TigerBelly - Ep 364: Bobby & Shakewell are Wavelength Boys

Episode Date: September 7, 2022

Bobby is an Imagineer. Shakewell has a clapback army. We talk animatronic Cosby, touring in a metalcore band at 15, ship jumping, and going to f*** island on day 2. Please support our sp...onsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Take well don't say anything to bring your name up. Yeah, yeah, yeah Five four three two Anyway welcome, you know, I feel free. I feel good. I Realize I'm a 50 year old fat man out there in the dating world. I Do man, it hurts me, you know, you get on these dating sites and you meet you get other googly monsters going You know me let's get googly together and it's like I'm not gook Yeah, I'm gook, but I'm a googly. Yeah, googly. Yeah, I'm googly, you know, but um, I think I'm gonna be
Starting point is 00:01:10 Celebit and a hermit from now on that's good, you know, mountaintop. Yeah, you know, you can see me in the temple I can't see you in a temple. Yeah, you can you're too much of a made out of porcelain You think I'm a fuck machine bro, dude, dude, but the machine doesn't last for like more than 30 seconds You got a good two years of fuck machine. It's like you turn it. I go And then it turns off sizzles. Yeah, it's sizzles, you know, but the machine's broken back back in the day though Used to be a three-minute machine now 30 seconds. Let's go. Yeah, and then this awful juice comes out It's like steel-cut oatmeal organic, it's organic Imagine a tube of this machine. I just I just squirts out chunks chunks chunks. Yeah, and it's not and mostly not come
Starting point is 00:01:57 Oh, it's still can probably skin from the inside and fatty like fat. Yeah mixed in would come some blood actual oatmeal. Yeah So anyway, um We have a great guest today Before I say I don't say I want to tell you how I met him So I was shooting these move. I'm shooting this movie. I just wrapped. I can't tell you what the movie is called All right, there's like they're like keep it quiet fuck it We don't know when it's gonna come. I may never come out, but When I showed up the reason why I did it was they were like Theo Vaughn's and you know, he's a friend
Starting point is 00:02:41 He hit you up too. They hit me up I kind of knew the director Then they're like Johnny Knoxville. I've never met Johnny before I want to get to meet him So there was all these little, you know check marks. I'm like, I'll do it I'll do it because of these reasons, but what you don't realize is you're really there to meet other people Other creatures, you know in mythology googly's right like in the lower the rings You know, I like to talk about the lower the rings when they're in the minds of Moria You didn't know those little goblins were gonna come down the thing
Starting point is 00:03:12 Thousands of them, right? And basically I met a fat goblin. Oh, wow I made a fact, you know, I mean, you don't think you were gonna meet fat goblin You don't think they were fat in the movies. They're not that fat, right? But you know You said fat goblin. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So I met a couple. I met Gaeta who works with What's his name? Oh Dave, what's the guys now do the podcast with? Oh, send Andrew Santino. Yeah. Yeah, you forgot to We all you guys all forgot to so I met him, but then I met this other guy. He's here right now But I looked at I'll go what the fuck is this shit?
Starting point is 00:03:51 You know, I mean like in what God's name is going on around this town You know, and I go, what's your name? He goes? My name is shake. Well, and I googled him real quick You know, I mean, and he has some creds. You know, I mean, I saw him act I'm like this guy's pure magic, you know and talk about fuck machine give shake well a round of applause everybody. What's up, baby? baby Did you like me right away? Yeah, you're one of the reasons I was down. What do you mean? So when they said my name like I saw the list of actors. Yeah, and I'm like kind of how you said I'm like
Starting point is 00:04:28 I want to meet Bobby Lee Wow, really? And when you did I disappoint you? No, no, because you know when you meet someone is like odds better. I didn't Yeah, yeah, I bet those I was fucking hyped you were hype. Yeah. Yeah, and why I Think I think you're a great person, you know, but also yeah, man Also the humor the humor and the freedom See, that's what you and I are true Americans. Yeah, you know what because we get the word freedom Yeah, right and what I mean by that is you'll meet somebody like you and go oh if we were on If we were deserted on an island. Mm-hmm. We'd fuck on day two freedom
Starting point is 00:05:09 Freedom, baby, right America. How long would it does the thing is like especially being a rapper. I'm supposed to be like Super super. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Fuck that. You won't want the other way. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, what I like about him too is is what I mean by freedom is this is Let's talk about Johnny Knoxville. Yeah, you know, he's great. I think great killed it in the mood, right? He turned on a different side. Yeah, you don't like what you think he can do. Yeah When you watch him, you're like, oh, this dude can legitimately act Yeah, but you know, he's the star of the movie. So he had a lot going on So in the beginning was he was a little distant. I think you're trying to find the character. That's right. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:05:51 But then so when I but when when I remember our freedom is when you and I met Immediately, we didn't talk much But we would smile. Mm-hmm. Yeah, right. Yeah, like we would sit next to each other. I look at you I was like a wavelength. Oh, dude, right? Whoa. It was a wavelength. What do you think that wavelength is? I don't know, but you just said fat goblin and I just been watching the new Rings of power like dude. When'd you see it? I watched it last night. I did too. Yeah Yeah, you saw the rings of power last night last night both episodes. I did both episodes or so, too Maybe wavelength time. We're on the same fucking wavelength, bro. I
Starting point is 00:06:28 Drunk off to last night. No, I didn't jerk off. Did you ejaculate? I was with my girlfriend. Did you ejaculate? Yeah, yeah, well, I ejaculated too. His was different, but he's still yeah We still both ejaculate it. Yeah, you know, man, maybe at the same time. Did you breathe a lot? I breathe a lot Yeah, I think so much yesterday. I think you're a wavelength boy. Dude, we're way wavelength, bro Cuz like I'll do that. Yeah. Yeah, I'll do that with my homies when sling similar happens. I'll be like a wavelength boys, right? I think you're a wavelength like you and I will could finish each other sentences. Yeah, like yeah and sandwiches Almost got it. Oh, that's right both sentences and sandwiches. I was thinking sandwiches Like if I was eating a pastrami sandwich, yeah, you would finish it. Yeah, fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:07:14 100% 100% did you like it the load of the ring? I thought it was tight. I thought it was tight cuz I Don't know. It's not I didn't read the books or anything. Yeah, I can tell growing up, but I can tell What does that mean? Have you let me be on have I ever read a book be honest all the way through Yeah, there we go. Yeah, like clockwork orange. I love that book. I couldn't finish it just cuz you know, there's a movie There's a movie. Yeah, the books way more fucked up too. It is. Yeah, why didn't you finish it lazy? Well, I have to reread things like sometimes I have to read a page three times to Comprehendent. Yeah, I'm the same way and then I'm like fuck Yeah, yeah, they say I have that you have that. Yeah, what else do you have?
Starting point is 00:07:59 Okay, so the doctors told me I had that and that's all my parents told me because I think they didn't want me to use it as like An excuse, you know, yeah, yeah, and then one day I'm with like this educational therapist and she's like She's like the cool lady that understands understands like fucked up kid She's like, oh, I work with like kids who do graffiti and this and that you know, yeah, like a freedom writers type lady Yeah, and fucking She's like, let's pull your file and he said it said 80 HD. Yeah, it's like so yeah Whoa, some other shit, but they tried saying I had attention deficit hypo disorder shit not hyper Yeah, what's the difference? They said it means I'm very lazy, and I don't give a fuck
Starting point is 00:08:39 And I'm like, I think that's I think you made that they were saying hippo, baby. Maybe hippo your shape. I could I could see That's mean sorry, but but is it it's not it's not that's why the wave like that That's why when I said that I knew I could say that and not make you get mad I was in the studio once with my homie Nick. Mm-hmm. And yeah, shout out for Nick and I Was like, what do you think about this? He's like that's just ass and my friend would like pause the song He's like Don't how dare you say that to him. I was like, what do you say? Like what do you say that was wrong? Yeah, he's like he said that that was ass. I was like, I didn't know it was mean. Oh, yeah, you know
Starting point is 00:09:18 Yeah, we have the same we don't know what's mean or not. We don't know where the lines are You could tell a certain mean like with most shit. It's like come on, you know, dude, that's right So they're just being straight up. Yeah, it's like, you know, if you they're hanging me Right, who's a bunch of who's they? them them no like, you know Mysterious, no, like, you know, like one of those groups the like right wing groups Oh, I don't want to call them out because I don't want to get in trouble proud boys. Okay, my trouble Oh, let's go 1800s Japanese people. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, let's go back. Yeah, forget the proud boys
Starting point is 00:09:53 Let's go past. Let's go in the past. Let's keep it. They're dead and they did bad things. They did bad thing Okay, let's suppose it's but what I was gonna say though, it wouldn't make any sense with Japanese people Let's try it. Oh, I'll try it if there was 1800 Japanese people during the occupation of Korea is that what you're saying? Yeah. Yeah, and they were hanging me and they were going You gook That's what I was gonna say. Yeah, right. I would just be like you're a gook. Yeah. Yeah, so that's why it didn't work It's funny though. It is funny. That would it wouldn't be as offensive. No, no, no, no Yeah, you're ching chong you gonna die. Yeah, I'd be like what you're
Starting point is 00:10:32 Right so anyway, but you're right. It's like it depends on what the intentions. Yeah, right. Yeah, what's the worst thing you've been called me? Mm-hmm. I don't think it was a word. I saw comment. Oh I was I was talking about I was talking about like my acne was really bad when I was doing drugs and I was like Drinking more water to get my skin back, right? You know, like everyone do the same And and I saw comment said you'll be dead by August This was like two years ago. So ha ha haha haha
Starting point is 00:11:09 Now we're now in September this year. Yeah, so fuck you do the math. Yeah count the days I won You won that. Yeah, but it said you'll be dead by August and that I was like, okay. Oh Wait, I know. I know it's it's like maybe like a fan reaching Get my attention or some shit. Yeah, that that was that bumped you out That was sharp and specific Wait, wait, some random fan told you that in August it's the apocalypse or you're dead He'll be you will be dead by August or you specifically me. I Posted a selfie. I looked real good. Just got like my hair done confident
Starting point is 00:11:45 Yeah, yeah, and I had some acting. I'm like gonna get my skin back, right drink more water. Yeah Positive now during August. Were you extra careful? I Know I think I forgot You forgot yeah, you were high. Yeah, yeah, and then and here I am Yeah, I think and I think he deleted the comment Cuz I didn't I I There was one time I said a comment where the dude like you could tell they rethought life Because I wasn't like fuck you. I was like I said something really like good, you know
Starting point is 00:12:18 Yeah, and like their whole shit. They took down their Instagram or something. Yeah, but I think my fans clap back Oh for you. I think my sister too. Oh, you're sit. You have an army chill. Yeah, people will go in there And they'll be like, what's clap back me? I want to yeah, like like they'll attack back for me We're I didn't have to say anything. It was like fuck you, dude, you know fuck you Because if I say something they'll be like, oh dude reply to just one, you know, all right Yeah, it's hard to reply on yourself because then you feel like you're wounded. They know you're wounded. Yeah, right? Yeah, we got to keep it chill. Yeah, right. So you have your army do it for you. Exactly. Fuck. Yeah, dad Yeah, now you grew up in Arizona. No valley
Starting point is 00:12:59 Where'd you get that? Why do I think you were from Arizona? I Don't know. Arizona got brought up at some point Just in conversation Do you have family in Arizona? Yeah, okay, but that's how I Know no fuck you guys. I love it. No, here's the thing You said you were from Arizona. No But you didn't bring up any Arizona Who how did Arizona come up in the conversation? Only time I heard Arizona was why did someone ask you?
Starting point is 00:13:27 Why does your family live in Arizona? It was about you. It was about me and then I thought shake shake shake was my family Yeah, shake. Well, that's why it was let's go. They're so close already I felt so close to you that I just made I put you in that category. Yeah, that location. Yeah. Yeah, you grew up in the valley Yeah, oh, I didn't know that. Yeah, and so you grew up what poor? No rich. No, not poor middle-class Yeah, my dad my dad worked for Disney They fucked they fucked them over hard. What wait, can I just say something when you say Disney? It could mean millions of things. He was an imagineer. He wasn't whoa. What's an imagineer? That's like a made-up title It's like, you know, but imagineers like some of them build the ride some of them come up with ideas Dean Park
Starting point is 00:14:14 Some of them draw bullshit. I Assumed that he was at the fucking popcorn thing Was that we'll just add a kiosk or something. Oh, yeah. Yeah, when you say all my dad worked it isn't yeah Yeah, you couldn't mean anything. He was dressed up as goofy or something. Yeah He's an imagineer yeah imagine yeah, and so he imagined he was a creative guy Yeah, like he he would have to like oh we want to sell it. We want to get them to Put the budget down for this ride. He would be like Imagine, you know, you're in a tunnel and like, you know, he would like tell me the ride before it come out
Starting point is 00:14:55 Wow, I remember I'd as a kid. I'd be like, oh, you know, yeah, yeah, he did some badass shit I feel like you and I Since you're the son of an imagineer. Yeah, I believe you and I could create a ride Yeah, right now a hundred percent. Yeah, how does it start the ride? Yeah, probably, you know You never see a ride where you start off on your belly No, that would be interesting that would be interesting. So you and I flat it's a two-man ride. We're on her belly Right. Yeah, what's the theme of it? Something we've never heard of before well
Starting point is 00:15:30 They have that one ride where you where you go up at six flags and then you fly like a dragon, but that's not on your belly Yeah, I see they did. Yeah, the mechanics will put you your bellies to the earth. Yeah, I'm talking about a flat bed Yeah, that way anyone can fit too. I like that. Right. We'll make it like a double-wide. Yeah Yeah, like a super king-size bed. Maybe maybe it's like you ever like watch TV on your on your belly Yeah, and you have to do this. The ride locks your arms in like that Yeah, you want to get apart? I want this to be called wavelength boys the wavelength wavelength, right? I love it Yeah, so we're on our bellies. Yeah Put our hands in a thing. Yeah, and and when all right, they're locked in they go
Starting point is 00:16:12 Yeah, and we earn the cheeks Right, I like no we're on our belly. I like that right and then there's you know, what's in front of us more like in 1970s television At first. Yeah, like we're what we're two kids and they make we we have to make people wear pajamas I love that. That's only it work Yeah, I mean like it's you're lying down in bed. You're laying down in bed. You're locked in like that Yeah, right and then you know me. We're you're wearing pajamas
Starting point is 00:16:41 Okay, and then are we watching the same thing or do they tell us we're watching different things and at the end? Obviously, we just cut costs. Yeah. Yeah, we should just fucking be watching the fucking same thing Okay, cut cost. Well, I was saying we're pajama. Maybe they tell you we're watching different things But we're not and then you think it was a wavelength at the end, you know, like oh Oh shit my bad. I didn't know you're like we saw the same thing away. Oh Wow, yeah, yeah, we're watching different things. Yeah, that's good Dude small black because I would out. Yeah, it's very black mirror But what I was thinking is is that the TV would go down. Yeah, we're both thinking that we were watching a TV
Starting point is 00:17:17 Yeah, right and then the ride starts and go through And then there's something else a tunnel and it's shaped like what the tunnel like an An asshole. Yeah. Yep. It could be an asshole. Could it be I think so who's asshole? Roseanne bar Exactly like it's an 80s TV thing. Oh, that's I got 80s TV nightmare Roseanne bars butthole, right? So it's all like oh, I got it. I got it. We're on the right We think we're watching like, you know me leave it to beaver Yeah, asshole, and you hear a laugh
Starting point is 00:17:52 Roseanne bar, right? And it's your asshole, right? And it goes we go in, right? We enter, right? And then there's animatronics the first animatronics if you can smell there's like a mist like 4d Yeah, 4d. You want a 4d this shit? Yeah, what does it smell like? I mean you go there. I don't know I don't know you go there. I'm not going there. I honestly don't know who's Ram Roseanne bar, but wait, wait, wait Wait, we're not on the same wavelength right now. No, no, you don't know who Roseanne bar is Maybe maybe I have to look at her face. She was on the show called Roseanne. Oh That's Roseanne. I didn't know her last name. Yeah Yeah, that's Roseanne. I didn't know Roseanne bar. Oh, that's my bad. George, that was my bad. If you said Roseanne, I'd be like, oh, yeah, Roseanne
Starting point is 00:18:49 Yeah, yeah, okay. Are we so it's gonna smell like are we back? Oh, let me ask you something. Yeah, we're back. Are we back on the way? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Now we're back Because you the last name all right last name to me. Oh my bad You know what dude? I'll leave out last names Cool from now on I will leave out last names. All right. Oh, yeah. So then what so what does it smell like? I mean, it could smell like like fresh butthole or Because she doesn't have a fresh one. We want people to come back. But you know, yeah, oh, that's right. There's kids probably. Yeah, maybe it's maybe it's like
Starting point is 00:19:28 Maybe it sounds like baby baby powder or baby wipes. That's it. That's what she cleans with. Yeah Yeah, I can see it still also alludes to something went down there. Yeah, exactly, right not fresh But yeah, but not trying to be fresh. Yeah, we're going the middle. Yeah, okay So we walk in and there's a gigantic animatronic of Bill yeah Because I'm not gonna say the last name with a big Now I need you to say The wavelength worse. Yeah, I want to see I want to describe the animatronics
Starting point is 00:20:00 If you can if I like this game, I like this. Okay, it's a large animatronic of a man named Bill He's wearing a sweater. Yeah, right He's where you got it right. That's what I see if you get khaki pants, right? He has some sort of like, you know, what did the doctors use with the stethoscope? Yeah, stethoscope scope. Yeah, right? It's Bill night. That's not Bill night. No, no close close Bobby a little more information. I'm getting more information Close I'm getting but not close. I jumped the gun. Yeah, you jump you jump Yeah Because it's we're going to 80s theme true sitcom. Okay, right? Okay, so you know me and he has a purple pill
Starting point is 00:20:41 You know me yeah, yeah, you know me and he's going you know me. Yeah, what is he going? He's going. Yeah. Hey, hey Wait, isn't that? It's the same guy. It's a different character different now. Yeah Yeah, different IP different IP different IP. Who is this? Think about sweater sweater sweater. He happens to be blood. Oh, yeah, of course fucking bill Bill canceled. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we're not gonna move on to you know the cause me Can I use last I was just I use last name. Yeah. Thank you. I was just watching South Park I kind of like this though. Yeah, so when you said sweater though, I clicked it together All right, because I think he'd wear koojee sweaters and shit like that. Right. He does. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:21:23 So would that that'd be a scary thing to see a gigantic animatronic. Don't cause me. Yeah, right? Would you scream? I? probably be I Probably screamer life. Oh You and I laugh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, cuz we're like this make mine too. Yeah We're going past and we're going we're gonna run into this guy. Yeah, the pill you think we have our mouths open You think you think no, he's gonna throw the pill in our mouth. Oh, yeah, got you. Maybe there's an apparatus It keeps your mouth open What it lands and lands in our mouth. Oh, you they really do throw a purple pill in your mouth
Starting point is 00:21:57 But it's candy. It's candy. Is it candy or the real thing? Yeah, let's think about this thing. We're imagineeers. We're imagine as in a corporate office and we're a corporate office I Think our lawyers are there. He's like, I don't think so guys. Yeah. Yeah, but they were probably bunch of hippies back then, too Though so maybe they're like with the game the right is now though. Yeah, okay. Yeah, we're not doing the right in the 80s Okay, yeah, yeah, it's a nostalgic. Yeah, right. So I think no lawyers. It's such you know, they'll be like I think that's again So it's just candy. It's candy. Yeah, it's like an M&M. Yeah, it's like an M&M candy Yeah, but it's shaped like a like a pill a pill. Yeah, okay. Very good. Yeah, right
Starting point is 00:22:38 So we we go goes in our mouth and we giggle, right? We whiz past him and then what do we see? We see You first names only we use only Yeah, yeah, we go We see a bar. Okay. Oh, we see a bar Interesting, right? Yeah, and we see here just in the distance. Hey Norm Hey Norm, right? What show am I talking about? Fucking
Starting point is 00:23:07 Bar no, you're talking about that one show. It's a bar. Everybody meets. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, this is a fun game No, you come on you come on. I'm telling myself. Oh That was meant for me. Yeah. Yeah. So it's like, you know, it's a bar that song. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah When everybody knows your name Right and you know You know Woody Halerson's and we're not there at Dan's end. We're not there at the bar. We'll go to the bar, right? And it's it starts with the s see. I mean, I see Yeah, C H
Starting point is 00:23:42 Maybe that's what comes out of C first age Felling it out. E. E. Cheers. Yeah And then everyone starts cheering. Yeah, everyone starts cheering. Oh, okay. We're safe now. We're safe now. No, we're not safe because We're not safe because our mouths are open and they're squirting beer in our mouth. Oh shit. Yeah, because to wash down the roof. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So you like that. I like that movie and or M&M Maybe you should come up with the next phase of the ride the beers kicking it in because I want to see if he knows any shows Let's see if you could do it, right? First names only
Starting point is 00:24:18 Yeah, yeah, so we go around a corner and then and if you don't know the show just make up a show, okay You'll figure it out. Yeah, yeah, we go around the corner Yeah, we see stranger things Wait, wait, we see Wait, what do we we see straight that's that all right? We see oh You know so we go around the corner and we see ET Okay, okay, not a not a TV show Yeah, but a movie. I like it. You know what we'll do movies as well. We switch the channel. Oh, oh
Starting point is 00:24:55 Type, you know, yeah type of thing. Yeah. Yeah, and we're yeah It's TV and because obviously you would watch to ET on the on the TV screen. Yeah as a kid with your friend Yeah, right and then what happens we see ET and then what is what is one of his lines takes his finger? He takes his finger and he's like pointed at us. Yeah, and you accidentally maybe like it's your eye Oh, sorry. No, no, I like it. Don't don't Keep going. Don't don't play yourself. Pick our nose. All right. Yeah, so we're going. How fast are we going? This is a I think it's a fast ride or it's made to feel fast fast. You know what I mean through wind So it's a fan. No, so yeah through fans. Yeah, right? Or maybe there's like screens to like
Starting point is 00:25:39 It's like using past like half animatronics half fucking 3d screen. Oh, yeah, so what you're saying is we're only going one mile per hour possibly possibly Like have you been on those rides where you're sitting down, but you're like moving through it. Yes, cuz it's yeah Yeah, yeah, but how do you I don't because we have animatronics. Yeah, right and we also have You know me and no we gotta be moving through we have to be moving through right So the ET finger sticking out there Maybe the right slows down or we just go full on 80 miles per hour into a fucking finger in the eye. Yeah, and Then it opens up right into like the cosmos now now what?
Starting point is 00:26:21 Shit start right, you know It just ships right away. Yes start right next generation. I love it. You know, yeah, and name me a character. Oh Okay, yeah, you're talking to the master. Yeah, right here anybody. Oh, you're a Trekkie. Yeah. Oh, yeah I'm not I know anything. Just start trick anything. You were in the cosmos. Yeah. Yeah, what do you see wavelength boys? Come on. What's his name? Make a guess make a guess. What is they fucking? Yeah with the fucking thing, right? Yeah, it's weird-ass head Yeah, there we go. Yeah, his name is what? Here's race maybe he's his race. Yeah. Yeah, just make it up fucking the Tallendathans
Starting point is 00:27:00 You know, wait, was it the Tallendathans? Tallendathans. Yeah, it rhymes. It does rhyme. We run. There's a gigantic Tallendathans. Yeah And he's standing. He's standing there, right? He looks like a Klingon. He looks like a Klingon That's a Klingon, right? Yeah, okay. No, that's not a Klingon. That's a fucking Vulcan. That's the Vulcan. Yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, but we're seeing a Tallendathan Right, but he looks like a Klingon. He looks like a Klingon. Yeah, how about this? We do some sort of real quick, you know what I mean? That's a screen, right? Mm-hmm. You know years ago the Klingons fucked the Vulcans and created Tallendathans. A hybrid. A hybrid. Yeah, and there's your guy there
Starting point is 00:27:41 Yeah, right. I think Star Trek fans would be like, what the fuck is this? They would get pissed. They would get pissed. I think they would be pissed, but it's alright. And I would get shit on for coming up with that idea But I don't care. Yeah, that's right for you. Stand your guns, right? And then we'll go into how about this to help you out? Let's go into immediately now if we go to a time warp. There we go. And we go into the the 90s Is that to help you? I was born in 91. Let's go. No, let's how about the 2000s and we could do that too, right? So now what show do we see? We dive in and it's fucking angry beavers. Oh
Starting point is 00:28:21 Hey, I grew up on that. What's an angry now? I'm scared. Yeah, I hear a lot of walls Well, that's why we could have gone 90s, you know, what's an angry beaver angry beaver? I tried rewatching it to see if it Hold I feel like that's what Roseanne Barr has Now it's symbolism, you know, oh In front of the butthole is the angry beaver, right right across from it That's what we do. We do a callback to the butthole in the beginning, right? And we do a fusion between her angry beaver by the end this show angry beavers. That's what it's like. It's Norbert and Dex, right? Yeah, Norbert and Dex. So yeah, I was just watching it to see if it's still held up. Is it does it hold up?
Starting point is 00:29:03 Um, I didn't really think so and then my homie was like He was like what he was like Like he was loving it. Yeah, it was he high and I was like, no I was just like that's his normal laugh. No, no, no. Yeah. Yeah, that's how I felt though I was like am I missing something right because he was really into it. Yeah, and I was like, I don't know But I don't think I like the angry beavers as a kid. Oh, you didn't like it I remember I put it on and I'd be like, okay I'll watch this and wait for something else to come on. Hey Arnold, right?
Starting point is 00:29:37 And maybe that's the whole theme of this this ride is Because you know back in the day you didn't have Netflix shit. So you put something on and And you know you you're waiting for something good to come on. Oh as a kid You know DVR public. Was there DVR back then? No, no, no these times. I don't think no Those times but we are going by the now. No, it's okay, dude. I think that's the end of the ride Because we started at the butthole. Yeah, and we ended with the angry beaver, right? Her laughing at the end. Yeah, right? We get out How do you think you should there be an age limit to this ride? I think it should be like
Starting point is 00:30:12 I think it should be like, you know, what NC 17 the parents can decide NC 17 Yeah, if you go in with an adult, then you're good, right? Yeah. Yeah, like listen son Like listen son listen listen, yeah, you might see me. Yeah, you can only bring me. Huh? Wait, so I did imagine of course Mexican does a lot, right? Yeah, that's because they absolutely Yeah, probably the only only ones that would ride it. Maybe yeah, you're only hearing me listen. Yeah, what? Half of me fully agrees with you right now Come half Mexico. Oh fuck. Yeah. So yeah, I'm into this ride. Yeah, I'm into it, too You know, yeah, some Koreans would write it. We could throw in hot cheetos
Starting point is 00:30:53 Fuck yeah, dude at the end. Maybe just give you give you a bag of hot cheeto. Yeah. Yeah, and you're like, I got hot cheeto What the fuck and you walk out. Yeah, right and do you think it will be a success? All right Mmm, I think Universal maybe take it. They would take it and then we didn't name it. What's it? You name it the ride? Yeah Yeah You should be something that has nothing to do with it. Yeah, like sweet dreams. All right. Yeah, what is it? Okay, it's kind of like I'm supporting it but hold it's too dead on yeah, you know, I mean whole To this this reminds me when we're trying to think of names. Yeah, we're shutting shit down
Starting point is 00:31:32 Oh, or just memory hole memory hole memory lane. No, but memory hole by the wavelength boys Yeah, memory hole by wavelength. Oh by wavelength. That's great. Yeah, dude. That's a cool band I was gonna say you guys should do a duo dude. Let's start a band like silk Sonic. We're memory hole by wavelength Yeah, I'm Des Moines, Iowa. And do you remember? Right, do you remember when I was on the piano? Yes, and we wrote a song. Yes. I forgot what the song was about Do you know what it was about? I have it voice memo. Oh, you do but is it not not you playing it? It's like I think me. Yeah, is it cancelable because I feel like it's cancelable. I think he was on the line Yeah, yeah, but play it now and then we'll edit it out. I think we were we were making fun of a certain group of people
Starting point is 00:32:17 All right moving on Bad people bad people. Oh, let's put it out. We were making fun of bad. Did you sing it on there? I think so. It was about incels. It was about school shooters. Yeah, great Yeah, we have to cut that out. No, no, that's a hit. We're talking shit on them. We're talking shit about incels and school shooters Yeah, and Everyone was looking at us going what these guys are fucking yeah, and we were probably mic'd too. We were mic'd also the sound guy Yeah, the sound guys like oh my god. This is terrible, right? Yeah. Yeah, but we're going, you know, I mean God every day take it to school. I might take it to school
Starting point is 00:32:54 One day yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm an incel. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, and we're singing that loud Imagine now the sound guy going these guys are fucking crazy. Yeah, I think that was the day I realized we loved each other Yes, okay, not just that what but that fuck I got like I Got a mic on me, you know, oh, yeah, it's so funny on this movie. There was a lot of this So when you're we were for some reason this is the only movie I've ever done is my second one. So maybe I'm learning something here Oh, yeah, you're gonna learn something here. Yeah, okay I'm here to teach you This is the first first movie where you're mic'd the whole time. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah, even when you're not even have lines. Yeah facts. You're right. That's facts, right? Yeah. Yeah, cuz a lot of it was like you Might throw something out. That's funny because it's an improvised movie. They just want everyone Mike So when even when you're going to lunch and stuff, right and you're having conversations Everybody would be doing this because you're saying the most fucked up thing. Yeah, you don't want it recorded So you could look around all the actors and everyone's going yeah, you know me I Apologize one day to my mic I said, I said, I'm sorry. It's been a long day and I know it's hard Yeah, so if I said anything to offend any of you like I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:34:12 Yeah, and I'm sure whatever you said to me. I didn't mean it and I love you Yeah, but it's like, you know, it's been like eight hours and it's hot just do this next time And we're probably just getting on each other's nerves, you know, yeah, and then I don't know if anyone was listening So if anyone's listening, I love you because that's what Christian bail Like I think back in yeah, yeah, yeah, right. Yeah, I didn't say anything wow No, you know, I was just like man, don't tell me that yeah, like and then and then I was like Okay, you know, I didn't mean that yeah, and then I think I looked up and someone saw me talking to myself But I was really talking to everyone that right right to the mic, you know
Starting point is 00:34:50 Also, I after two weeks in I kind of we're sitting in the other maybe during the softball portion Yeah, and I put just put my hand on your leg And you didn't flinch. Mm-hmm. Why? um Well, I don't want to I don't want to write off what we have as as humor. Oh, you know what I mean Because you know, it is a type of humor, but it's also a type of Connection, you know, that's right and come I think it's comfortability with with self, you know, that's exactly what it is That's what I think that's because I could be like, oh, it's funny joke, but no, yeah, that'd be throwing it down
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah stomping on it. I think we you and I have The same kind of boundaries exactly and I grew up Uh touring in a band like since 15. Wow. Let's get into that. Yeah, you grew up in north hollywood and the valley Yeah, right I've lived all over the valley and seno tazana north hollywood konogo west hills Wow, because your dad was in the military Is there a military basis in the place? He wasn't
Starting point is 00:35:55 Imagineer. He was always getting shipped off. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah We need a whole bit on imagine That's my my bad. I forgot Roman swipes you guys I have pe what's that? That's premature ejaculations. Oh, yeah come too quick. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, but I use roman swipes. They're so easy dude, right? They come in this little cute package Right roman swipes are clinically proven to help you last longer in bed. I love it. No prescription needed guys PE treatments are safe effective and used by millions and millions of men Bobby like before roman swipes like what kind of embarrassing scenarios would you be in with your PE?
Starting point is 00:36:40 Well, I basically I'd be like, um, I would Without being too graphic, right? Yeah, maybe medium graphic. I'll go media. Yeah, I would uh Stick my genitalia inside somebody else's genitalia. Yeah, and it would only last for 30 seconds with roman swipes 20 minutes, let's go and that's quadrupled. That's a I don't know what the time. That's a 400% That's a 400. Yeah, that exactly time guys go to get roman.com slash belly today If you're proved you'll get $10 off your first order. That's get roman.com slash belly and guess what free two-day shipping That's get roman.com slash belly
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Starting point is 00:38:25 That's zoc doc.com slash belly zock doc.com slash belly No, we just moved a lot. Um, you moved a lot. Yeah, right Was it a broken home like you had a mom and dad? No mom and dad. Wow always always took care of me Um until you know, like certain age where it's like, hey you know Shit isn't how we how we think, you know, like I need everyone to put in on their own, you know How many kids were there three? Okay, my brother. So he's my half-brother, but I don't I don't feel like he's my half-brother Yeah, exactly
Starting point is 00:39:05 He's from Mexico from my mom's first marriage He he left back to Mexico like his sophomore junior year in high school So for a bit of it was just me and my sister, you know but my my parents they never I never needed for anything but They also taught me the value of a dollar a lot Because I remember I would go out and I had friends from all sides of the tracks, you know When I when I would go hang out with my with my like rich friends they were like
Starting point is 00:39:37 Should go to the movie that eats sushi and they had their parents credit card Oh, and I'm like, that's crazy. Like I had to I had to do all these chores for this 20, you know what I mean So I think they were smart exactly exactly and I think that made me be a natural Entrepreneur, you know what I mean? Like even though he didn't believe in it. My dad would be like music You're gonna fail everything you're gonna fail. Yeah And then he's like you got to graduate you'll fail and I I did the opposite and I was like prove you wrong But yeah, so I started touring at 15. What was the band? Was it a band? Yeah, it was a band called It was called betrayal betrayal. Yeah, and you were you is it a hip-hop?
Starting point is 00:40:13 No, no that this was like a hardcore band metal core Well, and you played your singer I played bass and I did I would do like backup vocals live Wow Bass yeah, and it was called betrayal betrayal and then you guys would just go around LA and we'd go all around We eventually went to south africa went to japan twice Like europe like four times. Oh, so it was a real thing. Yeah, it was a real band And like no money like I'd make like five ten dollars a day Like per diem, you know what I mean? Oh, I see. Yeah, because one day we would be playing like a
Starting point is 00:40:47 six-show and bumfuck nowhere and it would be sold out, you know like 200 kids, you know in a packed room and then The next day we'd be playing a show trying to get to our next good show and there'd be fucking five drunk dudes at a bar like Oh, you know like yeah bikers just sitting there. Oh my god. You know depressing. Yeah wild. Yeah wild Yeah, because you go up and down and up and down, you know, did you get ladies back then? Uh, they were there They were there
Starting point is 00:41:19 I'm sure they were there. They were there. Yeah. Yeah. Um Far away, but there put far away. Yeah. Yeah. They're more interested in you know at that level. There's not there's not too many So like they're more interested in the singer Right, you know what I mean, man. Exactly. So the bass player is probably like I'm probably second or third on the list fourth fourth Let's say last. All right. No third. It depends if we have two guitar players. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know What was it? How many pieces was it? It was a singer. It was a singer guitar player. Yeah Um, drummer drummer bass player and sometimes we'd have a second guitar player sometimes
Starting point is 00:41:54 But basically it was at the Beatles. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but one of our guitar players My boy Sean he actually designs all my merch Ah, it's cool. He's we're still very good homies. Good. Um Yeah, he's killing it in the merch game. Yeah What's the company called killer merch? You heard of it. Oh, that's oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, so you know what? Yeah Legit. Yeah. Fuck yeah, man. Yeah. I think gate is with them too. Oh gate. I yeah dickies with them and shit. Oh, wow Um
Starting point is 00:42:25 I brought something on gators like oh, I don't love killer merch But anyways, my boy Sean he had that similar kind of like like humor You know, yeah and vibe. Yeah And I I thought it was hilarious, you know what I mean? Yeah, a little raunchy. Yeah. Yeah And it's weird because with some people like I can have a friend that I've known forever Be like, hey, what's up? And I'm like, yo, you're in my personal space Back up
Starting point is 00:42:50 But with some people I don't know why It feels okay. Yeah, I that it. Yeah, there are certain people that Because you can't let everyone in no, right? You can't let the whole world in it's like that movie We I think we talked about let the right one in. Yeah, you got to let the right one in. Did you see that movie? We talked about we talked about it. Yeah. Yeah. It's like there was this guy He's a nice kid I saw him at the improv. I don't want to say his name because he's a nice funny young kid, you know
Starting point is 00:43:21 And I barely know him and he walks up and he goes, can I get a hug? I barely I've known him three or four times, you know, man And and it was late at night and I go No, man. Yeah And he's like any you could tell he was embarrassed because he had seen me do it with other people Right, so he thought that he was and I it's just like no, we're not there Yeah, we'll get there in a couple of years maybe But just to presume that you're you know, I mean that you're already in my inner circle is
Starting point is 00:43:49 It's crazy. It's wild. Yeah. Yeah. He's seen me do it with like Whitney Cummings and Bert Kreischer, you know I mean, so and he's a doorman. He's like, can I get a hug? It was just fucking weird You know, I mean, so is that what you mean? I think so. I mean, some people it's instant. You know what I mean? Like Exactly like us. Yeah Well, maybe like a couple days of staring Well, right if we did that and then and then just like, hey Hey, what's your penis like? Well, if you want to know, you can find out. I did actually did I ask that?
Starting point is 00:44:21 I think I said I think I said let me ask you. Did I ask that? Well, I was getting DM saying Bobby Lee shouted you on his podcast so sick one legend recognizing another From different worlds and I was like, oh, that's fire as fuck and then my girlfriends like Hey, uh, a couple of my friends have hit me up saying that Bobby Lee was talking about your boyfriend's penis And I'm like and I'm like classic and I'm like well that that doesn't Yeah, that makes sense. You know Um, I think I think we were talking about
Starting point is 00:44:55 Uh, our dicks and I said, you know, mine looks like chapstick Which is just it's just a great response. I don't know. I always does it look like chapstick? No, so good I mean, what does it look like? It like a dick, you know, okay? Okay, my bad. Yeah standard get dick standard dick. Yeah. Yeah, but I I think I don't know why people whenever they're like Something about dicks. I'm like, oh, yeah, mine mine's like chapstick And I like to see the reaction. Yeah, some of the homies, you know from the hood Yeah, that's weird when you talk about that to some people they have that response But some people are like and some people laugh they laugh and some people are like, wait, really? It's that small
Starting point is 00:45:31 And I'm like, no, it's with two twists That's ah, right, right take the cap off give it to two twists and it's like the proper length the proper hit the wall average Average length, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah average average So after the band then how did you get into hip hop after the band? I would always like freestyle fuck around in the band, you know and um When the band I forgot what age I was at I'm pretty bad with timelines, you know, but like I must have been like early 20s, you know And
Starting point is 00:46:06 It's not making us money. Like I'd come home. There's one period where we were playing like 200 plus shows a year Wow, crazy crazy like my my homie carlin days like dude, you know, we played like 236 shows this year That means we were on the road for like 250 you're only still making $10 a day. Yeah, I think at the I think at the height of it like it was like We weren't doing per diems. We were just like, yo We're gonna go to a water park today and fucking everyone just Just like let's go eat let's eat whatever the fuck we want. Let's go get sushi, you know, I mean, all right
Starting point is 00:46:39 And the band would play for it was like let's live let's live good because we had a shitty manager who was fucking us over So we'd be like once I declared like fuck him We would just then spend the money like frivolously like all our much merch money all that Like dude, we're gonna go a water park every day. We did we specifically did that Because it was high every day every day. Which one the one by magic mountain. Well, we were traveling around. Oh, anyway, we went to different one, right? Um, but we would be like, okay, there's one This close from the venue. We're gonna like miss soundcheck, but fuck it, you know, right water park Yeah, yeah, and then it got and then it got to a point where I was like, okay
Starting point is 00:47:14 We'll we'll work for a bit. I had a I had a job and then we go back on tour And so I was working at a at a dispensary before before we came like fully legal, you know, right and uh For me at the time it was like good money. I'm like, whoa, I got like Five grand saves. I like, you know, it was like a lot of money for me at the time and then So I was working like seven days a week and then I'd be like I'd recommend a friend to work there To start working like six four, you know, four days a week. You get high a lot. So I oh, yeah Yeah, it's crazy, dude. I could I remember my boss would be like, hey
Starting point is 00:47:49 We try this. I don't before me. It'd be a thousand milligram brownie Jesus, Jesus, I would eat it And ambi smoking and I'd be like, oh, yeah, they're good. They're good like an hour later He'd like harder than my other good dude. Now if I take one hit of weed I wouldn't be able to do this podcast. Oh, you'd be out. I would be like This is a setup like probably hates me FBI. Yeah, some shit like that I would think this something's behind that curtain. Oh, it's you get paranoid. I get paranoid I have to like I'd have to like get in a shower like a bath and like wear it off
Starting point is 00:48:20 So you don't do it at all. No, I could smoke cbd. Yeah, you know, oh, yeah, we did talk about that. Yeah. Yeah In fact, you don't fuck with a lot of drugs. Yeah, I don't I don't do drugs anymore. Yeah, or drink. Do you drink? No What? Yeah, so you're sober guy. Yeah. Is that how you got in the movie? That was that was definitely one of the first questions lies lige asked me. Yeah, and I told him. Yeah I was like, yeah, I'm in recovery and then Because the movie that we did is a Very heavily. It's a it's a sober movie. Yeah So everyone on it was like, you know, Theo is sober now. I'm sober
Starting point is 00:48:54 Is done. You don't have to be sober to enjoy it What you don't have to be sober. You don't have to be sober to enjoy it, right? Play more. Yeah, how great was he amazing dude? Dude, that that's someone I met who right away. I was like, what a cool dude Dude, he's so cool like off rip. He was just nice. No ego. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah He wasn't always like that It's when he got sober. He's in fact, I want to get him on this That'll be fire. That'll be fire dude. He's a completely different guy. Yeah, you might have to add a lot of shit
Starting point is 00:49:27 I know he's wild You know the shit that he was doing when we're shooting. Oh my god I'm like a lot of what a lot of this No, like I would be acting and he's has a crust of a pizza He's literally right across from me and I'm acting in a scene and he's blowing the crust You know, I mean in front of you know, I mean that kind of guy You're trying to like me in the moment being the moment like it's a serious scene. Johnny's like crying Yeah, and I'm trying to like, you know, get on paper at someone. Yeah, he's throwing paper at somebody. Yeah
Starting point is 00:49:55 He's that guy, but um, but when he's acting though Of oh my god remarkable natural, dude, bro, right crazy crazy like it's crazy to see Because like I said, it's only my second movie But like in the first movie I did when everyone turned it on was the first movie It's called good girl Jane And like it went to went to try Becca We won and like our category like best film and then the the main actor she won best Best like actress so
Starting point is 00:50:26 Wow, it was fire and then so live saw He knows my girlfriend. They were talking and he's like, oh, I saw him with your boyfriend's in I think he killed it. I think I have a role for him. Would he be willing to audition? So that's how that happened. You auditioned. Yeah, but being Clean was like a big thing. It was like an important thing for him. Yeah Like I think he would have taken me either way But you know, you don't want people in a sober movie fucking nodding out. No exactly not like dumbfounded I fall on asleep every day
Starting point is 00:50:57 Falling asleep while people are in a scene Right no, not not just closing his eyes A sleep like this. Why though? Just tired Yeah, just tired tired. Yeah, you know, to be honest, I think the the heat because a lot of it was hot But that one day four of us fell asleep the one in that one scene when we were upstairs. Oh, right I fell asleep. I saw you fall. I did fall asleep. I did fall. Yeah, I I feel right. I you're right. You're right My pet. I did fall sorry dumb. I felt myself going like this. Yeah, and then I'll show you I'm going to show you something
Starting point is 00:51:38 I think Eric said he fell asleep. Yeah. Yeah, he did. I'm going to show you something Um, check this out Somebody took a jay more took a photo of you sleeping of me sleeping during like a very serious Yeah, and so now johnny johnny got right next to you. So johnny is right next to me He's doing pouring his heart out pouring his heart out and I'm I'm fully asleep And then when he saw the photo, you know, I mean he laughed. Yeah, but I was I'm so sorry dude He's like fine. You know what I mean, but we did fall asleep
Starting point is 00:52:15 John dumbfound. I'm sorry, but but but when I saw you he was saying things serious And you you went like you were like this. Yeah, and then you went So you kind of played it off as if maybe you were like pondering Dude, you still consciously act bro. I I acted my dream. I think you're that good. That's how good I am Dude, I act when I'm asleep life hack. Yeah, it's a life hack. I think you're that good, right? No, I think what happened was this, right? I was falling asleep right And and then all of a sudden something in my head was like you're in a movie
Starting point is 00:52:49 That's I think that's what but the way you open it because I'm like looking back, you know Yeah, yeah the way I was positioned and and you kind of just went like And I was like so smooth I was like damn, I don't even know if he was asleep or not. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's how good I am Dog, let's go. So let's go back to the hip-hop. Yeah, so then I'm so you were hip-hopping in the van, right? You're at a dispensary, right? Yeah, and it's like it's like so my homie he can make merch designs and make money wherever he is, you know So for him it was easy And I'm like, yo, fuck this manager and fuck this label like they suck. I'm like
Starting point is 00:53:26 I want to do my rap shit. I want to do the band shit, but I'm also making money here, you know Hmm and like I'm like, I'm willing to divvy. I just realized there's a red bull in that painting. That's amazing I just love that we both love red bull sugar-free sugar-free all day. Yeah, we're gonna die. Yeah, our heart's gonna stop Yeah, at some point at one point, but everyone everyone does. Yeah. Yeah It's the only promise, but yeah Are you scared of death me? Yeah. No I am uh, I have I have mixed thoughts. Yeah, I go back and forth But, um
Starting point is 00:54:03 I can get deeper into it after I finish the okay, but let's go to the hip-hop, but I Accept it. Yeah, we'll go to death after. Yeah, but yeah I was just like, yo, I can balance the job the the band and the rap shit if we leave this this management I don't know what had them so still down to work with him Even though like he was a pretty Intimidating guy and we were like we had even let it be known to him like, yo, we don't give a fuck like We're a bunch of little kids like we'll fuck you up, you know, like like we're not scared of you
Starting point is 00:54:35 Wow, but they still had this like I think looming like No, we gotta like some of them had signed. I never did It's like colonel parker in Elvis. Yeah Yeah, yeah, and then and then One day they were just like a straight-up text like yo, dude You don't give a fuck anymore. Like you don't show up to practice blah blah and I was like I remember I didn't reply to my homie I just replied to all of them and I was like, yo, I was like you guys are right group text. Yeah
Starting point is 00:55:04 I was like if this was not with him, I'd be down, but I can't do it with him. I don't fuck with him Let's let's just fucking end it. Let's end it like Let's I'm gonna do my dad. Dude. Yeah, I gave years of going on the road with these guys 10 years 10 years. Wow and then uh And I am a ship a ship jumper. I can jump ship quickly. Yeah, I'm a ship jumper, too Yeah, I'll just be like poof. Yeah, but this was a hard one and then the reply I got from like I always saw Sean as leader of the band was like, dude, go make the hardest best hip-hop rap album you can
Starting point is 00:55:42 And and fucking kill it and I'm like That's beautiful, you know And they would always tell me like dude like one day you got to like you got to move on to like what you're really good at Not that I was you know, because I wasn't the best bass player, you know I just look good doing it. You know how to do it. No. No, I could put yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So when you how do you are you scared when you're starting now or no? Well, uh, it must be scary to me. I mean with the rap shit. I mean you're you do 10 years of this bad Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, I was scared because I have always had a group with me
Starting point is 00:56:15 You know, like if if something's going wrong or it's a shitty show like you got four other people to fall back on But then I found a group of dudes Fat Nick Puyah some homies from florida mickey the magician Um, there's a lot of those are real people. Yeah. Yeah. Puyah. Puyah. Puyah. Puyah is a real guy. Yeah. Yeah. What's the other names? fatnik Fentanyl Fennie Fennie. No fatnik fatnik. Oh fatnik. Yeah. Oh, I see Um, mickey the magician mickey the magician like that one. I like that one there's more people but those are like the first ones I met right and
Starting point is 00:56:51 I realized that what they would do is we'd go on stage also, uh My friends the suicide boys we'd go on stage and we would go up there like 10 of us together And it would just be like you do a song then he does a song then we do a song that we have together Right, so it made me feel comfortable and the kids the kids were mashing because it was like underground rap So it's not wait in underground rap. They marsh. They marsh Whoa, not other not like at a hardcore show like how do they marsh they marsh probably Mosh different like push mosh and like jump around, you know, right more fun. Yeah, they don't stop on your head with
Starting point is 00:57:28 They're not trying to like drain blood. Yeah, right. Yeah. I hate when that when that When monchi my brother was in a band called monchi some guy did a side Kung fu kid to my stomach. Oh dude. Yeah I got what I got jump and I was like, what the fuck I got jump kicking the face one day I remember I was like vibing and I turned around and I see just like Wow, yeah, yeah flying like that. Yeah. Wow, like street fighter jump spring kick Wow, yeah, it hurt. Yeah, I hit me in the head and I was okay For some reason I imagine somebody kicks you you go, okay, I can do I can deal with head injuries
Starting point is 00:58:04 Oh, you can't recently. Well, oh me too. Me too, man Like, you know, some kids break their arms all the time growing up. Yeah, mine was always like a head thing you have your broken a bone Uh, no, I've torn ligament or I can say I've never broken a bone ever broken. Have you guys broken a bone? Nope, have you not me not me either. No, yeah, I have this weak guy Glassman three arms. Yeah, that's like my brother was always breaking an arm Why because you're playing softball so hard Oh, I see you don't have a land
Starting point is 00:58:35 Yeah, okay. There you go. So you did would do this big group, right? Yeah, so it made me feel comfortable. I'm like, okay, cool. Like it's a group of dudes and we're all like You know kind of like a Wu Tang vibe even though we all had separate artist names and shit and then The kids are marching. I'm like, okay, this makes me feel comfortable. You know um I would have rapped on my own if I didn't meet them, you know And would have gone up there, you know, I did do like a couple shows alone before I met them But it made me just feel more like, okay
Starting point is 00:59:04 And then we started like, you know, you can't always have everyone there Yeah, so we started doing like our sets split up. Oh, wow But then I was like, okay, but I'm up there with my DJ, you know, yeah And then I just got comfortable with it, you know through yeah trial and error Exactly. Probably there's some shows that where you're like, I should have done that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah for sure. Yeah How long did that take like a year? uh, a couple years it definitely took like a couple years of just like Like because when I was working I would I would just like
Starting point is 00:59:36 You know, I left the band and I would work. It was all the way in Torrance So I'd go from West Valley like like West Hills, Canoga Park To Torrance every day then come back and then I would go to the studio Go to sleep and then wake up and do the same thing same thing And then some new guy came into the weed shop and he was trying to change things around I quit the next day I think jump shipped again. Yeah, and I was like, okay. Fuck it. Like the last of my money I'll just I'll spend it on
Starting point is 01:00:05 On being able to record, you know Luckily, I had a homie who's Whose dad had a studio so we'd not to pay for studio time. So that was cool and just kept recording recording and then met the right homies and it just kind of Took off organically. Yeah And then you put on an album and then I put out I put out my first my first dp or tape whatever it was called Keystone Prince
Starting point is 01:00:32 And it did well and then I put on my next one And that took like a long kind of hiatus. I was putting songs out, but I was just like Trying to get my mind right trying to make sure my family was good, you know and then And then when I came back like I was like, dude, I don't give a fuck if like I have zero fans As long as my head's okay, you know I came back and like to the internet kind of and all my fans are just like we're here I'm like, we just want more, you know
Starting point is 01:00:59 And then I put out that tape that album like a few months ago. Wow. Yeah, and that's blowing up. It's doing well It's doing really well. Wow. Yeah, I might done and you're making good money. Yeah Yeah, because it's not the car you rolled up in. Yeah. Yeah. Nice. Yeah, I mean Durango Hellcat. Yeah, and you got a girl Yes Wow, I do. How'd you meet her on the internet? No, I met her through my sister That's how you do it, huh? Because I was like, yo, I keep meeting fucking like someone who's like
Starting point is 01:01:30 Only knows my music or you know what I mean, like Sneaky like fan shit. Yeah, like like you like me for who I am. You can like me for what I'm saying sneaky There's just I know so wait basically Basically, he's I'm single now. He's worried that women are sneaky not all women. Yeah, but but Jesus Christ Yeah, but you know, but in general the women that want to hang out with me he's saying are sneaky. What are their motives? They know a lot about I'm being very protective of World right now. Yeah. Yeah. So I there's some sneaky vibes and I don't like the sneaky vibes You know like meeting if you can meet someone through a mutual friend like how he met his girl
Starting point is 01:02:09 I feel like that's like the best. Yeah. See, I don't go to bars like even like I get anxiety in like places like that Yeah, like I have social anxiety for sure PTSD or some shit and so for me like Hanging out at a friend's house or the studio or the movies like that's shit where I'm comfortable I'm going out to bars and shit. So I'm like, I'm not gonna meet anyone normal ever. You know what I mean, right? So then so you but you met it through your friends your sister's friend. Yeah, I'm like one of your friends has to think I'm hot You know, you start saying that to all your friends. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, what are the odds? But what are the odds of you saying it to a friend and then yeah, I know Lucy. She hasn't dated anyone in 30 years
Starting point is 01:02:51 You mean she can't be hot. She pulls out like Yeah, yeah, I mean when you first saw your sister's friend, well, I hadn't met her before so you knew who you yeah Yeah, and I was like, okay Yeah, yeah, okay. I think I felt the connection there. You know, oh, I see. Yeah And did it happen right away or it was pretty like right when we met up? We kind of like knew there was a vibe, you know, right and how long you've been dating her Uh, almost a year. No Congratulations. Thank you. Awesome being your love. I am in love. Let's go. Let's go dog
Starting point is 01:03:24 Let's talk about this the vaping The vape I was off of this shit Until I fucking met you asshole You vape way too much It's a problem. Yeah, do you think it's too much? Do you think this is killing you? I was about to say the vaping that's leading us to our death I think these these these topics can go hand in hand. All right, you know so my goal was like
Starting point is 01:03:49 I'm not going to enter 30 years old doing like Fucking drugs, you know So like I slowly nipped things in the butt, you know got rid of shit And then I was like, okay But give yourself some slack like with the vaping and shit like you've done a lot of achievements I used to be like 60 pounds bigger than I am right now. Oh, congratulations. Yeah, and I and I I got it off doing like keto, but then I've kept it off by just Really just being normal, you know, not any type of crazy diet shit like
Starting point is 01:04:20 Still eat donuts if I feel like it, you know, yeah, donuts are great. Yeah, they're amazing. They're amazing. Yeah What kind of don'ts do it? You want to know? Yeah, um bear claw. Oh la bear claw What's called apple fritter? I love the little insides. Yeah. Yeah, the little apple chunks inside. Yeah, they told me I asked and they said there would be more apple chunks in the apple fritter But it would it would make it fall apart more. That's why the bear claw has like bigger pieces, I guess Oh, I never even thought about my donut lady. Yeah. Yeah. So what you're saying is that bear claw is better Because they're bigger pieces
Starting point is 01:04:57 No, it I like apple fritter because the most why because it's solid and still has some apple Right And then if I'm feeling a little more moisture, I'll go bear claw. Yeah, I did You know, we go to the bear claw. Yeah need more moisture. And then there's some nights where I get a plethora You know, what's a plethora? I mean 12 Well, that's that's if I'm trying to be like, yo, I got donuts All right. All right. If I'm like really like don't don't clap. I was telling brian Uh, I was like if I'm really falling apart. I'll eat like three donuts. Brian van holt. Yeah
Starting point is 01:05:28 I was like, I'll eat like three four donuts. He's like, oh, yeah, it's a dark place. You love that guy I love him. I think he's a great dude. So we we're working also on a movie with brian van holt Separate. No, he's in the movie. You know who that is He was in the movie. He was on a show called cougar town You know, um, but he he was also in black hock down. He's like a real at legend. Yeah, he's done thousands of movies Yeah, right and this dude comes in with these fucking degenerates And he fit right in this. Yeah Yeah, that guy
Starting point is 01:05:59 That dude is a part of our group, man. Yeah, that's yeah He used to date courtney cox amanda peat Now he's a lovely wife or your wife. Yeah matter. She's great. Awesome dog named chub. Yeah, awesome dog This experience doing this movie was good, right? I think it was beautiful Is the best one of the best experiences of your life 100% me too, uh Like no cap like no exaggeration um I don't know something about it was just like
Starting point is 01:06:32 The group of people, you know what I mean, like even the first day like I had met theo once He came to a show when we played I think in in Louisiana. Is that where he's from? Yeah. Yeah. Well, he came to a show And I don't care He knew one of the rappers so he came through right so I met him there and then um, and then when I saw one set he was like Like I remember he was like, yeah, and then he was like You got the things and he made me fucking give him a vape. Oh, right. Right. Thanks. Hey. Yeah He can't let me ask you something about that guy
Starting point is 01:07:08 He can't afford vapes because all he does is ask for everyone else's vape But he would have his own That's what it is. Well, I well, I realized he's like, I need to go get one and I was like He knew Do I don't mind. Yeah. Yeah, you do. Yeah, and then you went about one Yeah, and then he and then one day he came in with one that was like zero percent nicotine So he's like
Starting point is 01:07:33 It's a cool if I hit yours every once in a while to get the kick. I'm like a hundred percent. Yeah Yeah, because I would have like fucking I I was gonna bring my bag in my left in the car I mean, I have like 12 half like like half dead vapes. Yeah, this company's cool. Elf bar. Yeah, that's what I have Yeah, pretty cool wavelength. The flavors are flavors are good. Yeah wavelength. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, both got elf bars There's only three companies, but yeah Like 12. Yeah, there's 12. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, it was a really because I I'll be honest with you I've done a lot I think in my career you mean a lot of
Starting point is 01:08:07 movies and tv shows and stuff and um I have to say that this one was the most comfortable. Yeah, just in terms of like, oh, I can fuck up Mm-hmm, or I can you know, I mean Experiment or I just feel comfortable to be myself and to do things And then I just liked, you know, sometimes you're in something and you just kind of look around and go Hey, everyone's nice I wouldn't hang with any of the any of these guys But in this show it's like I could see myself hanging out with all these guys
Starting point is 01:08:36 I said that on the last day a couple of us were sticking around and um I was like, I don't want this to be like like when I go on tour Everyone's like your best friend and then after it's like Other than your couple homies like you don't tap back in with them. I was like, I want us to hang out like If there's no rap party like I'll throw a rap party. Yeah, you know what I mean? Like, well, that's why you're here You know, you know, I want to just exactly out and go extend my fucking little dick and go exactly I mean bring your little dick and then make it at average. Yeah. Oh connect them. Well connected them together, you know, exactly So at I just want to say to shake well that um
Starting point is 01:09:14 This whole experience was perfect. Yeah, you think guys this was it was fun. Dude, you're a fascinating person. You're fascinating sharing all that Thank you. Fascinating guy, right? Perfect guest for us. You know what I mean? Thank like minded at the end of our podcast. We do a thing called unhelpful advice Mm-hmm people as have problems and then we either help them or not. Okay, you might give them bad advice I don't care Go ahead, sir unhelpful advice would shake well. Hey guys. My name is blank I'd like to keep my name anonymous I've been dealing with depression ever since high school when I got out
Starting point is 01:09:50 I started taking pills and psychedelics every day for about a year I was able to quit on my own somehow, but my depression and anxiety has only gotten worse I dropped out of college part of the reason is because I was only going to please my parents with becoming an engineer But I did not want to do that. I enjoy art and I know I'm really good at it because of that I wanted to become a graphic designer I really love my family, but they are so toxic and being home just makes me feel so sad all the time I don't know how to take the first step into starting my career And I feel like I need to move out so I can have the creative freedom
Starting point is 01:10:20 But nowadays you need roommates to move out and I don't have a lot of friends So it's difficult times have been getting harder and I've been thinking about pills and psychedelics a lot and I'm scared I'm going to relapse I know bobby went through something like this and I was wondering is there any advice you guys can give me For taking that first step and then he has another message here This podcast saved my life a year ago. I almost hung myself my birthday, but I stopped myself I was writing notes for people when I discovered the tiger belly podcast and realized that there is hope in my future Because of bobby's stories words can't express the amount of love I have for you guys. So thank you
Starting point is 01:10:51 fuck I mean, do you pick these or yes, I do. Okay, dude, my that's heavy my my dms are Like there's a lot of shit like that. Yeah, because Like how your podcast may save someone maybe a song of mine has saved someone or album. Yeah Um And in the beginning it was really easy to like answer to some people and then and then it becomes over flooded You know, like and I'm like, oh fuck. I don't know who to respond to, you know, I try to everyone so well But I first think it's beautiful that something that we do can help someone, you know
Starting point is 01:11:39 Yeah, I have you shit it's heavy. I you know, I have to say That I do struggle with depression myself. Yeah Um And I I do everything I can to You know address that through healthy means, you know, either by therapy or going to a meeting or whatever we're talking to a friend reaching my hand out, but it's like, um The no there's two issues here with this guy. Number one is like, um, you should always do what's your passion about 100% So, you know, I mean do the art
Starting point is 01:12:17 You know, um, if you think that like you said Your dad was like, you're not going to make any money doing music and that I mean, that's their job Yeah, yeah as parents they they they're never rarely are they gonna Encourage unless you're nickroll's parents who's a billionaires, but anyway, um, shout out to nickroll's parents Nick Paul brought, um, you know, oh, yeah, kid. You know, we got billions, you know, yeah, yeah They're there to remind you of realities. Right. Yeah, so they're not going to support you. Um In general You got to do your now the depression is a completely different thing. That's something that it's a mental health issue
Starting point is 01:12:55 Yeah, I have depression. Yeah a thousand percent Um, I just recently realized that I need therapy and I found two good therapists I just have to call, you know You got a call dude. Exactly. Yeah. How old are you shake 30? Oh, you're young. Yeah Young successful young man here. Um, I think his other problem is what? He doesn't have friends So I want to throw it out there I I'm young and successful. Like I said, uh
Starting point is 01:13:29 Uh, I still have roommates, you know, there are people I work with so it's like Because I have I have people in my life that are like going broke on their rent and I'm like, dude, you're broke and You're paying this much for a spot. Yeah, go get a roommate. You might not fully get along with them, you know so Now the issue I guess he doesn't have friends Maybe go to a meeting. Yeah. Yeah, that'll help you with the addiction side of it Because for me for a meeting sometimes you walk in you hear someone's story and you're like, okay There's people as or more fucked up than I am, you know
Starting point is 01:14:10 Maybe you'll gain a friend Yeah, I mean I've been in other cities where I you know Went to a meeting like if I was on the road or something and I go, hey, I'm Bobby. I'm from out of town Yeah, and um, some guy will welcome to me and go, hey, let's go grab a meal, right? There was this kid named in Chicago named Bob. That's all I'm gonna say. His name is Bob. Great guy And I remember going to a meeting. I was shooting a pilot out there And I was really fucked up and this dude would pick me up at my hotel room And drive me to meetings and then his friends would start, you know, I mean there is a group of people out there
Starting point is 01:14:44 Wherever you're from, right? If you just you have to make an effort though You got to put one foot from from the other, right? So here's two things. You number one, do your art regardless. Number two Yeah Try to get a therapist if you can't afford it go to a meeting if you can't, you know, there are just other ways To do it and I ain't therapy type type things. You know what I mean? Yeah, there are also books out there You know that you can read. I mean, I remember being poor and reading Deepak Chopra and you know, um Louis, what's this guy's name from uh, four agreements?
Starting point is 01:15:19 Yeah, that guy Um, but just getting books. I remember my friend Jason Glearn Had books. I couldn't afford it because I read these self-help books. You can have them. I would read them in like in my Apartment poor. I had no money. You know, I mean, so I would do everything I can because I that's the worst thing to do is to feel Homeless and have no solutions And you're walking around so fucking depressed. Yeah, you got to do something something every day. Yeah something every day to get to You got to focus on one thing every day to fix the the future without worrying on the future, you know
Starting point is 01:15:56 Yeah, and I also have one last thing. I want to say It's not funny. It's serious is Is to wake up every day Is to wake up every day and do something for somebody else 100% To get out of yourself, right? And it doesn't have to be um A money thing a charity thing, right? It doesn't have you don't have to have money to do it
Starting point is 01:16:25 But do something go and not brag about it My my sobriety guide gave me a list of things to do like what and one of them was do something nice and don't get caught Meaning don't brag about yes Yeah, exactly. And I try to do that. I do it probably a couple times a week. I do super sick Yeah, that's what I'm bragging about. But no, yeah I did this thing the other day. Yeah. No, but yeah, I think that's good. Yeah, and you have to be mindful of it Yeah, you wake up. It has to be in a forethought like I got to do something nice for somebody today, right? and if you're when you're in the act of
Starting point is 01:17:01 Going out of yourself and helping people. It's just the universe just helps. Mm-hmm. I Can't explain it, you know, it's it's just something that I can't Articulate because there's a lot of it's not even a god thing It's just like it's just when you get out of yourself and you're a good person and you go out of it You stop thinking about yourself because that's a lot of the problem. Oh, I can't get posted. I have no money Yeah, life sucks me me me me me, right? You get out of that thinking, right? And I just think that I would try it. I think it's kind of karmic karmic. That's a real word. But yeah karmic Yeah, I believe in that shit because I believe in that too, dude because I've been in in down low situations
Starting point is 01:17:43 And still trying to put out positive energy Uh-huh and good things have come back and I've seen dudes in down bad situation Fucking people over and they just keep getting worse and worse, you know Yeah, I don't want to talk about this but this is This is me This is me so I'm not gonna No, no, yeah, I'll try it. Okay so last night
Starting point is 01:18:06 you know, I was like At the improv right and I was like, I'm gonna stay stick around Right to see if there's anybody I can meet Guy or girl who knows, you know, I mean bingo bingo bingo bingo, right? And I was hanging out drinking at Diet Coke and a comic was there And he looked Sad, you know, I mean, I go what's going on? He goes You know, I'm newly sober and um, I'm struggling
Starting point is 01:18:33 And I remember going All right, come here. We sat down at the end of the improv in the in the dining area No one's in there and we're just sitting there. We talked for about an hour and a half, right? And we both him and I because we're both sober and we both came out of that That feeling just completely different about our circumstances, you know, I mean They're just, you know, you could have moments with people This human beings need that they need connection. They need intimacy. They need That or we would die. I think, you know, I mean, yeah, and so um
Starting point is 01:19:14 That I think that's the thing that he's lacking. I mean, it looks like his parents He doesn't he can't have that connection with his parents right now Yeah, so, you know, I think the first thing to do is to just go out of your way and listen to somebody And try to do that just be mindful about that I think that's spot on. Thank you, man. I have a good buddy Luis. Um, and he does He he would do therapy sessions with me and I think he does it, um, like grotties like he just it's like to help people Uh, maybe he can find something in his area. That's like a similar type thing. Yeah, you know, it's got to be a group
Starting point is 01:19:55 There has to be free. There's free resources. Yeah, yeah Yeah, um You what's your you want to plug anything? Me. Yeah shows shit pray for shake. Well, I don't know Pray for shake. Well, that's the name of the the last the last tape. There it is, dude There it is Out Spotify Apple music. Yes, sir. iTunes ever out now out now Music videos I'm pulling out right before the movie. I'm gonna put out another one
Starting point is 01:20:25 I'm trying to drop like one a month. You know, yeah, yeah Working the movie was great. Now I'm back to working on the music Until the next movie. I love to be one of your videos one day. I told you I don't know if you see my videos, but they get a little freaky. They're weird. I love it because I got over the The The same shit and rap, you know, yeah guns and drugs and business. No, we don't do that. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah So I like to I like to shake it up a little bit. Yeah. No pun intended. Yeah But yeah, you you got to be one of my why I have to do it. Yeah
Starting point is 01:20:56 In fact, I you know, I dressed up as a gecko the other day I saw some and people are like, dude, I had a guy come up to me last night and go Is everything all right And I go, what do you mean? He's like, I mean, is your career going okay? And I go, yeah, I'm killing it. He's like the why are you dressing up as a gecko? Did you set that up who said that some guy some podcast producer guy The guy I was I'm not gonna say his name. He said that to you I know it's I also I got a lot of love from it, right
Starting point is 01:21:35 But he was saying that like, you know, I mean you why you dress I go I'm doing it because He's it's a good podcast And I got a lot of love from that. Yeah. Is that one of your videos? Yeah. So this is the last one I put out My sister was one of those nuns the one in the middle. This is Bobby's vibe. She this is my vibe She and my friend Dylan produced it Yeah, yeah And then I just produced her video that just came out all those dancers her name's bambina. Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 01:22:04 Which one was your sister that one in the middle in the front right there. That's your sister. Yeah. Oh, she's cute. Yeah Gorgeous. Yeah, and then um Yeah, she just put out a video very very if you like this kind of shit Well, she's a music too. Yeah, she goes by bambina bambina. She just put out a music video right like yesterday So you guys help each other Oh, that's so sweet. It's fire. Yeah. Is that you? Yeah, this part's crazy. Yeah. Well check your shit. That's on youtube Yep, is that your mom? No, that's uh That's an actor that we hired to all right. I'm sorry. She was a spanish older. That's no, yeah
Starting point is 01:22:44 She's like cleansing me, you know all the bad shit. Oh, I want to check that shit out, man Yeah, there's some wild ones up there and then yeah, yeah, and I'm playing rolling loud on Uh on september 11th. It's a weird day. What's a rolling loud? It's a festival in toronto Nice. Oh, go check shake it. We'll let in toronto, dude rolling loud september 11 September 11 a lot of people go to that. Yeah, it's like it's one of the bigger rap festivals. Wow Thousands of people, huh? Yeah, should we tell you? Hey, dude, thank you. Keep him around. Thank you. I love you. Hey
Starting point is 01:23:44 Prime members, you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondry plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com slash survey

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