TigerBelly - Episode 138: Toes On The Table

Episode Date: April 18, 2018

Bobo remembers the legendary Mitzi. Khaloko gets an apology. We talk Disneyland, people in cloaks, Gus with the hat, and Bobby home alone. Support us by supporting our sponsors! See... Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members, you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Hey Five four three two one Welcome to another episode of Tiger Belly everybody. My name is your captain bomb. I'm gonna sing you a song Turn around look at what you see In her face the mirror of your dream Make believe I'm everywhere Given in the lie. It's very low for me. Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:04 written on the pages In the answer to a never-ending story Sorry Yeah, that's my jam of the week guys. I wake up. That's in my head, babe And we got George. We got Gilbert. We got Kalaira and this has been a very bad week Ladies and gentlemen, we lost one of our own We lost a comedy icon. We lost We have had him as a guest his mother
Starting point is 00:01:35 Paul shore Polly shore Polly shore his mother passed away last week. Mitsy shore Oh, no, it was Wednesday, right? The Wednesday she passed away But she's been sick for a very long time on Mitsy. I I mean, essentially they discovered me which doesn't really mean much to I guess you guys But it means a lot. How you got your start. In fact, I don't think there's one person You've talked about more on this podcast than Mitsy short You've credited her you've credited your entire career to her each and every time well because you know you you look at the comedy store comics of today they
Starting point is 00:02:13 most of them were not passed by her because She got sick a long time ago. So she stopped coming around. So then, you know People that get passed as a regular at the comedy store was done by whoever the talent coordinator was Tommy or Right now Adam Egan Polly and those guys have a lot of say, but I'm me Sebastian Manoscaco There's a couple of us that are still Mitsy passes I think I saw is it Nick Yusef's post Nick Yusef was the very last one He could have been the last one. Yeah, he was the last one that she passed and she passed him
Starting point is 00:02:50 Which means she was going senile at that point Shout out to Nick. Yeah, shout out to Nick, but I'm sorry, but she was going senile if she passed you Okay, sorry started to lose it, but I'm Mitsy, I'll shut just I have I told if I talked about how I met her Tell us again. Yeah. All right, so I was working at the comedy store, La Jolla and I was a doorman and a bar back and whatnot and
Starting point is 00:03:19 One night at open mic. I ran into Polly. I was a kid. I was 23 and Polly goes dude There's something about you bra Something weird about you did I go. Thank you and he goes dude I'm gonna have you open for me one day So then like maybe nine months later. He goes, dude You're gonna do Vegas with me bra So then you know, I was working there as a doorman, but he flew me to Vegas and this is when he was Um, he was doing like 5,000 seats at the top of the Riv Riviera. There's a gigantic like showroom up there and
Starting point is 00:04:04 He had me do five minutes That's all I could do You know five minutes. Do you remember that set? No, I don't I remember being petrified Absolutely petrified and there was another guy named Wild Willie Parsons is old like trucker guide that was featuring a big guy and Polly goes deed my mom's here bra Right. Yeah, and I saw her before the show, but I was just like there's just no way
Starting point is 00:04:35 Did you know the importance of her at that time already? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean we Yeah, we knew that she was the owner. I mean we knew the history of her But also at the time it's like, you know, you just think there's no way she's gonna like me or whatever And I went up and I don't know if I did good or not But I got off stage and she's just walks right up to me and she just goes. Hi, I'm Mitzi And I go, oh, hey And she goes, um You're a regular at all my clubs
Starting point is 00:05:09 Congratulations. Oh, you didn't even have to showcase. No, I did five minutes in front of her Wow, and she made me a regular you must have done well then. It's not that if I look back It's imagine what I you know The slept king everyone knows a slept king Everyone knows no soul thought by everyone everyone knows The science of life science and the things that and alert and the things that we you know talk about here You know the the dream weaving the connections the spiritual laws
Starting point is 00:05:40 between our souls upper lower case You know energy dementia Marvelous reactions within each other despite Interactions without yourself And these are things that I believe these are things that I I'm gonna put down in a book one day
Starting point is 00:06:05 but Attasking within each cell creates an upper hemisphere of life components that we in itself Cannot understand and yet they exist Wow You never thought about it that way. No, but I'm telling you that that's the fact a new angle and that's of great It's it's to be written stone. It's written in stone But the thing is is that so you have to imagine this kind of mesmerizing entity The slept king slept as a kid a younger person and she witnessed it
Starting point is 00:06:34 Mm-hmm. Yeah, she touched it. She she you know absorbed it and what what people when they meet the slept king The abs I you get absorbed my fluids first. Okay, I exude this like Not a ooze. It's just like I have if you don't if you if you put like what what's the those the aura how you can see Someone's aura or heat or heat Anyway, if you if you're able to like a pet scan no, no, just listen if you're like the predator like the predator Yeah, like yeah, the predator Why don't you see that earlier like the predator right right like the infrared infrared stuff Yeah, my infrared heat from my body. It's tripled the amount of a normal human being. You know that just red
Starting point is 00:07:17 It's pure red right and it's hate. It's a lot of it's a hate hate energy and anger and rage but and what happens is that people When they get too close to the slump king they Absorb some of my heat Which then tends to turn to liquid which then gets absorbed into their skin and then they become infected In a good way bad and good. Oh some people have died Yeah, some people there but like mitzvah witnessed it, you know and even the five minutes and so you know She made me a regular and um
Starting point is 00:07:54 And then over the years she used to come down to lohoya in her limo. She does brown limo And my old friend Freddy Soto used to be his her limo driver and we would go to the steakhouse called bullies and We would eat and she would say wise knowledge like um in is a sin to support mediocrity You know what makes a star Half the people have to love you, but are the other half the people have to hate you at the same time Like the different things that I still believe today and um Yeah, she passed away Wednesday, and I like a fucking asshole didn't go to the service because I had to go to Denver
Starting point is 00:08:35 It's not true. That's not how it went down Well, I mean she passed I flew to Denver Well, then I called my agents and my and Abby you were on your way to the airport when you found out that she Had passed and there was a whole you know, there was a whole discussion It should I come back should I fly back should I do all of that? Yeah, but when I yeah, but then when Paulie told me that Friday was the service you were already in Denver I understand that but should I have flown back, but she's Jewish, right? So they don't believe in embalming and they don't believe in any of that
Starting point is 00:09:09 So they have to bury the body almost immediately. So I think that my my very close Jewish friend Shandy was telling me that it's more important to sit Shiva and that's more that's like after the burial So actually the day's following is more of like a personal Would mean more if you show well, I'm not invited to any of that. No Shiva. No nothing Because I missed out on Friday, and I feel bad about it What am I gonna do though? You know and also FYI for your information Learn that right now learn it guys write it down. It's new All right, it's fresh lol laugh out loud write that down right that down. It's new. All right. This is that
Starting point is 00:09:50 If the people that came out to Denver, I'm telling you right now That's probably the best city to do stand-up. Oh, wow every show was sold out 90% Tiger belly fans. Wow. It was fucking epic and amazing and everyone it was just a great show every show was great and I think I performed for Mitzi, you know, but God bless her soul And I don't know. I just laughed there. Yeah, I don't know why and You know Now the fear is is probably gonna turn the comedy story into a strip club or a hotel. Yes You think so I don't think so but
Starting point is 00:10:34 So she owned it up until the day she died and then you don't know like what's in the will like what she wanted for the club I don't know. I don't know the logistics of who got what and what decisions decisions are being made, but I Just gonna put it this way if Polly's listening or anyone that has any decision-making is listening If you close that club You're fucking everyone You're fucking the comedy community. I think you're fucking comedy in general. That's a conversation right now I mean, that's the fear of a lot of comics that That Mitzi's past and now because she obviously that's her dream. That's her
Starting point is 00:11:14 That's who she is the comic shows is an extension of her I don't know where Peter, you know, Polly's brother is not a stand-up. Although he's a nice guy. They're all nice I like them all but In fact, I love them all You know, it's more love, but if they close that place, I don't know what I'm gonna do I think it'll really screw comedy over Because there's only two other clubs in LA really and those clubs will be just I imagine saturated
Starting point is 00:11:46 With people because we would have to all go to either the Laugh Factor the improv and split it And it's especially hard for you because you grew up in the comedy store. It really is. I mean if anyone knows me I'm there every night I Know every crevice of that club from the basement to the ceiling from the top floor. I know The last 25 years everyone that's ever worked there. Have you guys ever had Bobby give you the tour of the comedy store? Oh my god, you're gonna do the tour. I do the tour and every time I walk with whoever he's touring because he knows He's not lying. He knows every
Starting point is 00:12:27 Every bit of information about every tile on the floor and even events that have happened a rape happened here It's the exact spot. Yeah, this is where people died like I there was a shootout here This guy jumped off the roof of the Hyatt that he landed right here And these are things that are real Yeah, this is where you find the ghosts Gus You know, there's Gus the ghost A really good tour guide. Well, what's that story Gus the ghost? You don't know Gus. Oh guys
Starting point is 00:12:58 Gus is a ghost that haunts the comedy stories our buddy. Oh, he's friends with you. No evil Why would you say he's your buddy? He's broken. He's broke a guy's spine Wait, what Pete Gray? He broke a spine bro What okay, so it's not like Casper. This is like no, this is not Casper It's like I'm Gus. I told you. Okay. Yeah, Casper's in West Hollywood. Yeah You know Dreamy no, um
Starting point is 00:13:28 You know, there comedy store in the 50s used to be called seros. It was a nightclub. It was Maburon Apparently this guy named Gus who was a mafia guy. He got killed there and then his ghost haunts the comedy store and When Carl LaBeau and Sam Kinnison, they were called the Houston boys and Bill Hicks as well When they came down from Houston to the comedy store Sam and Carl didn't have any money. So they slept on the main room stage they would sneak in the club and sleep there and Carl told me personally that one night he was awoken to Sam being levitated by his ankle upside down Off the ground of the on the main stage while he was sleeping and he was dropped and Carl told me about Gus and
Starting point is 00:14:16 Then Blake Clark who's another guy from the 80s He used to never go down the cellar because he saw Gus there a couple times and then what does Gus look like? He's got a top hat a yellow suit top hat faceless. What era? 50s other 50s. Yeah. No, so I know but the top hat in the 50s It was like a not a top hat. Not a top hat. It was like a mafia hat. Oh Like a shorter one. Yeah, a short one. Not at the Abe Lincoln. That's okay. Yeah And then um, there was this guy named Pete Gray who was a comic there in the 90s He was a doorman and he was in the belly room and he did a good spot and he was walking down the
Starting point is 00:15:00 The the um, you know, the green room and then the showroom. There's a little hallway there You know the hallway and he was levitated his head hit the ceiling and he broke his spine What did Gus have against Pete? Pete was shifty. Oh And then me and Johnny Sanchez saw Gus one night. We had a gig in Bakersfield This is in the late 90s and I left my truck in the parking lot and then say Uh, Johnny drove us to the gig. We came back. It was like four in the morning
Starting point is 00:15:33 And then we both were talking and then we looked up at I don't know why but at the top window And we saw a man up there his face his hands on the glass But he had no face and a top hat and he was just Pete peeking down at us And then we looked at each other we screened we looked back up. It was gone And then that was Gus and you both saw it. Yeah, Johnny and I will both talk about it. Yeah Yeah, we both saw it. Why you why you questioning it? It's just a question. So do you like fully believe in ghosts? No
Starting point is 00:16:08 I don't believe them at all I believe in that And what just Gus like this London? I think Gus is the only one in the whole world. What he goes? Yeah Okay, fair enough. And here's another thing that people don't know Well, that Mitzi's office, you know, the 25 years I've lived there. I mean work there I've never seen or I know where the office is. I know where the door is I it's it is a door and there's a saying stained glass kind of window thing
Starting point is 00:16:35 So you can like look at certain glasses and look into the room But apparently they've never I haven't opened it in like almost 30 years because There's not Gus but another entity in there that's like levitates Phones and books and Yeah, and and she she hired an exorcist Every year apparently for many years to clean the room And here's the craziest story I saw this thing I saw I mean I don't even have I talked about this right the people in the cloaks
Starting point is 00:17:12 No I never talked about the cloaks. No I feel like so scared right now. I feel like we're taking ghost stories. All right. This is the scariest So one night at like 2 3 in the morning. I was still there hanging out And I'm like, why come we're not closing up at like the end one of the managers there just named guy named Don Richardson, he said
Starting point is 00:17:40 Yo, man, there's something going on. He's black Oh, is this the seance? I got it with the yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yo, man. He goes yo, man What's that? Oh black And first of all, is he Asian? No black. I'm kidding. I'm so racist. I'm sorry and it goes. Hey, man. Um, yeah He was normal. He was normal the other way. He goes. Hey, man. Hey, buddy We can't close up right now because uh, there's something going on Upstairs so um, he goes but don't go up there And I go
Starting point is 00:18:12 Why? But there's a back way to sneak up So I snuck up there and that back door was open and I crawled And to look to see what was going on in there and there was like 12 people in there wearing cloaks With the with the hood and everything like it was candles around and they were chanting When you say cloaks with the hood like the kkk. No, no, no, I was gonna say what color cloaks. No, no, no No, no, they're more like um, wizard shit. Oh, oh, yeah We're like more wizard purpley cloaks. Was it like yeah, they're not was it like a sexual thing
Starting point is 00:18:46 Like was it eyes wide shut or was it more like they were trying to conjure a spirit? Well, no, it was there. It was 12 people trying to conjure Andy Kaufman What because when I I stayed there that night to see who walked down Me and a couple of comics And one of them was Lily Tomlin I love her and the other one was Bob Zamuda Andy's best friend. So do you think that if we were to ask Lily Tomlin point blank? Have you ever tried to bring Andy Kaufman spirit to the present world? She would say yes
Starting point is 00:19:19 I did I think she could she would yeah That makes her even like that makes her infinitely cooler in my book and I believe that that that they did contact him So you believe in that stuff? So you believe in just one ghost named Gus Yeah, that lives in this world all the others live in another world and you got to bring him back Well, I I can only I can only attest to Gus and then in when I was in high school my brother and I you know Our house was haunted the half Remember my brother and I were both possessed. Did you guys also build another part of the house for you guys stayed in?
Starting point is 00:19:50 They built another extension to the house. Yeah, yeah, my point is is that so I can only You know confirm That the Rancho Bernardo house where I lived and Gus because of the only two entities that I've encountered Now if there are other entities and I encounter them Then I will you know Homage to them Is that the right word? I like that version homage And I will you know, I will bow and I will go welcome to this realm
Starting point is 00:20:23 You know, just don't possess me, please or stigmata me Because I don't want it I already have um liver spots on my face. They're freckles. Oh, thank you So, you know So that place is just uh, if you're ever in la tiger belly fans And if you ever want to visit the slept king and you want some aura on you Ew, you know some juicy aura on you get some of that red then come by but you know, this is a very sad A sad time and I and I thank her if she's listening from
Starting point is 00:20:53 You know up up or down wherever she is And I I love you and I I miss you and uh, thank you so much for For saying that I was a regular because that prompted me to move to la And I met the love of my life kalilah in la I met two comrades george and gilbert in la And this is the life that I live. I choked up a little bit. It's a great. It's a great life, but It's her that Made that decision because it without her I would not be here. Wow. Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:21:31 You know, it's a really sad time for me But what are you gonna do? That's life You know, there was my brother was steve was scared of her Really? Yeah encounters in the past because she because she it's because I You know, you know polyshore and the shores they specifically have this obsession with asians Chinese Yeah, yeah, they had this really missy came from missy though. She has this obsession with asians Yeah, so she would go steam come here. You want to work here?
Starting point is 00:22:05 You shouldn't get a job here. What do you want to do manage? And my brother said no, you know, am I what I'm telling you right? Yeah She would always offer my brother a job. She's trying to collect. Yeah, and then one day Asian collect asians. Yeah Yeah, one day Paulie goes did come over to my house for Thanksgiving My mom's here. So I dragged my brother Steve there, right? and You're the only Asians. Yeah, we're sitting at this table, you know, I think, you know, there's other comics there And we're eating turkey and I'm sitting next to missy, right?
Starting point is 00:22:41 And my brother and I are eating and then we hear this Like something clacking the table Like that, right? Yeah And I look over and missy has her one foot on the table And she grew her fucking toenails so long that she was clacking Against this table, right? Yeah, and like my brother and I just couldn't eat after that And it's like you can't she put it on the table when everyone was sitting there. Yeah
Starting point is 00:23:10 And she was like Like that, right? And I you can't go to missy and go. Hey, can you stop that? That's fucking weird I can't eat. You know, just shows you how much of a boss she is. No, you just have. Yeah, she just does what she wants She's the queen. She just did that and I was just sitting there going Okay, I'm done. Can't eat this turkey. Can't eat this turkey anymore. There's a witch's foot on the table You don't say call her a witch, man No, no, no, no. Don't call her a witch, bro
Starting point is 00:23:40 All right, I apologize. Shout out to alford as well, but she did have that look though She would wear um 40 scarves around her like body And she and toward the end she would have this long hair that you know over her face And she kind of hunchy and with all those scarves and their hair Like kind of hair and her dementia a little bit It was pretty scary and sad and after a while I stopped saying hello because she just didn't know who I was anymore It's like when I saw said hi to paul mooney
Starting point is 00:24:14 a couple of months ago And I go hey paul and he goes who you? And he forgot me because he he too is going through some sort of Dementia. Oh, that's so sad. Yeah, so it's sad, you know when people get to that age and that happens, you know but um on other news Sounds like a youtube news show last two days. We went to disneyland
Starting point is 00:24:41 collyla and I because her Sisters and from philippines. Yeah, honey and the two kids and the husband Giovanni Yeah, and the two kids we went to disneyland and I have to say I've been to disneyland thousands of times before That could quite possibly have been my favorite time at disneyland. Why? There was something about there was something about the two kids because they're from the philippines. They're from mud island But yeah, they're from mud island, right? Yeah, whatever mud island and they don't have much there. They have these brown rivers
Starting point is 00:25:19 And they have um beautiful beautiful trees and beautiful beaches fruits But they don't have a disneyland in the philippines. We don't we had we used to have this thing called enchanted kingdom like back in the day It's like a knockoff and then we have a few things in manila the closest one is in hong kong and we have a disneyland in hong kong We're at we I mean, there's a disneyland in hong kong. It's two hours flight away There's a disneyland in china in hong kong. Is that china? Yeah, technically, but I can't say it I don't know why it's hong kong to me. Yeah, it's china because when I was growing up there Yeah, and it's still belong. It's still belong. You know also the disneyland russia because they can go to hong kong Everyone has a disneyland then
Starting point is 00:26:05 Technically because there's like, you know, I mean in europe they have a disneyland. Yeah But it doesn't quite compare I think to you know No, it does ching chong fucking disneyland doesn't compare. It's not the same. It's not the same Maybe not And then what is mickey like scared because he's gonna get eaten by the chinese Mickey's a mouse Oh, the chinese eats anything that moves
Starting point is 00:26:29 I always joked if if et was set in china the movie would be three minutes long. It's done You know, you go et phone And then they would to cook it and it'd be eaten It would that movie would be three minutes long There would be no fucking uh mouse doc anything walking around the fucking hong kong disneyland They'd be eaten. I love hong kong. Yeah, they eat anything that fucking moves They have a fucking restaurant in china they eat Their specific thing they do is serve animal penis. I'm not surprised. What's wrong with that
Starting point is 00:27:03 He's just like what is wrong with like lunch show and like It's not only gay. It's in it's bestiality You're not sucking it for pleasure. That's what I I suck on the meat I suck on the meat to absorb the flavor when you eat my pussy. Are you doing it for nourishment? No for fucking vitamins. Yeah Vitamins it is vitamins. Yeah, this podcast is brought to you by flawless pussy. Yeah Yeah, but I had a great time at disneyland and then we went over to California dream and what's that place called adventure? Whatever. I call it california dreamer california
Starting point is 00:27:40 And I love california dream and because um They have a great ride there that we rode and it's called new. It's new. It's called the guardians of galaxy Based on the movie franchise And um, I have to say It was a pleasurable ride. It was scary It wasn't pleasurable We were screaming. I was that's fun. I thought I was so fun It's basically like the tower of terror, but I feel like it's scarier
Starting point is 00:28:06 But the world that they create recreated was so awesome But rocket like talking to you and all of that. Oh, they're all talking to you while you're on the ride Yeah, but then it has that same. I I'm sorry. I don't do good with like g forces and all of that I was crouched over. Yeah, I thought my heart was going to give out And I'm going to ask you california. Why was it the mainly fun for me at disneyland? I want to know why now You guys have to know this about bobby He okay, you know
Starting point is 00:28:36 You know how when he first got mad tv He would do laps around the west covena mall and hopefully yet recognized by like mexicans, right? In disneyland. It's an echo chamber every three steps. He takes it's oh, it's bobby lee and he is just Ah, he is just on a high for 10 hours straight. He is taking pictures. I give wings to anyone i'm with Yeah, I go wink wink, you know, and I I milk it. Yeah, I milk it. He doesn't try to be discreet I don't try it. Cognito. He wants he full blown photo shoots right in the middle He wants to be seen Form a line right here. Yeah, I mean that's what he loves it makes him so happy
Starting point is 00:29:17 And I've never I think but I do it in a joking way. I think no Bitch, I don't do it fucking for like, you know, I mean my own soul I do it so I could just rub it into whoever I'm you know as a joke in front of my people I'm with I go Yeah, you know, I mean I do it for laughs. I don't do it for pleasure Feels good a little bit. I mean, it's gotta feel good. I mean, I don't blame you It doesn't feel good at all I hate it. I cry I hate it man But yeah, that was really fun. And then I'm gonna say one last thing about that day
Starting point is 00:29:52 Is um, we went to I don't care what you say, but that restaurant just topped it off for me What what would I have said? It was delicious. No, but yeah, I yeah, I think that I think that you're you're not not giving it What it was it was the best I it wasn't the best And I'll tell you why it wasn't the best and I couldn't give you a proper assessment of because I don't eat I'm not eating meat currently and it was a steak house. So I ordered Oh, there you go. Don't hide it. There you go. How could I have been like? Oh, yeah It was the greatest steak when I wasn't eating the steak. I was eating the potatoes and stuff
Starting point is 00:30:29 But okay, so I want to make an announcement as well Is this this weekend? I'm at the Ontario improv this weekend The next weekend 2070 to 29th, right? No, it's this weekend. What should I check your website? It has to be this week. Tell me it's just It has to be this weekend because I didn't call in Sweetie, why did you do that? Good. Look. Look Tours, let's see. This is a great website bibleylive.com
Starting point is 00:31:00 Also, okay, we got it wrong. I'm not at the Ontario improv this week, but I'm I mean it the next weekend And I really think that here's what happened Do you remember the guy that when Brody Stevens did this show we talked about my neighbor In Silver Lake remember the guy that said he would come to my apartment and go I killed and he didn't kill Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So after that podcast was aired He texted me out of nowhere. I haven't talked to this guy in 12 years. Bring up read the text Oh, yeah, and I'm gonna read it to you and this is so he is now opening for me In Ontario
Starting point is 00:31:41 So this is what it hey Bobby I want to be honest with you about my feelings You you mentioned me of your on your podcast I was surprised you only mentioned my showing you set VHS is saying that I killed and then said I really bombed And that put in me or our interactions on the time frame of what that was in context That was easily 15 to 17 years ago I was barely a few years in the stand-up and you were a veteran already I thought we had at least a casual acquaintance friendship
Starting point is 00:32:11 How have I wronged you in some way over the years? Please let me know I've barely seen you in the last many years. You're a famous comedian and I'm an unknown So you think it's cool to talk to me only that harshly in a critical way I'm doing a warm-up set for roast battle Tuesday, March 13th Come on by if you want to see the comedy Adam Grotman. He actually does now He got his feelings hurt. I think that's yeah, so then I called a text to them I go, I'm sorry and I go you want to open
Starting point is 00:32:41 I think that's and he goes. Yeah So now he's gonna open for me and I'm gonna tell you right now if he's better than George It's gonna be I'm gonna rub it in George's face Yeah He's saying it's fair though. It's fair. It was 17 years ago. It's fair what he just said and he's a nice guy And I I might have fucked up you wronged him. I wronged him. Yeah, and many people are wrong on the show Okay, it's retro. You know, you're you're making a and I'm gonna make some I'm you know what? I'm gonna make some apologies already right now since we're on the fucking train some amends
Starting point is 00:33:16 I apologize to John Caparillo Oh, wow, that's a big one. All right. Wow. I you know, I've been reflecting about our friendship You know at the end of the day the past is the past. I know he hates me But I want to make amends. I'm sorry for what I don't know I'm just gonna do it a lot of yeah. I'm just doing it right. I want to make amends I've talked bad about Christopher Titus Because he doesn't like me, but you know what Christopher? I like you. I'm a big fan of your comedy and
Starting point is 00:33:49 Let's you know, I have no hard feelings. You can open for Bobby. You can no He's a headliner. He's a full-blown headliner. And that's how wars begin. You fucking cop sucker All right Who else do I have beef with brook shields? Brook shields brook shields. We're gonna say about brook. You didn't talk to me when I did that pilot with you years ago New car smell Now fuck it. Fuck her Fuck her. Fuck her. I don't give a fuck about no brook. Sorry bro. Sorry brook
Starting point is 00:34:20 That's it, right? Mm-hmm. You know So speaking of apology saying sorry should we get into an apology that we received recently? Oh my god, so I don't know if you guys know this I don't know if you guys know this but Rumor that whole viral thing that happened on the internet's reddit reddit and whatnot about Kaleila being a um Holy being with you for money only being with me for money and yada yada yada Well, I mean we we actually got an email from the guy that started that whole rumor So a lot of people were able to corroborate that this was
Starting point is 00:34:57 You know, it's funny when I when I put out the whole like, you know, help me find who this guy is Most of the people were like, I don't want the money, but here's the guy who did it So they gave me his information But last week while I was in san francisco, the guy actually emailed us. Would you like the email? Uh, sure about his name. They'll do definitely do not give his name. He doesn't deserve it Hi, bobby and kaleila as the title says I posted that video to reddit and I just want to say I'm sorry I'm happy to come on your podcast and give you the reason why I did Holy can I just say something before you continue already. He's a piece of shit already. He's a piece of shit this guy
Starting point is 00:35:36 You want to say something? Well, he ate the he he bit the bait What I put out the bait saying ember and you were like, what are you gonna do? Like, you know wrath and I was like, no, I want him on the podcast and I really don't want him on the podcast It was just the bait because I know That gift given the opportunity this guy would eventually come forward because every you know, you want to be on a podcast But he also doesn't live he lives in Australia. Yeah, he's from Australia So what he's gonna fly over here and do our fucking podcast. I bet you he would I only okay, you can do our podcast if we just bleep your name and you wear a ski mask
Starting point is 00:36:09 He would take your voice and then when when when you promote your channel, we bleep that out Modulate your voice However, you may find okay, uh, the reason why I did it however, however, you might find it a little anti-climactic A climatic I thought uh, I though about you know what stop start from the beginning because you don't know the fuck you know how to read sorry You fucking read it you fucking piece of shit What's wrong with you right now, dude? Are you fucking on drugs? Oh no, man
Starting point is 00:36:40 Read it, dude as the title says I posted that video to reddit and I just wanted to say I'm sorry I'm happy to come on your podcast and give the reason why I did it However, you might find it a little anti-climactic I thought about why I did post it and I honestly can't explain why it just seemed so shocking I wanted to share it in the same manner people share videos of car crashes before I saw this video I don't know before I saw this video. I saw another always sharing car crash videos That's what I do I saw another 10 minute version that started at the same point in the podcast and I was waiting for someone to start laughing
Starting point is 00:37:12 But when the laughter never came and then I saw the look on bobby's face I felt awful Then I go down into the comment section to see the link to the video I later posted to reddit as far as why I chose the title I did I can't entirely remember but from my memory can you read that slowly again as for why I chose the title I did Which was bobby lee's wife admits to only being with him for his money. Okay, read that again and his reason I can't entirely remember But from my memory it was roughly the same as the comment liking the video
Starting point is 00:37:42 I should have sought to see full context and not just posted it out of context clip with a clickbaity title Okay, so he admits it's clickbaity Again, I'm sorry. I posted it. I'm glad your relationship is strong and you have loyal fans regards blank name ps If you do want me to do your podcast Just a heads up. Shut the fuck up. I have a comedy youtube channel I thought I'd tell you this so you don't find out later and think I want to plug my channel Did you see the way? Did you see the youtube channel? Is it good? I don't know. I have you I don't I want to watch it. I saw you the picture of the guy
Starting point is 00:38:11 I know I saw the picture, but I mean is this is this Context content funny. I don't know we should look at that I should read the last sentence though. What is it? I never thought the post would blow up or you'd see it or any of this would happen And I certainly don't want to leverage this to my own benefit Well, you see it didn't It didn't you didn't leverage it. In fact, what you did though was you made me an enemy of you
Starting point is 00:38:38 You made me an enemy of you And that's not if that's what you want to do Then we'll have a war And then you want to fuck around with our my personal life, bitch. You made me shit blood for an entire week And that's not even fucked her up for a week. You piece of shit I I've been I've had to put suppositories up my ass because I think I cried so much over it She cried every day for her because if you search my name now That's like the top thing for like the rest of my life, right?
Starting point is 00:39:05 It's inescapable and something for him to say that I didn't even know what I was thinking and I didn't know It was going to blow up and sorry for the clickbaity title is so it's so like reckless And you don't know what kind of like life you're destroying, you know And I'm sorry for taking it or not, you know do it. Oh by the way, you have great fans like God fuck My asshole's bleeding bro. I just want to say this right now. I'm sorry. Just just aside. Barbara bush died Yeah, but this is how we fuck Barbara bro. She just died
Starting point is 00:39:35 Okay, she was 92 years old. God rest her soul. Let me guess dad fan posted it. Yes Wait, oh I'm gonna just say this what this infuriates me right Because he posted that barba bush dies But he'd not one post that mitzi died. Wasn't he a lajoya? Yeah, he still plays there at the lajoya comedy store not one post Look look at this fucking thing of mitzi shore passing away
Starting point is 00:40:05 But this fucking old republican Which is nice lady. She's nice. She's a nice lady rest in peace. Yeah. Yeah. Wait. Hang on. Um, did mitzi pass him? Yeah Wow, wait Oh, you bite the hand that feeds, huh? It that just absolutely infuriated me No, I can't say anything. You know, yeah I just said it out loud and on my podcast, but I can't I can't say anything else, you know, but it just
Starting point is 00:40:37 Infuriates me but god But you know, it's sad that barba bush died Maybe barba bush means more to him than you know, what he thinks mitzi meant to him It is odd that he would pose that You know, I remember watching her. This is his thing I remember watching on her on tv and seeing her on the newspapers when I was a little kid former first lady barba bush You remember that, huh? Do you remember mitzi shore passing you you fucking guy? My love one day
Starting point is 00:41:09 One day that fan my love my love my love I okay, you keep doing this and then at the end of the episode you can be like you guys got to cut that out No, no No, this one's now this one. No because You know I I noticed that he did not And I'm just saying I I But he doesn't do it. I thought to myself. He doesn't do people dying
Starting point is 00:41:35 Right. He did because david bowie. He did And he was like my favorite. Right. Right. My favorite song is under pressure. Yeah, but I for yeah, yeah Well, the first comment is that it's a hoax. She didn't die Oh, yeah, because I know that she's been ill. She didn't die. Did she the first comment on his instagram is that it's a hoax This will probably be down by the time this comes out Understand what we're talking about looks like a barbara bush. Let's look at her news that she's ill and then she's in hospice There's no other article on the top story that says she's done barbara bush in great spirits and feisty sources Oh my god, oh my god
Starting point is 00:42:16 This is the last time you get your news from Yeah, it's the do not get your news from dad fans instagram That's the number one rule. Oh my god barbara bush. Well a lot. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah doing backflips That makes me even angry Why he posts, you know a woman that's not even dead before mitzi. Oh My god, that's so fucking funny. That is hilarious. Oh my goodness. Oh my god. Um, but enough about him Enough about him and his antics I I do love him
Starting point is 00:42:51 I do love him. I know you know that you know that and um like a moth to a flame like a moth to a flame I love him and I hope he um, he's around for a very long time um, I also besides besides from the the tragic mitzi experience this week I realized That And this is gonna sound I don't know how to put it But I don't think that I can live without kalayla
Starting point is 00:43:21 Yeah, what happens because she went to san versisco for three days. Oh, yeah And I didn't eat I didn't know what to do I think throughout the house. Sometimes I would yell out. Hello There's just randomly. I would just go. Hello. How do you sleep waiting for I didn't sleep good I need her like, you know, she smells like Like coconuts, you know, I need that coconutty in nutty smell. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah next to me, you know, her feet are wet I need that I need that around, you know
Starting point is 00:43:55 And I go ahead and also just in terms of like eating Survive I don't know how to eat without her. Just run right through your third day. What was your third day like? You know what he did Okay, well before my flight I was about to go walk out the door And while I was getting ready while I was packing, he was following me around the house like a puppy dog at 9 a.m He never wakes up at 9 a.m. Yeah, he gets up at 4 p.m. And I'm like, what's up? Like, what are you doing? Uh, can do you think you can just cook me a few burgers before you leave or else? I won't eat all day Yeah, yeah. So I was like, yeah, okay. I turned the oven on got him his meals, you know, meal prepped them basically
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah, and then um for the rest of those three days he called and texted jenna for everything he needed So jenna was basically his like my proxy and jenna texted me Imagine how dark I have to be called jenna jenna to interact with her jenna was like, look He has never texted me in seven years that I've been He has never replied to a text and the first thing he does when you leave is jenna. Can you come over For food to walk the dog. It's like a cake cake cake. Remember Calling a black guy to help him because he's Yeah, yeah or a Jew
Starting point is 00:45:08 You know, I mean, hey man, I can't eat. Can you come over? Yeah, and from san francisco. He would call me And he would at babe. Can you order me food? Yeah She would order me food from Freaking like mere woods where I had shitty reception and he's like, oh, you got to bring me food. I haven't eaten all day I had to postmate him. I can't function You know, also, I want to do is I want to learn how to do uber. I don't have uber because of you Babe, I've asked you to get through. Yeah, I don't know how to do. I don't know how to do anything without you
Starting point is 00:45:41 Postmates. I don't have postmates whether I want to learn how to do all of that so that In case kalayla ever leaves or dies that I won't die as well. We'll give you I'll give you a tutorial Yeah, you need to do all that for me because I don't know how to function in life Oh, you would love postmates Just call whatever you want to your house and I also want to say this is that that back to that guy from australia That posted that thing And all the negative bullshit that kalayla got like just the thousands of Because I'm getting a couple for splitting up together
Starting point is 00:46:13 Just like I don't think that he can act that well or like just a couple of things That read online and it throws me into a fucking depression Just one comment, right will spin me out of control I don't think he's right for the show and then it'll just go. Oh my god. Where's a shotgun? I'm gonna shoot myself in the face. I'm gonna walk into a suicide Japanese forest and just die Right and she had to deal with all that So, you know She's got a thick skin
Starting point is 00:46:43 You gotta have a thick skin, man. I'm not good with trolls. I do have a thick skin and maybe I cried for about You know, just maybe one day intermittently. Yeah, but after I cried I cried it out I was like, you know, and I'm okay, but I honestly like it comes out through your asshole What does it that's stress and that sadness eats it way at your gut? And I your diarrhea. No, I just kept bleeding out my butt. Oh my god The sadness caused me to bleed out my butt. That's what Gilbert witnesses for the last 30 years But he's from fucking ass pounding I'm a stress at my butthole. There's so much blood. No, man. I'm on to you dude
Starting point is 00:47:20 I'm on your way Gilbert is not, you know, he was only gay for the first year of the podcast. That's sure I was getting my ass pounded only for 11 months max. Why did why did we keep insisting you were gay for so long? Yeah, it was my clothing option No, Bobby said It's beyond that every but I also want to say this to you and I don't think I give you enough credit Okay Because I've been thinking about this a lot lately because Amitsu's death
Starting point is 00:47:47 Both of you Even you man You're gonna make him stand up. What? You're gonna say something good about his stand up. No, he's terrible. He should never do that He should never go up on stage again He's unwatchable It's a sin You literally threw me out of it now. I was going into a real place You don't like it when he shares a compliment, huh? Yeah, you just sabotaged it because I was gonna give him a compliment
Starting point is 00:48:15 I'm sorry, George and Okay, I'm gonna try again. I'm gonna get back to that place. Okay reset Is is that Here's how my appreciation for George when I did the h3 Podcast he picked he drove we drove together. We got in a car accident by the way How Because he wasn't paying attention George Bobby was driving. It doesn't matter. He wasn't paying attention
Starting point is 00:48:39 You are not I was just paid attention a little too late And also by the way great podcast Oh, that's amazing amazing amazing people. It's about fun. I'm I hope hopefully we'll have a good relationship with them over the years We have to have them both on ours. I really believe that and it was a pleasure, but George, I just realized that None of this tiger belly would happen without him He is really the the the the adhesive the glue And
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yes, he's ugly Yes His skin is just the worst kind of white Yes You know i'm being real Look at him. George. Yes. He's being honest. Yeah, they're just you're you're unfuckable Absolutely unfuckable but
Starting point is 00:49:32 Your personality is okay It's an okay personality the worst kind of white. I know he's the worst kind of white but Thank you No, I really do you but you still are works hard aside from all that stuff you work hard You're the adhesive And I don't think that we could find anyone better than you to do this job as a producer The one thing that I I I give you a lot of credit for is that no matter how much everyone shits on you
Starting point is 00:50:02 Yeah, you just let it roll off your Shoulders like it's nothing. No, he shits blood at his house. Do you shit blood? Every you gotta be real like how do you feel about And put your sleepy hat on how does that feel you go like god? They were so mean to me today Just I wonder why do these other people like take it seriously like this this poor comic that like I'd feel honored if you talked about me in 15 years and made fun of my comedy again
Starting point is 00:50:27 You know, that's like what oh shit. It's like you know how to spin everything into a positive way Yeah, it's like this guy still remembers me. I think it's a yeah. Yeah, it's good And I I mean I do the whole like yuck thing with you all day Yeah It makes me so happy when I do it But some guy was like you need to stop being a bitch to George and I'm in my head I'm like one of those weird questions I have with her to make too gross around is hey, would you ever suck George's dick?
Starting point is 00:50:51 And she just she almost vomits You're not supposed to tell him Yeah, but like you could see vomit almost coming out of her mouth. Well, that might be too far Yeah, yeah, yeah, well also cuz like I feel like a very like brotherly connection Yeah, except for that time Throwback Thursday to when you had a dream about George. I wouldn't call it a dream. That was a nightmare That was a fucking nightmare Disney line when George. Check the check the facts guys. Check the facts. What episode was that? That was a long time back and you Gilbert. Um, may I direct my uh?
Starting point is 00:51:25 My love towards you. Yes captain That's number one why you're great. You call me captain. You know, there's an odd there's an odd respect that you have for me That I enjoy But also you've earned my respect my friend and um Do you think do I think that gilbert galandas? Is gonna make it in his business. I do do I think that you're funny? I do Do I think that your heart is in the right place? Yes
Starting point is 00:52:00 and um I just appreciate you and I don't think that You too that you've saved this podcast many of times When things go awry, you always step up and you know when to like fill in the gaps and whatnot and I really appreciate that as well Thank you. I'd like to point out an error a recent error of george though. Yeah Yeah There was there about three weeks ago. He uploaded. Does bobby know this? No, I never told him After the compliments we tell him. Oh, great. Yeah, he the bobby doesn't know this but on an episode with was it joe
Starting point is 00:52:36 Who was who was our guest? It was joe. Oh, it's dumbfounded You whipped your penis out. Um, not too dumbfounded, but just like you pull it out in your hand towards me You're like, I'm gonna take my dick out and you did it and George did not blur it and the episode had been uploaded and we had to Pull it down because so many people saw your little Um wiener not little it was like not I'm just saying it was not hard choice of words, please it was um Wait, wait, you showed my dick on the internet You showed your dick first, you know, there's cameras here, you know, it's a spin it
Starting point is 00:53:11 I it is my fault ultimately, but I've Let me see this It took a long time for me to slip up of all the blurs. I have done sir. It's a lot of blurs He's had to blur out the dick and every I'm just saying this right now. Okay. If that ever happens again, you're out with me Oh my god Please don't leave if that happens again I'm telling you right now because that could get potentially get me potentially get me in a lot of trouble I know but you weren't like showing your dick to anybody but me
Starting point is 00:53:44 It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Yeah, it's not because I'm afraid I'm going to get fired from my show or the backlash is that It's one of the um sacred. It's a sacred entity. It's like showing somebody like You know the the the with the scrolls that they found what's it like an elder scrolls not elder scrolls What are those um the 10 commandments no those scrolls that they found in the red red Dead sea that's dead sea scrolls is what I meant to say your scrotum is a dead sea scroll. It looks like algae It looks like algae doesn't look like a seaweed. Yeah. Yeah one seaweed
Starting point is 00:54:23 It's a magic. It's a magic. It's a magical item is basically what I'm saying and it's got history And it's ancient It's wrinkly because it's wise Very very wise. It's very wise and um, it's omnipotent And there's a word for you. Just don't just blow my dick out. Yes, sir Okay. Yes, sir, and I have a message to you on a young che check She lost her rose nominee Rose nominee units again
Starting point is 00:54:49 Rose definitely won that fight for sure. Yeah for sure And I want and if you're listening you wanna Get the fuck out of florida All right Go back to poland Go with your old training partners And you have to put yourself In a situation where you're hungry
Starting point is 00:55:11 Okay, and you're desperate Because you're you did not you were not you That fight the last two fights You looked terrible Yes, she looked terrible She split open Penne's face Jessica penia. Yeah, yeah, right. She beat on drudge Decisively she beat claudia gadelia decisively. So you don't believe that rose nama unis is just better than all of those girls that she defeated
Starting point is 00:55:40 That you want to I'm gonna tell you right now that rose lost to Carolina, yeah, but there's there's Rose is in an upward trajectory in terms of putting together her skill set and then gaining that confidence and just getting she's such a young girl She's just improving Well, we'll have to see Who she fights next if she fights on drudge or claudia and she can And and she can really like demonstrate that she really is champion Then she'll have all my respect and i'm not taking anything away from rose. I'm a huge rose fan
Starting point is 00:56:16 But what i'm saying is is that This is more for yohana. I don't care if you lose She just doesn't look like herself She can get it back though. I don't know. I mean, she's not gonna get another title child. You think it's att I think it's att. I think that she's I saw her at the nascar races I see her at fancy dinners having fun. You got to go to poland and and do the rocky beboa style Yes Yes connor kind of did it for the second ideas. He was like no media. No nothing train ireland. That's it
Starting point is 00:56:46 But the girl can have fun in between I know you're just supposed to focus. I think that there's you have a higher burnout rate Or probability for like burning out your family's in poland go with your family hang out You know train comes over and god, we're so sweetie. She lost the fight It doesn't mean that she's not one of the greatest fighter female just fighters in general that's ever existed You just want her back in poland because I don't know what you have against her enjoying her life in florida You're not liking that you knew you want to I know you you don't like the selfies you don't like the whole lot of social media Social media thing you liked it when she was just I don't like that right after fight. She's doing selfies
Starting point is 00:57:26 with her team. It's like You're You're Supposed to be one of the best She's not old She too should be in her prime She is in her prime. She's not she looked terrible. I don't think she looked terrible. I think she did I think she did got the best of her. No the first two rounds were terrible
Starting point is 00:57:49 And then yeah, and in the fifth round she was terrible Yeah, yeah, yeah 100% I mean you we kind of go and I'm gonna I'm gonna say this too And I'm gonna get this off my chest My encounter with michael bizbing Oh my god, I gotta I saw the picture. How did that happen michael bizbing did not want to take a picture with bobby For real it's for real. So I'm at the comedy store michael bizbing is walking in the hallway and a huge mma fan Hey, dude, can I get a photo? He goes now, mate? He just so you know on stage or not. Yeah, no, he didn't even know it was a stand-up
Starting point is 00:58:23 He thought I was just a good doorman or something So you walked into the kitchen, right? Where joey Diaz was and he goes jelly And they take a hug So I go this is my opportunity. I'll walk up to joey Diaz while michael bizbing is there and I go tell this fool Tell this guy who I am Like I'm legitimately a comedian. I'm not like an open miker allowed. Yeah, and then joy goes. No, no this guy this guy He's good. He's a regular is one of the best, you know, and then michael goes. Oh, you want a photo?
Starting point is 00:58:56 You know And then I didn't even post it because it felt like I I sucked his dick for a fucking photo You know what? I'm gonna post it on tiger belly. You have to yeah, you can post it Genuinely happy to stand before I understand but he retreated me like I was just a regular person which I am Which I am but in a comedy club not in disneyland. Yep. It's like it's like if I went to a ufc event Right and michael bizbing Saw me and said i'm a big fan and me going no, no, no No, I'm in his house. Yeah a ufc fight is his house the comedy stores my house
Starting point is 00:59:35 Yeah, I'm gonna have a war with them No, I might have a war with michael bizbing. Fuck that guy. I feel like he would be great on this podcast No, he's gonna have to apologize. He has to earn it. He's got to earn it. He's got to earn it. Yeah Yeah, but also you don't you can just come on the podcast No, should you should you decide? No, you know what? No, fuck it. We gotta we gotta elevate our game, baby We have to make this the church too. Okay. All right We're gonna elevate this as my best thing you were uninvited. You're uninvited. Sorry, bro. You know Do we have a what's up? Do you have any emails? Do you have any emails? Well, did you guys see the quiet place?
Starting point is 01:00:13 I don't that's what I see the organ. It's not organic. It's not the whole thing is not organic Fucking michael. Ask me about vegas or something. No, no, no, what time how long have we done? No, we're over hour. That must be scary to be saying so close to my where we are. What are we out of time? Oh, we're hour. Let's clean it up. Come on. We're an hour That's why I went to the fucking emails. I know okay one two three Now we'll fuck the quiet place. You can either ask me about vegas. You can do whatever and then we got to clean it up The transition. Yeah, I'm gonna say well, let's go to the email. Okay. Yeah, okay You want the yeah, I'm gonna do it. So we we we got any unhelpful advice or what? Yeah, we're around the hour
Starting point is 01:00:50 So we should answer. You're gonna be a fucking asshole I'm running out of steam friend. No, we're about to answer it I'm having a mental I'm having a mental retardation right now man. Hey Unhelpful advice with bobby kalayla There we go. Hey bobby and kalayla. I want to ask how do I keep going? I'm a teenager. I'll be 18 soon for my whole life. Did you say t ninja? He's a he's a teenage mutant ninja turtle I'm a t ninja. I'm a t ninja. I'll be 18 soon
Starting point is 01:01:25 But my whole life I've dealt with a lot of bullshit I never really knew my mom and I had a stepmom for 10 years who I don't talk to anymore I also have no connection with my family And I think it has affected how I connect with people Because I have literally zero people to talk to or relate to I'm from indiana So I assume I just don't fit the culture here But recently we got a notice from the court saying they might freeze my dad's bank account for 90 days because of my Stepmom at the time told him he had a sign for a loan or she'd kick us out
Starting point is 01:01:51 I got really lonely and I crave attention I went on a date recently and the girl ended up being uninterested and going home with her ex-boyfriend The only friend I have hasn't talked to me for three weeks due to his girlfriend I also have depression and my dad lacks empathy because he went through the exact same thing at my age Losing family and his mom and all but with all this this new bank issue on top of my anxiety and depression and loneliness I just want to feel like someone is here for once. How do I manage? Oh my god, we're here for you You know, you know
Starting point is 01:02:21 It sounds like Half the comics I know I know a lot of comics that have that like my dad wasn't around he was abusive Or some tragic thing, you know like a dark childhood And sometimes every once in a while Those types of people they turn into like mass murderers and Maybe they just have like these terrible destructive lives
Starting point is 01:02:44 But a lot of times people aren't managed to put a foundation They realize they got they got a little unlucky and they're going to change Their life, you know, they're going to change How they perceive their life And they're going to try to be as positive as possible I feel like that that's the kind of guy you are because of the fact that you emailed us I also don't you're also 18 now. You're not in like the clutches of your parents. You're an adult You can take all this pain that you've experienced in in your lifetime
Starting point is 01:03:17 And turn it into fuel for something positive. I think you know, I think there's so much to be taken from Any type of adversity. In fact, I think that people who have gone through more adversity tend to have You're growing up fast And I think that's not a bad thing You know you you I think it's going to pay off in one way or another. I think that People who kind of have very easy charmed lives
Starting point is 01:03:51 They're not usually people that I can necessarily I'm not super for some reason. I'm not like sorry, george, but I don't have like uh, Jesus I don't know where I'm going with this. I don't know. Sorry. I take it back. I take it back but I like I like what are you? What are you doing? What are you doing bobby? Somebody's ready to pounce I I feel like you're about to attack me. Let's stop listening to you
Starting point is 01:04:17 What do you have planned? I've never seen him fully face your body. Are you gonna punch me? Yeah, people with that person turn the pain into that fuel for life. It's not over Your hardships are real, but you can turn it into you're at now. Just you know find your way from here on out It's definitely not over. Oh my god. You're scaring me. Why the way you're looking at me. It's in the very, um You only look at me when you That way when you know, you we're about the juktu Oh
Starting point is 01:04:53 You guys are feeling it juktuke vibes man. You're giving me juktuke vibes when I'm trying to like you I know how about 18 year old? No, it turned me on when she was like trying to do that Oh my god, and you're gonna show your turn on to george and gilbert Yeah, it's private Now the whole world knows what your sex eyes look like so, um My message to you kid is is that also 18
Starting point is 01:05:16 It was that was my like coffee shop poetry days Where I would go to a coffee shop zanzibar and pacific beach They used to be open 24 hours at three in the morning I would show up drink fucking four shots of espresso and write this dark poetry And write like interrupt photos of like me killing myself and same. Yeah, and just Yeah, at 17 I was in the I was in Uh on hold in the lockdown facility in torrens because I did try to kill myself and I was there for a couple weeks um
Starting point is 01:05:49 We all go through those dark dark dark times. Maybe not all Um, so I think that you have it in yet to keep going and to change your life around You got it bro What a melancholy target belly. Is there a like a happier? No, I don't think no I don't think we can because I think that was good. I think that this one this podcast because of we started with mitzi's death and barba bush died And came back from and came back from the she came back to from the death Right, and then um this thing. It's I think that it's just one of those podcasts
Starting point is 01:06:24 Hold on. We got a screenshot it before he takes it down Who I mean he blocked me so you screenshot it george shot what before he realizes that barba bush didn't die I need proof that that fan paid, you know, his respects to What he thought it's already down dammit. No, no, but I screened. I luckily it was on my screenshot of it and then There's already another post. Holy jeez Okay Did you screenshot it? Yeah, because I already had it on. Okay. Thank god. Yep. No, I gotta do But then if I if I go to oh, he did take it out. Yeah, he did take it down
Starting point is 01:07:01 You know why because she's alive. Oh, but now it's now because harry handers harry anderson died Yeah, the guy from from nightcore. Yeah, how many people could you like? What do you try to do like post when people died harry anderson now this time Dude when Muhammad Ali died I didn't post for three months because it was I felt disrespectful because I actually knew him Oh, george fancy name dropping. I see what you did there. That was a pretty good one Yeah, that was a fancy name drop you did there. No, I felt like it felt gross I see what you know, I'm not I'm not Trying to benefit from the guy. I'm gonna go clean the poop in the other room. Thanks for listening to the tiger belly. Good night, you know
Starting point is 01:07:34 Oh, can you clean it? Well, I will. There's also other spots by the TV because remi remi to had diarrhea while we were recording the podcast Shows for bobby. Can we just reiterate that so there's no mistakes One of the shows on terrio. Yeah, ontario improv april 27 through 29 That's not this weekend, but the following weekend after that and who's opening for that Well, um, actually it's derrick poston. Oh, and but hosting is adam groveman Yeah, and um after that Early may bobby will be back in vancouver for two days at yuck yucks. I think it's may 11th So go to bobbylealive.com for um more dates
Starting point is 01:08:16 cool, uh George you want to hop over here for a second really quick? uh Well, I want to get your quick opinion clila because No one to talk to you about it. Um Quiet place. What did you like? What did you not like? Hold on? I don't want to talk about we should talk about it the next time with bobby Oh, did he I thought I thought he just didn't like the movie. That's why he we love the movie. Okay. We'll save it then
Starting point is 01:08:37 Yeah, we'll save it shout out to john krasinski any announcements, uh whore Uh adhesive We haven't been getting as many five star reviews lately, but shout out to victor duong Wait, are they giving us less? No, no, no, just we haven't uh, we didn't We didn't get as many this week. We always get five star reviews, but uh, oh Um, not as many shout outs this week. Uh, victor duong Uh, shout out to you for actually putting your real name, uh big dav
Starting point is 01:09:08 He wanted us to call him, but then I looked at the number It's one digit short. Also. Don't be putting your real number on itunes reviews Not good. Uh, send us an email instead But I was going to call you if you actually did that crazy I I actually do have something to bring up. Um, so, um, we got this email from a girl named christine lee Who is really upset that during the birth krasher episode? I had said that My when I go to my korean's friend's house, which is a fact That when they have a big tub of kimchi in their fridge
Starting point is 01:09:45 That their ice It's just like having an onion right when I keep an onion in my fridge. So why was she offended? She I know because people just want to be offended by anything and she was like she said w she's and she said foreigners already Foreigners already look at us a weird way You're you're you're shedding a bad light in korean households because you're saying that all korean households Um, I'm like, no, dude That's just my best friend's home and like one other and this is like a running joke that we've had with my korean friends Where they'll be like, hey, you want kimchi ice. This is something that was rice wine when I bring kimchi home
Starting point is 01:10:22 You know, but I'm thinking I I said it in a way that we I fucking love kimchi Even though it's just like look the way you should we should phrase it Which is like foreigners already see us a certain way. It's like then we own it like yeah I put like uh, like there's fish right and our grandma puts fish in the freezer It does make the ice have a little like hint of something else. Yeah, and she called my friend She's basically like whoever's home that was that's unhygienic. I was like, well, maybe they are I'm unhygienic But also like there are bigger things to cry about than me saying that my
Starting point is 01:10:54 Friends had kimchi ice and also if you're worried about what foreigners are saying about your food You're worried about the wrong fucking things because you should own the fact that kimchi is a gift from god That we all enjoy people are foreigners now now. I'm kind of confused now She's saying foreigners already see us in the bad light. Who the hell thinks views koreans in the bad light koreans freaking run the world I would relax on it and I wasn't making a stereotype Everyone in my life is korean and this is something that we joke about if I was to put buwad or baguong in the fridge Yeah, that's also smells it makes everything smell too. Guess what? I don't have ice as we learned We learned from the kaisher episode, but when I keep baguong which I do in the house
Starting point is 01:11:36 My house and my anything that I put in there is going to freaking smell like it Yes, the bread I kind of just perturbed me because I was in vegas and I was like this is what Like there's a war in syria This is what you were offended by something. I wasn't even making a stereotype I was simply saying from my experience Look girl. I'm sorry if you were offended, but I would choose to be offended by more important things Oh, they are sweating. They're always sweating
Starting point is 01:12:12 No, but that's that's that's I I was offended that you were offended by that No, that's just so weird to me because like all my other asian friends we talk about that about those things So it's weird that she's and also my boyfriend calls my country like mud rivers and shit rivers. Do am I offended? No, because it's not it's it's taken in jest. It's we're just Fucking talking freely. I'm not trying to fucking ruin your life by saying Water tastes like kimchi. Can you stop putting down korean people as a whole? I will try please stop, but Honestly, even if there was a hint of kimchi in my ice and water that would be delicious I would I am blessed and if you're watering kimchi if your water and ice doesn't taste like kimchi
Starting point is 01:12:54 You are missing out on life. It's like that cold kimchi stew Is that a thing the cold kimchi the kimchi cheeke? That's warm. No, no, no There's the oh well not I guess not the spicy kimchi But the one like the cold one is like a panchan. Is there one like a soup? It's like cabbage Yeah, but that's not is it. It's kimchi. Just not with the gochujang. Oh, I see what you're saying, but it's like that soup It's nice. All I'm saying is relax person. Yeah, christine. I'm sorry Maybe she's the only Korean person in her whole state You think so? She doesn't strike me as someone who like lives in LA. That's not LA. That's not an LA korean
Starting point is 01:13:30 Yeah, you know me. I'm like the most pro korean person ever every Significant person in my life is korean. In fact, I've been told I need to diversify because All my friends are korean. Yeah, me and george are just affirmative action for her I yeah, I she doesn't like filipinos. I I do like the filipinos back home. I just don't have a lot of I'm an american filipino friends here. I don't have a lot. What you and dorothy I thought dorothy was korean Wait, dorothy's filipino, right? Oh god. She lives in k-town and but she has a korean vibes Yeah, yeah, she does. She does have korean vibes. Enjoy. We can't say that because we don't know what that means
Starting point is 01:14:10 Korean vibes for putting them into rice to smells like kimchi Yes, she has those kind of vibes. George, you're actually not allowed to talk about kimchi at all Oh, really? How much kimchi do you have? You're in your fridge right now. George has a lot of kimchi. I haven't had a delivery recently Oh from jessica's mom who always brings me my kimchi every three months. Well, I have to buy my own so uh, I'm sorry. You have to I get that should deliver it to my house and in she writes in hungul She writes my name for kalayla. Wow Shout out also to ralphs. They have a brand of kimchi and it's not that bad What brand because all the ones from gelson suck. They're it's I was kind of surprised. You probably get the trader joe's brand kimchi next
Starting point is 01:14:47 No, no, no, I go to like the store the gallery or something or hmark, but they just I wanted to try and it wasn't that bad It's like one of those vegan healthy ones. I was eating fish sauce and I was like, this is not bad It's called road to soul. No, that's a restaurant. My road to soul is all you can eat on olympic. Someone's hungry Hey, you know for an all you can eat. I've I always went to mana and road to soul like back in the day mana No, but like way back in the day when there was like only that in sotbal jeep, which was way too expensive for me Yeah And gilbert just jumped on the sword for all the korean hate from now on Yeah, but um, yeah, okay that I digress. That's all I had to say about that
Starting point is 01:15:26 anything george announcements, uh Friendly reminder if you are in the market for a new mattress 125 off at lisa.com slash belly Oh, really? That's l e e s a dot com slash b e l l y and then also Uh, don't forget our favorite sheets here at tiger belly are at brooklyn and and you can use the promo code new promo code New promo code not belly, but it go to that's b r o o k l i n e n dot com promo code tiger belly one more time One more time
Starting point is 01:15:59 tiger belly Ew, why did we do that? I don't know that was uncomfortable Uh, but our great sheets don't you got to keep it positive afterwards if you're our Um, you know how I know brooklyn is really good because you know how goby does the grooming on the on the hair Like she makes them up. Yeah, and she like licks things that she likes She has not been able to stop chewing on the sheets But just the brooklyn and sheets. She is absolutely in love with those polka dots. Yeah. Yeah, so brooklyn brooklyn and dot com promo code Tiger belly. Don't lick your sheets. Don't do it. Uh, that's our show. That's our show guys
Starting point is 01:16:34 Make sure you follow us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly Uh, email us any questions or unhelpful advice questions to the tiger belly jmail.com. You can send us anything Gifts presents whatever you want a letter tomato seeds for george to our p.o. Box, which is 1626 north wilcox number 161 hollywood, california 90028 Is it too late? Yes. Are you positive? Yeah, are you? Nope. Well, uh, you know, if you're gonna question, why don't you say I'll post the code for here. Uh, and guys some of you have been asking like, oh, did you open my package? Did you get it? We uh, we have them. We have it. Most of it all recorded. We'll eventually put that up at some point
Starting point is 01:17:19 But yes, we have received your packages. They're not getting lost. They have uh, we've recorded bobby and clila opening all of them Um, anything else we need to announce or uh, can we really explain? Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah Uh, so uh, uh, the youtube we're starting to well if you're watching that youtube, uh, you already know this where We're starting to upload the the episodes 1 through 28, which were Recorded audio only before uh, we had a video element. So we'll just be uh, recording uh parts of the crew listening to the show Yeah, and doing some other activity because we don't have audio there was a Well, or we don't have video for those. There was a lot of confusion in the Comments, even though we explained it in the intro to that. Yeah, people are like, I don't like this new format of the podcast
Starting point is 01:18:04 I'm like, they don't like it. No, no, they just they thought they're like they thought that was a new way We're doing the podcast where They didn't know that was episode 1. They didn't pay attention to the intro. They thought it was like a new episode and now Hey, why why don't we just record like it was like they thought it was a new episode and we didn't record us Oh, like I don't get it. Why are they not recording themselves talking number one on there? Yeah, there were there were a lot of signs. I'm not I think it was three idiots who were like said it a lot and loudly But yeah, I think that he posted that same comment and like every single one of my pictures Like very weird. Yeah, just read take time to read take a breath
Starting point is 01:18:42 A deep breath Maybe have some kimchi eyes do something Yeah Okay, just one more thing about I knew I could tell the whole time you were sweating and you were looking off in the distance I don't know because I'm thinking to myself. She's like worried about what foreigners think of her food She's sucking their dick then You should be proud if your food is stinky and trust me when I say Filipinos have very we have dung it We have bored
Starting point is 01:19:09 bugle on Keep on there is nothing stinkier than that that shit is like like a bunch of shitty things combined But it's delicious But do I ever apologize when someone comes in and they're like hey your house smells like bugle on fuck No, I will apologize what I eat. Yeah, I'll apologize for the dried squid because I don't even like that smell What is it when it fries, you know the dried squid and you fry it? It's like already dried You don't like that smell not the smell. I like that. I don't mind eating it just not the smell Yeah, so don't apologize to foreigners my god
Starting point is 01:19:41 Yeah, I had an Indian friend tell me he's like, oh, yeah, we go to Indian house and don't smell like garam masala There's something wrong with the Indian house. So I'm like makes sense Yeah, that's just what you eat and it's delicious In fact, if I go walk into your home and it smells like freaking volume spa candles Like that's a problem. Stop the response. You're not cooking enough at home You know what I mean? Yeah, I feel you should we get him a sponsor? Probably I do
Starting point is 01:20:10 My room does not smell like them anymore because mine ran out a month ago If you're and also the only to defend myself the only reason I burn a lot of those candles Is because my fucking house smells like cat shit All the time your house doesn't smell like food. It just was like cat. It smells like animals live here Yeah, because a lot of them do yeah, and then just occasionally you run me diarrhea in our bedroom God, this is good stuff guys. All right. I'll end there. I swear to you. That's where it ends for me Kalala and all social media at calamity K George Kimmel at George underscore Kimmel on instagram only one more thing Just realize go ahead. Christine Lee someone got triggered tonight. I'm actually I'll take it back
Starting point is 01:20:52 I'm really sorry No retraction on that. No, I'm sorry that like it made her feel some type of way. I'm not sorry for what I said I'm sorry that oh, yeah, you know if it made her like oh like feel a little less proud of being korean Like that's what I'm sorry for it shouldn't make you feel that way. I yeah God I'll give you a hug if I see you in real life come to the live show you got to the live show confront me and try to like make your point there and then My hands will sweat and then I'll yeah, I'll be really awkward and we'll record it and put it online
Starting point is 01:21:24 But yeah, I'm sorry god, uh, George Spineless George where can we find you online? Uh, George underscore Kimmel at instagram Whoa, get him the 10k guys get him the 10k Uh, and you can follow bobby on everything bobby lee live chick is toward it's on bobby lee live dot com And you can follow me on my new instagram account It's fat burt Really?
Starting point is 01:21:47 Oh, yeah, I'm just doing all food related. It's my goal. My okay. I'm gonna follow it right Wait, you have a new account just for food because I don't want I hate when oh my god No, because people hate when people post about food. So I'm gonna do a food one. Just call. It's fabric It's my it's my weight. Did you already claim that? Yeah, I'm gonna gain all the weight back again guys. It's nice. Hold on. I'm gonna follow it right now. All right guys Uh, that's our show. Uh, thank you for listening. Uh, kim chi Hey Prime members you can listen to tiger barely ad-free on amazon music
Starting point is 01:22:46 Download the amazon music app today Or you can listen ad-free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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