TigerBelly - Ep 366: Stella Barey helps Bobby with his OnlyFans

Episode Date: September 21, 2022

Stella examines Bobby's hole.Please support our sponsors.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Is it on everything on? Can you know what what is that I'm tired of your shit cockroach Like everybody else's voice sound different, well then fucking Stella turn them take them off then Wait, why did you just offer for me you've been doing that all day, so what is that a prune he started It does look like Yeah, I put prunes in my cheek. Oh, he's constipated a lot. He needs a yeah, exactly No, but he he does this he's
Starting point is 00:00:54 You know like what a spittoon is so when guys yeah, well, he doesn't put it He doesn't have a designated area to spit So he puts it in this little shot glass and it looks like an espresso shot So everywhere around the house like if you look at it You just think that someone made you like an espresso shot. Oh, like they're gonna just take a shot of it It's so freakin disgusting. Why was it so because These are the because these are called packs It's a new it's a new elastic thing they have in there like that. It's a really futuristic invention
Starting point is 00:01:25 I really like it. Are there things that guys do that give you the ick in terms of like vices like smoking prunes prunes Let's start though. Let's start raw proper way Stella Berry. I'm gonna say your name, but don't say anything until I bring you up Okay It'll be quick it'll be fucking quick. Okay, I'm down. It'll be quick We he's usually not here. So don't even buy it with him I mean those legs though, huh strong strong strong long strong like a blink like Abe Lincoln Look at that. We that should be your like
Starting point is 00:02:01 Um only fans poor names strong long Okay, are you long? My dick's not no it's short. That's why it can't be like maybe I can have your legs in it Yeah, I could show my dick and then your legs will pop it Would you do that if I give you a percentage? Yeah, okay good. Would you get naked or no? Yeah, anything for money go go do the countdown My name is Bobby Lee. I'm here my house Do not that
Starting point is 00:03:06 Was I good you were great. Yeah, I don't know right. I know but you're by shaking so much Yeah, yeah, cuz I have so much to say but I don't know how to run it right, right? Yeah, it's just so much, you know me Philosophy you know me So scarves garish yeah, yeah Okay, that's enough that's good. Oh, we got welcome to another episode of the Christian podcast Tiger belly. I'm your pasture Bobby Lee your pasture pastor the pastures a green field. Oh, I'm your pastor. I'm your pastor Al pastor. I'm al pastor
Starting point is 00:03:51 I'm shredded pork you're meant that should be your other poor name al pastor al pastor We've got Gilbert in the house. What's up? What's up dog? Yo, yo Raise the roof. Let's don't stop. Can we I love it. Can we fuck? Yeah. No, you'd never fuck me You would know I would not you're right in any circumstance I would produce something if you'd like my baby someone you'd let me carry your child. Yeah, come baby. Okay Do you think like not in your butthole that would make a buck come, baby? I Think he farted out his cum bubble. Yeah. Yeah, you get a little developed though nine months Well, you think wait, so if you come in your butt nine months, I'd shut it with electrical tape
Starting point is 00:04:36 Yeah, I think it come baby. Why do you use the electrical tape because I think you're gonna poop it out our baby before it's premature Okay. Yeah. Yeah, so we had this zip. I would fucking surgically Sell it. Where is this shit supposed to come from or go out through don't need you don't need Don't eat. Can't you dig a hole in your stomach and have the poo come out of that way like a colossus? Yeah, club will close yet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Anyway, we've got Kalyla That guy Bryce good to see you again. This next person that I'm bringing up Um She's uh
Starting point is 00:05:12 She's got only fans Well, it's not just an only fan with the best one the top performer of only fans She is the star of only I want to say something to you. Yeah, I started it going on. Okay, but there's wait You're that's not news to me. I know I'm just saying I'm surprised that you just started. I literally just started I spent so much money. Oh, wow I've spent so much fucking money. Let me ask you more money then. So here's what I then some city away more money Stop, you know what? I'm happy that you do. I want you to spend money I know I want to bring up the get by kind of just say they're two girls
Starting point is 00:05:46 I never even thought would have one that I've known for many years and Then I would see their stories on Instagram. They go we have one right? So I would go if there's something about somebody that doesn't you don't think that they're gonna have one And then you want to see like, you know, I mean their shoulder blade or you know, I mean, right? But sometimes you pay anyway Let's bring up. She's also she's done some adult films is correct. Correct. Yeah. Yeah I don't watch it. You know, I mean, I'm a huge fan, but I don't watch that. Yeah, I'm a pastor. Yeah. Yeah I'm a pastor, but um, she's uh very pretty very funny
Starting point is 00:06:24 and Puerto Rico, just Puerto Rican, Puerto Rican. Are we going with that? Yeah. Yeah, you're Puerto Rican Stella Berry give her a round of applause everybody You're Puerto Rican. I've never seen Puerto Rican before What you look Puerto Rican. Wait, that's where you got that from just looking at her. No, I just no No, she said she was from Puerto Rico. I've lived there for a year and a half. Oh, fuck. Oh, you can live there Yeah, you can live there. Why do you live there? Just during covid I just decided to move. It's really easy to move there because it's part of the us
Starting point is 00:06:52 It is. It's like Guam. It's like Guam. Yeah, I didn't know that and then where do you live there on island beach? On an island beach. I lived there for the first year on the beach Yeah, I moved inland to the suburb to a nice little house. Yeah more space and it's not you have air conditioning I do such good air conditioning. Her house is massive really good. It's not that big but it's like a nice little suburb house and It has lots of rooms that I film in a little pool in the yard. They have Wi-Fi as well. They have Wi-Fi Yeah, I'm not I'm not downgrading Puerto Rico. You're shaking your head. Like I don't fucking know much about it No, you know that a lot of people like my little brother visited me in San Juan and he was like
Starting point is 00:07:34 I didn't know this was a full city like that's Puerto Rico is like a full Real amazing place. Yeah, people don't know it. It's like one of the biggest cities Or San Juan is at least in the Caribbean. Is it it's pretty sparse. Is there a lot of crime? I think there might be like when I when I was moving there I looked it up and it said that it's similar to most US cities, but since living there. It's honestly so safe like Oh, I've never had one issue I think if you go to certain areas, maybe but I think it's pretty safe Because you're white though. I think that maybe they're like, oh, that's not full
Starting point is 00:08:05 I don't know how to do a Puerto Rican. Try try try. They might want to fuck with me more. No, no, I feel like Like I'm trying to do a Puerto Rican. Yeah, I'm just making it make it more. I feel like more tropical, but uh, but a pop up Yeah, but a pop up I'm loving it. I'm loving it. Let me just do it the way I don't know how to do What can I try I haven't even said anything take an attempt. Yeah Raul, is there Raul? Will there be a Raul? Can you confirm Stella? There would be maybe you know, you know that one girl that has the
Starting point is 00:08:38 You know that right girl that has the only fans, you know, I mean, yeah, I know Let her have her house. No, because she's white. They're gonna if we kill her There'll be more, you know, I mean a spotlight on it. You're right. Marlon Brando. Pretty good, right? Yeah I feel like I'm home Thank you so much Stella So, um, I feel like they wouldn't fuck with you because you're white probably honestly. Yeah. Yeah, or maybe they'll fuck with me more I don't know. Do you live there with your homeless boyfriend? I do
Starting point is 00:09:11 You've done your research. Yeah You know, yeah, yeah, she had a home. She has a home. Well, he's no longer homeless. He is now home Oh, you taking a guy I met my boyfriend at a homeless shelter here in LA actually. Yeah, so romantic Yeah, and we fell in love and wait, wait, you were at the homeless shelter as well I was working at the homeless shelter Doing what just I was I was doing pre-med at UCLA and I needed I needed work to apply to med school So I started working at a homeless shelter as the front desk girl and like Serving food and stuff and I worked there for like a year and a half and the final six months
Starting point is 00:09:49 I was working there. This really cute guy was one of the clients and it was for veterans. It was a homeless shelter for veterans And he came in super manic a poet and just flew me off my feet Like I was into him immediately and then I had anal in the back of his car on the first date And then we and then I did anal for years for us That's actually not true three years. You know, it really really hurt my feelings. It's like I think a year ago I asked you hey, you remember the first time we did anal and you had zero recollection of it And you blew into my ass. Did you black out or what are you blew into it? I would like a candle. Yeah, I thought you meant his mouth. Yeah
Starting point is 00:10:26 He did that too. Is there a flame there? You you you don't remember and you have no recollection of it Yeah, because it's to me. That's not the territory. Well, I don't think that's not my terrible. It's not his thing No, it's it's not my poop. Yeah, and and guys are I've heard you tell lots of poop stories Okay. Yeah, but not in a sexual context. True right valid point, right? And I heard you're that's all you're into We'll get into that in a second. All right. We'll fucking get into that all your hypocrisy in a second And you're devil fucking making I am okay with it. Yeah, I know you're okay with it, right? But I might not be All right, let's get I know let's get into let let let let's go back to the homeless. Let's ease it to it
Starting point is 00:11:09 Okay, so how you so you're on a date with this homeless. Does he have money? No at the time. No, so how does he like? When you went on date, do you paid for the? No, well, it wasn't really a date because he just asked me to hang out with him after work and I got off work at midnight And then I took a uber down the street to a 7-eleven So that no one would see me and then I got into his car, which was also his home And we drove down the block to a Ralph's grocery store and parked in the parking lot and had anal It's
Starting point is 00:11:43 No, you don't need money for that. I I know but here's why That anger. Yeah. Yeah, I knew you'd be angry. It makes me so angry Because in my head, I'm like in order for me to get that Right a beautiful young high To do anal with me one night I I thought I got to do 10 years of open mic Get a development deal be a tv star build charisma
Starting point is 00:12:10 Yeah, build an audience right still I can't get that Right, this dude is like, oh, I'm gonna you know, I mean, you know drink this pep-to-bismol as my meal You know, I'm gonna sleep in I'm broken glass. You know what I mean? I'm gonna shoot heroin I don't know what he does right and right some girls like that. You know dirty dick Yeah, did he have a dirty dick? Well, I will say that he has foreskin and it wasn't that clean Interesting wait, wait, so you need to have a clean dick. Yeah, you don't need to have a clean dick Yeah, I know build someone with the spirit of life, you know
Starting point is 00:12:46 You need to like make him feel like the holy ghost has to be in the day Right, so the holy ghost was in his day and previous to you even going on that date like for you said for six months You were just really like lusting over him. Yeah, literally for like the six months. He was in the shelter with me I was just I I Couldn't handle myself like I could not wait any longer when I finally caved to fuck him We had crazy sexual tension and I was trying not to fuck him because it was my job on. Yeah. Yeah Could I ask you something? Yeah, did you blow him first? Yes, and would it just I know he's a great guy. I don't know him. I'd love to meet him
Starting point is 00:13:24 Yeah, and I I feel like I could be friends with him. You definitely could I could feel it the vibe, but Was it dirty? Uh, to be honest, I was the horniest I've probably ever been so I don't remember a thing like I ate his ass that night I know for a fact. Oh my oh my god. I know it wasn't clean Yeah, but I didn't for the first like three months of eating his ass in his car in the pitch black I didn't ever taste anything. I didn't think it was dirty Then the first time I fuck him in a real bed in my bed, right in a real room with real lighting I was like your ass is so dirty like this is disgusting. Have I been doing this for months?
Starting point is 00:13:59 And I'm pretty sure I have you know what that makes you What? A woman in love. A good person I I'm a giver. I'm a giver. A good that's mother Teresa. And I imagine Imagine being just so blinded by your horniness that anything goes blinded by poo. No, but it's like that's a that's a new I feel like that's a whoopie Goldberg Whoopie Goldberg and blinded by poo But it's like there's a none. I don't know. I don't mean we'll have to write it in the writer's room
Starting point is 00:14:29 But imagine being so horny like in my okay Like you know how when you saw that girl had a dingleberry in her butt and you flicked it off Yeah, like if you were so horny for her, I think it wouldn't have mattered. She didn't look like her Oh Wasn't blinded by poo. Yeah. Yeah. He saw she could have dinosaur shit Right just caked on to her asshole. I probably would eat it. Yeah What is that? Yeah, it's not even like like t-rex shit
Starting point is 00:14:56 You know me that's a lot of shit. I assume right? Yeah. Yeah, and just like prehistoric shit and I would eat it probably That's what I learned from Stella when she came on trash Tuesday Was that there are a lot of dudes that are into messy anal, right? Or natural anal way more than I thought guys that are into messy anal and like I Didn't ever have caught that on camera on purpose But sometimes it gets on there on accident because you're just having anal. I don't like to prepare for it So, but you don't like vag sex? No, I do but it's just you get you get you get UTIs and yeast infections and bv also. It's not as tight and it's not intense
Starting point is 00:15:37 BTS All the BTS is actually a Korean term. It's burning tonkomo sensation. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Oh really? It's a thing for me. It's behind the scenes. Yeah Also, I'm in showbiz, but for your mom For your mom is her favorite pop group. Mine too. My mom's too So you get a lot of diseases from the badge Well, it's just the vagina is so sensitive and people think the butthole is more sensitive But it's really not so I can just have anal all the time and just have no repercussions
Starting point is 00:16:04 I don't know men probably don't really understand that but women women will understand what I'm saying So do you let me do you do lulu lulu lube? You're all right. No, I just went into a I didn't use lube for the first year Because I was just doing it in his car and I didn't even know any tricks about anal I didn't even know I wanted to have anal till he was in my butt So he would just jam it in like he begs spit. No, he's not that big and that's why That's why I can do anal every day. You can do with spit. Yeah, I just write that down Even big dig like my pornhub videos with a big dick
Starting point is 00:16:40 I like a seven eight inch dick eight inch dick I've done with just spit no lube because lube gets sticky and also you can you can gag up enough Enough spit to yeah to create lube the gag spit is really really but lube actually is very helpful though It can be really helpful Yeah, and you can have desensitizing lube too, which helps a lot if you're really sensitive and so it hurts Well, the reason I do anal is because it kind of hurts like because I like the intensity of it And pussy sex just doesn't feel the same. I want to not be able to think of anything but survival and like breathing While I'm having sex like I don't want to be thinking of a to-do list. I don't think of anything
Starting point is 00:17:16 Let's switch gears for a second. Let's go back to the porn. Let's go switch. Let's talk about god What is your relationship with god? My relationship with god is I feel like there is some sort of like omnipotent Not omnipotent energy out there that you know, um that I'm a part of that's within side me We're connected by energy and I believe that um, there is something. I don't know what it is. Like I don't call it god Really? Yeah, what do you feel stella? I feel I feel if it says if you say anything about your butthole and you feel it in your butthole, please I've never known because I wasn't raised in a religious family at all
Starting point is 00:18:02 Yeah, and so I've never and my parents never talked about god or anything And so I just feel like I have no idea But I do think there have been moments where I've felt An energy or some kind of connection to nature or love that I have felt like maybe is what people Think of as god or what they feel like when they're with god and actually my homeless boyfriend was the one who taught me how to pray so I mean, there's a lot. Is he in Puerto Rican? No No, he's here in LA right now with you. Yeah. Yeah. Is he working or I mean for me. Yeah. Oh, he works for you
Starting point is 00:18:36 Yeah, oh, so he does on a daily basis. Oh, so that's the guy you're pounding. Yeah on the camera Does he show his face sometimes? All right. He doesn't care those or not. Yeah, but but most men don't want to see the face I I want to see the face. No, like I I already told you this like I do not like it's no one wants turned off When I want to see the face all all people want to see is the dick nothing else I want to see the face you won't accept him. No, not except me and probably a hoard of other people Do you watch gay porn? No, no, you don't it's not a gay thing, dude I know I'm just wondering because they all it's like this. It's like this. It's like this my friend
Starting point is 00:19:12 I'll tell you something right now in taxi driver. Let's go, right? Are you looking at? Are you looking at me? Right? Imagine if you were watching it and his face was cut off all audio all audio or just you saw his body I want to see expression. I want to see because he's Who I like basically when I see a movie and you see Ethan hawk jumping off building you you're that guy. Yeah, he represents me. You want to see pov like what he's seeing Combination combination. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't like just pov
Starting point is 00:19:47 Yeah, I have to know what the guy and the ugly or the guy in a fucking porn the hard I was gonna ask because some guys like no because Honestly, do you think I'm ugly? Yes. Della. No, I don't think you're ugly I actually think you're very charming like you have a charm about you. You have a really good you honestly are No, but I've actually I I've had this conversation with a friend of mine. I I really do think that you are handsome like There we go. I'm a bobby Lee. I always I yeah, don't you think so like he's got very clean lines
Starting point is 00:20:24 He has clean fat lines. Have you heard that before something you have clean lines like a renaissance Yeah, like look at his face has no wrinkles nothing. It's like a perfect circle. Yeah, that's what's crazy. That's what's crazy That's what's crazy. It's insane. Yeah. Well, thank you so much. I really appreciate it Well earlier bobby and I well he was venting about how there aren't any real like Asian male porn. I feel like there's needs to be more diversity in porn Because there's a lot of Asian women a lot of Asian women and they have the title first two things I want to fight for yeah fight for a baby I don't like the titles of Asian women porn. What are they? It's so racist
Starting point is 00:21:00 Bank Bangkok street hooker. Yeah, you mean? Yeah. Oh, is it? Yeah, china pussy, but even the american ones Yeah, if you they're all like I feel like that's not I just want something like the doctor Right the attorney the attorney. You know what I mean? I don't every every Asian porn price is tuned out because it's religious Every Asian porn. It's always like east. You know, I mean something east is in it or just like tiny Asian wife There's a lot of those. Yeah, tiny miniature Asian wife Asian is always in the title though. Oh, yeah, right because that's like one of the main genres I I know what is crazy. It's crazy. Why can't we just have you mean them in roles that aren't asian specific? Yeah, I think I did a good job at that. I don't think she had She's still in a lot though, but that's because she's always anal right everything
Starting point is 00:21:51 Second I want to fight for and I'm not talking about Asian porn star men males. Are there any at all by the way? I saw one. I was telling Gilbert. I saw one Asian dude Who was american because he kept saying dude Dude in the porn did this feels good. Oh my god. I was cool, right? But then but the here's what he did. She made a noise like she was hurt a little bit She went, uh, right and he goes, are you okay? It's that I was I was out You don't want them to care. I don't want them to care The caring makes you want them to like start crying. Yeah, because the black guy. I don't think and the white guy would
Starting point is 00:22:26 Um, yeah, they're just he would have kept going. Yeah, right. She would have made a noise would have. Yeah, you like that, right? But he went, are you okay as soon as he did that? I was like, I'm out. Fuck you You know, it's so funny. I always I always thought the ick was reserved for girls only I think that might have been a legitimate ick. Yeah, what you just had got an ick He likes when the porn guys are Asian and douchebags. Yeah, and also Yes, not caring. We need more Asian douchebags and that I think that it's more specific. Yes Yeah, could you ever pivot into porn you think and be the guy? I would hurt your career that much. I don't think so. I honestly think you could be in the comedy department at the fucking adult book store
Starting point is 00:23:05 Well, like Like it wouldn't be like in the main thing. I think they would have That's the thing. Here's another thing. Why don't they have like genres? Well, let's think this through. Oh, let's sci-fi The comedy action adventure. Yes, they do. Okay, and only fans say for instance Stella If we were to build bobby like a career there like where would we start? How would we um, what's the brand? And what would it look like? Yeah, so you got to start with your niche And so start with your niche would have to be something one that that makes sense for you in your passions And also that you know has a market
Starting point is 00:23:35 So we got to like brainstorm some things that you're willing to do. There is no fucking market. No, there's market for everything There's an Asian guy. Yeah, there's porn for everything. Stella built him like kind of what he should do on only fans I mean, I can't show my dick. She's gonna be like do anal. Oh, okay. So it's not it's not porn related This is just only thing. No, it would have to be porn related. I don't know if I control my dick Well, what do you do your asshole? Yeah, do you think I would be able to do oh my god, it would be so I would subside to something where you're just spreading your butthole Would I be able to do like moana too? I'm like, I don't think I heard Disney is pretty freaky I heard that. No, no, no. I don't you heard wrong
Starting point is 00:24:14 You heard wrong. I feel like if I feel like if hey for $30 you can see this and they clicked on it I showed the inside of my butthole. No, you but you'd have to say goodbye to Disney to make porn money It's one or the other. Yeah, but I have to make that legitimate. I have to make that decision And that's the crossroads. That's why I mean if you're doing porn you gotta you gotta live and breathe sex You gotta live for it. I think personally like I don't think you can enjoy your job If you don't live and breathe being naked and sexual every day, which do you he does I do Yeah, yeah, like if I go if I get like what if I did this right? Yeah, so the so the um, yeah explain so I'm gonna explain it right
Starting point is 00:24:58 What are you trying to do? I'm so excited. I'm not I'm just adjusting my shit right here You know how sometimes it's frozen right in the box and this is if you for 30 bucks you can see the whole thing Yeah, exclusive. Yeah, and if they paid 30 bucks and I went down to my pubes. Yeah, would that be enough or no? That's your thing maybe right? Yes scamming is a thing. It's scamming You're a scammer only fan scamming is a legitimate thing like have you ever paid on I waste a lot of money on only fans Where I see a girl on tiktok and she's like I go to my only fans And so I go on it and it says like exposing myself and rubbing my wet pussy And then you click buy for $35 and it's just her and a bikini standing
Starting point is 00:25:37 You know the same same thing as an instagram photo So you could do that and have a picture of your underwear and be like I show the full thing on only fans And then they click and it's nothing so for 30 bucks. What should I see? Oh, you should see everything the fallopian tubes every fallopian inside technology. See it all I like to be affordable because my thing is okay First of all $9 is a lot of money for some people like when I had no money $9 was a lot of money And then what's the minimum wage? It depends what state
Starting point is 00:26:08 But is it nine dollars used to be yeah, yeah, that's perfect. That's that's some guy worked hard One hour and he worked for one hour to see me. Right. So for nine dollars. What do I see about you? You see so like you subscribe and then you see nudes and little masturbation videos and then trailers and like short clips of all my Long-form videos in the dm. So then in the dm. I sell long like anal videos and every those kind of videos Um for between three to ten dollars. It's all right. So do you have the custom? I mean do you have the option for like very affordable very no I don't do customs because it's just I I take everybody's my thing is I take everybody's like what they liked And I take their advice when it comes to customs and then I just make it into a video
Starting point is 00:26:53 I can sell to everybody got it because a custom is just you make one a video for one specific person for their specific niche You may be charged a hundred bucks. It's just not worth the time. Yeah, so if I did look it I'm not gonna do this. I'm not because I know you I that's the same thing as I can't watch assas Right videos. You're now family and I can't But hypothetically Hypothetically later tonight at ten feet No, that's fucking wrong what you're doing right now then say that you're not going I'm not going to do it. But hypothetically
Starting point is 00:27:24 Which means I'm let's say I'm named him as Joe Caruso Love that you like it. I'm from new york. Hey, yeah, I'm from brooklyn, right? And oh, you know and I listen to tiger belly. I hear you right joe caruso. Yeah, he goes to your only fans, right? What are you doing? She goes your and then he he clicked how does he get to the long form ones? Do you send them to a different link? I send them in the messages So like you can you know have you've been on only fans, right? There's dm. I never messaged. Okay
Starting point is 00:27:53 So there's dms and that's just how only fans works. It's the only way that you can charge more for things So if he he would go on my page I like thousands of videos on there and say he finds one like me with my stepbrother And he wants to see the full 30 minute video So then he messaged me in my dms and says hey, I want to see this video and then I send it to him But he pays there Yeah, so he can either send me a $10 tip or a well actually that video would be five dollars And affordable. Yeah. Well because I want my thing is that I want people to stay
Starting point is 00:28:27 Like it's way easier to keep loyal fans And so and I want them to to enjoy being there so if they stay And spend five dollars and see a full video that they can keep forever Then they're gonna stick around next month and longer Whereas if i'm selling videos for 50 bucks or something Or like not showing anything for free like you don't have to buy my long videos And you'll get more than enough like I will be I'll be pushing out my anal beads on a daily basis on my main feed
Starting point is 00:28:52 That's just like the one but at my long like 30 minute videos that I film with other guys Those I charge the five dollars or seven dollars Does your boyfriend get mad when you're with other guys or jealous? No, I mean one time he did like in the beginning it was a little hard for him But he understands because we're in an open relationship is the thing But because of my job as well. Yeah, it's your job And has there ever been a point where you've um like fallen in love with a co-star? Yeah Really? Yeah, I mean I I have a problem because I fall in love with people when I have sex with them
Starting point is 00:29:26 Like I just have loving sex And not everybody but I get that I get that which is why like I've never really officially had a one-night stand It's always been like these three week romances. Yeah, because I Like I don't enjoy just completely casual like detached sex I like to know that they like me for more than just this It just kind of keeps us and then they fall in love too Sometimes I don't stay like I I feel in love with them for like five days and then I'm done, right? Yeah, but I have a simple I have a simple solution
Starting point is 00:29:59 Okay, what I do I close my eyes wait. No, no, no, you told me some things recently that blew my mind, which is you Cannot Be turned on unless you know that someone has like true affection for you Is that true? What? Yes So in a one-night stand, it's like No, here. No, that's not even it right. Um It has to like because people have been going well have you because we know I'm we broke up
Starting point is 00:30:27 Yeah, we were together for 10 years almost 10 years and um and I um People are like go on go get a you know, I mean an escort And I can't do it because I know I'm not going to get erect because it's Transactional in that way So it's like I need a girl to be able to make out with me and like want me and then I can get erect Yeah, do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, I can't just do a transactional thing. Is that love or that's not love But it's that feeling that we're talking about I do understand that I want to feel wanted the thing is though That's why sex with feeling is like everybody likes it more
Starting point is 00:31:02 They really do and that's why I as somebody who loves to make people enjoy sex Yeah, I've had a lot of times where I'm like really like I love sex Since then I get really into the love of it and everything and then they fall in love and then I'm like Oh, do I like them or am I just in love with this feeling of making them fall in love? Has it ever gotten so serious those feelings that you thought oh shit. It's jeopardizing my existing relationship Well, okay, so the one person that I've actually really caught feelings for I still have feelings for and um
Starting point is 00:31:33 I don't know. I mean, maybe maybe I'll be with him someday. Maybe I'll have two husbands someday Maybe he'll be my baby daddy. I don't know. I'm not gonna. I don't know what to do about that. I can't write it off Maybe I will just have two husbands because I can't pick Right, or maybe I'll make them battle it out I literally can't decide this is a genuine issue with sorts. Obviously. So yeah big sorts dick sort. Yeah. Yeah, well I think the homeless would lose He has a smaller dick, but he does have foreskin That's good. That's like and he has bigger balls. He has really big balls. You can use that in a sword fight
Starting point is 00:32:06 His balls like bangled like halfway down his leg and so then I'm like, do I want a bigger dick? Or do I want foreskin with bigger balls? Wow? That's a dilemma. That's a dilemma. This is a real dilemma for me Like I if if he didn't have his bigger balls and foreskin, I probably would have left him already That's why I think god fucked out. We should have been like mr. Potato heads interchangeable parts Right. So, you know, I mean, no so that I can like, you know what I would love that I just made a lot of money this month. I'm gonna get a Shaquille O'Neal dick
Starting point is 00:32:35 Yeah, you know, you can go to the store and then just attack detach my change it out We got okay. So guys in porn do a lot of crazy shit to their dick, but this guy I met recently He is getting rods implanted in his dick. He already got one and he's gonna get another soon And he's he sent photos of it too. It's like bloody and everything Wait, is it permanent placement or you can take it out? No, it's like he's getting the surgery to permanently Make it girthier and longer Yeah, I saw a guy at the company store. He got his dick and it looked like a hammer Wait, what? It looked like Thor's hammer. Would that compromise like the nerve that's
Starting point is 00:33:12 I think I think at some point it's gonna get some bad infection and just fall off. Yeah That's that's gonna be what happens. He's like when the people tattoo their eyes. It's like, I don't think eyeballs I don't yeah, it's like you're you're gonna lose it. Don't don't mess with it But people do and in porn they also a lot of guys put a pump inside their dick and they just pump it up when they have to film How do the pumps work? I have no inside their dick. Yeah, it's inside their dick and they just pump air into it Oh, whoa Whoa, yeah, it's crazy. Why'd he money can buy anything when it comes to no, I'm thinking I'm thinking whoa, where is that? No, because now it's like you can probably make your penis look like something else
Starting point is 00:33:47 Oh, probably. Yeah, how would you make yours look like like a gourd? No, I already know. I like the idea of a Thor hammer Yeah, that's that's a first thing. You know, I'll tell you who me who Groot You want to your dick to look like gives give splinters Like a tree animal. Yeah, you don't want to but not Groot not teenage Groot That's not teenage. That's ridiculous adult Groot. You know how the body modifiers cut your tongue? He died and or never and then he grew back. Yeah, you just cut your tongue. It's that's a good idea And it's like split your dick tip. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah multiple heads like a little I could fuck two two people Well, we never have you seen the double dick guy. No, I don't want to see those. I don't want to and he does porn too
Starting point is 00:34:27 He has two and he can he has two penises side by side and they're big too full-grown penis Yeah, and it's and then he'll he'll dp a girl about one in the button one in the same time I'll do one better. What's God's little you can look it up God's little enemies one of his enemies like hydra or hydra With the one with the three heads. I'll do hydra three dick. Yeah, I'll have three digs. Yeah Wait, can you pull that and then you'll fuck girl with three boobies? Yeah, yeah, because there's girls like that too. They have a boob right in the middle But he's not a boob guy. And then I'm not a boy. You could do something with your vagina then What yeah, you know what I would suggest she needs a triple vagina and you need a triple dick
Starting point is 00:35:01 I want your there's going to be some tattooing involved and maybe some like electronic double dick, babe. Oh my god. There he is double dick guy I'd suck the left one not the right one. The right one doesn't one has four skin one does. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, first thing One is Jewish. What is it? Half Jewish two religions on one cock one cock. That's a brilliant That's brilliant dude amazing inclusive. You know what I would do now one of every ethnicity What do you mean? Because he is doing fucking religion. Yeah, I'm going to do ethnicity. Yeah, I'll have a chiquilil kneel
Starting point is 00:35:36 I'll have a little my own little asian one, right? I'd have a Jewish one I would have what if it's all asian, but just different types of asian But that's hard to differ when you get super rich. Will you do this? I think I just go off the rails. Yeah Wait, Stella, this guy does porn. Yeah. Well, there is he was born that way. Yeah And that would that would be hard. Have you seen man made penises? No, they are not they can't they don't look like that. Yeah, they look like like skin sausages Have you been with a guy with a micro penis? No
Starting point is 00:36:09 But I've been No, I haven't can I go back to your vagina though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Here's what I would want electronics involved there's this tattoo on zaps you no, I'll tell you what it is the eye of sauron Where does it go? Look up the eye of sauron. Okay. Hey, we're we're pussy modifying right? Yeah, yeah pussy modifying eye of sauron. This is what I would like. I love that would we have stayed together if it looked like this? You mean on fire like the eye of sauron, dude, this baby that is a butthole just a burning hole Yeah, yeah more oval more oval. Well, the stretched out ones would disagree. That's I could just light my pubic fire and it would look like that or you can go to talk about oh my god
Starting point is 00:36:51 That is what that looks like. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, let your puppy. That'll be cool That sounds terrible. Yeah. Yeah. What else would you guys do on your what would you see modify to pussy modify? Yeah, bedazzle. Is that a thing? I would love to bedazzle. I mean, I've seen a girl with two Two vaginas. I think that was nice. It's really just she has a film in the middle of her vagina So it's just one vagina, but there's just a thing in the middle. So now she has two holes Do you know how it's like one of those like russian things where you open up? There's another character in it Yeah, and another character, right? Well, that'd be cool like a vagina within a vagina That'd be
Starting point is 00:37:25 I've always That's cool. I've always wanted to if I were to modify I would get teeth like I think It's called like vagina dentata or something like that. It's the people who yeah who have teeth that grow inside their tumors Those are called um Um, uh, what the fuck are they called? I keep uh, I forget but but the vagina dentata. I would get flat teeth I wouldn't get like incisors or anything. Oh, yeah. Yeah, wait. Why what kind of teeth?
Starting point is 00:38:02 I just think that it looks really really like this is photos of this. This is what kalala wants No That's what kalala wants. That's what you want. She wants all molars all molars Or maybe like the mask, you know that jim carries the mask teeth. Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. Yeah more comical Dental go go go to jim carries the mask teeth. That would be an amazing halloween costume The face is just a vagina with teeth. Yeah. Yeah That sounds I would just like a big fat juicy like like that Me too. That's all I like that chicle. It's big. Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:34 Those okay, so that smiles to you. I relate to that. I wish I had a fatter pussy Yeah, I mean, I don't necessarily like wish I did but if I had to change something about it I would just have a big fat juicy pussy like those really just fat ones because I don't have You know how girls have outies and innies? and I have I have an outie So I don't have a full outie. I feel like mine sort of in it's my outie a5. So, you know, the the innies The innies are the ones that like
Starting point is 00:39:05 The mine's not fully any Yeah, but mine's not fully outie either because I've seen like more outie. Yeah. Yeah and mine I would say is not what's an outie Butterfly lips a car But was can I ask you and I don't I don't want I don't want you to get offended. Yeah All right, and I want to be real with you. All right. I want to know I'll look at you on the eyes. I'm not afraid. Okay Was it an outie before you did pornography? Yes, okay, that's all you know, it's always been an outie and that's all I want to know. Yeah, okay
Starting point is 00:39:38 Um posse shape does not change a court, you know, like you have this idea that you have here we go You get counted out and then rice. Here we go the lecture Here we go. I asked a scientific question. All of a sudden I get attacked. Let's go It's not an attack. It's more like I you know, I've told you time and time again Don't get angry though. Do it with love. Yeah. Okay. Okay the the structure and the anatomy of a vagina Doesn't change
Starting point is 00:40:10 When it gets like pounded out, it doesn't become an outie because all of a sudden you've had sex People because mine is dark too. Like mine's kind of purple And some guys think that it's because I've gotten fucked so much That it's like bruise and that's why it's purple and they say this out loud. I mean on tiktok How embarrassing You guys just taught me a valuable lesson And thank you. You're born with women are beautiful. Yeah, all vaginas are beautiful Yeah, because I've seen other people's penises that fucked a lot and they look like normal penises. So what? Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:45 So there you go. Do you want to know an interesting theory though? It's not really a theory. It's my mom's it's my mom's thing She's a doctor, right? The doctor, right? So go ahead sees a lot of vaginas and she's a nobody and we always call Innies so the ones that look like clams, right? Like the outer lips are really big and they they hide everything Yeah, big fat juicy pussy birth control pussies Why because you see a lot more girls that start birth control at a really young age Have those pussies that are like clams like clothes. So they they have It's so interesting, but basically they don't like develop the Inner lips as much that it doesn't change right because they started birth control at a young age
Starting point is 00:41:28 Oh, wow Yeah Whereas if you didn't you're more likely to have an outie where your inner lips are more pronounced and your outer lips aren't as puffy Huh interesting So if I was reborn as a girl to relax, all right, you would start with control young Yeah, yeah, but there's a lot of drawbacks to being on birth control long term. Yeah, the birth control sucks sucks And it's really the pill. It's not like all birth control. It's the birth control Can I say something though?
Starting point is 00:41:55 I as a young man and I I want to admit something to you guys right now And this is the first time I'm saying this. This is very interesting When I was younger, I preferred the inner one Right because I like but now as I get older, I like it out. You like it all It's what it is. You've grown. You I like it all of it. Yeah, you know, I mean, I don't want to see jazz hands You know, that's my thing. You know, I mean, you know, because I don't want to show but my point is You know, I mean, hello my dolly. Hello Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but you know, like a cabaret. Yeah, but you know me a little out is great
Starting point is 00:42:30 Fantastic. That's a lot of guys prefer I didn't realize because I thought my pussy looked weird until I got into porn Yeah, and then I realized a lot of guys prefer to see the inner lips and like they like beefy roast beefy pussies Yeah, would you consider yours roast beefy? I would consider it tiny sliver of roast beef because I have like a tiny bit of it Oh thinly, thinly shaved Yeah, it's not long long lips, but I think maybe when I it's like eating half a sandwich at Arby's if I age Maybe it will like fall And I'll have long lips long lips. Yeah. Yeah. Where does mine fall?
Starting point is 00:43:04 Yours is not an outie It's some outie a little bit of outie. Would you call her roast beefy? No. Yeah. Yeah, really? No, it's not roast beef. What food would you call her? I would say, um, belute I see girls eating belute Yeah, delicious Try it, it's delicious You know what it is? It's like a pastrami sandwich pastrami. Oh, yeah, you know, you're right. Oh instead of roast beef
Starting point is 00:43:30 Roast beef is more aggressive Roast beef is a little darker hers is more pastrami and a thinly sliced like a thinly sliced I feel like I'm pastrami too. I think yeah, well, well, you can look up my pussy. I love I think we're both pastrami Actually, because mine is probably more similar to you. I love pastrami. I love turkey pastrami You do? Yeah. Well, maybe that's what yours looks like. Right? Yeah. Maybe because I eat it from such a young age What does your butthole look like? Same thing Like a turkey pastrami? No, it's the same color. Yeah, like same coloring because my it's not pink
Starting point is 00:44:01 My butthole does not fit. Yeah, mine is the same color as my you know, it's it has some darker color to it It's a beautiful color. Yeah, you have a dark butthole. Do you have a pink one? I I refuse to look at it Do you know he has tea? I'm telling you Stella It is like enraging how beautiful his asshole is Will you I have a theory about this men have like perfect assholes. Well, not all of them Yes, but even my like the two guys I fuck they're they have the most perfect light pink perfect butthole I'm like, what is my pain? Would you like to see it? I would like not to show Okay, I would like not to show right now. Thank you. I mean, no, I'm only doing this like just too basic
Starting point is 00:44:37 Sweetie, I'm telling you your ass. Can I show you first before I show it to her? Yeah, show it to me. So there's no poo bits, but she's the anal princess Yeah, I don't yeah, but I was all day long. I understand that but it's like You know what? I'll tell I'll look a photo it. I'll look at a photo later when you start only okay No, I know I'll I'll pay $30. Fuck. I'll I'll literally get $30. Fuck you. I'm not afraid, right? I'm just trying to figure out like show me first. All right. Let me show you first. Okay Okay I
Starting point is 00:45:09 Really Bobby, I think this is a normal thing. Yeah, we gotta make it more clear actually Yeah, put it straight into the camera. You have some toilet paper bits there. That's okay. Good thing. We checked That's enough. That's enough. Well, it's what pink honestly. It's beautiful So there's a toilet. Just try to like look how fucking embarrassed. Hang on try to look at the toilet paper bits No, I'm gonna wipe it. I would be so happy And not he's think you know what's even more enraging not a single hair. That's what's amazing I've had to wax my asshole my whole life And you look at his and you're like and I'm like what the fuck is he generally hairless
Starting point is 00:45:47 Yes, he only has like patches of hair on his thighs. Very he is way more hairless than me. It's beautiful thing I know it's life is so unfair. I know he would be great and porn hairless. He really would I well um him and I were talking about Um, whether or not we should compete We didn't know if we wanted to do it on like feet finder if we should both submit ourselves I don't know how it works. Yeah, I'm curious. I'm really curious who would make more money Just your feet on just feet or just ollie fans without nudity My my guess is would make more no because people have a real curiosity for what his feet look like
Starting point is 00:46:25 Because we've always talked about it having being like fungus the riddled with fungus. Oh, so they're fucked up feet Or I wiped it with more toilet paper. Oh my god. Let me check with you first. I'm really excited I've made a I wiped it more toilet paper. Maybe there's more bits There's one you added more. I might have added more bits to the Sweetie how we have a bidet There's not one downstairs. You're right. Okay. Show me come on This is a normal don't feel pressure if you don't want to you don't have yeah, I'm not gonna pressure you Yes, you're body. There's still some but then it she was she was normal. I like normal butts normal butts are good
Starting point is 00:46:57 We're not doing it. Please show stella your butt. I'm a perfectionist We were just talking about who would make more money on ollie fans. You're kalayla. She would 100% He would there's absolutely Do you know no nudity just feet Do you think more people are interested in I think there's more curiosity for that's that that's the trick. Is it like curiosity? He looks like he has nice feet. All right stella. Do you have problem? I'm so uncomfortable right now. I'm so insecure right now. All right Is there totally people on my feet?
Starting point is 00:47:33 Is that something we could do like Get on only fans for a month just as an experiment to see who would make more and then pull out after a month That's like probably the best way because not everybody wants to commit to long-term only fans long-term porn lifestyle But maybe you just want to make money for a month and show people something intimate and then just peace out Do you know? Yeah, let me think about it. Just get rich off sharing your feet I first have to call my lawyer to see what the fuck the thing is with disney. Yeah I want to know what does he really want to work with disney because disney owns abc and marvel and marvel Yeah, but you could be a porn star. I know but that's what at a 50 if they're watching me at 51 years old
Starting point is 00:48:15 Then and there's no age. I could probably do it forever. Yeah, but you're protected under the umbrella of it was a comedic bit I did so yeah I go into the fans for a month and you you put yourself out there. We compete You know, oh, that's true comedic bit. Yeah, I mean, I would say I would I would say give up on disney and just go porn but you know, yeah, but also then what would I do in porn? Anything you want. So I how do I like I think you should do butt stuff I think you do with another guy If you're only fans just you every time you take a shit you just film yourself wiping and that's oh my god
Starting point is 00:48:49 You could just film yourself shitting just every morning. Just your facial expression It's they do expression porn because there's going to be one guy most peak guys are going to laugh at it Yeah, it's funny, but there's one guy in ohio somewhere in a basement Jerking off to it and he's going to go i'm going to get that Yeah, but you know sweetie as some i'm at hilarity is in cleveland and all of a sudden he's there in the front row I'm on your only fans. Yeah. Yeah How's that any different from like, you know comedy fans now? But what i'm saying is if I had your pristine asshole?
Starting point is 00:49:19 Oh, I would have been on only fans. I feel like you're manipulating me right now into I feel like number one I feel like number one. You're the only one that says that my butthole is pristine I feel like it's a trick. Let's show you gotta show it to more people. I have to show it to gilbert Yeah, I'd have to show it to gilbert. Show it to everyone in the room before me for you I'm gonna take her word for it. No, no, no No, fuck you dude. I thought we were friends that show me your butthole. I will be honest about it Be honest about it. If there is toilet paper, then I will be a little upset. But someone just wants to take the toilet paper Can you look past the toilet paper and just look at it? It's part of the package. It's part of the package
Starting point is 00:49:55 Buttholes are beautiful. Honestly. They're so cute Well, I wish I could just see it. It's very clean. I will say I don't understand why there's still toilet paper You just wipe your asshole The toilet paper, but there are a lot of toilet paper. It's like you look it's like freckles of white dots everywhere How do you you just wiped your butt? You need to use baby wipes when toilet paper I know how about any wipes? Or you have ones that clean the counters what I got? You're gonna hate this. I mean the lice all the Myers all purpose spray
Starting point is 00:50:31 Kyla, you're right. It is very even the hairs even the hairs that are there. It's almost like a chef took tweezers Precisely put them like in a spiral. I purposely did that Okay, I go to the Korean spa and I personally those Jiminy Jiminy larsa and alisa. Who are they? They're my three hairs Narsha and alisa, okay? I like Jiminy Jiminy do you have butthole hairs? Yeah, how many I have like a few above my butthole like in the crack. That's sexy. That's like pubes
Starting point is 00:51:13 Yeah, but they're like they're like almost they're they're too light. They're not dark So they're too light when I get lasered like there's a hair removal. They don't they don't ever go away because they're not dark You yeah, so I just have some little hairs up there. Which are cute now. You don't work when you're on your period, right? I do. I work all the time. I'm on my period right now and I'm working Really, yeah, I mean because you can do anal anytime Oh, that's right and but but also I have I've made so many pornos on my period using my pussy And I used to just put a tampon up there Way up deep and then I learned from all the porn girls that they just buy makeup sponges at the store
Starting point is 00:51:50 And put makeup sponges up their pussy life hack and which makeup It's just the write it down. Yeah, just but they I thought it was the big like beauty blender It's tiny like girls will take the big beauty blender and just cut a little sliver off it Yeah, just shove it up there and it it will make it can I ask another question? May I ask another question? Please ask so many. I will. Thank you so much When you're on your period ladies And you and you have sexual intercourse with a man. Yeah with a penis Does it feel different or does it hurt?
Starting point is 00:52:25 I'll say this sometimes period blood can be really drying even though sticky Yeah, so there's times when I have sex on my period and if it's a little bit rougher that it can feel a little sore afterwards But I'm super horny on my period exactly what I was going to say too But you're horny on your period. I'm more horny and more sensitive on my period So like sex feels intense. I love period sex. Yeah. Have you ever had a guy eat your vagina while you're on their period? Yeah, yes, all girls have I think you're that's just not I've never had a guy that's like not really liked periods I would wear a bib. I think yeah, so So it's always been fine, but I usually have a tampon red lobster. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah, so if they eat your pussy
Starting point is 00:53:08 If they eat your pussy while you have a tampon in then it's just normal you just shove the string up there They don't even know you're on your period and you don't have to do finger work exactly You can if you want with the tampon in there Why are you acting like we've never done this while I've guys have never done a period? Are you scared of period sex? No, I love it. He's not he takes it. I'm asking like a professor I'm asking like a scholar a science guy. Yeah a scientist. Yeah, I want to know right Okay, so it feels even more pleasurable Yeah on your on your period. Yeah, it really does. Wow. Yeah
Starting point is 00:53:38 Hey, can I ask you another? I'm not gonna say keep asking. I'm just gonna ask. Yeah, go ahead Has there a bear situation when you're with a male guy in work, right and you didn't want to do it? No, because I've only ever worked with Three guys. Oh, you vet them because well, I fuck my boyfriend on only fans, right? And then the second porn guy that I ever fucked was for my Pornhub videos Alex Adams who is also the man that I have feelings for Yeah He's the guy who used to do strictly gay porn and then he moved. Yeah
Starting point is 00:54:17 He used to gay porn for nine years. I think and now he just says straight porn. Oh, so he's bisexual Yeah, he's mostly straight, but he can take a he can take a pounding in the ass and he likes blowing Yeah, he loves blowing. He actually says that like he says that he's straight Except sometimes he just wants to be forced to jerk off like 10 guys in a parking lot. Oh, hello Yeah, that's a day. Yeah, I took a nap after that. I and I'm him and I are so similar like that 10, uh, that's a lot. Yeah, just force. Yeah. It's like, you know, Keith moon playing the drums in the hoop That's one of my dreams. I want to have just like so many dicks all around me Really? I think a lot of girls have that dream like I think so
Starting point is 00:55:00 I don't I think all the attention That is like my number one of all fantasies is like being placed on a butcher block And just like that's like anytime I want to tap into like my horny a selfie Let's say porn is not at my disposal and I have to imagine it myself I've had something just like that too where I'm like laying in a chair and there's like 10 guys watching me Yeah, let me ask you something sweetie. Yeah, we're broken up, right? Right. So let's you're asking me if we're broken Yeah, we are so five years from now If you were in a gang bang
Starting point is 00:55:35 Yeah, I'd like leave six guys six. Let's just suppose it's in this scenario. She's on a butcher block, right? You're not right And you know, you're you getting dicks in your faith, isn't that and then you see a dick familiar to you Yeah, and it's me. Yeah, would you blow it or would you push me away? No, I would honestly I would never push you away. I feel so similar to you I'm gonna ask you the same question if would you laugh if you didn't know I was at there and then you see my dick would you laugh Would you laugh? No? Yes, you would no, I wouldn't because I I'm like a very sexual person to the point where I will eat a dirty homeless man's ass Okay, so when I am in the sexual moment nothing matters
Starting point is 00:56:18 I just want to please everybody around me and I honestly do like I would not laugh at anybody literally anybody Because it's just hot to see somebody horny to me. I think I agree. Yeah. Oh my god I think that I prefer I think I think the only ick I ever got from a guy while we were in the act of sex was when Like right before it he almost tried to like cover himself and he I was before he came no no no like right when he was like coming inside the bedroom And I looked right at him and he was like like kind of like, you know insecure about his Package. Oh, yeah, that's an and I was like, oh no, I'm out
Starting point is 00:56:56 But like I still went through with it But like psychologically I was out because it's like when I like to see him like like just reckless abandoned Fully horny not giving a fuck not fully clean. I don't care what I smell like just ravage me, right? Yeah, so it's like if it's go time. It's go time. Who cares? Exactly. Yeah insecurity is a big ick. I think Oh, yeah, okay, especially for me. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not like that Wait, do you know what in a lineup? I yes, I'd like this Stella if you would like to show me your butthole You can show your butthole to me at the same time. Is that the game we're playing?
Starting point is 00:57:40 Yeah, we both show our buttholes To her at the same. Yeah, you're not seeing my butthole We how about this you can show her you show you your butthole to her while she's showing her it to me What can I see her butthole? No, no, no Yeah, no butthole if you show me yours. I'll show you. How is that a fair? exchange I'll show her butthole. Yeah, because I why is your butthole protective? I'm a voyeur. I only like to He wants to watch. Yeah, I'm just wants to watch. She's got a legal team. Where's his protector?
Starting point is 00:58:13 If you show me yours, I will show you. Yeah, but you don't have to show me yours. I'm going to show you yours Here's the deal, okay, let's let me control this conversation video is demonetized It's totally been demonetized. I don't want to sexually assault you and like make you show me. I'm not. No, I'm Man, I know how to do Whenever I want to show my butthole, right? Yeah, here's the deal. Okay Um, you're so shy. I'm not shy I'm trying to Because people are listening right now at home. Yeah, right. So I need to explain certain things. All right, explain
Starting point is 00:58:55 So number one, right? Honestly, because you know, there's I know a couple of porn stars, right? And I try if I see their porn like if I'm on porn hub because I know them I just feel like I can't watch them, right? So with Stella, right? I'm trying to you know, to me You're a podcaster and an entertainer and I don't want to look at you. I think you're very beautiful I know, but you're a sexual person. You're very sexy. Okay, but I'm not what I'm saying though Is is that I am looking at you as you know, my peer, right? But I for this purpose only I will show you my butthole anytime by the way you give that speech to asa She's always like that makes me so sad anytime. You're like, I don't want to view you as a porn star. She's like, why not?
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah, look because you're my friend as well. You call your little sister too. I don't want to be a friend I want to be I want to be all right. I will show you my butt next door Aim it this way though like more Just so she can get a better view how many white things are in there, you know, the white things I got You know, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Oh my god. You have a tattoo on your ass Wait, did you want to wipe your ass more time with water? No, I don't think Stella cares guys. I don't care. I see you guys I see you for water I'll spread it for you. I'll wipe it for you if you want me to
Starting point is 01:00:17 Wait, babe, I'm directing Get it hard. Get it hard. Get it hard Okay, okay, can blur all this Oh, yeah, there is some oh my god. Our buttholes look the same Yeah, he has kind of a dark butthole. You are so far away. She couldn't see the toilet paper. No, I saw the toilet paper It's so tight. How do you even poop out of it? Isn't it so pretty? Has anything ever gone in it? My poo looks like angela or pasta I've never He has never let me put anything up. Nothing. Show your butthole. Nothing's ever gone in there. Show your fucking butthole now
Starting point is 01:00:54 But what if it's 30? Okay, go ahead. We don't care. We don't care. Do that way. Yeah Oh, yeah, you have a perfect asshole Stella That's like very good. I It's very very good butthole. It looks like very very good. You can't have a friendship. No, yeah, I would say I saw pastrami too I want to go to a deli Doesn't hers look exactly like mine. Yeah, very good butthole. It's almost as if nothing's been in there I know and it's three years of daily pounding Yours yours looks so tight like it literally was like the skin was stuck together. It was
Starting point is 01:01:28 There was no hole like it was just it was just flat. Yeah, when you pull a sticker, it's just like yeah, that's who residue Yeah, yeah, thanks No, it's too rough with it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have the butthole your turn the butthole stretches back. Let's do everyone's buttholes I have a legal team. I love I can show you my pussy. No, no, no. I don't let's not play this game No, we're done. We're done. We're done. This is dying on youtube Is anyone because no one can we lost money? No, I can show you my pussy Stella. I think it's the same. Yeah, I would love to see your show I've seen that I want to see because then I can have an informed conversation at all of this
Starting point is 01:02:03 I don't need to eat. I don't know. Yeah. Yeah, close your eyes. Close your eyes I don't grow a lot of hair. Oh, yeah, what are you doing Bryce looking at the fucking camera? Oh my gosh, you are kind of like anything that has happened to this, right? Yeah, it's like a both. Yeah Yeah, you have like you have like kind of fat outer lips and then you have like inner lips like right, right? You have a cute pussy. Thank you. Okay Hello now that we've all exchanged Is this what you do on a trash Tuesday? Is that what that show is? Yeah, yeah, full blown porn show and tell now we all know what each other looks like. Yeah
Starting point is 01:02:35 So now we can have an informed conversation What I could have had one even before it Stella. Seriously. Did he add anything? You showed yours first, okay? Are you ever in a scene? Oh, wait, you said you've only do you do Videos with more girls and you do men Yeah, I fucked more girls than I have men. Um, would you fuck a lion also in porn 100% 100% Yeah, you would I think that a sexual understanding. Oh my god. I think we would be a good We would honestly Stella the sex between you and I would be so fun. It would be amazing. Oh, yeah If she ever wanted
Starting point is 01:03:10 Gilbert you and I 100 and you guys could film it I wouldn't want to fuck you. I kind of want to just like like a rub like touch each other Oh, like you guys are fucking next to us and we're you know what I went on party Side by side pick the toilet paper stuff out of my bottle with tweezers With tweezers, that'd be cool. I don't mind doing that. That's sexual. Wait, that's sexual. Um, but whole is god's loophole, right? The poop-hole loophole. Yeah. Yeah is a thing because of god That is a beautiful quote quote write that down
Starting point is 01:03:42 The poop-hole. I love that. I mean that was created all because of hold are you still on 23 young bright Amazing and you can always be a doctor. Yeah, I can always go back like at 40. Yeah, I'm just gonna go back How many semesters do you have left or hours? Um for what for to get your I guess your phd or whatever So so I finished pre-med and I was applying to med school when I Decided to go into porn instead So I finished all my applications But I never sent them in because I was about to press like the 500 pay $500 to submit each one of them
Starting point is 01:04:14 And I was like I can do this family. Let me ask you something personal. We were was your family upset Well, they my mom thought I went crazy Like she fully thought that I needed to like go to a psych ward because she was just like out of nowhere Because I didn't tell my mom. Oh, I've been going to sex parties for months and that I've you know been fucking My client and they're doing anal every day. Yeah, so she didn't know any of that So she's like, oh my beautiful good well-behaved daughter that gets perfect grades is about to go to med school And I'm like actually I'm doing porn so that threw her for a loop, but then she realized pretty quickly That I just I had more time to spend with her
Starting point is 01:04:48 I had more money She didn't have to like pay for me and I didn't have to study all the time So we could like go on hikes and vacations together. Is your dad not dad on the picture? No, my parents are divorced, but my dad knows what I do and he's just kind of he's never really been a present dad Like he's never really cared what I do. He's always just been like go do your thing So that that hurt Uh, no because I'm used to it and it also was nice because he just lets me do whatever I want Which do you love him loved? I love my dad. Okay, my dad and I I'm more
Starting point is 01:05:17 I have more in common with my dad than I do with my mom like I'm very similar to my dad, but He just he lives his own life now Like he's not he's not he's not the type of dad that we'll call very often like even before I did porn He would call me like maybe once a year. Oh Oh, he's just like not present there, but I love my dad. He's crazy. He's like he's 62 He parties like every night He works and he lives in london and works in finance and he just travels every weekend with his 30 year old wife He has a new baby. Oh, wow. So you have a brother or sister
Starting point is 01:05:50 I have a little brother that's my full brother and then I have another how does your brother now just born my little brother right now 20 Does he know what you do? Yeah Is he did he just graduate from nyu? Yeah, he just oh, yeah, I saw that no He knows what I do and in the beginning he was like really supportive He just thought I was super cool Like my mom now too like she thinks i'm really just fascinating and crazy and relates to it like my whole family is adrenaline junkies So they all kind of get it. Yeah, and my brother thought it was awesome that I was like, you know escaping the workforce and just
Starting point is 01:06:21 Live in my life. However. I wanted to yeah and making internet money, but then recently he's kind of been like Oh, maybe it's maybe it's too easy of an out, you know, like maybe I have to work harder for Yeah, but but that's his he doesn't he's still like one of my best friends Okay, and I love him But you know, it's like when you're that age and you just graduated college You're just trying to figure out like what values in the world you want to operate with Like he's still figuring it out. I'm telling you right now if I was an attractive young woman
Starting point is 01:06:53 Oh, yeah, and torn and and only fans was around. I would have never done comedy I believe you never done it. I would have made millions Yeah, this is what most men say they're like if I was a young hot woman I'd be making millions on only fans. I would been I think there's no there's no other choice Yeah, it's easy. You have your own time. You know what I mean? You're controlling your business Yeah, you get the fuck. I mean, it's just the best thing. Yeah, no disney No disney though That's true
Starting point is 01:07:24 Unhelpful advice. So at the end of our part first of all, can I just say this number one you really Came through for us because we needed a guest number two, right? You're invited back any time you want to you're amazing We I just think you're amazing, right? Thank you You you're free like I am you know me and I like that So at the end of our do you do want to you have any handles you want to promote something? My only fan. Yeah, this is the camera. Yeah. Yeah, my only fans is only fans comm slash stella berry Bary y and that's it. That's everything guys go You're not gonna be disappointed. It's the best. I'm never gonna go
Starting point is 01:07:59 I just I just pushed out anal beads out of my ass this morning and it's affordable with no hands. Just push them out How much What do you mean how much you have to pay to watch that nine dollars? Look at that. That's nine gone It's nine dollars for the head. You are the mother Teresa. Yeah of anal porn. Yeah Yeah, I want everyone to enjoy anal the the assholes a beautiful undiscovered thing And I just learned from stella that you can have ass orgasms. That's not true. But anyway, um, that's absolutely not true But anyway, he is brain cancer. That's called diarrhea. Anyway It actually does feel like diarrhea
Starting point is 01:08:31 It really it feels like you're cheating yourself and you're all sweaty and stuff Well, that's just like how when you're right about to squirt It feels like you just have to I feel like euphoria only comes after pain You know what I mean? Like euphoria or like that feeling of orgasm is like only it has to involve something intense like pain But also pleasure No, I don't like pain. Anyway at the end of our podcast We do a thing called unhelpful advice people have asked us Questions and we try to answer them. Oh, I'm so excited. Go ahead. Unhelpful advice with stella berry
Starting point is 01:09:04 The soldiers are part of you my friends. My name is Zach. I come to you with relationship issues Specifically one where lexapro killed my girlfriend sex drive this past year We finally closed the three hour gap between our homes and moved in together I love my girlfriend and we have a great relationship. But since we've moved in we have had rarely had sex It's been five times in the past year and it's taken a toll My girlfriend started taking lexapro last year and it has pretty much killed her libido I've tried addressing it several times and she wishes she could have sex, but just doesn't I'm starting to feel pathetic whenever I ask I need advice for someone dealing with a medicinally scented libido, uh, or for her thirsty ass boyfriend
Starting point is 01:09:42 Thank you. Long time fan of trash Tuesday and bad friends and tiger belly if you um Tell your girlfriend listen, I love you. I want to be with you, but we have to make this an open relationship That's one option one option. I'm on lexapro Yeah, and I still have it opposite for I will say this though I'm on a low dose right, but when I got off my lexapro A month or so ago for just two weeks. I was masturbating like
Starting point is 01:10:14 20 25 times every day like I just was masturbating non-stop I just couldn't stop and now like I masturbate maybe eight times a day So it did make it go down for me. It was just helpful But I would say I mean she has the girl has to decide does she want a relationship where she has sex Or does she not want to have sex? I don't I think if I wasn't having sex I would get more depressed So I would just get off the lexapro and you're only 23 at 35 is when you do your peak right your sexual peak women Yes, that's true. Imagine what the fuck she's going to be like at 35. I know it's going to be and off lexapro Fuck Stella's over close the door. You know
Starting point is 01:10:47 It'd be like zombies attacking with the fucking board I didn't do any work like the two weeks that I was off my lexapro I did no work and I would just masturbate all day long and drew my boyfriend was literally like you need to get back On lexapro like you're not doing anything. I was like, ah, this is amazing. It's explaining I I was on uh zoloft for a very long time When I was 15 to early 20s and I had a really hard time. I was horny, but I could not come Yeah, it's so painful and it took it makes you more depressed If you can't if you're taking antidepressants that make you not able to fuck makes you more depressed
Starting point is 01:11:24 I would just I don't think life's worth living without sex. It's just not five times in a year I would just get off the lexapro go crazy or find another one Maybe talk to your psychiatrist and find another one that works better for your body I mean, there are you know, I have friends on lexapro whose sex drive has not plummeted That's something now mine's fine. Yeah, so either get on a lower dose or just You gotta make a sacrifice. There are a lot of great meds out there on the market now Maybe try another one and there's also really strong vibrators Maybe that's maybe she needs just like the really really big Hitachi one
Starting point is 01:12:00 But that was that doesn't work Then she's use a jackhammer Is this like do we give them real advice? It doesn't know it's unhelpful. Yeah, both either way either way It can be unhelpful. Yeah, that's what it's called unhelpful advice. Well, my real advice is also very unhelpful Go ahead. It's really just get off the meds and just go into a just embrace the depression and and fuck a lot Just have so much sex and just go out which if she got off it. Um, what's the point of living premature? I'll tell you I'll tell you why why okay, because There are people that get in car accidents
Starting point is 01:12:35 And they can't walk and they can't feel and then sex is over and they're still able to find happiness And I'm gonna say something better something. I'd rather do stand-up than sex Really if I could do stand-up I might I would I would probably agree because that sounds thrilling, but I can fuck on camera I can have sex every day. I can't imagine doing stand-up. That sounds so terrifying. I understand what you're saying But what I'm thrilling it's thrilling And I if I had a choice It's a hard one, but also what you're 50
Starting point is 01:13:07 Yeah, fuck you what you've already had 50 no 40 40 years of sex for 35 years of sex When did you lose your 30 years 30 years of sex you've had 30 years of sex to come up with that conclusion That's other people deserve 30 years of sex before they decide they don't want it anymore That is true. That is true. But what I'm saying though is that there's still a life I don't want to argue with you. There's a life beyond sex. There's is a life beyond sex What what do you do in it? You go You go inward right and you find
Starting point is 01:13:42 You find inward and you find peace In your heart and you you philosophize and you you know what I mean help other you help others right and you become um You change if I didn't have sex I would just I would just sit and write and read all day long in my house and do nothing No, but you would find joy you would find joy in other things and love isn't sex No, you admit that for sure. No, we agree on that. But this woman is gonna lose her man if she doesn't have sex with him So love a good point gets jeopardized sometimes if you can't have sex But if you were in a
Starting point is 01:14:18 car accident and you lost all feeling Right and your homeless boyfriend. Yeah, right rodrigo. Whatever. Let's call rodrigo because I don't want to call rodrigo Yeah, so rodrigo rodrigo, right? Yeah, and he stayed with you Mm-hmm, right How would that feel? That would be beautiful. Exactly and I you're right. We get back to open relationship Let him get sucked off by other girls. What if rodrigo goes? What if rodrigo goes? You know what? I've had
Starting point is 01:14:50 Sex with you. I don't have to have sex any longer. I'll just jerk off But wait a second. Why couldn't he have sex with me though? Because even if I was a vegetable He he would just fuck my butthole and I don't know Even if you didn't feel anything from your waist down, you would still let your boyfriend fuck your butthole Yeah Because if you want if he's gonna stay with me and take care of me and do everything for me, he has to nut And I already just lay there
Starting point is 01:15:19 Well, you're a different kind of person. Yeah, this is more only fans content But isn't that true that like it's harder if the guy is paralyzed and can't fuck Because it's not like girls are riding every time and stuff anyway like even this girl She doesn't want to have sex but like technically she could have sex like he could just she could just lend him I think my point though is to you is that that's supposed to sort of disease That came a new virus. Yeah, and it wiped out all women off the planet or they all died. Yeah, it was just us three guys, right? Damn me brice and gilbert, right? We would find joy
Starting point is 01:15:53 Don't you think in other brice Don't you feel like though? No, no, no, no fuck no, no sex, but we would find like other ways brother brotherhood stuff There's other joys than sex like combing horses Right, what else could we do how long can you go without nutting three three days before it's human centipede? I promise you that no for real though like all you think that would you you would be masturbating Yeah, and you I know like you well brice is asleep. I know you with your little Oh, wow That sounds wild. Bobby doesn't do that kind of stuff. Yeah, maybe how long though in a couple years three days
Starting point is 01:16:31 No, I would pearl harbor you like it. You'd start to I would pearl harbor you sneak attack brotherhood. Yeah, bro No, we would do we would do what we do What polish shoes polish shoes. Yeah. Well, we do we comb horses like organize the cobblestone Well, we do cobblestone statues. Yeah. Yeah farming farming. I would do the driftwood Um sculpting but then what do we fuck? Yeah, that's true. You know what's strange is that if three girls if it was three girls It was me stella and let's say ester on any. Let's go to alley any. That's Annie. Let's do alley any There wouldn't even be we know that like we know we're gonna fuck Let's go back to this guy. Right. Well, no, I'll say this
Starting point is 01:17:11 Three girls stranded on an island. It's just like we automatically it's like an unsaid thing That we're gonna fuck and there's gonna no not gonna be any weirdness about it I wish you guys would have that same type of real brotherhood like sisterhood Right like some like to just be like, you know what man? I know you gotta not I gotta not let's do it together I mean we jerk off and no, you know what if you want an island I would be reborn Into a bird of paradise at a plant or the bird the bird Okay, and it was zipped right into your vagina mine or his. Oh, no bright. Sorry all the girls
Starting point is 01:17:42 All the girls like a hummingbird. Oh, you would you would hop on that island with us. Yeah, you're like, oh my god Yeah, yeah, it'd be so good Three women wonder would you be jealous if I zipped into a vagina? No, no, no, no, like, you know how you said, oh my god I like Watching drew like how good he fuck. Yeah Who's drew her boyfriend rodrigo rodrigo. I don't know Rodrigo. Yeah, but he's very christian. He's like a christian boy. I don't do more than two positions I don't need more than two positions. I just want to see you fuck someone. Yeah
Starting point is 01:18:15 It's a beautiful thing to see your partner like Pleasuring another woman or getting pleasured by one. Yeah, it's like, oh my god either either you're seeing them You're spoiling. I'm gonna go to god. It feels good. I'm changing I can't do this anymore brotherhood. You deserve. I don't deserve to cut it out. No brown robe on a mountain There's worse in life than to have than to have an ex-girlfriend who wants to watch you fuck other girls. Hey, fuck you It's not a beautiful thing. I think you come on Yeah, yeah, you guys what a wholesome episode this give Stella a round of applause everybody you were wonderful It was so wholesome so wholesome
Starting point is 01:18:52 I would say this is by far the number one faith-based podcast and exists. I think so. I'm this is my first religious podcast Thank you. Yeah, I'm Jesus loves you How many podcasts have you done so far? Oh, I don't know your second one or she probably done like Five you did a Trevor Wallace's stiff socks. I did steep. I love them. Oh, you did my brothers. Yeah. Oh fuck A while ago. Oh, that's amazing Well, welcome to ours. Yeah Part of the family. Thank you so much Hey prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad free on amazon music
Starting point is 01:19:56 Download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast Before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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