Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 1 - Lizard Illuminati Conspiracy

Episode Date: September 19, 2016

Did you believe that a race of alien lizards has been secretly running the world’s governments since the dawn of human civilization, mining for mono-atomic gold in their underground cities and tunne...ls, creating world wars in order to feast on human sadness and controlling our thoughts from their moon weapon? If you do, you should probably skip this podcast and order one of British conspiracy theorist David Icke’s books explaining oh so much more about the reptilian agenda. If you think this sounds like wildly entertaining nonsense, you’ve come to the right place!!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right, welcome to Time Suck. First off, thank you for listening to this new podcast. I'm Dan Cummins, the host of Time Suck, and probably usually the only guest I may have guests in the future. Right now, I'm leaning towards no. Because I want to just take 30 minutes to give you the best of what I can find about one,
Starting point is 00:00:21 what I think is fascinating subject every week, you know? Because maybe you don't have time to spend hours on the web digging deep into something like today's topic, the lizard illuminati, but I do. And every week, I'm going to condense my research into whatever I'm super curious about. And roughly half an hour, the most entertaining bits, so you can share them, you know, and use your friends, family, get rid of people who think it's too weird, you don't need them in your life anyway.
Starting point is 00:00:48 You know, let's do it at home in the car at the office work and wait. This is time suck Today is the lizard illuminati now. I don't know if you have ever heard of this conspiracy theory. I had not heard of this until about a year ago. And a coworker of mine, just all of a sudden, just brought it up randomly when I don't know, some kind of conspiracy stuff was coming up and brought up, like have you heard about the lizard illuminati? And I was like, what? And I thought they were gonna be joking and they were not joking.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And they proceeded to talk about how, you know, there's a race of reptilian humanoids that are in fact ruling the world from their secret tunnels within the earth. They are causing strife amongst us, feeding off of our emotions, feeding on something called monotonic gold. They have mixed their bloodlines with many of the world leaders going all the way back to the Phoenicians, Egyptian, Samarins, ancient civilizations, Mesopotamia.
Starting point is 00:01:55 And basically everyone important is important because of the part lizard. So there you go. So you know what, so rest easy. If you're struggling in life, you know, like God damn it. I just cannot seem to catch a break. Well, you're probably not a lizard. Okay. So now you don't have to beat yourself up anymore. You know, you just the systems rigged and you're either a lizard or you know, you're part of the what Bill Hicks you refer to is the bovine masses. Right. You just you just want the rest of us struggling to make it. So here's what this is. I'm going to quote, again, I've been searching way too much time on the lizards because this stuff is very interesting to me, and I'm trying to turn what formerly has just been a colossal waste of time into something productive with this podcast. Since I'm looking up lizard stuff anyway, I might as well share it with you, right?
Starting point is 00:02:47 You don't even have to be sitting in the computer, avoiding actual responsibilities. You're just, you know, you could, well, you know, but you could. If you're doing this right now in place of work, God bless you. That's fantastic, all for it. So here's, but I take a little thing from time.
Starting point is 00:03:01 Here's what it's, it's an ancient retillion race, the anachy, the reptiles, have controlled humankind to date in times they count among their number. Queen Elizabeth, George W. Bush, Henry Kissinger, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Bob Hope, Obama, encroaching on other conspiracy theorists territory, David Ike, who's kind of like the, on the forefront, the guy who's popularized this theory, even claims that Lysard Derards are behind secret societies like the Freemasons and the Illuminati.
Starting point is 00:03:29 They are among us, they're blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting, extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids with only one objective in their cold-blooded heads to enslave the human race. Leaders, corporate executives, beloved Oscar-winning actors, Grammy-winning singers. Oh, and by the way, beloved Oscar winning actors, Grammy winning singers. Oh, and by the way, responsible for the Holocaust, Oklahoma City bombings, 9-11, etc. So where did this theory come from? That's where I started digging around a while back on the web.
Starting point is 00:03:59 And, first of all, it was just this guy, David Ike, which by the way, if you're curious about David Ike, watch just David Ike, it's ICKE Vice. Do that on YouTube. There's part one and part two of their fascinating little expose on him and his beliefs and it's worth your time, if you have time to do that. But he popularized this stuff in 1998, this kind of theory with his book, The Biggest Secrets. And I kind of thought at first, like his book just came out of a vacuum, as these ideas, it was kind of sometimes do somewhat.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But I guess never really truly a vacuum. They're always building on some previous idea. And it appears that the first reference to, this really cracks me up, because I like Arnold Schwarzenegger and the reference is gonna make sense here in a second Like the first appearance and literature like as far as a reference to some reptilian humanoid race kind of enslaving humans was
Starting point is 00:04:57 In Robert E. Howard's 1929 story the shadow kingdom and this is the guy who wrote the books that the movies Cohn in the Barbarian, Cohn in the Destroyer, like the Cohn in Character, he created this stuff back in the 20s, this fiction writer. And originally before there was Cohn in it was Cole. And there was actually a movie done with Kevin Sorbo in 1997 called Cohn the Conqueror. Starring Tia Carey. Carey, Carey, how have we say her name? I don't know. I just remember sure as the girl from Wayne's world,
Starting point is 00:05:27 I had a huge crush on her. Filipino, I think. And top heavy. That's good combo. It's good look. But hey, okay, I'm getting off subject. Huge fan of hers when I was a teenager. But, okay, so this guy, this fiction writer, who actually killed himself in a 30s side, random side note trivia with this Robert E Howard.
Starting point is 00:05:51 Which maybe I don't know why he wanted the E in there. You'd think after Robert E Lee, if your name was Robert and your middle initial was E, you just kind of skip E, go straight to your last name, just go Robert Howard, but written as Robert E Howard, which makes him seem racist. No proof that he was other than the fact that he was a white guy in the 30s in the United States. So probably, probably odds are, hey, but that was a whole other thing again. You're gonna notice I'm probably gonna continually veer off little tangents here, but I'll zip back. I'll zip back. I promise. So he wrote this book, The Shadow Kingdom, and then Cole, who became Conan, you know, the main guy, and by the way, they changed to Conan, because even back then they were dumbed down for the masses. Apparently
Starting point is 00:06:39 the Cole character wasn't selling as well. So he stripped a lot of the philosophical musings of Cole, got into just more action, less dialogue, and that's as well. So he stripped a lot of the philosophical musings of Cole, got into just more action, less dialogue, and that's in Conan. So Conan is like the dumb down version of Cole, of course, played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, one of these iconic early roles, maybe his most iconic like first big role. Okay, so in the Shadow Kingdom,
Starting point is 00:07:00 Cole fights among other bad guys. So this ancient race of magical serpent men with the heads of snakes and the bodies of men Who live in underground tunnels can shape shift and imitate humans at will and use mind control abilities to control humans And they're supposedly like very very ancient race possibly extraterrestrial And this this bears on the lizard illuminati because that is exactly What David Ike then talked about in his book. I mean, he hits on all those same notes. And also, HP Lovecraft, another science fiction author
Starting point is 00:07:32 who was prolific in the 20s also, he also referenced in some stories that ancient, nefarious, alien powers bent on controlling Earth's population. It was like kind of a theme of some of that literature during that time. So you cut to much later, you know, in the 90s, you get this guy, David Ike. And David Ike is the guy who really popularized, like he has based his life on this lizard illuminati theme and this guy, whoo, he is entertaining. Oh man, he is entertaining. Oh man, he is entertaining. He is 64-year-old former pro footballer, sports commentator for the BBC before you don't kind of slowly went insane. And again, watch the
Starting point is 00:08:13 vice videos. 1990 psychic told him he would begin receiving messages from the spirit world. And then he went on a BBC show in 1990 and it really changed his life. And that's where all the lizard stuff kind of started, the trajectory got much stronger from then on. But to give background on this guy, this guy, he was like a loner as a kid. I always makes me nervous when I read stuff like that about people with their childhood,
Starting point is 00:08:37 like one of the warning signs of them just being a nut job is that they were a loner. Because just because I was a loner as a kid, so I'm like, yeah, am I in the same camp? I mean, who's crazier? The guy who talks, creates and believes in lizard people or the guy dedicating a day off of work to researching and then talking about on a free podcast, lizard people.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I don't know. But this guy, he was born in Britain in 1952. And Loner's kid then got into soccer, football, as they say across the pond, and became good enough at football that he went basically semi-pro is what I understand. I mean, technically pro, but he was like doing it in the evenings when he was young, had a day job. So it's not like he was David Beckham. Maybe at that day, it was more of a part-time thing.
Starting point is 00:09:30 But I just think he was like, he was kind of moving into the higher pro ranks. And Britain and then he got arthritis. Could do it. He ended up becoming a sports journalist and working for the BBC on a number of shows to the point that he was even one of the commentators in the 88 Olympics.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And got sent around the world working for them. It was part of like the sports guy on a BBC morning show called Breakfast Time, which is like the England's first big morning show. He became a household name. And I'm just giving you this backstory because the fall that is about to come up, it was epic. This is what really attracted me to this whole story of lizard people and everything. This guy just incredible, these kind of real life stories. Where this guy builds over a couple decades himself into a household name as a television presenter
Starting point is 00:10:20 and sports commentator. And then he starts getting into some new age stuff, which for him ends up becoming like, I think like the gateway drug into the hard shit. You know, he's getting into like, you know, the Green Party, some environmentalism and stuff, which is, you know, not bad at all. I think that's all that's great. The observer at one point called him the Greens Tony Blair, you know, he was one of its principal speakers of the Green Party. And within that party, he started to dabble in like alternative medicine, new age philosophies,
Starting point is 00:10:52 which again, all right, dabble, whatever. But then he gets, you know, as people often do in my experience in that kind of world, they get into, it's like, you know, getting really into new age to me, it's just like getting really into, you know, Christian fundamentalism or something. You just started letting your mind,
Starting point is 00:11:08 once you free it from science, and you free it from tactile experiences, legitimate kind of exploration experiences, where it's like, oh, okay, I see that, and I see how that works. Oh, there's an equation for that and you're like, nope, I'm not gonna believe in scientific articles necessarily more.
Starting point is 00:11:29 I'm gonna, if anything, I'm gonna think that there's people putting those out there for some political agenda and I'm gonna believe in, you know, quartz, warden off spirits or, you know, turquoise, giving me positive energy or Jesus, you know, keep me from getting, or Jesus, keep me from getting raped. I don't know, that's probably a harsh example,
Starting point is 00:11:49 but I hear people that fucking go to these places and their heads, Jesus helps them win their baseball game, or whatever, the crystals help them sleep at night. I'm a skeptic, I don't fucking buy it. Any of that shit. He goes on that path. To the point that he's taking trips around the world, like in 91, he visited this in Peru. There's some like ancient dwellings.
Starting point is 00:12:17 There's a circle of like waste-high stones. It's some of ancient burial ground, pre-Inca. And he's stood in a circle. He had two thoughts that people would be talking about this in a hundred years. Okay. Narcissistic there. And it would be over when it rained. All right?
Starting point is 00:12:34 That's weird. And then I'm reading this from Wikipedia, by the way. This little bit here, David Ike's Wikipedia. His body shook as they'll plugged into an electrical socket. He wrote new ideas poured into him. He started having all his chakras firing on all their cylinders. And he's elevated himself to a higher level of consciousness. Eh, okay.
Starting point is 00:12:57 All right, so that's, so then he does that. Then he goes into his, and this is a turquoise period. And then it was in 91 actually, when he did woke, I mean, I said 90 earlier. So he's getting into this all this weird stuff. And then all of a sudden, now think about this, this is somebody who, if you are somebody in your 40s or 50s, in 1991 in Britain odds are,
Starting point is 00:13:18 you have seen David Ike covering various sports matches you want, I mean, it would be like, Al Michaels, or some, trying to think of some example of John Madden, or maybe even more of a traditional, like a Matt Lauer, like all the crap Matt Lauer got a while back for a mishandling presidential interview.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I'm a Magiative Matt Lauer. All of a sudden came out on somebody else's show in an all turquoise track suit and announced himself as the Godhead and said that, you know, that he was gonna give signs. You know, he's the God was speaking through him, spirits were speaking through him and that the earth was gonna cease to exist
Starting point is 00:14:04 and there was gonna be all these crazy, you know, tidal waves and earthquakes and, but, you know, he can help us through this if we do certain things to, I mean, just, just crazy. Like he has the most insane, you can find it on YouTube actually, David Ike, if you would David Ike, Wogan interview, Terry Wogan, he, it's the most bananas thing. Like the comments on there are like, this guy is obviously he's get to frenic, but you know, he's, he's actually not saying any more schizophrenic things than somebody. And my, as a non religious person, somebody really talking about how, you know, God is definitely doing this and God is definitely doing that.
Starting point is 00:14:39 Like you're both pointing to something that no one can see, you know, his, his story was just a little less thought out, you know, didn't have history on its side. So he goes to the laughing stock of the whole nation, like he can't leave his house. Like people are mocking, people will wait outside his house to mock him to chant, we want the Messiah. Give us a sign, David. Like, he's a public pariah. Any bunkers down and he starts working on his books.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That's where the lizard stuff really gets picks up some steam. In the big book that came out, the biggest secret is the one that really, this is this is 99. Yeah, I think you get a couple others before this, but you really hunkered down, it's changed his life 91. And this, and I wish that like, we live in a world where somebody could come out with some crazy book talking about how there's been
Starting point is 00:15:41 some bloodline going back to the beginning of human civilization where humans have made it with extraterrestrial lizards and that the lizards are controlling the earth because they need to feed off of our emotions. Like it's the most crazy shit. And you're probably like, God, why do you do your research a little better and figure out how to explain what the lizards want? It's so fucking crazy that the more you research it, just the less sense it makes and the harder it gets to articulate
Starting point is 00:16:12 What they're talking about But the crazy thing is it's out, you know It's not like he puts his book out and then it just gets panned and people are like nah, okay. All right, buddy Yes, come on now. What's what's going on? That's nuts. What are you talking about? No, it propels him, like he sells tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, I think of copy, maybe even millions.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I want to say I saw that somewhere, like millions of copies of his books over the years. Like he's made a living for a long time now, selling these books and speaking to lecture halls, full of people who are not mocking him, who are with him, who are like, finally, somebody is brave enough to talk about these goddamn lizards. Like it's unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:16:56 He says like, you know, 33 of last 40 US presidents have been lizards and all this. And then you go to Amazon, the book, the biggest secret, and you look at the ratings. And it's scarier than David Ike. Like it's scary that he thinks all this, scarier to me that people so easily believe such insanity. And just the kind of things they say to kind of back up that this guy must be right. There is one in here that, oh my gosh, this is so good.
Starting point is 00:17:28 This is a top customer review of the biggest secret on Amazon. And I'm just gonna read it. Some guy, Jimmy, some guy's Jimmy's reviews. June 4, 2001 says five stars, five out of five stars. Just by the way, the book rated 296 customer reviews, three and a half out of five stars. And this is a book that came out, you know, like again, 2001, when people weren't doing the Amazon rating as much. So I bet. So if this book came out today, I'm thinking you could times that number by 20. You know, probably most of the people who bought
Starting point is 00:18:01 and absorbed this book weren't doing it through Amazon and living a rating. So anyway, You know, probably most of the people who bought and absorbed this book weren't doing it through Amazon and living a rating. So anyway, way more popular than it should be. And this guy, Jimmy says, David Ike, with his horrid mullet haircut and his less than appealing fashion sense, has long been a figure of fun in the UK. A couple of days ago, I was browsing my local bookshop when a middle-aged couple asked a girl to counter where they could find this very book. She and her colleagues burst out laughing before directing the blushing pair to the new age occult section of the store. I certainly does not belong to either of these fields in parenthesis right there. The couple fingered a copy of the biggest secret obviously embarrassed. They soon left without making a
Starting point is 00:18:36 purchase and with their tails between their legs. What if you mean those are tails? I had wanted to assure them that it was a worthy read, but I stalled for fear of being ridiculed as well. And they had gone before I mustered the courage. I don't know why I'm changing my accent as I read this. This is significant because believing in what you feel to be right and not being deterred by fear of public ridicule, by mother fuckers named Dan Cummins, for example, added that part,
Starting point is 00:19:05 is in many ways of the core of what Ike is saying. This is why a not all caps, a not impressively endowed Ike pictures himself but naked on the cover of I-A-Me, I am free. He's demonstrating that he has liberated himself from the derogatory value judgments of society in the media.
Starting point is 00:19:27 They mock him and he happily supplies them with more fuel to continue doing so. For this alone he deserves respect. We all want to be free of the pressure to conform, don't we? Ike doesn't profess to be someone special. He wants us all to be exposed to the truth, whatever that might be, and make informed choices about our lives. Each of us can choose our own individual path, not some collective path that everyone must follow or suffer the wrath of the majority. Okay, it goes on quite some time. It goes on for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:19:55 The only other thing I'll say is he's a humanist, a man who believes we should celebrate diversity and treat everybody on the planet with respect and love, the reptilians need love more than anybody, he says. Wow, holy shit. So much there. So this guy, this guy who follows him, I love that he uses proof of a guy flashing his small dick in a book as, you know, hey man, Lizard's conspiracy is clearly real, or why wouldn't, why would you fucking put his dick on
Starting point is 00:20:27 the book yeah i thought they have an argument that guy to bar get a couple beers and that guy that you tell me you tell me if lizards are not ruling the universe then tell me right now why david ike
Starting point is 00:20:43 put a picture of his tiny dick on the cover of one of his books. I mean, how else do you explain it then? Man, and he loves the lizards. Okay. Okay, so this is where it all comes from. This guy's written a shit ton of books. Who are they?
Starting point is 00:20:58 What do they want? What do they come from? There's a great article on top10s.net. T-O-P-T-E-N-Z.net. Ten things you should know about the reptilian conspiracy theory. Let's just dig into that. There are two schools of thought. And most of this comes from David Ice teaching.
Starting point is 00:21:12 Two schools of thought about where the reptilians came from. You know, some believe they evolved here on Earth, left Earth, Earth after they mastered intergalactic travel, you know, as lizards do, you gotta be liz, you do that. That's what lizards, if you've ever seen a lizard, I mean, that part actually doesn't make sense to me.
Starting point is 00:21:27 When I see a lizard, I think that flucker could travel through space, if given, you know, a couple of years of evolution, easily, easily could build and craft and zip a shuttle around. No doubt. Okay, return bill is years later. Others believe their home planet is in the Draco constellation, supposedly they came where thousands of years ago, in the Draco constellation, supposedly they came where thousands of years ago, share the earth with people,
Starting point is 00:21:48 then they decided they were forced to go undercover and hid themselves from our reality. They also started to interbreed with humans by altering our DNA similar to the way that people alter a computer code. Okay, all right, that's nonsense. This altering of our DNA is twofold effect. The alter our DNA so we don't use our brains to its full capacity.
Starting point is 00:22:06 God, I wonder why I wasn't as smart as I was as mother fucking lizards. Newtling in my brain waves. I put an limit on our consciousness, making it easier to control. As evidence, I point to the fact that we have reptile genes within our brain. Mm-hmm, there you go. Another interesting leap of logic there. Well we have reptilian DNA, so clearly those bastards are living in underground cities getting to our surface with tunnels and feeding on our negative emotions, which is part of
Starting point is 00:22:39 the belief system with us. Okay, so people with reptile DNA can be possessed by reptilians blah blah blah. Okay, they have power in every single country. Reptilians have created a global prison. The people don't even realize they're in, it's like the matrix, but with lizards. Sum it up, you know, it's a lot of unusual information. Essentially, lizard people altered our brains to limit their ability, our brains ability, installed most, if not all world leaders thought history. These leaders in turn contributed to all major historical events.
Starting point is 00:23:06 For thousands of years, they've been poisoned humans. All this was done to ensure that they control humankind. Because that is what I've read. Some of these things that basically what they do is, for some reason, they need their food. Like if you're hungry, you get, you know, I don't know, a sandwich or a pasta or salad or gluten-free, non-GMO vegan fucking paste or whatever,
Starting point is 00:23:35 whatever nourishes you. Some kind of thing that you chew or at least swallow or at least put into your stomach through a hole the doctor has made. Lizards do none of that. They feed on emotion. It's like their food. Sometimes blood.
Starting point is 00:23:52 There's a lot of information out there. Some of the things they eat, like human babies and stuff. I'm guessing that's like dessert. I'm guessing you're like, you know, you had a nice feast of emotion, you know, because of a war that you manipulated to happen. And so people are suffering and you're like, mmm, getting at a sweet emotion, coming down through the tunnels. And then you're like, oh, man, but I need something sweet. You're like, ooh, look at that baby. You know, mmm, mmm, mmm. And so, again, as lizards do.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Yeah, and there's all these theories about how they live in underground cities, like huge cities, okay, it's fucking, and they came to Earth by the way, this is something for an Asserts from Monatomic Gold, because, you know, well, they need that, and I don't even know if that's a thing, I'll try to look it up on the internet, you cannot find addition,
Starting point is 00:24:42 and excuse me, you cannot find a definition for Monatomic gold. It's like new AG stuff on those websites only. And it's like a gold powder. Doesn't explain how the gold becomes powder. It's like two atoms instead of three by some nonsense, but it's supposed to rev up your central nervous system.
Starting point is 00:25:00 And anyway, the lizards, we have a lot of that, apparently, according to some of these random, weird websites that do not seem valid in the Earth. And the lizards need that to shape shift, which is why they chose to come to Earth. And they can shape shift to confuse us to feed off our emotion. There, does it make sense? Okay, who believes this stuff?
Starting point is 00:25:19 12 million people in the US alone, according to one survey. Unbelievable. All right, so let's sum it up. Five top facts. Take away from the lizard people. This actually needs to sum it up. This is some new information to five top facts. Number one, they have a moon base.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Fucking wake up, listener. Look at the moon tonight. Look at it hard. See if you don't see a lizard crawl around it or something. Another theory, the moon's origins not share the popularity of the mainstream theories. To haul it out planetoid, partially artificial, kind of space-based,
Starting point is 00:25:50 still in use by the lizard people. And they use it to control our thoughts, all right? You know, okay? There you go. Is there any science to explain that? No, it's just obvious. The Moon is organic machinery, our bodies, our containers for our souls or
Starting point is 00:26:05 consciousnesses and as soon as a conscious being human or not dies on earth, he or she's trapped in the prison planet with the moon with a magnetic field as a net keeping us from escaping the matrix, controlled by reptilian leek. God damn it, I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. Now we are forced to reincarnate here to be used as a cheap energy source and to be their eternal slaves. That's from a very reliable website called reptilianilluminati.wordpress.com. Moon Origins article. Number two, they sacrifice humans.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Article by David Ike, Satanism, not just sickness and a perversion, although it is that also. As he says, it's the main reason for existence, from the brotherhoods point of view, is to control the Earth's magnetic field, fact, to worship and connect with reptile masters, fact, to drink the life force of sacrifice victims, fact, to provide energy for the reptilians who appear to feed off human emotion, especially fear, pretty sure, double fact. Yep, their sacrifices are literally sacrifices to the gods.
Starting point is 00:27:04 Mm-hmm. Okay, are you still with me? That was another David Ike article. Three, three, approximately 12 million US citizens believe reptiles control the government. Yeah, seriously. This is a 2013 poll conducted by public polling policy. It was an article on the Atlantic, fairly reliable website, examining American belief in conspiracy theory. You know, like stuff like JFK was killed by, you know, intentionally 51% believe that.
Starting point is 00:27:36 Aliens, you just 29% bush intentionally misled us to get into Iraq, 44%. Vaccines are linked to autism, 20%. CIA developed crack, 14% big foot exists, 14%. And then you go down to the bottom, lizard people control politics, 4%, we're like, we have 4%, 12 and a half million people. Okay, roughly 4%, that's roughly one in 20. People are like, yeah, yeah, yeah, fucking lizards. Oh yeah, oh, ah, come on.
Starting point is 00:28:08 So which politicians are lizards? That's number four. Four, which politicians are lizards? Obama, Romney, Gingrich, Ted Cruz. Putin is not, and this is in the article in the Atlantic as well, called How to Spot Reptilians, running us, running our government. And part of it how you spot them is on YouTube, look up YouTube videos for this, their eyes, uh, blink in a different way than our eyes.
Starting point is 00:28:30 They're vertical instead of horizontal because they got lizard eyes. Hello! Lizard eyes. Putin, though, does not believe in them. And he's, uh, there was a very relevant article on your newswire.com talking about Putin behind closed doors revealing that he's, you know, he's had to work with lizards for years. Five, guard your monotomic gold.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Okay. This is what David Ike said. He wanted to pass on some information. He said he'd been chatting to Brian Desivoreau, my scientist friend in California. That sounds legit. He's been talking to a scientist friend. And we have been discussing monotomic gold. It comes in a white powder., has two-dimensional atomic structure. With regular gold, has three-dimensional
Starting point is 00:29:09 structure, okay? Sure. Without going into scientific detail, I feel like after that, it should say, like always, when you consume this monotomic gold by mouth or injection, it increases the current capacity of the nervous system by 10,000 times. See, that's what I was saying earlier. This would allow a person to process fantastic amounts of information like a supercomputer. And when enough has been absorbed, it would allow them to consciously move through other dimensions and shape shift, because suddenly the brain is activated to open those vast areas
Starting point is 00:29:36 that we do not use in today's world. Mm-hmm. This substance gave, gives the reptilians amazing abilities of process information and shape shift. I'm sure the ancient Egyptians, Samarians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians, This substance gave, gave us the reptilians amazing abilities of process information and shapeshift. I'm sure the ancient Egyptians, Samarians, Babylonians, and Phoenicians, etc. used this or more actually the ruling elite did. So, if that's, make us do all that. Why don't we just start doing it now?
Starting point is 00:29:57 Because you can, apparently, you can find it on the web. Where is it, David Ike? Where is the mana atomic gold? So, there it is. Where is it, David Ike? Where is the mana atomic gold? So there it is, 30 minutes. I just explained the lizard illuminati conspiracy theory. It's convoluted as that was, probably as good as anyone can in 30 minutes. So you can spend the next several days if you want, finding out more about lizards, if
Starting point is 00:30:24 you want to. Let more about lizards, if you want to, you know, let me know what you think. Let me know if I miss some things that are fun. You know, go to the website, dandcomons.tv, you can link to all my social media. I'm on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, I'll probably be on some of the others eventually because that's the way things go. And then hit me up, let me know what you think of the podcast, rated on iTunes, rated on Amazon, get my new album, don't wake the bear, it's out now, it. And, man, hit me up. Let me know what you think of the podcast. Rated on iTunes, Rated on Amazon.
Starting point is 00:30:45 Get my new album, don't wake the bear. It's out now. It's my fifth one. Create a free Pandora station. If you want to check out, see what my standups all about and find out, you know, other comics, about other comics who are similar in sensibility to me. I recommend that.
Starting point is 00:30:59 Do that. And keep listening, man, to time suck, man. We're gonna dig in deep on a new subject every week and I will try in around 30 minutes to give you the best of what I spent much, much more time messing around in. And be careful, be careful out there because apparently there is a very, very strong possibility
Starting point is 00:31:24 that space lizards are doing a lot of nefarious shit. you

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