TigerBelly - Ep 302: The Sarah Hyland & Steebee WeeBee Reunion

Episode Date: June 16, 2021

Sarah and Steve meet after almost a decade. We celebrate Philippines Independence Day with too much food and play a trivia game with dire consequences. New merch alert, we have some limi...ted merch coming to you very soon. If you want to hear about them first, join our mailing list at: https://www.podcap.io/bellyClick here for more ScissorBros!Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus with see better know your Filipino history Wait, hang on. So did you did you you went to prom? Yeah, I went to prom. Thanks George. You said it sounds like that was maybe a night Okay, excuse me guys on my armpits are sweating heavily today So we need paper towel. No, we're good so far. There's a lot of holes in the shirt So it does it does lead to some AC ventilation up in the pit zone, but I did go to prom It was okay
Starting point is 00:00:39 All right, so at that time I was I really liked this older guy. He wasn't my age I was I guess like 17 or 18. He was all of like 22 23 he was like an older gentleman, right? And so I was like a really I really wanted this guy to go and plus I mean you kind of get a vibe from me Like I'm not somebody who does well. We talked about our eyelashes like I try I really try to do like super super super girly things But I massively morbidly fail every like I do try like I give it my 100 effort and every single time I try like I just end up Looking like, you know, like a linebacker in a dress
Starting point is 00:01:22 It's just You're you're not you're not you don't have my shoulders Which I want your shoulders. No cuz they're square Square shoulders But like they're in they're huge on the runways Massive like and I've always had roundy shoulders, which is it's not it's It's proportionally horrible for the rest of your body because nobody likes a round shoulder They always want to square good Olympic swimmer shoulder. I say all this to say you're thank you. You're a square
Starting point is 00:01:57 John square. I say that say your shoulder I mean people are going mad for this shit Wait, do I why do high schools do that? Let's say like because I was 17 and I was able to take a 21 year old date Yeah, and then nobody Check ID It was fine. He was a nice guy. Yeah, yeah, you know it. No, I don't know like but okay I keep in mind to one. This was a prom in Kentucky at a Catholic High school you went to Catholic high school. She's all girl Catholic high school you Filipino or Irish
Starting point is 00:02:37 Yeah We I'm telling you. Yeah. Oh, I went through a kindergarten all the way through 12th grade with Catholic school. I was confirmed baptized reconciled Anointing of the sick. Yeah, I did pennants. Yeah, pennants Hail Mary's I you know, do you want to kneel on pews right now? I will do you want to do their rosary?
Starting point is 00:03:04 I will I always got in trouble in church because I would kneel on the pews But then I would stick my butt back on the I would nail I would nail I would make I would kneel. What the I know you talk about where you People where you kneel and then put your butt on the chair. Yes. Yeah, same here And then with that little they take like a ruler or this That that yeah, I was like Like you know what and you would just put your head down like on the oh It's horrible and we're getting so much trouble
Starting point is 00:03:35 But anyway, so yeah, so there was a Catholic jam and like And that's the thing like you could bring a 35 year old to prom as long as it's Opposite sex that I remember I Remember I am not I can be the biggest our Kelly could have come to our prom and people like it's cool like you know like nice hetero couple like But like I remember this how crazy it's so even back then I was like
Starting point is 00:04:03 What does it matter like there was a girl who I knew at the time who is now transitioned to Identifying male and at that time she wanted to wear a tux to the prom She's still identified as feet whatever like and she wanted to bring a female date And Jesus came down himself like if you would have asked the people who ran the prom they wouldn't let her do it Oh, of course not not back then fucking assholes, man, but even it Who cares like her suit look dope like it doesn't matter she looks slick You know it but did you actually show up to prom that way or did she did she like resist and go anyways? She went but didn't bring up. They do one letter bring a date of the same sex
Starting point is 00:04:54 How banana ram is but yeah every 48 year old Who's having an affair on their wives come on in like so that's I took this older gent who was 2023 So yeah, whatever yeah, he was older and so but I I remember he wasn't friends with anybody else's friend. You know how I prom like high school usually by the way I think I've seen your high school prom photo Instagram which I just happened to see I
Starting point is 00:05:38 Was not happening for me there Were you not as pumped as I was because you can every Photo prom photo you can kind of tell well I love the fact that I went to Blair High School now, which was you know What was considered at the reject school? Mm-hmm. That's where I was zoned and we had We were told we were the bad kids of Pasadena but Our proms. I'm sorry like cuz Jules told me what her prom was like and she goes to a private school that shit seems so boring compared to ours
Starting point is 00:06:09 We the girl we had so much fun like there was wait. It was a public school. I went to start in. Yeah, okay? They're high school just shucking okay So predominantly black and Latino maybe a smattering of six white kids Plus my date who happened to be an older gent as well. It was a white guy. You're like the motor gents But I had a good time like it really was It wasn't as rigid as my niece's prom because she I saw pictures of hers. I'm like, what were you guys doing? I mean, were you sucking dick in an alleyway? We're doing she was like, I didn't know we don't do that. I'm like, I'm boring get out of here
Starting point is 00:06:49 Get out of here and you're fucking vanilla behavior. I didn't even know we could do that That's amazing I want that in the older gents. That's super cute. All right. Sorry go ahead. What happened with you in the older gents? Typical okay, you guys it just goes so beyond right well Let me give you a quick like window into the dude That is this older gent look man He was the I won't even say his name because he still lives in Louisville and I still know who he is like and He was the hottest guy in Louisville. All right
Starting point is 00:07:28 Which wasn't saying much like the competition wasn't like saturated, you know, so better and he drove He was a car dude. He drove a BMW. He fixed it up. You know, he had like he was a he was a gear head And I was like, that's hot. He worked at Chevron. I was like, you have a job. That's dope. That's dope He pumped gasp. I'm like But he had like the you know, he had a uniform. Yeah Working man when you're in high school when you see a working man That is like the top of the food chain. Yeah Hottest box and I bet all the girls in your school were like, oh my god, Sarah. Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:06 You were you were you were proud. You you walked in there with your head held high like who look who I brought Mm-hmm. The Chevron boy Chevron, man Well, yeah, cuz yeah, he like smelled of a like a little bit of gasoline with a little it is pretty hot Hugo boss. Oh, yeah Hugo curve. That's attractive Hugo boss Oh, jacar noir jacar noir does past my time that's way way that's uncle shit I was roamed, but yeah, yeah, no dudes. I don't know you guys these to spray it in their hats Do you remember that so when they went like put their hat backwards smell the bit of sweat and a bit of like Oh my god, and I would stick my pre-pubescent. No, okay, there we go
Starting point is 00:08:55 But like I did I was like that's so hot like Weird shit, but anyway, so yeah, so he was like a car dude and my dad hated him because he was older And I would always get in trouble because I would go out with him because he didn't he was he wasn't in high school I was in high school. Yeah, so like yeah, I'm telling you that get No administrator in high school was like wait a second. Yeah Yeah, well first off, why weren't why wasn't he Okay, okay Do Sarah and Stevie know each other, right? That's right. You better. Oh, wait, don't sit on she made that for you
Starting point is 00:09:44 That's for you. She made that for you. I made that for you, but sit in that spot. That's you Stevie That's you Whoa, look at this I haven't seen you in a year dude hasn't been that long the last time is cuz remember in the pandemic you're like Call I am hungry. I was like when you were like crying. I was like, I'll send you pizza right now Oh, yeah, I'm starving back. I'm sorry. I just realized how big that couch is. Yeah, I like it. I should probably introduce the show George Yeah, we should introduce a little leg Steve. Yeah, really good to see you buddy. Yeah, we were talking about prom, but oh, yeah, I should introduce the show You guys welcome to a very special episode of Tiger Belly as you know Papa bear
Starting point is 00:10:54 The the captain of the ship is still in Hungary filming his dream in his dream role We think So today I have two very very special co-hosts and I'm gonna introduce everyone in the room To my right is mr. Pink Dick George Kimmel to my left of course is mr. Flat flat Hello on to my right It's number one guest of 2021 yes, and Beloved friend of a podcast of the podcast
Starting point is 00:11:27 Miss Sarah Highland But that's not all but that's not all Favorite top guests of 2018 2019 and 2020 Come in to compete for the 2021 Yeah, you are it's a competition he's a little boy to Steve It's a reunion it really is without being here a long time, and I haven't seen seven how many years I feel like it was the last time that 15 years out of the apartment. Yeah, 15 17 years every yeah, it was it was
Starting point is 00:12:09 Literally, I think I came to pick up a couple. I was thinking about that before I came I was like when was the last time I saw Steve has it been I think it was when I came to like pick something up from the apartment over a beachwood beachwood Yeah, and you were walking you were with Bobby, and you're walking out, and you know, I say I wasn't living in the closet that was a sandborn. No Yeah, yeah, yeah, you did live in the closet. Yeah in the closet. Yeah. Um, what was inside that closet? Like it was probably the size of not this garage or no it was a lot smaller. It was like a box Oh, well, it was literally like a like a rat cage or something. It was small. It was yeah
Starting point is 00:12:51 I couldn't even extend my legs all the way. I had to sleep like I had to sleep like this. That's sexy Yeah, but I have this theory about you that I think you do like living in tight tight spaces. Oh, yeah Yeah, I love it. Um, you do I think if you're given the option of like a very large master bedroom or like a closet You'd always choose the closet. Yeah, I don't need much to survive. I don't know where that comes from I may be Korea. I have no idea, but I don't need much. I just need a roof Adequate hot water hot water Maybe like a mini fridge Not much
Starting point is 00:13:28 But you know, they're kicking me out of the Um My place now kicking out are they bought the property? Oh, they bought it So, you know how everyone's building those um condos like high-rise condos. Yeah, so yeah, I might go to K-Town K-Town's dope. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, I might do that It's a reunion This is weird It feels weird just being
Starting point is 00:13:53 I've been to this house like once Once twice in my whole life. I feel like but you've been there a lot. You've been there a lot what PS4 a lot Oh, is that where it's as the game? Yeah, I didn't even recognize that area because I I didn't even know this room Exit did you guys like expand and renovate the room itself? No, we used to be in a different room Steve and then during the pandemic we were like, oh, this is everything is too close Gosh, yeah, you're in the garage. Holy shit. I don't know Steve we're both having an awakening at the same moment. I'm like Those are so cool. I did good. It doesn't feel like a garage. No got the AC blowing
Starting point is 00:14:42 Wait, hang on a second. So Steve pre-pandemic. I just want to point out something. He's pre-pandemic Steve What's a completely different man? What are you talking about now? He is oh, yeah, big papa in the pod Small french fries what's been going on in the last year, bro? I've seen that shirt so many times Any podcast I go on I'm trying to promote scissor bros, but um watch scissor bros. Yeah, watch scissor bros. Um, I I I think I'm getting burnt out with podcasts. How so because it's like I'm at a point now where I want because I need to do them, but it's like every day I'm do it like every day every day But you know what eventually that's always how it's gonna feel where you feel like like am I just repeating myself?
Starting point is 00:15:32 Yeah, how many more stories do I have in the tank, but? It's a good way to Keep your memories fresh Like your trauma fresh. Oh, yeah, and then not only that it's like I noticed too like Even cuz I've been you know going on King and Sting. Oh, that's right. You're the you're the guy now. You're no no No, I'm not the guy. You're the guy. You're a third Mike. Come on. Stevie. Oh, not lean into it, dude I I have I have like legit haters now What I'm gonna I'm gonna show you the I want to read them to me. Well actually don't not not not here
Starting point is 00:16:09 I don't want to give the guy shine. Yeah, it is the most cruelest malicious Stuff you could think about because I know we've all kind of dealt with that, you know Just like if you go on like reddit, I know not not while I think I think mine will match your The type of malicious this and hatred will match your I doubt that. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, this guy Just he just he breaks me down like he brings he ends it with I should my dad I should have killed me. I wasn't worth the
Starting point is 00:16:42 Like the nut on like a towelette like I should have been wiped like my sperm should have been like so detailed I feel like this pose with the sock. That's not abortion. This is so unoriginal Well, he said I look like a great alien. How that's a little better. That one's Alien this is a little better But I thought about it and I'm like, you know what? Because like out of all of us have you ever gone to anyone's like Video or Instagram or anything and said anything mean ever no, but I I have this I have faith that 99% of your fan base or Or anyone that follows us
Starting point is 00:17:33 Don't do that. Like there are sane Legitimately normal loving people out there. Mm-hmm. It's just those voices tend to sound a little bit louder in our heads because it's it's It's things. Yeah, my alcoholism doesn't help, you know, cuz I have like a problem with perception and the way I look at things I do that doesn't help. Mm-hmm. Yeah, but uh, I realize that People like that are obviously unhappy or angry. They're either unhappy projection or angry or something's going on So it can't take it personally. Do you get here, Sarah? We talked about this after your episode Sarah doesn't come on what you do Steve. You're so like what they talk about your artwork or something
Starting point is 00:18:15 What anything you can make fun of somebody like people will find something like that's what I mean Like it's everybody's own perception of what flavor or color they're seeing it through so I can't like there's always something so It's not gonna like like after that. I did the podcast with The tiger belly podcast. I literally I think I read like probably just even too bad You know mean comments and I was like Fuck like so it could be message. Yeah, I was like Sarah. Don't read anymore. Oh my god Like I yeah, I've I've made other videos where I impersonated a celebrity aka Megan Fox. That did not She's got fans these motherfuckers are like pit bulls. They're like don't touch Megan Fox. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:02 They are like Extreme, you know, like but do they they hit below the belt though. They get 100% They say but they say stuff like personal stuff about you I mean, they don't know anything personal personal like I don't have that's a thing like I don't have enough of my life out there Who are you know, so lucky? Even I can't get Everything is out there with me. I totally believe it. So it's it's not like can't be like crazy personal But it's enough to we're like, you know, you suck you blow
Starting point is 00:19:34 Dio, you know, I mean like horrible. No, they talk about my genitals my dry nuts To be fair you talk about your dry night a lot a lot. Oh, yeah, it's not as you know, the thing is No, no, no, it's not as bad. I think what I do and I thought about this too I think that I think Bob has this too is we self-deprecate. It's like we like just go hard on ourselves We say the most messed up stuff to like protect her. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, so I think you know, it's not bad at all But like He's here. Oh Jules is here. Yeah. Oh, it's a cloud. Do you want to explain what a special day is today you guys Steve? I don't know if you know this congratulations
Starting point is 00:20:19 Oh, this is Sarah you have you met her met met nice to meet you, sweet pea Congratulations on your graduation. We today is a special lure day because it is Filipino Independence Day Yeah, so what do we have here Jules? You just gave us a plate and didn't explain Okay, so throughout this whole episode we will be taste test taste testing different Filipino foods there I don't know if you have food allergies, but if you do I just don't deal with it I don't I have nothing in it to win it. This is pan sa be hon and can't own which I'm sad It's pan sit be hon and can't tell which is gonna be egg noodle and rice noodle and soy. Yeah, go ahead try it This um garlic rice and that is gonna be garlic rice
Starting point is 00:21:07 But they do that take garlic deep fry it and then they use the oil to mix them with white jasmine rice Hey, just all you have to do is just taste a little bit and we'll throw it away because we have a fun time We're gonna have a fun time. Yeah episode. So this whole episode is gonna be dedicated to my beloved Motherland the Philippines But Steve I wouldn't hang on to that stuff must roll off your shoulder. Oh, yeah for sure I just you know, we won't talk about it again. Yeah But I'm under the bridge. I have a hard time believing on a podcast You're not gonna talk about your dry nuts. Well, someone wrote me. They were like, hey, can you help Steve out?
Starting point is 00:21:46 I'm like, what is happening? And they're let me show you I can show show it to me. I should come on Steve My brother come here You can't throw it out there or not do it Put it in my hand now show her real blur it aim that way when have you ever not it's okay I've taken you all your medical stuff. Okay, wait, wait, wait, wait, go closer here Yeah, don't open your legs. Just let it hang out legs like that. Here. Don't show Sierra put it towards It's not dry at all It's very pink and moist doing so good
Starting point is 00:22:25 Dude, congrats. It looks so much better than the last time It's good, right? Why do you keep saying it's dry? I don't know. I just keep saying it's not why'd you hold it like that though? Hey, Steve, also Why'd you hold it like that? Hey Steve, here you go. Hey, Steve. I hate it. Here you go. This is some hand sanitizer Bro, you pushed the ball through your hand. Can I just show you what he did? He was holding it, but then he only made this small of a window But do you know like those um stress balls? Yeah, just a little bit grabbed it like a stress a little bit Because he wanted to feel like shiny. Yeah, I know what you did. I know what you did
Starting point is 00:23:16 But it looks shiny, right? You have no hair on your ball. Good. Oh, I shave every day. I should you don't every day Oh my god. I'm not allowed to. I don't do it now. Oh, you don't shave? You do shave your nuts. The pandemic took over. Okay, man. It's good being here. I haven't been oh, it's like a reunion How are you teeth? What's wrong with your teeth? I took him to the dentist many times. It's all good. Yeah, I think I've I've made some improvements like my hygiene's good You know like I don't smell and yeah, it's like Were you missing were you missing teeth? No, but you know like me and Bob We're like our whole thing was like we have like a phobia of dentists or something
Starting point is 00:23:54 But no everything. Yeah. Are we allowed to talk about? Relationships a little bit. Yeah, I mean because it's been six months. Yeah, I I went through a breakup Yeah, I knew I knew his girlfriend. She was a part of the fam She's a lovely lovely girl. I have nothing but love for nothing bad to say about her almost five years. What happened? Just you know You were together almost five years for that four and a half you're gonna get four and a half. Yeah Yeah together. Oh, we didn't live together and that was that that was a part of the problem is because Because I thought about it a lot and I'm like damn I should have been a little bit more mindful on like her needs
Starting point is 00:24:32 You know, like I'm so stubborn because of you know, how you know, how frugal I am I just tell this one story. Oh tell it. Tell it. Just just about your words. We can cut it out Really think about it cuz there's already a lot out there. Yeah, it doesn't help me like cuz Jeremiah keeps saying it too It's so funny to me. You know, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen in my life. Go ahead. Go ahead. You were like, it's not malicious Bob Kalei, let's go to the arc light on me. Okay, Bobby and I could not have sprung from our chairs any faster We're like, holy shit Steve is treating us to a movie. So we go to the arc light He actually pays right and then he's like, oh, I'm just gonna go back to your place with you guys after the movie And I'm just gonna clean around and stuff like that. I was like Steve is gonna do a movie and clean our house
Starting point is 00:25:26 Did I ask for money? No, you took it out of my piggy bank. Oh, Steve. A piggy banks I must have been really struggling back then. You were you were struggling. Yeah, I am so sorry. I did that That is so How much did he take? I'm just letting my defense I haven't done that in a long time, you know, which piggy bank, right? Oh, how could I forget? Oh There's money People did you front the money and then you came? Oh, I was just I was just man. I needed I just needed to survive
Starting point is 00:26:16 Like okay, cuz you know, I've worked like regular job coffee bean and tea leaf Circle K Jamba Jamba juice. Oh, I I could go down the list. Yeah, you know, I've done the whole thing the blue Yeah, that's why I'm so like stoked that you know this like, you know, we need to make money on content now I just want to normalize this for you For a minute from my heart. I I I want you to look at me in my eye. I used to do that too like Meaning that even when I was with Bobby, I worked like three fucking jobs Like I worked at Starbucks at the bakery called sweet lady fucking Jane
Starting point is 00:27:02 Every fucking day sweating Bobby like quit one. I was like, no, you know I was like, I have to give my own shit, but Bobby the piggyback would put money in this piggy bank He'd be like just take just take money, you know, so every day I just my fucking chubby little arm in there And you get Canadian dollars sometimes Yeah, you know what I felt the most shameful I was working at fat sales and what Bob And then I was in the kitchen and I remember I had to do the walk of shame because like my manager's like I think your brother's here and I had my apron on and I just But man, that was hard job, I had a bag me I was washing dishes. I almost lost my finger now
Starting point is 00:27:51 I know when I was making a milkshake because I was the milkshake. They call me the milk the Bruce Lee of milkshake Yeah, yeah, kind of racist be it. It was racist. Yeah And I remember like, you know how like the orders So like the the orders kept piling up like the ticket Yeah, so I was like panicking because I had to do like the mozzarella cheese stick Then I had to wash the dishes. I was like multitasking in there and then I remember I Was I was like panicking and then there's like these big cartons of ice, you know And they sometimes they get stuck at the bottom and then you know when the ice cream gets low
Starting point is 00:28:34 You have to kind of dig your arm in your body And so you know how like like on the outside of the liner was this metal silver lining and so I I like I did I like try to it got caught. Yeah, my finger now lodged in the Um out the the metal liner. Yeah metal liner. So I was just screaming for uh, I think my boss's name was zane. I'm like But we know I mean those are hard jobs hard jobs, man So, um, what's the worst out of all of those jobs? Which one did you hate the most? Or no, go ahead. So I already well, there's a I have a long
Starting point is 00:29:15 I got a long list jobs. Yeah, most of them. I mean it worked at the the Kentucky State Fair That was a bad one. I mean, it's fun, but you're I was worked at the greater tater hut So it was like in the middle of summer and in august and Kentucky is Jean is very human and like and it was just two big bats of grease and they never changed out the V's the V's the grease for the whole fair. That's gross. So and at the time I was younger and prone to acne and I mean like, you know and like doing these grease and there's like a
Starting point is 00:29:50 Line of 200 people out there who want like a twirl potato with extra cheese. You know, I mean you're like, thank you, you know Breaking out in whiteheads. I've won blackhead growing as I was you know, I'm horrible and like they're demanding like four ladles of cheese and I have a manager who's like just gave him one ladle I see it, you know, and you're like, ah Fuck, you know, it's a dilemma. So it's stuff like that and I was terrible at customer service and food because eventually I would just give it away. I was like just take Just take the food Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:21 I don't want to just just take it. Don't tell anybody like are you sure I'll pay. I was like, no, just take it I must have been hard working at the fair Horrible like the weather. I did that for years. Oh god. Yeah, I need to know you're working in a kitchen or with grease It's rough horrible You know sushi dance for me. Well, that's the one where was at the stab. Well, I almost kind of fight with the sushi chef Oh my god, and then I almost got in a fight with uh manager too Steve it's the way they talk to me was I would not square up with a sushi chef though because they're just so good with knives and they have they
Starting point is 00:30:56 You know, they're all about accuracy. I know but the way, uh, he talked to me was a bit condescending and really disrespect You know, my friend sam got stabbed by the sushi chef. I didn't care. I blacked out anyway. Oh sam sam Oh, he got stabbed. He got stabbed. Yeah, I was already in the red zone with him Um, but then they kind of kept it on the down low and they were like here's some money. Just don't like report to the police Yeah, that's assault and uh Yeah, he could have got jail time for that Yeah so
Starting point is 00:31:28 uh The way he talked to me was He would be like Yeah, she got you go go go, you know, he would speak korean. Yeah, he would speak korean and he go. Yeah, she got you go Go and I'd be like Hey, man, like you can't talk to me like that. We're in america now, dude like Like this is america, you know, we're not in korea. You know what I mean? Yeah, you can't talk, you know And then I remember so that happened
Starting point is 00:31:54 And then that's hard work because like especially if it's like an eight top Yeah, and you're not even you're not even a waiter or waitress. You're a bar back slash buster So you're not even getting the real True tips you're getting the tips from The waiters and waitresses trickle down It's a trickle down effect 08 percent of everybody's yeah, and then even the woman manager she was korean too But I remember like she oh Another dish
Starting point is 00:32:25 All right, thank you so much. What is it? Say it out loud jules. This is lechon gawalak with lechon. Um, do you eat pork? Yeah, I eat everything. Okay. Hold up. I don't want to like disrespect the food. I don't let me let me try. I try it Thank you jules. Thank you jules Thank you. What a weird episode so far. This is wonderful. What? You're eating a deep fried pork. Thank you. It's very healthy. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you so much Hey, you can get a job working at a restaurant while you're in school Mm-hmm jules. I think everyone should work once either retail or in the service industry
Starting point is 00:33:00 I agree teaches you a lot humbles you a lot Any thoughts on this the taste we like to get your perspective on this dish I love it dude. Yeah, I was with I was with I was wondering if like yeah, yeah, I'm used to uh And he's been to the Philippines and I am not is that crazy? I know Sarah X you have to go do now. Okay. Okay. Okay. So I make the store. I'll make the story short So yeah, the the the female manager would like because I smoked back then and she would like make me walk Like to the other end of the mall. Yeah
Starting point is 00:33:34 And I was just like god, I can't do this. I just can't do this anymore You know, and that's when bob member when bob was living on Above the comedy store. Yeah. Oh, is that we're in trolley? Yeah, wait. I was falling together then Yeah, I'm your body when he lived over like sunset Junction. He lived in a really small apartment Over in Silver Lake. Oh, that's right. Yeah, that's when I first met him. What are you saying, George? The dumpster. Yeah No, no, no, this is post dumpster the the og dumpster is when all of us live there on the third floor And remember bob booked that IBM Global the big one that the Koder not campaign. Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah, did he think he was a big shot then when he booked it? He flashed me. I remember he showed me his checks Oh, he showed you a check. Oh We were on melrose And he goes he goes And then you know, this is when he um remember how bob loved diesels. Yeah. Oh, no Yes, we would go the diesel the diesel jeans Because that was like 100 because I mean we thought that in high school You thought diesel was like the top of the line most expensive thing, right? Oh, he had every pair
Starting point is 00:34:43 Yeah, every pair. So we're on melrose and then he goes out of his pocket. He goes This is the way I do it, dude He goes like this. This is the way I'm doing it, dude. That's bob. Yeah, how are you doing it? Yeah, how are you doing? You know what I mean? Does that sound accurate? It sounds it couldn't be more accurate I can't stand it This is the way I'm doing it How are you doing?
Starting point is 00:35:17 Something like that put me in a rage. I can't stand But you know what it's god always gives us Like counters to those it was like a hundred thousand dollars. It was so much. Oh my god So, so let me not forget the trajectory That's when okay, so this is he we're in the dumpster and then he got that money And he moved like two floors down and that's what the apartment you're talking about So it wasn't the dumpster. Oh, oh you just lived in that hole Yeah, we all lived at the dumpster. It's like us and like 10 skateboarders
Starting point is 00:35:51 Just random people And then bob got the codernut campaign. Yeah, and then he moved down got his own spot. He's a fancy boy Mm-hmm. You you booked something too though at that time you were in a starburst commercial You were in a massive commercial. Yeah the star star star star burst That wasn't really funny. That was a good one. That was a good one You know how they're um rerunning like old ones that were successful back then that's one that they should do again You like that? That one was a good one. Were you make the baby cry? Yeah. Hey jimmy come see the baby Hey, what was the accent for that? It was a chinese. Hey come see the baby
Starting point is 00:36:30 That was rich. I don't know. Come see the baby. Come see the baby. Come see the baby And I remember they had it like um because I kept missing my mark And then so they're like I had to like act like you know I'm doing my own thing and then I had to hit this mark and then Out of my pocket have a sour starburst And then put it in my mouth and then by the time I got to the baby I had to like make the face and then Yeah, but you know that was hard to book because every time I got I kept coming back for the callback There's another like young like asian kid. So I'm like oh my god
Starting point is 00:37:06 And you know how like shallow I got you know how shallow they were the whatever the people the um the casting the casting people on the last one They brought another kid like who didn't even go through the other auditions And then I overheard them. We're in front of the vista theater. Remember the vista. I do. Yeah, we're eating um cut lemons And then I remember one of them saying Pick pick the other one. Uh his hair is more like bruce lee's Everyone bruce lee and you
Starting point is 00:37:35 Is that their only reference for anything? Is their only reference is bruce lee? I know but he's because I guess I had cypherns Okay, and so I heard that and I'm like This is how it works Wow That was your audition. Wow. That was my last audition. That was like my whatever the last callback the callback. Okay, and then you booked it Yeah That's how that's how I do. That's how you do it. That's how you know, I didn't make a hundred thousand dollars
Starting point is 00:38:05 I didn't make a hundred thousand dollars. No, but you know you were doing commercials. Where are you? I did I did like with aqua right because bob got everyone either origin We're all uh rep by aqua at one point. Where are you? I was here for like six years. You know who has to gardo Oh I like gardo gardo. Yeah, shout out. I've always liked gardo. Yeah, I love gardo. Um, but everyone bobby always just pulls everyone I think into the same that everyone. Yeah And I think his ex-girlfriend too. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:38:36 Yeah Jules is just coming out of the corner every five minutes. We're not quitting, are you? She is the way. What's this now? What is this beef steak? Wow beef steak Who's making all this? Oh jules has been cooking, dude. He's been cooking the whole time. She's been cooking this whole time You can make all this? Thank you jules. Thank you very much. You get that to george cutie George gets a gets a plate now
Starting point is 00:39:03 I think it's good. No, so this one's just beef with soy sauce. Thank you so much. Thank you. Good one jules Fantastic jules. Good one. Yeah continue. I forgot she you lived in the og tiger belly room, right? Yes God now it's coming back the big. Yeah, and then your your bed was like in the middle of the root like pink Yeah, yeah, yeah, was there a dollhouse and like there was a dollhouse. Yes, I did Because I'm like I'm getting these images like did you have like this house? It was like this dollhouse, right? We wanted I don't know Am I tripping there was like a dollhouse Sarah. I had to get rid of that dollhouse It was mine, but like I I I bought it because we went on this random because I do like going dude
Starting point is 00:39:51 I remember you know how you find some Fuck the spirits lived in there. I believe it. Like I don't know why like we were at this store and my friend was like Yo, that's that's sick. I was like, oh, that's great. Well, she's sick at the time because I wasn't even aware But she was like that's pretty and I was like that's cool. And so I just bought it I just that sticks in my mind out in my mind. I don't know. It was beautiful, but you know, there's some there's something There's an energy to it. That's there was an energy. Yeah, I had to face it to the wall What was the inner I mean conjuring it was a conjuring a conjuring part four What do you have from that's crazy. No, because I was like it's such a beautiful dollhouse. Yeah, but you're like
Starting point is 00:40:32 Why is this ex-girlfriend's dollhouse and like why would that already try to put a t-shirt over it? Yeah, trap the spirits, but then I asked Steve. I was like Steve. Is this is there something in here? And he was like, oh, you gotta get rid of it. Thank you No, they didn't they moved it to the didn't you move it? I moved it into the living room, didn't you? Yeah, but then I think it was confirmation because you know, you and I feel things. Oh, yeah, yeah spirit like ghosts and stuff Yeah Thanks. Thank you. Thank you. What is this? I'm so bum that you guys live with the spirit in my old dollhouse. I'm not sure it was a sinister spirit
Starting point is 00:41:07 But it was something that what yeah, there's something there's an energy to catch. What happened? Just a feeling that you got or did something? Yeah, there's an energy attached to it. Mm-hmm It's stuck out when you went into that house and you came into like it was in your line of vision You felt something. Oh, yeah. Oh, maybe that's why I left and didn't even know it. I was like That's something real bad. You left it there for a reason. Yeah, that's great I only had one other thing like that that was given to me that we had the heebie-jabies. What was it? It was a big giant Money bear that somebody gave me as a gift. Yeah, it was mad bigger than Kalei romantic gift. Well, what's the story?
Starting point is 00:41:44 I want to say it was like just like a Friendship like welcome home kind of a gift like it was cool It was like a cool looking thing and I had it in my apartment in west hollywood and all kinds like it was like that one You just felt you're like Yo, yeah, someone took residence in that in the bears body and then one night out of nowhere. Okay, so I had this bag of boiled peanuts Okay, okay. Yeah somebody sent me like that in moonshine jelly from Atlanta But anyway, so like it was up on the shelf and in the middle of the night And by the way, this this the bag of boiled peanuts was not open
Starting point is 00:42:21 And in the middle of the night I was laying there and all of a sudden I hear clattering No, no, no of the whole the whole thing of peanuts fell off this shelf opened and fell all over my floor And the first thing I did maybe that doesn't freak y'all out But I was like the first thing I woke up because this bear was at the end of my bed like staring and I was like What the fuck, you know like I know that's what I mean. You could just there's something Oh, yeah, so many things happened and then I got rid of that bear
Starting point is 00:42:54 I gave it to some like dudes at this print company what a long story like downtown And like they even said the same thing. They're like something's not right with this bear So that's what I mean. Like I feel like there's like Got a polo santo that yo, that's why I like so much stuff I like that shit on fire Slow it down with a yeah, give us more time in between This one is a double His mom's like wait, you need to change out mattresses
Starting point is 00:43:30 And we remember when we were in hawaii, dude, she had it since like 1970 I was like, oh my yeah, you need to she goes. What if you don't I was like, well, you know things mites and things And I was like, well, how long have you had yours? Like 45 years. She's had the same mattress Well, we don't get rid of stuff. That's crazy. So she's my she's my next mattress project. Oh, thank you. That's sweet Where's she where's your mom now Gilbert? Yeah, Gilbert Arizona. Oh I was like she's in Gilbert. What? She's what sorry dude
Starting point is 00:44:04 You know Gilbert Arizona people say Gilbert Arizona. Oh, he's so where's your mom live Gilbert? Did you did you cry a lot when you and Ilani I cried about that? I really like you guys together. That was devastated. Yeah You know, like it's a thing where um, you listen to certain songs So I was like doing that. I was listening to like, you know Love songs and stuff like that. Yeah Yeah, how long before like but there's a thing she we did the initial breakup She came back the next morning Oh, this is what this is the time we couldn't get a hold of you and then we re-handled that
Starting point is 00:44:46 Yeah, and it's like, you know, it's like one of those things where I'm like, oh We're back together. Let's and then like we did the whole we went to the promenade and Brought Kirby and you know, we did the whole thing And then we did that and then again, then she broke up with me, you know, then we really split that's probably her trying to be like Okay, I'm gonna give this one final shot to see if there's still something like pulling at me. I mean, it's part of life, you know Things happen, you know And I realized too I think I like being alone as well too
Starting point is 00:45:17 I've always been kind of I think I get that from my dad or I don't I will say though About your growth as a human being when you were in a relationship exponential Really? I mean Exponential Really? Like you definitely you guys brought a lot into each other's lives And I'm sure she could probably speak for herself as well
Starting point is 00:45:38 Like but you really grew up like you weren't You know, little boy to Stevie. Yeah, like you were Yeah, you know Well, you have to because it's like you're doing you know what I mean came a man's You did come on bro. Give yourself on the back. Thank you. Thank you Okay, so you guys since this is again a um Filipino Independence Day episode we wanted to um Have a little take a little quiz Um have a little bit of a friendly competition between you and sarah. Okay, if that's okay
Starting point is 00:46:12 Yeah, and the loser it's like a trivial pursuit the whisper The loser has to do something. Okay. Go ahead gilbert break it down So we're gonna do this competition whoever gets the most right wins doesn't have to do anything Uh, the loser has to eat uh your choice. Actually, no, we're gonna eat durian and durian is a fruit Oh, it smells or or it smells good to some people and culture some people really love it Yeah, you have it. I've never we have any letterman loves it We have it on you. Yeah, we have some Um, if you don't want to eat that I get it. We also have I'll do it. We also have balut. You can choose from a
Starting point is 00:46:48 No, I'm not doing balut. Oh, well, I mean I'll do the durian mean you're gonna do it steve me and you are gonna do it Hey, well, we'll get to the balut balut. It's uh, what's the other option? She's like, what else can I It's a duck egg a duck embryo duck embryo boiled though cooked. I okay. I've had a duck egg scrambled. Okay. First question Okay, here we go. Number one first question Yeah, no, no, it was go ahead. I don't like it name three. Okay name the three Filipinos from this list So three out of four of these people are Filipino. Do you like the name? The first picture is Miranda Cosgrove The second is Enrique Iglesias Um, that's Dave Batista and then the fourth one is the singer her
Starting point is 00:47:26 Okay So which steve which of those which three people of those are Filipino do you think you just say? Yeah top of Filipino descent Can I just say like the the yeah top? Uh, I think about it man. You dated one top left Okay, Miranda Cosgrove. Yeah, uh-huh Bottom left prepare yourself Dave Batista and then top right Enrique Iglesias. Oh, no, no, no not angry bottom right bottom right. Okay, and sarah. Who are your choices? her The top of the top left. Uh-huh
Starting point is 00:48:06 Oh, here it is Well, because I described what you're saying. I'm gonna say the bottom left. And why do you think so? Just because Julio Iglesias. I don't I don't I don't think he's Filipino Clila you guys are both wrong I the only one who isn't Filipino there is Miranda Cosgrove the girl top left Oh, Enrique has a Filipino. That's the trick. Yeah, Filipino mom Really? All right. Well, you're both zero zero. That's good. That's good. It's a tie. It's still a tie. Okay. All right next question
Starting point is 00:48:38 That was a good one. Okay. What is which of these is the Philippine national fish? That looks like me So top left we have the mega mouth shark top right mega mouth shark the parrot. That's a parrot fish That's a bungalow sir a milkfish and the stevely Stevie weeby bottom right the bottom right is called a shokoi. It's a it's a Filipino merman Dagon the fish god stevely Dagon Dagon weeby
Starting point is 00:49:13 All right, steve. What is the Philippine national fish bottom left? You're gonna go with the milk Okay Sarah Oh, we have to just choose one. Yeah, choose one. Which one do you think is a Filipino? Well, didn't you just say this? Just choose one one is a Philippine national fish only one Um, oh man. All right. I guess I'll go with the bengus Good fish. Wow. Both are correct. One one. What one? It's a tie. It's still a tie. All right third question
Starting point is 00:49:44 Which country colonized the Philippines for over 300 years usa spain spain japan or great britain spain Yep, yep, yep even here we go. Who is this man? What yeah, wait just guess what his profession was or he's a he's a pastor. He's a priest. Who's his name? I have no idea Is it what do you think he did for a living? He was a catholic priest. Okay, sarah. What's your guess? Because of the thing Who's the closest club The name is so sarah is all and he was a Filipino revolutionary who like
Starting point is 00:50:31 Fought off the he was anti-spanish. Come on. See revolutionary. You know that. Yeah, or a priest still a tie guys. Let's move on all right, next one this one is uh Uh, which two of these men is bruno mars scroll up? Oh Wait, they're wearing the same shirt. It could be hard. It's a same shirt. It's a tricky one wait Which is also bruno mars? Can I
Starting point is 00:50:56 Left or right five four three left is bruno mars. Stevie five left. Fuck you both That's me. Yeah, same shirt Guys we gotta break this tie How many islands is the Philippines made of three eighty two seven thousand eight sixty three Sarah you go first Seven thousand seems too much Eight six eight Oh, I like how she broke up the numbers
Starting point is 00:51:35 Eight eighty two Seven thousand. Okay. Is that how you finalize her? Seven thousand. All right. I think that's her final answer And then Steve you can't pick whatever she chose so feel free to choose another one 82 Sarah is up one Steve It's seven thousand over seven thousand islands over seven thousand. All right. This is the final one. This is the final one I get to judge this. This is three points. This is a three-pointer. Read the following phrase. It's the best of your ability Oh, no, can you zoom in? Oh, this is the one that took breath from me. No, it's gonna be good. It's gonna be good
Starting point is 00:52:11 Steve I feel like if you have a if you're from the south like me you can probably have a better chance of getting this Than someone from the city. I'll say that just say this each vowel is its own. Okay. Sorry Steve you you're up one. Okay. You're right. All right. Remember we have durian on the line at the foot kata kata stasan, okay? Oh, sorry. Oh kata stasan, okay Good, I remember you look you're sweating. Just sweating. Your legs Your legs are sweating
Starting point is 00:52:56 Okay It's gonna be bad for me. No, it's just be your best I don't think I can say it. I don't think Gilbert's getting you there. I will not get this Uh, Steve, no Steve wait, okay Each vowel is what? It's a vowel. It did. Yeah, say every vowel. Every vowel. If it's two a's you go, ah, ah Yeah kata, ah, ah
Starting point is 00:53:25 Se a san So cocky I hate myself. Okay kaga kaga lang ga langeng gang Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Cut to punan. Mm-hmm. Perfect. In the nga. No, no, no In the manga manga Anak Bye on Steve
Starting point is 00:53:55 Stevie do you lose she did way better? Oh shit She actually did because she said katipunan, right? Which is like the ultimate word you have to get correct So, Steve, uh, our friend our friend is bring the durian our friend here Our friend here bring the durian for Oh This is a this is the duck egg. It is the duck embryo. I will do it. Yeah, I'll do it with you. You will Yeah, I want to do it. Steve. We're all hey, you know what? Steve do it with us. This is a team Steve I really I really messed up. This is a promo for scissor bro challenge below
Starting point is 00:54:41 Sarah, tell us about the store. No, I went to the farmers market and they were selling these and I was like, oh, sounds so much interesting, more interesting than duck eggs. So, like I was like, that's fantastic, I'll take three of them. And like I went home and I scrambled them.
Starting point is 00:54:59 Were you just mashing them? You mashed and opened it? Yeah, like a scrambled egg. It was horrible. No, because the texture was horrible. But that's the one time I was like, I recognize these, it did not go well. But they said it was very high in protein
Starting point is 00:55:15 and I was like, that's dope. You want to break the top first. I really don't want to do this. Just try your best, Eve. But I'm going to eat Cisabros. This is a challenge. Do it, all right? Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Honestly, you should do this in Cisabros too. Yeah, you should have that sweet white boy from Kansas eat balut. Why is this one extra hard? Do we crack it? I don't know when you guys bought this, but I'm not trusting. I'm not even looking at it. You know what?
Starting point is 00:55:43 The best way to eat balut, honestly, is in the dark. And Jules, do you have hot sauce? Turn off the lights. Is salt in the plate? Is salt make it better? Yes, the salt will make it better. Here, let me help you there. Jules, have you eaten one of these?
Starting point is 00:55:54 Here we go. I'll go first. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Do you have to crack it? Okay, here. Do you crack it? With just with your hand? No, no, no, here.
Starting point is 00:56:02 How do you do it? How do you do it? So you crack the top and then you just go. Oh, okay. Oh, that's a good one. Is it good? You have to eat it from the. I'm going to go, it had a beak in that one.
Starting point is 00:56:14 That's the one you had in the bowl. Juicy. Well, I didn't even let it get like this. I just literally scrambled it like a duck egg. That's not bad, it's fresh. What kind of, what kind of, okay. So I'm eating a duck? That, no, no.
Starting point is 00:56:30 Is it a duck? It's an embryo. An embryo of a duck? Cool. You know what? What was that? Scissor bros. This is very hard, so you have to.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Duck eggs. Okay. Gilbert can show you. Dude, this looks like alien. Show the camera, show the camera. This looks like alien part one. What is that? Is the embryo?
Starting point is 00:56:52 How do I do this? All right, keep rocking it. Do you see a lot of it? Joel, is he doing it right? What? This is so messed up. Scissor bros. You're going to this.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Scissor brothers. Here, we're going to take this. Oh my God. So anyone listening to right now on audio, we are doing, Sarah has just, it says it's small bad, right? It says like egg. It's really like an egg.
Starting point is 00:57:15 It tastes like an egg. It's really like an egg. No, no, no. I'm into it. So how do you, when do you eat it? Now. Just don't break your teeth on the hard top part. You already ate yours, didn't you?
Starting point is 00:57:23 Yeah, it was delicious. You haven't eaten yours. George, you don't have one. Caleb, do you want one? Do you want to eat one? No, no, I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it. I'm going to do it.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Is this the correct way to do it? That's my sister right there. Thank you so much. Let's go, y'all. Like this? Don't make that noise. I haven't done it yet. Steve, stop gagging.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Just eat it. Yeah, just eat it. This is a delicacy in her culture, Steve. Respect it. Respect jewels. It's not that bad. It's not bad. But why?
Starting point is 00:57:52 It's not that bad. I think Sarah wins this round, because look at Steve. He's crying. It's not that bad. Steve, that's not that bad, Steve. Stevie, that's not that bad. Yes, Steve, it's juicy out of your teeth.
Starting point is 00:58:02 Close your mouth. Salt would be good. Here, here, here. Let me put some salt on there. Salt would be good. Steve. Steve, it's not bad. It's not that bad.
Starting point is 00:58:11 Steve, don't spit it out. You have to swallow it. Hey? It's not about. Steve, it's Filipino Independence Day. I know. Swallow it. Swallow it, Steve.
Starting point is 00:58:19 I can't stand it. No, Steve, I can stand it. I like it. Guys. Actually, this is really good. Sarah won that round. I'm going to have Filipino. Here you go.
Starting point is 00:58:30 You're my honorary Filipino. Thank you. You're good, Steve. You're good, Steve. You got it. Jeez, you're really good, Steve. Why are you juicing on your chin so fucking good? That's the most juicing.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Look at the cameras. It was so good. Thank you. It was really good. Why are you juicing like that? That's a good question. Why are you so greasy? Why are you doing this?
Starting point is 00:58:50 Oh, God. It's really good. Good job, Steve. Really good. And you know what? To wash that down, Steve, I have a dessert for you. Jules, can you pass him the dessert? Steve, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:59:00 Yeah, I can. Oh, yeah. Steve, just keep in mind that's a new couch. OK, no, no, no, we're good. I'm good. I'm getting clean. Yeah, yeah. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 00:59:08 Thank you. All right. And what we have here is Darian. The reason we're doing this is because we served you what, 12 beautiful delicious Filipino dishes? You guys. So you have to try the other end. Oh, you OK there?
Starting point is 00:59:22 Hold on, hold on. That last one. Well, is there a beak in there? There can be. That one didn't have a beak. That one didn't. Might have a little. Some do, though, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:32 Yeah, some do, yeah. It just tastes like a good egg. It's just a really strong egg. It's a strong egg. Strong egg. Yeah, that's a. Sarah, you don't have to eat that because you won the competition.
Starting point is 00:59:39 But if you'd like to be adventurous, feel free. Is this a Dorian? That is a Dorian. I'm going to do it. You have to eat the whole thing? Look at her. She's going for everything. You keep fighting this, dude.
Starting point is 00:59:46 You got to eat the whole thing? Dude, have her on scissor bros. She's going to kill it. You should get her on scissor bros. Wait, do you want to guide them, Kala? Don't eat it. Don't eat the whole thing. Hey, there's something.
Starting point is 01:00:03 There's a funny smell. Sweet. What does it smell like? Sweet. Describe it. It's similar to poo, but it's not poo. It's like garlic poo. Why is she not?
Starting point is 01:00:14 She's crazy. Wow, she's a nanny letterman. She doesn't. Yeah. I think this might be like the Midwest. Food from the South is just, I mean, it's not compared, like, way different. But like, it's.
Starting point is 01:00:27 I grew up eating giblets. You know what I mean? It's still some crazy shit. There's a ham. Can you eat the whole thing? Ham, foot, hooves of like, eggs, a pig foot, yeah. Yeah, just take a bite, big bite, Steve. Have you eaten alligator?
Starting point is 01:00:38 I have, yeah. Crazy, right? Take a big bite. Good. It tastes OK. It's a little amphibious. How is it? How is it?
Starting point is 01:00:44 Do you like it? Do some chew into the mics. We have some ASMR. Wow. You like it? Mm-hmm. Steve. I think this is a sweet one.
Starting point is 01:00:51 It doesn't smell bad. OK, so, OK. Yeah, where did you get this one, George? Here we go. We got it from Seafood City, maybe? Hold up. What's that aftertaste? You didn't kill him, Steve.
Starting point is 01:01:03 I'm going to try this. Wow, Steve. What the hell? All right, Steve. OK. OK. That's good. Right in.
Starting point is 01:01:12 Yeah. Wait. There is a little aftertaste. What's this stuff on the other side? It's just like a milky kind of a, I shouldn't have said milky. Claude, did you smell it? I thought that seat took a bite.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Did you smell it? I can't smell anything. That's just why I know this is the milder durian. It's not bad. That's good. It's not bad. How's it like, um? Steve, you are right there.
Starting point is 01:01:30 OK. I did it. It's tough. This is hard. There's a seed in the middle. There's a seed. There's a seed in the, there's a seed in the middle. Girl, I've already lost two.
Starting point is 01:01:41 I'm missing, we used to call Bobby black tooth. Did he tell you that? Did he just have a dead tooth? No, he ought to make a sticker. What? Bobby King black tooth. Bobby, we used to call him King black tooth because all of his teeth in the back were black holes.
Starting point is 01:01:56 Well, he choose, well, how does he eat his food? Three teeth? He no longer has those teeth. Good. They have sins perished. No, I think it's like, it's definitely like a, I mean, he did a lot of drugs too. Bobby teeth.
Starting point is 01:02:07 I've lost two teeth. Bobby three tooth. Yeah. That's his mafia name is Bobby three tooth. Bobby three tooth. Bobby three tooth. When he eats, it's hard to watch him, right? He goes, well, no, here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:02:21 You do learn to gum it. I'm not going to lie. I'm missing teeth. You just stick, I eat grapes in between those two missing teeth. You just have to practice, right? But his thing is like, he always wants to go to steak houses and he always orders steaks. And he has to swallow it whole because he can't chew it.
Starting point is 01:02:36 So he takes these big chunks and he's just like, you just see that big piece go down his neck. I hate that fucking smell. You don't like it? Yeah, it's funky. It's like a sock. I have to admit, the Dorian was easier for me than the Boulut. Yeah, it was very good.
Starting point is 01:02:50 But it looks just egged to me. I don't think there were either. There weren't another one of them. They were both delicious. I've heard about Dorian a lot, but it's sometimes. Yeah, we didn't get a stinky one. It did smell a little funky. I'm really proud of you guys.
Starting point is 01:03:03 You can't really describe the smell. It smells really specific. Yeah. Yeah. Sulfur. Can Bob get like dentures or implants? Can he just get fake teeth in there? Yeah, I mean, he's got money.
Starting point is 01:03:17 I don't, for somebody who has money, he sure has very little teeth. Why does he just do that? He does it, but he doesn't like the dentist, right? Yeah, but he likes food. He likes food, but if you don't like it, that's implants. Yeah, it is. It's painful.
Starting point is 01:03:30 It's painful. Oh my god. Have you had them? No, I won't get them. I'm missing two teeth, but I won't get them because it's two. They stick a rod up there. Oh, they stick a rod in your gums? They don't fist it.
Starting point is 01:03:41 And then you have to wait a while for it to heal before you put the actual implant on there. They put a screw a rod and it pulls your tooth in. So most people don't want to do that, especially if you don't see it. We did it. We did it. Do we have any helpful advice this week, Gil?
Starting point is 01:03:55 We do. We have a question. A helpful advice with Kalyla. I love your shoes. Sarah. Yeah, you like them? Add Stevie Weaver. Does it say El Nino?
Starting point is 01:04:03 No, this is like the Nike of China lining. Oh, yeah. So good. Really? Yeah, so good. Can you get me a pair? Yeah, I mean, there's a store on there. There's a store on Fairfax.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Is that Dwayne Wade's shoe? No, yeah. How do you know he's sponsored by that? Does every NBA player now has a shoe in China? Yeah, he's their premier player. Dwayne Wade's sponsored by Lining. Oh, well, this. They're a Chinese company.
Starting point is 01:04:31 All right, guys, here's the unhelpful question. That balloon was hard for me. Feel free to give helpful advice. Very hard. Or unhelpful advice, Steve. Here we go. So for a job for the summer, I help an uncle deliver packages. And my grandma also helps him to when
Starting point is 01:04:45 I don't want to go with my uncle. Wait, can you start from the beginning? Yeah. My mind wandered. Can you start? Can you read slower? Yeah, I always love it. Slow, slow, slow.
Starting point is 01:04:52 So for a job for the summer, I help my uncle deliver packages. And my grandma also helps him when I don't want to go with my uncle. Well, today. I guess, sorry, Gil, but I got lost again. Yeah, yeah, for a lot slower, slow, slow, slow. So for a job for the summer. Slower than that.
Starting point is 01:05:09 Really slow, very slow. So for a job for the summer, I help an uncle deliver packages. I don't know why I'm turning it to like. Why are you doing voice over? Dude, just do it slower in your normal voice. How slow do you want it, bro? No, right here. So for a job for the summer, I help an uncle deliver packages.
Starting point is 01:05:36 And my grandma also helps him when I don't want to go with my uncle. So sometimes. You start from the beginning, my mind wandered again. Sorry, one last time. I'm so sorry. If you do this one more time, we have another bullet for you. We have another bullet for you.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Can I not take the mannequin home either? Because I don't think I have room for that thing. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, because that'd be weird if I had a. I'm just kind of scared of it. What if we cut her body in half? We'll give you the top half now. You want the bottom or top?
Starting point is 01:05:59 None of that. No. Continue with your email. Wait, can you name her? Name her for us. She looks like. A merideth. Look at her beautiful brown skin.
Starting point is 01:06:14 Yeah, why did you go for merideth? Bridget. Sarah, what do you think? Joanna. No, I was trying to think of the one of the. What? Oh, was it Brittany? I was trying to.
Starting point is 01:06:29 Yeah, she looks like Brittany. Brittany. I don't know where that came from. Brittany. Brittany. Bye. All right, all of that. I need to move on to the mannequin.
Starting point is 01:06:41 You know, it's just gross. You've graduated. Yeah, I got to move on. I got to move back to the mannequin. Right, so I agree. OK, back to you. What if we see you take this poodle one instead? You want the poodle?
Starting point is 01:06:52 You've moved on. You've moved on to something else. Back to the email. So for a job for this summer, I help my uncle deliver packages. And my grandma also helps him when I don't want to go with my uncle. Today, I didn't want to go and enjoy this day. I'm sorry, this sentence is really weird. Basically, I didn't want to go today.
Starting point is 01:07:12 And I come to find out my grandma fell out of the truck and went to the hospital with a fractured knee and toes. Now I feel like a piece of shit for not going to help. I feel like it's all my fault. And these people in my family are saying I should have been there. It just feels like in my mind, they're saying it's all my fault. Are they right? So basically, he didn't help his uncle,
Starting point is 01:07:33 which means his grandma had to take his place. And she fell out of the truck and fractured. Basically, I understand. Unless you ripped her body out of that truck yourself, it's not your fault. Shitty things happen when you make it. That's what families do. Well, shitty parents do is that they they they like to throw on this like thick layer of guilt and you hang on to it for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:07:55 And it's a horrible, horrible thing to do. But no, it's not your fault. It's not his fault. Have you guys had a moment when you were very guilty and people made you feel like shit for it? I have to think about that one. Yeah, all the time. Like every time your parents are like, you should have done this or else this wouldn't.
Starting point is 01:08:13 You know, if you hadn't done this, this wouldn't have happened. And I'm like, they're completely unrelated. And I want to say that. But you get a backhand to your mouth. You know what I mean? You can't talk back and say that. So you're just like, yeah, all right, it's my fault. You carry these little things for the rest of your life.
Starting point is 01:08:25 But no, dude, it's not your fault. Simple as that. Not your fault. Don't worry about it. Yeah. All right, guys, here's the second question. My eyelash is falling off, Sarah. This is from our friend.
Starting point is 01:08:35 This is our friend. Lash expert. Help me out. I'm not really middle of my eye though, sorry. This is our friend Dee. We'll call him Dee. I wanted some advice on our relationship with my girlfriend. We've been dating for over a year now
Starting point is 01:08:46 and made some mistakes prior to us being officially together. She brings it up every couple of months and uses it to justify her current feelings or actions. We always move, in quotations, past it, but always brought up later on. Should I just move on with my life or work towards making this relationship work? I'm at odds because I know I deserve to be happy and not be reminded of my past. But I was single then, so of course I was talking to other women. Any help would be appreciated.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Love you guys. His girlfriend is using his past to basically use it in fights. That's rude. Yeah, it's young people's shit. Yeah, you can't do that. You can't do that. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:24 There's always going to be something. Yeah, no, you can't. You don't owe it to anybody to defend your past. None of her fucking business, really. What happened before her entry into your life is really none of her business, unless it's currently affecting her. And let's say you used to stab people. Now you stab her in her sleep.
Starting point is 01:09:41 That's when it matters. You can't use that. That's so unfair. Yeah, I would move on. If I put it this way, that's a major red flag. If I just met somebody and he did that to me, he'd be out today. I wouldn't move on without relationship. That's just me, right?
Starting point is 01:09:57 Because that's just, I can't do that jealousy shit or that judgment or that like. Yeah, that's like if you brought up like, you're doing the opposite, because it's like you bringing up Sarah or something. You know what I'm saying? Dumb dumb. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense. Yeah. But I've had that though, like when people bring in past stuff,
Starting point is 01:10:15 like current relationship. Oh yeah, I've had that too. Oh yeah. But it's them because it's insecurity and to be mean, because it does nothing to move the relationship forward. Yeah, exactly. It doesn't, it's not useful. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:10:29 It doesn't help anybody. So it's like, it's just something that's you said, it's not useful. Do you think that women do that more than men? No, a lot of men do that to you at all the time. All the time. Yeah, you were this, you were a hoe. Well, that's which all that's like shaming. And yes, shaming, like judgment.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Jules, are you there? Yeah. How did you set her? I just saw her little like head peeking through the corner. Jules, happy Independence Day. Thank you, Jules, for all the food, Jules. Thank you so much. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:11:03 We did it, guys. Did we get enough time for it? Did we get enough time? Oh, yeah. Good. I think you guys, here's my. That was really fun. Total assessment.
Starting point is 01:11:12 You guys fucking killed it. No, that was just fun. I don't. Honorary Filipinos is what I'm saying. Oh, I mean, I'm not on that tip. But that was fun. That was fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:22 Thank you. It was totally good. Yeah. Thanks for that. Sarah, thank you for doing this on not that long a notice either. I am. I told George.
Starting point is 01:11:30 Thank you. You. It's amazing. I'm thank you. It's an honor. Steve, you guys want to sign off? What do you mean? Give us a promote whatever you want to promote.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Oh, we're still filming? Yeah. I was like, Steve, can you keep the energy up? Yeah, promote your stuff. Just go to youtube.com, scissor bros. Yeah. I'm mostly here for that as well. Because I told Jeremiah I was coming here.
Starting point is 01:11:55 Oh, I thought you wanted to also. Oh, and Stevie Ruby show. And I need both y'all to come back. On? Whenever. No, either season or mine. Yeah, of course you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:07 Yeah. Your brother comes back on Friday. We can go eat and stuff. Right. OK. Yeah, we should all go to reunion. Reunion. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Sarah, you have stuff to promote. You're amazing, amazing art. Art? Thank you. Where can we get it? I appreciate it. Yeah, just go on Instagram. Everything is on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Everything lives on Instagram. Websites are on Instagram. Everything's on Instagram. Like, that's pretty much it. Oh, yes, thank you, George. And George, you're going to put it in the YouTube description box, right? Oh, thank you, George.
Starting point is 01:12:38 For those listening, my Instagram is Sarah Rose Highland, or just Sarah Rose. Otherwise, you will find it. I'm there. What a name. I like that. I love that you're still doing art. I know.
Starting point is 01:12:49 Really good. I wasn't doing it. I wasn't doing it. I was. The pandemic actually happened. But you're doing it. And I'm doing it again. No, it's been good.
Starting point is 01:12:57 And that's what I will say. Like, through your fans, Tiger Belly fans, there's so many creative, amazing fans. Like, it's great. What you guys attract to your show? Yeah. Attracts really cool, creative people. Like, I've met so many amazing people.
Starting point is 01:13:16 It's dope. The power of Kalilah. I'm just saying, like, that's not every podcast attracts, like, a good community. We have a good community. But, like, it feels like you guys have, over the years, have accumulated this badass group of people. That's awesome.
Starting point is 01:13:29 And they love you. Yeah. They love you so much. And the words of Bobby really quick. That's enough. Shut up. Everyone, shut up. Round of applause for Stevie and Sarah.
Starting point is 01:13:39 OK, that's enough, guys. Thank you, guys. We'll see you next week. All right, guys. That was a wild episode. I mean, not only did we have our beautiful, wonderful, funny, talented co-host, Sarah Highland, Tate Bobby's place, we didn't stop there.
Starting point is 01:13:59 We brought the man to myth alleging. I mean, he's right here in our outro. He's doing the sizzling bro dance, rocking a D-Wade signature shoe. Feel free, is it lining? Lining? Yeah. Feel free to hit up Steve and sponsor him.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Lining, holler at me. Holler at him. We just want to thank our. What camera are you looking at there, Steve? OK. OK, it looked like you were looking at the wrong one. Lining, holler at me. OK.
Starting point is 01:14:26 Just a quick merch update to our sleeper's special announcement. We have some special new designs coming for you guys very soon. Any hints on what's happening there, Gil? I don't know. It seems like people really like the Joshua Tree episode. So we might be getting a hoodie and some shirts pretty soon, maybe.
Starting point is 01:14:46 There's a quick flash right there. You saw that, George? And also, not only that, we also are introducing some really cool summer tees, a little nod to Hawaii, a little nod to the ocean stylings that Bob and Kalaida love so much. So here's a little flash of it right here. Ding.
Starting point is 01:15:05 Yeah, George. Oh, I hate when people do that. I added that YouTube point. But yeah, guys, if you do want to hear about it first, so it doesn't sell out because these will be limited run once again, we'll have some merch that sits in the store, but not these designs. These will be capped at a certain amount.
Starting point is 01:15:23 So make sure you be first to find out about it. So by joining our mailing list at www.podcap.io slash belly. Once again, that's www.podcap.io slash B-E-L-L-Y. And guys, we also want to give a shout out to a sister podcast or, shall I say, a brother podcast. I don't know my camera, a brother podcast. It's called Scissor Bros.
Starting point is 01:15:51 Steve, tell us a little about that podcast. Yeah, so Scissor Bros. is with me and my buddy Jeremiah Watkins. Go to YouTube.com slash Scissor Bros. And subscribe today. Will you guys do some scissors with me? One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Tell us what we can expect in the show. Oh, we do weekly challenges.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Nine, 10. Like we did a hot sauce challenge. We actually pooed in diapers. That's a challenge or it was a mistake. The original challenge was whoever could poo the, because we took laxatives. So whoever pooed first lost. But then it took a while for the laxatives to pick in.
Starting point is 01:16:38 So we changed it to whoever poos first wins. And I beat, I actually won that challenge. So we do weekly challenges. It's just a fun, silly podcast. So you guys check it out. Check it out, guys. It will be in the description down below, per Steve's request.
Starting point is 01:16:54 We'll see. We'll see. George. It'll be there, or will it. Steve, one more time. Say it to the camera what the link is. YouTube.com slash scissor bros. Instagram slash q-u-a-n-g-o-u.
Starting point is 01:17:07 Thanks for letting me be here. Yeah. Thanks for coming on, man. And also, the Stevie Weeby Show. That is still running. Oh, Stevie Weeby Show. YouTube.com slash Stevie Weeby. Uploads are every Wednesday.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Boom. Guys, we love you very much. Make sure you follow everything Bobby Lee and Bobby Live, Klai like Klamdi K, George at George underscore Kimmel. All your Warzone updates at Gilbits. And I follow us on Tiger Belly. For the latest updates. And that is going to be at Tiger Belly on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:17:35 And also, one more time, make sure you sign up for the mailing list. That is once again, www.podcap.io slash Belly. Stevie, we love you. George, you're a great father and husband. And bye. Bye. Hey, Prime members.
Starting point is 01:18:12 You can listen to Tiger Belly ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey.

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