TigerBelly - Ep 369: Cebu Special #3 - Balut and A Real Taste of The Philippines

Episode Date: October 12, 2022

We record in Honey's (Rudy's mom) shop. We all eat Balut. The grand finale of our Cebu Special!Support us by supporting our sponsors! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and ...California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly ad free on Amazon music download the app today Bate where I come from. It's called boycott. What is boycott boycott bread? That's bread. Well boycott is you really want to know what it means That's fucking bread, bro. Hey, when you know when you said hey, um, did you make that bro? Zik do you make it? Remember when I said when remember 10 seconds ago when you were like, um, I don't like flies on my body cut Yeah, you're actually saying I don't like flies on my prostitute Boycott bread boycott means prostitute. It does but you should taste it. It's delicious. I love prostitute bread
Starting point is 00:00:42 Is that let me ask you a couple serious questions. Is it made by a prostitute or is it it made by honey? I If you guys don't already know honey is my sister and Juliana or Rudy's mom, honey, this is Rudy's mom Yeah, yeah So ladies and gentlemen, you know Rudy from bad friends, this is what spawned Rudy, right? So this is the knife queen Right. You like knives, too. I Don't know. Okay. She's just
Starting point is 00:01:54 Um, hon, can you tell us how a boycott is made it's just plain bread with sweets. Okay, you want to taste it? Can we tell everyone where we are first? Yeah, I don't know where the fuck. Okay. I'm gonna say this, right? Literally, I was like we're podcasting today So I thought we were going back to that resort that the mansion the mansion And then they they're pulling over. I'm like, why are we pulling over here? Not that I love the area and it's beautiful This is like this is like the La Jolla of Philippines, it's really nice beach town. Yeah, yeah, this is it's 7-eleven
Starting point is 00:02:31 7-10 Get the one to get there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You not see the sign outside. What does it say? It says honey's bakery. So this is your bakery. Yeah, okay. You're a fucking baker Anyway, um, so then they pull over this. What are you looking at? Oh Flat smile. Hey noodle dick. What are you looking at? Anyway noodle dicks here and it's good to see him But then we pull over the side. I'm like, why we got the 7-10 and then I realized I saw the cameras and all that stuff So it's like we're shooting. Do you want to taste it? It's actually really good. We'll do it later. Okay. We'll do it later
Starting point is 00:03:03 What's the other thing next to it? The other thing no, no, no, no, no, no, no is the banana queue. This is Bahog Bahog What is Bahog Bahog means bread pudding? Oh, that's bread pudding. Yes. What's the white stuff in it? It's just different kinds of bread mixed all together. You know, it looks like from here gravel Like something that you find on the street and then what's the meat portion of it's not meat It's banana queue. Love you eat that caramelized banana I can eat that all day and then this right here oh my god it's been ignorant this is so good Bobby this is right up your alley tell
Starting point is 00:03:39 what it is this is like stewed banana this is like like the tiny little boba things you like I just want to also let everyone know hi yes I good to see you yes I don't I'm not making fun of the food I'm so blessed to be here I love the people you I mean I like that man's breasts so bro who's loloi is that loloi no the guy with no shirt on the guy with the white show his name is Renz yeah but who's the guy with no shirt on the kid the kid bucket he's my cousin oh yeah I like his breasts can you tell him I said that or will he stab me tell him scream it in the sire
Starting point is 00:04:12 okay let me be a little I want to memorize that we're gonna see a ganan see a ganahan cool ganako ganahan ganahan co co sa sa imong imong totoy totoy what's that a baby lizard holy fuck this is like Jurassic Park in here this is crazy I've never seen a that's like a mini dinosaur look behind you you wanted to review of the products yeah yeah well so this is I can read English brown coffee they that's how it comes in powdered form brown coffee brown coffee powdered form here this right here is magic set up magic delicious is that magic magic delicious yeah it's all in one seasoning yeah this one right here
Starting point is 00:05:12 is some Asian dude kid winning a trophy Alaska fortified powdered milk that's great anyway I'll never eat that do you mix that with water I you do yeah if I bought magic syrup what's the magic set up and no that's for cooking magic set up is just seasoning okay Alaska fortified milk all right so if I this Alaska you know the classic Alaska fortified milk you know I always ask at Starbucks for the Alaska fortified milk sir what kind of milk would you like with your American you have Alaska fortified absolutely how to get that but can you a non-powdered form please oh yeah because sometimes you put the powder in
Starting point is 00:05:51 there and I don't like it was like a side of prostitute prostitute bread yeah you chew up prostitute yeah yeah yeah thank you can I show blood then more blood but they're prostitutes yeah I want more blood in it yeah okay here do you know why it's called prostitute oh my god just guess let me guess let me guess here that's the vagina that's what the vagina looks like certain time of month yeah oh fuck this oh god that was the visual I don't like but taste it I don't know you taste the first I thought you said you wanted prostitute it's really good honey gave me some it's delicious it's a good it's so good Bobby come down
Starting point is 00:06:29 down to honey's bakery it's good try some Alaska fortified milk with me so dramatic let me hand no because really good okay the first thing I taste is sugar yeah so it's very sugary yeah the bread is soft really soft it's delicious and let me say something let me say something you honey your mother meritus bakes as well and so it you're influenced by the mother and you know I've never had that bread before I may never have it again but I have to say if I were to have it again which will never happen right I'm gonna love it and you know what I'm gonna call Starbucks corporate office yeah see if they can
Starting point is 00:07:16 have that in the little wow what do you think okay yeah okay look they have everything here from paper they have what did you really own this store sorry sorry this is hers it's this is yours to store yeah unbelievable is the gecko part of it that little lizard that's over there or do you have you named him yet yes for sale is that kid for sale yeah 3,000 bought that's what he's worth this one oh I'm gonna put you to work you can make shoes for me buddy no we have fucking sewing machines yeah and skinny that's gonna be there too man but you're not gonna be working you're gonna be on my bed just I just need
Starting point is 00:07:56 some of the cuddle anyway um you say you good hello good to see hi Masi good to see you this is my auntie my tita Lucy so meritus is your sister yeah that's great can we do the countdown so we can start the show we haven't even really even started a colonizer hi that's what happened hundreds of years ago you guys hit behind walls and stared at keep it there it's as I have to stay here you don't have to it's up to you why you don't want to be questions for you okay intro first one intro first yeah well into first yeah five four three two one welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly and we are in a very I love this
Starting point is 00:08:37 area that we're in right now we're with George Kalila Gilbert and you guys this is my third time in the Philippines right yeah and I love it here you know every time I come here I think how do I how can I live here the restaurant that we went to the we fit we went to two restaurants that were so legit good right was that first one we went to something entailed in the palm if you're ever in subude you got to go to the pick in the palm it rivals any other restaurant you would go in the world and then the second one was it felt like I was in the Chinese triad didn't enough feel like you had you know me mafia power it was like
Starting point is 00:09:21 Chinatown I think that's just because we went with chase so chase bro you guys know chase chase is like our last guest chase cocolio cocolio man let me tell you some of this guy we went to this Chinese restaurant hear me out bro mod 32 you'll never you I want you to go skinny and let me tell you something it's a two-month three-month reservation they they had us in a little room we walked in it was the best it was way too much food I almost died I think we all almost I think my stomach burst almost it was a challenge for sure yeah because this chase would just order everything but it was one of the best restaurants we've
Starting point is 00:09:56 ever had the architecture was amazing and also we made some money on the we gambled a little bit I did I mean did you guys win money that night I won money I won probably a thousand pesos what's up I think I made about it for $20 yeah I think I made about 3,000 pesos so oh $60 almost $60 chase was about to bet a hundred thousand pesos and Bobby said don't do it but because it's in pesos yeah it makes it makes it feel like you won $6,000 in America because of the because it's just a thousand right doesn't it seem like you're making more money than you are I got excited yeah I realized oh different so that was great
Starting point is 00:10:31 and I've been sleeping like a baby too so what's the matter George oh no I just noticed Argentinian beef and in cans it's distracted really I didn't expect it comes after the Alaska milk I've saw Argentina you want to do a review in Argentina beef beef well I didn't know it came canned I love Argentinian beef you know but I usually get it in Argentina in a store but now that I know it's corned beef no but this specific beat Argentinian right is the best kind yeah and it now comes in cans guys and it's only 40 pesos is that what it means that 40 pesos so this could you could put this in a sandwich or stew
Starting point is 00:11:11 no you cook it with eggs and fry it in the morning you could do it that way as well yeah I did not know you could do it that was where you can put it in the egg it's like corned beef hash corned beef hash little potatoes and I don't you know mean because I love this type of beef how long this can this last for like can this last a thousand years I think so I think so it's so process that yes oh really yeah is it good for you yes yes it's probably the best for you actually I would honestly Dr. David Sinclair might actually recommend this for reverse aging really I think so that's great beef yeah that's the best kind so it
Starting point is 00:11:49 comes in cans guys just you know Google it and order it so we got our honey's bakery on his battery curry can I just say something about this bakery slash store the hard work that is involved in creating something like this I've seen other stores here you know you know a lot of people have stores here and and they're working very hard and when you drive by them you just go you know you just tear up thinking you know the work ethic that's involved into creating something we'll look around you like close your eyes and tell me what you need I can promise you the store probably has it let's see I want to write
Starting point is 00:12:23 my book is there paper and pen right in front get out of here I was now I can start my biography not even just one type of paper there's intermediate pad yeah there's the yellow kind there's a spiral look at the brand that's my favorite brand Asian copy if I'm I'm only using Asian copy never white copy oh Asian copies I didn't even know they even made those anymore you can't get any more dude you can't get Asian copy in the state close your eyes tell me what else you need oh mosquitoes bite you what mosquitoes bite you what what do you need oh I want insect repellent there's no way they have that
Starting point is 00:13:02 here let me see the let me see can you give it to me can you can you get me one get the Asian repellent no Asian copy bro not Asian no this is what happens when you don't listen George oh they got by gone bacon I mean by gone by gone I said it right yeah yeah by s.c. Johnson it's a family company yeah and they make these all night mosquito protection this isn't seem like repellent it seems like you put it on a stove yeah it kind of like coils well this is if this is the old school cut toll is actually not great for you but yeah kill mosquitoes so it'll kill
Starting point is 00:13:49 mosquitoes and you can also cook up the Argentinian beef on that's great it's a two-in-one yeah so that's great can I put the bag got George you put the big on back close your eyes what else do you need oh my god what Jesus what I how about um medicines medicine yeah I have a headache what do I take let me see I have a headache what do I they have a migrant what they have around here they have trust condom and strawberry flavor whoa if you love strawberries if you love and you like to fuck dude they go hand-in-hand think it's up there when you get a horny you want two things honey can you say strawberry and fuck
Starting point is 00:14:30 and fuck honey can you sit here and tell us what else we can purchase yes sit down here honey honey come back go back come back to us honey you ran away and you came back honey so honey let me ask you something where's the where's the strawberry condom that it's at the back it's in the back yeah it's behind the counter oh it's so it's one of those things why I have to ask for yeah so if I'm gonna walk in here and I go hmm I'm gonna get I want to get some Argentinian beef and some powdered milk fortified Alaska for the final action me because that's what I eat for lunch right absolutely but then I'm like a little
Starting point is 00:15:04 horny too yeah right like am I gonna fuck after I eat Argentinian beef and some right so Alaskan milk powder so I come up here I go excuse me can I some Argentinian beef and then you give me a yes you have the can I get two packets of the um where is it the Alaska fortified milk powder yes so I got this beautiful supermodel in my van and a condom yeah do you have yeah you have condoms strawberry you have strawberry chocolate chocolate chocolate as well you have chocolate condoms yes and we'll see it we also have pills yeah because what I have ED right now because what that's the Alaska milk
Starting point is 00:15:45 Viagra they don't have Viagra pills do they have for girls what kind of you have oh you have receptive the morning day after pill no not that contraceptive they also have antibiotics wait wait wait so you have a pill yeah a concert for a woman like this the pill babe what do you mean he doesn't know I don't think he knows what the pill is like just you take it every day to not get pregnant there's a pill for that I had no what you can do that hon yeah what are what are some necessary words Bobby needs to know in Bessiah to get by here thank you okay let me ask let me say to some come here
Starting point is 00:16:33 JJ let's come in the camera a little bit no not now I'm just doing a scene with you I just learned a new word Salamat what does that mean Bobby no no if you heard me say that what would you think what are you thanking me for oh I just thank you for being you give me another word come here we're doing scenes what I couldn't say say you're handsome hawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakawakaw scalp I suppose sa k crush ma unscrew that and then and I thought I saw Sains Sorry, the auntie's here, but that's what I would do, right? I would just start sucking it. Yeah, man. He's I'm so sorry
Starting point is 00:17:29 Give me no one more word JJ come back. We're not you're my acting partner Magyota Magyota Magyota Magyota? I'm back with drinks So what do we said let's fuck and he says buy me drinks first and I say no That's strawberry condom. Yes. Yeah, you have a strawberry condom on very good improv. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you Well, thank you for so much. You're not leaving. She said Listen your daughter
Starting point is 00:18:06 Podcasts a bunch, right? And you have to be an example to her All right, so you're sitting there. Wait, don't we have Rudy's replacement here in the room? Yeah Yeah, we have Issa should we introduce her? Yeah, so this is Rudy's younger sister. Are you downies? You don't have to be you have to she only speaks Japanese. It's gonna be great. Oh, yeah Yeah, she speaks Japanese Japanese Come on, come on. Yeah, Issa She could replace you actually
Starting point is 00:18:33 Give it up for honey everybody for honey real good. I love your store. All right. Give me a kiss. Give me a kiss Listen, I'm gonna say something right now a little controversial because a lot of people love Rudy in America, right? But I think that I I like her younger sister Issa Issa is more dynamic She knows more she knows more, right? And I think the east is a little bit more outgoing. No, yeah, I think for sure Yeah, you guys are definitely you have your strengths different strengths, but he's How do you feel about like watching your older sister on bad friends?
Starting point is 00:19:13 Um, I think it's really funny actually. She's really funny on bad friends. Yeah, what in what way? Like because she usually doesn't like tell those kind of jokes around us It's like kind of weird This is the first time I've ever seen you do that. Yeah. Yeah. Wow. So when she's around you, she's a different person Yeah, she's she's always kind of mad at me Why why why why why I don't tell me why she'd be mad. I feel like it's just like I feel like I'm just kind of annoying to her Oh, but that's like really normal for like older like said older younger sibling dynamic Is that like you and Coinda?
Starting point is 00:19:49 No, my sister and I don't have a sibling rivalry at all because we had to turn to each other when our moms were When my mom was beating us. We were each other's only war buddy. War buddy. She's my war Right, I get it and we also bonded through trauma. We did we really bonded to through trauma, but east I know at least You share one thing with jewels is that you love anime as well. Yeah, but even more so that you taught yourself Japanese Yeah, well, that's why I think you're better than her because No, I'm being real and I'm speaking from my heart The reason why I think you're better is because not only do you more know more about anime you decided to learn the language And that's another level right when did you decide that is just like over the pandemic? Yeah over the pandemic
Starting point is 00:20:33 I found this game and I like Before that I already really wanted to learn Japanese because I wanted to watch anime without the subtitles and I would be like I would be like, oh my god. I know anime tell my friends No, I mean, I know Japanese all my friends and I'd like brag around and so during the pandemic you decided that you were just gonna Hunker down and learn the language. Yeah, and where are you at now like intermediate level? Yeah, before I used to be way better, but now I have like no reason to speak it anymore So it's like kind of gone now, but do you want to ask her some questions in what words in Japanese? No, I just want to Say something right now. That's getting me emotional almost
Starting point is 00:21:12 May I yeah? I'm in all of you And I have to say this right. I I'm not doing this as a joke. I think you are better than Jules It's putting Jules. I know I love Jules. She's like a daughter to me and she lives in my house My point is is that I just for you to sit here first number one. Yeah, Jules doesn't know how to talk in the mic Right you haven't gone away from it. You're much younger. How old are you? I'm 14. She's 14 years old and she what uncle Carlo. Oh fuck Anyway, let's go. I don't want to eat that. Yeah. Yeah, you just told me like Michael Jordan was here
Starting point is 00:21:55 Legend was coming right. He's a legend. All right. So anyway, I'm just in awe of you Thank you, and you're very confident. So let me ask you. How do you say? Where's the bathroom in Japan to pick Japanese? Ah, Toy Day. What is this? I don't know what she meant I closed my eyes Japanese person. Yeah, I was like, is that Emperor Hirohito? Right, that's what I felt. It's felt like I don't know any other Japanese You always go to the Emperor you Emperor Hirohito because of the history of it Oh, he's when what are your favorite animes my right now? It's probably jiu-jitsu kaisen I haven't watched the movie yet. I probably have the jiu-jitsu kaisen jiu-jitsu Kaisen so jiu-jitsu is the former martial arts. Yeah, and kaisen. I guess is the lead of the story
Starting point is 00:22:46 Mm-hmm. Actually, I don't know what kaisen is because it's like one of the deeper words. Oh So there's deep cuts in terms of Japan. Yeah, really Japanese. Yeah, it's like Let me see if there's a English word. That's a deep cut filibuster. Is that deep cut filibuster is a deep Anomaly is a fair have you heard of anomalies a fair yeah, it's familiar. Yeah, but it's a deep cut English word Yeah, that's great. So that's Kaiser is a deep cut Japanese Yeah, kaisen. So what is it about? Hmm. What's it? What's the anime about? It's like it's about this This young guy and he his grandpa died and oh
Starting point is 00:23:27 Yeah He was the grandpa told him that he was strong enough to help people out and while he was like while He was in school. He has two older older classmates that he's in a club with and it's what kind of club is it? It's like, what's that called? Like when you like work with ghosts? Paranormal like a paranormal like that. Yeah, and they picked up Repeat at these a whole truck just drove by and the only thing I read on the whole thing was flammable That's insane, I feel like if that exploded I was around to turn into a superhero or something I have to send the power. Anyway, go ahead. They are in a club with two
Starting point is 00:24:09 Two guys paranormal club. Yeah, so they picked up this cursed object that was supposed to be picked up by a student that was in a special school for cursed stuff and The two seniors they almost died because they almost like they almost got like eaten by the curse Yeah, okay, and the student that was supposed to be that that was supposed to pick up the the cursed object they helped them kill it and the the young guy who's a grandfather died and was also there and Like while he was being attacked by the curse. He ate the cursed object and he The cursed object the curse in it was really powerful. And so he's basically like two personalities Him well, that's what you never eat a cursed object. Yeah, that's what my grandfather used to say
Starting point is 00:24:57 You know, I mean, but to each his own I guess I mean that anyway, let's move on. Don't get angry That bread seems cursed, but don't get angry He's using the booty cut this curse. Yeah, it's good. Yeah, it's good Yeah, you get a pound from me too, man. Yeah, yeah Dude, okay, her improv is quick. So good already better than Jules I just want to provoke her. I love her. You know me so do you highly recommend that one? Just cut just it's kaisen. Yeah, I do. It's really famous actually is so I never heard it's a really big Really? I haven't watched it yet. The movie that they did is it a live-action movie or is it a cartoon?
Starting point is 00:25:49 It's an anime. It's an anime. And didn't you say they were doing a live-action of one punch man? Yeah, they are they are. Yeah, that's what he said. Yeah, um Well the movie that I did borderlands the same people were bought the rights for and they're gonna do it Okay, we might and then I know you cut that out. Okay. No, and I was like, of course, I was like No, I want to be one punch man. I don't know what would put you what does one punch man look like me or no What yeah describe how he looks like like if you become bald and probably ah Ah, so chemotherapy with the chemotherapy The only way to get bald. Oh, yeah, I can shave it too. My bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There's two ways to chemotherapy
Starting point is 00:26:28 There's two routes. I think chemo. There's a harder route. Yeah. Yes If you were to pick three guests that we should have on Tiger belly, who should it be? Oh great I already had one in mind. I I can't really think of three right now, but I had one in mind His name is Lorraine. I love Lorraine. Yeah, right that down right that down George We got to get it on Issa. So wait, you said who's Lorraine Lorraine is this This comedian I started seeing him on YouTube a couple of years ago with my friends And he was like really funny and his like humor was right around our alley. And so we kept on watching like Gen Z These answers are just wait is Lorraine is Lorraine Filipino
Starting point is 00:27:11 Actually, I'm not sure Asian No, how do you spell? What's his Instagram handle? What race so he's not Filipino? No, yeah, you said no for the first time that is he Filipino? No, I'm not sure would be Yeah, yeah, it's like is he Filipino? No. No, I'm not sure. Yeah, so Does he have a big following a really big following? Okay, like how many followers is he having Instagram on Instagram? I'm not sure, but I checked his following on tiktok yesterday. It was like 23 million. Oh my god Sorry, yeah, pick another one. We got Bretman. Yeah Bretman. Who's Bretman? I love him Bretman. I know I just want to pretend
Starting point is 00:27:57 I don't know who he is Here's what I worry about The streets of Cebu Number one The dogs I get so worried because there's so many beautiful dogs. They're friendly dogs stray dogs stray dogs And I just feel like they're they're gonna get run over. They never get run over. They do. There's a lot actually Isas family is really big into rescue and how many dogs do you have now ease eight? Can I propose something yeah
Starting point is 00:28:29 It runs the family. Yeah, let's create a project together than you saw Oh, why don't we do dog crosswalks? What do you mean? But we call them Isas crosswalks. Yeah, we have you know how in America we have crosswalks for human There's a light. Yeah light for dogs a light for dogs. Yeah, that no one's gonna stop for nobody here They don't even stop for humans. I know you're right. That's a good point But even if do you have I don't even know if I've seen a traffic light here. The trap. What? Yeah There are traffic lights Yeah, but one's in nearest. I mean if you go down this road probably a mile you'll see one
Starting point is 00:29:05 Yeah, not so much here in like Marigondon area Like closer to like crossing and stuff. Yeah, and is it the same? Don't get angry with me It's the same rules the green yellow red. Okay, my bad Yeah, except that the traffic here like I would say that the Philippines although High on traffic and high on the honking. No one is mad It's not like road rage in America where people like pull guns on each other over small things like helpful It's more like you honk to kind of say hey, what's up? Oh, I'm making this left turn Let me in like you can overtake. It's and I here's the thing when you say this
Starting point is 00:29:43 I agree, and I want to say my little tiffin on it. Okay, is Excuse me Yeah, you just heard a honk. Yeah, good Thank you. The honking is like coordination. I understand that but he interrupted me and that was rude But I forgive you Anyway, here's my little point of view I'm so he just he just through rage. I know I know he just he does that, you know what I mean? And I have to move past it. Wow. So thank you for your tidbit
Starting point is 00:30:15 We all heard the honk as well, right? We didn't um stop the you know what I mean the conversation because of but you did It's fine. Let's move on. Am I not right? The white man does that. Do they not? The white man does that and it's gotta stop So anyway, uh, anyway, so I forgot even what I was saying. Oh, yeah, my point of view. I'm so sorry Yeah, yeah, yeah, so my point of view on it is um, you know that whole stereotype that Asians can't drive It's bullshit. You know, I mean we just have different rules Yeah, the rules are different So when you see Asian drivers in America, they probably learn driving maybe in a different land
Starting point is 00:30:50 And the rules are different right here It's like if you like in America if you ding a car a little bit you have to pull over and exchange information in Asia Because I've been to Thailand as well. You get a ding they look on they go It's okay. It's okay. You know what I mean? And that's what I like about it. Who cares about a little ding, right? Who cares about a little scratch? You know people in America are so like Like they just care about things that doesn't matter. Right, right. I think in that sense like You know in in terms of land of the free it doesn't feel very free there. It doesn't come home. I'm like, oh, okay
Starting point is 00:31:28 Granted, it's a little it's a third world country, but there's so much more joy and overall like life lived Over here than when I like everyone's a fucking angry in the philip. I mean sorry I don't know if you put a foot like if I'm walking down the street. I put a foot on somebody's property Game over here. They're fine. Oh here here. They're get off my property and they bring out a fucking shotgun Yeah, right you can even pick like fruits off of like another person's tree and they don't say anything They don't say anything. No, you they would shoot your hand off If I'm in America and I get an avocado
Starting point is 00:32:05 And your your hand is gone. I remember one of our neighbors had this massive like lemon tree And all the lemons were like rotting and so I was like, oh, I'm gonna stop by and just get a ton like do him a favor So I I rang his doorbell. I was like, sir Like I look it seems like you know a lot of your lemons are going bad Do you mind if like I pick a couple and he goes you can have two You can have two and I'm like, what are you? Where is it going? It's just gonna rot on the ground But it's a that's it. I I I cannot like that's exactly what pisses me off about the us It's like, you know all of these laws and rules to protect people
Starting point is 00:32:42 But like no one is truly like happy. It seems they're not happy in any case speaking of happiness My the legendary my legendary uncle carlo has I know he's here rivet, but I I I want to um Before isa goes We'll keep her maybe she get George get the fuck out of here, man You know you're honking shit Yeah, you're right. Get the fuck out of here, man. I love you though. Thanks for being here You know what no George come back. George would come back. I want to see something you sit down. I have to see something I have to say something, you know last night, um
Starting point is 00:33:16 Sorry about the honking thing I just did that was that was my bad And also last night you you said something at dinner. You said you don't believe in me to me Right and and I want to say I do believe in you No, I was complaining because honey was like Gilbert and I were renting the car with honey to come to check this place out Yeah, and all she could talk about was like how funny fancy is fancy is so funny. Grace is so funny He's just like he just says one little thing and I bust up laughing and then what did she say about you? What did she say about you?
Starting point is 00:33:46 George, you're so serious. Yeah, right You know a lot of people she didn't say like she didn't even want to say anything about me I had to force her to like kind of But what about somebody else that's like been on a podcast for longer? Well, can I just say something George George George? You know, I can admit right now that Dave Chappelle's better than me as a standout And I think except that he is not the Dave Chappelle to me. No, no, no, no, no, no Anyway, thank you
Starting point is 00:34:12 Thank you. Thank you Um, let me let me just prep him real quick. All right. I go prep for uncle carlo Because I don't want him to get nervous on camera. He's not gonna be nervous. Okay. Let's keep talking to iso Yeah, we'll talk to isa isa isa. Okay. Yeah. What are you doing? all right So isa Yeah This is my plan. I want
Starting point is 00:34:34 Because you have a visa, right? Yeah, I do right So why you can come to america anytime Could you go to school in america? I want to And and so your can we make it so that you're fresh when are you a freshman next year? Freshman no, um college or high school. What do you what grade are you now? I'm in ninth. No, I'm in eighth eighth grade Oh, yeah, it's great. So next year as a freshman in high school. Could you come to and do a year of school in america? No, actually freshman in high school in the philippines is the seventh seventh grade Oh, so you're a sophomore in high school. Yeah
Starting point is 00:35:10 So you'd be a sophomore in high school. That's right because you're 15 almost. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah so you'll be a sophomore in high school you can come to america And um good to a year and then maybe we can have you replace duels for a little bit on that friend No, I'm kidding. I'm kidding replace not replace, but you could do it with duels. That'd be great, right? Yeah. Yeah Um, are you I feel like you're happy to see us this week? Really happy me too. We've had a great time, right? Uh-huh really fun now between the two big okay between we had three dinners. Yeah Rank them. What was your number one dinner?
Starting point is 00:35:46 Um Wait, I only had two because I didn't come the first time Oh, that's right. So between the two no You had three dinners. We went to that little thing upstairs. We went to mot 32 Oh my god, and then you we went to that thing last night. Yeah, right. So that's three dinners. Yeah rank them Um mot 32 is definitely the first she gets it. Yes, she gets it and the what was the name of that other one? We went to something in tails, right? Yeah, that one was a second and the third one was yesterday Garbage last night, huh? Great food great hotel
Starting point is 00:36:20 garbage Great hotel I diarrhea you did delicious squid squid was great rock. I love squid. See yeah, but that was good We love squid and then it rained on us. That's the Lord going get out Oh, remember the rain with God said God says get inside. It's not a good restaurant Oh I'll go Carlos sit here. Okay Yes, you're gonna translate her. Okay. Uncle Carlos. Uncle Carlos
Starting point is 00:37:03 Why not see Gilbert chill? See Gilbert see George Good to see you again, Uncle Carlo I forgot the words already. Hey first one. First one. Salamat. Salamat. Salamat, Uncle Carlo So just talk on the mic, huh? Okay Talk on the mic if you want Talk on the mic if you want do whatever you want Okay, no need to be nervous uncle Carlo. You're a legend
Starting point is 00:37:39 Okay, Mike Joe Mike Joe So uncle Carlo could introduce the audience first. Okay ladies and gentlemen ladies and gentlemen Uh, I you know in life, you know, I'm a pretty Dynamic person. You know, I mean I've done a lot of things in my life You could write probably maybe write a book about me, right? But this next guest is sort of like, uh The Steve McQueen of Subaboo. Wow. Yeah, this guy this dude is I'm intimidated by him I I want to I want to live like him. I want to be like as strong as him Um, and he's uh, Khalilah's uncle
Starting point is 00:38:19 Okay, he just said some sort of life affirmation or something Yeah, some sort of wisdom thing and that's what I love. He gives little wisdoms and um, let's give him a round of applause Uncle Carlo, but see it like he gets don't do raise the roof with him. Okay Because he's another raise it down. Raise it down. How are you uncle Carlo? It's fine. Fine Do you remember me from last time? Yeah, I remember you. Yeah. Yeah. Let me ask you a simple question. Do you like me? Yes, yes, I like you Thank god, good Oh, you think that I'm handsome? Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:39:00 He's telling the truth. I know I know but my butthole just did a little move Oh, when he said that yeah, that's not a sexual way. Yeah, it just released itself my my my bad. So uncle Carlo, um How are you feeling today? See you and it feels good to looking forward to you and seeing you as well So when I was growing up of all of my uncles I was actually closest to uncle Carlo when I was younger And so my uncle like I have a lot of my mom has a total of 10 siblings Yeah, but of all of them, I would have to say uncle Carlo is the one uncle that always went to my swim meets
Starting point is 00:39:42 Member Joe Sabaliana He always he never missed them. Every time we had like a big race. He was always there before and after Oh, and he was a really really really big part of my life. Okay, Rocco. Um, um, McStory About your Okay, okay. Okay. You can ask him about his time in prison. He says are you sure? Yeah, yeah Uncle Carlos, how long were you in prison for? I'm maybe it's 14 years 14 years. You were in prison for 14 years. Yeah, and
Starting point is 00:40:19 How's the food? food is Before it's very It's not good the food. Yeah very soon and I stood under too. Maybe like, uh, mongo mongo mongo bean. I love also you eat some mongo bean. Yeah, but it's not good cooking. Yeah. Yeah is uh
Starting point is 00:40:42 It called it in the Philippines is Engine engine coke like no good Well, let me engine coke engine coke. We call it no good, but it's a cankong. Cankong is like, um, greens Also, you had greens greens the beans and then mongoes mongo beans and what else? And then other Nothing, it's old. Oh, just mongo beans Milk Milk Oh, did you ever have Alaskan fortified milk? I milk up there. It's very
Starting point is 00:41:19 Not good. Yeah, I think prison milk is Not gonna be good. Yeah, it doesn't seem like it's gonna be fresh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah east Do you have any questions about what it's I have some more questions. Yeah. Yeah, so in of In prison, did you have your own cell or did you sleep with a bunch of guys you can translate these you have? Uh, we have no the one cell is One 300 people one what's a one hundred people one room one room?
Starting point is 00:41:52 300 people. Yeah How do you sleep like this you can sleep and uh Yeah, like this. Yeah, and then like this if you if you like this you can you can see the face Yeah Yeah, all people cough. Yeah. Wow. I would probably sleep No, I mean just on my back. Yeah with my hand over my asshole. Okay Just in case Just in case. Just in case. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know, you have to cover the asshole spiders with spiders
Starting point is 00:42:28 Yeah, uh, yeah spiders one of those geckos. Yeah, right Dick that too. Yeah, dick. You know what I mean? In the But the foreigners are going to the inside Then respect that Oh, yeah because
Starting point is 00:42:47 This is a Filipino So the foreigners they go in and there's just to kind of like see what it's like in the prison. It's almost like that's so weird It's almost like um a form of like weird like sick tourism. Yeah, like like weird Is that what it is? Poverty porn Yeah, it's like poverty porn or something like that. Wait, wait, wait. So what you're saying to me is that I'm a foreigner And you want to just see the size and you know, what do you want to see today, honey? Yeah, right? I'm with my wife Yeah, let's go to the prison. Is that what it is? Yeah, and I can go look inside the prison at how like horrible it is
Starting point is 00:43:37 And then that way they can just tell their friends like oh, I saw what it's like to be it's like poverty A porn for them. That's fucking sad, man. Yeah Um, so 14. Were you happy when you got out of prison? No No, um when you um easy want to ask Ah, yes, I'm gonna have a very very good. Yeah, please air the fresh air Oh, so you don't get fresh air when you're in prison. No. No. Oh, so you never go outside You go outside. You're working. You're working. So they put you to work. Yeah, they put you to work. Wow
Starting point is 00:44:14 They plant the rice. Yeah. Yeah, they plant rice? Yeah, they plant the rice. Yeah They have no carabao. You have to lock with your hands and then you have those for well Yeah, oh, wow. Because usually they use like carabao, which is like an animal It's like the Filipino tractor to work the rice fields and whatnot, but they don't have the carabao there. They use Um, the the prisoners instead to kind of work the fields. Did they pay you? No, I have uh, I have a kohan salari, but Very little very little
Starting point is 00:44:48 One peso and 25 centavos a day one peso and 25 centavos a day, which is a penny like two pennies Two pennies. Can you say fuck you? I'm not working Because that because uh Yeah, so basically you can save that up and then you can buy things like coffee and um, you know, things like that. Oh, I see. Yeah I see How did you get out? I mean, would did you do your like you had a 14 year sentence and you got out or did they just one day say you're Maybe translate that that was a sentence. Yeah, it was 14 years. Yeah, um, maybe we'll hop into more about what you did But I'm just I want to last one's good. Were you there when he was released or were you in america? Um, I was in america. Yeah
Starting point is 00:45:29 Um, but then I came home a couple years after I think yeah um But you know like life life is weird, right? Because it's like I still have so much like love and affection because like My childhood memories is of my uncle taking really good care of I don't know me and my sister. I don't know that makes me super emotional, but like Yeah, he is like a big part of my life So I know like life's weird in that way where like you're supposed to
Starting point is 00:45:57 You feel some type of way and society tells you that someone is like bad, but then He never missed any of my meets and sometimes when my dad couldn't make it like he was that person for me In fact, he's my sister's godfather. So You know, it's just uh, I love you I love you too So much, you know, I really do. Oh my god. That was really emotional. Um, but yeah, um, but we can get off that now But thank you so much show. Thank you so it was a pleasure having you on my show our show It's mostly mine
Starting point is 00:46:33 And um, I hopefully we can get closer as time goes on. Yeah Thank you Oh, that was great. That was great. Thank you You're my you're my new sidekick. Thank you. We're a team now I love that guy dude Do you know what can I tell you something? Yeah, so we go to um, watch cock fighting So I know I love animals, but it's just part of the culture here like cock fighting and whatnot, right? um
Starting point is 00:47:18 Like and so in cock fighting, it's predominantly male George has been to one There aren't a lot of girls there, but me my sister and my best friend Jessica. We always insist on going But uncle Carlos always our bodyguard and literally everyone knows not to fuck with him. Oh, yeah Yeah, I wouldn't fuck with him. Yeah, so he goes with like a wife beater and he puts a rosary around his neck That's the best look and he just like walks us through and like nobody fucks with us You know, can I be honest with you? He reminds me of my dad. Yeah Yeah, they speak the same. You know what I mean? Um, the mannerisms are the same. It was really, um Starling to me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is such a very film familiar to me. You know uncle carlo
Starting point is 00:48:00 Right. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Thank you for um for being here throughout that. Yeah, and also can I say one thing? He has great legs. You're into legs. I am but his calves are just really I could hear them see the muscles and Yeah, no, so here's the thing about my uncle carlo. Yeah He's one of those guys that never needs to work out and he's been ripped his whole life like my mom She's ripped. So like her him and my mom have that natural genetics of just being naturally ripped for no reason Well, you and coinda have it. No, no, no, no, no. So my mom doesn't have an ounce of cellulite She's 62 now. Yeah. Yeah, not an ounce of cellulite like just all muscle Well, I was talking about the athleticism athleticism. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean and the you know, you like if you and I were on a log
Starting point is 00:48:43 In a leg you would win that game. I don't know what that game is. What is that the one where you just oh look at goat I know I saw one. I I thought that was a dog at first Honestly, look at that dog. The dog looks weird. It looks weird. He's going back So that's a goat. There are everywhere. There's a couple other ones. They're stray goats or not actually they belong to people They're not stray. Oh, that's my driver. Nelson. Hi, Nelson. Hi, Nelson Hey, Nelson. What's up, dog? Should we interview Nelson? Come on in, Nelson. Come on. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Get in here, Nelson. Nelson, sit here.
Starting point is 00:49:19 He has a daughter in school right now and he has a wife. Nelson, sit right here. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, Nelson, how the fuck? Put that around his eyes. I mean his ears I mean Nelson just walked in. I think he's supposed to pick us up at 1.40. Yeah. 4.30. So let me, can I ask you Gilbert a question? Yeah, why the fuck do I not have a driver and you have a driver? We have a driver. What's my driver's name? But that's everyone's driver. You have your own personal driver. This is Nelson. Nelson, can you tell them where you, what city you live in? I live here in the La Polapo city
Starting point is 00:49:53 This guy's the best. I love this guy, right? You live in La Polapo city? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. How long have you been living in La Polapo? 30 years. 30 years. Yeah. He's also former military. You're former military? Yeah. I remember the Philippine Air Force before. Oh, so you know how to fly a plane? No, I'm only in aircraft maintenance. Oh, so you know how to make them but you don't know how to fly them? Yeah. Oh, I see. They teach you that. You've been in a plane before though. You? You? Forget it. Me? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's great. How long have you been in the military? I've been in 20 years and 6 months. Wow. And then now Nelson, you work as a driver for Shangri-La? Yeah. Oh, wow. That's wow. Did you see any combat?
Starting point is 00:50:40 In Mindal. In Mindal? Mindal is the south and it's different. So like while the Philippines is mostly Catholic, Mindal now is heavy with Islam. In Mindal, we have 30% Islam. Wow. 30% then Catholic is 70%. And you went on a war with them? I'm a gunner, a former military. It's one, it's a helicopter. Oh, wow. Oh. Then I'm also an aircraft maintenance. You know C-130? Oh, C-130. Yeah, I love C-130s. Yeah, it's a cargo plane. They are the Philippines. Really? C-130s. It's a big, big plane. Big plane. It's a cargo. It's a plane, right? It's a cargo. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:31 What would you transport in that? Transport from the military, transport from Manila to Mindal. Yeah. Do you ever transport? Okay, thank you very much. You got him scared. All right. All right. Yeah, cocaine. You scared me. Scared him. Wow. Thank you very much. There was some truth to that maybe. Yeah. Yeah. We're not going to report you, man. Everything's good. That was crazy.
Starting point is 00:52:13 That was a good one. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Thank you, Nelson. I love how he just like showed up and walked right in. Yeah. Yeah. He just goes, okay. Okay. Bye. Okay. Let's move. All right. That was crazy because I have other questions. But that was fantastic. Well, what an interesting show we did. Yeah. We did a little bit more of the island. You know what I mean? We got to meet Issa on the car, a legend uncle Carlo. Yeah. What a great. My heart was beating so fast when he was here because I'm just like, I don't know. Yeah. Do you know that I spent so much of my childhood here in this particular spot like in Marigondon? Really? Because it wasn't this congested before. So this was really like, like Mingo before. Like there was a tower there when you were born. No, like nothing was here. We used to just.
Starting point is 00:52:54 What is that tower? Satellite? What are you doing? Okay. Yeah. Like a lot of the towers weren't here. Most of like it was. What are you doing, man? Back up, man. Back up. You're doing a great job. And I love you. And you're very talented. But back up. George. George, stand over there, man. Anyway, go ahead. I want the satellite. I don't know about the satellite, but you know, I thought at first that was like a donkey, which is like our kind of water. That's not a donkey. Donkey. Yeah. But yeah, I spent most of my weekends here. The beach that you that if you if you keep walking straight, there's a beach there. It's not a swimmable beach now. But back in the day,
Starting point is 00:53:40 that's where we would get like takobo. We I would swim there. It's where I learned to dive. You got a takobo there? Takobo. Oh, takobo. I don't know the language. Yeah. That'd be cool. You can get a takobo. You can. You can. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, is there to end it? Is there a Filipino and old traditional Filipino song that we can sing or beside it, beside a song that I could whatever that old song. That's not a traditional. Yeah, that one's a good one. See, be lemon or just give me a sentence so that you know, yeah, teach him that one. I don't even know that one. Give me the second one. Give me a second line of that song. What's after that? I don't know what's after that.
Starting point is 00:54:41 So sing it from the first line to the second line. I can do it. I'll do it. I'll do the first line. You do the second line. I don't know if I can. Okay. Do the second line. That's you singing or you're rapping it? Are you rapping? He's rapping. He's rapping it. Yeah. Close enough. Close. That's pretty good. We got it. We got it. You got what I was doing, right? All right. So that was a great tag. Wait a second. We have foods for you to try. Eat it. That's what I'm trying to avoid it. Okay. Here, Gil. My Tita Lucy made this. All right. How about this? Me and Gilbert, I'll make a compromise. Gilbert sits next to me.
Starting point is 00:55:42 We both eat balut. I'll eat it right here. You have to eat the balut. I know, but Gilbert has to sit next to me and eat it. If you want to show them how to eat it, I have to eat it. Ease, you've never eaten balut either. Do you want to try? Yes. Ease too. Oh, wait. We should sit here. Let Kalala get up and give it to us and we'll eat at the same time. Ease sit here. But what about Ease? No, you, Gil, sit here. Ease, I will stay there. I'll feed it to you. All right. So I'm going to watch the audio. I'm improvising like Mozart. Ease la mozapilion. Ease la mozapilion.
Starting point is 00:56:26 All right. I'm going to vomit. How many days is this, Joe? What does Pinoy mean? I want Pinoy. Joe, can you tell me the X has the, the one with the X? The X is nice. No, the one with the X. Take a shot. You get to the shot of this too. What is that? Don't worry about it. It's a vinaigar. Is that vinaigar? Yeah. Oh, thank you. It's warm. It's okay. I have my wet towel. Thank you. Salamat. That's you. That's your one. Feel it. Feel it though. It's just warm. Yeah. Mine's warm too. It's the same fucking thing, man. All right. So is X, is that where you open it? What if mine's already open?
Starting point is 00:57:15 I really wanted to get into this too. All right. So yeah, babe, I think Andreas needs one. Yeah, Andreas, Andreas, Andreas. I'm going to get him. I've always just tried to avoid this. I actually have to try. How have you avoided this? This is, it's all from here. I just, I just don't like it. How have you avoided this your whole life? I'm, I'm kind of a ninja. He's so nervous because I'll tell you why. Fancy can't eat mayonnaise on a hamburger. So you ordered a chicken sandwich. Imagine him eating one of these. It'll be great. And you have to eat it. I have to see you swallow it? Yeah, you do. Yeah, you do bud. Where's yours? Can I make an assumption? Here. So Bobby,
Starting point is 00:58:24 there's a correct way to do it. Right. So you're going to get the rounder part of the egg. Which one? That's it. This part. I think the X part. Yeah. George, are you on this? And you're going to pound it. Where's yours, Andreas? All right. You're going to ever so lightly break it up top. And then you're going to peel the top off and there's going to be juice up top. Okay, that's enough. That's enough. That's enough, Bobby. I like to tap it. Okay. And then peel it. And then I just put the, no, no, there's going to be juice up top. So you're going to suck the juice. And there's going to be a beat. Be careful. There's a soft part. Where's the salt? Where's the salt? There's, uh... Wait, wait, wait, wait. Why does yours look, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:59:15 There's the liquid up top. Here, you want to show the camera? Yeah. Which one? Which stupid one? Okay. I see veins. I see veins and I see the top of somebody's head. What's that? It's not somebody. It's a... Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is salt, right? I think so. That doesn't look like salt. Honey, is this salt? Yeah. Okay, so now you're going to take a pinch of salt? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Put a little, but if you want, might put a little more. Really? Yeah. Okay, and now we're taking the salt. I'm just going to do it now. I'm just going to do it now. I can't think about it. I'm going to suck the juice first. He's not, it's like fancy. He's not doing it. Where's my salt? Hey, no, it's egg yolk. It's egg yolk. That's good, right? You like it. It's good. It's not that bad.
Starting point is 01:00:13 All right. All right. Suck it. So the heart, so that you don't, you don't, the soft part, you need the soft part first. Why? Why? Okay, so this right here, what I see, Okay, you got to suck it. So what I see here is I see a little feather. Can you eat the feather part? Okay. Oh, I like it. You do? What? Do you like it, Ys? Andreas? Did you drink it? What is that? He doesn't want to eat it. Andreas? How cool are you feeling? That has a shell in it. I need you to eat feather, too. A little feather? Eat a little feather. He's mad. Look at him. Eat it, Gilb. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Yeah, you can. You can. How come he doesn't have any feather? Mine's inside. Oh, you have inside feather. Where is the vinegar?
Starting point is 01:01:17 Here. The vinegar is here. All right, there I go. Okay, so here we go. Guys, ready? Where are you? Get ready, Ysa. Ysa is not ready yet. He's already doing it. Remember, there's a hard part underneath. What? I know, I know. It's just egg. I don't know. I have more hair than fucking egg. Close your eyes and think of the queen. George is already working his way through it. Ready? Ready? One, two, three. Oh, you're eating the... What? You're not supposed to eat all of it? I have to tell. That's so good. I've had this so many times, but this is way more fresh than the States. It tastes way much, so much better. Good. It's egg yolk. Oh, look, you hit the face. I hit the face of it, I know.
Starting point is 01:02:11 The kids are laughing at me. Because I just crunched into a skull. This is delicious. You doing okay, George? I got some brain, dude. Do I eat the bottom part of the tart? Oh, look at that. Hey, camera left, please. Let me just... Do you eat all of it? Here, can I have the vinegar? You eat all of it, yeah. Give me some vinegar and I'll eat all of it. Wow, George is really, I feel like... All right, let's close this out. All right, ready? All right, let me let me eat another chunk of it. See, he likes it. It's good. It's pretty good. Oh, thank you for saying that, Bobby. Oh, yeah? Fuck you.
Starting point is 01:02:49 All right, guys, that was our... Is the beak at the bottom? Is that the chew... It depends. There's a really chewing part. That's the beak, probably. Yeah, you didn't finish it. Oh, wait, we didn't eat banana queue. I don't want to eat it. No, no, no. Wait, my... Let the camera close it out first. Okay, here. Thank you for listening. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Barely ad-free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com.

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