Whoa. But if Nick would have lost to Aiden in the tournament. I see.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I'm like Prince John snake yeah that's more accurate who am I? as the king I have not ingested this media so I must explain Friar Tuck! He can be Friar Tuck! what what does he do? uh he preaches the gospel I think he's a drunkard
Starting point is 00:01:43 he's a minister? he's an old drunkard in the woods. A fire type. So I'm him. Welcome back to the yard, everybody. Welcome back to the 100th episode of the yard. We made it. We made it.
Starting point is 00:01:54 We finally did it. Wow, three digits. And we're sad to announce this is our final episode. You can now go to the Patreon where all our future ones will be uploaded. We have a juicy premium and all future episodes will be there. So we've decided to completely paywall every ounce of our content, even our Twitters. It's a locked
Starting point is 00:02:12 feed and then we screenshot them and then we post them on the Patreon. And we kill celebrities with guns on our Patreon. And you pay for it. We don't do that. We spin a wheel. We pick a random celebrity and we... I thought about We don't do that. We don't do that. We pick a celeb. We spin a wheel. Why?
Starting point is 00:02:25 We pick a random celebrity and we... I thought about Nick's worst take before. This is in contention. What is it? This is bad. Yeah, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:02:33 It's killing everybody over the age of 40. Yeah, that was it. No, that was fine. You guys see that? Someone typed the Dr. Mario prompt into the GPT-2 bot
Starting point is 00:02:42 and it made my exact argument. No, it didn't. It's true. Also, that's not a good thing. It's just funny. I'm not saying it makes it right. Yeah, I think it makes it wrong. I've been reading this new AI thing where you can ask like a celebrity or like from the past a question and they'll answer it. Like
Starting point is 00:02:57 what's his name? James Dean? Yeah, he'd be like I love making Rebel without a cause and riding motorcycles until I died and so but they would ask like people with like historically racist pasts or like anti-semitic past and be like walt disney why were you anti-semitic and then the bot would default to being like man i'm sorry i didn't believe those things wow they're woke washing the day yeah they're like making them apologize for their anti-Semitism as opposed to being like, I was a fucking anti-Semite.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, dude, you need like Walt Disney to this day would let that thing rang. Walt Disney would be an author by now. This is probably a Family Guy flashback if like we unfroze him and then he's just anti-Semitic out the cryo chamber. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure they've done this show literally seven times. We unfreeze him, and then he's just anti-Semitic out the cryo chamber. Yeah, yeah. I'm sure they've done this show literally seven times. We unfreeze Walt Disney. He's really into Kanye West.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Finally, there's fucking someone that sees the shit the way I see it. You know, this guy's got some problems of his own, but I'm into it. Well, for those who are listening and you can't hear it in his voice, Nick is wearing a crown that he found. Did you buy it? And like a robe, like a kingly robe. Surely you didn't buy it. I did buy it. Because Nick won the mobile moves.
Starting point is 00:04:13 It's a child's robe. Oh, we know. They didn't have a doll. Yeah, we know. We get it. You don't look small. I am talking right now. It doesn't look small on you.
Starting point is 00:04:21 I'm the king. So we play my my rules on this episode. You may talk. You may speak. I do. I am trying to run through the Rolodex of whoever won the bracket
Starting point is 00:04:32 for the Mogul Moves gaming tournament at Genesis. Who would be the least insufferable? The most sufferable? Wait. Who would be
Starting point is 00:04:41 the most insufferable? I thought it would have been me. I think he's taking a run for my money. Who would be the best person to win? But the most insufferable? I thought it would have been me. Him. I think he's taking over for my money. If he was, who would be the best person to win? But the most insufferable... I think the best person to win would be probably Yingo. With Yingling. Because Yingling...
Starting point is 00:04:52 I thought about this a lot. Yingling is the only person who, I think, doesn't talk about it at all afterwards. Because he wouldn't care. Because everyone who he beat would have been irrelevant to his overall goals in Melee. Yeah. And this is Nick's, no offense, peak. Nick V. This is... Our Nick. Your peak is Gra melee yeah this is nick's no offense peak nick v this is our nick your peak is graves this is nick's peak my peak is chilling dudes mario aiden yet to be seen no his peak is almost beating cadoran i love it almost what about what about reverse 308
Starting point is 00:05:18 joey donuts no because that was on the asr modified rule set your own bracket man also do you want joey donuts to be the peak you can i give it to you right now No, because that was on the ASR modified rule set. Your own bracket, man. Your own bracket. I didn't make the bracket. Also, do you want Joey Donuts to be the peak? I can give it to you right now. Joey Donuts is good. You tell me you want Joey Donuts to be the peak. Joey's a great player. I would take that.
Starting point is 00:05:33 You're saying this like Joey is not good. I'm saying the world's beating Cadoran's better than beating Joey Donuts. I don't think that's true. It reaches the layman more. You tell somebody who doesn't know about smashing me Joey Donuts they tune out
Starting point is 00:05:47 they're like oh cool yeah wow so his name's Joey Donuts I don't know Cadoran doesn't do quite the same thing either I think we're all
Starting point is 00:05:55 that's fair we have a FGC has just had bad tags in general alright the non-melee players are gone what do you guys want to talk about
Starting point is 00:06:00 yeah what's up dude you lost a lot of money huh fuck bro you're dumb as bricks i think though i'm not dumb i think i took a pretty good bet but i i got fucked and uh it was plus ev but sometimes you know the idiot that draws all the way to the river wins i'm just talking to cutie today and she's like i'm trying to find a truck's paypal i'm like why and she's
Starting point is 00:06:20 like well i'm sending him all the money slime one for Master Baker. I'm like, what? It's not all of it. It's over half of it, which sucks. And I've never seen H-Truck respond faster. Because I was looking for it, and she's like, I'll message him. Two seconds later. Oh, that pisses me off so much. And you know what he follows up with? He follows up with PayPal, and then he goes, I bake a hell of a cake, don't I?
Starting point is 00:06:41 Dude, I hate that guy. No, so yeah, I bet him a $500 straight bet on a match during Genesis top eight just one match I lost that and then I also had a bet for him for Jmook to win the entire top eight uh over the field for a four to one $200 bet yeah you were you were betting yeah I think it was fine uh I think I think it's a reasonable bet I think three to one's more fair I think it was fine I think it's reasonable I think 3-1 is more fair I think I wouldn't have taken it Just because he's already winner's side I think it makes it a little tougher to do a 4-1
Starting point is 00:07:11 But yeah so I lost $1300 to H-Rug And I won 2k From Cutie's thing There you go Hey speaking of we didn't talk about it Yeah I won Master Baker You won the entire thing Swap the crowd while he speaks his truth.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Unfortunate that you guys aren't true. Died in the wool slime Baker fans. Well, everyone kept saying like, it's like people kept bringing up the competition and saying like, you see who won? And everyone's like, do you want me to spoil it? It was like it was a TV show. And no one would spoil it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 So I never got spoiled because I didn't see it. Everyone was hype on it. Like I was reading the comments. Also, I think over half of the people that came up to me on Genesis were congratulating me on that win. So I definitely had a pretty hot week, and then it all tumbled down on Sunday by being next to Atriok. That's tough.
Starting point is 00:08:00 What was the number one thing you learned about baking? Oh, God. I literally am seeing red thinking about Atriok right now. Okay, well, let me give some context. tough what is the number one thing you learned about baking oh god i just i literally i'm seeing red thinking about hr right now um okay well let me give some context you cooled down master baker was like a five man six man baking competition every day someone gets eliminated and slime persisted partially through fan vote that saved him around yeah and then through his own baking skills could you always be saved by fan vote not in the final three uh but you could early on and the fan votes were like a little bit wonky and sometimes like they would save someone who had
Starting point is 00:08:30 no risk of being eliminated so like they saved caroline twice i think there was no chance you would have been that was insane that they saved caroline it was we were all puzzled about that but yeah it was it was it was fun uh so yeah every day someone got eliminated and then um i made it all the way to the yeah actually as fun as it was it destroyed my week because i was like i surely won't make it to the end i'll have time to like do stuff before genesis and stuff i was i was literally driving to work to work in a kitchen for a whole week and then i would come home exhausted and then i would just like lay on the floor like 2009 yeah it was it wasn't nine to five yeah it was
Starting point is 00:09:05 crazy like you're the lead in the bear just keeping your family's kitchen together i was doing that a lot i was cutting a fruit like all cool looking and had my tattoos out because i wanted to be that guy so i made sure when i was on camera i was doing that sometimes oh we should do we show your apron that you wore? I don't think we showed it. Zipper, can you find the apron? I think it's pretty funny. There's like clips. Yeah, no, I think it's on my Twitter.
Starting point is 00:09:30 I had two aprons. But yeah, a couple people guessed the apron that I was going to use in the comments of the yard up. Oh, really? That I talked about it. Yeah. It was like four or five people guessed it, which is great. But then I had a secret one up my sleeve.
Starting point is 00:09:43 Is that the microp micro penis one well yeah Was an apron that said Bush in 9-11 which I they probably guess cuz the streamer awards. Oh, yeah Yeah, yeah And then you did the a truck has a micro penis to which he rebuttaled because he was the judge on the final day With you got a shirt on pretty fast. What does his shirt say? It's on my Twitter zipper if you want to find it. So this is my A-Trek has a micropenis apron that I wore on the first day and then brought it back for the sixth day.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And then he wore a shirt that said, no matter what I pretend to say, I will be failing slime out of this contest. And yet it wasn't enough. Yeah, you know what? One of those aprons was a lie. That's right. One of those word of those aprons was a lie. That's right. One of those worded t-shirts was a lie. Also, my voice is fried, bro.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I was screaming so much. What did you scream for? Top eight? Yeah. Oh, wow. Top eight. I was getting in there. You're talking like an oil baron.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Yeah, I'm watching Deadwood's show about cowboys and cocksuckers. And I fucking have adopted he found a show where they talk like he does he's really into that like he's like hey he's like hey check this out he shows me like a like a one minute scene where they're like oh trying to get some strange yes and i was like oh you just like that they talk like you so in this show i remember it was on like 20 years ago. I was like too young to watch it, but it's an HBO show about like the West. And there's literally a scene in the same two lines of dialogue. They say turned out, which means to make somebody into a working girl like Eamon is.
Starting point is 00:11:19 And also strange in the same context that I used it. Is that where you got it from? No. I just knew it was what you said sometimes. They've been your shit. Sometimes you're looking for strange. Don't say you are. You're not.
Starting point is 00:11:34 You're out here looking for strange? You're out here getting turned out on the streets. I guess you are. You can't be wearing an Apple Watch and looking for strange. You can only be one of those guys. You're giving out strange looking for cash. No, it helps you find the strange. Have you ever fucked for food?
Starting point is 00:11:51 You ever fucked for a loaf of bread? You ever had sleep for dinner, Aiden? Yeah. He says yeah. He's all sweaty and tired and he just has a loaf of bread under his arm. Walking back to his tent. I was out fucking for dinner. It was actually a really nice time. That was just the Paul and the Les Miserables.
Starting point is 00:12:08 They were kind of sweet. One of them was from Denmark. Pretty cool. Dude, you were bummed about the tournament, huh? Yeah. I've never been more sad about Melee in my entire life. That's so interesting. I've been thinking about it non-stop. I've been dissecting why it upset me so much.
Starting point is 00:12:23 I wouldn't even say upset. I'm just sad. Yeah, i was hanging out with aiden after and he was so bummed at like literally someone came up to me one of the very few cringe interactions which aiden was front and center for and it was really wild and weird and i like basically told this guy to get the fuck out of my face and then aiden was just like dead face just like yeah i don't know that was weird it was weird. It was weird. And I was like, are you okay? And he's like, yeah, I'm really bummed about the tournament. And I was like, oh, no.
Starting point is 00:12:51 You were so bummed you left his Apple Watch behind? I hugged him and I was like, it's okay, man. Do you know what happened to you? Yeah. Well, I think I know why I'm sad now. Dash dance dare. I think the sets were fine. Like, I don't even...
Starting point is 00:13:07 I think the Yingling set, I was more frustrated by because I actually felt like I played pretty relaxed and, like, pretty good. Just, like, maybe a little late. Like, game one, I just messed something easy up
Starting point is 00:13:18 right at the end. And it's, like, a three-stock comeback. And then the last game, my game-winning combo doesn't hit because of the transformation like literally yeah also I one setup we play on
Starting point is 00:13:29 yeah stream has transformation so that is a Ludwig and it's not like he plays it's not like he didn't earn it or something it was more just like that's I think playing good and
Starting point is 00:13:38 then losing that way is more frustrating whereas on the next set I felt really like lost and I it wasn't like it was like it wasn't like oh I was like, it wasn't like, oh, I fixed that thing
Starting point is 00:13:46 and then I would have won. So why did the king take you to the tattered edge of your emotions? What, what made you so sad about losing this tournament? What about my rule?
Starting point is 00:13:57 What about my reign? Dude, I lost to Nick Allen. I don't have to feel bad about shit. I got a reality check way early. Okay,
Starting point is 00:14:04 I thought about that a lot after. I got a reality check I thought. Okay, I thought about that a lot after. I got a reality check way early. I thought about that the most after. You're the only person in the world who has beaten Graves and lost to Nick Allen. I literally said, last Genesis, you beat Zell,
Starting point is 00:14:15 who's a good peach. And then you will Austin- Wait, I did? I'm pretty sure- Zeta? Zeta? No, sorry, not Zell. Sorry, Zilla.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Oh, yeah. No, I didn not Zell. Sorry, Zilla. No, I didn't. That's how you made it out. Did I? Isn't that how you made it out? I mean, Paz. Yeah, I did beat a Peach before Paz. No, I think I played. But you've beaten him before, and you've beaten good Peaches.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Did you actually bring up your own flex? He did, actually. No, I lost to Zilla. I did. I did a flex. I don't want to talk about that. I think I did beat a Peach and then played Paz. My point is, Peach used to be your best matchup. I did. I did a flex. I don't want to talk about that. I think I did beat a Peach and then played pass.
Starting point is 00:14:46 My point is, Peach used to be your best matchup. You've beaten good Peaches constantly. Nick Allen's a goat. Nick Allen's great. Nick Allen's just a goat. He's a 47-year-old man. Solid play.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Come on. He grinds sleepy every night after he's touched two sweet kids in bed. Is that your first loss to someone with a kid? No. Mango has a kid. I've never played Mango tournament. I've never played Mango tournament mango tournament i don't know that's a really good
Starting point is 00:15:08 question uh yeah look yes it is my first loss to someone who remembers a war between the worlds yes but other than that you know he played a fucking great game i also teamed with xx girlfriend who has made our our jingle and stuff and done a lot of cool work because they wanted they were like hey are you teaming a genesis like yeah sure uh disappointed them for sure they are so much better than nick allen like an insane peach player uh so i don't know i got humbled but it was good because i got mad got over it real quick you were in the Genjutsu and I want to hear about your Genjutsu. I think it's because you, like the three of you collectively, I would say do not care very much anymore. Like you guys, you do care a lot, but you never play.
Starting point is 00:16:00 You're right. No, I believe you're right. And I think I care. i think i care a lot and this last year specifically i think i can see a lot of like notable progress for me and like in the build-up to this tournament um i would like to have like nobody even like recognize that i think i could win it it was like every single conversation is like nobody nobody wanted to seed me one nobody even though like i i was like dude look at like results wins like a rank it's like on paper it's like i definitely deserved it and i will stand by
Starting point is 00:16:39 that and then i put you in my top three every time you put me third though it's like that's that's what i'm saying it's like i think I have all these things going for me this year where I felt like really comfortable and confident about how I had improved. And I think throughout my like melee journey and like building up to this like event in my head, no one really like, no one said that I would win it. And like, I, so I'm the only person who like builds up expectations for myself and like believes that I can win it
Starting point is 00:17:07 and believes that I can do well and that all like the work, it's not, I don't have like the most like structured practice regime, but I can see myself improving and like doing better. And like when I am relaxed
Starting point is 00:17:18 and like playing well, I think I perform really well now. Like I'm starting to like get to a point where I'm proud of myself when I see how i i play and when i play my best so like in this moment where i have all these expectations for myself to finally like prove myself and like and and be i think like recognized like not only to
Starting point is 00:17:39 like the people around me but like proved myself in this like moment in time that we like probably will never have again uh no don't say that i that i don't think that i it won't be the same if we do it again and that that i am the best or i can't because nick will be using a scepter and have a cape and not entering i'm confused don't spoil it i've thought about this a lot i'll spoil that part uh or at least that's how it felt. Because Nick is always talking about how he doesn't play anymore and he doesn't care. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:18:12 Because you can't take a crack at the king. And I think even with Yingling, there's kind of this underlying idea that I will play Yingling again maybe next week. Because Yingling plays like maybe next week because Yingling plays and it's like but for Nick it's like this is my one chance to like really prove it because from here on out like it's he's not gonna play any you're not gonna play anymore and I am going to like and if I actually do get really good then I have to do it like by by beating like other people where it's
Starting point is 00:18:46 like so blatantly true and that's like a much longer journey that i think i i've been thinking about a lot but my point being is like i see myself and i think it is demonstrated through the way that everybody talks about how i play melee and how and what they expect of me that like nobody believes in me except me in the context of melee. So when I lost, I let myself down and it's actually really hard to, I'm sorry. You're all right, bud.
Starting point is 00:19:14 I love you. I'm pro-Amen. I always hear barking that Amen would win. But I think, if you want to take a minute. I'm not like mad at anybody, you know? Yeah, I think it's fine. And I know it's really stupid
Starting point is 00:19:25 because it's just like the company tournament I think I think it's more internal I don't think it's about the company tournament I think it's just like I get it
Starting point is 00:19:34 this is like I mean I don't know if you remember I talked about the Orange County Arcadian I was like the third seed for that and I got 13th
Starting point is 00:19:42 and I fucking cried I was like that's the saddest i've ever been i totally understand how it feels this is a sweet thought but you have a fucking dumb crown on you gotta recognize i can't do anything i'm frozen i think it's the same thing i think it's the same thing like i just i lost and i've never i've never felt that way before because i think so many of the things that like bug me about melee or that I get frustrated with myself about I was like really trying to like work through and like be confident and like I think the whole time while I played it's like I used to give up a lot and the
Starting point is 00:20:15 whole time I believed in myself the whole time so it's like all this tension and then it just breaks and it's over and you have no way to like redeem or like make up for it and uh that's just hard yeah i think that you're thinking i think you have a lot of valid points i think you're thinking short term though and i think this tournament's not your only chance to prove yourself and i think like like a good example is like okay thanksgiving money match me versus you like i'd bring that up but the reason i bring that up is because i have no future and hope to improve and be better so it's like let me hold on to this one meme and in this reality which i don't know if it's fully true where nick pivots from gaming because a lot of his self-worth is in gaming and he moves it to other things to improve at them or whatever and he doesn't game anymore uh like it doesn't matter that you don't
Starting point is 00:21:03 get the win over nick because you will go on like one two five years down the road being better than all of us in this like unattainable way I think I maybe I was that I I I appreciate that and I thought I thought about that a lot I I'm telling you it's all I've thought about for like the last like two days because I just like I was like if I'm gonna feel like this I think a big part of what what made it hit so hard, too, is I've actually been enjoying playing more than I ever have in like the last month. I'm having like more fun playing the game than than in like many years. And I I and I when I felt like this, I felt more sad than I ever have been playing ever. I felt more sad than I ever have been playing ever.
Starting point is 00:21:46 And I realized like if I need to, if I'm going to feel like this in this moment, then I need to try. Like I need to put way more effort into this thing that makes me feel this way. Otherwise it's not worth it. Like I should quit if i'm not willing to put in like the the work and the effort to like improve this part of my life that is so important to me and uh so i'm gonna i'm gonna try to do that i'm not gonna like go full-time
Starting point is 00:22:17 melee or something like that like i don't want to be a professional player but i think like there's no point in like half-assing something and like just like spamming ranked with no thought and like brute forcing improvement uh over like a long period of time if like that's gonna be my emotional attachment to the game and uh try to enjoy like and try to like keep enjoying playing the game because I've been having so much fun uh but anyway I I I think that's like my synthesized version of like what's been swelling around in my head. And I was really happy for Nick. I thought the way for people that watch the tournament and you can go back and watch it.
Starting point is 00:22:52 It's a fucking insane grand finals. It's like probably the coolest way it could have fucking ended. And I was really happy like for that. Like it's not that it was, you know, I wasn't like mad at anybody. I think I was just really, really disappointed in myself. And I needed to spend a lot of time thinking about why I felt that way I think it's good that your outcome is I want to play more and take it more seriously and I think that means in two years you'll be at a place that none of us can reach because you care so much um and and like for me and slime I think we just
Starting point is 00:23:22 compartmentalize like ah we haven't been playing much. It's so easy. It's so easy to be like, yeah, well, what can I say? I'm not I'm not what I used to be. And even what I used to be wasn't too good. And it's like and it's like it's like, hey, but what I did to you in that one time in a dark alley. It's all we have. That's all we got. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:38 That is. It actually is. And so it's like but that also means we'll never reach a level of greatness where we can become like emotionally vulnerable about a win or a loss because we'll never get those wins or losses because we've never put the time and love into it. Yeah. That's also why, like I, in my head, it's always, it's always free game to like talk shit because it's like, it's like, it's like I'm a five zip guy at the bar. I'm like, yeah, fuck you, bro. Fuck you. You're all like 6'3".
Starting point is 00:24:08 They're full heads of hair. Yeah, it's like, what are you going to do? It's the 5'0 guy? It's like you're 5'8", 5'9". You're like, fuck you, dude. Just fuck up. It's like, so I've always thought of it. It's like, yeah, if I make fun of Aiden, which I only do now because he plays Sheik, which
Starting point is 00:24:21 I think is fair. I stand by that. Stand by that. I stand by that. That's also all we got. When I do that, it's also saying I am the five zip guy making fun of someone who could absolutely clobber me. So what I say doesn't have any weight. And that's how I rationalize being toxic sometimes, which isn't right. But I'm explaining how that comes to be.
Starting point is 00:24:45 Ludwig's not much a nicer person, though it only comes out when he talks about the near rest, which is, I don't talk about it specifically. I don't bring that up specifically. I just bring up a six month period of time. People bring up the six months
Starting point is 00:24:59 where we went, entered World War I. I like a different time in history. Can you imagine making that bet indefinitely like forever and then if i did become good like two years from now like if i'm if i'm fighting for top 64 at some major and ludwig and ludwig's like i'm still better that's what it is don't know but you don't understand me beating graves is my that right like no matter i like i lost to mikey at this tournament but i always beat graves because he played really bad one day.
Starting point is 00:25:26 And so, so I think. It's all losers mentality is the end game point though. Like I don't think me and Slime. I'm not, we're not doing good things by being the way we are. And if Nick eight months from now is like still holding the scepter and pointing to the mural being like, yep, that's me. I did that. Then he also will never, I think,
Starting point is 00:25:47 continue to develop in a way that you seem to desire. I think that was the thing I think I needed to, I've been trying to think about, and I think I'm starting to let go of today, is I think that it was this idea that Nick is this person who is always outpacing me in games or competition. I always feel like Nick is just a little bit better than me
Starting point is 00:26:08 at like everything. Yeah, it's fucking annoying. At like everything we do. This crown's getting... And slow go. Slow go. The knaves are talking. And I think that's just like...
Starting point is 00:26:17 The knaves think we don't get enough actually. Hold on. We need more friends. The king. And the porridge is bland. Yeah, we hate Billy Fess's. We hate it. We like Finstead. Finstead is bland. Yeah, we hate Billy Fess's. We hate it. We like Finstead.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Zipper cup Finstead. Come taste my food before I eat it. No way. The food's good. You eat it all. And also, I think Nick improves or gets good at things at like a In a quick way right so when and so when Nick like Disengages from something and is no longer pursuing that anymore like if you stop playing like Valorant if you stop playing Melee that like goal of like of beating you because I think that's like for a long time
Starting point is 00:27:00 I think the way I've like developed goals around me is like people within time i think the way i've like developed goals around me is like people within proximity of me to like push myself every like a close the next step is always like some some guy to lock on to who's a little better and like nick is just perpetually better than me at like i what i i what i feel like everything so it's like i'm always like pushing myself and not even in a bad way but i'm like i i think i'm pushing myself and like chasing um that and melee is the most like dramatic example of that so when you like i when you like don't stop competing or you have stopped competing basically there's no chance to like prove myself again there's no like there's no like second run at at goliath it's just over what you don't i mean what you're not seeing is that when you're
Starting point is 00:27:46 at a point where your journey is not to beat Nick, it's just to be better. No, I agree. You're not going to care, but you care right now. I've been thinking about that. That's what I was thinking about. What would beating Nick actually mean
Starting point is 00:28:02 if my goal in the context of me enjoying this game in a more full way and want to like improve and feeling like even in the worst feeling ever on that day wanting to sit back down and like keep playing with other people um I was like okay well it doesn't really matter if I beat Nick or lost to Nick because like two years from now it's not about it has nothing to do with beating Nick it has nothing to do with losing to Nick it just has to do with like getting better at this thing that I love dumping time into squid actually I talked to squid and cactuar
Starting point is 00:28:34 about it for a while at the after party too and I think that really uh really helped me like settle on like some ideas in my head so we'll see if i actually like stick yeah i wonder how you'll feel in a week because it's like everyone loves playing melee a lot after they come back i think you still will i think that like because he did he did it like for the fucking past year right i mean it's like something right now he is obviously very emotionally raw and that will not persist that this rawness negative or positive this will not be how you feel in the short future and i want to see what that manifests into later on i think what's real though is that he's factually put hours in every day to melee and i think the thing like the goal
Starting point is 00:29:16 for those hours has shifted and so it's like making those hours more actionable i think is is not too big of a stretch yeah i think I think it's putting more effort in, into the process instead of spamming. Cause the process I'm, the process is becoming more fun to me. The process of breaking down something and becoming good at it when I was younger and like taking the time to structure that was never super enjoyable. Um, and I think that's why I've always like brute force progress in a lot of ways. So that's, that's what I want to try. Be more conscientiousious of that I think I've had this with streaming like the uh like the competitiveness against someone yeah like trying to catch up to people because like I started and I was like a few hundred viewers and there's like a lot of other people who started like same time
Starting point is 00:29:57 like Hasan Miz started same time and then they all like had some things streaming the same time as you yeah me Hasan and Miz I think all started like within a year of each other uh and and then they all like had some things streaming the same time as you yeah me hasan and ms i think all started like within a year of each other uh and and then they started like popping off like much faster than me i was a bit of a slower burn uh and i could never catch up to like their average viewership but it's like no can't uh i still can't you are right you know you certainly have ms beat now i mean bro he did as much as he could have helped me out appreciate that ms but you know still some days no i i don't and i think uh i think that's like i realized like pretty early on that like this competitive mindset against them was like almost holding me back in a way because it's like well shit if my ceiling is them they're not even
Starting point is 00:30:42 the top dogs yeah that's what I'm shooting for. And I'm falling short of that. Then I think maybe that's my issue. And so I think it's like the corny phrase, like shoot for the moon. It's like, OK, well, let me shoot above everything else and then like not cap what my ceiling is to like who I think I like am having this in my head rivalry with. Yeah. I think about Levin's quote all the time. It's like all the people in a top eight are not trying to get to top eight.
Starting point is 00:31:05 They're just trying to get first. Trying to win. You know what I'm saying? It's like, so in that way, it's... Sun Tzu was talking about that at the after party too. He was talking about this shift in mentality he's had of balancing out this confidence and being able to beat anyone
Starting point is 00:31:23 versus the way he's handled losses for a long time he said he like soon say as someone for for those who don't know who's like a he's like 21st in the world right now at melee and he's been really good for a long time and i think a lot of people around his level struggle because they'll hit that point but then they'll never escape the like jail that is basically rank 15 to 25. They can't break into that top 10 echelon. And he was talking about balancing the... Being too accepting of losing to people you see as better than you is bad, even though processing losses is good.
Starting point is 00:31:59 But you also can't be too brazenly confident and angry and passionate going into every set because that is like a... You break your nose on the glass. Yeah, exactly. And he's outlined, he basically goes into each tournament testing a different mindset
Starting point is 00:32:16 and he's tweaking and progressing the way he thinks about other players as he goes to each event. And that's his approach. I mean, he'd be left in, so he can say whatever he wants. Yeah. Also, when you were talking earlier about how no one believes in you,
Starting point is 00:32:30 I think that, for one, when you started making that comeback, everyone believed in you. And in general, everyone believes you're good. It's just that Yingo and Nick have, like, I think they have more stars and stripes on them. Relistening to the pod, I said you have more stars and stripes than anyone. In addition, if you beat Kadoran way back then,
Starting point is 00:32:48 literally everything's different. Yeah, that would have been bad. You know what? Kadoran sat down next to me recently and we were talking about this set and he was like, if you beat me that day, I think I would have quit Melee. Isn't that funny? That would have been tight.
Starting point is 00:33:03 But if you beat Kadoran, just in general general it's like we you know we're doing the meme seeding and slack and stuff it's like aiden beat kadoran obviously number like it changes the way we process everything you can't talk shit to aiden you can't do this and that because like you have this like ancient secret like golden orb of power but then it becomes my version of the graves thing even though it's a bigger where it's like you don't you feel a different sort of shame than the one you're feeling now which i would say is you know also misguided because it's like yeah you just have this weird expectation and you have to beat that that That's why this game is fucking hard. That's why competing is hard. Like you were saying.
Starting point is 00:33:47 But I think this is also like the most beautiful moments in life that I love. So thanks for that. It's like when someone tries really hard and fails. Like I think the lamest thing is like Shroom, Dewan. Who's like, if you don't know know like a really good melee player but like his thing is like he'll show up to a tournament he's like i haven't played the game in like four months and he'll like take two shots of vodka and he'll be like some good people and he'll never have a chance of winning uh but he does beat people that you're like holy shit come on yeah
Starting point is 00:34:18 yeah that's crazy some wins but i think that's so much lamer than like the coolest thing to me which is like they've devoted their life to this. They're passionate about it. Like, uh, like an S fat or like an Omsa. And it's just like, this is their blood,
Starting point is 00:34:31 sweat and tears. And if they law, if they lose their fucking crying and if they win, it's like everything they've ever hoped for. I think it's so much cooler than like the, I just fucking showed up, I guess today, which is like a lot of,
Starting point is 00:34:43 a lot of like, I think that was like what mango pretended to be for a long time yeah but like isn't he's more yeah he's in the other category uh and and you should you should watch silver spoon the anime or jiro dreams of sushi there's so much media you should watch not that that's cringe that's japanese the media i'm consuming right now less than zero i'm about a third of the way through. He's getting Blackpill. What is that?
Starting point is 00:35:08 It's the book I gave him last fucking... It's a fucking sad book. I know. Next up, read Zero to One by Peter Thiel and you'll be completed. You'll enter your journey. Enter game of tennis. It'll help you with all that melee stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:21 What about Ping Pong the Animation? What about that one? That's also a very similar storyline to what you're living in though because Peko was the first and switched to the last. Anyway, we'll move on from that.
Starting point is 00:35:30 But yeah, I think any closing thoughts from the king? The king does need to close out the hour. It was in the schedule. I see a 20 minute rant about how I won
Starting point is 00:35:38 from the king. I didn't write that. You're making that up. Yeah, read it out. It says 25. 20 minute uninterrupted speech so we won't talk for the next 25 yeah and i'll do a dope uh unwritten freestyle uh someone just dropped me a fucking fly ass beat and i'll get some fucking rhymes going uh no i don't have any though i have i
Starting point is 00:36:01 have thoughts we'll talk about after but uh i'm. I'm happy that I talked about this in our Discord. I think that in my entire life competing in Melee, I think I've always been a player who is surprisingly good in friendlies and surprisingly terrible in tournament. And I think I've never figured that out. I've never figured out what to do to access the skill level I know I have inside of me but cannot express in tournament it's always I've always had like different reasons that feel very real in the moment like I don't feel like I'm Johnny even though they are John's like oh like
Starting point is 00:36:34 my hands just feel fucking colder today than normal and I can't warm them up or oh like I can't like I'm just literally every time I wave dash I'm just full hopping I don't know why I'm not warm on today and I go play on this other CRT I would act fine on this one i don't and i don't know what it is and i switch controllers nothing changes and i've never been able to access that level that when i sit down on a friendly setup i just instantly play that way uh chilling dude always said just play it like it's a friendly yes and i've always tried to do that but it's impossible to just do he says it's impossible it's through and chilling, dude, nothing is impossible. He also said make that pussy stop talking. I'm not Boston.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Maybe he's our king. Maybe our king is false. I knew it would be another fly rhymer. But I feel like at this Genesis, even though my results weren't that crazy in the main tournament, I think I did that for the first time. I i i accessed my level i play in friendlies and i think i'm rusty right now but i think that i played the same i would have played if it was a friendly setup and i don't know i think the thing that that was i think it was just i just i've focused about the
Starting point is 00:37:38 i focused on the game the least i ever have i think all my expectations faded away and i was left with only like sitting down and playing I think that's impossible to access on purpose But it happened and I was able to obtain flow state for the first time But I think is like what top players can do a lot of time, which is really cool And I'm what's funny is they still choke like and they still choke But I'm just very jealous of people who are able to do that all the time because I think it's the most fun I've ever had playing cuz I was like, oh I can do it like i've always just thought i couldn't do it i basically have always thought that i'm this player who has this skill but cannot express it in the setting i
Starting point is 00:38:11 just don't know how to do it and i finally did it once and even in tournaments where i like have it in a game i lose the next set or whatever i had it basically the entire time i played except for quang who borsak me with dk yeah and then be bobby yeahs to prove that it's not just me I think I played I was playing amazing versus Quang when he force docked me if I can put it that way I think I was playing
Starting point is 00:38:35 I don't think I was fucking anything up I just couldn't hit him Riggler needs to watch some Quang VODs if he grabbed me I died that's all it was one of us in this room is the dumbest motherfucker Wriggler needs to watch some Quentin Fodds. If he grabbed me, I died. That's all it was. It was crazy. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:46 He's the best. One of us in this room is the dumbest motherfucker alive. I'm a king, so it can't be me. It could be. It's probably not you because you said that. Some kings are dumb. Not me. It can't be me because I posited the question. You don't know what posit means.
Starting point is 00:39:00 You also eat wires. I would never do that. So, no no Ludwig No Oh my god It sounds like Bubble wrap popping What the hell
Starting point is 00:39:14 Anyway Brilliant has thousands of lessons Yeah it's an ad You're trapped in it Isn't that crazy You're trapped in this smelly room with us in this ad Guys you gotta figure out your life And you now with us. Isn't that crazy? You're trapped in this smelly room with us in this ad. Guys, you got to figure out your life, and you can with Maybe you want to figure out some basic math or physics or time travel. Maths.
Starting point is 00:39:33 That's how you say it. We're not British. And time travel, like you said. Look, when you want to learn, it's not about sitting down and cramming. It's about a little bit every day. It makes a large impact on your life. Unless you're Ludwig. Let's get two things out of the way. One, you go to
Starting point is 00:39:45 slash the yard. You get the first 200 people get 20% off. There's 200 people that go to the annual premium subscription. So the 200 first gets nothing? If you're 201, you're slow and stupid. You didn't deserve
Starting point is 00:40:02 it. So think about that. I think we're all serfs. We're little peasants. So let's make our, I think we should make our king do this. Apparently we got logical fallacies. Tell us about this syllogistic logical fallacy.
Starting point is 00:40:13 All right, fallacy. Let's get it. Using only in the information given is the argument valid. All planes have wings, therefore all things with wings are planes. That is invalid.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That is a fallacy. Invalid, invalid, invalid, invalid. No, no, no, no. But it's only the information given. So the argument is valid planes. That is invalid. That is a fallacy. Invalid. Invalid. Invalid. Invalid. But it's only the information given. So the argument is valid if the information is given. It's invalid. Let the king go.
Starting point is 00:40:33 Alright, time is out. Another argument. All Bigfoots are monsters. All monsters are scary. Therefore, all Bigfoots are scary. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Valid. Bigfoot's scary. His feet are big. Correct. That's what Sorestee looks like if he takes off
Starting point is 00:40:49 the shoes. All bees are busy. No slow things are busy. Therefore, no slow things are bees. That's valid.
Starting point is 00:40:55 Valid. Invalid. Those look like spiders. Invalid. Invalid. What if they're spiders instead?
Starting point is 00:41:01 Ooh, Ludwig's another dumb motherfucker. Me and Mercedes. This is actually a big shout out don't read don't read
Starting point is 00:41:06 don't read are you reading you're reading you're still reading it's time trial you have to read it and then we'll answer first look I don't want this
Starting point is 00:41:12 to be too serious because the last time you guys went to head you know it got weird ooh you're tasting I've put 10 years into
Starting point is 00:41:21 all knights are brave all skilled people have done practice therefore some knights have done practice ugh invalid that's what Yan looks like when he throws up
Starting point is 00:41:37 yes and I am a king and I am smarter it's actually crazy you got a knight question at the end yeah so anyway And I am a king, and I am smarter. It's actually crazy you got a knight question at the end. Oh! Yeah. So, anyway, guys.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Wait, wait, wait, I'm having fun. No, you lose. No one cares what you're having. And I am the king forever. And it's over. And it's me and you, and you'll be my peasant now. Anyway, we're going to continue to exist in this realm where we only do advertisements, and this multiverse version of us is going to continue to do brilliant things so Aiden will get better.
Starting point is 00:42:05 But you guys can too if you go to slash the art. If you ever think about us doing this, we're doing it still at this moment. This version of us always exists. Eternally. And this is also happening. No. Fuck off. Just go to slash the art.
Starting point is 00:42:21 It was so quiet and weak. Oh, but it has a large stink. It's funny because I'm in the baby mode of your breakthrough because I played like I didn't give a shit. Lost to Nick Allen. Lost to Nick Allen. Okay, don't give a shit that little. He's the best Peach player in the world.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Nick Allen, XX girlfriend. Best Peaches right now and i was um it was funny because i in tournament i'm a classic choker i and it but in friendlies i play i find ben sw now ever since big house and we'll just sit and like grind falco dittos and i was fuck dude i put him on a fucking milk carton things he's never seen before no no i'm ask ask about me also also yan i put yan on milk cartons i will things he's never seen before. No, no. Ask about me. Also, Yan. I put Yan on milk cartons. I will come back with these stories of me being like a fucking golden warrior in friendlies.
Starting point is 00:43:13 And then Nick Allen will just do, yeah, and spin around in a circle and I'm fucking dead. And it's really funny. So I was thinking about that a lot. But what did I want to say? Oh, yeah. Speaking of friendlies, Zeke, a very good friend of ours, and Yan, who I hope you're acquainted with now from the tournament.
Starting point is 00:43:31 The player who beat me in winners. Yeah, Yan plays Fox and Zeke plays Marth. Zeke didn't enter. He's on his, like, losing is too painful, I will never play this game again. I watched him play against Yan on the setup right at the booth.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Oh, my God. It was fucked up. Put him in a link with him. Zeke made lasagna out of Yan. Look, I know this is going to get back to Yan. I would do the same thing to you. To Zeke? To Yan.
Starting point is 00:43:56 To Yan? Dude, Zeke Smart showed me. You guys all talking about dog and Yan. No, Zeke Smart showed me Fox's pussy. I saw it. I saw it for the first time it was disgusting wow that's the second time i've heard i've heard that from you it's still funny me and yam were walking down the street in uh san jose and he was still it was a little bit tipsy
Starting point is 00:44:15 wasn't drunk or anything a little bit and we were walking and he punches his fist he goes oh i'm gonna dice the ludwig so bad right now he was so we weren't even talking about it he was just so mad everyone everyone in the company this is the worst thing at the company is losing to Ludwig actually it's nobody wants to lose to Ludwig look I was
Starting point is 00:44:36 talking about in my interview after because Ludwig was like why did you taunt I was talking about it I was like well I got fired up by Aiden said he was sure he was gonna win I know so when I won I
Starting point is 00:44:43 taunted because it felt good and but if I really analyzed like who I was a most well, I got fired up by Aiden and said he was sure he was going to win. So when I won, I taunted because it felt good. But if I really analyzed who I was most scared to lose to, most wanted to beat, it was not Aiden. It wasn't even Yingling. I did not want to lose to Ludwig, and I did not want to lose to Atriok. I didn't want to lose to either of those people.
Starting point is 00:44:59 If I made it out of the tournament without doing either of those things, I was like, I'm chill with whatever happens. I don't even have to get fourth. Atriok would never let it go. A dead ass, if I played Aatrox in the bracket and I beat him and then still lost $1,300 the next day in top eight, I would have been happy.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I would clearly take that trade. You would have paid the $1,300 for the win. I went the opposite direction on Sunday, by the way. I tried to repair my sadness by betting money. Oh, cool. That's actually the Aiden. You know it's a slime. And I won $1,100 side betting.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Did it fill the hole? No, it didn't work at all. You went up? But I went up $1,100. Oh my god. Hey, that's a lot of fucking money. Dude, I was betting on Plup versus HBox. I think it was you were the first one. You were like $100. Yeah, yeah. And I'm like, okay, let's do this. I was already down 500 from fucking a truck's
Starting point is 00:45:47 bed I take Nick's money all of a sudden I'm swarmed like fucking Spongebob when he sells the colorful patties kept going doctor doctor and I'm like people are coming to you like an ATM well I have a lot of trouble saying no was one guy in front of us that we didn't know at all. He's like, do you want to bet $30? And I'm like,
Starting point is 00:46:08 there's a high roller room over here. We never, never go into another esports event. At every esports event attended from now on, we're hiring a bookie.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Yeah, we need a bookie. We need odds. We need to assign somebody. The bank of squid. They get 5%. Back in action. Five?
Starting point is 00:46:24 Of every bet. No, that's stupid. I 5%. Back in action. Five? Of every bet. No, that's stupid. I'll be the bookie. That's a great deal. We just need a bookie. Bookie fight. It's a market value. Yeah, I mean, 5% is juicy.
Starting point is 00:46:34 Do a good job. Don't fuck up. I mean, I have the bankroll. I'll bankroll it. I have your bank account. Do you still? Yes. That's sick.
Starting point is 00:46:41 I did something today for you. Let me know how to log in sometime. So anyway, I take these bets. Even the $30 guy, I'm like, all right, it's okay, young son. Come here. I'll take your money, kid. He came banging his metal cup on the bars. Please.
Starting point is 00:46:57 And guess who fucking won that set, brothers? Plup. So I actually lost only half of the money total because I won through one bet $730. Which is really funny. Yeah, I believed. Everyone was a Juan fan that set. I missed that whole set because while
Starting point is 00:47:15 I was watching, the sun was setting and I was like, I want to catch sunset. Catch sunla. I do love watching sunset. Yeah, maybe I run into tungla. It's a vocal language Tonal So you gotta Anyway
Starting point is 00:47:26 I knew I know that Yeah well you didn't say it You're like a chimp What? The king commends your Worldliness King likes what you do
Starting point is 00:47:35 Cool King likes your style That's dope Dude we like this pizza place after Roll the crown It was like Hold up Hold up
Starting point is 00:47:41 What? While I'm catching Sunset I race to catch it And I'm excited to watch Melee. I pull up, and I get there, and I go to pull out my phone. Fell out while riding the Vespa. Never happened to me before. No, just totally lost.
Starting point is 00:47:53 I don't know where it is. I was all the way there. The Sunset's beautiful. It's picturesque. There's like 14 other cars lined up. We're all ready to watch it, and my phone's missing. And so I miss Sunset. I miss Losers Finals. I race back to find it. I can't find it. To missed sunset i missed losers finals i raced back to find
Starting point is 00:48:06 it i can't find it to the middle of the road tire marks on it not a fucking scratch on her what shout out casetify casetify the goat this is not an ad it's not they built this shit like it worked it worked and i was so it was in literally the middle of the road because i put it in lost mode and went ding ding ding ding and i eventually found it oh wow and it was it was in literally the middle of the road because I put it in lost mode and went ding, ding, ding, ding. And I eventually found it. Oh, wow. And it was, it was, it was great. Men can dish. That's, I'm glad for you. I guess that kind of makes sense.
Starting point is 00:48:30 Like big tire load. But I was, I actually had to crack. I thought it would, but it didn't. I was butter side down. I was like, it was a nerve wracking. Butter side down in the middle of the road is different. That's different. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:39 We had this pizza place and it was like 10 of us. Pizza Flora? No. No. Coup Car Pizza? Coo Car Pizza? Bro, that's a vegan pizza spot, by the way. It also wasn't the Pizza My Heart spot, which I should have went to. But it was fucking, they had this phone booth with a skeleton inside of it.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And it's not Halloween, by the way. You guys hear a beep? I'm sorry, am I crazy? Yeah. Yeah? What is that? I don't know. Fuck if I know.
Starting point is 00:49:06 It's a mild beep. Coming from the other room? It's an alarm-like beep. I will say people kept putting the microphone right behind the CRT, and then it would just emanate the CRT high-pitched noise, which I can't hear. Oh. Because of my old boomer ass. Damn, you can't hear that shit?
Starting point is 00:49:20 Mm-mm. Come to think of it, I haven't heard it in a while. Have you ever seen the gay clown? The bridge was open. Did you watch that? Can you believe in the vice Andrew Tate thing? Andrew Tate runs it on him, on the vice reporter, hits him with the gay clown bit in a vice interview.
Starting point is 00:49:39 What? Andrew Tate has molested several women. And he's like, you ever see the gay clown that hides from gay people? Is that why Zoomers like him? Is because he does level one schoolyard bits? Yeah. And he's bringing it back. That does make a good point.
Starting point is 00:49:55 Zoomers fucking win again. From prison. I get it. Yeah. That's it. I mean, you hit him with the, he does the behind the ear. They lose it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:01 There's a coin back there. I wonder if there's a gay clown in the Romanian prison he's in. You can't see him. Shake Drizzle was drunk off his ass at Genesis and I hit him with your you dropped your pocket and he looks down and then he looks back up at me and stares at me and tries for 10 minutes to convince me he did not look down.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And I just watched him do it and he's trying to convince me that I'm wrong. I love Shake Drizzle. We were at that pizza place and there's a skeleton in the telephone booth and we're all like riffing because we're waiting to sit down
Starting point is 00:50:30 and there's like a skeleton. We're all like trying to be the funniest person to all of our friends and Shake is just like on his phone at the bench and he looks over and he's like,
Starting point is 00:50:39 let him do his thing, man. And that was the one that killed. And I was like, that was the day I fell in love with Shake Drizzle. Really? Yeah. Just yesterday. thing man and that was the one that killed and i was like that was the day i fell in love with shay drizzle really yeah just yesterday it was it was good vibes i feel like uh like hanging out with everyone who like works in our company which is a meme like man-made thing right it's just it binds us but it doesn't really because we'd hang out anyway. It made me feel really good because everyone's really nice.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Bind the mess. Bind what? Teleport. King. You know who made my weekend was V-Money. Dude. The guy who I think Slime has shown before is getting dunked on by... By Kony.
Starting point is 00:51:20 By Kony. No, he's dunking on Kony. He's dunking on Kony. Poor Kony. Yeah, we were playing four square and we had a roughly 50 person line for our game. That doesn't sound fun.
Starting point is 00:51:31 It wasn't. It wasn't. It was high stakes because when you lost, you sat in the line for at least five minutes mid. And V Money was not playing, but he was standing next to the court
Starting point is 00:51:42 and every time someone would get out, he'd go, that's a long line. No he'd go that's a long line that's a long line. That's not that long not that long he's really drunk. He's wearing his Eagles jersey. I sent you a
Starting point is 00:51:56 video zipper on discord if you want to. After a while like I think that he just said it so many times and he was so drunk that you would just be like what do you think about victory he's like long line he's not even looking at it and after a while he'd be like nine minute wait we checked every time i got out he's like it's looking real long and then the problem was if you were mad at him by the time you the line is so long that by the time you get to the end of it victor is too far away from you to yell at him like you see there's no retort
Starting point is 00:52:29 You just have to eat. It's a long line It was a long line Good there and did that is like one hour. Yeah over an hour. That's a long line He was also reffing right? He was checking the the views always reference and did that for over an hour. Over an hour. That's a long line. He was also reffing, right? He was checking the balls. Oh, he was reffing too? He was looking like his eyes were doing this. He's terrible.
Starting point is 00:52:53 He was not reffing. He's doing the same thing. He's not looking at the court. He's not looking at the line. He's still saying it's a long line. And then he'd just say, nah, that was it. He was also,
Starting point is 00:53:07 he was behind Nick when Nick was playing his tournament set. And this is the victor. Oh! Oh! Every time Nick would get a hit. And he was like, I hope you can't hear me. You're going to need bigger headphones. To the other guy.
Starting point is 00:53:21 That's rowdy. Yeah, it was a little rowdy. That's rowdy. I would have been mad for sure The Eagles won I think maybe that's where The drunkness came from 100% Also V-Money just being around
Starting point is 00:53:30 You know all of her friends Like it's just fun To go hang out with the friends That you used to hang out with Like every week for two years Chance this is so fucking fun man It's really based It's so fun
Starting point is 00:53:37 Go to melee tournaments They're good Go to them Um Fuck it what else Did I say about Victor Uh He's my goat
Starting point is 00:53:44 Oh boop. I forget. Fair enough. Okay, I want everyone to go around. What was your favorite part of Genesis, your middle part of Genesis, and your worst part of Genesis? Favorite winning the tournament, middle losing to Yan. Um.
Starting point is 00:53:58 Middle? I actually, you know what? I thought about it. Me and Yanley talked about it. I think that was ideal. For the. I think losing, because Yan is the player I am most happy to lose to, because he'll? I thought about it. Me and Yngling talked about it. I think that was ideal. I think losing, because Yan is the player I am most happy to lose to
Starting point is 00:54:08 because he'll never hold it over me. He's a very good boy. He's very humble. Only when he gets drunk and swears. And I respect him as a gamer. So it's the perfect loss. He was an amateur CSGO player. And then for my narrative,
Starting point is 00:54:18 it's perfect because I had to go from losers round two, which gives me the best story. So it was ideal. Yngling actually said something very sweet to me after he came out. the match he said like i think that was best case scenario oh which was very sweet because he recognized the ingo bears uh yeah i think i think number i think number one was uh win the tournament and then middle was just seeing like everyone
Starting point is 00:54:41 just good to see people but i feel like i didn't hang out with enough people. Middle means it wasn't good or it wasn't bad. It's a meme part of the question. I was kind of asking. I was adding just like, I didn't get to do enough of it, but it was nice. And at the baseline, you do it at Genesis, so that was nice.
Starting point is 00:54:55 Worst? All the pukes in San Jose. It's like Mario Brothers. It's because there's a bunch of clubs next to the convention center. They have a puke every three steps in San Jose. Why does Mario Brothers have puke? Because you have to jump over stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:13 Yeah, jump over stuff. And Goombas are canonically made of Luigi's puke. Luigi has an oxycodone addiction. He's like Poseidon, but with puke? No. Because Poseidon came out of the ocean and Aphrodite came out. Yeah, and she left his house because he was vomiting so much. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:31 All right. This is different than where I thought it was going. This is Greek lore, idiot. Everybody knows this. Do you not know this? I just hated seeing all the puke. It was gross. Oh, you do hate puke.
Starting point is 00:55:40 I forgot. It affects them differently. What about to you? What about to you? The best part. I forgot. It affects them differently. What about to you? What about to you? The best part. I didn't really think about this. You asked the question. Okay, next.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I thought dinner was great. I think I have founded a great company with a lot of great employees, great vibes. It was fun to hang out. You said the nicest thing you've ever said to us ever. And then I said didn't ask and reply to keep him humble. I didn't read the replies, so it doesn't matter to me. You should read Slack more.
Starting point is 00:56:08 It's so important. Wait, what was the nicest thing you ever said? He doesn't read Slack either. No, no, no. In general, he typed it really nice. You should read it.
Starting point is 00:56:15 After I left, a lot of the company of Mogul Moves was at Genesis. Everyone, maybe? It was everyone. It was everyone? I think everyone was there.
Starting point is 00:56:23 Except a couple people. Except, yeah, a couple people. almost everyone was there and then after we had a company dinner that almost everyone was at and uh and I had left and it was good vibes and I just wrote a nice message in the company slack saying it was good vibes I didn't believe him um you didn't believe it was good vibes or you didn't believe he meant what he said that he meant what he said I got off you have ops I got up you have you didn't believe he meant what he said? That he meant what he said. I got ops. You have ops? I got ops. You have opposition. Is he Ludwig?
Starting point is 00:56:49 Is Ludwig your op? Is he the op? So you're an op because you have ops. Could be. That's not good. Didn't say it was. Vibes are off now. Vibes dead.
Starting point is 00:57:01 The king decrees, actually. Worst part, I Had to travel for it. What's the middle part? Middle part? The tournament itself. Yeah. Like Genesis? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Okay. That makes sense. I thought Genesis was hot. No, no, no. Excuse me. Like the Mogamooz tournament. Oh. Well, it was mid?
Starting point is 00:57:20 Yeah, I think the end was hype. Sure. But it was just like... All that counts, really. For like... If I have to counts, really. For like... If I have to do one thing at Genesis, I think that was better for the people involved than it was for the people online.
Starting point is 00:57:34 Yeah. Yeah, you talked about that a little bit. That's all right. But I don't think it's bad. I think we could have done more, not with our timeline, but I think we could have done more to spruce up the narratives between players and we could have like added storyline and graphics and
Starting point is 00:57:49 kind of like kind of like mario party league yeah we made a little more less like a regular tournament easier to engage with if you weren't like a play like a regular tournament for the players but for the spectators it's like more of a but at the end of the day you're streaming melee and we're all low level players so it's like whatever oh the best part of my time was being next to cave lemon for top eight who i think might be the funniest person i've ever i've ever met sorry guys yeah i saw you fantasize about all of us dying yeah what's up with it yeah yeah my three friends i miss this it died what happened no it's so my my tweet was if you guys get ransomed and end up dead in Juarez buried by the highway. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Uh, the new podcasting lineup. If this doesn't happen to me, is me, cave lemon, a triac and Adam Ragusea. I don't, he wouldn't fuck with you.
Starting point is 00:58:39 Yes, he would. No, Adam, you're so cringe. Who's Adam in your podcast? What's his role? Podcaster. That's fair. That was, your podcast? What's his role? Podcaster.
Starting point is 00:58:47 That's fair. That was high. I don't know how I didn't know that. I got nothing for that. Down in Macon, we have Genesis. Now, down in Macon, we have Genesis 9. Now, it's different from the one in San Jose, but that's all right. Do you still watch him, Adam?
Starting point is 00:59:00 No, I don't. I haven't watched him in years. I haven't watched him in years. Well, I don't cook, so I only watch him for the novelty and how much I like him. Zero cooking. I was actually so sad that set wasn't on stream. If it was on stream,
Starting point is 00:59:14 I might have won. I think I needed, there were a couple things going on that made me feel nervous. More steaks would make it better? For that match in particular, yeah. I think I would have felt the burn and the heat of losing to Nick Allen and it would have lit a fire under me. Sometimes that's what I need. I played Nick Allen.
Starting point is 00:59:28 He checked out fucking stock one. There you go. It was just, I was just, I was like, I have to get rid of the peach lives so we can both leave. Cause he was just like, he was like talking to the commentators while we were playing. Cause he was so like, he was so tilted and tuned off. I think cause it was peach puff.
Starting point is 00:59:43 Yeah. It wasn't fun for him. That's what you do to people to be clear i've sat down at a setup with them and i say and i hover fox and then he goes peach i'm like you got a secondary like and he's like no i'm like i don't know what you want from me then the character specialist yeah you know i don't want a lot of time i don't want him to spin my fucking fox up wow so you're afraid no i just know that he's, I don't know how to deal with it. Am I crazy?
Starting point is 01:00:07 Oh, okay, I guess. I feel like you beat him with Fox. Am I crazy? No. It's just hard. Not Nick Allen. It's just hard. Not my goat.
Starting point is 01:00:15 I do love doing this. This is what I do to A-Truck. Anytime he beats me at something, I'm like, yeah, A-Truck's the fastest man alive. Because he beat me in one foot race five years ago. And now I'll just tell the stream,
Starting point is 01:00:24 I'll be like, yeah, he's the fastest guy I've ever years ago and now I'll just tell the streamer he'll be like yeah he's the fastest guy I've ever seen. Second is me. He does the same thing with me on League of Legends
Starting point is 01:00:30 with Swain. He's like yeah Ludwig's the best Swain I've ever seen. You know what Aatrox told me after the tournament? He said I respect
Starting point is 01:00:38 you more as a man and a person now. For winning the tournament? Just because I won. Yeah that's his value system. I realized
Starting point is 01:00:45 it opened my eyes to everything about him also he was nicer to me he that's really funny also he entered the tournament and he was pissed at Ludwig and Stans for not entering
Starting point is 01:00:55 Genesis he's like yeah I'm the only fucking gamer and I'm like now I respect you more he is a gamer and I like that I like that about H-Rock H-Rock has also secretly gotten better
Starting point is 01:01:03 at melee he has quietly quietly gotten better wait what do you mean quietly he's played like 200 fucking 50 games of slippy I just mean that like he has a smurf that he's played another hundred
Starting point is 01:01:14 I'm saying that he's talking about getting better he's just has just gotten a little bit that is the part that matters is when you when you say I'm on that improvement grind stands however I
Starting point is 01:01:23 turned into the call duty for campaign mission where you put the barric'm on that improvement grind stands however i turned into the call to d4 campaign mission uh where you put the barrett cowell on his face oh i thought you get the wind from the flag i thought i thought you made him into no russian but it's all stanzas those were his stocks 40 000 stanzas used to live here yeah i mean i made light work of stands And that was bad for his stock But you know he's not trying to be plump anymore
Starting point is 01:01:49 So it's okay What was I gonna fucking say bro You're all over the place right now No one asked My low Definitely losing the tournament That's fine Productive
Starting point is 01:02:03 Middle would be winning money in the top eight because because it felt good to win the money but it didn't but it didn't fix
Starting point is 01:02:12 what I needed. It didn't fix your pain. What's worse? The pain or the hangover? Hangover's not that bad. Oh okay. It wasn't too nuts. What was the best part
Starting point is 01:02:22 of your Genesis? And then best part of Genesis was probably, probably that the one combo that Jmook hit on Moki. Oh my God. Okay, wait, wait, wait. It was good. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:37 But people were saying it was like God's gift to goddamn Sheik. It was like, I've seen Conor the kid do shit like this with fucking half his eyes open. Yeah but not to Moki. Yeah but yeah not to Moki in Genesis Grand Finals to some schmuck I'm a hater. You're a hater I like Sheik
Starting point is 01:02:55 I think that you don't No no I like Jamebook Sheik and like Connor Sheik and like Plup Sheik but that one didn't stir my soul You don't like Sheik by the way if you say that You don't like Sheik if you way if you say that. Huh? You don't like Sheik if you say that.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Well then I like old racist guys talk. I'll change my answer then. I like those Sheiks. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Yeah let me
Starting point is 01:03:14 rattle a few off that are all right. Old racist guys talk. Hey my driver. My garner. No they're them all right. No look
Starting point is 01:03:23 those are the Sheiks I like. Yeah. Yeah you don't like She right. No, those are the sheiks I like. Yeah. Yeah. You don't like sheiks. So the combo was the best part. What's your high low? What's your high low, bud?
Starting point is 01:03:31 He did high. I did high. Uh, it was hanging out with Cave Lemon cause he's, he just has the exact same sense of humor as me, but better. So I'm like, okay, that's based. Uh, the middle part was the pizza place we ate at. Uh, everyone got tummy aches. Yeah. um you did
Starting point is 01:03:46 i got a flora i got bubby guts the low part there was a really weird thing that happened we were walking uh from the it was you know i was walking alone it was me walking to the hotel to guildhouse this crazy guy is on the train platform just screaming at people he was like and uh and i was like that's just what you do no i don't do that to random people alone like i'm stationed somewhere and i was like okay well this is gonna be awkward when i walk by this person but instead he didn't do that to me instead to me he said they pay a lot to fuck little girls don't they i was like all right i'm not looking at this guy. Fucking doubt.
Starting point is 01:04:27 It was insane. Wow. Complicit with your silence. So what bad happened? It was insane. I was like, damn, that guy is crazy. There's that coffee shop in San Jose next to the venue Nirvana stole. And they have live music and stuff
Starting point is 01:04:45 and me and Mike went and there was someone doing spoken word and it was a surreal experience just like ordering coffee and there's a guy doing spoken word behind you and it was like shitty spoken word so Hobo Johnson was at the coffee shop basically there was a Hobo Johnson yeah I got a Subaru Crosstrek
Starting point is 01:05:02 and it was it was like his cadence was also kind of like when people parody spoken word where it's like i feel you deep inside and that is what i am but i am what you are and we are together and i'm like can i get a fucking espresso i remember i remember that actually that's my new low moment. Yeah. Sounds like it sucked. When Homer Johnson came to the coffee shop. And I leaned over to Mike.
Starting point is 01:05:29 Me and Mike just love talking about battle rap as a meme. And I remember I leaned over to Mike and I was like, I wish so badly this was happening, but we were in a Discord call listening to it. Instead of here. That is so adorable. It's so much more lame to hate on it here
Starting point is 01:05:44 than it is to just be in private and hate on it here yeah than it is to like just be in private instead just watching a youtube video together they have that at sfo or at least during christmas break when i flew in there was just bands and it was like every hour it'd be a different band but it's like at the like as you walk by the gates it's like what a weird place to perform oh yeah you're just walking to your gate and then for like the eight seconds it takes to cross, there's a band there. But like nobody's going specific. And it has like who's performing in the next coming days. It's like no one's coming here.
Starting point is 01:06:12 You have to get an airline ticket to get through. The same thing happened in Austin. We went for the mountain shoot. Yeah. In the Austin airport, there was just a live show. And I'm like, who's gigging at the airport? Yeah. All right, guys. If you get a Southwest flight, it's only like $ who's gigging at the airport? This is weird.
Starting point is 01:06:25 If you get a Southwest flight, it's only like $29 to Arizona. You don't have to board. Yeah. You can hang out all day. You can miss your flight. You can just chill there. They have an open restroom. We got super chill.
Starting point is 01:06:37 $15 McDoubles. You go to the Amex. They have a lounge, free coffee. It was weird. Actually, I thought about it for a long time after we passed that country band anyway we should do our first live yard episode
Starting point is 01:06:49 there at an airport LAX and everyone has to get a flight at the LAX United Terminal and then we all fly
Starting point is 01:06:55 four separate directions and never talk again and we'll do it at rush hour LAX if you're driving in yeah so only the real fans show up
Starting point is 01:07:04 yeah and then if they're a super fan, they'll walk up that ramp like I fucking did. The date will be publicized on one sweet James billboard. We won't say which one. Yeah, you just have to drive around different freeways in SoCal. One of them will have the date.
Starting point is 01:07:19 This is our cicada challenge. As a king, I have my first decree. The king has a decree, other peasant. Aiden will be banished. Archie, make him poof. You know what to do. Aiden's gone now. He's banished. Aiden died, but what didn't die are the lines at grocery stores.
Starting point is 01:07:40 Yuck. Come on, kid. You're waiting in a line. I don't want to look at the People magazine about Matt Damon. I want to get delicious meal delivered farm fresh pre-portioned at my door. I wish Matt Damon was dead. And that's why you guys can check out HelloFresh's festive fair collection, which features seasonal produce and proteins.
Starting point is 01:08:02 They got over 35 recipes. HelloFresh, his time has come. And I'm saying it right now. We can't do the Matt Damon bit. We can over 35 recipes. His time has come. And I'm saying it right now. We can't do the Matt Damon bit. We can't do the Matt Damon. No way we can say that. We can get away with Matt Damon dying. Right here, right now, I'm saying that.
Starting point is 01:08:14 No, you can't be in this one. You're dead for this one. Yeah, we cut you out. He's lorded over us for too long. So I'm going to ask you, how easy is it for you? For me? For you, how easy is it? Oh, it's so easy.
Starting point is 01:08:26 There's no cups. There's no tablespoons or dumb like that. It's easier than building fences, I'll tell you that much. I don't want to build a fence. I'm a peasant. And I'm tired of eating porridge. I would love some falafel power bowls, seared steak and potatoes with Brene's sauce or Southwest pork and bean burritos. I'd eat pork and beans all night.
Starting point is 01:08:43 That's right. You would. And you guys can too. No, Ludwig. I fuck the beans.'s right you would And you guys can too I fuck the beans I fuck all the beans I fuck them like crazy You guys can too If you go to
Starting point is 01:08:55 22 free meals plus free shipping It's like a slosh It's up to you You would think that it was something else We know you're still here We know you're still here But it's up to you. You could pick whatever you would think that it was something else. I know you're so I don't think about it We know you're still here But it's me hello fresh is America's number one meal case. Oh, well yard 22 wet was it come back crazy come back in that's my job
Starting point is 01:09:18 While you're also doing master Baker, I flew to Tampa what Florida no one knew this For a day with the Florida, you know, I had to Tampa. What? Tampa, Florida. Yeah, no one knew this. Wait, what the fuck? He just went to Tampa for a day. He went to Florida? Did you know I had to do it to him? Street? No, I did not. He went to see where COVID was born. No. There's still a square there. I went to Tampa to visit Moist Critical, Charlie. To do what? To join Moist as a co-founder.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Oh, we're talking about this? We're talking about it. We're allowed to talk about this shit? They know about this already. That's why they're being fake surprised. We did talk about it at dinner. Here's, here's. And now, and this is where, let's, yeah, and you did your part, son. You did great. Everyone thinks you did great.
Starting point is 01:09:55 Good job. Let's let the creative people get in on this. Okay. So, when we were talking at dinner, we were talking a little bit, mike uh cherished genius of the of the company okay one second right before you hit this the context of me joining is i'm joining as a co-founder who gets divisions of moist which i can name whatever i want maybe it's co-branded maybe it's not but if the name is good enough maybe it's the whole
Starting point is 01:10:23 organization the whole thing like i would never be able to replace all of moist e-sports. But what if the name is good enough? Maybe I can convince Charlie if it's good enough. What's the name? Sometimes when something is ours, we take it back. We take it back. It's ours.
Starting point is 01:10:37 And we take it back. We give it to Charlie that we take it. Take it back. Because it was ours. Because it was always ours. Okay. To begin with what's the fucking name buddy
Starting point is 01:10:46 so Mike conceived this while sitting at a seafood restaurant called Scott's it's called Scott's Seafood on a Surrey info white boy makes a steak don't say that much
Starting point is 01:10:56 cut all this out it'd be a hell of a fucking steak and so within the name of the division and essentially probably the rest of the division and essentially probably the rest of moist esports
Starting point is 01:11:08 yeah probably all of it goats esports why is that slime why goats esports oh because greatest of all time that makes sense that's right
Starting point is 01:11:15 yeah we call mango the goat all the time we talk about who's the goat a valorant of countershot it's like a goats
Starting point is 01:11:22 only esports organization goats esports why wouldn't you have the goats? Like Jake and Amir did a Shark Tank pitch. It was fucking insufferable. So goats esports. And it has a ring to it.
Starting point is 01:11:34 And it also... Yeah, the ring is goats-y. The ring is that it says goats-y. And the logo, we didn't talk about the logo, can be some sort of circular pattern. I didn't even realize that. Really? Would it not be a goat?
Starting point is 01:11:44 It is funny, right? I didn't realize. I'm just thinking about it realize that. Really? Would it not be a goat? It is funny, right? Why would the logo not be a fucking goat? Because maybe it's a circle of goats. A circle. Maybe it's a goat holding something open and the goat is looking at the side like Porky Pig. Where's his hooves?
Starting point is 01:12:02 It's Superman doing the S thing, but it's his butthole. It's hooves? It's Superman It's Superman doing the S thing But it's his butthole And it's what? It's hooves opening him up? Yeah Cause the hooves can kinda like pull it Like that
Starting point is 01:12:14 Into the air And to the people listening to the audio book If you've never looked up Goatsy Just You don't have to if you don't want to You don't have to if you don't want to But if you do You don't get it
Starting point is 01:12:23 And for my mom listening Don't Yeah Nick's mom don't Look it up No don't want to look it up you don't want to but if you do and my mom listening don't yeah nick's mom look it up no don't be scared look it up nick doesn't want you to see the truth so yeah something something similar uh and that's what we're going for no we're not going for anything we're going for it you're not a part of this adventure. King would say you. The king likes goats, esports. The king likes goats, esports. Yes. He doesn't run this realm.
Starting point is 01:12:48 Oh, I'm sorry. Is he not the king? Do I not get to craze? It's a different realm. He won the video game tournament. Are we not signing video gamers? He's the most decorated esports player tied to moist esports. He's not tied to moist esports.
Starting point is 01:13:02 How? He is. How is he not? I am now. Because he bought half the company. I bought in. The king took his wealth and hoarded his money. Why does your voice change now? The balloons.
Starting point is 01:13:12 His gold. The balloons. He's got gold and he bought you out, Ludwig. He bought everything. His pockets are light. He owns 51%. So he's broken now? Because he spent it all on you.
Starting point is 01:13:22 I have no money as the king. So he's over leveraged on Moist. It's not over leveraged if it's gold. He's over leveraged. Like it all out. I have no over leveraged on Like all the other esports Much people off. Yeah, this is a really bad starting strategy. Oh the king likes it Wishes to lay people off. Yeah And we hire them. Tell you what. We'll put out a poll. We'll let the people decide. No.
Starting point is 01:13:48 No, we're not going to let the people decide. The people? The king likes the people to decide. Isn't that good? Here's what I'm thinking. Here's what I'm thinking. You don't believe in democracy, Ludwig? Hold on.
Starting point is 01:13:54 I feel like it's fucked up. Moguls. Ooh. And they're all signed to moguls. It has like a capitalist slant that I think would not go well in the FGC. Maybe we could have like a Google slant that i think would not go well maybe we can have like a google drive you're talking about maybe the only form of governance that's more hated than capitalism which is like feudal systems feudals the feudal is people were happier then no they were not having babies we also called ourselves like peasants we love building the fences okay
Starting point is 01:14:22 i remember saying earlier on this podcast, I love fence day. I think I would have been more fulfilled if I was a surf. You would have been more fulfilled if you were a surf. Go see sports. Ludwig, we have to do this. You should just make
Starting point is 01:14:39 a Twitter account. Enter the Go T-Sports contest. Submit a logo. We'll see if it... Oh, please. Yes. That's our contest this week is make a logo for Go Go to Esports Contest. Submit a logo. We'll see if it, uh. Oh, please. Yes. Yeah. That's our contest this week is make a logo for Goat Esports. Here's what we can do. We can take the yard money and we can sign some fucker
Starting point is 01:14:53 and we can make a yard Esports company. Some fucking fucker? Some fucker? I don't give a shit. Any of these fuckers that are wave-sharing across finalists
Starting point is 01:15:01 and they just don't fucking have a big old fucking cum shot. One of those fucking 22-year-old fuckers who moves all quick and shit and uses that box thing? Sign him. Dude, we should sign Aiden. And then we can yell behind him at tournaments. Sign him on a dope C-Sports.
Starting point is 01:15:14 And then he really has some pressure. And he can have a jacket that has a fucking asshole on it. I love it. I love it. Why do you want to put us in the Thanksgiving kids table yet again, you cocksucker? I don't think I need to answer this I think Charlie would love this idea
Starting point is 01:15:29 Ask Charlie! I feel like Charlie's got a fucking sense of humor He's scared to ask Charlie because he knows he'll say yes I'm not scared to ask him right now, I'll ask him right now I'd totally twist my nipples Can you pull up- I love that idea lovely Can you pull up Charlie's stream? No
Starting point is 01:15:46 This is good. You're going to ask him in chat? Yeah. No, that'll stay. We need to pitch it, you asshole. Yeah. We need a board group. Don't interrupt his gaming time.
Starting point is 01:16:01 Charlie loves gaming. Did you know that? Yeah. Hey, Ludwig. Hey, Ludwig. Good to see you. Goat sees sports Did you know that? Hey Ludwig. Good to see ya. Goat Seasports. That's a cool name actually. So that did not come to the mic but
Starting point is 01:16:15 Charlie just said that's a cool name actually. We'll clip that and we'll put that in. He likes it. He says it's a cool name, actually. Go Seasports. Thank you, Mike, for your
Starting point is 01:16:31 fucking genius. Dude, and then fliesin19 tagged me and said you fell off after you switched to YouTube. We should sign. Fuck me, dude. What a fucking day this is. Is this the worst part of your day? It's the worst fucking part of my day. I had a great day before I had a shit party. We'll sign a melee player, and we'll sign a youth soccer team. Ooh.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah. All right, relax, father. Because it's goatee. What are you trying to do to the kids? We only read. We only read. We only read when we play fucking soccer. The soccer team only reads.
Starting point is 01:17:00 Why? The Lannaberry soccer team. Why don't they play it? Duod. Duod. It's Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. Duod. play it? Duad. Duad. Duad. Why don't the kids play soccer? Why don't the kids kick a fucking ball?
Starting point is 01:17:14 Okay, well, I will take your input and consider it greatly. Oh, and Charlie's too. Charlie's actually owns the entire company. He owns all of it. He doesn't. He doesn't own all of it. He owns most of it. We only have to convince Charlie. Huh?
Starting point is 01:17:29 We only have to convince Charlie. And we're already there. Because Ludwig suggested it. We're most of the way there. No, he's just a positive guy. I don't think that's true. If I had suggested, what about Tom Brady kisses his kids on the nape of his neck and it's not weird esports, he probably would have been like, love it.
Starting point is 01:17:43 That's great. That's the easiest impression ever it is so easy alright well we'll see okay I got it Tom Brady boy lover esports that doesn't I feel like the Tom Brady boy love
Starting point is 01:18:00 boy win championship only champions only and the fans Nambla East Coast Hashtag boy love Hashtag boy win Boy win Championship Champions only And And The fans The fans can just be the boys Yes
Starting point is 01:18:11 Our boys We're the boys The boys back home I'm a boy I'm a boy I'm full of love I would hurt a catchphrase Pretty badly
Starting point is 01:18:19 Go for the nape Go for the nape boys Oh Oh I just fell over In my chair Go for the nape I boys! Ghost fell over my chair. Go for the nape.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I'm imagining V-Money yelling that. Get the nape! Get the nape! That's a big nape. That's a long nape. That's a long nape. Yeah, nape. Nate, if you want us to consult Dave this year,
Starting point is 01:18:40 you feel free to DM. All right. We can help. We can help nape. We can help nape dig that, dig himself out of that hole he's in. We'll figure it out. He's in a hole. A hundred things. Why are you saying it like that?
Starting point is 01:18:51 Because he's in a fucking hole. He's not in a hole. He's not looking good. He's got a dick. Juvie's doing great. He's got to get himself the fuck out of that hole. Juvie's doing great. I love using my high ground keyboard and drinking Juvie.
Starting point is 01:19:04 I met the Juvvie guy at Genesis. The bald guy? Yeah. He's bald? No, different guy. The bald juvie. Don't say thank God. He's in sales for me. Adrian, right? Imagine the bald juvie guy goes to other events wearing a wig because he realized
Starting point is 01:19:20 that he needs to appeal to Zoomers. Do you guys want my drink? I have drink for you. 16-year-old Steve player won't trust me. He's like, I don't know, that bald guy keeps trying to give me energy drinks. I just want to get you addicted to caffeine at an early age.
Starting point is 01:19:37 We're never getting a Juvie sponsor. No, he told us. I love Juvie. I'm chill for that shit. We should get YouTube to be like the Juvie version of Red Bull girls. And it's just you two. Yeah. And it's just me and Aiden. And I'm really nice to everyone.
Starting point is 01:19:52 And Aiden's weirdly sexual. You're both weirdly sexual, I guess. It's me and you. Yeah. Use this to cool down your nape. Get this. Your body is so fucking clean. Are you feeling hot?
Starting point is 01:20:03 I need you. Are we at Time Zipper? Where are we at? God damn. Cool down with it. R2-D2. Cool down with Juvie. Are you feeling hot? I need you. Are we at Time Zipper? Where are we at? God damn. Cool it down with it. R2-D2 is at our house right now. Have you met any man? No.
Starting point is 01:20:11 I consider him my friend, too, because we talked a lot today. But also, we played Valorant together before. But he's more Aiden's friend. And he rock climbs. And I knew he was good at rock climbing. But I didn't realize how good at rock climbing he is. He's one of those good at things guys. Bro, one, he climbs V10, which is is. He's one of those good at things guys. He won he climbs v10
Starting point is 01:20:26 Which is insane. That's high. That is fucking high It's like the most a gym will have usually unless they start doing like challenge climbs The one that we climbed with Magnus after the YouTube video. It didn't go that high Oh the gym just the whole gym didn't have that. You took Magnus to fuckin baby's play school house? V9 the highest they had But he also can do pull-ups while strapped to 140 pounds.
Starting point is 01:20:48 Oh, okay. So, yeah. That's a lot. Is he light? He's like 135 pounds. That's crazy. He is ripped. I picked him up
Starting point is 01:20:57 because he landed before I did so he just went to a climbing gym and apparently when he goes normally he climbs for six hours at a time.
Starting point is 01:21:05 That's gross. He goes from like 5pm to 11pm after work. Dude, he does climb Monday, gym Tuesday, climb Wednesday, gym Thursday,
Starting point is 01:21:12 climb Friday. Ugh. He also beat Axe at Big House 6. Big House 6? Dude, he was in top 64 at this tournament. No, but it was a crazy
Starting point is 01:21:20 it was before like you were people were allowed to beat Axe. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. He was a gamer. He was a like you were, people were allowed to beat X. Oh yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. He's a gamer.
Starting point is 01:21:26 He's a gamer. He's just, I showed up, I walked in the gym. He's at the back like just sitting. Turned himself out. Yeah, he lets anybody come in. Axe did not turn himself out. Axe's tweet was so funny today. He's like, guys, I'm getting rid of the goon wave because of all the cheater controller
Starting point is 01:21:41 allegations. So I'm switching to fob. But he's not saying that ironically. He thinks it's less of a cheater controller allegations. So I'm switching to fob. But he's not saying that ironically. He thinks it's less of a cheater controller. Yeah. Isn't it?
Starting point is 01:21:50 He's kind of smokey. I actually don't know. I think they're all cheater controllers. I think notches are cheating. And I have them. And that was our
Starting point is 01:22:02 30 second Charlie Day appearance we paid for. What were you saying in it? He was just, I love the rats. I love cleaning the rats, Matt. David's looking up And that was our 30 second Charlie Day appearance we paid for. What were you saying, Evan? He was just... I love the rats! I love playing the rats, man! David's looking up at the V10 he's been working on.
Starting point is 01:22:11 And it is just the most fucked up climb I've ever seen. And he's just... He's just on a pump. And he's just so shredded. Like he should be in a fucking magazine. Like he has just... This is the perfectly sculpted body. And I'm like... I'm like walking in hungover, like my eye bags, like fucking swollen.
Starting point is 01:22:30 I'm like, yeah, can we can we go home? Can we go out and hang off of 20 millimeter ledges with one hand and wait on him? That's that's really crazy. I didn't know it was like me. A little bit spent like four months trying to hang from a door frame with two hands. Fucking programmers, bro. I'm tired of this shit.
Starting point is 01:22:48 Yes, sir. Too much time. They're disgusting. Six hours at the gym. Real fucking job you guys got. You got fucking nothing going on, bro. Real fucking job it sounds like. What did you code today?
Starting point is 01:22:55 Yeah. Right? Nothing. What did you do? Nothing. Would you update Windows? I can do that shit too. I'll engineer some bitches
Starting point is 01:23:00 into your life. You know what I mean? Yes, sir. Saying that. Yep. Yes. Can we? Okay okay i've been wanting to talk about this for a while did you guys know you can go to cambodia and shoot an rpg at a cow
Starting point is 01:23:11 yeah we talked about this in the pod no i don't remember talking about this it's legal i think i remember talking about it i feel bad it wasn't at the new hampshire episode no i would feel no because i learned about this from cen. I feel like that's... I wouldn't do that. How much is it? You're out. That's $500. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:23:29 That's great. Yeah. You're out. I wouldn't do this. You're an asshole. I wouldn't do it. You're out. I think it's fucked up,
Starting point is 01:23:35 but I just imagined if you dropped 100 out of a plane like Fortnite onto like a random city and the cows were just flying everywhere and raining down this guy. No, there's one cow, 100 people with one rocket. What and it's like it's like you all shoot at the same you have to find the cow the nuka cow sweepstakes and then you shoot an rpg like at your feet
Starting point is 01:23:55 like you're running around a rocket jump for the first goats esports giveaway we'll be sending you to cambodia with dylan sprouse and this is why you're gonna get your own rpg use it wisely so yeah so apparently i've read about well kaylin told me about it when he was visiting and he said it in the exact same sentence like you know you can go to go to cambodia and shoot an rpg at a cow i'm like okay that's cool and then so i looked it up and apparently it's like tourism from uh just having a lot of weapons and you can either you can shoot it at nothing you can shoot it at a chicken or you can shoot at a cow which is yes not a chill but it's not where's the butt i was
Starting point is 01:24:39 just thinking about it don't do that it's a gimmick most of the people don't realize the amount of kickback from a rocket launcher and so completely miss the cow. My friend tried three times and he didn't get it so in the end he demanded an AK. He figured by that point he'd already paid for the cow. That's fucked up. I'll kill a cow
Starting point is 01:24:57 no matter what. I love the bottom of that article. P.S. There's a lot more to Cambodia than shooting cows. Obviously yes. I think Cambodia is pretty cool. It is kind of funny that It's in their big two P.S. There's a lot more to Cambodia than shooting cows. Obviously, yes. I think Cambodia is pretty cool. It is kind of funny that- It's in their big two, though. I guess there's not that much of a difference between eating a hamburger and shooting an RPG at a cow.
Starting point is 01:25:14 Right? You're still contributing to an economic- They're kind of the same thing. One uses the meat of the cow in a mix. Okay, I'm using the meat for a Mythbusters experiment. I'm switching sides. Aren't corn subsidies the RPG of the West? Yo, that's based actually.
Starting point is 01:25:31 What do you fucking mean? No, he makes sense. Monsanto's been putting RPGs in your fucking, your wheat for years. In your stomach. What is his argument? The argument is that everything contributes to the evil gnashing bone machine that is global commerce. Isn't it equally cruel to fill the cows with shitty corn on a shitty farm? Yeah, okay, but are we allowed to do anything equally cruel that's being done?
Starting point is 01:25:55 Yes. So if a family of Uyghurs come to your home, what are you going to do then? What? What are you going to do to the Uyghurs? What is this? Well, you can't. The ban with the four guys? Dude, you've been an idea killer the whole episode.
Starting point is 01:26:09 Yeah, what the fuck is your problem? Are you the content guy? The big two are goats eSports and shooting a cow with an RPG. Both fire. Also, you said, oh, we need to do something equally, whatever to equal out. The cow can shoot at me also and it's a duel we attach like a neurotransmitter to a cow and we let it choose a rocket direction through like whatever it's thinking about yeah it's fair like one
Starting point is 01:26:36 of those dogs that like taps the buttons to say things you ever seen that yeah yeah it's an RPG moving on a swivel and it's like we just has to step on a button this is there's meat great Mario Party video game we run back Mario Party in real life with point crow but we did this is this is one of the many we do it in Cambodia is loading RPG Rock rockets for all of the contestants. It's Bowser's bigger blast, but one of you blows a fucking cow up and no one wants to do it. Everyone's real freaked out. Everyone's like, oh green is mean, don't do green!
Starting point is 01:27:15 They're looking in the face. It feels like shit. This is how vegans are born. I hope we convert one person to be vegan after this conversation. Don't pretend you're a hero from this combo. This is how vegans are born. I hope we convert one person to be vegan after this conversation. Don't pretend you're a hero from this combo. This is how Australians- Don't find positivity in your conversation. Think of all the good that comes from this. Don't find positivity. From this? Yeah, don't.
Starting point is 01:27:34 Hey, you heard it here first. Negative Nancy over here. Okay. You're a fucking asshole today. I'm not doing goatee sports. You're not gonna goad me into it. You're gonna shame me into it. I'll talk to Charlie. You're not talking to Charlie. I'll go to Tampa. You're not going to goad me into it I'll talk to Charlie I'll go to Tampa We'll visit the you know how to do it tomb street
Starting point is 01:27:49 We'll take him out A crowd full of people spreading him for goatee sports Yeah Show the game Yeah I'm imagining And I'd like to deeply Apologize for the fans of Goatee sports we didn't realize there were children at the event
Starting point is 01:28:06 at the time and so when 30 of the fans spread their assholes at the Rocket League event oh my god the guy at Genesis on the player cam oh my god oh dude I don't want to necessarily condone
Starting point is 01:28:23 this behavior but it really did make me and Nick laugh really hard. I wonder if they were confined. Wait, was it push to stream? I don't know. Basically, the crowd cam was flying through at Genesis. They're in the middle of top eight. They were just showing people in the crowd.
Starting point is 01:28:37 Everyone's doing the whole like, oh. Yeah. And then it's just like cheering. Oh, my God. Like, oh, me and you all. The little funny face. And someone who was wearing a yard hat. It's a camera and there's all these people and there's one person in a yard hat.
Starting point is 01:28:51 He notices the camera, gets really happy for a second, and then he just starts double fist gawking. Like a mamba-sized penis. Just like going. Like a ninja. And he's going so hard. And he's switching directions. And the camera goes... And like swings off of him.
Starting point is 01:29:11 And the slide loses his mind. It was so fucking funny. So he's like Taiwan kid, but not for social justice. And I was like, is that who we create? Yeah, we had a talk after. I pointed, I laughed. Nick starts laughing too. He's like, no, he's a Yard fan.
Starting point is 01:29:26 We're like, oh, fuck. It was funny. Like, everyone's, like, the hat was, the logo was bright. It was just white. It was the only white thing in frame. I want you to know this is condoning. And then everyone, everyone who was sitting immediately around us just kind of turns and looks at us.
Starting point is 01:29:40 Like, we're responsible for the kid. And we're laughing. Like, we agree it's funny. It was really funny. at us like we're responsible for the kid and we're laughing like we like we agree it's funny it was really funny it was if he was just like this like uh we like uh but he wasn't it was it was the unbridled you were proud of how committed he was to the penis i wasn't proud of anything ludwig here at goats esports we do not condone. We would never. At Goats Esports. Really?
Starting point is 01:30:06 We don't condone a dick sucking? The way you said it, you put another E in there. Goats Esports. Not Goats Esports. No, it's Goats Esports. No, you're saying it wrong. You know you're saying it wrong. You're using like a word.
Starting point is 01:30:19 No, it's just like Aiden has like a son of his name accent left over. He says Boro and he says Go-C-Sporo. I love Go-C-Sports. You know who says Boro or Oro the same, Sun Tse? I caught him. Yeah, he's Canadian. Yeah, but he has a way more clean accent, but that one slipped through and it was like,
Starting point is 01:30:38 I was like a sleeper, so I was like... Yeah, Sun Tse's Canadian accent is super light, but he's got a few. He's got a few words. You say it's unique to Sun Sunse and Aiden, though. Well, I'm just saying he- You know, also, this is actually Moki. No, he doesn't.
Starting point is 01:30:52 Moki is heavy. Moki is a heavy Canadian. Really? Yeah. He's Canadian, bro. He's cat. Moki's not heavy, Aiden. He's heavy set.
Starting point is 01:30:59 Moki's doing the best he can with his weight. Fucking asshole. Oh, Mango was mad at me. Why? Because I said his tweet was cringe. Wow, to him? He came up, well, I said it on Twitter. Because I was talking about how he went dark and he made a tweet saying he felt underappreciated and stuff.
Starting point is 01:31:17 And I tweeted, I was like, yeah, the GOATS tweet's cringe, but I see where he's coming from and I wish he was able to articulate it well. And I just wrote my thoughts down. I thought it was pretty reasonable. Comes up to me the after party. He's like, fucking mad at you, Slam. I'm like, what? Why? He's like, call me cringe.
Starting point is 01:31:31 And I'm like, I thought that it was a cringe tweet. But we're all cringe sometimes. You get to be cringe. We talked it out and then we hugged it out. It was great. We're fine now. But he did say, he was like, I was going to change Mango Fan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:44 He's like, I'm making Mango Fan Ludwig. Yeah. He was going to make it you. I hope he still does it. And I was like, I was going to change Mango fan. Yeah. He's like, I'm making Mango fan Ludwig. Yeah, he was going to make it you. I hope he still does it. And I was like, you would never do that. And he's like, I swear to God, I was going to do it. Mango came up to me and he's like, you see Slime call me cringe? I'm like, yeah. He's like, that hurt.
Starting point is 01:31:55 It did. But we talked about it. It was just us expressing our honest feelings. You don't have to blast him on Twitter. Dude, he came up to me. He was so sad at the party. He was like, everybody's mad at me. Yeah. And we just sad at the party He was like Everybody's mad at me Yeah
Starting point is 01:32:05 And I just We just We just hugged And I was like It's okay man It's okay Tough day to be the goat Well he got the eagles
Starting point is 01:32:11 He did get the eagles Aiden is currently number one On Mango's list by the way He told me that That's fair Aiden got promoted to number one I'm not allowed to be number one I got the
Starting point is 01:32:19 No you're four I got the follow That's fine You got the follow Yeah You follow him And the circle of life is complete that is the circle of life
Starting point is 01:32:26 holy shit yeah but you know we go again well we'll see if he's down for goatee sports so last year
Starting point is 01:32:35 or last episode when they told us to talk about Melee Less we heard you wait when did that happen oh did they say that there's comments about it yeah
Starting point is 01:32:42 you know what it's a go fuck yourself season. It's go fuck yourself. This is the one where it got extremely real and we talked about Melee for 45 minutes straight. So yeah. It won't be like this again. It's post-Genesis.
Starting point is 01:32:54 It's post-Genesis. So we'll be back to normal programming. In the premium. Woo. The one you pay for with your money. Yeah. So if you want a normal normal yard episode you could you could get the subscription we don't talk about melee on there we never have
Starting point is 01:33:11 melee free you know what else by the way i want to throw this in we got to 300k subs on youtube which is pretty cool if we get to 400k we'll never talk about melee ever again and that's a bad thing we're gonna hit more key for sure because it's gonna never talk about melee ever again, and that's a bad thing to say. We're gonna hit more than that for sure. We'll never talk about it, but then we can just- And I'll do a drug again. A drug of your guys' vote. You guys can vote on the drug. We'll do mushrooms. I'll do anything. I'll do anything.
Starting point is 01:33:36 Whatever you think we'll do, we'll do. Hey guys, see you in the premium episode. And I hope to see you there, and I hope you're there. I'm the king, and I will still be the king in that episode. Unfortunate.

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