TigerBelly - Ep 338: The History of Hip Hop With Urban Bob

Episode Date: March 9, 2022

Bobby is DJ Shut Eye. Khalyla is MC Wet Foot. We talk Bobby crying at Pete's coffee, rainy day origami, and play Guess that Asian. Support us by supporting our sponsors!See Privacy Polic...y at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus. Let's go. You can kind of do the whole song with that lyrics and get the gist of it. The streets. Let's go. Don't. I like this intro. Do crack.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Du poc. Why you die. It's not your strongest one. Okay, sorry, my bad. Welcome to another, are we on? We're on. Believe. No, no.
Starting point is 00:01:30 I was gonna say no. You said no. My bad. Welcome to another episode of the beautiful program and the macular program. Tiger belly. I'm your, you know, I'm your emcee and DJ shut eye. We got, you know, we got, we got emcee wet foot. Yeah, we got.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Me? Your emcee wet foot. DJ. Big guy. Big guy. DJ. Big guy. And we got.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Oh, we didn't figure that out. Yeah, we haven't figured this out. We got. Is he the manager that fucks us over? Engineer. He's the engineer. He's the guy that just does the knobs. So you don't have a name.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yo, knob guy. You don't have a knob. George in the eighties, there was a DJ. His name was DJ red alert. Yeah. Okay. Because of your red glasses. You're the guy who gets to choose what gets played on a Friday night.
Starting point is 00:02:24 Oh, the power seat. You're the power seat, dude. Yeah. Congratulations. But, you know, they don't do documentaries about you or. They did. Talk about you in the, in the hip hop documentary. So today, guys, I want to say I burst into tears.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Why? So I went to chin chin. Was I not there for it? No. Oh gosh. I always miss the good stuff. Yeah. So I was at chin chin's.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Eating a Chinese chicken salad. And I got to decide, you know what? I'm going to go to Pete's coffee. It's right. So I go to Pete's coffee and I'm, I order my four shots over ice right here, baby. Okay. And I'm, so now I'm observing the barista and there's a girl there. She's in high school and she's kind of looking at me.
Starting point is 00:03:08 She's wearing her mask. But like looking at me fishy, like I'm going to steal something like Splenda. Maybe there's Splenda spandits. Yeah, you're going to steal that free Splenda. So then an Asian guy walks up to her and just pushes her like and points to me. So they give me my drink and I think they're making fun of me. So I just go, bye. Like that.
Starting point is 00:03:30 And I kind of walk away. She goes, Hey, you know my mom. And I go, who? She goes, my shell. Oh, I know my shell. She knows a vintage story. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:03:45 So when I was, when I first moved to LA, I lived in Silver Lake and I had no money. It was so poor. I lived with this guy named Kalisto and there was a vintage clothing store upstairs. It's a mom and pop and this young girl, dark hair, very pretty. My shell owned it. And we used to, I used to go up there with Kalisto and we just hang out with her. And we just became really good friends with her and her boyfriend, Rafe. And then, you know, Papa.
Starting point is 00:04:14 Took off. Rocket ship. Papa went into the stratosphere and I moved out of that fucking dungeon. You know what? Fuck them. You know what I mean? Rocket ship hanging out with stars. Tonight show.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Anyway. Tonight show. Jay Leno. Long face. Big chin. You know. Anyway, so she, I go, wait, your dad's not Rafe, is it? She goes, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:54 And I go, and she, I go, let me see your face. She pulls down her face. She looks just like my shell. And I just went, I just burst into tears. And I just pointed and I go, whatever you need in life. I go, whatever you fucking need in life. Money, help. You let my family know.
Starting point is 00:05:13 We got you. I just burst that out because I don't know what it is. She knew you when you were struggling, Michelle. Oh my God. It's not that she liked me as a person when I was just a regular Bob. You know what I mean? And here's the deal, dude. I've changed.
Starting point is 00:05:31 I fucking you, man. Why? I've not changed towards you. When you gave me the fucking these, the box, dude. I got so happy. Thank you so much. You thank him. So he got me these tweets.
Starting point is 00:05:43 What's the company called? Zippix. Zippix. All right. Sorry. So everybody. Wait, it's the free. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Da-na-na-na-na-na-na. Zippix. Da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na. So guys. We're gonna flag. Copy your flag? No. All right, so, um, George, I quit smoking.
Starting point is 00:06:03 I have 30, two days of not smoking cigarettes. Give me nothing. Okay. Fine. Da-na-na-na-na-na-na. That's your theme. So, um, that's called the message, babe. Oh, like grandmaster flash.
Starting point is 00:06:17 There we go. And I want to tell you about all about the history of hip hop in a second. I heard you're an expert. I know a lot. So it's so, um, so I quit smoking. So I quit smoking. And I was taking Nicaracdom and then, um, Lucy's and different things. And I find that Zippix, right?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Because when you're smoking a cigarette, there's an oral affixation as well. And that's why I like these. And it's not a lot of milligrams. It's two milligrams. And I just, and the flavors are so delicious. You had a caffeine one. And what did it do for you? Made my eyes a big guy.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Yeah. That's right. Big guy. Fuck yeah. So Zippix, thank you so much for the box full of Zippix. Are those all mine? Those are all yours sent by the CEO or the owner of the company. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:07:01 What's his name? Let's just make them up. Let's just make it up. I bet you it's Toby. I bet you it's not. I bet you not. It starts with an M. Let's go guessing game. Matt.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Was I right with Malcolm? Nope. Oh, come on. Maddox. Matthew. Magnus. I've been on an email. Baby, this, we could go on forever with this.
Starting point is 00:07:26 No, not really. There are only a few. How about we say the name on the beat? No, no, no, no, no, no. Marcus. Yes. Yes. It works.
Starting point is 00:07:36 The message, baby. The message works. You know, bro, I'm telling you right now, dude. I want to tell you something right now, dude. I'm in tune with hip hop. You are hip hop. No, I'm not hip hop. That's rude.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Okay. Yeah. Yeah. DJ Hollywood's hip hop, baby. Yeah. NAS is hip hop, baby. There we go. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:55 JZ is hip hop, baby. So anyway, so I burst into tears. That happened. And I just want to let everyone know I'm not, I'm not changed. But what, here's my new plan. My new plan is to connect with people emotionally and to get back into make amends to people that I kind of threw aside. I want to, I want everyone to know that, you know, I was very hungry early on and I had
Starting point is 00:08:20 one goal in mind and I realized it's meaningless and it doesn't fix me and it doesn't make me a better person. It makes me a worse person. So I'm just, I want to just rearrange certain things. I've talked to this about this before. So that's it, right? So it's good to see that girl. I forgot her name because I was just so, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:43 Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, good to see all of you. And I want to say I'm DJ Shadai and I honestly, I know I've been diving into the history of hip hop. Oh. And because- What prompted it?
Starting point is 00:08:58 Because I'll tell you what prompted it. Prompted it? Mm-hmm. I'll tell you what prompted it. When I was a kid, my cousin Paul would go, you got to listen to Roxy Music, Velvet Underground, The Clash, Sex Pistols, Talking Had, you know, all punk rock alternative, you know what I mean? Kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:09:18 And then later he was like, you got to listen to Metallica because they're just so technically good. And so I, you know, would listen to Master Puppets, right? The Lightning. But I never, he never, he was very influential with films. You got to listen to Kurosawa films, watch Kurosawa films and Paris, Texas and all these movies. And I never got that.
Starting point is 00:09:35 He was like my source of what's cool, right? If I didn't have a cousin Paul and had a, you know, a cousin Demarcus or whatever, you know what I mean? And he was a black dude and he liked hip hop, I would have probably become a completely different guy. Is that, why is your brother so in tune and so into hip hop? Because also when I was in high school, which is my freshman year, it was 1986, my brother got keened into the far side and tribe.
Starting point is 00:10:09 And that was more in the nineties or like early nineties, I think. And he also had the only black person as a friend in my school. We had one guy, his name was Anthony, and my brother was best friends with them. And they both just liked hip hop. And because I liked De La Soul and Trot because I would hear it from my brother, but I wouldn't, I didn't understand it and nor, you know, I was more into singer-songwriters like, you know what I mean? James Taylor with melodies and vocals and catchy choruses and stuff like that, right?
Starting point is 00:10:46 I just wasn't in tune to it. I was never exposed to it. And over the years, you know, being in, you know, there's so much shame. Why are you ashamed of it? You were just influenced by the White East for so long. And I love the Whites and you guys gave me, you know, Joan Baez. I love Joan Baez. You gave me, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:11:05 You guys gave me tap dancing. You did. You guys gave me, you know what I mean? All the stuff. That's really good. Instruments I never even heard of like triangle and like anything. That's you. But you know, but you guys also had all the composers like Beethoven, Mozart, part of them.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Yeah. Bach, Chopin, you know what I mean? But Rachmaninoff, he was white and they're super talented. But my point is, but minorities weren't given the chance. I don't think. But anyway, I don't think in England, they were like, you know what I mean, Mozart and some black servants. I was like, can I try?
Starting point is 00:11:42 They're like, they wouldn't let them, right? So my point is, is that, but now I don't know why, but I just, when I listen to hip-hop now on the radio or anywhere, I probably just starts dancing, you know what I mean? And I listen to the lyrics and I relate to it and I like the rhymes. You know what I mean? I like the struggle. You know what I mean? And I like the streets, baby.
Starting point is 00:12:05 You know what I mean? I've always been, I've been, I've always been attracted to the streets, baby. I have been in the suburbs. You just want to see graffiti for the first time. Are you telling me you've finally earned Urban Bob? Oh, wow. Uh-huh. I think so.
Starting point is 00:12:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I think that we should test your knowledge. Hold on before. Can I do it? Yo, man. You can, but only if you pass this next test. So I have to do regular voice? Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:33 Once, all right. What is, what's going to make me be able to do Urban Bob? If I tell, what, what's the criteria I have to get every answer right? I would say like, every question you get right, you can up the meter. The gravel. The gravel. The gravel. Don't start too high.
Starting point is 00:12:49 I won't. I'm going to start like this. But be careful. I'm going to start like a white suburban kid. Can I tell you something? Yeah, yeah, yeah. People are getting canceled left and right for black scent. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:58 So just be, you know. Cold. Don't find it. I go, yo, man. I'm in Koreatown. This is like three weeks ago. I go, where's it? Cause I know he's capped.
Starting point is 00:13:06 If you ever want to go to Koreatown, we're nowhere. If you want to get jajangmyeong. Yeah. Right. Where is it? Jajangmyeong. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yo, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:15 Jajangmyeong. Yo, yo, yo. I want to be DJ Jajangmyeong. Dr. Jajangmyeong. Jajang. Just say Jajang. Jajajang. So I go, yo, dude.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Yo, dude. What was the best Jajangmyeong? He'll go like, he'll go either twin dragon or, you know, some place. Olympic. The king. King. Yeah. Kings.
Starting point is 00:13:34 That's the best Jajangmyeong. So I go, yo, dude. Oh, sorry. Yo, man. Hey, buddy. That's gross. Hey, Baco. Baco.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Hey, Baco. What's up, dude? How is your today? Today. So I go, where's the best place to get clothing? My friend. And he goes, he tells me of this place. I show up.
Starting point is 00:13:52 It's all like, you know, what do you do? No, no, no, just I'm doing this because they have like, you know, the furry hats with the brims. That's pink. The candle hats. No, just like, you know, like, you know, colorful, like tracksuits and things like I wouldn't wear. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:14 You wouldn't wear tracksuit? No, I have never, have you ever seen a tracksuit from top to bottom? It's always bottom or top, but you have been bringing it back velour heavily around the house. You've been wearing velour a lot. Yeah. That's true. Anyway, let's go back to the competition.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So I'm going to be, um, your Baco until I'm back. Okay. So how does this work? You guys have questions? Yeah. So the first part of the, uh, challenge, do you mind closing your eyes? I can put this on screen. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:14:43 So I can just hide this. Okay. You can't do this though. Who's this? Why not? Why not? Because I'm just learning. I'll learn.
Starting point is 00:14:51 We'll answer together. I'll help you if I can. I don't know all these names. I know names. You could give them. You know what? We could just give me. We can give him multiple, multiple choice.
Starting point is 00:14:59 How about this? Yeah. Give me multiple choice. I'm your ally. I can help you. All right. But don't help me until I don't know. You might know more than me.
Starting point is 00:15:07 Okay. So all right. Go ahead. Okay. But I like more specifics like who started hip hop. We'll see. Okay. Hip hop challenge.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Hey guys. I'm Bucco. All right. So the next series of photos, you're going to have to identify which rapper that is. All right. Go ahead. So let's go. I'm so nervous.
Starting point is 00:15:29 I'm sweating on my nose. Okay. That's shock chi. Humpty dumpty. Wow. From digital underground. Yes. And they're from the Oakland.
Starting point is 00:15:37 Yeah. Right. And give me a lot more than I thought. Yeah. They're from Oakland. How did he give rise to? He gave rise to Tupac Shakur. Tupac Shakur.
Starting point is 00:15:45 They were hanging out. And Tupac gave him an opportunity to sing out one of their shows. In fact, I'm going to give you more. I got even more details. You get bonus points. So shock chi died. When did he die? This is a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:15:56 Nope. Last year. Last year. And he died. Just saying shock chi. All right. So shock chi. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:04 Died. He lived in Tampa, Florida. He, although he was from Oakland, he now resided in Tampa, Florida. Right. I don't know anything. Right. When Tupac, he gave him his right. So he knew him as a kid, but when Tupac changed, because when Tupac got shot.
Starting point is 00:16:18 The first time. The first, no, he got shot a bunch of times. Right. He got shot, I think three real times. Right. But the second time he got shot, shot, shot was in, was in New York. And he was going up to Biggie's studio. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:32 And one of Biggie's boys came down to get him and there was just blood everywhere. Right. And he was in mind, right, thought that Biggie, Biggie set him up. Right. Which in my opinion, he didn't. Right. It was just some random robbery. That's just my opinion.
Starting point is 00:16:48 If I was going to, between the East coast and West coast war that went on back then, obviously I would side with the West coast because that's who I am. I'm G in that way. You know what I mean? And I was raised with, you know, in WA and everything. I'm a G in that way. Right. You weren't raised with anything.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Don't be rude. So anyway, when shock chi. Right. When that happened, he lost touch with Dupont because it broke his heart because Tupac started changing and there was a duality about Tupac. Right. There was this, his mom was in the Black Panthers. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:18 So he has this protest quality. Bright man, probably one of the brightest guys, smaller than everyone in the room. One of the best lyricists in the game, but he had a duality to him. But the, but the anger and the hostility and that side of them became more prevalent, which broke shock chi's heart. Right. And then so that's that. So.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Wow. All right. Next one. I'll say this. You can get bonus points if you can actually do the hook of. No, no, no. Just stop. Stop.
Starting point is 00:17:48 Hook of. Humpty. Humpty dance. No, no, no. What? Do the Humpty dance. Do the Humpty Humpty dance. I don't know what the song is.
Starting point is 00:17:57 Don't make me sing, but like, here's the thing. Yeah. Next one. No, wait, wait. Bucko changes. What's up, man? Bucko's changing a little bit. All right.
Starting point is 00:18:07 I get to change a little bit. Man. What's up? Okay. Okay. Good. Okay. I'm, I'm buck like now, man.
Starting point is 00:18:15 You said I can. Okay. Did you say? Okay. Who is this Bobby? Okay. That's the notorious B.I.G. Is that not?
Starting point is 00:18:23 I'll give you one more shot. Stay away. Stay West Coast. Stay West Coast. It was a tricky photo. Yeah. It was a tricky photo. Can you choose a better photo?
Starting point is 00:18:33 Right? That's the pepper of the song. Is that E 30 go 10 more points North? 10 more points, babe. What? E 40. Let's go, baby. First of all, fuck you because that's a terrible photo.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Does that look like that? He looks like a cross between Nas and Biggie. There. That's E 40. He's from Oakland. He's from Oakland as well. E 40, right? And his style was very bizarre.
Starting point is 00:19:02 very bizarre it was different very fast very fast the first three album bars no the first three out the first three albums he put out didn't get any traction it's in this fourth album that hit okay finish the sentence I don't know any of the music cuz I'm just literally reading about the shipper then a hippo hippopotamus get up in your head like a hippopotamus all right go ahead all right here's the next one MC light we know about her though that was my bad yeah what's up her name is right there oh yeah yeah yeah no I oh your name is up there he didn't know why would you put a photo with the fucking name on
Starting point is 00:19:59 there he didn't even see it okay but he does know yeah no MC light of course awesome yeah go ahead next picture okay mmm sugar well okay that's sugar night okay tell more yeah please do I said sugar night he's the owner of death row records um he's the one that I mean obviously Snoop Dre was a part of his label but Snoop goes to him and goes you know man I just do regular boy he goes hey man hey man Snoop here perfect and right and he goes we should can you bail out Tupac and then sign him to death row right so should bail them out and sign them and that's and also sugar night was also a record label owner who
Starting point is 00:20:55 um was closely affiliated affiliated with the Crips mm-hmm and it was way too close because you know when you're when people are around you're all real gang members it there was just a kind of I think find it to be cool because it's like scary you know I mean but and also if you're gonna rap about gangster rap and that's it makes it more authentic but I don't know if he's a great guy I don't know him personally I don't know if he's the greatest guy but that's just my yeah okay next yeah do I get to go deeper because I feel like I'm answering some shit you are you are going I think you should start a podcast yeah
Starting point is 00:21:35 what's up with the history of hip-hop all right all right all right next one next one that's a young version it's a good one yeah that is a fuck okay I have it I have it I know your ally I know him to give him a second let's see if he can get the sit 12 KC 12 oh you're close yeah okay okay well KR KRS one KRS one I knew it was I know I knew it was no but when I say KC 12 I knew it was okay that was his brother cousin his second cousin is KC 12 I personally knew Casey 11 but no he is so check out him kind of just so he how was he discovered he wasn't oh yeah so what he did was I forgot who the guy was I said I don't know the name but
Starting point is 00:22:33 there was a he went to this club right I forgot what the club was called but he knew that if they played his record on the club that they would play it on the radio the next day and he just kind of bombarded this guy and because he was rejected by all the labels and stuff like that he couldn't get a shit going but then once that happened you know that's that's vaguely is that enough or I don't know much let's move on let's move on but you got it right I think it was a good one I don't know you help me here's a good song too so that's the police all right here we go it's way before my time think 80s babe yeah I
Starting point is 00:23:18 know yeah I don't know New York I know I know New York obviously look at the fucking building in the back I'm like Sandy yeah yeah can't goon that's not La Jolla I don't know wait think about it somewhere you know you know I know I know I just can't tell about the glasses and stuff give him a number just give him a number three words to the name and and all the first letters are the same let all the first letter of each word is the same can you give me the letter just give me the letter f 5 5 5 Freddy let's go change that voice yeah dog we know this one yeah that's not there we go here we go Grandmaster
Starting point is 00:24:18 flash you don't even need me yeah okay and you from okay we already said this it's a little on the ground and then last one oh this is pre surgery that's a little Kim yeah looks so different obviously now let me tell you a little Kim though I can tell you about little Kim little Kim was which is a street kid who just was living around where Biggie was living and even when Biggie wasn't who he was he I don't even think he was you know even doing rhymes at the at that point he would just is even as a younger kid he would put her little Kim in a headlock and call little one you know I mean just around town and she just hung
Starting point is 00:25:08 out a lot with Queen not yeah she was after Queen Latifa and Money Love and stuff like that but Money Love yeah yeah yeah but when they gave her the chance and then he did he was a what the fuck yeah I mean because what he did he said was when he first heard her he goes oh she wraps just like Biggie but also harder and harsher right it's like and also at the time what else because even if you see her perform live little Kim if you see the audience they're all male like a lot of males and you can tell them they just didn't want to give it up but she kept committing to it and that's what I love about her and then once her first
Starting point is 00:25:58 album came out it was over she was a household name I'm serious about you starting a podcast called the history of hip-hop with Urban Bob and you're sort of like the middle person like it's you explaining the history of hip-hop with fresh eyes because you didn't discover this until you're 50 until now until yeah until last week yeah and I feel like you're a new man but let me say this though I'm not dumb you know me and I'm not mentally challenged right so I'm I know I know I knew as much hip-hop as some Midwestern mother you know in Ohio right I mean some that should be your co-host yeah I mean that was like
Starting point is 00:26:40 my so I know vague things like I think a mid what master midwestern mother would know that there was a rivalry between Biggie and Tupac right yeah of course my mom knew that right right so my point is is that here's how I found out about it years ago I used to hang out in Venice okay and I used to walk down the boardwalk and smoke cigarettes right at cool and I went to a store there and they had all these fucking Tupac shirts right I knew who Tupac was I always thought that he had a great body Tupac right didn't have a great body watch any of his movies like poetic justice or I refused I still refuse but I went yo
Starting point is 00:27:27 man why don't you have Biggie up there and he goes well don't you know man right this is back in the day in the 90s late 90s right and he schooled me on it right and so that's how I knew but that I don't know the music I don't know you know now I know California I know that right yeah but you know that's that throw baby all day every day I'm West Coast for live was I am because when the and also fuck you guys fuck all y'all fuck all y'all dog about the half-time show at Super Bowl that shit was lit dog that shit was that shit gave me goose goose done all over my body bro dude when that came out bro right it was
Starting point is 00:28:14 like if obviously if the Super Bowl was played in Dayton Ohio that would make no sense but it's in LA and I just felt like what a great representation of LA I thought the weakest part was 50 cent for sure it's a little puffy too so it was weird the upside down thing was I think it looks like he was struggling real hard yeah I think the upside down thing was a bad choice and I think that I know that you're saying you guys are saying that that's what he probably chose to do well no that's what it was based on the music video I know but I think that he showed up and some talent corner was like and can I just make him gay it's
Starting point is 00:28:48 like alright so 50 50 you're gonna hang up upside down like a bat right and 50s I go I don't want to do that you know I did that for the video right and I'm also I'm bigger and I'm bigger and older now and I've fucked up knees now I just think it's just a part of the choreography that I set up because they're gonna be Dre and Snoop's gonna be up there doing their thing hang up upside down and I'm sure he just did it it was like I guess happy to be here right and then once he was up there during showtime like I just I think imagine the adrenaline that happens yeah you know it's like oh god we got to get this
Starting point is 00:29:26 whatever the world is watching and I'm sure he's upside down and it's like I'm sure he watched it afterwards and he was just like oh fuck yeah I didn't consider that the shame he might have felt or embarrassment would you think I thought maybe he celebrated the fact that he didn't slip off those bars good yeah maybe but I thought I didn't he didn't bother me I thought he was you know I wasn't you know about a birthday party I don't know what he's singing but I never knew that but it's like I don't care if it's your birthday it's my birthday party yeah yeah yeah it's a birthday party I mean when you're
Starting point is 00:30:01 rapping about your birthday at someone's birthday party I don't give a fuck it's like I mean talk about you the streets it's your birthday you're 26 years of it's your grandma's here you're like I don't want to hear about it wait do we have more questions for name three death row rappers Snoop Dre Tupac we have all the answers yeah I'll pull up here okay but am I right yes you're correct all right so easy name three members of NWA that's I'm just doing it yeah I know but you easy E ice cube Dre okay go ahead name four members of Wu Tang yeah old dirty bastard Riza method man red man
Starting point is 00:30:54 method man you said Riza Riza method man why four fuck you three there's a lot of them is why there's nine of them I know something with a face thing George Kimmel oh I don't know ghost face boo ghost face killer scary ghost face killer it's ghost face killer I don't know I've never heard a ghost face okay so you didn't get the four members of Wu Tang name three female rappers from the 90s little Kim nice Queen Latifa and money love here we go name one member from the tribe called class Q-tip there we go oh my god congratulations urban Bobby but I'm gonna know more next week and I'm gonna know the more the week before
Starting point is 00:31:41 because I'm now diving into the the albums you know I'm driving into the work I'm deriving into the the lyrics I'm driving into the soul and the street mentality you know I know I grew up with stunt country clubs you know I know I grew up with trees uh-huh yeah I know I grew up with you know just listen Schwinn let's go in bikes yep I know I grew up with a new balance yeah but the pain the pain oh the pain was tough man it's like bro growing up dude it's like I'd be like I don't want kimchi jjigae you mean I want goby some or whatever right go yeah I want ox tail soup mom right no you're eating the
Starting point is 00:32:23 kimchi jjigae I like what the fuck you man they had like my school right we had pencils right and some of the eraser tips were worn out you know I mean it's you know you got to have the full eraser tip sometimes it was just the metal you know you're just ripping your paper yeah you're ripping paper dude right let me just say no my school right in our class they only taught us two forms of origami what are I don't what are the two right so the plane oh yeah yeah yeah they go paper paper paper oh fuck bullshit right yeah and then a boat I know how to do a bow right yeah I about pull up a paper now I want you to do a
Starting point is 00:33:06 boat we'll fast forward this part I don't believe he can do a boat or an airplane you're doing a boat as well after I'm done oh yeah I can do a boat I make paper boats every time it rains this one I put it down I let it go down the hill okay hold on yeah that one is that's the way I make paper boat I do with my eyes closed okay here so so so check it out I'm done let me let me know let's let's reveal my boat wow all right so here is an origami boat okay fuck you Kalyla was fuck you okay then I have a question yeah yeah now you make one bit lady I have a question every time it rains you know what I do I make paper
Starting point is 00:33:57 boats and then I you know I let them down the steep hill right yeah and you've always said over the years that make yours you don't know how to you don't know how to make a boat which is why you can't join me so you kind of just fuck yourself the next time it rains now I know you can make a boat oh you're oh I just wanted to test them I see I see nice she got you so anyway um the struggle go back to the struggle when you were when you were saying that you kind of had the similar cadence to Eminem that like thank you man which I would love for you to I appreciate it take a look at these lyrics and try to
Starting point is 00:34:33 see if you can say the beginning of this song his palms sweaty these weak arms are heavy no no no you know the song what song is that done oh my god I don't know what I just learned it his palms sweaty neaks weeks arms are heavy the vomit on the sweater mom's my spaghetti everyone's so aggressive about my sweaty he's a heavy there we go there's vomit on the sweater already my spaghetti make the boat I'm making the fucking boat you dumb dumb oh so you know what I make the boat the same boat I make of course then why did you challenge me it's an easy thing you've been lying to me for years saying you don't want to join my
Starting point is 00:35:11 boat sessions in the rain because you don't know how to make boats yeah and I believe you higher to this bullshit you guys I'm gonna say something right now okay I'm you know when I'm lying and you know what I'm telling the truth okay so don't let's not get it twisted yo okay don't get it twisted don't bro all right so what I'm saying right I don't like being challenged when you guys know I'm telling the truth okay we don't know when you're telling yes you do I think you'd really do I'll give you an example all right I'm gonna tell you two stories all right you tell me what's true and what's not true okay this is good
Starting point is 00:35:52 I want to close my eyes for this because I know your okay you already know you already know all my stories face you can't say anything mm-hmm me and George oh that's true right you already know a lot of my stories all right George mm-hmm wow so when I was in La Jolla okay I was driving down the street right and there was a man right who had died and he was in plastic he was just on the side of the road there wasn't ambulance there but he was jogging I guess and in the plastic right he was in mid-jog like this and he was in the plastic rigor mortis yeah like this okay that's one story okay second story yeah I was
Starting point is 00:36:38 in a meeting and no no it was an a meeting and there was a kid sitting next to me and then a woman sitting next to him right and the kid was sleeping I'm watching the a meeting 20 minutes in the woman next to this kid starts screaming at an a meeting right I turn around the kid is dead what's true what's false I'm gonna go with the first one is true the second one is false okay what's you first one's the lie the second one's the true one second one's the true one okay we're different we both have different you just between them okay they're both true I knew I should you see this is how the second one's more true
Starting point is 00:37:26 now they're both true and I'll tell you what I'll tell you what you guys you know I mean fuck you guys fuck y'all I just can't imagine yeah at the guy running died like this and wrapped like this it's a good exaggeration that's a lie that's a lie you said two podcasts ago no more embellishments yeah no more embellishments no in pot listen okay in podcasting if I don't embellish no one's gonna listen to this all of us all of us what's the original story not embellished of the guy there I'm just curious all right I was driving on the street right and there was a man laying there he wasn't wearing a jogging suit
Starting point is 00:38:10 right but he was in plastic oh right and there was an ambulance he just saw a hit and run so the interesting part of the story wasn't like yes the frozen I'm still right can I tell you another story that actually happened and I want to see if any of you guys would side with me okay because I was with my girlfriend Christine at the time right and we got a gigantic fight like I almost broke up with her that's how bad is this a Vegas story no because I side with no no side with me no listen to the story okay listen to the fucking story okay we were on the 91 freeway it was traffic it was it during a traffic
Starting point is 00:38:51 when it was like a Sunday there was no games going there's nothing going on and it was just we could not move and then we passed a woman the ambulance hadn't even gotten there yet who was naked in the street dead oh flat for face flat on the ground I'm afraid to tell the story what by your reaction I'm intrigued yeah yeah alright so and it was horrifying I mean obviously everyone was driving by was in complete and utter like a shock yeah and I go and I said to Christine I go that was terrible oh my god she's and I go and I made a joke I said she did have a nice ass now which is true
Starting point is 00:39:49 which is true did have one okay proceed I love you I love you I love you I love you in this moment and I realized I realized if I was going down a real you're dude bro I'm gonna know right you're my second in command dude I'm telling you right now dude oh my god you're my body oh thank you so much she goes what you say I go yeah yeah that's she has a nice ass and then she goes I mean she's you're fucking you know I mean it was like fucking in my face right and I was just like then I started feeling guilty like oh shit right so let me ask you something so and and God and and I pray for her and what happened I
Starting point is 00:41:06 hope they found whoever did that and I it's fucking terrible all right but given the circumstances was it wrong for me to say I have actually I think yeah but I have I'm looking at it from your lens and how you cope with feeling traumatized is that you immediately go for the joke when you're uncomfortable yeah I do it but but she's also trying to cope she also just saw something really traumatic right that is a traumatic thing to see someone face down like that yeah um you in that moment would piss me the fuck off I would probably like launch myself off the car in a rage and then we lay next to her yeah with my nice
Starting point is 00:41:53 ass no no she's I the reason that fuck you man you know you wanted to laugh fuck you man fucked up I know I was I don't even think you were laughing about it then I was I was just telling a joke I was just telling a joke no I think but you really had it but anyway on my point you put her through that yeah it's bullshit it's supposed what do you think Gil good time no honestly I want your honest authentic and that moment terrible would you have laughed if you were the guy I don't know probably not here but this George this situation very funny well all I can think is that reminds me of like what would I do with my wife and
Starting point is 00:42:33 I would like probably think something similar and then not say it anymore because I've gotten in trouble too many times that's right and that's why we're homies that's why we're homies here's but can I take I don't know why this incident sprung up another thing the most horrifying thing I've ever seen okay I was at the LAX and I was watching the news and at the time there was a hot a speed chase you know how you know 20 cops are chasing this guy yeah and it's live right so it's live and I was sitting there waiting for my the board to board my plane and they showed this like a helicopter got really close the
Starting point is 00:43:15 guy came out of the car on I think it was the same freeway 91 one of those weird freeways it wasn't a major one it was one of those like a 705 one of those weirder ones you know I mean not that you know I have nothing against freeways all freeways are legitimately equal you know I mean yeah the 101 is just as equal as the 15 freeway equal right except you know they've done songs about the 101 yeah you know I mean Depeche Mode etc my point is is this they showed this guy come out and the cops running out and they there's no editing the guy just pulls out a gun and shoots himself in the face on live TV brains
Starting point is 00:43:55 everywhere and it was the most horrifying thing I think I was traumatized by that for months yeah it fucked me up I couldn't sleep it was terrible anyway I feel for Christine I feel I know you know shout out to Christine I just want to tell it just let me just a message out to Christine right I loved her I'd still love her I'm happy for her she has a kid now she's a great husband that's why I've never met him but he seems great he seems really great and wholesome but she likes and you know I think about her a lot you know what happened there because I mean I know what happened with Sarah in fact Sarah and I are because
Starting point is 00:44:44 I don't want to bring up personal things I'm just saying in her defense without knowing what happened between you you are a handful and I don't know you know what I mean it's hard work it really is like hard laborious yeah yeah yeah yeah I drove half an hour here to unlock a door for Bobby thank you George and you know why you had to do it okay this is ridiculous now you want to get all you want to go there I'd like to tell the story I think it's my story to tell what this was this was sitting on my desk yes so that's WD 40 and I'll tell you why it's there so Bobby you can't have nice things around the house you simply
Starting point is 00:45:46 cannot fucking bullshit what you guys are doing you can defend yourself in like three minutes so you can't have nice things you can't have he will either spill red bull on it and cause it never to work again if it's a nice door you have in your home he will slam it so hard with no regard that like all the bolts come off which was the case with this particular door so I was in New York and he calls me and he was like I cannot get through this door and I was like well yeah you broke it and now it's lodged I was like why don't you go buy some WD 40 and just you know loosen it up and it'll work and he was like I
Starting point is 00:46:34 won't do that instead he uses a hammer he uses a fucking crowbar and he uses basically he there's a kitchen sink at this fucking door and then I say and he was like before I got here before you got here and I say you know what and he's like nothing's work nothing's fucking work I fucking hate this door and I'm like it's not the door and I'm like and he's he's not letting me like the next hour he's just constantly calling me calling me calling me I'm like I don't know what to tell you except maybe call George Kimmel go ahead okay I got a text I'm busy I'm working I'm like okay I'm really busy working huh yeah
Starting point is 00:47:10 interesting mm-hmm what are you working on lots of hit podcasts mm-hmm yeah but can I ask you this okay it's all thanks to you so I dropped everything that literally is not where I was going I'm that literally was not where I'm going okay defend yourself what I'm saying is is that I invited you in to our family I did exactly but you would not but you would not have known who he was without me correct who do I have to be more thankful no correct correct okay the reason why I suggested them why you didn't even know his name when you introduced that's not true that's that's absolutely you were like the maker
Starting point is 00:47:56 producer I knew Rafael what's his name see yeah rough Andreas I knew Andreas and Kimmel years ago Andreas directed me in a sketch right and I knew George was my producer at maker right and we had many meetings and I knew his name that's ridiculous right I go ahead keep going oh I'm just gonna say I dropped everything I was like what is it you're like just suck so bring WD-40 bring everything you need I buy some things on the way here I show up walk in here's how difficult it was to open the door thank you George now in your defense though it was fairly
Starting point is 00:48:43 style it was very hard to turn so I had to you know scrape a whole bunch of grime off of it and port WD-40 down it and make it so it was easy to it wasn't gonna be easy to turn oh son lean back lean back son your back son urban Bobby ain't playing right now yeah I got boundaries dog is that your hand mm-hmm that's yeah anything bad you didn't I look I absorbed everything you said may I yeah thank you so I wake up to the dogs whimpering because the dogs had been in the we have a kettle not a kettle that's a Freudian slip asian not about to cook them oh no what's a cult what
Starting point is 00:49:30 channel we have a candle a cauldron we have a cat kennel right yeah kennel yeah and we have little cages crates crates they're cages frying pans yeah yeah we have these amazing custom-made beautiful close pink and they're crucial they're padding from rock of cages if you guys ever so jewels right she knows that I wake up late right so she goes to college at 8 in the morning right I told her the night before I go don't put them in the kennel when I'm home right she does anyway okay so when I wake up to their crying I go out there and I go and I see that stubs had pooed in the kennel and he was suffering and he's a
Starting point is 00:50:23 big dog and he's like squirming squirming around had to clean the whole fucking thing right so imagine how long he had to sit there like that to me you wake up no coffee and you're like fuck I got to take them out I go to the back door it's completely fucking locked right and the dogs are running around with shit and piss and I don't know what they're gonna do so I'm panicking it doesn't open I can't turn it right I'm panicking the only way out right is through our bedroom then right but I have to lift the blinds yeah right so I'm in a shock panic mode right I'm not myself I just woke up it's stressful
Starting point is 00:51:03 I'm also a guy your thumbs are weak in the morning God I want to throw it sock you so bad it was how old but also insulting yeah yeah I my strong I thought my thumbs are very strong he doesn't have a beat you and fuck actually thumb war right now I'm war go ahead here we go here we go one game two three four anyway she's doing I'm out of Sanya the old he does thumb roll like out of Sanya from yeah from Saab under and I'm doing a Kabeeb in and out I want to get in yeah let's go let's grapple but your thumb versus my thumb would be if like the shame would be like if Henry Sehudo fought like Misha Sarkanov dude it's a very big size difference so I don't like rolling up our blinds because
Starting point is 00:51:58 it gets stuck and it's one of those automatic ones and it the roller gets caught yeah so I hate doing it but I did it I got them out and then I spent the next half an hour trying to open the back door and then I went I got a key I went around and the lock almost broke right and I didn't know what to do I'm not a mechanic all right I've never worked in the shop right I didn't grow up on a farm you know with animals I you know seven-day advantageousness right I don't know anything about that right all I know is I can't fucking open the door and so what do I do I fucking call my a real man me no you but him that's good
Starting point is 00:52:41 right a guy that I thought was gonna be on my side completely and not use it against me and I called them I go sir right I go sir I can't open this I know you're a mechanic please come over help me and you did but then you used against me and fucking hurts my friend well I ruined all the good yeah yes so glad I could apologize I drove in traffic for Goodwill and then Friday traffic as a was a waste what am I apologizing for nothing I just say I want to say thanks for helping you know I didn't know that it was that you know I mean about to do or a task no it was very you went out of your way and you that you did a you
Starting point is 00:53:31 drove around here's what I'll say about why it is big it is a big deal because all you could have done was do exactly what I said which is why don't you go get some WD-40 and I will walk you through how I don't know I think that that's a fucking I don't know what that is that sounds like a transformer to me you were weaponizing your you know you were weaponizing your what do you call it in competencies you know exactly that you can do it Bobby you just don't want to do it or you know yeah but did you go to the did you go to the store to buy the WD-40 yeah no but there's a there's a hardware store very close to here we
Starting point is 00:54:08 go I don't know where there's one right here that's what I discovered it's so much easier now that I've discovered that yeah and I want to discover them to not bail him out next time I'm gonna discover hardware stores like I do hip-hop let me grow name three what hardware stores home depot is that one yeah there you go yeah ace hardware yep go one more Aaron brothers what is Aaron brother I bet there's an Aaron brother somewhere in America is it a hardware store there is an Aaron brother is that they do custom framing but I just did you custom framing but it's close enough they
Starting point is 00:54:48 would have WD-40 they would have WD-40 if I went in there do you have WD-40 well we don't sell it just give me some like I went to the fucking Verizon store and they go give me a an adapter some weird adapter I needed and they go we're not we don't sell that but the guy went behind the counter and just got me one that was in a drawer because it's been in the drawer for a year no one's using it so here gave it to me so Aaron brothers would do it yeah so am I close enough yeah hmm so thank you so much for helping me right I'm sorry that I didn't go to the hardware store and get the WD-40 myself I felt like it wasn't an oil thing I just
Starting point is 00:55:29 felt like it was mechanical you know I mean so I apologize but we have to learn how to troubleshoot so even if it is something more mechanical we start with the oil thing start with the basics and then we work our way through the problem but we got to try Bobby okay but I can't save you from everything I understand that but um what I just did all I just okay sorry tell me about did you do anything with cuffed or is that just an Instagram post oh yeah what is that cuff post you posted I know yeah tingle when I saw here's what I know about this project is that it's been 15 years in the making they have talked about this is the day
Starting point is 00:56:11 they met what's cuffed so I went to his house David show David show and obviously there was a lot of fighting and crying for real oh yeah oh man a lot of fighting and crying at one point because we're filming the whole thing I took my mic pack off oh it's real yeah and I just basically I'm leaving there's I can't do this so it was just a lot of that right but I was there for five hours and we really connected in a way that I've never connected with that guy before we cried and held each other and he's literally like a brother he really is I love him so much I know him so check it out so at that's toward the end we cried
Starting point is 00:57:00 we made up and then he go he brought out the thing but here's what happened we had it on and he goes let's just experiment see how long we can do it we did it for five minutes and he goes all right let's end and I literally this is not a joke I misplaced the key I didn't know where the key was it was in any of my pockets and if you've ever been to the house that he grew up in is it's all paint and wood chips and it's an artist colony it says there's no way to find it he was freaking the fad out he was screaming what the fuck man what the fuck he was trying to pull my hand off of his he couldn't do it right and then
Starting point is 00:57:44 I was like don't fucking you're hurting me you know I mean and it was seven minutes it was in my pocket you know I mean it ended up in my pocket but my point is is that for seven minutes we couldn't do it so and we wanted to do 30 days yeah sleep on the same bed there's no way we can do it we'll kill each other I think the first 10 will be very you know testy but I think you both are gonna resign to the exhaustion I think that I think if it was a real show and like a 24 wanted to do a reality show and they're like let's try this I think him and I would be like all right let's go for it but David's acting now I
Starting point is 00:58:24 don't want to tell what project he's in but it was a project that I auditioned for couldn't get in and he got in you know I mean so I auditioned three times fine he got it right and you know he was just like he was just like no yeah anyway unhelpful advice unhelpful advice with Bobby and Kulayla hi Tiger belly fam my name is Alex my dog is turning 10 this year and she's the perfect dog we've lost a loved one during the past two years and my wife and I are always nervous about losing our dog too some friends have told us to clone our dog but we feel super strange about doing something like that as fellow dog
Starting point is 00:59:03 lovers do you have any advice on if you would ever clone your dogs or if you have any other ideas on how to cope with the nervousness nervousness of our dogs death love you guys Alex you know I'm conflicted with that I don't think you are you mean they should clone no I think that you and I think you have the right point of view there's so many dogs out there that need fostering that need to help and they're in you know what's that that's that our dog oh my god imagine I would loan it imagine with $80,000 that you would pay to clone your doll in that to clone your dog imagine how much $80,000 can do to
Starting point is 00:59:43 actually help but but can I also say this if you're this is going to be controversial and I know it's a controversy we're about to say right and just would you just hear me out okay so I believe that each dog though is special unique right and I believe that they have their own personalities like us you know I mean we are snowflakes okay individuals right so I believe that like let's suppose in life let's say the world got together and we had this one economy and with one global government right and they go we have the technology to clone three humans that have died right only three we're
Starting point is 01:00:37 gonna do it we're thinking about Steve Jobs cloning him Einstein and we got some Cleopatra's DNA from one of the mummified things right or John he works at the Cabo Cantina in in Huntington Beach who would you clone who if John is my brother my brother no no he's not he's not he's just we're watching it from the news I have no emotional connection to any of the three you just mentioned I know but you would clone those three before John is basically so one of my point is this if you said my dad I would say my dad that's true and and that would be justified but we only have three and it's a global thing okay so I'm
Starting point is 01:01:22 saying I don't know why I just said that but I'm just saying that so if he you mean is Einstein right I said of dogs the Einstein of dogs and you believe that there's you'll never find a dog like this and you have the money to do it do it I want to clone my dog Remy because of your reason and the reason why I want to clone my dog Remy is because we got Remy when he was nine years old eight or nine years old and he had a rough childhood you know he had a limp there was things like teeth missing broken his he had PTSD abused abused his whole life and basically he doesn't he thinks that this house is the four seasons
Starting point is 01:02:04 right he's just relaxing always lying down always laying down and just relax and just wants touches right and little cuddles my point is is that I want to clone Remy because I never got to see Remy as a puppy or as a happy as a happy puppy and what I would do is clone Remy and then raise Remy with so much love and care and that's just a dream of mine and you know and he's also Remy is what 12 years old now almost right we're not gonna have Remy for very long and I want to clone him here's why I would say not to clone because it's not guaranteed that even though you have the genetic you know match of this dog you know there
Starting point is 01:02:53 is environmental factors that do play into an animal's personality for example in this American life there was a prized bull that this couple was very very obsessed with and they were they were they loved this bull this bull passed away but they also to clone the bull can I add what the bull it was like bull 2.0 was aggressive they could not tame this animal but bull number one bull number one also took photos with kids so it was so docile and loving that you could put like five kids on and they take photos right yeah they clone the same fucking thing like you said yeah right and it maimed it impaled the owner
Starting point is 01:03:34 three times oh my god like to the point where he had to go to the hospital and he almost died right and they were kind of like is this the same but it was so you never know you never know you never know this dude you think it's Einstein it could be 10 bonding the next time right all right so we never know there you go but I would clone them because that's a special dog but how much is 80 grand now that's really expensive yeah I think I think that the last time we checked it was somewhere there at least that no I think in America 50 grand they went Korea was expensive can I ask you a real serious question yeah if I
Starting point is 01:04:15 do because I have one road date on the books and if I make a certain amount of money on it could I save that specific chunk of money to clone Remy no please no sweetie why because there's so many dogs in shelter we'll get another one it just goes against like everything I've like work you know you know me I foster like six but can I help with this can I can I save Remy's calm and pee and all the stuff that he needs to I don't know what you need to say I here's what I'll tell you to do I would say get him tax taxidermize him get him stuffed and hug him every night okay can I taxi him yeah you can yeah Remy's very cute this
Starting point is 01:04:58 is a Viagen this is one of the companies listed and so how much is it what is it 50,000 for the dog cat cloning is 35,000 and two equal installments this is crazy so it's a hundred grand no oh yeah I don't know it seems doable yeah it's doable it's just yeah yeah I might do it interesting because can I say this why can't I in our relationship why can't I make a decision you can make your decision correct so if Remy dies can we can I make a decision and go I want to clone Remy why are you talking about Remy dying I'm gonna cry anyway thanks for the email I apologize I love Remy he is a kind of aggressive and grumpy and if
Starting point is 01:05:49 he if it wasn't for the fact that he didn't have teeth he already would have put tons of holes in her body yeah but this is why all the more reason why he wants to clone Remy because he's like he's been dealt a really shitty hand you know and maybe that's why he's as grumpy as he is I mean how many times that dog ran away like not from us I don't know he ran away to find us oh yeah he ran away twice from the previous foster to find us is what we believe yeah but um I don't know it's interesting if they can clone let me ask you this question George if they can clone a human I mean a dog and a cat how why can't they clone a human more
Starting point is 01:06:26 the ethical yeah side of it but they can though yeah you have designer babies now you can do but can you clone a human and then here's an idea if you clone a human right can religious people say God created him or man created them but everything is under the watch of the Lord Jesus I get it what do you think not sure if this is a seventh-day Adventist Lord but I think it probably is probably from dinosaur Bob who came to school when I was in grade school what did he say would have done he said that the reason the flood happened is because man was a you know mixing different different animals and that's how you got the
Starting point is 01:07:10 dinosaurs that sounds like SDA and then you know the reason you know the reason looking this up it just that that we have like and and you think like there's not a it can't be a 5,000 year old earth because it's got to be millions of years because there was different levels okay but no every level is when it flooded the dummy like little tiny things like flooded and like got filled with a tiny thing like a tadpole like little yeah little tadpoles or cells are you talking about like so I mean like little things like got little things would you fuck you mean like primal like whatever was alive quote-unquote
Starting point is 01:07:47 three million years ago you know all right it that got flooded first and then everything started hiking up the mountains and like it got flooded in different layers so that's why you have different layers is everything kept on running up the mountain and then got flooded and that's why it's like it looks like it's a looks like it's evolution because like it looks like these are millions of years between each layer but no it was a basically a half a day but this is what dinosaur Bob told you yeah that's what he told us that's why did you believe it as a kid oh 5,000 year-old you're uh yes I
Starting point is 01:08:16 remember what was almost a really embarrassing situation for me was an anthropology class at University of Michigan where I transferred junior year of college we were in some group talking about like the difference between humans and something and I almost raised my hand and said like yeah 5,000 years ago at the Ark you know there were only like you know only two people and they would know and his wife so it's so amazing we have such diversity now and and and then when did you realize you were wrong do you still believe that fuck fuck dinosaur Bob was pretty cool I want to find him again yeah yeah no
Starting point is 01:08:48 that's not him that's not that's dinosaur Bob dude so illustration that look at that yeah yeah Bobby yeah yes collider what are three differences between an ape and a monkey I don't ask me this I gave you the answer a doesn't have tails correct and monkeys do although I could argue that as well I'll make I'll prove to you don't even say curious George curious George is an ape and possibly he's not he's not he's not he's not yes he's an ape he doesn't have a tail are they saying the book curious George they probably they call it a monkey because kids don't know the difference it's like monkey they call
Starting point is 01:09:28 it a monkey he's a monkey and you're not gonna correct the kid and say it's an ape bro who has a larger brain is there a tail no therefore exactly therefore monkeys don't have tails as well no therefore curious George is an ape okay so they're doing an alligator in a crocodile obviously alligators are bigger is it just snout opposite crocodiles are bigger yeah crocodile dials are more ethnic in the sense that no they're from the Philippines this is good they're minorities we never talk about minorities I'll tell you why they're more aggressive they are that's how I know
Starting point is 01:10:03 they're minorities they're more aggressive oh my god it's a play on it's a play on our pal Rogan yeah alligators don't have any other missing teeth because they're like from the south yeah yeah okay close enough what about seals and sea lions uh why are you doing this because let me say something right now if you would have asked me six months ago about hip-hop I wouldn't know anything right you want me to do a deep dive in animals because I will out school you I just wanted to have you guess okay so what's the sea lions and what seals see lions are mixed with a lion no but feline entities like feline DNA right and they
Starting point is 01:10:48 growl like a lion they're bigger are they bigger what do you know I just went to the aquarium and I have I was wondering different names okay no no sea lions you can tell their sea lions because they're able to prop themselves up this way seals are more flat so their front flippers are able to kind of walk the sea lions and sea lions have ears seals have internal ears that's all okay good no you're home so a sea lion is bigger yeah like I said no not necessarily bigger yeah yeah look at look at the photo are they not bigger these are accurate photos these are accurate photos yeah all right so they have the
Starting point is 01:11:43 same the flippers are different the front flippers they can walk with in a seal they they can't use their front flippers to walk or to you know flop around I mean since we're talking about yeah differences you might have might as well I feel like you guys probably taking this quiz but if you guys done a difference between a Chinese Korean and Japanese person can you guys actually tell as Asians yeah let's see you guys join answers together right there I should say your answer out loud I'll say Japanese I'm gonna go ahead and say Japanese oh you know China you said the Korean and I didn't know Chinese an option
Starting point is 01:12:23 MC light was on the photo all right go go down go down go down Japanese oh this is that's Japanese you sure yeah there we go this 15 let's see this is great a lot of Asians couldn't oh Korean no Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese Japanese come on the blonde hair I won babe okay this is tricky I think oh god with the glasses I'm gonna go ahead and it's the vibe because the vibe wouldn't can kind of throw off I think somebody I'm gonna see Chinese Kalala you know we we haven't had a Chinese one yet so we have we have these boom yeah I would have said Japanese okay Korean yeah it looks like a youth pastor yeah it's Korean for
Starting point is 01:13:04 sure youth pastor come on George let's get in Chinese no I would say Korean Chinese Korean yeah wow is it the face shape it's a face shape yeah I suck I fucked up oh Filipino none of the above I'm gonna say Korean Bobby Chinese Korean if it if that's Korean I'm just gonna lose my shit I'm gonna see Chinese lose your shit whoa right right there yeah oh hard one Japanese yeah he looks like I was at a trick is the way his hair is in his glasses Kalala I don't see Japanese damn dog fuck we don't know either China has a lot of diversity like we don't this is oh that's gotta be Japanese Chinese Chinese
Starting point is 01:13:57 I say Japanese good Japanese Korean what oh we're both wrong in fact what I would love to do is get you let's do a get next time let's do this right whoever our guest is next time make them take this every time no but let's create our own one so let's you do it fine you can't judge no get 30 people okay right 10 10 10 right let's throw in another category which will repeat or jungle Asians jungle Asians should be a fourth category and when I mean that I don't mean that in a negative way I'm just talking about these people hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger barely ad-free on Amazon music
Starting point is 01:15:02 download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad-free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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