TigerBelly - Ep 336: Marc Maron Burns Money with Kinison

Episode Date: February 23, 2022

Bobby learns to read time. Marc Gets High with Clowns. We talk outlaw comedians of the 80s, the old Marc, smash machines vs fuck monsters, and the mythical Cresthill comedy house. Suppor...t us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Can everyone talk please? Everybody please talk I can't okay. Yeah, you know for me mark before we even begin Are we beginning are we starting? I have some more in my head. Yep. Yeah. He wants. I like it Yeah, do I get a Tiger Belly shirt? Whatever you want medium we'll get you one we'll get you one We should have a package ready for mark, huh next time. What do you think? Yeah? Yeah, it's time to have a small bundle of cash A can of water some cash and a Tiger Belly t-shirt, you know, I want to be honest with you before we start
Starting point is 00:00:46 What is this a boutique? No, no, I mean people come over to buy stuff. It's the way it's set up. It's a bodega bodega. Yeah Yeah, so I want to say that before we begin. Are you recording? Yes, sir. Yeah, but don't let's cut this part out Okay, which part the part I'm about to say the nice part. This is the nice. Oh, he knows No, I'm gonna be okay, but let's just so okay. Okay. Go ahead. How long have we done this? Six and a half year long. How many episodes over 300 more than 300. Yeah, yeah, really and during that time Your name has come up every week and I've always been like no, he's a good guy. He's a great He's a great guy. He's a great fight, but there is you know, I
Starting point is 00:01:34 Don't know why I just get a little nervous with like when we had apatow on. Yeah, it was the same feeling Yeah, so I just want to do so. I'm a little nervous, but I want to say that because I just got out I'm newly sober and I want to be honest and and I want to just express how I'm feeling that you're nervous I'm a little anxious and also, um, you know, I just I really admire you. Well, thank you. I appreciate that I think you're a piece of shit as well. Yeah, I know. Well, we got to mix it up. You gotta have a balance. Yeah Am I am I a piece of shit? I think you're a great guy. You're a great guy But you do realize you're recording this right? We started a long time ago, so But you know that you're like this with me all the time
Starting point is 00:02:17 Yeah, you don't say it, but you're always sort of like what you know, you're always a little no, no No, I think you're reading it wrong. Oh, I think you're reading what it is. What what it is Is the thing is is that the thing is is that you earlier on you know, I mean We weren't friends maybe a long time ago when I first met you you decided that maybe I decided that yeah That's really interesting. Okay. That's really interesting what you just said because you're right I make these predetermined. You know, I mean, you're like, he's judging me fuck him, right? I'm like, what hi That's true, right? Yeah, but I can I say this though since we started let's do the countdown. So let's start for real Welcome to the Wild Wild West state a ton
Starting point is 00:03:27 Attouchable like alien The Super Bowl the half-time was just like man, and I was into it dude Anyway, so um, I would like to introduce our our guests. We have George by the way and say hi. Is he on piano? An old Tommy piano player George. He's doing is he doing police catching? We've got Filipinos here Gilbert. Hello. Have a half-breed. Oh, yeah, yeah, beautiful woman. Yeah, my girlfriend Half name name Lila. Yeah, Lila. It has a name. It has a name And I'm Bob and welcome so I
Starting point is 00:04:05 Like to introduce I like Does that a thing now you Bob some people call some people call me Bob people that are closer to me Wow. Oh, no, no, I think they take liberties. I think you hate Bob No, I like it Bob when it's coming from like somebody and that's it. No, not my brother also like if Mark called me Bob It would be a term of endearment. I think Bobby Yeah, that's doesn't sound yeah, that sounds condescending Yeah, so I'm gonna give you a long intro. Please don't interrupt Introduce to me. I wouldn't be so yeah. Yeah, so this next band coming here as our guest
Starting point is 00:04:45 Um is somebody that I admire He was born in I guess, New Jersey. Yeah. Yeah, he graduated from college He started stand-up in when he was 24 or 23 something like that. How old was I I think you're 24 I don't think go ahead. We'll correct everything. Yeah, but I'm just give you the yeah Are you taking notes? Take the notes, right? So just all right. So then Um, here's how I became you know, I mean how I knew him. Yeah, right? So I used to open for Carlos Mencia in the 90s Right, okay, and he had a half hour special coming out, but you were in the same chunk. It was you. Oh,
Starting point is 00:05:27 It's a video at the Fillmore. Yeah, the film. Yeah, the HBO there now wasn't there I remember watching all of them. Yeah, and I was really introduced to you You know me because I just a younger comic and it no right. That was a weird night for me I thought it was a great set though. It. Thank you. Yeah, it was a great set I made some decisions that set, but go ahead. Yeah, can I finish my intro or sorry? Yeah, anyway, um being rude and you're being the old Mark, I don't like it No, if I was being old mark, I'd be like Jesus is this gonna we can do a show That's true, that's true so
Starting point is 00:06:03 So then what I here's another I'm a huge film guy, right? So I remember Watching almost famous and and seeing mark on the screen and going Like just being blown away to see a stand-up in a movie like that with all those stars It was a cool movie too and after 20 seconds. He's like was that it But didn't you run I did Golf cart thing golf course chase the bus. Yeah, but you know as you know when I saw Pat Oswald on Magnolia That when I remember he was in the pool pool, right? Yeah, it when you see a stand-up being in a really good movie He's in the tree. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, right in the scuba outfit. Yeah, you just kind of go
Starting point is 00:06:45 Oh, it's possible. Yeah, I've always wanted it, right, right and then um, he's also so he then I knew him through being sober mm-hmm and Then he's done a bunch glow. He's in the Aretha Franklin movie the Joker Um, and I he's a pioneer when I own show Marin that yeah, oh wgf at his own show IFC very rare. It's hard to find. Yeah. I have one of the only shows ever made that you can't actually find anymore You can't you can't even fucking posses itunes. Yeah, maybe itunes. Yeah, three seasons. It's I people ask me How can I watch them? Like I don't know. Yeah, what do you think I keep track of this shit? Is I've see gone
Starting point is 00:07:27 I don't know where I've seen it Oh, you can't watch it on IFC because it was complicated. There's another studio Oh, I don't even know who owns it. All I know is that a few years ago I got some back-end check out of nowhere. Yeah, I'm like why that worked out pretty well It's surprise money. Yeah from a basic cable show. So anyway, um, he's a pioneer. Okay You know, honestly, I don't think that we'd be doing Tiger belly without WTF I honestly, I think you guys paved the road for us and The last thing I want to say, I know you don't like compliments because I give you these intros on stage
Starting point is 00:08:00 You don't like them. It's all right. I know I like them. I want to say that you know out of This older statesmen of comedy, right guys that I look up to right who are also sober as well, right? You've checked in with me more than anybody else because you know, I've had a rough three or four months. Yeah Um, you've just been so fucking available for me. Just even saying what's up? How are you doing? You know, I mean and to me that just goes such a long way in my heart I honestly I want to thank you for that and um, I'm glad to do it. Yeah It's you and that J. H. Harris, you know him. I don't know if I know him
Starting point is 00:08:42 Yeah, him too, but um, I want to thank both of you guys because you guys are really guy Well, he's not here. I know but I want to think I'm out. Yeah But so thank you. So give Mark Marin a round of applause everybody. Thank you. Um, thank you so much No, I I'm happy to be there for you. I love you, buddy. Yeah, I've always been I do yeah Yeah, I don't know. There was at some point you always get a little nervous around me or uncomfortable or think for some reason I'm saying something Sarcastically when I'm not yeah, like when I when I say I like a bit just because you're tired of it Because you've been doing it a long time. You're like, okay, right, okay? Yeah
Starting point is 00:09:19 Can I also say something that you did to me good? I have never Been invited. Oh, yeah to play Largo. Yeah, right and you invited me and Being there and then when I got off there Zack was there. Yeah, I guess he gave me a hug Yeah, and then the guy that runs I think I want you to play or more. Yeah. Yeah, I think you're great You know, I mean it just made me feel so it made me feel so good because it's like a couple years ago It was the first time I ever did Montreal. Yeah, right? Yeah So when I'm now getting invited to do things that it wasn't invited to before right? It just made me feel like I'm Wanted or I belong you're the only one that doesn't want you
Starting point is 00:10:02 It's so fucking true because you're like, yeah, I'd say let's go do our guy. I can't do there And that's not my I know and but I know the feeling I do it all the time, too I really like right now. I want to crawl out of my skin. I wasn't I couldn't even deal with the day Really? Yeah, too. I just last night. There was like There's five boxes of girls go cuz they're just sitting there If I growls in them in my house all of them all the flavor Like the kid might my girlfriend's sister sent them in a box. Uh-huh because her kid they were trying to unload them
Starting point is 00:10:38 So they so kids as send them to mark and they were sitting there, dude Six maybe six boxes for like two months now and I was on a diet and like I look I have food issues I know I'm not fat and not looking for compliments. Yeah. Yeah, I have a problem. That's my problem Okay, and last night was the night. It was just the night You did you go hog wild? I went pretty wild. I I I open up all the boxes All of them. Yeah, and had like three or four cookies at each. I didn't eat all four box I also ate half a coffee cake. So I mean was just And you know, I'm not it's I don't feel like I'm in trouble, but I don't shame
Starting point is 00:11:15 Oh, yeah, yeah, but I think that I think this is where you and I have something in common where if we don't have a Sort of a constant current of shame. We don't know where to work from Yeah, you know, like what do mean you're gonna do? We just feel good. I know but what I'm but what I've been trying to do is yeah help me because well I'm I always have to be doing something like I have to be either watching something or yeah on Twitter or doing something and Today I did something new. I just kind of sat there Right, and I didn't do anything for at least a couple of hours or an hour and a half. I just kind of sit there and squirm
Starting point is 00:11:54 No, no, no what I do is I try to do I try to yeah Touch whatever is around me and feel the flick. Yeah, they're like the little furs on yeah All my senses look at things smell thing I just try to be as present as possible and that seems to be working even Monday when I got the physical done You got physical. I got why bro. I almost died Do it when during the physical no the week before oh, I his mind in my mind He wasn't actually dying bro the night before I've I've so almost died in my mind I know yeah, so many times for me. I was Friday last Friday Friday or Friday before yeah
Starting point is 00:12:37 I was in the date night before I went to the treatment. Yeah outpatient I'm at a hotel and I put my body next to the door because I felt like if I was if I was gonna die I needed to get out of the fucking hotel room so they could discover my body because I know they'll come to clean I Know but but the way Bob they discovered Bob's body is the family called the hotel He's not picking up this and that stuff right right and then they had to break into the thing and they discovered his right The body that's what I had to do to you when you hadn't I hadn't heard from you till 8 p.m. And he was just stoned out of his mind. Ah, I'm what you were in Hawaii. Oh, yeah Yeah, we're we stoned on I just smoked so much weed and drank so much alcohol in the last four months
Starting point is 00:13:26 But it's not that it's just that when I do it I start going into some sort of mania I don't know if they can't figure out what it is where I can't sleep or eat for months And then I get so much anxiety that I can't leave the house. I can't do the simplest of things and I Now that have a month. I'm barely like I'm able to hike now and get out of the house But like drugs and alcohol when I put it in my body. Yeah, right? It's not like heroin It's not you know, I mean meth what happens is because I've had long-term sobriety. Yeah, my but I just when I'm in In relapse and I'm doing it. I'm in trauma. Yeah, because you know, you should be doing And every day it's just like I'm doing I know it's a nightmare. I can't I'm
Starting point is 00:14:14 Just fortunate. I you know at the beginning I was in and out, but I haven't you know, I haven't really how much time Do you have now? It's a good question. Was it 23 years in this year's be 23? Wow Right, that's amazing. Wait. So 99. So that's over 99. So this year will be 23, right? Yeah, that's it 23 years. Yeah. Yeah in August August amazing. Yeah, and yeah, I I feel better Yeah, I mean honestly like even the success that I've had in my life Yeah, I have to equate it to being sober because even though I I'm a child of trauma even though like I have a lot of issues and poor self-image and this and that I think just being sober and It it makes you be more present and show up to things more and you know
Starting point is 00:15:03 I became addicted to comedy doing stand-up. So that was a kind of a healthy addiction in the beginning Sure, so it just kind of helped me, you know, I mean, yeah being sober and that's why I have all the things that I have I think maybe that's the reason why you are where you're at now. Do you think I don't know? I don't think so I Don't Well in an odd way maybe yeah, because Like I was I was an asshole sober, you know for a few years, right? So I got sober in 89 and Mishna got me sober, right 99 99. Yeah, yeah 99
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah, and you know, we ended up together I just grabbed on to her and wouldn't let go and then we ended up getting ultimately getting married Yeah, but my career wasn't going great and I was still angry and I was still trying to you know We moved out here 2002, right? Because of 9-11 she don't want to live in New York anymore, and I couldn't get in anywhere I wasn't I wasn't a regular at the I guess I was a regular at the comedy store, but my name wasn't on the wall Yeah, it was only because I think comics respected me that Tommy acknowledged me in a weird way Somebody had to talk me up, but the point being
Starting point is 00:16:13 so by the time I did the podcast shit was not good and It was not good like I'd done radio. I'd done as much comedy as I could I was looking down the barrel at you know Being a B-room headliner for the rest of my fucking life probably, you know I'd had all the shots at big management, but it didn't nothing was working out. Yeah, and then you know Mishna leaves me and I start going bankrupt and I'm going losing my mind Never been more depressed in my life and that's you know, I took a job at some Radio outlet back at Air America, and I had them. I only reason I when I took the job I said in the contract give me enough money to pay her off
Starting point is 00:16:53 So I don't go totally broken have to sell my house and they did so I'm like here's the money stop it Wow divorce is terrible because they don't stop until the person with the money gives the money, so That's it. There's there's no justice. There's nothing's gonna work out. Yeah, give them the money They want yeah, and then lawyers will stop fucking terrible. It's right. Yeah, it's very traumatized So there I was divorced almost broke. Yeah, and I started the podcast. So did sobriety Help me only because when I got sober the woman who got me sober eventually left me with nothing And I did the thing that that turned my career around yes But do you think though right I didn't drink through any of that so that's right
Starting point is 00:17:39 That's a good thing, but can I just what my argument is this right? Oh, no Is is that you know for me, you know sarcastic? I know you are being sarcastic, but um For me, do you think that all that was kind of planned the almost are you saying like? Nothing happens in a mistake as nothing's a mistake in God's world or whatever That whole thing. Yeah, well you kind of got to look at it that way. Yeah, what's the other way? I got lucky fuck it Yeah, drink you have to you know what that's that's the way I look at it I know I look at it because I heard that when you were and this could be in my mind that I built this thing about you but I I heard that maybe you went into your garage after the divorce right and
Starting point is 00:18:23 Did you want to kill myself? Well? I mean that's like sort of the that would be You know I was definitely that depressed and every day you like not unlike first getting sober when she left And I realized she wasn't you know I was fucking nuts dude. I'm following around I'm trying to figure out you know who she fucking how long was it going on for I'm showing up at coffee shops where she's at And she's like you know, I'm leaving and I'm like you because I was in one of the reasons she left was in them I was an emotionally abusive raging fuck, right? So You know, how do you fix that? But the thing is is and she'd had enough and in retrospect I
Starting point is 00:19:02 Get it. I know why she left. Yeah, I still don't quite understand why she had to make it so difficult for me You know after the divorce in terms of taking all my money and crushing me I mean she had half of whatever but she just she wanted the house, man, right? So my house so anyways But I was suicidal to the extent that I don't know, you know, how serious you are about suicide But certainly I've thought about it, you know, but I didn't do it and I've been pretty dark Yeah, so is it really suicidal? Yeah, or is it just something I do that makes me feel better? You know, I you know, I used to do a joke. Yeah, right the joke was like, you know, uh, uh, like I'm suicide I get I get suicidal, but like it's not it's not that I want to kill myself. I just feel better knowing I can if I have
Starting point is 00:19:51 Relaxing Yeah, you know, why does everything suck? I'm gonna kill myself. Yeah back to work, you know, I whatever self pity However, it goes but there was but there I'll be honest to you. There was something that I observed in you a change Yes, right, right. So is that change something that happened during the podcast or is that a change? Just in your overall happiness and your demeanor. Yeah, I think so because I used to go to the store I used to look at you and go, oh, let's go this way. Yeah, you know, I mean, you mean like when I first got here Yes, yeah, well that place that was that I was haunted by that place. I was traumatized by the comedy store I when I got there in 2002
Starting point is 00:20:33 I was still carrying so many of the ghosts that happened to me in the late 80s, you know with the cocaine with Kentison with getting you know kicked, you know cannot kicked out But all the you know, I you know, I did so much, you know, coke that I always had psychosis and I had psychosis at the store So like I was walking around that place and like I understand things that people can't see, you know, I can't so And like I had all that shit going on man They were like it was crazy, you know, like I was crazy and I was psychotic But I didn't know it because I was hanging around kentison I thought like I got you know, I'm part of this big picture. Yeah, there's no synchronicity. There's no coincidence
Starting point is 00:21:10 You know all this is Yeah, yeah, and then finally, you know, I got him mad at me and they kicked me out of the group and I lost my mind I just remember. Oh, wow. Yeah, so I didn't know you were kicked out Kind of but let me just that's a long story. That's it. It was that's a Satanist in the guitar story. So Who was in the group Sam kentison carla bow Mitchell is that him Mitch Mitchell? Is that his name or Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Mitchell Walter Mitchell Walter? No, that was before so so when I was at the store and I was a doorman Sam wasn't there and I oddly didn't really like Sam I thought it was sort of a gimmick, but
Starting point is 00:21:45 Yeah, yeah, I'd seen it on TV. I'm like, yeah, you know And and the bow the bow was there. Yeah, he got back in in town before Yeah, all of all of it was very mystical to me the whole comedy story the fact that I was there You know, it was all fluke that I ended up getting the head doorman job that Mitzi remembered me it was all sort of a convoluted path to getting there because I came out here after college to write a screenplay with my writing partner from college Steve Brill. We wrote the screenplay and And there just happened to be another thing like it out there But we could have gotten representation, but I didn't want to have anything to do with that guy and anymore
Starting point is 00:22:23 Yeah, I was out in Culver City, you know living in an apartment and And then like Pete Berg both of those guys go on to be multi-million-dollar directors or whatever the fuck yeah one kind of hacky the other one not someone so but but the But then like Pete moves in I'm on the couch and they're partying and I'm this loser You know like who I want to do comedy and I'm kind of doing coke by myself Yeah, and they're bringing girls over and they wake me up on the couch and make me play guitar and it's terrible
Starting point is 00:22:54 Did you smash back then or no? Yeah, a little bit. I was you know, yeah, it was not you're a smash machine, huh? No that later Yeah, you mean a fuck monster. Yeah. Yeah, you'll fuck with me. I'm not up on the I'm the current lingo I like smash machines. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but did you stay and was it called Crest Hill? I lived in Crest Hill. Yeah, because that's what I could I want to let people know what Crest Hill is All right, so when I came to the store Crest Hill was no longer, right? It was a house at Mitzi owned up on the hill behind the comedy store that she would rent out the comics for years Like they she put them up like usually it was comics. I think the the the guy who one of the gardeners or the
Starting point is 00:23:35 Maybe a cleaning lady's husband lived downstairs. Yeah. Yeah, the sound guy lived there when I was there, but Dyson lived there Tamayo Suki Schubert was there for a minute when I was there who else the Todd Todd Lemish. Oh, yeah, Todd. Yeah. Yeah, yeah Yeah, and Nancy Redmond. Yeah, I know Nancy Redmond. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, Nancy Redmond and her obese boyfriend Which kind of lumber lumber up the hill. Yeah, you know, but uh, but he would hear like mythical stories about the place Probably just the rumors. Oh, I know is we we did so much coke up there wait because
Starting point is 00:24:13 When I was there, that's it. That's what I heard, but yeah, but not so much before me. It was because What it happened was over time is that Sam took a liking to me and I was I thought I was mr. Coke outlaw when I got there from college. Yeah, because after Culver City what happened was I got I started doing PA work Like it's just getting jobs on shoots because I met somebody out and it's sort of a community of people They get you jobs, right? And I remember I did one shot I did a shoot for this thing called kids songs out at the docked circus Vargas Fucking I can't imagine the worst. It was just like and I was staying up all night doing blow
Starting point is 00:24:48 Yeah, I'm I'm going to this set where it's like it's the circus, but they're they're not active Yeah, but they're shooting all these little kids And you know with kids and stuff and I just remember a couple things about it that like the director seemed like he was jacked I'm blow. There's all these kids all over the place and I remember they were feeding the the lions and the tigers and there was just like just like a Like a truckload of like horse parts Like huge chunks of horse meat and they're just thrown in no real Wow And then in the best part and I tried to always make this work on stage, but it didn't really
Starting point is 00:25:22 I just remember like there were two clowns that were the circus Vargas clowns Yeah, and they're hanging out all day, and I'm running. I'm doing the dumb errands or whatever I got to do and I remember at the end of the day the clowns are like you want to come to our trailer and get high and I'm like Yeah, all right So I go to this trailer. Yeah, and you know there you know the dudes like rolling a joint I'm like you're gonna have to take the makeup off. I can't I'm not gonna be able to do this If you guys are gonna sit there and make it we're gonna have to get human here I'm not gonna get a stone with clowns in me. Yeah, right. That would be fucking weird
Starting point is 00:25:57 So anyways, I get this job on a shoot that Mitzi's producing This is the thing and I when I first got in LA when I drove out here I'd auditioned at the store and I did set at the improv on them for nobody I and I didn't really know anybody but I did go up at the store And I got this PA job and this is like it's all working out coincidentally because like I my the guys in Culver City You had pushed me out of the apartment and I didn't know how to function as an adult You know, I don't know how to look for a house. I didn't know how to do anything, right? I didn't yeah That's what comics are you just released into the wild and it's sort of like
Starting point is 00:26:34 Do I have to buy a futon? You know like so, right? Yeah, and So I didn't know how to rent an apartment or anything Yeah, and I just they're like Steve's uncle owned the building and the woman down the hall Needed a roommate because someone had moved out and they're like, you know, why don't you just move down there? And I'm like this is so sad. I'm like, so I I just went down there and I talked to her and I moved into her house Wow, that didn't end well. So What happened?
Starting point is 00:27:03 I can't remember the timeline, but so I'm doing this this PA work for Mitzi She's shooting all these short things for this. She used to own the restroom. There's a Barry Morris across the street where the House of booze was yeah used to be this old house that she had made into a restaurant that was a failure Yeah, she was selling dinner packages for the main room and there was never anyone in there There's a bar in an empty restaurant. Yeah, it's beautiful, but it's empty Yeah, and it's all the people that were there were in these sketches It was for some sort of TV network. She was trying to do yeah and Danny Stone was you know her boyfriend at the time He was just sweaty, you know, hello. How are you doing? Is it riding the impression? But all you remember is like I get this job
Starting point is 00:27:41 I can't believe it's for Mitzi and I remember walking up to her just find in a moment and going Mitzi Do you remember me? I auditioned for you and she's like, oh, yeah, right and I'm like, okay Great and she goes go talk to Becker You can be a doorman. Wow. So that was it. She remembered me Yeah, so I went up to Becker Mike Becker. Yeah, assistant and I said just Mitzi wants so I could be a doorman He's like, oh great. Do you want to be head doorman? I'm like, okay Which is shitty because then you're just you got to be the boss of all these comics who are doorman And they don't even want to be doorman and I had to buy him get them jackets
Starting point is 00:28:20 Can I tell you can I tell you what we'll quit before I forget what happened to Mike Becker? Why so he's alive, right? He's still alive, but yeah eating though, but the way Mitzi fired him Mm-hmm. It's he fired him. He was going into hip surgery and then she fired him That guy lived in her ass the nerve The nerve of that woman. I know it was shocking to all of us But that's how she used to fire people. He was such a sad puppy He's going in the surgery I just do what she fuck she tried to get so ridiculous the whole thing was I was only there
Starting point is 00:28:55 I'm a little less than a year. So anyways, this all times out good because I tried to fuck my roommate who had a boyfriend Yeah, and I drank all her champagne that she bought for the holidays and they literally There was literally an intervention her all her friends and her boyfriend Like got together and like and and told me I had to leave wow and then I told Becker or somebody said I don't have anywhere to live and He asked Mitzi if I could live at Crestill's I don't move to Crestill. Oh, wow. That's Would that's when you met Sam then? Well, yeah, well, I mean I was already working there
Starting point is 00:29:32 Yeah, because I remember having sex with a waitress out in Culver City Yeah, which was a long haul from Hollywood, right? But what was because I because I remember when I first met Pauly Yeah, I used to offer him so we did a tour that Sam did I was there for Sam's pee I was there when he broke Yeah, basically because when I was there Sam came back for the road Carl had taken a liking to me and given me a watch and I was a doorman and yeah It was like this weird ritual. It was all fucked up. So Sam comes back and I had to go pass the test
Starting point is 00:30:02 I was living up in Crestill. So Sam comes up and he's like, you know, let's do some blows. So it's me and Sam It's me and Sam at this big table while I'll go on one-on-one. I say look me in the eye Marin fucking legend I can't trust anybody. It doesn't look me in the eye for hours Then he's like you ever burn money Yeah, yeah, yeah, so we're burning money And this is like the first time I meet him and then like it was so funny because we're running out of blow Yeah, like he would drink as much as he did blow like so he's wobbly. He's like some more coke And I'm like, okay. It's like three in the fucking morning. I love this story. It's like and he's like, all right
Starting point is 00:30:49 I'm like, what do we do? Do we call somebody? He's like, no, let's go. You got let's go in your car So we get in my car. It's the middle of the night. We're jammed. He's drunkie and coked up Yeah, and I'm driving my toy my little Toyota And we're going to this guy's house not far away Greg. Here's the guy. I got to know Greg. He's still alive I met he's important. He's in the shoe business. So anyways, I don't know about the other guy Yeah, the other guy got kind of scary. Yeah, but he's still alive too because he reached out once and I was like, no I'm gonna but Greg was okay. He was a hairdresser. So so I'm driving Sam. Yeah, it's big. I don't know him Like he like so I'm driving. He's passing up my car and we're it's only at Crescent Heights
Starting point is 00:31:28 We're driving something Yeah, and like he passes out and he wakes up in the car. He goes, I don't even know you you could kill me And I'm like, dude, where we going? You know, so yeah, yeah, we get to this apartment on Crescent Heights, right? And I don't know Greg and we're Sam's buzzing it like And it's like I just hear a groggy voice go, okay, and buzzer comes up We get up to this apartment and this guy opens the door. He's in a bathrobe and he's like, don't wake my roommate up I'm like, what the fuck is happening? No, we we go into this room his bedroom and Sam's like, you got any booze and
Starting point is 00:31:59 For some reason all he had was miniatures from the plane. So he's I just got these miniatures So Sam takes like a little smear enough and it's like and he just sits down the floor and the big old fat Sam is dumb overcoat Miniature fucking amazing little bottle smear fucking amazing and then like he just passes out He just passes out more and I'm and this is the Sam Kinnison. That's or he's already big He's big, but he's it's before the HBO special, but he's big. We're here again Rodney. Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah Oh, yeah, no, he's the he's the biggest star in comedy. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow. Wow Wow, if you always just sweep out the floor of a crest crazy, but so anyways
Starting point is 00:32:38 So he passes out. Yeah And I don't know Greg and I'm standing there with this hairdresser in his bathrobe He's just giving me a bend to a blow. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm like, all right. Well, I guess I'll I'll just take off And he's like get him out of here. Yeah He I don't you know, I'm like, what do you want me to do? He's like, I don't want him to pull a balloon she on me Oh, like so they there's the beautiful coke coke dealer logic. He's not dying here He could die in your car. Yeah, but not in my house. Wow I had to drag Sam back into the car and get him back to the house and they just passed out on the floor
Starting point is 00:33:10 He'd love sweeping on the floor that guy and he would be sweeping on the floor because we do two or three day runs You know there because it was like Monday night was no cover night and I became this sort of like coke Water What is it? George knows how to turn it off. So sometimes the water goes off and our fuck up. So sorry mark. No, it's all right It's it's part of it Okay, so anyways, yeah, like okay, so here's the deal so oh the sweeping on the floor Yeah, yeah, cuz he's just like cuz we Monday night was no cover night. Yeah, and Sam that was Sam's night, right? Yeah, I don't remember when that ended. I think it was Monday night. Yeah, so all the way
Starting point is 00:33:51 So there was a club at Westwood as well. Was that gone Westwood was long gone She tried to open one in your Universal City, but that didn't work. Yeah, and they had she had the dunes still, right? But Westwood was gone. Uh-huh. This was like 87, right? Okay. I think yeah, I would have played that room So you never played that room then the Westwood. Yeah. No, so so So Sam we would Monday night was no cover night and all the rooms are free So all the freaks would come and Sam would show up like 11 30 12 And it was just like all the porn stars all the rock people would come up from the rock See the place was crazy full of coke and and my job was to like Sam would come up to me
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, and he give me like three hundred dollars and he get and I would go get the house set up I go buy the booze the cigarettes the mixers. I would just get all this shit I go up to Crest Hill and prepare for him to show up with the with the freaks with the entourage a weirdo Wow, but the point being that sometimes they go on for two or three days And you'd see whole cast of people come and go during these coke runs and he would end up sweeping on the floor So like I just remember that everyone will be gone But Sam would just be on the floor by himself and it was sad And I remember one time I'd met some girl at Johnny Rockets or something. She worked there
Starting point is 00:35:03 We're gonna go out on a date, you know, yeah, and it was during the day. So we go out to lunch I come back. I'm showing her the cool house. I'm living in and I'm like, uh, this is my room There's the dining room. This is where the parties are and that's Sam. He's That's the biggest starring comedy Sweeping on his back on his stomach on the ground. Yeah, did Sam and dice not like each other back then It was there was a competition. Yeah of some kind. Yeah, yeah, you know, it was a rivalry But like I don't know what their history was because you know, they came up You know dice is one of the originals almost and Sam so they were all there together. They know all the stories about each other
Starting point is 00:35:39 Yeah, yeah, so I don't know what the full background of it is but I I used to live in dice's old room. So he came up once. He's like, oh, you ever get a blowjob in the tub And I'm like, I haven't gotten a blowjob in the tub because in my room was the only room with its own bathroom Yeah, beautiful room because I find dice to be very lovely. I love him. I love him, too He's very kind and I don't know what he was like in his heyday. Probably nightmare, but You know what, you know, he just doesn't take any bullshit You know, he's not a druggy and you know, and he's like he just he's died. He's got he's it's about dice He's not letting one fuck with him. Yeah, but that night, you know the story about when Jimmy got put in jail
Starting point is 00:36:18 No, that's the best Schubert. No, it's so funny I'm a door guy. We're up and I'm living with the Todd. He's doing blow all the time He used to wake up like he had these mountains of Kleenex They've used Kleenex next to his bed just because his septum was all fucked up It was just crazy. Yeah one night. We you know, Mitzi would buy shit for the house like she had humans living up there She bought all these patio furniture of fancy umbrellas. They were broken in a day one night We're all fucked up and we're burning wicker furniture. There's a gas There's a gas fireplace up there. Yeah, and we're just putting the furniture in wow. It was nuts crazy
Starting point is 00:36:58 But anyways, I would have I literally during that time. I probably would have died So yeah, imagine me up there. I would have died. I thought I don't know who went down to anyone. There were times where like The blackouts thing, you know people who were coming and going they got a little but a lot of most of them a lot of them lived man Like there was a guy used to take pictures and like I was concerned about him, but he's around Yeah, so but but did you just but were you sad when Carl died? Yeah, I mean, I was of course, it's terrible, you know, but you know, those guys weren't easy on me You know, I had a lot of creepy resentment towards them because you know, they fuck with your head Yes, Sam was like a bully and a mindfucker and you know, and he
Starting point is 00:37:38 Actively tried to ruin my career once he got mad at me for whatever he got mad at me for which was abstract and and cokey and dumb You know, you operate in this world of drama that's based on petty bullshit And you know, he literally told Certain places not to work me and I'm 22. I barely got 15 minutes of work mark You and I are so similar in so many ways. I mean, I can't name the guy But I had a guy as well, right who actively yeah when he was a big guy Who actively won out of his way and I had no power at the time. Yeah, and I was young you almost feel like You know, especially back then there weren't a lot of gatekeepers almost right now. It's like there's so many jobs
Starting point is 00:38:18 So many clubs. There's so many ways to work. Yeah, there was no gatekeepers and no one wanted to come to that club Yeah, no one did. Yeah, and it was like this weird fucking hole And and if you even were had your shit together enough to understand an opportunity Yeah, you know what I mean like like a manager came to see me like saw me at the comedy store for some freakish reason You know, I jumped on stage in the or because someone did show up and this manager gives me their card And I'm like, what do I do with this? Yeah, I just I just wanted to be a comic. Yeah, should I call this guy? Yeah I mean, I've had like set up showcases back in the day for like
Starting point is 00:38:53 People and agents they wouldn't go there. They go do it at the laugh factory or do it at the improv Oh, yeah, don't do it at the store. We're not going to the dark hole. Yeah, but now though, it's completely No, it's great. It's so great. So anyways, it's the middle of the night man and me and Todd are up at Crest Hill And we get a call it's Schubert. They busted him and they put him in down the Beverly Hills precinct He's in jail. Yeah, because he got into a fight in the parking lot of the comedy store. I don't know But it's a late at night. Yeah, like 230 was after the place closed. Yeah So me and Todd are sitting there and I'm like, what are we gonna do? I got no money. How are we gonna get him out there? And Todd goes, let's call Andy and I'm like, Andy. Yeah, let's call dice. I'm like, okay
Starting point is 00:39:33 So he calls Andrew Silverstein. He calls dice And dice says, uh, oh, yeah, I was just up counting quarters. I'll meet you down at the jail Okay, it doesn't matter we'll go meet him down so Todd and I go down to the jail and dice shows up with a bag full of quarters. He's just got like a giant bag Of quarters. He was counting quarters Yeah, I guess he was rolling them. So so he's there in like, you know a muscle T Yeah, like and I think I don't think he was into the capri pants yet
Starting point is 00:40:11 But you know, he might have been wearing sweatpants Yeah, and he just drops his quarters under the counter and he starts making piles of quarters To bail Jimmy Oh, really? How much was it? I don't remember. Yeah. Yeah. But it's just so funny that he was counting quarters and he brought them Yeah, to me just beautiful. I I I always loved dice. I like when he just talks Yeah, when I was a back door guy there, I was I didn't know him at all Yeah, and I was wearing the comedy store t-shirt and the guy walks up to me goes He used to call me Ching. Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:42 You got that's what I always said. I said don't get too close to dice because you'll get a nickname. Yeah Yeah, so you don't but he got I go one day. I go it's racist and he goes no, it's money chitching Right, so Here we go George what the fuck man Yeah, there we go. Yeah. Yeah. So he he goes Ching get in the car. I'm working I'm fucking working in the car get in the car. I go. Where are we going? Vegas and I go Do you have to tell he goes? I already told them
Starting point is 00:41:12 He flies me to Vegas first class We're I'm at the Bellagio with him for like five days, right opening. No, he's just gambling You're just hanging out. I'm just gambling, right? I have no money. I don't have a bank account I have no money. I used to take comedy store checks and go to a cash cash checking place for my money He thought you were you were his lucky asian. That's what he thought, right? He goes you were lucky. He lost $300,000 In five days and then for a year after that. Yeah, he wouldn't talk to me because he thought I was bad. Look I didn't fucking know you bitch
Starting point is 00:41:48 You came to me you came to me and you gave me trauma Right for for a whole year. He did that. Yeah, but he's but I love but it also made me feel like These guys were kind of like above the law and they just do whatever they want. I just kind of like they kind of were Yeah, that kind of I mean, I don't know that they weren't above the law, but they were certainly willing to push your luck Yeah, yeah, yeah, like all the all the comics, you know, the old guys half of them I used to know a guy who moved to boston And he he didn't want his name in the paper and he didn't want his name on the marquee
Starting point is 00:42:21 Because he owed back taxes and child support Wow, and that's actually how he got busted. He was doing a radio morning radio show and someone to hurt him He told his ex-wife He ended up dying that guy, but oh my god He he he he Frankie Frankie best deal. He died later, but those there were there was such a An element in comedy in the 80s of guys who were just just barely ahead of the law Yeah, or really didn't want to you know be responsible for anything just wanted to stay on the road stay out there Borderline criminals like preachers preachers preachers in comics and sam wanted to be a preacher, you know
Starting point is 00:42:56 but anyways But comics also It's it's it's it's a group of people that have a lot of them have had kind of dark paths Just social problems. Social problems. Yeah. Yeah, you know, you know, you don't want to can't fit into a regular thing I didn't know how to live like a person forever. Well, I there's certain things. That's why we invited you because We want you on the podcast. Yeah, you're one of the biggest guys, but also I look at you like a professor Just to hear me out. You look like a professor. Yeah, you're right I look up to you and there are certain things that people know that I don't know how to do
Starting point is 00:43:27 Yeah, and I want you to teach me like what? Well, that's what we have the thing. Oh, so honestly, I refuse to learn how to read that type of clock You just gotta do it. I don't know how to do it. No, I refuse. Yeah, I'm digital, baby It's all digital. It's all digital for me. Are you what are you uh, dyslexic? I'm not dyslexic. It's like, no We don't know at all. Yeah, you don't know. We don't know. I have a lot of problems You know, I mean I could have a mood disorder. You have for sure adult ADHD Yeah, I for sure. I have um, I might have bipolar too. Maybe maybe we maybe we don't know yet But there are certain things that I refuse to learn, but I'm willing to learn now. Okay. All right, and so
Starting point is 00:44:08 Um, the only one that I feel I can teach me is you I will refuse for these guys We've tried for years. They've tried for years. I won't even listen. What do you mean? It's like I know but that's why I want you to teach you how to read a clock I have a different things. I don't know about That's why you're here. That's why you're here. Okay. Let me hold it. Let me hold it. But isn't it just basically the I don't know any of it, man All right Is that old Bob? That's old Bob. I'm so sorry. That was relapsed Bob. No, it wasn't it wasn't because there was a vulnerability to the screaming
Starting point is 00:44:39 Ah That is true. It wasn't it wasn't I was trying for help. I wasn't defensive. It wasn't all right. Usually it's defensive Is this supposed to be like this? Is this supposed to go ahead of it? No, like that's bro. It's been Okay, all right, so Let me just say so. So what time is it right now? Look at your digital Okay, so put the little hand on the four I feel like I'm watching this one right here. Yeah, no the little one. Yeah, put that on the four There you go. Now put the big one
Starting point is 00:45:12 Hey, would you say 445? Yeah, put it on the nine Okay, now, you know why that's like that I mean, you know what? It's like that. Why? Well, the four is self-explanatory, right? It's four. Yeah, it's four. It's four o'clock Right. Now the nine is because do you see how the clock has little dots all around it? Yeah, there's 60 Minutes in an hour Yeah By the way, I know that. Okay. Good. I know that. Okay. So so at what minute with so the so minute one starts at
Starting point is 00:45:46 At at the 12 don't give up. Don't give up. I think I got it. Look minute one starts at the 12 So if it's on nine, what minute is that? All right, so If there's 45 there you go Oh, we should make a four 45 Okay, listen. This is three 45. This is three 30 right That's right. This is three four. Yes. Let me test you. All right And around Mark's voice. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, it's fucking easy
Starting point is 00:46:17 Are you digital for so long pretty fucking easy? Yeah Oh So what time is it? Wait, so this is Wait, why is this so this is at a yeah here? Yeah, so yeah 12. Yes. Yes. Well, and this is here. Yes 12 10 Right There you go But what what happens if this is okay, what about this is here in the middle of 12 and 1 well, they won't be there unless it's 12 30
Starting point is 00:46:50 That is 12 Right. Yeah Yeah, yeah, right 1254. Yeah. Yeah, but digital is so much easier. Sure. So much easier. Well, we can we admit that? Yeah, yeah, yeah, but like, you know, we I didn't have digital. I grew up. I learned from that. That's so easy You really did the first time that you I swear to god that's 50 years, man. Come on easy Wow, I learned that what about long division? No, I don't I would refuse to do that, right math. I can't help you Yeah, um, in fact when I was in Place I was at yeah, um
Starting point is 00:47:24 I went to a little mania where I couldn't sleep for five days. Yeah, and um, she told me to read a book I never read a book before what this is just recently Last week or two weeks ago. You never read a book before. Well, I read like I think I read no exit by start or that's not gonna help you Or I read um good power. I think I read fear and trembling by Kierkegaard. I think uh, Yeah, no exit to play. It's a play. Yeah, and fear and trembling isn't what's that? What's the last hell there's other people hell's other people and I really agree with that. Yeah. Yeah, a few some Yeah, yeah, yeah, but like I could like book is it the place kind of boring I think about a bunch of people can't get out of a room. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:48:02 I've never read Descartes meditations But I know I think therefore I am is in the medicine shirts somewhere. Yeah. Yeah, right. So at least I know that why philosophy books Because I really was into in my early 20s before stand-up and I was sober as well Right. I was really into I was really depressed. I was really into like, you know trying to figure out why Not only I I like to read like doys toevsky and like, you know It took me a long time to know it's from the underground. I read crime and punishments very hard to keep the names Yeah, those russian names, man, but what I loved about notes from the underground was he's a guy, right? Yeah, and he lives in a cellar
Starting point is 00:48:38 Kind of like right and there's like a little opening To the street, right? And yeah, the guy just kind of like I think most of the book is Internalized to how he's feeling about society and how he feels about sure and I just enjoyed his perspective and his darkness about it And I think that then later I got into more, you know New-agey things, you know, I mean like spiritual loss, but what books did you read for the your first book? I I read um, I didn't finish it, but I went to page 110 yeah, and it's called um Crawdad sing where where the crawdad sing you heard of it. Yeah, it's about this uh
Starting point is 00:49:16 Poor southerners in the in the 50s Mm-hmm, but my um, I thought we were gonna have to start him because of the clock thing His second book would have to be the cat in the hat We really got to start from the beginning with right, but I yeah, but honestly like I'm um I think I'm going through a transformation. Yeah You're becoming a butterfly Or phoenix. I'm reborn, you know, oh, yeah, yeah, like phoenix is better for me my parents love that my mom was there, but my point is is that um
Starting point is 00:49:46 Um, it's just the connection, but yeah, I rising from the ashes of you so when I when I've learned right is is that um I have There's these old tapes this internal dialogue that I'm a piece of shit You know, I mean, but what else I also I do is I bully people around me. You do I do I'm a real bully on this podcast. I make fun of people the way they look You know, I mean I I bring up personal things Sometimes I'll do things to hurt people, right? Don't they know how to do it to you? It's so easy. I do, but then because
Starting point is 00:50:20 I know that's the fucking I know that is ample. So that I know What is the one thing that but you have this thing called jester privilege, which is what? It's sort of like Even when you do bully no one takes you seriously So it doesn't quite land the way you want it, which frustrates you even more because he doesn't have the hate, right? Yeah, you don't have that. You don't have the fury of threat being threatened. Yeah But I also don't ever really know how I'm feeling really, you know, and I um, I have various various ways of like, you know, I think you're getting better at that though
Starting point is 00:50:54 I I'm I am I feel like I am and I feel like um I just want to be different in comedy Right and um and different in the way I live my life And the way I approach because I'm telling you right now this last relapse mark for me. Yeah was so fucking bad I literally thought I was gonna die. I literally was spinning So out of control internally that like I was just a shell of the person that I thought I was And I need to do it differently. I can no longer drift away from 12 subgroups. I can no longer
Starting point is 00:51:29 You know not feel my feelings and not set boundaries and and and also just to tell people you know How I really feel about them And then that's why I needed you for this podcast because I just got out. Yeah, right and um I just think that you were the perfect person to have right now because I um I want to be change. I want to change and the reason why I have you on because there's definitely a change in you Yeah, you're a completely different guy. Yeah, and um There's a pride too that like
Starting point is 00:52:05 I mean, come on man. Yeah You're What you're doing big things, you know things. Yeah, but you don't you see that differently than me No, I see it. No, I think you're doing big things I know I am yeah, so like whenever you say that out to me you say it in a tone like you're not doing anything No, no, that's not what I'm doing. What I'm doing is is this I'm going I'm looking at you right and going Because I'm the same way. Yeah before tiger belly. Yeah, right. I couldn't get an audition
Starting point is 00:52:40 Really? No Huh, you know, I mean and since tiger belly. I'm getting auditions for everything, right? I mean you came up to me. You didn't know if you could do a role and I'm like just act There was sex in the city. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, and I you're like, it's not me man Yeah, yeah, I went up to you because I look up to you and you go fucking just you know You told me about that southern movie that you did or the accent where you do the accent the accent Yeah, and then when you go, well, I had to do a texas accent. Will you do some for us? No, I don't know I don't know if I can get it back. I don't know if I
Starting point is 00:53:12 Yeah, but what movie was that? It's called too leslie. It's premiering it south by southwest. Oh, it's not out yet. No, wow And I think I did okay. You know, I didn't I didn't overdo it. It was mild Yeah, yeah. Well, you did it as real as you could. Right. That's I mean, but I don't remember what I said to you But I probably was just sort of like show up and you know, just you know, don't be you just do it But that's what So it sounds dumb. Yeah, but sometimes I need to hear that from somebody that is That has the same background as me. Well, yeah, because we're comfortable and we want like what for me with that thing
Starting point is 00:53:48 Is that like people eventually they'll hire you for you to do the thing you do Like and it's probably the thing you're probably sick of and it doesn't really challenge you really and the truth is is that You know, you have presence and you you know, you're going to be present to do the work But you just saw it like I think you were literally like this guy's not as funny as me And it bothered you you you took you took it as an insult of some kind. It's like I don't want to be this guy He's not even that good There is some of that. Yeah Because you watch, you know, I watch certain things where comics or actors get to like
Starting point is 00:54:24 Do just improvise and have fun, right? Yeah And there are just certain parts where it's like it has to be by the way we wrote it It has to be with the speed and cadence Right, it has to be this tone and then it's like you you have all these rules and then also then you're going into a High-pressure situation where it's like, you know, oh, it's Sarah Jessica park and this and that right and you're meeting people for the first time Yeah, and then it's and then sometimes the lines are written not the way you normally talk, right, right? So it's like you have all these things, but you were right. I just flew to New York And I just did it
Starting point is 00:55:00 But the gift is like, you know, the weird thing about doing those things where once you get on set and you realize Everyone's just a person and it is what it is is that the thing is is like As a comic and as some guy who's acted before You know how to get a present and shut all that shit off The only difference between us and regular people is that, you know, if you can do it Be on a set with 50 people and still just talk like this That's 90 percent of it That is
Starting point is 00:55:27 You know what I mean? That is it's crazy. It's crazy. I think you're right The thing that kills me about them though when you're on these sets with these real actors Is that like they're not doing it You know what you're just looking at it's sort of like right they like but they have that because they're movie stars And they're so good at it. Yeah, they know That they don't have to do much. There's just this natural thing to it But they're they're based some of them are sort of like hey, what's going on? You're like, that's how loud they're talking Because like yeah, we're comics and we're like, hey, what's everybody doing?
Starting point is 00:56:00 Oh, it's all Mike dude. You can just take it down. All right. Yeah, what also is is um Um When you fear you're making a mistake. Yeah, and then like I've heard I mean I did one scene with a couple scenes with Ben Kingsley once. Yeah, and he goes um What's my line? Yeah, right. Yeah, and when he did that I was like, oh Yeah, fuck it. He doesn't know of course Of course, nobody knows nobody knows nothing. They're just as scared right sometimes. They're just as scared sometimes But but worse than that. They're just fucking actors
Starting point is 00:56:34 Uh-oh, I know I realize that but it's a weird thing because if you grow up loving movies and shit Yeah, you think they're like heroes. I know but they're just these people that are getting away with something They're getting away. They're that's all we do. That's all we do. That's our job. Yes It's got away with it. We fooled them again. Oh my god. That's what it is. I know that's what it all is Gilbert you know That's he's an actor as well. Sam used to say that fooled him again. Well, Sam. Can you say that? Oh my god Someone else has said it too. I can't remember who it's it's I've heard it before. Yeah, but But that but I mean Janine had it really right, you know, like on some level
Starting point is 00:57:16 She told me she I don't know who told her. She's like, I'm like, how do you act? She's like, it's just pretending Yeah, and lying you're lying But but once you but once like what I was going to say though and why I was able to advise you the way I did It was only because like I knew that I would keep getting these asked to do these roles where I'm the cranky guy The you know the the angry Jewish guy or just the the dude that's you know, the lovable crank And I wanted to challenge myself because I thought to myself like if acting is something I want to do I should feel like I'm doing it like I I can go be me Yeah, give me some lines. I'm sure. Oh, yeah. Oh, hey get out of there. You know, whatever
Starting point is 00:57:58 You know, I could do that. I I'm able to be present and listen Yeah, but I thought like well I need to like engage a craft of some kind for me to feel like this is exciting because to be honest with you man When you're in a and when you're on a set It for me, it's sort of like how much longer Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, what am I just supposed to eat craft? I'm supposed to sit in a fucking trailer by myself. Yeah, I'd rather talk to the sound guy. Yeah, yeah Also, they're liars. They're like, of course six in the morning call time, right? It's 7 p.m.
Starting point is 00:58:29 Now, right? I haven't don't fucking lie to me. I haven't even started it. It's a lie. Right, right, you know We're gonna get to you in I think we're gonna be get to you in about 40 minutes Yeah, four hours later and I'm and I know now that that's just show business But before I literally had to stop myself from going back to the set and just being like what's happening. Yeah, what's happening? Yeah, so one one time I did a movie where I had to lay down as a dead person. Oh, yeah As a dead person Four hours later, that's the best you can't get a ride and they don't wake you up But the point being that I wanted to engage
Starting point is 00:59:12 I wanted to do some work on it other than just memorizing and making choices around lines So like this director who wanted me to do this part of this texting guy this kind of beat-up guy I was like it's peak coven I was I didn't want to do it because I really I just did I didn't want to do it I didn't know why he kept bothering me because it's like it's his first movie The woman the star of the movie who I'm playing against is this English actress. Who's insanely good. Yeah, Andrea Riceboro Wow, and like Stephen Roots in it. Alison Janney you know like
Starting point is 00:59:45 And I'm not threatened by like I've worked with you know stars, but I don't that wasn't the issue the issue was it's like This guy's a texting guy, right? And and I told the director because Chelsea he he's friends with Chelsea Handler. So now she's bothering me She's like this guy Michael really likes you and he's a good friend of mine. I think you should do it I'm like, why I don't how'd you get my number? so like She has my But the thing is is that so I talk I got on the phone with that. I'm like, why do you want me so bad?
Starting point is 01:00:16 Yeah, why am I the guy? You know and he's like I just really like I liked your tv show maren. I'm like, oh you're a fan of that They're like you're saying the right things like no one watch that Yeah, but yeah, and I'm like, okay. He's a British guy He directs a lot of better-called sols and breaking bad. He's from that world and I'm like, all right But I'll know about this accent man. Yeah. Yeah, and he's like, all right. We'll deal with it later Yeah, don't worry about the accent But then when I hung up I'm like, well then why am I doing this if I'm not going to try to do the accent
Starting point is 01:00:46 He clearly is just like so they get me a dialogue coach a dialect coach You know and she gives me some you know pointers and I've got a pronunciation sheet So I can get my head back into it. Wow. She told me that she decided it would be a Lubbock accent Which is weirdly specific and apparently the only real good example of it is mac davis So I'm watching footage of mac davis talking. Wow, you know the sink the guy from the 70s He was a singer and he was also in like he was in like semi tough with uh with uh, or no north dallas 40 with nick nulty Yeah, he's been a few great great. There he is that guy. Wow So there's pictures of him talking and and and she decided that was the Lubbock accent
Starting point is 01:01:26 And I knew this guy because I liked uh north dallas 40 is a great movie Um, it's a football movie, right? Yeah, but I never saw it. It's nick nulty a young nick nulty. It's great Okay, I will watch it. It's just entertaining and he used to be a singer and my dad had his greatest hits in the car Mac davis's greatest hits on a track Yeah, yeah, uh Kiss an angel. Good morning Yeah, tell her that you love her when you get back home. Oh anyone this I saw him perform Who your band? Oh, yeah. Oh, it's larko. I larko. I saw it, right?
Starting point is 01:01:59 And you have to understand man when somebody else can do that too. Yeah, it's fucking impressive, bro Thank you, bro. It's believable. Do you know how to do it forever to get the courage to do that? You know, I play the piano really? Oh, yeah, I'm not gonna play with you, but I do you do. Yeah good. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, that's great Do you how do you think I play? Good. Yeah, I play pretty good. Nice. I like chord progressions. Nice. I can improvise, you know That's nice. Yeah. Yeah. He wants in No, no, no, no, no, I don't want in I don't want in but I'm just saying that we do is three chord shit That's what like f cfg sure man
Starting point is 01:02:30 If you did a song with cfg, I could fucking play it. Okay. I could do cfg really sure man Would we write our own song or is our cfg is a good one? That's every Every song is cfg. Yeah, or that it's that would be cd 145 145. Yeah, that's all I couldn't do like e sharp minor to like, you know, I mean An f to the seventh. You know, I mean, I don't want to do that. I can't even seventh easy But there's other well like sixth or whatever you know, but the thing about acting is what I was saying is that The reason I was trying to tell you is that it's all you got to do really is challenge yourself
Starting point is 01:03:07 Most of the time all you got to do is like shut something off You don't have to turn something on right because you're all full of the juice anyway Yeah, so in order to I play a guy that's not you that's just calmer and more All you got to do is sort of like oh, I can just turn this off And then have faith in the fact that you're still going to hold the fucking frame, right? Yeah, but that's also down to the like I remember I did reservation dogs. Remember you saw that you said you play the doctor I love that show and I love sterling but but sterling right goes because I played it like myself Like the first rehearsal
Starting point is 01:03:36 He goes no just play it super tired. Yeah Yeah, that's all I needed and I got what he says it's it's depending on the director too and also he's a sweetheart Great guy. He's one of our best friends. We talk to him every once a week. Best show. Oh, yeah It's the most it's the most original show that's happened in my lifetime. Oh, wow Because people forget what you know, what does original really mean? It doesn't mean like, you know, it does some weird thing with cameras or it shot a different way No one knew anything about Indian life No one knew anything about indigenous people in this country or what their life really looked like and this guy just
Starting point is 01:04:11 Puts it out there Shamelessly honestly and with humor and it's the newest thing any of us are ever going to see. Yeah I mean come on. Yeah, it's amazing and it's so funny. They I knew Like I when I talked to him, I'd read this book Ian Frazier wrote He's not he's not an indigenous guy, but he wrote a book called on the res about the reservation I can't remember the one in South Dakota. I think and it was about just how these people lived And there's there's a thing in there where this group of Indians there are indigenous people You know had to you know go drive like a couple hundred miles to get a car park the next day
Starting point is 01:04:50 Yeah, and the way that they would wake up early Because they don't live in a world of time that we do is that in order to wake up early they would Uh eat this guy would you know drink a lot more water than usual So we'd have to get up to pee and that's how he woke up And I thought like they operated a different spiritual zone a different time zone a different pace of life You know their their ideas about uh, how the world works and what spirituality is completely different And it's totally integrated and he lets all that just be he doesn't explain nothing And all of a sudden it's like their timing for humor is different. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:29 I mean you saw a little bit that with charlie hill. Yeah, definitely a different timing Yeah, but like it's sad that he's the only guy. You know any indigenous comment. What a fucking old old charlie What a kind man totally what a kind man always high. Yeah Oh, it was he always a lot of weed that guy, right? I just remember smoking weed with charlie He also was one guys that that was when he first came on the scene I already smashed all these hot chicks. Sure. But then when I met him he was like, you know, I mean portly and old portly and old Yeah, yeah, yeah, like none. You couldn't see him. He was one of the original guys. Wow. But like there's more there's more uh
Starting point is 01:06:05 indigenous comics around and a lot of them like it was it was such an honor man to talk to sterling and also like he had me Host the the screening and panel for the for your consideration thing. No. Yeah. Yeah, they showed a couple episodes And I uh, moderated with all the actors and the actress. Oh, oh, wow Oh, great. He also said he's gonna write me a part but he did not do that. Oh, he will. Oh, he will 100% I think they already shot it. They haven't I'm I'm in the second season and he wrote that I haven't we don't shoot for three months Oh, yeah, so don't get your head in there. You're in bro. I'll send him this clip. Yeah, sir. Yeah, sir. Yeah, it's me threatening Yeah, I did all this shit for him And he's like you like what is he mr. Showbiz now? Oh, you said he'd give me a part now
Starting point is 01:06:50 He's fucking hanging me out to drive. Maybe he should be a doctor with me I don't know why I know I'm a hard cast, you know, how do you fit me onto the reservation? They put billy in Yeah, I know but billy played this weird angry guy who was a coach. You're a weird angry I know how many Very different. Yeah. Yeah, bill. So at the end of our show, we do a thing called unhelpful advice So people email us problems and we answer them. Okay Unhelpful advice with bobby kalayla and mark baron Hey guys, have you ever worked on a project or part of something and didn't receive proper credit or acknowledgement
Starting point is 01:07:26 The way you would have liked if so, what steps did you take to fix that? Garrett? I mean, I have one that just recently happened. Yeah wish dragon Do you remember so so I get a call going years ago three years ago Sony's Sony's doing this huge animation probably you Jackie Chan John show, right? You guys are the leads And I go, I'll do it. It's an animated show movie movie. It's a movie about a dragon So I show up. I do it. I think I work on it for a year year and a half Right and I'm doing three parts
Starting point is 01:08:02 Right. I play God. I played this that this and that And then the movie the movie comes out on Netflix GBO Yang GBO Yang Natasha so-and-so 18 name bam, bam, bam. I'm not even on at all Right, so I feel like I got cut out, right? But then they're like now email me. Will you Will you publicize? I'm not even at the end credit thing. What? Yeah No, no, you know how they show the trailer and they had that little end title. Yeah, and there's 15 names. Yeah, I'm not even on that What is that possible? So I call
Starting point is 01:08:38 Never I this is the first time I've ever done this Mm-hmm. Where I just go. I don't give a fuck. I called CAA. I go you called them go in my cut out. Did I do anything wrong? What's the problem? And they called me So I'm apologetic Sony Netflix everyone called me wrote me emails apologizing. There was a mix-up of this and that I forgave them But it really I cried when I saw that trailer. They fixed it. They never fixed it They never fixed it. They never fixed it, but that happened and it really broke my fucking heart
Starting point is 01:09:11 It broke my heart. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, it's supposed to also. It's like when I see the names It was an all-Asian cast and I If it was if it was Colin Farrell, you know what I mean? Mark Ruffalo, right? Right, but it's like all Asians. I feel like when it comes to Asians in showbiz I think I should be in the in the thing You're in the mix, man. Yeah, I should be in the fucking thing Yeah, for sure. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You have anything like that or no I don't I don't really remember anything quite like that. Like I remember like
Starting point is 01:09:42 A lot of am I I'm m-a-r-c m-a-r-o-n And for some reason Like my last name like if you see m-a-r-o-n. Yeah, how you can pronounce it? My own my own not really marin We're really trying to like we're just trying to My own my own my own but that would have an e. Yeah, you're right. Like, you know, like, yeah, yeah, like the like baron baron, right? It's yeah, marin marin, but no, it's like moran moran marin
Starting point is 01:10:11 You know like and m-a-r-k or marin spelled m-a-r-r-o-n It's just like people's lack of due diligence around You know that kind of thing being in a credit where it's like m-a-r-k. It's like what the fuck. It's my name Yeah, yeah, yeah, don't make assumptions. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So you've seen mark with a k. Yeah, you know, you know, yeah, I don't like I know how it happens Yeah, but it's still like it's lazy. Can I show you my phone? Yeah, I want to see what I'm what I have you saved under Remember someone was like, hey, it's sunny lee and you you had a meltdown On the hike, remember?
Starting point is 01:10:47 Okay, so when I have meltdowns like that. Yeah, this is how your name is saved on my phone Where mark up right there Yeah, yeah, m-a-r-k. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I am gonna change that immediately I'm gonna change that immediately. I'll change yours from boot You could put as a bob put as a bob, but can I just say this? Yeah I'll just say this right now and this is this this will feel special right right. Yeah, check this out right, uh mark With a k
Starting point is 01:11:19 Meryl I put a photo Oh, I put a photo on your thing. Do you want me to send you one of my little emojis? Yeah, do you have an emoji? Yeah, I'll put that as other thing right It's a c I'm gonna do it right fuck right now. Let me see if I can thank you. It's so funny like I'm grown person I'm not like an emoji guy, but when I had the opportunity to build a face I'll take it Mark I honestly like I there's so many things I want to talk to you about um, we're done
Starting point is 01:11:52 I mean we do an hour. Oh, okay, you know what I mean, but um That's our program. Uh, look at the emoji. Okay, let me see You love a face, huh? Oh, I love it How do I make one Oh, you'll see me. You see me. I want to save this at the photo. All right. What do I just save it? More I'll figure out later. Are you gonna be in town this week? I'm gonna go. I'm here
Starting point is 01:12:22 Um, I might go see a play on thursday in new yorker here. No here, but will I see you at the club? Yeah, I think I'm there tomorrow night and I put in for uh, uh friday and thursday I might go on wednesday at the play and then saturday I'm gonna go to new mexico where I grew up and I'm gonna look at some property and visit my dad who's uh, Ailing Oh Yeah Um, the last thing I want to ask you this because it'd be another 10 minute conversation. Sorry, what are they gonna?
Starting point is 01:12:49 No, no, no, I need to the network's gonna cut you off Another thing is how many cats do you have now just two? But didn't you have more? I had I at the I had three at the at the time at the at one time, you know, but then lafonda went And then monkey hung on like it was it was sad because like when lin passed away my cat was sick as well And so like it was just sort of after lin passed away I was like looking at this cat going you're gonna have to hold on for a few months because I can't handle it Yeah, and he held on so then but then I had buster the kitten who I always yelled at for beating up on the old cats
Starting point is 01:13:24 So then like I had to put the two old cats down Then it was just me and buster for six months But now I got a new guy who's turned out to be kind of dumb Um, but but his name's sammy and so I got two Um, I want to say one thing about lin. Yeah, she loved you. She loved you. I loved her too and um I've worked for her. Yeah, I know and um Just gentlest notes that that just the nicest person on set. Yeah. Yeah, and very clear You know, I mean and you can tell that she likes you when I used to see her at the store with you
Starting point is 01:13:54 Yeah, so kind and I'm so sorry for your loss. Yeah, it was so terrible. I'm so sorry. It was so funny because when she direct Thank you. Uh, someone just sent me pictures over two days ago Like that hadn't seen before of when we were at south by southwest Premiering that movie and I hadn't seen them and it was just sort of like it was right before I went on stage I was like, oh my god This is like it was so sad, but it was so beautiful, right? But anyways, like it was so funny because when she would direct me Because you know, we were kind of in love with each other
Starting point is 01:14:22 It became sort of like I'd always like, you know resist the direction because you know, because like, you know, I'm not gonna do it that way You know like Because I'd just be a baby because you know, I knew we were like it was I'm just being a baby Yeah, so like I'd go do it my way and I know in my heart that it wasn't the right way And I walk over and she's like, do you want to try it my way? I'm like, okay All right, well always my first reaction with somebody who loves me tells me to do something like no no I'm not gonna do that. Yeah, like I'm a child And then you learn your lesson and you do it, but she was beautiful and a beautiful spirit
Starting point is 01:15:00 And and she was a big fan of yours and yeah, it's terrible and every day, you know, I don't the grief It come it's a weird thing grief and you know it comes in waves You don't know when but you know, I'm grateful that we had the time we had together and it's tragedy and and you know life That happens It's nothing you can do But it certainly was fucking bullshit. Yeah, it was bullshit bullshit. Yeah Yeah, wow. Yeah. Yeah We're okay though, buddy, but it but it also shows that like you didn't relapse
Starting point is 01:15:31 No, right. You were to process it in a healthy way. Kind of the best I could the best I could I'm doing some material on it. That's pretty delicate and pretty funny. Okay. Yeah, my brother came out right away and Yeah, I mean, but it was uh, you know, brother craig is isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, he came out Like right when it happened It was gnarly dude and I don't even I can't even I can't tell you whether or not I've processed that trauma Or but you know, the grief comes and goes and I have acceptance around it But like that first month Of dealing with that
Starting point is 01:16:02 You know, because no one could go anywhere and I had access to all her stuff and I really didn't know her family It was crazy. Yeah, I'm sorry. This is hard hard ending No, I honestly this is something that I didn't want to bring up really because Um, you know, it's sensitive even for me because I you know, I love you. Yeah, and I loved her and um, it's Yeah, she's it's a tragedy. Yeah, a total tragedy Totally and it's so great that the movies are there and that you know people really loved her the people that everyone that knew her Really like loved her. She had that like thing. Yeah, why she's with me. I don't know because I like I kind of the opposite of that Yeah, like she walks into a room and just lights it up in a positive way
Starting point is 01:16:44 I walk into a room people are like nervous I don't think so anymore though. Not anymore. I don't think so something's happened. I'm excited to see everybody I think you are. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and um, you're the best and give mark marin a round of applause. Thank you so much man. Oh, that was amazing Hey Prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music Download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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