The Yard - Ep. 91 - Giving My Friends $1000 If They Answer THIS Question...

Episode Date: April 12, 2023

This week, the boys talk about what's happening with the Dalai Lama, Ludwig's banana bread, and who is actually Nick's friend....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 He was in the French women's military. Are we done? What are we? Do you think there's a French women's military? No. I feel like you're the- A women's only military? You're the person that should answer this. I'll ask you. You're the one who said it's a thing. No, let's try this. Do you think there's a French women's military? No. A women's only military? You're the person that should answer this.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I'll ask you. You're the one who said it. Do you think there's a French women's military? No. Why not? They'd go on strike. You've been. Oh, the WFM? The gameplay isn't as exciting, but I'll still bet on it.
Starting point is 00:00:42 I'll still ruin my life. And you can bet on that. I'll still ruin my life. And you can bet on that. When you've been to France. Yeah. He hasn't been in a long time. Why are you trying to say that like I don't know what's going on anymore? Like why do you try to de-qualify?
Starting point is 00:00:56 Because I feel like you're disconnected from it, you know? What do you mean I'm disconnected? Because you haven't been in the streets. You haven't been in the streets. Of France? No, you haven't. I haven't. Of Gay Paris?
Starting point is 00:01:05 You don't know what the streets. You haven't been in the streets. Of France? No, you haven't. I haven't. Of Gay Paris? You don't know what the word on the street is. S'il la street. What? What? What the fuck are you talking about? What accent was that? S'il la street. Dude, I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:01:16 That's like a Swedish guy trying to do your French accent. That's like you trying to do my French accent. No, I'm pretty good. His is better. Kill yourself. Mine's good and you're mad, so die mad. Damn. I feel like we're starting off.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Yeah, hostile. Are we actually on it? No, we're not on yet. No, we are, yeah. Let's all hold hands. We are. He put the thumbs up. We're all holding hands?
Starting point is 00:01:38 We're on. Why are you saying we're not on? Why are we holding hands? Are we saying grace? Yeah. Our father. No, no, no, no, no. We can't do any Eastern meditation.
Starting point is 00:01:48 It is Easter Monday. No, no, the Dalai Lama, bro. You see what he did? Yeah, can we all pray for the Dalai Lama and hope he makes it through this difficult time? Some leader you chose. What? What the fuck did you do?
Starting point is 00:02:01 Look at you now looking like a dumb piece of shit. That motherfucker doesn't have nearly enough Super Bowl rings for me to look at. I don't understand. Why does fucking Tom Brady get away with it? Because he's got seven. Seven rings? Yeah. Dalai Lama zero rings.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Zero rings. Zero rings. No one in his corner. I would die if Dalai Lama never posts a spread pic. Dude, is the way, is the, is the punching llama so abducted? Yeah, he's abducted as shit. So... Maybe that's,
Starting point is 00:02:28 maybe that's what he did. Wait, what? Maybe he boy kissed. No, but he would be rewarded. Why would he be rewarded? Considering how his shit looks. He's not getting rewarded right now. But what I'm saying is
Starting point is 00:02:40 the dolly llama probably does that behind closed doors. We're getting crazy here. I might not. If you ask a child to put their tongue in your mouth in public, you're probably doing it not in public. Whoa. You're right about this.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Thank you. I just said we're getting off the wrong foot because we didn't say, hey, welcome back to the yard. Episode 91. Episode 100. The Dalai Lama edition. Episode 91. Dalai Lama.
Starting point is 00:03:02 If you camp out in front of the show the night before, you'll get the Dalai Lama. You'll get the Dalai Lama DLC. You get three scopes. Night vision goggles. The game comes with Red Tiger. You know, I started to make a mogul mail about the Dalai Lama and I stopped. Why? Because it took me three takes and I didn't want to watch the video a fourth time.
Starting point is 00:03:22 No. Wow. We watched it. Tom Brady won plenty for off the sticks. It's different. He's got rings. He's got rings and it's his son. You should hire a small boy to sit next to you
Starting point is 00:03:34 while you do the whole episode. Also, if Tom Brady had been there... I'd never acknowledge him or anything. Why? You should have a mogul male boy. But it doesn't do anything Is your little mogul male Don't say it
Starting point is 00:03:52 We've been through this When I said cuties like a bunch of Little cousins and stuff And I was like you should keep one or keep it And you got mad Same shit, really annoying I'm consistent You're shit. Really annoying. You're so... I'm consistent. You put... you put what you're consistent in policing my language, which is not cool. Your language is actually a problem and I wanna start some shit with you right now.
Starting point is 00:04:11 Wait, really quick. The mogul male boy. Company boy. Really quick! What? What? Wait, you didn't fucking... I wanna pitch something to you, Baldwin! I haven't seen you in a week! I'm a pitch! He's your slave boy! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm picturing. I have a vision. I have a vision. I boot into the next mogul male. You gotta- there's a little screenshot of Aiden Ross in the corner.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You look like you're dressed like a mogul male boy. Yeah, yeah. Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm the mogul male boy. And I'm sitting on the couch in the background strapped up to an IVy that's connected to you oh you're talking about blood boy yeah because oh i don't want blood boys i don't want a slave boy i just i just think it's funny if you had like it's like a familiar it's like wow and you think that's not a slave no a familiar is like a magical like it's like a lich. It's a magical slave. No, no. Okay. So. Do they make those?
Starting point is 00:05:07 In the universe, you're a lich and the boy is your familiar and you live for a thousand years. Is this King of the Rings? You live for a thousand years. Me and the boy will live forever. But there'll always be a boy. There'll always be a boy. There'll always be a man.
Starting point is 00:05:18 And you'll always be a lich. And you'll be alone in the dead. Do you ever get concerned that the words that come out of your mouth will make people think you're a pedo? No. You're the one that brings shit up way more than me. What? Real talk.
Starting point is 00:05:30 What? Now if it comes out. Really? If this episode is brought to you by Duke. Are you guys have nonstop brought up child pageants and now you want me to have a- I was so clear that the child pageant was adults only. I couldn't have been more clear when we talked about it. In the name you could have been more clear.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I said child pageant, adults only. You could just say pageant, adults only. Drop the child. It's clear. Okay, the pageant for adults. Bring your kids edition. But we don't want their kids there. You don't get concerned about this? Pageant for adults. I don't know their kids there. You don't get concerned about this? Pratchett for adults.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Kids alone. It's not clear about this to you. I'm just saying, for you guys it's fine, but he... What? Well, you gotta look. Oh, come on. There we go. Don't bring that into it.
Starting point is 00:06:17 I'm just saying, it's not me that thinks this, but there's stereotypes. Of what? Of whom? Villains. If we have to pick somebody out of the line. Evil people. Yeah. Like, if you get us in a line and you say any crime, everyone's gonna point to you. Stereotypes of what of whom villains if we have to pick somebody out of the line people Yeah, like if you get us in a line and you say any crime everyone's gonna point to you No, yes
Starting point is 00:06:32 caller Financial point to me like white collar they point to what I'm saying, but all the bad ones they point to you That's also bad to do to point people in a lineup. No or to discriminate had to do to point people in a lineup no or to discriminate look if i'm if i'm the de facto criminal of the group that's fine well but but you know the the court will set me free you know it's a jury of your peers my peers will set me free because my defense will be very good i'll represent myself i do think you have a way of moving the masses can i say i'm electric in a problematic way this is not like a compliment oh my god what now and then you fucking slap me in the face back what I have a problem with is your language
Starting point is 00:07:25 Please tell me you don't know you think he takes it too far I think I think you don't understand how unruly your language can be and how it affects other people How what did I do? What is Ruli? I've been sick for a week Unruly is a great melee player, and I don't know why we're talking about him right now Don't bring up your maladies like that should be somehow factored in here. No one cares. Mal- Malories. Okay? I hope you feel better.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Shorties like mal- go ahead. You keep calling people... me. I don't want to say it. What is the word? Well then how will I know what we're speaking about? You know what I'm saying! Stop playing the coy. You know guys, you all know what I'm saying. I don't know what it is. You know what it is.
Starting point is 00:08:05 I'm being for real, though. Is it Ludwig? Your name? You literally never call me that. Is it Fudgems? Is it Godly Fudgems? Is it Godly Browning? You can't call him Pussyboy anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:18 Thank you. You can't call him that. Pussyboy. When did you ever say that? No, don't gaslight me. You've been calling me Pussyboy for the past past couple episodes and that's been catching like wildfire Streaming just in my kitchen making banana bread and every other Texas speech donation is how's the banana bread looking pussy boy? How did you make some extra pussy boy for Thick Alan?
Starting point is 00:08:45 Oh my god, no way. And it's like, why are we roping in the CFO of my company, a father of two by the way, who recently underwent life-threatening surgery. Yeah. No he didn't. Well he got his balls snipped and that could have threatened something. Well it's like if you're pro-life, it is life-threatening. Yeah. That's right. So anyway, I think that's inappropriate. I don't think they should.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I want you to. Nick Allen is a baby terrorist. What? No. Take it back. Take it back. Is it like Muppet Babies? Where like he's a baby version of himself.
Starting point is 00:09:15 No. And he's got a little bandana and like a bandolier. He's an adult baby terrorist. I would never let Nick Allen at my child pageant. Don't say this! What is wrong with you? This guy is your boss. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Dude, I love this shirt, man. Fuck. I got juvie all over my favorite shirt. I got juvie all over my favorite shirt. I got a Nazi icon. You fucking loser. I got juvie all over my nose. Fucking loser.
Starting point is 00:09:44 I got juvie on my nose. I want you to admonish other people using the term pussy boy to refer to me and using the term thick Alan to refer to your boss. You know what's funny? Here's the thing. You're my boss too. Hold up. You're my boss too, but you never pull that card. Also, this isn't about thick Alan and his big old juicy ass.
Starting point is 00:10:02 Really? Really? It's not. A double down. It's Really? A double down. A double down. It's not. It's about you. Because if this was happening to Nick Allen, fucking sleep. You sleep. No, because every time you said Nick Allen,
Starting point is 00:10:14 I've been in this chair and I've said, do not call him that. I've been consistent. We can't say Nick Allen and his big fat juicy ass. Thank you, Aiden. Thank you. Why can't we do it, Aiden? Why? That's a good question. I'm genuinely asking. It's the same reason why I got mad at Yingling when he posted Mario Goatsy in the fucking general chat.
Starting point is 00:10:32 It is the same. I would never do that. That's different. No, it's true. That's a different anatomy. He wouldn't do that. He wouldn't do it. He wouldn't do it. But it's not different. What Yingling did is worse.
Starting point is 00:10:40 That's why I just- I disagree. What he did is worse. I disagree. I disagree. That's crazy! Because you're getting- the thing is Nick Yingling did not spawn an army of people posting goatsy images. You've posted, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:54 My associate apologizes for his remarks. Are you done? Yeah. You have spawned an army and I see you have some of your generals here, of people referring to Nick Allen as Thick Allen, and I think that's inappropriate for the workplace. What workplace? Local moves! Is this during your stream when you're making banana bread? So you think in off hours it's chill and as long as everyone who watches doesn't
Starting point is 00:11:18 say 9 to 5? What I was going to say is they don't work with him, so it's fine. What? No, I was hoping you were going to argue with me. My views don't work with them so it's fine Don't reflect my company my bio which means I can say whatever Actually that would actually help a lot Raise the YouTube description when it's like I do not own the rights to this song. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I guess it's legal. It's true. I've watched all of Naruto and they didn't own it. It was flipped and mirrored. It was, yeah. It was slightly pitched higher. Yeah. I would think that would help.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Yeah. Look, what do you think Kirby would look like if he ate Thick Allen? Like that. Do you think, what do you think Nick Allen thinks about this?
Starting point is 00:12:04 I don't know. I think he thinks it's funny. On his deathbed right now. I think, what do you think Nick Allen thinks about this? Uh, I don't know. I think he thinks it's funny. on his deathbed right now. I think, so Nick Allen and I have a lot of side conversations. No.
Starting point is 00:12:12 A lot of side conversations. No. I talk to him more than you, bitch. No, you don't. Yeah, I do.
Starting point is 00:12:16 No, you don't. Yeah, I do. Nuh-uh. And the thing is, there's an understanding between me and him.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Nick Allen once told me, all of this shit could just end right now and I'd be prepared to go back to living in a cave. What? What? I know. You guys are like, what? That's crazy. He's never lived in a cave.
Starting point is 00:12:35 He's a kid. Back to living in a cave. I know. And I told him that. He's like, he's like, he'll be fine. Does he make the kids live in the cave too? No, no. His kids don't live in the cave.
Starting point is 00:12:42 So he's not going to bring the kids. Who's taking care of the kids? I don't know. Someone else. But he set them up for life. His wife? Okay. That makes sense. But basically, me and him are the same, right? And there's this kinship. You're not the same as him.
Starting point is 00:12:53 You never lived in a cave. Well, I have a question, actually. Hold up. This is going to fucking blow up your world. Is Nick Allen the same as Aiden? Is he the same as Aiden? Yeah. What does that mean? I don't know. Yes or no. What does that mean? Is Nick Allen the same as Aiden? What's a trick, right? You don't want, you think I don't want to say yes because I hate Aiden, but apparently there is some sort of ace up your sleeve. All I'm saying, shut the fuck up, Aiden. Hey, spirit week, pipe down. Answer the question. It's Teddy Fresh. No. Well, if you're the same as Eamon, and you're the same as Nick Allen, by transitive property, you're fucking dumb.
Starting point is 00:13:32 Who's driving the boat? I'll be all three. I don't give a fuck. But... Fuck! Damn it, slime! You're literally a mess. Dude, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:13:40 You're a disgusting shit hole of a mess. Slime through a water bottle. You're a little high strung today. What's wrong? What happened? I spent a whole stream making banana bread, and everybody called me pussy boy every five seconds, and I had a gripe about it.
Starting point is 00:13:52 So anyway, here's what you have to do now. Like Miss Trunchable, or however you say her name. Banana bread. The only way you can make up for it is if you eat this entire loaf of banana bread. Dude, I'm trying to eat less. Oh my god, it's so heavy. Feel it. Why does it have so much mass? can make up for it is if you eat this entire loaf of banana bread dude i'm trying to eat less oh my god it's so heavy feel it why does it have so much mass dude this is so do you want a bite
Starting point is 00:14:11 and the fun part i made this banana bread without there's a whole banana in here yeah i put it i can't eat this yeah you have to no i won't well you have to at least eat it i'll try it can you eat? Take a bite and tell. Because I made this banana bread recipe without a recipe. I made it. I made the banana bread without a recipe from my memory. Yeah. What was that noise you're making?
Starting point is 00:14:32 That sounds like a good noise. No, it's a good noise. I just got some on my shirt. It tastes good. Aiden likes it. It's a little dry. What did you put in it? I didn't put anything weird in it.
Starting point is 00:14:41 It has the normal ingredients. No, that's okay. I'm full. Is this like the donut cum thing? Am I? No, there's no cum in this. Was it like a 50-50 shot? This is not a gotcha.
Starting point is 00:14:50 It's pretty good. You don't mind it? It's fine. Give a little bite to Nick. Well, he was just sick. I'll just have Aiden's. Give him a bite. Why'd you put it down? Hey.
Starting point is 00:15:00 I'm going long. Could've made steak. Isn't it so fucking much? It's hearty, isn't it? It is hearty and thick. It's because you had to make it with like 17 bananas, right? Yeah, that's the trick is I had to add a banana every time I laughed. And so it's made with 12 bananas.
Starting point is 00:15:17 It doesn't taste different. Well, I tried to add more of the ingredients, but it's way denser because of this. Yeah, it's like... The biggest issue is the banana in the middle made pockets of steam that didn't cook it correctly. So... It feels like what Civil War soldiers used to eat. Ooh, sorry, you put it down.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Yes. Dude, I'm not gonna keep eating it. Keep eating it. I am hungry. Keep eating it. Eat it, pussy boy. Okay, but let me... A comment on pussy boy. Oh. Keep eating it. I am hungry. Keep eating it. Eat it, pussy boy. Eat it, pussy boy. Okay, but let me comment on pussy boy. Oh.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Which is something apparently I say to you. Fallen soldier over there. I don't want people saying it a lot. And I realize that when I talk about last episode, I'm like, oh no, people are calling their spouses this. That's fine. I don't care about that. They're married. That's fine. I don't care about that. I don't care. They're married.
Starting point is 00:16:07 That's true. If they can't drop a pussy boy but twixt each other, what was the point of the holy matrimony? What is being in a company if not business marriage to each other?
Starting point is 00:16:17 Again, the issue isn't you call me pussy boy. We are all sister wives. The issue is the army you've created where I can't... So I didn't want... I didn't mean to do that. And if a genie, if Robin Williams came back and he fucking, and he held a knife to my
Starting point is 00:16:31 throat and he said, this is going to happen. Why has he got a knife? Because he needs to threaten me so I know he's serious. Okay. Ghost knife. And he's dressed like Miss Doubtfire. And he's like... Hello!
Starting point is 00:16:39 Hello! I'm Miss Doubtfire. But he's a genie? And I, and he's also the genie. Okay. You've got one wish. He's both. From Aladdin. You've got one wish or I'll fucking kill you. But he's a genie? And he's also the genie. You've got one wish. He's both. From Aladdin.
Starting point is 00:16:47 You've got one wish or I'll fucking kill you. And he's from Dead Poets Society. Yeah, okay, so he's every character he's been? Been. Okay, cool. The actor is every character. He's Sundrysov while choking himself a little bit. And he said,
Starting point is 00:16:59 Ludwig will suffer in a banana bread stream because of this. I'd be like, oh, I won't do it then. I genuinely don't like it. But I didn't realize, it's been so long, why did people catch on? What happened? Because you kept doing it. No. Yeah, repeated exposure. Interesting. They say 14 times
Starting point is 00:17:16 and it commits to memory. And let me tell you, you called me that 14 times. No. So I need you to take 14 bites. If they say 14 years old, you're the Dalai Lama. I'm not going to take 14. Well, that's not how that goes. That's how you make it there. I can't believe he did that. It is crazy. It is crazy.
Starting point is 00:17:28 I learned about this this morning from the tweet that the Dalai Lama made from their account. Oh, the apology? And the apology is so disconnected from what happened that I didn't actually... He's like, the apology is like I told a bad joke. And I'm like, oh, that's weird. The apology. I didn't realize he was kidding. The apology was terrible, but it was like, it was like, oh, the Dalai Lama just likes a kid and he made an innocent and playful joke.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Yeah, his holiness made an innocent and playful joke. He actually has the Michael Jackson defense. No, I'm just a playful, I'm like a kid, basically. I'm just playful with kids. I'm a big old kid. I'm just a big old kid. The thing is, I'm actually, old i'm just a big old kid the thing is i'm i'm actually my soul is about to become a kid so if you think this is what every anime fucking
Starting point is 00:18:11 lolly lover has been waiting for technically my soul is 14 generations old i went back to look at the comments on our trash taste episode dude it's a lot of them a lot a lot of lolly defenders came out of the woodwork they were screaming angry that's disingenuous they aren't defenders my man and apparently trash taste
Starting point is 00:18:36 has a bit of a history with you know saying that it's lame and they don't like that either typical fucking Connornor here he goes again attacking us here's the white dude entering the japanese culture telling them how to jerk off if i if i lived in japan i think uh you know you know that's that's fine why don't you take that argument to the streets see just see how it goes that's the thing man they don't
Starting point is 00:19:04 leave their house they just beat their shit they do just beat their shit and they just want to beat their shit and not feel guilty and that's not okay you should feel guilty that's right you tell him ludwig you too should feel guilty i feel like it was fine you're just playing with the kid that's why i play with the dolly laura things i hold it by the Things Hard to watch no, yeah, it's like the Tom Brady thing like plus actually don't watch It is like a Tom Brady thing for sure. I don't watch it But it's not his son, which doesn't give him the pass It's like a Tom or anything, but it's not his son, which doesn't give him the pass. Nor the athletic accolades.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Nor the six rings. Six rings or seven rings? I'm not sure how it works. He said seven earlier. I can't even count these days. I don't even think giving your relative a kiss on the lips is like that insane. It's just that he fucking makes out with his kid and tells him to come back for it. First of all, just because the dog llama has some transgressions doesn't mean we gotta throw Tom into this conversation.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Tom is the OG. He's retired. No, he's not. Nobody did it before Tom. No, to be clear, he's not the OG. They've been kissing kids for generations.
Starting point is 00:20:16 The NFL is built on kissing kids. Yeah, and they're leather helmets. Yep. I don't want Tom brought up in the same breath as the Dalai Lama. Well, you're the one who did it. So, I get it, though. I guess I just don't want Tom brought up in the same breath as the Dalai Lama. Well, you're the one who did it.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So I get it, though. I guess I just don't want it. I think you're really conflicting. You have a lot of fucked up feelings swirling around in your little heart. Because you're looking at your hero and you're looking at the Dalai Lama and you're like, what the fuck is it all? If the Dalai Lama made Thriller, would they be mad at him for this? I don't...
Starting point is 00:20:43 I think... This is weird, dude. It's really bad. Dude. We're watching a blurred out version. I don't want to watch it. And then he sticks out his tongue and he says, suck my tongue.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Dude, that's crazy. To be fair, we should probably like, I don't know, what is it called? Uninstall him? I don't know what the... We should probably do like, I don't know, what is it called? Uninstall them? I don't know what the... We should probably do something, even if it's an adult. I don't think you can get it. If you tell an adult on a stage, suck my tongue, that should also be illegal.
Starting point is 00:21:13 You can't get a new guy, though. And the Ponchin Llama is abducted. You can get a new guy. Wait, can you? I actually don't know, and I'm just talking like I do. It comes with your Xbox. Generally, I'm the oldest Dalai Lama known to man. The Dalai Lama, look, we don't have to get into this.
Starting point is 00:21:30 The Tibetan people will decide, basically. I don't think there's a lot to talk about. Well, we're talking about whether there's going to be another Dalai Lama. I'm betting people. Oh, whether or not there's going to be another? Yeah, because. Oh, no, he didn't pick another guy. That was a different thing, right?
Starting point is 00:21:42 He doesn't get to pick another guy. He already picked the Panchen Lama, which is the number two holy guy, and the Ponchan Lama is the one in charge of finding the next Dalai Lama after the Dalai Lama dies. Where does anti-woke Reddit stand on this guy? Anti-woke? Are we all on the same page? I need to know how to think.
Starting point is 00:21:56 Are they confused? And they're like, oh, I think it's good. Right-wingers are the one who spread this around. This is month-old video. Months old. No way. Wow, we've played right into their hands. Yeah. Ugh. But I don right into their hands. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:06 But I don't think there's, this is really like, I don't think this needs to be a partisan issue. Maybe I'm, call me crazy. Although NPR did drop a line in their article about it and they were like, it's a greeting to stick out your tongue. What? I was like, I don't think you're being genuine here. That's like, that's like, that was what you were saying back in the Office 6 days with Tom Brady.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Stop bringing him up. It's a greeting to stick out your tongue. No, but he was, you'd be like, yo, like French people, like Europeans, like Tom's like a European, like. No, no, no. It's like a soul's like. Oh, you know what? That, that I do remember this funny interaction in, I was with some friends from college at Oktoberfest in Germany, and there was this guy that we had met from Brazil,
Starting point is 00:22:52 and he was really nice. He tongue-kissed you? He tongue-kissed you? And he tongue-kissed me in front of my friends, and they thought it was tight. They clapped. That's pretty much the whole thing. You look like a spice girl right now
Starting point is 00:23:05 he he tried to greet my friend i think for people who have listened for a long time this is the same friend same trip that like i thought had pissed on the floor and i was gonna clean it up um but uh she he goes up to greet her and he like instinctively goes to like kiss her on both cheeks. But then she isn't sure how to react to that because it's like not a normal way you would greet somebody ever like in the US. And it was this weird like double take that we all watched unfold in front of us like very uncomfortably. It's like when you're trying to pass somebody in the hallway and you both keep fucking like. Yeah. And then it goes
Starting point is 00:23:45 on and it's like seven times you're like this this needs to end right now this is very it lasted way too long like you could have just shaken hands the brazilians are just more loving should we go to brazil i don't they should they yeah they say we should come i don't think they've been asking that much they have a few people have anyone checked if it's actually there? I haven't been to Brazil. Yeah. It's there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:09 I'll say it on GeoGuessr. Okay. I'll believe you this time. What's on... They got capybaras. I forgot. In Brazil? Them shits are everywhere.
Starting point is 00:24:15 Yeah, they do. No. What do you mean no? They're imports. They're imports? What? Even if they were, and that would make sense, that means that they're there, which is what I said. It's not where they're from, though.
Starting point is 00:24:27 It's not where they're from. Native to South America. They're native to the Amazon. The Pantanal of Brazil. That's fucked up with Bezos. Who he has put into work. Look at those guys. Oh, bro, you rolled over on the fucking mogul male guy, or the lie detector guy.
Starting point is 00:24:45 You rolled over on him. Rolled over on him or the lie detector guy. You rolled over on him. Rolled over on him? You fucking nart. Oh, on John? Yeah. Yeah. That's crazy. Wait, didn't everybody know that shit was fake?
Starting point is 00:24:53 Yeah. But then the fucking video comes out, expose, quote unquote. And he's mad at me. Oh, it turns out pro wrestling, guess what, guys? They're not actually mad at each other, usually. Were you like a staunch john defender it was more like you that guy makes a living off of tricking both content creators and people who consume content he should be protected i don't care how fucked up and he isn't in trouble he
Starting point is 00:25:17 got fucking shat on he got a fucking hit piece he got a scott kramer pieces scott kramer where the fuck that is and and then your ass. It wasn't a hit piece. Scott Kramer. It's not like people are storming the streets to get John Grogan out of work. What I watch on your mogul mail looked like a hit piece.
Starting point is 00:25:35 So you should think about that. Your video. Hold on. I don't like what he said there. Did you watch the mogul mail? Yeah. But I'm talking about- Did you watch Scott Kramer's video?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Did you watch all of it? No. I didn't watch John Kramer's video. I video did you finish the video it yes and it made it look like john kramer's video was a hit piece and i almost said i almost said what you say i can't call you anymore and i stopped myself dude that was crazy i can't believe john's fine bro he, he's rich, he's chillin', he's gonna get more work. I hope so. He's great. He's a funny guy. You can't be narking on people. I'm not narking on him. I've- we've already also leaked this before.
Starting point is 00:26:10 When? I think on the yard. Like ages ago. I don't remember. When we talked about how he- Almost two years ago. Yeah, it's all fake, man. I don't remember, the fans don't remember.
Starting point is 00:26:18 That's not how that works. I am the fans. That's also a problem if that's the case. I'm hoping there's more people than that. We are the fans. I have this for you. You have this for me? This is spring.
Starting point is 00:26:33 And this spring, I gave you a factor meal. Well, here. That's a factor meal. I don't think this is what a factor meal is. You put it in the microwave. You put it in the microwave. Is that how factor meals work? You put it in the microwave.
Starting point is 00:26:44 It wilts. It wilts. It wilts. It gets soggy. And then you eat it and you get all your nutrients. What if there was Factor for animals? Factor now serves food for animals. With Factor, you get nutritious chef-prepared meals delivered straight to your door. But if you're an animal, like a dog or a cow, then you also get different food.
Starting point is 00:27:06 Yeah, and if you're a goldfish, don't worry, because they're prepared in two minutes, and you don't have to remember anything. Easy and flexible, prepared by chefs, who are also animals. For animals, by animals. They trained things like coyotes, hippos. Coyotes? Gators. You actually say that? No. Oh. And they train them to cook they're
Starting point is 00:27:28 all wearing chef's hats it's very cute it's very if you eat the gator meat you will get very sick it's like minecraft it's like zombie meat um but if you don't want to eat zombie meat factor has 34 meal choices per week and 45 plus weekly add-on options like smoothies, juices, breakfast options, and animal bones. Also, in some of the packages they give you, you will get mostly gator meat. Mostly. It's really a bit of gator meat roulette with Factor. I've been.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Yeah. I have been saying that. It's real tough. We do call it goulette. And you can only order once a week, so it's like some weeks you just get like 10 meals worth of Gator meat. Yeah, that's a bad roll. As an odd stinker week, but...
Starting point is 00:28:17 You won't get Gator meat. You might. You probably won't. But if you want to try... You probably will. If you want to try... You just gotta... You probably won't. But if you want to try. You probably will. If you want to try. If you get Factor for long enough, you will eventually get some Gator meat, but it's worth it.
Starting point is 00:28:33 It's worth it. That's what I need to get across. We make jokes here on the Yard podcast sometimes. We lose out on the money paid for our sponsors. slash Yard50. Gator meat straight to your door. slash yard 50. Gator meat is straight to your door. slash the yard 50 for food coming to your door.
Starting point is 00:28:50 That you might even eat. It's nutritious. Gators not included, probably. America's number one ready to eat source of gator meat. Source of gator meat made and prepared for by other types of animals. Sometimes gators. So there's a whole dilemma for sure. Sometimes a gator just hops into the box and says, I don't want to live anymore. I'm done with this shit.
Starting point is 00:29:12 I want people to eat my meat. And it has nothing to do with my job at Factor, which is really good. Which is great. I have a great job. It's more like my home life has made me depressed. It's other subjective factors outside of the confines of my career. And to the employees of Factor.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Alligator employees of Factor, you are seen. It does get better. Do not. slash theyard50. Just try them. Just try them and then we're going to go back. Now Ludwig's back. Can I ask you guys a question?
Starting point is 00:29:45 Yeah Yeah Are we friends? Oh my god I fucking hate this He's got something up his sleeve This fucker We're friends
Starting point is 00:29:53 There's things in your sleeve And I wanna suck them out I know this isn't a genuine question You don't You're not asking for real It's probably genuine Go on No
Starting point is 00:30:01 We all know that Nick's Are we friends? Asking us all individually sus questions. We're friends. He's been giving us little chump checks. And it's like, hey, guys, how far down is my foreskin cut? Answer in one word with spoiler tags on. It hasn't been subtle.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Look, I'm just saying that the other day, I asked all of you to name my siblings. Because I figure we're best friends. You know, we've been friends for a long time. And I figure you guys would know. Fuck! I just remembered your sister's name. Literally just now. Of my siblings.
Starting point is 00:30:42 And none of you knew them, except for Aideniden because he knew my brother, not my sister. Because Aiden's met my brother. Yeah. So that doesn't count. Wait, why doesn't that count? It doesn't count if I've met him? No. All right, we'll get fucked already.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Approved. Approved. Yeah, I'm done. So I realized that none of my best friends know really anything about me. Should we roll through? That's what I felt like. The results? Well, we don't want to roll through the results instead we're going to roll through a quiz i made to determine who is actually my friend because i'm starting to think that none of you are
Starting point is 00:31:15 okay okay so i would like to go through a quiz i'm gonna slay this and we're gonna determine oh this is a live quiz yeah uh this is a live quiz. Okay, next slide zipper. I know you're wondering The rules every question is worth ten points great And you have a total at the end and I can take away points at any time for no reason so hmm Don't get too smart. I love that rule. I like it, too Can you add points I can add points? rule. Yeah, it's minus 10 for 8 Alright next one, so what will you win you ask? Well next slide. Please be something actually, you know a lifelong friendship with me It'll be just a long lasting friendship with me. We go on adventures lots of journeys
Starting point is 00:32:01 Can we win actually something and also back up if we don't win do we not get that like how does that work? Oh one more thing What's this? This is exciting. You'll also win a briefcase of money Whoa For all you listeners. This is a large briefcase full of about $30 in ones. That's okay. We'll be awarded to the winner My friendship which is and the briefcase you and Isn't that great? And the briefcase? Along with my friendship, which is... And the briefcase too? And the briefcase. You can have the briefcase.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Can I have my ten points back? Denied. Ooh... Pussy boy? I'm... Are you guys ready? Is it first answer or...? Can you only... Can you say it now?
Starting point is 00:32:36 No, no. I'm reclaiming it. How does this work? How does this work? This is how it works. You guys all have whiteboards. Oh my gosh. What a production. You guys all have whiteboards. you're gonna write down your answer.
Starting point is 00:32:45 Oh, I love these erasers. You're gonna write it in secret, no cheaty-weety. I definitely love cheating, so I will do that. Oh, I got my cheaty-weety's on, you know me, sadie boo. And uh, we're gonna kick it off. Is that the, like, Italian pussy boy? We're gonna... Rest in peace. Rest in peace, yeah. That's ten points, actually, for slime. Can you actually give ten points to slime? Let's go. Alright, we're gonna kick it off with a pretty easy one. Um question one How do you spell my name? Just my name just a name I have that you guys know
Starting point is 00:33:14 Do we just write our answer? You just write the letter. Dude, I actually never seen it spelled out like this ever Wow my name. That is crazy. That's the first thing you learn about me Oh, wow. My name. That is crazy. This is the first thing you learn about me. With my name. All right, man. I'm going to slay this.
Starting point is 00:33:28 I'm so excited. What'd you put? Because I love quizzes. I love tests. I love beating my friends. Don't fucking look at my shit ever. Oh, I feel dumb about my answer now. No, that's right.
Starting point is 00:33:36 You know, let's all turn on three. Ready? Yeah. Three, two, one, go. That's a C-B-A. The only one to get it right is Aiden. No way. What? There's no H in my name. Dude only one to get it right is Aiden. No way. What?
Starting point is 00:33:45 There's no H in my name. Dude, we were on the SoCal Facebook page forever, too. Wait, how is there a K when you shorten it, though? Where does that come from? You just make it up. You just, it's a shortened nickname. I could have sworn. Fuck me.
Starting point is 00:33:57 You literally made it up? People call William Bill. No, that's different. That's different, though. Did you know, did you guys know Margaret, the shortened version of that, is Peggy?
Starting point is 00:34:09 Yeah, or bitch. Fuck Margaret Thatcher. Keep going. Yeah, it's sick that Alan's not okay. All right, 10 points to Aiden. Well, Margaret Thatcher did more evil than Aiden. And 10 points to Ludwig. That was really funny.
Starting point is 00:34:20 That was really funny. All right, question two. What is my only phobia? This one's easy. Come on really funny. All right. Question two. What is my only phobia? This one's easy. Come on, man. Come on. There's going to be a couple softballs in here, but they'll get harder. Three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Vomiting. Vomiting, throwing up. Either is an okay answer. Thank you, guys. That is all correct. I put throwing up with a frowny face. Is that what you put? Do you put a frowny face?
Starting point is 00:34:41 No, I just put in parentheses. Oh, okay. I would have given you points for that. You should have lied. Yeah, that would have been good. That would have been points. That would have been parentheses. Okay, I'll give you points That's actually minus five for not being smarter Yes, yes, sir. Okay. Just your classic friend stuff.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Year as well? No, no, just my month and day. We're just doing the month, right? Yeah, month and day. The month, right? And the day, yeah. Both are necessary for us? Yeah, both are necessary.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Okay. I'm going to be sad if I miss this. And here's the deal. Here's the deal. If all of you Don't guess the day right The month will be worth Half credit But if any of you
Starting point is 00:35:30 Guess the month and day right No one gets half credit In that person Do you guys want to do a pact? No You can decide to do a pact I don't want to do business At the table
Starting point is 00:35:36 You can decide to do a pact Or fake a pact I will not put a day If you don't put a day I know the day So I'm not doing that I'm pretty sure I know the day Prisoner's dilemma
Starting point is 00:35:44 The thing is I have Prison errs dilemma I have okay I'm just okay okay okay then all right three two one August 8 second and sixth only slime gets a correct baby bear you thought you knew you saw you thought I did think I thought you should join my pack I thought you should have joined my pack you idiot You should have joined his pact. I would have also accepted August 1st. I was born at midnight Next question. He's one of those girls We're playing for Where do I want to drop?
Starting point is 00:36:18 This is pre-aiming. No, she lived with us at this year Yeah, you live us at this year. No, I didn't! I moved in with you guys in 2019! Yeah, you lived with us this year. What the fuck is this? I was in college in 2018. Hey, you got a fucking one in four chance, and you're also annoying. So, I don't know what to tell you. Fuck. This is the easiest shit ever. I think I know.
Starting point is 00:36:36 I think I know. This is the throwing up of things. Three, two, one, turn. The answer is Tilted Towers. What? Yeah, dude. I thought you liked Mater
Starting point is 00:36:45 I do like Mater but I like taking fights more I'll be honest we're going with Tilted if I'm the bus driver I'll keep it a buck that was a true question
Starting point is 00:36:53 when we played he would only go Tomato yeah all you did was go Mater no Mater was you and Ben's thing but you would play
Starting point is 00:36:58 and go Mater too yeah because I want to be cool I want to get to like I agree with Ludwig and I think this test is fucked up but I thought about
Starting point is 00:37:04 Tilted for that reason, too. This is not a softball question. Interesting. I knew you'd pick Mater. I was a bait. So you're just here to trick us? He's just here to deceive us.
Starting point is 00:37:11 Well, to be fair, that's what the message is. This is all part of the trick. Ain't a donkey tricked. Yeah, you get tricked out every fucking night with that shit. Shut the fuck up.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Bitch. Okay. You might get more points pretty soon. Oh, no, Kirby. Next question. What is my favorite dessert? Of these specifically?
Starting point is 00:37:30 Of these specifically. Oh, God. Wow, wow, wow, wow. So the first answer, I should be naming the question. Are you being real or are you lying to yourself? No, I'm being real. Okay. And I should be saying the options to the audience.
Starting point is 00:37:40 I'm sorry. Oh my fucking God, Nick, your stupid game show got my shirt with a pen on it. That is a Hanes white shirt. Yeah, I don't- No! What is it? It's a European brand. Show me.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Take your fucking shirt off, baby. Oh, he's right. It's United- oh, it's only- it's United Colors, come on. Wait, okay. You got bread. We got an Italy though. Yeah. It's everywhere.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Uh, alright, so first option is strawberry macaroons macarons they're different zipper you should take away points for him being sassy macaroons i'm gonna i'm gonna allow it thank you for culturing me uh option two oreo milkshake option three tiramisu option four chocolate taiyaki this one's tough i don't i don. I don't take you out and fuck you. You know what I'm saying? Well, I wouldn't know this shit. That's part of the messaging I'm sending with this quiz. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:38:33 Is that you never do that. So me and Nick have... This might just be zipper twos for us. ...eaten a lot of sweet treats in our day. Yeah. And I'll tell you what. We've never been like, yo, it's a taiyaki night. It's never happened.
Starting point is 00:38:44 But he's like a weird pussy so like he might like just really like i know that's what we've actually there's only one of these on here that we've had some kind of guy who's like actually i like the i like taiyaki and it's because like i went on a trip like this is aiden when i was 15 i went on a trip with my friends and we played call of duty and now it's me. You can be like, yeah, you still love like macarons. And then my friend said like, you'll never stop eating macarons. So I stopped eating them. Why is your name H-Box?
Starting point is 00:39:12 No, I just need to tell you. All right, write your answers down. Write your answers down. We got a quiz to get through. I'm good. I got mine. Three, two, one. I last minute guess.
Starting point is 00:39:22 CBC. The answer is Oreo milkshake. Ludwig gets it. Oh my god That was obvious That is my favorite Was it obvious? Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:27 Cause he like He like He has a fit bod So he's not like He doesn't really get desserts a lot But if he does crack It's like a creamy It's like a creamy dairy based
Starting point is 00:39:36 He needs a liquidy cream For himself He likes ice cream He likes little milkshakes Like little dwinky What's your favorite dessert? I hate dessert Really?
Starting point is 00:39:43 I hate it I don't know I would probably go I'd probably go ice cream in the recent days He does like ice cream I'm actually curious what your guys' favorite dessert is Key lime pie I like it, I like citrus You're like a fruit tart guy
Starting point is 00:39:57 He doesn't care That's the tone of like Why are you asking me this? Whatever It's just dessert. It's just food for your body. Oh, I wish she's having it. Your bones, your milk.
Starting point is 00:40:08 Next question. My current everyday coffee order. This is bullshit. This is what? It's some bullshit that no one knows. This is fucking bullshit. Because you change up on people. You switch.
Starting point is 00:40:18 You switch. Obviously, you switch. Yeah, that's why it says current. Question one, or answer one. Iced matcha oat latte. Answer two. Iced black coffee. Iced matcha oat latte. Answer two. Iced black coffee. I will also accept cold brew.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's just a guess. This is a wrong guess. Because we know the correct answer. Three iced oat latte. My best friend would know what to order for me if I didn't say anything. Three iced oat latte. Four an iced vanilla oat latte. Aiden should get this because you live with him.
Starting point is 00:40:40 No. We don't get coffee. Aiden fucking spends so much time away now. He's not a real human being. He's a ghost of a man. It's not true. We don't get caught. Aiden fucking spends so much time away now. He's not a real human being. He's a ghost of a man. It's not true. And Nick is using this test to shame Aiden, in addition to us, but also Aiden. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:55 See, the thing is, if there's one thing I know about Nick, he's never switched. So I'm putting down an answer of a man who's never switched. And if I find out that it's different he switched we used to drink coffee together all the time remember that
Starting point is 00:41:08 remember that and we'd like and we'd go get coffee we did used to do stuff all the time together and we'd make out in the car
Starting point is 00:41:13 in the parking lot we'd just sit there and make out for hours it's love me day for me I get love me day fuck I don't know which wait what are we talking about uh fuck I'm actually switching myself I'm just gonna guess because that's what you want me to do
Starting point is 00:41:28 You don't want me to use my knowledge the same day Wait wait wait if it's the same thing every day, then you wouldn't get something like that. Yeah, three. Did you just trick us one? The answer see Latte that was smart. That's what he always sometimes he cracks and gets vanilla, but he wouldn't do that every day The answer is C. The answer is iced oat latte. That was smart. Sometimes he cracks and he gets vanilla, but he wouldn't do that every day. Every day is a little crazy for Nick. For your info,
Starting point is 00:41:53 I haven't ordered a vanilla latte in like seven months. Yeah, because you'd be a fat bitch if you did. True. You tried to trick us with the current. Yeah. Because you've been on iced oat. No, I tried to do the opposite because I used to order iced vanilla lattes all the current. Yeah. Current's so cheesy. Because you've been on ice. No, I tried to do the opposite because I used to order ice vanilla lattes all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Yeah, that's true. And so I thought it'd be a trick question if I didn't say current. I just didn't pay attention enough. He's been on a health grind. Yeah. Health as well. Fine. Fine. Whatever. Whatever. Go to the next one. Aiden's never home. So next question. Build me an outfit. Oh.
Starting point is 00:42:23 So the way that this works is the way that this works is you're gonna choose a letter a number and a letter so it's
Starting point is 00:42:30 shirt pant shoes and then there is an optional section you don't have to use them if you don't want to if you feel the outfit
Starting point is 00:42:35 doesn't need them but those are all optionals so you guys are gonna write your string of letters and then zipper will throw the outfit together and we'll see what it looks like
Starting point is 00:42:43 wow does it have to like I'm just gonna do an outfit that I think would be funny. Do whatever you think will win the round. Yeah, I got it. Done. I got my fit. So a lot of good options here. For the audio listeners,
Starting point is 00:42:55 we have a Biggie Smalls t-shirt in there. We've got the Gatorade shirt, Ed Hardy shirt. Got a nice little oversized hoodie, yellow shirt, black long sleeve. We got me. I'm looking nimble.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Why is there a Dota symbol on your chest? Oh, it's a stock image. Oh, okay. It still has the overlay on it. And it makes my peep look like I have peep. Oh, I didn't know your body looks better than that. It's better than this. Your body looks better than that.
Starting point is 00:43:21 Thanks. No. Thanks, lovely. It doesn't. I didn't say my long shot. Thank you. Hey, Anthony just gave me some honesty. That's 10 points for Anthony. Thanks. No. Thanks, Ludwig. It doesn't. I didn't say it by a long shot. Thank you. Hey, Anthony just gave me some honesty. That's 10 points for Anthony.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Let's go. Hey, nice job. We got some palace shorts. We got the drip fillets. I know the text is kind of small. Should we tell our thing to zipper so we can start working on it? You just write it down on the board. Okay, I got mine.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Okay, I got it. I think I've won. I don't think I've won. I think I've won for accuracy. I don't think I won. I think I won for accuracy I don't think I won but I'd love to see you wear this on the yard Hmm. Can these be your next three yard outfits? Do you have these items? That's a question. No, no, but I will get them if it's funny. The Gatorade shirt rules. It does rule. Did you also do D? All right, we're gonna start with Aiden. Aiden, show me the outfit that you created for me. All right
Starting point is 00:44:01 And also explain your rationale shirt shirt b this is a tough call because you usually wear black shirts wow i feel like you don't usually wear long sleeves this is like a thermal right so this is a little i just thought it was a normal black long sleeve shirt yeah you're correct so this was it's it made it weird to choose because it's not a t-shirt but i feel like the fact that it's black is fitting and you wear a lot of jackets lately so it's kind of like you have long sleeves i think it i think it fits and then pants two you definitely wear black pants the most often historically yeah uh shoes you wear l like most of the time right definitely definitely most of the time boosts sometimes you wear those like classic ones that are cool and then and then for glasses you like the red pair lately with the with the
Starting point is 00:44:48 diagonal with the flare yeah the flare sexy librarian yeah wow wow I have the black ones wow this is a great outfit I would wear this outfit you also jobs where the glasses at the top well I like the very good job it's right all right can I hit mine now yeah yeah yeah I'll do that all the glasses at the top. Well, it's not that greedy. You did a good job. All right, can I hit mine now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right, keep the glasses. Keep the glasses, zipper. Keep the glasses. Can you swap out those shoes for some Yottas?
Starting point is 00:45:14 You get the undo zipper. It's probably faster. Give me the Yottas. The Ks, please. The Ks, sir. Thank you. Yeah, okay. I got the Yotta Yottas. Give me those three pants. I don't think I've ever seen you wear those
Starting point is 00:45:28 Give me those three pants. The ones you make fun of me for all the time. No Swap out that shirt for the Gatorade. Oh, they're black. Oh, you look gotta sick. Oh, oh my goodness, okay? I feel like this is what I would wear, and you guys would ruthlessly roast me. You've never worn anything like this, but I think you'd look dope in it. Yo, this is fire. It's a great fit. This is fire. Yeah, it's a D3K.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Don't wear anything like this. It's not your turn. Bitch. Yeah, you got everything you want. So for the audio listeners, I'm wearing a Gatorade t-shirt. I'm wearing checkered baggy kind of like B-boy pants a little bit. For sure. And then the shoes I got the Tim's on.
Starting point is 00:46:09 I got some red, sexy librarian, kind of eighties retro profile pictures on glasses. Nice reference. Good reference. Write that down. Great. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:20 Fuck. All right. Yeah. I didn't pick this cause I thought you've worn this. I picked it because I know it's in your range. No, this is a dope-ass, fly-ass outfit. Thank you, Love Big. Anthony, now it's your turn.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Mine's simple. I went with B2J. So it was the B, the black long sleeve. Wow. Okay. The black pants. Take the glasses off, Zipper. Yeah, no glasses.
Starting point is 00:46:39 So it's basically the same as Aiden. Swap the shoes, drop the glasses. Yeah, swap the shoes to the J, the new balances. New balances are kind of tight, to be fair. Because I think... They came back, they came back. Yeah, well, they've been back, but, you know, I figured that was... I just couldn't see you wearing anything
Starting point is 00:46:54 else these days, right? Wow. I mean... You know what, Slime? That's what I'm about. I'm impressed. I'm impressed, because I think that what was expected of you from the class was, you know, maybe a joke. Try to make everyone laugh, make fun of me. I'm impressed. I'm impressed because I think that what was expected of you from the class was you know Maybe a joke can't make everyone laugh make fun of me. I love tests. I Love winning tests. It is true
Starting point is 00:47:11 This is a tough choice, and I'm gonna give you guys to hear results Because I think all of you deserve a little bit of points for your work today You gotta quit eating that banana. It's bad for you. It's so many bananas that I have so much potassium in them. In first place... Hm. I'm going to go with Slime. What?! That's 10 points. Dude, I rule!
Starting point is 00:47:30 I'm a beast. Slime went with an outfit that is very classic to me, but he added in some flair. He showed us some sort of a new side of him that's pos- he showed us that he knows how fashion works and I appreciate that. That's what I'm saying, I know how fashion works! He knows how fashion works, Aiden. Uh, second place I'm gonna choose Ludwig. I fucking appreciate that. That's half credit'm saying, I know how fashion works! He knows how fashion works, Aiden. Second place, I'm gonna choose Ludwig. That's half credit for Ludwig. Is that five points?
Starting point is 00:47:46 I love the outfit, it made me chuckle, that's important to me, you know what I think is funny. Would you wear it on the pod next week? Yeah, I'll wear it on the pod, we can get stuff. Yeah, yeah, of course. Aiden gets zero points, Aiden, because you played it safe, and that's boring. That's what you care! We're on a show.
Starting point is 00:47:54 You played it safe? You were a chic main yet again today. Look how far it got you, you piece of shit. You try to tease your way to my friendship. It's not cheese, it's just cheese! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe!
Starting point is 00:48:02 I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! I'm not gonna play it safe! We're on a show. You played safe. You were a chic main yet again today. Look how far it got you. You try to cheese your way into my friendship. It's not cheese. It's just a guaranteed follow-up. It doesn't take Vera Wang to know you have no fashion sense.
Starting point is 00:48:14 It honestly fucking disgusted me that you tried to cheese your way into my friendship. Good job, guys. Good job. Appreciate it. I liked building the outfit. We are T-Side, and I am Cypher. My team calls contacting up A. Where am I
Starting point is 00:48:27 10 seconds into the round? I mean, it's... This is like a I wish I wasn't... I wish I wasn't your friend type of beat. Wow. Because I know the answer,
Starting point is 00:48:40 and it makes me mad. That won't help you answer. It'll only hurt me. I don't know the answer, but I have a feeling it's one through four. That seems the most realistic to me It'll only hurt me. I don't know the answer, but I have a feeling it's one through four. That seems the most realistic to me. So what we're looking at is a map of Haven and Valorant,
Starting point is 00:48:50 and there's seven locations numbered throughout the map. So we've got bottom sea long. We have... You don't need to explain it all. Look, audio listeners, we're just looking at Valorant map. We'll write our numbers down. We'll jot them, and we'll get through this section quick. What's everyone's guess? You got it all down?
Starting point is 00:49:07 I don't think I deadass know, but I... There's a couple reasonable options. Where am I 10 seconds into the round? I got it because I know what you like. I think it depends on what they're doing, but I would say this. My team's right there. Has the enemy team been aggro? What round are we on? I think those factor
Starting point is 00:49:24 in, but... I'm playing it safe. 3, 2, 1. So we've got Have the enemy team been aggro like what round are we on like I think those factor in but mmm. It's just your it's I'm locking three two one so we've got a three interesting a two and a four all different answers Wow Ludwig is calling spawn And saying that is wrong Gives you no value Anthony has called two I'm gonna give that half credit because that is where I would start the round. But it's not where I'd be 10 seconds
Starting point is 00:49:48 into the round and Aiden wins it with three. I would be trying to catch mid rotates as my team make noise on A. Really?
Starting point is 00:49:54 So I figured two because it's the garage peak and you love that peak. It's not much of a... I figured they've been flanking fast every round and you're just covering that. I have two pliers.
Starting point is 00:50:06 Yeah, but they've been blown through the trips, so like might as well kill them. A lot of narrative to add into that. Weird, weird. No, the joke is funny because of this. It's 11-12. Next question. Which skateboard got stolen from me as a kid? Wow, wow, wow.
Starting point is 00:50:21 You showed us a picture of this once upon a time. I did. I got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah of this once upon a time. I did I got it Yeah a Zip singer a is a zip singer B is a Viva La Bam Bam Margera heartogram Skateboard C is a penny board and four is a World industries wet willy I got mad at me because he thought moist look mogi look too much like I'm not a does He does a lot like this is really pretty much a rip. It looks different. It's basically a wet willy rip Wet Willie I got mad at me because he thought moist look mogi look too much like I'm gonna he does
Starting point is 00:50:51 Pretty much a rip it looks different. It's basically a little different and turn And be the answer is a my zip singer was You lost your wet Willie hat in the car because you tried to find out the window in your mom That's why I was a trick question you lost any trick question Buddy I love you Podcast and he had a had zipper look it up. It's true. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard.
Starting point is 00:51:26 Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Scoreboard. Viper. You know what?
Starting point is 00:51:28 You guys are doing great. Next question. What's going on? What's going on, zip? Give me that shit, baby boy. Did we crash? Zipper. Who got it?
Starting point is 00:51:39 Oh. Me and slime. Yeah. Yeah, slime and Ludwig both got it. Yeah. See, that's the fun part about this is I don't like you being so close to me what Oh steam name have I not Actually used just what I'm talking about. I don't jugs in harmony to be
Starting point is 00:51:57 1-800 who boolin See crash bands and loot that was a good one. D. Redneck Riviera. This is a little tough. Yeah, wow. I don't know. I think I got it. I think I got it. And I'll give you a hint.
Starting point is 00:52:12 We barely placed it yesterday. It is not a trick question that is like, I didn't use that for Steam. I used that for this. I'm just, Steam name is just funny name. What is Redneck Riviera? I don't understand it. It's a casino in Vegas that he thought was really funny. All right, then I know what the answer is. Wow. Zipper, 10 points for slime, please? I don't understand it. It's a casino in Vegas that he thought was really funny.
Starting point is 00:52:25 All right, then I know what the answer is. Wow. Zipper, 10 points for slime, please. I don't remember. I remember. That's impressive. That is impressive to me. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:35 All right, answers, everyone. Three, two, one. We've got Aiden has chosen A, Dome Jugs and Harmony. A lot of it has also chosen A. That should be minus 100 points. And the answer is B. Slime does get it. Because Dome Jokes and Harmony was one of his names in the CSGO frag video he made
Starting point is 00:52:49 when he's fragging in in CSGO a video that we're all in in Overpass that's what I was saying in Connector he hits two frags that's what I'm saying this is pre-aiming bro wow you have to do some catching up this is BA Yeah, you drink the bidet water. Oh, yeah, but I'm not in the game. That's what I'm saying. This is pre-Amen, bro.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Wow, you have to do some catching up. This is BA. It's BA. So, sorry, when you have a best friend, you go, I don't even know your history. I haven't heard yet. Oh, my God. I have to dig up the facts. Can I call him Pussy Boy?
Starting point is 00:53:19 What do you think? What are my siblings' names? What are my siblings' names? Eamon and Eamon. No, sorry. Eamon and... Ethan and Evan. Yeah, Eamon and Eamon No sorry Eamon and Ethan and Evan Yeah Eamon and Eamon Eamon and Armin
Starting point is 00:53:28 As someone who is actually your best friend Or one of them maybe Eamon and Armin in your dad's vial Alright next question I have only tattooed myself once What is the tattoo? You will not see it by looking at me Love pic
Starting point is 00:53:42 I'm not trying to look at it You will not see it by looking at me. Love you. I'm not trying to look at you. You will not see if I look at you. What is the tattoo? It's just something permanently on my body forever. Yeah, sorry. I look at you naked
Starting point is 00:53:56 all the time. We live together. We get involved. Your shower is close to my office. I haven't seen Nick's penis. Alright, let's lock it. Come on, let's get over fuckin' move on, baby.
Starting point is 00:54:08 This quiz ain't gonna complete itself. Three. You got nothing? Three, two, one. Slime put zipper. Lovlake put computer... dude. No, that's dance.
Starting point is 00:54:24 I thought Dan- Nothing. Wow, none of you got it. The answer, next slide, is a coffee cup. I don't- I do- It was on your fucking ankle! I just didn't know what it was. So I thought Dan was inspired by this to have his. His computer guy. He- Dan get- I did tattoo Dan. A little Macintosh symbol.
Starting point is 00:54:42 I like that guy. And I thought of that guy too. Yeah. You're thinking of Dan not Nick. I think I conflated him because I think Dan liked that guy. I think this was a
Starting point is 00:54:49 little bit of a toughie but I think it was a toughie. I've definitely seen it and remembered it but I didn't remember it. I was kind of close
Starting point is 00:54:55 in my heart. Nice nice. Next question. Which movie have I seen 23 times? Oh okay. A. Hot Rod. B. Superbad.
Starting point is 00:55:02 C. Birdman. D. Tenacious D. The Pick of Destiny. I'm ready B. Superbad. C. Birdman. D. Tenacious D. The Pig of Destiny. I'm ready. 3, 2, 1. This was a freebie. It was Hot Rod. We all know.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Aiden put Hot Rot. Hot Rot. Hot Rod. It's a D. Oh, yeah. It looks a little like a T. You crossed your D. Even when you're right, you make it hard.
Starting point is 00:55:22 It was Hot Rod. It was on my iTunes. The only movie on my iTunes. Mine was Pink Panther. Really? Yeah. Wow. The only movie on my iTunes. Mine was Pink Panther. Really? Yeah. Wow. But it was on the PSP movie thing.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Oh. That's too many times. Dude, I... Yeah, I charge it too many times. The guy from... What's his name? Rocco from Mega64. He put a...
Starting point is 00:55:37 I think he tweeted out the image of a Viva La Bam season on PSP disc, and it was the hardest shit I've ever seen. That's pretty tight. Alright, next question. We are ordering pizza at a party. What's my vote? A. Bull pepperoni. B. Anything's fine. C. Half sausage, half pepperoni.
Starting point is 00:55:58 D. Anything with white sauce. That's what Aiden's mom would want. Say it about my mom. Say it with fucking confidence, you pussy. that's what Aiden's mom that's what Aiden's mom what's what's insane about my mom say it with fucking confidence you pussy
Starting point is 00:56:09 boy that's half points to Lubbock please half points for no confidence but funny joke please give five points to Lubbock god I fucking hate you guys fucking I mean it's clear by your lack of knowledge
Starting point is 00:56:23 write down your answer you know what maybe I was using you 3, 2, 1 3, it's clear by your lack of knowledge. Write down your damn answer. You know what? Maybe I was using you. Three, two, one. Three, two, one. Eat and turn. Hey. Full pep.
Starting point is 00:56:29 You guys knew. We know. Because you're insanely picky. Yeah. You're actually a little bitch. This is not picky. It's just cheese. Yeah, but if there's cheese,
Starting point is 00:56:36 you go. Try a vegetable on a fucking pizza. How about that? You can't say, oh, it's not picky. It's my favorite one. I'll make you a vegetable and put you on a pizza.
Starting point is 00:56:43 How about that? If there's no ranch, you better run for cover. Buddy, I would. How about that? If there's no ranch, you better run for cover. Bro- buddy, I would not take that lightly. If there's no ranch, you better run for cover. That's true. Uh, next slide. Before I switch to Falco, I mained this character. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavavavavavavavavavava I forgot. I don't know. This is just a guess. I'm not happy about this one. Oh, actually, wait.
Starting point is 00:57:11 Maybe I'm thinking of Leffen, actually. Classically confused. It's really funny. Yeah. Wow. Two of the greats. Okay, I'm done. I thought...
Starting point is 00:57:24 I might be right but Shit, I might- I don't think I get this one. Turn. We have one Marth from Aiden, one Ness from Ludwig, and one Ness from Slime. The answer is Mario. Oh yeah. God damn it. Shit, yeah. Fuck!
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's a me. I told you he liked Mario. He freaked out the other day. He got it. He didn't like Mario, he loves Mario. Just met playing the game. He loves Mario. Next question. He loves Mario. Just met playing the game. He loves Mario. Next question. He loves Mario.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Just met playing the game. We all know I'm more French than Ludwig, but exactly how French am I? Please answer in percentage. That's hard. It's hard. It's hard. I will give the correct answer to whoever's closest. This is hard.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I'm, for reference, 13% French. That helps you guys. That's embarrassing. You know, I'm a little French too. Are you? What's your percentage? I think it's like two. Yeah, guys, I'm a little French too.
Starting point is 00:58:11 All right. Three, two, one, flip. I lied to you guys. I'm 2% French. Okay, you tricked me. Yeah. You tricked me. What?
Starting point is 00:58:17 80%? I put eight. French? I don't know. You know I'm Italian. What? We talk about it a lot. Like I'm mostly Italian. I forgot that. When I was figuring this problem You know I'm Italian. What? We talk about it a lot, like I'm mostly Italian.
Starting point is 00:58:25 I forgot that. When I was figuring this problem out, I forgot that. I lied to you guys to make you guys higher and it worked. The answer is 10% Ludwig wins. You're 10%?! Yeah, it's more than Ludwig, isn't that funny? Cause I'm two. Isn't it funny that he's only like less than that?
Starting point is 00:58:39 It's not an ethnicity. I'm not French at all by ancestry. But that, get fucking rocked. He did cut out. You actually got my ass. I was like, maybe I am less actually. No, I just, I'm not French at all by ancestry. But that, I get fucking rocked. He did kind of. You actually got my ass. I was like, maybe I am less, actually. No, I just, I'm memed. Wow, nice, good job.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Actually, 15 points for Ludwig. What's your question? Not 10, 15 points for Ludwig. You're 100% French. Culturally, yeah, but like, ancestrally, I'm mostly Finnish, Swedish, and Spanish. Next question. I'm putting Ludwig in a can now Ludwig's in a can now he's in a can oh no
Starting point is 00:59:08 he's in like a little bean can anyway do you want to see something live maybe a show or maybe we put Aiden in a cage and we give him no food and water a starving cage on stage it can be some sort of protest that you can choose the cause of
Starting point is 00:59:26 That would take days, nobody would go to that Would you want to get tickets for that to the yard Cajun Amen Cajathon Cajun Amen But he's spicy But he's covered in spice Because he's Cajun He's rolling around in Cajun
Starting point is 00:59:40 And he talks like Gambit from X-Men Would you like that? I would like it because I want to see you starve. Shut up. I want to watch you starve. If you wanted to get tickets for something like that, you could use SeatGeek. SeatGeek. That's cool.
Starting point is 00:59:53 And I know how we can get tickets. Look, there are more than 70,000 events every single day on SeatGeek, but you only need to worry about one. And it's the Aiden Cage and Game and Thon. Every single day, 70,000 people are held up in cages and they're starved in front of audiences. You're a cage! And Leroy's in a can! And shut up! Shut up!
Starting point is 01:00:20 I'll show you right now. You can get on the app and you can watch Aiden starve if you buy the ticket. And we'll watch you. And we'll show you right now. You can get on the app, and you can watch Aemon starve if you buy the ticket. And we'll watch you. We'll watch your flesh shrink. Don't you get it? We'll watch you become a ghoul before our eyes. We'll watch you become a ghoul envelope. An envelope of ghoulish things.
Starting point is 01:00:38 I'm so tired of you not being a ghoul. And I need to see you melt over time in a way don't you get it they wouldn't sell the archie i know you're putting the app on his phone but can you instead put a funny picture on his phone now now it's a funny picture anyway uh if you want to know how you can get sea geek uh use code the yard for 20 off tickets for any show maybe it's the aid and cage thon maybe it's maroon five i don't care i'm not your dad I won't tell you your dad I won't tell you how to spend your money and what to do but it's $20 off your first purchase with promo code the yard and if the if your first purchase is watching a man slowly decay
Starting point is 01:01:16 then I think that's great make sure you click the link in the description to download the app see kick your bones will litter the space between moments. Buy today. It's so dark. Download today. And Ludwig, come out of the can now. Get out of the can Ludwig, we want you back, we love you. Please fill in as many Call of Duty Mono for 2 killstreaks as you can think of. Oh man. In 30 seconds. Zipper, can you start a 30 second timer on Windows? Can we start right away? You can start going. How is this a quiz about you? Oh my god, how do you not think this is a quiz about me?
Starting point is 01:01:50 Is it okay if they're out of order? Is it okay if they're out of order? Archie, in the episode, can you put music here? Because we're kind of quiet. Maybe just use the art theme. It's about 30 seconds. Smoking weed. I'm smoking weed.. Smoking weed.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I'm smoking weed. I'm smoking weed. It's weed. 10 seconds. Smoking weed. And it is top shelf. God, this is hard. I'm smoking weed. It's weed.
Starting point is 01:02:19 All right, zero seconds. That was really quick. How many killstreaks? Let's have everyone turn. Everyone turn. Dipper, go to the next one for the key. I have five. UAV care package AC-130 and nuke. That was really how many kill streaks everyone turn everyone turn did we go to the next one for the key? I have UAV care package ac-130 and new that's for UAV
Starting point is 01:02:29 Ammo, which is care package. No, I'm doesn't count come on ac-130 130s wrong though. It's on a 7. I thought it was on 7 Harriers should I match it up? Yeah, it's not seven. I really care package predator Harrier What is that chopper gunner nuke lovely wins? Oh, that's that's fair. Well, that's just a better gamer wins, right? Wow, I forgot em rated games broad. This was not em rated Yes, I feel like it was I feel like do you shoot in an airport? I couldn't play I couldn't play a call of Duty at home until Black Ops 2 came out. Is it M-rated, really?
Starting point is 01:03:07 MOTOWIG! You mow down like a hundred innocent people in an airport. Hey guys- You think it's teen rated and you think it's the same as Melee? I hate you. I hate you so fucking much. Dude, no Russian. Lovely, congratulations, you won the round. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:03:21 Uh, next to coition. Challenge round! Don't laugh. Okay. Zipper, show us the image for five seconds three two one go His nipple? Dude, come on. I'm looking at a picture of, and I don't want to say it. Don't even, don't even specify it. Don't specify it. It's 34 Pokemon. That's all I'll say. That's all we'll say.
Starting point is 01:03:51 And it is inappropriate. Let me say the Dalai Lama would love this. Oh, he ran all out. I thought you'd be stronger. Jesus. That was, that was, wow. Next question. Why do I have a fake tooth?
Starting point is 01:03:59 Ugh. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. I thought you'd be stronger. Jesus. That was, that was, wow. Next question. Why do I have a fake tooth?
Starting point is 01:04:13 Oh, man. All right, you guys ready? Yeah. Three, two, one, turn. Skate injury to store your gold. Mine should be more points because it's more specific. Dropped into a bowl. He knew, he knew.
Starting point is 01:04:27 He didn't know. You guys both get 10 points. Lovewig does not get anything. You didn't know that? First story or goal. You're loving half the credit. That was pretty funny. I was laughing while he wrote it.
Starting point is 01:04:43 Next question. I am weirdly terrible at this game. A. Pac-Man. B. Cornhole. C. Tetris. D. Bop It. Wow. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:58 Yeah. I mean, there's a lot. Could have put Street Fighter up here. It's not on the list, so. Thought it was going to be Street Fighter. Not necessarily. Could not on the list so I was gonna be sorry Not as good with any moba three two one turn We have Aiden saying Tetris which is correct what I'm Which one of us kept fucking up at bop it and I gambled I also don't think you'd be that good I'm okay
Starting point is 01:05:22 But I'm not weirdly terrible But hurtful to say I'm bad at the cool one with friends in college. I think it's more so I had such faith in your gaming ability that you would have learned it. You'd be really nice to me for that quiz. I think this is like, what do they call it? Intentional terribleness. Like you could get good at Tetris. I'm just bad at it.
Starting point is 01:05:40 I don't know. Yeah, but maybe I could grind it. If you could grind it and get good at it in the day. I'm good at it because of the shapes. Don't self-do it. We're going to get bored of the jokes. Oh, no. You'll get bored of the jokes.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Whatever will I do? Next question. Draw my poop. Just what you think. You know what? With pleasure. Just what you think it looks like. And this isn't my prime.
Starting point is 01:06:01 This isn't in my more healthy side of my life, which is now. This isn't my prime. This isn't in my more healthy side of my life, which is now This is my prime. Just give me a drawing For you feel free to use as much as the whiteboard as you need Well, I mean a lot detail I can see with the movements of the marker Aiden Looking British Ludwig Wow a concentration Handling some of the French inside of him. Going a bit of an avant-garde route, I can see. I want to give you guys 10 more seconds.
Starting point is 01:06:40 8, 5, 3, 2, 1, and 0. Everyone turn. So Aiden's... zero everyone turn Is a perfect spiral poop yeah snake Wigs is standing out of the toilet straight up like a Baguette and you stuck it in the toilet hole and you let it come out of the toilet Slimes is more of a cartoon poop as a is that an airplane and a cloud next to this is you that's me next to it I'm all pooping you went up. Yeah This is South Park and yours is like an impressionist painting kind of me next to a large
Starting point is 01:07:19 Yeah, I'm gonna give this to a little bit Technically a better artist Aiden made me laugh, the artist. Aiden said stinky in quotes. My poop doesn't foil. Coil, I can't say it. Yeah, it doesn't coil. It's too big to coil. Bro thinks he's a coiler. Not a coiler.
Starting point is 01:07:33 Not a coiler. I wish I was a coiler. Good job. Good job. Ten points to Ludwig. Next question. Two truths and a lie. A. I failed Algebra 2 in high school.
Starting point is 01:07:44 B. Diana Ross once held me as a baby. C. I'm allergic to some red tattoo inks. Wait, the guy from Friends? Who's Diana Ross? The singer. The old singer. She sings? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Can you give me a... You want me to drop some Diana Ross? Yeah, I'll play Diana Ross. Watch, we'll get DMC. Don't do that. Is there any copyrighted shit right now? I don't know. I don't know either, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 01:08:12 This is a tough one. I'll give it to you. Tough one. 3, 2, 1. Uh, A is lie from Aiden. C is the lie, actually. A! I figured. Dude, we rule. Good job. Now I'm feeling it. Now I'm feeling it. Anthony, you get to correct for for 10 points each I've been trying to
Starting point is 01:08:26 give you this energy I'm glad I'm feeling it cuz like we really do know him we're just we're just like Shaq and Kobe of knowing Nick yeah just like base friends that's good all right next question um Gaty game what am I grabbing in a spread that you're looking at right now am I gonna grab as the Gatorade I want? Wow, so many of my personal biases are coming into play here, that it's hard to divorce it from what you would do. Gaty game, gaty game. I think I got this one. What am I grabbing, boys? There are ten flavors here, by the way, guys. Yeah, so just a little- And some are just different bottle types.
Starting point is 01:09:02 Why do you guys think it's a- it's a- Nah, you know what, fuck them'm assuming flavors you can watch this just some flavor once you can flavors inside what Gatorade flavor you got the butt boys right yeah three two one turn I want glacier you guys all put two it was a source for a new nozzle tip yeah fuck you guys not know that about I don't know I to be honest to be honest I just didn't think you were that basic. When's the last time you drank a Gatorade? I mean, I was thinking blue non-nozzle.
Starting point is 01:09:30 Can I just say, I tested this quiz out on Dawson, and he said, who the fuck would not know that about you? No, sorry. I tested this out on Mike, and he said, who the fuck wouldn't know that about you? When's the last time you drank a Gatorade? I have a rack in our fridge at our home. Dude, that's crazy. That's crazy. And it's the nozzle tip though? Cause those are hard to get. Uh, it's not nozzle tip.
Starting point is 01:09:50 I haven't been home lately. Oh, we know! I especially know. I didn't know that. Wow, Miles would be sad. That's who I was thinking about. Oh, you guys used to do Gaty missions. Alright, let's move on. When I was in second grade, thinking miles would know you guys use the 80 missions yeah alright alright
Starting point is 01:10:05 move on when I was in second grade my friend at school lied to me about playing a video game I like I discovered this by going to his house and seeing he had no save file on his GameCube what was the game I'm knows it I think you make a little dance a little chipper dance I just love winning it just feels
Starting point is 01:10:24 fucking raw shit to win. Fuck, this is tough. I'm a raw winner fucking through and through. This is just stupid. You know what I'm saying? I'm nuts. I'm nuts for you. Three, two, one.
Starting point is 01:10:36 Turn. Pikmin, Spider-Man 2, and Aiden says Mario Party 4. The answer is Spider-Man 2 Slime gets it correct I'm so based You are based Isn't it? No
Starting point is 01:10:50 If you're out there You don't think so? If you're out there Addison I'm gonna hurt you for a long time Addison Let me tell you this If Nick's name was Addison Probably wouldn't be our friend
Starting point is 01:10:59 That's true I'd have beautiful breasts That's true Next question Actually you'd be my friend We are at the arcade And I can only play one game. Oh. Where am I going?
Starting point is 01:11:09 Are you by yourself? Are you with people? I'm. Wow. Wow, good question. I'm with other people. What is B? I'm with you guys.
Starting point is 01:11:18 I'm with the four of us. What is B? A is skeeball. B is the roulette game. You pull the lever and press the button, and it spins, and it randomly lands on one and is B? A is Ski Ball. B is the roulette game where you pull the lever and press the button and it spins and it randomly lands on one and gives you random tickets. But it's timing based.
Starting point is 01:11:32 C, Deal or No Deal. The digital version. D, Hoops with Friends. Be the four of us. Be pretty fun. And E, it's Down the Clown where you throw the ball at the clowns. That machine is always so raggedy and fucking dusted. I like Down the Clown. I like it, but unless it's down the clown when you throw the ball at the clowns. That machine is always so raggedy
Starting point is 01:11:45 and fucking dusted. I like down the clown. I like it but unless it's a fresh I need a fresh machine. The correct answer is piano keys but you didn't put it on here.
Starting point is 01:11:54 I thought it would throw you off. I put piano keys. I didn't put it. You would play piano keys. Yeah I would love it. But it'd be too easy. That's it.
Starting point is 01:12:02 Alright. Aiden? Answer please. Aiden's a struggle bus. 3, 2, 1. Aiden answer please. He's struggle, but you wanted a ski ball Loving said see it's not a diesel I it's e it's down the clown Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah cuz like down the clown is really really hard to get out the high score in and I would just grind It all day. I do like to go home before we hit the arcade if you go a zipper to its D You can't really perfect. You can't really perfect down the clown.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Yeah, you can. No, you can't. I think Shohei Otani would fucking crush it. No, Shohei Otani would just blow its back out. But if he just threw them faster, he could get more points. You know what I mean? I don't think he would have a problem throwing it faster. And more accurately.
Starting point is 01:12:39 No, throw literally more time between throws. We gotta meet him. Shohei? We gotta meet him. We can just meet him. We're not gonna get Shohei? We gotta meet him. We can just meet him? We're not gonna get to do that. We can get Shohei. The global superstar. Next question, we're getting close to the end here. Form a duo and this will leave one of you stranded.
Starting point is 01:12:53 You guys must form a duo, decide amongst yourselves who the duo is and one of you will be on by yourself. It's like somebody that- Wait, what does that mean? Like right now decide you're gonna go into the next question with a partner. Oh! But there's only three of you so one of you will be an island island so just go ahead and form a duo. Oh, I'll back out I'll let you guys go together. I feel like it's been a great Man, I feel like So but if I but if I have to carry your ass, yeah, I swear to God you'll be able to handle I'm bouncing your fucking head through that wall. Are you guys chosen? Yeah, okay
Starting point is 01:13:22 So the quirk is the person who is alone gets double points if they win. Alright. I think you guys will do great. Alright, next question is name as many music artists you can think of that I like in 30 seconds.
Starting point is 01:13:35 And now? Yeah, start now. Okay. Archie, play the theme song. Do I know music artists? I can't help you with that. Music artists? I can't help you with that.
Starting point is 01:13:51 Oh, and wrong answers subtract from your total. Uh-huh. Sure. What's it called? Eight seconds left already. Can I look at... Hey, Zipper, can you actually add another minute? What is... Another minute? No, give me some time. Give me some time... Hey, uh, Zipper, can you actually add another, uh, another minute? What is, um... Another minute? No, give me some time.
Starting point is 01:14:08 No, another 30. Sorry, another 30. Another 30. Nice. Come on, who else? I feel like Loving is cheesing this one or something devious over there. Um... Uh, 15 seconds, boys.
Starting point is 01:14:29 I'm good. Do you guys want to stop? Do you guys want to just call now? Sure. Alright, we're calling it. Alright, everyone turn. We're going to go through this slowly. Let's go through them first. We're going to go with Anthony. The first one is
Starting point is 01:14:43 Corbin. It's my favorite artist. Corbin, OutKast, artist. Yeah, Corbin outcast Blink 182 baby Tron deer hunter the deer hunter by count it Comethazine TJX 6 and muskats. I will count all those Aiden Nas Based hip hop real hip hop heads under a 3000 commencing baby John atmosphere. I'll count all those lovely Alright, so I threw down a hundred gecks hundred gecks Real hip-hop heads. Andre 3000, Comethazine, Babytron, Atmosphere. I'll count all those. Lovely. All right, so I threw down 100 Gecs.
Starting point is 01:15:07 100 Gecs, Andre 3000, Outkast. Well, I don't know. Can you put Andre 3000 and Outkast? Come on, that's insane.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Yeah, you can. Yeah, you can. If you put Big Boy, is that three? Can I name a single song from Andre 3000 without Big Boy? Then I wrote
Starting point is 01:15:21 any ska music at all. What? Then I wrote 100 Gecs again. Then I wrote... Then I wrote any Ska music at all. What? Then I wrote 100 Geeks again. And then I wrote the national anthem. I do love the national anthem. Do you like Ska? No. Okay, so I have an 8 win.
Starting point is 01:15:37 And they get 10 points each. Let's go. I really thought you guys would make 8 on an island. Well, yeah, that was the obvious thing to do But I felt like he'd been bullied too much Good friend not to me though Next question Next question
Starting point is 01:15:51 Before we chose the yard As the name for the podcast and before Aiden joined What was my idea for the name of the show Um Why would I know this No you know this we No, you know this. We told you this. Ha, you're random, man. Ha.
Starting point is 01:16:13 I'm good. You good, man? I don't know this one, actually. I think we talked about it on the podcast. I think this is it. It could be something else, though. You guys ready? I'm ready is it. It could be something else, though. You guys ready? I'm ready to rock.
Starting point is 01:16:31 What are you looking at? All right, three, two, one, turn. The answer is Land Party. That's why I'm got it. I'm so spaced. Ludwig Anthony Nick. Land Party. Oh.
Starting point is 01:16:40 The Child Pageant Pod. Aiden says, We hate Amon Show side of this. Wow. That was, that really? Oh the child pageant pod Aiden says we hate a man show That was that really it was close that was close that yeah, but you know it was funny after Aiden joined There's another a so so anal recall anal party What's like what's it called can you wait to show the answer until we've gone through the answers? What is the line of sectives pod called? The WAN show. Yeah, thank God we didn't do that name. White's all... I can't. It's tough to start with whites by the way.
Starting point is 01:17:21 Whites and non-whites. Yeah. Ooh, there we go. Inclusive. More inclusive. Inclusive. More inclusive. Let's get everyone. Next one. Oh, so this is a little reminder for me.
Starting point is 01:17:35 Sorry. You're going to throw in your... You need a reminder for sunglasses? What's happening? Okay. You can go to the next question. What's crapping? You can go to the next question.
Starting point is 01:17:42 My mom has those glasses. They're Dior. You can go to the next question. Which glasses are mine? Funny You guys look at me all day right? I know it Cause I think they're stupid
Starting point is 01:17:55 Oh So I'll remember That might help That's the thing I'm a hater But I remember why You know what I'm saying? Yeah I actually respect that
Starting point is 01:18:02 My goat It's good to see you again, Ludwig. It makes you more knowledgeable. It makes your hating stronger. I think I'm wrong and I think Aiden's wrong. 3, 2, 1, turn. So Aiden with A, Ludwig with A, Anthony with A. Wow, you guys all got it wrong. It's B. Wow.
Starting point is 01:18:17 It's B. Yeah. What's the difference? I know, honestly. We don't wear glasses. I'm colorblind. Maybe you do, should need them, you know? I don't need shit. I'm colorblind. Maybe you do- should need them, you know? No- I don't need shit.
Starting point is 01:18:28 I need shit from you. That's true, tell them. Tell them, so what you put in your pocket, I thought. Alright. Uh, I still think they're A looking at them right now, by the way. Yeah, they're so A. No, they are B. Dude, this is crazy. Yeah, they're A.
Starting point is 01:18:39 They are B. I can't believe you don't know what your own ass shit looks like. Took them from the website. Glasses don't work very well. Uh, alright. You should get some new ones. looks like. Token from the website. Glasses don't work very well. Uh, alright. Just get some new ones. Go next. This is the final round.
Starting point is 01:18:48 Wow. And it's worth a thousand points. You're gonna lose if you lose this. Functionally nullifying the entire quiz. That's funny because I think I've gotten so many right that Aiden might barely catch up if he gets this. That's not true. It's not barely. You guys are nowhere near a thousand.
Starting point is 01:19:00 This will functionally just win the game. I think I've answered a hundred questions correct. This question has the potential to completely sweep, win the game. You won't even minus 1,000 to get it wrong. I'm such a goat. I can't wait. Well, we'll see. So there actually is no next question because I DM'd you guys yesterday.
Starting point is 01:19:18 And I said, if you had to pick one person from the show, gun your head to take to Disneyland to go with you who would you choose? Okay. You guys all spoiled your answers and sent them to me. Yeah. Zipper, can you show? None of you chose me. Well, okay. So this
Starting point is 01:19:39 you all chose each other. But I don't think... I have a great explanation! Which leads me to my last slide. Go kill yourselves. You all lose. I don't care what the score is.
Starting point is 01:19:54 None of you are my friends. I think you didn't let us explain ourselves. Let us explain. Game men go first. Explain. You... Right. Who did you choose?
Starting point is 01:20:04 I chose Ludwig thank you because i i thought about it i was like oh this is easy you hate roller coasters and like rides and you hate vomit so you don't you're not going to go on anything with me and you are scared of heights so the only things that i would like to do at a theme park ludwig will only do them with me so that is i have a similar answer i chose aiden and the reason is because when i go to disney i like getting drunk and i would like to get drunk with someone who's also gonna get drunk so i picked aiden i chose ludwig because i knew he would like to get drunk and i like him when he's drunk a lot alcohol i like it and all things i can't access that would be fun and also uh ludwig me and him would have joked around a lot and i think that's cool now if i took you it would have been very
Starting point is 01:20:54 serious i think that right i think that we both wouldn't have wanted to be there and we rather would have done different things so i'm like let's just call it that would be so weird if you two went to disney i don't know why it'd be weird. If we came back to the pause. I would find it weird. It's all because of the place! I find it weird and bad. If you told me anything else I'd be like cruddy. Maybe cruddy and poopy. He's getting like this. I look I stand by what I said. I wouldn't even want to go with Aiden.
Starting point is 01:21:21 What if you said what if you said hey gun to your head Which one which one of your friends would you take to a really nice, fancy dinner? Nick. Really? Heartbeat. You wouldn't take a lot of rounders. Easy.
Starting point is 01:21:30 You wouldn't take a lot of rounders. Zipper, just for fun, can we look at the final scores? Wait. Wait, how did Aiden get it? He did the subtraction. He did the subtraction. Oh, I have negative.
Starting point is 01:21:38 That's negative. Because we lost a thousand. Before, can you answer who you'd go to Disney with? He didn't even think about it. I didn't think. It's hard to choose. Can you show the scores? Okay. Disney with? He didn't even think about it. I didn't think. It's hard to choose. Can you show the scores?
Starting point is 01:21:46 Okay. Aiden with 85 points. Lovie with 130 points. And Slime with 165 points. I'm so fucking... Look at me. You did well. That's right, bro.
Starting point is 01:21:55 I'm gonna pee on you. That's right. I'm gonna pee on you. Yeah, go ahead, dude. What's up? Let me taste you. Let me taste you now. I'm gonna backpedal now.
Starting point is 01:22:02 Zip, replace some ska while he figures it out. I think the points represent it pretty well. Wouldn't you say so, bitch? I would take Ludwig. What's your logic? What's your reasoning? My reason is that I never hang out with him anymore. So I'd like to. That was one of my reasons too.
Starting point is 01:22:22 I do think that if I went with Slime, he'd want to leave. He would, for sure. And Aiden would just, he'd be distracted. He'd be on his phone. There's a high chance you would not be engaged, but you would if you were drunk. I'd be like, he'd be like, you wanna go on this ride? I'm like, not really. He's like, alright, we'll just split up
Starting point is 01:22:38 and we'll meet back at 8. He would go on the ride by himself. He would be walking way far ahead of you at all times. Hey, do you guys want to go to Mario World? Yes In Universal? Yes Not with you
Starting point is 01:22:49 Have you been? Yes Not with you Why not? We've picked each other before What if- What? What would make it fun for all of us to go? You break edge
Starting point is 01:22:56 That would be fun Yeah, I mean it would That would be fun for all of us I do think it would be a fun- Not with alcohol A fun adventure With crack We do crack cocaine in the parking lot.
Starting point is 01:23:06 In Mario World? Oh, yeah, in the parking lot of Mario World. Why not on a ride? Why don't we do crack behind the wheel? I don't know if it's necessary to make the doing of crack harder by being on a ride. Getting the picture of us on the ride and we all have crack pipes. I'd go on a coaster for that. No, we do crack.
Starting point is 01:23:21 It's like urban camping. You know how people camp in a Lowe's like back. We go to Mario World last week. We do the podcast in Mario World. Secretly. Secretly.
Starting point is 01:23:31 Yeah. And then we get kicked out. Yeah, that's a good idea. And Zipper has to talk to them. And it's only at the part of the ride where they take the picture of you. And we have to keep riding it
Starting point is 01:23:41 until we can match up the pictures like a collage, like a PowerPoint. Like a slideshow. a PowerPoint like a slide show It's like like like film like that's like old-fashioned We'd have to write like 7,000 Would you learn from this activity would you learn oh? Represent I predicted the outcome
Starting point is 01:24:02 In the discord last night. I tested this quiz on some friends, and they said who do you think will win? I said I think slime will win. I'm so pissed. Were you surprised by anything? No This is expected Aiden to do the worst I expected Aiden to do the worst I thought you would have thought I would do the worst. I thought you at first, but then I was like Aiden just forgets shit. He just forgets shit. He just remembers shit I was surprised at how much I remembered like the skateboard thing. I like I was like I remember that skateboard
Starting point is 01:24:34 I'm surprised that specific slide shocked me a lot that you remember that where does it all go Aiden? It doesn't go it doesn't go other than I don't think there's any of them that I just forgot. Your head's a hard drive. Hey. What's it full of? That's my question. Is it mayonnaise?
Starting point is 01:24:51 Is it crust? Mayonnaise mostly. What's in your hard drive? You said mayonnaise. Are we at time by any chance? I think we're about 5, 10 off. Is it like tournament operations? You guys just got a lead okay
Starting point is 01:25:05 you guys have all there is a lead I'm not asking no to roast you I think let's go around and say what is in our hard drive in our head because I've been trying to think a lot I'm turning older I'm turning 32 this month 33 this month and there's a shit I don't remember anymore like all like old
Starting point is 01:25:22 shows and shit and I'm like where is it going right so what is my head filled with now the wire still are you asking what we're thinking about no i'm asking what is your hard drive my hard drive's just full of the wire mostly do you think so yeah i've never seen the wire what's your hard drive full of right now i'm'm so stumped by this question. It's full of mostly streaming and YouTube knowledge. Okay. I have a lot of that. What do you wish was in there a little more?
Starting point is 01:25:51 The wire. Tournaments. That's a better question for me. Melee tournaments for 2017. What do you wish for? What do you wish to this point? You had more of your head. You drew a weird amount of data on skills of random melee players in the world.
Starting point is 01:26:04 Yeah. I wish I was more handy handy? I wish I spent more time fixing problems like like electric in my house
Starting point is 01:26:12 or or drywall drywall? shit like just shit you wanna work with your hands something you would hire a general contractor to fix
Starting point is 01:26:19 you wish you were blue collar like me I wish I was more handy I'm not like not handy but I'm not like a handy I wouldn't trust you you don't call me first you wish you were handy like me like you I wish I was more handy. I'm not like not handy, but I'm not like a handy guy. I wouldn't trust you. You don't call me first. You wish you were handy like me.
Starting point is 01:26:27 Like you could call him up and he'll get it done. You think if we called you, you'd... If I needed you to... If there was probably air conditioning, yeah. What is that voice? When you're air conditioning, you know it's all quick. It's the run start capacitor. Remember?
Starting point is 01:26:41 No, what? You don't remember. What is that? He brings it up all the time. What do you think made you stay cool? I do remember. I do remember. Wasn't it? You don't remember. What is that? He brings it up all the time. What do you think made you stay cool? I do remember. Wasn't it GC? I do remember.
Starting point is 01:26:49 I do remember. I do remember. I don't think you're a bad friend, Aiden. I'll say it. The numbers say you are. Mathematically and empirically, you're a bad friend. Well, empirically, we all are failing. Empirically, we're all failing.
Starting point is 01:27:04 How? Because the quiz was out of 1,200 or something. Yeah, but it's a curve, obviously. Sure. I guess with the curve, you did pretty well. I can't call him that anymore. Pussy boy. I'm being good to you. Pussy boy. I'm being so good to you. To be clear, it's not okay
Starting point is 01:27:19 that you think being good is not calling you pussy boy. You should reward him. He'll go back. Reward me or I'll go back. You're doing really good. Yeah! You're doing really good is not calling you should reward him. We'll go back. You should reward me We also this is a little plug, but we have a minecraft server now that we've been playing in yeah, it's fun I didn't touch a sick server Because now I'm seeing how good the kids are minecraft now, and it's kind of crazy They've always been good, but they like built the theme song and shit. You can like hear it when you walk around. Really? Wow Yeah, like they like I don't know how. That's easy to do. Oh, you shoot some note blocks. They just went crazy. I'm just saying Here we go. Mr. Minecraft, why don't you hop on? Mr. Minecraft. Guys, I've
Starting point is 01:27:59 Speedrun Minecraft, I beat it in less than an hour like I'm pretty good. I don't know if that's good Less than an hour you tell me is that good or good. I don't know if that's good. Less than an hour? You tell me. Is that good or not? I don't. Could you do it? I have no context for that time. I mean, the task is 20 seconds, so.
Starting point is 01:28:11 I have never. That's not true. I don't know if I've ever beaten the Ender Dragon. No. Watch Bismuth's video, which I've brought up to you, which is a great video. 20 seconds and Minecraft explained in 20 minutes. Why would you need so long to explain so little? Because it's
Starting point is 01:28:27 very complicated. And Bismuth is a granular content creator. You could learn a thing or two. You do like granular. Have you ever seen Settled? Settled. You don't like RuneScape. I don't care for RuneScape. I do not like it, Ludwig. He's a very granular RuneScape creator. Is he good? Yeah, he's very good. Is he schizophrenic?
Starting point is 01:28:44 I don't think that's something I would be able to judge from a video. Does he think that all books have teeth? He doesn't talk about the books. Does that have to do with schizophrenia? My friend Anthony might ask you if you think books have teeth. He's trying to bond. The joke is that all runescape players
Starting point is 01:29:02 are schizophrenic. So that's why I asked him if he's good at the game. Yeah, that makes sense. And why books have teeth? I have to apologize to Aiden in our slew of hating on Aiden. I tried to get you good last week, you bitch. Getting good? I tried to get you good, fucker.
Starting point is 01:29:22 What are you trying to fucking get this fucker for? I tried to get this fucker good. I tried to get you good, fucker. What are you trying to fucking get this fucker for? I tried to get this fucker good. We recorded Zayn joining Moist Moguls. Oh, right, right. And in part of Zayn joining Moist Moguls, I wanted to make a video where I tricked my friend
Starting point is 01:29:37 into thinking I beat him. And so I flew Zayn out without telling you guys, and I wanted to play Aiden in net play and then have Zane play for me and beat Aiden. So I set up this whole web of lies where I flew Zane out. I had him at my house. I was live streaming and I was timing it perfectly for when a package was supposed to come here and Aiden was supposed to pick it up.
Starting point is 01:30:04 So I knew he would be at the warehouse. Little did I know about like 90 minutes before plans go and Zane is touched down in Los Angeles. I message Aiden. I'm like, Hey, you ready for the package? And he's like, Oh yeah, no, I'm having zipper do it. Yeah. And I was like, why, why would you do something convenient for a small task? That's your plans. Your plans are so funny. I set it up three days in advance. It's because they're houses of cards. Would you have waited longer to release the video if you had done that?
Starting point is 01:30:37 I was only there to set up the cameras. It is true. Zipper was there by happenstance. Would you have waited longer to reveal if Zayn played him and won? Would you have waited longer? Or if Zayn played him and won? Would you have waited longer? Or would the release time be the same? Would you have held on to Aiden believing he lost for longer? I would have revealed it on the yard.
Starting point is 01:30:53 Oh, that would have been pretty funny. Wait, would Zayn have played his puff? Yeah. I don't think Zayn's puff beats Aiden. Dude, his puff is so good. You beat his puff. I think Aiden probably wins on that day. So I'm actually glad it didn't happen because Zayn
Starting point is 01:31:08 lost to SSBCL. What I heard was... I think Aiden is better than. What I heard was the monitor was pretty laggy. Okay. Zayn? It was like second monitor 60 hertz, super laggy bad play and he still beat Ken.
Starting point is 01:31:24 Sure. My monitor was was bad but he was not hot like he lost to every hoe that wanted to throw down and that's who we signed yeah well it's his his puff we're not paying him to play puff at these events he's on salary when you had to make the video i feel like he's being paid to game, and he showed up. I mean, he beat Ken. That's impressive. I'm happy with that. But having said that, there were a couple games that I played that I threw that I could have won that Zayn ended up losing right after I lost.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Like, I was hoping he would sweep up and I would make a nice comeback, because I was dusting. I was actually playing pretty hot. Dude, what would have happened, Aiden, if you played and lost to Ludwig's Puff? Would you have just been like, whatever? Would you quit Melee? Because it's not that crazy.
Starting point is 01:32:15 Ludwig's still good. I can still beat Aiden. I think he knows that deep down. Yeah, I think you were like literally, dude, if you just didn't, you were two separate hits in two different games away from beating Nick Yingling at the company tournament. You missed a simple input
Starting point is 01:32:30 in both games that you were totally capable of hitting. Very complicated. But you missed. I don't think you're going to show how difficult it was for Jimmy Puff to hit. But yeah, I respect.
Starting point is 01:32:39 It was a close game, but it was very hard to execute. Yeah, I get the point, though. Really easy inputs to nail while you whiffed. But you were the but you were one my point being is like i think you're you're definitely capable of beating me what what what if he fires it up and this goes as planned you're you're playing him but he pulls out the marth zane does i think it's too obvious what if it's his fox no it it's Zane's fox still too obvious
Starting point is 01:33:05 his fox is terrible his fox is amazing well you're saying my fox is terrible your fox is terrible Zane's fox is very good can you stop I guess Puff is the only
Starting point is 01:33:14 like way to I know you spent this whole time Zane's fox is still a top 30 player I know you've been saying this his fox is so good
Starting point is 01:33:22 really it's his second best character ever I could beat Zane's fox. You couldn't. No, you couldn't. I promise you. You could maybe beat his puff, though.
Starting point is 01:33:29 Yeah? Yeah. But I think you are being mean to me. Because my fox is not terrible. Your fox is pretty bad. Your fox doesn't do anything. My fox can dust any of your characters that is not your fox. Your fox just presses up to get off the ledge every time.
Starting point is 01:33:46 Bro. I don't know what to tell you. You guys have no respect. My fox could dust every single one of your seventh best characters. I don't know. Actually, I don't know. I think my Luigi does your fox. No, you're actually dumb.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Hold on, let me. I gotta think. I gotta think. One second. Really? Yeah. What do you? I bet you that you wouldn't. Really? Yeah. What do you I bet you if I bet you that you wouldn't a hundred
Starting point is 01:34:08 No, you have to chug three juvies right? I can't do that. Oh, then you don't think It's coming up. I'll be too. Why don't think you'll win then It's scared I can't take that chance. Do you think I would handle the earthquake better life? No, maybe yours to my seventh best seven Is Falcon your seven? I don't know no cuz you have your nest is probably better than your Falcon. Definitely I already counted it. I just said Luigi. I just shot my dark. I'm mine is Mario. I think yeah I can buddy Mario. It's not happening Everyone to run a dirty little train and I would love little train on your fox. I would love to.
Starting point is 01:34:45 An Italian train on your fox. I would love to fuck each and every one of you with my fox against your Mario, your Luigi, and your Donkey Kong. My Donkey Kong? That's your top seven. All right, I'll make it Donkey Kong. What's your Donkey Kong's name? Prince P.
Starting point is 01:34:58 Prince P? Mine's Milk Ape. That's good. We'll run that. We'll run that. We we hit our shit i also heard you ran a mile uh yeah i've been running a mile every day what are you at how many days yeah four four or five days me too bro you getting good uh no it's like not nothing amazing no i just wanted to start running before Because it felt like a piece of shit lately and then also I want to win smash camp basketball
Starting point is 01:35:31 Cuz that's this weekend. Oh, that's soon. Yeah, that's not gonna Be a week of running is what gets you there no Cardio I won smash camp basketball last year on no prep wait what's the team i guess you are going against smashers yeah i thought that one team swept no that was the 64 guys two years before oh that was three guys who had all played varsity high school basketball or better and were all above six three and ripped what's your team uh Me, Cum Fox, a.k.a. Coney. Coney the God.
Starting point is 01:36:07 And who was on my team last year. And then instead of Z, who we had on our team last year, it's Eamon. Your brother? Eamon's coming to Smash Camp. Wow. And Eamon played. There's no Valorant there. What's he going to do?
Starting point is 01:36:20 Eamon played AAU and high school basketball. How old's Eamon? Eamon is 19. He's not good at basketball, huh? I mean, he just saidAU and high school basketball. How old's Eamon? Eamon is 19. He's not good at basketball, huh? I mean, he just said he played high school. He didn't say he played varsity, right? No, he did play varsity high school basketball. Dude, he played AAU basketball.
Starting point is 01:36:36 What is that? What is that? That's just a travel league. Anyone can do it. It's club basketball. There's tryouts, so maybe. So if you're really good as a kid and you're taking basketball seriously and you want to play basketball all year round,
Starting point is 01:36:48 you can't just play at school. You have to play in a club. But usually you get grandfathered if you get in early enough on an AAU league where they don't really cut you, so... AAU watching while you go to the Primo episode. Wait, before we go, one question, and we can all think about this
Starting point is 01:37:02 as the week carries on okay if what is the age that i would lose to middle schoolers 31 playing basketball 31 30 what is it you would sorry not the middle schoolers you lose right now the best middle schoolers in the world at basketball yeah could i beat them with five never five of Never. Five of you? Literally never. You're being an asshole right now. I think it literally stops. I think it's fourth graders. You're being an asshole right now.
Starting point is 01:37:31 I'm not being an asshole. I'm not being an asshole. Winner of the friend competition. You said the best. You said the best. The best middle schoolers. The best middle schoolers are five of me.
Starting point is 01:37:39 I think one of LeBron James' kids might be a middle schooler right now. Dude, you're being dusted by like third graders who are sick. Dude, third. He's sick. Dude, third graders. He's right. Well, third graders are not.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Third graders are eight years old. You only start winning when the best of that grade are like half your weight. That's when you start winning. Middle schoolers are 13, dude. They'll fucking run you up. This is your engagement challenge in the comments. What group of Do you think I would be able to defeat if there are five?
Starting point is 01:38:23 Episode and join the minecraft server in the patreon also, can you look up LeBron James as kids? Nope. See you later They're way older than this

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