Threedom - Rashmi Amademus

Episode Date: August 10, 2023

Lauren, Paul and Scott talk about school stories, headlines, and play Rated Scenes. Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave us a voicemail 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Three, two, one. I gave extra yell. That's really generous. You can go for a little later. Three, two, one. Three, two, one. Three, two, one. Take me, three, two, one. Three, two, one.
Starting point is 00:00:16 I really gave it you're all in the opening credits. Paul, are you okay? I wiped out. You're out of breath. I wiped out. Yeah. Your head is down between your knees. Yeah, but that's just because I almost fainted. Okay. Is that dirty? Breathe in.
Starting point is 00:00:31 I guess so. Breathe out. Breathe. Breathe out. That's that. That's a bush. Yeah. They have a song about the sexy Nirvana.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Somebody fainting? Breathe in. Breathe out. I guess someone being alive. Breathe out. Have you ever fainted? Either. Breathe in. Breathe out. I guess someone being alive. Breathe out. Have you ever fainted? Either. Yes.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I felt light. Well, I'll tell you why. I went to the doctor the other day speaking of breathing. Oh, I went to the mountain. Oh. Okay. That works. I'm going to write a song about this.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But I went to the doctor the other day. I had to do that, you know, breathing test where you have to blow into the thing. In the doctor's butthole. Wait, what? Lauren. have to blow into the thing. And the doctor's butthole. Wait, what? Lauren, you know that's not true. I didn't know. I'm not a guy.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I just got out of this butthole. If you, for, okay, for women who don't know this, where you go to the doctor, they test you breathing by, the doctor, he takes his pants down, turns around, it says, blow into this. It's bad. Blow into it. If you make my butt bigger, you pass.
Starting point is 00:01:26 Blow me up like a balloon. And then you do, and he's going, oh yeah, oh yeah. Wait, is it that, where you have plastic ball? Do you have plastic ball? Well, this didn't have a ball. It was an electronic thing or whatever. And it was like, it's basically take the deepest breath you can, blow into it as long as you can.
Starting point is 00:01:43 It is hard as you can. I had to do that one time. The hard part is. That would make you fucking pass out. Yeah, and. What do you think it's really hard to do actually? Plus, you have to fast for 12 hours before you go there. Not me, man.
Starting point is 00:01:55 Really? You're just going in there. Why are you fasting? Because they're taking your blood work. I have a full Thanksgiving dinner, but I can't remember. Yeah, I have to do this, but I can't remember why. Because any sugar in your life. When I had my septoplastia where they las I can't remember why. Because any sugar in your blood.
Starting point is 00:02:05 When I had my septoplastia, were they lasered inside my nostrils? Oh, right. Because I had a de-edit septum. I think it's back. De-edit septum. No. Your nostrils aren't gonna fall out like last time, right?
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, and I had a big slug of blood come out. A boi, boi. I had a, I blew my nose today and I, it gave me a bloody nose. Wow. It was scary. Mm hmm. You're good. That's not supposed to happen, right? When you look in the tissue and see blood, it's a bad sign. It makes me feel like I'm not bowing. Yeah, if you were in a movie, like we would know you'd be dead within three scenes. Yeah. Well, it's better if you cough and have it. It is better. You feel more sympathy because if somebody blows their nose too hard and there's
Starting point is 00:02:44 blood, you're like, you blow your nose too hard. That guy's gross. Yeah. Yeah. But then the jokes on you, I'm dead. So anyway, I blow into this thing and my arm starts spasming. Whoa. What? I'd never felt anything like this, but it starts, and I said, oh, I feel weird. And they were like, okay, let's get a cold. A cold compress? A cold compress, they put it on my thing. I didn't end up passing out, but I was saying.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Put it on my thing. Put it on his thing. Where's this doctor? It's all I'm going crazy. Put it on his thing. So, so. But you also had to get smelling salts, didn't you? For when I had my balls drained, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Oh, okay. When they went farm to table with my seamen. Yeah, and that's really fucking this is what I want to do. Yeah, but no. All night long. But they told me that people pass out all the time from that test.
Starting point is 00:03:40 But they won't start doing it. But they're pulling your brains out. I mean, literally. Yeah, people pass out a lot. We don't know how else to fix it. Man, we just need to do this. Yeah, it's just you have to blow the ping pong ball up. You just do. There's no other way.
Starting point is 00:03:51 There's no way to know. Also, my doctor really apologizes every year when he has to do the finger, the prostate thing, and he's like, there's no other way to do this. I apologize. When they invent something, I'll be the first one in line to- Now let me ask a maybe gross question. Sure. How could it be? Given the topic we were just on, I can't imagine how this could end up gross.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Now you're ever- Are you working on your stand-up? You're ever going to get a prostate stab and you sit on a duty in your butt. Has that happened? Just in there. No, you have to go nestled in there. You had to poop soon, but like you didn't time it right and then you have this test and then what? That has not happened to me.
Starting point is 00:04:37 I mean, you're fast. It's a pretty specific problem I asked. Oh, you have to fast. That's the number one reason they asked you to fast is because I don't want you to shit. Probably. They don't care about the surgery. Okay, that actually does you shit. Probably. Okay. That actually does do something.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Probably. I had a doctor. I had a doctor once do it and he was talking to me while he was doing it. And then afterwards, it's like, see, I talked to you to distract you from, you know, what was going on. I was like, yeah, I got it. Yeah. I was pretty hyper focused on what was happening.
Starting point is 00:05:03 Yeah. It didn't quite work, but I appreciated the effort. That's so down. I think you had a squeaky toy and it was like doing it in front of your face while they jingling at the knees. So in terms of fainting, I'm the topic of fainting. I have fainted, I think twice and almost fainting it a couple more times, but it was all kind of in the same period of life.
Starting point is 00:05:23 I'm not mistaken. It was all like when I was like 16, 17 years old. And what was happening? One time I was at a funeral and it was really hot and a lot of people are fainting, which is really wow. Do you think it was a combination of the motion and the heat or was it purely just heat? I think I mean, I'm sure people I'm sure being sad. I don't know if that makes you faint.
Starting point is 00:05:44 It was just, but you know what what I mean like people hyperventilating Oh, maybe it was really hot in this church and really packed and so it was There was a lot of people from Martin Luther King. Yeah, I'm Luther King Martin Luther King. And then I almost passed down to the academic Donnells. And then- Because you wanted it so bad or- Because I was really hungry.
Starting point is 00:06:08 You ate too many things for us. I think it was high-cook like, C-Mick at that time. Is it possible to be at that time high-cook like C-Mick? Yeah, that can change. Yeah, anyway, I was. So that happened, it's not that interesting, you know? Just a few more little times like that.
Starting point is 00:06:21 I famously fainted in church when the Pope got shot. And really? The school. Oh! Yes, he got shot in front of me. I was like, oh dear. Um, we, I was in grade school and they made the entire school go next door to the church and start praying furiously for the Holy Vomps Jesus.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Like what? What, like God is gonna be like, ah, should I let this guy go? Ah, look at all these people. You can go either way. Pray, that's the whole thing about praying. How much do you like this guy? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:55 It's like it's not a preponderance of like how many people. It's so, I know. I know, praying is so stupid. It's so, I mean, I don't think it's so stupid. Anyone who's ever, anyone who's ever prayed is idiot. Okay, I was like blindly agreeing with you because I was thinking about shoes. And then I, I don't think it's so stupid. Anyone who's ever prayed is an idiot. Okay, I was like blindly agreeing with you because I was thinking about shoes.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And then I thought, I shouldn't say, I'm surprised. What were you thinking about shoes? Were you praying for shoes? Yeah, I was wishing to God that would get some. Please God. You haven't had shoes in 10 years? Yeah, it's mostly Biff at life for me.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Biff at life. Biff at life. So wait, so you just passed out from praying? There was, it was, I believe it was summertime and it was very hot and it was packed because the whole the living was cool. It was there. Yeah, my father was rich, my mother was very good looking.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Wow. And you were aware of that. I remember the feeling of it, of like, it getting like staticky in my head. That's, yeah, that's what happened. It's like, it feels like everything's shrinking down to a little dot. Yeah. And then I woke up and a nun wasy in my head. That's what happened. It feels like everything's shrinking down to a little dot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And then I woke up and a nun was loosening my tie. Oh man, what a fantasy. Yeah. Did you lose in your business? Do you think you go have a lot of non-phanases? I've never thought about that. Do you people have a lot of non-phanases? Non-phanases.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yeah, it's called regular life. Yeah. There's probably none porn. There's freaks out there. For sure. Yeah. For real. It porn. There's freaks out there. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. For sure. It was banking, you know, that kind of thing. My old girlfriend dressed up.
Starting point is 00:08:09 And I looked like a sexy nun for Halloween, like in a latex nun costume with a she-bought. Wow. It was cool. Yeah, sounds great for you. I'm not Catholic or anything, so it didn't have that type of effect on me. It just was like, oh, I like the fit of this.
Starting point is 00:08:23 I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like, because I went to, I like it. I like it. We are tips to ask in the latex, my hair. My darling. I brought you a flower from the garden. My dear, my dear one.
Starting point is 00:08:38 I went to Catholic school, do not have a non fetish, could not imagine having one. Well, because there, was it there was never like miserable, you should have a non-sexual. There was never a sexie. There was never a sexie. There was usually mean old witches from what I understand. You can kind of.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Yeah. I did not have any sexy nuns. There was one, I remember one attractive nun from my high school, talk slower. She was mean though. Oh really? Talk faster. She was very.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Like all attractive women. Wow really? She was a mean. She was very... Like all attractive women. Wow. Talk as fast you can. To me. I remember we had, there was one very attractive teacher that everybody kind of had a crush on, who was a religion teacher. And so that made things very complicated.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Because it was, of course, she's talking about God and stuff and your thing I want you to talk about it and what to make out with me. Yeah. Did she ever like switch topics suddenly to talk about that? Yeah. I was like, wow. I forgot what I was saying. She said I want to make out with you. There was this crazy story that I don't think I've ever told. I'm not going to tell all the details of. Okay, but this is huge. I wonder if I've ever brought it up. You'll know right away, I think. But in middle school, there was this tape that was circulating.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Did I ever tell you this? I don't know. I've... Is this the ring? Yeah, and this little girl came out of the TV. Yes, you've told this story. And it was made into a feature film twice. Okay, okay, sorry, I have told you.
Starting point is 00:10:05 No, there was this tape, this VHS tape that was being passed around that a kid at school had made. And in it, he was doing really embarrassing things. This sounds a little familiar. Okay. Maybe I told you. I don't. It doesn't sound familiar to me.
Starting point is 00:10:21 What embarrassing things? Well, I can't really tell you all of it because I'm too embarrassed for you. He was forgetting the name of an old friend. He's saying, oh, hi, nice to meet you. We've met before. He's worn in front of his boss. If I have told him before, I probably gave more details than I'm giving now. And then you can figure that out.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Anyway, I was just reminded of it because I was trying to think of hot teachers from the time. None of them wore, but I was thinking about how, basically this cooler kid had like played video games to this kid's house, taken the video. I don't know how he knew about it. He stole it and passed her on school. We all got a chance to see it. At a certain point it was my group's turn.
Starting point is 00:10:57 And we went to my friend's basement. She had this huge TV that was like the deepest largest TV anyone's ever had. At this time, did this kid know that this tape was making the rounds? I don't know. Did he like it? I don't know if he knew.
Starting point is 00:11:10 I think you leaked it. I don't know if we even knew what was gonna happen when we put it on. We didn't know. And in it, he was nude. There was nudity. Nude. There was nudity.
Starting point is 00:11:20 There was a lot of movement, not any masturbation or anything like that, but it was actually weird or that he wasn't doing that. I'm looking back at it. It's like, what? It was like doing chores. It was an obstacle course of sorts. Okay, we got to talk off Mike. But it's an obstacle course of sorts. I was just, we were all- No wait, nude mouth trap?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Essentially. Of course, of source. I was just, we were all, No wait, nude mouth trap. Essentially. He built it. We were all screaming and I was like a bunch of girls with this, in this basement. And then we passed it on to whoever's turn it was. I don't know how this was happening, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:53 like who was, it was just the way things were, you know. Do you think it was eventually handed to the kid and like you got to see this? Then he puts it in, that's me. I don't know, but the principle found out. And our principle was like, when do I get to see this tape? He was like Robin Williams with a really high voice.
Starting point is 00:12:10 He was like, that's what I- And what funny like him or? No, he looked like him. Oh, okay. To me, I don't know if anyone will agree with that. And meaning people from my middle school who hear this. And then they got in trouble.
Starting point is 00:12:22 And everyone like the kid got in trouble and all this stuff happened. Wait, the kid who's taking the last one trouble? I don't know what happened to him but the other kid got in trouble and everyone, like the kid got in trouble and all this stuff happened. Wait, the kid who's taking the last one trouble? I don't know what happened to him, but the other kid got in trouble. And then for my whole life, I've never forgotten this and I've been like, and I'm sure that's not good for the kid either, because that means probably a lot of us haven't forgotten it.
Starting point is 00:12:37 And it's one of those things that really like sits in your brain as like a crazy, almost urban legend of the time, so wild. And that's so fucked up and I wonder how he's doing. Hey, for listening. Hey, if you're the new to obstacle course kid, we'd like to hear from you. But on a repissed bit, you will be our guest after a million.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I don't, I will say. I don't remember. Oh, hello, I'm obstacle course new kid. Yeah, no, obstacle course new kid here. Hey, hey, hey, listen, I just want to know. Is this Paul? Yeah, this is Paul. I'm a pistol. Hey, no, I'm so close to do it here. Hey, hey, listen, I just want to know this is Paul. Yeah, this is called I'm a pissing. Hey, thank you. Listen, Lauren told us the story about the tape.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Oh, yeah. Oh shit. Well, I mean, we don't know. I was just calling. This guy for no reason. Yeah, I didn't know you'd tell the story. Oh my god, call yourself the obstacle course Yeah, of course I do
Starting point is 00:13:30 Okay, yeah listen Um, oh shit, I gotta tell my wife about this is my Yeah, I got married to my obstacle course. Oh, no, I don't know how that works, but it's like there's one of the cones Okay, isn't know how that works, but it's like there's one of the cones. Okay. It doesn't have to work in that sense. What is the cone? Okay. Well, bye bye, Baba Buidah. Oh no, we got this.
Starting point is 00:13:53 Oh man. He Baba Buidah. He Baba Buidah. He Baba Buidah. Anyway, I don't remember his name, which I think is better for everyone involved. Yeah, I'm glad you're not saying his name. Yeah, well no, I'm not even sure what it is. And so there's no way you can ever look him up or hear him.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Tommy. No, I'm never able to figure it out. Ben, yeah. Although you probably have mutual. No, you'll never not even sure what it is. And so there's no way you can ever look him up or hear. Tommy. No, I'm never able to figure it out. Ben, yeah. Although you probably have mutual. No, you should never be able to figure it out. I'm protecting you. Sherman. Sherman?
Starting point is 00:14:12 That's on the right. Have you ever? It's Sherman Wormen. Oh, Sherman Wormen. Sherman Wormen, bad as Ferman. But do you have anything from your high school or middle school that's like interesting in that way? Like a moment that like out as a rumor.
Starting point is 00:14:27 I remember a rumor about these two girls, there were twins, and this was when they would have been, they were younger than me. I think it's when they got to high school, they went eighth grade or something like that. I remember, no, no, no, no, they caught up. school, they went eighth grade or something like that. I remember. I remember it's still younger than you. No, no, no, they called it. Oh.
Starting point is 00:14:48 They're about to pull a hit. Oh, it was really weird, yeah. Cause you did that pause a couple years. Yes, I wanted to spend it animation for the quarantine. I was like, oh wait, we want to talk. And you did a rum spring. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:01 But I decided to stay in the real world and I go back and to spend it animation. Tons of meth and like Mountain Dew. Tons of meth and mountain Dew. Yeah. But I decided to stay in the real world and not go back and suspend an animation. Tons of meth and like Mountain Dew. Tons of meth and Mountain Dew. Yeah. Um, uh, and I remember someone telling a group of us that these girls, uh, like at this, you know, fair or something, they snuck off with these guys
Starting point is 00:15:21 and did all this stuff. And in, like at the time, I believed it. And then later realizing, that didn't happen at all. Yeah. Didn't do all that stuff. These children. This honestly, my story feels like one that would have been a rumor. Like, we saw a thing where he'd, and you'd go later,
Starting point is 00:15:37 you'd go, no, there's no way. Right, but you actually saw it. But I did. Yeah. Yeah. I saw it. Well, there's a certain part that haunted me. I'll tell you about later. Oh my it. Well, there's a certain part that haunted me.
Starting point is 00:15:45 I'll tell you about later. Oh my God. Jesus Christ. Hey, have you ever had the experience of somebody that is in your life and maybe, I don't know, like a peripheral way, not somebody you know, known? Somebody you never thought of as attractive unattractive never thought about them either way. And then all of a sudden, you're right, that person's very good looking. Oh, yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 00:16:12 It's so weird. Yeah, it's so weird. And you're like, what was I thinking the whole rest of the time? I'm like, what changed or why now? It does feel like it happened overnight. Yeah. Oh, what a pleasing looking person. I know.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Maybe we're. It's Elrived Janie. I'm saying that as me, you had better. I know. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're.
Starting point is 00:16:39 Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you're. Maybe you you find so attractive. Yeah, my wife. She having a girl's trip time. She is. She is. The one that she does every year. She is inadvertent. It's not. It's a different trip. We were supposed to do it together.
Starting point is 00:16:51 And then something changed in my schedule. I couldn't do it anymore. So one of her good friends went with her. Wow. And there's nobody at this place where they are. That's great. I wish I was there. I mean, doesn't that sound fun? It does. Yeah, it does. But I have this rarely happens. I have the house to myself. Oh, what are you going to do? Party?
Starting point is 00:17:11 I'm going to cram in as many movies as I know she will not want to watch. Last time I watched the stunt, oh, okay, I promote things, but I watched the movie. You said the stunt. I'm going to try to get it. Watch the stunt. The Dunston checks in movie. Oh, the Dunston. No, the Dunston checks in movie. Watch the Dunston checks in movie.
Starting point is 00:17:27 That was great. Okay, but you love the book, right? You watched the movie, but you love the book. Dunston checks in. The book, it was pretty faithful to the book. In the book, there's two Dunston's, which is what he never checks in. He never checks in.
Starting point is 00:17:42 Is it, but it's so called that. Yeah, so it's sort of like a waiting for government. It's like he's checking. No, he's checking. He's checking in with all of his friends. Yeah. Well, I'm going to write a thing called Wayver government and Gado, and it's going to combine
Starting point is 00:17:54 those two projects. Wow. I love that. Wow. And waiting to exhale. Throw that in their chair. Sure. Why not?
Starting point is 00:18:00 Sure. Set the car on fire. I know what this is. I'm not during the pandemic. I believe for the first time. Oh, you should have done the episode of this. Really enjoyed it. No. I would love to set a car on fire. I know what this one is. I once met during the pandemic, I believe for the first time. Oh, you showed down the episode. Really enjoyed it. No, I would love to say a car on fire.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh, yeah, you know what I'm really into it. Can I promote something that's not going to do with acting? As long as you have nothing to do with it, you can talk about it. Oh, yeah, okay. I just just. I thought we were also not supposed to promote things. Let's not promote it at all. Let's not.
Starting point is 00:18:21 No, they don't. Yeah, no, no, fuck it. I won't say it. You're not even supposed to promote old stuff. Yeah, it's old, because this is old. So what? So am I? How old?
Starting point is 00:18:31 I'm old. Barely legal? It's, yeah, because I guess it came out a year ago. Oh, yeah, that's great. You know what kind of porn I like? Firmly legal. Yeah. Like, like, let's make sure it's like 20 years later.
Starting point is 00:18:44 No concern. It's laugh 20 years later. No concern. It's laughable your asking for. Oh, we went, Jamie and I went to a birthday party and we, there was that moment we're going into this bar and there's a guy out front and he just like smiled at us and we went in
Starting point is 00:19:01 and they're like, we realized it a second later like, oh, not even, that guy was absolutely not even close to carding us when he saw. Right. Not even as a courtesy like, we do we card everybody here. I was like, no, he's people are fine. I find it weird when you go to a place
Starting point is 00:19:17 that has a big sign that says, we card anyone regardless of age and then they don't card you. It's like, geez, am I really that old looking? I mean, you don't look 17. He's been trying to write up to me and say, what if I had a progeria? What if I'm a jack?
Starting point is 00:19:33 What if I'm a jack? All right, we have Stigbrick. And we're back. And we're back. And we're back. And I meant to ask you, Lauren, if we can read this thing that I sent you. Remember I said we should read this on the air. No. This thing.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Oh, that, yeah, okay. Yeah, okay. Yeah. What is, I don't know what this is. Well Scott was doing one of his regular checkups on me Yeah, one of my regular Well, this is the internet. Who's talking about Lauren? Who's talking about Lauren? No, this got sent to me in a Google alert. I think for comedy bang bang
Starting point is 00:20:16 but the The headline made me jolt Oh, it's all for head for head like Headline I got donuts for you guys. By the way, the author of this piece is Rashmi Mathur. I wish I could do more, but I don't touch my tonight's
Starting point is 00:20:31 own money. Rashmi Mathur wrote this. Rashmi Mathur. Three weeks ago. Rashmi Amma Davis. Amma Davis. Rashmi Amma Davis. For the title of the episode, it's spelled R-A-S-H-M-I. Rush me on a Davis.
Starting point is 00:20:48 For the title of the episode it's spelled all right. I'm a title. Yes. Rush me on a Davis. Okay, so here's here's the headline fact check. Is Lauren Lapkiss pregnant in 2023? I love these things. So a whole website.
Starting point is 00:21:04 I love these things. Wow. The writing is crazy. Yeah, it love these things. It's just a whole website, don't you think? I love these things. Wow. The writing is crazy. Yeah, it sounds like it's written by AI, but I don't think it is, but here, okay, here we go. It sounds like it's written by AI, but it's probably written by a guy. And he's crazy.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Yeah. All right. A name is trending on the web and gaining the attention of the people. Thanks, Russ. Yes, we are talking about Dorothea, Lauren, Allegra, Lapques. That's right. She is in the headlines because of her pregnancy news.
Starting point is 00:21:37 It's not true. She is an American actress in comedies. Oh, I don't know. I'm in the headlines, I guess. Yeah. She's an American actress and comedian. She's mainly known for portraying Susan Fisher in the Netflix show, or in just the new blank.
Starting point is 00:21:50 Mainly, yeah. This news is getting circulated on the web that she is pregnant. No, it's not. This news is gaining the attention of the people. People are hitting the search engine to gain all the details about the news. What happened? What is the entire matter? This sounds like I'm going to make school papers details about the news. What happened? What is the entire matter?
Starting point is 00:22:05 It sounds like I'm gonna make school papers, just filling space. Is she pregnant? It's our matter. We will try to cover all the details of the news. Let's continue the article. Imagine if you could like up your word count. Yes, it doesn't, but in an essay for school.
Starting point is 00:22:20 Let's continue the essay. Yeah, I'll go on. Should I go on? Like, yes, I will. I shall continue a case. Here we go. Dear reader, that is not the essay. Yeah, I'll go on. Should I go on? Well, I guess I will. I shall continue a case. Here we go. Dear reader, that is not the end. Is Lord Lapke is pregnant in 2023?
Starting point is 00:22:30 He would know. She is also prominent for her poor trail of Jess in the series, crashing. She's also appeared in many TV series. She played the voice of Lada in the animated comedy series, Harvey Girls Forever. She has worked as a cast in the 2014 Jurassic, which she filmed both in Hawaii and New Orleans. Yeah, and it came out in 2015. Several of her scenes were improvised.
Starting point is 00:22:55 Several things remained to tell you about the news, which you will find in the next section of the article. What? It's like the night guarding the Holy Grail. Several things remained to tell you the story. All right, tell me what's next. According to the article. What? It's like the night guarding the Holy Grail. Several things remain to tell you the story. All right, tell me what's next. According to the report, okay.
Starting point is 00:23:10 She released a weekly podcast, Newcomers, with co-host Nicole Byer in which the two friends, she has appeared in many podcasts, including Improved for Humans, Comedy Bang Bang. Now, what does Comedy bang bang get third billing? I think he's not a fan maybe. Okay, Rashmi, come on buddy, talk to me. Reach out.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Rashmi, how are you, Dimas? And her very own podcast. Oh. If we talk about her married life, so she is married to Mr. Mike Castle. Oh wow. And they tied the knot on 5 October 2018. Does he prefer to be addressed as Mr. Mike Castle?
Starting point is 00:23:44 That's how I talked to him. Oh, yeah. She has made the announcement that she is pregnant. When people heard this news, they got happy and curious to know about the news. Okay. Scroll down the page to know more information about the news. Laura, this is pregnant, that makes you so happy.
Starting point is 00:24:01 What does it mean? I want to know more information about this news. The announcement has been happened on her social media. Mm-hmm. Okay. She has revealed the news. Now I know where this goes. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:13 To show her cute baby bump photos. Aw, thanks. Rush me. Her husband appeared with a baby. No, no, it was a dog. The couple became parents for the first time in 2021 in summer. Apart from this, she is in the spotlight in 2023 because of pregnancy news, but she has not said anything about this news.
Starting point is 00:24:32 Because it's not real. There is no evidence that she is pregnant. That's what it says. This news can be fake, which is spread by the spreaders. It does not say that. We have shared all the details about the news, which we have shared of the spreaders, which we have fetched from other sources to make this article.
Starting point is 00:24:47 If we get any further details, we will tell you first at the same site. Stay tuned for more updates. So we're supposed to just continuously read this page. Yeah. Because that would stay tuned. We're fresh right now. We're looking for updates
Starting point is 00:25:00 because I might have added something. Come on, Rochme. Yeah. Oh my God, you're now pregnant. I'm now in a pregnant. You're now in. God, you're now pregnant. I'm now pregnant. You're now, you're now and is pregnant. I'm pregnant with a noun. Well, congratulations, Lauren.
Starting point is 00:25:10 That's amazing. That's great news. A special Lauren's topic. I'm happy and I'm curious. It's just to make it very clear. It's not true. And Rashmi doesn't know me and doesn't know what they speak of.
Starting point is 00:25:20 Hey, the story about the stork, right? Yeah. Did parents ever really say that? I mean, I just learned something. Oh, what's that? My friend just had a baby and and the baby has a little red mark on his face. Oh, yeah, it's called a stork bite. Yeah, I've heard of that. And I have a brother neck that phrase. Yeah. And I thought that's kind of cute. And so it makes me think that people did use that enough to make that right.
Starting point is 00:25:46 How do they explain the mother's change in size? But didn't, like, well, I guess it's like, you don't wanna say how it came out. So they say like, the mom's gonna go to the hospital and the store comes and brings the baby. Right, but how do you explain that the mother is growing in size over the course of nine months?
Starting point is 00:26:05 Well, the store is in there. That never occurred to me. No, but I thought because the image is always the store flying with a diaper. Is it from the 50s only? I think it goes back further than that. Yeah. I think kids are too polite to talk about mom's weight. So they assume she's really fat.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Kids are notoriously polite. That's true. They never call out things that are obvious. I don't want to bring this up. Kids never come in on people who are sensitive about this issue. I don't want to bring this up. Kids ask themselves, how would I feel? There's a cute kids book that I got for Holly's birthday. She got, I guess.
Starting point is 00:26:38 So your birthday. For my birthday. Well, it was my birthday, her birthday. I gave birth to her. And what are we talking about? She got a book called, Body's Are Cool. her birthday. I gave birth. What are we talking about? She got a book called, Bodies are Cool. And it's a cute book. It's all about different bodies and it shows all the different ways people can look. Every single, honestly, so $7 billion, it covers a lot of territory.
Starting point is 00:26:58 Are there hot people in there? Yeah. Was it like this person's fat, this person's skinny, and these people are all so hot. And this is what you want to be. Yeah, it's like this person's fat this person skinny and these people are all so hot and this is what you want to be Yeah, it's it's really like that, but you could look like anything. I am fat. You could be thin. You could be hot You could look like anything you'd be thin. You can be muscular. You could be hot You could have great hair. You could have great abs. You can have a perfect tan and you can be that perfect And you can be oiled up in the summer. You can be greasy as hell. You can be greasy. Boy, brought some me a little hand me down. Oh boy, what a day. What a day. Lauren is pulling out something.
Starting point is 00:27:41 Now that we used to go, we used to get a lot of clothes from Lauren. You're here more. Oh my God. Little cowboy boots. Little cowboy boots. They're so cute. Wow. Now I have to warn you. Oh my God, they're cute.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Yeah. She, you had them perfectly before. Oh, like this? She doesn't seem to like cats or shoes. I think you'll be able to get them on for one picture. Angle a little bit. Holly wore them maybe like three times. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:06 But she wore them out one time and it was the cutest thing like with the dress. It's just so. Oh my God. Very cute. They have, is that, what's the stitching on? Is it a flower? I can't see from the far away. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 It's cowboy stitching. It's just a sort of cowboy design. Yeah. Yeah. Incredible. They're fun. This is their next shoe size. Maybe she'll like shoes by the time she grows enough to wear these. Yeah, she will have to wear them eventually. Yeah. When she's walking and needing to have that support, she might wear them.
Starting point is 00:28:32 Now, last time we recorded, Kool-Up had a gift bag for Lauren to give to Hots. Yes. And then Lauren was nice enough to send a video. Send a video. Boxing video. Yes. video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a video. Send a Send a video. Send a video. Eddie Van Halenstow. He would always turn us back to the audience so no one could tell what his technique was because it was so revolutionary. And then everyone copied it once they actually were able to figure out what it looked like. I just moved the audience around. Yep.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Like David's copper field. You can explain it. Mostly me. I have a dongle. Oh my. DONGLE! Mostly me have a dongle When look at this dress and how oh you opened it. Let's see what's in there This is so cute she loves open presents now that she is darling who doesn't
Starting point is 00:29:41 We see sorry when I suppose promote I'm pulling it from our trying to put on the video Anyway, you've all heard it open to know what sounds like you might talk more you She doesn't She's walking her that on her head now, but a very cute picture of her with a big plastic bag on her head Yeah, not over her face not over her for God's come on. Guys stop. Everyone, by the way, it's not that big a deal. But you know what, on the internet, like anytime you post anything,
Starting point is 00:30:11 like I saw a celebrity posted a picture of his child in their car seat, it was like a really sweet picture. Yeah. And I opened the comments going, someone's gonna say to raise the clip on the car seat. It was the first thing I saw. And then someone commented, there's always one. I love seeing it when it happens live. When you're like, you're looking at a thing and then the comment, the judgey comment comes
Starting point is 00:30:28 up. Why is you looking at it like, yeah, yeah, it's really. I didn't have to scroll. It's really crazy how everyone tries to control everyone on them. I mean, I will say like when I first put Holly in the car seat, I was doing it wrong and a friend messaged me and told me, but then I was like, that's helpful. That's the way, yes. But I'm like, at a certain point, I think people know what they're doing. I was like, wrong and a friend messaged me and told me, but then I was like, that's helpful. That's the way, yes. Like, but I'm like, at a certain point,
Starting point is 00:30:47 I think people know what they're doing. It was like, right when I had to. Yeah, exactly. What were you doing exactly? The chest clip was too low. This is the common comment. And I'll say it here in case anyone doesn't know this, it should be between their armpits
Starting point is 00:30:57 because in case of an accident, it protects their chest and it wouldn't go into their, you know, organs in that way. So it helps keep that secure. Hold on, I'll put your right back. Yeah, I mean, people should know that, but it's just, people are really annoying on my- He's been in the car for a week.
Starting point is 00:31:11 Oh my God. What? That's, well, there's an Oprah story. We're like, next one, yeah. So I'm gonna lift their car to the car for a week. But for, you know, on a hot day, no, so I'm gonna start. Again, I have to say that PS PSA from when I was a kid, hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk,
Starting point is 00:31:29 hot enough to fry a dog's brain. Wow. My car says reminder, look in the back seat when I get a car. Yeah, if I have like a car. Would your car mind talking to my car and telling you to do it? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Should also say that when you get into the car, just look at the three. Yeah, it can take a scream. Face kill. A face kill like a vampire do it. Yeah, sure. She'd also say that when you get into the car, just look at the screws. Yeah, it's like a screen face killer. A face kill like a vampire or something. Yeah, vampires can't get into a car unless they're invited. It did. That's just plate. That's houses and stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:54 It's not cars. Your car is like an extension of your life. If you live in your car, which I do. Oh, I mean, boss, I'm sorry about the mess. Name one celebrity who didn't. Who didn't. Who didn't live in that car? Tiffany mess. Name one celebrity who didn't.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Who did Linda Carr? Tiffany Haddish. No, she did. What? George Washington Carver. He did. He created Peter Butter in a car. He did.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Really. I think so. That feels familiar. Tom Hanks? No, he didn't. Okay. He was pretty successful throughout the bat. So he was a... He did pretty well, right? Yeah, he didn't. Okay. He was pretty successful throughout the bat. So he was a...
Starting point is 00:32:25 He did pretty well, right? Yeah, he had both of the buddies. He had both of the buddies. He was literally babysittered to Buzz and Buddies and he was set. Yeah, I loved to Buzz and Buddies. So did I. I wonder if it's still funny. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:32:36 I mean, I don't know that it's... Who knows? I feel like the premise itself is flawed now. A lot of it was just like, oh my God, I love these guys being so outgoing. Yeah. You know, like they just went for it. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:32:48 They just were like very... They did a lot of funny stuff. Like there are flashes that I have of it of bits that they did that are still funny to me. Yeah. Do you recall that show that they made for CBS? Like not that long ago? See it's hard? That was like a version of that?
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yes. I auditioned for that. I'm sure. Yeah. I auditioned, and I auditioned for I'm sorry. I'm sorry. That was a big deal. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:09 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:33:17 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Men can't get jobs anymore. So they have to go get a woman's job,
Starting point is 00:33:25 dress up as a woman to get this job. Oh, I thought you were complaining about this. Like, about the audition. That was like, no. And this is what happened to you. Men can't get jobs anymore. You go in audition so you gotta dress up like a woman. I didn't book it because men can't get jobs.
Starting point is 00:33:38 So I auditioned, I got there and I started, and it was apparent, immediately that I had the wrong sides. Oh wow. And I was like, oh, I'm sorry, I was told this part. It's like, no, we wanted to read this other thing. And I was like, can I just do this just so you can see it?
Starting point is 00:33:54 See, yes, see what I'm like. And so I did it. And then they said, here's the other part. And of course it was like, Hello, can I take your coat? The Mr. Lead character. So it was like the,, can I take your coat? The Mr. Lead character. So it was like the, the, like the broy, you know, friend who's not doing this, but talks to them about it
Starting point is 00:34:14 at the bar or whatever. So what was it? It was like, yeah, exactly. I was like, this is actually gonna be worse guys. And it was. Nice. Yeah. I love that.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I auditioned for what planet are you from? And I worked on it all day and I went to Sony and it took me so long to get there. And I finally, I walked in, I finally got there after an hour and 45 minutes or something. I walked in the casting director took a look at me, and he said, oh, you're not right for this. Yeah, nice.
Starting point is 00:34:38 Tell you what, just read this other part. And I looked and I said, this one line and she goes, she goes yeah all right I'll do it with you. Um hi, can you come in here and I said no she went that's great. Is that her fake paper she gives to people who drove their ass all over there and she feels bad? I'm like but just let you do the audition. Like it's just like just let me it takes five minutes. Yeah let me know. So I feel like what was the part like I've never. Yeah, let me do it. I know, so I feel like. What was the part? I've never seen it, so I have no idea. I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:35:09 But it was just one of those things that made me go, like, maybe I should stop. Please, I'm making a decision. Maybe I should stop. Things that make you go, maybe I just stop. Because things like that are like, unless it's a specific physical type that is stipulated in the script.
Starting point is 00:35:25 Right, which it wasn't, but I think she just, who knows, maybe I was too tall, too intimidating, too manly. Too cool. Right. Yeah. Those are your issues. I did, I again had one of those, I just wrote part like that again years later. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:35:42 So this was an audition for a semi-scripted sitcom about relationships. So it was all these different couples and everything. And this was shortly after I got back from New York and I was getting back into auditioning again and everything. And I remember sitting in the waiting room, I was the only person there. And then someone that we know, walked out of there and said to me, run. Whoa. Run. Run.
Starting point is 00:36:16 And I went, what? And he goes seriously, just go. Whoa. And I did not. And I was called in. And did you have this experience? I started reading this part. and the guy who was the creator of the show has given me direction, it was bad direction.
Starting point is 00:36:31 And the casting person, I could tell was like trying to deal with this guy in embarrassed. I don't think he might be, I don't think, you know, he might be too kind of intelligent for, read too intelligent for this part. So maybe he could read the other part. And the guy was like, yeah, all right. And then I read it and it was like, this guy was clearly like did not know what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:36:55 It was really, it was so obvious. Right. And this was his second show. Wow. And I think his last. I don't think this one went. I got, I need to know who this is. And if he's ever done a new obstacle course during the break, a new obstacle course.
Starting point is 00:37:10 I was told in a Frazier audition that I was really bad. Oh my God, what really? How did you told us that? Yes. They said you were bad? Said I was bad and then they come to your face. Yeah, and then complained about me to my agent too.
Starting point is 00:37:23 It was like, he was really bad. That's what they said. They said, okay, that was really bad. That's what they said. I think so. That's so crazy. Something like that. Was this the audition where you were like under your breath, you're going fuck, fuck, freezer in the butt. And then once I went to I audition for I really just said that as well. I audition for Hurley Burley just like in Long Beach. Oh my God. A Hurley Burley. Yeah, just in a stage adaptation in Long Beach, just a smaller part, and I did my audition,
Starting point is 00:37:49 the director goes, yeah, there's that musical theater training. Wow. Wow. God, people are so cute. Well, excuse me, you play as Hurley Burley. Hey. What do you expect me to do? Hurley Burley.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Yeah. anyway. So you're an insolent, isn't he, in person? Yeah, I do. I know, it's really rough. Are you just self taping now? It's all self taping. Everything's self taping. I would prefer it.
Starting point is 00:38:16 I haven't even got any of those. No, but getting it right doesn't really, it's not what it's about. Because I feel like what you're missing is like the charm of talking to someone in person. I know, no, no. Okay, you want to get it right. It's not, you're not. But like, really sure what you're missing is like the charm of talking to someone in person. I know. I know that. Okay, you want to get it right. It's not you're not like really sure what you can do. Like if you mess up in an audition and then keep going, that's impressive.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Like there's a lot of things that work with it. If I could just self tape, I would audition again. Yeah. Well, why don't you just do it? Okay. They see. Thousands of people. Yeah, I'll send you all the ones that I get.
Starting point is 00:38:42 I'll send you. Okay. They see thousands now. I don't think so. Yeah, they see. Yeah, you'll just my 1000 people. Yeah, I'll send you all the ones that I get. I'll send you. Okay. I'll take it. They see thousands now. I don't think they'll just pass it on. Yeah, they see. Yeah, you'll just pop right in. Yeah. They want you to believe that they're actually watching a thousand videos. Yeah, like what do you have like a green or blue screen that you'd do it in front of? Yeah. I really? I like it. This is so new to you. Yeah, it's how we've been living for like four years now. I know.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Why I tell you, this sax strike has really hurt me. No. That's what I like to say. I'm going to miss. Come on, can't wait to get back on track. Miss that $400 a year. All right, we have to take a break. Come on.
Starting point is 00:39:27 We're back. And I know what you're thinking. They're out of time. They can't do a three-cher. You cannot be more wrong. It's time to do one, and we're gonna do one. And we even know what it is. Yeah. Three-chairs when we play a little game, and it's not called a game.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It's called a three-cher. I'll be playing a game, yes we are. And if you want to send us a game to play, you can write to us at And this is one called rated scenes we've done it before. This is submitted by Kristen Kelly, double K. Thanks KK, two home runs. And this is...
Starting point is 00:40:03 Strikeouts. Strikeouts, yeah. Well, they should do it for home runs too. So there'd be more Ks. That'd be fun. We're about KK Slider. Yeah, what about the favorite musician? Oh my God, I love him.
Starting point is 00:40:13 I know. He's my favorite musician. He always plays in my town square. He plays in my town square too. He plays in my town square. I think he does get around. Yeah. He travels a lot.
Starting point is 00:40:22 I mean, that's life on the road. That is. I'm not disrespecting him or even talking to a lot. I mean, that's life on the road. That is. I'm not disrespecting him or even talking to any trash. But when he plays, when he plays everyone in town comes out. Everyone in my town comes out too. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Well, because those songs are really good. I won the credits role. He keeps on singing. Yeah. Yeah. All right. This is where we improvise a one to two minute G rated movie scene. And then we do the same scene again, but we make it, we make a PG,
Starting point is 00:40:50 then we do it again as PG 13. And then finally, as R rated, but, but what's the difference between the G and the PG? G is all ages. PG is like parental guidance, but like, something, but PG 13, it feels like PG and PG 13 are the same these days, doesn't it? Or I don't know. You'd know what I mean. Wait, I don't know. G, how many is G PG PG 13 are?
Starting point is 00:41:14 Let's cut out either PG or PG 13. Yeah, let's cut out the cut out PG. Yeah, the G PG 13 are. Great. That's better. That's much better. That's why I brought it up. That's much better. But you're you're complimenting him. Paul is a great idea. Somebody suggested it and it's great to call it out. It's kind of like what is
Starting point is 00:41:32 the difference being G and key G exactly. That's what you are getting at. That is what I'm glad you picked up on it. I did because it's really clear when you said it. Okay. All right. Here we go. Your kids place off on this team. Yeah. What's up? You were ringing the doorbell at the park. No, I'm saying ding dong. Hey, what's going on? What's up players? I thought you walked up what's up players? Restart, restart. Trying to shoehorn ding dong. I was trying to create a scene that was a scene. Okay. Listen, honey, you have to go to bed because otherwise Santa Claus won't come.
Starting point is 00:42:10 No, I'm too scared. What if he looks in my room? Hello, Santa Claus here. Oh no, he's here. Hi, I'm coming to the gym. How could Santa Claus actually be here? Hope there's no one too scared. I'm scared, Bommie.
Starting point is 00:42:24 It's okay. Oh, Santa? Hi, everybody. Santa Claus here. And I have wonderful toys for everyone. A goldfish for you. Ooh, a good toy. Yes, a stuffed goldfish.
Starting point is 00:42:38 I don't suppose you have anything for me, stuffed goldfish. I'm suppose you have anything for me, Santa. I do. What? But I'm an adult. I know check out your hinge profile What a husband That's G. All right All right PG
Starting point is 00:42:59 No, no, no, no, D 13. PG 13. Excuse me. Remember your idea. Yeah 13, BG 13 excuse me. Remember your idea? Yeah. Okay. Okay. I can't see the difference between them. Because why I said BG, it's a BG 13. All right.
Starting point is 00:43:14 Honey, shit, you have to go to bed or Santa won't come. I really don't want to dammit. Well, why don't you want to go to bed? I'm afraid. What if he comes and looks in my room? I mean, I hope Santa looks in my room a little bit. Oh, fuck! That's your one.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah, but none of you can say it. Santa? Santa? Hi, everyone, it's me Santa Claus. Oh, I have wonderful toys for you. Wow, what is that? Uh, this is K.Y. Jelly. What?
Starting point is 00:43:48 That must be for my mom. She's in menopause. Yeah, pretty dry. Oh, okay, here you go. Sorry, I got it mixed up. Like the salad. That's it. Oh, really?
Starting point is 00:43:57 What's been going on? Nothing. Oh, well, check out your grinder profile. Oh, grinder. Okay. Merry Christmas, Santa. And scene. Okay, now are the fuck are you doing up?
Starting point is 00:44:17 I'm not ever fucking going to bed, Mom. I told you I was gonna run away of Santa ever try to still look in my room again. You piece of shit. Get your fucking ass to bed right now. Cocksucker! They're a bit full. There you go, your boyfriends back.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Oh, really? He's my boyfriend? Yeah. Here, I'll take off my blouse. That's what I do with my boyfriend. Look at those tits. Santa? Yeah, it's me, Santa.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Oh my. I have gifts for you. Here's a vibrator. All right. Oh my goodness. Here, here's porn hub. porn hub. The West. Yeah, you're gonna have the internet. Santa. There you go. You do it. Yeah, but oh, you don't even
Starting point is 00:44:54 have an internet connection here. What's going on? Santa, your butt flaps open. says your dick flap. Hope these pants are on backwards. Wait, did Santa shit? Yeah, I shit. Sadness shits. I'm so weird about that. That's disgusting. No challenge had ever seen this. And seen. We did it. Wow. That was perfect. That was fine. That was perfectly no notes. None taken. All right Well, I loved it and I wish you were in Christmas and happy new year. Let's do one more. All right Okay, more on topic more on more on topic a more on topic. Yeah, let's see being dumb. Okay. I don't think they think about that honestly
Starting point is 00:45:43 Hi honey. Oh, hey, you're back early. Do you want to go to Fairyland? I do. I thought you never asked. We haven't gone since we got married. Yeah, let's go to fair. I mean, it'll be so fun. I mean, there's the dragons and the unicorns. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:46:02 Welcome to Fairyland. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Mortals. Welcome. Do we need our passports? No, passports are necessary in fairy land. That's how it's been told since we've been here. Yeah, I thought we were supposed to like sign in with the QR code. Yeah. No, no, no, that is the mortal realm. Oh, that's right. That's right. This is fairy land. Here in fairy land, you sign in with a dream and a wish. Oh, I've got mine. I've got my dream. I don't have my wish.
Starting point is 00:46:28 Okay, well, I say my dream. You can think of your wish. Okay. My dream is to create a world where no child has ever had cavities. Sounds like a wish. And you, mortal. My wish is to create a world where lots of children have cavities because I'm a dentist. And my wish is to have a million dollars.
Starting point is 00:46:45 See the difference? Oh, I see, and I wish to have her million dollars after she gets. You made two wishes, you didn't have a dream. Uh-oh. Oh no. What happens now, Fairy? Oh no, what happens now?
Starting point is 00:46:56 Which is coming to Finland? Oh, what then? Oh no, it's the sky's turning green. Oh no. Well, it's not too scary. Oh yeah, yeah, it's just green. It's just green sky. Which is a little different. The clouds are pink. The sky's green. It doesn't feel normal. We're not in no lot of danger. We can just leave the clouds up pink. The sky is green. The clouds
Starting point is 00:47:16 up pink. The sky is green. The clouds up pink. The sky is green. The clouds up pink. The sky is green. The green. Oh my gosh. I'm going to poke you. Ow, my butt. Ow, my wrist. Ow, my elbow. Ow, my eye. And I'll keep that. Seen.
Starting point is 00:47:35 And PG 13. Hi, honey. Hey, you're back early from your date with that woman? Yeah. Sticking together or not. You know, I got any answers honestly the date made me realize some things what really that I love you and I want to go to fairyland with you. Oh my god I've been waiting for these words for so many years. We haven't gone in so long
Starting point is 00:47:59 We've just since we've been married. I know we I mean, but you know, I'm tired all the time and but let's just go Let's go welcome fucking mortals Hi, we haven't been in so long do we need passports or yeah, do you? QR codes DMV issued license or anything like what are we so need passports? You just have to show me your underwear Oh, no problems here, Yoink. Uh, I am going commando. Not again. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Well, I was on the date. Marry me. Easy access, baby. That's disgusting. We're trying an open marriage because we've been having issues. Yeah, we try to need your life story. Oh, here in Fairyland. Well, do you need that shit to yourself? Oh, okay?
Starting point is 00:48:46 All right, so do I get to go in and he doesn't? Yes Come to this guy's turning green. What's going on? Oh? No, an evil witch is coming. God damn it The witch What watch this stab. Oh my stomach. No blood, but ow it hurts.
Starting point is 00:49:09 You still like your idea of an open marriage. You're the witch this whole time? I'm punished. Shit, my eye, you dick. Seen. And rated R. rated R. rated R. Fuck. Okay, honey.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Oh, great. You're so happy to see me. Hey, it's what is it? How was your date with that slut? She blew me. Oh, good. I'm so though we're so open and honest about this. I know, but look, I didn't enjoy it. Oh, even better.
Starting point is 00:49:41 A torturous blowjob from an ugly slut. What do you mean, well, you can be home with your wife. A different ugly slut. Well, we haven't gone to Fairyland. She said the title. She said the title. You want to go to Fairyland, really? That's how I've been hoping for it.
Starting point is 00:49:56 I didn't expect it from you, but if we could go, maybe it would fix everything. You know, make a wish, make a dream, something good happen. We haven't been to Fairyland since we were growing up as kids. I know, but I wish. Maybe it'll rekindle some sort of spark between us. Let's try it. Oh, no, these cuts. Oh, this fucking bitch.
Starting point is 00:50:12 I remember her from her. I remember her. Yes. Oh my God. I always asked for a fucking passport. Well, Willie. Oh, yeah. And that's not all I'll give you. Oh, gee.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Oh, why did you just do her? Okay. She put you that's my wife. We're having problems. We're still married. We're trying to make it work. He said he just got a blowy from some nasty little lady out in the world.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Some nasty little sword. Some nasty little slur- who I told him he could go out with because I approved her image on an app. And you are watching this the whole time. Okay, we do a sort of thing with the fucking camera on the phone. Yeah, this is making me hard. And I don't have genitals. Oh, your skin is really hard.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Okay, well, look, what do we, what do we just show? What do we do? Generally hard, let me try to shoot you. What do we do? Why do you have guns? I told you to stop carrying that around. You're gonna end up killing someone. I'm holding it sideways.
Starting point is 00:51:01 I'm really cool. Wow. What do we have to do to get in here? Let's see You have to you don't even know How many people come through here every day and you don't know nobody fucking I take it show a qr show our passport You got a fuck right in front of me. Oh, I can't do it. I think we should get divorced
Starting point is 00:51:22 Instead of fucking in front of this What are you again? I fucking fairy dickhead. You're perverted freak is what you are. Maybe I am. And you're under arrest. What? Yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 00:51:34 We're not having marital problems. We're not even married. We had created a scene at our house to build a backstory and come get your ass. You knew I was watching? Yes. You're always watching. Ain't you working off?
Starting point is 00:51:45 Yeah, that's why you're arrested. Click, click, you're under arrest. Oh, fuck. Now get in this little satchel. Get in it, bitch. Can I go? Steam. Steam. Ah, ah, ah late. Got her Q late.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Got her Q late. Got her Dyn. Hello, I'm got her Q late. Mm-hmm. Well, that's gonna be it. That's fine. That's gotta be it. That's gotta be it.
Starting point is 00:52:14 Again, our email address is We're on the socials at 3MUSA. And if you'd like to call us, leave a voicemail. The number is, Hague claims eight. That's right. And look, I have a show coming up with my other show, Scott hasn't seen.
Starting point is 00:52:30 It's August 19th, the Dynasty typewriter in LA. And look, you know, we're gonna watch Mama Mia. Here we go again and do a podcast about it. Special Routing screening. Oh, that means to you. That's right. Rout is screening.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And you can watch my old improv shows that have passed on the video vault at www.davitsd�凯特.com. They've passed on, but they're still available to watch. And I'm sure I'll have a show coming up. Check my Insta and be sure to attend. Mm, and me. Well, I've got a show with my old friends,
Starting point is 00:53:02 Super Ego, we are reuniting. Whoa, we haven't had to show good. In a while, it does feel so good. We're gonna do a Forgotten Classics at Dynastotype Rider August 24th. Oh, that's just five days after my show. I know, and it'll be live and live streamed. In my Sloppy's Seconds.
Starting point is 00:53:19 Yeah, that's what we asked for. We have not revealed yet which book we are going to be doing, but I forgot in classics is where we improvise a book that none of us have ever read using only the first line the last time. How do you check in the names of the characters? If you've never read them, do you just have a list of every book?
Starting point is 00:53:38 Yeah, we have a list of every book. That you've ever read. Yeah, we live in the Library of Congress. Oh, wow. So we'll be doing some tweets to the way I haven't read. And then of course September 10th at a law dream, it's me and Nicole Parker doing our first ever variety show together called something for everyone. And then it's going to be a lot of fun. Go to Paul F. slash live for tickets or else we should say. Yeah, or else. Yeah, or else you're in trouble.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Yeah. I mean, Paul, you vowed retribution to anyone who didn't buy ticket, didn't you? Yeah. I mean, that was something that I thought we were just keeping amongst ourselves. Oh, sorry to buy your spot. Yeah. When I when I took my retribution, but okay, now, you know, I mean, you're on notice. you don't come to my show. I'm gonna murder you. Yeah. And so if you're dead, it's because of Paul. If you're dead, you must be dead.
Starting point is 00:54:32 Drop dead, that is. All right. Well, we'll see you next time. And that's all I'm sure of. We didn't even see you this time. We imagine every episode. Every episode, we imagine every single one of them. We hold hands in a circle and we picture all of your faces.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And you are a good looking bunch. Oh my God, you're so handsome and beautiful. Oh my goodness. Goodbye. Bye. I don't think I want you to be like... Hear us!

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