TigerBelly - Ep 347: The Brendan Schaub Spectacle Extravaganza

Episode Date: May 10, 2022

Bobby is the thinking machine. Khalyla asks for an asshole audit. Brendan is not here to promote Gringo Papi. We talk one thing. Mostly one thing. Support us by supporting our sponsors!S...ee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus All right guys, John Crook. I'm gonna ease into Naturally ease into it. We don't have to get into it right away. Let's just ease into it. Everything's fine. Okay My car Let's ease into it. That's why you're here cuz we don't want you to do that. Yeah. Yeah, so go ahead Gil start I'll just be a comment. Let me just start and then and then I'll introduce you. It'll be fine Go ahead. I'll start when you when you guys ease into it All right, go ahead. There's a calm countdown five
Starting point is 00:00:40 four three two you mother All right, so go ahead You Five four three two and a one welcome to your favorite Christian podcast About family values or about Children we love the children number one faith based podcast Yeah, we're the number one faith faith faith and we believe in all faiths
Starting point is 00:01:26 Zoroastrianism It's one of the original way before christianity google it. I might become one after this podcast You know, you know the reason why I started podcasting or stand-up or comedy in the first place is to be silly You know, I um, I've never been a gotcha comedian. I've um You know, I've said some really weird fucked up things, you know on radio shows and podcasts, but in general it's about just physical comedy and just having fun and It's a way to unleash energy and to express myself and um tiger belly
Starting point is 00:02:07 Was all always about family and about um Just having a good time with my girlfriend and my friends. Um We have a guest on today that um Is somebody that I you know number one have to say that um, I always Um liked you. I always, um I always thought you were funny. Um I've always had empathy towards you because of some of the
Starting point is 00:02:36 Shit that you have to deal with on reddit. I um, I too have a lot of weird things that Are on reddit that I don't read, you know me because it hurts me. Um but you know, I've always Only said positive things about you to people and um And the people that you're you you do your podcast with you know, I mean you and I are a very good friends and um So that being said, um, let's introduce our guest. Um, he's uh, the co-host or it's his podcast Uh, fighter and the kid and um, also
Starting point is 00:03:15 I'm a little nervous king sting and the wing. Um, let's give brendan schaub give him a round of applause I'm here to convert you guys a Scientology The number one religious Insane insane. Um So I I just want to so I just want to open up with most awkward podcast This is really I've done 10,000. I know me Let me let me let me start let me start with this. Okay, go ahead. I love both you guys. Uh-huh Both you guys
Starting point is 00:03:48 And you have always been nice to me and that goes so far with me Because when I came to comedy, I was a tough sell man still am. Yeah, so the people that were nice to me I never forget. Uh-huh. I never ever forget ever And I you know what, um I believe you I believe the I believe you, um Which makes it this a little bit difficult for me because um of what You know, because we're just gonna lay it out out there. Um, what happened a week and a half ago. Um
Starting point is 00:04:25 And I just want to kind of slowly get into it You know what I mean and because I just want to talk about the truth and about and getting to the root of whatever this problem is Okay, so the only reason I'm here. Yeah is to get to that for us to move on It's literally the only reason I'm here. All right. So let's start with. Um, I'm in Oklahoma I'm at dinner. Um And you text me That there's a journalist Doing an article about me. No, not not not just you keep going. Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:54 There's a journalist that's doing article about what on the text. I just read it Um, you said it was about me. Maybe you mean you implied something else, but that's what I read and then I texted you what the exact words for Um, a journalist contacted me not good for you not good for you. Yeah. All right And um, which got me spinning a little bit and I for sure texted you What and you said you can't you know do it through text Then um before we talked on the phone, um, I had a conversation with a cohort of mine
Starting point is 00:05:32 You know, um, I don't want to throw his name in there, but um, and you had texted him the same thing. Um Which he found a little weird. So anyway, I called or you called I forget how that happened And all of a sudden I was in a three-way call All with you and somebody that you are associated with. Um, I'm not gonna Say his name and um, you can though. He I don't want to okay. Yeah, I don't want to can I You can you can if you want to yeah, yeah is brian callan. Yeah, just so you know brian did before you go on I don't want to interrupt you brian did Say on firing the kid how he royally messed up with that engagement royally messed up
Starting point is 00:06:13 Okay, carry on. Uh-huh. So, um But I found it to be Extremely traumatic in the in the sense that if it was somebody that um, I didn't know um, that'd be one thing but um You know brian and I have had a very long relationship 30 years. Yeah a long time. Um, you know, I've been to his house for Um, Super Bowl parties. Um, we were on the same show together not the same time But he's a mad tv alumni as as well as I am. Um, and him and I have been really kindred spirits You know comedy store guys comedy store guys and um, you know
Starting point is 00:06:55 So when you guys called you, um, it was you and brian and um You said that I um that you guys my career was going to be over Um, that you guys have evidence, you know, I mean that um that I'm some reddit mastermind that there's you have files and proof That um, you can trace, you know Me from reddit back to my house the url, you know, um, ip address ip address and that I um Have been for five or six years have been um
Starting point is 00:07:33 um Coily and and you know mischief Lee, you know You know contributing to threads that were um, not contributing. What didn't you say was Well from what you had said that we were responsible responsible, right and that um You know that you were gonna expose me to rogan and all these people And then I should get a lawyer and that I um, I mean, this is what you told me and and also just Mind you It was at a level 10 of rage. It wasn't like a soft spoken like, you know, very aggressive
Starting point is 00:08:12 Yeah, it was extreme. You know what I mean threats and then You called collila things. I don't anyone want to mention. I did not I know you didn't I I would I haven't heard what you guys said. I I don't talk like that. I would never call colli of that That's not Brandon. You called me that on the phone call. We had I did not call you that I did not you don't know what you don't know what he they said so you can't The stuff that I got was pretty on par to just about what what you could tell us about Brian apologized what brian said on there and even I told him that was too that was a lot There's a lot. Yeah, it was a lot
Starting point is 00:08:48 but what what I found to be um Heartbreaking was going into a character assassination where you were saying not you in particular I don't even know remember what because I was such such in in in such. I was so trembling almost Calling me a coward weak spineless Am I only defense to that is that I just have my own way of dealing with the world, you know, I mean because I Grew up in such a traumatic childhood
Starting point is 00:09:21 I you know I try to be passive and I try to not I mean I'm afraid of confrontation as everyone knows in terms of my character and you know I said to brian days after that assault That yeah, I no longer want to be a friend his friend. Um, did you guys speak on the phone? Yeah, we did. Yeah, and he apologized. He said yeah, he did apologize, but um Yeah, I mean he doesn't expect you to be his friend Yeah, it's not it's done. Um, yes, but you know that being said also I I'll never I don't have any
Starting point is 00:09:58 I would never say anything bad about him. I think that he is One of the funniest people I've ever met in my life. I really do And can I give some context to to that call and we definitely Admit straight up. We definitely didn't handle that the way too Adults should have hand handled that the context behind that is Is I don't I I never talk about this stuff ever Our podcast usually fun. We don't talk about, you know, the negative stuff that I deal with
Starting point is 00:10:29 Brian wasn't aware of the the negativity that I deal with everybody gets stuff on reddit Everybody in this room. I don't know if you guys do you you guys do. Yeah, I'm sure clyda does You know woman in this space So there's a difference between hate And then straight evil toxic criminal behavior And for it to sort of six years. I've dealt with this. Now if you want to criticize My comedy the podcast so be it. That's the internet. That's what we signed up for But when it crosses over into harassment of my family
Starting point is 00:11:02 Death threats my kids going for sponsors Companies that I work with my business That's that's where it gets dicey So the and it would have to get so dicey To the point where my team gets notified on this Because I'm not on social media and it's or sure as hell not on reddit or any of these forums And the reason I'm not on there's not because I think I'm better than social media. I don't need it Of course, I need I'm a comic. I'm not on it because it hurts my feelings
Starting point is 00:11:32 I because I can't handle that stuff. I don't do well with it. It was so toxic. I got out You're interesting A team to report back to you And when you hear from that team you're taking you're receiving it as gospel. This must be accurate information that I'm receiving from these guys Yes, so this is how we get here. Good question. Yeah, so this is how we get here. So Hate again hate. I understand there's a lot to hate on But again when it crosses over into criminal and this other stuff And they get notified and they get notified because a member of that group is using a six-year-old child with autism
Starting point is 00:12:09 And then the reddit moderator gets affected and they start talking So then they look into it and that's how we get here and they look into it and the they go Hey, let you know One of the six accounts that has done most the posting is associated with with tiger belly Now with all the toxic hate everything that I get. Yeah, this awful stuff To I expect that from people. I don't know when I found out was somebody that I know. Yeah But that that and that's where the aggressiveness came from but is it true That's why I'm here
Starting point is 00:12:47 Um, I think this is not helpful because this happened a week and a half ago when in fact this drama If we're going to talk about context started in january and I think while I really appreciate you being here I truly believe you're um a guy who cares for his family. I feel I do believe you feel you're on the back foot here um, and You know, you feel like your livelihood is under attack. I understand The hurt all around that But there is a lot more context To what you guys are talking about which is that phone call that happened a week and a half ago and
Starting point is 00:13:25 If it's okay with you because I don't want there to be any confusion moving forward. I'd like to Start from the very beginning and just get to the god honest truth because if we don't do this In a systematic way of when it started And how did we end up here the start with uh, when I was notified of the reddit group What do you want to start the start with of trash tuesday podcast? Okay, because I mean that but here's where it gets conflicted is Those are almost two separate things It certainly didn't feel that way and I understand that and I and I respect you and we can talk about this so we get to the end of it When it goes to the reddit group
Starting point is 00:14:07 That's where the that call came from and then this this stuff that we're talking about with trash tuesday and If I if I had a time machine and I could go back I would have called The reason we're here is because I didn't handle this well And and I'll say this right now and I'll get back to that trash tuesday stuff Let's say and I'm not saying it's any facet. I truly believe neither of you have anything to do with this reddit group Maybe someone your team had or no
Starting point is 00:14:38 I'm just telling from my perspective like to okay. Yeah, and you can't too because my team is here and I And that's fun. This is everybody in this is my family. So if you're coming to me saying you're not responsible But your team is you're coming for my family. I've been with these guys for eight years. I'm with you I'm with you and I would love for you guys to explain and that is why I'm here and that is why I'm here Okay, but that's why I'm here. So you know go ahead. Okay, so let's let's You have your own timeline in your head of how this went down And I have my own timeline and while I want to believe those two things are separate This is the timing is very suspicious to me, but it's I also could I just say what just interject real quick. All right. All right
Starting point is 00:15:21 They're not separate to me because um You know during the conversation, right? When you guys called me you and brian, right? The the trash Tuesday thing did come up in that because why did you and I talked about that that stuff before all this though? Bobby, I don't want to get into the weeds Can I just present a timeline? So I don't want there to be confusion if we're really here to talk about the truth I'd like the opportunity to just start from the beginning please do
Starting point is 00:15:49 And if if you know if at any point you feel what I'm saying is truly unfair and unjustified You can interject and say collider. Let me clarify on that. But I did I have written it down This is something that has taken so much of my mental space and clarity and I don't want to live like this Me neither me and I know and I know you don't and again if I can go back and finish this thought is when If I could if I had a time machine could go back. I would have called you directly Thank you for saying because you and I don't know each other. Well, I don't mean facet and when I came to you And I'll tell you this right now anybody out there if you're going to go out collider
Starting point is 00:16:25 You better be ready to go. You are not to be underestimated. You're very fucking smart and Dude and I and I told you this when we talked. Yeah, I said you should be a lawyer Yeah, as good as you are on pocket should be a goddamn lawyer that being said if I could redo it I would have called you direct and this would have been solved so easily Also with the other information I had I don't want to get in the weeds I don't want to throw anybody under the bus with other information that I had from a person we all know in here I don't know him that well and I don't know you that well
Starting point is 00:16:59 And that information that information come at me at the same time that the trash tuesday and all this stuff coming It was too It was like this perfect world win But if I would have talked to you before and you gave me the context I went that makes so much sense This does this we'll get to the part where that information is then weaponized Against me to people like rogan and whitney and schultz and people that are very influential in the podcast space And the which wasn't fair to you the character assassination that took place um that I think
Starting point is 00:17:34 You underestimated how much information was actually going to get back to me from these people Um, but again, I really just want to Take just 10 minutes go ahead. Yep to offer a timeline And if this doesn't work, it doesn't work. I just Really just want to have a moment of fucking clarity in all of this um I also want to add that in therapy in every session I hear better part of you is not the total of you and I do believe you're a great father
Starting point is 00:18:09 who loves his family and You have regular human feelings that get triggered. Um, you have fears you have all of these things So I do offer empathy in that way um, so in I wish this I wish I was I was funnier and I could like Offer levity, but I just don't I feel like shit about it. Um, so here's what I have And you know here saying rumors are super damaging and I just want to put that all to rest Please do even this brendan. I would have loved to do privately me. Okay. Why not, right?
Starting point is 00:18:41 When we showed up to h3 podcast, um, that hurt my feelings. Yeah, um, it hurt mine as well But we'll get there. We'll get there. So when I went to showed up to h3 podcast This wasn't even in our World it wasn't in our view our mind, you know, I mean, and I don't know him and I have no ill will Right, right. I don't know him but from my understanding from talking to mutual friends of ours. That's what he does, right? Yeah, but you know, we had done the drama. Yeah, but we had done that podcast Many of times before he's done ours him and his wife He'll ila and they're lovely. They're lovely and I don't as people they're lovely
Starting point is 00:19:18 I don't know them, you know, um, and you know, it wasn't in our You know and even on the drive back from there. We just were in we were in a state of shock because You know, I'm not one to You know air my dirty laundry on air. Okay, and it was a private matter And once he brought it up, there was just no way to get out of it. I tried, you know, I mean, I was a thinking machine I mean, it was just like spinning, right and honesty. I didn't try that hard. Yeah. Yeah I was willing to and I'll tell you why and I believe you guys and the same thing with Schultz when he goes
Starting point is 00:19:55 Hey, I want to bring up the hate. I didn't know he's going to bring up this so particular issue with us And I said nothing but complimentary things. I wanted to move on which we did, you know Yeah So, uh, and um, just one last thing is is that so, you know, we said things that I was going to die to the grave with um, you know My relationship with age three is on my own private matter, you know, I didn't see it But I but I heard completely that you guys were caught off guard and also, you know I'm just responding to the things that I've read online saying that why did you do it in the first place?
Starting point is 00:20:30 And you have to understand that I had done it before and it was never like that I mean, we they had done ours and I'd like to defend Ethan and Eila here. I love that You know, they asked they asked a question and I don't know about you and maybe that's how you felt. I don't want to invalidate your feelings on it But I I was okay to talk about it and I'll get to why I was okay to talk about it All right, are we sure we have 10 minutes? Timeline start time lot then like we're gonna do a song. Let's yeah Timeline
Starting point is 00:21:08 New segment never happened again. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah over that sun The title of this file on my computer is the shop spectacle extravaganza Okay, so on january 25th a trash Tuesday episode is released where annie and I talk about a nameless comic who hit on us and for me, um That story that I told took place seven years ago. Long time ago. You're referring to dm's, right? Which I own and was completely stupid and never should have done. Okay, right? I'll defend myself like I own that and that and that was not right and I've definitely changed and you apologize And I apologize before way before then. Yeah, and but then also, but so honk real quick But then also so apologize for that. We've talked about before
Starting point is 00:22:05 Trust me. I've been to therapy over this stuff. That's also another reason I'm on social media. So I don't engage in any of that stuff So I've learned from that As far as the annie stuff goes that that's where I do have to defend myself. Okay, I have to you know, you guys didn't say my name Right, I get but you know, we did it. She the illusion the was that a word the illusion Was that a word the illusion? Alluding alluding illusion is a word but not for this. That's more shin. Yeah She had The line was what am I gonna do suck your unfunny dick and then I I came back as far as me But she again, I didn't see but as far as she's saying I I asked her to walk my car give her a ride
Starting point is 00:22:54 No, I I think that I you know, I cannot speak for her. Yeah, I can only tell you I'm saying I can only tell you what was said on that particular and again if that's how she feels She's validated feel like that And I'm saying that's that never happened. Okay. That's a situation you would have to talk to her about But I'm gonna get back to the podcast itself. Yeah, the what was said was that there was a guy He was unfunny. I came back with oh, that's a big clue and
Starting point is 00:23:25 That's something about a peach emoji And then but my thing with that client. Do you think that's nice? Oh, no But I didn't say your name But it's it's hang on one second Brendan. Let me tell let me ask you this If we're having this discussion about something that happened in the past and we're having a giggly little girl talk Where is the crime in that? There's no crime. You can do whatever you want. Right. I've no issue with that. Go ahead. Okay Yeah, no issue with it. All right. I'm just saying is that nice? That's all I have gone to you and said if I could go back if I had known that a tiny little
Starting point is 00:24:04 Giggly girl talk was going to spiral into this. I would have wired my mouth shut But in my heart of hearts while you may think it's not nice and now I admit Not the nicest thing to say it was just an anecdote. Sure. So that was I didn't think much of it Uh-huh on saying that because hitting on someone is just simply not a cancelable offense That was my justification for it. Who the fuck cares who hits on who seven years ago had fake tits then They were shiny. You liked them. You DM'd me. You said, sorry. Fuck it. Right. I'm with you. Okay. I own that. Yeah However, the outcome of that is that people assumed that we were talking about you and went ham on reddit and you received A lot of your team alerted you to the video and the reddit chatter and I'm assuming leaving out the part where we didn't say your name
Starting point is 00:24:55 Correct Can I move on? Yeah. Okay on February 23rd. You text bobby a video clip some dude put together a random youtuber Um of that same trash tuesday episode talking about being us being hit on by a comic But with a clickbait title bobby lee's wife confirmed shab tried cheating on his wife with her You text bobby saying you've been harassed for six years straight and you've had it and you're finally going This is quote. This is a direct quote You're finally going after anyone who harasses you online Including comics that you have spent half a million dollars on monster lawyers and that you have friends in dark places
Starting point is 00:25:37 Who are gonna get the job done to which bobby says, okay, I'll talk to kalayla The outcome of that bobby shares that screenshot with me I ask bobby if he thinks this is a direct threat towards me. He says I don't know I share that information with annie and ester and they're like what the fuck why such an extreme response? Where is this big need to silence us coming from? It was a small little story. So we thought February 24th. I'm in new york doing flagrant 2 You call bobby and you tell him to tell me That you want the trash tuesday girls to announce on the next episode of trash tuesday that hey guys
Starting point is 00:26:24 It wasn't brendan shab. We were talking about Collectively we're like That's gonna make it worse for him That's just not a good look for him if we say hey guys. That's who I text bobby that No, I didn't text by that mean bobby spoke on the phone and he said I didn't he said I said can I said dude I'm gonna a lot of shit about this. I'm married with kids. I said it's not good I said in bobby's exact words or I'll fix this whatever that means. Okay, so we didn't We didn't confirm nor deny
Starting point is 00:26:59 Um, we figured it would die out in a week. Anyway, I agree. Um on march 3rd You text bobby asking if he's handled the quote on quote calyla shit yet because you're still getting negative comments In this text chain, you said I don't want to have to get nasty with her. But if I have no choice This is all direct quotes I can deaf play that game and this was referring to the months that bobby and I were in an open relationship Thinking that that was somehow going to Directly hurt me. Yeah, obviously. Obviously. I mean, it's like, you know, the open relationship You and I we we were that's not
Starting point is 00:27:40 For the was for the we even talked about it's not for the public consumption, right? Because it was delicate It was a delicate thing. He was also we're going back on drugs There's so many different so many different elements elements to it, right? It was a dark time. It was very fragile So it was you know, we actually broke up for a while. Yeah, in fact Schultz knew that because when Schultz came here We were broken up. Yeah, so And you guys did or didn't talk about this on the pop We never have talked about this the first time we've ever talked about it out loud was h3, which is a couple of days ago okay, so and um
Starting point is 00:28:12 Something that I was going to die to the grave, you know, and so that's what this would have all been solved If you and I would have talked direct like we did a week ago with your timeline But before you go on the real quick, can I say this? Yeah, the information I got that open relationship That's not a it's not like anybody did a crime that that's not really breaking news I can't hold that over your head. The other information gave me was is the the bad one which I Don't want to get into okay, okay that I don't want to bring up that's not fair to you guys or or Anybody we can get into that. What is that?
Starting point is 00:28:47 Yeah, we can get into that the other way. Hold on. Let me let me actually yeah probably Let's assume that it's the same old narrative of me being a gold digger and stealing money from bobby It's within those lines. We talked about it. Yeah, you know that spoke about this and you told me Oh, yes. I mean, let's let's be real. That is an old tired story bobby clear accountants Okay, here's the truth of the matter. Okay I don't really need I don't I don't I don't need to know this I know it's it. I hear okay the the only reason I'm here was to bring up the red thing and show you guys information I have carry on and move if just keep going. Okay. I'm almost done. I promise
Starting point is 00:29:29 We're already in March. Okay Playing a few more Okay, so we ended with I don't want to get to have to get nasty with her But if I have to I'll play that game. You're alluding to stuff you heard from somebody about me being a gold digging whore and The other stuff the the cheating right allegedly Bobby says calls you and says Hey, dude, I saw You know, that's when you guys discussed. I saw those text messages years ago
Starting point is 00:30:04 This is all when I was and you did hit on her. She will not be saying your name anymore, but you need to let this go Right, you guys agreed to that. Correct. Correct. Okay um In the next coming weeks, however, I'm starting to see screenshots on instagram of dms of Your cute little friend mark Confirming that you wanted to expose me. Is that correct? I didn't see them. You know, but I talked to you about mark told me that you confirmed it with him It well, no, I went to mark and said dude, you're making things way worse from okay
Starting point is 00:30:36 Because he's trying to defend me. I went you're not defending me. You're making it worse given her fuel and Me and her are talking you don't need to do this on april 13th during a trash tuesday livestream show the girls and I talk about Someone threatening to possibly sue us There was a du moins article that said there's um a girl podcast that is going to a going through a lot of internal trouble because a much bigger Your podcaster is trying to sue them um, we assumed it was us also based on the text that um bobby had showed me about you Spending half a million dollars on monster lawyers. I assumed. Oh, of course. It had to be us
Starting point is 00:31:14 Well, hold on. So there's an article where a big podcasters suing three girls. Well, it's on du moins, right? George that du moins is a site that Picks up like insider information about either like celebrities and whatnot I think they picked up on the drama of um, just a whole trash tuesday podcast and and In in the art, they don't say any names or anything But they they kind of add like little hints and stuff along the way They give you enough information to sort of yeah anyways
Starting point is 00:31:48 Um, so during that live show the girls the night talk about someone possibly threatened to sue us We were really under the belief based off that article. No You know two things This screenshot that you had sent bobby that you're coming after Everyone spending half a million dollars on monster lawyers. So you have friends in dark places that you were um And then the article added to that. You're saying correct. Um, and then I add I add during the live stream show
Starting point is 00:32:19 I said this particular someone thinks he has dirt on me and I said go ahead Pose me and I wasn't very nice and he calls this person to someone unfunny and I said and I called that person a little bitch And a doubt kind of the outcome of that it fueled more harassment towards you on reddit after the live show on april 18th But you guys were upset off that article and then the prior Talked with bobby. That's what fueled that Correct. Okay. Yeah, so we're getting this idea that That you simply
Starting point is 00:32:55 Aren't gonna let it go Um, that's the feeling we're getting that you haven't okay validated. Um I will skip april 18 because it involves a dm From schultz and I don't want to drag him into this Okay On april 24 You text bobby the following I got a call from a journalist not good for you what we talked about earlier. Yes. Okay
Starting point is 00:33:22 You and callan then follow up with a phone call to Threaten to well just callan physically hurt him to end his career accusing him of being the mastermind Did callan was it physical threat bobby? I don't it wasn't a physical. I remember I was like It's not a physical threat, but it's like it's like if I you know, I mean if I wasn't such Abic the name. No, if I wasn't such a good guy, whatever I mean, you know, I mean if I was a different person You know, it wasn't really a physical threat. It was more like you felt threatened Yeah, I mean in in in the tone and It was a very aggressive. It's very aggressive. So, um, yeah, I found it to be physically threatening. Okay. Yeah, all right
Starting point is 00:34:01 um So that accusations and his career of him being of bobby being the mastermind behind the six years of reddit harassment Towards ushob bobby calls me from tulsa. He's shell shocked. He's upset. He gave you my number Or did you give me no, no, no, no. No, he calls me. I'll go get some. So he calls me. He's clearly upset Then that upsets me the outcome is I asked bobby for your number I text you the following. This is exact text. Hi, brendan. It's kalayla. Bobby just told me you and callan threatened him I'm failing to understand the need for such a big reaction to something so small Please stop with the threats to sue or create false stories to expose bobby and I I am available to chat if you'd like
Starting point is 00:34:43 To which you agreed and we chatted the first time we talked was not really a talk It was more like 10 minutes of screaming. Yes. Um, we called each other names for about 10 minutes. You're very good. Um, Thank you I I will say I I dug deep there. I dug through my my arsenal. Thank you. I could hear from oklahoma Which is great. Thank you This is the story that I got from you during the screaming match is that you told me that the feds had been investigating a video of child abuse on the subreddit, correct?
Starting point is 00:35:23 I guess called fed it's it's goes beyond my team Because of the criminal action or the criminal action the criminal activity. Yes, okay You you said feds, but maybe that's not what you meant. It's probably you meant someone higher up correct. Yeah feds would be a bad term Okay um a video of child abuse on the subreddit where they noticed a barrage of comments linked to one ip address Linked to a computer from my home as they continued to investigate They were able to retrieve 300 pages of evidence that either bobby or I
Starting point is 00:35:58 Were responsible for the six years of subreddit for harassment towards you joanna and your kids, right? All six years to one home address. I said but shahab we've only lived here for two and a half How is this possible? Then I said let me get this straight You're telling me that while investigating a child abuse case the feds were like. Yeah Let's put this beaten baby case to rest and pursue shahab's online harassment instead I mocked you the argument was super heated I said brendan you can audit my asshole my pet's asshole my mom's asshole and you'll find nothing Plus why are you doing all of this?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Over a story I told on my show I never said your name. You said that can't be true I said roll the tapes listen go back open your ears and hear it for yourself. That was april 24th On april 25 in the wee hours of the morning. You text me and you said you haven't been able to sleep You ask to talk this time. It's not heated. It's a very productive conversation way better You apologize previously. You say you're embarrassed after realizing we actually never said your name on trash tuesday We come to the agreement that I will not be mentioning or alluding to you in any way moving forward Um, but I still demand that you send me the 300 pages of evidence against me bobby and my company because that is
Starting point is 00:37:28 A serious allegation. I have spent The last eight years building this company and I'll be damned if anyone You know if if my company is associated to a stain like that, that's horrible And if any of my guys were to do that they would be gone yesterday. Sure. Okay, so um Um, you agree. You say your guys are on it. You're gonna send me the 300 pages of evidence. Yep Okay In the following two weeks, I text you on four different occasions asking for those 300 pages
Starting point is 00:38:03 I tell you that I don't want my business to be associated with any of this. I patch you to my producers george and gilbert Who both tell you that we want to get to the bottom of this. We want to help you. This is serious I felt like you long played us and you say you're busy and nothing is ever sent to us. Mm-hmm On may 2nd Finally got to me. We're in may. Let's go on may 2nd. You were on flagrant to being very complimentary to me meanwhile on this day I was hearing from our friends in common that you had flown to austin
Starting point is 00:38:41 To speak to rogan about the situation. No that you were telling hold on. Let me finish this and you can defend yourself That you were telling rogan whitney Schultz Anyone with an ear slanders thinks about me that I was a gold digging whore stealing money from bobby Because god forbid I made my own money that you hired a private investigator Who was able to incriminate me for six years of reddit harassment towards you joanna and your kids? And just overall assassinating assassinating my character at this point I decided that our previous deal to not talk about each other on the podcast was off
Starting point is 00:39:20 So I know you understood it to be hey, I'm on flagrant. I said nice things about you I was getting different. I would have said those no matter what Okay, that's may 2nd may 6 bobby and I go on h3 Ethan brings you up. I feel justified very justified at this point to talk about you Bobby talks about the bullying. I text you after the show. I give you the heads up I say brendan disis what always talked about on h3 later that afternoon Callan calls to apologize to bobby for the bullying threats, etc Take week uh bullying meaning
Starting point is 00:39:59 um define bullying for me Like what like Callan but like Callan bullied you Bobby, um that phone call that phone call. Yeah, yeah, I'm just saying was that Does that seem bullying to you that phone call? Yes I didn't know if you and if Callan called you like every other day doing this Which I highly doubt It's because when I heard bullet, you know, no, I mean bullying it's from that call. Uh, I mean, I mean even with Callan's Call phone call
Starting point is 00:40:31 Friday, um Okay, I'm still here. Can I yeah, yeah, yeah the apology phone call It was still there was a threat of but still, you know, he was like, I'm so sorry. I should have done it better You're my friend this and that But there's still somebody on your team, you know, I mean and at that point I was just like Oh, and I have it I also have it on excellent authority that we're not the first people He has threatened that whole reddit thing about Brian has used that excuse on multiple people
Starting point is 00:41:02 I know you're responsible for reddit. So when I heard that Callan has. Oh, yeah So, I don't know if I believe that. Okay. I'm just saying we wouldn't be the first who said that. Yeah I don't okay. Brian's not privy to that, but I don't even know what May may 7th, which is a day after h3 you asked Saturday Saturday Okay, you asked to talk you apologize for everything. You say you're ready to take full responsibility You asked to be on the podcast. I say yes And here we are we had a discussion right about I said, how do we end this because this isn't good for anyone I said should I go on the podcast and air it out?
Starting point is 00:41:38 And then we came to agreement to because I I didn't think coming on here was a great idea You know because just I didn't know Yeah, hey good instance. Yeah, I mean, I mean, you know, I haven't I didn't sleep well last night and it's been you know, I mean you have to understand that um You know, I live with Kalilah and um, she's the love of my life and um For the last couple of months, you know, I mean even even when I mean it was terrible when I was using and then when I got sober again It's been very terrible in the house seeing her go through I mean because you know, I mean we all know
Starting point is 00:42:17 You know, um that we get harassed, you know, me and and things said about us on the internet But with her friend bubble, uh, I know it is but I'm just saying I would say mine is on par with yours I'll share with you what I do. Okay, but I don't want to do a kid for cat. I don't want to do a kid for vet Oh, no, we don't want that. All right. I know you would but what I'm saying though is is that um, You know to witness her every day Go through deep, you know, I mean emotional, you know, I mean episodes. Oh, it's been awful. You know, I mean and it's really It's been very terrible for me. I think I I felt like such a small fry in this because Obviously, you know, when I had heard that you had gone to Rogan and other people
Starting point is 00:43:01 I thought like How did it get from giggly girl talk? To here. Mm-hmm. Can I can I can I talk about that? Okay, so let's go. Can I go? Yeah, please can I go? Where's your timeline? Where's your piece of paper? timeline One time only All this stems back to all all that stuff. It's all a place of a fear
Starting point is 00:43:31 It's all a place of fear because when we talk about reddit and that stuff and the harassment promise you mine's different That I know I look tough and all that that stuff hurts my feeling. That's why I'm non-social me It's not because I think I'm better than anybody or anything like that. That stuff is horrendous I believe horrendous So when that team looks into it and I get notified that it's tiger belly I'm so upset
Starting point is 00:44:00 Now you guys saying you have nothing to do with it, right? So but at the time I was so upset because you've always been nice to me. Oh, you've always been nice to me We don't know each other, but you've always been nice to me So I was so upset because if it's someone random, that's whatever That's what they're gonna do. But if somebody that I know I was so upset I expect it from somebody I don't know but somebody that I assume I know That's where this stems from the anger I cannot emphasize how upset I was and hurt and deeply hurt because
Starting point is 00:44:31 It again I don't think you guys have anything to do with it But where but hold up, but hold on collect. I have the proof. Here's the thing. Did you wish your briefcase? I don't need a Yeah, I don't need a briefcase. I wish I could laugh at that. I don't have a briefcase I have it all on my phone The reason I can't send it to you because the ongoing investigation I can't on the investigation for the child abuse thing for there's six counts on there that you're talking about pedophiles
Starting point is 00:45:00 We're talking about horrible shit. Hmm. Okay. It's bigger than me But they're gonna that's gonna be dealt with my thing for you Do whatever you want with this whatever you want. I I'm good, man It's horrible and I want squash between us do what let me get this out Bob. I know you want to talk I'll show you the stuff that I have You guys figure out what you want to do with it This is what's interesting
Starting point is 00:45:26 Again, I don't think it's you guys show me now I'll show you that when we got Because we want to know because like I'll show you have to show Let me get think that you actually showed us something you never did Well, yeah, I can I can show it to you. Here's the thing This is what's interesting to me and explain this however you want When I notified you guys of the harassment and and going back to tiger belly that account stopped posting Took the tiger belly email off and changed it. It's never posted again. Do you know how red it works?
Starting point is 00:45:56 No So you seem to have very clear convictions about This alleged occurrence from my company all the while not really knowing how reddit posting works brendan So that's a little bit. Well, this this team note. I promise you this team note. Okay We've been asking you to speak with this team and Here's what I have to say about this From my end here
Starting point is 00:46:22 From my end It looked foolish for you to be this Fragile over something some three girls that on the podcast it looked foolish So in my end the way I understand it is we need to come up with a bigger story About khalilat to incriminate so that my reaction to that trash tuesday talk doesn't seem insane No, that's how I received you're giving me too much credit. You're giving me too much credit Are you getting way too much? I don't think you think I'd want to again. I don't want this drama I've been harassed for six years guys six years
Starting point is 00:46:57 But I think that it makes sense that someone who has been harassed for six years would feel like he's on the back foot And would swing in this way It makes sense to me I would only swing if they gave if this team who has nothing to do with comedy to know you guys Didn't show me this stuff. Okay. Okay. Can I say something? Yes. All right Number one, I don't need to see it. I don't personally need to see it because I know That I have nothing to do with it. You do absolutely. Yeah number one
Starting point is 00:47:28 Um, you you're saying that you know me, right? If you did know me, right? You already know you would already know that I had nothing to do with it because the fact that When all this thing happened delia called me laughing Right and delia goes You don't even know how to you you don't own a computer. He answers the phone with his ipad He goes, you don't you don't know how to get on your email and and he was laughing. I I know what this is in fact I've had calls From everybody, right?
Starting point is 00:47:59 Huge names in the podcast room Laughing like what they apparently don't know who you are and how you operate literally missing fingers Yeah, I'm missing fingers. My point is we're not saying it's the stop-up. I understand that but But you understand that because of the call a week and a half ago with you and brian, right? You said that it was me in the beginning. I said your name is on the account button, right? Right, and then I say you call we said eventually through the conversations after saying I don't own a computer this and that and And defending myself this and that me what then it said it was me. No, I don't know. I don't remember But what I'm saying is is that we didn't say you particularly in the beginning you did and and as as I
Starting point is 00:48:44 As I defended myself and saying I don't own a computer this and that then you guys started going Oh, maybe it wasn't you. Well, it's somebody on your team, right? So, you know, I honestly believe full heartedly I don't know what you have there, but I know that in terms of these two ding dongs, right? They have nothing to do with it. Why you have to ask yourself this question. What is the motive? What why would we do that? I have no clue. I literally like what is the motive? There is no reason behind it. I what's the reason behind any of it? Yeah, why why do this nasty shit? Why why create any of this drama? There's no rhyme or reason for any of this
Starting point is 00:49:24 Yeah, but I just want to just like if even if my team said to me Oh, Whitney Cummings is doing something right already in my heart. I know her. Why would she do that? There is no motivation behind here's my thing Bobby. So it's like why you have to ask yourself that question. Sure. Yeah, here's my thing If either two of your even your pretty what's your name, brother? Gilbert and George's right? What's your name, brother? Gilbert and George, right? Gilbert and George if that hurt. Sorry. That must hurt a little. That's my CT. Nick. That's my CT player. This is also his first day here. It's your first day. He's a brown belt. He's a brown belt. He's a brown belt. Choke out. And Kalyla as the business operator of this thing, if you guys came to me with the same information
Starting point is 00:50:16 It was under fire and the kid I would want to see and I'd get to the bottom of it I have a question about the delicacy or the delicate nature of The investigation regarding pedophilia regarding this beaten baby on the subreddit As you don't have ownership of that subreddit, correct? That is not your subreddit. Okay, then why are those Federal investigators I said they're not feds. Okay, let's say Rob But you if right at cops if that is an in active investigation right now And that is the reason why you cannot show us that information. No, I can't show you I can't I can't send you that the documents Okay, basically having your possession so they can show it to you right now when we get off
Starting point is 00:51:02 I can show you as soon as we get done. I will show you all the shit. I have you better spit shake on that Brendan I mean, why wouldn't yeah, I mean because I've been asking it for weeks And I've been asking to meet I feel like you've long played me. You've been asking me to meet in person No, I've been asking you. Where is this? Where where is this thing? Where is this thing? And you're like, I'm busy. Maybe tomorrow I'm busy. Maybe just the dog because only it's like I'm busy because here's like with the docs It's like they're either not real or we have someone that somehow got a hold and hacked us We just want to know for ourselves, right and you should but that's why it's very important We see these and here's my thing. I'm not accusing anybody in here
Starting point is 00:51:40 But let's say in some weird world. It's somebody you you know, you're associated and you had no idea what's happening I still don't give a shit. I just want to stop. Yeah That's it. Okay. That's the only reason that's what I hear that Whoever is the insta living in my backyard? All right, so let's do a new segment. Hang on. Hang on. I'm not I have Clio last thing so so when you said I flued Austin and tell Rogan about this. Yeah, that's my next question Okay, and can I come yeah? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah flued a rogan to do the his show. Okay. This is a
Starting point is 00:52:15 Aside from that. Okay copy and that makes sense. And I want you to know as I look you in the eye When I would tell them I I would Preface with every every time I go. I don't think bob and clio are involved the tiger belly email is on there Okay, and every every single time never ever and I swear my kids never went Clio is your gold digger cut none it can we just do a new segment real quick Still talk in the new segment. Go ahead. Right. New segment
Starting point is 00:52:46 That's it. That's that yeah, I just hear you dude. I have I have oxy. I have a tension breaker But overall that's also I wanted georgea lap overall with it But then also when you, when you went to, so, you know, you got to remember too, Rogan's like an older brother to me. When I do anything, I call Rogan. That's how I, that's how I operate. I asked his advice on this, right? And then, um, you know, he would give me his advice, how I should handle it. But then the, the other stuff's hiring a private investor. I don't know if the fuck you'd find a private investor. And just the same when you go, I mean, I would handle it like this as far as a private
Starting point is 00:53:25 investor for what? What the fuck would I hire a private investor to follow you to do what? They make sense. So that's what bothers me. Whoever got that back to you. Multiple people corroborating each other's stories, but go ahead. Okay. But whatever you told him about me, whether it was, however, whatever version you have in your head that what you told him, we can call those people after this and confirm my story. Oh, a thousand percent. What if that makes you feel better? It does make me feel better. Yeah. We can do, as soon as we're done with this, we will call those three people. Thousand percent. Yep.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Anyways, would love that. Would love nothing more. When you did tell version, uh, Rogan, your version of events, I just want to know for my own peace of mind, did he believe it? I don't know. He, to him, it's like, you know, you're never going to beat the internet man. I mean, no, regarding me and Bobby. No, cause I told him it's not you guys. Okay. But everything else regarding the information that got back to me is that you told Rogan things obviously that were very slanderous about me. I'm going to, I want to believe that wasn't the case in all of the stuff, right? They're still, um, you know, people talk, you know, like the telephone thing, right? That's what I'm saying. If I redo it,
Starting point is 00:54:40 I mean, things get changed through people, other people's communications to others, right? You know what I mean? Some things are not easily proven. You know what I mean? It's he said, she said, and all that stuff. So it's like, you know, I think in terms of what we talked about in this last hour, right, is we got all of it out, right? Not yet. There's more. Go ahead. If you, maybe you got it out. I was, I mean, I'm sitting here listening to it, right? Right? You know, because what I want to spend time with now is, um, getting to a place where we can move forward from it, right? And we create new rules. You know what I mean? I mean, that was what the segment was called, new rules. Oh, new rules. That's a, that's a bill more. And that's
Starting point is 00:55:31 why I didn't do it. That's why it's a new segment. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's why I did the new set. She said you need a segment to get her. Yeah, but let's, don't, don't, I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll do it. I'll just do it. I'll just do it. No, just do it. I'll just do it. All right. All right, let's get back on. So here's what I want to do now. Okay. Sorry, my bad. New rules, new rules. Um, how, from now on, this is how we're going to move forward. Okay. Can we do that now? You can have your rules of how you're going to move forward, but I have my own stipulations too, but that's all right. I'm not the ruler of this thing. Kind of am, but I kind of am, but you know, here's what I want to do moving forward. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:25 I'm going to look you in the eyes when I say this. Okay. Okay. I would never slander you, attack you or in any shape or form online or to my friends or on podcasts, right? Um, you know, you and I have, our relationship has changed from this experience. Um, it's going to take me a very, I don't know how long, right? So, um, there's some engagements that I know I'm going to run into you. You know what I mean? That's in the near future. I think, I think we feel the same. I don't feel safe. That is that makes, I just don't feel around Bobby. No, it's not. I just, I don't feel good. Yeah. I don't feel good. I don't feel. Oh, that's why we're doing this.
Starting point is 00:57:09 We probably have that feeling in common. We have that same thing. I feel good. When you, when you called me on Saturday, right before I got on stage, couldn't be the worst time to do it. Your fault. You have no idea. I was like, yeah, I'm about to go on. What's up? Me like, I heard this. I was like, I want to die later. Yeah. But, but when you told me that, I know that feeling. I was like, holy shit. I'm so sorry you feel that way. I'm also going to co-sign what he said, which is, I hardly know you. Um, I, I'm a very much a very simple, boring person. I like to free dive in the ocean. I like to hang out with my dogs. I certainly don't spend my days in a dark dungeon
Starting point is 00:57:52 typing away things about you. I would never want to intentionally hurt anybody. I don't even do that to people I dislike. I just don't do that, Brendan. I think it was the perfect storm, which is why I got so upset with the, the, the trash talking on your other podcasts. And then this, did you feel like we were coming for you? Is that what you felt like? Oh, fuck. Like, no, I don't think you're coming for me. I just literally was like, oh, because I don't do that at all. I'm like, I don't get it. Why, what? Okay, guys, why would we do that? We're doing, this is the new segment. So, well, I was just telling the, like, I went to get that, I did that whole thing, right? So my point is, is that, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:31 I, I, I don't want to revert back to the power trunk that we did. I want to go more into a positive, you know what I mean? Okay. So let me finish what I'm saying. Okay. So that being said, it's, you know, I don't feel safe as well, you know what I mean? But I want to tell you that, you know, in terms of you as a comedian or in terms of you as a podcaster, I have all the respect in the world. I think that, you know, and I say this to Theo sometimes too, you know, he went from reality show MTV to becoming a real credible comedy entity. And I feel the same about you. So, and that's how I'll always feel. And that means the world. Okay. So, because I think you're one of the best comics in the world. So when it comes to that, you know, I'm just telling you
Starting point is 00:59:27 whatever you hear, right? I'm not doing that. You know what I mean? I'm not. I please start DuVallet. I play Stardew Valley 12 hours a day. You know what I mean? I don't, and I watch Dodo like in the scrolls. Is that a video game? No, no. Stardew Valley is right here. But did you turn off my thing? Because I don't want to restart the day. Okay, good. Thank you. Anyway, I was playing earlier. So from now, this is first day. This show is fun, man. I promise the job gets better. It's only up from here, Bubba. And I also want to address the fans and there's, because obviously, we both have similar fans, but we have fans, you mean that only listen to your podcast and we have fans that only listen to bad friends and Tiger Belly and so on and so
Starting point is 01:00:15 forth, right? There is no war, right? There are no sides to this, right? That's why I'm here. Yeah, that's why I just want everyone to, you know, calm down online, right? And that's why we're doing this is so that we could all kind of, and you know, and there's, there is just last thing I want to say is even hearing you talk now, there is empathy that I have. You know what I mean? A thousand percent. A thousand times, right? I feel bad. Okay, I feel bad. What? No, about it. Okay. But you handle it wrong. That's fine. I'll let it go. And I own that. And I apologize, Bobby. I did not handle this correctly. So from now on, and I don't want to be here again. Me neither. I don't want to do this again. I don't want to talk about it again. I need to move on.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I needed her to heal. I needed her to get happy and free. Okay. And I can't live like this. Me neither. Okay. And you can't either. And that's why I have empathy for you. So that's my two cents. So how do we do that, Bobby? How do we get there? Well, what do we do? Well, you know, Kyle is probably the smartest in the room. What do we do? No, well, she's going to say what she's going to do. And I don't know what she's going to do. I don't know. We never talked about that's what I want to do because I also want to be able to go to the laugh factory and see you and not and do if I'm after you at a club, still be able to do the show and bring you up on stage and work together in a professional way in that way, right? 100% right. In terms of Brian,
Starting point is 01:01:58 I don't know. Bobby and Brian told me to tell you this much. I can't tell you and you're seeing I'm firing the kid. He is so sorry. It doesn't matter. I'm just telling you. I know and he admitted that he's saying I agree. Yeah, he was level 10. I mean, it was level 10. I mean, I just thinking about it makes me tremble. All right. So and we talked about in fact, he's done that to me once over the 12 years. I've known he's done it to me once. Yeah, it's a lot. It's it was a lot. It was like we covered it. It's a lot. All right. So that's all right. That's you see, I went into a fucking tunnel. I went into a tunnel. I went in myself. Your eye was
Starting point is 01:02:41 twitching. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, it was a lot. And even you because I remember even at times when in the call, you were like, whoa, whoa, Brian. Yeah. Like when he says that. Yeah, I was like, God damn dude. Yeah, God damn dude. So that's my apology. That's my two cents. And I know it's gonna take time and I don't know if you ever get there. But Brian, I know for a fact, I know Brian better than anybody on this planet. He loves you man. And he fucked up royally. You don't have to say anything. I'm just telling you how Brian feels. So that's what I'm going to do. That's a fucked up kind of love, Brandon. Yeah, that's what I'm that's what I'm going to do. I come from a long line of murderers and violent offenders and they don't talk to me like that.
Starting point is 01:03:27 Murders. Oh yeah. My uncles are not good people. So now I want to know now this is what we're doing when we're talking about the future. All right. I don't want to go to the past. All right. I'm willing. So yeah. So what are you going to do from now on from this moment forward? I don't need a apology from you. I don't need apologies from you guys. You know, I don't need apology from either of you. I think you should look into the information I give to you after this and do whatever you want with it. You know, and you know what, guess what, Brandon, if there is any wrongdoing on any part of my company, you not only will you be the first to know, we will that it could possibly mend all of this. Yeah, I believe so. I want you. If you if that if someone
Starting point is 01:04:15 in our company, you can fuck me, bro. Physically, you can physically fuck me, dude. Not kind of hope it. I hope that you guys. You can do with that Down syndrome guided to me. Fuck him for a while. He will still come out. Yeah, that's a great clip, dude. It's a classic. Yeah. See, that's what I'm saying. We had, you know what I mean? No, you're the one of the best guys we've ever had. So, um, but listen, if you heard just put yourself in my shoes, right, that anyone you knew and you heard that they went to Rogan and said that you were a thief, a gold digger and that you were responsible for criminal behavior on Reddit, things like that. Would you like that? No. And how would you handle that? I would now I'd call you direct.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I'd call you drag. What the fuck are you doing? Yeah, I'm telling you, Claya, I know you don't know me. That did not happen. Okay. Okay. I don't believe you, but thank you for, for, for attempting to make me believe. That's all I can do. I don't know what to tell you. Yeah. So let's, let's now let's go for a path forward. Is there a path forward or no? Aside from that, like, you know, um, in terms of what we do, look at the end of the day, I appreciate you being here. I appreciate, I know it's difficult to, to do. It had to be done though. It had to be done. Um, and I do appreciate you taking ownership for how poorly you dealt with it. This started in January 25, January 26, it would have been done. I agree. And I think that that's
Starting point is 01:05:53 the biggest lesson here is that for me, it's not Kaila. What's the biggest lesson here? The lesson is the way it was handled, right? The, the, I should have went directly to you, but we didn't know each other. The, the, the, the lessons have been, you know, deal with it direct. But for me, like for you guys, it ends, right? For, for me, you know, I, I got to get with this Reddit shit with the, with the tiger belly email. If we get done with this, I show it to you and you're like, it's actually this, this and this, or we, that's not our email, whatever it is. Cause they count once I notified that it was happening, stop posting, change the email. Can you say what the email was? Sure. Just on air. Just, I wanted to make sure it's our email,
Starting point is 01:06:42 unless it's like, what is our email? Well, let's just see what he says. Well, he had sent me a screenshot of it. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I'll just show you all of it after. Oh yeah. Yeah. Okay. So, and then you're, you don't stop for, you know what I'm saying, but you deny then that you felt under attack by the girls and that you had to double down and create this Reddit drama. Like you deny that. I swear on my kids. Okay. So you, you, you're insisting that's two separate things and not, not associated to one another, that it wasn't a way to retaliate against that. I swear on my kids. That it just so happens that five days after the live show, there are Reddit accusations about me. I swear on my life. It's very, I agree. Very convenient. Very
Starting point is 01:07:32 mysterious. Mysterious. Agree. Okay. My path for, there's nothing I'll have more on this plan than my kids. Okay. I swear on my kids lives. Okay. That this team. Yeah. Brought up the tiger belly email. Okay. I just love that you keep talking about a team and nothing has been produced. Well, I have it right here. You're going to see it. We're going to see it. And then once we see it. Okay. Hold on. Allegedly. I'm going to show you. Soon as soon as we get off here, it's a little unfair though. We don't want to talk about this again, but this is what we can do. Okay. We can read, we can look at it. Right. And when he leaves, if you want to come back on and talk about what we saw, then we can do that. Are you okay with that?
Starting point is 01:08:21 Sure. Yeah. I mean, it depends how you go about it. No, I mean, the way I'm going to go about it is if there's levity to it and there is something that we need to investigate, we'll talk about that. You know what I mean? At this point, it's like, because what, like, like just, I don't know how it works, but I'm pretty sure that somebody could create an email with the name Tiger Belly, but be different. Not with the official email. But, but all of you guys sound just like boomers who don't know anything about Reddit. That's why you call it in a job sound like, you guys are fucking running, you don't even know how it works. I don't either, but at least I'm not claiming to be, I'm not claiming, claiming to fucking know. You can sign up with a certified email. That's
Starting point is 01:09:10 that's where it gets weird. Like nobody could use my actual input. I'll say this. We had to do it kind of an internal investigation with our email. So there's only three people to have this email. So all of us went into the actual account to search our email, which is, I want to say it, but to see if there was a Reddit account made with that email and there was no email. So we contacted Reddit, Reddit has some kind of, George, you want to say what Reddit said? You just put in your email to see if there's an email, if there's an account with that associated associated and there was nothing came back for our email. I don't know what email you're the team found, what you found, but in our email, that's what we found. So my point is, is that well, and to use
Starting point is 01:09:49 your words, but, but, but no, I want to say is that, but like I said, you know, when we're, when I say that we're, we have a path forward, right? All these things that I just said about, you know, I mean, I'm not going to, I'm not, I want to end this thing. So even if we read it and we come back on, I don't, I'm not going to do anything that's going to poke and, you know what I mean? This is my thing. Yeah. Even if you guys see it, however you feel about it, I'm done. I'm done. I'm done. Done with it. I'm, oh, it's over. Okay. That's a relief. No matter how you guys feel. That's a relief. I'm out, man. Okay. I appreciate you guys even have me on. I won't say it. I mean, if I say something nice about you, is that all right? I don't know what
Starting point is 01:10:33 you got terms you want to do. I don't know. I, dude, I'm just, listen, I don't want to get, I don't want to get a phone call at three in the morning from you accusing me of shit. I don't want to hear that. You know what I mean? Bobby, prior to this, prior to this, yeah. Do you have any recollection of me ever doing anything to you ever when you were struggling? I found out from your brother, did I not text you go, Hey man, you need anything, Bobby? Yeah. That's why this whole thing has been so baffling. That's how hurt I. Right. Right. Okay. Yes. So here's the deal. Okay. It's done, at least for me. I don't know, Kalyle, you have to work it, process it the way you want to process it. And I'm not, I think that for you and I, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:19 there's, it's definitely going to take some time because I still feel a big, big mistrust. But, but I also think we have each other's numbers and there is a direct line. And I'll say the same. I feel mistrust and there's clearly, you know, some negative between us, but you have my utmost respect. Thank you. I think you're such a beast. Thank you. You're savage. Anyway, um, any tour dates or big poppy gringo? You know, you're special. When you're special. I want to do, I want to plug special. I want to be the saddest pot of all time. I want to plug your. Hey, go watch my special. Everyone watch. See me in Philadelphia next week. Next week in Philadelphia, Mahilliam.
Starting point is 01:12:06 Yeah. At the Philadelphia Mark Harman. What's his name? The owner, Mark. Mark. Cute. What? Yeah. No, the owner. Mark. Yeah. Yeah. Great guy. We don't have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, Phillip. Easy going to be at the Philly Helium. Check out a special and tie. Uh, actually tiger, but like a fighter of the kid, fighter of the kid and Kings, Kings wings. And make sure you get your thick boy merch, thick boy merch. Okay. Give him a run. I have one more question. Oh God. We're fucking out of this. I will. One more question. Oh my God. Just like, just because, don't you ever feel this like, um, like, do you ever think that maybe it would be a good idea to lean into the Reddit stuff and start selling truck merch? No. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:48 That's all. That was my question. Let's land the plane. Again, Kyle, I think if, if, if I got like the, the, if it was normal, like I said, criticism and, and hate, that's what we sign up for. Right. Public figures when it crosses over to this evil toxic stuff, there's no more fun in it for me. The killing cat stuff. Yeah. No, I got it. It's a dark place. Reddit. I agree. I empathize with you. Thank you so much for doing this. Um, could I just say one last thing then? I don't want to, I don't want to land a plane. Or what is this? You know, it's just, it's just my, it's just a thought that I have. I've always had, right? You know, you know, Brendan might not be your cup of tea, but he did do something that was difficult. Now, if you're
Starting point is 01:13:32 envious in any kind, any kind of way, or you're like, why am I, and you know what I mean? He doesn't make me laugh. Whatever. It's like, then you do it. Or, or just change the station. Or, or yeah, or switch to something else or, yeah, this isn't North Korea. Improve your life. You know what I mean? Or whatever. It's just like North Korea. No one's fortunate to watch my son. But anyway, that's my two cents. Um, well, I love you, man. I wish I could. I wish I could, you know what I mean? But, um, give him a round of applause. It was a brave get. Hey, prime members, you can listen to Tiger barely ad free on Amazon music, download the Amazon music app today,
Starting point is 01:14:35 or you can listen ad free with one Dree plus in Apple podcast. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at one Dree.com slash survey.

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