This Paranormal Life - #153 The Man Who Made It Rain Indoors: Human or Water Beast?

Episode Date: February 25, 2020

In Pennsylvania 1983, one man developed, seemingly overnight, the mutant ability to make it rain indoors. Verified by an incredible number of eyewitness accounts and defying explanation to this very d...ay, this is the story of Don Decker.Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Are there demons already in outer space? Why doesn't big government want us to drink seawater? Answers to these questions and more on this episode of This Paranormal Life! Yo! Welcome back to This Paranormal Life, the paranormal podcast where every week we dissect a different paranormal tale, case, or claim and get to the bottom of whether it is truly paranormal or not. As always, you're joined by myself, Mr. Kit Greer-Molvena, this guy across from me, Rory Pars. How are you doing today, Rory? I'm doing great, Kit. You have inadvertently
Starting point is 00:00:34 stumbled on one of the biggest conspiracies facing us in the 21st century. I have? Seawater, my friend. Oh, I have. Why are we not allowed to drink it? Now, I, for the past several years, have been sort of climatizing myself to seawater, you know, having a little shot by my bedside table before I go to bed at night. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You have been taking a lot more weekends to Brighton. Yes. Coming back with very full backpacks, I notice. Gotta take stock. Gotta take stock, you know? And by the end,
Starting point is 00:01:04 I will be a fish man. Right. And then, uh-oh, global warming is going to come and everything's getting hot. I've got 50 million gallons of drinking water at my front door. We're going to have to sidebar that to the end of the episode. We got a paranormal investigation to look at here. Straight off the bat, thank you so much to Ruth Bradford Harris for sending in today's investigation. Rory, our story begins in 1983, Pennsylvania, where on February 24th, a man called Don Decker walked out of the Monroe County Jail, where he was serving a 14-month sentence for possession of stolen property. But he wasn't leaving because he had finished his sentence. Just days previous, Don received word that his grandfather, James Kishaw, had died suddenly. As such, Monroe Conte granted him compassionate leave to leave for the
Starting point is 00:01:59 weekend, attend his grandfather's funeral with the rest of his family, then promptly return to incarceration on Sunday night. Wow, I didn't even know that was a thing. Yeah, I've just about heard of this kind of thing. I mean, Americans talk about prison versus jail. I think if you're in federal prison, this probably doesn't happen. Don Decker, they decided that he wasn't a threat, physical threat to the community. It's like a hall pass at school. It's like a note from the teacher at school. So correct me if I'm wrong, but what you're implying here is if i kill my loved ones i can never go to jail absolutely because i will be i will be released on compassionate leave for their funeral quite the opposite if you kill anyone actually not even your loved ones you
Starting point is 00:02:41 will go to jail potentially forever probably never getting out for even a weekend. And the leave? The compassionate? No leave. Yeah, when they were arresting me and reading me my Miranda rights, I probably shouldn't have screamed, I regret nothing.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Let me go and I'll f***ing kill again. Yeah, because I think the whole point is like you have the right to remain silent. And I wove that right. I had the right to be as loud you did and i wove that right i had the right to be as loud as i wanted to well sure but then they tased you i think right they did thanks for coming to the prison as well also you said when you got arrested because you already did the crime i'm out on compassionate leave to record a podcast the warden's a big fan actually. But at the funeral, as Don stood at the back of the church hall,
Starting point is 00:03:27 he felt a deep conflict inside him. Whilst family is family, what no one else knew was that Don had had a terrible childhood and James was a violent man. Don was glad he was dead. Looking at James in the coffin, it was as if something had been resolved, that the evil in his grandfather had been put to rest, or at least so he wished. As the service ended and everyone filed out, Don spoke to Bob and Jeannie Kiefer, his friends from the Stroudsburg area. Bob, Jeannie, thanks for being here. Of course, Don. We're so sorry. It's just so sad. Yeah, whatever. Listen, do you think I could crash at your place this weekend? I don't know if I can be around my
Starting point is 00:04:12 family this weekend. Yeah, geez, anything you need. Come around and have dinner on us tonight. At Bob and Jeannie's house, Don's host started cooking dinner while Don excused himself and went to the bathroom upstairs. In the bathroom, while washing his hands, he suddenly felt the atmosphere change in the room, like the whole temperature just dropped and a huge chill came over him. He felt like his senses were failing and his consciousness closing in around him before he collapsed. When he opened his eyes everything was different somehow. He slowly scrambled to his feet and looked in the mirror where he saw an old man wearing a crown looking back at him. What? But right as he blinked again the man was gone replaced with his own reflection
Starting point is 00:05:06 that's not good that ain't good there's very few things that can happen to you after you black out and basically collapse on the floor uh that once they happen to you are immediately more worrying than the fact that you blacked out and collapsed on the floor okay sure you know so it's like falling down a flight of stairs that's pretty bad once you're down there you should be like man i should maybe go to a hospital i should see if my legs are okay but if you look up and see an a thousand year old ghost man with a crown looking back at you in the reflection of the glass you gotta be like well shit i'm not going anywhere i should probably go and sick to work right i don't know this guy might be kind well shit i'm not going anywhere i should probably call in sick to work right i don't know this guy might be kind of distracting where do i go do i go to a castle now
Starting point is 00:05:50 i gotta go to a hospital as don blinked the vision was replaced with his own reflection the whole trance instantly gone the room felt normal again the air was back in the room. All except for one thing. He felt a sharp pain around his arm. He looked down and pulled back his shirt sleeve and saw three long scratches down his wrist. Wow. He quickly pulled the light, got out of the bathroom and went downstairs. When Donnie came down, he had a strange look on his face. Very, very white. It looked like he was in pain. Jesus, Don, you look like you've seen a ghost. Are you okay? Never been better. You know, I'm actually stuffed from the funeral snack, so I'm gonna turn in. What? You were so hungry. You specifically asked for three steaks
Starting point is 00:06:46 for dinner. You made us cook the steaks as soon as we got home. Well, you know, grief expresses itself in weird ways. All right, good night, everyone. Wait, wait, wait. What are those scratches on your arm? Did you hurt yourself up there? Damn it, Bob. Look, there's no easy way to say this, but I think I was attacked by a demon in your bathroom. So at least Bob and Jeannie ate dinner, and then they sat with Don in the living room. Don was being quiet, but somehow even more quiet than normal. They thought he was almost in a trance-like state.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Suddenly, everyone felt the room's temperature drop, and sensed a cold, inexplicable, menacing presence that Bob later described as evil. Just then, Genie called over. Bob, we have a problem. He looked over to see water running down the wall. It didn't appear to be coming from anywhere. Christ, a pipe must have burst. But wait, how? The bathroom is above the kitchen. It's only the bedroom above us.
Starting point is 00:07:59 I'll be damned. In fact, they couldn't work out any reason for the water. And when Bob stepped closer to feel it, it was sticky to the touch. He grabbed for his phone and called their landlord, Ron, who came right around. As water was now dropping consistently from the roof and down the walls, Ron still couldn't find where the water was coming from. Yet somehow, that wasn't even the strangest part. He could swear that the water was flowing in every possible and impossible direction.
Starting point is 00:08:37 We're talking from floor to ceiling, up the walls, as well as down. It was like some f***ed up optical illusion. Yet the only person in the room who wasn't shocked and scared by what was happening was Don. His trance state had deepened to the point that he is just completely unresponsive on the sofa, like he's unconscious. I mean, you'd be kind of worried if the landlord's there, water's flowing upwards, and you're like, what could be causing this? When you've got Don's limp body in a lazy boy recliner, eyes rolled back into his head, mumbling Latin. I mean, you don't necessarily have to go too far to find out what the source is. Ron's like, okay, the water can wait a second. Is he okay?
Starting point is 00:09:18 They're like, yeah, that's just Don. He just hit his head, whatever. He's not talked in about two hours. But what about the water? Frightened and unsure of what to do next bob called the police i mean i do sympathize with it seems like a kind of pretty drastic next step of escalation yeah but i don't know maybe just a little plumber would be good for a start yeah nevertheless shortly afterwards, officers John... This has got to be a piss-tick.
Starting point is 00:09:48 Officers John Baujon... And Lieutenant Javier showed up on the scene. This is f***. There's no way that's his name. I don't know, that's what I've written down at least. Officers John Bauon and Richard Walbert pulled up in a squad car. The two officers arriving at the house,
Starting point is 00:10:09 everything seemed completely under control from the outside. That is, until they reached the living room. Somehow, all this water was completely confined to one room. Water was flowing in every direction, just like Bob and Ron had claimed. And to both the
Starting point is 00:10:26 officers' astonishment, they watched as a large drop of water formed in mid-air and flew horizontally across the room into the kitchen. What? Droplets would come from the floor, absolutely defying gravity it flies through the living room through the dining room and into the darkness of the kitchen and out of sight wow there you go so we got first-hand testimony from not crazy people arguably jean baugin himself the police officer who was there on the day. And he described in very plain terms a goddamn paranormal thing. Not possible through the laws of physics. This is a tough situation for police officers to be in. There's no protocol for this. There's no code to call this in by.
Starting point is 00:11:20 You can't cuff the water droplet. You can't hit it with the bat. It doesn't work. Even call in as many reinforcements as you want isn't going to make a difference. It's not going to happen. And now what we're hearing them say is that what looked like almost like a water bullet moving sideways across the room in between them as if it's trying to get their attention for something. That was weird. Yeah, that Bob mentioned that the droplet was
Starting point is 00:11:45 wanted to be seen yeah like i've seen videos of optical illusions that that uh you know it's like a water feature that makes it look like the water is going up uh but that's through like strobing effects and things like tricks like that but if this is just a normal room in a normal house and not a legend of zelda water temple i don't understand how this is happening uh it is immediately off the bat one of the most startling things that we have bob genie don two police officers and ron the landlord all testifying about this bizarre water movement up the walls. Call the plumber! As Jeannie watched on, she thought to herself that things had only gone wrong since Don had come to the house, not to mention since the point that he had some kind of accident
Starting point is 00:12:40 in the upstairs bathroom. So her and Bob dragged him into the kitchen and propped him on a chair. She tried to talk to him to shake him awake. Don, Don, wake up. I don't, I told you I don't want any steak. Don, what happened upstairs? We need your help. Snap out of it. Stupid granddad, I think you're so great. I'll show you. Oh, Bob, he's not helping. Let's get him out of here. But before they could carry him out, Bob was lifted out of his chair by some invisible force and thrown across the room five or six feet. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:13:18 At this point, he snapped out of it momentarily, realizing that whatever had attacked him upstairs just did it again. Right in front of everyone present, he looked down at his arm, the other arm, to see three brand new scratches. Ron, the landlord, would later say in a statement, I had no doubt in my mind. I was in the presence of evil. It was definitely a demonic force at work here. It's pretty good that he does have some physical evidence on him
Starting point is 00:13:58 because if he doesn't, what it looks like is that Don went upstairs and took such a huge shit that he blocked the toilet, bust the pipes. It was such a big shit that his soul fled out his ass, blocked the pipes, and then his limp, lifeless body collapsed on the sofa. That's what it seems like it was so exhausted that bob immediately asked what's wrong when he left the bathroom he was like dawn has been attacked by an evil force so it's good to have some scratches on you um so it just doesn't look like you destroyed this house's plumbing. Immediately, everyone wanted Don out of the house, including Don. So Jeannie took Don outside and across the road to a pizza parlor.
Starting point is 00:14:53 Bob decided to stay behind and try and solve whatever was happening in their home. But within minutes of Don and Jeannie leaving, the water had stopped completely. The pizza shop, however. Hope you like soggy f***ing crusts. They get to the pizzeria. Don's like, I need to use the bathroom. No! Don't let him in there!
Starting point is 00:15:16 I need to go! They go to meet him at the pizza place and they're like, how did it go? Don is covered in scratches. Not good. Not good. We're no longer welcome in the pizzeria, Jeannie and Bob were friends with the owner, Pam Scrofano. As they sat down, Jeannie explained the situation to Pam, who listened intently. But no sooner had Jeannie finished telling Pam the story,
Starting point is 00:15:41 she looked just beyond Pam's head to the walls of the restaurant individual droplets of water were starting to form and slowly trickled downwards as a sudden cold chilled the air around them pam twisted around to see the story she just heard come to life right in front of her she looked back to genie then to dawn who at this point is slouched and glassy eyed seemingly unaware of everything around him where can you where do you take him where can you take him a fire i guess there's nowhere there's nowhere good for him to be a swimming pool yeah i don't know the ocean I guess he drowned the ship. Some kind of hotel's water feature? I don't know. Pam didn't waste any time. She grabbed a crucifix from around her neck and put
Starting point is 00:16:33 it around Don's. He seemed to recoil, as if in pain, like the necklace itself was burning him. Genie, I don't know what the hell is going on, but you need to call the church and get them to perform an exorcism. Don needs help." Either thanks to Pam's crucifix or Don going back to Bob and Genie's house, the water stopped as soon as they left. Either way, Don felt like a weight had been lifted from him and that maybe the evil plaguing him since the funeral had somehow passed. It would have to because in just a matter of hours, Don had to be back in his jail cell. Thanks to Bob and Jeannie, he had survived the weekend and he did make it back to Monroe County.
Starting point is 00:17:15 Only, the phenomenon wasn't completely over. Oh boy. Something followed him back inside. This is kind of a difficult situation to be in because you know when i think demons i think hell i think fire i think red hot a water demon i don't know how to handle that situation what are you gonna do give him holy water he loves the f***ing stuff it's so true although to be fair i wouldn't know what to do with a fire demon. I mean, we've probably talked about them on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:17:48 I'm still unclear on that. Right. Word spreads fast on the inside, and rumors started circulating about what had happened over the weekend. Prison warden Dave Keenhold would later say that many inmates and guards were somewhat religious and afraid of demonic activity. They became very wary of Don, sensing the same eerie cold feeling around him. Something had changed. Don wasn't haunted by the trance state and psychic attacks that he felt at his friend's
Starting point is 00:18:19 house, but he sensed that deep inside, some part of him could still control the water that it was somehow under his command before long don's cellmate the guards and several other inmates witnessed water pooling around the floor of his cell seemingly from nowhere or manifesting from the roof and flowing down the walls. Let him go. Get him out of there. This is weird. No man should have to live like this if you have the power to semi-control water. His life is hell. Let him open up a water park.
Starting point is 00:18:58 He's only in there for 14 months. He's probably served 12. Like, at this point, he's a liability. Yeah. The prison warden would later say, Water was all over his cell. Water was going horizontal, vertical. Water was climbing up the walls, defying the laws of gravity.
Starting point is 00:19:15 After that, we had- This man is beyond your jurisdiction now. He has to go to wizard court. He should no longer be in a prison cell. I'm the judge on this case. Open the gates there a mortal man should not be deciding whether this beast stays locked up anymore he didn't even kill anyone he just stole some bread i think he's like jean-paul he didn't even steal it he was he was sent on for possessing stolen property this is it's gotten so out of hand i feel like no one is gonna blame the warden if he goes get him out of here he's gonna drown us in about a day we need to get him out of here it's kind of interesting to see that like
Starting point is 00:20:02 we've all seen the x-men movies this is like someone who falls through the cracks of the x-men academy system who never gets approached by xavier in the street it's a big world full of mutants out there you know when you're watching the x-men all we see are the ones that xavier went and picked up those are the harvard grads what about the the flunkies the guys who drop out before they ever get to secondary school this point where he's in the jail cell making puddles give him high fives is when xavier should have shown up oh yeah and say you know i'm putting together a school of gifted mutants what happens if he never comes that's it what happens if
Starting point is 00:20:41 dumbledore never sent the letter you're just a weird little freak rot in a jail cell people just think you're a demon this is a bad situation to be in because you know what happens this is how you get super villains they didn't go to hogwarts they didn't get picked to be in the x-men no one showed up to give them a silver spoon they just have to they just have to be ridiculed and arrested to be fair the old man in the x-men no one showed up to give them a silver spoon they just have to they just have to be ridiculed and arrested to be fair the old man in the mirror could have been xavier or dumbledore that's a really good point that's really the first hurdle of whether or not you should be accepted into the x-men if you pass out upon seeing xavier woods wait his name's not xavier woods is it That's a wrestler.
Starting point is 00:21:26 I don't know, I just went with it. That would be extra weird if he showed up. That's right, prison warden Keenhold said. The water was defying the laws of gravity. After that, we had to put him in a different cell block. The other inmates refused to even be in the same space as Don. They were so scared. The final straw was when, to win a bet, Don simply clicked his fingers
Starting point is 00:21:47 and sent a splash of water from his cell through the jail and into the prison warden's office, soaking his shirt. What? Prison warden Dave Keenhold said he immediately knew it was Don Decker and that something needed to be done.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Are these actual testimonies from wardens and jail people? Prison officers? There is a one-hour documentary about this case and there are testimonies from Bob, from Ron, from Don himself, from Dave Keenhold, the prison warden, from everyone, the policeman, everyone involved.
Starting point is 00:22:28 And Dave is like, he's evil. He splashed my goddamn shirt. It would really suck if you went to that prison and you were out at like, it was your first day there. You go out to the courtyard
Starting point is 00:22:38 and you know, prison rule. You got to go knock out the toughest guy in the yard. We always say on the pod, it has to be done to assert your dominance sure like you know you're eyeing up the italian mobsters you're looking at those skinhead nazis over there you're like i'm gonna go absolutely hammer him so you ask some little
Starting point is 00:22:57 guy hey who's the toughest guy uh in the prison i'm gonna lay him out oh that'd be dawn he's possessed by a water demon and can control the tides with his mind. That's a little bit more difficult. He's on some he's on some Moses shit he can part the seas. It's like trying to deck a rock pool. It doesn't work You just go straight through it. That's right. Dave had decided something needed to change the next day after That's right, Dave had decided something needed to change. The next day, after several priests and preachers refused the call, they successfully found an evangelical preacher who was willing to perform an exorcism on Don Decker. Wow.
Starting point is 00:23:37 Does he want this done, though? Or is it kind of like, you're getting this done? I think he's in jail. He doesn't have a choice. Okay, it's very much, you're going this done. I think he's in jail. He doesn't have a choice. Okay. It's very much, you're going to stop splashing everyone. And like I say, I think at this point, he's not having any blackouts or anything. So I wouldn't imagine he was fully on board.
Starting point is 00:23:55 But as Don lay in his cell, the holy man started praying and reading from the Bible. According to both Don and Dave, the water started flowing all throughout the cell in every direction, just like before. But this time, no matter where the water fell, it would not land on the pages of the Bible. Wow. As the preacher kept reading and getting louder and louder, Don started spasming and convulsing until suddenly he stopped the water stopped the cold in the air had gone everyone present felt the sense of evil and foreboding had gone don decker had been saved wow first try as well that's insane yeah i mean we covered on a previous episode about exorcisms,
Starting point is 00:24:47 where they were conducting exorcisms every damn day for years. Yeah, the exorcism of Annalise Michelle went on for, I think, years. Sometimes it was twice a day. Yeah. Yeah, and there was no water anywhere. That was just sometimes she floated. I think she actually ate spiders as well that's pretty weird yes um yeah this is like a steph curry kind of preacher he just like
Starting point is 00:25:11 slammed half court in one you just took out the bible flicked to a random page pointed it at a passage read it out loud and the water stopped and it it was just like, Penguin Random House Books, 2011 limited. It's like, I don't think, I don't think you've got to the start of the Bible yet, sir. The curse is broken. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:32 What? How did that do it? He read the f***ing blurb. And this more or less concludes the case of Don Decker, the water boy. Wow, I was so on board until you packaged it up like that.
Starting point is 00:25:48 We've got to come up with a better name than Don Decker, the water boy. Aquaman's taken, unfortunately. Yeah, that's a good point. What about the aquatic beast or something like that? I'm open. Okay. Don the limpet. What? Is that better? No, no it's worse isn't it worse
Starting point is 00:26:06 yeah okay now let's do the aquatic beast the ab i like it uh what a case what a case you know i'm very appreciative of the uh the time and effort that went into that uh i did bump into you yesterday in the kitchen midway through watching the hour-long documentary so i i know that uh you know you spent a lot of time with these people a lot of time with this case sure i had my eye mask on sure i might have been snoozing through the hour documentary it might have snoozed for 90 minutes in fact missed the whole damn thing the funniest bit was uh we have to record a bonus episode uh this week for our patreon on you can get bonus episodes every month and uh earlier when we
Starting point is 00:26:44 were planning i mentioned this email that we'd got in and i was like hey someone emailed in about a guy who could make it rain indoors that would probably be good for a bonus episode because they're usually a little more silly and free yeah and then when i bumped into you you were like it's a main episode it's an hour it's an hour long i'm on the third documentary i was one step away from saying it's real then and there but i appreciate that you took it through the proper channels uh so where we could debate whether or not this is a true case absolutely well rory based on what we've heard so far what are your immediate thoughts about the truthfulness of this case?
Starting point is 00:27:28 Well, there's a lot of good things that we have in this case. First off, which is testimonies from men of the law. That's right. Police officers, prison wardens. Yeah, men of the goddamn punishment. Exactly. They enforce the law, which is great because they're usually people who have are a bit more reputable when it comes to witnessing paranormal events. It's also even though it is a very strange case, it's not too far in the direction of being completely unfathomable. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:06 unfathomable yes aside from seeing a weird old man with a crown uh in the reflection of the mirror you know water just running weird that's a that's a very cool idea that's a very cool idea about something physical that can happen in our world yeah granted controlling a blob of water in and out of jails until it slaps the warden across the back of the head that's that's a little harder to believe but then again that's in a place where we have a huge amount of witnesses granted half of them are criminals of course the other half are the opposite of criminals except for some some of those guys happen on the inside let's be real of course yeah you you can you you can tell you talk about prison warden dave prison warden dave the baddest mother in that building let me tell you that this case is interesting from a number of standpoints it seems almost unprecedented in this style of paranormal case
Starting point is 00:28:55 yeah i don't think i've ever come across other incidences of specifically water being water banded yeah in this bizarre x-men style way um not to mention like you say the sheer number of credible witnesses the closest i can relate to this in terms of real world experiences was uh the my old flat that i used to live in the week before i moved out uh i think it was like a monday or something and I was asleep had to get up for work and all of a sudden I started having this dream that I was on a boat that was sinking and there was like alarms blaring and I was like I'm gonna drown in my dream like inception or something and when I woke up there was water leaking through my ceiling through the through the fire alarms oh my god which
Starting point is 00:29:48 had triggered the fire alarms jesus so my bed was wet i didn't piss myself my bed was wet and the alarms are going off and that obviously like sunk into my subconscious and then you have that i had that kind of moment where you know when you just wake up for from a dream and you got about 60 milliseconds of existing between both planes yes you're like i'm in kind of dream world kind of real world twilight realm it's like the good place as i call it uh to basically just try and comprehend the fact that i was kind of drowning on an old ship but also just in my bedroom with the fire alarms going off it was a very confusing thing uh to try and grasp and try and understand so i can kind of understand uh the situation that these people
Starting point is 00:30:38 were in when they couldn't fully comprehend the motion of the water and the experiences that they were going through yeah it's just so bizarre that this is compared to a sort of dream and reality state which is so subjective that this is this has gone the other way where it's this bizarre consensus reality where three or four people are agreeing that something arguably impossible happened yeah that puts us in a very difficult position before we come down to conclusions i will kind of throw a last couple pieces of qualifying evidence at the case in terms of similar cases like i say i couldn't really find any with water there are a number of paranormal investigations out there that we might cover at
Starting point is 00:31:21 a later date to do with things like bleeding walls i even found one blog where someone kind of sort of half seriously half humorously posted photos of their roof bleeding and kind of leaving these blood droplets on the floor that ain't good but these become kind of tricky because without investigating these fully they can also just be part of leaks and then that leak mixes with some like rusty metal upstairs and then it creates blood yeah that leaks into the walls um but i really couldn't come across anything matching this level of um bizarre the closest one i can think of is i think it was a bonus episode that we did on the day it rained blood oh yeah that was kind of that was insane i forgot that weird but not weird in a different way yeah it wasn't someone controlling
Starting point is 00:32:13 it it wasn't really uh a known paranormal event it was just i think two occasions where it rained like gelatinous blood from the sky that was a really weird episode it was odd because it didn't necessarily break the laws of physics um nothing flowed upwards instead of downwards but it it still rained blood but it rained like blood and meat didn't it yeah yeah and it was kind of an interesting one because it was like well it did happen yeah so that we have to draw that's not something to conclude to at the end so i guess how did it happen and why did it happen a number of people have tried to attack this from a rational perspective and try to draw up some more sensible conclusions the most popular of which
Starting point is 00:32:58 is that in february in pennsylvania it can get cold. And more than one researcher has suggested that kind of deposits of ice on roofs or attics of houses could become thawed towards the end of winter. And this could cause, especially if someone was heating a house, could cause sudden melt water to just drown your house in a very short space of time and that would mean that there's no plumbing problems nothing to do with the infrastructure of the house and
Starting point is 00:33:31 seemingly all evidence of it being gone once the water is melted right right um but this still doesn't necessarily explain the way that the water flowed upwards and downwards. Yeah, or the ice at the pizza place, or the ice in the prison, or controlling a water ball. And lastly, this isn't really a piece of evidence, but just a kind of something worth pointing out, that in 2012, Don was arrested again and charged with arson.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Wow, what was he... Kind of a unique little 180 yeah yeah yeah i guess you know they got rid of his water powers so he's got to pivot to something yeah he's like all right xavier doesn't like water well i wait till he shows up but i'm throwing fireballs arrested immediately yeah that's a little less playful if you're trying to burn the warden yeah you know because with water you give him a little splash and it's like, who did it? I don't know who did it. It's like a super soaker. Everyone likes it.
Starting point is 00:34:29 If you're throwing petrol bombs through the office window. Yeah. That's a little less funny. Someone's gonna get hurt. Don. Like I say, not really evidence, but it is an interesting show of character. But Rory, at the end of every episode, we need to come down to a
Starting point is 00:34:45 conclusion whether this case is true or not what are we saying today damn well first off i think i'm gonna have to watch this documentary right this is an interesting case it's full of everything that i like except for physical evidence uh which i think we're missing out on you know even though we had testimonies from police officers although what what is that water in a cup i don't know what the evidence would be in this i guess video footage it would have to be you know if you could perform these fantastical um magic water tricks on demand in a prison the place where there are cameras pretty much around every corner by law you would assume that there would be some footage of this that is obviously the gold standard of evidence in this case is if don retained his waterbending abilities to this day and could do
Starting point is 00:35:37 it on demand on camera yes but don conveniently was cured of his demonic water power waves. Which is horse shit, by the way. She should have never been taken away from him. And why would Jesus want to take those powers away in the first place? Because Jesus seemed to be pretty fond of magical abilities. Involving water. He walked on water. He turned water into wine. He was a waterbender.
Starting point is 00:36:02 He loved it. This is a unique problem for us when coming down on a conclusion is where we have no physical evidence yet an overwhelming amount of reliable testimony so we either have to make the decision that this truly happened as per every person's word or that like six reputable people are all lying over the course of like 30 years. That's a tough one, isn't it? Seeing as I don't trust anyone ever without physical evidence this week, unfortunately for me, it's going to have to be a no. I think we're in agreement there. I would love to be proved wrong on this one
Starting point is 00:36:45 but for me i start to get kind of weird once we get into the like the water doesn't touch the bible religious exorcism thing which kind of ties up the story in a neat bow and like you say i can't necessarily trust every single testimony here and it just has to be a no. Unfortunately, that is the end of the case of Don and his puddle powers. Don the water boy. Aquatic beast. Sure, whatever. The aquatic beast.
Starting point is 00:37:16 Well, you call it that and we'll agree to disagree. Guys, hope you enjoyed the investigation today. Thank you so much to Ruth Bradford Harris for emailing that one into us. Please do keep sending your amazing podcast suggestions to this paranormal life podcast at it really is where we get all our episode ideas these days it's as straightforward as that if you email us in an interesting case there is a very high chance we will cover it guys if you just cannot get enough of this paranormal life always remember that on forward slash this paranormal life there there's bonus content waiting for you oh yeah from five
Starting point is 00:37:52 bucks a month you can get access to a host of bonus episodes we've been doing them for a couple years there's a stash now it's like 25 plus episodes so if you would like to hear the story of the day that it rained blood and meat and that we still couldn't really get to the bottom of yeah a solid mystery head on over to and check out that episode for five bucks the content taps are open folks they're flooding out like water bonus content is going up the walls shooting across you in bullet form slapping prison wardens in the face it's we're me kit and i are getting splashed like it's a goddamn wet t-shirt contest you're gonna want to go over to check out and just just drink up all this delicious bonus content and at the end of every episode we like to take the time to shout out those who have
Starting point is 00:38:43 supported us on patreon let's do it right now let's go thank you so much to vikash taylor whoa the cash is looking fly out here because uh-oh he's a tailor nice that's that's what people don't realize if you're a tailor not only do you make other people look good but obviously you save the best pieces for yourself yeah the cash also has a tailored mustache. Mmm. And it is tailored perfectly to fit his own face. Also, he is flushed with Vakash.
Starting point is 00:39:09 It is, yeah. From all the tailoring. Thanks also to Ellie J. Mortimer. Wow, massive thank you, LJ. Now, LJ, I only assume
Starting point is 00:39:18 stands for Elephant's Lasagna. Is that correct? Sir? Why would it stand for Lasagna if it's J? Why the f*** would it stand for what you just said? The J
Starting point is 00:39:34 is silent. So it's not pronounced. So why is there an L? That's not a silent letter. If you read it phonetically, it would say Jlasagna. But I i didn't i didn't pronounce the j so it's okay well we should move past it's nothing what the f**k is the elephant lasagna lj i'm so sorry the kid is doing this to you let's no no no no lj i'm sorry that we're always
Starting point is 00:40:00 doing this to you thanks also to amelia cox am Cox, the host of Amelia Talks. That's right. Uh-oh. This is the lower 48 hottest talk show on the radio. Unfortunately, it's been around for a really long time. Conversations are pretty problematic. Most of the guests, really
Starting point is 00:40:20 problematic. It's probably going to get shut down soon. Amelia, you really got to get more woke like us. We're so culturally sensitive, you know, at the same time, it's, it's hilarious.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I love tuning in. Of course. Don't change anything. Especially that bit you do at the end, where if you disagree with your guest, you put them into a giant gun and say, time to cocks it. And then you,
Starting point is 00:40:40 you pull back the trigger and fire them into the sun. That's, that's a great bit. It's great. So keep that. Definitely keep that. Thanks also to John Webb. John Webb, little-known-fact inventor of the web,
Starting point is 00:40:52 a.k.a. the internet. The worldwide one. That's right, yeah. He actually campaigned pretty hard for it to be http://johnjohnjohn. And then the website. But the powers that be were like that's unbelievably vain
Starting point is 00:41:06 he's like I'll take JJJ JJJ no hard no you've made it it's ours now you don't have anything to do
Starting point is 00:41:13 in fact you don't even get paid which is insane he got scammed yes and they slapped all of his eight hands away did we mention he's a spider of course
Starting point is 00:41:21 he's obviously a spider of course thanks also to Chris Hunt. Chris is always on the hunt. This guy never takes a day off on his life. Christmas Eve, he's out there freezing his nips off in the woods looking for Bigfoot. Easter Day, he's hunting the rabbit himself. Halloween, he is a ghost of his former self.
Starting point is 00:41:42 He's always on and he's always hunting. And I appreciate the hustle. There's a little thing called work-life balance, though, Chris. And you should maybe look at that. Yeah. After you find Bigfoot. Yeah, yeah. Don't give up yet.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Thanks also to Ryan Fisher. Ryan actually tried to get a couple wishes out of a mermaid by fishing her out of the water. Oh. Yeah. That's not how mermaids... I don't know why he thought mermaids could, one, grant wishes... No, they don't. ...and, two, need it to be rescued from their natural habitat.
Starting point is 00:42:12 They're women. Yeah. You should actually treat them like them. And half fish, so treat them like they belong in the water. Double respect. Yeah. Okay. He didn't get any wishes, and the mermaid couldn't breathe.
Starting point is 00:42:24 So, that's a double loss thanks also to adam busby buzz buzz adam busby keep an eye out for john webb inventor of the internet and also a giant spider-man not to be confused not i don't mean like a giant superhero spider-man right i mean he is he's more or less a mishmash yeah it's a nightmare whereas i assume you were just a b a full b not half b half man seems to be it's crazy that john has the time like to develop groundbreaking human technologies but also is interested in catching bees yeah that's the spider instinct kicking in thanks also to stredham sketch talk about a sketchy character oh in a sense that i think they they were drawn by some sort of
Starting point is 00:43:12 enchanted pencil oh yeah they're not just like they don't just do crimes and things it's literally a cartoon dog oh and then his king has come to life and somehow got into podcasts that's so interesting yeah wow what a world i'm glad that you've drawn us some money and given that to us we can't use it i know the bank's not going to take that so you you're going to need to cough up all right a dollar sign written on an a4 doesn't count as legal tender unfortunately unfortunately. No. Thanks also to Thomas Billing. Thomas, you are the bomb ass. And we will be billing you monthly for your bonus content. I hope you enjoy all the additional episodes that are just going to be pouring out of your headphones.
Starting point is 00:44:01 You won't even be like when someone's trying to juggle plates. And then then one plate is like oh my god this one's going down this one's going down it's gonna be that but with bonus episodes so good luck thomas thanks also to chance dawson chance dawson not to be confused with their sister community chest dawson uh parents big into board games evidently in their kids chance community chest and top hat after the little top hat the one that you get in the monopoly it's not even the game just the okay just the just the piece piece the piece interesting you're obviously
Starting point is 00:44:40 rolling in cash if you're old man's that into monopoly so thanks for sending some our way. Thanks also to Isabel Longley. Well, if it isn't Ding Dong Lee. That's right. She is a bell. What? She is a bell, my friend.
Starting point is 00:44:58 One of those old ass ones they hang at the top of church towers. Are you being serious? Yeah, I don't know how she even knows what a podcast is i don't know how she became sentient maybe she's possessed by some sort of well i guess the water demon's taken so wind wind demon i guess i get pretty bored in my week you don't have time for podcasts so i want to imagine the life of a bell is quite slow yeah you might need a lot of audio drama to entertain you. You know, you'd just be listening to the latest episode of Serial, and you're like, wow, this episode is really...
Starting point is 00:45:32 Oh, 215? Ding, ding, dong, dong, dong. Shit, I missed that one. That's fine. The bell is really being weird today. Thanks also to Matt Brook. Matt Brook, I've got your MacBook. And if you don't start upping your monthly donations, I'm feeling a little snappy.
Starting point is 00:45:51 Okay. This is just getting into threats. Where did you get the MacBook? I ganked it from the coffee shop. You can't say that because that's theft. Well, I did. Well, I did say it. Do you ever want to see it back in one piece?
Starting point is 00:46:04 I just said no more threats. Go back to last week because I already snapped it. Okay. theft well i did well i did say it if you ever want to see it back in one piece no what i just said no more threat go back to last week because i already snapped it okay all right you don't get the macbook then he's not giving any more money i didn't think about that actually thanks also to troy stanyan well if it isn't troy boy the italian stanyan i'm not actually sure what a Stanion is. No relation to Stallion. But Troy is Italian in all things he does. He likes to drink coffee from a very tiny cup. Of course.
Starting point is 00:46:33 He's always romancing left, right and center and driving incredibly fast Italian sports cars. So basically, I want to be you, Troy, if you could somehow coach us in the ways where we're cultureless British people at the end of the day. British and American people, I should say. Troy Powers? That's the coolest
Starting point is 00:46:49 name ever. Yeah. My god. You'd be unstoppable. Let's get married. Thanks also to Danielle Graham. Welcome to Danny's Diner. Only one thing on the menu, my friend. Grey ham. Oh. That's right. It's undercooked. Undernourished and over salted okay the specialty danny's danny's specialty gray ham you can only get it one place because she's in
Starting point is 00:47:17 kind of like it's like a boat so she has to go out to international waters where she can actually legally serve the fish surely Surely no one wants this. It's one of those like, it's like that fish where if you cut it wrong, you die. It's poisonous. Okay. So cooked wrong, poisonous. Sure. Cooked right, you'll still get pretty ill.
Starting point is 00:47:38 Okay. Thanks also to Icarus Garza. Well, if it isn't Icarus, the guy who flew too close to the sun and got a gorgeous tan. Oh, my God. Worth it. It was amazing because he really was able to turn this into a beautiful kind of startup. He flies people up incredibly close to the sun. They get a gorgeous tan in minutes.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Beautiful. The wings melt straight back to Earth. Straight back down. They got a little parachute and they can flex on the gram and make double their money it's great business so icarus you know props thanks for throwing some this way i mean his retinas are fried oh gone yeah he can't see anything he's blind he can't see the grams he needs to get someone else thanks also to mick never say never all. Thank you for the support. Love the enthusiasm. Quick note.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Sure. You should sometimes say never to arson, heroin, kicking small animals. So just a couple on the list. So I'm willing to go on the line and say this person's done all those things. Yeah, which is a little worrying. But then they've also never said never to robbing a bank, which is obviously why they made such a bountiful donation this month so actually just keep doing you you seem to be doing great i never saw it from that way before thanks also to christian perkins christians
Starting point is 00:48:56 on a mission to adopt all the purr little kitchen kittens in the world, that one was a bit of a stretch, but he is essentially... It is true. It just happens to almost sound like his name. He has adopted, I think, 2,700 cats. 2,700? So far. So far as well.
Starting point is 00:49:17 And counting. They're probably breeding too, presumably. Oh, they're multiplying like f***ing bunnies. Okay. Not like cats, who actually multiply even faster than bunnies. He's managed to keep it to bunny level. Bunny level.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But good luck to you. You're doing the Lord's work. Thanks lastly, but not leastly, to Elizabeth Mentor. Elizabeth Mentor is a mentor, but not really a good one. She gives pretty generally bad advice, actually. Oh. A lot of arson, a lot of arson a lot of theft a lot of kind of get rich quick schemes um oh my god yeah that's not mentoring it is just
Starting point is 00:49:54 crying it is but it's just not good advice right you just shouldn't listen so if elizabeth um offers to be your mentor for a very reasonable fee say no i guess it's like if your mentor for a very reasonable fee so i guess it's like if your mentor was voldemort he's still giving you advice it's probably going to be pretty black dark art shit but uh it's still technically advice thank you to everyone we've just shouted out today and everyone we're yet to shout out i hope you guys all enjoyed this week's episode we will be back next tuesday with a brand new paranormal tale i almost forgot on the podcast a bunch of months ago i played a track from my band abq our sing last single was edge of the earth well we got a new one for you it came out yesterday and you can catch it on all streaming platforms uh here's a listen See you soon. The lies, the hate, nothing more than we deserve.
Starting point is 00:51:06 Work away in the same hole every day. Live beneath a city sky that will never change. This is a warning sign That keeps me up at night We're feeling less than real So leave it all behind This is a neon light The walls are so outside You're more than what you feel
Starting point is 00:51:44 But right in my mind I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you Take the drive Just to wake up and feel alive The sun will set, but I'll see you by the streetlights
Starting point is 00:52:12 This is a warning sign, that keeps me up at night We're feeling less than real So leave it all behind This is a neon light That pulls us all inside You're more than what you feel So leave it all behind And run right in my mind I'm running. This is a warning sign That keeps me on by night We're feeling less than real
Starting point is 00:53:11 So leave it all behind This is a need of light That pulls us all by sight You're more than what you feel So leave it all behind Run right into my mind I'm calling, every time you call me I'm calling, every time you turn around I'm with you every time you turn around
Starting point is 00:53:58 I'm with you every time you turn around I'm with you every time you turn around I'm with you every time you turn around oh boy that was a beefy one

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