TigerBelly - Episode 174: Dumfounded is The Councilman

Episode Date: December 26, 2018

Dumbfoundead auditions. Bobo auditions too. So does Gilbo...and Koloko. We talk ecstasy daddies, condor shit, a dick bone, and the blue blue sky. Bonus content every Monday:https://www.p...atreon.com/TigerBellySupport us by supporting our sponsors! See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You're listening ad-free on Wondery Plus Music We're what's his round ball? What's this all about candies from wear And of a where'd you get it lessons probably you were you just bought chocolate like this? Why? Start Star oh really doesn't do this I love it Five four three two one
Starting point is 00:01:17 Listen You know, I don't like being rushed That's the number one thing, you know, um, we have a guest today and he's just like I have a heart out Because I have to read for Goliath What the fuck is that is my is that my dick? That's what they used to call it. Oh really? Yeah in high school the Goliath when it grows Yeah, oh, yeah. Yeah, what's it called before Johnny? Little Johnny and then when he gets angry it's Tokyo to go. No, Tokyo came later. That's after Goliath
Starting point is 00:01:47 Yeah, he became Muslim changed his name to Tokyo to Tokyo. I was thinking about going I don't talk until I Do not talk Okay I got that yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna hang on the fuck out of you. Yeah, let me see that so this is right This ain't six street. I got this ain't this ain't career town, dude Oh, it's not okay. Yeah, we're basically Korea underneath the Hollywood sign right now. All right. This is the real deal So anyway on start over Anyway, um, so I come in and
Starting point is 00:02:30 There's something different things going on there's this new water Gerald Steiner, why'd you get this? Right so did but this is fancy Okay, okay, and then you gave us these little balls. Is this chocolate very European. It's European. What's in it? Yeah, you know what I hate when you open these up. There's like a fruity red Oh, I don't you buy into it. I like the fruit. It's like it's like fighting into like a sack Yeah, but these are human nuts a bull sack. Don't get too excited. These are just limp. Look how mad he is No, you don't talk nothing man. What you don't get too excited. You can get these at right age. Yeah, I know that's why I'm not gonna even eat it It's ghetto. It's not from France. It's not. Yeah, I like my chocolate from France by the way
Starting point is 00:03:22 I Also, let's introduce everyone in the room. We got Gilbert George we got price and I we have my beautiful girlfriend. I want to say something about my girlfriend and how great she is Hmm, you know, this is like no an apology, right? This is not an apology. Okay, go ahead Well, I'm not gonna do it then. I want to hear it. Please give it to me You lost it's ruined. I need it. I need it. All right, you know, um I'm a big baby as you know, I I I don't listen. I need to be coddled I have no responsibilities
Starting point is 00:04:01 I I'm ungrateful and She does little things like that and I and I and I noticed it today. I Woke up at noon because Arsenal was playing Manchester United. She knows I didn't sleep that much So she goes she bought me this NBC thing. Well, I know he doesn't want to walk the six steps to go to the couch Yeah in front of the TV. I know that like that's too much to ask for out of Bobby Lee Yeah, and so his alarm goes off and he's like He's like groaning
Starting point is 00:04:35 Yeah, I know what that means. Yeah, but she she also she she she got this from me set it up She called the cable provider. So he could watch this. I thought you didn't have to move. I didn't have to move six steps to the TV and uh, you know, I hear somebody laughing this not introduced but um, I That really offends me But um, what do we have a guest today? Oh We do we got this We have a great guest
Starting point is 00:05:00 I'm gonna say something about this next guy that I'm gonna say he's been on this podcast before and let me say something right now Anyone that's done this podcast that wants to come back is a miracle and number two the one that we've invited them You know a second time they that means they're a kind of family Because who's been here a couple of times Rosie Rosenbaum Rosenbaum David so David so Um, you know, you know, they have on Eric Eric Santino Griffith and a Griffith So we that's it so awesome, I'll say Kira and This young
Starting point is 00:05:42 Me to know what we like to call him. That's why yet. What don't sign up. We like to call him that too poo person. Yeah I Know what it means. That's literally what I said. Yeah, don't sad I'm a Shit person. Yeah, I did his podcast. What's it called fun with them fun with them and That episode I didn't listen to it, but in terms of No, because I can feel it, you know, I can feel it That episode was probably one of the best Podcast experiences of my life that one day. What's that other cook's name Bobby Bobby hundreds Bobby hundreds. So funny. That was a gem
Starting point is 00:06:19 That was a good one. Yeah, we talked about everything under the sun. So let's give him a round of applause dumbfounded Why are you back No, I wanted to come back. I love you. Yeah, I wanted to come back to catch up with you guys Yeah, yeah, so you're auditioning for Goliath. Yeah, I'm odd Have to mention the name of the shot I'm not right. Yeah. Yeah, I'm auditioning. I could say that you're auditioning for something Yeah, I'm auditioning for that next what I wanted to do was go through the lines with you. That would have been great That would have been funny. I think
Starting point is 00:06:56 But it's okay, so Goliath isn't the next Avengers movie either though It's not like you're signing contracts like, you know, but it's a popular junior popular streaming show, you know Yeah, I get it. Yeah, dude, and that's what I'm not fucking doing. All right But um, you also said that I we auditioned for the same thing and I beat you out of the role Yeah, keeping up with the Jones keeping up. Yeah, you auditioned for that. Yeah, that that same row He got yeah, it was a weird room though. I remember just being one lady in there. Mm-hmm, and I was rushed. I felt rushed Did you? Yeah, what do you know Joseph Lee the artist Joe Yoon Lee? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah He was when I was coming in he was leaving
Starting point is 00:07:36 You know, I'm just I'm trying to do something different Searching yeah, searching with John. Oh, yeah, the brother. Yeah, the brother. Yeah. Yeah. He's also painted my mural in K-Town Yeah, yeah, he's an amazing artist. Yeah, so I was coming I was like off I'm gonna lose this spot to this guy. He looks cooler to me Yeah, you're looking for like a cool like Asian guy who runs this fucking hipster. Yeah, but I'm the coolest Yeah, you got you one you want I mean, let's be honest. You're wearing like a jean jacket Cool
Starting point is 00:08:06 I'm a cool, but the problem with that those I've already I had already worked for the director. Oh, I see that's That's the in that I had right because I'm so old that I know so many people right right that I do like other things You know man. Yeah, yeah, no I get it. You want you got it It's not a copy by the way it is kind of You think that we're competing you and I no, I mean no, no, no, no, I'm not you and I Enemy, I don't want you to be my enemy. I'm saying in an audition right for a role It is kind of we're competing for the role. We like it's arbitrary because the thing is is that It's not it has nothing to do with even who's the best for the for the part a lot of times when politics like in
Starting point is 00:08:50 If you and I were competing in Javelin throwing would love it, right? Like for for small people or weak people and you and I were competing, right? The winner is the person that threw it the farthest, right? Yeah But that's not necessarily case in if something's arbitrary, right? Am I saying the right word? Yeah, random, right? Yeah, just it has to do with it's subjective subject it as so many different things that have nothing to do with Yeah, with your actual ability. Yeah, right. It's about oh, I've worked with him before or He's on this show. So I think you know or he's just it's the image They had of their head of maybe they wanted someone more rotund
Starting point is 00:09:31 But certain people book more shit than other people. That's true Yeah, because certain people and I'm gonna name names. Yeah I'm not gonna name names. I can name names. I want to name names. I do I'm a name driver too. I'm down. Yeah, but I know a couple of dudes. Yeah, yeah That are really good at schmoozing schmoozing right schmoozing and I'm not gonna name names because I don't want to have a start of war
Starting point is 00:10:03 Right. No, I'm not gonna name names, but we've named it enough names. I think we I think we've named the last one we named Yeah, yeah, yeah too many names But um not names, but I mean I read like for instance in commercials. I always see this like one Asian motherfuckers I know who it is. You know what I'm talking about. I know that glass. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah He's in like everything. The only reason I know is because I see him in all the commercials. Yeah, he's like the Asian commercial guy He's also what's his name Eric Takashi. What's his name? Who the guy's name? I think that's a dude. I'm talking about. Yeah Yeah, yeah, I know that guy. Yeah, that guy was remember. He was on Um robot. What's up, mr. Robot. Right. Right. Right. Yeah, so she was watching mr. Robot
Starting point is 00:10:43 Yeah, she goes you should watch this and I looked at the screen and that guy was in it. I go. No, thanks Why just cuz I'm just not gonna watch it You feel like is it because you kind of overdid it with the commercials that you're not interested to see him in a non Commercial. No, I mean no mine goes even deeper mine goes even like how come I didn't get a read for that Right, I mean should I follow my fire my agents? Well, I get curious. How do you monopolize that kind of shit? You know what I mean? Like how do companies want to be like let's have him in this shit when he was in like for Go daddy commercials that are out. You know what I mean? Like how the fuck do you get to that point? That shit is so weird to me
Starting point is 00:11:19 Yeah, but you know at the end of the day, it's like first of all, I want to say this in the 90s. I did I Don't know 40 national commercials. I used to be the king Mm-hmm. So you are the og have made maybe but the thing is is that I know that Those auditions are simpler you mug a lot You usually say nothing or it's a more of a reaction So like I'm sitting on a park bench and a naked man runs by me and whatever my face is is the audition Right, and that guy has such a goofy face. No offense, but he knows he's no Tony Thornberg
Starting point is 00:12:01 Right that I get why and that's why I got him because I just I was just like this weird-looking You have to have a funny funny look. Yeah, and I know these are comedy muscles that I know, right? So I know that if you know, I have this facial expression Generally because pop-up has been working on it for so long Whatever the you know, whatever the face the comedy your face. Oh, that's your blue. Yeah, like whatever the faces are, right? Depending on it, right? Do you have them? Yoda, yeah, I'm gonna give you some Scenarios or you both you should compete we should look at all this shit. I don't care. Yeah
Starting point is 00:12:43 She's a casting director I have a thing right so what as a casting director. I'm gonna set set you up for the scene. Okay, cool Okay, you see and I have the scene. Oh you have a thing. No, you're not competing. No, I'm not competing Oh, we're both co-cast Be fair be fair. Okay. All right. So what is it? Okay? I have three scenarios. I only need your expressions Yeah, okay, and nine-year-old lady passes by you. Yeah a giant condor takes a shit on her shoulder. Yeah Your reaction. Yeah, okay I don't want to go first guy. Hi Gilbert Golan. Oh, you're gonna say that
Starting point is 00:13:29 And then you baby you have to tell and you have to go you have to make it a hand gesture to let Where when it ships? Okay, ready? So go ahead. I go late. Hey Alison Jones. Hi Gilbert Gilbert Golan 59 with principal. I'm sag eligible And I don't have an agent but looking for one. Thank you. Okay. Okay? Condor shits Thank you so much. Oh, okay ready them. Yeah, don't practice I look like Bobby. This is Bobby. Yeah, she's like looking in the mirror Sometimes I do that in the audition
Starting point is 00:14:29 I hear them across like in the other room Like wow, that's too loud. Yeah, I'm gonna take the opposite. Yeah, I'm gonna go with that. All right I'm very good. Very good. Okay from beginning to end. Okay. Yeah, John Park aka dumbfounded 510. Yeah Condor shits I like I like they like the clutching of the pearls. I can't do it Now now you see dumbfounded exiting the room. Yeah, okay, so we're exiting the room What do you say? What do you say to me? Good luck. Good luck. Good luck. You know, this is exactly what I would say How were they? Yeah, yeah, like how does the room feel and then you would say I mean the rooms are generally not
Starting point is 00:15:32 That's specific one. Oh, okay. What are they like? Are they nice? I Feel like most of the part time we're doing I see we're acting this out. Oh, yeah. Yeah I know it's cool. You got this. Oh, wow. Wow, but that it's all mental games I don't think they got it necessarily. I said, you know, interesting. I make it. So my turn. Yeah, go ahead. Hi, Bobby Lee CAA Matt Blake head of the comedy departments my agent Right, yeah, okay, so go ahead And now the condor shits
Starting point is 00:16:15 That's what books though is the subtle and commercial I would have to say You know clutch first. I like the clutch of the pearls I like how he pointed just beat me out of the commercial by grabbing his so broad No, you were subtle, but I couldn't exactly I didn't know how you felt really about this shit. Fuck you. Don't found it What was the emotion? What was the intention? I don't know. You're breaking me down now I don't know. I became a my interacting coach Gilbert had more of a disgusted. Yeah, you had a more of a oh dear God Yeah, and you had more of a what the hell. Yeah, that's what I wanted. Yeah. Yeah, so it's all different
Starting point is 00:16:55 All good, but I got to give it to the clutching of the pearl. Wow That's the first thing I booked in Congratulations That's amazing so good. I'm gonna ask you this though because now you mentioned Your auditions that you go and you see all the other Asian heads Yeah, you because I have a I because I don't really read that much anymore I haven't read in like a year. Maybe right for a commercial anything. Oh, oh, I did Allie Wong's movie But you know, but that was just him and yeah, yeah, the director but um
Starting point is 00:17:32 Because I used to run into like heads all time like John Cho back in the day like all those you know, and there is a sense of like You sign up and when a John Cho Or a Steven you know, whoever walks in there is my gut says leave Don't even put yourself through this But then my other gut says you got to try right, right? And you're different exactly you have faith in the fact that you're so starkly different right, right? But when you go in
Starting point is 00:18:05 And with you see all these Asian heads, right dudes that are you know, you're your type Guys that you might even be friends with right? Is there any intimidation factor or anything like that? I definitely feel that with my type like if I ran into like that Joseph Lee guy Right, I'll feel like I'm not getting this shit right like he's like Am I your type or no? No, I don't think so. Oh, well that really hurts This is what you just fucking said right my type handsome, you know I did not say Joseph Lee is a handsome version of you, right, right?
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm like somewhere in between you and Joseph Lee. What is that supposed to mean? No, no, no, no, I didn't say ugly, but I would say like you're you're far more funnier and then he's all I wanted to hear Yeah, for sure. That's all I wanted to hear. Yeah, okay So because it went like if I go in and dr. Ken's there It let's say tomorrow I an audition and dr. Ken was in the lobby. I would leave mmm Because I just know that I it's not because no matter what I do in there I just feel like he's gonna get it and I'm your hit bird and Ken
Starting point is 00:19:24 It doesn't matter. They the reason when they like him is because he's just um More likeable I think He's more likeable in a more mainstream kind of way whereas I have there's a volatile Some people have a volatile reaction to me because I just exude Seediness chaos and chaos, right, right, and I'm not Chaotic, you know, I show up and I do my job, right, but I'm not, you know, cookie cutter eater You know, I yeah, but you went from like vice shows to like a family network. Mm-hmm. That's true. You are versatile. Right, right. Yeah
Starting point is 00:20:09 Yeah, that's pretty much some stuff exactly what happened. Yeah, I mean everything. Yeah Maybe you know what? Maybe I'm downplaying playing myself. I think you're very mainstream. I know I think you're gonna get it But What I'm saying to you is is that when you bring that up it really is Interesting because you you went through what I'm going when I went through in terms of like seeing Whoever the future, you know, and you're amongst that group, which is a great thing that you're being seen With all these other heads that are in it's a probably six of you, right? Leo with that New Zealand guy was his name
Starting point is 00:20:45 Let Leonard Nam. Yeah, I like him a lot. You know, I've known him for years. Yeah. Yeah, he's good He's a good dude, and he's very good actor. There's like the Aaron. Yeah. Yeah, Justin Chan, maybe. Yeah, Justin Yeah, so you got those but dude that group is like solid. That's a hard group to shine. It really is It's a I mean, I know I go into I'm like these mother. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, but can I just say something though? There is something about you that's completely different from them Mm-hmm. Yeah, you have more of a keymaker kind of a vibe What does that mean? Like when he gets older, he's gonna be that matrix guy the keymaker Sarah maybe I could be a hacker like a hacker. Yeah, I can see more like that. Yeah. Yeah, you you have more of an untruns
Starting point is 00:21:26 Untrustworthy kind of a vibe to you. Yeah Because like, you know, one of my favorite disaster movie movies. It's called the core It's not Geostorm anymore. No, the core. Oh, I see good the course so much. Have you seen the core? No Oh, any have I talked about the core? Yes all the time. Oh, well, I want to say it again Tucci everyone's in it Hillary, but there is a guy a character in there that you would be perfect for right? He's like the hacker. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I have this fantasy where Bobby Winston Oscar playing a full dramatic role completely departed from comedy like a I could totally see that like a punch drunk love, right?
Starting point is 00:22:01 but like just a more of a like a really dramatic indie But maybe a dark comedy but more that needs to happen. That's gonna. I feel like that was where you would shine And I think that's that's an untapped part of you Maybe you should play the guy who gets all the commercials like his little story his life like Yeah, that'll be dope. Yeah, I mean he really is he's like kind of like a fucked up guy. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:30 Yeah, he doesn't want to be the guy in every fucking commercial that guy from the commercial like really I'm a murderer Like let's take it there Zodiac killer. I know I'm a murderer right and at nights, you know, I kill You know, but but during the day I book commercials simple, right? So, you know the and you could cut to me in a commercial, you know, I mean, yeah, yeah Oh, yeah, and then at nights me no, I didn't want a crime, babe Sorry, I took your idea changed it a downtrodden commercial star That's what you're saying. Yeah. Well, I get older and it's and I can't how about this not it's not super climactic either It's sort of like a slow burn kind of no super climax and no super resolution and one of those in these
Starting point is 00:23:26 You know what I mean? Yeah, I book a lot and then as I get older I don't and then you can see a deterioration of a man, right a deterioration and there's really no resolution It's sort of what is that you guys I would absolutely die I wouldn't I have never even so much as considered it only because that to me is the least fun sounding experience Like being in front of people I don't know and then for them to say yes or no is not anything I would ever you know what for me I would say auditions is like within the last couple years
Starting point is 00:23:58 I've been pretty fucking lazy about you know Preparing for shit and this is like one of those things like you have to just kind of prepare yourself So I kind of if I'm refreshing that this thing exists in my life I like wake up and set hours when I'm like let me before I go in to prepare for something What are your bodily responses because I have plenty of those I can't overcome I get I get nervous for auditions But what how does it manifest do you sweat? Do you have a sweat mustache like I do your hands? Are you nervous now? Are you nervous now? I am nervous. I'm thinking about that this audition. I have to walk into you Yeah, your teeth chatter. No, don't chatter. I just wish I feel like I get ready and then when I go in
Starting point is 00:24:38 It just I lose all of that preparation to do it. It's just like I got the wind That's the worst feeling you're sitting you signed in you're sitting there. You know, it's about to come up Yeah, and then some lady comes out. Okay, Bobby. Are you ready as I stand up? All the lines seep out of my ears. It's crazy. And as I'm walking into the room in my head. I'm thinking I don't know What happened, I don't know right. Yeah, you guys are lucky though because You know my brother me Eric Stone Street a lot of Irish Ari Shafir we all worked for Joe Pitca. Hmm and Joe Pitca was the craziest director and This I've never been more scared in front of somebody in my fucking life
Starting point is 00:25:29 But like but the thing is is that you would want to be in a pit the commercial, right? Because you can make six figures, you know, I made that that IBM commercial I did that I made $350,000 on was a Joe Pitca commercial Wow. Yeah, um, I have one on you can watch on YouTube with Eric Stone Street where I'm that bald For IBM like this. I don't know what I'm a banker, right? And then Eric Stone Street. He's a robber and they could fall in but like that's a pickup But let me say something right now, dude when I was doing that commercial I was already on mad and when I got the call like Joe just wants to use you again I he congratulations on the sketch show whatever. I'm like, alright, and I literally I remember sitting there and I had three lines
Starting point is 00:26:12 But he petrifies me so much right that had my lines on my lap So if you see me sitting there, there's a gigantic piece of paper on my lap. Yeah, just my leg like he didn't even see it Oh, wow, he didn't even say it But like I literally have to look down because I could he I was just trembling in your head because he was so scary but you know what? he made me a lot of money and He's one of the best but You know, you're just lucky that you didn't have to a lot of the casting for small part
Starting point is 00:26:45 I've gone to I feels like in the room. It's usually female. Am I right? Right now? They are. Yeah, a lot of them It is right. Yeah, majority of times I've gone. It's definitely been like when do you Brian give you a Wendy O'Brien? I'd sound familiar. Yeah, Allison Jones. Okay. Yeah, she's great They're all and they're the best ones, right? They are the best ones and You here's what it is. Oh Is that when you walk into an Allison Jones, you know, she does if you guys don't know she does All the most of Jack Judd Apatow shit. Okay, you know She does the office a curb your enthusiasm. She did Bruno Borat. I mean, she's
Starting point is 00:27:27 Probably 95% of all the job that I've ever had is through her, right But when you walk into her thing, she cugs you. How are you? She's just so like have you gone in for her yet? It sounds just glasses. She's you know, kind of quirky. You know, she really is just a kind of person She just candles lit. When do you Brian's the same way where you walk in and there's a dog laying there, right? All the windows are open. There's a lot of air coming in and out. It's white, you know And just very friendly they give you a nice water and some of them are like In a hallway. Yeah in an office building random and there's 30 people listening sitting against walls some feel kind of mean They're yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, they want you to fail
Starting point is 00:28:12 It's not that it's just that they want to see everyone and it's like But you know, what's his name? He was in fight club, what's his name? He was in the dictator Edward Edward Norton. Yeah, you know, he did that movie with Richard Yeah, what was it called that the one that made him huge? Richard gear. Yeah, he did a movie with Richard gear and made him huge it not American history. No, it was way before that it was um Will you find it? Yeah But anyway that movie which make primal fear primal fear, right? Do you ever see it? Hmm? Oh my god
Starting point is 00:28:52 He's so fucking good enough, but check this out. He was an unwrapped New York actor. Yeah Cattle call. Oh, yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, they had apparently they had auditions on lamp posts That's like old school, right? They they saw thousands upon thousands. I wish it was still like that and Yeah, certain things like that Mulan thing. Oh, really? Well, yeah when they can't find it goes through the regular to browse They do that way and he Was sitting there and he's like see hundreds of guys in the room in this head is like there's no I'm gonna get this right That's why I'm gonna make Strong choices the way I would do it
Starting point is 00:29:33 Mm-hmm, right and he went in there and he got the part because he that's crazy He just went I'm gonna take crazy chances in there, right? So you just went it was free You know so a lot of times, you know waiting in line is not a bad thing. Just go for it Right, I mean a lot of the roles that like even you go out for or I do too It's like these roles where we're kind of ourselves, right? Yeah, and I feel like that's a huge like advantage in a way You know and Nora too like she's going out for roles where like she's just being herself, right? Right, right, right, you know, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's kind of like what I always wanted to for this I mean eventually I definitely want to challenge myself and play like you know the commercial guy or
Starting point is 00:30:13 Yeah, but it's like Robert DeNiro, right? He's a great actor, right? He's done. He's essentially Himself, yeah in every movie. That is true. Yeah, he might walk a little differently. Yeah, but Essentially, he knows he has 12 things that he does well Mm-hmm, right. He knows he has probably another 12 things that he can't do or he doesn't it feels uncomfortable doing. Yeah, but At the end of the day, he's so good It's like here's another point. Am I talking too much? No, no, like he wouldn't do patch Adams, right? He wouldn't do that much Adams, but like, you know will Ferrell for instance will Ferrell would do impressions on SNL No, we do is will Ferrell as good of an impressionist as like our friend Jeff Richards or
Starting point is 00:30:57 Or Melissa Melissa Vian senior. No, not like that. But the reason why will Ferrell was great was because he was will Ferrell Doing impressions. Mm-hmm, right bush. Perfect. Right. You he's just him and him committing He was committing to He you latch on to a couple of mannerisms, but at the end of the day, it's will Ferrell is intrinsically funny, right? So yeah, that's right, but I'll see but you know what I'll see But I'll see like roles where even they play like more serious shit like even Jim Carrey, right? We need the serious shit. It's still like Jim Carrey. Yeah, or like even will Ferrell when he's more serious shit like Everything must go or stranger than fiction. It's still if those are serious like movies, but they're still pretty much them
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yeah, with subtleties of that funny, right, right, I think you need one of those. Yes Yeah, I can't even get a read what you talking about you guys just keep saying you need what I need like your Oscar Won't be for leading first It will be for supporting on like a huge like the big short or like a guy your forehead is like a desert Yeah, it's like a fucking What does that mean dry or big just dry big You look like a strong Like a good headbutt, you know like like a good headbutt in you like I feel like do you know how to properly headbutt?
Starting point is 00:32:19 Yeah, okay, I feel like if I went on the road and they nuked Los Angeles and like a hundred years later, right? Somebody would be able to pick up your skull on the Gilbert You got a strong a facial feature or skull facial skull caveman you can say yeah Hey, man, hey, man wrong. Yes. Yeah, it's cool. And then they would pick up like a little thing like this and they go Oh, they go. It's a little thing like this. There's a dick Thank you so much. Thank you Bob. You think there's a bone in dick. There is why it gets so hard, huh? Yeah, you think there's a dick. Well, you think you're a whale What is it a bone that makes it hard? No
Starting point is 00:32:59 Oh, yeah, are you being real? No, never mind. Just ignore that Stupid Do you believe that? Okay, no, it gets pretty hard, so I was like, okay Muscles, you know, I get it's blood and muscles. I get that. Yeah, okay. Good. Yeah, it's not like you have a bone Okay, you know what you have a point because some mammals do have a dick bone like you have like whales have an actual Like bone that supports. Well, my whole thing is like every you know, like when we're young We learn about everything in life, right? Like far as gravity and you know anatomy and all that
Starting point is 00:33:43 But like after a certain year you just forget that shit again, you know, I mean like I fucking forgot how gravity works already You know every year I got to be reminded or like Google search or something as simple as why is the sky blue? Yeah, like I don't even know how gravity works. Yeah, it's hard to like Right, I never grow I never even yeah Why if the car is moving? I throw the ball in the air Why the fuck doesn't that shit end up in the back of the car, you know, like that kind of shit doesn't it? It doesn't no, it's a nurse. It's like moving. Yeah inertia But like in my head like it's up in the back of the fucking window, you know, yeah
Starting point is 00:34:20 You know or even everything that we see is actually flipped upside down and that's kind of one of the reasons how you can prove Let me let me ask about the blue. What'd you say? Oh at the sky? I want to know all your answers to all right. So ask me ask me Why is the sky blue well The sky is blue is because we have a core and it's constantly moving in one direction that cause Magnetism, he's referencing his favorite disaster. This is the core. This is the core. He's literally starting with Hillary Swank is here. Yeah. Is he doing like a scene off a day after tomorrow like the scientists like this is explanation scene Yeah, it's explanation scene and and we have an ozone that protects us from the rays, right?
Starting point is 00:35:08 I agree. Yeah, and the ozone is created because of this constant rotation of this Molten Metal it's basically metal spinning in the middle of her which cause it causes the ozone which causes the blue You see metal you lost me at metal. Yeah, it's liquid metal in the center of our earth. Oh, yeah Yeah, that's what it. They said yeah in a movie. That's why that's why the magnetic field the magnetic field is what I was I had a really stupid answer. Oh, it was yours, but then he's not right. Okay. My dick has a bone No, my answer was stupid, but I thought not I didn't think but my you know What I would say is that like there's an ozone layer and it was reflecting the ocean to them
Starting point is 00:35:58 I would have said that okay, you know when you walk around you look at a tree Or even buildings and mad man made things and you just did the awe of the awe of Where we're living, you know organism walking around Who knows if I was made by a God? Maybe not maybe But I am here right and I in you when you breathe in the air and you see everything It's and in a lot of things. You don't even know how it works or why and even the
Starting point is 00:36:30 Greatest scientists of minds in the world something they don't have all the answers right so the mystery of it, right? Instead of being scared of it. I'm in awe of it and then you just have to go. I'm so Grateful to be alive. Yeah, but I want to be in all of it like every once in a while for like five minutes You know what I mean? You don't want to be like living in that Mystery all the time. Why just walking then you become like a conspiracy guy, you know and like fucking Why does this shit exist? Why like no, you know, you don't know that when I when I'm saying aw yeah when I'm saying I'm not saying I don't I need the answers, right? Okay, I'll never know the answers. Yeah. Yeah, and I want to know the answers at times
Starting point is 00:37:11 Yeah, I'm just I just want to be in the moment and just be in that awe I think that's healthy to be in it is it is for seven now for sure You know what I mean? I think that really intelligent and really curious people are really depressed I think that the constant search for it That's that why ignorance is bliss is like that whole phrase right because it's like less, you know You can just kind of exist and have you know live in the moment a little bit more. Yeah Yeah, I think I find a lot of the really bright people that I know Like way past all of us like I mean like fucking physicists and shit
Starting point is 00:37:48 They're really pessimistic and kind of like a little bit not so you know what I mean When everybody else is like though ignorance blistered is like everyone's like smelling the flowers the whole time Well, everybody else is like trying to figure out how to fuck flowers grow and shit, you know, it's like Yeah All right. Oh, I was gonna bring something up to you. Why next Friday. I'm I'm gonna do stand-up Laugh factory PK gave me a slot. You want me to go? I'm not saying come I'm just saying I just wanted to bring that do that show all the time PK show right right So it's a great show. Yeah. Have you done stand-up before I have only like two times. Wow times. It went well
Starting point is 00:38:33 surprisingly, but then You know and I know like I have like a cool little like seven eight minutes set and then this time I'm gonna just from right now till then I'm writing like new material to try You know you're such an advantage too because you're a performer, you know how to move on top You know how to hold the mic, you know to put down a mic all those things like a beginner Let's say for instance if I threw myself in there all those things. I don't know. Yeah, but I'm nervous as shit still like I I'm to thinking about that show. Yeah, like I'm and I just know I have all these things I got to do before the night even for the show other shit. I'm like fuck freaking out
Starting point is 00:39:06 How am I gonna squeeze in this like time to like Get material ready and you know what I mean like well, here's the thing But I just pulled the trigger he asked me and I was like fuck. I do it I want to challenge myself do it and I just did it. I was like boom now. I'm in it. You know, I'm stuck to I gotta do it Actually, I could probably flake if I want but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it Yeah, I know but I'm gonna do it. You could do 20 minutes on the high. Yeah, you have no upper lip Every time but here's the thing though. Here's what's gonna Make it easier for you is know that regardless if you do good or bad
Starting point is 00:39:41 Nothing's gonna happen. All right No, no, I mean that I'm not in a joking way. What I'm saying is is that a lot of times I get nervous Before I go up, but in my head. I'm like Well, even if I kill what is that gonna do nothing? Mm-hmm if I bomb what does it do? It's Every time I've bombed I've never heard of the consequences. There is none. Right, right people just kind of all get a bad set or He's not that funny and You know, that's true. So what's so you have there's really nothing because also, it's not your world, right? And if you could do it and you get good at it, that's a benefit to you
Starting point is 00:40:19 I think either way I bomb or I do great. I'm gonna still come out of it the same way like I'm gonna want to Do it again. You know, I'm saying whether I bomb or not. Yeah, that's how if I bomb like I know I got a redeem myself You know what I'm saying? Let's see. I might feel myself a little too much if I do well That's you know, that's what sets you apart. I think the fact that already you've already decided that regardless of the outcome You're gonna do it again, which is not how I Feel like you have to be scared to do some shit Like you know and then if because you the fact that you said yes to something you're fucking that fearful of is like you're really You know taking a risk and that's what it takes. You got to take a risk in some shit
Starting point is 00:41:00 We should show you George's set. Yeah, maybe that'll put some fear in your way. So did you did you film it? Is that what it is that you filmed it and you have it? Well, Gilbert Ryan were in the audience and this key open for me and Irvine It was probably how many people you think it was in there's a lot with the almost as packed 5, 600 Yeah, 500 so you give like a lot of people opportunities to open up for you only in Irvine. Yes, but yes, but not open He gave me. Yeah, I gave him one there. Yeah, cuz I mean you did that with Stevie Yeah, yeah, but he's mentioned that in our podcast the whole story of that Yeah, then fact that he gave you an opportunity. That's a good look and I would and also if you wanted to do sure
Starting point is 00:41:36 I would love to do that soon. Yeah, Irvine is my you know I do shows that you see Irvine with all those Asian kids. I would love for you to do it But um, I don't even know what I was. Oh, yeah, him get a George Gilbert and I were in the audience and Had it honestly was The worst performance of any kind of any kind Damn of any kind like I've been in some like headstores Not being real and I've seen like an ant farm do better kill it kill it. They're more synchronized
Starting point is 00:42:12 When was this and how does that make you feel? Yeah, it was a slow slow. It was not a climb It was a fall It was a slow. There was no upward trajectory. It was downward completely. We play who said but we do nothing Yeah, yeah, we have a tape how long was like 10 minutes. It got to the point where I looked at Gilbert and I go light him Like get him off because the thing is is that he could ruin the whole thing Yeah, I was afraid that he was gonna walk the whole room. Right. Right. Yeah, so Yeah, he did it, but you do you know what and the and here's He hates some people say this though and you say yeah, but you're so brave
Starting point is 00:42:51 But the thing is is that you know what That's what But you have like it was a make-a-wish foundation My last wish is to do stand up. That was bravely, but you did it and that's most important Wait, where you was that your first stand-up thing? Oh, wow, that was a big that's a big crowd. Yeah, a lot of open mics. Yeah, but the thing is is that it wasn't you know It wasn't good, right? We're doing a patreon after this. Yeah, what do you call that syndrome again where people are like delusional about their
Starting point is 00:43:31 No, my my my whole yeah done in Kruger effect Here's the thing one thing that I've learned about being on stage and performing is that I'm definitely one of those guys who If the the room is just weird in general anywhere like we could be at a wedding or whatever if it's awkward And they don't have a good host whatever like I feel like I gotta go up there and do some shit about it Yeah, because I hate the feeling of people feeling awkward I fucking hate that shit and all of a sudden I find myself like hey I'm hosting the fucking wedding and for no reason they didn't invite me on the stage. Yeah. Yeah, but something needs to be done, right? Yeah, I have a lot of hosting experience for things and I just like that
Starting point is 00:44:08 I like performing on the microphone like live element is the big part of what I like to do Yeah, but that what you said earlier about how like if you did bad you'd want to you know, we try to redeem yourself Yeah, most people don't feel that way when they have a bad set for the you know, they generally go. I'm done right, right? But that's I wish everyone listening right now Could always be in that mind frame right of like keep trying until you win. You know, I learned that I learned that from the black community Because I used to go to the open mic it like for rapping you signed up you do a song and they had this thing where Like they encouraged the crowd like yo if this dude is not killing on stage any given time during the performance start chanting Please pass the mic
Starting point is 00:44:53 Pass the mic. Yeah, so we're all everybody's performing on stage and then some people suck or whatever like first You could suck in the first five ten seconds and all of a sudden your people chanting Please pass the mic and the DJ just cuts off the music. You have to get off stage Wow, I've seen different people react a certain way some people just stop the mic be like Alright, or some people just not even give up the mic and just keep going be like angry at the crowd like fuck y'all fuck y'all Like I've seen both sides of reaction. So what's the best reaction? What's the reaction? You know, they let if they let you go get through the whole shit. That's a good reaction You know, I mean like yeah, let you but I'm just saying that when they cut you off. Yeah, what do you think the best response?
Starting point is 00:45:28 I think they cut the winner the winner the guy that's gonna make it one day. What would he do? I think he would she just has to take that L in the moment and then come back though for sure And we want to come back be like next week. I'm not gonna get boot off. Yeah, you know, I mean and do they have this in that That in that in in that world Dudes that think they're killing it but aren't yeah, so they'll let go check it out. I killed it Right, and they're not they didn't yeah, well sometimes they get really mad at the crowd too. They're like fuck that. It's not me It's you right. I don't think that's the best attitude, you know what? I used to do that all the time. Oh really fuck you to the crowd really you I think comedians do that, too
Starting point is 00:46:10 I see you know, I mean last night it was definitely the crowd. I didn't say it I didn't say it was the energy there. It's just they were terrible, right? You know, how do you balance that like because you know even Chappelle like those incident where he was in like, you know The East Coast or something and people were like booing. I'm like, yo fuck y'all that shit was fun Or any comedian being like that was funny because you know comedians are confident with some what something is funny, right? Right, so whose fault is it? Maybe you know what I mean? Like whose fault is that I blame the audience? It's always the audience. Yeah, because But I also have a weird
Starting point is 00:46:47 Relationship with the audience. I don't I'm not one of those comics like you know a lot of comics like well the reason I do it is to give you know, I do it because um, I Enjoy being a service and making people feel right happier because maybe they're depressed. I'm not that way right mine is like It's me versus them. Yeah, and I'm gonna win. Yeah to me. It's more of a warlike mentality it's like I'm gonna I'm gonna tame this beast and Sometimes it's untamed on untameable. I feel like if the comedian wins everyone wins Right if they win nobody fucking wins, right? You know what I mean? Yeah, there's a lot of states But the thing is is that um
Starting point is 00:47:29 But generally in my opinion, it's like or even like weird shit like when an audience member they do at one time These two girls did a selfie in the front row with a flash They did a flash selfie right and you have to go in and I went I took them I I took their phone and I stuck it in my pants I think they remember this and then you called me because a car was following you There's these bunch of Armenian guys following me home They're really angry because I took their girlfriend's phone and put it in my butt. Yeah Yeah, I just imagine like a BMW with Armean's
Starting point is 00:48:10 White one white one or sometimes I do this I've done this maybe ten times in my life I take the phone if they do that and I'll turn around and I'll take a photo of my penis And then I like you know, what's a great laugh to I only do it for this one laugh This is so me. Well right here what I'm gonna say so I take the photo and I'll give it back to him ago I'll go tack me Stop you know, it's so funny I know I know when you told me that story of like the the two peak two girls taking a selfie in the front Yeah
Starting point is 00:48:40 My automatically thought was like what you would do. That's exactly what it was. Yeah taking a phone and putting in your pants Taking a picture. Yeah, yeah, oh shit. Yeah, because it's it's so rude It is rude. There's so many things that happen in audiences There's so fucking rude and it only happens in stand-up rooms because of the fact that it's where the ghetto of Entertainment we're like strippers, right? It's it's a bar. Yeah people are on drinking It's usually 21 and up And it's kind of like the comics don't get paid that much, right? It's usually in a dingy kind of an environment
Starting point is 00:49:18 and it is a It's in terms of show business I Think it's the the bottom in term, but it's the greatest because it's it's a place where it's free speeches You know, yeah, the American dream is happening 24-7. You know, am I saying it right? What are you looking at me like that? Why how am I looking you're looking me like you're looking me like I don't know what I'm talking about. This is the face of active listening. That is. Yeah, what's wrong with you? I'm thinking about her ridge wallet read I'm still reeling in the effect
Starting point is 00:49:51 I killed it all of them You got a girl now, do I have a girl? No, I don't have a girl. I'm like dating around stuff You're the king right City Councilman Who else would you put there then in K-town with and how many people I'm up there that I'm not No, but I'm not like there's no one could be like the king or mayor of K-town, you know, I'm a regular You know what I mean, and it doesn't look like very royal like when I met cafe blue alone at the bar Like, you know, I mean like that doesn't look like I'm the king
Starting point is 00:50:30 That is like a centerpiece in because I go there all the I used to go there all the time. Yeah Yeah, we ice-to-shows there actually. Oh, James. Is he still running? Yeah. Yeah, James used to go Let's do show. So I remember me Sandy danto Jade back in the day We did shows. Oh, that looks like a terrible place to do a terrible. Yeah, very terrible But I would put on 10 people and we do it a couple times Oh, I got to the point was like weird, but um, but I love that place But is that this where all the locals go? Yeah, I mean, it's older not like younger crowd, you know what I mean
Starting point is 00:51:05 Like it's not the place you go to like look for bitches You're not gonna go in there like oh look at all the ass in here. No, it's more mostly dudes older like closer to 30 Yeah, you know you see pk there's I've seen him there a couple of pk is like he has 16 kids like I you know what I mean like he's like he has a lot of kids, you know He doesn't get a chance to go out often, but I've seen him there a couple times Yeah, when he's like able to do and when he's able to go out like he turns it into an event He texts me like like it like weeks in advance Like blue, let's do it Friday night. Let's go ecstasy. Let's go
Starting point is 00:51:41 Like it's a thing. You know provide the ecstasy. No, no, no, no, but yes, but you provide them Yes, like a like a He provide a paraphernalia, but yeah, the group of like everybody was like who's a dad father ecstasy club You know what I mean like one night like it's like a fantasy football league But just ecstasy like guys But I don't know if I should even say that he's gonna probably hate me for Danny Cho used to see there before we went to Korea like Danny. I just saw Danny in Korea You did I was there two weeks ago, and he was there and he's like trying like this hole like doing stand-up in Korean
Starting point is 00:52:19 I follow him on it. Yeah, it's cool. See this like oh you want to hang out with him a bit I did I got drunk with him. Okay. I love that guy so much. Yeah, I love Danny. Yeah Danny is one of those guys that like He's an enigma because When I was on Matt TV He played pongo. I used to I used to do a sketch called Johnny gone and pongo. Yeah, he had no lines But he was just my sidekick. Yeah, and In my head, I'm like, this is the future
Starting point is 00:52:48 This kid. Yeah, and then all of a sudden he moved to Korea It's like like he you know, but you know, he's doing his thing and he he wants to start a scene in Korea So that's good for him, but I just think that it He should still try to do LA. Yeah, I mean, it's it's definitely he's conducting like an experiment out there I would say it's a hard thing to do Do stand up in Korean language and and it's not really there's literally does not exist Like he's trying to translate the humor into a stand-up format because over there They called it call it kegaman any comedian is a kegaman which stands for gag man like an old like like an old term. Oh, yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:53:30 So it's weird. There's it's the stand-up aspect is a complete like new thing. Wow, that is true even for I mean, we're a little bit further down the road in the Philippines But because a lot of our entertainers come in different like format But they're trying to bring in comics now because now they're getting it I can see it though in the when I went to the Philippines everyone when they talk in English with that accent They're a little bit like they're all comedians like hey, that's a nice piece of ass But you know, I mean they all have this kind of humorous to me conversation There are
Starting point is 00:54:06 Filipinos from back home are the funniest people I have ever come across in my entire life They just have an inherent comedy bone, right all of them my aunts my uncles like their comedic timing is Unmatched, right? Like all of them a hundred Island thing because Hawaii kind of has that vibe too like the local the mocos. Yeah, the mocs Yeah, make one of the howlies. Yeah, but Koreans are funny too. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know what you know Koreans I I don't find anybody in K-town, so I don't know where like well, that's no no I'm talking about like the local Korea town. Yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, and it's like no But even my brother and I were at the Korean spa Hyundai
Starting point is 00:54:47 And there was an old drunk man with another old drunk man and they were in a fight, right? And they were completely naked Completely naked. It's a really funny and one guy's he goes heba Heba Yeah, right, which is punch. You know try it try to punch me my brother and I are in the corner of We are underneath crying laughing. No, but you're fighting shit. That's not supposed to be fun Yeah, but I'm saying yeah, I give other Koreans heard you was like
Starting point is 00:55:20 Because I bet you money the next day they they they wake up and they laugh at that shit I think David Cho is not David Cho's on a comedian, right? Right, you're not necessarily a but I find you very funny, right David So every Korean was really fucking funny, Jessica. Yeah, Jessica my best friend. Yeah, oh my god She is funny fuck funny. No, no, they are Korean are fucking funny, but y'all are funny because you can observe that and find a humor in that and then translate Relay it to the rest of the world. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like they're not funny They're not trying to be fucking funny, right? Okay, you know what I mean like a good look on your audition
Starting point is 00:55:58 I hope you get it. I'm gonna get I want you to get it. I'm gonna think about the audition process so much because of this episode Do you have a question? Yeah, we got a question. Do I mean it do mine first? Yeah, do yours on helpful advice with Bobby Kalala and dumbfounded Hello, my king my recent discovery is fucking with my mind and I just want to ask for some words from you guys I'm a senior in high school and just found out my dad is cheating on my mom I looked through his texts and heard him on the phone with this woman I told my brother, but I don't know how I can break this to my mom because she still has your idea of this What should I do and how do I get through this?
Starting point is 00:56:32 This hurts deep when it's something that happens from a dad you looked up to and never expected to ever happen in your family Thank you. Slap King. This is what you put by it. What I would do. What I would do is not say anything Wow, live with it. That's the I I've been in the exact same position except I look up to my dad, but I Was well, it was like actually expected. I was like, but um, no, it was I was in like Early middle school like sixth grade and my dad was cheating on my mom I I heard him and I knew he was you know, I mean, but I didn't what the fuck am I gonna do I'm gonna go tell my mom. I just hated my dad. That's all I did
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yeah, no idea or do you think that she had an idea? I think it helped that I felt like maybe she knew Okay, they argue and a lot of shit. So I was like, okay, cool. Like let him play. No, no, not like that But I mean it's like it's it was hard for me to do anything like what the fuck do I do? You know, like it was I've been in situations where my mom when they were really fighting and they pulled like they're arguing They ran into my room and they asked me on the spot like who do you want to live with your mom? Damn? Yeah, and I was like what the fuck They would sit in Korean, right? Yeah in Korea. Yeah, yeah, like and I was like, why the fuck you doing this to me right now Yeah, it's crazy, you know, that's crazy. It was it was wild, but um, I
Starting point is 00:57:50 Wouldn't I don't know what he wouldn't do my dad's violent That's why I wouldn't say anything because if I if I went behind his back and I told my mom my fear would be oh He's gonna kill me, right? So I personally wouldn't say anything. I don't think that's probably not the right thing to do But that's just what I would do That's a tough question But what I would do is I would talk to your dad if your dad is doing if your dad is doing all of this and say You know what? This is killing me. This is hurting me if you're not gonna if you're not gonna fix this I
Starting point is 00:58:24 Might have to take matters into my that's what I would have done But I had no advice even when I was younger. So I just didn't do shit, you know I mean like I wish I had that advice and it's hard to have you're right You don't know what to do at that age because you do want to kind of keep everything together Like you don't want to blow up your own family. It's a shitty position for a kid to be in and you know It's a shitty position for the dad to not be discreet enough that now he has to put his son through this, right? Everything you went through in your life Done founded the dark shit, right all that stuff. I'm telling this person that
Starting point is 00:58:57 At the end of the day it had to happen because this is what we have We're a complex talented young man You're a nice guy You have you know, you're a human being you have your feralities same with me everything I went through Even the really dark stuff where I cried as a kid To me, I'm almost glad it happened Because it made me this I'm a fucked up, but I'm also there's no one out there like me
Starting point is 00:59:26 Yeah, yeah, all these little things that I have is you too everyone everyone in this room is a product of your past So this person I know you're going through a hard thing, but really hard really hard but it'll pass and You're gonna be fine. Talk to your daddy. Talk to your dad first step. Just be like dude. This is what I know If you don't get Goliath I'm being honest you're you're representing Tiger Belly I'm gonna kill it today. I didn't even Asian-American community. I better get my lines down Do because I'm telling you right now dude think of me in the lobby
Starting point is 01:00:07 When you're sitting there you sign up Okay, you got in all your practice with Ridge wallet. Yeah. Yeah, what if he's like me out? I run into him in the waiting room I did a sketch like that with John Cho Oh, it was the bit 24 with John's. Oh, yeah, no, it wasn't John's he was John Cho and I tell him I have an audition and he tells me all the wrong things to do. Oh my god And then when I get to the place, yeah, you know, I'm auditioning on bombing because I'm you know All this advice and then John Cho walks in. Oh
Starting point is 01:00:43 My god, that's like I was like a cop, right? Yeah, and he goes don't wear the cop uniform and then when he comes in He's wearing the cop You know But anyway, hey, dude, I'm gonna say this. I really I honestly I really like you a lot. Thank you There's a something about you that You know, I respect and I want it, you know, I'm your friend. I want to be your friend Oh, did you know that the last time you came here? You had that
Starting point is 01:01:13 Vaster that I know. Yeah, you sent me the picture the next day. He was wearing the exact same Yeah, exactly. No, he went the same the exact same I was surprised because I didn't take you as like if you like a piece of like a fashion clothes You know like a clothing thing like I need to get it. Oh, he's fashion. Oh, you are. Yeah, the next day You got it the exact same thing. It's not just that it's like everything from top to bottom people Oh, he doesn't care but everything that I'm wearing. I thought I Yeah, it has to look the way it is same with me. Yeah, he does like six wardrobe changes before he steps out the door Yeah, that's that's surprising. That's why I think like you're she got a shitty style or anything
Starting point is 01:01:51 I do but you know what? It's not like I like I like what I like what I wear And then he's like Takes it off. He's like, hmm red's not for them. Red won't match. I dress like like you too Or you know, like I dress like that many years is growing up, you know, yeah Yeah, you're like you got the original tease that like hot topic would sell but like the original versions of it You didn't like hot like this that's his hot topic in his name I meant the original vintage Here's what's going on
Starting point is 01:02:29 I said, this is here's what's going on I said and I really meant this like good luck on your understand what you did right because I want I want it It'll benefit you. Yeah in your life. I said that there's something about you that want to be friends with I trust you your family all that same man, and you're saying that I dressed like a hot topic You got the original pieces. You know what I mean? You did it You said what you did and I'm fine. Okay. Go fuck yourself. You're gonna make a call to Alice and Joe And any you want to plug something cafe blue? Yeah, I got it the last EP that I dropped about a month ago It's called cafe blue. It's out. Did you know that it's about the club? It's the title of the EP
Starting point is 01:03:10 Is it about it's not But that sucks you didn't keep up with it, but it's cool. Yeah Okay, yeah memorize No, no, I'm writing it like a TV show I'm pitching stuff around I'm getting in the mix of this industry learning about it You know, thank you for so much advice. Yeah, so if I get the live out, thank you Oh, and also when you make your own shows if you better you got to put me in it. Oh, I plan I don't read anyway Um straight up. I literally have you in my deck at like as one of the characters off for only. Yeah What do I fun with dumb right fun with that? Oh, yeah, dude. I'm telling you right now
Starting point is 01:03:53 His podcast fun with them if you like Tiger Belly, this is definitely a sister Or brother it's family. It is it's like an offshoot George is involved with his company as well. And It's fucking great, man. I honestly when I did your podcast and I said this earlier, but I thought to myself I go I You know, obviously, I love Tiger Bell. I'll never leave Tiger Belly, but um, You know, I'd like love to do that with you again. Oh that we talked about that We're like we got to do a part two of that, but I like Bobby hundreds to um, what do I have anything to plug? Yeah, this is a couple days gonna be Christmas. So what anything in January or the New Year show?
Starting point is 01:04:38 No, New Year show Bobby. No, and no, he's gonna be at the comedy store comedy store Yeah, I don't do I don't get offered New Year shows anymore. So um vacation for you Also, oh, I have something plucky. Oh, this is coming out December 1 right couple days We could Christmas. Oh, then I can't plug it I'm doing a show. I'm doing a show that you missed. That's on you. That's with the at the calm It's it's at a theater Fonda theater the Fonda theater. Yeah. Oh, it's the benefit the fire, but the lineup is insane It's bill Burr me mark Marin. It's a great lineup. You missed out But it's the benefit the fire
Starting point is 01:05:15 I would also love you to critique my set next Friday, you know what? I want to come you know what I'm gonna ask is I want to ask to go before you Oh I'm down. I mean It'd be cool. No, I mean, that's why I'm gonna do I don't want like I'm not I don't I'm not gonna promote it in my fan base Nothing, I just I just want to just go out and challenge. That's awesome Listen guys like you David shows done it right Kalala's done it. You've done it. You've done it Bryce next
Starting point is 01:05:43 You know, I'm just saying because that's why you're not there You're not done found it. Yeah, that's why you're not there one painful moment for me and I turned away You've done it too. Yeah, but he killed me and George bomb Yeah Anyway, um, I love you man Dumb your handles really quick At dumb found it on everything. Hey check it out guys You can follow us at on Instagram at tiger belly on Twitter at the tiger belly emails any questions at the tiger belly at gmail.com
Starting point is 01:06:15 I just want to give a shout out to our five-star reviews on iTunes So thank you Ryan B. Chastity Valin Lauren Helen Hannah Pezzi to name a few guys give us review. Have a good day All right, have a good night Bobby's Bobby's doing camel toe right now. So we have to go Hey prime members, you can listen to tiger barely ad-free on Amazon music download the Amazon music app today Or you can listen ad-free with Wondry plus in Apple podcast before you go Tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at Wondry comm slash survey

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