This Paranormal Life - #105 The Allagash Abductions

Episode Date: March 26, 2019

In 1976 four art students were camping out in the forests of Maine when they noticed something strange in the sky. Next thing they know, hours have passed and no one can recall what happened. That is...... until...Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If the government can hear our thoughts, who's to say they can't smell them too? If monsters live under the bed, should I smash the whole thing with a hammer? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Welcome everyone back to the podcast. You are listening to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast with your two favorite hosts and your favorite paranormal investigators investigators excuse me there uh roy powers myself and kit greer my uh accomplish not the word sir um every week we investigate a brand new paranormal tale and come to a conclusion
Starting point is 00:00:40 to find out if it's real um apologies for missing last week we're very happy to be back this week full force charlie's angels 3 full throttle that's right and everything that we missed in that last week we're gonna be bringing this week so i think last week we were at like two percent energy so this week we're at 22% energy. We are bursting. Still extremely, extremely lethargic. Of course, yeah. Even blinking feels like effort. But we're excited to investigate the paranormal as always
Starting point is 00:01:14 because we got a big one this week. By the way, Rory is not even recording this live. He's currently mouth gaping on a sofa. He just pressed play on a tape recorder, which he pre-recorded this over the last two weeks. I'm actually so tired the doctors declared me legally dead. You might hear the faint beepings of the life support machine in the distance, but try and tune those out. I am alive. You're like, Rory, Rory.
Starting point is 00:01:48 you're like rory we have a suggestion this week from one of our listeners whose name is ruth bradford harris wow thanks ruth i think she may have submitted another story but i don't remember what it was i think she's a great friend of the paranormal nation oh okay well there you go a great friend with benefits or like a great friend just... There are no benefits in the paranormal nation. That would go against the whole ethos of the commune in that everyone owns everything. It is very much a communist system. Sorry, did I say communist? It's very much a communal system with a sort of dictator.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Well, not a dictator. I guess a great leader. You're digging us down. I guess a great sort of leader. But not like a president because we will rule for a lifetime. So I guess that kind great leader. You're digging us down. I guess a great sort of leader. But not like a president because we will rule for a lifetime. So I guess that kind of leader that rules over everything and distributes the wealth very, very equally across everyone. Let's say a couple of buzzwords here.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Fair, equal, fine, not a cult. Those are all good words. Yeah, not a cult. Okay. Well, thank you, Ruth, for your email submission. Let's just dive right in here, folks. It's summer, 1976, and four university art students left Boston to begin a week-long camping trip in the forests of Maine. Wow, that sounds dreamy.
Starting point is 00:02:55 Exactly. Before we get started, Kit, this is a serious story. Uh-huh. And I know we often get accused of being immature on the podcast. So let's both try and step it up today. Let's, you know, total respect here. Okay, we're just going to go professional mode. We are professional, so it shouldn't be hard for us to just be professional for once.
Starting point is 00:03:13 Exactly. The men, Charlie Foltz, Chuck Rack, and twin brothers, Jack and Jim Wiener, set... You smiled. No, I didn't. I said... I'm allowed to smile, aren't to smile i said to take it seriously so okay well you're the police because you could well you know i'm not allowed to smile if you're gonna giggle every time i say the words twin wieners then i don't know if we can even do this
Starting point is 00:03:37 week's episode because there's a lot more wieners where that's coming from there's triplet wieners quadruplet wieners there's a whole goddamn lineage level with you giant wieners it's a sausage fest from here on we we got we got the frankenfurter family we got the wiener brothers we got the we got the schlong family jack mustard jim ketchup the whole crew are here we're gonna have to try and avoid the giggles from this point on because it does get depressingly serious the gang spent five days in the beautiful outdoors hiking in the hot sun roasting marshmallows on the campfire that's beautiful anything you would see in an american beer commercial yeah yeah they finally took up camp at smith pond an isolated swampy lake that was perfect for night fishing.
Starting point is 00:04:25 So when the sun went down, the gang readied their canoe and their fishing equipment. Only thing was, this night was dark. Crazy dark. And they were worried about getting turned around and lost once they went out onto the water. Students have changed a lot, haven't they? Yeah, these guys seem like actually pretty responsible. If I get lost in the woods, I don't know what to do. I don't know how to start a fire.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I don't know which way is north. I'm going to just scavenge the wilderness and the wood floor for anything that even slightly resembles a mushroom to eat. Well, don't go for mushroom. I mean, that's some of the most dangerous things to forage in the first place. But they're food, right? I don't know what else. Yeah, but most.
Starting point is 00:05:09 All right. One out of 10 mushrooms is going to be a poison. A little bit more than that, probably. No, absolutely not. Well, what else are you foraging for? Just think of it literally anything else. All right. Like, like, um, berries.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Okay. Berries also a pretty poisonous choice to go for i didn't say poison berries right well i'd go for the ones that look like skittles the ones that grow on the what is it poison ivy so you know it's you know it's poison i think there's been many movies about people who die in the woods from eating poisonous berries it's like fine i'll just hunt for a snake or scorpion jesus christ and drink the delicious nectar from its tail god mom actually you go great with some mushrooms you know what you should just stay inside you should just play video games because i'm worried you will die just you cooking you cooking dinner for your girlfriend on a camping trip it's just scorpion with served with
Starting point is 00:06:05 rattlesnake with a side of poison as mushrooms sauteed with a poison ivy berry sauce it's like what's the drink i just brought some poison from the city to wash it all down i found some nuclear sludge down by the water's edge i figured that would counteract the poison in the scorpion it's like let's just add one drip and see what he's twice the size as he was before he's gained powers he can talk now we need to leave the woods they're worried they're gonna get turned around in the water so they said hey let's start a huge fire right here at base camp big enough to burn all night that way we can use it to find our way back to camp pretty smart these kids it's like a
Starting point is 00:06:45 big old lighthouse so they built the fire set it alight this thing was huge chuck rack said these flames were leaping three four feet in the air little did they know they had just sent a very offensive native american smoke smoke signal down the. They had several tribes on their position within minutes. I remember being in the back of the canoe, paddling leisurely. The two twins were in the middle. Charlie was in the front. And I remember they were having a conversation, and I was focusing on the night and the lake and the water.
Starting point is 00:07:23 And I began to feel observed and then all of a sudden Chuck rack who was at the back of the canoe said holy mackerel what that is that and I turned around and looked and there was this huge bright light that was hot coming out of the trees. It seemed like it was rising out of the trees. At first we thought, well, it's got to be an airplane or something, right? So we watched it for a few seconds and realized that it wasn't an airplane because it wasn't making any sound at all. It was strange, very strange very strange oh interesting huh to say the least i mean not exactly what you want to see when you're in the middle of a dark wood in the middle of a dark lake on a tiny little canoe
Starting point is 00:08:19 there's not really a lot of options to go somewhere char Charlie Fultz went on to say, It was like it was alive. And when it approached them, only a hundred yards away, the object froze in the air. Wow. Charlie said, Hey fellas, I'm going to shine this flashlight at it and see what it is. That's extremely confident. The second Charlie hit the object with the beam of his flashlight,
Starting point is 00:08:45 a second beam of light shot down right on top of them. The men were confused and honestly pretty terrified. But maybe, just maybe, this craft was trying to find a way to communicate with them. So it was like, okay, you shine a light at us, we'll shine a light back. So whatever this is is like oh these are some light creatures they just shoot lights around the place they build a big light on the shore and then they head out in a little ship there and they shine a light so i guess we'll just shine a light back then all of a sudden the orb slowly began to approach the canoe
Starting point is 00:09:20 the men started to panic this thing would smush them to oblivion. The twins began paddling backwards as fast as they can. They heard Mark cry out, It's getting closer! It's getting closer! Jesus. And then a sudden flash of light. And the next thing the men remember,
Starting point is 00:09:40 they were back on shore. Watching the object disappear silently into the darkness of the night. That's not good. I mean, there's got to be an immediate sense of relief. Yeah. That they're like, oh, we're on dry land. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:09:54 That's not good. Last thing I remember, I was on a boat. You were screaming, it's getting closer. Yeah. Now it's getting further. And that didn't just happen in a second. I'm lying flat in my ass i don't know where my pants have gone the men confused and exhausted wandered back to their
Starting point is 00:10:12 campsite but when they returned the giant bonfire they'd built to last for hours was a smoldering pile of ash creepy huh very creepy what are your so far? And they couldn't just pull out an iPhone and just see what like date and time it was. They didn't know if a goddamn week has passed at that point. It's true. Yeah. They could have been out in those woods for God, one night, but maybe two nights, God forbid, three nights. Three nights. They're going to miss lectures. Exactly. It's a Monday morning at this point. I mean, yeah, it's quite, I guess if there's still maybe embers in the fire, you can be like, okay, it's still tonight. Yeah, that's very true.
Starting point is 00:10:54 But either way, a very long period of time has passed, given that they remember nothing about it. Yeah. You'd be quite worried about how you got from the canoe back to the shore at the very least. Well, years passed. And not just then. That was literally hours, I think. Years passed onward from that event. Can you imagine you blink on the boat as this light's coming towards you and you open your eyes and you're in like a log cabin.
Starting point is 00:11:29 You're 80 years old your 40 year old kids are like by your side you're on your goddamn deathbed you're like what a chip are you daydreaming again papa what why who are you he's having another episode no i don't remember shit i last thing i knew there was a law doctor injects you with years passed after the event and the men never really talked about what happened that night afraid of what their friends and family might think and i guess also afraid that if the orb is still out there somewhere it will beat the shit out of them for snitching snitching yeah because snitches get stitches that's the code that's a universal rule yeah there is only a handful of universally applicable laws uh snitches get stitches right don't get high in your own supply right um an apple a day keeps the doctor away because uh on the outer moons of zoktar 4 i I mean, seeing a doctor is basically a death sentence.
Starting point is 00:12:25 That's right, yeah. So eat your apples. Yeah, because doctor doesn't mean doctor like on Earth. It's actually assassin. Yeah. And eating an apple is the only way to prevent them from coming into your house and killing you in front of your family.
Starting point is 00:12:38 Also, beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, never fear. I think that's universal. Most of the laws are party related yeah there's a lot of party related ones the men never talked about the incident until 1978 when jim weiner was driving down the road when he crashed the car doctors diagnosed him with temporal epilepsy and going, he even experienced periodic seizures brought on by
Starting point is 00:13:06 sleep deprivation. Oh, jeez. Now, I know what you're thinking, Kit. Sleep deprivation? Why, everyone loves to dream. True. But not everyone loves to nightmare!
Starting point is 00:13:18 What? He's having nightmares! Shit. All I remember is seeing vague figures, anthropomorphic in shape, but they did not seem human to me. They were around me and they were either doing things with my genitals or they were prodding me with some types of instruments. There was an extreme feeling of malevolence
Starting point is 00:13:47 i mean i was absolutely always felt terrified in this situation spooky stuff huh those are not dreams you want to have not at all i mean it's easy listen the low-hanging fruit here so it's pretty funny that aliens are coming to see mr wiener's wiener yeah sure there's a cheap pun in there somewhere but it's not funny it's not because that would be scary as shit terrifying i mean my my bad dream i'm such a pure soul that my bad dreams are still pretty great i talked me through like what was like your last bad dream like i won the lottery but a lot of it was deducted through tax so i only made like a substantially smaller amount wow but you were still like a multi multi-millionaire yes yeah the one before that i could fly but only to a certain height oh right interesting how high was
Starting point is 00:14:42 it 33 000 feet so like as high as you'd ever want to go really like cruising level of a boeing yeah uh you know it was it was incredible it was i literally saw the curvatures of the earth as the um the sun rose yeah he really has got all the beauty out of it but again it's kind of cloudy so i couldn't quite i couldn't quite see the whole thing i could see how that would be stressful yeah have you like had any nightmares recently yeah one last night that um actually each member of my family just took turns in um brutally torturing me uh yeah wow and just telling me all my like most deep-seated fears just reciting them for hours
Starting point is 00:15:16 it really felt like years uh i felt like i'd kind of grown old and i almost feel like i've lived more in that world than this world at times wow Wow, that actually, yeah, that sounds like a really bad nightmare. Oh, nightmares? I thought we were still talking about dreams. No, that was a good one. That was a goodie, as I call them. What's a bad one? In the bad ones, at the start of that thing,
Starting point is 00:15:37 I get cast onto hell by Osiris himself. Then each god of every major world religion takes turns spanking my ass as my family watch and cheer. Why is Osiris bringing you to hell, of all people? Does he, can he do that? I don't know the f***ing gods. He's just a big-ass Egyptian god. They all hate me.
Starting point is 00:16:00 For what it's worth. Jesus. All right. I think you take the, you win this round because i thought mine were really bad i was like i'm like going to a therapist and stuff i'm trying to talk it out like why can't i fly to the freaking moon doc the therapist is like you're a lost cause bro yeah i don't know where you're getting these crazy bad nightmares from well for a long time jim weiner decided to keep his nightmares a secret then eventually he decided to tell his
Starting point is 00:16:25 twin brother jack weiner about what was happening so they shared the initial experience but decided between the three of them to not tell anyone about that initial experience four of them oh four of them apologies yes um but now years later uh this guy is experiencing um maybe some post-traumatic sort of effects of that event but he hasn't told anyone just yet it's very true yeah jim wiener can't sleep but he's got his twin brother jack wiener and they're sitting down wiener to wiener just two wieners on a couch wiener just opened up and jim told him all about the strange dreams he'd been having but jack wiener's response was completely unexpected he said jim he'd been having. But Jack Weiner's response was completely unexpected. He said,
Starting point is 00:17:07 Jim, I've been having the exact same dreams. Whoa. Crazy, right? That is crazy. Maybe that's a twin thing. Maybe it's unearthing some horrible event that took place that night. We don't know.
Starting point is 00:17:24 All we know is that there's some unusual connection between these wieners some sort of please show some goddamn respect sir some sort of strange attraction between the wieners that is somehow there's just a thread through time that is pulling these wieners closer and closer by the day after speaking with the doctor about what was going on it was recommended recommended that Jim speak to Ray Fowler, a UFO researcher and apparently a hypnotist. Not the first person you should be talking to if you just crashed your car due to post-traumatic stress, by the way.
Starting point is 00:17:54 You can't sleep, you're haunted by nightmares, and someone sent you to a hypnotist? I think they spoke to a doctor and the doctor was like, yeah, oh, here's some medicine, here's a prescription. Here's a scientifically proven cure to this issue it's like i don't want your your big pharma solutions yeah exactly i want you to give me a f***ing tony robbins book that's gonna switch my life around yeah let me see that um clipboard you got there dot then you slap it out of his nerd hands and say i need 200 cc's of the truth yeah and you drop uh you don't have a mic so maybe like a box of
Starting point is 00:18:30 very sharp syringes on the floor you know flip some expensive medical shit over on your way out those syringes were two thousand dollars a piece that could save many lives and you say i'd rather they die than live under your your your illuminati rule sir and you know you're backing out now you're a little woozy because you stepped on several on the way out i mean you're just dripping you didn't get any help so you haven't slept in days everyone looks like a gray at this point you're freaking out i think you punched a doctor on the way out um but it was worth it you you store them out of that general practitioner's office and just straight across the hall into the surgeon's office because your feet are cut up to shit from the syringes and you're like doc i didn't respect
Starting point is 00:19:17 your brother but i sure as hell respect you i need you to help me out here i'm the same person you just walked out and came in the same office i didn't respect your sexy brother but i sure as hell respect you greatest surgeon of all time so the four men went under regression hypnosis to try and find out what exactly happened that night it all started the same the darkness the canoe the light from above and jack's cries it's getting closer it getting closer, as they paddled for their lives. Jack said he remembers the beam of light pouring down on them, and he turned to stare up at the object, wondering what on earth was up there. When he turned around, Chuck was gone.
Starting point is 00:20:02 He leaned over the edge of the canoe splashing his hands in the water trying to see if jack had fallen overboard when all of a sudden a horrible feeling flooded his body jack said it felt like he was quote unquote coming apart what yeah that's creepy isn't that extremely creepy that's a really good description when have you ever felt like you were coming apart? Your parts of your body are just spreading apart. It actually freaks me out a little bit. Then the next thing he remembers, he was lying on his back, paralyzed. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:20:37 It's going to escalate pretty quickly from here, if you couldn't imagine already. Jesus. He wasn't alone in the room. Creatures surrounded him. Insects with giant metallic ant-like eyes that never blinked. Insects? Their hands had four fingers, and they began a series of pretty intrusive medical tests. Third date level medical tests.
Starting point is 00:21:02 The book said it was medical, but it seemed extremely sexual. He was videoing the whole thing as well. It was not okay. After a short while, the next thing they know, the men are back down on Earth. I love this bit. Chuck said he can remember the creatures trying to place him at the top of the canoe. He looked down and they were doing the same
Starting point is 00:21:25 to jim but jim was heavier and they were really struggling to get him into place i mean i can't stress enough these creatures are intergalactic just superhuman strength and ability technology beyond this uh beyond our wildest dreams except um except jim's fat ass was too full of lard they couldn't even get him back in the boat i just i don't know why i love that idea so much of like these like majestic aliens coming from hundreds of light years away capable of beaming humans up to a craft through a through a shine of light but then once they beam them back down they have to go down into the swamp water and like there's like eight of them like trying to push them all into this old canoe it's a nice little touch to the story to be fair it's a very colorful touch they
Starting point is 00:22:18 did say they were insects i guess they were really small yeah i mean it's possible they said insect like creatures they're pretty much greys they're little gray bug-eyed greys okay uh the other two men had been just beamed back to the shore oh weird so maybe they did too and they were like this isn't working put the others on the shore the insects are like reading the side of the boat they're like did you know this is a two-man boat they had four people in there that is just not safe that's very unsafe put them on the shore from that point forward the story continued as normal these are the events that truly transposed that night what are your thoughts that is a crazy revelation um pretty fascinating maybe the first time that on this podcast we've covered this regressional hypnosis. I really like that term. So they
Starting point is 00:23:05 use the power of hypnosis to uncover previously blacked out thoughts. I mean, it's pretty wild to begin with that all four men couldn't remember that specific period of time. We don't know whether that was some sort of insect gray amnesia beam that caused them to forget it or if it was maybe a kind of post-traumatic stress um blocking out of traumatic memories but the fact that they were able to recover that information is pretty amazing yeah and i will say um these uh three men went underwent this hypnosis separately um then they all recalled the story independently that all matched with everyone else's testimonies and they also undertook a lie detection test and they all passed that's pretty great yeah i mean these are those are the things as a paranormal investigator that you look for
Starting point is 00:23:56 you seek this out that's the best thing you can get that's not actual physical evidence i mean shit i was just gonna go along with uh your word for it but uh having some evidence is pretty cool too i think we so rarely bring up evidence on this podcast that a man's word has become as valuable as anything it's worth its weight in gold it's like kit would i ever lie to you you know well you do it every week every single week and then the show right at the end you twist and say none of this is real so yeah uh i don't blame you for not believing me hell sometimes i don't believe in myself uh that's a blank sheet you're reading from by the way this is just off the dome i thought this was quite a scary story i mean this is scary it's very popular very popular with abductions, alien abductions, for something like this to happen. It's referred to, quite obviously, as missing time. The abduction takes place.
Starting point is 00:24:52 You think it's only been five minutes, but you come back and you have a beard or something crazy like that. It's a pretty popular thing that's happened and i'm genuinely worried that this could have possibly happened to us in the past and we have simply forgotten about it yeah so obviously what i wanted to do was i frantically googled uh what to do if you're abducted by aliens oh okay the next time it does happen because it probably has happened before i reckon they think they've got the the one up on us you know they think we're never gonna wake up but uh now we can go in prepared exactly like um you know they they beam you up and they're like oh it's this son of a bitch again he's he's so easy to get like we've had him like three times now yeah get him up like i don't know
Starting point is 00:25:42 yeah get the sharpies let's draw some some dumb shit in his face i actually get the shaving foam out let's get the shaving foam on his face little do they know i have die hard style like taped a handgun to my back and i'm being beamed up like with my eyes closed but kind of like a slant a little bit open you know when it's so closed that you can still see out but it looks like they're closed yeah and then as soon as i'm on that operating table you know i hear the scalpel go up to like cut my balls or whatever they're gonna do whatever they're gonna do i just cry out yippee-ki-yay mother and pull and pull it out and start firing wildly trying to take the whole ship down from the outside on this doctor's surgery table. Yeah, I'm still in the office. Still too scared to open my eyes as well,
Starting point is 00:26:26 so I'm just kind of like firing wildly. At this point, the greys are saying, Rory, you've got a pellet gun. Please stop shooting. The pellets kind of hurt. Rory, calm down. Yeah, it doesn't matter. I'm using this thing as a blunt weapon now,
Starting point is 00:26:41 bashing them on the nose. They're like, Rory, we don't have noses. Weirdly, this makes us stronger stronger so please stop doing that yeah i like that idea it's kind of like if we find out that the aliens have been using say some sort of uh hypnosis song or a sound yeah that we could in future plan for this and you know next time they come for us we're wearing earplugs mother exactly hear your little song yeah we get you know drifted up to the craft and then just pull out dual katanas and go you know stardust ranching these guys i love that no matter what they're gonna do every issue is resolved with us having weapons taped to our back yeah so it's like
Starting point is 00:27:23 you know they beam us up there and you know maybe they don't even say words at all maybe their message is translated uh through the power of the mind uh and let's see if they can translate this through their mind it's a little sentence called you ever seen die hard you alien bastard and everything goes back to die hard yeah and i pull out my dual katanas that i have poorly duct taped to my back yeah you know i slice myself in the neck on the draw like i'm losing blood but i'm swinging wildly katanas are very heavy duct tape kind of hold them we learned that the hard way uh well look people maybe you're going to be abducted by aliens maybe we're going to be abducted by aliens
Starting point is 00:28:03 here are some tips on what you should do if you have been abducted by aliens let's hear it first off try to memorize your captors features all right what are you dealing with here you're dealing with a bug-eyed little insect are you dealing with a reptile are you dealing with one of those like norwegian uh uh blonde uh angel aliens those those weird ones about them that's a throwback depending on who your target is you will know whether they are weak to die hard style duct tape weapons or not so i guess that's true i would have thought that in any of those situations you just mentioned i wouldn't really know what to do like you say if it's a norwegian angel if it's a reptile if it is an insect gray i'm slicing and dicing either way
Starting point is 00:28:46 yeah you know what you can just ignore that first one slice and dice is pretty much always a good way to go yeah uh number two remain calm during the examination okay so that actually contradicts our step ones we better listen to what they're saying maybe pretend to be calm yes and then of course when their guards are down oh yeah you kill bill style draw that bad boy actually not even kill but die hard style yeah sorry i got my movies wrong yeah die hard style die hard style you pop down from the vent the vent to the ships because you know they need air con those little insect bastards uh it says if you've given into the light you'll find yourself
Starting point is 00:29:26 at a medical examination that's quite different from anything you've ever been through there'll be no pills no injections no ivs but it is important you remain calm as causing problems during the examination will only make matters worse that's fair advice i think that's a good way to get through the examination process uh tip number three, don't have sex with anyone. Right. Because everyone wants to. And we just have to face up to that fact. Look, getting abducted and being surrounded by a bunch of insect rays
Starting point is 00:29:55 is pretty much everyone's ideal sexual fantasy. We've all typed that into all the search engines. We've all wanted to see that. And granted, everyone wants it to happen to them. But don't give in um apparently antonio villas boas was abducted in 1957 and reported that he was joined in the exam room by a nude female humanoid who was strangely beautiful the two banged then the alien of course then the alien communicated through gestures, like hand gestures, probably like finger in circle, that one,
Starting point is 00:30:28 that their child they had conceived would be raised among the stars. So that's why, because you have to pay intergalactic child support. It's not because anything bad will happen. You're just legally obligated to look after the intergalactic spawn. And you think, like, the pound is weak against the f***ing dollar? How do you think the dollar shapes up to the f***ing space buck? You are a cockroach trying to pay London rents. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:30:59 You're broke. It says whether it's an intergalactic STD or cross-species breeding, it just ain't safe. It just ain't worth it, guys. It's not worth it. And the final point after the process is over, make sure to decontaminate, which I assumed was like melt your clothes in a vat of acid. Right. I thought just maybe have like a, you know, salts like bubble bath. But actually, yeah, like incinerating all your clothes is probably good. right i thought just maybe have like a you know salts like bubble bath but actually yeah like
Starting point is 00:31:25 incinerating all your clothes is probably good it does it does say um take a hot shower that's pretty nice that's pretty standard yeah but it also says um uh uh bag up your clothes you were abducted in so i guess if you need like proof or to hand it to a scientist um obviously double check that they're not an mib agent in disguise before you hand over your prime goods yeah just ask common nonsense i don't we don't need to tell these guys that they know that i don't even buy a banana at the shop without seeing some identification first i think that about wraps us up today in this this uh episode we've looked at not only an alien investigation but we've given you some of our top tips on how to deal with alien
Starting point is 00:32:05 abductions yes i ganked a lot of these from forward slash lists forward slash how to survive alien abduction but does that make it any less valid hell no it means i've got two sources delivering the goods kit i'm gonna be blunt yeah what are your thoughts on today's abduction case this is a little tricky on the one hand we have a very compelling case which has been cross corroborated by up to four witnesses yeah uh verified by lie detector tests verified by independent therapists and hypnotists it sounds like they have come across this definitive explanation for what happened that night which is extremely paranormal extremely fantastical um and very very interesting but unfortunately on the other hand we have potentially an argument shaping with let's say one of the
Starting point is 00:32:58 brothers where he's experiencing uh epileptic episodes um loss of sleep kind of generally deteriorating mental health later in life that could also be a latent symptom of whatever it is that was wrong with him in the first place we don't know exactly what happened to them that night did they just get drunk and pass out we know it was 1976 maybe they were taking a little lsd baby there are students they really were like these kind of things are not outside the realms of possibility and it wouldn't be impossible for them to omit that from a story knowing that it would make their story completely unbelievable to anyone that cared to listen um so it kind of leaves me in a tricky place do we have enough
Starting point is 00:33:45 evidence to say if it's true or false i don't know what do you think it is a tough one usually when we have a story like this where we have independent witnesses um corroborating on a story where you know a lie detector test has been taken and they've all passed that's pretty good evidence pretty good i would consider that in the top tier of evidence that you can bring to a case something that's a little bit damning is that one of the men chuck rack um in recent years has since claimed he made up the abduction part of the story uh because the others were so interested in talking about it that he felt he had to um tell a similar story weird reason yeah that's a really weird reason say in the beginning that it didn't happen i think he is so i don't know exactly the details of how much he has now denied
Starting point is 00:34:39 but the fact that he's now denying any part of the story. Any amount of denial is not good. Yeah, it's pretty damning. So whether or not Jack and Jim Wiener and Charlie Foltz still 100% claim, yes, this did happen. We now even have someone who was there that night changing his mind about the events, which isn't a good look. It's not a good feel for the evidence and for the conclusion of this case. Yeah, I mean, any amount of climb down from the initial claim is not good because if Chuck did not see an alien craft, insect graze, uh,
Starting point is 00:35:14 inhuman experimentation, uh, time loss and teleportation. Yeah. Then it's a no. Um, I think I'm going to have to be right there with you. Yeah. It's a great um i think i'm gonna have to be right there with you yeah it's
Starting point is 00:35:25 a great story and um like there's a lot of interesting details that i decided to leave out because it is just kind of like little things that happened on the ship and little parts like that but what's really interesting is because these are three artists they've actually drawn a lot of pictures of what transpired that night which is pretty cool so you can check those out online or you can read more about the story. But I think in terms of our investigation this week. It is going to be a double no. No.
Starting point is 00:35:51 Damn. No. No. I am a sucker for a good alien investigation story. So. That was the coolest one I've heard in a little while. Yeah. It definitely won't be our last.
Starting point is 00:36:01 There's a lot more out there. And we will investigate them. So once again. Thank you to Ruth Bradford Harris.ris thanks ruth for emailing that in if you would like us to investigate your life your failures your successes if you would like us to go through your receipts through your tax returns uh go through all of your personal messages and belongings uh we will do that exactly not even for the podcast. Go through your will. Amend your will.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Change your will. If you want us to do any of those things. Set up an LLC in just 10 minutes. That's right. We can do that. Let us know by emailing in to thisbaranormallifepodcast at Thank you so much, everyone, for listening to this week's episode of the podcast i hope you enjoyed this episode and we will see you back next week for a brand new paranormal tale

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