This Paranormal Life - Free Bonus Episode - Let People Drink the Red Liquid From the Dark Sarcophagus

Episode Date: April 10, 2020

We know it's been a bit of a weird couple of weeks.. so we decided to release a free bonus episode to help keep the commune entertained during these strange times. NONE of these bonus episodes would e...xist without the amazing people who support us on Patreon so if you want someone to thank, it's all them!Support us on to get access to weekly bonus episodes!Buy Official TPL Merch! - us on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTubeJoin our Secret Society Facebook CommunityResearch by Amy GrisdaleEdited by Louis BlatherwickIntro music by Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone Rory and Kit here from This Paranormal Life. Howdy! We know it's been a little bit of a weird couple of weeks recently with people working from home self quarantining so we thought it would be a good idea to release a bonus episode from the This Paranormal Life Patreon back catalog to you the public to keep you entertained. If you do enjoy the episode there are 28 others uploaded on so definitely check it out make sure to keep safe keep investigating damn right and we will be back on tuesday for a brand new paranormal tale enjoy and i've got an incredible story this week have you really got a great one
Starting point is 00:00:47 because the whole thing is you know obviously every week we do our weekly episodes and it's your run-of-the-mill watered down paranormal story oh i'm sorry watered this guy saw bigfoot is that how you describe our our frankly award-winning podcast that it is an award-winning podcast but it's also most watery that's what it's just the award we should have got wow you know every week we say it's a commune on the bonus episodes it's just a cult it's a full-on cult welcome to the cult cast y'all you knew it the whole time and we knew it we didn't want to say it on the water cast so here we are this is there's no water all sauce this is the hot sauce well it's interesting that we're talking about interesting liquids because that is actually going to be our main focus on
Starting point is 00:01:39 today's so this is the non-water darn cast yet it is the first liquid based episode in history right i can understand how this is very misleading this is the non-watered down first episode on a water based paranormal case this enemy makes messages man let's get stuck in it's july 19th 2018 holy shit that was like last year a year and a week ago your birthday no less it was yeah and we're in ancient egypt where a construction company is working on a new building site while digging deep into the ground one of the construction workers noticed something in the dirt it looked like a hard stone that had been chiseled at. So he cleared more and more of the dirt away to reveal a human face staring back at him. What?
Starting point is 00:02:35 Yeah, that's not what you want to see on the job. Absolutely not. Him and his team carefully cleared the rest of the dirt and lifted the object out of the ground. It was a stone carving of a human head broken off of a statue. Now, when you're a construction team in the Egyptian desert, this is either the best or the worst thing that could possibly happen to you. Because either this is the start of some sort of undiscovered ancient tomb filled with riches beyond your belief so you don't even have to make the building anymore whatever you've hit the
Starting point is 00:03:11 jackpot or which is your dream as a builder is enough to build the building because it's pretty hard it's really hot out there you got sand in your eyes sand in your ass crack you don't want to be doing this thing so as soon as soon as you find this head in the ground, it's like buying a lottery ticket. Pretty much. Because what's a little south of the head? It could be the rest of the body or it could be a f***ing pharaoh's amulet
Starting point is 00:03:37 worth enough to buy a new building. You don't even have to build it. I'm just imagining this builder just seeing the head and being as an egyptian builder being so used to this that he just grabs its jaws holding each side of its teeth rips the head in half picks the one gold tooth out and throws the rest of it in the ground and gets back to building because they're used to finding this stuff well the problem is as well i mean there's also the chance that there's it's nothing it's garbage and now construction has to be halted probably for weeks and weeks on end while archaeologists excavate the site to make sure you're not putting your jackhammers through a pharaoh's skull i don't know anything about archaeology granted but i'm about to tell
Starting point is 00:04:25 you uh a bunch of shit as if i do but uh whatever the podcast whenever i've seen digs on tv i understand that industry such as construction and archaeology they don't really get on with each other because usually the contractors have a contract to get a building done by a certain date so whenever pesky archaeologists come in saying oh oh no the prince tutankhamun's remains are in this area we need to halt construction for just a few days for shut the up he shoveled we need to build a bowling alley here by tomorrow we have no time for this historical crap it's all that's in the ground it's done for and so there's kind of that that tug of war between the two factions and very often um in different parts of the world historical and
Starting point is 00:05:20 archaeological sites can get steamrolled literally literally concreted over by industry. It's very true. Luckily, this wasn't the case in this situation. The archaeologists come in and they take over MIB style. Of course. They rock up there and it's one of those cliche moments where the construction workers are like, who are you guys? And they'll introduce themselves.
Starting point is 00:05:43 He'll be like like he doesn't have a badge he'll like flash a fossil or something yeah he's like because they don't have any authority jack diggins i'm an archaeologist and we just took over this site and then the diggers like well no we're in charge not anymore and you know the archaeologists behind him are seizing the shovels taking over the whole operation which is good because we need to find out what is going on at this site so the team begin excavating the site carefully digging deeper deeper into the earth and that's when they hit it the hard rock of a tomb a tomb when the dirt was cleared they were staring at an enormous three meter long sarcophagus oh my god this is this is the
Starting point is 00:06:29 the holy grail this is the jackpot as you say this is if you're in egypt and you're digging into the ground this is the best thing you could possibly find oh 100 it was the largest ever to be discovered in the city as really yeah this thing is enormous i actually have a picture of it here god check out let's see look at the size of that yo so that actually looks uh interestingly if i saw that i wouldn't necessarily guess that that was that old yeah if i was a digger if i was a digger if i was a builder or a construction site worker and I came across that, I wouldn't really know what I was looking at. Thank God these guys were there. Yeah, it's not necessarily as ornate as you would imagine a sarcophagus would be. Especially when you talk about pharaohs of legend who were buried in pyramids.
Starting point is 00:07:19 And you think of them being buried in those rooms literally glowing with golden coins. This is very much, it looks like a slab of dark rock. It's quite ominous looking. Yeah, yeah, it really is. The archaeologists were extra excited because it looked like the sarcophagus had been completely undisturbed since it was buried. Yes, because I think we've talked about it before in the cast. buried yes because i think we've talked about it before in the cast but sadly a huge problem with egyptology and archaeology in ancient egypt is everything's been raided by grave robbers over the last few thousand years it's like apparently surprisingly difficult to find anything which has
Starting point is 00:07:58 not been looted which is is quite funny because obviously you know i don't know a lot about the ancient pyramids but i do know that they built them in the desert to get away from pirates. I mean, that was the whole thing. Let's put them as far away from any source of water as possible. Little do they know there's sand pirates, there's land pirates, just as willing to plunder anything that they can find.
Starting point is 00:08:22 These pyramids, these ships of the land are being raided by sand pirates at some point in the last uh couple hundred years pirates realized that they didn't have to live at sea yeah and actually if they came ashore life was good uh and they could do many of the same pirate activities and wouldn't have to worry about sailing all the time it was the best ever discovery by the most barnacle encrusted sandy sea wind blasted pirate the day he stole something on land yeah he couldn't believe it he was like we can do this we can do this on the earth you are dock the ship boys we're going to the pyramids and they all all took off i think that's when they actually parted the ocean right uh in the bible in the bible somewhere straight
Starting point is 00:09:13 down the middle pirate taking a bite out of a live chicken he's like you see this crew it's a land And tuna. Now judging by the shape, area, color, and design, they believed it was from around 323 BC. Damn, a few thousand years ago. When interviewed, the team said, We're hoping this tomb may belong to one of the highest dignitaries of the period. The stone head is likely that of a nobleman in Alexandria. When we open the sarcophagus, we hope to find objects inside that are intact, which will help us to identify this person and their position. Wow. Now, the main problem with the sarcophagus is that this thing was big. It was
Starting point is 00:10:01 heavy, and it was buried pretty deep. You couldn't just slide down a whip Indiana Jones style and push this lid off. It was going to take a massive team to get this thing open. So for the next few weeks, more people showed up with cranes, equipment and everything they needed to open up this sarcophagus they also recruited mummification and restoration specialists to ensure the contents that were about to be exposed for the first time in a millennia were preserved wow because you've no idea what's in there or how it's preserved yeah but you do know as soon as you pop that lid that thing's gonna age like milk ladies and gentlemen because i don't know a lot about the science behind you know something that has been sealed off for that long um being exposed to the new world and all the germs it has in it because in my head it's like indiana jones style
Starting point is 00:10:57 drinking from the wrong cup you know you just turn you age incredibly fast you turn to dust and kind of fall apart yes they like show that in the movies right where you might open the sarcophagus and it looks incredible but as soon as you go to touch it it just crumbles in front of your very eyes yeah you're trying to pick up the amulets and they're turning to dust in front of you you all that sweet sweet pharaoh gold is just crumbling into ash i would be extra careful i think the mummification guys are is a good start i think you should also probably enlist a wizard to to cast some sort of preserving spell on the sarcophagus just cover all the bases yeah wizards a warlock a witch these are all just
Starting point is 00:11:42 magic magicians uh magician as well oh sure clone maybe while we're at it a paramedic in case something inside needs resuscitated maybe some sort of um mechanic we don't know what's in there there might be some sort of ancient mode of transport some sort of ancient motor vehicle in there might need repaired yeah i think you're gonna want a bomb diffuser in case there's explosives involved i think you're going to want a bomb maker in case there's something that needs to be killed yeah definitely have at least 20 people with loaded guns pointed right at this thing we need at least one veteran general who wants to nuke this thing as soon as they open the sarcophagus.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And one general veterinarian, just in case it is a mummified cat of some sort that leaps out with its claws ready to go. Which actually we don't need the vet for because we're probably going to shoot the cat. So it's fine. Yeah, I know. They turn to the vet like, how do we kill it? I don't know. I only know how to save cats.
Starting point is 00:12:44 You just, you got to be careful with these things that's what i'm trying to say and obviously these people are now obviously as soon as the locals got hold of this the people started throwing around the c word curse of course but local reports suggested that officials from the ministry of antiquities mocked suggestions that the sarcophagus could unleash evil forces or curses when opened claiming that there were no inscriptions on the coffin that would suggest the bodies belong to members of an ancient royal family i love that line of mocking they're not mocking the idea of a curse they're like of course it's not cursed dumbass there's no magic inscriptions even on the thing yeah it's kind of a weird sentence because they're like of course it's not cursed dumbass there's no magic inscriptions even on the
Starting point is 00:13:26 thing yeah it's kind of a weird sentence because they're almost acknowledging that yeah there's a there's a couple cursed sarcophagus out there but it's not this one you idiot do you see the skull carved on it no there's a happy face this one's After weeks of preparation, it was time to open the beast. What was inside? A lost pharaoh? Golden artifacts? Ancient tablets? With the team ready and everyone gathered around, they slowly lifted the lid off the sarcophagus to reveal three skeletons floating in red sewage water three skeletons three skeletons wow initial assessments showed the three skeletons were probably soldiers with one of the skulls showing evidence of being struck by an arrow but the lack of death masks precious metals amulets or anything else meant the bodies were unlikely to be royal not exactly the gold mine you were hoping for.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Not exactly. Let's be honest. Let's be honest. Yeah. It's still pretty intriguing why these soldiers, as they say, not from a high birth, as they say, not royalty or dignitaries of any kind, why they were buried together in this quite large sarcophagus. or dignitaries of any kind, why they were buried together in this quite large sarcophagus. Yeah, because I don't know. I haven't seen anything to suggest they were in the same family or anything like that. So maybe that was commonplace.
Starting point is 00:14:51 Maybe they did. They're short. There was a sarcophagus shortage. They had to kind of just cram people into the same one. It's essentially the equivalent of whenever you go to Starbucks and order a tall latte, and then they yell back, we're out of tall cups do you want the
Starting point is 00:15:05 venti cup and i'm like fine it doesn't make a difference i guess if you're willing to give me the large cup yeah fine and then they're like we're actually short of those cups as well so we had to put three of your coffees into one cup okay i guess that's fine also we're actually out of coffee and indeed venti and tall cups can we put this red ancient soup in a stone sarcophagus i'm like is it still two pounds 90 yes fine fine all right stone sarcophagus red juice for jory at least get my name right come on they've signed the side of it jory now obviously the whole point about mummifying a body is that it preserves the body and stops it from completely decomposing right but the examiners believe that the red liquid at the bottom of the sarcophagus had leaked in through a crack on the right side and caused the mummies to decompose.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Oh, interesting. So in a normal good sarcophagus, is the idea that it's, so they obviously mummify the bodies, they use whatever chemicals keep them preserved, but I guess it also then has to stay dry, nothing can get in that would affect them. Exactly, yeah. It's a very very very strict procedure where i think like you know any water in there is really gonna it's gonna ruin the whole thing because that's bacteria
Starting point is 00:16:31 that's germs that's things in that sarcophagus they're gonna eat and dissolve a body over time especially after a millennia yeah that'll do it jesus so they removed the skeletons lifted the coffin out of the tomb and cleared the site There were no golden artifacts or jewels found, no ancient secrets. It seemed like the whole thing was a bit of a dud. But what if the real treasure was in front of us the whole time, Kit? What? What if this red sewage water wasn't water at all? What if it was something more?
Starting point is 00:17:04 Some sort of mystical mummy juice that's powers activate but only when you drink it okay who why would anyone think that because you you didn't even just say it was like a ancient liquid like a mummy liquid like an ancient egyptian liquid you went out of your way to say it was sewage water that is what the scientists are calling it the archaeologists they believe they have every right to assume it is sewage water it's disgusting red rusty looking water rotting at the bottom of a sarcophagus we've we opened it up and all that was inside was like a toilet mummy in a stupid sewer water.
Starting point is 00:17:46 I feel like you're just upset that there wasn't any good in there. Yeah, you're upset it wasn't a lost pharaoh. And that's what's happening. These people are so, they were blinded looking for gold coins. They couldn't see the goldenest coin ever. Mummy juice. Mummy juice, my friend. Okay, so it's not sewage runoff anymore. It's mummy juice okay disgusting water my friend okay so it's not sewage uh runoff anymore it's mummy juice it's straight up mummy juice which is an uncomfortable phrase i will say we're
Starting point is 00:18:15 talking milf juice right here okay let's not call sarcophagus up milf juice this is the original gamer girl bath water those scientists should have bottled this shit up and sold it online well it wasn't long before a petition appeared online with the title let people drink the red liquid from the dark sarcophagus. It's moving very quickly. How did this... You say not long. Like, how did anyone even find out about this? Why did anyone know about the juice? So, reports came out as soon as the discovery was made.
Starting point is 00:18:54 And all the scientists, obviously, they were saying, oh, all we found were these three skeletons and some mystical mummy juice at the bottom of the sarcophagus. Okay. Which they obviously are trying to build up as no big thing. these three skeletons and some mystical mummy juice at the bottom of the sarcophagus okay which they obviously are trying to build up as no big thing but us the people with our eyes open we can see what this is i just feel like it's weird if it if it's just water if it's sewage water why even mention it if you're the scientist i think because of a lot of the pictures that were released
Starting point is 00:19:21 obviously when we think of a mummy we think of a very well preserved beautifully wrapped uh very dehydrated dry mummy okay we get it no juice no juice at all but this was three skeletons soaking in this forbidden nectar this this tantalizing red soda you went from sewage to tantalizing nectar can i see an image at least of the juice 100 your mouth is gonna water at the sight of this juice i what i am expecting is a delicious kind of bloody mary uh style cocktail if you will floating at the bottom not far off not far off i mean because when people say sewage water i mean that sounds it's not doing it any favors it doesn't sound really great at all but i'm gonna go ahead and say it this looks delicious this ancient monster energy drink
Starting point is 00:20:17 looks freaking delicious you've changed your mind since you started telling the story about what you think about this juice take Take a look at this. This is basically Powerade. All right, folks, I'm just looking at the sarcophagus. You will f***ing die if you even touch that water. I mean, what's really scary is just how red it is. Why is it so red? It's so red.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I don't even think blood is that red. It's the color of fake blood. Yeah. If you put food dye, red food dye, in a sarcophagus full of water. And skeletons. And skeletons. That's what it would look like. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:57 It's a little bit see-through, but it's quite murky. And I cannot stress how red it is. It's strange because, you know, as we said, they're claiming it's sewage water in a sarcophagus that's been sealed for 2,000 years, over 2,000 years. That does not look like the color of any type of sewage water, let alone one this ancient. I know I don't understand how science works. I don't understand how any water is sitting there for 2,000 years. Yeah, I don't actually understand that either the petition was created by a scottish game developer called innis mckendrick who worked on such big titles as no man's sky oh shit he stated in the petition we need to drink the red liquid from the cursed dark sarcophagus in the form of some sort of carbonated energy drink so we can assume its powers and finally die i'm sorry an
Starting point is 00:21:47 energy drink that makes you die he's just he's spitballing here obviously i think he's just saying whatever he needs to say to get the liquid to get it sold yeah to date the petition has over 35 000 signatures wow all brave paranormal enthusiasts volunteering to drink the mummy juice and find out what powers it contains obviously i mean i don't know why i was surprised that innis comes from the pedigree of developing for such games as no man's sky a game about the beautiful infinite nature of the universe the the beauty the purpose in discovering an infinite universe of going out there as a solo adventurer and seeing all that the world has to offer yeah it makes perfect sense that he would be the one to say there are treasures here on earth
Starting point is 00:22:40 that we need to discover before we start going to space yeah and if he wants to see what if he's making a game about exploring what the universe has to offer the universe is offering us some bright red mummy juice yeah and he wants to drink it i for one salute there's a that's some galactic 12 uh mentality right there in this you just made the cut for the galactic 12 because you best believe they're serving the liquid of the dead on that spaceship because you know back in the 60s people the opportunity to make history two great men made you know the one small step for man one giant leap for mankind they went to the goddamn moon yeah they did what had never been done before i truly believe that uh if buzz and neil were younger men and they were on the ground in egypt today they'd be drinking that juice they'd be saying those words right before they drink that juice one small sip for man one giant slurp for mankind as he
Starting point is 00:23:40 shots back they like link their arms and take a shot each chasing it with diet vanilla coke i i completely agree with you i completely agree with you think about the the first guy who went down on his hands and knees and sucked on a cow tit people probably thought he was insane you're drinking a cow's milk and maybe he was maybe he was but these are the sorts of things that human beings need to do to become the intergalactic egyptian time traveling pharaohs that we were always meant to be now this eventually grew to the point where egypt's ministry of antiquities had to release a statement to the public saying, quote, the liquid is neither juice for the mummies that contains the elixir of life or is it red mercury?
Starting point is 00:24:31 It's only sewage water. You don't know that. They don't know that. They do not know that. Unless someone's drunk it, they don't know what it is. They don't know. According to the- I'm sorry, Mr. Expert. Have you drunk a lot of sewage water that you, I guess you know what it is they don't know according to i'm sorry mr expert have you drunk
Starting point is 00:24:45 a lot of sewage water that you i guess you know what it looks like oh you haven't you've never drunk a drop in your life then you don't know what it is then it could be mummy unlike me who is drunk literally liters of the shite i'm building up my tolerance i've become basically immortal already through drinking it because i don't want to die when i drink the mummy juice so you know it's sewer water of course it looks like it it smells like it and i would know i said i've drunk a lot of sewage water in my time according to the environment protection agency in the u.s an average of seven million people a year suffer from illness caused by exposure to sewage but there is zero research into the effects of exposure to mummy milk, the forbidden juice.
Starting point is 00:25:36 You've got to stop calling it mummy milk. You can't call it that. I'm happy to continue the podcast, but you've got to find a different name. Milf juice might have been better. find a different name milf juice was might have been better milf juice the skeletons and the red liquid were both examined and tested the skeletons now i believe are in a museum and i think i am right to state the red liquid of the dead was poured out on the road what yeah they poured the liquid gold into the street i can't believe it either
Starting point is 00:26:07 brother it's a it's a it goes without saying how livid i am now i think it did go through some testing to so they could try and find out what it was so you know that they siphoned off vial little vials of it you know um some sort of super soldier serum if you will yeah mother jurassic park style in like a fake shaving cream can is like a whole vial of this is of this forbidden juice got it um while they like pour pour out all the rest they're like oh leave it leave it no it's it's just sewage it's sewage um but they got it they got the samples they've taken them back and meanwhile in the streets of cairo underneath the the ground there's solid gold jacked rats running around down there with ancient egyptian
Starting point is 00:26:53 powers oh yeah i mean you pour that thing anywhere near a graveyard and the dead are coming back to life well let's take a step backwards and look at some of the theories as to what the juice is and why people want to drink it as we stated before some people think that this red liquid itself is the elixir of life some sort of immortality potion that when consumed by you would prolong your life to the point where it's everlasting or maybe you know a shot every month keeps you young and then if you stop you'll die but uh they are under the belief that yes this is some this mystical magical mummy juice that will make you live possibly forever it is possible i mean we talked about
Starting point is 00:27:40 on the podcast before we know a little bit about what the ancient Egyptians used to do in their burial rites it was all about burying you with items that would aid you in the next life you might be buried with the riches of your lifetime yeah um you know to pay for the boat that would take you into the land of the dead yeah the coin the gold coin could it be that they were buried with the elixir to life maybe the elixir was given to them too late obviously but they thought that it might aid them in some way to to get across to where they needed to go exactly that's a great point some other people believe it will possess the drinker and unleash a mummy style curse that will bring about the end of the world now i think i think this is what uh the
Starting point is 00:28:25 original petition was more in favor of because it's let us drink it so we can finally die right it's almost like we we got to fulfill a prophecy here exactly and you know it's not enough to just open the sarcophagus to unleash a mummy style curse but drinking this this delicious forbidden liquid of the dead will um cause some sort of mummy possession and unleash a earth-shattering devastating uh apocalyptic ancient egyptian style ending that will just wipe out the entire earth and uh finally put all of this to to to end interesting i mean from watching the mummy returns starring brendan frazier i kind of am reminded of imhotep and i imagine that maybe through drinking this uh cursed juice you maybe take on some kind of imhotep style
Starting point is 00:29:22 curse i know that he was able to turn himself into a sandstorm. Right, right, yeah. He could kind of unleash biblical plagues, it seemed like. I don't really know what he wanted, but he seemed to want whatever this juice wants. Exactly, yeah. And I mean, there's got to be a reason
Starting point is 00:29:38 why they put the juice in the coffin, you know? Maybe it was to preserve it until this year when it was unleashed so it could be drunk by someone and listen maybe it is sewer juice do you think that those listen ancient egyptians built the pyramids oh yeah do you know that in the great pyramid it's something like you can't slide a sheet of paper in between any of those stones. They are engineered to millimeter precision. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:10 You think they just left a millimeter gap in this sarcophagus for sewer juice to pour through? Hell no. That is a sewer juice entry vent. Yeah, to get it in. To get it in and marinate it and cook it over 2,000 years until it's finally ripe and ready. I'm so glad you brought this up because this leads us into my theory about the whole thing. Oh, the right one. This is the, well, this is the right one.
Starting point is 00:30:38 So what if this liquid, this red liquid is some sort of elixir of life, but instead of drinking it, you soak in it. It's like in space movies, you know, when you're about to go to light speed. So, so everyone hops into their goo pods. Right. And you can cryo chamber. Yeah. You can travel for like 200 light years and it's been, it's been, you know, years and years years since you left earth but you pop out of the goo totally fine what if that crack kit didn't let the red water in but instead accidentally let it all out what what if all three bodies were supposed to be submerged in the mummy
Starting point is 00:31:19 juice and preserved so they could live for hundreds of thousands of years. But that accidental crack drained the juice from it, dehydrating the mummies. So you think that they pioneered some sort of preservation technology we've not seen before. Yeah. But that until the juice leaked out, there were perfectly preserved bodies in there. Oh, yeah. Maybe even alive. Oh, yeah. Maybe they, that was it they were just like i want to see the year 3000 put me under they do six feet straight down with the
Starting point is 00:31:53 everlasting mummy juice they're like great when we were discovered we'll be totally preserved they didn't realize there was a crack at the bottom the juice drained out and they died down yeah buried alive i'll go one step further what if the what if the egyptians actually came from space and the sarcophagus was a ufo crash landed that son of a bitch crash landed cracked the side oh shit and their life juice poured out all the other pharaohs the ones that built the pyramids their juice stayed in the in the sarcophagus so they all got out and they were fine and it was great they were like oh what happened to dave chris and michael it's like i don't know we lost contact with their sarcophagus
Starting point is 00:32:34 it crashed got buried in sand and the red liquid drained out what happened to boy prince michael you should have been here by now he was really excited to see her there's a lot of theories you know there's a lot of theories and and honestly i don't think we'll ever know what this beautiful forbidden nectar does until someone drinks it and i know we said that it was poured out on the streets but there is no no way. There's a vial. There is a vial somewhere. There's a T-virus style vial. Yeah. And I think if someone does drink it, if it doesn't bring about the end of the world,
Starting point is 00:33:16 and it turns out to be just sewage water, it's going to bring about the end of their world. Because they'll die, I think. I think either way, whoever drinks it is gonna die yeah whether kind of beautiful if it's from the curse itself if it's because they're drinking two thousand year old bin water skeleton infested bin water there's a you're gonna die either way i think which is beautiful and i think that's something we can all agree on yeah scientists skeptics believers alike you will die if you drink it and the best part is is even if it is sewage water and someone drinks it and dies from sewage water related illnesses you can't tell me that's not a pharaoh's
Starting point is 00:33:58 curse it's a curse hands down it's a curse you could say they literally you can see the bacteria dissolving their body from the inside i'm like yeah the curse is getting them pretty hard it's like they've got violent uh diarrhea and they're vomiting everywhere that's the body trying to get rid of the curse trying to get it out flush the curse out this is you as a doctor talking to your patients it's like please dr powers please dress my wounds they're bleeding you know curse got nicked you're pretty bad i see good luck with that not touching you cursed bitch they like hook him up to an iv drip get slapping get that out of here i needed an egyptian priestess some crushed
Starting point is 00:34:37 beetles and water from the nile he was a normal doctor until the other day i swear well because it's a bonus episode luckily we don't have to come down on a conclusion which is what i love but i think hopefully we're on the same page here we're never gonna find out what this thing is and what this thing is capable of until somebody drinks it unfortunately which i know we got the area 51 raid coming up i mean if i'm if i was a betting man i'd say that's where the vial is probably, behind sealed doors in one of the Area 51 chambers. You know that they, in a high-tech facility, they're trying to reverse engineer the MILF juice.
Starting point is 00:35:17 They are trying to work out its chemical components. Oh, yeah. You know, there's a scientist, and he thinks he's nailed it, and he's taking a uh dropper pipette one tiny drop of the of the red juice the milf juice yeah adding it to a frothing uh beaker to test it as soon as that drop hits the beaker it just blows him backwards explosion it just splits the f**king atom the amount of energy in this thing oh yeah and he's like he's his body just dissolves yeah yeah and then behind the the bulletproof
Starting point is 00:35:52 glass is some sort of general and he looks out on his notepad and crosses out a name that's like 305 because that's how many times they've done this a million times they've lost 304 scientists before this they're going through them now the scientists don't even want to go into area 51 anymore because buses are going in full and coming out empty it's really worrying stuff so yeah i think uh i think what we need to do is locate the surviving vials and really just drink it. I think, you know what, instead of a yes or a no, this week it should be, Kit, would you drink the milf juice, yes or no? Boy, I mean, that actually puts it in a really different way.
Starting point is 00:36:39 I think any self-respecting paranormal investigator is going to hold their nose and don it in one. Absolutely. I think I would straight up just beer bong it. You know, put it just all on the top there and I'll do it in about three seconds. I think, I'd like to hope that anyone that's listening to a bonus episode would plug their nose and chug it. Chug it like an absolute bro. Because that's the sort of sacrifices we have to make if you want to be part of the paranormal commune.
Starting point is 00:37:08 I hope we're all on the same page here. We need to kickstart this petition and we need to drink the dark red liquid at the bottom of the cursed sarcophagus. It's been a few years since the petition was started. I know the interior ministry of antiquities in Egypt got back and said it was bullshit. But I think if we ramp it up now, we'll get some political traction on this. Pull some strings.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Oh my god, I remember that one. That was a good one. Wow, guys, I hope you enjoyed a little sample of the um the bonus episodes as we said if you do enjoy it there are 28 other episodes in the backlog available on hope you're all staying healthy hope you're all staying safe hope you enjoyed this little taste and as always we will see you next week with a brand new paranormal story see you then

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