TigerBelly - Episode 42: Sunshine on my Shoulder

Episode Date: May 25, 2016

Bobo says a prayer for the babies. Khalyla keeps a secret box in her heart. Charlie is the good German. We talk coital tears, mercury poisoning, and other despicable things.   Recorded May 2...4, 2016 Music by Bobby Lee Instagram: @tigerbelly Twitter: @thetigerbelly YouTube.com/tigerbelly Facebook: thetigerbelly www.thetigerbelly.comSee Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today You go look on my shoulder Makes me happy Sonny shine What No, no, let's do it. Well, welcome to Tiger Belly. I stopped singing Welcome to Tiger Belly, I'm gonna say this My mood is shifted today. I'm in a very very
Starting point is 00:01:12 Not a bad mood. You look aggressive. I'm very aggressive today, and I will I woke up at 6 p.m Well, I think that has a lot to do with it my depression and And last night I couldn't sleep because I was playing a bejeweled stars. I wanted to get to the end Did you yes? Did you really get at the end? I'm to the end. Yeah, 205 or something. Oh So I got to the end of that and then I took a bath and then Kalilah at 10 30 in the morning goes. Are you dead? Well, I died in my fucking what I always have these anxieties that I'm gonna find Bobby dead somewhere Like I think we were in Arizona in the hotel and I couldn't
Starting point is 00:01:51 Find him I woke up at 6 in the morning and I couldn't find him So I look on the side of the bed to see if he had rolled over and died like those are always just the first thing And so I woke up because I heard water running in the bathroom And I looked at the clock and it said 10 30 a.m. And he usually takes a bath at 6 a.m. Yeah, so then I'm thinking oh my god He's been there since 6 a.m. He's for sure dead I'm gonna walk into a bathroom with like, you know, just water overflowing in his body floating dead Or that one time you called your mom, right? It's 6 a.m. Like your nighttime bath. Yes. Yeah She called her mom like I don't know what Bobby I was slept in the closet remember that one time. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:02:29 He slept in the closet Yeah, I was just sleeping in the closet. I closed in she thought I had died somewhere. I called his phone Yeah, it was a whole thing. I don't think I'm gonna die that way. I think I'm gonna die in it But you outlive us all I bet you not I bet well, that's negative First of all, let me say that what my friend Charlie's first of all give Ron Charlie a round of applause What my friend Charlie did was gave me a positive thing. Yeah, cuz we're starting off in positive Yeah, but you're saying that I was gonna die in a probably outlive everybody in the room Yeah, and then my girlfriend says probably not and that's negative like a like a 95 year old Asian guy smoking cigarettes. Yeah
Starting point is 00:03:09 Yeah, you know, thank you so much for that Charlie. We're supposed to get him healthy. I hope you I want I want Bobby healthy. Do you? Yeah, I want you. I don't think so. I want you around. Oh, you do Man, that's real nice We took you hiking you took me hiking a little bit up there in the street. It's really good to be naked in the nature You know, yeah, it's really nice to be with God to be with the animals and insects and be naked is a nice Nice thing. So thank me. Thank you for taking me there. But um, you know, I Woke up and you know what guys I just want to be I want this to be a positive experience. Me too. You do. Yeah Why because you came in
Starting point is 00:03:52 I'm just gonna say this I'm not gonna expose. I'm not gonna expose you to the world. Okay. It's okay But someone in this room may be a couple of people All three white guys. Maybe Maybe not are our Trump supporters and I What no, I just Got called out bro. I didn't say you I Didn't say you you're you're addressing me that I said that I'm a transporter. There's six people in the world room
Starting point is 00:04:21 I said three people if anybody Anybody listens to this Do people in the entertainment business listen to no no, okay? He does it did I wouldn't if they It's it's like remember when people used to get blacklisted for being communists Yeah, the same thing is happening in our business if you just happen to go a little to the right You're automatically on a list. I understand that and I'm not gonna tell those people right now. He's not fully there No, no This country and I love that there I love that we have Bernie and Trump. Yeah, he loves Bernie. He doesn't like
Starting point is 00:04:56 Hillary because Shrillery Shrillery Yeah, her eyes are she's got this huge eyes because she's in a state of shock from all the people I've lied to Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, like that documentary dirty war, you know the illegal drone strikes on I'm brown people and innocent villagers and I understand that every presidential What do you call it election not election, but regime has their dirty secrets. We're a dirty country We're dirty at a war, but you don't think that Trump will do the same thing I mean things you said about Mexicans and Muslims and those kind of things is that I just
Starting point is 00:05:44 Technically can't support him because of the fact that I'm brown, right and you're all and you three whiteies in here Oh, say that you three whiteies in here, you know, you guys were born You know I'm third base. No You weren't no, you're born on home plate I don't know what that means. I don't why'd you do a baseball reference? I don't know anything about yeah, oh, yeah, you can go straight to the you're like it advantaged Yeah, oh, what is it? Why privilege right on third year one base away from home
Starting point is 00:06:22 You're in between home run and third base. Yeah, you're running already Okay So my point is is that maybe you don't understand the plight of the ethnic man. You're in the dugout, babe I'm the dugout. He's just a bench on a different team not even baseball You're a different sport all together Feel hockey. That's what I'm playing croquet. But anyway I understand that you're your agitation toward Hillary and we just came into my house You know with that just like, you know that the NRA energy
Starting point is 00:07:02 No, but he is no, but I know Charlie is liberal in many ways Yeah, you believe in a woman's right to choose. Yes, absolutely. You believe in You don't believe in gun control though. I Do I just don't think it's gonna work. That's very good. And that's your opinion. That's fine. Yeah, and you're allowed to have that Yeah, I mean, let's do a little prayer for on Sandy Hook real quick. Okay. I'm gonna sound for something like a few years late It doesn't matter. I just I like to everyone so I'll do that for the little babies. Okay Okay, good. Oh We didn't it was an internal prayer. Yeah, do you believe in gay marriage? Yeah, you do. Yeah. Yeah, every right
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah, you should be allowed to get married to anyone you want, but you do believe in small government I do believe in small right. So you're a mix of I think everyone in the country is a mix of Certain ideals and philosophies, you know, like George, you know, is a Trump supportive Libertarian that's close. Let's close it off. Yeah, go ahead as the left the liberals quote-unquote get more power and more momentum the more Politically correct and controlled and the more we lose our freedom and the more type of Sandy Hook events start happening because We're becoming alienated from our true selves. And then we we that's that's what causes people to snap Is
Starting point is 00:08:26 When they're restricted from being it or you don't think it has anything with mental illness. Well, yeah, but That guy that showed up Sandy Hook was that I'm saying that he had access access access to guns that he shouldn't Mental illness is exacerbated But by the way society's 99.9% of people who are mentally ill are not violent It's it's not your opinion. No, it's it just so happens that the few percentage of people who are violent Then obviously we throw under the mentally ill umbrella, but then, you know, most of the time They haven't even been previously diagnosed with anything, but it's you know, if you I'm I I'm considered to have a mental illness You know, I think we all are yeah, any clinical depression is a mental illness. So we're not violent people
Starting point is 00:09:18 I'm not mentally ill I'm throwing that out right now either. I am not mentally ill. I am a fucking good dude. Yeah, you're gonna be mentally ill and good. Oh Everybody was Yeah, yeah, yeah, my bad, but um And also I think I'm in a bad mood because um last night I Did a show called? This is not happening. It's a comedy central show about storytelling. Yeah, it's my third time on it And I had to follow I was like the second to the last person last night and what's Pete's last name, Johan?
Starting point is 00:09:56 The Joe Pete Johansson went up before he's Canadian comic and Louis Anderson right before him Oh my god, and they told it's a comedy show. Yeah, and Pete's last thing was My mom died she was in a coma and I love her and she starts crying on stage almost, right? No, but it was just it was a really good heartfelt story. Yeah, yeah And I'm about I'm about to tell a story about poking my penis into my friend's eye. Of course I guess you do that one. Yeah. Yeah, and so I'm back there. I look at Ari Shafir the host I go Fucking son of a bitch. Why are you fucking pulling me after this shit? You had to follow that. Yeah It was also late. It was at 11 o'clock at night 11 30 at night and it was and then there was a fucking box on stage
Starting point is 00:10:38 Yeah, I didn't see a pink box. I fell over it So you see me and camera just disappear He was there and then he was gone. Yeah. Yeah, so not only did I define a follow cry fast Yeah, I belly flopped on stage literally flopped and I get up and I did the best I could but I cut me awake because You know me, you know you relive all these things. It was a very difficult audience, but I love the show and the is it triggered people Yeah, and I get what he was doing. What he was doing is being real and that's great And that's the right place or it probably is I just didn't think of it Yeah, you mean I decided to make a do a story about me poking my little
Starting point is 00:11:19 Peanuts into somebody's eye, which happened, you know, I mean, but so that couldn't sleep less anyway But I'm glad everyone's here and everyone's healthy and safe and that's the main important thing. Yeah, you know And I don't I don't judge you for your opinions I love you very much. I don't think I'm gonna die anytime soon, sweetie, but I hope not me either It's it's one of the roots of my anxiety. I have legit anxiety over him Me waking up to him dead. I don't know why it just enters my mind. Yeah And game here's another thing that Kind of puts a little rift in our relationship Charlie. Uh-huh is that you don't like Game of Thrones?
Starting point is 00:12:04 It's not that I don't like it. I just can't get through the first It's so boring. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, Charlie. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Let me ask you something Let me just have a little consensus in the room. Okay, George. Do you watch Game of Thrones? Do you love it? Yep. How about you Bryce? You really do love it. You saw sunday Okay, of course. Yeah, you see sunday Gilbert watched it. Callie obviously we saw it together. Uh-huh. You're the only one. Yeah Yeah You're the only one. Yep. Why do you think that is?
Starting point is 00:12:36 Because I because you know what I think for myself I don't follow free thinkers, baby Listen to me. I love it. All right. Let me tell you. All right. Yeah, listen to me. Yeah, okay If you had never heard of joy division Right. Mm-hmm. And I said, hey man, you should check out joy division Yeah, and then you were like, nah, it's not my thing. I lost. I listened to the first track on closer. I didn't like it Right. And then you made your judgments on that one track. Yeah What what would you be missing then?
Starting point is 00:13:14 I would be missing a whole unknown pleasures. You know me a lot of your mansion of exactly Experience right another layer of experience. Exactly. And that's what I'm asking you to do for Game of Thrones Okay, is your should I get the books to help? No, no, you don't need the books. It's very complex. You know what? You know what? You know what I want to do with you, man. Yeah, what do you want to do? Because right now? You know you you left your job Right now. No, you're in the middle. I know looking for a job. That's fine. Man That's just a pressure. You don't have to talk about that. I'm just saying that you have time. I have time Who in the right mind is your job?
Starting point is 00:13:52 Who does it? Yeah, he was talking to tell him tell him tell him that Tell him that I had to get a phone interview today, California yesterday from California unemployment. Yeah, so they have to interview you Yeah, before you collect or whatever and the guy the guy Sounded almost like what was his name? Benny in LA law. Yeah Do the impression. Yeah So so so let me get this straight Um, uh, you see you said you see said it right here that you quit
Starting point is 00:14:26 Uh, to leave to pursue another career. Uh, what you don't have another career What I was like, yeah, yeah, I was like, yeah, well, you know, I I do got on on auditions and stuff Is yeah, yeah, but you're not working right who who who who in the right mind Who in the right mind quits a job without another job line up? I mean, I'm not saying you I just it's who does that Yeah, you knew you sound like right now. Who Bernie? Yeah, that's who you're voting for Because he sounds like it. Yeah, wait, is it is it their job? To make sure and if I just had been honest and said that I the reason why I left that job is because I had an abusive boss
Starting point is 00:15:10 Who bullied and belittled but we can't expose him. Oh, I will I am exposing him We can just talk about him. We don't have to say his name Charlie's going to how you're gonna expose him You shouldn't don't expose him. But well, not his name, but my no at all with my show Well, yeah with your show. He's writing a show on it, but I'm saying you can't call You know, whatever that's the best type of inspiration to have a shitty boss. I'm so grateful for that experience. Yeah, there you go But my point is is that right now we're both in between things. Yeah, I'm willing to start the beginning of Game of Thrones with you Okay, I'm being real. Yeah, and going for I think it makes it more fun to watch it with someone
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah, and tell you explain to you what's going on, you know, yeah, and um Because that was remember when I started he didn't start till season three. Yeah, I started the same thing I said, there's too many characters. I can't get into it. I hate it. Yeah Yeah Yeah, and she's like you gotta give it a chance and I did and I'm just great before it really is I'll give it a shot. You see sunday's episode It was amazing Yeah, so does something happen after the third episode of season one that you clicks and you're into it
Starting point is 00:16:24 Because yeah, yeah Yeah, I think every season about halfway through or after the maybe the fourth episode things really start to Get rolling. Yeah, and then you start to really feel emotionally invested in the characters Yeah, you get really invested which ones you dislike which one you you um you like and And you see it's the show. It's the one show that I truly don't know What's gonna happen? Because if you watch let's say you go watch uh the dark night The one thing you know
Starting point is 00:16:56 For a fact is he's probably not even after the first movie. He's probably not gonna die. Oh, yeah. Yeah, you know what I mean Everyone is expendable here. Everyone's expendable even in the first season You think that there's a character in the first season who cannot possibly die Yeah, yeah, and that's what's great about it and there and there's also the writing in it the patience in writing It's like they revealed something sunday that they held on to for five years And we had no idea and they literally they're just It's craftsmanship. Yeah, you know and it's discipline
Starting point is 00:17:33 It's writing discipline. It's really good intellectual chess. It really is good and um I tell my brother steve that all the time. I know dude, but I'm playing two games And destiny and fall out and I go back and forth and eric breven keeps harassing me Yeah, you know, do you know what he he called me last week? And you know, he 12 o'clock midnight. Calli Yeah, what's and what you know He's going to ask a question like a really like sensitive question when he says calli calli Can bob play destiny Yeah
Starting point is 00:18:08 He has to go to you. Yeah, and I says steve he can do whatever he wants. Oh, okay. I'm gonna text him right now and said you Tell him you said yes He's 40 Bobby, can I watch more porno? Yeah. Yeah the first time we met. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah Yeah, yeah, so I met uh, we already said that where we met we met at the up front Yeah, in new york. He was on a show called life on a stick. I was on mad tv And uh, my brother was there at the out front. Yeah, and charlie didn't even know I had a brother And charlie was in my hotel room. We're just saying and there's like rooms
Starting point is 00:18:42 I was like there was like a room with a door Into like the bedroom whatever and and and charlie's in the living room with me And steve walks through and goes Bob Can I watch more porno? Not trying to be funny. No like asking for permission like permission to order from the hotel Or yeah from the porn. Yeah, because back then we didn't have iPads or smartphones. Yeah. Yeah, we had cell phones Did we have iPhones then? No, there were no iPhones. Yeah, we had flip phones
Starting point is 00:19:11 We had flip phones and iPod I had a trio probably razors. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and so we you couldn't you know now You know you just wi-fi your ipad Everything but um, yes. Steve needed to ask For porn, you know, do you think that he'll come on by our 50th episode? He never he made it never come on this podcast because of the fact of david David show I think that dav wouldn't care at all. I think he does care really I do and I don't think that he is resentful. I think he's Supports the show and dav's full of love. Yeah, but I think that
Starting point is 00:19:49 there is A part of steve that thinks that if he does this show No, the dave will get mad. He'll fire or like not fired. He'll never do that. No, just dave's family. He's I love him That's not what I'm saying Yeah, yeah, and um So, I mean, I want him to be on the podcast. I think it'd be great. I think I'm gonna ask him again I mean, you could do exchange with them if you do our podcast that steve could play destiny Bobby will play destiny and then oh, yeah, I'm gonna text him that right now. Really? Yeah, he'll probably take it
Starting point is 00:20:21 He'll 100% take it. Yeah, then you have to play destiny. Yeah. I mean, I'll play it once in a while I wish I He's steve cracks me. He's the best He's the oh, and then I wish I could have been there when he raised his elbow to like elbow Like a middle-aged woman next to him in the movie. I don't think we ever said that story I've never talked about it on a different podcast on dvda Well, okay, this is what happened because you know, we have probably have a group of people a new group that
Starting point is 00:20:50 So, um, about three years ago It was my birthday. Yeah, and my brother calls me because he did have birthday and go. Thanks, steve. And he goes Hey, Bob. Um, I bought you tickets to the master What was the master four years ago? I don't know. I'm walking in phoenix. Yeah. Yeah, we'll philip see him off I go, oh He never gets gifts. Yeah, that's like the first time he's ever done it. It's a big deal. So it's a big deal. I go Yeah Cool, I'll pick you up. We pick I pick him up. We go to the arc light and the theater's packed
Starting point is 00:21:22 Yeah, it was like the opening week or whatever and we sit next to um Older white couple, you know, the lady must be 55 50 55 Father that dad or the husband's like Same age And we're watching the movie and there's these scenes. I never saw the movie because this is what happened There's in the beginning of the movie. You see walking phoenix running through a field all crazy and drunk And my brother and I are both recovering alcohol. So he's he lets me say it and um
Starting point is 00:21:53 We were laughing at it because we related to it, right? But then as we're laughing the lady next to us Go psh. Yeah. Oh, that would trigger me into rage too. What's so funny? Like we're in a fucking movie theater, bitch Yeah, you know, I could laugh at whatever you're allowed to you're allowed to have your own opinions. Yeah I know that would make me so angry. That would make me so angry. Sorry It's like, yeah, you're not supposed to have a real experience and just got me an emotional response But so my brother was patient. Yeah
Starting point is 00:22:27 My brother I just and I also said Yeah, it's okay. It's my I go to my birthday. It's okay So we keep watching the movie and we laugh some more and then now what she does is she takes her left hand and smacks My brother's arm rest. Uh-huh. Like hard. Yeah, right? You're not allowed to laugh Right And then I look at my brother and you could just see his eyes Shift. Yeah, you know, I mean and and once it shifts, you know, there's no unshift, right? It takes about 12 hours. Yeah. Yeah, right. So now I'm like, great lady. Now you've entered. Yeah, the steve zone. Good luck
Starting point is 00:23:08 The steve. There's a zone, right? So in my head and my heart, I was like, please lady, don't do it again. I stopped laughing, by the way Yeah, you know what I mean? But my brother Now is purposely laughing to antagonize. Yeah. Yeah, right. So my brother's going Gag random moments in there, right And she just she taps one more time. Yeah. So my brother. So this is her head right here. Yeah, my brother goes Like so imagine like this to help us like
Starting point is 00:23:46 Right. Gainfathers like standing up, right? I grabbed my brother by the hair Yeah, and I drag them through a packed theater. Yeah, do the hair You know me like I was so living right and I'm pulling his hair out the I get him out right and I and I release it I go. Thanks a lot It's my birthday He's going off of the I never I bought it on my iPad the master. I can't watch it because of that Bought the tickets
Starting point is 00:24:33 It was literally like Yeah, and my brother used to do that all the time like he did that he snapped When I was testing for Matt TV. Oh, really? Yeah, the night of the test I was living in Silver Lake and I was with my brother and we were playing knockout Kings Yeah on PlayStation boxing game. Yeah, it's like three in the morning. I had to be at Fox at Like nine in the morning Right, and I can't sleep. He knows I can't say gonna get so nervous. I was nervous for it, right? So we're playing knockout Kings and then I kept doing these low blows. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 00:25:11 Yeah, yeah, I kept doing low blows right and then you know the one lobo, you know that his character I thought I don't know. He was playing like sugary Leonard kneeled over and I I knocked him out Yeah, and then all of a sudden I just here to see the controller fall to the ground My brother go to the kitchen. He grabbed two knives, right and he came to me and he literally started trying to step kill me If I hadn't moved back through the swings, you're like I would have been dead Yeah, yeah, yeah, like he was doing like yeah, I mean Yeah, I mean like What the fuck snaps right and I cry right and then I went and got the show right and then the next day
Starting point is 00:26:05 He was he pretended never happened He tried to stab you. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's he's done that he I was playing FIFA with him once He tried to butcher knife you right? Yeah And no on orange when he lives, you know the place he lives in now in orange We're playing FIFA and I scored that the time ran out and all of a sudden I just And my head just goes like that and he had punched me in the face Mm-hmm. You just looked over and he punched. No, I wouldn't look my head He punched me so hard that my head turned to the right. Oh, he sucker punch. He's gonna punch me. I'm like
Starting point is 00:26:37 You're mean and he he punched me in the face. Oh my god. Yeah, I mean he the whole nice guy Oh, I'll do anything. It's it's it's a deception. You don't want to get on Steve Yeah, it's also a survival thing for him because he sent us a video of someone breaking into his house, remember Yeah, we were in Arizona someone had they fucked up in like some guy was lurking in the dark Waiting just in there little courtyard and right the description was he looked like John Jones, by the way Huge black guy, so he he he got a little freaked out So he turned his phone on for video footage, but you you could you should have heard what he was saying to this guy Back up bro get the fuck out. Yeah, he was going off on this guy like little Steve
Starting point is 00:27:24 He's a scary dude. Yeah, I wouldn't want Steve like freaking out on me My dad called two black guys the n-word what he was playing golf Your dad the one day I played golf with my dad I was like but one and only time right he these black guys were like you're so slow because they were they were the group The Koreans were the group ahead of them. Yeah, so one of the black guys Comes up big, you know, and I don't know. I don't remember he was a big black guy Yeah, I mean and he come and I even the whole time I was playing with my dad and my uncles I was like I was playing so slow. You know, I mean, and I'm eight
Starting point is 00:27:59 I don't even know the rules of the game. Yeah, you know, I mean and then this black guy came out with a like his golf club and Go hey, you guys, you know, you guys hurry it up. Yeah, right? And he my dad took the golf club and started swinging it at them Like see you get snap. Oh, yeah, that's where he gets it. Okay, my dad. Yeah You know like he just went that's not either. We don't bleep that because that's my dad's saying yeah, right? We don't have to hear it ten times But but like can I say it? Can I say it? But my point is is that he
Starting point is 00:28:41 My dad was a snapper. Yeah. Yeah, my dad beat you know, my mom my dad punched my mom and snapping my mom's tooth out Really? Yeah, her two guys are so violent man. He's not he punched it. He's so the opposite He's not violent at all. I mean he did scream at me the other day Yeah, but top of his lungs, but then it lasted for maybe 20 seconds and then I screamed louder And then he backed up and got scared. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I I tried because I hate that about my dad. I Hate that about my brother. Yeah, and I know what's in me. Yeah, so I've just learned to just kind of Now I'm gonna stay about it. Well, that's good for your health Excuse me. They say that's good for your health. Like the people that rage out don't live as long high blood pressure
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I try not to do it. I don't do it You're more like your mother Isn't he like his mom my mom's fun. Who's silly you silly? Yeah, yeah, yeah, your mom Well, I mean my mom too is psychopathic in many ways, but you know what you know what though because we talk about your mom too Charlie, you know, we're not about your mom. We've talked about family before family and the thing is is that They really did the best they could did they though? I don't Hop out You don't think I think that's such a cop out. Don't you know, they did the best like
Starting point is 00:30:09 Well, I mean they just shamed me consistently, but they did the best they could what that's that's what huh? Sometimes it's yeah, yeah, I Get what you're saying. Like for instance, my mom Beat the living shit out of me. It wasn't conventional spanking. It was punch in the mouth Belt to the stomach kneeling on rock salt. Yeah, my eye. I it was hard full-blown Physical abuse. Yeah with objects. Yeah. Yeah, you guys were but that's how she was raised Yeah, she didn't know any other way So if I see it from you know from that vantage point, then I'm more understanding of why I was treated that way It was just cyclical. Yeah when she got a little bit older and we moved to America
Starting point is 00:30:57 She was able to see you know outside of the microcosm that she lived in the Philippines Yeah, and she was like oh shit like I put you guys through hell, but she was so unaware of it at that time She just it was just taught to her. Right. Right. It was a tradition. Yeah family tradition Same with the shaming. Yeah, she would shame the shit out of me for simple things like Leaving a pencil box in my classroom. Yeah, I mean I would get full-blown beatings for that. Oh my god And yeah, and I didn't and if I didn't leave Or if I stayed in the Philippines in that small circle, I probably would think to rear my kids that way, too Yeah, yeah, you know. Yeah, totally. Yeah, what is it with your with your parents? They just shamed you. Oh
Starting point is 00:31:44 It's complicated. I mean they're they're really nice people. Yeah We are very nice. Yeah. No, they're just they're they do the it's really Um, no, it's a little Sometimes I wish I don't think you want to talk about I sometimes I wish I was just smacked more You wish the violence a little bit a little bit of the I'll call my mom for you Psychological stuff is as as bad, you know, um, yes, I logical might even be worse. Maybe worse. Yeah the the you know what it is. It's like yeah, the psychological stuff is hard because The
Starting point is 00:32:29 Perpetrators of the psychological nonsense have such thick denial that you that you can't address it They really what no you the problem is you you know, you're mr. Sense it it they they have a great creative way They make you think that the problems you but really yeah, how I mean little kids. Yeah How much are you supposed to punish little kids? I know They're I'd be like 12 years old at dinner and my dad and mom would go Your cousin Shedden she got accepted to Harvard, you know guy her parents are so happy and proud of her right You I mean and my brother and I my brother and I is I'll make out we kill crawdads in the river Yeah, that's all we know how to do and he your dad was saying that yeah, yeah, that's all we know that he was
Starting point is 00:33:19 Well when we go to holiday with my you know my uncle on we can't talk about you Yeah, because you do so bad Yeah, and then you go, oh I'm a loser. Yeah. Yeah, and I'm a failure. That's where the voice comes from. Yeah, that's where it comes from But you're resilient. You learn to survive. I was resilient. You learn to survive. Yeah by developing certain things Yeah, like humor. Yes, right or when I pull my penis out like early when I pull my penis out Yeah, do you remember that George? Do you remember it? Yeah, you remember that right? Yeah, I just walked into the room I learned things like that
Starting point is 00:33:57 Learn things like that. Really. Yeah, those are really good. It was well I still have the rage in my heart though. I keep it in a little very tightly sealed box for appropriate times But when it comes out, it's it's so hype. It's a high pressurized box Yeah, but I never let open so when I do open it. It's It's Probably mayhem and for the right reason Gary. Yeah, I think I I accidentally let it out at that one pool attendant last year Yeah, you remember that what happened? And I mean, I was going to gout your eyes. Well, first of all It was so inappropriate actually. It wasn't appropriate time. Call a lot of treasure to make me do like nature shit
Starting point is 00:34:37 Yeah, or think activities because that's what she wants to do Yeah, and I feel like a shitty boyfriend because I'm not athletic. Yeah, and I don't like Outside. Yeah, I don't I like you're inside And Right so when she got me to go swimming, yeah, I got up and she knew that's a to-do Didn't you take a dump in the pool or is that something else? He probably has multiple times Swimming like a little orangutan
Starting point is 00:35:14 You called Bobby an orangutan Why And now come back again You called Bobby an orangutan my god That's how he really feels about you my god feelings I love you An orangutan It sounds like it
Starting point is 00:35:48 No Oh my god you're up My god Sorry We might have to take a step back here for a second Go on with the story No Can we go back to the start
Starting point is 00:36:02 No I would like to address what you just said Please Okay Number one I've never shit in a circle So now you're throwing that reputation out there A rumor that I did that Alright
Starting point is 00:36:21 Number two I'm not an orangutan Why did you choose that animal? Yeah why did you choose that animal? Pitch limbs are too short So you just made up a fucking story in your fucking twisted head That's something that happened I'm sorry
Starting point is 00:36:34 And then you laughed maniacally I want to apologize and then Please apologize What can I do to correct it and make it right? Watch Game of Thrones Okay Yeah watch Game of Thrones Okay
Starting point is 00:36:44 So go on with the pool attendant My fucking god I can't be the orangutan story You can't yeah Sorry Yeah anyway she went crazy What did the pool attendant do? Yeah
Starting point is 00:36:53 Because she did what So this was a really big deal for me because I finally got Bobby to go out and do a physical activity under the sun I love it when Bobby does stuff out of that Right so we go to the Glassel Park pool which is you know a shitty community pool but you know no one's ever there so you're like fuck it let's go there And I've been there so many times I teach some people I teach swimming over there Yeah
Starting point is 00:37:17 So they know me So I walk in there and this fucking bitch pool attendant looks at Bobby he's disheveled Yeah He you know how he dresses like he looks like he just rolled out of bed 24 seven She looks at him he looks ragged She thought I was a heroine Yeah That's what she looked at me
Starting point is 00:37:33 She looked at him very in a very discriminating way and she was like do you have swim shorts? And Bobby's like yeah I do And he had Nike sliding shorts Which is basically the same it's latex it's lycra It's lycra it's the same exact material or very similar to a speedo suit And being that I was a swimmer for 15 fucking years I would know what's appropriate for a swimming pool Right
Starting point is 00:37:58 So Bobby shows his trunks he's like yeah I have these shorts she goes oh yeah you can't get in Mind you there are there are guys in the pool wearing full blown like yeah like inappropriate shorts for swimming like he's wearing tight lycra shorts sliding shorts yeah and she goes yeah you can't go in and so I popped off Yeah And I was like wait a second make me understand why he can't go in oh okay well you know those are Nike pro combat shorts yeah I went back twice Charlie I didn't raise my voice
Starting point is 00:38:34 I got to leave He dragged me out he dragged me out he's like come on and he actually I couldn't be dragged out so he left I left And I It's a good battle to pick you know they say pick your battles that's a good one to pick Because she just looked at one look at him and she didn't even ask anybody else who was going in any other guy to see their trunks
Starting point is 00:38:55 She only wanted to discriminate against him Race Was it racial Yeah No I don't think it was racial I think it was more classism Yeah it was classism Ah That I had no money and it's like I do not a lot but I do have some of that kind of stuff
Starting point is 00:39:10 You know what I mean I've been with a guy oh man You've been with a guy You've been with a guy Wait what I was once years ago working with this guy do you remember that movie Fresh with Samuel Jackson and that little there was like a little black kid who is an incredible actor in Fresh
Starting point is 00:39:29 Yeah I remember that You worked with that little black kid I worked with him his name is Sean Nelson this guy is so like sweet like really talented super talented So anyway we go we go to this Well what did you work on with him Ah it was called like the year that trembled it was garbage movie Well it was a it was a disaster movie
Starting point is 00:39:49 It was about like Vietnam it was about the draft the Vietnam draft in Ohio It was like a hallmark movie of the week kind of thing Yeah Lifetime Anyway we went to like I think it was Shaw's Blue Crab or one of those like Crab House chains that are like the Houston's of Crab Places it was Jay Ferguson and Sean Nelson and I we we walked in it was like 3.30 in the afternoon I remember the story
Starting point is 00:40:18 And we walk in Right And Sean had cornrows in Right Jay Ferguson is on Mad Men He was yeah he was on Mad Men The real O'Neill The real O'Neill Yeah
Starting point is 00:40:28 And the the manager guy or the maid or dear whatever he was like I can't let you guys in And we're like huh and he he looked at me and he goes you're wearing I'd khaki shorts on he's like you're wearing shorts And Jay was like you sure bro that's why you're not letting us in and he's like yeah he's wearing shorts like that's we have a dress code in this restaurant and Jay was like okay man fair enough we'll leave so we leave and we get in the car and we see an old white couple get out of their car and the man's wearing t-shirt and shorts and so we wait
Starting point is 00:41:06 we're like let's wait for that Oh I love this Nice So we wait and a few minutes go by and now it's clear that like these old white people got in Yeah There was no one in there by the way like middle of the afternoon Yeah
Starting point is 00:41:19 So Jay's like fuck that man let's go back you know and Sean was like no no no no I don't want to do this but we went back in and you should have seen the look on the on the manager guy he was you know he was like busted he was like mortified Yes The first thing he said was like I'm going to call the police What That's your response That was it he was so scared because Jay came like busted the door open
Starting point is 00:41:46 Yes And was just said what the fuck man you're fucking racist and the guy was like and he ran back into the kitchen Oh my god you know what same thing happened to me dude Really In Houston Jordan Peele and I they wouldn't let us in a fucking restaurant because I was wearing a baseball cap yeah I put the baseball cap outside because I didn't like that baseball cap
Starting point is 00:42:09 Yeah Came back in and then he made another excuse Yes That's what they did to us Fucking crazy Fucking crazy man Yeah They don't do that anymore though
Starting point is 00:42:17 No no I don't think so I'm sure there are still places that do that This was outside of Cleveland that this happened Oh really? Yeah I don't think that happens anymore You would hope No I do because I can tell by when because in the 80s every day you would have white
Starting point is 00:42:33 people do this you know how they'd lean there and they'd go ching chong you're right Yeah It was just okay to do that to an Asian I still think it's okay to do that No I don't Yeah you don't There was a guy I watched the first episode of The Bachelorette yesterday and I liked to watch this show because it's so cringe worthy it's like a fucking you know car accident
Starting point is 00:42:56 you can't peel your eyes out of right off of and there was a guy they had a half Asian guy as one of the contestants to you know attempt to woo one woman right and he comes in and he's as tall half he's like I'm half Chinese half Scottish and he's wearing a kilt and he said the hackiest most cringe worthy joke ever he's like but don't worry I'm half Scottish like below the waist where it matters Yeah And he fucking just threw the entire nation of China under the bus I would only Steve on him if somebody said that
Starting point is 00:43:31 Oh and he was so douchey he was one of those like half Asian guys who was probably just so proud of being like rich and and and probably he was proud of being white it was almost as if being Asian was a handicap to him and it was just so annoying I wanted to punch my TV and he that's all I wanted to say about that It's so funny Vote him off everyone It's so funny He's already off she she was like fuck you go away
Starting point is 00:43:55 Oh it's so funny that you don't even if I didn't want to be Asian it's just what I am I was born this way you know and in my head I just don't ever think about my ethnicity I mean people label me because I guess because my parents are Korean and culturally they're Korean whatever but you don't really feel it you just kind of like you know you you have eyes you have an internal mind you know I mean that you think things and it's not a part of who I am really I mean I just I I want to live I want to you know I want to see the sunlight I mean you know you don't want to see the sun whatever you're saying that I want you know what I mean I want to eat I want to enjoy food things that I like
Starting point is 00:44:43 the richness of life yeah and it's like it's just a weird but that's also the beauty of living in LA we're allowed to feel very secure in in who we are because it is so multicultural now imagine being Korean it would probably be more apparent to you and you would probably feel being Korean more so if you grew up in a different state that wasn't as culturally diverse and I might be wrong about this client that's a very good point but I do do the road a lot and I do get to go I mean you know I've seen everywhere you know and like to me it's like even talking to other Asians out there or even Indians or whatever the race might be it's something it's a political thing you're a Mexican-American you're you know I mean
Starting point is 00:45:29 it's not something that's a personal thing that I ever think about no right no I do you ever walk around going I'm white no you look at the miracle you just it's just something that you've accepted because that's what you are I if I look at myself I'd be like I'm the I'll I would be the good Nazi you know I'm just kidding I'll be like Schindler no I'll be like yeah are the people what's the piano player or whatever the pianist the pianist were like remember the Nazi discovers Adrian Brody Adrian Brody and he lets him play like hides him in there yeah that's you yeah because I'm half German that's you if they that's not you they scared me into that army I would be the nice Ray finds in Schindler's list
Starting point is 00:46:09 is he the good one no no he oh he's not Schindler you're saying he's the other guy yeah well who played the bad German in Schindler's was it Ray finds I'd be the good German I'm the good German Ray finds you're the one that shot the little red girl the little girl with the red dress Ralph you shot you know yeah yeah yeah good guy good German good German nope you haven't said anything today because I was told on the internet not to talk when there's four people on mics no you can set that people like Gilbert stop talking with his a guest really yeah is this gone okay this is great it's great yeah yeah why don't you say anything I'm listening you know you listen to people online yeah do not let those
Starting point is 00:47:00 people infect your no just cuz it's too many the the volumes volumes volumes yeah what's going on with you not much working not on mad TV guys I tried I tried I texted Kyla fuck message yeah I tried they said Gilbert was funny we don't know no we don't know it's already been casted it hasn't been casted yet it has there's has to today like it didn't yeah Adam Ray I think I threw oh nice yeah I had a meeting with them mm-hmm okay mm-hmm and they said you were funny but you weren't prepared they said yeah no you nervous you here's what you should have done you should have sat with me for an hour and gone through exactly what you were supposed to do oh yeah that's the one thing nervous that's the one
Starting point is 00:47:46 thing I was upset about when I had the meeting with Salisman mm-hmm was that in my head I really believe that you could have got the show and if you were just you know when Johnny Sanchez got the show yeah we went through it piece by piece I told him exactly what to do and he got the show yeah you what you should have done Bobby is at your disposal this is your arsenal and I asked you and you were like like I'm gonna just do my own thing kind of no I don't want to bother and burden people though remember yeah I remember I told you I changed my set when we talked the night before I just had three I like four callbacks that day you and I found out those I can't cancel the call back callbacks for shows no it's
Starting point is 00:48:29 a call call back yeah yeah I'm you know I'm also trying to make good impression with I know I'm just what he's the callbacker you can't that's okay I may find out I changed all the stuff you told me I know but we should have gone through it beat by Pete line by line constructive criticism for me is if something is available to you and this is a guy who was on the show for eight years there was no bigger ally in the ten hours that you had to prepare than Bobby Lee and what you should have done is that you know Bobby I know you're busy I know that a lot of people have been asking you but can we sit down for two hours and we write this out and you tell me exactly how to get the job even if that was two hours
Starting point is 00:49:12 you should have sucked in your pride swallowed your pride a little bit you know and even if you didn't want to do it the next day I could have got you another day to go in to prepare more you know there are options available to you but I knew at one point that because you know I'm in if you had a if you had hit it on the ballpark you would have got the show and you could have hit it at the ballpark you could have hit it on the ballpark you're you're talented you have you have the ability to do it that's why I was a little you know me taking a back that we didn't sit down and go through it beat by beat I'm not mad at we have to get through go through it next time he'll be more ready it all works out
Starting point is 00:50:11 it doesn't work out at the end you know it might be a disaster of a show I can't think of anything I've ever gotten close on and didn't get that was like turned into the next brand none of it well I tested for a new girl didn't get it I wish I was on that show I mean yeah that would be good oh yeah you there's a lot of things I've either tested for I went out for yeah that became very big hits yeah and you have to I I've tested for stuff that never I haven't tested in a while oh that's not go there no but I'm just saying I'm not gonna go there I just try to think of what it but none of nothing's like taken off yeah yeah well in this day and age is tough man you know I'm sorry did I come at you in a
Starting point is 00:50:55 weird way no I think it's a perfect teaching moment yeah it's I just you know I love you so much I know when it's a high-pressure situation and you have a lot on your plate but there's someone at your disposal you got to really speak up and be like you know Bobby I need the help today right now yeah and that's you know it's hard to ask exactly because that's how you know me yeah he is so not the type to ever ask for anything I'm the same way you know what I did the night I tested before my brother tried to stab me that night I remember it was a Tuesday night and I went to the kilometer I didn't have a spot and I seeked out Guy Torrey I don't know that you know Joe Torrey Joe Torrey like the baseball manager Joe Torrey
Starting point is 00:51:36 and Guy Torrey were like Def Jam Joe Torrey was the host of Def Jam black comic app his brother Guy was in Citizen X I guess with Edward Ed Norton you remember American history American history love that movie we need to bite the curb yeah so that's Guy right so I went and I went to Guy and he used to run Fat Tuesday which is a black room used to be packed you're like Bernie Max so I said with the entertainment you all stay hang out there and you couldn't even get back there I weaseled my way back because I knew new guy to ask him some advice right and he gave me the best advice and and I think I still tell him this this is day that it helped me get the job it's gonna sound so stupid but he goes yo dude
Starting point is 00:52:20 you know when you make love to a woman for the very first time I go yeah he goes you show them you show her everything no yeah I go yeah and then by the fifth year you don't I go yeah he goes show them every comedy muscle yeah that's good I mean like your best and I go okay well I you might disagree with that but that got my head wrapped around yeah because he made me understand what I needed to do the next day I'm gonna write that down for myself it being sarcastic no I'm serious it's a good that's a good you applied it to your work but you didn't apply it when we first made love oh no that was my best that was your best yeah what would you use every muscle baby I used every muscle you just laid there
Starting point is 00:53:09 on your back that's my best exposed you know I just had surgery he still doesn't want to do work like I'm the one who's supposed to be on my back I'm like that so I'm like a prince that's how we do it you just yeah yeah yeah yeah next yeah wait a minute what's the most despicable thing you've ever done to a partner to a woman somebody that you've dated oh my despicable I said something to Christine that it just snapped one day and she was like jerking me off and I go it's not what do you do it's not a joystick because she was like you know I mean like those buttons on you know I mean what's the thumb doing I don't know what the tip of my dick you know I mean I'm like what are you fucking doing and she
Starting point is 00:54:14 would she started crying yeah why would you cry she's the one who's fucking up breaking your dick this actress of age yeah of age yeah and she started to cry why because she I don't know like she was like felt conflicted about giving it up so easily or something she had like pretty common she started crying during sex post-coital depression I yelled at her while we're having sex with Charlie what the fuck stop fucking crying grow up that's hot oh I love I would love that I just rammed her while fucking or did you stop yelled and then no you kept doing it while I was doing it I kept doing it I told her to grow up and finished I have one more that's so that's hot if someone told me shut up stop
Starting point is 00:55:06 crying because I'm kind of a sadist in that way I'm like masochistic in that way so I'm thinking he doesn't really mean it he's just doing it in the throes of passion yeah yeah and I that would yeah that's pretty good I can't tell me I can't tell one but something happened like five years ago that I feel so bad about I love that story there's no names okay so I know somebody the joystick she gets she got funny wrists yeah she got hashtag funny wrist poor girl no she's a great girl come on no more names I matched with remember I matched with Christine on Tinder and we've chatted all night and then I had no idea I was even chatting with her but why would she not know that your Bobby she knew that I was
Starting point is 00:55:48 your friend but I didn't know I didn't know but you know it's weird it's like she started talking about all these bands she's like she's like I was like how does this girl know about Roxy music and all this shit because she knows that Bobby likes Roxy music and then yeah she's talking about it and then like I started looking at her picture and then she mentioned something about working at CAA and that's when I put it together and then that was it I never talked to her ever again I don't mess around so I know it's a comedian names but a comedian's friend right who was a virgin hold on say repeat this yeah so I know a comedian's friend that's a virgin that was a virgin at the time the guy was the girl was a girl that
Starting point is 00:56:29 was a virgin and I thought I thought she was cute so she got her some dates and that she's at my house and she I knew that she was a virgin and so we were starting making out and I'm like yeah I know you're a virgin so you know so well let's not take any further and she goes I think I'm ready and you know when that happens how old is she 22 and I was like 36 it's not bad fair yeah that's good so um I go alright let's try and then we go to the room okay let's try and it was like so basically she was like a board like this yeah she arched her back up yeah and she had her hands in a with and fists right yeah and she was going and I just stopped yeah get out you said get out I couldn't do it was driving me
Starting point is 00:57:37 fucking crazy that sounds excruciating that sounds like she's like deep psychological emotional issues there I should have said that story because I don't want that person to be I'm she was a good person I'm sure she was she just awi awi yeah I said I made it so I made it go I didn't say get out I just said yeah I don't think this yeah it's late whatever and you know I mean and then she left I really never hung out with her again and I feel really bad about it you're a human being man I know it was so irritating my buddy told me a really fucked up story of what he did to his wife and to this day I can't get it out of my head and this is why I think that I have because I heard this story when I was 19 and um so this is a guy I've known I'm
Starting point is 00:58:25 still friends with him but he had been with his wife at this point he had two kids together he had David been together for eight years he goes to Reno with a weekend with his boys he has sex with a woman yeah comes back home he has sex with his chick and then a day later or maybe later on that night he realizes that his dick is starting to ooze oh and he's he's starting to have you know symptoms of chlamydia right but he had already fucked his wife so he for sure passed it on to her but she doesn't know it yet he had caught chlamydia from the girl in Reno so his wife at this point because they they they just had kids so maybe the she still had the pregnancy weight on and he was a trainer at the gym so what he did was he took a bunch of antibiotics for chlamydia he put it inside
Starting point is 00:59:17 a weight loss bottle and then he gave it to his wife who was very insecure about her weight and he's like hey this is the hot the newest thing that they're giving off at the gym you have to take it three times a day for seven days for it to work and he replaced the diet pills with antibiotics and she fell for it is that legal no that's to this day I mean she still doesn't know it to this wow now she knows she's a listener that is insane very intelligent clever of him yeah very clever and I I thought to myself and you know what he's he's he's a he's a platoon leader too like he's of course I was gonna say like is he at the navy seal or is he yeah he's that's like special forces right Cosby did the same thing but they weren't antibiotics that that was like I mean he he really
Starting point is 01:00:09 saved himself a big disaster but it fucked me up at 18 thinking that you know he seemingly he he looked like he loved her she was a really good woman they did love her family and he did love her yeah he obviously he didn't want her to get into class yeah but that's love with my psyche so much I took a mercury thermometer remember the mom has to be a mercury and I want and my mom went to go pick up my dad at the train and we had a pot rust in the oven I wanted 1500 I wanted to like measure the heat of the pot roast and I stuck the mercury thumb and the thing broke and mercury went all over and I just cleaned the glass out and just shut the oven so wait my whole family ate pot roast with mercury on it oh my god yeah mercury poisoning yeah unbelievable
Starting point is 01:01:02 yeah you guys hear this urban legend about how a girl found maggots in a hole in her mouth I know that one you know the urban legend where and then it turns out that her boy yeah the urban legend is a girl goes to Vegas with her friends she meets a guy one night yeah and thought she was really hot but she was like you know what I'm not gonna hook up with him but if I see him the next night I'm definitely gonna hook up with him sure enough the next night she sees him she's like yeah I'm not gonna sleep with him I'm gonna give him a blow job so she blows him to completion she goes back to her dorm room and then about a week later she starts to realize she has these like blue bumps in her mouth and then she went to the doctor and she was like hey um you know
Starting point is 01:01:48 something's going on with like the the line the inside of my mouth the doctor goes swabs it cultures it the girl goes back to the doctor say hey what were the results and they were like stay right here and because apparently she wanted they wanted to question her um the cops were waiting to question her yeah and they were like who was the last person that you had um sexual like interactions with who did you give a blow job and she's like why why she goes oh because the certain thing that they found in your mouth could only be contracted from someone who had sex with a dead person and that that turns out the guys you hooked up with worked in the las vegas mortuary yeah and he fucked dead people that's my body it's an urban legend it sounds real me yeah wow but how could
Starting point is 01:02:34 you figure like what types of bacteria resides in a dead body only that doesn't reside in the mankind but maggots are actually really good for healing things if it's dead tissue yeah don't okay they're not dirty no they're not dirty they're a little larvae yeah i love it what we had time was uh we're at an hour an hour yeah but helpful advice with bobby colina and charlie's a good guy his question is from twitter uh from at jay haze 91 how should i attempt to help a friend that makes his drug addiction it hides his drug addictions well yet his friends and family know about it too should i leave it alone or make an effort it almost seems helpless since his family can't help him either wait so the family is enabling are they they're aware of everyone's aware of it
Starting point is 01:03:20 but no one wants to help uh friend wants to help friend wants to help family doesn't care that's a my opinion is there's nothing you can do the family's not on board it's up yeah i mean it's for me it's like you know one it's one's every alcoholic that i know that gets truly sober you know i mean they do it on their own they do it on their own it's the voice inside that tells me yeah i mean we i've been taught that you have to hit a bottom i have been taught that you need a psychic change and a spiritual awakening in order to stop and it's just one's voyage and statistically only five percent of the people that are drug addicts and alcoholics stays sober really yeah five percent five percent wow yeah i mean yeah yeah and i believe and it's this is what i believe that
Starting point is 01:04:15 the reason why i've been sober 14 years it has nothing to do with anything but the fact that i've constantly gone to meetings i've constantly you know i mean yeah i mean often i've gone some years more than others yeah but you know so if you were this person yeah what would you do leave it alone watch your friend hit rock bottom allow them to hit rock bottom you have to but what if they don't because the family's enabling like what what can you do in this guy's position there's nothing i was the friend talk to the family why doesn't he talk to the family if the guy's hiding it and and the family does or does not know you know me it still doesn't matter it's like i feel like the drug addict needs to be aware that death is imminent
Starting point is 01:05:01 or around the corner yeah i think it's good i mean because when when i used to drink heavily yeah uh michael rosenbaum i love him pulled me aside one day let's do it his house and was like one summer we'd always hang out his house he's like hey man i just want to let you know that you know your friends are kind of worried about you you drink too much and we all kind of talk about it yeah and that made me that idea got stuck in my head and i got sober like three months later a skater by the name of laven fideas yeah before the mad tv thing happened came up to me and he said did like you're taking way too many pills you're gonna die and everything so depends like fuck you did yeah you know i mean but that was one of the things you know i mean so i guess plant the seed
Starting point is 01:05:49 that does help but i had to still go through that disaster that you had to happen to me but it's like it does help but the thing is is that at the end of the day they have to do it they have to do it and they have to realize so yeah i think it does help to plant the seed and make them aware and then detach and let them hit that yeah yeah yeah yeah i think that was a very good podcast oh wait you got to plug your shows because you're gonna be in bakersfield tomorrow i'm in bakersfield when does it release tonight tonight yeah so it's tonight i'm in bakersfield tomorrow i don't know where at the temblor brewing company bakersfield that's awesome merrill haggard is merrill haggard from bakersfield yeah and i've been i'm in the seattle uh parlor live two weeks around yeah parlor live
Starting point is 01:06:33 yeah so next weekend uh no no no um june 9th through the 11th bobby will be at parlor live in belview washington and one of my favorite comedy rooms of all time it really is you have great restaurants call it let's save somebody's life there yeah i know i think this is a great place we know charlie we just i just want to say that when you're on the thing just goes by super quickly and it gives it a nice dimension for real yeah i love it it really does because sometimes you know us three we just kind of have to um you know it's just it's just fun to have i like hanging out with you guys i like hanging out with you guys was that the first time was arizona uh i like hanging out with you guys i mean fucking white was arizona the first time
Starting point is 01:07:23 you guys went around the road together yeah arizona last two weekends hey we went to arizona together that was fun that was a lot of fun that really was fun can i can i plug yeah i go plug away i'm in lady dynamite you are a lady dynamite when is that air small roar it doesn't matter uh small it's already on netflix you can watch it i think i'm in like episode 112 so that's 12 right yeah yeah i'm in 12 but she's in episode 112 and he plays uh a guy with a shotgun yeah we're gonna vet clinic vet clinic yeah i'll check it out lady dynamite is maria bamford yeah it's really funny show i'd like to talk about her some other time yeah charlie your instagram handles your instagram social media what oh i you guys have 150 followers what you have before when you zero yeah 150 more
Starting point is 01:08:14 what let's get them more followers charlie is a good guy charlie oh did you see the cartoon the stickers were good you saw them yeah that cool yeah um anyway i love you guys is that it is that we're ending it uh huh make sure you guys uh follow us on instagram at tiger belly on twitter at the tiger belly and if you want to email us any questions you could email us at the tiger belly at gmail.com uh you can follow kalyla at calamity k on snapchat where there's videos of her naked boyfriend and cats uh charlie don't have snapchat do you i'm on snapchat la la charles la charles is it really la la charles but it's it's la charles and la charles she changes to charlie's a good guy so i like la charles keep it i like la charles la charles is like my other name yeah snap snapchat
Starting point is 01:09:04 la charles snapchat la charles my name is la charles make sure you follow us on youtube at tiger belly we can watch our vlogs and video podcasts and check out lady dynamite yeah i was i meant to watch that um yesterday because it just came out over the weekend it's so fun it's so weird yeah it's mature what's the rest of the development i'll just love she is hey prime members you can listen to tiger belly ad free on amazon music download the amazon music app today or you can listen ad free with wondery plus in apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondery.com slash survey

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