This Paranormal Life - #216 The Mysterious Death of Zigmund Adamski

Episode Date: June 8, 2021

In 1980, the body of a local Yorkshire man named Zigmund Adamski was discovered more than 20 miles from his home with suspicious burn marks and goo on his body. The police tried to solve the murder bu...t the deeper they got… the stranger the case became. Was this really the work of a murderer? Or something more PARANORMAL?BUY OFFICIAL TPL Society Facebook by Amy GrisdaleIntro music: Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What happens if I abduct an alien? If the earth is flat, is pizza round? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Hello everyone and welcome to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast where every week we investigate a brand new tale and come to the conclusion as to whether or not it is truly paranormal. My name is Rory Powers. Across from me sits Kit Greer, my professional paranormal pal. How are you doing this week, Kit? Doing fantastic, Rory.
Starting point is 00:00:37 Pretty illuminating questions right at the top. I feel like we can get to the bottom of one of them though, right? What happens if I abduct an alien? Is that the one that you were thinking? You go to an international space court, sure. But the second one is pizza. It's also flat. No, wait, but Earth isn't flat.
Starting point is 00:00:54 No. The question was, if the Earth is flat, is pizza round? So is the Earth flat but also round? Who knew that the answer lay somewhere in the middle of the two camps, neither flat nor round. This is the, I feel like this is the question that could bring both warring factions together. Yeah, pizza. A pizza party. Is the answer.
Starting point is 00:01:17 All these years of conflict. Peace was so close. Well, look, we don't want to dilly-dally too much at the beginning of the podcast. We like to jump straight into it. And we need to jump straight into it because today we have quite a serious investigation to get to the bottom of. It's fun, you know, dancing about, oh, the beautiful little wilderness and investigating leprechauns and dragons. But sometimes on this podcast, very rarely, we like to take on a hard hitting mystery. This is really exciting. Damn, I'm gonna have to get my Sherlock Holmes hat on.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Folks, we're talking about a mystery, a disappearance, a death. And we need you to join us in possibly solving it today. Wow. So let's dive right in. It's June 6th, 1980, in a beautiful little town called Tingley in Yorkshire. Zygmunt and Lottie Adamski live a quiet suburban life after having moved from Poland 20 years ago. One sunny day, around 3.30 in the afternoon, Zygmunt decides to pop out to the local shop to pick up some potatoes for dinner that night. As he left the house, he crossed paths with a neighbor on the way out of his front gate. This is back when people really worked, Rory. You worked in a mine, you ate a f***ing potato, and you were glad about it. Right, it's when men were men. Yeah, and you were 56, but let's face
Starting point is 00:02:42 it, probably looked like you were 79. I think it's remarkable that he's still working at 56. I would have thought in the 1980s, you were born a man, work as a man, and retire as an aged old 22-year-old. Yeah, whenever you were baptized in the 80s, they didn't so much dunk you in a little bit of water as hand you a pack of Marlboro Reds and give you a pickaxe and get to work. They said, God have mercy, and threw you into the mine. The only reason you got baptized was to wash the coal and dirt off of your body
Starting point is 00:03:20 before you went back into the mine. As he left the house, he crossed paths with a neighbor on the way out of his front gate. Oh, hiya, Zygmunt. You all right? Yes, hello. As his neighbor watched him leisurely stroll down the street, he had no idea that that was the last time Zygmunt would be seen alive.
Starting point is 00:03:40 Holy moly. He only went out to get some potatoes. Only to get some potatoes. Over an hour passed, and Zygmunt still hadn't come home from the shops. Back at home, Lottie began to worry. What could be keeping him? As time marched on, she realized she has no choice but to call the police and report her husband missing. An hour seems a little fast for that. Maybe I'm talking out my ass here. I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:06 I guess it, you know... Don't they usually say, like, wait 24 hours? Although that's a bad policy. I think you're thinking about the fact that if it's not solved within the first 48, you'll never find them. Right. There's a weird sweet spot. You can't report someone missing before 24 hours, but when it hits 26 hours... They're like, why the f*** did you call us sooner?
Starting point is 00:04:30 He's already dead. You have a two-hour gap where they'll give a shit and try. I guess it depends on what their habits are. You know, if your husband is known for going drinking at the local pub after work and not coming home on time bit of a different situation but if it's zigmund who who's who basically people can set their fucking clocks by what time this guy goes to buy potatoes every day right for 56 years uh then you got to worry after one hour if he's a minute late people are sweating bullets they know that
Starting point is 00:05:02 something isn't right yeah also different time no phones i mean that's a good point actually call anyone well they are sorry there are phones there are well there absolutely are phones i don't know why i agreed with you no paper no pens she called the police to report her husband missing i'm just so worried about him officer he wouldn't just leave it's our granddaughter's wedding tomorrow he was really looking forward to it all right we'll get right to work. Don't fret now, love. We'll put the best lads on the job. For once in our stories, the police seem competent.
Starting point is 00:05:32 Get to the work immediately. This is the back one. Policemen were policemen. These days. They're too busy playing Candy Crush in the back of the paddy wagon to actually bust any perps. Everyone was men back in the 1980s. That's back when women were men.
Starting point is 00:05:52 And babies were men. Men. Dogs, also men. They started by calling hospitals to check new admissions and began a town-wide search for the missing man. On day five, they discover exactly what they were afraid of. Chief, we're down at the coal yard. It's not good.
Starting point is 00:06:13 How bad is it? Bring a... Bring a... Jesus Christ. Bring a body bag. I, uh... I may have taken some creative liberties with that dialogue. I wanted to dramatize it a little bit. Well, sure. And actually, sorry, I giggled a couple of times
Starting point is 00:06:31 and I really didn't tell it. I wrote it to be like a dramatic thing. So give me, let me do this one. Let's do it once more. Could you lead me in again, actually with one? Yeah, sure. I'll try and give it the gravitas it needs. Thank you. Sorry, just... Yeah, sure. It's a short line. We should be able to knock it out of the park. Well, I might improvise a little bit. All the best actors improvise as well, so... I'm not sure with something as emotionally hard.
Starting point is 00:06:53 Anyway, whatever. Ignore me. How bad is it? Sorry, I was on another f***ing planet. Yeah, I could tell. Your eyes glazed over. It was weird. We could just go with theing planet. Yeah, I could tell. Your eyes glazed over. It was weird. We could just go with the first take.
Starting point is 00:07:08 No, no, no, no. Because I told you I giggled. So let's just, let's try and get this one. Yeah, but you didn't. Okay. Well, you did a couple anyway. Fine. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:07:15 It'll take two seconds. How about is it? I was talking there. You need to. You weren't. I was talking. I was talking. Maybe I'll be the chief now that I think about it.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I think actually I could do that role a little bit better. So maybe I'll do that line. Okay. Yeah, sure. All right. You ready? Yeah, that's a good idea. Okay.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Three, two, one. How bad is it? No, you see. My Yorkshire accent is a little rough. There's no way we can. The continuity, because I'm just thinking the continuity of the accent that I delivered earlier for the police chief versus. You know what? F**k it.
Starting point is 00:07:48 I'll do both lines. How bad is it? Bring about a bag, sir. Okay. We got to keep moving. So I think just take that. All right. That's a wrap, everybody.
Starting point is 00:07:58 At 340. Bring about a bag. That's the worst one yet. you know this is in england right it's not yorkshire texas at 3 45 on june 11th zygmunt's body was discovered wish we hadn't joked so much because he's now dead right he was discovered lying on top of a pile of coal the discovery was made by trevor parker the son of the owner of the coal yard. The first officer to arrive was Alan Godfrey, who was there to inspect the body and try to deduce what happened. But when he examined the crime scene, he didn't find any answers,
Starting point is 00:08:37 only more questions. This is where the mystery of Zygmunt Adamski's death really begins. Ignoring the obviously strange fact that the body was on top of a giant coal pile, miles from the victim's house, the body was dressed with trousers and a jacket, but missing a shirt. Oh, someone took the shirt off his back. On closer inspection, it looked as if the body had been dressed by somebody else and pretty badly at that well obviously zigman's trousers and shoes were both tied crudely as if it was done by someone who didn't know how to tie knots his jacket had also been buttoned wrong which how
Starting point is 00:09:18 do you miss button it well i'm sorry actually i guess you do the thing where you it's actually pretty easily done you think you're doing the right holes, but you're doing one adjacent higher, and then you get to the top, and there's a... Yeah, it happens to the best. It actually does. So I actually sympathize a lot. And the shoe thing as well can actually be kind of hard.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Have you ever tried to tie someone else's shoes? It's impossible. It's weird because it's backwards. It's wild. That should be at the Olympics. I want to see Usain Bolt trying to tie shoelaces backwards. I want to see Tiger Woods trying to tap his head and rub his tummy at the same time. I want to see Michael Jordan lick his elbow.
Starting point is 00:09:55 The body was missing a watch and there was no wallet at the scene. And possibly the strangest part of all, his hair appeared to have been given a botched trim what the is going on this is like 10 years younger criminal edition where they just you up and murder you isn't this wild there's so much going on here i've been i've been mugged twice in my life before and i was never once offered a haircut before or after. Yeah. How rude. This is weird. I mean, is this a situation of make him unrecognizable? But he's wearing the same clothes.
Starting point is 00:10:34 Usually they cut off your fingertips and smash your teeth with a hammer if they want to make you unrecognizable, not give you a quiff. Give you a mullet his wife's there it's like well it looks like a lot like zigmund but he would never wear those kind of shoes so i guess it's not it looks like my husband but also kind of like machine gun kelly so it couldn't possibly be my husband. Yeah, it could be a calling card kind of thing, you know. The trimmer! You boys better watch out for the trimmer, eh? Or something like that. Or like a
Starting point is 00:11:13 crime-fighting duo, the Scissor Sisters! If you're not careful, you end up six feet under with frosted tips. Something about this whole scene isn't sitting right with Godfrey, so he calls for backup when they arrive he briefs the team on his findings so far after having a little look if i had to guess i'd say he died of a heart attack but that doesn't explain how we got up on top of the 12 foot coal
Starting point is 00:11:38 heat there's something funny going on with this one i reckon that was really good really good, actually. If you want, there's maybe a couple of those lines that I could clean up a little bit with my Yorkshire accent, but if you're fine, we can move on. Yeah, I mean, I guess it's always good to have other takes, so give it a shot. How did you say the first one?
Starting point is 00:11:59 That first word? After having a little look, I think that's how I said it okay and that second one how do you print how is that pronounced these are big words man this is actually light a lock after having a light a little look is that what that is that's not dialect that's english and after that after light a lock or a little look you know and maybe we don't have time i thought you were gonna kind of rattle them out but But if we're going to teach you the English language. Some of these are pretty big words.
Starting point is 00:12:28 I didn't mention this at the start of the podcast because I didn't want to derail us too much. But earlier this weekend, I was kicked in the side of the head by a donkey. So I didn't think it was worth bringing up. But now I feel like it's having a bit of an impact on the story as a whole. You have a TBI. You have a impact on you story as well have a tbi you have a traumatic brain i do have a tbi actually a truly bad infestation of donkeys on my land so obviously what did you do to make it kick you in the head i can't really pinpoint one specific thing because it was very undeserving but if i had to put my finger on anything
Starting point is 00:13:03 it would be when i stole the donkey food. You have a dent in the side of your skull. That's fair. I didn't notice it earlier, but now that I've seen it, I can't not, I can't unsee it. As long as we think we can keep going with the plot. No, no, no, no, no, we're fine.
Starting point is 00:13:18 We're fine. I feel like if we don't push through it, the donkey wins, which is not what I want, so. After explaining the situation, the officers are intrigued and make a beeline for the body to see it for themselves. But even they are no closer to understanding what happened.
Starting point is 00:13:32 As we said, he'd been gone for five days, but it didn't look like he'd been sleeping rough and he hadn't been starving. That's when one officer asked, How long did you say he's been missing? Five days now. Then why has he only got one day of stubble? That's right. It looked like at some point, Zygmunt had either shaved or been shaved. The initial investigation reached some interesting conclusions. Given that he was balanced precariously
Starting point is 00:13:59 face up on a massive pile of coal, they were pretty sure that he was dropped from above, because the police can't understand how someone could have carried him up there without being seen. At the end of the day, the only way to find out the cause of death was to get the body moved so they can do a post-mortem. But when Zygmunt arrived at the lab, the mortician can't believe what he's seeing. Kit, this is where things are about to get paranormal. On the neck and shoulder of the body, there were strange burn marks covered in some kind of weird gel. The time of death is determined to be between 11 and 1 on the day of the discovery. The burns, however, are two days old. The weird slime on the burns still couldn't be identified
Starting point is 00:14:46 but the pathologist assumed that someone had tried to treat the wounds since they were inflicted bongella the official cause of death takes the coroner months to deduce i imagine the bodies are piling up at the morgue he's like couldn't be is that vaseline is it vaseline we've got a bunch of other bodies over here that are way easier to solve give me a second because i think i'm decomposing pretty bad because you're taking i don't want to be rude but quite a long time well it's it's a big case i want to get to the bottom of it um are pterodactyls extinct absolutely okay well that ticks off it ticks off one of the list of dinosaurs he has on a notebook all right we just need to after dinosaurs i'm gonna be moving on to birds and then ants you know as soon as he moves on to the next body he's like
Starting point is 00:15:41 well it's a skeleton so i assume he was dipped in acid. No, he's been here for months. The final post-mortem concluded that Zygmunt Adamanski died of a heart attack. Come on. But the police never got to the bottom of how the body ended up in the coal yard
Starting point is 00:15:59 or what happened to Zygmunt in the five days leading up to his death. It seemed like whatever happened to Zygmunt would remain a days leading up to his death. It seemed like whatever happened to Zygmunt would remain a mystery. But people outside of the family, outside of the police, outside of society, had theories of their own. Theories so crazy that they must be true.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Well. Aliens. That's not. I just want to, before we dive headfirst into this, and I'm more than willing to do that. Okay. I just want to get out of there. That's not how theories work.
Starting point is 00:16:30 It's not that if they're so crazy, they have to be true. I appreciate the rebuttal, but I think we both know that the unspoken rule on this podcast is that when I say the word aliens and add the reverb that I will add later on, it kind of shuts down all counter arguments and all attempted reasoning behind what I'm trying to say. Fair enough. Continue.
Starting point is 00:16:53 Yeah, just a quick thought. Aliens! So, not long after Zygmunt's death, the aliens... I didn't say anything that time. I thought you were going to chime chime in so i was trying to get ahead of you before you got it in there are you even sitting down you're like hovering right on the edge of your seat you're so anxious in my defense i'm also constipated so that's partially why i'm not kind of the donkey i mentioned he also kicked me in the ass. He kicked the shit out of me?
Starting point is 00:17:25 I wish. He kicked the shit into me. That's actually why I instigated the fight. I was hoping he could beat the shit out of me. Literally. Not long after Zygmunt's death, the Sunday Mirror ran with the headline, Amazing UFO Death Riddle. Where'd they get that from?
Starting point is 00:17:48 There was gel on his neck. We haven't got a lot to go on. There's gel on the neck. He disappeared. He was found on top of a giant mound of coal. They don't know how he got up there. It doesn't take much, I think, for these news companies to grasp at straws. That's fair enough.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I got to appreciate the headline ufo death riddle that's an incredible combination of words said it before i said again decent band name the article mentions the burns a lot presumably speculating that they are otherworldly even when asked the coroner in the case said he couldn't rule out ufo activity i mean he's on a mound of coal. That's how he got burned. Well, the coal wasn't on fire. It was like a, you know.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Well, what's more likely, the day a coal went on fire or an alien burned them with a death ray? Despite the case remaining unsolved and the wild UFO theories surrounding Zygmunt's death, eventually public interest died down. The police obviously didn't take the UFO explanation seriously. surrounding Zygmunt's death. Eventually, public interest died down. The police obviously didn't take the UFO explanation seriously. I mean, anyone that did would presumably have been fired on the spot.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Disappointed, Godfrey, the police chief who was first on the scene, had to close the case and move on. But little did he know, this case was long from over, and it was about to have a second victim. Himself. What? It was 5am on the 26th of November, 1980, and Police Chief Godfrey is out working late when a call comes over the radio. We've got a 10-91 at the local farm. Reports of missing cattle.
Starting point is 00:19:27 That's right, a local farmer called into the police saying that some of his cattle had gone missing. So Godfrey decided to head to the farm. It's late and the roads are dark, but police chief Godfrey speeds down the back roads to get to the farm before more cows go missing. But in front of him, blocking his path, is what looks like a large bus overturned on its side. Holy shit. Godfrey slams on the brakes, stopping dead in his tracks, right in front of this huge object. Something feels wrong, so he remains in the car.
Starting point is 00:19:57 Upon closer inspection, he can see it's not a bus, but instead a metallic object, kind of a diamond shape, with a domed top and a long row of windows on the side. How did you mistake that for a bus? A massive diamond? It's dark, okay? And he's got cows on the mind. It's 5 a.m. He's a sleepy little bastard. To get a better look, Godfrey set his lights to full beam.
Starting point is 00:20:20 As his headlights hit the object, he realized it wasn't on the road. It was hovering five feet above the road. No, I didn't. There's no way he thought that was a bus. Whatever. Okay, now I'm on your side. That's a bit nuts. So he thought it was an overturned bus.
Starting point is 00:20:37 It's a UFO. It is 100% a f***ing 20-foot golden diamond hovering in the night sky, yeah. I love that he had to... By the way, he didn't, like, drive by it and get a glimpse. He, like, has pulled over. He's staring at it. It's blocking the entire road, yeah. Godfrey was terrified.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Not taking his eyes off the object, he reached down for his radio to contact the station. Hello? Hello? Guys, I need some help out here he tried over and over but communications were completely dead knowing that there is no way in hell anyone is going to believe him he took out a pen and paper and immediately began sketching what he saw this is the difference between uh britain and america because i've been so conditioned by all our previous investigations that i was convinced with nothing else left to do he was going to pull out a gun and start firing
Starting point is 00:21:32 wildly but no he he started sketching it's a bit more sensible apparently at the time in the 1980s which i got a real big kick out of this part of the policy for road accidents was to sketch the scene off apparently so i guess this is maybe before cameras were that commonplace yeah that it like uh the police officers would be handed them for their shifts so i guess to like get a little rundown of distances and locations and things like that but i actually have the picture that he drew that night wow if you want to take a little look at this you can get a better idea of what this thing looked like i don't want to seem like i'm getting hung up on this ladies and gentlemen i just want you to know how little of a bus this looks like it's a gigantic uf he says it has windows it's a 20 foot
Starting point is 00:22:21 wide diamond floating in the air it looks more like a hot air balloon than a bus. 14 feet tall. It has a whole row of windows. Look, if you're driving down the countryside and it's late at night, your shift ends in 70 minutes and there's a little object in front of you. It's not little. It's 20 feet wide, 14 feet tall. Your immediate thought is going to be like, huh, what is that? object in front of you. It's not little! It's 20 feet wide, 14 feet tall. Your immediate thought is going to be like,
Starting point is 00:22:50 huh, what is that? Is that a bus? Was that a car? Was that one of the loose cars? You're not going to say, huh, is that a 30-foot f***ing extraterrestrial glowing diamond craft? He's rotating! It's spinning around! It is. There's some motion involved as well.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It looks like, you know, when you go to like tourist locations and they have those observatories that move up a giant. Okay. Like a tower. Yeah. And then it's like the whole thing is like a lift. Yeah. And it's a big lookout dome that you can go inside. I can't really think where those are.
Starting point is 00:23:20 Where are they? I feel like there's one in Brighton, actually. Okay. Yeah. And I think like other places, maybe like Seattle, Toronto, maybe someplace. are where are they like there's one in there's one in brighton actually okay yeah and i think like other places maybe like seattle toronto maybe some place you know big cities like that as he was sketching the craft suddenly there was a bright flash of light in front of him so bright that all of his surroundings disappeared and when it, he was driving again. Whoa, they neuralized him. It's messed up, isn't it? He glanced at the clock to see that 30 minutes had passed in an instant.
Starting point is 00:23:52 He traveled further down the road and was feeling strange and tingly. When he looked down at his shoes, the soles were scratched and split as if he'd been dragged down the road. and split as if he'd been dragged down the road. He also had a Rory-style dent in the side of his head where a crowbar had connected with his head. As soon as he was thinking straight, he turned around going back up the road to find the UFO again. But when he got there, there was no sign of it. It had been raining that night,
Starting point is 00:24:20 and right where he'd seen the object, the road was dry. Fair play for a turnaround and going back i mean if that happens to me i just keep on driving i just forget about what happened i feel like a lot of people do we have cases where you know someone people kind of feel like it was a weird experience go home and then the next day they find out they've got radiation burns all over their body sure so uh yeah i've got a lot of respect for someone who went through something like this and turned around to go back. He decided to keep this whole situation on the down low. But within a week, somebody leaked it to the press.
Starting point is 00:24:56 You know, it's a slippery slope from there. Everyone started calling him Captain Kirk. He left the police. And obviously in the town, his credibility was destroyed. Wow. I mean, we saw this last week where a local policeman in America, he hit a leprechaun with his land cruiser. I don't want to be associated with that story. I feel like he was so distraught by all the bullying
Starting point is 00:25:23 that he had to leave the force and was traumatized his credibility was destroyed but not to everyone his inspector revealed that three officers from the halifax division also reported seeing a strange steel blue light at 4 49 a.m just a few days earlier which i think is so rude for him to tell that story everyone to take the piss out of him calling him captain kirk he leaves the force and uh just as he's like cleaning out his desk they're all like oh hey will you tell uh will you tell et i say hi you dumb mother when you're on your next little spaceship. Did you hand in your gun or did you hand in your laser gun too, you dumbass? Oh, yeah, before you go as well, three other guys from Halifax said they saw a craft that night. It's actually pretty scary, Sonny, so we're going to be investigating it.
Starting point is 00:26:19 Oh, they actually got a book deal, by the way. The Halifax officers that claim they saw a craft sent a report to the ministry of defense that said air traffic control contacted they have no record of aircraft in the area nor have they tracked anything at all soon after pc godfrey found another witness leonard smith a former police officer who also reported seeing a large object rise into the sky. And in 2014, Bob Coates, a bus driver who passed the same spot as Godfrey that same day, said that he discovered a strange dry patch on the road where the leaves and twigs on the ground had formed a strange circle like a whirlwind. So I'm starting to see where this headline came from after
Starting point is 00:27:05 zigman turned up dead this time there's nothing but ufo sightings it's crazy now i don't know how many there were prior to zigman's death it seems like this place is a bit of a hotbed for ufo activity apparently so i can see that yeah an unexplained death in the middle of some sleepy town with a lot of strange elements to it sure it's not a a leap to think that there could be a paranormal explanation behind it but you must be kicking yourself if you were the police officer who claimed that this thing wasn't paranormal and then months later you have your own paranormal experience that's so devastating you have to leave the force yeah it's as if the it's as if the aliens were like oh you don't believe that we exist you son of a bitch like no i didn't say that i didn't say that roast in his
Starting point is 00:27:59 ass with a nuclear exhaust pipe how do you like us now you little bastard i'm the one telling everyone else you do exist they're waterboarding him with alien goo you think goo doesn't exist i didn't say that i found the goo goo's real goo's realer than you are. Why are you guys so defensive about the goo? We have goo on Earth. Now, of course, Police Chief Godfrey, among others, are all wondering, could Zygmunt's disappearance just months earlier have had something to do with the appearance of this craft? And this is where we reach the point in every UFO story where things always get cranked up to 100.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Hypnosis. This is always the part of the story where things take a wild turn. And I was thinking about how interesting this is. You know, especially recently, there's been a ton of videos of UFO crafts being unclassified, declassified, and released by the American government.
Starting point is 00:29:08 And we're kind of at a place now where it's not weird anymore to think that UFOs exist, unidentified flying objects. I feel like even years ago, people would have think it was something for just crackpots and conspiracy theorists now a lot of people would be like yeah sure of course like these videos have been taken they're all real we're all kind of on board with that part of the story sure the next part that i think we're we're a couple years away from getting on board with is uh the following parts of the story is the claims of the people who say they've been up in one of those crafts right sure sure sure we're not
Starting point is 00:29:51 quite there yet for some reason i mean even myself i'm someone who can get on board with a uf i can see a ufo video and be like that's from another dimension i don't know but then as soon as someone says i was actually on one of those crafts i'm like were you you seem full of shit it's tough and this is kind of where we're heading into the hypnosis section where some of the missing events of the night that godfrey had are going to be revealed godfrey decided to try hypnosis to help him remember what happened that night in the blank window of time. Over a few sessions, he was able to piece together some memories. After being struck by the beam of light, he was lifted from his seat and drawn into the craft. Once on board, he says he met a strange human-like being named Joseph.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Once again, he was enveloped in a bright light and found himself now lying on a table. Surrounding him were creatures with bulb-shaped heads who asked him questions while giving him a physical examination. That was pretty much the full extent of what he could remember. Now, he didn't do many illustrations of what the creatures look like. I did manage to find one picture. I shouldn't laugh because this isn't necessarily a funny story. He went through something quite dramatic. But there's something I find so hilarious about this Joseph alien. This is a picture of a drawing he did of the craft on a whiteboard.
Starting point is 00:31:21 But behind him, you can see he also did a drawing of what i assume is joseph the alien i don't know why i find this so funny by the way he looks pretty pleased with himself not joseph but um that's a good drawing joseph is really not what i was expecting i was expecting joseph from the bible guy wearing robes yeah because we hear sometimes stories of people who i don't know are up in a ufo and it's like a nordic gray you know like angelic humans with beautiful blonde flowing hair and blue eyes this is uh a gray let's be clear is that a gray it's a gray ufo alien um that seems to be going undercover on earth as an old man it's just a gray wearing a wig and a fake beard it's literally you slapped a fake
Starting point is 00:32:17 beard on any generic alien it's the funniest looking thing in the world. It's really something I've never seen in four years of doing this show. We've never, it's never been suggested that a gray would have hair on a beard, which really says something. Doesn't it? You hear all these stories of aliens or, um, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:39 intelligent life from around the universe shifting and shaping into a form that humans would find more normal for their encounter and uh when we think about what that process is like you know we think of a star or a a blob of space jizz like morphing into like a perfect human replica. Whereas in this case, it looks like this guy is just like a 10 foot skinny bug man who decided to put on a Santa beard. He put on a fake glasses and a mustache all in one. And he's like, greetings.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I am Joseph. This is Mikey. He's on an intercom to his home planet. These dumb mother f***er humans don't suspect shit. They're such stupid assholes. But at the end of the day, look, we're here to understand what happened to Zygmunt and decide whether or not his disappearance and death was paranormal. The reason Godfrey's story is wrapped up in all of this
Starting point is 00:33:43 is because it plays a huge part in the theory of it being a ufo encounter obviously i don't need to say it we're both convinced but before we throw down our double yeses and pop open a bottle of space wine like always i don't want i just want to be clear i don't want any space wine space beer then i understand it is early, of course. Like always, we have to consider the more down-to-earth explanations. Obviously, a lot of people online have tried to crack the case themselves. And there's a few different theories I thought we should run through.
Starting point is 00:34:16 Yes, please. A few people believe that he just wandered off. This is obviously, we're talking about Zygmunt. A few people believe he just wandered off in a state of depression or got disorientated after being struck by lightning. That explanation took a real left turn at the end. Yeah, well, because you also have to, there's so many things you have to explain.
Starting point is 00:34:38 And you're like, okay, well, maybe he got to the coal mine because he was disorientated. Maybe he's depressed. Maybe he was running away. It's like, well, what about the burns? What about the burns of the fact his hair is shorter? got to the coal mine because he was disorientated. Maybe he's depressed. Maybe he was running away. It's like, well,
Starting point is 00:34:45 what about the burns? What about the burns? And the fact his hair is shorter. It's like, yeah, we think he, um, became confused,
Starting point is 00:34:52 distressed, traumatized, maybe an element of PTSD after being in a, uh, nuclear experiment of some kind. Okay. Well, it's just the latter.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's just the final bit. It's not the first bit yeah everyone would be disoriented and confused after the experiment uh one sexier theory was that zigman was having an affair the idea is that he was saying he was gonna go get potatoes but he was visiting another woman what he really meant was potato sized honkers he said i'm gonna go get me some potatoes which is very different too i'm gonna buy some potatoes he was licking his lips as he talked about the potatoes which is kind of weird in retrospect kept calling him sweet potatoes
Starting point is 00:35:35 uh the idea is you know he's having the affair he takes his shirt off has a heart attack during sex, because he was almost 60, falls down onto something hot, burns his neck. Again, you have to, there's so many things you have to justify that it has to all kind of, you have to fill a lot of holes. Every explanation has to do so much lifting. Literally to get him on top of the pile of coal. Well, that's where it kind of falls flat. The idea is the woman panics.
Starting point is 00:36:05 Dumps the body somewhere to hide the affair. Why would you dump him. At the top of a pile of coal. Where you. It's so obvious that he would be found. That doesn't really. You know I can see how. You would almost get there.
Starting point is 00:36:19 But I don't know I'm not buying it. The family believed that Zygmunt. Might have been attacked by an angry relative. Who at the time had a restraining order. Against him. buying it the family believed that zigmund might have been attacked by an angry relative who at the time had a restraining order against him uh but the police pretty much ruled that out completely another popular theory believe it or not by the way like the way the police haven't ruled out any of those other f***ing bonkers theories no no no no it wasn't it wasn't the family they liked him yeah they're like all right so he was either having a sexy ass affair or zeus
Starting point is 00:36:45 himself struck him dead it's like he actually has a restraining order against a man who's threatened to kill him who works at the coal yard no it's just too obvious just too obvious another popular theory believe it or not is the kgb whoa there's a theory that throughout the 80s and the 90s, the Soviet secret police were sent out to hunt down people who had fled Eastern Europe to escape communism, which does sound crazy. But there are so many genuine cases of KGB assassinations happening all over the world, including the UK. I mean, what was it, just two, three years ago? Two men were poisoned? Yeah, too recently.
Starting point is 00:37:31 It was wild. It's recent enough that this, weirdly, is maybe the most plausible explanation for all of it. Am I right in saying they're not the KGB anymore? Isn't that like the old name, right? Yeah, it's been rebranded. Yeah, the KGB was disbanded, however. It's like one of those rock bands
Starting point is 00:37:50 that are in some kind of contractual dispute. All they had to do was quote unquote disband, get a new name. Yeah. And what do you know, everyone else, all the same people still work there. We are now the KBG. That's too similar.
Starting point is 00:38:04 People still know what y'all are doing bgk fine whatever that's why you know we just shift around our anagram anytime we get into trouble we're currently tpl but we've had to change that from ltp to llp we've had a lot of podcasts and a lot of identity you don't want to know the kind of stuff we got up to in the 80s. Well, look, I've given you some logical explanations. I've given you some wilder theories. I've given you a little bit of the history with UFO experiences in this location in the UK.
Starting point is 00:38:37 It's time. It's time to decide. We need to put this murder mystery to rest right now on the podcast how exciting the chance to play a part a little part in the history of this case and maybe cast some more light on it in terms of showing other people this crazy story um thank you for investigating this one roy pretty nuts tale thank you thank you definitely really interesting it harks back to a bunch of other cases you know let's say the cases with like the iron masks and stuff. I, it's someone actually, I should really know who it was so I could credit you because it was someone who posted on the, our Facebook page, the This Paranormal Life Secret Society.
Starting point is 00:39:17 But as soon as they posted it, I was like, a hundred percent, I'm doing this on the podcast. I'm a sucker for a disappearance or a mysterious death involving anything paranormal. Absolutely. It's just, it's pure movie fodder, isn't it? It's like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. It's so unsettling and weird. And obviously we're not left with a lot of answers in the beginning, but then fascinating that then
Starting point is 00:39:39 so many different paranormal experiences started going on after the fact. So we're left with the question, is that evidence to what kind of paranormal things happened to Zygmunt? Or is it that the local peoples got it into their heads that paranormal things were happening and they all started having those experiences?
Starting point is 00:39:58 But gotta be honest, I never put two and two together. This could be some kind of state murder. Actually, this kind of seems a lot like something the KGB might have done. Yeah. Some of it maybe doesn't make sense. The haircut is a little bit weird. Maybe the clothes being put on,
Starting point is 00:40:18 like someone who doesn't know how to dress someone, but I guess if you're in a hurry, like who gives a shit? Yeah, I think maybe that for me is the most plausible explanation i understand that these are almost two different cases you know you have um zygmunt's death and disappearance and godfrey police chief godfrey's experience with this craft annoyingly they need to be linked together because one case affects the other so much sure but i almost wish we could have done them individually because i think if it was just godfrey's case and the
Starting point is 00:40:51 paranormal sightings of the ufos that took place that night in his experience i might be drifting more towards a yes but i think we're not here to discuss that today that's just a small part of the story we're here today to talk about it's a small 20 just a small part of the story. We're here today to talk about the disappearance. It's a small 20-foot diamond-shaped part of this story. Bus-looking part of the story. Hovering threateningly five feet off the ground. So for me personally,
Starting point is 00:41:15 I think this disappearance, although very strange, I don't have enough evidence to conclude that this is paranormal. Agreed. It's a strange one. It's a mystery. Maybe I'm edging with you.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I think, like, grimly, the KGB explanation might be the most accurate, rather than being hit by a lightning bolt in the middle of the day, disappearing for five days, and then having a heart attack on a pile of coal. It's frustrating because in a movie, this would be a textbook kind of a jason bourne movie situation where it looks like zygmunt died but the reason he's wearing weird clothes and he's got a weird haircut is because this is like a they faked his death
Starting point is 00:41:57 right put on a rubber face yeah something they killed someone else and then um did makeup crazy futuristic makeup to make him look like the guy that's right they wanted to disappear him give him a new life a new passport send him on secret missions oh that sounds very now i want to watch that movie that sounds great this is yet another movie pitch copyright that is copyrighted you cannot do anything of course what's the working title should it be oh um ufo death riddle perfect movie perfect it's not even working title uh so just to clarify this week i believe with the mysterious disappearance of zigmund adamski it is a double no don't know where you go out from me i am all in no no not really
Starting point is 00:42:41 oh jesus my heart's going straight up there. It is a double no, unfortunately. But hey, thank you so much for joining us this week. Thank you, Amy Grisdale, for the fantastic research on this wonderful mystery. That was a blast to look into today. And, you know, keep sending in your cases, folks. We're always looking for new things to investigate. So send them all in to we will look into it if you enjoyed this week's episode or any episode of this paranormal life boy do we have a treat for you on forward slash this paranormal life
Starting point is 00:43:17 there are 42 is that correct 42 extra episodes of this paranormal life and for the small price of five doubloons five buckaroos you can listen to every single one of them this is the fun thing about the patreon is the longer it goes on the sweeter the deal gets you know that's right and if you're interested in this paranormal life merchandise then we have just opened up the store where you can get t-shirts with the logo on it, with the Chompy's logo on it, tons of stuff with new designs coming all the time. So check it out, head on over to the store. The links for all of these are in the description of the podcast. So check it all out. And if you want to help us out in a different way, you don't want
Starting point is 00:44:02 to splash the cash. The best way to do it is just to head onto your podcast app of choice, whatever it is, Spotify, iTunes, and, uh, storm the charts. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:14 Coming all strong there, but let me write that back. Just, uh, what'd you want to do? Like leave a review. Yeah, that would be good.
Starting point is 00:44:22 If you could leave a review, make sure you're following us on Spotify or Apple Podcasts or wherever you take no prisoners sorry storm the charts just make sure you're following
Starting point is 00:44:31 you know subscribe five star take no prisoners we will be the number one podcast in the world by sundown I think what Rory is
Starting point is 00:44:39 alluding to here is that the first born of every podcaster the more that we the more that you guys follow us the more that you guys share the podcast we will take alluding to here is that the first born of every podcaster and spilled their blood the more that you guys follow us
Starting point is 00:44:47 the more that you guys share the podcast and rate and review us we do actually get a little bump up the charts which is an awesome way of
Starting point is 00:44:56 you could almost say we stormed the charts I guess it would happen fast enough yeah I guess you could say we stormed the charts stormed the charts so those little bastards
Starting point is 00:45:02 at the top those kings you know what this is folks have you ever seen the f***ing hunger games do you know who we are who i don't know one of the districts one of the the dirt eating little peasant districts you know and we are just dancing dancing for them for the man while they flick us coins and make us fight and eat each other but no longer the rebellion starts now. We're going to storm the charts.
Starting point is 00:45:28 They've had it good for too long at the top of those charts. The number one podcast in the UK needs to be this one. Untethered, unbiased, unresearched, loud, beautiful content. Not held back by facts or experts or opinions. Exactly. Or education. Just two mics hot and live for an hour. That's what we need, folks.
Starting point is 00:45:52 We've got to storm the charts. Thank you so much for everyone who has left a review, for everyone who has supported us on Patreon, and for everyone who has picked up their shirts from the This Paranormal Life store. We love you guys, and you're the reason that we can keep making this show every week. I got a date with a donkey, so I got to...
Starting point is 00:46:12 Please, for the love of God, do not go see that donkey again. It will kill you. It's round two, baby. Ding, ding. And I know this little bastard's moves, and I think I'm going to be able to evade... You've been slurring your words for like an hour here. I't think you've done you've got to jump on this thing i wish i was slurring my
Starting point is 00:46:29 turds because i'm still see a doctor i'm still constipated uh i wish i had a date with a toilet all right guys uh so this is the kind of content the kind of humor that should be really number one in Spotify. Oh God. I can't believe I said any of that. Uh, thank you for listening to the podcast this week. We will be back next week with a brand new paranormal tale. Bye-bye. Thank you.

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