TigerBelly - Episode 130: Brody Stevens & The Idle Time

Episode Date: February 21, 2018

Brody is a beautiful enigma. Bobo catches science eyes. We talk positive energy, thinking lean, a tilted pelvis, and hippie dicks.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and Californi...a Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today You Don't look at you when I speak that means I'm just gathered I get nervous making eye contact I know what you've known you and I've known each other for a very long time Yeah, if we started you roll into this thing. No, I did you do it the way I do it No, but sometimes they start recording and then no, no, there's an in music and there's an intro There's a there's a fucking others. Yeah, we have a way of doing it. I see all the wires Yeah, yeah, we have a way of doing and we're on camp. Okay, good. I like it. This place is really good spot
Starting point is 00:00:54 It's not, you know fancy like some of your friends. I love very fancy friends some but You're talking about Zach or no, I just I'm just making it just a general statement that you have fancy friends Maybe back in the day. Maybe I don't push it. You don't have fancy friends. I do. What do you mean fancy famous rich? Yeah, nice house. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, Jeff Ross. That's pretty fancy. Nice house, but everyone I know I've been there That pool with the living in it. You can look them through the winter. Yeah, yeah The I mean, I know baseball guys, but I don't push it. I feel like
Starting point is 00:01:35 They have too much to lose like why do you want to get involved with me the guy who flips out at Starbucks? We'll talk about that later. Okay. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna go we're starting or no Five four three two one because it's the best day of my life I'm coming for me waiting to be realized. I keep my eye on that prize It's the new song that I like I've been listening to lately. It's by Lizzie. Okay, and it's called best days And I'm really that's my week like when I wake up. Yeah, that's the week That's the way that's the song that enters my head and I walk around in life. Okay. Okay, so it's called best days everybody welcome to um
Starting point is 00:02:20 I'm trying to do a different accents lately as of late, but Tiger Belly. Yeah, um, we're sometimes in the top hundred in podcast Sometimes Eighth last week. We're doing okay. We're doing good. We're staying afloat. That's all man. What do you think? We're a boat We've got Gilbert. We've got my beautiful Filipino flower What's your name? It's a little bit. It's a little bit. Don't don't do nothing I met Bryce's girlfriend last night
Starting point is 00:02:56 Lazy really nice dry lips, but that's that's the only thing wait That's the only thing that I would what does that mean? It's just like a little dry for me, but that's fine Wait, her personality is great. She plays at Stardew Valley Yeah, the whole reason why I'm in Stardew Valley is because of his girlfriend. She's got a you know hip Kind of farmer vibe about her. Yeah. Yeah, but she's also like if she's got a little bit of like the movie seven You know, I mean, it's raining. It's a city. It's dirty. I like it. You know, I mean dry lips. I met George's Off and on on again girlfriend last night side piece. Yeah, I'm gonna Thank you for the permission. Yeah. Thank you. I'm fucking Ghana. All right
Starting point is 00:03:40 So I'm not gonna get into it, but um, there's some been some tragedies We had this shooting in Florida. We're not gonna talk about it because we don't talk about stuff like that It's a fucking that was a disaster for our nation But another disaster happened George has said at the fucking improv last night. I mean, what the fuck I We haven't we have some footage, right? We're gonna put it on we'll put it. We'll put it out somewhere on a vlog or something, but um, I Taped it and I was taping it on my phone and I think at one point you're sitting Gilbert was sitting next to me What 400 seats do you think? Yeah, 400 or 500. We have four or 500 people on it and um, I distinctly remember going I don't this is the worst that it could be and not even joking like you were yeah
Starting point is 00:04:26 It was the worst and then freaking out George walks off stage And he goes, I think I did pretty good So confident Mmm Anyway, um, that's that and this is this and we have a Very very special guest with us tonight. Wow I've known him I feel like I've known him all of my comedy career. He is Enigma he's an enigma. It's a great word. He is a comedy staple in the LA comedy scene
Starting point is 00:05:02 Um, he's probably warmed up for every fucking TV. She used easy to Chelsea and let's just say his name Brody Stevens everybody Clap your hands. Yes, I'm very excited about today So am I why are you excited because you're a good guy? I haven't done this podcast before you have your I like your energy You like you have you always like my energy or have we had the problems before I've never had problems No, never you're you're but you're a working guy. I consider you one of the upper echelon comedians and but the comedy star I don't like that. I know you're busy, but You could just talk to me for like 30 seconds a minute and I feel it's sincere and I get it and I'm and I'm good with that I like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and if I do want to speak longer, you're open to that too, right?
Starting point is 00:05:48 I've been on TV shows where you were the guy in the warm-up Yeah, you talk to me before like yeah, you've like give me like, you know encouragement from the from the audience Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's a big part of doing audience warm-up is taking care of the guys on the panel Making sure the audience is connected with them You break that ice because they get nervous in the studio. They're they're intimidated by ocean celebrities so I Would take pride in the audience warm-up because I was I'm a comedian too. I'd be on the shows So I know what it's like to have a TV audience or an audience that's into it and being real
Starting point is 00:06:28 It's a shit job though. Do you think? I mean it's last to be hired first to be fired. There's that but if you get on a good show like Chelsea Yeah, how long how many these Chelsea's how many years like 400 episodes? I did quite a bit Yeah, a lot of fucking episodes of being a warm-up on a show, but yeah, what else have you done? I did best damn sport show about a thousand shows. Oh my fucking God That's a lot and then I did the first two seasons of at midnight on comedy central. I did the burn I did jazzle next. Yeah, that's how I take Ulysses. Oh my god So yeah, I mean when you're doing the three panel
Starting point is 00:07:06 comedian high energy show That's a big part and that takes a while like getting to Chelsea you have to build up when I was at best damn sport show They'll always be bringing a new executive producers. You start over. Yeah, you go to a work on a show Oh Brody could we use you for the day on another show you go in and a lot of times you're at the mercy of the stage manager Or the executive producer who what is this guy doing? He's yelling. I don't get it and you get problems Getting gig sometimes right with it was there. I don't I don't recall maybe was there a scoff at Chelsea. Yeah, did that end? It ended well, but what was the scoff? The scoff was
Starting point is 00:07:45 First of all, I loved working at Chelsea. No, she let me push it there Never gave me any problems nothing, you know normal nothing with Chelsea, but normal just stuff It was a good experience. It was everything. It was everything I learned from best damn sports show Yeah, I put it into Chelsea. It was more satisfying actually, you know best damn was actually like more fun being around all these athletes being a baseball player and Idols and heroes, but Chelsea was like more satisfied. It was weren't like real professional gig career-based Yeah, I liked working there and I just remember one day There was a it was a holiday Yeah, and we had to do a couple extra tapings on a Saturday because Chelsea was hope hosting some award show
Starting point is 00:08:30 So it was a holiday like presidents day and there was just not a lot of Energy Geyser because it was on a Saturday, you know that building over there with the Hulu and all the offices But nobody was around except Chelsea show. So guys are kind of like coasting that day this is this particular show and I couldn't get the audience weren't done because I take it personally if they laugh or don't laugh and how they were a comedian You're a professional a professional exactly. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, and it was It was a Saturday. I get why they were doing it. I'm just saying it was frustrating that particular day So I went out in the hallway. Yeah, and I kind of vented a little bit to the Booker and
Starting point is 00:09:09 He Michael Cox. Yeah, I mean we've talked about it. I'm friends, you know, yeah I went out there and I basically said hey these guys are trying to warm up the audience, you know for comedians you book I'm trying but these guys are like bugging me the crew guys were like messing with me the the audio there is because it was Like a Saturday. Let's let's goof with the Brody, but it's like guys. I got to do my job. Yeah, so anyway Michael Didn't take kindly to that like what are you doing? You're in the middle of this and I said, okay I'll show you so the next show in between those two shows that day. I'm talking to Joe Coy and We talked about it and ended up being a blow-up and I go, you know what I'm gonna go zero energy out there I'm not gonna give them the extra so I gave them a full warm-up boom
Starting point is 00:09:54 But when that show started I go you're gonna like, you know, say I'm just like go out there and warm up like we had Oh, you know, that's what how it ended with Michael Cox and so I said, okay, I'll show you yeah warm them up And I just shut down like energy-wise and the show tanked it was Whitney was on it and been believe I felt bad But I go I had to kind of take a stand and that that shows you like how important Energy is and energy energy and yeah energy is 100% of it I think yeah, and all I was looking real quick with the mic is just like I never complained one time You know just let that's all I did I didn't ask I was just like telling him and then it bothered me You know as a baseball player as a guy or a guy who's done warm-up for all those years
Starting point is 00:10:38 It kind of bothered me and that's why I shut down and then it led I ended up quitting. Yes My question to you is a why do you look like a hairy hawk? Oh, I am hairy. Oh, yeah, yeah, my nose My nose is kind of hook hookish. I know it is I've accepted that in my life. It's getting droopier I was just asking a question. I want to know why here's the deal. I don't mind being hairy I'm getting hair extra hair on my shoulders recently This guy I do oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, but I'm taking supplements. I'm taking bio so so that's why my beard is thick Yeah, my eyebrows are growing in The my nails my teeth. I'm a believer in supplements. Oh, you are it's just biotin
Starting point is 00:11:24 It's it has bio but it's bio so it has something else in it that it helps with your skin elasticity Collagen, but here's the thing. I take it. I could feel my nails getting strong. It's something you could feel So, yeah, that's the way you take it. Oh my god. I have Wolverine like Wolverine. Yeah. Yes What they get thick it feels like wow these are they don't feel brittle This helps you not have brittle nails and then it makes your hair Horse thicker and I'm telling you it's growing on my shoulders and I'm okay with that because as you get I think it's coming back in shoulder You think it is shoulder pack. I think women appreciate a man who's Who's had 50 they like it they like the gray hair they like the shoulder hair. Right, right
Starting point is 00:12:13 So we're you can yes, I think that salt and pepper is probably the sexiest thing on a man. Oh, thank you, but it gets scraggly Yeah, right Well, where do you have hair that you shouldn't have hair do you think where I shouldn't yeah, yeah I'm okay. You know used to bother me have an arm hair Yeah, I had laser on my back knuckle hair used to bother me, but I think as you get older you just don't care I mean, I don't like having ear hair. That's something I think we can all agree. I will maintain ear hair OCD about my eyebrows, but I'm trying to just let everything grow out and relax I think eyebrows are totally in. That's what I hear
Starting point is 00:12:54 Armenia weekly Your eyebrows are awful his eyebrows are spectacular I need to look but they're getting gray and I'll pluck a gray hair and it messes up the shape I'm accepting that every once I look at your eyebrows go, man, that's misshapen. Is that why cuz you see don't give me OCD Sometimes, you know idle time is a devil's playground. I'm serious. I give a lot of free time and I feel That's what write that down right that uh, well, that's why I write that down. That's that's one of our things Structures important. Yeah. Yeah, and structure is important. There's so many times I would be, you know obsessive about myself And then I would go to warm-up and nobody would talk about it
Starting point is 00:13:39 That's why having a regular job or regular place because you're not at home with all this free time and have your thoughts go Where they go, that's why periscope because I just get on it and I kind of it's like a check-in almost I'll do the live stream. Yeah, you do a lot of that. I love your parents. Oh, thank you Yeah, I've seen you play the drums in your car. I've seen you do everything. Well. Yeah I'm just doing things. I would normally do. I mean, I would Exercise for an hour and I'm on a Swiss ball. I'm drumming. So why not just show it on periscope or I'm driving to the comedy store They like to see, you know behind they like to see the process and then just walking to Starbucks and do that But it's good. It's a good. It's not podcasting. Yeah, but it's a it's a muscle. Are you Armenian? What are you?
Starting point is 00:14:22 Born Jewish raised Gemini I am an Eastern European mutt. I need to do DNA test. My sister had my sister mom did we have a kid here I'll give you serious. Oh, yeah, just do a cotton swab, right? They just spit in it, but your mouth spit can't have eaten in the last 30 minutes. I think okay What did you last 30? Yeah, yeah, what I would tell poyo loco. Yeah Yeah, I want the Starbucks at a free meal at Starbucks. How do you get a free meal there? You know, they they they keep track of points. All right. Yeah, I got a lot of work. Yeah, so you're Eastern European Jew Yeah, yes, I am Russian Polish. Yeah, you have that vibe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and I never yeah
Starting point is 00:15:04 I didn't really it wasn't bar mitzvahed. I wasn't raised. I was raised here in the San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles And yeah, I want to get into that but I also want to do you remember how we met you and I or no I know early on I'm gonna say in 2000 I met you You saw me or my friend Adam Gropman was a comedian. I did shows with Adam Gropman Oh my god, it's so funny because we just talked about Adam Gropman. We didn't just talk about him. We watched all his videos on YouTube. Oh, really? connection so Adam I Knew Adam through open mics or he ran his own show at the cafe 101. Yeah Dean del Rey booth
Starting point is 00:15:43 So and then Adam, I believe you lived in the same building with Adam. So that's right Adam said he used to come over to my house and goes Hey, I did this show last night. I killed Okay, he goes you want to listen to it. Obviously go. No, yeah, but you would hear I would hear it anyway Yeah, and it would just be silence. So like George. Yeah, like George George Kimmel style It would be silence and here you go killed And he used to boggle my mind like my eyes used to vibrate because I couldn't believe he's hearing laughs when they're yeah You know guys like do you know guys like that that like oh, I just killed but they didn't I?
Starting point is 00:16:24 Witness that yeah, there are that is a that's a phenomenon. That is a phenomenon Yeah, yeah, there really is cuz some guys are just unaware of it. They're at bad here. Yeah, you think they're happier Yeah, ignore it deafness is bliss. Yeah, but here's the thing though Why I'll tell you why they're not happy is they they go I'm killing but where am I here in my career, right? So with me, it's like I have the opposite I think that's better to have where I did good, but I still thought I wasn't good Right. Oh, well. Yeah, you're hard on yourself. I'm hard on myself. I'm hard on myself also. Yeah, that's why I like you Oh, well, thanks
Starting point is 00:16:59 I just need kind of like after a show like one or two people that I know like you did good feel good about it And then I move on I wouldn't be something like all night we talk about my set It would be like you talk for a minute. Good job. Thank you move on like I do need It's just like sometimes with like when you're working you work with a girl that you know, you see or you look good Thank you boom, then you feel good When you're by yourself sometimes You need a little validation or just a little acknowledgement. That's all and sometimes after my I mean after my sets I'll go up to the door guy or one of the comedy store laugh factory. It's kind of a running joke
Starting point is 00:17:34 How do I do? You know just want to move on. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because we get into our heads like when we're alone We start thinking about well, you know, just you're just mine Just you know goes crazy and then you start, you know, I'm getting depressed. Yeah Every once in a while as comics, I think we do need a little bit of a validation, you know Well almost every day. Yeah, but you got it. You honestly you do have to think Positive you have to I learned it playing baseball. I mean I've always been a nice guy But I was I almost taken advantage of for being nice. It was like to laugh and smile. I got ridiculed Oh
Starting point is 00:18:10 Smiley guy gay boys. They like thought it was not normal to be happy and be supportive So that was always something that you know bothered me, but I see later on that It keeps me it works I mean we're in the warm-up in my my demeanor seems to be people like being around it. Yeah, I mean you are beloved I I'll tell you why I connect he'll tell you why cuz I'm I don't harm people No, no, but I don't steal. No, it's not that it's not that it's just that like when You you you take medication, correct?
Starting point is 00:18:50 Very little, but you there was a time where you didn't where you got off of it. Well, well, I'm not accusing you of anything Don't it's not you're not in trouble. I'm just asking you a question. Yeah, I went off at cold turkey, but not by Choice Yeah, it was and I got sick and I could tell you about it But yeah, I went I you know Anybody going off their meds cold turkey its recipe for disaster I was I was put in a 5150 hold when I got off my meds cold turkey. There you go And I consider myself like a reasonably like sane person, but I got off my meds cold turkey and I went absolutely nuts
Starting point is 00:19:29 Yeah, it's almost like somebody going on a bender drinking and turning into somebody else There's not that stigma of somebody who drinks and gets into a crazy fight and blacks out But if you go off your meds and you yell at the barista at Starbucks all of a sudden you gotta be thrown into the hospital Yeah, I don't know how to handle that but What I learned with medication, however you stand on it. It's powerful and if you're not You know, you're not aware of Taking them that that's the hard thing is getting off them if there is a plan for you to get off That's the hard part. It's like you're it's a merry slowly. Yeah, it's a merry-go-round
Starting point is 00:20:07 It's a weird thing too with some meds like I think it was Some Selexa or one of those earlier generation. Yeah, SSR. I know about that where you would get some weird like flasks Yeah, like zaps and I have that for years. Ouch. I never got those. Thank gosh Yeah, Selexa, which is I was on Selexa and it He's a gosh. Well, you don't say God not really. Yeah. Yeah. I kind of like yeah, I won't I mean I'll say God. Yeah, I say gosh. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, well, you know, I'm a wholesome guy
Starting point is 00:20:46 But Selexa turned into Lexa pro. Yes, let's go is a little better I has that less sexual side effects. Yeah, the the side effect profile is a little bit better than Selexa I think and I think there's no I mean for me the shame in it that You know with the internet and emails and social media and for me was like doing comedy. It was It was painful. I would when I began doing open mics up in Seattle was like I'd people would laugh But I'd be upset. It was like, oh, it's funny when you get mad or stressed out and it's like, okay It's funny, but it doesn't feel good. So how can I still be myself still be funny but actually not? Physically feel bad like my heart rate and frustrations. Yeah, so I think
Starting point is 00:21:34 Having that when I first be and also just thinking to that getting it was just a combination of like Being alone looking in the mirror. I'm out of college So I needed a buffer and I started that's when I took that Luvox up in Seattle They gave me a buffer and didn't smoke pot or anything like that and you know what it actually like helped my comedy I hate to say it if you want to say it was a shortcut or a cheat But I took it and I felt like I could do my comedy and not have the physical You know attributes of stress of getting worked up. Well, I mean, I take you know when I'm acting I take beta blockers Oh, yeah, yeah proproproprate all yeah
Starting point is 00:22:13 And and it helps me takes away the physical it takes away the physical like when I'm stressed out It comes out in my body in weird ways. It's where people perceive it as like I'm nervous It's not necessarily that right It's just that my body reacts when it comes to, like, high pressure adrenaline, adrenaline rushing experiences. So I shake a little bit and stuff like that. And I just didn't. And then every time I would do it, you know, I would think about it, it would almost add on to it. You know, snowball effect, snowball effect. When you know that people are perceiving you the way you don't want to be perceived, which is shaking and nervous, then it just becomes even like a bigger burden in your mind.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Right. Does that happen when you're doing standup? No. See, okay, it doesn't on standup. You wouldn't need a beta blocker for standup. I mean, I've taken them for standup, but I can do it without it. But acting is more of a challenge because you're... But can I just say this? When I am on beta blockers and I'm doing standup, I kill more. Oh, really? I can feel my pacing different. I can feel myself going, all right, just sink into this bit a bit. Whereas when I'm not, I rush into everything. Right. I have been on the beta blocker and I haven't been on it for like almost a year. I don't like how it feels. I like how I feel now. I like how my... I don't feel bad. I don't feel chemically. I don't know, the beta blocker or like, let's say, clonopin. Yeah, clonopin. These things
Starting point is 00:23:48 can dull you. And for me, I feel like clonopin makes me a little slow. That's exactly. I was on beta blockers for two years. I was on a tenolol every day and I couldn't formulate sentences to save my life because I would just drop my blood pressure and I never felt like my brain was being perfused. And I told Bobby, I don't know how he... I like it. I hate the way it makes me feel. It makes me feel absolutely stupid. But here's what you do. What? You learn that, okay, cut back on the caffeine, cut back on the Red Bull, do breathing, go for a walk. There are natural alternatives. All right, hippie dick. No, I mean, but I've seen hippie dick. Jesus Christ. No, but I'll go for a walk. If I have time before my comedy store set, I'll go for a walk, like a 30 minute walk. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:32 You see, you don't believe in that stuff. You don't believe in breathing. I love it. He loves his Red Bull. Invisual. Yeah. But it can make you edgy. You have to find that right. Like, you have to find that something that opens you up without making a stimulant. I feel like when I'm nervous and I'm on that caffeine, I can't think. I get block. So what happened that day at Starbucks? Here we go. He just jumped to that. I want to get into it, all right? Because now we're getting into fucking intricacies of medication. That's where the show was going. I was telling you. I understand that, but what I want to know is what happened to that Starbucks? Was the Starbucks something happened? Okay, here we go. All right. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:25:10 I'm sorry for yelling, but here we go. All right. Everything was going great here in America. And I'm doing well. I'm happy. My HBO pilot got picked up. They said, we're going to let you do five. We're going to do five, what, 15 minute episodes. That's what it was. And so I was just kind of staying in the zone and people were saying, you should be excited. Go take a victory lap. Why aren't you excited about this? And it was like, I kind of didn't believe it. I was just staying in my zone. So I was going to Europe and I was on, I think, 20, because getting off the med is hard to do. And I was on the 20 milligrams of Lexapro. Then I was going to Europe and they said, take a victory lap. Have fun. I go, you know what? I am going to have fun. Maybe I will
Starting point is 00:26:01 have a beer. So I looked up and they said, well, you know what? I've gone on trips. If I want to take a beer, I'll take a Lexapro. Cut it down. So I went down to 10 milligrams when I went to Dublin. Good shows, feeling good, drank a little bit. Then I went straight from Dublin, six days there to Montreal Comedy Festival. Something happened. I got sick. I had a reaction to a side of to getting off the meds. I don't know. I went, I had, I picked up Strepthroat in Montreal at the Comedy Festival. And I went downstairs and the, the, the doctor for the festival says, you have Strepthroat. Here's a Z pack. I could even swallow my, I was, I had a canceled shows, gave me a Z pack. I felt better. I go, wow, I do feel better. He says, you'll feel
Starting point is 00:26:45 better in 24 hours. I felt better. And my mind was clear. And I said, you know what? I feel good. I'll just stay on this. So I stayed on the Z pack and my mind was clear. My shows were good. And I was like, having a great time. And then when I came back to LA a couple days later, people would see me and go, well, you want cocaine? What's with you? And it was like, no, I'm just happy. They told me to take a victory lap. I'm feeling good. But they weren't used to see, I feel me being confident. And part of that was, okay, yeah, I cut down on the meds. And you do that. And you, I was hitting all the check marks for having a manic episode. So that kind of like set me off a little bit. And then they sent over, they didn't like how some of my tweets or how I
Starting point is 00:27:34 was talking like, this doesn't seem right. Then they sent over the police to my house, like a wellness check. And who's they? Hollywood. Zach. He, I mean, I'm not saying Zach, but I'm saying there's other people. I mean, you might have been, you let me just say this. All right. Go ahead. Stop. Yes, Bobby. He, he loves you. Great guy. No, it's not even that. I know Zach. Yes. He loves you. Like, you're a part of him, like, like a limb. Oh, wow. All right. There really is. He's, people are just, people are upset. If you get obsessed with Brody, because he is such an original kind of an entity in comedy. And when comedians are great and they see greatness, they latch on and he's also a nice guy. So there is a love there. So I'm not,
Starting point is 00:28:28 when you say Hollywood, I know what you mean. Go on. So it's rough. They, I remember they sent the cops over to my house. I was walking because I thought they were going to meet me at Starbucks, excuse me, Subway. So I expected them, why don't we go meet you? We'll meet you. They want to like meet me. See how I'm doing, my friends. I said, I'll be at Subway. They didn't show. I come back home. I see the police. This is over in Valley Village, North Hollywood. I see the police coming up to me and they said, yeah, we got a call from so-and-so. Zach. No, you didn't say Zach. I don't give a fuck. Zach, we got a call and I go, I'm doing fine. He goes, do you want to hurt anybody or yourself? I go, why would I? I'm happy. I just hosted TMZ, which I did.
Starting point is 00:29:21 And I said, I'm happy. I said, I go, I was in the hangover because I played a cop. I go, I played a cop. I'm a good guy. And then this one cop, there's an African American cop and then a white guy in the African. I was talking to the African American guy and he was cool. He like understood like, okay, you're cool. You're fine. But the other cop was kind of like giving me bad energy. Right. And I'm very, because I was off my meds, I was very in tune with energies. So hippie day. The cop, the cop like liked me. This is all within like a few minutes. And I said, can I talk, can I talk to him? And he says, yeah. And I go, I go, why are you giving me negative energy? I go, I don't know if I said you don't like Jewish people. I might have said that.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Possibly. And I go, what is it? You don't like, you don't like, let's just say he said that. I'm not, or I said that. But I may have. I go, what do you mean? You don't like Jewish people? Let me tell you what. I go, I work out, I work out with kettlebells. Why don't you take your belt off and meet me out back and I'll fight you. That's what I said. Why did you escalate? Mania is a really. But I asked the cop. I asked the cop. Oh, you're the black guy. Yeah. Can I talk to him? Or in that way? Yeah, he was right there. He was laughing. He was like, couldn't believe I was saying that to it. The cop, like the cop like respected me. Yeah. The black cop was smiling. Like I kind of step back like I can't because I called him out. I go, you're being negative. I go, I go, I go, I know
Starting point is 00:30:55 the UFC guys. But I told him I told him I worked out with kettlebells. So he, but honestly, he backed down and he couldn't believe it. And the black cop was laughing. That's why. So I was still like being funny and still in my own world and I wasn't hearing voices, nothing like that. But I was on edge. If anybody was like giving me attitude, I would like jump on them. And so I had that, but it's also like, just leave me alone. So I go to, I go to the Starbucks. Well, so he said, okay, once you say that, yes, they just left you alone. Yes. Okay. I went on Twitter after that. I go, they just sent the cops to my house. F that. I mean, I was in the middle of a tweet storm. So anyway, and guys and go to sleep,
Starting point is 00:31:50 this and that. So I get up the next day and I go to Starbucks on cold water and Ventura. And I go in there and I'm wearing a Dodger shirt, LA Dodger shirt. And I walk in and I see a guy on his computer, like a script writer guy. You knew him? No, I could just tell, you know, I could tell he was like a Hollywood guy. Like I was picking up negative Hollywood actor energy. I had problems in another Starbucks, but that was just a dust up. So this one, I go in and I'm wearing a Dodger cap. He has a Dodger hat on. Yeah. And I see him. I go, Oh, you're a Dodger fan. I go, I'm gonna have a Dodger shirt. And then he had like the same kind of shoes. I pointed my shoes and he was like, I had a thing in his ear and he said something like, I'm on the phone, like kind of rude a little
Starting point is 00:32:35 bit. I go, why are you being rude to me? I go, I'm being a nice guy. He goes, I'm on the phone. I go, this guy's being a jerk. I go, see this guy right here. He's a jerk. Okay, I love it. He's trying to make it go. Okay. He's just trying to make it or something like that. I understand. I understand. I love kettlebell. But he's, he's also just a guy just, he's trying, you know, he doesn't want to talk to you. I get it. And I was in positive mania. Okay. And I did see the connections. Look, looking back, of course, I was, I mean, definitely like learned from that, but I was so amped up and wired. And you know what? He wasn't a hole. That's the way I probably was. Yeah. And also, like when you're manic, I absolutely feel invincible. Exactly. Like nothing I say will have
Starting point is 00:33:20 consequences. Nothing I do will have consequences. I'm just going to call people out. I'm going to travel spend, just be wild about it. That's what was happening to me. But I was getting laughs. People liked it. And they didn't know like, is this real? Was this not right? And it was real. But, and I didn't want to hurt myself and I didn't want to hurt anybody else, but I was on edge. That's all. It was just like my mind was, there wasn't that you just anything will set you off. But not the point where I wanted to like attack strangers unless they gave me attitude. But these guys are, I was in Hollywood here. I don't know. It was just something picking up on these actor guys giving me attitude because I was booking stuff at that point. So I had this like
Starting point is 00:34:04 confidence. Oh, I did the hangover. I hosted TMZ. So I had a little bit of that going. So that's what happened. And then I, they ended up, I mentioned a gun on Twitter, you know, but I never had a gun. I never even thought about it. What was it? What was it? Yeah. Yeah. Leave me alone. I've got a gun. Somebody said I had a gun in my mouth. I never did. I never did. I mean, I'm not a gun guy, but I think I said that because I was getting phone calls. These people cared. I'm not saying they didn't care. They did care. But I was letting them know, I'm good. I'm happy. And they're like, I don't see you this way. I go, I'm fine. Just I'm creating stuff. Were you the only one who knew that? Did anyone else know that you were tapering on your
Starting point is 00:34:47 meds? Maybe, maybe not. I don't think so. But I was like off them because I was sick. I was on that Z pack from Canada. But I would, but the thing was I was having good sets. I was thinking like, okay, I'm still able to get laughs on stage. I went down and I mean, I hosted TMZ. I went to the angel game. I did stuff. I was being a little compare. Just don't bring up the TMZ. I love that credit credit, but you know, but that's pressure. I didn't. So anyway, that just led to my friend setting up some kind of intervention where yeah, the police were brought in and I felt, yeah, and they put me into the, I went to the hospital. Like you were saying, I went to the hospital and I probably needed some kind of rehab. I could have been sent off to an island in Hawaii.
Starting point is 00:35:37 And I have some issues with how that was handled. But what place were you in? UCLA. I mean, I think said, yeah, UCLA medical center. How long were they 17 days? Oh my gosh. I mean, I couldn't believe it. I was there. First, you know, you're there for 72 hours or whatever. I couldn't believe I go, why am I I told them I said, I made a mistake on my meds. I'm fine. I know what I did. Yeah. No, sir, you better sit and go in your room. I go, I'm fine. I'm just I had a show last night. Sit in your room or we're going to give you a shot. It's like unbullied. The guys are like coming after me. They were threatening you with a booty juice. Yeah. Is that what they call it? Yeah. And I go, why are you doing this to me? And they're like, you know, they treat you
Starting point is 00:36:20 like a number. They don't treat you like you're or yeah, like a guy who got railroaded. No, but so that they made it worse. They're putting me like in this intensive unit that ended up putting me in another unit. Everything is contraband too. So you don't have your belongings on you. You have no phone, nothing, nothing. They take away your shoelaces, your things. And it's like, for me, I didn't need that. I never ever had that thought of like hurting myself or hurting others. But you know what? They put me in there and was it embarrassing? Yeah. But I was already tweeting about it. People knew about it. So I felt like the whole comedy world knew about it then. Oh, I guess so. But we would get leaks. Like here's what I remember.
Starting point is 00:37:04 WikiLeaks. Brody had a gun. Never did. I know he didn't. Now I know. Thank you. Up until this moment though. You always thought I had a gun. I thought you had a gun. No. That he was at Starbucks. He was threatening people with a gun. Oh, that went to that. I brought the gun to Starbucks. Thanks. Oh, but that was what was circulating, you know, on the streets. Telephone is a dangerous game. Okay. Right. So. No, never had it. Wow. Yeah. That's incredible. Yeah. That's silly. I feel like it was, I made a mistake and I was naive. And it wasn't something that was building up. I mean, I kind of played that up on the TV show. Like who was building up? But I feel that, you know, I made a mistake. So I think what meds is,
Starting point is 00:37:49 yeah, you got to be careful going off them. I think that happens to anybody who takes meds, especially if it's, if the med is new and if it's your first time with it, you don't know how it interacts with, when you drink, if there's so many things that you have to consider. But I'll, yeah, and I'll tell you what, they, when you go in there, they literally put you on a chemical straight jacket. They put me on Depakote and Cerakwell. Depakote is so hardcore. What does that do? What is it? And it's really hard on your liver too. Yeah, you have to take these liver blood samples. Yeah. You gain weight, my hair, I had a skin thing. And I said, and it was, I was crying all the time. Anti-psychotic. Yeah, I go, I don't need this stuff. This is like,
Starting point is 00:38:30 I'm not into it. No, was I getting laughs? Of course I was. But I knew the Cerakwell I didn't need it. I was on Zyprexa and I put on 20 pounds in three weeks. Exactly. Yeah, I put on weight and I said, I don't like this. Move back to the valley. Excuse me. Move back and you have to be your own advocate. And I just started walking more and tapering on with the help of a doctor to get to the point where I am now, which is limited. I do take 10 milligrams of Lexapro and I take 200 milligrams of Lomictol. That's what Dr. Drew told me to do. Oh, wow. That's actually like, what they say actually when you, if you do take a Lexapro or a Selexa or Prozac, you should have a anti, is it called anti-psychotic underneath it
Starting point is 00:39:21 as a safety net? Yeah. I mean, ultimately, my goal is to not be on meds. I don't want, but you know what? If it's not broken, don't fix it, but I like it. I'm on a little bit, but I'm focusing on breathing and diet, apple cider vinegar supplements, walking and being positive. Yeah. Yeah. And I, and thinking thin, thinking your mind, people think, oh, Brody, you're so lean. I think lean. What? Actualize, right? You actualize that. Yeah. I mean, honestly, like in the shower, I mean, that's, I thought about my show. I mean, everyone has thoughts in the showers, but you could actually use that shower time as meditation. I thought about my HBO show in the shower. I thought about a lot of my comedy bits in the shower. Yeah. I thought
Starting point is 00:40:09 about just tons of stuff in there and meditate, breathing and this thing. I mean, I played baseball too. And I can remember all the times of me being nervous on the mound. And so this is finding that balance. Right. How old are you now? 48 and a half. Wow. I'm sorry. I'll be 48 in May. I'm 47. Oh, you're 47 now. You're the dog. Yeah. I am a year. We're a year apart. Yeah. I'm 40. I'll be 48. I'm okay with it. I feel good. And I just want to say, I can have a do a little testimony. Sure. Is that, you know, it's so funny because since that thing that happened years ago at the start, whatever, whatever, whatever happened to you, I literally like, I see you and it just like, it's, you're 100% you and healthy and positive and like, there's no, it's such a shock though,
Starting point is 00:41:00 even because if you think about that, you know, that rumor that happened and then you look at Brody today, you're just kind of going, that happened. But I feel like that was a really unfair rumor. Yeah, it was unfair. And I feel like if, you know, as friends always, you should be clear with your facts, especially if it pertains to somebody in a precarious, like, you know, it, it, you should be clear about it. And I didn't know my, that was a new one for me. I didn't know the, I know, I know that you're also processing it right now. I know that you're also losing weight and you, and you do all these things like meditation and positive thoughts. It's just basic fundamentals that I learned in college. How come you don't have any lips?
Starting point is 00:41:42 Oh, this guy's a personal attack. He made fun of my nose, the hair and the lips. I know I don't have big lips, but I could, I could purse them out, purse them out. Yeah, there we go. There it is. I can have lips. I know. It's good. It's good. No, I've embraced, I've embraced who I am. It's a joke Brody. I'm okay with it. It didn't hurt me. It didn't hurt me. It didn't hurt you at all, right? But the nose jokes growing up bothered me. Oh, you had people make fun of you. Oh, yeah. Where'd you grow up? In Rosita, San Fernando Valley, Tarzana, elementary, Rosita High School. So you were bullied? I think so. Yeah. For being a nice guy. Yeah, but were you tall or were you just a skinny gang? Gangly, tilted pelvis. What does that mean? What does that mean?
Starting point is 00:42:29 You know, I walked weird. I think people thought like, you know, I was gay, but I wasn't gay. I was into girls. Yeah. But I would get, it's like, you're gay. You're gay. It's like, am I? I don't know. It's like, and that's growing up in a, you know, apartment, divorced parents. I could see, looking back on it, I can see why people have, you know, having a father around or having a brother or having structure. I don't know. I just felt like I was not thrown to the wolves, but I went to public school. I was bust. I drove a pinto. I talk about these things today. Yeah. And I feel that it, you know, made me tougher somewhat too. It's I'm honest. I went through that. But thank, thank God. Your father wasn't around then. My dad was around, but they were divorced. My dad was
Starting point is 00:43:17 always lived in the neighborhood kind of thing. They were cordial. But you had a relationship with him then? Yeah. He would go to all my baseball games. I had a good relationship with my father. I feel that I could have been a, maybe a better son, less selfish. I think a lot of kids go through that. But my father passed away. He was 63 back in 97. So he's been gone for like over 20 years. But my mom is still around. My mom's 80, she'll be 87 in March. And I just really try to make be a better son to my mom than I was son. I'd really put that effort into being a better son. Are you still in Rosita? No, she lives in Palm Desert. But would people call you gay? I mean, you went to, you were a baseball standout. Yeah. It was a good picture. I was good. I mean, a lot
Starting point is 00:44:02 of it was probably in my head and I was insecure and maybe, maybe it was part of being Jewish and not bar mitzvah. I don't know. Maybe if I went to Hebrew school, I would be protected. I'd be, I see other guys like, Oh, there's another guy with no lips and it looks like a hawk. My people. You know, I was around like other divorced Jewish kids, Latinos, Persians, Blacks, and Aryans. No Asians then. No, we had, we had Asian friends. I had an Asian friend, Mike Kim, Charles Kim. Yeah, we had Asian, yeah, Korean. Yeah. I don't have any Asian. I'm friends with Yoshi, the legendary Yoshi. Yeah, you know, Yoshi wants me dead, right? He does. Yoshi's mad at you. Oh my God. I know that. I know there's a whole Asian underworld. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. He
Starting point is 00:44:51 wants me dead. It's insane. It's insane. He wants his parents dead too. He wants my parents dead. I mean, I don't want, we're not getting into it. Okay. We're not. I don't want you to choose sides. Well, I don't want so. You're not going to choose sides. I don't even, what is this KFC? But yeah, so, you know, Yoshi. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know. I don't, but he's, he's got some stories. Yeah, I know. Yeah. I don't fuck with him. You know, I'm scared of the guy. That's probably, that's probably best. Yeah. You know, I got a lot of porn from him back in the day too. That's what I was going to go into. Yeah. Not go, I go into that with the line of question. Yeah. So that's what I was. No, no, no, no. It was something that happened recently,
Starting point is 00:45:28 but during the years he used to go, hey, come pick up this bag. He had a black garbage bag full of porn. Yeah. And I used to go pick it up like three in the morning on like on the corners, like somewhere in North Hollywood. So sketchy. Yeah. I would do that too and give it all to my baseball friends. Yeah. Yeah. But it was shitty porn, kind of. Right. It was like. I mean, there are some good, you really, free was good for me. Yeah. Free is good. You didn't like it. I mean, I guess in retrospect, because, you know, you have the internet and whatnot. And I have, I belong to like high def sites. I have memberships, right? But so I can get your passport. Yeah. I have other ones. But my point is, is that and back then that's fine. No, I'm not complaining.
Starting point is 00:46:13 But he had a lot of European stuff. Yeah. Like, yeah. I feel like European porn, I doesn't really do it for me. Yeah. Because I feel like that that's what they do all. I feel like they're a little bit more open sexually. I like not taboo. I like seeing porn from places where it's not like the first scat porn that I saw where people were like, we're fucking with each other's like actual feces. Yeah. German. Yeah. German. Yeah. And does that do people are into that? I'm people are really into that. I'm not. Yeah. Who is I don't know anybody either. I don't like that porn hub. You might be borderline because you love the smell of shit. Do you? Yeah. It's it's it's it makes a difference. I know I like that. It's putrid. I understand
Starting point is 00:46:55 what it is, Brody. I just let me ask a question. Do you you like the smell of that? Do you smell your toilet paper after you wipe? Well, what I'll do is sometimes I'll wipe, right? And I go, maybe it seemed dry. Uh huh. Right. So then I'll look at the toilet paper. No, just listen. Go ahead. And I go, it's not dry. There it is. And I'll just go and that's it. Let me ask a question. Mind blown. Yeah. Let's say you have, we all have like near accidents and you have to like all the time. Okay. There you go. Yeah. You know, Ari talks about it is scooping. Yeah. Yeah. Scooping. Have you scooped? What's a scoop? It's not dry. You're okay. And it's there on the it's do you smell it then? Like that's when it like that's on my fingers. No,
Starting point is 00:47:48 on the toilet. Yeah, I do that. Oh, you're into that. I'm not into it. No, no, no, no. Brody, you heard it here. Bobby's into it. No, I'm not TMC reporter. Everyone back up. Everyone back up. Everyone back up. Listen friend. I'm not into it. Like it turns me on. I just do it. You know, there's a difference between doing it and how I feel about doing it. You know, when I'm doing it, I don't go, oh, this gives me pleasure. I just do it. You just do it. It's reflex. It's reflex. Exactly. It is some, it is putrid. I understand what it is. Right. Shit is putrid. A lot of diseases. You know what I mean? Well, let's keep it positive. Well, you made it negative a little bit. Bobby, you went there. You took me
Starting point is 00:48:36 down this rabbit hole. Yeah. You'd be a hit in Germany. Yeah, I'd be hit in Germany. Let me ask you this. I haven't, I want to really get into this though with you. Are you seeing anybody though? Because I've never seen Brody Stevens with a girlfriend. Here's the thing. I'm attracted to women. I know you are. I'd like to have a girlfriend. I feel that the girls, women, females that I'm attracted to. Yeah. They probably aren't attracted to me. I'm not picking up that vibe back. And the ones who are most of the time, I am not physically into it. Now, there are times and as I've gotten more confident, more home to my craft, yes, I would say the last three to five years, I have had quality like girl, oh, she's attractive. In fact, girls I've made out with.
Starting point is 00:49:38 All right. But for me to follow up on it, I don't always do that. It could just be a procrastination thing. So you're asking me why I don't have it. Maybe I just don't have the, the, I can't, I get stressed. Maybe I can't deal with the, I mean, I've been around girls and like something just, some of them drive me nuts. I'm not accusing you of being gay. I'm the way I took it. Girls, females, women. Yeah, I'm just because in my head, I'm like, I honestly think that you're attractive. That's what I'm hearing. I think you look like a little bit of, a little bit of an Eric Cantona thing. Oh, the soccer player? Yeah, there's a French soccer player. Yeah, yeah. There was a French soccer player Eric Cantona. I mean, not the nose. Excuse me. I'm not making fun of your
Starting point is 00:50:25 nose, but there's just a European kind of a handsomeness about you that I like. Well, I, you have a great jawline. Yes. Right. Yeah. Right. You have beautiful eyes. That I am aware of. You are. You have hair on your shoulders, but... No, I know. I'm, I like, I'm getting... He does not look like Eric Cantona. That's not putting me in a better mood. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Now turn it around. Younger Eric Cantona. Yeah, put younger Eric Cantona. Not when he's 80 now. Sorry. You fucking son of a bitch. Sorry. You ever sabotage me? Let that again. Oh, I fucking did that. I love Eric Cantona. My bad. No, I, no, believe me. I think part of it is just me procrastinating. I think when I was younger, it was confidence. It was, I think it was hard for me
Starting point is 00:51:15 to, I think if I had an older brother, to be honest with you, I don't want to get too deep on like childhood and things like that. But I would say that I think if I had an older brother, you know, they had big brother's programs. That's the European, yeah. Yeah, maybe when I was younger. Yeah. But I think early on, Bobby, it was confidence. And then it was like ruminating thoughts in my head, Jewish kid here, dad not around, mother, sister. It stressed me out a little bit. You know, women could stress you out. I was around that. My mother, Stephen, Stephen, my sister, Stephen, it's like drove me nuts. I think that, I'm not putting it on them and I've done that on other podcasts. I feel like it had something to do with my confidence. I believe it. And I got into college.
Starting point is 00:52:05 I was with girls. I had girls I hung out with, but I didn't, the ones I really liked, I didn't have a, didn't totally go for. And then I think as I've gotten older, I think it's just maybe I've got procrastinated and that sort of thing. But I do would like to have a relationship when I settle. When will that be? I don't know. What does that mean? Have a special out on Netflix. No, there is something to I, but I can just say this. Yes, I still have that thing. I go, I'm going to have a family when I make it. Right. And I talked to some people and they go, didn't you already make it? And you're like, I'm like, no, because in my head, making it is a certain level, but in many ways I have made it. And the question is, is there ever a settle?
Starting point is 00:53:03 First of all, making it in America is probably buying property. Okay. Okay. Able to retire. Right. Those are things. I think having a partner, maybe a child possibly may, I don't know if that's considered making it, but I think career wise, getting in, busting in, I think you've busted in. I think you busted in though. So you've settled, I thought. Yeah, I've set, yeah, to an apartment in the valley. But look at where I live. I live in a two bedroom condo in Hollywood. This is a cond, I don't want to get into, you know, finances, driving my mom's car, you know, I don't have property. I don't have a Prius. I don't have a dog. I don't have a girlfriend. Those are things.
Starting point is 00:53:49 I think also this is what is making it. I don't know. I think what is getting in. I mean, I'm past at the company store. Here's the thing. I would just like, I just need shelter and food. I'm okay with who I am right now. I don't have like, I'm not scared of stuff. Just, I'm scared of being homeless. I don't have like, I'm not a hypochondriac. Just give me shelter and you can Venmo me blue apron meals. Right. But what I'm saying to you is that from the information that I know about you, okay, to me, most Americans are in your place. I think you're far better off than a lot of people. And a lot of people that already have like a wife and kids and, you know, and whatnot, you know, I think that surviving in LA is expensive. And that's why,
Starting point is 00:54:42 but I think if you and I lived in Omaha, let's just pick Omaha. Been there. Yeah, we'd be in a different, we'd buy how we build a buy house. You know what I mean? So my point is that what I would like to see you do is in the near future, hopefully, is that you find somebody, you know, I think that's the thing that. Okay, go ahead. Sorry, let me interject. I hate this idea that that is the end all be all of happiness is finding somebody. Why can't you just be a perfectly content older single person? Because I feel like if we ever broke up, I'd be okay living in solace with the friends that I have now, the animals that I have now. And I think that there's something really gratifying about that. And I think that people live happy, single lives. Don't I don't
Starting point is 00:55:32 like the idea that if we don't find somebody, it's just, you know, downhill for the rest of your life. Someone to hold your hand when you die, dying, you'll be gone. Who cares? Dying alone is fine, too. Yeah, I think friends are important. Friends are important. I know comedians get a bad rap, but I think comedians are really good people. They have good hearts. They've been there. Oh, I 100% believe that so many times for me. And then also, I think just for me, I like the social meet, I like the live streaming, I'm reaching out, I'm talking to people. And that's the thing, like you were mentioning that, you know, people have families and maybe they're not happy. And I know that sometimes people live through me. That's why I like to show them the comedy store. I like
Starting point is 00:56:15 to show them access to the baseball field that I have. And then also, just letting them know my thoughts. I always like talk, you know, sometimes it's political, it's social, it's this and I do that. So it's, yeah, I would like to have a partner. I think I'd like to have, it's just, I think we're with the internet, you go home. So like, I've got pot at home, I've got my computer at home, those probably not, that's why go out for a walk. Because if I'm at home, I got the internet, and I can smoke pot. And if I have enough money saved up, I don't have to work. I'll go do my spots at the store. So that's why I get out and then I force myself to do the periscope. And then, but you know, you gotta, it's, yeah, and when you're by yourself, you're accountable for
Starting point is 00:57:01 yourself. That's kind of when you have a partner, maybe they can like push each other to, you know, compliment each other. Yeah, yeah. Well, okay, I mean, you're fine. Okay. You're fine. It was just a thought that I fucking had. I mean, at first, I feel like I was fucking teamed up there. I was just, you know, maybe this is something and then, okay, maybe not then. I don't know. I would like, I'm alone. I don't give a fuck. I'm gonna be on Bumble. I'm gonna, you know, I should do those dating services. That's how we met. We met on Tinder. Oh, you did. Let me say something right now. She's the best four, five years almost. This podcast is her idea. And it put me back on the map career wise. Okay. The shows that I'm on now, she helped me do. Yeah, podcasting is good. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:57:56 she does. She's done a lot of things that are like really like immensely, you know, positive in my life. He's my buddy for life. I want to see him succeed. And I think that's why this probably works is beyond anything else. I just want to see him thrive. So that's what I'm saying is that in many ways that works too. If you can find somebody that wants to see you thrive. I agree. It is hard in Los Angeles though. Yeah. Yes. And I also feel I'm a late bloomer. And I think, yes, I would like to do that. But my only stress, if you were to ask me what were you depressed or you think about, I think it's just money to survival. I don't want to be homeless. I mean, I'm sorry. Can I I just look at, you know, you've been in a bunch of movies, but I didn't save my money properly.
Starting point is 00:58:46 Yeah. Probably I didn't invest it like I should. Because when yeah, I'm in movies, but I'm not getting huge money on that. I worked on a hangover for two days. I was on due date for two days. You know, I get a cut of it or whatever. I also feel that I put everything. I mean, I'm doing warmup. I did. It was cable warmup. So was it network warmup? So this is cable warmup, bit parts, movies here and there. So it looks good, but it's not that network pension thing. So that means to me, like I'm not, I don't have the pension. I'm not into that yet. Yeah. That's when people go, well, why do you want it? Because I'm on a sitcom and they go, why? It's not, you know, you're doing great because it's that thought that these kind of gigs,
Starting point is 00:59:39 I would rather do Tiger Belly my whole life. I'd rather do stand up, you know, and that, but it's like, that's if like, if this show stays on, then it's going to give me that comfortability, you know, security. That's all. Do you think that comfortability sometimes at your art is atrophies because of it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, for me, when I was doing warmup, it was, I put in all my energy. You could, you can't be late to a warmup gig and I would have to be over on the West side for Fox or Chelsea, usually like by say two o'clock, one 32 o'clock. So I couldn't audition before. I couldn't audition in the morning. I had to have a routine like, I'm leaving my house every day at, you know, so I couldn't do any auditioning. So then I would do
Starting point is 01:00:30 the show and I'm on the mic, doing crowd work, meeting all my friends, being around industry types. And then you're putting out all this crazy energy and you're done. It's like, okay, I go eat and then maybe I'll go buy myself a shirt at Sport Chalet. And then you just got to kind of listen to your body a little bit, what you wanted. Is that where you dress? I mean, that's where you're, is that your favorite shopping place? I was, I would go there quite a bit, the one over on Olympic, over by Chelsea, I'd go there. And the other thing was, because I'm from here, I grew up in the valley. So I have personal life stuff that happens in Southern California. And then also my friend was a baseball coach for the Dodgers for four years. So every day after
Starting point is 01:01:13 Chelsea when the Dodgers were in town, I'd go to Dodger Stadium, I get to hang out and go on the field. So I've done a lot of baseball stuff that now I work on getting to do some more sports related work. But I've put a lot of investment into, yeah, baseball, taking advantage of that, which may have taken away from some of my stand up. You know, I'm spread thin. Am I doing baseball? Am I doing stand up? Right. Am I doing audience warmup? Am I doing what are you doing? So you're kind of like all over the place, which is, you know, good, but is it smart? You're just, you're doing what you, you're doing. How do you feel about Matt Kemp coming back? Oh, to the Dodgers? Well, I think they're going to probably trade them where he's going,
Starting point is 01:01:58 it's only going to be temporary. You think? Yeah, that's the idea. He doesn't even know. Matt Kemp with the Dodgers, he's lost a lot of weight. And he played on the Padres at one point from San Diego. And now he's was with the Braves. I think they're just going to try and dump a salary. I agree with you. I think they're going to dump a salary. You know about that stuff? Yeah, man. It's Pwig out. No. Pwig is in. Did you know that I did Clayton Kershaw's 30th birthday party? Clayton's a good kid. Wait, hang on one second. Really? Yeah. This is a big deal. I know. I was there. Clayton Kershaw is. Yeah, Clayton's great. He's the best pitcher in the league. Pitcher and double hitter. Double hitter all day. All day, every day. Psy young winner, baby. Psy young
Starting point is 01:02:37 MVP. Wow. Yeah. He, I know him, become friends with him. And he had a 30th birthday party, a surprise party. So his wife, I got in contact with her. She got in contact with me and I went out to Dallas a few weeks ago. They flew me out there in a restaurant. I came in and surprised him and his mostly his friends and family, like 30 people. So I did that. Yeah. So that was kind of fun. I just bought my mom a Kershaw jersey because she, that's her favorite, favorite of all time. Yeah. How lucky. So I've done, I've done a lot of cool baseball gigs. And it's amazing. Yeah. And I was around the Cubs when they won the World Series. I was around the Yankees and that's what I tried to share with comedy or even on Twitter or when I was doing warm up, just being around
Starting point is 01:03:25 successful, seeing what it was, seeing a winning attitude. And when you have a winning attitude, like with the Yankees, yes, it was corporate. They almost, George Steinbrenner, the owner, he like expected you to win. But within those parameters, you could do whatever you want, porn, go out. This is before cell phones. It was like crazy. But you know what, you show up on time and you're professional and you win. So the Yankees, I mean, for 12 years, they owned Manhattan. It was like all because they won and you could act crazy. So there, I feel like that you, it's about winning will allow you to do that fun stuff. Right. So I just saw it. I was around it and I tried and then when I went to doing best damn sport show, when I had all these
Starting point is 01:04:12 football teams and high schools in the audience, I was really able to use them like as a, as a example, like how to work with groups and learned about sitting up and laughing and just putting out this energy. Cause when they didn't put it out, a light would go off or they'd mess up on the teleprompter and things would just drag. So I learned how to, it's a, it's a real technique. It's a real talent to do that, dude. Yeah. Well, thanks. You got it. But you have to jump into it. It's like, it's like, yeah, I didn't do it. It took me a while to get there. But I almost say it's like pouring milk. You just got to pour it in that cereal. You had to like go for it. You really have to go for it. Just pour it in the cereal. It's so funny because when you're
Starting point is 01:04:53 on stage, like doing regular stand up, I could see some of that training in your stand up. You're able to like, you know, take up dead room and get them to get, you know, rev them up. Yeah. I could, I could feel the energy. But that was a thing like it was, okay, am I warm up or a stand up? And I would say the last two years when I stopped doing it kind of, I was just kind of grew out of it, to be honest. And when you're going to different shows, different stage managers, it's frustrating. And then these paid audiences and they're talking back and it's, hasn't been fun. So the last couple of years, I've really made a concerted effort to say, I'm a stand up. So when that comedy store lineup comes out over Twitter,
Starting point is 01:05:35 I retweet it, I show a mic because I want to say I'm a comedian. I'm at the comedy store. I'm not just some warm-up guy. Let me ask you, because you've been at the comedy store as long, a very long time. Well, you got me in. Thank you. That's all I wanted you to say. Good night, everybody. This whole fucking podcast. That's why we brought you. You got me in. There we go. Just say it again. I mean, Bobby Lee got me in at the comedy store. You recommended me to Mitzi. I recommended you to Mitzi. You really did. I know I did. You brought me in. So yeah. But you see, you were around when the comedy store was really bad. Yeah, I was kind of like, that was my first impression of the comedy store. This place is dark. It's scary and intimidating. And the room is hard to do. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:22 And now, do you like the rebirth of it? I mean, Oh yeah. I mean, of course, everyone likes the rebirth other than, you know, you know, too popular. But yes, it's a good vibe. They're great, great opportunities to podcasting. I think the original room, it's lighter. And I mean, it's literally lighter. Like that you could see the audience. Oh my God. Yeah. I mean, it used to be so depressing and dark in there. And there was such like, you know, 10, 15 people. And it wasn't even, it was like more of a funeral. Well, you couldn't see the crowd. I mean, I would usually go on, I would say like after 1130, you know, late night, kind of after the hump thing. Yeah. And I just remember the, the, it being dark in there, you couldn't see, you could,
Starting point is 01:07:10 you could only hear the laugh. You couldn't see. So you couldn't know if there's 100 people or 20. And I just, so once they lifted up the lights and I think they made, it's, they opened up some seed. I don't know, it's, you can breathe more in there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They changed a lot of it. And just now there's a crowd. There's a crowd. Again, I was always doing late night stuff. So for me, it's like kind of the same thing, but still, still late night. Yeah. But still, there's, you must get more people still, even if, even though you're later. Yeah. I mean, there's more people there. Yeah. But sometimes I'm going up in front of 15 people at the end, 10 people, you know, those weird late nights, but I have fun
Starting point is 01:07:49 with it. Yeah. The, yeah, the comedy store, it's, it was, yeah, it was dark and scary and intimidating. And then just once I got past, it felt better. And then when you would have a couple, I would never like go up to the comedians like Rogan or a dice, they would come up to you and say, hey, you're doing pretty good. And then you'd like, okay. But I think just I'm older now. So I get, I mean, I go to the comedy store, people treat, I've kind of like pinched myself. I go, wow, people are like nice to me. Yeah. Because you've, you've went through the boot camp of it. You, you, you, people know who you are now. I guess. And when, when you first got there, you know, and even when I first got there, no, I mean, obviously they don't know who you are.
Starting point is 01:08:35 We haven't done anything. And we're, you know, kind of like doorman, right? I mean, we just, no one knows us. But then, you know, you put in the work like I did. We didn't quit. Didn't quit. We stayed in the pocket. And now we're in the like glory years of it, I think. Yeah. I mean, I like seeing, yeah, just it's open. Yeah. It's the, like I said, I like this, the specialty shows they have. Yeah. I, everyone's in a good mood. They're happy. The reason comedy, it's real. You're not on the internet. You're not watching TV. You're getting the real deal talk. So I think the comedy store and plus Uber now, you don't have to worry about parking. Yeah. You go right up there. It's just a perfect, you know, perfect mix. I want to,
Starting point is 01:09:21 I want to say something about you. What are we at at time wise? We're over an hour. Oh, that's amazing. I babbled a lot. No, I love it. This is the great. This is like one of, you're my favorite guest, one of my favorite guests. Look at me in my eyes. Yes, Bobby, forgot he doesn't do that. You're literally one of my favorite guests. I'll take that. Yeah. I see through your hairy shoulders. Yeah, you know me. Your thin lips. We're Southern California. And I see a child of God in front of me. Yeah, that's good. And anyone listening now, I'm going to just do this and don't yell at me, but just, just to see what happens. If you're a single girl and you're, were you trying to match make? No, I'm not matchmaking. I'm just throwing
Starting point is 01:10:06 something out there. Trying to bypass bumble. Yeah, yeah. Put into either. And you're, and you look in the mirror, just know that you're an eight. If you're an eight, right? You know, very state to state, you know, and you're living California. Think about, just think about Brody. Yeah. You know, let's put that out there. Put it on the ether. I'm, I'm, I'm good with that. So at the end of our podcast, we do think, a thing called unhelpful advice. It's a, it's an email, you know, we respond to an email. And you can respond if you'd like to. You don't have to. It doesn't have to be correct. You can say whatever the fuck you want. Okay. So go ahead.
Starting point is 01:10:47 Unhelpful advice with Bobby Kalila, Brody Stevens, idle time is the devil's playground. Pour it in the cereal. Go for it. I'm getting hair on my shoulders. You guys don't want me to write it down. That was the email. Dear tiger belly, I am a 36 year old guy and I've been married to my wife 26 years. She's 26 years old for two years. It was a semi-arranged marriage. We were both sexually inexperienced, but sex during the first year was both frequent and pleasurable. However, after two years, it has pretty much gone from twice a week to once or twice a month. However, my biggest issue is that just like Bobby, I have suffered from porn induced ED in the past,
Starting point is 01:11:28 and even though I've almost completely given up on porn in the past couple of months, it is causing me problems. The main issue is that during sex, I end up visualizing my favorite or recently watched porn scenes in order to remain aroused to, uh, to reach climax. I also visualize celebrities and people I've recently come across in daily life. Example, girls in my gym. I find this disturbing since I feel there's a form of cheating. Should I be worried that I need external stimulus to stay aroused while having sex with my own wife? This is what call them E. It's a difficult question. It's a difficult question. I've been plagued with sexual problems in my life,
Starting point is 01:12:17 and I don't really have any answers. That's the advice I honestly, I'm, it's, it threw me full loop. I've done that. Think about another girl when you're with a girl. Yeah, it is. I've never done that with Kalila, by the way. Oh, I wouldn't be offended if I am. Look, look, I've never done it. Bobby just winked. Yeah, I winged because that's like the truth. I promise. I think you have to be, you have to be reasonable about, manage your expectations of humans in general. And I guarantee you that your wife's probably imagined someone else besides you too. You know, imagine the 1700s or the 1600s, right? That like when America was a new
Starting point is 01:13:03 and people lived in the frontier and you, you met a woman and you lived in a cabin in the forest. You're not bombarded with other women. You're not bombarded with, you know, advertisements and social media and porn and or any of these things, right? So when you saw your wife, right, it was generally like, Oh my God, my wife is beautiful and she's the only girl I've seen in a month. Okay. We live in a different age. We're bombarded with sexuality. We're bombarded with stimulus stimulus. And it is very difficult to, you know, it's just, it's just a difficult, you know, time that we're living in, I think. I have a friend who is a sex addict and he went to a rehabilitation facility for a long time.
Starting point is 01:13:56 And he said that they were forced to, they, they couldn't do social media. They basically had to remove all stimulus to start to feel, to feel things down there again in a genuine way. So no porn, no, they would just basically remove a shit ton of stimulus. I don't, I mean, I like, you know, the porn's fun. Everything, everything's there. But I guess I could close my eyes and think of experiences that I've had, you know, you go back to those, those special experiences that you've had with these girls. You can use that thought. You know, it's, it's out there. It's just so much out there. And it's got to warp your brain a little bit. You got to be careful. You got, I mean, that's why I said earlier what this whole
Starting point is 01:14:45 Facebook and social media is why I needed that buffer. When I started out comedy, I didn't know that social media was a part of the package. I didn't know all, I mean, podcasting is great. And there's benefits. I'm sure to Facebook and all that, but it's a lot tedious. It's tedious. It's never ending. And then you always think like, you're always looking for that viral tweet, that viral photo. It's always dangling there. I mean, just imagine like, I mean, I've talked to this about this before, just what the kids are being inundated with. Like when I was in high school, I grew up in the 80s. I was in high school. Yeah, me and you 80s. It was a field by my house. And there was a gigantic rock. And if you lifted up this rock, there was like a wet
Starting point is 01:15:31 hustler. Oh my God. But like most of the pages were stuck together. Yeah. That was our only exposure to any kind of pornography. A half a mildew breast. You couldn't even see the face because of the wetness of the, you know, a soil, right? Yeah. And we would jerk off to that mildew breast. You know what I mean? We'd rip out, you know, a page. And that's what we were talking about yesterday, how all of this is so available to us that it actually takes away feeling horny. It's like, when it's not back in the day, it used to feel like it was a little bit laced with rebellion. Where can I find it? Where can I find the porn where, you know, and now it's just every more much of it that I am, I kind of don't want to think about sex. It's like,
Starting point is 01:16:16 it's not just porn. It's all over. I was watching the NBA All-Star Game and the commercials, a lot of them are sex type commercials, butts in the ass cheeks, the halftime show. No, there is a lot of sexual imagery. We all know that. Yeah. It can warp you. And I think the porn, yeah, when I was younger, yeah, you'd have a magazine hidden here and there. And we were around pre-internet. We were like the last group to be around pre-internet. And I just, I wouldn't want to be a kid today. You see what's going on. And there, you know, there's just the cursing and the no rules and the speeding and the mother F and everyone's smoking pot. It's gotta, you must have issues. It's hard to deal with adversity. You can't yell at the kids. You can't discipline them. They take
Starting point is 01:17:12 away, you know, the pledge of allegiance. So now you're seeing, I feel some of those things, it helps you deal with some adversity. I mean, you're seeing them not able, they get flustered. To cope. They're not coping. Exactly. The coping skills aren't there. And you could say, well, we keep God out, but it was just like getting them at attention. We're all work, you know, I think the kids are losing that. But even just the availability of anything now ruins it. Like, you know, I remember like when a movie was going to come out, you know, like a deep, let's say I missed a movie like in high school at the theater and when it's going to come out on Blockbuster and you get excited, right? Anticipation. And then when it came out and you'd go to the Blockbuster,
Starting point is 01:17:55 we already, we rented it out already. And you go like, oh, I got to see Goonies or whatever. Right. And then you would wait a month. And then when you got that, you come, the excitement of it. Yeah. Today, you know, his new release on iTunes, Lady Bird, Coco, and was a third. Three billboard. Three billboard. Three movies I wanted to see. Done. Are out. I bought them. I'm probably not going to watch them. I want to tell this guy, though, that like, I bought them. I don't think that this issue with the whole porn thing is an indicator of how well your marriage is doing. I think that happens to everybody in any type of relationship, you know, the sex kind of, you know, fades over time. But
Starting point is 01:18:44 if you feel strongly about her and in many other ways, I don't think your marriage is in trouble at all. That was a great email, though. And God bless you and take care. I want to thank everyone that came out to the Irvine improv this weekend. I, um, I'd never done that good there every year. I go back and I think it's Tiger. I mean, Sunday night pictures. It's great. Tiger Valley fans all weekend. Also, by the way, that club is weird. So on Friday and Saturday is when you guys come and you're like, where's Bobby to take photos? I can't go out there. It's like, because they do it in the middle of the fucking mall. Yeah. People walking by. I did it Sunday night. So the next time I'm at Irvine, just come on a Sunday. Yeah. I'll do it on Sunday. But every show sold out.
Starting point is 01:19:31 That's a big room. Yeah. And even though you bombed, I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you too, George. That ticks balls. But you were fucking terrible. Bobby, I did Irvine the week before. Oh, you did. With David Spade. Oh, wow. That's a big room. It's a big room. Yeah. That's it. See, now, when you play the comedy story, do the main room late at night. Not that many people, you know? Yeah. I'm lucky if I get 100. But it's usually like 50 or less. Oh, Spade was. I killed it. Spade did great. They all love them. Yeah. But you go out. It's a different feel. It's a different, you know, it takes time. It was stressful for me. Yeah. But then I figured out by the Sunday night, I was kind of like in my zone. I got it. But it's like, I could feel the
Starting point is 01:20:16 people. How great is that guy? David Spade's a great guy. Honestly, he's one of the nicest guys I have ever fucking met. Yeah. I was, you know, when I met him a couple of years ago, when he first started coming to the comedy stores when I met him, I was a little intimidated by him. Oh, you were? You're a fan. Yeah. I like him. Right. And but as soon as there was an establishment, a friendship, he's just a legitimately great guy. Yeah. Nice guy. Yeah. You're nice too. I think that's a good combination. You too. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Nice guy cares, respected, funny. Yeah. Yeah. You know, history. There's, you know, history and stand up. He's just, you know, he's on an iconic stand up special, the young comedian. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And he went to Arizona State.
Starting point is 01:21:06 I'm from Arizona. Yeah. So yeah, he's always been very nice, supportive guy. Who did the show with it? Just you and David? And Bobby Miyamoto. Oh, yeah. Are you fighting with him? No. I don't know. All the Asians. Yeah. Everything's fine. So yeah, Bobby was great. Yeah, David's been great. And like I said, most comedians, they're good people. Even the ones you think us guys are, they have good hearts. I mean, you don't have any names. Are there ones that you don't like as a person? There's some are like kind of arrogant or like don't, you know, give me the time of day. Yeah. And I get that. I get that. I don't get it. Oh, you don't? No. Okay. Yeah. Because baseball players talk to me. It's not that. You have seat fires. It's not that. Like in Kershaw. Yeah. Here's
Starting point is 01:21:49 what I don't like is that, you know, you know, somebody over the years and then all of a sudden a little bit of heat comes their way and you can see a little bit of a shift. And I don't like that. Because at the end of the day, who gives a fuck, right? It doesn't mean anything. Right? We're all just doing the same thing. And input what I love is, is that when the heat dissipates and they come back. I love that. But you know what? No, I love it. Why? Because it teaches them humility. That's what you're saying. I'm not saying anything. But some people have difficulty. I didn't say anything. Well, what do you mean? What? I'm gonna go check the lineup so you're talking about. No, no, no. But pressure can get to people. What do you mean? You know,
Starting point is 01:22:44 they get a lot of stuff and they, you know, they're under pressure and they feel. It's not, dude. Dude, let me know. Let me just say this. Okay. I'm gonna bring up Zach's name again. Here we go. I didn't see Zach since the hangover. So when he blew up after the hangover, I didn't run into him one time. Okay. Until I did that movie. Keeping up with the Joneses. I had, I was out in Atlanta for a week and I had a scene with him and John Hamm. As soon as he saw me, he ran up to me. He gave me a hug and he looked me around the eyes. Oh my God, it's so fucking good to see you. Right? Genuine. Yeah. My point is this is that that's when I knew that, you know, sometimes people go through the heat of it and they get the attention,
Starting point is 01:23:38 but they're still the same guy. Okay. And then some people, it just, it twists in their mind and they think that there's this, they, they're this thing. And at the end of the day, they're not, they're the same douchebag that they were. Right? With just more money. But they just have a little bit more money, but I love it when it dissipates. Well, I, I mean, don't you? Don't you? No. You don't like it when a cocksucker gets a little bit of a cocky thing and they act all fucking prima donna and craze, craze. And then all of a sudden the heat dissipates and they come back. Um, I don't know about career wise. I feel like maybe some of the, you're a little too burning man for me right now, bro. You think, I mean, are you, are you hippie dick or what? I'm positive
Starting point is 01:24:35 energy. No, you're right now, dude. You're being hippie dick. No, you want me to think of somebody who, I mean, look, if you want to like push buttons and ask me like so-and-so, he's changed. I'm not saying any names. I'm not saying any names, friend. Well, I'm not, I'm not thinking I'm not throwing anyone, I'm not throwing anyone down the, in the front of the bus, bro. Bro, what I'm saying is, is this, don't give me that fucking science eyes right now. Science eyes. Maybe science allows it to work. Okay. You give me science eyes right now, bro. All right. One word to you, my friend. Nosotras papaya. Okay. You know what that means? No. We are papaya. Okay. All right. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. All right. But what I'm saying right
Starting point is 01:25:20 now is, is that for the last hour, all right, I've been enjoying it. Okay. And I'm enjoying it now also. Don't get me wrong, right? But you're just being a little bit too desert, burning man. I'm from the desert. My family's from New Mexico. Okay. I have. That's all you have to fucking say. Southwestern desert. All right. All right. But be real. When somebody's like on top of the world, and they're being a fucking cocksucker. Yes. If they're being a cocksucker. Yes. And then things start not going good. There's a little bit of feeling of like, there we go. Okay. I have that in terms of maybe somebody politically who spouts off, and then something happens, that kind of stuff. But never comic. Like on a personal level, like, I don't, I don't think I'm at, I don't think my
Starting point is 01:26:09 You know what, man, me either. I think you do. Two peas in a pod. Yes. So you have deeper ties at the comedy store. You have more history there. I'm, you know, I'm an enigma. I run in my own little, my own little case and point looking like I like Sebastian Monoscalco. Okay. What about Sebastian? Sebastian Monoscalco. I knew when he was a waiter at four seasons. Me too. Remember that? Me and Sebastian would do late night sets. Right. Right. And we would have talks in the comedy store parking lot. Right. We were friends. Are your friends with him now? Not really. Well, not not really. I mean, he's married. Is he high when you see him? Yeah, but it's not the same. It's not the same. To me, it's still the same. Oh, it is. Yeah. He he'll pull me aside.
Starting point is 01:26:54 What's going on? And you'll laugh. We'll laugh together. And he shares me his good news. I share my good news. We talk about family. It's to me, he's always been private. Yeah. A lot of young guys go, yeah, he doesn't really talk much. Yeah, he's private. Right. But that has nothing to do with if he's a conch sucker. But I know some guys where you would have that banter. All right. And I'm I'm not going to say a name, but it's a guy that I did Chelsea lately with. You don't say anything. Okay. Okay. And he wears a cap sometimes. That's a clue. Yeah, that's a clue. And him and I, you know, I put him through acting class. You're like, when he was a kid, helping Michael, I would do things like that. Because I had a little bit of money. So I'm like, he's like, Oh, yeah, I don't
Starting point is 01:27:51 know how to even know how to act. You should take a class. And he goes, I don't have any money. How much do you need? I think cost $1,600. Oh, okay. Okay. He goes to the, you know, and then some people, they get a little bit of a heat, right? And then they don't give you the time of day. And that's what I'm saying, my friend. And everyone listening to right now. Okay. I want to thank Brodie Stevens for coming in. He was amazing. Do you have anything you want to promote? You could find me on Barstool Sports with dialed in with Dallas Braden's every day 11 to one Pacific Time, Sirius Barstool Channel. I believe I'm going to excuse me. I have my one hour special coming out in June or July on all
Starting point is 01:28:46 the platforms available. We shot a special about a year ago. And I think it's going to be coming out. And you can find me at the comedy store. I do a show also on all things comedy, festival of fun, festival of friendship. I'm still working on a title 25 episodes in. Excuse me. So yeah, I'm around. I enjoy it. Have a good time. Yeah. Taking apple cider vinegar. Okay, you already said that. Okay. And just being positive. You already said all that. Well, you know, you have to reiterate it. But you know what? They go to baseball, spring training. It's all reps, it's reps, it's reps, ingrained. Oh, you're ingrained. That's what I did. Yeah. And I learned. I learned from you, my friend. Thank you. Okay.
Starting point is 01:29:27 You're a great guest. Thank you. Anything for us? I'm playing the Houston improv this week, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Oh, I did that with spade. No kidding. Okay. Anyway, I'm doing the Houston improv this weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Come check me out. It'll be fun. And then where am I? I might, because I business three weeks in a row. I can't, I end up break. You have a small break and then you do Addison and then Arlington, Virginia. And then that's it. I think you do El Paso sometimes. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, my God. Oh, they have a Barnes and Noble. They do a brand new one too, right? Or no? Yeah, they had it when I played there back in 2001. Well, El Paso, the comic strip.
Starting point is 01:30:14 The Barnes and Noble. No, the comic strip. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I saw the movie Trading Day. Oh, that was a long time ago. That's when it was. Bart Reid. Yeah, Bart Reid. Is that, we were going to be? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. I love Bart Reid. Bart Reid's comic strip. Yeah, I know who he is. Oh, well, yeah. I just said it. So you're playing there El Paso. Well, I haven't played it in 18 years. You're coming home. No, it's not home. Oh, but it was, it was weird because when I got the call, you, my manager, you interested in doing El Paso. And I go, Bart Reid? I guess, yeah, he had the comic strip. And I go, I thought he hated me because you know what happened 18 years ago, maybe a little 15 years ago. I don't know what it was,
Starting point is 01:30:57 but this is right when I was on Matt TV or something. He offered me my first headlining spot there. So I could agree to do it. And then what happened was three days before I was supposed to do it, I booked a national commercial. So I called him and I said, I just can't do it. He's like, what? What am I going to do? You know, and then there were some things being exchanged. And I felt really fucking bad about it. But you know, and then I didn't hear anything for the last 18 years. Whoa. And then when it came down the pike a couple of days ago that he reached out, I just said 100% yes. Because number one, I liked the guy. Number two, you know, it's going to be 18 year grudge. It's 18 year grudge. It's like when I was banned from the Tempe Improv for
Starting point is 01:31:46 like 15 years, but they just changed ownership. I know. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the guy killed himself. But and God bless his soul. Okay. But when you know, they banned me and then when I was able to do it again, there is a feeling of like I won. But that's it. Can I ask what you got banned for? I showed my butthole. Can't do that in Arizona. Yeah. It's legal there. I showed my butthole. But it's, you know, freedom of expression. True. You know, it's art. Yeah. In an art, a lot of different things can be revealed. Your soul, your butthole, your anal whips. Yes. That is true. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Anyway, I'll be in those places. And again, March 27th, my sitcom, watch it splitting up together. I know. Yeah. Don't do that. Sorry.
Starting point is 01:32:35 I'm really excited about it. No, that doesn't sound like it were. I felt like there was a little bit of a rosette. No, I'm excited. My mom keeps reminding me. Can I just say this though? If you have a resentment, just say it. I don't have resentment. Okay. Because I'm feeling a little hostility right there. I'm sorry. You don't have to do that either. I'm not your boss in that way. Okay. To you. I mean, I thought we had a good time last night. I had a great time. Everything. All right. Anyway, bye. Make sure you follow us on Instagram at Tiger Belly on Twitter at the Tiger Belly on emails. Any questions to the Tiger Belly at gmail.com. And make sure you review us on iTunes. Five stars, please. Anything? You can find me on all forms of social media at
Starting point is 01:33:12 Calamity K. All right, guys. We'll see you soon. Hey, Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly ad free on Amazon Music. Download the Amazon Music app today. Or you can listen ad free with Wondry Plus in Apple Podcasts. Before you go, tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondry.com.

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