This Paranormal Life - #162 Uri Geller: A Real Life Telekinetic Psychic Agent? - Part 2

Episode Date: April 28, 2020

In part 2 of a 2 part series on controversial psychic Uri Geller, Kit and Rory investigate his mysterious past as a CIA agent, his hunt for ancient buried treasure in Scotland, and decide once and for... all whether his powers are truly paranormal or not.Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityAdvertise on This Paranormal Life via Gumball.fmIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Last time on This Paranormal Life! Uri is a psychic from Tel Aviv. Uri, I understand that you've been able to use your psychic abilities to move objects with your mind. Is that fair to say? Yes, that's right, amongst other things. So Uri is now concentrating on the key, just rubbing it very gently. And good lord! It's bending right in front of me! I can't believe it! And good lord, it's bending right in front of me. I can't believe it.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Just a few months previously, he had performed the same demonstration on a radio show in Texas, but was still surprised to receive a letter a few days later. It was addressed from the Texas Attorney General's office. Three employees there had signed a letter to say they were listening in on the radio broadcast. say they were listening in on the radio broadcast. To their amazement, they watched as a spoon handle bent 45 degrees, a door key snapped in half, and a paper clip straight up disappeared. There was one magician that made it his mission to shut Uri down once and for all. James Randi. It's 1973 and Uri Geller is about to have the biggest night of his life. He is set to appear on The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson. Uri just had to go there, charm the audience with his usual routine, chat to Johnny, bend a few spoons and basically bask in the
Starting point is 00:01:18 standing ovation from millions of Americans that would follow. He realized they'd swapped out his entire setup. Nothing he had agreed to work on was there. I sat there humiliated. Uri was a fraud. Or was he? Because Rory, over four decades later, a piece of information was released to the public that would rewrite Uri's history. In 2017, some 12 million pages of internal CIA documents became declassified, crucially including Uri Geller's entire involvement in a little paranormal research project called Stargate. Welcome back to This Paranormal Life. This is part two in the story of controversial psychic Uri Geller. So if you haven't heard part one, we do suggest you go back and check it out.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Rory, last week we investigated some crazy evidence from the 70s that Uri was able to not only use his mind to control objects, but even do it remotely across the country. This led to a bunch of prime time TV appearances, but we left off just as he was humiliated on the Johnny Carson show, foiled by Johnny and the magician James Randi. Uri went back to his hotel and started packing his bags to go home to Tel Aviv. Except Johnny and James Randi's plan had backfired. Watching the interview, the audience thought that Uri seemed honest and thought that if he was just a magician he would have loved to show off tricks to 19 million people across America. It was the biggest captive
Starting point is 00:03:00 audience possible. No magician in their right mind would sit there and do nothing. But instead, he came across like a genuine psychic, just one that was struggling to use his powers under pressure. And instead of going home, he was immediately booked for the Merv Griffin show, and his paranormal career skyrocketed. However, that is not to say that magician James Randi failed altogether. From then on, he was never more than a couple steps behind Uri Geller, trying to debunk and discredit every move that he made. We're talking about the prestige now, people. We are.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Battling wizards, dueling out to become the strongest. I don't think that's what James Randi would describe himself as, but... I don't even think that's the premise of the prestige, but it's kind of similar. It's similar enough. And it's thanks to people like James that today Uri Geller is seen by many
Starting point is 00:03:55 as kind of an entertainer rather than living proof of the paranormal that he once claimed to be. But Rory, Uri's success never fully added up. Sure, he made TV appearances here and there, he sold a few books, but his house was always a little too big to make sense. Even in the 80s, only a few years after the beginning of his career, he was widely known as a multi-multi-millionaire. And even in 2009 he bought a Scottish island. Whoa. Most people buy an island to live the good life on it. Maybe build a house, swim in the sea,
Starting point is 00:04:34 buy a boat and sail around. Not Uri. You see there's a legend that we should probably look into at some point. This kind of blew my mind. The legend goes the ancestor of all the Gaelic people was called Skota, a princess who sailed to Ireland and married a leader there, starting the Gaelic people. But did I mention that Skota was Tutankhamun's sister?
Starting point is 00:04:58 What? There are books. This is real. I'm not... My brain isn't melting. This is pretty early on in the episode to be throwing a curveball in the shape of a pharaoh's amulet. There are books, okay? It's not just me. There are books from the 13th and 16th centuries depicting a pharaoh princess sailing to ancient Ireland and Scotland. And part of that legend goes that after Skota died, her ancient Egyptian treasure was buried with her. It just so happens that Lamb Island off the coast of Scotland is one of three
Starting point is 00:05:33 Scottish islands that are laid out in the exact same way as the Egyptian pyramids in Giza. So Uri is currently trying to excavate Lamb Island and find the lost Egyptian treasure. It seems a bit weird to go directly to this, the lost treasure of a princess that apparently fled Egypt. And not just go to Egypt with your fortune and try and find it there. Well, I think all the treasure's been looted, hasn't it? They're still finding stuff. Really? Plus, with his magic powers, he could probably just put his hands on the sand and, like, golden pharaoh's coins will just bend around him and shake the ground.
Starting point is 00:06:12 Listen, don't get me started on that kind of stuff, alright? Because I'm just saying there's some stuff coming up, so. I do agree. Buying an island seems a little excessive. Yeah. But all of this is just to say, clearly Uri has been making cash. Yeah. He's crooked, folks, and we're not talking about the spoon bending alone.
Starting point is 00:06:30 If he's making money, that means someone believes in him. As a psychic. But who is it? In part one, I dropped the bomb that the CIA actually worked with Uri on Project Stargate. This was revealed in 2017, when some 12 million pages of CIA documents were disclosed. Stargate is a project we've definitely talked about before on This Paranormal Life, not just on the episode about Saddam Hussein owning a literal Stargate, but also because it was a top secret government paranormal research project. What we do know is that in the early 70s,
Starting point is 00:07:06 Uri had agreed to be tested and monitored by a number of scientists, primarily in his home country of Israel. People had obviously heard about him, seen him, and thought this could be a great research project. Let's get him in, see if what he's saying is true. At some point in 1973, one Israeli scientist who had worked with him tipped off two other scientists in the USA, Harold E. Putoff and Russell Targ, two men that started their careers in stuff like physics and laser research, but later specialized in parapsychology, remote viewing, parapsychology, remote viewing, and telekinetic research. All the stuff that no university would let you go near today. It's over. Those departments are shut down. Thus, Uri was invited to the United States to take part in a new set of tests. Only this time for the CIA, under Project Stargate.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Uri's thinking, okay, I get scientists researching me, but why the US government? Well, later he learned that the CIA were worried there were people like him in Russia. Oh, fellow benders. To quote Uri, there was a woman there who could move things with her mind and they were worried. Oh, God. Which is fascinating because we always assume that the US military or any military are looking at the paranormal from a purely weaponizing perspective. Of course, yeah. How can we use this against other people? Exactly.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Can you imagine working for the military? You're training soldiers as usual, putting them through boot camp. You're raising the toughest goddamn military the world has ever known yeah and then you get intel to say that the enemy soldiers can now bend bullets with their mind what do you do when you've got a thousand normies ready to go pathetic little meat bags you would put every dollar available into copying that training and technology yeah your new mission go capture the bending bullet people and get one of them to defect that's the only mission your mission go get into ouija boards and astrology and come back to me when you can
Starting point is 00:09:17 predict the future the troops all get like real spiritual looking they're walking around looking like russell brand loads of bracelets and necklaces. It's basically Hogwarts at this point. Speaking about the research project in more recent years, Uri said, I found it fascinating, but also very grueling because I became almost like a guinea pig. Hi Uri, I'm Russell. Thank you for seeing us. Please, take a seat. Hello, Russell. No, thank you for considering me for your project. Okay. Is everyone here? So, the objective of this group of experimental sessions is to verify Geller's apparent paranormal perception under carefully controlled conditions and try to head toward an understanding of the physical
Starting point is 00:10:06 and psychological variables underlying his apparent ability. Do I scare you, Yuri? Um... Not... I've been told I'm an intimidating man. Oh, no, not to me, Mr. Russell. You seem very, very, very nice
Starting point is 00:10:22 to me. Some say I have a villainous voice, yet I assure you I only want what is good for mankind. At whatever cost that may come. That actually sounds a little foreboding what you just said. Do you gamble, Mr. Uri? I've got a scar down one eye and the other one's missing. Where did you get the cat from sir we gamble every day with our lives don't we i so sorry have the test started and at the push of a button i could end it all
Starting point is 00:10:54 i don't i just got here mr russell from israel what end what all the regular doctor enters the lab what who are you oh sorry it runs out janitor always walking in here sorry uri nice to meet you yeah nice to meet you uri i'm the scientist around here it's colonel sanders in a lab coat and so the experiments took place over a few days with uri placed in varying degrees of isolation as he attempted to solve and perform the scientists paranormal tests it's like uh stranger things style you know he's like jacked up with wires little sensors heart monitors all that all that stuff listen stranger we've been through it we actually did an episode entirely on stranger things stranger things is based entirely
Starting point is 00:11:42 on these CIA experiments investigating the paranormal. That shit all happened. Demogorgons and all. Well, we don't know the last bit, but they probably are. Yeah, likely. I haven't even read the rest of my research. There might be Demogorgons. And you know that a son of a bitch that can bend spoons can bend reality.
Starting point is 00:12:01 All right? You want to go to the upside down? How about you go to the flip side down that's when he bends the future into the past i i whenever you said he bends reality i thought you're just gonna say he'll trick you into like liking olives if you don't like olives no no i'm talking small stuff i'm talking you walk down the street scrolling on your phone and accidentally bump into yourself from 10 seconds in the future you turn around to see what's going on and you're looking at the back of your own head
Starting point is 00:12:29 that's that's a lot that's what i'm talking about yes that's pretty that's been not just bending react as bending like the laws of physics yeah everything exactly you you you know you're you're looking down at your hands and they're aging a thousand years in front of you dying being reborn old hands baby hands old hands baby hands i think this is a thousand years in front of you dying being reborn old hands baby hands old hands baby hands i think this is a twilight zone episode you go to scream and roses come out of your mouth okay now it's like a salvador dali painting it's good try and weaponize that is all i'm saying they're messing with something that it's a little too dangerous you're gonna be very disappointed by the tests that are about to follow. Oh no, no old hands, baby hands?
Starting point is 00:13:11 They tested a number of things, but this investigation centered on a remote viewing test. This is the paranormal ability to, quote, seek impressions about a distant or unseen object through extrasensory perception. To you and me, this is basically accurately describing stuff a mile away while you're tied to a chair and blindfolded, aka impossible unless you're truly psychic. This is basically the Holy Grail for paranormal researchers. And so Uri was put to the test. And thankfully Rory, thanks to these declassified documents, we have the results of that test. Wow. So, Uri was placed in an opaque, acoustically and electrically shielded room.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Then, outside the room, a researcher would flick through a dictionary, pick a word at random to draw. Then, once finished drawing, it would be Uri's job to use his paranormal abilities to see the picture and draw it himself. I have three results here. I'm going to tell you the word, then show you what the researcher drew, and then show you what Uri drew. Okay. The first word the researcher picked out of the dictionary was fuse. This is what they chose to draw. All right. What this looks like here is the...
Starting point is 00:14:29 Not what you would think. You know, it's basically the fuse on a stick of dynamite. Right. Rather than like a fuse you would put in your fuse box at home. Yeah, interesting. You could have gone either way. This is arguably maybe easier to draw. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:43 But for clarification of doubt, they have written firecracker at the bottom of the to draw. Yeah. But for clarification of doubt, they have written firecracker at the bottom of the image here. So with zero cue about the word or the image, in a sealed room, Uri produced this drawing. All right. It's not quite the one-to-one that I was hoping for. It is the drawing of a man with a giant giraffe head next to him yeah just the head just the head it looks like a little drum set or something in the top right he's drawn
Starting point is 00:15:14 too many things for a start they should have clarified it was it was one thing he's drawn a man talking with an elephant while someone plays the drums yeah not a great start i'll admit not a great start uh however the researchers weren't immediately discouraged by this because they felt uri had potentially tapped into some information about the firecracker and that this being a loud uh tinny kind of um aggressively sounding object that then the drum he produced might have been tapping into some sense of that. Like the bang. Yeah, the bang.
Starting point is 00:15:49 And the giraffe. Right, that was just straight up wrong. So giraffes don't actually make a lot of noise. No. And actually that human appears to be sleeping. So they're not making any noise. What is a giraffe's neck but the fuse of its body? That's what I'll say.
Starting point is 00:16:06 So not a great start. No. The second word the researcher produced was devil. There's no way they picked that by random. These are all going to be... The next one's going to be like... Next one, I don't know. Immortality. Fountain of youth.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Just throwing some words out there. Could you... How about if we say fountain of youth, Yuri, you just close your eyes and draw a map how about that the next one is a doomsday machine schematics would be preferred to drawings actually i see you draw another giraffe all right we're gonna try and pivot away from the zoo animals here yuri this one is a clown okay all right that's lunch that's lunch we're gonna we're gonna take a quick five this is the image the researcher produced for devil okay nice all right guys you know exactly what this son of a bitch is it's a guy he's got horns he's he's holding a uh a pitchfork i guess a
Starting point is 00:16:59 trident because there's only three spikes got a little devil tail he's actually got a good head of hair on him as well yeah a nice little buzz cut uh and he's smirking he's having an easy actually it's it's a good little drawing yeah it's it's a pretty fair drawing i wouldn't have drawn him like that so everyone everyone knows what that is and this with no cue with uri in a separated acoustically, blacked out box. This is what he produced. Wow. Guys, these are the kind of drawings you would find scribbled on
Starting point is 00:17:32 the wall of a cult. We're looking at strange patterns. I might actually take some of these patterns. They're kind of dope. I think they would be good in a mural. In the commune, for sure. I don't even know what these diagrams are. Some of them kind of look like flowers.
Starting point is 00:17:49 Some of them kind of just look like rainbow patterns. There's a sun somewhere. That looks like a hot air balloon. Yeah, there's a hot air balloon. So there's several small drawings. Mostly seems to be circular, sun-like objects. mostly seems to be circular sun-like objects but crucially i think right in the middle the biggest drawing is this mandala circular objects where in the middle it says god and above that is another one of these mandalas looks a little bit like a gate or a door and it says 10 commandments
Starting point is 00:18:20 yeah that's pretty wild so i think it's fair to say that whilst he didn't nail devil it's insane that in this locked box with an infinite possibility of what the other person could have drawn he honed in on the bible and god what's super weird about this is i mean he's written god and he's written 10 commandments but he also decided to draw these crazy patterns and things around them yeah i wonder if it was like that was that's part of the process of it or if he was like i think that they wrote devil and drew a big squiggle around it you know what what was his reasoning behind doing because there is just some flowers there as well maybe that was beforehand he was like doodling doodling and then the intercom they
Starting point is 00:19:05 were like okay we're ready to go he's like oh fuck can i get it can i get a new sheet of paper oh god they can't hear me do not talk to us you're not supposed to talk to us oh god it is pretty fascinating if you assume that uri has psychic abilities and that's how he got god and the ten commandments from the word devil this is interesting because this shows how the psychic energy works it's not like a direct mind read yeah it's a vibe he taps into he gets like a little scent and he's like a bloodhound trying to track it down yeah all right we've got a third and final one for you so the final word the researcher picked out of the dictionary was bunch that's a hard one it is a hard one the word itself doesn't carry any strong connotations and the researcher rory chose to draw this whoa okay okay that's smart that's smart what he has
Starting point is 00:20:01 drawn uh is a bunch of grapes you know i probably would have done a bunch of flowers something like that i think that's fair bunch of grapes sure i can i can see that and it says it's a super simple image that's like easy to get across yeah it's either a bunch of grapes or one very large raspberry but i think it's a possible to tell and in fact i kind of feel like an ant looking at this thing it's like so close up and rory this is what uri drew folks at home i am looking at a picture of grapes these it is borderline identical these grapes it is the angle of this stem is the same you are joking there are 28 grapes in this bunch and there are 28 grapes in the bunch that uri has drawn are you this mother is learning he's like he's evolving and test the next test you know the lights are going on and a doctor
Starting point is 00:21:01 is going to run in and be like shut it down shut it down like pulling out cables from the wall he's gonna be levitating like youtube so just to be clear he knocked it out of the park on bunch yeah and they stopped there that was the last one that's actually the only drawing experiments that i'm aware of that we have the evidence for yeah i've actually looked at the cia documents you can go see these yourself if you go to the cia website that was good enough they pretty much shipped him to afghanistan the next morning they were like he's ready he's a weapon wait what do i do once i land if you're truly a god you'll know they boot him out the back i never said it was a god i can't fly i can only read back he hits
Starting point is 00:21:47 the ground and splatters into a million pieces oh crap we spent five million dollars researching that guy so rory imagine you're the researcher in this story what are you thinking i don't know i don't know i i probably would have done more tests for his start you know even though he pretty much knocked that last one out of the park three isn't isn't a good uh body of work to go on i feel like this would be just the start you got to start holding objects in your hand and seeing if he can describe him you gotta like when when you're taking a five at lunch come up behind him with a two by four and just take a swing and see if he can stop it or duck see if he's gonna do some spider-man shit knock his lunch tray out of his hand see if he catches it real quick like peter parker exactly
Starting point is 00:22:30 yeah you need to find out the the limits of his abilities and you know if you gotta push him around a little bit beat him up a little bit to do it that's called research especially back in the cia in the 70s oh yeah i think we'll get into this a little later. They did do other tests, some of which were successful, some of which weren't. I just highlighted this as at least one example of a home run, which explains what's to immediately follow. What we do know is that what Uri Geller showed the researchers on that fateful week, including this test, caused the CIA to claim Uri Geller showed the researchers on that fateful week, including this test, caused the CIA to claim
Starting point is 00:23:06 Uri Geller had, quote, demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner. Which begs the question, if they believed in his paranormal abilities, do you really think they let him walk away? Just go back to show business. They didn't even ask for his telephone number. No f***ing way. They turned Uri into god damn Jason Bourne. We're talking multiple passports, guns, international espionage.
Starting point is 00:23:36 F*** it. Wipe his memories. Memories are only going to get in the way. They accidentally wipe his powers? Oh, s***! He's just a dumbass. What am I thinking about? Is it grapes? We couldn't get him to stop drawing giraffes before. Now he won't.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's been giraffe after giraffe, and he isn't getting the point. What's your favorite animal? I don't remember. Monkey? Monkey, perhaps? No! All I'm hearing is, it takes very little to be considered a mutant god by the cia i feel like it's unfair that they no one's contacted me to see if i could do it three pictures three pictures and that's all it
Starting point is 00:24:14 took but they did other tests and that's just the most visual one that's like the one you can you can listen that's a that's a that's a hit you put you show anyone those images side by side and tell them the story i could hit i'm gonna hit right now all right you think of something and i'm gonna and i'll be able to figure out what it is okay think about it vividly okay like like a shark tooth okay you know think about it and just like focus it in your mind all right i am i'm focusing as hard as i can and i'm gonna come up with it so just focus on the object focusing just like say it like under your breath just say it no well that would you know come on I'm focusing as hard as I can. And I'm going to come up with it. So focus on the object. Focusing. Just like say it, like under your breath.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Just say it. No, will that work? No, come on. Because that would be besides the point of the test. Well, I won't even be able to hear. I won't be able to hear very well. That's ridiculous. This is crazy. Just think about it then.
Starting point is 00:24:57 Think about it. Like focus it on a laser. I will think about it because that's the point of this whole thing. So I'll think about it. I'm going to think about it. I'm going to look at you while I think. Because just to get the telekinetic energy right across the room here. And just like,
Starting point is 00:25:09 give me a clue. Give me like a clue. No, because that would, you've got to give me a clue. The CIA don't give clues. Okay. Like a hint.
Starting point is 00:25:16 Like, is it an animal? Okay. So I'm going to, I'm going to, I grape. Is it a single grape? It's,
Starting point is 00:25:24 it's not a million miles from it, but it's the clue. I'm not giving you any more clues. So, okay. Okay. I'll say one thing. All right. This is a decent clue. It's yellow.
Starting point is 00:25:34 All right. Banana. Is it a banana? No, it's not a banana. That was like, that was my first one. He got three turns, so I should be able to get three turns as well. No, there's no way you're getting, you're getting. Give me another chance. Come on. What else is what else about it just think focus
Starting point is 00:25:49 i focus in on it and just like say it i'm not gonna say it so that's just telling me to say don't say it out besides you want to be tested like you're in the cia and you get a clue and you still don't get it or Or we got it with zero clues. The times have changed. The bar is lower now more than ever. They need super soldiers on the front line. And I have, I have the heart.
Starting point is 00:26:14 At least you don't want to be a super soldier. Why do you want to, you've got a nice life. Do you want to be a super soldier? Once when asked an interview, whether Uri had indeed been turned into some kind of psychic super soldier, Uri said, quote, I cannot answer that. I can't because I cannot deny and I cannot confirm certain missions that I was given to do.
Starting point is 00:26:40 So there are missions. He did the missions. He absolutely did secret missions. So there are missions. He did the missions. He absolutely did secret missions. We should also note in these interviews that he is two foot taller than he was when he was last seen and infinitely more buff. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:57 But if that wasn't clear enough, true to style, in a later interview, he said, I did many things for the CIA. They wanted me to stand outside the Russian embassy in Mexico and erase floppy disks being flown out by Russian agents by saying, erase, erase, erase, using my mind. Is that how it works? It doesn't sound like how it would work. I mean, I was doing that before. Like, you know, you say, you think really hard on it, and then it goes using the telekinetic rays.
Starting point is 00:27:23 I guess that's how it works. That was barely a sentence. Listen, bro, whenever you're telekinetic rays. I guess that's how it works. That was barely a sentence. Listen, bro. Whenever you're telekinetic, listen, I've been researching this. I'm starting to think I have a few powers of my own. Okay. I think it is. You just got to recite it?
Starting point is 00:27:35 I think it's diminishing. Just give me one second. I think it's diminishing my ability to speak, though. Give me one second. Here. Dick, grow. Dick, grow. Dick, grow.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Sorry. You got to keep it. What. You got to keep it. What? You got to keep it to yourself because I think otherwise. I thought you were supposed to say it out loud. No. You're supposed to say it inside? I didn't think it.
Starting point is 00:27:52 He was just thinking. Erase. Erase. Erase. All right. We got to edit something out of the podcast and I won't say what it is. We don't have enough time. We don't have enough time.
Starting point is 00:28:01 Erase. Erase. Erase. No. We need the podcast it's uploading what another time i had to get near someone signing a nuclear deal and bombard his mind with sign sign sign oh to what to prohibit i guess the use of nuclear weapons to sign a deal to not create nuclear weapons i guess the contract wasn't drop it question mark and then you sign your name yeah okay that's wow it's intense no some people
Starting point is 00:28:31 think this is far-fetched really uri geller worked for the secret services then how do they explain that uri's first job at 13 years old i'm not shitting you here this he said this in interviews years previous at 13 years old his first job was delivering letters for mossad the israeli secret service what his first job was a paper boy for the israeli secret service not only that but in a bbc documentary about his work for the secret services they interview israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and he's like yeah me and yuri go way back what so even before the cia dropped the bomb that they've done all these tests with him and let's face it probably used him yeah he absolutely worked for the israeli secret service oh boy that's what a weird career
Starting point is 00:29:26 path to start with paperboy for the israeli secret service and then you turn out to be a psychic yeah i feel like this is a bomb drop this is a mic drop this is a huge piece of information that i don't think we've ever come across in this paranormal life the knowledge that secret services around the world at least have used psychics paranormal practitioners in the field oh yeah look they've been keeping it on the down low but we've known it we've known it for years think back to the uh you know the Philadelphia experiment it's true you know there's a long history of the government being involved with people who claim to have or do in fact possess psychic abilities. Colonel Floating Gun? You think he just, he was born that way? No. He used to deliver papers for the CIA. It was just
Starting point is 00:30:17 floating letters down the road. So we might've tracked on some of Uri's money, but that wasn't the only place he was making his money. Apparently in the 70s, a man called Sir Val Duncan invited Uri to his home in Majorca and said, I'll tell you what, Uri. I've buried three bottles of olive oil in my garden here. If you can find all three, I can make you a lot of money. All right. Uri walks around the garden trying to sense out using his paranormal abilities. And he finds the bottles.
Starting point is 00:30:49 He finds all three bottles of oil. What kind of twisted Easter egg hunt is this? Were they buried or were they just in a bush? Buried, of course. Sir Val said, Congratulations, Uri. Here is one million dollars. I want you to find real oil for me.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Oh, oh, that's smart. OK, I can see that. That's yeah, that's pretty good. And Uri worked for other companies. There are actually photos of this online of him on mining sites around the world, working for Brazilian, Japanese mining companies finding oil diamonds gold what his standard contract was getting one million dollars up front and one million dollars when he finds the honey pot and he found the honey pot sometimes sometimes I mean enough for him to get repeat work sure I guess yeah but uh you know not every time all right that sounds like he had the success rate of a mortal no because the average joe looking at a map just putting his finger on a map putting a pin in a map and just saying his oil under there no is that how he did it uh yeah he was looking at maps i would i would have thought he'd go on location more but apparently it started with looking at maps oh my god and then they might fly over a place
Starting point is 00:32:10 look you know look by helicopter or something oh my god that's that's badass imagine today you wouldn't even just fire up google maps and be like just sent you a link check it out that's oil it's not my million it's crazy to think but it's it kind of makes sense right i mean think of the world's biggest companies today where a million dollars is nothing to them yeah it's like you might as well try every avenue it's like the way rich people hire all these fake doctors to cure them of this that or the other it's like they're so goddamn rich they might as well give it a go yeah the the profession of paranormal investigator has basically survived off wealthy people paying us to investigate nothing. That was another bit you should have kept inside.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Oh, God. Okay, erase, erase, erase. Don't worry about it, bro. I took care of it. So, I should say the whole idea for this investigation actually came from a reader who emailed us saying the following. Hi, guys. I have a suggestion for an investigation which seems pretty compelling.
Starting point is 00:33:13 I know all of this sounds crazy, but I have one piece of what could be evidence for you both. So I have this book I bought some time ago which teaches you novelty tips and tricks, from showing you how to memorize a card deck, to doing complex math in your head, all the way to, most relevant here, using one's own ESP or extra sensory perception to bend silverware. On the topic of psychic powers and a sixth sense, I would say I'm open minded. I've had experiences which I can't easily explain, such as knowing information there was no way for me to know at the time, or my ability to see what I think are people's auras. So I decided I'd give it a try. The book instructs you to be in a relaxed state, an indirect yet direct attention. Okay, you lost me already. Indirect yet direct attention.
Starting point is 00:34:01 You lost me already. Indirect yet direct attention. Holding a piece of cutlery in your hand between your thumb and index finger. And you have to want it to happen, but you can't force it. And you're basically stroking part of the fork or spoon with your thumb. You're supposed to hold it there, stroking it, seeing if you can feel it turn soft in your hand, where you can then bend the metal.
Starting point is 00:34:30 So much of that was contradictory. It was like, focus, but don't focus. Too hard. You want to rub it, but don't touch the spoon. Just touch it with your hand. You've got to act real nice to it, but you've also got to show it who's boss. I turned on your recent investigation into Nibiru and enjoyed that while I had this fork in my hand I'd grabbed from the silverware drawer. And it worked. I've enclosed photos of the fork before and after. I've used no tools on this fork, just my hands, concentration, and will. It's pretty surreal, realizing you're doing something that shouldn't be possible, but is. You may save my photos if you like post them and if y'all could hashtag investigate it would be most appreciated i have no clue what if i'm turning into a mutant a witch or whatever
Starting point is 00:35:11 else so roy i'm just going to show you the images they sent through here as evidence feel free to scroll through these very cool whoa all right folks they didn't just bend this fork. They f***ed it up. It's messed up. Prongs bent. Handle bent. That fork will never enjoy a meal again. Absolutely not. It's going to be drinking out of a straw.
Starting point is 00:35:33 And this is, I can't tell if there's a series of different pictures. I can't tell if these are different forks or just shots of the fork getting more and more effed up as the night went on maybe they really don't like that single fork hey listen we all have forks we want to mess up but we just you know we give them the benefit of the doubt wow all right uh i will note four five maybe uh very convincing pictures there not one video though not one video of the spoon bending uh that's irrelevant i don't see why we would need video if a picture would suffice obviously the golden pyramid of truth uh doesn't include video footage no it's a hearsay rumors stories i think talking is one of them as well yeah so in fact even this email email, because the information is so direct,
Starting point is 00:36:26 we don't even have the Pyramid of Truth really, because there's no rumors. It's old school. Rory, there's only one way to find out for sure. How about we give this a f***ing go? I'm ready. So folks, I have provided Rory with the flimsiest fork I could find. I've got a spoon, actually the same brand,
Starting point is 00:36:42 and we're going to attempt to harness our ES abilities i don't know if i've got esp let's find out i think we in a bonus episode did a little experiment okay uh where we flipped those cards to try and find out if we had any psychic capabilities did it go well you did surprisingly well oh you you hit a lot of cards i did not okay uh however like uri i believe that i have only grown stronger since the giraffe test uh and i feel like maybe this is my this is my great picture right here this could be so right here in the podcast we're going to try and prove the the ability to bend shit with your mind this
Starting point is 00:37:19 is like getting scouted as well for an esports clan there is a two-way glass wall in my bedroom right now and there are several big league cia players behind that wall this is my tryout you think your brother isn't the cia you're out of your mind so what we want to do rory is get it right there where you've got it yeah just below anyone at home could try this so we're just holding our cutlery right below uh the bit you put in your mouth basically just the neck and we're just gonna rub this just use your thumb okay i'm gonna rub it so it's almost like you're trying to heat it up all right how fast uh it's kind of weird we light some candles in here yeah it's that kind of motion i'm afraid to say so okay uh and you can use the other hand to stabilize it if you want you want to rub it use your mouth a little
Starting point is 00:38:09 bit don't be afraid to get down there okay well i wouldn't go that far but focus on how the spoon feels all right be receptive to how the spoon's moving this is this is going to a weird place guys don't listen to rory he's taking it to a weird place. Just focus. Call me Daddy Spoon. I'm the big spoon. Focus on bending the spoon with your mind. This is very serious, very scientific. And your dick. No.
Starting point is 00:38:35 No, there should be no dicks involved. Sorry. This is ridiculous. You're undermining this experiment. You might want to hold it like this at this point. And we're going to go to the next stage of trying to bend this shit I didn't know there were steps. How do you zone out when you're flipping it like a pancake? I'm following Uri's Okay, yeah
Starting point is 00:38:54 He actually did a promotional video for Kellogg's cornflakes where he bent some spoons on camera and showed you how to do it So that's the method I'm following I would say that's a pretty terrifying mascot to have, but have you ever seen the f***ing Sugar Puff Monster? That thing is a cryptid in itself. We should be hunting him. We should bring him down. We've got to bring him down.
Starting point is 00:39:13 He's got to die. So at this point, I'm going to try... I'm trying to bend it using my mind by focusing on it. Hopefully, we've heated it up here. Okay. So I'm melting from our pure ESP energy. Okay, I'm not getting anything. Roy, what about you?
Starting point is 00:39:31 I thought, you know, I felt like it was building towards something. I don't know if I'm quite warmed up yet. I look over, you're bent in half. What? I don't know, nothing's happening. I think this might be a bust, ladies and gentlemen. Come on, you little bastard, bend! I don't think that's happening I think this might be a bust ladies and gentlemen come on you little bastard bend I don't think that's
Starting point is 00:39:48 gonna help bend you I don't think that's what Yuri or our reader did bet my nose starts bleeding bend nothing seems to be happening folks I will say go on we didn't do a full inspection of this fork before it was handed to me but the
Starting point is 00:40:04 prongs are a little askew. That's all I'll say. It's a real piece of shit fork. All I'm saying is, you want to look at this thing side on? You want to take photos of that? Put it up on the society? I'll do a poll. I'll do a poll.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Is Rory a wizard? Yes or no? And I'll provide the evidence. Look at this son of a bitch. Look at that. From side on. That's crooked as a witch's nose. It is crooked.
Starting point is 00:40:30 Yes! But it's also very old. Men enter the room. Rory Powers, welcome to the force. Give you a badge and a gun. You shoot me. Muggle bitch. So, Rory, at the end of every every episode we have to come down to a conclusion as to whether
Starting point is 00:40:48 what we've investigated is truly paranormal or not you know our reader there has helpfully thrown in a little bit of first-hand evidence of their own uh i guess the question here is is uri geller the psychic the cia agent the mossad agent is is he truly psychic? That's a very good question. Luckily, we're dealing with someone who has a pretty extensive history of using paranormal and psychic abilities. You know, it's not just what we learned about him in the first episode of this two-parter where, you he went on some game shows he bent some cutlery you know that was pretty much as far as he took it now we're learning about him being involved with the cia we're learning about him finding oil and diamonds in the ground yeah he's
Starting point is 00:41:35 got a pretty impressive history he's got a pretty impressive log of paranormal events at least a lot of people have believed in him at different points. Yes, that's true. It would be interesting to like tally up his ratio of hits to misses. Because, I don't know, if you truly say that you are paranormal, but even if you get like four misses in a row, is five enough to convince people you're still paranormal? That's tough. That's like saying you're very good at blackjack, losing six rounds of blackjack, and then winning your seventh round of blackjack. And everyone's like saying you're very good at blackjack losing six rounds of blackjack and
Starting point is 00:42:05 then winning your seventh round of blackjack and everyone's like he was right all along i know he wasn't he's very bad at gambling and he's managed to win a hand after six losses it's very true the key here is the stats what do the stats say you know in science you have in science you have what's called statistical significance that means that that for something to be considered true it has to be tested and has to beat chance yeah because chance is always a possibility and there's a threshold over which it becomes interesting weird maybe even true but for uri that's, that's the problem here, is we don't have that tally. We don't know if all his hits
Starting point is 00:42:48 that he got a million dollars for, all his hits that he went on TV for, if they were just chance. In the interest of coming down to a conclusion, it should be said that the CIA experiments that seemingly prove Uri to be a real psychic are widely and vastly discredited
Starting point is 00:43:04 by everyone in the scientific community okay wow uh left that one right till the end hey bud put off and and targ aren't like stellar names in the scientific community it was pretty widely acknowledged that they didn't do a great job of ensuring the tests were extremely rigorous okay uh They may have left a couple answer sheets in the test chamber. Who knows? They were paranormal believers themselves and were kind of emotionally invested
Starting point is 00:43:31 in this whole thing working out. Right, right. One thing I will say, Harold E. Putoff, after these tests in later years, would go on to start a company with Tom DeLonge from Blink-182 whenever he got into
Starting point is 00:43:45 aliens so the stars academy to the stars academy of course a very prestigious academy see this is the problem when you're conducting paranormal experiments what you need are real scientists yeah just like if you want to teach a biology class you need paranormal experts you need people who are skeptical about it because the scientists are going to be like i don't believe in the paranormal we're going to make this as hard for uri as possible and if i'm in a biology class i'm going to be like you teach me kids because for all i know that little frog is a demon i will give that frog security clearance and a gun and i will make it into a secret agent because it's amazing to me.
Starting point is 00:44:27 It's a wonder of the universe. So I have to say, personally investigating this one, I went in highly skeptical. Throughout, I was continually surprised by these really quite amazing occurrences. occurrences and yet at the end of it all i don't believe that we have enough concrete evidence scientific rigor that should be readily available if someone has a 40-year paranormal career the evidence should be there and it's not and that's why i don't think i can say he's a real psychic i think it's a no for me i think to prove your point kit if you'd like to take a little look at Exhibit A. That's right, friends. In my hand, I hold a bent fork.
Starting point is 00:45:13 Sensei. Now, Kit, just like Uri, you never saw me bend this fork. You're a real psychic, Uri. But here I am claiming I have. So if we were to say no shut off the podcast if we shut it down now you don't need to finish your diatribe bro i believe you i'm with you no i'm trying to i'm trying to tell you that oh my god i need to call the press i need to call the police no you were right the first it was it's a no i think it's all real i knew i was right
Starting point is 00:45:41 to start praying to uri all these weeks of working on this episode praying to Uri all these weeks I've been working on this episode. Praying to Uri? I've been trying to bend these f***ing spoons, man. But no, you can teach me. You're the guy. No, man. I did it under the... Some of this magic sauce is going to start rubbing off on me. It's not like that.
Starting point is 00:45:53 I did it under the table. I did it under the table while you were talking. I bent it with my hands. Yeah. I was trying to prove a point that if I can make it up, then anyone can. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, man. I wish I hadn't said all
Starting point is 00:46:06 that stuff about did you say you prayed to him nah nah nah erase erase you've only been doing this for like a week you only found out about him like a week ago race race shut up shut up stop looking at me when you say erase die die die if i can do it right right now and it looked pretty convincing i don't see why anyone else doing it in secrecy could say that uh they're doing it as well i think unfortunately it's going to be a double no this week can i tell you a bit of uh trivia about this case sure uri geller is the basis for the pokemon cadabra all right yeah i'm glad you told me that now after the double no because in japanese uh cadabra is called yungera uh like geller oh you can get a uri geller he sued pokemon pretty pretty heavily
Starting point is 00:47:02 back in the day when he heard about this trading card game. Did he win? And he, yeah. That's such a Gary Oak move. Apparently, you can't get a Kadabra Pokemon card today because he sued them. Really? Is that right? Apparently so.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Apparently, they stopped making, like, you can still get Pokemon cards, but apparently you can't get, they haven't printed a kadabra card since like the mid-2000s or something that is so weird yeah why i thought he was locating diamond mines why does he have to sue you know not all the time he's he's bought a lot of time free time so we've also very quickly brushed over the fact that in part one he said said he was from an alien planet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:46 I feel pretty confident in my double. Okay. I think. Listen, everyone, I hope you've enjoyed this two part episode on the tale of a potentially, but sadly we think not real psychic. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 But a fascinating life and fascinating story nonetheless. And thank you so much to our reader for sending in their evidence. I will not name them in case the CIA track them down and murder them. If you have any of your own thoughts on this episode, send it on in to
Starting point is 00:48:13 thisparanormallifepodcast at Don't even email us. Just think it. Think it. I've already explained that I have superpowers, so I'll be able to pick it up.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Guys, if you've enjoyed this two-parter, maybe you're looking for more entertainment throughout this, frankly, tough quarantine experience, head on over to forward slash this paranormal life. Support, support, support. Okay, it's all right. I can just talk to them. Cash, money.
Starting point is 00:48:38 You don't need to trick them. Now. You can get bonus episodes from just five bucks a month. The link is in the episode description of this podcast. Check it out. And at the end of every episode, we like to take the time to shout out those who supported us on Patreon. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:48:53 Thank you to Ian Rush. Whoa, Ian, what's the rush? Slow down, partner. Take a toke of this, brother. Whoa, don't offer him drugs. We don't know what age he is Do you breathe it in his face? He's kind of like a cyborg with just a bong as a ventilator ian is no you are i am i'm so sorry ian thank you too caleb mckenzie you know that caleb mckenzie into the future
Starting point is 00:49:38 what yeah you can mckenzie into the future real get him onto the podcast i know that's a pretty good ability a little heads up about 2020 would have been nice there caleb but yeah a bit of a dick move keep that one on the dl keep that on the hush hush ordered a bunch of hand sanitizer then went a wall moved to a scottish island thank you to lewis mendoza man those are nice shoes you got, Lewis. Huh? I mean, where'd you get them? You're always styled out, Lewis. Always a stylish looking guy. Those are really nice.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Those are. Man. Ha! Man. Those are nice glasses too, Lewis. In fact, give me them. Thank you to Thomas Noonan. We've all heard of thomas the tank engine we're talking right here about thomas the tank that's right drafted into world war dos as they call it in
Starting point is 00:50:35 espaƱa dropped behind military lines all by himself not even a human just a tank whoa no no one in the freaking bish it was just blasting random shells sentient tank yeah but the thing is they couldn't actually say that uh thomas the tank won us the war because you can't put a medal on a tank no so we salute you in your service thomas thank you too sam webb we've all had sandwiches before but you've you ever had a SamWeb? No, that sounds awful. It's where you roll up a spider's web and eat the spider. That's even worse than I thought. It's pretty bad. I'm not gonna...
Starting point is 00:51:12 I didn't say it was good. I asked if you've had this. I had one. Sure, I had it when I went to a haunted house that time. Were you that... Couldn't you wait? Like, why did you need a snack? Well, we had to rush because the appointment that we booked booked was for 4 30 and it was 4 35 my friends had already gone in and i said
Starting point is 00:51:30 it i'm gonna go into this house three scares later and i've got the munchies they didn't even so it doesn't even sound like they sell these as a delicacy or no i stole it from the house okay i started swinging my hands in the darkness what do i get a handful of cobwebs and a tarantula and i ate it raw it's called a sand web thank you to josh ray josh ray is having a posh day he's just gonna treat himself today that's smart he started off breakfast with a little caviar maybe a little oysters on the side. Can I recommend a delicious Sam Webb? No. Why would a posh guy, a classy guy want that?
Starting point is 00:52:11 Because it's expensive depending on the spider. It was free for you. Because it was a bad spider. It tasted bad. It bit me a ton of times. It was a bad experience. Aren't they poisonous? Yeah, well, some of them are.
Starting point is 00:52:23 Thank you to Michaela Campbell. Michaela Campbell can't bowl. It's pretty embarrassing. She goes all the time, but she's got to put the sides up. She's got to use that rolling thing where you push the ball down the ramp. Even then, sometimes it ends up in the next lane. Sometimes it ends up in the car park outside. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:42 She can't bowl. Stop going. Thank you to rose rose obviously nicknamed rose after her ability to bend flowers a power which as we know was weaponized uh in an attempt to control bees swarms of bees interesting by pointing the flowers in the direction you would like the bees to go uh pretty effective i don't understand how that works so how would you normally bees come to the flowers yeah how do you point it so so like if a bee is like i want to go to that flower and then uh it's going towards the flower because the flower is nice and colorful cool you bend it with your mind so that the the colorful bit of the flower kind of goes forward
Starting point is 00:53:25 and then leads on to another flower. So the bee's like, oh, I'll go to that one. That one bends forward. All of a sudden, you have a tidal wave of stingy little wasp men. Whatever happened to bombs and guns? I don't know. They were pretty effective, I thought. They did the job for sure.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Why are you weaponizing bees? Why do you think there's all these Save the Bees campaigns? Because they're veterans, and they're dying in huge swathes. Thank you to Daniel Camacho. Daniel, you better watch yourself, or I'm gonna Camacho. I'm gonna Camacho
Starting point is 00:53:58 hard, and I'm gonna Camacho fast. He's got bees. He's got bees? He's a bee bender. Oh, no! I can't even reach him. He's just, like, fighting through bee bender. Oh, no. I can't even reach him. It's just like fighting through waves of him. Damn. Thank you to Neon Possum. Neon Possum is beyond awesome.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Emphasis on the bees. Because they control hordes of vicious wasps. Nothing to do with bees, man. No, but they're pretty similar. You know, they're all pretty similar. Thank you to Joshua McGill. Joshua McGill is washing my grill. Oh.
Starting point is 00:54:29 Josh, I'm going to level with you. We've been cooking a lot of spider-related delicacies on that thing. So you're going to need a scrub. And also, there might be a few exotic specimens left in the bottom of the grill. So just watch out for that. You're going to want to be on egg hunt, hunt my friend because the ones that survived have multiplied except don't use gloves because then you can't really feel uh the cleanliness of the grill so i'm gonna need you to go in there raw yeah fair handy thank you lastly but not leastly to short liam short liam the nickname
Starting point is 00:55:00 that his family gave him because he is the shortest of all the Liams. They had Liam 1, Liam 2, Liam 3. Oh, that's nice. I mean, the other Liams are 12 foot, 13 foot. So short Liam still comes in at about 9 foot. His cousin's Shaquille O'Neal. Yeah. That's right. He's a very tall man.
Starting point is 00:55:17 He's a borderline cryptid. I think he hangs out in school with like the Slenderman. Don't hang out with him. He's not a good guy but they can kind of relate because they're on the same level literally we're glad to have you supporting the podcast we appreciate your tall money thank you to everyone we have just shouted out and everyone whose shout out is still coming thank you for being so patient we hope you've enjoyed this episode series on uri geller we'll'll be back next Tuesday with a brand new paranormal tale.
Starting point is 00:55:47 Bye-bye.

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