Timesuck with Dan Cummins - 230 - Armenian Genocide

Episode Date: February 8, 2021

This might be the first episode to get me death threats. The Turkish government does NOT like being accused of genocide, and neither do many of its citizens. But during WW1, genocide is exactly what t...he Young Turks orchestrated. Roughly 1.5 million Armenians were killed. And between 1900 - 1923, up to 4.3 million Armenian, Greek, Assyrian, and other smaller ethnic groups of Christian were massacred by the Ottoman Empire and their successors committed to the racist and xenophobic ideology of Pan-Turkism. Today's story is a crazy one. The craziest part about it is that it is not more well known. And it is not well known primarily because of Turkey's consistent and constant denial that it ever happened. It is literally illegal in Turkey to accuse the Turkish government of having committed genocide. They have cut off relations with other nations for accusing them of genocide. It's a topic that needs to be talked about more and I hope you are as fascinated by today's information as I am. Thanks for helping Bad Magic Productions give $12,200 this month to No Kid Hungry https://www.nokidhungry.org/ Click the link to learn more. Watch the Suck on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Cj6OtU58AQg Merch - https://badmagicmerch.com/ Discord! https://discord.gg/tqzH89v Want to join the Cult of the Curious private Facebook Group? Go directly to Facebook and search for "Cult of the Curious" in order to locate whatever current page hasn't been put in FB Jail :) For all merch related questions/problems: store@badmagicproductions.com (copy and paste) Please rate and subscribe on iTunes and elsewhere and follow the suck on social media!! @timesuckpodcast on IG and http://www.facebook.com/timesuckpodcast Wanna become a Space Lizard? We're over 10,000 strong! Click here: https://www.patreon.com/timesuckpodcast Sign up through Patreon and for $5 a month you get to listen to the Secret Suck, which will drop Thursdays at Noon, PST. You'll also get 20% off of all regular Timesuck merch PLUS access to exclusive Space Lizard merch. You get to vote on two Monday topics each month via the app. And you get the download link for my new comedy album, Feel the Heat. Check the Patreon posts to find out how to download the new album and take advantage of other benefits.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Armenian genocide. As the beginning of World War I and 1914, over two million Armenians lived in the fading Ottoman Empire. By 1922, there were fewer than 400,000. The others, over 1.5 million, killed by a systematic plan developed by the Ottoman's young Turks party, given the acronym, the CUP. They wanted to stay composed of nothing but Turkish Muslims and the Christian Armenians were one of the largest minority groups standing in the way of that. Involved and yet another war with Russia when World War I kicked off, the Turks killed Armenians under the pretense that if they didn't, the Armenians would rise up and join the Russian attackers.
Starting point is 00:00:35 Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were made to march to the desert with many dying along the way, not just from starvation and illness, but from brutal massacres carried out by Ottoman agents who then robbed them of their few possessions. Hundreds of thousands of others were not killed under the pretense of deportation. They were just butchered in their villages, homes, and the streets. Over a hundred years later, the modern day Turkish government continues to deny that the collected acts of violence against the Armenians was truly a genocide. They protested it was nothing more than spontaneous violence, an unfortunate
Starting point is 00:01:05 result of wartime confusion, and definitely not government sanctioned. And they're lying. They've been lying about it for so long. The Armenian genocide of the early 20th century wasn't even the first time the Turks had attempted to wipe out the Armenians. They killed a few hundred thousand other unarmed Armenians just two decades before. There's no debate, no controversy, no confusion. The Ottoman Empire was ruthless. Their government was led by pan-Turkish butchers for decades. Their mistreatment of the Armenians goes back centuries. What they did during World War I went beyond the scope
Starting point is 00:01:36 of any of the many human rights violations they've committed and continued to commit. In the final years of the Ottoman Empire, rulers desperate to cling to some semblance of former glory and power, tried to answer once and for all what they called the Armenian question. A state sanctioned and state-led genocide. Modern historians not living in Turkey all seem to agree that the thousands of eyewitness accounts given by Armenians and others who were there are not lies in propaganda. Horrific sites were witnessed by many, like rivers carrying thousands of severed heads downstream.
Starting point is 00:02:07 It happened and not all that long ago. Hitler took notes in a memo to his army commanders on August 22nd 1939, the former German furor wrote, thus for the time being, I have sent to the east only my death's head units with the orders to kill without pity or mercy. All men, women and children to kill without pity or mercy. All men, women, and children of Polish, race, or language. Only in such a way will we win the vital space
Starting point is 00:02:30 that we need, who still talks nowadays about the Armenians. We do, motherfuckers. We talk about the Armenians today and we refuse to accept Turkey's continualize on a dark and detailed, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. And we really don't want to repeat this edition of Time Suck. This is Michael McDonald and you're listening to Time Suck, your mistake to Time Suck. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:04 Happy Monday, Midsax. Welcome to the Cult of the Curious. Hop on in here. He'll Nimrod, he'll lose to Athena, praise both jangles, and you might want to play some Michael motherfuckin McDonald after today's suck, to kind of cleanse, kind of lighten things back up. This shit is crazy. One of the most fascinating episodes I've ever been a part of in the four and a half years
Starting point is 00:03:23 of this show just really, really pulled me in just so eye opening and just I'm still just so much in awe of how did I not know so much of this almost, you know, I almost knew almost none of this before. It's crazy how much of this has been hidden. I'm Dan Kelman's the master sucker, the profit of Nimrod you are listening to time suck. Real quick before we get into the show, two quick announcements. One new canned dumbass, House of Flying Snakes,
Starting point is 00:03:49 Tee in the store today at BadMagicMarch.com. Woo! What kind of idiot doesn't know flying snakes are very real! canned dumbass! Seriously, we have a canned dumbass shirt and it's pretty sweet. It's pretty sweet. Also excited to announce the February charity donation. Thanks, Space Assistant for helping us.
Starting point is 00:04:10 Here at Bad Magic Productions, donate $12,200 to nokidhungry.org. Before the pandemic, millions of hungry kids relied on school for food and with many schools remaining closed, children are missing the meals they need. With many parents out of work, more kids in the US are hungry than they've been in recent memory. As a child hunger organization, ending childhood hunger is the primary focus of no kid hungry.org. We also do lots of other great additional work. It's a fantastic charity. The donations can help them out a ton to find out more to maybe donate more yourself. Go to nokidhungry hungry dot org link in the episode description. And now, after talking about giving some help to those who needed, we must go
Starting point is 00:04:50 bear witness to the horror that was the Armenian genocide when those who needed so much help did not receive it. The Armenian genocide isn't nearly as well known as the Holocaust, not because it was less horrific, but because it hasn't been acknowledged in the same way, not at all. And most of the lack of that acknowledgement has stemmed from the Turkish government, continues to stem from the Turkish government. As I pointed out, the show is open. They just won't confess, despite a preposterous amount of evidence.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Turkey refuses to acknowledge it to this day, and due to fear of them severing diplomatic relations to any country that does acknowledging much of the rest of the world has also refused to explicitly acknowledge that a true genocide occurred at least until very recently as in like the last couple of years as in a century after it happened More on how the rest of the world deals with and has dealt with Turkey towards the end of today's show. In addition to Turkey's century old continual denial, another reason that the international community has been reluctant to accept that the term Armenian genocide has happened, or at least was reluctant initially to accept that it happened was because the term genocide
Starting point is 00:05:59 hadn't been coined when it occurred. The man who went to invent the word genocide, Raphael Lemkin, a lawyer of Polish Jewish origin, was inspired to investigate government-sponsored mass murder directly because of the accounts of the massacres of Armenians and other ethnic Christians in the Ottoman Empire. Lemkin, another awesome Polish meat sack. Damn it, keeps getting harder and harder. Make jokes about the Polish. So many of Europe's greatest hearts and noblest minds do in fact seem to be Polish. Maybe I should start making fun of Norwegians instead.
Starting point is 00:06:29 I'm part of, I'm part of Norwegian, right? That makes it okay, right? And I gotta say, not a lot of Norwegians come up in these sucks, what's going on there? What the hell is they've been up to? Besides zipping around on roller skis, eating brown cheese. Those are both very real Norwegian things, by the way. Anyways, Lemkin did not coin the word genocide until 1943,
Starting point is 00:06:46 applying it to Nazi Germany's treatment of Jews in a book he published the following year. But he started thinking about it because of the Armenian genocide. He also applied the word to what happened to the Armenians, and that really pissed off the Turkish government who have refused to acknowledge the existence of that word ever since,
Starting point is 00:07:02 at least in terms, you know, applying it to them. The term genocide, such a taboo and shameful word, because of the weight it carries. So taboo because of the outright evil, the accusation of committing it conveys that a group of people, typically a government, actually planned and carried out, or at least attempted to carry out
Starting point is 00:07:21 the utter annihilation of a nationality or ethnic group. It's about as evil and cold blood as you can get. Denissite is the ultimate state crime. And it almost always is a state crime because generally only a government has the resources to carry out such a mass system of destruction. There isn't anything worse a government can do to a group of people than to kill them, than to try to kill all of them. Maybe this is why the government of Turkey continues to claim that the Armenian genocide
Starting point is 00:07:46 just, you know, never happened. Maybe they just don't want to accept that their predecessors, their great, great grandfather could carry out something so vile and heinous. Maybe it's just too horrible of a pill to swallow. The Turks don't deny that the slaughter roughly, you know, 1.5 million Armenians happen, they just want to blame it on the overall chaos of World War I. And I will carefully illustrate today how that is simply not even close to the truth. Ample evidence to illustrate the system, the systemic and mass killing of Armenians was
Starting point is 00:08:14 planned and administered by the Turkish government. The US ambassador and Constantinople, a city now known as Istanbul, Henry Morgan Thal senior who was there, witnessed the events of the genocide unfold, used to term his own creation that means the same thing as genocide, used it at the time. Morgan Thal was a German-born Jew who had come to the US as a 10 year old boy, but appointed an, eh, appointed ambassador to the Ottoman Empire by President Woodrow Wilson in 1913. I'm so excited about this stuff, Fumbling my words more than normal. In his urgent reports to the state department,
Starting point is 00:08:47 he described a systemic slaughter of Armenians as nothing short of, quote, race murder. He called it the time race murder. So, you know, genocide. It was very aware that Armenian people were being subjected to deportation, expropriation, abduction, rape, torture, massacre, widespread starvation. And he said so. He said so at the time he urged Turkish government officials to stop the madness, time and time again, reported to his superiors in Washington DC over and over again. What was going on to no avail? We'll follow his quest to get recognition and help for the Armenian community in today's
Starting point is 00:09:22 timeline. A big question we need to first answer before we get into the timeline of genocidal events is motive. I got to establish motive for a crime. Why did the Turks do it? What was their motivation to kill the Armenians? This is a lengthy answer, but I think I've summarized it pretty well. In 1906, the most recent year we found comparative figures for the Ottoman Empire was home to almost 21 million people.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That year, the Muslim population composed over 76% of the population, Armenians around 5%. It's over a million Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire in 1906. Why worry about such a small portion of the population? Well, to fully understand that answer, we have to go back almost 14 centuries. One of the world's greatest 20th century tragedy started many, many centuries prior over some cheese. That's right, cheese coming up again. The Ottomans insisted that everyone in their kingdoms
Starting point is 00:10:14 eat only halal cheeses. That is, cheeses made only with rennet from animals slaughtered in their traditional manner, prescribed by Islamic law. Rennet is an extract from the fourth stomach of animals, such as young cows and sheep. It's a number of enzymes designed to help digest their mother's milk. He's in the rennet and these enzymes essential to the cheese making process and Christian
Starting point is 00:10:34 Armenian butchers, while they were fucked when they came to making this cheese because they couldn't literally kill any animals in accordance with Islamic law because a halal butcher has to be Muslim. And this was very important because the Armenians were real big fans of Chechal cheese, kind of Armenian mozzarella, it's fucking delicious, and you can't make a proper barrack without it, right? I mean, it's fucking cheese turnover. You tell me how you supposed to make a cheese turnover without cheese.
Starting point is 00:10:59 And the Muslim halal butchers, they were going to make it because they didn't give two shits about Chechal. And this cheese dilemma, well, it's snowballed into, I'll stop now. That's nonsense. No, that's crazy talk. The origin of the Armenian Genocide doesn't have shits to do with cheese, but I do hope at least one person knew to the show, was like, what the fuck? And they had to pause and they had to go talk to some people, and they're like, get this.
Starting point is 00:11:18 Get a load of this. Anyway, back to some reality here. The Ottoman motivation for the Armenian Genocide that occurred primarily in 1915 and 1960, but didn't really stop fully until 1923 when the Ottoman Empire finally ceased to exist, and then it actually continued further, it'll make sense more in the timeline. It had been building for centuries.
Starting point is 00:11:37 The Armenian kingdom of Solisia was conquered by Ottomans way back in 1375 CE, and prior to that, Christian Armenians had been battling Muslim rulers for several centuries. The Armenian people made their home in the Caucasus region of Eurasia for at least 3,000 years have made their home there. Today that region between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea contains the mighty Caucasus. Those mountains is mainly occupied by Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and parts of southern Russia. And the mountainous kingdom of Armenia has bounced back and forth from being an independent entity
Starting point is 00:12:11 and being under the thumb of some foreign ruler so many times during the roughly three millennia of its existence. Much like Poland, Armenia has suffered from being founded in a very unfortunate geographical location, currently perennially stuck in between larger warring empires. At one point, the Armenians were conquered by the Romans, and another by the Byzantine Empire, the Russians have conquered them several times, but no one has conquered and dominated them as long as it is often as Muslim rulers have. Those who'd kingdoms had risen up from south of Armenia. Armenians failed to integrate with their Muslim overlords because of their deeply rooted
Starting point is 00:12:48 connection to Christianity. And the beginning of the fourth century CE, Armenia became the very first nation in the whole world to make Christianity its official religion. And a few centuries later, this belief system put it at odds with Middle Eastern Muslim invaders coming up from below. Yerevan, the capital of Armenia, is almost 2000 miles due north of Mecca, which may seem, excuse me, like a long ways, but it was the closest any Christian nation was to Mecca when Islam was born, one of the closest.
Starting point is 00:13:19 Early Muslim invaders first reached Armenia way back in 639 CE, just 29 years after the Muslim prophet and founder Muhammad, according to tradition, began receiving his divine revelations. Armenia was the first Christian kingdom to be conquered by a Muslim kingdom. The Muslims conquered a portion of Armenia that same year that they arrived in Christians and Muslims have been fighting in that area ever since, for almost 1400 years. They have not gotten along for almost as long as it has been possible for Christians and Muslims to not get along. Just six years after making contact in 645 CE, the rest of Armenia fell to the Russia-Dune-Caliphate. And for the following eight centuries, control of the Armenian region shifted from one empire to another.
Starting point is 00:14:01 Then during the 15th century, Armenia was absorbed into the mighty Ottoman Empire. The government that would initiate the Armenian genocide in its final years. The Ottoman rulers like most of their subjects were Muslim. While the Ottomans permitted religious minorities like the Christian Armenians to maintain some autonomy, they were allowed to continue to worship and carry out their traditions and customs, but big, but they were also subjugated. You know, subjected to a number of very unfair laws. They were viewed as infidels.
Starting point is 00:14:33 People who didn't belong to the same religion, you know, as the kind of over culture, and they were exploited. The Armenians, other Christians and Jews had to, for example, pay higher taxes in Muslims. They had very few political and legal rights. Christians couldn't even be used as witnesses during trials. I think, well, I fucked up that is as an Armenian Christian and almost all Armenians were Christians. I mean, you could literally witness a Muslim killer brother or sister and then not be
Starting point is 00:14:59 able to testify as a witness at that trial. Did anyone actually see him kill you, Seth? I did your honor, as did my family and my neighbors. All 27 of us watch the murder unfold right before our very eyes. Interesting. And what's your favorite verse from the Quran? What? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:20 I don't know your honor. I'm Christian. You know what my favorite verse is? Christian? No, I don't. No, I don't know, you're on right, I'm Christian. You know, my favorite verse is Christian. No, I don't. No, I don't, you're on her. It's you sub-humans can get the fuck out of my court. I only allow human witnesses.
Starting point is 00:15:32 Now, go eat shit before I have you killed. You know, that kind of vibe. What rights the Armenians had ebbed and flowed over the centuries under what was known as the Ottomans Devsureme system that was first mentioned in written records in 1438, wasn't abolished until the early 18th century Armenians and other non-Muslim minorities were even required to pay a child levy or a blood tax. This shit is ridiculous. They were required to give roughly 20% of their male children to the state.
Starting point is 00:16:03 The kids taken between the ages of 8 and 10 were forced to convert to Islam and become slaves slash soldiers. So you know, that wasn't very nice way to treat the Armenians. In spite of bullshit like this, in spite of a lot of legal discriminations, in spite of sporadic organized ethnic group killings called pogroms, where Turks occasionally attacked Armenian villages, raping, looting, killing and destroying property. I went out for centuries, in spite of all this. In the 19th century, in many parts of Turkey, Christian Armenians were still thriving
Starting point is 00:16:30 in various communities, thriving more than their neighboring Muslims, and that led to a lot of resentment. It's very much paralleled what have been going on between Christians and Jews and much of Christian-dominated Europe for centuries. And Christian-dominated nations, Jews were discriminated against,
Starting point is 00:16:45 were despised all the more when they still thrived, despite the discrimination, and then in this Muslim dominated nation, Christians like the Armenians were despised when they still thrived. Then starting in the 1860s, some of the comparatively well-to-do Armenians started asking for more civil rights.
Starting point is 00:17:02 The fucking nerve, the nerf of these people, wanted to be treated as equals. Excuse me? The Ottomans did not like that at all, and their government basically told the Armenians to go get fucked. Then when a form of nationalism, including demands for equal rights and a push for autonomy,
Starting point is 00:17:16 began to spread in the 1870s amongst the Armenian communities of Anatolia, which is what the Turkish peninsula was called within the Ottoman Empire. Ottoman leadership worried that the empire's Islamic character. It's moral fabric. It's very identity and existence were being threatened. How much longer would their Muslim nation continue to be Muslim if Christianity was given
Starting point is 00:17:38 the opportunity to spread, to maybe flourish? Then the panic of 1873 hit a global financial crisis. It greatly weakened the economy of the empire, which led to more instability, more anger, more people, point and fingers, gave more incentive for the Ottomans to find someone to blame for many of their Muslim citizens, economic struggles. Armenians became a, you know, even bigger scapegoat for anything going wrong. Echoes of Nazi Germany here, you know, when Germany economically struggled in the wake of World One, uh, of World War One, excuse me, sanctions Hitler gave poor angry German people
Starting point is 00:18:11 the Jews as a scapegoat to blame for all their troubles. When the Ottoman struggled, the Sultan gave them the Armenians to blame. Same play, just different names for the actors. And it works because people fucking love a scapegoat. That mentality, that's still alive and well today. The illuminati the new world order the lizard people all the QAnon bullshit those belief systems also fueled in part by scapegoatie. It's not your fault you're not getting you know
Starting point is 00:18:34 more at a life it's illuminati's they've rigged the game you can't win. I don't think that explains all the motivations believe in those kind of conspiracies but I think it plays a big part comes from the same part of the brain five years later after the economy took a beating in 1878, the Ottomans get the shit kicked out of them by the neighboring Russians and the Russo-Turkish wars that lasted until 1879, wanted just many Russo-Turkish wars that had been going on for over two centuries. And there have been other wars. The Ottomans had been involved in lots and lots of wars.
Starting point is 00:19:02 A lot of them started over tensions between, you know, them and their Christian neighbors. As a result of this last war, Romania, Serbia, Montenegro, they all gained independence from the Ottoman Empire after, you know, Russia gave the Turks that ass-woven. Bulgaria also gained its independence, Bosnia, Herkus of Hers a Govina, where lost Austria-Hungary, Cyprus was lost to Britain, and the Armenians now they wanted to get out too, but they weren't able to. So not able to escape, not able to secede, they fought to at least be treated equals. You know, and in 1878, Armenian delegates traveled to the Congress of Berlin to lobby Europe's mightiest powers to intervene on their behalf, ensure that they would be treated fairly going
Starting point is 00:19:42 forward. And that visit did not sit well with Sultan Abdul Hamid II, who said, quote, well, fuck my ass. Say what? Swim, Mohammed. We're going to have to kill those motherfuckers. No, he said such great treachery towards religion and state. May they be cursed upon by God.
Starting point is 00:20:00 So he kind of said the same thing. The Sultan's pride was hurt. Sultan's empire was hemorrhaging territory, a shadow of its former self. This wasn't the first recent war he'd lost. They've been getting their ass kicked for a while, losing more and more land, losing almost all of it to Christian adversaries. Perfect time for escape, goat. Why aren't things going well for the Turks? Well, it's the fault of those treacherous Christian Armenians. If they just help out more, fight harder for the Ottomans, stop spiritually weakening their great nation by continually refusing to renounce their faith and adopt Islam, then the Ottoman Empire would be mighty once again.
Starting point is 00:20:32 A Sultan declared that he would solve, quote, the Armenian question once and for all. Sounds like a threat. Long held suspicions that the Christian Armenians would be more loyal to Christian governments, such as that of the Russians who shared an unstable border with Turkey than they were to the Ottoman caliphate had been confirmed now in the Sultan's eyes. He always suspected the Armenians were traders, this confirmed it, they were stubborn infidels who would have lived or who had lived for too long in the land of Islam. They'd insulted Islam for too long by continually century after century refusing to convert and it is thought that, ah, fuck them. In 1890, after continuing tensions and continuing pressure for civil rights reforms for Armenians
Starting point is 00:21:10 to Sultan told a reporter, I will soon settle those Armenians. I will give them a box on the ear which will make them relinquish their revolutionary ambitions. And then between 1894 and 1896, this box on the ear took the form of what many of called the first Armenian genocide. In response to large scale protests by Armenians to have the same rights as their neighbors, nothing more, Turkish military officials, soldiers and ordinary men sacked Armenian villages and cities and massacred their citizens. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were murdered and what is also being called
Starting point is 00:21:45 the Armenian massacre of 1894 to 1896 and also the Hamidi and massacre. They were killed at the hands of both Ottoman soldiers and non-military Muslim neighbors. Killed at the hands of angry mobs and numerous government sanctioned attacks. And many instances their homes were destroyed, Sunnis burned to the ground,. This led to more deaths as now many homeless Armenians starved or froze to death in the winter of 1895. Wow. We here in America certainly have many of our own historical dark deeds to account for, you know, plantations slavery, the trail of tears, Jim Crow laws, segregation, you know, et cetera. By the end of the 19th century, at least we weren't butchering a few hundred thousand people for wanting equal rights. Holy shit. William Sucklebond, or sorry, William Satchelben, there we go.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Never seen Satchelben before, is the name. An American journalist who happened to be in Urzorum, a city in Northeast Turkey after a massacre there in 1895, recounted the grizzly scene he came across in a lengthy letter to London's daily newspaper The Times. He wrote, What I myself saw this Friday afternoon, November 1st, is forever engraved on my mind as the most horrible sight a man can see. I went with one of the guards of the English, Legation, a soldier, my interpreter, and a photographer to the Gregorian cemetery along the wall in the north in a row 20 foot wide and 150 foot long lay 321 dead bodies of the massacre Armenians. Many were fearfully
Starting point is 00:23:11 mangled and mutilated. I saw one with his face completely smashed in with a blow of some heavy weapon after he was killed. I saw some with their own necks almost severed by a sword cut. One I saw whose whole chest had been skinned, his forearms were cut off while the upper arm was skinned of flesh. I asked if dogs had done this and was told, no, the Turks did it with their knives. A dozen bodies were half burned. All the corpses had been rifled of all their clothes except a cotton undergarment or two to be killed in battle by brave men is one thing to be butchered by cowardly armed soldiers in cold blood and utterly defenseless is another thing. I got it. It would have been utterly deplorable if they
Starting point is 00:23:53 kill people, you know, even with like firing squads in this situation, but this what the fuck even is this such savage butchery? No wonder the Turkish government doesn't want to confess to it. Perhaps the most disturbing single tragedy of the first series of attacks in the Armenians took place in the city of Urfa when Ottoman troops burned in American cathedral or sorry, in an Armenian cathedral in which 3,000 Armenians had taken refuge. Men, women, and children, the young, the elderly, the healthy, the sick, and they fucking set them on fire. And then shot dead anyone who tried to escape.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Burn them alive, skinned them, bashed in their heads, after bodies to rot in the streets, right? That'll teach them to want to be treated as equals. How crazy is all this shit? And how crazy that I'm guessing most of you listening, you've probably never heard of any of it. I hadn't. No one I talked to had heard of any of this.
Starting point is 00:24:40 The horrors I've laid out so far also, just a build up towards today's topic, just a bloody prelude. The Ottomans have been fucking over the Armenians ever since they first conquered them well over a thousand years before the genocide from the very beginning. Anyone who wasn't Muslim was treated as a second-class citizen. That was just status quo. For centuries, many of their children were stolen, forced to join the Ottoman army as slaves. They were taxed more than their Muslim neighbors.
Starting point is 00:25:03 They were denied the same rights. violence against them was routinely ignored. Then as the Ottoman Empire began to crumble, as land was lost, not just in the Russo-Turkish war, but in other skirmishes, I haven't mentioned, as some economic troubles swept across the land, the Armenians were treated worse than ever before. As more and more people across the world fought for equal rights late in the 19th century,
Starting point is 00:25:23 their Armenians were punished as much as someone can be punished as much as a group of people can be punished. Soldiers were sending the villages to rape, pillage, murder, neighbors, encouraged to join in explicitly, churches, businesses, homes, burnt to the ground. I'm not exaggerating. Then after World War I broke out in 1914, the Ottomans feared that their shrinking empire was about to collapse. And it was about to collapse.
Starting point is 00:25:45 They worried that the Russians would kick the shit out of them again, and the Russians would. And as the Russians and others began to kick the shit out of them, they worried that the Armenians would rise up and revolt to try to help the Russians and other Christian nations at odds with the Ottomans, and that actually did not happen in most parts of Turkey. There were some revolts, of course, to be sure, but most Armenian citizens did not revolt when World War One broke out. I'm guessing based on the history of dealing with the Turks, they were too afraid. But just in case they might start, the Ottomans thought that they should try and eradicate the people they'd already beaten, subjugated, killed for years. Just in case, that was truly their
Starting point is 00:26:21 rationale. They thought, especially after getting their asses kicked again in the Balkan Wars of 1912 and 1913 when they lost even more territory, almost everything they had left in Europe. And I'm speculating here, but somewhat, but not entirely. I think some of them just thought, ah, fuck it. The roof is already on fire. We don't need no water, let this motherfucker burn. We're going to go down. Let's at least try and take the Armenians with us.
Starting point is 00:26:41 The people we've despised for centuries. Dark days in Turkey, during World War I, real dark days for the Armenians. Other Ottomans did think that they still had a chance to survive the war, despite being heavily outnumbered, outgunned by the Russians, also by the Russian allies of Britain and France, later the US and others. And those who thought they had a chance of surviving seem to think that chance would be increased by killing the Armenian infidel. All right, now before I dig into today's into today's detail timeline of the topic, let me give a little overview of the genocide we will be covering.
Starting point is 00:27:13 The second Armenian genocide generally just referred to as the Armenian genocide. I referred to by Turkey as, you know, just to say that happened. It will help us not get too lost in the force of upcoming information once we're amongst the trees. The overwhelming majority of the atrocities committed against the Armenians collectively known as the Armenian genocide took place from 1915 to 1918. When the bulk of the Armenian population was forcibly removed from present-day Armenia and Anatolia, the big peninsula part of Turkey that you know, that makes up most that nation today, to present a Syria, then another part of Turkey that makes up most that nation today to present a Syria. Then another part of the Ottoman Empire with the vast majority would be sent into the desert
Starting point is 00:27:49 to concentration camps called the Dira Zor camps, where they would then die of thirst or hunger or violently the hands of sadistic guards. These camps, by the way, not quite like Nazi concentration camps. They really weren't camps at all. They were just large open fields, sometimes fenced off, you know, these fields of desert where our minions were just forced to stay, to stay and, you know, they just hoped that they would die. They were treated like cattle, except instead of being herded and moved towards a fresh pasture, they were moved to a desert pasture,
Starting point is 00:28:19 no water, no food eat. According to minority rights group and international human rights organization, those who survived the long journey south were hurt into huge open air concentration camps. The grimest of which was that, how do I say it again? The, the, the, the, the, the, the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the Empire. Their villages destroyed their churches burned, you know beaten, raped, murdered, just as they'd been so many times before. The decision to again answer the Armenian question wasn't something that just happened during the chaos of World War I. The decision to wipe out the Armenian people was made by the political party in power in the Ottoman Empire,
Starting point is 00:29:00 the new committee of union and progress, the CUPUP more commonly known as the young Turks and yes If that rings the bell, there is a YouTube channel It's been around for a long time because by the name of the young Turks and them having their names pretty fucked up Alex Galitsky who works for the Armenian National Committee of America stated Quote if a group decided to call themselves the young Nazis and pitched themselves as a disruptor or anti-establishment news outlet, people would be rightly outraged. And Alice is right. Why they won't change their name is beyond me. And I think you'll think the same thing by the end of today's episode.
Starting point is 00:29:36 If you don't already, I mean, you'll come to understand. Hopefully that call themselves the young Turks really is on par with call themselves the young Nazis. The young Turks were leaders of a reform movement within the Ottoman Empire that sought to replace an absolute monarchy with a constitutional government. And just like the soles before them, the young Turks despised the Armenians. They despised non-Muslims. They were, you know, in a word, the fucking worst.
Starting point is 00:29:59 Oh, all right, in three words. Greeks and Assyrians within the Ottoman Empire would also suffer mildly at their hands. Between 1914 and 1922, there are academic estimates of a Greek death toll ranging from 289,000 to 750,000 in Anatolia. Why also kill the Greeks? Because just like the Armenians, they were Christians. They were seen as infidels. They too had been dehumanized in the eyes of many Ottoman Muslims for centuries. Simultaneously, the Assyrian genocide was being carried out. This event sometimes referred to as Seifo, meaning the sword between 1914, 1924, contemporary newspapers reported Assyrian death tolls of 200,000 to 250,000. Why also kill them? I bet you can guess because of cheese. No, because of, you know, they were also Christian.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Christians living in the Ottoman Empire. So really the Armenian genocide was one of three being carried out. And many scholars see these three events as a singular event I do as well. And there were other groups being tired. This is so fucking crazy how big this can unravel. Like the Kurds. I'll mention them a bit later. The young Turks, a mother fuck so many different people it's distracting to the narrative to try and
Starting point is 00:31:08 track all of it. That's how bad they were. The Armenian genocide is part of a larger anti-Christian genocide where roughly two million and 250,000 people considered infadels were butchered by their Muslim rulers. Right. After previous Muslim rulers had butchered hundreds of thousands actually, according to some accounts, million others it's it's fucking crazy and i'd literally never heard about the massacre of all these people before uh... the only thing that seems to have kept this massacre from being smaller in size and the holocaust is the fact that the ottoman's just were losing territory instead of getting it
Starting point is 00:31:37 had they had a military machine similar to the nazis had they possessed more territory or a larger population uh... christians within their, you know, territory. I have no doubt that the death toll would have been much, much, much higher. The young Turks every bit as bad as Hitler and his fellow fuckheads, like the Nazis, the young Turks even used a secret paramilitary intelligence organization called the special organization to plan their systematic destruction of Armenians and others very similar to Hitler's SS.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And the violence didn't totally stop in 1918 when the, when we're wounded. It didn't stop when the young Turks surrendered, more massacres, expulsions, further mistreatment of Armenians continued all the way to 1923. And whenever I say Armenians going forward, you can almost always just add Greek and a Syrian as well. Further atrocities were carried out by the Turkish nationalists who represented a new political movement opposed to the young Turks, but who shared a common ideology of ethnic exclusivity. The Ottomans, the young Turks, the Turkish nationalists, different names, same shit.
Starting point is 00:32:35 What was the rest of the world doing about all these atrocities? Let's talk about the international response to the genocide. The international community did respond at least verbally and in writing. And may of 1915, great Britain, France and Russia advised the young Turks that they would be held personally responsible for these crimes against humanity. They were like, not cool, you guys. We don't like it. We don't approve.
Starting point is 00:32:57 We do not approve officially. Are these slaughter of defenseless and innocent men, women and children for the record? We think it's all pretty poopy here. And the young Turks were like, uh-huh. So when you guys come over to suck our dicks and friends, Britain and Russia were like, what? Never. Why, why do you say that? We're not coming over to do that.
Starting point is 00:33:14 We're telling you to, we don't like what you're doing, you know, with the genocide. Stop. So please stop it now. And then the young Turks were like, so like 9 p.m. then right before we go to bed. That's, that's good. Whoever Dicks ready. We appreciate, we appreciate you offering to suck them. And then friends, Britain and Russia were like, stop saying that. No, we right before we go to bed. That's good. We'll have a dick's ready. We appreciate you offering to suck them. And then friends, pretty much,
Starting point is 00:33:26 we're like, stop saying that! No, we're not talking about Dicks. We never made that offer. And then the young Turks were like, yeah, but you want to, don't you? I mean, you wouldn't keep talking about it if you didn't want to, a little bit, would you? And of course, that exchange didn't happen.
Starting point is 00:33:37 But that pretty much was their general sentiment. They didn't give a shit with the international community thought about what they were doing. They still don't. They kind of had this attitude of like, well, those Christians, you know, you know, complain about what we're doing here, they can also go get fucked. I wish we could kill them all.
Starting point is 00:33:51 There was a strong public outcry in the US against the mistreatment of the Armenians. Many private charities did help raise money for them, but no one, not America, Britain, France, Russia, not anyone else upset by what was going on. None of them actually took any strong actions against the Ottoman Empire, either to sanction their brutal policies or to salvage the Armenian people from the grip of extermination. Then later, no real steps were taken to require the post war Turkish governments to make restitution
Starting point is 00:34:14 to the Armenian people for their immense material and human losses. How could this happen? We'll address that more in the timeline, but the short answer is most of the rest of the world was busy dealing with other shit. Like, you know, like World War One. Okay, now we're almost ready for an eye opening and a heroin timeline. It should be noted that dates in the timeline are given according to the Western calendar.
Starting point is 00:34:35 There was a calendar discrepancy because of the calendar that the Ottomans were using that was not the Western calendar. I'm going to kick off our timeline shortly after the Ottoman Empire suffered a crushing defeat in the first Balkan war, looking for someone to blame, the CUP, aka the young Turks, accused Christians living in the Ottoman Empire of treachery and treason, causing more national contempt towards Christians in general, as if they fucking needed any more of that. Also the loss of land in the war resulted in the migration of hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees into Eastern Anatolia, compounding the conflict between Muslims and Christians overland
Starting point is 00:35:07 Now let's get into what may come across as a very step-by-step guide to committing genocide in today's time suck timeline After a quick sponsor break Thank you for listening to our sponsors mead stacks Appreciate the support and hope you save some money truly Now it's time suck timeline time and hope you save some money truly. Now it's time suck, timeline time. Shrap on those boots soldier, we're marching down a time suck timeline.
Starting point is 00:35:37 1913, taking advantage of the political confusion, reigning in the aftermath of the First Balkan War, which the Ottoman Empire lost in 1912 to some of its former subject states, the young Turks seized power in a coup in January of 1913. As members come to be known as itihaddists or unionists, the three most powerful leaders, the three leaders, I don't know, I'm actually like the, there was more than three leaders, Ismail Enverpasha, Talat Pasha, and Amid Ahmed Jamal Pasha, who formed a governing triumvirate known as the three Pasha's. We're kind of like the three stuages, except instead of master's of slapstick comedy, they
Starting point is 00:36:17 were evil, murder, and racist. Fuck these guys. If hell is real, I hope all three are burning there. Pasha, by the way, not a birth name, more of an Ottoman honorary title, similar to being like a knight in Britain. A lot of Pasha's in the story, just about all of them are shitheads. A young military hero who married into the Ottoman dynasty, Enver provided the most public face of the young Turks as the minister of war, the forces under command of his brother, Nuri, and Uncle Halil had spread devastation through Russian Armenia and carried out many massacres of the Armenians already.
Starting point is 00:36:47 He came into power. The Armenians and the Empire were definitely not like fuck yeah, we love Inverte. This boat's very well for us. Talat was the minister of the interior in Istanbul, or Constantinople who ran the government for a figurehead grand vizier. He was the mastermind of the Armenian genocide and coordinated the various agencies of the Ottoman government required for the deportation, expropriation and extermination of the Armenians. Most Armenians probably didn't know who
Starting point is 00:37:14 the hell this dude was before he took office, but once he did, he made it real clear. He hated Armenians and one of them dead. And it became arguably the most hated of all the pauses. Jamal, the minister of the Navy, controlled the southern part of the Ottoman Empire, commander of Syria, the concentration camps and extermination sites fell within his jurisdiction. Interestingly, when the young Turks first took over this guy, tried to defend the Armenians, but not for long. He caved the wishes of the other two pauses, caved the will of many people in the Ottoman Empire. And together, these three young Turks, these big wigs, they brought parliament under their
Starting point is 00:37:49 control, tried to push past the loss of the first Balkan war by promoting something known as pan turkism. Pan turkism, sadly, not delicious. Has nothing to do with that sweet bird meat. Nothing to do with tender sliced breastmeats. It's been baked and baked and based in a pan of some kind, nothing to do with gravy or mashed potatoes, not associated with cranberry sauce or black olives or stove top stuffing, which I like more than anything made from scratch because knowing my family tree possesses
Starting point is 00:38:15 any culinary sophistication. No, it's not fun. Pan-Turkism is an incredibly racist, xenophobic, nationalistic ideology that has led to millions of non-Turks being butchered. And millions more just being subjugated and mistreated. The goal of the political movement of pan-Turkism was the political union of all Turkish-speaking peoples in the Ottoman Empire, Russia, China, Iran, and Afghanistan. The movement initially sought to unite the Turks of the Ottoman and Russian empires against the growing Russian-Zara's domination. Basically, the young Turks wanted to unite Turkish-speaking Muslims against what theyires against the growing Russian Zara's domination. Basically, the young Turks wanted to unite Turkish speaking Muslims against what they saw
Starting point is 00:38:47 as the growing threat of the Christian empires that practically surrounded them. It was a very nationalistic movement, very much a weird number one. Fuck everyone else, you know, it's kind of thing. Nationalism always scary, always ignorant. Wherever it happens, including America, the us versus them attitude tends to lead to the us doing a lot of real heinous shit to the them, you know, men, women and children far too often, very primitive, very binary kind of shitty way to think. Us good, them bad.
Starting point is 00:39:14 You know, it's real life, not a fucking football game. Okay, to root for more than one team. 1913 also marks the year that Henry Morgan Thal senior arrives in the Ottoman Empire. He plays a very interesting role in all of this. His back story is worth getting into. Morgan-Thowell was born the ninth of 11th Living Children in Manheim, Grand Duchy of Baden in 1856 into a Jewish family. He was a, his father, excuse me, was a successful cigar manufacturer.
Starting point is 00:39:39 The Morgan-Thowell family immigrated to New York in 1866. Henry attended City College in New York, later graduated from Columbia Law School, and New York he purchased and real estate, made a substantial fortune. Also a leader of the reformed Jewish community there. Morgan Thou's career enabled him to contribute handsomely to President Woodrow Wilson's election campaign in 1912, and when Wilson was elected president Morgan Thou was assumed that Wilson would appoint him to a cabinet level position and then it did not happen. Like other prominent Jewish Americans before him, Morgan Thou was appointed as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire.
Starting point is 00:40:11 Wilson assumed that Jews were the natural bridge between Muslim Turks and the Christians, including the Armenians, living in the Ottoman Empire. Morgan Thou wasn't exactly pumped, but Wilson assured him that Constantinople was, quote, the point at which the interest of American Jews in the welfare, in the welfare of the Jews of Palestine is focused. My God, I'm going to restart that quote. Oh, I had trouble with that pronunciation. He said that the Constantinople was the point at which the interest of American Jews in the welfare of the Jews of Palestine is focused and it is almost indispensable that I have a Jew in that post.
Starting point is 00:40:47 So interesting how much time the language have changed. I always think like I tend to speak in like rhythms and sometimes old-timey language, just the rhythm of the way they wrote things throws me off and also just like how casually they throw around these terms. Totally okay, apparently for the president of the US 1913 to say quote quote, I, you know, I need to, I have to have a Jew in that post. Not okay now, because I imagine everyone around him back then was just like, yeah, sounds great, Mr. President. Yeah, absolutely. Definitely, I would be good to put a Jew in that post. Can't not have a Jew in Turkey. Imagine if Biden said something like that now. Kamala, I needed you in that post. Buy me a Jew. I have some other posts. I'll need a few blacks and some Oriental's for any suggestions.
Starting point is 00:41:25 In particular, it's just the language Morgan Thou initially rejected the offer but after a trip to Europe after he saw some things that concerned him greatly He changes mine. I think you're gonna like Morgan Thou You really try it was good dude. He really really tried to stop it One man just can't stop a regime on November 30th 19 the special organization, the name for the secret fighting force, you know, used by the young Turks, their SS, uh, is officially formed, originally created, uh, to organize violence in Western Thrace, a Greek territory lost during the first Balkan war. This group will play a key role in the Armenian genocide. On February
Starting point is 00:41:58 21st, 1914, the young Turks start a boycott of Armenian businesses. So it begins. Here we go. The Nazis would later do this with the Jews in Germany. Five days later, on February 26th, the police spy notifies Rashad Bay, chief of the political section of the Constantinople police department, that he is providing the names, biographies, pictures,
Starting point is 00:42:19 and speeches about reform, as well as other data of 2,000 Armenian political thinkers and leaders that they feel like they may have to deal with, right? Going after the intellectuals now, there'll be amongst the first to die. The next week on March 2nd, parliamentary elections are held in Turkey, only candidates approved by the young Turks will win seats. Guess who just not get to be a candidate?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Ding, ding, ding! That's right. Anyone who's Armenian? Nope, don't even get to be a candidate. On July 28th, negotiations between the Turkish and German imperial governments go down, make their little, uh, little, uh, truce of sorts for World War One. On August 1st, Germany fighting for Austria, Hungary declares war on Russia, fighting for Serbia, kicking off World War One and the Ottoman
Starting point is 00:43:00 Empire, friendly with Germany, uh, not friendly with friendly with Russia, while they don't join the fighting quite yet, they will soon join Germany in attacking Russia. When the war begins, Armenians are divided with some fighting on the side of the Ottoman Empire, some for Russia, due to many Armenians living in Russian territory at the time. And fear that more Armenians will also fight for Russia, will throw fuel into the existing fire of how best to answer the Armenian question. On August 8th, censorship of all telegraphic communication is announced by the Turkish government, justified as a wartime measure, cut off communications to the outside world, perfect way to try and
Starting point is 00:43:35 hide a genocide. On August 18th, government sponsored looting is reported in several provinces, the government justifies the looting by saying that those involved are just collecting contributions to the war effort. Stores owned by Armenian and Greek merchants are vandalized with over a thousand shops owned by Armenians alone burned in the city of just the Yarbiker. Forty years after 25,000 Armenians and a series were killed in the first Armenian genocide, now over a thousand businesses are destroyed in this city. No but Muslim businesses are destroyed. Guess they didn't have any contributions that needed to be collected for the war effort.
Starting point is 00:44:13 What a friendly way to describe just taking people shit and then fucking destroying what they didn't want to take. Calm down, sir! Calm down! Okay? Those are hefty accusations you're throwing around. Those men didn't just break into your store and steal all of your inventory and then burn down the rest of your store. No, they were collecting contributions. Come on, how dare you. It was done for the war effort, right? And then the burning thing, that was just, you know, they were blown off some steam and they were just making sure that the enemies didn't get some things. Maybe they didn't, you know, think about getting and, and hey, and they didn't just rape your daughter and beat your son half to death.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Thank you very much either. They were, uh, they were educating your family on the importance of putting the needs of the empire above all else. Yes, selfish Armenian. Fucking ridiculous. On August 28th, 1914, in the city of Seavoss, 56,000 soldiers of the 10th Army Corps are quartered in and around Christian districts, beef and up supervision of Armenians, as well as Greek and other Christian minorities, you know, the Syrians, etc. On August 30th, local Armenian militia members in Zitun defend
Starting point is 00:45:22 locals from Turkish attacks, and then they are of course immediately painted as the aggressors. How dare they defend themselves? Look, those aggressive Armenians shooting back at us. On September 11th, the Armenian National Assembly composed of civil and religious representatives, meat and constant noble and they advise Armenians in the provinces to remain calm in the face of provocation. Highly doubt anyone walked away from that meeting feeling real calm. Based on what had been happening to our meetings for centuries.
Starting point is 00:45:49 A bunch of loaties have been going on now. A bunch of soldiers gathered outside. A lot of our villages, they've been shooting at us, they burned some stuff, they burned some people. Two decades ago, same motherfuckers, with the different names killed a couple, a hundred thousand of us, but nothing to freak out about, right?
Starting point is 00:46:02 Right? I mean, we need to be calm. Can't imagine. On September 27th, news reaches consensus noble about the Turkish government's new demands of the Armenian population and Zaitun turn over all its weapons, even including knives. That same demand will soon follow in more cities. Nothing to work out about. Others taking all of our guns and knives.
Starting point is 00:46:23 It's fine. There's nothing bad will happen after this. Oh my God. Uh, thank God this shit would not play out very well in the US right now. You know, uh, reading this makes me want to carve out some time to buy some more ammo. Head to the local gun range. Uh, three days later on September 30th, the government distributes arms to some Muslim residents saying the nearby Armenian population is unreliable.
Starting point is 00:46:43 And that of course is straight up fucking terrifying. If you're Armenian, right? They've taken your weapons. You know, days later, they give weapons to a rival cultural group, many of whom hate your fucking guts and tell them to keep close eye on you. Ten times time to pack up your shit and start in your life somewhere anywhere else. If you're Armenian, uh, traveling not so easy back then though. And to be fair to the Armenians, you know, many would try to make it out and many would be sent back from neighboring countries back into the genocide, back to the Ottoman Empire. On October 1st, the government orders the closure of all foreign postal services now in Turkey. Aha, well, I guess in the Ottoman Empire. Sorry. Sometimes I, the names keep changing. Cutting off more communication, right? Hide that
Starting point is 00:47:23 genocide. The same day, uh, Nazareth Chavish, the most notable Armenian leader in Zaitun, murdered on the order of the local governor, the first political assassination of the genocide. Meanwhile, more looting under the guise of war contributions occurs in random villages. On the 10th, back in Zaitun, all the Armenian community leaders are called to a meeting, about 60 show up and all are immediately arrested. Not alarming at all. Nothing to see here. On October 13th, the Armenians in Constantinople get the news that the looting of Armenian businesses under the guise of war contributions has now occurred in every province. The chaos is really just
Starting point is 00:47:59 beginning. On October 13th, more bad news makes it to Constantinople because of the desperate conditions created by the war contributions campaign. The Seavis province is now beset by disease or beset with disease and starvation. Weirdly, the starvation doesn't seem to affect local Muslims there who for some reason didn't have all their shit looted and burned. On October 17th, the 11th Battalion of Turkish soldiers, a battalion made up of largely violent ex-cons, not making that detail up, begin not only looting, but also assaulting women and children, just straight up butchering Armenians in the Erzurum province. This killing squad would become known as the Butcher battalion and would carry out as
Starting point is 00:48:39 one officer, put it the liquidation of Christian elements. This killing squad and others like it, they drown people in rivers, threw people off cliffs, crucified them, burned them alive, and short order the Turkish countryside was littered with Armenian corpses. And eyewitness to the horror later recalled,
Starting point is 00:48:56 eyewitness numerous ghastly scenes, women and children lying here and there in the valleys, either killed or dead from exhaustion. Another remembered women being separated from their children. When our mother came for the last time and kissed us madly, I remember she was clad only in her white underwear. There were no ornaments, no gold, no velvet clothes. We the children were unaware of the events happening.
Starting point is 00:49:16 In reality, they had taken off their clothes, one after the other, had arranged the garments on one side, had stripped the women completely, had cut their heads off with axes and thrown them into the valley. Like, they're not just killing these people. They're fucking butchering them with so much hate, so much anger, torturing them, cutting their heads off, just barbaric shit. Also on October 17th, the Armenian political leaders, or excuse me, more Armenian political leaders are arrested.
Starting point is 00:49:43 On October 22nd, N. Vropasha authorizes a combined German Turkish naval force now to carry out a stealth attack on Russia, even though the Ottoman Empire hadn't officially entered the war yet. Russia replied by declaring war on November 1, 1914, and Russia's allies, Britain and France, also declared war on the Ottoman Empire on November 5th. So now they're officially in the war. On November 13th, unfounded accusations are launched by the Ottoman government that some Armenians have been revolting and preparing to join the Russian forces. They tried that true shady
Starting point is 00:50:14 regime tactic here. Trident true. Hope to prevent international outcry by claiming unprovoked attack. What? Butchering innocent unarmed people. No way. We or quelling insurrections had to be done you see the way that one guy looked at me he was trying to start some shit that's that we had to burn his fucking house down in kill his family on November 21st young turk's a young Turk agents in the moush province distribute arms to the Muslims and also spread false stories of Armenian outrageous right just feel not. Get that machine going. On November 23rd, previously underserved Armenian schools and churches and Siebus and that province together with many private residences are requisitioned by the
Starting point is 00:50:54 Turkish army to be used as barracks. The army also confiscates the Armenian villagers' carts, horses and other travel equipment. They don't pay him for any of this. They just take their shit. Anyone who has their house taken, you know, oh well, good luck, good luck, Levin. You know, your horse has taken any mean, you know, everything, everything, taken all their money, the kids can't go to school, everything's taken from them, just oh well. The war ministry led by N. Verd distributes explosives, rifles, and other special, or in other equipment to the special organization on November 26th. The young Turks SS now heavily armed.
Starting point is 00:51:26 The same day, Envers Uncle, Helial Pasha, the military governor of Constantinople, begins organizing special organization units and Constantinople by enrolling criminals released from prison. Three days later, these forces invaded the region of Van and Rob and loot Armenian business. Like they're literally just getting people out of prison. It just been like, hey man, just go fuck up
Starting point is 00:51:44 that province over there. Just do what you want. Do whatever you want. The government supplies it with money, vehicles, and other equipment. Reports continue reaching consensus over about other raids on Armenian villages and provinces across the empire.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Fucking what? Imagine this all happening now. The government hires a bunch of violent convicts to just go destroy your town. Imagine the anarchy. Doors getting kicked in, rape and murder occurring in front of victims families, occurring literally out in the streets. On December 6, Armenians are put to use as porters of army supplies and several provinces.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Freezing conditions, a lack of sufficient food will soon lead to many of their deaths. So they just work on the deaths to help the military effort. On December 23, four missionaries abandoned the interior of Turkey as religious crosses on the missions are broken by roving bans replaced by Crescent's, the symbol of Turkish national identity. December 31st, Sahag, Obadashin, a newly appointed Armenian pre-late AKA Bishop,
Starting point is 00:52:39 is slain in the village of Conley Tosh by six butchers organized by Ahmed Muammar, the governor generalgeneral of Sevis. Abu Dasha'in had previously been in charge of the city's national Armenian school, also taught Armenian language, Armenian history, and religion. So now, a racing Armenian culture, right, destroy their teachers, reminds me of Cambodia's Khmer Rouge.
Starting point is 00:53:00 On January 5, 1915, the Ottoman government publicly charges that Armenian bakers in the army bakeries of Sevis have been poisoning the bread of the Turkish forces trying to kill them by poison. The bakers are cruelly beaten, some die, despite the fact that a group of doctors proved the charge to be false by examining the bread. The Muslim doctors even eat it. They're like, no, this is fine. The government doesn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:53:22 They don't rescind the charge. Violence in paranoia, leading to more violence in paranoia. On January 12th, our med moire, the governor general of sevis orders the destruction of tavera koi and others strategically located villages around the city of sevis in order to make future defenses impossible for Armenians. Right? Just completely just destroy some villages inside the city of sevis. Strategically located buildings are appropriated You know just taken from Armenians Meanwhile on the world were one front things at least not going well for the Turkish army
Starting point is 00:53:52 So that feels good in the story at the battle of Sarkamish the army loses 70,000 men out of 85,000 total men And after reading all these other stories, I got to just kind of think fuck them. I mean some of them You know, I'm sure weren't down with this, but it feels like, from everything I've read, a lot of them were. So of all the ones who were okay with your Armenian stuff, well, fuck them. After the defeat, at the hands of the Russians, the young Turks blame Armenian soldiers somehow for the loss. Right?
Starting point is 00:54:18 They weren't so busy just being distracted, taking all the Armenians, shit, they could focus more on the war. Could have won if it wasn't for those fucking scapegoats. Later that January, and remarks reported by the New York Times, Talat Pasha, Minister of the Interior, all right, one of those three stages. He said there was no room for Christians in Turkey
Starting point is 00:54:37 and that their supporters should advise them to clear out. That's fun to read, if you're Armenian. Honey, we might wanna grab the kids and get to get out right now. The writing isn't literally on the wall, but it is literally in the New York Times. Meanwhile, Morgan Thau, that US ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, getting extremely troubling reports about what's going on around the Ottoman Empire from his 10 American consuls posted throughout the country. However, Morgan Thau believes what Talat is telling him that the violence is random. It's random wartime violence, not sanctioned by the government. It will
Starting point is 00:55:08 soon be contained, put to a stop. Morgan Dow had heard that the violence was government sanctioned, but the Turkish government was making it impossible for him to fact check or verify anything. They were shutting down his communication. On February 2nd, Talat advises German ambassador Count Hans von Wagenheim that the war is the favorable moment to conclude the Armenian question. Clearly violence is not random. The dude might as well have just gone on record saying something like, we want to fucking kill all of them. How how much more clear can I make it? We fucking hate all of them. All this evidence, Turkish government still denies genocide ever occurred to this day.
Starting point is 00:55:42 On February 14th to hear Je Jevdet, the governor general of the Van province is reported as saying that the government must begin finishing off the Armenians in the city of Van a major urban area at once. On February 9th to lot and other young Turk leaders decide an immediate that should allied naval ships breach the Dardanelles straight on their way to the sea of Marmara. The Turks should burn Constantinople before retreating and slaughter all the city's Christian inhabitants. Fuck, just because they hated him. You know, even in a law situation, if they have to surrender, hey, before you get out,
Starting point is 00:56:15 if the allies are coming, just make sure you kill all the Armenians. On March 3rd, a dispatch from the Young Turks Central Committee is released announcing an official decision to exterminate Armenians. The killing will ramp up substantially now. On March 9th, Ottoman Army units attack Zaitun. Armenian community leaders and intellectuals are tortured and killed. Six Turkish military police officers are killed by individuals resisting the attack, galvanizing the Turkish forces further, and three days later massacres and robberies are carried out.
Starting point is 00:56:44 On March 13th, a traveling commission of parliamentary deputies begins touring the cities of Anatolia, stopping to address crowds in the mosques where they describe Armenians as internal and enemies who must be destroyed. How scary is that if you're Armenian? Government officials, showing up at church, you know, stepping up and saying, hey, we gotta kill these people. We have to get rid of them. On March 19th, six Armenian soldiers from the town of Gurun are publicly hanged in sieves to frighten the Armenian population of dissimission. On March 29th in Aleppo, Jamal Pasha, Minister of the Navy announces that
Starting point is 00:57:18 the Armenians of Zaitun are in revolt. Yeah, but they were, of course, they were defending themselves. He instructs the military authorities, of course. They were defending themselves. He instructs the military authorities to take measures to punish the Armenians. So if they're not being punished enough already, two days later, March 31, the deportation to the desert concentration camps begins in Zitun. Some of the Armenians are sent to the Konea Desert in Central Anatolia. The rest are sent to the Deryl Zor camps in the Syrian desert that I mentioned earlier. And again, they weren't really camps. They're just sent to large patches of desert where many of them
Starting point is 00:57:49 will dehydrate and die, starve and die, you just, you know, you name it. Also that day, as a Dermott, the leading Armenian newspaper in Constant Noble is closed by an order of the government. The editors will be executed the following June. Rowling in the background of this timeline now for the next, you know, uh, well, next three years forward and more than that actually pretty much weekly skirmishes. Uh, there have already been numerous other atrocities committed that I haven't mentioned. There's just too many incidents. I won't be mentioning anywhere near all of them, but know that they're happening crazy. Again, there's so much horror committed in the Ottoman Empire that it's just, it's just, it just we become tedious to list it
Starting point is 00:58:27 All out it would be overkill overkill and attack on this village here a master rest there burning raping looting killing wash rinse repeat Day after day month after month year after year on April 8th the famous monastery of in zytune is burned down by the Turks or a famous Monastery the Turkish government interferes with American ambassador Henry Morgan Thou's ability to communicate with his American consuls, you know, still, they're still continuing to hide, hide, hide. On April 15th, Armenian refugees from villages surrounding the city of Van arrive and notify the Constantinople Armenians that 80 villages in the Van province have been obliterated and that 24,000 Armenians have already been killed in just the past three days. An estimated 32,000 more will be killed by the end of April over the next two weeks. On April 17th, some Armenian inhabitants of Van organize themselves into a defensive force.
Starting point is 00:59:16 They successfully defend themselves until the Van's units of the Russian Army, consisting of Armenian volunteers arrived to their rescue on March 23 excuse me, on May 23rd, 1915. Thank God the rare piece of good Armenian news in this timeline. Timeline. Some people fought off the Turks and got out and were rescued. Good on Russia. After being the villain in so many sucks, I gotta say I love how Russia is the good guy in this episode, one of the good guys.
Starting point is 00:59:39 They kicked the shit out of the Turks over and over in the suck and I love it, which some was kicking the shit out of the Turkish government right now. On April 20th, the government finishes the deportation of 25,000 Armenians from Zaitun, late on April 24th. The allies begin to invade parts of Turkey, 250 Armenian intellectuals and community leaders are arrested and consents noble. Even though so much has already happened, this is the date, this April 25th,
Starting point is 01:00:09 that will be recognized as the start of the Armenian Genocide as recognized by Armenians worldwide on the 100th anniversary, on the 100th anniversary of the state back in 2015. Hard to pin dates on this genocide, exact dates, because it just wasn't like the Armenians had been treated really well by the Ottomans previous to the state, previous to World War I or after World War I. Also, before I forget, I'm not saying he had anything to do with any of this horrible
Starting point is 01:00:36 shit, but also I do want to say that, I don't know where my dad was, 1915. Now could he have been a young Turk over in the Ottoman Empire, just part of all this horrible stuff, all these commandalities and atrocities? I mean, I guess technically it's possible. He says he was born in 1954, but I've never seen his birth certificate. I've never seen his driver's license, and there's just a lot I don't know about my dad.
Starting point is 01:00:59 You know, is he 66? As we he says, or is he around 120, maybe 125? I don't know. Probably didn't have anything to do with all this, but I just wanted to share that thought, before I forgot. Okay, back to 1915 now.
Starting point is 01:01:10 That's a joke from a previous suck, if you're very confused. It was confusing, and that's a, on April 29th, the Turkish government carries out a mass disarming campaign against the Armenians of Constantinople. On May 2nd, Halil Pasha, End vs. Uncle, the military governor of Constantinople,
Starting point is 01:01:24 and his forces are defeated by the Russian army in the Caucasus and in northern Iran, fuck yeah, go rush it go! What is big deal? You're out for a rascal now! You like after all how rascal! Well, we may be good for you to do more than make soft shamecock joke. So you could tell us now you're hard for Mother Russia. I didn't expect you to tell us.
Starting point is 01:01:43 Show up in the stock when I began working on my notes. I just kind of happened. Very old time-stuck reference if you're confused now. Why this big deal? You confused. You may be bothered that they jerked off Shamcock and corner you. Even though I told the bother no one. He's gone now. The defeated Turks retreat to Van, Bitless and Moush, where the massacres of Armenians once again dealing with defeat from an external foe by scapegoating the Armenians across the Ottoman Empire, other massacres taking place, many who aren't being killed are deported subject
Starting point is 01:02:08 to random arrests and house searches. One survivor, Christine Hagopian, described her experience with a house search. She said, we had already been deported once, in 1915, sent towards their Zor. But my uncle's friend had connections in the government and he had his ordered back to his mirror. Orders came again that everyone must gather in front of the Armenian Church to be deported. My father refused to go, told us not to worry. He didn't think that Turkish government would do anything to him since he was a government
Starting point is 01:02:38 employ himself. Twelve Turkish soldiers and an official came very early the next morning. We were still asleep. They dragged us out in our nightgowns and lined us came very early the next morning. We were still asleep. They dragged us out in our nightgowns and lined us up against the living room wall. Then the official ordered my father to lie down on the ground. They are dirty the Turks. Very dirty, I can't say what they did to him. They raped him, raped just like that right in front of us, and that official made us watch. He whipped us if we turned away. My mother lost consciousness and fell to the floor. Afterwards, we couldn't find our father. My mother looked for him frantically. He was in the attic trying to hang himself. Fortunately,
Starting point is 01:03:16 my mother found him before it was too late. My father did eventually kill himself later after we escaped. What the actual fuck? Just spread a little horror by raping dad in front of the family. I'll teach him to disobey a horrible command. Just knocking down some of our media and cultural morale bit by sexually assaulting some patriots. And I say some because I can't imagine this was an isolated incident.
Starting point is 01:03:37 Clearly the young Turks and their goons just did whatever the fuck they wanted to do to the Armenians. Nothing was off limits. They gave him fully to the darkest of their desires. They went total evil. And I bet many of them went home to their families after incidents like this, had some nice meals. You know, as to how the kids were doing in school,
Starting point is 01:03:55 probably since in prayers before going to bed, meat sacks for better or worse, man, we can be so good at rationalization, compartmentalization. On May 6th, 1915, the New York Times reports that the young Turks have adopted a policy to annihilate the Armenians. Where genocide may not exist yet, but clearly the New York Times write an article saying that the the young Turks are committing genocide. And it's just the beginning. On May 19th, the advanced troops of the Russian army led by Armenian volunteers, reach van, right, say what's left of the city. That's good. When regular
Starting point is 01:04:24 Russian army forces arrive in Van, they begin the cremation of the dead, find that around 55,000 of the total dead are Armenians. And just this one city. Armenian parliamentary deputy, Vartkiz visits police commissioner, Assam, Bedry, to protest the arrest of the Constant Noble Armenian community leaders
Starting point is 01:04:41 on May 21st, tragically still thinking, praying the government can be reasoned with. Four days later, Bart Kiz will be murdered while in police custody. They cannot be reasoned with. On May 22nd, Turkish refugees are settled into the now emptied Armenian villages of the Tortum district of the Erzurum province, just like Hitler's idea of Liebensdrom. Liebensdrom here giving the land, you know, to those you expelled to your own people. On May 24th, Allied power sent a note to the Turkish cabinet saying that they hold it responsible for the massacres of the Armenians, but the repercussions for their actions not made clear.
Starting point is 01:05:17 You know, just more like a guy, guys, stop it. We don't like it. We don't like it when you rape dads in front of their kids or adopt the policies of annihilation towards the Armenians. Young Turks are really, really grinding our gears. Don't make me raise my voice. Don't make me issue you more stern warnings followed by no consequences. On May 29th, a lot is reported to have said that he was going to give the Armenians a new and final residence. Sounds bad. Guess in that final residence, you know, when he said that, he didn't mean beach house. The same day, 630 Armenians who had been arrested on May 10th in the Yarbiker are murdered in the village of Bashiri, Wall
Starting point is 01:05:53 and Custie. Their bodies just thrown casually into the Tigris River. In June, official proclamations crop up around the empire like this one are Armenian fellow countrymen because they have attempted to destroy the peace and security of the Ottoman state, have to be sent away to places which have been prepared in the interior. And a literal obedience to the following orders in a categorical manner is accordingly enjoined upon all Ottomans. With the exception of the sick, all Armenians are obliged to leave within five days from the date of this proclamation. Although they are free to carry with them on their journey, the article of the articles
Starting point is 01:06:29 of their movable property, which they desire, they are forbidden to sell their land and their extra effects or to leave them here and there with other people. And again, imagine that should happen now. Imagine the government just says, you got five days to get the fuck out and you can't, you know, sell your property. You can't give your property to anybody to look after just, you know, grab what you can take and with you while you walk and leave. The first convoy of Armenian deportees leaves Erzenjohn towards Kamak, could not find English pronunciation guides for those bad boys or
Starting point is 01:06:59 allow these words actually, on their way to the Syrian desert, a slow moving column of about 20,000 people. Sogeman, Telerian, then 19, marched with his mother in siblings, two sisters of 15 and 16, another of 26, who carried a two and a half year old child and two brothers of 22 and 26. And their journey was just hell on earth. The military police said to be protecting the convoy, first dragged T talarian sisters off behind the bushes to rape them. Next he watched a man split his 22 year old brother's head open with the axe. Uh, finally, the soldiers shot his mom and struck talarian unconscious with a blow to the head.
Starting point is 01:07:36 He was left for dead. But then he woke up hours later in a field of corpses. Many of the bodies his family members. He spots the mangled body of a sister, the shattered skull of his brother. His other relatives have disappeared. Some of them cannot imagine, cannot imagine that level of tragedy would feel like to survive it psychologically. I mean, you just have to go numb.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Go to some place where in a sense, you just can't feel emotional pain as intense anymore. We will meet this character again, something to look forward to. Tilarion, much later in this this timeline will enact some epic vengeance. Let's acknowledge that it's coming. Carry you through a lot of wicked shit coming up. Also since I think it's more powerful to hear from those that happen to let me play a bit of testimony given by somebody who is there, not for this walk, but just during the genocide.
Starting point is 01:08:20 This is Haguez Bonaparte, a survivor speaking to what the Turks did to his family. How many of your friends and my friends went to? Oh, they killed two my sisters, my brothers, four of my uncles. They arrested 2,500, all of the leading professionals, including all the ten of the college professors, the businessmen, pharmacists, intellectual group, 2500 of them, the first group and they killed not too far away from Mazra. And you know they killed them, what group? Because one of the pharmacists being falling down among the corpse after two nights of struggle. He came to American hospital doctor atkins reporting that they're not deporting it. They're killing him.
Starting point is 01:09:11 Wow. Oh my God. Lane amongst the dead for two to three days, crawl into a hospital to survive and bear witness what had happened. And there are thousands of testimonials like that. That's a small snippet of one of like many, many. I'll mention, talk more about those later in the, or later in the episode. June 13th, 1915, the war ministry notifies that the permits given to Armenians exempting some of them from deportations are temporary.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Instructions concerning procedures for the deportations and urging extreme strictness are sent to provincial governors, same day, 25,000 Armenians have now been murdered after four days of massacre. It's announced that they've been murdered with the 86 Calvary Brigade, with its officers and the second reserve Calvary Division of the Turkish Army participating heavily in the slaughter.
Starting point is 01:09:55 According to reports, many of these 25,000 killed by being thrown off a fucking cliff into the Euphrates River. They took thousands and thousands of people, pushed them towards this cliff and then just pushed them off and let them just die hitting the rocks in the river below. This is so insane. Just like going full, ancient Mongol, going ancient viking, worse. It's just, it's, ah, raping pillage, destroyed by any means necessary. On June 17th, 8500 Armenians withdraw into the ruined castle of Shabin, Karashar, to defend
Starting point is 01:10:28 themselves against the Turks. According to some sources, the Armenians defended themselves against the Turks for a couple days before they ran out of ammunition, completely surrounded, knowing that they were going to die. They tried to run out from the castle ruins, fight with their own bare hands, all were killed. Women, children, the elderly, everyone slaughtered. June 21st, the governor general of Aleppo, Mehmet, Jalal Bay, removed from his post
Starting point is 01:10:51 because of his protests about the deportation orders and maskers. He had been trying to protect Armenians. He's been called the Turkish Oscar Schindler. Good reminder that not all the Muslim Turks were okay with what was happening. Just like not all Germans were okay with what Hitler and his goons were doing during World War II. Jalal Bay would survive the war and die in 1926. Some of the interviews he gave following the war so important in proving this really was a genocide.
Starting point is 01:11:15 He said he compared himself to a person sitting by the side of a river with absolutely no means of saving anyone. Blood was flowing in the river and thousands of innocent children, irreproachable old people, helpless people, strong young men were streaming down this river towards oblivion. Anyone I could say was my bare hands, I saved and the others, I think they stream down the river never to return. On June 25th, 1915, American ambassador Henry Morgan Thou, now fully believing the reports he's been getting about the killings that there anything but random acts that they are government led tries to reason with to lot posh conversations like this one will be later included in his memoirs
Starting point is 01:11:53 morgan doubt tried to get to lot to see that the crimes he was committing against the armenians were wrong uh... you know uh... he included pointed out that from an economic standpoint that it was just you know not smart to this that there would be severe losses and when he said this uh... point would just, you know, not smart to this. There would be severe losses. And when he said this, uh, point out these economic, you know, problems to lots of, we care nothing about commercial loss.
Starting point is 01:12:11 We have figured all that out. We know that it will not exceed five million pounds. We don't worry about that. I have asked you to come here. So as to let you know that our Armenian policy is absolutely fixed and that nothing can change it. We will not have the Armenians anywhere in Anatolia. They can live in the desert, but nowhere else. Morgan Thou attempted to persuade Thou to the treatment of the Armenians was destroying Turkey and the eyes of the
Starting point is 01:12:33 world. He told him you are making a terrible mistake. And Thou replied with, yes, we may make mistakes, but we never regret. Morgan Thou had had it then. He pulled out a pistol and shot to Lot's dick clean off. Perfect shot. One shot. Well, it's a lot screamed out in agony. He danced a little jig around him. Morgan Thou did and started saying stuff like, do you regret, you know, telling me you never regret now? Because that's it. Just got your fucking dick shot off. Then he cut the lots of balls off with a spoon, made him eat him, no spit anything back up. Clean plate club. I wish. Now in real life, you just left the room. You're just like, ah, fuck that guy in his head.
Starting point is 01:13:08 You left the room and just wishing him was dead. And Morgan Thou's opinion as he would later write, the more suffering the Armenians endured, the more Thalat seemed to despise them, which makes a dark kind of psychological sense. Right, he has to rationalize. They deserve all this, doesn't he? To be able to do it with their clean conscience.
Starting point is 01:13:22 He has to fully deshumanize them to treat them like he does One day discussing a particular Armenian morgantau told Talat that he was mistaken in regarding this man as an enemy of the Turks That in reality he was a friend and Talat replied no Armenian can be our friend after what we have done to them Probably true by that point and an interesting psychology here, right lot new, they had already fucked over the Armenians so horrifically, so unforgivably that to leave any alive would be to risk retribution or revenge. July 5th, 1915, the first convoy of deportees leaves from the city of Sevis, marched to the desert to die. Every day for 16 days, an average of 400 families will leave the city with the overwhelming majority being slain and route to the Syrian desert. One survivor, RPR, Masaqian, would later remember making it to the desert with his family. He'd say, they took us toward Dersor, the interior Syrian desert.
Starting point is 01:14:17 Our whole family, my father, mother, four brothers, two sisters. I was 20. At the time, we loaded everything we had on mules and horses and set out under armed guards. They took us to Mesquena on the Euphrates River. Mesquena was a huge outdoor camp or tens of thousands of Armenians had been deported. Bit by bit, they were sent to the door to their death. We were there for a while. We lived under tents, along with a lot of others from Kasab. Most of the time, we had nothing to eat. Sometimes my father would buy bread from the soldiers, but they had mixed sand with the flour. So we ate this hard bread and sand crunched under our teeth.
Starting point is 01:14:50 So Ka was a, or, sorry, I don't have pronunciation for this one either. Miss Kenna, there we go. It was a horrible, horrible place. 60,000 Armenians have been buried under the sand there. When a sandstorm hit, it would blow away a lot of the sand that uncovered those remains. Bones, bones, bones. We're everywhere everywhere then wherever you looked, wherever you walked. I feel like the Ottoman Empire was being ran by the moral equivalence of these serial killers we've covered so far in time. So it's as if like the butcher of Kansas City, the truck stop killer Leonard Lake, Charles Ing, Richard Chase, more of those dirt bags were just, you know, given cart blanch to do
Starting point is 01:15:22 what they want to the Armenians just to run the camps to run the fucking, you know, the marches to whatever, the looting on July 10th, 1915, Ambassador Morgan Thal cables washed in DC with the description of the Turkish campaign of horror against the Armenians. He wrote, President Wilson, stop being such a bitch. Do something. Take your glasses off, put your fucking nuts back on and get over here and stop, you know, just not giving a fuck about Armenians. You douche whistle.
Starting point is 01:15:46 He didn't say that. Maybe should have. Wilson may have been less motivated than most US presidents would have been when it came to helping Armenians. He purportedly once lamented that the contamination of American bloodlines by sorted and hapless elements coming in from southern and eastern Europe was troubling him. Coming from right where Armenia was. Eek. Morgan that really wrote persecution of Armenians assuming unprecedented proportions.
Starting point is 01:16:09 Reports from widely scattered districts indicate systematic attempt to uproot peaceful Armenian populations and through arbitrary arrests, terrible tortures, wholesale expulsions, and deportations from one end of the empire to the other, a company by frequent instances of rape, pillage, and murder turning into massacre to bring destruction and destitution on them. These measures are not a response to popular or fanatical demand, but are purely arbitrary and directed from content noble in the name of military necessity, often in districts where no military operations are likely to take place. And again, he's just pointed out like he's making it a bundly clear, it's a genocide. On July 14th, the commander
Starting point is 01:16:48 of Aleppo's fourth Army Corps protested to the governor general of the Yarbaca province about the steady stream of dead bodies in the Euphrates River that had begun flowing, that had been flowing since June 22nd. He advises burial. Another survivor, Bedros Bedorian, would have memories of seeing this river. He recounted, when the massacres began, I was 12 years old. I remember they first took all the men of our village from our village and killed them.
Starting point is 01:17:13 The rest of us were deported. I don't know how many hundreds we were. Everyone according to his ability rented a donkey or a horse and we left. We went from Alba Stan to Zaitun to Mirage to Antob. We camped on a farm behind Antob College near some newly dug foundations for houses. They were simply large holes in the ground. An epidemic had broken out and our caravan and people were dying all around us. They started filling those foundations with dead bodies. Two, three, four, five
Starting point is 01:17:40 bodies on top each other. How to distribute to that? I'm sure there's houses there now that have just all their remains in the foundation. From on top, orders came that everyone over the age of 12 was to be sent to Daryl Azor, a friend of mine and I escaped, but we were caught later. And this time they sent us to Bizeb, then towards Birjig. Birjig is on the shores of your Frades.
Starting point is 01:18:02 It is on the other side of the river we stayed at, and in on this side, caravans would come through there and be sent off toward the desert hundreds and hundreds of Armenians we used to see the dead, bloated bodies floating in the river. Just gangus con, Mongol horde shit. But not happening in the 13th century happened in the 20th century. On July 24th, Talaat sends instructions to Urfa, Dielo, deal, deal, oh my god, my mouth just will not do to some of these pronunciations. I just not being raised around this language. My mouth is like, nope, your tongue doesn't do that. Dierls or the Yarbacher, instructions sent
Starting point is 01:18:39 to bury the bodies of those fallen by the roadside and not just throw them in ditches lakes or rivers. During the following weeks, Governor Generals would report from the provinces, staying, stating, there we go, not staring, stating that all of the Armenians had been removed from the area, telegrams were then sent on to Toulette. July 28th, another busy day for evil shit, subit, the Governor General of the Carputt Province informs the interior ministry that all the roads are filled with the bodies of women and children and time cannot be found to bury them. There's killing so many people, they literally just don't have time to bury all the bodies.
Starting point is 01:19:11 The governor general of Erasarum, that province reports of widespread looting and rape. On August 2nd, Ambassador Henry Morgan Thou reports to Lot told him that the Itha Had committee had carefully considered in all of its details the matter of crushing the Armenians and the policy which was being pursued which was uh... one that had been now officially adopted he also toward told more can't now the deportations were not the result of hasty decisions but of careful and prolonged deliberation tell them you know they've been thinking about this for a long time this was just uh... you know knee jerk decision we want to do this for years. The next day in response to unofficial German protests
Starting point is 01:19:48 about large scale murders, rapes, and tortures inflicted on the Armenians, deportees on the highways, which was creating a bad impression on some Americans. A circular telegram is sent advising against attacking and raping Armenians on the highways. So I have to say that's wordy weirdly, but how crazy that shit. They send this telegram,
Starting point is 01:20:07 it's not advising them to stop raping and killing. It's just advising them to stop doing that on the highways. But they actually sent like a government telegrammed his guys. Guys, hey, whoa, whoa, how many times do I have to tell you? Enough with the attacking and raping and the killing on the highways? I Listen, I know it's a pain in the ass to drag these folks back into their houses, you know and rape and beat them there But you know it's got to be done. What are we savages?
Starting point is 01:20:33 Little bit of dignity little bit of class, right? You're making this whole genocide thing seem just tasteful some of our neighbors On August 11th roughly 5,000 imprisoned Armenian intellectuals and seavass are taken out of the city in slain. On August 12th, the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan that year. First day of the three day holiday of Baram, or Baram. No maskers carried out during these days as it was a time off for rest. Okay, uh-huh, interesting. Just gotta respect God. You gotta take a break. Gotta take a break, everybody, from the butchering. And we gotta recharge our rape and pillage batteries.
Starting point is 01:21:05 Praise God. And to be clear, if I hadn't already said this, just like when I discussed Christians in history doing horrible shit, I don't think that means all Christians, you know, thought that stuff was okay, you know, or that most thought it was okay, same here for Muslims.
Starting point is 01:21:19 Many Muslims in the Ottoman Empire were, you know, just as bad as the Nazis in Germany a few decades later, but they didn't get to represent Islam as a whole, not even close, just know that I know that. I'd like to think you do, but you know, outreach culture. On August 28th, instructions are issued forbidding the purchase of property from Armenian deportes. So apparently, you know, some of these Armenians have been able to sell some of their stuff, and the young Turks were like, go, don't give, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, little money they had, then they would be killed anyway. Days wore on. We marched through mountain roads and valleys. Those who could not keep up or put out of their misery. Always bodies were found
Starting point is 01:22:09 strewn by the wayside, the caravan getting smaller each day. At one place, my little grandmother, like Jeremiah incarnate, loudly cursed the Turkish government for their inhumanity. Pointing to us children, she asked, what is the fault of children to be subjected to such suffering? It was too much for a military police officer to bear. He pulled out his dagger, plunged it into my grandmother's back. The more he plunged his dagger, the more my beloved Nana asked for heaven's curses on him and his kind. Unable to silence her with repeated dagger thrusts,
Starting point is 01:22:42 the military officer mercifully pumped some bullets into her and ended her life. First my uncle, now my grandmother, were left unmoorned and unburied by the wayside we moved on. These guys, yeah, just literally just Nazis before the Renazis. On August 31st, August 31st, Talaat tells the German ambassador that the Armenian question no longer exists. He feels confident they have answered it.
Starting point is 01:23:05 He doesn't believe Armenians will be a problem anymore, not that they actually ever were. In September of 1915, ambassador Morgan Thal really tries to help. He offers to essentially buy a little over half a million Armenian citizens from the Ottomans so that they won't be murdered. He tells the young Turks he'll raise a million dollars to transport the remaining Armenians to the US. Just let them leave. Here's some money.
Starting point is 01:23:26 We'll pay for everything. Just be on your way. You'll be rid of them. The Ottoman Empire accepts his proposal. Morgan Thou tries to make preparations writing to the US. The Armenians are a moral, hardworking race would make good citizens to settle the less stately populated parts of the Western states, but then the young Turks who should be referred to as the old devils block the exit of refugees instead of letting, you know, Morgan Thou paid to get them out.
Starting point is 01:23:48 They go back against their deal because, you know, there are huge pieces of shit. That's how much they hated them. They wouldn't even allow someone to fucking pay to take them off their hands. It was proofs the argument about killing or deporting them due to fear of them joining Russia's military efforts. You know, it was bullshit. They, they just hated them. They just wanted them dead.
Starting point is 01:24:03 On September 14th, 1915, the New York Times reports that 350,000 Armenians have been killed already. The numbers probably very, very low to what it would actually was at that time. The New York Times would end up running 145 articles about the Armenian genocide in just 1915. It was not a secret in the US. So what was being done to help them now in October, a committee would be formed in New York City called the committee on Armenian atrocities. In 1918, it came to be known as the Near East Relief. President Wilson would dedicate Sundays to be focused on Armenian relief
Starting point is 01:24:33 and Sunday school should, you know, recommend it to give money. In fairness to Wilson, this was how America dealt with international crises back then, primarily at this time in America's short history as a country, the conventional way to deal with international crises was through private charity and churches, not through military action.
Starting point is 01:24:50 The Rockefeller Foundation gave $290,000 in 1915 alone to Armenian relief. What financial aid, you know, wasn't enough. Why didn't the U.S. military intervene for one, sending the military to the Ottoman Empire would be tantamount to declaring war, a war that most of the American public was still vehemently against entry. At this time, Americans did not want any part of World War I. The US was still a year and a half away from joining the fight in World War I. Then after America entered the war against Germany and Austria-Hungary in April of 1917, Wilson still avoided declaring war on the Ottoman Empire. He felt that the American military had its hands full already.
Starting point is 01:25:26 He wasn't wrong. And President Wilson would say he did not encourage intervention because the Turks had not violated the rights of Americans. And that was standard operating procedure for America at the time. Sadly during World War I there was just too much atrocity going on, you know, just going around for anyone to be able to stop all of it. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I are on 40 million, roughly 20 million deaths, roughly 21 million more wounded.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Of the 20 million dead about half civilians, it was such a big bloody motherfucker of a war being fought on three continents. A million people died in East Africa, in addition to all the deaths in Europe and Western Asia. There was just too much carnage being committed by too many powerful military machines to save everybody. Hindsight being 2020. A lot of people after the war though did wish they would have done more. And some to be fair, when it was happening, wanted to do more.
Starting point is 01:26:16 Former president, Theodore Roosevelt was one of them. He thought just raising money from Armenians and club meetings was a bunch of bullshit and said so. And in 1915, letter to Samuel Dutton, the Armenia committee secretary Roosevelt slammed the charitable acts, writing, mass meetings on behalf of the Armenians amounts to nothing whatsoever if they are mere methods of giving a sentimental, but ineffective and safe outlet to the emotion of those engaged in them. Indeed, they amount to less than nothing until we put honor and duty first
Starting point is 01:26:45 and are willing to risk something in order to achieve righteousness both for ourselves and for others. We shall accomplish nothing and we shall earn and deserve the contempt of the strong nations of mankind. And Teddy motherfucker rose a belt. Calling out some virtue signaling back in 1915. Rose a belt would advocate for quick military action against the Ottoman Empire, but would not be taken seriously. The guy did know something about fighting, right? At the age of 39, he had let a charge himself up Kettle Hill and Cuba, charging straight into entrenched repeating rifle fire with his rough fighters. Dude was built at a pure, yeah, yeah. He'd be post-humansly awarded the Medal of Honor for his Kettle Hill bravery. Directly
Starting point is 01:27:24 after the war months before Roosevelt died in 1919, he would write in another letter that the Armenian genocide was the greatest war crime of World War I. And again, he didn't use the word genocide because that wasn't around yet, but he wrote that what happened was the greatest war crime of World War I. Now back to our timeline. On October 1st, 600 Armenian orphan boys are terrified, and heric. Tercification was something else that was going on. It was another aspect of the Young Turks' national project.
Starting point is 01:27:49 It was the forced assimilation to Turkish language, the Muslim religion, and Turkish culture. Sometimes they would take the youngest kids who they thought once they were adults would have no real memory of being Armenian. And they would just, you know, not discuss their past, make forbid them to speak about their past, and just retrain them, give them new names and everything as if they just didn't have a life before. On October 4th, the interior ministry advises against the need of opening orphanages and
Starting point is 01:28:14 prolonging the life of any Armenian children. YEEK! They felt it was most cost effective just to kill them. So sometimes they would sacrifice, sometimes they would just, and this chaos by the way, this timeline, they were constantly going back and forth. Like they would have like one edict of like, okay, we're gonna terrify these kids.
Starting point is 01:28:32 And then like a week later, they would just send something like, you know what, second thought, kill them. One survivor of the mass murder of some Armenian children, Sam Codorian, would later recount, Turkish military police came over and grabbed all the boys from five to 10 years old.
Starting point is 01:28:47 I was about seven or eight. They grabbed me too. They threw us all into a pile on the sandy beach and just started stabbing us with their swords and bayonets. I must have been in the center because only one sword got me, nipped my cheek, here, my cheek, you shall discard. But I couldn't cry.
Starting point is 01:29:01 I was covered with blood from the other bodies on top of me, but I couldn't cry. If I had, I would not be here today. When it was getting dark, my grandmother came and found me. She picked me up and consoled me. It hurts so much. I was crying and she put me on her shoulder and walked around.
Starting point is 01:29:14 Then some of the other parents came looking for their children. They found mostly dead bodies. The river banks there were very sandy. Some of them dug graves with their bare hands, shallow graves and tried to bury their children in them. Others just pushed them into the river. They pushed them into the Euphrates. It's fucking madness.
Starting point is 01:29:30 Staddy's kids' deaths, right? So they wouldn't have to use bullets, wanted to save those for the war effort. Around now, the number of deported Armenians still living is estimated at a minimum of 360,000, the number of Armenian dead estimated at a minimum of 800,000. On October 8th, still in 1915, to lot requests from provincial officials, documents proving Armenian treason against Turkey to justify all the maskers.
Starting point is 01:29:52 And by requesting, he wanted them just make it up. Just fucking whip up some bullshit documents that make it look like we had to do this. What a fucking lunatic. What are we supposed to do? Just not stab piles of kids? Come on. Always, always, wasn't not throw the elderly off clips
Starting point is 01:30:05 and do it the river. Not rape everyone. They were the reason this. Look at the documents we just wrote. On October 12th, much like the Jewish laws that would come about in the Third Reich, orders are issued for bidding marriage now with Armenian women. Not that there were a ton of Armenian women still around
Starting point is 01:30:20 to be married. On October 16th, the Turkish government declares immunity from prosecution for anyone helping them carry out the massacre of Armenians. It's just open season now. Also, in October, Ambassador Henry Morgan Thal continues to have frustrating conversations with Talat. Once when the ambassador introduced
Starting point is 01:30:36 eyewitness reports of slaughter, Talat snapped back, why are you so interested in the Armenians anyway? You are a Jew, these people are Christians. What have you to complain of? Why can't you just why can't you just why can't you let us do with these Christians as we please Morgan, that replied you don't seem to realize that I am not here as a Jew but as an American ambassador. I do not appeal to you in the name of any race or religion, but merely as a human being. It's a lot then reported they look confused and said, we treat the Americans all right too.
Starting point is 01:31:06 I don't see why you should complain. It's like he just didn't understand. What do you mean, human being? What is this? What is this human being? You speak of Morgan that continued to complain warning that T'Lot and other senior officials would eventually be held responsible
Starting point is 01:31:19 before a court of public opinion, particularly in the US and T'Lot made it clear he did not give a fuck what America thought. He said, we don't give a rap for the future, we live only for the present. More than that would later ask him, suppose a few Armenians did betray you.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Is that a reason for destroying a whole race? Is that an excuse for making innocent women and children suffer? And Talat replied, those things are inevitable. And then Talat somehow managed to do something even more disturbing. This is just cartoonish. It's all cartoonish. But this is like even more cartoonish. He actually asked Morgan
Starting point is 01:31:50 Dow, whether the US could get the New York Life Insurance Company, an equitable life of New York, which for years had done business with some Armenians to send a complete list of a Armenian life insurance policyholders to the Turkish authorities. He said, they are practically all dead now, and have left no airs. The government is the beneficiary now. This is so just insane.
Starting point is 01:32:11 It just keeps getting crazier. They raped and killed these people by the hundreds of thousands. Now this motherfucker is asking to collect on life insurance policies of the people he ordered murdered. That's a direct equivalent to like if Hitler or one of his top officials, you know know had said something like the following to an American diplomat in World War II just hello this this is Hitler I'm very to talk to you about the Jews and my red to let him live. No, that's that's a good one No, don't be silly. I just I want to talk to about some life insurance policies Have some real issues with Russia as you've heard. I'm sure I need more tanks and some guns and planes and things and stick it that's money I well I was just hoping I could be the beneficiary in general of the Jewish participants
Starting point is 01:32:51 there's a final solution uh hello are you still at him not at hang up on me uh ambassador Morgan that lost his temper at all this and said you will get no such list from me and got up and left again he tried wasn't a lot he could do, but he tried. On October 28th, 1915, per earlier instructions sent by Talat, that motherfucker, 80,000 Armenian deportees left the Konya station for Buzanti on this date on their way to the final destination. It's written in his written final destination, Erie, you know, Erie similar to Hitler's final solution. These 80,000 were deportees from cities near Constantinople from other Armenian communities in western parts of Turkey.
Starting point is 01:33:28 In November, a lot of advise authorities in Aleppo that Morgan Thau knows too much. Writing, it is important that foreigners who are in those parts shall be persuaded that the expulsion of the Armenians isn't truth, only deportation. It is important that to save appearances, a show of gentle dealing. She'll be made for a time, and the usual measures be taken in suitable places. You know, so he's just saying, like, don't fuck him up in front of everyone. Just, you know, not in the road. Not in the road.
Starting point is 01:33:56 Gosh, guys, not the road. Take him out of the bushes. Aware that the press coverage looks bad for them to a lot of orders that remain in our minions, now be taken and killed in places outside the view of foreigners, especially American consuls. And to help hide future war crimes, the government also instructs officials to court martial, any Armenian reporting any of these events to any foreigner. But they don't do a very good job of hiding all this atrocity, all this hate. There's too much, too much to hide.
Starting point is 01:34:21 Later in November, Dr. Schott, a German army physician stationed near the village of Derr, Derrelsor will report counting 7,000 severed Armenian heads near the Euphrates River. Jesus. And how crazy that just to count them too. That's your counting heads for a long time to get to 7,000. So they didn't hide things too well. November 17th, Lord Robert Cecil, the British diplomat during World War I, protests the Turkish narrative that the massacres are a response to our median revolts. He tells his superiors that the murders are the result of a premeditated plan on part of the Turkish government.
Starting point is 01:34:55 While the British government would not immediately respond, Cecil's experience seeing the many horrors of World War I would lead him to write memorandum on proposals for diminishing the occasion of future wars, which was the document that propelled Britain into later joining the League of Nations for runner to the Illuminati, I mean United Nations, and he would later be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937 for his decades-long career in public service. More documentation, solid documentation of genocide. The next day, November 18th, circular telegram is sent ordering the deportation
Starting point is 01:35:27 of specifically Armenian children. They want to make sure they got rid of all the Armenians. Deportations continue. On December 4th, the Ottoman government officials prepare a list of 70,000 Armenian individuals to be deported from Constantinople. Two days later, a circular telegram instructs that no Armenian is to be left alive in the Eastern provinces.
Starting point is 01:35:45 On December 14th, auto-manificals issue orders to kill Armenian priests. The next day, a circular telegram clarifies that the purpose of the deportations is in fact annihilation. I know a lot of this is repetitive, but they just kept sending out, I guess, just to different officials like it to be clear just to make sure that you know what we're saying annihilation. On December 25th, orders are issued for the deportation of all children, except those who do not remember their parents.
Starting point is 01:36:08 These kids are to be Turkified. Talked about that again, a little bit ago. Meanwhile, soldiers taking our meetings to the desert are told to try and convert our meetings to Islam. Those who agree are to be, you know, agreed to be Turkified, should be allowed to live, no longer be deported. But then, a later telegram instructs the handlers, not to let them convert to Islam and tell the Armenians have reached their final destination.
Starting point is 01:36:28 And then maybe let them live. Then another telegram would say that even if they do convert the Armenians once in the desert, should still be killed. We're kind of fucked up internal meetings of the Turks having making these kind of decisions. You know, like one guy's like, push some of the Armenians, I to announce their God and worship Allah and join on our fight against the infidels So should we allow them to live?
Starting point is 01:36:51 Yes, I like second Pasha. We are killing them because they're Christians, right? Yes, Pasha, that is right. We should let them live as Muslims But third Pasha, where would they live? We've already taken or burned all of their things Third Pasha, where would they live? We've already taken the bundle of the things. Excellent point, Pasha. They should still go to the desert, but be allowed there to live as Muslim brothers and sisters. Most wise, third Pasha,
Starting point is 01:37:12 but how will we feed them in the desert? Ah, I like the way you think, Pasha. Second Pasha, maybe we just killed them all, no matter what. Yes, first and third Pasha, that is most excellent plan. Let us eat all this hard planning, building the great appetite. This is fucking insanity. Just, yeah, what kind of shit show? On January 11th, 1916, the government sends instructions to local authorities to prevent
Starting point is 01:37:36 foreign officers from photographing dead Armenians. It's hide, hide, hide. Meanwhile, the same January, Henry Morgan tout decides he has to head back to the US. He did. He tried. He couldn't accomplish anything. And it's time to leave. He would later write my failure to stop the destruction of the Armenians had made Turkey for me a place of horror. I had reached the end of my resources. Yeah, I bet he reached the end of his fucking sanity. During his last visit with Talat, Talat tells him that talking about the Armenians with anyone will be pointless.
Starting point is 01:38:07 Regardless, Morgan Thal will keep raising money to try and save Armenians once back in the US. January 3rd, 1916, kind of get them move a little faster to the timeline now after a few more dates. The governor general of Aleppo informs Talat that only 10% of the Armenian deportees remain alive and measures are being taken to dispose of them also, the rest. On January 29th, the interior ministry provisionally
Starting point is 01:38:30 exempts from deportation Armenians needed for the running of the railways to take other Armenians to die in the desert. How kind of the ministry? The families and children of Armenians working on the railways are still deported. There was just no limit to their cruelty. They're gonna let the Armenians run into trains, the trains taking other Armenians working on the railways are still deported. There was just no limit to their cruelty. They're going to let the Armenians run into trains, the trains taking other Armenians to their deaths.
Starting point is 01:38:50 I let them keep working a little bit longer. But load up their families, make sure that those people have to help load up their own families to send them away. Of the same day, the interior ministry orders the deportation of the Armenians constructing roads as soon as the construction work is finished. So just to be clear, once the trains are done, then just, you know, the last train takes the guys working on the train and, you know, gets rid of them too. On February 16th, an American application to provide relief for Armenians is rejected
Starting point is 01:39:12 by the Ottoman Empire. That same day, the Russian army pushes into and occupies the Ottoman province of Erzurum. They find no Armenian men or children still living, a handful of captive Armenian women and entire fucking province On March 19th report a sentence to the interior ministry from Aleppo informing that 75% of the Armenians previously in the desert are now dead The next day instructions are sent to seize Armenian orphans with the pretext of giving them food, but then to kill them Kids were to be killed by either being poisoned, drowned, stabbed, shot, or burned alive, not kidding. On April 15th, a Russian army occupies the city now of Trobson, with the exception of a few Armenian orphans and widows secretly sheltered by Greeks,
Starting point is 01:39:55 no Armenians are found in still alive in the city. It would later be discovered that roughly 50,000 Armenians previously living there had been murdered. Generally via drownings or burned alive in mass, they would literally, I had to find this from several sources because I didn't want to believe it was true. They would literally gather a bunch of these people together, douse them with gasoline and just set them on fucking fire. Some Turkish prisoners who had apparently witnessed some of these scenes were horrified and maddened at remembering the site. They told the Russians to capture them at the stench of the burning flesh permeated
Starting point is 01:40:27 the air for many days. Fucking savages. The young Turks and the goons fucking savages. On May 24th, the New York Times reports that 80,000 Armenians had died of starvation around Damascus. 60,000 Armenian deportees are reported scattered around Central Arabia and other northern Syria on May 30th. uh... sixty thousand Armenian dork deportees are reported scattered around central arabia and other northern cirea on may thirty th
Starting point is 01:40:46 just being walked around aimlessly in the desert until they drop dead the air government of delizor that that district alis wad sent to bag dad on june fort teans to be punished and possibly killed for refusing to carry out uh... some extermination orders uh... for these deportees he's replaced by Zeki, a man reputed for his cruelty, or with a reputation for cruelty, who has no problem dealing death to the Armenians.
Starting point is 01:41:12 On July 15th, it's reported that the Turkish army fighting Russia on the Caucasian front, so weird to read, because obviously, an America Caucasian generally is not referring to a part of the Caucasus, has lost 60,000 men to starvation, disease, and other causes. Things still not looking good for the Turkish army. At least the Turkish army is doing bad right now. The government somehow spins this, though, blames it on the Armenians.
Starting point is 01:41:36 Of course. On July 23rd, Armenian military doctors and seavours are told to convert to Islam when they refuse their kill on the spot. On August 1st, the interior ministry abolishes any remaining legal rights of the Armenian community on the grounds that there is no remaining Armenian community left in Turkey. On August 8th, despite saying that there are no Armenians left, 15,000 Armenian deportees are removed from Aleppo to the desert. Killings and deportations continue. Let's now jump to 1917. On February 4th,
Starting point is 01:42:06 one of the three pauches is promoted ministry of the interior to lock. Now becomes the grand vizier of the Ottoman Empire, becoming the de facto prime minister, that royal piece of shit. Now the head piece of shit, at least publicly. Did I mention that in addition to the Americans or excuse me, Armenians who died and the Greeks and the Assyrians, this evil fuck also helped orchestrate the mass deportations of ethnic Kurds out of the Ottoman Empire during World War I. Roughly 700,000 reportedly forcefully deported. Roughly half would die and then following the war, the New Turkish government would attempt
Starting point is 01:42:38 to genocide more of the Kurds. Man, just that fucking pan turkism, good old nationalism. On March 11, 1917, some good news pan turkism, good old nationalism. On March 11th, 1917, some good news kind of allied forces occupy Baghdad. They're beating the Turks. They're pushing further into Ottoman territory. Sadly, though, 450 miles away, 200,000 Armenians are being starved to death near the city of Aleppo. On November 27th, 1917, President Wilson and Henry Morgan Thou, chat. President Wilson urges Morgan Thou to write a book based on everything he's been telling him on his experiences.
Starting point is 01:43:07 Morgan Thou starts working on his manuscript. It'll become a book called Ambassador, Morgan Thou Story. As he worked on it throughout 1918, Morgan Thou gave public speeches in the US warning that the Greeks and Assyrians were also being subjected to the same methods of deportation and wholesale massacre as the Armenians and that two million Armenians Greeks and Assyrians had already perished. On March 3rd 1918 the Treaty of
Starting point is 01:43:33 Brecht, uh, Litov, Brechtitov is signed by Russia, Turkey, and Germany. Lending in the Bolsheviks have taken over Imperial Russia and they don't want to be in World War I anymore. We've covered that in kind of a few other sucks. Russia out. This is really bad for the remaining Armenians inside the Ottoman Empire because Russia had been kicking the shit out of them. Now Russia withdraws their troops and since the Bolsheviks are not big religion fans, the Christian bond between the Russians and the Armenians is broken.
Starting point is 01:43:59 To a lot now, publicly declares that he will grant amnesty to any remaining Armenians, since there's no threat anymore. That the Armenians are now gonna collaborate with their Russia, you know, because it's different now. He's like, Armenian, let's be friends. Oh, that shit's before, the rape in the burning, the stab in the beheading, the pushing off of the cliffs and starving the stealing of your houses, starving in the desert.
Starting point is 01:44:18 Yeah, I was business, business has changed. Let's not be sourpuss, you know, let's shake it and move on. Okay, let's go, let on okay the docaly by gone some all that jazz is very nice I know it's a little more out there is not I don't know what it was but I kept thinking of you know Kazakhstan whatever the boy I would talk about his movies is similar to lot of course because he was such an epic piece of shit on par with Hitler Stalin every other heartless butchering tyrant in history I was lying when he talked about this amnesty. He just wanted to lure what few Armenians were around to their deaths.
Starting point is 01:44:49 Nine days later in March 12th, a lot of Pasha, or Tlat Pasha's buddy, and Vropasha orders the killing of all civilian Armenians over five years of age and any remaining Armenians in the Turkish military within 48 hours. May 28th, 1918 during a power vacuum left when Imperial Russia transforms to communist Russia under the Bolsheviks during the chaos and revolts and lack of governance during the ongoing and widespread revolts of the Russian Revolution in Armenian Republic is proclaimed in Russian Trans-Cocasia. Although short-lived, the first republic's brief independence, uh, fraught with war, territorial
Starting point is 01:45:25 disputes and a mass influx of refugees from Ottoman, uh, Armenia, uh, bring it with them disease and starvation. But the Armenian Republic, the first independent Armenian state since the Middle Ages, uh, Turkey will invade and conquer this new republic, sadly in 1920. Then they'll fight back and kick some of the Turks out and then Russia will take them over in 1921 and rule them as a Soviet satellite state until the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Again, fucking terrible location, terrible location and try and have a country, the poor
Starting point is 01:45:54 Armenians. On July 24th, remaining Armenians are supposedly granted amnesty again, not true again, two months later, more massacring. September 15th, the 3D massacre by Turkish military forces under the command of Nuri Pasha, N Verpasha's younger brother, N Halil Pasha, N Verzanko, result in the death of 30,000 Armenian civilians in the city of Baku. On September 19th, Allied forces opened a large scale offensive on the Syrian front, raided by an Armenian legion recruited from Armenian colonies throughout the world.
Starting point is 01:46:24 This is fucking awesome. Armenians from all over the world banding together to fight against the Turks, hail Nimrod. On October 1st, they are successful on that date allied forces captured Damascus. The allies would go into capture Beirut, Aleppo in the following weeks. Well, Django just stood up on his three legs and howled. He's pumped for allied victories with the arrival of the British and French armies and the Armenian Legion 125,000 remnants of the deported Armenians are rescued from the desert. Good news. Fucking finally, some of the Armenians who have been marched the desert to die are saved. Hail, Nimrod. On October 29th, the young Turks resign.
Starting point is 01:47:01 They decide to secretly reorganize though many of their party as the regeneration party and they get away with it different names same shit A November 2nd to Lot Enver in Jamal the three pauses they do flee From the area that they flee Turkey on a German freighter to hide from war crime Postercutions at least those assholes had to you know flee for a little bit Also while they get away right now our meanian vengeance is coming. It's going to be pretty fucking sweet. Or for at least those guys. On November 11th, the general armistice is declared between the allies and the central
Starting point is 01:47:30 powers ending the fighting of World War I that of course becomes in the US veterans' day. Month later on December 11th, to lot, Enver Jamal, summoned by the Fifth Committee of the Turkish Parliament to appear for an inquiry within 10 days regarding their war crimes. Some weird reason the three. Don't show up. Beginning on February 1st 1919, a court marshal to address war crimes convened in Constantinople. One of the people who appeared, the new grand vizier of Turkey,
Starting point is 01:47:54 omit, Tobik Pasha would attempt to justify the massacres on the basis of false accusations against the Armenians. It's just like, hey, come on, give us a break here. Some dude told us the Armenians were like hey, hey, come on give us a break here some dude I told us the Armenians were raising a ruckus Committing all kinds of trees and what we supposed to do actually look into it Well, we're supposed to not march into the desert and rape them and push them off cliffs and set them on fire and cut off their heads and Stabgramas and drown kids. I mean in hindsight. Yeah, you know looks a little questionable but
Starting point is 01:48:22 Some of those involved the genocide will be sentenced to death by the military tribunal and publicly hanged, but not many. It seems like it was sacrificial lambs, not the leaders. Many of the perpetrators would never be charged. It seemed like it was a bunch of bullshit for show for the international community. The three aposches, Talat and Verge Mall, they would be condemned to death in absentia, though. I feel like this was done for show, though, again, as well. The new Turkish government just didn't want them trying to lead again. The people who are leading it currently who I'll talk about a little bit. They just didn't get along with them.
Starting point is 01:48:50 They also didn't really try and track them down. And then some, despite the war being over, some in the Turkey at the time still think the allies can be beat. Halil Pasha and Kuchuk Talat, both accused war criminals, escaped from Constantinople, joined a Turkish army being built in the desert by Mustafa Kemal, who would go on to become the first president of Turkey. A year later, on January 21st, 1920, more Armenian massacres, the Turkish army formed in the desert,
Starting point is 01:49:18 the one led by Mustafa Kemal, who was beloved in Turkey, like fucking George Washington, attacks allied French forces who are in Marrages. The French were protecting Armenian refugees who had moved there following World War One overwhelmed by Kamal's attack. They retreat abandoned 10,000 Armenians who are then fucking slaughtered and fuck my face. What is happening in this story? Just never ends.
Starting point is 01:49:41 More Armenian men, women, children butchered. This battle kicks off the Turkish War of independence, which will kick out allied forces and establish the new nation of Turkey in 1923. Mustafa Kamal today heralded as a Turkish national hero. Just statues of this son of a bitch all over the place, literally illegal to say anything bad about him. We'll talk more about that. The Turkish parliament grants him the surname at the Turk and 1934. It means father of the Turks and recognition for the role he played in building the modern Turkish Republic. It's a good dad mowing down any mother fucker who isn't, you know, just closely related to him. Most often to be fair would actually do a lot of good things to secularize and modernize Turkey.
Starting point is 01:50:25 He'd bring voting rights to women. He'd open thousands of schools across Turkey and he can still go get fucked. He can burn in hell, talking about the good stuff he did, feels like talking about the good shit that Hitler or Stalin or Mao Zedong did, you know. I hope some Armenians dig up his body, piss on it, and his burn his shitty bones. He was a war criminal who butchered non-Turks, even though he was quote, unquote secular. He also led a government to carry out a ridiculous policy of Turkification. He continued with that pan-Turkish embellish it.
Starting point is 01:50:50 Non-Turkish languages were forbidden under his policies. Armenians and Greeks explicitly forbidden from being employed by the government. Armenians forced to change their last names to traditional Turkish last names during World War II. Armenians, Assyrians, Greeks, Jews, but not Turkish Muslims forced to work for the government in labor camps and on and on and on. There's a huge list of his outrageous policies.
Starting point is 01:51:13 Fuck Mustafa Kamal. He perpetuated the perception that Armenians, other non-Turks were second-class citizens, sub-humans well into the mid-20th century. Okay, let's get to some good news. Let's check in on the three pauses. Let's go back to 1921 and find out what fate awaited them in the wake of their World War I war crimes. March 15th, 19th, this is my favorite part of the story. In Berlin, cold and windy day to Lot Pasha, mastermind of the Armenian genocide, third stooge, head fuck face, live an accountable life in Germany.
Starting point is 01:51:45 It'd been condemned to death, you know, as we said in absentia by the war crimes trial, but he's doing great. He's got plenty of money, he's having nice meals, probably made a fortune stealing ship from the Armenians he condemned to die. He's living in the house in the affluent Berlin neighborhood of Charlottenburg.
Starting point is 01:51:59 And you know who else is in Charlottenburg that day? Saga Man, Telerian. Do you remember him? We met him way back in the timeline in June of 1915. When he was 19, being marched to the Syrian desert, with his Armenian family for being our meeting, we met him when he was watching his sister get dragged off into the bushes and get raped,
Starting point is 01:52:16 watch his mom get shot dead, watch his brother's head get split in two with an axe. He was beaten unconscious, woke up dead next to the mangled body of a sister, and then that motherfucker escaped. He lived, waited for a chance at revenge. He joined Operation Nemesis, named after the Greek goddess of divine retribution, Hail Loose of Spina.
Starting point is 01:52:34 Operation Nemesis was a covert operation and an assassination campaign organized carried out by the Armenian Revolutionary Federation. And Armenian political party founded in 1890, it still exists today, has mostly existed without even a formal country to call home, between 1920 and 1922. Operation Nemesis carried out a number of assassinations, of former Ottoman political and military figures for their roles in the Armenian genocide.
Starting point is 01:53:00 Right, if that fucking kangaroo court wasn't gonna do anything about them, they were. And it had to be run from the shadows, right? For most of its existence due to, you know, other governments being in charge, you know, like in 1920, the Soviets were in charge at the end of 1920. And on the morning of March 15, 1921, this guy, Tilari, he watches Tullot walk out of his front door. It's a nice little house.
Starting point is 01:53:20 He knew when he'd be leaving home. He follows him down the street. He knew because his routine was because he had rented an apartment near Tullot's house. He knew when he'd be leaving home, he follows him down the street. He knew because what his, his, his like routine was because he had rented an apartment near to Lot's house. So he could study his every move. He crosses the street to get a good look at to lock, to lock from the opposite sidewalk, then he crosses once again, walks past him just to make sure. Absolutely sure it's him. Looks at him right in the face. Yep. Him pulls out a nine millimeter Luger pistol shoots that motherfucker in the neck. One shot one kill, a 46 year old to lot dead in seconds. And till they're he just stands there soaking in the revenge waits for the German authorities to arrest him.
Starting point is 01:53:55 He immediately admits, yep, sure did fucking shot that piece of shit. Told the arresting officers why he killed that fuck. And then after a two day trial, he's found innocent by a German court on grounds of temporary insanity because of the traumatic experience he'd gone through during the genocide. Hail Nimrod. Love me some righteous vengeance. And it doesn't get much more righteous than that. Right. After his trial, this guy would move to Cleveland, go Browns. He bounced around a bit after that between the US and Europe, get married, end up settling down in San Francisco, where he would work at the post office. He would die at the age of 64, buried in Fresno, California where there used to be a huge Armenian population at the Ararat, Mastis Cemetery, Sarfnaud, saying that right, in Armenian Cemetery, for years, the only
Starting point is 01:54:37 Armenian Cemetery built outside of Armenia in the Middle East. Huge monument dedicated to him there right now. Hail, Saga Man, Tellarian. The man he killed, viewed by many in Turkey as a hero, by the way, Talat. Today has schools, streets, mosque, named after that piece of shit. Before we move on to the fate of the next posh of piece of shit, an interesting story came from the killing of this one. While Tellarian awaited trial in Berlin, Rafael Lemkin, 21-year-old Polish Jew, we mentioned him up top in the episode,
Starting point is 01:55:07 studying linguistics at the University of, I've completely given up on this word, L-V-O-V. It's like, Lovoff came upon a short news item on T'Lot's assassination and local paper. Lemkin was intrigued, brought the case to the attention of one of his professors. Lemkin asked why the Armenians did not have to lie arrested for the massacre.
Starting point is 01:55:24 And the professor said there was no law under which he could be arrested. He said, consider the case of the farmer who owns a flock of chickens. He kills them. And this is his business. If you interfere, you are trespassing. Lemkin asked, it is a crime for Tilarion to kill a man.
Starting point is 01:55:40 But it is not a crime for his oppressor to kill more than a million men. This is most inconsistent. Uh, yeah, most inconsistent, put it very mildly. After this interaction, he drops out of his program and rolls in law school where he scours ancient and modern legal codes for laws prohibiting ethnic slaughter, just slaughter in general. Then a decade later, 1933, Lemkin, now a lawyer makes plans to speak before an international criminal law conference in Madrid.
Starting point is 01:56:04 In his paper, he is called attention to Hitler's ascent and to the Ottoman slaughter of the Armenians. If it happened once before he argues, it could happen again. Lemkin had prepared a law that would prohibit the destruction of nations, races, and religious groups, but he wouldn't even get to go to Madrid. He wasn't allowed to present his paper. Why not? Because the Polish foreign minister wanted to gain favor with Hitler. He didn't want to offend anger him. However, Lemkin's draft was read aloud in
Starting point is 01:56:29 his absence at the conference, but no one seemed to agree with him. Even lost his job. After being accused of trying to use his research to elevate the position of Jews above other religious groups in Europe. Then in September of 1939, he'd flee Warsaw with only a shaving kit and a summer coat to escape the Holocaust. The Holocaust he tried to prevent. He'd make his way to the US where he would speak with President FDR about the plight of the Jews in Europe. He lobbied politicians for actions. As he did he remembered his speech given by Prime Minister Winston Churchill who'd said
Starting point is 01:56:57 that the world was in the presence of a crime without a name. So he gave that crime a name. He coined the term genocide in his 1944 book, Access Rule and Occupied Europe. Interesting, Ottoman, Tennazi, Armenian to Jewish connection there. Back to the end of the timeline of the Armenian genocide in this aftermath. And November of 1921, Kamal puts an end to the promise of international war crimes tribunal of one by negotiating a prisoner swap. Some incarcerated Brits were traded for some Turkish war criminals in British custody. Come all again, Turkey's George Washington, doing what
Starting point is 01:57:29 he can do, to freeze in fellow butchers and make sure they don't get to be prosecuted. More assassinations of Ottoman government officials follow on December 6, 1921, Halim Pasha assassinated in Rome. In Rome, excuse me, Operation Nemesis strikes again. Halim Pasha assassinated in Rome. In Rome, excuse me, Operation Nemesis strikes again. Halim was the grand vizier or prime minister of the Sultan in power directly proceeding the coup of the young Turks. And then he did work with the young Turks as a kind of figurehead until 1917.
Starting point is 01:57:56 He had managed to maintain some political power during the genocide and even signed his signature on Armenian deportation orders. So like Saga-Mann, Telerian in Germany, Armenian assassin, Arshavar, Seraki and rents an apartment near his target. And one day when Haleem pulls up to his house and attacks the guys shoot some down. The following year, the same assassin is in Berlin and on April 17th, 1922, he kills two more high ranking young Turks, architects of the genocide, Hale, Arshavir,
Starting point is 01:58:21 Seraki and the righteous sort of Nimrod, uh, fucking, you know, those Turkish butchers butchers. Uh, Serachian moves to New York following these last assassinations gets married as a daughter, moved to New Jersey and then dies in 1973 at the age of 73. Now, he's buried in Hackensack. Few months later in July 21st, 1922, Operation Nemesis will claim a final victim in Tifflas Georgia, 50-year-old Jamal Pasha, one of the three Pasha's, former Minister of the Navy.
Starting point is 01:58:47 Fifth Army Commander in Syria is assassinated by three Armenians while trying to broker a deal between the Bolsheviks and the Afghans. He is now working for as a sort of military revolutionary consultant. Hard to find details about this assassination, but numerous genocide websites do provide pictures of this motherfucker looking real, real dead. Hail, Nimrod. What are the third stooge, the third Pasha, and Ver? In the fall of 1921, not welcome in Turkey, because he and Mustafa Kamala didn't get along,
Starting point is 01:59:15 he heads to Moscow, where he manages to gain favor with the Bolsheviks. That November, Lenin sends him to Bukera, and what was then the Bukhara on people's Soviet Republic. Land that sits now in part of like Uzbekistan, Pakistan, I believe he's, or no, sorry, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan today. It's set above Iran and Afghanistan. This fucker was now sent into suppressed local Muslims who didn't want to be oppressed by Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks had slaughtered over 25,000 local Muslims already before he showed up.
Starting point is 01:59:46 When he forgot there, he made a bunch of Bolshevik military contacts. Then he got as many as he could to flip to the side of the rebels, right? Rebels, yeah, he just wanted to kill Muslims. He was like suck my dick, Lenin, pan, Turk, as him forever. He becomes the supreme commander of rebel forces. Then on August 4th, as he's allowed his troops
Starting point is 02:00:03 to sell, or as he is allowing his troops to sell as he is allowing his troops to celebrate the Islamic holiday of Tabaski. Well, while he sat in his headquarters surrounded by 30 guards, he hears approaching troops. Surprise, surprise, the Bolsheviks have launched a sneak attack. A red army cavalry brigade is headed right for him. And who are they being led by? Yakov Melkumov, an Armenian, all right. This is awesome. 40-year-old Enver hopped on his horse, fled. Jakov, the Armenian road after his ass. Hell was right in with him. Enver made it to the village of Shaw, I can't fucking say any of these words. There was every word is like 11th level difficulty. He made it to a village that has no pronunciation
Starting point is 02:00:42 guide in English anywhere on earth. And he hides out for four days. Then a red army officer in disguise infiltrates the village, discovers his location. Then this Armenian and his troops right in, they find Enver, he shot down a machine gun fire and then Melgemove with his military sword puts a little extra sauce on the victory by cutting Enver's fucking head off. All three posh, now dead, all dead at the hands of Armenians, how fitting. But sadly, the persecution of the Armenians at the hands of the Ottomans is still not over. September 9th, in advance guard of the Turkish army.
Starting point is 02:01:13 Andrew Smirna, aka Ismir, pillages are immediate and Greek homes and stores. Armenians and Greeks are killed by the thousands. And actually, before I forget, one of the thing with the names here is because of that pan of that pan turquism they didn't just try and change the name of people they also change the name of all the fucking cities and towns. So like so many of the locations in this suck there's like three different names for them. They couldn't have made it more complicated. But anyway, September 9th at Vansgar the Turkish Army enters Smirna aka is mirror pillages are median and Greek homes and stores areians and Greeks killed by the thousands.
Starting point is 02:01:45 Within 24 hours, 50,000 houses, 24 churches, 28 schools, five consulates, seven clubs, five banks, an unknown number of additional stores and warehouses destroyed. And I got to say, I don't know also where my dad was that day. I texted him about it. I'm like, where were you on September nights, 1922? And he didn't get back to me. That's weird. Following summer, after several more atrocities
Starting point is 02:02:06 are committed on July 24th, 1923, the Treaty of Lusanne, signed by Turkey and allies in Switzerland, the French, British, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania, all agreed to end ongoing conflicts with the Ottoman Empire. They will get away with everything they did. The treaty does not mention Armenia or the Armenians. No mention of prosecution for the war criminals.
Starting point is 02:02:27 Former British Prime Minister David Lloyd George called the treaty an abject, cowardly, and infamous surrender. The Ottoman Empire is officially finished, but not really. It's a lot of the same players, same shit, new name. The newly named Turkish Nationalist State is given now international recognition. Allied armies start to evacuate the following month. On October 29th, the Republic of Turkey is proclaimed by the Turkish Grand National Assembly with Mustafa Kamal as its president. That man who had led many
Starting point is 02:02:54 amassacre against the Armenians with the Turkish National Army, National Army. One last date for today's timeline, November 25th, 1946, former US ambassador Henry Morgan Thal senior passes away at the age of 90 following a cerebral hemorrhage the man who tried to talk sense into the umpturcks and with that let's hop out of today's time stock timeline. Good job soldier. You've made it back barely. Crazy story, right?
Starting point is 02:03:26 So tragic that it's not more commonly known. Following World War I, Armenia, as we've laid out, became part of the Soviet Union. They finally declared their independence in 1990, which was officially recognized after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 after being subjugated by foreign rulers for most of their existence. The population of Armenia today, a little over three million, estimated around five million people of Armenian origin live around the world. Outside of Armenia, they live mainly in Russia, France, Georgia, Lebanon,
Starting point is 02:03:53 Iran, Syria, and the US. About 200,000 live in Glendale, California, just north of Los Angeles. Not many live in Turkey anymore, not surprising. Only between 40 and 50,000 are left there. The majority of them in Istanbul, which was Constantinople. Turkish Armenian citizens do currently enjoy the same rights and privileges as other Turkish citizens kind of. Armenians in Turkey practice their religion freely in their own churches, teach in their own language, in their own schools.
Starting point is 02:04:21 They publish newspapers, books and magazines in Armenian. They do have their own social and cultural institutions, but they also still live with the cultural memory of having been murdered in massive amounts by the Ottoman Empire and recent Turkification efforts that tried to de-arminize them. And they can't legally talk about what happened to their people. Acknowledging the genocide is not only considered a huge insult in Turkey to Turkey, but as of 2005, actually a crime. You can go to prison for a couple of years for. It's literally illegal.
Starting point is 02:04:49 If I was a Turkish podcaster, not kidding, this episode would see me lose everything and be thrown in prison for years. I would probably mysteriously disappear. Article 301 is an article of the Turkish penal code making it illegal to insult Turkey, the Turkish nation, Turkish government institutions, or Turkish national heroes such as Mustafa Kamal. What a fucking bunch of fucking babies. Making illegal. You can't legally make fun of me, guys.
Starting point is 02:05:16 Thank God I don't live in Turkey. Thank God I get to live somewhere where it is very legal for me to say something like, I don't know, Mustafa Kamal can suck my dick. Or Mustafa Kamal was a racist butcher piece of shit. I hope his bones are grounded to toast and sprinkled in Armenian fucking toilets. So hundreds of thousands of the descendants of the unarmed men, women and children he killed
Starting point is 02:05:33 can shit on his fucking remains. That's kind of fun. You know, for me to be able to say, thank you, America. I appreciate that freedom greatly. Today, Turkey is ran by a corrupt and garbage government. The regime of the current president but really dictator, reset, air to one, uh, he
Starting point is 02:05:47 can get fucked to this desk, but has arrested hundreds of journalists closed or taken over dozens of media outlets, prevent a journalist and their families from traveling like so many ruling Turks. He is so afraid of the truth. By some accounts, Turkey currently accounts for one third of all imprisoned journalists in the world. In 2012 and 2003, the committee to protect journalists ranked Turkey as the worst journalist jailer in the world, even ahead of Iran and China.
Starting point is 02:06:12 And they haven't improved in recent years. They've recently enacted new laws that have expanded both the state's power to block websites as citizens can visit, have expanded the surveillance capability of their intelligence organizations. They continue to this day to brainwash citizens with propaganda. They continue to refuse to acknowledge their past evil deeds because their government is still ran by men with moral compasses on par with the three pauses. The international community still hesitant to hold them accountable for any of this. The U.S. dragged its feet and acknowledged in the Armenian genocide all the way until
Starting point is 02:06:42 2019 for fear of losing Turkey as a military ally. Even then, while both bodies of Congress did agree to recognize the events in Turkey as a genocide, President Trump did not call it a genocide in an effort to better relations between Turkey and the U.S. Turkey though, still furious. They called the U.S.'s decision shameful and argued that the designation of genocide has no historical or legal basis. Turkish leader Erdogan said in a televised speech,
Starting point is 02:07:08 from here, I am addressing US public opinion in the entire world. This step, which was taken, is worthless and we do not recognize it. And then he said, in our faith, genocide is definitely banned. We consider such an accusation to be the biggest insult to our people. What a fucking preposterous argument. Oh, we couldn't have done it because it was banned in our religion. We could not have done that. The Quran is very clear.
Starting point is 02:07:30 There's no real disbulture in the one-on-man and the women and the children by the hundreds of thousands. It's impossible. Here, look, bring the Armenians, family close to me. Now, give me gun. And then he's like fucking fumbles around like he can't. Doesn't know how to use a gun anymore. Can't pull the trigger.
Starting point is 02:07:45 See I can't even pull the trigger. That's a law preventing me from doing what I'm not supposed to do. How many of that Cuban sandwich? I can't even eat it. He just fumbles around. There's poor because my God forbid it's guys a fucking clown. Erdogan went on to threaten to shut down an airbase in Turkey that hosts US nukes. Very important base.
Starting point is 02:08:02 Integral to US military presence in the Middle East... this is a mix to us nervous for understandable reasons uh... you know turkey's threats not empty threats if trump went hard with accusations genocide it literally could have led to war if Biden made a big speech about it tomorrow we can end up in war that's how fucking crazy or to one of the turkish government is in two thousand eleven lawmakers in frances national assembly the lower house apartment voted overwhelmingly in favor of a draft law outlining or outlining, excuse me, Armenian genocide denial and a response Turkey cut off all economic, political and military relations with France.
Starting point is 02:08:35 Ridiculous, how can you ever heal if you just refuse to acknowledge the wound? The Turks denying the Armenian genocide makes about as much sense as the US denying a history of slavery and segregation, right? The past is full of atrocities for almost everyone to acknowledge your nations or ancestors or races or cultures. Hand the committee them doesn't make you a monster. It makes you a mature evolved meat sack, interesting and being better than your predecessors. To refuse to evolve to hide the from the truth behind arrogant pride.
Starting point is 02:09:00 What a fucking sad, just pathetic way to live. The Armenian genocide, Turkey can deny it all they want. It happened. Beginning in 1913, Turkish leaders decided to exterminate every Armenian in the country. Whether a frontline soldier or a pregnant woman, professor or bishop, business owner or child, didn't matter. They wanted them not just deported, but dead. They wanted to massacre two million people, and they almost did.
Starting point is 02:09:22 That was their answer to the Armenian question. In the end, almost one and a half million Armenians were dead. That was just for the year surrounding World War I. If you wanna go back a little further when you include Greek and Assyrian Christians, other smaller groups of ethnic Christians, the estimated death toll from 1900 to 1923 is 3.5 to 4.3 million.
Starting point is 02:09:41 And that doesn't count the Kurds. Doesn't count the hundreds of thousands killed in the late 19th century. Doesn't count roughly 30,000 curts killed by the Turks in the 1930s, doesn't count continued attacks on curts that are ongoing. Since 1970s, the European Court of Human Rights has condemned Turkey for thousands of ongoing human rights abuses against Kurdish people. The judgments are related to systematic executions of Kurdish civilians, forced recruitment, torturing forced displacement Thousands of destroyed villages arbitrary arrests murder disappeared journalists
Starting point is 02:10:11 The latest judgment that I'm aware of are from 2014 where was my dad that year? I don't know. I don't know where he was the whole year Sorry, according to David L. Phillips more than 1500 people affiliated with the Kurdish opposition parties and organizations were murdered by unidentified assailants between 1986, 1996. I can go on, not. People being murdered in other countries by mysterious assassin, I digress. The Turkish government has committed so many fucked up atrocities, hard to stay focused on just one of their ethnic clencies. Back to the world where one era are meet in genocide, they systematically scapegoated
Starting point is 02:10:42 Armenians to propaganda built on centuries of mistreating Armenians as second-class citizens. Viewing them is, you know, less than human in ways. They disarmed them. They eliminated their leaders and thinkers, schools, and education. They revoked their property, deported them on long journeys. They were not intended to even survive. Many didn't. Dead bodies piled by the side of the road, dumped in rivers, simply just left to rot where they fell. The Turkish genocidal blueprint would be a blueprint for none other than Adolf Hitler. He would study it, follow it, with added help with technological innovations that would allow him to kill more people, more discreetly at a faster rate.
Starting point is 02:11:17 And there continue to be genocides today. It's not a problem that's going away by any means, which is why we need to keep telling these stories, which is why we need to call out the lies of regimes like the Turkish government. Thankfully, to document this atrocity, the Armenian Film Foundation took hundreds of interviews, if not thousands, I didn't count them, but it looked like a lot. And then the University of Southern California archived them into the USC Shoah Foundation visual archive. Here's a snippet of an interview from Armenian Genocide Survivor Alice Shipley, interviewed in 1985 who watched many Armenians die, who watched her home in Deyarkovar, be confiscated and auctioned.
Starting point is 02:11:53 Early part of 1915, the Turks began to take all the professors, doctors, lawyers, all the intelligentsia into prisons. And after they had butchered them in very horrible manner, then they began to take the, they took all the men who were not professionals, boys, 12 years of age, up to 72 years of age men, and destroyed them. And then which left the women and children unprotected, then they began to take the wealthy families out first and destroy them.
Starting point is 02:12:28 Then before taking them out, they would come and write soft-cut on everybody's door. That meant exile, which meant that the following day they were going to be taken out and everybody had to be ready. Of course, they had everybody sell their belongings. We took our 11 room house, emptied all the rooms and took them all down. And the auctioneer came and sold everything. We got $45 out of the whole 11 room house for any shins. And about three donkeys.
Starting point is 02:13:05 And the Turks took two donkeys away from us. That took everything, took everything. And that's early, that's early in this genocide, you know, as far as the World War I portion of it. My God, man. Go to vhaonline.usc.edu. If you wanna watch the rest of Alice's interview, or there's so many others, so glad,
Starting point is 02:13:24 so much this was documented before the survivors died. You know, not all of the interviews, interview ease are are meaning, by the way, some are foreign soldiers who, you know, witnessed atrocities, some are relief workers, missionaries, descendants of survivors, etc. Never deny, never forget, hail Nimrod. Let's head to today's top five takeaways. Never forget, Hail Nimrod, let's head to today's Top 5 takeaways. Number 1, the Armenian genocide was led by the young Turks and its leaders Talat, Enver and Somal. The three pauses, three stuages during World War I because they thought it was a good time to answer the Armenian question.
Starting point is 02:14:01 Number 2, on the eve of World War I, there were two million Armenians in the declining Ottoman Empire by 1922, fewer than 400,000. Today in present day Turkey, less than 50,000. Number three, the government of Turkey continues to deny the Armenian genocide. Over 100 years later, continues to maintain that the acts of violence, you know, just random unfortunate, but not part of some kind of systemic program, a claim that is easily disproven by massive amounts of evidence. You know, they're good guys. You know, if you're a Turkish Muslim, if you're not, they're pretty much the worst.
Starting point is 02:14:30 Number four, there are meanings where not the only ones to suffer under the young Turks, Greeks, Assyrians, other Christians as well as Kurds. And I'm sure several others we just didn't have time to look at also suffered immensely during this time. And number five, new info,
Starting point is 02:14:43 Kim Kardashian and System of a down, Kardashians and the original members of that metal band that need to please put out a new album already are all Armenian Americans. And they've all worked hard to raise awareness about the Armenian genocide. When the Wall Street Journal published an ad from a group of Armenian genocide deniers in 2016,
Starting point is 02:15:02 Kardashian called them out. They defended the right to publish ads by those with quote, provocative viewpoints. Kardashian wrote a letter that she posted the stated, advocated the denial of a genocide by the country responsible for it. That's not publishing a provocative viewpoint. That spreading lies. It's totally morally irresponsible and most of all is dangerous.
Starting point is 02:15:21 If this had been an ad denying the Holocaust or pushing some 9-11 conspiracy theory, would it have made it to print then? She also raised money for the Armenian Education Foundation based in Glendale and continues to raise money for them. System of a down release, their first two tracks, their first two tracks and 15 years last November, protect the land and genocidal humanoid, I've listened to them about non-stop
Starting point is 02:15:44 for the last 24 hours. Great fucking songs. Still got it. And the proceeds from the songs have gone to aid Armenians via the Armenia Fund in a war that ended, for a war that ended on November 10th, 1920. Fighting broke out last September in the Nar-Gorno-Karabakh, mostly ethnic Armenian region of Azerbaijan.
Starting point is 02:16:06 A previous war ended with the ceasefire in the region, 1904, and then it was under Armenian control. Now Azerbaijan took the land back. There are fears that local Armenians are again being subjugated to war crimes, according to the UN. There are reports of beheadings and other atrocities. Azerbaijan is 97% Turkish Muslim, and who supported Azerbaijan in attacking Christian Armenians a few months ago.
Starting point is 02:16:28 Turkey, it just doesn't stop. Time, suck, tough, five takeaways. The Armenian genocide has been sucked. I'm opening stuff, man, did not know much about Turkey before this episode. Now I guess I'll actively just root for their current government crumbling and hope that a new regime won't just be more the same old shit, man, such a shame, such a beautiful part of the world.
Starting point is 02:16:53 So much history, too bad so much for this bloody and I'm guessing this is going to end up being a longer episode. We tried to summarize it so much, just so much information, it's hard to figure out what to keep in and what to leave out. But you definitely got to gist of what has been going on there. And it's just crazy that it continues to be denied and hidden and not really that known about. Thank you to the Bad Magic Production Team for all the help of making time so every week,
Starting point is 02:17:17 Queen of Bad Magic, Lindsey Cummins, Reverend Dr. Joe Paisley, the Script Keeper, Zach Flannery, Sophie Faxaurus, Evans, Biddelixer, Logan Art Warlock, Keith, running badmagicmerch.com, working on the socials with Liz Hernandez. Thanks to all those who've joined the Colt the Curious Private Facebook group, over 25,000 members getting all yippie-yay there. Thanks to Liz Hernandez and are all seen eyes running the Colt of Curious Facebook page, Colt of the Curious. And thanks to everyone on Discord over there making friends.
Starting point is 02:17:43 Also congrats to Tallman, win around seven of the time stuck trivia on the app, hail Nimrod to usur round eight began last week. Next week on time suck we go to hell. That's dang. We're not real one like this week. No fictional hell. Specifically we will dig into Dante's and Ferno written in the early 14th century by Italian politician Dante, allegory.
Starting point is 02:18:02 I didn't look up his name for this preview, but I'll look at it up next week. I think that's it. I'll work out it up next week. Inferno is the first part of a poetic trilogy called the Divine Comedy, the story of one man's journey to the realms of the afterlife. Hell, purgatory, heaven. Dante, who double features as the poem's writer and narrator is lost and alone in the dark and a forbidding forest on his spiritual journey. He must visit the three realms of the afterlife beginning with hell, aka the inferno. We'll follow Dante in his descent. As he meets some centers, many of them notable figures from history.
Starting point is 02:18:32 And a few people Dante just personally didn't like. And some of mythology's most fearsome monsters leading up to the big guy himself, Satan. Book is shaped the modern world's depiction of hell more than the actual Bible. It's one of the most famous and influential books of all time. It influenced the Reformation and the Renaissance, seven centuries after it was created. It's still a very relevant exploration into the nature of evil.
Starting point is 02:18:53 Maybe it'll help us understand the young Turks. Tune in next week for more history. And I think probably quite a bit more joking around than I felt comfortable doing this week. Fiction tends to lead itself to more funny than horror. Real horror. And now let's head on over to this week's Time Sucker Updates. [♪ Music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in background, music playing in, suck master. I want it to write in after listening to the operation paper clip suck a bit late. I know. And I had a question for you. That's never too late for updates. I had a question for you, even though I find allowing
Starting point is 02:19:32 people who torture experimented on and murdered innocent people to continue living just because of the possibility of using their knowledge for your own good disgusting, a very tiny part of me understands it. But I always struggle with the question of can a really good act outweigh a really bad one. The example that comes to mind for me personally is Oscar Schindler, someone who was an active part of the Nazi party, and openly murdered people for sports, but ended up saving a total of 1200 people from concentration camps. Does his saving of those people outweigh the evil of killing others? Should you be punished for the evil or rewarded for the good? As a Christian myself, I've always believed in the power of forgiveness.
Starting point is 02:20:05 However, I think that there are some things that just can't be forgiven. Or at least can be forgiven by human beings, and I think that's fair. Would love to know your thoughts. Please keep on doing what you're doing. You've got me through countless hours of research work, homework, and studying. I'm almost finished with college because of it. I truly believe I couldn't have done it without the suck. That's very nice.
Starting point is 02:20:21 Hail Nimrod. What is up, Lucifina? Belly scratches for good boy with jangles, since really Jackie B. Well, Jackie B, congrats on wrapping up school. That the suck could help. Can the good outweigh the bad ice struggle with that one as well? I think I've counted the same conclusion you seem to have come to. As far as Oscar, Shindler,
Starting point is 02:20:37 I don't know that he, I don't know that he did ever murder anyone. I tried to look into that. He worked as a German spy in Chuck Sivakia for an organization that specialized in foreign espionage, not on any of the final solution bullshit, as far as I can tell, at Quick Glance. So he might be a lot easier specifically to forgive than others who who hurt a lot more than helped. But yeah, but I understand your question. How much can one or should one be forgiven? We learned in a different update that one woman who who was operated on by doctor Mangley the Nazi forgave him later one of those twins, you know, powerful stuff. Could I have done that? I don't think so. I think personally
Starting point is 02:21:15 for me punishment and forgiveness can coexist. Like like like you could forgive a Nazi or one of the young Turks, I think and also execute them at the end of the day. Because we still need and also execute them at the end of the day, because we still need to be held in my opinion accountable for our actions. And when you butcher, even one innocent man, woman, or child, just ruthlessly, I think you've crossed a moral line that you can't uncross
Starting point is 02:21:36 and that if you're not executed, a bad precedent has been set in society. But that's just my opinion. And I'm less tolerant when it comes to this kind of stuff than many. And I know we can go it comes to this kind of stuff than many. And I know we can go into like how, you know, don't always get it right in the courts and how there's all that.
Starting point is 02:21:50 But just in a hypothetical situation, if you know somebody did some bad thing, should they be executed? Yep, can they also be forgiven? I think also, yes, in a way. But again, I'm less tolerant than a lot of people when it comes to that. I think the maximum term limits some South American and Nordic nations have, for example,
Starting point is 02:22:07 when someone can commit the worst of atrocities and then walk free in 20 years, I think that's fucking insane. But I don't know if I'm right. I'm a fan of righteous vengeance, more than forgiveness in certain circumstances. Maybe that makes me a bit of a savage myself. Not sure if that helps, but I appreciate you making me think, Jackie, I think we've come to the same conclusion. Now for quick updates, it made me very happy.
Starting point is 02:22:28 Laughing sack, Brent's, Albert Roats, all the people that love the dad joke must not have written. I loved it. It's longer it went on. I started legit laughing out loud. I just want to let you know that one didn't fall totally flat. Keep on sucking. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 02:22:40 Thank you, Brent. Got more of those emails. Cracks me up to think about how long could go on before my dad finds out. Thank you. And I will say, even with recent events, it's been going on like some of the current stuff I mentioned with the Turkish government. Now, I don't know, the my dad hasn't been a part of that
Starting point is 02:22:57 with 100% certainty, is all I'm saying. I don't know that he's not a member of the Turkish government, 100% for sure, because I don't know where he is at all times. Now for a heavy but ultimately heartwarming update on an old update, been through the fucking ringer mead sack, carry the chance rights. I first emailed you after the pedophile, island suck,
Starting point is 02:23:15 about an ongoing case involving my father, molestie, my daughter, oh yeah, yeah, geez. After three years of contuances, contuances, oh man, sorry. I thought I had that word when I read it and now I try to say it, I'm can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can,
Starting point is 02:23:29 can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can,
Starting point is 02:23:37 can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can,
Starting point is 02:23:42 can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, can, I'm experiencing very mixed emotions. I'm happy for justice for my daughter, but my father is 75 years old. Excuse me, it was just sense to die in prison. After reminding myself, he did this. Several Facebook groups, including the Cult of the Curious, have been very supportive of me throughout this entire nightmare. So I want to thank them, and especially you,
Starting point is 02:23:56 for keeping me smiling to the darkest years of my life. Can you please give a shout out to my daughter's Reagan and Rose line, Emma Wife Katie. My ladies were amazing through this respectfully Rose line. Emma wife Katie. My ladies were amazing through this respectfully, Carrie. Wow, Carrie. So glad the cold to the carries has been there for you during such a nightmare. So glad a big chapter of that nightmare is closed.
Starting point is 02:24:16 Glad I could help you smile Reagan and Rose line. What a strong parent you have. Story life has shown you, you know, too much darkness. And I hope you have so much light coming down the pipe. And hello, Katie. Hope 2021 brings, you know, all four you so much laughter, so many smiles, Nimrod and Luciferin to say, you're all toughest fuck. And they respect the shit out of your strength. And now funny sack, Jen, just called me out. Coming in hot with a subject line of, don't be a pussy. Let me share. Jen writes, hello to the great god Amway,
Starting point is 02:24:45 purveyor of fine low cost and high quality home cleaning products and tasty energy bars, and to no one else. I love it. Just finish listening to your Denver airport suck and you mentioned in passing that the thought of flying a propeller planes freaks you the fuck out. I have been a flight attendant
Starting point is 02:24:57 on one of those propeller planes, Bombadier Q400 for the last five plus years for the regional division of a Canadian airline. And let me tell you, you have nothing to fear. We have come leaves and bounds from the days of sharing your seat with uncaged chickens, all-ah Indiana Jones, with regards to safety. Statistically, you're much safer on a smaller propeller plane than you are in a jet. Is that true?
Starting point is 02:25:17 But I don't usually tell people that because they just freak out about being on jets as opposed to prop planes in. And being that my job is in customer service. I can't tell them not to be pussy either. I have an extremely fortunate enough to keep my job and continue flying throughout this pandemic despite over 3,000 of my coworkers losing their jobs. Wow, 2020 was a fucking rough year for Canadian aviation and 2021 isn't looking like it's going to shape up any better unless our prime minister gets his head of glorious hair out
Starting point is 02:25:43 of his firm, Pete's shape peach shape, but I digress. If you read this on the pod, please give a shout out to all my aviation family who are all hurting big time in the great white north. Stay strong. Not sorry about the length or girthiness of this email. I know you can take it, you pussy. Much love and hail, Luciferina Jen. Jen, you are hilarious.
Starting point is 02:26:02 I love the way you wrote all that. Yes, my heart goes out to everyone in the aviation industry, not just in Canada, up there in the great North, but worldwide. Your industry has been gutted by the global pandemic. I hope many of you can, as many of you as possible, look at whether it's crazy storm,
Starting point is 02:26:18 and we get back to some sense of normalcy soon. I hope there's a huge travel boom. I hope it happens soon. And I'll try and be less of a pussy when it comes to prop planes. I'll try and support all kinds of planes. Keep on suck it up North. One more today. Super sucker Kenny. No idea how to say your last name Kenny. Dog of Edas. Dog of Edas sounds like ginger virus. The way I want to say it. As a new update has a new update on an old suck. He writes, Hey Dan, just finished the Casey Anthony suck and decided to Google her to see if there's anything new. Boy was I stunned when I saw a weak old suck. He writes, hey Dan, just finished the Casey Antony suck and decided to Google her to see if there's anything new.
Starting point is 02:26:45 Boy was I stunned when I saw a weak old headline. Casey Antony wants to open PI firm to help others wrongfully accused. The audacity of this bitch, hopefully she opens and hopefully she opens in one of her detectives finds definitive proof of what she did. Keep on sucking. Man, Kenny, I clicked the link,
Starting point is 02:27:02 I read the article you sent me, yeah, it's unreal. I may have shared details related to this a while back because she was thinking about doing this a while ago. If it's redundant, I apologize. But as reported on January 28, Casey Anthony, the woman who strongly seems to have once killed her toddler filed paperwork in Florida to open a personal investigation firm. She won't technically be able to be an investigator herself, though, because she can't get a PI license because she's a convicted fellow, but that doesn't mean she can't own or run a PI firm. Like you, Kenny, I hope she can find evidence to put herself in prison for life. That'd be great. End of that story. Hey on the MRAD. Thanks to everyone for their messages.
Starting point is 02:27:41 Thanks, time suckers. I need a net. We all did. Thanks for listening, Meat Sacks. More bad magic production content every week if you want to hear it. Spooks was scared to death on Tuesday nights. Silling this with Is We Dumb Wednesdays at noon Pacific time. Also if you want less darkness, little inspiration nuggets every morning, Monday through Friday with incredible feats. Please don't commit genocide this week. Or pretend the Turks did not. Please do keep on sucking.
Starting point is 02:28:07 Oh, hey, joke, joke, you come in here. I'm going to need you to host the show for a little while just for a couple years while I go into hiding Great, okay Elin Mrod, I'm Dan, my dad killed somebody Weekies squeaky squeaky

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