This Paranormal Life - #005 Neil Armstrong's Hunt for ANCIENT ALIENS

Episode Date: May 23, 2017

Did Ancient Aliens visit the earth thousands of years ago? Why would astronaut Neil Armstrong want to hunt for Alien relics? All these questions answered and more on this episode as Paranormal Experts... Rory Powers and Kit Grier investigate. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Is the government putting weird stuff in our water to make people dumb and subservient? Are wolves, not actually wolves, but demons? We don't know, but those are some of the questions that you might find the answer to on this paranormal life. That was a good thundercrash. As always, welcome to the podcast. My name is Roy Powers. I'm joined by my co-host and paranormal pal, Kit Greer. Namaste. How are you paranormal pal, Kit Greer. Namaste. How are you doing today, Kit Greer?
Starting point is 00:00:28 I'm doing good, Roy. I'm ready to be spooked out. Have you had a spooky week? No. No? It's just been hard. I need some comic relief. Do you have...
Starting point is 00:00:38 Absolutely not. You've come to the wrong place. I'm a professional, and I've brought with me today proof of one of the greatest discoveries mankind has possibly ever made. Is this splitting the atom? No. Is this the theory of relativity? No.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Or, okay, what are we talking about here? All right, leave all that stuff to the eggheads at NASA, okay? What if I told you, first off first off do you believe in aliens do you believe in aliens of course do you think that aliens will one day visit the earth visit mankind one day bro one day one day they've been you're goddamn right they've been here what if i told you that ancient aliens helped form man's life on this earth what if they saved us from natural disasters in the past what are the reasons that we have been able to evolve both as humans and uh tech technology wise
Starting point is 00:01:32 what are you saying i'm i'm crawling down the rabbit hole the rabbit hole that leads to the center of the earth which is hollow i'm sorry ladies and gentlemen that in there the earth is hollow is that related i'm it absolutely is related i'm gonna ladies and gentlemen that in there the earth is hollow is that related i'm it absolutely is related i'm gonna take you on an adventure okay the year is 1966 in cappadocia turkey now this is a beautiful place where the mountain ranges are kind of they're shaped by strong winds because it's all volcanic rock beautiful beautiful i've seen pictures it looks incredible now it's 1963. That's not a long time ago, if you think about it. And a family there are renovating their house in the small town of Darankuyu. But when they knock through a wall, they make an unbelievable
Starting point is 00:02:16 discovery. Right off the bat, what do you think? What do you think they found? You know, you're doing some home deco. You're like, you're putting a painting up or something, you know you're doing some home home deco you you you're like you're putting a painting up or something you know of a nice sunset whoa hammer goes through the wall i do know of someone who um whenever they moved into a new house they found a drug money the ancient aliens were crackheads that's absolutely true the walter white of the andromeda galaxy well i'm gonna say this one is maybe like just a bit more up the chain more mysterious a bit more mysterious let's see they found a covered entrance that led to a dark long tunnel and that dark long tunnel led to an underground city
Starting point is 00:03:08 thousands of years old this is real this is real i'm not i'm not even kidding all right the first off we're going to talk about a lot of stuff on this podcast it's like crazy theories this is an actual thing that happened there are photos this was done this is 1963 so there's like photos video maybe right there's is there a name for the city uh darren kuyu okay thank you you and this like this crazy city was found when someone punched through their wall now you might think that i'm exaggerating when i say city uh quotation marks but get this okay this place was 13 stories deep and had over 15 000 ventilation shafts can i just google google it google it right now google um hidden city darren kuyu
Starting point is 00:03:56 i'm on board continue okay so as you can tell by the pictures even by modern day standards this thing is epic don't think of it as like a cave or like a couple of caves it's a city like if this thing was a lego set it would be i don't know 13 and up years 13 which because i'm trying to think in like lego set standards like right that would be quite high in terms of complexity yeah like 13 and up yes this is a big boy's job yeah for sure or perhaps a big alien's job the plot thickens so another weird thing to mention about this is that the entrances are like these huge huge like stone slabs that um can only be opened from they're designed to be open from the inside so you like shut yourself out and there's no way to open it from from the outside that's so rad it's crazy right and the whole thing is deserted
Starting point is 00:04:50 the entire thing is deserted it's speculated that altogether the city could hold around get this 20 000 civilians it lowered people i know and that's not even the creepy part this is a creepy part this is a goddamn creepy part. They found indications of the existence of religious chambers, storerooms, and stables. This is like an actual functioning little city. That's crazy. Like a little underground land. Yeah, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Do you know how old it is? Well. Was it dated? Their speculation kit as to how old it is. So this specific region of Turkey, it was part of the Zoroastrian Empire. I don't know how much you know about Zoroastrians. A lot, actually. Shit, because I made up a lot of this.
Starting point is 00:05:36 It was actually two chambers. It was a glorified anthill. It was a glory hole. I just said it. I said it. But in the Zoroastrian religion, one of the main players is this guy called Ohura Mazda. He's referred to as the Sky God, who apparently at one point requested the construction of an underground city to protect them from kind of similar to like the flood in the bible like a huge catastrophic event and there's tons of images in the scriptures and in the pictures of ahura
Starting point is 00:06:12 mazda and in every single one he's flying around in the sky in a divine chariot quotation marks so we have to ask ourselves this question is he a god or much more likely is he an extra terrestrial with the technological power of flight uh-huh because because this is another thing this guy was known to participate in ongoing sky battles with demons what yeah yeah it's like that's lore because sky battles. Star Wars. I mean, I'm just, I'm pulling things together in hopes this is how we do it. His other nickname was Han Solo. Is that familiar?
Starting point is 00:06:56 It's a little bit like, did you ever hear that story about how whenever the settlers came to South America and first landed in South America, that they couldn't recognize the boats because they'd never seen boats like that and in a little bit like in this story they portrayed it as a sky chariot because that was all they knew but maybe it was a star destroyer it could very well could have been look i'm not going to say that vader himself put humans on this earth say the emperor was involved somewhere in some way somehow look have you seen star wars have you seen star wars absolutely i'm just gonna quote a little a little piece of star wars from you and it's actually the
Starting point is 00:07:36 very opening slate uh a long time ago in a motherfucking galaxy far far away i feel like that a long time no i should have stopped after the first bit but but a long time ago that's look maybe spielberg knew more than he was letting on the lizard eye spielberg lizard freak well look so this isn't even it sounds like a stretch okay but this if this was the only example of these links, then I would, I would shut this down. I would say, let's end the podcast.
Starting point is 00:08:08 Yeah. I'm a liar. He's ripping out the cords. But there, there's tons of not ancient underground cities, but like big caves, big tombs, all built by tribes and others,
Starting point is 00:08:22 other civilizations around the world. They'd also believe that there are star gods and ground people. A good example is the, I believe it's called the Hopi tribe of Arizona. Now, they believe that their ancestors survived a storm of falling stars, a.k.a. goddamn alien spaceship debris. Am I blowing your mind right now? Are you connected? Plasma cannons.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Right. You're getting in on this. And they they they survived it because they were helped into underground cities by the snake people and the ant people jesus there's like legit cave paintings of the snake people and the wall and the the ant were they part snake part people they look like aliens they're basically aliens they may be aliens to be fair and yeah like the the common image of the alien does look a little bit like an ant big old head yeah tiny body exactly and if you've only seen ants and you see these guys you're like ant people and people exactly because it's in like egyptian hieroglyphics as well you just see like pictures of it looks like
Starting point is 00:09:21 modern day technology future stuff alien people little bubble head men and things like that you know you know what's i don't i want to put words in your mouth like to imagine like archaeologists is like okay so river papyrus grain are those nike airs they're really modern shit freaking lexus sickle sickle cat head black helicopter what's that last one uh it's just a it's a couple sickles yeah just your neck spielberg pops up and ends it books at your eyes he knew oh god i don't know we haven't tackled the illuminuminati yet, but people don't speculate. We're not going to, bro. I want to live, okay? Don't drop the eye bomb. I want to.
Starting point is 00:10:08 This is for everyone who listens to the podcast to know. If we ever just stop making episodes without ever announcing it, there is a number of reasons why. And it's going to be Illuminati, it's going to be black helicopters, or ancient aliens. That's just another possibility that we're going to have to deal with. So if we be black helicopters or ancient aliens that's just another possibility that we're gonna have also if we stop being funny ancient aliens ancient aliens if subscriber numbers are down ancient aliens if it bombs in the charts it's spielberg bro you know it is
Starting point is 00:10:38 he sees the threat in there on his jurassic throne with oh shit he made et you know he's gonna slip up sometimes so it's like so i wanted to make this documentary because fictional film fictional film his lizard eyes shift from side to side roll around in his head they're like even if the sentence was wrong your eyes just turned 360 degrees in your face it's like that enough is a telltale sorry i mean shut up i mean so let's move on to this is my favorite story this is where like s gets really weird because i'm gonna take you on a journey we're going to south america in europe i'm not in europe that's not in europe that's in ecuador i'm getting too excited they're messing with my brain.
Starting point is 00:11:27 I don't know whether I'm going to put like jungly sounds in here in the edit or if I should like do some myself. So I'll just do some now and then we can decide whether we want to keep them. Yeah. Show me your leader. Show me your leader. Okay. You're just doing a robot while you your leader. Okay, so... You were just doing a robot while you did that.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Oh, yeah. Getting down in the forest. Coming straight out of the UFO. Just... Stevie Wonder. Show me your leader. It's all the same thing. So in the middle of the last century,
Starting point is 00:12:04 there was a catholic missionary called father crespi now this dude this dude was a great guy he was super nice he helped everyone the locals loved him and like you know the locals of ecuador at this time were kind of hard to get along with but they really liked him they really really loved him especially this group they were called the shuar. That was a local tribe. Throughout his time there in Ecuador, they gave him a ton of gifts, like a ton of gifts because they love the guy. And there were all these intricate carvings. It sounds like a story really from the perspective of Father Crespi.
Starting point is 00:12:40 It does. If Father Crespi was like President Trump trump he's like i was a great guy everyone loved me nobody loves the schwar like i love the schwar but so this is the weird thing so the artifacts and everything that he was given they didn't actually look like anything from the schwar culture like at all so it's kind of like um lexus but you know father crispy's a nice guy he's not gonna call him out and be like you steal this you steal this stuff you know they're a good tribe the shore um so he doesn't really think anything of it so at this point it's 1975 enter stanley hall a scottish explorer an indiana jones
Starting point is 00:13:18 of himself and he reads a book about the mysterious artifacts and he was so baffled by them that he that he decided to fly to ecuador and hunt down their origin himself which is mental yeah like how weird are they like can you imagine like reading a book does this happen every time with him yeah every time this book is off the chain. It's just... I can imagine him, like, after every single book goes to his wife, sweetheart, I've got something to tell you.
Starting point is 00:13:53 He's like, you haven't been reading again. I've got to go find Hogwarts. I know it's out there, sweetheart. I will kill the white whale. Moby Dick. Stanley, no. No, you have a wife and kids. They won't have a future.
Starting point is 00:14:08 They won't. I thought we could fix it by getting him to start reading fiction, but it's just made it worse. It's made it worse. The guy's an explorer. I don't know. It's 1975, so I feel like that's a weird time to still have the profession of an explorer.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Yeah, like he's in the world discovered still have the profession of an explorer yeah i mean that's the word world discovery is that a sign you're you're nailing it in life or maybe like you need to move on yeah i know i feel like because this is in it's a bit like religions isn't it because it's in the past we give it a lot more like a bit more cred yeah whereas if you heard of a scottish explorer today in 2017 you'd be like what are you exploring your own insanity yeah exactly so anyway he manages uh to actually get to ecuador and somehow meet with father uh crespi who is obviously because he's such a bro he's like more than happy to show stanley all these these crazy artifacts one of which is this like this you know pretty big golden tablet with all this writing on it that no one's
Starting point is 00:15:05 ever seen before and that's it that's all stanley needs he's off like a goddamn rocket this guy he mounts up a huge freaking exploring team like it's like it's journey to the center of the goddamn earth cool no i'm like i know what you're thinking you're thinking rory now we're digging about in caves we're looking for relics this is borderline grave robbering this has nothing to do with with aliens anymore the hunt is over i was on board to be honest i would have been with stanley leading the charge robbing those graves okay if this isn't about alien hunting then why does stanley recruit for his adventure team neil armstrong what neil armstrong actually went on the expedition with him for ancient alien artifacts was it have you ever seen neil armstrong punch that guy
Starting point is 00:15:59 this guy said like basically some like like moon truther was like you never went to the moon bro i i know your secret bro and he just like punched him he just like that's badass awesome was this person like resemble an ant of any kind or a snake man spielberg himself so neil armstrong you can i almost insist that anyone listening to this podcast if they don't believe me google neil armstrong ancient aliens this is something that actually happened there are pictures of him and stanley hall on this expedition to try and find these ancient alien artifacts that is insane but what are we supposed to believe it's a coincidence that the only guy one of the only guys that stepped foot on another planet wants to go hunt for ancient aliens like come on link this together guys link this open your eyes open your
Starting point is 00:16:56 eyes god damn so the expedition goes deep into the cave where allegedly these ancient artifacts had come from now it's called the Cave of Teos. And it's regarded by the Schwar Group as like a super secret location. Because obviously you want to hide that stuff if that's where it's all coming from. So Stan and Neil Armstrong... It just sounds like fan fiction to me. It does. Made love in the cave.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Sweet, sweet. Alien love. They created the most. Sweet, sweet. Alien love. They created the most delicate artifact of all. A baby. I don't know what I'm saying. Look, they're having an amazing time. They're finding a ton of cool artifacts. I mean, that sounds like a great hangout, doesn't it?
Starting point is 00:17:39 I mean, oh my God. I would love that. Being in a cave with Neil. And it is worth pointing out like they they so they explored this this cave the cave of taos and they they actually found artifacts they found a bunch of like old ancient stuff but it was actually nothing like what father crespi was given it was genuinely more artifacts linked to the shuar and like tribes around that area so just stuff that you would find if you were exploring in like old ruins. Very convenient. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:06 Well, too convenient, Neil. So lots of artifacts. No ancient slabs. No alien remains. Nothing. Nada. You're bummed out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:16 Because presumably that's a big trip. They were coming from the US and Scotland. Well, once you've been to the moon. Actually, yeah. Yeah. It's all nothing. Can you imagine every time someone's like, hey, can you go grab me grab me a sandwich oh but the store's all the way down the street i went to the goddamn moon how is that for distance yeah i know it's like anytime you know i'm showing open city mapper
Starting point is 00:18:35 he's like it's two hours you know what it's fine you think it would be fun to go with him but uh you could also imagine it being like okay okay, so where's the entrance to the cave? It's about three miles that way or 0.00 moon distance away. I know. Think how annoying someone is once they've gone to like India. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:18:56 And they come back and it's all they talk about. Oh my God. It's like in India. They like totally like live like this. And then think about someone going to the moon, dude. All of their anecdotes, moon anecdotes. And you're like, Neil, you were there for. And then think about someone going to the f***ing moon, dude. All of their anecdotes. Moon anecdotes. And you're like, Neil, you were there for all of what, two hours?
Starting point is 00:19:09 Yeah. Yeah. Unbelievable. Punched you in the face. Yeah. Decked you. So it's a bit of a bummer. The group disperses.
Starting point is 00:19:17 That's the end of it. However, 15 years later, Stanley meets an Ecuadorian named Petronio Jaramillo. Jaramillo? He meets Jaramillo. Petronio. I'm going to say Petronio because I don't want to butcher his second name. Also a real person. Everyone's a real person, including Neil.
Starting point is 00:19:38 So I'm really insecure about it. Everyone's realized, word of God, that's too long. 15 years later. That's a big jump. I was rolling with it, but that's a big jump. That's a huge jump. Because what is it now? Like, that was 1975.
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yeah, so that's 90. Yeah, like 1990s. He meets an Ecuadorian named Petronio. And they start talking about Tayos, the cave. That's where all the artifacts were supposed to be. Now, Stan, you you know stan he's probably bragging like yeah i went there with my buddy neil like it was pretty cool found found some stuff uh first guy on the moon as well if you didn't know that and then weirdly enough petronio decides
Starting point is 00:20:16 to kick in as well and he's like yeah i've been to tyos i've seen the metal library what boom boom freeze yeah i know you're wondering how i got here that's me petronio i'm this this is the story about a meta crazy guy called stan that's mental if you like imagine thinking that you went to the right cave and you were like no nothing was there and then a dude's like yeah i was there i saw all of it i saw everything suddenly he's like what and dude's like, yeah, I was there. I saw all of it. I saw everything. Stanley's like, what? And he opens a book. It's like, everyone's been there. It's like a major tourist destination. He goes on Neil's Facebook and it's like a selfie of him with all these slabs.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Not you, Neil. I thought we were friends. So this is what Petronio says. He says he went in through a secret entrance in 1946. Apparently, he had to dive underwater and swim through a tunnel to get to the chambers so maybe the one the cave that they're talking about isn't actually the real cave of tyos where the metal library is apparently storing all these ancient alien artifacts so what do you do what do you do at that point you team up with petronio because this dude knows what's going on neil yeah out of here out of here i think neil was a freaking alien the whole time agent oh
Starting point is 00:21:33 we were very different directions yeah he was a shill he he sold stanley out he knew that stanley was on the trail and he threw him right off he brought him to this dud cave this shit cave dud cave you know there was a sign and it's like two directions one was like cave of terrors
Starting point is 00:21:51 and the other was like dud cave and Neil got there first and did like the Jurassic Park swap the signs around like wacky races like yeah
Starting point is 00:22:00 oh we gotta go this way Stan old buddy old pal so Petronio says that apparently there's chambers and they're filled with ancient relics It's like, yeah, we got to go this way, Stan, old buddy, old pal. So Petronio says that apparently there's chambers and they're filled with ancient relics and golden tablets with unknown writing on them,
Starting point is 00:22:13 just like the one that Father Crespi got given by the Shuar. Wow. So obviously you're getting excited. You want to team up. You want to plan another expedition like ASAP because you guys are getting old by this point. You're old AF. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It's insane. But unfortunately, before Petronio can get the chance to guide them to the underwater entrance, he died. No! Of course he did. Dude died. He croaked. So Stan basically, after like talking, he went back to Scotland. And they were planning another expedition.
Starting point is 00:22:42 But before they could actually get back to Ecuador and do it, Pet petronio died and there was like two sites just saying he died there was six saying that he was assassinated just all like like but those were the kind of sites that have like rotating alien heads on the columns and like haven't been updated since 1997 yeah exactly in fact he was assassinated by an alien um unfortunately stanley actually died as well in 2008 before he could make another expedition because he spent all that time mapping out where he thought the cave was going to be and apparently as i was telling you before we started recording, he has the actual grid coordinate, what do you call those? Coordinates.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Coordinates, coordinates of the location around where the secret entrance might be to the tomb. It's literally on the internet and people haven't been jumping at it apparently. Really? Yeah. No attempts? Well, it's funny you mentioned that, Kit,
Starting point is 00:23:42 because while Stanley is gone, another rises to keep his flame alight. Me! It is I! I got a whip from like an Indiana Jones Halloween costume. I am Neil! So basically Stanley's dead. Petronio's dead.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Who's going to carry on this flame? No one other than Stanley's daughter. Whoa! Yeah, how cool is that that's awesome i guess she like grew up kick-ass shit yeah she like grew up with him talking about the caves in the library and his adventures um so i actually watched some some videos with her being interviewed uh and it was really cool to see her like talk about her dad's work and was like i'm gonna i'm gonna be the one to find it and like carry on his legacy and prove he wasn't insane so in the hopes of continuing her father's legacy his daughter traveled to ecuador now by
Starting point is 00:24:29 this time good old father crespi was dead everyone's dead like at this point uh he died aliens alive actually um he he died in 1982 uh but she still wanted to see if she could at least work out any clues from the relics that he'd been given there's just one problem they're gone what they're gone he pawned them in for cigarettes she went to his mansion and uh the relics were gone to this day legitimately no one knows who took them or what happened to them oh man it's so tricky i do want to point out as well like like, this sounds insane because I'm like, oh, and when someone wanted to see the relics, they had mysteriously disappeared.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Like, there's photos of them. Yeah. Like, from when he actually had them. If you Google, again, weird Googles, Father Crespi's ancient alien relics, you can see one of the plates. It's like an Etsy page. It does. It does. you can see one of the plates it does it does or like
Starting point is 00:25:28 when you're driving through like southern America and it's like the only store for the next hundred miles it's Father Crespi's old ancient alien artifacts do you have any water? I haven't seen water in years no food?
Starting point is 00:25:43 no I've been living off the slabs. The slabs give me life. I need gas for my car. Slabs for the car? No, Father. Father Jesus. How have you lived out here for so long? And that's the last known,
Starting point is 00:25:58 the last that I know of the adventure towards those ancient alien artifacts. Good Lord. I know. I'm going to open up the floor to you, Kit. Do you think at some point in history that ancient aliens came down and helped us possibly survive catastrophic events,
Starting point is 00:26:20 gave us technological advancements, and maybe left behind ancient tablets and relics that are scattered all across the world. One thing I always thought was kind of fun, do you think tablets seems like kind of low-grade technology for aliens? Well, I guess tablets are very low-grade. Yeah, they didn't leave a freaking iPad. Yeah, like a blaster.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Yeah. Actually, yeah, isn't leave like a freaking ipad yeah like a blaster yeah actually yeah isn't that kind of lame oh we gotta we gotta chill guys but we left you with some caves uh here's some slabs made of the heaviest shit we could find um yeah have fun cool cool like is that the cure to cancer over there oh we we might hold on to that in case we ever get cancer and then we might want it uh well you know you know what you take the slabs i'm sure one of them will tell you about cancer anyway do you think they were just giving us their space trash like we are a dumpster it's that whole thing where it's like the worth of the object is only what you put on it yeah so it's like yeah it's just space trash it's You know, whenever you like mess up an idea that you're writing on paper, you just crumple it up and throw it in a bin.
Starting point is 00:27:28 He threw it to earth. He threw it to earth. And even the Schwarz are like, who is dumb enough to think this is a gift? This is all crazy Catholic priest. Oh, kooky, crispy, they call him. Yeah, he'll freaking take it. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:27:43 That's a good point. Because maybe i'm pretty sure they're made of i don't know what they're made of like it looks like metal i think some of it's gold are they gold is a universal high value metal right or is that only because it's rare on earth well because what if there's a gold planet in space yeah it definitely looks dope and their treasure is dirt wouldn't that that's a Facebook meme for you. Maybe to aliens, dirt is gold. Ever thought about that?
Starting point is 00:28:11 Yeah. I know. That is a theory to do with alien intervention on Earth, is that aliens were using civilizations like the Mayans and Sumerians to harvest gold, and that's why these civilizations were so obsessed with gold, because whilst gold is just very beautiful to us and has lots of nice properties it also is um very light has very interesting properties and you're able to cope things with gold very easily it's highly reflective
Starting point is 00:28:35 yeah and the theory was that aliens were using this to reflect their stars rays back from a planet so they could terraform a planet ah so that it does actually have uses and that it is an interesting thing that like you think of like us here on earth that we've got like all our elements like yeah you got like iron and stuff and you know like we've got like steel tools and iron tools and everything but that is like that's what stuff in the universe is made out of like yeah whenever we open up meteors and stuff like that, it's made out of like iron. That is weird, isn't it? You think it would be made of like space rock or something like that.
Starting point is 00:29:11 Rocks. Because then also like, you know, aliens come down. They're having a good time. They're teaching humans all this crazy stuff. They're like, oh, you guys got a sharpened stick. Look what we've got. A giant sharpened stick. It's a huge one.
Starting point is 00:29:23 This thing shoots sharpened sticks. You can imagine like. It's a huge one. This thing shoots sharpened sticks. You can imagine like the bow and arrow, like how dope this is. But it is weird that all of these different cultures that couldn't possibly have met each other, even from ones from my list are all talking about the sky God, the, the star Wars,
Starting point is 00:29:43 not the films. Obviously that would be insane cyroglyphic force awakens was dope it's crazy that these links appear all over the world it's insane that's it whenever you start reading about these ancient sites yeah things are getting weirder every day i urge you people to to look up but you know one site, Gobekli Tepe, scientists used to think the human agriculture started, you've probably read this, like maybe about 10,000 years ago. Yeah. But then plot twist, in the last few years,
Starting point is 00:30:13 we've discovered the site Gobekli Tepe in Turkey, also interestingly. And it's about 13... Wait, Turkey? My God. I frantically go back through my notes. I swear that... It just starts playing the Indiana Jones season. That's real.
Starting point is 00:30:28 Where are we going, Mr. Jones? We're going to Turkey. We're taking this podcast on the road. New headline. Nerd podcasters die in Ecuador. Die at Belfast International Airport. What? Die in Ecuador.
Starting point is 00:30:44 Die at Belfast International Airport. Literally don't get off the ground. Intercepted at security screaming, dirt is gold. Dirt is gold. Neil Armstrong's a NASA show. All right, so I i'm gonna do unfortunately this is a visual not a visual podcast not an audible podcast so um i'm just going to display some proof to kit that mayans were visited by extraterrestrials okay i'm up for it let's do it and you guys have to judge how substantial you think this evidence is by his reactions,
Starting point is 00:31:26 whether it be in gasps or laughs. So these are two slabs that have been recovered from ancient Mayan sites. This isn't obscure. This isn't like, oh, I think if you turn it this way, it kind of looks like a... It's just a drawing of spaceships. That's not real. That's real. They found that. That's not real. It's literally like the Earth and spaceships that's not real that's real they found that it's literally like the earth and spaceships if if a child drew ufos in the back of a napkin mcdonald's that's just ancient scrolls
Starting point is 00:31:59 that's what i'm saying i'm like that's all that's That's it. That's my argument. Argument. You look like little lampshade UFOs. That evidence has been brought to light in recent years. I love the way this image is actually annotated as if it needs to be deconstructed in any way. Look here, you can see an alien. Look here, you can see a flying saucer. Usually if it was really obscure or faint,
Starting point is 00:32:23 you would have to do that. They weren't trying to be ambiguous at all like there was no artistic impression they just drew a spaceship and a meteor and the earth you got to respect that you got to yeah because that's it like if something that crazy happens to you and you don't have any other way of expressing yourself what do you do you just run into the nearest cave and you just bash that into some rocks bash into a slab think about it that is their instagram post yeah that's their like that's their periscope retweets yeah yeah reached father gillesse crispy father that's not his name father crispy cream father carespi carespi i believe his name So look, I've given you a lot of evidence.
Starting point is 00:33:06 I've told you stories. I don't know what else you need to know. I just, I don't understand how this is still up for debate. I don't know why we're not on a plane to Ecuador, to be honest. You know what? Wait, hold on. I'm going to find the coordinates. I'm going to find the coordinates.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm going to read them out. Because it does exist. Stanley wrote a ton of books about it, the cave about exploring with neil armstrong about the metal library there's tons on the metal library look up the metal library it's it's insane um but on one of those pages he also actually gave the coordinates to this cave i'm gonna find them i'm gonna read them on the podcast so that was the the dud cave no. These are the coordinates to where he believes the real one is located. This is a rough coordinates. Metal.
Starting point is 00:33:50 What did I say it was called? Metal library? Library coordinates. I wonder if there's like a Google Maps. Oh, shit. You think we could put the coordinates in Google Maps and find the cave? We may have to cut this because if we actually find it, we might have to get on a plane tonight and they're just cut to really
Starting point is 00:34:09 like muffled obviously on the move audio okay we're at the signpost shit did Neil swap them or is this the right way? Which one's the dud cave? Shit. Gunfire in the distance. Don't go to the cave. Don't go to the cave. I thought you were screaming it out of Jones theme. Okay.
Starting point is 00:34:45 So I have two coordinates here I have one which is for the original cave of Taos uh located on the Toangos river uh
Starting point is 00:34:55 which is actually this is insanely cool this is mapped by the actual 1976 expedition wow isn't this crazy
Starting point is 00:35:01 like it's funny to like take the piss about all this stuff but it genuinely happened like I'm looking at pictures from what we just talked about people took like we're like working it's crazy years on this yeah it's insane so here is apparently the uh calculated location of the treasure cave uh 77 47 34 west and 15600 South. Here you go. Okay, I think I see it here.
Starting point is 00:35:30 Are you on that same page? Metal Library? Gold Library dot com? What is my life? What is my life? Are you on the same site? Gold Library? Gold Library forward slash the truth? How is this something that I do
Starting point is 00:35:46 Really bummed out for the next 10 minutes Jesus Christ Okay Oh dude it worked Oh my god we're in Gold starts pouring out of your laptop Ancient slates start filling the room That's happening
Starting point is 00:36:02 I'm like dude The coordinates worked You look over i'm just like my face is melting raiders of the lost ark style oh shit yeah is this photo is this like the photo of the world or is that just is that like satellite this is satellite yeah that's satellite yeah let's get in there let's go deep where's the dude a little street pass man and walk him walking in right it's like a drone, isn't it? I don't know how it works. Burned it all down.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Look, all I'm going to say is this pinpoint map is right beside a river. So if Petronio was telling the truth, there could genuinely be an underwater entrance around that area. Just swimming right in under this tree line right here. It's very true. It's literally just beside the river. Conclusion time. I've given you the evidence. We're going to draw it down to this very fine point.
Starting point is 00:36:47 There's lots of things it could be. It could be pages from Atlantis. It could be ancient aliens. Aliens could still be with us right now, living underground in these ancient cities that were discovered. But do you believe, Kit Greer, do you believe that at some point in human history, we have been visited by or influenced by extraterrestrials from other planets
Starting point is 00:37:06 this is your profession on the line here as a professional paranormal investigator this is a big claim you're on the fence you saw those goddamn slabs. He drew an alien. Yes. Done it. We got a yes. We got a yes. I think maybe one of the first times on this podcast, I'm also yes. Really?
Starting point is 00:37:35 I'm with you, brother. I'm with you. Get your shit. We're going to Ecuador. Here we go, boys. Get Neil. Get Neil. So that's it.
Starting point is 00:37:45 This week's episode, it is officially confirmed that at some point in human history, we were visited and gifted technology by ancient aliens who may or may not still be on this planet with us and have ancient slabs hidden in tombs in Ecuador. But that's for you guys to discover. If you do go to Ecuador or you do find out any more information on these caves. Locations. Anything like that. Email us in. I want to know.
Starting point is 00:38:08 I want to know more. I want this mystery to be unraveled. Thanks for listening as always. And we will see you next week. On This Paranormal Life. If you enjoyed this week's episode. The best way to support This Paranormal Life. Is to rate and review us on iTunes.
Starting point is 00:38:22 The more five star reviews that we have. The more this podcast grows. And we have, the more this podcast grows, and we can continue to bring you a new paranormal tale each and every week. If you have your own paranormal stories that you'd like us to investigate, email us in at thisparanormallifepodcast at

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