This Paranormal Life - #343 WE CONTACTED THE DEAD - Investigating the World of Séances

Episode Date: November 28, 2023

If I asked you, "how'd you like to talk to the dead?", you would think it was some sort of threat. The truth is, for hundreds of years humans have been trying to find ways to communicate with the spir...its of those who have passed on to the other side. Whether it's using ouija boards, EMF readers or simply channeling energy with a medium, Kit and Rory are about to tackle the mysterious world of séances.TPL MERCH STORE - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunitySupport us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - music by www.purple-planet.comEdited by Philip Shacklady Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Do swamp people live in the sewers of London? If there are no aliens on the moon, why'd we want to get there so bad? For the rocks? All of these questions you can find the answer to on This Paranormal Life! Hello everyone and welcome to This Paranormal Life, the comedy paranormal podcast where every week we investigate a brand new tale and come to a conclusion at the end as to whether or not it truly is paranormal. We decide every week whether a case is a yes or no. And when we're going into these episodes, we don't even know what the conclusion is going to be.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Sometimes by the end, we're completely convinced. Sometimes we remain skeptics. It's an exciting time every week. We are the judge and jury of the paranormal. And to be honest, I think we should take up a third role as executioner. I like it. That if we're investigating a cryptid or something like that, or even just a guy, if we decide they're not paranormal at the end, we kill them. Well, I don't know about that one because the last thing you said was just a guy. Because if they have been claiming to be paranormal and they're not, they don't deserve to live.
Starting point is 00:01:13 That's a little dramatic. I think maybe we can scold. How about a good scolding? A slap on the wrist and we say, hey, don't let that happen again. I just, there has to be a punishment. That's what I just said. Kind of like a nice medium grounds where we tell them not to do it again. I just, there has to be a punishment. That's what I just said. Kind of like a nice medium grounds where we tell them not to do it again. We warn them about it and then we, you know, educate them onto why it's a problem.
Starting point is 00:01:32 Right. There has been hundreds of years of hoaxes in the paranormal. Every day, some asshole is getting a deck of cards and some wires. Yeah, I'm talking about magicians here. You're having sort of like a Batman villain-esque rant here, and I'm just a little bit worried where all this is going.
Starting point is 00:01:49 And there's been hundreds of hoaxes for hundreds of years, and it's gone on quite long enough. We have to kill people who are hoaxing the general public. Kit's holding an axe. He's holding an executioner's axe. It looks like it's from the 1800s.
Starting point is 00:02:04 The purge begins tonight, boys. People of Gotham, holding an axe he's holding an executioner's axe it looks like it's from the 1800s tonight boys people of gotham your savior is here i'm just all right sorry i've just i've i've been researching a little bit about magicians and hoaxes and i'm i've had it up to here rory so sorry i'm getting a little excited well i'm just a little bit worried because i'm someone today trying to tell you that the paranormal is real and you might decide that it isn't and you have an axe hey we're bros we're bros and yeah you would never try and pull the wool over my eyes or the listener's eyes no no no that's that's why i'm so sure i'm so sure today what we're investigating is a double yes right that i'm going to proceed with full confidence that you're going to be convinced by the end of the episode.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Statistically, I do give most things a no, so I'll just sharpen the blade during the break. I think we lower the axe, I think we put the axe away. I don't think sharpening it while I'm doing the case is a good idea because that's going to make me nervous. Yeah, it might pick up on the mics too. Kit, what if I asked you, how would you like to talk to the dead you might think that was a threat but many people believe that it is possible to talk to the dead
Starting point is 00:03:11 through the art of the seance now most listeners will be familiar with what a seance is but put simply a seance is an attempt to communicate with spirits or the deceased. However, the practice can take many forms. Also, the spirits can too. Some of them nice, some of them very, very angry, and they also want you to know how angry they are. Seance practices can include lighting candles, using Ouija boards, or simply holding hands and inviting spirits into the space using different paranormal tools or a medium to receive messages from the other side. Kit, how familiar are you with the world of seances?
Starting point is 00:03:55 I wish I were more familiar. I mean, granted, I'm fascinated probably like most people. And it probably, like most people, for example, I know whenever I was a young lad and I went to school, I had been told that we were going to be studying about seances all day long. Right. So I was so excited turning up to school with my paper and a pad. Then I discovered they were talking about science. Sciences. The sciences of the world. Yeah, I thought we were going to be studying seances for about 14 years.
Starting point is 00:04:24 It was actually extremely boring. It was too late for Kit to back out. He took advanced science 101, like some really complex stuff, which as a 13-year-old boy, he didn't have the brain capacity to deal with. Yeah, I flunked hard and fast. But I'm very excited to be, I'm sort of feeling that childlike wonder again at the prospect that you're not going to do this. You're not going to pull a fast one.
Starting point is 00:04:47 You're not talking about science, are we? No, no, no, no. This is seances. Okay, thank God. Yeah, Kit in school went to biology class. They gave him a frog to dissect and he thought he was going to light some candles and figure out how the little guy died. Right. Well, that makes me happy today to be the one to explain
Starting point is 00:05:05 the beautiful world of seances to you. Now, while there are guidelines that will help ensure that things stay safe while performing a seance, holding a seance like this can be kind of like throwing a house party. You never know who's going to turn up.
Starting point is 00:05:20 You're just opening the door to the world of the paranormal. And everyone knows when you're throwing a house party, you invite all your friends. It's usually a pretty good time. But one of your friends has a pal visiting from out of town. And his name is Exmodius. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:05:37 We're not talking about, you know, Alexander, your friend's World of Warcraft buddy who's visiting from Russia. We're talking about potentially an ancient being. your friend's World of Warcraft buddy who's visiting from Russia. Right. We're talking about potentially an ancient being. And their mindset is rather similar to that of humans, specifically adolescent humans. Rory, me and you know from being back at school, the most exciting two words in the English language was free house. Right.
Starting point is 00:06:01 Specifically, free house this weekend at Claire's. Yeah. And, you know, one of your friends would tell you that they knew someone who knew somebody who their parents were out of town and you would get to have a crazy rager where you ostensibly destroy their house. Yeah. Most people hear Free House. I hear Purge Night.
Starting point is 00:06:25 I hear no laws. Right, so you were the friend. You were the friend from out of town. I was exmodious. I was exmodious. I was banned from most parties. That's what we called Rory after three ciders, exmodious. The point is, in the spirit realm, more or less the same rules apply,
Starting point is 00:06:43 except instead of a free house it's free human vessel right they're they're kind of running around the the houses of their mates going like yo there's a borderline lost soul called rory wandering around east london who's uh ripe for possession yeah so we're we're getting a few of the boys and we're gonna possess them and kind of get up to some hijinks that's why we have be, you and I particularly have to be very careful when experimenting with seances. Because I have the mental fortitude of a f***ing Lego house. It ain't that hard to get inside. So we have to be very careful with how we proceed today and take this shit seriously.
Starting point is 00:07:23 That's right. The mental fortress of Rory's mind is not even the three little piggies, straw, sticks, and stone. It is Duplo. It is child's building blocks. When I say my brain is a castle, I mean a bouncy castle. Right. To say there's a draft is understating it. So we're going to be very careful as we proceed today. We're about to learn all about this ancient art
Starting point is 00:07:49 and even listen to some spooky seance recordings. Right after a quick word from today's sponsors. And a reminder, you can get every episode of the show ad-free on forward slash thisparanormallife. All right, today we are kicking off with a story that was posted anonymously on the internet. dot com forward slash This Paranormal Life. It was fun, but one day we stopped. Lights had started flickering at random times, and the bathroom made noises like windows opening and closing. My sister heard stamping up there at night, and two weeks ago I was home alone and heard whistling coming from the attic.
Starting point is 00:08:40 There's a hoedown? There's a hoedown in the attic? Stamping and whistling? Well, did you hear a mechanical bull also going? I think the author of the post is implying that there is some paranormal activity taking place in the attic. Okay. Mysterious sounds, whistling, lights flickering. But just reading the start of the story did remind me that, I don't know if every kid had this at some point in their childhood, but when you were growing up, were you ever afraid that a man was living in your house and you just
Starting point is 00:09:10 didn't know about it? I feel like you'd hear those urban legends when you were growing up about like a family who arrived home early from vacation and there was just a dude who'd been living in the walls and he was in their kitchen eating Cheerios like completely naked. Well, I had blocked out that information until you just said it. But yeah, absolutely. It's coming back to me that that dominated most of my waking thoughts. There was even urban legends about this kind of thing. Like I remember even as a teenager, my friends sharing the story of like a little girl who had a bedroom and in it there was a clown, a little clown toy.
Starting point is 00:09:53 And then I'll fast forward. But it turned out that like a year later, it's like that wasn't a toy. There was a man dressed as a clown who just toy story style. Anytime the child went into the bedroom, he just went limp. They should have noticed. They should have noticed it was a man. How big was this toy? It was a fully
Starting point is 00:10:14 bearded clown standing in the corner. I mean, this story seems ridiculous on the face of it, but whenever I was told this years ago, I pissed myself on the spot. It was the most terrifying thing I had ever heard. I guess it felt believable somehow. Hard cut to Kit tying up all his teddies to a chair, interrogating them one by one with a butterfly knife. Why do you think I said all that shit at
Starting point is 00:10:38 the start about executing those who don't pass the test? I was living in complete fear, twitching the curtains as a child. Yeah. I mean, these kind of urban legends would rock your world. I mean, in this story, it sounds like the person is dealing with genuine paranormal activity, not a man dressed as a clown in a children's room. I will say, you know, I did grow up in a very old house, a house today that stands, I don't know, 120 years old or something like that. You couldn't turn on a radiator without the whole house creaking and groaning like Howl's Moving Castle. So whenever you live in an old house like that, it is not at all a stretch of the
Starting point is 00:11:18 imagination to start thinking about, was that a noise? Was that a footstep? Right. Well, I'm very glad that you didn't do what this individual did next the author wrote my dad is a believer in the spirit world after all of that activity we decided to conduct a seance not with a ouija board i think those are fake instead we lined up five candles in a cross shape with two yes or no cards on each side. That's literally a Ouija board but just in 3D. A Ouija board is just a flattened version of what you did. We asked the spirit normal questions, but before long, my sister's friend did something very stupid.
Starting point is 00:12:01 She asked whatever we contacted if we were going to go to heaven soon what it said yes next question how soon bud how soon eta on the whole heaven thing it'd be great to have kind of an updated destination arrival time is it kind of soon in a life is short kind of a way, you know, or is it like eight to ten minutes? You're responding to the demon. Oh, cool. So we'll see you up there, right? Silence. Right, bud?
Starting point is 00:12:36 No response. Apparently, this was a huge mistake because the next day the user wrote, Now my dad has started seeing a woman standing in the back garden looking into the kitchen. Jesus Christ. And occasionally he sees her move. Okay, so is it their neighbor or is it, do you think it's connected with the noises? I think the implication is the seance went wrong. However they conducted it, they didn't take the proper cautions. And this is just a warning as we dive into today's episode
Starting point is 00:13:09 of what can happen if you don't take seances seriously. Right. Hopefully you weren't playing along with the description of the seance kind of live in an Art Attack style. Because, yes, we should say you need to safely open the circle
Starting point is 00:13:25 but also safely close it afterwards. There's some real steps here that people take very seriously and we are going to learn all about it today. So while we do know a little bit about seances and what they involve, what we don't know is, how did it all start? Well, obviously
Starting point is 00:13:42 communicating with the dead is a concept that's been around probably since the cavemen. If one of your pals die from eating poison berries, it's pretty helpful to be able to talk to his ghost and find out which berries were the poison ones. But the form of seance that we're talking about today really became popular in the Victorian era and was sparked as a movement in 1848 by a pair of young sisters named Margarita... Margarita? And Pepperoni.
Starting point is 00:14:15 We'll be calling her Spicy Marg today. How do you pronounce his name? Marg... Margaret... Margaretta? Margarita and Catherine Stoffcrust was their family name. You're literally mowing the Simpsons right now. It's like, can we get a story from a
Starting point is 00:14:33 Margarita? One day, they accosted their neighbor who was walking home. They were asking desperately for help. Now their neighbor, who was happy to assist, asked what the problem was. And that's when the girls revealed they'd been receiving messages from the spirit world. How do they know? Did it get their snap?
Starting point is 00:14:55 Oh, you know. Once you hear it, you know. I think they were also trying to contact the spirits from the spirit world. So that helps. Right. I mean mean we've seen this in movies the spirits find their ways of communicating i mean like i just mentioned uh you know normally these days we communicate digitally spirits a little bit more old school we're talking kind of like uh writing sentences in blood or lipstick in a bathroom mirror they're analog what What can I say?
Starting point is 00:15:25 Yeah. We've seen, we have seen in past cases, post-it notes around the house, kind of like a passive aggressive roommate. Right. Yeah. You know, these days we communicate with emojis. Right. And Instagram pics.
Starting point is 00:15:40 You know, people in the spirit world, they're kind of more into carving the shapes of ancient druidic runes into your back with a claw. Yeah. It's a little less subtle, but it does have a kind of charm to it. It's like receiving a letter. You know, when you receive a letter, you're like, I know this is kind of redundant, but this is nice. This is fun.
Starting point is 00:15:59 I get to open it up. I get to figure out what it is. Oh, there's a sacred seal on it. Close the letter. Shouldn't have read that. Ooh, a package. It's been so long since I on it. Close the letter. Shouldn't have read that. Ooh, a package. It's been so long since I've gotten... It's blood.
Starting point is 00:16:08 It's filled with blood. Cool. How did this get through customs? Now, the girls were 14 and 11 years old, so the neighbors didn't really take any of their claims seriously. But they agreed to come over to the house and listen out for these
Starting point is 00:16:23 quote-unquote spirits to see if they could help. They entered the home and followed the girls to the room where they claimed to hear the noises. The sisters began asking questions, and believe it or not, they got a response. Are you still there? Is there still a spirit in the house? These horrible rapping sounds echoed through the house. It was like something cracking inside of the walls. I guess you could say that the neighbors were convinced, because it wasn't long before
Starting point is 00:17:02 the entire town was gathered by the house completely bewitched by the sisters and their paranormal ability jesus word spread fast it really did i mean you know this was uh what did i say 1848 oh yeah there wasn't a lot on well i thought there was i'm always surprised at how like the paranormal became absolutely um i don't know just the pastime du jour uh in the victorian era because i thought the whole point was everyone was in the mines it was the industrial revolution after all kids didn't even have time to go to school because they were too busy uh cleaning chimneys so i don't know where maybe it was the upper classes had
Starting point is 00:17:45 time to sit around doing seances. Yeah. Or maybe it was, you know, the working class, the only way they could keep in contact with all their friends who died in the mines and the factories was to perform a seance. Yeah. It's a pretty good point. I think we've talked about it before, even on a recent episode where we talked a little bit about seances in the victorian age maybe one way of looking at it was it was a time of like uh technology and a boom of technology yeah and so there was a bit of optimism about the ability to it was like oh we can do anything we can print books really easily and uh we've got motor cars now so what's to stop us using this device
Starting point is 00:18:26 to communicate with the dead? Anything was possible. It's true, yeah. And this all got tied up in what these sisters kind of launched, which was an obsession and a movement with spiritualism. Yes. It got a real chokehold, I think, on society around this time. I guess to go galaxy brain mode,
Starting point is 00:18:44 maybe it was because of said materialism and industrialization it got a real chokehold i think on society around this time i guess to go galaxy brain mode um maybe it was because of said materialism and industrialization that it caused a uh a kind of equal and opposite return to matters of the spirit right yeah the pendulum swinging in the opposite direction well maggie and kate continued to claim that they could communicate with the spirit known as Mr. Splitfoot. What? Which is a horrible name for a spirit. A second ago, he was just crackling in the walls. Now he's got a club foot?
Starting point is 00:19:16 What do you say? That's the kind of name where once you make contact with Mr. Splitfoot, you can skip over the whole question about being a good or a bad spirit. He's bad. We know he's bad. Because you know what's also kind of like a split foot? A f***ing hoof. It's done.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Oh, shit. I didn't think about that. If you're contacting someone, you're like, oh, it's so nice to make contact with a spirit from the dead. What is your name, lost soul? Knife Man. Okay. Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Goodbye, Knife Man. It's been fun. We're done here. Yeah, if your kind of defining characteristic is a knife. Right. That's your message to the world. You know, like Gandhi, my life is my message. Well, your knife is your message.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Yeah. That's no good. I don't know, like, don't judge a book by its cover or something. But if, if I'm making contact with a spirit and its name is Gabriel, I'm going to keep that chat going for as long as possible. Okay. I'm going to find out if he has any tips from the man upstairs about how I should be living my life, all that kind of stuff. If a guy's name is, is so much as Smokey, should be living my life, all that kind of stuff. If a guy's name is so much as Smokey, we're ending the seance. Seance is over. Now, there's a chance he could be a kind of Gold Rush era prospector called Smokey Joe. And he could maybe have some information on some undetected gold.
Starting point is 00:20:38 But if you are in, yeah, Victorian London or something,ly to be a Gold Rush era prospect Look, seance can be a very terrifying thing I play it very, very safe If it's an old woman, end the seance If it's a child, end the seance Why? Too scary A little child, it's probably going to want to take my body and become a man
Starting point is 00:21:01 So you think women and children are the worst things that could possibly happen in a seance? Old women, creepy old women i don't want someone being like oh come closer dearie yes keep performing the seance while i say this latin no i don't want it get away from me it's kind of interesting how the rules of who to be afraid of in a seance are kind of the opposite of normal life like who do you not want to meet in a dark alley right because at night you know if you see a child or an old lady rory is he's he's keeping the airpods in he's just walking down that alley confidently at night and maybe even smiling at them yeah but in a seance rory would rather hear from a seven foot tall guy wearing a ski mask. At least he knows what he's dealing with. He got shot in a bank robbery. That's it. I understand him. You know,
Starting point is 00:21:54 the Fox sisters eventually became such a phenomenon that just one year later, 400 people gathered at Corinthian hall near Rochester to watch the girls perform their seance and talk to the spirits of the dead. Christ alive, they were doing live podcast seances? Yes, for paying members of the public. Wow. Take from that what you will. So yes, what you're insinuating is they are profiting, they are pilfering, they are taking money for their paranormal stunts.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Something to think about. That's always a red flag. Food for thought. But this was really the beginning of the spiritualist craze, where hundreds of others began to claim that they too were capable of hearing messages from the dead. Look, not everyone can make their money being a software developer, not least in the Victorian age. Why do you think I'm sitting here in front of a camera wearing a cape like Dracula talking about ghosts?
Starting point is 00:22:55 Because I'm not smart enough to be a software developer. All right? Not everyone is smart enough to do that. Everyone has different skills. So you're defending these people? Yes. Some people are good at massages and they make money being a masseuse. Some people are really smart and they become like doctors or engineers or whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:17 I am not any of those. So I sympathize with these, frankly, freaks who their thing they're good at is talking to mr splitfoot you started the podcast with a 10 minute rant about how we should kill people who pretend to know about the paranormal no i'm not saying if now you're saying that a hundred people who say they can talk to ghosts is a pretty good idea because sometimes people aren't smart enough to be scientists obviously if they're hoaxing we need to hit them with a car. I'm saying if they really can talk to the other side, then they should be able to make money from it.
Starting point is 00:23:53 And we shouldn't judge them for it or say that it's less likely to be paranormal. I mean, it's a little weird that all of these people are just now finding out they can do it just as the move is blowing up and everyone is really interested in it it's like oh that's quite well people are paying for it they got 400 people in a hall well shit man maybe i hear a couple voices too well you know oh i'm actually getting a message from the other side he says you guys should give me five dollars or else i'm gonna haunt the shit out of you well you know smoky joe when he went out west back in the day... Is this an established character now in the TPL universe?
Starting point is 00:24:29 Smokey the Prospector? He wasn't born into this life knowing he was a dab hand at sifting for gold in a river. Yeah. But once you hear there's a gold rush, all bets are off, brother. You drop tools, head west, and then it turns out you're actually pretty good at it. So I'm just saying the market dictated the conditions. They tried this out. They figured out they were good at it. Smokey wasn't born with a golden spoon in his mouth, but he died with a golden spoon in his ass because he became rich and powerful. I see what you're saying. He found his fortune. He wasn't born
Starting point is 00:25:07 a prospector, but he became it as the gold rush happened. So you're right. Maybe these people who are spiritually attuned to the world of the paranormal, who hadn't given it a second thought, maybe their powers were kind of activated as soon as they gave it a bit of effort. The spiritualist movement became so big that notable attendees of seances included people like Mark Twain, Frederick Douglass, and Queen Victoria herself. But one of the most famous seances ever conducted actually took place inside of a pretty famous political building. The White House. What? Isn't that a fun bit of trivia? There was actually at one point a seance performed inside the White House in Washington. It was Mary Todd Lincoln who organized a spiritualist seance to try and make contact with the son that she had lost.
Starting point is 00:25:58 But in attendance was her husband, President Abraham Lincoln. Yeah, maybe he shouldn't have been messing with all that. Right? I mean, he had enough going on in the world of the living. He truly was a workaholic if he was also trying to solve the problems of the dead. Yeah, I mean, here in Britain, we normally can't stop our prime ministers from going on less than 16 holidays to Spain a year. I would love it if we had someone who's so competent that they could both look after the entire nation and negotiate peace treaties with the skeleton army.
Starting point is 00:26:34 I mean, if you can find out a way to get those guys to vote, it's a pretty big demographic, the dead. They kind of outnumber us, the living. So if you can find a way to get them on your side, no bad thing Now you may think, Kit, that times have changed since then But did you know that according to polls online Almost a third of Americans say that they have communicated with someone who has died Sorry, what? Yeah What?
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah What does that mean? Yeah They have communicated or tried to communicate with someone who has passed away in some form. Not necessarily a seance, but, you know, through some method, they've tried to communicate with someone who's passed away. All right. So the appetite is still there. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:27:20 I just want to know how that poll question was phrased because there's a big gulf between getting onto Ouija board and candles and just saying, you know, I went to visit the grave of my grandfather and I thought about him. That would count. That would technically count. You've tried to communicate with the dead by talking to a tombstone. The poll is classified and the source is classified. All right. classified and the sources classified. Another one of the most notable seances was actually part of the real world events that inspired The Conjuring movie.
Starting point is 00:27:51 Back in January 1971, the Perron family moved into a farmhouse in Rhoda Island, and it wasn't long before Carolyn, Roger, and their five daughters started to experience some pretty harrowing paranormal activity. Rooms would be filled with the stench of what smelled like rotting flesh, and poltergeist activity caused beds to rise off the floor. The family felt like they were being watched constantly, and they were bombarded with strange noises and flickering lights. It got so bad that eventually they got in contact with Ed and Lorraine Warren.
Starting point is 00:28:27 All right, drink if they were on your bingo card. Yeah, these guys are the real deal. They've popped up in so many paranormal cases. We've talked about them on the podcast before. They're also the protagonists of the Conjuring movies. So it's no surprise to see them today. And before anyone emails us, yes, we are aware of their problematic, hoax-ridden pasts.
Starting point is 00:28:50 Yes. Moving on. Upon hearing about the spirits, Lorraine decided to conduct a seance. At this point, Carolyn, the mother, became possessed, speaking in tongues and rising from the ground in her chair. One of the daughters said, My mother began to speak a language not of this world, in a voice not her own. Her chair levitated, and she was
Starting point is 00:29:13 thrown across the room. Jesus, she went crazy frog mode, lifting off the ground. I thought this was a really interesting one to include, because as I said, it's one of the most famous seances in paranormal history. But we're seeing a little bit of a different purpose for seances. A lot of the times, like we talked about, it's for people to make contact with the dead, hear from their loved ones or spirits who are trapped in the world. or spirits who are trapped in the world.
Starting point is 00:29:45 Other times, it's kind of like an intervention where the family gather together and you summon the spirit to be like, hey, this is a problem. You need to stop rocking our shit 24-7. And the problem is the cards are truly stacked against you. You know, when you think of a house meeting because of a problematic little rat smashing the place to bits, you know, we would normally think of, I don't know, a troubled teenager who's destroying his parents' lives. The thing is, the parents always have the ability to send that kid to military school and kind of just end the problems there.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Right. This is not the kind of control we have over these beings. problems there. This is not the kind of control we have over these beings. We can open the doors to communicate with them, but we don't have, I mean, aside from, I don't know, bringing in an exorcist or a priest or something, not a lot of recourse. So we have to hope, cross our fingers, that they're going to be reasonable. Yeah, exactly. I mean, I think we can tell from this case and from the cases before that seances are something that can be very dangerous. They need to be approached with caution, with professionalism and with the utmost respect for the rules of the paranormal. So it makes me extra excited, Kit, to reveal to the audience that just a few weeks ago we did a seance that's right we are
Starting point is 00:31:07 performing this podcast from the afterlife we died within 30 seconds of opening the door to the other side they heard all that shit we were talking for the last 300 episodes our guest for today's podcast is smoky the prospector he did make it here. It turns out he actually discovered very little gold while alive. He kind of got overexcited and Scrooge McDuck style tried to dive headfirst into a mine, assuming he would hit kind of a pool of gold at the bottom. But he cracked his neck on a rock within 15 seconds and no one found his body. Yeah, yeah. We came to him for advice uh about
Starting point is 00:31:46 finding riches but he was truly useless in that regard or you're right we did a seance for real yeah uh just last month we were invited out to an event by discovery plus and the night had a little twist at the end now the event itself was to celebrate the launch of their new spooky season of shows. So right on brand, the evening ended with a seance performed with us at the Crypt at Bleeding Heart Yard right here in London. Can you imagine a creepier locale than Bleeding Heart Yard? It was really spooky. spooky i mean this was essentially a a tiny room like a like a chamber under the streets of london hidden kind of underneath a restaurant yes and it was a cold and dark night i'm pretty sure i could hear a wolf howling in the distance
Starting point is 00:32:39 as we walked there a guy with a bolt through his neck opened the door said come in it was a costume party so that's probably why you saw a lot of those things oh shit really now the seance was performed by dr kate cheryl who who let's be fair was amazing she wasn't a medium herself but uh she's kind of a paranormal expert and was able to guide us through the mechanics of a seance. Yes. So right off at the start, she helped by setting up all the equipment and tools in specific locations to see if we could pick up any feedback from the spirits in the room. So on the table, for example, we had candles, multiple EMF readers,
Starting point is 00:33:20 and a REM pod spirit detector as well. Yes. You know, this was a room of, I would say the other guests who were invited to this, you know, it was a mix of people with paranormal experience and not. And so it felt quite funny for us to be faced with some devices,
Starting point is 00:33:38 which let's face it, we've come to know and love. Right, right. This was, we were like James Bond being brought into the lab with Q. You know, and we're like picking stuff up and we're like, oh, the 225 series of ramparts. I didn't know they made these anymore. Kate was like, they don't.
Starting point is 00:33:58 We had one shipped in especially. Yeah, I pick up a device. I'm like, I see that's the Model X21 discontinued in 2017, I believe, after the Moldon case, which took place where several spirits were activated. And well, I think we all know how that went down. She's like, that's my iPhone.
Starting point is 00:34:18 That's an iPhone 6. I haven't upgraded yet. Oh, I'm looking at it closely. Yeah, I see the Apple logo on the back now. She's like, I've never heard that case before. I think you've just made it up. How much wine did you have before the seance? Your teeth are red.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Classified. Now, obviously, listeners, you'll all be dying to know what happened at this seance. And I'm happy to say we have the tapes. Whoa! That's right. Actual recordings from the night. Hey, well, I don't know if we want to play those because I don't want to give too much away. But I, you remember, I got a little upset.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Yeah. And I didn't. I don't know if we want to share that with everybody because i was a little bit you cut out the bits right where i cried and pissed myself right it's really hard to because it was like 90 of the entire recording and i was clawing at the door and i i was like they locked us in the spirits they locked us in and someone said the door is not locked he's got to push don't pull i was it was It was kind of terrifying. Yeah, we just sat down in the chairs and Kit started screaming, saying,
Starting point is 00:35:29 Grandma, Grandma, please leave me alone, Grandma. Kate hadn't even lit the candles yet. We hadn't even started the seance. And Kit was already convinced that his deceased grandmother was strangling him from the grave, which asked a lot of questions because i don't know what terms you were on with your grandma when she passed away i don't know why the second she sees you again for the first time in 20 years she tries to kill you it turned out just snagged my coat on the door as well i thought it was her pulling me into hell
Starting point is 00:35:59 kit choked on a cashew nut 30 seconds into the seance and thought he was being dragged to hell by his grandparents, who he didn't call for 18 years. Right, Kate said, can you please not snack on trail mix during the seance? I said, please, I think I know what I'm doing. Grandma, grandma, no! I guess all I'm saying is I trust you with your hands on the edit of this episode, Roy, to tactfully edit around my outbursts. Of course. We are going to play the tapes so you guys can experience what happened that night just after a quick word from today's sponsors.
Starting point is 00:36:41 from today's sponsors. Alright, welcome back to the podcast. We are just about to play some of the recordings of the seance that we did right here underground in London only a few weeks ago. We all took our seats, channeled our energy, opened the circle, and the seance began. So, we're about to begin. If everyone would put their hands on the table
Starting point is 00:37:04 and clear your minds. So we're about to begin. If everyone would put their hands on the table. Clear your minds. Deep breath in and out. You're surrounded with hundreds of years of history of lives that have passed. And we call out to those spirits that dwell here, the spirits that are around us, the spirits that may be passing through. If there's anyone here who has a spirit following them or watching them, they are welcome to this table. We invite you with love and light and we simply wish to know that you are here with us tonight we won't harm you and we have a variety of ways that you can communicate with us uh i was a little freaked out already at the start of this uh with the idea of making contact with a spirit that we'd accidentally brought well because we had just been drinking around America
Starting point is 00:38:07 for two weeks. So, uh, I don't know, a bit like, uh, some sort of God forsaken STD. We might've picked something up unwittingly. Yeah. Cause as you said, you know, at this event, there was a lot of people who just work in entertainment, you know, maybe are like influencers or content creators. Yeah. There was some cursed individuals at that table i'll tell you that much but if anyone's bringing a demon to the dinner party there's probably like 16 behind us like i think we have the lion's share of the cursed people right so that was a little bit scary i thought maybe legend of zelda style we would turn on the lens of truth and be able to see like 14 guys standing behind us. We're like, oh shit.
Starting point is 00:38:46 And some of them are like, yeah, I'm actually a day one. I've been here since you guys started the podcast. You just haven't been able to see me until you've performed this seance. After a short period of asking questions, the EMF readers weren't really showing any readings. But I don't know if you remember, Kit, one of the candles at the end of the table did begin to flicker in a pretty weird way. It was dancing and moving pretty heavily. It was interesting that it was pointed
Starting point is 00:39:12 out because I saw it moving once Kit pointed it out and to begin with I was thinking to myself, I don't think this is that dramatic. Is that what all candles do? And then I looked at the other candles further down the table and they were completely still yeah and indeed this candle would be still again later on this one was freaking out so much that it was uh you know when you kind of like a candle flicker so much it starts to emit like black smoke right it was very strange. Is there anyone here touching the candle flames? Thank you. If that is a spirit blowing, could you do it again? Could you influence something else on this table?
Starting point is 00:39:54 At this point in the recording, the EMF reader at the end of the table is lighting up. Yeah. I take that as a good sign. Are you a kind spirit? The EMF reader did not light up. Are you an unkind spirit? The EMF reader went f***ing nuts. You could kind of hear a crack in Kate's voice there.
Starting point is 00:40:16 Are you a kind spirit? For sure, right? Right, bud? Are you a kind spirit? At this point, Dr. Kate actually made a pretty great point. If there were spirits in this particular building, the odds are that they would be pretty old. Meaning that maybe they didn't speak our English at all. If you are a very old spirit, English has changed a lot since you were here. Maybe what we're saying is unfamiliar.
Starting point is 00:40:45 I have some Latin if anyone would like to read it out. Cura destis, cut fratres ad sum. This girl was way too keen to read the Latin, by the way. Way too good at reading Latin. Suspiciously good at reading Latin. Like, didn't even break. Adioe protestis, facite propius hominatis. Excellent.
Starting point is 00:41:06 We've got both going off there. That was a pretty crazy moment, that as soon as the Latin started being thrown around, I think both EMF readers were flashing, the candles were dancing like it was the party in the Matrix. Yeah, I don't know if you opened your eyes, but it was basically the scene in Indiana Jones where the Nazisis open the ark of the coven i peaked out of one eye and there was skulls ghosts floating around the room
Starting point is 00:41:31 it was a really it was a really amazing experience i would say to be our first ever seance and not even in terms of location but in terms of what we actually got out of it because uh i mean dr kate said at the start, it was like, look, we might get nothing here. This could go on for like 30 minutes. It could be over in like 10 minutes. We could get literally zero signals from the other side. That's just kind of the nature of seances.
Starting point is 00:41:57 So to get any kind of response at all was very cool and very spooky. But Rory, I don't know if you remember, but not only that, one of the most interesting things I thought was once the seance was over and kate was kind of like cool you know that was great thanks everyone we'll kind of pack everything away there was a bit of chitter chatter around the table amongst people who didn't even really know each other and uh pretty quickly people started coming clean and saying to be honest I did
Starting point is 00:42:26 feel a temperature drop or like I felt a hand on my shoulder but I didn't want to speak up and tell anyone and I was like what? Yeah I felt so bad for Dr. Cape because I think it was like once the seance was concluded it was like that was really fun between you and me
Starting point is 00:42:42 I got borderline choked out halfway through. And it's like, what? I thought Darth Vader himself was forced choking me. It was like, say something in the moment. I think another one was there was a pendulum. There was a few like crystal pendulums on the table. I believe up your end of the table, I believe someone saw the pendulum moving.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Brother, one girl had her pearls yanked on her on her neck and everyone saw it they were they were like talking about it in full detail at the end i think someone said they felt like someone was standing behind them another person felt like a breath on the back of their neck but i get it it's you know because of that situation we were doing it essentially with strangers uh maybe people are a little reserved a little shy and they don't want to be so upcoming with their experiences. Yeah, it was a pretty cool crowd. I didn't feel like standing up and saying I had a tingling in my nether regions. So I just kind of kept quiet.
Starting point is 00:43:36 Did you experience anything yourself? No, I'm sort of joking. I didn't actually experience anything outside of what Kate was saying. I saw exactly what you mentioned, the candles and the EMF reader, but I didn't actually experience anything outside of what kate was saying i saw exactly what you mentioned the candles and the emf reader but i didn't feel anything personally yeah i was the same uh not didn't feel anything myself uh but i did witness the kind of changes on the table i think the craziest thing from the whole night was after the seance uh while we were leaving we met with a few people who had attended the event.
Starting point is 00:44:05 And you did have a choice, you know, because some people do take this stuff very seriously and wouldn't be comfortable performing a seance like that. So at one point in the night, you know, we kind of split into the groups of people who wanted to do it and didn't want to do it. And later before we left, we bumped into a girl who didn't go and do the seance because I think she was genuinely a little bit terrified of it and she was like that didn't protect her much i'm glad she didn't go to the seance because she stayed in the church building and she got her shit rocked right if she had been in that room she might have been drawn and quartered and and i assumed when she was talking about having something happen to her,
Starting point is 00:44:45 it was going to be like, oh, she saw something or felt something on the back of her neck, maybe had a horrible feeling or experienced a cold spot. Her trousers were ripped to smithereens. She looked like she had been hit with a shotgun in the Looney Tunes universe. We're not even joking. Even she was like, I don't know what happened. I literally, after you guys came back
Starting point is 00:45:08 from the seance, looked down and my leggings are shredded beyond belief. They weren't leggings. They were leather trousers. How does that even happen? They weren't cotton.
Starting point is 00:45:16 They weren't silk. They weren't anything soft. They were leather checkered patterned trousers and they were ripped in three places. Yeah. And again,
Starting point is 00:45:24 not small rips. These are like, the trousers were ripped in three places. Yeah. And again, not small rips. These are like, the trousers were destroyed. They were like four inch long rips. Turned to spaghetti, essentially. It was very strange. So I'm very glad that girl didn't go to the seance because she might have been tossed about like a frisbee. Clearly.
Starting point is 00:45:40 So this is kind of a rare one for the podcast kit. We actually did some firsthand investigating into today's case, trying out the practice of a seance ourselves. But I get it. You know, listeners of the podcast, they need more evidence to make their decision and decide whether or not it is a yes or a no this week. So we're going to try and make history right now and become the first ever podcast to summon a spirit to guest on the show. A third mic right here on the podcast? That's right. We're setting up a third mic. Beside it, we've placed a REM pod, which detects movement and kinetic energy within its static field. Meaning if a spirit goes near this thing, a very loud alarm will trigger.
Starting point is 00:46:23 Wow, this is fascinating. a very loud alarm will trigger. Wow, this is fascinating. We could either have, you know, the alarm go off, or we could ideally, in a perfect world, have a spirit spit some bars, do a freestyle right here on the show. A different kind of spiritual rapping.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Yes. I'm actually very excited. I don't know. I haven't done research. We could be the first ever podcast to pull this off, to have a ghost as a guest hey we're always looking for evidence here on this paranormal life we're always looking online for it why not just try and get it on camera for ourselves this episode is going to be on youtube you can see the whole thing
Starting point is 00:46:55 so why not tune in and see if we can capture one right here on air let's do it okay the candles are lit we have the rem pod set up right beside a third microphone. We are ready to begin the seance and see if we can get a spirit as a guest on the podcast. Are you ready to begin, Kit? Not going to give too much away, but I'll just say you might need to drastically cut around the recordings that come out of this session. Right, depending on how much screaming we both do. Is that door locked? Because I might need to... The door's not locked. I'm worried my grandmother is going to come a-knocking.
Starting point is 00:47:32 I'm going to be, you know, the medium or the leader for today. I'm going to try and take all the lessons and the teachings of Sensei Kate and conduct this seance properly. So if you'll join me, Kit, right now to do some breathing. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Prepare ourselves, open ourselves up to the possibility that we may experience a spirit here in the studio today. If anything breaches the field of the REM pod, you will hear it. It is a blaring alarm. It will be detected. It's unmistakable. Okay, with everything set up, it's time to begin. To start, we ask the spirits
Starting point is 00:48:12 this night to send us only the good ones. I claim protection for myself. Kit too, I guess, also. Please. If you are an evil being, back the f*** off. I will mess you up. If you try anything evil being Back the f*** off I will mess you up If you try anything I swear to god I will drop you
Starting point is 00:48:29 I will duff you out Only the good ones We are reaching out to the spirit world Welcoming any good spirit Who would like to guest on our podcast If you are available And charge a reasonable rate Please make yourself known.
Starting point is 00:48:46 And no nobodies, all right? I know there's a lot of nobodies in the afterlife. We want ideally A-listers. Yeah. We will settle for B or C list. 10,000 Instagram followers minimum. There is a device on the table. You can touch it.
Starting point is 00:49:01 It will not hurt you. You're already dead. If you don't want to trigger the equipment on the table Feel free to f*** up the house a bit Yeah, no, this is, we're actually in my home studio Maybe throw some shit around Nah, don't, because I'm not very handy with DIY stuff So if anything breaks, I can't really fix it
Starting point is 00:49:20 I think there's a cat somewhere close you could possess Yeah, that's not my cat, that's fine Everything's cool. Alright, still getting nothing on the REM pod. We've got one light candle flickering slightly, which is kind of suspicious
Starting point is 00:49:35 because it's the most concealed candle of all. Yes. It is the one closest to you, though, so maybe you need to shut up for a second. Let's see if it's you talking that's doing it. Nope. It is still one closest to you, though, so maybe you need to shut up for a second. Let's see if it's you talking that's doing it. Nope, it is still flickering heavily. It really is. The candles and the equipment on the table, it cannot hurt you.
Starting point is 00:49:55 You can touch it. It is not some sort of Ghostbusters-style trap to imprison you in a box. to imprison you in a box. Um, I appreciate that you're going for a kind of like a, um, a pretty peaceful, chill, you know, kind of conciliatory speech. I don't know if maybe we need to take a different tack and kind of, uh, bait them. Terrible idea. Did you learn nothing from the last 45 minutes about how wrong this can go? This is the, we're supposed to try and stay on their good books. But I'm saying, okay,
Starting point is 00:50:25 fair enough. I'm not going to verbally attack them, but maybe I just need to, maybe I just paint myself out to be vulnerable that they can easily possess me. And maybe they might, you know, it's kind of like, uh, leaving out a trail of chicken drumsticks.
Starting point is 00:50:38 They just won't be able to resist. If you want to go for it, if you want to offer yourself up as a vessel, that's fine with me. Spirits of this building. I'm kind of in a bad place right now. And I guess I'm feeling easily influenced, vulnerable, and frankly, easy to possess. I don't know what other way to put it. I've been eating super noodles for three meals a
Starting point is 00:51:06 day. I'm watching Tony Robbins self-help guides on YouTube at night. I literally couldn't be easier to possess. If you do possess me, I guess you've got a pretty sad life is the only thing. sad life is the only thing so but you know there's some good stuff in it uh you know i'm young relatively i'm like kind of healthy uh except for i do have a bad back and i don't really do much cardio so keep it like you're supposed to be bait remember so like don't talk about right bad back you're crippling debts right yeah yeah sometimes i wish someone could just take over my life and relieve me of it to be honest um no no uh uh please possess me i mean it shouldn't be easier than this kid is offering up his soul as a vessel for a spirit for someone to come forward we're still not seeing anything even the flickering candle has somewhat died down
Starting point is 00:52:06 okay we're gonna give it one last chance spirits out there in the world if you want to prove to us and our audience that seances truly are paranormal and that this week should be a double yes please week should be a double yes. Please give us a sign. We are waiting. The candles are still. The REM pod is untriggered. I think Kit offering
Starting point is 00:52:34 up his body probably scared a lot of them off. Came on a little strong there maybe, bud. Okay, don't blame this on me. We weren't getting much before that either okay i think we're gonna have to call it it's time to close the circle uh say goodbye thank the spirits even though they didn't come on the show uh thank them for their time uh all of them
Starting point is 00:52:56 the good ones and the bad ones please don't haunt us maybe you can appear on a bonus episode or some patreon content right all right i'm closing the circle i'm blowing out the candles all right maybe you can appear on a bonus episode or some Patreon content. Right. All right. I'm closing the circle. I'm blowing out the candles. All right. Okay. We are back in the room.
Starting point is 00:53:13 God. It was smoky. I hope that's just smoke and not just the ghost of a gold rush prospector entering my lungs. Should we at least hit the REM pod so the listeners know what it would have sounded like? Yeah. So trust me, guys, you would have noticed if the REM pod so the listeners know what it would have sounded like? Yeah, so trust me, guys, you would have noticed if the REM pod went off because if anything goes near this thing, it sounds like this.
Starting point is 00:53:34 God, what an awful sound. Blaringly loud. And as soon as you move away from it, it obviously stops. So unfortunately, we didn't get any clear indication on our seance that there is anything really paranormal going on. I mean, look, obviously, I'm no professional. I'm doing my best here. There's probably 16 steps that I missed as to why spirits didn't Dr. Kate's seance at the Discovery Plus event. But it's an interesting case today. I appreciate it's not just one story, but it's kind of a whole thing, a whole phenomenon. No, you're absolutely right. And maybe that is the outcome we should have
Starting point is 00:54:16 expected from a seance in a podcast studio. As I say, we are in my home studio for now. This place I'm in in this is not an old building this is not a bleeding heart yard or the crypt or indeed my uh childhood home which was very old where something might have actually happened i don't know that there are any ghosts we were particularly expecting this time but as you say still fascinating to try out yeah it's actually a misconception a common one that you need to perform a seance in a haunted location because i believe if it's done in whatever way you do it you can just kind of talk to the dead anywhere and you can kind of talk to anyone people
Starting point is 00:54:56 have used it to try and talk to like celebrities who live you know in different countries and died 100 years ago so it's kind of a very complicated practice with a lot of different layers and a lot of different approaches. Here's where things become difficult. As I said, when spiritualism was at its peak, seances and these kind of performances like the sisters did were very common. Turns out a lot of them were con artists. They were liars and crooks. The sisters themselves admitted later on in their years that they faked the entire thing. They were cracking parts of their body to replicate sounds of spirits responding to their questions. You know, we talked about it recently on a podcast. The phenomenon of ectoplasm that appears during seances.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And essentially that is just mediums eating towels and cloth and pretending like there's foam coming out of their bodies. It's a very complicated practice that unfortunately attracts a lot of con men who take advantage of vulnerable people who want to talk to their loved ones. Yes, absolutely. Like so many aspects of the paranormal it has been infiltrated and poisoned the well has been poisoned right your rant from earlier yeah by these people who frankly i have a bloodlust okay and we can't really get started on and i think uh i don't know bud i think you should be cutting your lucky stars that rempod didn't go off because at least right now, as it stands, you're an honest medium. You didn't fake anything for our seance to be successful.
Starting point is 00:56:32 True. That means I can put the axe away. Hey, you know, you'll always get that with this paranormal life. You can trust us. We're reliable sources, believe it or not. We're not here to fake evidence. We're here to come at this as paranormal experts that need to get to the bottom of every individual case. And that's kind of what we've done today. We've investigated the history of seances. We've heard some stories of seances gone wrong. We performed a seance just a few weeks ago and then concluded by doing kind of a, I'll say a diet seance right here on the podcast. a, I'll say a diet seance right here on the podcast. I don't think we need to come down on a conclusion as to whether or not seances as a whole are paranormal, but Kit, we can look at
Starting point is 00:57:11 our experience today and decide whether or not we really think there is anything to it, including our experiences with Dr. Kate in Discovery Plus a few weeks ago. I know what you're saying. I suppose that is the problem with seances. It's almost too broad. It's almost too big of a school of thought, the idea of communicating with the dead. For us to say that that is all totally false,
Starting point is 00:57:38 all totally not paranormal. But yeah, I suppose if we're voting on some kind of like narrow definition of what we've done today and just sitting down with the REM pod and lighting a candle, I mean, I clearly can't say that it's been interesting topic to explore. I think we will explore it more in the future. But from our own experiences, I think it's got to be a no from me too. But hey, what a great case. Always fun to do something live here in the studio. And again, got to give a massive shout out to the amazing people at Discovery Plus and Dr. Kate for giving us that experience to get to do our first ever seance
Starting point is 00:58:23 in such a cool location too it really was special yeah shout out to them you know they were as you say celebrating uh spooky season and their ghost tober uh programming um but uh yeah you know that's what we like to see uh these networks and these people putting uh i guess their paranormal researchers where their mouth is and and not just putting on these shows but actually doing some first-hand paranormal research it sounds like they're kissing us putting their paranormal investigators where their mouth is i mean i i wouldn't have said no but the opportunity didn't come up right i think at one point uh in the seance that we did, they were asking, they were like, oh, are there any male spirits who like to look at the females at the table? And I was like, oh, I didn't realize it was planning on using the kind of pent up sexual energy of these ghosts to try and bait them, much like I was just doing a few minutes ago into appearing.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, maybe we should have taken that approach. You know, like Kit can offer up his soul. I could have like taken my shirt off, you know, pop the pecs a a little bit do some flexing uh cover myself in body oil which would be kind of scary because there's a lot of lit candles around us on the table and i don't want to go up in flames but uh hey just another approach i think for future ghosts maybe if we know if we're investigating some kind of like haunted brothel in an abandoned wild west town then maybe it's you know you to book a room for the night, handcuff yourself to the bed, wear a French maid outfit and just let whatever happens happen.
Starting point is 01:00:13 I don't know if we will ever be the kind of sex appeal that is required to bring ghosts over from the other side. I might leave that to someone else. Okay. Yeah. Cause I don't really know what they look for. You know, ghosts. Are they looking for people who also look kind of like ghostly? Or do they want people who look like they're living? Right. It's hard to tell.
Starting point is 01:00:36 Well, thank you so much, everyone, for joining us for another amazing episode of This Paranormal Life. Unfortunately, another double no but hey i had a blast today getting my hands on some equipment and doing some some researching live here on the podcast i am sad because i didn't get to kill anyone with my axe sure uh which i'll come clean and say it was really all i was excited about um killing you specifically for hoaxing me on the show i didn't hoax you but i guess i will put it away for another day and uh my campaign continues for cleansing the world of the paranormal of its liars and cheats and i'm not gonna get started i'm gonna keep it light because it's just the end of the show but uh yeah thank you for everyone tuning in yeah speaking of cleansing you might want to burn some sage or something in here brother
Starting point is 01:01:25 because between you and me i don't know how to close a circle what i don't know what half the stuff i just did was i thought you did it already i just i kind of made a lot of it up i was like yeah blow out the candles light some candles so the portal is very much still open and you've already blew out the candle so how do we do it now that you god damn it can we go back and do it is it too late i think they live here now oh yeah so if you could set up a bed in the spare room for mr split foot he's gonna be joining for dinner forever god damn it if you want to watch that seance you actually can we have filmed all these episodes and upload them to youtube to twitter to instagram so check us out on socials if you want to watch some of the video clips from this podcast.
Starting point is 01:02:07 You should be able to just check the description of this episode in the app of your choice. If you're on Spotify or Apple Podcasts, you should see under the description of the episode is some links to our socials and our YouTube and everything. And if you are on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, why not give us a review or chuck us a couple of stars if you enjoyed this episode?
Starting point is 01:02:26 Spread the good word and let this podcast travel the earth like a curse or a plague. Before we go any further, as you know, we were actually just on our flat world tour and for that tour we created special new TPL merch that was available just at the shows. special new tpl merch that was available just at the shows but we're excited to say that that design is now available on the tpl online store mama mia uh you're gonna want to see this design you've probably seen it on our uh social media platforms but we got this commissioned by the amazing artist chrissy lang a member of the commune, an amazing artist. And they really knocked it out of the park. Oh, yeah. It's a full illustration of the flat world,
Starting point is 01:03:10 including a bunch of TPL Easter eggs on the back of the shirt. We've got some fan favorites in there. We've got the bro ghost. We've got Jeff the mongoose, I think makes a little appearance. And I think we're in their miniature style getting abducted, of course, which didn't happen on the tour, sadly. But it is immortalized on these t-shirts. I was abducted by an alien creature
Starting point is 01:03:33 by the name of Jack Daniels. Jonathan D. He took me away a couple nights. And weirdly, yeah, there was a bit of time skippage involved, a bit of memory erasure. So maybe you saw that design on social media and liked it. Maybe you planned on coming to the tour or weren't able to make it.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Now is your chance to grab it. It probably won't be online forever. So it's a really cool design, a piece of TPL history that looks great. We both got them and wear them. They look amazing. We also recently added another design to the store that you might have missed, which is the This Paranormal Life logo getting abducted by a little UFO. It looks fantastic.
Starting point is 01:04:12 There's a bunch of cool designs over there on the website. You should check it out by visiting We have a tab for the stores or the links are in the description of this very podcast. I should say the UFO design is now available in hoodie form just in time for winter. So if you want to cozy up this Christmas, this new year season, head on over to forward slash store. Get some merch. And of course, the best way to support the podcast is heading over to forward slash this paranormal life this is why i was just about to explain i was just about to explain can you stop for one second i'm
Starting point is 01:04:52 about to sometimes it's like a good little um dynamic i feel like i've been listening to some other podcasts and like you know we need we always need to like say the state the obvious right because i feel like we're so i was about to do that's what i was about to do i was going to say that rewards you can get over there. But like people don't even know like what is Patreon. Like what even is a podcast? Like people don't even know the basics. So like I'm just-
Starting point is 01:05:12 I hope they know what a podcast is. I hope they know what a podcast is because they just listen to one for about an hour and 20 minutes. What if they're listening to this on radio? They wouldn't know what a podcast is. Because it's not a radio show. It's a podcast. What if they're in the car right now with their mother and their mother
Starting point is 01:05:28 put this on and they don't know what a podcast is let me just explain what patreon is how about that patreon is a website it's a website they must know what that is they have to know what that is what if they are an uncontacted tribes member from the Amazon rainforest? How'd they hear the show? How'd they hear the show then? They found an iPod. So they know what an iPod is? They managed to hear it play?
Starting point is 01:05:53 They found it and they just like put the bud in their ears and pressed play accidentally. is a website where you can support the show and get cool rewards. For example... Am I allowed to ask a quick question? No. What's a reward? I said no, so don't ask the question. So you can get cool rewards like bonus content, weekly episodes, extra monthly episodes where we dive into different paranormal cases we don't investigate on the main feed. You can also get some cool physical rewards,
Starting point is 01:06:25 merchandise, early access to live show tickets, and maybe coolest of all, you can get a shout out at the end of the podcast as a little thank you for supporting the show. What's a shout out? We're starting them. So thank you to Luan William. Luan just took a Zan 13 hours from Japan. Oh, God. Is there a doctor on the plane? I think Luan just overdosed. Luan.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Luan. Oh, no, she's just asleep. You just said a bunch of words I didn't understand. She did what? Sorry. Things are happening quickly. Yeah. They took a Zan on a flight from Japan.
Starting point is 01:07:02 A Zanex? Yes. Is that a sleeping pill? Yes. Sorry, Lu sleeping pill? Yes. Sorry, Luan, didn't want to alarm you. Sorry, you can go back to sleep now. Yeah, you freaked her out. Hope you had a great time in Japan.
Starting point is 01:07:11 You freaked her out, man. Thank you. Thank you to Fern. Fern was a little bit like Kit. They decided to hold a seance, lit the candles, and I think it was about three seconds before they were clamoring for the door. They hadn't even opened the portal to the spirit world yet or reached out, and Fern was freaking out. It sounds ridiculous, but I call it red light fever.
Starting point is 01:07:34 When the red light of the REM pod goes off, my f***ing internal temperature hits 55 degrees. We hadn't even put the battery in the back of the REM pod yet, so it wasn't going off. I go feral. So I think Fern understands where I'm coming from. It's just a built-in reaction. They go fernal. Thank you to Mason Krochman.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Oh, shit. A Mason? Are you free? I was thinking they might be able to help me personally, forget about Rory, get into the free masons. Yeah. Hello, brother. Did you know there's a free mason hall in our hometown?
Starting point is 01:08:15 Yeah. I didn't know that. I saw it the other day and I was like, oh, shit. Yeah. So, mason, get in touch. We got a lodge for you. You can crash in if you ever want to visit TPL headquarters. And if you ever want to give
Starting point is 01:08:27 your old buddy Kit a little invite, I just want to know what you guys do in there. I think it's really normal stuff. Clerical shit. Yeah, not that crazy. I was hoping for a LAN party. Thank you to Allison Driscoll. Allison's
Starting point is 01:08:44 a big hit at the disco. Yo. Popping, locking, breakdancing, summoning spirits on the dance floor. Yeah. The last one seemed a little out of character. No, it's cool. It's like, you know, doing the worm. Doing the jive.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Summoning Exmodius the Night Demon. Huh? Summoning Exmodius the Night Demon summoning Exmodius the night demon just to like take things to the next level why is she trying to like shoehorn this in here onto the dance floor those guys know how to get weed that's why
Starting point is 01:09:14 they got a connection yeah it's hard to find a dealer in a small town thanks Alison not that I do that kind of stuff it makes me sleepy and finally last but not least thank you to trisha trisha you are delicious uh you truly are so if you would just like to enter this summoning circle and kind of you know don't be upset if we use you as kind of human bait for a spirit or an entity or let's face it a demon to kind of uh
Starting point is 01:09:48 gobble you up right gobble you up it's purely it's purely kind of a ritual that being said we are going to put a knife and fork napkins slice of lemon beside you on the ground yeah and just just a case just a case we're gonna put you on a platter with an apple in your mouth. Just so you know. So it is like it's a metaphor, you being like offered up as a meal, but it's also, I can't stress how literal it is.
Starting point is 01:10:13 You will be devoured. So just, you know, get in touch. It's going to be worth it, I promise. You're a snack, right? Isn't that a compliment? You're an absolute snack, Trisha. Exactly. For an ancient god. So thank you, Trisha. Exactly. For an ancient god.
Starting point is 01:10:28 So thank you to Trisha. Thank you to everyone who supports us on Patreon. We literally couldn't make this show without you. I hope you enjoyed this week's investigation into seances. And of course, we will be back next Tuesday with a brand new groundbreaking. Sorry, I wasn't there yet. What's groundbreaking? The case is going to be groundbreaking I'm sure And like exciting
Starting point is 01:10:47 What's a case though? Let's run it back We'll be back next week with another Groundbreaking Incredible Paranormal tale Paranormal tale So late
Starting point is 01:11:00 I had to wait for you to stop saying words

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