The Yard - [Premium] Ep. 57 - this was never supposed to be public.

Episode Date: August 15, 2022

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The guys cut me out of the last episode of the podcast and I won't have it. I'm uploading the Patreon episode for free. I'm not missing a week, baby! I'm always here! I'm staying here! I'm not fucking leaving! You motherfuckers thought... Oh, you thought we're giving out free content these days?
Starting point is 00:00:18 No siree, this is slash the yard. Bitch, you're paying just like everybody else. I don't give a fuck if Lubbock's not in the episode. Dumb motherfucker. He's already got enough. He doesn't need more. He's rich. You are welcome for the upload. Free! Forever, baby! Also, subscribe while you're here and Aiden's not in this one. Fuck him though.
Starting point is 00:00:47 I like coming on the law. He, um, his silhouette looks like Daffy Duck. Are you, I can't see his silhouette. No, I'm. Is it because you have the. What? Is it because you have. What do you mean silhouette?
Starting point is 00:01:02 His silhouette. Like, I, what i'm saying is i can see everything well when you're talking about like a bit like your silhouette is like the shape in which your clothes make you appear oh right yeah fashion that's something i can definitely plug into his shape where it's you got the big fucking boots bro just up like a jenna reveal party and you're talking about fashion. Ludwig, that is so funny.
Starting point is 00:01:28 You like that one? That is really, really funny. Yeah. He said it 15 minutes ago when he saw me. Practice. I don't care. I think it's one of the most
Starting point is 00:01:36 clever you've ever been. Really? What do you mean? That's a gimme. I just didn't expect it. I just picked an apple from a tree and you went, by God, Isaac.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It really is. I would have said he looked like one of Dr. Mario's pills. But I think that's better. I think that's funnier, though. You know what's crazy is Isaac Newton really did just have an apple fall on him. And he was like, no, guys, for real, though, it falls. And that was revolutionary. Yeah, I feel like I had this thought a lot where I feel like I could have been that guy.
Starting point is 00:02:03 The gravity guy? Isaac Newton? Yeah. I feel like I have put been that guy, the gravity guy, Isaac Newton. Yeah. I feel like I have put things together, the entire color spectrum. Yes. I think I've put things together in my mind so well, like on my own that I could be sitting beneath the tree.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And if it hadn't got figured out yet, I would have figured it out. I feel the same way, but for George Washington, for the country being formed, like you could have had wooden teeth did you have i would have been like no slaves george washington george washington did he say no slaves no he didn't that's what i would have done oh you would have been better and i would
Starting point is 00:02:34 have been better but well that's not really being george washington you just think you could have been president you're just talking about like a difference you think can we talk about me being president for a moment that i i think you'd do a good job i think it would be a shit job what a shit job because you gotta you gotta please way too many people he's good at that and no but he has to like take like dark evil money to become president and i already do that i get paid by dr battle to be here paid by dr battle yeah the darkest most evil money dr battle and coinbase use my super pack. Him and Coinbase were my super pack that brought me here. Dr. Battle putting up $15 a month. G Fuel, Coinbase, and Dr. Battle.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Three dark triads. Yeah, no, I think that you would have been a shit George Washington because you don't have the dog in you to kill, and that's what it took to spawn this country. I'm actually such a pussy. Yeah. I a pussy such a bitch dude done no i well i i'm only saying that because i wrapped up the grace and things today oh really i didn't watch it wait what okay i when you said you did mogul mail i said i watched it i meant the swatting one that was right i made a main channel YouTube video
Starting point is 00:03:46 about getting scammed and I put a bow on it all. Oh, what happened? What happened? What happened? Tell me a story. Well, I think the problem is I talked about Grayson like a gambling
Starting point is 00:04:00 God and so I had a due diligence because he then scammed me out of 120 000 yeah to say that was wrong to say that was wrong yeah because there was a person who met grayson in vegas and they're like literally i met the guy you met and i gave him my money oh and dude in this example grayson tripled it up on lucky blackjack bets so okay so it's just cashed out get out of there but still scary that is really funny but it's like it's like yeah i'm a i'm a professional give me your money and i'll
Starting point is 00:04:29 flip it and then they go play blackjack yeah and it's like look i did it it's like bro give me your money i'll make you a fire pizza and they like order pizza hut but there's a chance that like ah dude pizza was closed they were closed and i already spent the money so i ordered it they just won't come today and you're leaving so i'll eat it uh yeah so i i well the the the update i think we talked about me getting salmon on the pod yeah yeah but the update is i was gonna i talked about i went kind of like um what do you call it burn bridge all shit uh the scorched earth scorched earth policy looking for where i i was like fuck this oh it's the opposite of burn bridge right oh no it's no it's the same it's just you're burning more than just the bridge i made fire
Starting point is 00:05:14 yeah and you were shadow the hedgehog i yes shadow the hedgehog with a uzi in a petersonian sense that's the sonic the hedgehog that's not shap sure I thought you're doing Shapiro Peterson Ian. You don't know this meme It's the shadow sonic meme. You guys are so fucking old. It's hard. Oh bang look at what happened bug killed anyway, I So what I did is I I was gonna upload a video cuz I must course earth policy and I went on stream and I Called him on stream and I was like I was going to upload a video because I went Scorcher with Policy and I went on stream and I called him on stream. And I was like, where's my money? I was like, Stewie Griffin-ing him.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And did he pick up? He picked up. Holy shit. And he sounded like a nervous little kitten. Oh, he was your little kitten? Dude, he was so scared. This was like maybe a few days ago, a week ago. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And I'm doing it and I'm calling him. And he's like, I don't have it right now, man. But I can go home. I can get it. I'm like, all right. When are you going home? He's like, two hours. I was like, all right, I'll call you'll call you then dude holy shit that's so baller
Starting point is 00:06:07 that's content and i was just like really emotionless about it because i was just like i'm fed up i had this whole plan where i was gonna hire a pi and then and then get him and nab him and i was like i was just fed up yeah nick yingling had to ask me what that was what a pi oh i'm kidding but he did say we have to hire a pi wait what was the thing i dm'd you you at you he was like nick dms me out of the blue and he's like do you think if we told nick yingling that no like i frame it the way i wrote it it was i just had an independent idea that did not actually happen i had an imaginary thought of nick yingling asking question, does something being doctored mean a doctor made it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:46 I thought that was the funniest shit. And then Nick asked me, he's like, do you think Nick Yingling would think this? And I said, it's an 80% chance. There's no way he would think that. We could test this gangster right now. What does that mean? It's his birthday right now.
Starting point is 00:06:59 We can't call him on his birthday, dude. It's true. It's dog. I also don't love you guys treating my Nick Yingling like a Wabba fett you're Nick Yingling it was behind his back I was the one who I was the one who brought Nick Yingling on Ludwig said to me Nick what really reveal that and I'm like Nick really he doesn't know what doctored means I don't want to hear surprised because the deal was locked before I knew That was what was surprising
Starting point is 00:07:26 I've loved him and known him before you were even born That's actually Maybe not Nick Him Oh what did you mean I'm feeling I don't remember I've known more about Nick's past
Starting point is 00:07:42 You know what Yingling said to me recently He was like yeah so Tommy Callie and I'm like what Why are you you think I don't know Tommy Tommy's open enough It's just I've just been to their house so many times And then I realized I'm like I met Tommy before I met you Nick
Starting point is 00:07:58 The only Tommy I would have ever thought of Outside of that is in it and I don't think Nick Yingling would ever start a story Tommy in it You know Anyway thought of outside of that is in it and I don't think Nick England would ever start a story Tommy in it you know back to it so scorcher policy I come on stream he's a scared little kitten you said I'm gonna scorch your earth I'm gonna take your little pubes off your I'd be so far if you call them you're like alright Grayson dude I'm a huge bad opportunity let me send you like 10k for this but yeah i get it he's like yeah i'm down and so i i told a story of him how i met him how i got scammed all over again and i was gonna
Starting point is 00:08:35 upload that as a video and i had it all ready to go and just had to click publish but i stopped and i was like i should call him and tell him that I'm doing this because I felt bad so I call him and the first call we have is like he's kind of just like perpetuating the lie that he's locked up his Instagram account and oh wow he hasn't owned up to anything he say it again he hasn't owned up to anything no and then I'm like and then I'm like
Starting point is 00:08:58 all right well this is going live tomorrow because like 2 a.m. at this point so I wouldn't upload anyway and he's like was there anything I can do and I was like tell the truth but he was still lying and uh and then next day i call him and at this point i i take a much more hard-ass approach i just start hard calling him out on everything and i'm like you did not make because he told me he made a forty thousand dollar bet with my money i was like you did not make a forty thousand dollars off stream yes okay i was like you did not make a forty thousand dollar bet and he's like you're right i didn't and i was like how much was it
Starting point is 00:09:22 and then he was like it was 16 to 17 i was like how much actually he's like it was 15 000 and i was like okay so i gave you 56 000 to make a 40 000 bet and you bet 15 000 and you use the other money for what he's like for other gambles that i did and i was like okay do you understand how that's a scam and he's like finally he's like yeah i scammed you what they finally owned up to it and then i went i made him tell me his history of his first time scamming he apparently went to gamblers anonymous and alcohols anonymous for six months he relapsed went back to base for six months i heard this song by a guy named baby tron and i figured if i was mario i mean i would do that i would do that shit to luigi he's been running a ponzi scheme basically where he asks one person for money right he has an ego that's inflated so he over oh sells himself he says i
Starting point is 00:10:09 have a 70 chance of winning his own ego thinks he has like a 70 chance of winning his actual he made up the algorithm story his edge is maybe two percent honestly most people's edge in sports betting is is two percent is very generous right yeah that's like best case scenario yeah so what ends up happening is he loses and then he has to pay them back After they keep harassing him So he'll find someone new And then try to win Get them to trust him
Starting point is 00:10:29 Use that money to pay the first guy Yes Lie to that guy This is fractional reserve banking And this is how China Is finally going down This So he
Starting point is 00:10:37 Is also Chinese No he's not His real name is Sung La Well is he also the CEO of Evergrande Because Well He's got some explaining to do you got a long background to go over uh and so then i i basically had two options which was one
Starting point is 00:10:52 report him to the fbi with all the things i have and talk to that'd be crazy the fucking fbi i talked to coffeezilla and he was like the amount's not high enough but the notoriety and how many people you found that he has scammed might be enough to get him in trouble, locked up or something. Our option two is publicly shame him and then hold him accountable because you can self-ban yourself from casinos. You can write a letter and they'll ban you. So get him to ban himself from all the casinos. Publicly shame him because he's a public figure. So the name Grayson Goss is synonymous with scammer yeah and then he has to start anew in like in like macau yeah or just like
Starting point is 00:11:30 and if he fucks up in macau they will cut his fucking head off well that's what i said i was like if he goes to macau the chinese government will take care of him yeah but i think he could just start like a normal life here and work as like a car auto yeah it's like it's like when like d1 got fucking canceled for all that horrible shit he did it's like yeah just go work at mcdonald's just do another thing that's not this and you'll be fine yeah like you're like well it's basically saying you are done doing this you know you just need to go find something else i feel like people like that once they get away with it even if they've been scared straight they just eventually do it again in some way i mean there's always someone to hustle in vegas you know even if even if you're 86 like
Starting point is 00:12:09 you can you can you can make shit happen yeah so what i'm doing is i'm keeping the pi on him and if he ever fucks up i'm sending it to the fbi i'm keeping it on that's sick you called coffeezilla that's cool you got him on speed dial because he's the guy he was watching me and he hit me up and he was like he was like i found where he sent all because speed dial. Because he's the guy. He was watching me and he hit me up. And he was like, I found where he sent all. Because I showed. Oh, because he can do the wallet shit with the $10 million studio. So he found. When I sent him the 56K.
Starting point is 00:12:32 Shut the fuck up. When I sent him the 56K, he found the wallet. And the wallet never sent out a 40K bet. It sent out many thousand dollar bets in many different wallets. Oh, shit. So he found that out. And that's how I found out for sure. Oh, it was a crypto bet.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Yes. The public ledger. Whoa. The ledger yeah coffee zilla have you ever watched his stuff uh like once or twice yeah and he has something called the 10 million dollar studio it's a green screen uh and uh it's really looking green screen it looks great these lightings are really nice that's the end holy shit don't trust gamble guy i think like often when i think about stuff like this like even like fucking like i don't know like random shit like fucking people who prank some pizzas to your house or whatever like my first instinct is like i want them to suffer and then i once it gets into it like you find out their identity whatever i'm like okay my human remorse starts to come out and i'm like all right well if they if i believe they won't do it again i'll go easy whatever i was thinking about your situation and i was like that's so much money it's a lot of
Starting point is 00:13:29 money it's so much money it's like for a lot of people to not care to steal from someone and i was thinking about that i'm just like i think he should be really harsh yeah well i think i think it's always it's also a like first time like and then someone's like you know what i'm fucking sorry i'll never do it again. And then they do something again. Probably minor shit, major shit. The second time you're like, okay, go fuck yourself. It does mean a lot.
Starting point is 00:13:53 It does mean a lot to do something again. Again after capping that you wouldn't or whatever. But there is a certain... If he stole a million dollars from Ludd, first second doesn't really fight. You stole a million dollars, bro. You're fucking going to jail. Yeah, that'd be fucking crazy. i mean he was close 10th of
Starting point is 00:14:08 the way there that's that's pretty close it's closer than i got uh yeah true i'm just too soft i'm too soft i couldn't i felt too bad yeah you're no george washington no i got i had wooden teeth and i killed fucking everyone and the french after they helped us out, I executed them. That's not what happened in history. You sure? Do you sure? Yeah, because... When?
Starting point is 00:14:33 Baton Rouge is still a city, so... Baton Rouge. Don't say it like that. Baton Rouge is like a shining sea. It's an American city. Do we have any presidents that were really good at chess? Gambit was from Baton Rouge. Sorry, go ahead not the same best answer is my question gambit was cajun and i always thought it was weird that makes sense because he gambled because he was on a riverboat anyway i wanted to ask you something i didn't actually guys aiden's not here
Starting point is 00:15:04 you might have thought he was being really quiet hey i didn't actually guys aiden's not here you might have thought he was being really quiet hey i didn't even notice bro i tried to think about something to put in that chair uh but i did we don't have a color printer hold i actually forgot i'm mad at myself i was gonna i was gonna make aiden lightning trivia and i was gonna come prepared with trivia about aiden for you guys and see who's his better friend but I didn't do it you didn't do that yeah that's tight I lose I don't count we figured that out
Starting point is 00:15:30 I love Aiden nice man yeah this can maybe be like the maybe we be really nice and we say all the things we like about Aiden so he's not here and he'll never listen to this he will never click to this. He will never click on the fucking
Starting point is 00:15:46 premium episode and listen. No, because they'll tell him and he will instantly do it. That's true. You ruined it by saying that. What if we trust everyone not to say anything?
Starting point is 00:15:52 You think there's not a single narc in the Patreon? Sometimes they step up and answer the call of Doot and they do not narc. Okay, I will do it. I will say nice things but if they narc
Starting point is 00:16:03 I'm leaving the Discord. Okay. Scorched earth policy. Guys, if a single person narcs... Oh, they're going to do it. I will say nice things. But if they narc, I'm leaving the Discord. Okay. Scorched earth policy. Guys, if a single person narcs. Oh, they're going to do it just to make him leave. Wait, why would they want me to leave? Because it's just content. Yeah, it gives them.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Then I won't leave. But I will be very mad at you. Okay. Yeah. Forever. And I'll call the FBI. Yeah. We'll call the FBI.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Basically, we're just. I will get one PI to follow one patron who narcs. I hired a PI to follow a patreon member okay so here's how it work we are we are essentially guys letting you in on a bit that we are doing and you can be in on it too by not telling aiden right so if you fuck this up you're just so not cool and if you go along with it it's kind of hype all right we all go to line and say a nice thing about aiden and you have to keep going and whoever doesn't do it first has to message him a mean thing yeah it's like uh it's like this okay so it's king's cup but it's it's questions and it's aiden nice things okay
Starting point is 00:17:05 you go first i love when aiden does his sweet voice when he sees you for the first time oh hey ludwig it's really nice and inviting i like when aiden is hungry or he wants attention and he'll go hey man hey man i want to i want to make don's man I like when Aiden Asks someone that is your friend That he doesn't know a question about their life Because he cares about being friends With your friends I like when he invites himself
Starting point is 00:17:36 To hang out with me You like that? What does that mean? Like I will be doing something and be like oh can I come? Oh okay yeah And when you say invite himself at me it's usually that connotations like you know kind of it is but i like posing he asked he doesn't invite himself he asked if he can come yeah which is different sure well you could argue it's inviting yourself because of the social pressure to make them say yes because it'd
Starting point is 00:18:00 be crazy to say i think inviting yourself is like i'll go too and it's like oh sure it's like yeah i'm going to the sperm bank let's go yeah a more socially epped way of inviting yourself okay just asking it's funny too you thought the uh the opposite of the word inept was epped that's crazy it is because in it's a debt it's not all right out of out of yeah uh i like when aiden uh when you have a problem with him he's always really good at sitting down and talking to you no matter how mad he is he will be the first one to
Starting point is 00:18:32 want to reach out and close the book on it and adding to that not to piggyback but it's different I think that he is always aiming to understand how you feel when you disagree and rarely just yelling at you for no reason all right rapid fire now i like when he says well hold on well hold on oh my god i love it we'll hold on uh i like when he uh
Starting point is 00:18:59 oh five four three two one bang beep beep what do i lose no friend bot i don't lose any friend or a racist child predator i'm a pedophile now yeah you're a pedophile because i couldn't you have to tweet out i am a child predator or i'm a racist you get to pick i'm not gonna do that wow so no stakes on the yard I guess I do want to think of One more thing Just because I feel bad No you don't get to
Starting point is 00:19:29 That's the whole point The whole point is Now you are the worst Friend of Aiden Yeah And we have to move on now Which we can bring us To our next point
Starting point is 00:19:36 I started personal training My personal trainer is Christian Who used to work on Cutie's body And Slime's body Don't say it like that That is a weird way To say that
Starting point is 00:19:44 He didn't used to work on our bodies to work on cuties body personal trainer are you work on both your bodies is he work on your body now he works on me all the time you're a car yeah he fine-tunes that's what they they're like a mechanic I know I see I'm done for that yeah I wasn't like a I wasn't a fine-tune project. I was like a fucking jalopy She's like fucking yeah, you were like a 67 like I don't know what a car was before Model T Like Camaro, I was a therapist. He worked on my brain. Yeah He came out with like oil on his head and I had a ranch and stuff Well, anyway, I'm not much of a talker in the morning Russians but shins talk so much bro. He's a talker, but he did bring up
Starting point is 00:20:26 He was like I was like I miss slime and I was like, yeah, he talked good about you He's like yeah, you know, he gave me the best comment. I've ever had I'll never forget it What really and he recounted it like it happened that just that morning Yeah, he was in there and he was training and And I was stretching him out and he was saying how you know some some friends of in his life has stretched him out before but he looked up at me and he was like christian you stretch me out like nobody else because you're a beef castle of a man i remember this and you are fucking lying this is not he was not stretching
Starting point is 00:21:04 me out he was stretching you out no he told me he said you were doing this one he was gaping you open he was cracking you up with like a fucking kinder egg he was making sure he got the toy inside so he could swallow it he would die like three-year-olds turning you into a choking hazard yeah i come little tiny motorcycles don't ruin this this happened and i don't care i'm just saying i did say that and i remember him saying what was your exact phrase that what he said beef castle of a man castle of a man which i got from workaholics like 10 years ago because uh adam is like yeah he's a real he's really a beef castle christian's gonna watch that and be like yeah well maybe not but
Starting point is 00:21:40 christian is funny uh that is crazy that he remembered that so hardcore. Remember that. I also think it was funny because I'd explain to him nearly every day what you do and what like we do and stuff. And I'd be like, yeah, like Ludwig's on YouTube. Like there's a bunch of videos. And I don't think he ever watched a single video of yours ever in his life. That's so awesome.
Starting point is 00:22:00 He did. He did. Well, he at least knew what I looked like, but because before my first ever personal training training he saw me at a pizza place that's close by to the gym oh yeah and he told me the next day he's like i saw you at the pizza place no and i was like and he's like you eat there a lot and i was like you like carbs we've never met before what do you like huh it's day zero you're a big guy huh for you so he's seen like he might have just googled and probably not watched sure probably not his speed he it's funny because he um he would always talk to me about like he was like trying to get a ps5 and it was like two months he's like can't get a ps5 i'm trying to get a line on one
Starting point is 00:22:33 bro like this and that and he like paid over a hundred like over retail for one and i was like he's finally got it and then the next session i go and and he's like, dude, I like thought that getting the PS5 would like make me really happy. And then I just realized like, I don't, I don't even want it. I was like, that's really funny. There's no games for it. That's it's actually shit to own. It's like when I first got my Wii when I was a child, I was asking my mom for like six
Starting point is 00:23:02 months and I finally got it. The only game I got was brain age Academy. Yeah. and you turned out that you were fucking stupid too yeah this is how i'm just i'm different you know how like they say like money doesn't buy happiness some it doesn't but sometimes i'm like in a bad mood and i'll just like go shopping by myself and i'll buy myself like an expensive thing and i feel good for like a month. Nick stares at an Armani shirt and does this like a sim. I go home with it and I wear it a lot
Starting point is 00:23:32 and I'm just like, that was a great purchase and I just feel good for like a month. I've always considered you like the biggest slave to buying things I've ever met. And I think it's California thing. I think that like every time I've ever when I started think it's california thing because i think yeah i think that like every time i've ever when i started hanging out with you you would just buy things
Starting point is 00:23:49 you just like love to buy and consume and like go to eat i really do and i was like is this how kids grew up here like because i grew up in a place where for one like i asked my mom for a gatorade and she'd be like fuck no we can't afford gatorade you fucking kidding me pussy and i'd be like okay and then and then like after that there was nothing to buy right there was nothing just to clear that doesn't make me privileged that just means you were in a trailer park yeah uh but you were always privileged but also but also it's like when i finally had money to like you know i worked a job after school like fucking 20 hours and i had money to buy stuff i couldn't there was nothing to do like or get or get, you know?
Starting point is 00:24:25 Like, except video games, which is cool. Yeah, I don't know. I got a job, my first job ever was making pizza. And I got it solely because my girlfriend had a job. I was 15, 16, 15 and a half? 15 and a half. I got it just because my girlfriend had a job and I was like, well, I want to be able to buy stuff for her too.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Because I didn't have money. And that was just the only reason I got a job. I didn't want one. I was just like, I got to be able to buy stuff for her too i didn't have money and that was just the only reason i got a job i didn't want one i was just like i gotta be able to buy her stuff how do you make it so hard for me to be friends with you you know what's funny yeah i was just thinking about what i was gonna say earlier was i love a good slime compliment they're so not they're so great because like because when you compliment someone it's like you are uh really good at organizing things which is weird because you're satan spawn and uh you are uh you hate people and you're a psychopath and that second part is just it's like um it comes with the character it's the sweet and the salty we talk about like a nut roll mean aid we're talking about slime mean things that stick with us oh yeah and
Starting point is 00:25:22 hurt our feelings oh i have i have one of those oh really yeah for sure which one is it a throw up one um no one time anthony said that none of my friends like to play video games with me yeah you mean recently in australia no no this was no this was in the house here oh it was when he was playing puff i said this is only fun for you this is oh yeah that was different that was yeah but you know that the prime examples are of course that's every puffer stone of your i think it has changed you what i think that has That was different. But you know that. The prime examples are his ness and his brimstone of yore. I think it has changed you. What? I think that has changed how you play a bit, maybe.
Starting point is 00:25:50 What has? That comment. Is that part of why you switched off brimstone? Because I feel like Mango used to also say the same thing. No, I switched off brimstone because I realized that Valorant could be fun. Instead of work? No, that didn't change. When did I say this so uh you were so there was a
Starting point is 00:26:07 period when when like in in our history as friends where aiden came in and it was us three right like we were the three and aiden comes in and we very quickly were like this guy's fun to make fun of because he makes he elicits a fun reaction yes uh he saved us by the way aiden absolutely saved us but i'm just saying at first at first no I would have necked this kid because of what he did to the kitchen if we were only us three forever. That's not true. We would have just handled it. No.
Starting point is 00:26:31 You're fucking stupid. We gave up. Remember? And we would trade months of full dish cleaning. Yeah. I would have broke. I love my boy. What we would have done is explained our feelings to each other because it's fucking weird not
Starting point is 00:26:43 I would have broke and gone to the fbi before i would progress it told on nick yeah he's like this guy is a chomo i would put my money in his room over the course of months yeah that's the the the domino is aiden never moving in and me being a chomo yeah convicted chomo for 40 years uh so there was a period where i was like this is fun you know it's we love each other he understands at one point it was like in slimes like and you're a psychopath and you're this and you're that i'm like oh it's not a lot of fun making fun of aiden anymore and one time i'll tell you why but go on one time you're playing melee with aiden and you're
Starting point is 00:27:17 you're railing into him about him doing like instead of just killing you going for something like that he felt was stylish that you didn't think was stylish and I I interjected because I was like he's being unfair I'm gonna take aid inside this time and I interjected and I was like hey you can't say that because you go for falcon punches and shit it's the same thing and you were like no it's not the same thing
Starting point is 00:27:38 for reason that I felt was bad and then I was like no you're being a hypocrite and you said well none of your friends like playing video games with you at all ever and I was like, no, you're being a hypocrite. And you said, well, none of your friends like playing video games with you at all ever. And I was like, that's hurtful. My mans was just swinging. Yeah. You were just swinging in a dark room.
Starting point is 00:27:52 Yeah. I was really mad about it. And I was like, and I literally, Aiden goes, I like playing with him. I was like, Aiden, not now. And then actually, I can. Was that this house? Yeah, it was here. then really funnily enough mike was there and mike agreed with you yeah so i had to go back and i had to like think about it a lot and i felt really sad about it and i was just like is that true blah blah blah and i ended up talking talking to mike about it like separately and what me and
Starting point is 00:28:21 mike deduced at the end of it was mike did not mean it when he said it that's what he ended up saying like he's like i didn't mean it i just i hate getting comboed it's basically what he said and i was like i was like fair yeah uh but we also kind of decided to stop playing video games together or sorry stop playing melee together yeah okay uh which was like a all right cool boys um but yeah that was the one that stuck with me it stuck with you yeah i don't think it's true but i it made you but i think you meant it you have your moments but i think overall you're probably great yeah i mean i think that came from a place where i was unreasonably angry but i do i do play less video games with you because i think that i don't want to put the amount of effort that
Starting point is 00:29:04 you do when we play multiplayer games. Not counting Melee. I think I've gotten a lot better about Melee. He's just going to try way too hard and I'm not going to have fun. I need to... I can't be involved here. I don't... Wait.
Starting point is 00:29:20 What's a game that isn't Melee? I'm talking about rando games. I don't think I'd play Astro Bears with you for a long what you're saying i see what you're saying because you think i lab stuff and you know and you're like you just want it's like i don't think i have what it takes to keep up with you and but you don't mean um a game like valorant you mean like more like a back in the day valorant but not i think modern day no i think even back in the day valorant was fine i think csgo was rough but i think that was just i wasn't trying hard in csgo no no i think that was just a different reason you were hard to play with and you know that were you bad i wasn't good at csgo now you know what he would survive at the end of every round and only use the mag seven swag
Starting point is 00:29:56 seven shotgun which wasn't good and we'd have to sit and watch the fucking nick nick versilarino movie where he was just fucking lurking around 1v5. the MV experience? Uh, no, it's on my playlist. Love will never,
Starting point is 00:30:10 but- I'll never. But what I imagine is you're waiting in the corner for everyone to die and then you're like, my turn.
Starting point is 00:30:15 He doesn't wait for us to die, he just lurks. Have you seen the MV experience? Not see, watch it, but do you know what it is yet? I, I,
Starting point is 00:30:22 I have a folder on my desktop computer, on my computer that i just dragged into premiere and didn't check rendered and then uploaded to youtube and it's two hours oh it's on youtube it's it's unlisted it's just it's only my gaming clips and and then you really you had a watershed moment because you watch it and you're like i said yeah i said i'm i feel so bad for anyone who played counter-strike with me yeah because i basically play the exact same way i play
Starting point is 00:30:50 valorant but i'm so much better at valorant so like i basically do all the same shit in valorant except it works like 90 of the time whereas in counter-strike it only worked like 10 of the time yeah it was just like you would just die to someone with a rifle i painted like three people in the process we were all also pretty bad so it's not like we could say anything it's like we couldn't tell you how to play it was like but you were yeah my gripe my gripe with valor sorry counter-strike was always i always felt like i was fighting from behind because like i i got i played the game so late in life. I never played Source or anything. I built my first PC in college and I played
Starting point is 00:31:30 Counter-Strike with a fucking controller in college because I didn't know how to use mouse and keyboard. That is disgusting. This is all true. I don't know if that's possible. I almost threw up just now. I played like twice and I was like, this sucks. Not fun. Then later I learned mouse and keyboard to play Fortnite with you guys because you and Ben were all playing Fortnite at the time. Yeah, because you were a console gamer for a long time yeah
Starting point is 00:31:47 we played fortnite a lot we played fortnite a lot we had some fun drops we did we did i actually missed that so much that was fun queuing up to get in the same game oh that was great what i was so good what's your mean thing that stuck we should play warzone together it's so fun you guys would love it i i only, I don't want to use controller. I can't start down. Play mouse and keyboard. It's fine. Yeah, but then it's like
Starting point is 00:32:07 you feel like you're playing from behind. You are. You are. I don't want to do it. I've thought about it a lot. I don't want to go down that rabbit hole.
Starting point is 00:32:13 It's not, it's so, COD has always been casual. You can just, you can just log on, play, log off. It doesn't, patches don't really matter. Maybe, but then I start talking to stream how
Starting point is 00:32:21 I'm playing Warzone. They're like, play on stream. And then it's like you guys start saying slurs and you got to join phase. Well, the thing is're like playing the stream and then it's like you guys start saying slurs and you gotta join phase well the thing is i'm not ready to that's big uh what was i saying what's yours what's mine is wine is when you keep roasting how i don't like music like a psychopath bot you don't like that no why you don't okay i do like
Starting point is 00:32:40 music i do and i came to the conclusion that i do and you're wrong you get you because you always say and i don't this is how it goes every time you're just like um i like the strokes with a question mark at the end uh zipper can you pull up gabriel gundacker is this music i can hit you like with four albums right now of what that i like okay hit me now. Strokes is it. Strokes retaliate. Strokes. Well, okay. But I guess what I'm saying is, am I wrong? Yeah. Okay, why?
Starting point is 00:33:16 Because even if, like, because I listen to music a lot when I'm on my Vespa. Okay. And when I don't have it, I don't enjoy the experience as much. But before you had a Vespa, when did you listen to music? It would mostly just be on stream. No, I mean real music. Like not fucking Animal Crossing. I also think it was real music. I think I use music in a deeper way on stream than Animal Crossing and talking.
Starting point is 00:33:37 There's a lot of speech moments with the good, the bad, the ugly. Yeah, but it's just weird to say, yeah, one of my favorite tracks is, Oh, oh, oh, eh, ah, you know? What was that one? Brain power. Uh, eh, ah, oh, eh, oh, eh, eh, oh, eh. Da, da, da, da, da, da. Sorry, I did it way different. Now I'm the only one who understands.
Starting point is 00:33:57 No, I don't know what you're talking about. Wow. Thanks. He acted like he didn't know. I'm not much of a music head. I only listen to horror core. I think there's a gap in my knowledge of popular music, but it doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it when I was younger and don't
Starting point is 00:34:12 enjoy it now. I, but okay, you're right. It's also not a crime to like video game music, but I have always conflated your listening of music with the, the shill empire of being broadcast and being a person on stream so i was like well this is definitely something like he cannot access on a like an emotional level he
Starting point is 00:34:30 just has to play it because you know it's the good the bad and the ugly song if you were on a date with a girl and she said play your favorite song for me and you played that song like that's weird dude and that's what i'm making fun of playing weird fucking Weird Al. Yeah, this is actually so good. But if it hurts your feelings, that's on me. I would throw in the strokes in Hoodie Allen and call it a car ride. Call it a best of. Dude, me and Zipper, can you really quickly Zipper play this video? Just because it's only a minute.
Starting point is 00:34:58 Is this music? I love, I can't get enough of that sweet music. Hey, how about we get some music on here, huh? There is music on? That's great. I love I can't get enough of that sweet music. Hey, how about we get some music on here, huh? There is music on That's great. I love music. This is you I've turned off the music. I love this song. Put it where?
Starting point is 00:35:31 I love this song. I love this song. This is my favorite part. The song's over. I know. That's you. That's me. That's me. Fuck, what was I going to say? I can't believe that's you. That's me. That's me. Fuck, what was I going to say?
Starting point is 00:35:47 I can't believe that hurt you. Sounded like Masayoshi Takenaka. Takenaka? What? It's like an instrumentalist Japanese guitar player. Oh, I thought you were talking about Porter Gates' boyfriend. Some music head.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Fucking this guy. Yeah, my bad. Sorry, dude. Queens of the Stone Age. Ludwig had a secret shoot that we were doing uh this past week and schlatt was there we're driving at the car and he goes uh he looks at me he goes so uh i'm gonna start vlogging now i'm like yeah okay that's fine he pulls out a camera and he turns he turns his little light around on it he's got like a little panel that screws into the top. And he goes, I'm a gearhead.
Starting point is 00:36:26 And then he starts filming himself. And he's just like, yo, what's up, gearheads? And he just becomes camera guy. I like that. A guy into cameras. And it was, yeah, the whole weekend he was referring to anyone who was holding things as a gearhead. That guy likes gear. Hey, yo, gearhead.
Starting point is 00:36:40 That guy's a gearhead. Nice. It was really good. We were bad vloggers. He's a bad vlogger. That sounds like a gearhead. Nice. Bad vloggers. He's a bad vlogger. That sounds like a great vlog. It's not because it's making jokes because you can't
Starting point is 00:36:50 do the vlog seriously. Yeah, but that's my entire life. And I'm pretty funny. Right, but you need to provide contextual elements to guide the narrative of the video. Yeah, but you can do that being Jokey Bears. I guess, yeah, then you end up with Quincy Boys. Yes, sir. but i don't think
Starting point is 00:37:05 his goal of the vlog is uploading quincy boys i love how that is a touchstone in which he can refer to and we all understand that yeah but he doesn't understand hopefully you don't get it yet i don't know uh wait one more what was aiden's uh that's for him to say and yours were to friends so I wouldn't spoil it I feel like Aiden could write a fucking novel No dude every time Every time we come out of an argument He ends up closer to agreeing with me
Starting point is 00:37:35 On literally everything Well when you cut a rope and you tie it back together The ends are closer That's what It's true what he said and it's also real I get it now do you guys want to say nice things about me no tell us about pcs though because he talked about building a pc uh yeah well i i messaged ludwig because okay so the otk cabal oh yeah of like the the entire
Starting point is 00:38:02 like lizard organization has made a business venture with Charles the moist guy probably moist bears and it's basically a Charlie gaming it's a it's a what do you call it a pre-made PC
Starting point is 00:38:15 service right it's kind of like they just sell pre-built PC it's all pre-built PC the best in the world it's like artesian which went down it's like NZXT which also sells other stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:27 NZXT is doing well, right? It's kind of like... Well, NZXT just sells just cases, too, that are pretty popular. They sell cases and components and other stuff. Without the peripherals? System integrators is what they're called. And I saw this all happen, and I messaged Ludwig's eyes. This is the most qualified I've ever been to talk about something.
Starting point is 00:38:42 What? What? I don't know why he's shaking his head. What's wrong? I want. You got a poop? I wanted to say that I'm integrators. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:54 And I had a. That's weird. I had both you on my shoulder, even though both of you would not want me to say it. But in my head, Ludwig wanted me to. So it was angle and devil. I'm down. I feel like Ben Z and me and Ludwig wanted me to so it was angle and devil I'm down I feel like me and Ludwig were both like shaking hands
Starting point is 00:39:07 across your chest which I recognize but you watched it you watched me reconcile with myself and then you just went for it and I think that's brave I'd like to move on I'd like if this was over is it first or second what
Starting point is 00:39:23 graders okay so so it's called Is it first or second? What? Graders Okay so So it's called Star builds What is it called? Do you remember? I need a minute I have to look it up
Starting point is 00:39:45 Star OTK Come on They get a main up I have to look it up. Star. OTK. Come on. They get a main up. Star Forge. Star Forge. It's called Star Forge. Yes.
Starting point is 00:39:54 They made a company called Star Forge, collaboration between Moist Esports and OTK. They also took a bunch of employees, what it sounds like. I haven't actually looked at it. They have one employee from Artesian Builds, who I don't think was the shitty guy. shitty no no i think they they took some of the staff because the staff was actually really strong it was the ceo that kind of torpedoed the
Starting point is 00:40:10 whole thing and he was just like a big scumbag there was a gamers nexus a negative point but i don't think it is i don't think it is either because the the gamers nexus journalist expedition that could have been shot way better could was like pretty clear about how it was mostly this guy who fucked everything up who's not there anymore tell me how starfield is a terrorist organization starfield is not a terrorist organization but it's interesting because the reception is so very very lukewarm at best and just acidic at worst to uh to otk which is really interesting because i i don't know it's like they didn't do market research to see if like people would like this idea and they just kind of assumed they would
Starting point is 00:40:49 and it seems like that's not happening and uh and i feel like it was even less thought than that i feel like they may be considered less if people would like it and they more looked at it as numbers like will it probably make money maybe and and that's another thing it's like it's just maybe it's a vocal minority who's like talking all this shit and it's like if they offer the same prices and stuff as like the other system integrators then they're just going to make money and that's great and they also have the ability to leverage their own you know influencing and not have to like pay mizkif to you know chill this company because it's his company or whatever he's right so it's a really interesting thing but it can definitely go bad and uh it's funny because steve from gamers nexus is a fucking people were
Starting point is 00:41:31 talking about the reddit thread they're like bro i hope he doesn't fucking get a hold of these guys because he's a very very very like in-depth and picky reviewer of these like systems and computers and i like i just i just had this vision in my head of like miskiff watching a gamer's nexus fucking video on stream and be like who the fuck is this guy you know and like that's not gonna go well sure so he's like a harsh critic he's an extremely harsh critic primed their tissues up to get right ran by him yeah like everyone's everyone's right now kind of talking about this i3 system with like a 10th gen i3 intel processor that's like a thousand dollars and a 1650 in it and that's like pretty
Starting point is 00:42:10 bad price but then you do the math and it's like i saw one pc and it was like pc part picker 2500 and then starfield pc 3500 and it was like a thousand dollar markup yeah i think that's hard to i don't think that's fair to them actually right now to do that because the prices are so weird pc part picker like pull prices just from all like new egg even if they're sold out no it tells you if they're sold out i thought like the price is usually just populated by the lowest it can find not necessarily but usually it will gray out if you cannot access it in addition like sometimes you know like i i don't know i think that's actually unfair and i again i think i'm pretty qualified as a people person who watches graphs on youtube to like to make that claim but i think just the biggest thing is that there's so
Starting point is 00:42:58 many ways to fuck this up and they have to be really careful because they're no longer just like they can't just like have a bad stream anymore and just be like whatever we'll just do the next stream it's like now you're providing items to customers that like aren't hoodies and aren't something like that's cheap and easy and if they fuck it up it's like it's dude it's kind of suck even they should they should like every 100 computers one goes out with beans in it. Oh, the bean raffle? And then they get like Jay Shlai and he's like, I'm the bean guy and he removes the beans and it's like a golden ticket.
Starting point is 00:43:32 Exactly. Jay Shlai will come remove every bean from your computer by eating it. He'll eat all the beans inside you. He'll eat every bean in your house. He'll eat all the beans for you. Including the ones in your pantry, yeah. And he's like walking around like, you got any beans back in the bedroom? Or can I go yeah and he's like walking around like you got any beans back in the bedroom or can i go and he's gotta find the beans okay funny man i've thought about this a lot because
Starting point is 00:43:52 there was some negative reception this is still the gaming pc thing yeah yeah and uh star boys and what i thought about was how specifically building a pc allows you to show because because you can see all the price of the individual parts because of the hobby of building your own PC and the culture that was created when they were first invented. And so you can see the cost of everything. Yeah, because when PCs were first invented and they filled rooms, guys everywhere were like, I want to build one of those. How many thousands of vacuum pods do you need?
Starting point is 00:44:22 I think they did. Well, not maybe that early. You guys want to fill a room with plastic? Early pcs i think it was mostly people building their own early pc building was a very very niche hobby and it was still pretty a better way to get your pc i remember like we put my mom bought a gateway pc for like two thousand dollars on loan back in like 90 fucking eight or something right and it sucked so you can see the cost of everything so then you can see the markup of everything and it feels bad when you know the markup as opposed to buying an iphone where you don't know the cost of everything right but you're like shmish mop it's probably cheaper
Starting point is 00:44:55 but whatever and you don't have an alternative yeah it's it's really weird to be able to look at the components and what you're kind of paying for because these companies do fine like it's it's basically your warzone player who is like you know what i think i'll say a couple less slurs and i'll get a pc and i'll game on that instead and they're also like looking up the video like how to build a pc seeing the time says one hour and then going i don't want to do it i don't do that also you're paying for the labor one friend in the group usually that's like the PC builder. Yeah. He built my first PC and he helped me build my second PC. And then I kissed him on the lips after. Did you build your last one?
Starting point is 00:45:31 And I said, nobody likes playing fucking video games with you. Don't use this to play video games. I'll only help you if you don't play video games. You put in a USB port that would shut down all video games. Yeah. If I somehow would have agreed to that, you probably would have saved my life. I'd probably be a better person. You'd probably be way more productive.
Starting point is 00:45:49 Yeah. So, yeah. What were you saying? In finale, are they a terrorist organization? Plausible. Myth confirmed. It is an extremely lucrative business. And also, what you're paying for is customer service and the ability to be like, hey, I don't want to deal with this, so there's an up lucrative business. And also what you're paying for is customer service
Starting point is 00:46:05 and the ability to be like, hey, I don't want to deal with this, so there's an upcharge for that. Also, people love fucking just buying pre-reviewed piece. It could be great, but they got to be really careful. And if they're not, it was so easy to not fuck it up, in my opinion, HO. Because this has already been fucked up before.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Anyway, that's all from Slime at Gamers Lexus Nexus. Want to hear something funny about Nick? Yeah, I do. You know how he dressed all fancy?
Starting point is 00:46:32 Yeah, he's a piece of shit. I spend so much money on clothes. I spent one million dollars on clothing and smiled. I bought a Gucci shirt and ITO tournaments, Aiden.
Starting point is 00:46:40 What's going on? Pussy. Tell them about what happened when you went to the restaurant. What restaurant? Talking about Declines. Oh my God. We went about what happened when you went to the restaurant. What restaurant? Talking about Declines.
Starting point is 00:46:48 We went to Bo's Steakhouse. Holy shit. Which is apparently a fancy restaurant. I didn't know this. You guys went to the steak? Wait, you guys got steak? It is. So, hold on. Was I gone?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Let me go back. No, you couldn't have. Yeah, you were gone. You were gone. But it was also very, it was not planned. It was not like, it just kind of happened. So, we were off doing this shoot and Jay Schlatt's in town. but it was also very it was not planned it was not like it just kind of happened so uh we we were off doing this shoot and jay schlatt's in town and jay schlatt wants to get dinner after
Starting point is 00:47:10 this shoot and uh and throughout the day i'm very focused because i'm like running the shoot i'm like they're kind of saying they're mentioning they're gonna go to dinner they asked me if i want to go and i was like yeah i'm down assuming they just like want to go to some casual dinner like just to hang out after and i'm just like yeah i'm down but they no one explained to me um which is like i probably would have forgot anyways i couldn't have fixed the problem anyways but no one really explained that it was like a very high-end restaurant like the type of restaurant that has a bouncer i didn't know this by the way they got a bouncer i think j shot's the only person you know they said oh in those shoes bro i don't think so well uh no way really well uh we we we we start driving to the restaurant and uh jay
Starting point is 00:47:48 schlatt still has not mentioned to me that this is like a really upscale restaurant we're getting closer and he's like uh oh yeah ted's on his way i'm like oh ted's coming wow he literally doesn't speak broke talk no he'd know and we pull up and you can only valet and i'm like i can only oh this place looks really nice and he's like yeah and he's like uh j-shot like loosely mentions he's like i don't know if you're gonna be able to like wear that like what i'm wearing and i'm like i'm dressed exactly like this and one to one i'm dressed like this and i'm like oh shit is there a dress code he's like yeah and then the guy for the valet comes up with like a flashlight he like rolls the window down. And I'm like, oh, here are my keys.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And he immediately goes, you're wearing shorts? Dude. He's the valet. Oh, my God. He's the valet. And I'm like, yeah, but. And Jay Scott's like, don't worry. I have pants for him.
Starting point is 00:48:39 He's going to put pants on for you. And I'm like, yeah, I have pants. So then he stands there. And he's like, I'm putting pants on for you. And the val the valet is like good and he's shining the flashlight up and down his body and he's like get to it champ turn around and do it faster yeah so i show him my goat um so so we go c minus so jay shall i gets out of the car and opens the trunk of the car and gets into his suitcase and gets me a pair of pants but they're like sweatpants. Oh cool.
Starting point is 00:49:08 So he gives me a pair of sweatpants. But they're like 15 year old ones where the cotton starts balling up. No no no. It was the opposite. They were like so nice that they had a pattern. Oh. Like they were like textured. But at night they look like shit. Oh cool. At night they just look terrible and they're
Starting point is 00:49:23 blue. So I'm wearing a black shirt with blue sweat. It's totally not matching. And then I'm wearing my beat-up work shoes. Black and blue don't match? What? Have you not seen the navy blue TikToks? Black and blue never look back. Black and blue never look back.
Starting point is 00:49:39 No, blue and black never look back. Yeah, black and blue don't crack. That's what they say. Never forget. So I go out and i literally feel like like you know how mars dresses at tournaments yeah i look like that oh yeah i get out and i'm just like i've never been more uncomfortable in my own skin that's so jay schlatt's pants are way fucking big who knew way fucking bigger than mine yeah and i'm walking
Starting point is 00:50:02 around like holding them up and he's like, come on, tie him. And I'm like, okay. And I'm like tying my pants and trying to get him to stay up and I'm like kind of holding them as I walk because they're way too big. And we go up to the door
Starting point is 00:50:12 and there's a bouncer at this restaurant. It's not even a club. And he has his flashlight in his hand and Ted, who's now showing up, oh no, sorry, not Ted.
Starting point is 00:50:22 Schlatt says, yeah, we're here to see Paul, who apparently is like a promoter who's here and oh no sorry not ted um schlatt says yeah uh uh we're here to see uh paul who apparently is like a promoter who's here and they have this contact and the and the bouncer goes did paul tell you the address code and to you or all of us oh and i i feel singled but he's talking to all of us and we say we're so shook say fucking nothing. We're all just like, and Shalette's like, uh. And then Paul comes out of nowhere like they can come in. And the guy's like pissed.
Starting point is 00:50:52 The guy's like, okay. And then we go in. Like the steakhouse is really taking a turn. Yeah. And so we go. We go in and we're walking. Everyone's dressed so fucking nice. And we're like.
Starting point is 00:51:03 And this Paul guy's like, what's up, boy? So excited to see us I don't know what's going on I feel like such a schmuck So I had my jacket on And it was very warm in there And I revealed my shirt at the table I asked the waitress is this okay And she's like well you're already in they can't kick you out
Starting point is 00:51:17 It was the shirt I have that says commit tax fraud With Barney on the side We looked like a couple of cunts That was a fanny pack? And I'd like to add one more thing to this. We had a lovely dinner. It was great. We then got the check and Ludwig, you
Starting point is 00:51:33 ever PictoChat on the Nintendo DS? You know when sometimes you try to fill every pixel with black? Yes. And then send it? Yes. So Ludwig tried to do that with the signature. Can you show the picture? A digital the signature can you show the pictures signature yeah he's like a picture of the pictures why did you do that what why did you do that i discovered new tech i don't know because ludwig was trying to fill the whole thing with black and before he could finish it popped up yeah it's that giant black
Starting point is 00:52:02 go to the closer one i sent you like a zoomed in version it's that giant black bar go to the closer one I sent you like a zoomed in version before he can finish it pops up signature too complex and it crashes you crash the fucking like toast module yeah and then I tried it again less
Starting point is 00:52:18 and it worked so you can feel like just a bit you can have too dope of a signature I do love the idea of going to like the most upscale place you can and just dope of a signature i do love the idea of going to like the most upscale place you can and just being a piece of shit the whole time we were sweet i will say like sweethearts are human beings but also just like it feels like yeah we shouldn't be here and we're gonna make it a little weird yeah fuck the rest what i'll say is i felt like the smallest man of all time before i got in and then once i was in I was like dressed that way and got in anyway I'm the biggest
Starting point is 00:52:46 ever I'm a bit different than all y'all yeah that's hype man I assumed that you would say that Schlatt when confronted by the bouncer would have been like yeah we're just gonna dress like this like he wouldn't be shook we all froze that's so funny
Starting point is 00:53:01 he crushed the first interaction I think yeah he crushed the first one. Because they're also, while he was saying that, he was like staring at Nick's shoes. He's looking at like Nick's shoes like they were the most ridiculous thing. Like SpongeBob looking at the map in that episode. He's trying to find the treasure. He's just like. They were pretty rough. He's like, this is what you're wearing?
Starting point is 00:53:19 And I was like, damn, why are you looking at his feet so much? Oh, man. That was so awesome. That's nice. Great dinner, though. Great dinner. It was lovely. Oh, and then we also, at dinner, you know Dolly, the AI that can, like, so Ted has access to it.
Starting point is 00:53:34 Yeah. The full version is like, you have to get access. He's made amazing things with it. Yeah, it's pretty insane. He didn't make shit. He just typed in words. Yeah, but, like, the words you type in matter a lot. Also, you own it when you make it that sounded stupid zipper and zipper laughs at me they do matter because you he he showed me that you can be like a polaroid picture taken with flash i mean of the empire state building and
Starting point is 00:53:58 it'll do all okay it can context it can make it can understand context so so this is interesting to ludwig because he can't describe things at all with words that's what he struggles with and this is just a normal skill using dolly to tell us what he wants even types in matcha donut explaining to my friends what i think uh well we were just going around and we were just saying like like a an army of geese entering walmart and then we were having dolly run it and then dolly mini run it and then comparing them and we did this for like an hour we like stayed an hour after we finished eating just to do this and it was one of the it was so fun that's great yeah i got it now what do you
Starting point is 00:54:39 mean oh you got it i got dolly yeah because you have to do it right you have to gain access and it's like pretty limited I just auto had it. I think you told me that. I just messaged you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Auto. Yeah, Andrew has one. He has access to a pretty good one.
Starting point is 00:54:51 He was obsessed for a while. He typed in slime machine, and it was really cool. It was like a cloth. It's fun trying to get it to work. We were trying to get a fire truck to transformer, but it was just using transformers. Like the electricity yeah yeah and we was like we were like okay okay how about fire truck optimus prime yeah we just kept doing different combinations and trying to get to understand this is a this is an english major's
Starting point is 00:55:13 wet dream because you're just your job is to find ways to say i thought of a fun idea which is you know that game squibble i think squad no no it's the one where you figure what it's called uh but you do a drawing and then someone else sees the drawing right like writes a caption for a while And is that it well? Zeke was really good at it because he played it a lot and he always Guessing what they're drawing. This is like writing a caption and someone else draws that caption about to get there It's like telephone, but for drawings let him come let Nick come
Starting point is 00:55:45 we played this at BTS at a company party let Nick come so hard we played it together in this house bro it's squibble IO it's not it's not
Starting point is 00:55:52 and you keep saying it it's not it's um fuck Gartic phone Gartic phone is the one oh
Starting point is 00:55:58 I never played it that's what it is that but for Dolly and so you get a prompt you write a prompt and you get the picture and then you have to write the caption and then it keeps going.
Starting point is 00:56:06 My idea was we do Mad Libs and then after the Mad Lib, you plug every sentence into Dolly and then you make a comic. Oh, that's kind of cool. And it's like, it's like, so that was, that was what made them start laughing at me because I was like explaining that idea. And I was like, yeah, so, you know, like Mad Libs, it's like, it's like uh and then i walked in with an army of geese yeah and they were making fun of me for sounding like a child like how a child would do mad that's not how an adult that's what mad libs is i know but they're that's when we started like now i walk with my big ass like dick and ball because then
Starting point is 00:56:38 they were like all right pull it up let's do army of geese let's see what it looks like and then it was so good we were like oh she'll be doing this that's pretty fire uh you guys have a little bit of fun you have any fun how was san diego yeah yeah it's great you made hbox pop off is the lore yeah i literally it mikey tweeted out but it was a domino effect of me taking kyle's charger for his phone because i thought it was mine because we both has the same white charger but he didn't know that mine was just at the Airbnb. So he could have just charged his phone. Anyway, I take it with me. I go to the venue all day.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Like Aiden's shoes. Kyle, yeah. Kyle walks around the house apparently and ends up slamming his toe into something. Which is crazy because like he was just looking for a charger. I asked him, I was like, were you mad? And he's like, no, I was really chill. Well, I was kicking all the ports to see if it charged. I'm trying to get my toe in there.
Starting point is 00:57:27 He's shaking shit. And then, yeah, and so he hit his toe. It's all fucked up in purple. It's his pinky toe. He like broke it. And he's like, oh man, I don't think I can go to the venue. And he was- He's got to go to a Canadian doctor too.
Starting point is 00:57:40 They're going to like be like- Yeah, they're going to- He's from Canada. Oh oh so he was like i can't go to the venue the whole time he was the the warm-up slut for mango and pretty much anyone who wanted puff practice he's like the best puff in the venue and he couldn't go there and then mango loses the puff jaymoop loses the then H-Box, after winning the tournament, throws a chair onto the stage. And it's all because I took an iPhone charger away. That makes a lot of sense.
Starting point is 00:58:10 Yeah. I believe that that has an argument to be true. I think so. I also think that he's allowed to throw chairs. I've done no say it, done no. Everyone's freaking out. Done said it. All these liberals mad.
Starting point is 00:58:23 Here's the thing. Because he's showing his heart. He should be allowed to throw whatever he wants As long as the next time It's a bigger item Until it's far too big Until he hurts someone and then he has to pay restitutions And he starts from zero Dude you can't
Starting point is 00:58:36 Smashers are so dumb you can literally monetize him being an asshole You say fuck you won You give me a thousand dollars for that shit And then you just do it Yeah flag on the play whatever it is and then it's like and then people are like you know we are charging one one thousand dollars because he threw a chair into the venue and that's stupid and then everyone's like yeah pay that one and he's like uh okay and then he pays it and then he's shamed it's so fucking easy to monetize it. It's harder because there's no, the only way to enforce a fine is by shaming.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah. And there'll be varying levels of success if it works once because then people could abuse it. Shame is all we have. What if he ate the chair? And I think that Juan has done this enough that people are so mad that they can just fucking do it. Right, but like what I'm saying is they could use it
Starting point is 00:59:22 in a situation where he stands up in a pop-off and the chair falls behind him. No then people be like that's stupid and then he wouldn't pay exactly but then we have to deal with the marketplace of ideas where some people will agree some people won't agree like that and he has to make the call and if he ever has to make the call and it's no and that's valid then he could say no every time yeah but there would be times where he was definitely out of pocket and people like well this is fucked up you should pay this and then he'll be shamed i'm saying the system works i guarantee it i'm just saying through a chair laura bush killed a man why are we still talking about hunger box
Starting point is 00:59:51 laura bush laura bush who is that the wife of george w bush is she a fucking babe she killed a man in a hot way smothered her what did What did she do? Is this real? And they choked. I think she killed a man driving. What? Where did the breasts come from? I was just making it up. Why did you do that? So I can't find this anywhere.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Bit of a lie. You can find the car thing. Rule 34, Barbara Bush. Look it up, Zipper. Was it Laura Bush? Did Zipper thumb us up? What was that sound? I heard a sound and now I'm distracted. I think we're at about an hour.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Laura Bush. Are you thumbing up Laura Bush killed a man or 60? Zipper. Laura Bush. Rule 34 now. Was it not Laura? Now I feel like it wasn't Laura Bush. You could just show it.
Starting point is 01:00:34 Laura Bush. Rule 34. Don't. No. Don't do that one. Yeah. Do it. Laura Bush.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Safe search is off. No. Hentai porn. Click it. Click it. Don't click a link. Go to images. Don't click a link. That's a virus. Click the link. No. That's a virus. Laura Bush safe search is off click it click it don't click a link that's a virus
Starting point is 01:00:48 Jesus Christ look at that Hillary one that's weird 1963 Laura Bush killed someone so you're saying why are we talking about Hungrybox when this happened like 80 years ago?
Starting point is 01:01:06 She ran a stop sign. Holy shit! Such accidents don't usually end up on the animated series Family Guy. That's where I remember it from. Why did you bring this up? That is one of the funniest ways to write that ever.
Starting point is 01:01:20 To defend Hungrybox. Because we were so focused on him, I'm taking the heat off him. Oh. Why didn't you think of something else? You ever kill a guy so good, you marry George Bush? Wait, George Bush
Starting point is 01:01:31 after getting a draft dodged, he says, oh, she's the one. Sheesh, bro. Well, damn. Well, damn. We're there, huh? We're there. We're just so hot and cool and cock and cool what a great hour it's been do you think that i think it was an amazing hour was it like the last episode where everyone thought it was dog shit i've never said that i never said that and i don't appreciate
Starting point is 01:01:55 it and nick thought it was dog shit poop and then people were saying damn that was the best one ever made i listened back and i realized i was too harsh, but I think I was tapping into something real. I just can't describe it yet. They're barometers all off. What'd you say? They're barometers all off. Inshallah. Old man.
Starting point is 01:02:12 Inshallah. I podcast. I don't know. Fuck yeah. All right. As-salamu alaykum, brothers. Hope you guys all have a wonderful rest of your day. And that's...
Starting point is 01:02:23 Next week, we'll be back to the regular scheduled uh berating and bullying of aiden as much as we can no narcs no no fucking narcs we didn't say a single goddamn night we're gonna bully him and then you guys are gonna later bully him and then we're gonna we're gonna ban you from the patreon it's gonna go back to normal that's right that's right oh god i can't wait it's like a vacation but i want to go home goodbye and goodbye mine

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