This Paranormal Life - #111 Alien Obsessed Student Disappears, Leaving Room Covered in Secret Codes

Episode Date: May 7, 2019

When highly intelligent student Bruno Borges disappeared from his hometown, his parents broke into his locked bedroom to discover something truly terrifying...Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 If the Illuminati controls the world, who controls the Illuminati? If humans are 60% water, does that mean half of our body is constantly underwater? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Welcome back everyone to the podcast that's not afraid to ask the big questions. They don't get any bigger. They don't, honestly. This is This Paranormal Life, the only paranormal comedy podcast hosted by me and Kit, where every week we investigate a brand new paranormal tale, claim, beast, legend, and come to a conclusion with our years and years of expertise to decide whether or not it is true or it is false that's right you know the
Starting point is 00:00:46 world of the paranormal is is kind of like the sun if you look at it for too long you go blind so occasional glances with sunglasses on those are the rules that i follow uh in my day-to-day life it's also a bit like the matrix because if you die in the paranormal realm you die in real life and by the paranormal realm we mean like just in the woods yeah in the woods in a dungeon in a castle you still die if when you're in an office yeah you'll die anywhere death is death you know that's one of the the topics we haven't covered yet death um but we'll do that eventually i think when, when the show declines. It'll be a live investigation, our final episode.
Starting point is 00:01:30 This episode, this is a great story. I've been meaning to investigate this one for a while now. There's a lot of info to get through here, but it's all crucial. It's all crucial. I can't stress that enough. How can all 45 minutes of it be crucial? It is excruciatingly crucial. So if I'm saying like...
Starting point is 00:01:49 It doesn't sound fun, whatever it is. Silence! Okay. If I'm saying he had a ham sandwich for lunch, you need to burn that into your memory because everything is crucial. Why are you so stressed? Because I'm scared that I'm going f**k it up honestly and say he had a turkey sandwich and then at the end you're gonna go well didn't you say he had a
Starting point is 00:02:13 peanut butter and chili sandwich and then i'm confused and i look like an a**hole so chill sorry it's been a while since i've hosted so i'm just i kind of i forgot how to do this it's been what a week it's always a week we swap it so um so our worry the stick or the story our story for this week begins two years ago in 2017 is that recent enough for you kids pretty damn recent yeah there was a university student in brazil named bruno borges who was studying philosophy at a local uni he was a university student in Brazil named Bruno Borges, who was studying philosophy at a local uni. He was a smart kid, bit of an eccentric character, but passionate about his work. Then one day, he went missing. And when his family entered his room to see if he was there,
Starting point is 00:02:58 they discovered something terrifying. To find out what really happened, let's go back to the beginning. Ever since he was born, Bruno Borges had been regarded by his family as a highly intelligent child. His mother claimed that he would read constantly as a child, so much so that it actually worried her. I guess he's just reading a lot. Well i mean how much you have to be you have to be reading like shakespeare at six months that would be like well let's take a step back start with peppa pig then we'll jump up to shakespeare at a young age bruno had already read the entire bible and all of shakespeare's works i mean what does reed really mean in this context?
Starting point is 00:03:46 Like, are they doing a pop quiz afterwards? Are they grilling him on that information? Or is he just flicking through the pages? Or is he just cartoon style got like a picture book about the hungry caterpillar inside a larger copy of the Bible? Sneaky, sneaky baby tactics right there. Manipulating his parents. This inspired him to actually write his own books. Five specifically. Bible two, Bible three. Bible
Starting point is 00:04:13 four. This time it's personal. The return of Jesus. Oh wait, that was Bible one. That was Bible one actually. Yeah, of course. So what happened to this talented egghead that led to his disappearance? Well, in the months before Bruno disappeared, his family noted some highly unusual behavior. According to his mother, he approached her to ask for money. He said very relaxed, Oh, you know, I'm in the middle of working on an important project, and I just need a bit of money to get it finished, mother.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Sounds sensible enough for a super genius child yeah he's probably building a nuclear reactor somewhere he's a genius a little spare cash just a couple k to get it off the ground so his mother replied you know oh is this for a university project not quite mother he told his mother that he was writing a series of 14 books that would completely change the world his mother was concerned yes 14's a lot well i mean not even the the number of books but the nature of the books i guess i mean harry potter changed the world yeah like lord of the rings changed the world it's like it's a little delusional maybe yeah kind of uh delusions of grandeur but you know it's good to have a little bit of hope he he did follow it up with do not be
Starting point is 00:05:33 afraid mother my work will change humanity for the better yeah we're getting i mean the voice i mean he's brazilian where's the voice coming from the check is slowly receding back into mother's purse she was like okay yeah university project uh super ambitious that's great yes give me the money mother then they'll all see okay now now here you go bruno when you say things like that mama gets worried uh sorry no whenever your eyes sort of flash digitally like an electronic furby uh behind your pupils at this point his mother basically said look unless you tell me exactly what this thing is that you're working on i ain't gonna give you shit all that's some good ass parenting it's great parenting because we we know bruno's a smart kid Yeah. So treat him like an adult. She's like, I want to help, but you've got to be honest with me.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Exactly. Well, Bruno stood by his claims that the project was so top secret, he couldn't let her know about it. It is so top secret, mama, yet I cannot afford basic food and water. I'm such a super genius, but yet I am forced to live in my parents' home. It's a goddamn con. I'm shackled by these human necessities, mother. Make me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, please. For your little boy genius.
Starting point is 00:07:00 You're smart, but you're a terrible person. Are you really smart if you can't make a sandwich? Bruno said, mother, at least let me quit my part-time job so I can devote all my time to this project. His mother said, all right, that's enough. I love and respect you, Bruno, but I think you've gone mad. So she took him to the doctor to have him examined. He wants to quit his part-time job. What kind of loser is this? The doctor said he was fine. Good health. Not suffering from any mental health issues at all. So with this in mind Bruno's mother
Starting point is 00:07:38 gave him permission to leave his job and focus full- on this new project. However, it wasn't until much, much later that she discovered that Bruno had managed to already secure a loan from one of his cousins for approximately 6,000 US dollars. That's a decent chunk of change by anyone's standards. It is. Some time passed and Bruno had been working away in his room seemingly non-stop. One day, his parents left to go on holiday, and his siblings recall that as soon as they left, Bruno began keeping his door locked at all times.
Starting point is 00:08:15 One day, while his parents were still on vacation, Bruno left his room, locked the door, and left the house. His siblings remember seeing him carrying a backpack as he entered a taxi that pulled up outside a later investigation discovered the taxi took him to a nearby motel now i don't know a lot about this specific motel or its history in the town but interestingly uh there was an area just behind the motel that many spiritualists believe to be an
Starting point is 00:08:44 important site interesting so i think it was kind of a wooded area and there would be kind of like spiritualist groups and pop-up shrines and gatherings there at night interesting yeah he would use that for his motel needs as soon as bruno left that taxi he disappeared gone. Gone. That was it? He's gone. That was the last time he was seen was his siblings? So I'm getting the taxi? His parents returned home from their trip, and they were greeted back by the family, except Bruno. So they went up and knocked on his door.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Bruno, we're home! But no response. In fact, the family told them they hadn't seen Bruno in a long time. There's a looping tape recorder. Back off, mama. I'm busy writing, mama. I'm working on my special project, mama. Now the parents are getting worried.
Starting point is 00:09:34 They forced their way into Bruno's room, and that's when they saw something truly terrifying. I have a video of the room kit if you want to see it. A video? A video. This is unprecedented What? Oh, no What this is This is terrifying
Starting point is 00:09:56 Oh my god Is that Is that a metal statue a giant statue if you're a parent walking in on that you don't know if you've succeeded or failed as a parent like yeah it's one or the other ladies and gentlemen this is maybe the most unbelievable sight I've seen in this paranormal life history. Holy shit. For those of you who didn't have a mental image painted in their head of what the room looked like, I mean, I would recommend going online and viewing this room for yourself.
Starting point is 00:10:39 You gotta see it. Because it is very incredible and sort of disturbing. To go into the specific details the walls of the room were plastered in strange writings and inscriptions 14 books of encrypted material lay across the desk paintings of extraterrestrials what looked like occult members in robes on the walls and in the middle of it all a giant life-size sculpture of the philosopher giordano bruno with what looked like a pentagram drawn underneath it that's not that's not what you want to find in your child's room no it almost looks like the command brig of some kind of alien craft it's entirely white because i think like as
Starting point is 00:11:28 a parent typically you know what have you got to be afraid of maybe some playboy magazines yeah that's that's as bad as it's gonna get maybe like a bag of weed or something right and you gotta sit him down and be like look kevin i found your weed or you know i saw the nudie ladies kevin you can just imagine the parents just being like just kind of like winking and kind of chuckling to each other it's like look it's one of a couple things we have to give him the birds and the bees talk he's gay yeah uh he's smoking weed there's something going on some like little you know teenage crisis that we gotta help them out yeah we've been there we've all been kids we've been through it all so let's just talk to
Starting point is 00:12:11 him holy shit he's a satanist bruno get your ass in here what is this you little shit you little demon bastard it's my secret project mama papa you knock that voice off right now you are grounded mister go to your room don't go to your room get out of your room that's just what you like you little genius wouldn't you give me those robes i'm gonna give you some blue jeans and a polo shirt that's it two weeks of television and video games for you mister in fact here's a joint and some playboys it's a it's a difficult situation but you know what their son is missing that's something to be genuinely quite scared about yeah i think this i mean if that if i was that kid's parent i'd be like okay he's joined a cult yeah fantastic let's
Starting point is 00:13:02 find all the nearest cults and contact them. 100%. That's super smart. And that's not too different from what they did. So they obviously immediately reported the case to the police who came in, photographed all the books and the strange messages. And they tried to look for someone who could hopefully translate or decipher them. So they're not in Portuguese or they're not in English or any recognizable language? It's such a mix between things. I think some of it's in Portuguese.
Starting point is 00:13:30 Some of it is like encrypted in weird, strange languages. Some of it almost appears like runic. Similar stuff we've dealt with before, like cicada or cicada even uh and the way that they kind of encrypt things yes got it but it is it's very confusing stuff but luckily the police managed to have a bit of a breakthrough they managed to locate the artist who had built the statue for bruno's room the man's name was george rivis plata and he said that Bruno had approached him about making a statue for his room because Bruno believed that he was the physical reincarnation of the philosopher got it so I think this is one of the many layers that complicates the story Bruno obviously believed his name was
Starting point is 00:14:20 Bruno the philosopher's name was Bruno I think they shared similar beliefs. Yeah. I looked a little bit into this guy, Giordano Bruno. You know, pretty cool stuff. He was into reincarnation and astral projection. One of the first guys to believe that the galaxy was infinite and that stars were actually stars. That sort of stuff. Obviously, he was burned immediately.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Of course. And killed. Now, what is super crazy is that George actually thought he was telling the truth. What? So, Bruno paid him $2,700 to craft this enormous statue and put it in his room. What the hell did he spend the other $3,300 on? Ink? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:02 White paper? Biros? I honestly have no idea when the police asked george about where bruno had gone he simply replied he's fine he's finally completed the work of giordano bruno they arrest george right away oh for that kid you're weird you're going to jail man i don't know what you've done but you're gonna do something eventually all i know is we need less of you on the street george believes that bruno has disappeared because he has finally completed the work of the old philosopher giordano bruno they both believe that the philosopher was reincarnated in bruno yeah and whatever is in this room the paintings the books the statue
Starting point is 00:15:47 this is kind of the culmination of all of the work and research that they've done that will change mankind forever pretty heavy i mean you got this better be damn good book yeah like i need to know what's inside this thing it's usually a bad sign when you've written 13 sequels to the original before anyone's even read the first page. Yeah, no one asked for even book two. But maybe that'll become like a cool bullet point in his history. You know how like, oh, did you know J.K. Rowling was actually turned down by publishers before she got her deal?
Starting point is 00:16:24 It's like like you know Bruno wrote all 14 copies in a day unfortunately this is closer this is less like JK Rowling writing the Harry Potter series and more close to the guy who wrote Scientology also wrote like a couple thousand shitty sci-fi novels before he wrote Scientology which is not the kind of the group of authors you want to be. That's not the writing club that you want to join. No. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Later, police discovered that before disappearing, Bruno visited a local dressmaker where he requested to have three cloaks made. When the dressmaker asked if they were for a church, he reportedly replied, almost that. He's replied, Almost that. He's just running around making everyone incredibly uneasy. I know, like, you could have texted your parents and been like, Hey, it's going to get weird.
Starting point is 00:17:15 And then do it. But he's just like, You know what? I'll throw some weirdness in here. I'll get some cloaks made as well. Just adding unnecessary things. Almost that. Also, don't tell Mama tell mama what i don't know your mother please don't tell mama also how much is a cloak i'm assuming four thousand us dollars they're like uh yeah how did you know you are a smart kid what a steal how about three
Starting point is 00:17:41 thousand and copies one to six of my new book that will change? No, just give me the money. Fair dues. The police at this point had no more leads, no more clues to follow. Bruno was assumed dead or gone forever. Then, late one night, five months later, security footage captured someone walking towards the Borre's house. The figure was barefoot and walked slowly
Starting point is 00:18:06 out of the shadows Bruno had returned what five months later like Jesus himself he had returned with book 15. he took a week off in a log cabin just him and Mother Nature obviously now the press and paranormal investigators all over the world clamored to get an interview and find out just what the hell had happened to this guy right so eight days later after he returned home bruno gave an interview where he said i was on a mystic journey of the soul i had a notion that the philosopher's stone was within the dark land so i went after entering this dark land to find it in the same way that the hero enters the cave to kill a dragon and that jonas entered a whale i also dived into the sea of the unconscious in order to rescue me oh jesus his dad's like yep he's a idiot oh no
Starting point is 00:19:12 what's the dark land you can't just say that you can't just say that is that was that a metaphor has he that better not be a metaphor because if that's a metaphor he's just been hanging out in like a dumpster yeah it better be the name of a forest a literal mountain range yeah yeah i mean it has to be somewhere physical because if it's not that's a piss tape he's been eating out of italian restaurant dumpsters the darkness as he calls them but he says he dived into the sea of the unconscious in order to rescue himself yeah i don't know what that means yeah it seems like one of those things he's throwing a lot of stuff out there yeah like i mean he mentioned the philosopher's stone and then never mentioned it again i don't know if the books even mentioned the philosopher's stone i think you said that he studied philosophy didn't he yes i mean is this not every stereotype of like
Starting point is 00:20:11 a first year philosophy students have everywhere he did like philosophy 101 the first class and everyone was like this is pretty interesting i guess i'll stick around for the next three years and eventually get my undergraduate degree but him day one he was like i understand it all now i think i won't be needing this anymore bruno we barely even scratched the surface of the syllabus i mean there is so much more to go silence lecturer i am the professor now he just walks he's just like where did you get a graduation gown? I understand my mission. To gather the Philosopher's Stone. It's like, this is philosophy. The Philosopher's Stone, I think, is something that can make gold.
Starting point is 00:20:52 It's not relevant at all. It either makes gold or it's a Harry Potter movie. He just glides up with his finger over his lips. Shh, hush now. The voice of Giordano comes through me. It's like, okay, so the one philosopher that we've taught you about so far is the one you reference. Silence. He like goes for the exit, but then turns around to the class and smiles and goes,
Starting point is 00:21:17 Hmm, just to think one day they'll teach students about me in this classroom. No, they won't, Bruno. Get out. Silence. I wasn't, I didn't say anything. I, they won't, Bruno. Get out. Silence! I wasn't... I didn't say anything. I was done talking. Very good.
Starting point is 00:21:29 I've got two more cloaks if anyone wants to join me. Anyone? We'll get the stone. Rescue ourselves from the unconscious. Hmm? All right, then. Someone in the back coughs.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Silence! Oh, sorry. I thought someone said something. Just leave, Brunouno you forgot your backpack no i didn't philosopher doesn't need a backpack so it's strange because a lot of the theories about bruno's disappearance now don't really make a lot of sense okay because when he disappeared during these five months the the video tour of his bedroom went viral i mean you can see why it was everywhere and all the theories ranged from uh him joining a creepy satanic cult possibly him joining some
Starting point is 00:22:15 sort of illuminati style organization being recognized as a super mind he was possibly abducted by aliens i mean there was a painting that he did in his room of himself chilling with an alien that's pretty incriminating i mean i kind of forgot that fact yeah amidst all the other craziness but yeah i think didn't the alien have his hand on his shoulder he sure he did i mean it was a pretty good painting as well which is really impressive even if he's not smart he's talented at art which is better than me at art yeah but obviously now that he's back and spouting out this stuff it kind of obviously put a dampener on a lot of those other theories well the explanation that he gave is you know kind of
Starting point is 00:22:57 interesting and joseph campbell-esque this hero's journey he's talking about but the whole point of that kind of metaphor is that it can apply to anything it's very inspecific we don't know if he went on a literal journey yeah or if he just took lsd for five months in in a dumpster like i said yeah the dark place the dark realm as we'll call it yeah the dark lands uh and then returned we don't know what he did exactly yeah because as you said the dark lands can mean anything yeah like i i say i've been to the dark lands when one morning i woke up hung over with my hand still in a bucket of kfc chicken yeah i call that the dark times yeah but you know that could it
Starting point is 00:23:37 could be applied to anyone yeah if i wake up in the morning and i go to make a cup of tea and there's no milk uh i call that year the dark land and i just write off that entire year it's gone now it's wasted yeah um so it is kind of disappointing that he's come back but with no definitive reason why he left in the first place or what he gained from being gone right literally nothing it sounds like he went away to think yeah and came back empty-handed i learned nothing from my time away which could only mean i already know everything okay so the same as before then this is him coming back to class he's come back on graduation day everyone else is wearing a real garb because they're
Starting point is 00:24:27 graduating he hasn't learned anything they're all getting their diplomas i love the idea of it being graduation day and you know the music is playing everyone's there they're handing out everyone's diplomas and certificates and it's like and now the graduating class of 2017 for Philosophy, studying silence! Oh, God. Oh, no, he's back. One voice from the crowd. I can't believe it. It is I, Bruno, back from my adventures from the dark land.
Starting point is 00:24:59 He walks up on stage. He, like, wants to be part of it. He walks up on stage to shake the professor's hand and get his diploma there the guy's like pulling his hand away like no you didn't graduate you didn't even study you don't deserve this i know more than you professor just shake my damn hand give me the diploma no one else to get hurt only a true philosopher will know that the diploma itself is irrelevant in the pursuit of knowledge so So give me the f***ing diploma! He's like booed off stage, you know, completely shamed.
Starting point is 00:25:30 Goes down off the wings behind the stage curtain and his alien friend is just back there. How did it go, buddy? They laughed at me, Zonktar. Humans are truly primitive. And they're just being tough. Beamed back up to the dark land you really are my only friend in the dark lands just you and me bruno let's go get some drinks
Starting point is 00:25:56 before we come down to our conclusions because this story is just about wrapped up i feel like it's only common sense to include the conclusion of the police investigation. Of course, they are the professionals in their field. It will pain me to say some of these sentences aloud. So during the time Bruno went missing, the first volume of his work was actually decoded and published. Wow. And reached number 24 on the bestseller list. Shut the f*** up. Yeah. Further investigations uncovered some of Bruno's personal belongings
Starting point is 00:26:32 at the home of one of his friends. Further suggesting that the disappearance was possibly staged. So whenever he ran away, he ran away to his friend's house. We don't know that. The way that little kids do. We don't know that for sure. They're like'm running away never to be seen again they go to their friend's house for two nights and then they come crawling back the worst part is i wish this was the most damning evidence but the most damning evidence by far is a contract that the police discovered in the home
Starting point is 00:27:00 of another friend agreeing to split the proceeds from any book sales. Whoa. So, all of this has obviously muddied the waters a little bit, and there's a large group of people that believe that Bruno possibly staged and planned the entire ordeal to get his books sold and published and may turn into bestsellers. Which, sure, I can see why they would think that. Yeah. But at the same time, I mean, he's obviously smart.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Like, whether or not he did all of this as, like, a PR stunt, I mean, that in itself is ingenious because it's incredible what he actually did. I mean, folks folks you have to see the room like i can't describe how insane it is until you see this room and what's been done in it so i mean that's a pretty impressive feat to pull off then also disappear convincingly for five months and be completely off the radar just so you can sell copies of your book it's pretty i don't know that's a pretty far length to go to. Yeah, I mean, it's notoriously difficult to write a book,
Starting point is 00:28:10 even more so to write a good book, even more so to be in the pinnacle of modern writers and be in the illustrious heights of the international bestsellers, the people who write the best books. I think it's easier to do that than do what bruno did it's like the old saying goes the only thing better than one good book is 14 shit books which is what he's managed to pull off yes an incredible feat i'm just imagining that on the day this all breaks and the truth comes out his phone goes off and he's like truth's out
Starting point is 00:28:46 everyone's taking the piss out of me he's like hello it's like is this bruno yes who's this this is daniel day lewis oh my god award-winning actor daniel day lewis what an honor he's like no bruno it's an honor to talk to you. The greatest actor of all time. He just, he put on this like year long stunt. Yeah, basically. To trick the world. And also the attention to detail is incredible. I mean, coming back to his family home with no shoes on.
Starting point is 00:29:19 Yeah. Why? Why? What a weird tiny little detail. And then even then, when it's all been found found out he still doesn't give up the gig he's like i was looking for the philosopher's stone in the dark land it's also funny to imagine like when this all comes out and people are kind of taking it as a publicity stunt yeah the police are like oh you're absolutely being arrested for wasting police time what the hell i i it baffles me that he wasn't arrested i think if if he truly did plan all this because then if he did plan all
Starting point is 00:29:53 this i almost guarantee you that his family and his mom and dad were all in on it as well yeah that's the saddest story status version of this is that everyone we've talked about is involved yeah they would have had to be um but i mean i can see arguments for both sides he's sticking with his guns and folks i wouldn't make your mind up until you see this bedroom because there is i mean there's stuff that he's done and drawn out that i mean i couldn't even make up if you gave me a month i'd be like i don't even know what to do. Squiggles, what the hell is this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:27 You know, it would be a really big task. I want to give a special shout out to who did an amazing write-up of this whole story and kind of like broke down the timeline for it. So go check that out definitely if you want more detail. Did the deep dive. The deep dive. But you know what?
Starting point is 00:30:44 We can't dance around it forever we're gonna have to come to conclusions eventually and i think that time is now kit what do you think is going on here in bruno's mind philosopher or coward you've kind of painted me into a corner here by kind of concluding the story by saying that everyone agrees it's a scam i said a large group of people agree that it was a scam i never said everyone agreed but for the sake of looking back at the kind of interesting aspects of this story definitely fascinating that room is unlike anything i've ever seen he obviously takes genuine interest if not genuine metaphysical questions about the universe and
Starting point is 00:31:25 contact with extraterrestrials at the very least these superficial sci-fi themes that seems to blend ancient philosophy modernist ufo culture and bizarre introspective psychedelic visions of the hero's journey yeah that's a pretty cool collaboration of ideas yeah um but unfortunately that but unfortunately that doesn't mean that this wasn't all in the pursuit of writing and selling these books yeah that's true it seems to be that despite that elaborate bedroom with all of its design and statues and everything that the core of the idea it all seemed to be centered around these books they're set out so beautifully in that room it's almost like a
Starting point is 00:32:10 showroom like how you would show off a car or show off an art gallery absolutely it's a really good point i mean you know seeing this room it's it is obviously covered in research notes and spells drawings diagrams but it's all done in a very showy way yeah like that's the reason why this room went viral you know it's designed to be almost a publicity stunt in itself you know if you were really convinced that you had you know done something that was going to change the history of mankind. That could just be the books, you know, the books on a desk. You probably don't need the enormous statue and these insanely huge drawn diagrams all over the walls and things. I mean, when you look at it from that point of view,
Starting point is 00:32:55 that it becomes a lot clearer that this is probably a publicity stunt. But I completely agree with what you said, even though this might be fake and it might be a device used to just sell books, he's obviously a very intelligent guy. He's obviously interested in a lot of cool slash weird occult sci-fi alien astral projection type stuff. And he is pursuing it to some degree. There were parts of the book of the other 14 books that were deciphered and translated and i took a quick look through some of them incredibly disappointing really just garbage from what i'd
Starting point is 00:33:31 seen yeah you know it's your classic story of someone who's like i've cracked it like this book holds all the truths of truths of mankind we will no longer be shackled to the mortal coils of our own body and you translate it and it's like you've been told lies it's like you've been told to believe lies your whole life but i'm telling you now humans are anything they want to be it's like i thought it was going to be like if you eat grass and drink milk at the same time you become a mortal like i want a spell or some shit i want like a potion yeah i want to flick the switch yeah fly to the moon i don't need to be told that my ancestors were born out of a dying stars asshole i want to know how to fly it's because yeah all of these the people who are claiming
Starting point is 00:34:23 to have all of the answers unfortunately the subtext of that is that these answers are unbelievably subjective yeah um there's a great story of terence mckenna who was the kind of crazy um psychedelic thinker of the 90s sadly passed away and he basically was taking huge amounts of psychedelic compounds and then giving lectures in sort of universities around the world and teaching people about these other realms of consciousness. Yeah. And he said part of the problem is, you know, you go into the dark lands and you learn everything,
Starting point is 00:34:57 but you can't bring it back into the world of reality. Customs. Exactly. It's crazy. You've got to sneak that shit back with you and you got bags and bags of ideas and concepts and you know you were like spraying that thing with lynx africa to try and mask the scent but they got thought dogs sniffer dogs right on the border they were like we're gonna keep you ignorant there's no way you're going back you're popping ideas up your asshole in a balloon trying to get it through security
Starting point is 00:35:30 but uh he describes like what the one time the one time that he tripped hard and he learned all these cosmic truths and in the trip he managed to just reach across the room to a pen pad and paper he was like i'm going to jot this down i'm going to take this knowledge back and he scribbled the line down then he passes out and then the trip ends yeah and an hour later he wakes up in a daze he goes oh my god i jotted it down and he picks up the pad and it just says a song is a song that's the highest thing i've ever heard i'm like that's exactly what you see with this type of like sci-fi philosophical writing trying to translate it is it's like completely meaningless to anyone but yourself yeah it's like trying to taste a color yeah you know it is it's like completely meaningless to anyone but yourself
Starting point is 00:36:25 yeah it's like trying to taste a color yeah you know it just it doesn't work it doesn't translate it's like trying to bring hillary duff's phone number into the real world whilst in a dream that's right i'm just jotting down you know i was any numbers i can think of and you wake up and it's just a song is a song and granted in the dream world that would have gone straight to her iphone yeah if i type that in but in the real world um it's three digits long nine nine nine help me what i'm kind of concluding with is intelligent guy hyper, maybe even to a detrimental point because it doesn't really seem to be doing him many favors.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I can't imagine he's having a good literary career off this. I mean, bestseller, that's pretty impressive. I guess. But I think in terms of this investigation as a whole, coming down on whether or not it is paranormal, there's a lot of paranormal themes going on here, but what i think we have is a very normal person writing about very paranormal uh events and theories and those people are a dime a dozen exactly no okay so done double no this week uh and the investigation into whatever the hell we're
Starting point is 00:37:43 gonna call this episode hey that was unique though it was a weird one right very unique story um thank you so much for listening to this week's episode of this paranormal life it was a fun one it was a little bit of a weird story one again i highly recommend uh anyone listening to this to Google this room. Go see that video and then let us know what you think. Exactly. Exactly. We'll probably post it on some socials, but if we don't, go check it out yourselves.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Thank you so much for listening. If you love this show, hopefully you do. Hopefully that's why you're still here. There's a lot of different ways you can get in contact with us. One way is to send your stories and emails to thisparanormallifepodcast at You can also hit us up on Twitter
Starting point is 00:38:30 with a little birds are spouting messages on our timelines. We can't block them fast enough. They're regurgitating, vomiting garbage into our mouths. And then we also have the Facebook secret society where like-minded geniuses like bruno here can find a safe online chat room to paste with your walls
Starting point is 00:38:56 and shite while there is a statue of me and kit in the middle under uh just above a spellboard it's really just a community of about 2 000 people trying to find sculptors we have a lot of people who need statues we've got all people who don't make statues so we've it's it's it's a difficult situation also our electricity's been down so we are referring to it as the dark lands but in no way does that reflect the mood or tone of the commune no no spirits could never be higher so definitely uh check that out come join and uh chat about some episodes and stuff but even though the commune is great there is only one place you can get bonus content merchandise and a shout out i am freezing i don't know if i can stop this kids please help me
Starting point is 00:39:48 check out the patreon i'm too tired to plug it real hard today but it's a great place the bonus episodes are absolutely popping that's where we can disclose like the really really really paranormal shit yeah we can't even mention on this podcast it all has to be redacted that's right we have i think our last bonus episode was just reading the entire mueller report head to toe we got a copy nothing withheld folks and it is you keep seeing on cnn we've got the full report but it's redacted. It's got the full report, but there's bits missing. All those missing bits are about ghosts.
Starting point is 00:40:29 It's paranormal as shit. The only way you can hear that is by going to Patreon and checking out some of the rewards we have over there. So go check it out. And mentioning Patreon, if you do support us, we like to give you a special shout out at the end of the episode. So a big thank you to these very special commune members first of all a special thank you to ryan menzies who incredibly kindly sent us a physical copy of the vertical plane i cannot believe it folks it's here in my hands right now if people haven't heard that episode we did a two-part series a long ass time ago called fan favorite yeah fan favorite called it was something like emails from the 1500s yeah yeah yeah haunted computer yeah and weirdly whenever we recorded the episodes the book was
Starting point is 00:41:19 out of print and then shortly after we finished it although regretfully not because of the popularity of our podcast they started printing it again yeah we didn't see a goddamn dime on the back of that actually we saw a big fat lawsuit uh the anti-dime but i saw a lot of people in the secret society you know grabbing their copies on amazon and um yeah thanks to to to Ryan for sending that one through. Can't wait to read that. Incredible. Thank you. And also thank you to Benji Adams. A lot of people spend years trying to master Tai Chi but no one can master
Starting point is 00:41:53 Benji. No. It's a secret martial art used very rarely in history when a ninja I think had sex with a knight and formed a very powerful and aggressive martial art form known as benji yeah uh known by only one and passed down through uh the family chain so i assume benji here knows benji presumably i think he might be from kind of the original
Starting point is 00:42:21 family that started that incredible it's a very secretive art form. I heard it has something to do with dislocating different parts of your body and using them as weapons. Wow. I mean, an ambitious form of defense. Truly just paranormal. I think I read something about trying to bleed yourself on your enemies. A bit like those lizards that can shoot blood out their eye sockets yes yeah a bit of it involving that sir please will you teach classes in the commune please benji
Starting point is 00:42:51 thank you for supporting us but also um please continue the lineage of benji yeah and thank you also to don oliver that's right don the brawn Oh, damn. Don brings the brawn to any situation. Pretty much just rolls up and is always the most tanked person in the building. I mean, if we need something to do with the communes on a slow Friday, I think Don the Brawn and Benji should show down in a ring of death. You know, Benji's firing blood out his eyes. Don the Brawn is just picking him up and slamming him down like a scared lizard. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Very much UFC style, except unlike in UFC where you're not allowed to eye gorge, Benji, well, he enjoys eye gorging. He loves it. All the better for his blood shooting special attack. But thank you, Don the Brawn, for supporting us. Thank you also to jenny richards jenny i always knew one day there'd be rich herds of people trying to join the paranormal commune as soon as you put up posters saying you got a mutant fight on friday nights
Starting point is 00:43:59 the people come crawling in jenny they want to see these freaks fight, Jenny. That is of absolutely no offense to people we've just talked about. No offense at all. But we have to get the people through the door, don't we? Of course. You got them. Mutant fights. It has a ring to it.
Starting point is 00:44:17 So thank you, Jenny, for bringing all your rich friends along to the commune. Thank you also to Stephen Rainey. Huh. Should have brought an umbrella. I didn't know't know steven rainy was gonna be here oh boy anywhere this dude goes a thunderstorm just comes with him it's bizarre and sad i mean indoors outdoors the man lives in waterproofs yeah it's crazy i mean his his skin is just a wrinkly old raisin he looks like he's been benjamin buttoned but he's just been in the water too long i think he needs to be studied by science i think he is slowly adapting to the wet his feet and fingers are starting to become webbed incredible
Starting point is 00:44:56 i mean you could almost say he's a mutant bring him into the pit. We just ding ding. Throw him in. There was already a fight ongoing, but it's like, let's spice it up. Get in there, Rainy. Thank you also to Ryan Tegeter. Ryan, Tegeter, leave it. This is the baton putting on the table. I got 50 big ones on Steven Rainy against Don LeBron. You know what? I think we should take it one step further
Starting point is 00:45:27 and throw Ryan into the ring. Take it away, Brian. I called him Brian. He's like, my name is Ryan. Shut up, mutant. Shut up and fight. Oh, I'm so sorry, everyone.
Starting point is 00:45:42 Thank you for supporting us. You beautiful, beautiful mutants. Thank you also to Saul Harris. Mr. Harris actually was a health inspector that came to visit the commune. Just to make sure everything was up to scratch. You know, he saw the mutant fight pit. He saw everything. And I said, you know, it's all good, man.
Starting point is 00:46:03 Just chill out. It's all good. just chill out it's all good everything's above board and that's you know that was i was showing him the mutant fight pit we have out the front for appearances of course not the back of course not the back not the blood bath that is the back bit i mean he heard like howling and thing i was like what what is that i'm like it's all good it's all good in the front pit people are just like like stage slapping each other yeah it's more of like a wwe style yeah there's like two people in the crowd yeah go so mr harris saul above board don't worry about it he just upped his pledge what can i say he's on board thank you lastly but not leastly
Starting point is 00:46:45 to richard bennett richard bend it i've seen this dude bend a mutant's arm to a captain half he did some benji shit he was on some benji shit that day he just, whatever he can get his hands on, he will bend. He will bend until it is dead. Yeah. So obviously we had to get this guy in the ring. He's not a mutant, but he has the strength of a mutant. Yeah. He's very much a mutant of the human race. So we're glad to have
Starting point is 00:47:18 you on board. We're glad to have you on the ring. Thanks for supporting the commune. We hope you guys enjoy the fight. that just about wraps up this week's episode thank you so much to everyone uh that we shouted out thank you to everyone all of you mutants out there that support this podcast we couldn't do it without you and we love making this podcast it is so much fun um so without any further adoieu I've been Roy Powers this by this
Starting point is 00:47:46 this by this little baby by has been Kit Greer and we will see you next week for a brand new Paranormal Tale Ciao

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