TigerBelly - Episode 78: Twenty Five Percent

Episode Date: February 15, 2017

Bobo dabs (tries to.) Koloko gets an early vday gift. Gilbo is Judas. We talk prison escapes, underground bunkers, and a gay plot twist.See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and ...California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly add free on Amazon music download the app today Yeah, yeah, uh that uh-uh that kid every day that kid don't be gay that kid in the house Yo, yo, what number is this summer 76? Wait, should I do the countdown? We didn't do a countdown. I don't give a fuck. We just started already Yeah It's a broken Hitler Whatever taught me how to adapt. Where did you first see it? I saw it on on youtube I want to learn that but I never learned it. I never learned the moonwalk or nothing. Let me see it again Oh
Starting point is 00:01:23 And we who are we got in the houses but the betrayer of all betrayers Judas himself Gilbert Galleon Judas motherfucker. Well, fuck. Where are you last week, bro? I'm spending time with my father. No Max, how many time is important? Was he sick? No, well, then there we go. But he had AIDS. Oh, he has AIDS. Oh, that's good. Thank you That's the only thing that gets you Only thing that's the only excuse. He has HIV or is it full blown ends now? I think it might be full blown Nah, he doesn't man. He's not a Christian man. He's a good dude. That's true. Let me say something right now, man um, I'm happy to be with all of you and um, I have a message is out. I have a message out to um, Michael rep apport. Oh, shit
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yo, Michael rep apport. Yo I heard you on the fighter and the kid and you said you're going to be the best guest of the year 2017 And I want to let you know the I gotcha. Oh Every day don't get Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, too much. What's wrong? We have too much. You have gay followers. Why would you? Oh, shit? Be gay, be gay, be gay, be gay. Another thing I want to say slap king in the house Slap king. Slap king want to say that uh,
Starting point is 00:02:30 George town USA needs to stop showing his dick on the fucking instagram and shit like that man. What the fuck's your problem, bro? I saw that I was a little One no, hold on one second, but it he sent you a separate one just for you. Yeah with his dick Without a full full frontal. Has he done this before? Yes Yeah, why is it bobby? Yeah, that's gay, dude But be gay but be gay tap king Because you're special bobby, you know, it's it's the year of the cock I know, but is it is it is you appreciate it? I know, but do you are you trying to first of all number one?
Starting point is 00:03:06 That's my thing So you're kind of stealing from my thing copy. So you're you're trying to be me or what? Yeah, I think you're somebody to aspire to Oh, that feels good. That feels nice And um, oh well, then you know what I'll allow it I will allow you to have this one You can show me your dick, but let me tell you something right now. If it gets sexual in any kind of way Like you pull me aside and go. Hey, man. I just want to you know, I have feelings and stuff. You're out
Starting point is 00:03:33 Wait, what would you say if George is like, yeah, Gilbert. Yeah, go check on colada. We're gonna start in five minutes. Hey, bobby Yeah, let's play that out. Yeah, let's play it out. Yeah, Gilbert. Yeah, check on colada. All right All right, I'm gonna close the door really quick as the George. What's up? Yeah, so, you know numbers are good on youtube Yeah, that's great. Numbers are great. Thanks for your help by the way. Thank you so much Yeah, I mean you've been like a workhorse. Can you sound more like him, please? Um, thank you so much. Um, well bobby, I want to talk to you about something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah So I've been watching you lately and by lately this whole time Really big fan. Yeah, you know, and I see you and I think you're you're trying to like
Starting point is 00:04:10 You you you you not idolize me, but you look to me like a role model and I feel that from you Um Yeah, what is it? What's up? Um, you know, have you been checking out the you know dick pics I've been sending you? Yeah, I think they watch you. It's funny. Yeah, no, thanks. You kind of inspired me to do it. Thank you. You're welcome I just zeroed question. I had a big deal I love Jessica She turned me down. Not a big deal Anyways, anyways, um
Starting point is 00:04:38 I uh I think I I have feelings for you bobby. Excuse me. Excuse me Um Sometimes I look at you. I look at you as a mentor leader. Okay captain. All right, but then sometimes I'm just like come on to the kitchen with me No, we got keep the door close. No, just come to the kitchen with me. No, we're in the kitchen. George lock store I I I take out the knife I go pull your dick out. Of course. I pull out for you and I chop it off
Starting point is 00:05:02 Uh, Jessica will never have me back Don't ever do that, dude. Don't pull it out, George That would be the greatest tiger belly twist of the century that Gilbert is not gay George George, what's the fuck this shit out of bobby? Well, you know what I might do? I might just suck it Yeah, look at me right now, man. Pull your dick out. I'll suck it. Hey, not on this podcast I'll tell you why I'll suck it Because out of all the dicks on planet earth He's the last one I want to suck
Starting point is 00:05:31 I swear to god, I would suck trumps dig before I suck your dick. Wow I would suck Jerry Sundusky's son's dick. Wow, that's Sundusky. Yeah, right? Deep deep roots, but the reason why I would suck it is because Michael Johnson's Michael Johnson's son that you've talked about He's Michael Johnson. Like the fairy guy I don't suck. I don't want to talk about this Magic Johnson. What did I say? Michael Johnson's attractor Who the fuck is Michael Johnson?
Starting point is 00:05:55 No, I would never suck your dick. Don't ever do that And hey, George, even look even if you have your feelings for me, don't even fucking say it. I'll fucking kill you You might have just broke his heart right now. Yeah. Yeah. No, but I want to talk about Jerry Sundusky You know who that is. No, you don't know who that is. No Penn State. Do you remember Penn State the football? Yes, the coach who touched all the kids need touch or he Did stuff with did stuff like he went all the way dog things with the kids. I mean all day You know with little kids. Did he fuck kids? I thought he was in the ass. Oh, I thought he was just masturbating these children
Starting point is 00:06:29 Which is still horrible. No at one point. No Jerry Sundusky at one point like An assistant coach was walking into the locker rooms or whatever and he heard slapping You know and um Bobby just farted he looked and he saw Jerry sunduck. He just fucking fucking this kid in the ass And he's in prison. Is he dead? No Sundusky, no the other guy died. Yeah, but today his son his son is now in custody because he Was doing the same shit. Wow
Starting point is 00:07:03 It runs in the family. Is this son a coach at Penn State? No, no, no I think his I don't know what his son does but either way it really makes you gives you pause to think that Perhaps this is really Something that is embedded in your genetics. I mean because I say if if murder can be embedded in your genetics Like the murderous gene, you know, if you're you know, you might be more inclined than others if you have a long line of Let's say mafia hitmen. It might be more, you know, you might be more prone Yeah, you're not given the right environment. You might be more prone to be a murderer. Yeah I'm guessing it's the same with like
Starting point is 00:07:40 Being a sexual predator. Well, also you know, I think I know I think what happened was Jerry sundusky Probably molested his child You know and then that you know became how he received love Right and so he and then he I don't know sexual sexual sexually could have just fucked them up They could probably he's probably a fucked up kid. Yeah, but he's a grown man. That's how old is he like at least 40? He's 40 Yeah
Starting point is 00:08:10 You know what it was driving me crazy about that whole thing is when like they took Joe paternos Statue down and they fired him or whatnot, right? They went there was a riot at Penn State. You remember that? I remember watching on youtube some asian guy It's like flipping over cars and lighting things up right and he was just like so emotional about you know, and it's like I wanted to say Hey, man He enabled this guy. Yeah All right, so there's no rioting I understand women protesting. I understand
Starting point is 00:08:44 You know protests, you know, but you can't protest that I mean, was there proof that he was fully aware? He knew about it. He admitted he knew about it, but he never went to I think he did go to the authorities But they didn't follow up on it and then he never said it again, but that to me is still enough You know back in the day too. I mean a funny topic, isn't it? The old You know And then that to molesting it's getting fucked in the ass
Starting point is 00:09:14 I always do think that though like a lot of just back in the day so many things are naturally swept under the rug That's just what you did. You know, you don't bring things to to light Even if it's something that you don't agree with it's a very catholic thing to do Just sweep it all under the rug and hope it goes away, you know, even if you know in your heart like That what you're seeing is wrong You just don't want to be a part of it. It's almost like you block it out and hope oh god will do his work He'll get his let me just keep my mouth shut You know, yeah
Starting point is 00:09:48 Yeah, for me. It's like if I was molested by a priest or whatever And I knew that priest was still like you know In service, how do you say it? Working working right working. I still preaching and stuff, right? I would probably do a sleeper's and kill him Really just kill him not. Yeah. I think that if I knew that he was molesting other kids I would be like nah, I'm gonna have to get him
Starting point is 00:10:16 That's not really like he wouldn't be really Serving you know, you know what I would do. I would fuck him back. Yeah Why is that you're always your go-to like I'm gonna kill because I because I'm gonna say this right now I think it's eye for an eye. He fucked me. I'm gonna fuck you but hole for but hole. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's the best route Not kill he might actually like it though So maybe that's what he wants. Well, then I would you know what I would do that He's happy then you're unless he's a top and he just never wants to ever be like the bottom No, Bobby will be the power power top. He'll power top in that situation
Starting point is 00:10:49 What's power topping when you're in top and you like you can also be a power bottom though Is that that's a lot of oh, I would be a good power bottom You do the thing Yeah, I would like I would like I would arch my back like this and I'd clinch my butthole and then release clinch release Right, so they they get some sort of you know, maybe I would do it like what do you call it when they thrust back No, you know what to call it when the women do the but thing The twerk twerk. I would twerk He'd twerk on his dick. Yeah. Yeah, I'd build my stomach
Starting point is 00:11:16 And I would twerk and then he would make a noise like Right like he'd never like If I was in prison, I know I know I'm just saying right now the first time you twerk. I hope it's not out of dick, but it's just in a club Just don't twerk on a dick The imagery of bobby Lee twerking on a dick Here's a why stealing that move from me because every time I do that on him. He does the same thing Why do you know that's what do you do?
Starting point is 00:11:44 Why do you turn it to a ghost she does because this is super power bottom right right So in my head, I'm like if I was in prison because here's the thing you have to use You have to use what you have to use what you have. I don't have muscles. I'm not a big guy I can't fight back So what I would do is I would fuck my way to the top if I was in prison So right away and then all the like all the gangs would be like dude, this guy twerks Like he on his stomach. He doesn't see nothing You know what the most
Starting point is 00:12:13 On his stomach like a fish with no water. He's flopping. Can I admit something sexually between us? Yeah, go ahead It's I think this has always been so fucked up of you. Yeah, but you know, he gets tired really quickly, right? Yeah, he's matching that. Okay. So after I'm a smoker after I mentioned that on the podcast He was like, you know, I'm gonna make I think he tried to change So I think he actually tried to be on top. Yeah, but he oh you always on bottom No, yeah, usually it's always on the bottom. I just like laying my back and looking up at this But then when I called him out on it, he was like, you know, I think like I'll make a change
Starting point is 00:12:50 So he would just he still would be he would be on top But he would ask me to do all the work so like missionary I would be I would be fucking him from the bottom. Yeah. Yeah, or like Yeah, so I would you're holding the like well, I mean just let me just say something, right? Just propping my arms up like this my fucking arms start shaking, right? So that I can't do anymore. I'll pass out. So if I'm on the bottom, I'm the one who has to do the upwards fucking Yeah, yeah, yeah, you do so much work and I go like this. I go Oh, can you not be a ghost right now? Yeah, I didn't know that you don't do any thrust motions. Fuck you. No, this is good
Starting point is 00:13:26 You know what I mean? I'm 45 In my 20s. Fuck. Yeah, I was a rabid machine, bro But now by 45 dog I'm old man. I'm the slept king, dude But my point is is that yeah, if I was interested to run the joint With your dick. Yeah, like I wouldn't be like Andy Defray. Oh, take a hole in the fucking wall. You wouldn't escape. You would just accept it No, I'd just be like that guy That fucks everybody from the bottom. That's all that's his tombstone
Starting point is 00:13:56 It'd be a different movie. All right, P. The hole would be my butthole. Jesus My butthole would be so big they think that there is an actual fucking escape route Right, I'd have a poster on my fucking butthole just as a trick Yeah Like our fair and faucet poster and they would pass through and they would go in my butthole and they realized Wait, I think we're in Bobby's butthole. We're inside. We're inside. Yeah, this is none of the escape route It's like the night. That's how big my butthole. Have you seen the night of? Of course, I've seen it. I love it Bobby would do the same thing in that situation. Yeah, what happened in the night of?
Starting point is 00:14:30 Well, the kid he befriended the top guy to teach him how to read and like Stimulate him, uh, you know, intellectually. Yeah, yeah, you would clearly stimulate the leaders. That's not true. What would you do? I would intellectually I'll read books too And then at night time it depends on how long I've been in there If I have a year sentence, I'm not gonna fuck nobody five Even five years. It's gotta be a life situation. Oh, so only life you will Yeah, okay I gotta fuck nobody if I know I'm gonna get out in five years. I'll survive. I would bite dicks
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, I mean I would do all kinds of stuff to survive You know, I mean, I don't like your questioning right now. Do you think I'm gay dog? No, Dapking be gay Nah Our cat has diabetes. I don't know about that. You don't know that for real Yeah, she can fucking I'm on the road. First of all, I was before you get into that game is I was in San Jose And um, this african-american Listener lady, beautiful lady. She made you a scarf. Where's my scarf? It's in the bag over there, but um, I She they wrote a note and I lost it
Starting point is 00:15:34 Like a letter. So I'm so sorry Yeah, but that's the best part of the gift. I understand that I understand that but um I'm sorry, but that she did make you one and I brought it It's really nice. It's a dick. It's a dick. Yeah, she knitted a dick. I didn't know it was a dick at first She did. Yeah, you want me to go get it? Yeah, go get it. Yeah. Yeah So our cat has diabetes. Yeah, tell me. So did you bring it to doctor? Well, you know which cat it is It's the cat we named bobby jr. Oh That was really poor shadowing. Yeah, so I basically um, I it
Starting point is 00:16:10 He was fated to be a diabetic cat I just all of a sudden he started drinking a whole lot of water like every time I look over at the bowl cats aren't notorious drinkers Well, is that because of this diet? You feed all your cats the same thing because you become very thirsty when you're diabetic Oh, my god Wow, can you stand in front of the camera? That's so cool It's ridiculous and then you pull it out and then that's a sack down here and she's so smart. She made a pink dick It's so thoughtful. It's George's long dick. Oh my god. I'm gonna wear this scarf forever. She made this she made it That's insane. That's amazing. And then I said, why don't you you know what we should do? We should make this have her
Starting point is 00:16:54 Do it as a tiger. We'll put a tiger belly logo on like a merch and still be a merch thing Yeah, like a giant, but she's hand does it. She hand does it probably would take so much time for her This was made with love. They would charge two or bucks. Yeah, 200 300. Yeah, yeah And then we got all this other merch here. We got these t-shirts y'all and we got um, we got this one You know We'll do that at the end. I just did it. Yeah I just fucking did it just now. I'll just do it now. Yeah, but you can and then we got this one right here It's a blue one. It's a blue one and the one I'm wearing right now. Do
Starting point is 00:17:29 Yeah, this is nice and then there's gonna be some George pink dick shirts coming out. Yeah Slepking shirts. Oh my god. So, um, human just okay. So human. I don't know if I should talk about that Well, tell us about San Jose tiptoe. I don't know man. I don't know if I can tiptoe. I might have to dive in. I I said I'm not gonna talk about it, but I might have to dive in bro dive in well number one I want to just say this okay Is and this is from my heart And I my heart is shrouded in darkness in a sea of despair
Starting point is 00:18:00 And nothingness. It's just a black organ at this point, but there's a little pink left and a little light left and that little light is saved for Tiger Belly fans and 2015 I probably sold 400 tickets all weekend hard numbers This last weekend
Starting point is 00:18:22 2000 and Um, it's all tiger belly fans You can hear it in the audience. You can feel it. I touch them I do I touch them there was a girl who was real who went to your show who was really upset with you. I think I think that um from what I understand she might have screamed out Slepking or or something tiger belly and um, I I'm guessing this is what you did because this is what you do to everybody Who screams in the middle of the show is shut the fuck up lady, which is what you always do, right? Yeah, and I don't know
Starting point is 00:18:59 She just started writing a bunch of like Comments on the instagram pictures talking about how you're addicted to tiger belly fans. That's not true. Number one. That's not true I know and I know and also tiger belly fans. No, that's not true. Okay number two is there were ladies and men heckling and Heckling's fine, but don't do it in the middle of a set up of a joke
Starting point is 00:19:26 And then I might have snapped. I don't remember. I did five shows. I don't remember what show it was But that's the only circumstances that I could see Me burning a bridge, but I think there was another lady I go She was heckling through the whole show and she had big titties. So I go Man, your titties are fucking amazing. She was like, yeah, I don't know about your face though Oh, hey, I'm on board of that. Right. And then she and then she looked sad. Oh, that's me Not on board. Yeah, that would that would make me sad. I think no, but she was heckling through the show But I will say if you're loud if you have enough balls to be loud and be seen in the middle of the show
Starting point is 00:20:02 You might be asking for it. Yeah, get ready for it. You're gonna get roasted But other than that lady, I feel like I don't know man But and I'm sure she was pretty. You just said you just said it just to say It she was beautiful. I mean this face is beautiful. She was beautiful symmetrical symmetrical face But but also the reason why I go to San Jose. I look forward to it is because Um, there's only a couple of clubs where I could just say the manager is my friend and human Some Persian dude that runs the San Jose improv is my friend. He's a good dude
Starting point is 00:20:38 And also ladies in San Jose the guy hasn't had any pussy in a while So You're vlogging for him. He's helping. That's be real. Wait, really? Cause who wants a pretty cute guy? I know he's a cute dude, but I'm just saying legit. You gotta hook up with him. He's groovy I think he's just very picky. Do you know what he likes like Persian women? No, I mean, he's do his last girlfriend Caitlyn was his blonde very pretty girl. I think that's what it is He's probably very picky because he's you know, he does well for himself. Yeah He's a really nice guy. He's a nice guy and um, but can I just say something that sad happened?
Starting point is 00:21:09 What? You know, he had two cats, right? Yeah The cat that was his yeah died Why you know how? How? He bought A ghetto toy from like a 99 cent store. Yeah, like a cat toy And there was a bell that was in the middle of this toy. Whatever. Yeah stomach bowel obstruction And he swallowed it and I guess there was like shards in this bell and it ripped open And this cat's insides. So when they operated in the cat, they're like, there's nothing we can do. There's like 15 like slices
Starting point is 00:21:42 You know, I mean, he's gonna die. So he had to put him to sleep And it destroyed him. He cried. He said for days Days he's very upset about it now, but um, I can't imagine, you know But another reason why I like human is because we have the same obsessions I don't know if I can get into it. You can get into it. Come on. I mean, no, no, no, I can't I swear to god We can't fold. No, no, no, we can't I swear to god. We can't okay, but let's just say that we're very we have the same obsessions Okay, well, I have a few questions then Follow up. So sometime over the weekend. Yeah, I posted a picture
Starting point is 00:22:21 And usually I know approximately how many likes You know, I'm gonna get for per photo. It's gonna be anywhere between 500 to 1500 generally, right? Number dropping. I mean In proportion to my followers or whatever If I get under 200 I get real sad Like wow, I need to take that down But sometimes I think it was sunday night You know, bobby calls me. He's giggling in the background. He's like, you know, I gotta go. I gotta go. I'm like, why what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:22:53 He's like, I gotta go and all of a sudden I see the same photo and it now has 4000 likes I'm getting just random hundred likes hundred likes a random comments after on this last photo So I text them. I'm like, what the fuck are you doing? And I said, what would I do anything people just like you people just like you No, because this was the most inconsequential post it wasn't a my titties out It was like of a fucking news article like it wasn't People just like you, babe. So tell me explain to me why I have an extra 3000 likes on a photo. I don't know bobby
Starting point is 00:23:34 Bobby I bought them for you How let's plug the app how tell us how to do that. That's pretty cool. Yeah, but I don't want anyone to do it to me so people have But you already so people have been cheating on instagram them all this time, of course Yeah, okay. The app is fuck it. All right. I'm just gonna just okay. So there's a free plug, but the app is called um, ig boost And you can buy people apps. I mean likes on insta and what what propelled you to give me an extra 3000 Because it's valentine's day
Starting point is 00:24:11 And I love and I love you But they're all like fake likes. They're not real people. They're all of it's fake Even if I like a photo, let me just say something right now when I'm on instagram and I like somebody's photo I just want them to like me back Oh, like for a light at the end of the day. Well, I don't give a fuck about your nails Is I mean I don't give a fuck about you know, I mean what food you're eating this thing, you know your meal, right? I just do it because you know what I haven't liked like this person in in a long time Like this right here. This is Courtney Sherman. And this is my friend doc
Starting point is 00:24:44 Right is in the photo. So I'm just gonna like it Just because Courtney is a friend and Francis goes in it So you just you know, oh look at doc He's my favorite. We got to have him on the podcast. Yeah, we do. I love doc. You know doc Willis. No, oh, he's the best He's a midget black and he's the best. He's not really technically a midget He's not really but he I won't we'll have to go to a doctor and see find out Measure that man. Measure him immediately. Was it was Gary Coleman at midget? Yeah. No, he wasn't. Yeah, he was You know, he had a weird disease. Is it a little person? No, he had a weird
Starting point is 00:25:16 I'm gonna look it up. Did like I know Webster probably did Yeah, but there are different forms of dwarfism. I'm gonna look up was Gary Coleman a little person Coleman Gary Cooper, what? Is Bradley Cooper a little person? Oh my god. He just liked the photo. Who did? You can't say it. Okay, because I already know just from your look when you said that Who did who liked who liked my photo? Who do you think Bobby with the way she said that?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Who liked my photo? Let me see here Look at his face. Look at Bobby's face. It's like a little smirk. Oh, he he liked three of my photos. Yeah Why is it that you give him free likes? No, why would he do that? Why would I do that? That's ridiculous That's fucking ridiculous that you would say something like that. Well, because I have I I noticed something what? Would you notice why you guys looking at it like that say what you're gonna say woman You really want me to say it? Well, you're bringing it up and we're gonna have to edit it out of it Something I don't want to hear. I know that somebody that you're particularly obsessed with all of a sudden has thousands of likes on his photos
Starting point is 00:26:24 It's a gift for for hit for valentine's Valentine's day. This is what Bobby does every year for his closest friends I just I gave nick use of 3000 likes on a stupid fucking photo of his finger of his finger You know what I mean? So I'm just gonna do it. Does he know? No, I have it You know, I should you know what I'm gonna fucking should I I'm gonna call him or yeah I'm gonna call him on speakerphone like hey, man. Are you blowing up? Like? Hey, you're you picture of your ring finger went viral. What's that dude like I saw on huffington post Yeah, yeah, that's on buzzfeed right now. Why bro?
Starting point is 00:26:54 What what's going on nick? Did you get there? Happy valentine's day. Thank you. So here we go ready. Please pick up you fucking asshole Please pick up Hey, Bobby Lee Hey, Nick use of what's up? How's it going, buddy? Pretty good. You get a lot of likes on one of your photos or what? What just like just now or no today like you had the finger photo with the ring Um, I don't know. I'll have to check. Yeah, just check it
Starting point is 00:27:29 Like right now. Yeah, check it right now Okay, all right, he seems mad. Do you see his tone? I bought I bought you likes today Why would you waste money on that because it's just fun valentine's day. It's valentine's day. Happy valentine's day. What? How much does that cost? It cost me like 30 bucks That's so funny. Why would you like $30 because because that fucking I didn't even notice it. I know I know but that's I know that because I thought that photo bothered me. It really bothered me. So I bought you 3000 likes
Starting point is 00:28:33 I know anyway, congratulations. Thanks. I'll see you in Houston You didn't notice it Oh, man, it's a great idea though, huh? It's like what but it's what you have to do We should create a company like that something like an app like that same concept Yeah, some figure out some a way to do I like that stuff I think that we should just pick random tiger belly listeners and give them give them like that's a great idea We should call it the 10k challenge. We get to the 10,000 followers. Yeah
Starting point is 00:29:07 Um, you lost weight though, huh? Uh, yes, because I was bullied uh three podcasts ago about how well it works bullying Well, you know what? Yeah You know, they called you chicken legs. No, I walked in and then bobby was like, hey, your body looks Shaped funny and I get it. Why because I was wearing skinny jeans and my ass was big Yeah, you still got you got a k-pop look about you right now with your hair all frizzled out like that Your skin's all nice and smooth. Yeah, you ready for pilot season. I am they've been going out a lot No, not one thing not really not really. I'm just waiting for people to pass up on offers Please pass bobby so I could have an audition. No, there's it's been dry out there, man
Starting point is 00:29:43 Has it? Yeah, but you know what even for you? Yeah, I'm pretty dry. Not really I mean your manager says otherwise Okay, you know But you don't compare yourself to me man. I do every day. What would you really? Are you are you threatened by me? No, I threaten myself. I compare myself to Asian people like you that are in your position to be like, where were they at that my age? Holder, you know, I'm 27. So you already had mad team before that. No, I got mad TV when I was 30
Starting point is 00:30:11 You have three years. Stephen walking dead 24 Yeah, but you should really live your life But you you see these stories you're like, oh man, when is my story gonna happen? But you know what you I've told you this before you will happen when this is your story This podcast is your fucking story. It's a big part of your story It's a big part of how you might make it true Right, but I feel like you not showing up last week was like, no, but let me just say something, right If you had an NBC showcase last Tuesday night, would you have still had dinner with your dad?
Starting point is 00:30:48 Uh, probably not. But that was my Probably not. So what I'm saying is is that this is just as important It is but I have no option with the NBC showcase because the show you have no option The reason why you have no, I gave I gave Kalyla options. Oh, no, you didn't Oh, we don't want we have I have the reason why you think that this this has options is because the consequences You don't think are real. I don't want to fight. But let's be clear Let's just be clear
Starting point is 00:31:16 I never said I would I would cancel on Tuesday and I said I was in the hospital I never said we wouldn't record and then you then Um, assumed you were like, I think maybe because in your head you were like, ah, I probably have to go to anaheim So I'm gonna text her and say Oh, um, we should just record another week or we could just pull up an old tiger an old episode I give that option. I also said I can do it from any because I this is already planned. My dad was his last day here It was the only day here. No, I know, but we didn't know that until that day I love when you get angry. Look at your eyes. No, I'm just want to make sure that I'm not being put on blast or something
Starting point is 00:31:50 You are being you are being put on blast. By the way, I'm being put on blast by the buy If you want to throw me under the bus, I gave options I even said I didn't know you're in the hospital that day But I said from two all the way till leave at seven to get to the dinner with my family on time I know but we didn't know that until probably two p.m. That you had To leave so in the meantime, I had been making plans because I was in the hospital all day I was like, look, I'm gonna try and get home in time I never cancelled
Starting point is 00:32:18 and so um Regardless for me. I'm always like of course your parents are in town. You know, I'm trying to do the pot I always try to do the I know I got a whole Monday. All right I prepare for Tuesday in case you guys want to redo one which you guys never redo a podcast ever No, see you no, but I want to just make sure that I know that you know where my I'm here for the podcast. We would never okay. Even if you weren't no one could replace you No one is better than you at this. I don't want to ever do this podcast without you
Starting point is 00:32:46 You could replace bobby. I know me. He wants to replace bullshit. He would never I'll say the names right now the names that are out there. Give me the name danto. There's nick yusef Really have fucking emo nixon yusef on this. No way. Yeah, you say Gilbert look, I love those guys. I just want to put it out there. I'll just say these are things we're set to be I love those guys, but I would never do this Without you, you're my comfort blanket and let's start our own podcast without bobby because you know what? You know, I would do it without you. See that's what I'm saying. No, he wouldn't If you fucking I'll put it right here if you say again
Starting point is 00:33:24 That we can't do this podcast without him That gives him power. No, it's not I take his power away right now. Of course we can produce I can be a part of anything I can work with anybody What I'm saying is I don't want to it's not fun for me without you. I know I'm gonna say this for bobby I'll say this right here. We won't edit this out. Look at me. Look at me right in the eyes I'm okay with leaving this podcast and I so everyone knows I own 25% of this LLC I'll give it all away and I can walk away with this thing without money and I'll be okay with it I just want to put that if you want to I will walk away from it. Oh my god
Starting point is 00:33:54 It's getting so real. What are you getting so emotional right now? If you want I can tell you I don't want me out sometimes I know I don't Gilbert no, I would never I would say I'm not I let him let him speak I want to say I Have been here since day one Right, I have we know how that whole thing started the first eight months how times I've canceled all other things to Be here. Yeah, no questions asked. I just cancel them right even sometimes I show up late for an audition Right because I'm like we're at 4 a.m. Here. I didn't care
Starting point is 00:34:25 But it's time. I got busier because the podcast helped me listening to your stories helped me with my career I started doing more things. I got busy. I always block out Monday I tell George I can always meet Wednesday during the day if we cancel it if we don't for the business meetings for the LLC Um, but also I'm okay. If you're like, we need someone else. I can leave. I'm not that kind of person that's been dead That's going to be like I need money for all the work. I didn't get paid for it. I'll just walk away It's fine. If you want to replace me like you have threatened me in the past He has threatened you. Yes, not in front of me though
Starting point is 00:34:55 Oh, we'd never record it because I would never allow it to make Bobby look bad because I want to make sure he looks good But also he never he never does it in front of me because he knows there'd be an argument I just want to let you know Gilbert. You told me look in your eyes. You're looking you're looking you're looking away You're looking away from me. You told me to look in your eyes. I'm giving you the respect as my elder as my as my elder No, I right now We're not editing this. We're not gonna edit it. I don't want to edit it. All right. I cannot right now Look you in the eyes because I don't know how number one You got into a fucking spat with Kalilah, right? She was the one to getting emotional
Starting point is 00:35:31 I wasn't getting in all of a sudden. I'm the fucking one Look, how the fuck am I the one listen Bobby? Look at my eyes. No, I'm not looking I'm so angry with you right now, dude All right, number one. Let's just breathe. This is so funny to George. Let's take him out. No, no All right, here's the thing number one I ain't giving it up. I ain't giving it. You're not giving it 25 percent. I'm gonna come here every monday night I don't care if you kick me out. I'm gonna be here. I'm gonna knock on the door. I'm gonna sneak in And here's number one. Okay
Starting point is 00:36:01 Is is that I feel like now it's fine that you have a little bit of a pent up resentment Right and just I want you to just clearly tell me what your resentment is. He just did bro. I did. There's no resentment So the resentment is no, but no Him threatening I'm gonna play referee because I know I know let him do it. Let him say his fault. Let me say what I want to say. Okay He's not threatening, but he's giving me like now
Starting point is 00:36:31 Like how he feels like he could just walk away, but that's not the resentment That's just his You know what his reaction to the resentment is. Yeah, so the resentment is what? You're you keep planting seeds and you keep dropping little crumbs as if to suggest that he is replaceable You make him feel dispensable. So for somebody who's bent, you know bent over I'm gonna be honest with you. Gilbert. I thought that last Tuesday was your bad You know, but all the other times that you've ever come through has
Starting point is 00:37:03 obviously Made up for a thousand of those Tuesdays. You know what I mean? You've bent over backwards Time and time again to be here and record this with no pay, right? You do make the mistake of of undoing these underhanded comments of saying that he's easily replaceable And you don't take into consideration that for the past year and a half This has been the easiest thing to do. We get along so well I don't want to fucking sit in front of somebody that isn't Gilbert. It's gonna be awkward I'm gonna start sweating again. The whole process is gonna be painful for me again. I'm gonna be anxious
Starting point is 00:37:39 You know, it's not gonna be this is a team. We're all in this 25 percent of the pie And no one is fucking going anywhere and you need to start appreciating each other But yeah, if someone if we think someone made a mistake or wasn't clear with communicating We need to be able to say that out loud. I'm right now. I'm having broke icon. I know you have it because you Look at each other, please. I can if I look at Rambo scream at him. He taught me scream at me. Look at him, sweetie You taught me this Yeah, so I go I he has I'm you're my prefer peripheral. Okay. I can see you're looking like literally so close to my Yeah, yeah
Starting point is 00:38:16 I'm just gonna here's what I'm gonna do. I look at you right now. Here's what I'm gonna do. All right I'm gonna I'm going to absorb What you just said to me, okay and I'm going to Analyze You know and try to be adult about it. Okay And I'm going to look at my own behavior on my side of the street. See where I went wrong
Starting point is 00:38:43 Okay number one I just want to say this to defend myself Okay is is that when I used to open for Pauly shore in men's sea back in the day
Starting point is 00:38:59 I spent six years of abuse by them Psychological abuse. Okay Carry my golf plags You go to the gig early and take my box of merchandise. You have to sell it for free and stuff like that, right? And I did six years of that absorbing, you know, and at the time
Starting point is 00:39:24 I did build resentment, but I never lashed out the way Gilbert did And you lashed out, you know, but and gave them gave them consequences, you know, but what I did was I Put them just put it away And then as later you look at, you know, I mean those situations And you go these those were healthy Things that I needed to go through to be abused for six years. Yeah I don't think that's very because I'll tell you why I'll tell you why can I tell you why can I tell you why? Okay, I'll tell you why
Starting point is 00:39:56 Because without Pauly I wouldn't have had Mitzi Okay, without Mitzi. I would have no comedy store Without Carlos Mencia, I would have no Matt Blake Because Carlos Matt Blake my agent represents Carlos Mencia also. Okay So without those gifts, you know, which are like Gifts that you can't even pay money for those things because it's like they're just You know, I mean dream dream gifts. Really, right? I would have never gotten to where I've gotten to believe that at all
Starting point is 00:40:33 I know I understand that you don't believe it But these are truthful things that happened These are things that have happened in my career So there is no other reality. I know I understand that but what I'm saying is you say that's healthy for you to Absorb all this abuse for six years. I think the reason it's not healthy overall In the big picture is because you allow somebody to believe that they can treat you that way And they perpetuate that behavior to the next person to the Jesus trejo's and all their other openers Yeah, and everybody just sits there and takes the abuse and no one says, you know what, dude
Starting point is 00:41:06 Fuck you. I'm not your fucking slave. You don't get to treat me like all right. Good. Good. So this is I'm going to give you The scenario there. All right. Fuck you Pauly You don't get to treat me that way Not necessarily in those words. I know but I'm just let's just hear me. Okay. Like because you don't know him I don't I do. Okay. Yeah, I know the whole family so Yo Pauly This is how I feel about what you're doing
Starting point is 00:41:32 in his head Oh, you're getting exposed to Clubs that normally would never see you You get you get to play my mother's room In hollywood, right? That's what he Would be feeling if I talked to him about it right and so
Starting point is 00:41:52 In any sensible and I know a lot of guys that said fuck that guy or you know, oh, I'm not doing that And I know where they're at There's never a situation Or a story where Some guy said to Carlos Mencia. I'm not going to fuck it open for you When he asked and I know two guys that he had asked and they said fuck you to him That made it You know, so my point is is that I don't have any scientific
Starting point is 00:42:22 results, you know So You know, I'm not threatening Gilbert, I love him. You know what I mean, but I'm just saying that You know, just listen. You hear what I'm saying. Okay This is a good episode That's good because this is healthy and we're you know, we're exploring
Starting point is 00:42:40 You know, this is not easy to do All right, and we're all you know talented volto people Right and we're in this, you know this room and we're talking about this is healthy But I'm just just for argument's sake. All right. I feel like The six years that I went through with those guys Was only beneficial to me and I love them for that
Starting point is 00:43:06 You know and I never threatened them Thank god you have thick skin. Thank god You're able to brush it off your shoulders and see the positive out of it. Thank god you have those abilities But I think that you know, not everyone Is like you and I think that could be potentially very detrimental to someone's psyche You know as a comedian over the course of like sustaining six years of that type of you know treatment
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yeah, and what I'm saying is you're not polysure And Gilbert isn't you at in your 20s. What I'm saying is you guys mutually respect each other Yeah, and even though there's a part of you that feels like, you know, he should be indebted to me I can promise you that every day of his life Gilbert feels Gratitude and he expresses it to me always. He can't always to you because you know, you don't respond to text messages Yeah, but you know Gilbert has Has always always and I can see it has always been grateful and even his mom is grateful when she talks to To when I'm when I talked to her she was like, do you know how how thankful I am to you and Bobby for
Starting point is 00:44:15 Bringing Gilbert in and making him a part of your family. Yeah He that's because he talks to his mom about that. Yeah So don't ever think that there's no gratitude and don't ever think I did I never said that I have never said in my I've never said that I don't think that Gilbert's great grateful I caught that, you know, I know but this is I know but right Just that response of him going I can just leave this whole thing no money This and that and just leave right? That's not the resentment. The resentment is something else
Starting point is 00:44:50 Right, so I want to get to whatever that is so that I can address that I can tell you where that resentment stems From it's from people always writing in and saying like fuck Gilbert get rid of him You know at that after a year and a half of reading a bunch of that shit. Yeah, that shit gets old, dude All right, dude. No, it was good that we did the episode without Gilbert because there were so many like YouTube comments like I yeah Also, I also I also There was a big difference, right of I think I feel like Last week's episode was shit
Starting point is 00:45:23 Because he wasn't there. I'm gonna defend last week's episode. I'm just saying I was listening but listen to me right now All right, and I myself I felt Like there was an absence right and I don't ever want to do a podcast like that again Just in the way I did it you know And so my thing to toward him is like dude, don't do that again because This is something that I mean if you think that you're busy And you got shit to do
Starting point is 00:45:53 I Also have a lot to shit to do and I still do it. You know I still have this is not my whole career. This is an aspect of what I do and um Also at the same time I do thousands of other podcasts On my free time to help this one To help us So what I'm saying is is that my thing wasn't I'm not threatening him. I'm just saying that yo last week
Starting point is 00:46:25 You weren't here And I just I'm not cool with it I learned something so valuable last week and it's this When I was I was obviously feeling really sick And I thought to myself, you know what? I should take the week off and Gilbert said, you know what? You should take the week off, but I didn't listen. I said, you know what the last time we took a week off We got so much shit for taking a week off. They called us lazy. They called us inconsistent We just got so much hate for it, right? So as you know it
Starting point is 00:46:53 I'm going to get discharged out of the hospital and I'm going to fucking record a podcast even if Gilbert's not there We're just going to fucking power through this and muscle through it And I learned a very valuable lesson. What is it? They'll hate you whether you do it or you don't They got I got we got so much hate for this was a shitty episode. It was horrible and I thought well Wait, where'd you see the hate? Oh my god. Look on yeah. I was George. Where are you not reading? I only followed the youtube comments and they were very like it was overwhelmingly positive Like it's great to see like you read them, right? I don't read them Because like Bobby said not he told me it was not to read that stuff, but it'll just pop up
Starting point is 00:47:29 I don't read it but lesson learned for me was that don't don't Don't go through hurdles for these people Because they don't they a lot of them didn't appreciate the fact that like we were both not in a good place I mean I I think people appreciate the honesty But I that's not what I got the tweets were like you're they were shitty
Starting point is 00:47:51 Stop stop stop stop everyone stops. Slapkin. Slapkin here Stop everyone stop. No, I'm okay. This is what it is. Okay I don't know why you're laughing pink dick. Can I say one thing? No, no, it's very it's just so you go say what you're gonna Say now because I'm about to say some shit Okay, what I was trying to say it was not trying to threaten you Okay. Yes, look look him in the eye Okay fine. I wasn't trying to threaten you. I just it was my way of trying to make it clear that when you say What are you doing?
Starting point is 00:48:21 I do this All right, I do. I just want to make sure you don't think I'm just like sitting around everyone pulls their weight here Okay, everyone. I'm here for this. We did it. Everyone pulls their weight Oh, you're gonna say about last week. No, I'm just gonna I'm I'm gonna go on just an overall rant about it And that word discussion is over. Okay, okay I just had a spiritual awakening Okay
Starting point is 00:48:50 I'm sorry All right. Oh, wow, you're valuable Gilbert. You need to smile bitch. I'll smack you in the eyes. Yeah let me talk I'm sorry that I'm I'm not look at me right now look at me right now look at me right now look at me right now dude because you're never gonna get this out of me I know it's what's weird I'm sorry about alluding to the fact that maybe that we could ever replace you because we cannot and I will never say that again I apologize you're very valuable to this podcast and and I appreciate your talents and you as a person and your hard-working and my
Starting point is 00:49:41 hats off to you yeah okay that's when I'm not done talking okay sorry all right number two I don't give a fuck what anyone says about this podcast from here on out okay I don't read I'm not gonna read it I will not read it I haven't read it that's why I don't mind my I'm not dictated by it all right I you know when I was on mad TV and I saw my IMDB page and there was 15 pages of me being a bad actor I read that shit and I wanted to kill myself and that was the last time I do that I don't give a fuck okay I don't give a fuck all right so if you want to listen to this podcast you can listen to it if you don't then go to
Starting point is 00:50:22 fire the kid or whatever you want to fucking do flappers flappers comedy or whatever but you know that's your choice okay and thank you for listening but from here on out we are not I'm just gonna do what I do I'm not gonna worry about it if I lose listeners we lose listeners and if you ever threaten me like that again though about me I can leave and this and that yeah number one right you piece of fucking shit dude forget I thank you thank you no I like no no I like the abuse I know I love I know right here's what I want to be here as well I thank you so much thank you all right but I just want to say this Bobby
Starting point is 00:51:12 thank you I don't know thank you thank you but just just FYI FYI yes I'm listening to everyone in this room I split it four ways okay just listen to this fucking thing and that's extremely generous it is because you're the name okay it's really generous and I know you're going oh you don't do any of the work which I don't but you're the name I show up you do and I do it right the other part but I feel like I'm being very generous okay and let's just let that be said I have no resentment toward it I believe that everyone in this room you know deserves the quarter you know percent of of the podcast and I literally
Starting point is 00:52:02 have no resentment if we make millions of dollars I'll take the 250 even though I deserve 650 I all right would you look great would you like some of mine no you sure look great you lose the way are you losing the weight Gilbert I can't fucking believe this shit why we got it out it's over there was no resentment I can't just you know look there's no resentment I don't care about the abuse it was just what shirt was I supposed to be here that's all that's it I just want everyone to be happy I'm happy I also just want to say that I take back what I said ten minutes ago about everyone hating on the episode I did we
Starting point is 00:52:43 did get a lot of love and support for when we were both sick and I really appreciate you guys it's a tough time because call I was sick you know Gilbert you know it's a pilot season he wants to make it you know and George has got a bunch of shit on the thing and it's like it's a lot but look guys we're talking about all of this and we haven't made a single dime yet now this week we've got the merch in and we're finally gonna see where this goes support listen we have may not made a dime out of 76 fucking episode alright so much talk 76 okay got a lot of we got we've got we've got you know guests coming
Starting point is 00:53:24 along that's lined up the Leo said he's gonna do it we got let's get the Leo from Monday okay let's mix it up let's get the Leo from Monday let's Andrew Santino wants to do a bunch of me want to do it al magical people want to do it so we got we got to start getting guests okay and but but but we got these beautiful shirts we do and how much are they we haven't we'll talk about it no let's just give a price now how much are they to make figure that out but that's the day before this comes out so yeah we have all the products and they look nice they really do not look nice and this is just the first generation
Starting point is 00:54:00 yeah but these will be the vintage ones they'll be super vintage in fact let's just do this well can we do this can we just only make one around to these and then make another round different one every time yeah so each of these shirts right so very quickly yeah so this this will be the last time that's it that we sell this one the original it's gonna be slightly different every time I like that so that's a good that's a good thing to do I I wanted to talk about one more thing before we wrap up someone sent me an email that got me all paranoid and you know I'm all in when I get start getting paranoid and the wheels start
Starting point is 00:54:37 turning they said that like the one percenters of like billionaires and super rich people are starting to buy like all these bunkers and in anticipation for some type of like I'll tell you why do you why why because Steve Bannon believes in apocalypse he's an apocalypse guy and he believes that there's a fourth war that's about to happen okay there's worth war yeah it's three war that he's he believes in this thing I don't know exactly I read an article about it where it's like he believes like the Civil War World War one there's another one not Vietnam was another one and then there's a fourth
Starting point is 00:55:14 great war that's about to happen and you can already see them behaving in a way where it's like they're poking at Iran right and they're posturing but there's that he believes in the apocalypse and that that there's he there's two books that he believes in two authors that wrote about it I forgot their names and we talk about my question was politics aside when it comes to bunkers are we all bunking together the four of us and continuing this podcast who would you bunk with if you could bunk with just five people where we don't have a bunker well we're gonna get one well it's when we sell these t-shirts the first thing
Starting point is 00:55:51 we're buying is a bunker my place is probably apocalypse ready I really have a bunker George chicken coop so that's weird wait yours is apocalypse ready in what way prepared do you own the house my cousin does your cousin owns the house that you live on yeah can we invest money into making a bunker there yeah in the backyard yeah we would still have to travel to his house to get to the bunker that's true like if some shit happened your bunker would have to just be like oh shit grab the cats we're going in and the bunker would have to be stacked already with food and and all the you know I mean we have time it's not gonna
Starting point is 00:56:30 happen tomorrow we don't know well fuck then at Home Depot so I started shopping they have like uh oh what look online to see if the people sell bunkers they do forth in Home Depot does it's a 14-man bunker wait what Depot does yeah where can I put it in underneath the ground pre-made pre-made panted technology one eight five four bunkers Atlas survival shelters Atlas does too but Home Depot even has one wow you dig you just dig a hole you can't just we got to get it put in you and I can't just dig a fucking hole I know I will get lower model 50,000 that's the and on Atlas Atlas lowest model 50,000 because Atlas has
Starting point is 00:57:15 been making bunkers since the like 1940s or something like that yeah I'm definitely gonna get a bunker but I can't I feel like you just use it to play video games I'll never see you again yeah but so your property we can put if I if I spend $50,000 yeah we you would let you with your cousin will allow me to build a 14-man bunker right now and how many um these bunkers how many 14 people so we put a list right and then we'll also have like what do you call a fallout list right yeah so we'll have like 14 people but then if like four of them aren't there we'll have we can we'll have a line no like just four
Starting point is 00:57:58 people just waiting out there yeah the wait list yeah the Johnson's the Johnson's didn't show up right and the bombs go about to go off come on in but the one of the Johnson's show up with their baby they're out they're dead show up on time yeah to the apocalypse anyway we have any questions oh no but where we had time we're at our because we had a what a weird what a weird podcast what a very tiger belly it needed to come out I think this needed to happen do you think people are gonna want to listen to that probably not but it's okay I think it's okay it goes along the same line as if you don't want to listen I think we're
Starting point is 00:58:32 failing didn't you know that's that but just give us five-star review that's it anyways up yeah yeah and hopeful advice with Bobby at Kalala this is from David oh and I know I'm 19 and my brother Tim is 31 and has struggled with alcoholism for many years and has manipulated all of my family members including me so we have become very distant and I would like to find a way to reconnect because we left things on bad terms before he moved out anyway I'm moving to Seattle where he lives and I just have no idea how to how to start things up if I could hear from the gang on future podcasts how would be very grateful so 19 years old from Ireland
Starting point is 00:59:12 right yeah I think so or sees from some somewhere moving to Seattle where his brother is trying to reconnect with his he has no real lives though we don't know I think he has a weird language he might be from Ireland actually Europe yeah but he's 19 brothers 31 or alcoholic separated himself from the family now younger well I mean the there's so many different things in this it's the number one is if he's his brother is actively still drinking then you know your job as the younger brother isn't to enable him so you know it's almost as if you know if what I would do and this isn't helpful I think this is that if Steve okay
Starting point is 01:00:00 if I was drinking right and I was in a different city then Steve right I would want Steve to wait until I get sober so then I can reach out to Steve because I wouldn't want Steve to come and try to save me because then he becomes a codependent and he starts like you know I become his life and I don't think that that is healthy I think that the dude should wait until his you know unless there's absolutely no communication and he's too afraid he's afraid to think that maybe he died or something yeah right then maybe to go check up on him but so you're saying wait and make sure he's sober before you actually try to
Starting point is 01:00:47 reconnect yeah I mean because it's like what are you gonna go over there and connect with an alcoholic who's active in this disease it's like it's a it's a it's a it's a mind-fuck you know he's only 19 yeah it's like you know I would wait until he tries to get sober right yeah um I have no expertise in that department so that questions all you yeah I mean that's what my thing Holly home won that fight I didn't think so 3-2 Holly I mean you think Holly won that fight yeah everyone does look at fucking Brendan Shaw blue she was like a five-point difference the fight that I saw Holly home won
Starting point is 01:01:30 decisively it's always the question of obviously she threw a lot more but I don't I think the random me hurt her more I mean aside from the the illegal shots that did a lot already that's already bullshit that was already that's two points should be a point deducted but it was very close I think it could have gone either way but what what should have maybe we should have favored maybe Holly is because that ref should have taken that point away never seen him too by the way never no and then how he stopped the fight early in the fifth round to make up somehow for not you know taking the point away earlier the
Starting point is 01:02:09 damage is already done you needed to take that point away then you know she had late shots in two different rounds it's pretty obvious like for me and I I don't want to blame the fighter like I don't want to blame the round to me but you're a professional fighter you should probably you know have a better ear for that bell or have a little bit more no you're in your your adrenaline is pumping once right so it doesn't it doesn't matter you get a warning from the judge from the refs responsibility to take a point away yeah okay Rogan said it I agree with Rogan and just on face value even without it I
Starting point is 01:02:48 thought that Holly won and um that's fucking bullshit the random is a very long girl so I thought that she was more effective when she did throw she didn't throw as many like but when she did they landed and to me she did more damage to Holly than Holly to her in my opinion so you can it depends really how you score it you know and that's the thing with MMA it's like the scoring system is still kind of very like murky it's murky water it's really really subjective rather than you know a very precise scoring system Anders and Silver retire I said he's still fun to watch no he is fun to watch he did a great job but I'm just
Starting point is 01:03:30 now going he did a great job he won that fight decisively I thought yeah he was fun to watch but do you know that um it was a chale Sanon who said that you know how he spoke English pretty well in his after his fight yeah apparently he's always known English that he's just been faking it chooses not to yeah he admitted that I didn't know that Jose Aldo doesn't speak English at all yeah yeah yeah also I messaged a Jose Aldo okay you were champion for ten years most of your fights are in America learn the fucking language ten years I think he would have been a lot richer too
Starting point is 01:04:11 because once you become an English speaking champion and you do the media rounds here in America yeah yeah oof like you're talk shit and all that stuff yeah it's true that's like look at Connor that's why the UFC loves an English speaking champion because they can do the media rounds here like Johanna is very funny when she does it and she's she learned it yeah you know they all learn it I mean and I don't think Josie Aldo's dumb he's a smart guy you can just tell love Josie Aldo anyway guys I know there was a weird one a lot of resentment no I mean no I felt like I felt like we you know we we did
Starting point is 01:04:51 it and I haven't eaten I haven't slept much and I'll feed you baby really with what are there's beeping Bob I don't want that again okay I want real shit like pizza like pizza pizza okay all right any shows for Bobby yeah I mean it's a very important one I'm in Schomburg this weekend it's in Chicago and come out man come out we'll dry hope oh really yeah dry hoping should you say the protocol again for yelling at you I don't give a shit at this point I didn't learn let's repeat if you don't want your feelings hurt just don't scream anything out in the middle of his shows it's as simple as that screaming out
Starting point is 01:05:35 after the show but it Bobby will also be in Houston March 3rd to the 5th and at the end of March I think you're doing a gig at the Santa Ana Casino in New Mexico I am yeah with what who where's the show I just got yeah so I just got the charity would you do charity Santa Ana all right let's do it I love New Mexico yeah are we done for anything else you want to hang on baby let's talk about the Kobe's thing here you want me to do it I one more thing are you guys hugging it out there we go there we go there we go you guys Bobby and I we have a friend Kobe and we've recently teamed up with him Kobe Bryant but he started
Starting point is 01:06:41 a foundation basically to sponsor students in Uganda through their studies so like this the fee of like $80 a year pays for a year of school fees room and board and like essential like scholastic materials and stuff go ahead good talk about it this is our give-back moment Kobe I've known Kobe since he was a baby yeah and Kobe is my manager's son and this kid is a good kid very good kid I mean when I was in New York you'd come to my shows when he was out there he texted me when I was in Israel I couldn't meet up with him but he's like my son yeah Kobe is I love him so much and he's always had a good heart and he took
Starting point is 01:07:35 I don't know what he's doing but he took it how did you start this so he's helping blacks in Africa we're gonna do this every week by the way because this is the foundation we're working and I'll know inside and out the foundation the foundation to help blacks in more torn countries it actually just Uganda whatever so specifically just specifically we need medicine for Ebola that's not is that correct no just scholastic material they could get it so get we're gonna buy masks doesn't matter let's we could just make stuff up and they'll just give the money anyway oh so make it sound worse they're bleeding
Starting point is 01:08:17 they need your money guys they're gonna die get little babies those are a thousand babies right that's what it says for more information what kind of money are they looking for donations anything or yeah I think it's any any type of monetary donation okay everyone that's listening there's a hundred thousand of you that generally less than average if you just put one dollar right one hundred thousand dollars yeah and it's it you know it's a it's a smaller foundation still but I think that what he does it it's very direct so he it's not like you know you're saying like bigger organizations like the Red
Starting point is 01:08:53 Cross and stuff sometimes I feel like when I give money there like I don't know exactly where my money is going but it's a very direct link to these kids in Uganda so go to www.nation-foundation.org and there's a direct donation link there again that's nation-foundation.org and we will put the link of this probably in the YouTube yeah we'll put it on the YouTube and I think I'll try to put it on the website as well on the podcast as well yeah let's do that and also I think they take like volunteers too so I'm really happy that we're doing this guys cool George anything else from you you want to talk to
Starting point is 01:09:39 your people just go to the website the tigerbelly.com it's now live officially officially live is yeah what's the day today February 13 2017 how's it look on the phone looks great yeah I'm gonna check it out right now and if you don't like it now it'll be it'll be good with it by the time this goes up so just imagine you're seeing the same thing we're seeing right now magic anything else George from your other sites Reddit Reddit's nearly a thousand subscribers subscribers of the subreddit so that's growing quite substantially and how's the YouTube the YouTube looking yeah YouTube's going great we're just it did I
Starting point is 01:10:27 even talk about the 30,000 subscriber mark on that I think we're at 33,000 so oh very cool we're that's good it's great for something so so new yeah except we haven't been doing vlogs cuz Bobby won't let me record him lately all right I'll come over this week in George anything else like your stand-up career do you want to promote your open mic that you haven't done in a while not really but I'm hosting again Tribal Cafe this Wednesday so the day this comes out so I'm hosting every month again yeah we need to go see George I took a long time off because I was hosting on Tuesdays and the day that I would host was
Starting point is 01:11:07 actually like was every time like we pushed a podcast to a Tuesday would be the day I was supposed to host so I had to cancel hosting so I'm rusty but yeah now I'm why don't you give Bobby a taste of that opening joke don't do it don't do it don't do it don't take Gilbert's advice my career stand-up career follow us yeah no I'll wait until we do a do a live stream here and you'll interrupt me whenever I'm trying to set up a joke for the live stream you always do that I also people don't know that we do a periscope after the podcast there's a couple it's probably like a hundred loyal you listeners
Starting point is 01:11:44 that stay after the power I don't know but they go to the periscope on Monday night yeah come listen to us follow us on that we do our periscopes Monday night and it's really nothing more than just bullshitting for a couple minutes with you guys also I think that we talked about this something to look forward to for everybody is I think we want to do another live podcast sometime in the next few months so if I don't know if we're probably gonna do it in probably in the LA area still yeah we'll get a better place and we'll we'll maybe have a few more people than this time instead of just you know doing 20 and maybe we'll
Starting point is 01:12:25 make that a habit like every few months we'll just do a live podcast somewhere and invite some people surprise guest yeah we'll have some maybe a guest or two sounds fun and I think that's all we have for this week and go ahead make sure you follow us on the social meds such as Instagram at Tiger Belly follow us on Twitter at the Tiger Belly and also you can email us any questions you may have at the Tiger Belly at gmail.com and you can follow Kalyla on all social media at Calamity K George on George undersorts Kimmel at Instagram and all tickets and information that is Bobby Lee the slept king the dad king the
Starting point is 01:13:06 one the only my master who I insulted today and I feel so bad I will get a punishment later but yes you can follow all this stuff at www.bobbyleelive.com and I don't exist on the internet all right bye bye see you guys hey Prime members you can listen to Tiger Belly ad-free on Amazon music download the Amazon music app today or you can listen ad-free with Wondri plus in Apple podcast before you go tell us about yourself by completing a short survey at wondri.com slash survey

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