Threedom - There's Nothing But Death For You Here

Episode Date: September 14, 2023

Lauren, Paul and Scott talk about the bible, getting tattoos, and listen to some voicemails! Follow us on social media @threedomusa. Send Threetures and emails to Leave us a vo...icemail at 424-252-4678 (HAG-CLAIMS-8).

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Starting point is 00:00:00 3D! Light them! Now you're late. Oh no, this is a disaster. Alright, gotta get ready. 3D! Oh, you're late. Damn it!
Starting point is 00:00:10 This time, I'm absolutely going to nail it. 3D! Paul, you're off your game. Boy oh boy, what happened to me today? I don't know, would you eat for lunch? In the last week since we've seen each other, I ate for lunch, seven hot dogs. Seven hot dogs every day. 55 hamburgers.
Starting point is 00:00:32 55. So you had 49 hot dogs. Wow. Yeah. It's a lot of hot dogs. If you think about it, to eat? That's true. No, to have around the house?
Starting point is 00:00:41 Sure. It's a good amount. Do you know what? It's a lot of hot dogs to just see. 49 hot dogs? I don't think I could fit 49 in my eyeballs. I would be like, I gotta close these things. The fuck are you, oh you mean seeing them?
Starting point is 00:00:55 Seeing them, yeah. I thought you meant trying to cram hot dogs into your eyeballs. I've tried to get it. Why? Because there's these little tiny cracks in your eyes that things can fit in if you try real hard? What are you talking about? This guy's crazy. The corners of your here, let me poke you.
Starting point is 00:01:09 No. It's not a crack in my eye. Our eyes are so delicate and it's freaky. Isn't it crazy that they're just out there all the time? It's scary. It's like when I had that speck of dust when I walked through the construction site and a speck of dust Went into my eye and I had to wear that eye patch for like months
Starting point is 00:01:28 All right, and then I remember like somebody tried to pull that speck of dust out and they had a plank in their own eye Yes, and you were like you're a hypocrite And it was Jesus Christ also, you know what? If you have a plank in your eye I know like when we're trying to get a speck of dust out of somebody else's eye, I think you're being very nice. Yeah. It's a nice thing to do.
Starting point is 00:01:50 I mean, like I'm assuming he's at work, he's an ophthalmologist or something. Nobody wants a speck of dust in their eye. Do you think if, is the idea, hold on, it's got, I'm on a tear here. Is the idea in the Bible that you're pulling a speck out of your neighbor's eye for aesthetic reasons. Yeah, you're like, please is you. This doesn't fit in with the HOA.
Starting point is 00:02:10 No, I don't personally know this story. It's not even a story. Have you ever read the Bible? No. Oh, you got not even part of it. I've read part of it when I was on a podcast that Dan Klein did where they read the Bible. When I read it was the only to read the Bible. You've ever read. Well, sure, I've read passages here and there I guess. Which passages? I don't really know.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I know you're up there. I'll just out of sight, walk, climb. This is interesting to me as someone who didn't grow up religious. Yeah. It doesn't come up a lot. What occasion would you have? Like someone's wedding where they have a paper that
Starting point is 00:02:44 has like a thing in it or like without love. I am like a clanging on. Yeah. Isn't that really? Um, yeah. And I mean, it just doesn't come up much at all, I would say, you know. It's funny how little the Bible comes up in your life if you are not actively trying to insert it in life.
Starting point is 00:03:02 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Is the, okay so Christiane, my theory on it is. Oh, no, here we go. The worst part about it is the part where they, because I remember just being at church and going like, hey, this is all cool until like around 10 or something when the 10 p.m., yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:20 Suddenly the freaks would come out. The freaks, the fun at night. To. No, it's not fun at night. To church. To church. To church. No, at like 10 years old, I remember one of the pastor saying, okay, it's not good enough that you are a Christian. Part of being a Christian is you have to go actively recruit all the time.
Starting point is 00:03:45 And if you know anyone who's not a Christian, you have to convince them to be one, or else you can't hang out with them anymore. It's okay not to do that. I think it's normal. I'm not doing that. That's like the root of all the problems in like religious, you know, behavior, I think is the evangelizing part of it. How many people do you think that are,
Starting point is 00:04:09 this is, people are gonna get a metaphysa this. Uh-oh, but people that are true Christians that actually are compassionate, loving people as opposed to just what feels like very American Christianity, which is like just judgment. We're right. That's what, yeah. It seems like it all is, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:29 If you're not a Christian, you're a bad person. Like how many people do you think that are Christ-like? I mean, not even Christ was like that, because he cursed that victory. No. He hated that victory. He was, he was angry. And he was angry.
Starting point is 00:04:43 It's the first recorded instance of hangar. Oh. You should have coined the term. Do you know the story? No. This one I know. He's walking down the street just the other day. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:55 He's hungry. He goes to a fig tree. I think this is at a point where he's like, he's over the whole thing. I think I'm gonna be crucified. Yeah. Okay. So it's not going well. It's kind of sinking in. He's like this whole plan. He's like this whole plan. He's like the whole thing. I think I'm gonna be crucified. Yeah. Okay, so it's not going well. It's kind of sinking in here.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He's like this whole plan. He's like this whole plan. He's like this whole plan. And so he's in the middle. I feel like in this, this is my hazy recollection of this. He's in the middle of getting something less than about something.
Starting point is 00:05:16 He's full of righteous anger. And then he's hungry. He wants to get a fig from this fig tree. Fig tree doesn't have any figs on it. So he fucking curses it to wither and never bear fruit again. And I think the fig tree is a metaphor for a woman. Wow.
Starting point is 00:05:36 How much of a thing does that? I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult.
Starting point is 00:05:44 I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for the first insult. I'm surprised for of this one. You're staying out of it because we have, I simply don't know. Well, I know we have religious listeners, and I think religion's fine if you want to do it. And just keep it to yourself. That's my tip on religion. But it is, of course the thing is, you're trying to, the idea is,
Starting point is 00:06:02 you're trying to save people by converting them to Christianity. Yeah. Here it is, the parable of the barren fig tree. Not to be confused as parable of the budding fig tree. There's even too fig related. Never heard of it. But I wouldn't get confused because they have very different abilities. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:20 Wait a minute. This is parable, not that Jesus did it himself. Oh Does he oh he talks about it as if someone else did it? A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard then he came looking for fruit on her found that so he said to the gardener See here for three years. I've come looking for for see here see I don't know the he said that the fruit of this fig tree and still I find none cut it down Why should be wasting the soil he replied sir, let it alone for one more year until I dig around it and put manure on it.
Starting point is 00:06:49 That bears fruit next year well in both the newer and the Bible. I just don't believe he said any of the stuff that you're saying it feels kind of like this. This sounds like the one about the budding victory. Yeah, cause that one I know really well. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:07:06 Like when I just put up Jesus curse, it auto completes to the fig tree. So you read it. Okay, I will. Here we go. This is from Mark 11, 12 through 25. Thank you, Mark. The next day is they were leaving Bethany.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Jesus was a Bethany. By the, by the, by the, is it written? By the... Is it written? By the... Is it written in sarcastic tone? I think so, yeah. Okay, the way you're reading it. All the nitelics.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in a leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves because it was not the season for figs. Well, that makes it worse. Yeah. it's not even the season for figs Then he said to the tree may no one ever eat fruit from you again And he is and guess what his disciples heard him say
Starting point is 00:08:00 He said it to the tree People heard him. Stupid tree. Yeah, like he was like, I mean, no one bare for me. Everyone's like, what? Nothing. Okay, I feel like you said something. Did you hear what he said?
Starting point is 00:08:15 Did you hear what he said? Did you talk you in that tree? He cursed that tree. It's an inanimate object. It's just a tree, dude. Yeah, get over it. It's not even a not season. What did you expect? Do you think this alone, I think, invalidates Christ as worthy of founding a religion upon?
Starting point is 00:08:34 Yeah. And I would say they talk about how he's never sinned. That's a sin. I think that's a sin. That counts. Rath. Yeah. If that's not a wrath, what is? What is wrath? Curcing someone is a sin? I mean, just do, like, not getting, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just, I'm just wondering.
Starting point is 00:08:55 I'm just asking questions. Not getting what you want. I'm just trying to investigate. Not getting what you want for no fault of the other thing and then, and then enacting consequences because you didn't get what you wanted. That is a sin. Because you were acting without the proper information, that's on you.
Starting point is 00:09:15 And by the way, fig trees are not just there to give everyone figs all the time. No. No. Although did people own trees back then? No, you weren't allowed. Yeah. Render them to Caesar. What a No, you weren't allowed. Yeah. Render them to Caesar. What a Caesar!
Starting point is 00:09:27 Caesar owned the trees. Okay. Caesar owned the trees. Caesar made the salad. That was a commercial for when I was a kid. He's kid commercials. Who made the salad? Caesar made the salad.
Starting point is 00:09:38 I had a great Caesar salad yesterday. Oh my god, tell us everything. A good Caesar salad is really good. You know, it really is. And when it's really mixed, you know, the dressing's really tossed almost like every single segment has dressing on it. Do you like the choves? Do I like a chowd?
Starting point is 00:09:55 Do you like a chowd? And Chovies, you know what? I never would notice or complain if they're in there. It's not the kind of thing that I'm really worried about. I never think about it. If they're like finally chopped up. I think it's tiny, tiny, tiny. I'm fine with it.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I always stayed away from them because they look like worms. When they look at little slugs, yeah. Oh no, I don't eat that. But then I... I don't think it's coming up for you. When I worked at, of course, Cafe Cordial. Oh my God. They made little slugs. They made them with the full anchovies in there
Starting point is 00:10:24 and they were delicious. And so I said, you know what, this is good. Paul's in disbelief that that hasn't really come up for me, but I don't know that it served that way that way. I'm in disbelief. Yeah. You looked at me with it. Don't curse her.
Starting point is 00:10:34 It's beyond the fact that she's in it. It's beyond the fact that she's in it. It looks at me with very, very eyes. Uh-uh, didn't happen. Wrong. False. I think they... I wouldn't memorize that whole super cut.
Starting point is 00:10:46 Yeah. What is it? It's a super cut of Jonathan Freak's hosting our... We did have fun as well. A couple episodes ago. I want to memorize it so I can do the entire thing. You should, because it's really funny. How long is it?
Starting point is 00:10:59 It's 15 minutes long. How long do you think you could do right now? 17 minutes. 15 more? I can do 18 minutes. I can add a couple more. How much of pie could you recognize? How much of pie could you memorize if you had to? A few times.
Starting point is 00:11:14 Here's what I have to do. You have to go under your head 3.14 the end. That's it. It should end there. You know what I mean? What are we doing guys? It doesn't. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:24 What do we get out of pie? It but it doesn't, you know. What a, by the way, what do we get out of pie? What is that for? It doesn't, there's no person. What is it exactly? It's got its own symbol and shit. Oh, radius. No, by the way.
Starting point is 00:11:38 It's like, hey, point Dexter, I'm okay here, just say three or four. I don't need something in between. Why did that one character on season two of the wire have a tattooed on the back of his neck? He did? Never seen that. So when you were having sex with him.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Escobar. I almost said Pablo Escobar. The Pablo Omar. He is the brother of another famous actor. What? Tom Cruise. You know how he's seen it? He's a public cruise.
Starting point is 00:12:09 Wait, there is a public cruise. There is, yeah, the band. I can't believe I'm playing in his last name. And now trying to place, trying to place his more famous brother. Well, but I can't remember his Pablo Wire character. Thank you. Okay can't remember his Pablo wire character. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:12:28 Okay. That should get you right there. Nick Sobacca. Nick Sobacca, play by, play by Pablo Schreiber. Schreiber! Oh, I was like, Kama!
Starting point is 00:12:40 Oh! I worked with him on Orange's New Black. But I've never seen them on the wire. I worked with him on the New Black. I was like, he has an Orange's, the New Black. You worked with him on Orange's new black, but I've never seen the wire. I worked. I was selling oranges the new black. You worked with him on what now? I worked with him on a independent film and it was a brief scene where I was, it was a brief nudity where I showed my penis for one second.
Starting point is 00:13:02 But people could freeze on it. No, it was unfreezeable. That's I that was in my contract Okay, I'm afraid getting gone girl like he should have put that in his Kevin Bacon and wild things Bruce Willis in the color of night Three major penises in sediments. I dance in a three-minute a little late. I don't remember that what? You're ever seeing Ted Dancer's dick and three men and a little late. I don't remember that. What? You remember saying, Ted Danson's dick and three men in a little lady. Yeah, I've been a very exact guy.
Starting point is 00:13:31 He could have heard walks in on him in the bathtub. It's just casual. Like a periscope. They're just hanging out chatting. Yeah. It's still like a sexy scene. Yeah. And then Ted Danson starts just like playing with the bubbles and you briefly see his penis
Starting point is 00:13:49 So he reveals it. What were we oh works? So I played a James Lipton type interviewer who's interviewing his character who is a famous actor and It was fun. That's fun. Um, I also interviewed him for that show speak easy that I used to do. And at the end, I accidentally called him. We have Shriver. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Oh no. I mortified. I don't like mix that up at all. He was of course, he was not pleased about that. And thankfully, the editors left it in. Oh, good for you. Like that didn't need to be in there. Why?
Starting point is 00:14:24 Why? What? They never, it never occurred. Like that didn't need to be in there. Why? What? They never, it never occurred to me that I would have to say, oh by the way, cut out the part where I called the guest the wrong name. Yeah, yeah. Oh my gosh. That's so annoying. They also, I wanted to pitch that as a TV show
Starting point is 00:14:36 and the editors put together a reel that did not include me in it. It was just all the guests. What? Like the guests can be on anything. Yeah, they already are. I don't get that. Yeah, I didn't get it either.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Neal's to say nothing you haven't. All right. But wait, so in the wire, he plays this blue collar, dude, Doc Quaker guy, right? Yes. And he has a... He's the cousin of Ziggy Subotka. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:02 That's right. The way we're in the whole year son of Nick's uncle Frank Subot. That's exactly correct. Okay. And we'll watch this someday and it'll all make sense. You've never seen a wire. Oh my God. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:15:11 You have too much in there. Oh my God. Oh my God. Newcomers, the wire. Guy, can you have me having to watch every, I mean, it's a great show. It's like eight seasons, I have to watch. What if you watch one episode of the season?
Starting point is 00:15:24 Yeah, we just like just figure we get it. Why do people like this? I think it's, I don't get that one. If I remember, it's four seasons of, the four seasons of 10 or 13 and then the fifth season is like six or eight. Six to nine. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:39 But he has the pie symbol tattooed in the back of his neck and is it actually on his body though? And maybe that's a good question and I don't know. But either his neck and is it actually on his body though and maybe that's a good question And I don't know But either way if it's actually his body cover that shit up Why would that character have that? Has it maybe that's what I'm saying Well, I'm gonna look up Pablo Shriver tattoo. Do none of us have tattoos?
Starting point is 00:15:58 I think we're the only tattooless podcast. Yeah That's incredible the only tattooless podcast. Yeah. That's incredible. The only tattooless podcast. It's pretty wild. Wait, stay-of-homekins is also a tattooless podcast. Okay. What about, I mean, I don't know. Add to Cart is not.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Bitch Sush, do we know if Casey and Daniel have tattoos? Good question, Yone. And I don't know. Hold on, hold on. There's a reddit thread. How we don't have tattoos? Halfway through season three. Wondering why Nick in season two has a pie tattoo on the back of his neck. There you go.
Starting point is 00:16:38 Oh my God, it's just deeper and deeper. Then a bunch of people just surmising things. I think it's cause this tiny minuscule detail is probably my biggest gripe with season two. Oh no, I sound like that person. I cannot, for the life of me, imagine a reason why Nick Sabaka would ever have a tattoo like this. Anyone know how hard it is to cover tattoos?
Starting point is 00:16:59 Oh my God. Jesus Christ. That's freaking out. But now we don't, so we don't know if the character, if it's the character tattoo or the actor's tattoo. We don't know. I don't, I don't know that we'll ever know. Well, why don't you look up actor, me, him?
Starting point is 00:17:13 I did. Plus tattoos. And that's what came up. And then I looked at one thing and then I stopped. Well, then there was another picture of like, him in another role where he had like tattoos all over his body. Oh, I'm not sifting through all this shit.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Well, this is really hard to figure out. Yeah, I think you're out. You guys, you guys talk to each other and let me have a moment of peace while I. Oh, I don't know what to say. Lauren, how are you? I'm fine, how are you? Uh, well, the, uh, it's very hot. Oh, it's really hot out and it's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:17:40 It sucks. Dink right now. Oh my god. Look, Paul, we're really having a hard time without you. Can't you? Come on, Paul. Get back here. We need you, Paul. Okay. I'm miles away. Scott, will you ever go horseback riding again?
Starting point is 00:17:56 I really enjoyed it when I did it last. Last time we did it. Oh, no, no. The last time we did it was that, yeah. So, yeah, I would. Yeah. Yeah, at the wine tasting thing where I hurt my ankle. Right. But it wasn't from the horse. No, no, I told the story like it was going to be from the horse and it was me stepping in a hole. Yes, yes. Yes. Would you ever go horseback?
Starting point is 00:18:15 I haven't been to horseback riding in many, many years. Probably since I was 14, but I recently saw some pals on Instagram were on the trail in Griffith Park, instead it was really fun. And then we were talking about going. I would be interested. I'm a little nervous, because they- That's trails in Griffith Park. I mean, I've hiked up them and stuff like that. It feels like a horse goes-
Starting point is 00:18:36 But do horses go on those- Yeah, like when you're hiking, sometimes you'll have to get- Oh, I don't wanna do that at all, where if there's like a drop off- Yeah, that's right, go. No, no, no, I wanna go on the do that at all. Or if there's like a drop off. Yeah, that's right. No, no, no. I want to go on the baby truck.
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like a rattlesnake comes up, the horse goes, woohoo! You're a new fall to your death. I don't want to go on that. I wonder how many people have died that way on Griffith Park horses. I think a thousand a day. Okay, that's really high right.
Starting point is 00:18:56 It's worse than the COVID vaccine. I've said this before and I'll say it again. Horses are so fucking big. Why are they so scared of things that are so much smaller than they are? I know, just step on it. Just step on it or walk away. Yeah. It should be the bigger horse. Maybe they know it. Maybe they know it's poisonous. The rattle is there so that you leave. The rattle is like, Hey, I can't control myself. Maybe all horses have
Starting point is 00:19:18 been bitten by a rattlesnake once in their life. And that's why they're like, Oh, not this again. For a lot of sense. What did you find out about? Public Shriver is a skilled Canadian American entertainer. The cast of candy is most popular for his depiction of Nick Sabaka on the wire. Also the entertainer showed up in law and order special victims, Internet American gods. Shriver got a primetime Emmy assignment for outstanding guest actor, Nodrama series for his job in Orange is the new black assignment.
Starting point is 00:19:46 Pablo has likewise been a piece of Broadway shows and his presentation made up a chosen one for a Tony award. Does Pablo Shriver have any tattoos and their meaning? Candy actor explored Pablo Shriver allegedly has no tattoos right now. He has no tattoos that could uncover a specific significance. Shriver has a decent constitution and frequently share shirtless pictures on a few web-based entertainment.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Oh, good. Notwithstanding, no tattoos have been seen till now. Bobble has additionally never discussed needing tattoos in the future. Needing with the media yet. We are additionally not certain about how affectionate Pablo is of tattoos. In any case, the entertainer has a late feature in the Hulu unique TV series named Candy. The show includes a genuine wrongdoing miniseries that recounts the narrative Candy Montgomery.
Starting point is 00:20:39 The show has been eagerly awaited and the fans can hardly hold back to watch the show. The show will deliver on the 13th of May, 2022, a progression of genuine occasions in live in the plot of the show. Shriver is featured close by a few well-known entertainers in this show. Up until this point, the show's trailer has been delivered and it has previously figured out
Starting point is 00:20:58 how to get the notice of many individuals. The trailers figured out. Meet Pablo Shriver, new girlfriend on Instagram. Pablo Shriver seems by all accounts to be single all the present time. Not the last he was recently hitched to Jessica Manti. They have two youngsters together. They single all the time of that. I was standing there as doc the Pablo separated from a significant other and has been single for quite a while. According to his web based entertainment, the entertainer appears to be single right now.
Starting point is 00:21:26 He has not posted an image with somebody who could be his soulmate. I have this image of someone who could be my soul. He's frequently post pictures with his companions and his two children on his first entertainment accounts. Pablo Shriver net worth. Virtual entertainment accounts. Yeah, like Instagram.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Pablo Shriver net worth explore Pablo Shriver's assessed total assets is 4 million as per the Sun. The entertainer has been essential for a few calling up the adventure. He's in his profession for million hours. Really go, oh, wait, this is the last, this is the last paragraph. Schreiber is exceptionally capable and has been in media outlets for quite a while now. Considering his fruitful acting vocation, it isn't stunning that Pablo has aggregated a powerful amount of cash all through his profession. Pablo is by all accounts living serenely with his vocation income. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:13 What? I believe that AI is putting us in a big business. So good he can live serenely. Yeah. I love that. That's a nice. With my vocation income, I would love to live serenely. I know.
Starting point is 00:22:23 I know, but it does only work that way. These people think I'm the true deer. He wouldn't get a high tattoo, like his character wouldn't why because he's a stupid dock worker, like stupid people get dumb tattoos and stuff all the time. It's not that he's stupid, it's that there's nothing in the character that he doesn't talk about pie or he's different.
Starting point is 00:22:41 His birthday March 14th. Now that would make sense to me. What if he says to this in his first episode, you know my birthday March 14th. Now that would make sense to me. What if he sends to his first episode? You know my birthday, March 14th, and no one has put it together. You know my birthday, three. They have to my birthday. Three period, one for a period, blank the year I was born.
Starting point is 00:22:56 All right, we have to stick right. Okay. And we're back. And have you learned, have you ever thought about getting a tattoo? I recently sort of had the urge, like a couple of weeks ago, I was like thinking about that randomly. But I was like, but I really don't, I really don't know what it would be. And I really feel like I have to really like whatever it is, because I was like, but I really don't, I really don't know what it would be. And I really feel like I have to really like, whatever it is, like, I could see myself.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Because you wanted it like aesthetically somewhere. And you know, cool to have something there. Yeah, but I'm not even in a spot. It's more like I sort of understood people getting them more. And not that I don't understand it. But I mean, for me, it's always been like, I need to have a very specific thing. Other people are more indiscriminate about what they get, and I think that's also cool.
Starting point is 00:23:49 And I think once you get one, you're more open to getting up on chin, it's less like a big deal. But I think it would have to be very finely drawn, and I think it would have to be small, and I have to really like it. What about that dog? If it looked like a cartoon character. I should get that. Wow. I really wish I should get that. Like an artist rendering. Wow. I really wish I could see that dog. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:09 It didn't look good. It looked like if you turned it around, it's a brain would be like, blah, blah. You draw it? Yeah, draw it first. Okay. Um, do you guys have any of this funny looking dog in the church around his brain just fully exposed, falling out
Starting point is 00:24:25 Slide I've never I've never seriously thought about getting into tattoo probably the most I thought I ever gave it was When I was in my 20s and started to know people who had tons of tattoos and Thinking about what would it be but I never there was never any image That I could ever generate that was like yes, that's it. Yeah, I never, there was never any image that I could ever generate that was like, yes, that's it. Yeah. I think growing up, it was, it's so strange because I think growing up in a religious household, there are things that the Bible doesn't talk about that just my household considered
Starting point is 00:25:00 to be sins or whatever. And so getting a tattoo was like, I don't know whether it was considered a sin or something that you just shouldn't do. It was something that sinful people did. My family was really against it. My parents were like, oh, my mom was always like, you don't ever get a tattoo. Remember when I got like,
Starting point is 00:25:16 it was probably protecting us from getting teenage things or something, but I don't know. Maybe not. And one of the people at our church had one, he had an anchor, I believe, on his arm. Classic. Classic. And it was always like, anytime he would be in churchly,
Starting point is 00:25:30 as he would be like, oh my God, he has a tattoo. And my parents explained it away of like, oh, he was in the Navy. And that gigantic forearm. His legs are really big. His legs are really big too. Why is he wearing that? I mean, I mean, Brutus.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Oh, the time, Brutus. Oh, the time, Brutus. Oh, wow. Oh, hey, God. That is a great picture. I love it. That's a good picture. You should get a tattoo. Put on the street on page when this episode comes up.
Starting point is 00:25:55 I'll send it to you. There is also a thing of people that, there's so few people that have one tattoo. Yeah. Yeah. And I think it used to be like when you were in the Navy or something. You get one to be like, Hey, I'm in this group for whatever. Oh my God. When I was doing my doctor who I'm still in my doctor who have read doctor who how are you doing that in my vendor home?
Starting point is 00:26:16 I watched it on the plane. So it's a solo. It's a solo mission. Yeah. And then when I'm we call it we call it going to work. J's like well, we got to get back to work Punch the car we're in season five now. We just passed the New Orleans episodes legendary time in the show's history But the third doctor it's so funny that we watch so much reality and yet you picked a show that neither of us have seen I know it's kind of strange. I mean, I've seen the recent season That's a bit coin. That's a bit seen. I know, it's kind of strange. I mean, I've seen the recent season. That's a bit coined. That's a bit coined, so that's calling it.
Starting point is 00:26:48 So I know the people he's talking about, I just don't know the story. You know what the scandal ball is and don't tell me. And I have seen clips from the past of things happening, but I have just vague notions of what. When they show it's like black and white, but then there's one thing in color. Yeah, yeah, that's their, that's something to their flashbacks.
Starting point is 00:27:05 So the third doctor, his first episode, but man named John Pertwee was the actor, who was in World War II. And his first episode has a scene where he is trying to hide from some people, so he takes off his clothes and he gets in a shower in this locker room. And you see like,
Starting point is 00:27:24 that's how I like to hide from people to do. This is fucking, it puts on a shower cap. And he's like, singing you song, yeah. Like scrubbing in the show, like if you were running away, you wouldn't be the person doing it. I mean, they're not chasing him,
Starting point is 00:27:36 they're just looking for him. Okay. Right. So, but you see, the guy we were looking for had clothes on. You see, not only does he have like, take a shower. He has like a tattoo on his arm, right he was in the he was like the merchant Marines right
Starting point is 00:27:50 But you also see like kind of his upper ass like you see his tan line and the white of his Whatever so does this I gotta check this out time stamp. It's so weird It's very very that is we're wiki. Yeah, what year is that there's wiki ass of course This was the It's very, very weird. That is weird. Is there a wiki? What year is that? There is wiki, yes, of course. This was the late 60s, yeah. That's crazy. That's crazy. Yeah, that's pretty shocking.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Yeah. And they never explained the tattoo away. I'm like, oh, the doctor got a tattoo. Or was he regenerated? He regenerated. And what I got a tattoo? Can you imagine? You know, a whole new body and there's a tattoo.
Starting point is 00:28:20 Already on there? I think the doctor ever regenerated as a baby. And then, and then like 30 years later, we catch up with him and he's a tattoo already on there. I think that Dr. Everry Generated is a baby. And then like 30 years later, we catch up with him and he's whoever he is. I would like to live a whole life. I show starring a toddler. I would not mind that. But it's just doing normal toddlers, though.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Yeah, yeah. All right. Okay, I'll do that. I think that waiting for him to grow up, so he saves the world. That actually is a good Dr. Who episode. It is like he regenerates. And he's a baby and it's like, oh no.
Starting point is 00:28:44 He did one time become so old that he became a tiny little creature. I don't know. Is there really no episode where he's a baby? No. That feels like, come on. What are we doing? Well, there's like eight billion episodes
Starting point is 00:28:57 that feels like they would have eventually gotten there. I think we have seen him in flashbacks as a child or they I should say as a child. Yeah, but I don't think as a baby, maybe not. as a child, or they, I should say, as a child. But I don't think it's a baby, maybe not. Well, yeah, the original, well anyway, we're getting away in the week. But so the different doctors all represent one person.
Starting point is 00:29:15 Yeah, but every time, the same person, same person, yeah, every time they die. Oh, I thought it was just like, we're re-telling the story with a woman now, and it's this, no, it's like a clever thing where like the first doctor who had to have to bolt. And so they were like, we don't wanna end the show, right? And so.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah, he was getting a little too frail to do the show anymore. So they came up with the idea of regeneration, which is that it'll be the same character, but he'll just look different. Uh-huh. And so, and it's, Gene, although they set a number on it, that seemed unobtainable at the time is like 14 or something like 12. 12. It's never going to never going to reach 12.
Starting point is 00:29:51 12 doctors. And they passed 12 already and had to justify it. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, it's it's a very in and in fact, when Reggie left comedy bang bang, we were considering him regenerates into whoever the need for the first one. But we liked the episode we came up with. Yeah, yeah. Well, you liked it. But you don't have regrets about it.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I did not that episode. No, we're not regrets. And then do you have a tattoo you want to give? No, so I just, I also think that, okay, growing up in the 80s, I also feel like the Nancy Reagan thing of like just say no, People make fun of it, but I also think it kinda worked in a way because people would offer me drugs
Starting point is 00:30:29 and be like, oh no thanks. Instead of ever getting guilted into it, it was like, no. And so- I couldn't be just say no thank you. I know. A little bit of manners never hurt you. Say no bitch.
Starting point is 00:30:41 Yeah. People are always trying to destroy your life. Sometimes they're like offering you. Yeah, they're just trying to give you a no bitch. Yeah, people are trying to like people are always trying to destroy your life. Sometimes they're like they're like offering you a good time. Yeah, really. But yeah, so I never wrote goat. I never even throat goat. You guys miss this? No, no, no. Think about Nancy Reagan.
Starting point is 00:30:58 No, what about her? She used throat coat. Throat goat. She was the goat of all throats Like legendarily oh that's right. Yes. Oh, I did your that I've never heard her throat coach referred to as throat goat Do that's because the time I can't believe I'm saying this to you the term goat was popularized until L.O. Cool J popularized no, they didn't call her that back then No, they didn't she's a throat goat no, cuz she would like she was really good
Starting point is 00:31:34 Got to get a blow up I'm gonna lie. We'll freak me out. How about another throat good? It's you. One of my ones on a throat though. Why would I have that noise after? Oh, do you think, oh no, he never got one. Do you think? Jimmy Stewart.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Oh, hey. He would probably sooner get one from Ronald Reagan than from his Reagan. He was playing. He was playing. I used to love Jimmy Stewart. I was a old cowboy. He was saying. I used to love Jimmy Stone. I was a whole cowboy. What was this poem?
Starting point is 00:32:07 It was the tripping on the 96 step or whatever. No. Okay, let me read it up. So I used to love Jimmy Stewart movies. Okay. Not fucking Jimmy Stewart himself. I wasn't in love with him. I was normal.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I wasn't obsessed. I didn't write letters to him. I did not show up at his house. Okay. But, you know, my parents constantly trying to figure out, you know, gifts for me that were thoughtful. And I feel bad because like, who knows what I was into at any particular time. Sure, very hard to do that.
Starting point is 00:32:39 So about the one of the guy blinking. Oh, gifts for the tea. I thought you were talking about a specific Jimmy Stewart poem. I think this guy is blinking. Oh, it's blinking twice. He's staring into the sun. So they got me this book that I'm looking at right now, Jimmy Stewart and his poems, and I'm just like,
Starting point is 00:33:02 I don't give a fuck about this guy's poetry. Jimmy Stewart and his poems. The top star like I don't give a fuck about this guy's poetry Stewart and his poems the top stop in the hotel and June in his mean like the devil is me Jesus. That's mean. I guess yeah, it's like a step video and he would he would read it on Carson all the time and it would be like the same poem. I don't know You want to hear it again? He would he would definitely read different poems because I'm looking at videos now. Well, this time I'll read a lot of Dracula.
Starting point is 00:33:28 How about that? I want to have this top step. Okay, Jimmy's doing Dracula go. Yeah, good evening. I want to suck your blood. I don't drink wine. Oh, I'm a bad. Lauren, Lauren, join us. Come on. It's only episode. Have fun. I've only really seen what's a wonderful.
Starting point is 00:33:52 It's a wonderful life. Yeah. That's, I mean, that's his best move. I know that empires in that. They're probably are. I mean, okay, so he goes. Interesting. He goes in that dance at night. at night with all the kids who are like, now do you think vampires are real? Yeah, I would say like in a crowd scene in a movie that was like that. 10% of the population. This is probably vampires.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Okay, what's more realistic to you? Aliens or vampires? More realistic. What's more likely to be something we're gonna encounter? Okay, I would say aliens are more realistic, although I'm not necessarily in the camp these days who are like, oh yeah, all these whistleblowers are telling the truth.
Starting point is 00:34:29 I think like they're all insane. But, the government. I think that's real. Okay, you think the government's insane? No. I so I think aliens are more real than vampires. I don't think there's any evidence of any vampires. I don't think there's any. I think there are more real than vampires. I don't think there's any evidence of any vampires. I don't think there's any.
Starting point is 00:34:48 I think there's any vampires. I, well, Janie and I were talking about the aliens last night. And she thinks, she's thinking like, I'm, she was saying, I'm starting to think they're actually going to come. Like they're actually going to be. And I said, I welcome them either way.
Starting point is 00:35:07 Either they're going to come and save us from ourselves, or they're gonna come and obliterate us. Isn't that saving us from ourselves? You know what? I will tell the aliens what I tell ants when they come into my house. There's nothing but death for you here. That's what you say to ants.
Starting point is 00:35:21 Until, give your ant telepathy to all your ant friends. There's nothing but death for you. You leave one alive and say, go tell the others. Yeah. I feel like the alien thing is sort of like the rapture. We're all like, oh, it's going to come. It's going to come. We're all going to die and it'll never happen.
Starting point is 00:35:44 Okay, but it might happen after we die. Oh, no. And then they get here and they all like, oh, it's gonna come, it's gonna come, we're all gonna die and it'll never happen. Okay, but it might happen after we die. Oh, no. And then they get here and they're like, oh, we waited just a while. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. And we're just going to die. We're just going to die.
Starting point is 00:35:54 We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die.
Starting point is 00:36:02 We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. We're just going to die. I'm on the golden record that they play for aliens. Yeah, they keep updating it, right? Yeah, they keep calling it back. And they put like long stuff, like it's like a long hour of just us, school shitting. Yeah, originally it was just stuff like lose yourself. It's all Eminem. Think, think, think.
Starting point is 00:36:16 I think it's 90% Eminem. And then the real time stuff up, and stuff about Eminem's. And stuff about Eminem. Which is why our episode will be up there. Yeah. Our Taste Test episode. That's right stuff about M&Ms. Which is why our episode will be up there. Yeah. Our Taste Test episode. That's right.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yep. It's on theme. It is on. What does they need? They need to be explained that out of the flavors are good. So when they get here, they don't waste their time trying every flavor. If we have done that as a service to the aliens, I'm proud. Do you think it was a waste of our time to try every flavor?
Starting point is 00:36:41 No, I'm just one of the best uses of time that we've ever had. Absolutely. I feel like we need to do more because there are a lot more flavors that we can get. They keep making them. What was the flavor that we all texted each other and we were like, Oh, look at this. A lot of Christ. Yes. Was it cut and scanned or something?
Starting point is 00:36:58 I don't remember. I don't remember. But we should definitely go seek that out. What if we went to Japan because they have even more flavors over there? They do. They have. Like, together as a family? Do they do a lot of M&Ms? They have a lot of KitKats.
Starting point is 00:37:10 They have a lot of KitKats. They must have a lot of M&Ms, right? I know. I don't remember seeing M&Ms. I don't know about M&Ms. I feel like. I don't know about M&Ms. But we could just go to like little Tokyo and like get some
Starting point is 00:37:21 KitKats. We could go make cat flavors. Can we look at our calendars? We're all going to go together. Oh, to figure out a time when we go to Japan? Yeah, let's go to our calendars right now. Little Tokyo. Little Tokyo.
Starting point is 00:37:34 How many kid cats do you have here? Okay, so what about tomorrow? No. That's bad for me. Bad for you? Yeah. Okay, what about the next day? This whole week's pretty rough. Yeah, I'm really happy. Okay, what about the next day? This whole week's pretty rough.
Starting point is 00:37:45 Yeah, I'm really happy. Okay, we'll go to next week. What about Labor Day? Maybe. Let's say maybe. Maybe on Labor Day? No, maybe. You know what?
Starting point is 00:37:55 Wait, what are we trying to get? I don't know. We just said we would go to Tokyo together. Yeah, let's just say maybe on Labor Day. Say maybe on Labor. Maybe on Bayer. Say maybe on Labor, maybe on Bayber. Maybe on Bayber, say the on Glover. Say the on Bayber.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Savion Glover, right? Probably. I don't think it's ever come up in conversation to me. I don't think anyone's ever mentioned him to me. Well, I'm proud to be the first. Yeah, that's great. The famous Ted Denson. Savion, the famous Ted Denson penis's great. The famous Tadensa. Savion, the famous Tadensa in penis.
Starting point is 00:38:27 He has a famous about his, yeah. He does have a penis, yeah. He's a famous penis. Well, yeah. Yeah, we know that now. I'm only free on Labor Day. I, yeah, I just can't determine that at this time, but yeah, I mean, sure, we've got seven a.m.
Starting point is 00:38:44 Yeah, we'll go at seven a.m. I think that would be really great. Seven a.m. What's true? It's too late. We just roll in a little Tokyo seven a.m. Where are you? What kind of candies do you have here?
Starting point is 00:39:00 Where are the funny M&Ms? They're so funny. Isn't it funny how the different things are funny? Yeah. It's kind of funny. Funny equals different. You're a simple man. I'm a simple man.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Funny equals different equals funny. Different equals funny. If I see a full of things that are the same and a fifth one's just different, I think that's all. Full of S. All right, we have to think about it. I have crossed the oceans of time. We find you. There's nothing but death for you here on this earth.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Hey, Leads. Oh, man, if Jimmy Stewart was in Independence Day, welcome to Earth. Welcome back. It's still freedom and you're still you. And guess what? It's time to listen to voicemails. You leave them. We listen to them. Yes. That's the deal. If you would like to send us a, if you would like to leave us a voicemail, don't send us one. Leave us one. Just leave us one. Leave a voicemail. Take a voicemail. You have to take one away from us. You do take one from us. And you answer it. If you would like to call us, you can of course call us at hagg claims eight. It's great. All right. This is from... Oh, I'll let him say who he is by, uh, yeah, well, I'll let him tell you. Hi guys, I'm Ben. I'm one of your pizzeus little piggies.
Starting point is 00:40:30 I really love your show. Um, but my question is, what is the most dangerous thing you have either done or been a part of? Uh, when I was 14, I got a pitfork stuck in my leg. Uh, when I worked on it, it was a big, rusty metal pitch fork and I used to have to get q-tips, huckin in the hole to make sure that it was healing. It's fun time. Anyways, have a great day guys. That's been, I'm assuming that's Ben Solo. I feel like that was good. Yeah, otherwise known as Kylo Ren. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm deeply familiar with that. Um, stupid thing you were done like that. Like that kind of thing. Or like most dangerous stupidest. Ben, you heard it. Lauren's calling you stupid.
Starting point is 00:41:14 Most dangerous thing. If you stick you tips in the holes, they're not going to heal up stupid. Oh my god. Oh, my god. The hose again. Most dangerous thing. God. I'm sure there's many. I just have to think about it. Well, I know I've told this story before, but one time I was trying to assemble and I key a case, a bookcase, and of course I did it wrong the first time to take it apart. Did it fall on you like Howard's End? What? I don't remember that for Howard's End. Isn't that how the whole climax of the movie not to give spoilers for Howard's End, but they're in. Oh, it's so good, Paul, you've never seen Howard's End not to give spoilers for Howard's end, but they're in how oh it's so good Paul
Starting point is 00:41:45 You've never seen Howard's end. I just know the story, but I didn't know about a book. Oh my god Howard's end is so good That's less talking to me. We've kind of seen it because of the inheritance Yeah, we also the inheritance I love the inheritance. Yeah, although we were you know know what, we were talking the other day, Paul, you were in character, saying that plays that were split up and took all day should be illegal. And then the first thing that pops in my head was,
Starting point is 00:42:13 did he not like the inheritance? I forget. Oh, as it was all that way, right? Yeah, I had to really. Yeah, yes, yes, yes, yes. Well, of course, he wouldn't like it. Yes, of course, anyway. But I was in my, this is, I was in my 30s,
Starting point is 00:42:28 so this is not good. 39? No, not quite there. Okay. But I, in order to dig out one of those little wooden dowels, one of those little wooden pegs that you always have either too many of, or not enough of, I used a Swiss army knife. And somehow, had it in a position where
Starting point is 00:42:50 the Swiss army knife snapped closed on my finger. Oh! And I looked at it, I looked at the blade, like embedded in my finger, like it was happening to someone else. It was so weird to see. Yeah. And then it gushed a blood, so much blood.
Starting point is 00:43:06 That actually reminds me of when I was little and I was playing with a stapler and stapled to staple through my finger, like the whole way. And then I was like showing my dad, like gah, and he pulled it out. Well, that's good. Yeah, but it was still really. Did you go to the hospital? What if you've shown that to your dad and he went, sucks to be you? Yeah, yeah. My dad's pretty confident in the face of things like that. He's like calm and collected. Yeah. What was the weird creature that was in your house
Starting point is 00:43:34 that he just grabbed? Oh my God, that was huge. It was a Gremlin. No, that was more recently. It was like a huge flying bug. It was like a road or something crazy. It was like inches long. Like a palmato bug.
Starting point is 00:43:46 And we went out to lunch and then he's like, I shouldn't tell you this, but it's not huge in your house. And I was like, or whatever it was, some beetle or something, it's gigantic. He's about nowhere it went. He was, I don't know where it went. I'm like, why did you tell me that?
Starting point is 00:43:59 And then we were watching TV and it was crawling by my head on the couch. And I was like, I want to be in orange head. He just stood up and grabbed it with his hand and opened the door and threw it outside. I was just like, I wish I could do that, honestly. It was awesome. Bugs give me the creeps, but I will deal with them,
Starting point is 00:44:15 but I will not to the point where I will grab one with my hand. Although, you know what, lightning bugs, of course. I'll let them crawl on me. A ladybug, absolutely. Yeah, those are bees. These are wasps. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:28 No, no, I gotta draw the lines somewhere. Okay. I don't know if I had to act it. So I interrupted. If I had to act in something where like a tarantula was called. Oh yeah. I don't know if I could do it. I bet you would talk to the.
Starting point is 00:44:45 A Wrangler? Yeah, the Wrangler and they would go, oh, it's really, you know, it's like you just got to get used to it. They're not dangerous. Blah blah blah. You do it. But they're creepy. I know, but you do.
Starting point is 00:44:56 You're not a coward. Thanks for believing in me. Yeah, I think you would do it. Well, I just know that you need to work more and. So you would just be like, oh yeah, it's fine. I forgot about that reason. Yes, I absolutely would do it. You have to. So if you're to work more. So you would just be like, it's fine. I forgot about that reason. Yes, I absolutely do. So if you're listening up there,
Starting point is 00:45:09 and you want to try and show someone's face. The guy who loves bugs. Yeah. I would say in terms of dangerous things that I did that had no consequences, they're all bike-related. I mean, my friends would bike around the college where I went to college for a couple of years,
Starting point is 00:45:26 junior college, and there were these ponds that we all would jump over the ponds with our bikes, and I would always think like, oh, I wonder what would happen to us if we've, and none of us ever fell in. And then also riding the bike into the pool over at Brian Poe's Science House, we would do that all the way to the town.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Where we would like, the first time I did it, I just rode right into the pool and the minute the the front tire hit the water, it flipped over and so I flipped over on it. And then I was like, oh, okay, you have to like jump on it in order to fully just sink into the pool. Yeah, yeah. But then how do you get the bike out? You just toss it out. It's not hard.
Starting point is 00:46:03 But then tall John would ride from the roof into the pool. And that's just so insane. Oh my God, that's so insane. Even more insane. Because he's taller than the pool. Yeah. He is. Yeah, it's a 10 foot pool.
Starting point is 00:46:16 And he's 11 feet tall. Yeah, that's what we call him tall John. I remember when I was a kid, there was this woodsy area where there was a big, there was this Wood Z area where there was a big, you know, he lived in the sewer deer. But it was the area. You were out with the big area. There was a big, just like a big thick rope hanging from a tree that you could, you, like you would,
Starting point is 00:46:37 who put up this rope? I don't know. But you would run, grab the rope, and like swing out over this incredibly steep drop. Oh yeah. And it was thrilling, but it was very scary. But I remember working at the courage to do it and what I did it was exhilarating.
Starting point is 00:46:53 I was always too scared of things. I, where I went to summer camp, they had, you know, the big high dive board. Oh, the high dive to me is terrifying. Oh, it never, ever, ever. Yeah. And all my friends would do it. And I, and I remember them, I think it was part of camp where they made you do it. And I was like
Starting point is 00:47:11 terrified. And they're like, come on, come on, come on. And, and, and I was too much of a coward. I was just thinking yesterday about how when people just jump off of rocks into water, I'm like, how do we know that's deep enough for you? I don't, I don't like that. I don't, how do we know that's deep enough that you are? I don't like that. I don't trust that, but everyone's fine. But do you want it to be really deep, or you just sink and sink and sink? Well, that's not how it works. You go into the center with the earth. I guess, you know, on our honeymoon, why there was a waterfall that we had one of the great guidebook back before really this kind of stuff was on the internet, all that much of the great guidebook back before really this kind of stuff was on the internet, all that much.
Starting point is 00:47:47 But great guidebook saying like all these like secret spots and stuff like that. And so we went to this, you know, waterfall. I remember Cool Uping very frightened of not for herself, but for me. She's like, don't get too close, you know. And I thought I was being very safe. But you know, that was one of the things you read in the book of, hey, you got to be careful because people have punched their death. And I remember my uncle got married on a cliff and being just so frightened of that and all
Starting point is 00:48:15 the guys, all the men who were there were like, yeah, come on over here to the cliff. I'm like, but anyone can just fall in. Yeah. Anyone's allowed. It can happen so in. Yeah. Yeah. Anyone's allowed. It can happen. That's only time. Waterfalls, of course, because of playing video games, I will always look behind them for treasure.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. You should hide some treasure there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:39 What if I hid like an old treasure chest? And inside is like some first aid kits and some like Mentos. Just fun stuff. Fun stuff you need. Yeah. All right, let's hear another one. Thanks Ben. OK.
Starting point is 00:48:49 Thank you Ben. You're a great question. Peanut Butter Gang. This is Maddie. That is not what we're going to look at. I was just wondering, what do y'all do to spark creativity when you're just not feeling that inspired?
Starting point is 00:49:03 Love you so much. Bye. We're not the peanut butter gang, are we? No. Love you so much. Bye. We're not the peanut butter gang, are we? No, we've never been. We're the pretzel gang. We're the pretzel gang. Is that another gang? I think we've been that.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Is there a rival gang? I think we've been the peanut butter gang. Oh my God. I don't know. I don't know. I don't think we've ever been the peanut butter people. Mm. Okay.
Starting point is 00:49:23 The peanut butter people I'd like to be. Yeah, okay, then we are. Okay, the peanut butter people. The peanut butter people I'd like to be. Yeah, okay, then we are. Okay, the peanut butter people. Okay, okay. I don't know what I do actually. I don't know if I've ever had, I'm trying to think if I've had that conscious thought of like I need to do something for inspiration. Here are the things I've found work.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Take a shower. That's like number one. I was gonna say it too, actually. I did too. I did too. Cause you're just like not think think you're not doing something else. You're not longer. Yeah. You the worst thing you can do is sit there at your, I mean, it's not to you, you can still work it out sometimes where you're like, okay, I'm going to grind this out in front of my computer. You can still work that way, but I found it's better to approach your computer when you already have it in your head of what you're going to do.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So the best thing to do when you're feeling just stuck is to go take a shower and think about it in the shower, or go take a walk outside, I used to hike occasionally. And by the time you would get back from the hike, you'd have everything worked out in your head. And then you just like type it up. That's the thing is, a lot of people go like right to the computer and go like, okay, now I'm working because they're trying to think of what to write or whatever. You gotta think of it beforehand and then just get to your computer and like,
Starting point is 00:50:35 I'm like, what can I write about that? Desk chair, a window. I also feel that I have a lot of ideas in bed when I'm going to bed. Going to bed. And I've made myself get into the habit of like making a note of things when I'm thinking that I'm not talking about like when you're falling asleep and you think you have an interesting idea and you write it down and it's gibberish the next thing.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I'm saying like when you're when you're still awake and you're lying there in the dark and your your mind starts going what about this? What about the right things down? Like make a note of it. I can usually, like if I'm in the middle of a script, I can, I'll think about it at night because it's like one of these problems. It's a lot like what they tell you. First world problems. It's a, what they tell you about doing crosswords is like, set it down and your mind will continue to work on it even though subconsciously, even though you don't know that you're working on it
Starting point is 00:51:26 And then you pick it back up and you're like, oh, yeah, I know this answer um poor of us poor miss you know blank And you're like, let me just hi, my name is not like you know, I Hate Batman But but um what was I say? Oh Oh yeah, when you're going to bed,
Starting point is 00:51:46 like I, it's, and you're in the middle of a script and you haven't quite figured out a plot point. Like I found that like your mind continues to think about that until it's worked itself out. Sometimes, if you don't do it before you're asleep, sometimes it'll do it in a dream or you think you'll have done it in a dream. But yeah, like going to bed is,
Starting point is 00:52:05 so if it's like 10 a.m. just go to bed. Yeah, oh my God, I wish I was in bed right now. Oh my God. Me too. Oh, fuck. No, my other thing is driving and listening to music, I would say, because I feel like I'm listening music, I start to picture things and then it kind of gets me
Starting point is 00:52:20 like a different. Like notes. See who else? And this is very simple, but watch or listen to things that you enjoy and think about why you enjoy them. Think about what it is that you like about that aspect of creativity and apply that to something that you want to do.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Do you know what I mean? Because sometimes I will find, I'll enjoy something that has nothing to do with a thing that I wanna do, but I look at the approach of it and say, oh, I can apply that to my thing, even though it's completely different from this thing. But the more you think about how they do the things
Starting point is 00:52:57 that they do, why you enjoy it, what is satisfying or enjoyable about it, you can get lessons there. That's why you're new to it. That's why you're new to it. That's why you're new to it. That's why you're new to show about the chef in Chicago. Yeah, so good. Yeah, the line. The line. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:12 That's great, Joe. Yeah, I love it. All right, let's hear this is no name. OK. Thank you, peanut butter. This is E. Blank Uno. Hello, Lauren, Paul and Scott. I once shot a fly out of the air with a rubber band.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Wow. I don't know if I've ever felt so proud of myself in my entire life as I did in that moment. Have any of you ever done something totally meaningless in a real world, but felt like you had accomplished something astounding? And also, what was that thing? Goodbye.
Starting point is 00:53:46 This is hot off the presses. Whoa! This is a recent achievement? Yes. This just happened. And I was like, what's funny is, I was thinking, I can't relate this to anybody, because it's never gonna be, I can't purely.
Starting point is 00:54:01 I'm serious. I thought you were, oh. What? I think we were spotting to be saying, I can't relate this to anybody. You were going, oh great. Oh, great. No, I'm not like that.
Starting point is 00:54:13 You'll be so excited that you, that this came up because you were just thinking about how there was no way to bring this up. Yes. So this past Saturday, of course, Bob Barker died at the age of 99. I had my show in Portland, Coincidentally. Now, we tore with two horn players, a trumpet and a sousophone.
Starting point is 00:54:33 Coincidentally, the trombone player that plays with us in LA was in Portland that weekend. And he came and did the show. And this was about, I want to say 20 minutes before the show. I said, I think we should do this. I will, at the top of the show, I'll say, thank you all for being here, because it's such a, a sad night. Of course, Bob Barker died. And then you guys play the sad Baaah! Baaah! And we were like, okay, and we were all like, yeah, that'll be funny.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And then we did it. I just said it and they immediately played it. And the laugh went on for such a long time. And it was so satisfying. That's me. It was so, I was trying so hard not to laugh. And I could, it just, it felt so good. Oh, good. It was so I was trying so our not to laugh and I could it just it felt so good. Oh good It felt so good. I was like I wish I had recorded this yeah because it was like the it was like one of those things
Starting point is 00:55:33 Where people were laughing in waves? Yeah, I mean they couldn't believe that we did it. We couldn't believe that we did it Wow and but it could only have happened that day. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you should know you should try to get in your next show It works. It works so well But it could only have happened that day. You should try to get into your next show. It works so well. I did say we've done this in every show. This is the first time. It's really. But it was so, it is like a warm memory for me now.
Starting point is 00:55:57 That's great. Oh, how lovely. Thank you. I guess my thing equivalent to that is like I was trying to get hit when the toilet What happened to you? Laura, it went away this up. You're trying to take a shit. I was taking a shit and it went into the toilet So like you know that guy hit that fly with a random. I got exactly where I wanted exactly right in that toilet. You tell us that's a pride I'm here Sometimes talking is a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:28 We should just do this show not as a show and where we don't talk. Oh, okay. So it's just a silent. And silently. Yeah, we don't record it. Yeah, it has to be. What if we all just go and do it and our own house? We're on Zoom. Yeah, and we turn off the zoom Yes, we turn off the computer and we just do it in our own houses and we never see each other again Yeah, sounds good to me People often think like it sounds like like Lauren wants to show to enders I've seen comments like that and which I was about you specific or like us or like I don't know
Starting point is 00:57:01 I've seen comments where it sounds like they're getting tired. That's not how we feel. It's more that like life is busy and sometimes it's hard. So it's also you you have another thing you have to get to. Yeah. And you're doing the show for a while. It's like yeah. No, but like I just like don't try to read into the fucking shit. You just gonna settle into different rhythms as it goes on. Yeah. And also Lauren, she gives us a big lecture at the end of every show about what we did wrong. Settling to different rhythms as it goes on. Yeah. And also Lauren, she gives us a big lecture at the end of every show about what we did wrong.
Starting point is 00:57:28 What we could do better. We could do better. There is that tension that's hanging over everything. Everyone kind of knows like every time they mess up, but I'm coming from. She makes us line up like she's a drill sergeant. Yeah. We have to stand at attention.
Starting point is 00:57:39 Just like her manners party. Oh yeah, I remember that one. Now. Ha ha ha. Matters party. Oh yeah, I remember that one. Now. Matters party. All right, you should throw a manners party for Holly. I will do nothing of the sort. Was a matter of party a thing that you wanted to happen? I don't know. Did you have a request for this party that she for her birthday party? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:06 No, but I did her favorite things, which were bluey and monster zinc. Right. So that's the decorations were on theme. Can you imagine if those two got together? Oh my god. Oh my god. I actually think that bluey is a monster. It really? If bluey came through the door at night, I'd be a little scared.
Starting point is 00:58:17 I mean, it's talking. Yeah. You know that there was a dog named bluey in Australia who held the record for a while for being the oldest dog. Oh, I didn't know that. Yeah. And that's why Bluey's bluey. I think so.
Starting point is 00:58:29 He got to assume. You got to assume. If there's no connection to that, that's weird. If you went to the creators of Bluey and you said, did you know that other dog? They'd be like, crikey. Yeah. Yeah. Struth.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Struth. Struth means. What does Str, yeah, Struth Struth is just truth mean truth truth or God's truth God's truth. Yeah, Struth zone God's wounds God's wounds blood Gods I don't know this is blood is blood. This is blood God's I don't know God's blood. Oh The blood of Christ. Compales thee. The blood of Christ compels thee.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah, yeah. Isn't that funny? That's one that I know from the Bible. Yeah, okay, so here's Jesus. We're back to the Jesus. But these are obsessed. And he's like, you guys gotta fucking drink my blood. Like speaking of vampires.
Starting point is 00:59:22 It's kind of a weird thing. It's a vampire. It's a vampire. It's a vampire. Let's get out of here. All right, we do have to go. We do have to go. So remember, Hag claims eight. If you want to leave his voicemail,
Starting point is 00:59:32 if you want to suggest a feature to us, three to me If you would like to follow us on socials, three to me USA, all kinds of places. And if you would like to your ad free versions of this show, go to comedybangbangworld, Until then, until when you do that.
Starting point is 00:59:49 We will never forgive you. Yeah. But thank you for listening. We love you. We love doing the show. And I have to say next week is our final episode of our season. Yeah. It is.
Starting point is 01:00:01 Yeah. So you got one more week of us. So if you're getting tired of us, like Lauren gets tired at the end of a show, you only have one more. Listen, listen. That's not cool. The show, we don't know if we're going to get picked up again. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:19 So what we need you to do is Colin. Right to Colin Anderson. And go cry, keep my name. And let him, for a a screw you have to open with crikey mate. Yeah, he likes that in truth. I just need more freedom in truth. Yes, truth. Crikey mate in truth. I need more freedom.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Signed blue. Yeah, he loves blue. He loves. Yeah, thousands of emails from blue. Oh, it's going to be so happy. And so he loves, yeah. Thousands of emails from Bluey? Oh, it's gonna be so happy. Yeah, he will pick us up for an eternity. Yeah, all right. I have my keys on my hand. I don't know if you can.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Okay, bye. Somewhere, bye. Hear love

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