TigerBelly - Ep 329: 7 Days on a Deathbed w/ Rick Ingraham

Episode Date: December 29, 2021

Bobby starts a triple X GoFundMe. Rick reads for Breaking Bad. Khalyla heckles. We talk Warlock the bodyguard, double dragon diabetes, Milli Vanilli jokes, fecal smearers, and the Pete Davids...on Vortex. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Rick's here. Rick's here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Is that how you soundcheck? Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Levels. Don't say anything until I bring your name up. Okay, Rick. That's the rules of this fucking thing. Yeah, I hear you I'm here to follow rules. I know. I know you don't like to follow rules, but do you follow that rule? Yeah, I can do that. All right. Do you break rules often? I
Starting point is 00:00:29 I tend to make my own rules and then break them. Yeah, I take it as far as I can go Yeah, that's the ultimate God move. Yeah. Yeah, it's just you know, I created I destroy exactly right Yeah, I'm a bit of a you know Keep my power Type of person in house. It is it's made me feel great and held me back in every way Yeah, I don't like this Clark Kent thing you're doing with your leg for I don't do that. It's very yeah, Dean I like it. What do you think? Actually like it looks pretty good. I don't know. Oh, yeah, there we go. All right, so start don't say anything until I say your name
Starting point is 00:01:05 Go ahead Four three two and a one negative one negative two Three four negative five no one ever does that no they go to the ground zero, but not me Can I beg you? Yeah, keep going? All right, so go five four three two one zero negative one negative two negative three negative four negative five negative six negative seven negative eight negative nine negative ten keep going eleven negative twelve negative twelve thirty fourteen negative fifteen You guys welcome we got George, you know, you know, you know, you know, I you know I said to you a year ago, you know, no more plain old white guy gasses
Starting point is 00:02:03 I go no more these plain old white guy fucking white bread fucking wonder bread fucking guests, right? I love wonder bro. I know I love them too. And that's what I thought this week I'm like, I love wonder when I first came from the Philippines wonder bread was my favorite I would eat a whole loaf would just butter right and then people would say would you have a breakfast? And I would probably say wonder bread and they'd be like, that's it. Yeah I didn't know it was a bad thing. But anyways, wonder bread's great. Wonder bread's great. It's plain. It's wonderful You're not getting a lot of nutrients. Hmm. Not a lot of bag to differ champion swimmer. It is Wonder bread is okay. So anyway, um over the years. I've been like, you know
Starting point is 00:02:45 You know, these regular white guys. Who is the top of them? You're me here's who's on the list. There's a cream of the crop crop when it comes to regular white dudes Plain plain old white dudes. Yeah. Yeah. And in my head, I'm like, which one would I, you know If I was like the emperor of the universe sure and I get to deem leaders You are the emperor, right? I would probably this next guest be you're now the new leader of The whites, but the regular whites plain whites plain whites, right? You get to lead, you know Ian bag You get to lead, you know, Daniel Tosh, right? I mean, you're leading a lot of white people and you have a lot of on your shoulders
Starting point is 00:03:33 I also want to say this before I say your name is and this you know, this is true. I Honestly think you're so talented. I Think all of the guys and you know, this is my podcast and I don't give compliments But I'm just saying all the guys that were store bread guys like me you Sebastian maybe was he was store bread. You worked a little bit, right? But I think that you're one of the best and I think and when you get spots you get spots a lot I I look at Emily every time and I go keep doing that because that guy
Starting point is 00:04:09 Deserves it give him a round of applause Rick Ingram. Wow. What an intro pretty good, right? God. Yeah Yeah, do you like being white? Yeah It's you know, it's worked for me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot of plain whites And there's what's interesting now is for the first time the plain whites are really up in arms about how things are becoming more fair George is nodding. Yeah. Yeah. They're very angry about it There's a lot of people who'll be like dude You probably would be famous by now if you weren't a straight white guy. I'm like, I've been unfamous and straight and white for 20 Years, I don't think that's it. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:51 But our eyes you're the Lord of the white. You're the white. Yeah, that's the best. I'm excited about that But can I I want to say that you're Kind of an anomaly in the sense that You're one of those guys that we all have talked about over the years. Yeah, like I've had conversations with Paul a shore About you. I've had talked about a talk talk with Sarah Tiana And it's like you're just a mystery because I just think that you should be 50 times bigger than you are, you know Do you feel that or no? Yeah, I mean I do but I I'm I'm absolutely
Starting point is 00:05:30 Horrible at playing the game. So yeah. Yeah, I can't have I can't have you know Our long fake conversations with Hollywood types where I have to pretend like I think what they're doing is great or Whatever that is, you know, I'm just really bad at it. There's a For me, I try and keep an element of being genuine. That is I feel frowned upon in Hollywood in general. I think that's what it is. Yeah, you just seem like a normal It's not a weasel like you. I always say the truth shall set you back. Stop stop stop He's not a what? He's not a weasel like you. I am whizzily, huh? But I can't help it because I was raised with the weasel. That's the Pauly effect. Thank you. Yeah, there is a Pauly effect
Starting point is 00:06:16 Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why I got fired from touring with Pauly. I think was my oh my body was rejecting weaseling Really what did you do anything strange on the road or no the Pauly? Yeah, he was always just like he would try and just be little me It was always like did come come clean up my room and pack my bag so that we're ready Yeah, I was like 23 years old. I'm like, I'm not doing that. Yeah. Yeah, they'd always throw everyone under the bus Did Simone does it bro? Yeah, no, he tried to do it to me, too And I just wouldn't show up at the table. Yeah, because for me, it's like I'm not getting a lot of money Yeah, I'm opening for Paul, which is great. He's a legend and you know in the circles that we run in, right? So you just go but also when you're single and back then
Starting point is 00:07:06 you're going I Think I want to get some play here. Yeah, that is what you think. He never happens. Never So much played it never works. I mean, I have zero game in general. Yeah, like he stacks it up to help like I'm sure you probably got your own hotel room I had to share a hotel room with the bodyguard Tea with Tarell. Yeah. Oh, yeah He used to have this guy T. You don't know Tarell. He's like the seven foot giant giant black eye pride of Chicago pride of Chicago His name was T. Yeah, right. You don't fuck with T, dude. One of the best dudes. We're the best. Yeah strong as Fuck yeah, also very genuine human being. Yeah, he like tours now with like well-known R&B hip-hop
Starting point is 00:08:00 Yeah, I saw me. Yeah, so I was in I was shooting. What was I shooting? I was shooting a movie called Keeping Up with the Joneses With in Atlanta, right with Zach and those guys I just a couple scene that scene but um, I remember being in the hotel and What's the long-haired magical DJ? Yoki one day you'll get it I know I text him every day. I just like pretending. I don't know who he is. Who are you? Of course, I know who he is. He's one of the biggest But I remember he was there and I was talking to fucking Steve Aoki and all of a sudden I was levitating
Starting point is 00:08:35 So I see Steve Aoki in the fucking lobby. I go, what's up, dude? Where I go and I started levitating T was there was working for Ioki. He picks me up by the neck And he lifted me off the ground like this and I talked to Steve Aoki like this Fucking T is strong as fuck. Good man. Good man. Yeah. So back then you did it with T. How about Warlock? I know I knew Warlock from the comedy store from just smoking cigs and drinking Budweiser's on the front patio If you were to describe Warlock's body You don't know what Warlock started Warlock Rick and I go from the medieval Yeah, Warlock the warlords. We had a different time man. Warlock was like
Starting point is 00:09:16 He was the accountant for the house of blues I would have never I would have never guessed a warlock would be the accountant. That's all I'm gonna say. Yeah, real name I'm not sure Cigarettes Roger imagine that's name cigarette smoke in human form. Yeah. Oh, that's warlock. Yes It's ash. He's made of ash. Yeah, it's a good way of describing. Yeah, ash and cigs also a great dude But just definitely where you just like I'm getting cancer right now. Yeah Also, you know, the all those terms like you're greasy did you know, I mean, that's all drive from warlock No, just like all those words. I feel like he came up with by hanging out with warlock. So warlock Holly. Yeah, yeah, Paulie
Starting point is 00:09:56 Yeah, so warlock was this greasy dude, but back then it's like about one time I'm Paulie guys. I was this girl was blowing me Mm-hmm and Paulie guys after she was done and I felt this I've never had my heart break So hard Yeah, yeah, it broke it breaks my heart. So she's pure poor girl. She's 22 Junior in college. No, I must have been at the time 28 27 And she's done and she's you know, she's wiping the come off. Oh, she blew it to completion Oh, yeah, yeah, I've never successfully done that. Yeah, but I was younger the gun was new
Starting point is 00:10:33 I feel like the gun was way newer. Yeah. Yeah Loser causing Issues now with this. No, yeah, I tried so hard on his birthday I understand that I understand that and I said I would jerk off the rest I was like, I'll take it from here, but she hurt she took an hour. Oh After 20 minutes on your 50th birthday, I know you were sweating your hands were wet. It was terrible Yeah, so anyway, it's dedication. So she's full group. She blows me and she's done and I want to go You want to go have breakfast or whatever because I always like to do that. You're so sweet. So sweet and she goes
Starting point is 00:11:17 Blow him did She looks at her to blow warlock Yeah, right and my heart went and did she yeah And I had breakfast on my own That's the real sad That's a sad part. Yeah, yeah, still I'm still getting back Yeah, yeah, and so she did that broke my heart But so you never got any back then. No, I never got any and then there's like one time I was in I think I was in like
Starting point is 00:11:47 Dayton, Ohio or something and Caparillo was with us and That's friends after the show someone goes Some girls were talking to cap and the cap was like hey these girls want to go Want us to meet him at this club and I'm like, oh, all right Thinking like hey, maybe this will work me and cap just the two biggest players out Two of the most regular white dude. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah And so we go to this club and we get there and it's the girls and their boy friends and I'm like
Starting point is 00:12:20 Oh, this makes way more sense that they were just like on the road friends owning us Yeah, and so we hung out for like 10 minutes. I'm like dude. We got to get the fuck out of here I don't want to just hang out with normal people. Yeah, and so then we went back and I Walked up to my hotel room and I opened the door and Tarell was just slaying it All right. Oh, you're working. I just share a room with them. Oh my god. It just goes. Oh, man I forgot to lock it. Sorry, bro, and I'm just like Wow, yeah, and then I walked over to Caparillo's room. I'm like, hey, can I hang out in here? Tarell's with that chick and he was like big dick. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean frightening. Maybe I shouldn't stay in the room
Starting point is 00:13:01 Bigger dick than Leslie Jones. Way big When Tarell hit me up later to tell me that he was done. He was like the text he sent me was like Bro, I'm finished up. Sorry. You had to see me lay in a yard and a half a dick. Oh Oh, wow, that's a cool thing to say. Yeah. Yeah, I've never said that out loud before. No We've talked about on you on the comedy store podcast, but I apologize About New York. No apology. No. I know what happened Well Freddy's Freddy Lockhart, you know Freddy Lockhart. I'm familiar. Yes. He's a friend of yours. Yeah, he is Freddy goes dude
Starting point is 00:13:43 Can Rick host for you in New York? And I go alright and Freddy by the way, Freddy's playing every every angle of this He hits me up and he's like dude Bobby wants you to open for Wow, and I'm like really that's clever. Yeah, and he's like, yeah, it's great. We're we got to set up We're gonna go. It's like six nights or something. I'm just like sweet six nights in New York I go, what are we doing? Where are we staying? Oh, we got a room and I'm like, oh, okay Yeah, but what was that room? He was just renting a basement room in a brownstone in Harlem and Terrible, right? It was terrifying cold. It was cold. There was just a communal shower
Starting point is 00:14:27 I mean, it was literally like a dungeon and some brownstone and it was so at that time his stomach hurt bad Yeah, like how bad I? I was vomiting Four to ten times every day double dragon. Yeah, well not quite, but it was more just a double-drag That's where you're shitting and shitting and throwing I wasn't shitting because I do I couldn't get a double dragon Yeah, nothing would process that for him for it double drag double drag. I've done it Right, so you were double dragging it sure you show up at the club. Yep, and I see you
Starting point is 00:15:04 I don't know you that well. This is 15 years ago Yeah, about 15 and I go get up you little pussy. Yeah, I Was he was on the ground. I was so sick. I was laying on a concrete floor Backstage at a comedy club. There was just filthy filthy, but my body was overheating so much I needed the coolness of the concrete He were dieting you were dying of hepatitis and you were basically and you told him to get up Yeah, but I didn't fuck fuck man. I didn't know nothing. Yeah, but no hepatitis or no nothing man I just thought he had a bad bad burrito. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:15:42 Still I know that's what I did was wrong and This is the last time I apologize for he's apologized. I apologize for a thousand times Yeah, I'm doing it again. Right. Yeah, your little belly had the diabetes. There's no there's no reason to apologize I'm a little baby where you were sick like a little baby, huh? What I kicked you a couple times. What happened, baby? listen, it's This is a very I reversed it. I reversed it. I reversed it. Yeah, you did. I'm gonna. I'm not going down on this one Yeah, right little baby. Yeah, you're tom-tom our relationship at that point
Starting point is 00:16:17 Was basically just you harassing me. Yeah, I know I'm sorry, but I mean that it wasn't like it's so when so you got so That then I what did I do for you though? Uh, so what while when I'm sick like that? Uh, I had unchecked diabetes. I didn't know I was dying. Oh My body was going through ketoacidosis. Yes, and I was Really dangerous by the way if you go into DKA That is a very that is like a critical thing someone goes through. You can that was a game We used to play as a kid. What ketoacidosis ketoacidosis. Yeah, real fun. That is dangerous I didn't know the information. You didn't know I didn't even I didn't know so I just was sick a lot and
Starting point is 00:16:57 So the only thing that would make my stomach would start spasming real bad And so if I took a sip of water, I'd throw up a sip of water. Oh, and so The only thing that would calm it down was if I took like a scalding hot bath or shower And it would make my muscles relax enough to where I would at least stop vomiting And so I'm telling Bobby and he's like, well, why didn't you do that? I'm like because we're staying in a basement in Harlem And there's a communal shower and I can't just what am I what did I do for a little baby, baby? Poppy What a puppy. I think you pop
Starting point is 00:17:34 gave me his hotel key and said Skip the rest of the show go do what you need to do take care of yourself because I care Is he care about people? Yeah, I work with that's right and my employees So what I did for this guy was I go go to my nice fancy hotel room and take a nice bath Yeah, and I found little tiny brown pubic hairs all over that bathtub. I don't know if that's true or not It's not no It's not true at all Because I don't shed them. I keep I know they stay right where they are. So how long after?
Starting point is 00:18:09 New York did you find out that you legit at me had? It was probably I don't know six months to a year after that. I finally was diagnosed correctly. I just been misdiagnosed for years Oh my so I I didn't develop. I have type 1 diabetes. I didn't develop it till I was older So I think the doctors I was seeing thought I was too old to have type one is type one Is usually a kid. Yeah, it's juvenile diabetes. What they used to call it. That's hilarious. So yeah I developed juvenile diabetes at 25. That's hilarious. Yeah, and and then I was I wasn't fat enough For them to think I had type 2 basically. Mm-hmm. So
Starting point is 00:18:53 yeah, so I finally went into diabetic shock and Spent seven days the ICU and that's how I found out You died pretty close. Are you being real? Yeah? Yeah That is so dangerous. So you were in a hospital for seven days on a deathbed I was in the ICU for four and a half days and then two more days in the shitty part of the Hospital in Burbank, and I mean people must have been so concerned I mean like the people who like I was close to just had basically accepted that I was just sick all the time It was probably three or four years just being sick always
Starting point is 00:19:33 Yeah, and it would come in ways or sometimes it was way worse than other times and I'm sure it was all based on diet And you know, I didn't know how they misdiagnosed that for so long. Couldn't they just do like a They could routine they checked your sugar. They could have just literally done a blood test Yeah, they could have done any of those things, but they didn't and I was going to doctors I didn't have insurance. So I was paying out of pocket and Going to specialists for the wrong things basically That's kind of when I learned like if if you go to the wrong doctor Then they're probably going to diagnose you with something and it's probably not going to be right
Starting point is 00:20:09 Oh, so like since I had stomach problems was my main issue I went and saw a gastrointestinologist. Yeah, and he gave me a bunch of bullshit about oh, this is what I have and started Listing them off. I'm like damn and then I was scary I googled it and like half of them were like, this is not a real condition. I'm like, does he not know I have Google? But oh really? Yeah, you have that little apparatus to get out of your stomach, too. What does that do? Yeah, this is my Dexcom it just tells me my blood sugar Well, you know what dude? I'm so glad that you discovered that I think I told you you might have diabetes in Caroline's but it's it's possible Yeah, yeah, I don't recall anything else. What's the pain? That's fine. You predicted it. Yeah, I think I said you know it's coming
Starting point is 00:20:50 Yeah, it's a rocker. It's the only diagnosis, you know, how do I say that again kid's a racerosis. Well, you know, I said, oh I Before we continue I have to figure out how to pronounce this word keto keto acid acid Osis Kitto acidosis. Yes. That's what you had. Yeah, that's bad. Can I ask you a little side note, too? Yeah, I've always wanted to ask you you don't seem like you fuck that girl probably not I bet yeah I mean, I've never had anyone make to differ guys shape like Rick always have the biggest six
Starting point is 00:21:26 That's not what I said though, but but I Oh, he's a I believe you're you're arguing that you're both right We're both right. Yeah, we're both right when it's so big you kind of don't have to do a lot of work I know but I think I'm just saying that yeah privately, right? We if with his wife, I'm sure it's great time. I'm just saying that as an ex that tempo That's that was a great time. I'm just saying a lot of slapping. I wouldn't pay to watch it is what I'm saying Yeah, he's not a good performer. Do you think people would pay to watch you 100%? I think I'd be the number one on go fund me
Starting point is 00:22:10 I'm starting to go fun me to put that out Yeah, I'm gonna say this about you. Yeah, and please don't take offense to this I probably this is huge. Congratulations. I probably won't someone for someone with such an average size penis You do not do a lot of work You should be doing a lot more What's for how average your penis size is effort would be you know appreciated it sounds like Like you should be eating pussy Okay, can I say this? Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:44 If a magical man showed up my door, right and He's wearing a blue suit. He has a little tag that says NFL Okay, right. He shows up at my door. I'm a commissioner for the NFL. Okay. I don't know how it works Yeah, I go. Thanks. You need you lost. No, I'm here for you. What is it? We we want you to be the new running back Right for the LA Rams. Okay, right from the Commission. I got all right. I'll do it Now I'm at starting right. Yeah, my size. You know me big guys. I Take the ball
Starting point is 00:23:18 Did they hand it off to me? Yeah, and before I do that the quarterback goes to the back. Just do it Try your best, you know, I mean fuck good basic is what he said I'm never I'm gonna go two feet and I'm dead, right? So it's like it was sex. I don't there's no I try to figure it out Shut the fuck up. I want to make this analogy work. So I want him to give us his interpretation of what you just said and we'll keep continuing. All right. All right So that's far. Yeah. Yeah, just to be clear
Starting point is 00:23:57 All right, well when you're trying to fuck there's 11 giant do Preventing you from succeeding at It's very confused It's so funny. That's I didn't go hot hike. There's no everybody else there All right, it's not a fucking get my point is that are you doing okay? Go ahead. Keep on go ahead You're doing tryouts. You're just tryouts right now. No, what I'm saying is is that even what I'm saying is I'm gonna get to The clear right here. Don't make that face. I just I don't like your face right now
Starting point is 00:24:39 Sorry, sorry, sorry because I know I'm not gonna be able to clear this up clear it But I'm gonna give a shot right what I'm saying is is that even if I know how to play be running back This is not and I do the best I can I show them all my moves ice. There's nothing I can do, right? That's just what God gave me. There's nothing you can do in sex too, right? It's the same thing It's like I'm doing the best I can right for what God gave me But it's still not good enough for you. Do you think that fame has made you a Worst lover 100% Yeah, why it's just you don't have you feel like you don't have to do a lot of work
Starting point is 00:25:18 You're out there with that star dick. Yes. It's start it. Oh Dilemma. Yeah, it's a stardick. Yeah, to you mentally. It's an honor Anytime someone else gets to play the game. No, no, that's not it You you're telling you're basically looking me in the eyes and you should be so thankful you're mounting me No, that's not it. He's a starting running back of the LA around No, when I was younger, right When you don't have comedy a dream when you have you don't make a lot of money You know me you don't know what you do with what I want to do with your life
Starting point is 00:25:57 You're in your early 20s and then you have that, you know, I mean that early 20s horniness, right? It's all you think about. Yeah, right. So back then it's like It was my I was also sober, right for at that time 12 years of my 20s all through my 20s I was sober so when you don't have a drug when you don't have and Sex and being we being with women becomes your number one thing, right? So when I went when I was in bed with women, it was almost as like it was like a God like a experiment almost like I'm I want to
Starting point is 00:26:33 Make them think that I'm the biggest Casanova. It's all about them not me and as you get older It becomes more about you because you have other things. I don't know what I'm talking about today. I like it Why sex is just not the number one thing for you. It used to be the number one thing. It's no longer the number one thing I think that's what you're reading Do you still fuck a lot? All I do 24 hours a day. It's fuck. Let's just get out there With your wife two kids. Yeah, you know, I just say hey, you're one now go play It's time to me because it's like I never thought of you being a father or having kids and you did all that
Starting point is 00:27:13 Yeah, that's amazing. I hear you're a good father. Yeah, I try to be yeah, you're there all the time Yeah, I watch the kids all day and she works. Uh-huh Wow Oh, yeah, so you know everything about your kids. I do. Yeah And they must you love you so much. I think they enjoy me. You know, they definitely see me as like the The one that's gonna, you know My one-year-old for instance wakes up in the morning and he just screams dad-ah Until I go and take him out like he knows I'm gonna be the one that's gonna come get him. Oh What a wonderful human experience
Starting point is 00:27:50 Do you ever do what Rick does excuse me? Could you ever do that 100% if I'm in a room and I hear anyone No, saying daddy, right? Even if it wasn't my kid. I'm there. Okay, cuz you're you're a comic, right? So you don't go up until the nighttime. Yeah, so let's suppose I I'm working during the day which is like Bobby You have to care for the kids during from these out this hour, you know from 9 a.m. To 5 p.m. Yeah, I come home. Yeah, and then I take over. Uh-huh. Would you be able to that and I'll call Samantha? Who's Samantha my night nurse? It's not nighttime day nurse I have a day nurse and Bobby's on the right plan when I told people I have kids they go
Starting point is 00:28:33 Can can you afford a nanny? I got I don't have a nanny. I just take care of them. They're like look at me like oh Wow, this is Los Angeles. You don't have kids until someone else can take care of them. Oh, wow. Yeah, you're doing it old school Yeah, I'm old school. Yeah, but necessity, but yeah, you hit you don't hit them. Do you? No My parents didn't even hit me. That's how I wanted you want to you want to I don't okay good. No other people's kids for sure Yeah, yeah, no my kids are cool. Oh, so you never were hit never Yeah, I mean, you know people I definitely think feel I could have used a few wax from time to time I don't think so dude. That's how you raise a person with integrity. Yeah, I think you have it could be I do Here's another thing people don't know about you. I think that you're one of the best rifers out there
Starting point is 00:29:21 And I want to learn You want to learn how to rip? Yeah, because I've never learned how to rip, right? Let's play it out. So let's play it out How do you riff? So Let's say I'm in the audience. Okay, right. You're on stage Yeah, and I go You suck Uh-huh. What would you say? I'd go Go get this guy the fuck out of here. Oh
Starting point is 00:29:42 No, that's not true. Take him out of the room. Yeah. Um, no, you just if someone is aggressive like that Then you just you go twice as aggressive right adam because you're so good at that. You're so mean in in a good way Yeah, you gotta you know I look at performing comedy like it's joining the military and that's you sacrifice one For the good of many So if you have to attack one or you find two or three Enemies in the crowd and then you make it about how the rest of us are against them
Starting point is 00:30:14 And that way people don't take their side ever. Yeah, and you can't you can't attack women Unless the woman starts shouting or acting intoxicated and then everyone in the world hates them and then you Extra hard at them, right, but you can't go after someone that doesn't say anything I mean you can it just depends if people think you're truly being a bully You'll lose some of the crowd, but if they think you're Being mean to someone who's probably a piece of shit, then they go I'm glad someone's finally saying it. Yeah, because what I've done on stage is I'll see somebody in the front row And I did this last week, which is not good
Starting point is 00:30:53 And I go there was this guy with you know, he's big face in the front row And I go look at your fat cheeks and I poked his cheek. Yeah, right and as I Took my finger away. You could feel the skin go back. You know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, right. So I made a little thing one like that and I backed up and looked his face and he was like Oh Sad face And I kind of looked away That's the that's the key. That's not good. Once once you do something that's mean or the crowd is an NT
Starting point is 00:31:27 You just got to move on as quickly as possible I know but one of my pointers is that you when you're an audience member you should understand that like anything goes, right? If I poke your you mean And then then if anything goes then okay, let's suppose I'm in the crowd. You're doing a set, right? Yeah Yeah, like you're a fat cunt Bobby. Yeah, what would you say now? Do I know you or no? No, it's galila Yeah, you live with me She has to be fucked up Yeah, don't do that
Starting point is 00:32:01 Don't ever do that. That would make me so mad if you did that Really? Yeah, there's my girlfriend again. I don't know what I think if it was a normal person I would just be like I think I would just agree. Yeah, okay. You're just like, I know Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. Thank someone says something really insulting. Yeah, just take it with pride I think because I know I'm a piece of shit Do you feel like a piece of shit? Yeah. Yeah I think deep down the stage on when I'm on stage deep down the side. I mean I feel like I'm a piece of shit, right? And so I attack people
Starting point is 00:32:33 You know, I mean as a defense mechanism to keep people away, right? But when somebody actually does say something personal on stage like a comics can really get me You know, I mean, there's a two or three things that a comic can say to me that will ruin my week Like I won't I'll lose sleep over it. Yeah. Yeah, no no reason for that. No, but I have Sense that you do you have sensitive spots? I maybe I don't know. I think you do people don't say anything to me though like people in general They either don't say anything at all or you know, they they'll just bring up one thing that they liked that I said
Starting point is 00:33:13 You're beloved. No, he's an anomaly in the sense that like in terms of fashion, too Obviously very stylish. I have a closet full of mossy moe I'm not I don't want to brag. I've got I probably have eight or nine mossy moe teas Various v. Please wear one one night. I I think I wore one two nights ago. Did you really fuck? Yeah, all right I didn't know that. Yeah, people but so this is Rick. So I'm gonna write Just you know, if you 30 years from now if no one ever
Starting point is 00:33:47 Mentioned your name again. Never saw you again and somebody goes what impression am I doing? I go that's ricking around. That's it Yeah, I just see you standing there Yeah, I mean mind your own business. Yeah, right. You don't say much sometimes. Yeah, you're quiet But then you go on stage And you rip it. Yeah You're like a fucking Ripper dude people have told me it's very unassuming when I get on stage like that's not what I thought
Starting point is 00:34:16 No, it's gonna be at all. Did you know this too people call In and they go, I don't want to follow him. Yeah, no, I've done that on a monday work You know, I'll all week. I don't want to follow Rick And then they do it. But my point is that other comics did that too. Yeah, they used to screw me pretty bad In uh, like the tommy era. Yeah There was six or seven comics who Just put out there. They won't go up after me And so my spots just kept getting later later
Starting point is 00:34:46 Like everyone else as they got better their spots got better mine just started slowly dwindling towards the back of the lineup And then eventually got to the point that I he would just put me on the side Oh, it would just say pop in And I would be like, why do I have a pop in because it was it was basically only used like if you're working on a tonight show set Yeah, you'd put you in a poppin. So I go, why am I doing a pop in and you'd be like, wow I had too many people complaining. So I had to put you on the side. So I know the right time to fit you in And so it was like even though the lineup was set
Starting point is 00:35:19 That half the comics would show up late And so he didn't want there to be a chance that I would get up earlier And then caparillo or someone would show up You know 30 minutes later than they're supposed to but then have to go up after me Yeah, there's all these like internal little squabbles Especially with lineups. It's such an interesting little Thing where there are people bitch and complain and it's only like Especially when you're a regular and you call in week by week and you don't get any spots. I don't know
Starting point is 00:35:52 were you ever there Was I ever in the last 10 years were you ever like months go by and you didn't get a spot? No, yeah I've always gotten spots. Yeah, I could imagine not getting them. Yeah, I think I I don't know what I would do I remember when it switched from Tommy to Adam The amount of times that you harass poor Adam Egett because he wouldn't let you double dip Oh, yeah I mean poor guy what he what kind of phone calls he has to field on on a daily basis I mean
Starting point is 00:36:25 It's probably the most thankless job. Yeah, just gotta be terrible Imagine being I would be great at it. But I know because you you're okay with saying no to people. Yeah Yeah, I'm constantly telling I told Emily a couple weeks ago I used to tell Adam all the time just get me on the payroll as assistant talent coordinator And I'll handle just the negative calls Really, I don't want to call anyone to say here your spots. I don't want to call anyone to say, you know, great job I just want to call people and go Stop calling. We don't have stage time for you
Starting point is 00:36:59 Let me ask you this. Okay. Let's say I'm let's say my name is bruce mcfizzans Legend Legendary bruce mcfizzans. Yeah bruce mcfizzans from corpus christi. Sure, right in the early 80s, right bruce mcfizzans, right? Yeah, co-hosted the late late late show. Yeah, right, which it was on three in the morning. Yep. He was after tom snider Right after tom snider, right? bruce mcfizzans bruce mcfizzans, what What the worst fake name of all time. No, there's a vnz in it. Yeah, fuck you man. He's fucking foreign
Starting point is 00:37:33 It's tough. He's from europe, dude. Yeah, he's from bruce mcfizzans, right? He's scottish. Yeah, and so he you know Signed with a big agency was on a sitcom now. It's rolling into the early 90s. Okay late 90s He's not getting that much very still very funny on stage. Yeah, you have to call him To say you can't perform ever again at the store. Yeah You'll be able to do that. Yeah make the call Ring ring bruce. Hey, it's rick at the comedy store. Hey dawdick Uh, hey dawdick, is that you? Yeah, it's me man. Listen. Oh my god. It's the other night when you're on stage Yeah, listen, hold on. Let me say something right bruce. I don't got time for this
Starting point is 00:38:10 I just want to say when you're on stage. Yeah, I suck. Oh, you got this rich a prior white guy. Very good. Yeah, listen We all agree. I love you. Me and my family love it when we break we we break none. Yeah, we break none You break non bread non bread. Yeah, I'm Indian. Oh, okay first McPherson from india You can't tell I'm doing an indian accent. I thought it was scottish. Yeah, I didn't know. Anyway, he's from scotland too as well Yeah, okay, any Anyway, so why you call it? Listen, man. I'm calling because it's been a hell of a run, man And you very good run. Yeah, you've done very run run run like the olympic And I just want to let you know. I think the laugh factory is the place for you. We're done here
Starting point is 00:38:55 We don't have time for it anymore, man. No one wants this this crazy foreigner act, man What about my bid take a cue for what about my bid about a bomb buy? Yeah, take a cue from yakov schmirnoff, man Branson is buying Like when yakov show showed up. Yeah again I like it. Yeah, don't you like it? Yeah, yakov's like a super nice dude Most of the dudes from the 80s that were around when I showed up were all huge douches And they all still had that mentality like it's 1988 and I just did a Evening at the improv and I'm still doing the same jokes from evening at the improv in 88. Yeah
Starting point is 00:39:34 And like it was baffling when I started working there I couldn't believe one like the lineups. I'm like, I knew two or three of the people and the other people I'm like, who the fuck are these people? Yeah, and then I watched them And I mean, I knew enough about comedy, but I didn't realize that they were going to all do the exact same act Every night you're talking about my act You don't have any jokes that are from the 1980s that don't translate to make sense Like all right. So if I'm talking about uh, how it's a diana died. Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:06 Oh, I see. Yeah, that's how I should where you're just like what like argus was doing oj jokes in 2005 That's right. And it was like really good oj jokes Top notch. Yeah, just so confusing where I'm like, what the fuck is he? Well, oj's in the news No, he isn't do you remember Do you know an argus hamilton oj joke? God, I can't even remember it now And I've thought about this and I love him too. Do you love him? Yeah argus is great. Yeah, anyone that can Hang around that long is all right by me. And he's a nice guy. He saved my life a couple of times. Yeah, I love him, but um
Starting point is 00:40:46 At least he's writing jokes. Yeah, he is writing jokes So they're not always great, but at least he's writing him But is there something that can happen in your career where you went? Okay, that's enough. I'm done I mean It's hard to say. I don't know. I like I feel like I'll always want to perform But at the same time, you don't want to be the sad dude that everyone talks about but that's our destiny It probably is I mean, I think at the end of the day, that's our destiny. At least you get to perform elsewhere if you choose
Starting point is 00:41:18 I mean, I legitimately can't get a spot at a single other club That's why that's why that's why you're here. I know. Okay. That's why you're here. I'm that's How long have I told you about this? I love I want this guy on this show You know a long time. Yeah, people will send me clips and be like bobby lee talked about you And it's always nice. It's always nice. I never say anything because I was ready to start a war No, no, you wouldn't I think you would I think you would I think you would absorb it Oh, yeah, I'd be like, okay If I said something negative you would absorb it it would turn into like some sort of weird disease later
Starting point is 00:41:51 It'd be most likely. Yeah, I would I would get type 3 diabetes Yeah, but I want to get that bobby I want to say that like, you know, in I know that bill burr Me saratiana There's just a bunch of us that look at you and I go and go and this is the last time I'm going to say it But go why isn't this guy? Bigger the biggest thing. I honestly think that you have that skill level As a yeah, your point of view is right for me
Starting point is 00:42:21 um, anyway Yeah, I just I think you should be able to mock whatever Needs to be mocked and I don't know that that's something that The current climate is comfortable with. Yeah. So like people will always talk about like I'll be talking to a black dude in the audience and I'll say stuff that you can see like 26 year old white women get very uncomfortable. Yeah, and then the black dude and I are having a great time He's laughing everyone's having fun and then afterwards people will be like, dude, weren't you scared? I'm like, no Yeah, I wasn't making fun of the guy for being black. I was making fun of the black guy because he's an asshole
Starting point is 00:42:59 And that should be okay. I've never had actually a black person be offended. No, they very rarely are Like I've said the most fucked up things and looked at black people and they're just into it Because they get it. It's just these It's the whites. It's the people that I'm uh, I'm now in charge of that's to you. Yeah. Yeah, you're in charge of it now So I'm gonna tell him cut this shit out like Thanksgiving at the at in the main room. Yeah was just Well Thanksgiving white hair. Yeah old people like what are we Thanksgiving is a horrible time for stand-up comedy at the comedy store It is the worst because it was so hard crowds are mostly people who are visiting and
Starting point is 00:43:39 it's uh It's usually one person that lives here and then family that's come out to visit them And so they have different senses of humor and people are very uncomfortable being true to what makes them laugh So normally on a random day in July, you're gonna have You know group of four come in their friends. They're watching you perform You say something that's inappropriate. They're gonna laugh because it's funny But they come in Thanksgiving weekend with their mom and dad and their uncle Larry and a couple of their cousins Now they can't laugh because if they laugh at something fucked up, you say, yeah
Starting point is 00:44:14 Now they're gonna go. Oh my dad saw me laugh at Bobby Lee say this or that Yeah, so everyone's just no one's being true to themselves, but it's not just not laughing. It's of visceral hatred Like I was on stage and there was an old white man who looked like He should have pins like metals Right, and he and a caller that has like little What do you call it? You know how John Luke Picard has it? Like a purple heart. Yeah little metals on their neck
Starting point is 00:44:47 Oh metals What'd I say? I thought you I thought like a metal piece like a fucking shrapnel You know when they see the ID and it explodes, you know, they have shrapnel on their faces, you know A piece of a grenade Yeah, and lodged in their eye No, I was thinking like maybe like You know, I think maybe like a pick line
Starting point is 00:45:05 You know when someone's really sick, you said an old white man. So I was like, oh, no, maybe it's One of his pick line Bobby Yeah, anyway, it's these Christian Oh, fuck it man. I mean, it's like what are you saying? You absolutely should make fun of old white men with cancer treatment. I think that's 100% on the board Let's do what they've done to this country. What to this world. Yeah, these old whites. Yeah, yeah The olds the whites they got to go. I'm a down with that You know, but the but the new but you have a problem with new whites as well
Starting point is 00:45:35 Yeah Yeah, the new age whites. Yeah, I don't like the new age the younger new age whites Listen the problem with young young people in general anyone who's 35 or younger So 35 to 21 because otherwise they can't really get into comedy clubs They have spent their whole life with this false morality based completely on their social media appearance And so people aren't true to themselves At all It used to be you'd say fucked up things to like your seven or eight friends and your friends would know you're kind of fucked up
Starting point is 00:46:06 But it would be fine But now everyone just wants to appear to be something So, you know every time a celebrity dies Every person on earth was so inspired by that person And it'll be like the strangest like When prince died and prince was an amazing musician But I never heard anyone talking about how influential prince was in their life
Starting point is 00:46:30 Yeah, until the moment he died. Yeah, and then everyone is just like my god I could still think of the first time I heard a prince song. You're like, yeah, it was an hour ago when you got out of his debt Yeah, you're so full of shit. Yeah But it's like prince is a bad example. I guess because he was actually beloved, but yeah, you somebody else maybe Yeah, there's just a lot of this house. You can talk about how about um, milley from milly vanillie. Yeah People will people will just did they both inspired? I think one of them's alive. Yeah, he was doing gyco commercials or something Oh, no, really? Oh, that's so sad, but happy for him. Good for him. Yeah, good for him. Yeah I mean he was being mocked in it, but it was like how did one of them die?
Starting point is 00:47:11 I Think I think jumped off of He jumped off a building. I think I mean that's my mom would call it sweet side Yeah, I like and there was an old joke when he did that right where people in the audience like people were down there Yelling are you gonna get are you gonna jump or are you gonna get somebody to jump for you? Damn Cold No, but a good joke. Well, I didn't say it right number one. I fucked it up I didn't number one. I didn't say it right number two. It just sounded mean
Starting point is 00:47:36 And it's not it was like the poking the cheek. Not only that it's like I didn't even say the words right like I fumbled it So I fucked up the joke. Can I get another shot at it? Yeah. Yeah um No, I'll fuck it. I'm gonna look that up nilly vanillie. Did he dad are you gonna jump or you got someone else? See, I fucked up Hey, are you gonna jump are you gonna get someone else to jump for you? Yeah, that's better. That's better. Thank you Uh, politis was found dead of a suspected alcohol and prescription drug overdose in a hotel room. Oh, well, the joke doesn't even fucking Yeah, it doesn't even work. It doesn't even fuck it. What there was no job
Starting point is 00:48:12 But I guarantee the name on that pill bottle was someone else's Too far. Yeah, no, that's a too far. Oh, perfect amount. Yeah, perfect perfect amount. Yeah, um So from now, so you you don't do the road at all either Wait, I just read that the real millie vanillie singer died of coveted like this week The one who actually sang on the on the song was prescription. Yeah Oh, you died. Yes, the real He died of covet. Yes. He died of covet. Mm-hmm. You never got it, right? His name was john davis You never got the coves. I never got I never got the vids
Starting point is 00:48:48 Yeah, I just I literally went in my house and I would go to the grocery store Or early in the morning and then I'd go home and I didn't go do anything I don't have anything to do. You know what dude? I want to get to the point our bar relationship where If there's another pandemic And you have nothing going on That you and I should have go get a coffee or something. Yeah, I'd never done that with you. No If I could never called you about anything. Nope Yeah, I think I want to you know, you've always been very nice to me to my face
Starting point is 00:49:21 But I feel like you keep me afar That's everybody. Yeah, I feel like he has a you know what dude, and I'm okay. Yeah, you know what you're right You're absolutely right. Yeah, I do keep people afar And I think I'm a changed man. You think so. I don't think I'm gonna do it anymore I don't think you're gonna like people once you know, I think I'm gonna like you I think there's a I think it was a 20 year analysis. Yeah about your demeanor. Sure that I've analyzed over the years And consensus is what does the data say a minus a minus not bad b plus. Yeah, let's go b plus that b. Yeah, let's go strong b Feel better. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:57 Yeah, listen people who get a's those people are pretentious. They are b's are really the way to go I'd like people know you're a real human, but you're smarter than most people Can't you go on the road with Eleanor and do a comedy store? I don't think we have a popular enough Following or let's you know my next goal. Let's let's just come on man. Let's this next year. Yeah, let it be the rick ingram year 2022 Can we help rick ingram get to that place where I would because as a comic I don't feel Comfortable with you not killing it. Yeah, I think you should I want you to get the shit. Thanks. Yeah
Starting point is 00:50:36 That would be nice. Can we start with the social media push? Yeah, go ahead like right now. He's at four Let's get him at 10k All right, so we'll follow him back as well. Well, let's follow him back Start there, right? I'm gonna. Yeah. Yeah, so um, there's me with Harvey Weinstein. Yeah Harvey Weinstein is a good one. Yeah, you want that one up top, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah All right, so let's get rick to 10 grand 10,000 followers. Yeah, right and if you're listening from instagram, let's verify him Yeah, I'm unverified on everything. Yeah. Yeah, people go. Why are you not verified? I go
Starting point is 00:51:11 Am I supposed to call someone? I don't know. Yeah I think you're I think you're supposed to have management that handles that for you rick. You have a thing that um, I have Which is I don't like asking for things. Yeah, I won't do it I know I know you won't but
Starting point is 00:51:33 I think you should That's what people are telling me more people are saying you got to start asking for stuff because I ask for stuff all the time Yeah, right and It sucks to do it like I've Like I'll hear about a movie people are doing and I'll call and go Is there anything there for me? And my agent will go we already asked they said no, right? But you have to make those sometimes
Starting point is 00:51:56 You get it. Yeah, but sometimes I get it. Yeah, sometimes I make the call and I go, you know what? Yeah, I think you're in the mix now and you know, yes, I don't but I don't I don't have I've never had a manager I've never had an eight. Oh, I had a manager for about three weeks and uh, what happened? He he was an assistant to a manager at Prince Apato and young and uh, I remember just being like this is cool I was like 24 25 or something at the time And uh, he was like, yeah, we're gonna start sending you out and this and that I'm like great So he he didn't call me for like two weeks. I called him every couple days just being like, hey, what's the deal? And they be like, we'll have him call you. It's brutal. Yeah
Starting point is 00:52:36 And uh, so then he calls me and he said, uh, we got an audition for you. You're perfect for it. It's for a drug addict I'm like, oh, okay I'll do drug addict. Yeah He said it's uh, it's in somewhere in the somewhere in the valley is an Encino or something And uh, it's for the pilot for this new tv show. I'm just like, okay, whatever. That's cool. Cool So I said, you know, do you have Sides for me? um, I've been doing commercial auditions for a few years at that point, but I was excited this is going to be my first tv show audition
Starting point is 00:53:07 and uh, so I show up at the audition I walk in the room and I look around and it's me and I want to say 12 very Hispanic men And I'm like, what do you mean? How Hispanic? Like they just they look very legitimately blue collar Mexican And I'm like Johnny Sanchez. Yeah, and I'm like, okay, this is weird and they're all larger than me. I'm just like whatever. Okay Give it a little glaceous. The lady goes That's my that's my demographic. That's who I'm always up against
Starting point is 00:53:40 They go, uh, I go I'm here. I'm playing a drug addict and she goes. I don't think you're supposed to be here for this and I go Oh, this is what I was told and she goes I'm not sure what your manager told you, but um, this part is for a 35 year old Hispanic crystal meth addict And I'm like, oh, okay. Yeah, I guess that's not really me Oh, man. Um, and I go, well, should I read it anyway? And she goes if I send you into that room They're gonna laugh in your and my face. I cannot send you in there. I'm like, all right
Starting point is 00:54:16 So I'm looking at the script just like I feel like an asshole because I drove all the way over there And it was to play the part of crazy eight on the Breaking Bad pilot Oh That was the part and like a dude who was a legitimate Crystal meth feeling gangster. All right, let me let's stop there. Yeah, okay What a cross of all that manager whoever that person did that right she should be fired Well, I called them to to read them the riot act because you know, I felt personally Slighted and I'm like fuck this guy. Yeah, so I call him and I go I need to talk to him
Starting point is 00:54:52 They said he's not in right now. I go. He's never in Have him call me. I need to talk to him. So week goes by. I don't hear from him So I call back. I'm just like I go. What the fuck is the deal? I need to talk to him and they go I'm gonna patch you through to I think his name is like Joel Zadik or something. Yeah And uh, and that was the guy he worked under and so I go. Yeah, what's the deal man? He goes Yeah, he's uh, he's not with us anymore
Starting point is 00:55:19 And uh, so that's why he didn't call you back because we know we didn't keep him on board and I go Oh, well that makes sense because that's the role he auditioned. Yeah, that's that's the guy Same demo Just same archetype and honestly, that's so fucking funny I'm pretty confident about my acting that I would have crushed that part for sure But that's my point though. It's like in situations if they would have let you read. Yeah That's when you in your head go, right? You think I'm not gonna get this
Starting point is 00:55:50 I might as well go crazy Nothing to lose. Yeah, nothing to lose. Yeah, maybe they'll put me in for something else Right. There was plenty of you squirrelly white guys in that show. Yeah, right. So whenever you're in that situation You have to go in. Yeah, and go crazy. Yeah, that's what Ed Norton did for that one movie primal fear. Oh, yeah Really? Yeah, so they couldn't find anybody for that part So they went to New York and they did an opening casting Like you could they just did it on fucking buildings and telephone poles. He shows up. He waits eight hours In like a there's a thousand people audition. Yeah, and he's sitting there going
Starting point is 00:56:26 I'm not gonna get this obviously. No one knows who I am. I'm gonna go I'm gonna make hard choices Like distinct hard choices and he fucking booked it. Wow. Yeah. Yeah It's just this theater actor Yeah, kid. You know what I mean? So make sure you go in. So at the end of our podcast by the way Thank you so much. You were great at the end of our podcast We do a thing called unhelpful advice. Nice. And so they ask us questions Okay, and then we answer them or not
Starting point is 00:56:52 Or give them bad answers. Whatever you want. Who's who's asking us email Okay email What's up Yeah, I have I have two podcasts. I have a new podcast I'm doing called Rick Ingram talks to strangers that I talked to just random people who Send us direct messages on Twitter or Instagram
Starting point is 00:57:18 And if you want to be a guest, you can send us a message there. Tell us why you're interesting. It's great. Forget it And yeah, so we get a lot of fun people because people on social media are Interesting to say the least and then I also host the comedy store podcast The comedy store podcast I do. I've done 10 times. Maybe I love it. Yeah, I love you and Eleanor together. Yeah Couple of shit talkers. Yeah, I was glad to referee your guys's friendship Bearing the hatchet. I know the very first time me and Eleanor squashed it out Rick was there. I'm so glad you did because I couldn't love Eleanor more. Yeah, she's great. I love her I honestly had never seen two adults just be like
Starting point is 00:58:02 Let's just talk about it in a more like healthy way. Yeah, it was very healthy and Bobby was very defensive He kept standing up the first time we did the thing we'd be like well, hold on I stand up a lot. Yeah, it's like when a bear approaches you they they say you have to appear bigger smart So that's why I'm doing big bear moves. Yeah. Yeah So yeah, that was an interesting thing because I you know, I hadn't talked to her in many in probably 20 years And I hate it or more than Stalin. Yeah. Damn By the way, Stalin one of my comedy influence. That's why I knew that so people respect fear more than love My number one pulpot. Sure. Sure. Let me vlog the impaler and then Stalin. Yeah
Starting point is 00:58:44 Those are all good ones. They're really good. But yeah, that was a very Um, I love big ol L. Yeah, that's what I call her big ol L big. Oh, it's like a little moose Yeah, I mean, yeah, when I seek big ol L at the Congress for parking lot, I go moo moo to you L I've never seen you do that. I know I'm not one anyway to the unhelpful of us Unhelpful advice with Rick Ingram Hey guys, my name is Rachel. I'm 21 years old I wouldn't say necessarily need advice but today I found out that my boyfriend of five years has been cheating on me For around the last year, give or take. I watched his podcast because of him
Starting point is 00:59:21 So I know he'll probably see this if it makes the cut If you guys would be so obliged to help me shit on him and remind him what an awful no good son of a bitch he is What would make my heart smile? I held this man down while he went to jail my junior year of high school He went to jail her junior year of high school? Yeah And I found out he was cheating after returning home from a Thanksgiving family vacation that I invited him on with my grandmother He also got his other girlfriend pregnant multiple times while being with me at the same time I think he may be a psychopath so feel free to rip into him. I'm sure it won't hurt him Kalilah you my main bitch. Thank you for your help
Starting point is 00:59:54 Wow I assume this guy looks like machine machine gun Kelly Why? I just in my head machine gun Kelly That vibe? Yeah that vibe. So he has tattoos on his neck Pete Davidson style Just unbelievable
Starting point is 01:00:08 You want to go on a Pete Davidson rant or no? I don't have a rant I just know that he could get away with anything it seems like He really does There is Pete Davidson has a like I've seen him at the store Yeah And I've wanted to say hi to him but I've opened my mouth and nothing's come out Interesting
Starting point is 01:00:27 I think because he's always in the center of some sort of social circle Vortex Like a vortex of people so it's either I have to pop in Yeah Or my little thing you know what I mean? Or I'll go Anna I bet you he'd do this podcast I bet you he would
Starting point is 01:00:47 I don't think so I think he would I would love to he's nice we're nice you know what I mean And Milindy's nice I mean guys like John Milindy's guys show up you know what I mean Yeah But this lady has fucked this guy Hold on she hasn't fucked this guy you're saying fucked this guy She already fucked this guy
Starting point is 01:01:07 You're dating right Five years For five years fuck this guy let him go cut him loose Yeah He's a piece of shit So loose I'm fine Mike
Starting point is 01:01:18 Yeah you're fine Yeah I would say you know turn the other cheek you know give him another five years Yeah there we go Maybe I think maybe this is what he needed to grow into being a great person Yeah You know worst case scenario five years down the road you know you just you cut your losses and murder the guy
Starting point is 01:01:38 That's not a big deal That's a pretty good idea This is good advice Pretty good advice Yeah Or what you do is you fuck his best friend Yeah His best friend's Tony right and you get a tattoo you shave all your pubes
Starting point is 01:01:54 Yeah You get a tattoo of I like that she has a full bush She has a full bush Scenario 70's bush right she shaves it alright 70's yeah And she puts Tony's toy
Starting point is 01:02:05 And an arrow to the vagina Yeah So now this guy's eating around pulls her pants down Right And also do the face of Tony Be careful because he's been institutionalized and locked up before so we don't know what he could do Money and honoring nothing far Okay
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah he didn't kill anybody Alright well like you know just Tony's fucking Tony You know for a second I thought you were saying she that he cheated on her while he was incarcerated And I'm like he might not have had a choice in that Oh yeah Yeah that doesn't count Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:39 Poor guy Poor dude man Yeah yeah But dude man get your shit together Yeah What the hell Just don't be a coward that's really what it boils down to If you're gonna be with someone then just be with them
Starting point is 01:02:50 And if you're gonna fuck everyone then just be the guy who fucks everyone Also I heard Yes I heard this new term there's something called Ethical non-monogamy You could also just agree to fuck other people you don't need to like do it behind her back And like hurt her Yeah You can find someone for that I'm sure
Starting point is 01:03:09 Yeah I feel like if I was in prison you're too plain to fuck That's You know someone once told me that I think everyone would do a hard pass on you Someone said you know if you were in jail they'd put you in turquoise And I go what the fuck does that mean because it means that people would think you're nuts And so they would put you in a special section
Starting point is 01:03:27 Oh That's what I'm saying Interesting Yeah You're one of those guys that could have shit on their face What do you mean You know in prison you know how they act crazier Oh my head's okay
Starting point is 01:03:39 They'll put poo on their face Oh and fecal smears is what the term is Yeah What's the difference So the poo The fecal smears Yeah one of those When you said put shit on my face all you meant like you know teardrop tattoos
Starting point is 01:03:53 You're talking about actual shit on my face My head took me somewhere else I thought that it's because he was like the bottom and somehow He had to blow the guy after he got fucked in the ass My head took it completely What a visual What a visual Wow
Starting point is 01:04:09 What are you thinking about Wow no We were all thinking about that Rick's not a bottom No No you're not a bottom You have like big top energy No you know what you are
Starting point is 01:04:18 You're the gimp Thank you Like in pulp fiction when you take the fucking mask off Right It could be Rick Ingram I mean I'm on all sides of the gimp equation Yeah Same body type
Starting point is 01:04:31 You know what I mean Kind of like gimpy Thank you Yeah you have a gimpy vibe I mean Alright anyway It's nice to have someone say something like that finally after all these years People have been so scared
Starting point is 01:04:44 So Rick I want to say to everyone listening I want to say number one is a pleasure Number two we should have had John wait earlier Number three I feel good things for you in 2022 Thanks We should make Rick 2022 shirts I think so
Starting point is 01:05:00 Those will sell like hotcakes They would And I think they will And also you have a lot of people that are legitimate people in the business Not just myself a lot that are rooting for you So give Rick Ingram a huge round of applause I love him so much Wow thanks buddy
Starting point is 01:05:19 Thank you Hey Prime members You can listen to Tiger Barely Ad Free on Amazon Music Download the Amazon Music app today Or you can listen Ad Free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com.

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